@prefix rdf: . @prefix : . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix simple: . @prefix inds: . @prefix owl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix dc: . @prefix lexinfo: . @prefix xml: . @prefix dcr: . @prefix daml: . @prefix lemon: . inds:USem01934maiale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem01934maiale is maiale" ; rdfs:label " maiale_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem068832tassello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem068832tassello is tassello" ; rdfs:label " tassello_as_Part" . inds:USem069520accantonamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069520accantonamento is accantonamento" ; rdfs:label " accantonamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069521abbozzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069521abbozzare is abbozzare" ; rdfs:label " abbozzare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem069522abbozzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069522abbozzo is abbozzo" ; rdfs:label " abbozzo_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem069523dispotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069523dispotismo is dispotismo" ; rdfs:label " dispotismo_as_Institution" . inds:USem069524dissenso simple:hasIsa inds:USem73123disaccordo ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069524dissenso is dissenso" ; rdfs:label " dissenso_as_State" . inds:USem069525dissesto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069525dissesto is dissesto" ; rdfs:label " dissesto_as_State" . inds:USem069526parolaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem0D65567parola ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069526parolaccia is parolaccia" ; rdfs:label " parolaccia_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem069527abbozzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75161accennare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069527abbozzare is abbozzare" ; rdfs:label " abbozzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069528dissidenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069528dissidenza is dissidenza" ; rdfs:label " dissidenza_as_State" . inds:USem069529dissidenza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64975dissidente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069529dissidenza is dissidenza" ; rdfs:label " dissidenza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem069530dissidio simple:hasIsa inds:USem73123disaccordo ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069530dissidio is dissidio" ; rdfs:label " dissidio_as_State" . inds:USem069531dissipazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069531dissipazione is dissipazione" ; rdfs:label " dissipazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069532abbreviazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60191diminuzione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069532abbreviazione is abbreviazione" ; rdfs:label " abbreviazione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem069533abbreviare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069533abbreviare is abbreviare" ; rdfs:label " abbreviare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069535alito simple:hasIsa inds:USem60227respiro ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069535alito is alito" ; rdfs:label " alito_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069536parolina simple:hasIsa inds:USem0D65567parola ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069536parolina is parolina" ; rdfs:label " parolina_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem069537dissolvenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069537dissolvenza is dissolvenza" ; rdfs:label " dissolvenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069538allergia simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069538allergia is allergia" ; rdfs:label " allergia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069539cifrario simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6379testo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069539cifrario is cifrario" ; rdfs:label " cifrario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem069540distanza simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4176spazio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069540distanza is distanza" ; rdfs:label " distanza_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem069541alternatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069541alternatore is alternatore" ; rdfs:label " alternatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069542cineclub simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069542cineclub is cineclub" ; rdfs:label " cineclub_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem069544parricidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069544parricidio is parricidio" ; rdfs:label " parricidio_as_Act" . inds:USem069545parrocchiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD66398parrocchia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem74314parrocchia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069545parrocchiano is parrocchiano" ; rdfs:label " parrocchiano_as_People" . inds:USem069546parsimonia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069546parsimonia is parsimonia" ; rdfs:label " parsimonia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069547distinzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069547distinzione is distinzione" ; rdfs:label " distinzione_as_Quality" . inds:USem069548distributore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7150distribuire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069548distributore is distributore" ; rdfs:label " distributore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069549antifurto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem61511furto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069549antifurto is antifurto" ; rdfs:label " antifurto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069550participio simple:hasIsa inds:USem68042tempo ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069550participio is participio" ; rdfs:label " participio_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem069551disturbo simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69503disfunzione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069551disturbo is disturbo" ; rdfs:label " disturbo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069552passante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069552passante is passante" ; rdfs:label " passante_as_Part" . inds:USem069553disturbo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem63604disturbare ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069553disturbo is disturbo" ; rdfs:label " disturbo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem069554disuguaglianza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem79013disuguale ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069554disuguaglianza is disuguaglianza" ; rdfs:label " disuguaglianza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem069555contratto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem67418articolo ; simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069555contratto is contratto" ; rdfs:label " contratto_as_Information" . inds:USem069556passatempo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069556passatempo is passatempo" ; rdfs:label " passatempo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069558pastorizia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5460bestiame ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069558pastorizia is pastorizia" ; rdfs:label " pastorizia_as_Domain" . inds:USem069559cornicione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069559cornicione is cornicione" ; rdfs:label " cornicione_as_Part" . inds:USem069560dentiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69457cremagliera ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069560dentiera is dentiera" ; rdfs:label " dentiera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069561diversivo simple:hasTelic inds:USem65229distogliere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069561diversivo is diversivo" ; rdfs:label " diversivo_as_Telic" . inds:USem069562cineasta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069562cineasta is cineasta" ; rdfs:label " cineasta_as_Profession" . inds:USem069563dentiera simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemTH33904protesi ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069563dentiera is dentiera" ; rdfs:label " dentiera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069564patchwork simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD454cucire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69136creazione ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069564patchwork is patchwork" ; rdfs:label " patchwork_as_Artwork" . inds:USem069565cinturone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069565cinturone is cinturone" ; rdfs:label " cinturone_as_Clothing" . inds:USem069566ciocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2411tronco ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069566ciocco is ciocco" ; rdfs:label " ciocco_as_Part" . inds:USem069567errore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069567errore is errore" ; rdfs:label " errore_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem069568ciocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069568ciocco is ciocco" ; rdfs:label " ciocco_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem069569dondolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2350divano ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6570dondolare, inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069569dondolo is dondolo" ; rdfs:label " dondolo_as_Furniture" . inds:USem069570dottorato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62894dottore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069570dottorato is dottorato" ; rdfs:label " dottorato_as_Convention" . inds:USem069571duomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2214chiesa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5044pregare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069571duomo is duomo" ; rdfs:label " duomo_as_Building" . inds:USem069572civilista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069572civilista is civilista" ; rdfs:label " civilista_as_Profession" . inds:USem069574errore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069574errore is errore" ; rdfs:label " errore_as_Act" . inds:USem069575anestesia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD2896anestetizzare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069575anestesia is anestesia" ; rdfs:label " anestesia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069576fioretto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069576fioretto is fioretto" ; rdfs:label " fioretto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069577fioretto simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069577fioretto is fioretto" ; rdfs:label " fioretto_as_Domain" . inds:USem069578fioretto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069578fioretto is fioretto" ; rdfs:label " fioretto_as_Act" . inds:USem069579incubo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60583percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069579incubo is incubo" ; rdfs:label " incubo_as_Perception" . inds:USem069581paternalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069581paternalismo is paternalismo" ; rdfs:label " paternalismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069582pattuglia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem78144reparto ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069582pattuglia is pattuglia" ; rdfs:label " pattuglia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem069583pecca simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069583pecca is pecca" ; rdfs:label " pecca_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem069584peculato simple:hasIsa inds:USem61511furto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069584peculato is peculato" ; rdfs:label " peculato_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem069585pedanteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069585pedanteria is pedanteria" ; rdfs:label " pedanteria_as_Act" . inds:USem069587pedata simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069587pedata is pedata" ; rdfs:label " pedata_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem069588pedata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1749piede ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069588pedata is pedata" ; rdfs:label " pedata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069589pedata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem66420scalino ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069589pedata is pedata" ; rdfs:label " pedata_as_Part" . inds:USem069590pellame simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069590pellame is pellame" ; rdfs:label " pellame_as_Group" . inds:USem069593esame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem63056verificare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069593esame is esame" ; rdfs:label " esame_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem069594pessimismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069594pessimismo is pessimismo" ; rdfs:label " pessimismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069595pettegolezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069595pettegolezzo is pettegolezzo" ; rdfs:label " pettegolezzo_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem069596ebollizione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069596ebollizione is ebollizione" ; rdfs:label " ebollizione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069597pettorale simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5433stoffa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64654identificare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069597pettorale is pettorale" ; rdfs:label " pettorale_as_Artifact" . inds:USem069598elastico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069598elastico is elastico" ; rdfs:label " elastico_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069601elettrolisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069601elettrolisi is elettrolisi" ; rdfs:label " elettrolisi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069602petulanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78317petulante ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069602petulanza is petulanza" ; rdfs:label " petulanza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069603elettrotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069603elettrotecnica is elettrotecnica" ; rdfs:label " elettrotecnica_as_Domain" . inds:USem069604ellittica simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069604ellittica is ellittica" ; rdfs:label " ellittica_as_Shape" . inds:USem069605emblema simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069605emblema is emblema" ; rdfs:label " emblema_as_Representation" . inds:USem069606piccolezza simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069606piccolezza is piccolezza" ; rdfs:label " piccolezza_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem069607piccolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61768piccolo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069607piccolezza is piccolezza" ; rdfs:label " piccolezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069608emblema simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069608emblema is emblema" ; rdfs:label " emblema_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem069609pienezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069609pienezza is pienezza" ; rdfs:label " pienezza_as_State" . inds:USem069610emblema simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069610emblema is emblema" ; rdfs:label " emblema_as_Information" . inds:USem069611enciclica simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069611enciclica is enciclica" ; rdfs:label " enciclica_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem069612piccolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2453dimensione ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069612piccolezza is piccolezza" ; rdfs:label " piccolezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem069613pieno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069613pieno is pieno" ; rdfs:label " pieno_as_Part" . inds:USem069614batuffolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069614batuffolo is batuffolo" ; rdfs:label " batuffolo_as_Artifact" . inds:USem069615cancello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069615cancello is cancello" ; rdfs:label " cancello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069616pieno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069616pieno is pieno" ; rdfs:label " pieno_as_Amount" . inds:USem069617radiografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069617radiografia is radiografia" ; rdfs:label " radiografia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069618calendario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63559blocco ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069618calendario is calendario" ; rdfs:label " calendario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem069619calendario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069619calendario is calendario" ; rdfs:label " calendario_as_Information" . inds:USem069620enfasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069620enfasi is enfasi" ; rdfs:label " enfasi_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069622epidemia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069622epidemia is epidemia" ; rdfs:label " epidemia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069623epiteto simple:hasIsa inds:USem67409nome ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069623epiteto is epiteto" ; rdfs:label " epiteto_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem069624ecografia simple:hasInstrument inds:USemTH07584ecografo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069624ecografia is ecografia" ; rdfs:label " ecografia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069625calendario simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069625calendario is calendario" ; rdfs:label " calendario_as_Convention" . inds:USem069626gastroscopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069626gastroscopia is gastroscopia" ; rdfs:label " gastroscopia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069627ergonomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069627ergonomia is ergonomia" ; rdfs:label " ergonomia_as_Domain" . inds:USem069629cella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2067prigione, inds:USem2256convento, inds:USem61573carcere ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069629cella is cella" ; rdfs:label " cella_as_Part" . inds:USem069631cella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem68417alveare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069631cella is cella" ; rdfs:label " cella_as_Part" . inds:USem069632eutanasia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069632eutanasia is eutanasia" ; rdfs:label " eutanasia_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem069634fallacia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069634fallacia is fallacia" ; rdfs:label " fallacia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069635chimera simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069635chimera is chimera" ; rdfs:label " chimera_as_Representation" . inds:USem069636chimera simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069636chimera is chimera" ; rdfs:label " chimera_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem069637fantasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069637fantasia is fantasia" ; rdfs:label " fantasia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069639caffeina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem2006te1, inds:USem3275caffe1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069639caffeina is caffeina" ; rdfs:label " caffeina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem069640alfabeto simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069640alfabeto is alfabeto" ; rdfs:label " alfabeto_as_Convention" . inds:USem069641teiera simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069641teiera is teiera" ; rdfs:label " teiera_as_Container" . inds:USem069642thermos simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069642thermos is thermos" ; rdfs:label " thermos_as_Container" . inds:USem069643diario simple:hasIsa inds:USem60942quaderno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069643diario is diario" ; rdfs:label " diario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem069644divo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069644divo is divo" ; rdfs:label " divo_as_Human" . inds:USem069645loggione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2285teatro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069645loggione is loggione" ; rdfs:label " loggione_as_Part" . inds:USem069647fato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069647fato is fato" ; rdfs:label " fato_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem069648febbricola simple:hasConcerns inds:USem866organismo, inds:USemD7045temperatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60222rialzo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069648febbricola is febbricola" ; rdfs:label " febbricola_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069649ferita simple:hasCausedby inds:USem68337lacerazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1764pelle, inds:USem3681carne ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63847lesione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069649ferita is ferita" ; rdfs:label " ferita_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069650ferita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069650ferita is ferita" ; rdfs:label " ferita_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem069651ferocia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD79098feroce ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069651ferocia is ferocia" ; rdfs:label " ferocia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069652fesseria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069652fesseria is fesseria" ; rdfs:label " fesseria_as_Act" . inds:USem069653fifa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD78214paura ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069653fifa is fifa" ; rdfs:label " fifa_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem069654filastrocca simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069654filastrocca is filastrocca" ; rdfs:label " filastrocca_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem069655filigrana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069655filigrana is filigrana" ; rdfs:label " filigrana_as_Domain" . inds:USem069656filigrana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069656filigrana is filigrana" ; rdfs:label " filigrana_as_Artwork" . inds:USem069657piglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069657piglio is piglio" ; rdfs:label " piglio_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem069658pigrizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66493pigro ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069658pigrizia is pigrizia" ; rdfs:label " pigrizia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069659copione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069659copione is copione" ; rdfs:label " copione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem069660pizzicotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069660pizzicotto is pizzicotto" ; rdfs:label " pizzicotto_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069661placet simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069661placet is placet" ; rdfs:label " placet_as_Act" . inds:USem069662plauso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069662plauso is plauso" ; rdfs:label " plauso_as_Act" . inds:USem069663plenilunio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069663plenilunio is plenilunio" ; rdfs:label " plenilunio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069664copione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069664copione is copione" ; rdfs:label " copione_as_Human" . inds:USem069665plico simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069665plico is plico" ; rdfs:label " plico_as_Group" . inds:USem069666teca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069666teca is teca" ; rdfs:label " teca_as_Container" . inds:USem069667teca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069667teca is teca" ; rdfs:label " teca_as_Furniture" . inds:USem069668plurale simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069668plurale is plurale" ; rdfs:label " plurale_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem069669poggiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069669poggiolo is poggiolo" ; rdfs:label " poggiolo_as_Part" . inds:USem069670teca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1768organo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069670teca is teca" ; rdfs:label " teca_as_Part" . inds:USem069671polisemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069671polisemia is polisemia" ; rdfs:label " polisemia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem069672foga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069672foga is foga" ; rdfs:label " foga_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem069673lupo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6878pellicceria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069673lupo is lupo" ; rdfs:label " lupo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem069674lustrino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5705applicare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069674lustrino is lustrino" ; rdfs:label " lustrino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem069675macerazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63889macerato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069675macerazione is macerazione" ; rdfs:label " macerazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem069676macerazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem62438tormento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069676macerazione is macerazione" ; rdfs:label " macerazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem069678machiavellismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069678machiavellismo is machiavellismo" ; rdfs:label " machiavellismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069679pompiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4990vigile ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069679pompiere is pompiere" ; rdfs:label " pompiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem069680portamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069680portamento is portamento" ; rdfs:label " portamento_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069681portico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069681portico is portico" ; rdfs:label " portico_as_Building" . inds:USem069682portico simple:hasIsa inds:USem62635capanna ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069682portico is portico" ; rdfs:label " portico_as_Building" . inds:USem069683precario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069683precario is precario" ; rdfs:label " precario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem069685presina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5435tela ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069685presina is presina" ; rdfs:label " presina_as_Furniture" . inds:USem069687prestanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78307prestante ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069687prestanza is prestanza" ; rdfs:label " prestanza_as_Quality" . inds:USem069688prestigio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1352valore ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069688prestigio is prestigio" ; rdfs:label " prestigio_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem069689macinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6295macinato ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069689macinazione is macinazione" ; rdfs:label " macinazione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem069690eco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069690eco is eco" ; rdfs:label " eco_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069691accentramento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069691accentramento is accentramento" ; rdfs:label " accentramento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069692eco simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069692eco is eco" ; rdfs:label " eco_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem069693prestigio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6536prestigioso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069693prestigio is prestigio" ; rdfs:label " prestigio_as_Quality" . inds:USem069694aritmia simple:hasAffects inds:USem1769cuore ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem74135battito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68420alterazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069694aritmia is aritmia" ; rdfs:label " aritmia_as_Disease" . inds:USem069695assegno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069695assegno is assegno" ; rdfs:label " assegno_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem069696accentramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069696accentramento is accentramento" ; rdfs:label " accentramento_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem069697presupposto simple:hasIsa inds:USem911idea ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069697presupposto is presupposto" ; rdfs:label " presupposto_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem069698assegno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069698assegno is assegno" ; rdfs:label " assegno_as_Information" . inds:USem069699accatastare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069699accatastare is accatastare" ; rdfs:label " accatastare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem069700previdenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069700previdenza is previdenza" ; rdfs:label " previdenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069701prigionia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069701prigionia is prigionia" ; rdfs:label " prigionia_as_State" . inds:USem069703primato simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069703primato is primato" ; rdfs:label " primato_as_State" . inds:USem069704assegno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069704assegno is assegno" ; rdfs:label " assegno_as_Amount" . inds:USem069705accatastamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069705accatastamento is accatastamento" ; rdfs:label " accatastamento_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem069706cratere simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5096vulcano ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069706cratere is cratere" ; rdfs:label " cratere_as_Opening" . inds:USem069707principale simple:hasIsa inds:USem996persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069707principale is principale" ; rdfs:label " principale_as_Role" . inds:USem069708privacy simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069708privacy is privacy" ; rdfs:label " privacy_as_Exist" . inds:USem069710privilegio simple:hasTelic inds:USem59120favorire ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069710privilegio is privilegio" ; rdfs:label " privilegio_as_Telic" . inds:USem069711problematica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069711problematica is problematica" ; rdfs:label " problematica_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem069712prodigio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069712prodigio is prodigio" ; rdfs:label " prodigio_as_Event" . inds:USem069713prodigio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069713prodigio is prodigio" ; rdfs:label " prodigio_as_Human" . inds:USem069715profilo simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069715profilo is profilo" ; rdfs:label " profilo_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem069716brindisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069716brindisi is brindisi" ; rdfs:label " brindisi_as_Act" . inds:USem069717busta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5435tela, inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069717busta is busta" ; rdfs:label " busta_as_Container" . inds:USem069718profilo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069718profilo is profilo" ; rdfs:label " profilo_as_Artwork" . inds:USem069719busta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069719busta is busta" ; rdfs:label " busta_as_Container" . inds:USem069720profugo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069720profugo is profugo" ; rdfs:label " profugo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem069721profilo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069721profilo is profilo" ; rdfs:label " profilo_as_Information" . inds:USem069723progressione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069723progressione is progressione" ; rdfs:label " progressione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem069724progressista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemTH33702progressismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069724progressista is progressista" ; rdfs:label " progressista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem069725proletariato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64206proletario ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6162classe ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069725proletariato is proletariato" ; rdfs:label " proletariato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem069728pronuncia simple:hasIsa inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069728pronuncia is pronuncia" ; rdfs:label " pronuncia_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem069729protetto simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5201proteggere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069729protetto is protetto" ; rdfs:label " protetto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem069730proverbio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069730proverbio is proverbio" ; rdfs:label " proverbio_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem069731cuffia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069731cuffia is cuffia" ; rdfs:label " cuffia_as_Clothing" . inds:USem069732cuffia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069732cuffia is cuffia" ; rdfs:label " cuffia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069733pseudonimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069733pseudonimo is pseudonimo" ; rdfs:label " pseudonimo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem069734psicofarmaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069734psicofarmaco is psicofarmaco" ; rdfs:label " psicofarmaco_as_Substance" . inds:USem069735epica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069735epica is epica" ; rdfs:label " epica_as_Domain" . inds:USem069737pugnalata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem65976pugnale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069737pugnalata is pugnalata" ; rdfs:label " pugnalata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069738cavalleggero simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069738cavalleggero is cavalleggero" ; rdfs:label " cavalleggero_as_Profession" . inds:USem069739dinamo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069739dinamo is dinamo" ; rdfs:label " dinamo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069740dinamo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2867motocicletta, inds:USem870bicicletta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069740dinamo is dinamo" ; rdfs:label " dinamo_as_Part" . inds:USem069741dizionario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069741dizionario is dizionario" ; rdfs:label " dizionario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem069742dizionario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069742dizionario is dizionario" ; rdfs:label " dizionario_as_Information" . inds:USem069743accertamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem74760verifica ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069743accertamento is accertamento" ; rdfs:label " accertamento_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem069744gnomo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069744gnomo is gnomo" ; rdfs:label " gnomo_as_Representation" . inds:USem069745accidente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069745accidente is accidente" ; rdfs:label " accidente_as_Event" . inds:USem069746globo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069746globo is globo" ; rdfs:label " globo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem069747impacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069747impacco is impacco" ; rdfs:label " impacco_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069748accidente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069748accidente is accidente" ; rdfs:label " accidente_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069749acconto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069749acconto is acconto" ; rdfs:label " acconto_as_Amount" . inds:USem069750accorgimento simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069750accorgimento is accorgimento" ; rdfs:label " accorgimento_as_Telic" . inds:USem069751accorgimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069751accorgimento is accorgimento" ; rdfs:label " accorgimento_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem069752lente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1941correggere, inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069752lente is lente" ; rdfs:label " lente_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069753lente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5014osservare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069753lente is lente" ; rdfs:label " lente_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069754maestro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4985insegnante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare, inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069754maestro is maestro" ; rdfs:label " maestro_as_Profession" . inds:USem069755maestro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4985insegnante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069755maestro is maestro" ; rdfs:label " maestro_as_Profession" . inds:USem069756maestro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069756maestro is maestro" ; rdfs:label " maestro_as_Human" . inds:USem069757mafioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069757mafioso is mafioso" ; rdfs:label " mafioso_as_Human" . inds:USem069759pulpito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2214chiesa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069759pulpito is pulpito" ; rdfs:label " pulpito_as_Part" . inds:USem069760punteggiatura simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59644sistema ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069760punteggiatura is punteggiatura" ; rdfs:label " punteggiatura_as_Representation" . inds:USem069761puntiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069761puntiglio is puntiglio" ; rdfs:label " puntiglio_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069762putiferio simple:hasIsa inds:USem67988confusione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069762putiferio is putiferio" ; rdfs:label " putiferio_as_State" . inds:USem069763maggioranza simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069763maggioranza is maggioranza" ; rdfs:label " maggioranza_as_Group" . inds:USem069764puzza simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6146odore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6146odore ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069764puzza is puzza" ; rdfs:label " puzza_as_Perception" . inds:USem069765quadratura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069765quadratura is quadratura" ; rdfs:label " quadratura_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem069766querelle simple:hasIsa inds:USem60797controversia ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069766querelle is querelle" ; rdfs:label " querelle_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem069767malandrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069767malandrino is malandrino" ; rdfs:label " malandrino_as_Human" . inds:USem069768malcostume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069768malcostume is malcostume" ; rdfs:label " malcostume_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069769quesito simple:hasIsa inds:USem66965problema ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069769quesito is quesito" ; rdfs:label " quesito_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem069770male simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069770male is male" ; rdfs:label " male_as_Act" . inds:USem069771malfattore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069771malfattore is malfattore" ; rdfs:label " malfattore_as_Human" . inds:USem069772quesito simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069772quesito is quesito" ; rdfs:label " quesito_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem069773malformazione simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem78370anomalia ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069773malformazione is malformazione" ; rdfs:label " malformazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069774questua simple:hasIsa inds:USem61216raccogliere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069774questua is questua" ; rdfs:label " questua_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069775maligno simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem78491malignita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069775maligno is maligno" ; rdfs:label " maligno_as_Human" . inds:USem069776raccapriccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069776raccapriccio is raccapriccio" ; rdfs:label " raccapriccio_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem069777maligno simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069777maligno is maligno" ; rdfs:label " maligno_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem069778raddoppiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069778raddoppiamento is raddoppiamento" ; rdfs:label " raddoppiamento_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem069779malore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069779malore is malore" ; rdfs:label " malore_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069780maltrattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069780maltrattare is maltrattare" ; rdfs:label " maltrattare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069781raddoppiamento simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem74755aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069781raddoppiamento is raddoppiamento" ; rdfs:label " raddoppiamento_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem069782maltrattamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069782maltrattamento is maltrattamento" ; rdfs:label " maltrattamento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069783mancamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069783mancamento is mancamento" ; rdfs:label " mancamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem069784mancia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069784mancia is mancia" ; rdfs:label " mancia_as_Amount" . inds:USem069785mandato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069785mandato is mandato" ; rdfs:label " mandato_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069786mandato simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem4834scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069786mandato is mandato" ; rdfs:label " mandato_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem069787maneggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7105modellare ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069787maneggiare is maneggiare" ; rdfs:label " maneggiare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem069788maneggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069788maneggiare is maneggiare" ; rdfs:label " maneggiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069789maneggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069789maneggiare is maneggiare" ; rdfs:label " maneggiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069790mangiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069790mangiatore is mangiatore" ; rdfs:label " mangiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem069791mangiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069791mangiatore is mangiatore" ; rdfs:label " mangiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem069792mania simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem79186maniaco ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069792mania is mania" ; rdfs:label " mania_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069793radiocomunicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069793radiocomunicazione is radiocomunicazione" ; rdfs:label " radiocomunicazione_as_Act" . inds:USem069794radiofrequenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasMeasuredby inds:USem77527hertz ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069794radiofrequenza is radiofrequenza" ; rdfs:label " radiofrequenza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem069795radiolina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59472ascoltare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069795radiolina is radiolina" ; rdfs:label " radiolina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069796radiotelevisione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069796radiotelevisione is radiotelevisione" ; rdfs:label " radiotelevisione_as_Institution" . inds:USem069798raduno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069798raduno is raduno" ; rdfs:label " raduno_as_Event" . inds:USem069799raffigurazione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069799raffigurazione is raffigurazione" ; rdfs:label " raffigurazione_as_Artwork" . inds:USem069800raffigurazione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069800raffigurazione is raffigurazione" ; rdfs:label " raffigurazione_as_Representation" . inds:USem069801raffigurazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6788riprodurre ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069801raffigurazione is raffigurazione" ; rdfs:label " raffigurazione_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem069802lirica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069802lirica is lirica" ; rdfs:label " lirica_as_Domain" . inds:USem069803manierista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2620manierismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069803manierista is manierista" ; rdfs:label " manierista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem069804lirica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069804lirica is lirica" ; rdfs:label " lirica_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem069805lirica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069805lirica is lirica" ; rdfs:label " lirica_as_Domain" . inds:USem069807manovra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069807manovra is manovra" ; rdfs:label " manovra_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069808ragazzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069808ragazzata is ragazzata" ; rdfs:label " ragazzata_as_Act" . inds:USem069809raggiro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069809raggiro is raggiro" ; rdfs:label " raggiro_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069811manovra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069811manovra is manovra" ; rdfs:label " manovra_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069812ramanzina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069812ramanzina is ramanzina" ; rdfs:label " ramanzina_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem069813rapida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5089fiume ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069813rapida is rapida" ; rdfs:label " rapida_as_Part" . inds:USem069814manovrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069814manovrare is manovrare" ; rdfs:label " manovrare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem069815ravanello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63647radice ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem0D65584ravanello ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069815ravanello is ravanello" ; rdfs:label " ravanello_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem069816raziocinio simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61751intelligente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069816raziocinio is raziocinio" ; rdfs:label " raziocinio_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069817razzia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069817razzia is razzia" ; rdfs:label " razzia_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem069818rebus simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069818rebus is rebus" ; rdfs:label " rebus_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem069819rebus simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069819rebus is rebus" ; rdfs:label " rebus_as_Human" . inds:USem069820rebus simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069820rebus is rebus" ; rdfs:label " rebus_as_Event" . inds:USem069821recital simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069821recital is recital" ; rdfs:label " recital_as_Event" . inds:USem069822regata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069822regata is regata" ; rdfs:label " regata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069823reportage simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069823reportage is reportage" ; rdfs:label " reportage_as_Information" . inds:USem069824retromarcia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069824retromarcia is retromarcia" ; rdfs:label " retromarcia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069825manovrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069825manovrare is manovrare" ; rdfs:label " manovrare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069826manovrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069826manovrare is manovrare" ; rdfs:label " manovrare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem069827manovratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem069814manovrare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069827manovratore is manovratore" ; rdfs:label " manovratore_as_Profession" . inds:USem069828mansione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069828mansione is mansione" ; rdfs:label " mansione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069829mantenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069829mantenere is mantenere" ; rdfs:label " mantenere_as_State" . inds:USem069830retroscena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2285teatro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069830retroscena is retroscena" ; rdfs:label " retroscena_as_Part" . inds:USem069831retroscena simple:hasAgentive inds:USem62856fatto ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069831retroscena is retroscena" ; rdfs:label " retroscena_as_Agentive" . inds:USem069832retrospettiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069832retrospettiva is retrospettiva" ; rdfs:label " retrospettiva_as_Event" . inds:USem069833conservare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069833conservare is conservare" ; rdfs:label " conservare_as_State" . inds:USem069834mantenimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069834mantenimento is mantenimento" ; rdfs:label " mantenimento_as_State" . inds:USem069835mantenimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069835mantenimento is mantenimento" ; rdfs:label " mantenimento_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem069836mantenimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069836mantenimento is mantenimento" ; rdfs:label " mantenimento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069837revolverata simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD66197revolver ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069837revolverata is revolverata" ; rdfs:label " revolverata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem069838ribalderia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069838ribalderia is ribalderia" ; rdfs:label " ribalderia_as_Act" . inds:USem069840ribalta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069840ribalta is ribalta" ; rdfs:label " ribalta_as_Part" . inds:USem069841ribalta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2285teatro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069841ribalta is ribalta" ; rdfs:label " ribalta_as_Part" . inds:USem069842ribrezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069842ribrezzo is ribrezzo" ; rdfs:label " ribrezzo_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem069843ricavato simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069843ricavato is ricavato" ; rdfs:label " ricavato_as_Amount" . inds:USem069844ricettazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069844ricettazione is ricettazione" ; rdfs:label " ricettazione_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem069845ricompensa simple:hasTelic inds:USemD65585ricompensare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069845ricompensa is ricompensa" ; rdfs:label " ricompensa_as_Telic" . inds:USem069846riconquista simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069846riconquista is riconquista" ; rdfs:label " riconquista_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem069848ridda simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069848ridda is ridda" ; rdfs:label " ridda_as_Move" . inds:USem069849ridda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069849ridda is ridda" ; rdfs:label " ridda_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem069850ridicolaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069850ridicolaggine is ridicolaggine" ; rdfs:label " ridicolaggine_as_Act" . inds:USem069851ridicolaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65855ridicolo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069851ridicolaggine is ridicolaggine" ; rdfs:label " ridicolaggine_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem069852ridicolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65855ridicolo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069852ridicolo is ridicolo" ; rdfs:label " ridicolo_as_Quality" . inds:USem069855manuale simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069855manuale is manuale" ; rdfs:label " manuale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem069857bubbone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069857bubbone is bubbone" ; rdfs:label " bubbone_as_Disease" . inds:USem069859ingombro simple:hasIsa inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069859ingombro is ingombro" ; rdfs:label " ingombro_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem069860ingombro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069860ingombro is ingombro" ; rdfs:label " ingombro_as_State" . inds:USem069861albo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069861albo is albo" ; rdfs:label " albo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem069862albo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069862albo is albo" ; rdfs:label " albo_as_Information" . inds:USem069863albo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069863albo is albo" ; rdfs:label " albo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem069864manutenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069864manutenzione is manutenzione" ; rdfs:label " manutenzione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069865mantenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069865mantenere is mantenere" ; rdfs:label " mantenere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069866mantenimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069866mantenimento is mantenimento" ; rdfs:label " mantenimento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem069867mappa simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069867mappa is mappa" ; rdfs:label " mappa_as_Representation" . inds:USem069868marasma simple:hasIsa inds:USem67988confusione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069868marasma is marasma" ; rdfs:label " marasma_as_State" . inds:USem069869marasma simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem3868malattia, inds:USem70573vecchiaia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069869marasma is marasma" ; rdfs:label " marasma_as_Disease" . inds:USem069871marcatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem66899marcare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem069871marcatore is marcatore" ; rdfs:label " marcatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem0D65567parola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem0D65567parola is parola" ; rdfs:label " parola_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem0D65568cifrario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem0D65568cifrario is cifrario" ; rdfs:label " cifrario_as_Information" . inds:USem0D65569cineclub simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62493proiettare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem0D65569cineclub is cineclub" ; rdfs:label " cineclub_as_Building" . inds:USem0D65570enciclica simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem0D65570enciclica is enciclica" ; rdfs:label " enciclica_as_Information" . inds:USem0D65572copione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem0D65572copione is copione" ; rdfs:label " copione_as_Information" . inds:USem0D65579mandato simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem0D65579mandato is mandato" ; rdfs:label " mandato_as_Information" . inds:USem0D65584ravanello simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem069815ravanello ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem0D65584ravanello is ravanello" ; rdfs:label " ravanello_as_Plant" . inds:USem0D65589manuale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem0D65589manuale is manuale" ; rdfs:label " manuale_as_Information" . inds:USem0D65590ingombrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem0D65590ingombrare is ingombrare" ; rdfs:label " ingombrare_as_State" . inds:USem1000inglese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63390inghilterra ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2152inghilterra ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1000inglese is inglese" ; rdfs:label " inglese_as_People" . inds:USem1001italiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63404italia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1001italiano is italiano" ; rdfs:label " italiano_as_People" . inds:USem1002latino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1002latino is latino" ; rdfs:label " latino_as_People" . inds:USem1003lituano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63425lituania ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem5106lituania ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1003lituano is lituano" ; rdfs:label " lituano_as_People" . inds:USem1004milanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63437milano ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2175milano ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1004milanese is milanese" ; rdfs:label " milanese_as_People" . inds:USem1005napoletano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63453napoli ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2179napoli ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1005napoletano is napoletano" ; rdfs:label " napoletano_as_People" . inds:USem1006piemontese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63473piemonte ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2190piemonte ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1006piemontese is piemontese" ; rdfs:label " piemontese_as_People" . inds:USem1007pisano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63474pisa ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2191pisa ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1007pisano is pisano" ; rdfs:label " pisano_as_People" . inds:USem1008pugliese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63476puglia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2193puglia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1008pugliese is pugliese" ; rdfs:label " pugliese_as_People" . inds:USem1010russo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63481russia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2195russia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1010russo is russo" ; rdfs:label " russo_as_People" . inds:USem1011sardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63482sardegna ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2196sardegna ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1011sardo is sardo" ; rdfs:label " sardo_as_People" . inds:USem1012siciliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63484sicilia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2198sicilia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1012siciliano is siciliano" ; rdfs:label " siciliano_as_People" . inds:USem1013slavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1013slavo is slavo" ; rdfs:label " slavo_as_People" . inds:USem1014spagnolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63486spagna ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2199spagna ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1014spagnolo is spagnolo" ; rdfs:label " spagnolo_as_People" . inds:USem1015tedesco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63368germania ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem3622germania ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1015tedesco is tedesco" ; rdfs:label " tedesco_as_People" . inds:USem1016torinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63493torino ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2201torino ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1016torinese is torinese" ; rdfs:label " torinese_as_People" . inds:USem1017toscano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63494toscana ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD5009toscana ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1017toscano is toscano" ; rdfs:label " toscano_as_People" . inds:USem1018triestino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63495trieste ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2202trieste ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1018triestino is triestino" ; rdfs:label " triestino_as_People" . inds:USem1019tuareg simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD5011sahara ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1019tuareg is tuareg" ; rdfs:label " tuareg_as_People" . inds:USem1020turco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63497turchia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2203turchia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1020turco is turco" ; rdfs:label " turco_as_People" . inds:USem1021udinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77851udine ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1021udinese is udinese" ; rdfs:label " udinese_as_People" . inds:USem1022vietnamita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63503vietnam ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2205vietnam ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1022vietnamita is vietnamita" ; rdfs:label " vietnamita_as_People" . inds:USem1023vallone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1429belgio ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1023vallone is vallone" ; rdfs:label " vallone_as_People" . inds:USem1024penna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere, inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1024penna is penna" ; rdfs:label " penna_as_Instrument" . inds:USem1025arabo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1025arabo is arabo" ; rdfs:label " arabo_as_Language" . inds:USem1026armeno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1026armeno is armeno" ; rdfs:label " armeno_as_Language" . inds:USem1028bolognese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1028bolognese is bolognese" ; rdfs:label " bolognese_as_Language" . inds:USem1029brasiliano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1029brasiliano is brasiliano" ; rdfs:label " brasiliano_as_Language" . inds:USem1030bulgaro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1030bulgaro is bulgaro" ; rdfs:label " bulgaro_as_Language" . inds:USem1031calabrese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1031calabrese is calabrese" ; rdfs:label " calabrese_as_Language" . inds:USem1032cambogiano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1032cambogiano is cambogiano" ; rdfs:label " cambogiano_as_Language" . inds:USem1033castigliano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1033castigliano is castigliano" ; rdfs:label " castigliano_as_Language" . inds:USem1034cinese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1034cinese is cinese" ; rdfs:label " cinese_as_Language" . inds:USem1035coreano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1035coreano is coreano" ; rdfs:label " coreano_as_Language" . inds:USem1036creolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD969lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1036creolo is creolo" ; rdfs:label " creolo_as_Language" . inds:USem1037croato simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1037croato is croato" ; rdfs:label " croato_as_Language" . inds:USem1038curdo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1038curdo is curdo" ; rdfs:label " curdo_as_Language" . inds:USem1039danese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1039danese is danese" ; rdfs:label " danese_as_Language" . inds:USem1040francese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1040francese is francese" ; rdfs:label " francese_as_Language" . inds:USem1041giapponese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1041giapponese is giapponese" ; rdfs:label " giapponese_as_Language" . inds:USem1042inglese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1042inglese is inglese" ; rdfs:label " inglese_as_Language" . inds:USem1043italiano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1043italiano is italiano" ; rdfs:label " italiano_as_Language" . inds:USem1044latino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1044latino is latino" ; rdfs:label " latino_as_Language" . inds:USem1045lituano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1045lituano is lituano" ; rdfs:label " lituano_as_Language" . inds:USem1046milanese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1046milanese is milanese" ; rdfs:label " milanese_as_Language" . inds:USem1047napoletano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1047napoletano is napoletano" ; rdfs:label " napoletano_as_Language" . inds:USem1048piemontese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1048piemontese is piemontese" ; rdfs:label " piemontese_as_Language" . inds:USem1049pisano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1049pisano is pisano" ; rdfs:label " pisano_as_Language" . inds:USem1050pugliese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1050pugliese is pugliese" ; rdfs:label " pugliese_as_Language" . inds:USem1051romagnolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1051romagnolo is romagnolo" ; rdfs:label " romagnolo_as_Language" . inds:USem1052russo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1052russo is russo" ; rdfs:label " russo_as_Language" . inds:USem1053sardo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1053sardo is sardo" ; rdfs:label " sardo_as_Language" . inds:USem1054siciliano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1054siciliano is siciliano" ; rdfs:label " siciliano_as_Language" . inds:USem1055slavo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1055slavo is slavo" ; rdfs:label " slavo_as_Language" . inds:USem1056spagnolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1056spagnolo is spagnolo" ; rdfs:label " spagnolo_as_Language" . inds:USem1057tedesco simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1057tedesco is tedesco" ; rdfs:label " tedesco_as_Language" . inds:USem1058torinese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1058torinese is torinese" ; rdfs:label " torinese_as_Language" . inds:USem1059toscano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1059toscano is toscano" ; rdfs:label " toscano_as_Language" . inds:USem1060triestino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1060triestino is triestino" ; rdfs:label " triestino_as_Language" . inds:USem1061tuareg simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1061tuareg is tuareg" ; rdfs:label " tuareg_as_Language" . inds:USem1062turco simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1062turco is turco" ; rdfs:label " turco_as_Language" . inds:USem1064vietnamita simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1064vietnamita is vietnamita" ; rdfs:label " vietnamita_as_Language" . inds:USem1065vallone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1065vallone is vallone" ; rdfs:label " vallone_as_Language" . inds:USem1066abissino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem77325abissinia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD5027abissinia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1066abissino is abissino" ; rdfs:label " abissino_as_People" . inds:USem1068algerino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7381algeria ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2087algeria ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1068algerino is algerino" ; rdfs:label " algerino_as_People" . inds:USem1069argentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7388argentina ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2092argentina ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1069argentino is argentino" ; rdfs:label " argentino_as_People" . inds:USem1070australiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7392australia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4893australia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1070australiano is australiano" ; rdfs:label " australiano_as_People" . inds:USem1071austriaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7393austria ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2096austria ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1071austriaco is austriaco" ; rdfs:label " austriaco_as_People" . inds:USem1072berlinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7399berlino ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2098berlino ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1072berlinese is berlinese" ; rdfs:label " berlinese_as_People" . inds:USem1073boemo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4691boemia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1073boemo is boemo" ; rdfs:label " boemo_as_People" . inds:USem1074boliviano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7407bolivia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2101bolivia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1074boliviano is boliviano" ; rdfs:label " boliviano_as_People" . inds:USem1075bresciano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7419brescia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2107brescia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1075bresciano is bresciano" ; rdfs:label " bresciano_as_People" . inds:USem1077californiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2114california ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1077californiano is californiano" ; rdfs:label " californiano_as_People" . inds:USem1078campano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1304campania ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1078campano is campano" ; rdfs:label " campano_as_People" . inds:USem1079canadese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7433canada ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2116canada ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1079canadese is canadese" ; rdfs:label " canadese_as_People" . inds:USem1080carioca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1310riodejaneiro ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1080carioca is carioca" ; rdfs:label " carioca_as_People" . inds:USem1081cartaginese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem5145cartagine ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1081cartaginese is cartaginese" ; rdfs:label " cartaginese_as_People" . inds:USem1082cileno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7457cile, inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2124cile ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1082cileno is cileno" ; rdfs:label " cileno_as_People" . inds:USem1083ciociaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77345ciociaria ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1083ciociaro is ciociaro" ; rdfs:label " ciociaro_as_People" . inds:USem1084cipriota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7459cipro ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2126cipro ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1084cipriota is cipriota" ; rdfs:label " cipriota_as_People" . inds:USem1085cirenaico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1325cirenaica ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1085cirenaico is cirenaico" ; rdfs:label " cirenaico_as_People" . inds:USem1086colombiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7460colombia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2127colombia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1086colombiano is colombiano" ; rdfs:label " colombiano_as_People" . inds:USem1087congolese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7463congo ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2128congo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1087congolese is congolese" ; rdfs:label " congolese_as_People" . inds:USem1088corinzio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem5150corinto ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1088corinzio is corinzio" ; rdfs:label " corinzio_as_People" . inds:USem1089cremonese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2133cremona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1089cremonese is cremonese" ; rdfs:label " cremonese_as_People" . inds:USem1090cretese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7473creta ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem6841creta ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1090cretese is cretese" ; rdfs:label " cretese_as_People" . inds:USem1091cubano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1343cuba ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1091cubano is cubano" ; rdfs:label " cubano_as_People" . inds:USem1093indocinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1349indocina ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1093indocinese is indocinese" ; rdfs:label " indocinese_as_People" . inds:USem1094londinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63428londra ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2169londra ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1094londinese is londinese" ; rdfs:label " londinese_as_People" . inds:USem1095macedone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63569macedonia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD5019macedonia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1095macedone is macedone" ; rdfs:label " macedone_as_People" . inds:USem1096marocchino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63434marocco ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2172marocco ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1096marocchino is marocchino" ; rdfs:label " marocchino_as_People" . inds:USem1097messinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2174messina ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1097messinese is messinese" ; rdfs:label " messinese_as_People" . inds:USem1098modenese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63438modena ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2176modena ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1098modenese is modenese" ; rdfs:label " modenese_as_People" . inds:USem1099molisano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63442molise ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1367molise ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1099molisano is molisano" ; rdfs:label " molisano_as_People" . inds:USem1100neozelandese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1100neozelandese is neozelandese" ; rdfs:label " neozelandese_as_People" . inds:USem1101newyorkese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77897newyork ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1101newyorkese is newyorkese" ; rdfs:label " newyorkese_as_People" . inds:USem1102nuorese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63455nuoro ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1376nuoro ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1102nuorese is nuorese" ; rdfs:label " nuorese_as_People" . inds:USem1103palermitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63460palermo ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2182palermo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1103palermitano is palermitano" ; rdfs:label " palermitano_as_People" . inds:USem1104palestinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63461palestina ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem5107palestina ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1104palestinese is palestinese" ; rdfs:label " palestinese_as_People" . inds:USem1105parigino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63462parigi ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2183parigi ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1105parigino is parigino" ; rdfs:label " parigino_as_People" . inds:USem1106parmigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63463parma ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2184parma ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1106parmigiano is parmigiano" ; rdfs:label " parmigiano_as_People" . inds:USem1107perugino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63466perugia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2186perugia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1107perugino is perugino" ; rdfs:label " perugino_as_People" . inds:USem1108pescarese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63467pescara ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2187pescara ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1108pescarese is pescarese" ; rdfs:label " pescarese_as_People" . inds:USem1109piacentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2189piacenza ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1109piacentino is piacentino" ; rdfs:label " piacentino_as_People" . inds:USem1110scozzese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63483scozia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2197scozia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1110scozzese is scozzese" ; rdfs:label " scozzese_as_People" . inds:USem1111serbo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1403serbia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1111serbo is serbo" ; rdfs:label " serbo_as_People" . inds:USem1112tartaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1406mongolia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1112tartaro is tartaro" ; rdfs:label " tartaro_as_People" . inds:USem1113tripolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77811tripoli ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1113tripolino is tripolino" ; rdfs:label " tripolino_as_People" . inds:USem1114troiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63496troia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem5166troia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1114troiano is troiano" ; rdfs:label " troiano_as_People" . inds:USem1115cecoslovacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7447cecoslovacchia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4686cecoslovacchia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1115cecoslovacco is cecoslovacco" ; rdfs:label " cecoslovacco_as_People" . inds:USem1116indiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1418india ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1116indiano is indiano" ; rdfs:label " indiano_as_People" . inds:USem1117valdese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4898svizzera ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1117valdese is valdese" ; rdfs:label " valdese_as_People" . inds:USem1118genova simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4141liguria ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1118genova is genova" ; rdfs:label " genova_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem1119indoeuropeo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1119indoeuropeo is indoeuropeo" ; rdfs:label " indoeuropeo_as_Language" . inds:USem1120copto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1120copto is copto" ; rdfs:label " copto_as_Language" . inds:USem1123mammifero simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1123mammifero is mammifero" ; rdfs:label " mammifero_as_Animal" . inds:USem1124coniglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1124coniglio is coniglio" ; rdfs:label " coniglio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1125faina simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1125faina is faina" ; rdfs:label " faina_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1126hannover simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3622germania ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1126hannover is hannover" ; rdfs:label " hannover_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem1127iena simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1127iena is iena" ; rdfs:label " iena_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1128istrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1128istrice is istrice" ; rdfs:label " istrice_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1129lupo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1129lupo is lupo" ; rdfs:label " lupo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1130marmotta simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1130marmotta is marmotta" ; rdfs:label " marmotta_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1131orso simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1131orso is orso" ; rdfs:label " orso_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1132pachiderma simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1132pachiderma is pachiderma" ; rdfs:label " pachiderma_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1133pecora simple:hasIsa inds:USem72835ovino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1133pecora is pecora" ; rdfs:label " pecora_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1134scimmia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1134scimmia is scimmia" ; rdfs:label " scimmia_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1135tricheco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1135tricheco is tricheco" ; rdfs:label " tricheco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1136sciacallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1136sciacallo is sciacallo" ; rdfs:label " sciacallo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1137talpa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1137talpa is talpa" ; rdfs:label " talpa_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1138coniglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1138coniglio is coniglio" ; rdfs:label " coniglio_as_Human" . inds:USem1139faina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1139faina is faina" ; rdfs:label " faina_as_Human" . inds:USem1140kenya simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1140kenya is kenya" ; rdfs:label " kenya_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem1141iena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1141iena is iena" ; rdfs:label " iena_as_Human" . inds:USem1142istrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1142istrice is istrice" ; rdfs:label " istrice_as_Human" . inds:USem1143lupo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1143lupo is lupo" ; rdfs:label " lupo_as_Human" . inds:USem1144marmotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1144marmotta is marmotta" ; rdfs:label " marmotta_as_Human" . inds:USem1145orso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1145orso is orso" ; rdfs:label " orso_as_Human" . inds:USem1146pachiderma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1146pachiderma is pachiderma" ; rdfs:label " pachiderma_as_Human" . inds:USem1147pecora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1147pecora is pecora" ; rdfs:label " pecora_as_Human" . inds:USem1148scimmia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1148scimmia is scimmia" ; rdfs:label " scimmia_as_Human" . inds:USem1149tricheco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1149tricheco is tricheco" ; rdfs:label " tricheco_as_Human" . inds:USem1150sciacallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1150sciacallo is sciacallo" ; rdfs:label " sciacallo_as_Human" . inds:USem1151talpa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1151talpa is talpa" ; rdfs:label " talpa_as_Human" . inds:USem1152bufalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1152bufalo is bufalo" ; rdfs:label " bufalo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1153cavia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1153cavia is cavia" ; rdfs:label " cavia_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1154cervo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1154cervo is cervo" ; rdfs:label " cervo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1155cinghiale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1155cinghiale is cinghiale" ; rdfs:label " cinghiale_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1156coyote simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1156coyote is coyote" ; rdfs:label " coyote_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1157criceto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1157criceto is criceto" ; rdfs:label " criceto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1158daino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1158daino is daino" ; rdfs:label " daino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1160donnola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1160donnola is donnola" ; rdfs:label " donnola_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1161elefante simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1741proboscide, inds:USem3239zanna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1132pachiderma ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1161elefante is elefante" ; rdfs:label " elefante_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1162ermellino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1162ermellino is ermellino" ; rdfs:label " ermellino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1163foca simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1163foca is foca" ; rdfs:label " foca_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1164furetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1164furetto is furetto" ; rdfs:label " furetto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1165gatto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1165gatto is gatto" ; rdfs:label " gatto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1166gazzella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1166gazzella is gazzella" ; rdfs:label " gazzella_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1167ghiro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1167ghiro is ghiro" ; rdfs:label " ghiro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1168giraffa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1168giraffa is giraffa" ; rdfs:label " giraffa_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1169ippopotamo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1132pachiderma ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1169ippopotamo is ippopotamo" ; rdfs:label " ippopotamo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1170koala simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1170koala is koala" ; rdfs:label " koala_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1171lama simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1171lama is lama" ; rdfs:label " lama_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1172lontra simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1172lontra is lontra" ; rdfs:label " lontra_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1173roma simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4647lazio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1173roma is roma" ; rdfs:label " roma_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem1174orca simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1174orca is orca" ; rdfs:label " orca_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1175panda simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1175panda is panda" ; rdfs:label " panda_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1176pipistrello simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1176pipistrello is pipistrello" ; rdfs:label " pipistrello_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem1177riccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1177riccio is riccio" ; rdfs:label " riccio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1178roditore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1178roditore is roditore" ; rdfs:label " roditore_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1179ruminante simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1179ruminante is ruminante" ; rdfs:label " ruminante_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1180scoiattolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1180scoiattolo is scoiattolo" ; rdfs:label " scoiattolo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1181stambecco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1181stambecco is stambecco" ; rdfs:label " stambecco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1182tasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1182tasso is tasso" ; rdfs:label " tasso_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1183topo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1183topo is topo" ; rdfs:label " topo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1184visone simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1184visone is visone" ; rdfs:label " visone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1185volpe simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1185volpe is volpe" ; rdfs:label " volpe_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1186zebra simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1186zebra is zebra" ; rdfs:label " zebra_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1187pipistrello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2952mantello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1187pipistrello is pipistrello" ; rdfs:label " pipistrello_as_Clothing" . inds:USem1188giraffa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62458microfono ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem940gru ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD702riprendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1188giraffa is giraffa" ; rdfs:label " giraffa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem1189riccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2083capello ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1189riccio is riccio" ; rdfs:label " riccio_as_Part" . inds:USem1190riccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2085castagna ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1190riccio is riccio" ; rdfs:label " riccio_as_Part" . inds:USem1191riccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1191riccio is riccio" ; rdfs:label " riccio_as_Amount" . inds:USem1192tasso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1192tasso is tasso" ; rdfs:label " tasso_as_Plant" . inds:USem1193tasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1193tasso is tasso" ; rdfs:label " tasso_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem1194tasso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1194tasso is tasso" ; rdfs:label " tasso_as_Amount" . inds:USem1195gazzella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD802viaggiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1195gazzella is gazzella" ; rdfs:label " gazzella_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem1196marmotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1196marmotta is marmotta" ; rdfs:label " marmotta_as_Plant" . inds:USem1197marmotta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6878pellicceria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1197marmotta is marmotta" ; rdfs:label " marmotta_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem1198visone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6878pellicceria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1198visone is visone" ; rdfs:label " visone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem1199apertura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1199apertura is apertura" ; rdfs:label " apertura_as_Opening" . inds:USem11citogenetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59962biologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem11citogenetica is citogenetica" ; rdfs:label " citogenetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem1202buco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1202buco is buco" ; rdfs:label " buco_as_Opening" . inds:USem1203crepa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1203crepa is crepa" ; rdfs:label " crepa_as_Opening" . inds:USem1205lucernario simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59847tetto ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1205lucernario is lucernario" ; rdfs:label " lucernario_as_Opening" . inds:USem12cristallografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59984mineralogia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem12cristallografia is cristallografia" ; rdfs:label " cristallografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem1339qualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1948attributo ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1339qualita1 is qualita'" ; rdfs:label " qualita'_as_Property" . inds:USem1340cattiveria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2503cattivo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1340cattiveria is cattiveria" ; rdfs:label " cattiveria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1341aspetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1341aspetto is aspetto" ; rdfs:label " aspetto_as_Property" . inds:USem1343dote simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1343dote is dote" ; rdfs:label " dote_as_Property" . inds:USem1344grazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1344grazia is grazia" ; rdfs:label " grazia_as_Quality" . inds:USem1346merito simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1346merito is merito" ; rdfs:label " merito_as_Quality" . inds:USem1347pazienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2520paziente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1347pazienza is pazienza" ; rdfs:label " pazienza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1348pregio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1348pregio is pregio" ; rdfs:label " pregio_as_Quality" . inds:USem1350requisito simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1350requisito is requisito" ; rdfs:label " requisito_as_Quality" . inds:USem1352valore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1352valore is valore" ; rdfs:label " valore_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem1356diritto simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Social_Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1356diritto is diritto" ; rdfs:label " diritto_as_Social_Property" . inds:USem1357squalo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1357squalo is squalo" ; rdfs:label " squalo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1358sogliola simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1358sogliola is sogliola" ; rdfs:label " sogliola_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1359sogliola simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1359sogliola is sogliola" ; rdfs:label " sogliola_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1361orata simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1361orata is orata" ; rdfs:label " orata_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1362orata simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1362orata is orata" ; rdfs:label " orata_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1363aringa simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1363aringa is aringa" ; rdfs:label " aringa_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1364aringa simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1364aringa is aringa" ; rdfs:label " aringa_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1365branzino simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1365branzino is branzino" ; rdfs:label " branzino_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1366giallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1366giallo is giallo" ; rdfs:label " giallo_as_Color" . inds:USem1367verde simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1367verde is verde" ; rdfs:label " verde_as_Color" . inds:USem1368rosso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1368rosso is rosso" ; rdfs:label " rosso_as_Color" . inds:USem1369carpa simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1369carpa is carpa" ; rdfs:label " carpa_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1370nero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1370nero is nero" ; rdfs:label " nero_as_Color" . inds:USem1371carpa simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1371carpa is carpa" ; rdfs:label " carpa_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1372merluzzo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1372merluzzo is merluzzo" ; rdfs:label " merluzzo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1373merluzzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1373merluzzo is merluzzo" ; rdfs:label " merluzzo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1374salmone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1374salmone is salmone" ; rdfs:label " salmone_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1375salmone simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1375salmone is salmone" ; rdfs:label " salmone_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1376tonno simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1376tonno is tonno" ; rdfs:label " tonno_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1377tonno simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1377tonno is tonno" ; rdfs:label " tonno_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1378trota simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1378trota is trota" ; rdfs:label " trota_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1379trota simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1379trota is trota" ; rdfs:label " trota_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1380storione simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1380storione is storione" ; rdfs:label " storione_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1381storione simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1381storione is storione" ; rdfs:label " storione_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1382dentice simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1382dentice is dentice" ; rdfs:label " dentice_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1383dentice simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1383dentice is dentice" ; rdfs:label " dentice_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1384muggine simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1384muggine is muggine" ; rdfs:label " muggine_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1385muggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1385muggine is muggine" ; rdfs:label " muggine_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1386bevanda simple:hasIsa inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1386bevanda is bevanda" ; rdfs:label " bevanda_as_Drink" . inds:USem1387seppia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1387seppia is seppia" ; rdfs:label " seppia_as_Color" . inds:USem1388liquido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1388liquido is liquido" ; rdfs:label " liquido_as_Substance" . inds:USem1389vermiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1389vermiglio is vermiglio" ; rdfs:label " vermiglio_as_Color" . inds:USem1390bibita simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1390bibita is bibita" ; rdfs:label " bibita_as_Drink" . inds:USem1391zaffiro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1391zaffiro is zaffiro" ; rdfs:label " zaffiro_as_Color" . inds:USem1392figura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1413linea, inds:USem2708punto, inds:USemD6166superficie ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1392figura is figura" ; rdfs:label " figura_as_Shape" . inds:USem1393limonata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem62867spremitura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2244limone ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1393limonata is limonata" ; rdfs:label " limonata_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1394vino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1394vino is vino" ; rdfs:label " vino_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1395birra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1725luppolo, inds:USem3713malto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1395birra is birra" ; rdfs:label " birra_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1396bitter simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1396bitter is bitter" ; rdfs:label " bitter_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1397triangolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2479poligono ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1397triangolo is triangolo" ; rdfs:label " triangolo_as_Shape" . inds:USem1398piramide simple:hasIsa inds:USem2478solido ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1398piramide is piramide" ; rdfs:label " piramide_as_Shape" . inds:USem1399cerchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1399cerchio is cerchio" ; rdfs:label " cerchio_as_Shape" . inds:USem13demonologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem13demonologia is demonologia" ; rdfs:label " demonologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem1400rettangolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1400rettangolo is rettangolo" ; rdfs:label " rettangolo_as_Shape" . inds:USem1401quadrato simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1401quadrato is quadrato" ; rdfs:label " quadrato_as_Shape" . inds:USem1402quadrilatero simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1402quadrilatero is quadrilatero" ; rdfs:label " quadrilatero_as_Shape" . inds:USem1403trapezio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1403trapezio is trapezio" ; rdfs:label " trapezio_as_Shape" . inds:USem1404rombo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1404rombo is rombo" ; rdfs:label " rombo_as_Shape" . inds:USem1405liquore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1662aroma, inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1405liquore is liquore" ; rdfs:label " liquore_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1406alcolico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1406alcolico is alcolico" ; rdfs:label " alcolico_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1407angolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1407angolo is angolo" ; rdfs:label " angolo_as_Shape" . inds:USem1408aperitivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1408aperitivo is aperitivo" ; rdfs:label " aperitivo_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1409aranciata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1423arancia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1409aranciata is aranciata" ; rdfs:label " aranciata_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1410te1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2315infusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1410te1 is te'" ; rdfs:label " te'_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1411elica simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1411elica is elica" ; rdfs:label " elica_as_Shape" . inds:USem1412cicuta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2315infusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3110veleno ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1412cicuta is cicuta" ; rdfs:label " cicuta_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1413linea simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1413linea is linea" ; rdfs:label " linea_as_Shape" . inds:USem1414amaretto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1662aroma, inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1414amaretto is amaretto" ; rdfs:label " amaretto_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1415amaro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2315infusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1662aroma, inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem1417digestivo ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1415amaro is amaro" ; rdfs:label " amaro_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1416anice simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1425anice, inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1416anice is anice" ; rdfs:label " anice_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1417digestivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1662aroma, inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3896digerire ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1417digestivo is digestivo" ; rdfs:label " digestivo_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1418rabarbaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1427rabarbaro, inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1418rabarbaro is rabarbaro" ; rdfs:label " rabarbaro_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem1419vegetale simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1419vegetale is vegetale" ; rdfs:label " vegetale_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem1421piombo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1421piombo is piombo" ; rdfs:label " piombo_as_Color" . inds:USem1423arancia simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2460arancione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD2370arancio ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1423arancia is arancia" ; rdfs:label " arancia_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1425anice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1426anice ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1425anice is anice" ; rdfs:label " anice_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1426anice simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1425anice ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1426anice is anice" ; rdfs:label " anice_as_Plant" . inds:USem1427rabarbaro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemTH20507rizoma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1427rabarbaro is rabarbaro" ; rdfs:label " rabarbaro_as_Plant" . inds:USem1428pianta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD63647radice ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem62862frutto, inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1428pianta is pianta" ; rdfs:label " pianta_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem1431noce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1433noce ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1431noce is noce" ; rdfs:label " noce_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1433noce simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1431noce ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1433noce is noce" ; rdfs:label " noce_as_Plant" . inds:USem1435accortezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1435accortezza is accortezza" ; rdfs:label " accortezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1436accuratezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62058accurato ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1436accuratezza is accuratezza" ; rdfs:label " accuratezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1437acutezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62081acuto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1437acutezza is acutezza" ; rdfs:label " acutezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1438adeguatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61864adeguato ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1438adeguatezza is adeguatezza" ; rdfs:label " adeguatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1439acero simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1439acero is acero" ; rdfs:label " acero_as_Plant" . inds:USem1440cedro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1440cedro is cedro" ; rdfs:label " cedro_as_Plant" . inds:USem1441ambivalenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem78051ambivalente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1441ambivalenza is ambivalenza" ; rdfs:label " ambivalenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1442pioppo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1442pioppo is pioppo" ; rdfs:label " pioppo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1443platano simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1443platano is platano" ; rdfs:label " platano_as_Plant" . inds:USem1444pino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem65933pinolo, inds:USemD2443pigna ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1444pino is pino" ; rdfs:label " pino_as_Plant" . inds:USem1445acacia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1445acacia is acacia" ; rdfs:label " acacia_as_Plant" . inds:USem1446arroganza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2631arrogante ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1446arroganza is arroganza" ; rdfs:label " arroganza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1448asprezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2633aspro ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1448asprezza is asprezza" ; rdfs:label " asprezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1449astrattezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2637astratto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1449astrattezza is astrattezza" ; rdfs:label " astrattezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1450limone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD2244limone ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1450limone is limone" ; rdfs:label " limone_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1452autorevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2643autorevole ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1452autorevolezza is autorevolezza" ; rdfs:label " autorevolezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1453avarizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2645avaro ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1453avarizia is avarizia" ; rdfs:label " avarizia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1454cicoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1454cicoria is cicoria" ; rdfs:label " cicoria_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1456betulla simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1456betulla is betulla" ; rdfs:label " betulla_as_Plant" . inds:USem1457cipresso simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2443pigna ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1457cipresso is cipresso" ; rdfs:label " cipresso_as_Plant" . inds:USem1458faggio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1458faggio is faggio" ; rdfs:label " faggio_as_Plant" . inds:USem1459gelso simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2803mora ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1459gelso is gelso" ; rdfs:label " gelso_as_Plant" . inds:USem1460ippocastano simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2369frutto, inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1460ippocastano is ippocastano" ; rdfs:label " ippocastano_as_Plant" . inds:USem1461larice simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1461larice is larice" ; rdfs:label " larice_as_Plant" . inds:USem1462magnolia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1462magnolia is magnolia" ; rdfs:label " magnolia_as_Plant" . inds:USem1463olmo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1463olmo is olmo" ; rdfs:label " olmo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1464quercia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2526ghianda ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1464quercia is quercia" ; rdfs:label " quercia_as_Plant" . inds:USem1465sequoia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1465sequoia is sequoia" ; rdfs:label " sequoia_as_Plant" . inds:USem1466sughero simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1466sughero is sughero" ; rdfs:label " sughero_as_Plant" . inds:USem1467tiglio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1467tiglio is tiglio" ; rdfs:label " tiglio_as_Plant" . inds:USem1468ulivo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2544oliva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1468ulivo is ulivo" ; rdfs:label " ulivo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1469abete simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2443pigna ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1469abete is abete" ; rdfs:label " abete_as_Plant" . inds:USem1470ginestra simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1570arbusto ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1470ginestra is ginestra" ; rdfs:label " ginestra_as_Plant" . inds:USem1471castagno simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2085castagna ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1471castagno is castagno" ; rdfs:label " castagno_as_Plant" . inds:USem1472ciliegio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2564ciliegia ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1472ciliegio is ciliegio" ; rdfs:label " ciliegio_as_Plant" . inds:USem1473fico simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1480fico ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1473fico is fico" ; rdfs:label " fico_as_Plant" . inds:USem1474competenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1474competenza is competenza" ; rdfs:label " competenza_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem1475compiutezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2692compiuto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1475compiutezza is compiutezza" ; rdfs:label " compiutezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1476completezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2694completo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1476completezza is completezza" ; rdfs:label " completezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1477compostezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1477compostezza is compostezza" ; rdfs:label " compostezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1478concisione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2698conciso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1478concisione is concisione" ; rdfs:label " concisione_as_Quality" . inds:USem1479concretezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66825concreto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1479concretezza is concretezza" ; rdfs:label " concretezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1480fico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1473fico ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1480fico is fico" ; rdfs:label " fico_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1481consapevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1481consapevolezza is consapevolezza" ; rdfs:label " consapevolezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1482consistenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2706consistente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1482consistenza is consistenza" ; rdfs:label " consistenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1484cerro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1484cerro is cerro" ; rdfs:label " cerro_as_Plant" . inds:USem1485ebano simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1485ebano is ebano" ; rdfs:label " ebano_as_Plant" . inds:USem1486leccio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1486leccio is leccio" ; rdfs:label " leccio_as_Plant" . inds:USem1487crudezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62319crudo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1487crudezza is crudezza" ; rdfs:label " crudezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1488mandarino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1492mandarino ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1488mandarino is mandarino" ; rdfs:label " mandarino_as_Plant" . inds:USem1489decenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD7022decente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1489decenza is decenza" ; rdfs:label " decenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1490decrepitezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5388decrepito ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1490decrepitezza is decrepitezza" ; rdfs:label " decrepitezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1491delicatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5389delicato ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1491delicatezza is delicatezza" ; rdfs:label " delicatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1492mandarino simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2460arancione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1488mandarino ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1492mandarino is mandarino" ; rdfs:label " mandarino_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1493melo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1495mela ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1493melo is melo" ; rdfs:label " melo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1494diplomazia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6465diplomatico ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1494diplomazia is diplomazia" ; rdfs:label " diplomazia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1495mela simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1493melo ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1495mela is mela" ; rdfs:label " mela_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1496pero simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1497pera ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1496pero is pero" ; rdfs:label " pero_as_Plant" . inds:USem1497pera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1496pero ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1497pera is pera" ; rdfs:label " pera_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1498pesco simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1498pesco is pesco" ; rdfs:label " pesco_as_Plant" . inds:USem1499pistacchio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3282pistacchio ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1499pistacchio is pistacchio" ; rdfs:label " pistacchio_as_Plant" . inds:USem14dietetica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem71619dieta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61337medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem14dietetica is dietetica" ; rdfs:label " dietetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem1500pompelmo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1501pompelmo ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1500pompelmo is pompelmo" ; rdfs:label " pompelmo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1501pompelmo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1500pompelmo ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1501pompelmo is pompelmo" ; rdfs:label " pompelmo_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1502sandalo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1502sandalo is sandalo" ; rdfs:label " sandalo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1503tamerice simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1503tamerice is tamerice" ; rdfs:label " tamerice_as_Plant" . inds:USem1504cacao simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1505cacao ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1504cacao is cacao" ; rdfs:label " cacao_as_Plant" . inds:USem1505cacao simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1504cacao ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1505cacao is cacao" ; rdfs:label " cacao_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1506banano simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1507banana ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1506banano is banano" ; rdfs:label " banano_as_Plant" . inds:USem1507banana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1506banano ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1507banana is banana" ; rdfs:label " banana_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1508bosso simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1570arbusto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1508bosso is bosso" ; rdfs:label " bosso_as_Plant" . inds:USem1509esattezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2760esatto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1509esattezza is esattezza" ; rdfs:label " esattezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1510olivo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2544oliva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1510olivo is olivo" ; rdfs:label " olivo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1511palma simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1511palma is palma" ; rdfs:label " palma_as_Plant" . inds:USem1512evidenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2764evidente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1512evidenza is evidenza" ; rdfs:label " evidenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1513mandorlo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2768mandorla ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1513mandorlo is mandorlo" ; rdfs:label " mandorlo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1514fierezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6472fiero ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1514fierezza is fierezza" ; rdfs:label " fierezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1515lampone simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1517lampone ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1515lampone is lampone" ; rdfs:label " lampone_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1516freddezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2772freddo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1516freddezza is freddezza" ; rdfs:label " freddezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1517lampone simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1515lampone ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1517lampone is lampone" ; rdfs:label " lampone_as_Plant" . inds:USem1518fragola simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1519fragola ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1518fragola is fragola" ; rdfs:label " fragola_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1519fragola simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1518fragola ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1519fragola is fragola" ; rdfs:label " fragola_as_Plant" . inds:USem1520gentilezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2780gentile ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1520gentilezza is gentilezza" ; rdfs:label " gentilezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1521basilico simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1521basilico is basilico" ; rdfs:label " basilico_as_Plant" . inds:USem1522coriandolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1522coriandolo is coriandolo" ; rdfs:label " coriandolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1523crescione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3672verdura ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1523crescione is crescione" ; rdfs:label " crescione_as_Plant" . inds:USem1524erba simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1524erba is erba" ; rdfs:label " erba_as_Plant" . inds:USem1525nocciola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD2827nocciolo ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1525nocciola is nocciola" ; rdfs:label " nocciola_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1526incompiutezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2792incompiuto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1526incompiutezza is incompiutezza" ; rdfs:label " incompiutezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1527ortica simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1527ortica is ortica" ; rdfs:label " ortica_as_Plant" . inds:USem1528papiro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1528papiro is papiro" ; rdfs:label " papiro_as_Plant" . inds:USem1529pomodoro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1530pomodoro ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1529pomodoro is pomodoro" ; rdfs:label " pomodoro_as_Plant" . inds:USem1530pomodoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem62862frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1529pomodoro ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1530pomodoro is pomodoro" ; rdfs:label " pomodoro_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1531trifoglio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1531trifoglio is trifoglio" ; rdfs:label " trifoglio_as_Plant" . inds:USem1532magnificenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62142magnifico ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1532magnificenza is magnificenza" ; rdfs:label " magnificenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1533magrezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61811magro ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1533magrezza is magrezza" ; rdfs:label " magrezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem1534vite simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1534vite is vite" ; rdfs:label " vite_as_Plant" . inds:USem1535cereale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem5721seme, inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1535cereale is cereale" ; rdfs:label " cereale_as_Plant" . inds:USem1536avena simple:hasIsa inds:USem1535cereale ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD63867avena ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1536avena is avena" ; rdfs:label " avena_as_Plant" . inds:USem1537monotonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2814monotono ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1537monotonia is monotonia" ; rdfs:label " monotonia_as_Quality" . inds:USem1539farro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1540farro ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1539farro is farro" ; rdfs:label " farro_as_Plant" . inds:USem1540farro simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1539farro ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1540farro is farro" ; rdfs:label " farro_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1541granturco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1542granturco ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1541granturco is granturco" ; rdfs:label " granturco_as_Plant" . inds:USem1542granturco simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1541granturco ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1542granturco is granturco" ; rdfs:label " granturco_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1543acume simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1543acume is acume" ; rdfs:label " acume_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1544orzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1580orzo ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1544orzo is orzo" ; rdfs:label " orzo_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1545riso simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1546riso ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1545riso is riso" ; rdfs:label " riso_as_Plant" . inds:USem1546riso simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1545riso ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1546riso is riso" ; rdfs:label " riso_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1547frumento simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1548frumento ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1547frumento is frumento" ; rdfs:label " frumento_as_Plant" . inds:USem1548frumento simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1547frumento ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1548frumento is frumento" ; rdfs:label " frumento_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1549grano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1535cereale ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1550grano ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1549grano is grano" ; rdfs:label " grano_as_Plant" . inds:USem1550grano simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1549grano ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1550grano is grano" ; rdfs:label " grano_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1552legume simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem79527leguminosa ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1552legume is legume" ; rdfs:label " legume_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1553sapienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6487sapiente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1553sapienza is sapienza" ; rdfs:label " sapienza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1554fava simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1555fava ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1554fava is fava" ; rdfs:label " fava_as_Plant" . inds:USem1555fava simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1554fava ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1555fava is fava" ; rdfs:label " fava_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1556girasole simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1557girasole, inds:USem1592girasole ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1556girasole is girasole" ; rdfs:label " girasole_as_Plant" . inds:USem1557girasole simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1556girasole ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1557girasole is girasole" ; rdfs:label " girasole_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem1558pisello simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1559pisello ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1558pisello is pisello" ; rdfs:label " pisello_as_Plant" . inds:USem1559pisello simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1558pisello ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1559pisello is pisello" ; rdfs:label " pisello_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1560soia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1561soia ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1560soia is soia" ; rdfs:label " soia_as_Plant" . inds:USem1561soia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1560soia ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1561soia is soia" ; rdfs:label " soia_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1562fagiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1563fagiolo ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1562fagiolo is fagiolo" ; rdfs:label " fagiolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1563fagiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1562fagiolo ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1563fagiolo is fagiolo" ; rdfs:label " fagiolo_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1564agave simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1564agave is agave" ; rdfs:label " agave_as_Plant" . inds:USem1565aglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1566aglio ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1565aglio is aglio" ; rdfs:label " aglio_as_Plant" . inds:USem1566aglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1786bulbo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1565aglio ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1566aglio is aglio" ; rdfs:label " aglio_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1567agrifoglio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem62862frutto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1567agrifoglio is agrifoglio" ; rdfs:label " agrifoglio_as_Plant" . inds:USem1568arachide simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1569arachide ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1568arachide is arachide" ; rdfs:label " arachide_as_Plant" . inds:USem1569arachide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1568arachide ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1569arachide is arachide" ; rdfs:label " arachide_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1570arbusto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1570arbusto is arbusto" ; rdfs:label " arbusto_as_Plant" . inds:USem1572asparago simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1572asparago is asparago" ; rdfs:label " asparago_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1573cappero simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1574cappero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1573cappero is cappero" ; rdfs:label " cappero_as_Plant" . inds:USem1574cappero simple:hasIsa inds:USem62862frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1573cappero ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1574cappero is cappero" ; rdfs:label " cappero_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1575carciofo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem62868carciofo ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1575carciofo is carciofo" ; rdfs:label " carciofo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1577cavolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD63873cavolo ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1577cavolo is cavolo" ; rdfs:label " cavolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1578creazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2579teoria ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1578creazionismo is creazionismo" ; rdfs:label " creazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem1579cubismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1579cubismo is cubismo" ; rdfs:label " cubismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem1580orzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1544orzo ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1580orzo is orzo" ; rdfs:label " orzo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1581mughetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1585mughetto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1581mughetto is mughetto" ; rdfs:label " mughetto_as_Plant" . inds:USem1582ebraismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1582ebraismo is ebraismo" ; rdfs:label " ebraismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem1583eclettismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1583eclettismo is eclettismo" ; rdfs:label " eclettismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem1584empirismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1584empirismo is empirismo" ; rdfs:label " empirismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem1585mughetto simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1581mughetto ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1585mughetto is mughetto" ; rdfs:label " mughetto_as_Flower" . inds:USem1586azalea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1587azalea ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1586azalea is azalea" ; rdfs:label " azalea_as_Flower" . inds:USem1587azalea simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1586azalea ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1587azalea is azalea" ; rdfs:label " azalea_as_Plant" . inds:USem1589bietola simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1589bietola is bietola" ; rdfs:label " bietola_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1590barbabietola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD63868barbabietola ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1590barbabietola is barbabietola" ; rdfs:label " barbabietola_as_Plant" . inds:USem1591spinacio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1591spinacio is spinacio" ; rdfs:label " spinacio_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1592girasole simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1366giallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1556girasole ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1592girasole is girasole" ; rdfs:label " girasole_as_Flower" . inds:USem1593fiordaliso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1594fiordaliso ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1593fiordaliso is fiordaliso" ; rdfs:label " fiordaliso_as_Flower" . inds:USem1594fiordaliso simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1593fiordaliso ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1594fiordaliso is fiordaliso" ; rdfs:label " fiordaliso_as_Plant" . inds:USem1595viola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1596viola ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1595viola is viola" ; rdfs:label " viola_as_Plant" . inds:USem1596viola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1595viola ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1596viola is viola" ; rdfs:label " viola_as_Flower" . inds:USem1597papavero simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1598papavero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1597papavero is papavero" ; rdfs:label " papavero_as_Plant" . inds:USem1598papavero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1597papavero ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1598papavero is papavero" ; rdfs:label " papavero_as_Flower" . inds:USem1599garofano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1600garofano ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1599garofano is garofano" ; rdfs:label " garofano_as_Flower" . inds:USem15disciplina simple:hasIsa inds:USem26materia ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem15disciplina is disciplina" ; rdfs:label " disciplina_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem1600garofano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1599garofano ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1600garofano is garofano" ; rdfs:label " garofano_as_Plant" . inds:USem1601begonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1602begonia ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1601begonia is begonia" ; rdfs:label " begonia_as_Plant" . inds:USem1602begonia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1601begonia ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1602begonia is begonia" ; rdfs:label " begonia_as_Flower" . inds:USem1603crisantemo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1604crisantemo ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1603crisantemo is crisantemo" ; rdfs:label " crisantemo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1604crisantemo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1603crisantemo ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1604crisantemo is crisantemo" ; rdfs:label " crisantemo_as_Flower" . inds:USem1605dalia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1606dalia ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1605dalia is dalia" ; rdfs:label " dalia_as_Plant" . inds:USem1606dalia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1605dalia ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1606dalia is dalia" ; rdfs:label " dalia_as_Flower" . inds:USem1607edera simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1607edera is edera" ; rdfs:label " edera_as_Plant" . inds:USem1608geranio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1609geranio ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1608geranio is geranio" ; rdfs:label " geranio_as_Plant" . inds:USem1609geranio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1608geranio ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1609geranio is geranio" ; rdfs:label " geranio_as_Flower" . inds:USem1610genziana simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1610genziana is genziana" ; rdfs:label " genziana_as_Plant" . inds:USem1611felce simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1611felce is felce" ; rdfs:label " felce_as_Plant" . inds:USem1612giacinto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1613giacinto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1612giacinto is giacinto" ; rdfs:label " giacinto_as_Plant" . inds:USem1613giacinto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1612giacinto ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1613giacinto is giacinto" ; rdfs:label " giacinto_as_Flower" . inds:USem1614giglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1615giglio ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1614giglio is giglio" ; rdfs:label " giglio_as_Plant" . inds:USem1615giglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1614giglio ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1615giglio is giglio" ; rdfs:label " giglio_as_Flower" . inds:USem1616gladiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1617gladiolo ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1616gladiolo is gladiolo" ; rdfs:label " gladiolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1617gladiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1616gladiolo ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1617gladiolo is gladiolo" ; rdfs:label " gladiolo_as_Flower" . inds:USem1618glicine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1619glicine ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1618glicine is glicine" ; rdfs:label " glicine_as_Plant" . inds:USem1619glicine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1618glicine ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1619glicine is glicine" ; rdfs:label " glicine_as_Flower" . inds:USem1620protezionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1620protezionismo is protezionismo" ; rdfs:label " protezionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem1621narciso simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1622narciso ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1621narciso is narciso" ; rdfs:label " narciso_as_Plant" . inds:USem1622narciso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1621narciso ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1622narciso is narciso" ; rdfs:label " narciso_as_Flower" . inds:USem1623orchidea simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1624orchidea ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1623orchidea is orchidea" ; rdfs:label " orchidea_as_Plant" . inds:USem1624orchidea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1623orchidea ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1624orchidea is orchidea" ; rdfs:label " orchidea_as_Flower" . inds:USem1625ninfea simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1626ninfea ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1625ninfea is ninfea" ; rdfs:label " ninfea_as_Plant" . inds:USem1626ninfea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1625ninfea ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1626ninfea is ninfea" ; rdfs:label " ninfea_as_Flower" . inds:USem1627pervinca simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1628pervinca ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1627pervinca is pervinca" ; rdfs:label " pervinca_as_Plant" . inds:USem1628pervinca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1627pervinca ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1628pervinca is pervinca" ; rdfs:label " pervinca_as_Flower" . inds:USem1629petunia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1630petunia ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1629petunia is petunia" ; rdfs:label " petunia_as_Plant" . inds:USem1630petunia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1629petunia ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1630petunia is petunia" ; rdfs:label " petunia_as_Flower" . inds:USem1631primula simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1632primula ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1631primula is primula" ; rdfs:label " primula_as_Plant" . inds:USem1632primula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1631primula ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1632primula is primula" ; rdfs:label " primula_as_Flower" . inds:USem1633ranuncolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1635ranuncolo ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1633ranuncolo is ranuncolo" ; rdfs:label " ranuncolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1634statalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1634statalismo is statalismo" ; rdfs:label " statalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem1635ranuncolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1633ranuncolo ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1635ranuncolo is ranuncolo" ; rdfs:label " ranuncolo_as_Flower" . inds:USem1636rododendro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem68730rododendro ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1636rododendro is rododendro" ; rdfs:label " rododendro_as_Plant" . inds:USem1637tulipano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1638tulipano ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1637tulipano is tulipano" ; rdfs:label " tulipano_as_Plant" . inds:USem1638tulipano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1637tulipano ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1638tulipano is tulipano" ; rdfs:label " tulipano_as_Flower" . inds:USem1639zucchino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1640zucchino ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1639zucchino is zucchino" ; rdfs:label " zucchino_as_Plant" . inds:USem1640zucchino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1639zucchino ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1640zucchino is zucchino" ; rdfs:label " zucchino_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1641zucca simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1642zucca ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1641zucca is zucca" ; rdfs:label " zucca_as_Plant" . inds:USem1642zucca simple:hasIsa inds:USem62862frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1641zucca ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1642zucca is zucca" ; rdfs:label " zucca_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1643cactus simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1643cactus is cactus" ; rdfs:label " cactus_as_Plant" . inds:USem1644campanula simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1645campanula ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1644campanula is campanula" ; rdfs:label " campanula_as_Plant" . inds:USem1645campanula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1644campanula ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1645campanula is campanula" ; rdfs:label " campanula_as_Flower" . inds:USem1646cece simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1647cece ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1646cece is cece" ; rdfs:label " cece_as_Plant" . inds:USem1647cece simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1646cece ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1647cece is cece" ; rdfs:label " cece_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1648cetriolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1649cetriolo ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1648cetriolo is cetriolo" ; rdfs:label " cetriolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1649cetriolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem62862frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1648cetriolo ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1649cetriolo is cetriolo" ; rdfs:label " cetriolo_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1650glicerina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1650glicerina is glicerina" ; rdfs:label " glicerina_as_Substance" . inds:USem1651neocapitalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1651neocapitalismo is neocapitalismo" ; rdfs:label " neocapitalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem1652cipolla simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1688cipolla ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1652cipolla is cipolla" ; rdfs:label " cipolla_as_Plant" . inds:USem1653cocomero simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1654cocomero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1653cocomero is cocomero" ; rdfs:label " cocomero_as_Plant" . inds:USem1654cocomero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1653cocomero ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1654cocomero is cocomero" ; rdfs:label " cocomero_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1655croco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1656croco ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1655croco is croco" ; rdfs:label " croco_as_Plant" . inds:USem1656croco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1655croco ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1656croco is croco" ; rdfs:label " croco_as_Flower" . inds:USem1657ingrediente simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1657ingrediente is ingrediente" ; rdfs:label " ingrediente_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem1658pepe simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1658pepe is pepe" ; rdfs:label " pepe_as_Plant" . inds:USem1659simbolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1659simbolismo is simbolismo" ; rdfs:label " simbolismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem1660pepe simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1658pepe ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1660pepe is pepe" ; rdfs:label " pepe_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1661infuso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1661infuso is infuso" ; rdfs:label " infuso_as_Substance" . inds:USem1662aroma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare, inds:USemD3532profumare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1662aroma is aroma" ; rdfs:label " aroma_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1663maggiorana simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1663maggiorana is maggiorana" ; rdfs:label " maggiorana_as_Plant" . inds:USem1664maggiorana simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1663maggiorana ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1664maggiorana is maggiorana" ; rdfs:label " maggiorana_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1665basilico simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1521basilico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1665basilico is basilico" ; rdfs:label " basilico_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1666prezzemolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1666prezzemolo is prezzemolo" ; rdfs:label " prezzemolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1667prezzemolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1666prezzemolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1667prezzemolo is prezzemolo" ; rdfs:label " prezzemolo_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1668dragoncello simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1668dragoncello is dragoncello" ; rdfs:label " dragoncello_as_Plant" . inds:USem1669dragoncello simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1668dragoncello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1669dragoncello is dragoncello" ; rdfs:label " dragoncello_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1670salvia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1670salvia is salvia" ; rdfs:label " salvia_as_Plant" . inds:USem1671salvia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1670salvia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1671salvia is salvia" ; rdfs:label " salvia_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1672sesamo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1672sesamo is sesamo" ; rdfs:label " sesamo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1673sesamo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1672sesamo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1673sesamo is sesamo" ; rdfs:label " sesamo_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1674zafferano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1674zafferano is zafferano" ; rdfs:label " zafferano_as_Plant" . inds:USem1675zafferano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1674zafferano ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1675zafferano is zafferano" ; rdfs:label " zafferano_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1676zenzero simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1676zenzero is zenzero" ; rdfs:label " zenzero_as_Plant" . inds:USem1677zenzero simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1676zenzero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1677zenzero is zenzero" ; rdfs:label " zenzero_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1678cannella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1678cannella is cannella" ; rdfs:label " cannella_as_Plant" . inds:USem1679cannella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1678cannella ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1679cannella is cannella" ; rdfs:label " cannella_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1680timo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1680timo is timo" ; rdfs:label " timo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1681timo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1680timo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1681timo is timo" ; rdfs:label " timo_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1682vaniglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1682vaniglia is vaniglia" ; rdfs:label " vaniglia_as_Plant" . inds:USem1683vaniglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1682vaniglia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1683vaniglia is vaniglia" ; rdfs:label " vaniglia_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1684sedano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem62876sedano ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1684sedano is sedano" ; rdfs:label " sedano_as_Plant" . inds:USem1685calceolaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1685calceolaria is calceolaria" ; rdfs:label " calceolaria_as_Plant" . inds:USem1686patata simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1687patata ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1686patata is patata" ; rdfs:label " patata_as_Plant" . inds:USem1687patata simple:hasIsa inds:USem59853tubero ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1686patata ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1687patata is patata" ; rdfs:label " patata_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1688cipolla simple:hasIsa inds:USem1786bulbo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1652cipolla ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1688cipolla is cipolla" ; rdfs:label " cipolla_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1689finocchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1690finocchio ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1689finocchio is finocchio" ; rdfs:label " finocchio_as_Plant" . inds:USem1690finocchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1689finocchio ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1690finocchio is finocchio" ; rdfs:label " finocchio_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1691menta simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1692menta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1691menta is menta" ; rdfs:label " menta_as_Plant" . inds:USem1692menta simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1691menta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1692menta is menta" ; rdfs:label " menta_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1693melanzana simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1694melanzana ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1693melanzana is melanzana" ; rdfs:label " melanzana_as_Plant" . inds:USem1694melanzana simple:hasIsa inds:USem62862frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1693melanzana ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1694melanzana is melanzana" ; rdfs:label " melanzana_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1695alloro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1696alloro, inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1695alloro is alloro" ; rdfs:label " alloro_as_Plant" . inds:USem1696alloro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1695alloro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1696alloro is alloro" ; rdfs:label " alloro_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1697peperone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1698peperone ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1697peperone is peperone" ; rdfs:label " peperone_as_Plant" . inds:USem1698peperone simple:hasIsa inds:USem62862frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1697peperone ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1698peperone is peperone" ; rdfs:label " peperone_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1699bacca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1699bacca is bacca" ; rdfs:label " bacca_as_Fruit" . inds:USem16equitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem16equitazione is equitazione" ; rdfs:label " equitazione_as_Domain" . inds:USem1700albicocca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD3697albicocco ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1700albicocca is albicocca" ; rdfs:label " albicocca_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1701ananas simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1702ananas ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1701ananas is ananas" ; rdfs:label " ananas_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1702ananas simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1701ananas ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1702ananas is ananas" ; rdfs:label " ananas_as_Plant" . inds:USem1703accento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1703accento is accento" ; rdfs:label " accento_as_Sign" . inds:USem1704apice simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1704apice is apice" ; rdfs:label " apice_as_Sign" . inds:USem1705carruba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD3723carrubo ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1705carruba is carruba" ; rdfs:label " carruba_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1706cotogna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD3730cotogno ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1706cotogna is cotogna" ; rdfs:label " cotogna_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1707parola simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1707parola is parola" ; rdfs:label " parola_as_Sign" . inds:USem1708melone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1709melone ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1708melone is melone" ; rdfs:label " melone_as_Plant" . inds:USem1709melone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1708melone ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1709melone is melone" ; rdfs:label " melone_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1710mirtillo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1711mirtillo ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1710mirtillo is mirtillo" ; rdfs:label " mirtillo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1711mirtillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1710mirtillo ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1711mirtillo is mirtillo" ; rdfs:label " mirtillo_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1712nespola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem73827nespolo ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1712nespola is nespola" ; rdfs:label " nespola_as_Fruit" . inds:USem1713paragrafo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1713paragrafo is paragrafo" ; rdfs:label " paragrafo_as_Sign" . inds:USem1714canna simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1714canna is canna" ; rdfs:label " canna_as_Plant" . inds:USem1715lenticchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1716lenticchia ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1715lenticchia is lenticchia" ; rdfs:label " lenticchia_as_Plant" . inds:USem1716lenticchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1715lenticchia ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1716lenticchia is lenticchia" ; rdfs:label " lenticchia_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1717liana simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1717liana is liana" ; rdfs:label " liana_as_Plant" . inds:USem1718lavanda simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem4061lavanda ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1718lavanda is lavanda" ; rdfs:label " lavanda_as_Plant" . inds:USem1720loto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1721loto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1720loto is loto" ; rdfs:label " loto_as_Plant" . inds:USem1721loto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1720loto ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1721loto is loto" ; rdfs:label " loto_as_Flower" . inds:USem1722lupino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1723lupino ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1722lupino is lupino" ; rdfs:label " lupino_as_Plant" . inds:USem1723lupino simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1722lupino ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1723lupino is lupino" ; rdfs:label " lupino_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem1724luppolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1725luppolo ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1724luppolo is luppolo" ; rdfs:label " luppolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem1725luppolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1724luppolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1725luppolo is luppolo" ; rdfs:label " luppolo_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem1726malva simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1727malva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1726malva is malva" ; rdfs:label " malva_as_Plant" . inds:USem1727malva simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem3872malva ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1726malva ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1727malva is malva" ; rdfs:label " malva_as_Flower" . inds:USem1728insegna simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3233riconoscere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2718contrassegno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1728insegna is insegna" ; rdfs:label " insegna_as_Representation" . inds:USem1729fusto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem65421stele ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1729fusto is fusto" ; rdfs:label " fusto_as_Part" . inds:USem1730insegna simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3233riconoscere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1730insegna is insegna" ; rdfs:label " insegna_as_Representation" . inds:USem1731fronda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1731fronda is fronda" ; rdfs:label " fronda_as_Part" . inds:USem1732ramo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1732ramo is ramo" ; rdfs:label " ramo_as_Part" . inds:USem1733germoglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1733germoglio is germoglio" ; rdfs:label " germoglio_as_Part" . inds:USem1734getto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1734getto is getto" ; rdfs:label " getto_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem1735marchio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD5386denominare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1735marchio is marchio" ; rdfs:label " marchio_as_Representation" . inds:USem1736medaglia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3264premiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1736medaglia is medaglia" ; rdfs:label " medaglia_as_Representation" . inds:USem1737zampa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1828arto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1737zampa is zampa" ; rdfs:label " zampa_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1738segnale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem7079indicare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1738segnale is segnale" ; rdfs:label " segnale_as_Representation" . inds:USem1739artiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3875unghia ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1739artiglio is artiglio" ; rdfs:label " artiglio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1740combustibile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5429bruciare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1740combustibile is combustibile" ; rdfs:label " combustibile_as_Substance" . inds:USem1741proboscide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1161elefante, inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1741proboscide is proboscide" ; rdfs:label " proboscide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1743braccio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3954avambraccio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1828arto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1743braccio is braccio" ; rdfs:label " braccio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1744gamba simple:hasIsa inds:USem1828arto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1744gamba is gamba" ; rdfs:label " gamba_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1745anno simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1745anno is anno" ; rdfs:label " anno_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem1746grado simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1746grado is grado" ; rdfs:label " grado_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem1747fianco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1747fianco is fianco" ; rdfs:label " fianco_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1748ginocchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1744gamba ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1748ginocchio is ginocchio" ; rdfs:label " ginocchio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1749piede simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1772calcagno, inds:USemD4040dito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1749piede is piede" ; rdfs:label " piede_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1750seno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1750seno is seno" ; rdfs:label " seno_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1751spalla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1751spalla is spalla" ; rdfs:label " spalla_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1753testa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1796muso, inds:USem1820orecchio, inds:USemD4019faccia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1753testa is testa" ; rdfs:label " testa_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1754torso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1754torso is torso" ; rdfs:label " torso_as_Part" . inds:USem1755torso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1755torso is torso" ; rdfs:label " torso_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1756tronco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1756tronco is tronco" ; rdfs:label " tronco_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1757ventre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1757ventre is ventre" ; rdfs:label " ventre_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1758addome simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1758addome is addome" ; rdfs:label " addome_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1759anca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1759anca is anca" ; rdfs:label " anca_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1760ascella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1760ascella is ascella" ; rdfs:label " ascella_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1761busto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1761busto is busto" ; rdfs:label " busto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1762collo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1762collo is collo" ; rdfs:label " collo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1763gusto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem76862sentire ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD969lingua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2734senso ; a simple:Physical_power, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1763gusto is gusto" ; rdfs:label " gusto_as_Physical_power" . inds:USem1764pelle simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem75937toccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1764pelle is pelle" ; rdfs:label " pelle_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1765deretano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1765deretano is deretano" ; rdfs:label " deretano_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1766gemma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1766gemma is gemma" ; rdfs:label " gemma_as_Part" . inds:USem1767membro simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1767membro is membro" ; rdfs:label " membro_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1768organo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem866organismo, inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1768organo is organo" ; rdfs:label " organo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1769cuore simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1770atrio, inds:USem62250ventricolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1769cuore is cuore" ; rdfs:label " cuore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1770atrio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1769cuore ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1770atrio is atrio" ; rdfs:label " atrio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1771premura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1771premura is premura" ; rdfs:label " premura_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem1772calcagno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1749piede ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1772calcagno is calcagno" ; rdfs:label " calcagno_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1773caviglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1744gamba ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1773caviglia is caviglia" ; rdfs:label " caviglia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1774gola simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62724faringe ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1774gola is gola" ; rdfs:label " gola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1775anno simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3362stagione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1775anno is anno" ; rdfs:label " anno_as_Time" . inds:USem1776ossatura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1776ossatura is ossatura" ; rdfs:label " ossatura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1777osso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1776ossatura, inds:USemD3872corpo, inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1777osso is osso" ; rdfs:label " osso_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1778apprendistato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3336addestramento ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1778apprendistato is apprendistato" ; rdfs:label " apprendistato_as_Time" . inds:USem1779squama simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1779squama is squama" ; rdfs:label " squama_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1780polmone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1780polmone is polmone" ; rdfs:label " polmone_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1781stomaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1781stomaco is stomaco" ; rdfs:label " stomaco_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1782utero simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67077femmina ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3999cervice ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1782utero is utero" ; rdfs:label " utero_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1783biennio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1783biennio is biennio" ; rdfs:label " biennio_as_Time" . inds:USem1784rene simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1784rene is rene" ; rdfs:label " rene_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1785branchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1785branchia is branchia" ; rdfs:label " branchia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1786bulbo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1786bulbo is bulbo" ; rdfs:label " bulbo_as_Part" . inds:USem1787clitoride simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67077femmina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1787clitoride is clitoride" ; rdfs:label " clitoride_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1788ghiandola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1788ghiandola is ghiandola" ; rdfs:label " ghiandola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1789decade simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1789decade is decade" ; rdfs:label " decade_as_Time" . inds:USem1790bocca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1797labbro, inds:USemD5099dente, inds:USemD969lingua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1796muso, inds:USemD4019faccia ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1790bocca is bocca" ; rdfs:label " bocca_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1791decennio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1791decennio is decennio" ; rdfs:label " decennio_as_Time" . inds:USem1792era simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1792era is era" ; rdfs:label " era_as_Time" . inds:USem1793futuro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1793futuro is futuro" ; rdfs:label " futuro_as_Time" . inds:USem1794infanzia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63948uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3879vita ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1794infanzia is infanzia" ; rdfs:label " infanzia_as_Time" . inds:USem1796muso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1753testa, inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1796muso is muso" ; rdfs:label " muso_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1797labbro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1790bocca ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1797labbro is labbro" ; rdfs:label " labbro_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1798istante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3381momento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1798istante is istante" ; rdfs:label " istante_as_Time" . inds:USem1799mano simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1803dorso, inds:USem1804palma, inds:USemD4040dito, inds:USemD4047polso ; simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem75937toccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1743braccio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1799mano is mano" ; rdfs:label " mano_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem17farmacia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem17farmacia is farmacia" ; rdfs:label " farmacia_as_Domain" . inds:USem1801millennio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1801millennio is millennio" ; rdfs:label " millennio_as_Time" . inds:USem1802minuto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3381momento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1802minuto is minuto" ; rdfs:label " minuto_as_Time" . inds:USem1803dorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1799mano, inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1803dorso is dorso" ; rdfs:label " dorso_as_Part" . inds:USem1804palma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1799mano ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1804palma is palma" ; rdfs:label " palma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1805muscolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3262muscolatura, inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1805muscolo is muscolo" ; rdfs:label " muscolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1806occhio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1427vedere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1806occhio is occhio" ; rdfs:label " occhio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1807ovaia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67077femmina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1807ovaia is ovaia" ; rdfs:label " ovaia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1808pinna simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1808pinna is pinna" ; rdfs:label " pinna_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1810spina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1810spina is spina" ; rdfs:label " spina_as_Part" . inds:USem1811laringe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1811laringe is laringe" ; rdfs:label " laringe_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1812naso simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59473odorare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1796muso, inds:USemD4019faccia ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1812naso is naso" ; rdfs:label " naso_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1813pancia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1813pancia is pancia" ; rdfs:label " pancia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1814pezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1814pezzo is pezzo" ; rdfs:label " pezzo_as_Time" . inds:USem1815tiroide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1762collo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1815tiroide is tiroide" ; rdfs:label " tiroide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1816torace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1816torace is torace" ; rdfs:label " torace_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1817trachea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1817trachea is trachea" ; rdfs:label " trachea_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1818ugola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1818ugola is ugola" ; rdfs:label " ugola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1819fegato simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1819fegato is fegato" ; rdfs:label " fegato_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1820orecchio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59352sentire, inds:USem59353udire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1753testa ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1820orecchio is orecchio" ; rdfs:label " orecchio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1821cervello simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1753testa ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1821cervello is cervello" ; rdfs:label " cervello_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1822ipofisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1753testa ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1822ipofisi is ipofisi" ; rdfs:label " ipofisi_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1823mammella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1823mammella is mammella" ; rdfs:label " mammella_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1824milza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1824milza is milza" ; rdfs:label " milza_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1825pancreas simple:hasIsa inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1825pancreas is pancreas" ; rdfs:label " pancreas_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1826prostata simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67079maschio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1826prostata is prostata" ; rdfs:label " prostata_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1827stinco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1744gamba ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1827stinco is stinco" ; rdfs:label " stinco_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1828arto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1828arto is arto" ; rdfs:label " arto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1829intestino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem74386alvo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1829intestino is intestino" ; rdfs:label " intestino_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1830bocciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1830bocciolo is bocciolo" ; rdfs:label " bocciolo_as_Flower" . inds:USem1831coscia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1744gamba ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1831coscia is coscia" ; rdfs:label " coscia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1832risorgimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1832risorgimento is risorgimento" ; rdfs:label " risorgimento_as_Time" . inds:USem1833rodaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1833rodaggio is rodaggio" ; rdfs:label " rodaggio_as_Time" . inds:USem1834petalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1834petalo is petalo" ; rdfs:label " petalo_as_Part" . inds:USem1835corolla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1835corolla is corolla" ; rdfs:label " corolla_as_Part" . inds:USem1836peduncolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1836peduncolo is peduncolo" ; rdfs:label " peduncolo_as_Part" . inds:USem1837gambo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1837gambo is gambo" ; rdfs:label " gambo_as_Part" . inds:USem1838ricettacolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1838ricettacolo is ricettacolo" ; rdfs:label " ricettacolo_as_Part" . inds:USem1839calice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1839calice is calice" ; rdfs:label " calice_as_Part" . inds:USem1840stame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1840stame is stame" ; rdfs:label " stame_as_Part" . inds:USem1841trimestre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1841trimestre is trimestre" ; rdfs:label " trimestre_as_Time" . inds:USem1842vacanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1842vacanza is vacanza" ; rdfs:label " vacanza_as_Time" . inds:USem1843vendemmia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1843vendemmia is vendemmia" ; rdfs:label " vendemmia_as_Time" . inds:USem1844ventennio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1844ventennio is ventennio" ; rdfs:label " ventennio_as_Time" . inds:USem1845volontariato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1845volontariato is volontariato" ; rdfs:label " volontariato_as_Time" . inds:USem1846piuma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem921uccello, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1846piuma is piuma" ; rdfs:label " piuma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1847pomeriggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1847pomeriggio is pomeriggio" ; rdfs:label " pomeriggio_as_Time" . inds:USem1848penna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1848penna is penna" ; rdfs:label " penna_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1849lunedi1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2779settimana ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2787domenica ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1849lunedi1 is lunedi'" ; rdfs:label " lunedi'_as_Time" . inds:USem1850martedi1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2779settimana ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem1849lunedi1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1850martedi1 is martedi'" ; rdfs:label " martedi'_as_Time" . inds:USem1851mercoledi1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2779settimana ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem1850martedi1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1851mercoledi1 is mercoledi'" ; rdfs:label " mercoledi'_as_Time" . inds:USem1852branzino simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1852branzino is branzino" ; rdfs:label " branzino_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1853acciuga simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1853acciuga is acciuga" ; rdfs:label " acciuga_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1854acciuga simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1854acciuga is acciuga" ; rdfs:label " acciuga_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1855cernia simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1855cernia is cernia" ; rdfs:label " cernia_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1856cernia simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1856cernia is cernia" ; rdfs:label " cernia_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1857luccio simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1857luccio is luccio" ; rdfs:label " luccio_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1858luccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1858luccio is luccio" ; rdfs:label " luccio_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1859palombo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1859palombo is palombo" ; rdfs:label " palombo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1860palombo simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1860palombo is palombo" ; rdfs:label " palombo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1861sardina simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1861sardina is sardina" ; rdfs:label " sardina_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1862sardina simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1862sardina is sardina" ; rdfs:label " sardina_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1863scampo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4029crostaceo ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1863scampo is scampo" ; rdfs:label " scampo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1864scampo simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1864scampo is scampo" ; rdfs:label " scampo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1865spigola simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1865spigola is spigola" ; rdfs:label " spigola_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1866spigola simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1866spigola is spigola" ; rdfs:label " spigola_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1867triglia simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1867triglia is triglia" ; rdfs:label " triglia_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1868triglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1868triglia is triglia" ; rdfs:label " triglia_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1869torpedine simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1869torpedine is torpedine" ; rdfs:label " torpedine_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1870rombo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1870rombo is rombo" ; rdfs:label " rombo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1871rombo simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1871rombo is rombo" ; rdfs:label " rombo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1872remora simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1872remora is remora" ; rdfs:label " remora_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1873razza simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1873razza is razza" ; rdfs:label " razza_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1874pescecane simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1874pescecane is pescecane" ; rdfs:label " pescecane_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1875cefalo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1875cefalo is cefalo" ; rdfs:label " cefalo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1876cefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1876cefalo is cefalo" ; rdfs:label " cefalo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1877dicembre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2807novembre ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1877dicembre is dicembre" ; rdfs:label " dicembre_as_Time" . inds:USem1878occhiata simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1878occhiata is occhiata" ; rdfs:label " occhiata_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1879occhiata simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1879occhiata is occhiata" ; rdfs:label " occhiata_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1880scuola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1880scuola is scuola" ; rdfs:label " scuola_as_Institution" . inds:USem1881stoccafisso simple:hasIsa inds:USem1373merluzzo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1881stoccafisso is stoccafisso" ; rdfs:label " stoccafisso_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1882biblioteca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1882biblioteca is biblioteca" ; rdfs:label " biblioteca_as_Institution" . inds:USem1883ditta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3577impresa ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1883ditta is ditta" ; rdfs:label " ditta_as_Institution" . inds:USem1884calamaro simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1884calamaro is calamaro" ; rdfs:label " calamaro_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1885attrezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1885attrezzo is attrezzo" ; rdfs:label " attrezzo_as_Artifact" . inds:USem1886calamaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1886calamaro is calamaro" ; rdfs:label " calamaro_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1887calamaretto simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1884calamaro ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1887calamaretto is calamaretto" ; rdfs:label " calamaretto_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1888calamaretto simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1888calamaretto is calamaretto" ; rdfs:label " calamaretto_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1889arpione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1889arpione is arpione" ; rdfs:label " arpione_as_Instrument" . inds:USem1890cozza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1890cozza is cozza" ; rdfs:label " cozza_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1891cozza simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1891cozza is cozza" ; rdfs:label " cozza_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1892polpo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1892polpo is polpo" ; rdfs:label " polpo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1893polpo simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1893polpo is polpo" ; rdfs:label " polpo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1894seppia simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1894seppia is seppia" ; rdfs:label " seppia_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1895seppia simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1895seppia is seppia" ; rdfs:label " seppia_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1896vongola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1896vongola is vongola" ; rdfs:label " vongola_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1897vongola simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1897vongola is vongola" ; rdfs:label " vongola_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1898manubrio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1898manubrio is manubrio" ; rdfs:label " manubrio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem1899pettine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1899pettine is pettine" ; rdfs:label " pettine_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem18filologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem18filologia is filologia" ; rdfs:label " filologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem1900pettine simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1900pettine is pettine" ; rdfs:label " pettine_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1901chiocciola simple:hasIsa inds:USem67921animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1901chiocciola is chiocciola" ; rdfs:label " chiocciola_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1902chiocciola simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1902chiocciola is chiocciola" ; rdfs:label " chiocciola_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1903chiocciola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1820orecchio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1903chiocciola is chiocciola" ; rdfs:label " chiocciola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1904pelo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2110pelliccia, inds:USemD2912cute ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1904pelo is pelo" ; rdfs:label " pelo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1906pala simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1906pala is pala" ; rdfs:label " pala_as_Instrument" . inds:USem1907anguilla simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1907anguilla is anguilla" ; rdfs:label " anguilla_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1908anguilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1908anguilla is anguilla" ; rdfs:label " anguilla_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1909alce simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1909alce is alce" ; rdfs:label " alce_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1910anatra simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1910anatra is anatra" ; rdfs:label " anatra_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem1911anatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1911anatra is anatra" ; rdfs:label " anatra_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1912anatroccolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1912anatroccolo is anatroccolo" ; rdfs:label " anatroccolo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem1913daino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1913daino is daino" ; rdfs:label " daino_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1914cinghiale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1914cinghiale is cinghiale" ; rdfs:label " cinghiale_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1915cane simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1915cane is cane" ; rdfs:label " cane_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1917anguilla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1917anguilla is anguilla" ; rdfs:label " anguilla_as_Human" . inds:USem1918membro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1918membro is membro" ; rdfs:label " membro_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1919elefante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1919elefante is elefante" ; rdfs:label " elefante_as_Human" . inds:USem1920volpe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1920volpe is volpe" ; rdfs:label " volpe_as_Human" . inds:USem1921aquila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1921aquila is aquila" ; rdfs:label " aquila_as_Human" . inds:USem1922pescecane simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1922pescecane is pescecane" ; rdfs:label " pescecane_as_Human" . inds:USem1923asino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1923asino is asino" ; rdfs:label " asino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1924asino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1924asino is asino" ; rdfs:label " asino_as_Human" . inds:USem1925cammello simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1925cammello is cammello" ; rdfs:label " cammello_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1926camoscio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1926camoscio is camoscio" ; rdfs:label " camoscio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1927canguro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1927canguro is canguro" ; rdfs:label " canguro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1928capra simple:hasIsa inds:USem72835ovino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1928capra is capra" ; rdfs:label " capra_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1929capretta simple:hasIsa inds:USem72835ovino ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1928capra ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1929capretta is capretta" ; rdfs:label " capretta_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1930capriolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1930capriolo is capriolo" ; rdfs:label " capriolo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1931castoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1931castoro is castoro" ; rdfs:label " castoro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1932dromedario simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1932dromedario is dromedario" ; rdfs:label " dromedario_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1933maiale simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6393grugnire ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD7147grugno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1933maiale is maiale" ; rdfs:label " maiale_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1935maiale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1935maiale is maiale" ; rdfs:label " maiale_as_Human" . inds:USem1936pantera simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1936pantera is pantera" ; rdfs:label " pantera_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1937leone simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1937leone is leone" ; rdfs:label " leone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1939leone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1939leone is leone" ; rdfs:label " leone_as_Human" . inds:USem1940polipo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1940polipo is polipo" ; rdfs:label " polipo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem1941polipo simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1941polipo is polipo" ; rdfs:label " polipo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1942porco simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6393grugnire ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD7147grugno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1933maiale ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1933maiale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1942porco is porco" ; rdfs:label " porco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1943porco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1943porco is porco" ; rdfs:label " porco_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem1944porco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1944porco is porco" ; rdfs:label " porco_as_Human" . inds:USem1945porcospino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1945porcospino is porcospino" ; rdfs:label " porcospino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1946porcospino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1946porcospino is porcospino" ; rdfs:label " porcospino_as_Human" . inds:USem1947ghiottone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1947ghiottone is ghiottone" ; rdfs:label " ghiottone_as_Human" . inds:USem1948ghiottone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1948ghiottone is ghiottone" ; rdfs:label " ghiottone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1949ratto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1949ratto is ratto" ; rdfs:label " ratto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1950renna simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1950renna is renna" ; rdfs:label " renna_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1951scorpione simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1951scorpione is scorpione" ; rdfs:label " scorpione_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1952ragno simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD5434tessere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1952ragno is ragno" ; rdfs:label " ragno_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1953verme simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1953verme is verme" ; rdfs:label " verme_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1954verme simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1954verme is verme" ; rdfs:label " verme_as_Human" . inds:USem1955zecca simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1955zecca is zecca" ; rdfs:label " zecca_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1956schiena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1956schiena is schiena" ; rdfs:label " schiena_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem1957pinguino simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1957pinguino is pinguino" ; rdfs:label " pinguino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem1958cellula simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1960citoplasma, inds:USem1962membrana, inds:USem1970nucleo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1959microrganismo ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1958cellula is cellula" ; rdfs:label " cellula_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem1959microrganismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1959microrganismo is microrganismo" ; rdfs:label " microrganismo_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem1960citoplasma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1960citoplasma is citoplasma" ; rdfs:label " citoplasma_as_Part" . inds:USem1962membrana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1962membrana is membrana" ; rdfs:label " membrana_as_Part" . inds:USem1963globulo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1960citoplasma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1958cellula ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3126sangue ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1963globulo is globulo" ; rdfs:label " globulo_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem1964uovo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1960citoplasma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1964uovo is uovo" ; rdfs:label " uovo_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem1967zigote simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1960citoplasma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1967zigote is zigote" ; rdfs:label " zigote_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem1968spermatozoo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1968spermatozoo is spermatozoo" ; rdfs:label " spermatozoo_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem1969spora simple:hasIsa inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1969spora is spora" ; rdfs:label " spora_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem1970nucleo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1970nucleo is nucleo" ; rdfs:label " nucleo_as_Part" . inds:USem1971virus simple:hasIsa inds:USem1959microrganismo ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1971virus is virus" ; rdfs:label " virus_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem1972batterio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1959microrganismo ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1972batterio is batterio" ; rdfs:label " batterio_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem1973bacillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1959microrganismo ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1973bacillo is bacillo" ; rdfs:label " bacillo_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem1975musicista simple:hasIsa inds:USem61874artista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem5062comporre, inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1975musicista is musicista" ; rdfs:label " musicista_as_Profession" . inds:USem1976violinista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2909violino ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1976violinista is violinista" ; rdfs:label " violinista_as_Profession" . inds:USem1977violoncellista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2910violoncello ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1977violoncellista is violoncellista" ; rdfs:label " violoncellista_as_Profession" . inds:USem1978trombettista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2905tromba ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1978trombettista is trombettista" ; rdfs:label " trombettista_as_Profession" . inds:USem1979cardiologo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1769cuore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1979cardiologo is cardiologo" ; rdfs:label " cardiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem1981medico simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem60388prescrivere, inds:USem78336diagnosticare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1981medico is medico" ; rdfs:label " medico_as_Profession" . inds:USem1982dermatologo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1764pelle ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1982dermatologo is dermatologo" ; rdfs:label " dermatologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem1983ginecologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1983ginecologo is ginecologo" ; rdfs:label " ginecologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem1984anestesista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD2896anestetizzare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1984anestesista is anestesista" ; rdfs:label " anestesista_as_Profession" . inds:USem1985chirurgo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4613operare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1985chirurgo is chirurgo" ; rdfs:label " chirurgo_as_Profession" . inds:USem1986endocrinologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1986endocrinologo is endocrinologo" ; rdfs:label " endocrinologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem1987nefrologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1987nefrologo is nefrologo" ; rdfs:label " nefrologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem1988neurologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1988neurologo is neurologo" ; rdfs:label " neurologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem1989neuropsichiatra simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1989neuropsichiatra is neuropsichiatra" ; rdfs:label " neuropsichiatra_as_Profession" . inds:USem1990oculista simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1990oculista is oculista" ; rdfs:label " oculista_as_Profession" . inds:USem1991odontoiatra simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1991odontoiatra is odontoiatra" ; rdfs:label " odontoiatra_as_Profession" . inds:USem1992oncologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1992oncologo is oncologo" ; rdfs:label " oncologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem1993ortopedico simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1993ortopedico is ortopedico" ; rdfs:label " ortopedico_as_Profession" . inds:USem1994pediatra simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1994pediatra is pediatra" ; rdfs:label " pediatra_as_Profession" . inds:USem1995otorinolaringoiatra simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1774gola, inds:USem1812naso, inds:USem1820orecchio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1995otorinolaringoiatra is otorinolaringoiatra" ; rdfs:label " otorinolaringoiatra_as_Profession" . inds:USem1996psichiatra simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD6067mente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1996psichiatra is psichiatra" ; rdfs:label " psichiatra_as_Profession" . inds:USem1997neurofisiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1997neurofisiologo is neurofisiologo" ; rdfs:label " neurofisiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem1998omeopata simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1998omeopata is omeopata" ; rdfs:label " omeopata_as_Profession" . inds:USem1999ostetrico simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem1999ostetrico is ostetrico" ; rdfs:label " ostetrico_as_Profession" . inds:USem19filosofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem19filosofia is filosofia" ; rdfs:label " filosofia_as_Domain" . inds:USem2000primario simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2000primario is primario" ; rdfs:label " primario_as_Profession" . inds:USem2001clinico simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2001clinico is clinico" ; rdfs:label " clinico_as_Profession" . inds:USem2002dentista simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2002dentista is dentista" ; rdfs:label " dentista_as_Profession" . inds:USem2003neurochirurgo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1985chirurgo ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4613operare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2003neurochirurgo is neurochirurgo" ; rdfs:label " neurochirurgo_as_Profession" . inds:USem2004sassofonista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2898sassofono ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2004sassofonista is sassofonista" ; rdfs:label " sassofonista_as_Profession" . inds:USem2005studioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2005studioso is studioso" ; rdfs:label " studioso_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem2006te1 simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1570arbusto ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2006te1 is te'" ; rdfs:label " te'_as_Plant" . inds:USem2007microbio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1959microrganismo ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2007microbio is microbio" ; rdfs:label " microbio_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem2008antropologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2008antropologo is antropologo" ; rdfs:label " antropologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem2009archeologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2009archeologo is archeologo" ; rdfs:label " archeologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem2010biologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2010biologo is biologo" ; rdfs:label " biologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem2011criminologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2011criminologo is criminologo" ; rdfs:label " criminologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem2012citologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2010biologo ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2012citologo is citologo" ; rdfs:label " citologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem2013commerciante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem60458commerciare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2013commerciante is commerciante" ; rdfs:label " commerciante_as_Profession" . inds:USem2014salumiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2014salumiere is salumiere" ; rdfs:label " salumiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem2015rigattiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7146comprare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2015rigattiere is rigattiere" ; rdfs:label " rigattiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem2016pizzicagnolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2016pizzicagnolo is pizzicagnolo" ; rdfs:label " pizzicagnolo_as_Profession" . inds:USem2017macellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2017macellaio is macellaio" ; rdfs:label " macellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem2018atleta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD4689allenare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2018atleta is atleta" ; rdfs:label " atleta_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem2019tennista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2019tennista is tennista" ; rdfs:label " tennista_as_Profession" . inds:USem2020velista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare, inds:USemD5506veleggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2020velista is velista" ; rdfs:label " velista_as_Profession" . inds:USem2021slalomista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2021slalomista is slalomista" ; rdfs:label " slalomista_as_Profession" . inds:USem2022calciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7280giocatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2022calciatore is calciatore" ; rdfs:label " calciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem2023ginnasta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2023ginnasta is ginnasta" ; rdfs:label " ginnasta_as_Profession" . inds:USem2024albanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7377albania ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD967albania ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2024albanese is albanese" ; rdfs:label " albanese_as_People" . inds:USem2025albanese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2025albanese is albanese" ; rdfs:label " albanese_as_Language" . inds:USem2026arabo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2091arabia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2026arabo is arabo" ; rdfs:label " arabo_as_People" . inds:USem2027armeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7389armenia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2093armenia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2027armeno is armeno" ; rdfs:label " armeno_as_People" . inds:USem2029bolognese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2102bologna ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2029bolognese is bolognese" ; rdfs:label " bolognese_as_People" . inds:USem2030brasiliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7417brasile ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2106brasile ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2030brasiliano is brasiliano" ; rdfs:label " brasiliano_as_People" . inds:USem2031bulgaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7423bulgaria ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2110bulgaria ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2031bulgaro is bulgaro" ; rdfs:label " bulgaro_as_People" . inds:USem2032calabrese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7427calabria ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD995calabria ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2032calabrese is calabrese" ; rdfs:label " calabrese_as_People" . inds:USem2033cambogiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77791cambogia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2033cambogiano is cambogiano" ; rdfs:label " cambogiano_as_People" . inds:USem2034castigliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7443castiglia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2120castiglia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2034castigliano is castigliano" ; rdfs:label " castigliano_as_People" . inds:USem2035cinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7458cina ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2125cina ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2035cinese is cinese" ; rdfs:label " cinese_as_People" . inds:USem2036coreano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7466corea, inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2132corea ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2036coreano is coreano" ; rdfs:label " coreano_as_People" . inds:USem2037creolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2037creolo is creolo" ; rdfs:label " creolo_as_People" . inds:USem2038croato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem75019croazia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem75018croazia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2038croato is croato" ; rdfs:label " croato_as_People" . inds:USem2039curdo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD5003curdistan ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2039curdo is curdo" ; rdfs:label " curdo_as_People" . inds:USem2040danese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7477danimarca ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4894danimarca ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2040danese is danese" ; rdfs:label " danese_as_People" . inds:USem2041francese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7487francia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2239francia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2041francese is francese" ; rdfs:label " francese_as_People" . inds:USem2042giapponese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63370giappone ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2144giappone ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2042giapponese is giapponese" ; rdfs:label " giapponese_as_People" . inds:USem2043crocicchio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2043crocicchio is crocicchio" ; rdfs:label " crocicchio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem2045direzione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5480direttore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2045direzione is direzione" ; rdfs:label " direzione_as_Building" . inds:USem2046dirupo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2046dirupo is dirupo" ; rdfs:label " dirupo_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem2047enoteca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2047enoteca is enoteca" ; rdfs:label " enoteca_as_Building" . inds:USem2048eremo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63664isolare, inds:USemD5044pregare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2048eremo is eremo" ; rdfs:label " eremo_as_Building" . inds:USem2049fornace simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2049fornace is fornace" ; rdfs:label " fornace_as_Building" . inds:USem2050giungla simple:hasContains inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2050giungla is giungla" ; rdfs:label " giungla_as_Area" . inds:USem2051ingresso simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2051ingresso is ingresso" ; rdfs:label " ingresso_as_Opening" . inds:USem2052locale simple:hasIsa inds:USem4148ambiente ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2052locale is locale" ; rdfs:label " locale_as_Building" . inds:USem2053macello simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1138macellare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2053macello is macello" ; rdfs:label " macello_as_Building" . inds:USem2054museo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61149esporre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2054museo is museo" ; rdfs:label " museo_as_Building" . inds:USem2055negozio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2055negozio is negozio" ; rdfs:label " negozio_as_Building" . inds:USem2056orinatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1294orinare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2056orinatoio is orinatoio" ; rdfs:label " orinatoio_as_Building" . inds:USem2057ospizio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5554anziano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2057ospizio is ospizio" ; rdfs:label " ospizio_as_Building" . inds:USem2058osservatorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5014osservare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2058osservatorio is osservatorio" ; rdfs:label " osservatorio_as_Building" . inds:USem2059panetteria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4161bottega ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2059panetteria is panetteria" ; rdfs:label " panetteria_as_Building" . inds:USem2060parcheggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61247parcheggiare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2060parcheggio is parcheggio" ; rdfs:label " parcheggio_as_Location" . inds:USem2061patria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2061patria is patria" ; rdfs:label " patria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2062pelletteria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6877pelletteria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2062pelletteria is pelletteria" ; rdfs:label " pelletteria_as_Building" . inds:USem2063pellicceria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67404pelliccia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2063pellicceria is pellicceria" ; rdfs:label " pellicceria_as_Building" . inds:USem2064pollaio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD7157pollo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD597allevare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2064pollaio is pollaio" ; rdfs:label " pollaio_as_Building" . inds:USem2065posto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2065posto is posto" ; rdfs:label " posto_as_Location" . inds:USem2066luogo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2066luogo is luogo" ; rdfs:label " luogo_as_Location" . inds:USem2067prigione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61589carcerato ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem069629cella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem72827detenere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2067prigione is prigione" ; rdfs:label " prigione_as_Building" . inds:USem2068profondita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2068profondita1 is profondita'" ; rdfs:label " profondita'_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem2069provenienza simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2069provenienza is provenienza" ; rdfs:label " provenienza_as_Agentive" . inds:USem2070punto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2070punto is punto" ; rdfs:label " punto_as_Location" . inds:USem2071residenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2071residenza is residenza" ; rdfs:label " residenza_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2072rialto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2072rialto is rialto" ; rdfs:label " rialto_as_Location" . inds:USem2073rialto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4172rilievo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2073rialto is rialto" ; rdfs:label " rialto_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem2074ricovero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1189ricoverare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2074ricovero is ricovero" ; rdfs:label " ricovero_as_Building" . inds:USem2075riformatorio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6871minorenne ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem72827detenere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2075riformatorio is riformatorio" ; rdfs:label " riformatorio_as_Building" . inds:USem2076santuario simple:hasIsa inds:USem2214chiesa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5044pregare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2076santuario is santuario" ; rdfs:label " santuario_as_Building" . inds:USem2077sito simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2077sito is sito" ; rdfs:label " sito_as_Location" . inds:USem2078stalla simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasTypicalLocation inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2078stalla is stalla" ; rdfs:label " stalla_as_Building" . inds:USem2079tipografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD934stampare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2079tipografia is tipografia" ; rdfs:label " tipografia_as_Building" . inds:USem2080tribunale simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4167aula ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2080tribunale is tribunale" ; rdfs:label " tribunale_as_Building" . inds:USem2081uscita simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2081uscita is uscita" ; rdfs:label " uscita_as_Opening" . inds:USem2083agrigento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2198sicilia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2083agrigento is agrigento" ; rdfs:label " agrigento_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2084alabama simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4120usa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2084alabama is alabama" ; rdfs:label " alabama_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2085alaska simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4120usa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2085alaska is alaska" ; rdfs:label " alaska_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2087algeria simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2087algeria is algeria" ; rdfs:label " algeria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2088amburgo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3622germania ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2088amburgo is amburgo" ; rdfs:label " amburgo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2089america simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1235continente ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2089america is america" ; rdfs:label " america_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2090amsterdam simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4897olanda ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2090amsterdam is amsterdam" ; rdfs:label " amsterdam_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2091arabia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2091arabia is arabia" ; rdfs:label " arabia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2092argentina simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2092argentina is argentina" ; rdfs:label " argentina_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2093armenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2093armenia is armenia" ; rdfs:label " armenia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2094asia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1235continente ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2094asia is asia" ; rdfs:label " asia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2095atene simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2173grecia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2095atene is atene" ; rdfs:label " atene_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2096austria simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2096austria is austria" ; rdfs:label " austria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2097barcellona simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2199spagna ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2097barcellona is barcellona" ; rdfs:label " barcellona_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2098berlino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3622germania ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2098berlino is berlino" ; rdfs:label " berlino_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2099bilbao simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2199spagna ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2099bilbao is bilbao" ; rdfs:label " bilbao_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem20fisiopatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem20fisiopatologia is fisiopatologia" ; rdfs:label " fisiopatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem2100birmingham simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2152inghilterra ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2100birmingham is birmingham" ; rdfs:label " birmingham_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2101bolivia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2101bolivia is bolivia" ; rdfs:label " bolivia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2102bologna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2102bologna is bologna" ; rdfs:label " bologna_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2103bonn simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3622germania ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2103bonn is bonn" ; rdfs:label " bonn_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2104bordeaux simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2239francia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2104bordeaux is bordeaux" ; rdfs:label " bordeaux_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2105boston simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4120usa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2105boston is boston" ; rdfs:label " boston_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2106brasile simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2106brasile is brasile" ; rdfs:label " brasile_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2107brescia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2168lombardia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2107brescia is brescia" ; rdfs:label " brescia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2108bruxelles simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1429belgio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2108bruxelles is bruxelles" ; rdfs:label " bruxelles_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2109bucarest simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2109bucarest is bucarest" ; rdfs:label " bucarest_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2110bulgaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2110bulgaria is bulgaria" ; rdfs:label " bulgaria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2111cadice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2199spagna ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2111cadice is cadice" ; rdfs:label " cadice_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2112cagliari simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2196sardegna ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2112cagliari is cagliari" ; rdfs:label " cagliari_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2113cairo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2137egitto ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2113cairo is cairo" ; rdfs:label " cairo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2114california simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4120usa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2114california is california" ; rdfs:label " california_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2115camerun simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2115camerun is camerun" ; rdfs:label " camerun_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2116canada simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2116canada is canada" ; rdfs:label " canada_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2117canarie simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2117canarie is canarie" ; rdfs:label " canarie_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2118caracas simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1436venezuela ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2118caracas is caracas" ; rdfs:label " caracas_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2119casablanca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2172marocco ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2119casablanca is casablanca" ; rdfs:label " casablanca_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2120castiglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2199spagna ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2120castiglia is castiglia" ; rdfs:label " castiglia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2121catania simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2198sicilia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2121catania is catania" ; rdfs:label " catania_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2122charleston simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4120usa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2122charleston is charleston" ; rdfs:label " charleston_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2123chicago simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4120usa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2123chicago is chicago" ; rdfs:label " chicago_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2124cile simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2124cile is cile" ; rdfs:label " cile_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2125cina simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2125cina is cina" ; rdfs:label " cina_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2126cipro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2126cipro is cipro" ; rdfs:label " cipro_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2127colombia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2127colombia is colombia" ; rdfs:label " colombia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2128congo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2128congo is congo" ; rdfs:label " congo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2129copenaghen simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4894danimarca ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2129copenaghen is copenaghen" ; rdfs:label " copenaghen_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2131cordoba simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2199spagna ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2131cordoba is cordoba" ; rdfs:label " cordoba_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2132corea simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2132corea is corea" ; rdfs:label " corea_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2133cremona simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2168lombardia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2133cremona is cremona" ; rdfs:label " cremona_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2134dakar simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2134dakar is dakar" ; rdfs:label " dakar_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2135damasco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2135damasco is damasco" ; rdfs:label " damasco_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2136dublino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2155irlanda ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2136dublino is dublino" ; rdfs:label " dublino_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2137egitto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2137egitto is egitto" ; rdfs:label " egitto_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2138europa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1235continente ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2138europa is europa" ; rdfs:label " europa_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2139ferrara simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2139ferrara is ferrara" ; rdfs:label " ferrara_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2140fiesole simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD5009toscana ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2140fiesole is fiesole" ; rdfs:label " fiesole_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2141firenze simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD5009toscana ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2141firenze is firenze" ; rdfs:label " firenze_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2142foggia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2193puglia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2142foggia is foggia" ; rdfs:label " foggia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2143giamaica simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2143giamaica is giamaica" ; rdfs:label " giamaica_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2144giappone simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2144giappone is giappone" ; rdfs:label " giappone_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2145granada simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2199spagna ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2145granada is granada" ; rdfs:label " granada_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2146guatemala simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2146guatemala is guatemala" ; rdfs:label " guatemala_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2147guinea simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2147guinea is guinea" ; rdfs:label " guinea_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2148guyana simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2148guyana is guyana" ; rdfs:label " guyana_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2149helsinki simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2149helsinki is helsinki" ; rdfs:label " helsinki_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2150honduras simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2150honduras is honduras" ; rdfs:label " honduras_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2151honolulu simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2151honolulu is honolulu" ; rdfs:label " honolulu_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2152inghilterra simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2152inghilterra is inghilterra" ; rdfs:label " inghilterra_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2153iran simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2153iran is iran" ; rdfs:label " iran_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2154iraq simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2154iraq is iraq" ; rdfs:label " iraq_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2155irlanda simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2155irlanda is irlanda" ; rdfs:label " irlanda_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2156islanda simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2156islanda is islanda" ; rdfs:label " islanda_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2157israele simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2157israele is israele" ; rdfs:label " israele_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2158istanbul simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2203turchia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2158istanbul is istanbul" ; rdfs:label " istanbul_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2159italia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2159italia is italia" ; rdfs:label " italia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2160iugoslavia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2160iugoslavia is iugoslavia" ; rdfs:label " iugoslavia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2161jugoslavia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2161jugoslavia is jugoslavia" ; rdfs:label " jugoslavia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2162leningrado simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2195russia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2162leningrado is leningrado" ; rdfs:label " leningrado_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2163libia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2163libia is libia" ; rdfs:label " libia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2164liechtenstein simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2164liechtenstein is liechtenstein" ; rdfs:label " liechtenstein_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2165lione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2239francia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2165lione is lione" ; rdfs:label " lione_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2166lisbona simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1374portogallo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2166lisbona is lisbona" ; rdfs:label " lisbona_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2167livorno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD5009toscana ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2167livorno is livorno" ; rdfs:label " livorno_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2168lombardia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2168lombardia is lombardia" ; rdfs:label " lombardia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2169londra simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2152inghilterra ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2169londra is londra" ; rdfs:label " londra_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2170lucca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD5009toscana ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2170lucca is lucca" ; rdfs:label " lucca_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2171lussemburgo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2171lussemburgo is lussemburgo" ; rdfs:label " lussemburgo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2172marocco simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2172marocco is marocco" ; rdfs:label " marocco_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2173grecia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2173grecia is grecia" ; rdfs:label " grecia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2174messina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2198sicilia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2174messina is messina" ; rdfs:label " messina_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2175milano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2168lombardia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2175milano is milano" ; rdfs:label " milano_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2176modena simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2176modena is modena" ; rdfs:label " modena_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2177montreal simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2116canada ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2177montreal is montreal" ; rdfs:label " montreal_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2178mozambico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2178mozambico is mozambico" ; rdfs:label " mozambico_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2179napoli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1304campania ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2179napoli is napoli" ; rdfs:label " napoli_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2180orvieto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem77877umbria ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2180orvieto is orvieto" ; rdfs:label " orvieto_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2181padova simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemTH27741veneto ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2181padova is padova" ; rdfs:label " padova_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2182palermo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2198sicilia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2182palermo is palermo" ; rdfs:label " palermo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2183parigi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2239francia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2183parigi is parigi" ; rdfs:label " parigi_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2184parma simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2184parma is parma" ; rdfs:label " parma_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2185pavia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2185pavia is pavia" ; rdfs:label " pavia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2186perugia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem77877umbria ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2186perugia is perugia" ; rdfs:label " perugia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2187pescara simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4646abruzzo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2187pescara is pescara" ; rdfs:label " pescara_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2188philadelphia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4120usa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2188philadelphia is philadelphia" ; rdfs:label " philadelphia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2189piacenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2168lombardia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2189piacenza is piacenza" ; rdfs:label " piacenza_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2190piemonte simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2190piemonte is piemonte" ; rdfs:label " piemonte_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2191pisa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD5009toscana ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2191pisa is pisa" ; rdfs:label " pisa_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2192polonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2192polonia is polonia" ; rdfs:label " polonia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2193puglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2193puglia is puglia" ; rdfs:label " puglia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2194romagna simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2194romagna is romagna" ; rdfs:label " romagna_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2195russia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2195russia is russia" ; rdfs:label " russia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2196sardegna simple:hasIsa inds:USem6842isola ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2196sardegna is sardegna" ; rdfs:label " sardegna_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2197scozia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2197scozia is scozia" ; rdfs:label " scozia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2198sicilia simple:hasIsa inds:USem6842isola ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2198sicilia is sicilia" ; rdfs:label " sicilia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2199spagna simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2199spagna is spagna" ; rdfs:label " spagna_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem21genetica simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD66284gene ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59962biologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem21genetica is genetica" ; rdfs:label " genetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem2200strasburgo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2239francia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2200strasburgo is strasburgo" ; rdfs:label " strasburgo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2201torino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2190piemonte ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2201torino is torino" ; rdfs:label " torino_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2202trieste simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4140friuli ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2202trieste is trieste" ; rdfs:label " trieste_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2203turchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD7390asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2203turchia is turchia" ; rdfs:label " turchia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2204venezia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemTH27741veneto ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2204venezia is venezia" ; rdfs:label " venezia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2205vietnam simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2205vietnam is vietnam" ; rdfs:label " vietnam_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2207forte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2207forte is forte" ; rdfs:label " forte_as_Building" . inds:USem2208mercato simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2208mercato is mercato" ; rdfs:label " mercato_as_Location" . inds:USem2209roccaforte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2209roccaforte is roccaforte" ; rdfs:label " roccaforte_as_Building" . inds:USem2214chiesa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2269navata, inds:USem64364sacrestia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5044pregare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2214chiesa is chiesa" ; rdfs:label " chiesa_as_Building" . inds:USem2215chiesa simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2666cristianesimo ; simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62327fedele ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD584comunita1 ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2215chiesa is chiesa" ; rdfs:label " chiesa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem2217edificio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2283stanza, inds:USem3233ala, inds:USem6917piano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2217edificio is edificio" ; rdfs:label " edificio_as_Building" . inds:USem2218scuola simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4166aula ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2218scuola is scuola" ; rdfs:label " scuola_as_Building" . inds:USem2219casa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2219casa is casa" ; rdfs:label " casa_as_Building" . inds:USem2220casa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2220casa is casa" ; rdfs:label " casa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem2223ditta simple:hasIsa inds:USem5268sede ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2223ditta is ditta" ; rdfs:label " ditta_as_Building" . inds:USem2225caverna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5527cavita1 ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2225caverna is caverna" ; rdfs:label " caverna_as_Opening" . inds:USem2226montagna simple:hasIsa inds:USem4172rilievo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2226montagna is montagna" ; rdfs:label " montagna_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem2227montagna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2227montagna is montagna" ; rdfs:label " montagna_as_Amount" . inds:USem2228altura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2228altura is altura" ; rdfs:label " altura_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem2229altura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD3255mare ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2229altura is altura" ; rdfs:label " altura_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem2230radura simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4729bosco ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2230radura is radura" ; rdfs:label " radura_as_Area" . inds:USem2231paese simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2231paese is paese" ; rdfs:label " paese_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2232paese simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6233cittadino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2232paese is paese" ; rdfs:label " paese_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem2233paese simple:hasIsa inds:USem4123villaggio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2233paese is paese" ; rdfs:label " paese_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2234citta1 simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4137quartiere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64431centro ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4145regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2234citta1 is citta'" ; rdfs:label " citta'_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2235citta1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2235citta1 is citta'" ; rdfs:label " citta'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem2237nazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2237nazione is nazione" ; rdfs:label " nazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem2238nazione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2238nazione is nazione" ; rdfs:label " nazione_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2239francia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2239francia is francia" ; rdfs:label " francia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem2240finestra simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59836parete ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2240finestra is finestra" ; rdfs:label " finestra_as_Opening" . inds:USem2241finestra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3446monitor ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2241finestra is finestra" ; rdfs:label " finestra_as_Part" . inds:USem2242percorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6388passaggio ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2242percorso is percorso" ; rdfs:label " percorso_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem2243strada simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2243strada is strada" ; rdfs:label " strada_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem2244abitacolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo, inds:USem860aeromobile ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2244abitacolo is abitacolo" ; rdfs:label " abitacolo_as_Part" . inds:USem2245abitazione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2245abitazione is abitazione" ; rdfs:label " abitazione_as_Building" . inds:USem2246atrio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7351entrata ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2246atrio is atrio" ; rdfs:label " atrio_as_Part" . inds:USem2248basilica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5044pregare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2248basilica is basilica" ; rdfs:label " basilica_as_Building" . inds:USem2249campanile simple:hasContains inds:USem2923campana ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2249campanile is campanile" ; rdfs:label " campanile_as_Building" . inds:USem2250cascina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2250cascina is cascina" ; rdfs:label " cascina_as_Building" . inds:USem2251caseificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2251caseificio is caseificio" ; rdfs:label " caseificio_as_Building" . inds:USem2252caserma simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem63959camerata ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5515alloggiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2252caserma is caserma" ; rdfs:label " caserma_as_Building" . inds:USem2253castello simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2253castello is castello" ; rdfs:label " castello_as_Building" . inds:USem2256convento simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2256convento is convento" ; rdfs:label " convento_as_Building" . inds:USem2258fabbricato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2258fabbricato is fabbricato" ; rdfs:label " fabbricato_as_Building" . inds:USem2259forno simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2259forno is forno" ; rdfs:label " forno_as_Building" . inds:USem2260grattacielo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2275palazzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2260grattacielo is grattacielo" ; rdfs:label " grattacielo_as_Building" . inds:USem2261industria simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2261industria is industria" ; rdfs:label " industria_as_Building" . inds:USem2263loggia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2263loggia is loggia" ; rdfs:label " loggia_as_Building" . inds:USem2264ministero simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3574ministro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2264ministero is ministero" ; rdfs:label " ministero_as_Building" . inds:USem2265ministero simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3585ministro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1073assemblea ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2265ministero is ministero" ; rdfs:label " ministero_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem2266monastero simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2266monastero is monastero" ; rdfs:label " monastero_as_Building" . inds:USem2267moschea simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5044pregare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2267moschea is moschea" ; rdfs:label " moschea_as_Building" . inds:USem2268mulino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1550grano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59892macinare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2268mulino is mulino" ; rdfs:label " mulino_as_Building" . inds:USem2269navata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2214chiesa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2269navata is navata" ; rdfs:label " navata_as_Part" . inds:USem2270oratorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5044pregare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2270oratorio is oratorio" ; rdfs:label " oratorio_as_Building" . inds:USem2271ovile simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasTypicalLocation inds:USem1133pecora, inds:USem1928capra ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2271ovile is ovile" ; rdfs:label " ovile_as_Building" . inds:USem2272padiglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2272padiglione is padiglione" ; rdfs:label " padiglione_as_Building" . inds:USem2273pagoda simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5044pregare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2273pagoda is pagoda" ; rdfs:label " pagoda_as_Building" . inds:USem2274palasport simple:hasConcerns inds:USem7095sport ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2274palasport is palasport" ; rdfs:label " palasport_as_Building" . inds:USem2275palazzo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4150appartamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2275palazzo is palazzo" ; rdfs:label " palazzo_as_Building" . inds:USem2276politeama simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem79804rappresentare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2276politeama is politeama" ; rdfs:label " politeama_as_Building" . inds:USem2277pretura simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD946pretore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5529giudicare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2277pretura is pretura" ; rdfs:label " pretura_as_Building" . inds:USem2278residenza simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4150appartamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2278residenza is residenza" ; rdfs:label " residenza_as_Building" . inds:USem2279rettorato simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD960rettore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2279rettorato is rettorato" ; rdfs:label " rettorato_as_Building" . inds:USem2280sinagoga simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5044pregare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2280sinagoga is sinagoga" ; rdfs:label " sinagoga_as_Building" . inds:USem2281stabile simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2281stabile is stabile" ; rdfs:label " stabile_as_Building" . inds:USem2282opificio simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2282opificio is opificio" ; rdfs:label " opificio_as_Building" . inds:USem2283stanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2283stanza is stanza" ; rdfs:label " stanza_as_Part" . inds:USem2284stazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2284stazione is stazione" ; rdfs:label " stazione_as_Building" . inds:USem2285teatro simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5528spettacolo ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD996camerino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem79804rappresentare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2285teatro is teatro" ; rdfs:label " teatro_as_Building" . inds:USem2286tempio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5044pregare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2286tempio is tempio" ; rdfs:label " tempio_as_Building" . inds:USem2287terme simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2287terme is terme" ; rdfs:label " terme_as_Building" . inds:USem2289arena simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2289arena is arena" ; rdfs:label " arena_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem2290belvedere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2228altura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5014osservare ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2290belvedere is belvedere" ; rdfs:label " belvedere_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem2291burrone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2291burrone is burrone" ; rdfs:label " burrone_as_Opening" . inds:USem2292cantina simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62851conservare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2292cantina is cantina" ; rdfs:label " cantina_as_Building" . inds:USem2293catacomba simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59130scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60890rifugiare, inds:USemD5517celebrare ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2293catacomba is catacomba" ; rdfs:label " catacomba_as_Opening" . inds:USem2294cava simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59130scavare ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2294cava is cava" ; rdfs:label " cava_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem2295cenacolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1052cenare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2295cenacolo is cenacolo" ; rdfs:label " cenacolo_as_Building" . inds:USem2296centro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4135zona ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2296centro is centro" ; rdfs:label " centro_as_Location" . inds:USem2297certosa simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62795monaco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2256convento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5044pregare, inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2297certosa is certosa" ; rdfs:label " certosa_as_Building" . inds:USem2298cielo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2298cielo is cielo" ; rdfs:label " cielo_as_Area" . inds:USem2299conceria simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD669conciare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2299conceria is conceria" ; rdfs:label " conceria_as_Building" . inds:USem22geometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem22geometria is geometria" ; rdfs:label " geometria_as_Domain" . inds:USem2300concistoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5533riunire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2300concistoro is concistoro" ; rdfs:label " concistoro_as_Building" . inds:USem2301conclave simple:hasIsa inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59731eleggere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2301conclave is conclave" ; rdfs:label " conclave_as_Building" . inds:USem2303crocevia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2303crocevia is crocevia" ; rdfs:label " crocevia_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem2304bollitore simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1335bollire, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2304bollitore is bollitore" ; rdfs:label " bollitore_as_Container" . inds:USem2305bombola simple:hasContains inds:USem3010gas, inds:USemD2724ossigeno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2305bombola is bombola" ; rdfs:label " bombola_as_Container" . inds:USem2306botte simple:hasContains inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2306botte is botte" ; rdfs:label " botte_as_Container" . inds:USem2307bottiglione simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2307bottiglione is bottiglione" ; rdfs:label " bottiglione_as_Container" . inds:USem2308braciere simple:hasContains inds:USemD1355brace ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2308braciere is braciere" ; rdfs:label " braciere_as_Container" . inds:USem2309brocca simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2309brocca is brocca" ; rdfs:label " brocca_as_Container" . inds:USem2310bussolotto simple:hasContains inds:USemD1364dado ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2310bussolotto is bussolotto" ; rdfs:label " bussolotto_as_Container" . inds:USem2311calamaio simple:hasContains inds:USem3132inchiostro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2311calamaio is calamaio" ; rdfs:label " calamaio_as_Container" . inds:USem2312forbice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2312forbice is forbice" ; rdfs:label " forbice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2313forcipe simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3429parto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2313forcipe is forcipe" ; rdfs:label " forcipe_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2314frusta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61078sbattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2314frusta is frusta" ; rdfs:label " frusta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2315frusta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1384incitare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2315frusta is frusta" ; rdfs:label " frusta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2316cronometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem2740tempo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2316cronometro is cronometro" ; rdfs:label " cronometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2317fuso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1391filare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2317fuso is fuso" ; rdfs:label " fuso_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2318igrometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USemTH34448umidita1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2318igrometro is igrometro" ; rdfs:label " igrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2319igroscopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USemTH34448umidita1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2319igroscopio is igroscopio" ; rdfs:label " igroscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2320igrostato simple:hasConcerns inds:USemTH34448umidita1 ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1405regolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2320igrostato is igrostato" ; rdfs:label " igrostato_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2321innaffiatoio simple:hasContains inds:USem2990acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3988innaffiare ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2321innaffiatoio is innaffiatoio" ; rdfs:label " innaffiatoio_as_Container" . inds:USem2322lancetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2322lancetta is lancetta" ; rdfs:label " lancetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2323matita simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere, inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2323matita is matita" ; rdfs:label " matita_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2324microscopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6764ingrandire, inds:USemD1427vedere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2324microscopio is microscopio" ; rdfs:label " microscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2325pennello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6591dipingere, inds:USemD1438spalmare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2325pennello is pennello" ; rdfs:label " pennello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2326periscopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1427vedere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2326periscopio is periscopio" ; rdfs:label " periscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2328registratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1449registrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2328registratore is registratore" ; rdfs:label " registratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2329rilevatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1452rilevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2329rilevatore is rilevatore" ; rdfs:label " rilevatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2330remo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6783remare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2330remo is remo" ; rdfs:label " remo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2331sci simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6784sciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2331sci is sci" ; rdfs:label " sci_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2332sonda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1461esplorare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2332sonda is sonda" ; rdfs:label " sonda_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2333spettroscopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62865prisma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2333spettroscopio is spettroscopio" ; rdfs:label " spettroscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2334sismografo simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1449registrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2334sismografo is sismografo" ; rdfs:label " sismografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2335tecnigrafo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2335tecnigrafo is tecnigrafo" ; rdfs:label " tecnigrafo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2336termometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2336termometro is termometro" ; rdfs:label " termometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2337vite simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2337vite is vite" ; rdfs:label " vite_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2338stetoscopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem78334auscultare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2338stetoscopio is stetoscopio" ; rdfs:label " stetoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2339mobile simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2339mobile is mobile" ; rdfs:label " mobile_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2340armadio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2340armadio is armadio" ; rdfs:label " armadio_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2341banco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2341banco is banco" ; rdfs:label " banco_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2342canterano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2342canterano is canterano" ; rdfs:label " canterano_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2343cassa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2343cassa is cassa" ; rdfs:label " cassa_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2344cassapanca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2344cassapanca is cassapanca" ; rdfs:label " cassapanca_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2345cassettiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2345cassettiera is cassettiera" ; rdfs:label " cassettiera_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2346cassettone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2346cassettone is cassettone" ; rdfs:label " cassettone_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2347classificatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1518classificare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2347classificatore is classificatore" ; rdfs:label " classificatore_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2348comodino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2348comodino is comodino" ; rdfs:label " comodino_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2349dispensa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2349dispensa is dispensa" ; rdfs:label " dispensa_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2350divano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62544spalliera, inds:USem62545bracciolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2350divano is divano" ; rdfs:label " divano_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2351espositore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61136esporre ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2351espositore is espositore" ; rdfs:label " espositore_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2352libreria simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2352libreria is libreria" ; rdfs:label " libreria_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2353madia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2353madia is madia" ; rdfs:label " madia_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2354ottomana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62544spalliera, inds:USem62545bracciolo, inds:USemD7077cuscino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2350divano ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2354ottomana is ottomana" ; rdfs:label " ottomana_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2355schedario simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2355schedario is schedario" ; rdfs:label " schedario_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2356scrivania simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere, inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2356scrivania is scrivania" ; rdfs:label " scrivania_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2357sedia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4206gamba, inds:USem62545bracciolo, inds:USem68505schienale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2357sedia is sedia" ; rdfs:label " sedia_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2358tavolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4206gamba, inds:USem6916piano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2358tavolo is tavolo" ; rdfs:label " tavolo_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2359toletta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2359toletta is toletta" ; rdfs:label " toletta_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2360vetrina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2360vetrina is vetrina" ; rdfs:label " vetrina_as_Furniture" . inds:USem2361moneta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7168scambiare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2361moneta is moneta" ; rdfs:label " moneta_as_Money" . inds:USem2362denaro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2362denaro is denaro" ; rdfs:label " denaro_as_Money" . inds:USem2363soldo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2363soldo is soldo" ; rdfs:label " soldo_as_Money" . inds:USem2364megafono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6757amplificare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2364megafono is megafono" ; rdfs:label " megafono_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2365scatola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2365scatola is scatola" ; rdfs:label " scatola_as_Amount" . inds:USem2366bronzo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3943bronzo ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2366bronzo is bronzo" ; rdfs:label " bronzo_as_Artwork" . inds:USem2367collage simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2367collage is collage" ; rdfs:label " collage_as_Artwork" . inds:USem2368composizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2368composizione is composizione" ; rdfs:label " composizione_as_Creation" . inds:USem2369monumento simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2369monumento is monumento" ; rdfs:label " monumento_as_Artwork" . inds:USem2370canestro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2370canestro is canestro" ; rdfs:label " canestro_as_Container" . inds:USem2371caraffa simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2371caraffa is caraffa" ; rdfs:label " caraffa_as_Container" . inds:USem2372cassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2372cassa is cassa" ; rdfs:label " cassa_as_Container" . inds:USem2373catino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2373catino is catino" ; rdfs:label " catino_as_Container" . inds:USem2374cesta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2374cesta is cesta" ; rdfs:label " cesta_as_Container" . inds:USem2375cesto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2375cesto is cesto" ; rdfs:label " cesto_as_Container" . inds:USem2376ciotola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2376ciotola is ciotola" ; rdfs:label " ciotola_as_Container" . inds:USem2378conca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2378conca is conca" ; rdfs:label " conca_as_Container" . inds:USem2379coperchio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2379coperchio is coperchio" ; rdfs:label " coperchio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2380arnese simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2380arnese is arnese" ; rdfs:label " arnese_as_Artifact" . inds:USem2381fiasco simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2381fiasco is fiasco" ; rdfs:label " fiasco_as_Container" . inds:USem2383gavetta simple:hasContains inds:USemD1667rancio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2383gavetta is gavetta" ; rdfs:label " gavetta_as_Container" . inds:USem2384giara simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62851conservare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2384giara is giara" ; rdfs:label " giara_as_Container" . inds:USem2385crogiuolo simple:hasContains inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1677fondere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2385crogiuolo is crogiuolo" ; rdfs:label " crogiuolo_as_Container" . inds:USem2386cuccuma simple:hasContains inds:USem3276caffe1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59147preparare ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2386cuccuma is cuccuma" ; rdfs:label " cuccuma_as_Container" . inds:USem2387insalatiera simple:hasContains inds:USemD1684insalata ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76005servire, inds:USemD3527condire ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2387insalatiera is insalatiera" ; rdfs:label " insalatiera_as_Container" . inds:USem2388padella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59564friggere, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2388padella is padella" ; rdfs:label " padella_as_Container" . inds:USem2389pattumiera simple:hasContains inds:USem66438immondizia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2389pattumiera is pattumiera" ; rdfs:label " pattumiera_as_Container" . inds:USem2390pentola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2390pentola is pentola" ; rdfs:label " pentola_as_Container" . inds:USem2391piatto simple:hasContains inds:USem3393vivanda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76005servire, inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2391piatto is piatto" ; rdfs:label " piatto_as_Container" . inds:USem2392sacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5435tela ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2392sacco is sacco" ; rdfs:label " sacco_as_Container" . inds:USem2393secchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2393secchio is secchio" ; rdfs:label " secchio_as_Container" . inds:USem2394sottovaso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2394sottovaso is sottovaso" ; rdfs:label " sottovaso_as_Container" . inds:USem2395tanica simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2395tanica is tanica" ; rdfs:label " tanica_as_Container" . inds:USem2396tazzina simple:hasContains inds:USem3276caffe1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2976tazza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2396tazzina is tazzina" ; rdfs:label " tazzina_as_Container" . inds:USem2397tegame simple:hasContains inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2424recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2397tegame is tegame" ; rdfs:label " tegame_as_Container" . inds:USem2398teglia simple:hasContains inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2398teglia is teglia" ; rdfs:label " teglia_as_Container" . inds:USem2399terrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1741terracotta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2399terrina is terrina" ; rdfs:label " terrina_as_Container" . inds:USem23idrogeologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem23idrogeologia is idrogeologia" ; rdfs:label " idrogeologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem2400vasca simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2400vasca is vasca" ; rdfs:label " vasca_as_Container" . inds:USem2401zuccheriera simple:hasContains inds:USemD1750zucchero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2401zuccheriera is zuccheriera" ; rdfs:label " zuccheriera_as_Container" . inds:USem2402tino simple:hasContains inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6644fermentare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2402tino is tino" ; rdfs:label " tino_as_Container" . inds:USem2403tinozza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5323lavare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2403tinozza is tinozza" ; rdfs:label " tinozza_as_Container" . inds:USem2404navicella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem4575combustione, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2404navicella is navicella" ; rdfs:label " navicella_as_Container" . inds:USem2405latta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem6846latta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2405latta is latta" ; rdfs:label " latta_as_Container" . inds:USem2406storta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1774distillare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2406storta is storta" ; rdfs:label " storta_as_Container" . inds:USem2407tegamino simple:hasContains inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2397tegame ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2407tegamino is tegamino" ; rdfs:label " tegamino_as_Container" . inds:USem2408bigoncia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2408bigoncia is bigoncia" ; rdfs:label " bigoncia_as_Amount" . inds:USem2409boccale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2409boccale is boccale" ; rdfs:label " boccale_as_Amount" . inds:USem2410botte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1394vino ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2410botte is botte" ; rdfs:label " botte_as_Amount" . inds:USem2411bottiglione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2411bottiglione is bottiglione" ; rdfs:label " bottiglione_as_Amount" . inds:USem2412brocca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2412brocca is brocca" ; rdfs:label " brocca_as_Amount" . inds:USem2413canestro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2413canestro is canestro" ; rdfs:label " canestro_as_Amount" . inds:USem2414caraffa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2414caraffa is caraffa" ; rdfs:label " caraffa_as_Amount" . inds:USem2415catino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2415catino is catino" ; rdfs:label " catino_as_Amount" . inds:USem2416cesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2416cesta is cesta" ; rdfs:label " cesta_as_Amount" . inds:USem2417cesto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2417cesto is cesto" ; rdfs:label " cesto_as_Amount" . inds:USem2418ciotola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2418ciotola is ciotola" ; rdfs:label " ciotola_as_Amount" . inds:USem2419conca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2419conca is conca" ; rdfs:label " conca_as_Amount" . inds:USem2420fiasco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2420fiasco is fiasco" ; rdfs:label " fiasco_as_Amount" . inds:USem2421flacone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2421flacone is flacone" ; rdfs:label " flacone_as_Amount" . inds:USem2422pentola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2422pentola is pentola" ; rdfs:label " pentola_as_Amount" . inds:USem2423piatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2423piatto is piatto" ; rdfs:label " piatto_as_Amount" . inds:USem2424recipiente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2424recipiente is recipiente" ; rdfs:label " recipiente_as_Amount" . inds:USem2425sacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2425sacco is sacco" ; rdfs:label " sacco_as_Amount" . inds:USem2426secchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2426secchio is secchio" ; rdfs:label " secchio_as_Amount" . inds:USem2427tazza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2427tazza is tazza" ; rdfs:label " tazza_as_Amount" . inds:USem2428tazzina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2428tazzina is tazzina" ; rdfs:label " tazzina_as_Amount" . inds:USem2429tegame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2429tegame is tegame" ; rdfs:label " tegame_as_Amount" . inds:USem2430tegamino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2430tegamino is tegamino" ; rdfs:label " tegamino_as_Amount" . inds:USem2431teglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2431teglia is teglia" ; rdfs:label " teglia_as_Amount" . inds:USem2432vaschetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2432vaschetta is vaschetta" ; rdfs:label " vaschetta_as_Amount" . inds:USem2433vaso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2433vaso is vaso" ; rdfs:label " vaso_as_Amount" . inds:USem2434bacinella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2434bacinella is bacinella" ; rdfs:label " bacinella_as_Amount" . inds:USem2435barile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2435barile is barile" ; rdfs:label " barile_as_Amount" . inds:USem2436bicchiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2436bicchiere is bicchiere" ; rdfs:label " bicchiere_as_Amount" . inds:USem2437bidone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2437bidone is bidone" ; rdfs:label " bidone_as_Amount" . inds:USem2438bottiglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2438bottiglia is bottiglia" ; rdfs:label " bottiglia_as_Amount" . inds:USem2439disco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2439disco is disco" ; rdfs:label " disco_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2440fischietto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6444fischiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2440fischietto is fischietto" ; rdfs:label " fischietto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2441manetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem72793ammanettare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2441manetta is manetta" ; rdfs:label " manetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2442mannaia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem4829uccidere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2442mannaia is mannaia" ; rdfs:label " mannaia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2443pastello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6591dipingere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2443pastello is pastello" ; rdfs:label " pastello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2444parallela simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61063tracciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2444parallela is parallela" ; rdfs:label " parallela_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2445plantare simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1941correggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2445plantare is plantare" ; rdfs:label " plantare_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2446insetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2446insetto is insetto" ; rdfs:label " insetto_as_Animal" . inds:USem2447proprieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1948attributo ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2447proprieta1 is proprieta'" ; rdfs:label " proprieta'_as_Property" . inds:USem2449sapore simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2449sapore is sapore" ; rdfs:label " sapore_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2450forma simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2450forma is forma" ; rdfs:label " forma_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2451colore simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2451colore is colore" ; rdfs:label " colore_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2452misura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2453dimensione ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2452misura is misura" ; rdfs:label " misura_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2453dimensione simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasMeasuredby inds:USem2688metro ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2453dimensione is dimensione" ; rdfs:label " dimensione_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2454lunghezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2453dimensione ; simple:hasMeasuredby inds:USem2688metro ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6964lungo ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2454lunghezza is lunghezza" ; rdfs:label " lunghezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2455celeste simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2455celeste is celeste" ; rdfs:label " celeste_as_Color" . inds:USem2456rosa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2456rosa is rosa" ; rdfs:label " rosa_as_Color" . inds:USem2457blu simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2457blu is blu" ; rdfs:label " blu_as_Color" . inds:USem2458bianco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2458bianco is bianco" ; rdfs:label " bianco_as_Color" . inds:USem2459marrone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2459marrone is marrone" ; rdfs:label " marrone_as_Color" . inds:USem2460arancione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2460arancione is arancione" ; rdfs:label " arancione_as_Color" . inds:USem2461grigio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2461grigio is grigio" ; rdfs:label " grigio_as_Color" . inds:USem2462turchese simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2462turchese is turchese" ; rdfs:label " turchese_as_Color" . inds:USem2463fucsia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2463fucsia is fucsia" ; rdfs:label " fucsia_as_Color" . inds:USem2464azzurro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2464azzurro is azzurro" ; rdfs:label " azzurro_as_Color" . inds:USem2465acquamarina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2465acquamarina is acquamarina" ; rdfs:label " acquamarina_as_Color" . inds:USem2466beige simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2466beige is beige" ; rdfs:label " beige_as_Color" . inds:USem2467bistro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2467bistro is bistro" ; rdfs:label " bistro_as_Color" . inds:USem2468bleu simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2468bleu is bleu" ; rdfs:label " bleu_as_Color" . inds:USem2469celestino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2469celestino is celestino" ; rdfs:label " celestino_as_Color" . inds:USem2470cremisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2470cremisi is cremisi" ; rdfs:label " cremisi_as_Color" . inds:USem2471grigioverde simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2471grigioverde is grigioverde" ; rdfs:label " grigioverde_as_Color" . inds:USem2472lilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2472lilla is lilla" ; rdfs:label " lilla_as_Color" . inds:USem2474pervinca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2474pervinca is pervinca" ; rdfs:label " pervinca_as_Color" . inds:USem2475porpora simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2475porpora is porpora" ; rdfs:label " porpora_as_Color" . inds:USem2476topazio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2476topazio is topazio" ; rdfs:label " topazio_as_Color" . inds:USem2477viola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2477viola is viola" ; rdfs:label " viola_as_Color" . inds:USem2478solido simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2478solido is solido" ; rdfs:label " solido_as_Shape" . inds:USem2479poligono simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2479poligono is poligono" ; rdfs:label " poligono_as_Shape" . inds:USem2480cono simple:hasIsa inds:USem2478solido ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2480cono is cono" ; rdfs:label " cono_as_Shape" . inds:USem2481semicerchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2481semicerchio is semicerchio" ; rdfs:label " semicerchio_as_Shape" . inds:USem2482arco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2482arco is arco" ; rdfs:label " arco_as_Shape" . inds:USem2483cilindro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2478solido ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2483cilindro is cilindro" ; rdfs:label " cilindro_as_Shape" . inds:USem2484circolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1399cerchio ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2484circolo is circolo" ; rdfs:label " circolo_as_Shape" . inds:USem2485ellisse simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2485ellisse is ellisse" ; rdfs:label " ellisse_as_Shape" . inds:USem2486ovale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2486ovale is ovale" ; rdfs:label " ovale_as_Shape" . inds:USem2488losanga simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2488losanga is losanga" ; rdfs:label " losanga_as_Shape" . inds:USem2489biondo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2489biondo is biondo" ; rdfs:label " biondo_as_Color" . inds:USem2490giada simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2490giada is giada" ; rdfs:label " giada_as_Color" . inds:USem2491verdastro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2491verdastro is verdastro" ; rdfs:label " verdastro_as_Color" . inds:USem2492bellezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2512bello ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2492bellezza is bellezza" ; rdfs:label " bellezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2493coraggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2493coraggio is coraggio" ; rdfs:label " coraggio_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2494alterigia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2494alterigia is alterigia" ; rdfs:label " alterigia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2495amarezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6650amaro ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2495amarezza is amarezza" ; rdfs:label " amarezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2496ampiezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2623ampio ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2496ampiezza is ampiezza" ; rdfs:label " ampiezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2497arguzia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2497arguzia is arguzia" ; rdfs:label " arguzia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2498arrendevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemTH43730arrendevole ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2498arrendevolezza is arrendevolezza" ; rdfs:label " arrendevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2499arretratezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2629arretrato ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2499arretratezza is arretratezza" ; rdfs:label " arretratezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem24immunologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59962biologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem24immunologia is immunologia" ; rdfs:label " immunologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem2500astuzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2639astuto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2500astuzia is astuzia" ; rdfs:label " astuzia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2501audacia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2641audace ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2501audacia is audacia" ; rdfs:label " audacia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2502avvenenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem78049avvenente ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2502avvenenza is avvenenza" ; rdfs:label " avvenenza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2503balordaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5376balordo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2503balordaggine is balordaggine" ; rdfs:label " balordaggine_as_Quality" . inds:USem2504bassezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62085basso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2504bassezza is bassezza" ; rdfs:label " bassezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2505bianchezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2657bianco ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2505bianchezza is bianchezza" ; rdfs:label " bianchezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2506bizzarria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62297bizzarro ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2506bizzarria is bizzarria" ; rdfs:label " bizzarria_as_Quality" . inds:USem2507boria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2507boria is boria" ; rdfs:label " boria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2508bravura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2664bravo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2508bravura is bravura" ; rdfs:label " bravura_as_Quality" . inds:USem2509brillantezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66797brillante ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2509brillantezza is brillantezza" ; rdfs:label " brillantezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2510bruttezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2668brutto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2510bruttezza is bruttezza" ; rdfs:label " bruttezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2512capienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2672capiente ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2512capienza is capienza" ; rdfs:label " capienza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2513cautela simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6462cauto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2513cautela is cautela" ; rdfs:label " cautela_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2514certezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2676certo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2514certezza is certezza" ; rdfs:label " certezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2515chiarezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2678chiaro ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2515chiarezza is chiarezza" ; rdfs:label " chiarezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2516cialtroneria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2516cialtroneria is cialtroneria" ; rdfs:label " cialtroneria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2517clemenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5378clemente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2517clemenza is clemenza" ; rdfs:label " clemenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2518cocciutaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78318cocciuto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2518cocciutaggine is cocciutaggine" ; rdfs:label " cocciutaggine_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2519codardia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2686codardo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2519codardia is codardia" ; rdfs:label " codardia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2520coerenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2688coerente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2520coerenza is coerenza" ; rdfs:label " coerenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2521congruenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem78034congruente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2521congruenza is congruenza" ; rdfs:label " congruenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2522correttezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2710corretto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2522correttezza is correttezza" ; rdfs:label " correttezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2523cortesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2712cortese ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2523cortesia is cortesia" ; rdfs:label " cortesia_as_Quality" . inds:USem2524costanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2714costante ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2524costanza is costanza" ; rdfs:label " costanza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2525debolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2718debole ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2525debolezza is debolezza" ; rdfs:label " debolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2526diligenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD64644diligente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2526diligenza is diligenza" ; rdfs:label " diligenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2527dinamismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62013dinamico ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2527dinamismo is dinamismo" ; rdfs:label " dinamismo_as_Quality" . inds:USem2528disattenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6466disattento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2528disattenzione is disattenzione" ; rdfs:label " disattenzione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2529disinvoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6467disinvolto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2529disinvoltura is disinvoltura" ; rdfs:label " disinvoltura_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2530dolcezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2736dolce ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2530dolcezza is dolcezza" ; rdfs:label " dolcezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2531doppiezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66465doppio ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2531doppiezza is doppiezza" ; rdfs:label " doppiezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2532durezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2740duro ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2532durezza is durezza" ; rdfs:label " durezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2533efficacia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2742efficace ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2533efficacia is efficacia" ; rdfs:label " efficacia_as_Quality" . inds:USem2534efficienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2744efficiente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2534efficienza is efficienza" ; rdfs:label " efficienza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2535egocentrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6468egocentrico ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2535egocentrismo is egocentrismo" ; rdfs:label " egocentrismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2536egoismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6469egoista ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2536egoismo is egoismo" ; rdfs:label " egoismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2537eguaglianza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD7057eguale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2537eguaglianza is eguaglianza" ; rdfs:label " eguaglianza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2538eleganza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2752elegante ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2538eleganza is eleganza" ; rdfs:label " eleganza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2539eloquenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6470eloquente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2539eloquenza is eloquenza" ; rdfs:label " eloquenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2540eroismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2756eroico ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2540eroismo is eroismo" ; rdfs:label " eroismo_as_Quality" . inds:USem2541erotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5644erotico ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2541erotismo is erotismo" ; rdfs:label " erotismo_as_Quality" . inds:USem2542esuberanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6471esuberante ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2542esuberanza is esuberanza" ; rdfs:label " esuberanza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2543fanatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2543fanatismo is fanatismo" ; rdfs:label " fanatismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2544franchezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2770franco ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2544franchezza is franchezza" ; rdfs:label " franchezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2545freschezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2774fresco ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2545freschezza is freschezza" ; rdfs:label " freschezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2546frivolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2776frivolo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2546frivolezza is frivolezza" ; rdfs:label " frivolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2547gaiezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2778gaio ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2547gaiezza is gaiezza" ; rdfs:label " gaiezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2548grandezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61851grande ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2548grandezza is grandezza" ; rdfs:label " grandezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2549grossezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD7049grosso ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2549grossezza is grossezza" ; rdfs:label " grossezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2550immediatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76261immediato ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2550immediatezza is immediatezza" ; rdfs:label " immediatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2551inadeguatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2788inadeguato ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2551inadeguatezza is inadeguatezza" ; rdfs:label " inadeguatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2552incertezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76304incerto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2552incertezza is incertezza" ; rdfs:label " incertezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2553incompletezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2794incompleto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2553incompletezza is incompletezza" ; rdfs:label " incompletezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2554inconsapevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5382inconsapevole ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2554inconsapevolezza is inconsapevolezza" ; rdfs:label " inconsapevolezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2555larghezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2453dimensione ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6511largo ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2555larghezza is larghezza" ; rdfs:label " larghezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2556leggerezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2800leggero ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2556leggerezza is leggerezza" ; rdfs:label " leggerezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2557limpidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD76867limpido ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2557limpidezza is limpidezza" ; rdfs:label " limpidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2558maleducazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2558maleducazione is maleducazione" ; rdfs:label " maleducazione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2559moderazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2559moderazione is moderazione" ; rdfs:label " moderazione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2560modestia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2812modesto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2560modestia is modestia" ; rdfs:label " modestia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2561nitidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2816nitido ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2561nitidezza is nitidezza" ; rdfs:label " nitidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2563demenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem78032demente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2563demenza is demenza" ; rdfs:label " demenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2564idiozia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem66672idiota ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2564idiozia is idiozia" ; rdfs:label " idiozia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2566irragionevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2566irragionevolezza is irragionevolezza" ; rdfs:label " irragionevolezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2567ragionevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD76564ragionevole ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2567ragionevolezza is ragionevolezza" ; rdfs:label " ragionevolezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2568sagacia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5502sagace ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2568sagacia is sagacia" ; rdfs:label " sagacia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2569perspicacia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6479perspicace ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2569perspicacia is perspicacia" ; rdfs:label " perspicacia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2570scemenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76666scemo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2570scemenza is scemenza" ; rdfs:label " scemenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2571scempiaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2571scempiaggine is scempiaggine" ; rdfs:label " scempiaggine_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2572sciocchezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6482sciocco ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2572sciocchezza is sciocchezza" ; rdfs:label " sciocchezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2573puntualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2839puntuale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2573puntualita1 is puntualita'" ; rdfs:label " puntualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem2574peso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasMeasuredby inds:USem6838chilogrammo ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2574peso is peso" ; rdfs:label " peso_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem2575sicurezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD7060sicuro ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2575sicurezza is sicurezza" ; rdfs:label " sicurezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem2576movimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2576movimento is movimento" ; rdfs:label " movimento_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem2577tendenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem66648ideologia ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2577tendenza is tendenza" ; rdfs:label " tendenza_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem2578sistema simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2578sistema is sistema" ; rdfs:label " sistema_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem2579teoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem26materia ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2579teoria is teoria" ; rdfs:label " teoria_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem2580dottrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2580dottrina is dottrina" ; rdfs:label " dottrina_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem2581anticlericalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2581anticlericalismo is anticlericalismo" ; rdfs:label " anticlericalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2582antisemitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2582antisemitismo is antisemitismo" ; rdfs:label " antisemitismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2583bipartitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2583bipartitismo is bipartitismo" ; rdfs:label " bipartitismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2584religione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2584religione is religione" ; rdfs:label " religione_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2585buddismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2585buddismo is buddismo" ; rdfs:label " buddismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2586capitalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2586capitalismo is capitalismo" ; rdfs:label " capitalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2587catechismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63975conoscenza ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2587catechismo is catechismo" ; rdfs:label " catechismo_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem2588centralismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2588centralismo is centralismo" ; rdfs:label " centralismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2589classicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2589classicismo is classicismo" ; rdfs:label " classicismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2590clericalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2590clericalismo is clericalismo" ; rdfs:label " clericalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2591costituzionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2591costituzionalismo is costituzionalismo" ; rdfs:label " costituzionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2592dadaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2592dadaismo is dadaismo" ; rdfs:label " dadaismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2593determinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2593determinismo is determinismo" ; rdfs:label " determinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2594edonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2594edonismo is edonismo" ; rdfs:label " edonismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2595espressionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2595espressionismo is espressionismo" ; rdfs:label " espressionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2596federalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2596federalismo is federalismo" ; rdfs:label " federalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2597formalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2597formalismo is formalismo" ; rdfs:label " formalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2598futurismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2598futurismo is futurismo" ; rdfs:label " futurismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2599giansenismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2599giansenismo is giansenismo" ; rdfs:label " giansenismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem25istologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5401tessuto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59929anatomia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem25istologia is istologia" ; rdfs:label " istologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem2600gnosticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2600gnosticismo is gnosticismo" ; rdfs:label " gnosticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2601idealismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2601idealismo is idealismo" ; rdfs:label " idealismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2602illusionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2602illusionismo is illusionismo" ; rdfs:label " illusionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2603imperialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2603imperialismo is imperialismo" ; rdfs:label " imperialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2604impressionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2604impressionismo is impressionismo" ; rdfs:label " impressionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2605indipendentismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2605indipendentismo is indipendentismo" ; rdfs:label " indipendentismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2606individualismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2606individualismo is individualismo" ; rdfs:label " individualismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2607induismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2607induismo is induismo" ; rdfs:label " induismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2608integralismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2608integralismo is integralismo" ; rdfs:label " integralismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2609internazionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2609internazionalismo is internazionalismo" ; rdfs:label " internazionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2610intimismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2610intimismo is intimismo" ; rdfs:label " intimismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2611irrazionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2612pensiero ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2611irrazionalismo is irrazionalismo" ; rdfs:label " irrazionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2612pensiero simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2612pensiero is pensiero" ; rdfs:label " pensiero_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2613irredentismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2613irredentismo is irredentismo" ; rdfs:label " irredentismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2614isolazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2614isolazionismo is isolazionismo" ; rdfs:label " isolazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2615islam simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2615islam is islam" ; rdfs:label " islam_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2616laicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2616laicismo is laicismo" ; rdfs:label " laicismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2617leninismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2579teoria ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2617leninismo is leninismo" ; rdfs:label " leninismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2618liberalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2618liberalismo is liberalismo" ; rdfs:label " liberalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2619liberismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2579teoria ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2619liberismo is liberismo" ; rdfs:label " liberismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2620manierismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2620manierismo is manierismo" ; rdfs:label " manierismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2621marxismo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3548marxista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2621marxismo is marxismo" ; rdfs:label " marxismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2622materialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2622materialismo is materialismo" ; rdfs:label " materialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2623naturalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2612pensiero ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2623naturalismo is naturalismo" ; rdfs:label " naturalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2624nazifascismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2624nazifascismo is nazifascismo" ; rdfs:label " nazifascismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2625nazionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2625nazionalismo is nazionalismo" ; rdfs:label " nazionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2626nazionalsocialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2626nazionalsocialismo is nazionalsocialismo" ; rdfs:label " nazionalsocialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2627positivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2627positivismo is positivismo" ; rdfs:label " positivismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2628purismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2628purismo is purismo" ; rdfs:label " purismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2629qualunquismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2629qualunquismo is qualunquismo" ; rdfs:label " qualunquismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2630razionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2630razionalismo is razionalismo" ; rdfs:label " razionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2631regionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2631regionalismo is regionalismo" ; rdfs:label " regionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2632realismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2632realismo is realismo" ; rdfs:label " realismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2633relativismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2633relativismo is relativismo" ; rdfs:label " relativismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2634romanticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2634romanticismo is romanticismo" ; rdfs:label " romanticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2635scetticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2635scetticismo is scetticismo" ; rdfs:label " scetticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2636sciovinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2636sciovinismo is sciovinismo" ; rdfs:label " sciovinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2637separatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2637separatismo is separatismo" ; rdfs:label " separatismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2638sionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2638sionismo is sionismo" ; rdfs:label " sionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2639socialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2639socialismo is socialismo" ; rdfs:label " socialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2640stalinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2640stalinismo is stalinismo" ; rdfs:label " stalinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2641storicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2612pensiero ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2641storicismo is storicismo" ; rdfs:label " storicismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2642strutturalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2642strutturalismo is strutturalismo" ; rdfs:label " strutturalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2643totalitarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2643totalitarismo is totalitarismo" ; rdfs:label " totalitarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2644surrealismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2644surrealismo is surrealismo" ; rdfs:label " surrealismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2645spiritualismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2612pensiero ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2645spiritualismo is spiritualismo" ; rdfs:label " spiritualismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2646ugualitarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2646ugualitarismo is ugualitarismo" ; rdfs:label " ugualitarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2647verismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2647verismo is verismo" ; rdfs:label " verismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2648utilitarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2648utilitarismo is utilitarismo" ; rdfs:label " utilitarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2649volontarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2649volontarismo is volontarismo" ; rdfs:label " volontarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2650cooperativismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2650cooperativismo is cooperativismo" ; rdfs:label " cooperativismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2651femminismo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6245femminista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2651femminismo is femminismo" ; rdfs:label " femminismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2652naturismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2652naturismo is naturismo" ; rdfs:label " naturismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2653neonazismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2653neonazismo is neonazismo" ; rdfs:label " neonazismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2654nazismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2654nazismo is nazismo" ; rdfs:label " nazismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2655neofascismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2655neofascismo is neofascismo" ; rdfs:label " neofascismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2656neoclassicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2656neoclassicismo is neoclassicismo" ; rdfs:label " neoclassicismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2657neopositivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2657neopositivismo is neopositivismo" ; rdfs:label " neopositivismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2658neorealismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2658neorealismo is neorealismo" ; rdfs:label " neorealismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2659nichilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2659nichilismo is nichilismo" ; rdfs:label " nichilismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2660occultismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2660occultismo is occultismo" ; rdfs:label " occultismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2661pluralismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2661pluralismo is pluralismo" ; rdfs:label " pluralismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2662pluripartitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2662pluripartitismo is pluripartitismo" ; rdfs:label " pluripartitismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2663sindacalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2663sindacalismo is sindacalismo" ; rdfs:label " sindacalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2664umanesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2664umanesimo is umanesimo" ; rdfs:label " umanesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2665cattolicesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2665cattolicesimo is cattolicesimo" ; rdfs:label " cattolicesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2666cristianesimo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem63983cristiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2666cristianesimo is cristianesimo" ; rdfs:label " cristianesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2667crocianesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2667crocianesimo is crocianesimo" ; rdfs:label " crocianesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2668paganesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2668paganesimo is paganesimo" ; rdfs:label " paganesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2669protestantesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2669protestantesimo is protestantesimo" ; rdfs:label " protestantesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem2670numero simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2670numero is numero" ; rdfs:label " numero_as_Representation" . inds:USem2671sei simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2671sei is sei" ; rdfs:label " sei_as_Number" . inds:USem2672tre simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2672tre is tre" ; rdfs:label " tre_as_Number" . inds:USem2673sessanta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2673sessanta is sessanta" ; rdfs:label " sessanta_as_Number" . inds:USem2674sessantotto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2674sessantotto is sessantotto" ; rdfs:label " sessantotto_as_Number" . inds:USem2675settecento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2675settecento is settecento" ; rdfs:label " settecento_as_Number" . inds:USem2676novecento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2676novecento is novecento" ; rdfs:label " novecento_as_Number" . inds:USem2677quattro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2677quattro is quattro" ; rdfs:label " quattro_as_Number" . inds:USem2678zero simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2678zero is zero" ; rdfs:label " zero_as_Number" . inds:USem2679seicento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2679seicento is seicento" ; rdfs:label " seicento_as_Number" . inds:USem2680atmosfera simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2680atmosfera is atmosfera" ; rdfs:label " atmosfera_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2681caloria simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2681caloria is caloria" ; rdfs:label " caloria_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2682carato simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2682carato is carato" ; rdfs:label " carato_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2683ettaro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2683ettaro is ettaro" ; rdfs:label " ettaro_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2684etto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2684etto is etto" ; rdfs:label " etto_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2685ettolitro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3151litro ; simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2685ettolitro is ettolitro" ; rdfs:label " ettolitro_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2686grammo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem67354pesare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2686grammo is grammo" ; rdfs:label " grammo_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2687grano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2687grano is grano" ; rdfs:label " grano_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2688metro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2697decimetro ; simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2688metro is metro" ; rdfs:label " metro_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2689minuto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2689minuto is minuto" ; rdfs:label " minuto_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2690piede simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2690piede is piede" ; rdfs:label " piede_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2691pollice simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2691pollice is pollice" ; rdfs:label " pollice_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2692quintale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem67354pesare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2692quintale is quintale" ; rdfs:label " quintale_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2693secondo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2693secondo is secondo" ; rdfs:label " secondo_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2694tonnellata simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem67354pesare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2694tonnellata is tonnellata" ; rdfs:label " tonnellata_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2695tonnellata simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2695tonnellata is tonnellata" ; rdfs:label " tonnellata_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2696decilitro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3151litro ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2696decilitro is decilitro" ; rdfs:label " decilitro_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2697decimetro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2688metro ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2697decimetro is decimetro" ; rdfs:label " decimetro_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2699spanna simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2699spanna is spanna" ; rdfs:label " spanna_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem26materia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61331argomento ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem26materia is materia" ; rdfs:label " materia_as_Information" . inds:USem2700segno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2700segno is segno" ; rdfs:label " segno_as_Representation" . inds:USem2701apostrofo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2701apostrofo is apostrofo" ; rdfs:label " apostrofo_as_Sign" . inds:USem2702barra simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2702barra is barra" ; rdfs:label " barra_as_Sign" . inds:USem2703lettera simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2703lettera is lettera" ; rdfs:label " lettera_as_Sign" . inds:USem2704carattere simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2704carattere is carattere" ; rdfs:label " carattere_as_Sign" . inds:USem2705dieresi simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2705dieresi is dieresi" ; rdfs:label " dieresi_as_Sign" . inds:USem2706freccia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem7079indicare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2706freccia is freccia" ; rdfs:label " freccia_as_Sign" . inds:USem2707graffa simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2707graffa is graffa" ; rdfs:label " graffa_as_Sign" . inds:USem2708punto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2708punto is punto" ; rdfs:label " punto_as_Sign" . inds:USem2709punto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2709punto is punto" ; rdfs:label " punto_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2710uguale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2710uguale is uguale" ; rdfs:label " uguale_as_Sign" . inds:USem2711virgola simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2711virgola is virgola" ; rdfs:label " virgola_as_Sign" . inds:USem2712virgola simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2712virgola is virgola" ; rdfs:label " virgola_as_Sign" . inds:USem2713simbolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2713simbolo is simbolo" ; rdfs:label " simbolo_as_Representation" . inds:USem2714segno simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2714segno is segno" ; rdfs:label " segno_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem2715buttero simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2715buttero is buttero" ; rdfs:label " buttero_as_Agentive" . inds:USem2716impronta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2716impronta is impronta" ; rdfs:label " impronta_as_Representation" . inds:USem2717cicatrice simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USem069649ferita ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2717cicatrice is cicatrice" ; rdfs:label " cicatrice_as_Agentive" . inds:USem2718contrassegno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3233riconoscere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2718contrassegno is contrassegno" ; rdfs:label " contrassegno_as_Representation" . inds:USem2720insegna simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3233riconoscere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2720insegna is insegna" ; rdfs:label " insegna_as_Representation" . inds:USem2721insegna simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem7079indicare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2721insegna is insegna" ; rdfs:label " insegna_as_Representation" . inds:USem2722insegna simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59168contraddistinguere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2722insegna is insegna" ; rdfs:label " insegna_as_Representation" . inds:USem2723marca simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem7079indicare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2723marca is marca" ; rdfs:label " marca_as_Representation" . inds:USem2724marchio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD6474distinguere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2724marchio is marchio" ; rdfs:label " marchio_as_Representation" . inds:USem2725onorificenza simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6526onorare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2725onorificenza is onorificenza" ; rdfs:label " onorificenza_as_Representation" . inds:USem2727intelligenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61751intelligente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2727intelligenza is intelligenza" ; rdfs:label " intelligenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2728attenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD3288attento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2728attenzione is attenzione" ; rdfs:label " attenzione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2729intuizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2729intuizione is intuizione" ; rdfs:label " intuizione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem2730potere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Social_Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2730potere is potere" ; rdfs:label " potere_as_Social_Property" . inds:USem2731comunicato simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2731comunicato is comunicato" ; rdfs:label " comunicato_as_Information" . inds:USem2732menu simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem6868menu ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2732menu is menu" ; rdfs:label " menu_as_Information" . inds:USem2733epoca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2733epoca is epoca" ; rdfs:label " epoca_as_Time" . inds:USem2734senso simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3308sentire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65564facolta1 ; a simple:Physical_power, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2734senso is senso" ; rdfs:label " senso_as_Physical_power" . inds:USem2735udito simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59353udire ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1820orecchio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2734senso ; a simple:Physical_power, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2735udito is udito" ; rdfs:label " udito_as_Physical_power" . inds:USem2736odorato simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59473odorare ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1812naso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2734senso ; a simple:Physical_power, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2736odorato is odorato" ; rdfs:label " odorato_as_Physical_power" . inds:USem2737olfatto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59473odorare ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1812naso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2734senso ; a simple:Physical_power, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2737olfatto is olfatto" ; rdfs:label " olfatto_as_Physical_power" . inds:USem2738tasto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD912tastiera ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2738tasto is tasto" ; rdfs:label " tasto_as_Part" . inds:USem2739tatto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem75937toccare ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2734senso ; a simple:Physical_power, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2739tatto is tatto" ; rdfs:label " tatto_as_Physical_power" . inds:USem2740tempo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2740tempo is tempo" ; rdfs:label " tempo_as_Time" . inds:USem2741adolescenza simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63948uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3879vita ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2741adolescenza is adolescenza" ; rdfs:label " adolescenza_as_Time" . inds:USem2742tirocinio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3336addestramento ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2742tirocinio is tirocinio" ; rdfs:label " tirocinio_as_Time" . inds:USem2743aratura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2743aratura is aratura" ; rdfs:label " aratura_as_Time" . inds:USem2744attesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3879vita ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2744attesa is attesa" ; rdfs:label " attesa_as_Time" . inds:USem2745attimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3381momento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2745attimo is attimo" ; rdfs:label " attimo_as_Time" . inds:USem2746avvento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2746avvento is avvento" ; rdfs:label " avvento_as_Time" . inds:USem2747cancellierato simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63963cancelliere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2747cancellierato is cancellierato" ; rdfs:label " cancellierato_as_Time" . inds:USem2748carnevale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2748carnevale is carnevale" ; rdfs:label " carnevale_as_Time" . inds:USem2749cinquantennio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2749cinquantennio is cinquantennio" ; rdfs:label " cinquantennio_as_Time" . inds:USem2750comporto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2750comporto is comporto" ; rdfs:label " comporto_as_Time" . inds:USem2751corso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2751corso is corso" ; rdfs:label " corso_as_Time" . inds:USem2752autunno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3362stagione ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD3365estate ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2752autunno is autunno" ; rdfs:label " autunno_as_Time" . inds:USem2753intermezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2753intermezzo is intermezzo" ; rdfs:label " intermezzo_as_Time" . inds:USem2754intervallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2754intervallo is intervallo" ; rdfs:label " intervallo_as_Time" . inds:USem2755lasso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2755lasso is lasso" ; rdfs:label " lasso_as_Time" . inds:USem2756neolitico simple:hasIsa inds:USem1792era ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2756neolitico is neolitico" ; rdfs:label " neolitico_as_Time" . inds:USem2757noviziato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2757noviziato is noviziato" ; rdfs:label " noviziato_as_Time" . inds:USem2758ora simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2758ora is ora" ; rdfs:label " ora_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem2759ora simple:hasIsa inds:USem4049spazio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2759ora is ora" ; rdfs:label " ora_as_Time" . inds:USem2760passato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2760passato is passato" ; rdfs:label " passato_as_Time" . inds:USem2761patriarcato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64202patriarca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2761patriarcato is patriarcato" ; rdfs:label " patriarcato_as_Time" . inds:USem2762pezzo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2762pezzo is pezzo" ; rdfs:label " pezzo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2763ponte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2763ponte is ponte" ; rdfs:label " ponte_as_Time" . inds:USem2764pontificato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62581papa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2764pontificato is pontificato" ; rdfs:label " pontificato_as_Time" . inds:USem2765preistoria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2765preistoria is preistoria" ; rdfs:label " preistoria_as_Time" . inds:USem2766presente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2766presente is presente" ; rdfs:label " presente_as_Time" . inds:USem2767puerperio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD3429parto ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem70548puerpera ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2767puerperio is puerperio" ; rdfs:label " puerperio_as_Time" . inds:USem2768quadriennio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2768quadriennio is quadriennio" ; rdfs:label " quadriennio_as_Time" . inds:USem2769quadrimestre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2769quadrimestre is quadrimestre" ; rdfs:label " quadrimestre_as_Time" . inds:USem2770quarantena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2770quarantena is quarantena" ; rdfs:label " quarantena_as_Time" . inds:USem2771quarantennio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2771quarantennio is quarantennio" ; rdfs:label " quarantennio_as_Time" . inds:USem2772quaresima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2772quaresima is quaresima" ; rdfs:label " quaresima_as_Time" . inds:USem2773quindicennio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2773quindicennio is quindicennio" ; rdfs:label " quindicennio_as_Time" . inds:USem2774quinquennio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2774quinquennio is quinquennio" ; rdfs:label " quinquennio_as_Time" . inds:USem2775regno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2775regno is regno" ; rdfs:label " regno_as_Time" . inds:USem2776scadenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem4048data ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2776scadenza is scadenza" ; rdfs:label " scadenza_as_Time" . inds:USem2777secolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2777secolo is secolo" ; rdfs:label " secolo_as_Time" . inds:USem2778semestre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2778semestre is semestre" ; rdfs:label " semestre_as_Time" . inds:USem2779settimana simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1849lunedi1, inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3280mese ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2779settimana is settimana" ; rdfs:label " settimana_as_Time" . inds:USem2780travaglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem6420gravidanza ; simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD3429parto ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2780travaglio is travaglio" ; rdfs:label " travaglio_as_Time" . inds:USem2781triennio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2781triennio is triennio" ; rdfs:label " triennio_as_Time" . inds:USem2782alba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasPrecedes inds:USem79282giorno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem79283notte ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2782alba is alba" ; rdfs:label " alba_as_Time" . inds:USem2783sera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasPrecedes inds:USem2793notte ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2783sera is sera" ; rdfs:label " sera_as_Time" . inds:USem2784giovedi1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2779settimana ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem1851mercoledi1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2784giovedi1 is giovedi'" ; rdfs:label " giovedi'_as_Time" . inds:USem2785venerdi1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2779settimana ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2784giovedi1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2785venerdi1 is venerdi'" ; rdfs:label " venerdi'_as_Time" . inds:USem2786sabato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2779settimana ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2785venerdi1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2786sabato is sabato" ; rdfs:label " sabato_as_Time" . inds:USem2787domenica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2779settimana ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2786sabato ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2787domenica is domenica" ; rdfs:label " domenica_as_Time" . inds:USem2788calende simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3280mese ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2788calende is calende" ; rdfs:label " calende_as_Time" . inds:USem2789capodanno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2789capodanno is capodanno" ; rdfs:label " capodanno_as_Time" . inds:USem2790giornata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2779settimana ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2790giornata is giornata" ; rdfs:label " giornata_as_Time" . inds:USem2791mattino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2782alba ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2791mattino is mattino" ; rdfs:label " mattino_as_Time" . inds:USem2792mattinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2782alba ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2792mattinata is mattinata" ; rdfs:label " mattinata_as_Time" . inds:USem2793notte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2783sera ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2793notte is notte" ; rdfs:label " notte_as_Time" . inds:USem2794onomastico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2794onomastico is onomastico" ; rdfs:label " onomastico_as_Time" . inds:USem2795solstizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2795solstizio is solstizio" ; rdfs:label " solstizio_as_Time" . inds:USem2796equinozio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2796equinozio is equinozio" ; rdfs:label " equinozio_as_Time" . inds:USem2797gennaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem1877dicembre ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2797gennaio is gennaio" ; rdfs:label " gennaio_as_Time" . inds:USem2798febbraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2797gennaio ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2798febbraio is febbraio" ; rdfs:label " febbraio_as_Time" . inds:USem2799marzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2798febbraio ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2799marzo is marzo" ; rdfs:label " marzo_as_Time" . inds:USem27medicina simple:hasConcerns inds:USem79484patologia, inds:USem79622salute ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem27medicina is medicina" ; rdfs:label " medicina_as_Domain" . inds:USem2800aprile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2799marzo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2800aprile is aprile" ; rdfs:label " aprile_as_Time" . inds:USem2801maggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2800aprile ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2801maggio is maggio" ; rdfs:label " maggio_as_Time" . inds:USem2802giugno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2801maggio ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2802giugno is giugno" ; rdfs:label " giugno_as_Time" . inds:USem2803luglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2802giugno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2803luglio is luglio" ; rdfs:label " luglio_as_Time" . inds:USem2804agosto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2803luglio ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2804agosto is agosto" ; rdfs:label " agosto_as_Time" . inds:USem2805settembre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2804agosto ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2805settembre is settembre" ; rdfs:label " settembre_as_Time" . inds:USem2806ottobre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2805settembre ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2806ottobre is ottobre" ; rdfs:label " ottobre_as_Time" . inds:USem2807novembre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2806ottobre ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2807novembre is novembre" ; rdfs:label " novembre_as_Time" . inds:USem2808istituzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem903ente ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2808istituzione is istituzione" ; rdfs:label " istituzione_as_Institution" . inds:USem2809chiesa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5520evangelizzare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2809chiesa is chiesa" ; rdfs:label " chiesa_as_Institution" . inds:USem2810vespa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2864ciclomotore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2810vespa is vespa" ; rdfs:label " vespa_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2811utensile simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2811utensile is utensile" ; rdfs:label " utensile_as_Artifact" . inds:USem2812accetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2812accetta is accetta" ; rdfs:label " accetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2813attrezzo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2813attrezzo is attrezzo" ; rdfs:label " attrezzo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2814cacciavite simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3610avvitare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2814cacciavite is cacciavite" ; rdfs:label " cacciavite_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2815cavallo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2815cavallo is cavallo" ; rdfs:label " cavallo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2816clava simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2816clava is clava" ; rdfs:label " clava_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2817falce simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2817falce is falce" ; rdfs:label " falce_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2818forca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76060ammucchiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2818forca is forca" ; rdfs:label " forca_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2819giavellotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2819giavellotto is giavellotto" ; rdfs:label " giavellotto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2820lenza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3184filo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2820lenza is lenza" ; rdfs:label " lenza_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2821martello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3642battere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2821martello is martello" ; rdfs:label " martello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2822molla simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD461afferrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2822molla is molla" ; rdfs:label " molla_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2823montacarico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2823montacarico is montacarico" ; rdfs:label " montacarico_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2824morsa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem68897ganascia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD461afferrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2824morsa is morsa" ; rdfs:label " morsa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2825ostacolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2825ostacolo is ostacolo" ; rdfs:label " ostacolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2826parallela simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2826parallela is parallela" ; rdfs:label " parallela_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2827pertica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2827pertica is pertica" ; rdfs:label " pertica_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2828peso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2828peso is peso" ; rdfs:label " peso_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2829piccone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59130scavare, inds:USem7100demolire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2829piccone is piccone" ; rdfs:label " piccone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2830piccozza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2830piccozza is piccozza" ; rdfs:label " piccozza_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2831punteruolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3691forare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2831punteruolo is punteruolo" ; rdfs:label " punteruolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2832racchetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem70336rete, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2832racchetta is racchetta" ; rdfs:label " racchetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2833raspa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem66618limare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2833raspa is raspa" ; rdfs:label " raspa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2834rastrello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4209dente, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61216raccogliere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2834rastrello is rastrello" ; rdfs:label " rastrello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2835scure simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2835scure is scure" ; rdfs:label " scure_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2836tenaglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem68897ganascia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD461afferrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2836tenaglia is tenaglia" ; rdfs:label " tenaglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2837vanga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemTH246vangare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2837vanga is vanga" ; rdfs:label " vanga_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2838zappa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5703zappare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2838zappa is zappa" ; rdfs:label " zappa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2839setaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD7126setacciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2839setaccio is setaccio" ; rdfs:label " setaccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2840sparviero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3333muratore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60692intonacare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2840sparviero is sparviero" ; rdfs:label " sparviero_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2841trapezio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3739fune, inds:USemD3740sbarra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2841trapezio is trapezio" ; rdfs:label " trapezio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2842vogatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2842vogatore is vogatore" ; rdfs:label " vogatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2843spatola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75931spalmare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2843spatola is spatola" ; rdfs:label " spatola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2844trave simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2844trave is trave" ; rdfs:label " trave_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2845vaglio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60390separare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2845vaglio is vaglio" ; rdfs:label " vaglio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2846alare simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2846alare is alare" ; rdfs:label " alare_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2847ancora simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6884ancorare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2847ancora is ancora" ; rdfs:label " ancora_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2848cesoia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2848cesoia is cesoia" ; rdfs:label " cesoia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2851quadro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2851quadro is quadro" ; rdfs:label " quadro_as_Artwork" . inds:USem2852macchina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2852macchina is macchina" ; rdfs:label " macchina_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2853autovettura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2853autovettura is autovettura" ; rdfs:label " autovettura_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2854auto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2854auto is auto" ; rdfs:label " auto_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2855camion simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2855camion is camion" ; rdfs:label " camion_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2856autobus simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2856autobus is autobus" ; rdfs:label " autobus_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2857autobotte simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2857autobotte is autobotte" ; rdfs:label " autobotte_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2858autoblindo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2858autoblindo is autoblindo" ; rdfs:label " autoblindo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2859autoambulanza simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6340ferito, inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2859autoambulanza is autoambulanza" ; rdfs:label " autoambulanza_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2860camper simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2860camper is camper" ; rdfs:label " camper_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2861fuoristrada simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2861fuoristrada is fuoristrada" ; rdfs:label " fuoristrada_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2862cingolato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD617cingolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2862cingolato is cingolato" ; rdfs:label " cingolato_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2863locomotiva simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2863locomotiva is locomotiva" ; rdfs:label " locomotiva_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2864ciclomotore simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD802viaggiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2864ciclomotore is ciclomotore" ; rdfs:label " ciclomotore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2865triciclo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota, inds:USemD812pedale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2865triciclo is triciclo" ; rdfs:label " triciclo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2866biciclo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem66463sellino, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71813ciclo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2866biciclo is biciclo" ; rdfs:label " biciclo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2867motocicletta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USem66463sellino, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2864ciclomotore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD802viaggiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2867motocicletta is motocicletta" ; rdfs:label " motocicletta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2868carrozzella simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2868carrozzella is carrozzella" ; rdfs:label " carrozzella_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2869carrozzella simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2869carrozzella is carrozzella" ; rdfs:label " carrozzella_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2870carrozzina simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD65978neonato ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71910lettino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem61026spingere ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2870carrozzina is carrozzina" ; rdfs:label " carrozzina_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2871navicella simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3448propulsore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2871navicella is navicella" ; rdfs:label " navicella_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2872radiomobile simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3513radio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2872radiomobile is radiomobile" ; rdfs:label " radiomobile_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2873turbo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2873turbo is turbo" ; rdfs:label " turbo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2874vagone simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2874vagone is vagone" ; rdfs:label " vagone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2875rimorchio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2875rimorchio is rimorchio" ; rdfs:label " rimorchio_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2876autoveicolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2876autoveicolo is autoveicolo" ; rdfs:label " autoveicolo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem2877contenitore simple:hasTelic inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2877contenitore is contenitore" ; rdfs:label " contenitore_as_Telic" . inds:USem2878strumento simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem79663strumentazione ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2878strumento is strumento" ; rdfs:label " strumento_as_Artifact" . inds:USem2879armonica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2879armonica is armonica" ; rdfs:label " armonica_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2880arpa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2880arpa is arpa" ; rdfs:label " arpa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2881cetra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2881cetra is cetra" ; rdfs:label " cetra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2882chitarra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem68781chitarrista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2882chitarra is chitarra" ; rdfs:label " chitarra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2883clarinetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2883clarinetto is clarinetto" ; rdfs:label " clarinetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2884clavicembalo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD912tastiera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2884clavicembalo is clavicembalo" ; rdfs:label " clavicembalo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2885contrabbasso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2885contrabbasso is contrabbasso" ; rdfs:label " contrabbasso_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2886cornamusa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2886cornamusa is cornamusa" ; rdfs:label " cornamusa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2887cornetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2887cornetta is cornetta" ; rdfs:label " cornetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2888corno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2888corno is corno" ; rdfs:label " corno_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2889fiato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2889fiato is fiato" ; rdfs:label " fiato_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2890fisarmonica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2890fisarmonica is fisarmonica" ; rdfs:label " fisarmonica_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2891flauto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem6255flautista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2891flauto is flauto" ; rdfs:label " flauto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2892lira simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2892lira is lira" ; rdfs:label " lira_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2893liuto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2893liuto is liuto" ; rdfs:label " liuto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2894organo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD912tastiera ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem74518organista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2894organo is organo" ; rdfs:label " organo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2895pianoforte simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem68058legno ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem6369pianista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2895pianoforte is pianoforte" ; rdfs:label " pianoforte_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2896pianola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2896pianola is pianola" ; rdfs:label " pianola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2897piatto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2897piatto is piatto" ; rdfs:label " piatto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2898sassofono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem2004sassofonista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2898sassofono is sassofono" ; rdfs:label " sassofono_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2899scacciapensieri simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2899scacciapensieri is scacciapensieri" ; rdfs:label " scacciapensieri_as_Instrument" . inds:USem28microeconomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem28microeconomia is microeconomia" ; rdfs:label " microeconomia_as_Domain" . inds:USem2900spinetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda, inds:USemD912tastiera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2900spinetta is spinetta" ; rdfs:label " spinetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2901tamburello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2901tamburello is tamburello" ; rdfs:label " tamburello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2902tamburo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2902tamburo is tamburo" ; rdfs:label " tamburo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2903timpano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2903timpano is timpano" ; rdfs:label " timpano_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2904triangolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2904triangolo is triangolo" ; rdfs:label " triangolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2905tromba simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem1978trombettista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2905tromba is tromba" ; rdfs:label " tromba_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2906trombone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3942ottone ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2906trombone is trombone" ; rdfs:label " trombone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2908viola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2908viola is viola" ; rdfs:label " viola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2909violino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem68058legno ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem1976violinista, inds:USem79290violino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2909violino is violino" ; rdfs:label " violino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2910violoncello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2910violoncello is violoncello" ; rdfs:label " violoncello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2911zufolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2911zufolo is zufolo" ; rdfs:label " zufolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2912basso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem73257bassista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2912basso is basso" ; rdfs:label " basso_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2913bordone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2913bordone is bordone" ; rdfs:label " bordone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2914accendigas simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5001accendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2914accendigas is accendigas" ; rdfs:label " accendigas_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2915amo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2915amo is amo" ; rdfs:label " amo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2916barometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USemD5004pressione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2916barometro is barometro" ; rdfs:label " barometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2917bilancia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2574peso ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem67354pesare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2917bilancia is bilancia" ; rdfs:label " bilancia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2918binocolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5014osservare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2918binocolo is binocolo" ; rdfs:label " binocolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2919bussola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2919bussola is bussola" ; rdfs:label " bussola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2920caleidoscopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2920caleidoscopio is caleidoscopio" ; rdfs:label " caleidoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2921calibro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USemD1041spessore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2921calibro is calibro" ; rdfs:label " calibro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2922calorimetro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem63176calore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2922calorimetro is calorimetro" ; rdfs:label " calorimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2923campana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2923campana is campana" ; rdfs:label " campana_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2924campana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2924campana is campana" ; rdfs:label " campana_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2925campanello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2925campanello is campanello" ; rdfs:label " campanello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2926cannocchiale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5014osservare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2926cannocchiale is cannocchiale" ; rdfs:label " cannocchiale_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2927cavalletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2927cavalletto is cavalletto" ; rdfs:label " cavalletto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2928cavalletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66172treppiede ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2928cavalletto is cavalletto" ; rdfs:label " cavalletto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2929chiave simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1068aprire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2929chiave is chiave" ; rdfs:label " chiave_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2930chiavetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1068aprire, inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2930chiavetta is chiavetta" ; rdfs:label " chiavetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2931collimatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5010collimare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2931collimatore is collimatore" ; rdfs:label " collimatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2932compasso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem069540distanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61063tracciare, inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2932compasso is compasso" ; rdfs:label " compasso_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2933coltello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2933coltello is coltello" ; rdfs:label " coltello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2934contachilometri simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem069540distanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2934contachilometri is contachilometri" ; rdfs:label " contachilometri_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2935contagocce simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2935contagocce is contagocce" ; rdfs:label " contagocce_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2936contatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2936contatore is contatore" ; rdfs:label " contatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem2937indumento simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5433stoffa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2937indumento is indumento" ; rdfs:label " indumento_as_Artifact" . inds:USem2938accappatoio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5432spugna ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3998asciugare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2938accappatoio is accappatoio" ; rdfs:label " accappatoio_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2939body simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63544intimo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2939body is body" ; rdfs:label " body_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2940calza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1116maglia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2940calza is calza" ; rdfs:label " calza_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2941calzamaglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1116maglia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2941calzamaglia is calzamaglia" ; rdfs:label " calzamaglia_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2942calzone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2942calzone is calzone" ; rdfs:label " calzone_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2943camicetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2943camicetta is camicetta" ; rdfs:label " camicetta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2944camicia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2944camicia is camicia" ; rdfs:label " camicia_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2945camiciola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2945camiciola is camiciola" ; rdfs:label " camiciola_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2946cappa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2952mantello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2946cappa is cappa" ; rdfs:label " cappa_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2947cerata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1152impermeabile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2947cerata is cerata" ; rdfs:label " cerata_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2948costume simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2948costume is costume" ; rdfs:label " costume_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2949felpa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5421felpa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2949felpa is felpa" ; rdfs:label " felpa_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2950grembiule simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2950grembiule is grembiule" ; rdfs:label " grembiule_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2951maglietta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2951maglietta is maglietta" ; rdfs:label " maglietta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2952mantello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2952mantello is mantello" ; rdfs:label " mantello_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2953mutanda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63544intimo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2953mutanda is mutanda" ; rdfs:label " mutanda_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2954pigiama simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2954pigiama is pigiama" ; rdfs:label " pigiama_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2955pullover simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5426maglia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2955pullover is pullover" ; rdfs:label " pullover_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2956reggiseno simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63544intimo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7105modellare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2956reggiseno is reggiseno" ; rdfs:label " reggiseno_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2957scialle simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2957scialle is scialle" ; rdfs:label " scialle_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2958soprabito simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2958soprabito is soprabito" ; rdfs:label " soprabito_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2959sottoveste simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63544intimo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2959sottoveste is sottoveste" ; rdfs:label " sottoveste_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2960tuta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2960tuta is tuta" ; rdfs:label " tuta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2961veste simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2961veste is veste" ; rdfs:label " veste_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2962pareo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2962pareo is pareo" ; rdfs:label " pareo_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2963abito simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2963abito is abito" ; rdfs:label " abito_as_Clothing" . inds:USem2965recipiente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2965recipiente is recipiente" ; rdfs:label " recipiente_as_Container" . inds:USem2966scatola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2966scatola is scatola" ; rdfs:label " scatola_as_Container" . inds:USem2967bacheca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2967bacheca is bacheca" ; rdfs:label " bacheca_as_Container" . inds:USem2968bomboniera simple:hasContains inds:USem3708dolciume ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2968bomboniera is bomboniera" ; rdfs:label " bomboniera_as_Container" . inds:USem2969cassonetto simple:hasContains inds:USem74992rifiuto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2969cassonetto is cassonetto" ; rdfs:label " cassonetto_as_Container" . inds:USem2970cestello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2970cestello is cestello" ; rdfs:label " cestello_as_Container" . inds:USem2971container simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2971container is container" ; rdfs:label " container_as_Container" . inds:USem2972flacone simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2972flacone is flacone" ; rdfs:label " flacone_as_Container" . inds:USem2973portabottiglie simple:hasContains inds:USemD1268bottiglia ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD1269scaffale, inds:USemD1270scompartimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2973portabottiglie is portabottiglie" ; rdfs:label " portabottiglie_as_Container" . inds:USem2974portaoggetti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2974portaoggetti is portaoggetti" ; rdfs:label " portaoggetti_as_Container" . inds:USem2975portaghiaccio simple:hasContains inds:USem3871ghiaccio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2975portaghiaccio is portaghiaccio" ; rdfs:label " portaghiaccio_as_Container" . inds:USem2976tazza simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2976tazza is tazza" ; rdfs:label " tazza_as_Container" . inds:USem2977vaschetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2977vaschetta is vaschetta" ; rdfs:label " vaschetta_as_Container" . inds:USem2978vaso simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido, inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2978vaso is vaso" ; rdfs:label " vaso_as_Container" . inds:USem2979vaso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2979vaso is vaso" ; rdfs:label " vaso_as_Container" . inds:USem2980annaffiatoio simple:hasContains inds:USem2990acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3989annaffiare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2980annaffiatoio is annaffiatoio" ; rdfs:label " annaffiatoio_as_Container" . inds:USem2981bacinella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2981bacinella is bacinella" ; rdfs:label " bacinella_as_Container" . inds:USem2982barile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2982barile is barile" ; rdfs:label " barile_as_Container" . inds:USem2983bicchiere simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2983bicchiere is bicchiere" ; rdfs:label " bicchiere_as_Container" . inds:USem2984bidone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2984bidone is bidone" ; rdfs:label " bidone_as_Container" . inds:USem2985bigoncia simple:hasContains inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2985bigoncia is bigoncia" ; rdfs:label " bigoncia_as_Container" . inds:USem2986boccale simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2986boccale is boccale" ; rdfs:label " boccale_as_Container" . inds:USem2987boiler simple:hasContains inds:USem2990acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1328riscaldare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2987boiler is boiler" ; rdfs:label " boiler_as_Container" . inds:USem2989acqua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2989acqua is acqua" ; rdfs:label " acqua_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem2990acqua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2722idrogeno, inds:USemD2724ossigeno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2990acqua is acqua" ; rdfs:label " acqua_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem2991cemento simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64575impasto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USem3709calcare, inds:USem59320ghiaia, inds:USemD5299argilla, inds:USemD5318sabbia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2991cemento is cemento" ; rdfs:label " cemento_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem2992rivestimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2613rivestire ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2992rivestimento is rivestimento" ; rdfs:label " rivestimento_as_Material" . inds:USem2993compensato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD6899incollare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2993compensato is compensato" ; rdfs:label " compensato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem2994laminato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3007plastica, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7053prodotto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2994laminato is laminato" ; rdfs:label " laminato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem2995truciolato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2995truciolato is truciolato" ; rdfs:label " truciolato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem2996linoleum simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7053prodotto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2613rivestire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2996linoleum is linoleum" ; rdfs:label " linoleum_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem2997nailon simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59863derivare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD5143carbone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4040fibra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2997nailon is nailon" ; rdfs:label " nailon_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem2998sughero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2998sughero is sughero" ; rdfs:label " sughero_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem2999papiro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1528papiro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3042carta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem2999papiro is papiro" ; rdfs:label " papiro_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem29neuropsichiatria simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem29neuropsichiatria is neuropsichiatria" ; rdfs:label " neuropsichiatria_as_Domain" . inds:USem3000pietra simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3000pietra is pietra" ; rdfs:label " pietra_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem3001polistirolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemTH25250stirene ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3016materia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64582isolare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3001polistirolo is polistirolo" ; rdfs:label " polistirolo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3002pietra simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3002pietra is pietra" ; rdfs:label " pietra_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3003porcellana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5521cottura ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3710ceramica ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3003porcellana is porcellana" ; rdfs:label " porcellana_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3004stucco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64575impasto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2613rivestire, inds:USemD2646decorare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3004stucco is stucco" ; rdfs:label " stucco_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3005tartaruga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3325tartaruga ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3005tartaruga is tartaruga" ; rdfs:label " tartaruga_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3006terra simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3006terra is terra" ; rdfs:label " terra_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3007plastica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3007plastica is plastica" ; rdfs:label " plastica_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3008plexiglas simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3094resina ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3008plexiglas is plexiglas" ; rdfs:label " plexiglas_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3009polietilene simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD5433etilene ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem26materia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3009polietilene is polietilene" ; rdfs:label " polietilene_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3010gas simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3010gas is gas" ; rdfs:label " gas_as_Substance" . inds:USem3011abrasivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59893lucidare, inds:USem59895levigare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3011abrasivo is abrasivo" ; rdfs:label " abrasivo_as_Substance" . inds:USem3014fluido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3014fluido is fluido" ; rdfs:label " fluido_as_Substance" . inds:USem3015lucido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59893lucidare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3015lucido is lucido" ; rdfs:label " lucido_as_Substance" . inds:USem3016materia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3016materia is materia" ; rdfs:label " materia_as_Substance" . inds:USem3017minerale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3017minerale is minerale" ; rdfs:label " minerale_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3018mordente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2679fissare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3018mordente is mordente" ; rdfs:label " mordente_as_Substance" . inds:USem3019antibiotico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1959microrganismo ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem3869infezione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare, inds:USemD5466prevenire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3019antibiotico is antibiotico" ; rdfs:label " antibiotico_as_Substance" . inds:USem3020anticorpo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3126sangue ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemTH186immunizzare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3020anticorpo is anticorpo" ; rdfs:label " anticorpo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3021antidoto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem3110veleno ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3021antidoto is antidoto" ; rdfs:label " antidoto_as_Substance" . inds:USem3022antisettico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem3869infezione ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3022antisettico is antisettico" ; rdfs:label " antisettico_as_Substance" . inds:USem3023arsenico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3023arsenico is arsenico" ; rdfs:label " arsenico_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3024acetato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3024acetato is acetato" ; rdfs:label " acetato_as_Substance" . inds:USem3025acetone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3096solvente ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3025acetone is acetone" ; rdfs:label " acetone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3026additivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3026additivo is additivo" ; rdfs:label " additivo_as_Substance" . inds:USem3027balsamo simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem6138dolore ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3027balsamo is balsamo" ; rdfs:label " balsamo_as_Substance" . inds:USem3028battericida simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem1972batterio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3028battericida is battericida" ; rdfs:label " battericida_as_Substance" . inds:USem3029cloridrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3029cloridrato is cloridrato" ; rdfs:label " cloridrato_as_Substance" . inds:USem3030fenolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59889disinfettare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3030fenolo is fenolo" ; rdfs:label " fenolo_as_Substance" . inds:USem3031ferro simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2461grigio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3031ferro is ferro" ; rdfs:label " ferro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3033calmante simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5320calmare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3033calmante is calmante" ; rdfs:label " calmante_as_Substance" . inds:USem3034canfora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3022antisettico, inds:USem78123antitarmico ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3034canfora is canfora" ; rdfs:label " canfora_as_Substance" . inds:USem3035carburante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3035carburante is carburante" ; rdfs:label " carburante_as_Substance" . inds:USem3036anestetico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2896anestetizzare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3036anestetico is anestetico" ; rdfs:label " anestetico_as_Substance" . inds:USem3037carotene simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3685carota ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3037carotene is carotene" ; rdfs:label " carotene_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3038caseina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3249latte ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3038caseina is caseina" ; rdfs:label " caseina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3039cera simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1366giallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD5442ape ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3039cera is cera" ; rdfs:label " cera_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3040cheratina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD2912cute ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3040cheratina is cheratina" ; rdfs:label " cheratina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3041cloroformio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3096solvente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2896anestetizzare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3041cloroformio is cloroformio" ; rdfs:label " cloroformio_as_Substance" . inds:USem3042carta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD2713cellulosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3042carta is carta" ; rdfs:label " carta_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3043catalizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem67017catalizzare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3043catalizzatore is catalizzatore" ; rdfs:label " catalizzatore_as_Substance" . inds:USem3044curaro simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59673miscuglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2869avvelenare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3044curaro is curaro" ; rdfs:label " curaro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3045enzima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3045enzima is enzima" ; rdfs:label " enzima_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3046emoglobina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3126sangue ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3046emoglobina is emoglobina" ; rdfs:label " emoglobina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3047farmaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem60388prescrivere, inds:USem78142assumere ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3047farmaco is farmaco" ; rdfs:label " farmaco_as_Substance" . inds:USem3048idrossido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1584metallo, inds:USemD2722idrogeno, inds:USemD2724ossigeno ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3048idrossido is idrossido" ; rdfs:label " idrossido_as_Substance" . inds:USem3049insulina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3052ormone ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1825pancreas ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1405regolare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3049insulina is insulina" ; rdfs:label " insulina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3050idrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USem3698ossido ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3050idrato is idrato" ; rdfs:label " idrato_as_Substance" . inds:USem3051lassativo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2732purgare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3051lassativo is lassativo" ; rdfs:label " lassativo_as_Substance" . inds:USem3052ormone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3052ormone is ormone" ; rdfs:label " ormone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3053interferone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3053interferone is interferone" ; rdfs:label " interferone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3054medicamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3054medicamento is medicamento" ; rdfs:label " medicamento_as_Substance" . inds:USem3056muschio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3056muschio is muschio" ; rdfs:label " muschio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3057oppio simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1597papavero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5359sedare, inds:USemD5360narcotizzare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3057oppio is oppio" ; rdfs:label " oppio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3058grasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2722idrogeno, inds:USemD2724ossigeno, inds:USemD3043carbonio ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3058grasso is grasso" ; rdfs:label " grasso_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3059liofilizzato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3059liofilizzato is liofilizzato" ; rdfs:label " liofilizzato_as_Substance" . inds:USem3060proteina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD5401tessuto ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3060proteina is proteina" ; rdfs:label " proteina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3061pigmento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2753colorare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3061pigmento is pigmento" ; rdfs:label " pigmento_as_Substance" . inds:USem3062pigmento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2753colorare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3062pigmento is pigmento" ; rdfs:label " pigmento_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3063adesivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6899incollare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3063adesivo is adesivo" ; rdfs:label " adesivo_as_Substance" . inds:USem3064agente simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3064agente is agente" ; rdfs:label " agente_as_Agentive" . inds:USem3065assorbente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5310assorbire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3065assorbente is assorbente" ; rdfs:label " assorbente_as_Substance" . inds:USem3066astringente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5311astringere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3066astringente is astringente" ; rdfs:label " astringente_as_Substance" . inds:USem3067bianchetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2961cancellare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3067bianchetto is bianchetto" ; rdfs:label " bianchetto_as_Substance" . inds:USem3068bomba simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68901notizia ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3068bomba is bomba" ; rdfs:label " bomba_as_Information" . inds:USem3069caglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USemD5300coagulante ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3069caglio is caglio" ; rdfs:label " caglio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3070calcina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2989acqua, inds:USemD5317calce, inds:USemD5318sabbia, inds:USemD5319pietrisco ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3070calcina is calcina" ; rdfs:label " calcina_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3072afrodisiaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60732stimolare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3072afrodisiaco is afrodisiaco" ; rdfs:label " afrodisiaco_as_Substance" . inds:USem3073chitina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3073chitina is chitina" ; rdfs:label " chitina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3074collageno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1777osso, inds:USemD5443cartilagine ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3074collageno is collageno" ; rdfs:label " collageno_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3075collante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6899incollare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3075collante is collante" ; rdfs:label " collante_as_Substance" . inds:USem3076colloide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3076colloide is colloide" ; rdfs:label " colloide_as_Substance" . inds:USem3077colorante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2753colorare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3077colorante is colorante" ; rdfs:label " colorante_as_Substance" . inds:USem3078concime simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3086fertilizzante ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3078concime is concime" ; rdfs:label " concime_as_Substance" . inds:USem3079corallo simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso, inds:USem2456rosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3709calcare ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3079corallo is corallo" ; rdfs:label " corallo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3081diluente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5324diluire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3081diluente is diluente" ; rdfs:label " diluente_as_Substance" . inds:USem3082droga simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3082droga is droga" ; rdfs:label " droga_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem3083droga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3083droga is droga" ; rdfs:label " droga_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3084droga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5341drogare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3084droga is droga" ; rdfs:label " droga_as_Substance" . inds:USem3085esplosivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61014esplodere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3085esplosivo is esplosivo" ; rdfs:label " esplosivo_as_Substance" . inds:USem3086fertilizzante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2790fertilizzare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3086fertilizzante is fertilizzante" ; rdfs:label " fertilizzante_as_Substance" . inds:USem3087fumogeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD5383fumo ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3087fumogeno is fumogeno" ; rdfs:label " fumogeno_as_Substance" . inds:USem3088glutine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1535cereale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3088glutine is glutine" ; rdfs:label " glutine_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3089lievito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6644fermentare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3089lievito is lievito" ; rdfs:label " lievito_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3090paraffina simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD2817petrolio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3090paraffina is paraffina" ; rdfs:label " paraffina_as_Substance" . inds:USem3091porpora simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD570mollusco ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2753colorare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3091porpora is porpora" ; rdfs:label " porpora_as_Substance" . inds:USem3092propellente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5345propulsione ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3092propellente is propellente" ; rdfs:label " propellente_as_Substance" . inds:USem3093putredine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3093putredine is putredine" ; rdfs:label " putredine_as_Substance" . inds:USem3094resina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3094resina is resina" ; rdfs:label " resina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3095semiconduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3095semiconduttore is semiconduttore" ; rdfs:label " semiconduttore_as_Substance" . inds:USem3096solvente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59506sciogliere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3096solvente is solvente" ; rdfs:label " solvente_as_Substance" . inds:USem3097smalto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2646decorare, inds:USemD5201proteggere, inds:USemTH576impermeabilizzare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3097smalto is smalto" ; rdfs:label " smalto_as_Substance" . inds:USem3099polvere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3099polvere is polvere" ; rdfs:label " polvere_as_Substance" . inds:USem30onomastica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem30onomastica is onomastica" ; rdfs:label " onomastica_as_Domain" . inds:USem3100polvere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3006terra ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3100polvere is polvere" ; rdfs:label " polvere_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3101sostrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3101sostrato is sostrato" ; rdfs:label " sostrato_as_Substance" . inds:USem3102sostrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3102sostrato is sostrato" ; rdfs:label " sostrato_as_Substance" . inds:USem3103tensioattivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3938modificare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3103tensioattivo is tensioattivo" ; rdfs:label " tensioattivo_as_Substance" . inds:USem3104tornasole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7079indicare, inds:USemD2753colorare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3104tornasole is tornasole" ; rdfs:label " tornasole_as_Substance" . inds:USem3105tossina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1428pianta, inds:USemD5328germe ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3105tossina is tossina" ; rdfs:label " tossina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3106vaccino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76726vaccinare, inds:USemTH186immunizzare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3106vaccino is vaccino" ; rdfs:label " vaccino_as_Substance" . inds:USem3107unguento simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3054medicamento ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3107unguento is unguento" ; rdfs:label " unguento_as_Substance" . inds:USem3108vapore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3108vapore is vapore" ; rdfs:label " vapore_as_Substance" . inds:USem3109vaselina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3226idrocarburo ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem65671lubrificante, inds:USemTH07552eccipiente ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3109vaselina is vaselina" ; rdfs:label " vaselina_as_Substance" . inds:USem3110veleno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2869avvelenare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3110veleno is veleno" ; rdfs:label " veleno_as_Substance" . inds:USem3111vischio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1699bacca ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7124catturare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3111vischio is vischio" ; rdfs:label " vischio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3112viscosa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59863derivare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3112viscosa is viscosa" ; rdfs:label " viscosa_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3113acetato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3183filato ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3113acetato is acetato" ; rdfs:label " acetato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3114acido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3114acido is acido" ; rdfs:label " acido_as_Substance" . inds:USem3115nero simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1370nero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3115nero is nero" ; rdfs:label " nero_as_Substance" . inds:USem3116benzina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5467raffinazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD2817petrolio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3035carburante, inds:USem3096solvente ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3116benzina is benzina" ; rdfs:label " benzina_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3118bile simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2491verdastro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1819fegato ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3118bile is bile" ; rdfs:label " bile_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3119chilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1829intestino ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3119chilo is chilo" ; rdfs:label " chilo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3120clistere simple:hasIsa inds:USem78127soluzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2732purgare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3120clistere is clistere" ; rdfs:label " clistere_as_Substance" . inds:USem3121collirio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3121collirio is collirio" ; rdfs:label " collirio_as_Substance" . inds:USem3122colostro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1823mammella ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3122colostro is colostro" ; rdfs:label " colostro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3123distillato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD1774distillare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3123distillato is distillato" ; rdfs:label " distillato_as_Substance" . inds:USem3124gomma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3124gomma is gomma" ; rdfs:label " gomma_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3125gomma simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3125gomma is gomma" ; rdfs:label " gomma_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3126sangue simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1963globulo, inds:USem79473piastrina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3126sangue is sangue" ; rdfs:label " sangue_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3127scolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD2968scolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3127scolo is scolo" ; rdfs:label " scolo_as_Substance" . inds:USem3128sudore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3128sudore is sudore" ; rdfs:label " sudore_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3129urina simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1366giallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1784rene ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3129urina is urina" ; rdfs:label " urina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3130pus simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1366giallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem069649ferita, inds:USemD2987piaga ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem3869infezione ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3130pus is pus" ; rdfs:label " pus_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3131mercurio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USemD2989argento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59506sciogliere ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3131mercurio is mercurio" ; rdfs:label " mercurio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3132inchiostro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere, inds:USem6588disegnare, inds:USemD934stampare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3132inchiostro is inchiostro" ; rdfs:label " inchiostro_as_Substance" . inds:USem3133lattice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3133lattice is lattice" ; rdfs:label " lattice_as_Substance" . inds:USem3134linfa simple:hasContains inds:USem3060proteina, inds:USem3704sale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3134linfa is linfa" ; rdfs:label " linfa_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3135linfa simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3006nutrire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3135linfa is linfa" ; rdfs:label " linfa_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3136liquame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3136liquame is liquame" ; rdfs:label " liquame_as_Substance" . inds:USem3137lozione simple:hasIsa inds:USem78127soluzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemTH39128igiene ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3137lozione is lozione" ; rdfs:label " lozione_as_Substance" . inds:USem3138muco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD5401tessuto ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3138muco is muco" ; rdfs:label " muco_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3139risciacquo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5474risciacquare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3139risciacquo is risciacquo" ; rdfs:label " risciacquo_as_Substance" . inds:USem3140schiuma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3140schiuma is schiuma" ; rdfs:label " schiuma_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3141sugo simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3393vivanda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3141sugo is sugo" ; rdfs:label " sugo_as_Substance" . inds:USem3142umore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1768organo ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3142umore is umore" ; rdfs:label " umore_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3143cerume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1820orecchio ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3143cerume is cerume" ; rdfs:label " cerume_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3144vetro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5422fusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3016materia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3420silicio ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3144vetro is vetro" ; rdfs:label " vetro_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3145vomito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3145vomito is vomito" ; rdfs:label " vomito_as_Substance" . inds:USem3146unto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem61625ungere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3146unto is unto" ; rdfs:label " unto_as_Substance" . inds:USem3147tinta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5349tingere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3147tinta is tinta" ; rdfs:label " tinta_as_Substance" . inds:USem3148crine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1904pelo ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64834imbottire ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3148crine is crine" ; rdfs:label " crine_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3149acciaio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5422fusione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3203ghisa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3649lega ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3031ferro, inds:USemD3043carbonio ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3149acciaio is acciaio" ; rdfs:label " acciaio_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3150acquamarina simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2465acquamarina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3002pietra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3150acquamarina is acquamarina" ; rdfs:label " acquamarina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3151berillio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3151berillio is berillio" ; rdfs:label " berillio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3152smeraldo simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1367verde ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3002pietra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3152smeraldo is smeraldo" ; rdfs:label " smeraldo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3153topazio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1366giallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3002pietra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3153topazio is topazio" ; rdfs:label " topazio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3154adrenalina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3052ormone ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3154adrenalina is adrenalina" ; rdfs:label " adrenalina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3155alabastro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3155alabastro is alabastro" ; rdfs:label " alabastro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3157allucinogeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3157allucinogeno is allucinogeno" ; rdfs:label " allucinogeno_as_Substance" . inds:USem3158alluminio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2461grigio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3158alluminio is alluminio" ; rdfs:label " alluminio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3159alogeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3159alogeno is alogeno" ; rdfs:label " alogeno_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3160amianto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3160amianto is amianto" ; rdfs:label " amianto_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3161ammoniaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3164azoto, inds:USemD2722idrogeno ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3161ammoniaca is ammoniaca" ; rdfs:label " ammoniaca_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3162analgesico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5320calmare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3162analgesico is analgesico" ; rdfs:label " analgesico_as_Substance" . inds:USem3163anidride simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3163anidride is anidride" ; rdfs:label " anidride_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3164azoto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62391atmosfera ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3164azoto is azoto" ; rdfs:label " azoto_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3165bachelite simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3094resina ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64582isolare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3165bachelite is bachelite" ; rdfs:label " bachelite_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3166bambagia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3087cotone ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3166bambagia is bambagia" ; rdfs:label " bambagia_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3167lana simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1133pecora, inds:USem1928capra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4040fibra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3167lana is lana" ; rdfs:label " lana_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3168seta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4040fibra ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem4273baco ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3168seta is seta" ; rdfs:label " seta_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3169creatina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5358contrarre ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3169creatina is creatina" ; rdfs:label " creatina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3170cristallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem26materia ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3170cristallo is cristallo" ; rdfs:label " cristallo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3171cristallo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5422fusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3419potassio, inds:USem3420silicio ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3171cristallo is cristallo" ; rdfs:label " cristallo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3174dentifricio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75949pulire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3174dentifricio is dentifricio" ; rdfs:label " dentifricio_as_Substance" . inds:USem3175deodorante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3532profumare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3175deodorante is deodorante" ; rdfs:label " deodorante_as_Substance" . inds:USem3176detergente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75949pulire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3176detergente is detergente" ; rdfs:label " detergente_as_Substance" . inds:USem3177dinamite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3213nitroglicerina ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3085esplosivo ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3177dinamite is dinamite" ; rdfs:label " dinamite_as_Substance" . inds:USem3178estrogeno simple:hasIsa inds:USem3052ormone ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3178estrogeno is estrogeno" ; rdfs:label " estrogeno_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3179etere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3036anestetico ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3179etere is etere" ; rdfs:label " etere_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3180fango simple:hasIsa inds:USem59673miscuglio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5444particella ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3180fango is fango" ; rdfs:label " fango_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3181fango simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USem3100polvere ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3181fango is fango" ; rdfs:label " fango_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3182fiele simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1366giallo, inds:USem1367verde ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1819fegato ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3182fiele is fiele" ; rdfs:label " fiele_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3183filato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1391filare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4040fibra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3183filato is filato" ; rdfs:label " filato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3184filo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3184filo is filo" ; rdfs:label " filo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3185fluorite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5289calcio ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3185fluorite is fluorite" ; rdfs:label " fluorite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3186fluoruro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3186fluoruro is fluoruro" ; rdfs:label " fluoruro_as_Substance" . inds:USem3187forfora simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3187forfora is forfora" ; rdfs:label " forfora_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3188formalina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3022antisettico ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3188formalina is formalina" ; rdfs:label " formalina_as_Substance" . inds:USem3189formica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem2992rivestimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64582isolare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3189formica is formica" ; rdfs:label " formica_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3190fosfato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3086fertilizzante ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3190fosfato is fosfato" ; rdfs:label " fosfato_as_Substance" . inds:USem3191fosforo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1777osso ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3191fosforo is fosforo" ; rdfs:label " fosforo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3192fruttosio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1750zucchero ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3192fruttosio is fruttosio" ; rdfs:label " fruttosio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3193glucosio simple:hasIsa inds:USemTH14688monosaccaride ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3193glucosio is glucosio" ; rdfs:label " glucosio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3194insetticida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem2446insetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem4829uccidere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3194insetticida is insetticida" ; rdfs:label " insetticida_as_Substance" . inds:USem3195imbottitura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64834imbottire ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3195imbottitura is imbottitura" ; rdfs:label " imbottitura_as_Material" . inds:USem3196lamiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3149acciaio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem831lastra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3196lamiera is lamiera" ; rdfs:label " lamiera_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3197giada simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1367verde, inds:USem2464azzurro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3002pietra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3197giada is giada" ; rdfs:label " giada_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3198lapislazzuli simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2464azzurro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3158alluminio, inds:USem3421sodio ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3198lapislazzuli is lapislazzuli" ; rdfs:label " lapislazzuli_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3199opale simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco, inds:USem2464azzurro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3199opale is opale" ; rdfs:label " opale_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem31ornitologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem31ornitologia is ornitologia" ; rdfs:label " ornitologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem3200granito simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3200granito is granito" ; rdfs:label " granito_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem3201turchese simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2464azzurro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3002pietra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3201turchese is turchese" ; rdfs:label " turchese_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3202gesso simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5289calcio ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3202gesso is gesso" ; rdfs:label " gesso_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3203ghisa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5422fusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3649lega ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3031ferro, inds:USemD3043carbonio ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3203ghisa is ghisa" ; rdfs:label " ghisa_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3204metallo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3649lega ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3204metallo is metallo" ; rdfs:label " metallo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3205iodio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1370nero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3205iodio is iodio" ; rdfs:label " iodio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3206ipoclorito simple:hasIsa inds:USem3704sale ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD3259cloro ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3022antisettico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3261decolorare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3206ipoclorito is ipoclorito" ; rdfs:label " ipoclorito_as_Substance" . inds:USem3207ioduro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo, inds:USem3205iodio ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3207ioduro is ioduro" ; rdfs:label " ioduro_as_Substance" . inds:USem3208isotopo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3208isotopo is isotopo" ; rdfs:label " isotopo_as_Substance" . inds:USem3209oro simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1366giallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3209oro is oro" ; rdfs:label " oro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3211nitrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3211nitrato is nitrato" ; rdfs:label " nitrato_as_Substance" . inds:USem3212nitrito simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3212nitrito is nitrito" ; rdfs:label " nitrito_as_Substance" . inds:USem3213nitroglicerina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3085esplosivo ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3213nitroglicerina is nitroglicerina" ; rdfs:label " nitroglicerina_as_Substance" . inds:USem3214ossidiana simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1370nero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3214ossidiana is ossidiana" ; rdfs:label " ossidiana_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem3215neon simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3215neon is neon" ; rdfs:label " neon_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3216nichel simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2461grigio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2613rivestire, inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3216nichel is nichel" ; rdfs:label " nichel_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3218naftalina simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD3313catrame ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3226idrocarburo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3218naftalina is naftalina" ; rdfs:label " naftalina_as_Substance" . inds:USem3219ozono simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD5445ossidare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3219ozono is ozono" ; rdfs:label " ozono_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3220morfina simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3057oppio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3162analgesico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62882terapia ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3220morfina is morfina" ; rdfs:label " morfina_as_Substance" . inds:USem3222minio simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1421piombo ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem3901ruggine ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3222minio is minio" ; rdfs:label " minio_as_Substance" . inds:USem3223merda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1829intestino ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3223merda is merda" ; rdfs:label " merda_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3224letame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5399deiezione, inds:USemD5400paglia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5398concimare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3224letame is letame" ; rdfs:label " letame_as_Substance" . inds:USem3225metano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3226idrocarburo ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem1740combustibile ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3225metano is metano" ; rdfs:label " metano_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3226idrocarburo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2722idrogeno, inds:USemD3043carbonio ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3226idrocarburo is idrocarburo" ; rdfs:label " idrocarburo_as_Substance" . inds:USem3227melanina simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem3115nero, inds:USemD5344bruno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3062pigmento ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1958cellula ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2753colorare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3227melanina is melanina" ; rdfs:label " melanina_as_Substance" . inds:USem3228mentolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1691menta ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3228mentolo is mentolo" ; rdfs:label " mentolo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3229nicotina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem62383tabacco ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3229nicotina is nicotina" ; rdfs:label " nicotina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3230mogano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3230mogano is mogano" ; rdfs:label " mogano_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3232ala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5210aereo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3232ala is ala" ; rdfs:label " ala_as_Part" . inds:USem3233ala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3233ala is ala" ; rdfs:label " ala_as_Part" . inds:USem3234franco simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2239francia, inds:USem4898svizzera, inds:USemD1429belgio ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3234franco is franco" ; rdfs:label " franco_as_Money" . inds:USem3235ago simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5097cruna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD454cucire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3235ago is ago" ; rdfs:label " ago_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3236ago simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3236ago is ago" ; rdfs:label " ago_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3238casseruola simple:hasContains inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2424recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3238casseruola is casseruola" ; rdfs:label " casseruola_as_Container" . inds:USem3239zanna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1161elefante, inds:USem1790bocca ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3239zanna is zanna" ; rdfs:label " zanna_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem3240marco simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3622germania ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3240marco is marco" ; rdfs:label " marco_as_Money" . inds:USem3241rublo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2195russia ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3241rublo is rublo" ; rdfs:label " rublo_as_Money" . inds:USem3242sterlina simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2152inghilterra ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3242sterlina is sterlina" ; rdfs:label " sterlina_as_Money" . inds:USem3243cavatappi simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5103stappare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3243cavatappi is cavatappi" ; rdfs:label " cavatappi_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3244cazzuola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3333muratore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76534stendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3244cazzuola is cazzuola" ; rdfs:label " cazzuola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3245chiarificatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5104chiarificare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3245chiarificatore is chiarificatore" ; rdfs:label " chiarificatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3246lira simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2159italia, inds:USem2203turchia, inds:USemD5105libano ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3246lira is lira" ; rdfs:label " lira_as_Money" . inds:USem3247scellino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2096austria, inds:USem2152inghilterra ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3247scellino is scellino" ; rdfs:label " scellino_as_Money" . inds:USem3248latte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3006nutrire ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3248latte is latte" ; rdfs:label " latte_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3249latte simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemTH611pastorizzare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem63236mucca ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3249latte is latte" ; rdfs:label " latte_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem3250caffellatte simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3249latte, inds:USem3276caffe1 ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3250caffellatte is caffellatte" ; rdfs:label " caffellatte_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem3251fresa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3149acciaio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5707fresare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3251fresa is fresa" ; rdfs:label " fresa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3252graticola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5108arrostire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3252graticola is graticola" ; rdfs:label " graticola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3253lama simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2811utensile, inds:USem2933coltello, inds:USem62680spada ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3253lama is lama" ; rdfs:label " lama_as_Part" . inds:USem3254lima simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem66618limare, inds:USemD5098sgrossare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3254lima is lima" ; rdfs:label " lima_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3255saldatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64668saldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3255saldatore is saldatore" ; rdfs:label " saldatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3256scalpello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7103incidere, inds:USem7107scolpire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3256scalpello is scalpello" ; rdfs:label " scalpello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3257scalpello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem1985chirurgo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62408incidere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3257scalpello is scalpello" ; rdfs:label " scalpello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3258valuta simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3258valuta is valuta" ; rdfs:label " valuta_as_Convention" . inds:USem3259sega simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5115segare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3259sega is sega" ; rdfs:label " sega_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3261moneta simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3261moneta is moneta" ; rdfs:label " moneta_as_Convention" . inds:USem3262muscolatura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3262muscolatura is muscolatura" ; rdfs:label " muscolatura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem3263dollaro simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2089america, inds:USem2116canada ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3263dollaro is dollaro" ; rdfs:label " dollaro_as_Money" . inds:USem3264zecca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD618coniare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3264zecca is zecca" ; rdfs:label " zecca_as_Institution" . inds:USem3265zecca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3258valuta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD618coniare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3265zecca is zecca" ; rdfs:label " zecca_as_Building" . inds:USem3266delfino simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63244cetaceo ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3266delfino is delfino" ; rdfs:label " delfino_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem3267banconota simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3267banconota is banconota" ; rdfs:label " banconota_as_Money" . inds:USem3268cent simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3268cent is cent" ; rdfs:label " cent_as_Money" . inds:USem3269copeco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3241rublo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3269copeco is copeco" ; rdfs:label " copeco_as_Money" . inds:USem3270spicciolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3270spicciolo is spicciolo" ; rdfs:label " spicciolo_as_Money" . inds:USem3271sega simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5115segare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3271sega is sega" ; rdfs:label " sega_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3272tornio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem5521tornitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5709tornire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3272tornio is tornio" ; rdfs:label " tornio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3273caffe1 simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3275caffe1 ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3273caffe1 is caffe'" ; rdfs:label " caffe'_as_Plant" . inds:USem3274trapano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3691forare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3274trapano is trapano" ; rdfs:label " trapano_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3275caffe1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem3273caffe1 ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3275caffe1 is caffe'" ; rdfs:label " caffe'_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem3276caffe1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3276caffe1 is caffe'" ; rdfs:label " caffe'_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem3277siringa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3277siringa is siringa" ; rdfs:label " siringa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3278siringa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7134prelevare, inds:USemD5118iniettare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3278siringa is siringa" ; rdfs:label " siringa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3279olio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3279olio is olio" ; rdfs:label " olio_as_Substance" . inds:USem3281causa simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3281causa is causa" ; rdfs:label " causa_as_Agentive" . inds:USem3282pistacchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1499pistacchio ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3282pistacchio is pistacchio" ; rdfs:label " pistacchio_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem3283olio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD3527condire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3283olio is olio" ; rdfs:label " olio_as_Substance" . inds:USem3285cane simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3285cane is cane" ; rdfs:label " cane_as_Human" . inds:USem3286agnello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3286agnello is agnello" ; rdfs:label " agnello_as_Human" . inds:USem3288acciuga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3288acciuga is acciuga" ; rdfs:label " acciuga_as_Human" . inds:USem3289bidente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2838zappa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5703zappare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3289bidente is bidente" ; rdfs:label " bidente_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3290caviglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2679fissare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3290caviglia is caviglia" ; rdfs:label " caviglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3291fionda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3291fionda is fionda" ; rdfs:label " fionda_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3292siringa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5123farcire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3292siringa is siringa" ; rdfs:label " siringa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3293forchetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59777posata ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3293forchetta is forchetta" ; rdfs:label " forchetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3294giogo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3294giogo is giogo" ; rdfs:label " giogo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3295imbuto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5124travasare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3295imbuto is imbuto" ; rdfs:label " imbuto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3296fattore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3296fattore is fattore" ; rdfs:label " fattore_as_Agentive" . inds:USem3297lampadario simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6469sostenere, inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3297lampadario is lampadario" ; rdfs:label " lampadario_as_Furniture" . inds:USem3298macinino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59892macinare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3298macinino is macinino" ; rdfs:label " macinino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3299macinino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3299macinino is macinino" ; rdfs:label " macinino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem32ortofonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem32ortofonia is ortofonia" ; rdfs:label " ortofonia_as_Domain" . inds:USem3300molletta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem66853appuntare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3300molletta is molletta" ; rdfs:label " molletta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3301centravanti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2022calciatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3301centravanti is centravanti" ; rdfs:label " centravanti_as_Profession" . inds:USem3302terzino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2022calciatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3302terzino is terzino" ; rdfs:label " terzino_as_Profession" . inds:USem3303motivo simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3303motivo is motivo" ; rdfs:label " motivo_as_Agentive" . inds:USem3304centrocampista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2022calciatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3304centrocampista is centrocampista" ; rdfs:label " centrocampista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3305centometrista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3305centometrista is centometrista" ; rdfs:label " centometrista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3306molletta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD461afferrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3306molletta is molletta" ; rdfs:label " molletta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3307pugile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59582colpire, inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3307pugile is pugile" ; rdfs:label " pugile_as_Profession" . inds:USem3308morso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3031ferro ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3308morso is morso" ; rdfs:label " morso_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3309museruola simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1915cane ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3309museruola is museruola" ; rdfs:label " museruola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3310ombrello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3310ombrello is ombrello" ; rdfs:label " ombrello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3311rettile simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD5130strisciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3311rettile is rettile" ; rdfs:label " rettile_as_Animal" . inds:USem3312pettine simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem72722acconciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3312pettine is pettine" ; rdfs:label " pettine_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3313schiaccianoci simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5129schiacciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3313schiaccianoci is schiaccianoci" ; rdfs:label " schiaccianoci_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3314scolapasta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2968scolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3314scolapasta is scolapasta" ; rdfs:label " scolapasta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3315serpente simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD5130strisciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3315serpente is serpente" ; rdfs:label " serpente_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem3316scolapiatti simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2968scolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3316scolapiatti is scolapiatti" ; rdfs:label " scolapiatti_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3317scopa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6959spazzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3317scopa is scopa" ; rdfs:label " scopa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3318ragione simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3318ragione is ragione" ; rdfs:label " ragione_as_Agentive" . inds:USem3319serpente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3319serpente is serpente" ; rdfs:label " serpente_as_Human" . inds:USem3320serpente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3315serpente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3320serpente is serpente" ; rdfs:label " serpente_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3321rettile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3321rettile is rettile" ; rdfs:label " rettile_as_Human" . inds:USem3322lucertola simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3322lucertola is lucertola" ; rdfs:label " lucertola_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem3323lucertola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3323lucertola is lucertola" ; rdfs:label " lucertola_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3324origine simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3324origine is origine" ; rdfs:label " origine_as_Agentive" . inds:USem3325tartaruga simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3325tartaruga is tartaruga" ; rdfs:label " tartaruga_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem3326cuoio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3326cuoio is cuoio" ; rdfs:label " cuoio_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3327militare simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59874combattere, inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3327militare is militare" ; rdfs:label " militare_as_Profession" . inds:USem3328soldato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3328soldato is soldato" ; rdfs:label " soldato_as_Profession" . inds:USem3329trombettiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3329trombettiere is trombettiere" ; rdfs:label " trombettiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem3330ufficiale simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3330ufficiale is ufficiale" ; rdfs:label " ufficiale_as_Profession" . inds:USem3331arredatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3331arredatore is arredatore" ; rdfs:label " arredatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem3332artigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD4677vendere, inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3332artigiano is artigiano" ; rdfs:label " artigiano_as_Profession" . inds:USem3333muratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3333muratore is muratore" ; rdfs:label " muratore_as_Profession" . inds:USem3334operaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3334operaio is operaio" ; rdfs:label " operaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem3335falegname simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3335falegname is falegname" ; rdfs:label " falegname_as_Profession" . inds:USem3336sarta simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD454cucire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3336sarta is sarta" ; rdfs:label " sarta_as_Profession" . inds:USem3337calzolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3337calzolaio is calzolaio" ; rdfs:label " calzolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem3338ebanista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3338ebanista is ebanista" ; rdfs:label " ebanista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3339fabbro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3339fabbro is fabbro" ; rdfs:label " fabbro_as_Profession" . inds:USem3340orafo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem71901lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3340orafo is orafo" ; rdfs:label " orafo_as_Profession" . inds:USem3341giardiniere simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3341giardiniere is giardiniere" ; rdfs:label " giardiniere_as_Profession" . inds:USem3342barbiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem67363radere, inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3342barbiere is barbiere" ; rdfs:label " barbiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem3343parrucchiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4045pettinare, inds:USem72722acconciare, inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3343parrucchiere is parrucchiere" ; rdfs:label " parrucchiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem3344autista simple:hasIsa inds:USem64328conduttore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6866trasportare, inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3344autista is autista" ; rdfs:label " autista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3345assicuratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5137assicurare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3345assicuratore is assicuratore" ; rdfs:label " assicuratore_as_Profession" . inds:USem3346ballerino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem73282balletto ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6779ballare, inds:USem6780danzare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3346ballerino is ballerino" ; rdfs:label " ballerino_as_Profession" . inds:USem3347ballerina simple:hasIsa inds:USem61874artista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6780danzare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3347ballerina is ballerina" ; rdfs:label " ballerina_as_Profession" . inds:USem3348fotografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5139fotografare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3348fotografo is fotografo" ; rdfs:label " fotografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem3349fotomodello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61497posare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3349fotomodello is fotomodello" ; rdfs:label " fotomodello_as_Profession" . inds:USem3350giornalaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3350giornalaio is giornalaio" ; rdfs:label " giornalaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem3351giornalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere, inds:USem7093raccontare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3351giornalista is giornalista" ; rdfs:label " giornalista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3352commercialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5142contabilizzare, inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3352commercialista is commercialista" ; rdfs:label " commercialista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3353uranio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3353uranio is uranio" ; rdfs:label " uranio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3354manganese simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2461grigio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3354manganese is manganese" ; rdfs:label " manganese_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3355bario simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3355bario is bario" ; rdfs:label " bario_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3357tappezziere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD2613rivestire, inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3357tappezziere is tappezziere" ; rdfs:label " tappezziere_as_Profession" . inds:USem3358bismuto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3358bismuto is bismuto" ; rdfs:label " bismuto_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3359boro simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1366giallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3359boro is boro" ; rdfs:label " boro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3360bromo simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3360bromo is bromo" ; rdfs:label " bromo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3361cadmio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2461grigio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3361cadmio is cadmio" ; rdfs:label " cadmio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3362cesio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3362cesio is cesio" ; rdfs:label " cesio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3363cobalto simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2461grigio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3363cobalto is cobalto" ; rdfs:label " cobalto_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3364avvocato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem76770difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3364avvocato is avvocato" ; rdfs:label " avvocato_as_Profession" . inds:USem3365generale simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3365generale is generale" ; rdfs:label " generale_as_Role" . inds:USem3366bambinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD6007accudire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3366bambinaia is bambinaia" ; rdfs:label " bambinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USem3367gendarme simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3367gendarme is gendarme" ; rdfs:label " gendarme_as_Profession" . inds:USem3368callista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem5181curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3368callista is callista" ; rdfs:label " callista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3369lenza simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem2500astuzia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3369lenza is lenza" ; rdfs:label " lenza_as_Human" . inds:USem3370sergente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3370sergente is sergente" ; rdfs:label " sergente_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3371spalliera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3371spalliera is spalliera" ; rdfs:label " spalliera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3372spazzola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire, inds:USemD5148spazzolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3372spazzola is spazzola" ; rdfs:label " spazzola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3373tagliacarte simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3373tagliacarte is tagliacarte" ; rdfs:label " tagliacarte_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3374tappo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5149turare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3374tappo is tappo" ; rdfs:label " tappo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3375elemento simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5274atomo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3375elemento is elemento" ; rdfs:label " elemento_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem3376scopo simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3376scopo is scopo" ; rdfs:label " scopo_as_Telic" . inds:USem3377magnesio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3377magnesio is magnesio" ; rdfs:label " magnesio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3379pinza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD461afferrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3379pinza is pinza" ; rdfs:label " pinza_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3380rocca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1391filare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3380rocca is rocca" ; rdfs:label " rocca_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3381scaldino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76703scaldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3381scaldino is scaldino" ; rdfs:label " scaldino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3382trappola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7124catturare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3382trappola is trappola" ; rdfs:label " trappola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3383rocca simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3383rocca is rocca" ; rdfs:label " rocca_as_Building" . inds:USem3384trappola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3384trappola is trappola" ; rdfs:label " trappola_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem3385trespolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65750supporto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3385trespolo is trespolo" ; rdfs:label " trespolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3386trespolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3386trespolo is trespolo" ; rdfs:label " trespolo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem3387ventaglio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62539stecca, inds:USemD5163striscia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5161sventolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3387ventaglio is ventaglio" ; rdfs:label " ventaglio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3388pane simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3388pane is pane" ; rdfs:label " pane_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3389ventola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD64023ravvivare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3389ventola is ventola" ; rdfs:label " ventola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3390ventola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3390ventola is ventola" ; rdfs:label " ventola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3391ventola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3391ventola is ventola" ; rdfs:label " ventola_as_Part" . inds:USem3392arrosto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3392arrosto is arrosto" ; rdfs:label " arrosto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3393vivanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3393vivanda is vivanda" ; rdfs:label " vivanda_as_Food" . inds:USem3394merenda simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3394merenda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3394merenda is merenda" ; rdfs:label " merenda_as_Food" . inds:USem3395pasto simple:hasConcerns inds:USem60268pasto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3395pasto is pasto" ; rdfs:label " pasto_as_Food" . inds:USem3396leccornia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3396leccornia is leccornia" ; rdfs:label " leccornia_as_Food" . inds:USem3397ghiottoneria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3397ghiottoneria is ghiottoneria" ; rdfs:label " ghiottoneria_as_Food" . inds:USem3398ghiottoneria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5170ghiotto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3398ghiottoneria is ghiottoneria" ; rdfs:label " ghiottoneria_as_Quality" . inds:USem3399dispositivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3399dispositivo is dispositivo" ; rdfs:label " dispositivo_as_Artifact" . inds:USem33ortopedia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem33ortopedia is ortopedia" ; rdfs:label " ortopedia_as_Domain" . inds:USem3400acceleratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5171accelerare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3400acceleratore is acceleratore" ; rdfs:label " acceleratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3401acceleratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5171accelerare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3401acceleratore is acceleratore" ; rdfs:label " acceleratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3402esca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem923pesce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65432esca ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7124catturare, inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3402esca is esca" ; rdfs:label " esca_as_Food" . inds:USem3403esca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5001accendere ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem3874fungo ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3403esca is esca" ; rdfs:label " esca_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3404acceleratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5171accelerare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3404acceleratore is acceleratore" ; rdfs:label " acceleratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3405conserva simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3405conserva is conserva" ; rdfs:label " conserva_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3406pane simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3406pane is pane" ; rdfs:label " pane_as_Amount" . inds:USem3408formaggio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71458latticinio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3408formaggio is formaggio" ; rdfs:label " formaggio_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3409surgelato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5176surgelare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3409surgelato is surgelato" ; rdfs:label " surgelato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3410sasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem59744roccia ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3410sasso is sasso" ; rdfs:label " sasso_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem3411uovo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD5177oviparo ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3411uovo is uovo" ; rdfs:label " uovo_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem3413indio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3413indio is indio" ; rdfs:label " indio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3414rame simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6474comunicazione ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3414rame is rame" ; rdfs:label " rame_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3415palladio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3415palladio is palladio" ; rdfs:label " palladio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3416platino simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3416platino is platino" ; rdfs:label " platino_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3417plutonio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3417plutonio is plutonio" ; rdfs:label " plutonio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3418piombo simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2461grigio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3418piombo is piombo" ; rdfs:label " piombo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3419potassio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3419potassio is potassio" ; rdfs:label " potassio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3420silicio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem59744roccia ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3420silicio is silicio" ; rdfs:label " silicio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3421sodio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem77041sale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3421sodio is sodio" ; rdfs:label " sodio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3422stagno simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2651ricoprire ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3422stagno is stagno" ; rdfs:label " stagno_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3423tantalio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2461grigio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3423tantalio is tantalio" ; rdfs:label " tantalio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3424titanio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USemD2989argento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3424titanio is titanio" ; rdfs:label " titanio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3425tungsteno simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2461grigio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3425tungsteno is tungsteno" ; rdfs:label " tungsteno_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3426zinco simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2464azzurro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2613rivestire, inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3426zinco is zinco" ; rdfs:label " zinco_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3427zolfo simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1366giallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3427zolfo is zolfo" ; rdfs:label " zolfo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3428adattatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5182adattare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3428adattatore is adattatore" ; rdfs:label " adattatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3429aggancio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6881agganciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3429aggancio is aggancio" ; rdfs:label " aggancio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3430alimentatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5184alimentare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3430alimentatore is alimentatore" ; rdfs:label " alimentatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3431ammortizzatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5185ammortizzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3431ammortizzatore is ammortizzatore" ; rdfs:label " ammortizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3432amplificatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6757amplificare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3432amplificatore is amplificatore" ; rdfs:label " amplificatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3433auricolare simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59472ascoltare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3433auricolare is auricolare" ; rdfs:label " auricolare_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3434bloccasterzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3434bloccasterzo is bloccasterzo" ; rdfs:label " bloccasterzo_as_Part" . inds:USem3435commutatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5188commutare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3435commutatore is commutatore" ; rdfs:label " commutatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3436congelatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5190congelare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3436congelatore is congelatore" ; rdfs:label " congelatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3437connettore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem4828connettere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3437connettore is connettore" ; rdfs:label " connettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3438controller simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59557controllare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3438controller is controller" ; rdfs:label " controller_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3439controller simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3439controller is controller" ; rdfs:label " controller_as_Profession" . inds:USem3440fascicolatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5195fotocopiatrice ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5193suddividere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3440fascicolatore is fascicolatore" ; rdfs:label " fascicolatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3441giunto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65760organo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5194congiungere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3441giunto is giunto" ; rdfs:label " giunto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3442laser simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3442laser is laser" ; rdfs:label " laser_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3443modem simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3443modem is modem" ; rdfs:label " modem_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3444monitor simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3444monitor is monitor" ; rdfs:label " monitor_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3445monitor simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6788riprodurre ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3445monitor is monitor" ; rdfs:label " monitor_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3446monitor simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5200elaboratore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5199visualizzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3446monitor is monitor" ; rdfs:label " monitor_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3447paraurti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3447paraurti is paraurti" ; rdfs:label " paraurti_as_Part" . inds:USem3448propulsore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3964muovere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3448propulsore is propulsore" ; rdfs:label " propulsore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3449rallentatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5204telecamera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5203rallentare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3449rallentatore is rallentatore" ; rdfs:label " rallentatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3461reattore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3461reattore is reattore" ; rdfs:label " reattore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3462reattore simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5210aereo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3462reattore is reattore" ; rdfs:label " reattore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem3463respiratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6380respirare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3463respiratore is respiratore" ; rdfs:label " respiratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3464riduttore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem69767ridurre ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3464riduttore is riduttore" ; rdfs:label " riduttore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3465rubinetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1405regolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3465rubinetto is rubinetto" ; rdfs:label " rubinetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3466sensore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1452rilevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3466sensore is sensore" ; rdfs:label " sensore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3467separatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60390separare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3467separatore is separatore" ; rdfs:label " separatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3468sincronizzatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5215sincronizzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3468sincronizzatore is sincronizzatore" ; rdfs:label " sincronizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3469sintonizzatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5216sintonizzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3469sintonizzatore is sintonizzatore" ; rdfs:label " sintonizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3470spirale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7136anticoncezionale ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3470spirale is spirale" ; rdfs:label " spirale_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3471stabilizzatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5218stabilizzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3471stabilizzatore is stabilizzatore" ; rdfs:label " stabilizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3472telecomando simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5219telecomandare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3472telecomando is telecomando" ; rdfs:label " telecomando_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3473transistor simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6757amplificare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3473transistor is transistor" ; rdfs:label " transistor_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3474trasmettitore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3474trasmettitore is trasmettitore" ; rdfs:label " trasmettitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3475valvola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1405regolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3475valvola is valvola" ; rdfs:label " valvola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3476valvola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59604interrompere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3476valvola is valvola" ; rdfs:label " valvola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3477valvola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1768organo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3477valvola is valvola" ; rdfs:label " valvola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem3479apparecchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3479apparecchio is apparecchio" ; rdfs:label " apparecchio_as_Artifact" . inds:USem3480apparecchio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3480apparecchio is apparecchio" ; rdfs:label " apparecchio_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem3481accumulatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem74891accumulare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3481accumulatore is accumulatore" ; rdfs:label " accumulatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3482alambicco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1774distillare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3482alambicco is alambicco" ; rdfs:label " alambicco_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3483altoparlante simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6757amplificare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3483altoparlante is altoparlante" ; rdfs:label " altoparlante_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3484asciugacapelli simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3998asciugare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3484asciugacapelli is asciugacapelli" ; rdfs:label " asciugacapelli_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3485caldaia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1328riscaldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3485caldaia is caldaia" ; rdfs:label " caldaia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3486calorifero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1328riscaldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3486calorifero is calorifero" ; rdfs:label " calorifero_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3487candela simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem4575combustione ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3487candela is candela" ; rdfs:label " candela_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3488carburatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5222miscelare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3488carburatore is carburatore" ; rdfs:label " carburatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3489casco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3998asciugare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3489casco is casco" ; rdfs:label " casco_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3490citofono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3490citofono is citofono" ; rdfs:label " citofono_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3491condensatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5223condensare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3491condensatore is condensatore" ; rdfs:label " condensatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3492condizionatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5224condizionare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3492condizionatore is condizionatore" ; rdfs:label " condizionatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3493convertitore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3937trasformare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3493convertitore is convertitore" ; rdfs:label " convertitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3494depuratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5226depurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3494depuratore is depuratore" ; rdfs:label " depuratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3495diffusore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62884diffondere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3495diffusore is diffusore" ; rdfs:label " diffusore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3496elettrodomestico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3496elettrodomestico is elettrodomestico" ; rdfs:label " elettrodomestico_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3497essiccatoio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5229essiccare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3497essiccatoio is essiccatoio" ; rdfs:label " essiccatoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3498fanale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare, inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3498fanale is fanale" ; rdfs:label " fanale_as_Part" . inds:USem3499fonografo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6788riprodurre ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3499fonografo is fonografo" ; rdfs:label " fonografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem34patologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem34patologia is patologia" ; rdfs:label " patologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem3500fornello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3500fornello is fornello" ; rdfs:label " fornello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3501grammofono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6788riprodurre ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3501grammofono is grammofono" ; rdfs:label " grammofono_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3502incubatrice simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD65978neonato ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1328riscaldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3502incubatrice is incubatrice" ; rdfs:label " incubatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3503incubatrice simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3411uovo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3503incubatrice is incubatrice" ; rdfs:label " incubatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3504interruttore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76764accendere, inds:USem79795spegnere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3504interruttore is interruttore" ; rdfs:label " interruttore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3505mangianastri simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6788riprodurre ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3505mangianastri is mangianastri" ; rdfs:label " mangianastri_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3506microspia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62458microfono ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5231intercettare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3506microspia is microspia" ; rdfs:label " microspia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3507missile simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3507missile is missile" ; rdfs:label " missile_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3508moviola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6902montare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3508moviola is moviola" ; rdfs:label " moviola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3509paracadute simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5233frenare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3509paracadute is paracadute" ; rdfs:label " paracadute_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3510phon simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3998asciugare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3510phon is phon" ; rdfs:label " phon_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3511pompa simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1388liquido, inds:USem3010gas ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3511pompa is pompa" ; rdfs:label " pompa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3512radar simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5234localizzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3512radar is radar" ; rdfs:label " radar_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3513radio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59472ascoltare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3513radio is radio" ; rdfs:label " radio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3514radiotelefono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3514radiotelefono is radiotelefono" ; rdfs:label " radiotelefono_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3515ricetrasmittente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3515ricetrasmittente is ricetrasmittente" ; rdfs:label " ricetrasmittente_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3516ricevitore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5236ricevere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3516ricevitore is ricevitore" ; rdfs:label " ricevitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3517riflettore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3517riflettore is riflettore" ; rdfs:label " riflettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3518segreteria simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3518segreteria is segreteria" ; rdfs:label " segreteria_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3519telefono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem833cornetta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3519telefono is telefono" ; rdfs:label " telefono_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3520sirena simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3520sirena is sirena" ; rdfs:label " sirena_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3521stufa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1328riscaldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3521stufa is stufa" ; rdfs:label " stufa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3522tachimetro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USemTH27703velocita1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3522tachimetro is tachimetro" ; rdfs:label " tachimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3523televisore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5236ricevere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3523televisore is televisore" ; rdfs:label " televisore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3524termostato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1405regolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3524termostato is termostato" ; rdfs:label " termostato_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3525tostapane simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5116tostare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3525tostapane is tostapane" ; rdfs:label " tostapane_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3526umidificatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5238umidificare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3526umidificatore is umidificatore" ; rdfs:label " umidificatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3527vaporizzatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5239vaporizzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3527vaporizzatore is vaporizzatore" ; rdfs:label " vaporizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3528ventilatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5241ventilare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3528ventilatore is ventilatore" ; rdfs:label " ventilatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3529videoregistratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1449registrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3529videoregistratore is videoregistratore" ; rdfs:label " videoregistratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3530buddista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2585buddismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3530buddista is buddista" ; rdfs:label " buddista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3531crepuscolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemTH05612crepuscolarismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3531crepuscolare is crepuscolare" ; rdfs:label " crepuscolare_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3533cubista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem1579cubismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3533cubista is cubista" ; rdfs:label " cubista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3534deista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemTH06150deismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3534deista is deista" ; rdfs:label " deista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3537espressionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2595espressionismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3537espressionista is espressionista" ; rdfs:label " espressionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3538futurista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2598futurismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3538futurista is futurista" ; rdfs:label " futurista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3539giansenista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2599giansenismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3539giansenista is giansenista" ; rdfs:label " giansenista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3540gnostico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2600gnosticismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3540gnostico is gnostico" ; rdfs:label " gnostico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3541iconoclasta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD5246iconoclastia ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3541iconoclasta is iconoclasta" ; rdfs:label " iconoclasta_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3542idealista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2601idealismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3542idealista is idealista" ; rdfs:label " idealista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3543illuminista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemTH11840illuminismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3543illuminista is illuminista" ; rdfs:label " illuminista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3544impressionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2604impressionismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3544impressionista is impressionista" ; rdfs:label " impressionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3545integralista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2608integralismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3545integralista is integralista" ; rdfs:label " integralista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3546leninista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2617leninismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3546leninista is leninista" ; rdfs:label " leninista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3548marxista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2621marxismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3548marxista is marxista" ; rdfs:label " marxista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3549materialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2622materialismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3549materialista is materialista" ; rdfs:label " materialista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3550monoteista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD7270monoteismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3550monoteista is monoteista" ; rdfs:label " monoteista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3551naturalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2623naturalismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3551naturalista is naturalista" ; rdfs:label " naturalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3552naturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2652naturismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3552naturista is naturista" ; rdfs:label " naturista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3553neofascista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2655neofascismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3553neofascista is neofascista" ; rdfs:label " neofascista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3554neonazista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2653neonazismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3554neonazista is neonazista" ; rdfs:label " neonazista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3555neorealista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2658neorealismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3555neorealista is neorealista" ; rdfs:label " neorealista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3556pacifista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem74046pacifismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3556pacifista is pacifista" ; rdfs:label " pacifista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3557pagano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2668paganesimo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3557pagano is pagano" ; rdfs:label " pagano_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3558puritano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD5244puritanesimo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3558puritano is puritano" ; rdfs:label " puritano_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3559scettico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2635scetticismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3559scettico is scettico" ; rdfs:label " scettico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3560ugonotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem77945calvinismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3560ugonotto is ugonotto" ; rdfs:label " ugonotto_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3561crociano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2667crocianesimo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3561crociano is crociano" ; rdfs:label " crociano_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3562positivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2627positivismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3562positivista is positivista" ; rdfs:label " positivista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3563calvinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem77945calvinismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3563calvinista is calvinista" ; rdfs:label " calvinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem3564accademico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5255accademia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3564accademico is accademico" ; rdfs:label " accademico_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3567consigliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59435governo, inds:USem59493consiglio ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3567consigliere is consigliere" ; rdfs:label " consigliere_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3569delfino simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3569delfino is delfino" ; rdfs:label " delfino_as_Convention" . inds:USem3570diplomatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5251diplomazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3570diplomatico is diplomatico" ; rdfs:label " diplomatico_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3572granduca simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3572granduca is granduca" ; rdfs:label " granduca_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3573inquisitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62379inquisizione ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3573inquisitore is inquisitore" ; rdfs:label " inquisitore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3574ministro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59435governo ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3574ministro is ministro" ; rdfs:label " ministro_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3575nababbo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2615islam, inds:USemD1418india ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5262dinastia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3575nababbo is nababbo" ; rdfs:label " nababbo_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3576parlamentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem3600parlamento ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3576parlamentare is parlamentare" ; rdfs:label " parlamentare_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3577pontefice simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2809chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3577pontefice is pontefice" ; rdfs:label " pontefice_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3578prefetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59435governo ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3578prefetto is prefetto" ; rdfs:label " prefetto_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3579religioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3579religioso is religioso" ; rdfs:label " religioso_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3581senatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem3602senato ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3581senatore is senatore" ; rdfs:label " senatore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3583sindaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5248amministrazione ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3583sindaco is sindaco" ; rdfs:label " sindaco_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3585ministro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5251diplomazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3585ministro is ministro" ; rdfs:label " ministro_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3586ambasciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3570diplomatico ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5251diplomazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3586ambasciatore is ambasciatore" ; rdfs:label " ambasciatore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3587console simple:hasIsa inds:USem3570diplomatico ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5251diplomazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3587console is console" ; rdfs:label " console_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3588console simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59435governo ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3588console is console" ; rdfs:label " console_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3589califfo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2615islam ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59435governo ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3589califfo is califfo" ; rdfs:label " califfo_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3590califfo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3590califfo is califfo" ; rdfs:label " califfo_as_Human" . inds:USem3591uomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3591uomo is uomo" ; rdfs:label " uomo_as_Human" . inds:USem3592donna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3592donna is donna" ; rdfs:label " donna_as_Human" . inds:USem3593bambino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3593bambino is bambino" ; rdfs:label " bambino_as_Human" . inds:USem3594sultano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3599principe ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59435governo ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3594sultano is sultano" ; rdfs:label " sultano_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3595re simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3595re is re" ; rdfs:label " re_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3596regina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5262dinastia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3596regina is regina" ; rdfs:label " regina_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3597delfino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3597delfino is delfino" ; rdfs:label " delfino_as_Human" . inds:USem3598nababbo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3598nababbo is nababbo" ; rdfs:label " nababbo_as_Human" . inds:USem3599principe simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5262dinastia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3599principe is principe" ; rdfs:label " principe_as_Social_status" . inds:USem35politologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem35politologia is politologia" ; rdfs:label " politologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem3600parlamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemTH44legiferare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3600parlamento is parlamento" ; rdfs:label " parlamento_as_Institution" . inds:USem3601parlamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5533riunire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3601parlamento is parlamento" ; rdfs:label " parlamento_as_Building" . inds:USem3602senato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemTH44legiferare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3602senato is senato" ; rdfs:label " senato_as_Institution" . inds:USem3603senato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5533riunire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3603senato is senato" ; rdfs:label " senato_as_Building" . inds:USem3604conducente simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6866trasportare, inds:USemD481guidare, inds:USemD5265condurre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3604conducente is conducente" ; rdfs:label " conducente_as_Profession" . inds:USem3605tassista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3604conducente ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD481guidare, inds:USemD5265condurre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3605tassista is tassista" ; rdfs:label " tassista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3606camionista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3604conducente ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD481guidare, inds:USemD5265condurre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3606camionista is camionista" ; rdfs:label " camionista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3607tranviere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3604conducente ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD481guidare, inds:USemD5265condurre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3607tranviere is tranviere" ; rdfs:label " tranviere_as_Profession" . inds:USem3608ferroviere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3608ferroviere is ferroviere" ; rdfs:label " ferroviere_as_Profession" . inds:USem3609macchinista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3604conducente ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3609macchinista is macchinista" ; rdfs:label " macchinista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3610macchinista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3610macchinista is macchinista" ; rdfs:label " macchinista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3611portiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3611portiere is portiere" ; rdfs:label " portiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem3612portiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6364custode ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3612portiere is portiere" ; rdfs:label " portiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem3613rabbino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem77748rabbinato ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3613rabbino is rabbino" ; rdfs:label " rabbino_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3614prete simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3614prete is prete" ; rdfs:label " prete_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3615capo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3615capo is capo" ; rdfs:label " capo_as_Role" . inds:USem3616presidente simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2808istituzione, inds:USem4603societa1, inds:USem903ente ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3616presidente is presidente" ; rdfs:label " presidente_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3617membro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD2845gruppo, inds:USemD5271associazione, inds:USemD5272collettivita1 ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3617membro is membro" ; rdfs:label " membro_as_Human" . inds:USem3618duca simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3618duca is duca" ; rdfs:label " duca_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3619conte simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3619conte is conte" ; rdfs:label " conte_as_Social_status" . inds:USem3620femmina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3620femmina is femmina" ; rdfs:label " femmina_as_Human" . inds:USem3621maschio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3621maschio is maschio" ; rdfs:label " maschio_as_Human" . inds:USem3622germania simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3622germania is germania" ; rdfs:label " germania_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem3623macellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem60702abbattere, inds:USemD1138macellare, inds:USemD5277scuoiare, inds:USemD5278squartare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3623macellaio is macellaio" ; rdfs:label " macellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem3624astrologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare, inds:USemD5625prevedere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3624astrologo is astrologo" ; rdfs:label " astrologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem3625cuoco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5081cucinare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3625cuoco is cuoco" ; rdfs:label " cuoco_as_Profession" . inds:USem3626degustatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem74914degustare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3626degustatore is degustatore" ; rdfs:label " degustatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem3627dietologo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem71619dieta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3627dietologo is dietologo" ; rdfs:label " dietologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem3628ingegnere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59111progettare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3628ingegnere is ingegnere" ; rdfs:label " ingegnere_as_Profession" . inds:USem3629ingegneria simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3629ingegneria is ingegneria" ; rdfs:label " ingegneria_as_Domain" . inds:USem3630paramedico simple:hasIsa inds:USem72299operatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare, inds:USemD5282assistere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3630paramedico is paramedico" ; rdfs:label " paramedico_as_Profession" . inds:USem3631infermiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3630paramedico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare, inds:USemD5282assistere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3631infermiere is infermiere" ; rdfs:label " infermiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem3632ostetrica simple:hasIsa inds:USem3630paramedico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5282assistere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3632ostetrica is ostetrica" ; rdfs:label " ostetrica_as_Profession" . inds:USem3633psicologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3633psicologo is psicologo" ; rdfs:label " psicologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem3634psicoterapeuta simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3634psicoterapeuta is psicoterapeuta" ; rdfs:label " psicoterapeuta_as_Profession" . inds:USem3635psicanalista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3635psicanalista is psicanalista" ; rdfs:label " psicanalista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3636terapista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3630paramedico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3636terapista is terapista" ; rdfs:label " terapista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3637terapeuta simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3637terapeuta is terapeuta" ; rdfs:label " terapeuta_as_Profession" . inds:USem3638strumentista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3638strumentista is strumentista" ; rdfs:label " strumentista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3639brioche simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5284pasta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3089lievito, inds:USem3671pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3639brioche is brioche" ; rdfs:label " brioche_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3640scambista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3640scambista is scambista" ; rdfs:label " scambista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3641regista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59136allestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3641regista is regista" ; rdfs:label " regista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3643romanziere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4953scrittore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3643romanziere is romanziere" ; rdfs:label " romanziere_as_Profession" . inds:USem3644ambasciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3644ambasciatore is ambasciatore" ; rdfs:label " ambasciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem3645messaggero simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3645messaggero is messaggero" ; rdfs:label " messaggero_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem3646messaggero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3646messaggero is messaggero" ; rdfs:label " messaggero_as_Profession" . inds:USem3648diplomatico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1405liquore, inds:USem3711crema, inds:USemD5284pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3648diplomatico is diplomatico" ; rdfs:label " diplomatico_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3649lega simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3204metallo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3649lega is lega" ; rdfs:label " lega_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem3650miscela simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3650miscela is miscela" ; rdfs:label " miscela_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem3651cinabro simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3131mercurio ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3651cinabro is cinabro" ; rdfs:label " cinabro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3652ematite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3031ferro ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3652ematite is ematite" ; rdfs:label " ematite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3653impiegato simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3653impiegato is impiegato" ; rdfs:label " impiegato_as_Profession" . inds:USem3654specialista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3654specialista is specialista" ; rdfs:label " specialista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3655specialista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3655specialista is specialista" ; rdfs:label " specialista_as_Profession" . inds:USem3656specialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3656specialista is specialista" ; rdfs:label " specialista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem3657grafite simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2461grigio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD3043carbonio ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3657grafite is grafite" ; rdfs:label " grafite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3658talco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5289calcio ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3658talco is talco" ; rdfs:label " talco_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3659molecola simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3659molecola is molecola" ; rdfs:label " molecola_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem3660cioccolata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3662cacao, inds:USemD1750zucchero ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3660cioccolata is cioccolata" ; rdfs:label " cioccolata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3661cioccolata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USem3249latte, inds:USem3662cacao ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3661cioccolata is cioccolata" ; rdfs:label " cioccolata_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem3662cacao simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1505cacao ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3662cacao is cacao" ; rdfs:label " cacao_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3663zucchero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3663zucchero is zucchero" ; rdfs:label " zucchero_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3664zucchero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3664zucchero is zucchero" ; rdfs:label " zucchero_as_Human" . inds:USem3665pastasciutta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3669piatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3665pastasciutta is pastasciutta" ; rdfs:label " pastasciutta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3666pranzo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3680pranzo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3395pasto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3666pranzo is pranzo" ; rdfs:label " pranzo_as_Food" . inds:USem3667pranzetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3395pasto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3667pranzetto is pranzetto" ; rdfs:label " pranzetto_as_Food" . inds:USem3668portata simple:hasIsa inds:USem3393vivanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3668portata is portata" ; rdfs:label " portata_as_Food" . inds:USem3669piatto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3668portata ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3669piatto is piatto" ; rdfs:label " piatto_as_Food" . inds:USem3670pasta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3670pasta is pasta" ; rdfs:label " pasta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3671pasta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64575impasto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3671pasta is pasta" ; rdfs:label " pasta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3672verdura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3672verdura is verdura" ; rdfs:label " verdura_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem3673ortaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3673ortaggio is ortaggio" ; rdfs:label " ortaggio_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem3674colazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3678colazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3395pasto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3674colazione is colazione" ; rdfs:label " colazione_as_Food" . inds:USem3675colazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3678colazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3395pasto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3675colazione is colazione" ; rdfs:label " colazione_as_Food" . inds:USem3676cena simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3677cena ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3395pasto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3676cena is cena" ; rdfs:label " cena_as_Food" . inds:USem3677cena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3677cena is cena" ; rdfs:label " cena_as_Time" . inds:USem3678colazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3678colazione is colazione" ; rdfs:label " colazione_as_Time" . inds:USem3680pranzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3680pranzo is pranzo" ; rdfs:label " pranzo_as_Time" . inds:USem3681carne simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3681carne is carne" ; rdfs:label " carne_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem3683pasticciere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem79792pasticceria ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3683pasticciere is pasticciere" ; rdfs:label " pasticciere_as_Profession" . inds:USem3684carota simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3685carota ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3684carota is carota" ; rdfs:label " carota_as_Plant" . inds:USem3685carota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63647radice ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem3684carota ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3685carota is carota" ; rdfs:label " carota_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem3686dolce simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem79792pasticceria ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3686dolce is dolce" ; rdfs:label " dolce_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3688legno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3688legno is legno" ; rdfs:label " legno_as_Part" . inds:USem3689composto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59888elemento, inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3689composto is composto" ; rdfs:label " composto_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem3690alcool simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USemD5394componente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem1405liquore, inds:USem64425profumo ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3690alcool is alcool" ; rdfs:label " alcool_as_Substance" . inds:USem3691arseniuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3691arseniuro is arseniuro" ; rdfs:label " arseniuro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3692biossido simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3692biossido is biossido" ; rdfs:label " biossido_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3693chetone simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3693chetone is chetone" ; rdfs:label " chetone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3694carburo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD3043carbonio ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3694carburo is carburo" ; rdfs:label " carburo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3695perossido simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3695perossido is perossido" ; rdfs:label " perossido_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3696poliammide simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3696poliammide is poliammide" ; rdfs:label " poliammide_as_Substance" . inds:USem3697poliestere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3697poliestere is poliestere" ; rdfs:label " poliestere_as_Substance" . inds:USem3698ossido simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2724ossigeno ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3698ossido is ossido" ; rdfs:label " ossido_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem36psicoanalisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem36psicoanalisi is psicoanalisi" ; rdfs:label " psicoanalisi_as_Domain" . inds:USem3700base simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3700base is base" ; rdfs:label " base_as_Substance" . inds:USem3701tannino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3701tannino is tannino" ; rdfs:label " tannino_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3702trielina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD3259cloro ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3096solvente ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3702trielina is trielina" ; rdfs:label " trielina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3703lecitina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1964uovo ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3703lecitina is lecitina" ; rdfs:label " lecitina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3704sale simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3114acido, inds:USem3700base ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3704sale is sale" ; rdfs:label " sale_as_Substance" . inds:USem3705vitamina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3705vitamina is vitamina" ; rdfs:label " vitamina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3706pastina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3706pastina is pastina" ; rdfs:label " pastina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3707sfoglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3671pasta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3707sfoglia is sfoglia" ; rdfs:label " sfoglia_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3708dolciume simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3708dolciume is dolciume" ; rdfs:label " dolciume_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3709calcare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3709calcare is calcare" ; rdfs:label " calcare_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem3710ceramica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5521cottura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59743mistura ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5299argilla ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3710ceramica is ceramica" ; rdfs:label " ceramica_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3711crema simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3249latte, inds:USemD1750zucchero, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3711crema is crema" ; rdfs:label " crema_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem3712uovo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5301tuorlo, inds:USemD5302albume ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD4567gallina ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3712uovo is uovo" ; rdfs:label " uovo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem3713malto simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1535cereale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1395birra ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD5303germinazione ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3713malto is malto" ; rdfs:label " malto_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3714ascia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5098sgrossare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3714ascia is ascia" ; rdfs:label " ascia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem3717bernardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3717bernardo is bernardo" ; rdfs:label " bernardo_as_Human" . inds:USem3718biancaneve simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3718biancaneve is biancaneve" ; rdfs:label " biancaneve_as_Representation" . inds:USem3719budda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3719budda is budda" ; rdfs:label " budda_as_Human" . inds:USem3721caravaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3721caravaggio is caravaggio" ; rdfs:label " caravaggio_as_Human" . inds:USem3722carducci simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3722carducci is carducci" ; rdfs:label " carducci_as_Human" . inds:USem3723carlo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3723carlo is carlo" ; rdfs:label " carlo_as_Human" . inds:USem3724carolina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3724carolina is carolina" ; rdfs:label " carolina_as_Human" . inds:USem3725caronte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3725caronte is caronte" ; rdfs:label " caronte_as_Human" . inds:USem3726carter simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3726carter is carter" ; rdfs:label " carter_as_Human" . inds:USem3728casanova simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3728casanova is casanova" ; rdfs:label " casanova_as_Human" . inds:USem3729cassandra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3729cassandra is cassandra" ; rdfs:label " cassandra_as_Human" . inds:USem3730caterina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3730caterina is caterina" ; rdfs:label " caterina_as_Human" . inds:USem3731catilina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3731catilina is catilina" ; rdfs:label " catilina_as_Human" . inds:USem3732catullo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3732catullo is catullo" ; rdfs:label " catullo_as_Human" . inds:USem3733cecilia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3733cecilia is cecilia" ; rdfs:label " cecilia_as_Human" . inds:USem3735ciro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3735ciro is ciro" ; rdfs:label " ciro_as_Human" . inds:USem3736clara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3736clara is clara" ; rdfs:label " clara_as_Human" . inds:USem3737clarissa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3737clarissa is clarissa" ; rdfs:label " clarissa_as_Human" . inds:USem3738claudia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3738claudia is claudia" ; rdfs:label " claudia_as_Human" . inds:USem3739claudio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3739claudio is claudio" ; rdfs:label " claudio_as_Human" . inds:USem3740clelia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3740clelia is clelia" ; rdfs:label " clelia_as_Human" . inds:USem3741clementina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3741clementina is clementina" ; rdfs:label " clementina_as_Human" . inds:USem3742clotilde simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3742clotilde is clotilde" ; rdfs:label " clotilde_as_Human" . inds:USem3743copernico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3743copernico is copernico" ; rdfs:label " copernico_as_Human" . inds:USem3744corinna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3744corinna is corinna" ; rdfs:label " corinna_as_Human" . inds:USem3745corrado simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3745corrado is corrado" ; rdfs:label " corrado_as_Human" . inds:USem3746cosimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3746cosimo is cosimo" ; rdfs:label " cosimo_as_Human" . inds:USem3747costantino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3747costantino is costantino" ; rdfs:label " costantino_as_Human" . inds:USem3749costanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3749costanza is costanza" ; rdfs:label " costanza_as_Human" . inds:USem3751cristina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3751cristina is cristina" ; rdfs:label " cristina_as_Human" . inds:USem3752cristo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3752cristo is cristo" ; rdfs:label " cristo_as_Human" . inds:USem3753cristoforo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3753cristoforo is cristoforo" ; rdfs:label " cristoforo_as_Human" . inds:USem3754daniela simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3754daniela is daniela" ; rdfs:label " daniela_as_Human" . inds:USem3755daniele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3755daniele is daniele" ; rdfs:label " daniele_as_Human" . inds:USem3756francesco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3756francesco is francesco" ; rdfs:label " francesco_as_Human" . inds:USem3757gabriele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3757gabriele is gabriele" ; rdfs:label " gabriele_as_Human" . inds:USem3758gabriella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3758gabriella is gabriella" ; rdfs:label " gabriella_as_Human" . inds:USem3759galeazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3759galeazzo is galeazzo" ; rdfs:label " galeazzo_as_Human" . inds:USem3760galileo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3760galileo is galileo" ; rdfs:label " galileo_as_Human" . inds:USem3761garibaldi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3761garibaldi is garibaldi" ; rdfs:label " garibaldi_as_Human" . inds:USem3762guglielmo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3762guglielmo is guglielmo" ; rdfs:label " guglielmo_as_Human" . inds:USem3763ines simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3763ines is ines" ; rdfs:label " ines_as_Human" . inds:USem3764ippocrate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3764ippocrate is ippocrate" ; rdfs:label " ippocrate_as_Human" . inds:USem3765ippolito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3765ippolito is ippolito" ; rdfs:label " ippolito_as_Human" . inds:USem3766isabella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3766isabella is isabella" ; rdfs:label " isabella_as_Human" . inds:USem3767isacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3767isacco is isacco" ; rdfs:label " isacco_as_Human" . inds:USem3768isaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3768isaia is isaia" ; rdfs:label " isaia_as_Human" . inds:USem3769isotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3769isotta is isotta" ; rdfs:label " isotta_as_Human" . inds:USem3770jacopo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3770jacopo is jacopo" ; rdfs:label " jacopo_as_Human" . inds:USem3771lamberto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3771lamberto is lamberto" ; rdfs:label " lamberto_as_Human" . inds:USem3772lazzaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3772lazzaro is lazzaro" ; rdfs:label " lazzaro_as_Human" . inds:USem3773lenin simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3773lenin is lenin" ; rdfs:label " lenin_as_Human" . inds:USem3774leopoldo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3774leopoldo is leopoldo" ; rdfs:label " leopoldo_as_Human" . inds:USem3776lidia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3776lidia is lidia" ; rdfs:label " lidia_as_Human" . inds:USem3777liliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3777liliana is liliana" ; rdfs:label " liliana_as_Human" . inds:USem3778livio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3778livio is livio" ; rdfs:label " livio_as_Human" . inds:USem3779loredana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3779loredana is loredana" ; rdfs:label " loredana_as_Human" . inds:USem3781lorena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3781lorena is lorena" ; rdfs:label " lorena_as_Human" . inds:USem3782lorenzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3782lorenzo is lorenzo" ; rdfs:label " lorenzo_as_Human" . inds:USem3783luciano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3783luciano is luciano" ; rdfs:label " luciano_as_Human" . inds:USem3784lucrezia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3784lucrezia is lucrezia" ; rdfs:label " lucrezia_as_Human" . inds:USem3785ludovico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3785ludovico is ludovico" ; rdfs:label " ludovico_as_Human" . inds:USem3786luigi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3786luigi is luigi" ; rdfs:label " luigi_as_Human" . inds:USem3787luigia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3787luigia is luigia" ; rdfs:label " luigia_as_Human" . inds:USem3788luisa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3788luisa is luisa" ; rdfs:label " luisa_as_Human" . inds:USem3789lutero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3789lutero is lutero" ; rdfs:label " lutero_as_Human" . inds:USem3791rosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3791rosa is rosa" ; rdfs:label " rosa_as_Human" . inds:USem3792simonetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3792simonetta is simonetta" ; rdfs:label " simonetta_as_Human" . inds:USem3793stefano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3793stefano is stefano" ; rdfs:label " stefano_as_Human" . inds:USem3794tristano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3794tristano is tristano" ; rdfs:label " tristano_as_Human" . inds:USem3795tullio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3795tullio is tullio" ; rdfs:label " tullio_as_Human" . inds:USem3796ulisse simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3796ulisse is ulisse" ; rdfs:label " ulisse_as_Human" . inds:USem3797vasco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3797vasco is vasco" ; rdfs:label " vasco_as_Human" . inds:USem3798mughetto simple:hasAffects inds:USemD64005mucosa ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem3874fungo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3798mughetto is mughetto" ; rdfs:label " mughetto_as_Disease" . inds:USem37psicologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem37psicologia is psicologia" ; rdfs:label " psicologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem3800acne simple:hasAffects inds:USemD2912cute ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem62684adolescente ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3800acne is acne" ; rdfs:label " acne_as_Disease" . inds:USem3801alopecia simple:hasAffects inds:USem1904pelo, inds:USemD2083capello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3801alopecia is alopecia" ; rdfs:label " alopecia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3802anoressia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem73766alimentazione ; simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem72859dimagrimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3802anoressia is anoressia" ; rdfs:label " anoressia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3803arteriosclerosi simple:hasAffects inds:USem62718arteria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3803arteriosclerosi is arteriosclerosi" ; rdfs:label " arteriosclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem3804artrosi simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5660articolazione ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3804artrosi is artrosi" ; rdfs:label " artrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem3805atrofia simple:hasAffects inds:USem1768organo, inds:USemD5401tessuto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3805atrofia is atrofia" ; rdfs:label " atrofia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3806calcolosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3806calcolosi is calcolosi" ; rdfs:label " calcolosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem3807carbonchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3807carbonchio is carbonchio" ; rdfs:label " carbonchio_as_Disease" . inds:USem3808carie simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3808carie is carie" ; rdfs:label " carie_as_Disease" . inds:USem3809colera simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1973bacillo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3809colera is colera" ; rdfs:label " colera_as_Disease" . inds:USem3810corea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3810corea is corea" ; rdfs:label " corea_as_Disease" . inds:USem3811cretinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3811cretinismo is cretinismo" ; rdfs:label " cretinismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem3812difterite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1811laringe, inds:USemD5665tonsilla ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3812difterite is difterite" ; rdfs:label " difterite_as_Disease" . inds:USem3813dislessia simple:hasAffects inds:USem61726comprensione, inds:USem73481lettura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3813dislessia is dislessia" ; rdfs:label " dislessia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3814distrofia simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5401tessuto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3814distrofia is distrofia" ; rdfs:label " distrofia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3815emofilia simple:hasAffects inds:USem3126sangue ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3815emofilia is emofilia" ; rdfs:label " emofilia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3816emorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3816emorragia is emorragia" ; rdfs:label " emorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3817encefalite simple:hasAffects inds:USem77725encefalo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3817encefalite is encefalite" ; rdfs:label " encefalite_as_Disease" . inds:USem3818enfisema simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3818enfisema is enfisema" ; rdfs:label " enfisema_as_Disease" . inds:USem3819ernia simple:hasAffects inds:USem1768organo, inds:USem66949viscere ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3819ernia is ernia" ; rdfs:label " ernia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3820glaucoma simple:hasAffects inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3820glaucoma is glaucoma" ; rdfs:label " glaucoma_as_Disease" . inds:USem3821gotta simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3821gotta is gotta" ; rdfs:label " gotta_as_Disease" . inds:USem3822herpes simple:hasAffects inds:USemD2912cute ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1971virus ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3822herpes is herpes" ; rdfs:label " herpes_as_Disease" . inds:USem3823influenza simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1971virus ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem3886febbre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3823influenza is influenza" ; rdfs:label " influenza_as_Disease" . inds:USem3824ipocondria simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3824ipocondria is ipocondria" ; rdfs:label " ipocondria_as_Disease" . inds:USem3825isterismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USemD63948uomo ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3825isterismo is isterismo" ; rdfs:label " isterismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem3826ittero simple:hasAffects inds:USemD2912cute, inds:USemD64005mucosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3826ittero is ittero" ; rdfs:label " ittero_as_Disease" . inds:USem3827leucemia simple:hasAffects inds:USem3126sangue ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3827leucemia is leucemia" ; rdfs:label " leucemia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3828malaria simple:hasCausedby inds:USem73497parassita ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem3886febbre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3828malaria is malaria" ; rdfs:label " malaria_as_Disease" . inds:USem3830mononucleosi simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1971virus ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3830mononucleosi is mononucleosi" ; rdfs:label " mononucleosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem3831morbillo simple:hasCauses inds:USem3886febbre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3831morbillo is morbillo" ; rdfs:label " morbillo_as_Disease" . inds:USem3833nevrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USemD63948uomo ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3833nevrosi is nevrosi" ; rdfs:label " nevrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem3835pazzia simple:hasAffects inds:USemD6067mente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3835pazzia is pazzia" ; rdfs:label " pazzia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3836pertosse simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1972batterio ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem60231tosse ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3836pertosse is pertosse" ; rdfs:label " pertosse_as_Disease" . inds:USem3837peste simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1972batterio ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem3886febbre, inds:USem6144nausea, inds:USem68251cefalea ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3837peste is peste" ; rdfs:label " peste_as_Disease" . inds:USem3838afasia simple:hasAffects inds:USemD66373linguaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3838afasia is afasia" ; rdfs:label " afasia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3839cimurro simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1971virus ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1165gatto, inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3839cimurro is cimurro" ; rdfs:label " cimurro_as_Disease" . inds:USem3840epilessia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3840epilessia is epilessia" ; rdfs:label " epilessia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3841lebbra simple:hasAffects inds:USemD2912cute ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1973bacillo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3841lebbra is lebbra" ; rdfs:label " lebbra_as_Disease" . inds:USem3842paranoia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3842paranoia is paranoia" ; rdfs:label " paranoia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3843psoriasi simple:hasAffects inds:USemD2912cute ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3843psoriasi is psoriasi" ; rdfs:label " psoriasi_as_Disease" . inds:USem3844rosolia simple:hasCauses inds:USem3886febbre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3844rosolia is rosolia" ; rdfs:label " rosolia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3845polio simple:hasAffects inds:USem6054midollo ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD7336paralisi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3845polio is polio" ; rdfs:label " polio_as_Disease" . inds:USem3846poliomielite simple:hasAffects inds:USem6054midollo ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem3805atrofia, inds:USemD7336paralisi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3846poliomielite is poliomielite" ; rdfs:label " poliomielite_as_Disease" . inds:USem3847polmonite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1780polmone ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem3869infezione ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem3886febbre, inds:USem60231tosse, inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3847polmonite is polmonite" ; rdfs:label " polmonite_as_Disease" . inds:USem3848rabbia simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1971virus ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3848rabbia is rabbia" ; rdfs:label " rabbia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3849rachitismo simple:hasAffects inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3849rachitismo is rachitismo" ; rdfs:label " rachitismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem3850raffreddore simple:hasAffects inds:USem1812naso ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1971virus ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3869infezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3850raffreddore is raffreddore" ; rdfs:label " raffreddore_as_Disease" . inds:USem3851reumatismo simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5660articolazione ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3851reumatismo is reumatismo" ; rdfs:label " reumatismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem3852rogna simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3852rogna is rogna" ; rdfs:label " rogna_as_Disease" . inds:USem3853ruggine simple:hasCausedby inds:USem3874fungo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1535cereale ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3853ruggine is ruggine" ; rdfs:label " ruggine_as_Disease" . inds:USem3854salmonellosi simple:hasAffects inds:USem1829intestino ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1972batterio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3854salmonellosi is salmonellosi" ; rdfs:label " salmonellosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem3855scarlattina simple:hasCauses inds:USem3886febbre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3855scarlattina is scarlattina" ; rdfs:label " scarlattina_as_Disease" . inds:USem3856sclerosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3856sclerosi is sclerosi" ; rdfs:label " sclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem3857scoliosi simple:hasAffects inds:USem1956schiena ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3857scoliosi is scoliosi" ; rdfs:label " scoliosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem3858silicosi simple:hasAffects inds:USem1780polmone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3858silicosi is silicosi" ; rdfs:label " silicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem3860strabismo simple:hasAffects inds:USem60548vista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem78748difetto ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3860strabismo is strabismo" ; rdfs:label " strabismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem3861tara simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3861tara is tara" ; rdfs:label " tara_as_Disease" . inds:USem3862tetano simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1973bacillo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3862tetano is tetano" ; rdfs:label " tetano_as_Disease" . inds:USem3863tifo simple:hasCauses inds:USem3886febbre, inds:USem68251cefalea ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3863tifo is tifo" ; rdfs:label " tifo_as_Disease" . inds:USem3864tigna simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3864tigna is tigna" ; rdfs:label " tigna_as_Disease" . inds:USem3865vaiolo simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1971virus ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem3886febbre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3865vaiolo is vaiolo" ; rdfs:label " vaiolo_as_Disease" . inds:USem3866varicella simple:hasCauses inds:USem3886febbre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3866varicella is varicella" ; rdfs:label " varicella_as_Disease" . inds:USem3867varismo simple:hasAffects inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3867varismo is varismo" ; rdfs:label " varismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem3868malattia simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68420alterazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3868malattia is malattia" ; rdfs:label " malattia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3869infezione simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1959microrganismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64875processo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3869infezione is infezione" ; rdfs:label " infezione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3871ghiaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2722idrogeno, inds:USemD2724ossigeno ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3871ghiaccio is ghiaccio" ; rdfs:label " ghiaccio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3872malva simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3872malva is malva" ; rdfs:label " malva_as_Color" . inds:USem3873miele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD5442ape ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3873miele is miele" ; rdfs:label " miele_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem3874fungo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3874fungo is fungo" ; rdfs:label " fungo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem3875frutta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3875frutta is frutta" ; rdfs:label " frutta_as_Food" . inds:USem3876rumore simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5335stimolo ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3876rumore is rumore" ; rdfs:label " rumore_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem3877suono simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2735udito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3877suono is suono" ; rdfs:label " suono_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem3878odore simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2737olfatto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5335stimolo ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3878odore is odore" ; rdfs:label " odore_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem3879vita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3879vita is vita" ; rdfs:label " vita_as_Exist" . inds:USem3880miglioramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3880miglioramento is miglioramento" ; rdfs:label " miglioramento_as_Change" . inds:USem3881calcestruzzo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64575impasto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2991cemento, inds:USem59320ghiaia, inds:USemD5318sabbia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3881calcestruzzo is calcestruzzo" ; rdfs:label " calcestruzzo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3882mattone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5521cottura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7053prodotto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5299argilla ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3882mattone is mattone" ; rdfs:label " mattone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3883sintomo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71293manifestazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3883sintomo is sintomo" ; rdfs:label " sintomo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3884tempo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3884tempo is tempo" ; rdfs:label " tempo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3885vento simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3885vento is vento" ; rdfs:label " vento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3886febbre simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD7045temperatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60222rialzo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3886febbre is febbre" ; rdfs:label " febbre_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3887pioggia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3887pioggia is pioggia" ; rdfs:label " pioggia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3888neve simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD66463condensazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3871ghiaccio ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3888neve is neve" ; rdfs:label " neve_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3889nebbia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3889nebbia is nebbia" ; rdfs:label " nebbia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3890lampo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3890lampo is lampo" ; rdfs:label " lampo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3891tuono simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3891tuono is tuono" ; rdfs:label " tuono_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3893temporale simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem3887pioggia, inds:USem3890lampo, inds:USem3891tuono ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6910perturbazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3893temporale is temporale" ; rdfs:label " temporale_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3894creare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3894creare is creare" ; rdfs:label " creare_as_Creation" . inds:USem3895produrre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem6797produzione ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3895produrre is produrre" ; rdfs:label " produrre_as_Creation" . inds:USem3896digerire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3896digerire is digerire" ; rdfs:label " digerire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem3897digerire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3897digerire is digerire" ; rdfs:label " digerire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem3898digerire simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60048intolleranza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3898digerire is digerire" ; rdfs:label " digerire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem3899tempesta simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem3885vento, inds:USem3887pioggia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6910perturbazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3899tempesta is tempesta" ; rdfs:label " tempesta_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem38puericultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem72870pediatria ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem38puericultura is puericultura" ; rdfs:label " puericultura_as_Domain" . inds:USem3900alcol simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USemD5394componente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem1405liquore, inds:USem64425profumo ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3900alcol is alcol" ; rdfs:label " alcol_as_Substance" . inds:USem3901ruggine simple:hasHasascolour inds:USemD5397rossastro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD2832ossidazione ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3901ruggine is ruggine" ; rdfs:label " ruggine_as_Substance" . inds:USem3902acquazzone simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3887pioggia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3902acquazzone is acquazzone" ; rdfs:label " acquazzone_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3903aquilone simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3903aquilone is aquilone" ; rdfs:label " aquilone_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3904bora simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3904bora is bora" ; rdfs:label " bora_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3905glucide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2722idrogeno, inds:USemD2724ossigeno, inds:USemD3043carbonio ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3905glucide is glucide" ; rdfs:label " glucide_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3906lipide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3906lipide is lipide" ; rdfs:label " lipide_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3907bufera simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem3885vento, inds:USem3887pioggia, inds:USem3888neve, inds:USemD5402grandine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3899tempesta ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3907bufera is bufera" ; rdfs:label " bufera_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3908burrasca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem3885vento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3899tempesta ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3908burrasca is burrasca" ; rdfs:label " burrasca_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3909ciclone simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3909ciclone is ciclone" ; rdfs:label " ciclone_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3910uragano simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3910uragano is uragano" ; rdfs:label " uragano_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3911diluvio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3887pioggia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3911diluvio is diluvio" ; rdfs:label " diluvio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3912esistere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3912esistere is esistere" ; rdfs:label " esistere_as_Exist" . inds:USem3913libeccio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3913libeccio is libeccio" ; rdfs:label " libeccio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3914maestrale simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3914maestrale is maestrale" ; rdfs:label " maestrale_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3915mareggiata simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem3885vento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3908burrasca ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3915mareggiata is mareggiata" ; rdfs:label " mareggiata_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3916vivere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5013stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3916vivere is vivere" ; rdfs:label " vivere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem3917monsone simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3917monsone is monsone" ; rdfs:label " monsone_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3918nevischio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USem3888neve ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3918nevischio is nevischio" ; rdfs:label " nevischio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3919nubifragio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem3885vento, inds:USem3887pioggia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3893temporale ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3919nubifragio is nubifragio" ; rdfs:label " nubifragio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3920pioggerella simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3887pioggia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3920pioggerella is pioggerella" ; rdfs:label " pioggerella_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3921ponente simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3921ponente is ponente" ; rdfs:label " ponente_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3922essere simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3922essere is essere" ; rdfs:label " essere_as_Exist" . inds:USem3923insegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3927spiegare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5405apprendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3923insegnare is insegnare" ; rdfs:label " insegnare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem3925cominciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79056iniziare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3925cominciare is cominciare" ; rdfs:label " cominciare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem3926insegnamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem60672apprendimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3926insegnamento is insegnamento" ; rdfs:label " insegnamento_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem3927spiegare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3927spiegare is spiegare" ; rdfs:label " spiegare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem3928fare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3928fare is fare" ; rdfs:label " fare_as_Cause" . inds:USem3929condizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3929condizione is condizione" ; rdfs:label " condizione_as_State" . inds:USem3930indurre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3930indurre is indurre" ; rdfs:label " indurre_as_Cause" . inds:USem3931prosperare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3912esistere ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3931prosperare is prosperare" ; rdfs:label " prosperare_as_Exist" . inds:USem3932provocare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3932provocare is provocare" ; rdfs:label " provocare_as_Cause" . inds:USem3933cessare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3959finire ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3933cessare is cessare" ; rdfs:label " cessare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem3934cessare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74978finire ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3934cessare is cessare" ; rdfs:label " cessare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem3935rompere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5416rotto ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3935rompere is rompere" ; rdfs:label " rompere_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem3936rompere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3936rompere is rompere" ; rdfs:label " rompere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem3937trasformare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3937trasformare is trasformare" ; rdfs:label " trasformare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem3938modificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3938modificare is modificare" ; rdfs:label " modificare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem3939cambiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3939cambiare is cambiare" ; rdfs:label " cambiare_as_Change" . inds:USem3940modificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3940modificare is modificare" ; rdfs:label " modificare_as_Change" . inds:USem3941trasformare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3941trasformare is trasformare" ; rdfs:label " trasformare_as_Change" . inds:USem3942ottone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5422fusione ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1366giallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3649lega ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3414rame, inds:USem3426zinco ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3942ottone is ottone" ; rdfs:label " ottone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3943bronzo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5422fusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3649lega ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3414rame, inds:USem3422stagno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3943bronzo is bronzo" ; rdfs:label " bronzo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3944peltro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5422fusione ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USemD2989argento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3649lega ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1421piombo, inds:USem3414rame, inds:USem3422stagno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3944peltro is peltro" ; rdfs:label " peltro_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3945bitume simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3650miscela ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3226idrocarburo ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63344asfaltare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3945bitume is bitume" ; rdfs:label " bitume_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3946bitume simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3226idrocarburo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3650miscela ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3279olio, inds:USem3427zolfo, inds:USem70602sego, inds:USemD3313catrame ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3946bitume is bitume" ; rdfs:label " bitume_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3947calamita simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62150attrarre ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3947calamita is calamita" ; rdfs:label " calamita_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem3948cherosene simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3650miscela ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem1740combustibile ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3948cherosene is cherosene" ; rdfs:label " cherosene_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3949kerosene simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3650miscela ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3226idrocarburo ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem1740combustibile ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3949kerosene is kerosene" ; rdfs:label " kerosene_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3950avvenimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3950avvenimento is avvenimento" ; rdfs:label " avvenimento_as_Event" . inds:USem3951accadere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3951accadere is accadere" ; rdfs:label " accadere_as_Event" . inds:USem3952capitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3952capitare is capitare" ; rdfs:label " capitare_as_Event" . inds:USem3954avvenire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3954avvenire is avvenire" ; rdfs:label " avvenire_as_Event" . inds:USem3955verificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3955verificare is verificare" ; rdfs:label " verificare_as_Event" . inds:USem3956muovere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3956muovere is muovere" ; rdfs:label " muovere_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem3959finire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3959finire is finire" ; rdfs:label " finire_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem3960cambiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3960cambiamento is cambiamento" ; rdfs:label " cambiamento_as_Change" . inds:USem3961seguace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD7317seguire ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3961seguace is seguace" ; rdfs:label " seguace_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem3962trasformazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3962trasformazione is trasformazione" ; rdfs:label " trasformazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem3963azione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3963azione is azione" ; rdfs:label " azione_as_Act" . inds:USem3964muovere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3964muovere is muovere" ; rdfs:label " muovere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem3965movimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3965movimento is movimento" ; rdfs:label " movimento_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem3966filo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1391filare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3183filato ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59133ricamare, inds:USemD454cucire, inds:USemD5434tessere ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3966filo is filo" ; rdfs:label " filo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem3967porcino simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco, inds:USem2459marrone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3874fungo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3967porcino is porcino" ; rdfs:label " porcino_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem3968tartufo simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1370nero, inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3874fungo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3968tartufo is tartufo" ; rdfs:label " tartufo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem3969chiodino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3874fungo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3969chiodino is chiodino" ; rdfs:label " chiodino_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem3970rosmarino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3970rosmarino is rosmarino" ; rdfs:label " rosmarino_as_Plant" . inds:USem3971rosmarino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem3970rosmarino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3971rosmarino is rosmarino" ; rdfs:label " rosmarino_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem3972scirocco simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3972scirocco is scirocco" ; rdfs:label " scirocco_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3973tramontana simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3973tramontana is tramontana" ; rdfs:label " tramontana_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3974fulmine simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3974fulmine is fulmine" ; rdfs:label " fulmine_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3975folgore simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3975folgore is folgore" ; rdfs:label " folgore_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem3976anemia simple:hasAffects inds:USem3126sangue ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD64001carenza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3976anemia is anemia" ; rdfs:label " anemia_as_Disease" . inds:USem3979ingrediente simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem60107preparazione ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3979ingrediente is ingrediente" ; rdfs:label " ingrediente_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem3980aumentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3980aumentare is aumentare" ; rdfs:label " aumentare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem3981aumentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3981aumentare is aumentare" ; rdfs:label " aumentare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem3982diminuire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3982diminuire is diminuire" ; rdfs:label " diminuire_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem3983diminuire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3983diminuire is diminuire" ; rdfs:label " diminuire_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem3984impregnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62192impregnato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3984impregnare is impregnare" ; rdfs:label " impregnare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem3985obiettivo simple:hasTelic inds:USem77283raggiungere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3985obiettivo is obiettivo" ; rdfs:label " obiettivo_as_Telic" . inds:USem3986impregnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62192impregnato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3986impregnare is impregnare" ; rdfs:label " impregnare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem3987intridere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5454intriso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3987intridere is intridere" ; rdfs:label " intridere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem3988innaffiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3988innaffiare is innaffiare" ; rdfs:label " innaffiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem3989annaffiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3989annaffiare is annaffiare" ; rdfs:label " annaffiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem3991schiarire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3991schiarire is schiarire" ; rdfs:label " schiarire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem3992schiarire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3992schiarire is schiarire" ; rdfs:label " schiarire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem3993imbiancare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3993imbiancare is imbiancare" ; rdfs:label " imbiancare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem3994mandria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD5460bestiame ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59550branco ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3994mandria is mandria" ; rdfs:label " mandria_as_Group" . inds:USem3995sale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3421sodio, inds:USemD3259cloro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3527condire, inds:USemD5461salare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3995sale is sale" ; rdfs:label " sale_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem3996affinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60203migliorare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3996affinare is affinare" ; rdfs:label " affinare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem3997affinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60205migliorare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3997affinare is affinare" ; rdfs:label " affinare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem3998asciugare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3998asciugare is asciugare" ; rdfs:label " asciugare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem3999asciugare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3999asciugare is asciugare" ; rdfs:label " asciugare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem39radiologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem069573diagnosi ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem67802raggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem39radiologia is radiologia" ; rdfs:label " radiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem3materiale simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem3materiale is materiale" ; rdfs:label " materiale_as_Telic" . inds:USem4000allargare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6511largo ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4000allargare is allargare" ; rdfs:label " allargare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4001allargare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6511largo ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4001allargare is allargare" ; rdfs:label " allargare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4002acetone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD5465metabolismo ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4002acetone is acetone" ; rdfs:label " acetone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem4003ammassare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4003ammassare is ammassare" ; rdfs:label " ammassare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem4005ammassare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5533riunire ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4005ammassare is ammassare" ; rdfs:label " ammassare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem4006ampliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4006ampliare is ampliare" ; rdfs:label " ampliare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem4008inchiostro simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1370nero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem60468difesa ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4008inchiostro is inchiostro" ; rdfs:label " inchiostro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem4009cinabro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4009cinabro is cinabro" ; rdfs:label " cinabro_as_Color" . inds:USem4010corallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4010corallo is corallo" ; rdfs:label " corallo_as_Color" . inds:USem4012platino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4012platino is platino" ; rdfs:label " platino_as_Color" . inds:USem4013smeraldo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4013smeraldo is smeraldo" ; rdfs:label " smeraldo_as_Color" . inds:USem4014mastice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5480otturare, inds:USemD6899incollare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4014mastice is mastice" ; rdfs:label " mastice_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem4015mastice simple:hasIsa inds:USem3094resina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6899incollare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4015mastice is mastice" ; rdfs:label " mastice_as_Substance" . inds:USem4016marmo simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4016marmo is marmo" ; rdfs:label " marmo_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem4017alleviare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4017alleviare is alleviare" ; rdfs:label " alleviare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem4020addobbare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem78126addobbato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4020addobbare is addobbare" ; rdfs:label " addobbare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4021indebolire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5485indebolito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4021indebolire is indebolire" ; rdfs:label " indebolire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4022indebolire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5485indebolito ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4022indebolire is indebolire" ; rdfs:label " indebolire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4023scuotere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4023scuotere is scuotere" ; rdfs:label " scuotere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem4024scuotere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4024scuotere is scuotere" ; rdfs:label " scuotere_as_Move" . inds:USem4025agnello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem871agnello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4025agnello is agnello" ; rdfs:label " agnello_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem4026figlio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4026figlio is figlio" ; rdfs:label " figlio_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4027violinista simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2909violino ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4027violinista is violinista" ; rdfs:label " violinista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem4028annerire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4028annerire is annerire" ; rdfs:label " annerire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4029crostaceo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4029crostaceo is crostaceo" ; rdfs:label " crostaceo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem4030annerire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4030annerire is annerire" ; rdfs:label " annerire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4031gambero simple:hasIsa inds:USem4029crostaceo ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4031gambero is gambero" ; rdfs:label " gambero_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem4032gambero simple:hasIsa inds:USem4029crostaceo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4032gambero is gambero" ; rdfs:label " gambero_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem4034disidratare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5490disidratato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4034disidratare is disidratare" ; rdfs:label " disidratare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4035disidratare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5490disidratato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4035disidratare is disidratare" ; rdfs:label " disidratare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4037idratare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5491idratato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4037idratare is idratare" ; rdfs:label " idratare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4038seccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5493secco ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4038seccare is seccare" ; rdfs:label " seccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4039seccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5493secco ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4039seccare is seccare" ; rdfs:label " seccare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4040fibra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4040fibra is fibra" ; rdfs:label " fibra_as_Substance" . inds:USem4041seccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5493secco ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4041seccare is seccare" ; rdfs:label " seccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4042seccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5493secco ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4042seccare is seccare" ; rdfs:label " seccare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4043immobilizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5494immobile ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4043immobilizzare is immobilizzare" ; rdfs:label " immobilizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4044immobilizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59662fermare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5494immobile ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4044immobilizzare is immobilizzare" ; rdfs:label " immobilizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem4045pettinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4045pettinare is pettinare" ; rdfs:label " pettinare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem4046libro simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4046libro is libro" ; rdfs:label " libro_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem4047libro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4047libro is libro" ; rdfs:label " libro_as_Information" . inds:USem4048data simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4048data is data" ; rdfs:label " data_as_Time" . inds:USem4049spazio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4049spazio is spazio" ; rdfs:label " spazio_as_Time" . inds:USem4050fenomeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4050fenomeno is fenomeno" ; rdfs:label " fenomeno_as_Human" . inds:USem4051cobalto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4051cobalto is cobalto" ; rdfs:label " cobalto_as_Color" . inds:USem4052oro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4052oro is oro" ; rdfs:label " oro_as_Color" . inds:USem4053zaffiro simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2464azzurro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3002pietra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4053zaffiro is zaffiro" ; rdfs:label " zaffiro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem4054noce simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4054noce is noce" ; rdfs:label " noce_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem4055abete simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4055abete is abete" ; rdfs:label " abete_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem4056quercia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4056quercia is quercia" ; rdfs:label " quercia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem4057ebano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4057ebano is ebano" ; rdfs:label " ebano_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem4058pino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4058pino is pino" ; rdfs:label " pino_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem4059pioppo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4059pioppo is pioppo" ; rdfs:label " pioppo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem4060lavanda simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4060lavanda is lavanda" ; rdfs:label " lavanda_as_Color" . inds:USem4061lavanda simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem4060lavanda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1718lavanda ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4061lavanda is lavanda" ; rdfs:label " lavanda_as_Flower" . inds:USem4062archeologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4062archeologia is archeologia" ; rdfs:label " archeologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem4064braccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4064braccio is braccio" ; rdfs:label " braccio_as_Part" . inds:USem4065fringuello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4065fringuello is fringuello" ; rdfs:label " fringuello_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem4066muschio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4066muschio is muschio" ; rdfs:label " muschio_as_Plant" . inds:USem4067figlia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4067figlia is figlia" ; rdfs:label " figlia_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4068padre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4068padre is padre" ; rdfs:label " padre_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4069figlio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4069figlio is figlio" ; rdfs:label " figlio_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4070madre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4070madre is madre" ; rdfs:label " madre_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4072zio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4072zio is zio" ; rdfs:label " zio_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4073zia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4073zia is zia" ; rdfs:label " zia_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4074fratello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4074fratello is fratello" ; rdfs:label " fratello_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4075sorella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4075sorella is sorella" ; rdfs:label " sorella_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4076fratellastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4076fratellastro is fratellastro" ; rdfs:label " fratellastro_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4077sorellastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4077sorellastra is sorellastra" ; rdfs:label " sorellastra_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4078patrigno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4078patrigno is patrigno" ; rdfs:label " patrigno_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4079matrigna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4079matrigna is matrigna" ; rdfs:label " matrigna_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4080nonno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4080nonno is nonno" ; rdfs:label " nonno_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4081nonna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4081nonna is nonna" ; rdfs:label " nonna_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4082suocero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4082suocero is suocero" ; rdfs:label " suocero_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4083nuora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4083nuora is nuora" ; rdfs:label " nuora_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4084genero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4084genero is genero" ; rdfs:label " genero_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4085nipote simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4085nipote is nipote" ; rdfs:label " nipote_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4086nipotino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4086nipotino is nipotino" ; rdfs:label " nipotino_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4087cugino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4087cugino is cugino" ; rdfs:label " cugino_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4088madrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4088madrina is madrina" ; rdfs:label " madrina_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4089padrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4089padrino is padrino" ; rdfs:label " padrino_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4090discendente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4090discendente is discendente" ; rdfs:label " discendente_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4091marito simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4091marito is marito" ; rdfs:label " marito_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4092sposo simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59150sposare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4092sposo is sposo" ; rdfs:label " sposo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem4093moglie simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4093moglie is moglie" ; rdfs:label " moglie_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4094sposa simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59150sposare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4094sposa is sposa" ; rdfs:label " sposa_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem4095coniuge simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4095coniuge is coniuge" ; rdfs:label " coniuge_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4096consorte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4096consorte is consorte" ; rdfs:label " consorte_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4097rampollo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4097rampollo is rampollo" ; rdfs:label " rampollo_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4098bosso simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4098bosso is bosso" ; rdfs:label " bosso_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem4099ginepro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1570arbusto ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4099ginepro is ginepro" ; rdfs:label " ginepro_as_Plant" . inds:USem40ragioneria simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem40ragioneria is ragioneria" ; rdfs:label " ragioneria_as_Domain" . inds:USem4100calciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem6118sportivo ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4100calciatore is calciatore" ; rdfs:label " calciatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem4101cuoco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5081cucinare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4101cuoco is cuoco" ; rdfs:label " cuoco_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem4103fotografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5139fotografare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4103fotografo is fotografo" ; rdfs:label " fotografo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem4104giardiniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4104giardiniere is giardiniere" ; rdfs:label " giardiniere_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem4107sarto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD454cucire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4107sarto is sarto" ; rdfs:label " sarto_as_Profession" . inds:USem4109sassofonista simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2898sassofono ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4109sassofonista is sassofonista" ; rdfs:label " sassofonista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem4111pugile simple:hasIsa inds:USem6118sportivo ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4111pugile is pugile" ; rdfs:label " pugile_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem4112violoncellista simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2910violoncello ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4112violoncellista is violoncellista" ; rdfs:label " violoncellista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem4114trombettista simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2905tromba ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4114trombettista is trombettista" ; rdfs:label " trombettista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem4115tennista simple:hasIsa inds:USem6118sportivo ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4115tennista is tennista" ; rdfs:label " tennista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem4116paese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4116paese is paese" ; rdfs:label " paese_as_Location" . inds:USem4117stato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem64115governare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4117stato is stato" ; rdfs:label " stato_as_Institution" . inds:USem4118confederazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem64115governare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4118confederazione is confederazione" ; rdfs:label " confederazione_as_Institution" . inds:USem4119confederazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5271associazione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem59143organizzare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4119confederazione is confederazione" ; rdfs:label " confederazione_as_Institution" . inds:USem4120usa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4120usa is usa" ; rdfs:label " usa_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4121stato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4121stato is stato" ; rdfs:label " stato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4123villaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4123villaggio is villaggio" ; rdfs:label " villaggio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4124paesino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4123villaggio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4124paesino is paesino" ; rdfs:label " paesino_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4125nord simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4125nord is nord" ; rdfs:label " nord_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem4126sud simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4126sud is sud" ; rdfs:label " sud_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem4127meridione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4127meridione is meridione" ; rdfs:label " meridione_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem4128est simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4128est is est" ; rdfs:label " est_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem4129oriente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4129oriente is oriente" ; rdfs:label " oriente_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem4130levante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4130levante is levante" ; rdfs:label " levante_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem4131occidente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4131occidente is occidente" ; rdfs:label " occidente_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem4132ovest simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4132ovest is ovest" ; rdfs:label " ovest_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem4134zona simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61175terra ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4134zona is zona" ; rdfs:label " zona_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4135zona simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4135zona is zona" ; rdfs:label " zona_as_Location" . inds:USem4136zona simple:hasIsa inds:USem4135zona ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4136zona is zona" ; rdfs:label " zona_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4137quartiere simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4136zona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4135zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4137quartiere is quartiere" ; rdfs:label " quartiere_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4138quartiere simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4138quartiere is quartiere" ; rdfs:label " quartiere_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem4140friuli simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4140friuli is friuli" ; rdfs:label " friuli_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4141liguria simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4141liguria is liguria" ; rdfs:label " liguria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4142regione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem64115governare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4142regione is regione" ; rdfs:label " regione_as_Institution" . inds:USem4143regione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4143regione is regione" ; rdfs:label " regione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem4144regione simple:hasIsa inds:USem4135zona ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4144regione is regione" ; rdfs:label " regione_as_Location" . inds:USem4145regione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4145regione is regione" ; rdfs:label " regione_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4146regione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4146regione is regione" ; rdfs:label " regione_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4147meridione simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2231paese ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4147meridione is meridione" ; rdfs:label " meridione_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4148ambiente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4148ambiente is ambiente" ; rdfs:label " ambiente_as_Location" . inds:USem4149vano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4149vano is vano" ; rdfs:label " vano_as_Part" . inds:USem4150appartamento simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio, inds:USem2275palazzo, inds:USem2278residenza, inds:USem889condominio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4150appartamento is appartamento" ; rdfs:label " appartamento_as_Building" . inds:USem4151torre simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5014osservare, inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4151torre is torre" ; rdfs:label " torre_as_Building" . inds:USem4152castello simple:hasIsa inds:USem60912dimora ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4152castello is castello" ; rdfs:label " castello_as_Building" . inds:USem4153impalcatura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59645struttura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4153impalcatura is impalcatura" ; rdfs:label " impalcatura_as_Instrument" . inds:USem4154castello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4154castello is castello" ; rdfs:label " castello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem4155sotterraneo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59130scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4155sotterraneo is sotterraneo" ; rdfs:label " sotterraneo_as_Building" . inds:USem4157cimitero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4136zona ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1476seppellire ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4157cimitero is cimitero" ; rdfs:label " cimitero_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4158concistoro simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62580cardinale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1073assemblea ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4158concistoro is concistoro" ; rdfs:label " concistoro_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem4159conclave simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62580cardinale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1073assemblea ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4159conclave is conclave" ; rdfs:label " conclave_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem4160forno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4160forno is forno" ; rdfs:label " forno_as_Instrument" . inds:USem4161bottega simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4161bottega is bottega" ; rdfs:label " bottega_as_Building" . inds:USem4162bottega simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4162bottega is bottega" ; rdfs:label " bottega_as_Building" . inds:USem4163forno simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4161bottega ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4163forno is forno" ; rdfs:label " forno_as_Building" . inds:USem4164monastero simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62795monaco, inds:USem63140monaca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD584comunita1 ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4164monastero is monastero" ; rdfs:label " monastero_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem4165genitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4165genitore is genitore" ; rdfs:label " genitore_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4166aula simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2218scuola ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4166aula is aula" ; rdfs:label " aula_as_Part" . inds:USem4167aula simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2080tribunale, inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4167aula is aula" ; rdfs:label " aula_as_Part" . inds:USem4168sala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4168sala is sala" ; rdfs:label " sala_as_Part" . inds:USem4169sala simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59452pubblico ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4169sala is sala" ; rdfs:label " sala_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem4171spelonca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5527cavita1 ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4171spelonca is spelonca" ; rdfs:label " spelonca_as_Opening" . inds:USem4172rilievo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2228altura ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4172rilievo is rilievo" ; rdfs:label " rilievo_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem4173costruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4173costruzione is costruzione" ; rdfs:label " costruzione_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem4174costruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USem4173costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4174costruzione is costruzione" ; rdfs:label " costruzione_as_Building" . inds:USem4175spazio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4175spazio is spazio" ; rdfs:label " spazio_as_Location" . inds:USem4176spazio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4176spazio is spazio" ; rdfs:label " spazio_as_Location" . inds:USem4177area simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4177area is area" ; rdfs:label " area_as_Area" . inds:USem4179buco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4179buco is buco" ; rdfs:label " buco_as_Building" . inds:USem4180precipizio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2046dirupo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4180precipizio is precipizio" ; rdfs:label " precipizio_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem4181cantina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4181cantina is cantina" ; rdfs:label " cantina_as_Part" . inds:USem4182cantina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4182cantina is cantina" ; rdfs:label " cantina_as_Building" . inds:USem4183fortezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4183fortezza is fortezza" ; rdfs:label " fortezza_as_Building" . inds:USem4184labirinto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1820orecchio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4184labirinto is labirinto" ; rdfs:label " labirinto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem4185labirinto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4185labirinto is labirinto" ; rdfs:label " labirinto_as_Location" . inds:USem4186terrazza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4186terrazza is terrazza" ; rdfs:label " terrazza_as_Part" . inds:USem4187terrazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4187terrazzo is terrazzo" ; rdfs:label " terrazzo_as_Part" . inds:USem4188loggia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4188loggia is loggia" ; rdfs:label " loggia_as_Part" . inds:USem4189loggia simple:hasContains inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4189loggia is loggia" ; rdfs:label " loggia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem4190loggia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5534massoneria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5533riunire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4190loggia is loggia" ; rdfs:label " loggia_as_Building" . inds:USem4191loggia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1073assemblea ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4191loggia is loggia" ; rdfs:label " loggia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem4192luce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5535radiazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4192luce is luce" ; rdfs:label " luce_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4193luce simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4193luce is luce" ; rdfs:label " luce_as_Instrument" . inds:USem4194monte simple:hasIsa inds:USem4172rilievo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4194monte is monte" ; rdfs:label " monte_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem4195mattone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4195mattone is mattone" ; rdfs:label " mattone_as_Color" . inds:USem4196corallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4196corallo is corallo" ; rdfs:label " corallo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem4197gioiello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3002pietra, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4197gioiello is gioiello" ; rdfs:label " gioiello_as_Artifact" . inds:USem4198gioiello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4198gioiello is gioiello" ; rdfs:label " gioiello_as_Human" . inds:USem41reumatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem41reumatologia is reumatologia" ; rdfs:label " reumatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem4200gioia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4200gioia is gioia" ; rdfs:label " gioia_as_Artifact" . inds:USem4201gioia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4201gioia is gioia" ; rdfs:label " gioia_as_Human" . inds:USem4202gioielleria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4202gioielleria is gioielleria" ; rdfs:label " gioielleria_as_Building" . inds:USem4203gioielliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4203gioielliere is gioielliere" ; rdfs:label " gioielliere_as_Profession" . inds:USem4204canestro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4204canestro is canestro" ; rdfs:label " canestro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem4205gioia simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5537gioioso ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4205gioia is gioia" ; rdfs:label " gioia_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem4206gamba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2339mobile, inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4206gamba is gamba" ; rdfs:label " gamba_as_Part" . inds:USem4208gamba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2703lettera ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4208gamba is gamba" ; rdfs:label " gamba_as_Part" . inds:USem4209dente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3399dispositivo, inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4209dente is dente" ; rdfs:label " dente_as_Part" . inds:USem4210dente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2226montagna ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4210dente is dente" ; rdfs:label " dente_as_Part" . inds:USem4211zampa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4211zampa is zampa" ; rdfs:label " zampa_as_Part" . inds:USem4212collo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4212collo is collo" ; rdfs:label " collo_as_Container" . inds:USem4213collo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4213collo is collo" ; rdfs:label " collo_as_Part" . inds:USem4214collo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2424recipiente ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4214collo is collo" ; rdfs:label " collo_as_Part" . inds:USem4215collo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1768organo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4215collo is collo" ; rdfs:label " collo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem4216braccio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4216braccio is braccio" ; rdfs:label " braccio_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem4218busto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61620scultura ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4218busto is busto" ; rdfs:label " busto_as_Artwork" . inds:USem4219busto simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7105modellare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4219busto is busto" ; rdfs:label " busto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4220busto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1941correggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4220busto is busto" ; rdfs:label " busto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem4221becco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2380arnese, inds:USem2424recipiente ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4221becco is becco" ; rdfs:label " becco_as_Part" . inds:USem4222becco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1405regolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4222becco is becco" ; rdfs:label " becco_as_Instrument" . inds:USem4223montone simple:hasIsa inds:USem72835ovino ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1133pecora ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4223montone is montone" ; rdfs:label " montone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4224caprone simple:hasIsa inds:USem72835ovino ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1928capra ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4224caprone is caprone" ; rdfs:label " caprone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4225becco simple:hasIsa inds:USem72835ovino ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1928capra ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4225becco is becco" ; rdfs:label " becco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4226casa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD5539familiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4226casa is casa" ; rdfs:label " casa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem4227casa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4227casa is casa" ; rdfs:label " casa_as_Building" . inds:USem4229casa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3577impresa ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4229casa is casa" ; rdfs:label " casa_as_Institution" . inds:USem4230casa simple:hasIsa inds:USem5268sede ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4230casa is casa" ; rdfs:label " casa_as_Building" . inds:USem4231casa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4135zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4231casa is casa" ; rdfs:label " casa_as_Representation" . inds:USem4233grana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4233grana is grana" ; rdfs:label " grana_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4234pecorino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4234pecorino is pecorino" ; rdfs:label " pecorino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4235parmigiano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4235parmigiano is parmigiano" ; rdfs:label " parmigiano_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4236provolone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4236provolone is provolone" ; rdfs:label " provolone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4237fontina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4237fontina is fontina" ; rdfs:label " fontina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4238gorgonzola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4238gorgonzola is gorgonzola" ; rdfs:label " gorgonzola_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4239cacio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4239cacio is cacio" ; rdfs:label " cacio_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4240caciocavallo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4240caciocavallo is caciocavallo" ; rdfs:label " caciocavallo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4241caciotta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4241caciotta is caciotta" ; rdfs:label " caciotta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4242cacciucco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4243zuppa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4242cacciucco is cacciucco" ; rdfs:label " cacciucco_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4243zuppa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4244minestra ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4243zuppa is zuppa" ; rdfs:label " zuppa_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4244minestra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3669piatto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4244minestra is minestra" ; rdfs:label " minestra_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4245minestrina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4244minestra ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4245minestrina is minestrina" ; rdfs:label " minestrina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4246minestrone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4244minestra ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3672verdura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4246minestrone is minestrone" ; rdfs:label " minestrone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4248barile simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4248barile is barile" ; rdfs:label " barile_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem4249camembert simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4249camembert is camembert" ; rdfs:label " camembert_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4250gruviera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4250gruviera is gruviera" ; rdfs:label " gruviera_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4251mascarpone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4251mascarpone is mascarpone" ; rdfs:label " mascarpone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4252taleggio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4252taleggio is taleggio" ; rdfs:label " taleggio_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4253tomino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4253tomino is tomino" ; rdfs:label " tomino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4254stracchino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4254stracchino is stracchino" ; rdfs:label " stracchino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4255crescenza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4255crescenza is crescenza" ; rdfs:label " crescenza_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4256tortellino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3408formaggio, inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4256tortellino is tortellino" ; rdfs:label " tortellino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4258bollito simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4258bollito is bollito" ; rdfs:label " bollito_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4259brasato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4259brasato is brasato" ; rdfs:label " brasato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4260polpettone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4260polpettone is polpettone" ; rdfs:label " polpettone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4261salame simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4261salame is salame" ; rdfs:label " salame_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4262polpetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4262polpetta is polpetta" ; rdfs:label " polpetta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4263lesso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4263lesso is lesso" ; rdfs:label " lesso_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4264involtino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4264involtino is involtino" ; rdfs:label " involtino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4265spezzatino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4265spezzatino is spezzatino" ; rdfs:label " spezzatino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4266stufato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4266stufato is stufato" ; rdfs:label " stufato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4267salume simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4267salume is salume" ; rdfs:label " salume_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4268salsiccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4268salsiccia is salsiccia" ; rdfs:label " salsiccia_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4269manzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4269manzo is manzo" ; rdfs:label " manzo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem4270manzo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem65543bovino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4270manzo is manzo" ; rdfs:label " manzo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4271vacca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4271vacca is vacca" ; rdfs:label " vacca_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem4272vacca simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemTH55muggire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65543bovino ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3249latte ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4272vacca is vacca" ; rdfs:label " vacca_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4273baco simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD5434tessere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4273baco is baco" ; rdfs:label " baco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4274bruco simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD5434tessere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4274bruco is bruco" ; rdfs:label " bruco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4275vacca simple:hasIsa inds:USem4273baco ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4275vacca is vacca" ; rdfs:label " vacca_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4276vitello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4276vitello is vitello" ; rdfs:label " vitello_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem4277vitello simple:hasConcerns inds:USem65543bovino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4277vitello is vitello" ; rdfs:label " vitello_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4278vitello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4278vitello is vitello" ; rdfs:label " vitello_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem4279vitellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4279vitellone is vitellone" ; rdfs:label " vitellone_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem4280vitellone simple:hasConcerns inds:USem65543bovino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4280vitellone is vitellone" ; rdfs:label " vitellone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4281fetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4281fetta is fetta" ; rdfs:label " fetta_as_Part" . inds:USem4282taglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4282taglio is taglio" ; rdfs:label " taglio_as_Part" . inds:USem4283bistecca simple:hasIsa inds:USem4281fetta ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4283bistecca is bistecca" ; rdfs:label " bistecca_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem4284fesa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4282taglio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4276vitello, inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4284fesa is fesa" ; rdfs:label " fesa_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem4285filetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4282taglio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4285filetto is filetto" ; rdfs:label " filetto_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem4286girello simple:hasIsa inds:USem4282taglio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4276vitello, inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4286girello is girello" ; rdfs:label " girello_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem4287petto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4282taglio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4287petto is petto" ; rdfs:label " petto_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem4288polpa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4288polpa is polpa" ; rdfs:label " polpa_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem4290carnivoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4290carnivoro is carnivoro" ; rdfs:label " carnivoro_as_Animal" . inds:USem4291erboristeria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4291erboristeria is erboristeria" ; rdfs:label " erboristeria_as_Building" . inds:USem4293bassorilievo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61620scultura ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4293bassorilievo is bassorilievo" ; rdfs:label " bassorilievo_as_Artwork" . inds:USem4294bronzetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61620scultura ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3943bronzo ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4294bronzetto is bronzetto" ; rdfs:label " bronzetto_as_Artwork" . inds:USem4295calco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4295calco is calco" ; rdfs:label " calco_as_Artwork" . inds:USem4296statua simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4296statua is statua" ; rdfs:label " statua_as_Artwork" . inds:USem4297intaglio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4297intaglio is intaglio" ; rdfs:label " intaglio_as_Artwork" . inds:USem4298acquarello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem837dipinto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4298acquarello is acquarello" ; rdfs:label " acquarello_as_Artwork" . inds:USem4299affresco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem837dipinto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4299affresco is affresco" ; rdfs:label " affresco_as_Artwork" . inds:USem42robotica simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem42robotica is robotica" ; rdfs:label " robotica_as_Domain" . inds:USem4300crosta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem837dipinto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4300crosta is crosta" ; rdfs:label " crosta_as_Artwork" . inds:USem4301graffito simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem837dipinto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4301graffito is graffito" ; rdfs:label " graffito_as_Artwork" . inds:USem4302guazzo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem837dipinto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4302guazzo is guazzo" ; rdfs:label " guazzo_as_Artwork" . inds:USem4304pittura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4304pittura is pittura" ; rdfs:label " pittura_as_Artwork" . inds:USem4305imbarcazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4305imbarcazione is imbarcazione" ; rdfs:label " imbarcazione_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4306aliscafo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4306aliscafo is aliscafo" ; rdfs:label " aliscafo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4307barca simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4307barca is barca" ; rdfs:label " barca_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4308cabinato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4308cabinato is cabinato" ; rdfs:label " cabinato_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4309fuoribordo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4309fuoribordo is fuoribordo" ; rdfs:label " fuoribordo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4310gondola simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4310gondola is gondola" ; rdfs:label " gondola_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4311incrociatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4311incrociatore is incrociatore" ; rdfs:label " incrociatore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4312iole simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2330remo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4312iole is iole" ; rdfs:label " iole_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4313lancia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4313lancia is lancia" ; rdfs:label " lancia_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4314motoscafo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4314motoscafo is motoscafo" ; rdfs:label " motoscafo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4315natante simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4315natante is natante" ; rdfs:label " natante_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4316panfilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4316panfilo is panfilo" ; rdfs:label " panfilo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4317pattino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2330remo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4317pattino is pattino" ; rdfs:label " pattino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4318peschereccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1016pescare, inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4318peschereccio is peschereccio" ; rdfs:label " peschereccio_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4319schifo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1016pescare, inds:USemD1455navigare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4319schifo is schifo" ; rdfs:label " schifo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4320scialuppa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4320scialuppa is scialuppa" ; rdfs:label " scialuppa_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4321singolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2330remo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4321singolo is singolo" ; rdfs:label " singolo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4322traghetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4322traghetto is traghetto" ; rdfs:label " traghetto_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4323nave simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4323nave is nave" ; rdfs:label " nave_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4324cacciatorpediniere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4324cacciatorpediniere is cacciatorpediniere" ; rdfs:label " cacciatorpediniere_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4325bastimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4325bastimento is bastimento" ; rdfs:label " bastimento_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4326cannoniera simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4326cannoniera is cannoniera" ; rdfs:label " cannoniera_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4327biscia simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD5130strisciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3315serpente ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4327biscia is biscia" ; rdfs:label " biscia_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4328boa simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD5130strisciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3315serpente ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4328boa is boa" ; rdfs:label " boa_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4329pitone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD5130strisciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3315serpente ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4329pitone is pitone" ; rdfs:label " pitone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4330pitone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem4329pitone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4330pitone is pitone" ; rdfs:label " pitone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem4331sciarpa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4331sciarpa is sciarpa" ; rdfs:label " sciarpa_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4332cargo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4332cargo is cargo" ; rdfs:label " cargo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4333corvetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4333corvetta is corvetta" ; rdfs:label " corvetta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4334carcassa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4334carcassa is carcassa" ; rdfs:label " carcassa_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem4335carcassa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4335carcassa is carcassa" ; rdfs:label " carcassa_as_Part" . inds:USem4336carcassa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4336carcassa is carcassa" ; rdfs:label " carcassa_as_Human" . inds:USem4337carcassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4337carcassa is carcassa" ; rdfs:label " carcassa_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4338carena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4338carena is carena" ; rdfs:label " carena_as_Part" . inds:USem4339carena simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5545sterno ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4339carena is carena" ; rdfs:label " carena_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem4340costola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1776ossatura, inds:USemD3872corpo, inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4340costola is costola" ; rdfs:label " costola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem4341costola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4341costola is costola" ; rdfs:label " costola_as_Part" . inds:USem4342costola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3253lama ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4342costola is costola" ; rdfs:label " costola_as_Part" . inds:USem4343costola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2402foglia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4343costola is costola" ; rdfs:label " costola_as_Part" . inds:USem4344costola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4344costola is costola" ; rdfs:label " costola_as_Part" . inds:USem4345esperanto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4345esperanto is esperanto" ; rdfs:label " esperanto_as_Language" . inds:USem4346savoiardo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4346savoiardo is savoiardo" ; rdfs:label " savoiardo_as_Language" . inds:USem4347savoiardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD5547savoia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4347savoiardo is savoiardo" ; rdfs:label " savoiardo_as_People" . inds:USem4348savoiardo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4349biscotto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1750zucchero, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4348savoiardo is savoiardo" ; rdfs:label " savoiardo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4349biscotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5082pasticcino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1750zucchero, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4349biscotto is biscotto" ; rdfs:label " biscotto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4350siamese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4350siamese is siamese" ; rdfs:label " siamese_as_Language" . inds:USem4351siamese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD5549siam ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4351siamese is siamese" ; rdfs:label " siamese_as_People" . inds:USem4352scozzese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4352scozzese is scozzese" ; rdfs:label " scozzese_as_Language" . inds:USem4353lingua simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem4834scrivere, inds:USemD439parlare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USemD584comunita1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4353lingua is lingua" ; rdfs:label " lingua_as_Language" . inds:USem4354dialetto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD439parlare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USemD584comunita1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4354dialetto is dialetto" ; rdfs:label " dialetto_as_Language" . inds:USem4355cotechino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4355cotechino is cotechino" ; rdfs:label " cotechino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4356sigaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5021fumare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4356sigaro is sigaro" ; rdfs:label " sigaro_as_Artifact" . inds:USem4357coperta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4357coperta is coperta" ; rdfs:label " coperta_as_Part" . inds:USem4358fiancata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4358fiancata is fiancata" ; rdfs:label " fiancata_as_Part" . inds:USem4359toscano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4356sigaro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5021fumare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4359toscano is toscano" ; rdfs:label " toscano_as_Artifact" . inds:USem4360sigaretta simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5021fumare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4360sigaretta is sigaretta" ; rdfs:label " sigaretta_as_Artifact" . inds:USem4361motonave simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4361motonave is motonave" ; rdfs:label " motonave_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4362murata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4338carena ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4362murata is murata" ; rdfs:label " murata_as_Part" . inds:USem4363ordinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4363ordinata is ordinata" ; rdfs:label " ordinata_as_Part" . inds:USem4364piroscafo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4364piroscafo is piroscafo" ; rdfs:label " piroscafo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4365ponte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4365ponte is ponte" ; rdfs:label " ponte_as_Part" . inds:USem4366plancia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4366plancia is plancia" ; rdfs:label " plancia_as_Part" . inds:USem4367poppa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4367poppa is poppa" ; rdfs:label " poppa_as_Part" . inds:USem4368portaerei simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4368portaerei is portaerei" ; rdfs:label " portaerei_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4369rimorchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5550rimorchiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4369rimorchiatore is rimorchiatore" ; rdfs:label " rimorchiatore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4370rompighiaccio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3871ghiaccio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3936rompere ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4370rompighiaccio is rompighiaccio" ; rdfs:label " rompighiaccio_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4371scafo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4371scafo is scafo" ; rdfs:label " scafo_as_Part" . inds:USem4372scheletro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4372scheletro is scheletro" ; rdfs:label " scheletro_as_Part" . inds:USem4373tolda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4373tolda is tolda" ; rdfs:label " tolda_as_Part" . inds:USem4374transatlantico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4374transatlantico is transatlantico" ; rdfs:label " transatlantico_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4375trireme simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4375trireme is trireme" ; rdfs:label " trireme_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4376caravella simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4376caravella is caravella" ; rdfs:label " caravella_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4377barcone simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4377barcone is barcone" ; rdfs:label " barcone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4378vapore simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4378vapore is vapore" ; rdfs:label " vapore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4379vaporetto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4379vaporetto is vaporetto" ; rdfs:label " vaporetto_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4380vascello simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4380vascello is vascello" ; rdfs:label " vascello_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4381vedetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4381vedetta is vedetta" ; rdfs:label " vedetta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4382vedetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4382vedetta is vedetta" ; rdfs:label " vedetta_as_Profession" . inds:USem4383culatello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4383culatello is culatello" ; rdfs:label " culatello_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4384lonza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4384lonza is lonza" ; rdfs:label " lonza_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4385lonza simple:hasIsa inds:USem4282taglio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4385lonza is lonza" ; rdfs:label " lonza_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem4386pancetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4386pancetta is pancetta" ; rdfs:label " pancetta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4387sanguinaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4387sanguinaccio is sanguinaccio" ; rdfs:label " sanguinaccio_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4388zampone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4388zampone is zampone" ; rdfs:label " zampone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4389affettato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4389affettato is affettato" ; rdfs:label " affettato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4390caprino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1928capra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4390caprino is caprino" ; rdfs:label " caprino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4391ape simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4391ape is ape" ; rdfs:label " ape_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4392cavalletta simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6575saltare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4392cavalletta is cavalletta" ; rdfs:label " cavalletta_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem4393cervo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4393cervo is cervo" ; rdfs:label " cervo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem4394cicala simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4394cicala is cicala" ; rdfs:label " cicala_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem4395cimice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4395cimice is cimice" ; rdfs:label " cimice_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4396cocciniglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4396cocciniglia is cocciniglia" ; rdfs:label " cocciniglia_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4397coleottero simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4397coleottero is coleottero" ; rdfs:label " coleottero_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem4398estro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4398estro is estro" ; rdfs:label " estro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4399farfalla simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4399farfalla is farfalla" ; rdfs:label " farfalla_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem43scienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem43scienza is scienza" ; rdfs:label " scienza_as_Domain" . inds:USem4400farfalla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4400farfalla is farfalla" ; rdfs:label " farfalla_as_Human" . inds:USem4401farfalla simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4401farfalla is farfalla" ; rdfs:label " farfalla_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4402navicella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem860aeromobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62396passeggero ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4402navicella is navicella" ; rdfs:label " navicella_as_Part" . inds:USem4403cesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62396passeggero ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4403cesta is cesta" ; rdfs:label " cesta_as_Part" . inds:USem4404cesto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4404cesto is cesto" ; rdfs:label " cesto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem4406conca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5553depressione ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4406conca is conca" ; rdfs:label " conca_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem4407conca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5554bacino ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4407conca is conca" ; rdfs:label " conca_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem4408bacino simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4408bacino is bacino" ; rdfs:label " bacino_as_Container" . inds:USem4409bacino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4409bacino is bacino" ; rdfs:label " bacino_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem4410bacino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4410bacino is bacino" ; rdfs:label " bacino_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem4412grappa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1662aroma, inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4412grappa is grappa" ; rdfs:label " grappa_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem4413piatto simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem1399cerchio, inds:USem62415disco, inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4413piatto is piatto" ; rdfs:label " piatto_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem4415vipera simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD5130strisciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3315serpente ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4415vipera is vipera" ; rdfs:label " vipera_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4416vipera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4416vipera is vipera" ; rdfs:label " vipera_as_Human" . inds:USem4417agnolotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3408formaggio, inds:USem3670pasta, inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4417agnolotto is agnolotto" ; rdfs:label " agnolotto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4418raviolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4418raviolo is raviolo" ; rdfs:label " raviolo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4419spaghetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4419spaghetto is spaghetto" ; rdfs:label " spaghetto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4420orecchietta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4420orecchietta is orecchietta" ; rdfs:label " orecchietta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4421orecchietta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1769cuore ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4421orecchietta is orecchietta" ; rdfs:label " orecchietta_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem4422tagliatella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4422tagliatella is tagliatella" ; rdfs:label " tagliatella_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4423lasagna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4423lasagna is lasagna" ; rdfs:label " lasagna_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4426quantita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4426quantita1 is quantita'" ; rdfs:label " quantita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem4483pipa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4483pipa is pipa" ; rdfs:label " pipa_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4484sugo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4529salsa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4484sugo is sugo" ; rdfs:label " sugo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4486amaretto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4349biscotto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4486amaretto is amaretto" ; rdfs:label " amaretto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4487besciamella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4529salsa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4487besciamella is besciamella" ; rdfs:label " besciamella_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4488bocconcino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4488bocconcino is bocconcino" ; rdfs:label " bocconcino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4489bottarga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5229essiccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3411uovo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4489bottarga is bottarga" ; rdfs:label " bottarga_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4490brodetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3669piatto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4490brodetto is brodetto" ; rdfs:label " brodetto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4491brodo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3669piatto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4491brodo is brodo" ; rdfs:label " brodo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4492bruschetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5108arrostire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4492bruschetta is bruschetta" ; rdfs:label " bruschetta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4493budino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4493budino is budino" ; rdfs:label " budino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4494cannellone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4494cannellone is cannellone" ; rdfs:label " cannellone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4495cannolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4495cannolo is cannolo" ; rdfs:label " cannolo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4496cannoncino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62406dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4496cannoncino is cannoncino" ; rdfs:label " cannoncino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4497castagnola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59564friggere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4497castagnola is castagnola" ; rdfs:label " castagnola_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4498cialda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4498cialda is cialda" ; rdfs:label " cialda_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4499ciambella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4499ciambella is ciambella" ; rdfs:label " ciambella_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem44semantica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem44semantica is semantica" ; rdfs:label " semantica_as_Domain" . inds:USem4500colomba simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4500colomba is colomba" ; rdfs:label " colomba_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4501confetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4501confetto is confetto" ; rdfs:label " confetto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4502confettura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4502confettura is confettura" ; rdfs:label " confettura_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4503crespella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4503crespella is crespella" ; rdfs:label " crespella_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4504croccante simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4504croccante is croccante" ; rdfs:label " croccante_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4505croissant simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5284pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4505croissant is croissant" ; rdfs:label " croissant_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4506crostata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4506crostata is crostata" ; rdfs:label " crostata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4507crostino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4507crostino is crostino" ; rdfs:label " crostino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4508frittella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59564friggere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4508frittella is frittella" ; rdfs:label " frittella_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4509frittura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59564friggere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4509frittura is frittura" ; rdfs:label " frittura_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4511gelato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5190congelare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4511gelato is gelato" ; rdfs:label " gelato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4512gnocco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4512gnocco is gnocco" ; rdfs:label " gnocco_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4513intingolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4529salsa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4513intingolo is intingolo" ; rdfs:label " intingolo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4514maccherone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4514maccherone is maccherone" ; rdfs:label " maccherone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4515maionese simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4529salsa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4515maionese is maionese" ; rdfs:label " maionese_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4516marmellata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4516marmellata is marmellata" ; rdfs:label " marmellata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4517marzapane simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4517marzapane is marzapane" ; rdfs:label " marzapane_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4518meringa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4518meringa is meringa" ; rdfs:label " meringa_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4519panettone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4519panettone is panettone" ; rdfs:label " panettone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4520pappa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4520pappa is pappa" ; rdfs:label " pappa_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4521pasticcio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4521pasticcio is pasticcio" ; rdfs:label " pasticcio_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4522penna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4522penna is penna" ; rdfs:label " penna_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4523peperonata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4523peperonata is peperonata" ; rdfs:label " peperonata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4525puntina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4525puntina is puntina" ; rdfs:label " puntina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4526ragu1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4529salsa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4526ragu1 is ragu'" ; rdfs:label " ragu'_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4527ripieno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4527ripieno is ripieno" ; rdfs:label " ripieno_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4528risotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3669piatto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4528risotto is risotto" ; rdfs:label " risotto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4529salsa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3527condire ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4529salsa is salsa" ; rdfs:label " salsa_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4530sedano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4530sedano is sedano" ; rdfs:label " sedano_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4531semifreddo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5190congelare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4531semifreddo is semifreddo" ; rdfs:label " semifreddo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4532sformato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4532sformato is sformato" ; rdfs:label " sformato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4533spiedino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4533spiedino is spiedino" ; rdfs:label " spiedino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4534strudel simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4534strudel is strudel" ; rdfs:label " strudel_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4536torrone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4536torrone is torrone" ; rdfs:label " torrone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4537torta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4537torta is torta" ; rdfs:label " torta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4538veneziana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4538veneziana is veneziana" ; rdfs:label " veneziana_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4539pipa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5021fumare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4539pipa is pipa" ; rdfs:label " pipa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem4540pipa simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4540pipa is pipa" ; rdfs:label " pipa_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4541gelatina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD7372solidificare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4541gelatina is gelatina" ; rdfs:label " gelatina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4542gelatina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4542gelatina is gelatina" ; rdfs:label " gelatina_as_Substance" . inds:USem4543bocconcino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4543bocconcino is bocconcino" ; rdfs:label " bocconcino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem4544sonno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4544sonno is sonno" ; rdfs:label " sonno_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4545caimano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4545caimano is caimano" ; rdfs:label " caimano_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4546camaleonte simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4546camaleonte is camaleonte" ; rdfs:label " camaleonte_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4547geco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4547geco is geco" ; rdfs:label " geco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4548iguana simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4548iguana is iguana" ; rdfs:label " iguana_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4571telepatia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4571telepatia is telepatia" ; rdfs:label " telepatia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4572urbanesimo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4572urbanesimo is urbanesimo" ; rdfs:label " urbanesimo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4573catalisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4573catalisi is catalisi" ; rdfs:label " catalisi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4574cattura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4574cattura is cattura" ; rdfs:label " cattura_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4575combustione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4575combustione is combustione" ; rdfs:label " combustione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4576isomorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4576isomorfismo is isomorfismo" ; rdfs:label " isomorfismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4577magnetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4577magnetismo is magnetismo" ; rdfs:label " magnetismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4578mestruazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem67077femmina ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4578mestruazione is mestruazione" ; rdfs:label " mestruazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4579mimetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4579mimetismo is mimetismo" ; rdfs:label " mimetismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4580miracolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4580miracolo is miracolo" ; rdfs:label " miracolo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4581miraggio simple:hasCausedby inds:USemTH4322rifrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4581miraggio is miraggio" ; rdfs:label " miraggio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4582osmosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4582osmosi is osmosi" ; rdfs:label " osmosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4583premonizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4583premonizione is premonizione" ; rdfs:label " premonizione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4584riflessione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4192luce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4584riflessione is riflessione" ; rdfs:label " riflessione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4585risonanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4585risonanza is risonanza" ; rdfs:label " risonanza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem4586carrozzone simple:hasIsa inds:USem903ente ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4586carrozzone is carrozzone" ; rdfs:label " carrozzone_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem4587cavalleria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4587cavalleria is cavalleria" ; rdfs:label " cavalleria_as_Institution" . inds:USem4588dopolavoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4588dopolavoro is dopolavoro" ; rdfs:label " dopolavoro_as_Institution" . inds:USem4589istituto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4589istituto is istituto" ; rdfs:label " istituto_as_Institution" . inds:USem4590patronato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4590patronato is patronato" ; rdfs:label " patronato_as_Institution" . inds:USem4591provveditorato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4591provveditorato is provveditorato" ; rdfs:label " provveditorato_as_Institution" . inds:USem4592televisione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4592televisione is televisione" ; rdfs:label " televisione_as_Institution" . inds:USem4593trono simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4593trono is trono" ; rdfs:label " trono_as_Institution" . inds:USem4594camaleonte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4594camaleonte is camaleonte" ; rdfs:label " camaleonte_as_Human" . inds:USem4595drago simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4595drago is drago" ; rdfs:label " drago_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4596carrozzone simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4596carrozzone is carrozzone" ; rdfs:label " carrozzone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem4597serpe simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD5130strisciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3315serpente ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4597serpe is serpe" ; rdfs:label " serpe_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4598serpe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4598serpe is serpe" ; rdfs:label " serpe_as_Human" . inds:USem4599cavalleria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5557norma ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4599cavalleria is cavalleria" ; rdfs:label " cavalleria_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem45semiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem45semiologia is semiologia" ; rdfs:label " semiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem4600fillossera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4600fillossera is fillossera" ; rdfs:label " fillossera_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4601vespa simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare, inds:USemD554pungere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4601vespa is vespa" ; rdfs:label " vespa_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem4602societa1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4602societa1 is societa'" ; rdfs:label " societa'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem4603societa1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem69013socio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4603societa1 is societa'" ; rdfs:label " societa'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem4640forbicina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4640forbicina is forbicina" ; rdfs:label " forbicina_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4641grillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4641grillo is grillo" ; rdfs:label " grillo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4642pidocchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4642pidocchio is pidocchio" ; rdfs:label " pidocchio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4643pulce simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6575saltare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4643pulce is pulce" ; rdfs:label " pulce_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4644scarafaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4644scarafaggio is scarafaggio" ; rdfs:label " scarafaggio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4645termite simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4645termite is termite" ; rdfs:label " termite_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4646abruzzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4646abruzzo is abruzzo" ; rdfs:label " abruzzo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4647lazio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4647lazio is lazio" ; rdfs:label " lazio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4648pidocchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4648pidocchio is pidocchio" ; rdfs:label " pidocchio_as_Human" . inds:USem4649tarma simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4649tarma is tarma" ; rdfs:label " tarma_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4650libellula simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4650libellula is libellula" ; rdfs:label " libellula_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem4651lucciola simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4651lucciola is lucciola" ; rdfs:label " lucciola_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem4652maggiolino simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4652maggiolino is maggiolino" ; rdfs:label " maggiolino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem4653mosca simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4653mosca is mosca" ; rdfs:label " mosca_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem4655prostituta simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemTH124prostituire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4655prostituta is prostituta" ; rdfs:label " prostituta_as_Profession" . inds:USem4656lucciola simple:hasIsa inds:USem4655prostituta ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4656lucciola is lucciola" ; rdfs:label " lucciola_as_Human" . inds:USem4657alessandria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4657alessandria is alessandria" ; rdfs:label " alessandria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4658algeri simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4658algeri is algeri" ; rdfs:label " algeri_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4659ankara simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4659ankara is ankara" ; rdfs:label " ankara_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4660beirut simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD5105libano ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4660beirut is beirut" ; rdfs:label " beirut_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4661belfast simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4661belfast is belfast" ; rdfs:label " belfast_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4662berna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4662berna is berna" ; rdfs:label " berna_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4663betlemme simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4663betlemme is betlemme" ; rdfs:label " betlemme_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4664biella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4664biella is biella" ; rdfs:label " biella_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4665bombay simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4665bombay is bombay" ; rdfs:label " bombay_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4666caltanissetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4666caltanissetta is caltanissetta" ; rdfs:label " caltanissetta_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4667campobasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4667campobasso is campobasso" ; rdfs:label " campobasso_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4668caserta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4668caserta is caserta" ; rdfs:label " caserta_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4669catanzaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4669catanzaro is catanzaro" ; rdfs:label " catanzaro_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4670como simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4670como is como" ; rdfs:label " como_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4671cosenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4671cosenza is cosenza" ; rdfs:label " cosenza_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4672cuneo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4672cuneo is cuneo" ; rdfs:label " cuneo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4673francoforte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4673francoforte is francoforte" ; rdfs:label " francoforte_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4674frosinone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4674frosinone is frosinone" ; rdfs:label " frosinone_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4675gorizia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4675gorizia is gorizia" ; rdfs:label " gorizia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4676grosseto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD5009toscana ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4676grosseto is grosseto" ; rdfs:label " grosseto_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4677imperia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4141liguria ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4677imperia is imperia" ; rdfs:label " imperia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4678ivrea simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4678ivrea is ivrea" ; rdfs:label " ivrea_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4679losanna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4898svizzera ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4679losanna is losanna" ; rdfs:label " losanna_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4680marsala simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2198sicilia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4680marsala is marsala" ; rdfs:label " marsala_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4681montecatini simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD5009toscana ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4681montecatini is montecatini" ; rdfs:label " montecatini_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4682tangeri simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2172marocco ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4682tangeri is tangeri" ; rdfs:label " tangeri_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4683varsavia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2192polonia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4683varsavia is varsavia" ; rdfs:label " varsavia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4684viareggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD5009toscana ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4684viareggio is viareggio" ; rdfs:label " viareggio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4685birmania simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4685birmania is birmania" ; rdfs:label " birmania_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4686cecoslovacchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4686cecoslovacchia is cecoslovacchia" ; rdfs:label " cecoslovacchia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4687ciad simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4687ciad is ciad" ; rdfs:label " ciad_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4688indonesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD7390asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4688indonesia is indonesia" ; rdfs:label " indonesia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4689liberia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4689liberia is liberia" ; rdfs:label " liberia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4690basilicata simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4690basilicata is basilicata" ; rdfs:label " basilicata_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4691boemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4691boemia is boemia" ; rdfs:label " boemia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4692borgogna simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4692borgogna is borgogna" ; rdfs:label " borgogna_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4693bretagna simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4693bretagna is bretagna" ; rdfs:label " bretagna_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4694corsica simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4694corsica is corsica" ; rdfs:label " corsica_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4695quebec simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2116canada ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4695quebec is quebec" ; rdfs:label " quebec_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4696villeggiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4696villeggiatura is villeggiatura" ; rdfs:label " villeggiatura_as_Location" . inds:USem4697villeggiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4697villeggiatura is villeggiatura" ; rdfs:label " villeggiatura_as_Time" . inds:USem4698bisonte simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4698bisonte is bisonte" ; rdfs:label " bisonte_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4699sorcio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4699sorcio is sorcio" ; rdfs:label " sorcio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem46sismologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem46sismologia is sismologia" ; rdfs:label " sismologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem4700macaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1134scimmia ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4700macaco is macaco" ; rdfs:label " macaco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4701macaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4701macaco is macaco" ; rdfs:label " macaco_as_Human" . inds:USem4702orango simple:hasIsa inds:USem1134scimmia ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4702orango is orango" ; rdfs:label " orango_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4703ramarro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3322lucertola ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4703ramarro is ramarro" ; rdfs:label " ramarro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4705felino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4705felino is felino" ; rdfs:label " felino_as_Animal" . inds:USem4706piazza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4706piazza is piazza" ; rdfs:label " piazza_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4707piazza simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4707piazza is piazza" ; rdfs:label " piazza_as_Location" . inds:USem4708piazzale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4708piazzale is piazzale" ; rdfs:label " piazzale_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4709piazzola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61236sostare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4709piazzola is piazzola" ; rdfs:label " piazzola_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4710piazzola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4710piazzola is piazzola" ; rdfs:label " piazzola_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4711pianticella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4711pianticella is pianticella" ; rdfs:label " pianticella_as_Plant" . inds:USem4712piantagione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4712piantagione is piantagione" ; rdfs:label " piantagione_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4713piantagione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1428pianta, inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4712piantagione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4713piantagione is piantagione" ; rdfs:label " piantagione_as_Group" . inds:USem4715equatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4144regione ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4715equatore is equatore" ; rdfs:label " equatore_as_Location" . inds:USem4716gente simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5272collettivita1 ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4716gente is gente" ; rdfs:label " gente_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem4717piazza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5272collettivita1 ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4717piazza is piazza" ; rdfs:label " piazza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem4719gente simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4719gente is gente" ; rdfs:label " gente_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem4721secondogenito simple:hasIsa inds:USem4026figlio ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4721secondogenito is secondogenito" ; rdfs:label " secondogenito_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4722primogenito simple:hasIsa inds:USem4026figlio ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4722primogenito is primogenito" ; rdfs:label " primogenito_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4723ultimogenito simple:hasIsa inds:USem4026figlio ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4723ultimogenito is ultimogenito" ; rdfs:label " ultimogenito_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4724cadetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4026figlio ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4724cadetto is cadetto" ; rdfs:label " cadetto_as_Kinship" . inds:USem4725cadetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4725cadetto is cadetto" ; rdfs:label " cadetto_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem4726birreria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1395birra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4161bottega ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4726birreria is birreria" ; rdfs:label " birreria_as_Building" . inds:USem4727armeria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4727armeria is armeria" ; rdfs:label " armeria_as_Building" . inds:USem4728trivio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4728trivio is trivio" ; rdfs:label " trivio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4729bosco simple:hasContains inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4729bosco is bosco" ; rdfs:label " bosco_as_Area" . inds:USem4730bosco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4729bosco ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4730bosco is bosco" ; rdfs:label " bosco_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem4732oliveto simple:hasContains inds:USem1510olivo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59606piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59078piantare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4732oliveto is oliveto" ; rdfs:label " oliveto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4733agrumeto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4733agrumeto is agrumeto" ; rdfs:label " agrumeto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4734agrume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem4735agrume ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4734agrume is agrume" ; rdfs:label " agrume_as_Fruit" . inds:USem4735agrume simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4735agrume is agrume" ; rdfs:label " agrume_as_Plant" . inds:USem4736aranceto simple:hasContains inds:USemD2370arancio ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4736aranceto is aranceto" ; rdfs:label " aranceto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4737castagneto simple:hasContains inds:USem1471castagno ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4737castagneto is castagneto" ; rdfs:label " castagneto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4738castagneto simple:hasContains inds:USem1471castagno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4729bosco ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4738castagneto is castagneto" ; rdfs:label " castagneto_as_Area" . inds:USem4739frutteto simple:hasContains inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59078piantare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4739frutteto is frutteto" ; rdfs:label " frutteto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4740risaia simple:hasContains inds:USem1545riso ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5135coltivare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59078piantare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4740risaia is risaia" ; rdfs:label " risaia_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4741vigna simple:hasContains inds:USem1534vite ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5135coltivare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59078piantare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4741vigna is vigna" ; rdfs:label " vigna_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4753vigna simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1534vite ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4741vigna ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4753vigna is vigna" ; rdfs:label " vigna_as_Group" . inds:USem4754vigneto simple:hasContains inds:USem1534vite ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5135coltivare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59078piantare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4754vigneto is vigneto" ; rdfs:label " vigneto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4755vivaio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5135coltivare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59078piantare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4755vivaio is vivaio" ; rdfs:label " vivaio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4756canneto simple:hasContains inds:USem1714canna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4756canneto is canneto" ; rdfs:label " canneto_as_Area" . inds:USem4757canneto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1714canna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4756canneto ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4757canneto is canneto" ; rdfs:label " canneto_as_Group" . inds:USem4758foresta simple:hasContains inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4758foresta is foresta" ; rdfs:label " foresta_as_Area" . inds:USem4759oasi simple:hasContains inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem59528deserto ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4759oasi is oasi" ; rdfs:label " oasi_as_Area" . inds:USem4760oasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4760oasi is oasi" ; rdfs:label " oasi_as_Location" . inds:USem4761prato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4761prato is prato" ; rdfs:label " prato_as_Area" . inds:USem4762orto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4762orto is orto" ; rdfs:label " orto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4763cortile simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4763cortile is cortile" ; rdfs:label " cortile_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem4764spiazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4764spiazzo is spiazzo" ; rdfs:label " spiazzo_as_Area" . inds:USem4765cortile simple:hasIsa inds:USem4764spiazzo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4765cortile is cortile" ; rdfs:label " cortile_as_Location" . inds:USem4766flora simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1428pianta, inds:USemD2089albero, inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4766flora is flora" ; rdfs:label " flora_as_Group" . inds:USem4767fauna simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4767fauna is fauna" ; rdfs:label " fauna_as_Group" . inds:USem4769rotolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4769rotolare is rotolare" ; rdfs:label " rotolare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem4770rotolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4770rotolare is rotolare" ; rdfs:label " rotolare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem4771rotolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4771rotolare is rotolare" ; rdfs:label " rotolare_as_Move" . inds:USem4772calzatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4772calzatura is calzatura" ; rdfs:label " calzatura_as_Artifact" . inds:USem4773volpe simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6878pellicceria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4773volpe is volpe" ; rdfs:label " volpe_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem4774scarpa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5571tomaia, inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4774scarpa is scarpa" ; rdfs:label " scarpa_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4775mocassino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5571tomaia, inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4775mocassino is mocassino" ; rdfs:label " mocassino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4776sandalo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4776sandalo is sandalo" ; rdfs:label " sandalo_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4777zoccolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5571tomaia, inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4777zoccolo is zoccolo" ; rdfs:label " zoccolo_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4778stivale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5725gambale, inds:USemD5571tomaia, inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4778stivale is stivale" ; rdfs:label " stivale_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4779pianella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5571tomaia, inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4780pantofola ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5574panno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4779pianella is pianella" ; rdfs:label " pianella_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4780pantofola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5571tomaia, inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5574panno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4780pantofola is pantofola" ; rdfs:label " pantofola_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4781ballerina simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5571tomaia, inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4781ballerina is ballerina" ; rdfs:label " ballerina_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4782calzare simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4782calzare is calzare" ; rdfs:label " calzare_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4783scarpone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5730spoiler, inds:USemD5571tomaia, inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4783scarpone is scarpone" ; rdfs:label " scarpone_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4784stivaletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5571tomaia, inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4784stivaletto is stivaletto" ; rdfs:label " stivaletto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4785spingere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4785spingere is spingere" ; rdfs:label " spingere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem4786spingere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4786spingere is spingere" ; rdfs:label " spingere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem4787soletta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4774scarpa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4787soletta is soletta" ; rdfs:label " soletta_as_Part" . inds:USem4788tacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4772calzatura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4788tacco is tacco" ; rdfs:label " tacco_as_Part" . inds:USem4789salire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4789salire is salire" ; rdfs:label " salire_as_Move" . inds:USem4790salire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4790salire is salire" ; rdfs:label " salire_as_State" . inds:USem4792salire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4792salire is salire" ; rdfs:label " salire_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem4793collaborare simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60802partecipare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4793collaborare is collaborare" ; rdfs:label " collaborare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem4795annunciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4795annunciare is annunciare" ; rdfs:label " annunciare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem4796cooperare simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4796cooperare is cooperare" ; rdfs:label " cooperare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem4797minacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Commissive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4797minacciare is minacciare" ; rdfs:label " minacciare_as_Commissive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem4798promettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Commissive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4798promettere is promettere" ; rdfs:label " promettere_as_Commissive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem47sociologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem47sociologia is sociologia" ; rdfs:label " sociologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem4800ringraziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4800ringraziare is ringraziare" ; rdfs:label " ringraziare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem4801battezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4801battezzare is battezzare" ; rdfs:label " battezzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem4802battezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4802battezzare is battezzare" ; rdfs:label " battezzare_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem4804chiedere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4804chiedere is chiedere" ; rdfs:label " chiedere_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem4805suonare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76825produrre ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem6154suono ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4805suonare is suonare" ; rdfs:label " suonare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem4806sussurrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4806sussurrare is sussurrare" ; rdfs:label " sussurrare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem4809litigare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4809litigare is litigare" ; rdfs:label " litigare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem4810conversare simple:hasIsa inds:USem67407parlare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4810conversare is conversare" ; rdfs:label " conversare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem4811concernere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4811concernere is concernere" ; rdfs:label " concernere_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem4812coincidere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4812coincidere is coincidere" ; rdfs:label " coincidere_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem4814parentela simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5487famiglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64867rapporto ; simple:hasRelates inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4814parentela is parentela" ; rdfs:label " parentela_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem4815includere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4815includere is includere" ; rdfs:label " includere_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem4816giacere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4816giacere is giacere" ; rdfs:label " giacere_as_State" . inds:USem4817avere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Stative_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4817avere is avere" ; rdfs:label " avere_as_Stative_Possession" . inds:USem4819pantalone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4819pantalone is pantalone" ; rdfs:label " pantalone_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4820attaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4820attaccare is attaccare" ; rdfs:label " attaccare_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem4821attaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4821attaccare is attaccare" ; rdfs:label " attaccare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem4822collant simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1116maglia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4822collant is collant" ; rdfs:label " collant_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4823gonna simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4823gonna is gonna" ; rdfs:label " gonna_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4824arrivare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4824arrivare is arrivare" ; rdfs:label " arrivare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem4825cappotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4825cappotto is cappotto" ; rdfs:label " cappotto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4826nascere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4826nascere is nascere" ; rdfs:label " nascere_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem4827portare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4827portare is portare" ; rdfs:label " portare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem4828connettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4828connettere is connettere" ; rdfs:label " connettere_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem4829uccidere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4829uccidere is uccidere" ; rdfs:label " uccidere_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem4830scoprire simple:hasIsa inds:USem74773apprendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4830scoprire is scoprire" ; rdfs:label " scoprire_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem4831acquisire simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4831acquisire is acquisire" ; rdfs:label " acquisire_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem4832prestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4832prestare is prestare" ; rdfs:label " prestare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem4833pianificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem6911piano ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4833pianificare is pianificare" ; rdfs:label " pianificare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem4834scrivere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5602scritto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4834scrivere is scrivere" ; rdfs:label " scrivere_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem4835copiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5603copia ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4835copiare is copiare" ; rdfs:label " copiare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem4836pedone simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5607camminare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4836pedone is pedone" ; rdfs:label " pedone_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem4838credere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5605giudicare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4838credere is credere" ; rdfs:label " credere_as_Judgement" . inds:USem4839impaurire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4839impaurire is impaurire" ; rdfs:label " impaurire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem4840desiderare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4840desiderare is desiderare" ; rdfs:label " desiderare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem4841avvertire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4841avvertire is avvertire" ; rdfs:label " avvertire_as_Perception" . inds:USem4842avvertire simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4842avvertire is avvertire" ; rdfs:label " avvertire_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem4843gattopardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4843gattopardo is gattopardo" ; rdfs:label " gattopardo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4844ghepardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4844ghepardo is ghepardo" ; rdfs:label " ghepardo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4845giaguaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4845giaguaro is giaguaro" ; rdfs:label " giaguaro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4846leopardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4846leopardo is leopardo" ; rdfs:label " leopardo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4847leopardo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6878pellicceria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4847leopardo is leopardo" ; rdfs:label " leopardo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem4848lince simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4848lince is lince" ; rdfs:label " lince_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem4849lince simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6878pellicceria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4849lince is lince" ; rdfs:label " lince_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem4850bracciale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4850bracciale is bracciale" ; rdfs:label " bracciale_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4851topless simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2948costume ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4851topless is topless" ; rdfs:label " topless_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4853borbottare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4853borbottare is borbottare" ; rdfs:label " borbottare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem4854tailleur simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4855giacca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2963abito ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4854tailleur is tailleur" ; rdfs:label " tailleur_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4855giacca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5433stoffa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4855giacca is giacca" ; rdfs:label " giacca_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4856giaccone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4855giacca ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4856giaccone is giaccone" ; rdfs:label " giaccone_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4857giacchetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4855giacca ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4857giacchetta is giacchetta" ; rdfs:label " giacchetta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4858giubba simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4855giacca ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4858giubba is giubba" ; rdfs:label " giubba_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4859casacca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4855giacca ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4859casacca is casacca" ; rdfs:label " casacca_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4861smoking simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4861smoking is smoking" ; rdfs:label " smoking_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4862cardigan simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4855giacca ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4862cardigan is cardigan" ; rdfs:label " cardigan_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4863dire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5611ordinare ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4863dire is dire" ; rdfs:label " dire_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem4864blazer simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4855giacca ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4864blazer is blazer" ; rdfs:label " blazer_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4865corsetto simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4865corsetto is corsetto" ; rdfs:label " corsetto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4866proibire simple:hasIsa inds:USem61308impedire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4866proibire is proibire" ; rdfs:label " proibire_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem4867corsetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1941correggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4867corsetto is corsetto" ; rdfs:label " corsetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem4868mantella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4868mantella is mantella" ; rdfs:label " mantella_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4869gonnella simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4823gonna ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4869gonnella is gonnella" ; rdfs:label " gonnella_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4870gonnellino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4823gonna ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4870gonnellino is gonnellino" ; rdfs:label " gonnellino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4871gonnellino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4823gonna ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4871gonnellino is gonnellino" ; rdfs:label " gonnellino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4872minigonna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4823gonna ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4872minigonna is minigonna" ; rdfs:label " minigonna_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4873sottana simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4873sottana is sottana" ; rdfs:label " sottana_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4874sottana simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4823gonna ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4874sottana is sottana" ; rdfs:label " sottana_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4876parlare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4876parlare is parlare" ; rdfs:label " parlare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem4877cappello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem79299ala ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4877cappello is cappello" ; rdfs:label " cappello_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4878cappellino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4878cappellino is cappellino" ; rdfs:label " cappellino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4879bombetta simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4879bombetta is bombetta" ; rdfs:label " bombetta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4880cilindro simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4880cilindro is cilindro" ; rdfs:label " cilindro_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4881paglietta simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5400paglia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4881paglietta is paglietta" ; rdfs:label " paglietta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4882sombrero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4882sombrero is sombrero" ; rdfs:label " sombrero_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4883tuba simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4883tuba is tuba" ; rdfs:label " tuba_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4884tuba simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4884tuba is tuba" ; rdfs:label " tuba_as_Instrument" . inds:USem4885veletta simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4885veletta is veletta" ; rdfs:label " veletta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4886accessorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4886accessorio is accessorio" ; rdfs:label " accessorio_as_Artifact" . inds:USem4887cravatta simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4887cravatta is cravatta" ; rdfs:label " cravatta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4888fiocco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4888fiocco is fiocco" ; rdfs:label " fiocco_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4889loden simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4825cappotto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5425loden ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4889loden is loden" ; rdfs:label " loden_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4890collana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3002pietra, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4890collana is collana" ; rdfs:label " collana_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4891cammeo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3002pietra ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4891cammeo is cammeo" ; rdfs:label " cammeo_as_Clothing" . inds:USem4892benda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5613medicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4892benda is benda" ; rdfs:label " benda_as_Instrument" . inds:USem4893australia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1235continente ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4893australia is australia" ; rdfs:label " australia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4894danimarca simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4894danimarca is danimarca" ; rdfs:label " danimarca_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4895finlandia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4895finlandia is finlandia" ; rdfs:label " finlandia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4896norvegia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4896norvegia is norvegia" ; rdfs:label " norvegia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4897olanda simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4897olanda is olanda" ; rdfs:label " olanda_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4898svizzera simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4898svizzera is svizzera" ; rdfs:label " svizzera_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem4899svezia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4899svezia is svezia" ; rdfs:label " svezia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem48speleologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2225caverna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem48speleologia is speleologia" ; rdfs:label " speleologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem4900mobiliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6381fabbricante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4900mobiliere is mobiliere" ; rdfs:label " mobiliere_as_Profession" . inds:USem4901orologiaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4901orologiaio is orologiaio" ; rdfs:label " orologiaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4902orefice simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem71901lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4902orefice is orefice" ; rdfs:label " orefice_as_Profession" . inds:USem4903fornaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem72307panificare, inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4903fornaio is fornaio" ; rdfs:label " fornaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4904gelataio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem4511gelato ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4904gelataio is gelataio" ; rdfs:label " gelataio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4905lattaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4905lattaio is lattaio" ; rdfs:label " lattaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4906droghiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4906droghiere is droghiere" ; rdfs:label " droghiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem4907carbonaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4907carbonaio is carbonaio" ; rdfs:label " carbonaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4908ortolano simple:hasIsa inds:USem64518coltivatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere, inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4908ortolano is ortolano" ; rdfs:label " ortolano_as_Profession" . inds:USem4909agricoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4909agricoltore is agricoltore" ; rdfs:label " agricoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4910contadino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4909agricoltore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4910contadino is contadino" ; rdfs:label " contadino_as_Profession" . inds:USem4911erborista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4911erborista is erborista" ; rdfs:label " erborista_as_Profession" . inds:USem4912vetraio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4912vetraio is vetraio" ; rdfs:label " vetraio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4913vinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4913vinaio is vinaio" ; rdfs:label " vinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4914vignaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem64518coltivatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4914vignaiolo is vignaiolo" ; rdfs:label " vignaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4915viticoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USem64518coltivatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4915viticoltore is viticoltore" ; rdfs:label " viticoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4916tipografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5497stampatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD934stampare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4916tipografo is tipografo" ; rdfs:label " tipografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4917farmacista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4917farmacista is farmacista" ; rdfs:label " farmacista_as_Profession" . inds:USem4918redattore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5387redigere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4918redattore is redattore" ; rdfs:label " redattore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4919topografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem71698esperto ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem60967rappresentare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4919topografo is topografo" ; rdfs:label " topografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4920boscaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4920boscaiolo is boscaiolo" ; rdfs:label " boscaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4921meccanico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4921meccanico is meccanico" ; rdfs:label " meccanico_as_Profession" . inds:USem4922carrozziere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4922carrozziere is carrozziere" ; rdfs:label " carrozziere_as_Profession" . inds:USem4923birraio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4923birraio is birraio" ; rdfs:label " birraio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4924bottaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4924bottaio is bottaio" ; rdfs:label " bottaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4925calderaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4925calderaio is calderaio" ; rdfs:label " calderaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4926calzaturiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6381fabbricante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4926calzaturiere is calzaturiere" ; rdfs:label " calzaturiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem4927cappellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4927cappellaio is cappellaio" ; rdfs:label " cappellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4928vasaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4928vasaio is vasaio" ; rdfs:label " vasaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4929contribuire simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4929contribuire is contribuire" ; rdfs:label " contribuire_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem4930liutaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4930liutaio is liutaio" ; rdfs:label " liutaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4931ceramista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD2646decorare, inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4931ceramista is ceramista" ; rdfs:label " ceramista_as_Profession" . inds:USem4932tagliaboschi simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4932tagliaboschi is tagliaboschi" ; rdfs:label " tagliaboschi_as_Profession" . inds:USem4933occhiale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1941correggere, inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4933occhiale is occhiale" ; rdfs:label " occhiale_as_Instrument" . inds:USem4934segretario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4934segretario is segretario" ; rdfs:label " segretario_as_Profession" . inds:USem4935portuale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4935portuale is portuale" ; rdfs:label " portuale_as_Profession" . inds:USem4936marinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1455navigare, inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4936marinaio is marinaio" ; rdfs:label " marinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4937marinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4937marinaio is marinaio" ; rdfs:label " marinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4938pilota simple:hasIsa inds:USem6103professionista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD579pilotare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4938pilota is pilota" ; rdfs:label " pilota_as_Profession" . inds:USem4939girare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4939girare is girare" ; rdfs:label " girare_as_Move" . inds:USem4940girare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4940girare is girare" ; rdfs:label " girare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem4941trebbiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4909agricoltore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemTH243trebbiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4941trebbiatore is trebbiatore" ; rdfs:label " trebbiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4942tintore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5349tingere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4942tintore is tintore" ; rdfs:label " tintore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4943fattore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4943fattore is fattore" ; rdfs:label " fattore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4944floricoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USem64518coltivatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4944floricoltore is floricoltore" ; rdfs:label " floricoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4945fioraio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4945fioraio is fioraio" ; rdfs:label " fioraio_as_Profession" . inds:USem4946carpentiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4946carpentiere is carpentiere" ; rdfs:label " carpentiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem4947scultore simple:hasIsa inds:USem61874artista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7107scolpire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4947scultore is scultore" ; rdfs:label " scultore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4948pittore simple:hasIsa inds:USem61874artista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6591dipingere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4948pittore is pittore" ; rdfs:label " pittore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4949scenografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59111progettare, inds:USemD5622realizzare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4949scenografo is scenografo" ; rdfs:label " scenografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4950consumare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4950consumare is consumare" ; rdfs:label " consumare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem4952coreografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59109ideare, inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4952coreografo is coreografo" ; rdfs:label " coreografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4953scrittore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4953scrittore is scrittore" ; rdfs:label " scrittore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4954cartografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem63613disegnatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4954cartografo is cartografo" ; rdfs:label " cartografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4955ottico simple:hasIsa inds:USem6381fabbricante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4955ottico is ottico" ; rdfs:label " ottico_as_Profession" . inds:USem4957stilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3894creare, inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4957stilista is stilista" ; rdfs:label " stilista_as_Profession" . inds:USem4958architetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59111progettare, inds:USemD5622realizzare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4958architetto is architetto" ; rdfs:label " architetto_as_Profession" . inds:USem4959attore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72490interprete ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem62609recitare, inds:USem76977esibire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4959attore is attore" ; rdfs:label " attore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4960netturbino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4960netturbino is netturbino" ; rdfs:label " netturbino_as_Profession" . inds:USem4961banchiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3653impiegato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD636gestire, inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4961banchiere is banchiere" ; rdfs:label " banchiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem4962cassiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3653impiegato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem63016pagare, inds:USem68939incassare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4962cassiere is cassiere" ; rdfs:label " cassiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem4963carabiniere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4963carabiniere is carabiniere" ; rdfs:label " carabiniere_as_Profession" . inds:USem4964poliziotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem68944agente ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59122indagare, inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4964poliziotto is poliziotto" ; rdfs:label " poliziotto_as_Profession" . inds:USem4965astronomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4965astronomo is astronomo" ; rdfs:label " astronomo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4966geologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4966geologo is geologo" ; rdfs:label " geologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4967meteorologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare, inds:USemD5625prevedere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4967meteorologo is meteorologo" ; rdfs:label " meteorologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4968demografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4968demografo is demografo" ; rdfs:label " demografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4969sociologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4969sociologo is sociologo" ; rdfs:label " sociologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4970finanziere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem64166investire, inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4970finanziere is finanziere" ; rdfs:label " finanziere_as_Profession" . inds:USem4971teologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4971teologo is teologo" ; rdfs:label " teologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4972collaboratore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem4793collaborare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4972collaboratore is collaboratore" ; rdfs:label " collaboratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem4973economista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4973economista is economista" ; rdfs:label " economista_as_Profession" . inds:USem4974ornitologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4974ornitologo is ornitologo" ; rdfs:label " ornitologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4975zoologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4975zoologo is zoologo" ; rdfs:label " zoologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4976fisiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4976fisiologo is fisiologo" ; rdfs:label " fisiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4977fisico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4977fisico is fisico" ; rdfs:label " fisico_as_Profession" . inds:USem4978lessicografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59286analizzare, inds:USemD4654studiare, inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4978lessicografo is lessicografo" ; rdfs:label " lessicografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4979linguista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59286analizzare, inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4979linguista is linguista" ; rdfs:label " linguista_as_Profession" . inds:USem4980matematico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4980matematico is matematico" ; rdfs:label " matematico_as_Profession" . inds:USem4982veterinario simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4982veterinario is veterinario" ; rdfs:label " veterinario_as_Profession" . inds:USem4983colpire simple:hasIsa inds:USem6542impressionare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4983colpire is colpire" ; rdfs:label " colpire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem4984professore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4985insegnante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4984professore is professore" ; rdfs:label " professore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4985insegnante simple:hasConcerns inds:USem60848alunno, inds:USem62270studente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4985insegnante is insegnante" ; rdfs:label " insegnante_as_Profession" . inds:USem4986maestra simple:hasIsa inds:USem4985insegnante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare, inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4986maestra is maestra" ; rdfs:label " maestra_as_Profession" . inds:USem4987presentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem7084presentare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4987presentatore is presentatore" ; rdfs:label " presentatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem4988editore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7088pubblicare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4988editore is editore" ; rdfs:label " editore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4989fruttivendolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4989fruttivendolo is fruttivendolo" ; rdfs:label " fruttivendolo_as_Profession" . inds:USem4990vigile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4990vigile is vigile" ; rdfs:label " vigile_as_Profession" . inds:USem4991vendita simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4991vendita is vendita" ; rdfs:label " vendita_as_Transaction" . inds:USem4992venditore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4992venditore is venditore" ; rdfs:label " venditore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4993postino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4993postino is postino" ; rdfs:label " postino_as_Profession" . inds:USem4994panettiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem72307panificare, inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4994panettiere is panettiere" ; rdfs:label " panettiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem4995apicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4995apicoltore is apicoltore" ; rdfs:label " apicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USem4996cameriere simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem76005servire, inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4996cameriere is cameriere" ; rdfs:label " cameriere_as_Profession" . inds:USem4997cameriera simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem76005servire, inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4997cameriera is cameriera" ; rdfs:label " cameriera_as_Profession" . inds:USem4998imbianchino simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD5634tinteggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4998imbianchino is imbianchino" ; rdfs:label " imbianchino_as_Profession" . inds:USem4999elettricista simple:hasIsa inds:USem5000tecnico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem4999elettricista is elettricista" ; rdfs:label " elettricista_as_Profession" . inds:USem49spettroscopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem49spettroscopia is spettroscopia" ; rdfs:label " spettroscopia_as_Domain" . inds:USem5000tecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5000tecnico is tecnico" ; rdfs:label " tecnico_as_Profession" . inds:USem5001elettrauto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4921meccanico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5001elettrauto is elettrauto" ; rdfs:label " elettrauto_as_Profession" . inds:USem5002giudice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5529giudicare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5002giudice is giudice" ; rdfs:label " giudice_as_Profession" . inds:USem5003botanico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5003botanico is botanico" ; rdfs:label " botanico_as_Profession" . inds:USem5004storico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5004storico is storico" ; rdfs:label " storico_as_Profession" . inds:USem5005sciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6784sciare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5005sciatore is sciatore" ; rdfs:label " sciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5006ciclista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6782pedalare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare, inds:USemD5638correre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5006ciclista is ciclista" ; rdfs:label " ciclista_as_Profession" . inds:USem5007estetista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5007estetista is estetista" ; rdfs:label " estetista_as_Profession" . inds:USem5008barista simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem76005servire, inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5008barista is barista" ; rdfs:label " barista_as_Profession" . inds:USem5009politico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem64115governare, inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5009politico is politico" ; rdfs:label " politico_as_Profession" . inds:USem5010politico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5010politico is politico" ; rdfs:label " politico_as_Human" . inds:USem5011essere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5011essere is essere" ; rdfs:label " essere_as_State" . inds:USem5013stare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5013stare is stare" ; rdfs:label " stare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem5014bivaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5014bivaccare is bivaccare" ; rdfs:label " bivaccare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem5015pagnotta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5015pagnotta is pagnotta" ; rdfs:label " pagnotta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem5016focaccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5016focaccia is focaccia" ; rdfs:label " focaccia_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem5017grissino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5017grissino is grissino" ; rdfs:label " grissino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem5018baguette simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5018baguette is baguette" ; rdfs:label " baguette_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem5019baguette simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5019baguette is baguette" ; rdfs:label " baguette_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem5020panino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5020panino is panino" ; rdfs:label " panino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem5021sfilatino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5021sfilatino is sfilatino" ; rdfs:label " sfilatino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem5022pangrattato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5639grattugiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3979ingrediente ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5022pangrattato is pangrattato" ; rdfs:label " pangrattato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem5023bibliotecario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5023bibliotecario is bibliotecario" ; rdfs:label " bibliotecario_as_Profession" . inds:USem5024ammazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5024ammazzare is ammazzare" ; rdfs:label " ammazzare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem5025allargamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5025allargamento is allargamento" ; rdfs:label " allargamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem5028affinamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5028affinamento is affinamento" ; rdfs:label " affinamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem5030disidratazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5490disidratato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5030disidratazione is disidratazione" ; rdfs:label " disidratazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem5031processo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5031processo is processo" ; rdfs:label " processo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem5034vivere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3912esistere ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5034vivere is vivere" ; rdfs:label " vivere_as_Exist" . inds:USem5035chiarire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3927spiegare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5035chiarire is chiarire" ; rdfs:label " chiarire_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem5037berta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5037berta is berta" ; rdfs:label " berta_as_Human" . inds:USem5038biagio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5038biagio is biagio" ; rdfs:label " biagio_as_Human" . inds:USem5039bonifacio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5039bonifacio is bonifacio" ; rdfs:label " bonifacio_as_Human" . inds:USem5040caino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5040caino is caino" ; rdfs:label " caino_as_Human" . inds:USem5041callimaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5041callimaco is callimaco" ; rdfs:label " callimaco_as_Human" . inds:USem5042carmine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5042carmine is carmine" ; rdfs:label " carmine_as_Human" . inds:USem5043cassio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5043cassio is cassio" ; rdfs:label " cassio_as_Human" . inds:USem5044castore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5044castore is castore" ; rdfs:label " castore_as_Human" . inds:USem5045damiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5045damiano is damiano" ; rdfs:label " damiano_as_Human" . inds:USem5046democrito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5046democrito is democrito" ; rdfs:label " democrito_as_Human" . inds:USem5047diego simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5047diego is diego" ; rdfs:label " diego_as_Human" . inds:USem5048giunone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5048giunone is giunone" ; rdfs:label " giunone_as_Human" . inds:USem5049ilario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5049ilario is ilario" ; rdfs:label " ilario_as_Human" . inds:USem5050innocenzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5050innocenzo is innocenzo" ; rdfs:label " innocenzo_as_Human" . inds:USem5051iolanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5051iolanda is iolanda" ; rdfs:label " iolanda_as_Human" . inds:USem5052iole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5052iole is iole" ; rdfs:label " iole_as_Human" . inds:USem5053iva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5053iva is iva" ; rdfs:label " iva_as_Human" . inds:USem5054teseo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5054teseo is teseo" ; rdfs:label " teseo_as_Human" . inds:USem5055tobia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5055tobia is tobia" ; rdfs:label " tobia_as_Human" . inds:USem5056zeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5056zeno is zeno" ; rdfs:label " zeno_as_Human" . inds:USem5057assolutismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5057assolutismo is assolutismo" ; rdfs:label " assolutismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5058chiarire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5058chiarire is chiarire" ; rdfs:label " chiarire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem5059bolscevismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5059bolscevismo is bolscevismo" ; rdfs:label " bolscevismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5060centrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5060centrismo is centrismo" ; rdfs:label " centrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5061cinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5061cinismo is cinismo" ; rdfs:label " cinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5062comporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem6806composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5062comporre is comporre" ; rdfs:label " comporre_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem5063compositore simple:hasIsa inds:USem61874artista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem5062comporre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5063compositore is compositore" ; rdfs:label " compositore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5064conservatorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5064conservatorismo is conservatorismo" ; rdfs:label " conservatorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5065dogmatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5065dogmatismo is dogmatismo" ; rdfs:label " dogmatismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5066dinamismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2579teoria ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5066dinamismo is dinamismo" ; rdfs:label " dinamismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5067alloggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5067alloggio is alloggio" ; rdfs:label " alloggio_as_Building" . inds:USem5068immobilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5068immobilismo is immobilismo" ; rdfs:label " immobilismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5069interventismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5069interventismo is interventismo" ; rdfs:label " interventismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5070neutralismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5070neutralismo is neutralismo" ; rdfs:label " neutralismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5071ospitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5071ospitare is ospitare" ; rdfs:label " ospitare_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem5072bevitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD66283bere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5072bevitore is bevitore" ; rdfs:label " bevitore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5073rarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61865raro ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5073rarita1 is rarita'" ; rdfs:label " rarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem5074prolissita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem78671prolisso ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5074prolissita1 is prolissita'" ; rdfs:label " prolissita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5075purezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5648puro ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5075purezza is purezza" ; rdfs:label " purezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem5076aderenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5076aderenza is aderenza" ; rdfs:label " aderenza_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem5077meridionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5077meridionalismo is meridionalismo" ; rdfs:label " meridionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5078militarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5078militarismo is militarismo" ; rdfs:label " militarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5079misticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5079misticismo is misticismo" ; rdfs:label " misticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5080moderatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5080moderatismo is moderatismo" ; rdfs:label " moderatismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5081modernismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5081modernismo is modernismo" ; rdfs:label " modernismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5082nepotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5082nepotismo is nepotismo" ; rdfs:label " nepotismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5083opportunismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5650opportunista ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5083opportunismo is opportunismo" ; rdfs:label " opportunismo_as_Quality" . inds:USem5084oscurantismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5084oscurantismo is oscurantismo" ; rdfs:label " oscurantismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5085personalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5085personalismo is personalismo" ; rdfs:label " personalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5086possibilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5086possibilismo is possibilismo" ; rdfs:label " possibilismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5087pragmatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5087pragmatismo is pragmatismo" ; rdfs:label " pragmatismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5088radicalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5088radicalismo is radicalismo" ; rdfs:label " radicalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5089fiume simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2990acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5089fiume is fiume" ; rdfs:label " fiume_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem5090brenta simple:hasIsa inds:USem5089fiume ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5090brenta is brenta" ; rdfs:label " brenta_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5091danubio simple:hasIsa inds:USem5089fiume ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5091danubio is danubio" ; rdfs:label " danubio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5092piave simple:hasIsa inds:USem5089fiume ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5092piave is piave" ; rdfs:label " piave_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5093radicalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5093radicalismo is radicalismo" ; rdfs:label " radicalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5094tamigi simple:hasIsa inds:USem5089fiume ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5094tamigi is tamigi" ; rdfs:label " tamigi_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5096vulcano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5096vulcano is vulcano" ; rdfs:label " vulcano_as_Opening" . inds:USem5097aderire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5097aderire is aderire" ; rdfs:label " aderire_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem5098aderire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5098aderire is aderire" ; rdfs:label " aderire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem50stomatologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1790bocca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem50stomatologia is stomatologia" ; rdfs:label " stomatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem5100ceylon simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5100ceylon is ceylon" ; rdfs:label " ceylon_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5101columbia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5101columbia is columbia" ; rdfs:label " columbia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5102haiti simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5102haiti is haiti" ; rdfs:label " haiti_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5103hawaii simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5103hawaii is hawaii" ; rdfs:label " hawaii_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5104laos simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD7390asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5104laos is laos" ; rdfs:label " laos_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5105lettonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5105lettonia is lettonia" ; rdfs:label " lettonia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5106lituania simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD7390asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5106lituania is lituania" ; rdfs:label " lituania_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5107palestina simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5107palestina is palestina" ; rdfs:label " palestina_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5108vaticano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5108vaticano is vaticano" ; rdfs:label " vaticano_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5139bolsena simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5139bolsena is bolsena" ; rdfs:label " bolsena_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5140bolzano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5140bolzano is bolzano" ; rdfs:label " bolzano_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5141bormio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5141bormio is bormio" ; rdfs:label " bormio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5142bracciano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5142bracciano is bracciano" ; rdfs:label " bracciano_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5143brema simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5143brema is brema" ; rdfs:label " brema_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5144capodimonte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4647lazio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5144capodimonte is capodimonte" ; rdfs:label " capodimonte_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5145cartagine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5145cartagine is cartagine" ; rdfs:label " cartagine_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5146castelgandolfo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5146castelgandolfo is castelgandolfo" ; rdfs:label " castelgandolfo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5147certaldo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5147certaldo is certaldo" ; rdfs:label " certaldo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5148chieti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4646abruzzo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5148chieti is chieti" ; rdfs:label " chieti_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5149copenhagen simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5149copenhagen is copenhagen" ; rdfs:label " copenhagen_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5150corinto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5150corinto is corinto" ; rdfs:label " corinto_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5151cortina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5151cortina is cortina" ; rdfs:label " cortina_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5152cortona simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5152cortona is cortona" ; rdfs:label " cortona_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5153courmayeur simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5153courmayeur is courmayeur" ; rdfs:label " courmayeur_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5154delhi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5154delhi is delhi" ; rdfs:label " delhi_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5155gubbio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5155gubbio is gubbio" ; rdfs:label " gubbio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5156ischia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD63395ischia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5156ischia is ischia" ; rdfs:label " ischia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5157isernia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1367molise ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5157isernia is isernia" ; rdfs:label " isernia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5158lampedusa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5158lampedusa is lampedusa" ; rdfs:label " lampedusa_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5159lipsia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3622germania ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5159lipsia is lipsia" ; rdfs:label " lipsia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5160loreto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5160loreto is loreto" ; rdfs:label " loreto_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5161lugano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4898svizzera ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5161lugano is lugano" ; rdfs:label " lugano_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5163rieti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5163rieti is rieti" ; rdfs:label " rieti_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5164teramo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5164teramo is teramo" ; rdfs:label " teramo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5165terracina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4647lazio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5165terracina is terracina" ; rdfs:label " terracina_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5166troia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2173grecia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5166troia is troia" ; rdfs:label " troia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5167etna simple:hasIsa inds:USem5096vulcano ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2198sicilia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5167etna is etna" ; rdfs:label " etna_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5168kilimangiaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem5096vulcano ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5168kilimangiaro is kilimangiaro" ; rdfs:label " kilimangiaro_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5169himalaya simple:hasIsa inds:USem4194monte ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5169himalaya is himalaya" ; rdfs:label " himalaya_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5170caspio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5170caspio is caspio" ; rdfs:label " caspio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5171egeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3255mare ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5171egeo is egeo" ; rdfs:label " egeo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5172everest simple:hasIsa inds:USem4194monte ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5172everest is everest" ; rdfs:label " everest_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5173cassia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5173cassia is cassia" ; rdfs:label " cassia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5174dalmazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5174dalmazia is dalmazia" ; rdfs:label " dalmazia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5175guascogna simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5175guascogna is guascogna" ; rdfs:label " guascogna_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem5176razzismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2579teoria ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5176razzismo is razzismo" ; rdfs:label " razzismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5177revisionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5177revisionismo is revisionismo" ; rdfs:label " revisionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5178riformismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5178riformismo is riformismo" ; rdfs:label " riformismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5179schiavismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5179schiavismo is schiavismo" ; rdfs:label " schiavismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5180secessionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5180secessionismo is secessionismo" ; rdfs:label " secessionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5181curare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5181curare is curare" ; rdfs:label " curare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem5182soggettivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5182soggettivismo is soggettivismo" ; rdfs:label " soggettivismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5183badare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5181curare ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5183badare is badare" ; rdfs:label " badare_as_Act" . inds:USem5184sperimentalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5184sperimentalismo is sperimentalismo" ; rdfs:label " sperimentalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5185spiritismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5185spiritismo is spiritismo" ; rdfs:label " spiritismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5186stoicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5186stoicismo is stoicismo" ; rdfs:label " stoicismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5187terrorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5187terrorismo is terrorismo" ; rdfs:label " terrorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5188unanimismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5188unanimismo is unanimismo" ; rdfs:label " unanimismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem5189eguaglianza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5189eguaglianza is eguaglianza" ; rdfs:label " eguaglianza_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem5190uguaglianza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5190uguaglianza is uguaglianza" ; rdfs:label " uguaglianza_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem5191decenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5557norma ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5191decenza is decenza" ; rdfs:label " decenza_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem5193medicinale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5193medicinale is medicinale" ; rdfs:label " medicinale_as_Substance" . inds:USem5194medicina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5194medicina is medicina" ; rdfs:label " medicina_as_Substance" . inds:USem5195diuretico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1294orinare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5195diuretico is diuretico" ; rdfs:label " diuretico_as_Substance" . inds:USem5196sedativo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5320calmare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5196sedativo is sedativo" ; rdfs:label " sedativo_as_Substance" . inds:USem5197bassezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2653basso ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5197bassezza is bassezza" ; rdfs:label " bassezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5198durezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2740duro ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5198durezza is durezza" ; rdfs:label " durezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5199preparato simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3047farmaco, inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5199preparato is preparato" ; rdfs:label " preparato_as_Substance" . inds:USem51stratigrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem51stratigrafia is stratigrafia" ; rdfs:label " stratigrafia_as_Domain" . inds:USem5200pillola simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5200pillola is pillola" ; rdfs:label " pillola_as_Substance" . inds:USem5201freddezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2772freddo ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5201freddezza is freddezza" ; rdfs:label " freddezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5203grandezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2453dimensione ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2782grande ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5203grandezza is grandezza" ; rdfs:label " grandezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5204confetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5204confetto is confetto" ; rdfs:label " confetto_as_Substance" . inds:USem5205leggerezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2800leggero ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5205leggerezza is leggerezza" ; rdfs:label " leggerezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5206pastiglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5206pastiglia is pastiglia" ; rdfs:label " pastiglia_as_Substance" . inds:USem5207consistenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2706consistente ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5207consistenza is consistenza" ; rdfs:label " consistenza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5208pasticca simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5208pasticca is pasticca" ; rdfs:label " pasticca_as_Substance" . inds:USem5209compressa simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5209compressa is compressa" ; rdfs:label " compressa_as_Substance" . inds:USem5210limpidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61998limpido ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5210limpidezza is limpidezza" ; rdfs:label " limpidezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5211congruenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem78035congruente ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5211congruenza is congruenza" ; rdfs:label " congruenza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5212nitidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2816nitido ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5212nitidezza is nitidezza" ; rdfs:label " nitidezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5233autostrada simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5233autostrada is autostrada" ; rdfs:label " autostrada_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5234calle simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5234calle is calle" ; rdfs:label " calle_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5235camionale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5235camionale is camionale" ; rdfs:label " camionale_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5236circonvallazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5236circonvallazione is circonvallazione" ; rdfs:label " circonvallazione_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5237ferrovia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5237ferrovia is ferrovia" ; rdfs:label " ferrovia_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5238lungofiume simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5238lungofiume is lungofiume" ; rdfs:label " lungofiume_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5239lungomare simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5239lungomare is lungomare" ; rdfs:label " lungomare_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5240panoramica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5240panoramica is panoramica" ; rdfs:label " panoramica_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5241sentiero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5241sentiero is sentiero" ; rdfs:label " sentiero_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5242sopraelevata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5242sopraelevata is sopraelevata" ; rdfs:label " sopraelevata_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5243sterrato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5243sterrato is sterrato" ; rdfs:label " sterrato_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5245stradone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5245stradone is stradone" ; rdfs:label " stradone_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5246superstrada simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5246superstrada is superstrada" ; rdfs:label " superstrada_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5247tangenziale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5247tangenziale is tangenziale" ; rdfs:label " tangenziale_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5248traversa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5248traversa is traversa" ; rdfs:label " traversa_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5249viale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5249viale is viale" ; rdfs:label " viale_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5250viottolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5250viottolo is viottolo" ; rdfs:label " viottolo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5251casellario simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5251casellario is casellario" ; rdfs:label " casellario_as_Furniture" . inds:USem5252ghiacciata simple:hasContains inds:USem3871ghiaccio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5252ghiacciata is ghiacciata" ; rdfs:label " ghiacciata_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem5253ronzio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5253ronzio is ronzio" ; rdfs:label " ronzio_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem5254sfregamento simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5254sfregamento is sfregamento" ; rdfs:label " sfregamento_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem5255urologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5255urologo is urologo" ; rdfs:label " urologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem5256traumatologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5256traumatologo is traumatologo" ; rdfs:label " traumatologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem5257applicatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5257applicatore is applicatore" ; rdfs:label " applicatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem5258congiuntivite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5258congiuntivite is congiuntivite" ; rdfs:label " congiuntivite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5259pleurite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1780polmone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5259pleurite is pleurite" ; rdfs:label " pleurite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5260appendicite simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5656appendice ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5260appendicite is appendicite" ; rdfs:label " appendicite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5261bronchite simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5658bronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5261bronchite is bronchite" ; rdfs:label " bronchite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5262broncopolmonite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1780polmone, inds:USemD5658bronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5262broncopolmonite is broncopolmonite" ; rdfs:label " broncopolmonite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5263cistite simple:hasAffects inds:USemTH27873vescica ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5263cistite is cistite" ; rdfs:label " cistite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5264colite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1829intestino ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5264colite is colite" ; rdfs:label " colite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5265fabbrica simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5265fabbrica is fabbrica" ; rdfs:label " fabbrica_as_Building" . inds:USem5266stabilimento simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62376industria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5266stabilimento is stabilimento" ; rdfs:label " stabilimento_as_Building" . inds:USem5267officina simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5267officina is officina" ; rdfs:label " officina_as_Building" . inds:USem5268sede simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5268sede is sede" ; rdfs:label " sede_as_Building" . inds:USem5269tintura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5349tingere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5269tintura is tintura" ; rdfs:label " tintura_as_Substance" . inds:USem5270faringite simple:hasAffects inds:USem62724faringe ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5270faringite is faringite" ; rdfs:label " faringite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5271gastrite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1781stomaco ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5271gastrite is gastrite" ; rdfs:label " gastrite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5272gastroenterite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1781stomaco, inds:USem1829intestino ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5272gastroenterite is gastroenterite" ; rdfs:label " gastroenterite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5273otite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1820orecchio ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5273otite is otite" ; rdfs:label " otite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5274artrite simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5660articolazione ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5274artrite is artrite" ; rdfs:label " artrite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5275dermatite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1764pelle ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5275dermatite is dermatite" ; rdfs:label " dermatite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5276epatite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1819fegato ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1971virus ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5276epatite is epatite" ; rdfs:label " epatite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5277laringite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1811laringe ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5277laringite is laringite" ; rdfs:label " laringite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5278meningite simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5661meninge ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1971virus ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5278meningite is meningite" ; rdfs:label " meningite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5279nefrite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1784rene ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5279nefrite is nefrite" ; rdfs:label " nefrite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5280neurite simple:hasAffects inds:USem62721nervo ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5280neurite is neurite" ; rdfs:label " neurite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5281peritonite simple:hasAffects inds:USemTH32199peritoneo ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5281peritonite is peritonite" ; rdfs:label " peritonite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5282sinusite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1812naso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5282sinusite is sinusite" ; rdfs:label " sinusite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5283tendinite simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5664tendine ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5283tendinite is tendinite" ; rdfs:label " tendinite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5284tonsillite simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5665tonsilla ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5284tonsillite is tonsillite" ; rdfs:label " tonsillite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5285tracheite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1817trachea ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5285tracheite is tracheite" ; rdfs:label " tracheite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5286granaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5286granaio is granaio" ; rdfs:label " granaio_as_Location" . inds:USem5287tromboflebite simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5666vena ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5287tromboflebite is tromboflebite" ; rdfs:label " tromboflebite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5288vaginite simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5667vagina ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5288vaginite is vaginite" ; rdfs:label " vaginite_as_Disease" . inds:USem5289tessuto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5434tessere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5289tessuto is tessuto" ; rdfs:label " tessuto_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5290lino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4040fibra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5290lino is lino" ; rdfs:label " lino_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem5291tappezzeria simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2613rivestire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5291tappezzeria is tappezzeria" ; rdfs:label " tappezzeria_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5292otorinolaringoiatria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1774gola, inds:USem1812naso, inds:USem1820orecchio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5292otorinolaringoiatria is otorinolaringoiatria" ; rdfs:label " otorinolaringoiatria_as_Domain" . inds:USem5293ostetricia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5293ostetricia is ostetricia" ; rdfs:label " ostetricia_as_Domain" . inds:USem5294igrometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem6869meteorologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5294igrometria is igrometria" ; rdfs:label " igrometria_as_Domain" . inds:USem5295ottica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4192luce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5669fisica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5295ottica is ottica" ; rdfs:label " ottica_as_Domain" . inds:USem5296meccanica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5669fisica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5296meccanica is meccanica" ; rdfs:label " meccanica_as_Domain" . inds:USem5297logica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem19filosofia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5297logica is logica" ; rdfs:label " logica_as_Domain" . inds:USem5298etica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem19filosofia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5298etica is etica" ; rdfs:label " etica_as_Domain" . inds:USem5299laboratorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59129ricercare, inds:USem60503studiare, inds:USem64018sperimentare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5299laboratorio is laboratorio" ; rdfs:label " laboratorio_as_Building" . inds:USem52tecnologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem52tecnologia is tecnologia" ; rdfs:label " tecnologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem5300laboratorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre, inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5300laboratorio is laboratorio" ; rdfs:label " laboratorio_as_Building" . inds:USem5301decoro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5557norma ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5301decoro is decoro" ; rdfs:label " decoro_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem5302gancio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59753appendere, inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5302gancio is gancio" ; rdfs:label " gancio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem5303uncino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD461afferrare, inds:USemD5674sorreggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5303uncino is uncino" ; rdfs:label " uncino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem5304sedile simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5304sedile is sedile" ; rdfs:label " sedile_as_Furniture" . inds:USem5305soprammobile simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5305soprammobile is soprammobile" ; rdfs:label " soprammobile_as_Furniture" . inds:USem5306giocattolo simple:hasTelic inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5306giocattolo is giocattolo" ; rdfs:label " giocattolo_as_Telic" . inds:USem5307anello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5307anello is anello" ; rdfs:label " anello_as_Clothing" . inds:USem5308braccialetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3002pietra, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5308braccialetto is braccialetto" ; rdfs:label " braccialetto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem5309tovaglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5420drappo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59113apparecchiare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5309tovaglia is tovaglia" ; rdfs:label " tovaglia_as_Furniture" . inds:USem5310tovagliolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5420drappo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59113apparecchiare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5310tovagliolo is tovagliolo" ; rdfs:label " tovagliolo_as_Furniture" . inds:USem5311scampolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem6455pezza ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5311scampolo is scampolo" ; rdfs:label " scampolo_as_Part" . inds:USem5312velo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1774gola ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5312velo is velo" ; rdfs:label " velo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem5338microbiologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1959microrganismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59962biologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5338microbiologia is microbiologia" ; rdfs:label " microbiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem5362argenteria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5585argento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5362argenteria is argenteria" ; rdfs:label " argenteria_as_Building" . inds:USem5363bigiotteria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5307anello, inds:USem5308braccialetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5363bigiotteria is bigiotteria" ; rdfs:label " bigiotteria_as_Building" . inds:USem5364cartoleria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5364cartoleria is cartoleria" ; rdfs:label " cartoleria_as_Building" . inds:USem5365chincaglieria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5587cianfrusaglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5365chincaglieria is chincaglieria" ; rdfs:label " chincaglieria_as_Building" . inds:USem5366cristalleria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem59762cristallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5366cristalleria is cristalleria" ; rdfs:label " cristalleria_as_Building" . inds:USem5367drogheria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5367drogheria is drogheria" ; rdfs:label " drogheria_as_Building" . inds:USem5368gelateria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4511gelato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5368gelateria is gelateria" ; rdfs:label " gelateria_as_Building" . inds:USem5369libreria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5369libreria is libreria" ; rdfs:label " libreria_as_Building" . inds:USem5370macelleria simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5370macelleria is macelleria" ; rdfs:label " macelleria_as_Building" . inds:USem5371merceria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5371merceria is merceria" ; rdfs:label " merceria_as_Building" . inds:USem5372oreficeria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3209oro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5372oreficeria is oreficeria" ; rdfs:label " oreficeria_as_Building" . inds:USem5373orologeria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62554orologio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5373orologeria is orologeria" ; rdfs:label " orologeria_as_Building" . inds:USem5374pasticceria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5374pasticceria is pasticceria" ; rdfs:label " pasticceria_as_Building" . inds:USem5375pescheria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5375pescheria is pescheria" ; rdfs:label " pescheria_as_Building" . inds:USem5376pizzicheria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5376pizzicheria is pizzicheria" ; rdfs:label " pizzicheria_as_Building" . inds:USem5377profumeria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64425profumo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5377profumeria is profumeria" ; rdfs:label " profumeria_as_Building" . inds:USem5378rosticceria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5378rosticceria is rosticceria" ; rdfs:label " rosticceria_as_Building" . inds:USem5379salumeria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5379salumeria is salumeria" ; rdfs:label " salumeria_as_Building" . inds:USem5380tabaccheria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62383tabacco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5380tabaccheria is tabaccheria" ; rdfs:label " tabaccheria_as_Building" . inds:USem5381tappezzeria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5291tappezzeria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5381tappezzeria is tappezzeria" ; rdfs:label " tappezzeria_as_Building" . inds:USem5382vetreria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem59834vetreria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5382vetreria is vetreria" ; rdfs:label " vetreria_as_Building" . inds:USem5383incerata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1152impermeabile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5383incerata is incerata" ; rdfs:label " incerata_as_Clothing" . inds:USem5384dinamica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5296meccanica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5384dinamica is dinamica" ; rdfs:label " dinamica_as_Domain" . inds:USem5386calzaturificio simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5386calzaturificio is calzaturificio" ; rdfs:label " calzaturificio_as_Building" . inds:USem5387cotonificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3087cotone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5387cotonificio is cotonificio" ; rdfs:label " cotonificio_as_Building" . inds:USem5388cristalleria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem59762cristallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5388cristalleria is cristalleria" ; rdfs:label " cristalleria_as_Building" . inds:USem5389maglificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2937indumento, inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5389maglificio is maglificio" ; rdfs:label " maglificio_as_Building" . inds:USem5390mobilificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5390mobilificio is mobilificio" ; rdfs:label " mobilificio_as_Building" . inds:USem5391vetreria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem59834vetreria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5391vetreria is vetreria" ; rdfs:label " vetreria_as_Building" . inds:USem5393arcivescovado simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5556arcivescovo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5268sede ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5393arcivescovado is arcivescovado" ; rdfs:label " arcivescovado_as_Building" . inds:USem5394cancelleria simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63963cancelliere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5268sede ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5394cancelleria is cancelleria" ; rdfs:label " cancelleria_as_Building" . inds:USem5395segreteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem5268sede ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5395segreteria is segreteria" ; rdfs:label " segreteria_as_Building" . inds:USem5396vicepresidenza simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63812vicepresidente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5396vicepresidenza is vicepresidenza" ; rdfs:label " vicepresidenza_as_Building" . inds:USem5398acciaieria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3149acciaio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5398acciaieria is acciaieria" ; rdfs:label " acciaieria_as_Building" . inds:USem5399cartiera simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3042carta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5399cartiera is cartiera" ; rdfs:label " cartiera_as_Building" . inds:USem53telematica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem53telematica is telematica" ; rdfs:label " telematica_as_Domain" . inds:USem5400distilleria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61872alcolico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1774distillare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5400distilleria is distilleria" ; rdfs:label " distilleria_as_Building" . inds:USem5402filatura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3183filato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5402filatura is filatura" ; rdfs:label " filatura_as_Building" . inds:USem5403lanificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3167lana ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5403lanificio is lanificio" ; rdfs:label " lanificio_as_Building" . inds:USem5404oleificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3283olio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5404oleificio is oleificio" ; rdfs:label " oleificio_as_Building" . inds:USem5405penitenziario simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61589carcerato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5405penitenziario is penitenziario" ; rdfs:label " penitenziario_as_Building" . inds:USem5407segheria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5407segheria is segheria" ; rdfs:label " segheria_as_Building" . inds:USem5408stamperia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD6214stampa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD934stampare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5408stamperia is stamperia" ; rdfs:label " stamperia_as_Building" . inds:USem5409zuccherificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1750zucchero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5409zuccherificio is zuccherificio" ; rdfs:label " zuccherificio_as_Building" . inds:USem5410tesoreria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1550ufficio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5410tesoreria is tesoreria" ; rdfs:label " tesoreria_as_Building" . inds:USem5415arazzo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5434tessere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69136creazione ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5415arazzo is arazzo" ; rdfs:label " arazzo_as_Artwork" . inds:USem5416broccato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5416broccato is broccato" ; rdfs:label " broccato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5417castoro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5417castoro is castoro" ; rdfs:label " castoro_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5418chiffon simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5418chiffon is chiffon" ; rdfs:label " chiffon_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5419damasco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5419damasco is damasco" ; rdfs:label " damasco_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5420drappo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5420drappo is drappo" ; rdfs:label " drappo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5421felpa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5421felpa is felpa" ; rdfs:label " felpa_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5422fustagno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5422fustagno is fustagno" ; rdfs:label " fustagno_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5423garza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5423garza is garza" ; rdfs:label " garza_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5424incerata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5424incerata is incerata" ; rdfs:label " incerata_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5425loden simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5425loden is loden" ; rdfs:label " loden_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5426maglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5426maglia is maglia" ; rdfs:label " maglia_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5427merletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5427merletto is merletto" ; rdfs:label " merletto_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5428organza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5428organza is organza" ; rdfs:label " organza_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5429peluche simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5429peluche is peluche" ; rdfs:label " peluche_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5430raso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5430raso is raso" ; rdfs:label " raso_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5431seta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5431seta is seta" ; rdfs:label " seta_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5432spugna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5432spugna is spugna" ; rdfs:label " spugna_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5433stoffa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5434tessere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5433stoffa is stoffa" ; rdfs:label " stoffa_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5434stuoia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5434stuoia is stuoia" ; rdfs:label " stuoia_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5435tela simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5435tela is tela" ; rdfs:label " tela_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5436tweed simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5436tweed is tweed" ; rdfs:label " tweed_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5437velo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5437velo is velo" ; rdfs:label " velo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem5440balera simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61616musica, inds:USemD6056ballo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5440balera is balera" ; rdfs:label " balera_as_Building" . inds:USem5441bisca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem60476gioco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5441bisca is bisca" ; rdfs:label " bisca_as_Building" . inds:USem5442cabaret simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5528spettacolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5442cabaret is cabaret" ; rdfs:label " cabaret_as_Building" . inds:USem5443caffetteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5443caffetteria is caffetteria" ; rdfs:label " caffetteria_as_Building" . inds:USem5444cala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5444cala is cala" ; rdfs:label " cala_as_Part" . inds:USem5445colombaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasTypicalLocation inds:USem944colombo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5445colombaia is colombaia" ; rdfs:label " colombaia_as_Building" . inds:USem5446granaio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1550grano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5446granaio is granaio" ; rdfs:label " granaio_as_Building" . inds:USem5447magazzino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61456depositare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5447magazzino is magazzino" ; rdfs:label " magazzino_as_Building" . inds:USem5448nursery simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5448nursery is nursery" ; rdfs:label " nursery_as_Part" . inds:USem5449osteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5449osteria is osteria" ; rdfs:label " osteria_as_Building" . inds:USem5450palestra simple:hasConcerns inds:USem7095sport ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5450palestra is palestra" ; rdfs:label " palestra_as_Building" . inds:USem5451pizzeria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62414pizza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5451pizzeria is pizzeria" ; rdfs:label " pizzeria_as_Building" . inds:USem5453portineria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3612portiere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5453portineria is portineria" ; rdfs:label " portineria_as_Building" . inds:USem5454ristorante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5454ristorante is ristorante" ; rdfs:label " ristorante_as_Building" . inds:USem5456salone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5456salone is salone" ; rdfs:label " salone_as_Building" . inds:USem5457soppalco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5457soppalco is soppalco" ; rdfs:label " soppalco_as_Part" . inds:USem5458spaghetteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5458spaghetteria is spaghetteria" ; rdfs:label " spaghetteria_as_Building" . inds:USem5459torrefazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3275caffe1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2261industria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6051torrefare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5459torrefazione is torrefazione" ; rdfs:label " torrefazione_as_Building" . inds:USem5460trattoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5460trattoria is trattoria" ; rdfs:label " trattoria_as_Building" . inds:USem5461rosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem62871rosa ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5461rosa is rosa" ; rdfs:label " rosa_as_Flower" . inds:USem5462clinica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5462clinica is clinica" ; rdfs:label " clinica_as_Domain" . inds:USem5463elettrodinamica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemTH07798elettrologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5463elettrodinamica is elettrodinamica" ; rdfs:label " elettrodinamica_as_Domain" . inds:USem5465prudenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6070prudente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5465prudenza is prudenza" ; rdfs:label " prudenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5466albergatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5466albergatore is albergatore" ; rdfs:label " albergatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5467allenatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5467allenatore is allenatore" ; rdfs:label " allenatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5468allevatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD597allevare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5468allevatore is allevatore" ; rdfs:label " allevatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5469amministratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5469amministratore is amministratore" ; rdfs:label " amministratore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5470annunciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4795annunciare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5470annunciatore is annunciatore" ; rdfs:label " annunciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5471appaltatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5681appaltare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5471appaltatore is appaltatore" ; rdfs:label " appaltatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5472armatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem64137armare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5472armatore is armatore" ; rdfs:label " armatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5473arrampicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem61265arrampicare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5473arrampicatore is arrampicatore" ; rdfs:label " arrampicatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5474autotrasportatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5474autotrasportatore is autotrasportatore" ; rdfs:label " autotrasportatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5475bonificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61232bonificare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5475bonificatore is bonificatore" ; rdfs:label " bonificatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5476catalogatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5686catalogare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5476catalogatore is catalogatore" ; rdfs:label " catalogatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5477collaudatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61405collaudare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5477collaudatore is collaudatore" ; rdfs:label " collaudatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5478costruttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5478costruttore is costruttore" ; rdfs:label " costruttore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5480direttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD2845gruppo ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5480direttore is direttore" ; rdfs:label " direttore_as_Role" . inds:USem5481domatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5481domatore is domatore" ; rdfs:label " domatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5482elettrotecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5482elettrotecnico is elettrotecnico" ; rdfs:label " elettrotecnico_as_Profession" . inds:USem5483esploratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD1461esplorare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5483esploratore is esploratore" ; rdfs:label " esploratore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5485esportatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61275esportare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5485esportatore is esportatore" ; rdfs:label " esportatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5486gestore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5486gestore is gestore" ; rdfs:label " gestore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5487importatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61273importare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5487importatore is importatore" ; rdfs:label " importatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5488incantatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5488incantatore is incantatore" ; rdfs:label " incantatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5489intagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5489intagliatore is intagliatore" ; rdfs:label " intagliatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5490investigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61339investigare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5490investigatore is investigatore" ; rdfs:label " investigatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5491procuratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5491procuratore is procuratore" ; rdfs:label " procuratore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5492programmatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59112programmare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5492programmatore is programmatore" ; rdfs:label " programmatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5493provveditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5493provveditore is provveditore" ; rdfs:label " provveditore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5494restauratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61413restaurare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5494restauratore is restauratore" ; rdfs:label " restauratore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5495sceneggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61431sceneggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5495sceneggiatore is sceneggiatore" ; rdfs:label " sceneggiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5496sollevatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem6860sollevare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5496sollevatore is sollevatore" ; rdfs:label " sollevatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5497stampatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD934stampare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5497stampatore is stampatore" ; rdfs:label " stampatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5498traghettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5701traghettare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5498traghettatore is traghettatore" ; rdfs:label " traghettatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5499trasportatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5499trasportatore is trasportatore" ; rdfs:label " trasportatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem54terapeutica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem71566cura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem54terapeutica is terapeutica" ; rdfs:label " terapeutica_as_Domain" . inds:USem5500verseggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD7278verseggiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5500verseggiatore is verseggiatore" ; rdfs:label " verseggiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5501zappatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5703zappare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5501zappatore is zappatore" ; rdfs:label " zappatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5504imprudenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6069imprudente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5504imprudenza is imprudenza" ; rdfs:label " imprudenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5505vigliaccheria simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6068vigliacco ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5505vigliaccheria is vigliaccheria" ; rdfs:label " vigliaccheria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5506decisione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5506decisione is decisione" ; rdfs:label " decisione_as_Quality" . inds:USem5508titubanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5508titubanza is titubanza" ; rdfs:label " titubanza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5509determinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5509determinazione is determinazione" ; rdfs:label " determinazione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5510esitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5510esitazione is esitazione" ; rdfs:label " esitazione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5511altruismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5511altruismo is altruismo" ; rdfs:label " altruismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5513applicatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64240applicare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5513applicatore is applicatore" ; rdfs:label " applicatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5514bonificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61144bonificare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5514bonificatore is bonificatore" ; rdfs:label " bonificatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5515cavatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5515cavatore is cavatore" ; rdfs:label " cavatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5516compositore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem5062comporre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5516compositore is compositore" ; rdfs:label " compositore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5517decoratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD2646decorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5517decoratore is decoratore" ; rdfs:label " decoratore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5518fresatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; simple:hasUses inds:USemTH8031fresatrice ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5518fresatore is fresatore" ; rdfs:label " fresatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5519imbottigliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemTH660imbottigliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5519imbottigliatore is imbottigliatore" ; rdfs:label " imbottigliatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5520tagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5520tagliatore is tagliatore" ; rdfs:label " tagliatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5521tornitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5709tornire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5521tornitore is tornitore" ; rdfs:label " tornitore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5522trinciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5710trinciare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5522trinciatore is trinciatore" ; rdfs:label " trinciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem5523marciapiede simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5607camminare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5523marciapiede is marciapiede" ; rdfs:label " marciapiede_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5525alloggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5525alloggio is alloggio" ; rdfs:label " alloggio_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem5526biglietteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5526biglietteria is biglietteria" ; rdfs:label " biglietteria_as_Building" . inds:USem5527canile simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1915cane ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5527canile is canile" ; rdfs:label " canile_as_Building" . inds:USem5528ginepraio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5528ginepraio is ginepraio" ; rdfs:label " ginepraio_as_Location" . inds:USem5529immondezzaio simple:hasContains inds:USem66438immondizia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5529immondezzaio is immondezzaio" ; rdfs:label " immondezzaio_as_Container" . inds:USem5530sbarco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5530sbarco is sbarco" ; rdfs:label " sbarco_as_Location" . inds:USem5531torbiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5531torbiera is torbiera" ; rdfs:label " torbiera_as_Location" . inds:USem5533salvagente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5523marciapiede ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5533salvagente is salvagente" ; rdfs:label " salvagente_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5534fienile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5534fienile is fienile" ; rdfs:label " fienile_as_Building" . inds:USem5535ovario simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67077femmina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5535ovario is ovario" ; rdfs:label " ovario_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem5536arma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59582colpire, inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5536arma is arma" ; rdfs:label " arma_as_Artifact" . inds:USem5537fucile simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5537fucile is fucile" ; rdfs:label " fucile_as_Instrument" . inds:USem5538carabina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5537fucile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59115cacciare, inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5538carabina is carabina" ; rdfs:label " carabina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem5540ascoltatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59472ascoltare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5540ascoltatore is ascoltatore" ; rdfs:label " ascoltatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5541assalitore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59867assalire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5541assalitore is assalitore" ; rdfs:label " assalitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5542attentatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem79210attentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5542attentatore is attentatore" ; rdfs:label " attentatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5544creditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5544creditore is creditore" ; rdfs:label " creditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5545debitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5545debitore is debitore" ; rdfs:label " debitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5546esaminatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59990esaminare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5546esaminatore is esaminatore" ; rdfs:label " esaminatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5548soccorritore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5717soccorrere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5548soccorritore is soccorritore" ; rdfs:label " soccorritore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5549stupratore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5718stuprare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5549stupratore is stupratore" ; rdfs:label " stupratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5550vincitore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60018vincere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5550vincitore is vincitore" ; rdfs:label " vincitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5551visitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5551visitatore is visitatore" ; rdfs:label " visitatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5552anticonformista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5552anticonformista is anticonformista" ; rdfs:label " anticonformista_as_Human" . inds:USem5553antisemita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2582antisemitismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5553antisemita is antisemita" ; rdfs:label " antisemita_as_Ideo" . inds:USem5554anziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5554anziano is anziano" ; rdfs:label " anziano_as_Human" . inds:USem5555apostolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5555apostolo is apostolo" ; rdfs:label " apostolo_as_Human" . inds:USem5556arcivescovo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5556arcivescovo is arcivescovo" ; rdfs:label " arcivescovo_as_Social_status" . inds:USem5557vescovo simple:hasIsa inds:USem63581prelato ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5557vescovo is vescovo" ; rdfs:label " vescovo_as_Social_status" . inds:USem5558aristocratico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia, inds:USem6874nobilta1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5558aristocratico is aristocratico" ; rdfs:label " aristocratico_as_Social_status" . inds:USem5562bestemmiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem59906bestemmiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5562bestemmiatore is bestemmiatore" ; rdfs:label " bestemmiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5564cacciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59115cacciare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5564cacciatore is cacciatore" ; rdfs:label " cacciatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5565detentore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59511detenere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5565detentore is detentore" ; rdfs:label " detentore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5566donatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem7151donare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5566donatore is donatore" ; rdfs:label " donatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5567elettore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59731eleggere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5567elettore is elettore" ; rdfs:label " elettore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5568fumatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5021fumare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5568fumatore is fumatore" ; rdfs:label " fumatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5571sfruttatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem61444sfruttare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5571sfruttatore is sfruttatore" ; rdfs:label " sfruttatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5572spacciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5572spacciatore is spacciatore" ; rdfs:label " spacciatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5574arrivista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65939arrivismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5574arrivista is arrivista" ; rdfs:label " arrivista_as_Human" . inds:USem5575artefice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5575artefice is artefice" ; rdfs:label " artefice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5576artificiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5576artificiere is artificiere" ; rdfs:label " artificiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem5577asceta simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem66976ascetismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5577asceta is asceta" ; rdfs:label " asceta_as_Human" . inds:USem5578assessore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5268comune ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5578assessore is assessore" ; rdfs:label " assessore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem5579freccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5579freccia is freccia" ; rdfs:label " freccia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem5584alabastro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3155alabastro ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5584alabastro is alabastro" ; rdfs:label " alabastro_as_Artwork" . inds:USem5585argento simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2989argento ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5585argento is argento" ; rdfs:label " argento_as_Artwork" . inds:USem5586candeliere simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5586candeliere is candeliere" ; rdfs:label " candeliere_as_Instrument" . inds:USem5587cianfrusaglia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5587cianfrusaglia is cianfrusaglia" ; rdfs:label " cianfrusaglia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem5588coso simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5588coso is coso" ; rdfs:label " coso_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem5589cubetto simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem62891cubo, inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5589cubetto is cubetto" ; rdfs:label " cubetto_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem5590cuneo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5590cuneo is cuneo" ; rdfs:label " cuneo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem5591fermacarte simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5591fermacarte is fermacarte" ; rdfs:label " fermacarte_as_Instrument" . inds:USem5592fermaglio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5592fermaglio is fermaglio" ; rdfs:label " fermaglio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem5593feticcio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59181simboleggiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5593feticcio is feticcio" ; rdfs:label " feticcio_as_Representation" . inds:USem5596girello simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem1399cerchio, inds:USem62415disco, inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5596girello is girello" ; rdfs:label " girello_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem5597idolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59181simboleggiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60978immagine ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5597idolo is idolo" ; rdfs:label " idolo_as_Representation" . inds:USem5598maiolica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem67626maiolica ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5598maiolica is maiolica" ; rdfs:label " maiolica_as_Artwork" . inds:USem5600marmo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem4016marmo ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5600marmo is marmo" ; rdfs:label " marmo_as_Artwork" . inds:USem5601reperto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5601reperto is reperto" ; rdfs:label " reperto_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem5604terracotta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1741terracotta ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5604terracotta is terracotta" ; rdfs:label " terracotta_as_Artwork" . inds:USem5605ufo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5605ufo is ufo" ; rdfs:label " ufo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem5606vetro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3144vetro ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5606vetro is vetro" ; rdfs:label " vetro_as_Artwork" . inds:USem5607astronauta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5607astronauta is astronauta" ; rdfs:label " astronauta_as_Profession" . inds:USem5608scavo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5608scavo is scavo" ; rdfs:label " scavo_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem5609ateo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD5721ateismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5609ateo is ateo" ; rdfs:label " ateo_as_Ideo" . inds:USem5610attivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD5722attivismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5610attivista is attivista" ; rdfs:label " attivista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem5611attendente simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5611attendente is attendente" ; rdfs:label " attendente_as_Profession" . inds:USem5616accusatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5724accusare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5616accusatore is accusatore" ; rdfs:label " accusatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5617agitatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem74667agitare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5617agitatore is agitatore" ; rdfs:label " agitatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5619cercatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5726cercare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5619cercatore is cercatore" ; rdfs:label " cercatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5620civilizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5727civilizzare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5620civilizzatore is civilizzatore" ; rdfs:label " civilizzatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5621colonizzatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem6870colonizzare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5621colonizzatore is colonizzatore" ; rdfs:label " colonizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5622competitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5618competere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5622competitore is competitore" ; rdfs:label " competitore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5623conoscitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5623conoscitore is conoscitore" ; rdfs:label " conoscitore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5624conquistatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5729conquistare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5624conquistatore is conquistatore" ; rdfs:label " conquistatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5625consolatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem6535consolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5625consolatore is consolatore" ; rdfs:label " consolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5626continuatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59597continuare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5626continuatore is continuatore" ; rdfs:label " continuatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5627conversatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem4810conversare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5627conversatore is conversatore" ; rdfs:label " conversatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5628cooperatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5628cooperatore is cooperatore" ; rdfs:label " cooperatore_as_Human" . inds:USem5629copiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem4835copiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5629copiatore is copiatore" ; rdfs:label " copiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5630corruttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem61547corrompere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5630corruttore is corruttore" ; rdfs:label " corruttore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5631corteggiatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5736corteggiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5631corteggiatore is corteggiatore" ; rdfs:label " corteggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5632costitutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5632costitutore is costitutore" ; rdfs:label " costitutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5633cultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5633cultore is cultore" ; rdfs:label " cultore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5634datore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5634datore is datore" ; rdfs:label " datore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5635decifratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem64096decifrare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5635decifratore is decifratore" ; rdfs:label " decifratore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5636descrittore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem7072descrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5636descrittore is descrittore" ; rdfs:label " descrittore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5637devastatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5741devastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5637devastatore is devastatore" ; rdfs:label " devastatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5638dispensatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD7318dispensare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5638dispensatore is dispensatore" ; rdfs:label " dispensatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5639dissipatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD7319dissipare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5639dissipatore is dissipatore" ; rdfs:label " dissipatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5640distruttore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5312distruggere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5640distruttore is distruttore" ; rdfs:label " distruttore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5641dominatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59954dominare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5641dominatore is dominatore" ; rdfs:label " dominatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5642fiancheggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5642fiancheggiatore is fiancheggiatore" ; rdfs:label " fiancheggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5643finanziatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD7259finanziare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5643finanziatore is finanziatore" ; rdfs:label " finanziatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5644fondatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5644fondatore is fondatore" ; rdfs:label " fondatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5646ideatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59109ideare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5646ideatore is ideatore" ; rdfs:label " ideatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5647imbonitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5647imbonitore is imbonitore" ; rdfs:label " imbonitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5648imitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem61114imitare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5648imitatore is imitatore" ; rdfs:label " imitatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5649improvvisatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD7243improvvisare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5649improvvisatore is improvvisatore" ; rdfs:label " improvvisatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5650indagatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59122indagare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5650indagatore is indagatore" ; rdfs:label " indagatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5651informatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5651informatore is informatore" ; rdfs:label " informatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5652ingannatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5750ingannare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5652ingannatore is ingannatore" ; rdfs:label " ingannatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5653iniziatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem74983iniziare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5653iniziatore is iniziatore" ; rdfs:label " iniziatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5654innovatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemTH596innovare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5654innovatore is innovatore" ; rdfs:label " innovatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5655inseguitore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem6635inseguire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5655inseguitore is inseguitore" ; rdfs:label " inseguitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5656intervistatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem60007intervistare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5656intervistatore is intervistatore" ; rdfs:label " intervistatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5657pianificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem4833pianificare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5657pianificatore is pianificatore" ; rdfs:label " pianificatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5658picchiatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59583picchiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5658picchiatore is picchiatore" ; rdfs:label " picchiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5659procuratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5659procuratore is procuratore" ; rdfs:label " procuratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5660propagatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7087propagare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5660propagatore is propagatore" ; rdfs:label " propagatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5661provocatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64151provocare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5661provocatore is provocatore" ; rdfs:label " provocatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5662pulitore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD3118pulire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5662pulitore is pulitore" ; rdfs:label " pulitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5663rapinatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem61510rapinare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5663rapinatore is rapinatore" ; rdfs:label " rapinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5664rapitore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem61521rapire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5664rapitore is rapitore" ; rdfs:label " rapitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5665ricattatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD7325ricattare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5665ricattatore is ricattatore" ; rdfs:label " ricattatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5666riformatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem61555riformare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5666riformatore is riformatore" ; rdfs:label " riformatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5667sabotatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem61500sabotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5667sabotatore is sabotatore" ; rdfs:label " sabotatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5668scialacquatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem61540scialacquare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5668scialacquatore is scialacquatore" ; rdfs:label " scialacquatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5669sognatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem61566sognare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5669sognatore is sognatore" ; rdfs:label " sognatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5670soverchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD7321soverchiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5670soverchiatore is soverchiatore" ; rdfs:label " soverchiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5671sovvertitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem60675sovvertire ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5671sovvertitore is sovvertitore" ; rdfs:label " sovvertitore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5672squartatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem75028squartare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5672squartatore is squartatore" ; rdfs:label " squartatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5673traditore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem61636tradire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5673traditore is traditore" ; rdfs:label " traditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5674trascinatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5770trascinare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5674trascinatore is trascinatore" ; rdfs:label " trascinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5675unificatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem6918unificare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5675unificatore is unificatore" ; rdfs:label " unificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5676ausiliario simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5676ausiliario is ausiliario" ; rdfs:label " ausiliario_as_Profession" . inds:USem5677autodidatta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5677autodidatta is autodidatta" ; rdfs:label " autodidatta_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5678automa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5678automa is automa" ; rdfs:label " automa_as_Human" . inds:USem5679automobilista simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64675guidatore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5679automobilista is automobilista" ; rdfs:label " automobilista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5680autore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5680autore is autore" ; rdfs:label " autore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5681autore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5681autore is autore" ; rdfs:label " autore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem5682autostoppista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5682autostoppista is autostoppista" ; rdfs:label " autostoppista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem5683avventuriero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5683avventuriero is avventuriero" ; rdfs:label " avventuriero_as_Human" . inds:USem5684cultura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63975conoscenza ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5684cultura is cultura" ; rdfs:label " cultura_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem5685deferenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5779deferente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5685deferenza is deferenza" ; rdfs:label " deferenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5686diffidenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD76729diffidente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5686diffidenza is diffidenza" ; rdfs:label " diffidenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5688impazienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5782impaziente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5688impazienza is impazienza" ; rdfs:label " impazienza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5689indolenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5783indolente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5689indolenza is indolenza" ; rdfs:label " indolenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5690indulgenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemTH44074indulgente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5690indulgenza is indulgenza" ; rdfs:label " indulgenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5691intransigenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61976intransigente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5691intransigenza is intransigenza" ; rdfs:label " intransigenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5692intraprendenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5786intraprendente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5692intraprendenza is intraprendenza" ; rdfs:label " intraprendenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5693irrequietezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5787irrequieto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5693irrequietezza is irrequietezza" ; rdfs:label " irrequietezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5694prodezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5788prode ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5694prodezza is prodezza" ; rdfs:label " prodezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5695prontezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5789pronto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5695prontezza is prontezza" ; rdfs:label " prontezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5696razionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5790razionale ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5696razionalita1 is razionalita'" ; rdfs:label " razionalita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5697riservatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5791riservato ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5697riservatezza is riservatezza" ; rdfs:label " riservatezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5698risolutezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5792risoluto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5698risolutezza is risolutezza" ; rdfs:label " risolutezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5699rudezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5793rude ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5699rudezza is rudezza" ; rdfs:label " rudezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem56termochimica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem56termochimica is termochimica" ; rdfs:label " termochimica_as_Domain" . inds:USem5700sbadataggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5794sbadato ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5700sbadataggine is sbadataggine" ; rdfs:label " sbadataggine_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5701scortesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5795scortese ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5701scortesia is scortesia" ; rdfs:label " scortesia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5702sfacciataggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5796sfacciato ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5702sfacciataggine is sfacciataggine" ; rdfs:label " sfacciataggine_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5703snobismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5797snob ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5703snobismo is snobismo" ; rdfs:label " snobismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5704socievolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5798socievole ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5704socievolezza is socievolezza" ; rdfs:label " socievolezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5705solerzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5799solerte ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5705solerzia is solerzia" ; rdfs:label " solerzia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5706sollecitudine simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5800sollecito ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5706sollecitudine is sollecitudine" ; rdfs:label " sollecitudine_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5708spavalderia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5802spavaldo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5708spavalderia is spavalderia" ; rdfs:label " spavalderia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5709spiritosaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5803spiritoso ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5709spiritosaggine is spiritosaggine" ; rdfs:label " spiritosaggine_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5710spregiudicatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5804spregiudicato ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5710spregiudicatezza is spregiudicatezza" ; rdfs:label " spregiudicatezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5711spudoratezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5805spudorato ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5711spudoratezza is spudoratezza" ; rdfs:label " spudoratezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5712strafottenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5806strafottente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5712strafottenza is strafottenza" ; rdfs:label " strafottenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5713stupidaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5807stupido ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5713stupidaggine is stupidaggine" ; rdfs:label " stupidaggine_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5714svogliatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5808svogliato ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5714svogliatezza is svogliatezza" ; rdfs:label " svogliatezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5715tempismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5715tempismo is tempismo" ; rdfs:label " tempismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5716tenacia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5810tenace ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5716tenacia is tenacia" ; rdfs:label " tenacia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5717tenerezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5811tenero ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5717tenerezza is tenerezza" ; rdfs:label " tenerezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5718lembo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5718lembo is lembo" ; rdfs:label " lembo_as_Part" . inds:USem5719ovario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5719ovario is ovario" ; rdfs:label " ovario_as_Part" . inds:USem5720picciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2369frutto, inds:USemD2402foglia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5720picciolo is picciolo" ; rdfs:label " picciolo_as_Part" . inds:USem5721seme simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5721seme is seme" ; rdfs:label " seme_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem5722talea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5722talea is talea" ; rdfs:label " talea_as_Part" . inds:USem5723troncone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5723troncone is troncone" ; rdfs:label " troncone_as_Part" . inds:USem5724bavero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5724bavero is bavero" ; rdfs:label " bavero_as_Part" . inds:USem5725gambale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4778stivale ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5725gambale is gambale" ; rdfs:label " gambale_as_Part" . inds:USem5726manica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5726manica is manica" ; rdfs:label " manica_as_Part" . inds:USem5727orlo simple:hasIsa inds:USem66398cucitura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5289tessuto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5727orlo is orlo" ; rdfs:label " orlo_as_Part" . inds:USem5728polsino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2944camicia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5728polsino is polsino" ; rdfs:label " polsino_as_Part" . inds:USem5729risvolto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5729risvolto is risvolto" ; rdfs:label " risvolto_as_Part" . inds:USem5730spoiler simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4783scarpone ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5730spoiler is spoiler" ; rdfs:label " spoiler_as_Part" . inds:USem5731acredine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5812acre ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5731acredine is acredine" ; rdfs:label " acredine_as_Quality" . inds:USem5732automatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5813automatico ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5732automatismo is automatismo" ; rdfs:label " automatismo_as_Quality" . inds:USem5733autosufficienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5814autosufficiente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5733autosufficienza is autosufficienza" ; rdfs:label " autosufficienza_as_Quality" . inds:USem5734compattezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemTH43823compatto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5734compattezza is compattezza" ; rdfs:label " compattezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem5735cupezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62321cupo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5735cupezza is cupezza" ; rdfs:label " cupezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem5736grigiore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61910grigio ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5736grigiore is grigiore" ; rdfs:label " grigiore_as_Quality" . inds:USem5737imperfezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5818imperfetto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5737imperfezione is imperfezione" ; rdfs:label " imperfezione_as_Quality" . inds:USem5738insistenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5738insistenza is insistenza" ; rdfs:label " insistenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5739invadenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5820invadente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5739invadenza is invadenza" ; rdfs:label " invadenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem5740inverosimiglianza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5821inverosimile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5740inverosimiglianza is inverosimiglianza" ; rdfs:label " inverosimiglianza_as_Quality" . inds:USem5741popolarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5741popolarita1 is popolarita'" ; rdfs:label " popolarita'_as_State" . inds:USem5742praticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5987pratico ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5742praticita1 is praticita'" ; rdfs:label " praticita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5743precisione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5824preciso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5743precisione is precisione" ; rdfs:label " precisione_as_Quality" . inds:USem5744preziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5825prezioso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5744preziosita1 is preziosita'" ; rdfs:label " preziosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem5745promiscuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5826promiscuo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5745promiscuita1 is promiscuita'" ; rdfs:label " promiscuita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem5746proporzionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5827proporzionale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5746proporzionalita1 is proporzionalita'" ; rdfs:label " proporzionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem5747regalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5828regale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5747regalita1 is regalita'" ; rdfs:label " regalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem5748retroattivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5829retroattivo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5748retroattivita1 is retroattivita'" ; rdfs:label " retroattivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem5749reversibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5830reversibile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5749reversibilita1 is reversibilita'" ; rdfs:label " reversibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem5751ristrettezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5832ristretto ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5751ristrettezza is ristrettezza" ; rdfs:label " ristrettezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5754scioltezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5835sciolto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5754scioltezza is scioltezza" ; rdfs:label " scioltezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem5755sconcezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5836sconcio ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5755sconcezza is sconcezza" ; rdfs:label " sconcezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem5758sporcizia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5839sporco ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5758sporcizia is sporcizia" ; rdfs:label " sporcizia_as_Quality" . inds:USem5760sregolatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5760sregolatezza is sregolatezza" ; rdfs:label " sregolatezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5761stramberia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78308strambo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5761stramberia is stramberia" ; rdfs:label " stramberia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem5762sufficienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5843sufficiente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5762sufficienza is sufficienza" ; rdfs:label " sufficienza_as_Quality" . inds:USem5763tetraggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62357tetro ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5763tetraggine is tetraggine" ; rdfs:label " tetraggine_as_Quality" . inds:USem5765urgenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5846urgente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5765urgenza is urgenza" ; rdfs:label " urgenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem5767vaghezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5848vago ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5767vaghezza is vaghezza" ; rdfs:label " vaghezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem5768verita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5849vero ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5768verita1 is verita'" ; rdfs:label " verita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem5769virulenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5889virulento ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5769virulenza is virulenza" ; rdfs:label " virulenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem5770strascico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5770strascico is strascico" ; rdfs:label " strascico_as_Part" . inds:USem5771tallone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2940calza ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5771tallone is tallone" ; rdfs:label " tallone_as_Part" . inds:USem5772visiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5612copricapo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5772visiera is visiera" ; rdfs:label " visiera_as_Part" . inds:USem5773planimetria simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem22geometria ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5773planimetria is planimetria" ; rdfs:label " planimetria_as_Domain" . inds:USem5774planimetria simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5775topografia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5774planimetria is planimetria" ; rdfs:label " planimetria_as_Domain" . inds:USem5775topografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5775topografia is topografia" ; rdfs:label " topografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem5776prospettiva simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem22geometria ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5776prospettiva is prospettiva" ; rdfs:label " prospettiva_as_Domain" . inds:USem5778grammatica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5778grammatica is grammatica" ; rdfs:label " grammatica_as_Domain" . inds:USem5779carlinga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5210aereo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5779carlinga is carlinga" ; rdfs:label " carlinga_as_Part" . inds:USem5780categoria simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5780categoria is categoria" ; rdfs:label " categoria_as_Representation" . inds:USem5781chiglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5781chiglia is chiglia" ; rdfs:label " chiglia_as_Part" . inds:USem5782carrozzeria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5782carrozzeria is carrozzeria" ; rdfs:label " carrozzeria_as_Part" . inds:USem5783caratteristica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1948attributo ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78302caratteristico ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5783caratteristica is caratteristica" ; rdfs:label " caratteristica_as_Property" . inds:USem5784semiasse simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5907motore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5784semiasse is semiasse" ; rdfs:label " semiasse_as_Part" . inds:USem5785spoiler simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5785spoiler is spoiler" ; rdfs:label " spoiler_as_Part" . inds:USem5786imperfezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76279imperfetto ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5786imperfezione is imperfezione" ; rdfs:label " imperfezione_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5788robustezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5833robusto ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5788robustezza is robustezza" ; rdfs:label " robustezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5789rotondita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5890rotondo ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5789rotondita1 is rotondita'" ; rdfs:label " rotondita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5790saldezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5834saldo ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5790saldezza is saldezza" ; rdfs:label " saldezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem5791sottigliezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5838sottile ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5791sottigliezza is sottigliezza" ; rdfs:label " sottigliezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem57tettonica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61177terra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem57tettonica is tettonica" ; rdfs:label " tettonica_as_Domain" . inds:USem5801presa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2380arnese, inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5801presa is presa" ; rdfs:label " presa_as_Part" . inds:USem5802ricambio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3479apparecchio, inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5802ricambio is ricambio" ; rdfs:label " ricambio_as_Part" . inds:USem5803pineta simple:hasContains inds:USem1444pino ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5803pineta is pineta" ; rdfs:label " pineta_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem5804pineta simple:hasContains inds:USem1444pino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4729bosco ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5804pineta is pineta" ; rdfs:label " pineta_as_Area" . inds:USem5805testata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5907motore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5805testata is testata" ; rdfs:label " testata_as_Part" . inds:USem5808gaiezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2778gaio ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5808gaiezza is gaiezza" ; rdfs:label " gaiezza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5812entusiasmo simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem79688entusiasta ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5812entusiasmo is entusiasmo" ; rdfs:label " entusiasmo_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5813esultanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5813esultanza is esultanza" ; rdfs:label " esultanza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5817furore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5817furore is furore" ; rdfs:label " furore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5820godimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5820godimento is godimento" ; rdfs:label " godimento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5822indifferenza simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6352indifferente ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5822indifferenza is indifferenza" ; rdfs:label " indifferenza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5823indignazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5823indignazione is indignazione" ; rdfs:label " indignazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5824innamoramento simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5875amore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5824innamoramento is innamoramento" ; rdfs:label " innamoramento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5825inquietudine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62206inquieto ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5825inquietudine is inquietudine" ; rdfs:label " inquietudine_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5826insofferenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5826insofferenza is insofferenza" ; rdfs:label " insofferenza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5829letizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5829letizia is letizia" ; rdfs:label " letizia_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5830lutto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5830lutto is lutto" ; rdfs:label " lutto_as_Event" . inds:USem5832meraviglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5832meraviglia is meraviglia" ; rdfs:label " meraviglia_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5833misericordia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5833misericordia is misericordia" ; rdfs:label " misericordia_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5834nervosismo simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62201nervoso ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5834nervosismo is nervosismo" ; rdfs:label " nervosismo_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5836orrore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5836orrore is orrore" ; rdfs:label " orrore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5837passione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5837passione is passione" ; rdfs:label " passione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5838pena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5838pena is pena" ; rdfs:label " pena_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5840preoccupazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5840preoccupazione is preoccupazione" ; rdfs:label " preoccupazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5841pudore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5841pudore is pudore" ; rdfs:label " pudore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5843rancore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5843rancore is rancore" ; rdfs:label " rancore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5844repulsione simple:hasAgentiveExperience inds:USem59295provare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5844repulsione is repulsione" ; rdfs:label " repulsione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5845rimorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5845rimorso is rimorso" ; rdfs:label " rimorso_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5846riprovazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60775disapprovazione ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5846riprovazione is riprovazione" ; rdfs:label " riprovazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem5847ripugnanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5847ripugnanza is ripugnanza" ; rdfs:label " ripugnanza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5848rispetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5848rispetto is rispetto" ; rdfs:label " rispetto_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5849rivalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5849rivalita1 is rivalita'" ; rdfs:label " rivalita'_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5850riverenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5850riverenza is riverenza" ; rdfs:label " riverenza_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem5852sconforto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5852sconforto is sconforto" ; rdfs:label " sconforto_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5853sconvolgimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5853sconvolgimento is sconvolgimento" ; rdfs:label " sconvolgimento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5854sdegno simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5854sdegno is sdegno" ; rdfs:label " sdegno_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5855simpatia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5855simpatia is simpatia" ; rdfs:label " simpatia_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5858terrore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5858terrore is terrore" ; rdfs:label " terrore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5860trasporto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5860trasporto is trasporto" ; rdfs:label " trasporto_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5861trepidazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5861trepidazione is trepidazione" ; rdfs:label " trepidazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5862tristezza simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61675triste ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5862tristezza is tristezza" ; rdfs:label " tristezza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5867vergogna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5867vergogna is vergogna" ; rdfs:label " vergogna_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5870piacere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5870piacere is piacere" ; rdfs:label " piacere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5873allegria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6329allegro ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5873allegria is allegria" ; rdfs:label " allegria_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5875amore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5875amore is amore" ; rdfs:label " amore_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem5881adorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5881adorazione is adorazione" ; rdfs:label " adorazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5884antipatia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5884antipatia is antipatia" ; rdfs:label " antipatia_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5885apprensione simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem79689apprensivo ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5885apprensione is apprensione" ; rdfs:label " apprensione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5886astio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5886astio is astio" ; rdfs:label " astio_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5888attaccamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5888attaccamento is attaccamento" ; rdfs:label " attaccamento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5894compunzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5894compunzione is compunzione" ; rdfs:label " compunzione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5896contrizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5896contrizione is contrizione" ; rdfs:label " contrizione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5897cordoglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5897cordoglio is cordoglio" ; rdfs:label " cordoglio_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5899diletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5899diletto is diletto" ; rdfs:label " diletto_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem58tipologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem58tipologia is tipologia" ; rdfs:label " tipologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem5900disaffezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5900disaffezione is disaffezione" ; rdfs:label " disaffezione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5901disappunto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5901disappunto is disappunto" ; rdfs:label " disappunto_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5904dolore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5904dolore is dolore" ; rdfs:label " dolore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem5905emozione simple:hasAgentiveExperience inds:USem59295provare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5905emozione is emozione" ; rdfs:label " emozione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem59072sperimentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59072sperimentazione is sperimentazione" ; rdfs:label " sperimentazione_as_Act" . inds:USem59075circolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59075circolo is circolo" ; rdfs:label " circolo_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem59078piantare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59078piantare is piantare" ; rdfs:label " piantare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem5907motore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5907motore is motore" ; rdfs:label " motore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem5908rotore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5908rotore is rotore" ; rdfs:label " rotore_as_Part" . inds:USem5909rotore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5910elicottero ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5909rotore is rotore" ; rdfs:label " rotore_as_Part" . inds:USem59105concepire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59105concepire is concepire" ; rdfs:label " concepire_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem59106elaborare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem60122elaborazione ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59106elaborare is elaborare" ; rdfs:label " elaborare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem59107elucubrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59106elaborare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6227elucubrazione ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59107elucubrare is elucubrare" ; rdfs:label " elucubrare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem59108escogitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59109ideare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem6913piano ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59108escogitare is escogitare" ; rdfs:label " escogitare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem59109ideare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem911idea ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59109ideare is ideare" ; rdfs:label " ideare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem5910elicottero simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5910elicottero is elicottero" ; rdfs:label " elicottero_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem59110maturare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59271meditare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2612pensiero ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59110maturare is maturare" ; rdfs:label " maturare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem59111progettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59109ideare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61490progetto ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59111progettare is progettare" ; rdfs:label " progettare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem59112programmare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59109ideare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem6913piano ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59112programmare is programmare" ; rdfs:label " programmare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem59113apparecchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59113apparecchiare is apparecchiare" ; rdfs:label " apparecchiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59114barattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59114barattare is barattare" ; rdfs:label " barattare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem59115cacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59115cacciare is cacciare" ; rdfs:label " cacciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59116celebrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59116celebrare is celebrare" ; rdfs:label " celebrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59118contrattare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60751discutere ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59118contrattare is contrattare" ; rdfs:label " contrattare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem59119esercitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59119esercitare is esercitare" ; rdfs:label " esercitare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem5911dispiacere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5911dispiacere is dispiacere" ; rdfs:label " dispiacere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem59120favorire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59120favorire is favorire" ; rdfs:label " favorire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59121imbandire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59147preparare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59121imbandire is imbandire" ; rdfs:label " imbandire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59122indagare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5726cercare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59122indagare is indagare" ; rdfs:label " indagare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59123investigare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59129ricercare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59123investigare is investigare" ; rdfs:label " investigare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem59124iscrivere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59124iscrivere is iscrivere" ; rdfs:label " iscrivere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59125ispezionare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59122indagare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59125ispezionare is ispezionare" ; rdfs:label " ispezionare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59126mercanteggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60458commerciare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59126mercanteggiare is mercanteggiare" ; rdfs:label " mercanteggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59127professare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59127professare is professare" ; rdfs:label " professare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59128puntare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7040aspirare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59128puntare is puntare" ; rdfs:label " puntare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem59129ricercare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62691informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59129ricercare is ricercare" ; rdfs:label " ricercare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem59130scavare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59130scavare is scavare" ; rdfs:label " scavare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59131spacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60458commerciare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59131spacciare is spacciare" ; rdfs:label " spacciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59132trafficare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60458commerciare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59132trafficare is trafficare" ; rdfs:label " trafficare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59133ricamare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6233ricamo ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59133ricamare is ricamare" ; rdfs:label " ricamare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem59134abbracciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59134abbracciare is abbracciare" ; rdfs:label " abbracciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59136allestire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60106preparare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59136allestire is allestire" ; rdfs:label " allestire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59138attendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem75099dedicare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59138attendere is attendere" ; rdfs:label " attendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59139disporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59139disporre is disporre" ; rdfs:label " disporre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59141divorziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59141divorziare is divorziare" ; rdfs:label " divorziare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59142maritare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59150sposare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59142maritare is maritare" ; rdfs:label " maritare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59143organizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59143organizzare is organizzare" ; rdfs:label " organizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59144praticare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59144praticare is praticare" ; rdfs:label " praticare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59145predisporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59145predisporre is predisporre" ; rdfs:label " predisporre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59146preordinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59146preordinare is preordinare" ; rdfs:label " preordinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59147preparare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59147preparare is preparare" ; rdfs:label " preparare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59148ripudiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59148ripudiare is ripudiare" ; rdfs:label " ripudiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59149separare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59149separare is separare" ; rdfs:label " separare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59150sposare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59150sposare is sposare" ; rdfs:label " sposare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59152fruttiera simple:hasContains inds:USem3875frutta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59152fruttiera is fruttiera" ; rdfs:label " fruttiera_as_Container" . inds:USem59153accomodare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59153accomodare is accomodare" ; rdfs:label " accomodare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59154aggiustare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59154aggiustare is aggiustare" ; rdfs:label " aggiustare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59156colorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6234colorato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59156colorare is colorare" ; rdfs:label " colorare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59157tingere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6235tinto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59157tingere is tingere" ; rdfs:label " tingere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59158tintura simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6235tinto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59158tintura is tintura" ; rdfs:label " tintura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59160accomunare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59160accomunare is accomunare" ; rdfs:label " accomunare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem59164caratterizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60967rappresentare ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59164caratterizzare is caratterizzare" ; rdfs:label " caratterizzare_as_Creation" . inds:USem59165concordare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59165concordare is concordare" ; rdfs:label " concordare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem59166configurare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61375presentare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59166configurare is configurare" ; rdfs:label " configurare_as_State" . inds:USem59167conformare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59167conformare is conformare" ; rdfs:label " conformare_as_State" . inds:USem59168contraddistinguere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59168contraddistinguere is contraddistinguere" ; rdfs:label " contraddistinguere_as_State" . inds:USem59169convergere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4812coincidere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59169convergere is convergere" ; rdfs:label " convergere_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem59171differenziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59171differenziare is differenziare" ; rdfs:label " differenziare_as_State" . inds:USem59172differire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59172differire is differire" ; rdfs:label " differire_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem59174diversificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59174diversificare is diversificare" ; rdfs:label " diversificare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem59175equivalere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59175equivalere is equivalere" ; rdfs:label " equivalere_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem59176incarnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60967rappresentare ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59176incarnare is incarnare" ; rdfs:label " incarnare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem59178personificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59181simboleggiare ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59178personificare is personificare" ; rdfs:label " personificare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem59179rassomigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59182somigliare ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59179rassomigliare is rassomigliare" ; rdfs:label " rassomigliare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem59180rispecchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59180rispecchiare is rispecchiare" ; rdfs:label " rispecchiare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem59181simboleggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59181simboleggiare is simboleggiare" ; rdfs:label " simboleggiare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem59182somigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59182somigliare is somigliare" ; rdfs:label " somigliare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem59183riscaldare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59183riscaldare is riscaldare" ; rdfs:label " riscaldare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59263conoscere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59263conoscere is conoscere" ; rdfs:label " conoscere_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem59267contemplare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59271meditare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59267contemplare is contemplare" ; rdfs:label " contemplare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem59273paventare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60574timore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59273paventare is paventare" ; rdfs:label " paventare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem59276presumere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7096ipotizzare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59276presumere is presumere" ; rdfs:label " presumere_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem59288reputare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4838credere ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59288reputare is reputare" ; rdfs:label " reputare_as_Judgement" . inds:USem59289ammettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60586riconoscere ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59289ammettere is ammettere" ; rdfs:label " ammettere_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem59290stimare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5605giudicare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59290stimare is stimare" ; rdfs:label " stimare_as_Judgement" . inds:USem59291supporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem76493porre ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59291supporre is supporre" ; rdfs:label " supporre_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem59294scorgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1427vedere ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59294scorgere is scorgere" ; rdfs:label " scorgere_as_Perception" . inds:USem59295provare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5905emozione, inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59295provare is provare" ; rdfs:label " provare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem59296pigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59296pigliare is pigliare" ; rdfs:label " pigliare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59297cogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59297cogliere is cogliere" ; rdfs:label " cogliere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59298raccogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59298raccogliere is raccogliere" ; rdfs:label " raccogliere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59299baciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59299baciare is baciare" ; rdfs:label " baciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59300accarezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59300accarezzare is accarezzare" ; rdfs:label " accarezzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59302sfiorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59302sfiorare is sfiorare" ; rdfs:label " sfiorare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59303premere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59303premere is premere" ; rdfs:label " premere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59304comitiva simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59304comitiva is comitiva" ; rdfs:label " comitiva_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59305compagnia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59305compagnia is compagnia" ; rdfs:label " compagnia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59306combriccola simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59306combriccola is combriccola" ; rdfs:label " combriccola_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59311argenteria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5585argento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2989argento ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59311argenteria is argenteria" ; rdfs:label " argenteria_as_Group" . inds:USem59312biancheria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59312biancheria is biancheria" ; rdfs:label " biancheria_as_Group" . inds:USem59313bigiotteria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59313bigiotteria is bigiotteria" ; rdfs:label " bigiotteria_as_Group" . inds:USem59314cacciagione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59314cacciagione is cacciagione" ; rdfs:label " cacciagione_as_Group" . inds:USem59315cristalleria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3171cristallo ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59315cristalleria is cristalleria" ; rdfs:label " cristalleria_as_Group" . inds:USem59316demanio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem878bene ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59316demanio is demanio" ; rdfs:label " demanio_as_Group" . inds:USem59319fogliame simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59319fogliame is fogliame" ; rdfs:label " fogliame_as_Group" . inds:USem59320ghiaia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3000pietra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59320ghiaia is ghiaia" ; rdfs:label " ghiaia_as_Group" . inds:USem59321lessico simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1707parola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59321lessico is lessico" ; rdfs:label " lessico_as_Group" . inds:USem59322maglieria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59322maglieria is maglieria" ; rdfs:label " maglieria_as_Group" . inds:USem59323masserizia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2339mobile, inds:USem59824suppellettile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59323masserizia is masserizia" ; rdfs:label " masserizia_as_Group" . inds:USem59324mercanzia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59324mercanzia is mercanzia" ; rdfs:label " mercanzia_as_Group" . inds:USem59325merceria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59325merceria is merceria" ; rdfs:label " merceria_as_Group" . inds:USem59326mobilia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59326mobilia is mobilia" ; rdfs:label " mobilia_as_Group" . inds:USem59328naviglio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59328naviglio is naviglio" ; rdfs:label " naviglio_as_Group" . inds:USem59329peluria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2912cute ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59329peluria is peluria" ; rdfs:label " peluria_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem59330posateria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59777posata ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59330posateria is posateria" ; rdfs:label " posateria_as_Group" . inds:USem59333vitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59333vitto is vitto" ; rdfs:label " vitto_as_Food" . inds:USem59334circolare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59334circolare is circolare" ; rdfs:label " circolare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem59335muffa simple:hasIsa inds:USem3874fungo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59335muffa is muffa" ; rdfs:label " muffa_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem59336mangime simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59336mangime is mangime" ; rdfs:label " mangime_as_Food" . inds:USem59338temperamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59338temperamento is temperamento" ; rdfs:label " temperamento_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem59340appropriare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59340appropriare is appropriare" ; rdfs:label " appropriare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem59341valutare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5605giudicare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59341valutare is valutare" ; rdfs:label " valutare_as_Judgement" . inds:USem59342dosare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59342dosare is dosare" ; rdfs:label " dosare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59344conteggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59347calcolare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59344conteggiare is conteggiare" ; rdfs:label " conteggiare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem59345rivalutare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6241rivalutato ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59345rivalutare is rivalutare" ; rdfs:label " rivalutare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem59346mirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59346mirare is mirare" ; rdfs:label " mirare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59347calcolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6242determinare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem60260calcolo ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59347calcolare is calcolare" ; rdfs:label " calcolare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem59348avvistare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59348avvistare is avvistare" ; rdfs:label " avvistare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59349sbirciare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59349sbirciare is sbirciare" ; rdfs:label " sbirciare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59350computare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59347calcolare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59350computare is computare" ; rdfs:label " computare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem59351notare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59351notare is notare" ; rdfs:label " notare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59352sentire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1820orecchio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59352sentire is sentire" ; rdfs:label " sentire_as_Perception" . inds:USem59353udire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1820orecchio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59353udire is udire" ; rdfs:label " udire_as_Perception" . inds:USem59418avvocatura simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59418avvocatura is avvocatura" ; rdfs:label " avvocatura_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59419battaglione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64394soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59419battaglione is battaglione" ; rdfs:label " battaglione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59420calca simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59420calca is calca" ; rdfs:label " calca_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59421camera simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59421camera is camera" ; rdfs:label " camera_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59422clientela simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59422clientela is clientela" ; rdfs:label " clientela_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59423contingente simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59423contingente is contingente" ; rdfs:label " contingente_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59424corte simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem63582siniscalco, inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59424corte is corte" ; rdfs:label " corte_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59425drappello simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59425drappello is drappello" ; rdfs:label " drappello_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59426duetto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59426duetto is duetto" ; rdfs:label " duetto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59427elettorato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59427elettorato is elettorato" ; rdfs:label " elettorato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59428esercito simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59428esercito is esercito" ; rdfs:label " esercito_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59429folla simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59429folla is folla" ; rdfs:label " folla_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59430fronda simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59430fronda is fronda" ; rdfs:label " fronda_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59431gendarmeria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59431gendarmeria is gendarmeria" ; rdfs:label " gendarmeria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59432gentaglia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59432gentaglia is gentaglia" ; rdfs:label " gentaglia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59433gerarchia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59433gerarchia is gerarchia" ; rdfs:label " gerarchia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59434giuria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59434giuria is giuria" ; rdfs:label " giuria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59435governo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3574ministro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59435governo is governo" ; rdfs:label " governo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59436magistratura simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD7115magistrato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59436magistratura is magistratura" ; rdfs:label " magistratura_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59437manodopera simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59437manodopera is manodopera" ; rdfs:label " manodopera_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59438manovalanza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59438manovalanza is manovalanza" ; rdfs:label " manovalanza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59440moltitudine simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59440moltitudine is moltitudine" ; rdfs:label " moltitudine_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59442orchestra simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem59502orchestrale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59442orchestra is orchestra" ; rdfs:label " orchestra_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59443organico simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59443organico is organico" ; rdfs:label " organico_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59444padronato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59444padronato is padronato" ; rdfs:label " padronato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59445personale simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59445personale is personale" ; rdfs:label " personale_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59446platea simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59446platea is platea" ; rdfs:label " platea_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59447plotone simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64394soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59447plotone is plotone" ; rdfs:label " plotone_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59448polizia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4964poliziotto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59448polizia is polizia" ; rdfs:label " polizia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59449popolo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59449popolo is popolo" ; rdfs:label " popolo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59450prefettura simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59450prefettura is prefettura" ; rdfs:label " prefettura_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59451prole simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59451prole is prole" ; rdfs:label " prole_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59452pubblico simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59452pubblico is pubblico" ; rdfs:label " pubblico_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59453quartetto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59453quartetto is quartetto" ; rdfs:label " quartetto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59454questura simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59454questura is questura" ; rdfs:label " questura_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59455quintetto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59455quintetto is quintetto" ; rdfs:label " quintetto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59456ressa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59456ressa is ressa" ; rdfs:label " ressa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59457schiera simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59457schiera is schiera" ; rdfs:label " schiera_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59458scolaresca simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59458scolaresca is scolaresca" ; rdfs:label " scolaresca_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59459senato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59459senato is senato" ; rdfs:label " senato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59460setta simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59460setta is setta" ; rdfs:label " setta_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59461staff simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59461staff is staff" ; rdfs:label " staff_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59462terzetto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59462terzetto is terzetto" ; rdfs:label " terzetto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59463tifoseria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59463tifoseria is tifoseria" ; rdfs:label " tifoseria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59464tribunale simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59464tribunale is tribunale" ; rdfs:label " tribunale_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59465truppa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59465truppa is truppa" ; rdfs:label " truppa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59466turba simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59466turba is turba" ; rdfs:label " turba_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59467uditorio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59467uditorio is uditorio" ; rdfs:label " uditorio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59468ufficio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59468ufficio is ufficio" ; rdfs:label " ufficio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59469utenza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59469utenza is utenza" ; rdfs:label " utenza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59471volontariato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59471volontariato is volontariato" ; rdfs:label " volontariato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59472ascoltare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1820orecchio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59472ascoltare is ascoltare" ; rdfs:label " ascoltare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59473odorare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1812naso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59473odorare is odorare" ; rdfs:label " odorare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59474annusare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1812naso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59474annusare is annusare" ; rdfs:label " annusare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59475puzzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59475puzzare is puzzare" ; rdfs:label " puzzare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59476distinguere simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59476distinguere is distinguere" ; rdfs:label " distinguere_as_Perception" . inds:USem59477intravedere simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59477intravedere is intravedere" ; rdfs:label " intravedere_as_Perception" . inds:USem59478fiutare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1812naso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59478fiutare is fiutare" ; rdfs:label " fiutare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59479braccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59479braccare is braccare" ; rdfs:label " braccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59480braccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59480braccare is braccare" ; rdfs:label " braccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59481pizzicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59481pizzicare is pizzicare" ; rdfs:label " pizzicare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59483fronte simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD63821partito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59483fronte is fronte" ; rdfs:label " fronte_as_Group" . inds:USem59484gerarchia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59484gerarchia is gerarchia" ; rdfs:label " gerarchia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59485massa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59485massa is massa" ; rdfs:label " massa_as_Amount" . inds:USem59486miriade simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59486miriade is miriade" ; rdfs:label " miriade_as_Group" . inds:USem59487moltitudine simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem873animale, inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem916cosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59487moltitudine is moltitudine" ; rdfs:label " moltitudine_as_Group" . inds:USem59488schiera simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59488schiera is schiera" ; rdfs:label " schiera_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59489tastare simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59489tastare is tastare" ; rdfs:label " tastare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59490palpare simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59490palpare is palpare" ; rdfs:label " palpare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59491banda simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59491banda is banda" ; rdfs:label " banda_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59492commissione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59492commissione is commissione" ; rdfs:label " commissione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59493consiglio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59493consiglio is consiglio" ; rdfs:label " consiglio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59494esercito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59494esercito is esercito" ; rdfs:label " esercito_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59495squadra simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59495squadra is squadra" ; rdfs:label " squadra_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59496stuolo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59496stuolo is stuolo" ; rdfs:label " stuolo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59498gustare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59498gustare is gustare" ; rdfs:label " gustare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59499assaggiare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1763gusto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59498gustare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59499assaggiare is assaggiare" ; rdfs:label " assaggiare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59500assaporare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59500assaporare is assaporare" ; rdfs:label " assaporare_as_Perception" . inds:USem59501gilda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59501gilda is gilda" ; rdfs:label " gilda_as_Human" . inds:USem59502orchestrale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59502orchestrale is orchestrale" ; rdfs:label " orchestrale_as_Profession" . inds:USem59503rincorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD6046prendere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59503rincorrere is rincorrere" ; rdfs:label " rincorrere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59504professione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59504professione is professione" ; rdfs:label " professione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59505liquefare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7141liquefatto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59505liquefare is liquefare" ; rdfs:label " liquefare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59506sciogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59505liquefare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6250sciolto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59506sciogliere is sciogliere" ; rdfs:label " sciogliere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59507abbondare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Stative_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59507abbondare is abbondare" ; rdfs:label " abbondare_as_Stative_Possession" . inds:USem59508accantonare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59508accantonare is accantonare" ; rdfs:label " accantonare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59510conservare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Stative_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59510conservare is conservare" ; rdfs:label " conservare_as_Stative_Possession" . inds:USem59511detenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Stative_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59511detenere is detenere" ; rdfs:label " detenere_as_Stative_Possession" . inds:USem59512immagazzinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59512immagazzinare is immagazzinare" ; rdfs:label " immagazzinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59513mancare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59518scarseggiare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59513mancare is mancare" ; rdfs:label " mancare_as_State" . inds:USem59514possedere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Stative_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59514possedere is possedere" ; rdfs:label " possedere_as_Stative_Possession" . inds:USem59515riporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem60918mettere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59515riporre is riporre" ; rdfs:label " riporre_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem59516risparmiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59516risparmiare is risparmiare" ; rdfs:label " risparmiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59517ritenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59517ritenere is ritenere" ; rdfs:label " ritenere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59518scarseggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59513mancare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59518scarseggiare is scarseggiare" ; rdfs:label " scarseggiare_as_State" . inds:USem59520mucchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59520mucchio is mucchio" ; rdfs:label " mucchio_as_Amount" . inds:USem59521caterva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59521caterva is caterva" ; rdfs:label " caterva_as_Amount" . inds:USem59522appezzamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59522appezzamento is appezzamento" ; rdfs:label " appezzamento_as_Area" . inds:USem59523atollo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6842isola ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59523atollo is atollo" ; rdfs:label " atollo_as_Area" . inds:USem59524boscaglia simple:hasContains inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59524boscaglia is boscaglia" ; rdfs:label " boscaglia_as_Area" . inds:USem59525brughiera simple:hasContains inds:USem1570arbusto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59525brughiera is brughiera" ; rdfs:label " brughiera_as_Area" . inds:USem59526campo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59526campo is campo" ; rdfs:label " campo_as_Area" . inds:USem59527costa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59527costa is costa" ; rdfs:label " costa_as_Area" . inds:USem59528deserto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59528deserto is deserto" ; rdfs:label " deserto_as_Area" . inds:USem59529distesa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59529distesa is distesa" ; rdfs:label " distesa_as_Area" . inds:USem59530landa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59530landa is landa" ; rdfs:label " landa_as_Area" . inds:USem59531lido simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59531lido is lido" ; rdfs:label " lido_as_Area" . inds:USem59532pascolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59532pascolo is pascolo" ; rdfs:label " pascolo_as_Area" . inds:USem59533piana simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59533piana is piana" ; rdfs:label " piana_as_Area" . inds:USem59534pianura simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59534pianura is pianura" ; rdfs:label " pianura_as_Area" . inds:USem59535podere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59535podere is podere" ; rdfs:label " podere_as_Area" . inds:USem59536possedimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Stative_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59536possedimento is possedimento" ; rdfs:label " possedimento_as_Stative_Possession" . inds:USem59537prateria simple:hasContains inds:USem1524erba ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59537prateria is prateria" ; rdfs:label " prateria_as_Area" . inds:USem59538riva simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59538riva is riva" ; rdfs:label " riva_as_Area" . inds:USem59539selva simple:hasContains inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59539selva is selva" ; rdfs:label " selva_as_Area" . inds:USem59540spiaggia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59849battigia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59540spiaggia is spiaggia" ; rdfs:label " spiaggia_as_Area" . inds:USem59541sponda simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59541sponda is sponda" ; rdfs:label " sponda_as_Area" . inds:USem59542steppa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59542steppa is steppa" ; rdfs:label " steppa_as_Area" . inds:USem59543suolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59543suolo is suolo" ; rdfs:label " suolo_as_Area" . inds:USem59545tundra simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59545tundra is tundra" ; rdfs:label " tundra_as_Area" . inds:USem59546accingere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3925cominciare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59546accingere is accingere" ; rdfs:label " accingere_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem59548preparare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59548preparare is preparare" ; rdfs:label " preparare_as_Event" . inds:USem59549lievitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6253lievitato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59549lievitare is lievitare" ; rdfs:label " lievitare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59550branco simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59550branco is branco" ; rdfs:label " branco_as_Group" . inds:USem59551branco simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59551branco is branco" ; rdfs:label " branco_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59552gregge simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72835ovino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59552gregge is gregge" ; rdfs:label " gregge_as_Group" . inds:USem59553nugolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59553nugolo is nugolo" ; rdfs:label " nugolo_as_Amount" . inds:USem59554nuvola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3108vapore ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59554nuvola is nuvola" ; rdfs:label " nuvola_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem59556sciame simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2446insetto, inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem916cosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59556sciame is sciame" ; rdfs:label " sciame_as_Group" . inds:USem59557controllare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59557controllare is controllare" ; rdfs:label " controllare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59559stormo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2446insetto, inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59559stormo is stormo" ; rdfs:label " stormo_as_Group" . inds:USem59560stormo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5210aereo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59560stormo is stormo" ; rdfs:label " stormo_as_Group" . inds:USem59561lavoro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59561lavoro is lavoro" ; rdfs:label " lavoro_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59562lessare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6262lessato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59562lessare is lessare" ; rdfs:label " lessare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59563accogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5071ospitare ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59563accogliere is accogliere" ; rdfs:label " accogliere_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem59564friggere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6264fritto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59564friggere is friggere" ; rdfs:label " friggere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59565chiudere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59565chiudere is chiudere" ; rdfs:label " chiudere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59566coniare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59566coniare is coniare" ; rdfs:label " coniare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem59567razza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5056ruota, inds:USemD7041volante ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59567razza is razza" ; rdfs:label " razza_as_Part" . inds:USem59569denotare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59571indicare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59569denotare is denotare" ; rdfs:label " denotare_as_State" . inds:USem59570rivelare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59570rivelare is rivelare" ; rdfs:label " rivelare_as_State" . inds:USem59571indicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59571indicare is indicare" ; rdfs:label " indicare_as_State" . inds:USem59572capannello simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59572capannello is capannello" ; rdfs:label " capannello_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59573comitato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59573comitato is comitato" ; rdfs:label " comitato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59574cordata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59574cordata is cordata" ; rdfs:label " cordata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59575dirigenza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6365dirigente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59575dirigenza is dirigenza" ; rdfs:label " dirigenza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59576distaccamento simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59576distaccamento is distaccamento" ; rdfs:label " distaccamento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59577etnia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59577etnia is etnia" ; rdfs:label " etnia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59579tavolata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59579tavolata is tavolata" ; rdfs:label " tavolata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59580troupe simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59580troupe is troupe" ; rdfs:label " troupe_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59581workshop simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59581workshop is workshop" ; rdfs:label " workshop_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59582colpire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano, inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59582colpire is colpire" ; rdfs:label " colpire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59583picchiare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano, inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59583picchiare is picchiare" ; rdfs:label " picchiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59585circondare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59585circondare is circondare" ; rdfs:label " circondare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem59586martellare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2821martello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3642battere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59586martellare is martellare" ; rdfs:label " martellare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59588tempestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59583picchiare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59588tempestare is tempestare" ; rdfs:label " tempestare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59589permanere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59589permanere is permanere" ; rdfs:label " permanere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem59590permanenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59590permanenza is permanenza" ; rdfs:label " permanenza_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem59592abbandonare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3934cessare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59592abbandonare is abbandonare" ; rdfs:label " abbandonare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59594avviare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74983iniziare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59594avviare is avviare" ; rdfs:label " avviare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59595chiudere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3934cessare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59595chiudere is chiudere" ; rdfs:label " chiudere_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59596concludere simple:hasIsa inds:USem74978finire ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59596concludere is concludere" ; rdfs:label " concludere_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59597continuare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59597continuare is continuare" ; rdfs:label " continuare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59598dimettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59598dimettere is dimettere" ; rdfs:label " dimettere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59599esordire simple:hasIsa inds:USem79056iniziare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59599esordire is esordire" ; rdfs:label " esordire_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem59600fermare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2679fissare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59600fermare is fermare" ; rdfs:label " fermare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59601impostare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59601impostare is impostare" ; rdfs:label " impostare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59602inaugurare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74983iniziare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59602inaugurare is inaugurare" ; rdfs:label " inaugurare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59604interrompere simple:hasIsa inds:USem74978finire ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59604interrompere is interrompere" ; rdfs:label " interrompere_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59605intraprendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem74983iniziare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59605intraprendere is intraprendere" ; rdfs:label " intraprendere_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59606piantare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3934cessare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59606piantare is piantare" ; rdfs:label " piantare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59607principiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74983iniziare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59607principiare is principiare" ; rdfs:label " principiare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59608procedere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59597continuare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59608procedere is procedere" ; rdfs:label " procedere_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59609promuovere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59609promuovere is promuovere" ; rdfs:label " promuovere_as_Cause" . inds:USem59610proseguire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59597continuare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59610proseguire is proseguire" ; rdfs:label " proseguire_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59611ripetere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59611ripetere is ripetere" ; rdfs:label " ripetere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59612riprendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59597continuare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59612riprendere is riprendere" ; rdfs:label " riprendere_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59613seguitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59597continuare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59613seguitare is seguitare" ; rdfs:label " seguitare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59614smettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3934cessare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59614smettere is smettere" ; rdfs:label " smettere_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59615sospendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59604interrompere ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59615sospendere is sospendere" ; rdfs:label " sospendere_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59616svolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59616svolgere is svolgere" ; rdfs:label " svolgere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59617terminare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74978finire ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59617terminare is terminare" ; rdfs:label " terminare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59618ultimare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74978finire ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59618ultimare is ultimare" ; rdfs:label " ultimare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59619restare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59619restare is restare" ; rdfs:label " restare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem59620rimanere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59620rimanere is rimanere" ; rdfs:label " rimanere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem59621risiedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59621risiedere is risiedere" ; rdfs:label " risiedere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem59622modo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3963azione, inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59622modo is modo" ; rdfs:label " modo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59623maniera simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59623maniera is maniera" ; rdfs:label " maniera_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59638classifica simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59638classifica is classifica" ; rdfs:label " classifica_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59639classificazione simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59639classificazione is classificazione" ; rdfs:label " classificazione_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59640graduatoria simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59640graduatoria is graduatoria" ; rdfs:label " graduatoria_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59641inventario simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59641inventario is inventario" ; rdfs:label " inventario_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59642ordine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59642ordine is ordine" ; rdfs:label " ordine_as_State" . inds:USem59643organismo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59643organismo is organismo" ; rdfs:label " organismo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59644sistema simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59644sistema is sistema" ; rdfs:label " sistema_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59645struttura simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59645struttura is struttura" ; rdfs:label " struttura_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59646tassonomia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59646tassonomia is tassonomia" ; rdfs:label " tassonomia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59647tipologia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59647tipologia is tipologia" ; rdfs:label " tipologia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59648stile simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59806arte, inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59648stile is stile" ; rdfs:label " stile_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59650accampare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59650accampare is accampare" ; rdfs:label " accampare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59651contenuto simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59651contenuto is contenuto" ; rdfs:label " contenuto_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59652addomesticare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59652addomesticare is addomesticare" ; rdfs:label " addomesticare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59653addomesticare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59653addomesticare is addomesticare" ; rdfs:label " addomesticare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59654pranzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4950consumare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59654pranzare is pranzare" ; rdfs:label " pranzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59655assistere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59655assistere is assistere" ; rdfs:label " assistere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem59657aprire simple:hasIsa inds:USem74983iniziare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59657aprire is aprire" ; rdfs:label " aprire_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59658avviare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79056iniziare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59658avviare is avviare" ; rdfs:label " avviare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem59660continuare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59660continuare is continuare" ; rdfs:label " continuare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem59661evolvere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61647sviluppare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59661evolvere is evolvere" ; rdfs:label " evolvere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59662fermare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6793fermo ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59662fermare is fermare" ; rdfs:label " fermare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59664interrompere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3959finire ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59664interrompere is interrompere" ; rdfs:label " interrompere_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem59665procedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59665procedere is procedere" ; rdfs:label " procedere_as_Event" . inds:USem59666proseguire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59660continuare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59666proseguire is proseguire" ; rdfs:label " proseguire_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem59668riprendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59660continuare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59668riprendere is riprendere" ; rdfs:label " riprendere_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem59669smettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3959finire ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59669smettere is smettere" ; rdfs:label " smettere_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem59671terminare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3959finire ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59671terminare is terminare" ; rdfs:label " terminare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem59672comporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59672comporre is comporre" ; rdfs:label " comporre_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem59673miscuglio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59673miscuglio is miscuglio" ; rdfs:label " miscuglio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59674svolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59674svolgere is svolgere" ; rdfs:label " svolgere_as_Event" . inds:USem59675aggregare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7016unire ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59675aggregare is aggregare" ; rdfs:label " aggregare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem59719annullare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59719annullare is annullare" ; rdfs:label " annullare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59720approvare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59720approvare is approvare" ; rdfs:label " approvare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem59721attestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60782dichiarare ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59721attestare is attestare" ; rdfs:label " attestare_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem59722autenticare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59722autenticare is autenticare" ; rdfs:label " autenticare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59723avallare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59723avallare is avallare" ; rdfs:label " avallare_as_State" . inds:USem59724benedire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59724benedire is benedire" ; rdfs:label " benedire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59725certificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem69037attestare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59725certificare is certificare" ; rdfs:label " certificare_as_State" . inds:USem59726chiamare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3519telefono ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem74849telefonare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59726chiamare is chiamare" ; rdfs:label " chiamare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem59727somministrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79492dare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59727somministrare is somministrare" ; rdfs:label " somministrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59728consacrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59728consacrare is consacrare" ; rdfs:label " consacrare_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem59729convalidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59729convalidare is convalidare" ; rdfs:label " convalidare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59731eleggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59731eleggere is eleggere" ; rdfs:label " eleggere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59732nominare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60782dichiarare ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59732nominare is nominare" ; rdfs:label " nominare_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem59733ordinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59733ordinare is ordinare" ; rdfs:label " ordinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59734ratificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59734ratificare is ratificare" ; rdfs:label " ratificare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59737sostenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59737sostenere is sostenere" ; rdfs:label " sostenere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem59739aggregato simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59739aggregato is aggregato" ; rdfs:label " aggregato_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59741amalgama simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59741amalgama is amalgama" ; rdfs:label " amalgama_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59742intruglio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59742intruglio is intruglio" ; rdfs:label " intruglio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59743mistura simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59743mistura is mistura" ; rdfs:label " mistura_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59744roccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59744roccia is roccia" ; rdfs:label " roccia_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem59745macigno simple:hasIsa inds:USem3000pietra ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59745macigno is macigno" ; rdfs:label " macigno_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem59746aggregazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59746aggregazione is aggregazione" ; rdfs:label " aggregazione_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem59747decorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59747decorare is decorare" ; rdfs:label " decorare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59748abbellire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD2512bello ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59748abbellire is abbellire" ; rdfs:label " abbellire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59750accelerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59750accelerare is accelerare" ; rdfs:label " accelerare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem59751attaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59751attaccare is attaccare" ; rdfs:label " attaccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59752attaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60918mettere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59752attaccare is attaccare" ; rdfs:label " attaccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59753appendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59753appendere is appendere" ; rdfs:label " appendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59754attaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem78910trasmettere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59754attaccare is attaccare" ; rdfs:label " attaccare_as_State" . inds:USem59755corrodere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59755corrodere is corrodere" ; rdfs:label " corrodere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59756attaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74983iniziare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59756attaccare is attaccare" ; rdfs:label " attaccare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem59757attaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79088collegare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59757attaccare is attaccare" ; rdfs:label " attaccare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem59758trapassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7116morire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59758trapassare is trapassare" ; rdfs:label " trapassare_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem59759liberare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59759liberare is liberare" ; rdfs:label " liberare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59762cristallo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3171cristallo ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59762cristallo is cristallo" ; rdfs:label " cristallo_as_Artwork" . inds:USem59763forchettone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76005servire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59763forchettone is forchettone" ; rdfs:label " forchettone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem59764grattugia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5639grattugiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59764grattugia is grattugia" ; rdfs:label " grattugia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem59765paletta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5081cucinare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59765paletta is paletta" ; rdfs:label " paletta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem59766mestolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76005servire, inds:USemD5081cucinare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59766mestolo is mestolo" ; rdfs:label " mestolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem59767spiedo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5108arrostire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59767spiedo is spiedo" ; rdfs:label " spiedo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem59768cucchiaino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59777posata ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59768cucchiaino is cucchiaino" ; rdfs:label " cucchiaino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem59769cucchiaino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59769cucchiaino is cucchiaino" ; rdfs:label " cucchiaino_as_Amount" . inds:USem59770cucchiaino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65432esca ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59770cucchiaino is cucchiaino" ; rdfs:label " cucchiaino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem59771cucciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59771cucciolo is cucciolo" ; rdfs:label " cucciolo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem59772quadrupede simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4767fauna ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59772quadrupede is quadrupede" ; rdfs:label " quadrupede_as_Animal" . inds:USem59773cucciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59774cucciolata ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59773cucciolo is cucciolo" ; rdfs:label " cucciolo_as_Animal" . inds:USem59774cucciolata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem59773cucciolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59774cucciolata is cucciolata" ; rdfs:label " cucciolata_as_Group" . inds:USem59775quadrifoglio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59775quadrifoglio is quadrifoglio" ; rdfs:label " quadrifoglio_as_Plant" . inds:USem59776colabrodo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6276filtrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59776colabrodo is colabrodo" ; rdfs:label " colabrodo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem59777posata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59777posata is posata" ; rdfs:label " posata_as_Instrument" . inds:USem59778accumulo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59778accumulo is accumulo" ; rdfs:label " accumulo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59779campione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59779campione is campione" ; rdfs:label " campione_as_Part" . inds:USem59780cumulo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59780cumulo is cumulo" ; rdfs:label " cumulo_as_Amount" . inds:USem59781fascio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59781fascio is fascio" ; rdfs:label " fascio_as_Amount" . inds:USem59782profusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59782profusione is profusione" ; rdfs:label " profusione_as_Amount" . inds:USem59783quarantina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59783quarantina is quarantina" ; rdfs:label " quarantina_as_Amount" . inds:USem59784ricchezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59784ricchezza is ricchezza" ; rdfs:label " ricchezza_as_Amount" . inds:USem59785valanga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59785valanga is valanga" ; rdfs:label " valanga_as_Amount" . inds:USem59787gradazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59787gradazione is gradazione" ; rdfs:label " gradazione_as_Amount" . inds:USem59788grigliata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59788grigliata is grigliata" ; rdfs:label " grigliata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem59789luminaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59789luminaria is luminaria" ; rdfs:label " luminaria_as_Event" . inds:USem59792quadruplo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59792quadruplo is quadruplo" ; rdfs:label " quadruplo_as_Amount" . inds:USem59793raccolto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59793raccolto is raccolto" ; rdfs:label " raccolto_as_Amount" . inds:USem59794reddito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59794reddito is reddito" ; rdfs:label " reddito_as_Amount" . inds:USem59795sovrabbondanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59795sovrabbondanza is sovrabbondanza" ; rdfs:label " sovrabbondanza_as_Amount" . inds:USem59796tesoro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59796tesoro is tesoro" ; rdfs:label " tesoro_as_Amount" . inds:USem59797triplo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59797triplo is triplo" ; rdfs:label " triplo_as_Amount" . inds:USem59798vettovaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59798vettovaglia is vettovaglia" ; rdfs:label " vettovaglia_as_Food" . inds:USem59799ricerca simple:hasIsa inds:USem69settore ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59799ricerca is ricerca" ; rdfs:label " ricerca_as_Domain" . inds:USem59800profumare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6283profumato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59800profumare is profumare" ; rdfs:label " profumare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59801profumare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59801profumare is profumare" ; rdfs:label " profumare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59803agglomerato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2217edificio, inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59803agglomerato is agglomerato" ; rdfs:label " agglomerato_as_Group" . inds:USem59804apparecchiatura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59804apparecchiatura is apparecchiatura" ; rdfs:label " apparecchiatura_as_Group" . inds:USem59805armatura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59805armatura is armatura" ; rdfs:label " armatura_as_Group" . inds:USem59806arte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59806arte is arte" ; rdfs:label " arte_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem59807artiglieria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59807artiglieria is artiglieria" ; rdfs:label " artiglieria_as_Group" . inds:USem59808attrezzatura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59808attrezzatura is attrezzatura" ; rdfs:label " attrezzatura_as_Group" . inds:USem59810ciarpame simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59810ciarpame is ciarpame" ; rdfs:label " ciarpame_as_Group" . inds:USem59811cibaria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59811cibaria is cibaria" ; rdfs:label " cibaria_as_Group" . inds:USem59812classe simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59812classe is classe" ; rdfs:label " classe_as_Group" . inds:USem59813conduttura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59852tubo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59813conduttura is conduttura" ; rdfs:label " conduttura_as_Group" . inds:USem59814cordame simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59814cordame is cordame" ; rdfs:label " cordame_as_Group" . inds:USem59815dote simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem878bene ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59815dote is dote" ; rdfs:label " dote_as_Group" . inds:USem59816flotta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59816flotta is flotta" ; rdfs:label " flotta_as_Group" . inds:USem59817infiorescenza simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59817infiorescenza is infiorescenza" ; rdfs:label " infiorescenza_as_Group" . inds:USem59818macchinario simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59818macchinario is macchinario" ; rdfs:label " macchinario_as_Group" . inds:USem59819parure simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59819parure is parure" ; rdfs:label " parure_as_Group" . inds:USem59820rubinetteria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3465rubinetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59820rubinetteria is rubinetteria" ; rdfs:label " rubinetteria_as_Group" . inds:USem59821scatolame simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2966scatola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59821scatolame is scatolame" ; rdfs:label " scatolame_as_Group" . inds:USem59822segnaletica simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1738segnale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59822segnaletica is segnaletica" ; rdfs:label " segnaletica_as_Group" . inds:USem59823software simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem61481programma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59823software is software" ; rdfs:label " software_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem59824suppellettile simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59824suppellettile is suppellettile" ; rdfs:label " suppellettile_as_Group" . inds:USem59825tendaggio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem60826tenda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59825tendaggio is tendaggio" ; rdfs:label " tendaggio_as_Group" . inds:USem59826terminologia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1707parola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59826terminologia is terminologia" ; rdfs:label " terminologia_as_Group" . inds:USem59827tetralogia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD7036opera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59827tetralogia is tetralogia" ; rdfs:label " tetralogia_as_Group" . inds:USem59828triade simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59828triade is triade" ; rdfs:label " triade_as_Group" . inds:USem59829trilogia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem901dramma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59829trilogia is trilogia" ; rdfs:label " trilogia_as_Group" . inds:USem59830tubatura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59852tubo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59830tubatura is tubatura" ; rdfs:label " tubatura_as_Group" . inds:USem59831tubazione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59852tubo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59831tubazione is tubazione" ; rdfs:label " tubazione_as_Group" . inds:USem59832vasellame simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59832vasellame is vasellame" ; rdfs:label " vasellame_as_Container" . inds:USem59833vecchiume simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem916cosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59833vecchiume is vecchiume" ; rdfs:label " vecchiume_as_Group" . inds:USem59834vetreria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5606vetro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59834vetreria is vetreria" ; rdfs:label " vetreria_as_Group" . inds:USem59835facciata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59835facciata is facciata" ; rdfs:label " facciata_as_Part" . inds:USem59836parete simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59836parete is parete" ; rdfs:label " parete_as_Part" . inds:USem59837pavimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59837pavimento is pavimento" ; rdfs:label " pavimento_as_Part" . inds:USem59838balcone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59838balcone is balcone" ; rdfs:label " balcone_as_Part" . inds:USem59839pianerottolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59839pianerottolo is pianerottolo" ; rdfs:label " pianerottolo_as_Part" . inds:USem59840ballatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59840ballatoio is ballatoio" ; rdfs:label " ballatoio_as_Part" . inds:USem59841corridoio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59841corridoio is corridoio" ; rdfs:label " corridoio_as_Part" . inds:USem59842scala simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem66420scalino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59842scala is scala" ; rdfs:label " scala_as_Part" . inds:USem59843scalinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59843scalinata is scalinata" ; rdfs:label " scalinata_as_Part" . inds:USem59844gradinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59844gradinata is gradinata" ; rdfs:label " gradinata_as_Part" . inds:USem59845soffitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59845soffitto is soffitto" ; rdfs:label " soffitto_as_Part" . inds:USem59846abbaino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59846abbaino is abbaino" ; rdfs:label " abbaino_as_Part" . inds:USem59847tetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59847tetto is tetto" ; rdfs:label " tetto_as_Part" . inds:USem59848tettoia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59848tettoia is tettoia" ; rdfs:label " tettoia_as_Part" . inds:USem59849battigia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59540spiaggia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59849battigia is battigia" ; rdfs:label " battigia_as_Part" . inds:USem59850buccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59853tubero, inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59850buccia is buccia" ; rdfs:label " buccia_as_Part" . inds:USem59851facciata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6285pagina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59851facciata is facciata" ; rdfs:label " facciata_as_Part" . inds:USem59852tubo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59852tubo is tubo" ; rdfs:label " tubo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem59853tubero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59853tubero is tubero" ; rdfs:label " tubero_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem59854frontespizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4047libro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59854frontespizio is frontespizio" ; rdfs:label " frontespizio_as_Part" . inds:USem59855lato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59855lato is lato" ; rdfs:label " lato_as_Part" . inds:USem59856lato simple:hasIsa inds:USem1341aspetto ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59856lato is lato" ; rdfs:label " lato_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem59857spegnere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59857spegnere is spegnere" ; rdfs:label " spegnere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59858spegnere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59858spegnere is spegnere" ; rdfs:label " spegnere_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem59859ottenere simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59859ottenere is ottenere" ; rdfs:label " ottenere_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem59860ottenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59861ricavare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59860ottenere is ottenere" ; rdfs:label " ottenere_as_Creation" . inds:USem59861ricavare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59860ottenere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59861ricavare is ricavare" ; rdfs:label " ricavare_as_Creation" . inds:USem59862trarre simple:hasIsa inds:USem59861ricavare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59862trarre is trarre" ; rdfs:label " trarre_as_Creation" . inds:USem59863derivare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59860ottenere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59863derivare is derivare" ; rdfs:label " derivare_as_Creation" . inds:USem59864ricerca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59864ricerca is ricerca" ; rdfs:label " ricerca_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59865accompagnare simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59865accompagnare is accompagnare" ; rdfs:label " accompagnare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59866opera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59866opera is opera" ; rdfs:label " opera_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59867assalire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59867assalire is assalire" ; rdfs:label " assalire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59868accompagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59868accompagnare is accompagnare" ; rdfs:label " accompagnare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem59869accordare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59869accordare is accordare" ; rdfs:label " accordare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59870aiutare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59870aiutare is aiutare" ; rdfs:label " aiutare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59871avversare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59871avversare is avversare" ; rdfs:label " avversare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59872battagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59872battagliare is battagliare" ; rdfs:label " battagliare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59873battere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59883lottare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59873battere is battere" ; rdfs:label " battere_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59874combattere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59883lottare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59874combattere is combattere" ; rdfs:label " combattere_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59876concordare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59876concordare is concordare" ; rdfs:label " concordare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59877condurre simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59877condurre is condurre" ; rdfs:label " condurre_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem59878contrapporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59878contrapporre is contrapporre" ; rdfs:label " contrapporre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59879discordare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59879discordare is discordare" ; rdfs:label " discordare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59880fronteggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59880fronteggiare is fronteggiare" ; rdfs:label " fronteggiare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59881guidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59881guidare is guidare" ; rdfs:label " guidare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59882incontrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59882incontrare is incontrare" ; rdfs:label " incontrare_as_Event" . inds:USem59883lottare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59883lottare is lottare" ; rdfs:label " lottare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59884scortare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59884scortare is scortare" ; rdfs:label " scortare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59885sorreggere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59870aiutare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59885sorreggere is sorreggere" ; rdfs:label " sorreggere_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem59886sostenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59886sostenere is sostenere" ; rdfs:label " sostenere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59887perseguitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59887perseguitare is perseguitare" ; rdfs:label " perseguitare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59888elemento simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59888elemento is elemento" ; rdfs:label " elemento_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem59889disinfettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59889disinfettare is disinfettare" ; rdfs:label " disinfettare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59890devitalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59890devitalizzare is devitalizzare" ; rdfs:label " devitalizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59891impaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59891impaccare is impaccare" ; rdfs:label " impaccare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem59892macinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65882tritare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6295macinato ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59892macinare is macinare" ; rdfs:label " macinare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem59893lucidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59893lucidare is lucidare" ; rdfs:label " lucidare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59894lubrificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59894lubrificare is lubrificare" ; rdfs:label " lubrificare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59895levigare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63993levigato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59895levigare is levigare" ; rdfs:label " levigare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem59896lottizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59896lottizzare is lottizzare" ; rdfs:label " lottizzare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem59898amare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5875amore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59898amare is amare" ; rdfs:label " amare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem59899componente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59899componente is componente" ; rdfs:label " componente_as_Human" . inds:USem59900scolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59900scolare is scolare" ; rdfs:label " scolare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59901concessione simple:hasIsa inds:USem68306atto ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59901concessione is concessione" ; rdfs:label " concessione_as_Convention" . inds:USem59902tastiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59902tastiera is tastiera" ; rdfs:label " tastiera_as_Part" . inds:USem59903allenamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4689allenare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59903allenamento is allenamento" ; rdfs:label " allenamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59904retro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59904retro is retro" ; rdfs:label " retro_as_Part" . inds:USem59905fetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59905fetta is fetta" ; rdfs:label " fetta_as_Part" . inds:USem59906bestemmiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59906bestemmiare is bestemmiare" ; rdfs:label " bestemmiare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem59907bestemmia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59907bestemmia is bestemmia" ; rdfs:label " bestemmia_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem59908giurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Commissive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59908giurare is giurare" ; rdfs:label " giurare_as_Commissive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem59909giuramento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Commissive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59909giuramento is giuramento" ; rdfs:label " giuramento_as_Commissive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem59910grotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5527cavita1 ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59910grotta is grotta" ; rdfs:label " grotta_as_Opening" . inds:USem59911minaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Commissive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59911minaccia is minaccia" ; rdfs:label " minaccia_as_Commissive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem59913sudare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59913sudare is sudare" ; rdfs:label " sudare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59914autorizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61321permettere ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59914autorizzare is autorizzare" ; rdfs:label " autorizzare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem59915autorizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59915autorizzazione is autorizzazione" ; rdfs:label " autorizzazione_as_Convention" . inds:USem59916autorizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59916autorizzazione is autorizzazione" ; rdfs:label " autorizzazione_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem59917comandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59917comandare is comandare" ; rdfs:label " comandare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem59918comandare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59918comandare is comandare" ; rdfs:label " comandare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem59919acero simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59919acero is acero" ; rdfs:label " acero_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem59920comandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59920comandare is comandare" ; rdfs:label " comandare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59921acido simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2449sapore ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59921acido is acido" ; rdfs:label " acido_as_Perception" . inds:USem59922comando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59922comando is comando" ; rdfs:label " comando_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem59923comando simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1405regolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59923comando is comando" ; rdfs:label " comando_as_Instrument" . inds:USem59924matematica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59924matematica is matematica" ; rdfs:label " matematica_as_Domain" . inds:USem59925disegno simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59925disegno is disegno" ; rdfs:label " disegno_as_Domain" . inds:USem59926pittura simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59926pittura is pittura" ; rdfs:label " pittura_as_Domain" . inds:USem59927mandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59927mandare is mandare" ; rdfs:label " mandare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem59928agronomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59928agronomia is agronomia" ; rdfs:label " agronomia_as_Domain" . inds:USem59929anatomia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59929anatomia is anatomia" ; rdfs:label " anatomia_as_Domain" . inds:USem59930mandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem62852ricevere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59930mandare is mandare" ; rdfs:label " mandare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59931astrofisica simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD6304astro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6303astronomia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59931astrofisica is astrofisica" ; rdfs:label " astrofisica_as_Domain" . inds:USem59932stella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1957corpo ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59932stella is stella" ; rdfs:label " stella_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem59934satellite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1957corpo ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59934satellite is satellite" ; rdfs:label " satellite_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem59935luna simple:hasIsa inds:USem59934satellite ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59644sistema ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59935luna is luna" ; rdfs:label " luna_as_Location" . inds:USem59936acquisto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USem7058acquisto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59936acquisto is acquisto" ; rdfs:label " acquisto_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem59937compera simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USemD65545comperare ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59937compera is compera" ; rdfs:label " compera_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem59939nodulo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59939nodulo is nodulo" ; rdfs:label " nodulo_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem59940cisti simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59940cisti is cisti" ; rdfs:label " cisti_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem59941arte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59941arte is arte" ; rdfs:label " arte_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem59942arte simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59942arte is arte" ; rdfs:label " arte_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem59943meteorite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3031ferro, inds:USem3216nichel ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59943meteorite is meteorite" ; rdfs:label " meteorite_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem59944pianeta simple:hasIsa inds:USem59932stella ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59944pianeta is pianeta" ; rdfs:label " pianeta_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem59945pianeta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59945pianeta is pianeta" ; rdfs:label " pianeta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem59946inviare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59946inviare is inviare" ; rdfs:label " inviare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59947inviare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59947inviare is inviare" ; rdfs:label " inviare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59948minaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59948minaccia is minaccia" ; rdfs:label " minaccia_as_Event" . inds:USem59949pericolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59949pericolo is pericolo" ; rdfs:label " pericolo_as_Event" . inds:USem59950etichetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59571indicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59950etichetta is etichetta" ; rdfs:label " etichetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem59951adesivo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59950etichetta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59571indicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59951adesivo is adesivo" ; rdfs:label " adesivo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem59953dominare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59953dominare is dominare" ; rdfs:label " dominare_as_Exist" . inds:USem59954dominare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59954dominare is dominare" ; rdfs:label " dominare_as_State" . inds:USem59957egemonia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2730potere ; a simple:Social_Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59957egemonia is egemonia" ; rdfs:label " egemonia_as_Social_Property" . inds:USem59958assassinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59958assassinare is assassinare" ; rdfs:label " assassinare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem59960biochimica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59966chimica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59960biochimica is biochimica" ; rdfs:label " biochimica_as_Domain" . inds:USem59961biofisica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59961biofisica is biofisica" ; rdfs:label " biofisica_as_Domain" . inds:USem59962biologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59962biologia is biologia" ; rdfs:label " biologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem59963candidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59963candidare is candidare" ; rdfs:label " candidare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59964botanica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59964botanica is botanica" ; rdfs:label " botanica_as_Domain" . inds:USem59965cartografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6307geografia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59965cartografia is cartografia" ; rdfs:label " cartografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem59966chimica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59966chimica is chimica" ; rdfs:label " chimica_as_Domain" . inds:USem59968criminologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59968criminologia is criminologia" ; rdfs:label " criminologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem59969ecologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59969ecologia is ecologia" ; rdfs:label " ecologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem59970elettronica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59970elettronica is elettronica" ; rdfs:label " elettronica_as_Domain" . inds:USem59971farmacologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59971farmacologia is farmacologia" ; rdfs:label " farmacologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem59972fonologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59972fonologia is fonologia" ; rdfs:label " fonologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem59973linguistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59973linguistica is linguistica" ; rdfs:label " linguistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem59974geofisica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59974geofisica is geofisica" ; rdfs:label " geofisica_as_Domain" . inds:USem59975geologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61177terra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59975geologia is geologia" ; rdfs:label " geologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem59976geotermia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59976geotermia is geotermia" ; rdfs:label " geotermia_as_Domain" . inds:USem59977convocare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59977convocare is convocare" ; rdfs:label " convocare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem59978giurisprudenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59978giurisprudenza is giurisprudenza" ; rdfs:label " giurisprudenza_as_Domain" . inds:USem59979giurisprudenza simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem60347decisione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59979giurisprudenza is giurisprudenza" ; rdfs:label " giurisprudenza_as_Group" . inds:USem59980informatica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59980informatica is informatica" ; rdfs:label " informatica_as_Domain" . inds:USem59981lessicografia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem59321lessico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59981lessicografia is lessicografia" ; rdfs:label " lessicografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem59982lessicografia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD470opera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59982lessicografia is lessicografia" ; rdfs:label " lessicografia_as_Group" . inds:USem59983delegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59983delegare is delegare" ; rdfs:label " delegare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem59984mineralogia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59984mineralogia is mineralogia" ; rdfs:label " mineralogia_as_Domain" . inds:USem59985oceanografia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64773oceano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59985oceanografia is oceanografia" ; rdfs:label " oceanografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem59986semiotica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59986semiotica is semiotica" ; rdfs:label " semiotica_as_Domain" . inds:USem59987delegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59987delegare is delegare" ; rdfs:label " delegare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59989affermare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59989affermare is affermare" ; rdfs:label " affermare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem59990esaminare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59286analizzare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59990esaminare is esaminare" ; rdfs:label " esaminare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem59991affermare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59991affermare is affermare" ; rdfs:label " affermare_as_Event" . inds:USem59992ferire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59992ferire is ferire" ; rdfs:label " ferire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59993affermazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59993affermazione is affermazione" ; rdfs:label " affermazione_as_Event" . inds:USem59994ferire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59994ferire is ferire" ; rdfs:label " ferire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem59996dominazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59996dominazione is dominazione" ; rdfs:label " dominazione_as_State" . inds:USem59997dominio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59997dominio is dominio" ; rdfs:label " dominio_as_State" . inds:USem59998succube simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD7326soggiacere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59998succube is succube" ; rdfs:label " succube_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem59999ferire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60031offendere ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59999ferire is ferire" ; rdfs:label " ferire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem59topologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem59topologia is topologia" ; rdfs:label " topologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem5algebra simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem5algebra is algebra" ; rdfs:label " algebra_as_Domain" . inds:USem60002odio simple:hasAgentiveExperience inds:USem59295provare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60002odio is odio" ; rdfs:label " odio_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60003disprezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60003disprezzo is disprezzo" ; rdfs:label " disprezzo_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60004disprezzare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60003disprezzo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60004disprezzare is disprezzare" ; rdfs:label " disprezzare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60005fuggire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60005fuggire is fuggire" ; rdfs:label " fuggire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60006fuggire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60006fuggire is fuggire" ; rdfs:label " fuggire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60007intervistare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60010interrogare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60007intervistare is intervistare" ; rdfs:label " intervistare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60008invadere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60008invadere is invadere" ; rdfs:label " invadere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60009invasione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60009invasione is invasione" ; rdfs:label " invasione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60010interrogare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60010interrogare is interrogare" ; rdfs:label " interrogare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60011interrogazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60011interrogazione is interrogazione" ; rdfs:label " interrogazione_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60013interrogante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60010interrogare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60013interrogante is interrogante" ; rdfs:label " interrogante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60014interrogatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60010interrogare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60014interrogatore is interrogatore" ; rdfs:label " interrogatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60015interrogatorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60015interrogatorio is interrogatorio" ; rdfs:label " interrogatorio_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60016odiare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60002odio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60016odiare is odiare" ; rdfs:label " odiare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60017vincere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60017vincere is vincere" ; rdfs:label " vincere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60018vincere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60018vincere is vincere" ; rdfs:label " vincere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60019vincere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60019vincere is vincere" ; rdfs:label " vincere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60021calma simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6639calmo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60021calma is calma" ; rdfs:label " calma_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem60022flemma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60022flemma is flemma" ; rdfs:label " flemma_as_State" . inds:USem60023calma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60023calma is calma" ; rdfs:label " calma_as_State" . inds:USem60024rispondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60024rispondere is rispondere" ; rdfs:label " rispondere_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60025rispondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60025rispondere is rispondere" ; rdfs:label " rispondere_as_Act" . inds:USem60026rispondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60026rispondere is rispondere" ; rdfs:label " rispondere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60027rispondere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61376corrispondere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60027rispondere is rispondere" ; rdfs:label " rispondere_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem60028offendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60028offendere is offendere" ; rdfs:label " offendere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60029offendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem79267colpire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60029offendere is offendere" ; rdfs:label " offendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60031offendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60031offendere is offendere" ; rdfs:label " offendere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60032visitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60032visitare is visitare" ; rdfs:label " visitare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60033visitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60033visitare is visitare" ; rdfs:label " visitare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60034visita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60034visita is visita" ; rdfs:label " visita_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60035visita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60035visita is visita" ; rdfs:label " visita_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60036prospettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61375presentare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60036prospettare is prospettare" ; rdfs:label " prospettare_as_State" . inds:USem60037prospettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60037prospettare is prospettare" ; rdfs:label " prospettare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem60038prospetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60038prospetto is prospetto" ; rdfs:label " prospetto_as_Part" . inds:USem60039andare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60039andare is andare" ; rdfs:label " andare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60042andare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60042andare is andare" ; rdfs:label " andare_as_Event" . inds:USem60044rispondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60044rispondere is rispondere" ; rdfs:label " rispondere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60045affitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60045affitto is affitto" ; rdfs:label " affitto_as_Amount" . inds:USem60046emigrare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60046emigrare is emigrare" ; rdfs:label " emigrare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60047spostamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60047spostamento is spostamento" ; rdfs:label " spostamento_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem60048intolleranza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6350intollerante ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60048intolleranza is intolleranza" ; rdfs:label " intolleranza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60050spostare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60050spostare is spostare" ; rdfs:label " spostare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem60051rispettare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5848rispetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60051rispettare is rispettare" ; rdfs:label " rispettare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60053ammirare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60054ammirazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60053ammirare is ammirare" ; rdfs:label " ammirare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60054ammirazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60054ammirazione is ammirazione" ; rdfs:label " ammirazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60055emigrazione simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60055emigrazione is emigrazione" ; rdfs:label " emigrazione_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60058divertimento simple:hasTelic inds:USem6605divertire ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60058divertimento is divertimento" ; rdfs:label " divertimento_as_Telic" . inds:USem60059abbandono simple:hasIsa inds:USem60076interruzione ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60059abbandono is abbandono" ; rdfs:label " abbandono_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem60060chiusura simple:hasIsa inds:USem79047cessazione ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60060chiusura is chiusura" ; rdfs:label " chiusura_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem60061conclusione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60074fine ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60061conclusione is conclusione" ; rdfs:label " conclusione_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem60062continuazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60062continuazione is continuazione" ; rdfs:label " continuazione_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem60063dimissione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60063dimissione is dimissione" ; rdfs:label " dimissione_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem60064avvertimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60064avvertimento is avvertimento" ; rdfs:label " avvertimento_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60065esordio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60068inizio ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60065esordio is esordio" ; rdfs:label " esordio_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem60066inaugurazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60970cerimonia ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60066inaugurazione is inaugurazione" ; rdfs:label " inaugurazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60068inizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60068inizio is inizio" ; rdfs:label " inizio_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem60069consiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60069consiglio is consiglio" ; rdfs:label " consiglio_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60070consigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60070consigliare is consigliare" ; rdfs:label " consigliare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60071inizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60071inizio is inizio" ; rdfs:label " inizio_as_Part" . inds:USem60072incaricare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60072incaricare is incaricare" ; rdfs:label " incaricare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60073incarico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60073incarico is incarico" ; rdfs:label " incarico_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60074fine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60074fine is fine" ; rdfs:label " fine_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem60075ordine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem61607eseguire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60075ordine is ordine" ; rdfs:label " ordine_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60076interruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60076interruzione is interruzione" ; rdfs:label " interruzione_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem60077preghiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60077preghiera is preghiera" ; rdfs:label " preghiera_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60078proibizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60075ordine ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60078proibizione is proibizione" ; rdfs:label " proibizione_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60081avviso simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60081avviso is avviso" ; rdfs:label " avviso_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem60082citazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60082citazione is citazione" ; rdfs:label " citazione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem60084descrizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60084descrizione is descrizione" ; rdfs:label " descrizione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem60086illustrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5641spiegazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60086illustrazione is illustrazione" ; rdfs:label " illustrazione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem60087promozione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60087promozione is promozione" ; rdfs:label " promozione_as_Cause" . inds:USem60088chiarimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5641spiegazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60088chiarimento is chiarimento" ; rdfs:label " chiarimento_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem60089promuovere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60089promuovere is promuovere" ; rdfs:label " promuovere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6008anoressico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem3802anoressia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6008anoressico is anoressico" ; rdfs:label " anoressico_as_Human" . inds:USem60092diffusione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60092diffusione is diffusione" ; rdfs:label " diffusione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem60093preoccupare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5840preoccupazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60093preoccupare is preoccupare" ; rdfs:label " preoccupare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60094segnalazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem71060informazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60094segnalazione is segnalazione" ; rdfs:label " segnalazione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem60095ripetizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60095ripetizione is ripetizione" ; rdfs:label " ripetizione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60096indicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60096indicazione is indicazione" ; rdfs:label " indicazione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem60097ripetere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60097ripetere is ripetere" ; rdfs:label " ripetere_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60098presentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60086illustrazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60098presentazione is presentazione" ; rdfs:label " presentazione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem60099ripetere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60099ripetere is ripetere" ; rdfs:label " ripetere_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem6009afasico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem3838afasia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6009afasico is afasico" ; rdfs:label " afasico_as_Human" . inds:USem60100ripetere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60100ripetere is ripetere" ; rdfs:label " ripetere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60101pianto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60101pianto is pianto" ; rdfs:label " pianto_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60103pubblicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60103pubblicazione is pubblicazione" ; rdfs:label " pubblicazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60105divulgazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60105divulgazione is divulgazione" ; rdfs:label " divulgazione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem60106preparare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60106preparare is preparare" ; rdfs:label " preparare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60107preparazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60107preparazione is preparazione" ; rdfs:label " preparazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60108illustrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60108illustrazione is illustrazione" ; rdfs:label " illustrazione_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem60109promozione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60109promozione is promozione" ; rdfs:label " promozione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6010arteriosclerotico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem3803arteriosclerosi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6010arteriosclerotico is arteriosclerotico" ; rdfs:label " arteriosclerotico_as_Human" . inds:USem60110svolgimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60110svolgimento is svolgimento" ; rdfs:label " svolgimento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60111sospensione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60076interruzione ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60111sospensione is sospensione" ; rdfs:label " sospensione_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem60112uccisione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60112uccisione is uccisione" ; rdfs:label " uccisione_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem60113assassinio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60113assassinio is assassinio" ; rdfs:label " assassinio_as_Act" . inds:USem60114sospendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60114sospendere is sospendere" ; rdfs:label " sospendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60115concepimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60115concepimento is concepimento" ; rdfs:label " concepimento_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem60116sospensione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60116sospensione is sospensione" ; rdfs:label " sospensione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60117morte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60117morte is morte" ; rdfs:label " morte_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem60119esistenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60119esistenza is esistenza" ; rdfs:label " esistenza_as_Exist" . inds:USem6011asmatico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD5895asma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6011asmatico is asmatico" ; rdfs:label " asmatico_as_Human" . inds:USem60120concepimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60120concepimento is concepimento" ; rdfs:label " concepimento_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem60121concezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60121concezione is concezione" ; rdfs:label " concezione_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem60122elaborazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60122elaborazione is elaborazione" ; rdfs:label " elaborazione_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem60123ideazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60123ideazione is ideazione" ; rdfs:label " ideazione_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem60124progettazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem59109ideare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60124progettazione is progettazione" ; rdfs:label " progettazione_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem60125programmazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61477programma ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60125programmazione is programmazione" ; rdfs:label " programmazione_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem60126canto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60126canto is canto" ; rdfs:label " canto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem60127allontanamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60127allontanamento is allontanamento" ; rdfs:label " allontanamento_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem60128atterraggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60128atterraggio is atterraggio" ; rdfs:label " atterraggio_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60129deportazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60129deportazione is deportazione" ; rdfs:label " deportazione_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem6012cleptomane simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD5896cleptomania ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6012cleptomane is cleptomane" ; rdfs:label " cleptomane_as_Human" . inds:USem60130distacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem60683separazione ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60130distacco is distacco" ; rdfs:label " distacco_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60134abbinamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60134abbinamento is abbinamento" ; rdfs:label " abbinamento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60136coincidenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60136coincidenza is coincidenza" ; rdfs:label " coincidenza_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem60137turbante simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60137turbante is turbante" ; rdfs:label " turbante_as_Clothing" . inds:USem60139esilio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60139esilio is esilio" ; rdfs:label " esilio_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem6013cocainomane simple:hasIsa inds:USem63676tossicodipendente ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5341drogare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6013cocainomane is cocainomane" ; rdfs:label " cocainomane_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem60140invio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60140invio is invio" ; rdfs:label " invio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60141rimozione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60141rimozione is rimozione" ; rdfs:label " rimozione_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem60142sbarco simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60142sbarco is sbarco" ; rdfs:label " sbarco_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60144sgombero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60144sgombero is sgombero" ; rdfs:label " sgombero_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60145sollevamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60145sollevamento is sollevamento" ; rdfs:label " sollevamento_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem60146spedizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60146spedizione is spedizione" ; rdfs:label " spedizione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60147caratterizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60147caratterizzazione is caratterizzazione" ; rdfs:label " caratterizzazione_as_Creation" . inds:USem60148concordanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60148concordanza is concordanza" ; rdfs:label " concordanza_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem60149corrispondenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60149corrispondenza is corrispondenza" ; rdfs:label " corrispondenza_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem60154consolazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60154consolazione is consolazione" ; rdfs:label " consolazione_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60155esasperazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60155esasperazione is esasperazione" ; rdfs:label " esasperazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60157spavento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60157spavento is spavento" ; rdfs:label " spavento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60158stupore simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60158stupore is stupore" ; rdfs:label " stupore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60159configurazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60159configurazione is configurazione" ; rdfs:label " configurazione_as_Property" . inds:USem6015diabetico simple:hasAffectedby inds:USemD5899diabete ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6015diabetico is diabetico" ; rdfs:label " diabetico_as_Human" . inds:USem60160agitare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5872agitazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60160agitare is agitare" ; rdfs:label " agitare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60161contentare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60367contentezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60161contentare is contentare" ; rdfs:label " contentare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60162disdegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60162disdegnare is disdegnare" ; rdfs:label " disdegnare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60163inquietare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5825inquietudine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60163inquietare is inquietare" ; rdfs:label " inquietare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60164riprovare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60774disapprovare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60164riprovare is riprovare" ; rdfs:label " riprovare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60165sconvolgere simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60049turbamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60165sconvolgere is sconvolgere" ; rdfs:label " sconvolgere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60166turbare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60049turbamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60166turbare is turbare" ; rdfs:label " turbare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60168abbassamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60191diminuzione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD2653basso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60168abbassamento is abbassamento" ; rdfs:label " abbassamento_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60169variare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60169variare is variare" ; rdfs:label " variare_as_Change" . inds:USem6016disadattato simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD5900disadattamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6016disadattato is disadattato" ; rdfs:label " disadattato_as_Human" . inds:USem60170accentuazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60189aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6116accentuato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60170accentuazione is accentuazione" ; rdfs:label " accentuazione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60171variare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60171variare is variare" ; rdfs:label " variare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60172variazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60172variazione is variazione" ; rdfs:label " variazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60176ampliamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60189aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5478ampliato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60176ampliamento is ampliamento" ; rdfs:label " ampliamento_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60177diversificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60177diversificazione is diversificazione" ; rdfs:label " diversificazione_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem60178amplificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60189aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD76931amplificato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60178amplificazione is amplificazione" ; rdfs:label " amplificazione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60179attenuazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60191diminuzione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5482attenuato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60179attenuazione is attenuazione" ; rdfs:label " attenuazione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem6017egocentrico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem2535egocentrismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6017egocentrico is egocentrico" ; rdfs:label " egocentrico_as_Human" . inds:USem60180differenziazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60180differenziazione is differenziazione" ; rdfs:label " differenziazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60181differenziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60181differenziare is differenziare" ; rdfs:label " differenziare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem60182amarezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60182amarezza is amarezza" ; rdfs:label " amarezza_as_Event" . inds:USem60183consolazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60183consolazione is consolazione" ; rdfs:label " consolazione_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60184equivalere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60184equivalere is equivalere" ; rdfs:label " equivalere_as_State" . inds:USem60185equivalenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60185equivalenza is equivalenza" ; rdfs:label " equivalenza_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem60186equivalenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60186equivalenza is equivalenza" ; rdfs:label " equivalenza_as_State" . inds:USem60187intonazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60187intonazione is intonazione" ; rdfs:label " intonazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60188personificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60188personificazione is personificazione" ; rdfs:label " personificazione_as_Representation" . inds:USem60189aumento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60189aumento is aumento" ; rdfs:label " aumento_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem6018epilettico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem3840epilessia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6018epilettico is epilettico" ; rdfs:label " epilettico_as_Human" . inds:USem60190dilatazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60190dilatazione is dilatazione" ; rdfs:label " dilatazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60191diminuzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60191diminuzione is diminuzione" ; rdfs:label " diminuzione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60192espansione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60192espansione is espansione" ; rdfs:label " espansione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60193estensione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60189aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5478ampliato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60193estensione is estensione" ; rdfs:label " estensione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60194divergere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60194divergere is divergere" ; rdfs:label " divergere_as_State" . inds:USem60195ingrandimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60189aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD2782grande ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60195ingrandimento is ingrandimento" ; rdfs:label " ingrandimento_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60196divergere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59172differire ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60196divergere is divergere" ; rdfs:label " divergere_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem60197intensificazione simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6129intenso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60197intensificazione is intensificazione" ; rdfs:label " intensificazione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60198impressione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60049turbamento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60198impressione is impressione" ; rdfs:label " impressione_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60199divergenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem73123disaccordo ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60199divergenza is divergenza" ; rdfs:label " divergenza_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem6019imbecille simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH34318imbecillita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6019imbecille is imbecille" ; rdfs:label " imbecille_as_Human" . inds:USem60200rivelazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60200rivelazione is rivelazione" ; rdfs:label " rivelazione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem60201maggiorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60189aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60201maggiorazione is maggiorazione" ; rdfs:label " maggiorazione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60202esasperare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62200esasperato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60202esasperare is esasperare" ; rdfs:label " esasperare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60203migliorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60203migliorare is migliorare" ; rdfs:label " migliorare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60204differenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60204differenza is differenza" ; rdfs:label " differenza_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem60205migliorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60205migliorare is migliorare" ; rdfs:label " migliorare_as_Change" . inds:USem60207esasperazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60189aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62200esasperato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60207esasperazione is esasperazione" ; rdfs:label " esasperazione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60208somiglianza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60208somiglianza is somiglianza" ; rdfs:label " somiglianza_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem60209moltiplicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem74755aumento ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60209moltiplicazione is moltiplicazione" ; rdfs:label " moltiplicazione_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem6020inibito simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem72375inibizione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6020inibito is inibito" ; rdfs:label " inibito_as_Human" . inds:USem60210rassomiglianza simple:hasIsa inds:USem60208somiglianza ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60210rassomiglianza is rassomiglianza" ; rdfs:label " rassomiglianza_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem60211cigolio simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60211cigolio is cigolio" ; rdfs:label " cigolio_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem60212componimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60212componimento is componimento" ; rdfs:label " componimento_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem60213prolungamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60189aumento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60213prolungamento is prolungamento" ; rdfs:label " prolungamento_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60214rafforzamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60189aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61850forte ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60214rafforzamento is rafforzamento" ; rdfs:label " rafforzamento_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60215cinguettio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60215cinguettio is cinguettio" ; rdfs:label " cinguettio_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60216restringimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60191diminuzione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5832ristretto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60216restringimento is restringimento" ; rdfs:label " restringimento_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60217digestione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60217digestione is digestione" ; rdfs:label " digestione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60218componimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60218componimento is componimento" ; rdfs:label " componimento_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem60219fischio simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6154suono ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60219fischio is fischio" ; rdfs:label " fischio_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem6021ipocondriaco simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem3824ipocondria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6021ipocondriaco is ipocondriaco" ; rdfs:label " ipocondriaco_as_Human" . inds:USem60220fruscio simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60220fruscio is fruscio" ; rdfs:label " fruscio_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem60221grugnito simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1155cinghiale, inds:USem1933maiale ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60221grugnito is grugnito" ; rdfs:label " grugnito_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60222rialzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60189aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60222rialzo is rialzo" ; rdfs:label " rialzo_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60223incrementare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60223incrementare is incrementare" ; rdfs:label " incrementare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60224miagolio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1165gatto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60224miagolio is miagolio" ; rdfs:label " miagolio_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60225nitrito simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60225nitrito is nitrito" ; rdfs:label " nitrito_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60226ribasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem60191diminuzione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60226ribasso is ribasso" ; rdfs:label " ribasso_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60227respiro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60227respiro is respiro" ; rdfs:label " respiro_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60228incremento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60189aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60228incremento is incremento" ; rdfs:label " incremento_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60229rombo simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60229rombo is rombo" ; rdfs:label " rombo_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem6022ipoteso simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD5906ipotensione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6022ipoteso is ipoteso" ; rdfs:label " ipoteso_as_Human" . inds:USem60230ruggito simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1937leone ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60230ruggito is ruggito" ; rdfs:label " ruggito_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60231tosse simple:hasAffects inds:USem79624respirazione ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1774gola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60231tosse is tosse" ; rdfs:label " tosse_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60232riduzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60191diminuzione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60232riduzione is riduzione" ; rdfs:label " riduzione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60233saliva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60233saliva is saliva" ; rdfs:label " saliva_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem60234ridurre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60234ridurre is ridurre" ; rdfs:label " ridurre_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60235scricchiolio simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60235scricchiolio is scricchiolio" ; rdfs:label " scricchiolio_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem60236singhiozzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60236singhiozzo is singhiozzo" ; rdfs:label " singhiozzo_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60237ridurre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60237ridurre is ridurre" ; rdfs:label " ridurre_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60238vittoria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60238vittoria is vittoria" ; rdfs:label " vittoria_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60239rincaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem60189aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60239rincaro is rincaro" ; rdfs:label " rincaro_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem6023piromane simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD5907piromania ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6023piromane is piromane" ; rdfs:label " piromane_as_Human" . inds:USem60242adorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59898amare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60242adorare is adorare" ; rdfs:label " adorare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60243rivalutazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60189aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60243rivalutazione is rivalutazione" ; rdfs:label " rivalutazione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60244accampamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60244accampamento is accampamento" ; rdfs:label " accampamento_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem60245adorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60245adorare is adorare" ; rdfs:label " adorare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60246venerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60246venerare is venerare" ; rdfs:label " venerare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60247svalutazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60191diminuzione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60247svalutazione is svalutazione" ; rdfs:label " svalutazione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem60248risparmio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60248risparmio is risparmio" ; rdfs:label " risparmio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60249abbraccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60249abbraccio is abbraccio" ; rdfs:label " abbraccio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6024sadico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem69797sadismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6024sadico is sadico" ; rdfs:label " sadico_as_Human" . inds:USem60250carezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60250carezza is carezza" ; rdfs:label " carezza_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60251abbellimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD2512bello ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60251abbellimento is abbellimento" ; rdfs:label " abbellimento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60252accusa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60252accusa is accusa" ; rdfs:label " accusa_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60253accelerazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60253accelerazione is accelerazione" ; rdfs:label " accelerazione_as_Change" . inds:USem60254aggressione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60254aggressione is aggressione" ; rdfs:label " aggressione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60255accensione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60255accensione is accensione" ; rdfs:label " accensione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60256allineamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60256allineamento is allineamento" ; rdfs:label " allineamento_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem60258attentato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60258attentato is attentato" ; rdfs:label " attentato_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60259bacio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60259bacio is bacio" ; rdfs:label " bacio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6025schizofrenico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD5909schizofrenia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6025schizofrenico is schizofrenico" ; rdfs:label " schizofrenico_as_Human" . inds:USem60260calcolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60260calcolo is calcolo" ; rdfs:label " calcolo_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem60261adorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60261adorazione is adorazione" ; rdfs:label " adorazione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60262cena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60262cena is cena" ; rdfs:label " cena_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60263pranzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60263pranzo is pranzo" ; rdfs:label " pranzo_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60264colazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60264colazione is colazione" ; rdfs:label " colazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60265colazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60265colazione is colazione" ; rdfs:label " colazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60266amore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60266amore is amore" ; rdfs:label " amore_as_Human" . inds:USem60267merenda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60267merenda is merenda" ; rdfs:label " merenda_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60268pasto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60268pasto is pasto" ; rdfs:label " pasto_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6026sonnambulo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD5910sonnambulismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6026sonnambulo is sonnambulo" ; rdfs:label " sonnambulo_as_Human" . inds:USem60270impulso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60270impulso is impulso" ; rdfs:label " impulso_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60271istinto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60270impulso ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60271istinto is istinto" ; rdfs:label " istinto_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60273colpire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60273colpire is colpire" ; rdfs:label " colpire_as_Event" . inds:USem60274calore simple:hasConcerns inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60274calore is calore" ; rdfs:label " calore_as_Time" . inds:USem60275amore simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60275amore is amore" ; rdfs:label " amore_as_State" . inds:USem60276colpo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60276colpo is colpo" ; rdfs:label " colpo_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60277colpo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60277colpo is colpo" ; rdfs:label " colpo_as_Event" . inds:USem60278danneggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60278danneggiare is danneggiare" ; rdfs:label " danneggiare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60279danneggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6328danneggiato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60279danneggiare is danneggiare" ; rdfs:label " danneggiare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6027sordomuto simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH24403sordomutismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6027sordomuto is sordomuto" ; rdfs:label " sordomuto_as_Human" . inds:USem60282amore simple:hasAgentiveExperience inds:USem59295provare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60282amore is amore" ; rdfs:label " amore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60283computo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60260calcolo ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60283computo is computo" ; rdfs:label " computo_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem60284alterazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60284alterazione is alterazione" ; rdfs:label " alterazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60285arredamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60285arredamento is arredamento" ; rdfs:label " arredamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60286bollitura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6261bollito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60286bollitura is bollitura" ; rdfs:label " bollitura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60287colonizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6159colonizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60287colonizzazione is colonizzazione" ; rdfs:label " colonizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60288colorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6234colorato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60288colorazione is colorazione" ; rdfs:label " colorazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60289compressione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6331compresso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60289compressione is compressione" ; rdfs:label " compressione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6028spastico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem78240spasticita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6028spastico is spastico" ; rdfs:label " spastico_as_Human" . inds:USem60290corrosione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60290corrosione is corrosione" ; rdfs:label " corrosione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60291decorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6269decorato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60291decorazione is decorazione" ; rdfs:label " decorazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60292frittura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6264fritto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60292frittura is frittura" ; rdfs:label " frittura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60294immobilizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6332immobilizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60294immobilizzazione is immobilizzazione" ; rdfs:label " immobilizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60295indurimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD2740duro ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60295indurimento is indurimento" ; rdfs:label " indurimento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60296riscaldamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60296riscaldamento is riscaldamento" ; rdfs:label " riscaldamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60297inquinamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6333inquinato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60297inquinamento is inquinamento" ; rdfs:label " inquinamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60298rivestimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6338rivestito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60298rivestimento is rivestimento" ; rdfs:label " rivestimento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60299rottura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5416rotto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60299rottura is rottura" ; rdfs:label " rottura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6029strabico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem3860strabismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6029strabico is strabico" ; rdfs:label " strabico_as_Human" . inds:USem60301scioglimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6250sciolto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60301scioglimento is scioglimento" ; rdfs:label " scioglimento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60302sganciamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60683separazione ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60302sganciamento is sganciamento" ; rdfs:label " sganciamento_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60303liberazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60303liberazione is liberazione" ; rdfs:label " liberazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60304spegnimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60304spegnimento is spegnimento" ; rdfs:label " spegnimento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60305liquefazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7141liquefatto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60305liquefazione is liquefazione" ; rdfs:label " liquefazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60306livellamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6335livellato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60306livellamento is livellamento" ; rdfs:label " livellamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60307maturazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem76366maturo ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60307maturazione is maturazione" ; rdfs:label " maturazione_as_Change" . inds:USem60308raffreddare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60308raffreddare is raffreddare" ; rdfs:label " raffreddare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6030tifoso simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5914tifo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6030tifoso is tifoso" ; rdfs:label " tifoso_as_Human" . inds:USem60310amare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60310amare is amare" ; rdfs:label " amare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60311consumazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60311consumazione is consumazione" ; rdfs:label " consumazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60312consumare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60312consumare is consumare" ; rdfs:label " consumare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60313agitare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5872agitazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60313agitare is agitare" ; rdfs:label " agitare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60314agitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD76699agitato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60314agitare is agitare" ; rdfs:label " agitare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60316agitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD76699agitato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60316agitare is agitare" ; rdfs:label " agitare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60317consumare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60317consumare is consumare" ; rdfs:label " consumare_as_Change" . inds:USem60319conto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60260calcolo ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60319conto is conto" ; rdfs:label " conto_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem6031tignoso simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem3864tigna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6031tignoso is tignoso" ; rdfs:label " tignoso_as_Human" . inds:USem60321conteggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60260calcolo ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60321conteggio is conteggio" ; rdfs:label " conteggio_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem60322controllo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60322controllo is controllo" ; rdfs:label " controllo_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60323custodia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60323custodia is custodia" ; rdfs:label " custodia_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60324amore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60324amore is amore" ; rdfs:label " amore_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem60325decorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60325decorazione is decorazione" ; rdfs:label " decorazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60327raffreddamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60327raffreddamento is raffreddamento" ; rdfs:label " raffreddamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60328amore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60328amore is amore" ; rdfs:label " amore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60329divertimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60329divertimento is divertimento" ; rdfs:label " divertimento_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem6032tossicomane simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5341drogare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6032tossicomane is tossicomane" ; rdfs:label " tossicomane_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem60331agitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60331agitazione is agitazione" ; rdfs:label " agitazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60333consumare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60333consumare is consumare" ; rdfs:label " consumare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60334logorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60334logorare is logorare" ; rdfs:label " logorare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60335direzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60335direzione is direzione" ; rdfs:label " direzione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60337disporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60337disporre is disporre" ; rdfs:label " disporre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60340angosciare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5877angoscia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60340angosciare is angosciare" ; rdfs:label " angosciare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60341decidere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60341decidere is decidere" ; rdfs:label " decidere_as_Judgement" . inds:USem60342combinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60342combinazione is combinazione" ; rdfs:label " combinazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60344decidere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60344decidere is decidere" ; rdfs:label " decidere_as_Event" . inds:USem60345arruolamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60345arruolamento is arruolamento" ; rdfs:label " arruolamento_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem60347decisione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60545giudizio ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60347decisione is decisione" ; rdfs:label " decisione_as_Judgement" . inds:USem60348angustiare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5878angustia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60340angosciare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60348angustiare is angustiare" ; rdfs:label " angustiare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60349disposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60349disposizione is disposizione" ; rdfs:label " disposizione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60350composizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60350composizione is composizione" ; rdfs:label " composizione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60351disgregazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60351disgregazione is disgregazione" ; rdfs:label " disgregazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60352gestione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60352gestione is gestione" ; rdfs:label " gestione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60353dissoluzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60353dissoluzione is dissoluzione" ; rdfs:label " dissoluzione_as_Change" . inds:USem60354giudizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60354giudizio is giudizio" ; rdfs:label " giudizio_as_Act" . inds:USem60355disgregazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60680frantumazione ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60355disgregazione is disgregazione" ; rdfs:label " disgregazione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60356dissoluzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60356dissoluzione is dissoluzione" ; rdfs:label " dissoluzione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60357organizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60357organizzazione is organizzazione" ; rdfs:label " organizzazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60358predisposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60107preparazione ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60358predisposizione is predisposizione" ; rdfs:label " predisposizione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60359puntura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60359puntura is puntura" ; rdfs:label " puntura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60360ripudio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60360ripudio is ripudio" ; rdfs:label " ripudio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60361dissolvere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60361dissolvere is dissolvere" ; rdfs:label " dissolvere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60362risposta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60362risposta is risposta" ; rdfs:label " risposta_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60363formazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5592unione ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60363formazione is formazione" ; rdfs:label " formazione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60364contentare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60367contentezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60364contentare is contentare" ; rdfs:label " contentare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60365fusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5592unione ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60365fusione is fusione" ; rdfs:label " fusione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60366risposta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60366risposta is risposta" ; rdfs:label " risposta_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60367contentezza simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2708contento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60367contentezza is contentezza" ; rdfs:label " contentezza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60368separazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60368separazione is separazione" ; rdfs:label " separazione_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60369sorveglianza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60369sorveglianza is sorveglianza" ; rdfs:label " sorveglianza_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6036aggettivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6036aggettivo is aggettivo" ; rdfs:label " aggettivo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem60370dispiacere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60370dispiacere is dispiacere" ; rdfs:label " dispiacere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60371frazionamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6909divisione ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60371frazionamento is frazionamento" ; rdfs:label " frazionamento_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60372valutazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60372valutazione is valutazione" ; rdfs:label " valutazione_as_Judgement" . inds:USem60373impiegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60373impiegare is impiegare" ; rdfs:label " impiegare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60374incorporazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60374incorporazione is incorporazione" ; rdfs:label " incorporazione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60375usare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60375usare is usare" ; rdfs:label " usare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60376dispiacere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60376dispiacere is dispiacere" ; rdfs:label " dispiacere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60377inserimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60377inserimento is inserimento" ; rdfs:label " inserimento_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60378dispiacere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60378dispiacere is dispiacere" ; rdfs:label " dispiacere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60379utilizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60379utilizzare is utilizzare" ; rdfs:label " utilizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6037articolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6037articolo is articolo" ; rdfs:label " articolo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem60380adoperare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60380adoperare is adoperare" ; rdfs:label " adoperare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60381inserire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60381inserire is inserire" ; rdfs:label " inserire_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60382scomposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60382scomposizione is scomposizione" ; rdfs:label " scomposizione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60383divorzio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60383divorzio is divorzio" ; rdfs:label " divorzio_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60384sposalizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5504matrimonio ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60384sposalizio is sposalizio" ; rdfs:label " sposalizio_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60385smembramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60385smembramento is smembramento" ; rdfs:label " smembramento_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60386scorta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60386scorta is scorta" ; rdfs:label " scorta_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60387prescrivere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60387prescrivere is prescrivere" ; rdfs:label " prescrivere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60388prescrivere simple:hasIsa inds:USem78102ordinare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60388prescrivere is prescrivere" ; rdfs:label " prescrivere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60389prescrizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60389prescrizione is prescrizione" ; rdfs:label " prescrizione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6038avverbio simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6038avverbio is avverbio" ; rdfs:label " avverbio_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem60390separare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60390separare is separare" ; rdfs:label " separare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60391rimprovero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60391rimprovero is rimprovero" ; rdfs:label " rimprovero_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60393accompagnamento simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60393accompagnamento is accompagnamento" ; rdfs:label " accompagnamento_as_Group" . inds:USem60394accompagnamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60394accompagnamento is accompagnamento" ; rdfs:label " accompagnamento_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60395collegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60395collegare is collegare" ; rdfs:label " collegare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem60396collegamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60396collegamento is collegamento" ; rdfs:label " collegamento_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem60397accordo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60397accordo is accordo" ; rdfs:label " accordo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60398banchetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60969festa ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60398banchetto is banchetto" ; rdfs:label " banchetto_as_Event" . inds:USem60399battaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6347lotta ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60399battaglia is battaglia" ; rdfs:label " battaglia_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem6039congiunzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6039congiunzione is congiunzione" ; rdfs:label " congiunzione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem60400collaborazione simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60400collaborazione is collaborazione" ; rdfs:label " collaborazione_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60401connessione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60401connessione is connessione" ; rdfs:label " connessione_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem60402combattimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6347lotta ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60402combattimento is combattimento" ; rdfs:label " combattimento_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60403collegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60403collegare is collegare" ; rdfs:label " collegare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60404aggregazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60404aggregazione is aggregazione" ; rdfs:label " aggregazione_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60406conciliazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60406conciliazione is conciliazione" ; rdfs:label " conciliazione_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60408apertura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60408apertura is apertura" ; rdfs:label " apertura_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60409chiusura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60409chiusura is chiusura" ; rdfs:label " chiusura_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem6040interiezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6040interiezione is interiezione" ; rdfs:label " interiezione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem60411disprezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60411disprezzare is disprezzare" ; rdfs:label " disprezzare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60413modifica simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60413modifica is modifica" ; rdfs:label " modifica_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60414contrapporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60414contrapporre is contrapporre" ; rdfs:label " contrapporre_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem60415contrapposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60415contrapposizione is contrapposizione" ; rdfs:label " contrapposizione_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem60416contributo simple:hasTelic inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60416contributo is contributo" ; rdfs:label " contributo_as_Telic" . inds:USem60417modificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60417modificazione is modificazione" ; rdfs:label " modificazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60418contribuzione simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60418contribuzione is contribuzione" ; rdfs:label " contribuzione_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60419cooperazione simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60419cooperazione is cooperazione" ; rdfs:label " cooperazione_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60420corrispondenza simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60420corrispondenza is corrispondenza" ; rdfs:label " corrispondenza_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60421esultare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5813esultanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60421esultare is esultare" ; rdfs:label " esultare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60422discordare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60422discordare is discordare" ; rdfs:label " discordare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem60423discordanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60423discordanza is discordanza" ; rdfs:label " discordanza_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60424esaltare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60770lodare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60424esaltare is esaltare" ; rdfs:label " esaltare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60425discordanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60425discordanza is discordanza" ; rdfs:label " discordanza_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem60426contrastare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60426contrastare is contrastare" ; rdfs:label " contrastare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60427contrasto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60427contrasto is contrasto" ; rdfs:label " contrasto_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60428esaltazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60772lode ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60428esaltazione is esaltazione" ; rdfs:label " esaltazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60429guida simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60429guida is guida" ; rdfs:label " guida_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6042preposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6042preposizione is preposizione" ; rdfs:label " preposizione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem60430guida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60430guida is guida" ; rdfs:label " guida_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60431inquietare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5825inquietudine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60431inquietare is inquietare" ; rdfs:label " inquietare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60432incontro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60432incontro is incontro" ; rdfs:label " incontro_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60433desiderio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60441aspirazione ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60433desiderio is desiderio" ; rdfs:label " desiderio_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60434temere simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60574timore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60434temere is temere" ; rdfs:label " temere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60435intolleranza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60435intolleranza is intolleranza" ; rdfs:label " intolleranza_as_Disease" . inds:USem60436incontrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60436incontrare is incontrare" ; rdfs:label " incontrare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60437incontrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59873battere ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60437incontrare is incontrare" ; rdfs:label " incontrare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60438incontro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60438incontro is incontro" ; rdfs:label " incontro_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60439bisogno simple:hasIsa inds:USem60658necessita1 ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60439bisogno is bisogno" ; rdfs:label " bisogno_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem6043pronome simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6043pronome is pronome" ; rdfs:label " pronome_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem60440sostegno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60440sostegno is sostegno" ; rdfs:label " sostegno_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60441aspirazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60441aspirazione is aspirazione" ; rdfs:label " aspirazione_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60442sostegno simple:hasTelic inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60442sostegno is sostegno" ; rdfs:label " sostegno_as_Telic" . inds:USem60443illusione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60441aspirazione ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60443illusione is illusione" ; rdfs:label " illusione_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60444adesione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60444adesione is adesione" ; rdfs:label " adesione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60445attacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60445attacco is attacco" ; rdfs:label " attacco_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60446baratto simple:hasIsa inds:USem7168scambiare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60446baratto is baratto" ; rdfs:label " baratto_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60448caccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60448caccia is caccia" ; rdfs:label " caccia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6044sostantivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6044sostantivo is sostantivo" ; rdfs:label " sostantivo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem60450soffrire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60450soffrire is soffrire" ; rdfs:label " soffrire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60451cacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60451cacciare is cacciare" ; rdfs:label " cacciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60452cattura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60452cattura is cattura" ; rdfs:label " cattura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60453ammalare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62341malato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60453ammalare is ammalare" ; rdfs:label " ammalare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60454candidatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60454candidatura is candidatura" ; rdfs:label " candidatura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60455penare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6004soffrire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60455penare is penare" ; rdfs:label " penare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60456celebrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60456celebrazione is celebrazione" ; rdfs:label " celebrazione_as_Event" . inds:USem60457commercio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60457commercio is commercio" ; rdfs:label " commercio_as_Domain" . inds:USem60458commerciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60458commerciare is commerciare" ; rdfs:label " commerciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60459concia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60459concia is concia" ; rdfs:label " concia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6045verbo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6045verbo is verbo" ; rdfs:label " verbo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem60460conduzione simple:hasInstrument inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60460conduzione is conduzione" ; rdfs:label " conduzione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60461conio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60461conio is conio" ; rdfs:label " conio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60462conio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD618coniare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60462conio is conio" ; rdfs:label " conio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem60463correzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem60203migliorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60463correzione is correzione" ; rdfs:label " correzione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60464danza simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60464danza is danza" ; rdfs:label " danza_as_Move" . inds:USem60466godere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Stative_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60466godere is godere" ; rdfs:label " godere_as_Stative_Possession" . inds:USem60467godere simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5820godimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60467godere is godere" ; rdfs:label " godere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60468difesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60468difesa is difesa" ; rdfs:label " difesa_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60469disinfezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60469disinfezione is disinfezione" ; rdfs:label " disinfezione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60470esercizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60470esercizio is esercizio" ; rdfs:label " esercizio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60471esercitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4689allenare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60471esercitare is esercitare" ; rdfs:label " esercitare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60473fuga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60473fuga is fuga" ; rdfs:label " fuga_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60474gara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60474gara is gara" ; rdfs:label " gara_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60475indagine simple:hasIsa inds:USem59864ricerca ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60475indagine is indagine" ; rdfs:label " indagine_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60476gioco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6605divertire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60476gioco is gioco" ; rdfs:label " gioco_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60477investigazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60475indagine ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60477investigazione is investigazione" ; rdfs:label " investigazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60479ispezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60322controllo ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60479ispezione is ispezione" ; rdfs:label " ispezione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6047collottola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6047collottola is collottola" ; rdfs:label " collottola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60480gustare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60480gustare is gustare" ; rdfs:label " gustare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60481pesca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60481pesca is pesca" ; rdfs:label " pesca_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60482pescare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6046prendere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60482pescare is pescare" ; rdfs:label " pescare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60483pesca simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60483pesca is pesca" ; rdfs:label " pesca_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60484godere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60484godere is godere" ; rdfs:label " godere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60485sorteggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6356estrarre ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60485sorteggiare is sorteggiare" ; rdfs:label " sorteggiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60486estrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60486estrazione is estrazione" ; rdfs:label " estrazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60487sorteggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60487sorteggio is sorteggio" ; rdfs:label " sorteggio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60489goduria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60489goduria is goduria" ; rdfs:label " goduria_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6048cornea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6048cornea is cornea" ; rdfs:label " cornea_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60490ammalato simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60453ammalare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60490ammalato is ammalato" ; rdfs:label " ammalato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem60491innamorare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5875amore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60491innamorare is innamorare" ; rdfs:label " innamorare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60492protezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60492protezione is protezione" ; rdfs:label " protezione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60493innamorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4840desiderare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60493innamorare is innamorare" ; rdfs:label " innamorare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60494pulizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60494pulizia is pulizia" ; rdfs:label " pulizia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60495innamorato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60495innamorato is innamorato" ; rdfs:label " innamorato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60496rincorsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60496rincorsa is rincorsa" ; rdfs:label " rincorsa_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60497scavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60497scavo is scavo" ; rdfs:label " scavo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60498scavare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60498scavare is scavare" ; rdfs:label " scavare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60499innamoramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60499innamoramento is innamoramento" ; rdfs:label " innamoramento_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem6049fronte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6049fronte is fronte" ; rdfs:label " fronte_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60500riparazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60500riparazione is riparazione" ; rdfs:label " riparazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60501soccorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60501soccorso is soccorso" ; rdfs:label " soccorso_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60502studio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60502studio is studio" ; rdfs:label " studio_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem60503studiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59990esaminare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60503studiare is studiare" ; rdfs:label " studiare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem60504studio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60504studio is studio" ; rdfs:label " studio_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem60506trafficare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60506trafficare is trafficare" ; rdfs:label " trafficare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60507trafficare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60507trafficare is trafficare" ; rdfs:label " trafficare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60508traffico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60508traffico is traffico" ; rdfs:label " traffico_as_Move" . inds:USem60509soffrire simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60509soffrire is soffrire" ; rdfs:label " soffrire_as_Perception" . inds:USem6050gengiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6050gengiva is gengiva" ; rdfs:label " gengiva_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60510traffico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60510traffico is traffico" ; rdfs:label " traffico_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60511soffrire simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60511soffrire is soffrire" ; rdfs:label " soffrire_as_Perception" . inds:USem60512guizzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60512guizzo is guizzo" ; rdfs:label " guizzo_as_Move" . inds:USem60513nuoto simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60513nuoto is nuoto" ; rdfs:label " nuoto_as_Domain" . inds:USem60514passeggiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60514passeggiata is passeggiata" ; rdfs:label " passeggiata_as_Move" . inds:USem60515passeggiata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60515passeggiata is passeggiata" ; rdfs:label " passeggiata_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem60516pattinaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60516pattinaggio is pattinaggio" ; rdfs:label " pattinaggio_as_Domain" . inds:USem60517salita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60517salita is salita" ; rdfs:label " salita_as_Move" . inds:USem60518salita simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60518salita is salita" ; rdfs:label " salita_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem60519soffrire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5994sopportare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60519soffrire is soffrire" ; rdfs:label " soffrire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem6051grifo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1155cinghiale, inds:USem1933maiale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6051grifo is grifo" ; rdfs:label " grifo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60520sci simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60520sci is sci" ; rdfs:label " sci_as_Domain" . inds:USem60521volo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60521volo is volo" ; rdfs:label " volo_as_Move" . inds:USem60522volare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60522volare is volare" ; rdfs:label " volare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60523sofferente simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60509soffrire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60523sofferente is sofferente" ; rdfs:label " sofferente_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem60524sofferenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60524sofferenza is sofferenza" ; rdfs:label " sofferenza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60525volteggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60525volteggio is volteggio" ; rdfs:label " volteggio_as_Move" . inds:USem60526affondamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60526affondamento is affondamento" ; rdfs:label " affondamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60527rivoltare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60527rivoltare is rivoltare" ; rdfs:label " rivoltare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60528dondolio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60528dondolio is dondolio" ; rdfs:label " dondolio_as_Move" . inds:USem60529ambizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60441aspirazione ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60529ambizione is ambizione" ; rdfs:label " ambizione_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem6052groppa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6052groppa is groppa" ; rdfs:label " groppa_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60530brama simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60530brama is brama" ; rdfs:label " brama_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60531bramosia simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60531bramosia is bramosia" ; rdfs:label " bramosia_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60533rivoltare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60534voltare ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60533rivoltare is rivoltare" ; rdfs:label " rivoltare_as_Move" . inds:USem60534voltare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60534voltare is voltare" ; rdfs:label " voltare_as_Move" . inds:USem60535girare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60535girare is girare" ; rdfs:label " girare_as_Move" . inds:USem60536rivoltare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60536rivoltare is rivoltare" ; rdfs:label " rivoltare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60538pretesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60538pretesa is pretesa" ; rdfs:label " pretesa_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60539smania simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60539smania is smania" ; rdfs:label " smania_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem6053ipotalamo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6053ipotalamo is ipotalamo" ; rdfs:label " ipotalamo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60540smania simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60540smania is smania" ; rdfs:label " smania_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60541smaniare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60540smania ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60541smaniare is smaniare" ; rdfs:label " smaniare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60542speranza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60542speranza is speranza" ; rdfs:label " speranza_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60543sperare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60543sperare is sperare" ; rdfs:label " sperare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60544speranza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60544speranza is speranza" ; rdfs:label " speranza_as_Human" . inds:USem60545giudizio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60545giudizio is giudizio" ; rdfs:label " giudizio_as_Quality" . inds:USem60546venerazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60546venerazione is venerazione" ; rdfs:label " venerazione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60547gusto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60547gusto is gusto" ; rdfs:label " gusto_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60548vista simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1427vedere ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2734senso ; a simple:Physical_power, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60548vista is vista" ; rdfs:label " vista_as_Physical_power" . inds:USem60549riconoscimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60549riconoscimento is riconoscimento" ; rdfs:label " riconoscimento_as_Perception" . inds:USem6054midollo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6054midollo is midollo" ; rdfs:label " midollo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60550puzzo simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2737olfatto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5335stimolo ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60550puzzo is puzzo" ; rdfs:label " puzzo_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem60551rivoltella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60551rivoltella is rivoltella" ; rdfs:label " rivoltella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem60552profumo simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2737olfatto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6146odore ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60552profumo is profumo" ; rdfs:label " profumo_as_Perception" . inds:USem60553rivoltare simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60553rivoltare is rivoltare" ; rdfs:label " rivoltare_as_Perception" . inds:USem60554osservazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60554osservazione is osservazione" ; rdfs:label " osservazione_as_Perception" . inds:USem60555osservare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60555osservare is osservare" ; rdfs:label " osservare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60557rivolta simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60557rivolta is rivolta" ; rdfs:label " rivolta_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60558sommossa simple:hasIsa inds:USem60557rivolta ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60558sommossa is sommossa" ; rdfs:label " sommossa_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60559considerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5605giudicare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60559considerare is considerare" ; rdfs:label " considerare_as_Judgement" . inds:USem6055nuca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6055nuca is nuca" ; rdfs:label " nuca_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60560rivoltoso simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60527rivoltare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60560rivoltoso is rivoltoso" ; rdfs:label " rivoltoso_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60561insorgere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60527rivoltare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60561insorgere is insorgere" ; rdfs:label " insorgere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60562assaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60562assaggio is assaggio" ; rdfs:label " assaggio_as_Perception" . inds:USem60563assaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60563assaggio is assaggio" ; rdfs:label " assaggio_as_Amount" . inds:USem60564avvistamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60564avvistamento is avvistamento" ; rdfs:label " avvistamento_as_Perception" . inds:USem60565disgustare simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60565disgustare is disgustare" ; rdfs:label " disgustare_as_Perception" . inds:USem60566mira simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem60783mirare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60566mira is mira" ; rdfs:label " mira_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60567nauseare simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60567nauseare is nauseare" ; rdfs:label " nauseare_as_Perception" . inds:USem60568fiuto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59473odorare ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1812naso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem67921animale ; a simple:Physical_power, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60568fiuto is fiuto" ; rdfs:label " fiuto_as_Physical_power" . inds:USem60569insorgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60569insorgere is insorgere" ; rdfs:label " insorgere_as_Change" . inds:USem6056plasma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6056plasma is plasma" ; rdfs:label " plasma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60570umiliazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60570umiliazione is umiliazione" ; rdfs:label " umiliazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60571vergognare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5867vergogna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60571vergognare is vergognare" ; rdfs:label " vergognare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60573trepidare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5879ansia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60573trepidare is trepidare" ; rdfs:label " trepidare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60574timore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60574timore is timore" ; rdfs:label " timore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60575sdegnare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5854sdegno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60575sdegnare is sdegnare" ; rdfs:label " sdegnare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60576sdegnare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5854sdegno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60576sdegnare is sdegnare" ; rdfs:label " sdegnare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60577sdegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60577sdegnare is sdegnare" ; rdfs:label " sdegnare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60578sconvolgere simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60049turbamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60578sconvolgere is sconvolgere" ; rdfs:label " sconvolgere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60579sconvolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60579sconvolgere is sconvolgere" ; rdfs:label " sconvolgere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6057polpaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6057polpaccio is polpaccio" ; rdfs:label " polpaccio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60580sbalordimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60580sbalordimento is sbalordimento" ; rdfs:label " sbalordimento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60581dominio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60581dominio is dominio" ; rdfs:label " dominio_as_Quality" . inds:USem60582dominare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60582dominare is dominare" ; rdfs:label " dominare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60583percezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60583percezione is percezione" ; rdfs:label " percezione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60584sopportazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60584sopportazione is sopportazione" ; rdfs:label " sopportazione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60585ammissione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60587riconoscimento ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60585ammissione is ammissione" ; rdfs:label " ammissione_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem60586riconoscere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60592conoscere ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60586riconoscere is riconoscere" ; rdfs:label " riconoscere_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem60587riconoscimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60585ammissione ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60587riconoscimento is riconoscimento" ; rdfs:label " riconoscimento_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem60589conoscere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60589conoscere is conoscere" ; rdfs:label " conoscere_as_State" . inds:USem6058polpastrello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6058polpastrello is polpastrello" ; rdfs:label " polpastrello_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60590disgustare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60591disgusto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60590disgustare is disgustare" ; rdfs:label " disgustare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60591disgusto simple:hasAgentiveExperience inds:USem59295provare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60591disgusto is disgusto" ; rdfs:label " disgusto_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60592conoscere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60592conoscere is conoscere" ; rdfs:label " conoscere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60593ripugnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60590disgustare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60593ripugnare is ripugnare" ; rdfs:label " ripugnare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60595ripugnare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60595ripugnare is ripugnare" ; rdfs:label " ripugnare_as_Perception" . inds:USem60597ripugnanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60597ripugnanza is ripugnanza" ; rdfs:label " ripugnanza_as_Perception" . inds:USem60598conoscenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60598conoscenza is conoscenza" ; rdfs:label " conoscenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem60599conoscenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60599conoscenza is conoscenza" ; rdfs:label " conoscenza_as_Human" . inds:USem6059retina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6059retina is retina" ; rdfs:label " retina_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60601considerare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59990esaminare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60601considerare is considerare" ; rdfs:label " considerare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem60602nausea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60602nausea is nausea" ; rdfs:label " nausea_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60604nauseare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60590disgustare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60604nauseare is nauseare" ; rdfs:label " nauseare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60606contemplazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem71375meditazione ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60606contemplazione is contemplazione" ; rdfs:label " contemplazione_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem60607contemplare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD469guardare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60607contemplare is contemplare" ; rdfs:label " contemplare_as_Perception" . inds:USem60608contemplazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60608contemplazione is contemplazione" ; rdfs:label " contemplazione_as_Perception" . inds:USem60611credere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60611credere is credere" ; rdfs:label " credere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60612credenza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60612credenza is credenza" ; rdfs:label " credenza_as_Furniture" . inds:USem60615pensiero simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD6067mente ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60615pensiero is pensiero" ; rdfs:label " pensiero_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem6061tallone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6061tallone is tallone" ; rdfs:label " tallone_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60620approvazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60620approvazione is approvazione" ; rdfs:label " approvazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60621annullamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60621annullamento is annullamento" ; rdfs:label " annullamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60622attestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60622attestazione is attestazione" ; rdfs:label " attestazione_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60623attestazione simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60623attestazione is attestazione" ; rdfs:label " attestazione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem60624battesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60624battesimo is battesimo" ; rdfs:label " battesimo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60625benedizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60625benedizione is benedizione" ; rdfs:label " benedizione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60626consacrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60626consacrazione is consacrazione" ; rdfs:label " consacrazione_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60627convalida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60627convalida is convalida" ; rdfs:label " convalida_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60628evolvere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3937trasformare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60628evolvere is evolvere" ; rdfs:label " evolvere_as_Change" . inds:USem60629evoluzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3962trasformazione ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60629evoluzione is evoluzione" ; rdfs:label " evoluzione_as_Change" . inds:USem6062tarso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6062tarso is tarso" ; rdfs:label " tarso_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60630nomina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60630nomina is nomina" ; rdfs:label " nomina_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60631ordinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60631ordinazione is ordinazione" ; rdfs:label " ordinazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60632proclamazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60632proclamazione is proclamazione" ; rdfs:label " proclamazione_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60634offesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60634offesa is offesa" ; rdfs:label " offesa_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60635designazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60635designazione is designazione" ; rdfs:label " designazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60636accettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60636accettare is accettare" ; rdfs:label " accettare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60637accogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60636accettare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60637accogliere is accogliere" ; rdfs:label " accogliere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60638elezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60638elezione is elezione" ; rdfs:label " elezione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60639gradire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60639gradire is gradire" ; rdfs:label " gradire_as_State" . inds:USem6063trigono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6063trigono is trigono" ; rdfs:label " trigono_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60640ratifica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60640ratifica is ratifica" ; rdfs:label " ratifica_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60642concessione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61321permettere ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60642concessione is concessione" ; rdfs:label " concessione_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem60643accettazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60643accettazione is accettazione" ; rdfs:label " accettazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60644consegna simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60644consegna is consegna" ; rdfs:label " consegna_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem60645accettazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60645accettazione is accettazione" ; rdfs:label " accettazione_as_Location" . inds:USem60646distribuzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60646distribuzione is distribuzione" ; rdfs:label " distribuzione_as_Transaction" . inds:USem60647gradire simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60650gradimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60647gradire is gradire" ; rdfs:label " gradire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60648dono simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60648dono is dono" ; rdfs:label " dono_as_Transaction" . inds:USem60649recapito simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60649recapito is recapito" ; rdfs:label " recapito_as_Transaction" . inds:USem60650gradimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60650gradimento is gradimento" ; rdfs:label " gradimento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60651prestito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60651prestito is prestito" ; rdfs:label " prestito_as_Transaction" . inds:USem60652restituzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60652restituzione is restituzione" ; rdfs:label " restituzione_as_Transaction" . inds:USem60654voltastomaco simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60654voltastomaco is voltastomaco" ; rdfs:label " voltastomaco_as_Perception" . inds:USem60655voltastomaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60655voltastomaco is voltastomaco" ; rdfs:label " voltastomaco_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60656possibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60656possibilita1 is possibilita'" ; rdfs:label " possibilita'_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60657probabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem60656possibilita1 ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60657probabilita1 is probabilita'" ; rdfs:label " probabilita'_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60658necessita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem60661esigenza ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60658necessita1 is necessita'" ; rdfs:label " necessita'_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60659risarcimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem63016pagare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60659risarcimento is risarcimento" ; rdfs:label " risarcimento_as_Transaction" . inds:USem6065affittuario simple:hasAgentive inds:USem7145affittare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6065affittuario is affittuario" ; rdfs:label " affittuario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60660apparizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60660apparizione is apparizione" ; rdfs:label " apparizione_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem60661esigenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem60658necessita1 ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60661esigenza is esigenza" ; rdfs:label " esigenza_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60662nascita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60662nascita is nascita" ; rdfs:label " nascita_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem60663insurrezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60663insurrezione is insurrezione" ; rdfs:label " insurrezione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60664decesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60664decesso is decesso" ; rdfs:label " decesso_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem60665rivoluzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60557rivolta ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60665rivoluzione is rivoluzione" ; rdfs:label " rivoluzione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60666rivoluzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60666rivoluzione is rivoluzione" ; rdfs:label " rivoluzione_as_Move" . inds:USem60667rivoluzionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60667rivoluzionare is rivoluzionare" ; rdfs:label " rivoluzionare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60668emersione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60668emersione is emersione" ; rdfs:label " emersione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60669volonta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem60349disposizione ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60669volonta1 is volonta'" ; rdfs:label " volonta'_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem6066apprendista simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5405apprendere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6066apprendista is apprendista" ; rdfs:label " apprendista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60670tramonto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60670tramonto is tramonto" ; rdfs:label " tramonto_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem60671rivoluzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60671rivoluzione is rivoluzione" ; rdfs:label " rivoluzione_as_Change" . inds:USem60672apprendimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem74772acquisizione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60672apprendimento is apprendimento" ; rdfs:label " apprendimento_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem60673intenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6367proposito ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60673intenzione is intenzione" ; rdfs:label " intenzione_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60674scoperta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60674scoperta is scoperta" ; rdfs:label " scoperta_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem60675sovvertire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60675sovvertire is sovvertire" ; rdfs:label " sovvertire_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60676sovvertimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60676sovvertimento is sovvertimento" ; rdfs:label " sovvertimento_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60677rivoluzionare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60527rivoltare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60677rivoluzionare is rivoluzionare" ; rdfs:label " rivoluzionare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60678trapassato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59758trapassare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61981defunto ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60678trapassato is trapassato" ; rdfs:label " trapassato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem60679condimento simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4529salsa ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60679condimento is condimento" ; rdfs:label " condimento_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem6067autolesionista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65940autolesionismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6067autolesionista is autolesionista" ; rdfs:label " autolesionista_as_Human" . inds:USem60680frantumazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60680frantumazione is frantumazione" ; rdfs:label " frantumazione_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60681tentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6368cercare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD76742riuscire ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60681tentare is tentare" ; rdfs:label " tentare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60682impiego simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60682impiego is impiego" ; rdfs:label " impiego_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60683separazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60683separazione is separazione" ; rdfs:label " separazione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60684sgretolamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60680frantumazione ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60684sgretolamento is sgretolamento" ; rdfs:label " sgretolamento_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60685addobbo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60685addobbo is addobbo" ; rdfs:label " addobbo_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60686appagamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60686appagamento is appagamento" ; rdfs:label " appagamento_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem60688illuminazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6280illuminato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60688illuminazione is illuminazione" ; rdfs:label " illuminazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60689addolorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60689addolorare is addolorare" ; rdfs:label " addolorare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6068avversario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6068avversario is avversario" ; rdfs:label " avversario_as_Human" . inds:USem60690addolorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60690addolorare is addolorare" ; rdfs:label " addolorare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60691illuminazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem914idea ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60691illuminazione is illuminazione" ; rdfs:label " illuminazione_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem60692intonacare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60692intonacare is intonacare" ; rdfs:label " intonacare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60693affliggere simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60695afflizione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60689addolorare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60693affliggere is affliggere" ; rdfs:label " affliggere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60694affliggere simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60695afflizione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60690addolorare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60694affliggere is affliggere" ; rdfs:label " affliggere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60696rattristare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5862tristezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60696rattristare is rattristare" ; rdfs:label " rattristare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60697intonaco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3650miscela ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2613rivestire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60697intonaco is intonaco" ; rdfs:label " intonaco_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem60698rattristare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5862tristezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60698rattristare is rattristare" ; rdfs:label " rattristare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60699abbattere simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60701abbattimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60699abbattere is abbattere" ; rdfs:label " abbattere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6069bancarottiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6069bancarottiere is bancarottiere" ; rdfs:label " bancarottiere_as_Human" . inds:USem60700abbattere simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60701abbattimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60700abbattere is abbattere" ; rdfs:label " abbattere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60701abbattimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60701abbattimento is abbattimento" ; rdfs:label " abbattimento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60702abbattere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem7116morire ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60702abbattere is abbattere" ; rdfs:label " abbattere_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem60703inversione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60703inversione is inversione" ; rdfs:label " inversione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60704regolazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60704regolazione is regolazione" ; rdfs:label " regolazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60705sblocco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60705sblocco is sblocco" ; rdfs:label " sblocco_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60707vista simple:hasInstrument inds:USem60548vista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60707vista is vista" ; rdfs:label " vista_as_Perception" . inds:USem60708bisbiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60708bisbiglio is bisbiglio" ; rdfs:label " bisbiglio_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60709borbottio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60709borbottio is borbottio" ; rdfs:label " borbottio_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem6070barbone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6070barbone is barbone" ; rdfs:label " barbone_as_Human" . inds:USem60710eccitare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60715eccitazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60710eccitare is eccitare" ; rdfs:label " eccitare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60711intervista simple:hasIsa inds:USem60726colloquio ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60711intervista is intervista" ; rdfs:label " intervista_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60712ripetizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60712ripetizione is ripetizione" ; rdfs:label " ripetizione_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60713gusto simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60713gusto is gusto" ; rdfs:label " gusto_as_Perception" . inds:USem60714comunicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60714comunicazione is comunicazione" ; rdfs:label " comunicazione_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60715eccitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60313agitare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60715eccitazione is eccitazione" ; rdfs:label " eccitazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60716scoraggiare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60719scoraggiamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60716scoraggiare is scoraggiare" ; rdfs:label " scoraggiare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60717assumere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60717assumere is assumere" ; rdfs:label " assumere_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem60718scoraggiare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60719scoraggiamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60718scoraggiare is scoraggiare" ; rdfs:label " scoraggiare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60719scoraggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60719scoraggiamento is scoraggiamento" ; rdfs:label " scoraggiamento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60721susina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem70907susino ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60721susina is susina" ; rdfs:label " susina_as_Fruit" . inds:USem60722prugna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem70907susino ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60722prugna is prugna" ; rdfs:label " prugna_as_Fruit" . inds:USem60723assunzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60723assunzione is assunzione" ; rdfs:label " assunzione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem60724dialogo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6371conversazione ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60724dialogo is dialogo" ; rdfs:label " dialogo_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60725colloquiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4810conversare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60725colloquiare is colloquiare" ; rdfs:label " colloquiare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60726colloquio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6371conversazione ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60726colloquio is colloquio" ; rdfs:label " colloquio_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60727contestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60727contestare is contestare" ; rdfs:label " contestare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem60728notificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60728notificare is notificare" ; rdfs:label " notificare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem60729stimolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60729stimolare is stimolare" ; rdfs:label " stimolare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem6072burlone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemTH86burlare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6072burlone is burlone" ; rdfs:label " burlone_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem60730contestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60730contestazione is contestazione" ; rdfs:label " contestazione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem60731notifica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60731notifica is notifica" ; rdfs:label " notifica_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem60732stimolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3932provocare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60732stimolare is stimolare" ; rdfs:label " stimolare_as_Cause" . inds:USem60735suscitare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60735suscitare is suscitare" ; rdfs:label " suscitare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60737destare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60737destare is destare" ; rdfs:label " destare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60738destare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD65491desto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60738destare is destare" ; rdfs:label " destare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60739destare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD65491desto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60739destare is destare" ; rdfs:label " destare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6073camorrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6073camorrista is camorrista" ; rdfs:label " camorrista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60740criticare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60774disapprovare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60740criticare is criticare" ; rdfs:label " criticare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60741stimolazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60741stimolazione is stimolazione" ; rdfs:label " stimolazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60743ritenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5605giudicare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60743ritenere is ritenere" ; rdfs:label " ritenere_as_Judgement" . inds:USem60744mirto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60744mirto is mirto" ; rdfs:label " mirto_as_Plant" . inds:USem60745misantropo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65976misantropia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60745misantropo is misantropo" ; rdfs:label " misantropo_as_Human" . inds:USem60746supposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60746supposizione is supposizione" ; rdfs:label " supposizione_as_Judgement" . inds:USem60747intento simple:hasTelic inds:USem77283raggiungere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60747intento is intento" ; rdfs:label " intento_as_Telic" . inds:USem60748meta simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60748meta is meta" ; rdfs:label " meta_as_Telic" . inds:USem60749mira simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60749mira is mira" ; rdfs:label " mira_as_Telic" . inds:USem6074campagnolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem61161campagna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6074campagnolo is campagnolo" ; rdfs:label " campagnolo_as_Human" . inds:USem60750traguardo simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60750traguardo is traguardo" ; rdfs:label " traguardo_as_Telic" . inds:USem60751discutere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60751discutere is discutere" ; rdfs:label " discutere_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60752discutere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60756contestare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60752discutere is discutere" ; rdfs:label " discutere_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60753mirino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59346mirare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60753mirino is mirino" ; rdfs:label " mirino_as_Part" . inds:USem60754mira simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59346mirare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60754mira is mira" ; rdfs:label " mira_as_Part" . inds:USem60755discussione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6371conversazione ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60755discussione is discussione" ; rdfs:label " discussione_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60756contestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60740criticare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60756contestare is contestare" ; rdfs:label " contestare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60757contestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60757contestazione is contestazione" ; rdfs:label " contestazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60758proporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6374prefiggere ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60758proporre is proporre" ; rdfs:label " proporre_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60759congratulare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60759congratulare is congratulare" ; rdfs:label " congratulare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem6075capellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6075capellone is capellone" ; rdfs:label " capellone_as_Human" . inds:USem60760proponimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6367proposito ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60760proponimento is proponimento" ; rdfs:label " proponimento_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem60761congratulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60761congratulazione is congratulazione" ; rdfs:label " congratulazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60762augurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60762augurare is augurare" ; rdfs:label " augurare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60763suggerire simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60763suggerire is suggerire" ; rdfs:label " suggerire_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60764augurio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60764augurio is augurio" ; rdfs:label " augurio_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60765acclamare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60765acclamare is acclamare" ; rdfs:label " acclamare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60766acclamazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60766acclamazione is acclamazione" ; rdfs:label " acclamazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60767suggerimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60767suggerimento is suggerimento" ; rdfs:label " suggerimento_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60768complimentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60759congratulare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60768complimentare is complimentare" ; rdfs:label " complimentare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60769complimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60769complimento is complimento" ; rdfs:label " complimento_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem6076carrierista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6076carrierista is carrierista" ; rdfs:label " carrierista_as_Human" . inds:USem60770lodare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60770lodare is lodare" ; rdfs:label " lodare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60771consigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4804chiedere ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60771consigliare is consigliare" ; rdfs:label " consigliare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60772lode simple:hasIsa inds:USem0D65567parola ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60772lode is lode" ; rdfs:label " lode_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60773elogiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60770lodare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60773elogiare is elogiare" ; rdfs:label " elogiare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60774disapprovare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60774disapprovare is disapprovare" ; rdfs:label " disapprovare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60775disapprovazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem69142critica ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60775disapprovazione is disapprovazione" ; rdfs:label " disapprovazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60776biasimare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60774disapprovare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60776biasimare is biasimare" ; rdfs:label " biasimare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60777biasimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60775disapprovazione ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60777biasimo is biasimo" ; rdfs:label " biasimo_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60778meta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60778meta is meta" ; rdfs:label " meta_as_Location" . inds:USem60779traguardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60779traguardo is traguardo" ; rdfs:label " traguardo_as_Location" . inds:USem6077chiaroveggente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6077chiaroveggente is chiaroveggente" ; rdfs:label " chiaroveggente_as_Human" . inds:USem60780protestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60780protestare is protestare" ; rdfs:label " protestare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60781protestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60782dichiarare ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60781protestare is protestare" ; rdfs:label " protestare_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60782dichiarare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60782dichiarare is dichiarare" ; rdfs:label " dichiarare_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60783mirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60783mirare is mirare" ; rdfs:label " mirare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60784insultare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60028offendere ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60784insultare is insultare" ; rdfs:label " insultare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60786perdonare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60786perdonare is perdonare" ; rdfs:label " perdonare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60787perdonare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60788scusare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60787perdonare is perdonare" ; rdfs:label " perdonare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60788scusare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60788scusare is scusare" ; rdfs:label " scusare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60789perdono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60789perdono is perdono" ; rdfs:label " perdono_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6078collaborazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6078collaborazionista is collaborazionista" ; rdfs:label " collaborazionista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60790scusa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60790scusa is scusa" ; rdfs:label " scusa_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60792protesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60792protesta is protesta" ; rdfs:label " protesta_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60793ingiuria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60793ingiuria is ingiuria" ; rdfs:label " ingiuria_as_Act" . inds:USem60794calunniare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60794calunniare is calunniare" ; rdfs:label " calunniare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60795calunnia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60795calunnia is calunnia" ; rdfs:label " calunnia_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60796litigio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60796litigio is litigio" ; rdfs:label " litigio_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60797controversia simple:hasIsa inds:USem60755discussione ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60797controversia is controversia" ; rdfs:label " controversia_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60798disputare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60752discutere ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60798disputare is disputare" ; rdfs:label " disputare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem6079collezionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5931collezionare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6079collezionista is collezionista" ; rdfs:label " collezionista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem60800disputare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60800disputare is disputare" ; rdfs:label " disputare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60801copertura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60801copertura is copertura" ; rdfs:label " copertura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60802partecipare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60802partecipare is partecipare" ; rdfs:label " partecipare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60803partecipante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60802partecipare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60803partecipante is partecipante" ; rdfs:label " partecipante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60804copertura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60804copertura is copertura" ; rdfs:label " copertura_as_Part" . inds:USem60805disputare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60805disputare is disputare" ; rdfs:label " disputare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem60806coperta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5420drappo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60806coperta is coperta" ; rdfs:label " coperta_as_Furniture" . inds:USem60807disputa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60807disputa is disputa" ; rdfs:label " disputa_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60808copriletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60806coperta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60808copriletto is copriletto" ; rdfs:label " copriletto_as_Furniture" . inds:USem60809dibattere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60751discutere ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60809dibattere is dibattere" ; rdfs:label " dibattere_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem6080confusionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6080confusionario is confusionario" ; rdfs:label " confusionario_as_Human" . inds:USem60810pneumatico simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem60812copertone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3124gomma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60810pneumatico is pneumatico" ; rdfs:label " pneumatico_as_Part" . inds:USem60811dibattito simple:hasIsa inds:USem60755discussione ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60811dibattito is dibattito" ; rdfs:label " dibattito_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60812copertone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60810pneumatico ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3124gomma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60812copertone is copertone" ; rdfs:label " copertone_as_Part" . inds:USem60813copertone simple:hasIsa inds:USem60822telo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60813copertone is copertone" ; rdfs:label " copertone_as_Artifact" . inds:USem60814dibattere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60814dibattere is dibattere" ; rdfs:label " dibattere_as_Move" . inds:USem60815dibattere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60313agitare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60815dibattere is dibattere" ; rdfs:label " dibattere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60816denunciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60816denunciare is denunciare" ; rdfs:label " denunciare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem60817denuncia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60817denuncia is denuncia" ; rdfs:label " denuncia_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem60818istinto simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60818istinto is istinto" ; rdfs:label " istinto_as_Property" . inds:USem60819denunciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61152mostrare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60819denunciare is denunciare" ; rdfs:label " denunciare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem6081connazionale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6081connazionale is connazionale" ; rdfs:label " connazionale_as_Human" . inds:USem60820manifestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60820manifestare is manifestare" ; rdfs:label " manifestare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60821manifestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60821manifestare is manifestare" ; rdfs:label " manifestare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60822telo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6456pezzo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5435tela ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60822telo is telo" ; rdfs:label " telo_as_Part" . inds:USem60823palesare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60820manifestare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60823palesare is palesare" ; rdfs:label " palesare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60824telone simple:hasIsa inds:USem60822telo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60824telone is telone" ; rdfs:label " telone_as_Artifact" . inds:USem60825esternare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60820manifestare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60825esternare is esternare" ; rdfs:label " esternare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60826tenda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5420drappo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60826tenda is tenda" ; rdfs:label " tenda_as_Furniture" . inds:USem60827deridere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60827deridere is deridere" ; rdfs:label " deridere_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60828derisione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60872espressione ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60828derisione is derisione" ; rdfs:label " derisione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60829sipario simple:hasIsa inds:USem60826tenda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1038nascondere ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60829sipario is sipario" ; rdfs:label " sipario_as_Artifact" . inds:USem6082conterraneo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6082conterraneo is conterraneo" ; rdfs:label " conterraneo_as_Human" . inds:USem60830telone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60826tenda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1038nascondere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60830telone is telone" ; rdfs:label " telone_as_Furniture" . inds:USem60831manifestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60831manifestare is manifestare" ; rdfs:label " manifestare_as_Event" . inds:USem60832dimostrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60832dimostrare is dimostrare" ; rdfs:label " dimostrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60833dimostrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60823palesare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60833dimostrare is dimostrare" ; rdfs:label " dimostrare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60835ricovero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60835ricovero is ricovero" ; rdfs:label " ricovero_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem60836dimostrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60836dimostrare is dimostrare" ; rdfs:label " dimostrare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem60837tenda simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62950alloggiare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60837tenda is tenda" ; rdfs:label " tenda_as_Artifact" . inds:USem60838dimostrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60838dimostrare is dimostrare" ; rdfs:label " dimostrare_as_State" . inds:USem60839dimostrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60839dimostrazione is dimostrazione" ; rdfs:label " dimostrazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6083depositario simple:hasAgentive inds:USem61451depositare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6083depositario is depositario" ; rdfs:label " depositario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60840tendone simple:hasIsa inds:USem60837tenda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60840tendone is tendone" ; rdfs:label " tendone_as_Building" . inds:USem60841dimostrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60841dimostrazione is dimostrazione" ; rdfs:label " dimostrazione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem60842tendone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60826tenda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1038nascondere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60842tendone is tendone" ; rdfs:label " tendone_as_Furniture" . inds:USem60843tendone simple:hasIsa inds:USem60822telo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60843tendone is tendone" ; rdfs:label " tendone_as_Artifact" . inds:USem60844dimostrante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60832dimostrare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60844dimostrante is dimostrante" ; rdfs:label " dimostrante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60845coperto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60845coperto is coperto" ; rdfs:label " coperto_as_Location" . inds:USem60846scolaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60846scolaro is scolaro" ; rdfs:label " scolaro_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60847coperto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2391piatto, inds:USem2983bicchiere, inds:USem59330posateria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60847coperto is coperto" ; rdfs:label " coperto_as_Group" . inds:USem60848alunno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60848alunno is alunno" ; rdfs:label " alunno_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60849discepolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3961seguace ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD7317seguire ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60849discepolo is discepolo" ; rdfs:label " discepolo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem60851esternare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60851esternare is esternare" ; rdfs:label " esternare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60852ebreo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem1582ebraismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60852ebreo is ebreo" ; rdfs:label " ebreo_as_Ideo" . inds:USem60853iscrizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60853iscrizione is iscrizione" ; rdfs:label " iscrizione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60854beffare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60827deridere ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60854beffare is beffare" ; rdfs:label " beffare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60855beffa simple:hasIsa inds:USem60828derisione ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60855beffa is beffa" ; rdfs:label " beffa_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60856beffare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60856beffare is beffare" ; rdfs:label " beffare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60857canzonare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60827deridere ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60857canzonare is canzonare" ; rdfs:label " canzonare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60858reclamare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60780protestare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60858reclamare is reclamare" ; rdfs:label " reclamare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60859reclamare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4804chiedere ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60859reclamare is reclamare" ; rdfs:label " reclamare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem6085diplomato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem64771diplomare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6085diplomato is diplomato" ; rdfs:label " diplomato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem60860tendopoli simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem60837tenda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5515alloggiare ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60860tendopoli is tendopoli" ; rdfs:label " tendopoli_as_Group" . inds:USem60861padiglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60837tenda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5515alloggiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60861padiglione is padiglione" ; rdfs:label " padiglione_as_Building" . inds:USem60862padiglione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1820orecchio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60862padiglione is padiglione" ; rdfs:label " padiglione_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem60863decantare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60770lodare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60863decantare is decantare" ; rdfs:label " decantare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60864ospizio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60864ospizio is ospizio" ; rdfs:label " ospizio_as_Institution" . inds:USem60865decantare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60865decantare is decantare" ; rdfs:label " decantare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60866ricovero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60866ricovero is ricovero" ; rdfs:label " ricovero_as_Institution" . inds:USem60867decantazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60867decantazione is decantazione" ; rdfs:label " decantazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60868ricovero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60868ricovero is ricovero" ; rdfs:label " ricovero_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60869esprimere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60869esprimere is esprimere" ; rdfs:label " esprimere_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem6086divorziato simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59141divorziare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6086divorziato is divorziato" ; rdfs:label " divorziato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60870esprimere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60823palesare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60870esprimere is esprimere" ; rdfs:label " esprimere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60871esprimere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60871esprimere is esprimere" ; rdfs:label " esprimere_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60872espressione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60872espressione is espressione" ; rdfs:label " espressione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60873espressione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60873espressione is espressione" ; rdfs:label " espressione_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60874richiedere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4804chiedere ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60874richiedere is richiedere" ; rdfs:label " richiedere_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60876richiesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60876richiesta is richiesta" ; rdfs:label " richiesta_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60877richiedente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60874richiedere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60877richiedente is richiedente" ; rdfs:label " richiedente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60878diffamare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60794calunniare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60878diffamare is diffamare" ; rdfs:label " diffamare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60879diffamazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60795calunnia ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60879diffamazione is diffamazione" ; rdfs:label " diffamazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem6087donnaiolo simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5736corteggiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6087donnaiolo is donnaiolo" ; rdfs:label " donnaiolo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60880diffamatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60878diffamare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60880diffamatore is diffamatore" ; rdfs:label " diffamatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60881esortare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60881esortare is esortare" ; rdfs:label " esortare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60882esortazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60882esortazione is esortazione" ; rdfs:label " esortazione_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60883nascondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60883nascondere is nascondere" ; rdfs:label " nascondere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60884nascondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60884nascondere is nascondere" ; rdfs:label " nascondere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem60885convincere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60885convincere is convincere" ; rdfs:label " convincere_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60886nascondere simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60886nascondere is nascondere" ; rdfs:label " nascondere_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60887nascondere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60887nascondere is nascondere" ; rdfs:label " nascondere_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem60888nascondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60888nascondere is nascondere" ; rdfs:label " nascondere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60889nascondiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60889nascondiglio is nascondiglio" ; rdfs:label " nascondiglio_as_Location" . inds:USem6088emigrante simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60046emigrare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6088emigrante is emigrante" ; rdfs:label " emigrante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60890rifugiare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60890rifugiare is rifugiare" ; rdfs:label " rifugiare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60891rifugiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60891rifugiare is rifugiare" ; rdfs:label " rifugiare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60893convincere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60893convincere is convincere" ; rdfs:label " convincere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60895persuadere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60885convincere ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60895persuadere is persuadere" ; rdfs:label " persuadere_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60896persuadere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60896persuadere is persuadere" ; rdfs:label " persuadere_as_State" . inds:USem60897persuadere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60893convincere ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60897persuadere is persuadere" ; rdfs:label " persuadere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem60898persuasione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60898persuasione is persuasione" ; rdfs:label " persuasione_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem60899persuasione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60899persuasione is persuasione" ; rdfs:label " persuasione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem6089emulatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD65856emulare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6089emulatore is emulatore" ; rdfs:label " emulatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60900truccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60900truccare is truccare" ; rdfs:label " truccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60901truccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60901truccare is truccare" ; rdfs:label " truccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60902truccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem76996truccare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60902truccatore is truccatore" ; rdfs:label " truccatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem60903truccatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60903truccatura is truccatura" ; rdfs:label " truccatura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60904fuoco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60904fuoco is fuoco" ; rdfs:label " fuoco_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem60905fuoco simple:hasIsa inds:USem5837passione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60905fuoco is fuoco" ; rdfs:label " fuoco_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60906camera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60906camera is camera" ; rdfs:label " camera_as_Part" . inds:USem60907salotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60907salotto is salotto" ; rdfs:label " salotto_as_Part" . inds:USem60908soggiornare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60908soggiornare is soggiornare" ; rdfs:label " soggiornare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem60909soggiorno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60909soggiorno is soggiorno" ; rdfs:label " soggiorno_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem6090ergastolano simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59511detenere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6090ergastolano is ergastolano" ; rdfs:label " ergastolano_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem60910soggiorno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60910soggiorno is soggiorno" ; rdfs:label " soggiorno_as_Part" . inds:USem60911dimorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60911dimorare is dimorare" ; rdfs:label " dimorare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem60912dimora simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60912dimora is dimora" ; rdfs:label " dimora_as_Building" . inds:USem60913ripostiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60913ripostiglio is ripostiglio" ; rdfs:label " ripostiglio_as_Building" . inds:USem60915antenna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3688legno ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60915antenna is antenna" ; rdfs:label " antenna_as_Part" . inds:USem60916antenna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5236ricevere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60916antenna is antenna" ; rdfs:label " antenna_as_Instrument" . inds:USem60917guantone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6200guanto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60917guantone is guantone" ; rdfs:label " guantone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem60918mettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76491porre ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60918mettere is mettere" ; rdfs:label " mettere_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem60919mettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem79056iniziare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60919mettere is mettere" ; rdfs:label " mettere_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem6091estremista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67335estremismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6091estremista is estremista" ; rdfs:label " estremista_as_Human" . inds:USem60920mettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59274pensare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60920mettere is mettere" ; rdfs:label " mettere_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem60921installazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60921installazione is installazione" ; rdfs:label " installazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60923mettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5635installare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60923mettere is mettere" ; rdfs:label " mettere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60924impiantare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60924impiantare is impiantare" ; rdfs:label " impiantare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60925impiantare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60925impiantare is impiantare" ; rdfs:label " impiantare_as_Creation" . inds:USem60926impiantare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60926impiantare is impiantare" ; rdfs:label " impiantare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60927rifugiato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60890rifugiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60927rifugiato is rifugiato" ; rdfs:label " rifugiato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60928rifugio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2226montagna ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60890rifugiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60928rifugio is rifugio" ; rdfs:label " rifugio_as_Building" . inds:USem60929rifugio simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60929rifugio is rifugio" ; rdfs:label " rifugio_as_Telic" . inds:USem6092esule simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6092esule is esule" ; rdfs:label " esule_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem60930ricoverato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD1189ricoverare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60930ricoverato is ricoverato" ; rdfs:label " ricoverato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem60931ospedale simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1981medico, inds:USem3631infermiere, inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD7083reparto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60931ospedale is ospedale" ; rdfs:label " ospedale_as_Building" . inds:USem60932ospedale simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1981medico, inds:USem3631infermiere, inds:USem67458paziente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60932ospedale is ospedale" ; rdfs:label " ospedale_as_Institution" . inds:USem60933ricoverare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60933ricoverare is ricoverare" ; rdfs:label " ricoverare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem60934cortigiana simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60934cortigiana is cortigiana" ; rdfs:label " cortigiana_as_Human" . inds:USem60935cortigiana simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59424corte ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60935cortigiana is cortigiana" ; rdfs:label " cortigiana_as_Social_status" . inds:USem60936cortigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59424corte ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60936cortigiano is cortigiano" ; rdfs:label " cortigiano_as_Social_status" . inds:USem60937cortigianeria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60937cortigianeria is cortigianeria" ; rdfs:label " cortigianeria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem60939corticosterone simple:hasIsa inds:USem3052ormone ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60939corticosterone is corticosterone" ; rdfs:label " corticosterone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem6093faccendiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6093faccendiere is faccendiere" ; rdfs:label " faccendiere_as_Human" . inds:USem60940cortisone simple:hasIsa inds:USem3052ormone ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60940cortisone is cortisone" ; rdfs:label " cortisone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem60941blocco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60941blocco is blocco" ; rdfs:label " blocco_as_Instrument" . inds:USem60942quaderno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60942quaderno is quaderno" ; rdfs:label " quaderno_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem60943fascicolo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60943fascicolo is fascicolo" ; rdfs:label " fascicolo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem60944calce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60944calce is calce" ; rdfs:label " calce_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem60945villa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60945villa is villa" ; rdfs:label " villa_as_Building" . inds:USem60946monolocale simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60946monolocale is monolocale" ; rdfs:label " monolocale_as_Building" . inds:USem60947villino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60947villino is villino" ; rdfs:label " villino_as_Building" . inds:USem60948votare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60948votare is votare" ; rdfs:label " votare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60949votare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60949votare is votare" ; rdfs:label " votare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6094fiduciario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6094fiduciario is fiduciario" ; rdfs:label " fiduciario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem60950votazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60950votazione is votazione" ; rdfs:label " votazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60951voto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60951voto is voto" ; rdfs:label " voto_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60952voto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60952voto is voto" ; rdfs:label " voto_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60953adottare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60953adottare is adottare" ; rdfs:label " adottare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60955adottare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60955adottare is adottare" ; rdfs:label " adottare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60956adozione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60956adozione is adozione" ; rdfs:label " adozione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem60957adozione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60957adozione is adozione" ; rdfs:label " adozione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60958verbena simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60958verbena is verbena" ; rdfs:label " verbena_as_Plant" . inds:USem60959verbena simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2315infusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60959verbena is verbena" ; rdfs:label " verbena_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem6095grassone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6095grassone is grassone" ; rdfs:label " grassone_as_Human" . inds:USem60960capitolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4047libro, inds:USem60974documento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60960capitolo is capitolo" ; rdfs:label " capitolo_as_Part" . inds:USem60961paragrafo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60960capitolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60961paragrafo is paragrafo" ; rdfs:label " paragrafo_as_Part" . inds:USem60962mansarda simple:hasIsa inds:USem59847tetto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60962mansarda is mansarda" ; rdfs:label " mansarda_as_Part" . inds:USem60963seminterrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60963seminterrato is seminterrato" ; rdfs:label " seminterrato_as_Part" . inds:USem60964solaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60964solaio is solaio" ; rdfs:label " solaio_as_Part" . inds:USem60965soffitta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60965soffitta is soffitta" ; rdfs:label " soffitta_as_Part" . inds:USem60967rappresentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60967rappresentare is rappresentare" ; rdfs:label " rappresentare_as_Creation" . inds:USem60968rappresentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60968rappresentazione is rappresentazione" ; rdfs:label " rappresentazione_as_Event" . inds:USem60969festa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60969festa is festa" ; rdfs:label " festa_as_Event" . inds:USem6096ideologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD65632teorizzare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6096ideologo is ideologo" ; rdfs:label " ideologo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem60970cerimonia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60970cerimonia is cerimonia" ; rdfs:label " cerimonia_as_Event" . inds:USem60971fotografia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5139fotografare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60971fotografia is fotografia" ; rdfs:label " fotografia_as_Artwork" . inds:USem60972titolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378qualificazione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60972titolo is titolo" ; rdfs:label " titolo_as_Convention" . inds:USem60973titolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60973titolo is titolo" ; rdfs:label " titolo_as_Information" . inds:USem60974documento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60974documento is documento" ; rdfs:label " documento_as_Information" . inds:USem60975fotografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60975fotografia is fotografia" ; rdfs:label " fotografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem60976immagine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60976immagine is immagine" ; rdfs:label " immagine_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem60977immagine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1341aspetto ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60977immagine is immagine" ; rdfs:label " immagine_as_Property" . inds:USem60978immagine simple:hasInstrument inds:USem60548vista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60978immagine is immagine" ; rdfs:label " immagine_as_Perception" . inds:USem60979ritratto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere, inds:USem7107scolpire, inds:USemD5139fotografare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60979ritratto is ritratto" ; rdfs:label " ritratto_as_Artwork" . inds:USem6097imbroglione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD7301imbrogliare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6097imbroglione is imbroglione" ; rdfs:label " imbroglione_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem60980terremoto simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61177terra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60980terremoto is terremoto" ; rdfs:label " terremoto_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem60981terremoto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60981terremoto is terremoto" ; rdfs:label " terremoto_as_Human" . inds:USem60982caldo simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60982caldo is caldo" ; rdfs:label " caldo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem60983freddo simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60983freddo is freddo" ; rdfs:label " freddo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem60984foto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5139fotografare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60971fotografia ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60984foto is foto" ; rdfs:label " foto_as_Artwork" . inds:USem60985saltare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60985saltare is saltare" ; rdfs:label " saltare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60986saltare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60986saltare is saltare" ; rdfs:label " saltare_as_Change" . inds:USem60988saltare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61011esplodere ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60988saltare is saltare" ; rdfs:label " saltare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60989saltare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD65958saltato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60989saltare is saltare" ; rdfs:label " saltare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem60990saltare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60990saltare is saltare" ; rdfs:label " saltare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60991oltrepassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60991oltrepassare is oltrepassare" ; rdfs:label " oltrepassare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60992superare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60992superare is superare" ; rdfs:label " superare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60993superamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60993superamento is superamento" ; rdfs:label " superamento_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem60994felicita1 simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62159felice ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60994felicita1 is felicita'" ; rdfs:label " felicita'_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem60995saltare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60995saltare is saltare" ; rdfs:label " saltare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem60997eccedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60997eccedere is eccedere" ; rdfs:label " eccedere_as_Act" . inds:USem60999balzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60999balzo is balzo" ; rdfs:label " balzo_as_Move" . inds:USem60tossicologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3110veleno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59971farmacologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem60tossicologia is tossicologia" ; rdfs:label " tossicologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem61000esagerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61000esagerare is esagerare" ; rdfs:label " esagerare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61001esagerazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61001esagerazione is esagerazione" ; rdfs:label " esagerazione_as_Act" . inds:USem61002superare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61002superare is superare" ; rdfs:label " superare_as_State" . inds:USem61003superare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61003superare is superare" ; rdfs:label " superare_as_State" . inds:USem61004salto simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61004salto is salto" ; rdfs:label " salto_as_Move" . inds:USem61005superare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61005superare is superare" ; rdfs:label " superare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61006cucina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5081cucinare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61006cucina is cucina" ; rdfs:label " cucina_as_Part" . inds:USem61007cucina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61007cucina is cucina" ; rdfs:label " cucina_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61008cucina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61008cucina is cucina" ; rdfs:label " cucina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem61009cucina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59326mobilia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61009cucina is cucina" ; rdfs:label " cucina_as_Furniture" . inds:USem61010esplodere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61010esplodere is esplodere" ; rdfs:label " esplodere_as_Event" . inds:USem61011esplodere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61011esplodere is esplodere" ; rdfs:label " esplodere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61012camera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59326mobilia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61012camera is camera" ; rdfs:label " camera_as_Furniture" . inds:USem61013salotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59326mobilia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61013salotto is salotto" ; rdfs:label " salotto_as_Furniture" . inds:USem61014esplodere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61014esplodere is esplodere" ; rdfs:label " esplodere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem61015esplodere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60820manifestare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61015esplodere is esplodere" ; rdfs:label " esplodere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61016esplosione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61016esplosione is esplosione" ; rdfs:label " esplosione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61017esplosione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61017esplosione is esplosione" ; rdfs:label " esplosione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61018camminata simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61018camminata is camminata" ; rdfs:label " camminata_as_Move" . inds:USem6101postulante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6101postulante is postulante" ; rdfs:label " postulante_as_Human" . inds:USem61020camminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61020camminare is camminare" ; rdfs:label " camminare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61021ballare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6529oscillare ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61021ballare is ballare" ; rdfs:label " ballare_as_Move" . inds:USem61022salto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61022salto is salto" ; rdfs:label " salto_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61024volare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem860aeromobile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61024volare is volare" ; rdfs:label " volare_as_Move" . inds:USem61026spingere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61026spingere is spingere" ; rdfs:label " spingere_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61027sparare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61027sparare is sparare" ; rdfs:label " sparare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem61028sparare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61028sparare is sparare" ; rdfs:label " sparare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61029sparare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61029sparare is sparare" ; rdfs:label " sparare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem6102privilegiato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD7322privilegiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6102privilegiato is privilegiato" ; rdfs:label " privilegiato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem61031sparare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61031sparare is sparare" ; rdfs:label " sparare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem61034sparo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61034sparo is sparo" ; rdfs:label " sparo_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem6103professionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6103professionista is professionista" ; rdfs:label " professionista_as_Human" . inds:USem61040scoppio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61040scoppio is scoppio" ; rdfs:label " scoppio_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61041tirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61041tirare is tirare" ; rdfs:label " tirare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem61042tirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61042tirare is tirare" ; rdfs:label " tirare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61044battere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61044battere is battere" ; rdfs:label " battere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61045battere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59883lottare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61045battere is battere" ; rdfs:label " battere_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem61049tirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6788riprodurre ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6213stampa ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61049tirare is tirare" ; rdfs:label " tirare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem6104provinciale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6104provinciale is provinciale" ; rdfs:label " provinciale_as_Human" . inds:USem61050soffiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61050soffiare is soffiare" ; rdfs:label " soffiare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61052proseguire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61052proseguire is proseguire" ; rdfs:label " proseguire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem61053appartenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61053appartenere is appartenere" ; rdfs:label " appartenere_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem61054appartenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59514possedere ; a simple:Stative_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61054appartenere is appartenere" ; rdfs:label " appartenere_as_Stative_Possession" . inds:USem61055procedere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61055procedere is procedere" ; rdfs:label " procedere_as_Move" . inds:USem61056tirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61056tirare is tirare" ; rdfs:label " tirare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem61057lanciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61057lanciare is lanciare" ; rdfs:label " lanciare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem61058tirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61058tirare is tirare" ; rdfs:label " tirare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6105querelante simple:hasAgentive inds:USem64160querelare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6105querelante is querelante" ; rdfs:label " querelante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem61061tirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7053tendere ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61061tirare is tirare" ; rdfs:label " tirare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem61063tracciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61063tracciare is tracciare" ; rdfs:label " tracciare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem61064possesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Stative_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61064possesso is possesso" ; rdfs:label " possesso_as_Stative_Possession" . inds:USem61065tracciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61065tracciare is tracciare" ; rdfs:label " tracciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61066rinunciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61066rinunciare is rinunciare" ; rdfs:label " rinunciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61067rinuncia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61067rinuncia is rinuncia" ; rdfs:label " rinuncia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61068lancio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61068lancio is lancio" ; rdfs:label " lancio_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem61069tiro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61069tiro is tiro" ; rdfs:label " tiro_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6106realista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem68698realismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6106realista is realista" ; rdfs:label " realista_as_Human" . inds:USem61070tiro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61070tiro is tiro" ; rdfs:label " tiro_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem61071sbattere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61071sbattere is sbattere" ; rdfs:label " sbattere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61072sbattere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61072sbattere is sbattere" ; rdfs:label " sbattere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61073scoppiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61073scoppiare is scoppiare" ; rdfs:label " scoppiare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61075scoppiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61075scoppiare is scoppiare" ; rdfs:label " scoppiare_as_Event" . inds:USem61076scoppiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61076scoppiare is scoppiare" ; rdfs:label " scoppiare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61077scoppiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61077scoppiare is scoppiare" ; rdfs:label " scoppiare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem61078sbattere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63624sbattuto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61078sbattere is sbattere" ; rdfs:label " sbattere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61079sbattere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61079sbattere is sbattere" ; rdfs:label " sbattere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6107ritardatario simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5958ritardare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6107ritardatario is ritardatario" ; rdfs:label " ritardatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem61080sbattere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61080sbattere is sbattere" ; rdfs:label " sbattere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61081gettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61081gettare is gettare" ; rdfs:label " gettare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem61082gettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6617germogliare ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61082gettare is gettare" ; rdfs:label " gettare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61085portinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3612portiere ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61085portinaio is portinaio" ; rdfs:label " portinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem61086domestico simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61093ordinare, inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61086domestico is domestico" ; rdfs:label " domestico_as_Profession" . inds:USem61087porta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1068aprire, inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61087porta is porta" ; rdfs:label " porta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem61088porta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59836parete ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61088porta is porta" ; rdfs:label " porta_as_Opening" . inds:USem61089finestra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1068aprire, inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61089finestra is finestra" ; rdfs:label " finestra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6108rivoluzionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6108rivoluzionario is rivoluzionario" ; rdfs:label " rivoluzionario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem61090portone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1068aprire, inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61090portone is portone" ; rdfs:label " portone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem61091persiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2240finestra ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61091persiana is persiana" ; rdfs:label " persiana_as_Part" . inds:USem61092casalinga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61092casalinga is casalinga" ; rdfs:label " casalinga_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem61093ordinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61093ordinare is ordinare" ; rdfs:label " ordinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61094riordinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61093ordinare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61094riordinare is riordinare" ; rdfs:label " riordinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61096massaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61096massaia is massaia" ; rdfs:label " massaia_as_Human" . inds:USem61097inquilino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61097inquilino is inquilino" ; rdfs:label " inquilino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem61098coinquilino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61098coinquilino is coinquilino" ; rdfs:label " coinquilino_as_Human" . inds:USem61099condomino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61099condomino is condomino" ; rdfs:label " condomino_as_Human" . inds:USem6109sanguinario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6109sanguinario is sanguinario" ; rdfs:label " sanguinario_as_Human" . inds:USem61100vicino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61100vicino is vicino" ; rdfs:label " vicino_as_Human" . inds:USem61101proprietario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61101proprietario is proprietario" ; rdfs:label " proprietario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem61103negare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61103negare is negare" ; rdfs:label " negare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem61104negare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61104negare is negare" ; rdfs:label " negare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61105rifiutare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61105rifiutare is rifiutare" ; rdfs:label " rifiutare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61107fingere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61107fingere is fingere" ; rdfs:label " fingere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61108fingere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61108fingere is fingere" ; rdfs:label " fingere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6110scriteriato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6110scriteriato is scriteriato" ; rdfs:label " scriteriato_as_Human" . inds:USem61110finzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61110finzione is finzione" ; rdfs:label " finzione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61111simulare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61111simulare is simulare" ; rdfs:label " simulare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61112simulatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem61111simulare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61112simulatore is simulatore" ; rdfs:label " simulatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem61113simulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61113simulazione is simulazione" ; rdfs:label " simulazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61114imitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61114imitare is imitare" ; rdfs:label " imitare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61115simulare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61114imitare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61115simulare is simulare" ; rdfs:label " simulare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61116simulare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61116simulare is simulare" ; rdfs:label " simulare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61117simulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61117simulazione is simulazione" ; rdfs:label " simulazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61118riprodurre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61118riprodurre is riprodurre" ; rdfs:label " riprodurre_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61119riguardare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61119riguardare is riguardare" ; rdfs:label " riguardare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem6111segnalatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6111segnalatore is segnalatore" ; rdfs:label " segnalatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem61120riproduzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61120riproduzione is riproduzione" ; rdfs:label " riproduzione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61121riguardare simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61121riguardare is riguardare" ; rdfs:label " riguardare_as_Perception" . inds:USem61122gridare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61122gridare is gridare" ; rdfs:label " gridare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem61125seguitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59660continuare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61125seguitare is seguitare" ; rdfs:label " seguitare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem61126gridare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4804chiedere ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61126gridare is gridare" ; rdfs:label " gridare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem61127grido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61127grido is grido" ; rdfs:label " grido_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem61128invocare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4804chiedere ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61128invocare is invocare" ; rdfs:label " invocare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem61129accaduto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61129accaduto is accaduto" ; rdfs:label " accaduto_as_Event" . inds:USem6112selettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6112selettore is selettore" ; rdfs:label " selettore_as_Human" . inds:USem61131enunciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61131enunciare is enunciare" ; rdfs:label " enunciare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem61132enunciazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61132enunciazione is enunciazione" ; rdfs:label " enunciazione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem61133strillare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61122gridare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61133strillare is strillare" ; rdfs:label " strillare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem61135strillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem61127grido ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61135strillo is strillo" ; rdfs:label " strillo_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem61136esporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem61152mostrare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61136esporre is esporre" ; rdfs:label " esporre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61137esporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61137esporre is esporre" ; rdfs:label " esporre_as_Event" . inds:USem61138acquitrino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4134zona ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61138acquitrino is acquitrino" ; rdfs:label " acquitrino_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem61139aiuola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61139aiuola is aiuola" ; rdfs:label " aiuola_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem6113servo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6113servo is servo" ; rdfs:label " servo_as_Human" . inds:USem61140rischiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61140rischiare is rischiare" ; rdfs:label " rischiare_as_Event" . inds:USem61141avvallamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2046dirupo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61141avvallamento is avvallamento" ; rdfs:label " avvallamento_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem61142balzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2046dirupo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61142balzo is balzo" ; rdfs:label " balzo_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem61143banchina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61143banchina is banchina" ; rdfs:label " banchina_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem61144bonificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61144bonificare is bonificare" ; rdfs:label " bonificare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61145rischiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61145rischiare is rischiare" ; rdfs:label " rischiare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem61146bonifica simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61146bonifica is bonifica" ; rdfs:label " bonifica_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61147rischio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61147rischio is rischio" ; rdfs:label " rischio_as_Event" . inds:USem61149esporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61149esporre is esporre" ; rdfs:label " esporre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6114sistemista simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem79160giocare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem79789giocatore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6114sistemista is sistemista" ; rdfs:label " sistemista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem61150esposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61150esposizione is esposizione" ; rdfs:label " esposizione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61151esposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem74847discorso ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61151esposizione is esposizione" ; rdfs:label " esposizione_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem61152mostrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61152mostrare is mostrare" ; rdfs:label " mostrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61154bonifica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61144bonificare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61154bonifica is bonifica" ; rdfs:label " bonifica_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem61155mostra simple:hasIsa inds:USem61150esposizione ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61155mostra is mostra" ; rdfs:label " mostra_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61157buca simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61157buca is buca" ; rdfs:label " buca_as_Opening" . inds:USem61158camminamento simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59130scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6388passaggio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60395collegare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61158camminamento is camminamento" ; rdfs:label " camminamento_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem61159accomunare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61159accomunare is accomunare" ; rdfs:label " accomunare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6115smemorato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6115smemorato is smemorato" ; rdfs:label " smemorato_as_Human" . inds:USem61160pedone simple:hasIsa inds:USem65460scacco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61160pedone is pedone" ; rdfs:label " pedone_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem61161campagna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61161campagna is campagna" ; rdfs:label " campagna_as_Area" . inds:USem61162pedone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62915canna ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61162pedone is pedone" ; rdfs:label " pedone_as_Part" . inds:USem61163bracciale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6390distintivo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61163bracciale is bracciale" ; rdfs:label " bracciale_as_Representation" . inds:USem61164campagna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61166coltivazione ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61164campagna is campagna" ; rdfs:label " campagna_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem61166coltivazione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61166coltivazione is coltivazione" ; rdfs:label " coltivazione_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem61167giubba simple:hasIsa inds:USem62642criniera ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1937leone, inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61167giubba is giubba" ; rdfs:label " giubba_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem61168coltivazione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem61166coltivazione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61168coltivazione is coltivazione" ; rdfs:label " coltivazione_as_Group" . inds:USem6116sorvegliante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6116sorvegliante is sorvegliante" ; rdfs:label " sorvegliante_as_Profession" . inds:USem61170campagna simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61170campagna is campagna" ; rdfs:label " campagna_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61171campagna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61171campagna is campagna" ; rdfs:label " campagna_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61172china simple:hasIsa inds:USem61174pendio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61172china is china" ; rdfs:label " china_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem61173mantello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61173mantello is mantello" ; rdfs:label " mantello_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem61174pendio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61174pendio is pendio" ; rdfs:label " pendio_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem61175terra simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61175terra is terra" ; rdfs:label " terra_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem61177terra simple:hasIsa inds:USem59944pianeta ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61177terra is terra" ; rdfs:label " terra_as_Location" . inds:USem61178terraferma simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61178terraferma is terraferma" ; rdfs:label " terraferma_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem61179suolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61179suolo is suolo" ; rdfs:label " suolo_as_Area" . inds:USem6117sottoccupato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6117sottoccupato is sottoccupato" ; rdfs:label " sottoccupato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem61180mantello simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61180mantello is mantello" ; rdfs:label " mantello_as_Area" . inds:USem61182cappello simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5602scritto, inds:USemD6392discorso ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61182cappello is cappello" ; rdfs:label " cappello_as_Information" . inds:USem61183mondo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61183mondo is mondo" ; rdfs:label " mondo_as_Amount" . inds:USem61184ricotta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61184ricotta is ricotta" ; rdfs:label " ricotta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem61185mozzarella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61185mozzarella is mozzarella" ; rdfs:label " mozzarella_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem61186universo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3016materia ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61186universo is universo" ; rdfs:label " universo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem61187mondo simple:hasIsa inds:USem61186universo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61187mondo is mondo" ; rdfs:label " mondo_as_Location" . inds:USem61188cosmo simple:hasIsa inds:USem61186universo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61188cosmo is cosmo" ; rdfs:label " cosmo_as_Location" . inds:USem61189cilindro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61189cilindro is cilindro" ; rdfs:label " cilindro_as_Part" . inds:USem6118sportivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD3694giocare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD4689allenare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6118sportivo is sportivo" ; rdfs:label " sportivo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem61190paglietta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61190paglietta is paglietta" ; rdfs:label " paglietta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem61191passare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61191passare is passare" ; rdfs:label " passare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem61192pistone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61192pistone is pistone" ; rdfs:label " pistone_as_Part" . inds:USem61193trascorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61193trascorrere is trascorrere" ; rdfs:label " trascorrere_as_Event" . inds:USem61194pistone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem68060strumento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61194pistone is pistone" ; rdfs:label " pistone_as_Part" . inds:USem61195trascorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5013stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61195trascorrere is trascorrere" ; rdfs:label " trascorrere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem61197passare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61197passare is passare" ; rdfs:label " passare_as_Event" . inds:USem61198passare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61198passare is passare" ; rdfs:label " passare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem61199transitare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61199transitare is transitare" ; rdfs:label " transitare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem6119teppista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem61285rovinare, inds:USemD5312distruggere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6119teppista is teppista" ; rdfs:label " teppista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem61200collana simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61200collana is collana" ; rdfs:label " collana_as_Group" . inds:USem61201bendare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem4892benda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61597avvolgere ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5613medicare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61201bendare is bendare" ; rdfs:label " bendare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61202medicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61202medicare is medicare" ; rdfs:label " medicare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61203passare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61203passare is passare" ; rdfs:label " passare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61204passare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61204passare is passare" ; rdfs:label " passare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61205guarire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61205guarire is guarire" ; rdfs:label " guarire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61207passare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61207passare is passare" ; rdfs:label " passare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem61208bendare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem67472benda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61208bendare is bendare" ; rdfs:label " bendare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61209passare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61209passare is passare" ; rdfs:label " passare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6120terrorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem79210attentare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6120terrorista is terrorista" ; rdfs:label " terrorista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem61210contadino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61210contadino is contadino" ; rdfs:label " contadino_as_Human" . inds:USem61212tintoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem5300laboratorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5349tingere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61212tintoria is tintoria" ; rdfs:label " tintoria_as_Building" . inds:USem61213latteria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3249latte, inds:USem3408formaggio, inds:USem61804burro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2261industria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61213latteria is latteria" ; rdfs:label " latteria_as_Building" . inds:USem61214latteria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3249latte, inds:USem3408formaggio, inds:USem61804burro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61214latteria is latteria" ; rdfs:label " latteria_as_Building" . inds:USem61216raccogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61216raccogliere is raccogliere" ; rdfs:label " raccogliere_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem61217transito simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61217transito is transito" ; rdfs:label " transito_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem61218banca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61218banca is banca" ; rdfs:label " banca_as_Institution" . inds:USem61219transizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61219transizione is transizione" ; rdfs:label " transizione_as_Change" . inds:USem6121titolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6121titolare is titolare" ; rdfs:label " titolare_as_Human" . inds:USem61220banca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6393rinforzare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61220banca is banca" ; rdfs:label " banca_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem61222costruire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59109ideare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62919costruzione ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61222costruire is costruire" ; rdfs:label " costruire_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem61223arginare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61223arginare is arginare" ; rdfs:label " arginare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61224argine simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5089fiume ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61224argine is argine" ; rdfs:label " argine_as_Area" . inds:USem61225impresa simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61225impresa is impresa" ; rdfs:label " impresa_as_Act" . inds:USem61226azienda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3577impresa ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61226azienda is azienda" ; rdfs:label " azienda_as_Institution" . inds:USem61228arrestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61228arrestare is arrestare" ; rdfs:label " arrestare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6122trafficante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6122trafficante is trafficante" ; rdfs:label " trafficante_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem61231arresto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61231arresto is arresto" ; rdfs:label " arresto_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61232bonificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61232bonificare is bonificare" ; rdfs:label " bonificare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61234sostare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59664interrompere ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61234sostare is sostare" ; rdfs:label " sostare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem61235mina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6395ordigno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61235mina is mina" ; rdfs:label " mina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem61236sostare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61236sostare is sostare" ; rdfs:label " sostare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem61237bomba simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6395ordigno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61237bomba is bomba" ; rdfs:label " bomba_as_Instrument" . inds:USem61238sosta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61238sosta is sosta" ; rdfs:label " sosta_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem61239sosta simple:hasIsa inds:USem60076interruzione ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61239sosta is sosta" ; rdfs:label " sosta_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem6123trasgressore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem63961trasgredire ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6123trasgressore is trasgressore" ; rdfs:label " trasgressore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem61240imprigionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61240imprigionare is imprigionare" ; rdfs:label " imprigionare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem61241guerra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6347lotta ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61241guerra is guerra" ; rdfs:label " guerra_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem61242imprigionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61242imprigionare is imprigionare" ; rdfs:label " imprigionare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61243guerrafondaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61243guerrafondaio is guerrafondaio" ; rdfs:label " guerrafondaio_as_Human" . inds:USem61244mina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5527cavita1 ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61244mina is mina" ; rdfs:label " mina_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem61245mina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7053prodotto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3657grafite, inds:USemD5299argilla ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61245mina is mina" ; rdfs:label " mina_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem61246scrivere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD65825scritto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61246scrivere is scrivere" ; rdfs:label " scrivere_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem61247parcheggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61247parcheggiare is parcheggiare" ; rdfs:label " parcheggiare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61248parcheggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61248parcheggio is parcheggio" ; rdfs:label " parcheggio_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem6124umorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6124umorista is umorista" ; rdfs:label " umorista_as_Human" . inds:USem61251parco simple:hasContains inds:USem873animale, inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61251parco is parco" ; rdfs:label " parco_as_Area" . inds:USem61253passaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61253passaggio is passaggio" ; rdfs:label " passaggio_as_Move" . inds:USem61254giardino simple:hasContains inds:USem1428pianta, inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61254giardino is giardino" ; rdfs:label " giardino_as_Area" . inds:USem61255disciplina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5557norma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69104complesso ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61255disciplina is disciplina" ; rdfs:label " disciplina_as_Convention" . inds:USem61256disciplina simple:hasIsa inds:USem60322controllo ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61256disciplina is disciplina" ; rdfs:label " disciplina_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem61257passaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61257passaggio is passaggio" ; rdfs:label " passaggio_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem61258passaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61258passaggio is passaggio" ; rdfs:label " passaggio_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61259norma simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61259norma is norma" ; rdfs:label " norma_as_Convention" . inds:USem6125velleitario simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem70980velleitarismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6125velleitario is velleitario" ; rdfs:label " velleitario_as_Human" . inds:USem61260norma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61260norma is norma" ; rdfs:label " norma_as_Information" . inds:USem61261diritto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61261diritto is diritto" ; rdfs:label " diritto_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem61262diritto simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61262diritto is diritto" ; rdfs:label " diritto_as_Domain" . inds:USem61263bene simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61263bene is bene" ; rdfs:label " bene_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem61264arrampicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6983salire ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61264arrampicare is arrampicare" ; rdfs:label " arrampicare_as_Move" . inds:USem61265arrampicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6983salire ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61265arrampicare is arrampicare" ; rdfs:label " arrampicare_as_Move" . inds:USem61266tracollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61266tracollare is tracollare" ; rdfs:label " tracollare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61267tracollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61267tracollare is tracollare" ; rdfs:label " tracollare_as_Event" . inds:USem61268sollevatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61268sollevatore is sollevatore" ; rdfs:label " sollevatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem61269tracollo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61269tracollo is tracollo" ; rdfs:label " tracollo_as_Event" . inds:USem6126visionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6126visionario is visionario" ; rdfs:label " visionario_as_Human" . inds:USem61270sollevatore simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4064braccio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61270sollevatore is sollevatore" ; rdfs:label " sollevatore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem61271comportare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61271comportare is comportare" ; rdfs:label " comportare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61272rovinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61272rovinare is rovinare" ; rdfs:label " rovinare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61273importare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6866trasportare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61273importare is importare" ; rdfs:label " importare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61274rovinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61274rovinare is rovinare" ; rdfs:label " rovinare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61275esportare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6866trasportare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61275esportare is esportare" ; rdfs:label " esportare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61276comportare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61276comportare is comportare" ; rdfs:label " comportare_as_Cause" . inds:USem6127visionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6127visionario is visionario" ; rdfs:label " visionario_as_Human" . inds:USem61280implicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61280implicare is implicare" ; rdfs:label " implicare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem61281esportazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61281esportazione is esportazione" ; rdfs:label " esportazione_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61282coinvolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61282coinvolgere is coinvolgere" ; rdfs:label " coinvolgere_as_Cause" . inds:USem61283coinvolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD62151attrarre ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61283coinvolgere is coinvolgere" ; rdfs:label " coinvolgere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61284importazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61284importazione is importazione" ; rdfs:label " importazione_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61285rovinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6402rovinato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61285rovinare is rovinare" ; rdfs:label " rovinare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61286importare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61286importare is importare" ; rdfs:label " importare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61287rovinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6402rovinato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61287rovinare is rovinare" ; rdfs:label " rovinare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61288farmacia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5193medicinale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61288farmacia is farmacia" ; rdfs:label " farmacia_as_Building" . inds:USem61289danneggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6328danneggiato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61289danneggiare is danneggiare" ; rdfs:label " danneggiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6128biografo simple:hasAgentive inds:USem4834scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4953scrittore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6128biografo is biografo" ; rdfs:label " biografo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem61290filologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61290filologia is filologia" ; rdfs:label " filologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem61291crollare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61291crollare is crollare" ; rdfs:label " crollare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61292catalogazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61292catalogazione is catalogazione" ; rdfs:label " catalogazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61293filosofo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61293filosofo is filosofo" ; rdfs:label " filosofo_as_Profession" . inds:USem61294crollare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3983diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6404crollato ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61294crollare is crollare" ; rdfs:label " crollare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem61295elenco simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61295elenco is elenco" ; rdfs:label " elenco_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem61296filosofo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61296filosofo is filosofo" ; rdfs:label " filosofo_as_Human" . inds:USem61297sciupare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61285rovinare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6405sciupato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61297sciupare is sciupare" ; rdfs:label " sciupare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61299rovina simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61299rovina is rovina" ; rdfs:label " rovina_as_Building" . inds:USem6129soggettista simple:hasIsa inds:USem5681autore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6129soggettista is soggettista" ; rdfs:label " soggettista_as_Profession" . inds:USem61300lista simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61300lista is lista" ; rdfs:label " lista_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem61301lista simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61301lista is lista" ; rdfs:label " lista_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem61302lista simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61302lista is lista" ; rdfs:label " lista_as_Information" . inds:USem61303foglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61303foglio is foglio" ; rdfs:label " foglio_as_Artifact" . inds:USem61304rovina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61304rovina is rovina" ; rdfs:label " rovina_as_Event" . inds:USem61305obbligare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61305obbligare is obbligare" ; rdfs:label " obbligare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem61307obbligare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61307obbligare is obbligare" ; rdfs:label " obbligare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61308impedire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61308impedire is impedire" ; rdfs:label " impedire_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem61309letteratura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD470opera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61309letteratura is letteratura" ; rdfs:label " letteratura_as_Information" . inds:USem61311appalto simple:hasIsa inds:USem6944contratto ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61311appalto is appalto" ; rdfs:label " appalto_as_Convention" . inds:USem61312letteratura simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61312letteratura is letteratura" ; rdfs:label " letteratura_as_Domain" . inds:USem61313vietare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61308impedire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61313vietare is vietare" ; rdfs:label " vietare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem61314dominio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61314dominio is dominio" ; rdfs:label " dominio_as_Part" . inds:USem61315elenco simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61315elenco is elenco" ; rdfs:label " elenco_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem61316impedimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61316impedimento is impedimento" ; rdfs:label " impedimento_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem61317elenco simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61317elenco is elenco" ; rdfs:label " elenco_as_Information" . inds:USem61318catalogo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61318catalogo is catalogo" ; rdfs:label " catalogo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem61319campo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60502studio, inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61319campo is campo" ; rdfs:label " campo_as_Part" . inds:USem61320catalogo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61320catalogo is catalogo" ; rdfs:label " catalogo_as_Information" . inds:USem61321permettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61321permettere is permettere" ; rdfs:label " permettere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem61322permettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61322permettere is permettere" ; rdfs:label " permettere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61323costringere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61305obbligare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61323costringere is costringere" ; rdfs:label " costringere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem61324costringere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61305obbligare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61324costringere is costringere" ; rdfs:label " costringere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem61325forzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61305obbligare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61325forzare is forzare" ; rdfs:label " forzare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem61327catalogo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61327catalogo is catalogo" ; rdfs:label " catalogo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem61329catasta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61329catasta is catasta" ; rdfs:label " catasta_as_Amount" . inds:USem61330svenire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61330svenire is svenire" ; rdfs:label " svenire_as_Change" . inds:USem61331argomento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem26materia ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61331argomento is argomento" ; rdfs:label " argomento_as_Information" . inds:USem61332soggetto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61331argomento ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61332soggetto is soggetto" ; rdfs:label " soggetto_as_Information" . inds:USem61333soggetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61333soggetto is soggetto" ; rdfs:label " soggetto_as_Human" . inds:USem61334soggetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61334soggetto is soggetto" ; rdfs:label " soggetto_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem61335oggetto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem26materia ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61335oggetto is oggetto" ; rdfs:label " oggetto_as_Information" . inds:USem61336forzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61336forzare is forzare" ; rdfs:label " forzare_as_State" . inds:USem61337medicina simple:hasTelic inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61337medicina is medicina" ; rdfs:label " medicina_as_Telic" . inds:USem61338forzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61338forzare is forzare" ; rdfs:label " forzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61339investigare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5726cercare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61339investigare is investigare" ; rdfs:label " investigare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61340dirigere simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61340dirigere is dirigere" ; rdfs:label " dirigere_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem61341cassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem903ente ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61341cassa is cassa" ; rdfs:label " cassa_as_Institution" . inds:USem61342dirigibile simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61342dirigibile is dirigibile" ; rdfs:label " dirigibile_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem61343direzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61343direzione is direzione" ; rdfs:label " direzione_as_Location" . inds:USem61344scenografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61344scenografia is scenografia" ; rdfs:label " scenografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem61345scenografia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59888elemento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61345scenografia is scenografia" ; rdfs:label " scenografia_as_Group" . inds:USem61346coreografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61346coreografia is coreografia" ; rdfs:label " coreografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem61347ottica simple:hasIsa inds:USem911idea ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61347ottica is ottica" ; rdfs:label " ottica_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem61348direzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61348direzione is direzione" ; rdfs:label " direzione_as_Institution" . inds:USem61349attore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61349attore is attore" ; rdfs:label " attore_as_Human" . inds:USem6134arsura simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6134arsura is arsura" ; rdfs:label " arsura_as_Perception" . inds:USem61350cassa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61350cassa is cassa" ; rdfs:label " cassa_as_Amount" . inds:USem61351cassa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61351cassa is cassa" ; rdfs:label " cassa_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem61352dirigenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61352dirigenza is dirigenza" ; rdfs:label " dirigenza_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61353economia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61353economia is economia" ; rdfs:label " economia_as_Domain" . inds:USem61354posta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6861spedire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61354posta is posta" ; rdfs:label " posta_as_Building" . inds:USem61355posta simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem4834scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6406lettera ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61355posta is posta" ; rdfs:label " posta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem61356gesuita simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61356gesuita is gesuita" ; rdfs:label " gesuita_as_Social_status" . inds:USem61357gesto simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61357gesto is gesto" ; rdfs:label " gesto_as_Move" . inds:USem61359gesto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61359gesto is gesto" ; rdfs:label " gesto_as_Act" . inds:USem6135bruciore simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6135bruciore is bruciore" ; rdfs:label " bruciore_as_Perception" . inds:USem61364sollevare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61364sollevare is sollevare" ; rdfs:label " sollevare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61365lettera simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61365lettera is lettere" ; rdfs:label " lettere_as_Domain" . inds:USem61366sollevamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61366sollevamento is sollevamento" ; rdfs:label " sollevamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61367sollevamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61367sollevamento is sollevamento" ; rdfs:label " sollevamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61368corrispondenza simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem4834scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62338relazione ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61368corrispondenza is corrispondenza" ; rdfs:label " corrispondenza_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem61369esercizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61369esercizio is esercizio" ; rdfs:label " esercizio_as_Act" . inds:USem6136calore simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6136calore is calore" ; rdfs:label " calore_as_Perception" . inds:USem61370corrispondenza simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61370corrispondenza is corrispondenza" ; rdfs:label " corrispondenza_as_Information" . inds:USem61371documentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem69037attestare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61371documentare is documentare" ; rdfs:label " documentare_as_State" . inds:USem61372documentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62691informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61372documentare is documentare" ; rdfs:label " documentare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem61373messaggio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61373messaggio is messaggio" ; rdfs:label " messaggio_as_Information" . inds:USem61374presentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61374presentare is presentare" ; rdfs:label " presentare_as_Move" . inds:USem61375presentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79106apparire ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61375presentare is presentare" ; rdfs:label " presentare_as_State" . inds:USem61376corrispondere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61376corrispondere is corrispondere" ; rdfs:label " corrispondere_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem61377analogia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61377analogia is analogia" ; rdfs:label " analogia_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem61378tumulto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61378tumulto is tumulto" ; rdfs:label " tumulto_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61379corrispondere simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61379corrispondere is corrispondere" ; rdfs:label " corrispondere_as_Transaction" . inds:USem6137disgusto simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6137disgusto is disgusto" ; rdfs:label " disgusto_as_Perception" . inds:USem61380corrispondere simple:hasIsa inds:USem78906provare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61380corrispondere is corrispondere" ; rdfs:label " corrispondere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61381esercitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61381esercitare is esercitare" ; rdfs:label " esercitare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61382ricambiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61382ricambiare is ricambiare" ; rdfs:label " ricambiare_as_Change" . inds:USem61383ricambiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61383ricambiare is ricambiare" ; rdfs:label " ricambiare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem61384esercizio simple:hasIsa inds:USem61226azienda ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61384esercizio is esercizio" ; rdfs:label " esercizio_as_Institution" . inds:USem61385ricambiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76540vestire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61385ricambiare is ricambiare" ; rdfs:label " ricambiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61386ricambiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61386ricambiare is ricambiare" ; rdfs:label " ricambiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61388rinnovare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61388rinnovare is rinnovare" ; rdfs:label " rinnovare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61389ridere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61389ridere is ridere" ; rdfs:label " ridere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem6138dolore simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6138dolore is dolore" ; rdfs:label " dolore_as_Perception" . inds:USem61390ridere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61390ridere is ridere" ; rdfs:label " ridere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61391ridere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61391ridere is ridere" ; rdfs:label " ridere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61392alterare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61402irritare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61392alterare is alterare" ; rdfs:label " alterare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61393arrabbiare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5842rabbia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61393arrabbiare is arrabbiare" ; rdfs:label " arrabbiare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61394alterare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61394alterare is alterare" ; rdfs:label " alterare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61396sollevare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61396sollevare is sollevare" ; rdfs:label " sollevare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61397capo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61397capo is capo" ; rdfs:label " capo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem61398promontorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59527costa ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61398promontorio is promontorio" ; rdfs:label " promontorio_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem61399capo simple:hasIsa inds:USem61398promontorio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61399capo is capo" ; rdfs:label " capo_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem6139formicolio simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6139formicolio is formicolio" ; rdfs:label " formicolio_as_Perception" . inds:USem61400capo simple:hasIsa inds:USemTH34450unita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61400capo is capo" ; rdfs:label " capo_as_Part" . inds:USem61401capo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61401capo is capo" ; rdfs:label " capo_as_Part" . inds:USem61402irritare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem68304irritazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61402irritare is irritare" ; rdfs:label " irritare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61404ridere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61404ridere is ridere" ; rdfs:label " ridere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61405collaudare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61405collaudare is collaudare" ; rdfs:label " collaudare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61406collaudo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61406collaudo is collaudo" ; rdfs:label " collaudo_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61407domare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59652addomesticare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61407domare is domare" ; rdfs:label " domare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61408riso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61408riso is riso" ; rdfs:label " riso_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61409diventare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3941trasformare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61409diventare is diventare" ; rdfs:label " diventare_as_Change" . inds:USem6140fotofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6140fotofobia is fotofobia" ; rdfs:label " fotofobia_as_Perception" . inds:USem61410divenire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3941trasformare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61410divenire is divenire" ; rdfs:label " divenire_as_Change" . inds:USem61412formare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61412formare is formare" ; rdfs:label " formare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61413restaurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61413restaurare is restaurare" ; rdfs:label " restaurare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61414educare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61414educare is educare" ; rdfs:label " educare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61415restauro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61415restauro is restauro" ; rdfs:label " restauro_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem61416intagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4297intaglio ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61416intagliare is intagliare" ; rdfs:label " intagliare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem61417educare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7096allenare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61417educare is educare" ; rdfs:label " educare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61419intaglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4297intaglio ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61419intaglio is intaglio" ; rdfs:label " intaglio_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem6141freddo simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6141freddo is freddo" ; rdfs:label " freddo_as_Perception" . inds:USem61420formazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61420formazione is formazione" ; rdfs:label " formazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61421mutare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3941trasformare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5418diverso ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61421mutare is mutare" ; rdfs:label " mutare_as_Change" . inds:USem61423mutare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61423mutare is mutare" ; rdfs:label " mutare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem61424mutare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61424mutare is mutare" ; rdfs:label " mutare_as_Change" . inds:USem61425intarsio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6194intarsio ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61425intarsio is intarsio" ; rdfs:label " intarsio_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem61426rarita1 simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD5646raro ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61426rarita1 is rarita'" ; rdfs:label " rarita'_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem61427ripristinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61427ripristinare is ripristinare" ; rdfs:label " ripristinare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem61428traboccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61428traboccare is traboccare" ; rdfs:label " traboccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61429ripristino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61429ripristino is ripristino" ; rdfs:label " ripristino_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem6142gelo simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6142gelo is gelo" ; rdfs:label " gelo_as_Perception" . inds:USem61430straripare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61430straripare is straripare" ; rdfs:label " straripare_as_Change" . inds:USem61431sceneggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61431sceneggiare is sceneggiare" ; rdfs:label " sceneggiare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem61432traspirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61432traspirare is traspirare" ; rdfs:label " traspirare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61433sceneggiatura simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61433sceneggiatura is sceneggiatura" ; rdfs:label " sceneggiatura_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem61434traboccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61434traboccare is traboccare" ; rdfs:label " traboccare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61435sceneggiatura simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61435sceneggiatura is sceneggiatura" ; rdfs:label " sceneggiatura_as_Information" . inds:USem61436traspirazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61436traspirazione is traspirazione" ; rdfs:label " traspirazione_as_Change" . inds:USem61437straripamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61437straripamento is straripamento" ; rdfs:label " straripamento_as_Change" . inds:USem61438televisione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5236ricevere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61438televisione is televisione" ; rdfs:label " televisione_as_Instrument" . inds:USem61439televisione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61439televisione is televisione" ; rdfs:label " televisione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6143indolenzimento simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6143indolenzimento is indolenzimento" ; rdfs:label " indolenzimento_as_Perception" . inds:USem61440versare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61440versare is versare" ; rdfs:label " versare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61441televisione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75054trasmettere, inds:USemD5236ricevere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61441televisione is televisione" ; rdfs:label " televisione_as_Instrument" . inds:USem61442versare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61442versare is versare" ; rdfs:label " versare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61443versare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61478trovare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61443versare is versare" ; rdfs:label " versare_as_State" . inds:USem61444sfruttare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61444sfruttare is sfruttare" ; rdfs:label " sfruttare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61445versare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61445versare is versare" ; rdfs:label " versare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61446versare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61446versare is versare" ; rdfs:label " versare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem61447canale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem60498scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare, inds:USemD6413irrigare ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61447canale is canale" ; rdfs:label " canale_as_Opening" . inds:USem61448canale simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3255mare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61448canale is canale" ; rdfs:label " canale_as_Location" . inds:USem61449canale simple:hasTelic inds:USem60395collegare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61449canale is canale" ; rdfs:label " canale_as_Telic" . inds:USem6144nausea simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1781stomaco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68070malessere ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6144nausea is nausea" ; rdfs:label " nausea_as_Perception" . inds:USem61450versare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7013uscire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61450versare is versare" ; rdfs:label " versare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem61451depositare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61446versare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61451depositare is depositare" ; rdfs:label " depositare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem61452versamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61452versamento is versamento" ; rdfs:label " versamento_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem61453canale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61453canale is canale" ; rdfs:label " canale_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem61455depositare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61455depositare is depositare" ; rdfs:label " depositare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem61456depositare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61456depositare is depositare" ; rdfs:label " depositare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61457depositare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61457depositare is depositare" ; rdfs:label " depositare_as_Change" . inds:USem61458deposito simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61458deposito is deposito" ; rdfs:label " deposito_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61459deposito simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61459deposito is deposito" ; rdfs:label " deposito_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem6145noia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6145noia is noia" ; rdfs:label " noia_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61460collocare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76491porre ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61460collocare is collocare" ; rdfs:label " collocare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61461collocare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61461collocare is collocare" ; rdfs:label " collocare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61462collocare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61462collocare is collocare" ; rdfs:label " collocare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem61463collocare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74896inserire ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61463collocare is collocare" ; rdfs:label " collocare_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem61464collocazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61464collocazione is collocazione" ; rdfs:label " collocazione_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61465collocazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61465collocazione is collocazione" ; rdfs:label " collocazione_as_State" . inds:USem61466trovare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61466trovare is trovare" ; rdfs:label " trovare_as_Event" . inds:USem61468naviglio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59130scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61447canale ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61468naviglio is naviglio" ; rdfs:label " naviglio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem61469trovare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61469trovare is trovare" ; rdfs:label " trovare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem6146odore simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2737olfatto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6146odore is odore" ; rdfs:label " odore_as_Perception" . inds:USem61470essere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61470essere is essere" ; rdfs:label " essere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem61471trovare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60436incontrare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61471trovare is trovare" ; rdfs:label " trovare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem61472trovare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61472trovare is trovare" ; rdfs:label " trovare_as_State" . inds:USem61473irrigazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61473irrigazione is irrigazione" ; rdfs:label " irrigazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61474trovare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5605giudicare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61474trovare is trovare" ; rdfs:label " trovare_as_Judgement" . inds:USem61475programma simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61475programma is programma" ; rdfs:label " programma_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem61476programma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61476programma is programma" ; rdfs:label " programma_as_Information" . inds:USem61477programma simple:hasIsa inds:USem60123ideazione ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61477programma is programma" ; rdfs:label " programma_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem61478trovare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61478trovare is trovare" ; rdfs:label " trovare_as_State" . inds:USem61479mancanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61479mancanza is mancanza" ; rdfs:label " mancanza_as_State" . inds:USem6147oppressione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6147oppressione is oppressione" ; rdfs:label " oppressione_as_Perception" . inds:USem61480trovare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61480trovare is trovare" ; rdfs:label " trovare_as_Event" . inds:USem61481programma simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59823software ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61481programma is programma" ; rdfs:label " programma_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem61482programmare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61481programma ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61482programmare is programmare" ; rdfs:label " programmare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem61484sorprendere simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5832meraviglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61484sorprendere is sorprendere" ; rdfs:label " sorprendere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61485assenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61485assenza is assenza" ; rdfs:label " assenza_as_State" . inds:USem61486assenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem61479mancanza ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61486assenza is assenza" ; rdfs:label " assenza_as_State" . inds:USem61487crisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61487crisi is crisi" ; rdfs:label " crisi_as_State" . inds:USem61488emergenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61488emergenza is emergenza" ; rdfs:label " emergenza_as_State" . inds:USem61489penuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem61479mancanza ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61489penuria is penuria" ; rdfs:label " penuria_as_State" . inds:USem61490progetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem6913piano ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61490progetto is progetto" ; rdfs:label " progetto_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem61491posizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61491posizione is posizione" ; rdfs:label " posizione_as_State" . inds:USem61492posizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61492posizione is posizione" ; rdfs:label " posizione_as_Location" . inds:USem61493posare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61493posare is posare" ; rdfs:label " posare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61494progettistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6415architettura ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61494progettistica is progettistica" ; rdfs:label " progettistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem61495posare simple:hasIsa inds:USem66054appoggiare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61495posare is posare" ; rdfs:label " posare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem61496architettura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61496architettura is architettura" ; rdfs:label " architettura_as_Artwork" . inds:USem61497posare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61497posare is posare" ; rdfs:label " posare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61498architettura simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61498architettura is architettura" ; rdfs:label " architettura_as_Domain" . inds:USem61499posare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61499posare is posare" ; rdfs:label " posare_as_Move" . inds:USem6149pizzicore simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6149pizzicore is pizzicore" ; rdfs:label " pizzicore_as_Perception" . inds:USem61500sabotare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61500sabotare is sabotare" ; rdfs:label " sabotare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61501adagiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61501adagiare is adagiare" ; rdfs:label " adagiare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61503sabotaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61503sabotaggio is sabotaggio" ; rdfs:label " sabotaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61504adagiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61504adagiare is adagiare" ; rdfs:label " adagiare_as_State" . inds:USem61505distendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6416sdraiare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61505distendere is distendere" ; rdfs:label " distendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61506distendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61506distendere is distendere" ; rdfs:label " distendere_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem61507distendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61507distendere is distendere" ; rdfs:label " distendere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61508derubare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61508derubare is derubare" ; rdfs:label " derubare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem61509distendere simple:hasFeeling inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61509distendere is distendere" ; rdfs:label " distendere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6150prurito simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6150prurito is prurito" ; rdfs:label " prurito_as_Perception" . inds:USem61510rapinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61510rapinare is rapinare" ; rdfs:label " rapinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61511furto simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61511furto is furto" ; rdfs:label " furto_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem61512distendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6823estendere ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61512distendere is distendere" ; rdfs:label " distendere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem61513refurtiva simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem878bene ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61513refurtiva is refurtiva" ; rdfs:label " refurtiva_as_Group" . inds:USem61515rilassare simple:hasFeeling inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61515rilassare is rilassare" ; rdfs:label " rilassare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61516rilassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61516rilassare is rilassare" ; rdfs:label " rilassare_as_Change" . inds:USem61517rapina simple:hasIsa inds:USem61511furto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61517rapina is rapina" ; rdfs:label " rapina_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem61519bottino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem878bene ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61519bottino is bottino" ; rdfs:label " bottino_as_Group" . inds:USem6151sapore simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1763gusto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6151sapore is sapore" ; rdfs:label " sapore_as_Perception" . inds:USem61520distendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6421spiegare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6420disteso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61520distendere is distendere" ; rdfs:label " distendere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61521rapire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61521rapire is rapire" ; rdfs:label " rapire_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem61522spiegare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61522spiegare is spiegare" ; rdfs:label " spiegare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61523rapire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61523rapire is rapire" ; rdfs:label " rapire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61524rapimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61524rapimento is rapimento" ; rdfs:label " rapimento_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem61525innalzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61525innalzare is innalzare" ; rdfs:label " innalzare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61526rapimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem5905emozione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61526rapimento is rapimento" ; rdfs:label " rapimento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61527innalzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7101edificare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61527innalzare is innalzare" ; rdfs:label " innalzare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem61528innalzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61528innalzare is innalzare" ; rdfs:label " innalzare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem6152solletico simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6152solletico is solletico" ; rdfs:label " solletico_as_Perception" . inds:USem61530innalzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem65299ergere ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61530innalzare is innalzare" ; rdfs:label " innalzare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem61531spendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61531spendere is spendere" ; rdfs:label " spendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61532abbassare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61532abbassare is abbassare" ; rdfs:label " abbassare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61533abbassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61533abbassare is abbassare" ; rdfs:label " abbassare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem61534abbassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61534abbassare is abbassare" ; rdfs:label " abbassare_as_Move" . inds:USem61535spendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61535spendere is spendere" ; rdfs:label " spendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61536abbassamento simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem74754diminuzione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD2653basso ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61536abbassamento is abbassamento" ; rdfs:label " abbassamento_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem61537spendaccione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem61531spendere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61537spendaccione is spendaccione" ; rdfs:label " spendaccione_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem61538sperperare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61562sprecare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61538sperperare is sperperare" ; rdfs:label " sperperare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61539sperpero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61539sperpero is sperpero" ; rdfs:label " sperpero_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6153sollievo simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6153sollievo is sollievo" ; rdfs:label " sollievo_as_Perception" . inds:USem61540scialacquare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61538sperperare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61540scialacquare is scialacquare" ; rdfs:label " scialacquare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61541avvincere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61541avvincere is avvincere" ; rdfs:label " avvincere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61542estasiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61542estasiare is estasiare" ; rdfs:label " estasiare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61543estasiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61543estasiare is estasiare" ; rdfs:label " estasiare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61544affascinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61544affascinare is affascinare" ; rdfs:label " affascinare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61546corrompere simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem61550corruzione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61546corrompere is corrompere" ; rdfs:label " corrompere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61547corrompere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61547corrompere is corrompere" ; rdfs:label " corrompere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem61548corruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61548corruzione is corruzione" ; rdfs:label " corruzione_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem61549spesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61549spesa is spesa" ; rdfs:label " spesa_as_Amount" . inds:USem6154suono simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2735udito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6154suono is suono" ; rdfs:label " suono_as_Perception" . inds:USem61550corruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem67293male ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61550corruzione is corruzione" ; rdfs:label " corruzione_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem61551spesa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem61335oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61551spesa is spesa" ; rdfs:label " spesa_as_Group" . inds:USem61552corruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61552corruzione is corruzione" ; rdfs:label " corruzione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61553guastare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6427guasto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61553guastare is guastare" ; rdfs:label " guastare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61554guastare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60166turbare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61554guastare is guastare" ; rdfs:label " guastare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61555riformare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61555riformare is riformare" ; rdfs:label " riformare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem61557riformare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61557riformare is riformare" ; rdfs:label " riformare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61558guasto simple:hasIsa inds:USem61648danno ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6427guasto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61558guasto is guasto" ; rdfs:label " guasto_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61559riformare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61559riformare is riformare" ; rdfs:label " riformare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61561riformare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61561riformare is riformare" ; rdfs:label " riformare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61562sprecare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79437perdere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61562sprecare is sprecare" ; rdfs:label " sprecare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61563riformato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61563riformato is riformato" ; rdfs:label " riformato_as_Human" . inds:USem61565riformatorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem72827detenere ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61565riformatorio is riformatorio" ; rdfs:label " riformatorio_as_Institution" . inds:USem61566sognare simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61566sognare is sognare" ; rdfs:label " sognare_as_Perception" . inds:USem61567sprecare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61567sprecare is sprecare" ; rdfs:label " sprecare_as_Event" . inds:USem61568sogno simple:hasIsa inds:USem60583percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61568sogno is sogno" ; rdfs:label " sogno_as_Perception" . inds:USem61570spreco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61570spreco is spreco" ; rdfs:label " spreco_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61571sognare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4840desiderare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61571sognare is sognare" ; rdfs:label " sognare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem61572sogno simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61572sogno is sogno" ; rdfs:label " sogno_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem61573carcere simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61589carcerato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem72827detenere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61573carcere is carcere" ; rdfs:label " carcere_as_Building" . inds:USem61574carcere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem72827detenere ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61574carcere is carcere" ; rdfs:label " carcere_as_Institution" . inds:USem61575carcerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61575carcerare is carcerare" ; rdfs:label " carcerare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem61577svolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61577svolgere is svolgere" ; rdfs:label " svolgere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61578svolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61578svolgere is svolgere" ; rdfs:label " svolgere_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem61579svolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61579svolgere is svolgere" ; rdfs:label " svolgere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61581arrotolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61581arrotolare is arrotolare" ; rdfs:label " arrotolare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61582arrotolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61582arrotolare is arrotolare" ; rdfs:label " arrotolare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61583svolgimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61583svolgimento is svolgimento" ; rdfs:label " svolgimento_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem61584prigione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61584prigione is prigione" ; rdfs:label " prigione_as_Location" . inds:USem61585arrotondare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61585arrotondare is arrotondare" ; rdfs:label " arrotondare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61586carceriere simple:hasIsa inds:USem72168guardia ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61586carceriere is carceriere" ; rdfs:label " carceriere_as_Profession" . inds:USem61587prigioniero simple:hasAgentive inds:USem61240imprigionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61587prigioniero is prigioniero" ; rdfs:label " prigioniero_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem61588arrotondare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61588arrotondare is arrotondare" ; rdfs:label " arrotondare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61589carcerato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem61575carcerare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61589carcerato is carcerato" ; rdfs:label " carcerato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem6158finezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5977fine ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6158finezza is finezza" ; rdfs:label " finezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem61590tumore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61590tumore is tumore" ; rdfs:label " tumore_as_Disease" . inds:USem61591carcinoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61591carcinoma is carcinoma" ; rdfs:label " carcinoma_as_Disease" . inds:USem61592linfoma simple:hasAffects inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61592linfoma is linfoma" ; rdfs:label " linfoma_as_Disease" . inds:USem61593cancrena simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61593cancrena is cancrena" ; rdfs:label " cancrena_as_Disease" . inds:USem61594cancro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61594cancro is cancro" ; rdfs:label " cancro_as_Disease" . inds:USem61595avvolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61595avvolgere is avvolgere" ; rdfs:label " avvolgere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61596costellazione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61596costellazione is costellazione" ; rdfs:label " costellazione_as_Group" . inds:USem61597avvolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61597avvolgere is avvolgere" ; rdfs:label " avvolgere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61599astrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem69settore ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61599astrologia is astrologia" ; rdfs:label " astrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem6159raffinatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5978raffinato ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6159raffinatezza is raffinatezza" ; rdfs:label " raffinatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem61600avvolgimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61600avvolgimento is avvolgimento" ; rdfs:label " avvolgimento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61601ingrassare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem78654ingrassato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61601ingrassare is ingrassare" ; rdfs:label " ingrassare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61602zodiaco simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61599astrologia ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem61596costellazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61602zodiaco is zodiaco" ; rdfs:label " zodiaco_as_Group" . inds:USem61603cancro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61596costellazione ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61603cancro is cancro" ; rdfs:label " cancro_as_Group" . inds:USem61604ingrassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59894lubrificare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61604ingrassare is ingrassare" ; rdfs:label " ingrassare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61605dimagrire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61605dimagrire is dimagrire" ; rdfs:label " dimagrire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61606cancro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61608zodiaco ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61606cancro is cancro" ; rdfs:label " cancro_as_Representation" . inds:USem61607eseguire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61607eseguire is eseguire" ; rdfs:label " eseguire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61608zodiaco simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61608zodiaco is zodiaco" ; rdfs:label " zodiaco_as_Representation" . inds:USem61609leone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61609leone is leone" ; rdfs:label " leone_as_Representation" . inds:USem6160ricercatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5979ricercato ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6160ricercatezza is ricercatezza" ; rdfs:label " ricercatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem61610leone simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61596costellazione ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61610leone is leone" ; rdfs:label " leone_as_Group" . inds:USem61611toro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61596costellazione ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61611toro is toro" ; rdfs:label " toro_as_Group" . inds:USem61612toro simple:hasConcerns inds:USem65543bovino ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD6442corno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61612toro is toro" ; rdfs:label " toro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem61613toro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61613toro is toro" ; rdfs:label " toro_as_Human" . inds:USem61614musica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61614musica is musica" ; rdfs:label " musica_as_Domain" . inds:USem61615toro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61615toro is toro" ; rdfs:label " toro_as_Representation" . inds:USem61616musica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61616musica is musica" ; rdfs:label " musica_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem61617musicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61617musicare is musicare" ; rdfs:label " musicare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem61618corno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61618corno is corno" ; rdfs:label " corno_as_Part" . inds:USem61619scultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61619scultura is scultura" ; rdfs:label " scultura_as_Domain" . inds:USem61620scultura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61620scultura is scultura" ; rdfs:label " scultura_as_Artwork" . inds:USem61621gemello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61621gemello is gemello" ; rdfs:label " gemello_as_Kinship" . inds:USem61622gemello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61622gemello is gemello" ; rdfs:label " gemello_as_Clothing" . inds:USem61623ungere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61623ungere is ungere" ; rdfs:label " ungere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61624ungere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61624ungere is ungere" ; rdfs:label " ungere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61625ungere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6976sporcare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62290unto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61625ungere is ungere" ; rdfs:label " ungere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61626vergine simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61596costellazione ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61626vergine is vergine" ; rdfs:label " vergine_as_Group" . inds:USem61627vergine simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61627vergine is vergine" ; rdfs:label " vergine_as_Representation" . inds:USem61628ungere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6974sporcare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62290unto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61628ungere is ungere" ; rdfs:label " ungere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61629verginita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61629verginita1 is verginita'" ; rdfs:label " verginita'_as_State" . inds:USem61630vergine simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61630vergine is vergine" ; rdfs:label " vergine_as_Human" . inds:USem61631crescere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61631crescere is crescere" ; rdfs:label " crescere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61632crescere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6118cresciuto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61632crescere is crescere" ; rdfs:label " crescere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61633pulsante simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61634bottone ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59920comandare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61633pulsante is pulsante" ; rdfs:label " pulsante_as_Instrument" . inds:USem61634bottone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59920comandare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61634bottone is bottone" ; rdfs:label " bottone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem61635crescere simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61635crescere is crescere" ; rdfs:label " crescere_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem61636tradire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61636tradire is tradire" ; rdfs:label " tradire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61637crescere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61637crescere is crescere" ; rdfs:label " crescere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61638tradire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60870esprimere ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61638tradire is tradire" ; rdfs:label " tradire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61639tradire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60870esprimere ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61639tradire is tradire" ; rdfs:label " tradire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem6163finezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76162fine ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6163finezza is finezza" ; rdfs:label " finezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem61640tradimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61640tradimento is tradimento" ; rdfs:label " tradimento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61641sviluppare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61641sviluppare is sviluppare" ; rdfs:label " sviluppare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61642tradimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61642tradimento is tradimento" ; rdfs:label " tradimento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61644galera simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61589carcerato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem72827detenere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61644galera is galera" ; rdfs:label " galera_as_Building" . inds:USem61645crescita simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem74755aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61645crescita is crescita" ; rdfs:label " crescita_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem61646crescita simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6118cresciuto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61646crescita is crescita" ; rdfs:label " crescita_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61647sviluppare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61647sviluppare is sviluppare" ; rdfs:label " sviluppare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61648danno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61648danno is danno" ; rdfs:label " danno_as_Event" . inds:USem6164bestiario simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6164bestiario is bestiario" ; rdfs:label " bestiario_as_Artwork" . inds:USem61651sviluppare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61651sviluppare is sviluppare" ; rdfs:label " sviluppare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61652sviluppare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61652sviluppare is sviluppare" ; rdfs:label " sviluppare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61653galera simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61653galera is galera" ; rdfs:label " galera_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem61654sviluppo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61654sviluppo is sviluppo" ; rdfs:label " sviluppo_as_Change" . inds:USem61656pena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61656pena is pena" ; rdfs:label " pena_as_Event" . inds:USem61657pena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61657pena is pena" ; rdfs:label " pena_as_Event" . inds:USem61659recluso simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD66342recludere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61659recluso is recluso" ; rdfs:label " recluso_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem6165bestiario simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61620scultura ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6165bestiario is bestiario" ; rdfs:label " bestiario_as_Artwork" . inds:USem61660realizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61660realizzare is realizzare" ; rdfs:label " realizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61661convertire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61661convertire is convertire" ; rdfs:label " convertire_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem61662convertire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61662convertire is convertire" ; rdfs:label " convertire_as_Change" . inds:USem61663conversione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61663conversione is conversione" ; rdfs:label " conversione_as_Change" . inds:USem61664bilancia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61596costellazione ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61664bilancia is bilancia" ; rdfs:label " bilancia_as_Group" . inds:USem61665bilancia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61665bilancia is bilancia" ; rdfs:label " bilancia_as_Representation" . inds:USem61666scorpione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61596costellazione ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61666scorpione is scorpione" ; rdfs:label " scorpione_as_Group" . inds:USem61667scorpione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61667scorpione is scorpione" ; rdfs:label " scorpione_as_Representation" . inds:USem61668capricorno simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61596costellazione ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61668capricorno is capricorno" ; rdfs:label " capricorno_as_Group" . inds:USem61669conversione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61669conversione is conversione" ; rdfs:label " conversione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6166decorazione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6588disegnare, inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6166decorazione is decorazione" ; rdfs:label " decorazione_as_Artwork" . inds:USem61670capricorno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61670capricorno is capricorno" ; rdfs:label " capricorno_as_Representation" . inds:USem61671acquario simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61596costellazione ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61671acquario is acquario" ; rdfs:label " acquario_as_Group" . inds:USem61672convertito simple:hasAgentive inds:USem61662convertire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61672convertito is convertito" ; rdfs:label " convertito_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem61673acquario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61673acquario is acquario" ; rdfs:label " acquario_as_Representation" . inds:USem61674acquario simple:hasContains inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USem923pesce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61674acquario is acquario" ; rdfs:label " acquario_as_Container" . inds:USem61676realizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61676realizzare is realizzare" ; rdfs:label " realizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61677realizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61725comprendere ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61677realizzare is realizzare" ; rdfs:label " realizzare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem61678compiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59596concludere ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61678compiere is compiere" ; rdfs:label " compiere_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem61679compiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61679compiere is compiere" ; rdfs:label " compiere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6167assenteista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5982assentare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6167assenteista is assenteista" ; rdfs:label " assenteista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem61680realizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6455avverare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61680realizzare is realizzare" ; rdfs:label " realizzare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61681realizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61681realizzare is realizzare" ; rdfs:label " realizzare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61682acquario simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasTypicalLocation inds:USem923pesce ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61682acquario is acquario" ; rdfs:label " acquario_as_Building" . inds:USem61683realizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61683realizzazione is realizzazione" ; rdfs:label " realizzazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61684realizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61684realizzazione is realizzazione" ; rdfs:label " realizzazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61685realizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61685realizzazione is realizzazione" ; rdfs:label " realizzazione_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61686realizzatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem61676realizzare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61686realizzatore is realizzatore" ; rdfs:label " realizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem61688realta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61688realta1 is realta'" ; rdfs:label " realta'_as_Entity" . inds:USem61689realta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78296reale ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61689realta1 is realta'" ; rdfs:label " realta'_as_Property" . inds:USem6168esponente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD2845gruppo, inds:USemD5272collettivita1 ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6168esponente is esponente" ; rdfs:label " esponente_as_Role" . inds:USem61690arguzia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61690arguzia is arguzia" ; rdfs:label " arguzia_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem61692compimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61692compimento is compimento" ; rdfs:label " compimento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61693compimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60061conclusione ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61693compimento is compimento" ; rdfs:label " compimento_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem61694progredire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59660continuare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61694progredire is progredire" ; rdfs:label " progredire_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem61695progredire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60205migliorare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6458progredito ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61695progredire is progredire" ; rdfs:label " progredire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61696avanzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60205migliorare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61696avanzare is avanzare" ; rdfs:label " avanzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61697avanzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61697avanzare is avanzare" ; rdfs:label " avanzare_as_Move" . inds:USem61698avanzamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61698avanzamento is avanzamento" ; rdfs:label " avanzamento_as_Move" . inds:USem61699avanzamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3880miglioramento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61699avanzamento is avanzamento" ; rdfs:label " avanzamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6169cavaliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4587cavalleria ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6169cavaliere is cavaliere" ; rdfs:label " cavaliere_as_Social_status" . inds:USem61700proseguimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60062continuazione ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61700proseguimento is proseguimento" ; rdfs:label " proseguimento_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem61702potenziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60223incrementare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61702potenziare is potenziare" ; rdfs:label " potenziare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem61703arguzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61703arguzia is arguzia" ; rdfs:label " arguzia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem61704potenziamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60228incremento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61704potenziamento is potenziamento" ; rdfs:label " potenziamento_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem61705acutezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6789acuto ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61705acutezza is acutezza" ; rdfs:label " acutezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem61706progresso simple:hasIsa inds:USem3880miglioramento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61706progresso is progresso" ; rdfs:label " progresso_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61707astuzia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61707astuzia is astuzia" ; rdfs:label " astuzia_as_Act" . inds:USem61708invecchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61708invecchiare is invecchiare" ; rdfs:label " invecchiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61709vecchia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61709vecchia is vecchia" ; rdfs:label " vecchia_as_Human" . inds:USem6170trasformismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6170trasformismo is trasformismo" ; rdfs:label " trasformismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem61710invecchiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61710invecchiamento is invecchiamento" ; rdfs:label " invecchiamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61711invecchiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem64875processo ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6461vecchio ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61711invecchiamento is invecchiamento" ; rdfs:label " invecchiamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61713cautela simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61713cautela is cautela" ; rdfs:label " cautela_as_Act" . inds:USem61715capire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61715capire is capire" ; rdfs:label " capire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61718demenza simple:hasAffects inds:USemD6067mente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61718demenza is demenza" ; rdfs:label " demenza_as_Disease" . inds:USem61719deficienza simple:hasAffects inds:USemD6067mente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61719deficienza is deficienza" ; rdfs:label " deficienza_as_Disease" . inds:USem6171trasformista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem6170trasformismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6171trasformista is trasformista" ; rdfs:label " trasformista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem61720deficienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem61479mancanza ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61720deficienza is deficienza" ; rdfs:label " deficienza_as_State" . inds:USem61721capire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61721capire is capire" ; rdfs:label " capire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61722comprendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61722comprendere is comprendere" ; rdfs:label " comprendere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61724diligenza simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61724diligenza is diligenza" ; rdfs:label " diligenza_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem61727comprensione simple:hasIsa inds:USem79206capacita1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61727comprensione is comprensione" ; rdfs:label " comprensione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem61728esuberanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61728esuberanza is esuberanza" ; rdfs:label " esuberanza_as_Amount" . inds:USem61729segnalare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61763raccomandare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61729segnalare is segnalare" ; rdfs:label " segnalare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61730gentilezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61730gentilezza is gentilezza" ; rdfs:label " gentilezza_as_Act" . inds:USem61731idiozia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61731idiozia is idiozia" ; rdfs:label " idiozia_as_Act" . inds:USem61736segnalazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61771raccomandazione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61736segnalazione is segnalazione" ; rdfs:label " segnalazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61738segnalazione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1738segnale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61738segnalazione is segnalazione" ; rdfs:label " segnalazione_as_Group" . inds:USem61740segnalatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61740segnalatore is segnalatore" ; rdfs:label " segnalatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem61744segnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61744segnare is segnare" ; rdfs:label " segnare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61745segnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61745segnare is segnare" ; rdfs:label " segnare_as_Act" . inds:USem61747segnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61747segnare is segnare" ; rdfs:label " segnare_as_State" . inds:USem61748segnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61780significare ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61748segnare is segnare" ; rdfs:label " segnare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem61749segnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61749segnare is segnare" ; rdfs:label " segnare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61750segnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61750segnare is segnare" ; rdfs:label " segnare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61752graffiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61752graffiare is graffiare" ; rdfs:label " graffiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61753graffiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61753graffiare is graffiare" ; rdfs:label " graffiare_as_State" . inds:USem61754graffiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61754graffiare is graffiare" ; rdfs:label " graffiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61755premura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61755premura is premura" ; rdfs:label " premura_as_Act" . inds:USem61756graffiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61756graffiare is graffiare" ; rdfs:label " graffiare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61758premura simple:hasIsa inds:USem79104fretta ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61758premura is premura" ; rdfs:label " premura_as_State" . inds:USem61759graffio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61759graffio is graffio" ; rdfs:label " graffio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem61760prontezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5789pronto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61760prontezza is prontezza" ; rdfs:label " prontezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem61762razionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76597razionale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61762razionalita1 is razionalita'" ; rdfs:label " razionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem61763raccomandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61763raccomandare is raccomandare" ; rdfs:label " raccomandare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61765riservatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem77960riservato ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61765riservatezza is riservatezza" ; rdfs:label " riservatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem61766raccomandare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60070consigliare ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61766raccomandare is raccomandare" ; rdfs:label " raccomandare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem61767raccomandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6488affidare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61767raccomandare is raccomandare" ; rdfs:label " raccomandare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61769raccomandare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60881esortare ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61769raccomandare is raccomandare" ; rdfs:label " raccomandare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem61770sciocchezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61770sciocchezza is sciocchezza" ; rdfs:label " sciocchezza_as_Act" . inds:USem61771raccomandazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61736segnalazione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61771raccomandazione is raccomandazione" ; rdfs:label " raccomandazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61772sciocchezza simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD6482sciocco ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61772sciocchezza is sciocchezza" ; rdfs:label " sciocchezza_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem61774raccomandazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60882esortazione ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61774raccomandazione is raccomandazione" ; rdfs:label " raccomandazione_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem61775scortesia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61775scortesia is scortesia" ; rdfs:label " scortesia_as_Act" . inds:USem61776sfacciataggine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61776sfacciataggine is sfacciataggine" ; rdfs:label " sfacciataggine_as_Act" . inds:USem61777raccomandato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem61763raccomandare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61777raccomandato is raccomandato" ; rdfs:label " raccomandato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem61778spavalderia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61778spavalderia is spavalderia" ; rdfs:label " spavalderia_as_Act" . inds:USem61779spiritosaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61779spiritosaggine is spiritosaggine" ; rdfs:label " spiritosaggine_as_Act" . inds:USem61780significare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59181simboleggiare ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61780significare is significare" ; rdfs:label " significare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem61782significare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61782significare is significare" ; rdfs:label " significare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem61783stupidaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61783stupidaggine is stupidaggine" ; rdfs:label " stupidaggine_as_Act" . inds:USem61784significare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61784significare is significare" ; rdfs:label " significare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61785significato simple:hasIsa inds:USem1352valore ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61785significato is significato" ; rdfs:label " significato_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61786tempismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61786tempismo is tempismo" ; rdfs:label " tempismo_as_Quality" . inds:USem61787spirito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61787spirito is spirito" ; rdfs:label " spirito_as_Entity" . inds:USem61788spirito simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USemD5394componente ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61788spirito is spirito" ; rdfs:label " spirito_as_Substance" . inds:USem61789tenerezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61789tenerezza is tenerezza" ; rdfs:label " tenerezza_as_Act" . inds:USem61791tenerezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5811tenero ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61791tenerezza is tenerezza" ; rdfs:label " tenerezza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem61792vigliaccheria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61792vigliaccheria is vigliaccheria" ; rdfs:label " vigliaccheria_as_Act" . inds:USem61794significato simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61794significato is significato" ; rdfs:label " significato_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem61796contenuto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem26materia ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61796contenuto is contenuto" ; rdfs:label " contenuto_as_Information" . inds:USem61797tema simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61331argomento ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61797tema is tema" ; rdfs:label " tema_as_Information" . inds:USem61799distinguere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60592conoscere ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61799distinguere is distinguere" ; rdfs:label " distinguere_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem61800legame simple:hasTelic inds:USemD7097legare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61800legame is legame" ; rdfs:label " legame_as_Telic" . inds:USem61801scuola simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4985insegnante, inds:USem60848alunno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61801scuola is scuola" ; rdfs:label " scuola_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem61802prosperare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6749prospero ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61802prosperare is prosperare" ; rdfs:label " prosperare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem61803prosperita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61803prosperita1 is prosperita'" ; rdfs:label " prosperita'_as_Exist" . inds:USem61804burro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3249latte ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61804burro is burro" ; rdfs:label " burro_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem61805centrifugare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7200centrifugato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61805centrifugare is centrifugare" ; rdfs:label " centrifugare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem61806centrifuga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60390separare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61806centrifuga is centrifuga" ; rdfs:label " centrifuga_as_Instrument" . inds:USem61858adeguare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61858adeguare is adeguare" ; rdfs:label " adeguare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61859adeguare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61859adeguare is adeguare" ; rdfs:label " adeguare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61860adeguamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61860adeguamento is adeguamento" ; rdfs:label " adeguamento_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem61861adeguamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61861adeguamento is adeguamento" ; rdfs:label " adeguamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem61866medico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1981medico ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61866medico is medico" ; rdfs:label " medico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61867diabetico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD5899diabete ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61867diabetico is diabetico" ; rdfs:label " diabetico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61869acquatico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61869acquatico is acquatico" ; rdfs:label " acquatico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61870alcolico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3900alcol ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61870alcolico is alcolico" ; rdfs:label " alcolico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61874artista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61874artista is artista" ; rdfs:label " artista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem61877archeologico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem4062archeologia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61877archeologico is archeologico" ; rdfs:label " archeologico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61878architettonico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem61498architettura ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61878architettonico is architettonico" ; rdfs:label " architettonico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61898rosso simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1368rosso ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61898rosso is rosso" ; rdfs:label " rosso_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USem61901azzurro simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2464azzurro ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61901azzurro is azzurro" ; rdfs:label " azzurro_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USem61902elettrico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemTH07768elettricita1 ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61902elettrico is elettrico" ; rdfs:label " elettrico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61903biondo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2489biondo ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61903biondo is biondo" ; rdfs:label " biondo_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USem61904blu simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2457blu ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61904blu is blu" ; rdfs:label " blu_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USem61906celeste simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2455celeste ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61906celeste is celeste" ; rdfs:label " celeste_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USem61907cremisi simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2470cremisi ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61907cremisi is cremisi" ; rdfs:label " cremisi_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USem61908giallo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1366giallo ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61908giallo is giallo" ; rdfs:label " giallo_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USem6190possibilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem5086possibilismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6190possibilista is possibilista" ; rdfs:label " possibilista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem61910grigio simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2461grigio ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61910grigio is grigio" ; rdfs:label " grigio_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USem61912marrone simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2459marrone ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61912marrone is marrone" ; rdfs:label " marrone_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USem61914nero simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1370nero ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61914nero is nero" ; rdfs:label " nero_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USem61915rosato simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2456rosa ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61915rosato is rosato" ; rdfs:label " rosato_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USem61917regionale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem4145regione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61917regionale is regionale" ; rdfs:label " regionale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61918nazionale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2238nazione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61918nazionale is nazionale" ; rdfs:label " nazionale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61919urbano simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61919urbano is urbano" ; rdfs:label " urbano_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem6191dignitario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6191dignitario is dignitario" ; rdfs:label " dignitario_as_Social_status" . inds:USem61920verde simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1367verde ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61920verde is verde" ; rdfs:label " verde_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USem61921viola simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2477viola ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61921viola is viola" ; rdfs:label " viola_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USem61933materno simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem4070madre ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61933materno is materno" ; rdfs:label " materno_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61935paterno simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem4068padre ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61935paterno is paterno" ; rdfs:label " paterno_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61936maschile simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3621maschio ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61936maschile is maschile" ; rdfs:label " maschile_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61937femminile simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3620femmina ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61937femminile is femminile" ; rdfs:label " femminile_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61939lunare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem59935luna ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61939lunare is lunare" ; rdfs:label " lunare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61940solare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem64526sole ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61940solare is solare" ; rdfs:label " solare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61941presidenziale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3616presidente ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61941presidenziale is presidenziale" ; rdfs:label " presidenziale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61942commerciale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem60457commercio ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61942commerciale is commerciale" ; rdfs:label " commerciale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61944linguistico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61944linguistico is linguistico" ; rdfs:label " linguistico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61945terrestre simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem61177terra ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61945terrestre is terrestre" ; rdfs:label " terrestre_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61946elettronico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem59970elettronica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61946elettronico is elettronico" ; rdfs:label " elettronico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61949economico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem61353economia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61949economico is economico" ; rdfs:label " economico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61951lessicale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem59321lessico ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61951lessicale is lessicale" ; rdfs:label " lessicale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61952elettorale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem60638elezione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61952elettorale is elettorale" ; rdfs:label " elettorale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61953farmaceutico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3047farmaco ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61953farmaceutico is farmaceutico" ; rdfs:label " farmaceutico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61966addominale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1758addome ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61966addominale is addominale" ; rdfs:label " addominale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61967dorsale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD4048dorso ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61967dorsale is dorsale" ; rdfs:label " dorsale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61968digitale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD4040dito ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61968digitale is digitale" ; rdfs:label " digitale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61969cervicale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1762collo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61969cervicale is cervicale" ; rdfs:label " cervicale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61970cerebrale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1821cervello ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61970cerebrale is cerebrale" ; rdfs:label " cerebrale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61972antibiotico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3019antibiotico ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61972antibiotico is antibiotico" ; rdfs:label " antibiotico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61973moderato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61973moderato is moderato" ; rdfs:label " moderato_as_Human" . inds:USem61974antivirale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1971virus ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61974antivirale is antivirale" ; rdfs:label " antivirale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem61975centrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem5060centrismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61975centrista is centrista" ; rdfs:label " centrista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem61980opportunista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem5083opportunismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61980opportunista is opportunista" ; rdfs:label " opportunista_as_Human" . inds:USem61981defunto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61981defunto is defunto" ; rdfs:label " defunto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem61997cattivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem61997cattivo is cattivo" ; rdfs:label " cattivo_as_Human" . inds:USem62056fiorire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62056fiorire is fiorire" ; rdfs:label " fiorire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62057fiorire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62057fiorire is fiorire" ; rdfs:label " fiorire_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem62067frenare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74678fermare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6767frenato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62067frenare is frenare" ; rdfs:label " frenare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem62092ordinario simple:hasIsa inds:USem4984professore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62092ordinario is ordinario" ; rdfs:label " ordinario_as_Profession" . inds:USem6209progettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59111progettare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6209progettista is progettista" ; rdfs:label " progettista_as_Profession" . inds:USem6210siculo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2198sicilia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6210siculo is siculo" ; rdfs:label " siculo_as_People" . inds:USem62110bruto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62110bruto is bruto" ; rdfs:label " bruto_as_Human" . inds:USem62111tiranno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62111tiranno is tiranno" ; rdfs:label " tiranno_as_Human" . inds:USem62113despota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62113despota is despota" ; rdfs:label " despota_as_Human" . inds:USem62115vile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62115vile is vile" ; rdfs:label " vile_as_Human" . inds:USem62116codardo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem2519codardia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62115vile ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62116codardo is codardo" ; rdfs:label " codardo_as_Human" . inds:USem62117eroe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62117eroe is eroe" ; rdfs:label " eroe_as_Human" . inds:USem62124gastronomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62124gastronomia is gastronomia" ; rdfs:label " gastronomia_as_Domain" . inds:USem62125gastronomico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem62124gastronomia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62125gastronomico is gastronomico" ; rdfs:label " gastronomico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem62126astronomico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD6303astronomia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62126astronomico is astronomico" ; rdfs:label " astronomico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem6212agronomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6212agronomo is agronomo" ; rdfs:label " agronomo_as_Profession" . inds:USem6213analista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6213analista is analista" ; rdfs:label " analista_as_Profession" . inds:USem62148raffinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60205migliorare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5978raffinato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62148raffinare is raffinare" ; rdfs:label " raffinare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6214bancario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7074banca ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6214bancario is bancario" ; rdfs:label " bancario_as_Profession" . inds:USem62150attrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62150attrarre is attrarre" ; rdfs:label " attrarre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6215barcaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6215barcaiolo is barcaiolo" ; rdfs:label " barcaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USem6216barelliere simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6340ferito, inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6866trasportare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem68359barella ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6216barelliere is barelliere" ; rdfs:label " barelliere_as_Profession" . inds:USem62176annoiare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem6145noia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62176annoiare is annoiare" ; rdfs:label " annoiare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62177arretrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62177arretrare is arretrare" ; rdfs:label " arretrare_as_Move" . inds:USem62178arretrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61066rinunciare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62178arretrare is arretrare" ; rdfs:label " arretrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6217cantiniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6217cantiniere is cantiniere" ; rdfs:label " cantiniere_as_Profession" . inds:USem6218caricatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6218caricatore is caricatore" ; rdfs:label " caricatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem62190influenzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62190influenzare is influenzare" ; rdfs:label " influenzare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem62191influenzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62191influenzare is influenzare" ; rdfs:label " influenzare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62193influenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62193influenza is influenza" ; rdfs:label " influenza_as_State" . inds:USem6219cartomante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6219cartomante is cartomante" ; rdfs:label " cartomante_as_Profession" . inds:USem62202nervoso simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem62721nervo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62202nervoso is nervoso" ; rdfs:label " nervoso_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem62203obeso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62203obeso is obeso" ; rdfs:label " obeso_as_Human" . inds:USem62208offeso simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60028offendere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62208offeso is offeso" ; rdfs:label " offeso_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem62219infuriare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62219infuriare is infuriare" ; rdfs:label " infuriare_as_Event" . inds:USem6221costumista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6221costumista is costumista" ; rdfs:label " costumista_as_Profession" . inds:USem62237stimare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59341valutare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62237stimare is stimare" ; rdfs:label " stimare_as_Judgement" . inds:USem6223petroliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6223petroliere is petroliere" ; rdfs:label " petroliere_as_Profession" . inds:USem62244muscolare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1805muscolo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62244muscolare is muscolare" ; rdfs:label " muscolare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem62246cellulare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62246cellulare is cellulare" ; rdfs:label " cellulare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem62247oculare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1806occhio ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62247oculare is oculare" ; rdfs:label " oculare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem62248stellare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem59932stella ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62248stellare is stellare" ; rdfs:label " stellare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem6224ragioniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6224ragioniere is ragioniere" ; rdfs:label " ragioniere_as_Profession" . inds:USem62250ventricolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1769cuore ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62250ventricolo is ventricolo" ; rdfs:label " ventricolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62251ventricolare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem62250ventricolo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62251ventricolare is ventricolare" ; rdfs:label " ventricolare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem62252angolare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1407angolo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62252angolare is angolare" ; rdfs:label " angolare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem62253equestre simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62253equestre is equestre" ; rdfs:label " equestre_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem62254altruista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem5511altruismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62254altruista is altruista" ; rdfs:label " altruista_as_Human" . inds:USem62256polare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD6948polo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62256polare is polare" ; rdfs:label " polare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem62257polo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62257polo is polo" ; rdfs:label " polo_as_Clothing" . inds:USem62258polo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem61187mondo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62258polo is polo" ; rdfs:label " polo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem6225telecronista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6225telecronista is telecronista" ; rdfs:label " telecronista_as_Profession" . inds:USem62264sapiente simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem1553sapienza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62264sapiente is sapiente" ; rdfs:label " sapiente_as_Human" . inds:USem62265erudito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62265erudito is erudito" ; rdfs:label " erudito_as_Human" . inds:USem62266erudizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3926insegnamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62266erudizione is erudizione" ; rdfs:label " erudizione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem62267istruire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3923insegnare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62267istruire is istruire" ; rdfs:label " istruire_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem62268istruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3926insegnamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62268istruzione is istruzione" ; rdfs:label " istruzione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem62269istruttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62269istruttore is istruttore" ; rdfs:label " istruttore_as_Profession" . inds:USem6226trasformista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6226trasformista is trasformista" ; rdfs:label " trasformista_as_Profession" . inds:USem62270studente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD4654studiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62270studente is studente" ; rdfs:label " studente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem62271omicida simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62271omicida is omicida" ; rdfs:label " omicida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem62272resistere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62272resistere is resistere" ; rdfs:label " resistere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62273resistere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62273resistere is resistere" ; rdfs:label " resistere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem62274resistenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62274resistenza is resistenza" ; rdfs:label " resistenza_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62275resistere simple:hasIsa inds:USem64796durare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62275resistere is resistere" ; rdfs:label " resistere_as_State" . inds:USem62276resistenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6543resistente ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62276resistenza is resistenza" ; rdfs:label " resistenza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem62278cristiano simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2666cristianesimo, inds:USem3752cristo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62278cristiano is cristiano" ; rdfs:label " cristiano_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem6227vivaista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6227vivaista is vivaista" ; rdfs:label " vivaista_as_Profession" . inds:USem62281allungare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62281allungare is allungare" ; rdfs:label " allungare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem62282accorciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6117corto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62282accorciare is accorciare" ; rdfs:label " accorciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem62283accorciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6117corto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62283accorciare is accorciare" ; rdfs:label " accorciare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6228statunitense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63498usa ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4120usa ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6228statunitense is statunitense" ; rdfs:label " statunitense_as_People" . inds:USem62292macchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62292macchiare is macchiare" ; rdfs:label " macchiare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem62299stravagante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62299stravagante is stravagante" ; rdfs:label " stravagante_as_Human" . inds:USem62300giornale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62300giornale is giornale" ; rdfs:label " giornale_as_Information" . inds:USem62301quotidiano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62301quotidiano is quotidiano" ; rdfs:label " quotidiano_as_Information" . inds:USem62302rivista simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62302rivista is rivista" ; rdfs:label " rivista_as_Information" . inds:USem62303rotocalco simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62303rotocalco is rotocalco" ; rdfs:label " rotocalco_as_Information" . inds:USem62304rotocalco simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62300giornale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62304rotocalco is rotocalco" ; rdfs:label " rotocalco_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem62305borghese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD6980borghesia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62305borghese is borghese" ; rdfs:label " borghese_as_Social_status" . inds:USem62315culinaria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61007cucina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62315culinaria is culinaria" ; rdfs:label " culinaria_as_Domain" . inds:USem62316agnostico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD7305agnosticismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62316agnostico is agnostico" ; rdfs:label " agnostico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62317avaro simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem1453avarizia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62317avaro is avaro" ; rdfs:label " avaro_as_Human" . inds:USem62324devoto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62324devoto is devoto" ; rdfs:label " devoto_as_Human" . inds:USem62326saldezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6806saldo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62326saldezza is saldezza" ; rdfs:label " saldezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem62327fedele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62327fedele is fedele" ; rdfs:label " fedele_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62330mistico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem5079misticismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62330mistico is mistico" ; rdfs:label " mistico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62331gazzetta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62331gazzetta is gazzetta" ; rdfs:label " gazzetta_as_Information" . inds:USem62332bibliografia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62332bibliografia is bibliografia" ; rdfs:label " bibliografia_as_Information" . inds:USem62333bibliografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62333bibliografia is bibliografia" ; rdfs:label " bibliografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem62334bibliofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5931collezionare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62334bibliofilo is bibliofilo" ; rdfs:label " bibliofilo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem62335mitologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62335mitologia is mitologia" ; rdfs:label " mitologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem62337racconto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62337racconto is racconto" ; rdfs:label " racconto_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem62338relazione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62338relazione is relazione" ; rdfs:label " relazione_as_Information" . inds:USem62339frizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62339frizzare is frizzare" ; rdfs:label " frizzare_as_State" . inds:USem6233cittadino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2235citta1 ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6233cittadino is cittadino" ; rdfs:label " cittadino_as_People" . inds:USem62340bruciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7002bruciato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62340bruciare is bruciare" ; rdfs:label " bruciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem62343incosciente simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem71346incoscienza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62343incosciente is incosciente" ; rdfs:label " incosciente_as_Human" . inds:USem62344inconscio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62344inconscio is inconscio" ; rdfs:label " inconscio_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem62346conscio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem66887subconscio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62346conscio is conscio" ; rdfs:label " conscio_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem6234valligiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD5985valle ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6234valligiano is valligiano" ; rdfs:label " valligiano_as_People" . inds:USem62352esaurire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60312consumare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62352esaurire is esaurire" ; rdfs:label " esaurire_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem62353squisitezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD7009squisito ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62353squisitezza is squisitezza" ; rdfs:label " squisitezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem62354esaurire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62354esaurire is esaurire" ; rdfs:label " esaurire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62359luminoso simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem4192luce ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62359luminoso is luminoso" ; rdfs:label " luminoso_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem6235terrestre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6235terrestre is terrestre" ; rdfs:label " terrestre_as_People" . inds:USem62360irresponsabile simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65966irresponsabilita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62360irresponsabile is irresponsabile" ; rdfs:label " irresponsabile_as_Human" . inds:USem62364albergo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60908soggiornare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62364albergo is albergo" ; rdfs:label " albergo_as_Building" . inds:USem62365hotel simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60908soggiornare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62365hotel is hotel" ; rdfs:label " hotel_as_Building" . inds:USem62366locanda simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60908soggiornare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62366locanda is locanda" ; rdfs:label " locanda_as_Building" . inds:USem62367locandiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5486gestore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62367locandiere is locandiere" ; rdfs:label " locandiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem62368crudezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6681crudo ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62368crudezza is crudezza" ; rdfs:label " crudezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem62369motel simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60908soggiornare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62369motel is motel" ; rdfs:label " motel_as_Building" . inds:USem6236continentale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1235continente ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6236continentale is continentale" ; rdfs:label " continentale_as_People" . inds:USem62370chalet simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64476villetta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62370chalet is chalet" ; rdfs:label " chalet_as_Building" . inds:USem62371cottage simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62371cottage is cottage" ; rdfs:label " cottage_as_Building" . inds:USem62372sobborgo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4123villaggio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62372sobborgo is sobborgo" ; rdfs:label " sobborgo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem62373contrada simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62373contrada is contrada" ; rdfs:label " contrada_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem62375territorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62375territorio is territorio" ; rdfs:label " territorio_as_Area" . inds:USem62376industria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62376industria is industria" ; rdfs:label " industria_as_Domain" . inds:USem62377amministrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62377amministrazione is amministrazione" ; rdfs:label " amministrazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62378appendice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62301quotidiano ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62378appendice is appendice" ; rdfs:label " appendice_as_Part" . inds:USem62379inquisizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62379inquisizione is inquisizione" ; rdfs:label " inquisizione_as_Institution" . inds:USem6237pistola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6237pistola is pistola" ; rdfs:label " pistola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62380appendice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4047libro, inds:USemD6392discorso ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62380appendice is appendice" ; rdfs:label " appendice_as_Part" . inds:USem62381discorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USem67407parlare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62381discorrere is discorrere" ; rdfs:label " discorrere_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem62382tabacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62382tabacco is tabacco" ; rdfs:label " tabacco_as_Plant" . inds:USem62383tabacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem62382tabacco ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62383tabacco is tabacco" ; rdfs:label " tabacco_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem62384tabaccaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62384tabaccaio is tabaccaio" ; rdfs:label " tabaccaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem62385introdurre simple:hasIsa inds:USem74983iniziare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62385introdurre is introdurre" ; rdfs:label " introdurre_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem62386tabacchiera simple:hasContains inds:USem62383tabacco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2966scatola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62386tabacchiera is tabacchiera" ; rdfs:label " tabacchiera_as_Container" . inds:USem62387nuoto simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62387nuoto is nuoto" ; rdfs:label " nuoto_as_Move" . inds:USem62388cellula simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62388cellula is cellula" ; rdfs:label " cellula_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62389aria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62389aria is aria" ; rdfs:label " aria_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem6238analista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6238analista is analista" ; rdfs:label " analista_as_Profession" . inds:USem62390clima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62390clima is clima" ; rdfs:label " clima_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem62391atmosfera simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem65006ionosfera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59888elemento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3164azoto, inds:USemD2724ossigeno ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62391atmosfera is atmosfera" ; rdfs:label " atmosfera_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem62392atmosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62392atmosfera is atmosfera" ; rdfs:label " atmosfera_as_State" . inds:USem62393brano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62393brano is brano" ; rdfs:label " brano_as_Part" . inds:USem62394bagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62394bagnare is bagnare" ; rdfs:label " bagnare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem62395bagno simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem65257lavandino, inds:USem65260water, inds:USem68342bidet, inds:USem75088vasca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62395bagno is bagno" ; rdfs:label " bagno_as_Part" . inds:USem62396passeggero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62396passeggero is passeggero" ; rdfs:label " passeggero_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem62397articolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62397articolare is articolare" ; rdfs:label " articolare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem62398tragedia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62398tragedia is tragedia" ; rdfs:label " tragedia_as_Event" . inds:USem62399articolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7040pronunciare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62399articolare is articolare" ; rdfs:label " articolare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem62400articolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62400articolare is articolare" ; rdfs:label " articolare_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem62401pronunciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62401pronunciare is pronunciare" ; rdfs:label " pronunciare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem62404apprezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60647gradire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62404apprezzare is apprezzare" ; rdfs:label " apprezzare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62405apprezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7043stimare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62405apprezzare is apprezzare" ; rdfs:label " apprezzare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62408incidere simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2933coltello, inds:USem75987bisturi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62408incidere is incidere" ; rdfs:label " incidere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6240popolarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62733popolare ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6240popolarita1 is popolarita'" ; rdfs:label " popolarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem62410teatro simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59452pubblico ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62410teatro is teatro" ; rdfs:label " teatro_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem62411incidere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1449registrare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62411incidere is incidere" ; rdfs:label " incidere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62412teatro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62412teatro is teatro" ; rdfs:label " teatro_as_Location" . inds:USem62413ricamo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59133ricamare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62413ricamo is ricamo" ; rdfs:label " ricamo_as_Artwork" . inds:USem62414pizza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5016focaccia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62414pizza is pizza" ; rdfs:label " pizza_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem62415disco simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem1399cerchio, inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62415disco is disco" ; rdfs:label " disco_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem62417comune simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD1550ufficio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62417comune is comune" ; rdfs:label " comune_as_Building" . inds:USem62419ufficio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7050dovere ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62419ufficio is ufficio" ; rdfs:label " ufficio_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem6241riformista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem5178riformismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6241riformista is riformista" ; rdfs:label " riformista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62420classe simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem60848alunno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62420classe is classe" ; rdfs:label " classe_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem62421circolo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62421circolo is circolo" ; rdfs:label " circolo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem62422elettrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5274atomo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62422elettrone is elettrone" ; rdfs:label " elettrone_as_Part" . inds:USem62423protone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5274atomo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62423protone is protone" ; rdfs:label " protone_as_Part" . inds:USem62424neutrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5274atomo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62424neutrone is neutrone" ; rdfs:label " neutrone_as_Part" . inds:USem62425cosmesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62425cosmesi is cosmesi" ; rdfs:label " cosmesi_as_Domain" . inds:USem62426cosmetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62426cosmetica is cosmetica" ; rdfs:label " cosmetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem62427cosmetologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62427cosmetologia is cosmetologia" ; rdfs:label " cosmetologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem62428rossetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59748abbellire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62428rossetto is rossetto" ; rdfs:label " rossetto_as_Substance" . inds:USem62429rossetto simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62429rossetto is rossetto" ; rdfs:label " rossetto_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem6242simbolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem1659simbolismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6242simbolista is simbolista" ; rdfs:label " simbolista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62430ombretto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59748abbellire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62430ombretto is ombretto" ; rdfs:label " ombretto_as_Substance" . inds:USem62431cipria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3099polvere ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62431cipria is cipria" ; rdfs:label " cipria_as_Substance" . inds:USem62432smalto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2753colorare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62432smalto is smalto" ; rdfs:label " smalto_as_Substance" . inds:USem62433crema simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62433crema is crema" ; rdfs:label " crema_as_Substance" . inds:USem62434coagulare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62434coagulare is coagulare" ; rdfs:label " coagulare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem62435crocifiggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62435crocifiggere is crocifiggere" ; rdfs:label " crocifiggere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem62436crocifiggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7056tormentare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62436crocifiggere is crocifiggere" ; rdfs:label " crocifiggere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62437tormentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1065torturare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62437tormentare is tormentare" ; rdfs:label " tormentare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62438tormento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62438tormento is tormento" ; rdfs:label " tormento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62439tormento simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6138dolore ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62439tormento is tormento" ; rdfs:label " tormento_as_Perception" . inds:USem6243umanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2664umanesimo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6243umanista is umanista" ; rdfs:label " umanista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62440industriale simple:hasIsa inds:USem5486gestore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62440industriale is industriale" ; rdfs:label " industriale_as_Profession" . inds:USem62441benestante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62441benestante is benestante" ; rdfs:label " benestante_as_Human" . inds:USem62442croce simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1065torturare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62442croce is croce" ; rdfs:label " croce_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62443torturare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60693affliggere ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62443torturare is torturare" ; rdfs:label " torturare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62444sicurezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62570sicuro ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62444sicurezza is sicurezza" ; rdfs:label " sicurezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem62445evento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3950avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62445evento is evento" ; rdfs:label " evento_as_Event" . inds:USem6244settario simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65986settarismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6244settario is settario" ; rdfs:label " settario_as_Human" . inds:USem62451ampiezza simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62451ampiezza is ampiezza" ; rdfs:label " ampiezza_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem62452partorire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59109ideare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62452partorire is partorire" ; rdfs:label " partorire_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem62454somma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62454somma is somma" ; rdfs:label " somma_as_Amount" . inds:USem62455riforma simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62455riforma is riforma" ; rdfs:label " riforma_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem62457cimice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62458microfono ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5231intercettare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62457cimice is cimice" ; rdfs:label " cimice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62458microfono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62458microfono is microfono" ; rdfs:label " microfono_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62459cimice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5045capocchia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2679fissare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62459cimice is cimice" ; rdfs:label " cimice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6245femminista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2651femminismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6245femminista is femminista" ; rdfs:label " femminista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62460salvagente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62460salvagente is salvagente" ; rdfs:label " salvagente_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62461atletica simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62461atletica is atletica" ; rdfs:label " atletica_as_Domain" . inds:USem62462sporta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7064borsa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3007plastica, inds:USem5435tela ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62462sporta is sporta" ; rdfs:label " sporta_as_Container" . inds:USem62463sporta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62463sporta is sporta" ; rdfs:label " sporta_as_Amount" . inds:USem62464borsa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem59118contrattare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62464borsa is borsa" ; rdfs:label " borsa_as_Institution" . inds:USem62465costo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6243valore ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62465costo is costo" ; rdfs:label " costo_as_Convention" . inds:USem62466zaino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7064borsa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5435tela, inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62466zaino is zaino" ; rdfs:label " zaino_as_Container" . inds:USem62467arco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61058tirare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62467arco is arco" ; rdfs:label " arco_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62469piscina simple:hasContains inds:USem2990acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2400vasca ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD558nuotare ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62469piscina is piscina" ; rdfs:label " piscina_as_Container" . inds:USem6246strutturalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2642strutturalismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6246strutturalista is strutturalista" ; rdfs:label " strutturalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62470calcio simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62470calcio is calcio" ; rdfs:label " calcio_as_Domain" . inds:USem62471calcio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5537fucile ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62471calcio is calcio" ; rdfs:label " calcio_as_Part" . inds:USem62472ciclismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62472ciclismo is ciclismo" ; rdfs:label " ciclismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem62473alpinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62473alpinismo is alpinismo" ; rdfs:label " alpinismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem62474pugilato simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62474pugilato is pugilato" ; rdfs:label " pugilato_as_Domain" . inds:USem62475canottaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62475canottaggio is canottaggio" ; rdfs:label " canottaggio_as_Domain" . inds:USem62476tennis simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62476tennis is tennis" ; rdfs:label " tennis_as_Domain" . inds:USem62477tennis simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62477tennis is tennis" ; rdfs:label " tennis_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem62478pallacanestro simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62478pallacanestro is pallacanestro" ; rdfs:label " pallacanestro_as_Domain" . inds:USem62479pallamano simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62479pallamano is pallamano" ; rdfs:label " pallamano_as_Domain" . inds:USem6247praticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76561pratico ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6247praticita1 is praticita'" ; rdfs:label " praticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem62480valore simple:hasIsa inds:USem6943convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62480valore is valore" ; rdfs:label " valore_as_Convention" . inds:USem62481motociclismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62481motociclismo is motociclismo" ; rdfs:label " motociclismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem62482motociclista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62482motociclista is motociclista" ; rdfs:label " motociclista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem62483polo simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62483polo is polo" ; rdfs:label " polo_as_Domain" . inds:USem62484paracadutismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62484paracadutismo is paracadutismo" ; rdfs:label " paracadutismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem62485paracadutista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5122lanciare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62485paracadutista is paracadutista" ; rdfs:label " paracadutista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem62486motocross simple:hasConcerns inds:USem73986motociclo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62486motocross is motocross" ; rdfs:label " motocross_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem62487boccetta simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62487boccetta is boccetta" ; rdfs:label " boccetta_as_Container" . inds:USem62488boccetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62488boccetta is boccetta" ; rdfs:label " boccetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62489palla simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem79350palla, inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62489palla is palla" ; rdfs:label " palla_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem6248imperialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2603imperialismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6248imperialista is imperialista" ; rdfs:label " imperialista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62490palla simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62490palla is palla" ; rdfs:label " palla_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62491proiettile simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59582colpire, inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62491proiettile is proiettile" ; rdfs:label " proiettile_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62492palla simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62491proiettile ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62492palla is palla" ; rdfs:label " palla_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62493proiettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62493proiettare is proiettare" ; rdfs:label " proiettare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62494proiettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62494proiettare is proiettare" ; rdfs:label " proiettare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem62495valore simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62495valore is valore" ; rdfs:label " valore_as_Group" . inds:USem62496proiettore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62493proiettare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62496proiettore is proiettore" ; rdfs:label " proiettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62497dado simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem62891cubo, inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62497dado is dado" ; rdfs:label " dado_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem62498dado simple:hasIsa inds:USem3979ingrediente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62498dado is dado" ; rdfs:label " dado_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem62499stadio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62499stadio is stadio" ; rdfs:label " stadio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem6249indipendentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2605indipendentismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6249indipendentista is indipendentista" ; rdfs:label " indipendentista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62500stadio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4049spazio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62500stadio is stadio" ; rdfs:label " stadio_as_Time" . inds:USem62501stadio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3507missile ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62501stadio is stadio" ; rdfs:label " stadio_as_Part" . inds:USem62502stadio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62502stadio is stadio" ; rdfs:label " stadio_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem62503ippodromo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62503ippodromo is ippodromo" ; rdfs:label " ippodromo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem62504maneggio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7097addestrare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62504maneggio is maneggio" ; rdfs:label " maneggio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem62505pista simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62505pista is pista" ; rdfs:label " pista_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem62507pista simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6987atterrare, inds:USem6991decollare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62507pista is pista" ; rdfs:label " pista_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem62508staffa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62508staffa is staffa" ; rdfs:label " staffa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62509staffetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem60474gara ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62509staffetta is staffetta" ; rdfs:label " staffetta_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6250europeista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemTH08806europeismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6250europeista is europeista" ; rdfs:label " europeista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62510staffetta simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3645messaggero ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62510staffetta is staffetta" ; rdfs:label " staffetta_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem62512corriere simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6866trasportare, inds:USem7159recapitare, inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62512corriere is corriere" ; rdfs:label " corriere_as_Profession" . inds:USem62513diplomazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62513diplomazia is diplomazia" ; rdfs:label " diplomazia_as_Domain" . inds:USem62514dinastia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD5539familiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62514dinastia is dinastia" ; rdfs:label " dinastia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem62515spione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62515spione is spione" ; rdfs:label " spione_as_Human" . inds:USem62516spuma simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62516spuma is spuma" ; rdfs:label " spuma_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem62517spuma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7072schiuma ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62517spuma is spuma" ; rdfs:label " spuma_as_Substance" . inds:USem62518pattino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6565scivolare, inds:USem6781pattinare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62518pattino is pattino" ; rdfs:label " pattino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62519spumante simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62519spumante is spumante" ; rdfs:label " spumante_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem6251batterista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem6252batteria ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6251batterista is batterista" ; rdfs:label " batterista_as_Profession" . inds:USem62520spionaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62520spionaggio is spionaggio" ; rdfs:label " spionaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem62521simbologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62521simbologia is simbologia" ; rdfs:label " simbologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem62522tranquillante simple:hasIsa inds:USem069734psicofarmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62522tranquillante is tranquillante" ; rdfs:label " tranquillante_as_Substance" . inds:USem62523giornale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem4834scrivere, inds:USemD934stampare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62523giornale is giornale" ; rdfs:label " giornale_as_Building" . inds:USem62524banca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62524banca is banca" ; rdfs:label " banca_as_Building" . inds:USem62525somaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1923asino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62525somaro is somaro" ; rdfs:label " somaro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem62526somaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62526somaro is somaro" ; rdfs:label " somaro_as_Human" . inds:USem62527sosia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62527sosia is sosia" ; rdfs:label " sosia_as_Human" . inds:USem62528spiritualista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2645spiritualismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62528spiritualista is spiritualista" ; rdfs:label " spiritualista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62529sonnolenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62529sonnolenza is sonnolenza" ; rdfs:label " sonnolenza_as_State" . inds:USem6252batteria simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem6251batterista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6252batteria is batteria" ; rdfs:label " batteria_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62530fame simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62530fame is fame" ; rdfs:label " fame_as_Perception" . inds:USem62531sete simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62531sete is sete" ; rdfs:label " sete_as_Perception" . inds:USem62532similitudine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62532similitudine is similitudine" ; rdfs:label " similitudine_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem62533metafora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62533metafora is metafora" ; rdfs:label " metafora_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem62534sprovveduto simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65990sprovvedutezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62534sprovveduto is sprovveduto" ; rdfs:label " sprovveduto_as_Human" . inds:USem62535sonnellino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4544sonno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62535sonnellino is sonnellino" ; rdfs:label " sonnellino_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem62536spirale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62536spirale is spirale" ; rdfs:label " spirale_as_Shape" . inds:USem62537spirale simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem62536spirale, inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62537spirale is spirale" ; rdfs:label " spirale_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem62538sicura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62538sicura is sicura" ; rdfs:label " sicura_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62539stecca simple:hasIsa inds:USem67499asta ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62539stecca is stecca" ; rdfs:label " stecca_as_Artifact" . inds:USem6253flautista simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2891flauto ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6253flautista is flautista" ; rdfs:label " flautista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem62540stecca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem4043immobilizzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62540stecca is stecca" ; rdfs:label " stecca_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62541statistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62541statistica is statistica" ; rdfs:label " statistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem62542statistica simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62542statistica is statistica" ; rdfs:label " statistica_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem62543spaccone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62543spaccone is spaccone" ; rdfs:label " spaccone_as_Human" . inds:USem62544spalliera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5304sedile, inds:USemD1184letto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62544spalliera is spalliera" ; rdfs:label " spalliera_as_Part" . inds:USem62545bracciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2357sedia, inds:USemD7075poltrona ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62545bracciolo is bracciolo" ; rdfs:label " bracciolo_as_Part" . inds:USem62547materasso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62547materasso is materasso" ; rdfs:label " materasso_as_Furniture" . inds:USem62548lenzuolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60822telo ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62548lenzuolo is lenzuolo" ; rdfs:label " lenzuolo_as_Furniture" . inds:USem62549asciugamano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60822telo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3998asciugare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62549asciugamano is asciugamano" ; rdfs:label " asciugamano_as_Furniture" . inds:USem6254batterista simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem6252batteria ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6254batterista is batterista" ; rdfs:label " batterista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem62550federa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60822telo ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62550federa is federa" ; rdfs:label " federa_as_Furniture" . inds:USem62551copertina simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2992rivestimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62551copertina is copertina" ; rdfs:label " copertina_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem62552sapone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62552sapone is sapone" ; rdfs:label " sapone_as_Substance" . inds:USem62553saponetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem62552sapone ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62553saponetta is saponetta" ; rdfs:label " saponetta_as_Substance" . inds:USem62554orologio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem2740tempo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62554orologio is orologio" ; rdfs:label " orologio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62555sveglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62554orologio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62555sveglia is sveglia" ; rdfs:label " sveglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62556fazzoletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62556fazzoletto is fazzoletto" ; rdfs:label " fazzoletto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem62557piumino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62557piumino is piumino" ; rdfs:label " piumino_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62558piumino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7077cuscino ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62558piumino is piumino" ; rdfs:label " piumino_as_Furniture" . inds:USem62559piumino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7078giubbotto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62559piumino is piumino" ; rdfs:label " piumino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem6255flautista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2891flauto ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6255flautista is flautista" ; rdfs:label " flautista_as_Profession" . inds:USem62560piumino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62560piumino is piumino" ; rdfs:label " piumino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62561piumino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6982spolverare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62561piumino is piumino" ; rdfs:label " piumino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62562piumino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62491proiettile ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62562piumino is piumino" ; rdfs:label " piumino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62563ponte simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60395collegare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62563ponte is ponte" ; rdfs:label " ponte_as_Building" . inds:USem62565spalletta simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5089fiume ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61224argine ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62565spalletta is spalletta" ; rdfs:label " spalletta_as_Area" . inds:USem62566parapetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio, inds:USem59838balcone, inds:USem62563ponte ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62566parapetto is parapetto" ; rdfs:label " parapetto_as_Part" . inds:USem62568balaustra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio, inds:USem59838balcone ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6891dividere, inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62568balaustra is balaustra" ; rdfs:label " balaustra_as_Part" . inds:USem6256tamburino simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2902tamburo ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6256tamburino is tamburino" ; rdfs:label " tamburino_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem62571sinopia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6588disegnare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7079disegno ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62571sinopia is sinopia" ; rdfs:label " sinopia_as_Artwork" . inds:USem62572sinopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3006terra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62572sinopia is sinopia" ; rdfs:label " sinopia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem62573cenone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62573cenone is cenone" ; rdfs:label " cenone_as_Event" . inds:USem62574natale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62574natale is natale" ; rdfs:label " natale_as_Time" . inds:USem62575pasqua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62575pasqua is pasqua" ; rdfs:label " pasqua_as_Time" . inds:USem62576pasqua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62576pasqua is pasqua" ; rdfs:label " pasqua_as_Time" . inds:USem62578sacerdote simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62578sacerdote is sacerdote" ; rdfs:label " sacerdote_as_Social_status" . inds:USem62579cappellano simple:hasIsa inds:USem62578sacerdote ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62579cappellano is cappellano" ; rdfs:label " cappellano_as_Social_status" . inds:USem6257espansionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6257espansionismo is espansionismo" ; rdfs:label " espansionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem62580cardinale simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62580cardinale is cardinale" ; rdfs:label " cardinale_as_Social_status" . inds:USem62581papa simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2809chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62581papa is papa" ; rdfs:label " papa_as_Social_status" . inds:USem62582capufficio simple:hasIsa inds:USem5480direttore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62582capufficio is capufficio" ; rdfs:label " capufficio_as_Profession" . inds:USem62583caporedattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3351giornalista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere, inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62583caporedattore is caporedattore" ; rdfs:label " caporedattore_as_Profession" . inds:USem62584caporeparto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7083reparto ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62584caporeparto is caporeparto" ; rdfs:label " caporeparto_as_Role" . inds:USem62585capomastro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD3577impresa ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62585capomastro is capomastro" ; rdfs:label " capomastro_as_Role" . inds:USem62586capostazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2284stazione ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62586capostazione is capostazione" ; rdfs:label " capostazione_as_Role" . inds:USem62587capocomico simple:hasIsa inds:USem5480direttore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62587capocomico is capocomico" ; rdfs:label " capocomico_as_Profession" . inds:USem62588caposala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62588caposala is caposala" ; rdfs:label " caposala_as_Profession" . inds:USem62589capofamiglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62589capofamiglia is capofamiglia" ; rdfs:label " capofamiglia_as_Role" . inds:USem6258espansionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem6257espansionismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6258espansionista is espansionista" ; rdfs:label " espansionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62590capolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62590capolista is capolista" ; rdfs:label " capolista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem62591capogruppo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62591capogruppo is capogruppo" ; rdfs:label " capogruppo_as_Role" . inds:USem62592caposcuola simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62592caposcuola is caposcuola" ; rdfs:label " caposcuola_as_Role" . inds:USem62593caposervizio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD3577impresa ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62593caposervizio is caposervizio" ; rdfs:label " caposervizio_as_Role" . inds:USem62595capobanda simple:hasIsa inds:USem5480direttore ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7087banda ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62595capobanda is capobanda" ; rdfs:label " capobanda_as_Role" . inds:USem62596capobanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62596capobanda is capobanda" ; rdfs:label " capobanda_as_Human" . inds:USem62597capotavola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62597capotavola is capotavola" ; rdfs:label " capotavola_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem62598capoluogo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4145regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62598capoluogo is capoluogo" ; rdfs:label " capoluogo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem62599capitale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62599capitale is capitale" ; rdfs:label " capitale_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem6259internazionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2609internazionalismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6259internazionalista is internazionalista" ; rdfs:label " internazionalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62600capitale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62600capitale is capitale" ; rdfs:label " capitale_as_Amount" . inds:USem62601castellana simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4152castello ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62601castellana is castellana" ; rdfs:label " castellana_as_Social_status" . inds:USem62602castellano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4152castello ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62602castellano is castellano" ; rdfs:label " castellano_as_Social_status" . inds:USem62603caseggiato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62603caseggiato is caseggiato" ; rdfs:label " caseggiato_as_Group" . inds:USem62604cassetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2339mobile ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62604cassetto is cassetto" ; rdfs:label " cassetto_as_Part" . inds:USem62605cassone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2372cassa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62605cassone is cassone" ; rdfs:label " cassone_as_Container" . inds:USem62606cassone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62606cassone is cassone" ; rdfs:label " cassone_as_Furniture" . inds:USem62607cast simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4959attore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62607cast is cast" ; rdfs:label " cast_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem62608recitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62608recitare is recitare" ; rdfs:label " recitare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem62609recitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62609recitare is recitare" ; rdfs:label " recitare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6260purista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2628purismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6260purista is purista" ; rdfs:label " purista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62610recitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62610recitazione is recitazione" ; rdfs:label " recitazione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62611casella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2339mobile, inds:USem62604cassetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62611casella is casella" ; rdfs:label " casella_as_Part" . inds:USem62612casellante simple:hasIsa inds:USem6116sorvegliante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62612casellante is casellante" ; rdfs:label " casellante_as_Profession" . inds:USem62613capitone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1907anguilla ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62613capitone is capitone" ; rdfs:label " capitone_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem62614cardiochirurgo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1769cuore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1985chirurgo ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4613operare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62614cardiochirurgo is cardiochirurgo" ; rdfs:label " cardiochirurgo_as_Profession" . inds:USem62615cappuccino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7089frate ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62615cappuccino is cappuccino" ; rdfs:label " cappuccino_as_Social_status" . inds:USem62616cappuccino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3249latte, inds:USem3276caffe1 ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62616cappuccino is cappuccino" ; rdfs:label " cappuccino_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem62617cappella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2214chiesa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5044pregare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62617cappella is cappella" ; rdfs:label " cappella_as_Building" . inds:USem62618cappella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3874fungo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62618cappella is cappella" ; rdfs:label " cappella_as_Part" . inds:USem62619cappelletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3310ombrello ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62619cappelletto is cappelletto" ; rdfs:label " cappelletto_as_Part" . inds:USem6261federalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2596federalismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6261federalista is federalista" ; rdfs:label " federalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62620cappelletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2940calza ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62620cappelletto is cappelletto" ; rdfs:label " cappelletto_as_Part" . inds:USem62621cappelletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3712uovo, inds:USem4233grana, inds:USemD5166farina, inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62621cappelletto is cappelletto" ; rdfs:label " cappelletto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem62622custodia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62622custodia is custodia" ; rdfs:label " custodia_as_Container" . inds:USem62623cappelliera simple:hasContains inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62622custodia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62623cappelliera is cappelliera" ; rdfs:label " cappelliera_as_Container" . inds:USem62624astuccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem62622custodia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62624astuccio is astuccio" ; rdfs:label " astuccio_as_Container" . inds:USem62625capretto simple:hasIsa inds:USem72835ovino ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1928capra ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62625capretto is capretto" ; rdfs:label " capretto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem62626capretto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem62625capretto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62626capretto is capretto" ; rdfs:label " capretto_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem62627cappone simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD573coda, inds:USemD860piumaggio, inds:USemD945cresta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem994gallo ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem994gallo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62627cappone is cappone" ; rdfs:label " cappone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem62628cappuccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62628cappuccio is cappuccio" ; rdfs:label " cappuccio_as_Clothing" . inds:USem62629cardiopatia simple:hasAffects inds:USem1769cuore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62629cardiopatia is cardiopatia" ; rdfs:label " cardiopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USem6262fornaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem72307panificare, inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6262fornaia is fornaia" ; rdfs:label " fornaia_as_Profession" . inds:USem62630carboncino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62630carboncino is carboncino" ; rdfs:label " carboncino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62631carboncino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6588disegnare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59925disegno ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62631carboncino is carboncino" ; rdfs:label " carboncino_as_Artwork" . inds:USem62632caratterista simple:hasIsa inds:USem4959attore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem62609recitare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62632caratterista is caratterista" ; rdfs:label " caratterista_as_Profession" . inds:USem62633cardellino simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem62768cantare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62633cardellino is cardellino" ; rdfs:label " cardellino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem62634capirosso simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem62768cantare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62633cardellino ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62634capirosso is capirosso" ; rdfs:label " capirosso_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem62635capanna simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62635capanna is capanna" ; rdfs:label " capanna_as_Building" . inds:USem62636capanno simple:hasIsa inds:USem62635capanna ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62636capanno is capanno" ; rdfs:label " capanno_as_Building" . inds:USem62637capannone simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62637capannone is capannone" ; rdfs:label " capannone_as_Building" . inds:USem62638capezzale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7077cuscino ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62638capezzale is capezzale" ; rdfs:label " capezzale_as_Furniture" . inds:USem62639capezzale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1184letto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62639capezzale is capezzale" ; rdfs:label " capezzale_as_Furniture" . inds:USem6263cannoniere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6263cannoniere is cannoniere" ; rdfs:label " cannoniere_as_Profession" . inds:USem62640capigliatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61397capo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62640capigliatura is capigliatura" ; rdfs:label " capigliatura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62641chioma simple:hasIsa inds:USem62640capigliatura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61397capo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62641chioma is chioma" ; rdfs:label " chioma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62642criniera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1937leone, inds:USem63260cavalla, inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62642criniera is criniera" ; rdfs:label " criniera_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62643chioma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62643chioma is chioma" ; rdfs:label " chioma_as_Part" . inds:USem62644chioma simple:hasIsa inds:USem62642criniera ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1937leone, inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62644chioma is chioma" ; rdfs:label " chioma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62645capillare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5666vena ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62645capillare is capillare" ; rdfs:label " capillare_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62646capinera simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem62768cantare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62646capinera is capinera" ; rdfs:label " capinera_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem62647cantico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62647cantico is cantico" ; rdfs:label " cantico_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem62648cantiere simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem6414impianto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62648cantiere is cantiere" ; rdfs:label " cantiere_as_Building" . inds:USem62649canzone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62649canzone is canzone" ; rdfs:label " canzone_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem6264diffidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6264diffidare is diffidare" ; rdfs:label " diffidare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem62650canzonetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62650canzonetta is canzonetta" ; rdfs:label " canzonetta_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem62651spiritual simple:hasIsa inds:USem60126canto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62651spiritual is spiritual" ; rdfs:label " spiritual_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem62652sonetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62652sonetto is sonetto" ; rdfs:label " sonetto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem62653sinfonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62653sinfonia is sinfonia" ; rdfs:label " sinfonia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem62654orchestra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2285teatro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62654orchestra is orchestra" ; rdfs:label " orchestra_as_Part" . inds:USem62655palchetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2285teatro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62655palchetto is palchetto" ; rdfs:label " palchetto_as_Part" . inds:USem62656palchetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2339mobile ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62656palchetto is palchetto" ; rdfs:label " palchetto_as_Part" . inds:USem62657casello simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62657casello is casello" ; rdfs:label " casello_as_Building" . inds:USem62658casello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63016pagare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62658casello is casello" ; rdfs:label " casello_as_Building" . inds:USem62659cassetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2372cassa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62659cassetta is cassetta" ; rdfs:label " cassetta_as_Container" . inds:USem6265diffidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6265diffidare is diffidare" ; rdfs:label " diffidare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem62660cassetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7091carrozza ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62660cassetta is cassetta" ; rdfs:label " cassetta_as_Part" . inds:USem62661carrozza simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62661carrozza is carrozza" ; rdfs:label " carrozza_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem62662treno simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2863locomotiva, inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62662treno is treno" ; rdfs:label " treno_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem62663metropolitana simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62663metropolitana is metropolitana" ; rdfs:label " metropolitana_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem62664casermone simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2283stanza, inds:USem6917piano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62664casermone is casermone" ; rdfs:label " casermone_as_Building" . inds:USem62665casolare simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62665casolare is casolare" ; rdfs:label " casolare_as_Building" . inds:USem62666casotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem62636capanno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62666casotto is casotto" ; rdfs:label " casotto_as_Building" . inds:USem62667catinella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2981bacinella ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62667catinella is catinella" ; rdfs:label " catinella_as_Container" . inds:USem62668cassetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62668cassetta is cassetta" ; rdfs:label " cassetta_as_Amount" . inds:USem62669catamarano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62669catamarano is catamarano" ; rdfs:label " catamarano_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem62670catapecchia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62670catapecchia is catapecchia" ; rdfs:label " catapecchia_as_Building" . inds:USem62671catapulta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62671catapulta is catapulta" ; rdfs:label " catapulta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62672catapulta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5171accelerare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62672catapulta is catapulta" ; rdfs:label " catapulta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62673catastrofe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62673catastrofe is catastrofe" ; rdfs:label " catastrofe_as_Event" . inds:USem62674disastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7039disgrazia ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62674disastro is disastro" ; rdfs:label " disastro_as_Event" . inds:USem62675incidente simple:hasIsa inds:USem3950avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62675incidente is incidente" ; rdfs:label " incidente_as_Event" . inds:USem62676infortunio simple:hasIsa inds:USem62675incidente ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62676infortunio is infortunio" ; rdfs:label " infortunio_as_Event" . inds:USem62677inconveniente simple:hasIsa inds:USem3950avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62677inconveniente is inconveniente" ; rdfs:label " inconveniente_as_Event" . inds:USem62678flagello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62678flagello is flagello" ; rdfs:label " flagello_as_Event" . inds:USem62679stantuffo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62679stantuffo is stantuffo" ; rdfs:label " stantuffo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6267salivare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem60233saliva ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6267salivare is salivare" ; rdfs:label " salivare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62680spada simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem69522elsa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USemTH5978schermitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62680spada is spada" ; rdfs:label " spada_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62681signorina simple:hasIsa inds:USem62682ragazza ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62681signorina is signorina" ; rdfs:label " signorina_as_Human" . inds:USem62682ragazza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62682ragazza is ragazza" ; rdfs:label " ragazza_as_Human" . inds:USem62683ragazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6416giovane ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62683ragazzo is ragazzo" ; rdfs:label " ragazzo_as_Human" . inds:USem62684adolescente simple:hasIsa inds:USem6416giovane ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62684adolescente is adolescente" ; rdfs:label " adolescente_as_Human" . inds:USem62685spagnola simple:hasCauses inds:USem3886febbre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3823influenza ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62685spagnola is spagnola" ; rdfs:label " spagnola_as_Disease" . inds:USem62686sodalizio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5271associazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62686sodalizio is sodalizio" ; rdfs:label " sodalizio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem62687spalla simple:hasIsa inds:USem4959attore ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem62609recitare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62687spalla is spalla" ; rdfs:label " spalla_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem62688spalla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62688spalla is spalla" ; rdfs:label " spalla_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem62689spalla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62689spalla is spalla" ; rdfs:label " spalla_as_Part" . inds:USem6268rigidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5991rigido ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6268rigidita1 is rigidita'" ; rdfs:label " rigidita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem62691informare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74769acquisire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62691informare is informare" ; rdfs:label " informare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem62692spalla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2226montagna, inds:USemD7095collina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62692spalla is spalla" ; rdfs:label " spalla_as_Part" . inds:USem62693sidro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3875frutta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62693sidro is sidro" ; rdfs:label " sidro_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem62694cognac simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61708invecchiare, inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62694cognac is cognac" ; rdfs:label " cognac_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem62695acquavite simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1394vino, inds:USem3690alcool, inds:USem3875frutta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62695acquavite is acquavite" ; rdfs:label " acquavite_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem62696brandy simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61708invecchiare, inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62696brandy is brandy" ; rdfs:label " brandy_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem62697whisky simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1535cereale, inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62697whisky is whisky" ; rdfs:label " whisky_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem62699sfrontato simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65988sfrontatezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62699sfrontato is sfrontato" ; rdfs:label " sfrontato_as_Human" . inds:USem6269rigidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5831rigido ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6269rigidita1 is rigidita'" ; rdfs:label " rigidita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem62700star simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62700star is star" ; rdfs:label " star_as_Human" . inds:USem62702ammettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7096ipotizzare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62702ammettere is ammettere" ; rdfs:label " ammettere_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem62703concilio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem5557vescovo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1073assemblea ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62703concilio is concilio" ; rdfs:label " concilio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem62704sinodo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62262religioso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62703concilio ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62704sinodo is sinodo" ; rdfs:label " sinodo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem62705stereo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59472ascoltare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62705stereo is stereo" ; rdfs:label " stereo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62706spago simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD7097legare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62706spago is spago" ; rdfs:label " spago_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62707stendardo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3233riconoscere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62707stendardo is stendardo" ; rdfs:label " stendardo_as_Representation" . inds:USem62708mandibola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1790bocca, inds:USemD7098cranio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62708mandibola is mandibola" ; rdfs:label " mandibola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62709femore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1831coscia, inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62709femore is femore" ; rdfs:label " femore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem6270trasparenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5845trasparente ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6270trasparenza is trasparenza" ; rdfs:label " trasparenza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem62710tibia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1744gamba, inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62710tibia is tibia" ; rdfs:label " tibia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62711tibia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62711tibia is tibia" ; rdfs:label " tibia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62712perone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1744gamba, inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62712perone is perone" ; rdfs:label " perone_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62713rotula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1748ginocchio, inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62713rotula is rotula" ; rdfs:label " rotula_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62714clavicola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1816torace, inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62714clavicola is clavicola" ; rdfs:label " clavicola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62715scapola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1816torace, inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62715scapola is scapola" ; rdfs:label " scapola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62716radio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3954avambraccio, inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62716radio is radio" ; rdfs:label " radio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62717mascella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1790bocca, inds:USemD7098cranio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62717mascella is mascella" ; rdfs:label " mascella_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62718arteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem79513vaso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62718arteria is arteria" ; rdfs:label " arteria_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62719arteria simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62719arteria is arteria" ; rdfs:label " arteria_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem6271trasparenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5992trasparente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6271trasparenza is trasparenza" ; rdfs:label " trasparenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem62720aorta simple:hasIsa inds:USem62718arteria ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62720aorta is aorta" ; rdfs:label " aorta_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62721nervo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62721nervo is nervo" ; rdfs:label " nervo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62722colon simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1829intestino ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62722colon is colon" ; rdfs:label " colon_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62723esofago simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1781stomaco ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62723esofago is esofago" ; rdfs:label " esofago_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62724faringe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62724faringe is faringe" ; rdfs:label " faringe_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62725ciglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7099palpebra ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62725ciglio is ciglio" ; rdfs:label " ciglio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62726sopracciglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD4019faccia ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62726sopracciglio is sopracciglio" ; rdfs:label " sopracciglio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62727pupilla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1806occhio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62727pupilla is pupilla" ; rdfs:label " pupilla_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62728iride simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1806occhio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62728iride is iride" ; rdfs:label " iride_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62729narice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1812naso ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62729narice is narice" ; rdfs:label " narice_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem6272sottigliezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5993sottile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6272sottigliezza is sottigliezza" ; rdfs:label " sottigliezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem62731palato simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59498gustare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62731palato is palato" ; rdfs:label " palato_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62732arcobaleno simple:hasCausedby inds:USemTH4322rifrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62732arcobaleno is arcobaleno" ; rdfs:label " arcobaleno_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem62734iride simple:hasCausedby inds:USemTH4322rifrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62734iride is iride" ; rdfs:label " iride_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem62735cuculo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62735cuculo is cuculo" ; rdfs:label " cuculo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem62736tordo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem62768cantare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62736tordo is tordo" ; rdfs:label " tordo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem62737pellicano simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62737pellicano is pellicano" ; rdfs:label " pellicano_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem62738canarino simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62738canarino is canarino" ; rdfs:label " canarino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem62739soffietto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5001accendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62739soffietto is soffietto" ; rdfs:label " soffietto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6273squisitezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5840squisito ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6273squisitezza is squisitezza" ; rdfs:label " squisitezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem62740slalom simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62740slalom is slalom" ; rdfs:label " slalom_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem62741spettatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59655assistere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62741spettatore is spettatore" ; rdfs:label " spettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem62742sovrano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3595re ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62742sovrano is sovrano" ; rdfs:label " sovrano_as_Social_status" . inds:USem62743signorotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62743signorotto is signorotto" ; rdfs:label " signorotto_as_Human" . inds:USem62744possidente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62744possidente is possidente" ; rdfs:label " possidente_as_Human" . inds:USem62745spaccalegna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62745spaccalegna is spaccalegna" ; rdfs:label " spaccalegna_as_Profession" . inds:USem62746stamberga simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62746stamberga is stamberga" ; rdfs:label " stamberga_as_Building" . inds:USem62747tugurio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62747tugurio is tugurio" ; rdfs:label " tugurio_as_Building" . inds:USem62748singolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62748singolo is singolo" ; rdfs:label " singolo_as_Human" . inds:USem62749speleologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62749speleologo is speleologo" ; rdfs:label " speleologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem6274tossire simple:hasAffects inds:USem79624respirazione ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1774gola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6274tossire is tossire" ; rdfs:label " tossire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62750autogrill simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64148ristorare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62750autogrill is autogrill" ; rdfs:label " autogrill_as_Building" . inds:USem62751sistola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3988innaffiare, inds:USem59857spegnere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62751sistola is sistola" ; rdfs:label " sistola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62752sofisma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62752sofisma is sofisma" ; rdfs:label " sofisma_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem62753indirizzo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62753indirizzo is indirizzo" ; rdfs:label " indirizzo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem62754indirizzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62754indirizzo is indirizzo" ; rdfs:label " indirizzo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem62755sofisma simple:hasIsa inds:USem6326ragionamento ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62755sofisma is sofisma" ; rdfs:label " sofisma_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem62757sofista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62757sofista is sofista" ; rdfs:label " sofista_as_Human" . inds:USem62758stanga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6393rinforzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62758stanga is stanga" ; rdfs:label " stanga_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6275bisbigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6275bisbigliare is bisbigliare" ; rdfs:label " bisbigliare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem62760stanga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem857carro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62760stanga is stanga" ; rdfs:label " stanga_as_Part" . inds:USem62761sbarra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62761sbarra is sbarra" ; rdfs:label " sbarra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62762cantare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62762cantare is cantare" ; rdfs:label " cantare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62763sbarra simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62763sbarra is sbarra" ; rdfs:label " sbarra_as_Sign" . inds:USem62764spasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem60058divertimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62764spasso is spasso" ; rdfs:label " spasso_as_Event" . inds:USem62765siero simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62765siero is siero" ; rdfs:label " siero_as_Substance" . inds:USem62766specchiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62767specchiare, inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62766specchiera is specchiera" ; rdfs:label " specchiera_as_Furniture" . inds:USem62767specchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62767specchiare is specchiare" ; rdfs:label " specchiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62768cantare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62768cantare is cantare" ; rdfs:label " cantare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62769specchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem66166riflettere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62769specchiare is specchiare" ; rdfs:label " specchiare_as_State" . inds:USem6276squisitezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6276squisitezza is squisitezza" ; rdfs:label " squisitezza_as_Food" . inds:USem62770specchiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7103specchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62767specchiare, inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62770specchiera is specchiera" ; rdfs:label " specchiera_as_Furniture" . inds:USem62771spaventapasseri simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6557spaventare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62771spaventapasseri is spaventapasseri" ; rdfs:label " spaventapasseri_as_Representation" . inds:USem62772spaventapasseri simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62772spaventapasseri is spaventapasseri" ; rdfs:label " spaventapasseri_as_Human" . inds:USem62773spazzacamino simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62773spazzacamino is spazzacamino" ; rdfs:label " spazzacamino_as_Profession" . inds:USem62774spavaldo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem5708spavalderia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62774spavaldo is spavaldo" ; rdfs:label " spavaldo_as_Human" . inds:USem62775sparviero simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1739artiglio, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65489rapace ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62775sparviero is sparviero" ; rdfs:label " sparviero_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem62776sigla simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62776sigla is sigla" ; rdfs:label " sigla_as_Sign" . inds:USem62777sigla simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62777sigla is sigla" ; rdfs:label " sigla_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem62778serbatoio simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido, inds:USem3010gas ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7104cisterna ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62778serbatoio is serbatoio" ; rdfs:label " serbatoio_as_Container" . inds:USem62779portiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7106sportello ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62779portiera is portiera" ; rdfs:label " portiera_as_Part" . inds:USem6277ingoiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5616ingerire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6277ingoiare is ingoiare" ; rdfs:label " ingoiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62781portiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60826tenda ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62781portiera is portiera" ; rdfs:label " portiera_as_Furniture" . inds:USem62783marmitta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62783marmitta is marmitta" ; rdfs:label " marmitta_as_Container" . inds:USem62784marmitta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo, inds:USem5907motore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62784marmitta is marmitta" ; rdfs:label " marmitta_as_Part" . inds:USem62785specchietto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7103specchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62785specchietto is specchietto" ; rdfs:label " specchietto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62786parafango simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62786parafango is parafango" ; rdfs:label " parafango_as_Part" . inds:USem62787tergicristallo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62787tergicristallo is tergicristallo" ; rdfs:label " tergicristallo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62788cofano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62788cofano is cofano" ; rdfs:label " cofano_as_Furniture" . inds:USem62789cofano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62789cofano is cofano" ; rdfs:label " cofano_as_Part" . inds:USem62790cofano simple:hasContains inds:USemD7108munizione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2372cassa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62790cofano is cofano" ; rdfs:label " cofano_as_Container" . inds:USem62791cerotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5613medicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62791cerotto is cerotto" ; rdfs:label " cerotto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62792cero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7109candela ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3039cera ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62792cero is cero" ; rdfs:label " cero_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62793centrocampo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4135zona ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62793centrocampo is centrocampo" ; rdfs:label " centrocampo_as_Location" . inds:USem62794certificato simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60974documento ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62794certificato is certificato" ; rdfs:label " certificato_as_Information" . inds:USem62795monaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem62262religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62795monaco is monaco" ; rdfs:label " monaco_as_Social_status" . inds:USem62796ordine simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62262religioso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5271associazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62796ordine is ordine" ; rdfs:label " ordine_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem62797certosino simple:hasIsa inds:USem62795monaco ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62797certosino is certosino" ; rdfs:label " certosino_as_Social_status" . inds:USem62798certosino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62798certosino is certosino" ; rdfs:label " certosino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem62799cantautore simple:hasIsa inds:USem6357cantante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem5062comporre, inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62799cantautore is cantautore" ; rdfs:label " cantautore_as_Profession" . inds:USem62800fiammifero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5001accendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62800fiammifero is fiammifero" ; rdfs:label " fiammifero_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62801cerino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62800fiammifero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5001accendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62801cerino is cerino" ; rdfs:label " cerino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62802accendino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5001accendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62802accendino is accendino" ; rdfs:label " accendino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62803accendisigaro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5001accendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62803accendisigaro is accendisigaro" ; rdfs:label " accendisigaro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62804ceretta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62804ceretta is ceretta" ; rdfs:label " ceretta_as_Substance" . inds:USem62805pomata simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62805pomata is pomata" ; rdfs:label " pomata_as_Substance" . inds:USem62806chauffeur simple:hasIsa inds:USem3344autista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6866trasportare, inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62806chauffeur is chauffeur" ; rdfs:label " chauffeur_as_Profession" . inds:USem62807chef simple:hasIsa inds:USem3625cuoco ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5081cucinare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62807chef is chef" ; rdfs:label " chef_as_Profession" . inds:USem62808charter simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5210aereo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62808charter is charter" ; rdfs:label " charter_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem62809caveau simple:hasIsa inds:USem60906camera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6433custodire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62809caveau is caveau" ; rdfs:label " caveau_as_Building" . inds:USem6280collettivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD5997collettivismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6280collettivista is collettivista" ; rdfs:label " collettivista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62810cavalluccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5082pasticcino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62810cavalluccio is cavalluccio" ; rdfs:label " cavalluccio_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem62811centrotavola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62811centrotavola is centrotavola" ; rdfs:label " centrotavola_as_Furniture" . inds:USem62812tramezzino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62812tramezzino is tramezzino" ; rdfs:label " tramezzino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem62813pollice simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3875unghia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4040dito ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1799mano ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62813pollice is pollice" ; rdfs:label " pollice_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62814indice simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3875unghia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4040dito ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1799mano ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62814indice is indice" ; rdfs:label " indice_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62815anulare simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3875unghia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4040dito ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1799mano ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62815anulare is anulare" ; rdfs:label " anulare_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62816mignolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3875unghia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4040dito ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1749piede, inds:USem1799mano ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62816mignolo is mignolo" ; rdfs:label " mignolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem62817indice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62817indice is indice" ; rdfs:label " indice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62818indice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4047libro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62818indice is indice" ; rdfs:label " indice_as_Part" . inds:USem62819aia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62819aia is aia" ; rdfs:label " aia_as_Location" . inds:USem62820aquilone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62820aquilone is aquilone" ; rdfs:label " aquilone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62821bambola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62821bambola is bambola" ; rdfs:label " bambola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62822bambola simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62822bambola is bambola" ; rdfs:label " bambola_as_Human" . inds:USem62823biondo simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD2083capello ; simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem61903biondo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62823biondo is biondo" ; rdfs:label " biondo_as_Human" . inds:USem62824laureato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem66607laureare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62824laureato is laureato" ; rdfs:label " laureato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem62825inviato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59947inviare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62825inviato is inviato" ; rdfs:label " inviato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem62826consultorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem903ente ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62826consultorio is consultorio" ; rdfs:label " consultorio_as_Institution" . inds:USem62827consonanza simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62827consonanza is consonanza" ; rdfs:label " consonanza_as_Representation" . inds:USem62828commissariato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1550ufficio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62828commissariato is commissariato" ; rdfs:label " commissariato_as_Building" . inds:USem62829calvo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65944calvizie ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62829calvo is calvo" ; rdfs:label " calvo_as_Human" . inds:USem6282comunista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD5998comunismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6282comunista is comunista" ; rdfs:label " comunista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62830condor simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1739artiglio, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem978avvoltoio ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62830condor is condor" ; rdfs:label " condor_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem62831contabile simple:hasIsa inds:USem6224ragioniere ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5142contabilizzare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62831contabile is contabile" ; rdfs:label " contabile_as_Profession" . inds:USem62832compaesano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62832compaesano is compaesano" ; rdfs:label " compaesano_as_Human" . inds:USem62833commilitone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62833commilitone is commilitone" ; rdfs:label " commilitone_as_Human" . inds:USem62834comico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4959attore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6537divertire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62834comico is comico" ; rdfs:label " comico_as_Profession" . inds:USem62835commensale simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62835commensale is commensale" ; rdfs:label " commensale_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem62836commesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62836commesso is commesso" ; rdfs:label " commesso_as_Profession" . inds:USem62837commedia simple:hasIsa inds:USem6806composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62837commedia is commedia" ; rdfs:label " commedia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem62838comunione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60970cerimonia ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62838comunione is comunione" ; rdfs:label " comunione_as_Event" . inds:USem62839cobra simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD5130strisciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3315serpente ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62839cobra is cobra" ; rdfs:label " cobra_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem6283democristiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6283democristiano is democristiano" ; rdfs:label " democristiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62840clown simple:hasIsa inds:USem62834comico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5632intrattenere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62840clown is clown" ; rdfs:label " clown_as_Profession" . inds:USem62841pagliaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem62834comico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5632intrattenere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62841pagliaccio is pagliaccio" ; rdfs:label " pagliaccio_as_Profession" . inds:USem62842pagliaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62842pagliaccio is pagliaccio" ; rdfs:label " pagliaccio_as_Human" . inds:USem62843confessionale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2214chiesa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62843confessionale is confessionale" ; rdfs:label " confessionale_as_Part" . inds:USem62845traforare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62845traforare is traforare" ; rdfs:label " traforare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem62846traforo simple:hasIsa inds:USem73882galleria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60395collegare, inds:USem61191passare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62846traforo is traforo" ; rdfs:label " traforo_as_Artifact" . inds:USem62847traforo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62847traforo is traforo" ; rdfs:label " traforo_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem62848suora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62848suora is suora" ; rdfs:label " suora_as_Social_status" . inds:USem62849escludere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62849escludere is escludere" ; rdfs:label " escludere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6284eretico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD6000eresia ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6284eretico is eretico" ; rdfs:label " eretico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62851conservare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62851conservare is conservare" ; rdfs:label " conservare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem62852ricevere simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62852ricevere is ricevere" ; rdfs:label " ricevere_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem62853ricevere simple:hasIsa inds:USem74794accogliere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62853ricevere is ricevere" ; rdfs:label " ricevere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62854calpestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62854calpestare is calpestare" ; rdfs:label " calpestare_as_Move" . inds:USem62855calpestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60028offendere ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62855calpestare is calpestare" ; rdfs:label " calpestare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62856fatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62856fatto is fatto" ; rdfs:label " fatto_as_Event" . inds:USem62857operare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62857operare is operare" ; rdfs:label " operare_as_Act" . inds:USem62858operare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3955verificare ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62858operare is operare" ; rdfs:label " operare_as_Event" . inds:USem62859accudire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62859accudire is accudire" ; rdfs:label " accudire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6285finalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemTH09405finalismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6285finalista is finalista" ; rdfs:label " finalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62860eresia simple:hasIsa inds:USem912idea ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62860eresia is eresia" ; rdfs:label " eresia_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem62861formica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62861formica is formica" ; rdfs:label " formica_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem62862frutto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62862frutto is frutto" ; rdfs:label " frutto_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem62863guscio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3411uovo, inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62863guscio is guscio" ; rdfs:label " guscio_as_Part" . inds:USem62864guscio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62864guscio is guscio" ; rdfs:label " guscio_as_Part" . inds:USem62865prisma simple:hasIsa inds:USem2478solido ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62865prisma is prisma" ; rdfs:label " prisma_as_Shape" . inds:USem62866spremere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62866spremere is spremere" ; rdfs:label " spremere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem62867spremitura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62867spremitura is spremitura" ; rdfs:label " spremitura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem62868carciofo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1575carciofo ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62868carciofo is carciofo" ; rdfs:label " carciofo_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem6286interventista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem5069interventismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6286interventista is interventista" ; rdfs:label " interventista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62870applicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62870applicare is applicare" ; rdfs:label " applicare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem62871rosa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1570arbusto ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem5461rosa ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62871rosa is rosa" ; rdfs:label " rosa_as_Plant" . inds:USem62872cedro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62872cedro is cedro" ; rdfs:label " cedro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem62873licenziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62873licenziare is licenziare" ; rdfs:label " licenziare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem62874assemblare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62874assemblare is assemblare" ; rdfs:label " assemblare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem62876sedano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1684sedano ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62876sedano is sedano" ; rdfs:label " sedano_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem62877nodulo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62877nodulo is nodulo" ; rdfs:label " nodulo_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem62878tumore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62878tumore is tumore" ; rdfs:label " tumore_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem62879smontare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62879smontare is smontare" ; rdfs:label " smontare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6287intimista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2610intimismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6287intimista is intimista" ; rdfs:label " intimista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62880calmare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60021calma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62880calmare is calmare" ; rdfs:label " calmare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62881calmare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60021calma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62881calmare is calmare" ; rdfs:label " calmare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62882terapia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62882terapia is terapia" ; rdfs:label " terapia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem62883fioritura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62883fioritura is fioritura" ; rdfs:label " fioritura_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62884diffondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62884diffondere is diffondere" ; rdfs:label " diffondere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62885proprieta1 simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59514possedere ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62885proprieta1 is proprieta'" ; rdfs:label " proprieta'_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem62886preparare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62886preparare is preparare" ; rdfs:label " preparare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem62888tormentare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem62438tormento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62888tormentare is tormentare" ; rdfs:label " tormentare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62889esigere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62889esigere is esigere" ; rdfs:label " esigere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem6288pluralista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2661pluralismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6288pluralista is pluralista" ; rdfs:label " pluralista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62890metro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem2454lunghezza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62890metro is metro" ; rdfs:label " metro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62891cubo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2478solido ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62891cubo is cubo" ; rdfs:label " cubo_as_Shape" . inds:USem62892cerchio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem1399cerchio, inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62892cerchio is cerchio" ; rdfs:label " cerchio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem62893sfera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2478solido ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62893sfera is sfera" ; rdfs:label " sfera_as_Shape" . inds:USem62894dottore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7215universita1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62894dottore is dottore" ; rdfs:label " dottore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem62895professore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62895professore is professore" ; rdfs:label " professore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem62896pupazzo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67814figura ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62896pupazzo is pupazzo" ; rdfs:label " pupazzo_as_Representation" . inds:USem62897pupazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62897pupazzo is pupazzo" ; rdfs:label " pupazzo_as_Human" . inds:USem62898disegno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6367proposito ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62898disegno is disegno" ; rdfs:label " disegno_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem62899dolcezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62899dolcezza is dolcezza" ; rdfs:label " dolcezza_as_Human" . inds:USem6289protestante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2669protestantesimo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6289protestante is protestante" ; rdfs:label " protestante_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62900dolcezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62900dolcezza is dolcezza" ; rdfs:label " dolcezza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62901trasformazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62901trasformazione is trasformazione" ; rdfs:label " trasformazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem62902trasformazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62902trasformazione is trasformazione" ; rdfs:label " trasformazione_as_Change" . inds:USem62903cannella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59813conduttura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62903cannella is cannella" ; rdfs:label " cannella_as_Part" . inds:USem62904dolcezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6642dolce ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62904dolcezza is dolcezza" ; rdfs:label " dolcezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem62905carta simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68186cartoncino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62905carta is carta" ; rdfs:label " carta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem62906re simple:hasIsa inds:USem65460scacco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62906re is re" ; rdfs:label " re_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem62907re simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62905carta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62907re is re" ; rdfs:label " re_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem62908cavallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem65460scacco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62908cavallo is cavallo" ; rdfs:label " cavallo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem62909cavallo simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62905carta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62909cavallo is cavallo" ; rdfs:label " cavallo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6290protezionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem1620protezionismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6290protezionista is protezionista" ; rdfs:label " protezionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62910contraccettivo simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5466prevenire ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem60115concepimento ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62910contraccettivo is contraccettivo" ; rdfs:label " contraccettivo_as_Telic" . inds:USem62911manichino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem63153modello ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62911manichino is manichino" ; rdfs:label " manichino_as_Representation" . inds:USem62912manichino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62912manichino is manichino" ; rdfs:label " manichino_as_Human" . inds:USem62913manichino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem63153modello ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem61874artista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6585ritrarre ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62913manichino is manichino" ; rdfs:label " manichino_as_Representation" . inds:USem62914spranga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61308impedire, inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62914spranga is spranga" ; rdfs:label " spranga_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62915canna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62915canna is canna" ; rdfs:label " canna_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62917amalgama simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD1584metallo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62917amalgama is amalgama" ; rdfs:label " amalgama_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem62918braccio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62918braccio is braccio" ; rdfs:label " braccio_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem62919costruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62919costruzione is costruzione" ; rdfs:label " costruzione_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem6291realista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2632realismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6291realista is realista" ; rdfs:label " realista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62922pasta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1388liquido, inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62922pasta is pasta" ; rdfs:label " pasta_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem62923pasta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62923pasta is pasta" ; rdfs:label " pasta_as_Substance" . inds:USem62924fine simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62924fine is fine" ; rdfs:label " fine_as_Telic" . inds:USem62925salto simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62925salto is salto" ; rdfs:label " salto_as_Domain" . inds:USem62926sapere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62926sapere is sapere" ; rdfs:label " sapere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem62927piacere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62927piacere is piacere" ; rdfs:label " piacere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem62928impressione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62928impressione is impressione" ; rdfs:label " impressione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem6292schiavista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem5179schiavismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6292schiavista is schiavista" ; rdfs:label " schiavista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62930cantare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5517celebrare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62930cantare is cantare" ; rdfs:label " cantare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem62931cantare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7089rivelare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62931cantare is cantare" ; rdfs:label " cantare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem62932cantare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62932cantare is cantare" ; rdfs:label " cantare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62933italiano simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62933italiano is italiano" ; rdfs:label " italiano_as_Domain" . inds:USem62934te1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem60969festa ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62934te1 is te'" ; rdfs:label " te'_as_Event" . inds:USem62937cannella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59852tubo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62938spillare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62937cannella is cannella" ; rdfs:label " cannella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62938spillare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62938spillare is spillare" ; rdfs:label " spillare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem6293sciovinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2636sciovinismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6293sciovinista is sciovinista" ; rdfs:label " sciovinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62940scuola simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem61293filosofo, inds:USem61874artista, inds:USem6372scienziato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2576movimento, inds:USem64033personaggio ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62940scuola is scuola" ; rdfs:label " scuola_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem62941scuola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62941scuola is scuola" ; rdfs:label " scuola_as_Time" . inds:USem62943cane simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61028sparare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62943cane is cane" ; rdfs:label " cane_as_Part" . inds:USem62944cane simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61596costellazione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62944cane is cane" ; rdfs:label " cane_as_Group" . inds:USem62945cane simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62945cane is cane" ; rdfs:label " cane_as_Instrument" . inds:USem62946abitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62946abitazione is abitazione" ; rdfs:label " abitazione_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem62947acquario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62947acquario is acquario" ; rdfs:label " acquario_as_Human" . inds:USem62948agnello simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59181simboleggiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62948agnello is agnello" ; rdfs:label " agnello_as_Representation" . inds:USem62949alloggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62950alloggiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62949alloggio is alloggio" ; rdfs:label " alloggio_as_Building" . inds:USem6294sindacalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2663sindacalismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6294sindacalista is sindacalista" ; rdfs:label " sindacalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62950alloggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62950alloggiare is alloggiare" ; rdfs:label " alloggiare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem62951madre simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62848suora ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62951madre is madre" ; rdfs:label " madre_as_Convention" . inds:USem62952madre simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62952madre is madre" ; rdfs:label " madre_as_Agentive" . inds:USem62953disegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59109ideare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5622realizzare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62953disegnare is disegnare" ; rdfs:label " disegnare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem62954disegno simple:hasIsa inds:USem61490progetto ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62954disegno is disegno" ; rdfs:label " disegno_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem62955arte simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62955arte is arte" ; rdfs:label " arte_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem62956piano simple:hasIsa inds:USem904ente ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62956piano is piano" ; rdfs:label " piano_as_Shape" . inds:USem62957piano simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62957piano is piano" ; rdfs:label " piano_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem62958danno simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68420alterazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62958danno is danno" ; rdfs:label " danno_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem62959dividere simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem6909divisione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62959dividere is dividere" ; rdfs:label " dividere_as_Cause" . inds:USem6295sionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2638sionismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6295sionista is sionista" ; rdfs:label " sionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62960passare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3956muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60991oltrepassare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62960passare is passare" ; rdfs:label " passare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem62961attraversare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62961attraversare is attraversare" ; rdfs:label " attraversare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem62962scoppiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62962scoppiare is scoppiare" ; rdfs:label " scoppiare_as_State" . inds:USem62963scoppio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62963scoppio is scoppio" ; rdfs:label " scoppio_as_Event" . inds:USem62964scoppio simple:hasCausedby inds:USem61017esplosione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62964scoppio is scoppio" ; rdfs:label " scoppio_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem62965preparazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62965preparazione is preparazione" ; rdfs:label " preparazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem62967partecipare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62967partecipare is partecipare" ; rdfs:label " partecipare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem62968amare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60328amore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62968amare is amare" ; rdfs:label " amare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62969partecipare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62969partecipare is partecipare" ; rdfs:label " partecipare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem6296socialdemocratico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD6002socialdemocrazia ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6296socialdemocratico is socialdemocratico" ; rdfs:label " socialdemocratico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62970amore simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62970amore is amore" ; rdfs:label " amore_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem62971assaggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62971assaggiare is assaggiare" ; rdfs:label " assaggiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62973esporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62973esporre is esporre" ; rdfs:label " esporre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62974esporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62974esporre is esporre" ; rdfs:label " esporre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem62975ceramica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3710ceramica ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62975ceramica is ceramica" ; rdfs:label " ceramica_as_Artwork" . inds:USem62976porcellana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3003porcellana ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62976porcellana is porcellana" ; rdfs:label " porcellana_as_Artwork" . inds:USem62977cavallo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62977cavallo is cavallo" ; rdfs:label " cavallo_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem6297socialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2639socialismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6297socialista is socialista" ; rdfs:label " socialista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62980ossidare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7144ossidato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62980ossidare is ossidare" ; rdfs:label " ossidare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem62981biblioteca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61216raccogliere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62981biblioteca is biblioteca" ; rdfs:label " biblioteca_as_Building" . inds:USem62982cicuta simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62982cicuta is cicuta" ; rdfs:label " cicuta_as_Plant" . inds:USem62983rosso simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD2083capello ; simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem61898rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62983rosso is rosso" ; rdfs:label " rosso_as_Human" . inds:USem62985porcile simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasTypicalLocation inds:USem1933maiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62985porcile is porcile" ; rdfs:label " porcile_as_Building" . inds:USem62986scrofa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1933maiale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62986scrofa is scrofa" ; rdfs:label " scrofa_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem62987verro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1933maiale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62987verro is verro" ; rdfs:label " verro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem62988porcello simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1933maiale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62988porcello is porcello" ; rdfs:label " porcello_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem62989porcellino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1933maiale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62989porcellino is porcellino" ; rdfs:label " porcellino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem6298stalinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2640stalinismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6298stalinista is stalinista" ; rdfs:label " stalinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62990prosciutto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62990prosciutto is prosciutto" ; rdfs:label " prosciutto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem62991abdicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61066rinunciare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62991abdicare is abdicare" ; rdfs:label " abdicare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem62992abdicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62992abdicare is abdicare" ; rdfs:label " abdicare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62993abdicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62993abdicazione is abdicazione" ; rdfs:label " abdicazione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62994accecare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62994accecare is accecare" ; rdfs:label " accecare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem62995accoglienza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62995accoglienza is accoglienza" ; rdfs:label " accoglienza_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem62996accorciamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6117corto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62996accorciamento is accorciamento" ; rdfs:label " accorciamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem62997affannare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62997affannare is affannare" ; rdfs:label " affannare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem62998affannare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62998affannare is affannare" ; rdfs:label " affannare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6299storicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2641storicismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6299storicista is storicista" ; rdfs:label " storicista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem62vulcanologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5096vulcano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem62vulcanologia is vulcanologia" ; rdfs:label " vulcanologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem63000affanno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63000affanno is affanno" ; rdfs:label " affanno_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63001accecare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63001accecare is accecare" ; rdfs:label " accecare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem63003accecare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62288chiuso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63003accecare is accecare" ; rdfs:label " accecare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63004accecare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61285rovinare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63004accecare is accecare" ; rdfs:label " accecare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63005accecamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63005accecamento is accecamento" ; rdfs:label " accecamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63006accecamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60409chiusura ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62288chiuso ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63006accecamento is accecamento" ; rdfs:label " accecamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63007abbagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7149abbagliato ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63007abbagliare is abbagliare" ; rdfs:label " abbagliare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem63008abbagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61544affascinare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63008abbagliare is abbagliare" ; rdfs:label " abbagliare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63009scorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63009scorrere is scorrere" ; rdfs:label " scorrere_as_Move" . inds:USem6300surrealista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2644surrealismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6300surrealista is surrealista" ; rdfs:label " surrealista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63010affluire simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63010affluire is affluire" ; rdfs:label " affluire_as_Move" . inds:USem63011affluente simple:hasIsa inds:USem5089fiume ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63011affluente is affluente" ; rdfs:label " affluente_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem63012affluire simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63012affluire is affluire" ; rdfs:label " affluire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem63013scorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63013scorrere is scorrere" ; rdfs:label " scorrere_as_Event" . inds:USem63014scorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63014scorrere is scorrere" ; rdfs:label " scorrere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63015affrancare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63015affrancare is affrancare" ; rdfs:label " affrancare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63016pagare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63016pagare is pagare" ; rdfs:label " pagare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem63017francobollo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63015affrancare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63017francobollo is francobollo" ; rdfs:label " francobollo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem63018affrancatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63018affrancatura is affrancatura" ; rdfs:label " affrancatura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63019affrancatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem63017francobollo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63015affrancare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63019affrancatura is affrancatura" ; rdfs:label " affrancatura_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6301tradizionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD6003tradizionalismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6301tradizionalista is tradizionalista" ; rdfs:label " tradizionalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63020aggravare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74704peggiorare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63020aggravare is aggravare" ; rdfs:label " aggravare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63021aggravare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74705peggiorare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63021aggravare is aggravare" ; rdfs:label " aggravare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63022aggravamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63022aggravamento is aggravamento" ; rdfs:label " aggravamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63023aggravante simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63023aggravante is aggravante" ; rdfs:label " aggravante_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem63024agonizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63024agonizzare is agonizzare" ; rdfs:label " agonizzare_as_State" . inds:USem63025agonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63025agonia is agonia" ; rdfs:label " agonia_as_State" . inds:USem63026allagare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem78133allagato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63026allagare is allagare" ; rdfs:label " allagare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63027allagare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem78133allagato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63027allagare is allagare" ; rdfs:label " allagare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63028allagamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem78133allagato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63028allagamento is allagamento" ; rdfs:label " allagamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63029allentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem78134allentato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63029allentare is allentare" ; rdfs:label " allentare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6302ingoiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6004soffrire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6302ingoiare is ingoiare" ; rdfs:label " ingoiare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63030allentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem78134allentato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63030allentare is allentare" ; rdfs:label " allentare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63031affrancare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7131liberare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63031affrancare is affrancare" ; rdfs:label " affrancare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem63032circo simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5528spettacolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60840tendone ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63032circo is circo" ; rdfs:label " circo_as_Building" . inds:USem63033baracca simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre, inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63033baracca is baracca" ; rdfs:label " baracca_as_Building" . inds:USem63034cinema simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63839pellicola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62493proiettare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63034cinema is cinema" ; rdfs:label " cinema_as_Building" . inds:USem63035baionetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63035baionetta is baionetta" ; rdfs:label " baionetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem63036coltellino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2933coltello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63036coltellino is coltellino" ; rdfs:label " coltellino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem63037cinematografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem63034cinema ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62493proiettare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63037cinematografo is cinematografo" ; rdfs:label " cinematografo_as_Building" . inds:USem63038bigodino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem72722acconciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63038bigodino is bigodino" ; rdfs:label " bigodino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem63039abbonare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63039abbonare is abbonare" ; rdfs:label " abbonare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6303inghiottire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5616ingerire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6303inghiottire is inghiottire" ; rdfs:label " inghiottire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63040abbreviare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63040abbreviare is abbreviare" ; rdfs:label " abbreviare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem63041funzionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63041funzionare is funzionare" ; rdfs:label " funzionare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63042abilitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63042abilitare is abilitare" ; rdfs:label " abilitare_as_Change" . inds:USem63043attivare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63043attivare is attivare" ; rdfs:label " attivare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem63044abilitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63043attivare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63044abilitare is abilitare" ; rdfs:label " abilitare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63045aborrire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63045aborrire is aborrire" ; rdfs:label " aborrire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63046aborrire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7038detestare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63046aborrire is aborrire" ; rdfs:label " aborrire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63048accanire simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63048accanire is accanire" ; rdfs:label " accanire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63049accanire simple:hasIsa inds:USem62870applicare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63049accanire is accanire" ; rdfs:label " accanire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63050accartocciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem68416piegare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63050accartocciare is accartocciare" ; rdfs:label " accartocciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63052accattivare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7152attirare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63052accattivare is accattivare" ; rdfs:label " accattivare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63053accavallare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63053accavallare is accavallare" ; rdfs:label " accavallare_as_State" . inds:USem63054accavallare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63054accavallare is accavallare" ; rdfs:label " accavallare_as_Move" . inds:USem63055accertare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63056verificare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63055accertare is accertare" ; rdfs:label " accertare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem63056verificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74769acquisire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63056verificare is verificare" ; rdfs:label " verificare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem63057verificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6455avverare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63057verificare is verificare" ; rdfs:label " verificare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63058accorgere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61677realizzare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63058accorgere is accorgere" ; rdfs:label " accorgere_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem63059accorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63059accorrere is accorrere" ; rdfs:label " accorrere_as_Move" . inds:USem63060accostare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63060accostare is accostare" ; rdfs:label " accostare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem63061accostare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63061accostare is accostare" ; rdfs:label " accostare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem63062accostare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63062accostare is accostare" ; rdfs:label " accostare_as_Event" . inds:USem63063accostare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63063accostare is accostare" ; rdfs:label " accostare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem63064accovacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63064accovacciare is accovacciare" ; rdfs:label " accovacciare_as_Move" . inds:USem63065addormentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63065addormentare is addormentare" ; rdfs:label " addormentare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem63066addormentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63066addormentare is addormentare" ; rdfs:label " addormentare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63067addormentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63067addormentare is addormentare" ; rdfs:label " addormentare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63068addire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63068addire is addire" ; rdfs:label " addire_as_State" . inds:USem63069addossare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63069addossare is addossare" ; rdfs:label " addossare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63072addossare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63072addossare is addossare" ; rdfs:label " addossare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem63073adibire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63073adibire is adibire" ; rdfs:label " adibire_as_State" . inds:USem63075destinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63075destinare is destinare" ; rdfs:label " destinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63077oscurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61990oscuro ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63077oscurare is oscurare" ; rdfs:label " oscurare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63079adombrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63079adombrare is adombrare" ; rdfs:label " adombrare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6307alpinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem61265arrampicare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6307alpinista is alpinista" ; rdfs:label " alpinista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63080affacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63080affacciare is affacciare" ; rdfs:label " affacciare_as_Move" . inds:USem63083afferire simple:hasIsa inds:USem4811concernere ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63083afferire is afferire" ; rdfs:label " afferire_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem63084affettare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63084affettare is affettare" ; rdfs:label " affettare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem63085affezionare simple:hasFeeling inds:USemTH00874affetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63085affezionare is affezionare" ; rdfs:label " affezionare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63087affiancare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63087affiancare is affiancare" ; rdfs:label " affiancare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem63088affiancare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59870aiutare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63088affiancare is affiancare" ; rdfs:label " affiancare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem63089affiggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63089affiggere is affiggere" ; rdfs:label " affiggere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6308attaccante simple:hasIsa inds:USem64047giocatore ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem64105attaccare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6308attaccante is attaccante" ; rdfs:label " attaccante_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63090affiorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63090affiorare is affiorare" ; rdfs:label " affiorare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63091affiorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63091affiorare is affiorare" ; rdfs:label " affiorare_as_State" . inds:USem63092affrescare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4299affresco ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63092affrescare is affrescare" ; rdfs:label " affrescare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem63093facilitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63093facilitare is facilitare" ; rdfs:label " facilitare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63094agevolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63093facilitare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63094agevolare is agevolare" ; rdfs:label " agevolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63095agevolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59870aiutare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63095agevolare is agevolare" ; rdfs:label " agevolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63096agghiacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6679raffreddare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63096agghiacciare is agghiacciare" ; rdfs:label " agghiacciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63097agghiacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6613spaventare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63097agghiacciare is agghiacciare" ; rdfs:label " agghiacciare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63098aggirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63098aggirare is aggirare" ; rdfs:label " aggirare_as_Move" . inds:USem63099aggirare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63099aggirare is aggirare" ; rdfs:label " aggirare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem6309battitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD3642battere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6309battitore is battitore" ; rdfs:label " battitore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63100aggirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63100aggirare is aggirare" ; rdfs:label " aggirare_as_State" . inds:USem63101agghiacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6613spaventare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63101agghiacciare is agghiacciare" ; rdfs:label " agghiacciare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63102cuccia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1915cane ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63102cuccia is cuccia" ; rdfs:label " cuccia_as_Location" . inds:USem63103baratro simple:hasIsa inds:USem60408apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63103baratro is baratro" ; rdfs:label " baratro_as_Opening" . inds:USem63104boschetto simple:hasContains inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4729bosco ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63104boschetto is boschetto" ; rdfs:label " boschetto_as_Area" . inds:USem63105boschetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem63104boschetto ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63105boschetto is boschetto" ; rdfs:label " boschetto_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem63106duna simple:hasIsa inds:USem4172rilievo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5318sabbia ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63106duna is duna" ; rdfs:label " duna_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem63107dosso simple:hasIsa inds:USem4172rilievo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63107dosso is dosso" ; rdfs:label " dosso_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem63108bermuda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2942calzone ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63108bermuda is bermuda" ; rdfs:label " bermuda_as_Clothing" . inds:USem63109ciabatta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5571tomaia, inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5574panno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63109ciabatta is ciabatta" ; rdfs:label " ciabatta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem6310bestiario simple:hasIsa inds:USem72098gladiatore ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6310bestiario is bestiario" ; rdfs:label " bestiario_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63110bikini simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2948costume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5433stoffa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63110bikini is bikini" ; rdfs:label " bikini_as_Clothing" . inds:USem63111baule simple:hasIsa inds:USem2372cassa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63111baule is baule" ; rdfs:label " baule_as_Container" . inds:USem63112cofanetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem65399scrigno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo, inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63112cofanetto is cofanetto" ; rdfs:label " cofanetto_as_Container" . inds:USem63113frittata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3712uovo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63113frittata is frittata" ; rdfs:label " frittata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem63114crocchetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59564friggere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1546riso, inds:USem1687patata, inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63114crocchetta is crocchetta" ; rdfs:label " crocchetta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem63115broccolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem59817infiorescenza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem3673ortaggio ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63115broccolo is broccolo" ; rdfs:label " broccolo_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem63116broccolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63116broccolo is broccolo" ; rdfs:label " broccolo_as_Human" . inds:USem63117buffone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem6537divertire ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63117buffone is buffone" ; rdfs:label " buffone_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63118aggiudicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63118aggiudicare is aggiudicare" ; rdfs:label " aggiudicare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem63119aggiudicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63119aggiudicare is aggiudicare" ; rdfs:label " aggiudicare_as_Event" . inds:USem6311borsista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem64210speculare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6311borsista is borsista" ; rdfs:label " borsista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63120aggomitolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63120aggomitolare is aggomitolare" ; rdfs:label " aggomitolare_as_Move" . inds:USem63121aggomitolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61595avvolgere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63121aggomitolare is aggomitolare" ; rdfs:label " aggomitolare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63123agguerrire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63123agguerrire is agguerrire" ; rdfs:label " agguerrire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63124aguzzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63124aguzzare is aguzzare" ; rdfs:label " aguzzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63126aguzzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63126aguzzare is aguzzare" ; rdfs:label " aguzzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63128alberare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59078piantare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63128alberare is alberare" ; rdfs:label " alberare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63129alberare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63129alberare is alberare" ; rdfs:label " alberare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6312campanaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6312campanaro is campanaro" ; rdfs:label " campanaro_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63130alcolizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7154alcolizzato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63130alcolizzare is alcolizzare" ; rdfs:label " alcolizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63131aleggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63131aleggiare is aleggiare" ; rdfs:label " aleggiare_as_Event" . inds:USem63132alitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6380respirare ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63132alitare is alitare" ; rdfs:label " alitare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63134allegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63134allegare is allegare" ; rdfs:label " allegare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem63135allucinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6542impressionare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63135allucinare is allucinare" ; rdfs:label " allucinare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63136allucinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63007abbagliare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63136allucinare is allucinare" ; rdfs:label " allucinare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63137buffone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63137buffone is buffone" ; rdfs:label " buffone_as_Human" . inds:USem63138babbo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63138babbo is babbo" ; rdfs:label " babbo_as_Kinship" . inds:USem63139badessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63139badessa is badessa" ; rdfs:label " badessa_as_Social_status" . inds:USem6313canottiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem6783remare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6313canottiere is canottiere" ; rdfs:label " canottiere_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63140monaca simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63140monaca is monaca" ; rdfs:label " monaca_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63141barone simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63141barone is barone" ; rdfs:label " barone_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63142bagnante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem74636bagnare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63142bagnante is bagnante" ; rdfs:label " bagnante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63143aratro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3031ferro, inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem4910contadino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem66682arare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63143aratro is aratro" ; rdfs:label " aratro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem63144arca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2372cassa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63144arca is arca" ; rdfs:label " arca_as_Container" . inds:USem63145arca simple:hasIsa inds:USem63146sarcofago ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63145arca is arca" ; rdfs:label " arca_as_Container" . inds:USem63146sarcofago simple:hasIsa inds:USem63147bara ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63146sarcofago is sarcofago" ; rdfs:label " sarcofago_as_Container" . inds:USem63147bara simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63147bara is bara" ; rdfs:label " bara_as_Container" . inds:USem63148arcaismo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63149locuzione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63148arcaismo is arcaismo" ; rdfs:label " arcaismo_as_Representation" . inds:USem63149locuzione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63149locuzione is locuzione" ; rdfs:label " locuzione_as_Representation" . inds:USem6314cavaliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem79785montare, inds:USemD6010cavalcare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6314cavaliere is cavaliere" ; rdfs:label " cavaliere_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63150neologismo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63149locuzione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63150neologismo is neologismo" ; rdfs:label " neologismo_as_Representation" . inds:USem63151eufemismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63151eufemismo is eufemismo" ; rdfs:label " eufemismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem63152archetipo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63153modello ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63152archetipo is archetipo" ; rdfs:label " archetipo_as_Representation" . inds:USem63153modello simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63153modello is modello" ; rdfs:label " modello_as_Representation" . inds:USem63154esempio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63153modello ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63154esempio is esempio" ; rdfs:label " esempio_as_Representation" . inds:USem63155chiasmo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63155chiasmo is chiasmo" ; rdfs:label " chiasmo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem63156lemma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63149locuzione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63156lemma is lemma" ; rdfs:label " lemma_as_Representation" . inds:USem63157architrave simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63157architrave is architrave" ; rdfs:label " architrave_as_Part" . inds:USem63158altalenare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63158altalenare is altalenare" ; rdfs:label " altalenare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63159bagagliaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63159bagagliaio is bagagliaio" ; rdfs:label " bagagliaio_as_Part" . inds:USem6315cavallerizzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD6010cavalcare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6315cavallerizzo is cavallerizzo" ; rdfs:label " cavallerizzo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63160ambientare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63160ambientare is ambientare" ; rdfs:label " ambientare_as_Event" . inds:USem63161barba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2912cute ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63161barba is barba" ; rdfs:label " barba_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem63162ambientare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63162ambientare is ambientare" ; rdfs:label " ambientare_as_Event" . inds:USem63163barba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63163barba is barba" ; rdfs:label " barba_as_Part" . inds:USem63164ammonire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60881esortare ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63164ammonire is ammonire" ; rdfs:label " ammonire_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem63165ammonire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63654punire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63165ammonire is ammonire" ; rdfs:label " ammonire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63166maschera simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63168maschera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63166maschera is maschera" ; rdfs:label " maschera_as_Human" . inds:USem63168maschera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63168maschera is maschera" ; rdfs:label " maschera_as_Artifact" . inds:USem63169annettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63169annettere is annettere" ; rdfs:label " annettere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem6316contrabbassista simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2885contrabbasso ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6316contrabbassista is contrabbassista" ; rdfs:label " contrabbassista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63170maschera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59868accompagnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63170maschera is maschera" ; rdfs:label " maschera_as_Profession" . inds:USem63171annettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63171annettere is annettere" ; rdfs:label " annettere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63172arlecchino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63172arlecchino is arlecchino" ; rdfs:label " arlecchino_as_Human" . inds:USem63173arlecchino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem77044maschera ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63173arlecchino is arlecchino" ; rdfs:label " arlecchino_as_Representation" . inds:USem63174ardore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63174ardore is ardore" ; rdfs:label " ardore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63175ardore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasMeasuredby inds:USem2336termometro ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63175ardore is ardore" ; rdfs:label " ardore_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem63176calore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasMeasuredby inds:USem2336termometro ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63176calore is calore" ; rdfs:label " calore_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem63177calore simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63177calore is calore" ; rdfs:label " calore_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem63178calore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63178calore is calore" ; rdfs:label " calore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63179afa simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63179afa is afa" ; rdfs:label " afa_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem6317corista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6317corista is corista" ; rdfs:label " corista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63180gelo simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63180gelo is gelo" ; rdfs:label " gelo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem63181armata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63181armata is armata" ; rdfs:label " armata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem63182arnia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasTypicalLocation inds:USemD5442ape ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63182arnia is arnia" ; rdfs:label " arnia_as_Building" . inds:USem63183arsenale simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63183arsenale is arsenale" ; rdfs:label " arsenale_as_Building" . inds:USem63184ascendente simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63184ascendente is ascendente" ; rdfs:label " ascendente_as_Representation" . inds:USem63185ascendente simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63185ascendente is ascendente" ; rdfs:label " ascendente_as_State" . inds:USem63186annidare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63186annidare is annidare" ; rdfs:label " annidare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63187annidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63187annidare is annidare" ; rdfs:label " annidare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63188annidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63188annidare is annidare" ; rdfs:label " annidare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63189annoverare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63189annoverare is annoverare" ; rdfs:label " annoverare_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem6318corridore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5638correre ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6318corridore is corridore" ; rdfs:label " corridore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63190annuire simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63190annuire is annuire" ; rdfs:label " annuire_as_Move" . inds:USem63191anticipare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66593anticipato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63191anticipare is anticipare" ; rdfs:label " anticipare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63192anticipare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63192anticipare is anticipare" ; rdfs:label " anticipare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem63193bifora simple:hasIsa inds:USem61089finestra ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59836parete ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63193bifora is bifora" ; rdfs:label " bifora_as_Opening" . inds:USem63194fodera simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63194fodera is fodera" ; rdfs:label " fodera_as_Artifact" . inds:USem63195fodera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64578foderare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63195fodera is fodera" ; rdfs:label " fodera_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem63196big simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63196big is big" ; rdfs:label " big_as_Human" . inds:USem63197anticipare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63197anticipare is anticipare" ; rdfs:label " anticipare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem63198melodia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63198melodia is melodia" ; rdfs:label " melodia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem63199biga simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5265condurre ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63199biga is biga" ; rdfs:label " biga_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem6319culturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6319culturista is culturista" ; rdfs:label " culturista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63200appartare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63200appartare is appartare" ; rdfs:label " appartare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem63201asterisco simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63201asterisco is asterisco" ; rdfs:label " asterisco_as_Sign" . inds:USem63202appetire simple:hasIsa inds:USem4840desiderare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63202appetire is appetire" ; rdfs:label " appetire_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem63203auditorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4168sala ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63203auditorio is auditorio" ; rdfs:label " auditorio_as_Building" . inds:USem63205appiccicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63205appiccicare is appiccicare" ; rdfs:label " appiccicare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63207auditorium simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5528spettacolo ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63207auditorium is auditorium" ; rdfs:label " auditorium_as_Building" . inds:USem63208autoclave simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD7350sterilizzare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63208autoclave is autoclave" ; rdfs:label " autoclave_as_Container" . inds:USem6320difensore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem76770difendere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6320difensore is difensore" ; rdfs:label " difensore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63210appellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63210appellare is appellare" ; rdfs:label " appellare_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem63211autocolonna simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63211autocolonna is autocolonna" ; rdfs:label " autocolonna_as_Group" . inds:USem63212ammissione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63212ammissione is ammissione" ; rdfs:label " ammissione_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem63213appellare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63213appellare is appellare" ; rdfs:label " appellare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem63214ammettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63214ammettere is ammettere" ; rdfs:label " ammettere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem63217autonoleggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1883ditta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7156noleggiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63217autonoleggio is autonoleggio" ; rdfs:label " autonoleggio_as_Building" . inds:USem63218badia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62795monaco ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2214chiesa, inds:USem2258fabbricato, inds:USemD1126terreno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63218badia is badia" ; rdfs:label " badia_as_Building" . inds:USem63219bagnasciuga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59540spiaggia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63219bagnasciuga is bagnasciuga" ; rdfs:label " bagnasciuga_as_Part" . inds:USem6321escursionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6321escursionista is escursionista" ; rdfs:label " escursionista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63220baio simple:hasIsa inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63220baio is baio" ; rdfs:label " baio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63222balla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63222balla is balla" ; rdfs:label " balla_as_Amount" . inds:USem63223appigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75615aggrappare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63223appigliare is appigliare" ; rdfs:label " appigliare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63224appigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63224appigliare is appigliare" ; rdfs:label " appigliare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63225attacco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5194congiungere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63225attacco is attacco" ; rdfs:label " attacco_as_Instrument" . inds:USem63226appollaiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63226appollaiare is appollaiare" ; rdfs:label " appollaiare_as_Move" . inds:USem63227attacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63227attacco is attacco" ; rdfs:label " attacco_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem63228baluardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63228baluardo is baluardo" ; rdfs:label " baluardo_as_Building" . inds:USem63229balza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2046dirupo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63229balza is balza" ; rdfs:label " balza_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem63230balza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60826tenda, inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63230balza is balza" ; rdfs:label " balza_as_Part" . inds:USem63231bue simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemTH55muggire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65543bovino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63231bue is bue" ; rdfs:label " bue_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63232bue simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63232bue is bue" ; rdfs:label " bue_as_Human" . inds:USem63233bancarella simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63233bancarella is bancarella" ; rdfs:label " bancarella_as_Artifact" . inds:USem63234apprestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63234apprestare is apprestare" ; rdfs:label " apprestare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem63235cerbiatto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1154cervo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63235cerbiatto is cerbiatto" ; rdfs:label " cerbiatto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63236mucca simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemTH55muggire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65543bovino ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3249latte ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63236mucca is mucca" ; rdfs:label " mucca_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63237apprestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63237apprestare is apprestare" ; rdfs:label " apprestare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63238banchisa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3871ghiaccio ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63238banchisa is banchisa" ; rdfs:label " banchisa_as_Area" . inds:USem63239mula simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63239mula is mula" ; rdfs:label " mula_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem6323timoniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem069825manovrare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6323timoniere is timoniere" ; rdfs:label " timoniere_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63240apprestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3925cominciare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63240apprestare is apprestare" ; rdfs:label " apprestare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem63241bar simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63241bar is bar" ; rdfs:label " bar_as_Building" . inds:USem63242lombrico simple:hasIsa inds:USem1953verme ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63242lombrico is lombrico" ; rdfs:label " lombrico_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63243baraccone simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5528spettacolo ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63243baraccone is baraccone" ; rdfs:label " baraccone_as_Building" . inds:USem63244cetaceo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63244cetaceo is cetaceo" ; rdfs:label " cetaceo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem63245balena simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63244cetaceo ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63245balena is balena" ; rdfs:label " balena_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem63246bar simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63246bar is bar" ; rdfs:label " bar_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem63247cagna simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63247cagna is cagna" ; rdfs:label " cagna_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63248cagna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63248cagna is cagna" ; rdfs:label " cagna_as_Human" . inds:USem63249barchetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63249barchetta is barchetta" ; rdfs:label " barchetta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem6324torero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem79783toreare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6324torero is torero" ; rdfs:label " torero_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63250apportare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63250apportare is apportare" ; rdfs:label " apportare_as_Cause" . inds:USem63251bulldozer simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63251bulldozer is bulldozer" ; rdfs:label " bulldozer_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem63252barchetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63252barchetta is barchetta" ; rdfs:label " barchetta_as_Container" . inds:USem63253bassotto simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63253bassotto is bassotto" ; rdfs:label " bassotto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63254approntare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63254approntare is approntare" ; rdfs:label " approntare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63255beccaccia simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem59115cacciare ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63255beccaccia is beccaccia" ; rdfs:label " beccaccia_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem63256barilotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63256barilotto is barilotto" ; rdfs:label " barilotto_as_Amount" . inds:USem63257bestia simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4767fauna ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63257bestia is bestia" ; rdfs:label " bestia_as_Animal" . inds:USem63258bestia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63258bestia is bestia" ; rdfs:label " bestia_as_Human" . inds:USem63259bufala simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3249latte ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63259bufala is bufala" ; rdfs:label " bufala_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem6325reggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6325reggere is reggere" ; rdfs:label " reggere_as_State" . inds:USem63260cavalla simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6394nitrire, inds:USem6404galoppare, inds:USem6409trottare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62642criniera, inds:USemD529zoccolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63260cavalla is cavalla" ; rdfs:label " cavalla_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63261approfittare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63261approfittare is approfittare" ; rdfs:label " approfittare_as_State" . inds:USem63262calabrone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare, inds:USemD554pungere ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD6284pungiglione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63262calabrone is calabrone" ; rdfs:label " calabrone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem63263calabrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63263calabrone is calabrone" ; rdfs:label " calabrone_as_Human" . inds:USem63264coniglietta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63264coniglietta is coniglietta" ; rdfs:label " coniglietta_as_Human" . inds:USem63265appuntire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63265appuntire is appuntire" ; rdfs:label " appuntire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63266cocker simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63266cocker is cocker" ; rdfs:label " cocker_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63267appurare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63056verificare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63267appurare is appurare" ; rdfs:label " appurare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem63269dinosauro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63269dinosauro is dinosauro" ; rdfs:label " dinosauro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63271areare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7166areato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63271areare is areare" ; rdfs:label " areare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63272pollaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63272pollaio is pollaio" ; rdfs:label " pollaio_as_Location" . inds:USem63274chioccia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD573coda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem994gallo ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3712uovo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63274chioccia is chioccia" ; rdfs:label " chioccia_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63275pulcino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD573coda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem994gallo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63275pulcino is pulcino" ; rdfs:label " pulcino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63276argentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem67058argentato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63276argentare is argentare" ; rdfs:label " argentare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63277barricata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63277barricata is barricata" ; rdfs:label " barricata_as_Instrument" . inds:USem63278bassopiano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63278bassopiano is bassopiano" ; rdfs:label " bassopiano_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem63279bastardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD7168incrocio ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63279bastardo is bastardo" ; rdfs:label " bastardo_as_Animal" . inds:USem63280bastardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4069figlio ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63280bastardo is bastardo" ; rdfs:label " bastardo_as_Kinship" . inds:USem63281battistrada simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60810pneumatico ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3124gomma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63281battistrada is battistrada" ; rdfs:label " battistrada_as_Part" . inds:USem63282battistrada simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63282battistrada is battistrada" ; rdfs:label " battistrada_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63283beduino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem59528deserto ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63283beduino is beduino" ; rdfs:label " beduino_as_People" . inds:USem63284arenare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63284arenare is arenare" ; rdfs:label " arenare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63285arenare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3959finire ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63285arenare is arenare" ; rdfs:label " arenare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem63287arrangiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59869accordare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63287arrangiare is arrangiare" ; rdfs:label " arrangiare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem63288arrangiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7169arrangiamento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63288arrangiare is arrangiare" ; rdfs:label " arrangiare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem63289arrangiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63289arrangiare is arrangiare" ; rdfs:label " arrangiare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63290beduino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63290beduino is beduino" ; rdfs:label " beduino_as_Human" . inds:USem63291arrangiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63291arrangiare is arrangiare" ; rdfs:label " arrangiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63292arrecare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63292arrecare is arrecare" ; rdfs:label " arrecare_as_Cause" . inds:USem63293zingaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem61187mondo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63293zingaro is zingaro" ; rdfs:label " zingaro_as_People" . inds:USem63294zingaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63294zingaro is zingaro" ; rdfs:label " zingaro_as_Human" . inds:USem63295arrendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63295arrendere is arrendere" ; rdfs:label " arrendere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63296nomade simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem61187mondo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63296nomade is nomade" ; rdfs:label " nomade_as_People" . inds:USem63297arrendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63297arrendere is arrendere" ; rdfs:label " arrendere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63298gitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2199spagna, inds:USem2239francia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63298gitano is gitano" ; rdfs:label " gitano_as_People" . inds:USem63299cosmopolita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63299cosmopolita is cosmopolita" ; rdfs:label " cosmopolita_as_Human" . inds:USem6329aggressore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD6015aggredire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6329aggressore is aggressore" ; rdfs:label " aggressore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63300arrischiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63300arrischiare is arrischiare" ; rdfs:label " arrischiare_as_Event" . inds:USem63301arrischiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63301arrischiare is arrischiare" ; rdfs:label " arrischiare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63302arroccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63302arroccare is arroccare" ; rdfs:label " arroccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63303arroccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63303arroccare is arroccare" ; rdfs:label " arroccare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem63304labrador simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63304labrador is labrador" ; rdfs:label " labrador_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem63305labrador simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63305labrador is labrador" ; rdfs:label " labrador_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63306arroccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63306arroccare is arroccare" ; rdfs:label " arroccare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63307arrogare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63307arrogare is arrogare" ; rdfs:label " arrogare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63308arrossare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63308arrossare is arrossare" ; rdfs:label " arrossare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63309puledro simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6394nitrire, inds:USem6404galoppare, inds:USem6409trottare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62642criniera, inds:USemD529zoccolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem919cavallo ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63309puledro is puledro" ; rdfs:label " puledro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem6330assassino simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59958assassinare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6330assassino is assassino" ; rdfs:label " assassino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63310arrossare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61898rosso ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63310arrossare is arrossare" ; rdfs:label " arrossare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63312rondone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63312rondone is rondone" ; rdfs:label " rondone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem63313terranova simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63313terranova is terranova" ; rdfs:label " terranova_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63314eclisse simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63314eclisse is eclisse" ; rdfs:label " eclisse_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem63315ippocampo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD573coda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63315ippocampo is ippocampo" ; rdfs:label " ippocampo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem63316biancone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63316biancone is biancone" ; rdfs:label " biancone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem63317attaccabrighe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63317attaccabrighe is attaccabrighe" ; rdfs:label " attaccabrighe_as_Human" . inds:USem63318babbeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63318babbeo is babbeo" ; rdfs:label " babbeo_as_Human" . inds:USem63319bacchettone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63319bacchettone is bacchettone" ; rdfs:label " bacchettone_as_Human" . inds:USem6331borsista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6331borsista is borsista" ; rdfs:label " borsista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63320baffone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63320baffone is baffone" ; rdfs:label " baffone_as_Human" . inds:USem63321bambinone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63321bambinone is bambinone" ; rdfs:label " bambinone_as_Human" . inds:USem63322balbuziente simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD7172balbuzie ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63322balbuziente is balbuziente" ; rdfs:label " balbuziente_as_Human" . inds:USem63323barbaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem61187mondo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63323barbaro is barbaro" ; rdfs:label " barbaro_as_People" . inds:USem63324barbaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63324barbaro is barbaro" ; rdfs:label " barbaro_as_Human" . inds:USem63326baritono simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem63421baritono ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6357cantante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63326baritono is baritono" ; rdfs:label " baritono_as_Profession" . inds:USem63327belligerante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59874combattere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63327belligerante is belligerante" ; rdfs:label " belligerante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63328befana simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63328befana is befana" ; rdfs:label " befana_as_Representation" . inds:USem63329befana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63329befana is befana" ; rdfs:label " befana_as_Human" . inds:USem6332candidato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59963candidare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6332candidato is candidato" ; rdfs:label " candidato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63330befana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63330befana is befana" ; rdfs:label " befana_as_Time" . inds:USem63331commodoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemTH34356marina ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63331commodoro is commodoro" ; rdfs:label " commodoro_as_Role" . inds:USem63332capocannoniere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63332capocannoniere is capocannoniere" ; rdfs:label " capocannoniere_as_Profession" . inds:USem63333capocannoniere simple:hasAgentive inds:USem61744segnare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2022calciatore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63333capocannoniere is capocannoniere" ; rdfs:label " capocannoniere_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63334cicisbeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem59868accompagnare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63334cicisbeo is cicisbeo" ; rdfs:label " cicisbeo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63335arroventare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1328riscaldare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63335arroventare is arroventare" ; rdfs:label " arroventare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63336arroventare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63336arroventare is arroventare" ; rdfs:label " arroventare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63337arrugginire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7177arrugginito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63337arrugginire is arrugginire" ; rdfs:label " arrugginire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63338cicisbeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63338cicisbeo is cicisbeo" ; rdfs:label " cicisbeo_as_Human" . inds:USem63339arrugginire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63339arrugginire is arrugginire" ; rdfs:label " arrugginire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6333cerimoniere simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59143organizzare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6333cerimoniere is cerimoniere" ; rdfs:label " cerimoniere_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63340ascendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63340ascendere is ascendere" ; rdfs:label " ascendere_as_Event" . inds:USem63342ascendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem75887ammontare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63342ascendere is ascendere" ; rdfs:label " ascendere_as_State" . inds:USem63344asfaltare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7179asfaltato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63344asfaltare is asfaltare" ; rdfs:label " asfaltare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63345asportare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63345asportare is asportare" ; rdfs:label " asportare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem63346asportare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem75987bisturi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66451intervenire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6857rimuovere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63346asportare is asportare" ; rdfs:label " asportare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63347baritono simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem63421baritono ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63347baritono is baritono" ; rdfs:label " baritono_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63348assaltare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63348assaltare is assaltare" ; rdfs:label " assaltare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63349contralto simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7102voce ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63349contralto is contralto" ; rdfs:label " contralto_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem6334conferenziere simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD439parlare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6334conferenziere is conferenziere" ; rdfs:label " conferenziere_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63350assecondare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59120favorire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63350assecondare is assecondare" ; rdfs:label " assecondare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63351assestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem78102ordinare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63351assestare is assestare" ; rdfs:label " assestare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63352assestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63352assestare is assestare" ; rdfs:label " assestare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63353assestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7180assestato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63353assestare is assestare" ; rdfs:label " assestare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63354contralto simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem63349contralto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63354contralto is contralto" ; rdfs:label " contralto_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63355contralto simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem63349contralto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6357cantante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63355contralto is contralto" ; rdfs:label " contralto_as_Profession" . inds:USem63356assettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem78102ordinare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63356assettare is assettare" ; rdfs:label " assettare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63357assodare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63056verificare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63357assodare is assodare" ; rdfs:label " assodare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem63358assoggettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63358assoggettare is assoggettare" ; rdfs:label " assoggettare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63359assoggettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63359assoggettare is assoggettare" ; rdfs:label " assoggettare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6335congressista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6335congressista is congressista" ; rdfs:label " congressista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63360assortire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63360assortire is assortire" ; rdfs:label " assortire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63361assodare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63361assodare is assodare" ; rdfs:label " assodare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63363assurgere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6983salire ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63363assurgere is assurgere" ; rdfs:label " assurgere_as_Move" . inds:USem63364astenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61066rinunciare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63364astenere is astenere" ; rdfs:label " astenere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63365astenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63365astenere is astenere" ; rdfs:label " astenere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63366attanagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62888tormentare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63366attanagliare is attanagliare" ; rdfs:label " attanagliare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63367attanagliare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2836tenaglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD461afferrare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63367attanagliare is attanagliare" ; rdfs:label " attanagliare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63369attardare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63369attardare is attardare" ; rdfs:label " attardare_as_State" . inds:USem6336convalescente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6336convalescente is convalescente" ; rdfs:label " convalescente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63370attardare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63370attardare is attardare" ; rdfs:label " attardare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63371attenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4811concernere ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63371attenere is attenere" ; rdfs:label " attenere_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem63372attenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63372attenere is attenere" ; rdfs:label " attenere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63373avariare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63373avariare is avariare" ; rdfs:label " avariare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63375avvantaggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63375avvantaggiare is avvantaggiare" ; rdfs:label " avvantaggiare_as_State" . inds:USem63376avvantaggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63376avvantaggiare is avvantaggiare" ; rdfs:label " avvantaggiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63378avventare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63378avventare is avventare" ; rdfs:label " avventare_as_Move" . inds:USem6337convocato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59977convocare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6337convocato is convocato" ; rdfs:label " convocato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem63380avvezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6191abituare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63380avvezzare is avvezzare" ; rdfs:label " avvezzare_as_Cause" . inds:USem63381azzardare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63381azzardare is azzardare" ; rdfs:label " azzardare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63383azzeccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63451centrare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63383azzeccare is azzeccare" ; rdfs:label " azzeccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63385bacare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63385bacare is bacare" ; rdfs:label " bacare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63387bardare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63387bardare is bardare" ; rdfs:label " bardare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63388bardare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63388bardare is bardare" ; rdfs:label " bardare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63389barrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63389barrare is barrare" ; rdfs:label " barrare_as_Act" . inds:USem6338corrispondente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD6019corrispondere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6338corrispondente is corrispondente" ; rdfs:label " corrispondente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63390barricare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63390barricare is barricare" ; rdfs:label " barricare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63391barricare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63391barricare is barricare" ; rdfs:label " barricare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63392barricare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63392barricare is barricare" ; rdfs:label " barricare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63393basare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63393basare is basare" ; rdfs:label " basare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem63394beare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63394beare is beare" ; rdfs:label " beare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63395basare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63395basare is basare" ; rdfs:label " basare_as_State" . inds:USem63396beneficare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59870aiutare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63396beneficare is beneficare" ; rdfs:label " beneficare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63397cenerentola simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63397cenerentola is cenerentola" ; rdfs:label " cenerentola_as_Representation" . inds:USem63398bersagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63398bersagliare is bersagliare" ; rdfs:label " bersagliare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63399bersagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59887perseguitare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63399bersagliare is bersagliare" ; rdfs:label " bersagliare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6339dinamitardo simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem79210attentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6339dinamitardo is dinamitardo" ; rdfs:label " dinamitardo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63400bidonare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63400bidonare is bidonare" ; rdfs:label " bidonare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63401biscottare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7187biscottato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63401biscottare is biscottare" ; rdfs:label " biscottare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63403bisognare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63403bisognare is bisognare" ; rdfs:label " bisognare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem63404blindare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7188blindato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63404blindare is blindare" ; rdfs:label " blindare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63405bollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63405bollare is bollare" ; rdfs:label " bollare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63406bollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5605giudicare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63406bollare is bollare" ; rdfs:label " bollare_as_Judgement" . inds:USem63407bombare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7189bombato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63407bombare is bombare" ; rdfs:label " bombare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63408centralinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63408centralinista is centralinista" ; rdfs:label " centralinista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63409brigare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63409brigare is brigare" ; rdfs:label " brigare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6340ferito simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59994ferire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6340ferito is ferito" ; rdfs:label " ferito_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem63410brindare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63410brindare is brindare" ; rdfs:label " brindare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem63411brucare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63411brucare is brucare" ; rdfs:label " brucare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63412cadenzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63412cadenzare is cadenzare" ; rdfs:label " cadenzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63413calcare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63413calcare is calcare" ; rdfs:label " calcare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63415calcare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63415calcare is calcare" ; rdfs:label " calcare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63416calcare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2323matita ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5603copia ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63416calcare is calcare" ; rdfs:label " calcare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem63417calciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63417calciare is calciare" ; rdfs:label " calciare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem63418calibrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7190calibrato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63418calibrare is calibrare" ; rdfs:label " calibrare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63419calibrare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2921calibro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63419calibrare is calibrare" ; rdfs:label " calibrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6341fuggiasco simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60005fuggire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6341fuggiasco is fuggiasco" ; rdfs:label " fuggiasco_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63420campare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5034vivere ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63420campare is campare" ; rdfs:label " campare_as_Exist" . inds:USem63421baritono simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7102voce ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63421baritono is baritono" ; rdfs:label " baritono_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem63423campeggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63423campeggiare is campeggiare" ; rdfs:label " campeggiare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem63424campeggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75496spiccare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63424campeggiare is campeggiare" ; rdfs:label " campeggiare_as_State" . inds:USem63425capeggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63425capeggiare is capeggiare" ; rdfs:label " capeggiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63426capitolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63426capitolare is capitolare" ; rdfs:label " capitolare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63427cappottare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63427cappottare is cappottare" ; rdfs:label " cappottare_as_Move" . inds:USem63428captare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63428captare is captare" ; rdfs:label " captare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63429captare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5231intercettare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63429captare is captare" ; rdfs:label " captare_as_Perception" . inds:USem6342incendiario simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5949incendiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6342incendiario is incendiario" ; rdfs:label " incendiario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63430captare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63430captare is captare" ; rdfs:label " captare_as_Event" . inds:USem63431captare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6065intuire ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63431captare is captare" ; rdfs:label " captare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem63432caramellare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem78291caramellato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63432caramellare is caramellare" ; rdfs:label " caramellare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63434caramellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7191caramellato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63434caramellare is caramellare" ; rdfs:label " caramellare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63435carburare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63435carburare is carburare" ; rdfs:label " carburare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63436carburare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63436carburare is carburare" ; rdfs:label " carburare_as_State" . inds:USem63437cardare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63437cardare is cardare" ; rdfs:label " cardare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63438carenare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2613rivestire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63438carenare is carenare" ; rdfs:label " carenare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63439scrofa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63439scrofa is scrofa" ; rdfs:label " scrofa_as_Human" . inds:USem6343intervistato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60007intervistare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6343intervistato is intervistato" ; rdfs:label " intervistato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem63440carezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59300accarezzare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63440carezzare is carezzare" ; rdfs:label " carezzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63441cariare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7193cariato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63441cariare is cariare" ; rdfs:label " cariare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63442carrellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63442carrellare is carrellare" ; rdfs:label " carrellare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63443carteggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59895levigare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63443carteggiare is carteggiare" ; rdfs:label " carteggiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63444cassare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2961cancellare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7195cassato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63444cassare is cassare" ; rdfs:label " cassare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63445cassare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63445cassare is cassare" ; rdfs:label " cassare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63446cavare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63446cavare is cavare" ; rdfs:label " cavare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63447celare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63447celare is celare" ; rdfs:label " celare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63448celare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63448celare is celare" ; rdfs:label " celare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63449censire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63449censire is censire" ; rdfs:label " censire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6344invasore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60008invadere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6344invasore is invasore" ; rdfs:label " invasore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63451centrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63451centrare is centrare" ; rdfs:label " centrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63453cestinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63453cestinare is cestinare" ; rdfs:label " cestinare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem63454ciarlare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7343chiacchierare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63454ciarlare is ciarlare" ; rdfs:label " ciarlare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem63456cibare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63456cibare is cibare" ; rdfs:label " cibare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63457cicatrizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7197cicatrizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63457cicatrizzare is cicatrizzare" ; rdfs:label " cicatrizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63459cimare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3259sega ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63459cimare is cimare" ; rdfs:label " cimare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem6345scioperante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD6024scioperare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6345scioperante is scioperante" ; rdfs:label " scioperante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63461cimentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63461cimentare is cimentare" ; rdfs:label " cimentare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63462cinturare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63462cinturare is cinturare" ; rdfs:label " cinturare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63463circostanziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6473riferire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63463circostanziare is circostanziare" ; rdfs:label " circostanziare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem63464circuire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63464circuire is circuire" ; rdfs:label " circuire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63465clonare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7198clone ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63465clonare is clonare" ; rdfs:label " clonare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem63467colorire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6234colorato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63467colorire is colorire" ; rdfs:label " colorire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63468colorire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7061narrare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63468colorire is colorire" ; rdfs:label " colorire_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem63469commissionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63469commissionare is commissionare" ; rdfs:label " commissionare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6346uccisore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6346uccisore is uccisore" ; rdfs:label " uccisore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63471compattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63471compattare is compattare" ; rdfs:label " compattare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63472comparare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76650confrontare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63472comparare is comparare" ; rdfs:label " comparare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem63473comparire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63473comparire is comparire" ; rdfs:label " comparire_as_Event" . inds:USem63474comparire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63474comparire is comparire" ; rdfs:label " comparire_as_State" . inds:USem63475comprovare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60836dimostrare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63475comprovare is comprovare" ; rdfs:label " comprovare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem63476concorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63476concorrere is concorrere" ; rdfs:label " concorrere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63477concorrere simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63477concorrere is concorrere" ; rdfs:label " concorrere_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem63478concorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63478concorrere is concorrere" ; rdfs:label " concorrere_as_State" . inds:USem63479concretare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63479concretare is concretare" ; rdfs:label " concretare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6347uxoricida simple:hasAgentive inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62271omicida ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6347uxoricida is uxoricida" ; rdfs:label " uxoricida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63480concretizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63480concretizzare is concretizzare" ; rdfs:label " concretizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63481condonare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63481condonare is condonare" ; rdfs:label " condonare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63482confluire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7016unire ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63482confluire is confluire" ; rdfs:label " confluire_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem63483confluire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63483confluire is confluire" ; rdfs:label " confluire_as_State" . inds:USem63484congiurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63484congiurare is congiurare" ; rdfs:label " congiurare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63486concorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63486concorrere is concorrere" ; rdfs:label " concorrere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63487conseguire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63487conseguire is conseguire" ; rdfs:label " conseguire_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem63488conseguire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63488conseguire is conseguire" ; rdfs:label " conseguire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63489docente simple:hasIsa inds:USem4985insegnante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63489docente is docente" ; rdfs:label " docente_as_Profession" . inds:USem6348condannato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD6020condannare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6348condannato is condannato" ; rdfs:label " condannato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem63490drogato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5341drogare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63490drogato is drogato" ; rdfs:label " drogato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem63492eroina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63492eroina is eroina" ; rdfs:label " eroina_as_Human" . inds:USem63493eroina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5341drogare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63493eroina is eroina" ; rdfs:label " eroina_as_Substance" . inds:USem63494furfante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63494furfante is furfante" ; rdfs:label " furfante_as_Human" . inds:USem63495damerino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63495damerino is damerino" ; rdfs:label " damerino_as_Human" . inds:USem63496drogare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem67048drogato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63496drogare is drogare" ; rdfs:label " drogare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63498damigella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63498damigella is damigella" ; rdfs:label " damigella_as_Human" . inds:USem63499disgraziato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63499disgraziato is disgraziato" ; rdfs:label " disgraziato_as_Human" . inds:USem6349congedato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem73014congedare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6349congedato is congedato" ; rdfs:label " congedato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem63500disgraziato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63500disgraziato is disgraziato" ; rdfs:label " disgraziato_as_Human" . inds:USem63501ereditiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63501ereditiera is ereditiera" ; rdfs:label " ereditiera_as_Human" . inds:USem63502iris simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63502iris is iris" ; rdfs:label " iris_as_Human" . inds:USem63503iris simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2389fiore, inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63503iris is iris" ; rdfs:label " iris_as_Plant" . inds:USem63504lazzarone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63504lazzarone is lazzarone" ; rdfs:label " lazzarone_as_Human" . inds:USem63505lebbroso simple:hasAffectedby inds:USem3841lebbra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63505lebbroso is lebbroso" ; rdfs:label " lebbroso_as_Human" . inds:USem63506fanatico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67337fanatismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63506fanatico is fanatico" ; rdfs:label " fanatico_as_Human" . inds:USem63507lestofante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63507lestofante is lestofante" ; rdfs:label " lestofante_as_Human" . inds:USem63509fannullone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63509fannullone is fannullone" ; rdfs:label " fannullone_as_Human" . inds:USem6350delegato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59983delegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6350delegato is delegato" ; rdfs:label " delegato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem63510libertino simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67371libertinaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63510libertino is libertino" ; rdfs:label " libertino_as_Human" . inds:USem63511luminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63511luminare is luminare" ; rdfs:label " luminare_as_Human" . inds:USem63512lunatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63512lunatico is lunatico" ; rdfs:label " lunatico_as_Human" . inds:USem63513macchietta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63513macchietta is macchietta" ; rdfs:label " macchietta_as_Human" . inds:USem63514macchietta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6588disegnare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7079disegno ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63514macchietta is macchietta" ; rdfs:label " macchietta_as_Artwork" . inds:USem63515madonna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63515madonna is madonna" ; rdfs:label " madonna_as_Human" . inds:USem63516madonna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere, inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63516madonna is madonna" ; rdfs:label " madonna_as_Artwork" . inds:USem63517malvagio simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65972malvagita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63517malvagio is malvagio" ; rdfs:label " malvagio_as_Human" . inds:USem63518malvivente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63518malvivente is malvivente" ; rdfs:label " malvivente_as_Human" . inds:USem63519lattante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63519lattante is lattante" ; rdfs:label " lattante_as_Human" . inds:USem6351deportato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem6851deportare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6351deportato is deportato" ; rdfs:label " deportato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem63520maggiorenne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63520maggiorenne is maggiorenne" ; rdfs:label " maggiorenne_as_Human" . inds:USem63521mancino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63521mancino is mancino" ; rdfs:label " mancino_as_Human" . inds:USem63522chierichetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63522chierichetto is chierichetto" ; rdfs:label " chierichetto_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63523serva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7203servitu1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63523serva is serva" ; rdfs:label " serva_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63525boy simple:hasIsa inds:USem3346ballerino ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6780danzare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63525boy is boy" ; rdfs:label " boy_as_Profession" . inds:USem63527bagnino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63527bagnino is bagnino" ; rdfs:label " bagnino_as_Profession" . inds:USem63528biofisico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63528biofisico is biofisico" ; rdfs:label " biofisico_as_Profession" . inds:USem63529bovaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem68724guardiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63529bovaro is bovaro" ; rdfs:label " bovaro_as_Profession" . inds:USem63530tessitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5434tessere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63530tessitore is tessitore" ; rdfs:label " tessitore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63531sostenitore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59737sostenere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63531sostenitore is sostenitore" ; rdfs:label " sostenitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63532britanno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2152inghilterra, inds:USem2155irlanda, inds:USem2197scozia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63532britanno is britanno" ; rdfs:label " britanno_as_People" . inds:USem63533boxer simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63533boxer is boxer" ; rdfs:label " boxer_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63534supplire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63534supplire is supplire" ; rdfs:label " supplire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63535caporale simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63535caporale is caporale" ; rdfs:label " caporale_as_Role" . inds:USem63536mangione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63536mangione is mangione" ; rdfs:label " mangione_as_Human" . inds:USem63537supplente simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63534supplire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64017sostituto ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63537supplente is supplente" ; rdfs:label " supplente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63538maniaco simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD7206mania ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63538maniaco is maniaco" ; rdfs:label " maniaco_as_Human" . inds:USem63539caporale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63539caporale is caporale" ; rdfs:label " caporale_as_Human" . inds:USem63540carrista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63540carrista is carrista" ; rdfs:label " carrista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63541burocrate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63541burocrate is burocrate" ; rdfs:label " burocrate_as_Profession" . inds:USem63542burocrate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63542burocrate is burocrate" ; rdfs:label " burocrate_as_Human" . inds:USem63543ceco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4686cecoslovacchia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63543ceco is ceco" ; rdfs:label " ceco_as_People" . inds:USem63544cambiavalute simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem77475cambiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63544cambiavalute is cambiavalute" ; rdfs:label " cambiavalute_as_Profession" . inds:USem63545coiffeur simple:hasIsa inds:USem3343parrucchiere ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4045pettinare, inds:USem72722acconciare, inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63545coiffeur is coiffeur" ; rdfs:label " coiffeur_as_Profession" . inds:USem63548pellerossa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63548pellerossa is pellerossa" ; rdfs:label " pellerossa_as_People" . inds:USem63549contrammiraglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemTH34356marina ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63549contrammiraglio is contrammiraglio" ; rdfs:label " contrammiraglio_as_Role" . inds:USem6354archivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD6030archiviare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6354archivista is archivista" ; rdfs:label " archivista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63550maniaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63550maniaco is maniaco" ; rdfs:label " maniaco_as_Human" . inds:USem63551pellirossa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63551pellirossa is pellirossa" ; rdfs:label " pellirossa_as_People" . inds:USem63552suonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63552suonatore is suonatore" ; rdfs:label " suonatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63553controfigura simple:hasIsa inds:USem64017sostituto ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem64016sostituire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63553controfigura is controfigura" ; rdfs:label " controfigura_as_Profession" . inds:USem63554suonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63554suonatore is suonatore" ; rdfs:label " suonatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63555copista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4835copiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63555copista is copista" ; rdfs:label " copista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63557bonzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem62795monaco ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63557bonzo is bonzo" ; rdfs:label " bonzo_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63559cornac simple:hasIsa inds:USem3604conducente ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5265condurre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63559cornac is cornac" ; rdfs:label " cornac_as_Profession" . inds:USem63560marionetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62821bambola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63560marionetta is marionetta" ; rdfs:label " marionetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem63561couturier simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63561couturier is couturier" ; rdfs:label " couturier_as_Profession" . inds:USem63562cowboy simple:hasIsa inds:USem68724guardiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63562cowboy is cowboy" ; rdfs:label " cowboy_as_Profession" . inds:USem63563croupier simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63563croupier is croupier" ; rdfs:label " croupier_as_Profession" . inds:USem63564mascalzone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63564mascalzone is mascalzone" ; rdfs:label " mascalzone_as_Human" . inds:USem63565marionetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63565marionetta is marionetta" ; rdfs:label " marionetta_as_Human" . inds:USem63566designer simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59111progettare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63566designer is designer" ; rdfs:label " designer_as_Profession" . inds:USem63567mattacchione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63567mattacchione is mattacchione" ; rdfs:label " mattacchione_as_Human" . inds:USem63569cistercense simple:hasIsa inds:USem62795monaco ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63569cistercense is cistercense" ; rdfs:label " cistercense_as_Social_status" . inds:USem6356burattinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6356burattinaio is burattinaio" ; rdfs:label " burattinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem63570detective simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59122indagare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63570detective is detective" ; rdfs:label " detective_as_Profession" . inds:USem63572tradurre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7214traduzione ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63572tradurre is tradurre" ; rdfs:label " tradurre_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem63573parroco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63573parroco is parroco" ; rdfs:label " parroco_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63574drammaturgo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4953scrittore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63574drammaturgo is drammaturgo" ; rdfs:label " drammaturgo_as_Profession" . inds:USem63576traduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem63572tradurre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63576traduttore is traduttore" ; rdfs:label " traduttore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63577utilizzatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60379utilizzare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63577utilizzatore is utilizzatore" ; rdfs:label " utilizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63578curato simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63578curato is curato" ; rdfs:label " curato_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63579borgomastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7115magistrato ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63579borgomastro is borgomastro" ; rdfs:label " borgomastro_as_Social_status" . inds:USem6357cantante simple:hasIsa inds:USem61874artista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem62762cantare, inds:USem76977esibire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6357cantante is cantante" ; rdfs:label " cantante_as_Profession" . inds:USem63580megalomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63580megalomania is megalomania" ; rdfs:label " megalomania_as_Quality" . inds:USem63581prelato simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2809chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63581prelato is prelato" ; rdfs:label " prelato_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63582siniscalco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59424corte ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63582siniscalco is siniscalco" ; rdfs:label " siniscalco_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63583megalomane simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem63580megalomania ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63583megalomane is megalomane" ; rdfs:label " megalomane_as_Human" . inds:USem63584matto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63584matto is matto" ; rdfs:label " matto_as_Human" . inds:USem63585verificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem63056verificare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63585verificatore is verificatore" ; rdfs:label " verificatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63586faraone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63586faraone is faraone" ; rdfs:label " faraone_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63587vendicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63587vendicare is vendicare" ; rdfs:label " vendicare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63588vendicatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63587vendicare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63588vendicatore is vendicatore" ; rdfs:label " vendicatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63589megera simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63589megera is megera" ; rdfs:label " megera_as_Human" . inds:USem6358caricaturista simple:hasIsa inds:USem63613disegnatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6358caricaturista is caricaturista" ; rdfs:label " caricaturista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63591menomare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7216menomato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63591menomare is menomare" ; rdfs:label " menomare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63592emiro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59435governo ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63592emiro is emiro" ; rdfs:label " emiro_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63593indovino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5625prevedere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63593indovino is indovino" ; rdfs:label " indovino_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63594giocoliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem6537divertire ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63594giocoliere is giocoliere" ; rdfs:label " giocoliere_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63595menomato simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD7217menomazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63595menomato is menomato" ; rdfs:label " menomato_as_Human" . inds:USem63596premier simple:hasIsa inds:USem3574ministro ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59435governo ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63596premier is premier" ; rdfs:label " premier_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63597contrabbandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63597contrabbandare is contrabbandare" ; rdfs:label " contrabbandare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63598cosacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63598cosacco is cosacco" ; rdfs:label " cosacco_as_Profession" . inds:USem63599cosacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2195russia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63599cosacco is cosacco" ; rdfs:label " cosacco_as_People" . inds:USem6359carrettiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3604conducente ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6359carrettiere is carrettiere" ; rdfs:label " carrettiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem63600contrabbandiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem63597contrabbandare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63600contrabbandiere is contrabbandiere" ; rdfs:label " contrabbandiere_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63601troglodita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2225caverna ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63601troglodita is troglodita" ; rdfs:label " troglodita_as_People" . inds:USem63602troglodita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63602troglodita is troglodita" ; rdfs:label " troglodita_as_Human" . inds:USem63603vandalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem3622germania ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63603vandalo is vandalo" ; rdfs:label " vandalo_as_People" . inds:USem63604disturbare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem72051disturbo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63604disturbare is disturbare" ; rdfs:label " disturbare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63605vandalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem61285rovinare, inds:USemD5312distruggere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63605vandalo is vandalo" ; rdfs:label " vandalo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63606bolscevico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem5059bolscevismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63606bolscevico is bolscevico" ; rdfs:label " bolscevico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63607disturbatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63604disturbare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63607disturbatore is disturbatore" ; rdfs:label " disturbatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63608bonzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63608bonzo is bonzo" ; rdfs:label " bonzo_as_Human" . inds:USem63609cattolico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2665cattolicesimo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63609cattolico is cattolico" ; rdfs:label " cattolico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem6360cartellonista simple:hasIsa inds:USem907grafico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6360cartellonista is cartellonista" ; rdfs:label " cartellonista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63610cinico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem5061cinismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63610cinico is cinico" ; rdfs:label " cinico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63611legislatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem3600parlamento ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63611legislatore is legislatore" ; rdfs:label " legislatore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63612cinico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63612cinico is cinico" ; rdfs:label " cinico_as_Human" . inds:USem63613disegnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63613disegnatore is disegnatore" ; rdfs:label " disegnatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63614disegnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63614disegnatore is disegnatore" ; rdfs:label " disegnatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63615detenuto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem72827detenere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63615detenuto is detenuto" ; rdfs:label " detenuto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem63616galeotto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem61575carcerare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63616galeotto is galeotto" ; rdfs:label " galeotto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem63617galeotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63617galeotto is galeotto" ; rdfs:label " galeotto_as_Human" . inds:USem63618enologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem71698esperto ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63618enologo is enologo" ; rdfs:label " enologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem63619facchino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63619facchino is facchino" ; rdfs:label " facchino_as_Profession" . inds:USem6361codificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD6032codificare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6361codificatore is codificatore" ; rdfs:label " codificatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63620fantino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem79785montare, inds:USemD6010cavalcare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63620fantino is fantino" ; rdfs:label " fantino_as_Profession" . inds:USem63621fattorino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7159recapitare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63621fattorino is fattorino" ; rdfs:label " fattorino_as_Profession" . inds:USem63622filologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63622filologo is filologo" ; rdfs:label " filologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem63623fuciliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63623fuciliere is fuciliere" ; rdfs:label " fuciliere_as_Profession" . inds:USem63624fuochista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5184alimentare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63624fuochista is fuochista" ; rdfs:label " fuochista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63625gallerista simple:hasIsa inds:USem5486gestore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63625gallerista is gallerista" ; rdfs:label " gallerista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63626garzone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63626garzone is garzone" ; rdfs:label " garzone_as_Profession" . inds:USem63627geofisico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63627geofisico is geofisico" ; rdfs:label " geofisico_as_Profession" . inds:USem63629geometra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59111progettare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63629geometra is geometra" ; rdfs:label " geometra_as_Profession" . inds:USem6362concertista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6362concertista is concertista" ; rdfs:label " concertista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63630odalisca simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63630odalisca is odalisca" ; rdfs:label " odalisca_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63631opporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63631opporre is opporre" ; rdfs:label " opporre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63632opporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63632opporre is opporre" ; rdfs:label " opporre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63633opporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63633opporre is opporre" ; rdfs:label " opporre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63634plebeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia, inds:USem65656plebe ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63634plebeo is plebeo" ; rdfs:label " plebeo_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63635plebeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63635plebeo is plebeo" ; rdfs:label " plebeo_as_Human" . inds:USem63636oppositore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63631opporre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63636oppositore is oppositore" ; rdfs:label " oppositore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63637triunviro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7115magistrato ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59436magistratura ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63637triunviro is triunviro" ; rdfs:label " triunviro_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63638rinunciatario simple:hasAgentive inds:USem61066rinunciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63638rinunciatario is rinunciatario" ; rdfs:label " rinunciatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63639isolazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2614isolazionismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63639isolazionista is isolazionista" ; rdfs:label " isolazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem6363corrispondente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6363corrispondente is corrispondente" ; rdfs:label " corrispondente_as_Profession" . inds:USem63640quarantenne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem63665quaranta ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63640quarantenne is quarantenne" ; rdfs:label " quarantenne_as_Human" . inds:USem63641monarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63641monarca is monarca" ; rdfs:label " monarca_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63642quattordicenne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63642quattordicenne is quattordicenne" ; rdfs:label " quattordicenne_as_Human" . inds:USem63643giullare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63117buffone ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6537divertire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63643giullare is giullare" ; rdfs:label " giullare_as_Profession" . inds:USem63644diciottenne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem63659diciotto ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63644diciottenne is diciottenne" ; rdfs:label " diciottenne_as_Human" . inds:USem63645gondoliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemTH5779rematore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6783remare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63645gondoliere is gondoliere" ; rdfs:label " gondoliere_as_Profession" . inds:USem63646ottantenne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem63663ottanta ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63646ottantenne is ottantenne" ; rdfs:label " ottantenne_as_Human" . inds:USem63647decenne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem63658dieci ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63647decenne is decenne" ; rdfs:label " decenne_as_Human" . inds:USem63648hostess simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63648hostess is hostess" ; rdfs:label " hostess_as_Profession" . inds:USem6364custode simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6364custode is custode" ; rdfs:label " custode_as_Profession" . inds:USem63650inquirente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD7304inquisire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63650inquirente is inquirente" ; rdfs:label " inquirente_as_Profession" . inds:USem63651intendente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63651intendente is intendente" ; rdfs:label " intendente_as_Profession" . inds:USem63652isolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63652isolare is isolare" ; rdfs:label " isolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63654lanciere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63654lanciere is lanciere" ; rdfs:label " lanciere_as_Profession" . inds:USem63655lancia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63655lancia is lancia" ; rdfs:label " lancia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem63657lanzichenecco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63657lanzichenecco is lanzichenecco" ; rdfs:label " lanzichenecco_as_Profession" . inds:USem63658dieci simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63658dieci is dieci" ; rdfs:label " dieci_as_Number" . inds:USem63659diciotto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63659diciotto is diciotto" ; rdfs:label " diciotto_as_Number" . inds:USem6365dirigente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD2845gruppo ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6365dirigente is dirigente" ; rdfs:label " dirigente_as_Role" . inds:USem63660isolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63660isolare is isolare" ; rdfs:label " isolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63663ottanta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63663ottanta is ottanta" ; rdfs:label " ottanta_as_Number" . inds:USem63664isolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63664isolare is isolare" ; rdfs:label " isolare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63665quaranta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63665quaranta is quaranta" ; rdfs:label " quaranta_as_Number" . inds:USem63666lavapiatti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63666lavapiatti is lavapiatti" ; rdfs:label " lavapiatti_as_Profession" . inds:USem63667orfano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4069figlio ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63667orfano is orfano" ; rdfs:label " orfano_as_Kinship" . inds:USem63669legionario simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63669legionario is legionario" ; rdfs:label " legionario_as_Profession" . inds:USem6366fisioterapista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3630paramedico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem79787riabilitare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6366fisioterapista is fisioterapista" ; rdfs:label " fisioterapista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63670luogotenente simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63670luogotenente is luogotenente" ; rdfs:label " luogotenente_as_Role" . inds:USem63671perdere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63671perdere is perdere" ; rdfs:label " perdere_as_Event" . inds:USem63672luogotenente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63672luogotenente is luogotenente" ; rdfs:label " luogotenente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63673perdente simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63671perdere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63673perdente is perdente" ; rdfs:label " perdente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63674eroinomane simple:hasIsa inds:USem63676tossicodipendente ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5341drogare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63674eroinomane is eroinomane" ; rdfs:label " eroinomane_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63675lustrascarpe simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59893lucidare, inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63675lustrascarpe is lustrascarpe" ; rdfs:label " lustrascarpe_as_Profession" . inds:USem63676tossicodipendente simple:hasIsa inds:USem6032tossicomane ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5341drogare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63676tossicodipendente is tossicodipendente" ; rdfs:label " tossicodipendente_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63677lustrascarpe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63677lustrascarpe is lustrascarpe" ; rdfs:label " lustrascarpe_as_Human" . inds:USem63678redimere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63678redimere is redimere" ; rdfs:label " redimere_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem63679maggiordomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem64687servitore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1663servire, inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63679maggiordomo is maggiordomo" ; rdfs:label " maggiordomo_as_Profession" . inds:USem6367grossista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem60458commerciare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6367grossista is grossista" ; rdfs:label " grossista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63680falsario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD7230falsificare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63680falsario is falsario" ; rdfs:label " falsario_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63681manager simple:hasIsa inds:USem6365dirigente ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63681manager is manager" ; rdfs:label " manager_as_Profession" . inds:USem63682pirata simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem59874combattere, inds:USem63348assaltare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63682pirata is pirata" ; rdfs:label " pirata_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63683predone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem7137rapinare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63683predone is predone" ; rdfs:label " predone_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63684brigante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem7137rapinare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63684brigante is brigante" ; rdfs:label " brigante_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63685brigante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59491banda ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem7137rapinare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63685brigante is brigante" ; rdfs:label " brigante_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63686manager simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63686manager is manager" ; rdfs:label " manager_as_Profession" . inds:USem63687manicure simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem5181curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63687manicure is manicure" ; rdfs:label " manicure_as_Profession" . inds:USem63688maniscalco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63688maniscalco is maniscalco" ; rdfs:label " maniscalco_as_Profession" . inds:USem63689redimere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63689redimere is redimere" ; rdfs:label " redimere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem6368impresario simple:hasIsa inds:USem5486gestore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6368impresario is impresario" ; rdfs:label " impresario_as_Profession" . inds:USem63690manovale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63690manovale is manovale" ; rdfs:label " manovale_as_Profession" . inds:USem63691redentore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63678redimere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63691redentore is redentore" ; rdfs:label " redentore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63692redentore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63692redentore is redentore" ; rdfs:label " redentore_as_Human" . inds:USem63693mercenario simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63693mercenario is mercenario" ; rdfs:label " mercenario_as_Profession" . inds:USem63694pentire simple:hasFeeling inds:USemD76860pentimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63694pentire is pentire" ; rdfs:label " pentire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63695presbitero simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63695presbitero is presbitero" ; rdfs:label " presbitero_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63696mercenario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63696mercenario is mercenario" ; rdfs:label " mercenario_as_Human" . inds:USem63697pentito simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63694pentire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63697pentito is pentito" ; rdfs:label " pentito_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63698mimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4959attore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem62609recitare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63698mimo is mimo" ; rdfs:label " mimo_as_Profession" . inds:USem63699modella simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7084presentare, inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63699modella is modella" ; rdfs:label " modella_as_Profession" . inds:USem6369pianista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2895pianoforte ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6369pianista is pianista" ; rdfs:label " pianista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63701brigante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63701brigante is brigante" ; rdfs:label " brigante_as_Human" . inds:USem63702bagarino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem64630rivendere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63702bagarino is bagarino" ; rdfs:label " bagarino_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63703chierico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63703chierico is chierico" ; rdfs:label " chierico_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63704modella simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61497posare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63704modella is modella" ; rdfs:label " modella_as_Profession" . inds:USem63705chierico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63705chierico is chierico" ; rdfs:label " chierico_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63706ispettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63706ispettore is ispettore" ; rdfs:label " ispettore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63707biscazziere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63707biscazziere is biscazziere" ; rdfs:label " biscazziere_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63708mago simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5625prevedere, inds:USemD7232ammaliare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63708mago is mago" ; rdfs:label " mago_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63709mondina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem79773mondare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63709mondina is mondina" ; rdfs:label " mondina_as_Profession" . inds:USem6370recensore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6402recensire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6370recensore is recensore" ; rdfs:label " recensore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63710maga simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5625prevedere, inds:USemD7232ammaliare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63710maga is maga" ; rdfs:label " maga_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63711mago simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem73619abilita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63711mago is mago" ; rdfs:label " mago_as_Human" . inds:USem63712nostromo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemTH34356marina ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63712nostromo is nostromo" ; rdfs:label " nostromo_as_Role" . inds:USem63713diacono simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63713diacono is diacono" ; rdfs:label " diacono_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63714maga simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63714maga is maga" ; rdfs:label " maga_as_Human" . inds:USem63715maga simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD7235fascino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63715maga is maga" ; rdfs:label " maga_as_Human" . inds:USem63716reggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63716reggere is reggere" ; rdfs:label " reggere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63717reggente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63717reggente is reggente" ; rdfs:label " reggente_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63718pastore simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63718pastore is pastore" ; rdfs:label " pastore_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem63719notaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63719notaio is notaio" ; rdfs:label " notaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem6371saggista simple:hasIsa inds:USem4953scrittore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6371saggista is saggista" ; rdfs:label " saggista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63720pastore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63720pastore is pastore" ; rdfs:label " pastore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63721nutrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem3630paramedico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5106allattare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63721nutrice is nutrice" ; rdfs:label " nutrice_as_Profession" . inds:USem63722pastore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem78446pascolare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63722pastore is pastore" ; rdfs:label " pastore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63723parastatale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63723parastatale is parastatale" ; rdfs:label " parastatale_as_Profession" . inds:USem63724paroliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5681autore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63724paroliere is paroliere" ; rdfs:label " paroliere_as_Profession" . inds:USem63725pastorella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63725pastorella is pastorella" ; rdfs:label " pastorella_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem63726pedagogo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4985insegnante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63726pedagogo is pedagogo" ; rdfs:label " pedagogo_as_Profession" . inds:USem63727predare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63727predare is predare" ; rdfs:label " predare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63728penalista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3364avvocato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem76770difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63728penalista is penalista" ; rdfs:label " penalista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63729penalista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63729penalista is penalista" ; rdfs:label " penalista_as_Profession" . inds:USem6372scienziato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6372scienziato is scienziato" ; rdfs:label " scienziato_as_Profession" . inds:USem63730perpetua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63730perpetua is perpetua" ; rdfs:label " perpetua_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63731pescivendolo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63731pescivendolo is pescivendolo" ; rdfs:label " pescivendolo_as_Profession" . inds:USem63732poeta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem5062comporre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63732poeta is poeta" ; rdfs:label " poeta_as_Profession" . inds:USem63733boxeur simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59582colpire, inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63733boxeur is boxeur" ; rdfs:label " boxeur_as_Profession" . inds:USem63734predatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem7133predare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63734predatore is predatore" ; rdfs:label " predatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63735portaborse simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63735portaborse is portaborse" ; rdfs:label " portaborse_as_Human" . inds:USem63736boxeur simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59582colpire, inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63736boxeur is boxeur" ; rdfs:label " boxeur_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63737satrapo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63737satrapo is satrapo" ; rdfs:label " satrapo_as_Human" . inds:USem63738satrapo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63738satrapo is satrapo" ; rdfs:label " satrapo_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63739precettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4985insegnante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare, inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63739precettore is precettore" ; rdfs:label " precettore_as_Profession" . inds:USem6373sinologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6373sinologo is sinologo" ; rdfs:label " sinologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem63740preside simple:hasIsa inds:USem5480direttore ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem61801scuola ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63740preside is preside" ; rdfs:label " preside_as_Profession" . inds:USem63741predicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4795annunciare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63741predicare is predicare" ; rdfs:label " predicare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem63742radiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59990esaminare, inds:USem68921leggere, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63742radiologo is radiologo" ; rdfs:label " radiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem63743predicatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem74945predicare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63743predicatore is predicatore" ; rdfs:label " predicatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63744cantore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7236coro ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63744cantore is cantore" ; rdfs:label " cantore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63745discesista simple:hasIsa inds:USem5005sciatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6784sciare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63745discesista is discesista" ; rdfs:label " discesista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63747derelitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63747derelitto is derelitto" ; rdfs:label " derelitto_as_Human" . inds:USem63748giramondo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD802viaggiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63748giramondo is giramondo" ; rdfs:label " giramondo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63749militante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem64161militare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63749militante is militante" ; rdfs:label " militante_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem6374statista simple:hasIsa inds:USem64118governante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem64115governare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6374statista is statista" ; rdfs:label " statista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63750predicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63750predicatore is predicatore" ; rdfs:label " predicatore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63751provvedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63751provvedere is provvedere" ; rdfs:label " provvedere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63752provvedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63752provvedere is provvedere" ; rdfs:label " provvedere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63755obiettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63755obiettore is obiettore" ; rdfs:label " obiettore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63756obiettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem61105rifiutare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63756obiettore is obiettore" ; rdfs:label " obiettore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63757oratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63757oratore is oratore" ; rdfs:label " oratore_as_Human" . inds:USem63758ranger simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63758ranger is ranger" ; rdfs:label " ranger_as_Profession" . inds:USem63759reporter simple:hasIsa inds:USem3351giornalista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7093raccontare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63759reporter is reporter" ; rdfs:label " reporter_as_Profession" . inds:USem6375stenografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD6038stenografare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6375stenografo is stenografo" ; rdfs:label " stenografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem63761ricercatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem60503studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63761ricercatore is ricercatore" ; rdfs:label " ricercatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63762sbirro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4964poliziotto ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59122indagare, inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63762sbirro is sbirro" ; rdfs:label " sbirro_as_Profession" . inds:USem63763impaginare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63763impaginare is impaginare" ; rdfs:label " impaginare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem63764scalpellino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63764scalpellino is scalpellino" ; rdfs:label " scalpellino_as_Profession" . inds:USem63765scrivano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4835copiare, inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63765scrivano is scrivano" ; rdfs:label " scrivano_as_Profession" . inds:USem63766ida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63766ida is ida" ; rdfs:label " ida_as_Human" . inds:USem63767impaginatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem63763impaginare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63767impaginatore is impaginatore" ; rdfs:label " impaginatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63768ignazio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63768ignazio is ignazio" ; rdfs:label " ignazio_as_Human" . inds:USem6376tesoriere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6376tesoriere is tesoriere" ; rdfs:label " tesoriere_as_Profession" . inds:USem63770sfidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63770sfidare is sfidare" ; rdfs:label " sfidare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem63771ficcanaso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63771ficcanaso is ficcanaso" ; rdfs:label " ficcanaso_as_Human" . inds:USem63772soprano simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD7241soprano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6357cantante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63772soprano is soprano" ; rdfs:label " soprano_as_Profession" . inds:USem63773incompetente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63773incompetente is incompetente" ; rdfs:label " incompetente_as_Human" . inds:USem63774sfidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63774sfidare is sfidare" ; rdfs:label " sfidare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem63776sottosegretario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63776sottosegretario is sottosegretario" ; rdfs:label " sottosegretario_as_Profession" . inds:USem63777sfidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63777sfidare is sfidare" ; rdfs:label " sfidare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63778cafone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63778cafone is cafone" ; rdfs:label " cafone_as_Human" . inds:USem63779sfidante simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63774sfidare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63779sfidante is sfidante" ; rdfs:label " sfidante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem6377universitario simple:hasIsa inds:USem4984professore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6377universitario is universitario" ; rdfs:label " universitario_as_Profession" . inds:USem63780sottotenente simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63780sottotenente is sottotenente" ; rdfs:label " sottotenente_as_Role" . inds:USem63781spazzino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4960netturbino ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6959spazzare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63781spazzino is spazzino" ; rdfs:label " spazzino_as_Profession" . inds:USem63782ciccione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63782ciccione is ciccione" ; rdfs:label " ciccione_as_Human" . inds:USem63783stalliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem64687servitore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63783stalliere is stalliere" ; rdfs:label " stalliere_as_Profession" . inds:USem63784stratega simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem64340coordinare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63784stratega is stratega" ; rdfs:label " stratega_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63785cocotte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63785cocotte is cocotte" ; rdfs:label " cocotte_as_Human" . inds:USem63786strillone simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63786strillone is strillone" ; rdfs:label " strillone_as_Profession" . inds:USem63787cocotte simple:hasIsa inds:USem3238casseruola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63787cocotte is cocotte" ; rdfs:label " cocotte_as_Container" . inds:USem63788taglialegna simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63788taglialegna is taglialegna" ; rdfs:label " taglialegna_as_Profession" . inds:USem63789stratega simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63789stratega is stratega" ; rdfs:label " stratega_as_Human" . inds:USem6378vignettista simple:hasIsa inds:USem63613disegnatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6378vignettista is vignettista" ; rdfs:label " vignettista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63791figurino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63791figurino is figurino" ; rdfs:label " figurino_as_Human" . inds:USem63792strillone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63792strillone is strillone" ; rdfs:label " strillone_as_Human" . inds:USem63793galantuomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63793galantuomo is galantuomo" ; rdfs:label " galantuomo_as_Human" . inds:USem63794teatrante simple:hasIsa inds:USem4959attore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem62609recitare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63794teatrante is teatrante" ; rdfs:label " teatrante_as_Profession" . inds:USem63795tenente simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63795tenente is tenente" ; rdfs:label " tenente_as_Role" . inds:USem63796ignorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63796ignorare is ignorare" ; rdfs:label " ignorare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63797tuffatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63797tuffatore is tuffatore" ; rdfs:label " tuffatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63798filibustiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5750ingannare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63798filibustiere is filibustiere" ; rdfs:label " filibustiere_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63799ignorante simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem60614ignoranza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63799ignorante is ignorante" ; rdfs:label " ignorante_as_Human" . inds:USem6379vivandiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6379vivandiere is vivandiere" ; rdfs:label " vivandiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem63800tuffatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD7244tuffare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63800tuffatore is tuffatore" ; rdfs:label " tuffatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63801valletta simple:hasIsa inds:USem62682ragazza ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7084presentare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63801valletta is valletta" ; rdfs:label " valletta_as_Profession" . inds:USem63802filibustiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63802filibustiere is filibustiere" ; rdfs:label " filibustiere_as_Human" . inds:USem63803valletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem62683ragazzo ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7084presentare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63803valletto is valletto" ; rdfs:label " valletto_as_Profession" . inds:USem63804gentildonna simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63804gentildonna is gentildonna" ; rdfs:label " gentildonna_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63805valletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem64687servitore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1663servire, inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63805valletto is valletto" ; rdfs:label " valletto_as_Profession" . inds:USem63806corsaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63806corsaro is corsaro" ; rdfs:label " corsaro_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63807gentildonna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63807gentildonna is gentildonna" ; rdfs:label " gentildonna_as_Human" . inds:USem63808seccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63808seccare is seccare" ; rdfs:label " seccare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem63809vicedirettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63809vicedirettore is vicedirettore" ; rdfs:label " vicedirettore_as_Profession" . inds:USem6380respirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6380respirare is respirare" ; rdfs:label " respirare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63810seccatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63808seccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63810seccatore is seccatore" ; rdfs:label " seccatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63811gentiluomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63811gentiluomo is gentiluomo" ; rdfs:label " gentiluomo_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63812vicepresidente simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2808istituzione, inds:USem4603societa1, inds:USem903ente ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63812vicepresidente is vicepresidente" ; rdfs:label " vicepresidente_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63813vicesindaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5248amministrazione ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63813vicesindaco is vicesindaco" ; rdfs:label " vicesindaco_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63814vigilante simple:hasIsa inds:USem6116sorvegliante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63814vigilante is vigilante" ; rdfs:label " vigilante_as_Profession" . inds:USem63815pirata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63815pirata is pirata" ; rdfs:label " pirata_as_Human" . inds:USem63816telefonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63816telefonista is telefonista" ; rdfs:label " telefonista_as_Profession" . inds:USem63817corsaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63817corsaro is corsaro" ; rdfs:label " corsaro_as_Human" . inds:USem63818credente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63818credente is credente" ; rdfs:label " credente_as_Human" . inds:USem63819gentiluomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63819gentiluomo is gentiluomo" ; rdfs:label " gentiluomo_as_Human" . inds:USem6381fabbricante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1101dirigere, inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6381fabbricante is fabbricante" ; rdfs:label " fabbricante_as_Profession" . inds:USem63820negromante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5625prevedere, inds:USemD7232ammaliare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63820negromante is negromante" ; rdfs:label " negromante_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63821contribuente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63821contribuente is contribuente" ; rdfs:label " contribuente_as_Human" . inds:USem63822scassinatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD7248scassinare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63822scassinatore is scassinatore" ; rdfs:label " scassinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63823gerarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63823gerarca is gerarca" ; rdfs:label " gerarca_as_Role" . inds:USem63824gastronomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem74914degustare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63824gastronomo is gastronomo" ; rdfs:label " gastronomo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63826buongustaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem74914degustare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63826buongustaio is buongustaio" ; rdfs:label " buongustaio_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63827buongustaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63827buongustaio is buongustaio" ; rdfs:label " buongustaio_as_Human" . inds:USem63828libraio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63828libraio is libraio" ; rdfs:label " libraio_as_Profession" . inds:USem63829mecenate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5201proteggere, inds:USemD7259finanziare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63829mecenate is mecenate" ; rdfs:label " mecenate_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem6382ansimare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6380respirare ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6382ansimare is ansimare" ; rdfs:label " ansimare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63831polemista simple:hasIsa inds:USem4953scrittore ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63831polemista is polemista" ; rdfs:label " polemista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63832cerbero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63832cerbero is cerbero" ; rdfs:label " cerbero_as_Human" . inds:USem63833oratore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD439parlare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63833oratore is oratore" ; rdfs:label " oratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63835ubriacone simple:hasIsa inds:USem63953ubriaco ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD7263ubriacare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63835ubriacone is ubriacone" ; rdfs:label " ubriacone_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63836politicante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem60802partecipare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63836politicante is politicante" ; rdfs:label " politicante_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63837profeta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem63741predicare, inds:USemD5625prevedere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63837profeta is profeta" ; rdfs:label " profeta_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63838cialtrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63838cialtrone is cialtrone" ; rdfs:label " cialtrone_as_Human" . inds:USem63839protettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63839protettore is protettore" ; rdfs:label " protettore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem6383piangere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6383piangere is piangere" ; rdfs:label " piangere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63840ciarlatano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63840ciarlatano is ciarlatano" ; rdfs:label " ciarlatano_as_Profession" . inds:USem63841residente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem59621risiedere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63841residente is residente" ; rdfs:label " residente_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63842ciarlatano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63842ciarlatano is ciarlatano" ; rdfs:label " ciarlatano_as_Human" . inds:USem63844colono simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63844colono is colono" ; rdfs:label " colono_as_Profession" . inds:USem63845colono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD7251colonia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63845colono is colono" ; rdfs:label " colono_as_People" . inds:USem63846circe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63846circe is circe" ; rdfs:label " circe_as_Human" . inds:USem63847gerarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63847gerarca is gerarca" ; rdfs:label " gerarca_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63848gerarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63848gerarca is gerarca" ; rdfs:label " gerarca_as_Human" . inds:USem63849giocherellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63849giocherellone is giocherellone" ; rdfs:label " giocherellone_as_Human" . inds:USem6384piangere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6384piangere is piangere" ; rdfs:label " piangere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63850civile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63850civile is civile" ; rdfs:label " civile_as_Human" . inds:USem63851compagnone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63851compagnone is compagnone" ; rdfs:label " compagnone_as_Human" . inds:USem63852incivile simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65961incivilta1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63852incivile is incivile" ; rdfs:label " incivile_as_Human" . inds:USem63853demagogo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67333demagogia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63853demagogo is demagogo" ; rdfs:label " demagogo_as_Human" . inds:USem63854censore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63854censore is censore" ; rdfs:label " censore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63855inconcludente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63855inconcludente is inconcludente" ; rdfs:label " inconcludente_as_Human" . inds:USem63856veterano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63856veterano is veterano" ; rdfs:label " veterano_as_Human" . inds:USem63857padrone simple:hasIsa inds:USem61101proprietario ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63857padrone is padrone" ; rdfs:label " padrone_as_Human" . inds:USem63858minchione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63858minchione is minchione" ; rdfs:label " minchione_as_Human" . inds:USem63860grafomane simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD7206mania ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63860grafomane is grafomane" ; rdfs:label " grafomane_as_Human" . inds:USem63861censurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63861censurare is censurare" ; rdfs:label " censurare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63862censurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63862censurare is censurare" ; rdfs:label " censurare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63863censore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem63861censurare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63863censore is censore" ; rdfs:label " censore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63865signore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3595re ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5262dinastia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63865signore is signore" ; rdfs:label " signore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63866signore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63866signore is signore" ; rdfs:label " signore_as_Role" . inds:USem63867signore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63867signore is signore" ; rdfs:label " signore_as_Entity" . inds:USem63868signore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63868signore is signore" ; rdfs:label " signore_as_Human" . inds:USem6386verso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem67921animale ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6386verso is verso" ; rdfs:label " verso_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63870signore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63870signore is signore" ; rdfs:label " signore_as_Human" . inds:USem63871padreterno simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63871padreterno is padreterno" ; rdfs:label " padreterno_as_Entity" . inds:USem63872satana simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63872satana is satana" ; rdfs:label " satana_as_Entity" . inds:USem63873contendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63873contendere is contendere" ; rdfs:label " contendere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63874dea simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63874dea is dea" ; rdfs:label " dea_as_Entity" . inds:USem63875contendente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem63873contendere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63875contendente is contendente" ; rdfs:label " contendente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63876dea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63876dea is dea" ; rdfs:label " dea_as_Human" . inds:USem63877extraterrestre simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4175spazio ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63877extraterrestre is extraterrestre" ; rdfs:label " extraterrestre_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem63878predecessore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63878predecessore is predecessore" ; rdfs:label " predecessore_as_Human" . inds:USem63879successore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63879successore is successore" ; rdfs:label " successore_as_Human" . inds:USem6387magro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6387magro is magro" ; rdfs:label " magro_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem63880precursore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63880precursore is precursore" ; rdfs:label " precursore_as_Human" . inds:USem63881boss simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63881boss is boss" ; rdfs:label " boss_as_Role" . inds:USem63882caporione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63882caporione is caporione" ; rdfs:label " caporione_as_Role" . inds:USem63883capofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63883capofila is capofila" ; rdfs:label " capofila_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63885capetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63885capetto is capetto" ; rdfs:label " capetto_as_Role" . inds:USem63886dittatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63886dittatore is dittatore" ; rdfs:label " dittatore_as_Human" . inds:USem63887dissociato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63887dissociato is dissociato" ; rdfs:label " dissociato_as_Human" . inds:USem63888dittatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63888dittatore is dittatore" ; rdfs:label " dittatore_as_Role" . inds:USem63889dissociare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63889dissociare is dissociare" ; rdfs:label " dissociare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6388panna simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6388panna is panna" ; rdfs:label " panna_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem63890inferiore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63890inferiore is inferiore" ; rdfs:label " inferiore_as_Role" . inds:USem63891dissociare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63891dissociare is dissociare" ; rdfs:label " dissociare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem63892subalterno simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63892subalterno is subalterno" ; rdfs:label " subalterno_as_Role" . inds:USem63893confratello simple:hasIsa inds:USem62262religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem63895confraternita ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63893confratello is confratello" ; rdfs:label " confratello_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63895confraternita simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62327fedele, inds:USem63893confratello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD584comunita1 ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63895confraternita is confraternita" ; rdfs:label " confraternita_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem63897consorella simple:hasIsa inds:USem62262religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem63895confraternita ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63897consorella is consorella" ; rdfs:label " consorella_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63898martire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63898martire is martire" ; rdfs:label " martire_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63899fidanzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63899fidanzare is fidanzare" ; rdfs:label " fidanzare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem6389cinguettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6389cinguettare is cinguettare" ; rdfs:label " cinguettare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63900coppia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem76804due ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63900coppia is coppia" ; rdfs:label " coppia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem63901benefattore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63901benefattore is benefattore" ; rdfs:label " benefattore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63902fidanzato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem63900coppia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63902fidanzato is fidanzato" ; rdfs:label " fidanzato_as_Kinship" . inds:USem63903fratricida simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62271omicida ; simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem4074fratello ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63903fratricida is fratricida" ; rdfs:label " fratricida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63904aiuto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63904aiuto is aiuto" ; rdfs:label " aiuto_as_Profession" . inds:USem63905aiuto simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59870aiutare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63905aiuto is aiuto" ; rdfs:label " aiuto_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63906usuraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem4832prestare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63906usuraio is usuraio" ; rdfs:label " usuraio_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63908boia simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63908boia is boia" ; rdfs:label " boia_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63909boia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63909boia is boia" ; rdfs:label " boia_as_Human" . inds:USem6390miagolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1165gatto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6390miagolare is miagolare" ; rdfs:label " miagolare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63911conciliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7115magistrato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63911conciliatore is conciliatore" ; rdfs:label " conciliatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63912ladro simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7139rubare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63912ladro is ladro" ; rdfs:label " ladro_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63914condottiero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59428esercito ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63914condottiero is condottiero" ; rdfs:label " condottiero_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63915contemplativo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem59267contemplare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63915contemplativo is contemplativo" ; rdfs:label " contemplativo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63916evadere simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60005fuggire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63916evadere is evadere" ; rdfs:label " evadere_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem63917evadere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63917evadere is evadere" ; rdfs:label " evadere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63918evadere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63918evadere is evadere" ; rdfs:label " evadere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63919evasore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63918evadere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63919evasore is evasore" ; rdfs:label " evasore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem6391abbaiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1185volpe, inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6391abbaiare is abbaiare" ; rdfs:label " abbaiare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63920conversa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63920conversa is conversa" ; rdfs:label " conversa_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63921mascotte simple:hasTelic inds:USemD63663portafortuna ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63921mascotte is mascotte" ; rdfs:label " mascotte_as_Telic" . inds:USem63922degenerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63922degenerare is degenerare" ; rdfs:label " degenerare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63923mestierante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63923mestierante is mestierante" ; rdfs:label " mestierante_as_Human" . inds:USem63924degenerare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7257degenerato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63924degenerare is degenerare" ; rdfs:label " degenerare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63925milionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63925milionario is milionario" ; rdfs:label " milionario_as_Human" . inds:USem63926degenerare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7258degenerato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63926degenerare is degenerare" ; rdfs:label " degenerare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem63927degenerato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63922degenerare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63927degenerato is degenerato" ; rdfs:label " degenerato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem63928guardone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63928guardone is guardone" ; rdfs:label " guardone_as_Human" . inds:USem63929alleare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63929alleare is alleare" ; rdfs:label " alleare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem6392belare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1133pecora, inds:USem1928capra ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6392belare is belare" ; rdfs:label " belare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63930favorito simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59120favorire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63930favorito is favorito" ; rdfs:label " favorito_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem63931mitomane simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem63958mitomania ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63931mitomane is mitomane" ; rdfs:label " mitomane_as_Human" . inds:USem63932alleato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63929alleare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63932alleato is alleato" ; rdfs:label " alleato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63933giustiziere simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63933giustiziere is giustiziere" ; rdfs:label " giustiziere_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63934controllore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59557controllare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63934controllore is controllore" ; rdfs:label " controllore_as_Profession" . inds:USem63935comunicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63935comunicatore is comunicatore" ; rdfs:label " comunicatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63936monello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63936monello is monello" ; rdfs:label " monello_as_Human" . inds:USem63937miserabile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63937miserabile is miserabile" ; rdfs:label " miserabile_as_Human" . inds:USem63938miope simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem63943miopia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63938miope is miope" ; rdfs:label " miope_as_Human" . inds:USem63939untore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63939untore is untore" ; rdfs:label " untore_as_Human" . inds:USem6393grugnire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1155cinghiale, inds:USem1933maiale ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6393grugnire is grugnire" ; rdfs:label " grugnire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63940liceale simple:hasIsa inds:USem62270studente ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63940liceale is liceale" ; rdfs:label " liceale_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63941liceo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63941liceo is liceo" ; rdfs:label " liceo_as_Institution" . inds:USem63942truffare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63942truffare is truffare" ; rdfs:label " truffare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem63943miopia simple:hasAffects inds:USem60548vista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem78748difetto ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63943miopia is miopia" ; rdfs:label " miopia_as_Disease" . inds:USem63944truffare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63944truffare is truffare" ; rdfs:label " truffare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63945miope simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63945miope is miope" ; rdfs:label " miope_as_Human" . inds:USem63946truffatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem63944truffare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63946truffatore is truffatore" ; rdfs:label " truffatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63947violentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63947violentare is violentare" ; rdfs:label " violentare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63948immigrante simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD7261immigrare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63948immigrante is immigrante" ; rdfs:label " immigrante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63949liceo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63949liceo is liceo" ; rdfs:label " liceo_as_Building" . inds:USem6394nitrire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6394nitrire is nitrire" ; rdfs:label " nitrire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63950collegiale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63950collegiale is collegiale" ; rdfs:label " collegiale_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63951indigente simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem71362indigenza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63951indigente is indigente" ; rdfs:label " indigente_as_Human" . inds:USem63952violentatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem63947violentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63952violentatore is violentatore" ; rdfs:label " violentatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63953ubriaco simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD7263ubriacare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5072bevitore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63953ubriaco is ubriaco" ; rdfs:label " ubriaco_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63954impostore simple:hasIsa inds:USem5652ingannatore ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5750ingannare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63954impostore is impostore" ; rdfs:label " impostore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem63956impudente simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67353impudenza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63956impudente is impudente" ; rdfs:label " impudente_as_Human" . inds:USem63958mitomania simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD7206mania ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63958mitomania is mitomania" ; rdfs:label " mitomania_as_Disease" . inds:USem63959camerata simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2252caserma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1907dormire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63959camerata is camerata" ; rdfs:label " camerata_as_Building" . inds:USem6395ruggire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1937leone, inds:USem4705felino ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6395ruggire is ruggire" ; rdfs:label " ruggire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63960cecchino simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem61027sparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63960cecchino is cecchino" ; rdfs:label " cecchino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63961trasgredire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63961trasgredire is trasgredire" ; rdfs:label " trasgredire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem63962coscritto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63962coscritto is coscritto" ; rdfs:label " coscritto_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63963crociato simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59874combattere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63963crociato is crociato" ; rdfs:label " crociato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63964ecologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD7266ecologismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63964ecologista is ecologista" ; rdfs:label " ecologista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63965imboscato simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60886nascondere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63965imboscato is imboscato" ; rdfs:label " imboscato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63966inserzionista simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7088pubblicare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63966inserzionista is inserzionista" ; rdfs:label " inserzionista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63967internato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63967internato is internato" ; rdfs:label " internato_as_State" . inds:USem63968internato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem66364internare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63968internato is internato" ; rdfs:label " internato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem63969brigatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem78042brigatismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63969brigatista is brigatista" ; rdfs:label " brigatista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem6396ululare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1129lupo, inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6396ululare is ululare" ; rdfs:label " ululare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63970filantropo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67343filantropia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63970filantropo is filantropo" ; rdfs:label " filantropo_as_Human" . inds:USem63971massone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5534massoneria ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63971massone is massone" ; rdfs:label " massone_as_Human" . inds:USem63972modernista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem5081modernismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63972modernista is modernista" ; rdfs:label " modernista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63973nazionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2625nazionalismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63973nazionalista is nazionalista" ; rdfs:label " nazionalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63974patriota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD7275patriottismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63974patriota is patriota" ; rdfs:label " patriota_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63975matricola simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61300lista ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63975matricola is matricola" ; rdfs:label " matricola_as_Information" . inds:USem63976stoico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem5186stoicismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63976stoico is stoico" ; rdfs:label " stoico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63977stoico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem68821stoicismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63977stoico is stoico" ; rdfs:label " stoico_as_Human" . inds:USem63978secessionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem5180secessionismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63978secessionista is secessionista" ; rdfs:label " secessionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63979spiare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD469guardare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63979spiare is spiare" ; rdfs:label " spiare_as_Perception" . inds:USem6397cigolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76825produrre ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem60211cigolio ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6397cigolare is cigolare" ; rdfs:label " cigolare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63980mittente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63980mittente is mittente" ; rdfs:label " mittente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63981vegetariano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63981vegetariano is vegetariano" ; rdfs:label " vegetariano_as_Human" . inds:USem63982matricola simple:hasIsa inds:USem62270studente ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63982matricola is matricola" ; rdfs:label " matricola_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63983cristiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2666cristianesimo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63983cristiano is cristiano" ; rdfs:label " cristiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63984democratico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD7276democrazia ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63984democratico is democratico" ; rdfs:label " democratico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63985naufrago simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem63993naufragare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63985naufrago is naufrago" ; rdfs:label " naufrago_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63986laico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2616laicismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63986laico is laico" ; rdfs:label " laico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63987laico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63987laico is laico" ; rdfs:label " laico_as_Social_status" . inds:USem63988spia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63988spia is spia" ; rdfs:label " spia_as_Human" . inds:USem63989liberale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2618liberalismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63989liberale is liberale" ; rdfs:label " liberale_as_Ideo" . inds:USem6398sbocciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6398sbocciare is sbocciare" ; rdfs:label " sbocciare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63990romantico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2634romanticismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63990romantico is romantico" ; rdfs:label " romantico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem63991neofito simple:hasIsa inds:USem3961seguace ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63991neofito is neofito" ; rdfs:label " neofito_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63992romantico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63992romantico is romantico" ; rdfs:label " romantico_as_Human" . inds:USem63993naufragare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63993naufragare is naufragare" ; rdfs:label " naufragare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem63994estraneo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63994estraneo is estraneo" ; rdfs:label " estraneo_as_Human" . inds:USem63995nunzio simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3645messaggero ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63995nunzio is nunzio" ; rdfs:label " nunzio_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem63996naufragare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63996naufragare is naufragare" ; rdfs:label " naufragare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem63997folle simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63997folle is folle" ; rdfs:label " folle_as_Human" . inds:USem63998naufragare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63998naufragare is naufragare" ; rdfs:label " naufragare_as_Event" . inds:USem63999nunzio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3570diplomatico ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5251diplomazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63999nunzio is nunzio" ; rdfs:label " nunzio_as_Social_status" . inds:USem6399mollica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6399mollica is mollica" ; rdfs:label " mollica_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem63yoga simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem63yoga is yoga" ; rdfs:label " yoga_as_Domain" . inds:USem64000impiastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64000impiastro is impiastro" ; rdfs:label " impiastro_as_Human" . inds:USem64001pellegrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64001pellegrino is pellegrino" ; rdfs:label " pellegrino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64002vivente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64002vivente is vivente" ; rdfs:label " vivente_as_Human" . inds:USem64003impiastro simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64003impiastro is impiastro" ; rdfs:label " impiastro_as_Substance" . inds:USem64004promotore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59609promuovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64004promotore is promotore" ; rdfs:label " promotore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64005vagabondare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64005vagabondare is vagabondare" ; rdfs:label " vagabondare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem64006portavoce simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem6473riferire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64006portavoce is portavoce" ; rdfs:label " portavoce_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64007principiante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64007principiante is principiante" ; rdfs:label " principiante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64008impotente simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem64011impotenza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64008impotente is impotente" ; rdfs:label " impotente_as_Human" . inds:USem64009penitente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem63694pentire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64009penitente is penitente" ; rdfs:label " penitente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem6400mattina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2782alba ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6400mattina is mattina" ; rdfs:label " mattina_as_Time" . inds:USem64010penitente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64010penitente is penitente" ; rdfs:label " penitente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64011impotenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64011impotenza is impotenza" ; rdfs:label " impotenza_as_Disease" . inds:USem64012protagonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64012protagonista is protagonista" ; rdfs:label " protagonista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64013vagabondo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64013vagabondo is vagabondo" ; rdfs:label " vagabondo_as_Human" . inds:USem64014vogatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem6785vogare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64014vogatore is vogatore" ; rdfs:label " vogatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64015sostituire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64015sostituire is sostituire" ; rdfs:label " sostituire_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem64016sostituire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64016sostituire is sostituire" ; rdfs:label " sostituire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64017sostituto simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64016sostituire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64017sostituto is sostituto" ; rdfs:label " sostituto_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64018sperimentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64018sperimentare is sperimentare" ; rdfs:label " sperimentare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64019sperimentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64019sperimentare is sperimentare" ; rdfs:label " sperimentare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6401ripresa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6401ripresa is ripresa" ; rdfs:label " ripresa_as_Time" . inds:USem64020sperimentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem64018sperimentare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64020sperimentatore is sperimentatore" ; rdfs:label " sperimentatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64021infedele simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH12535infedelta1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64021infedele is infedele" ; rdfs:label " infedele_as_Human" . inds:USem64022intellettuale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64022intellettuale is intellettuale" ; rdfs:label " intellettuale_as_Human" . inds:USem64023infelice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64023infelice is infelice" ; rdfs:label " infelice_as_Human" . inds:USem64024suggeritore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60763suggerire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64024suggeritore is suggeritore" ; rdfs:label " suggeritore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64025infelice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64025infelice is infelice" ; rdfs:label " infelice_as_Human" . inds:USem64026suggeritore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem60763suggerire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64026suggeritore is suggeritore" ; rdfs:label " suggeritore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64027innocente simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65964innocenza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64027innocente is innocente" ; rdfs:label " innocente_as_Human" . inds:USem64028testimoniare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64028testimoniare is testimoniare" ; rdfs:label " testimoniare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem64029innocente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64029innocente is innocente" ; rdfs:label " innocente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem6402recensire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6402recensire is recensire" ; rdfs:label " recensire_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem64030protagonista simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64030protagonista is protagonista" ; rdfs:label " protagonista_as_Representation" . inds:USem64031testimone simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64028testimoniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64031testimone is testimone" ; rdfs:label " testimone_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64032indipendente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem3600parlamento ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64032indipendente is indipendente" ; rdfs:label " indipendente_as_Social_status" . inds:USem64033personaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64033personaggio is personaggio" ; rdfs:label " personaggio_as_Human" . inds:USem64034recluta simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64034recluta is recluta" ; rdfs:label " recluta_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64035gobbo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64035gobbo is gobbo" ; rdfs:label " gobbo_as_Human" . inds:USem64036recluta simple:hasIsa inds:USem3617membro ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64036recluta is recluta" ; rdfs:label " recluta_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64037seminarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64037seminarista is seminarista" ; rdfs:label " seminarista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64039suicidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64039suicidare is suicidare" ; rdfs:label " suicidare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem6403barcollare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6407vacillare ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6403barcollare is barcollare" ; rdfs:label " barcollare_as_Move" . inds:USem64040deputato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem3600parlamento ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64040deputato is deputato" ; rdfs:label " deputato_as_Social_status" . inds:USem64041suicida simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64039suicidare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64041suicida is suicida" ; rdfs:label " suicida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64042missionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64042missionario is missionario" ; rdfs:label " missionario_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64043seminario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64043seminario is seminario" ; rdfs:label " seminario_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem64044sicario simple:hasAgentive inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62271omicida ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64044sicario is sicario" ; rdfs:label " sicario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64045telespettatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59655assistere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64045telespettatore is telespettatore" ; rdfs:label " telespettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64046turista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64046turista is turista" ; rdfs:label " turista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64047giocatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64047giocatore is giocatore" ; rdfs:label " giocatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64048villeggiante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64048villeggiante is villeggiante" ; rdfs:label " villeggiante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64049volontario simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59870aiutare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64049volontario is volontario" ; rdfs:label " volontario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem6404galoppare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6404galoppare is galoppare" ; rdfs:label " galoppare_as_Move" . inds:USem64050onorevole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem3600parlamento ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64050onorevole is onorevole" ; rdfs:label " onorevole_as_Social_status" . inds:USem64051cospiratore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemTH175cospirare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64051cospiratore is cospiratore" ; rdfs:label " cospiratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64053schiavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64053schiavo is schiavo" ; rdfs:label " schiavo_as_Human" . inds:USem64054intrigare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64054intrigare is intrigare" ; rdfs:label " intrigare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem64055schiavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64055schiavo is schiavo" ; rdfs:label " schiavo_as_Social_status" . inds:USem64056intrigante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem64054intrigare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64056intrigante is intrigante" ; rdfs:label " intrigante_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64057volontario simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64057volontario is volontario" ; rdfs:label " volontario_as_Profession" . inds:USem64058partigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64058partigiano is partigiano" ; rdfs:label " partigiano_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64059tribuno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7115magistrato ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59436magistratura ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64059tribuno is tribuno" ; rdfs:label " tribuno_as_Social_status" . inds:USem64060invadente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem79157invadere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64060invadente is invadente" ; rdfs:label " invadente_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64061partigiano simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59737sostenere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63531sostenitore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64061partigiano is partigiano" ; rdfs:label " partigiano_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64062extraparlamentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64062extraparlamentare is extraparlamentare" ; rdfs:label " extraparlamentare_as_Human" . inds:USem64063impero simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64169imperatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem64115governare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64063impero is impero" ; rdfs:label " impero_as_Institution" . inds:USem64064vassallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64064vassallo is vassallo" ; rdfs:label " vassallo_as_Social_status" . inds:USem64065gaudente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64065gaudente is gaudente" ; rdfs:label " gaudente_as_Human" . inds:USem64066conformista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67310conformismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64066conformista is conformista" ; rdfs:label " conformista_as_Human" . inds:USem64067fata simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64067fata is fata" ; rdfs:label " fata_as_Representation" . inds:USem64068conservatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem5064conservatorismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64068conservatore is conservatore" ; rdfs:label " conservatore_as_Ideo" . inds:USem64069ninfa simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64069ninfa is ninfa" ; rdfs:label " ninfa_as_Representation" . inds:USem6406scalciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6406scalciare is scalciare" ; rdfs:label " scalciare_as_Move" . inds:USem64070zar simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64070zar is zar" ; rdfs:label " zar_as_Social_status" . inds:USem64071ninfa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64071ninfa is ninfa" ; rdfs:label " ninfa_as_Human" . inds:USem64072orco simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64072orco is orco" ; rdfs:label " orco_as_Representation" . inds:USem64073orco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64073orco is orco" ; rdfs:label " orco_as_Human" . inds:USem64074satiro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64074satiro is satiro" ; rdfs:label " satiro_as_Representation" . inds:USem64075satiro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64075satiro is satiro" ; rdfs:label " satiro_as_Human" . inds:USem64076strega simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64076strega is strega" ; rdfs:label " strega_as_Representation" . inds:USem64077imperare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59953dominare ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64077imperare is imperare" ; rdfs:label " imperare_as_Exist" . inds:USem64078strega simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD7232ammaliare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64078strega is strega" ; rdfs:label " strega_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64079strega simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64079strega is strega" ; rdfs:label " strega_as_Human" . inds:USem6407vacillare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6407vacillare is vacillare" ; rdfs:label " vacillare_as_Move" . inds:USem64080stregone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem70409tribu1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64080stregone is stregone" ; rdfs:label " stregone_as_Social_status" . inds:USem64081dattilografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD7283dattilografare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64081dattilografo is dattilografo" ; rdfs:label " dattilografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem64082titano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64082titano is titano" ; rdfs:label " titano_as_Representation" . inds:USem64083titano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64083titano is titano" ; rdfs:label " titano_as_Human" . inds:USem64084umanoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64084umanoide is umanoide" ; rdfs:label " umanoide_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem64085vampiro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61787spirito ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64085vampiro is vampiro" ; rdfs:label " vampiro_as_Representation" . inds:USem64086cucitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD454cucire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64086cucitore is cucitore" ; rdfs:label " cucitore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64088vampiro simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1176pipistrello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64088vampiro is vampiro" ; rdfs:label " vampiro_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem64089vampiro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64089vampiro is vampiro" ; rdfs:label " vampiro_as_Human" . inds:USem6408traballare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6407vacillare ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6408traballare is traballare" ; rdfs:label " traballare_as_Move" . inds:USem64090decano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64090decano is decano" ; rdfs:label " decano_as_Human" . inds:USem64091cerbero simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64091cerbero is cerbero" ; rdfs:label " cerbero_as_Representation" . inds:USem64092decano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64092decano is decano" ; rdfs:label " decano_as_Social_status" . inds:USem64093circe simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64093circe is circe" ; rdfs:label " circe_as_Representation" . inds:USem64094esordire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64094esordire is esordire" ; rdfs:label " esordire_as_Event" . inds:USem64095esordiente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64094esordire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64095esordiente is esordiente" ; rdfs:label " esordiente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64096decifrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem66379interpretare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64096decifrare is decifrare" ; rdfs:label " decifrare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem64097debuttare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64097debuttare is debuttare" ; rdfs:label " debuttare_as_Event" . inds:USem64098debuttante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64097debuttare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64098debuttante is debuttante" ; rdfs:label " debuttante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64099camminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5607camminare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64099camminatore is camminatore" ; rdfs:label " camminatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem6409trottare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6409trottare is trottare" ; rdfs:label " trottare_as_Move" . inds:USem64100arbitrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64100arbitrare is arbitrare" ; rdfs:label " arbitrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64101arbitrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64101arbitrare is arbitrare" ; rdfs:label " arbitrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64102arbitro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64102arbitro is arbitro" ; rdfs:label " arbitro_as_Human" . inds:USem64103arbitro simple:hasIsa inds:USem6118sportivo ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem64101arbitrare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64103arbitro is arbitro" ; rdfs:label " arbitro_as_Profession" . inds:USem64104espositore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem61136esporre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64104espositore is espositore" ; rdfs:label " espositore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64105attaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem60017vincere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64105attaccare is attaccare" ; rdfs:label " attaccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64107disertare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64107disertare is disertare" ; rdfs:label " disertare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64108disertare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64108disertare is disertare" ; rdfs:label " disertare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64109disertare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64109disertare is disertare" ; rdfs:label " disertare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6410impastare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79072amalgamare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6410impastare is impastare" ; rdfs:label " impastare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem64110disertore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem64107disertare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64110disertore is disertore" ; rdfs:label " disertore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64111combattente simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59874combattere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64111combattente is combattente" ; rdfs:label " combattente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64112danzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem6780danzare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64112danzatore is danzatore" ; rdfs:label " danzatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64113concorrente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64113concorrente is concorrente" ; rdfs:label " concorrente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64114congiurato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64114congiurato is congiurato" ; rdfs:label " congiurato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64115governare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64115governare is governare" ; rdfs:label " governare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64116governare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64116governare is governare" ; rdfs:label " governare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64117governante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem62859accudire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64117governante is governante" ; rdfs:label " governante_as_Profession" . inds:USem64118governante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem64115governare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64118governante is governante" ; rdfs:label " governante_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64119abbonato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63039abbonare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64119abbonato is abbonato" ; rdfs:label " abbonato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem6411trottare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6411trottare is trottare" ; rdfs:label " trottare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64120decodificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem66379interpretare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64120decodificare is decodificare" ; rdfs:label " decodificare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem64121decodificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem64120decodificare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64121decodificatore is decodificatore" ; rdfs:label " decodificatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64122decodificatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64120decodificare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64122decodificatore is decodificatore" ; rdfs:label " decodificatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem64123barare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5750ingannare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64123barare is barare" ; rdfs:label " barare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64124barare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64124barare is barare" ; rdfs:label " barare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64125baro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem64124barare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64125baro is baro" ; rdfs:label " baro_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64126confessare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64126confessare is confessare" ; rdfs:label " confessare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64127confessare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64127confessare is confessare" ; rdfs:label " confessare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem64128confessare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64128confessare is confessare" ; rdfs:label " confessare_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem64129confessore simple:hasIsa inds:USem62578sacerdote ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64129confessore is confessore" ; rdfs:label " confessore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem6412focolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6045camino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5001accendere ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6412focolare is focolare" ; rdfs:label " focolare_as_Part" . inds:USem64130celebrante simple:hasIsa inds:USem62578sacerdote ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64130celebrante is celebrante" ; rdfs:label " celebrante_as_Social_status" . inds:USem64131dormiente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64131dormiente is dormiente" ; rdfs:label " dormiente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64132dichiarante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem6460dichiarare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64132dichiarante is dichiarante" ; rdfs:label " dichiarante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64133assicurato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5137assicurare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64133assicurato is assicurato" ; rdfs:label " assicurato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem64134comparsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64134comparsa is comparsa" ; rdfs:label " comparsa_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64135committente simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63469commissionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem72805committenza ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64135committente is committente" ; rdfs:label " committente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64136consulente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem60070consigliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64136consulente is consulente" ; rdfs:label " consulente_as_Profession" . inds:USem64137armare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64137armare is armare" ; rdfs:label " armare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64138armare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64138armare is armare" ; rdfs:label " armare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64139armatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem64138armare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64139armatore is armatore" ; rdfs:label " armatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem6413focolare simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6875parente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6413focolare is focolare" ; rdfs:label " focolare_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64140ricevente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem62852ricevere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64140ricevente is ricevente" ; rdfs:label " ricevente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64141peregrinare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64141peregrinare is peregrinare" ; rdfs:label " peregrinare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem64142peregrino simple:hasAgentive inds:USem64141peregrinare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64142peregrino is peregrino" ; rdfs:label " peregrino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64143iscritto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59124iscrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64143iscritto is iscritto" ; rdfs:label " iscritto_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64144manifestante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60821manifestare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64144manifestante is manifestante" ; rdfs:label " manifestante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64145revisionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64145revisionare is revisionare" ; rdfs:label " revisionare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64146revisore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemTH135rivedere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64146revisore is revisore" ; rdfs:label " revisore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64147ristorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64147ristorare is ristorare" ; rdfs:label " ristorare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64148ristorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64148ristorare is ristorare" ; rdfs:label " ristorare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64149ristoratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem5486gestore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64149ristoratore is ristoratore" ; rdfs:label " ristoratore_as_Profession" . inds:USem6414impianto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59808attrezzatura, inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6414impianto is impianto" ; rdfs:label " impianto_as_Group" . inds:USem64150ricevitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64150ricevitore is ricevitore" ; rdfs:label " ricevitore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64151provocare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64151provocare is provocare" ; rdfs:label " provocare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64152piantone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64152piantone is piantone" ; rdfs:label " piantone_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64153ritardare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64153ritardare is ritardare" ; rdfs:label " ritardare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem64154ispirare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5905emozione, inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64154ispirare is ispirare" ; rdfs:label " ispirare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem64155ispirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64155ispirare is ispirare" ; rdfs:label " ispirare_as_Event" . inds:USem64156ispiratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64156ispiratore is ispiratore" ; rdfs:label " ispiratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64157possessore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59514possedere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64157possessore is possessore" ; rdfs:label " possessore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64158rinnegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64158rinnegare is rinnegare" ; rdfs:label " rinnegare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64159rinnegato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64159rinnegato is rinnegato" ; rdfs:label " rinnegato_as_Human" . inds:USem6415focolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem6414impianto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6415focolare is focolare" ; rdfs:label " focolare_as_Part" . inds:USem64160querelare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60817denuncia ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64160querelare is querelare" ; rdfs:label " querelare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem64161militare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64161militare is militare" ; rdfs:label " militare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64162scrivente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64162scrivente is scrivente" ; rdfs:label " scrivente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64163scrutare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD469guardare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64163scrutare is scrutare" ; rdfs:label " scrutare_as_Perception" . inds:USem64164scrutatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem73108scrutare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64164scrutatore is scrutatore" ; rdfs:label " scrutatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64165investire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64165investire is investire" ; rdfs:label " investire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64166investire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64166investire is investire" ; rdfs:label " investire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64167investitore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64166investire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64167investitore is investitore" ; rdfs:label " investitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64168investitore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64165investire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64168investitore is investitore" ; rdfs:label " investitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64169imperatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem64063impero ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64169imperatore is imperatore" ; rdfs:label " imperatore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem6416giovane simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6416giovane is giovane" ; rdfs:label " giovane_as_Human" . inds:USem64170guastatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5312distruggere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64170guastatore is guastatore" ; rdfs:label " guastatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64171insorto simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD7349ribellare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64171insorto is insorto" ; rdfs:label " insorto_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64172guaritore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem61205guarire ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64172guaritore is guaritore" ; rdfs:label " guaritore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64173conciliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64173conciliare is conciliare" ; rdfs:label " conciliare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64174conciliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64174conciliare is conciliare" ; rdfs:label " conciliare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem64175sfollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7297sfollato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64175sfollare is sfollare" ; rdfs:label " sfollare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem64177sfollato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem64175sfollare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64177sfollato is sfollato" ; rdfs:label " sfollato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64178indossatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64178indossatore is indossatore" ; rdfs:label " indossatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64179intruso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64179intruso is intruso" ; rdfs:label " intruso_as_Human" . inds:USem6417vecchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem70574vecchiaia ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6417vecchio is vecchio" ; rdfs:label " vecchio_as_Human" . inds:USem64180simpatizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64180simpatizzare is simpatizzare" ; rdfs:label " simpatizzare_as_Event" . inds:USem64181simpatizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemTH117parteggiare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64181simpatizzare is simpatizzare" ; rdfs:label " simpatizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64182simpatizzante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64182simpatizzante is simpatizzante" ; rdfs:label " simpatizzante_as_Human" . inds:USem64183imbrogliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64183imbrogliare is imbrogliare" ; rdfs:label " imbrogliare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64184imbrogliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64184imbrogliare is imbrogliare" ; rdfs:label " imbrogliare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem64185scalare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64185scalare is scalare" ; rdfs:label " scalare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem64187scalatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem61265arrampicare, inds:USem64185scalare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64187scalatore is scalatore" ; rdfs:label " scalatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64188saturno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64188saturno is saturno" ; rdfs:label " saturno_as_Representation" . inds:USem64189saturno simple:hasIsa inds:USem59944pianeta ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59644sistema ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64189saturno is saturno" ; rdfs:label " saturno_as_Location" . inds:USem6418stanchezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62356stanco ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6418stanchezza is stanchezza" ; rdfs:label " stanchezza_as_State" . inds:USem64190giove simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64190giove is giove" ; rdfs:label " giove_as_Representation" . inds:USem64191giove simple:hasIsa inds:USem59944pianeta ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59644sistema ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64191giove is giove" ; rdfs:label " giove_as_Location" . inds:USem64192semidio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64192semidio is semidio" ; rdfs:label " semidio_as_Representation" . inds:USem64193semidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64193semidio is semidio" ; rdfs:label " semidio_as_Human" . inds:USem64194villano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64194villano is villano" ; rdfs:label " villano_as_Human" . inds:USem64195accompagnatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59868accompagnare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64195accompagnatore is accompagnatore" ; rdfs:label " accompagnatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64196illustratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7094illustrare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64196illustratore is illustratore" ; rdfs:label " illustratore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64197inquisire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64197inquisire is inquisire" ; rdfs:label " inquisire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64198sedurre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64198sedurre is sedurre" ; rdfs:label " sedurre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64199oracolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5625prevedere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64199oracolo is oracolo" ; rdfs:label " oracolo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem6419salumaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6419salumaio is salumaio" ; rdfs:label " salumaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem64200sedurre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64200sedurre is sedurre" ; rdfs:label " sedurre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64201sedurre simple:hasIsa inds:USem61544affascinare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64201sedurre is sedurre" ; rdfs:label " sedurre_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem64202patriarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64202patriarca is patriarca" ; rdfs:label " patriarca_as_Role" . inds:USem64203seduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem64200sedurre ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64203seduttore is seduttore" ; rdfs:label " seduttore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64204patriarca simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2809chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64204patriarca is patriarca" ; rdfs:label " patriarca_as_Social_status" . inds:USem64205patriarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64205patriarca is patriarca" ; rdfs:label " patriarca_as_Human" . inds:USem64206proletario simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD3591lavorare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64206proletario is proletario" ; rdfs:label " proletario_as_Social_status" . inds:USem64207offendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64207offendere is offendere" ; rdfs:label " offendere_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem64208reale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64208reale is reale" ; rdfs:label " reale_as_Social_status" . inds:USem6420gravidanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3592donna, inds:USem67077femmina ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6420gravidanza is gravidanza" ; rdfs:label " gravidanza_as_State" . inds:USem64210speculare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64210speculare is speculare" ; rdfs:label " speculare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64211speculatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem64210speculare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64211speculatore is speculatore" ; rdfs:label " speculatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64212usurpatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem7144usurpare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64212usurpatore is usurpatore" ; rdfs:label " usurpatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64213vedente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64213vedente is vedente" ; rdfs:label " vedente_as_Human" . inds:USem64214occidentale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2089america, inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64214occidentale is occidentale" ; rdfs:label " occidentale_as_People" . inds:USem64215automobilista simple:hasIsa inds:USem64675guidatore ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64215automobilista is automobilista" ; rdfs:label " automobilista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64216mamma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64216mamma is mamma" ; rdfs:label " mamma_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64217trionfare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64217trionfare is trionfare" ; rdfs:label " trionfare_as_Event" . inds:USem64218trionfatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64217trionfare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64218trionfatore is trionfatore" ; rdfs:label " trionfatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64219boyfriend simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem63900coppia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64219boyfriend is boyfriend" ; rdfs:label " boyfriend_as_Kinship" . inds:USem6421povero simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH33246poverta1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6421povero is povero" ; rdfs:label " povero_as_Human" . inds:USem64220travestito simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64220travestito is travestito" ; rdfs:label " travestito_as_Human" . inds:USem64221sbruffone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64221sbruffone is sbruffone" ; rdfs:label " sbruffone_as_Human" . inds:USem64222mamma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64222mamma is mamma" ; rdfs:label " mamma_as_Human" . inds:USem64223spasimare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64223spasimare is spasimare" ; rdfs:label " spasimare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem64224spasimante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64224spasimante is spasimante" ; rdfs:label " spasimante_as_Human" . inds:USem64225accattone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64225accattone is accattone" ; rdfs:label " accattone_as_Human" . inds:USem64226tiratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem61058tirare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64226tiratore is tiratore" ; rdfs:label " tiratore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64227acrobata simple:hasIsa inds:USem61874artista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem76977esibire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64227acrobata is acrobata" ; rdfs:label " acrobata_as_Profession" . inds:USem64228negro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64228negro is negro" ; rdfs:label " negro_as_Human" . inds:USem64229adultero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64229adultero is adultero" ; rdfs:label " adultero_as_Human" . inds:USem6422gestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6422gestazione is gestazione" ; rdfs:label " gestazione_as_State" . inds:USem64230adulto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64230adulto is adulto" ; rdfs:label " adulto_as_Human" . inds:USem64231sopravvivere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64231sopravvivere is sopravvivere" ; rdfs:label " sopravvivere_as_Event" . inds:USem64232antiquario simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64232antiquario is antiquario" ; rdfs:label " antiquario_as_Profession" . inds:USem64233sopravvissuto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem64231sopravvivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64233sopravvissuto is sopravvissuto" ; rdfs:label " sopravvissuto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem64234potente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64234potente is potente" ; rdfs:label " potente_as_Human" . inds:USem64235viaggiatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD802viaggiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64235viaggiatore is viaggiatore" ; rdfs:label " viaggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64236uditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64236uditore is uditore" ; rdfs:label " uditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64237sovversivo simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60675sovvertire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64237sovversivo is sovversivo" ; rdfs:label " sovversivo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64238sottoscrivere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64238sottoscrivere is sottoscrivere" ; rdfs:label " sottoscrivere_as_Act" . inds:USem64239sottoscritto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64239sottoscritto is sottoscritto" ; rdfs:label " sottoscritto_as_Human" . inds:USem6423ricco simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem59784ricchezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6423ricco is ricco" ; rdfs:label " ricco_as_Human" . inds:USem64240applicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64240applicare is applicare" ; rdfs:label " applicare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64241ammiratore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60053ammirare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64241ammiratore is ammiratore" ; rdfs:label " ammiratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64243coadiutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem74900coadiuvare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64243coadiutore is coadiutore" ; rdfs:label " coadiutore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64244amatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem60310amare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64244amatore is amatore" ; rdfs:label " amatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64245vedovo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6875parente ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64245vedovo is vedovo" ; rdfs:label " vedovo_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64246conoscente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64246conoscente is conoscente" ; rdfs:label " conoscente_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64247figlioccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64247figlioccio is figlioccio" ; rdfs:label " figlioccio_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64248amante simple:hasAgentive inds:USem62968amare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64248amante is amante" ; rdfs:label " amante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64249bisnonno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64249bisnonno is bisnonno" ; rdfs:label " bisnonno_as_Kinship" . inds:USem6424gestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6424gestazione is gestazione" ; rdfs:label " gestazione_as_Creation" . inds:USem64250sistemista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64250sistemista is sistemista" ; rdfs:label " sistemista_as_Profession" . inds:USem64251amico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64251amico is amico" ; rdfs:label " amico_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64252collega simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64252collega is collega" ; rdfs:label " collega_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64253dilapidatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem74854dilapidare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64253dilapidatore is dilapidatore" ; rdfs:label " dilapidatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64254rivale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64254rivale is rivale" ; rdfs:label " rivale_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64255nemico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64255nemico is nemico" ; rdfs:label " nemico_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64256fruire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64256fruire is fruire" ; rdfs:label " fruire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64257fruitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64257fruitore is fruitore" ; rdfs:label " fruitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64258camerata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64258camerata is camerata" ; rdfs:label " camerata_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64259fiancheggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59870aiutare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64259fiancheggiare is fiancheggiare" ; rdfs:label " fiancheggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64260sgobbone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64260sgobbone is sgobbone" ; rdfs:label " sgobbone_as_Human" . inds:USem64261patriarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64261patriarca is patriarca" ; rdfs:label " patriarca_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64262simile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64262simile is simile" ; rdfs:label " simile_as_Human" . inds:USem64263fiancheggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64263fiancheggiare is fiancheggiare" ; rdfs:label " fiancheggiare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem64264fiancheggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64264fiancheggiare is fiancheggiare" ; rdfs:label " fiancheggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64265squattrinato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64265squattrinato is squattrinato" ; rdfs:label " squattrinato_as_Human" . inds:USem64266partner simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem63900coppia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64266partner is partner" ; rdfs:label " partner_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64267stipendiato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD7329stipendiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64267stipendiato is stipendiato" ; rdfs:label " stipendiato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem64268straccione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64268straccione is straccione" ; rdfs:label " straccione_as_Human" . inds:USem64269superstite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64269superstite is superstite" ; rdfs:label " superstite_as_Human" . inds:USem6426rosetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6426rosetta is rosetta" ; rdfs:label " rosetta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem64270dispensare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64270dispensare is dispensare" ; rdfs:label " dispensare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64272svergognato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64272svergognato is svergognato" ; rdfs:label " svergognato_as_Human" . inds:USem64273tanghero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64273tanghero is tanghero" ; rdfs:label " tanghero_as_Human" . inds:USem64274tecnocrate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64274tecnocrate is tecnocrate" ; rdfs:label " tecnocrate_as_Human" . inds:USem64275tecnocrate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD7332tecnocrazia ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64275tecnocrate is tecnocrate" ; rdfs:label " tecnocrate_as_Ideo" . inds:USem64276adulatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemTH290adulare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64276adulatore is adulatore" ; rdfs:label " adulatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64277tecnologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64277tecnologo is tecnologo" ; rdfs:label " tecnologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem64278frequentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64278frequentare is frequentare" ; rdfs:label " frequentare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem64279tempista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64279tempista is tempista" ; rdfs:label " tempista_as_Human" . inds:USem6427rosetta simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6427rosetta is rosetta" ; rdfs:label " rosetta_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem64280terrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64280terrone is terrone" ; rdfs:label " terrone_as_Human" . inds:USem64281transessuale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64281transessuale is transessuale" ; rdfs:label " transessuale_as_Human" . inds:USem64282trovatello simple:hasIsa inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64282trovatello is trovatello" ; rdfs:label " trovatello_as_Human" . inds:USem64284vigliacco simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem5505vigliaccheria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64284vigliacco is vigliacco" ; rdfs:label " vigliacco_as_Human" . inds:USem64285vip simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64285vip is vip" ; rdfs:label " vip_as_Human" . inds:USem64286allievo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64286allievo is allievo" ; rdfs:label " allievo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64287voltagabbana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64287voltagabbana is voltagabbana" ; rdfs:label " voltagabbana_as_Human" . inds:USem64288superuomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64288superuomo is superuomo" ; rdfs:label " superuomo_as_Human" . inds:USem64289zuccone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64289zuccone is zuccone" ; rdfs:label " zuccone_as_Human" . inds:USem6428indebolimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5485indebolito ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6428indebolimento is indebolimento" ; rdfs:label " indebolimento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem64290visitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64290visitare is visitare" ; rdfs:label " visitare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64291recidivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6348condannato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64291recidivo is recidivo" ; rdfs:label " recidivo_as_Human" . inds:USem64292recidivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64292recidivo is recidivo" ; rdfs:label " recidivo_as_Human" . inds:USem64293frequentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64293frequentare is frequentare" ; rdfs:label " frequentare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64294frequentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem64293frequentare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64294frequentatore is frequentatore" ; rdfs:label " frequentatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64295reduce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64295reduce is reduce" ; rdfs:label " reduce_as_Human" . inds:USem64296zoppo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64296zoppo is zoppo" ; rdfs:label " zoppo_as_Human" . inds:USem64297santo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64297santo is santo" ; rdfs:label " santo_as_Human" . inds:USem64299alieno simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4175spazio ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64299alieno is alieno" ; rdfs:label " alieno_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem64300santo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64300santo is santo" ; rdfs:label " santo_as_Human" . inds:USem64301aspirante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64301aspirante is aspirante" ; rdfs:label " aspirante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64302ruffiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64302ruffiano is ruffiano" ; rdfs:label " ruffiano_as_Human" . inds:USem64303motociclista simple:hasIsa inds:USem6118sportivo ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4690gareggiare, inds:USemD5638correre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64303motociclista is motociclista" ; rdfs:label " motociclista_as_Profession" . inds:USem64304diffusore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7074diffondere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64304diffusore is diffusore" ; rdfs:label " diffusore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64305assegnatario simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD7333assegnare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64305assegnatario is assegnatario" ; rdfs:label " assegnatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64306critico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem60734criticare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64306critico is critico" ; rdfs:label " critico_as_Profession" . inds:USem64307assente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5982assentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64307assente is assente" ; rdfs:label " assente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64308assunta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64308assunta is assunta" ; rdfs:label " assunta_as_Human" . inds:USem64309astante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem61470essere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64309astante is astante" ; rdfs:label " astante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64310distillatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1774distillare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64310distillatore is distillatore" ; rdfs:label " distillatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64311aguzzino simple:hasIsa inds:USem6116sorvegliante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64311aguzzino is aguzzino" ; rdfs:label " aguzzino_as_Profession" . inds:USem64312aguzzino simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem72954crudelta1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64312aguzzino is aguzzino" ; rdfs:label " aguzzino_as_Human" . inds:USem64313briccone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64313briccone is briccone" ; rdfs:label " briccone_as_Human" . inds:USem64314ambulante simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64314ambulante is ambulante" ; rdfs:label " ambulante_as_Profession" . inds:USem64315carla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64315carla is carla" ; rdfs:label " carla_as_Human" . inds:USem64316ammiraglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemTH34356marina ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64316ammiraglio is ammiraglio" ; rdfs:label " ammiraglio_as_Role" . inds:USem64317animatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6537divertire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64317animatore is animatore" ; rdfs:label " animatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64318nevrotico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem3833nevrosi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64318nevrotico is nevrotico" ; rdfs:label " nevrotico_as_Human" . inds:USem64319classificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD1518classificare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64319classificatore is classificatore" ; rdfs:label " classificatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem6431salvaguardare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6431salvaguardare is salvaguardare" ; rdfs:label " salvaguardare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64320omonimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64320omonimo is omonimo" ; rdfs:label " omonimo_as_Human" . inds:USem64321nevrotico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64321nevrotico is nevrotico" ; rdfs:label " nevrotico_as_Human" . inds:USem64322cooperatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem4796cooperare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64322cooperatore is cooperatore" ; rdfs:label " cooperatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64323ninfomane simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH15453ninfomania ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64323ninfomane is ninfomane" ; rdfs:label " ninfomane_as_Human" . inds:USem64324commentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4953scrittore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64324commentatore is commentatore" ; rdfs:label " commentatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64325nubile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64325nubile is nubile" ; rdfs:label " nubile_as_Human" . inds:USem64326commentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem5681autore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7071commentare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64326commentatore is commentatore" ; rdfs:label " commentatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64327nullatenente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64327nullatenente is nullatenente" ; rdfs:label " nullatenente_as_Human" . inds:USem64328conduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3604conducente ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6866trasportare, inds:USemD481guidare, inds:USemD5265condurre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64328conduttore is conduttore" ; rdfs:label " conduttore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64329omosessuale simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH15961omosessualita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64329omosessuale is omosessuale" ; rdfs:label " omosessuale_as_Human" . inds:USem6432serbare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59510conservare ; a simple:Stative_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6432serbare is serbare" ; rdfs:label " serbare_as_Stative_Possession" . inds:USem64330paesano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2233paese ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64330paesano is paesano" ; rdfs:label " paesano_as_People" . inds:USem64331convivere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64331convivere is convivere" ; rdfs:label " convivere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem64332paesano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64332paesano is paesano" ; rdfs:label " paesano_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64333paralitico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD7336paralisi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64333paralitico is paralitico" ; rdfs:label " paralitico_as_Human" . inds:USem64334paraplegico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH31565paraplegia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64334paraplegico is paraplegico" ; rdfs:label " paraplegico_as_Human" . inds:USem64335parlante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD584comunita1 ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64335parlante is parlante" ; rdfs:label " parlante_as_Human" . inds:USem64336parvenu simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64336parvenu is parvenu" ; rdfs:label " parvenu_as_Human" . inds:USem64337pederasta simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65980pederastia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64337pederasta is pederasta" ; rdfs:label " pederasta_as_Human" . inds:USem64338convivente simple:hasAgentive inds:USem64331convivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64338convivente is convivente" ; rdfs:label " convivente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64339coordinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64339coordinare is coordinare" ; rdfs:label " coordinare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6433custodire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6433custodire is custodire" ; rdfs:label " custodire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64340coordinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64340coordinare is coordinare" ; rdfs:label " coordinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64341coordinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem64340coordinare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64341coordinatore is coordinatore" ; rdfs:label " coordinatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64343fornitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem76787fornire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64343fornitore is fornitore" ; rdfs:label " fornitore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64344antenato simple:hasIsa inds:USem6875parente ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64344antenato is antenato" ; rdfs:label " antenato_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64345animare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64345animare is animare" ; rdfs:label " animare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem64346animare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem75868animato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64346animare is animare" ; rdfs:label " animare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem64347birbante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64347birbante is birbante" ; rdfs:label " birbante_as_Human" . inds:USem64348birbante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64348birbante is birbante" ; rdfs:label " birbante_as_Human" . inds:USem64349bigotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64349bigotto is bigotto" ; rdfs:label " bigotto_as_Human" . inds:USem6434belva simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4767fauna ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6434belva is belva" ; rdfs:label " belva_as_Animal" . inds:USem64350bipede simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4767fauna ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64350bipede is bipede" ; rdfs:label " bipede_as_Animal" . inds:USem64351buontempone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64351buontempone is buontempone" ; rdfs:label " buontempone_as_Human" . inds:USem64353pendolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64353pendolare is pendolare" ; rdfs:label " pendolare_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64354pettegolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem75463spettegolare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64354pettegolo is pettegolo" ; rdfs:label " pettegolo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64355pervertito simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD7344perversione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64355pervertito is pervertito" ; rdfs:label " pervertito_as_Human" . inds:USem64356pezzente simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH33246poverta1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64356pezzente is pezzente" ; rdfs:label " pezzente_as_Human" . inds:USem64357pezzente simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem1453avarizia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64357pezzente is pezzente" ; rdfs:label " pezzente_as_Human" . inds:USem64358primitivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2225caverna ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64358primitivo is primitivo" ; rdfs:label " primitivo_as_People" . inds:USem64359primitivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64359primitivo is primitivo" ; rdfs:label " primitivo_as_Human" . inds:USem6435belva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6435belva is belva" ; rdfs:label " belva_as_Human" . inds:USem64360presbite simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH33425presbiopia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64360presbite is presbite" ; rdfs:label " presbite_as_Human" . inds:USem64361psicopatico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem74261psicopatia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64361psicopatico is psicopatico" ; rdfs:label " psicopatico_as_Human" . inds:USem64362punk simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64362punk is punk" ; rdfs:label " punk_as_Human" . inds:USem64363ribelle simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD7349ribellare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64363ribelle is ribelle" ; rdfs:label " ribelle_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64364sacrestia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2214chiesa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64364sacrestia is sacrestia" ; rdfs:label " sacrestia_as_Part" . inds:USem64365salone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64365salone is salone" ; rdfs:label " salone_as_Part" . inds:USem64366scantinato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64366scantinato is scantinato" ; rdfs:label " scantinato_as_Part" . inds:USem64367soppalco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64367soppalco is soppalco" ; rdfs:label " soppalco_as_Part" . inds:USem64368spalletta simple:hasIsa inds:USem62566parapetto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64368spalletta is spalletta" ; rdfs:label " spalletta_as_Part" . inds:USem64369stanzino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64369stanzino is stanzino" ; rdfs:label " stanzino_as_Part" . inds:USem6436sapere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6436sapere is sapere" ; rdfs:label " sapere_as_State" . inds:USem64370studio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64370studio is studio" ; rdfs:label " studio_as_Part" . inds:USem64371terme simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64371terme is terme" ; rdfs:label " terme_as_Building" . inds:USem64372ringhiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio, inds:USem59838balcone, inds:USem62563ponte ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64372ringhiera is ringhiera" ; rdfs:label " ringhiera_as_Part" . inds:USem64373pertugio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64373pertugio is pertugio" ; rdfs:label " pertugio_as_Opening" . inds:USem64374trifora simple:hasIsa inds:USem61089finestra ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59836parete ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64374trifora is trifora" ; rdfs:label " trifora_as_Opening" . inds:USem64375animatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem64346animare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64375animatore is animatore" ; rdfs:label " animatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64376dirottare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64376dirottare is dirottare" ; rdfs:label " dirottare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem64377barilotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64377barilotto is barilotto" ; rdfs:label " barilotto_as_Container" . inds:USem64378barilotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64378barilotto is barilotto" ; rdfs:label " barilotto_as_Human" . inds:USem64379dirottare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64379dirottare is dirottare" ; rdfs:label " dirottare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6437echeggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6437echeggiare is echeggiare" ; rdfs:label " echeggiare_as_State" . inds:USem64380chiavica simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61216raccogliere ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64380chiavica is chiavica" ; rdfs:label " chiavica_as_Opening" . inds:USem64381dirottatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64376dirottare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64381dirottatore is dirottatore" ; rdfs:label " dirottatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64382bruciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64382bruciare is bruciare" ; rdfs:label " bruciare_as_State" . inds:USem64383falsificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD7230falsificare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64383falsificatore is falsificatore" ; rdfs:label " falsificatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64384bombardiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD777muro ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64384bombardiera is bombardiera" ; rdfs:label " bombardiera_as_Opening" . inds:USem64385denigratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64385denigratore is denigratore" ; rdfs:label " denigratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64386falla simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64386falla is falla" ; rdfs:label " falla_as_Opening" . inds:USem64387fogna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem64388fognatura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61216raccogliere ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64387fogna is fogna" ; rdfs:label " fogna_as_Opening" . inds:USem64388fognatura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem61447canale, inds:USem64387fogna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61216raccogliere ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64388fognatura is fognatura" ; rdfs:label " fognatura_as_Group" . inds:USem64389incavo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64389incavo is incavo" ; rdfs:label " incavo_as_Opening" . inds:USem6438riecheggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6437echeggiare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6438riecheggiare is riecheggiare" ; rdfs:label " riecheggiare_as_State" . inds:USem64390portellone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5544caricare ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64390portellone is portellone" ; rdfs:label " portellone_as_Opening" . inds:USem64391mansarda simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64391mansarda is mansarda" ; rdfs:label " mansarda_as_Part" . inds:USem64392portellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7106sportello ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64392portellone is portellone" ; rdfs:label " portellone_as_Part" . inds:USem64393portellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7106sportello ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7355velivolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64393portellone is portellone" ; rdfs:label " portellone_as_Part" . inds:USem64394soldato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64394soldato is soldato" ; rdfs:label " soldato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64395soldato simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64395soldato is soldato" ; rdfs:label " soldato_as_Role" . inds:USem64396portabagagli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64396portabagagli is portabagagli" ; rdfs:label " portabagagli_as_Profession" . inds:USem64397tombino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59130scavare, inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem64388fognatura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61216raccogliere ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64397tombino is tombino" ; rdfs:label " tombino_as_Opening" . inds:USem64398uscio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59836parete ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64398uscio is uscio" ; rdfs:label " uscio_as_Opening" . inds:USem64399vano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64399vano is vano" ; rdfs:label " vano_as_Opening" . inds:USem6439risuonare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6437echeggiare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6439risuonare is risuonare" ; rdfs:label " risuonare_as_State" . inds:USem64400esordire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64400esordire is esordire" ; rdfs:label " esordire_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem64401imperare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59954dominare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64401imperare is imperare" ; rdfs:label " imperare_as_State" . inds:USem64403varco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6388passaggio ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64403varco is varco" ; rdfs:label " varco_as_Opening" . inds:USem64404comandante simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64404comandante is comandante" ; rdfs:label " comandante_as_Role" . inds:USem64405raffineria simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68290impianto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6869raffinare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64405raffineria is raffineria" ; rdfs:label " raffineria_as_Building" . inds:USem64406governatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64406governatore is governatore" ; rdfs:label " governatore_as_Role" . inds:USem64407esecutore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem61607eseguire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64407esecutore is esecutore" ; rdfs:label " esecutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64408consumatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem4950consumare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64408consumatore is consumatore" ; rdfs:label " consumatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64409demolitore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7100demolire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64409demolitore is demolitore" ; rdfs:label " demolitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem6440frusciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76825produrre ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem60220fruscio ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6440frusciare is frusciare" ; rdfs:label " frusciare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64410aiutante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59870aiutare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64410aiutante is aiutante" ; rdfs:label " aiutante_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64411doppiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64411doppiare is doppiare" ; rdfs:label " doppiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64412doppiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem64411doppiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64412doppiatore is doppiatore" ; rdfs:label " doppiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64413compratore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7146comprare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64413compratore is compratore" ; rdfs:label " compratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64414osservatorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64414osservatorio is osservatorio" ; rdfs:label " osservatorio_as_Institution" . inds:USem64415voliera simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasTypicalLocation inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64415voliera is voliera" ; rdfs:label " voliera_as_Building" . inds:USem64416voliera simple:hasConcerns inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61242imprigionare ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64416voliera is voliera" ; rdfs:label " voliera_as_Container" . inds:USem64417stalla simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64417stalla is stalla" ; rdfs:label " stalla_as_Location" . inds:USem64418porcile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64418porcile is porcile" ; rdfs:label " porcile_as_Location" . inds:USem64419immondezzaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64419immondezzaio is immondezzaio" ; rdfs:label " immondezzaio_as_Location" . inds:USem6441rombare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76825produrre ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem60229rombo ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6441rombare is rombare" ; rdfs:label " rombare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64421uccelliera simple:hasConcerns inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61242imprigionare ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64421uccelliera is uccelliera" ; rdfs:label " uccelliera_as_Container" . inds:USem64422accentrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64422accentrare is accentrare" ; rdfs:label " accentrare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem64423continente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64423continente is continente" ; rdfs:label " continente_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64424ginepraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64424ginepraio is ginepraio" ; rdfs:label " ginepraio_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem64425profumo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3650miscela ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59800profumare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64425profumo is profumo" ; rdfs:label " profumo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem64426labirinto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64426labirinto is labirinto" ; rdfs:label " labirinto_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem64427zona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64427zona is zona" ; rdfs:label " zona_as_Part" . inds:USem64428universo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64428universo is universo" ; rdfs:label " universo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem64429biglietto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64429biglietto is biglietto" ; rdfs:label " biglietto_as_Information" . inds:USem6442scricchiolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76825produrre ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem60235scricchiolio ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6442scricchiolare is scricchiolare" ; rdfs:label " scricchiolare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64430biglietto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3267banconota ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64430biglietto is biglietto" ; rdfs:label " biglietto_as_Money" . inds:USem64431centro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64431centro is centro" ; rdfs:label " centro_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64432centro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64432centro is centro" ; rdfs:label " centro_as_Location" . inds:USem64433centro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3600parlamento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64433centro is centro" ; rdfs:label " centro_as_Part" . inds:USem64434ecosistema simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1428pianta, inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64434ecosistema is ecosistema" ; rdfs:label " ecosistema_as_Group" . inds:USem64435biosfera simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64435biosfera is biosfera" ; rdfs:label " biosfera_as_Group" . inds:USem64436abitato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64436abitato is abitato" ; rdfs:label " abitato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64437americhe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1235continente ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64437americhe is americhe" ; rdfs:label " americhe_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64438bidonville simple:hasIsa inds:USem4137quartiere ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64438bidonville is bidonville" ; rdfs:label " bidonville_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64439bolgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64439bolgia is bolgia" ; rdfs:label " bolgia_as_Location" . inds:USem6443sibilare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76825produrre ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem79482sibilo ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6443sibilare is sibilare" ; rdfs:label " sibilare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64441bordello simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64441bordello is bordello" ; rdfs:label " bordello_as_Building" . inds:USem64442borgata simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4137quartiere ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64442borgata is borgata" ; rdfs:label " borgata_as_Group" . inds:USem64443borgo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64443borgo is borgo" ; rdfs:label " borgo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64444bordello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64444bordello is bordello" ; rdfs:label " bordello_as_Location" . inds:USem64445borgo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64445borgo is borgo" ; rdfs:label " borgo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64446bunker simple:hasIsa inds:USem2207forte ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64446bunker is bunker" ; rdfs:label " bunker_as_Building" . inds:USem64447borneo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64447borneo is borneo" ; rdfs:label " borneo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64448brennero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7367passo ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2096austria, inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64448brennero is brennero" ; rdfs:label " brennero_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64449califfato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3589califfo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64449califfato is califfato" ; rdfs:label " califfato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem6444fischiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem6154suono ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6444fischiare is fischiare" ; rdfs:label " fischiare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64450bunker simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64450bunker is bunker" ; rdfs:label " bunker_as_Location" . inds:USem64451accentrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64451accentrare is accentrare" ; rdfs:label " accentrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64452califfato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3589califfo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64452califfato is califfato" ; rdfs:label " califfato_as_Convention" . inds:USem64453accentratore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem64451accentrare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64453accentratore is accentratore" ; rdfs:label " accentratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64454eden simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64454eden is eden" ; rdfs:label " eden_as_Area" . inds:USem64455cantone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1407angolo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64455cantone is cantone" ; rdfs:label " cantone_as_Location" . inds:USem64456cantone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2243strada, inds:USem5237ferrovia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64456cantone is cantone" ; rdfs:label " cantone_as_Part" . inds:USem64457eden simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64457eden is eden" ; rdfs:label " eden_as_Location" . inds:USem64458epicentro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64458epicentro is epicentro" ; rdfs:label " epicentro_as_Location" . inds:USem64459condominio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem61099condomino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64459condominio is condominio" ; rdfs:label " condominio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6445russare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem6154suono ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6445russare is russare" ; rdfs:label " russare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64460cantone simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64460cantone is cantone" ; rdfs:label " cantone_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64461catalogna simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64461catalogna is catalogna" ; rdfs:label " catalogna_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem64462ronzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64462ronzare is ronzare" ; rdfs:label " ronzare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem64463caucaso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7369catena ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64463caucaso is caucaso" ; rdfs:label " caucaso_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64464epicentro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64464epicentro is epicentro" ; rdfs:label " epicentro_as_Location" . inds:USem64465chianti simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64465chianti is chianti" ; rdfs:label " chianti_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem64466chianti simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64466chianti is chianti" ; rdfs:label " chianti_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64468chiasso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64468chiasso is chiasso" ; rdfs:label " chiasso_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64469cittadella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64469cittadella is cittadella" ; rdfs:label " cittadella_as_Building" . inds:USem6446singhiozzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6383piangere ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6446singhiozzare is singhiozzare" ; rdfs:label " singhiozzare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64470galassia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64470galassia is galassia" ; rdfs:label " galassia_as_Group" . inds:USem64471galassia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64471galassia is galassia" ; rdfs:label " galassia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64472inferno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64472inferno is inferno" ; rdfs:label " inferno_as_Location" . inds:USem64473inferno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64473inferno is inferno" ; rdfs:label " inferno_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem64474infero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64474infero is infero" ; rdfs:label " infero_as_Location" . inds:USem64475bungalow simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64475bungalow is bungalow" ; rdfs:label " bungalow_as_Building" . inds:USem64476villetta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64476villetta is villetta" ; rdfs:label " villetta_as_Building" . inds:USem64477palazzina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64477palazzina is palazzina" ; rdfs:label " palazzina_as_Building" . inds:USem64478contado simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3619conte ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64478contado is contado" ; rdfs:label " contado_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64479cremlino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2195russia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64115governare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64479cremlino is cremlino" ; rdfs:label " cremlino_as_Building" . inds:USem64480curia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2809chiesa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7030amministrazione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64480curia is curia" ; rdfs:label " curia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64481dardanelli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7370stretto ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2203turchia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64481dardanelli is dardanelli" ; rdfs:label " dardanelli_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64482distretto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4142regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64482distretto is distretto" ; rdfs:label " distretto_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64483iperspazio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64483iperspazio is iperspazio" ; rdfs:label " iperspazio_as_Location" . inds:USem64484litosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USem64427zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61175terra ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64484litosfera is litosfera" ; rdfs:label " litosfera_as_Part" . inds:USem64485emirato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63592emiro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64485emirato is emirato" ; rdfs:label " emirato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64486macrocosmo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3016materia ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64486macrocosmo is macrocosmo" ; rdfs:label " macrocosmo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem64487emirato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63592emiro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64487emirato is emirato" ; rdfs:label " emirato_as_Convention" . inds:USem64488estero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64488estero is estero" ; rdfs:label " estero_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64489mercatino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64489mercatino is mercatino" ; rdfs:label " mercatino_as_Location" . inds:USem64490mezzogiorno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2758ora ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64490mezzogiorno is mezzogiorno" ; rdfs:label " mezzogiorno_as_Time" . inds:USem64491mezzogiorno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64491mezzogiorno is mezzogiorno" ; rdfs:label " mezzogiorno_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem64492ghetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4137quartiere ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64492ghetto is ghetto" ; rdfs:label " ghetto_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64493mezzogiorno simple:hasIsa inds:USem4144regione ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64493mezzogiorno is mezzogiorno" ; rdfs:label " mezzogiorno_as_Location" . inds:USem64494ionio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64494ionio is ionio" ; rdfs:label " ionio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64495lapponia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4895finlandia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64495lapponia is lapponia" ; rdfs:label " lapponia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64496latifondo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64496latifondo is latifondo" ; rdfs:label " latifondo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64497masseria simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64497masseria is masseria" ; rdfs:label " masseria_as_Area" . inds:USem64498presidio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64498presidio is presidio" ; rdfs:label " presidio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64499presidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4142regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64499presidio is presidio" ; rdfs:label " presidio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem6449brandello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6449brandello is brandello" ; rdfs:label " brandello_as_Part" . inds:USem64500presidio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64500presidio is presidio" ; rdfs:label " presidio_as_Institution" . inds:USem64501pietanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3668portata ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64501pietanza is pietanza" ; rdfs:label " pietanza_as_Food" . inds:USem64502principato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3599principe ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64502principato is principato" ; rdfs:label " principato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64503principato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3599principe ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64503principato is principato" ; rdfs:label " principato_as_Convention" . inds:USem64504tasmania simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4893australia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64504tasmania is tasmania" ; rdfs:label " tasmania_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64505olimpo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4194monte ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2173grecia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64505olimpo is olimpo" ; rdfs:label " olimpo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64506valpolicella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64506valpolicella is valpolicella" ; rdfs:label " valpolicella_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem64507olimpo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4194monte ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64507olimpo is olimpo" ; rdfs:label " olimpo_as_Location" . inds:USem64508oltretomba simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64508oltretomba is oltretomba" ; rdfs:label " oltretomba_as_Location" . inds:USem64509sottosuolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem64427zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64509sottosuolo is sottosuolo" ; rdfs:label " sottosuolo_as_Part" . inds:USem6450fase simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6450fase is fase" ; rdfs:label " fase_as_Part" . inds:USem64510stratosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USem64427zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62391atmosfera ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64510stratosfera is stratosfera" ; rdfs:label " stratosfera_as_Part" . inds:USem64511tappa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64511tappa is tappa" ; rdfs:label " tappa_as_Location" . inds:USem64512tappa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2754intervallo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64512tappa is tappa" ; rdfs:label " tappa_as_Time" . inds:USem64513tropico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4144regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64513tropico is tropico" ; rdfs:label " tropico_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64514vetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61335oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64514vetta is vetta" ; rdfs:label " vetta_as_Part" . inds:USem64515cocuzzolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61335oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64515cocuzzolo is cocuzzolo" ; rdfs:label " cocuzzolo_as_Part" . inds:USem64516curatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem5181curare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64516curatore is curatore" ; rdfs:label " curatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64518coltivatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64518coltivatore is coltivatore" ; rdfs:label " coltivatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64519acquirente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7057acquistare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64519acquirente is acquirente" ; rdfs:label " acquirente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64520correttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD1941correggere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64520correttore is correttore" ; rdfs:label " correttore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64521garantire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64521garantire is garantire" ; rdfs:label " garantire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64522bocciodromo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem79160giocare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64522bocciodromo is bocciodromo" ; rdfs:label " bocciodromo_as_Building" . inds:USem64523boulevard simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64523boulevard is boulevard" ; rdfs:label " boulevard_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64524carreggiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64524carreggiata is carreggiata" ; rdfs:label " carreggiata_as_Part" . inds:USem64526sole simple:hasIsa inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59644sistema ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64526sole is sole" ; rdfs:label " sole_as_Location" . inds:USem64527chiostro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4763cortile ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2256convento ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64527chiostro is chiostro" ; rdfs:label " chiostro_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64528dedalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4185labirinto ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64528dedalo is dedalo" ; rdfs:label " dedalo_as_Location" . inds:USem64529giardinetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61254giardino ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64529giardinetto is giardinetto" ; rdfs:label " giardinetto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem6452frammento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6452frammento is frammento" ; rdfs:label " frammento_as_Part" . inds:USem64530giardinetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4367poppa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64530giardinetto is giardinetto" ; rdfs:label " giardinetto_as_Part" . inds:USem64531abruzzo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64531abruzzo is abruzzo" ; rdfs:label " abruzzo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64532mulattiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2226montagna ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64532mulattiera is mulattiera" ; rdfs:label " mulattiera_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64533patio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64533patio is patio" ; rdfs:label " patio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64534piattaforma simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64534piattaforma is piattaforma" ; rdfs:label " piattaforma_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64535piattaforma simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64535piattaforma is piattaforma" ; rdfs:label " piattaforma_as_Building" . inds:USem64536piattaforma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2874vagone ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64536piattaforma is piattaforma" ; rdfs:label " piattaforma_as_Part" . inds:USem64537porticciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem59527costa ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64537porticciolo is porticciolo" ; rdfs:label " porticciolo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64538quadrivio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64538quadrivio is quadrivio" ; rdfs:label " quadrivio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64539recinzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7386recinto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD7387recingere ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64539recinzione is recinzione" ; rdfs:label " recinzione_as_Artifact" . inds:USem6453frazione simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6453frazione is frazione" ; rdfs:label " frazione_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem64540salina simple:hasConcerns inds:USem77041sale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem79495estrarre ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64540salina is salina" ; rdfs:label " salina_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64542scorciatoia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63040abbreviare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64542scorciatoia is scorciatoia" ; rdfs:label " scorciatoia_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64544selciato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3000pietra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59837pavimento ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64544selciato is selciato" ; rdfs:label " selciato_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64545slargo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2243strada, inds:USemD5985valle ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64545slargo is slargo" ; rdfs:label " slargo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64547sottopassaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6388passaggio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2243strada, inds:USem2284stazione ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64547sottopassaggio is sottopassaggio" ; rdfs:label " sottopassaggio_as_Opening" . inds:USem64548strettoia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64548strettoia is strettoia" ; rdfs:label " strettoia_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64549strettoia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64549strettoia is strettoia" ; rdfs:label " strettoia_as_State" . inds:USem64550via simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64550via is via" ; rdfs:label " via_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64551viuzza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64551viuzza is viuzza" ; rdfs:label " viuzza_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64552zoo simple:hasIsa inds:USem61254giardino ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64552zoo is zoo" ; rdfs:label " zoo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64553abside simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2214chiesa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64553abside is abside" ; rdfs:label " abside_as_Part" . inds:USem64554alcova simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2283stanza ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64554alcova is alcova" ; rdfs:label " alcova_as_Part" . inds:USem64555ambasciata simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3586ambasciatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62950alloggiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64555ambasciata is ambasciata" ; rdfs:label " ambasciata_as_Building" . inds:USem64556ambasciata simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD7323rappresentare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64556ambasciata is ambasciata" ; rdfs:label " ambasciata_as_Institution" . inds:USem64557ateneo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4589istituto ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem61412formare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64557ateneo is ateneo" ; rdfs:label " ateneo_as_Institution" . inds:USem64558ateneo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4166aula ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64558ateneo is ateneo" ; rdfs:label " ateneo_as_Building" . inds:USem64559ateneo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4984professore, inds:USem62270studente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64559ateneo is ateneo" ; rdfs:label " ateneo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6455pezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6455pezza is pezza" ; rdfs:label " pezza_as_Part" . inds:USem64560bettola simple:hasIsa inds:USem5449osteria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64560bettola is bettola" ; rdfs:label " bettola_as_Building" . inds:USem64561bicocca simple:hasIsa inds:USem62670catapecchia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64561bicocca is bicocca" ; rdfs:label " bicocca_as_Building" . inds:USem64562bivacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61236sostare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64562bivacco is bivacco" ; rdfs:label " bivacco_as_Building" . inds:USem64563bowling simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64563bowling is bowling" ; rdfs:label " bowling_as_Domain" . inds:USem64564bowling simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64563bowling ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem79160giocare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64564bowling is bowling" ; rdfs:label " bowling_as_Building" . inds:USem64565videoteca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem65443videocassetta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64565videoteca is videoteca" ; rdfs:label " videoteca_as_Building" . inds:USem64566ambasciata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3570diplomatico, inds:USem3586ambasciatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64566ambasciata is ambasciata" ; rdfs:label " ambasciata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64567velodromo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64567velodromo is velodromo" ; rdfs:label " velodromo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64568brefotrofio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63667orfano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64568brefotrofio is brefotrofio" ; rdfs:label " brefotrofio_as_Building" . inds:USem64569brefotrofio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4589istituto ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5717soccorrere ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64569brefotrofio is brefotrofio" ; rdfs:label " brefotrofio_as_Institution" . inds:USem6456pezzo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6456pezzo is pezzo" ; rdfs:label " pezzo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem64570brefotrofio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64570brefotrofio is brefotrofio" ; rdfs:label " brefotrofio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64571bugigattolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64571bugigattolo is bugigattolo" ; rdfs:label " bugigattolo_as_Part" . inds:USem64572bugigattolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64572bugigattolo is bugigattolo" ; rdfs:label " bugigattolo_as_Building" . inds:USem64573bureau simple:hasIsa inds:USem59468ufficio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62365hotel ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64573bureau is bureau" ; rdfs:label " bureau_as_Part" . inds:USem64574calzificio simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64574calzificio is calzificio" ; rdfs:label " calzificio_as_Building" . inds:USem64575impasto simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64575impasto is impasto" ; rdfs:label " impasto_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem64576calzificio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64576calzificio is calzificio" ; rdfs:label " calzificio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64577campidoglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7095collina ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1173roma ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64577campidoglio is campidoglio" ; rdfs:label " campidoglio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64578foderare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7445foderato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64578foderare is foderare" ; rdfs:label " foderare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem64579campidoglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64579campidoglio is campidoglio" ; rdfs:label " campidoglio_as_Building" . inds:USem6457porzione simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6457porzione is porzione" ; rdfs:label " porzione_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem64580campidoglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1173roma ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64580campidoglio is campidoglio" ; rdfs:label " campidoglio_as_Institution" . inds:USem64581canonica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63573parroco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64581canonica is canonica" ; rdfs:label " canonica_as_Building" . inds:USem64582isolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64582isolare is isolare" ; rdfs:label " isolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64583casino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64583casino is casino" ; rdfs:label " casino_as_Building" . inds:USem64584casino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64584casino is casino" ; rdfs:label " casino_as_Location" . inds:USem64585casupola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64585casupola is casupola" ; rdfs:label " casupola_as_Building" . inds:USem64586cattedrale simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2269navata ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2214chiesa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5044pregare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64586cattedrale is cattedrale" ; rdfs:label " cattedrale_as_Building" . inds:USem64587cavalcavia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60395collegare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64587cavalcavia is cavalcavia" ; rdfs:label " cavalcavia_as_Building" . inds:USem64588cesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64588cesso is cesso" ; rdfs:label " cesso_as_Part" . inds:USem64589cesso simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD2668brutto ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64589cesso is cesso" ; rdfs:label " cesso_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem64590cesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64590cesso is cesso" ; rdfs:label " cesso_as_Human" . inds:USem64591chiosco simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64591chiosco is chiosco" ; rdfs:label " chiosco_as_Building" . inds:USem64592cineteca simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63839pellicola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62493proiettare, inds:USemD5931collezionare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64592cineteca is cineteca" ; rdfs:label " cineteca_as_Building" . inds:USem64594colombario simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem72030loculo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1476seppellire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64594colombario is colombario" ; rdfs:label " colombario_as_Building" . inds:USem64596colonnato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD7455colonna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64596colonnato is colonnato" ; rdfs:label " colonnato_as_Building" . inds:USem64597colonna simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64597colonna is colonna" ; rdfs:label " colonna_as_Group" . inds:USem64598colonna simple:hasTelic inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64598colonna is colonna" ; rdfs:label " colonna_as_Telic" . inds:USem64599conservatorio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4166aula ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2218scuola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64599conservatorio is conservatorio" ; rdfs:label " conservatorio_as_Building" . inds:USem6459sezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6459sezione is sezione" ; rdfs:label " sezione_as_Part" . inds:USem64600conservatorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64600conservatorio is conservatorio" ; rdfs:label " conservatorio_as_Institution" . inds:USem64601convitto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem61414educare, inds:USemD5515alloggiare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64601convitto is convitto" ; rdfs:label " convitto_as_Institution" . inds:USem64602cioccolatino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD959cioccolato ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64602cioccolatino is cioccolatino" ; rdfs:label " cioccolatino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem64603cotoletta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59564friggere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64603cotoletta is cotoletta" ; rdfs:label " cotoletta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem64604toast simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5116tostare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64604toast is toast" ; rdfs:label " toast_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem64605wafer simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4349biscotto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64605wafer is wafer" ; rdfs:label " wafer_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem64606macedonia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1081tagliare, inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3875frutta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64606macedonia is macedonia" ; rdfs:label " macedonia_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem64607caviale simple:hasIsa inds:USem3411uovo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64607caviale is caviale" ; rdfs:label " caviale_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem64608sorbetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5190congelare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4511gelato ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem62862frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64608sorbetto is sorbetto" ; rdfs:label " sorbetto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem64609purea simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61204passare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1687patata ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64609purea is purea" ; rdfs:label " purea_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem6460dichiarare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6460dichiarare is dichiarare" ; rdfs:label " dichiarare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem64610cocktail simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64610cocktail is cocktail" ; rdfs:label " cocktail_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem64611frullato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64611frullato is frullato" ; rdfs:label " frullato_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem64612garantire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64612garantire is garantire" ; rdfs:label " garantire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64613garantire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64613garantire is garantire" ; rdfs:label " garantire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64614garantire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64614garantire is garantire" ; rdfs:label " garantire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64615garante simple:hasAgentive inds:USem64521garantire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64615garante is garante" ; rdfs:label " garante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64616divorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64616divorare is divorare" ; rdfs:label " divorare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64618divorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64618divorare is divorare" ; rdfs:label " divorare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem64619divoratore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64616divorare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64619divoratore is divoratore" ; rdfs:label " divoratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64620contestatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60756contestare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64620contestatore is contestatore" ; rdfs:label " contestatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64621divulgatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7075divulgare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64621divulgatore is divulgatore" ; rdfs:label " divulgatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64622consigliere simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60070consigliare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64622consigliere is consigliere" ; rdfs:label " consigliere_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64623rappresentante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD7323rappresentare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64623rappresentante is rappresentante" ; rdfs:label " rappresentante_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64624seminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64624seminare is seminare" ; rdfs:label " seminare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64625convitto simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62270studente ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem60906camera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5515alloggiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64625convitto is convitto" ; rdfs:label " convitto_as_Building" . inds:USem64626convitto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem60848alunno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64626convitto is convitto" ; rdfs:label " convitto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64628seminatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64624seminare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64628seminatore is seminatore" ; rdfs:label " seminatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64629intercettatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5231intercettare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64629intercettatore is intercettatore" ; rdfs:label " intercettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem6462alludere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6462alludere is alludere" ; rdfs:label " alludere_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem64630rivendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4677vendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64630rivendere is rivendere" ; rdfs:label " rivendere_as_Transaction" . inds:USem64631corsia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60390separare, inds:USemD6389passare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64631corsia is corsia" ; rdfs:label " corsia_as_Location" . inds:USem64632rivenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64632rivenditore is rivenditore" ; rdfs:label " rivenditore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64633corsia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64634tappeto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64633corsia is corsia" ; rdfs:label " corsia_as_Furniture" . inds:USem64634tappeto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5420drappo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64634tappeto is tappeto" ; rdfs:label " tappeto_as_Furniture" . inds:USem64635riduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem60234ridurre, inds:USemD5182adattare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64635riduttore is riduttore" ; rdfs:label " riduttore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64636viscosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64636viscosa is viscosa" ; rdfs:label " viscosa_as_Substance" . inds:USem64637corsia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4135zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem64524carreggiata ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64637corsia is corsia" ; rdfs:label " corsia_as_Part" . inds:USem64638lanciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64638lanciatore is lanciatore" ; rdfs:label " lanciatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64639dacia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64476villetta ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2195russia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64639dacia is dacia" ; rdfs:label " dacia_as_Building" . inds:USem6463allusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6463allusione is allusione" ; rdfs:label " allusione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem64640dancing simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD6056ballo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6779ballare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64640dancing is dancing" ; rdfs:label " dancing_as_Building" . inds:USem64642darsena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemTH39321porto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64642darsena is darsena" ; rdfs:label " darsena_as_Part" . inds:USem64643intenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64643intenditore is intenditore" ; rdfs:label " intenditore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64644discoteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2439disco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63394collezione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64644discoteca is discoteca" ; rdfs:label " discoteca_as_Group" . inds:USem64645discoteca simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD6056ballo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68077locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6779ballare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64645discoteca is discoteca" ; rdfs:label " discoteca_as_Building" . inds:USem64646mandante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64646mandante is mandante" ; rdfs:label " mandante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64648diurno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6955lavare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64648diurno is diurno" ; rdfs:label " diurno_as_Building" . inds:USem64649dogana simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64649dogana is dogana" ; rdfs:label " dogana_as_Building" . inds:USem6464dichiarazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6464dichiarazione is dichiarazione" ; rdfs:label " dichiarazione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem64650presiedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64650presiedere is presiedere" ; rdfs:label " presiedere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64651saggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64651saggiare is saggiare" ; rdfs:label " saggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64652saggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem64651saggiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64652saggiatore is saggiatore" ; rdfs:label " saggiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64653dormitorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2252caserma, inds:USem2256convento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64653dormitorio is dormitorio" ; rdfs:label " dormitorio_as_Part" . inds:USem64654identificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6238individuare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64654identificare is identificare" ; rdfs:label " identificare_as_Perception" . inds:USem64655dormitorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64655dormitorio is dormitorio" ; rdfs:label " dormitorio_as_Location" . inds:USem64658identificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64658identificare is identificare" ; rdfs:label " identificare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem64659ebanisteria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5300laboratorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64659ebanisteria is ebanisteria" ; rdfs:label " ebanisteria_as_Building" . inds:USem6465informazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6465informazione is informazione" ; rdfs:label " informazione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem64660identificatore simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2704carattere ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64660identificatore is identificatore" ; rdfs:label " identificatore_as_Sign" . inds:USem64661fortificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64661fortificazione is fortificazione" ; rdfs:label " fortificazione_as_Building" . inds:USem64662fortino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64662fortino is fortino" ; rdfs:label " fortino_as_Building" . inds:USem64663gabinetto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem79318gabinetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64663gabinetto is gabinetto" ; rdfs:label " gabinetto_as_Part" . inds:USem64664gabinetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64664gabinetto is gabinetto" ; rdfs:label " gabinetto_as_Building" . inds:USem64665sequestrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64665sequestrare is sequestrare" ; rdfs:label " sequestrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64666sequestratore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64665sequestrare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64666sequestratore is sequestratore" ; rdfs:label " sequestratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64667istitutore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD589istituire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64667istitutore is istitutore" ; rdfs:label " istitutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64668saldare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64668saldare is saldare" ; rdfs:label " saldare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem64669saldare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7196cicatrizzare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64669saldare is saldare" ; rdfs:label " saldare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem64670saldatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem64668saldare ; simple:hasUses inds:USemTH8080saldatrice ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64670saldatore is saldatore" ; rdfs:label " saldatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64671ginnasio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4166aula ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64671ginnasio is ginnasio" ; rdfs:label " ginnasio_as_Building" . inds:USem64672rinnovare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64672rinnovare is rinnovare" ; rdfs:label " rinnovare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64673ginnasio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64673ginnasio is ginnasio" ; rdfs:label " ginnasio_as_Institution" . inds:USem64674rinnovatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem64672rinnovare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64674rinnovatore is rinnovatore" ; rdfs:label " rinnovatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64675guidatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64675guidatore is guidatore" ; rdfs:label " guidatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64676ipermercato simple:hasIsa inds:USem69587emporio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64676ipermercato is ipermercato" ; rdfs:label " ipermercato_as_Building" . inds:USem64677lavanderia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62376industria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64677lavanderia is lavanderia" ; rdfs:label " lavanderia_as_Building" . inds:USem64678orfanotrofio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63667orfano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64678orfanotrofio is orfanotrofio" ; rdfs:label " orfanotrofio_as_Building" . inds:USem64679scaricare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64679scaricare is scaricare" ; rdfs:label " scaricare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem6467affermazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem62691informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6467affermazione is affermazione" ; rdfs:label " affermazione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem64680ostello simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60908soggiornare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64680ostello is ostello" ; rdfs:label " ostello_as_Building" . inds:USem64681scaricatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem64679scaricare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64681scaricatore is scaricatore" ; rdfs:label " scaricatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64682veranda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64682veranda is veranda" ; rdfs:label " veranda_as_Part" . inds:USem64683trullo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64683trullo is trullo" ; rdfs:label " trullo_as_Building" . inds:USem64684tinello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64684tinello is tinello" ; rdfs:label " tinello_as_Part" . inds:USem64686sottotetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64686sottotetto is sottotetto" ; rdfs:label " sottotetto_as_Part" . inds:USem64687servitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1663servire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64687servitore is servitore" ; rdfs:label " servitore_as_Profession" . inds:USem64688sgabuzzino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64688sgabuzzino is sgabuzzino" ; rdfs:label " sgabuzzino_as_Part" . inds:USem64689lazzaretto simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67458paziente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60931ospedale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63664isolare, inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64689lazzaretto is lazzaretto" ; rdfs:label " lazzaretto_as_Building" . inds:USem6468riportare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6468riportare is riportare" ; rdfs:label " riportare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem64690taverna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64690taverna is taverna" ; rdfs:label " taverna_as_Building" . inds:USem64691spalto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62499stadio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64691spalto is spalto" ; rdfs:label " spalto_as_Part" . inds:USem64692spalto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64692spalto is spalto" ; rdfs:label " spalto_as_Building" . inds:USem64693lebbrosario simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63505lebbroso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60931ospedale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63664isolare, inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64693lebbrosario is lebbrosario" ; rdfs:label " lebbrosario_as_Building" . inds:USem64695lebbrosario simple:hasIsa inds:USem60932ospedale ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem63664isolare, inds:USemD1189ricoverare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64695lebbrosario is lebbrosario" ; rdfs:label " lebbrosario_as_Institution" . inds:USem64696telegrafo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75054trasmettere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64696telegrafo is telegrafo" ; rdfs:label " telegrafo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem64697altezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62090alto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64697altezza is altezza" ; rdfs:label " altezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem64698manicomio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60931ospedale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64698manicomio is manicomio" ; rdfs:label " manicomio_as_Building" . inds:USem64699telegrafo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64699telegrafo is telegrafo" ; rdfs:label " telegrafo_as_Building" . inds:USem6469sostenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6469sostenere is sostenere" ; rdfs:label " sostenere_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem64700manicomio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64700manicomio is manicomio" ; rdfs:label " manicomio_as_Location" . inds:USem64701assegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64701assegnare is assegnare" ; rdfs:label " assegnare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64702maniero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2253castello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare, inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64702maniero is maniero" ; rdfs:label " maniero_as_Building" . inds:USem64703manifattura simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64703manifattura is manifattura" ; rdfs:label " manifattura_as_Building" . inds:USem64704serraglio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64704serraglio is serraglio" ; rdfs:label " serraglio_as_Group" . inds:USem64705serraglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60912dimora ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64705serraglio is serraglio" ; rdfs:label " serraglio_as_Building" . inds:USem64706municipio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD1550ufficio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64706municipio is municipio" ; rdfs:label " municipio_as_Building" . inds:USem64707obitorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62851conservare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64707obitorio is obitorio" ; rdfs:label " obitorio_as_Part" . inds:USem64709catena simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59888elemento ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64709catena is catena" ; rdfs:label " catena_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem6470asserire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6470asserire is asserire" ; rdfs:label " asserire_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem64710pastificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2261industria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64710pastificio is pastificio" ; rdfs:label " pastificio_as_Building" . inds:USem64711pastificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64711pastificio is pastificio" ; rdfs:label " pastificio_as_Building" . inds:USem64712orfanotrofio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4589istituto ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64712orfanotrofio is orfanotrofio" ; rdfs:label " orfanotrofio_as_Institution" . inds:USem64713pergola simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64713pergola is pergola" ; rdfs:label " pergola_as_Building" . inds:USem64714pergolato simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64714pergolato is pergolato" ; rdfs:label " pergolato_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem64715pergolato simple:hasIsa inds:USem64713pergola ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64715pergolato is pergolato" ; rdfs:label " pergolato_as_Building" . inds:USem64716piccionaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64716piccionaia is piccionaia" ; rdfs:label " piccionaia_as_Building" . inds:USem64717piccionaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem60965soffitta ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64717piccionaia is piccionaia" ; rdfs:label " piccionaia_as_Part" . inds:USem64718pinacoteca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2851quadro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61149esporre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64718pinacoteca is pinacoteca" ; rdfs:label " pinacoteca_as_Building" . inds:USem64719poliambulatorio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD63448ambulatorio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60032visitare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64719poliambulatorio is poliambulatorio" ; rdfs:label " poliambulatorio_as_Building" . inds:USem6471asserzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6471asserzione is asserzione" ; rdfs:label " asserzione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem64720poliambulatorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64720poliambulatorio is poliambulatorio" ; rdfs:label " poliambulatorio_as_Institution" . inds:USem64721policlinico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64721policlinico is policlinico" ; rdfs:label " policlinico_as_Institution" . inds:USem64722polveriera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64722polveriera is polveriera" ; rdfs:label " polveriera_as_Location" . inds:USem64723porticato simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64723porticato is porticato" ; rdfs:label " porticato_as_Building" . inds:USem64724procura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5491procuratore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64724procura is procura" ; rdfs:label " procura_as_Building" . inds:USem64725collegio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64725collegio is collegio" ; rdfs:label " collegio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64727segreta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64727segreta is segreta" ; rdfs:label " segreta_as_Part" . inds:USem64728scuderia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem919cavallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64728scuderia is scuderia" ; rdfs:label " scuderia_as_Group" . inds:USem64729ridosso simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64729ridosso is ridosso" ; rdfs:label " ridosso_as_Building" . inds:USem6472comunicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6472comunicare is comunicare" ; rdfs:label " comunicare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem64730sanatorio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67458paziente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64730sanatorio is sanatorio" ; rdfs:label " sanatorio_as_Building" . inds:USem64731scuderia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasTypicalLocation inds:USem919cavallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64731scuderia is scuderia" ; rdfs:label " scuderia_as_Building" . inds:USem64732scuderia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64732scuderia is scuderia" ; rdfs:label " scuderia_as_Group" . inds:USem64733tomba simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1476seppellire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64733tomba is tomba" ; rdfs:label " tomba_as_Building" . inds:USem64734sepolcro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1476seppellire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64734sepolcro is sepolcro" ; rdfs:label " sepolcro_as_Building" . inds:USem64735colonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem59143organizzare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64735colonia is colonia" ; rdfs:label " colonia_as_Institution" . inds:USem64736vespasiano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64736vespasiano is vespasiano" ; rdfs:label " vespasiano_as_Building" . inds:USem64737viadotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60395collegare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64737viadotto is viadotto" ; rdfs:label " viadotto_as_Building" . inds:USem64738condannare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60774disapprovare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64738condannare is condannare" ; rdfs:label " condannare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem64739spacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem7109taglio ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64739spacco is spacco" ; rdfs:label " spacco_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6473riferire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6473riferire is riferire" ; rdfs:label " riferire_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem64741terracina simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64741terracina is terracina" ; rdfs:label " terracina_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64742spacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64742spacco is spacco" ; rdfs:label " spacco_as_Opening" . inds:USem64743costituzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64743costituzione is costituzione" ; rdfs:label " costituzione_as_Convention" . inds:USem64744costituzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64744costituzione is costituzione" ; rdfs:label " costituzione_as_State" . inds:USem64745zenit simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2298cielo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64745zenit is zenit" ; rdfs:label " zenit_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem64746seguito simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64746seguito is seguito" ; rdfs:label " seguito_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64747seguito simple:hasIsa inds:USem60062continuazione ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64747seguito is seguito" ; rdfs:label " seguito_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem64748coro simple:hasIsa inds:USem60126canto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64748coro is coro" ; rdfs:label " coro_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem64749coro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2214chiesa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64749coro is coro" ; rdfs:label " coro_as_Part" . inds:USem6474comunicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6474comunicazione is comunicazione" ; rdfs:label " comunicazione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem64750diaframma simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3375elemento ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64750diaframma is diaframma" ; rdfs:label " diaframma_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem64751diaframma simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64751diaframma is diaframma" ; rdfs:label " diaframma_as_Instrument" . inds:USem64752tropico simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64752tropico is tropico" ; rdfs:label " tropico_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem64754diaframma simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7136anticoncezionale ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64754diaframma is diaframma" ; rdfs:label " diaframma_as_Instrument" . inds:USem64755canalone simple:hasIsa inds:USem61448canale ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64755canalone is canalone" ; rdfs:label " canalone_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64756circo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4406conca ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64756circo is circo" ; rdfs:label " circo_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64757cordigliera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7369catena ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64757cordigliera is cordigliera" ; rdfs:label " cordigliera_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64758costiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem59527costa ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64758costiera is costiera" ; rdfs:label " costiera_as_Area" . inds:USem64759equatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64759equatore is equatore" ; rdfs:label " equatore_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem6475informare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6475informare is informare" ; rdfs:label " informare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem64760crepaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64760crepaccio is crepaccio" ; rdfs:label " crepaccio_as_Opening" . inds:USem64761declivio simple:hasIsa inds:USem61174pendio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64761declivio is declivio" ; rdfs:label " declivio_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64762fiordo simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63510insenatura ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64762fiordo is fiordo" ; rdfs:label " fiordo_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64763fossato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63511fosso ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64763fossato is fossato" ; rdfs:label " fossato_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64764deiezione simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64764deiezione is deiezione" ; rdfs:label " deiezione_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem64765solco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59130scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64765solco is solco" ; rdfs:label " solco_as_Opening" . inds:USem64766deiezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64766deiezione is deiezione" ; rdfs:label " deiezione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64767bagnasciuga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64767bagnasciuga is bagnasciuga" ; rdfs:label " bagnasciuga_as_Part" . inds:USem64768ghiacciaio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2226montagna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59485massa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3871ghiaccio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64768ghiacciaio is ghiacciaio" ; rdfs:label " ghiacciaio_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64769campeggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63423campeggiare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64769campeggio is campeggio" ; rdfs:label " campeggio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64770laguna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64770laguna is laguna" ; rdfs:label " laguna_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64771diplomare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64771diplomare is diplomare" ; rdfs:label " diplomare_as_Event" . inds:USem64772campeggio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64772campeggio is campeggio" ; rdfs:label " campeggio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64773oceano simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USem77041sale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59529distesa ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64773oceano is oceano" ; rdfs:label " oceano_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64774campeggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem61238sosta ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64774campeggio is campeggio" ; rdfs:label " campeggio_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem64775penisola simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64775penisola is penisola" ; rdfs:label " penisola_as_Area" . inds:USem64776camposanto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4136zona ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1476seppellire ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64776camposanto is camposanto" ; rdfs:label " camposanto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64777circondario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64777circondario is circondario" ; rdfs:label " circondario_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64778plateau simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63512altopiano ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64778plateau is plateau" ; rdfs:label " plateau_as_Area" . inds:USem64779circondario simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64779circondario is circondario" ; rdfs:label " circondario_as_Location" . inds:USem64780poggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2228altura ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64780poggio is poggio" ; rdfs:label " poggio_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64783comprensorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64783comprensorio is comprensorio" ; rdfs:label " comprensorio_as_Area" . inds:USem64784pozzanghera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63514pozza ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64784pozzanghera is pozzanghera" ; rdfs:label " pozzanghera_as_Area" . inds:USem64786estuario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5089fiume ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64786estuario is estuario" ; rdfs:label " estuario_as_Part" . inds:USem64787dovere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64787dovere is dovere" ; rdfs:label " dovere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem64788fondale simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64788fondale is fondale" ; rdfs:label " fondale_as_Area" . inds:USem64789fondale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2068profondita1 ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64789fondale is fondale" ; rdfs:label " fondale_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem6478scrosciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6478scrosciare is scrosciare" ; rdfs:label " scrosciare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64790paraggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64790paraggio is paraggio" ; rdfs:label " paraggio_as_Location" . inds:USem64791paraggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64791paraggio is paraggio" ; rdfs:label " paraggio_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64792ripiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6166superficie ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64792ripiano is ripiano" ; rdfs:label " ripiano_as_Area" . inds:USem64793riviera simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64793riviera is riviera" ; rdfs:label " riviera_as_Area" . inds:USem64794savana simple:hasContains inds:USemD63515savana ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59534pianura ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64794savana is savana" ; rdfs:label " savana_as_Area" . inds:USem64795durare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64795durare is durare" ; rdfs:label " durare_as_Event" . inds:USem64796durare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64796durare is durare" ; rdfs:label " durare_as_State" . inds:USem64797solfatara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5527cavita1 ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64797solfatara is solfatara" ; rdfs:label " solfatara_as_Opening" . inds:USem64798solfatara simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3427zolfo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61459deposito ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64798solfatara is solfatara" ; rdfs:label " solfatara_as_Area" . inds:USem64799rada simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63510insenatura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64799rada is rada" ; rdfs:label " rada_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64800rigagnolo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64800rigagnolo is rigagnolo" ; rdfs:label " rigagnolo_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64801rupe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2046dirupo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64801rupe is rupe" ; rdfs:label " rupe_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64802ruscello simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64802ruscello is ruscello" ; rdfs:label " ruscello_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64803scogliera simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD63517scoglio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64803scogliera is scogliera" ; rdfs:label " scogliera_as_Group" . inds:USem64804strapiombo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2046dirupo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64804strapiombo is strapiombo" ; rdfs:label " strapiombo_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64805calcolatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64805calcolatore is calcolatore" ; rdfs:label " calcolatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem64806computer simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64805calcolatore ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64806computer is computer" ; rdfs:label " computer_as_Instrument" . inds:USem64807tana simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64807tana is tana" ; rdfs:label " tana_as_Building" . inds:USem64808esperimentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64808esperimentare is esperimentare" ; rdfs:label " esperimentare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64809tana simple:hasConcerns inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem60498scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64809tana is tana" ; rdfs:label " tana_as_Opening" . inds:USem64810termitaio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4645termite ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem60498scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64810termitaio is termitaio" ; rdfs:label " termitaio_as_Opening" . inds:USem64811tombolo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD5318sabbia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4172rilievo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64811tombolo is tombolo" ; rdfs:label " tombolo_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64812tombolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59133ricamare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64812tombolo is tombolo" ; rdfs:label " tombolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem64813topaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64813topaia is topaia" ; rdfs:label " topaia_as_Location" . inds:USem64814torrente simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64814torrente is torrente" ; rdfs:label " torrente_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64815tumulo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3006terra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4172rilievo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64815tumulo is tumulo" ; rdfs:label " tumulo_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64816tumulo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1476seppellire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64816tumulo is tumulo" ; rdfs:label " tumulo_as_Building" . inds:USem64817vedretta simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3871ghiaccio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64768ghiacciaio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem64756circo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64817vedretta is vedretta" ; rdfs:label " vedretta_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem64818voragine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64818voragine is voragine" ; rdfs:label " voragine_as_Opening" . inds:USem64819esperimentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64819esperimentare is esperimentare" ; rdfs:label " esperimentare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64820fallire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64820fallire is fallire" ; rdfs:label " fallire_as_Event" . inds:USem64821fallire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64821fallire is fallire" ; rdfs:label " fallire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64822fortificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64822fortificare is fortificare" ; rdfs:label " fortificare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64823fortificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64823fortificare is fortificare" ; rdfs:label " fortificare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem64824generare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64824generare is generare" ; rdfs:label " generare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem64825generare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64825generare is generare" ; rdfs:label " generare_as_Cause" . inds:USem64826germe simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64826germe is germe" ; rdfs:label " germe_as_Agentive" . inds:USem64827embrione simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64827embrione is embrione" ; rdfs:label " embrione_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem64828germe simple:hasIsa inds:USem64827embrione ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64828germe is germe" ; rdfs:label " germe_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem64829giustizia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2730potere ; a simple:Social_Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64829giustizia is giustizia" ; rdfs:label " giustizia_as_Social_Property" . inds:USem64830giustizia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64830giustizia is giustizia" ; rdfs:label " giustizia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem64831imboscare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60887nascondere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64831imboscare is imboscare" ; rdfs:label " imboscare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem64832imboscare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64832imboscare is imboscare" ; rdfs:label " imboscare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64833imbottire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5123farcire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64833imbottire is imbottire" ; rdfs:label " imbottire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64834imbottire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63527imbottito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64834imbottire is imbottire" ; rdfs:label " imbottire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem64835imbottire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64835imbottire is imbottire" ; rdfs:label " imbottire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64837imbottire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64837imbottire is imbottire" ; rdfs:label " imbottire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64838incrociare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64838incrociare is incrociare" ; rdfs:label " incrociare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64839incrociare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64839incrociare is incrociare" ; rdfs:label " incrociare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64840incrociare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64840incrociare is incrociare" ; rdfs:label " incrociare_as_State" . inds:USem64841commuovere simple:hasFeeling inds:USem78084commozione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64841commuovere is commuovere" ; rdfs:label " commuovere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem64842incrocio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64842incrocio is incrocio" ; rdfs:label " incrocio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64843intendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64843intendere is intendere" ; rdfs:label " intendere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64844intendere simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1820orecchio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64844intendere is intendere" ; rdfs:label " intendere_as_Perception" . inds:USem64846intrattenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64846intrattenere is intrattenere" ; rdfs:label " intrattenere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64847intrattenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64847intrattenere is intrattenere" ; rdfs:label " intrattenere_as_State" . inds:USem64848legione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64848legione is legione" ; rdfs:label " legione_as_Amount" . inds:USem64849lusingare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64849lusingare is lusingare" ; rdfs:label " lusingare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64850otturare simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64850otturare is otturare" ; rdfs:label " otturare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64851paglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5400paglia ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64851paglia is paglia" ; rdfs:label " paglia_as_Artwork" . inds:USem64852panno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64852panno is panno" ; rdfs:label " panno_as_Clothing" . inds:USem64853particella simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64853particella is particella" ; rdfs:label " particella_as_Sign" . inds:USem64854valico simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2226montagna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6389passare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64854valico is valico" ; rdfs:label " valico_as_Location" . inds:USem64855passo simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64855passo is passo" ; rdfs:label " passo_as_Move" . inds:USem64856passo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64856passo is passo" ; rdfs:label " passo_as_Part" . inds:USem64857perturbare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60049turbamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64857perturbare is perturbare" ; rdfs:label " perturbare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem64858precedere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3951accadere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64858precedere is precedere" ; rdfs:label " precedere_as_State" . inds:USem64859prevenire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64859prevenire is prevenire" ; rdfs:label " prevenire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64860provincia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64860provincia is provincia" ; rdfs:label " provincia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64861provincia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64861provincia is provincia" ; rdfs:label " provincia_as_Building" . inds:USem64862provincia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64862provincia is provincia" ; rdfs:label " provincia_as_Location" . inds:USem64863raccogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64863raccogliere is raccogliere" ; rdfs:label " raccogliere_as_State" . inds:USem64864raccolta simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64864raccolta is raccolta" ; rdfs:label " raccolta_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem64866rapporto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64866rapporto is rapporto" ; rdfs:label " rapporto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64867rapporto simple:hasIsa inds:USem79138relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64867rapporto is rapporto" ; rdfs:label " rapporto_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem64868rapporto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64868rapporto is rapporto" ; rdfs:label " rapporto_as_Representation" . inds:USem64869rapporto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64869rapporto is rapporto" ; rdfs:label " rapporto_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem64870ricettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60388prescrivere ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64870ricettare is ricettare" ; rdfs:label " ricettare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64871risciacquare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64871risciacquare is risciacquare" ; rdfs:label " risciacquare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64872aborigeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64872aborigeno is aborigeno" ; rdfs:label " aborigeno_as_Human" . inds:USem64873babele simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64873babele is babele" ; rdfs:label " babele_as_Location" . inds:USem64874biliardo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2358tavolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64874biliardo is biliardo" ; rdfs:label " biliardo_as_Furniture" . inds:USem64875processo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64875processo is processo" ; rdfs:label " processo_as_Event" . inds:USem64876salvare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64876salvare is salvare" ; rdfs:label " salvare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64877salvare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64877salvare is salvare" ; rdfs:label " salvare_as_Event" . inds:USem64879scegliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64879scegliere is scegliere" ; rdfs:label " scegliere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64880seppellire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64880seppellire is seppellire" ; rdfs:label " seppellire_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem64881seppellire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64881seppellire is seppellire" ; rdfs:label " seppellire_as_Event" . inds:USem64882banco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2358tavolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64882banco is banco" ; rdfs:label " banco_as_Furniture" . inds:USem64883seppellire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64883seppellire is seppellire" ; rdfs:label " seppellire_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem64884banco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64884banco is banco" ; rdfs:label " banco_as_Furniture" . inds:USem64885setacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64885setacciare is setacciare" ; rdfs:label " setacciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64886addensare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64886addensare is addensare" ; rdfs:label " addensare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem64887sterilizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64887sterilizzare is sterilizzare" ; rdfs:label " sterilizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64888strategia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64888strategia is strategia" ; rdfs:label " strategia_as_Domain" . inds:USem64889striscia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64889striscia is striscia" ; rdfs:label " striscia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem64890striscia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64890striscia is striscia" ; rdfs:label " striscia_as_Information" . inds:USem64891torrefazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63549torrefatto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64891torrefazione is torrefazione" ; rdfs:label " torrefazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem64892box simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64892box is box" ; rdfs:label " box_as_Location" . inds:USem64893bugno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasTypicalLocation inds:USemD5442ape ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64893bugno is bugno" ; rdfs:label " bugno_as_Building" . inds:USem64895tradurre simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64895tradurre is tradurre" ; rdfs:label " tradurre_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem64896cachemire simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1928capra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3167lana ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64896cachemire is cachemire" ; rdfs:label " cachemire_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem64897traduzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64897traduzione is traduzione" ; rdfs:label " traduzione_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem64898cachemire simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64898cachemire is cachemire" ; rdfs:label " cachemire_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem64899berretta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64899berretta is berretta" ; rdfs:label " berretta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem64900traduzione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem63572tradurre ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64900traduzione is traduzione" ; rdfs:label " traduzione_as_Information" . inds:USem64901berretto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64901berretto is berretto" ; rdfs:label " berretto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem64902usurare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63553usurato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64902usurare is usurare" ; rdfs:label " usurare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem64903usura simple:hasIsa inds:USem64875processo ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63553usurato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64903usura is usura" ; rdfs:label " usura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem64904autobiografia simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64904autobiografia is autobiografia" ; rdfs:label " autobiografia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64905cadavere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64905cadavere is cadavere" ; rdfs:label " cadavere_as_Human" . inds:USem64907campiello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4706piazza ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64907campiello is campiello" ; rdfs:label " campiello_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64908cantarella simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64908cantarella is cantarella" ; rdfs:label " cantarella_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem64909castrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64909castrare is castrare" ; rdfs:label " castrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64911bibbia simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64911bibbia is bibbia" ; rdfs:label " bibbia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64913cavallone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64913cavallone is cavallone" ; rdfs:label " cavallone_as_Human" . inds:USem64914biografia simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64914biografia is biografia" ; rdfs:label " biografia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64915castrato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem64909castrare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64915castrato is castrato" ; rdfs:label " castrato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem64916breviario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64916breviario is breviario" ; rdfs:label " breviario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64917castrato simple:hasIsa inds:USem871agnello ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64917castrato is castrato" ; rdfs:label " castrato_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem64918compiacere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64918compiacere is compiacere" ; rdfs:label " compiacere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64920compiacere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60759congratulare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64920compiacere is compiacere" ; rdfs:label " compiacere_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem64921cessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4730bosco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64921cessa is cessa" ; rdfs:label " cessa_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem64922compiacere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64922compiacere is compiacere" ; rdfs:label " compiacere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem64923chiurlo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem62768cantare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64923chiurlo is chiurlo" ; rdfs:label " chiurlo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem64924blocchetto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63559blocco ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64924blocchetto is blocchetto" ; rdfs:label " blocchetto_as_Group" . inds:USem64925cimelio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64925cimelio is cimelio" ; rdfs:label " cimelio_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem64926notes simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60942quaderno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64926notes is notes" ; rdfs:label " notes_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64927colosso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4296statua ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64927colosso is colosso" ; rdfs:label " colosso_as_Artwork" . inds:USem64928colosso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64928colosso is colosso" ; rdfs:label " colosso_as_Human" . inds:USem64929confidente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64929confidente is confidente" ; rdfs:label " confidente_as_Kinship" . inds:USem64930taccuino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64930taccuino is taccuino" ; rdfs:label " taccuino_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64932appellativo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64932appellativo is appellativo" ; rdfs:label " appellativo_as_Convention" . inds:USem64933canzoniere simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64933canzoniere is canzoniere" ; rdfs:label " canzoniere_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64934cartiglio simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63562rotolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2646decorare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64934cartiglio is cartiglio" ; rdfs:label " cartiglio_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64935consociare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74942unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64935consociare is consociare" ; rdfs:label " consociare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem64936consorziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74942unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64936consorziare is consorziare" ; rdfs:label " consorziare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem64937commentario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64937commentario is commentario" ; rdfs:label " commentario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64938constare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64938constare is constare" ; rdfs:label " constare_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem64940contagiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem78910trasmettere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64940contagiare is contagiare" ; rdfs:label " contagiare_as_State" . inds:USem64941contagiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64941contagiare is contagiare" ; rdfs:label " contagiare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem64942contendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5618competere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64942contendere is contendere" ; rdfs:label " contendere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64943contendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4809litigare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64943contendere is contendere" ; rdfs:label " contendere_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem64944contessina simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64944contessina is contessina" ; rdfs:label " contessina_as_Social_status" . inds:USem64945contornare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64945contornare is contornare" ; rdfs:label " contornare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64946cresimato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD66110cresimare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64946cresimato is cresimato" ; rdfs:label " cresimato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem64947consuntivo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64947consuntivo is consuntivo" ; rdfs:label " consuntivo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64948contrappesare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76963bilanciare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64948contrappesare is contrappesare" ; rdfs:label " contrappesare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64949crisalide simple:hasIsa inds:USem4399farfalla ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64949crisalide is crisalide" ; rdfs:label " crisalide_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem64950crocerossina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3631infermiere ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare, inds:USemD5282assistere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64950crocerossina is crocerossina" ; rdfs:label " crocerossina_as_Profession" . inds:USem64951cuccagna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64951cuccagna is cuccagna" ; rdfs:label " cuccagna_as_Location" . inds:USem64952corano simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64952corano is corano" ; rdfs:label " corano_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64953coupon simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64953coupon is coupon" ; rdfs:label " coupon_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64955contrappesare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64955contrappesare is contrappesare" ; rdfs:label " contrappesare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem64956terra simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64956terra is terra" ; rdfs:label " terra_as_Area" . inds:USem64957contrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64957contrare is contrare" ; rdfs:label " contrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64958cutrettola simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem59115cacciare ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64958cutrettola is cutrettola" ; rdfs:label " cutrettola_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem64959debole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64959debole is debole" ; rdfs:label " debole_as_Human" . inds:USem64960decadente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD63570decadentismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64960decadente is decadente" ; rdfs:label " decadente_as_Ideo" . inds:USem64961degente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60453ammalare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem60931ospedale ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64961degente is degente" ; rdfs:label " degente_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem64962demente simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem2563demenza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64962demente is demente" ; rdfs:label " demente_as_Human" . inds:USem64963demente simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem61718demenza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64963demente is demente" ; rdfs:label " demente_as_Human" . inds:USem64964demone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64964demone is demone" ; rdfs:label " demone_as_Entity" . inds:USem64966crestomazia simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64966crestomazia is crestomazia" ; rdfs:label " crestomazia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64971contrattaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64971contrattaccare is contrattaccare" ; rdfs:label " contrattaccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64972convenire simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64972convenire is convenire" ; rdfs:label " convenire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem64973depliant simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64973depliant is depliant" ; rdfs:label " depliant_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64974diocesi simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5557vescovo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64974diocesi is diocesi" ; rdfs:label " diocesi_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem64975dissidente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem59879discordare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64975dissidente is dissidente" ; rdfs:label " dissidente_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem64976duellante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem65277duellare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64976duellante is duellante" ; rdfs:label " duellante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem64977diploma simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64977diploma is diploma" ; rdfs:label " diploma_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64978convenire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64978convenire is convenire" ; rdfs:label " convenire_as_State" . inds:USem64979falegnameria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5300laboratorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64979falegnameria is falegnameria" ; rdfs:label " falegnameria_as_Building" . inds:USem64980diploma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59721attestare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64980diploma is diploma" ; rdfs:label " diploma_as_Information" . inds:USem64981convenire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64981convenire is convenire" ; rdfs:label " convenire_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem64982falegnameria simple:hasIsa inds:USem69settore ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64982falegnameria is falegnameria" ; rdfs:label " falegnameria_as_Domain" . inds:USem64983convenire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64983convenire is convenire" ; rdfs:label " convenire_as_State" . inds:USem64984falena simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4399farfalla ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64984falena is falena" ; rdfs:label " falena_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem64985enciclopedia simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64985enciclopedia is enciclopedia" ; rdfs:label " enciclopedia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64986formicaio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62861formica ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem60498scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64986formicaio is formicaio" ; rdfs:label " formicaio_as_Opening" . inds:USem64987fucina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3339fabbro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63335arroventare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64987fucina is fucina" ; rdfs:label " fucina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem64988convenzionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64988convenzionare is convenzionare" ; rdfs:label " convenzionare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64989convenzionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64989convenzionare is convenzionare" ; rdfs:label " convenzionare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64990giochetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6605divertire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64990giochetto is giochetto" ; rdfs:label " giochetto_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64991golfo simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59527costa ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64991golfo is golfo" ; rdfs:label " golfo_as_Area" . inds:USem64992granchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4029crostaceo ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64992granchio is granchio" ; rdfs:label " granchio_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem64993greto simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5089fiume ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64993greto is greto" ; rdfs:label " greto_as_Area" . inds:USem64994erbario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64994erbario is erbario" ; rdfs:label " erbario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem64995cooptare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64995cooptare is cooptare" ; rdfs:label " cooptare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem64996guado simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64996guado is guado" ; rdfs:label " guado_as_Location" . inds:USem64997guardiola simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64997guardiola is guardiola" ; rdfs:label " guardiola_as_Location" . inds:USem64998corazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64998corazzare is corazzare" ; rdfs:label " corazzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem64999imboccatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64999imboccatura is imboccatura" ; rdfs:label " imboccatura_as_Part" . inds:USem64zoologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem64zoologia is zoologia" ; rdfs:label " zoologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem65000fotocopia simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65000fotocopia is fotocopia" ; rdfs:label " fotocopia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65001interstizio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65001interstizio is interstizio" ; rdfs:label " interstizio_as_Opening" . inds:USem65002corazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65002corazzare is corazzare" ; rdfs:label " corazzare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65003coronare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65003coronare is coronare" ; rdfs:label " coronare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65004coronare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59585circondare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65004coronare is coronare" ; rdfs:label " coronare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem65005fotoromanzo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62300giornale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65005fotoromanzo is fotoromanzo" ; rdfs:label " fotoromanzo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65006ionosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USem64427zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62391atmosfera ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65006ionosfera is ionosfera" ; rdfs:label " ionosfera_as_Part" . inds:USem65007ippogrifo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65007ippogrifo is ippogrifo" ; rdfs:label " ippogrifo_as_Representation" . inds:USem65008mastino simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65008mastino is mastino" ; rdfs:label " mastino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65009maso simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2219casa, inds:USemD1126terreno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65009maso is maso" ; rdfs:label " maso_as_Area" . inds:USem65010mummia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65010mummia is mummia" ; rdfs:label " mummia_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem65011mummia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65011mummia is mummia" ; rdfs:label " mummia_as_Human" . inds:USem65012fototessera simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60984foto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65012fototessera is fototessera" ; rdfs:label " fototessera_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65013musa simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65013musa is musa" ; rdfs:label " musa_as_Representation" . inds:USem65014notabile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65014notabile is notabile" ; rdfs:label " notabile_as_Social_status" . inds:USem65015novantenne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD63579novanta ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65015novantenne is novantenne" ; rdfs:label " novantenne_as_Human" . inds:USem65016coronare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65016coronare is coronare" ; rdfs:label " coronare_as_Event" . inds:USem65017obelisco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2369monumento ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65017obelisco is obelisco" ; rdfs:label " obelisco_as_Building" . inds:USem65018optional simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65018optional is optional" ; rdfs:label " optional_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem65019orsa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61596costellazione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65019orsa is orsa" ; rdfs:label " orsa_as_Group" . inds:USem65020coronare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65020coronare is coronare" ; rdfs:label " coronare_as_Event" . inds:USem65021orsa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65021orsa is orsa" ; rdfs:label " orsa_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65022orrido simple:hasIsa inds:USem60408apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65022orrido is orrido" ; rdfs:label " orrido_as_Opening" . inds:USem65023orsacchiotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1131orso ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65023orsacchiotto is orsacchiotto" ; rdfs:label " orsacchiotto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65025corredare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65025corredare is corredare" ; rdfs:label " corredare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65027costellare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65027costellare is costellare" ; rdfs:label " costellare_as_State" . inds:USem65028crogiolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65028crogiolare is crogiolare" ; rdfs:label " crogiolare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65029crogiolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65029crogiolare is crogiolare" ; rdfs:label " crogiolare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65030papero simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65030papero is papero" ; rdfs:label " papero_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65031cromare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63580cromato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65031cromare is cromare" ; rdfs:label " cromare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65032papera simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65032papera is papera" ; rdfs:label " papera_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65033cumulare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74891accumulare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65033cumulare is cumulare" ; rdfs:label " cumulare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65034blusa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65034blusa is blusa" ; rdfs:label " blusa_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65035pendice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65035pendice is pendice" ; rdfs:label " pendice_as_Part" . inds:USem65036bolero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4855giacca ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65036bolero is bolero" ; rdfs:label " bolero_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65037bolero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65037bolero is bolero" ; rdfs:label " bolero_as_Move" . inds:USem65038pensilina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65038pensilina is pensilina" ; rdfs:label " pensilina_as_Part" . inds:USem65039dannare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65039dannare is dannare" ; rdfs:label " dannare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65040pieve simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2269navata, inds:USem64364sacrestia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5044pregare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65040pieve is pieve" ; rdfs:label " pieve_as_Building" . inds:USem65041borsetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65041borsetta is borsetta" ; rdfs:label " borsetta_as_Container" . inds:USem65043braca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65043braca is braca" ; rdfs:label " braca_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65044bustino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7105modellare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65044bustino is bustino" ; rdfs:label " bustino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65045calzerotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65045calzerotto is calzerotto" ; rdfs:label " calzerotto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65046calzetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65046calzetta is calzetta" ; rdfs:label " calzetta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65047calzino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65047calzino is calzino" ; rdfs:label " calzino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65048canottiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65048canottiera is canottiera" ; rdfs:label " canottiera_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65049debellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65049debellare is debellare" ; rdfs:label " debellare_as_Event" . inds:USem65050celata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65051elmo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65050celata is celata" ; rdfs:label " celata_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65051elmo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65051elmo is elmo" ; rdfs:label " elmo_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65052decadere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66071decaduto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65052decadere is decadere" ; rdfs:label " decadere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65053cimiero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65053cimiero is cimiero" ; rdfs:label " cimiero_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65054cimiero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65051elmo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65054cimiero is cimiero" ; rdfs:label " cimiero_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65055decadere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63583decaduto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65055decadere is decadere" ; rdfs:label " decadere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65056colbacco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65056colbacco is colbacco" ; rdfs:label " colbacco_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65057decadere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65057decadere is decadere" ; rdfs:label " decadere_as_State" . inds:USem65058farfallino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4887cravatta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65058farfallino is farfallino" ; rdfs:label " farfallino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65059giarrettiera simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65059giarrettiera is giarrettiera" ; rdfs:label " giarrettiera_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65060decorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65060decorrere is decorrere" ; rdfs:label " decorrere_as_State" . inds:USem65061decretare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65061decretare is decretare" ; rdfs:label " decretare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65062maglione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65062maglione is maglione" ; rdfs:label " maglione_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65063pointer simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65063pointer is pointer" ; rdfs:label " pointer_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65064polla simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2990acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65064polla is polla" ; rdfs:label " polla_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem65065portabandiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65065portabandiera is portabandiera" ; rdfs:label " portabandiera_as_Ideo" . inds:USem65066defilare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65066defilare is defilare" ; rdfs:label " defilare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65067portabandiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65067portabandiera is portabandiera" ; rdfs:label " portabandiera_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem65068delegittimare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65068delegittimare is delegittimare" ; rdfs:label " delegittimare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65069purosangue simple:hasConcerns inds:USem919cavallo ; simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6394nitrire, inds:USem6404galoppare, inds:USem6409trottare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62642criniera, inds:USemD529zoccolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65069purosangue is purosangue" ; rdfs:label " purosangue_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65070deliziare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem66800delizia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65070deliziare is deliziare" ; rdfs:label " deliziare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65071cabinovia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3739fune ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65071cabinovia is cabinovia" ; rdfs:label " cabinovia_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65072cabriolet simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65072cabriolet is cabriolet" ; rdfs:label " cabriolet_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65073calesse simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5265condurre ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65073calesse is calesse" ; rdfs:label " calesse_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65074demandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65074demandare is demandare" ; rdfs:label " demandare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65075camioncino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65075camioncino is camioncino" ; rdfs:label " camioncino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65076canard simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65076canard is canard" ; rdfs:label " canard_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65077canotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4307barca ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65077canotto is canotto" ; rdfs:label " canotto_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65078clipper simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65078clipper is clipper" ; rdfs:label " clipper_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65079deodorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63585deodorato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65079deodorare is deodorare" ; rdfs:label " deodorare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6507abbondanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6507abbondanza is abbondanza" ; rdfs:label " abbondanza_as_Amount" . inds:USem65080deputare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65080deputare is deputare" ; rdfs:label " deputare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65081cocchio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65081cocchio is cocchio" ; rdfs:label " cocchio_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65082fumetto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65082fumetto is fumetto" ; rdfs:label " fumetto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65083contraerea simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5210aereo ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65083contraerea is contraerea" ; rdfs:label " contraerea_as_Group" . inds:USem65085glossario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65085glossario is glossario" ; rdfs:label " glossario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65086corriera simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65086corriera is corriera" ; rdfs:label " corriera_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65087cruiser simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65087cruiser is cruiser" ; rdfs:label " cruiser_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65088decappottabile simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65088decappottabile is decappottabile" ; rdfs:label " decappottabile_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65089derogare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65089derogare is derogare" ; rdfs:label " derogare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6508diecina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6508diecina is diecina" ; rdfs:label " diecina_as_Amount" . inds:USem65090deltaplano simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65090deltaplano is deltaplano" ; rdfs:label " deltaplano_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65091identikit simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6588disegnare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65091identikit is identikit" ; rdfs:label " identikit_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65092diretto simple:hasIsa inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65092diretto is diretto" ; rdfs:label " diretto_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65093consultare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4804chiedere ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65093consultare is consultare" ; rdfs:label " consultare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem65094identikit simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem64654identificare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem839disegno ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65094identikit is identikit" ; rdfs:label " identikit_as_Information" . inds:USem65095espresso simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2863locomotiva, inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65095espresso is espresso" ; rdfs:label " espresso_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65096espresso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65096espresso is espresso" ; rdfs:label " espresso_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem65098giardinetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65098giardinetta is giardinetta" ; rdfs:label " giardinetta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65099incunabolo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65099incunabolo is incunabolo" ; rdfs:label " incunabolo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6509dose simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6509dose is dose" ; rdfs:label " dose_as_Amount" . inds:USem65100mongolfiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65100mongolfiera is mongolfiera" ; rdfs:label " mongolfiera_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65101determinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65101determinare is determinare" ; rdfs:label " determinare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem65102motopeschereccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1016pescare, inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65102motopeschereccio is motopeschereccio" ; rdfs:label " motopeschereccio_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65103motovedetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare, inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65103motovedetta is motovedetta" ; rdfs:label " motovedetta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65104determinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65104determinare is determinare" ; rdfs:label " determinare_as_Cause" . inds:USem65105patino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2330remo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65105patino is patino" ; rdfs:label " patino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65106pendolino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5625prevedere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65106pendolino is pendolino" ; rdfs:label " pendolino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65107digitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65107digitare is digitare" ; rdfs:label " digitare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65109digiunare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65109digiunare is digiunare" ; rdfs:label " digiunare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6510dozzina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6510dozzina is dozzina" ; rdfs:label " dozzina_as_Amount" . inds:USem65110istantanea simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61641sviluppare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60984foto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65110istantanea is istantanea" ; rdfs:label " istantanea_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65111pagella simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65111pagella is pagella" ; rdfs:label " pagella_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65113mappamondo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3895produrre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62893sfera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65113mappamondo is mappamondo" ; rdfs:label " mappamondo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65114memoriale simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65114memoriale is memoriale" ; rdfs:label " memoriale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65115missiva simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7033lettera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65115missiva is missiva" ; rdfs:label " missiva_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65116monografia simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65116monografia is monografia" ; rdfs:label " monografia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65117multa simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65117multa is multa" ; rdfs:label " multa_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65118dilagare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65118dilagare is dilagare" ; rdfs:label " dilagare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65119dilagare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65119dilagare is dilagare" ; rdfs:label " dilagare_as_Event" . inds:USem6511mare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6511mare is mare" ; rdfs:label " mare_as_Amount" . inds:USem65120dilaniare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65120dilaniare is dilaniare" ; rdfs:label " dilaniare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65121dilaniare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7056tormentare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65121dilaniare is dilaniare" ; rdfs:label " dilaniare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65122reliquia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65122reliquia is reliquia" ; rdfs:label " reliquia_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem65123dileguare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65123dileguare is dileguare" ; rdfs:label " dileguare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem65124ricercato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem73010ricercare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65124ricercato is ricercato" ; rdfs:label " ricercato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem65125dileguare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65125dileguare is dileguare" ; rdfs:label " dileguare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65126imbottita simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60806coperta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65126imbottita is imbottita" ; rdfs:label " imbottita_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65128corpetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65128corpetto is corpetto" ; rdfs:label " corpetto_as_Part" . inds:USem65129robivecchi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65129robivecchi is robivecchi" ; rdfs:label " robivecchi_as_Profession" . inds:USem6512marea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6512marea is marea" ; rdfs:label " marea_as_Amount" . inds:USem65130rospo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65130rospo is rospo" ; rdfs:label " rospo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65131rubacuori simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65131rubacuori is rubacuori" ; rdfs:label " rubacuori_as_Human" . inds:USem65132corpetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65132corpetto is corpetto" ; rdfs:label " corpetto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65133dimezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65133dimezzare is dimezzare" ; rdfs:label " dimezzare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem65134crinolina simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65134crinolina is crinolina" ; rdfs:label " crinolina_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65135sartoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem5300laboratorio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65135sartoria is sartoria" ; rdfs:label " sartoria_as_Building" . inds:USem65136diadema simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65136diadema is diadema" ; rdfs:label " diadema_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65137dimezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3982diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65137dimezzare is dimezzare" ; rdfs:label " dimezzare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem65138girocollo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65138girocollo is girocollo" ; rdfs:label " girocollo_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65139sartoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65139sartoria is sartoria" ; rdfs:label " sartoria_as_Domain" . inds:USem6513miliardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6513miliardo is miliardo" ; rdfs:label " miliardo_as_Amount" . inds:USem65140girocollo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65140girocollo is girocollo" ; rdfs:label " girocollo_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65141dipanare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65141dipanare is dipanare" ; rdfs:label " dipanare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65142zerbino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64634tappeto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65142zerbino is zerbino" ; rdfs:label " zerbino_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65143vera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65143vera is vera" ; rdfs:label " vera_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65144vestaglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65144vestaglia is vestaglia" ; rdfs:label " vestaglia_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65145toga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65145toga is toga" ; rdfs:label " toga_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65146sauna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD76930sauna ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65146sauna is sauna" ; rdfs:label " sauna_as_Building" . inds:USem65147toga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2952mantello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65147toga is toga" ; rdfs:label " toga_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65148solitario simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65148solitario is solitario" ; rdfs:label " solitario_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65149solitario simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65149solitario is solitario" ; rdfs:label " solitario_as_Domain" . inds:USem6514moltitudine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6514moltitudine is moltitudine" ; rdfs:label " moltitudine_as_Amount" . inds:USem65150segugio simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem59115cacciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62944cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65150segugio is segugio" ; rdfs:label " segugio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65151sfinge simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1937leone ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65151sfinge is sfinge" ; rdfs:label " sfinge_as_Representation" . inds:USem65152slip simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63544intimo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65152slip is slip" ; rdfs:label " slip_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65153sierra simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4194monte ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7369catena ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2199spagna, inds:USem64437americhe ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65153sierra is sierra" ; rdfs:label " sierra_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem65154saio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65154saio is saio" ; rdfs:label " saio_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65155souvenir simple:hasIsa inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65155souvenir is souvenir" ; rdfs:label " souvenir_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem65156dipartire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65156dipartire is dipartire" ; rdfs:label " dipartire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem65157dipartire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65157dipartire is dipartire" ; rdfs:label " dipartire_as_State" . inds:USem65158redingote simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5433stoffa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65158redingote is redingote" ; rdfs:label " redingote_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65159spaccatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem71739fenditura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65159spaccatura is spaccatura" ; rdfs:label " spaccatura_as_Opening" . inds:USem6515monte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6515monte is monte" ; rdfs:label " monte_as_Amount" . inds:USem65160pennacchio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65160pennacchio is pennacchio" ; rdfs:label " pennacchio_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65162parrucca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65162parrucca is parrucca" ; rdfs:label " parrucca_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65163stallone simple:hasConcerns inds:USem919cavallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65163stallone is stallone" ; rdfs:label " stallone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65164dipartire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65164dipartire is dipartire" ; rdfs:label " dipartire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65165panciotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65165panciotto is panciotto" ; rdfs:label " panciotto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65166panciera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65166panciera is panciera" ; rdfs:label " panciera_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65167orecchino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65167orecchino is orecchino" ; rdfs:label " orecchino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65168medaglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65168medaglione is medaglione" ; rdfs:label " medaglione_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem65169stallone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65169stallone is stallone" ; rdfs:label " stallone_as_Human" . inds:USem6516paio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6516paio is paio" ; rdfs:label " paio_as_Amount" . inds:USem65170medaglione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65170medaglione is medaglione" ; rdfs:label " medaglione_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65172candelabro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5586candeliere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65172candelabro is candelabro" ; rdfs:label " candelabro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65173acquaio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65173acquaio is acquaio" ; rdfs:label " acquaio_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65174disabilitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65174disabilitare is disabilitare" ; rdfs:label " disabilitare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65175disattendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65175disattendere is disattendere" ; rdfs:label " disattendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65176disattendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65176disattendere is disattendere" ; rdfs:label " disattendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65177stecco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65177stecco is stecco" ; rdfs:label " stecco_as_Human" . inds:USem65179disboscare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65179disboscare is disboscare" ; rdfs:label " disboscare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem6517pizzico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6517pizzico is pizzico" ; rdfs:label " pizzico_as_Amount" . inds:USem65180stecco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65180stecco is stecco" ; rdfs:label " stecco_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem65181stoppino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7109candela ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5001accendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65181stoppino is stoppino" ; rdfs:label " stoppino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65182disciogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6899disciolto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65182disciogliere is disciogliere" ; rdfs:label " disciogliere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65183suino simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6393grugnire ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD7147grugno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1933maiale ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1933maiale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65183suino is suino" ; rdfs:label " suino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65184tabernacolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65184tabernacolo is tabernacolo" ; rdfs:label " tabernacolo_as_Building" . inds:USem65185discostare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65185discostare is discostare" ; rdfs:label " discostare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem65186terrier simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65186terrier is terrier" ; rdfs:label " terrier_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65187discostare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65187discostare is discostare" ; rdfs:label " discostare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65188tonnara simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65188tonnara is tonnara" ; rdfs:label " tonnara_as_Group" . inds:USem65189usura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65189usura is usura" ; rdfs:label " usura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6518punta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6518punta is punta" ; rdfs:label " punta_as_Amount" . inds:USem65190pendolino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2863locomotiva, inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65190pendolino is pendolino" ; rdfs:label " pendolino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65192discriminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65192discriminare is discriminare" ; rdfs:label " discriminare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65193disgiungere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65193disgiungere is disgiungere" ; rdfs:label " disgiungere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem65196disinteressare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65196disinteressare is disinteressare" ; rdfs:label " disinteressare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65197disinteressare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65197disinteressare is disinteressare" ; rdfs:label " disinteressare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65198disintossicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63602disintossicato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65198disintossicare is disintossicare" ; rdfs:label " disintossicare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6519reagire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6519reagire is reagire" ; rdfs:label " reagire_as_Act" . inds:USem65200dislocare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65200dislocare is dislocare" ; rdfs:label " dislocare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem65201disordinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65201disordinare is disordinare" ; rdfs:label " disordinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65202dispiegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65202dispiegare is dispiegare" ; rdfs:label " dispiegare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65205disseminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65205disseminare is disseminare" ; rdfs:label " disseminare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65206disseminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65206disseminare is disseminare" ; rdfs:label " disseminare_as_Event" . inds:USem65207dissestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65207dissestare is dissestare" ; rdfs:label " dissestare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65208dissestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65208dissestare is dissestare" ; rdfs:label " dissestare_as_Cause" . inds:USem65209distare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4176spazio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65209distare is distare" ; rdfs:label " distare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem6520punta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6520punta is punta" ; rdfs:label " punta_as_Part" . inds:USem65210distare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65210distare is distare" ; rdfs:label " distare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem65211tegola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5521cottura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7053prodotto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5299argilla ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65211tegola is tegola" ; rdfs:label " tegola_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65212nullaosta simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65212nullaosta is nullaosta" ; rdfs:label " nullaosta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65213totano simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65213totano is totano" ; rdfs:label " totano_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem65214torello simple:hasConcerns inds:USem65543bovino ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD6442corno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61612toro ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65214torello is torello" ; rdfs:label " torello_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65215unicorno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65215unicorno is unicorno" ; rdfs:label " unicorno_as_Representation" . inds:USem65216distogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65216distogliere is distogliere" ; rdfs:label " distogliere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65217veltro simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem59115cacciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62944cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65217veltro is veltro" ; rdfs:label " veltro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65218ventenne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65218ventenne is ventenne" ; rdfs:label " ventenne_as_Human" . inds:USem6521reazione simple:hasAgentiveExperience inds:USem59295provare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6521reazione is reazione" ; rdfs:label " reazione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65220volpone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65220volpone is volpone" ; rdfs:label " volpone_as_Human" . inds:USem65221opuscolo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65221opuscolo is opuscolo" ; rdfs:label " opuscolo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65222pulmino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65222pulmino is pulmino" ; rdfs:label " pulmino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65224rapido simple:hasIsa inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65224rapido is rapido" ; rdfs:label " rapido_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65225ruspa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59130scavare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65225ruspa is ruspa" ; rdfs:label " ruspa_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65226seggiovia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5304sedile, inds:USemD3739fune ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65226seggiovia is seggiovia" ; rdfs:label " seggiovia_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65227patente simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65227patente is patente" ; rdfs:label " patente_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65228sciovia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3739fune ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65228sciovia is sciovia" ; rdfs:label " sciovia_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65230disubbidire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65230disubbidire is disubbidire" ; rdfs:label " disubbidire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65231sottomarino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65231sottomarino is sottomarino" ; rdfs:label " sottomarino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65232tandem simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota, inds:USemD812pedale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71813ciclo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65232tandem is tandem" ; rdfs:label " tandem_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65233taxi simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65233taxi is taxi" ; rdfs:label " taxi_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65235traino simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65235traino is traino" ; rdfs:label " traino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65236vaporiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2863locomotiva ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65236vaporiera is vaporiera" ; rdfs:label " vaporiera_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65237yacht simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65237yacht is yacht" ; rdfs:label " yacht_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65238patentino simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65238patentino is patentino" ; rdfs:label " patentino_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65239acquasantiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65239acquasantiera is acquasantiera" ; rdfs:label " acquasantiera_as_Container" . inds:USem6523deludere simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem73179delusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6523deludere is deludere" ; rdfs:label " deludere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65240anfora simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2424recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65240anfora is anfora" ; rdfs:label " anfora_as_Container" . inds:USem65241pedigree simple:hasConcerns inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62794certificato ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65241pedigree is pedigree" ; rdfs:label " pedigree_as_Convention" . inds:USem65242bicchierino simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65242bicchierino is bicchierino" ; rdfs:label " bicchierino_as_Container" . inds:USem65243seggiola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4206gamba, inds:USem62545bracciolo, inds:USem68505schienale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65243seggiola is seggiola" ; rdfs:label " seggiola_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65244sgabello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4206gamba ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65244sgabello is sgabello" ; rdfs:label " sgabello_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65245panchetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem67963piede ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65245panchetto is panchetto" ; rdfs:label " panchetto_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65246panca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62544spalliera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65246panca is panca" ; rdfs:label " panca_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65247panchetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62544spalliera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65247panchetta is panchetta" ; rdfs:label " panchetta_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65248panchina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem68505schienale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65248panchina is panchina" ; rdfs:label " panchina_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65249mobiletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65249mobiletto is mobiletto" ; rdfs:label " mobiletto_as_Furniture" . inds:USem6524esaltare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6524esaltare is esaltare" ; rdfs:label " esaltare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65250scarpiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65250scarpiera is scarpiera" ; rdfs:label " scarpiera_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65251controbuffet simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65251controbuffet is controbuffet" ; rdfs:label " controbuffet_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65252scrittoio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere, inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65252scrittoio is scrittoio" ; rdfs:label " scrittoio_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65253scranno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65253scranno is scranno" ; rdfs:label " scranno_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65254divampare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65254divampare is divampare" ; rdfs:label " divampare_as_Event" . inds:USem65255trapunta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60806coperta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65255trapunta is trapunta" ; rdfs:label " trapunta_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65256lavabo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65256lavabo is lavabo" ; rdfs:label " lavabo_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65257lavandino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62395bagno ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65257lavandino is lavandino" ; rdfs:label " lavandino_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65258lavello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65258lavello is lavello" ; rdfs:label " lavello_as_Furniture" . inds:USem6525frenare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6525frenare is frenare" ; rdfs:label " frenare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65260water simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62395bagno ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65260water is water" ; rdfs:label " water_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65262plafoniera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65262plafoniera is plafoniera" ; rdfs:label " plafoniera_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65263divaricare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65263divaricare is divaricare" ; rdfs:label " divaricare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65264poster simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65264poster is poster" ; rdfs:label " poster_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65265strofinaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5435tela ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65265strofinaccio is strofinaccio" ; rdfs:label " strofinaccio_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65266cornucopia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2979vaso ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65266cornucopia is cornucopia" ; rdfs:label " cornucopia_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65267divaricare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60194divergere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65267divaricare is divaricare" ; rdfs:label " divaricare_as_State" . inds:USem65269dolere simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65269dolere is dolere" ; rdfs:label " dolere_as_Perception" . inds:USem6526onorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6526onorare is onorare" ; rdfs:label " onorare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65270dolere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65270dolere is dolere" ; rdfs:label " dolere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65271domandare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62691informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65271domandare is domandare" ; rdfs:label " domandare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem65272domandare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65272domandare is domandare" ; rdfs:label " domandare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem65273dorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem0D63613dorato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65273dorare is dorare" ; rdfs:label " dorare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65274dorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65274dorare is dorare" ; rdfs:label " dorare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65275drammatizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65275drammatizzare is drammatizzare" ; rdfs:label " drammatizzare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem65276drammatizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65276drammatizzare is drammatizzare" ; rdfs:label " drammatizzare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65277duellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65277duellare is duellare" ; rdfs:label " duellare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem65278duplicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65278duplicare is duplicare" ; rdfs:label " duplicare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem65279duplicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65279duplicare is duplicare" ; rdfs:label " duplicare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem6527placare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6527placare is placare" ; rdfs:label " placare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65280eccellere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65280eccellere is eccellere" ; rdfs:label " eccellere_as_State" . inds:USem65281eccettuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79129escludere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65281eccettuare is eccettuare" ; rdfs:label " eccettuare_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem65282editare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6788riprodurre ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6213stampa ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65282editare is editare" ; rdfs:label " editare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem65283elidere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65283elidere is elidere" ; rdfs:label " elidere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65285elidere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65285elidere is elidere" ; rdfs:label " elidere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65286eludere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65286eludere is eludere" ; rdfs:label " eludere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65287emarginare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65287emarginare is emarginare" ; rdfs:label " emarginare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65288enfatizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65288enfatizzare is enfatizzare" ; rdfs:label " enfatizzare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem6528risvegliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6528risvegliare is risvegliare" ; rdfs:label " risvegliare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem65290tendina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60826tenda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65290tendina is tendina" ; rdfs:label " tendina_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65291tendina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64751diaframma ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65291tendina is tendina" ; rdfs:label " tendina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65293tripode simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem67963piede ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65244sgabello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65293tripode is tripode" ; rdfs:label " tripode_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65294epurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65294epurare is epurare" ; rdfs:label " epurare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65295epurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65295epurare is epurare" ; rdfs:label " epurare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65297ergere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65297ergere is ergere" ; rdfs:label " ergere_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem65298ergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65298ergere is ergere" ; rdfs:label " ergere_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem65299ergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65299ergere is ergere" ; rdfs:label " ergere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem6529oscillare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6529oscillare is oscillare" ; rdfs:label " oscillare_as_Move" . inds:USem65300erogare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7151donare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65300erogare is erogare" ; rdfs:label " erogare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem65301erogare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65301erogare is erogare" ; rdfs:label " erogare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65303esalare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62884diffondere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65303esalare is esalare" ; rdfs:label " esalare_as_State" . inds:USem65304esaudire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65304esaudire is esaudire" ; rdfs:label " esaudire_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem65305esibire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65305esibire is esibire" ; rdfs:label " esibire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65307esibire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65307esibire is esibire" ; rdfs:label " esibire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65309esonerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65309esonerare is esonerare" ; rdfs:label " esonerare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6530amareggiare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60153amarezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6530amareggiare is amareggiare" ; rdfs:label " amareggiare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65310esorbitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65310esorbitare is esorbitare" ; rdfs:label " esorbitare_as_State" . inds:USem65311esorcizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65311esorcizzare is esorcizzare" ; rdfs:label " esorcizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65312esorcizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65312esorcizzare is esorcizzare" ; rdfs:label " esorcizzare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65313espiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65313espiare is espiare" ; rdfs:label " espiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65314esplicitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65314esplicitare is esplicitare" ; rdfs:label " esplicitare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem65315estenuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4021indebolire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63618estenuato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65315estenuare is estenuare" ; rdfs:label " estenuare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65316ghinea simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2152inghilterra ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65316ghinea is ghinea" ; rdfs:label " ghinea_as_Money" . inds:USem65317estenuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem68140impoverire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65317estenuare is estenuare" ; rdfs:label " estenuare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65318quattrino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65318quattrino is quattrino" ; rdfs:label " quattrino_as_Money" . inds:USem65319carlino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65319carlino is carlino" ; rdfs:label " carlino_as_Money" . inds:USem6531appassionare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5837passione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6531appassionare is appassionare" ; rdfs:label " appassionare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65320talento simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2173grecia, inds:USem5107palestina ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65320talento is talento" ; rdfs:label " talento_as_Money" . inds:USem65321talento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65321talento is talento" ; rdfs:label " talento_as_Human" . inds:USem65322talento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65322talento is talento" ; rdfs:label " talento_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem65323tallero simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3622germania ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65323tallero is tallero" ; rdfs:label " tallero_as_Money" . inds:USem65324tallero simple:hasConcerns inds:USem79226slovenia ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65324tallero is tallero" ; rdfs:label " tallero_as_Money" . inds:USem65325caschetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65326casco ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65325caschetto is caschetto" ; rdfs:label " caschetto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65326casco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65326casco is casco" ; rdfs:label " casco_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65327pedina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65327pedina is pedina" ; rdfs:label " pedina_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65328cerchietto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3002pietra, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65328cerchietto is cerchietto" ; rdfs:label " cerchietto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65329periodico simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62300giornale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65329periodico is periodico" ; rdfs:label " periodico_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6532avvilire simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5890avvilimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6532avvilire is avvilire" ; rdfs:label " avvilire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65330cerchietto simple:hasIsa inds:USem62892cerchio ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65330cerchietto is cerchietto" ; rdfs:label " cerchietto_as_Shape" . inds:USem65331cintola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65331cintola is cintola" ; rdfs:label " cintola_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65332borraccia simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3007plastica, inds:USem3144vetro, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65332borraccia is borraccia" ; rdfs:label " borraccia_as_Container" . inds:USem65333cintola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65333cintola is cintola" ; rdfs:label " cintola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem65334gualdrappa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59748abbellire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65334gualdrappa is gualdrappa" ; rdfs:label " gualdrappa_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65335estromettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65335estromettere is estromettere" ; rdfs:label " estromettere_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem65336borraccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65336borraccia is borraccia" ; rdfs:label " borraccia_as_Amount" . inds:USem65337piantina simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65337piantina is piantina" ; rdfs:label " piantina_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65338muleta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59748abbellire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65338muleta is muleta" ; rdfs:label " muleta_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65339pannolino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6455pezza ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65339pannolino is pannolino" ; rdfs:label " pannolino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem6533commuovere simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem78084commozione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6533commuovere is commuovere" ; rdfs:label " commuovere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65340piantina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD63647radice ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65340piantina is piantina" ; rdfs:label " piantina_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem65341boccia simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65341boccia is boccia" ; rdfs:label " boccia_as_Container" . inds:USem65343planisfero simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69233cartellone ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65343planisfero is planisfero" ; rdfs:label " planisfero_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65344bisaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7064borsa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65344bisaccia is bisaccia" ; rdfs:label " bisaccia_as_Container" . inds:USem65345borsellino simple:hasContains inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65345borsellino is borsellino" ; rdfs:label " borsellino_as_Container" . inds:USem65346botticella simple:hasContains inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2306botte ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65346botticella is botticella" ; rdfs:label " botticella_as_Container" . inds:USem65347box simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7386recinto ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65347box is box" ; rdfs:label " box_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem65348pannolino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65348pannolino is pannolino" ; rdfs:label " pannolino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65349bricco simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65349bricco is bricco" ; rdfs:label " bricco_as_Container" . inds:USem6534confortare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem73593conforto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6534confortare is confortare" ; rdfs:label " confortare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65350carriola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65350carriola is carriola" ; rdfs:label " carriola_as_Container" . inds:USem65351coccarda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5705applicare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65351coccarda is coccarda" ; rdfs:label " coccarda_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65352esulare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65352esulare is esulare" ; rdfs:label " esulare_as_State" . inds:USem65353cestino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65353cestino is cestino" ; rdfs:label " cestino_as_Container" . inds:USem65354cofanetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65354cofanetto is cofanetto" ; rdfs:label " cofanetto_as_Amount" . inds:USem65355fallare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65355fallare is fallare" ; rdfs:label " fallare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65357fascicolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65357fascicolare is fascicolare" ; rdfs:label " fascicolare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem65358medaglietta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65358medaglietta is medaglietta" ; rdfs:label " medaglietta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65359fecondare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65359fecondare is fecondare" ; rdfs:label " fecondare_as_Cause" . inds:USem6535consolare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60183consolazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6535consolare is consolare" ; rdfs:label " consolare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65360marsupio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7067sacca ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5435tela ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65360marsupio is marsupio" ; rdfs:label " marsupio_as_Container" . inds:USem65361marsupio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5435tela, inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65361marsupio is marsupio" ; rdfs:label " marsupio_as_Container" . inds:USem65362marsupio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65362marsupio is marsupio" ; rdfs:label " marsupio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem65363damigiana simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65363damigiana is damigiana" ; rdfs:label " damigiana_as_Container" . inds:USem65364fecondare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem78621fecondato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65364fecondare is fecondare" ; rdfs:label " fecondare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65365fendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65365fendere is fendere" ; rdfs:label " fendere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem65366plastico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3895produrre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65366plastico is plastico" ; rdfs:label " plastico_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65367fendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65367fendere is fendere" ; rdfs:label " fendere_as_Move" . inds:USem65368preventivo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65368preventivo is preventivo" ; rdfs:label " preventivo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65369ferrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65369ferrare is ferrare" ; rdfs:label " ferrare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6536contrariare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6536contrariare is contrariare" ; rdfs:label " contrariare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65370prezzo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59950etichetta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65370prezzo is prezzo" ; rdfs:label " prezzo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65371muta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65371muta is muta" ; rdfs:label " muta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65372ferrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65372ferrare is ferrare" ; rdfs:label " ferrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65373fiala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65373fiala is fiala" ; rdfs:label " fiala_as_Amount" . inds:USem65374fustino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65374fustino is fustino" ; rdfs:label " fustino_as_Amount" . inds:USem65375fervere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65375fervere is fervere" ; rdfs:label " fervere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65376fiaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4021indebolire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65376fiaccare is fiaccare" ; rdfs:label " fiaccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65377fiala simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65377fiala is fiala" ; rdfs:label " fiala_as_Container" . inds:USem65378fiatare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65378fiatare is fiatare" ; rdfs:label " fiatare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65379prontuario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65379prontuario is prontuario" ; rdfs:label " prontuario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6537divertire simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60058divertimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6537divertire is divertire" ; rdfs:label " divertire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65380lattina simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65380lattina is lattina" ; rdfs:label " lattina_as_Container" . inds:USem65382referto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62338relazione ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65382referto is referto" ; rdfs:label " referto_as_Information" . inds:USem65383fasciare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem78675fascia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61597avvolgere ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5613medicare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65383fasciare is fasciare" ; rdfs:label " fasciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65384fasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65384fasciare is fasciare" ; rdfs:label " fasciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65385macero simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido, inds:USem4040fibra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65385macero is macero" ; rdfs:label " macero_as_Container" . inds:USem65386fasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65386fasciare is fasciare" ; rdfs:label " fasciare_as_State" . inds:USem65387romanzo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65387romanzo is romanzo" ; rdfs:label " romanzo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65389pentolino simple:hasContains inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2390pentola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65389pentolino is pentolino" ; rdfs:label " pentolino_as_Container" . inds:USem6538eccitare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60715eccitazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6538eccitare is eccitare" ; rdfs:label " eccitare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65390rubrica simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65390rubrica is rubrica" ; rdfs:label " rubrica_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65391pirofila simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65391pirofila is pirofila" ; rdfs:label " pirofila_as_Container" . inds:USem65392scatoletta simple:hasContains inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2365scatola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65392scatoletta is scatoletta" ; rdfs:label " scatoletta_as_Container" . inds:USem65393ficcare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6901inserire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65393ficcare is ficcare" ; rdfs:label " ficcare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem65394ficcare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65394ficcare is ficcare" ; rdfs:label " ficcare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65395scodella simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2376ciotola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76005servire, inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65395scodella is scodella" ; rdfs:label " scodella_as_Container" . inds:USem65396rubrica simple:hasIsa inds:USem6459sezione ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62300giornale, inds:USemD63642trasmissione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65396rubrica is rubrica" ; rdfs:label " rubrica_as_Part" . inds:USem65397filettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65397filettare is filettare" ; rdfs:label " filettare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65399scrigno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2372cassa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6433custodire, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65399scrigno is scrigno" ; rdfs:label " scrigno_as_Container" . inds:USem6539emozionare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5905emozione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6539emozionare is emozionare" ; rdfs:label " emozionare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65400filettare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65400filettare is filettare" ; rdfs:label " filettare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem65401salvacondotto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65401salvacondotto is salvacondotto" ; rdfs:label " salvacondotto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65402secchiello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65402secchiello is secchiello" ; rdfs:label " secchiello_as_Container" . inds:USem65404scartoffia simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65404scartoffia is scartoffia" ; rdfs:label " scartoffia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65405secchiello simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65405secchiello is secchiello" ; rdfs:label " secchiello_as_Container" . inds:USem65406finalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65406finalizzare is finalizzare" ; rdfs:label " finalizzare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem65407schedina simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65407schedina is schedina" ; rdfs:label " schedina_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65408flagellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65408flagellare is flagellare" ; rdfs:label " flagellare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65409flagellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65409flagellare is flagellare" ; rdfs:label " flagellare_as_Event" . inds:USem6540entusiasmare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5812entusiasmo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6540entusiasmare is entusiasmare" ; rdfs:label " entusiasmare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65410fluttuare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65410fluttuare is fluttuare" ; rdfs:label " fluttuare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65411cattedra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2358tavolo ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65411cattedra is cattedra" ; rdfs:label " cattedra_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65413fluttuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65413fluttuare is fluttuare" ; rdfs:label " fluttuare_as_Move" . inds:USem65414fluttuare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65414fluttuare is fluttuare" ; rdfs:label " fluttuare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem65415cattedra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65415cattedra is cattedra" ; rdfs:label " cattedra_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65416sillabario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65416sillabario is sillabario" ; rdfs:label " sillabario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65417trono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62544spalliera, inds:USem62545bracciolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3595re, inds:USem62581papa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65417trono is trono" ; rdfs:label " trono_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65418stele simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem831lastra ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare, inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65418stele is stele" ; rdfs:label " stele_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65419canovaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65265strofinaccio ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65419canovaccio is canovaccio" ; rdfs:label " canovaccio_as_Furniture" . inds:USem6541esasperare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60155esasperazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6541esasperare is esasperare" ; rdfs:label " esasperare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65420scudetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6390distintivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65420scudetto is scudetto" ; rdfs:label " scudetto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65421stele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1729fusto, inds:USemD63647radice ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65421stele is stele" ; rdfs:label " stele_as_Part" . inds:USem65422radice simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1904pelo, inds:USemD2083capello, inds:USemD5099dente ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65422radice is radice" ; rdfs:label " radice_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem65423fogliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65423fogliare is fogliare" ; rdfs:label " fogliare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65424radice simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59347calcolare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65424radice is radice" ; rdfs:label " radice_as_Number" . inds:USem65425stelletta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65425stelletta is stelletta" ; rdfs:label " stelletta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65426canovaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5435tela ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65426canovaccio is canovaccio" ; rdfs:label " canovaccio_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65427stemma simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65427stemma is stemma" ; rdfs:label " stemma_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65428folgorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65428folgorare is folgorare" ; rdfs:label " folgorare_as_Event" . inds:USem65429targa simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7103incidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65429targa is targa" ; rdfs:label " targa_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6542impressionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6542impressionare is impressionare" ; rdfs:label " impressionare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65430folgorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65430folgorare is folgorare" ; rdfs:label " folgorare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65431targa simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem831lastra ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65431targa is targa" ; rdfs:label " targa_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65432folgorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65432folgorare is folgorare" ; rdfs:label " folgorare_as_Event" . inds:USem65433foraggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65433foraggiare is foraggiare" ; rdfs:label " foraggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65434fotocopiare simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD5195fotocopiatrice ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5603copia ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65434fotocopiare is fotocopiare" ; rdfs:label " fotocopiare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem65435franare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65435franare is franare" ; rdfs:label " franare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65436tarocco simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62905carta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem65268divinare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65436tarocco is tarocco" ; rdfs:label " tarocco_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65438tarocco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1423arancia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD2370arancio ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65438tarocco is tarocco" ; rdfs:label " tarocco_as_Fruit" . inds:USem65439tricolore simple:hasIsa inds:USem876bandiera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65439tricolore is tricolore" ; rdfs:label " tricolore_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6543incantare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61544affascinare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6543incantare is incantare" ; rdfs:label " incantare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65440vademecum simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65440vademecum is vademecum" ; rdfs:label " vademecum_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65441vangelo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65441vangelo is vangelo" ; rdfs:label " vangelo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65442frammentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65442frammentare is frammentare" ; rdfs:label " frammentare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem65443videocassetta simple:hasContains inds:USem6154suono, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1449registrare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65443videocassetta is videocassetta" ; rdfs:label " videocassetta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65444frammentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65444frammentare is frammentare" ; rdfs:label " frammentare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem65446tascapane simple:hasContains inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7064borsa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65446tascapane is tascapane" ; rdfs:label " tascapane_as_Container" . inds:USem65447vocabolario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65447vocabolario is vocabolario" ; rdfs:label " vocabolario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65448tracolla simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD63652tracolla ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65448tracolla is tracolla" ; rdfs:label " tracolla_as_Container" . inds:USem65449contravvenzione simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65449contravvenzione is contravvenzione" ; rdfs:label " contravvenzione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6544indignare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5823indignazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6544indignare is indignare" ; rdfs:label " indignare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65450culla simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1184letto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1907dormire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65450culla is culla" ; rdfs:label " culla_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65451urna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65451urna is urna" ; rdfs:label " urna_as_Container" . inds:USem65452urna simple:hasIsa inds:USem62659cassetta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65452urna is urna" ; rdfs:label " urna_as_Container" . inds:USem65453sottobottiglia simple:hasContains inds:USemD1268bottiglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2391piatto ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65453sottobottiglia is sottobottiglia" ; rdfs:label " sottobottiglia_as_Container" . inds:USem65454dattiloscritto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65454dattiloscritto is dattiloscritto" ; rdfs:label " dattiloscritto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65455stop simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65455stop is stop" ; rdfs:label " stop_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65456barattolo simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido, inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2379coperchio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2978vaso ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65456barattolo is barattolo" ; rdfs:label " barattolo_as_Container" . inds:USem65457diapositiva simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61641sviluppare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60984foto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65457diapositiva is diapositiva" ; rdfs:label " diapositiva_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65458trousse simple:hasIsa inds:USem62624astuccio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65458trousse is trousse" ; rdfs:label " trousse_as_Container" . inds:USem65459saccoccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65459saccoccia is saccoccia" ; rdfs:label " saccoccia_as_Part" . inds:USem6545infastidire simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem69845fastidio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6545infastidire is infastidire" ; rdfs:label " infastidire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65460scacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem65327pedina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65460scacco is scacco" ; rdfs:label " scacco_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65461frapporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65461frapporre is frapporre" ; rdfs:label " frapporre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65462frapporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65462frapporre is frapporre" ; rdfs:label " frapporre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65463frastagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65463frastagliare is frastagliare" ; rdfs:label " frastagliare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65464frastornare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65464frastornare is frastornare" ; rdfs:label " frastornare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65465berlina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65465berlina is berlina" ; rdfs:label " berlina_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65466scacco simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem1401quadrato, inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65466scacco is scacco" ; rdfs:label " scacco_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem65467freddare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD2772freddo ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65467freddare is freddare" ; rdfs:label " freddare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65468dissertazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65468dissertazione is dissertazione" ; rdfs:label " dissertazione_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem65469filobus simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65469filobus is filobus" ; rdfs:label " filobus_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem6546interessare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6546interessare is interessare" ; rdfs:label " interessare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65470freddare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65470freddare is freddare" ; rdfs:label " freddare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem65471fonogramma simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65471fonogramma is fonogramma" ; rdfs:label " fonogramma_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65472freddare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3982diminuire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65472freddare is freddare" ; rdfs:label " freddare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem65473galeone simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65473galeone is galeone" ; rdfs:label " galeone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65474lettiga simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5265condurre ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65474lettiga is lettiga" ; rdfs:label " lettiga_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65475fregare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65475fregare is fregare" ; rdfs:label " fregare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65476fregare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65476fregare is fregare" ; rdfs:label " fregare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65478fregare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65478fregare is fregare" ; rdfs:label " fregare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65479littorina simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65479littorina is littorina" ; rdfs:label " littorina_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem6547intimidire simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USemD76859timidezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6547intimidire is intimidire" ; rdfs:label " intimidire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65480tir simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65480tir is tir" ; rdfs:label " tir_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65481cinquecento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65481cinquecento is cinquecento" ; rdfs:label " cinquecento_as_Number" . inds:USem65482addentellato simple:hasIsa inds:USem79098connessione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65482addentellato is addentellato" ; rdfs:label " addentellato_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem65483allevamento simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD597allevare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65483allevamento is allevamento" ; rdfs:label " allevamento_as_Location" . inds:USem65484anguria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65484anguria is anguria" ; rdfs:label " anguria_as_Plant" . inds:USem65485anticamera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65485anticamera is anticamera" ; rdfs:label " anticamera_as_Part" . inds:USem65486guglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65486guglia is guglia" ; rdfs:label " guglia_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem65487guglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65487guglia is guglia" ; rdfs:label " guglia_as_Part" . inds:USem65489rapace simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem59115cacciare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD542volatile ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65489rapace is rapace" ; rdfs:label " rapace_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem6548intrigare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61544affascinare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6548intrigare is intrigare" ; rdfs:label " intrigare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65490tarlo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65490tarlo is tarlo" ; rdfs:label " tarlo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65491vertebrato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD79202vertebrato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65491vertebrato is vertebrato" ; rdfs:label " vertebrato_as_Group" . inds:USem65492antipode simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65492antipode is antipode" ; rdfs:label " antipode_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem65493appunto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65493appunto is appunto" ; rdfs:label " appunto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65494bipenne simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3714ascia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65494bipenne is bipenne" ; rdfs:label " bipenne_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65495breve simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65495breve is breve" ; rdfs:label " breve_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65496brusca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem919cavallo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3372spazzola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65496brusca is brusca" ; rdfs:label " brusca_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65497budello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65497budello is budello" ; rdfs:label " budello_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem65498cabala simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65498cabala is cabala" ; rdfs:label " cabala_as_Domain" . inds:USem65499cariatide simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61620scultura ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65499cariatide is cariatide" ; rdfs:label " cariatide_as_Artwork" . inds:USem6549irritare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem68304irritazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6549irritare is irritare" ; rdfs:label " irritare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65500cavezza simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5163striscia ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65500cavezza is cavezza" ; rdfs:label " cavezza_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65502fregiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65502fregiare is fregiare" ; rdfs:label " fregiare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65503frodare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7139rubare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65503frodare is frodare" ; rdfs:label " frodare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem65504sottopiatto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2391piatto ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65504sottopiatto is sottopiatto" ; rdfs:label " sottopiatto_as_Container" . inds:USem65505frodare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65505frodare is frodare" ; rdfs:label " frodare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65506collier simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65506collier is collier" ; rdfs:label " collier_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65507livrea simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65507livrea is livrea" ; rdfs:label " livrea_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65508cineseria simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65508cineseria is cineseria" ; rdfs:label " cineseria_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65509contemporaneo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65509contemporaneo is contemporaneo" ; rdfs:label " contemporaneo_as_Kinship" . inds:USem6550mortificare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5890avvilimento, inds:USem60570umiliazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6550mortificare is mortificare" ; rdfs:label " mortificare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65510frustrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6523deludere ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65510frustrare is frustrare" ; rdfs:label " frustrare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65511sdraia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62545bracciolo, inds:USem68505schienale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65511sdraia is sdraia" ; rdfs:label " sdraia_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65512frustrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65512frustrare is frustrare" ; rdfs:label " frustrare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65513fruttare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65513fruttare is fruttare" ; rdfs:label " fruttare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65514fruttare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65514fruttare is fruttare" ; rdfs:label " fruttare_as_Event" . inds:USem65515feto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65515feto is feto" ; rdfs:label " feto_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem65516fruttare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65516fruttare is fruttare" ; rdfs:label " fruttare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65517fucilare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65517fucilare is fucilare" ; rdfs:label " fucilare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65518fugare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65518fugare is fugare" ; rdfs:label " fugare_as_Event" . inds:USem65519fugare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65519fugare is fugare" ; rdfs:label " fugare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem6551preoccupare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5840preoccupazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6551preoccupare is preoccupare" ; rdfs:label " preoccupare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65520funestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65520funestare is funestare" ; rdfs:label " funestare_as_Event" . inds:USem65521bozzolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasSource inds:USem4273baco ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65521bozzolo is bozzolo" ; rdfs:label " bozzolo_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem65522fungere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65522fungere is fungere" ; rdfs:label " fungere_as_State" . inds:USem65523fungere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65523fungere is fungere" ; rdfs:label " fungere_as_State" . inds:USem65524fuorviare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65524fuorviare is fuorviare" ; rdfs:label " fuorviare_as_State" . inds:USem65525fuorviare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65525fuorviare is fuorviare" ; rdfs:label " fuorviare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65526garbare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60650gradimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65526garbare is garbare" ; rdfs:label " garbare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65528gessare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65528gessare is gessare" ; rdfs:label " gessare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65529gessare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65529gessare is gessare" ; rdfs:label " gessare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6552rallegrare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60367contentezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6552rallegrare is rallegrare" ; rdfs:label " rallegrare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65530boccaporto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65530boccaporto is boccaporto" ; rdfs:label " boccaporto_as_Opening" . inds:USem65531ghigliottinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63701decapitare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65531ghigliottinare is ghigliottinare" ; rdfs:label " ghigliottinare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem65532borsino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1550ufficio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62524banca ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65532borsino is borsino" ; rdfs:label " borsino_as_Part" . inds:USem65533girandolare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65533girandolare is girandolare" ; rdfs:label " girandolare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem65537spiraglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65537spiraglio is spiraglio" ; rdfs:label " spiraglio_as_Opening" . inds:USem65538squarcio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65538squarcio is squarcio" ; rdfs:label " squarcio_as_Opening" . inds:USem65539abisso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2068profondita1 ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65539abisso is abisso" ; rdfs:label " abisso_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem6553sbalordire simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60158stupore, inds:USem60580sbalordimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6553sbalordire is sbalordire" ; rdfs:label " sbalordire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65540alano simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65540alano is alano" ; rdfs:label " alano_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65541bove simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemTH55muggire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63231bue ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65541bove is bove" ; rdfs:label " bove_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65542giostrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65542giostrare is giostrare" ; rdfs:label " giostrare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65543bovino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65543bovino is bovino" ; rdfs:label " bovino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65544giostrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65544giostrare is giostrare" ; rdfs:label " giostrare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65545bracco simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65545bracco is bracco" ; rdfs:label " bracco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65546bugiardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65546bugiardo is bugiardo" ; rdfs:label " bugiardo_as_Human" . inds:USem65547centurione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65547centurione is centurione" ; rdfs:label " centurione_as_Role" . inds:USem65548giubilare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60421esultare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65548giubilare is giubilare" ; rdfs:label " giubilare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65549cervellone simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem2727intelligenza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65549cervellone is cervellone" ; rdfs:label " cervellone_as_Human" . inds:USem6554scandalizzare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem69910scandalo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6554scandalizzare is scandalizzare" ; rdfs:label " scandalizzare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65550cervellone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64805calcolatore ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65550cervellone is cervellone" ; rdfs:label " cervellone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65551chiara simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5302albume ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3712uovo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5081cucinare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65551chiara is chiara" ; rdfs:label " chiara_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65552cinquantenne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem76812cinquanta ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65552cinquantenne is cinquantenne" ; rdfs:label " cinquantenne_as_Human" . inds:USem65553giustiziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65553giustiziare is giustiziare" ; rdfs:label " giustiziare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65554clergyman simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65554clergyman is clergyman" ; rdfs:label " clergyman_as_Clothing" . inds:USem65555cocchiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3604conducente ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5265condurre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65555cocchiere is cocchiere" ; rdfs:label " cocchiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem65556conventuale simple:hasIsa inds:USem62262religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65556conventuale is conventuale" ; rdfs:label " conventuale_as_Social_status" . inds:USem65557copywriter simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5387redigere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65557copywriter is copywriter" ; rdfs:label " copywriter_as_Profession" . inds:USem65558demonio simple:hasIsa inds:USem64964demone ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65558demonio is demonio" ; rdfs:label " demonio_as_Entity" . inds:USem65559giumenta simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6394nitrire, inds:USem6404galoppare, inds:USem6409trottare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62642criniera, inds:USemD529zoccolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem919cavallo ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65559giumenta is giumenta" ; rdfs:label " giumenta_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem6555sconcertare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USemD76861sconcerto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6555sconcertare is sconcertare" ; rdfs:label " sconcertare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65560granducato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3572granduca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65560granducato is granducato" ; rdfs:label " granducato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem65561granducato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3572granduca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65561granducato is granducato" ; rdfs:label " granducato_as_Convention" . inds:USem65562granducato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3572granduca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65562granducato is granducato" ; rdfs:label " granducato_as_Time" . inds:USem65563levriero simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65563levriero is levriero" ; rdfs:label " levriero_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65564madrepatria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65564madrepatria is madrepatria" ; rdfs:label " madrepatria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem65565palmeto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65565palmeto is palmeto" ; rdfs:label " palmeto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem65566palomba simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1739artiglio, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65566palomba is palomba" ; rdfs:label " palomba_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem65567paria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1116indiano ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65567paria is paria" ; rdfs:label " paria_as_Social_status" . inds:USem65568paria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65568paria is paria" ; rdfs:label " paria_as_Human" . inds:USem65569reggia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4168sala ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65569reggia is reggia" ; rdfs:label " reggia_as_Building" . inds:USem6556sorprendere simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5832meraviglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6556sorprendere is sorprendere" ; rdfs:label " sorprendere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65570reggia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65570reggia is reggia" ; rdfs:label " reggia_as_Location" . inds:USem65571superiore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65571superiore is superiore" ; rdfs:label " superiore_as_Role" . inds:USem65572superiore simple:hasIsa inds:USem62262religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65572superiore is superiore" ; rdfs:label " superiore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem65573tritone simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65573tritone is tritone" ; rdfs:label " tritone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem65574giaciglio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1184letto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1907dormire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65574giaciglio is giaciglio" ; rdfs:label " giaciglio_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65575tritone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65575tritone is tritone" ; rdfs:label " tritone_as_Representation" . inds:USem65576tritone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5274atomo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65576tritone is tritone" ; rdfs:label " tritone_as_Part" . inds:USem65578urano simple:hasIsa inds:USem59944pianeta ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59644sistema ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65578urano is urano" ; rdfs:label " urano_as_Location" . inds:USem65579vallata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5985valle ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65579vallata is vallata" ; rdfs:label " vallata_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem6557spaventare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60157spavento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6557spaventare is spaventare" ; rdfs:label " spaventare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65580vice simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64016sostituire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64017sostituto ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65580vice is vice" ; rdfs:label " vice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem65581visir simple:hasIsa inds:USem3574ministro ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59435governo ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65581visir is visir" ; rdfs:label " visir_as_Social_status" . inds:USem65582gocciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65582gocciare is gocciare" ; rdfs:label " gocciare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65583gradinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61620scultura ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65583gradinare is gradinare" ; rdfs:label " gradinare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem65584gradinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65584gradinare is gradinare" ; rdfs:label " gradinare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65585irroratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3988innaffiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65585irroratore is irroratore" ; rdfs:label " irroratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65586anglicano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2669protestantesimo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65586anglicano is anglicano" ; rdfs:label " anglicano_as_Ideo" . inds:USem65587celibe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65587celibe is celibe" ; rdfs:label " celibe_as_Human" . inds:USem65588centauro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65588centauro is centauro" ; rdfs:label " centauro_as_Representation" . inds:USem65589centauro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65589centauro is centauro" ; rdfs:label " centauro_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem6558stupire simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60158stupore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6558stupire is stupire" ; rdfs:label " stupire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65590centauro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59932stella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61596costellazione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65590centauro is centauro" ; rdfs:label " centauro_as_Group" . inds:USem65591graduare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65591graduare is graduare" ; rdfs:label " graduare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65592bauletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5435tela, inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65592bauletto is bauletto" ; rdfs:label " bauletto_as_Container" . inds:USem65593graduare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65593graduare is graduare" ; rdfs:label " graduare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65594graduare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65594graduare is graduare" ; rdfs:label " graduare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65595graduare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1518classificare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65595graduare is graduare" ; rdfs:label " graduare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65596gratificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65596gratificare is gratificare" ; rdfs:label " gratificare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65597gratificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65597gratificare is gratificare" ; rdfs:label " gratificare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65598graziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65598graziare is graziare" ; rdfs:label " graziare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65599acquaforte simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6214stampa ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65599acquaforte is acquaforte" ; rdfs:label " acquaforte_as_Artwork" . inds:USem6559svegliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD65514sveglio ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6559svegliare is svegliare" ; rdfs:label " svegliare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65600acquerello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem837dipinto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65600acquerello is acquerello" ; rdfs:label " acquerello_as_Artwork" . inds:USem65601bozzetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6588disegnare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7079disegno ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65601bozzetto is bozzetto" ; rdfs:label " bozzetto_as_Artwork" . inds:USem65603cesello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3256scalpello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7107scolpire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65603cesello is cesello" ; rdfs:label " cesello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65604cesello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61620scultura ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65604cesello is cesello" ; rdfs:label " cesello_as_Artwork" . inds:USem65605grigliare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem68729griglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65605grigliare is grigliare" ; rdfs:label " grigliare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65606cesello simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65606cesello is cesello" ; rdfs:label " cesello_as_Domain" . inds:USem65607crocefisso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65607crocefisso is crocefisso" ; rdfs:label " crocefisso_as_Artwork" . inds:USem65608imbastire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD454cucire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65608imbastire is imbastire" ; rdfs:label " imbastire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65609crocifisso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65607crocefisso ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65609crocifisso is crocifisso" ; rdfs:label " crocifisso_as_Artwork" . inds:USem6560umiliare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60570umiliazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6560umiliare is umiliare" ; rdfs:label " umiliare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65610dittico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere, inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65610dittico is dittico" ; rdfs:label " dittico_as_Artwork" . inds:USem65611imbastire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65611imbastire is imbastire" ; rdfs:label " imbastire_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem65612immaginetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65612immaginetta is immaginetta" ; rdfs:label " immaginetta_as_Artwork" . inds:USem65614miniatura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem837dipinto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65614miniatura is miniatura" ; rdfs:label " miniatura_as_Artwork" . inds:USem65615miniatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65615miniatura is miniatura" ; rdfs:label " miniatura_as_Artifact" . inds:USem65616miniatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65616miniatura is miniatura" ; rdfs:label " miniatura_as_Domain" . inds:USem65618presepio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65618presepio is presepio" ; rdfs:label " presepio_as_Artwork" . inds:USem65619imbattere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65619imbattere is imbattere" ; rdfs:label " imbattere_as_Event" . inds:USem6561meravigliare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5832meraviglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6561meravigliare is meravigliare" ; rdfs:label " meravigliare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65620imbattere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65620imbattere is imbattere" ; rdfs:label " imbattere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65621tempera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem837dipinto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65621tempera is tempera" ; rdfs:label " tempera_as_Artwork" . inds:USem65622tempera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6591dipingere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65622tempera is tempera" ; rdfs:label " tempera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65623imboccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD3006nutrire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65623imboccare is imboccare" ; rdfs:label " imboccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65624imboccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65624imboccare is imboccare" ; rdfs:label " imboccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65625trina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65625trina is trina" ; rdfs:label " trina_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65626xilografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65626xilografia is xilografia" ; rdfs:label " xilografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem65627xilografia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6214stampa ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65627xilografia is xilografia" ; rdfs:label " xilografia_as_Artwork" . inds:USem65628acquaforte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65628acquaforte is acquaforte" ; rdfs:label " acquaforte_as_Domain" . inds:USem65629acquerello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65629acquerello is acquerello" ; rdfs:label " acquerello_as_Domain" . inds:USem65630acquarello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65630acquarello is acquarello" ; rdfs:label " acquarello_as_Domain" . inds:USem65631fregio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6166decorazione ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65631fregio is fregio" ; rdfs:label " fregio_as_Artwork" . inds:USem65632silhouette simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60979ritratto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65632silhouette is silhouette" ; rdfs:label " silhouette_as_Artwork" . inds:USem65633cortometraggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63839pellicola ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65633cortometraggio is cortometraggio" ; rdfs:label " cortometraggio_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem65634imboccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65634imboccare is imboccare" ; rdfs:label " imboccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65635immettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65635immettere is immettere" ; rdfs:label " immettere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65636immettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65636immettere is immettere" ; rdfs:label " immettere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65637impacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65637impacciare is impacciare" ; rdfs:label " impacciare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65638corda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65638corda is corda" ; rdfs:label " corda_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65639impacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65639impacciare is impacciare" ; rdfs:label " impacciare_as_Cause" . inds:USem6563galleggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6563galleggiare is galleggiare" ; rdfs:label " galleggiare_as_State" . inds:USem65640impartire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65640impartire is impartire" ; rdfs:label " impartire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65641impattare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65641impattare is impattare" ; rdfs:label " impattare_as_State" . inds:USem65642impazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65642impazzare is impazzare" ; rdfs:label " impazzare_as_Event" . inds:USem65643imperversare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65643imperversare is imperversare" ; rdfs:label " imperversare_as_Event" . inds:USem65644lavatrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65644lavatrice is lavatrice" ; rdfs:label " lavatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65645centenario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem76813cento ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65645centenario is centenario" ; rdfs:label " centenario_as_Human" . inds:USem65646cronista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3351giornalista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere, inds:USem7093raccontare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65646cronista is cronista" ; rdfs:label " cronista_as_Profession" . inds:USem65647dorsale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2228altura ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65647dorsale is dorsale" ; rdfs:label " dorsale_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem65648impiccare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem65638corda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65648impiccare is impiccare" ; rdfs:label " impiccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65649dorsale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65649dorsale is dorsale" ; rdfs:label " dorsale_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem6564guizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6564guizzare is guizzare" ; rdfs:label " guizzare_as_Move" . inds:USem65650legale simple:hasIsa inds:USem3364avvocato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem60070consigliare, inds:USem76770difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65650legale is legale" ; rdfs:label " legale_as_Profession" . inds:USem65651tranvia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64550via ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65651tranvia is tranvia" ; rdfs:label " tranvia_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem65652impigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65652impigliare is impigliare" ; rdfs:label " impigliare_as_State" . inds:USem65653inibitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65653inibitore is inibitore" ; rdfs:label " inibitore_as_Substance" . inds:USem65654autoclave simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65654autoclave is autoclave" ; rdfs:label " autoclave_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65655latrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem64663gabinetto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65655latrina is latrina" ; rdfs:label " latrina_as_Part" . inds:USem65656plebe simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem63634plebeo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6162classe ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65656plebe is plebe" ; rdfs:label " plebe_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem65657inibire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65657inibire is inibire" ; rdfs:label " inibire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65658plebe simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62305borghese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59449popolo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65658plebe is plebe" ; rdfs:label " plebe_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem65659creatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem918essere ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65659creatura is creatura" ; rdfs:label " creatura_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem6565scivolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6565scivolare is scivolare" ; rdfs:label " scivolare_as_Move" . inds:USem65660eclittica simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65660eclittica is eclittica" ; rdfs:label " eclittica_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem65662fulcro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65662fulcro is fulcro" ; rdfs:label " fulcro_as_Location" . inds:USem65663fulcro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3296fattore ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65663fulcro is fulcro" ; rdfs:label " fulcro_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem65664iseo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63675lago ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65664iseo is iseo" ; rdfs:label " iseo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem65665smacchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD63676smacchiare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65665smacchiatore is smacchiatore" ; rdfs:label " smacchiatore_as_Substance" . inds:USem65666lago simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65666lago is lago" ; rdfs:label " lago_as_Amount" . inds:USem65667lizza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65667lizza is lizza" ; rdfs:label " lizza_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem65668naif simple:hasIsa inds:USem4948pittore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6591dipingere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65668naif is naif" ; rdfs:label " naif_as_Profession" . inds:USem65669planetario simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62493proiettare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65669planetario is planetario" ; rdfs:label " planetario_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6566serpeggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6566serpeggiare is serpeggiare" ; rdfs:label " serpeggiare_as_Move" . inds:USem65670planetario simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62493proiettare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65670planetario is planetario" ; rdfs:label " planetario_as_Building" . inds:USem65671lubrificante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59894lubrificare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65671lubrificante is lubrificante" ; rdfs:label " lubrificante_as_Substance" . inds:USem65672ossidante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5445ossidare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65672ossidante is ossidante" ; rdfs:label " ossidante_as_Substance" . inds:USem65673prestanome simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65673prestanome is prestanome" ; rdfs:label " prestanome_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem65674implementare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65674implementare is implementare" ; rdfs:label " implementare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65675sottovento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65675sottovento is sottovento" ; rdfs:label " sottovento_as_Part" . inds:USem65676improntare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65676improntare is improntare" ; rdfs:label " improntare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65677impugnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65677impugnare is impugnare" ; rdfs:label " impugnare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65678imputare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65678imputare is imputare" ; rdfs:label " imputare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65679camionetta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65679camionetta is camionetta" ; rdfs:label " camionetta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem6567svolazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6567svolazzare is svolazzare" ; rdfs:label " svolazzare_as_Move" . inds:USem65680furgoncino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65680furgoncino is furgoncino" ; rdfs:label " furgoncino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65681pullman simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2856autobus ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65681pullman is pullman" ; rdfs:label " pullman_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65682imputare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65682imputare is imputare" ; rdfs:label " imputare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65683burattino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65683burattino is burattino" ; rdfs:label " burattino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65684burattino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65684burattino is burattino" ; rdfs:label " burattino_as_Human" . inds:USem65685correggia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3326cuoio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65685correggia is correggia" ; rdfs:label " correggia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65686figurina simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65686figurina is figurina" ; rdfs:label " figurina_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65687ghirlanda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63678corona ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65687ghirlanda is ghirlanda" ; rdfs:label " ghirlanda_as_Artwork" . inds:USem65688biro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1024penna ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65688biro is biro" ; rdfs:label " biro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65689giornalino simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6977giornale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65689giornalino is giornalino" ; rdfs:label " giornalino_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6568volteggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6568volteggiare is volteggiare" ; rdfs:label " volteggiare_as_Move" . inds:USem65690biglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65690biglia is biglia" ; rdfs:label " biglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65691lunario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65691lunario is lunario" ; rdfs:label " lunario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65692boccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62489palla ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65692boccia is boccia" ; rdfs:label " boccia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65693spartito simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65693spartito is spartito" ; rdfs:label " spartito_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65694bocchino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5021fumare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65694bocchino is bocchino" ; rdfs:label " bocchino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65695bocchino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65695bocchino is bocchino" ; rdfs:label " bocchino_as_Part" . inds:USem65696contornare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59585circondare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65696contornare is contornare" ; rdfs:label " contornare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem65697convenire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65697convenire is convenire" ; rdfs:label " convenire_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem65698boomerang simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65698boomerang is boomerang" ; rdfs:label " boomerang_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65699convenire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65699convenire is convenire" ; rdfs:label " convenire_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem6569ciondolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6529oscillare ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6569ciondolare is ciondolare" ; rdfs:label " ciondolare_as_Move" . inds:USem65700caffettiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65700caffettiera is caffettiera" ; rdfs:label " caffettiera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65701convenire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65701convenire is convenire" ; rdfs:label " convenire_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem65702caffettiera simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65702caffettiera is caffettiera" ; rdfs:label " caffettiera_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65703corona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5099dente ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65703corona is corona" ; rdfs:label " corona_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem65704caffettiera simple:hasContains inds:USem3276caffe1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65349bricco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76005servire, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65704caffettiera is caffettiera" ; rdfs:label " caffettiera_as_Container" . inds:USem65705corona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65705corona is corona" ; rdfs:label " corona_as_Part" . inds:USem65706campanaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65706campanaccio is campanaccio" ; rdfs:label " campanaccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65707corona simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4894danimarca, inds:USem4899svezia ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65707corona is corona" ; rdfs:label " corona_as_Money" . inds:USem65708tomo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65708tomo is tomo" ; rdfs:label " tomo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6570dondolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6529oscillare ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6570dondolare is dondolare" ; rdfs:label " dondolare_as_Move" . inds:USem65710vessillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem876bandiera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65710vessillo is vessillo" ; rdfs:label " vessillo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65711effigie simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60979ritratto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65711effigie is effigie" ; rdfs:label " effigie_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65712candelotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7109candela ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3039cera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65712candelotto is candelotto" ; rdfs:label " candelotto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65713incallire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65713incallire is incallire" ; rdfs:label " incallire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65714capestro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65638corda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem65648impiccare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65714capestro is capestro" ; rdfs:label " capestro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65715elaborato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65715elaborato is elaborato" ; rdfs:label " elaborato_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65716cardano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3441giunto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65716cardano is cardano" ; rdfs:label " cardano_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65717dettato simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65717dettato is dettato" ; rdfs:label " dettato_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem65718dettato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5602scritto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65718dettato is dettato" ; rdfs:label " dettato_as_Information" . inds:USem65719cardine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61087porta, inds:USem61089finestra ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65719cardine is cardine" ; rdfs:label " cardine_as_Part" . inds:USem6571canoa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6571canoa is canoa" ; rdfs:label " canoa_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem65720imballo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem72042imballare ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65720imballo is imballo" ; rdfs:label " imballo_as_Material" . inds:USem65721lapillo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5096vulcano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6452frammento ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65721lapillo is lapillo" ; rdfs:label " lapillo_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem65722incallire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65722incallire is incallire" ; rdfs:label " incallire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65723masso simple:hasIsa inds:USem3410sasso ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem59744roccia ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65723masso is masso" ; rdfs:label " masso_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem65724stalagmite simple:hasIsa inds:USem61459deposito ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem59744roccia ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65724stalagmite is stalagmite" ; rdfs:label " stalagmite_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem65725stalattite simple:hasIsa inds:USem61459deposito ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem59744roccia ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65725stalattite is stalattite" ; rdfs:label " stalattite_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem65726ghiacciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3871ghiaccio ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65726ghiacciolo is ghiacciolo" ; rdfs:label " ghiacciolo_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem65727incalzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65727incalzare is incalzare" ; rdfs:label " incalzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65728incalzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65728incalzare is incalzare" ; rdfs:label " incalzare_as_Event" . inds:USem65729catenella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65729catenella is catenella" ; rdfs:label " catenella_as_Clothing" . inds:USem6572girare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6572girare is girare" ; rdfs:label " girare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem65730grumo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59485massa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65730grumo is grumo" ; rdfs:label " grumo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem65731incamminare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65731incamminare is incamminare" ; rdfs:label " incamminare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem65732incamminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65732incamminare is incamminare" ; rdfs:label " incamminare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem65733gingillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65733gingillo is gingillo" ; rdfs:label " gingillo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem65734gomitolo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem62489palla ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3966filo, inds:USem62706spago ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65734gomitolo is gomitolo" ; rdfs:label " gomitolo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem65735incappare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65735incappare is incappare" ; rdfs:label " incappare_as_Event" . inds:USem65736cencio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5435tela ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65736cencio is cencio" ; rdfs:label " cencio_as_Furniture" . inds:USem65737incensare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60770lodare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65737incensare is incensare" ; rdfs:label " incensare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem65738madreperla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD570mollusco ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65738madreperla is madreperla" ; rdfs:label " madreperla_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65739incensare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65739incensare is incensare" ; rdfs:label " incensare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65740marchingegno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65740marchingegno is marchingegno" ; rdfs:label " marchingegno_as_Artifact" . inds:USem65741incentivare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63689incentivato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65741incentivare is incentivare" ; rdfs:label " incentivare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem65743marchingegno simple:hasTelic inds:USemTH34372mezzo ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65743marchingegno is marchingegno" ; rdfs:label " marchingegno_as_Telic" . inds:USem65744orsacchiotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65744orsacchiotto is orsacchiotto" ; rdfs:label " orsacchiotto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65745ninnolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem65733gingillo ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65745ninnolo is ninnolo" ; rdfs:label " ninnolo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem65747cilicio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65747cilicio is cilicio" ; rdfs:label " cilicio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65748incentrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65748incentrare is incentrare" ; rdfs:label " incentrare_as_State" . inds:USem65749incentrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65749incentrare is incentrare" ; rdfs:label " incentrare_as_State" . inds:USem6574allarmare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6574allarmare is allarmare" ; rdfs:label " allarmare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65750supporto simple:hasTelic inds:USemD63692supportare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65750supporto is supporto" ; rdfs:label " supporto_as_Telic" . inds:USem65751inceppare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63694inceppato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65751inceppare is inceppare" ; rdfs:label " inceppare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65752caolino simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65752caolino is caolino" ; rdfs:label " caolino_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem65753carbonella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem4575combustione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD5143carbone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem1740combustibile ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65753carbonella is carbonella" ; rdfs:label " carbonella_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65754cioccolatiera simple:hasContains inds:USem3661cioccolata ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65349bricco ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65754cioccolatiera is cioccolatiera" ; rdfs:label " cioccolatiera_as_Container" . inds:USem65755cartaccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD2713cellulosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3042carta ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65755cartaccia is cartaccia" ; rdfs:label " cartaccia_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65756inchinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65756inchinare is inchinare" ; rdfs:label " inchinare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem65757cartapesta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3075collante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65757cartapesta is cartapesta" ; rdfs:label " cartapesta_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65758cromatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2992rivestimento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem77510cromo ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2613rivestire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65758cromatura is cromatura" ; rdfs:label " cromatura_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem6575saltare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6575saltare is saltare" ; rdfs:label " saltare_as_Move" . inds:USem65760organo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD63698congegno ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65760organo is organo" ; rdfs:label " organo_as_Part" . inds:USem65761inchinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65761inchinare is inchinare" ; rdfs:label " inchinare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem65762clessidra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem2740tempo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65762clessidra is clessidra" ; rdfs:label " clessidra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65763inclinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65763inclinare is inclinare" ; rdfs:label " inclinare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem65764fettuccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5163striscia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6393rinforzare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65764fettuccia is fettuccia" ; rdfs:label " fettuccia_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65765flanella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3167lana, inds:USemD3087cotone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65765flanella is flanella" ; rdfs:label " flanella_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65766incolonnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65766incolonnare is incolonnare" ; rdfs:label " incolonnare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65767incolonnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65767incolonnare is incolonnare" ; rdfs:label " incolonnare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem65768ghinea simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD3087cotone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65768ghinea is ghinea" ; rdfs:label " ghinea_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65769incombere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65769incombere is incombere" ; rdfs:label " incombere_as_Event" . inds:USem6576allarmare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6576allarmare is allarmare" ; rdfs:label " allarmare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65770gommapiuma simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3125gomma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65770gommapiuma is gommapiuma" ; rdfs:label " gommapiuma_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65771graniglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64575impasto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2991cemento, inds:USem4016marmo, inds:USemD5299argilla ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65771graniglia is graniglia" ; rdfs:label " graniglia_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65772iuta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5434tessere ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65772iuta is iuta" ; rdfs:label " iuta_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65773nappa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1764pelle ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65773nappa is nappa" ; rdfs:label " nappa_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65774clip simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5592fermaglio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65774clip is clip" ; rdfs:label " clip_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65775incoraggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65775incoraggiare is incoraggiare" ; rdfs:label " incoraggiare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem65776para simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3125gomma ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65776para is para" ; rdfs:label " para_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65777clip simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5592fermaglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65777clip is clip" ; rdfs:label " clip_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65778para simple:hasIsa inds:USem3124gomma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65778para is para" ; rdfs:label " para_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65779incoraggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65779incoraggiare is incoraggiare" ; rdfs:label " incoraggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6577passeggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6577passeggiare is passeggiare" ; rdfs:label " passeggiare_as_Move" . inds:USem65780coltellaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2933coltello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65780coltellaccio is coltellaccio" ; rdfs:label " coltellaccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65781cotone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65781cotone is cotone" ; rdfs:label " cotone_as_Plant" . inds:USem65782crivello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2839setaccio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD7126setacciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65782crivello is crivello" ; rdfs:label " crivello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65783dagherrotipo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65783dagherrotipo is dagherrotipo" ; rdfs:label " dagherrotipo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65784detector simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2329rilevatore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1452rilevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65784detector is detector" ; rdfs:label " detector_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65785digitalizzatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6450convertire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65785digitalizzatore is digitalizzatore" ; rdfs:label " digitalizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65786ditale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD454cucire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65786ditale is ditale" ; rdfs:label " ditale_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65787fascicolatrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem65357fascicolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65787fascicolatrice is fascicolatrice" ; rdfs:label " fascicolatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65788fotocompositrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65788fotocompositrice is fotocompositrice" ; rdfs:label " fotocompositrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65789fiaccola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65789fiaccola is fiaccola" ; rdfs:label " fiaccola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65790gessetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere, inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65790gessetto is gessetto" ; rdfs:label " gessetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65791ghigliottina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD63701decapitare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65791ghigliottina is ghigliottina" ; rdfs:label " ghigliottina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65792girarrosto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65792girarrosto is girarrosto" ; rdfs:label " girarrosto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65793girandola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65793girandola is girandola" ; rdfs:label " girandola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65794gogna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65794gogna is gogna" ; rdfs:label " gogna_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65795graffetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5592fermaglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65795graffetta is graffetta" ; rdfs:label " graffetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65796cotone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65796cotone is cotone" ; rdfs:label " cotone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65797grancassa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65797grancassa is grancassa" ; rdfs:label " grancassa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65798grata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2240finestra ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65798grata is grata" ; rdfs:label " grata_as_Part" . inds:USem65799cotone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3087cotone ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65799cotone is cotone" ; rdfs:label " cotone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65800lana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65800lana is lana" ; rdfs:label " lana_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem65801lana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3167lana ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65801lana is lana" ; rdfs:label " lana_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65802lino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65802lino is lino" ; rdfs:label " lino_as_Plant" . inds:USem65803parquet simple:hasIsa inds:USem59837pavimento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3688legno ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65803parquet is parquet" ; rdfs:label " parquet_as_Part" . inds:USem65804rayon simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD2713cellulosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4040fibra ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65804rayon is rayon" ; rdfs:label " rayon_as_Substance" . inds:USem65805rayon simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5434tessere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65805rayon is rayon" ; rdfs:label " rayon_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65806silicone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3420silicio ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65806silicone is silicone" ; rdfs:label " silicone_as_Substance" . inds:USem65807graticcio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59645struttura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65807graticcio is graticcio" ; rdfs:label " graticcio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65808grimaldello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1068aprire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65808grimaldello is grimaldello" ; rdfs:label " grimaldello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65809guinzaglio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65809guinzaglio is guinzaglio" ; rdfs:label " guinzaglio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6580confortare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6580confortare is confortare" ; rdfs:label " confortare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65810idrovora simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65810idrovora is idrovora" ; rdfs:label " idrovora_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65811lampione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65811lampione is lampione" ; rdfs:label " lampione_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65812teleobiettivo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65812teleobiettivo is teleobiettivo" ; rdfs:label " teleobiettivo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65813inferriata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2240finestra ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65813inferriata is inferriata" ; rdfs:label " inferriata_as_Part" . inds:USem65814tavolozza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6591dipingere, inds:USemD5110mescolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65814tavolozza is tavolozza" ; rdfs:label " tavolozza_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65815tassello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65815tassello is tassello" ; rdfs:label " tassello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65816stagnola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65720imballo ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64582isolare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65816stagnola is stagnola" ; rdfs:label " stagnola_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65817lanciafiamme simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65817lanciafiamme is lanciafiamme" ; rdfs:label " lanciafiamme_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65819incubare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65819incubare is incubare" ; rdfs:label " incubare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6581balzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6581balzare is balzare" ; rdfs:label " balzare_as_Move" . inds:USem65820lavatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65820lavatoio is lavatoio" ; rdfs:label " lavatoio_as_Building" . inds:USem65821incubare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65821incubare is incubare" ; rdfs:label " incubare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65822incuriosire simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem72970curiosita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65822incuriosire is incuriosire" ; rdfs:label " incuriosire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65823tartan simple:hasIsa inds:USem3094resina ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65823tartan is tartan" ; rdfs:label " tartan_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65824indebitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65824indebitare is indebitare" ; rdfs:label " indebitare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65825torba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65825torba is torba" ; rdfs:label " torba_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65826indebitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65826indebitare is indebitare" ; rdfs:label " indebitare_as_Event" . inds:USem65827magnetofono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6788riprodurre, inds:USemD1449registrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65827magnetofono is magnetofono" ; rdfs:label " magnetofono_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65828indennizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7165rimborsare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65828indennizzare is indennizzare" ; rdfs:label " indennizzare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem65829mainframe simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5200elaboratore ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65829mainframe is mainframe" ; rdfs:label " mainframe_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6582illudere simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60443illusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6582illudere is illudere" ; rdfs:label " illudere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65830indire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65830indire is indire" ; rdfs:label " indire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65831manganello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65836randello ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65831manganello is manganello" ; rdfs:label " manganello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65832velina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3042carta ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65832velina is velina" ; rdfs:label " velina_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65833propano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3226idrocarburo ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem1740combustibile ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65833propano is propano" ; rdfs:label " propano_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65834velluto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65834velluto is velluto" ; rdfs:label " velluto_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65835rena simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65835rena is rena" ; rdfs:label " rena_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65836randello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65836randello is randello" ; rdfs:label " randello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65837vinile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65837vinile is vinile" ; rdfs:label " vinile_as_Substance" . inds:USem65838cotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5521cottura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7053prodotto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1741terracotta ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2646decorare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65838cotto is cotto" ; rdfs:label " cotto_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65839rugiada simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD66463condensazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65839rugiada is rugiada" ; rdfs:label " rugiada_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem6583illudere simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60443illusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6583illudere is illudere" ; rdfs:label " illudere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65840diserbante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65840diserbante is diserbante" ; rdfs:label " diserbante_as_Substance" . inds:USem65841indiziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65841indiziare is indiziare" ; rdfs:label " indiziare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65842salsedine simple:hasIsa inds:USem77041sale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65842salsedine is salsedine" ; rdfs:label " salsedine_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65843disinfettante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59889disinfettare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65843disinfettante is disinfettante" ; rdfs:label " disinfettante_as_Substance" . inds:USem65844saccarosio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65844saccarosio is saccarosio" ; rdfs:label " saccarosio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65845segatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem6452frammento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem68058legno ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USemD5115segare ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65845segatura is segatura" ; rdfs:label " segatura_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65846salamoia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USem3995sale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62851conservare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65846salamoia is salamoia" ; rdfs:label " salamoia_as_Substance" . inds:USem65847industriare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65847industriare is industriare" ; rdfs:label " industriare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65848schiumogeno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65848schiumogeno is schiumogeno" ; rdfs:label " schiumogeno_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65849selce simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65849selce is selce" ; rdfs:label " selce_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem6584marea simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6584marea is marea" ; rdfs:label " marea_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem65850shampoo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6951detergere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65850shampoo is shampoo" ; rdfs:label " shampoo_as_Substance" . inds:USem65851smog simple:hasIsa inds:USem3889nebbia ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65851smog is smog" ; rdfs:label " smog_as_Substance" . inds:USem65852stricnina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60732stimolare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65852stricnina is stricnina" ; rdfs:label " stricnina_as_Substance" . inds:USem65853inebriare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63704inebriato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65853inebriare is inebriare" ; rdfs:label " inebriare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65854silice simple:hasIsa inds:USem3704sale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65854silice is silice" ; rdfs:label " silice_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65855motosega simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5115segare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65855motosega is motosega" ; rdfs:label " motosega_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65856solfato simple:hasIsa inds:USem3704sale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65856solfato is solfato" ; rdfs:label " solfato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65857sterco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1829intestino ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65857sterco is sterco" ; rdfs:label " sterco_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65858moschetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65858moschetto is moschetto" ; rdfs:label " moschetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65859terriccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3006terra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3078concime ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65859terriccio is terriccio" ; rdfs:label " terriccio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem6585ritrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem60979ritratto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6585ritrarre is ritrarre" ; rdfs:label " ritrarre_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem65860testosterone simple:hasIsa inds:USem3052ormone ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65860testosterone is testosterone" ; rdfs:label " testosterone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65861travertino simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65861travertino is travertino" ; rdfs:label " travertino_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem65862lavapiatti simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65862lavapiatti is lavapiatti" ; rdfs:label " lavapiatti_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65863tonico simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6768rafforzare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65863tonico is tonico" ; rdfs:label " tonico_as_Substance" . inds:USem65864verderame simple:hasIsa inds:USem65856solfato ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3078concime ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65864verderame is verderame" ; rdfs:label " verderame_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65865acquasanta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65865acquasanta is acquasanta" ; rdfs:label " acquasanta_as_Substance" . inds:USem65866bicarbonato simple:hasIsa inds:USem3704sale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65866bicarbonato is bicarbonato" ; rdfs:label " bicarbonato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65867mitra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65867mitra is mitra" ; rdfs:label " mitra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65868cachet simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65868cachet is cachet" ; rdfs:label " cachet_as_Substance" . inds:USem65869mulinello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65869mulinello is mulinello" ; rdfs:label " mulinello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6586azionare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3964muovere ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6586azionare is azionare" ; rdfs:label " azionare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem65870mixer simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65870mixer is mixer" ; rdfs:label " mixer_as_Container" . inds:USem65871coccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5521cottura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1741terracotta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5299argilla ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65871coccio is coccio" ; rdfs:label " coccio_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem65872verderame simple:hasIsa inds:USem3704sale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65872verderame is verderame" ; rdfs:label " verderame_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65873mixer simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5110mescolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65873mixer is mixer" ; rdfs:label " mixer_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65874conservante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62851conservare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65874conservante is conservante" ; rdfs:label " conservante_as_Substance" . inds:USem65876decongestionante simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem73223congestione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65876decongestionante is decongestionante" ; rdfs:label " decongestionante_as_Substance" . inds:USem65877occhialino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1941correggere, inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65877occhialino is occhialino" ; rdfs:label " occhialino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65878organetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65878organetto is organetto" ; rdfs:label " organetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65879organino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65879organino is organino" ; rdfs:label " organino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6587schizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6588disegnare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6060schizzo ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6587schizzare is schizzare" ; rdfs:label " schizzare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem65880doppietta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5537fucile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65880doppietta is doppietta" ; rdfs:label " doppietta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65881tufo simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65881tufo is tufo" ; rdfs:label " tufo_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem65882calcedonio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3420silicio ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem6166decorazione ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65882calcedonio is calcedonio" ; rdfs:label " calcedonio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65883borace simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem65843disinfettante ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65883borace is borace" ; rdfs:label " borace_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65884colesterolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3126sangue ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65884colesterolo is colesterolo" ; rdfs:label " colesterolo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65885condensa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65885condensa is condensa" ; rdfs:label " condensa_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65886guazza simple:hasIsa inds:USem65839rugiada ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65886guazza is guazza" ; rdfs:label " guazza_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65887lattosio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3663zucchero ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65887lattosio is lattosio" ; rdfs:label " lattosio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65888mota simple:hasIsa inds:USem3180fango ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USem3006terra ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65888mota is mota" ; rdfs:label " mota_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65889ombrellone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3310ombrello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65889ombrellone is ombrellone" ; rdfs:label " ombrellone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6588disegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem839disegno ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6588disegnare is disegnare" ; rdfs:label " disegnare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem65890porfido simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65890porfido is porfido" ; rdfs:label " porfido_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem65891trombina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3045enzima ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65891trombina is trombina" ; rdfs:label " trombina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65892calcopirite simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1366giallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3031ferro, inds:USem3414rame ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65892calcopirite is calcopirite" ; rdfs:label " calcopirite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65893patina simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD63711strato ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65893patina is patina" ; rdfs:label " patina_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem65894placebo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3047farmaco ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65894placebo is placebo" ; rdfs:label " placebo_as_Substance" . inds:USem65895pallottola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62491proiettile ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65895pallottola is pallottola" ; rdfs:label " pallottola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65897pennarello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2753colorare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65897pennarello is pennarello" ; rdfs:label " pennarello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65898ventilare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65898ventilare is ventilare" ; rdfs:label " ventilare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem65899ragnatela simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1952ragno ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65899ragnatela is ragnatela" ; rdfs:label " ragnatela_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem6589delineare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6589delineare is delineare" ; rdfs:label " delineare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem65900barbecue simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3500fornello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65900barbecue is barbecue" ; rdfs:label " barbecue_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65902serramanico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2933coltello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65902serramanico is serramanico" ; rdfs:label " serramanico_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65903vaporizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65903vaporizzare is vaporizzare" ; rdfs:label " vaporizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem65904dolcificante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3175dolcificare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65904dolcificante is dolcificante" ; rdfs:label " dolcificante_as_Substance" . inds:USem65905roccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65905roccia is roccia" ; rdfs:label " roccia_as_Human" . inds:USem65907camelia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD63718camelia ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65907camelia is camelia" ; rdfs:label " camelia_as_Flower" . inds:USem65908dopobarba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65908dopobarba is dopobarba" ; rdfs:label " dopobarba_as_Substance" . inds:USem65909gardenia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD63720gardenia ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65909gardenia is gardenia" ; rdfs:label " gardenia_as_Flower" . inds:USem6590tratteggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem839disegno, inds:USemD5602scritto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6590tratteggiare is tratteggiare" ; rdfs:label " tratteggiare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem65910gelsomino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD63721gelsomino ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65910gelsomino is gelsomino" ; rdfs:label " gelsomino_as_Flower" . inds:USem65911mimosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD63722mimosa ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65911mimosa is mimosa" ; rdfs:label " mimosa_as_Flower" . inds:USem65912oleandro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65912oleandro is oleandro" ; rdfs:label " oleandro_as_Plant" . inds:USem65913timer simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2740tempo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65913timer is timer" ; rdfs:label " timer_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65914violetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD63723violetta ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65914violetta is violetta" ; rdfs:label " violetta_as_Flower" . inds:USem65915ortensia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65915ortensia is ortensia" ; rdfs:label " ortensia_as_Plant" . inds:USem65917pinzetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3379pinza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD461afferrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65917pinzetta is pinzetta" ; rdfs:label " pinzetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65918mascara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59748abbellire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65918mascara is mascara" ; rdfs:label " mascara_as_Substance" . inds:USem65919vagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59990esaminare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65919vagliare is vagliare" ; rdfs:label " vagliare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem6591dipingere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem837dipinto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6591dipingere is dipingere" ; rdfs:label " dipingere_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem65920onice simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3420silicio ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem6166decorazione ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65920onice is onice" ; rdfs:label " onice_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem65921purga simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2732purgare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65921purga is purga" ; rdfs:label " purga_as_Substance" . inds:USem65922balestra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61058tirare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65922balestra is balestra" ; rdfs:label " balestra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65923caco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD63724caco ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65923caco is caco" ; rdfs:label " caco_as_Fruit" . inds:USem65924borotalco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3359boro, inds:USem3658talco ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65924borotalco is borotalco" ; rdfs:label " borotalco_as_Substance" . inds:USem65925candeggina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65925candeggina is candeggina" ; rdfs:label " candeggina_as_Substance" . inds:USem65926corbezzolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1699bacca ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65926corbezzolo is corbezzolo" ; rdfs:label " corbezzolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem65927dattero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1511palma ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65927dattero is dattero" ; rdfs:label " dattero_as_Fruit" . inds:USem65928sciabola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65928sciabola is sciabola" ; rdfs:label " sciabola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6592dondolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3964muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6592dondolare is dondolare" ; rdfs:label " dondolare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem65930kiwi simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65930kiwi is kiwi" ; rdfs:label " kiwi_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem65931kiwi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD63725kiwi ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65931kiwi is kiwi" ; rdfs:label " kiwi_as_Fruit" . inds:USem65932pannocchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem59817infiorescenza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1541granturco ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65932pannocchia is pannocchia" ; rdfs:label " pannocchia_as_Flower" . inds:USem65933pinolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1444pino ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65933pinolo is pinolo" ; rdfs:label " pinolo_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem65934righello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65934righello is righello" ; rdfs:label " righello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65935ramazza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3317scopa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6959spazzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65935ramazza is ramazza" ; rdfs:label " ramazza_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65936alga simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasTypicalLocation inds:USem66548acqua ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65936alga is alga" ; rdfs:label " alga_as_Plant" . inds:USem65937forare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63727forato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65937forare is forare" ; rdfs:label " forare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem65938biancospino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1810spina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1570arbusto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65938biancospino is biancospino" ; rdfs:label " biancospino_as_Plant" . inds:USem65939bonsai simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65939bonsai is bonsai" ; rdfs:label " bonsai_as_Plant" . inds:USem6593amareggiare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60153amarezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6593amareggiare is amareggiare" ; rdfs:label " amareggiare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65940cactacea simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65940cactacea is cactacea" ; rdfs:label " cactacea_as_Plant" . inds:USem65941caprifoglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1570arbusto ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65941caprifoglio is caprifoglio" ; rdfs:label " caprifoglio_as_Plant" . inds:USem65942cavolfiore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1577cavolo ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD63872cavolfiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65942cavolfiore is cavolfiore" ; rdfs:label " cavolfiore_as_Plant" . inds:USem65943cespuglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65943cespuglio is cespuglio" ; rdfs:label " cespuglio_as_Plant" . inds:USem65944coca simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65944coca is coca" ; rdfs:label " coca_as_Plant" . inds:USem65945colombina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65945colombina is colombina" ; rdfs:label " colombina_as_Human" . inds:USem65946cucurbitacea simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem62862frutto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65946cucurbitacea is cucurbitacea" ; rdfs:label " cucurbitacea_as_Plant" . inds:USem65947erbaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65947erbaccia is erbaccia" ; rdfs:label " erbaccia_as_Plant" . inds:USem65948eucalipto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65948eucalipto is eucalipto" ; rdfs:label " eucalipto_as_Plant" . inds:USem65949fagiolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2956baccello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1562fagiolo ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65949fagiolino is fagiolino" ; rdfs:label " fagiolino_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem6594avvilire simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5890avvilimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6594avvilire is avvilire" ; rdfs:label " avvilire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65950giunco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65950giunco is giunco" ; rdfs:label " giunco_as_Plant" . inds:USem65951gramigna simple:hasIsa inds:USem65947erbaccia ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65951gramigna is gramigna" ; rdfs:label " gramigna_as_Plant" . inds:USem65952graminacea simple:hasIsa inds:USem1524erba ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65952graminacea is graminacea" ; rdfs:label " graminacea_as_Plant" . inds:USem65953indivia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65953indivia is indivia" ; rdfs:label " indivia_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem65955mais simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD63735mais ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65955mais is mais" ; rdfs:label " mais_as_Plant" . inds:USem65956porro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD63729porro ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65956porro is porro" ; rdfs:label " porro_as_Plant" . inds:USem65957rapa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD63737rapa ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65957rapa is rapa" ; rdfs:label " rapa_as_Plant" . inds:USem65958borlotto simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1563fagiolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65958borlotto is borlotto" ; rdfs:label " borlotto_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem65959frasca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65959frasca is frasca" ; rdfs:label " frasca_as_Part" . inds:USem6595emozionare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5905emozione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6595emozionare is emozionare" ; rdfs:label " emozionare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65960fuscello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65960fuscello is fuscello" ; rdfs:label " fuscello_as_Part" . inds:USem65962antipasto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3668portata ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65962antipasto is antipasto" ; rdfs:label " antipasto_as_Food" . inds:USem65963dessert simple:hasIsa inds:USem3668portata ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65963dessert is dessert" ; rdfs:label " dessert_as_Food" . inds:USem65964manicaretto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65964manicaretto is manicaretto" ; rdfs:label " manicaretto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem65965scaldabagno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1328riscaldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65965scaldabagno is scaldabagno" ; rdfs:label " scaldabagno_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65966manna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65966manna is manna" ; rdfs:label " manna_as_Food" . inds:USem65967manna simple:hasTelic inds:USem59870aiutare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65967manna is manna" ; rdfs:label " manna_as_Telic" . inds:USem65968tappare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65968tappare is tappare" ; rdfs:label " tappare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem65969raschiatoio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76551raschiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65969raschiatoio is raschiatoio" ; rdfs:label " raschiatoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6596entusiasmare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5812entusiasmo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6596entusiasmare is entusiasmare" ; rdfs:label " entusiasmare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65970companatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65970companatico is companatico" ; rdfs:label " companatico_as_Food" . inds:USem65971anitra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65971anitra is anitra" ; rdfs:label " anitra_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem65972rasoio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem67363radere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65972rasoio is rasoio" ; rdfs:label " rasoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65973anitra simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65973anitra is anitra" ; rdfs:label " anitra_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem65974foraggio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5460bestiame ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65974foraggio is foraggio" ; rdfs:label " foraggio_as_Food" . inds:USem65975ciccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65975ciccia is ciccia" ; rdfs:label " ciccia_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem65976pugnale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65976pugnale is pugnale" ; rdfs:label " pugnale_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65977ciccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63736grasso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65977ciccia is ciccia" ; rdfs:label " ciccia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem65978costata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65978costata is costata" ; rdfs:label " costata_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem65979ricino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65979ricino is ricino" ; rdfs:label " ricino_as_Plant" . inds:USem65980costoletta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59564friggere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65980costoletta is costoletta" ; rdfs:label " costoletta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem65981radiosveglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65981radiosveglia is radiosveglia" ; rdfs:label " radiosveglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65982robinia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65982robinia is robinia" ; rdfs:label " robinia_as_Plant" . inds:USem65983barolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65983barolo is barolo" ; rdfs:label " barolo_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem65984rovo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1810spina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65984rovo is rovo" ; rdfs:label " rovo_as_Plant" . inds:USem65985brachetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65985brachetto is brachetto" ; rdfs:label " brachetto_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem65986lambrusco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65986lambrusco is lambrusco" ; rdfs:label " lambrusco_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem65988mosto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem62867spremitura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63738succo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65988mosto is mosto" ; rdfs:label " mosto_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem65989succo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65989succo is succo" ; rdfs:label " succo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem6598esasperare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60155esasperazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6598esasperare is esasperare" ; rdfs:label " esasperare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65990cabernet simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65990cabernet is cabernet" ; rdfs:label " cabernet_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem65991cordiale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65991cordiale is cordiale" ; rdfs:label " cordiale_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem65992salice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65992salice is salice" ; rdfs:label " salice_as_Plant" . inds:USem65993temperino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2933coltello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65993temperino is temperino" ; rdfs:label " temperino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65994temperino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63265appuntire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65994temperino is temperino" ; rdfs:label " temperino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem65995cocktail simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65995cocktail is cocktail" ; rdfs:label " cocktail_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem65996sambuco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65996sambuco is sambuco" ; rdfs:label " sambuco_as_Plant" . inds:USem65997grappino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1662aroma, inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65997grappino is grappino" ; rdfs:label " grappino_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem65998scagliola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65998scagliola is scagliola" ; rdfs:label " scagliola_as_Plant" . inds:USem65999pozione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65999pozione is pozione" ; rdfs:label " pozione_as_Substance" . inds:USem6599impressionare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6599impressionare is impressionare" ; rdfs:label " impressionare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem65nefrologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1784rene ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem65nefrologia is nefrologia" ; rdfs:label " nefrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem66000siepe simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66000siepe is siepe" ; rdfs:label " siepe_as_Plant" . inds:USem66001pozione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66001pozione is pozione" ; rdfs:label " pozione_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem66002spianatoia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66002spianatoia is spianatoia" ; rdfs:label " spianatoia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66003sintonizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66003sintonizzare is sintonizzare" ; rdfs:label " sintonizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66004tisana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2315infusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66004tisana is tisana" ; rdfs:label " tisana_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem66005vodka simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3690alcool, inds:USem3875frutta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66005vodka is vodka" ; rdfs:label " vodka_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem66006sintonizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66006sintonizzare is sintonizzare" ; rdfs:label " sintonizzare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66007gassosa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USem3010gas ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66007gassosa is gassosa" ; rdfs:label " gassosa_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem66008punch simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3900alcol, inds:USem4734agrume ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66008punch is punch" ; rdfs:label " punch_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem66009sordina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66009sordina is sordina" ; rdfs:label " sordina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6600indignare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5823indignazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6600indignare is indignare" ; rdfs:label " indignare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66010sordina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66010sordina is sordina" ; rdfs:label " sordina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66011tapioca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66011tapioca is tapioca" ; rdfs:label " tapioca_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem66012verza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63873cavolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD66002verza ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66012verza is verza" ; rdfs:label " verza_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem66013vitigno simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66013vitigno is vitigno" ; rdfs:label " vitigno_as_Plant" . inds:USem66014curry simple:hasIsa inds:USem60679condimento ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66014curry is curry" ; rdfs:label " curry_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem66015paprica simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD63739peperoncino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60679condimento ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem59892macinare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66015paprica is paprica" ; rdfs:label " paprica_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem66016brachetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem66013vitigno ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66016brachetto is brachetto" ; rdfs:label " brachetto_as_Plant" . inds:USem66017lambrusco simple:hasIsa inds:USem66013vitigno ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66017lambrusco is lambrusco" ; rdfs:label " lambrusco_as_Plant" . inds:USem66018moscato simple:hasIsa inds:USem66013vitigno ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66018moscato is moscato" ; rdfs:label " moscato_as_Plant" . inds:USem66019cabernet simple:hasIsa inds:USem66013vitigno ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66019cabernet is cabernet" ; rdfs:label " cabernet_as_Plant" . inds:USem6601meravigliare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5832meraviglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6601meravigliare is meravigliare" ; rdfs:label " meravigliare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66020battuto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59892macinare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4529salsa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1662aroma, inds:USem3672verdura ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66020battuto is battuto" ; rdfs:label " battuto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66022uncinetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66022uncinetto is uncinetto" ; rdfs:label " uncinetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66023braciola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5108arrostire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66023braciola is braciola" ; rdfs:label " braciola_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66025spola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5434tessere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66025spola is spola" ; rdfs:label " spola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66026cagliata simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7053prodotto ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66026cagliata is cagliata" ; rdfs:label " cagliata_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem66027rilevare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74773apprendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66027rilevare is rilevare" ; rdfs:label " rilevare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem66028cultivar simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66028cultivar is cultivar" ; rdfs:label " cultivar_as_Plant" . inds:USem66029candito simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem62862frutto, inds:USemD1750zucchero ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66029candito is candito" ; rdfs:label " candito_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem6602stupire simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60158stupore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6602stupire is stupire" ; rdfs:label " stupire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66030poggiapiedi simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD63744appoggiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66030poggiapiedi is poggiapiedi" ; rdfs:label " poggiapiedi_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66031rilevare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7057acquistare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66031rilevare is rilevare" ; rdfs:label " rilevare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem66032radicchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66032radicchio is radicchio" ; rdfs:label " radicchio_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem66033nocciolina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1568arachide ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66033nocciolina is nocciolina" ; rdfs:label " nocciolina_as_Fruit" . inds:USem66034caramella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1750zucchero ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66034caramella is caramella" ; rdfs:label " caramella_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66036caramello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1750zucchero ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66036caramello is caramello" ; rdfs:label " caramello_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66037chicca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66037chicca is chicca" ; rdfs:label " chicca_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66039polline simple:hasIsa inds:USem3099polvere ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66039polline is polline" ; rdfs:label " polline_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem6603affondare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6603affondare is affondare" ; rdfs:label " affondare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66040chicca simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66040chicca is chicca" ; rdfs:label " chicca_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem66041paravento simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66041paravento is paravento" ; rdfs:label " paravento_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66042rosaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem5461rosa ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66042rosaio is rosaio" ; rdfs:label " rosaio_as_Plant" . inds:USem66044chicco simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66044chicco is chicco" ; rdfs:label " chicco_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem66045parafuoco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66045parafuoco is parafuoco" ; rdfs:label " parafuoco_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66047semente simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66047semente is semente" ; rdfs:label " semente_as_Group" . inds:USem66048rilevare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66048rilevare is rilevare" ; rdfs:label " rilevare_as_State" . inds:USem6604consolare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60183consolazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6604consolare is consolare" ; rdfs:label " consolare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66051cotognata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4516marmellata ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1706cotogna, inds:USemD1750zucchero ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66051cotognata is cotognata" ; rdfs:label " cotognata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66052farinata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5016focaccia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66052farinata is farinata" ; rdfs:label " farinata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66053farinata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3669piatto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66053farinata is farinata" ; rdfs:label " farinata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66054appoggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66054appoggiare is appoggiare" ; rdfs:label " appoggiare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem66055fecola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66055fecola is fecola" ; rdfs:label " fecola_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem66057pennino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1024penna ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66057pennino is pennino" ; rdfs:label " pennino_as_Part" . inds:USem66058fonduta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3669piatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66058fonduta is fonduta" ; rdfs:label " fonduta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66059appoggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66059appoggiare is appoggiare" ; rdfs:label " appoggiare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem6605divertire simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60058divertimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6605divertire is divertire" ; rdfs:label " divertire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66060semenza simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66060semenza is semenza" ; rdfs:label " semenza_as_Group" . inds:USem66061appoggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66061appoggiare is appoggiare" ; rdfs:label " appoggiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66062pagliuzza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66062pagliuzza is pagliuzza" ; rdfs:label " pagliuzza_as_Part" . inds:USem66063primizia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66063primizia is primizia" ; rdfs:label " primizia_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem66064tagliere simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66064tagliere is tagliere" ; rdfs:label " tagliere_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66066telescopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2926cannocchiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5014osservare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66066telescopio is telescopio" ; rdfs:label " telescopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66067gianduiotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64602cioccolatino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66067gianduiotto is gianduiotto" ; rdfs:label " gianduiotto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66068respingente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66068respingente is respingente" ; rdfs:label " respingente_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66069aggeggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66069aggeggio is aggeggio" ; rdfs:label " aggeggio_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem66070granita simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4511gelato ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem4904gelataio ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66070granita is granita" ; rdfs:label " granita_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66071lardo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66071lardo is lardo" ; rdfs:label " lardo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66072liquirizia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem67596liquirizia ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66072liquirizia is liquirizia" ; rdfs:label " liquirizia_as_Plant" . inds:USem66074stilografica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1024penna ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66074stilografica is stilografica" ; rdfs:label " stilografica_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66075mitra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66075mitra is mitra" ; rdfs:label " mitra_as_Clothing" . inds:USem66077macinato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USem59892macinare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66077macinato is macinato" ; rdfs:label " macinato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem66078macinato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59892macinare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66078macinato is macinato" ; rdfs:label " macinato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66079margarina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3058grasso ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66079margarina is margarina" ; rdfs:label " margarina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem6607infastidire simple:hasFeeling inds:USem69845fastidio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6607infastidire is infastidire" ; rdfs:label " infastidire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66080omogeneizzato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59892macinare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66080omogeneizzato is omogeneizzato" ; rdfs:label " omogeneizzato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66081pappardella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66081pappardella is pappardella" ; rdfs:label " pappardella_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66082pappardella simple:hasIsa inds:USem74847discorso ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66082pappardella is pappardella" ; rdfs:label " pappardella_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem66083patatina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59564friggere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1687patata ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66083patatina is patatina" ; rdfs:label " patatina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66084pesto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65882tritare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1662aroma, inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD65883riempire ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66084pesto is pesto" ; rdfs:label " pesto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66085pesto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65882tritare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4529salsa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1665basilico ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3527condire ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66085pesto is pesto" ; rdfs:label " pesto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66086polenta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1542granturco, inds:USem2990acqua ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66086polenta is polenta" ; rdfs:label " polenta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66087porchetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5108arrostire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66087porchetta is porchetta" ; rdfs:label " porchetta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66088catafalco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59645struttura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66088catafalco is catafalco" ; rdfs:label " catafalco_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66089pralina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64602cioccolatino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66089pralina is pralina" ; rdfs:label " pralina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem6608intimidire simple:hasFeeling inds:USemD76859timidezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6608intimidire is intimidire" ; rdfs:label " intimidire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66090catafalco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66090catafalco is catafalco" ; rdfs:label " catafalco_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem66091prosciutto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66091prosciutto is prosciutto" ; rdfs:label " prosciutto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66092schiacciata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5016focaccia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66092schiacciata is schiacciata" ; rdfs:label " schiacciata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66093condensare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66093condensare is condensare" ; rdfs:label " condensare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66094semola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59892macinare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1550grano ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66094semola is semola" ; rdfs:label " semola_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66095soffritto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59564friggere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66020battuto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3672verdura, inds:USemD599carne ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66095soffritto is soffritto" ; rdfs:label " soffritto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66096salma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66096salma is salma" ; rdfs:label " salma_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem66097patacca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66097patacca is patacca" ; rdfs:label " patacca_as_Money" . inds:USem66098sottaceto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3672verdura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66098sottaceto is sottaceto" ; rdfs:label " sottaceto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem6609mortificare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5890avvilimento, inds:USem60570umiliazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6609mortificare is mortificare" ; rdfs:label " mortificare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66100leggio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66100leggio is leggio" ; rdfs:label " leggio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66102legaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66102legaccio is legaccio" ; rdfs:label " legaccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66104patacca simple:hasIsa inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66104patacca is patacca" ; rdfs:label " patacca_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem66105condizionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66105condizionare is condizionare" ; rdfs:label " condizionare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66106feccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem59673miscuglio ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66106feccia is feccia" ; rdfs:label " feccia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem66107tagliata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem4269manzo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66107tagliata is tagliata" ; rdfs:label " tagliata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66108timballo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66108timballo is timballo" ; rdfs:label " timballo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66109tortino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4537torta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66109tortino is tortino" ; rdfs:label " tortino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem6610placare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6610placare is placare" ; rdfs:label " placare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66110trippa simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem65543bovino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66110trippa is trippa" ; rdfs:label " trippa_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem66111lacrima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66111lacrima is lacrima" ; rdfs:label " lacrima_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem66112uvetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66112uvetta is uvetta" ; rdfs:label " uvetta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66114caldarrosta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5108arrostire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2085castagna ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66114caldarrosta is caldarrosta" ; rdfs:label " caldarrosta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66115carpaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3669piatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem933pesce, inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66115carpaccio is carpaccio" ; rdfs:label " carpaccio_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66117condizionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66117condizionare is condizionare" ; rdfs:label " condizionare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem66118crusca simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1535cereale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66118crusca is crusca" ; rdfs:label " crusca_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem6611sbalordire simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60158stupore, inds:USem60580sbalordimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6611sbalordire is sbalordire" ; rdfs:label " sbalordire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66120ghiacciolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5190congelare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4511gelato ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66120ghiacciolo is ghiacciolo" ; rdfs:label " ghiacciolo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66121farinaceo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD63764amido ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66121farinaceo is farinaceo" ; rdfs:label " farinaceo_as_Food" . inds:USem66122feccia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66122feccia is feccia" ; rdfs:label " feccia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66123condizionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66123condizionare is condizionare" ; rdfs:label " condizionare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66124bruciata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5108arrostire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66114caldarrosta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2085castagna ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66124bruciata is bruciata" ; rdfs:label " bruciata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66125tartina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4507crostino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66125tartina is tartina" ; rdfs:label " tartina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66127pallino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62490palla ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66127pallino is pallino" ; rdfs:label " pallino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66128pallino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62491proiettile ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66128pallino is pallino" ; rdfs:label " pallino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6612sconcertare simple:hasFeeling inds:USemD76861sconcerto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6612sconcertare is sconcertare" ; rdfs:label " sconcertare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66130antimafia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3576parlamentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66130antimafia is antimafia" ; rdfs:label " antimafia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66133avanguardia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59465truppa ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66133avanguardia is avanguardia" ; rdfs:label " avanguardia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66134avanguardia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66134avanguardia is avanguardia" ; rdfs:label " avanguardia_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66135avanguardia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66135avanguardia is avanguardia" ; rdfs:label " avanguardia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66136brigata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66136brigata is brigata" ; rdfs:label " brigata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66137cantoria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem63744cantore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66137cantoria is cantoria" ; rdfs:label " cantoria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6613spaventare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60157spavento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6613spaventare is spaventare" ; rdfs:label " spaventare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66147cantoria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2214chiesa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66147cantoria is cantoria" ; rdfs:label " cantoria_as_Part" . inds:USem66148casata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD5487famiglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66148casata is casata" ; rdfs:label " casata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66149cassazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66149cassazione is cassazione" ; rdfs:label " cassazione_as_Institution" . inds:USem66151centrosinistra simple:hasIsa inds:USem66648ideologia ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66151centrosinistra is centrosinistra" ; rdfs:label " centrosinistra_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66152ciurma simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4936marinaio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66152ciurma is ciurma" ; rdfs:label " ciurma_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66153ciurma simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66153ciurma is ciurma" ; rdfs:label " ciurma_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66154cittadinanza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66154cittadinanza is cittadinanza" ; rdfs:label " cittadinanza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66155ostacolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66155ostacolare is ostacolare" ; rdfs:label " ostacolare_as_Cause" . inds:USem66156commando simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem78144reparto ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66156commando is commando" ; rdfs:label " commando_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66158commando simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem63850civile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66158commando is commando" ; rdfs:label " commando_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6615affondare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6615affondare is affondare" ; rdfs:label " affondare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66160ostacolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66160ostacolare is ostacolare" ; rdfs:label " ostacolare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66161compagine simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66161compagine is compagine" ; rdfs:label " compagine_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66164confindustria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62440industriale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5271associazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66164confindustria is confindustria" ; rdfs:label " confindustria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66165lucchetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66165lucchetto is lucchetto" ; rdfs:label " lucchetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66166riflettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66166riflettere is riflettere" ; rdfs:label " riflettere_as_State" . inds:USem66167confindustria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66167confindustria is confindustria" ; rdfs:label " confindustria_as_Institution" . inds:USem66168rotativa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD934stampare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66168rotativa is rotativa" ; rdfs:label " rotativa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6616gemmare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1766gemma ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6616gemmare is gemmare" ; rdfs:label " gemmare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66170zolfanello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62800fiammifero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5001accendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66170zolfanello is zolfanello" ; rdfs:label " zolfanello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66172treppiede simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65750supporto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66172treppiede is treppiede" ; rdfs:label " treppiede_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66174trenino simple:hasIsa inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66174trenino is trenino" ; rdfs:label " trenino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem66176redine simple:hasConcerns inds:USem919cavallo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66176redine is redine" ; rdfs:label " redine_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66177tappabuchi simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem64016sostituire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66177tappabuchi is tappabuchi" ; rdfs:label " tappabuchi_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem66178tassametro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem65233taxi ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66178tassametro is tassametro" ; rdfs:label " tassametro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6617germogliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6617germogliare is germogliare" ; rdfs:label " germogliare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66180adattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66180adattare is adattare" ; rdfs:label " adattare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66181adattare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79120intonare ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66181adattare is adattare" ; rdfs:label " adattare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem66182portamine simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2323matita ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere, inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66182portamine is portamine" ; rdfs:label " portamine_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66183tiara simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66183tiara is tiara" ; rdfs:label " tiara_as_Clothing" . inds:USem66184tradotta simple:hasIsa inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66184tradotta is tradotta" ; rdfs:label " tradotta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem66185transfuga simple:hasIsa inds:USem64110disertore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66185transfuga is transfuga" ; rdfs:label " transfuga_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem66186inebriare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60715eccitazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66186inebriare is inebriare" ; rdfs:label " inebriare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66187trasmittente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66187trasmittente is trasmittente" ; rdfs:label " trasmittente_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66188birillo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66188birillo is birillo" ; rdfs:label " birillo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66189congrega simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62327fedele, inds:USem63893confratello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD584comunita1 ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66189congrega is congrega" ; rdfs:label " congrega_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6618spuntare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7118sorgere ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6618spuntare is spuntare" ; rdfs:label " spuntare_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem66190congrega simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66190congrega is congrega" ; rdfs:label " congrega_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66191trofeo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59280ricordare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66191trofeo is trofeo" ; rdfs:label " trofeo_as_Representation" . inds:USem66192infamare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60794calunniare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66192infamare is infamare" ; rdfs:label " infamare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem66193congregazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62327fedele, inds:USem63893confratello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD584comunita1 ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66193congregazione is congregazione" ; rdfs:label " congregazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66194lumicino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66194lumicino is lumicino" ; rdfs:label " lumicino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66195consorteria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66195consorteria is consorteria" ; rdfs:label " consorteria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66197lumino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7109candela ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66197lumino is lumino" ; rdfs:label " lumino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66198inferocire simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5893collera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66198inferocire is inferocire" ; rdfs:label " inferocire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66199spilla simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66199spilla is spilla" ; rdfs:label " spilla_as_Clothing" . inds:USem66200picca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66200picca is picca" ; rdfs:label " picca_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66201ponteggio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4153impalcatura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66201ponteggio is ponteggio" ; rdfs:label " ponteggio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66202stuzzicadenti simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66202stuzzicadenti is stuzzicadenti" ; rdfs:label " stuzzicadenti_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66203infiggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66203infiggere is infiggere" ; rdfs:label " infiggere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66204stecchino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66204stecchino is stecchino" ; rdfs:label " stecchino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66205coorte simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem63669legionario ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66205coorte is coorte" ; rdfs:label " coorte_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66206infiltrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66206infiltrare is infiltrare" ; rdfs:label " infiltrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66207infiltrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66207infiltrare is infiltrare" ; rdfs:label " infiltrare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66208corale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66208corale is corale" ; rdfs:label " corale_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66209corale simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6317corista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66209corale is corale" ; rdfs:label " corale_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66211infondere simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66211infondere is infondere" ; rdfs:label " infondere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66212sferza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2315frusta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1384incitare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66212sferza is sferza" ; rdfs:label " sferza_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66213infrangere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3936rompere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66213infrangere is infrangere" ; rdfs:label " infrangere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66214telescrivente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66214telescrivente is telescrivente" ; rdfs:label " telescrivente_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66215infrangere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66215infrangere is infrangere" ; rdfs:label " infrangere_as_Event" . inds:USem66216infrangere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66216infrangere is infrangere" ; rdfs:label " infrangere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66217infrangere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66217infrangere is infrangere" ; rdfs:label " infrangere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66218corteo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66218corteo is corteo" ; rdfs:label " corteo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66219cosca simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59491banda ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66219cosca is cosca" ; rdfs:label " cosca_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6621furbo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD6063furbizia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6621furbo is furbo" ; rdfs:label " furbo_as_Human" . inds:USem66220crocchio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66220crocchio is crocchio" ; rdfs:label " crocchio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66221episcopato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62580cardinale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1073assemblea ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66221episcopato is episcopato" ; rdfs:label " episcopato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66222fanfara simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7087banda ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66222fanfara is fanfara" ; rdfs:label " fanfara_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66223fanteria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem59465truppa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66223fanteria is fanteria" ; rdfs:label " fanteria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66224fazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66224fazione is fazione" ; rdfs:label " fazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66225guarnigione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem59465truppa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66225guarnigione is guarnigione" ; rdfs:label " guarnigione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66226mafia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66226mafia is mafia" ; rdfs:label " mafia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66227ingaggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60717assumere ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66227ingaggiare is ingaggiare" ; rdfs:label " ingaggiare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem66229ingaggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66229ingaggiare is ingaggiare" ; rdfs:label " ingaggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6622idiota simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem6623idiozia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6622idiota is idiota" ; rdfs:label " idiota_as_Human" . inds:USem66230inguine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66230inguine is inguine" ; rdfs:label " inguine_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66231malavita simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66231malavita is malavita" ; rdfs:label " malavita_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem66232preservativo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USemD7136anticoncezionale ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66232preservativo is preservativo" ; rdfs:label " preservativo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66233ingegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66233ingegnare is ingegnare" ; rdfs:label " ingegnare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66236profilattico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USemD7136anticoncezionale ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66236profilattico is profilattico" ; rdfs:label " profilattico_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66237prezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem65370prezzo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66237prezzo is prezzo" ; rdfs:label " prezzo_as_Convention" . inds:USem66238ingiallire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66238ingiallire is ingiallire" ; rdfs:label " ingiallire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66239inginocchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66239inginocchiare is inginocchiare" ; rdfs:label " inginocchiare_as_Move" . inds:USem6623idiozia simple:hasAffects inds:USemD6067mente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6623idiozia is idiozia" ; rdfs:label " idiozia_as_Disease" . inds:USem66240zanzariera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66240zanzariera is zanzariera" ; rdfs:label " zanzariera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66241inglobare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4815includere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66241inglobare is inglobare" ; rdfs:label " inglobare_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem66242transenna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66242transenna is transenna" ; rdfs:label " transenna_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66243malavita simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem63518malvivente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66243malavita is malavita" ; rdfs:label " malavita_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66244milizia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64111combattente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66244milizia is milizia" ; rdfs:label " milizia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66245scotta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66245scotta is scotta" ; rdfs:label " scotta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66246ingorgare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66246ingorgare is ingorgare" ; rdfs:label " ingorgare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66247schioppo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59115cacciare, inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66247schioppo is schioppo" ; rdfs:label " schioppo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66248milizia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64111combattente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66248milizia is milizia" ; rdfs:label " milizia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66249ingrossare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66249ingrossare is ingrossare" ; rdfs:label " ingrossare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6624cretinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6072cretino ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6624cretinismo is cretinismo" ; rdfs:label " cretinismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem66250minoranza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63808minoranza ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66250minoranza is minoranza" ; rdfs:label " minoranza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66251monoscopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75054trasmettere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66251monoscopio is monoscopio" ; rdfs:label " monoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66252ingrossare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66252ingrossare is ingrossare" ; rdfs:label " ingrossare_as_State" . inds:USem66253petardo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66253petardo is petardo" ; rdfs:label " petardo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66255petardo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6395ordigno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66255petardo is petardo" ; rdfs:label " petardo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66256inneggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5517celebrare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66256inneggiare is inneggiare" ; rdfs:label " inneggiare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem66257oligarchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66257oligarchia is oligarchia" ; rdfs:label " oligarchia_as_Institution" . inds:USem66259inoculare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66259inoculare is inoculare" ; rdfs:label " inoculare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6625stupido simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem5713stupidaggine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6625stupido is stupido" ; rdfs:label " stupido_as_Human" . inds:USem66260pallino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66260pallino is pallino" ; rdfs:label " pallino_as_Shape" . inds:USem66261inoculare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66261inoculare is inoculare" ; rdfs:label " inoculare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66262saracinesca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66262saracinesca is saracinesca" ; rdfs:label " saracinesca_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66263inoltrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66263inoltrare is inoltrare" ; rdfs:label " inoltrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66264aerosol simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62882terapia ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66264aerosol is aerosol" ; rdfs:label " aerosol_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66265orda simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem997persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66265orda is orda" ; rdfs:label " orda_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66266inoltrare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66266inoltrare is inoltrare" ; rdfs:label " inoltrare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem66267inorridire simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem069776raccapriccio, inds:USem5836orrore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66267inorridire is inorridire" ; rdfs:label " inorridire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66268aerosol simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3047farmaco ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66268aerosol is aerosol" ; rdfs:label " aerosol_as_Substance" . inds:USem66269altalena simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60058divertimento ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66269altalena is altalena" ; rdfs:label " altalena_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6626imbecille simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6626imbecille is imbecille" ; rdfs:label " imbecille_as_Human" . inds:USem66270inquadrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66270inquadrare is inquadrare" ; rdfs:label " inquadrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66272inquadrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66272inquadrare is inquadrare" ; rdfs:label " inquadrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66273grondaia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66273grondaia is grondaia" ; rdfs:label " grondaia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66274trampolino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66274trampolino is trampolino" ; rdfs:label " trampolino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66275inquadrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66275inquadrare is inquadrare" ; rdfs:label " inquadrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66276inquadrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74896inserire ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66276inquadrare is inquadrare" ; rdfs:label " inquadrare_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem66277trampolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66277trampolino is trampolino" ; rdfs:label " trampolino_as_Human" . inds:USem66278distillatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66278distillatore is distillatore" ; rdfs:label " distillatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66279insanguinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6978sporcare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66279insanguinare is insanguinare" ; rdfs:label " insanguinare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6627idiota simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem2564idiozia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6627idiota is idiota" ; rdfs:label " idiota_as_Human" . inds:USem66280trabocchetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63698congegno ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66280trabocchetto is trabocchetto" ; rdfs:label " trabocchetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66281insanguinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66281insanguinare is insanguinare" ; rdfs:label " insanguinare_as_Event" . inds:USem66282inscrivere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66282inscrivere is inscrivere" ; rdfs:label " inscrivere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66283inscrivere simple:hasIsa inds:USem74896inserire ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66283inscrivere is inscrivere" ; rdfs:label " inscrivere_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem66284codino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65651acconciatura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62640capigliatura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66284codino is codino" ; rdfs:label " codino_as_Part" . inds:USem66285orda simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem67921animale, inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66285orda is orda" ; rdfs:label " orda_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66286parentado simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6875parente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66286parentado is parentado" ; rdfs:label " parentado_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66287processione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66287processione is processione" ; rdfs:label " processione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66288processione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66288processione is processione" ; rdfs:label " processione_as_Group" . inds:USem6628cretino simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem6624cretinismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6628cretino is cretino" ; rdfs:label " cretino_as_Human" . inds:USem66291boccolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65651acconciatura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62640capigliatura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66291boccolo is boccolo" ; rdfs:label " boccolo_as_Part" . inds:USem66294quadripartito simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3574ministro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59435governo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66294quadripartito is quadripartito" ; rdfs:label " quadripartito_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66296gluteo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo, inds:USemD63817natica ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66296gluteo is gluteo" ; rdfs:label " gluteo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66297coronaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem62718arteria ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66297coronaria is coronaria" ; rdfs:label " coronaria_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66298bilanciere simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66298bilanciere is bilanciere" ; rdfs:label " bilanciere_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66299palloncino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66299palloncino is palloncino" ; rdfs:label " palloncino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6629cretino simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem3811cretinismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6629cretino is cretino" ; rdfs:label " cretino_as_Human" . inds:USem66300insidiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66300insidiare is insidiare" ; rdfs:label " insidiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66301palloncino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66301palloncino is palloncino" ; rdfs:label " palloncino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66302instaurare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74983iniziare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66302instaurare is instaurare" ; rdfs:label " instaurare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem66303cotenna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1155cinghiale, inds:USem1933maiale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66303cotenna is cotenna" ; rdfs:label " cotenna_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66304cristallino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1806occhio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66304cristallino is cristallino" ; rdfs:label " cristallino_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66305cromosoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1958cellula, inds:USem1970nucleo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66305cromosoma is cromosoma" ; rdfs:label " cromosoma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66306intentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66306intentare is intentare" ; rdfs:label " intentare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66307culo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66307culo is culo" ; rdfs:label " culo_as_Part" . inds:USem66308musicassetta simple:hasContains inds:USem3877suono ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66308musicassetta is musicassetta" ; rdfs:label " musicassetta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem66309destra simple:hasIsa inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1743braccio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66309destra is destra" ; rdfs:label " destra_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66310musicassetta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61614musica ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem59472ascoltare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66310musicassetta is musicassetta" ; rdfs:label " musicassetta_as_Information" . inds:USem66311destra simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD7237partito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66311destra is destra" ; rdfs:label " destra_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66312intercalare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66312intercalare is intercalare" ; rdfs:label " intercalare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem66313epidermide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD671pelle ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66313epidermide is epidermide" ; rdfs:label " epidermide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66315genitale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66315genitale is genitale" ; rdfs:label " genitale_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66316grembo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1757ventre ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66316grembo is grembo" ; rdfs:label " grembo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66317guancia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD4019faccia ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66317guancia is guancia" ; rdfs:label " guancia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66318videocassetta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66318videocassetta is videocassetta" ; rdfs:label " videocassetta_as_Information" . inds:USem66319interiora simple:hasIsa inds:USem1829intestino ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66319interiora is interiora" ; rdfs:label " interiora_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem6631deficienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6073deficiente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6631deficienza is deficienza" ; rdfs:label " deficienza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem66320plotter simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66320plotter is plotter" ; rdfs:label " plotter_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66321viticcio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66321viticcio is viticcio" ; rdfs:label " viticcio_as_Part" . inds:USem66322linfocita simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1960citoplasma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1958cellula ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3126sangue ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66322linfocita is linfocita" ; rdfs:label " linfocita_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem66323intercalare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66323intercalare is intercalare" ; rdfs:label " intercalare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66324lombo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1956schiena ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66324lombo is lombo" ; rdfs:label " lombo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66326ombelico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2717cicatrice ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1757ventre ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66326ombelico is ombelico" ; rdfs:label " ombelico_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66327reggimento simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66327reggimento is reggimento" ; rdfs:label " reggimento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66328interconnettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4828connettere ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66328interconnettere is interconnettere" ; rdfs:label " interconnettere_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem66329telex simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66329telex is telex" ; rdfs:label " telex_as_Information" . inds:USem6632deficiente simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem6631deficienza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6632deficiente is deficiente" ; rdfs:label " deficiente_as_Human" . inds:USem66330reggimento simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66330reggimento is reggimento" ; rdfs:label " reggimento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66331retroguardia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59465truppa ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66331retroguardia is retroguardia" ; rdfs:label " retroguardia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66332intercorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66332intercorrere is intercorrere" ; rdfs:label " intercorrere_as_State" . inds:USem66333orecchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1820orecchio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1753testa ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66333orecchia is orecchia" ; rdfs:label " orecchia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66334ruga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1764pelle ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66334ruga is ruga" ; rdfs:label " ruga_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66335tegumento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5401tessuto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1768organo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66335tegumento is tegumento" ; rdfs:label " tegumento_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66336tempia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1753testa ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66336tempia is tempia" ; rdfs:label " tempia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66337tentacolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1828arto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66337tentacolo is tentacolo" ; rdfs:label " tentacolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66338teschio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66338teschio is teschio" ; rdfs:label " teschio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66339telex simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66339telex is telex" ; rdfs:label " telex_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6633deficiente simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem61719deficienza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6633deficiente is deficiente" ; rdfs:label " deficiente_as_Human" . inds:USem66340tricipite simple:hasIsa inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1743braccio, inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66340tricipite is tricipite" ; rdfs:label " tricipite_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66341interdire simple:hasIsa inds:USem61308impedire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66341interdire is interdire" ; rdfs:label " interdire_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem66342interdire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66342interdire is interdire" ; rdfs:label " interdire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66343retroguardia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66343retroguardia is retroguardia" ; rdfs:label " retroguardia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66344interferire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66344interferire is interferire" ; rdfs:label " interferire_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem66345ameba simple:hasIsa inds:USem1959microrganismo ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66345ameba is ameba" ; rdfs:label " ameba_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem66346sottocommissione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59492commissione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66346sottocommissione is sottocommissione" ; rdfs:label " sottocommissione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66347microbo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1959microrganismo ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66347microbo is microbo" ; rdfs:label " microbo_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem66348beccuccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2424recipiente ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66348beccuccio is beccuccio" ; rdfs:label " beccuccio_as_Part" . inds:USem66349sottoproletariato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64206proletario ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6162classe ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66349sottoproletariato is sottoproletariato" ; rdfs:label " sottoproletariato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6634scemo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem2570scemenza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6634scemo is scemo" ; rdfs:label " scemo_as_Human" . inds:USem66350interferire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66350interferire is interferire" ; rdfs:label " interferire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66351squadriglia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59495squadra ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66351squadriglia is squadriglia" ; rdfs:label " squadriglia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66352stirpe simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66352stirpe is stirpe" ; rdfs:label " stirpe_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66354target simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66354target is target" ; rdfs:label " target_as_Telic" . inds:USem66355target simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66355target is target" ; rdfs:label " target_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66356team simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59495squadra ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66356team is team" ; rdfs:label " team_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66357trio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66357trio is trio" ; rdfs:label " trio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66358trio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66358trio is trio" ; rdfs:label " trio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6635inseguire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6635inseguire is inseguire" ; rdfs:label " inseguire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66364internare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66364internare is internare" ; rdfs:label " internare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66366interpellare simple:hasIsa inds:USem65093consultare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66366interpellare is interpellare" ; rdfs:label " interpellare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem66368interporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem65461frapporre ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66368interporre is interporre" ; rdfs:label " interporre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66369interporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66369interporre is interporre" ; rdfs:label " interporre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6636effettuare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6636effettuare is effettuare" ; rdfs:label " effettuare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66376interporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66376interporre is interporre" ; rdfs:label " interporre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66378antiquariato simple:hasIsa inds:USem69settore ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60457commercio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66378antiquariato is antiquariato" ; rdfs:label " antiquariato_as_Part" . inds:USem6637inseguire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7040aspirare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6637inseguire is inseguire" ; rdfs:label " inseguire_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem66380interpretare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62609recitare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66380interpretare is interpretare" ; rdfs:label " interpretare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66381interrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66381interrare is interrare" ; rdfs:label " interrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66382interrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemTH44094interrato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66382interrare is interrare" ; rdfs:label " interrare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66383intersecare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66383intersecare is intersecare" ; rdfs:label " intersecare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem66384audiovisivo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66384audiovisivo is audiovisivo" ; rdfs:label " audiovisivo_as_Information" . inds:USem66385bardatura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3308morso, inds:USem66176redine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66385bardatura is bardatura" ; rdfs:label " bardatura_as_Group" . inds:USem66386bordura simple:hasIsa inds:USem5727orlo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66386bordura is bordura" ; rdfs:label " bordura_as_Part" . inds:USem66387bossolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62491proiettile ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66387bossolo is bossolo" ; rdfs:label " bossolo_as_Part" . inds:USem66389caminetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6045camino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6975cucinare, inds:USemD1328riscaldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66389caminetto is caminetto" ; rdfs:label " caminetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66390cantino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66390cantino is cantino" ; rdfs:label " cantino_as_Part" . inds:USem66391bouquet simple:hasIsa inds:USem68987aroma ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66391bouquet is bouquet" ; rdfs:label " bouquet_as_Perception" . inds:USem66392cantuccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66392cantuccio is cantuccio" ; rdfs:label " cantuccio_as_Part" . inds:USem66393calcetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66393calcetto is calcetto" ; rdfs:label " calcetto_as_Domain" . inds:USem66394colombino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2979vaso ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66394colombino is colombino" ; rdfs:label " colombino_as_Part" . inds:USem66395columella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1820orecchio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66395columella is columella" ; rdfs:label " columella_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66396cruscotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66396cruscotto is cruscotto" ; rdfs:label " cruscotto_as_Part" . inds:USem66397cuccetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1907dormire ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66397cuccetta is cuccetta" ; rdfs:label " cuccetta_as_Part" . inds:USem66398cucitura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5289tessuto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66398cucitura is cucitura" ; rdfs:label " cucitura_as_Part" . inds:USem66399fibbia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4774scarpa, inds:USemD63838cintura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66399fibbia is fibbia" ; rdfs:label " fibbia_as_Part" . inds:USem6639allineare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6639allineare is allineare" ; rdfs:label " allineare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem66400fotogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD63839pellicola ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66400fotogramma is fotogramma" ; rdfs:label " fotogramma_as_Part" . inds:USem66401frontone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2286tempio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66401frontone is frontone" ; rdfs:label " frontone_as_Part" . inds:USem66402fumaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6045camino ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66402fumaiolo is fumaiolo" ; rdfs:label " fumaiolo_as_Part" . inds:USem66403giogaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7369catena ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66403giogaia is giogaia" ; rdfs:label " giogaia_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem66404lastrico simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem831lastra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2992rivestimento ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66404lastrico is lastrico" ; rdfs:label " lastrico_as_Group" . inds:USem66405minareto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2267moschea ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66405minareto is minareto" ; rdfs:label " minareto_as_Part" . inds:USem66406mostrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6390distintivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4855giacca ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66406mostrina is mostrina" ; rdfs:label " mostrina_as_Part" . inds:USem66407mozzicone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66407mozzicone is mozzicone" ; rdfs:label " mozzicone_as_Part" . inds:USem66408trampolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66408trampolo is trampolo" ; rdfs:label " trampolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66409nocca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5660articolazione ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD4040dito ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66409nocca is nocca" ; rdfs:label " nocca_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem6640alterare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6640alterare is alterare" ; rdfs:label " alterare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66410paletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66410paletto is paletto" ; rdfs:label " paletto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66411paletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2679fissare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66411paletto is paletto" ; rdfs:label " paletto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66412parterre simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem61139aiuola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66412parterre is parterre" ; rdfs:label " parterre_as_Group" . inds:USem66413parterre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59446platea ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66413parterre is parterre" ; rdfs:label " parterre_as_Part" . inds:USem66414intervenire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66414intervenire is intervenire" ; rdfs:label " intervenire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66415paletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66415paletto is paletto" ; rdfs:label " paletto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66416particina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem901dramma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66416particina is particina" ; rdfs:label " particina_as_Part" . inds:USem66417intervenire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66417intervenire is intervenire" ; rdfs:label " intervenire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66418parlatorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio, inds:USem2256convento, inds:USem61573carcere, inds:USemD63447collegio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66418parlatorio is parlatorio" ; rdfs:label " parlatorio_as_Part" . inds:USem66419bouquet simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66419bouquet is bouquet" ; rdfs:label " bouquet_as_Group" . inds:USem6641ammorbidire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62044morbido ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6641ammorbidire is ammorbidire" ; rdfs:label " ammorbidire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66420scalino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59842scala ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66420scalino is scalino" ; rdfs:label " scalino_as_Part" . inds:USem66422carteggio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD6406lettera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66422carteggio is carteggio" ; rdfs:label " carteggio_as_Group" . inds:USem66424prolunga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62281allungare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66424prolunga is prolunga" ; rdfs:label " prolunga_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66426prolunga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62281allungare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66426prolunga is prolunga" ; rdfs:label " prolunga_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66427trabocchetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66427trabocchetto is trabocchetto" ; rdfs:label " trabocchetto_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66428altalena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66428altalena is altalena" ; rdfs:label " altalena_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66429cespo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66429cespo is cespo" ; rdfs:label " cespo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem6642appagare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6642appagare is appagare" ; rdfs:label " appagare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66430picca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66430picca is picca" ; rdfs:label " picca_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66431collettivo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59495squadra ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66431collettivo is collettivo" ; rdfs:label " collettivo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66432picca simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66441seme ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66432picca is picca" ; rdfs:label " picca_as_Sign" . inds:USem66433congerie simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66433congerie is congerie" ; rdfs:label " congerie_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66434convoglio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66434convoglio is convoglio" ; rdfs:label " convoglio_as_Group" . inds:USem66435corata simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66435corata is corata" ; rdfs:label " corata_as_Food" . inds:USem66436ferraglia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66436ferraglia is ferraglia" ; rdfs:label " ferraglia_as_Group" . inds:USem66437fiaccolata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66218corteo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66437fiaccolata is fiaccolata" ; rdfs:label " fiaccolata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66438immondizia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66438immondizia is immondizia" ; rdfs:label " immondizia_as_Group" . inds:USem66439lemmario simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem63156lemma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61295elenco ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66439lemmario is lemmario" ; rdfs:label " lemmario_as_Group" . inds:USem66440cuore simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66441seme ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66440cuore is cuore" ; rdfs:label " cuore_as_Sign" . inds:USem66441seme simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66441seme is seme" ; rdfs:label " seme_as_Sign" . inds:USem66442quadro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66441seme ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66442quadro is quadro" ; rdfs:label " quadro_as_Sign" . inds:USem66443coppa simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66441seme ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66443coppa is coppa" ; rdfs:label " coppa_as_Sign" . inds:USem66444denaro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66441seme ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66444denaro is denaro" ; rdfs:label " denaro_as_Sign" . inds:USem66445spada simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66441seme ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66445spada is spada" ; rdfs:label " spada_as_Sign" . inds:USem66447bastone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66441seme ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66447bastone is bastone" ; rdfs:label " bastone_as_Sign" . inds:USem66448bastone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem66061appoggiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66448bastone is bastone" ; rdfs:label " bastone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6644fermentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7121fermentato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6644fermentare is fermentare" ; rdfs:label " fermentare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66450bastone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66450bastone is bastone" ; rdfs:label " bastone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem66451intervenire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem75987bisturi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66451intervenire is intervenire" ; rdfs:label " intervenire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66453processore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66453processore is processore" ; rdfs:label " processore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66455mazzo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66455mazzo is mazzo" ; rdfs:label " mazzo_as_Group" . inds:USem66456intessere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66456intessere is intessere" ; rdfs:label " intessere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66458merce simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4991vendita ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66458merce is merce" ; rdfs:label " merce_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem66459oleodotto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59852tubo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59813conduttura ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66459oleodotto is oleodotto" ; rdfs:label " oleodotto_as_Group" . inds:USem6645gonfiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6645gonfiare is gonfiare" ; rdfs:label " gonfiare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66460scenario simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59888elemento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66460scenario is scenario" ; rdfs:label " scenario_as_Group" . inds:USem66461mobilio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66461mobilio is mobilio" ; rdfs:label " mobilio_as_Group" . inds:USem66462modulistica simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD66230modulo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66462modulistica is modulistica" ; rdfs:label " modulistica_as_Group" . inds:USem66463sellino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2867motocicletta, inds:USem71813ciclo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66463sellino is sellino" ; rdfs:label " sellino_as_Part" . inds:USem66464pipeline simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59852tubo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66459oleodotto ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66464pipeline is pipeline" ; rdfs:label " pipeline_as_Group" . inds:USem66465smagliatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63847lesione ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1764pelle ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66465smagliatura is smagliatura" ; rdfs:label " smagliatura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66467sottoscala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59842scala ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66467sottoscala is sottoscala" ; rdfs:label " sottoscala_as_Part" . inds:USem66468spallina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6390distintivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4855giacca ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66468spallina is spallina" ; rdfs:label " spallina_as_Part" . inds:USem66469spallina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5163striscia ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4855giacca ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66469spallina is spallina" ; rdfs:label " spallina_as_Part" . inds:USem66470spogliatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75026spogliare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66470spogliatoio is spogliatoio" ; rdfs:label " spogliatoio_as_Part" . inds:USem66471taschino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5163striscia ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4855giacca, inds:USem65165panciotto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66471taschino is taschino" ; rdfs:label " taschino_as_Part" . inds:USem66472teleschermo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3523televisore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66472teleschermo is teleschermo" ; rdfs:label " teleschermo_as_Part" . inds:USem66473tesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5612copricapo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66473tesa is tesa" ; rdfs:label " tesa_as_Part" . inds:USem66474torsolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66474torsolo is torsolo" ; rdfs:label " torsolo_as_Part" . inds:USem66476tribordo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66476tribordo is tribordo" ; rdfs:label " tribordo_as_Part" . inds:USem66477creato simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3016materia ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66477creato is creato" ; rdfs:label " creato_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66478discriminante simple:hasTelic inds:USem65191discriminare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66478discriminante is discriminante" ; rdfs:label " discriminante_as_Telic" . inds:USem66479intessere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66479intessere is intessere" ; rdfs:label " intessere_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66480principio simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66480principio is principio" ; rdfs:label " principio_as_Agentive" . inds:USem66481intessere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66481intessere is intessere" ; rdfs:label " intessere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66482bozzo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6166superficie ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66482bozzo is bozzo" ; rdfs:label " bozzo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66483chiazza simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66483chiazza is chiazza" ; rdfs:label " chiazza_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66484intestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66484intestare is intestare" ; rdfs:label " intestare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem66485dettaglio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59888elemento, inds:USemD63850circostanza ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66485dettaglio is dettaglio" ; rdfs:label " dettaglio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66486doppione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66486doppione is doppione" ; rdfs:label " doppione_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem66487intestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66487intestare is intestare" ; rdfs:label " intestare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66488intimare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66488intimare is intimare" ; rdfs:label " intimare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem66489fardello simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66489fardello is fardello" ; rdfs:label " fardello_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem6648indurire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD2740duro ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6648indurire is indurire" ; rdfs:label " indurire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66490intingere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66490intingere is intingere" ; rdfs:label " intingere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66492ornato simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66492ornato is ornato" ; rdfs:label " ornato_as_Domain" . inds:USem66493ornato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6166decorazione ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66493ornato is ornato" ; rdfs:label " ornato_as_Artwork" . inds:USem66494fronzolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem75085ornamento ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66494fronzolo is fronzolo" ; rdfs:label " fronzolo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem66495paccottiglia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66495paccottiglia is paccottiglia" ; rdfs:label " paccottiglia_as_Group" . inds:USem66496intoppare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66496intoppare is intoppare" ; rdfs:label " intoppare_as_Event" . inds:USem66497garbuglio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59888elemento ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66497garbuglio is garbuglio" ; rdfs:label " garbuglio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66499pariglia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem919cavallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63900coppia ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66499pariglia is pariglia" ; rdfs:label " pariglia_as_Group" . inds:USem6649infettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7122infetto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6649infettare is infettare" ; rdfs:label " infettare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66500imbroglio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66500imbroglio is imbroglio" ; rdfs:label " imbroglio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66502reading simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62393brano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66502reading is reading" ; rdfs:label " reading_as_Group" . inds:USem66503spazzatura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66503spazzatura is spazzatura" ; rdfs:label " spazzatura_as_Group" . inds:USem66504sporco simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3099polvere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66504sporco is sporco" ; rdfs:label " sporco_as_Group" . inds:USem66505terna simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2672tre ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66505terna is terna" ; rdfs:label " terna_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66506terzina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD63853verso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66506terzina is terzina" ; rdfs:label " terzina_as_Group" . inds:USem66507terzina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD63855nota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66507terzina is terzina" ; rdfs:label " terzina_as_Group" . inds:USem66509intrico simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66509intrico is intrico" ; rdfs:label " intrico_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem6650infiammare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5429bruciare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6650infiammare is infiammare" ; rdfs:label " infiammare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66510groppo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66510groppo is groppo" ; rdfs:label " groppo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66511groppo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66511groppo is groppo" ; rdfs:label " groppo_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66513intralciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66513intralciare is intralciare" ; rdfs:label " intralciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66514malloppo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2574peso ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66514malloppo is malloppo" ; rdfs:label " malloppo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66515troika simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66515troika is troika" ; rdfs:label " troika_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem66516troika simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66516troika is troika" ; rdfs:label " troika_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66518trust simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3577impresa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66518trust is trust" ; rdfs:label " trust_as_Group" . inds:USem66519malloppo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem878bene ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61513refurtiva ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66519malloppo is malloppo" ; rdfs:label " malloppo_as_Group" . inds:USem6651invertire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6651invertire is invertire" ; rdfs:label " invertire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66520metrica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66520metrica is metrica" ; rdfs:label " metrica_as_Domain" . inds:USem66521morfofonologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59973linguistica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66521morfofonologia is morfofonologia" ; rdfs:label " morfofonologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem66523saggistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66523saggistica is saggistica" ; rdfs:label " saggistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem66525toponomastica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem30onomastica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66525toponomastica is toponomastica" ; rdfs:label " toponomastica_as_Domain" . inds:USem66527toponomastica simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66527toponomastica is toponomastica" ; rdfs:label " toponomastica_as_Information" . inds:USem66529maltolto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66529maltolto is maltolto" ; rdfs:label " maltolto_as_Agentive" . inds:USem6652livellare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6335livellato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6652livellare is livellare" ; rdfs:label " livellare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66531opposto simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66531opposto is opposto" ; rdfs:label " opposto_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66532scafandro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59808attrezzatura ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66532scafandro is scafandro" ; rdfs:label " scafandro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66533stilistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66533stilistica is stilistica" ; rdfs:label " stilistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem66534spioncino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66534spioncino is spioncino" ; rdfs:label " spioncino_as_Opening" . inds:USem66535poltiglia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66535poltiglia is poltiglia" ; rdfs:label " poltiglia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66536storiografia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66536storiografia is storiografia" ; rdfs:label " storiografia_as_Information" . inds:USem66537introitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66537introitare is introitare" ; rdfs:label " introitare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem66538restante simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66538restante is restante" ; rdfs:label " restante_as_Agentive" . inds:USem66539invasare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66539invasare is invasare" ; rdfs:label " invasare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6653maturare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6336maturo ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6653maturare is maturare" ; rdfs:label " maturare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66540storiografia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3449storia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66540storiografia is storiografia" ; rdfs:label " storiografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem66541ricciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1189riccio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2083capello ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66541ricciolo is ricciolo" ; rdfs:label " ricciolo_as_Part" . inds:USem66542stop simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66542stop is stop" ; rdfs:label " stop_as_Information" . inds:USem66543rientranza simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6166superficie ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66543rientranza is rientranza" ; rdfs:label " rientranza_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66544storiografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66544storiografia is storiografia" ; rdfs:label " storiografia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66545rigonfio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6166superficie ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66545rigonfio is rigonfio" ; rdfs:label " rigonfio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66546rimanente simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66546rimanente is rimanente" ; rdfs:label " rimanente_as_Agentive" . inds:USem66547stop simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66547stop is stop" ; rdfs:label " stop_as_Part" . inds:USem66548acqua simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66548acqua is acqua" ; rdfs:label " acqua_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem66549rimasuglio simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USem59620rimanere ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66549rimasuglio is rimasuglio" ; rdfs:label " rimasuglio_as_Agentive" . inds:USem6654raffreddare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6654raffreddare is raffreddare" ; rdfs:label " raffreddare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66550superfluo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66550superfluo is superfluo" ; rdfs:label " superfluo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66551tondo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1, inds:USemD63863tondo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66551tondo is tondo" ; rdfs:label " tondo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66552alcool simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66552alcool is alcool" ; rdfs:label " alcool_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem66553tutto simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66553tutto is tutto" ; rdfs:label " tutto_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66554arredamento simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66554arredamento is arredamento" ; rdfs:label " arredamento_as_Group" . inds:USem66555guazzabuglio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66555guazzabuglio is guazzabuglio" ; rdfs:label " guazzabuglio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66556narrativa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66556narrativa is narrativa" ; rdfs:label " narrativa_as_Domain" . inds:USem66557ingorgo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66557ingorgo is ingorgo" ; rdfs:label " ingorgo_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66558narrativa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66558narrativa is narrativa" ; rdfs:label " narrativa_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66559ambiente simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6875parente, inds:USemD5539familiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66559ambiente is ambiente" ; rdfs:label " ambiente_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6655sbloccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6655sbloccare is sbloccare" ; rdfs:label " sbloccare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66560mazzetta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3267banconota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66560mazzetta is mazzetta" ; rdfs:label " mazzetta_as_Group" . inds:USem66561cerchia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66561cerchia is cerchia" ; rdfs:label " cerchia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66562deterrente simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66562deterrente is deterrente" ; rdfs:label " deterrente_as_Group" . inds:USem66563mazzetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66563mazzetta is mazzetta" ; rdfs:label " mazzetta_as_Amount" . inds:USem66564invasare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59078piantare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66564invasare is invasare" ; rdfs:label " invasare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66565deterrente simple:hasTelic inds:USemTH305dissuadere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66565deterrente is deterrente" ; rdfs:label " deterrente_as_Telic" . inds:USem66566appiglio simple:hasTelic inds:USem63223appigliare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66566appiglio is appiglio" ; rdfs:label " appiglio_as_Telic" . inds:USem66567appiglio simple:hasTelic inds:USem63224appigliare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66567appiglio is appiglio" ; rdfs:label " appiglio_as_Telic" . inds:USem66568impiccio simple:hasTelic inds:USem66155ostacolare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66568impiccio is impiccio" ; rdfs:label " impiccio_as_Telic" . inds:USem66569inghippo simple:hasTelic inds:USemD7301imbrogliare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66569inghippo is inghippo" ; rdfs:label " inghippo_as_Telic" . inds:USem6656scaldare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6656scaldare is scaldare" ; rdfs:label " scaldare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66573intoppo simple:hasTelic inds:USem66155ostacolare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66573intoppo is intoppo" ; rdfs:label " intoppo_as_Telic" . inds:USem66574palliativo simple:hasTelic inds:USemD63871risolvere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66574palliativo is palliativo" ; rdfs:label " palliativo_as_Telic" . inds:USem66575ipotecare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66575ipotecare is ipotecare" ; rdfs:label " ipotecare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66576fontana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7150distribuire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66576fontana is fontana" ; rdfs:label " fontana_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66577ipotecare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66577ipotecare is ipotecare" ; rdfs:label " ipotecare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66578intralcio simple:hasTelic inds:USem66155ostacolare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66578intralcio is intralcio" ; rdfs:label " intralcio_as_Telic" . inds:USem66579preda simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66579preda is preda" ; rdfs:label " preda_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem66580centralina simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66580centralina is centralina" ; rdfs:label " centralina_as_Building" . inds:USem66581spartiacque simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5554bacino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66581spartiacque is spartiacque" ; rdfs:label " spartiacque_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem66582spartiacque simple:hasTelic inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66582spartiacque is spartiacque" ; rdfs:label " spartiacque_as_Telic" . inds:USem66583toccasana simple:hasTelic inds:USem61205guarire, inds:USemD63874rimedio ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66583toccasana is toccasana" ; rdfs:label " toccasana_as_Telic" . inds:USem66584centralina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59804apparecchiatura ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66584centralina is centralina" ; rdfs:label " centralina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66585ironizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66585ironizzare is ironizzare" ; rdfs:label " ironizzare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem66586irrigidire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63876irrigidito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66586irrigidire is irrigidire" ; rdfs:label " irrigidire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66587irrigidire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66587irrigidire is irrigidire" ; rdfs:label " irrigidire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66588irrompere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6994entrare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66588irrompere is irrompere" ; rdfs:label " irrompere_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem66589tramite simple:hasTelic inds:USem60395collegare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66589tramite is tramite" ; rdfs:label " tramite_as_Telic" . inds:USem66591irrorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66591irrorare is irrorare" ; rdfs:label " irrorare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66592irrorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66592irrorare is irrorare" ; rdfs:label " irrorare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66593irrorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66593irrorare is irrorare" ; rdfs:label " irrorare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66595istoriare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5090ornare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63880istoriato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66595istoriare is istoriare" ; rdfs:label " istoriare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66596interno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66596interno is interno" ; rdfs:label " interno_as_Part" . inds:USem66597interno simple:hasIsa inds:USem62270studente ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66597interno is interno" ; rdfs:label " interno_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem66598madrelingua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66598madrelingua is madrelingua" ; rdfs:label " madrelingua_as_Human" . inds:USem66599lambire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66599lambire is lambire" ; rdfs:label " lambire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66600lambire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66600lambire is lambire" ; rdfs:label " lambire_as_State" . inds:USem66601lapidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66601lapidare is lapidare" ; rdfs:label " lapidare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66602lastricare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66602lastricare is lastricare" ; rdfs:label " lastricare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66603latitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66603latitare is latitare" ; rdfs:label " latitare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66604tregenda simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66604tregenda is tregenda" ; rdfs:label " tregenda_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66605laureare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66605laureare is laureare" ; rdfs:label " laureare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66606laureare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66606laureare is laureare" ; rdfs:label " laureare_as_Event" . inds:USem66607laureare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66607laureare is laureare" ; rdfs:label " laureare_as_Event" . inds:USem66608legittimare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66608legittimare is legittimare" ; rdfs:label " legittimare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66609legittimare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66609legittimare is legittimare" ; rdfs:label " legittimare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66610legittimare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66610legittimare is legittimare" ; rdfs:label " legittimare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66611lemmatizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66611lemmatizzare is lemmatizzare" ; rdfs:label " lemmatizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66612lesinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59516risparmiare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66612lesinare is lesinare" ; rdfs:label " lesinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66613lesionare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66613lesionare is lesionare" ; rdfs:label " lesionare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66614letiziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66614letiziare is letiziare" ; rdfs:label " letiziare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66615librare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66615librare is librare" ; rdfs:label " librare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66618limare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3254lima ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66618limare is limare" ; rdfs:label " limare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66619limare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1941correggere ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem60203migliorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66619limare is limare" ; rdfs:label " limare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66620listare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66620listare is listare" ; rdfs:label " listare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66621locare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66621locare is locare" ; rdfs:label " locare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem66622luccicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66622luccicare is luccicare" ; rdfs:label " luccicare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66623luccicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66198brillare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66623luccicare is luccicare" ; rdfs:label " luccicare_as_State" . inds:USem66624lucrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66624lucrare is lucrare" ; rdfs:label " lucrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66625lustrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66625lustrare is lustrare" ; rdfs:label " lustrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66626macchinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66626macchinare is macchinare" ; rdfs:label " macchinare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66627macerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63889macerato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66627macerare is macerare" ; rdfs:label " macerare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66628macerare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62888tormentare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66628macerare is macerare" ; rdfs:label " macerare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66629magnificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60770lodare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66629magnificare is magnificare" ; rdfs:label " magnificare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem6662allineare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6662allineare is allineare" ; rdfs:label " allineare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem66631malignare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66631malignare is malignare" ; rdfs:label " malignare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem66632manganellare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem65831manganello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66632manganellare is manganellare" ; rdfs:label " manganellare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66633mantenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66633mantenere is mantenere" ; rdfs:label " mantenere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66634mantenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66634mantenere is mantenere" ; rdfs:label " mantenere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66635mantenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66635mantenere is mantenere" ; rdfs:label " mantenere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66636mantenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66636mantenere is mantenere" ; rdfs:label " mantenere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66638mantenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66638mantenere is mantenere" ; rdfs:label " mantenere_as_State" . inds:USem6663alterare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6663alterare is alterare" ; rdfs:label " alterare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66641agronomico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem59928agronomia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66641agronomico is agronomico" ; rdfs:label " agronomico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem66642coronarico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem66297coronaria ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66642coronarico is coronarico" ; rdfs:label " coronarico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem66646destino simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66646destino is destino" ; rdfs:label " destino_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem66647animo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66647animo is animo" ; rdfs:label " animo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem66648ideologia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66648ideologia is ideologia" ; rdfs:label " ideologia_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem66649clou simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66649clou is clou" ; rdfs:label " clou_as_Part" . inds:USem6664ammorbidire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6742morbido ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6664ammorbidire is ammorbidire" ; rdfs:label " ammorbidire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66650paradigma simple:hasIsa inds:USem63153modello ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66650paradigma is paradigma" ; rdfs:label " paradigma_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem66651bellico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem61241guerra ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66651bellico is bellico" ; rdfs:label " bellico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem66653nudo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66653nudo is nudo" ; rdfs:label " nudo_as_Artwork" . inds:USem6665appagare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6665appagare is appagare" ; rdfs:label " appagare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem66675musulmano simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemTH13323islamismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66675musulmano is musulmano" ; rdfs:label " musulmano_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem66676valdese simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemTH27537valdismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66676valdese is valdese" ; rdfs:label " valdese_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem66679perfezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66679perfezione is perfezione" ; rdfs:label " perfezione_as_State" . inds:USem6667comprimere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6667comprimere is comprimere" ; rdfs:label " comprimere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66680perfezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD63900perfetto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66680perfezione is perfezione" ; rdfs:label " perfezione_as_Quality" . inds:USem66682arare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem63143aratro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66682arare is arare" ; rdfs:label " arare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66683aratura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66683aratura is aratura" ; rdfs:label " aratura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66686socialdemocratico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD6002socialdemocrazia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66686socialdemocratico is socialdemocratico" ; rdfs:label " socialdemocratico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem66688offendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66688offendere is offendere" ; rdfs:label " offendere_as_Cause" . inds:USem6668gonfiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6668gonfiare is gonfiare" ; rdfs:label " gonfiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66690molestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66690molestare is molestare" ; rdfs:label " molestare_as_Cause" . inds:USem66691scocciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66691scocciare is scocciare" ; rdfs:label " scocciare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66692seccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66692seccare is seccare" ; rdfs:label " seccare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66694parastato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem903ente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66694parastato is parastato" ; rdfs:label " parastato_as_Group" . inds:USem66695abbigliamento simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem61400capo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66695abbigliamento is abbigliamento" ; rdfs:label " abbigliamento_as_Group" . inds:USem66696accozzaglia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66696accozzaglia is accozzaglia" ; rdfs:label " accozzaglia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66697parcella simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66697parcella is parcella" ; rdfs:label " parcella_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem66698accozzaglia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66698accozzaglia is accozzaglia" ; rdfs:label " accozzaglia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66699pastorale simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6406lettera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66699pastorale is pastorale" ; rdfs:label " pastorale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem66700acquolina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66700acquolina is acquolina" ; rdfs:label " acquolina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem66701adagio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66701adagio is adagio" ; rdfs:label " adagio_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66702pastorale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66702pastorale is pastorale" ; rdfs:label " pastorale_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66703peggiore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66703peggiore is peggiore" ; rdfs:label " peggiore_as_Human" . inds:USem66704pescata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66704pescata is pescata" ; rdfs:label " pescata_as_Amount" . inds:USem66705adenoide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1812naso ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66705adenoide is adenoide" ; rdfs:label " adenoide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66706petrodollaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66706petrodollaro is petrodollaro" ; rdfs:label " petrodollaro_as_Amount" . inds:USem66708adunata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66708adunata is adunata" ; rdfs:label " adunata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66709attaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63085affezionare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66709attaccare is attaccare" ; rdfs:label " attaccare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6670indurire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD2740duro ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6670indurire is indurire" ; rdfs:label " indurire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66710pizzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66710pizzo is pizzo" ; rdfs:label " pizzo_as_Amount" . inds:USem66711aforisma simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66711aforisma is aforisma" ; rdfs:label " aforisma_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66713cattolico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2665cattolicesimo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66713cattolico is cattolico" ; rdfs:label " cattolico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem66714pizzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66714pizzo is pizzo" ; rdfs:label " pizzo_as_Part" . inds:USem66715ammenda simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD63654punire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66715ammenda is ammenda" ; rdfs:label " ammenda_as_Information" . inds:USem66716pizzo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem65422radice ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63161barba ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD4019faccia ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66716pizzo is pizzo" ; rdfs:label " pizzo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66717pizzo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66717pizzo is pizzo" ; rdfs:label " pizzo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem66719poema simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66719poema is poema" ; rdfs:label " poema_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem6671infettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7122infetto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6671infettare is infettare" ; rdfs:label " infettare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66720pois simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66720pois is pois" ; rdfs:label " pois_as_Shape" . inds:USem66721bergamotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD63907bergamotto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66721bergamotto is bergamotto" ; rdfs:label " bergamotto_as_Plant" . inds:USem66722pollame simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD7157pollo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66722pollame is pollame" ; rdfs:label " pollame_as_Group" . inds:USem66723affettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66723affettare is affettare" ; rdfs:label " affettare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66724ostentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66724ostentare is ostentare" ; rdfs:label " ostentare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66725ostentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66725ostentare is ostentare" ; rdfs:label " ostentare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66726sfoggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66726sfoggiare is sfoggiare" ; rdfs:label " sfoggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66727blasone simple:hasIsa inds:USem65427stemma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66727blasone is blasone" ; rdfs:label " blasone_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem66728blasone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66728blasone is blasone" ; rdfs:label " blasone_as_Property" . inds:USem66729burocrazia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD1550ufficio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66729burocrazia is burocrazia" ; rdfs:label " burocrazia_as_Group" . inds:USem6672infiammare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62340bruciare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6672infiammare is infiammare" ; rdfs:label " infiammare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66730sfoggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66730sfoggiare is sfoggiare" ; rdfs:label " sfoggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66731stordire simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66731stordire is stordire" ; rdfs:label " stordire_as_Perception" . inds:USem66732porcheria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem916cosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66732porcheria is porcheria" ; rdfs:label " porcheria_as_Group" . inds:USem66734cagione simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66734cagione is cagione" ; rdfs:label " cagione_as_Agentive" . inds:USem66735porcheria simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66735porcheria is porcheria" ; rdfs:label " porcheria_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66736campionario simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59779campione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66736campionario is campionario" ; rdfs:label " campionario_as_Group" . inds:USem66737stordire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66737stordire is stordire" ; rdfs:label " stordire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66738posologia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66738posologia is posologia" ; rdfs:label " posologia_as_Information" . inds:USem66739stordire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66739stordire is stordire" ; rdfs:label " stordire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6673inquinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6333inquinato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6673inquinare is inquinare" ; rdfs:label " inquinare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66740cantilena simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66740cantilena is cantilena" ; rdfs:label " cantilena_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66741postilla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66741postilla is postilla" ; rdfs:label " postilla_as_Part" . inds:USem66742prefazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4047libro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66742prefazione is prefazione" ; rdfs:label " prefazione_as_Part" . inds:USem66743premessa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4047libro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66743premessa is premessa" ; rdfs:label " premessa_as_Part" . inds:USem66744prologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66744prologo is prologo" ; rdfs:label " prologo_as_Part" . inds:USem66745presidenza simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3616presidente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66745presidenza is presidenza" ; rdfs:label " presidenza_as_Part" . inds:USem66746presidenza simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3616presidente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66746presidenza is presidenza" ; rdfs:label " presidenza_as_Convention" . inds:USem66747presidenza simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3616presidente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66747presidenza is presidenza" ; rdfs:label " presidenza_as_Time" . inds:USem66748pretesto simple:hasTelic inds:USem60788scusare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66748pretesto is pretesto" ; rdfs:label " pretesto_as_Telic" . inds:USem66749scusa simple:hasTelic inds:USem60788scusare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66749scusa is scusa" ; rdfs:label " scusa_as_Telic" . inds:USem6674invertire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6674invertire is invertire" ; rdfs:label " invertire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66750pro simple:hasTelic inds:USemD547vantaggio ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66750pro is pro" ; rdfs:label " pro_as_Telic" . inds:USem66751scusante simple:hasTelic inds:USem60788scusare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66751scusante is scusante" ; rdfs:label " scusante_as_Telic" . inds:USem66752alibi simple:hasTelic inds:USem60788scusare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66752alibi is alibi" ; rdfs:label " alibi_as_Telic" . inds:USem66754carpo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo, inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66754carpo is carpo" ; rdfs:label " carpo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66755cartario simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem60974documento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66755cartario is cartario" ; rdfs:label " cartario_as_Group" . inds:USem66756clero simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62578sacerdote ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66756clero is clero" ; rdfs:label " clero_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66757coccolone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66757coccolone is coccolone" ; rdfs:label " coccolone_as_Human" . inds:USem66758comma simple:hasIsa inds:USem60961paragrafo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem6947documento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66758comma is comma" ; rdfs:label " comma_as_Part" . inds:USem66759comodo simple:hasTelic inds:USemD547vantaggio ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66759comodo is comodo" ; rdfs:label " comodo_as_Telic" . inds:USem66760concausa simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3281causa ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66760concausa is concausa" ; rdfs:label " concausa_as_Agentive" . inds:USem66761conciliabolo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66761conciliabolo is conciliabolo" ; rdfs:label " conciliabolo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66762connotato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66762connotato is connotato" ; rdfs:label " connotato_as_Property" . inds:USem66763conocchia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66763conocchia is conocchia" ; rdfs:label " conocchia_as_Amount" . inds:USem66764conocchia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1391filare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66764conocchia is conocchia" ; rdfs:label " conocchia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66765inondare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66765inondare is inondare" ; rdfs:label " inondare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66766consesso simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66766consesso is consesso" ; rdfs:label " consesso_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66767controparte simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66767controparte is controparte" ; rdfs:label " controparte_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66768controspionaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66768controspionaggio is controspionaggio" ; rdfs:label " controspionaggio_as_Institution" . inds:USem66769amalgama simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66769amalgama is amalgama" ; rdfs:label " amalgama_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem6676livellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6335livellato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6676livellare is livellare" ; rdfs:label " livellare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66770neofascista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2655neofascismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66770neofascista is neofascista" ; rdfs:label " neofascista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem66771convolvolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66771convolvolo is convolvolo" ; rdfs:label " convolvolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem66772amalgamare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66772amalgamare is amalgamare" ; rdfs:label " amalgamare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem66773preludio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66773preludio is preludio" ; rdfs:label " preludio_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66774crisma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59724benedire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66774crisma is crisma" ; rdfs:label " crisma_as_Substance" . inds:USem66775problema simple:hasIsa inds:USem61369esercizio ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66775problema is problema" ; rdfs:label " problema_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem66776infiammare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem78639infiammato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66776infiammare is infiammare" ; rdfs:label " infiammare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66777punteggio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2709punto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66777punteggio is punteggio" ; rdfs:label " punteggio_as_Group" . inds:USem66778infiammare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66778infiammare is infiammare" ; rdfs:label " infiammare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem66779puntino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66779puntino is puntino" ; rdfs:label " puntino_as_Sign" . inds:USem6677maturare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6336maturo ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6677maturare is maturare" ; rdfs:label " maturare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66780infiammare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66780infiammare is infiammare" ; rdfs:label " infiammare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66781cruciverba simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66781cruciverba is cruciverba" ; rdfs:label " cruciverba_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem66782cucchiaiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66782cucchiaiata is cucchiaiata" ; rdfs:label " cucchiaiata_as_Amount" . inds:USem66783quintessenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66783quintessenza is quintessenza" ; rdfs:label " quintessenza_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem66784ritornello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66784ritornello is ritornello" ; rdfs:label " ritornello_as_Part" . inds:USem66785romanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66785romanza is romanza" ; rdfs:label " romanza_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66786salmo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66786salmo is salmo" ; rdfs:label " salmo_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66787culmine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4172rilievo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66787culmine is culmine" ; rdfs:label " culmine_as_Part" . inds:USem66788decalogo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5557norma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66788decalogo is decalogo" ; rdfs:label " decalogo_as_Group" . inds:USem66789scaffalatura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD1269scaffale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66789scaffalatura is scaffalatura" ; rdfs:label " scaffalatura_as_Group" . inds:USem6678omogeneizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6678omogeneizzare is omogeneizzare" ; rdfs:label " omogeneizzare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem66790sceneggiato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66790sceneggiato is sceneggiato" ; rdfs:label " sceneggiato_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66791decimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66791decimo is decimo" ; rdfs:label " decimo_as_Part" . inds:USem66792dedica simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66792dedica is dedica" ; rdfs:label " dedica_as_Information" . inds:USem66793schieramento simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66793schieramento is schieramento" ; rdfs:label " schieramento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66794ventaglio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66794ventaglio is ventaglio" ; rdfs:label " ventaglio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66795sciarada simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66795sciarada is sciarada" ; rdfs:label " sciarada_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem66796scollatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66796scollatura is scollatura" ; rdfs:label " scollatura_as_Part" . inds:USem66797serenata simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66797serenata is serenata" ; rdfs:label " serenata_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66798sonata simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66798sonata is sonata" ; rdfs:label " sonata_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66799sonatina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66799sonatina is sonatina" ; rdfs:label " sonatina_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem6679raffreddare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6679raffreddare is raffreddare" ; rdfs:label " raffreddare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66800delizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66800delizia is delizia" ; rdfs:label " delizia_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66801stornello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66801stornello is stornello" ; rdfs:label " stornello_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66803inno simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66803inno is inno" ; rdfs:label " inno_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66804storiella simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66804storiella is storiella" ; rdfs:label " storiella_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66805telefilm simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66805telefilm is telefilm" ; rdfs:label " telefilm_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66806delizia simple:hasAgentive inds:USem65070deliziare ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66806delizia is delizia" ; rdfs:label " delizia_as_Agentive" . inds:USem66807culmine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66807culmine is culmine" ; rdfs:label " culmine_as_Part" . inds:USem66808documentario simple:hasIsa inds:USem65633cortometraggio ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66808documentario is documentario" ; rdfs:label " documentario_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66809effimero simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66809effimero is effimero" ; rdfs:label " effimero_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem6680sbloccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6680sbloccare is sbloccare" ; rdfs:label " sbloccare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem66810affrancare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66810affrancare is affrancare" ; rdfs:label " affrancare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem66811elegia simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66811elegia is elegia" ; rdfs:label " elegia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66812affrancare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7131liberare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66812affrancare is affrancare" ; rdfs:label " affrancare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem66813enigma simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66813enigma is enigma" ; rdfs:label " enigma_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem66814enigma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66814enigma is enigma" ; rdfs:label " enigma_as_Human" . inds:USem66815epigrafe simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66815epigrafe is epigrafe" ; rdfs:label " epigrafe_as_Information" . inds:USem66816epigrafe simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD5517celebrare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66816epigrafe is epigrafe" ; rdfs:label " epigrafe_as_Information" . inds:USem66817epigramma simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66817epigramma is epigramma" ; rdfs:label " epigramma_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66818epitaffio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66818epitaffio is epitaffio" ; rdfs:label " epitaffio_as_Information" . inds:USem66819fallo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66819fallo is fallo" ; rdfs:label " fallo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66820fantasmagoria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66820fantasmagoria is fantasmagoria" ; rdfs:label " fantasmagoria_as_Group" . inds:USem66821farsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66821farsa is farsa" ; rdfs:label " farsa_as_Domain" . inds:USem66822favola simple:hasIsa inds:USem62337racconto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66822favola is favola" ; rdfs:label " favola_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66823fiaba simple:hasIsa inds:USem62337racconto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66823fiaba is fiaba" ; rdfs:label " fiaba_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66824finale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66824finale is finale" ; rdfs:label " finale_as_Part" . inds:USem66825idillio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66825idillio is idillio" ; rdfs:label " idillio_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66826indovinello simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66826indovinello is indovinello" ; rdfs:label " indovinello_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem66827inedito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66827inedito is inedito" ; rdfs:label " inedito_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66828intrattenimento simple:hasTelic inds:USem64847intrattenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66828intrattenimento is intrattenimento" ; rdfs:label " intrattenimento_as_Telic" . inds:USem66829lagna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66829lagna is lagna" ; rdfs:label " lagna_as_Human" . inds:USem66830leggenda simple:hasIsa inds:USem62337racconto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66830leggenda is leggenda" ; rdfs:label " leggenda_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66832antifascista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem75014antifascismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66832antifascista is antifascista" ; rdfs:label " antifascista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem66833anarchico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem66975anarchia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66833anarchico is anarchico" ; rdfs:label " anarchico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem66834bolscevico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem5059bolscevismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66834bolscevico is bolscevico" ; rdfs:label " bolscevico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem66835epilogo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66835epilogo is epilogo" ; rdfs:label " epilogo_as_Part" . inds:USem66836occultare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60887nascondere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66836occultare is occultare" ; rdfs:label " occultare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem66838longitudine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66838longitudine is longitudine" ; rdfs:label " longitudine_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem66839dissimulare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66839dissimulare is dissimulare" ; rdfs:label " dissimulare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem6683sconnettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6683sconnettere is sconnettere" ; rdfs:label " sconnettere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem66840lungometraggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63839pellicola ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66840lungometraggio is lungometraggio" ; rdfs:label " lungometraggio_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66841maquillage simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66841maquillage is maquillage" ; rdfs:label " maquillage_as_Group" . inds:USem66842meeting simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66842meeting is meeting" ; rdfs:label " meeting_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66843convegno simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66843convegno is convegno" ; rdfs:label " convegno_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66844melodramma simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66844melodramma is melodramma" ; rdfs:label " melodramma_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66845melodramma simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66845melodramma is melodramma" ; rdfs:label " melodramma_as_Domain" . inds:USem66846prodezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66846prodezza is prodezza" ; rdfs:label " prodezza_as_Act" . inds:USem66847sbadataggine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66847sbadataggine is sbadataggine" ; rdfs:label " sbadataggine_as_Act" . inds:USem66848scemenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66848scemenza is scemenza" ; rdfs:label " scemenza_as_Act" . inds:USem66849scempiaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66849scempiaggine is scempiaggine" ; rdfs:label " scempiaggine_as_Act" . inds:USem6684sfigurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6684sfigurare is sfigurare" ; rdfs:label " sfigurare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66850disattenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66850disattenzione is disattenzione" ; rdfs:label " disattenzione_as_Act" . inds:USem66851appuntare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66851appuntare is appuntare" ; rdfs:label " appuntare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66852minuzia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66852minuzia is minuzia" ; rdfs:label " minuzia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66853appuntare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4821attaccare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66853appuntare is appuntare" ; rdfs:label " appuntare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem66854musical simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66854musical is musical" ; rdfs:label " musical_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66855serpentina simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66855serpentina is serpentina" ; rdfs:label " serpentina_as_Shape" . inds:USem66856appuntare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66856appuntare is appuntare" ; rdfs:label " appuntare_as_Act" . inds:USem66857serpentina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59852tubo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6679raffreddare, inds:USem76703scaldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66857serpentina is serpentina" ; rdfs:label " serpentina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66859nebulosa simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3016materia ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66859nebulosa is nebulosa" ; rdfs:label " nebulosa_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem6685sganciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6685sganciare is sganciare" ; rdfs:label " sganciare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem66860signoria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63865signore, inds:USem63866signore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66860signoria is signoria" ; rdfs:label " signoria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem66861necrologio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66861necrologio is necrologio" ; rdfs:label " necrologio_as_Information" . inds:USem66862sintomatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66862sintomatologia is sintomatologia" ; rdfs:label " sintomatologia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem66863neoformazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem5009politico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5271associazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66863neoformazione is neoformazione" ; rdfs:label " neoformazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66864sottoclasse simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59812classe ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66864sottoclasse is sottoclasse" ; rdfs:label " sottoclasse_as_Part" . inds:USem66865narrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem62337racconto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66865narrazione is narrazione" ; rdfs:label " narrazione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem66866sottocultura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66866sottocultura is sottocultura" ; rdfs:label " sottocultura_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem66867sottocultura simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD63931cultura ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66867sottocultura is sottocultura" ; rdfs:label " sottocultura_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66868narrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66868narrazione is narrazione" ; rdfs:label " narrazione_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66869nidiata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66869nidiata is nidiata" ; rdfs:label " nidiata_as_Group" . inds:USem66870notturno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66870notturno is notturno" ; rdfs:label " notturno_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66871novella simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66871novella is novella" ; rdfs:label " novella_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66872ode simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66872ode is ode" ; rdfs:label " ode_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66873sottoprodotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3895produrre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66873sottoprodotto is sottoprodotto" ; rdfs:label " sottoprodotto_as_Artifact" . inds:USem66874sottospecie simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66874sottospecie is sottospecie" ; rdfs:label " sottospecie_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66875operetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66875operetta is operetta" ; rdfs:label " operetta_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66876orgia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66876orgia is orgia" ; rdfs:label " orgia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66877sottotitolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60973titolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66877sottotitolo is sottotitolo" ; rdfs:label " sottotitolo_as_Part" . inds:USem66878sottotitolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66878sottotitolo is sottotitolo" ; rdfs:label " sottotitolo_as_Information" . inds:USem66879ornamentazione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59888elemento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66879ornamentazione is ornamentazione" ; rdfs:label " ornamentazione_as_Group" . inds:USem66880diavoleria simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66880diavoleria is diavoleria" ; rdfs:label " diavoleria_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66881capovolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66881capovolgere is capovolgere" ; rdfs:label " capovolgere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66882ouverture simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66882ouverture is ouverture" ; rdfs:label " ouverture_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66883stoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66883stoma is stoma" ; rdfs:label " stoma_as_Part" . inds:USem66884attenuante simple:hasTelic inds:USem6758attenuare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66884attenuante is attenuante" ; rdfs:label " attenuante_as_Telic" . inds:USem66885stradale simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4964poliziotto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66885stradale is stradale" ; rdfs:label " stradale_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66886stralcio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66886stralcio is stralcio" ; rdfs:label " stralcio_as_Part" . inds:USem66887subconscio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66887subconscio is subconscio" ; rdfs:label " subconscio_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem66888dottrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63975conoscenza ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66888dottrina is dottrina" ; rdfs:label " dottrina_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem66889superpotenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66889superpotenza is superpotenza" ; rdfs:label " superpotenza_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem66891svago simple:hasTelic inds:USemD63934svagare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66891svago is svago" ; rdfs:label " svago_as_Telic" . inds:USem66892taiga simple:hasContains inds:USem1456betulla, inds:USem1469abete ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4758foresta ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66892taiga is taiga" ; rdfs:label " taiga_as_Area" . inds:USem66893tattica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66893tattica is tattica" ; rdfs:label " tattica_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem66894tattica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66894tattica is tattica" ; rdfs:label " tattica_as_Domain" . inds:USem66895pattern simple:hasIsa inds:USem63153modello ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66895pattern is pattern" ; rdfs:label " pattern_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem66896mappare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66896mappare is mappare" ; rdfs:label " mappare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66897marcare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66897marcare is marcare" ; rdfs:label " marcare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66899marcare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61744segnare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66899marcare is marcare" ; rdfs:label " marcare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66900telefonia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59644sistema ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75054trasmettere, inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66900telefonia is telefonia" ; rdfs:label " telefonia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66902teleromanzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66902teleromanzo is teleromanzo" ; rdfs:label " teleromanzo_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66904teleselezione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59644sistema ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75054trasmettere, inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66904teleselezione is teleselezione" ; rdfs:label " teleselezione_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66905televideo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59644sistema ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75054trasmettere, inds:USemD63588consultare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66905televideo is televideo" ; rdfs:label " televideo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66906isterico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD63940isteria ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66906isterico is isterico" ; rdfs:label " isterico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem66910retaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63931cultura ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66910retaggio is retaggio" ; rdfs:label " retaggio_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem66911trafiletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62300giornale ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66911trafiletto is trafiletto" ; rdfs:label " trafiletto_as_Part" . inds:USem66914tranche simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66914tranche is tranche" ; rdfs:label " tranche_as_Part" . inds:USem66915tornaconto simple:hasTelic inds:USem66944interesse ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66915tornaconto is tornaconto" ; rdfs:label " tornaconto_as_Telic" . inds:USem66916marginare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66916marginare is marginare" ; rdfs:label " marginare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66918trasferibile simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66918trasferibile is trasferibile" ; rdfs:label " trasferibile_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66919trastullo simple:hasTelic inds:USem6605divertire ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66919trastullo is trastullo" ; rdfs:label " trastullo_as_Telic" . inds:USem66920tripartito simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD63821partito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59435governo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66920tripartito is tripartito" ; rdfs:label " tripartito_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66921troppo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66921troppo is troppo" ; rdfs:label " troppo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem66922scalogna simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66922scalogna is scalogna" ; rdfs:label " scalogna_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem66923uniforme simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66923uniforme is uniforme" ; rdfs:label " uniforme_as_Clothing" . inds:USem66924mediare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66924mediare is mediare" ; rdfs:label " mediare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66926venatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3688legno, inds:USem4016marmo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66926venatura is venatura" ; rdfs:label " venatura_as_Part" . inds:USem66927sorta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66927sorta is sorta" ; rdfs:label " sorta_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem66929versetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD63555bibbia, inds:USemD63568corano ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66929versetto is versetto" ; rdfs:label " versetto_as_Part" . inds:USem66930sorte simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66930sorte is sorte" ; rdfs:label " sorte_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem66931verticale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66931verticale is verticale" ; rdfs:label " verticale_as_Shape" . inds:USem66932verticale simple:hasIsa inds:USem61343direzione ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66932verticale is verticale" ; rdfs:label " verticale_as_Location" . inds:USem66933vestiario simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66933vestiario is vestiario" ; rdfs:label " vestiario_as_Group" . inds:USem66936vicinato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem61100vicino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66936vicinato is vicinato" ; rdfs:label " vicinato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66937menare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano, inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66937menare is menare" ; rdfs:label " menare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem66939vicinato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66939vicinato is vicinato" ; rdfs:label " vicinato_as_Group" . inds:USem66944interesse simple:hasTelic inds:USem64978convenire ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66944interesse is interesse" ; rdfs:label " interesse_as_Telic" . inds:USem66946videotelefono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1427vedere, inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66946videotelefono is videotelefono" ; rdfs:label " videotelefono_as_Instrument" . inds:USem66947vinaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66947vinaccia is vinaccia" ; rdfs:label " vinaccia_as_Substance" . inds:USem66948vinacciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66948vinacciolo is vinacciolo" ; rdfs:label " vinacciolo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem66949viscere simple:hasIsa inds:USem1829intestino ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale, inds:USemD63948uomo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66949viscere is viscere" ; rdfs:label " viscere_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66950uomo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD63948uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66950uomo is uomo" ; rdfs:label " uomo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem66951zazzera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65651acconciatura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62640capigliatura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66951zazzera is zazzera" ; rdfs:label " zazzera_as_Part" . inds:USem66952capoverso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60961paragrafo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66952capoverso is capoverso" ; rdfs:label " capoverso_as_Part" . inds:USem66953colecisti simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66953colecisti is colecisti" ; rdfs:label " colecisti_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem66954crittografia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66954crittografia is crittografia" ; rdfs:label " crittografia_as_Information" . inds:USem66955crittogramma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66955crittogramma is crittogramma" ; rdfs:label " crittogramma_as_Information" . inds:USem66956endecasillabo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63853verso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD63949poesia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66956endecasillabo is endecasillabo" ; rdfs:label " endecasillabo_as_Part" . inds:USem66957imprudenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66957imprudenza is imprudenza" ; rdfs:label " imprudenza_as_Act" . inds:USem66958impudicizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66958impudicizia is impudicizia" ; rdfs:label " impudicizia_as_Act" . inds:USem66960disubbidienza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66960disubbidienza is disubbidienza" ; rdfs:label " disubbidienza_as_Act" . inds:USem66961anagramma simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66961anagramma is anagramma" ; rdfs:label " anagramma_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem66962cattiveria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66962cattiveria is cattiveria" ; rdfs:label " cattiveria_as_Act" . inds:USem66963poesia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66963poesia is poesia" ; rdfs:label " poesia_as_Domain" . inds:USem66964bassezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66964bassezza is bassezza" ; rdfs:label " bassezza_as_Act" . inds:USem66965problema simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66965problema is problema" ; rdfs:label " problema_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem66968mendicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66968mendicare is mendicare" ; rdfs:label " mendicare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem66969mendicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4804chiedere ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66969mendicare is mendicare" ; rdfs:label " mendicare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem66975anarchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66975anarchia is anarchia" ; rdfs:label " anarchia_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66976ascetismo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem5577asceta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66976ascetismo is ascetismo" ; rdfs:label " ascetismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66977associazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66977associazionismo is associazionismo" ; rdfs:label " associazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66978autarchia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66978autarchia is autarchia" ; rdfs:label " autarchia_as_State" . inds:USem66980barocco simple:hasIsa inds:USem59648stile ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66980barocco is barocco" ; rdfs:label " barocco_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66981controriforma simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66981controriforma is controriforma" ; rdfs:label " controriforma_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66982estremismo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6091estremista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66982estremismo is estremismo" ; rdfs:label " estremismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66983feticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66983feticismo is feticismo" ; rdfs:label " feticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66984alchimia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66984alchimia is alchimia" ; rdfs:label " alchimia_as_Domain" . inds:USem66985privatizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66985privatizzazione is privatizzazione" ; rdfs:label " privatizzazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem66986modernizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66986modernizzare is modernizzare" ; rdfs:label " modernizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66987risorgimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66987risorgimento is risorgimento" ; rdfs:label " risorgimento_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66988normalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66988normalizzare is normalizzare" ; rdfs:label " normalizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66989apologia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66989apologia is apologia" ; rdfs:label " apologia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66990occidentalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66990occidentalizzare is occidentalizzare" ; rdfs:label " occidentalizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66991superstizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem66648ideologia ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66991superstizione is superstizione" ; rdfs:label " superstizione_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem66992arrampicata simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66992arrampicata is arrampicata" ; rdfs:label " arrampicata_as_Domain" . inds:USem66993ballabile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66993ballabile is ballabile" ; rdfs:label " ballabile_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66994tatticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66994tatticismo is tatticismo" ; rdfs:label " tatticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66995ballata simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66995ballata is ballata" ; rdfs:label " ballata_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem66996tecnicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66996tecnicismo is tecnicismo" ; rdfs:label " tecnicismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66997centralizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66220centralizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66997centralizzare is centralizzare" ; rdfs:label " centralizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem66998utopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem63153modello ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66998utopia is utopia" ; rdfs:label " utopia_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66999zen simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62327fedele ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66999zen is zen" ; rdfs:label " zen_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem66neurologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem66neurologia is neurologia" ; rdfs:label " neurologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67000cittadinanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67000cittadinanza is cittadinanza" ; rdfs:label " cittadinanza_as_Convention" . inds:USem67001centralizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67001centralizzare is centralizzare" ; rdfs:label " centralizzare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem67003ortodossia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67003ortodossia is ortodossia" ; rdfs:label " ortodossia_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem67004commercializzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67004commercializzare is commercializzare" ; rdfs:label " commercializzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67005prammatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6397regola ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67005prammatica is prammatica" ; rdfs:label " prammatica_as_Convention" . inds:USem67007patriarcato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64204patriarca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67007patriarcato is patriarcato" ; rdfs:label " patriarcato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem67008carica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67008carica is carica" ; rdfs:label " carica_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67009cavalierato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6169cavaliere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67009cavalierato is cavalierato" ; rdfs:label " cavalierato_as_Convention" . inds:USem67010segretariato simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63955segretario ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67010segretariato is segretariato" ; rdfs:label " segretariato_as_Convention" . inds:USem67011papato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62581papa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67011papato is papato" ; rdfs:label " papato_as_Convention" . inds:USem67012automatizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63956automatizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67012automatizzare is automatizzare" ; rdfs:label " automatizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67013papato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62581papa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67013papato is papato" ; rdfs:label " papato_as_Time" . inds:USem67014computerizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63957computerizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67014computerizzare is computerizzare" ; rdfs:label " computerizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67015episcopato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5557vescovo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67015episcopato is episcopato" ; rdfs:label " episcopato_as_Time" . inds:USem67016principato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3599principe ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67016principato is principato" ; rdfs:label " principato_as_Time" . inds:USem67017catalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67017catalizzare is catalizzare" ; rdfs:label " catalizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67018baseball simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67018baseball is baseball" ; rdfs:label " baseball_as_Domain" . inds:USem67019rettorato simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD960rettore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67019rettorato is rettorato" ; rdfs:label " rettorato_as_Convention" . inds:USem67020catalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67020catalizzare is catalizzare" ; rdfs:label " catalizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67021basket simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67021basket is basket" ; rdfs:label " basket_as_Domain" . inds:USem67022rettorato simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD960rettore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67022rettorato is rettorato" ; rdfs:label " rettorato_as_Time" . inds:USem67023cristallizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63959cristallizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67023cristallizzare is cristallizzare" ; rdfs:label " cristallizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67025biomedicina simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67025biomedicina is biomedicina" ; rdfs:label " biomedicina_as_Domain" . inds:USem67026cristallizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD78145cristallizzato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67026cristallizzare is cristallizzare" ; rdfs:label " cristallizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67027magistratura simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD7115magistrato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67027magistratura is magistratura" ; rdfs:label " magistratura_as_Convention" . inds:USem67029blues simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67029blues is blues" ; rdfs:label " blues_as_Domain" . inds:USem67030cristallizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63959cristallizzato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67030cristallizzare is cristallizzare" ; rdfs:label " cristallizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67031biblioteconomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67031biblioteconomia is biblioteconomia" ; rdfs:label " biblioteconomia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67032bricolage simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67032bricolage is bricolage" ; rdfs:label " bricolage_as_Domain" . inds:USem67033cristallizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67033cristallizzare is cristallizzare" ; rdfs:label " cristallizzare_as_State" . inds:USem67034bridge simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67034bridge is bridge" ; rdfs:label " bridge_as_Domain" . inds:USem67035cancellierato simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63963cancelliere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67035cancellierato is cancellierato" ; rdfs:label " cancellierato_as_Convention" . inds:USem67036briscola simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67036briscola is briscola" ; rdfs:label " briscola_as_Domain" . inds:USem67037scopa simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67037scopa is scopa" ; rdfs:label " scopa_as_Domain" . inds:USem67038canasta simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67038canasta is canasta" ; rdfs:label " canasta_as_Domain" . inds:USem67039industrializzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67039industrializzare is industrializzare" ; rdfs:label " industrializzare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem67040burotica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67040burotica is burotica" ; rdfs:label " burotica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67041industrializzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67041industrializzare is industrializzare" ; rdfs:label " industrializzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67042cantata simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67042cantata is cantata" ; rdfs:label " cantata_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67043carambola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore, inds:USemD63965carambola ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67043carambola is carambola" ; rdfs:label " carambola_as_Plant" . inds:USem67044ionizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67044ionizzare is ionizzare" ; rdfs:label " ionizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67045carambola simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67045carambola is carambola" ; rdfs:label " carambola_as_Domain" . inds:USem67046liberalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67046liberalizzare is liberalizzare" ; rdfs:label " liberalizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67047biliardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67047biliardo is biliardo" ; rdfs:label " biliardo_as_Domain" . inds:USem67049liberalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67049liberalizzare is liberalizzare" ; rdfs:label " liberalizzare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem67050cardiochirurgia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1769cuore, inds:USem72493intervento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemTH29697chirurgia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67050cardiochirurgia is cardiochirurgia" ; rdfs:label " cardiochirurgia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67052meccanizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67052meccanizzare is meccanizzare" ; rdfs:label " meccanizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67053cartomanzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67053cartomanzia is cartomanzia" ; rdfs:label " cartomanzia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67055meccanizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67055meccanizzare is meccanizzare" ; rdfs:label " meccanizzare_as_Cause" . inds:USem67056militarizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67056militarizzare is militarizzare" ; rdfs:label " militarizzare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem67059militarizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67059militarizzare is militarizzare" ; rdfs:label " militarizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67060mimetizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63973mimetizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67060mimetizzare is mimetizzare" ; rdfs:label " mimetizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67061casual simple:hasIsa inds:USem59648stile ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67061casual is casual" ; rdfs:label " casual_as_Domain" . inds:USem67063miniaturizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67063miniaturizzare is miniaturizzare" ; rdfs:label " miniaturizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67064chiaroscuro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67064chiaroscuro is chiaroscuro" ; rdfs:label " chiaroscuro_as_Domain" . inds:USem67065monopolizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67065monopolizzare is monopolizzare" ; rdfs:label " monopolizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67066chiromanzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67066chiromanzia is chiromanzia" ; rdfs:label " chiromanzia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67067chiropratica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67067chiropratica is chiropratica" ; rdfs:label " chiropratica_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67068anniversario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67068anniversario is anniversario" ; rdfs:label " anniversario_as_Time" . inds:USem67069aurora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2793notte ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67069aurora is aurora" ; rdfs:label " aurora_as_Time" . inds:USem67070convalescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem3868malattia, inds:USem72493intervento ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67070convalescenza is convalescenza" ; rdfs:label " convalescenza_as_Time" . inds:USem67071glaciazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1792era ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67071glaciazione is glaciazione" ; rdfs:label " glaciazione_as_Time" . inds:USem67072legislatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67072legislatura is legislatura" ; rdfs:label " legislatura_as_Time" . inds:USem67073mimetizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63973mimetizzato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67073mimetizzare is mimetizzare" ; rdfs:label " mimetizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67074medioevo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67074medioevo is medioevo" ; rdfs:label " medioevo_as_Time" . inds:USem67075menopausa simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67075menopausa is menopausa" ; rdfs:label " menopausa_as_Time" . inds:USem67076cinematografia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67462cinema ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67076cinematografia is cinematografia" ; rdfs:label " cinematografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67077femmina simple:hasIsa inds:USem918essere ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67077femmina is femmina" ; rdfs:label " femmina_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem67078monopolizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67078monopolizzare is monopolizzare" ; rdfs:label " monopolizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67079maschio simple:hasIsa inds:USem918essere ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67079maschio is maschio" ; rdfs:label " maschio_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem67081monopolizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67081monopolizzare is monopolizzare" ; rdfs:label " monopolizzare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem67082mezzora simple:hasIsa inds:USem4049spazio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2759ora ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67082mezzora is mezzora" ; rdfs:label " mezzora_as_Time" . inds:USem67083nazionalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63977nazionalizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67083nazionalizzare is nazionalizzare" ; rdfs:label " nazionalizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67084nottata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5556durata ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2783sera ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67084nottata is nottata" ; rdfs:label " nottata_as_Time" . inds:USem67085oggi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67085oggi is oggi" ; rdfs:label " oggi_as_Time" . inds:USem67086neutralizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67086neutralizzare is neutralizzare" ; rdfs:label " neutralizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67087pasquetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem62575pasqua ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67087pasquetta is pasquetta" ; rdfs:label " pasquetta_as_Time" . inds:USem67088cinematografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67088cinematografia is cinematografia" ; rdfs:label " cinematografia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67089ramadan simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3280mese ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67089ramadan is ramadan" ; rdfs:label " ramadan_as_Time" . inds:USem67090neutralizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63979neutralizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67090neutralizzare is neutralizzare" ; rdfs:label " neutralizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67091neutralizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67091neutralizzare is neutralizzare" ; rdfs:label " neutralizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67092serata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5556durata ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem1847pomeriggio ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67092serata is serata" ; rdfs:label " serata_as_Time" . inds:USem67093omogeneizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63980omogeneizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67093omogeneizzare is omogeneizzare" ; rdfs:label " omogeneizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67094tramonto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2759ora ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasPrecedes inds:USem2783sera ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD3481giorno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67094tramonto is tramonto" ; rdfs:label " tramonto_as_Time" . inds:USem67095comportamentismo simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem37psicologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67095comportamentismo is comportamentismo" ; rdfs:label " comportamentismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem67096crepuscolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2758ora ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem1847pomeriggio ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67096crepuscolo is crepuscolo" ; rdfs:label " crepuscolo_as_Time" . inds:USem67097cosmologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61188cosmo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67097cosmologia is cosmologia" ; rdfs:label " cosmologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67098ottimizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60203migliorare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67098ottimizzare is ottimizzare" ; rdfs:label " ottimizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67099cricket simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67099cricket is cricket" ; rdfs:label " cricket_as_Domain" . inds:USem67100didattica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3926insegnamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem67262pedagogia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67100didattica is didattica" ; rdfs:label " didattica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67101ditirambo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67101ditirambo is ditirambo" ; rdfs:label " ditirambo_as_Domain" . inds:USem67102personalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63983personalizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67102personalizzare is personalizzare" ; rdfs:label " personalizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67103pubblicizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67103pubblicizzare is pubblicizzare" ; rdfs:label " pubblicizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67104reclamizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67104reclamizzare is reclamizzare" ; rdfs:label " reclamizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67105domino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67105domino is domino" ; rdfs:label " domino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem67106domino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67106domino is domino" ; rdfs:label " domino_as_Human" . inds:USem67107raddrizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67107raddrizzare is raddrizzare" ; rdfs:label " raddrizzare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem67108domino simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67108domino is domino" ; rdfs:label " domino_as_Domain" . inds:USem67109raddrizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67109raddrizzare is raddrizzare" ; rdfs:label " raddrizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67111enigmistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67111enigmistica is enigmistica" ; rdfs:label " enigmistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67112enologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67112enologia is enologia" ; rdfs:label " enologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67113epopea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67113epopea is epopea" ; rdfs:label " epopea_as_Domain" . inds:USem67114regionalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63985regionalizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67114regionalizzare is regionalizzare" ; rdfs:label " regionalizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67115regolarizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67115regolarizzare is regolarizzare" ; rdfs:label " regolarizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67116ricapitalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67116ricapitalizzare is ricapitalizzare" ; rdfs:label " ricapitalizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67117rivitalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63987rivitalizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67117rivitalizzare is rivitalizzare" ; rdfs:label " rivitalizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67119epopea simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67119epopea is epopea" ; rdfs:label " epopea_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67120etimologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67120etimologia is etimologia" ; rdfs:label " etimologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67121mentire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67121mentire is mentire" ; rdfs:label " mentire_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67122etnografia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem59449popolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67122etnografia is etnografia" ; rdfs:label " etnografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67123fantascienza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67123fantascienza is fantascienza" ; rdfs:label " fantascienza_as_Domain" . inds:USem67124prosa simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67124prosa is prosa" ; rdfs:label " prosa_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67125merlare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67125merlare is merlare" ; rdfs:label " merlare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67126tematica simple:hasIsa inds:USem61797tema ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67126tematica is tematica" ; rdfs:label " tematica_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67127menzionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67127menzionare is menzionare" ; rdfs:label " menzionare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem67129prosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67129prosa is prosa" ; rdfs:label " prosa_as_Domain" . inds:USem67130credenziale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67130credenziale is credenziale" ; rdfs:label " credenziale_as_Information" . inds:USem67131mestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67131mestare is mestare" ; rdfs:label " mestare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67132fisco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67132fisco is fisco" ; rdfs:label " fisco_as_Institution" . inds:USem67133militare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67133militare is militare" ; rdfs:label " militare_as_State" . inds:USem67134papato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67134papato is papato" ; rdfs:label " papato_as_Institution" . inds:USem67135thriller simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67135thriller is thriller" ; rdfs:label " thriller_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67136mimare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67136mimare is mimare" ; rdfs:label " mimare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67137fonetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59973linguistica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67137fonetica is fonetica" ; rdfs:label " fonetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67138repubblica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67138repubblica is repubblica" ; rdfs:label " repubblica_as_Institution" . inds:USem67139miniare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67139miniare is miniare" ; rdfs:label " miniare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67140folklore simple:hasConcerns inds:USem59449popolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67140folklore is folklore" ; rdfs:label " folklore_as_Domain" . inds:USem67141miniare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67141miniare is miniare" ; rdfs:label " miniare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67142genealogia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67142genealogia is genealogia" ; rdfs:label " genealogia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67143genealogia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem997persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67143genealogia is genealogia" ; rdfs:label " genealogia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67144miracolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67144miracolare is miracolare" ; rdfs:label " miracolare_as_Event" . inds:USem67145frutticoltura simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6301agricoltura ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67145frutticoltura is frutticoltura" ; rdfs:label " frutticoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USem67146mistificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67146mistificare is mistificare" ; rdfs:label " mistificare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem67147geochimica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67147geochimica is geochimica" ; rdfs:label " geochimica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67148geodinamica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59975geologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67148geodinamica is geodinamica" ; rdfs:label " geodinamica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67150molare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59895levigare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63991molato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67150molare is molare" ; rdfs:label " molare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67152repubblica simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67152repubblica is repubblica" ; rdfs:label " repubblica_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67153segretariato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67153segretariato is segretariato" ; rdfs:label " segretariato_as_Institution" . inds:USem67154segretariato simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63955segretario ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67154segretariato is segretariato" ; rdfs:label " segretariato_as_Building" . inds:USem67155signoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67155signoria is signoria" ; rdfs:label " signoria_as_Institution" . inds:USem67156giardinaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67156giardinaggio is giardinaggio" ; rdfs:label " giardinaggio_as_Domain" . inds:USem67157hobbistica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67157hobbistica is hobbistica" ; rdfs:label " hobbistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67158iconografia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67158iconografia is iconografia" ; rdfs:label " iconografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67159soprintendenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67159soprintendenza is soprintendenza" ; rdfs:label " soprintendenza_as_Institution" . inds:USem67160soprintendenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67160soprintendenza is soprintendenza" ; rdfs:label " soprintendenza_as_Convention" . inds:USem67161teocrazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67161teocrazia is teocrazia" ; rdfs:label " teocrazia_as_Institution" . inds:USem67162iconografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67162iconografia is iconografia" ; rdfs:label " iconografia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67163tirannia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67163tirannia is tirannia" ; rdfs:label " tirannia_as_Institution" . inds:USem67164tirannide simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67164tirannide is tirannide" ; rdfs:label " tirannide_as_Institution" . inds:USem67165maleducazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67165maleducazione is maleducazione" ; rdfs:label " maleducazione_as_Act" . inds:USem67166villania simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67166villania is villania" ; rdfs:label " villania_as_Act" . inds:USem67167accattonaggio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67167accattonaggio is accattonaggio" ; rdfs:label " accattonaggio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem67168mollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67168mollare is mollare" ; rdfs:label " mollare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67169analfabetismo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67169analfabetismo is analfabetismo" ; rdfs:label " analfabetismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem67170banditismo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67170banditismo is banditismo" ; rdfs:label " banditismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem67171mollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67171mollare is mollare" ; rdfs:label " mollare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67172consumismo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67172consumismo is consumismo" ; rdfs:label " consumismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem67173matriarcato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67173matriarcato is matriarcato" ; rdfs:label " matriarcato_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem67174mollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67174mollare is mollare" ; rdfs:label " mollare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem67175patriarcato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67175patriarcato is patriarcato" ; rdfs:label " patriarcato_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem67176microchirurgia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemTH29697chirurgia ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2324microscopio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67176microchirurgia is microchirurgia" ; rdfs:label " microchirurgia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67177monetare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67177monetare is monetare" ; rdfs:label " monetare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67178idraulica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67178idraulica is idraulica" ; rdfs:label " idraulica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67179idrostatica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5296meccanica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67179idrostatica is idrostatica" ; rdfs:label " idrostatica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67180vandalismo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67180vandalismo is vandalismo" ; rdfs:label " vandalismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem67181glaciazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61177terra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60192espansione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67181glaciazione is glaciazione" ; rdfs:label " glaciazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem67182idroterapia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2990acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67182idroterapia is idroterapia" ; rdfs:label " idroterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67183monitorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67183monitorare is monitorare" ; rdfs:label " monitorare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67184elioterapia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64526sole ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67184elioterapia is elioterapia" ; rdfs:label " elioterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67185mordere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67185mordere is mordere" ; rdfs:label " mordere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67186drammaturgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67186drammaturgia is drammaturgia" ; rdfs:label " drammaturgia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67188mordere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59755corrodere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67188mordere is mordere" ; rdfs:label " mordere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67189drammaturgia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67189drammaturgia is drammaturgia" ; rdfs:label " drammaturgia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67190impiantistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3629ingegneria ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67190impiantistica is impiantistica" ; rdfs:label " impiantistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67191mordere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67191mordere is mordere" ; rdfs:label " mordere_as_State" . inds:USem67192neurochirurgia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem72493intervento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemTH29697chirurgia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67192neurochirurgia is neurochirurgia" ; rdfs:label " neurochirurgia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67193microelettronica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59970elettronica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67193microelettronica is microelettronica" ; rdfs:label " microelettronica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67194illusionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67194illusionismo is illusionismo" ; rdfs:label " illusionismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem67195mordere simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67195mordere is mordere" ; rdfs:label " mordere_as_Perception" . inds:USem67196ippica simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67196ippica is ippica" ; rdfs:label " ippica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67197pesistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67197pesistica is pesistica" ; rdfs:label " pesistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67198mordere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67198mordere is mordere" ; rdfs:label " mordere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67199psicodramma simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67199psicodramma is psicodramma" ; rdfs:label " psicodramma_as_Domain" . inds:USem67200menopausa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67200menopausa is menopausa" ; rdfs:label " menopausa_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem67201obsolescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67201obsolescenza is obsolescenza" ; rdfs:label " obsolescenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem67202motivare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67202motivare is motivare" ; rdfs:label " motivare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem67203motivare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3927spiegare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67203motivare is motivare" ; rdfs:label " motivare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem67204motivare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67204motivare is motivare" ; rdfs:label " motivare_as_Cause" . inds:USem67205movimentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63999movimentato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67205movimentare is movimentare" ; rdfs:label " movimentare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67206litografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67206litografia is litografia" ; rdfs:label " litografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67207litografia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6214stampa ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67207litografia is litografia" ; rdfs:label " litografia_as_Artwork" . inds:USem67208mnemonica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67208mnemonica is mnemonica" ; rdfs:label " mnemonica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67209mnemotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67209mnemotecnica is mnemotecnica" ; rdfs:label " mnemotecnica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67210modellistica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67210modellistica is modellistica" ; rdfs:label " modellistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67211mulinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67211mulinare is mulinare" ; rdfs:label " mulinare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem67212macrobiotica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem71619dieta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67212macrobiotica is macrobiotica" ; rdfs:label " macrobiotica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67213mulinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67213mulinare is mulinare" ; rdfs:label " mulinare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem67214motonautica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67214motonautica is motonautica" ; rdfs:label " motonautica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67215mulinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67215mulinare is mulinare" ; rdfs:label " mulinare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem67216motonautica simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67216motonautica is motonautica" ; rdfs:label " motonautica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67217mutuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74759scambiare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67217mutuare is mutuare" ; rdfs:label " mutuare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem67218motoristica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67218motoristica is motoristica" ; rdfs:label " motoristica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67219nautica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67219nautica is nautica" ; rdfs:label " nautica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67220mutuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67220mutuare is mutuare" ; rdfs:label " mutuare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem67221omeopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67221omeopatia is omeopatia" ; rdfs:label " omeopatia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67222metalinguaggio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67222metalinguaggio is metalinguaggio" ; rdfs:label " metalinguaggio_as_Representation" . inds:USem67223nicchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67223nicchiare is nicchiare" ; rdfs:label " nicchiare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem67224novellare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7093raccontare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67224novellare is novellare" ; rdfs:label " novellare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem67225noverare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4815includere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67225noverare is noverare" ; rdfs:label " noverare_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem67226oratoria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67226oratoria is oratoria" ; rdfs:label " oratoria_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67227oratoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67227oratoria is oratoria" ; rdfs:label " oratoria_as_Domain" . inds:USem67228pallavolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67228pallavolo is pallavolo" ; rdfs:label " pallavolo_as_Domain" . inds:USem67230preziosita1 simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67230preziosita1 is preziosita'" ; rdfs:label " preziosita'_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67231raffinatezza simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67231raffinatezza is raffinatezza" ; rdfs:label " raffinatezza_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67232ricercatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67232ricercatezza is ricercatezza" ; rdfs:label " ricercatezza_as_Act" . inds:USem67233sconcezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67233sconcezza is sconcezza" ; rdfs:label " sconcezza_as_Act" . inds:USem67234sottigliezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67234sottigliezza is sottigliezza" ; rdfs:label " sottigliezza_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67235squisitezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67235squisitezza is squisitezza" ; rdfs:label " squisitezza_as_Act" . inds:USem67236sregolatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67236sregolatezza is sregolatezza" ; rdfs:label " sregolatezza_as_Act" . inds:USem67237stramberia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67237stramberia is stramberia" ; rdfs:label " stramberia_as_Act" . inds:USem67239abulia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem60669volonta1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67239abulia is abulia" ; rdfs:label " abulia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem67240mozzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD64007mozzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67240mozzare is mozzare" ; rdfs:label " mozzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67241mozzare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1081tagliare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD64007mozzato ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67241mozzare is mozzare" ; rdfs:label " mozzare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem67242brufolo simple:hasAffects inds:USemD2912cute ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67242brufolo is brufolo" ; rdfs:label " brufolo_as_Disease" . inds:USem67243mozzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59604interrompere ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67243mozzare is mozzare" ; rdfs:label " mozzare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem67244claustrofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67244claustrofobia is claustrofobia" ; rdfs:label " claustrofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USem67245contusione simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD64000trauma ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63847lesione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67245contusione is contusione" ; rdfs:label " contusione_as_Disease" . inds:USem67246coronaropatia simple:hasAffects inds:USem66297coronaria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67246coronaropatia is coronaropatia" ; rdfs:label " coronaropatia_as_Disease" . inds:USem67248costipazione simple:hasAffects inds:USem1812naso ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1971virus ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3869infezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67248costipazione is costipazione" ; rdfs:label " costipazione_as_Disease" . inds:USem67249nuocere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67249nuocere is nuocere" ; rdfs:label " nuocere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67250dispepsia simple:hasAffects inds:USem60217digestione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67250dispepsia is dispepsia" ; rdfs:label " dispepsia_as_Disease" . inds:USem67252distorsione simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD64000trauma ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63847lesione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67252distorsione is distorsione" ; rdfs:label " distorsione_as_Disease" . inds:USem67253assorbire simple:hasIsa inds:USem66241inglobare ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67253assorbire is assorbire" ; rdfs:label " assorbire_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem67254gonorrea simple:hasAffects inds:USem66315genitale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67254gonorrea is gonorrea" ; rdfs:label " gonorrea_as_Disease" . inds:USem67255assorbire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67255assorbire is assorbire" ; rdfs:label " assorbire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem67257stereotipia simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6214stampa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67257stereotipia is stereotipia" ; rdfs:label " stereotipia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem67258stereotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67258stereotipia is stereotipia" ; rdfs:label " stereotipia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67259talassemia simple:hasAffects inds:USem3126sangue ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD64001carenza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67259talassemia is talassemia" ; rdfs:label " talassemia_as_Disease" . inds:USem67260tossicomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67260tossicomania is tossicomania" ; rdfs:label " tossicomania_as_Disease" . inds:USem67261immunodeficienza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67261immunodeficienza is immunodeficienza" ; rdfs:label " immunodeficienza_as_Disease" . inds:USem67262pedagogia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67262pedagogia is pedagogia" ; rdfs:label " pedagogia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67263catechismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67263catechismo is catechismo" ; rdfs:label " catechismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem67264indigestione simple:hasAffects inds:USem60217digestione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69503disfunzione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67264indigestione is indigestione" ; rdfs:label " indigestione_as_Disease" . inds:USem67265ipoglicemia simple:hasAffects inds:USem71206glicemia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem74754diminuzione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67265ipoglicemia is ipoglicemia" ; rdfs:label " ipoglicemia_as_Disease" . inds:USem67266contrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67266contrarre is contrarre" ; rdfs:label " contrarre_as_Event" . inds:USem67267itterizia simple:hasAffects inds:USemD2912cute, inds:USemD64005mucosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67267itterizia is itterizia" ; rdfs:label " itterizia_as_Disease" . inds:USem67268mistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67268mistica is mistica" ; rdfs:label " mistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67269sostanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67269sostanza is sostanza" ; rdfs:label " sostanza_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67270parapsicologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67270parapsicologia is parapsicologia" ; rdfs:label " parapsicologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67271contrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67271contrarre is contrarre" ; rdfs:label " contrarre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67272petrolchimica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59966chimica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67272petrolchimica is petrolchimica" ; rdfs:label " petrolchimica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67273contrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD64013contratto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67273contrarre is contrarre" ; rdfs:label " contrarre_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67274selvicoltura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4729bosco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6301agricoltura ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67274selvicoltura is selvicoltura" ; rdfs:label " selvicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USem67275viticoltura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1534vite ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6301agricoltura ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67275viticoltura is viticoltura" ; rdfs:label " viticoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USem67276covare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67276covare is covare" ; rdfs:label " covare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67277serigrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67277serigrafia is serigrafia" ; rdfs:label " serigrafia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67278covare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67278covare is covare" ; rdfs:label " covare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem67279covare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67279covare is covare" ; rdfs:label " covare_as_Event" . inds:USem67280serigrafia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6214stampa ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67280serigrafia is serigrafia" ; rdfs:label " serigrafia_as_Artwork" . inds:USem67281covare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67281covare is covare" ; rdfs:label " covare_as_Event" . inds:USem67282stenografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67282stenografia is stenografia" ; rdfs:label " stenografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67283tachimetria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67283tachimetria is tachimetria" ; rdfs:label " tachimetria_as_Domain" . inds:USem67284telemetria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67284telemetria is telemetria" ; rdfs:label " telemetria_as_Domain" . inds:USem67285cupidigia simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67285cupidigia is cupidigia" ; rdfs:label " cupidigia_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67286decapitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67286decapitare is decapitare" ; rdfs:label " decapitare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem67287disonore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67287disonore is disonore" ; rdfs:label " disonore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem67288gloria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1352valore ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67288gloria is gloria" ; rdfs:label " gloria_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67289teoretica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem19filosofia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67289teoretica is teoretica" ; rdfs:label " teoretica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67290traumatologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD64000trauma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67290traumatologia is traumatologia" ; rdfs:label " traumatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem67291stregoneria simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67291stregoneria is stregoneria" ; rdfs:label " stregoneria_as_Domain" . inds:USem67293male simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67293male is male" ; rdfs:label " male_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67294male simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68420alterazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67294male is male" ; rdfs:label " male_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem67295vizio simple:hasIsa inds:USem67293male ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67295vizio is vizio" ; rdfs:label " vizio_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67296ipocrisia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67296ipocrisia is ipocrisia" ; rdfs:label " ipocrisia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67297morale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5557norma ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67297morale is morale" ; rdfs:label " morale_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67298malizia simple:hasIsa inds:USem71493difetto ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67298malizia is malizia" ; rdfs:label " malizia_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67299moderatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2810moderato ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67299moderatezza is moderatezza" ; rdfs:label " moderatezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67300denominare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74824chiamare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67300denominare is denominare" ; rdfs:label " denominare_as_State" . inds:USem67301orgoglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem71493difetto ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67301orgoglio is orgoglio" ; rdfs:label " orgoglio_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67304imprimere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67304imprimere is imprimere" ; rdfs:label " imprimere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67305imprimere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67305imprimere is imprimere" ; rdfs:label " imprimere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem67306anticonformismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67306anticonformismo is anticonformismo" ; rdfs:label " anticonformismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67307albagia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67307albagia is albagia" ; rdfs:label " albagia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67308cameratismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67308cameratismo is cameratismo" ; rdfs:label " cameratismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67310conformismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem79195conformista ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67310conformismo is conformismo" ; rdfs:label " conformismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67311connivenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67311connivenza is connivenza" ; rdfs:label " connivenza_as_State" . inds:USem67312contegno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67312contegno is contegno" ; rdfs:label " contegno_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67313iniettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67313iniettare is iniettare" ; rdfs:label " iniettare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67315iniettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67315iniettare is iniettare" ; rdfs:label " iniettare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67317peccato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66225colpa ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67317peccato is peccato" ; rdfs:label " peccato_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67318rigore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1352valore ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67318rigore is rigore" ; rdfs:label " rigore_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67319superbia simple:hasIsa inds:USem71493difetto ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67319superbia is superbia" ; rdfs:label " superbia_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67320ubbidienza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67320ubbidienza is ubbidienza" ; rdfs:label " ubbidienza_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67321vanagloria simple:hasIsa inds:USem71493difetto ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67321vanagloria is vanagloria" ; rdfs:label " vanagloria_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67322zelo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1352valore ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67322zelo is zelo" ; rdfs:label " zelo_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67323gola simple:hasIsa inds:USem71493difetto ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67323gola is gola" ; rdfs:label " gola_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67325onesta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1352valore ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67325onesta1 is onesta'" ; rdfs:label " onesta'_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67326onore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1352valore ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67326onore is onore" ; rdfs:label " onore_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67327onore simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67327onore is onore" ; rdfs:label " onore_as_Convention" . inds:USem67328convenzionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67328convenzionalismo is convenzionalismo" ; rdfs:label " convenzionalismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67329prudenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1352valore ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67329prudenza is prudenza" ; rdfs:label " prudenza_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67330dilettantismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67330dilettantismo is dilettantismo" ; rdfs:label " dilettantismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67331localizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67331localizzare is localizzare" ; rdfs:label " localizzare_as_State" . inds:USem67332demagogia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2450forma ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67332demagogia is demagogia" ; rdfs:label " demagogia_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem67333demagogia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67333demagogia is demagogia" ; rdfs:label " demagogia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67334manipolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67334manipolare is manipolare" ; rdfs:label " manipolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67335estremismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67335estremismo is estremismo" ; rdfs:label " estremismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67336comandamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67336comandamento is comandamento" ; rdfs:label " comandamento_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67337fanatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76141fanatico ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67337fanatismo is fanatismo" ; rdfs:label " fanatismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67338manipolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67338manipolare is manipolare" ; rdfs:label " manipolare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem67339favoritismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67339favoritismo is favoritismo" ; rdfs:label " favoritismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67340manipolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67340manipolare is manipolare" ; rdfs:label " manipolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67341precetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem61259norma ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67341precetto is precetto" ; rdfs:label " precetto_as_Convention" . inds:USem67343filantropia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67343filantropia is filantropia" ; rdfs:label " filantropia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67344galanteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67344galanteria is galanteria" ; rdfs:label " galanteria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67345opprimere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67345opprimere is opprimere" ; rdfs:label " opprimere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem67346garbo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67346garbo is garbo" ; rdfs:label " garbo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67347gradualismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67347gradualismo is gradualismo" ; rdfs:label " gradualismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem67348gradualismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67348gradualismo is gradualismo" ; rdfs:label " gradualismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67349idealismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67349idealismo is idealismo" ; rdfs:label " idealismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67351impertinenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67351impertinenza is impertinenza" ; rdfs:label " impertinenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67352pesare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67352pesare is pesare" ; rdfs:label " pesare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem67353impudenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67353impudenza is impudenza" ; rdfs:label " impudenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67354pesare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67354pesare is pesare" ; rdfs:label " pesare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67355postulare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4804chiedere ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67355postulare is postulare" ; rdfs:label " postulare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67356immodestia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67356immodestia is immodestia" ; rdfs:label " immodestia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67357fratellanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem64867rapporto ; simple:hasRelates inds:USem4074fratello ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67357fratellanza is fratellanza" ; rdfs:label " fratellanza_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem67358impudicizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67358impudicizia is impudicizia" ; rdfs:label " impudicizia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67359indelicatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66756indelicato ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67359indelicatezza is indelicatezza" ; rdfs:label " indelicatezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67360indisciplina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67360indisciplina is indisciplina" ; rdfs:label " indisciplina_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67361indiscrezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6646indiscreto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67361indiscrezione is indiscrezione" ; rdfs:label " indiscrezione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67362indiscrezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67362indiscrezione is indiscrezione" ; rdfs:label " indiscrezione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem67363radere simple:hasInstrument inds:USem65972rasoio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67363radere is radere" ; rdfs:label " radere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67364intemperanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67364intemperanza is intemperanza" ; rdfs:label " intemperanza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67367radere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67367radere is radere" ; rdfs:label " radere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67368insolenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67368insolenza is insolenza" ; rdfs:label " insolenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67370irriverenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67370irriverenza is irriverenza" ; rdfs:label " irriverenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67371libertinaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67371libertinaggio is libertinaggio" ; rdfs:label " libertinaggio_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67372lussuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67372lussuria is lussuria" ; rdfs:label " lussuria_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67373ravvivare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67373ravvivare is ravvivare" ; rdfs:label " ravvivare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67374villania simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67374villania is villania" ; rdfs:label " villania_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67375ravvivare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67375ravvivare is ravvivare" ; rdfs:label " ravvivare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67376magrezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61810magro ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67376magrezza is magrezza" ; rdfs:label " magrezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem67377respingere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67377respingere is respingere" ; rdfs:label " respingere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67378fortezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67378fortezza is fortezza" ; rdfs:label " fortezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem67379respingere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67379respingere is respingere" ; rdfs:label " respingere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem67380respingere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67380respingere is respingere" ; rdfs:label " respingere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67381respingere simple:hasIsa inds:USem75040bocciare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67381respingere is respingere" ; rdfs:label " respingere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67382purezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1352valore ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67382purezza is purezza" ; rdfs:label " purezza_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67383anniversario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67383anniversario is anniversario" ; rdfs:label " anniversario_as_Time" . inds:USem67384fanciullezza simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63948uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3879vita ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67384fanciullezza is fanciullezza" ; rdfs:label " fanciullezza_as_Time" . inds:USem67385vigilia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67385vigilia is vigilia" ; rdfs:label " vigilia_as_Time" . inds:USem67386equinozio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67386equinozio is equinozio" ; rdfs:label " equinozio_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem67387ottimismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67387ottimismo is ottimismo" ; rdfs:label " ottimismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67388autoritarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62104autoritario ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67388autoritarismo is autoritarismo" ; rdfs:label " autoritarismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67389misoginia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67389misoginia is misoginia" ; rdfs:label " misoginia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67390provincialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67390provincialismo is provincialismo" ; rdfs:label " provincialismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67392risolvere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67392risolvere is risolvere" ; rdfs:label " risolvere_as_Event" . inds:USem67393risorgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67393risorgere is risorgere" ; rdfs:label " risorgere_as_Event" . inds:USem67394schierare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67394schierare is schierare" ; rdfs:label " schierare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67395schierare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67395schierare is schierare" ; rdfs:label " schierare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem67396spremuta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem62866spremere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67396spremuta is spremuta" ; rdfs:label " spremuta_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem67397incisivo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem65422radice ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1790bocca ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67397incisivo is incisivo" ; rdfs:label " incisivo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem67398abbazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67398abbazia is abbazia" ; rdfs:label " abbazia_as_Building" . inds:USem67400abbazia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62327fedele ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD584comunita1 ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67400abbazia is abbazia" ; rdfs:label " abbazia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67401lasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67401lasciare is lasciare" ; rdfs:label " lasciare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem67402screditare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60794calunniare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67402screditare is screditare" ; rdfs:label " screditare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67403incrostare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD64029incrostato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67403incrostare is incrostare" ; rdfs:label " incrostare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67404pelliccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67404pelliccia is pelliccia" ; rdfs:label " pelliccia_as_Clothing" . inds:USem67405serraglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67405serraglio is serraglio" ; rdfs:label " serraglio_as_Location" . inds:USem67406burocrazia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67406burocrazia is burocrazia" ; rdfs:label " burocrazia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67407parlare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67407parlare is parlare" ; rdfs:label " parlare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67408abate simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67408abate is abate" ; rdfs:label " abate_as_Social_status" . inds:USem67409nome simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67409nome is nome" ; rdfs:label " nome_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67410utopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem912idea ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67410utopia is utopia" ; rdfs:label " utopia_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67411acronimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67409nome ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67411acronimo is acronimo" ; rdfs:label " acronimo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67412pellicola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67412pellicola is pellicola" ; rdfs:label " pellicola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem67413affisso simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67413affisso is affisso" ; rdfs:label " affisso_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67414prefisso simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67414prefisso is prefisso" ; rdfs:label " prefisso_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67415anafora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67415anafora is anafora" ; rdfs:label " anafora_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67416pellicola simple:hasContains inds:USem6154suono, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1449registrare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67416pellicola is pellicola" ; rdfs:label " pellicola_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem67417antitesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67417antitesi is antitesi" ; rdfs:label " antitesi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67418articolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60961paragrafo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem069555contratto, inds:USem6947documento, inds:USemD65613legge ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67418articolo is articolo" ; rdfs:label " articolo_as_Part" . inds:USem67419articolo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62300giornale, inds:USem62302rivista ; simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67419articolo is articolo" ; rdfs:label " articolo_as_Information" . inds:USem67420articolo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4991vendita ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67420articolo is articolo" ; rdfs:label " articolo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem67421assonanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67421assonanza is assonanza" ; rdfs:label " assonanza_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67422cesura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67422cesura is cesura" ; rdfs:label " cesura_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67423climax simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67423climax is climax" ; rdfs:label " climax_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67424condizionale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64042modo ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67424condizionale is condizionale" ; rdfs:label " condizionale_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67425consonante simple:hasIsa inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67425consonante is consonante" ; rdfs:label " consonante_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67429idioletto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD439parlare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USemD584comunita1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67429idioletto is idioletto" ; rdfs:label " idioletto_as_Language" . inds:USem67430idioma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD439parlare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USemD584comunita1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67430idioma is idioma" ; rdfs:label " idioma_as_Language" . inds:USem67431minacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67431minacciare is minacciare" ; rdfs:label " minacciare_as_Event" . inds:USem67432imperativo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64042modo ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67432imperativo is imperativo" ; rdfs:label " imperativo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67433paradigma simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67433paradigma is paradigma" ; rdfs:label " paradigma_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67434biblioteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63394collezione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67434biblioteca is biblioteca" ; rdfs:label " biblioteca_as_Group" . inds:USem67435stampatello simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2704carattere ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67435stampatello is stampatello" ; rdfs:label " stampatello_as_Sign" . inds:USem67437suffisso simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67437suffisso is suffisso" ; rdfs:label " suffisso_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67438superlativo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67797forma ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67438superlativo is superlativo" ; rdfs:label " superlativo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67439tautologia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67439tautologia is tautologia" ; rdfs:label " tautologia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67440toponimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67409nome ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67440toponimo is toponimo" ; rdfs:label " toponimo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67441troncamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67441troncamento is troncamento" ; rdfs:label " troncamento_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67442tropo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67442tropo is tropo" ; rdfs:label " tropo_as_Representation" . inds:USem67444velare simple:hasIsa inds:USem67425consonante ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67444velare is velare" ; rdfs:label " velare_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67445basso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67445basso is basso" ; rdfs:label " basso_as_Part" . inds:USem67446albero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67446albero is albero" ; rdfs:label " albero_as_Part" . inds:USem67447battaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67447battaglia is battaglia" ; rdfs:label " battaglia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67448vernacolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD439parlare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USemD584comunita1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67448vernacolo is vernacolo" ; rdfs:label " vernacolo_as_Language" . inds:USem67449vocabolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64044parola ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67449vocabolo is vocabolo" ; rdfs:label " vocabolo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67450lamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67450lamento is lamento" ; rdfs:label " lamento_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67451albero simple:hasIsa inds:USem65760organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67451albero is albero" ; rdfs:label " albero_as_Part" . inds:USem67452batteria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67452batteria is batteria" ; rdfs:label " batteria_as_Group" . inds:USem67453batteria simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem65301erogare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67453batteria is batteria" ; rdfs:label " batteria_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67454albergo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5525alloggio ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67454albergo is albergo" ; rdfs:label " albergo_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem67455malato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60453ammalare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67455malato is malato" ; rdfs:label " malato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem67456batteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59428esercito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67456batteria is batteria" ; rdfs:label " batteria_as_Part" . inds:USem67457vocale simple:hasIsa inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67457vocale is vocale" ; rdfs:label " vocale_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67458paziente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60453ammalare ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67458paziente is paziente" ; rdfs:label " paziente_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem67459vocale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67459vocale is vocale" ; rdfs:label " vocale_as_Sign" . inds:USem67460consonante simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67460consonante is consonante" ; rdfs:label " consonante_as_Sign" . inds:USem67461bandiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67461bandiera is bandiera" ; rdfs:label " bandiera_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem67462cinema simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67462cinema is cinema" ; rdfs:label " cinema_as_Domain" . inds:USem67463balla simple:hasIsa inds:USem67861bugia ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67463balla is balla" ; rdfs:label " balla_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67464battesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67464battesimo is battesimo" ; rdfs:label " battesimo_as_Event" . inds:USem67465baule simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67465baule is baule" ; rdfs:label " baule_as_Amount" . inds:USem67466baule simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem843automobile ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67466baule is baule" ; rdfs:label " baule_as_Part" . inds:USem67467baule simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67467baule is baule" ; rdfs:label " baule_as_Human" . inds:USem67468barra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67499asta ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67468barra is barra" ; rdfs:label " barra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67469bauletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem63112cofanetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo, inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67469bauletto is bauletto" ; rdfs:label " bauletto_as_Container" . inds:USem67470bauletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2864ciclomotore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67470bauletto is bauletto" ; rdfs:label " bauletto_as_Part" . inds:USem67471barra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67471barra is barra" ; rdfs:label " barra_as_Part" . inds:USem67472benda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67472benda is benda" ; rdfs:label " benda_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem67473chiatta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67473chiatta is chiatta" ; rdfs:label " chiatta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem67474bellezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67474bellezza is bellezza" ; rdfs:label " bellezza_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem67475bianchetto simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67475bianchetto is bianchetto" ; rdfs:label " bianchetto_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem67476anfora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67476anfora is anfora" ; rdfs:label " anfora_as_Amount" . inds:USem67477anello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67477anello is anello" ; rdfs:label " anello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67478anello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67478anello is anello" ; rdfs:label " anello_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem67479anello simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67479anello is anello" ; rdfs:label " anello_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67481ricordo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67481ricordo is ricordo" ; rdfs:label " ricordo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem67482anestetico simple:hasTelic inds:USemD64047tranquillizzare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67482anestetico is anestetico" ; rdfs:label " anestetico_as_Telic" . inds:USem67485bianchetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67485bianchetto is bianchetto" ; rdfs:label " bianchetto_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem67486molo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67486molo is molo" ; rdfs:label " molo_as_Location" . inds:USem67487biancone simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67487biancone is biancone" ; rdfs:label " biancone_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem67488bicocca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67488bicocca is bicocca" ; rdfs:label " bicocca_as_Building" . inds:USem67489banchina simple:hasIsa inds:USem67486molo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67489banchina is banchina" ; rdfs:label " banchina_as_Location" . inds:USem67490biga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4064braccio, inds:USemD693carrucola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem939gru ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67490biga is biga" ; rdfs:label " biga_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67491satellite simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61024volare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67491satellite is satellite" ; rdfs:label " satellite_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67492naia simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD5130strisciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3315serpente ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67492naia is naia" ; rdfs:label " naia_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem67494leva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67494leva is leva" ; rdfs:label " leva_as_Part" . inds:USem67495satellite simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67495satellite is satellite" ; rdfs:label " satellite_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem67497lancetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67497lancetta is lancetta" ; rdfs:label " lancetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67498bilanciere simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67499asta ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67498bilanciere is bilanciere" ; rdfs:label " bilanciere_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67499asta simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67499asta is asta" ; rdfs:label " asta_as_Artifact" . inds:USem67500bilanciere simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67500bilanciere is bilanciere" ; rdfs:label " bilanciere_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67501asta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67501asta is asta" ; rdfs:label " asta_as_Sign" . inds:USem67502asta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4991vendita ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67502asta is asta" ; rdfs:label " asta_as_Transaction" . inds:USem67503bile simple:hasIsa inds:USem5842rabbia ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67503bile is bile" ; rdfs:label " bile_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem67504asta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2813attrezzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67504asta is asta" ; rdfs:label " asta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67505birillo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67505birillo is birillo" ; rdfs:label " birillo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67506cartello simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67506cartello is cartello" ; rdfs:label " cartello_as_Information" . inds:USem67507cartello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67507cartello is cartello" ; rdfs:label " cartello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67508landa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1570arbusto, inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67508landa is landa" ; rdfs:label " landa_as_Group" . inds:USem67509lardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67509lardo is lardo" ; rdfs:label " lardo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem67514scala simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem66420scalino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem4789salire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67514scala is scala" ; rdfs:label " scala_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67515leva simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67515leva is leva" ; rdfs:label " leva_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67516leva simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67516leva is leva" ; rdfs:label " leva_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67517scala simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD64049serie ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1352valore, inds:USem59888elemento ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67517scala is scala" ; rdfs:label " scala_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67518bistro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67518bistro is bistro" ; rdfs:label " bistro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem67519scala simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64868rapporto ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67519scala is scala" ; rdfs:label " scala_as_Representation" . inds:USem6751abbassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3982diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62086basso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6751abbassare is abbassare" ; rdfs:label " abbassare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67520naia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67520naia is naia" ; rdfs:label " naia_as_Event" . inds:USem67521leva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67521leva is leva" ; rdfs:label " leva_as_Event" . inds:USem67522bisogno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67522bisogno is bisogno" ; rdfs:label " bisogno_as_State" . inds:USem67523larice simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67523larice is larice" ; rdfs:label " larice_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem67525problema simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67525problema is problema" ; rdfs:label " problema_as_State" . inds:USem67526scorta simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67526scorta is scorta" ; rdfs:label " scorta_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67527lastrico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67527lastrico is lastrico" ; rdfs:label " lastrico_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem67528latrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67528latrina is latrina" ; rdfs:label " latrina_as_Human" . inds:USem67529seno simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67529seno is seno" ; rdfs:label " seno_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem6752accentuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6116accentuato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6752accentuare is accentuare" ; rdfs:label " accentuare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67530lattante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67530lattante is lattante" ; rdfs:label " lattante_as_Human" . inds:USem67531seno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67531seno is seno" ; rdfs:label " seno_as_Representation" . inds:USem67532lavanderia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67532lavanderia is lavanderia" ; rdfs:label " lavanderia_as_Part" . inds:USem67533ballatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2285teatro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67533ballatoio is ballatoio" ; rdfs:label " ballatoio_as_Part" . inds:USem67535senso simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67535senso is senso" ; rdfs:label " senso_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67536barbone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67536barbone is barbone" ; rdfs:label " barbone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem67537lavanderia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59818macchinario ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67537lavanderia is lavanderia" ; rdfs:label " lavanderia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67538senso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67538senso is senso" ; rdfs:label " senso_as_Location" . inds:USem67539banchetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem63233bancarella ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67539banchetto is banchetto" ; rdfs:label " banchetto_as_Artifact" . inds:USem67540boa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4331sciarpa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67540boa is boa" ; rdfs:label " boa_as_Clothing" . inds:USem67541sfera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67541sfera is sfera" ; rdfs:label " sfera_as_Part" . inds:USem67542boa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67542boa is boa" ; rdfs:label " boa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67543siero simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67543siero is siero" ; rdfs:label " siero_as_Substance" . inds:USem67544simbolismo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2713simbolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67544simbolismo is simbolismo" ; rdfs:label " simbolismo_as_Group" . inds:USem67545barbecue simple:hasIsa inds:USem60969festa ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67545barbecue is barbecue" ; rdfs:label " barbecue_as_Event" . inds:USem67546simbolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67546simbolismo is simbolismo" ; rdfs:label " simbolismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67547sito simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60974documento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67547sito is sito" ; rdfs:label " sito_as_Information" . inds:USem67548lega simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67548lega is lega" ; rdfs:label " lega_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67549soccorso simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5717soccorrere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67549soccorso is soccorso" ; rdfs:label " soccorso_as_Telic" . inds:USem6754accrescere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6754accrescere is accrescere" ; rdfs:label " accrescere_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67550bocca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67550bocca is bocca" ; rdfs:label " bocca_as_Part" . inds:USem67551legislatura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63611legislatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67551legislatura is legislatura" ; rdfs:label " legislatura_as_Convention" . inds:USem67552bracciolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62460salvagente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6563galleggiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67552bracciolo is bracciolo" ; rdfs:label " bracciolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67553branca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67553branca is branca" ; rdfs:label " branca_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem67554clinica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1981medico, inds:USem3631infermiere, inds:USem67458paziente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67554clinica is clinica" ; rdfs:label " clinica_as_Building" . inds:USem67555letto simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5089fiume ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67555letto is letto" ; rdfs:label " letto_as_Area" . inds:USem67556clinica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61413restaurare, inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67556clinica is clinica" ; rdfs:label " clinica_as_Building" . inds:USem67558spazzola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62787tergicristallo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67558spazzola is spazzola" ; rdfs:label " spazzola_as_Part" . inds:USem67559specchietto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67559specchietto is specchietto" ; rdfs:label " specchietto_as_Part" . inds:USem67560specchietto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67560specchietto is specchietto" ; rdfs:label " specchietto_as_Information" . inds:USem67561bossolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67561bossolo is bossolo" ; rdfs:label " bossolo_as_Container" . inds:USem67562specchio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59180rispecchiare ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67562specchio is specchio" ; rdfs:label " specchio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67563bovaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67563bovaro is bovaro" ; rdfs:label " bovaro_as_Human" . inds:USem67564boxer simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67564boxer is boxer" ; rdfs:label " boxer_as_Clothing" . inds:USem67565spettacolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem67462cinema, inds:USemD5408attivita1, inds:USemD64051teatro, inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67565spettacolo is spettacolo" ; rdfs:label " spettacolo_as_Group" . inds:USem67566bozzetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67566bozzetto is bozzetto" ; rdfs:label " bozzetto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67567spia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67567spia is spia" ; rdfs:label " spia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67568spilla simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67568spilla is spilla" ; rdfs:label " spilla_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67569spina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60395collegare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67569spina is spina" ; rdfs:label " spina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6756ampliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6764ingrandire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD2623ampio ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6756ampliare is ampliare" ; rdfs:label " ampliare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67570spugna simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67570spugna is spugna" ; rdfs:label " spugna_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem67571letto simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD63711strato ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67571letto is letto" ; rdfs:label " letto_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67572cardine simple:hasIsa inds:USem66967principio ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67572cardine is cardine" ; rdfs:label " cardine_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem67573spugna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67573spugna is spugna" ; rdfs:label " spugna_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67575squadra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67575squadra is squadra" ; rdfs:label " squadra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67576bozzetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67576bozzetto is bozzetto" ; rdfs:label " bozzetto_as_Artwork" . inds:USem67579fondamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem66967principio ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67579fondamento is fondamento" ; rdfs:label " fondamento_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem6757amplificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6121amplificato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6757amplificare is amplificare" ; rdfs:label " amplificare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67580racconto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67580racconto is racconto" ; rdfs:label " racconto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67581ponente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67581ponente is ponente" ; rdfs:label " ponente_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem67582staffa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60395collegare, inds:USemD1062sostenere, inds:USemD63744appoggiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67582staffa is staffa" ; rdfs:label " staffa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67583lido simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64770laguna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67583lido is lido" ; rdfs:label " lido_as_Area" . inds:USem67584casellario simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67584casellario is casellario" ; rdfs:label " casellario_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67585stagno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63675lago ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67585stagno is stagno" ; rdfs:label " stagno_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem67586linea simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67586linea is linea" ; rdfs:label " linea_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem67587stella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6390distintivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67587stella is stella" ; rdfs:label " stella_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem67588linea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7242strategia ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67588linea is linea" ; rdfs:label " linea_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem67589stella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67589stella is stella" ; rdfs:label " stella_as_Human" . inds:USem6758attenuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3982diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5482attenuato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6758attenuare is attenuare" ; rdfs:label " attenuare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67590carro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67590carro is carro" ; rdfs:label " carro_as_Amount" . inds:USem67591cassettiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2339mobile ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67591cassettiera is cassettiera" ; rdfs:label " cassettiera_as_Part" . inds:USem67592storia simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67592storia is storia" ; rdfs:label " storia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67593linea simple:hasIsa inds:USem2242percorso ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67593linea is linea" ; rdfs:label " linea_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem67595caricare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67595caricare is caricare" ; rdfs:label " caricare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67596liquirizia simple:hasIsa inds:USem65989succo ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem66072liquirizia ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67596liquirizia is liquirizia" ; rdfs:label " liquirizia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem67597carica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem67595caricare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67597carica is carica" ; rdfs:label " carica_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67598strada simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3963azione, inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67598strada is strada" ; rdfs:label " strada_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67599liquirizia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66034caramella ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem67596liquirizia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67599liquirizia is liquirizia" ; rdfs:label " liquirizia_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem6759attutire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3982diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6123attutito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6759attutire is attutire" ; rdfs:label " attutire_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67600castagnola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66253petardo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67600castagnola is castagnola" ; rdfs:label " castagnola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67601strascico simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD64054conseguenza ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67601strascico is strascico" ; rdfs:label " strascico_as_Agentive" . inds:USem67603carica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67603carica is carica" ; rdfs:label " carica_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67604stucco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67604stucco is stucco" ; rdfs:label " stucco_as_Artwork" . inds:USem67605castagnola simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67605castagnola is castagnola" ; rdfs:label " castagnola_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem67606regno simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67606regno is regno" ; rdfs:label " regno_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem67607superficie simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67607superficie is superficie" ; rdfs:label " superficie_as_Part" . inds:USem67608logica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67608logica is logica" ; rdfs:label " logica_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67609lombo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1956schiena ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67609lombo is lombo" ; rdfs:label " lombo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem6760completare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74978finire ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6760completare is completare" ; rdfs:label " completare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem67611macello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7039disgrazia ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67611macello is macello" ; rdfs:label " macello_as_Event" . inds:USem67612macello simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67612macello is macello" ; rdfs:label " macello_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67614cavia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67614cavia is cavia" ; rdfs:label " cavia_as_Human" . inds:USem67615maglieria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem59322maglieria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67615maglieria is maglieria" ; rdfs:label " maglieria_as_Building" . inds:USem67616immigrazione simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67616immigrazione is immigrazione" ; rdfs:label " immigrazione_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem67618maglieria simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67618maglieria is maglieria" ; rdfs:label " maglieria_as_Domain" . inds:USem6761diradare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6125diradato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6761diradare is diradare" ; rdfs:label " diradare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67620groviglio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67620groviglio is groviglio" ; rdfs:label " groviglio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67621cervello simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61751intelligente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67621cervello is cervello" ; rdfs:label " cervello_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67622tartufo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5190congelare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4511gelato ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67622tartufo is tartufo" ; rdfs:label " tartufo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem67623maiolica simple:hasIsa inds:USem3709calcare ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67623maiolica is maiolica" ; rdfs:label " maiolica_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem67624cavia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem873animale, inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67624cavia is cavia" ; rdfs:label " cavia_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem67625tartaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3704sale, inds:USemD5289calcio ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67625tartaro is tartaro" ; rdfs:label " tartaro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem67626maiolica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5521cottura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3710ceramica ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5299argilla ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67626maiolica is maiolica" ; rdfs:label " maiolica_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem67627tartaro simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61459deposito ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5289calcio ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67627tartaro is tartaro" ; rdfs:label " tartaro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem67628ribellione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67628ribellione is ribellione" ; rdfs:label " ribellione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67629cervello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67629cervello is cervello" ; rdfs:label " cervello_as_Human" . inds:USem6762espandere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6762espandere is espandere" ; rdfs:label " espandere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67630tatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67630tatto is tatto" ; rdfs:label " tatto_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67631malattia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62341malato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67631malattia is malattia" ; rdfs:label " malattia_as_State" . inds:USem67632marocchino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1928capra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3326cuoio ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67632marocchino is marocchino" ; rdfs:label " marocchino_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem67633marocchino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3276caffe1 ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67633marocchino is marocchino" ; rdfs:label " marocchino_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem67634tentacolo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem61242imprigionare ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67634tentacolo is tentacolo" ; rdfs:label " tentacolo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67635cestello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem65644lavatrice ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67635cestello is cestello" ; rdfs:label " cestello_as_Part" . inds:USem67636marrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD64055marrone ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67636marrone is marrone" ; rdfs:label " marrone_as_Fruit" . inds:USem67637testa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67637testa is testa" ; rdfs:label " testa_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67638ribellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67638ribellare is ribellare" ; rdfs:label " ribellare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67639testa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67639testa is testa" ; rdfs:label " testa_as_Part" . inds:USem6763estendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem76126esteso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6763estendere is estendere" ; rdfs:label " estendere_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67640gruzzolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67640gruzzolo is gruzzolo" ; rdfs:label " gruzzolo_as_Amount" . inds:USem67643chiavetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem67595caricare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67643chiavetta is chiavetta" ; rdfs:label " chiavetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67644testata simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67644testata is testata" ; rdfs:label " testata_as_Information" . inds:USem67645testata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD1957corpo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67645testata is testata" ; rdfs:label " testata_as_Part" . inds:USem67646tiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67646tiglio is tiglio" ; rdfs:label " tiglio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem67647chioccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67647chioccia is chioccia" ; rdfs:label " chioccia_as_Human" . inds:USem67648ciambella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62460salvagente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6563galleggiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67648ciambella is ciambella" ; rdfs:label " ciambella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67649regalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67649regalo is regalo" ; rdfs:label " regalo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem6764ingrandire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6764ingrandire is ingrandire" ; rdfs:label " ingrandire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67650party simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67650party is party" ; rdfs:label " party_as_Event" . inds:USem67651ricevimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67651ricevimento is ricevimento" ; rdfs:label " ricevimento_as_Event" . inds:USem67652ciabatta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67652ciabatta is ciabatta" ; rdfs:label " ciabatta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem67654cicala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67654cicala is cicala" ; rdfs:label " cicala_as_Human" . inds:USem67655dono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67655dono is dono" ; rdfs:label " dono_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem67656simposio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67656simposio is simposio" ; rdfs:label " simposio_as_Event" . inds:USem67657misto simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67657misto is misto" ; rdfs:label " misto_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67658cicala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2847ancora ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67658cicala is cicala" ; rdfs:label " cicala_as_Part" . inds:USem67659nesso simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67659nesso is nesso" ; rdfs:label " nesso_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem6765intensificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6129intenso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6765intensificare is intensificare" ; rdfs:label " intensificare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67660briciola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3388pane, inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67660briciola is briciola" ; rdfs:label " briciola_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem67661briciola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67661briciola is briciola" ; rdfs:label " briciola_as_Amount" . inds:USem67662timpano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1962membrana ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1820orecchio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67662timpano is timpano" ; rdfs:label " timpano_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem67663toletta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD7125operazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67663toletta is toletta" ; rdfs:label " toletta_as_Group" . inds:USem67664tordo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67664tordo is tordo" ; rdfs:label " tordo_as_Human" . inds:USem67665torre simple:hasIsa inds:USem65460scacco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67665torre is torre" ; rdfs:label " torre_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem67666trave simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67666trave is trave" ; rdfs:label " trave_as_Part" . inds:USem67667briciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67667briciolo is briciolo" ; rdfs:label " briciolo_as_Part" . inds:USem67668traversa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60395collegare, inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67668traversa is traversa" ; rdfs:label " traversa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67669traversa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62548lenzuolo ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67669traversa is traversa" ; rdfs:label " traversa_as_Furniture" . inds:USem6766moltiplicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6766moltiplicare is moltiplicare" ; rdfs:label " moltiplicare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67670briciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67670briciolo is briciolo" ; rdfs:label " briciolo_as_Amount" . inds:USem67671trenino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67671trenino is trenino" ; rdfs:label " trenino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67672trippa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67672trippa is trippa" ; rdfs:label " trippa_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem67673bordata simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67673bordata is bordata" ; rdfs:label " bordata_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67674ciclista simple:hasIsa inds:USem6118sportivo ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67674ciclista is ciclista" ; rdfs:label " ciclista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem67675nuotatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD558nuotare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67675nuotatore is nuotatore" ; rdfs:label " nuotatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem67676ciclista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere, inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67676ciclista is ciclista" ; rdfs:label " ciclista_as_Profession" . inds:USem67677ciclone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67677ciclone is ciclone" ; rdfs:label " ciclone_as_Human" . inds:USem67678cielo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67678cielo is cielo" ; rdfs:label " cielo_as_Part" . inds:USem67679disimpegno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67679disimpegno is disimpegno" ; rdfs:label " disimpegno_as_Part" . inds:USem6767prolungare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6767prolungare is prolungare" ; rdfs:label " prolungare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67680vendita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67680vendita is vendita" ; rdfs:label " vendita_as_Amount" . inds:USem67682disimpegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67682disimpegnare is disimpegnare" ; rdfs:label " disimpegnare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67683cielo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67683cielo is cielo" ; rdfs:label " cielo_as_Entity" . inds:USem67684verde simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD63821partito ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67684verde is verde" ; rdfs:label " verde_as_Ideo" . inds:USem67685verde simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1428pianta, inds:USemD2089albero, inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67685verde is verde" ; rdfs:label " verde_as_Group" . inds:USem67686verde simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1738segnale ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67686verde is verde" ; rdfs:label " verde_as_Sign" . inds:USem67687disimpegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67687disimpegnare is disimpegnare" ; rdfs:label " disimpegnare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem67688via simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67688via is via" ; rdfs:label " via_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem67689via simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67689via is via" ; rdfs:label " via_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem6768rafforzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6768rafforzare is rafforzare" ; rdfs:label " rafforzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67690cielo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4175spazio ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67690cielo is cielo" ; rdfs:label " cielo_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem67691disimpegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67691disimpegnare is disimpegnare" ; rdfs:label " disimpegnare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67692disimpegno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67692disimpegno is disimpegno" ; rdfs:label " disimpegno_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67693via simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67693via is via" ; rdfs:label " via_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem67694disimpegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67694disimpegnare is disimpegnare" ; rdfs:label " disimpegnare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67695meccanica simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67695meccanica is meccanica" ; rdfs:label " meccanica_as_Group" . inds:USem67696meccanica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67696meccanica is meccanica" ; rdfs:label " meccanica_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67697coccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67697coccio is coccio" ; rdfs:label " coccio_as_Part" . inds:USem6769restringere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6769restringere is restringere" ; rdfs:label " restringere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67700coda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67700coda is coda" ; rdfs:label " coda_as_Part" . inds:USem67701vita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67701vita is vita" ; rdfs:label " vita_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67702vita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67702vita is vita" ; rdfs:label " vita_as_Time" . inds:USem67703coda simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67703coda is coda" ; rdfs:label " coda_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67704coda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo, inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67704coda is coda" ; rdfs:label " coda_as_Part" . inds:USem67705vita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67705vita is vita" ; rdfs:label " vita_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem67706fila simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67706fila is fila" ; rdfs:label " fila_as_Group" . inds:USem67707mercurio simple:hasIsa inds:USem59944pianeta ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59644sistema ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67707mercurio is mercurio" ; rdfs:label " mercurio_as_Location" . inds:USem67708volante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67708volante is volante" ; rdfs:label " volante_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem67709volante simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4964poliziotto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59495squadra ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67709volante is volante" ; rdfs:label " volante_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6770rialzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6805alto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6770rialzare is rialzare" ; rdfs:label " rialzare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67710mercurio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67710mercurio is mercurio" ; rdfs:label " mercurio_as_Representation" . inds:USem67712meridionalismo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1352valore, inds:USemD63932tradizione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63931cultura ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67712meridionalismo is meridionalismo" ; rdfs:label " meridionalismo_as_Group" . inds:USem67713midollo simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67713midollo is midollo" ; rdfs:label " midollo_as_Food" . inds:USem67714sfilza simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67714sfilza is sfilza" ; rdfs:label " sfilza_as_Group" . inds:USem67715milza simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67715milza is milza" ; rdfs:label " milza_as_Food" . inds:USem67716mistero simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62327fedele ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67716mistero is mistero" ; rdfs:label " mistero_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem67717volume simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67717volume is volume" ; rdfs:label " volume_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem67718volume simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67718volume is volume" ; rdfs:label " volume_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem67719sfilza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67719sfilza is sfilza" ; rdfs:label " sfilza_as_Amount" . inds:USem6771ribassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3982diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6771ribassare is ribassare" ; rdfs:label " ribassare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67720vulcano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67720vulcano is vulcano" ; rdfs:label " vulcano_as_Human" . inds:USem67721coriandolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67721coriandolo is coriandolo" ; rdfs:label " coriandolo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem67722renna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67722renna is renna" ; rdfs:label " renna_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem67723camoscio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67723camoscio is camoscio" ; rdfs:label " camoscio_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem67724coriandolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67724coriandolo is coriandolo" ; rdfs:label " coriandolo_as_Artifact" . inds:USem67725mistero simple:hasIsa inds:USem62856fatto ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67725mistero is mistero" ; rdfs:label " mistero_as_Event" . inds:USem67726processione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67726processione is processione" ; rdfs:label " processione_as_Event" . inds:USem67727esterno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67727esterno is esterno" ; rdfs:label " esterno_as_Location" . inds:USem67729sacca simple:hasIsa inds:USem4136zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67729sacca is sacca" ; rdfs:label " sacca_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem67730orgia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67730orgia is orgia" ; rdfs:label " orgia_as_Event" . inds:USem67731croce simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67731croce is croce" ; rdfs:label " croce_as_Sign" . inds:USem67733mitologia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD64058mito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67733mitologia is mitologia" ; rdfs:label " mitologia_as_Group" . inds:USem67734croce simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67734croce is croce" ; rdfs:label " croce_as_Representation" . inds:USem67735croce simple:hasIsa inds:USem62438tormento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67735croce is croce" ; rdfs:label " croce_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem67736mito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67736mito is mito" ; rdfs:label " mito_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67737croce simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65609crocifisso ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67737croce is croce" ; rdfs:label " croce_as_Artwork" . inds:USem67738esterno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67738esterno is esterno" ; rdfs:label " esterno_as_Part" . inds:USem67739crosta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67739crosta is crosta" ; rdfs:label " crosta_as_Part" . inds:USem6773rincarare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6156caro ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6773rincarare is rincarare" ; rdfs:label " rincarare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67740modello simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61497posare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67740modello is modello" ; rdfs:label " modello_as_Profession" . inds:USem67741nucleolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67741nucleolo is nucleolo" ; rdfs:label " nucleolo_as_Part" . inds:USem67742mollica simple:hasIsa inds:USem65881tufo ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67742mollica is mollica" ; rdfs:label " mollica_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem67743mora simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67743mora is mora" ; rdfs:label " mora_as_Amount" . inds:USem67744nucleolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61177terra ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67744nucleolo is nucleolo" ; rdfs:label " nucleolo_as_Part" . inds:USem67745morale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD523concetto ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67745morale is morale" ; rdfs:label " morale_as_Information" . inds:USem67746sirena simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67746sirena is sirena" ; rdfs:label " sirena_as_Representation" . inds:USem67747tetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem69194punto ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67747tetto is tetto" ; rdfs:label " tetto_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67748limite simple:hasIsa inds:USem69194punto ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67748limite is limite" ; rdfs:label " limite_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67749limite simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67749limite is limite" ; rdfs:label " limite_as_Location" . inds:USem6774smorzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6138smorzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6774smorzare is smorzare" ; rdfs:label " smorzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67750giovinezza simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63948uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem67702vita ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67750giovinezza is giovinezza" ; rdfs:label " giovinezza_as_Time" . inds:USem67752peste simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67752peste is peste" ; rdfs:label " peste_as_Human" . inds:USem67753pianta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1749piede ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67753pianta is pianta" ; rdfs:label " pianta_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem67754pianta simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67754pianta is pianta" ; rdfs:label " pianta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem67755pianta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67755pianta is pianta" ; rdfs:label " pianta_as_Information" . inds:USem67756pinna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2813attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD558nuotare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67756pinna is pinna" ; rdfs:label " pinna_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67757pizza simple:hasContains inds:USem3877suono, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67416pellicola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1449registrare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67757pizza is pizza" ; rdfs:label " pizza_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem67758pizza simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem6545infastidire ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67758pizza is pizza" ; rdfs:label " pizza_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67759motivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67759motivo is motivo" ; rdfs:label " motivo_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem6775svalutare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3982diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6139svalutato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6775svalutare is svalutare" ; rdfs:label " svalutare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67760motivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem61797tema ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67760motivo is motivo" ; rdfs:label " motivo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67761motivo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6588disegnare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67761motivo is motivo" ; rdfs:label " motivo_as_Artwork" . inds:USem67762brigata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67762brigata is brigata" ; rdfs:label " brigata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67763elica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave, inds:USemD5210aereo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67763elica is elica" ; rdfs:label " elica_as_Part" . inds:USem67765muro simple:hasTelic inds:USem66155ostacolare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67765muro is muro" ; rdfs:label " muro_as_Telic" . inds:USem67766muro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67766muro is muro" ; rdfs:label " muro_as_Building" . inds:USem67767elica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67767elica is elica" ; rdfs:label " elica_as_Part" . inds:USem67768muro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD777muro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67768muro is muro" ; rdfs:label " muro_as_Group" . inds:USem67769piramide simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67769piramide is piramide" ; rdfs:label " piramide_as_Building" . inds:USem6776rivalutare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6241rivalutato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6776rivalutare is rivalutare" ; rdfs:label " rivalutare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67771fermaglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67771fermaglio is fermaglio" ; rdfs:label " fermaglio_as_Part" . inds:USem67772fermaglio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67772fermaglio is fermaglio" ; rdfs:label " fermaglio_as_Clothing" . inds:USem67774colletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67774colletto is colletto" ; rdfs:label " colletto_as_Part" . inds:USem67775platea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2285teatro, inds:USem63034cinema ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67775platea is platea" ; rdfs:label " platea_as_Part" . inds:USem67776colletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67776colletto is colletto" ; rdfs:label " colletto_as_Part" . inds:USem67777poligono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67777poligono is poligono" ; rdfs:label " poligono_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem67778pontificato simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67778pontificato is pontificato" ; rdfs:label " pontificato_as_Convention" . inds:USem67779presente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67779presente is presente" ; rdfs:label " presente_as_Human" . inds:USem6777dilatare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6764ingrandire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6141dilatato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6777dilatare is dilatare" ; rdfs:label " dilatare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67780presente simple:hasIsa inds:USem68042tempo ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67780presente is presente" ; rdfs:label " presente_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67781balocco simple:hasTelic inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67781balocco is balocco" ; rdfs:label " balocco_as_Telic" . inds:USem67782ferro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67782ferro is ferro" ; rdfs:label " ferro_as_Group" . inds:USem67783pretura simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD946pretore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67783pretura is pretura" ; rdfs:label " pretura_as_Convention" . inds:USem67784fusto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67784fusto is fusto" ; rdfs:label " fusto_as_Human" . inds:USem67785procura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5491procuratore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67785procura is procura" ; rdfs:label " procura_as_Convention" . inds:USem67786fusto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo, inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67786fusto is fusto" ; rdfs:label " fusto_as_Container" . inds:USem67787fusto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67787fusto is fusto" ; rdfs:label " fusto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem67788fusto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67788fusto is fusto" ; rdfs:label " fusto_as_Part" . inds:USem67789prospettiva simple:hasIsa inds:USem911idea ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67789prospettiva is prospettiva" ; rdfs:label " prospettiva_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem6778maggiorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6778maggiorare is maggiorare" ; rdfs:label " maggiorare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem67790forma simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67790forma is forma" ; rdfs:label " forma_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67791prospettiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6367proposito ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67791prospettiva is prospettiva" ; rdfs:label " prospettiva_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem67792forma simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67792forma is forma" ; rdfs:label " forma_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67793prospetto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67793prospetto is prospetto" ; rdfs:label " prospetto_as_Information" . inds:USem67795forma simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67795forma is forma" ; rdfs:label " forma_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem67796forma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67796forma is forma" ; rdfs:label " forma_as_State" . inds:USem67797forma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67797forma is forma" ; rdfs:label " forma_as_Representation" . inds:USem67798sembianza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67798sembianza is sembianza" ; rdfs:label " sembianza_as_Property" . inds:USem6779ballare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6779ballare is ballare" ; rdfs:label " ballare_as_Move" . inds:USem67800presenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67800presenza is presenza" ; rdfs:label " presenza_as_Property" . inds:USem67801vassoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2391piatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67801vassoio is vassoio" ; rdfs:label " vassoio_as_Container" . inds:USem67802raggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5535radiazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67802raggio is raggio" ; rdfs:label " raggio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem67803presenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67803presenza is presenza" ; rdfs:label " presenza_as_Entity" . inds:USem67804raggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67804raggio is raggio" ; rdfs:label " raggio_as_Shape" . inds:USem67805ragione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5790razionale ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67805ragione is ragione" ; rdfs:label " ragione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67806presenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67806presenza is presenza" ; rdfs:label " presenza_as_Exist" . inds:USem67807officina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67807officina is officina" ; rdfs:label " officina_as_Group" . inds:USem67808regno simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3595re ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67808regno is regno" ; rdfs:label " regno_as_Convention" . inds:USem67809regno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59639classificazione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67809regno is regno" ; rdfs:label " regno_as_Part" . inds:USem6780danzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6780danzare is danzare" ; rdfs:label " danzare_as_Move" . inds:USem67811opale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3199opale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67811opale is opale" ; rdfs:label " opale_as_Clothing" . inds:USem67812orlo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67812orlo is orlo" ; rdfs:label " orlo_as_Part" . inds:USem67813presenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67813presenza is presenza" ; rdfs:label " presenza_as_Human" . inds:USem67814figura simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67814figura is figura" ; rdfs:label " figura_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67815figura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67815figura is figura" ; rdfs:label " figura_as_Human" . inds:USem67816apparenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67816apparenza is apparenza" ; rdfs:label " apparenza_as_Property" . inds:USem67817padre simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62795monaco, inds:USemD7089frate ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67817padre is padre" ; rdfs:label " padre_as_Convention" . inds:USem67818terra simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67818terra is terra" ; rdfs:label " terra_as_Area" . inds:USem6781pattinare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem62518pattino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6781pattinare is pattinare" ; rdfs:label " pattinare_as_Move" . inds:USem67820mostro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67820mostro is mostro" ; rdfs:label " mostro_as_Representation" . inds:USem67821mostro simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem2510bruttezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67821mostro is mostro" ; rdfs:label " mostro_as_Human" . inds:USem67822mostro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67822mostro is mostro" ; rdfs:label " mostro_as_Human" . inds:USem67823padrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67823padrino is padrino" ; rdfs:label " padrino_as_Human" . inds:USem67824scorza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67824scorza is scorza" ; rdfs:label " scorza_as_Part" . inds:USem67825scorza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67825scorza is scorza" ; rdfs:label " scorza_as_Part" . inds:USem67826scorza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3311rettile, inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67826scorza is scorza" ; rdfs:label " scorza_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem67827scorza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1341aspetto ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67827scorza is scorza" ; rdfs:label " scorza_as_Property" . inds:USem67828corteccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67828corteccia is corteccia" ; rdfs:label " corteccia_as_Part" . inds:USem67829corteccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1768organo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67829corteccia is corteccia" ; rdfs:label " corteccia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem6782pedalare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6782pedalare is pedalare" ; rdfs:label " pedalare_as_Move" . inds:USem67830corteggio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67830corteggio is corteggio" ; rdfs:label " corteggio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67831pala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem67767elica ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67831pala is pala" ; rdfs:label " pala_as_Part" . inds:USem67832corrida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5528spettacolo ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67832corrida is corrida" ; rdfs:label " corrida_as_Event" . inds:USem67833corrimano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3740sbarra ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67833corrimano is corrimano" ; rdfs:label " corrimano_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67834parola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67834parola is parola" ; rdfs:label " parola_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67835abbagliante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67835abbagliante is abbagliante" ; rdfs:label " abbagliante_as_Part" . inds:USem67836sterzo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67836sterzo is sterzo" ; rdfs:label " sterzo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67837pedalata simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67837pedalata is pedalata" ; rdfs:label " pedalata_as_Move" . inds:USem67838passato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61204passare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3669piatto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67838passato is passato" ; rdfs:label " passato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem67839parte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67839parte is parte" ; rdfs:label " parte_as_Location" . inds:USem6783remare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6783remare is remare" ; rdfs:label " remare_as_Move" . inds:USem67840parte simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67840parte is parte" ; rdfs:label " parte_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67841passato simple:hasIsa inds:USem68042tempo ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67841passato is passato" ; rdfs:label " passato_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67843pastello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67843pastello is pastello" ; rdfs:label " pastello_as_Artwork" . inds:USem67844parte simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67844parte is parte" ; rdfs:label " parte_as_Representation" . inds:USem67846categoria simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67846categoria is categoria" ; rdfs:label " categoria_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67848categoria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67848categoria is categoria" ; rdfs:label " categoria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6784sciare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2331sci ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6784sciare is sciare" ; rdfs:label " sciare_as_Move" . inds:USem67850categoria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67850categoria is categoria" ; rdfs:label " categoria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67851pedana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67851pedana is pedana" ; rdfs:label " pedana_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67852giallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67852giallo is giallo" ; rdfs:label " giallo_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67853opera simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67853opera is opera" ; rdfs:label " opera_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67854pasticcio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67854pasticcio is pasticcio" ; rdfs:label " pasticcio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67855tassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67855tassa is tassa" ; rdfs:label " tassa_as_Convention" . inds:USem67856istituto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67856istituto is istituto" ; rdfs:label " istituto_as_Building" . inds:USem67857film simple:hasContains inds:USem3877suono, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63839pellicola ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67857film is film" ; rdfs:label " film_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67858pedaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem67855tassa ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67858pedaggio is pedaggio" ; rdfs:label " pedaggio_as_Convention" . inds:USem67859film simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67859film is film" ; rdfs:label " film_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6785vogare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6785vogare is vogare" ; rdfs:label " vogare_as_Move" . inds:USem67860arrestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74678fermare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67860arrestare is arrestare" ; rdfs:label " arrestare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67861bugia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67861bugia is bugia" ; rdfs:label " bugia_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67862bugia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5586candeliere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67862bugia is bugia" ; rdfs:label " bugia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67863favola simple:hasIsa inds:USem67891fandonia ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67863favola is favola" ; rdfs:label " favola_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67864aria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67864aria is aria" ; rdfs:label " aria_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem67865aria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67865aria is aria" ; rdfs:label " aria_as_Property" . inds:USem67866accessorio simple:hasTelic inds:USemD65428completare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67866accessorio is accessorio" ; rdfs:label " accessorio_as_Telic" . inds:USem67867tributo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67855tassa ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67867tributo is tributo" ; rdfs:label " tributo_as_Convention" . inds:USem67868banda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67868banda is banda" ; rdfs:label " banda_as_Part" . inds:USem67869convegno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67869convegno is convegno" ; rdfs:label " convegno_as_Event" . inds:USem6786cucchiaio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59777posata ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6786cucchiaio is cucchiaio" ; rdfs:label " cucchiaio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67870disciogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6899disciolto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67870disciogliere is disciogliere" ; rdfs:label " disciogliere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67871base simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67871base is base" ; rdfs:label " base_as_Part" . inds:USem67872dissolvere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67872dissolvere is dissolvere" ; rdfs:label " dissolvere_as_Change" . inds:USem67873base simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67873base is base" ; rdfs:label " base_as_Building" . inds:USem67874base simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem5009politico, inds:USem64143iscritto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67874base is base" ; rdfs:label " base_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67875caso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67875caso is caso" ; rdfs:label " caso_as_Event" . inds:USem67876tributo simple:hasTelic inds:USemD65429adempiere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67876tributo is tributo" ; rdfs:label " tributo_as_Telic" . inds:USem67877caso simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67877caso is caso" ; rdfs:label " caso_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67878caso simple:hasIsa inds:USemTH39170ipotesi ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67878caso is caso" ; rdfs:label " caso_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67879tributare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67879tributare is tributare" ; rdfs:label " tributare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6787cucchiaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6787cucchiaio is cucchiaio" ; rdfs:label " cucchiaio_as_Amount" . inds:USem67880omaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67880omaggio is omaggio" ; rdfs:label " omaggio_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem67881dazio simple:hasIsa inds:USem67855tassa ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67881dazio is dazio" ; rdfs:label " dazio_as_Convention" . inds:USem67882imposta simple:hasIsa inds:USem67867tributo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67882imposta is imposta" ; rdfs:label " imposta_as_Convention" . inds:USem67883dazio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1550ufficio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67883dazio is dazio" ; rdfs:label " dazio_as_Building" . inds:USem67884imposta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2240finestra, inds:USem61088porta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67884imposta is imposta" ; rdfs:label " imposta_as_Part" . inds:USem67885essiccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7371essiccato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67885essiccare is essiccare" ; rdfs:label " essiccare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67886battente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2240finestra, inds:USem61088porta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67886battente is battente" ; rdfs:label " battente_as_Part" . inds:USem67887battente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2923campana ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67887battente is battente" ; rdfs:label " battente_as_Part" . inds:USem67888cuore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67888cuore is cuore" ; rdfs:label " cuore_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67889giustificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67889giustificare is giustificare" ; rdfs:label " giustificare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6788riprodurre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5603copia ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6788riprodurre is riprodurre" ; rdfs:label " riprodurre_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem67890giustificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60788scusare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67890giustificare is giustificare" ; rdfs:label " giustificare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67891fandonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67861bugia ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67891fandonia is fandonia" ; rdfs:label " fandonia_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67892giustificazione simple:hasTelic inds:USem60788scusare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67892giustificazione is giustificazione" ; rdfs:label " giustificazione_as_Telic" . inds:USem67893fulmine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67893fulmine is fulmine" ; rdfs:label " fulmine_as_Event" . inds:USem67894sventurato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67894sventurato is sventurato" ; rdfs:label " sventurato_as_Human" . inds:USem67895box simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7386recinto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67895box is box" ; rdfs:label " box_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67896campo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61166coltivazione ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67896campo is campo" ; rdfs:label " campo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem67897giustificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67897giustificare is giustificare" ; rdfs:label " giustificare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67898canna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2894organo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67898canna is canna" ; rdfs:label " canna_as_Part" . inds:USem67899oro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67899oro is oro" ; rdfs:label " oro_as_Artwork" . inds:USem6789trascrivere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem6804trascrizione ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6789trascrivere is trascrivere" ; rdfs:label " trascrivere_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem67900oro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66441seme ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67900oro is oro" ; rdfs:label " oro_as_Sign" . inds:USem67901giustificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67901giustificazione is giustificazione" ; rdfs:label " giustificazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67902catena simple:hasIsa inds:USem65760organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67902catena is catena" ; rdfs:label " catena_as_Part" . inds:USem67904chiusura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67904chiusura is chiusura" ; rdfs:label " chiusura_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67905colpo simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67905colpo is colpo" ; rdfs:label " colpo_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem67906angolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67906angolo is angolo" ; rdfs:label " angolo_as_Part" . inds:USem67908comune simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4145regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67908comune is comune" ; rdfs:label " comune_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem67909angolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67909angolo is angolo" ; rdfs:label " angolo_as_Location" . inds:USem6790ricalcare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5603copia ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6790ricalcare is ricalcare" ; rdfs:label " ricalcare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem67910arma simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67910arma is arma" ; rdfs:label " arma_as_Telic" . inds:USem67911arma simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59428esercito ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67911arma is arma" ; rdfs:label " arma_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67912comunicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67912comunicazione is comunicazione" ; rdfs:label " comunicazione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67914area simple:hasIsa inds:USem4136zona ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67914area is area" ; rdfs:label " area_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem67915area simple:hasIsa inds:USem2452misura ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67915area is area" ; rdfs:label " area_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem67916area simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67916area is area" ; rdfs:label " area_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67917area simple:hasIsa inds:USem4135zona ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67917area is area" ; rdfs:label " area_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem67918conservatorio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4985insegnante, inds:USem60848alunno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67918conservatorio is conservatorio" ; rdfs:label " conservatorio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67919estinguere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59857spegnere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67919estinguere is estinguere" ; rdfs:label " estinguere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6791imitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5603copia ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6791imitare is imitare" ; rdfs:label " imitare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem67921animale simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4767fauna ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67921animale is animale" ; rdfs:label " animale_as_Animal" . inds:USem67922animale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67922animale is animale" ; rdfs:label " animale_as_Human" . inds:USem67923area simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67923area is area" ; rdfs:label " area_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67924buongiorno simple:hasIsa inds:USem71792formula ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67924buongiorno is buongiorno" ; rdfs:label " buongiorno_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67925buonanotte simple:hasIsa inds:USem71792formula ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67925buonanotte is buonanotte" ; rdfs:label " buonanotte_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67926corpo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67926corpo is corpo" ; rdfs:label " corpo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem67927buonasera simple:hasIsa inds:USem71792formula ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67927buonasera is buonasera" ; rdfs:label " buonasera_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem67928crema simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67928crema is crema" ; rdfs:label " crema_as_Color" . inds:USem67929area simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD65433campo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67929area is area" ; rdfs:label " area_as_Part" . inds:USem6792parodiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6144parodia ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6792parodiare is parodiare" ; rdfs:label " parodiare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem67930deposito simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61456depositare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67930deposito is deposito" ; rdfs:label " deposito_as_Building" . inds:USem67932espresso simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67932espresso is espresso" ; rdfs:label " espresso_as_Information" . inds:USem67933espresso simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6406lettera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67933espresso is espresso" ; rdfs:label " espresso_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem67934fine simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67934fine is fine" ; rdfs:label " fine_as_Agentive" . inds:USem67935animo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67935animo is animo" ; rdfs:label " animo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67936animo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60673intenzione ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67936animo is animo" ; rdfs:label " animo_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem67937fegato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67937fegato is fegato" ; rdfs:label " fegato_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem67938proposito simple:hasIsa inds:USem61331argomento ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67938proposito is proposito" ; rdfs:label " proposito_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67939patriarcato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64204patriarca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67939patriarcato is patriarcato" ; rdfs:label " patriarcato_as_Convention" . inds:USem6793plagiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6793plagiare is plagiare" ; rdfs:label " plagiare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem67940estinguere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67940estinguere is estinguere" ; rdfs:label " estinguere_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem67941abbaino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60965soffitta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67941abbaino is abbaino" ; rdfs:label " abbaino_as_Part" . inds:USem67942estinguere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67942estinguere is estinguere" ; rdfs:label " estinguere_as_Change" . inds:USem67943freccia simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH27703velocita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67943freccia is freccia" ; rdfs:label " freccia_as_Human" . inds:USem67944freccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67944freccia is freccia" ; rdfs:label " freccia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67946lampada simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67946lampada is lampada" ; rdfs:label " lampada_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67947lampadina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem67946lampada ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67947lampadina is lampadina" ; rdfs:label " lampadina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67949agitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD76699agitato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67949agitazione is agitazione" ; rdfs:label " agitazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6794inventare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem6798invenzione ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6794inventare is inventare" ; rdfs:label " inventare_as_Creation" . inds:USem67950ottica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67950ottica is ottica" ; rdfs:label " ottica_as_Domain" . inds:USem67951alchimia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67951alchimia is alchimia" ; rdfs:label " alchimia_as_Act" . inds:USem67952estinguere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67952estinguere is estinguere" ; rdfs:label " estinguere_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem67953balena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67953balena is balena" ; rdfs:label " balena_as_Human" . inds:USem67954fazzoletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67954fazzoletto is fazzoletto" ; rdfs:label " fazzoletto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem67955palma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67955palma is palma" ; rdfs:label " palma_as_Part" . inds:USem67956para simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2203turchia, inds:USemD1403serbia ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67956para is para" ; rdfs:label " para_as_Money" . inds:USem67957parallela simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67957parallela is parallela" ; rdfs:label " parallela_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem67958parallela simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67958parallela is parallela" ; rdfs:label " parallela_as_Shape" . inds:USem67959pelle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3673ortaggio, inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67959pelle is pelle" ; rdfs:label " pelle_as_Part" . inds:USem6795plasmare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6795plasmare is plasmare" ; rdfs:label " plasmare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67960polvere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67960polvere is polvere" ; rdfs:label " polvere_as_Substance" . inds:USem67962piede simple:hasIsa inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67962piede is piede" ; rdfs:label " piede_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem67963piede simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61335oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67963piede is piede" ; rdfs:label " piede_as_Part" . inds:USem67964traliccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59645struttura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere, inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67964traliccio is traliccio" ; rdfs:label " traliccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67965gola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5985valle ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67965gola is gola" ; rdfs:label " gola_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem67966gomma simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2961cancellare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67966gomma is gomma" ; rdfs:label " gomma_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67967gomma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71320masticare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67967gomma is gomma" ; rdfs:label " gomma_as_Substance" . inds:USem67968gomma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3124gomma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67968gomma is gomma" ; rdfs:label " gomma_as_Part" . inds:USem67969traliccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67969traliccio is traliccio" ; rdfs:label " traliccio_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem6796creazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem3912esistere ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6796creazione is creazione" ; rdfs:label " creazione_as_Creation" . inds:USem67970tralcio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta, inds:USem1534vite ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67970tralcio is tralcio" ; rdfs:label " tralcio_as_Part" . inds:USem67971guida simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67971guida is guida" ; rdfs:label " guida_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67972guida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59881guidare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67972guida is guida" ; rdfs:label " guida_as_Profession" . inds:USem67973confondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67973confondere is confondere" ; rdfs:label " confondere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem67975piombo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67975piombo is piombo" ; rdfs:label " piombo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67977confondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67977confondere is confondere" ; rdfs:label " confondere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem67979lingua simple:hasIsa inds:USem4282taglio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67979lingua is lingua" ; rdfs:label " lingua_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem6797produzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem3912esistere ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6797produzione is produzione" ; rdfs:label " produzione_as_Creation" . inds:USem67980petto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1816torace ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67980petto is petto" ; rdfs:label " petto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem67981confondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67981confondere is confondere" ; rdfs:label " confondere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem67982petto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67982petto is petto" ; rdfs:label " petto_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem67983confusione simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67983confusione is confusione" ; rdfs:label " confusione_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem67984mandarino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2125cina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6191dignitario ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67984mandarino is mandarino" ; rdfs:label " mandarino_as_Social_status" . inds:USem67987milanese simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59564friggere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64603cotoletta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67987milanese is milanese" ; rdfs:label " milanese_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem67988confusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67988confusione is confusione" ; rdfs:label " confusione_as_State" . inds:USem67989confusione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67989confusione is confusione" ; rdfs:label " confusione_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem6798invenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem3912esistere ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6798invenzione is invenzione" ; rdfs:label " invenzione_as_Creation" . inds:USem67990confusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67990confusione is confusione" ; rdfs:label " confusione_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem67991stregare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67991stregare is stregare" ; rdfs:label " stregare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67992stregare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61544affascinare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67992stregare is stregare" ; rdfs:label " stregare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem67993stregoneria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67993stregoneria is stregoneria" ; rdfs:label " stregoneria_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67994incantesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67994incantesimo is incantesimo" ; rdfs:label " incantesimo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67995scacchiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67995scacchiera is scacchiera" ; rdfs:label " scacchiera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem67996fazzoletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67996fazzoletto is fazzoletto" ; rdfs:label " fazzoletto_as_Area" . inds:USem67997sortilegio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67997sortilegio is sortilegio" ; rdfs:label " sortilegio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem67998scacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67998scacco is scacco" ; rdfs:label " scacco_as_Convention" . inds:USem67999porta simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67999porta is porta" ; rdfs:label " porta_as_Telic" . inds:USem6799creatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6799creatore is creatore" ; rdfs:label " creatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem67branca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem67branca is branca" ; rdfs:label " branca_as_Part" . inds:USem68000montone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4855giacca ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68000montone is montone" ; rdfs:label " montone_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68001montone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68001montone is montone" ; rdfs:label " montone_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68002montone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem4223montone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68002montone is montone" ; rdfs:label " montone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68003porta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68003porta is porta" ; rdfs:label " porta_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem68004radio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68004radio is radio" ; rdfs:label " radio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68005incanto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68005incanto is incanto" ; rdfs:label " incanto_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68006radio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68006radio is radio" ; rdfs:label " radio_as_Institution" . inds:USem68007scacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68007scacco is scacco" ; rdfs:label " scacco_as_Act" . inds:USem68008inganno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68008inganno is inganno" ; rdfs:label " inganno_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68009incanto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68009incanto is incanto" ; rdfs:label " incanto_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem6800produttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6800produttore is produttore" ; rdfs:label " produttore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem68010incanto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68010incanto is incanto" ; rdfs:label " incanto_as_Property" . inds:USem68011alchimia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68011alchimia is alchimia" ; rdfs:label " alchimia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68012fattura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68012fattura is fattura" ; rdfs:label " fattura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68013stampa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3351giornalista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68013stampa is stampa" ; rdfs:label " stampa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68014fattura simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68014fattura is fattura" ; rdfs:label " fattura_as_Information" . inds:USem68015ramo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4090discendente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68015ramo is ramo" ; rdfs:label " ramo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68016ramo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61335oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68016ramo is ramo" ; rdfs:label " ramo_as_Part" . inds:USem68017stampa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62300giornale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68017stampa is stampa" ; rdfs:label " stampa_as_Group" . inds:USem68018tranello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68018tranello is tranello" ; rdfs:label " tranello_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68019ramo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68019ramo is ramo" ; rdfs:label " ramo_as_Location" . inds:USem6801inventore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem6794inventare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6801inventore is inventore" ; rdfs:label " inventore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem68020insidia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68020insidia is insidia" ; rdfs:label " insidia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68021stampa simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68021stampa is stampa" ; rdfs:label " stampa_as_Domain" . inds:USem68022relazione simple:hasContains inds:USem6465informazione ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5602scritto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68022relazione is relazione" ; rdfs:label " relazione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68023tempera simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68023tempera is tempera" ; rdfs:label " tempera_as_Domain" . inds:USem68024abbagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5750ingannare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68024abbagliare is abbagliare" ; rdfs:label " abbagliare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68025rocca simple:hasIsa inds:USem59739aggregato ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68025rocca is rocca" ; rdfs:label " rocca_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68026pericolo simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68026pericolo is pericolo" ; rdfs:label " pericolo_as_Agentive" . inds:USem68027insidia simple:hasAgentive inds:USem66300insidiare ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68027insidia is insidia" ; rdfs:label " insidia_as_Agentive" . inds:USem68028scena simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68028scena is scena" ; rdfs:label " scena_as_Location" . inds:USem68029scena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68029scena is scena" ; rdfs:label " scena_as_State" . inds:USem6802imitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6802imitazione is imitazione" ; rdfs:label " imitazione_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem68030truffa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68030truffa is truffa" ; rdfs:label " truffa_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68031scena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68031scena is scena" ; rdfs:label " scena_as_Act" . inds:USem68032scena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68032scena is scena" ; rdfs:label " scena_as_Event" . inds:USem68033raganella simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68033raganella is raganella" ; rdfs:label " raganella_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem68035seme simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68035seme is seme" ; rdfs:label " seme_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem68036seme simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68036seme is seme" ; rdfs:label " seme_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68037sbarcare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4323nave, inds:USemD5210aereo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68037sbarcare is sbarcare" ; rdfs:label " sbarcare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem68038seme simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68038seme is seme" ; rdfs:label " seme_as_Agentive" . inds:USem68039frode simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68039frode is frode" ; rdfs:label " frode_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6803plagio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6803plagio is plagio" ; rdfs:label " plagio_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem68040frusta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68040frusta is frusta" ; rdfs:label " frusta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68041bidello simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3118pulire, inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68041bidello is bidello" ; rdfs:label " bidello_as_Profession" . inds:USem68042tempo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68042tempo is tempo" ; rdfs:label " tempo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem68043tempo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60474gara, inds:USemD5528spettacolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68043tempo is tempo" ; rdfs:label " tempo_as_Part" . inds:USem68044tragedia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68044tragedia is tragedia" ; rdfs:label " tragedia_as_Domain" . inds:USem68045trapezio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68045trapezio is trapezio" ; rdfs:label " trapezio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem68046velo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5433stoffa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68046velo is velo" ; rdfs:label " velo_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68047verso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68047verso is verso" ; rdfs:label " verso_as_Location" . inds:USem68048verso simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68048verso is verso" ; rdfs:label " verso_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem68049basso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68049basso is basso" ; rdfs:label " basso_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem6804trascrizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6143trascrizione ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6804trascrizione is trascrizione" ; rdfs:label " trascrizione_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem68050esca simple:hasTelic inds:USemD7152attirare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68050esca is esca" ; rdfs:label " esca_as_Telic" . inds:USem68051impero simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64169imperatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68051impero is impero" ; rdfs:label " impero_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem68052impero simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64169imperatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68052impero is impero" ; rdfs:label " impero_as_Time" . inds:USem68053ingresso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68053ingresso is ingresso" ; rdfs:label " ingresso_as_Part" . inds:USem68054interesse simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem878bene, inds:USemD65440affare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68054interesse is interesse" ; rdfs:label " interesse_as_Group" . inds:USem68055pero simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68055pero is pero" ; rdfs:label " pero_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68056ciliegio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68056ciliegio is ciliegio" ; rdfs:label " ciliegio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68057legno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68057legno is legno" ; rdfs:label " legno_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68058legno simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68058legno is legno" ; rdfs:label " legno_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68059legno simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem68060strumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68059legno is legno" ; rdfs:label " legno_as_Group" . inds:USem6805riproduzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6148riproduzione ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6805riproduzione is riproduzione" ; rdfs:label " riproduzione_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem68060strumento simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68060strumento is strumento" ; rdfs:label " strumento_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68061legname simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68061legname is legname" ; rdfs:label " legname_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68062legnaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68062legnaiolo is legnaiolo" ; rdfs:label " legnaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USem68063legnaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68063legnaiolo is legnaiolo" ; rdfs:label " legnaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USem68064legna simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem68057legno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68064legna is legna" ; rdfs:label " legna_as_Group" . inds:USem68065manata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68065manata is manata" ; rdfs:label " manata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem68066manata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68066manata is manata" ; rdfs:label " manata_as_Amount" . inds:USem68067bastonare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem66448bastone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68067bastonare is bastonare" ; rdfs:label " bastonare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem68069coltellata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2933coltello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68069coltellata is coltellata" ; rdfs:label " coltellata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6806composizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6806composizione is composizione" ; rdfs:label " composizione_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem68070malessere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68070malessere is malessere" ; rdfs:label " malessere_as_Perception" . inds:USem68071malessere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68071malessere is malessere" ; rdfs:label " malessere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem68072bionda simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD2083capello ; simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem61903biondo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68072bionda is bionda" ; rdfs:label " bionda_as_Human" . inds:USem68073bionda simple:hasIsa inds:USem4360sigaretta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5021fumare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68073bionda is bionda" ; rdfs:label " bionda_as_Artifact" . inds:USem68074refrigeratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD65441refrigerare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68074refrigeratore is refrigeratore" ; rdfs:label " refrigeratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68075refrigeratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5189frigorifero ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68075refrigeratore is refrigeratore" ; rdfs:label " refrigeratore_as_Part" . inds:USem68076liquido simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68076liquido is liquido" ; rdfs:label " liquido_as_Money" . inds:USem68077locale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68077locale is locale" ; rdfs:label " locale_as_Building" . inds:USem68078locale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68078locale is locale" ; rdfs:label " locale_as_Human" . inds:USem68079tenore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68079tenore is tenore" ; rdfs:label " tenore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem6807recensione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6807recensione is recensione" ; rdfs:label " recensione_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem68080locale simple:hasIsa inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68080locale is locale" ; rdfs:label " locale_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68081tenore simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7102voce ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68081tenore is tenore" ; rdfs:label " tenore_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem68082refrigerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68082refrigerare is refrigerare" ; rdfs:label " refrigerare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68083mano simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59806arte ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68083mano is mano" ; rdfs:label " mano_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68084manubrio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2864ciclomotore, inds:USem870bicicletta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68084manubrio is manubrio" ; rdfs:label " manubrio_as_Part" . inds:USem68085basso simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7102voce ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68085basso is basso" ; rdfs:label " basso_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem68086pugno simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68086pugno is pugno" ; rdfs:label " pugno_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem68087pugno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68087pugno is pugno" ; rdfs:label " pugno_as_Amount" . inds:USem68088reostato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68088reostato is reostato" ; rdfs:label " reostato_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68089presa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68089presa is presa" ; rdfs:label " presa_as_Amount" . inds:USem6808banchettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6808banchettare is banchettare" ; rdfs:label " banchettare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem68090retina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68090retina is retina" ; rdfs:label " retina_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68091misericordia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem4829uccidere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68091misericordia is misericordia" ; rdfs:label " misericordia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68092legnata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem66448bastone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68092legnata is legnata" ; rdfs:label " legnata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68093misogino simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67389misoginia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68093misogino is misogino" ; rdfs:label " misogino_as_Human" . inds:USem68094marca simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63015affrancare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68094marca is marca" ; rdfs:label " marca_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68096perno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo, inds:USem68058legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68096perno is perno" ; rdfs:label " perno_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68097marca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68097marca is marca" ; rdfs:label " marca_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem68098perno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68098perno is perno" ; rdfs:label " perno_as_Part" . inds:USem68099moina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68099moina is moina" ; rdfs:label " moina_as_Act" . inds:USem6809abbassare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3983diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD2653basso ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6809abbassare is abbassare" ; rdfs:label " abbassare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68100coccola simple:hasIsa inds:USem60250carezza ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68100coccola is coccola" ; rdfs:label " coccola_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem68101coccola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem4099ginepro ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68101coccola is coccola" ; rdfs:label " coccola_as_Fruit" . inds:USem68102vegliardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68102vegliardo is vegliardo" ; rdfs:label " vegliardo_as_Human" . inds:USem68103vezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68103vezzo is vezzo" ; rdfs:label " vezzo_as_Act" . inds:USem68104perno simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68104perno is perno" ; rdfs:label " perno_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem68105vezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68105vezzo is vezzo" ; rdfs:label " vezzo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem68106vezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68106vezzo is vezzo" ; rdfs:label " vezzo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem68107rapa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68107rapa is rapa" ; rdfs:label " rapa_as_Human" . inds:USem68108molare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1790bocca ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68108molare is molare" ; rdfs:label " molare_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem68109canino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1790bocca ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68109canino is canino" ; rdfs:label " canino_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem6810accentuare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6116accentuato ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6810accentuare is accentuare" ; rdfs:label " accentuare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68110regina simple:hasIsa inds:USem65327pedina ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68110regina is regina" ; rdfs:label " regina_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68111destra simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68111destra is destra" ; rdfs:label " destra_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem68112centro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68112centro is centro" ; rdfs:label " centro_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem68113sinistra simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68113sinistra is sinistra" ; rdfs:label " sinistra_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem68114battibecco simple:hasIsa inds:USem60796litigio ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68114battibecco is battibecco" ; rdfs:label " battibecco_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem68115lite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68115lite is lite" ; rdfs:label " lite_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem68116tafferuglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem68117rissa ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68116tafferuglio is tafferuglio" ; rdfs:label " tafferuglio_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem68117rissa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68117rissa is rissa" ; rdfs:label " rissa_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem68118zuffa simple:hasIsa inds:USem68117rissa ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68118zuffa is zuffa" ; rdfs:label " zuffa_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem68119baruffa simple:hasIsa inds:USem68117rissa ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68119baruffa is baruffa" ; rdfs:label " baruffa_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem68120regina simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68120regina is regina" ; rdfs:label " regina_as_Convention" . inds:USem68121regina simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62905carta ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68121regina is regina" ; rdfs:label " regina_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68122regina simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68122regina is regina" ; rdfs:label " regina_as_Convention" . inds:USem68124barman simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68124barman is barman" ; rdfs:label " barman_as_Profession" . inds:USem68125cifra simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68125cifra is cifra" ; rdfs:label " cifra_as_Representation" . inds:USem68126cifra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68126cifra is cifra" ; rdfs:label " cifra_as_Amount" . inds:USem68127regina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68127regina is regina" ; rdfs:label " regina_as_Human" . inds:USem68129cifra simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2703lettera ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68129cifra is cifra" ; rdfs:label " cifra_as_Sign" . inds:USem6812accrescere simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6812accrescere is accrescere" ; rdfs:label " accrescere_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68130referente simple:hasTelic inds:USem6473riferire ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68130referente is referente" ; rdfs:label " referente_as_Telic" . inds:USem68131dolce simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6151sapore ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68131dolce is dolce" ; rdfs:label " dolce_as_Perception" . inds:USem68132merletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59312biancheria ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68132merletto is merletto" ; rdfs:label " merletto_as_Part" . inds:USem68133amaro simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2449sapore, inds:USem6151sapore ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68133amaro is amaro" ; rdfs:label " amaro_as_Perception" . inds:USem68134fracassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68134fracassare is fracassare" ; rdfs:label " fracassare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68135eroe simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68135eroe is eroe" ; rdfs:label " eroe_as_Representation" . inds:USem68136misura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68136misura is misura" ; rdfs:label " misura_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem68138obbiettivo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5014osservare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68138obbiettivo is obbiettivo" ; rdfs:label " obbiettivo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68139fracassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68139fracassare is fracassare" ; rdfs:label " fracassare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6813allungare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6416sdraiare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6813allungare is allungare" ; rdfs:label " allungare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem68140impoverire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68140impoverire is impoverire" ; rdfs:label " impoverire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68141impoverire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68141impoverire is impoverire" ; rdfs:label " impoverire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68142fisionomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68142fisionomia is fisionomia" ; rdfs:label " fisionomia_as_Property" . inds:USem68143fisionomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68143fisionomia is fisionomia" ; rdfs:label " fisionomia_as_Property" . inds:USem68144faccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68144faccia is faccia" ; rdfs:label " faccia_as_Part" . inds:USem68145somma simple:hasIsa inds:USem68159operazione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68145somma is somma" ; rdfs:label " somma_as_Convention" . inds:USem68146faccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68146faccia is faccia" ; rdfs:label " faccia_as_Property" . inds:USem68147faccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68147faccia is faccia" ; rdfs:label " faccia_as_Property" . inds:USem68148fracassare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68148fracassare is fracassare" ; rdfs:label " fracassare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68149referente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68149referente is referente" ; rdfs:label " referente_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem68150fracassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68150fracassare is fracassare" ; rdfs:label " fracassare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68152vela simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68152vela is vela" ; rdfs:label " vela_as_Domain" . inds:USem68153vela simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68153vela is vela" ; rdfs:label " vela_as_Part" . inds:USem68154fiocco simple:hasIsa inds:USem68153vela ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68154fiocco is fiocco" ; rdfs:label " fiocco_as_Part" . inds:USem68155fratturare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68155fratturare is fratturare" ; rdfs:label " fratturare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68156chicco simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68156chicco is chicco" ; rdfs:label " chicco_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68157fratturare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68157fratturare is fratturare" ; rdfs:label " fratturare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68158bit simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68158bit is bit" ; rdfs:label " bit_as_Representation" . inds:USem68159operazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem60260calcolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68159operazione is operazione" ; rdfs:label " operazione_as_Convention" . inds:USem6815amplificare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6121amplificato ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6815amplificare is amplificare" ; rdfs:label " amplificare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68160impoverimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68160impoverimento is impoverimento" ; rdfs:label " impoverimento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68161moltiplicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem68159operazione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68161moltiplicazione is moltiplicazione" ; rdfs:label " moltiplicazione_as_Convention" . inds:USem68162moltiplicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59347calcolare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem60260calcolo ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68162moltiplicare is moltiplicare" ; rdfs:label " moltiplicare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem68163sottrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USem59347calcolare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem60260calcolo ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68163sottrarre is sottrarre" ; rdfs:label " sottrarre_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem68164sottrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem68159operazione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68164sottrazione is sottrazione" ; rdfs:label " sottrazione_as_Convention" . inds:USem68165soubrette simple:hasIsa inds:USem77764attrice ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem62609recitare, inds:USem62762cantare, inds:USem6780danzare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68165soubrette is soubrette" ; rdfs:label " soubrette_as_Profession" . inds:USem68166sottufficiale simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68166sottufficiale is sottufficiale" ; rdfs:label " sottufficiale_as_Profession" . inds:USem68167sovraffollamento simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68167sovraffollamento is sovraffollamento" ; rdfs:label " sovraffollamento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68168affare simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem878bene, inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68168affare is affare" ; rdfs:label " affare_as_Group" . inds:USem68169carillon simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68169carillon is carillon" ; rdfs:label " carillon_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6816attenuare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3983diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5482attenuato ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6816attenuare is attenuare" ; rdfs:label " attenuare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68170chiave simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68170chiave is chiave" ; rdfs:label " chiave_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68171carillon simple:hasIsa inds:USem65399scrigno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo, inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68171carillon is carillon" ; rdfs:label " carillon_as_Container" . inds:USem68172carminio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3077colorante ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68172carminio is carminio" ; rdfs:label " carminio_as_Substance" . inds:USem68173chiave simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68173chiave is chiave" ; rdfs:label " chiave_as_Sign" . inds:USem68174carminio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68174carminio is carminio" ; rdfs:label " carminio_as_Color" . inds:USem68175porpora simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68175porpora is porpora" ; rdfs:label " porpora_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68176carnefice simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68176carnefice is carnefice" ; rdfs:label " carnefice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem68177carnefice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68177carnefice is carnefice" ; rdfs:label " carnefice_as_Human" . inds:USem68178carraio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68178carraio is carraio" ; rdfs:label " carraio_as_Profession" . inds:USem68179cartella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7064borsa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3007plastica, inds:USem5435tela, inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68179cartella is cartella" ; rdfs:label " cartella_as_Container" . inds:USem6817attutire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3983diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6123attutito ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6817attutire is attutire" ; rdfs:label " attutire_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68180cintura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68180cintura is cintura" ; rdfs:label " cintura_as_Part" . inds:USem68181cintura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68181cintura is cintura" ; rdfs:label " cintura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem68182cartella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68182cartella is cartella" ; rdfs:label " cartella_as_Container" . inds:USem68183gallina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68183gallina is gallina" ; rdfs:label " gallina_as_Human" . inds:USem68184cartella simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68184cartella is cartella" ; rdfs:label " cartella_as_Group" . inds:USem68185cartoncino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD2713cellulosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68185cartoncino is cartoncino" ; rdfs:label " cartoncino_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68186cartoncino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68186cartoncino is cartoncino" ; rdfs:label " cartoncino_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68187cartella simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68186cartoncino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68187cartella is cartella" ; rdfs:label " cartella_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68188cartoncino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68188cartoncino is cartoncino" ; rdfs:label " cartoncino_as_Information" . inds:USem68189cartuccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68189cartuccia is cartuccia" ; rdfs:label " cartuccia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6818decrescere simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3983diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6818decrescere is decrescere" ; rdfs:label " decrescere_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68190cartuccia simple:hasContains inds:USem3132inchiostro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68190cartuccia is cartuccia" ; rdfs:label " cartuccia_as_Container" . inds:USem68191casamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68191casamento is casamento" ; rdfs:label " casamento_as_Building" . inds:USem68192casamento simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68192casamento is casamento" ; rdfs:label " casamento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68193chiasso simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68193chiasso is chiasso" ; rdfs:label " chiasso_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem68194fragore simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68194fragore is fragore" ; rdfs:label " fragore_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem68196baratro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68196baratro is baratro" ; rdfs:label " baratro_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem68197trambusto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68197trambusto is trambusto" ; rdfs:label " trambusto_as_State" . inds:USem6819dilatare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6824ingrandire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6141dilatato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6819dilatare is dilatare" ; rdfs:label " dilatare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68200imbarazzare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem68198imbarazzo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68200imbarazzare is imbarazzare" ; rdfs:label " imbarazzare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem68201granello simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68201granello is granello" ; rdfs:label " granello_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem68202imbarazzare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem68198imbarazzo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68202imbarazzare is imbarazzare" ; rdfs:label " imbarazzare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem68203cartina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68203cartina is cartina" ; rdfs:label " cartina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68204cartina simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68204cartina is cartina" ; rdfs:label " cartina_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68205granello simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68205granello is granello" ; rdfs:label " granello_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68206nota simple:hasCausedby inds:USem68060strumento, inds:USemD7102voce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68206nota is nota" ; rdfs:label " nota_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem68207nota simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68207nota is nota" ; rdfs:label " nota_as_Information" . inds:USem68208nota simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68208nota is nota" ; rdfs:label " nota_as_Sign" . inds:USem68209cartellino simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68186cartoncino ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68209cartellino is cartellino" ; rdfs:label " cartellino_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68210cartina simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68210cartina is cartina" ; rdfs:label " cartina_as_Information" . inds:USem68211cartellino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68211cartellino is cartellino" ; rdfs:label " cartellino_as_Information" . inds:USem68212involucro simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68212involucro is involucro" ; rdfs:label " involucro_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68213casale simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68213casale is casale" ; rdfs:label " casale_as_Group" . inds:USem68214cartolina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68186cartoncino ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68214cartolina is cartolina" ; rdfs:label " cartolina_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68215cazzotto simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68215cazzotto is cazzotto" ; rdfs:label " cazzotto_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem68216cartolina simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68216cartolina is cartolina" ; rdfs:label " cartolina_as_Information" . inds:USem68217casco simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62862frutto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68217casco is casco" ; rdfs:label " casco_as_Group" . inds:USem68218casale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68218casale is casale" ; rdfs:label " casale_as_Building" . inds:USem68219casseruola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68219casseruola is casseruola" ; rdfs:label " casseruola_as_Amount" . inds:USem6821diradare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6125diradato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6821diradare is diradare" ; rdfs:label " diradare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68220cascinale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68220cascinale is cascinale" ; rdfs:label " cascinale_as_Building" . inds:USem68221telegramma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68221telegramma is telegramma" ; rdfs:label " telegramma_as_Information" . inds:USem68222telegramma simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68222telegramma is telegramma" ; rdfs:label " telegramma_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68223olivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68223olivo is olivo" ; rdfs:label " olivo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68224ulivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68224ulivo is ulivo" ; rdfs:label " ulivo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68225mappa simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68225mappa is mappa" ; rdfs:label " mappa_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68226castagno simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68226castagno is castagno" ; rdfs:label " castagno_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68227mappa simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68227mappa is mappa" ; rdfs:label " mappa_as_Information" . inds:USem68228cerro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68228cerro is cerro" ; rdfs:label " cerro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68229faggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68229faggio is faggio" ; rdfs:label " faggio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem6822espandere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6822espandere is espandere" ; rdfs:label " espandere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68230nocciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68230nocciolo is nocciolo" ; rdfs:label " nocciolo_as_Part" . inds:USem68231scoglio simple:hasTelic inds:USem66155ostacolare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68231scoglio is scoglio" ; rdfs:label " scoglio_as_Telic" . inds:USem68232moscato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68232moscato is moscato" ; rdfs:label " moscato_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem68233castelletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4152castello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68233castelletto is castelletto" ; rdfs:label " castelletto_as_Building" . inds:USem68234castigare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63654punire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68234castigare is castigare" ; rdfs:label " castigare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68235castigo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68235castigo is castigo" ; rdfs:label " castigo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68236punizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68236punizione is punizione" ; rdfs:label " punizione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68237cataclisma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68237cataclisma is cataclisma" ; rdfs:label " cataclisma_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem68238cataclisma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68238cataclisma is cataclisma" ; rdfs:label " cataclisma_as_Event" . inds:USem68239catalessi simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68239catalessi is catalessi" ; rdfs:label " catalessi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem6823estendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6823estendere is estendere" ; rdfs:label " estendere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem68240catalessi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68240catalessi is catalessi" ; rdfs:label " catalessi_as_State" . inds:USem68241catarro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD64005mucosa ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68241catarro is catarro" ; rdfs:label " catarro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68242catenaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3031ferro ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68242catenaccio is catenaccio" ; rdfs:label " catenaccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68244avorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68244avorio is avorio" ; rdfs:label " avorio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68245avorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68245avorio is avorio" ; rdfs:label " avorio_as_Color" . inds:USem68246avorio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem68244avorio ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68246avorio is avorio" ; rdfs:label " avorio_as_Artwork" . inds:USem68247catetere simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68247catetere is catetere" ; rdfs:label " catetere_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68248cavallerizza simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68248cavallerizza is cavallerizza" ; rdfs:label " cavallerizza_as_Domain" . inds:USem68249cavetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68249cavetto is cavetto" ; rdfs:label " cavetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6824ingrandire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6824ingrandire is ingrandire" ; rdfs:label " ingrandire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68250carta simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68250carta is carta" ; rdfs:label " carta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68251cefalea simple:hasAffects inds:USem1753testa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6138dolore ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68251cefalea is cefalea" ; rdfs:label " cefalea_as_Disease" . inds:USem68252carta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68252carta is carta" ; rdfs:label " carta_as_Information" . inds:USem68253ceffone simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68253ceffone is ceffone" ; rdfs:label " ceffone_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem68254schiaffo simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68254schiaffo is schiaffo" ; rdfs:label " schiaffo_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem68255cavillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6326ragionamento ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68255cavillo is cavillo" ; rdfs:label " cavillo_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem68256cedola simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5387redigere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68256cedola is cedola" ; rdfs:label " cedola_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68257cedola simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60974documento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68257cedola is cedola" ; rdfs:label " cedola_as_Information" . inds:USem68258cellulare simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3519telefono ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68258cellulare is cellulare" ; rdfs:label " cellulare_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68259cellulare simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68259cellulare is cellulare" ; rdfs:label " cellulare_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem6825intensificare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6129intenso ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6825intensificare is intensificare" ; rdfs:label " intensificare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68260ceppo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68260ceppo is ceppo" ; rdfs:label " ceppo_as_Part" . inds:USem68262retrovisore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68262retrovisore is retrovisore" ; rdfs:label " retrovisore_as_Part" . inds:USem68263centimetro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68263centimetro is centimetro" ; rdfs:label " centimetro_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem68264chilometro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2688metro ; simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68264chilometro is chilometro" ; rdfs:label " chilometro_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem68265cerealicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem7015coltivazione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68265cerealicoltura is cerealicoltura" ; rdfs:label " cerealicoltura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68266cerealicultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem7015coltivazione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68266cerealicultura is cerealicultura" ; rdfs:label " cerealicultura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68267chilowattora simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68267chilowattora is chilowattora" ; rdfs:label " chilowattora_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem68268hobbistica simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2811utensile, inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68268hobbistica is hobbistica" ; rdfs:label " hobbistica_as_Group" . inds:USem68269chiarore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4192luce ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68269chiarore is chiarore" ; rdfs:label " chiarore_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem6826moltiplicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6826moltiplicare is moltiplicare" ; rdfs:label " moltiplicare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68271chiazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem68358macchiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68271chiazzare is chiazzare" ; rdfs:label " chiazzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68272chiazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6970macchiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68272chiazzare is chiazzare" ; rdfs:label " chiazzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68273chassis simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68273chassis is chassis" ; rdfs:label " chassis_as_Part" . inds:USem68274cherubino simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68274cherubino is cherubino" ; rdfs:label " cherubino_as_Entity" . inds:USem68275cherubino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68275cherubino is cherubino" ; rdfs:label " cherubino_as_Human" . inds:USem68276angelo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68276angelo is angelo" ; rdfs:label " angelo_as_Entity" . inds:USem68277angelo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68277angelo is angelo" ; rdfs:label " angelo_as_Human" . inds:USem68278chinino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3162analgesico, inds:USem70917antipiretico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68278chinino is chinino" ; rdfs:label " chinino_as_Substance" . inds:USem68279chip simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68279chip is chip" ; rdfs:label " chip_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6827prolungare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6827prolungare is prolungare" ; rdfs:label " prolungare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68280idolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68280idolo is idolo" ; rdfs:label " idolo_as_Human" . inds:USem68281ciabattino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68281ciabattino is ciabattino" ; rdfs:label " ciabattino_as_Profession" . inds:USem68283ciambellano simple:hasIsa inds:USem6191dignitario ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59424corte ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68283ciambellano is ciambellano" ; rdfs:label " ciambellano_as_Social_status" . inds:USem68284ceppo simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68284ceppo is ceppo" ; rdfs:label " ceppo_as_Agentive" . inds:USem68285impalcatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2579teoria, inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68285impalcatura is impalcatura" ; rdfs:label " impalcatura_as_Part" . inds:USem68286rilievo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68286rilievo is rilievo" ; rdfs:label " rilievo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68287rilievo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68287rilievo is rilievo" ; rdfs:label " rilievo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem68288lavagna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68288lavagna is lavagna" ; rdfs:label " lavagna_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68289lavagna simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68289lavagna is lavagna" ; rdfs:label " lavagna_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem6828rafforzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6828rafforzare is rafforzare" ; rdfs:label " rafforzare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem68290impianto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2217edificio, inds:USem59818macchinario ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69104complesso ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68290impianto is impianto" ; rdfs:label " impianto_as_Building" . inds:USem68291ripresa simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68291ripresa is ripresa" ; rdfs:label " ripresa_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68293cedro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1440cedro ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68293cedro is cedro" ; rdfs:label " cedro_as_Fruit" . inds:USem68294irritare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem68304irritazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68294irritare is irritare" ; rdfs:label " irritare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem68295piastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68295piastra is piastra" ; rdfs:label " piastra_as_Part" . inds:USem68296vegliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5282assistere ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59870aiutare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68296vegliare is vegliare" ; rdfs:label " vegliare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68297indulgenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem59901concessione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68297indulgenza is indulgenza" ; rdfs:label " indulgenza_as_Convention" . inds:USem68298infanzia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68298infanzia is infanzia" ; rdfs:label " infanzia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68299piastra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem831lastra ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68299piastra is piastra" ; rdfs:label " piastra_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem6829restringere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6829restringere is restringere" ; rdfs:label " restringere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68300vegliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68300vegliare is vegliare" ; rdfs:label " vegliare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem68301vegliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68301vegliare is vegliare" ; rdfs:label " vegliare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68303bufalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68303bufalo is bufalo" ; rdfs:label " bufalo_as_Human" . inds:USem68304irritazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68304irritazione is irritazione" ; rdfs:label " irritazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem68305atto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68305atto is atto" ; rdfs:label " atto_as_Information" . inds:USem68306atto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68306atto is atto" ; rdfs:label " atto_as_Information" . inds:USem68307irritazione simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68307irritazione is irritazione" ; rdfs:label " irritazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem68308atto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62837commedia, inds:USemD5065tragedia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68308atto is atto" ; rdfs:label " atto_as_Part" . inds:USem68309piastra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68309piastra is piastra" ; rdfs:label " piastra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6830rialzare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6805alto ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6830rialzare is rialzare" ; rdfs:label " rialzare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68310lacerare simple:hasIsa inds:USem68325strappare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68310lacerare is lacerare" ; rdfs:label " lacerare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68311squalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68311squalo is squalo" ; rdfs:label " squalo_as_Human" . inds:USem68312lacerare simple:hasIsa inds:USem68328strappare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68312lacerare is lacerare" ; rdfs:label " lacerare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68314formica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68314formica is formica" ; rdfs:label " formica_as_Human" . inds:USem68315ippopotamo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68315ippopotamo is ippopotamo" ; rdfs:label " ippopotamo_as_Human" . inds:USem68316lacerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68316lacerare is lacerare" ; rdfs:label " lacerare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem68317cavalletta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68317cavalletta is cavalletta" ; rdfs:label " cavalletta_as_Human" . inds:USem68318risciacquo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68318risciacquo is risciacquo" ; rdfs:label " risciacquo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68319lince simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68319lince is lince" ; rdfs:label " lince_as_Human" . inds:USem6831ribassare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3983diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6831ribassare is ribassare" ; rdfs:label " ribassare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68320insalata simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59673miscuglio ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68320insalata is insalata" ; rdfs:label " insalata_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68321risonanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68321risonanza is risonanza" ; rdfs:label " risonanza_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem68323insetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68323insetto is insetto" ; rdfs:label " insetto_as_Human" . inds:USem68324risparmio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68324risparmio is risparmio" ; rdfs:label " risparmio_as_Amount" . inds:USem68325strappare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3936rompere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD65446strappato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68325strappare is strappare" ; rdfs:label " strappare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68328strappare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3935rompere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD65446strappato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68328strappare is strappare" ; rdfs:label " strappare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68329cabina simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68329cabina is cabina" ; rdfs:label " cabina_as_Part" . inds:USem6832ridurre simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3983diminuire ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6832ridurre is ridurre" ; rdfs:label " ridurre_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68330cabina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68330cabina is cabina" ; rdfs:label " cabina_as_Building" . inds:USem68331lacerare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD76596lacerato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68331lacerare is lacerare" ; rdfs:label " lacerare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68332riviera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68332riviera is riviera" ; rdfs:label " riviera_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem68333riviera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63511fosso ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68333riviera is riviera" ; rdfs:label " riviera_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem68334adenoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem61590tumore ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68334adenoma is adenoma" ; rdfs:label " adenoma_as_Disease" . inds:USem68335lacerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68335lacerare is lacerare" ; rdfs:label " lacerare_as_Event" . inds:USem68336riviera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68336riviera is riviera" ; rdfs:label " riviera_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68337lacerazione simple:hasAffects inds:USem1768organo, inds:USemD5401tessuto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68337lacerazione is lacerazione" ; rdfs:label " lacerazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68338cicca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4356sigaro, inds:USem4360sigaretta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68338cicca is cicca" ; rdfs:label " cicca_as_Part" . inds:USem68339bufera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68339bufera is bufera" ; rdfs:label " bufera_as_Event" . inds:USem6833rincarare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6156caro ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6833rincarare is rincarare" ; rdfs:label " rincarare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68340bulbo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68340bulbo is bulbo" ; rdfs:label " bulbo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68341burrasca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68341burrasca is burrasca" ; rdfs:label " burrasca_as_Event" . inds:USem68342bidet simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62395bagno ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68342bidet is bidet" ; rdfs:label " bidet_as_Furniture" . inds:USem68343ritratto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68343ritratto is ritratto" ; rdfs:label " ritratto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem68344intermezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68344intermezzo is intermezzo" ; rdfs:label " intermezzo_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem68345intervallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68345intervallo is intervallo" ; rdfs:label " intervallo_as_Location" . inds:USem68346bussola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2372cassa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68346bussola is bussola" ; rdfs:label " bussola_as_Container" . inds:USem68347ranocchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem920rana ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68347ranocchia is ranocchia" ; rdfs:label " ranocchia_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem68348ranocchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem920rana ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68348ranocchio is ranocchio" ; rdfs:label " ranocchio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem68349ranocchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68349ranocchio is ranocchio" ; rdfs:label " ranocchio_as_Human" . inds:USem6834ristagnare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3983diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6157stagnante ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6834ristagnare is ristagnare" ; rdfs:label " ristagnare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68350inventario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68350inventario is inventario" ; rdfs:label " inventario_as_Information" . inds:USem68351refettorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68351refettorio is refettorio" ; rdfs:label " refettorio_as_Part" . inds:USem68352appendiabiti simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68352appendiabiti is appendiabiti" ; rdfs:label " appendiabiti_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68353apicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68353apicoltura is apicoltura" ; rdfs:label " apicoltura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68354attaccapanni simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68354attaccapanni is attaccapanni" ; rdfs:label " attaccapanni_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68355lavatoio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64852panno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68355lavatoio is lavatoio" ; rdfs:label " lavatoio_as_Container" . inds:USem68356bavaglio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62556fazzoletto ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68356bavaglio is bavaglio" ; rdfs:label " bavaglio_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68357aeroplano simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68357aeroplano is aeroplano" ; rdfs:label " aeroplano_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68358macchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6976sporcare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6971macchiato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68358macchiare is macchiare" ; rdfs:label " macchiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68359barella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem6216barelliere ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68359barella is barella" ; rdfs:label " barella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6835smorzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6835smorzare is smorzare" ; rdfs:label " smorzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68361ritratto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68361ritratto is ritratto" ; rdfs:label " ritratto_as_Human" . inds:USem68362lontra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1172lontra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68362lontra is lontra" ; rdfs:label " lontra_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68363lucido simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3007plastica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62493proiettare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68363lucido is lucido" ; rdfs:label " lucido_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68364valigia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5435tela, inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68364valigia is valigia" ; rdfs:label " valigia_as_Container" . inds:USem68365arpia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68365arpia is arpia" ; rdfs:label " arpia_as_Human" . inds:USem68366luogo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68366luogo is luogo" ; rdfs:label " luogo_as_Building" . inds:USem68367rompighiaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem6520punta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD63505spaccare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68367rompighiaccio is rompighiaccio" ; rdfs:label " rompighiaccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68368macero simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68368macero is macero" ; rdfs:label " macero_as_Building" . inds:USem68369rospo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68369rospo is rospo" ; rdfs:label " rospo_as_Human" . inds:USem6836svalutare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3983diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6139svalutato ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6836svalutare is svalutare" ; rdfs:label " svalutare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem68370arpia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68370arpia is arpia" ; rdfs:label " arpia_as_Representation" . inds:USem68371lapis simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere, inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68371lapis is lapis" ; rdfs:label " lapis_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68372benzinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68372benzinaio is benzinaio" ; rdfs:label " benzinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem68373pure1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61204passare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1687patata ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68373pure1 is pure'" ; rdfs:label " pure'_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem68374bancone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68374bancone is bancone" ; rdfs:label " bancone_as_Furniture" . inds:USem68375mossa simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68375mossa is mossa" ; rdfs:label " mossa_as_Move" . inds:USem68376album simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60942quaderno ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68376album is album" ; rdfs:label " album_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68378frullatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6896frullare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68378frullatore is frullatore" ; rdfs:label " frullatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68379album simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62393brano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64864raccolta ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68379album is album" ; rdfs:label " album_as_Group" . inds:USem68380madrelingua simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68380madrelingua is madrelingua" ; rdfs:label " madrelingua_as_Language" . inds:USem68381madreperla simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68381madreperla is madreperla" ; rdfs:label " madreperla_as_Color" . inds:USem68382commessa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68382commessa is commessa" ; rdfs:label " commessa_as_Profession" . inds:USem68384magnetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68384magnetismo is magnetismo" ; rdfs:label " magnetismo_as_Property" . inds:USem68385otturazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68385otturazione is otturazione" ; rdfs:label " otturazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68386regolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68386regolo is regolo" ; rdfs:label " regolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68387relitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68387relitto is relitto" ; rdfs:label " relitto_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem68388salice simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68388salice is salice" ; rdfs:label " salice_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68389salame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68389salame is salame" ; rdfs:label " salame_as_Human" . inds:USem6838chilogrammo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem67354pesare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6838chilogrammo is chilogrammo" ; rdfs:label " chilogrammo_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem68390ibis simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68390ibis is ibis" ; rdfs:label " ibis_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem68391otturazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64850otturare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68391otturazione is otturazione" ; rdfs:label " otturazione_as_Substance" . inds:USem68392infarto simple:hasAffects inds:USem1769cuore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63847lesione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68392infarto is infarto" ; rdfs:label " infarto_as_Disease" . inds:USem68393relitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68393relitto is relitto" ; rdfs:label " relitto_as_Human" . inds:USem68394salsa simple:hasIsa inds:USem61614musica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68394salsa is salsa" ; rdfs:label " salsa_as_Domain" . inds:USem68395manetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68395manetta is manetta" ; rdfs:label " manetta_as_Part" . inds:USem68397mano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68397mano is mano" ; rdfs:label " mano_as_Amount" . inds:USem68398infelicita1 simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62168infelice ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68398infelicita1 is infelicita'" ; rdfs:label " infelicita'_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem68399stampella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem66061appoggiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68399stampella is stampella" ; rdfs:label " stampella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6839chilo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem67354pesare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6839chilo is chilo" ; rdfs:label " chilo_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem68400birichino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68400birichino is birichino" ; rdfs:label " birichino_as_Human" . inds:USem68401spillo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68401spillo is spillo" ; rdfs:label " spillo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68402spillone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68401spillo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68402spillone is spillone" ; rdfs:label " spillone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68403spintone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68403spintone is spintone" ; rdfs:label " spintone_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem68404gomito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68404gomito is gomito" ; rdfs:label " gomito_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem68405mastino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68405mastino is mastino" ; rdfs:label " mastino_as_Human" . inds:USem68406materiale simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68406materiale is materiale" ; rdfs:label " materiale_as_Group" . inds:USem68407anima simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68407anima is anima" ; rdfs:label " anima_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem68408gomito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2243strada, inds:USem5089fiume ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68408gomito is gomito" ; rdfs:label " gomito_as_Part" . inds:USem68409anima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68409anima is anima" ; rdfs:label " anima_as_Human" . inds:USem6840spostare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6840spostare is spostare" ; rdfs:label " spostare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68410pozza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68410pozza is pozza" ; rdfs:label " pozza_as_Amount" . inds:USem68411membrana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68411membrana is membrana" ; rdfs:label " membrana_as_Part" . inds:USem68413fiorino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4897olanda ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68413fiorino is fiorino" ; rdfs:label " fiorino_as_Money" . inds:USem68415anima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68415anima is anima" ; rdfs:label " anima_as_Part" . inds:USem68416piegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68416piegare is piegare" ; rdfs:label " piegare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68417alveare simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5442ape ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68417alveare is alveare" ; rdfs:label " alveare_as_Location" . inds:USem68419raucedine simple:hasAffects inds:USemD7102voce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68420alterazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68419raucedine is raucedine" ; rdfs:label " raucedine_as_Disease" . inds:USem6841creta simple:hasIsa inds:USem6842isola ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2173grecia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6841creta is creta" ; rdfs:label " creta_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem68420alterazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68420alterazione is alterazione" ; rdfs:label " alterazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem68421mercato simple:hasIsa inds:USem72703contrattazione ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68421mercato is mercato" ; rdfs:label " mercato_as_Transaction" . inds:USem68422refrigerio simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68422refrigerio is refrigerio" ; rdfs:label " refrigerio_as_Perception" . inds:USem68423messaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem26materia ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68423messaggio is messaggio" ; rdfs:label " messaggio_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem68424microbo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68424microbo is microbo" ; rdfs:label " microbo_as_Human" . inds:USem68425mimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68425mimo is mimo" ; rdfs:label " mimo_as_Domain" . inds:USem68426militarizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68426militarizzare is militarizzare" ; rdfs:label " militarizzare_as_Change" . inds:USem68427minuzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68427minuzia is minuzia" ; rdfs:label " minuzia_as_Quality" . inds:USem68428modernizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68428modernizzare is modernizzare" ; rdfs:label " modernizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68429miopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68429miopia is miopia" ; rdfs:label " miopia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem6842isola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6842isola is isola" ; rdfs:label " isola_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem68430baffo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2912cute ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68430baffo is baffo" ; rdfs:label " baffo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem68432regolarizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68432regolarizzare is regolarizzare" ; rdfs:label " regolarizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68433normalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68433normalizzare is normalizzare" ; rdfs:label " normalizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68434bacchetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem76428asticciola ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68434bacchetta is bacchetta" ; rdfs:label " bacchetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68435bacchetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem67499asta ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68435bacchetta is bacchetta" ; rdfs:label " bacchetta_as_Artifact" . inds:USem68436muovere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68436muovere is muovere" ; rdfs:label " muovere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem68437bullone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68437bullone is bullone" ; rdfs:label " bullone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68438camice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68438camice is camice" ; rdfs:label " camice_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68439occidentalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68439occidentalizzare is occidentalizzare" ; rdfs:label " occidentalizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6843accusato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5724accusare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6843accusato is accusato" ; rdfs:label " accusato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem68440regolarizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68440regolarizzazione is regolarizzazione" ; rdfs:label " regolarizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68441mobile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1957corpo ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68441mobile is mobile" ; rdfs:label " mobile_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem68442diva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68442diva is diva" ; rdfs:label " diva_as_Human" . inds:USem68443molla simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68443molla is molla" ; rdfs:label " molla_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68444cocco simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem68446cocco ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68444cocco is cocco" ; rdfs:label " cocco_as_Plant" . inds:USem68445molla simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3303motivo ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68445molla is molla" ; rdfs:label " molla_as_Agentive" . inds:USem68446cocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem68444cocco ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68446cocco is cocco" ; rdfs:label " cocco_as_Fruit" . inds:USem68447oscurare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61990oscuro ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68447oscurare is oscurare" ; rdfs:label " oscurare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68448mollusco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68448mollusco is mollusco" ; rdfs:label " mollusco_as_Human" . inds:USem68449mordente simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD5810tenace ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68449mordente is mordente" ; rdfs:label " mordente_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem68450oscurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61990oscuro ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68450oscurare is oscurare" ; rdfs:label " oscurare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68451lumaca simple:hasIsa inds:USem67921animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68451lumaca is lumaca" ; rdfs:label " lumaca_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem68452morsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68452morsa is morsa" ; rdfs:label " morsa_as_State" . inds:USem68453lumaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68453lumaca is lumaca" ; rdfs:label " lumaca_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68454lumaca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68454lumaca is lumaca" ; rdfs:label " lumaca_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem68455lumaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68455lumaca is lumaca" ; rdfs:label " lumaca_as_Human" . inds:USem68456mulinello simple:hasConcerns inds:USem66548acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68456mulinello is mulinello" ; rdfs:label " mulinello_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem68457chiocciola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68457chiocciola is chiocciola" ; rdfs:label " chiocciola_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem68458musa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68458musa is musa" ; rdfs:label " musa_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem68459sella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2867motocicletta, inds:USem870bicicletta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68459sella is sella" ; rdfs:label " sella_as_Part" . inds:USem6845accompagnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59865accompagnare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6845accompagnatore is accompagnatore" ; rdfs:label " accompagnatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem68460musicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem5062comporre, inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68460musicista is musicista" ; rdfs:label " musicista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem68461sella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68461sella is sella" ; rdfs:label " sella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68462sciroppo simple:hasContains inds:USemD1750zucchero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem78127soluzione ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68462sciroppo is sciroppo" ; rdfs:label " sciroppo_as_Substance" . inds:USem68463latifondista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68463latifondista is latifondista" ; rdfs:label " latifondista_as_Human" . inds:USem68464maratoneta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68464maratoneta is maratoneta" ; rdfs:label " maratoneta_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem68465maschilista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem75073maschilismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68465maschilista is maschilista" ; rdfs:label " maschilista_as_Human" . inds:USem68466zabaione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1750zucchero, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68466zabaione is zabaione" ; rdfs:label " zabaione_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem68467libello simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5602scritto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68467libello is libello" ; rdfs:label " libello_as_Information" . inds:USem68468zitella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68468zitella is zitella" ; rdfs:label " zitella_as_Human" . inds:USem68469latinista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare, inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68469latinista is latinista" ; rdfs:label " latinista_as_Profession" . inds:USem6846latta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3196lamiera ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3031ferro, inds:USem3422stagno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6846latta is latta" ; rdfs:label " latta_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68470lametta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem67363radere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68470lametta is lametta" ; rdfs:label " lametta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68471neon simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67946lampada ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68471neon is neon" ; rdfs:label " neon_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68472lanterna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68472lanterna is lanterna" ; rdfs:label " lanterna_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68473lume simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68473lume is lume" ; rdfs:label " lume_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68474noia simple:hasTelic inds:USem62176annoiare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68474noia is noia" ; rdfs:label " noia_as_Telic" . inds:USem68475novecento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68475novecento is novecento" ; rdfs:label " novecento_as_Time" . inds:USem68476nucleo simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68476nucleo is nucleo" ; rdfs:label " nucleo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68477faro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68477faro is faro" ; rdfs:label " faro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68478nucleo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68478nucleo is nucleo" ; rdfs:label " nucleo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68479faro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem68477faro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68479faro is faro" ; rdfs:label " faro_as_Building" . inds:USem6847concepire simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67077femmina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6847concepire is concepire" ; rdfs:label " concepire_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem68480faro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62662treno, inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68480faro is faro" ; rdfs:label " faro_as_Part" . inds:USem68481numero simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68481numero is numero" ; rdfs:label " numero_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem68482numero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68482numero is numero" ; rdfs:label " numero_as_Human" . inds:USem68483lanterna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem68479faro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68483lanterna is lanterna" ; rdfs:label " lanterna_as_Part" . inds:USem68484faro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68484faro is faro" ; rdfs:label " faro_as_Human" . inds:USem68485libbra simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem67354pesare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68485libbra is libbra" ; rdfs:label " libbra_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem68486motorino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2864ciclomotore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68486motorino is motorino" ; rdfs:label " motorino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68487mozzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68487mozzo is mozzo" ; rdfs:label " mozzo_as_Profession" . inds:USem68488vaccaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem68724guardiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68488vaccaro is vaccaro" ; rdfs:label " vaccaro_as_Profession" . inds:USem68489massaggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD65456massaggiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68489massaggiatore is massaggiatore" ; rdfs:label " massaggiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem6848bandire simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6848bandire is bandire" ; rdfs:label " bandire_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68490obiettivo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5014osservare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68490obiettivo is obiettivo" ; rdfs:label " obiettivo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68491occidente simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64214occidentale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68491occidente is occidente" ; rdfs:label " occidente_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68492mozzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD63698congegno ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68492mozzo is mozzo" ; rdfs:label " mozzo_as_Part" . inds:USem68493moto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68493moto is moto" ; rdfs:label " moto_as_Move" . inds:USem68494occidente simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68494occidente is occidente" ; rdfs:label " occidente_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem68495olanda simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem74002olandese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68495olanda is olanda" ; rdfs:label " olanda_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68496oligarchia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68496oligarchia is oligarchia" ; rdfs:label " oligarchia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68497moto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76296muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68497moto is moto" ; rdfs:label " moto_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem68498otre simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68498otre is otre" ; rdfs:label " otre_as_Container" . inds:USem68499moto simple:hasIsa inds:USem61378tumulto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68499moto is moto" ; rdfs:label " moto_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6849confinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6849confinare is confinare" ; rdfs:label " confinare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68500otre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68500otre is otre" ; rdfs:label " otre_as_Amount" . inds:USem68501manopola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2867motocicletta, inds:USem870bicicletta, inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68501manopola is manopola" ; rdfs:label " manopola_as_Part" . inds:USem68502ordinario simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68502ordinario is ordinario" ; rdfs:label " ordinario_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68503passerotto simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68503passerotto is passerotto" ; rdfs:label " passerotto_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem68504oreficeria simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68504oreficeria is oreficeria" ; rdfs:label " oreficeria_as_Domain" . inds:USem68505schienale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5304sedile ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68505schienale is schienale" ; rdfs:label " schienale_as_Part" . inds:USem68506manopola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6200guanto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68506manopola is manopola" ; rdfs:label " manopola_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68507manopola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68507manopola is manopola" ; rdfs:label " manopola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68508decotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2315infusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68508decotto is decotto" ; rdfs:label " decotto_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem68509vicolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68509vicolo is vicolo" ; rdfs:label " vicolo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem6850deporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem60918mettere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6850deporre is deporre" ; rdfs:label " deporre_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68510portachiavi simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68510portachiavi is portachiavi" ; rdfs:label " portachiavi_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68511vicequestore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68511vicequestore is vicequestore" ; rdfs:label " vicequestore_as_Profession" . inds:USem68512vicario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68512vicario is vicario" ; rdfs:label " vicario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem68513oriente simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2231paese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68513oriente is oriente" ; rdfs:label " oriente_as_Group" . inds:USem68514vamp simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68514vamp is vamp" ; rdfs:label " vamp_as_Human" . inds:USem68515vetturino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3604conducente ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5265condurre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68515vetturino is vetturino" ; rdfs:label " vetturino_as_Profession" . inds:USem68516vettura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68516vettura is vettura" ; rdfs:label " vettura_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68517vettura simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68517vettura is vettura" ; rdfs:label " vettura_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68518vettura simple:hasIsa inds:USem62661carrozza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68518vettura is vettura" ; rdfs:label " vettura_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68519orrido simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem66267inorridire ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68519orrido is orrido" ; rdfs:label " orrido_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem6851deportare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6851deportare is deportare" ; rdfs:label " deportare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68520gommone simple:hasIsa inds:USem65077canotto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68520gommone is gommone" ; rdfs:label " gommone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68521orrore simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem66267inorridire ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68521orrore is orrore" ; rdfs:label " orrore_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68522ortopedia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7083reparto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60931ospedale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68522ortopedia is ortopedia" ; rdfs:label " ortopedia_as_Building" . inds:USem68523babbuino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68523babbuino is babbuino" ; rdfs:label " babbuino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem68524ostetricia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67455malato, inds:USem71194gestante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7083reparto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60931ospedale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68524ostetricia is ostetricia" ; rdfs:label " ostetricia_as_Building" . inds:USem68525piumone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60806coperta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68525piumone is piumone" ; rdfs:label " piumone_as_Furniture" . inds:USem68526padreterno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68526padreterno is padreterno" ; rdfs:label " padreterno_as_Human" . inds:USem68527lavastoviglie simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68527lavastoviglie is lavastoviglie" ; rdfs:label " lavastoviglie_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68528paesaggio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere, inds:USemD5139fotografare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68528paesaggio is paesaggio" ; rdfs:label " paesaggio_as_Artwork" . inds:USem68529visagista simple:hasIsa inds:USem5007estetista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem76996truccare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68529visagista is visagista" ; rdfs:label " visagista_as_Profession" . inds:USem6852esiliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6852esiliare is esiliare" ; rdfs:label " esiliare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68530volantino simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68530volantino is volantino" ; rdfs:label " volantino_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68531paletta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68531paletta is paletta" ; rdfs:label " paletta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68532timone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4305imbarcazione, inds:USemD7355velivolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68532timone is timone" ; rdfs:label " timone_as_Part" . inds:USem68533ventosa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68533ventosa is ventosa" ; rdfs:label " ventosa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68534ventosa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem67921animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68534ventosa is ventosa" ; rdfs:label " ventosa_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem68535forcella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68535forcella is forcella" ; rdfs:label " forcella_as_Part" . inds:USem68536pancia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68536pancia is pancia" ; rdfs:label " pancia_as_Part" . inds:USem68537panoramica simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68537panoramica is panoramica" ; rdfs:label " panoramica_as_Information" . inds:USem68538forcella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68542forcina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68538forcella is forcella" ; rdfs:label " forcella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68539panoramica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68539panoramica is panoramica" ; rdfs:label " panoramica_as_Perception" . inds:USem6853espellere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6853espellere is espellere" ; rdfs:label " espellere_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem68541vermouth simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68541vermouth is vermouth" ; rdfs:label " vermouth_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem68542forcina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68542forcina is forcina" ; rdfs:label " forcina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68543vernice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere, inds:USemD5349tingere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68543vernice is vernice" ; rdfs:label " vernice_as_Substance" . inds:USem68544paralisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68544paralisi is paralisi" ; rdfs:label " paralisi_as_State" . inds:USem68545parastato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem63723parastatale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68545parastato is parastato" ; rdfs:label " parastato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68546vernice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68546vernice is vernice" ; rdfs:label " vernice_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68547portacenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68547portacenere is portacenere" ; rdfs:label " portacenere_as_Container" . inds:USem68548parentela simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6875parente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68548parentela is parentela" ; rdfs:label " parentela_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68549pigmentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2753colorare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68549pigmentare is pigmentare" ; rdfs:label " pigmentare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6854evacuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6854evacuare is evacuare" ; rdfs:label " evacuare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68550tritacarne simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59892macinare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68550tritacarne is tritacarne" ; rdfs:label " tritacarne_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68551pastiglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD65461freno ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68551pastiglia is pastiglia" ; rdfs:label " pastiglia_as_Part" . inds:USem68552freno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3308morso ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68552freno is freno" ; rdfs:label " freno_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68553purificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD78149purificato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68553purificare is purificare" ; rdfs:label " purificare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68554battello simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68554battello is battello" ; rdfs:label " battello_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68555purificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD78149purificato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68555purificare is purificare" ; rdfs:label " purificare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68556pericolo simple:hasTelic inds:USem6551preoccupare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68556pericolo is pericolo" ; rdfs:label " pericolo_as_Telic" . inds:USem68557purificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68557purificare is purificare" ; rdfs:label " purificare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68558personale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1341aspetto ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68558personale is personale" ; rdfs:label " personale_as_Property" . inds:USem68559fisico simple:hasIsa inds:USem1341aspetto ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68559fisico is fisico" ; rdfs:label " fisico_as_Property" . inds:USem6855issare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6855issare is issare" ; rdfs:label " issare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68560corporatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1341aspetto ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68560corporatura is corporatura" ; rdfs:label " corporatura_as_Property" . inds:USem68561verga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68561verga is verga" ; rdfs:label " verga_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68562viveri simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68562viveri is viveri" ; rdfs:label " viveri_as_Food" . inds:USem68563furgone simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68563furgone is furgone" ; rdfs:label " furgone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68564virtu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68564virtu1 is virtu'" ; rdfs:label " virtu'_as_Quality" . inds:USem68565giubbetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4855giacca ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68565giubbetto is giubbetto" ; rdfs:label " giubbetto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68566pianella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5521cottura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7053prodotto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5299argilla ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68566pianella is pianella" ; rdfs:label " pianella_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68567zolla simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3006terra ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68567zolla is zolla" ; rdfs:label " zolla_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem68568zolla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68568zolla is zolla" ; rdfs:label " zolla_as_Amount" . inds:USem68569pioggia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68569pioggia is pioggia" ; rdfs:label " pioggia_as_Amount" . inds:USem6856raccogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6856raccogliere is raccogliere" ; rdfs:label " raccogliere_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68570metronotte simple:hasIsa inds:USem72168guardia ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68570metronotte is metronotte" ; rdfs:label " metronotte_as_Profession" . inds:USem68571zolletta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1750zucchero ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3175dolcificare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68571zolletta is zolletta" ; rdfs:label " zolletta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem68572plastico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61016esplosione ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68572plastico is plastico" ; rdfs:label " plastico_as_Substance" . inds:USem68573galleggiante simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68573galleggiante is galleggiante" ; rdfs:label " galleggiante_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68574prendisole simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68574prendisole is prendisole" ; rdfs:label " prendisole_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68575polizia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4964poliziotto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68575polizia is polizia" ; rdfs:label " polizia_as_Building" . inds:USem68576zattera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68573galleggiante ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68576zattera is zattera" ; rdfs:label " zattera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68577tavolino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4206gamba, inds:USem6916piano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2358tavolo ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68577tavolino is tavolino" ; rdfs:label " tavolino_as_Furniture" . inds:USem68578prefettura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3578prefetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68578prefettura is prefettura" ; rdfs:label " prefettura_as_Building" . inds:USem68579prefettura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3578prefetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68579prefettura is prefettura" ; rdfs:label " prefettura_as_Convention" . inds:USem6857rimuovere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6857rimuovere is rimuovere" ; rdfs:label " rimuovere_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68580veliero simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68580veliero is veliero" ; rdfs:label " veliero_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68581polmone simple:hasAgentive inds:USem67204motivare ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68581polmone is polmone" ; rdfs:label " polmone_as_Agentive" . inds:USem68582tasca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito, inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68582tasca is tasca" ; rdfs:label " tasca_as_Part" . inds:USem68583popolo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68583popolo is popolo" ; rdfs:label " popolo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68584posologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59971farmacologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68584posologia is posologia" ; rdfs:label " posologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem68586possesso simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68586possesso is possesso" ; rdfs:label " possesso_as_Area" . inds:USem68587incudine simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68587incudine is incudine" ; rdfs:label " incudine_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68588balestriere simple:hasIsa inds:USem64226tiratore ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem61058tirare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem65922balestra ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68588balestriere is balestriere" ; rdfs:label " balestriere_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem68589presa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60395collegare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68589presa is presa" ; rdfs:label " presa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6858sgombrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6858sgombrare is sgombrare" ; rdfs:label " sgombrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68590balestra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68590balestra is balestra" ; rdfs:label " balestra_as_Part" . inds:USem68591incudine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1820orecchio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68591incudine is incudine" ; rdfs:label " incudine_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem68592balia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD6007accudire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68592balia is balia" ; rdfs:label " balia_as_Profession" . inds:USem68593semaforo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68593semaforo is semaforo" ; rdfs:label " semaforo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68595bambolotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68595bambolotto is bambolotto" ; rdfs:label " bambolotto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68596arringare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60881esortare ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68596arringare is arringare" ; rdfs:label " arringare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem68597arringa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68597arringa is arringa" ; rdfs:label " arringa_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem68598bolide simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68598bolide is bolide" ; rdfs:label " bolide_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68599bottegaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere, inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68599bottegaio is bottegaio" ; rdfs:label " bottegaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem6859smuovere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6859smuovere is smuovere" ; rdfs:label " smuovere_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68600bracciante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68600bracciante is bracciante" ; rdfs:label " bracciante_as_Profession" . inds:USem68601bruciatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68601bruciatore is bruciatore" ; rdfs:label " bruciatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68602buttafuori simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68602buttafuori is buttafuori" ; rdfs:label " buttafuori_as_Profession" . inds:USem68603asfalto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3650miscela ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63344asfaltare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68603asfalto is asfalto" ; rdfs:label " asfalto_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68604asfalto simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68604asfalto is asfalto" ; rdfs:label " asfalto_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem68605pavimentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68605pavimentare is pavimentare" ; rdfs:label " pavimentare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68606pavimentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68606pavimentazione is pavimentazione" ; rdfs:label " pavimentazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68607aspirapolvere simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68607aspirapolvere is aspirapolvere" ; rdfs:label " aspirapolvere_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68608bici simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem66463sellino, inds:USemD5056ruota, inds:USemD812pedale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71813ciclo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68608bici is bici" ; rdfs:label " bici_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68609beverone simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USem66118crusca ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68609beverone is beverone" ; rdfs:label " beverone_as_Food" . inds:USem6860sollevare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6860sollevare is sollevare" ; rdfs:label " sollevare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68610pastone simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USem66118crusca ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68610pastone is pastone" ; rdfs:label " pastone_as_Food" . inds:USem68611colica simple:hasAffects inds:USem1758addome ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore, inds:USem78589spasmo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68611colica is colica" ; rdfs:label " colica_as_Disease" . inds:USem68612dardo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5579freccia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61058tirare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68612dardo is dardo" ; rdfs:label " dardo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68613delinquente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68613delinquente is delinquente" ; rdfs:label " delinquente_as_Human" . inds:USem68614delinquente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68614delinquente is delinquente" ; rdfs:label " delinquente_as_Human" . inds:USem68615impronta simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68615impronta is impronta" ; rdfs:label " impronta_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68616sigillo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68616sigillo is sigillo" ; rdfs:label " sigillo_as_Representation" . inds:USem68617sigillare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68617sigillare is sigillare" ; rdfs:label " sigillare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68618sigillo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3000pietra, inds:USem3204metallo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68618sigillo is sigillo" ; rdfs:label " sigillo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68619gettone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68619gettone is gettone" ; rdfs:label " gettone_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6861spedire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6861spedire is spedire" ; rdfs:label " spedire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68620alluce simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3875unghia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4040dito ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1749piede ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68620alluce is alluce" ; rdfs:label " alluce_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem68621cerniera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2937indumento, inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68621cerniera is cerniera" ; rdfs:label " cerniera_as_Part" . inds:USem68622gigante simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68622gigante is gigante" ; rdfs:label " gigante_as_Representation" . inds:USem68623capezzolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1823mammella ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68623capezzolo is capezzolo" ; rdfs:label " capezzolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem68624ciocca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62640capigliatura ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68624ciocca is ciocca" ; rdfs:label " ciocca_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem68625passamontagna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68625passamontagna is passamontagna" ; rdfs:label " passamontagna_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68626pollo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68626pollo is pollo" ; rdfs:label " pollo_as_Human" . inds:USem68627gigante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68627gigante is gigante" ; rdfs:label " gigante_as_Human" . inds:USem68628gigante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68628gigante is gigante" ; rdfs:label " gigante_as_Human" . inds:USem68629bianchetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68629bianchetto is bianchetto" ; rdfs:label " bianchetto_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem6862trapiantare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6862trapiantare is trapiantare" ; rdfs:label " trapiantare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68630rossetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68630rossetto is rossetto" ; rdfs:label " rossetto_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68631razza simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68631razza is razza" ; rdfs:label " razza_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68632totano simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68632totano is totano" ; rdfs:label " totano_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68634stoccafisso simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68634stoccafisso is stoccafisso" ; rdfs:label " stoccafisso_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem68635stoccafisso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68635stoccafisso is stoccafisso" ; rdfs:label " stoccafisso_as_Human" . inds:USem68636vecchietto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68636vecchietto is vecchietto" ; rdfs:label " vecchietto_as_Human" . inds:USem68637vedetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59348avvistare, inds:USemD5014osservare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68637vedetta is vedetta" ; rdfs:label " vedetta_as_Location" . inds:USem68638vasodilatatore simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5666vena ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6777dilatare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68638vasodilatatore is vasodilatatore" ; rdfs:label " vasodilatatore_as_Substance" . inds:USem68639cachet simple:hasIsa inds:USem3077colorante ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2753colorare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68639cachet is cachet" ; rdfs:label " cachet_as_Substance" . inds:USem6863trascinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6863trascinare is trascinare" ; rdfs:label " trascinare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68640bisbetico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68640bisbetico is bisbetico" ; rdfs:label " bisbetico_as_Human" . inds:USem68641reverendo simple:hasIsa inds:USem62578sacerdote ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68641reverendo is reverendo" ; rdfs:label " reverendo_as_Social_status" . inds:USem68642retrobottega simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4161bottega ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68642retrobottega is retrobottega" ; rdfs:label " retrobottega_as_Part" . inds:USem68643penicillina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3019antibiotico ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1959microrganismo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68643penicillina is penicillina" ; rdfs:label " penicillina_as_Substance" . inds:USem68644pensionato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68644pensionato is pensionato" ; rdfs:label " pensionato_as_Human" . inds:USem68645pensionato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5515alloggiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68645pensionato is pensionato" ; rdfs:label " pensionato_as_Building" . inds:USem68646inserviente simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68646inserviente is inserviente" ; rdfs:label " inserviente_as_Profession" . inds:USem68647minatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68647minatore is minatore" ; rdfs:label " minatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem68648assorbimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68648assorbimento is assorbimento" ; rdfs:label " assorbimento_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem68649raddoppiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68649raddoppiare is raddoppiare" ; rdfs:label " raddoppiare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem6864trasferire simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6864trasferire is trasferire" ; rdfs:label " trasferire_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68650raggelare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68650raggelare is raggelare" ; rdfs:label " raggelare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem68651moscone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68651moscone is moscone" ; rdfs:label " moscone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem68652moscone simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68652moscone is moscone" ; rdfs:label " moscone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68653torcia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65789fiaccola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68653torcia is torcia" ; rdfs:label " torcia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68654capretto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68654capretto is capretto" ; rdfs:label " capretto_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68655tordo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68655tordo is tordo" ; rdfs:label " tordo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68656cervo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68656cervo is cervo" ; rdfs:label " cervo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68657quaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68657quaglia is quaglia" ; rdfs:label " quaglia_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68658merlo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68658merlo is merlo" ; rdfs:label " merlo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68659fringuello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68659fringuello is fringuello" ; rdfs:label " fringuello_as_Human" . inds:USem6865traslocare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6865traslocare is traslocare" ; rdfs:label " traslocare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68660piccione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68660piccione is piccione" ; rdfs:label " piccione_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68661nafta simple:hasIsa inds:USem3650miscela ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68661nafta is nafta" ; rdfs:label " nafta_as_Substance" . inds:USem68662piccione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68662piccione is piccione" ; rdfs:label " piccione_as_Human" . inds:USem68663camoscio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68663camoscio is camoscio" ; rdfs:label " camoscio_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68664coniglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68664coniglio is coniglio" ; rdfs:label " coniglio_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68665pecora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68665pecora is pecora" ; rdfs:label " pecora_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68666prestito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68666prestito is prestito" ; rdfs:label " prestito_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem68667prodotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65468risultato ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68667prodotto is prodotto" ; rdfs:label " prodotto_as_Convention" . inds:USem68668profondita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem069540distanza ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65469profondo ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68668profondita1 is profondita'" ; rdfs:label " profondita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem68669profondita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76573profondo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68669profondita1 is profondita'" ; rdfs:label " profondita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem6866trasportare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6866trasportare is trasportare" ; rdfs:label " trasportare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68670profumeria simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68670profumeria is profumeria" ; rdfs:label " profumeria_as_Domain" . inds:USem68671provinciale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68671provinciale is provinciale" ; rdfs:label " provinciale_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem68672provveditorato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68672provveditorato is provveditorato" ; rdfs:label " provveditorato_as_Building" . inds:USem68674pubblico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61353economia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68674pubblico is pubblico" ; rdfs:label " pubblico_as_Part" . inds:USem68675pulce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68675pulce is pulce" ; rdfs:label " pulce_as_Human" . inds:USem68676puntina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem70112giradischi ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68676puntina is puntina" ; rdfs:label " puntina_as_Part" . inds:USem68677puntina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5045capocchia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68677puntina is puntina" ; rdfs:label " puntina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68678quadrato simple:hasIsa inds:USem68667prodotto ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68678quadrato is quadrato" ; rdfs:label " quadrato_as_Convention" . inds:USem68679quadrato simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem1401quadrato ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68679quadrato is quadrato" ; rdfs:label " quadrato_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68680gallina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68680gallina is gallina" ; rdfs:label " gallina_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68681spugna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6955lavare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68681spugna is spugna" ; rdfs:label " spugna_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68682questura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem74629questore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68682questura is questura" ; rdfs:label " questura_as_Building" . inds:USem68683pollo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68683pollo is pollo" ; rdfs:label " pollo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem68684coniglio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria, inds:USem6878pellicceria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68684coniglio is coniglio" ; rdfs:label " coniglio_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68685quintetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68685quintetto is quintetto" ; rdfs:label " quintetto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem68686daino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68686daino is daino" ; rdfs:label " daino_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68687racchetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6784sciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68687racchetta is racchetta" ; rdfs:label " racchetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68688ermellino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68688ermellino is ermellino" ; rdfs:label " ermellino_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68689quartetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68689quartetto is quartetto" ; rdfs:label " quartetto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem6868menu simple:hasContains inds:USem6465informazione, inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6868menu is menu" ; rdfs:label " menu_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68690rassodare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68690rassodare is rassodare" ; rdfs:label " rassodare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68691radiologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7083reparto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60931ospedale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem78857radiodiagnostica, inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemTH19951radioterapia ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68691radiologia is radiologia" ; rdfs:label " radiologia_as_Building" . inds:USem68692ragno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68692ragno is ragno" ; rdfs:label " ragno_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68693rassodare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68693rassodare is rassodare" ; rdfs:label " rassodare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68694foca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68694foca is foca" ; rdfs:label " foca_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68695rame simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7103incidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65472incisione ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3414rame ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68695rame is rame" ; rdfs:label " rame_as_Artwork" . inds:USem68696reale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68696reale is reale" ; rdfs:label " reale_as_Entity" . inds:USem68697bretella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68697bretella is bretella" ; rdfs:label " bretella_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68698realismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68698realismo is realismo" ; rdfs:label " realismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem68699starnuto simple:hasAffects inds:USem79624respirazione ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1812naso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68699starnuto is starnuto" ; rdfs:label " starnuto_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem6869meteorologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6869meteorologia is meteorologia" ; rdfs:label " meteorologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem68700bretella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68700bretella is bretella" ; rdfs:label " bretella_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem68701ciottolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3410sasso ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68701ciottolo is ciottolo" ; rdfs:label " ciottolo_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem68702collare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1915cane ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68702collare is collare" ; rdfs:label " collare_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68703funivia simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68703funivia is funivia" ; rdfs:label " funivia_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68704collare simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68704collare is collare" ; rdfs:label " collare_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68705religione simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68705religione is religione" ; rdfs:label " religione_as_Domain" . inds:USem68706tonaca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68706tonaca is tonaca" ; rdfs:label " tonaca_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68708tunica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68708tunica is tunica" ; rdfs:label " tunica_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68709funicolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68709funicolare is funicolare" ; rdfs:label " funicolare_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem6870colonizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6159colonizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6870colonizzare is colonizzare" ; rdfs:label " colonizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68710delitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68710delitto is delitto" ; rdfs:label " delitto_as_Act" . inds:USem68711invitato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD65473invitare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68711invitato is invitato" ; rdfs:label " invitato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem68712omicidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68712omicidio is omicidio" ; rdfs:label " omicidio_as_Act" . inds:USem68714incenso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68714incenso is incenso" ; rdfs:label " incenso_as_Substance" . inds:USem68715coppa simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido, inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2983bicchiere ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68715coppa is coppa" ; rdfs:label " coppa_as_Container" . inds:USem68716portapacchi simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68716portapacchi is portapacchi" ; rdfs:label " portapacchi_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68717coppa simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68717coppa is coppa" ; rdfs:label " coppa_as_Artifact" . inds:USem68718coppa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68718coppa is coppa" ; rdfs:label " coppa_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem68719monsignore simple:hasIsa inds:USem62578sacerdote ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem66756clero ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68719monsignore is monsignore" ; rdfs:label " monsignore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem6871minorenne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6871minorenne is minorenne" ; rdfs:label " minorenne_as_Human" . inds:USem68720guerriero simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68720guerriero is guerriero" ; rdfs:label " guerriero_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem68721guastafeste simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68721guastafeste is guastafeste" ; rdfs:label " guastafeste_as_Human" . inds:USem68722ripiano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68722ripiano is ripiano" ; rdfs:label " ripiano_as_Furniture" . inds:USem68723informatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68723informatico is informatico" ; rdfs:label " informatico_as_Profession" . inds:USem68724guardiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68724guardiano is guardiano" ; rdfs:label " guardiano_as_Profession" . inds:USem68725guanciale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7077cuscino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1907dormire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68725guanciale is guanciale" ; rdfs:label " guanciale_as_Furniture" . inds:USem68726ristrettezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68726ristrettezza is ristrettezza" ; rdfs:label " ristrettezza_as_State" . inds:USem68727guanciale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68727guanciale is guanciale" ; rdfs:label " guanciale_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem68728griglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60390separare, inds:USemD1897riparare, inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68728griglia is griglia" ; rdfs:label " griglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68729griglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68729griglia is griglia" ; rdfs:label " griglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6872nobile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia, inds:USem6874nobilta1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6872nobile is nobile" ; rdfs:label " nobile_as_Social_status" . inds:USem68730rododendro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1636rododendro ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68730rododendro is rododendro" ; rdfs:label " rododendro_as_Flower" . inds:USem68731romanticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68731romanticismo is romanticismo" ; rdfs:label " romanticismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem68732portapacchi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7159recapitare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68732portapacchi is portapacchi" ; rdfs:label " portapacchi_as_Profession" . inds:USem68733saggistica simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD65476saggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68733saggistica is saggistica" ; rdfs:label " saggistica_as_Group" . inds:USem68734saggio simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem74347saggezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68734saggio is saggio" ; rdfs:label " saggio_as_Human" . inds:USem68735gesso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere, inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68735gesso is gesso" ; rdfs:label " gesso_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68736inserto simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60943fascicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68736inserto is inserto" ; rdfs:label " inserto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68737saggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68737saggio is saggio" ; rdfs:label " saggio_as_Part" . inds:USem68738gesso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68738gesso is gesso" ; rdfs:label " gesso_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68739insonnia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68739insonnia is insonnia" ; rdfs:label " insonnia_as_State" . inds:USem6873aristocrazia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem5558aristocratico, inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6162classe ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6873aristocrazia is aristocrazia" ; rdfs:label " aristocrazia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68741satira simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68741satira is satira" ; rdfs:label " satira_as_Domain" . inds:USem68742genere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68742genere is genere" ; rdfs:label " genere_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem68743scarafaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68743scarafaggio is scarafaggio" ; rdfs:label " scarafaggio_as_Human" . inds:USem68744mattonella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5521cottura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2613rivestire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68744mattonella is mattonella" ; rdfs:label " mattonella_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68745mattonella simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68745mattonella is mattonella" ; rdfs:label " mattonella_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68746compressore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68746compressore is compressore" ; rdfs:label " compressore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68747viavai simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68747viavai is viavai" ; rdfs:label " viavai_as_Move" . inds:USem68748violento simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem71021violenza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68748violento is violento" ; rdfs:label " violento_as_Human" . inds:USem68749vertigine simple:hasIsa inds:USem68070malessere ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68749vertigine is vertigine" ; rdfs:label " vertigine_as_Perception" . inds:USem6874nobilta1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6162classe ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6874nobilta1 is nobilta'" ; rdfs:label " nobilta'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem68750vertigine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68750vertigine is vertigine" ; rdfs:label " vertigine_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem68751fossile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68751fossile is fossile" ; rdfs:label " fossile_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem68752affittacamere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7145affittare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68752affittacamere is affittacamere" ; rdfs:label " affittacamere_as_Profession" . inds:USem68753funambolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem61874artista ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68753funambolo is funambolo" ; rdfs:label " funambolo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem68754lanciarazzi simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68754lanciarazzi is lanciarazzi" ; rdfs:label " lanciarazzi_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68755lanciarazzi simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63698congegno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68755lanciarazzi is lanciarazzi" ; rdfs:label " lanciarazzi_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68756odontotecnico simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5099dente, inds:USemTH33904protesi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68756odontotecnico is odontotecnico" ; rdfs:label " odontotecnico_as_Profession" . inds:USem68757scetticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68757scetticismo is scetticismo" ; rdfs:label " scetticismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem68758olivicoltura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1510olivo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68758olivicoltura is olivicoltura" ; rdfs:label " olivicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USem68759schedario simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem70118scheda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68759schedario is schedario" ; rdfs:label " schedario_as_Group" . inds:USem6875parente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6875parente is parente" ; rdfs:label " parente_as_Human" . inds:USem68760parricida simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62271omicida ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68760parricida is parricida" ; rdfs:label " parricida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem68761schifo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68761schifo is schifo" ; rdfs:label " schifo_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem68762orticoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem7015coltivazione ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68762orticoltura is orticoltura" ; rdfs:label " orticoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USem68763radiatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1328riscaldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68763radiatore is radiatore" ; rdfs:label " radiatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68764secondo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3668portata ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68764secondo is secondo" ; rdfs:label " secondo_as_Food" . inds:USem68765segnale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68765segnale is segnale" ; rdfs:label " segnale_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68766suicidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68766suicidio is suicidio" ; rdfs:label " suicidio_as_Act" . inds:USem68767selva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68767selva is selva" ; rdfs:label " selva_as_Amount" . inds:USem68768serbatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4410bacino ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68768serbatoio is serbatoio" ; rdfs:label " serbatoio_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem68769sergente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68769sergente is sergente" ; rdfs:label " sergente_as_Human" . inds:USem6876pelletteria simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6876pelletteria is pelletteria" ; rdfs:label " pelletteria_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68770sergente simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68770sergente is sergente" ; rdfs:label " sergente_as_Role" . inds:USem68771colonnello simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68771colonnello is colonnello" ; rdfs:label " colonnello_as_Role" . inds:USem68772capitano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68772capitano is capitano" ; rdfs:label " capitano_as_Role" . inds:USem68773capitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59495squadra ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68773capitano is capitano" ; rdfs:label " capitano_as_Role" . inds:USem68774taccagno simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem1453avarizia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68774taccagno is taccagno" ; rdfs:label " taccagno_as_Human" . inds:USem68775maggiore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68775maggiore is maggiore" ; rdfs:label " maggiore_as_Role" . inds:USem68776monile simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68776monile is monile" ; rdfs:label " monile_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68777maresciallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68777maresciallo is maresciallo" ; rdfs:label " maresciallo_as_Role" . inds:USem68778brigadiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68778brigadiere is brigadiere" ; rdfs:label " brigadiere_as_Role" . inds:USem68779tizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68779tizio is tizio" ; rdfs:label " tizio_as_Human" . inds:USem6877pelletteria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD671pelle ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6877pelletteria is pelletteria" ; rdfs:label " pelletteria_as_Group" . inds:USem68780invitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68780invitare is invitare" ; rdfs:label " invitare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem68781chitarrista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2882chitarra ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68781chitarrista is chitarrista" ; rdfs:label " chitarrista_as_Profession" . inds:USem68782sessantotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68782sessantotto is sessantotto" ; rdfs:label " sessantotto_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem68783sessantotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68783sessantotto is sessantotto" ; rdfs:label " sessantotto_as_Time" . inds:USem68784chitarrista simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2882chitarra ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68784chitarrista is chitarrista" ; rdfs:label " chitarrista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem68785reo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65981colpevolezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68785reo is reo" ; rdfs:label " reo_as_Human" . inds:USem68786abrasione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68786abrasione is abrasione" ; rdfs:label " abrasione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68787settecento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68787settecento is settecento" ; rdfs:label " settecento_as_Time" . inds:USem68788adepto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3961seguace ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD7317seguire ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68788adepto is adepto" ; rdfs:label " adepto_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem68789cinquecento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68789cinquecento is cinquecento" ; rdfs:label " cinquecento_as_Time" . inds:USem6878pellicceria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67404pelliccia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6878pellicceria is pellicceria" ; rdfs:label " pellicceria_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68790seicento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68790seicento is seicento" ; rdfs:label " seicento_as_Time" . inds:USem68791seicento simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68791seicento is seicento" ; rdfs:label " seicento_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68792sfinge simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2137egitto ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68792sfinge is sfinge" ; rdfs:label " sfinge_as_Artwork" . inds:USem68793sfinge simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68793sfinge is sfinge" ; rdfs:label " sfinge_as_Human" . inds:USem68794silhouette simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68794silhouette is silhouette" ; rdfs:label " silhouette_as_Property" . inds:USem68795sofista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD7101sofistica ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68795sofista is sofista" ; rdfs:label " sofista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem68796sorte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68796sorte is sorte" ; rdfs:label " sorte_as_State" . inds:USem68797speleologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68797speleologia is speleologia" ; rdfs:label " speleologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem68798speleologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD1461esplorare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68798speleologo is speleologo" ; rdfs:label " speleologo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem68799spiedino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67499asta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5108arrostire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68799spiedino is spiedino" ; rdfs:label " spiedino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6879pellicceria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem67404pelliccia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6879pellicceria is pellicceria" ; rdfs:label " pellicceria_as_Group" . inds:USem68800trasformatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3937trasformare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68800trasformatore is trasformatore" ; rdfs:label " trasformatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68801bimestre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68801bimestre is bimestre" ; rdfs:label " bimestre_as_Time" . inds:USem68802trattore simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68802trattore is trattore" ; rdfs:label " trattore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68803statua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68803statua is statua" ; rdfs:label " statua_as_Human" . inds:USem68804cianuro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68804cianuro is cianuro" ; rdfs:label " cianuro_as_Substance" . inds:USem68805stecchino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68805stecchino is stecchino" ; rdfs:label " stecchino_as_Human" . inds:USem68806trattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem5486gestore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68806trattore is trattore" ; rdfs:label " trattore_as_Profession" . inds:USem68807trisavolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem64344antenato ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68807trisavolo is trisavolo" ; rdfs:label " trisavolo_as_Kinship" . inds:USem68808ulcera simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63847lesione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68808ulcera is ulcera" ; rdfs:label " ulcera_as_Disease" . inds:USem68809cianosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68809cianosi is cianosi" ; rdfs:label " cianosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem6880appartenenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6880appartenenza is appartenenza" ; rdfs:label " appartenenza_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem68810vate simple:hasIsa inds:USem63732poeta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem5062comporre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68810vate is vate" ; rdfs:label " vate_as_Profession" . inds:USem68811cinofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68811cinofilo is cinofilo" ; rdfs:label " cinofilo_as_Human" . inds:USem68812tenerezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62042tenero ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68812tenerezza is tenerezza" ; rdfs:label " tenerezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem68813cantastorie simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68813cantastorie is cantastorie" ; rdfs:label " cantastorie_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem68814calzettone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68814calzettone is calzettone" ; rdfs:label " calzettone_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68815aeroporto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61236sostare, inds:USem6987atterrare, inds:USem6991decollare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68815aeroporto is aeroporto" ; rdfs:label " aeroporto_as_Location" . inds:USem68816acropoli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4145regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68816acropoli is acropoli" ; rdfs:label " acropoli_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem68817anagrafe simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68817anagrafe is anagrafe" ; rdfs:label " anagrafe_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68818stinco simple:hasIsa inds:USem4282taglio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68818stinco is stinco" ; rdfs:label " stinco_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem6881agganciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6881agganciare is agganciare" ; rdfs:label " agganciare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem68820climatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68820climatologia is climatologia" ; rdfs:label " climatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem68821stoicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68821stoicismo is stoicismo" ; rdfs:label " stoicismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem68822elettrochimica simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59966chimica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68822elettrochimica is elettrochimica" ; rdfs:label " elettrochimica_as_Domain" . inds:USem68823stuzzicadenti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68823stuzzicadenti is stuzzicadenti" ; rdfs:label " stuzzicadenti_as_Human" . inds:USem68825tamburello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68825tamburello is tamburello" ; rdfs:label " tamburello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68826tamburello simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68826tamburello is tamburello" ; rdfs:label " tamburello_as_Domain" . inds:USem68827tamburo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61028sparare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68827tamburo is tamburo" ; rdfs:label " tamburo_as_Part" . inds:USem68828anagrafe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68828anagrafe is anagrafe" ; rdfs:label " anagrafe_as_Building" . inds:USem68829fesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68829fesso is fesso" ; rdfs:label " fesso_as_Human" . inds:USem68830metallurgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68830metallurgia is metallurgia" ; rdfs:label " metallurgia_as_Domain" . inds:USem68831tara simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68831tara is tara" ; rdfs:label " tara_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem68833tecnicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64044parola ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68833tecnicismo is tecnicismo" ; rdfs:label " tecnicismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem68834arrabbiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68834arrabbiatura is arrabbiatura" ; rdfs:label " arrabbiatura_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem68835radiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68835radiatore is radiatore" ; rdfs:label " radiatore_as_Part" . inds:USem68836arrossamento simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68836arrossamento is arrossamento" ; rdfs:label " arrossamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem68837calzante simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68837calzante is calzante" ; rdfs:label " calzante_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68838batticuore simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68838batticuore is batticuore" ; rdfs:label " batticuore_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem68840terrazza simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68840terrazza is terrazza" ; rdfs:label " terrazza_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem68841tenuta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68841tenuta is tenuta" ; rdfs:label " tenuta_as_Area" . inds:USem68842fiore simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66441seme ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68842fiore is fiore" ; rdfs:label " fiore_as_Sign" . inds:USem68843tenuta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68843tenuta is tenuta" ; rdfs:label " tenuta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem68844terzetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68844terzetto is terzetto" ; rdfs:label " terzetto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem68845appassionare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5837passione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68845appassionare is appassionare" ; rdfs:label " appassionare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem68846spinone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68846spinone is spinone" ; rdfs:label " spinone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem68848tesoro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68848tesoro is tesoro" ; rdfs:label " tesoro_as_Human" . inds:USem68849tesoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68849tesoro is tesoro" ; rdfs:label " tesoro_as_Institution" . inds:USem6884ancorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74678fermare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6884ancorare is ancorare" ; rdfs:label " ancorare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68850stiletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68850stiletto is stiletto" ; rdfs:label " stiletto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68851tettonica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68851tettonica is tettonica" ; rdfs:label " tettonica_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem68852tifoseria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68852tifoseria is tifoseria" ; rdfs:label " tifoseria_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem68853sanguisuga simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68853sanguisuga is sanguisuga" ; rdfs:label " sanguisuga_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem68854tinello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59326mobilia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68854tinello is tinello" ; rdfs:label " tinello_as_Furniture" . inds:USem68855tipografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68855tipografia is tipografia" ; rdfs:label " tipografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem68856sanguisuga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68856sanguisuga is sanguisuga" ; rdfs:label " sanguisuga_as_Human" . inds:USem68857strutto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68857strutto is strutto" ; rdfs:label " strutto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem68858bolletta simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68858bolletta is bolletta" ; rdfs:label " bolletta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68859tomba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68859tomba is tomba" ; rdfs:label " tomba_as_Human" . inds:USem6885arruolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6885arruolare is arruolare" ; rdfs:label " arruolare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem68862torrente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68862torrente is torrente" ; rdfs:label " torrente_as_Amount" . inds:USem68863trapassato simple:hasIsa inds:USem68042tempo ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68863trapassato is trapassato" ; rdfs:label " trapassato_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem68865trombone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68865trombone is trombone" ; rdfs:label " trombone_as_Human" . inds:USem68866tubatura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68866tubatura is tubatura" ; rdfs:label " tubatura_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68867turba simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68867turba is turba" ; rdfs:label " turba_as_Disease" . inds:USem68868umore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68868umore is umore" ; rdfs:label " umore_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem68869uragano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68869uragano is uragano" ; rdfs:label " uragano_as_Human" . inds:USem68870fuoriclasse simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68870fuoriclasse is fuoriclasse" ; rdfs:label " fuoriclasse_as_Human" . inds:USem68871frantoio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59892macinare, inds:USem68873frangere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68871frantoio is frantoio" ; rdfs:label " frantoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68872frantoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem68873frangere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68872frantoio is frantoio" ; rdfs:label " frantoio_as_Building" . inds:USem68873frangere simple:hasIsa inds:USem62866spremere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68873frangere is frangere" ; rdfs:label " frangere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68874velina simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68874velina is velina" ; rdfs:label " velina_as_Information" . inds:USem68875frizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68875frizione is frizione" ; rdfs:label " frizione_as_Part" . inds:USem68876archivio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem60974documento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64864raccolta ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68876archivio is archivio" ; rdfs:label " archivio_as_Group" . inds:USem68877archivio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem68876archivio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61216raccogliere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68877archivio is archivio" ; rdfs:label " archivio_as_Building" . inds:USem68878arredo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68878arredo is arredo" ; rdfs:label " arredo_as_Group" . inds:USem68879depravato simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem71605depravazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68879depravato is depravato" ; rdfs:label " depravato_as_Human" . inds:USem6887scomporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6887scomporre is scomporre" ; rdfs:label " scomporre_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem68880corredo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2963abito, inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68880corredo is corredo" ; rdfs:label " corredo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68881ciclope simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68881ciclope is ciclope" ; rdfs:label " ciclope_as_Representation" . inds:USem68882corredo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68882corredo is corredo" ; rdfs:label " corredo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68883mazza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68883mazza is mazza" ; rdfs:label " mazza_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68885congelamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68885congelamento is congelamento" ; rdfs:label " congelamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68886videoteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem65443videocassetta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63394collezione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68886videoteca is videoteca" ; rdfs:label " videoteca_as_Group" . inds:USem68888mazza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2813attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68888mazza is mazza" ; rdfs:label " mazza_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68889congelare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68889congelare is congelare" ; rdfs:label " congelare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem6888combinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6888combinare is combinare" ; rdfs:label " combinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68890vischio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68890vischio is vischio" ; rdfs:label " vischio_as_Plant" . inds:USem68891farabutto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68891farabutto is farabutto" ; rdfs:label " farabutto_as_Human" . inds:USem68893voce simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68893voce is voce" ; rdfs:label " voce_as_Information" . inds:USem68894voce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61317elenco ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68894voce is voce" ; rdfs:label " voce_as_Part" . inds:USem68895voce simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68895voce is voce" ; rdfs:label " voce_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem68896ganascia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD4019faccia ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68896ganascia is ganascia" ; rdfs:label " ganascia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem68897ganascia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2380arnese ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68897ganascia is ganascia" ; rdfs:label " ganascia_as_Part" . inds:USem68898greppia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68898greppia is greppia" ; rdfs:label " greppia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68899metro1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68899metro1 is metro'" ; rdfs:label " metro'_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem6889disgregare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6894frantumare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6889disgregare is disgregare" ; rdfs:label " disgregare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem68900nanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68900nanismo is nanismo" ; rdfs:label " nanismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem68901notizia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68901notizia is notizia" ; rdfs:label " notizia_as_Information" . inds:USem68902ganascia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD65461freno ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68902ganascia is ganascia" ; rdfs:label " ganascia_as_Part" . inds:USem68903congelamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68903congelamento is congelamento" ; rdfs:label " congelamento_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem68904lealta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65485leale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68904lealta1 is lealta'" ; rdfs:label " lealta'_as_Quality" . inds:USem68905cannuccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68905cannuccia is cannuccia" ; rdfs:label " cannuccia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68906manovella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68906manovella is manovella" ; rdfs:label " manovella_as_Part" . inds:USem68907diodo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68907diodo is diodo" ; rdfs:label " diodo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68908brina simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68908brina is brina" ; rdfs:label " brina_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem68909spicchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68909spicchio is spicchio" ; rdfs:label " spicchio_as_Part" . inds:USem6890dissolvere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6890dissolvere is dissolvere" ; rdfs:label " dissolvere_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem68910spicchio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68910spicchio is spicchio" ; rdfs:label " spicchio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68911strozzino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem4832prestare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68911strozzino is strozzino" ; rdfs:label " strozzino_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem68912fondo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68912fondo is fondo" ; rdfs:label " fondo_as_Part" . inds:USem68913cromatografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59342dosare, inds:USem60390separare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68913cromatografia is cromatografia" ; rdfs:label " cromatografia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem68914deontologia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5557norma ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68914deontologia is deontologia" ; rdfs:label " deontologia_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem68915discografico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68915discografico is discografico" ; rdfs:label " discografico_as_Profession" . inds:USem68916seggiolone simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4206gamba, inds:USem62544spalliera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2357sedia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere, inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68916seggiolone is seggiolone" ; rdfs:label " seggiolone_as_Furniture" . inds:USem68917disoccupato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68917disoccupato is disoccupato" ; rdfs:label " disoccupato_as_Human" . inds:USem68918lettore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68918lettore is lettore" ; rdfs:label " lettore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem68919lettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4985insegnante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68919lettore is lettore" ; rdfs:label " lettore_as_Profession" . inds:USem6891dividere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6891dividere is dividere" ; rdfs:label " dividere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem68920lettore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64120decodificare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68920lettore is lettore" ; rdfs:label " lettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68921leggere simple:hasIsa inds:USem64096decifrare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68921leggere is leggere" ; rdfs:label " leggere_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem68922supposta simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68922supposta is supposta" ; rdfs:label " supposta_as_Substance" . inds:USem68923aspiratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD65488aspirare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68923aspiratore is aspiratore" ; rdfs:label " aspiratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68924leggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68924leggere is leggere" ; rdfs:label " leggere_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem68925aspiratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD65488aspirare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68925aspiratore is aspiratore" ; rdfs:label " aspiratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68926abbandono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68926abbandono is abbandono" ; rdfs:label " abbandono_as_State" . inds:USem68927abbigliamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem69settore ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60457commercio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68927abbigliamento is abbigliamento" ; rdfs:label " abbigliamento_as_Part" . inds:USem68928accento simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68928accento is accento" ; rdfs:label " accento_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem68929polverone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3006terra ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68929polverone is polverone" ; rdfs:label " polverone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem6892fondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6892fondere is fondere" ; rdfs:label " fondere_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem68930accento simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68930accento is accento" ; rdfs:label " accento_as_Quality" . inds:USem68931ladruncolo simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7139rubare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63912ladro ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68931ladruncolo is ladruncolo" ; rdfs:label " ladruncolo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem68932appaiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68932appaiare is appaiare" ; rdfs:label " appaiare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem68933istrione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68933istrione is istrione" ; rdfs:label " istrione_as_Human" . inds:USem68934doganiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59557controllare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68934doganiere is doganiere" ; rdfs:label " doganiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem68935dormiveglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68935dormiveglia is dormiveglia" ; rdfs:label " dormiveglia_as_State" . inds:USem68936ebbrezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68936ebbrezza is ebbrezza" ; rdfs:label " ebbrezza_as_State" . inds:USem68937esattore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem68939incassare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68937esattore is esattore" ; rdfs:label " esattore_as_Profession" . inds:USem68938incassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68938incassare is incassare" ; rdfs:label " incassare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem68939incassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62852ricevere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68939incassare is incassare" ; rdfs:label " incassare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem6893formare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6893formare is formare" ; rdfs:label " formare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem68940affisso simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD935manifesto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68940affisso is affisso" ; rdfs:label " affisso_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem68941affresco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68941affresco is affresco" ; rdfs:label " affresco_as_Domain" . inds:USem68942affresco simple:hasIsa inds:USem60084descrizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68942affresco is affresco" ; rdfs:label " affresco_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem68943botteghino simple:hasIsa inds:USem5526biglietteria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68943botteghino is botteghino" ; rdfs:label " botteghino_as_Building" . inds:USem68944agente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59122indagare, inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68944agente is agente" ; rdfs:label " agente_as_Profession" . inds:USem68946canapa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68946canapa is canapa" ; rdfs:label " canapa_as_Plant" . inds:USem68947canapa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68947canapa is canapa" ; rdfs:label " canapa_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem68948esiliato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem6852esiliare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68948esiliato is esiliato" ; rdfs:label " esiliato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem68949carniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7064borsa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68949carniere is carniere" ; rdfs:label " carniere_as_Container" . inds:USem6894frantumare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3936rompere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6894frantumare is frantumare" ; rdfs:label " frantumare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem68950etnografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68950etnografo is etnografo" ; rdfs:label " etnografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem68952fiorista simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68952fiorista is fiorista" ; rdfs:label " fiorista_as_Profession" . inds:USem68953roba simple:hasIsa inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68953roba is roba" ; rdfs:label " roba_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem68954magazziniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68954magazziniere is magazziniere" ; rdfs:label " magazziniere_as_Profession" . inds:USem68955martinetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68955martinetto is martinetto" ; rdfs:label " martinetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68956mensola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68956mensola is mensola" ; rdfs:label " mensola_as_Furniture" . inds:USem68957mentitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68957mentitore is mentitore" ; rdfs:label " mentitore_as_Human" . inds:USem68958allarme simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68958allarme is allarme" ; rdfs:label " allarme_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68959napoletana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65700caffettiera ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68959napoletana is napoletana" ; rdfs:label " napoletana_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6895frazionare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6895frazionare is frazionare" ; rdfs:label " frazionare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem68960nebbione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68960nebbione is nebbione" ; rdfs:label " nebbione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem68961allarme simple:hasCausedby inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2735udito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1738segnale ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68961allarme is allarme" ; rdfs:label " allarme_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem68962palmo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2452misura ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68962palmo is palmo" ; rdfs:label " palmo_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem68963carniere simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD65495selvaggina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68963carniere is carniere" ; rdfs:label " carniere_as_Group" . inds:USem68964rocchetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68964rocchetto is rocchetto" ; rdfs:label " rocchetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68966anatomia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68966anatomia is anatomia" ; rdfs:label " anatomia_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem68967rottame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68967rottame is rottame" ; rdfs:label " rottame_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem68968rottame simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68968rottame is rottame" ; rdfs:label " rottame_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68969rottame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68969rottame is rottame" ; rdfs:label " rottame_as_Human" . inds:USem6896frullare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem68378frullatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63623frullato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6896frullare is frullare" ; rdfs:label " frullare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68970antidoto simple:hasTelic inds:USem67392risolvere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68970antidoto is antidoto" ; rdfs:label " antidoto_as_Telic" . inds:USem68971antiquariato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem66378antiquariato ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2339mobile, inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68971antiquariato is antiquariato" ; rdfs:label " antiquariato_as_Group" . inds:USem68972selvaggina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68972selvaggina is selvaggina" ; rdfs:label " selvaggina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem68973apice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68973apice is apice" ; rdfs:label " apice_as_Part" . inds:USem68975campanella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2923campana ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68975campanella is campanella" ; rdfs:label " campanella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68976arcaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68976arcaismo is arcaismo" ; rdfs:label " arcaismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem68977campanello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68977campanello is campanello" ; rdfs:label " campanello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68978arena simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68978arena is arena" ; rdfs:label " arena_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem68979bergamasco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77788bergamo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68979bergamasco is bergamasco" ; rdfs:label " bergamasco_as_People" . inds:USem6897impiegare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60717assumere ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6897impiegare is impiegare" ; rdfs:label " impiegare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem68980argomento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65496prova ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68980argomento is argomento" ; rdfs:label " argomento_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem68981aristocrazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6810aristocratico ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68981aristocrazia is aristocrazia" ; rdfs:label " aristocrazia_as_Quality" . inds:USem68982aristocrazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68982aristocrazia is aristocrazia" ; rdfs:label " aristocrazia_as_Institution" . inds:USem68983armadio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68983armadio is armadio" ; rdfs:label " armadio_as_Human" . inds:USem68984armatura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59645struttura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68984armatura is armatura" ; rdfs:label " armatura_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68985bergamasco simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68985bergamasco is bergamasco" ; rdfs:label " bergamasco_as_Language" . inds:USem68987aroma simple:hasIsa inds:USem6146odore ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68987aroma is aroma" ; rdfs:label " aroma_as_Perception" . inds:USem68991riassorbire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68991riassorbire is riassorbire" ; rdfs:label " riassorbire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68992guardalinee simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59557controllare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68992guardalinee is guardalinee" ; rdfs:label " guardalinee_as_Profession" . inds:USem68993metalmeccanico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68993metalmeccanico is metalmeccanico" ; rdfs:label " metalmeccanico_as_Profession" . inds:USem68994rondella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68994rondella is rondella" ; rdfs:label " rondella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem68995rondella simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68995rondella is rondella" ; rdfs:label " rondella_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem68996ridimensionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68996ridimensionare is ridimensionare" ; rdfs:label " ridimensionare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem68997infanticida simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62271omicida ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68997infanticida is infanticida" ; rdfs:label " infanticida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem68998spiantato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68998spiantato is spiantato" ; rdfs:label " spiantato_as_Human" . inds:USem68999sommergibile simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68999sommergibile is sommergibile" ; rdfs:label " sommergibile_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem68ramo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem68ramo is ramo" ; rdfs:label " ramo_as_Part" . inds:USem69000rudere simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69000rudere is rudere" ; rdfs:label " rudere_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem69001rudere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69001rudere is rudere" ; rdfs:label " rudere_as_Human" . inds:USem69002scugnizzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem62683ragazzo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69002scugnizzo is scugnizzo" ; rdfs:label " scugnizzo_as_Human" . inds:USem69003saetta simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69003saetta is saetta" ; rdfs:label " saetta_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69004saetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69004saetta is saetta" ; rdfs:label " saetta_as_Human" . inds:USem69006artiglieria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem59465truppa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69006artiglieria is artiglieria" ; rdfs:label " artiglieria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem69007attenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69007attenzione is attenzione" ; rdfs:label " attenzione_as_Act" . inds:USem69008coetaneo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69008coetaneo is coetaneo" ; rdfs:label " coetaneo_as_Human" . inds:USem69009automa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69009automa is automa" ; rdfs:label " automa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6900incorporare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6883amalgamare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6900incorporare is incorporare" ; rdfs:label " incorporare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69010savio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69010savio is savio" ; rdfs:label " savio_as_Human" . inds:USem69011sensale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem66924mediare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69011sensale is sensale" ; rdfs:label " sensale_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem69012cappio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem65648impiccare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69012cappio is cappio" ; rdfs:label " cappio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69013socio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62421circolo, inds:USemD5255accademia, inds:USemD5271associazione ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69013socio is socio" ; rdfs:label " socio_as_Human" . inds:USem69014sentinella simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere, inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69014sentinella is sentinella" ; rdfs:label " sentinella_as_Profession" . inds:USem69016avviso simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69016avviso is avviso" ; rdfs:label " avviso_as_Information" . inds:USem69017soda simple:hasIsa inds:USem69019carbonato ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69017soda is soda" ; rdfs:label " soda_as_Substance" . inds:USem69018manoscritto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6379testo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69018manoscritto is manoscritto" ; rdfs:label " manoscritto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69019carbonato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69019carbonato is carbonato" ; rdfs:label " carbonato_as_Substance" . inds:USem6901inserire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6901inserire is inserire" ; rdfs:label " inserire_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69020soda simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69020soda is soda" ; rdfs:label " soda_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem69021manoscritto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69021manoscritto is manoscritto" ; rdfs:label " manoscritto_as_Information" . inds:USem69022coccolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69022coccolare is coccolare" ; rdfs:label " coccolare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem69024sordo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH38521sordita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69024sordo is sordo" ; rdfs:label " sordo_as_Human" . inds:USem69026bambolotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69026bambolotto is bambolotto" ; rdfs:label " bambolotto_as_Human" . inds:USem69027barone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69027barone is barone" ; rdfs:label " barone_as_Human" . inds:USem69028bicchierino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69028bicchierino is bicchierino" ; rdfs:label " bicchierino_as_Amount" . inds:USem69029bonsai simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69029bonsai is bonsai" ; rdfs:label " bonsai_as_Domain" . inds:USem6902montare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6902montare is montare" ; rdfs:label " montare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69030calco simple:hasIsa inds:USem67797forma ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69030calco is calco" ; rdfs:label " calco_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem69031calcolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69031calcolo is calcolo" ; rdfs:label " calcolo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem69032calcolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2579teoria ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69032calcolo is calcolo" ; rdfs:label " calcolo_as_Domain" . inds:USem69033calibro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69033calibro is calibro" ; rdfs:label " calibro_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69034calibro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69034calibro is calibro" ; rdfs:label " calibro_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem69035calzone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62414pizza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69035calzone is calzone" ; rdfs:label " calzone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69037attestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6473riferire ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69037attestare is attestare" ; rdfs:label " attestare_as_State" . inds:USem69038attestato simple:hasContains inds:USem6465informazione ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69038attestato is attestato" ; rdfs:label " attestato_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69039bandierina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69039bandierina is bandierina" ; rdfs:label " bandierina_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem6903pelare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6903pelare is pelare" ; rdfs:label " pelare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69040balordo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69040balordo is balordo" ; rdfs:label " balordo_as_Human" . inds:USem69041bando simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69041bando is bando" ; rdfs:label " bando_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69042ciclostile simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6788riprodurre ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69042ciclostile is ciclostile" ; rdfs:label " ciclostile_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69043ciclotrone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69043ciclotrone is ciclotrone" ; rdfs:label " ciclotrone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69044cifosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69044cifosi is cifosi" ; rdfs:label " cifosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem69045cattedratico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7215universita1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69045cattedratico is cattedratico" ; rdfs:label " cattedratico_as_Social_status" . inds:USem69046cenno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69046cenno is cenno" ; rdfs:label " cenno_as_Act" . inds:USem69047campione simple:hasIsa inds:USem63531sostenitore ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59737sostenere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69047campione is campione" ; rdfs:label " campione_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem69048campione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem60018vincere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69048campione is campione" ; rdfs:label " campione_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem69049canadese simple:hasIsa inds:USem60837tenda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62950alloggiare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69049canadese is canadese" ; rdfs:label " canadese_as_Artifact" . inds:USem69050canadese simple:hasIsa inds:USem6571canoa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69050canadese is canadese" ; rdfs:label " canadese_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem69051aliante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69051aliante is aliante" ; rdfs:label " aliante_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem69052atlante simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69052atlante is atlante" ; rdfs:label " atlante_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69053atlante simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69053atlante is atlante" ; rdfs:label " atlante_as_Information" . inds:USem69054ricetta simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem1981medico ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69054ricetta is ricetta" ; rdfs:label " ricetta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69055ricettario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64924blocchetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69055ricettario is ricettario" ; rdfs:label " ricettario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69056ricettario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69056ricettario is ricettario" ; rdfs:label " ricettario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69057cantuccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5082pasticcino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1750zucchero, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69057cantuccio is cantuccio" ; rdfs:label " cantuccio_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69058ricevuta simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69058ricevuta is ricevuta" ; rdfs:label " ricevuta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69059capitalismo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD65507capitalista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69059capitalismo is capitalismo" ; rdfs:label " capitalismo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6905sgranare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6905sgranare is sgranare" ; rdfs:label " sgranare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69060riga simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69060riga is riga" ; rdfs:label " riga_as_Representation" . inds:USem69061cappa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6045camino ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69061cappa is cappa" ; rdfs:label " cappa_as_Part" . inds:USem69062cappa simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69062cappa is cappa" ; rdfs:label " cappa_as_Sign" . inds:USem69063cappuccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD63708tappare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69063cappuccio is cappuccio" ; rdfs:label " cappuccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69064carabiniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69064carabiniere is carabiniere" ; rdfs:label " carabiniere_as_Human" . inds:USem69065carattere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69065carattere is carattere" ; rdfs:label " carattere_as_Property" . inds:USem69067carattere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Social_Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69067carattere is carattere" ; rdfs:label " carattere_as_Social_Property" . inds:USem69068carcerazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69068carcerazione is carcerazione" ; rdfs:label " carcerazione_as_Time" . inds:USem69069caricatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem67595caricare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69069caricatore is caricatore" ; rdfs:label " caricatore_as_Part" . inds:USem6906sgretolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6894frantumare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6906sgretolare is sgretolare" ; rdfs:label " sgretolare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69070carrozzeria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5267officina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69070carrozzeria is carrozzeria" ; rdfs:label " carrozzeria_as_Building" . inds:USem69071caseggiato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69071caseggiato is caseggiato" ; rdfs:label " caseggiato_as_Building" . inds:USem69072cattolicesimo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem63609cattolico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69072cattolicesimo is cattolicesimo" ; rdfs:label " cattolicesimo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem69073causa simple:hasIsa inds:USem72182ideale ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69073causa is causa" ; rdfs:label " causa_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem69075centenario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69075centenario is centenario" ; rdfs:label " centenario_as_Event" . inds:USem69076centrocampo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64047giocatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69076centrocampo is centrocampo" ; rdfs:label " centrocampo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem69077cerchia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem916cosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69077cerchia is cerchia" ; rdfs:label " cerchia_as_Group" . inds:USem69078sollevare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69078sollevare is sollevare" ; rdfs:label " sollevare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69079sollevamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69079sollevamento is sollevamento" ; rdfs:label " sollevamento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6907smontare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6907smontare is smontare" ; rdfs:label " smontare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69080cenno simple:hasIsa inds:USem61150esposizione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69080cenno is cenno" ; rdfs:label " cenno_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem69081ciglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69081ciglio is ciglio" ; rdfs:label " ciglio_as_Part" . inds:USem69082cenno simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69082cenno is cenno" ; rdfs:label " cenno_as_Agentive" . inds:USem69083centesimo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69083centesimo is centesimo" ; rdfs:label " centesimo_as_Money" . inds:USem69084cinematografo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67462cinema ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69084cinematografo is cinematografo" ; rdfs:label " cinematografo_as_Domain" . inds:USem69086cineteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63394collezione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69086cineteca is cineteca" ; rdfs:label " cineteca_as_Group" . inds:USem69087centralino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69087centralino is centralino" ; rdfs:label " centralino_as_Part" . inds:USem69088citazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6172documento ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69088citazione is citazione" ; rdfs:label " citazione_as_Convention" . inds:USem69089clima simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69089clima is clima" ; rdfs:label " clima_as_State" . inds:USem69090colomba simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem944colombo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69090colomba is colomba" ; rdfs:label " colomba_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem69091colore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6591dipingere, inds:USemD2753colorare, inds:USemD5349tingere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69091colore is colore" ; rdfs:label " colore_as_Substance" . inds:USem69092canto simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69092canto is canto" ; rdfs:label " canto_as_Domain" . inds:USem69093combinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69093combinazione is combinazione" ; rdfs:label " combinazione_as_Event" . inds:USem69094combinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69094combinazione is combinazione" ; rdfs:label " combinazione_as_Convention" . inds:USem69095volo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69095volo is volo" ; rdfs:label " volo_as_Move" . inds:USem69096comico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65513comico ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69096comico is comico" ; rdfs:label " comico_as_Property" . inds:USem69097compagnia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67806presenza ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69097compagnia is compagnia" ; rdfs:label " compagnia_as_Exist" . inds:USem69098elmo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59805armatura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69098elmo is elmo" ; rdfs:label " elmo_as_Part" . inds:USem69099competenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD2690competente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69099competenza is competenza" ; rdfs:label " competenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem6909divisione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6909divisione is divisione" ; rdfs:label " divisione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69101complesso simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69101complesso is complesso" ; rdfs:label " complesso_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69102eloquenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76087eloquente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69102eloquenza is eloquenza" ; rdfs:label " eloquenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem69103complesso simple:hasIsa inds:USem914idea ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69103complesso is complesso" ; rdfs:label " complesso_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem69104complesso simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2217edificio, inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69104complesso is complesso" ; rdfs:label " complesso_as_Group" . inds:USem69105comunione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem75922comune ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69105comunione is comunione" ; rdfs:label " comunione_as_Property" . inds:USem69107eloquenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69107eloquenza is eloquenza" ; rdfs:label " eloquenza_as_Domain" . inds:USem69108conclusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69108conclusione is conclusione" ; rdfs:label " conclusione_as_Part" . inds:USem6910perturbazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6910perturbazione is perturbazione" ; rdfs:label " perturbazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69111concordanza simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69111concordanza is concordanza" ; rdfs:label " concordanza_as_Information" . inds:USem69112emergenza simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69112emergenza is emergenza" ; rdfs:label " emergenza_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69113concordanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69113concordanza is concordanza" ; rdfs:label " concordanza_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem69115erba simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69115erba is erba" ; rdfs:label " erba_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem69116erba simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69116erba is erba" ; rdfs:label " erba_as_Plant" . inds:USem69117erba simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69117erba is erba" ; rdfs:label " erba_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem69118cono simple:hasIsa inds:USem4511gelato ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69118cono is cono" ; rdfs:label " cono_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69119erudizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63975conoscenza ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69119erudizione is erudizione" ; rdfs:label " erudizione_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem6911piano simple:hasIsa inds:USem60123ideazione ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6911piano is piano" ; rdfs:label " piano_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem69120controllo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69120controllo is controllo" ; rdfs:label " controllo_as_Quality" . inds:USem69122copia simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69122copia is copia" ; rdfs:label " copia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69123esagerazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2452misura ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69123esagerazione is esagerazione" ; rdfs:label " esagerazione_as_Amount" . inds:USem69124corso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69124corso is corso" ; rdfs:label " corso_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem69125corte simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69125corte is corte" ; rdfs:label " corte_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem69126corte simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4168sala ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69126corte is corte" ; rdfs:label " corte_as_Building" . inds:USem69127esecutore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem72103eseguire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem72490interprete ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69127esecutore is esecutore" ; rdfs:label " esecutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem69128coscia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4282taglio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69128coscia is coscia" ; rdfs:label " coscia_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem69129cosenza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69129cosenza is cosenza" ; rdfs:label " cosenza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6912smembrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6912smembrare is smembrare" ; rdfs:label " smembrare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69130costa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2226montagna ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69130costa is costa" ; rdfs:label " costa_as_Part" . inds:USem69131esaurire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69131esaurire is esaurire" ; rdfs:label " esaurire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69132costume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63932tradizione ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69132costume is costume" ; rdfs:label " costume_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69133costume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6398abitudine ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69133costume is costume" ; rdfs:label " costume_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem69134esempio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69134esempio is esempio" ; rdfs:label " esempio_as_Human" . inds:USem69135esempio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69135esempio is esempio" ; rdfs:label " esempio_as_Act" . inds:USem69136creazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69136creazione is creazione" ; rdfs:label " creazione_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem69137cima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69137cima is cima" ; rdfs:label " cima_as_Part" . inds:USem69138esempio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem67846categoria ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69138esempio is esempio" ; rdfs:label " esempio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69139critica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69139critica is critica" ; rdfs:label " critica_as_Domain" . inds:USem6913piano simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6913piano is piano" ; rdfs:label " piano_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem69140entrata simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69140entrata is entrata" ; rdfs:label " entrata_as_Amount" . inds:USem69141critica simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64306critico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69141critica is critica" ; rdfs:label " critica_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem69142critica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69142critica is critica" ; rdfs:label " critica_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem69143entrata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69143entrata is entrata" ; rdfs:label " entrata_as_Part" . inds:USem69144entrata simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69144entrata is entrata" ; rdfs:label " entrata_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69145cubista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3347ballerina ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6780danzare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69145cubista is cubista" ; rdfs:label " cubista_as_Profession" . inds:USem69146culla simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69146culla is culla" ; rdfs:label " culla_as_Location" . inds:USem69147attirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69147attirare is attirare" ; rdfs:label " attirare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem69149depressione simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USemD63948uomo ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69149depressione is depressione" ; rdfs:label " depressione_as_Disease" . inds:USem6914piano simple:hasIsa inds:USem839disegno ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6914piano is piano" ; rdfs:label " piano_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem69150espansionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69150espansionismo is espansionismo" ; rdfs:label " espansionismo_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69151espediente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69151espediente is espediente" ; rdfs:label " espediente_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69152difesa simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69152difesa is difesa" ; rdfs:label " difesa_as_Telic" . inds:USem69153difesa simple:hasConcerns inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69153difesa is difesa" ; rdfs:label " difesa_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69154difesa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD7280giocatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69154difesa is difesa" ; rdfs:label " difesa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem69155esponente simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69155esponente is esponente" ; rdfs:label " esponente_as_Representation" . inds:USem69156dimensione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69156dimensione is dimensione" ; rdfs:label " dimensione_as_Property" . inds:USem69158essere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69158essere is essere" ; rdfs:label " essere_as_Human" . inds:USem69159dio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69159dio is dio" ; rdfs:label " dio_as_Human" . inds:USem6915piano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6915piano is piano" ; rdfs:label " piano_as_Area" . inds:USem69160essere simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD63948uomo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69160essere is essere" ; rdfs:label " essere_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69161essere simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69161essere is essere" ; rdfs:label " essere_as_Representation" . inds:USem69162essiccatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5229essiccare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69162essiccatoio is essiccatoio" ; rdfs:label " essiccatoio_as_Building" . inds:USem69166dispensa simple:hasContains inds:USem6465informazione ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60943fascicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69166dispensa is dispensa" ; rdfs:label " dispensa_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69167disposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69167disposizione is disposizione" ; rdfs:label " disposizione_as_State" . inds:USem69168angosciare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5877angoscia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69168angosciare is angosciare" ; rdfs:label " angosciare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69169divisione simple:hasIsa inds:USem68159operazione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69169divisione is divisione" ; rdfs:label " divisione_as_Convention" . inds:USem6916piano simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem62956piano, inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6916piano is piano" ; rdfs:label " piano_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69170dottore simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem60388prescrivere, inds:USem78336diagnosticare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69170dottore is dottore" ; rdfs:label " dottore_as_Profession" . inds:USem69171est simple:hasIsa inds:USem64427zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69171est is est" ; rdfs:label " est_as_Part" . inds:USem69172economia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD65521risorsa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69172economia is economia" ; rdfs:label " economia_as_Group" . inds:USem69173ovest simple:hasIsa inds:USem64427zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69173ovest is ovest" ; rdfs:label " ovest_as_Part" . inds:USem69174est simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1235continente ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69174est is est" ; rdfs:label " est_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem69175ovest simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69175ovest is ovest" ; rdfs:label " ovest_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem69176polverone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69176polverone is polverone" ; rdfs:label " polverone_as_Event" . inds:USem69177nord simple:hasIsa inds:USem64427zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69177nord is nord" ; rdfs:label " nord_as_Part" . inds:USem69178nord simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69178nord is nord" ; rdfs:label " nord_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem69179nord simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69179nord is nord" ; rdfs:label " nord_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem6917piano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6917piano is piano" ; rdfs:label " piano_as_Part" . inds:USem69180meraviglia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem6561meravigliare ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69180meraviglia is meraviglia" ; rdfs:label " meraviglia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69181sud simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69181sud is sud" ; rdfs:label " sud_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem69182sud simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69182sud is sud" ; rdfs:label " sud_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem69183sud simple:hasIsa inds:USem64427zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69183sud is sud" ; rdfs:label " sud_as_Part" . inds:USem69185meridione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69185meridione is meridione" ; rdfs:label " meridione_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem69186morso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69186morso is morso" ; rdfs:label " morso_as_Amount" . inds:USem69188portasigarette simple:hasContains inds:USem4360sigaretta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2966scatola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69188portasigarette is portasigarette" ; rdfs:label " portasigarette_as_Container" . inds:USem69189riga simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69189riga is riga" ; rdfs:label " riga_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem6918unificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6918unificare is unificare" ; rdfs:label " unificare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem69190riga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69190riga is riga" ; rdfs:label " riga_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69191aiuto simple:hasTelic inds:USem59870aiutare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69191aiuto is aiuto" ; rdfs:label " aiuto_as_Telic" . inds:USem69192danza simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69192danza is danza" ; rdfs:label " danza_as_Domain" . inds:USem69193ballo simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69193ballo is ballo" ; rdfs:label " ballo_as_Domain" . inds:USem69194punto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69194punto is punto" ; rdfs:label " punto_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69195tango simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69195tango is tango" ; rdfs:label " tango_as_Move" . inds:USem69196valzer simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69196valzer is valzer" ; rdfs:label " valzer_as_Move" . inds:USem69197circonferenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69197circonferenza is circonferenza" ; rdfs:label " circonferenza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem69198volume simple:hasIsa inds:USem2452misura ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69198volume is volume" ; rdfs:label " volume_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem69199lavoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69199lavoro is lavoro" ; rdfs:label " lavoro_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem6919agganciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6919agganciare is agganciare" ; rdfs:label " agganciare_as_State" . inds:USem69200lavoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69200lavoro is lavoro" ; rdfs:label " lavoro_as_Location" . inds:USem69201bazzecola simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69201bazzecola is bazzecola" ; rdfs:label " bazzecola_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69202inezia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69202inezia is inezia" ; rdfs:label " inezia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69203perimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2452misura ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69203perimetro is perimetro" ; rdfs:label " perimetro_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem69204flamenco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69204flamenco is flamenco" ; rdfs:label " flamenco_as_Move" . inds:USem69205ambiente simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3929condizione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69205ambiente is ambiente" ; rdfs:label " ambiente_as_Group" . inds:USem69206palombaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69206palombaro is palombaro" ; rdfs:label " palombaro_as_Profession" . inds:USem69207paparazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3348fotografo ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5139fotografare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69207paparazzo is paparazzo" ; rdfs:label " paparazzo_as_Profession" . inds:USem69208cugina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69208cugina is cugina" ; rdfs:label " cugina_as_Kinship" . inds:USem69209portamonete simple:hasContains inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69209portamonete is portamonete" ; rdfs:label " portamonete_as_Container" . inds:USem69210paniere simple:hasContains inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69210paniere is paniere" ; rdfs:label " paniere_as_Container" . inds:USem69211coseno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69211coseno is coseno" ; rdfs:label " coseno_as_Representation" . inds:USem69212portalettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69212portalettere is portalettere" ; rdfs:label " portalettere_as_Profession" . inds:USem69213cicerone simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59881guidare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67972guida ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69213cicerone is cicerone" ; rdfs:label " cicerone_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem69214domani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69214domani is domani" ; rdfs:label " domani_as_Time" . inds:USem69215filo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69215filo is filo" ; rdfs:label " filo_as_Amount" . inds:USem69216cornetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3639brioche ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69216cornetto is cornetto" ; rdfs:label " cornetto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69217cornetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69217cornetto is cornetto" ; rdfs:label " cornetto_as_Artifact" . inds:USem69219esame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69219esame is esame" ; rdfs:label " esame_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69220tipo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69220tipo is tipo" ; rdfs:label " tipo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69221portacarte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69221portacarte is portacarte" ; rdfs:label " portacarte_as_Container" . inds:USem69223portafoglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem62622custodia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69223portafoglio is portafoglio" ; rdfs:label " portafoglio_as_Container" . inds:USem69224portagioie simple:hasIsa inds:USem63112cofanetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69224portagioie is portagioie" ; rdfs:label " portagioie_as_Container" . inds:USem69225portamatite simple:hasContains inds:USem2323matita ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69225portamatite is portamatite" ; rdfs:label " portamatite_as_Container" . inds:USem69227diminutivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67797forma ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69227diminutivo is diminutivo" ; rdfs:label " diminutivo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem69228foresta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4758foresta ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69228foresta is foresta" ; rdfs:label " foresta_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem69229tundra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem59545tundra ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69229tundra is tundra" ; rdfs:label " tundra_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem69230steppa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem59542steppa ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69230steppa is steppa" ; rdfs:label " steppa_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem69231certificato simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69231certificato is certificato" ; rdfs:label " certificato_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69232oggetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69232oggetto is oggetto" ; rdfs:label " oggetto_as_Entity" . inds:USem69233cartellone simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD935manifesto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69233cartellone is cartellone" ; rdfs:label " cartellone_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69234cartellone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69234cartellone is cartellone" ; rdfs:label " cartellone_as_Information" . inds:USem69235cartellone simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68186cartoncino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69235cartellone is cartellone" ; rdfs:label " cartellone_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69236bombolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69236bombolo is bombolo" ; rdfs:label " bombolo_as_Human" . inds:USem69237accezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61794significato ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69237accezione is accezione" ; rdfs:label " accezione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem69238acino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1699bacca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69238acino is acino" ; rdfs:label " acino_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem69240acuto simple:hasCausedby inds:USem68060strumento, inds:USemD7102voce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69240acuto is acuto" ; rdfs:label " acuto_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem69241disgustare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60591disgusto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69241disgustare is disgustare" ; rdfs:label " disgustare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69242altipiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63512altopiano ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69242altipiano is altipiano" ; rdfs:label " altipiano_as_Area" . inds:USem69243amaca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65574giaciglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1907dormire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69243amaca is amaca" ; rdfs:label " amaca_as_Furniture" . inds:USem69244ammorbidente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6664ammorbidire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69244ammorbidente is ammorbidente" ; rdfs:label " ammorbidente_as_Substance" . inds:USem69245detersivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69245detersivo is detersivo" ; rdfs:label " detersivo_as_Substance" . inds:USem69246arcipelago simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem6842isola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69246arcipelago is arcipelago" ; rdfs:label " arcipelago_as_Group" . inds:USem69247artigliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69247artigliere is artigliere" ; rdfs:label " artigliere_as_Profession" . inds:USem69248ascensore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem68329cabina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69248ascensore is ascensore" ; rdfs:label " ascensore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69249asilo simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69249asilo is asilo" ; rdfs:label " asilo_as_Telic" . inds:USem69250asilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69250asilo is asilo" ; rdfs:label " asilo_as_Institution" . inds:USem69251assunto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69251assunto is assunto" ; rdfs:label " assunto_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69252attrattiva simple:hasTelic inds:USemD62151attrarre ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69252attrattiva is attrattiva" ; rdfs:label " attrattiva_as_Telic" . inds:USem69253autismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69253autismo is autismo" ; rdfs:label " autismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69254attrattiva simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69254attrattiva is attrattiva" ; rdfs:label " attrattiva_as_Property" . inds:USem69255autocommiserazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69255autocommiserazione is autocommiserazione" ; rdfs:label " autocommiserazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69256autocontrollo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69256autocontrollo is autocontrollo" ; rdfs:label " autocontrollo_as_Quality" . inds:USem69258autoritratto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere, inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69258autoritratto is autoritratto" ; rdfs:label " autoritratto_as_Artwork" . inds:USem69259autoritratto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69259autoritratto is autoritratto" ; rdfs:label " autoritratto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem6925comporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6925comporre is comporre" ; rdfs:label " comporre_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69260aviatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4938pilota ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD579pilotare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69260aviatore is aviatore" ; rdfs:label " aviatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem69261azzardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem61147rischio ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69261azzardo is azzardo" ; rdfs:label " azzardo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69262baita simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69262baita is baita" ; rdfs:label " baita_as_Building" . inds:USem69263balconata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69263balconata is balconata" ; rdfs:label " balconata_as_Part" . inds:USem69264balconata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2285teatro, inds:USem63034cinema ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69264balconata is balconata" ; rdfs:label " balconata_as_Part" . inds:USem69265balconcino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69265balconcino is balconcino" ; rdfs:label " balconcino_as_Part" . inds:USem69266benevolenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65538benevolo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69266benevolenza is benevolenza" ; rdfs:label " benevolenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69267benpensante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69267benpensante is benpensante" ; rdfs:label " benpensante_as_Human" . inds:USem69268bernoccolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65539protuberanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USemD64000trauma ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69268bernoccolo is bernoccolo" ; rdfs:label " bernoccolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem69269biada simple:hasIsa inds:USem1535cereale ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69269biada is biada" ; rdfs:label " biada_as_Plant" . inds:USem6926disgregare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6931frantumare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6926disgregare is disgregare" ; rdfs:label " disgregare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69270bicipite simple:hasIsa inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69270bicipite is bicipite" ; rdfs:label " bicipite_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem69271bigliardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69271bigliardo is bigliardo" ; rdfs:label " bigliardo_as_Domain" . inds:USem69272scacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69272scacco is scacco" ; rdfs:label " scacco_as_Domain" . inds:USem69273bonaccia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69273bonaccia is bonaccia" ; rdfs:label " bonaccia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69274bischero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69274bischero is bischero" ; rdfs:label " bischero_as_Part" . inds:USem69275botto simple:hasCausedby inds:USem67905colpo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69275botto is botto" ; rdfs:label " botto_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem69276branda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1184letto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1907dormire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69276branda is branda" ; rdfs:label " branda_as_Furniture" . inds:USem69277brigantaggio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69277brigantaggio is brigantaggio" ; rdfs:label " brigantaggio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69278brillantina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69278brillantina is brillantina" ; rdfs:label " brillantina_as_Substance" . inds:USem69279brocco simple:hasIsa inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69279brocco is brocco" ; rdfs:label " brocco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem69280browning simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69280browning is browning" ; rdfs:label " browning_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69281bruma simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69281bruma is bruma" ; rdfs:label " bruma_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69282buffet simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69282buffet is buffet" ; rdfs:label " buffet_as_Furniture" . inds:USem69283buffet simple:hasIsa inds:USem63241bar ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69283buffet is buffet" ; rdfs:label " buffet_as_Building" . inds:USem69284buonsenso simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69284buonsenso is buonsenso" ; rdfs:label " buonsenso_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69285calcinaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6452frammento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem60697intonaco ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69285calcinaccio is calcinaccio" ; rdfs:label " calcinaccio_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem69286caldana simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3883sintomo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69286caldana is caldana" ; rdfs:label " caldana_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69287calderone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2390pentola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69287calderone is calderone" ; rdfs:label " calderone_as_Container" . inds:USem69288caligine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5383fumo ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69288caligine is caligine" ; rdfs:label " caligine_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem69289canaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69289canaglia is canaglia" ; rdfs:label " canaglia_as_Human" . inds:USem6928dividere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6928dividere is dividere" ; rdfs:label " dividere_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem69290canizie simple:hasCausedby inds:USem70573vecchiaia ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USemTH2673imbiancamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69290canizie is canizie" ; rdfs:label " canizie_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69291cannibale simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65945cannibalismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69291cannibale is cannibale" ; rdfs:label " cannibale_as_Human" . inds:USem69292capolavoro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69292capolavoro is capolavoro" ; rdfs:label " capolavoro_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem69293capolinea simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69293capolinea is capolinea" ; rdfs:label " capolinea_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem69294capostipite simple:hasAgentive inds:USem64824generare ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69294capostipite is capostipite" ; rdfs:label " capostipite_as_Agentive" . inds:USem69295capro simple:hasIsa inds:USem72835ovino ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1928capra ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69295capro is capro" ; rdfs:label " capro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem69296caratterino simple:hasIsa inds:USem69067carattere ; a simple:Social_Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69296caratterino is caratterino" ; rdfs:label " caratterino_as_Social_Property" . inds:USem69297carisma simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69297carisma is carisma" ; rdfs:label " carisma_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69298carogna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69298carogna is carogna" ; rdfs:label " carogna_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem69299carogna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69299carogna is carogna" ; rdfs:label " carogna_as_Human" . inds:USem6929fondere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6247fuso ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6929fondere is fondere" ; rdfs:label " fondere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69300casato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD5487famiglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69300casato is casato" ; rdfs:label " casato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem69301casistica simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem67875caso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61295elenco ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69301casistica is casistica" ; rdfs:label " casistica_as_Group" . inds:USem69302celibato simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69302celibato is celibato" ; rdfs:label " celibato_as_State" . inds:USem69303censo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69303censo is censo" ; rdfs:label " censo_as_Amount" . inds:USem69304cerchione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5056ruota ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69304cerchione is cerchione" ; rdfs:label " cerchione_as_Part" . inds:USem69305chiappa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69305chiappa is chiappa" ; rdfs:label " chiappa_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem69306chiaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69306chiaro is chiaro" ; rdfs:label " chiaro_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69307chiaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69307chiaro is chiaro" ; rdfs:label " chiaro_as_Color" . inds:USem69308chiaroveggenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem79187chiaroveggente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69308chiaroveggenza is chiaroveggenza" ; rdfs:label " chiaroveggenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69309chiosa simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69309chiosa is chiosa" ; rdfs:label " chiosa_as_Information" . inds:USem6930formare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6930formare is formare" ; rdfs:label " formare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69310ciminiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem6414impianto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69310ciminiera is ciminiera" ; rdfs:label " ciminiera_as_Part" . inds:USem69311cinquantina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69311cinquantina is cinquantina" ; rdfs:label " cinquantina_as_Amount" . inds:USem69312cinturino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62554orologio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69312cinturino is cinturino" ; rdfs:label " cinturino_as_Part" . inds:USem69313cirro simple:hasIsa inds:USem59554nuvola ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3108vapore ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69313cirro is cirro" ; rdfs:label " cirro_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69314ciuccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD65542succhiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69314ciuccio is ciuccio" ; rdfs:label " ciuccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69315ciuffo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65651acconciatura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62640capigliatura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69315ciuffo is ciuffo" ; rdfs:label " ciuffo_as_Part" . inds:USem69316ciuffo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem916cosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69316ciuffo is ciuffo" ; rdfs:label " ciuffo_as_Group" . inds:USem69317civetteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69317civetteria is civetteria" ; rdfs:label " civetteria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69318clacson simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69318clacson is clacson" ; rdfs:label " clacson_as_Part" . inds:USem69319cocca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5579freccia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69319cocca is cocca" ; rdfs:label " cocca_as_Part" . inds:USem6931frantumare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3935rompere ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6931frantumare is frantumare" ; rdfs:label " frantumare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69320cognato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69320cognato is cognato" ; rdfs:label " cognato_as_Kinship" . inds:USem69321cognata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69321cognata is cognata" ; rdfs:label " cognata_as_Kinship" . inds:USem69322cognome simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69322cognome is cognome" ; rdfs:label " cognome_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem69323clamore simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69323clamore is clamore" ; rdfs:label " clamore_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem69324colonnina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69324colonnina is colonnina" ; rdfs:label " colonnina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69325colorificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem69091colore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre, inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69325colorificio is colorificio" ; rdfs:label " colorificio_as_Building" . inds:USem69326comica simple:hasIsa inds:USem65633cortometraggio ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69326comica is comica" ; rdfs:label " comica_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem69327comignolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6045camino ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69327comignolo is comignolo" ; rdfs:label " comignolo_as_Part" . inds:USem69328minuscola simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2703lettera ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69328minuscola is minuscola" ; rdfs:label " minuscola_as_Sign" . inds:USem69329misfatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69329misfatto is misfatto" ; rdfs:label " misfatto_as_Act" . inds:USem6932frazionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6932frazionare is frazionare" ; rdfs:label " frazionare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69330mitraglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69330mitraglia is mitraglia" ; rdfs:label " mitraglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69332moda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69332moda is moda" ; rdfs:label " moda_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69333moccolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69333moccolo is moccolo" ; rdfs:label " moccolo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem69334moccolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3039cera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69334moccolo is moccolo" ; rdfs:label " moccolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69335molleggio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69335molleggio is molleggio" ; rdfs:label " molleggio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69336mollezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6913molle ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69336mollezza is mollezza" ; rdfs:label " mollezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem69338mongoloide simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH14620mongolismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69338mongoloide is mongoloide" ; rdfs:label " mongoloide_as_Human" . inds:USem69339mongoloide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69339mongoloide is mongoloide" ; rdfs:label " mongoloide_as_Human" . inds:USem6933frullare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6933frullare is frullare" ; rdfs:label " frullare_as_Move" . inds:USem69340monogamia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69340monogamia is monogamia" ; rdfs:label " monogamia_as_State" . inds:USem69341monologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69341monologo is monologo" ; rdfs:label " monologo_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem69342monologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem74847discorso ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69342monologo is monologo" ; rdfs:label " monologo_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem69343monosillabo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64044parola ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69343monosillabo is monosillabo" ; rdfs:label " monosillabo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem69344montanaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2226montagna ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69344montanaro is montanaro" ; rdfs:label " montanaro_as_People" . inds:USem69345moralismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69345moralismo is moralismo" ; rdfs:label " moralismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69346moralista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem69345moralismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69346moralista is moralista" ; rdfs:label " moralista_as_Human" . inds:USem69347abiezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5890avvilimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69347abiezione is abiezione" ; rdfs:label " abiezione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69348abnegazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69348abnegazione is abnegazione" ; rdfs:label " abnegazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69349affettazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69349affettazione is affettazione" ; rdfs:label " affettazione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem6934incollare simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD65721colla ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6934incollare is incollare" ; rdfs:label " incollare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69350affollamento simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69350affollamento is affollamento" ; rdfs:label " affollamento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem69351agio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69351agio is agio" ; rdfs:label " agio_as_State" . inds:USem69352ambientazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69352ambientazione is ambientazione" ; rdfs:label " ambientazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69353amicizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69353amicizia is amicizia" ; rdfs:label " amicizia_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69354amicizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69354amicizia is amicizia" ; rdfs:label " amicizia_as_Kinship" . inds:USem69356morfinomane simple:hasIsa inds:USem63676tossicodipendente ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5341drogare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69356morfinomane is morfinomane" ; rdfs:label " morfinomane_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem69357mormorio simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69357mormorio is mormorio" ; rdfs:label " mormorio_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem69358angolazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61492posizione ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69358angolazione is angolazione" ; rdfs:label " angolazione_as_Location" . inds:USem69359anonimato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69359anonimato is anonimato" ; rdfs:label " anonimato_as_State" . inds:USem69360moro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69360moro is moro" ; rdfs:label " moro_as_Human" . inds:USem69361moro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69361moro is moro" ; rdfs:label " moro_as_People" . inds:USem69362anonimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69362anonimo is anonimo" ; rdfs:label " anonimo_as_Human" . inds:USem69363moro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2803mora ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69363moro is moro" ; rdfs:label " moro_as_Plant" . inds:USem69364antagonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69364antagonista is antagonista" ; rdfs:label " antagonista_as_Kinship" . inds:USem69365antecedente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69365antecedente is antecedente" ; rdfs:label " antecedente_as_Event" . inds:USem69366armamento simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69366armamento is armamento" ; rdfs:label " armamento_as_Group" . inds:USem69367mortorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69367mortorio is mortorio" ; rdfs:label " mortorio_as_State" . inds:USem69368moscerino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69368moscerino is moscerino" ; rdfs:label " moscerino_as_Animal" . inds:USem69369moscerino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69369moscerino is moscerino" ; rdfs:label " moscerino_as_Human" . inds:USem6936montare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6936montare is montare" ; rdfs:label " montare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69370mugnaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69370mugnaio is mugnaio" ; rdfs:label " mugnaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem69371mugolio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69371mugolio is mugolio" ; rdfs:label " mugolio_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem69372barbarie simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69372barbarie is barbarie" ; rdfs:label " barbarie_as_State" . inds:USem69373mugugno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69373mugugno is mugugno" ; rdfs:label " mugugno_as_Act" . inds:USem69374mulatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69374mulatto is mulatto" ; rdfs:label " mulatto_as_Human" . inds:USem69376mulo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69376mulo is mulo" ; rdfs:label " mulo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem69377mulo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69377mulo is mulo" ; rdfs:label " mulo_as_Human" . inds:USem69378bonomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69378bonomia is bonomia" ; rdfs:label " bonomia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69379buio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69379buio is buio" ; rdfs:label " buio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69380brusio simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD7102voce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69380brusio is brusio" ; rdfs:label " brusio_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem69381bruttura simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD2668brutto ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69381bruttura is bruttura" ; rdfs:label " bruttura_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69382caos simple:hasIsa inds:USem67988confusione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69382caos is caos" ; rdfs:label " caos_as_State" . inds:USem69383disordine simple:hasIsa inds:USem67988confusione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69383disordine is disordine" ; rdfs:label " disordine_as_State" . inds:USem69384muraglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69384muraglia is muraglia" ; rdfs:label " muraglia_as_Building" . inds:USem69385musone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69385musone is musone" ; rdfs:label " musone_as_Human" . inds:USem69386muto simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem74249mutismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69386muto is muto" ; rdfs:label " muto_as_Human" . inds:USem69387mutuato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69387mutuato is mutuato" ; rdfs:label " mutuato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem69388narcisismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69388narcisismo is narcisismo" ; rdfs:label " narcisismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69389naturalezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69389naturalezza is naturalezza" ; rdfs:label " naturalezza_as_State" . inds:USem69390naturalezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem77165naturale ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69390naturalezza is naturalezza" ; rdfs:label " naturalezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69391necessario simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69391necessario is necessario" ; rdfs:label " necessario_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69392negativo simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1449registrare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69392negativo is negativo" ; rdfs:label " negativo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69393negativo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5139fotografare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69393negativo is negativo" ; rdfs:label " negativo_as_Artwork" . inds:USem69394negritudine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63931cultura ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69394negritudine is negritudine" ; rdfs:label " negritudine_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69395nembo simple:hasIsa inds:USem59554nuvola ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3108vapore ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69395nembo is nembo" ; rdfs:label " nembo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69396nevicata simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69396nevicata is nevicata" ; rdfs:label " nevicata_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69397carnagione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69397carnagione is carnagione" ; rdfs:label " carnagione_as_Quality" . inds:USem69398nomea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69398nomea is nomea" ; rdfs:label " nomea_as_State" . inds:USem69399nomignolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67409nome ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69399nomignolo is nomignolo" ; rdfs:label " nomignolo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem6939sgranare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61287rovinare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6939sgranare is sgranare" ; rdfs:label " sgranare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69400cilindrata simple:hasIsa inds:USem2452misura ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69400cilindrata is cilindrata" ; rdfs:label " cilindrata_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem69401nonnulla simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69401nonnulla is nonnulla" ; rdfs:label " nonnulla_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69402cinquina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69402cinquina is cinquina" ; rdfs:label " cinquina_as_Group" . inds:USem69403clausura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6397regola ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69403clausura is clausura" ; rdfs:label " clausura_as_Convention" . inds:USem69404nonsenso simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69404nonsenso is nonsenso" ; rdfs:label " nonsenso_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69405novantina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69405novantina is novantina" ; rdfs:label " novantina_as_Amount" . inds:USem69406nube simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3108vapore ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69406nube is nube" ; rdfs:label " nube_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69407nutrimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69407nutrimento is nutrimento" ; rdfs:label " nutrimento_as_Substance" . inds:USem69408nutrimento simple:hasTelic inds:USem6754accrescere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69408nutrimento is nutrimento" ; rdfs:label " nutrimento_as_Telic" . inds:USem69409obbrobrio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69409obbrobrio is obbrobrio" ; rdfs:label " obbrobrio_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem6940sgretolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6931frantumare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6940sgretolare is sgretolare" ; rdfs:label " sgretolare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69410occhiaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7098cranio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69410occhiaia is occhiaia" ; rdfs:label " occhiaia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem69411occhiaia simple:hasCausedby inds:USem2525debolezza, inds:USem6418stanchezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71481livido ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69411occhiaia is occhiaia" ; rdfs:label " occhiaia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69412occorrenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69412occorrenza is occorrenza" ; rdfs:label " occorrenza_as_State" . inds:USem69413bagnomaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69413bagnomaria is bagnomaria" ; rdfs:label " bagnomaria_as_Container" . inds:USem69414compagno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem63900coppia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69414compagno is compagno" ; rdfs:label " compagno_as_Kinship" . inds:USem69415compagno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69415compagno is compagno" ; rdfs:label " compagno_as_Human" . inds:USem69416comparativo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67797forma ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69416comparativo is comparativo" ; rdfs:label " comparativo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem69417compassione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66494compassionevole ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69417compassione is compassione" ; rdfs:label " compassione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69418compatriota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2061patria ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69418compatriota is compatriota" ; rdfs:label " compatriota_as_Kinship" . inds:USem69419complice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69419complice is complice" ; rdfs:label " complice_as_Kinship" . inds:USem6941smontare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6941smontare is smontare" ; rdfs:label " smontare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69420comunicativa simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69420comunicativa is comunicativa" ; rdfs:label " comunicativa_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69421occulto simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69421occulto is occulto" ; rdfs:label " occulto_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69423concordia simple:hasIsa inds:USem64867rapporto ; simple:hasRelates inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69423concordia is concordia" ; rdfs:label " concordia_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem69424concubinato simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69424concubinato is concubinato" ; rdfs:label " concubinato_as_State" . inds:USem69425confluenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69425confluenza is confluenza" ; rdfs:label " confluenza_as_Location" . inds:USem69426connotazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61794significato ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69426connotazione is connotazione" ; rdfs:label " connotazione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem69427offerente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69427offerente is offerente" ; rdfs:label " offerente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem69428consanguineo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69428consanguineo is consanguineo" ; rdfs:label " consanguineo_as_Kinship" . inds:USem69429olimpiade simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69429olimpiade is olimpiade" ; rdfs:label " olimpiade_as_Event" . inds:USem6942convenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6942convenzione is convenzione" ; rdfs:label " convenzione_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69430omonimia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69430omonimia is omonimia" ; rdfs:label " omonimia_as_State" . inds:USem69431contrappeso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69431contrappeso is contrappeso" ; rdfs:label " contrappeso_as_Part" . inds:USem69432onnipotente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69432onnipotente is onnipotente" ; rdfs:label " onnipotente_as_Entity" . inds:USem69433contrappunto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69433contrappunto is contrappunto" ; rdfs:label " contrappunto_as_Domain" . inds:USem69434controsoffitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59845soffitto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69434controsoffitto is controsoffitto" ; rdfs:label " controsoffitto_as_Part" . inds:USem69435onnipotenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem78022potente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69435onnipotenza is onnipotenza" ; rdfs:label " onnipotenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem69436onniscienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69436onniscienza is onniscienza" ; rdfs:label " onniscienza_as_Quality" . inds:USem69437moderare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3982diminuire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69437moderare is moderare" ; rdfs:label " moderare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem69438onomatopea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64044parola ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69438onomatopea is onomatopea" ; rdfs:label " onomatopea_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem69439ordito simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem5289tessuto ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69439ordito is ordito" ; rdfs:label " ordito_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem6943convenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem79378accordo ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem79377convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6943convenzione is convenzione" ; rdfs:label " convenzione_as_Convention" . inds:USem69440convezione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3014fluido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69440convezione is convezione" ; rdfs:label " convezione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69441orazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60077preghiera ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69441orazione is orazione" ; rdfs:label " orazione_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem69442orazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem74847discorso ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69442orazione is orazione" ; rdfs:label " orazione_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem69445coordinato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69445coordinato is coordinato" ; rdfs:label " coordinato_as_Group" . inds:USem69446orma simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69446orma is orma" ; rdfs:label " orma_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69448corrispettivo simple:hasTelic inds:USem7167risarcire ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69448corrispettivo is corrispettivo" ; rdfs:label " corrispettivo_as_Telic" . inds:USem69449corsivo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2704carattere ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69449corsivo is corsivo" ; rdfs:label " corsivo_as_Sign" . inds:USem6944contratto simple:hasIsa inds:USem79378accordo ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem6945contratto ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6944contratto is contratto" ; rdfs:label " contratto_as_Convention" . inds:USem69450coscienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69450coscienza is coscienza" ; rdfs:label " coscienza_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69451coscienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69451coscienza is coscienza" ; rdfs:label " coscienza_as_Quality" . inds:USem69452costante simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem64795durare ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69452costante is costante" ; rdfs:label " costante_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69453orgasmo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6450fase ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69453orgasmo is orgasmo" ; rdfs:label " orgasmo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69454covariante simple:hasIsa inds:USem68159operazione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69454covariante is covariante" ; rdfs:label " covariante_as_Convention" . inds:USem69455oroscopo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69455oroscopo is oroscopo" ; rdfs:label " oroscopo_as_Domain" . inds:USem69456creanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63975conoscenza ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69456creanza is creanza" ; rdfs:label " creanza_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem69457cremagliera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69457cremagliera is cremagliera" ; rdfs:label " cremagliera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69458ortografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem59644sistema ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69458ortografia is ortografia" ; rdfs:label " ortografia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem69459crepacuore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69459crepacuore is crepacuore" ; rdfs:label " crepacuore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem6945contratto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6945contratto is contratto" ; rdfs:label " contratto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69460crepitio simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69460crepitio is crepitio" ; rdfs:label " crepitio_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem69461oscuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem61479mancanza ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69461oscuro is oscuro" ; rdfs:label " oscuro_as_State" . inds:USem69462ossequio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69462ossequio is ossequio" ; rdfs:label " ossequio_as_Act" . inds:USem69463percepire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69463percepire is percepire" ; rdfs:label " percepire_as_Perception" . inds:USem69465ossessione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2612pensiero ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69465ossessione is ossessione" ; rdfs:label " ossessione_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem69467ostracismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69467ostracismo is ostracismo" ; rdfs:label " ostracismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69468cronologia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD65559successione ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69468cronologia is cronologia" ; rdfs:label " cronologia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69469ottantina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69469ottantina is ottantina" ; rdfs:label " ottantina_as_Amount" . inds:USem6946nettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6946nettare is nettare" ; rdfs:label " nettare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69470cronologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69470cronologia is cronologia" ; rdfs:label " cronologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem69471outsider simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem60018vincere, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69471outsider is outsider" ; rdfs:label " outsider_as_Profession" . inds:USem69472outsider simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69472outsider is outsider" ; rdfs:label " outsider_as_Human" . inds:USem69473dabbenaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemTH43847dabbene ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69473dabbenaggine is dabbenaggine" ; rdfs:label " dabbenaggine_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69474ovazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60825esternare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69474ovazione is ovazione" ; rdfs:label " ovazione_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem69475ovulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem67077femmina ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69475ovulazione is ovulazione" ; rdfs:label " ovulazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69476dannazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69476dannazione is dannazione" ; rdfs:label " dannazione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem69477ozio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69477ozio is ozio" ; rdfs:label " ozio_as_State" . inds:USem69478pacca simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69478pacca is pacca" ; rdfs:label " pacca_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem69479debilitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69479debilitazione is debilitazione" ; rdfs:label " debilitazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem6947documento simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5387redigere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6947documento is documento" ; rdfs:label " documento_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69480decorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69480decorso is decorso" ; rdfs:label " decorso_as_Time" . inds:USem69481palata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69481palata is palata" ; rdfs:label " palata_as_Amount" . inds:USem69482denotazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61794significato ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69482denotazione is denotazione" ; rdfs:label " denotazione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem69483denutrizione simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69483denutrizione is denutrizione" ; rdfs:label " denutrizione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69484desco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69484desco is desco" ; rdfs:label " desco_as_Furniture" . inds:USem69485tavola simple:hasIsa inds:USem76409asse ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem68058legno ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69485tavola is tavola" ; rdfs:label " tavola_as_Artifact" . inds:USem69486tavola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4206gamba, inds:USem6916piano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69486tavola is tavola" ; rdfs:label " tavola_as_Furniture" . inds:USem69487tavola simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69487tavola is tavola" ; rdfs:label " tavola_as_Information" . inds:USem69488desertificazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61177terra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69488desertificazione is desertificazione" ; rdfs:label " desertificazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem6948sciacquare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6948sciacquare is sciacquare" ; rdfs:label " sciacquare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69490palco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem68058legno ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69490palco is palco" ; rdfs:label " palco_as_Artifact" . inds:USem69491diaspora simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69491diaspora is diaspora" ; rdfs:label " diaspora_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69492dicastero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69492dicastero is dicastero" ; rdfs:label " dicastero_as_Institution" . inds:USem69493ministero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69493ministero is ministero" ; rdfs:label " ministero_as_Institution" . inds:USem69494parabrezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69494parabrezza is parabrezza" ; rdfs:label " parabrezza_as_Part" . inds:USem69495ministero simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3574ministro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69495ministero is ministero" ; rdfs:label " ministero_as_Time" . inds:USem69496dicotomia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem6909divisione, inds:USem76804due ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69496dicotomia is dicotomia" ; rdfs:label " dicotomia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69497dirittura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69497dirittura is dirittura" ; rdfs:label " dirittura_as_Location" . inds:USem69498dirittura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69498dirittura is dirittura" ; rdfs:label " dirittura_as_Quality" . inds:USem69499disagio simple:hasIsa inds:USem61479mancanza ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69499disagio is disagio" ; rdfs:label " disagio_as_State" . inds:USem6949sciacquare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6955lavare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6949sciacquare is sciacquare" ; rdfs:label " sciacquare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69502disfattismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69502disfattismo is disfattismo" ; rdfs:label " disfattismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69503disfunzione simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68420alterazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69503disfunzione is disfunzione" ; rdfs:label " disfunzione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69504palco simple:hasIsa inds:USem59645struttura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76977esibire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69504palco is palco" ; rdfs:label " palco_as_Building" . inds:USem69506palco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7356vano ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2285teatro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69506palco is palco" ; rdfs:label " palco_as_Part" . inds:USem69507palcoscenico simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69507palcoscenico is palcoscenico" ; rdfs:label " palcoscenico_as_Domain" . inds:USem69509palcoscenico simple:hasIsa inds:USem59645struttura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76977esibire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69509palcoscenico is palcoscenico" ; rdfs:label " palcoscenico_as_Building" . inds:USem6950cuocere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6181cotto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6950cuocere is cuocere" ; rdfs:label " cuocere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69510disoccupazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69510disoccupazione is disoccupazione" ; rdfs:label " disoccupazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69511pallore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66106pallido ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69511pallore is pallore" ; rdfs:label " pallore_as_Quality" . inds:USem69512paralume simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem67946lampada ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69512paralume is paralume" ; rdfs:label " paralume_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69513disorganizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61479mancanza ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69513disorganizzazione is disorganizzazione" ; rdfs:label " disorganizzazione_as_State" . inds:USem69514disorientamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69514disorientamento is disorientamento" ; rdfs:label " disorientamento_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem69515parapiglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67988confusione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69515parapiglia is parapiglia" ; rdfs:label " parapiglia_as_State" . inds:USem69517disfunzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69517disfunzione is disfunzione" ; rdfs:label " disfunzione_as_State" . inds:USem69518parassitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69518parassitismo is parassitismo" ; rdfs:label " parassitismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69519parata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69519parata is parata" ; rdfs:label " parata_as_Event" . inds:USem6951detergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6951detergere is detergere" ; rdfs:label " detergere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69522elsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62680spada ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69522elsa is elsa" ; rdfs:label " elsa_as_Part" . inds:USem69523ridondanza simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69523ridondanza is ridondanza" ; rdfs:label " ridondanza_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69525elemosiniere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59424corte ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69525elemosiniere is elemosiniere" ; rdfs:label " elemosiniere_as_Social_status" . inds:USem69526buddhismo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3530buddista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69526buddhismo is buddhismo" ; rdfs:label " buddhismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem69527buffa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69527buffa is buffa" ; rdfs:label " buffa_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69528bulletta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5045capocchia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem886chiodo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69528bulletta is bulletta" ; rdfs:label " bulletta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69530buoncostume simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69530buoncostume is buoncostume" ; rdfs:label " buoncostume_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem69531elettrodotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69531elettrodotto is elettrodotto" ; rdfs:label " elettrodotto_as_Building" . inds:USem69532buoncostume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69532buoncostume is buoncostume" ; rdfs:label " buoncostume_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69533elettrometallurgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem68822elettrochimica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69533elettrometallurgia is elettrometallurgia" ; rdfs:label " elettrometallurgia_as_Domain" . inds:USem69534rigo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69534rigo is rigo" ; rdfs:label " rigo_as_Shape" . inds:USem69535buratto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD7126setacciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69535buratto is buratto" ; rdfs:label " buratto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69536elettronvolt simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69536elettronvolt is elettronvolt" ; rdfs:label " elettronvolt_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem69537rigo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69537rigo is rigo" ; rdfs:label " rigo_as_Sign" . inds:USem69538butto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69538butto is butto" ; rdfs:label " butto_as_Part" . inds:USem69539elettroscopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69539elettroscopio is elettroscopio" ; rdfs:label " elettroscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6953ripulire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6953ripulire is ripulire" ; rdfs:label " ripulire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69540cacciatora simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5433stoffa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69540cacciatora is cacciatora" ; rdfs:label " cacciatora_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69541elettrostatica simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5669fisica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69541elettrostatica is elettrostatica" ; rdfs:label " elettrostatica_as_Domain" . inds:USem69542cacciatora simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69542cacciatora is cacciatora" ; rdfs:label " cacciatora_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69543elettrotreno simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69543elettrotreno is elettrotreno" ; rdfs:label " elettrotreno_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem69544rigoglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69544rigoglio is rigoglio" ; rdfs:label " rigoglio_as_State" . inds:USem69545caccola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69545caccola is caccola" ; rdfs:label " caccola_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem69546elfo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69546elfo is elfo" ; rdfs:label " elfo_as_Representation" . inds:USem69547caffettano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69547caffettano is caffettano" ; rdfs:label " caffettano_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69548calamita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69548calamita1 is calamita'" ; rdfs:label " calamita'_as_Event" . inds:USem69549eliporto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6987atterrare, inds:USem6991decollare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69549eliporto is eliporto" ; rdfs:label " eliporto_as_Location" . inds:USem6954ripulire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6954ripulire is ripulire" ; rdfs:label " ripulire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69550elisir simple:hasContains inds:USem1662aroma, inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69550elisir is elisir" ; rdfs:label " elisir_as_Substance" . inds:USem69551elisir simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3896digerire ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69551elisir is elisir" ; rdfs:label " elisir_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem69552elmetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69552elmetto is elmetto" ; rdfs:label " elmetto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69553calamita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69553calamita1 is calamita'" ; rdfs:label " calamita'_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem69555rigorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69555rigorismo is rigorismo" ; rdfs:label " rigorismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69557elogio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69557elogio is elogio" ; rdfs:label " elogio_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem69558calla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem69562calla ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69558calla is calla" ; rdfs:label " calla_as_Flower" . inds:USem69559elzeviro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2704carattere ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69559elzeviro is elzeviro" ; rdfs:label " elzeviro_as_Sign" . inds:USem6955lavare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6955lavare is lavare" ; rdfs:label " lavare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69561rimbrotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60391rimprovero ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69561rimbrotto is rimbrotto" ; rdfs:label " rimbrotto_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem69562calla simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1570arbusto ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem69558calla ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69562calla is calla" ; rdfs:label " calla_as_Plant" . inds:USem69563elzeviro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69563elzeviro is elzeviro" ; rdfs:label " elzeviro_as_Information" . inds:USem69564calligrafo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69564calligrafo is calligrafo" ; rdfs:label " calligrafo_as_Human" . inds:USem69565emiciclo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69565emiciclo is emiciclo" ; rdfs:label " emiciclo_as_Building" . inds:USem69566rimostranza simple:hasIsa inds:USem60825esternare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69566rimostranza is rimostranza" ; rdfs:label " rimostranza_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem69567rio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2990acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69567rio is rio" ; rdfs:label " rio_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem69568caloscia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69568caloscia is caloscia" ; rdfs:label " caloscia_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69569ripicca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69569ripicca is ripicca" ; rdfs:label " ripicca_as_Act" . inds:USem69570riprova simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69570riprova is riprova" ; rdfs:label " riprova_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69571ripiego simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69571ripiego is ripiego" ; rdfs:label " ripiego_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69572risacca simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69572risacca is risacca" ; rdfs:label " risacca_as_Move" . inds:USem69573risata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69573risata is risata" ; rdfs:label " risata_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem69574camiciotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69574camiciotto is camiciotto" ; rdfs:label " camiciotto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69575riserbo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65564facolta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69575riserbo is riserbo" ; rdfs:label " riserbo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69576risucchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69576risucchio is risucchio" ; rdfs:label " risucchio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem69577cammelliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69577cammelliere is cammelliere" ; rdfs:label " cammelliere_as_Human" . inds:USem69578ritirata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62662treno ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69578ritirata is ritirata" ; rdfs:label " ritirata_as_Part" . inds:USem69579rito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69579rito is rito" ; rdfs:label " rito_as_Event" . inds:USem6957nettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6957nettare is nettare" ; rdfs:label " nettare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69580rito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69580rito is rito" ; rdfs:label " rito_as_Event" . inds:USem69581canagliata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69581canagliata is canagliata" ; rdfs:label " canagliata_as_Act" . inds:USem69582ritocco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69582ritocco is ritocco" ; rdfs:label " ritocco_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69583canapificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD65494canapa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69583canapificio is canapificio" ; rdfs:label " canapificio_as_Building" . inds:USem69584emiciclo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59645struttura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69584emiciclo is emiciclo" ; rdfs:label " emiciclo_as_Part" . inds:USem69585cappellificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69585cappellificio is cappellificio" ; rdfs:label " cappellificio_as_Building" . inds:USem69586capraio simple:hasIsa inds:USem68724guardiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69586capraio is capraio" ; rdfs:label " capraio_as_Profession" . inds:USem69587emporio simple:hasIsa inds:USem5447magazzino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69587emporio is emporio" ; rdfs:label " emporio_as_Building" . inds:USem69588enclave simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69588enclave is enclave" ; rdfs:label " enclave_as_Area" . inds:USem69589cardiologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1769cuore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69589cardiologia is cardiologia" ; rdfs:label " cardiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem6958allontanare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6958allontanare is allontanare" ; rdfs:label " allontanare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem69590ritrosia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69590ritrosia is ritrosia" ; rdfs:label " ritrosia_as_Act" . inds:USem69594carretto simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69594carretto is carretto" ; rdfs:label " carretto_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem69595cartamodello simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem839disegno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69595cartamodello is cartamodello" ; rdfs:label " cartamodello_as_Representation" . inds:USem69596entrobordo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5907motore ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69596entrobordo is entrobordo" ; rdfs:label " entrobordo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69597cartamodello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69597cartamodello is cartamodello" ; rdfs:label " cartamodello_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69598entrobordo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69598entrobordo is entrobordo" ; rdfs:label " entrobordo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem69599rodeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69599rodeo is rodeo" ; rdfs:label " rodeo_as_Event" . inds:USem6959spazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6959spazzare is spazzare" ; rdfs:label " spazzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69600rogo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69600rogo is rogo" ; rdfs:label " rogo_as_Event" . inds:USem69601rogo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59645struttura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62340bruciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69601rogo is rogo" ; rdfs:label " rogo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69602entusiasta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69602entusiasta is entusiasta" ; rdfs:label " entusiasta_as_Human" . inds:USem69603episcopio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5557vescovo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69603episcopio is episcopio" ; rdfs:label " episcopio_as_Building" . inds:USem69604cartucciera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69604cartucciera is cartucciera" ; rdfs:label " cartucciera_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69605episcopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62493proiettare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69605episcopio is episcopio" ; rdfs:label " episcopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69606casentino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69606casentino is casentino" ; rdfs:label " casentino_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem69607casentino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4825cappotto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem69606casentino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69607casentino is casentino" ; rdfs:label " casentino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69608epistola simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69608epistola is epistola" ; rdfs:label " epistola_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69609cassaforte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6433custodire ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69609cassaforte is cassaforte" ; rdfs:label " cassaforte_as_Container" . inds:USem6960scopare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6960scopare is scopare" ; rdfs:label " scopare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69610epistola simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69610epistola is epistola" ; rdfs:label " epistola_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem69611epistolario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69611epistolario is epistolario" ; rdfs:label " epistolario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69612cassaforte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62524banca ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69612cassaforte is cassaforte" ; rdfs:label " cassaforte_as_Part" . inds:USem69613romanticheria simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69613romanticheria is romanticheria" ; rdfs:label " romanticheria_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69614eponimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69614eponimo is eponimo" ; rdfs:label " eponimo_as_Human" . inds:USem69615rompicapo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5840preoccupazione ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69615rompicapo is rompicapo" ; rdfs:label " rompicapo_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem69616rompicapo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69616rompicapo is rompicapo" ; rdfs:label " rompicapo_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem69617ronda simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69617ronda is ronda" ; rdfs:label " ronda_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem69618epos simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69618epos is epos" ; rdfs:label " epos_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem69619epos simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69619epos is epos" ; rdfs:label " epos_as_Domain" . inds:USem6961alzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6961alzare is alzare" ; rdfs:label " alzare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem69620equino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69620equino is equino" ; rdfs:label " equino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem69621erbaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69621erbaggio is erbaggio" ; rdfs:label " erbaggio_as_Plant" . inds:USem69622rossore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61898rosso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69622rossore is rossore" ; rdfs:label " rossore_as_Quality" . inds:USem69623cassata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69623cassata is cassata" ; rdfs:label " cassata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69624eremitaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69624eremitaggio is eremitaggio" ; rdfs:label " eremitaggio_as_Location" . inds:USem69625erezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69625erezione is erezione" ; rdfs:label " erezione_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem69626erg simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69626erg is erg" ; rdfs:label " erg_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem69627roulette simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69627roulette is roulette" ; rdfs:label " roulette_as_Domain" . inds:USem69628erg simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69628erg is erg" ; rdfs:label " erg_as_Area" . inds:USem69629erica simple:hasIsa inds:USem1570arbusto ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69629erica is erica" ; rdfs:label " erica_as_Plant" . inds:USem6962comprendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4815includere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6962comprendere is comprendere" ; rdfs:label " comprendere_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem69630castagnetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66253petardo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69630castagnetta is castagnetta" ; rdfs:label " castagnetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69631erinni simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64033personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69631erinni is erinni" ; rdfs:label " erinni_as_Representation" . inds:USem69632rozzezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66495rozzo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69632rozzezza is rozzezza" ; rdfs:label " rozzezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69633eritrocito simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1960citoplasma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1963globulo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3126sangue ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69633eritrocito is eritrocito" ; rdfs:label " eritrocito_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem69634castagnolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2085castagna ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69634castagnolo is castagnolo" ; rdfs:label " castagnolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem69635ruberia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69635ruberia is ruberia" ; rdfs:label " ruberia_as_Act" . inds:USem69636catalano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem64461catalogna ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69636catalano is catalano" ; rdfs:label " catalano_as_People" . inds:USem69637catalano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69637catalano is catalano" ; rdfs:label " catalano_as_Language" . inds:USem69638eros simple:hasIsa inds:USem60270impulso ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69638eros is eros" ; rdfs:label " eros_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem69639ruvidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem70084ruvido ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69639ruvidezza is ruvidezza" ; rdfs:label " ruvidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem6963atterrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6963atterrare is atterrare" ; rdfs:label " atterrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem69640catanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2121catania ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69640catanese is catanese" ; rdfs:label " catanese_as_People" . inds:USem69641eros simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69641eros is eros" ; rdfs:label " eros_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem69642erotomane simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69642erotomane is erotomane" ; rdfs:label " erotomane_as_Human" . inds:USem69643esagono simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69643esagono is esagono" ; rdfs:label " esagono_as_Shape" . inds:USem69644ruvidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem70085ruvido ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69644ruvidezza is ruvidezza" ; rdfs:label " ruvidezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69645catanese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69645catanese is catanese" ; rdfs:label " catanese_as_Language" . inds:USem69646sabba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69646sabba is sabba" ; rdfs:label " sabba_as_Event" . inds:USem69648cassa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69648cassa is cassa" ; rdfs:label " cassa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69649eschimese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2089america, inds:USemD65575siberia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69649eschimese is eschimese" ; rdfs:label " eschimese_as_People" . inds:USem69650catanzarese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4669catanzaro ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69650catanzarese is catanzarese" ; rdfs:label " catanzarese_as_People" . inds:USem69651catanzarese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69651catanzarese is catanzarese" ; rdfs:label " catanzarese_as_Language" . inds:USem69653escluso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69653escluso is escluso" ; rdfs:label " escluso_as_Human" . inds:USem69654escoriazione simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63847lesione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69654escoriazione is escoriazione" ; rdfs:label " escoriazione_as_Disease" . inds:USem69655escremento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69655escremento is escremento" ; rdfs:label " escremento_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem69657esecrare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5836orrore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69657esecrare is esecrare" ; rdfs:label " esecrare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69658esecrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69658esecrazione is esecrazione" ; rdfs:label " esecrazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69659esequie simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69659esequie is esequie" ; rdfs:label " esequie_as_Event" . inds:USem6965racchiudere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6965racchiudere is racchiudere" ; rdfs:label " racchiudere_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem69660esilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62041esile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69660esilita1 is esilita'" ; rdfs:label " esilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem69661caucciu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69661caucciu1 is caucciu'" ; rdfs:label " caucciu'_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem69662esistenzialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69662esistenzialismo is esistenzialismo" ; rdfs:label " esistenzialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem69663eskimo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4856giaccone ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69663eskimo is eskimo" ; rdfs:label " eskimo_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69664caucciu1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69664caucciu1 is caucciu'" ; rdfs:label " caucciu'_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem69665eskimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2089america, inds:USemD65575siberia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69665eskimo is eskimo" ; rdfs:label " eskimo_as_People" . inds:USem69666eskimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69666eskimo is eskimo" ; rdfs:label " eskimo_as_Act" . inds:USem69667espansivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6835espansivo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69667espansivita1 is espansivita'" ; rdfs:label " espansivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem69668cellofan simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69668cellofan is cellofan" ; rdfs:label " cellofan_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem69669esogamia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5557norma ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69669esogamia is esogamia" ; rdfs:label " esogamia_as_Convention" . inds:USem6966distaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76766staccare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6966distaccare is distaccare" ; rdfs:label " distaccare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69670esogamia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69670esogamia is esogamia" ; rdfs:label " esogamia_as_Act" . inds:USem69671cementificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2991cemento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69671cementificio is cementificio" ; rdfs:label " cementificio_as_Building" . inds:USem69672centrino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69672centrino is centrino" ; rdfs:label " centrino_as_Furniture" . inds:USem69673centrodestra simple:hasIsa inds:USem66648ideologia ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69673centrodestra is centrodestra" ; rdfs:label " centrodestra_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem69674cerva simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69674cerva is cerva" ; rdfs:label " cerva_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem69675chela simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69675chela is chela" ; rdfs:label " chela_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem69676cerone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69676cerone is cerone" ; rdfs:label " cerone_as_Substance" . inds:USem69677espettorato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69677espettorato is espettorato" ; rdfs:label " espettorato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem69678chilowatt simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69678chilowatt is chilowatt" ; rdfs:label " chilowatt_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem69679cibernetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69679cibernetica is cibernetica" ; rdfs:label " cibernetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem69680ciclamino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem69682ciclamino ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69680ciclamino is ciclamino" ; rdfs:label " ciclamino_as_Flower" . inds:USem69682ciclamino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem69680ciclamino ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69682ciclamino is ciclamino" ; rdfs:label " ciclamino_as_Plant" . inds:USem69683ciclamino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69683ciclamino is ciclamino" ; rdfs:label " ciclamino_as_Color" . inds:USem69684esterofilia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69684esterofilia is esterofilia" ; rdfs:label " esterofilia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69685cincia simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69685cincia is cincia" ; rdfs:label " cincia_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem69686cinciallegra simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69686cinciallegra is cinciallegra" ; rdfs:label " cinciallegra_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem69687esteriorizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69687esteriorizzazione is esteriorizzazione" ; rdfs:label " esteriorizzazione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem69688estetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69688estetica is estetica" ; rdfs:label " estetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem69689estetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69689estetica is estetica" ; rdfs:label " estetica_as_Property" . inds:USem6968levare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6968levare is levare" ; rdfs:label " levare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem69690cibernetico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69690cibernetico is cibernetico" ; rdfs:label " cibernetico_as_Profession" . inds:USem69691cicalino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69691cicalino is cicalino" ; rdfs:label " cicalino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69692estone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69692estone is estone" ; rdfs:label " estone_as_People" . inds:USem69693cinnamomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69693cinnamomo is cinnamomo" ; rdfs:label " cinnamomo_as_Plant" . inds:USem69694cinnamomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem69693cinnamomo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69694cinnamomo is cinnamomo" ; rdfs:label " cinnamomo_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem69695estroflessione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1768organo, inds:USemD5401tessuto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69695estroflessione is estroflessione" ; rdfs:label " estroflessione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69696ciondolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69696ciondolo is ciondolo" ; rdfs:label " ciondolo_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69697cipollino simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69697cipollino is cipollino" ; rdfs:label " cipollino_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem69698ciuffolotto simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69698ciuffolotto is ciuffolotto" ; rdfs:label " ciuffolotto_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem69699civettone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65489rapace ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69699civettone is civettone" ; rdfs:label " civettone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem6969precipitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6969precipitare is precipitare" ; rdfs:label " precipitare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem69700civettone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69700civettone is civettone" ; rdfs:label " civettone_as_Human" . inds:USem69701etera simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59424corte ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69701etera is etera" ; rdfs:label " etera_as_Social_status" . inds:USem69702coccinella simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69702coccinella is coccinella" ; rdfs:label " coccinella_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem69703etera simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69703etera is etera" ; rdfs:label " etera_as_Human" . inds:USem69704colibri1 simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69704colibri1 is colibri'" ; rdfs:label " colibri'_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem69705eternita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69705eternita1 is eternita'" ; rdfs:label " eternita'_as_Time" . inds:USem69706colino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6276filtrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69706colino is colino" ; rdfs:label " colino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69707colombella simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69707colombella is colombella" ; rdfs:label " colombella_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem69708como1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2346cassettone ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69708como1 is como'" ; rdfs:label " como'_as_Furniture" . inds:USem69709eternita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69709eternita1 is eternita'" ; rdfs:label " eternita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem6970sbarcare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6970sbarcare is sbarcare" ; rdfs:label " sbarcare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem69710coppola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5772visiera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69710coppola is coppola" ; rdfs:label " coppola_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69711criochirurgia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem069575anestesia, inds:USemTH29697chirurgia ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem60983freddo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69711criochirurgia is criochirurgia" ; rdfs:label " criochirurgia_as_Domain" . inds:USem69712cristalliera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69712cristalliera is cristalliera" ; rdfs:label " cristalliera_as_Furniture" . inds:USem69713eternita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69713eternita1 is eternita'" ; rdfs:label " eternita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69714corbello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69714corbello is corbello" ; rdfs:label " corbello_as_Container" . inds:USem69715corbello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69715corbello is corbello" ; rdfs:label " corbello_as_Amount" . inds:USem69719cavigliera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68776monile ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69719cavigliera is cavigliera" ; rdfs:label " cavigliera_as_Clothing" . inds:USem6971spazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6971spazzare is spazzare" ; rdfs:label " spazzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69720cavigliera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69720cavigliera is cavigliera" ; rdfs:label " cavigliera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69721eterodossia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69721eterodossia is eterodossia" ; rdfs:label " eterodossia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69722cartolibreria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69722cartolibreria is cartolibreria" ; rdfs:label " cartolibreria_as_Building" . inds:USem69723etiope simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65579etiopia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69723etiope is etiope" ; rdfs:label " etiope_as_People" . inds:USem69724cometa simple:hasIsa inds:USem59932stella ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69724cometa is cometa" ; rdfs:label " cometa_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem69725conigliera simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1124coniglio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69725conigliera is conigliera" ; rdfs:label " conigliera_as_Container" . inds:USem69726cinofilia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69726cinofilia is cinofilia" ; rdfs:label " cinofilia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69727etnologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69727etnologia is etnologia" ; rdfs:label " etnologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem69728cinodromo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69728cinodromo is cinodromo" ; rdfs:label " cinodromo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem69729eucaristia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69729eucaristia is eucaristia" ; rdfs:label " eucaristia_as_Event" . inds:USem6972dialogare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4810conversare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6972dialogare is dialogare" ; rdfs:label " dialogare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem69730eunuco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69730eunuco is eunuco" ; rdfs:label " eunuco_as_Human" . inds:USem69731eunuco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69731eunuco is eunuco" ; rdfs:label " eunuco_as_Human" . inds:USem69732eunuco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69732eunuco is eunuco" ; rdfs:label " eunuco_as_Human" . inds:USem69733euristica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69733euristica is euristica" ; rdfs:label " euristica_as_Domain" . inds:USem69734euritmia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1769cuore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69734euritmia is euritmia" ; rdfs:label " euritmia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69735euritmia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69735euritmia is euritmia" ; rdfs:label " euritmia_as_State" . inds:USem69736eurovisione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69736eurovisione is eurovisione" ; rdfs:label " eurovisione_as_Event" . inds:USem69737evangelista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69737evangelista is evangelista" ; rdfs:label " evangelista_as_Human" . inds:USem69739extra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69739extra is extra" ; rdfs:label " extra_as_Amount" . inds:USem69740extra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69740extra is extra" ; rdfs:label " extra_as_State" . inds:USem69741extra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69741extra is extra" ; rdfs:label " extra_as_Human" . inds:USem69742evoluzionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2579teoria ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69742evoluzionismo is evoluzionismo" ; rdfs:label " evoluzionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem69743evviva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69743evviva is evviva" ; rdfs:label " evviva_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem69744fachiro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69744fachiro is fachiro" ; rdfs:label " fachiro_as_Human" . inds:USem69745fachiro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69745fachiro is fachiro" ; rdfs:label " fachiro_as_Human" . inds:USem69746fanghiglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3180fango ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69746fanghiglia is fanghiglia" ; rdfs:label " fanghiglia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem69747limo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3180fango ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69747limo is limo" ; rdfs:label " limo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem69749faciloneria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78304facilone ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69749faciloneria is faciloneria" ; rdfs:label " faciloneria_as_Quality" . inds:USem6974sporcare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5839sporco ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6974sporcare is sporcare" ; rdfs:label " sporcare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69750crestina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69750crestina is crestina" ; rdfs:label " crestina_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69751facondia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78305facondo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69751facondia is facondia" ; rdfs:label " facondia_as_Quality" . inds:USem69753factotum simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69753factotum is factotum" ; rdfs:label " factotum_as_Human" . inds:USem69754faggeto simple:hasContains inds:USem1458faggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4729bosco ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69754faggeto is faggeto" ; rdfs:label " faggeto_as_Area" . inds:USem69755fagotto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69755fagotto is fagotto" ; rdfs:label " fagotto_as_Group" . inds:USem69756fagotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69756fagotto is fagotto" ; rdfs:label " fagotto_as_Human" . inds:USem69757fagotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69757fagotto is fagotto" ; rdfs:label " fagotto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69758fagotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem69757fagotto ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69758fagotto is fagotto" ; rdfs:label " fagotto_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem69759falcata simple:hasIsa inds:USem61022salto ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69759falcata is falcata" ; rdfs:label " falcata_as_Move" . inds:USem6975cucinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6183cucinato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6975cucinare is cucinare" ; rdfs:label " cucinare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69761falcata simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69761falcata is falcata" ; rdfs:label " falcata_as_Move" . inds:USem69762falcetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2817falce ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69762falcetto is falcetto" ; rdfs:label " falcetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69763falciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69763falciatore is falciatore" ; rdfs:label " falciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem69766falcidia simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60232riduzione ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69766falcidia is falcidia" ; rdfs:label " falcidia_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem69767ridurre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3982diminuire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69767ridurre is ridurre" ; rdfs:label " ridurre_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem69768cancellino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2961cancellare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69768cancellino is cancellino" ; rdfs:label " cancellino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6976sporcare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5839sporco ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6976sporcare is sporcare" ; rdfs:label " sporcare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69770falcone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1739artiglio, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69770falcone is falcone" ; rdfs:label " falcone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem69772falcone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69772falcone is falcone" ; rdfs:label " falcone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69773falconiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69773falconiere is falconiere" ; rdfs:label " falconiere_as_Human" . inds:USem69775falerno simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69775falerno is falerno" ; rdfs:label " falerno_as_Plant" . inds:USem69776falerno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69776falerno is falerno" ; rdfs:label " falerno_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem69777falesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem59527costa ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69777falesia is falesia" ; rdfs:label " falesia_as_Area" . inds:USem69778caravanserraglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69778caravanserraglio is caravanserraglio" ; rdfs:label " caravanserraglio_as_Location" . inds:USem69779falo1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem60904fuoco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62340bruciare, inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69779falo1 is falo'" ; rdfs:label " falo'_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem6977spostare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6977spostare is spostare" ; rdfs:label " spostare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69780sacrilegio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69780sacrilegio is sacrilegio" ; rdfs:label " sacrilegio_as_Act" . inds:USem69782carboneria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5271associazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69782carboneria is carboneria" ; rdfs:label " carboneria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem69783cardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem69785cardo ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69783cardo is cardo" ; rdfs:label " cardo_as_Plant" . inds:USem69784falpala1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69784falpala1 is falpala'" ; rdfs:label " falpala'_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69785cardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem69783cardo ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69785cardo is cardo" ; rdfs:label " cardo_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem69787falsariga simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69787falsariga is falsariga" ; rdfs:label " falsariga_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69788cardo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63437cardare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69788cardo is cardo" ; rdfs:label " cardo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69789falsariga simple:hasIsa inds:USem63153modello ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69789falsariga is falsariga" ; rdfs:label " falsariga_as_Representation" . inds:USem6978sporcare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5839sporco ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6978sporcare is sporcare" ; rdfs:label " sporcare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69790falsetto simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7102voce ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69790falsetto is falsetto" ; rdfs:label " falsetto_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem69792carola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69792carola is carola" ; rdfs:label " carola_as_Move" . inds:USem69793familiarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76962familiare ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69793familiarita1 is familiarita'" ; rdfs:label " familiarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem69795carovaniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69795carovaniere is carovaniere" ; rdfs:label " carovaniere_as_Human" . inds:USem69796cinegiornale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69796cinegiornale is cinegiornale" ; rdfs:label " cinegiornale_as_Information" . inds:USem69797sadismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69797sadismo is sadismo" ; rdfs:label " sadismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem69798sadismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69798sadismo is sadismo" ; rdfs:label " sadismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69799safari simple:hasIsa inds:USem60448caccia ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69799safari is safari" ; rdfs:label " safari_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem6979infiammare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem78639infiammato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6979infiammare is infiammare" ; rdfs:label " infiammare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69801cordialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62210cordiale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69801cordialita1 is cordialita'" ; rdfs:label " cordialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem69803cingalese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem5100ceylon ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69803cingalese is cingalese" ; rdfs:label " cingalese_as_People" . inds:USem69804cingalese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69804cingalese is cingalese" ; rdfs:label " cingalese_as_Language" . inds:USem69807corniciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69807corniciaio is corniciaio" ; rdfs:label " corniciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem69808fandango simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69808fandango is fandango" ; rdfs:label " fandango_as_Move" . inds:USem69809fanfaluca simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69809fanfaluca is fanfaluca" ; rdfs:label " fanfaluca_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem6980lordare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6976sporcare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6980lordare is lordare" ; rdfs:label " lordare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69810fanfaronata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69810fanfaronata is fanfaronata" ; rdfs:label " fanfaronata_as_Act" . inds:USem69811domestica simple:hasIsa inds:USem72225lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61093ordinare, inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69811domestica is domestica" ; rdfs:label " domestica_as_Profession" . inds:USem69812fanfarone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69812fanfarone is fanfarone" ; rdfs:label " fanfarone_as_Human" . inds:USem69813fantapolitica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69813fantapolitica is fantapolitica" ; rdfs:label " fantapolitica_as_Domain" . inds:USem69815fante simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69815fante is fante" ; rdfs:label " fante_as_Profession" . inds:USem69816fante simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62905carta ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69816fante is fante" ; rdfs:label " fante_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem69817fantoccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69817fantoccio is fantoccio" ; rdfs:label " fantoccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69818fantoccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69818fantoccio is fantoccio" ; rdfs:label " fantoccio_as_Human" . inds:USem69819faraglione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63517scoglio ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69819faraglione is faraglione" ; rdfs:label " faraglione_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem6981lordare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6974sporcare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6981lordare is lordare" ; rdfs:label " lordare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69820farcia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69820farcia is farcia" ; rdfs:label " farcia_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69821caposquadra simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59495squadra ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69821caposquadra is caposquadra" ; rdfs:label " caposquadra_as_Role" . inds:USem69822faretra simple:hasIsa inds:USem62622custodia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69822faretra is faretra" ; rdfs:label " faretra_as_Container" . inds:USem69823farfallone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69823farfallone is farfallone" ; rdfs:label " farfallone_as_Human" . inds:USem69824cuscus simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69824cuscus is cuscus" ; rdfs:label " cuscus_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69825sagra simple:hasIsa inds:USem60969festa ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69825sagra is sagra" ; rdfs:label " sagra_as_Event" . inds:USem69826fariseo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemTH09002fariseismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69826fariseo is fariseo" ; rdfs:label " fariseo_as_Ideo" . inds:USem69827salvezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69827salvezza is salvezza" ; rdfs:label " salvezza_as_State" . inds:USem69828fariseo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69828fariseo is fariseo" ; rdfs:label " fariseo_as_Human" . inds:USem69829farmacologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69829farmacologo is farmacologo" ; rdfs:label " farmacologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem6982spolverare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6982spolverare is spolverare" ; rdfs:label " spolverare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69830dublinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2136dublino ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69830dublinese is dublinese" ; rdfs:label " dublinese_as_People" . inds:USem69831salvezza simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69831salvezza is salvezza" ; rdfs:label " salvezza_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69832farsetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69832farsetto is farsetto" ; rdfs:label " farsetto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69833farsetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62539stecca ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2679fissare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69833farsetto is farsetto" ; rdfs:label " farsetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69834fascina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem69835ramoscello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69834fascina is fascina" ; rdfs:label " fascina_as_Group" . inds:USem69835ramoscello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69835ramoscello is ramoscello" ; rdfs:label " ramoscello_as_Part" . inds:USem69836fascismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69836fascismo is fascismo" ; rdfs:label " fascismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem69837fascismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem64115governare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69837fascismo is fascismo" ; rdfs:label " fascismo_as_Institution" . inds:USem69838fascista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem69836fascismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69838fascista is fascista" ; rdfs:label " fascista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem69839fascista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69839fascista is fascista" ; rdfs:label " fascista_as_Human" . inds:USem6983salire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6983salire is salire" ; rdfs:label " salire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69840fastello simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69840fastello is fastello" ; rdfs:label " fastello_as_Group" . inds:USem69841facchinaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69841facchinaggio is facchinaggio" ; rdfs:label " facchinaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69842falcidia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69842falcidia is falcidia" ; rdfs:label " falcidia_as_Event" . inds:USem69843fasti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69843fasti is fasti" ; rdfs:label " fasti_as_Time" . inds:USem69844fasti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69844fasti is fasti" ; rdfs:label " fasti_as_Event" . inds:USem69845fastidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69845fastidio is fastidio" ; rdfs:label " fastidio_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69846fastidio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem6545infastidire ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69846fastidio is fastidio" ; rdfs:label " fastidio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem69847salvietta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5420drappo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59113apparecchiare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69847salvietta is salvietta" ; rdfs:label " salvietta_as_Furniture" . inds:USem69848samba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69848samba is samba" ; rdfs:label " samba_as_Move" . inds:USem69849sarcasmo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60872espressione ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69849sarcasmo is sarcasmo" ; rdfs:label " sarcasmo_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem6984addentrare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6984addentrare is addentrare" ; rdfs:label " addentrare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69850fastidio simple:hasIsa inds:USem68070malessere ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69850fastidio is fastidio" ; rdfs:label " fastidio_as_Perception" . inds:USem69851sassaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USem61068lancio ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69851sassaiola is sassaiola" ; rdfs:label " sassaiola_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem69853decibel simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69853decibel is decibel" ; rdfs:label " decibel_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem69854fastigio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69854fastigio is fastigio" ; rdfs:label " fastigio_as_Part" . inds:USem69855fastigio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69855fastigio is fastigio" ; rdfs:label " fastigio_as_Event" . inds:USem69856sbadiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69856sbadiglio is sbadiglio" ; rdfs:label " sbadiglio_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem69857sballo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69857sballo is sballo" ; rdfs:label " sballo_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69858fatalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69858fatalismo is fatalismo" ; rdfs:label " fatalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem69859coturno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69859coturno is coturno" ; rdfs:label " coturno_as_Clothing" . inds:USem6985allontanare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6985allontanare is allontanare" ; rdfs:label " allontanare_as_Move" . inds:USem69860fatalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78301fatale ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69860fatalismo is fatalismo" ; rdfs:label " fatalismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69861fatalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78301fatale ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69861fatalita1 is fatalita'" ; rdfs:label " fatalita'_as_Property" . inds:USem69862sbandamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69862sbandamento is sbandamento" ; rdfs:label " sbandamento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69863fatalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69863fatalita1 is fatalita'" ; rdfs:label " fatalita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69864credulone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69864credulone is credulone" ; rdfs:label " credulone_as_Human" . inds:USem69865fatalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69865fatalita1 is fatalita'" ; rdfs:label " fatalita'_as_Event" . inds:USem69866crapulone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69866crapulone is crapulone" ; rdfs:label " crapulone_as_Human" . inds:USem69867sbandamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69867sbandamento is sbandamento" ; rdfs:label " sbandamento_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem69868faticata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69868faticata is faticata" ; rdfs:label " faticata_as_Act" . inds:USem69869criticone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69869criticone is criticone" ; rdfs:label " criticone_as_Human" . inds:USem6986alzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6986alzare is alzare" ; rdfs:label " alzare_as_Move" . inds:USem69870fatta simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69870fatta is fatta" ; rdfs:label " fatta_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69871cremino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64602cioccolatino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69871cremino is cremino" ; rdfs:label " cremino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69873fattispecie simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69873fattispecie is fattispecie" ; rdfs:label " fattispecie_as_Event" . inds:USem69874sberla simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69874sberla is sberla" ; rdfs:label " sberla_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem69875fattrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69875fattrice is fattrice" ; rdfs:label " fattrice_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem69876fattucchiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69876fattucchiere is fattucchiere" ; rdfs:label " fattucchiere_as_Human" . inds:USem69877fauno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64033personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69877fauno is fauno" ; rdfs:label " fauno_as_Representation" . inds:USem69878fauno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69878fauno is fauno" ; rdfs:label " fauno_as_Human" . inds:USem69879favella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69879favella is favella" ; rdfs:label " favella_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem6987atterrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6987atterrare is atterrare" ; rdfs:label " atterrare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69880favilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem6452frammento ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69880favilla is favilla" ; rdfs:label " favilla_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem69881favilla simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69881favilla is favilla" ; rdfs:label " favilla_as_Agentive" . inds:USem69882favorita simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69882favorita is favorita" ; rdfs:label " favorita_as_Human" . inds:USem69883favorita simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69883favorita is favorita" ; rdfs:label " favorita_as_Plant" . inds:USem69884favorita simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69884favorita is favorita" ; rdfs:label " favorita_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem69885favolistica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69885favolistica is favolistica" ; rdfs:label " favolistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem69886favoreggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69886favoreggiatore is favoreggiatore" ; rdfs:label " favoreggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem69887dolmen simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69887dolmen is dolmen" ; rdfs:label " dolmen_as_Building" . inds:USem69888carrarese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77796carrara ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69888carrarese is carrarese" ; rdfs:label " carrarese_as_People" . inds:USem69889sberleffo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69889sberleffo is sberleffo" ; rdfs:label " sberleffo_as_Act" . inds:USem6988cadere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6988cadere is cadere" ; rdfs:label " cadere_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69890sbornia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69890sbornia is sbornia" ; rdfs:label " sbornia_as_State" . inds:USem69891cachi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69891cachi is cachi" ; rdfs:label " cachi_as_Color" . inds:USem69892cachi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem69894cachi ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69892cachi is cachi" ; rdfs:label " cachi_as_Fruit" . inds:USem69894cachi simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem69892cachi ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69894cachi is cachi" ; rdfs:label " cachi_as_Plant" . inds:USem69895scalata simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69895scalata is scalata" ; rdfs:label " scalata_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69896scalpore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69896scalpore is scalpore" ; rdfs:label " scalpore_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem69897scalpore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69897scalpore is scalpore" ; rdfs:label " scalpore_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem69898casermetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2252caserma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69898casermetta is casermetta" ; rdfs:label " casermetta_as_Part" . inds:USem69899scaltrezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69899scaltrezza is scaltrezza" ; rdfs:label " scaltrezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem6989capovolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6989capovolgere is capovolgere" ; rdfs:label " capovolgere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem69900capelvenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69900capelvenere is capelvenere" ; rdfs:label " capelvenere_as_Plant" . inds:USem69901scampagnata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69901scampagnata is scampagnata" ; rdfs:label " scampagnata_as_Event" . inds:USem69902confettiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69902confettiere is confettiere" ; rdfs:label " confettiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem69903crumiro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69903crumiro is crumiro" ; rdfs:label " crumiro_as_Human" . inds:USem69904fendinebbia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69904fendinebbia is fendinebbia" ; rdfs:label " fendinebbia_as_Part" . inds:USem69905crumiro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4349biscotto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1750zucchero, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69905crumiro is crumiro" ; rdfs:label " crumiro_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69906fenice simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69906fenice is fenice" ; rdfs:label " fenice_as_Representation" . inds:USem69907scampanellata simple:hasCausedby inds:USem68977campanello ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2735udito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6154suono ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69907scampanellata is scampanellata" ; rdfs:label " scampanellata_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem69908dormiglione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69908dormiglione is dormiglione" ; rdfs:label " dormiglione_as_Human" . inds:USem69909fenice simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69909fenice is fenice" ; rdfs:label " fenice_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem6990cascare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6990cascare is cascare" ; rdfs:label " cascare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69910scandalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69910scandalo is scandalo" ; rdfs:label " scandalo_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69911fenice simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1511palma ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69911fenice is fenice" ; rdfs:label " fenice_as_Plant" . inds:USem69912diktat simple:hasIsa inds:USem60075ordine ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69912diktat is diktat" ; rdfs:label " diktat_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem69913diktat simple:hasIsa inds:USem60397accordo ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69913diktat is diktat" ; rdfs:label " diktat_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69914feretro simple:hasIsa inds:USem63147bara ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3688legno ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69914feretro is feretro" ; rdfs:label " feretro_as_Container" . inds:USem69915scandalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69915scandalo is scandalo" ; rdfs:label " scandalo_as_Act" . inds:USem69916scapaccione simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69916scapaccione is scapaccione" ; rdfs:label " scapaccione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem69917darwinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2579teoria ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69917darwinismo is darwinismo" ; rdfs:label " darwinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem69918scapito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69918scapito is scapito" ; rdfs:label " scapito_as_Event" . inds:USem69919fernet simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69919fernet is fernet" ; rdfs:label " fernet_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem6991decollare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6991decollare is decollare" ; rdfs:label " decollare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69920ferragosto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69920ferragosto is ferragosto" ; rdfs:label " ferragosto_as_Time" . inds:USem69921scapolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69921scapolo is scapolo" ; rdfs:label " scapolo_as_Human" . inds:USem69923scappatella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69923scappatella is scappatella" ; rdfs:label " scappatella_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69924dannunzianesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69924dannunzianesimo is dannunzianesimo" ; rdfs:label " dannunzianesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem69925scarabocchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69925scarabocchio is scarabocchio" ; rdfs:label " scarabocchio_as_Sign" . inds:USem69927scaramanzia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69927scaramanzia is scaramanzia" ; rdfs:label " scaramanzia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69928ferrarese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7482ferrara ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2139ferrara ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69928ferrarese is ferrarese" ; rdfs:label " ferrarese_as_People" . inds:USem69929egiziano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69929egiziano is egiziano" ; rdfs:label " egiziano_as_Language" . inds:USem6992discendere simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6992discendere is discendere" ; rdfs:label " discendere_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69930scaramuccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6347lotta ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69930scaramuccia is scaramuccia" ; rdfs:label " scaramuccia_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem69931ferriera simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69931ferriera is ferriera" ; rdfs:label " ferriera_as_Building" . inds:USem69932faziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem79193fazioso ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69932faziosita1 is faziosita'" ; rdfs:label " faziosita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem69933metropoli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69933metropoli is metropoli" ; rdfs:label " metropoli_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem69934radica simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69934radica is radica" ; rdfs:label " radica_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem69935mezzadria simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69935mezzadria is mezzadria" ; rdfs:label " mezzadria_as_Convention" . inds:USem69936mezzaluna simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69936mezzaluna is mezzaluna" ; rdfs:label " mezzaluna_as_Shape" . inds:USem69937ruta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69937ruta is ruta" ; rdfs:label " ruta_as_Plant" . inds:USem69938mezzaluna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69938mezzaluna is mezzaluna" ; rdfs:label " mezzaluna_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69939mezzana simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69939mezzana is mezzana" ; rdfs:label " mezzana_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem6993distaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD76608staccare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6993distaccare is distaccare" ; rdfs:label " distaccare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem69940fecondita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78298fecondo ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69940fecondita1 is fecondita'" ; rdfs:label " fecondita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem69941mezzanino simple:hasIsa inds:USem6917piano ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69941mezzanino is mezzanino" ; rdfs:label " mezzanino_as_Part" . inds:USem69942mezzano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69942mezzano is mezzano" ; rdfs:label " mezzano_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem69943mezzatinta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69943mezzatinta is mezzatinta" ; rdfs:label " mezzatinta_as_Color" . inds:USem69944mezzeria simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69944mezzeria is mezzeria" ; rdfs:label " mezzeria_as_Sign" . inds:USem69945mezzobusto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69945mezzobusto is mezzobusto" ; rdfs:label " mezzobusto_as_Artwork" . inds:USem69946mezzobusto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4795annunciare, inds:USem6472comunicare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69946mezzobusto is mezzobusto" ; rdfs:label " mezzobusto_as_Profession" . inds:USem69947rosolio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69947rosolio is rosolio" ; rdfs:label " rosolio_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem69948mezzofondo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69948mezzofondo is mezzofondo" ; rdfs:label " mezzofondo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem69949mezzosoprano simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65596mezzosoprano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6357cantante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69949mezzosoprano is mezzosoprano" ; rdfs:label " mezzosoprano_as_Profession" . inds:USem6994entrare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6994entrare is entrare" ; rdfs:label " entrare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69950fecondita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78297fecondo ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69950fecondita1 is fecondita'" ; rdfs:label " fecondita'_as_Property" . inds:USem69951miasma simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2737olfatto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3878odore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69951miasma is miasma" ; rdfs:label " miasma_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem69952micio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69952micio is micio" ; rdfs:label " micio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem69953microcefalia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD7098cranio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069773malformazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69953microcefalia is microcefalia" ; rdfs:label " microcefalia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem69954refe simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69954refe is refe" ; rdfs:label " refe_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem69955fegatello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69955fegatello is fegatello" ; rdfs:label " fegatello_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69956scimitarra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69956scimitarra is scimitarra" ; rdfs:label " scimitarra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69957felpato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69957felpato is felpato" ; rdfs:label " felpato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem69958scorfano simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69958scorfano is scorfano" ; rdfs:label " scorfano_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem69959scorfano simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69959scorfano is scorfano" ; rdfs:label " scorfano_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem69960scorfano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69960scorfano is scorfano" ; rdfs:label " scorfano_as_Human" . inds:USem69961fegatino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69961fegatino is fegatino" ; rdfs:label " fegatino_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem69962feluca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69962feluca is feluca" ; rdfs:label " feluca_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69963feluca simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69963feluca is feluca" ; rdfs:label " feluca_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem69964ribes simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem69965ribes ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69964ribes is ribes" ; rdfs:label " ribes_as_Fruit" . inds:USem69965ribes simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem69964ribes ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69965ribes is ribes" ; rdfs:label " ribes_as_Plant" . inds:USem69966ricciarello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2768mandorla, inds:USemD959cioccolato ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69966ricciarello is ricciarello" ; rdfs:label " ricciarello_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69967reggipetto simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63544intimo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69967reggipetto is reggipetto" ; rdfs:label " reggipetto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69968saxofono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem2004sassofonista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69968saxofono is saxofono" ; rdfs:label " saxofono_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69969sfogliatella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69969sfogliatella is sfogliatella" ; rdfs:label " sfogliatella_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem6996giungere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6996giungere is giungere" ; rdfs:label " giungere_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69970femminilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61937femminile ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69970femminilita1 is femminilita'" ; rdfs:label " femminilita'_as_Property" . inds:USem69971femminuccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69971femminuccia is femminuccia" ; rdfs:label " femminuccia_as_Human" . inds:USem69972femminuccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69972femminuccia is femminuccia" ; rdfs:label " femminuccia_as_Human" . inds:USem69973sbrinatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD65598sbrinare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69973sbrinatore is sbrinatore" ; rdfs:label " sbrinatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem69974ferrovecchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7146comprare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69974ferrovecchio is ferrovecchio" ; rdfs:label " ferrovecchio_as_Profession" . inds:USem69975sardella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69975sardella is sardella" ; rdfs:label " sardella_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69976ferrovecchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69976ferrovecchio is ferrovecchio" ; rdfs:label " ferrovecchio_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem69977carovaniera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69977carovaniera is carovaniera" ; rdfs:label " carovaniera_as_Location" . inds:USem69978fervorino simple:hasIsa inds:USem74847discorso ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69978fervorino is fervorino" ; rdfs:label " fervorino_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem69979rustico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2219casa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69979rustico is rustico" ; rdfs:label " rustico_as_Building" . inds:USem6997levare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6986alzare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6997levare is levare" ; rdfs:label " levare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69980festaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69980festaiolo is festaiolo" ; rdfs:label " festaiolo_as_Human" . inds:USem69981rustico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69981rustico is rustico" ; rdfs:label " rustico_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69982festuca simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69982festuca is festuca" ; rdfs:label " festuca_as_Plant" . inds:USem69983fettuccina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69983fettuccina is fettuccina" ; rdfs:label " fettuccina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69984feudalesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem64115governare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69984feudalesimo is feudalesimo" ; rdfs:label " feudalesimo_as_Institution" . inds:USem69985fez simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69985fez is fez" ; rdfs:label " fez_as_Clothing" . inds:USem69986rafano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem69988rafano ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69986rafano is rafano" ; rdfs:label " rafano_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem69987fiacca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69987fiacca is fiacca" ; rdfs:label " fiacca_as_State" . inds:USem69988rafano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69988rafano is rafano" ; rdfs:label " rafano_as_Plant" . inds:USem69989fiammingo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65600fiandra ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69989fiammingo is fiammingo" ; rdfs:label " fiammingo_as_People" . inds:USem6998migrare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6998migrare is migrare" ; rdfs:label " migrare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69990fiasca simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69990fiasca is fiasca" ; rdfs:label " fiasca_as_Container" . inds:USem69991fiasca simple:hasContains inds:USem67960polvere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo, inds:USem3326cuoio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69991fiasca is fiasca" ; rdfs:label " fiasca_as_Container" . inds:USem69992puzzola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69992puzzola is puzzola" ; rdfs:label " puzzola_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem69993puzzola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem69992puzzola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69993puzzola is puzzola" ; rdfs:label " puzzola_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem69994scaloppina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69994scaloppina is scaloppina" ; rdfs:label " scaloppina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem69995fiducia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69995fiducia is fiducia" ; rdfs:label " fiducia_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem69996scempio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69996scempio is scempio" ; rdfs:label " scempio_as_Event" . inds:USem69997scenata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69997scenata is scenata" ; rdfs:label " scenata_as_Event" . inds:USem69998sceriffo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59448polizia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69998sceriffo is sceriffo" ; rdfs:label " sceriffo_as_Role" . inds:USem69999scettro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69999scettro is scettro" ; rdfs:label " scettro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem6999montare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6999montare is montare" ; rdfs:label " montare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem69settore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60502studio, inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem69settore is settore" ; rdfs:label " settore_as_Part" . inds:USem6antropologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63948uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem6antropologia is antropologia" ; rdfs:label " antropologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem70000scettro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70000scettro is scettro" ; rdfs:label " scettro_as_State" . inds:USem70001schermaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem60796litigio ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70001schermaglia is schermaglia" ; rdfs:label " schermaglia_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70002scherno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70002scherno is scherno" ; rdfs:label " scherno_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70003schiamazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70003schiamazzo is schiamazzo" ; rdfs:label " schiamazzo_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem70004scia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70004scia is scia" ; rdfs:label " scia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem70005sciagura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70005sciagura is sciagura" ; rdfs:label " sciagura_as_Event" . inds:USem70006sciagura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70006sciagura is sciagura" ; rdfs:label " sciagura_as_Human" . inds:USem70007scialo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70007scialo is scialo" ; rdfs:label " scialo_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem70008sciatteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78315sciatto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70008sciatteria is sciatteria" ; rdfs:label " sciatteria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70009scibile simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70009scibile is scibile" ; rdfs:label " scibile_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem7000partire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7000partire is partire" ; rdfs:label " partire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem70010concimaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70010concimaia is concimaia" ; rdfs:label " concimaia_as_Location" . inds:USem70011sciccheria simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70011sciccheria is sciccheria" ; rdfs:label " sciccheria_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70012sciccheria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70012sciccheria is sciccheria" ; rdfs:label " sciccheria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70013scintilla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5444particella ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70013scintilla is scintilla" ; rdfs:label " scintilla_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem70014capodoglio simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70014capodoglio is capodoglio" ; rdfs:label " capodoglio_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem70015scintilla simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70015scintilla is scintilla" ; rdfs:label " scintilla_as_Agentive" . inds:USem70016ceca simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70016ceca is ceca" ; rdfs:label " ceca_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem70017scintillio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70017scintillio is scintillio" ; rdfs:label " scintillio_as_State" . inds:USem70018scavezzacollo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70018scavezzacollo is scavezzacollo" ; rdfs:label " scavezzacollo_as_Human" . inds:USem70019setificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5431seta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70019setificio is setificio" ; rdfs:label " setificio_as_Building" . inds:USem7001piombare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6996giungere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7001piombare is piombare" ; rdfs:label " piombare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem70020fienagione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70020fienagione is fienagione" ; rdfs:label " fienagione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70021sciocco simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem5713stupidaggine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70021sciocco is sciocco" ; rdfs:label " sciocco_as_Human" . inds:USem70022fienagione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem68043tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70022fienagione is fienagione" ; rdfs:label " fienagione_as_Time" . inds:USem70023scioglilingua simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70023scioglilingua is scioglilingua" ; rdfs:label " scioglilingua_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem70024scivolone simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70024scivolone is scivolone" ; rdfs:label " scivolone_as_Move" . inds:USem70025figaro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4855giacca ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70025figaro is figaro" ; rdfs:label " figaro_as_Clothing" . inds:USem70026scisma simple:hasIsa inds:USem62445evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70026scisma is scisma" ; rdfs:label " scisma_as_Event" . inds:USem70027saponificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62552sapone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70027saponificio is saponificio" ; rdfs:label " saponificio_as_Building" . inds:USem70028figliastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70028figliastro is figliastro" ; rdfs:label " figliastro_as_Kinship" . inds:USem70029scocciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70029scocciatura is scocciatura" ; rdfs:label " scocciatura_as_State" . inds:USem7002precipitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7002precipitare is precipitare" ; rdfs:label " precipitare_as_Move" . inds:USem70030figliata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem59773cucciolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70030figliata is figliata" ; rdfs:label " figliata_as_Group" . inds:USem70031figliolanza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70031figliolanza is figliolanza" ; rdfs:label " figliolanza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70032figuraccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62928impressione ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70032figuraccia is figuraccia" ; rdfs:label " figuraccia_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem70033sassone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65606sassonia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70033sassone is sassone" ; rdfs:label " sassone_as_People" . inds:USem70034figurante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70034figurante is figurante" ; rdfs:label " figurante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem70035sassone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70035sassone is sassone" ; rdfs:label " sassone_as_Language" . inds:USem70036figurante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70036figurante is figurante" ; rdfs:label " figurante_as_Human" . inds:USem70037scolarizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70037scolarizzazione is scolarizzazione" ; rdfs:label " scolarizzazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70038figuro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70038figuro is figuro" ; rdfs:label " figuro_as_Human" . inds:USem70039filanda simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70039filanda is filanda" ; rdfs:label " filanda_as_Building" . inds:USem7003provenire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7003provenire is provenire" ; rdfs:label " provenire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem70040filatelia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70040filatelia is filatelia" ; rdfs:label " filatelia_as_Domain" . inds:USem70041scamorza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70041scamorza is scamorza" ; rdfs:label " scamorza_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70042robiola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70042robiola is robiola" ; rdfs:label " robiola_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70043filatoio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1391filare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70043filatoio is filatoio" ; rdfs:label " filatoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70044scompiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem67988confusione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70044scompiglio is scompiglio" ; rdfs:label " scompiglio_as_State" . inds:USem70045sconcio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70045sconcio is sconcio" ; rdfs:label " sconcio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70046scontentezza simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6456scontento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70046scontentezza is scontentezza" ; rdfs:label " scontentezza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem70047filatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1391filare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70047filatore is filatore" ; rdfs:label " filatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem70048filippica simple:hasIsa inds:USem74847discorso ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70048filippica is filippica" ; rdfs:label " filippica_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70049filippino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65608filippine ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70049filippino is filippino" ; rdfs:label " filippino_as_People" . inds:USem7004ritornare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7004ritornare is ritornare" ; rdfs:label " ritornare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem70050filisteismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65609filisteo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70050filisteismo is filisteismo" ; rdfs:label " filisteismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70051filoncino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70051filoncino is filoncino" ; rdfs:label " filoncino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70052filovia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70052filovia is filovia" ; rdfs:label " filovia_as_Location" . inds:USem70053filovia simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70053filovia is filovia" ; rdfs:label " filovia_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70054filza simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70054filza is filza" ; rdfs:label " filza_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70055scamiciato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70055scamiciato is scamiciato" ; rdfs:label " scamiciato_as_Clothing" . inds:USem70056filodiffusione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70056filodiffusione is filodiffusione" ; rdfs:label " filodiffusione_as_State" . inds:USem70057scongiuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem61359gesto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70057scongiuro is scongiuro" ; rdfs:label " scongiuro_as_Act" . inds:USem70058sconquasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem62674disastro ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70058sconquasso is sconquasso" ; rdfs:label " sconquasso_as_Event" . inds:USem70059filza simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70059filza is filza" ; rdfs:label " filza_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70060savonese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65612savona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70060savonese is savonese" ; rdfs:label " savonese_as_People" . inds:USem70062finanziaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem903ente ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70062finanziaria is finanziaria" ; rdfs:label " finanziaria_as_Institution" . inds:USem70063savonese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70063savonese is savonese" ; rdfs:label " savonese_as_Language" . inds:USem70064finanziaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65613legge ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70064finanziaria is finanziaria" ; rdfs:label " finanziaria_as_Convention" . inds:USem70065scontento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6456scontento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70065scontento is scontento" ; rdfs:label " scontento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem70066finanziera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70066finanziera is finanziera" ; rdfs:label " finanziera_as_Clothing" . inds:USem70067scontro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70067scontro is scontro" ; rdfs:label " scontro_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem70068finca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD65619registro, inds:USemD65620tabella ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70068finca is finca" ; rdfs:label " finca_as_Part" . inds:USem70069puma simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70069puma is puma" ; rdfs:label " puma_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70070finimondo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70070finimondo is finimondo" ; rdfs:label " finimondo_as_Event" . inds:USem70071rilegatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD65487rilegare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70071rilegatore is rilegatore" ; rdfs:label " rilegatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem70072scoppola simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70072scoppola is scoppola" ; rdfs:label " scoppola_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem70073scorcio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70073scorcio is scorcio" ; rdfs:label " scorcio_as_Representation" . inds:USem70074scorcio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60707vista ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70074scorcio is scorcio" ; rdfs:label " scorcio_as_Part" . inds:USem70075camorra simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70075camorra is camorra" ; rdfs:label " camorra_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70076scorcio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70076scorcio is scorcio" ; rdfs:label " scorcio_as_Part" . inds:USem70077campagnola simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70077campagnola is campagnola" ; rdfs:label " campagnola_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70078finlandese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7484finlandia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4895finlandia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70078finlandese is finlandese" ; rdfs:label " finlandese_as_People" . inds:USem70079fiocina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70079fiocina is fiocina" ; rdfs:label " fiocina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem7007scendere simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7007scendere is scendere" ; rdfs:label " scendere_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem70080fioriera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70080fioriera is fioriera" ; rdfs:label " fioriera_as_Container" . inds:USem70081fissita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62079fisso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70081fissita1 is fissita'" ; rdfs:label " fissita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70082scorpacciata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70082scorpacciata is scorpacciata" ; rdfs:label " scorpacciata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem70083flabello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3387ventaglio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70083flabello is flabello" ; rdfs:label " flabello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70088capellino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70088capellino is capellino" ; rdfs:label " capellino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70089foggiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7486foggia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2142foggia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70089foggiano is foggiano" ; rdfs:label " foggiano_as_People" . inds:USem7008sollevare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7008sollevare is sollevare" ; rdfs:label " sollevare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem70090cantoniera simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70090cantoniera is cantoniera" ; rdfs:label " cantoniera_as_Building" . inds:USem70091cantoniera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70091cantoniera is cantoniera" ; rdfs:label " cantoniera_as_Furniture" . inds:USem70092arenile simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70092arenile is arenile" ; rdfs:label " arenile_as_Area" . inds:USem70093folaga simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70093folaga is folaga" ; rdfs:label " folaga_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem70094abruzzese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4646abruzzo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70094abruzzese is abruzzese" ; rdfs:label " abruzzese_as_People" . inds:USem70095abruzzese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70095abruzzese is abruzzese" ; rdfs:label " abruzzese_as_Language" . inds:USem70096folata simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70096folata is folata" ; rdfs:label " folata_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem70097cancellata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7386recinto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD7387recingere ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70097cancellata is cancellata" ; rdfs:label " cancellata_as_Artifact" . inds:USem70098folata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70098folata is folata" ; rdfs:label " folata_as_Amount" . inds:USem70099folletto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70099folletto is folletto" ; rdfs:label " folletto_as_Representation" . inds:USem7009sopraggiungere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4824arrivare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7009sopraggiungere is sopraggiungere" ; rdfs:label " sopraggiungere_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem70101folletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70101folletto is folletto" ; rdfs:label " folletto_as_Human" . inds:USem70102elettrodo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70102elettrodo is elettrodo" ; rdfs:label " elettrodo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70103scarica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70103scarica is scarica" ; rdfs:label " scarica_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem70104introito simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70104introito is introito" ; rdfs:label " introito_as_Amount" . inds:USem70105scaricatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70105scaricatore is scaricatore" ; rdfs:label " scaricatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70106invalido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70106invalido is invalido" ; rdfs:label " invalido_as_Human" . inds:USem70107scarpata simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70107scarpata is scarpata" ; rdfs:label " scarpata_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem70108scarpata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem4774scarpa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70108scarpata is scarpata" ; rdfs:label " scarpata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem70109scarsita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70109scarsita1 is scarsita'" ; rdfs:label " scarsita'_as_State" . inds:USem7010tornare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7010tornare is tornare" ; rdfs:label " tornare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem70111cavallina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70111cavallina is cavallina" ; rdfs:label " cavallina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70112giradischi simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59472ascoltare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70112giradischi is giradischi" ; rdfs:label " giradischi_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70113scarica simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem60276colpo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70113scarica is scarica" ; rdfs:label " scarica_as_Group" . inds:USem70114idrante simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70114idrante is idrante" ; rdfs:label " idrante_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70115cavo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3739fune ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70115cavo is cavo" ; rdfs:label " cavo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70116scellerato simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65985scelleratezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70116scellerato is scellerato" ; rdfs:label " scellerato_as_Human" . inds:USem70117cavo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70117cavo is cavo" ; rdfs:label " cavo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70118scheda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70118scheda is scheda" ; rdfs:label " scheda_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem70119idrante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2857autobotte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70119idrante is idrante" ; rdfs:label " idrante_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem7011trasferire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7011trasferire is trasferire" ; rdfs:label " trasferire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem70120invidia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70120invidia is invidia" ; rdfs:label " invidia_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem70121scheda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem64806computer ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70121scheda is scheda" ; rdfs:label " scheda_as_Part" . inds:USem70122gradino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59842scala ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70122gradino is gradino" ; rdfs:label " gradino_as_Part" . inds:USem70123scheda simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70123scheda is scheda" ; rdfs:label " scheda_as_Information" . inds:USem70124cavo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2450forma ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70124cavo is cavo" ; rdfs:label " cavo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70125scheggia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70125scheggia is scheggia" ; rdfs:label " scheggia_as_Part" . inds:USem70126schema simple:hasIsa inds:USem67814figura ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70126schema is schema" ; rdfs:label " schema_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem70127schema simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70127schema is schema" ; rdfs:label " schema_as_Information" . inds:USem70128talmudista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70128talmudista is talmudista" ; rdfs:label " talmudista_as_Profession" . inds:USem70129tamarindo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65623polpa ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70129tamarindo is tamarindo" ; rdfs:label " tamarindo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem7012traslocare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7012traslocare is traslocare" ; rdfs:label " traslocare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem70130tamarindo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem70129tamarindo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70130tamarindo is tamarindo" ; rdfs:label " tamarindo_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem70131taoismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70131taoismo is taoismo" ; rdfs:label " taoismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem70132taoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem70131taoismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70132taoista is taoista" ; rdfs:label " taoista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem70133tapiro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70133tapiro is tapiro" ; rdfs:label " tapiro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70134tarallo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4349biscotto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70134tarallo is tarallo" ; rdfs:label " tarallo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70135taralluccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4499ciambella ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70135taralluccio is taralluccio" ; rdfs:label " taralluccio_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70136tarantella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70136tarantella is tarantella" ; rdfs:label " tarantella_as_Move" . inds:USem70137tarantella simple:hasIsa inds:USem61614musica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70137tarantella is tarantella" ; rdfs:label " tarantella_as_Domain" . inds:USem70138tarantino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65625taranto ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70138tarantino is tarantino" ; rdfs:label " tarantino_as_People" . inds:USem70139tarantola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1952ragno ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70139tarantola is tarantola" ; rdfs:label " tarantola_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem7013uscire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7013uscire is uscire" ; rdfs:label " uscire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem70140targhetta simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68209cartellino ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70140targhetta is targhetta" ; rdfs:label " targhetta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem70141tari1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70141tari1 is tari'" ; rdfs:label " tari'_as_Money" . inds:USem70142tarlatana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70142tarlatana is tarlatana" ; rdfs:label " tarlatana_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70143tarsia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70143tarsia is tarsia" ; rdfs:label " tarsia_as_Domain" . inds:USem70144tarsia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7104intarsiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70144tarsia is tarsia" ; rdfs:label " tarsia_as_Artwork" . inds:USem70145tartana simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70145tartana is tartana" ; rdfs:label " tartana_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70146tassi1 simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70146tassi1 is tassi'" ; rdfs:label " tassi'_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70147tastierista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USemD912tastiera ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70147tastierista is tastierista" ; rdfs:label " tastierista_as_Profession" . inds:USem70148tastierista simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USemD912tastiera ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70148tastierista is tastierista" ; rdfs:label " tastierista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem70149tauromachia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70149tauromachia is tauromachia" ; rdfs:label " tauromachia_as_Event" . inds:USem7014coltivare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7014coltivare is coltivare" ; rdfs:label " coltivare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70150tavolaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69485tavola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1907dormire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70150tavolaccio is tavolaccio" ; rdfs:label " tavolaccio_as_Furniture" . inds:USem70151tavolato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70151tavolato is tavolato" ; rdfs:label " tavolato_as_Part" . inds:USem70152tavolone simple:hasIsa inds:USem69485tavola ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70152tavolone is tavolone" ; rdfs:label " tavolone_as_Artifact" . inds:USem70153tbc simple:hasAffects inds:USem1780polmone ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1972batterio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70153tbc is tbc" ; rdfs:label " tbc_as_Disease" . inds:USem70154teatralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem71847teatrale ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70154teatralita1 is teatralita'" ; rdfs:label " teatralita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70155teatrino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70155teatrino is teatrino" ; rdfs:label " teatrino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70156teatrino simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5528spettacolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem79804rappresentare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70156teatrino is teatrino" ; rdfs:label " teatrino_as_Building" . inds:USem70157teatrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70157teatrino is teatrino" ; rdfs:label " teatrino_as_State" . inds:USem70158tebano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65628tebe ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70158tebano is tebano" ; rdfs:label " tebano_as_People" . inds:USem70159technicolor simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70159technicolor is technicolor" ; rdfs:label " technicolor_as_Domain" . inds:USem7015coltivazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7015coltivazione is coltivazione" ; rdfs:label " coltivazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70160tecnicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65629tecnico ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70160tecnicita1 is tecnicita'" ; rdfs:label " tecnicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70161abbondare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3912esistere ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70161abbondare is abbondare" ; rdfs:label " abbondare_as_Exist" . inds:USem70162telecabina simple:hasIsa inds:USem68329cabina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem68703funivia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70162telecabina is telecabina" ; rdfs:label " telecabina_as_Part" . inds:USem70163telegrafista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70163telegrafista is telegrafista" ; rdfs:label " telegrafista_as_Profession" . inds:USem70164teleguida simple:hasInstrument inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70164teleguida is teleguida" ; rdfs:label " teleguida_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70165spadino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70165spadino is spadino" ; rdfs:label " spadino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70166spadone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70166spadone is spadone" ; rdfs:label " spadone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70167sparato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70167sparato is sparato" ; rdfs:label " sparato_as_Part" . inds:USem70168spartineve simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem865spazzaneve ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem65367fendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70168spartineve is spartineve" ; rdfs:label " spartineve_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70169spartitraffico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70169spartitraffico is spartitraffico" ; rdfs:label " spartitraffico_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem7016unire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7016unire is unire" ; rdfs:label " unire_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem70170sparviere simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1739artiglio, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65489rapace ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70170sparviere is sparviere" ; rdfs:label " sparviere_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem70171specola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5014osservare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70171specola is specola" ; rdfs:label " specola_as_Building" . inds:USem70172accumulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70172accumulazione is accumulazione" ; rdfs:label " accumulazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70174similoro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5422fusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3649lega ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3414rame ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70174similoro is similoro" ; rdfs:label " similoro_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70175accumulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem64875processo ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70175accumulazione is accumulazione" ; rdfs:label " accumulazione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem70176accumulo simple:hasIsa inds:USem64875processo ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70176accumulo is accumulo" ; rdfs:label " accumulo_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem70177slittino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62518pattino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70177slittino is slittino" ; rdfs:label " slittino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70178slittovia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem863slitta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70178slittovia is slittovia" ; rdfs:label " slittovia_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70179teleguida simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70179teleguida is teleguida" ; rdfs:label " teleguida_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70181individualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70181individualita1 is individualita'" ; rdfs:label " individualita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70183fomite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3874fungo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70183fomite is fomite" ; rdfs:label " fomite_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem70184fondina simple:hasIsa inds:USem62622custodia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70184fondina is fondina" ; rdfs:label " fondina_as_Container" . inds:USem70185fonditore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70185fonditore is fonditore" ; rdfs:label " fonditore_as_Profession" . inds:USem70186forchettata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70186forchettata is forchettata" ; rdfs:label " forchettata_as_Amount" . inds:USem70187forchettata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3293forchetta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70187forchettata is forchettata" ; rdfs:label " forchettata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem70188forcola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70188forcola is forcola" ; rdfs:label " forcola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70189foresteria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5515alloggiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70189foresteria is foresteria" ; rdfs:label " foresteria_as_Building" . inds:USem70191formaggiera simple:hasContains inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70191formaggiera is formaggiera" ; rdfs:label " formaggiera_as_Container" . inds:USem70193formichiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70193formichiere is formichiere" ; rdfs:label " formichiere_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70194formella simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2613rivestire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70194formella is formella" ; rdfs:label " formella_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70199abbattuta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4730bosco ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70199abbattuta is abbattuta" ; rdfs:label " abbattuta_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem70200forra simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70200forra is forra" ; rdfs:label " forra_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem70201abbecedario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70201abbecedario is abbecedario" ; rdfs:label " abbecedario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem70202fortilizio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70202fortilizio is fortilizio" ; rdfs:label " fortilizio_as_Building" . inds:USem70203fortunale simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70203fortunale is fortunale" ; rdfs:label " fortunale_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem70204sbarbatello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70204sbarbatello is sbarbatello" ; rdfs:label " sbarbatello_as_Human" . inds:USem70205fotocolor simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70205fotocolor is fotocolor" ; rdfs:label " fotocolor_as_Domain" . inds:USem70206salumificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2261industria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70206salumificio is salumificio" ; rdfs:label " salumificio_as_Building" . inds:USem70207fotocolor simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70207fotocolor is fotocolor" ; rdfs:label " fotocolor_as_Artwork" . inds:USem70208teletrasmissione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70208teletrasmissione is teletrasmissione" ; rdfs:label " teletrasmissione_as_Event" . inds:USem70209abbeveratoio simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70209abbeveratoio is abbeveratoio" ; rdfs:label " abbeveratoio_as_Container" . inds:USem70210teletta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65796cotone ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70210teletta is teletta" ; rdfs:label " teletta_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70211tellina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70211tellina is tellina" ; rdfs:label " tellina_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem70212abbiente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70212abbiente is abbiente" ; rdfs:label " abbiente_as_Human" . inds:USem70213tellina simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70213tellina is tellina" ; rdfs:label " tellina_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem70214fotocompositore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70214fotocompositore is fotocompositore" ; rdfs:label " fotocompositore_as_Profession" . inds:USem70215temerarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78314temerario ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70215temerarieta1 is temerarieta'" ; rdfs:label " temerarieta'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70216fotogenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70216fotogenia is fotogenia" ; rdfs:label " fotogenia_as_Property" . inds:USem70217fotoreporter simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5139fotografare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70217fotoreporter is fotoreporter" ; rdfs:label " fotoreporter_as_Profession" . inds:USem70218saliera simple:hasContains inds:USem1660pepe, inds:USem3995sale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70218saliera is saliera" ; rdfs:label " saliera_as_Container" . inds:USem70219temperanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70219temperanza is temperanza" ; rdfs:label " temperanza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70220tempestivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65631tempestivo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70220tempestivita1 is tempestivita'" ; rdfs:label " tempestivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70221temporaneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6820temporaneo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70221temporaneita1 is temporaneita'" ; rdfs:label " temporaneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70222fototeca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem60971fotografia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64864raccolta ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70222fototeca is fototeca" ; rdfs:label " fototeca_as_Group" . inds:USem70223teologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70223teologia is teologia" ; rdfs:label " teologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem70224fototeca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61216raccogliere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70224fototeca is fototeca" ; rdfs:label " fototeca_as_Building" . inds:USem70225teorico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD65632teorizzare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70225teorico is teorico" ; rdfs:label " teorico_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem70227abetina simple:hasContains inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4729bosco ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70227abetina is abetina" ; rdfs:label " abetina_as_Area" . inds:USem70228ravennate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem78911ravenna ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70228ravennate is ravennate" ; rdfs:label " ravennate_as_People" . inds:USem70229abituro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70229abituro is abituro" ; rdfs:label " abituro_as_Building" . inds:USem70230ravennate simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70230ravennate is ravennate" ; rdfs:label " ravennate_as_Language" . inds:USem70231frammentarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78306frammentario ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70231frammentarieta1 is frammentarieta'" ; rdfs:label " frammentarieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70232abluzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70232abluzione is abluzione" ; rdfs:label " abluzione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70234termos simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70234termos is termos" ; rdfs:label " termos_as_Container" . inds:USem70235ecuadoriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65634ecuador ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70235ecuadoriano is ecuadoriano" ; rdfs:label " ecuadoriano_as_People" . inds:USem70236ternano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65635terni ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70236ternano is ternano" ; rdfs:label " ternano_as_People" . inds:USem70237acchito simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70237acchito is acchito" ; rdfs:label " acchito_as_Location" . inds:USem70238teppa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6119teppista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70238teppa is teppa" ; rdfs:label " teppa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70239dominicano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70239dominicano is dominicano" ; rdfs:label " dominicano_as_People" . inds:USem70240ternano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70240ternano is ternano" ; rdfs:label " ternano_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem70241terramara simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70241terramara is terramara" ; rdfs:label " terramara_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem70242tesina simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70242tesina is tesina" ; rdfs:label " tesina_as_Information" . inds:USem70243testiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD1184letto, inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70243testiera is testiera" ; rdfs:label " testiera_as_Part" . inds:USem70244capoccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59495squadra ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70244capoccia is capoccia" ; rdfs:label " capoccia_as_Role" . inds:USem70245testone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70245testone is testone" ; rdfs:label " testone_as_Human" . inds:USem70246testuggine simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70246testuggine is testuggine" ; rdfs:label " testuggine_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70247acciacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70247acciacco is acciacco" ; rdfs:label " acciacco_as_Perception" . inds:USem70248tetragono simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70248tetragono is tetragono" ; rdfs:label " tetragono_as_Shape" . inds:USem70249tettarella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD65638biberon ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70249tettarella is tettarella" ; rdfs:label " tettarella_as_Part" . inds:USem70250acciarino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5001accendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70250acciarino is acciarino" ; rdfs:label " acciarino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70251frangente simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70251frangente is frangente" ; rdfs:label " frangente_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem70252frangente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70252frangente is frangente" ; rdfs:label " frangente_as_State" . inds:USem70253accidia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70253accidia is accidia" ; rdfs:label " accidia_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem70254thailandese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65639thailandia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70254thailandese is thailandese" ; rdfs:label " thailandese_as_People" . inds:USem70255frangetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65651acconciatura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62640capigliatura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70255frangetta is frangetta" ; rdfs:label " frangetta_as_Part" . inds:USem70256thailandese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70256thailandese is thailandese" ; rdfs:label " thailandese_as_Language" . inds:USem70257acciottolato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7053prodotto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem68605pavimentare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70257acciottolato is acciottolato" ; rdfs:label " acciottolato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70258frappe1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70258frappe1 is frappe'" ; rdfs:label " frappe'_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem70261fraschetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70261fraschetta is fraschetta" ; rdfs:label " fraschetta_as_Human" . inds:USem70262accolito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2580dottrina ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70262accolito is accolito" ; rdfs:label " accolito_as_Role" . inds:USem70264frassineto simple:hasContains inds:USemD65640frassino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4729bosco ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70264frassineto is frassineto" ; rdfs:label " frassineto_as_Area" . inds:USem70265accomandita simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70265accomandita is accomandita" ; rdfs:label " accomandita_as_Institution" . inds:USem70267acidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem75812acido ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70267acidita1 is acidita'" ; rdfs:label " acidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70268tibetano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65642tibet ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70268tibetano is tibetano" ; rdfs:label " tibetano_as_People" . inds:USem70269fratina simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70269fratina is fratina" ; rdfs:label " fratina_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70270acquaragia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70270acquaragia is acquaragia" ; rdfs:label " acquaragia_as_Substance" . inds:USem70271fratina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4206gamba, inds:USem6916piano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2358tavolo ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70271fratina is fratina" ; rdfs:label " fratina_as_Furniture" . inds:USem70272acquiescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem78124acquiescente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70272acquiescenza is acquiescenza" ; rdfs:label " acquiescenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70273tignola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70273tignola is tignola" ; rdfs:label " tignola_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70275tigre simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70275tigre is tigre" ; rdfs:label " tigre_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70276tinca simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70276tinca is tinca" ; rdfs:label " tinca_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem70277fratino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70277fratino is fratino" ; rdfs:label " fratino_as_Human" . inds:USem70278tinca simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70278tinca is tinca" ; rdfs:label " tinca_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem70279tirannosauro simple:hasIsa inds:USem63269dinosauro ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70279tirannosauro is tirannosauro" ; rdfs:label " tirannosauro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70280tirapiedi simple:hasIsa inds:USem64687servitore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1663servire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70280tirapiedi is tirapiedi" ; rdfs:label " tirapiedi_as_Profession" . inds:USem70281tirella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70281tirella is tirella" ; rdfs:label " tirella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70282tirolese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem79661tirolo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70282tirolese is tirolese" ; rdfs:label " tirolese_as_People" . inds:USem70283tirso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59116celebrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70283tirso is tirso" ; rdfs:label " tirso_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70284tizzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem68058legno ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70284tizzo is tizzo" ; rdfs:label " tizzo_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem70285fratricidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70285fratricidio is fratricidio" ; rdfs:label " fratricidio_as_Act" . inds:USem70286toboga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70286toboga is toboga" ; rdfs:label " toboga_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70287fratta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70287fratta is fratta" ; rdfs:label " fratta_as_Area" . inds:USem70288frattaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70288frattaglia is frattaglia" ; rdfs:label " frattaglia_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem70289toboga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65648scivolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70289toboga is toboga" ; rdfs:label " toboga_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70292fratino simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70292fratino is fratino" ; rdfs:label " fratino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem70294freddura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70294freddura is freddura" ; rdfs:label " freddura_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70295tokay simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70295tokay is tokay" ; rdfs:label " tokay_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem70296tokay simple:hasIsa inds:USem66013vitigno ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70296tokay is tokay" ; rdfs:label " tokay_as_Plant" . inds:USem70297acro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70297acro is acro" ; rdfs:label " acro_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem70298acrobatica simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70298acrobatica is acrobatica" ; rdfs:label " acrobatica_as_Move" . inds:USem70299aculeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem67921animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70299aculeo is aculeo" ; rdfs:label " aculeo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem70300adiacenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70300adiacenza is adiacenza" ; rdfs:label " adiacenza_as_Location" . inds:USem70301aeromodello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70301aeromodello is aeromodello" ; rdfs:label " aeromodello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70302affabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemTH43595affabile ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70302affabilita1 is affabilita'" ; rdfs:label " affabilita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70304formaggino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70304formaggino is formaggino" ; rdfs:label " formaggino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70305tondello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70305tondello is tondello" ; rdfs:label " tondello_as_Artifact" . inds:USem70306tonnetto simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70306tonnetto is tonnetto" ; rdfs:label " tonnetto_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem70307tonsura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65651acconciatura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62640capigliatura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70307tonsura is tonsura" ; rdfs:label " tonsura_as_Part" . inds:USem70308topicida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2869avvelenare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70308topicida is topicida" ; rdfs:label " topicida_as_Substance" . inds:USem70309torbidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65652torbido ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70309torbidezza is torbidezza" ; rdfs:label " torbidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem70310torbido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70310torbido is torbido" ; rdfs:label " torbido_as_State" . inds:USem70311torciera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem68653torcia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70311torciera is torciera" ; rdfs:label " torciera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70312torma simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70312torma is torma" ; rdfs:label " torma_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70313torma simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70313torma is torma" ; rdfs:label " torma_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70314torpedone simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2856autobus ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70314torpedone is torpedone" ; rdfs:label " torpedone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70315torr simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70315torr is torr" ; rdfs:label " torr_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem70316tortello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70316tortello is tortello" ; rdfs:label " tortello_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70317tortuosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76756tortuoso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70317tortuosita1 is tortuosita'" ; rdfs:label " tortuosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70318tortuosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65653tortuoso ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70318tortuosita1 is tortuosita'" ; rdfs:label " tortuosita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem70319torbidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65652torbido ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70319torbidezza is torbidezza" ; rdfs:label " torbidezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem70320tossicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65656tossico ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70320tossicita1 is tossicita'" ; rdfs:label " tossicita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem70321tot simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70321tot is tot" ; rdfs:label " tot_as_Amount" . inds:USem70322affettuosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6741affettuoso ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70322affettuosita1 is affettuosita'" ; rdfs:label " affettuosita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70323totalita1 simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70323totalita1 is totalita'" ; rdfs:label " totalita'_as_Group" . inds:USem70324affiche simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70324affiche is affiche" ; rdfs:label " affiche_as_Information" . inds:USem70325afflato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70325afflato is afflato" ; rdfs:label " afflato_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem70326afgano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65659afghanistan ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70326afgano is afgano" ; rdfs:label " afgano_as_People" . inds:USem70327totalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62594totale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70327totalita1 is totalita'" ; rdfs:label " totalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70328trabiccolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70328trabiccolo is trabiccolo" ; rdfs:label " trabiccolo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem70329tramaglio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65660rete ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70329tramaglio is tramaglio" ; rdfs:label " tramaglio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70330celluloide simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70330celluloide is celluloide" ; rdfs:label " celluloide_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70331agata simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70331agata is agata" ; rdfs:label " agata_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem70335agenda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70335agenda is agenda" ; rdfs:label " agenda_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem70336rete simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70336rete is rete" ; rdfs:label " rete_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70337rete simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD1184letto, inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70337rete is rete" ; rdfs:label " rete_as_Part" . inds:USem70339scarsella simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70339scarsella is scarsella" ; rdfs:label " scarsella_as_Container" . inds:USem70340scopino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70340scopino is scopino" ; rdfs:label " scopino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70341rete simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70341rete is rete" ; rdfs:label " rete_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70342rinoceronte simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD6442corno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70342rinoceronte is rinoceronte" ; rdfs:label " rinoceronte_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70343rete simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem903ente, inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70343rete is rete" ; rdfs:label " rete_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70344aggressivo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem75618aggressivita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70344aggressivo is aggressivo" ; rdfs:label " aggressivo_as_Human" . inds:USem70345agilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem75839agile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70345agilita1 is agilita'" ; rdfs:label " agilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70346agonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70346agonismo is agonismo" ; rdfs:label " agonismo_as_Quality" . inds:USem70347fregata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70347fregata is fregata" ; rdfs:label " fregata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70348fregata simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70348fregata is fregata" ; rdfs:label " fregata_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70349frego simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70349frego is frego" ; rdfs:label " frego_as_Sign" . inds:USem70350fregola simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70350fregola is fregola" ; rdfs:label " fregola_as_State" . inds:USem70351frenata simple:hasIsa inds:USem74678fermare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6767frenato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70351frenata is frenata" ; rdfs:label " frenata_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem70352fresco simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70352fresco is fresco" ; rdfs:label " fresco_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem70353fresco simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70353fresco is fresco" ; rdfs:label " fresco_as_Perception" . inds:USem70354fresco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70354fresco is fresco" ; rdfs:label " fresco_as_Location" . inds:USem70355friabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemTH43983friabile ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70355friabilita1 is friabilita'" ; rdfs:label " friabilita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem70356friggitoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70356friggitoria is friggitoria" ; rdfs:label " friggitoria_as_Building" . inds:USem70357fritto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59564friggere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70357fritto is fritto" ; rdfs:label " fritto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70358frizzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70358frizzo is frizzo" ; rdfs:label " frizzo_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70359trapanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77800trapani ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70359trapanese is trapanese" ; rdfs:label " trapanese_as_People" . inds:USem70360trapanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70360trapanese is trapanese" ; rdfs:label " trapanese_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem70361trascendentalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70361trascendentalismo is trascendentalismo" ; rdfs:label " trascendentalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem70362trascorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70362trascorso is trascorso" ; rdfs:label " trascorso_as_Act" . inds:USem70363rinoceronte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70363rinoceronte is rinoceronte" ; rdfs:label " rinoceronte_as_Human" . inds:USem70364egittologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70364egittologo is egittologo" ; rdfs:label " egittologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem70365ecologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70365ecologo is ecologo" ; rdfs:label " ecologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem70366daga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70366daga is daga" ; rdfs:label " daga_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70367contraddanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70367contraddanza is contraddanza" ; rdfs:label " contraddanza_as_Move" . inds:USem70368trattrice simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70368trattrice is trattrice" ; rdfs:label " trattrice_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70369canestra simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70369canestra is canestra" ; rdfs:label " canestra_as_Container" . inds:USem70370corpino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70370corpino is corpino" ; rdfs:label " corpino_as_Part" . inds:USem70371seghetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70371seghetta is seghetta" ; rdfs:label " seghetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70372triclinio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD1907dormire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70372triclinio is triclinio" ; rdfs:label " triclinio_as_Furniture" . inds:USem70373sempliciotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70373sempliciotto is sempliciotto" ; rdfs:label " sempliciotto_as_Human" . inds:USem70374semplicione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70374semplicione is semplicione" ; rdfs:label " semplicione_as_Human" . inds:USem70377senese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65663siena ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70377senese is senese" ; rdfs:label " senese_as_People" . inds:USem70378agonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70378agonista is agonista" ; rdfs:label " agonista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem70379senese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70379senese is senese" ; rdfs:label " senese_as_Language" . inds:USem70381senegalese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65664senegal ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70381senegalese is senegalese" ; rdfs:label " senegalese_as_People" . inds:USem70382frogia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem69620equino ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70382frogia is frogia" ; rdfs:label " frogia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem70383trebbiatrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70383trebbiatrice is trebbiatrice" ; rdfs:label " trebbiatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70384frollino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4349biscotto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70384frollino is frollino" ; rdfs:label " frollino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70385frotta simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70385frotta is frotta" ; rdfs:label " frotta_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70386stipula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70386stipula is stipula" ; rdfs:label " stipula_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem70387travestitismo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70387travestitismo is travestitismo" ; rdfs:label " travestitismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem70388travet simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70388travet is travet" ; rdfs:label " travet_as_Profession" . inds:USem70389trecento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70389trecento is trecento" ; rdfs:label " trecento_as_Time" . inds:USem7038detestare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60002odio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7038detestare is detestare" ; rdfs:label " detestare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem70390tremolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2894organo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70390tremolo is tremolo" ; rdfs:label " tremolo_as_Part" . inds:USem70391trenetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70391trenetta is trenetta" ; rdfs:label " trenetta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70392trecento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70392trecento is trecento" ; rdfs:label " trecento_as_Number" . inds:USem70393tredici simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70393tredici is tredici" ; rdfs:label " tredici_as_Number" . inds:USem70394trenta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70394trenta is trenta" ; rdfs:label " trenta_as_Number" . inds:USem70395trentennio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70395trentennio is trentennio" ; rdfs:label " trentennio_as_Time" . inds:USem70396trentino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70396trentino is trentino" ; rdfs:label " trentino_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem70397trentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77803trento ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70397trentino is trentino" ; rdfs:label " trentino_as_People" . inds:USem70398trequarti simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70398trequarti is trequarti" ; rdfs:label " trequarti_as_Clothing" . inds:USem70399tresca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70399tresca is tresca" ; rdfs:label " tresca_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem7039ambire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7040aspirare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7039ambire is ambire" ; rdfs:label " ambire_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70400frugalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemTH43986frugale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70400frugalita1 is frugalita'" ; rdfs:label " frugalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70401tresca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70401tresca is tresca" ; rdfs:label " tresca_as_State" . inds:USem70402trevisano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77807treviso ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70402trevisano is trevisano" ; rdfs:label " trevisano_as_People" . inds:USem70403trevisano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70403trevisano is trevisano" ; rdfs:label " trevisano_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem70404tiburtino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65668tivoli ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70404tiburtino is tiburtino" ; rdfs:label " tiburtino_as_People" . inds:USem70405ticinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65669ticino ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70405ticinese is ticinese" ; rdfs:label " ticinese_as_People" . inds:USem70406ticinese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70406ticinese is ticinese" ; rdfs:label " ticinese_as_Language" . inds:USem70407agopuntura simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70407agopuntura is agopuntura" ; rdfs:label " agopuntura_as_Domain" . inds:USem70408tribolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70408tribolo is tribolo" ; rdfs:label " tribolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem70409tribu1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70409tribu1 is tribu'" ; rdfs:label " tribu'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem7040aspirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7040aspirare is aspirare" ; rdfs:label " aspirare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70410agrigentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7374agrigento ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2083agrigento ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70410agrigentino is agrigentino" ; rdfs:label " agrigentino_as_People" . inds:USem70411tricologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD2083capello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina, inds:USem62425cosmesi ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70411tricologia is tricologia" ; rdfs:label " tricologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem70412tricorno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70412tricorno is tricorno" ; rdfs:label " tricorno_as_Clothing" . inds:USem70414trimarano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70414trimarano is trimarano" ; rdfs:label " trimarano_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70415trincetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70415trincetto is trincetto" ; rdfs:label " trincetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70416frullino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6896frullare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70416frullino is frullino" ; rdfs:label " frullino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70417trinciato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem62382tabacco ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70417trinciato is trinciato" ; rdfs:label " trinciato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem70418frullino simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70418frullino is frullino" ; rdfs:label " frullino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem70419alabarda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70419alabarda is alabarda" ; rdfs:label " alabarda_as_Instrument" . inds:USem7041auspicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7041auspicare is auspicare" ; rdfs:label " auspicare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70420trinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem66940dogma ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70420trinita1 is trinita'" ; rdfs:label " trinita'_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem70421alamaro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70421alamaro is alamaro" ; rdfs:label " alamaro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70422tubino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70422tubino is tubino" ; rdfs:label " tubino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem70423trittico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70423trittico is trittico" ; rdfs:label " trittico_as_Artwork" . inds:USem70424tritume simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70424tritume is tritume" ; rdfs:label " tritume_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70425triumvirato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70426triumviro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70425triumvirato is triumvirato" ; rdfs:label " triumvirato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70426triumviro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3617membro ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem70425triumvirato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70426triumviro is triumviro" ; rdfs:label " triumviro_as_Human" . inds:USem70427troica simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70427troica is troica" ; rdfs:label " troica_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70428tronchese simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70428tronchese is tronchese" ; rdfs:label " tronchese_as_Instrument" . inds:USem7042bramare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4840desiderare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7042bramare is bramare" ; rdfs:label " bramare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70430trucco simple:hasTelic inds:USem61111simulare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70430trucco is trucco" ; rdfs:label " trucco_as_Telic" . inds:USem70431trucco simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70431trucco is trucco" ; rdfs:label " trucco_as_Group" . inds:USem70432trucco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70432trucco is trucco" ; rdfs:label " trucco_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem70433frullo simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70433frullo is frullo" ; rdfs:label " frullo_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem70434frustata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2315frusta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70434frustata is frustata" ; rdfs:label " frustata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70435frustino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2315frusta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1384incitare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70435frustino is frustino" ; rdfs:label " frustino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70436fucileria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5537fucile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70436fucileria is fucileria" ; rdfs:label " fucileria_as_Group" . inds:USem70438tucul simple:hasIsa inds:USem79796capanna ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70438tucul is tucul" ; rdfs:label " tucul_as_Building" . inds:USem70439tulle simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70439tulle is tulle" ; rdfs:label " tulle_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem7043dubitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7043dubitare is dubitare" ; rdfs:label " dubitare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem70440tunisino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77838tunisia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70440tunisino is tunisino" ; rdfs:label " tunisino_as_People" . inds:USem70442turacciolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5149turare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70442turacciolo is turacciolo" ; rdfs:label " turacciolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70443turboreattore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70443turboreattore is turboreattore" ; rdfs:label " turboreattore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70444turboreattore simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70444turboreattore is turboreattore" ; rdfs:label " turboreattore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70445turchino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70445turchino is turchino" ; rdfs:label " turchino_as_Color" . inds:USem70446turcomanno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65673turkmenistan ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70446turcomanno is turcomanno" ; rdfs:label " turcomanno_as_People" . inds:USem70447turibolo simple:hasContains inds:USem68714incenso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62340bruciare ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70447turibolo is turibolo" ; rdfs:label " turibolo_as_Container" . inds:USem70448tutu1 simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6780danzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70448tutu1 is tutu'" ; rdfs:label " tutu'_as_Clothing" . inds:USem7044illudere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7044illudere is illudere" ; rdfs:label " illudere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70450fuggifuggi simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70450fuggifuggi is fuggifuggi" ; rdfs:label " fuggifuggi_as_Move" . inds:USem70452ubiquita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70452ubiquita1 is ubiquita'" ; rdfs:label " ubiquita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70453ucraino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65675ucraina ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70453ucraino is ucraino" ; rdfs:label " ucraino_as_People" . inds:USem70455fuggitivo simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60005fuggire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70455fuggitivo is fuggitivo" ; rdfs:label " fuggitivo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem70456funerale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70456funerale is funerale" ; rdfs:label " funerale_as_Event" . inds:USem70457ukulele simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70457ukulele is ukulele" ; rdfs:label " ukulele_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70458ulano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70458ulano is ulano" ; rdfs:label " ulano_as_Profession" . inds:USem70459uliva simple:hasIsa inds:USem62862frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1510olivo ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70459uliva is uliva" ; rdfs:label " uliva_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem7045mirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7040aspirare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7045mirare is mirare" ; rdfs:label " mirare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70460ultimatum simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70460ultimatum is ultimatum" ; rdfs:label " ultimatum_as_Information" . inds:USem70461fungaia simple:hasContains inds:USem3874fungo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70461fungaia is fungaia" ; rdfs:label " fungaia_as_Area" . inds:USem70462fuorilegge simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70462fuorilegge is fuorilegge" ; rdfs:label " fuorilegge_as_Human" . inds:USem70464ultradestra simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD2845gruppo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70464ultradestra is ultradestra" ; rdfs:label " ultradestra_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70465ultrasinistra simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD2845gruppo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70465ultrasinistra is ultrasinistra" ; rdfs:label " ultrasinistra_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70466umilta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6813umile ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70466umilta1 is umilta'" ; rdfs:label " umilta'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70467umilta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem77810umile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70467umilta1 is umilta'" ; rdfs:label " umilta'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70468unanimita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70468unanimita1 is unanimita'" ; rdfs:label " unanimita'_as_State" . inds:USem70469furbacchione simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD6063furbizia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70469furbacchione is furbacchione" ; rdfs:label " furbacchione_as_Human" . inds:USem7046necessitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7046necessitare is necessitare" ; rdfs:label " necessitare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70470furfanteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70470furfanteria is furfanteria" ; rdfs:label " furfanteria_as_Act" . inds:USem70471ungherese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77879ungheria ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70471ungherese is ungherese" ; rdfs:label " ungherese_as_People" . inds:USem70472fusillo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70472fusillo is fusillo" ; rdfs:label " fusillo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70473fustella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62408incidere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70473fustella is fustella" ; rdfs:label " fustella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70474unilateralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76793unilaterale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70474unilateralita1 is unilateralita'" ; rdfs:label " unilateralita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70475fustella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70475fustella is fustella" ; rdfs:label " fustella_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem70476futilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65681futile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70476futilita1 is futilita'" ; rdfs:label " futilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70477univocita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65682univoco ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70477univocita1 is univocita'" ; rdfs:label " univocita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70478gabella simple:hasIsa inds:USem67867tributo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70478gabella is gabella" ; rdfs:label " gabella_as_Convention" . inds:USem70479uosa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70479uosa is uosa" ; rdfs:label " uosa_as_Clothing" . inds:USem7047pretendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59276presumere ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7047pretendere is pretendere" ; rdfs:label " pretendere_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem70480upupa simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70480upupa is upupa" ; rdfs:label " upupa_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem70481gabella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70481gabella is gabella" ; rdfs:label " gabella_as_Building" . inds:USem70482urbanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61922urbano ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70482urbanita1 is urbanita'" ; rdfs:label " urbanita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70483urbinate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65683urbino ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70483urbinate is urbinate" ; rdfs:label " urbinate_as_People" . inds:USem70484gagliardetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem876bandiera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare, inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70484gagliardetto is gagliardetto" ; rdfs:label " gagliardetto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem70485urlio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70485urlio is urlio" ; rdfs:label " urlio_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70486coramina simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1769cuore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70486coramina is coramina" ; rdfs:label " coramina_as_Substance" . inds:USem70487usbergo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59805armatura ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70487usbergo is usbergo" ; rdfs:label " usbergo_as_Group" . inds:USem70488ussaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70488ussaro is ussaro" ; rdfs:label " ussaro_as_Profession" . inds:USem70489usta simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2737olfatto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3878odore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70489usta is usta" ; rdfs:label " usta_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem7048smaniare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4840desiderare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7048smaniare is smaniare" ; rdfs:label " smaniare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70490vacchetta simple:hasConcerns inds:USem65543bovino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70490vacchetta is vacchetta" ; rdfs:label " vacchetta_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70491vacuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70491vacuita1 is vacuita'" ; rdfs:label " vacuita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70492vagheggino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70492vagheggino is vagheggino" ; rdfs:label " vagheggino_as_Human" . inds:USem70493valentia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78313valente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70493valentia is valentia" ; rdfs:label " valentia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70494gala simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70494gala is gala" ; rdfs:label " gala_as_Clothing" . inds:USem70495rebbio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2380arnese ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70495rebbio is rebbio" ; rdfs:label " rebbio_as_Part" . inds:USem70496valentuomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70496valentuomo is valentuomo" ; rdfs:label " valentuomo_as_Human" . inds:USem70497galantina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70497galantina is galantina" ; rdfs:label " galantina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70498valeriana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2315infusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70498valeriana is valeriana" ; rdfs:label " valeriana_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem70499putrella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59645struttura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70499putrella is putrella" ; rdfs:label " putrella_as_Part" . inds:USem7049sospirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4840desiderare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7049sospirare is sospirare" ; rdfs:label " sospirare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70500valigeria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem68364valigia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70500valigeria is valigeria" ; rdfs:label " valigeria_as_Building" . inds:USem70501galateo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD5557norma ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70501galateo is galateo" ; rdfs:label " galateo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70502romancio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70502romancio is romancio" ; rdfs:label " romancio_as_Language" . inds:USem70503valsesiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65686valsesia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70503valsesiano is valsesiano" ; rdfs:label " valsesiano_as_People" . inds:USem70504valtellinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65688valtellina ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70504valtellinese is valtellinese" ; rdfs:label " valtellinese_as_People" . inds:USem70505valsuganotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65689valsugana ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70505valsuganotto is valsuganotto" ; rdfs:label " valsuganotto_as_People" . inds:USem70506gallese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65690galles ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70506gallese is gallese" ; rdfs:label " gallese_as_People" . inds:USem70508vanessa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70508vanessa is vanessa" ; rdfs:label " vanessa_as_Human" . inds:USem70509rullino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5139fotografare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70509rullino is rullino" ; rdfs:label " rullino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem7050spasimare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4840desiderare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7050spasimare is spasimare" ; rdfs:label " spasimare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70510vania simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70510vania is vania" ; rdfs:label " vania_as_Human" . inds:USem70511vanillina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70511vanillina is vanillina" ; rdfs:label " vanillina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem70512vaniloquio simple:hasIsa inds:USem74847discorso ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70512vaniloquio is vaniloquio" ; rdfs:label " vaniloquio_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70513vanita1 simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem76799vano ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70513vanita1 is vanita'" ; rdfs:label " vanita'_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70514galletta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70514galletta is galletta" ; rdfs:label " galletta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70515romano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem1173roma ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70515romano is romano" ; rdfs:label " romano_as_People" . inds:USem70516vanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76800vano ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70516vanita1 is vanita'" ; rdfs:label " vanita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70517vanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76800vano ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70517vanita1 is vanita'" ; rdfs:label " vanita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70518varano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70518varano is varano" ; rdfs:label " varano_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70519varesotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65693varese ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70519varesotto is varesotto" ; rdfs:label " varesotto_as_People" . inds:USem7051sperare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7051sperare is sperare" ; rdfs:label " sperare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70520varesotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70520varesotto is varesotto" ; rdfs:label " varesotto_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem70521vassallaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70521vassallaggio is vassallaggio" ; rdfs:label " vassallaggio_as_State" . inds:USem70522vastita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61741vasto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70522vastita1 is vastita'" ; rdfs:label " vastita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70523vastita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70523vastita1 is vastita'" ; rdfs:label " vastita'_as_Location" . inds:USem70524romano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70524romano is romano" ; rdfs:label " romano_as_Language" . inds:USem70525galletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70525galletto is galletto" ; rdfs:label " galletto_as_Human" . inds:USem70526segnalibro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70526segnalibro is segnalibro" ; rdfs:label " segnalibro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70527salvadanaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70527salvadanaio is salvadanaio" ; rdfs:label " salvadanaio_as_Container" . inds:USem70528galletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70528galletto is galletto" ; rdfs:label " galletto_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem70529edicola simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD6977giornale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64591chiosco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70529edicola is edicola" ; rdfs:label " edicola_as_Building" . inds:USem70530gallinella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1524erba ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70530gallinella is gallinella" ; rdfs:label " gallinella_as_Plant" . inds:USem70531gallinella simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70531gallinella is gallinella" ; rdfs:label " gallinella_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem70532diavoletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70532diavoletto is diavoletto" ; rdfs:label " diavoletto_as_Human" . inds:USem70533galoppatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem62505pista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7097addestrare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70533galoppatoio is galoppatoio" ; rdfs:label " galoppatoio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem70534diavoletto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem72722acconciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70534diavoletto is diavoletto" ; rdfs:label " diavoletto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70535galoscia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70535galoscia is galoscia" ; rdfs:label " galoscia_as_Clothing" . inds:USem70536cordicella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70536cordicella is cordicella" ; rdfs:label " cordicella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70537gamberetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4029crostaceo ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70537gamberetto is gamberetto" ; rdfs:label " gamberetto_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem70538radiocomando simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70538radiocomando is radiocomando" ; rdfs:label " radiocomando_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70539cupolino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70539cupolino is cupolino" ; rdfs:label " cupolino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem7053tendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7053tendere is tendere" ; rdfs:label " tendere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70540gamella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70540gamella is gamella" ; rdfs:label " gamella_as_Container" . inds:USem70541ganghero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68096perno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70541ganghero is ganghero" ; rdfs:label " ganghero_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70542ganimede simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70542ganimede is ganimede" ; rdfs:label " ganimede_as_Human" . inds:USem70543scappellotto simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70543scappellotto is scappellotto" ; rdfs:label " scappellotto_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem70544crematorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD65697cremare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70544crematorio is crematorio" ; rdfs:label " crematorio_as_Building" . inds:USem70545gamberone simple:hasIsa inds:USem4029crostaceo ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70545gamberone is gamberone" ; rdfs:label " gamberone_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem70546criogenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5669fisica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70546criogenia is criogenia" ; rdfs:label " criogenia_as_Domain" . inds:USem70547gambetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5571tomaia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70547gambetto is gambetto" ; rdfs:label " gambetto_as_Part" . inds:USem70548puerpera simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD1375partorire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70548puerpera is puerpera" ; rdfs:label " puerpera_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem70549garitta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70549garitta is garitta" ; rdfs:label " garitta_as_Building" . inds:USem7054volere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4840desiderare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7054volere is volere" ; rdfs:label " volere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70550querceto simple:hasContains inds:USem1464quercia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4729bosco ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70550querceto is querceto" ; rdfs:label " querceto_as_Area" . inds:USem70551scalea simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem66420scalino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70551scalea is scalea" ; rdfs:label " scalea_as_Part" . inds:USem70552reliquiario simple:hasContains inds:USem70554reliquia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70552reliquiario is reliquiario" ; rdfs:label " reliquiario_as_Container" . inds:USem70553gasdotto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59852tubo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59813conduttura ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70553gasdotto is gasdotto" ; rdfs:label " gasdotto_as_Group" . inds:USem70554reliquia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70554reliquia is reliquia" ; rdfs:label " reliquia_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem70555cuciniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5081cucinare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70555cuciniere is cuciniere" ; rdfs:label " cuciniere_as_Profession" . inds:USem70556gasolio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70556gasolio is gasolio" ; rdfs:label " gasolio_as_Substance" . inds:USem70557gatta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70557gatta is gatta" ; rdfs:label " gatta_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70558donnaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70558donnaccia is donnaccia" ; rdfs:label " donnaccia_as_Human" . inds:USem70559sangallo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70559sangallo is sangallo" ; rdfs:label " sangallo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem7055aspettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7055aspettare is aspettare" ; rdfs:label " aspettare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70560confucianesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70560confucianesimo is confucianesimo" ; rdfs:label " confucianesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem70561sambuca simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3900alcol, inds:USem65996sambuco ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70561sambuca is sambuca" ; rdfs:label " sambuca_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem70562sambuca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70562sambuca is sambuca" ; rdfs:label " sambuca_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70563sigaraio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62383tabacco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70563sigaraio is sigaraio" ; rdfs:label " sigaraio_as_Profession" . inds:USem70564saggina simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70564saggina is saggina" ; rdfs:label " saggina_as_Plant" . inds:USem70565scandinavo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70565scandinavo is scandinavo" ; rdfs:label " scandinavo_as_Language" . inds:USem70566scandinavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65698scandinavia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70566scandinavo is scandinavo" ; rdfs:label " scandinavo_as_People" . inds:USem70567microsolco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD65699disco ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70567microsolco is microsolco" ; rdfs:label " microsolco_as_Part" . inds:USem70573vecchiaia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63948uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3879vita ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70573vecchiaia is vecchiaia" ; rdfs:label " vecchiaia_as_Time" . inds:USem70574vecchiaia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6417vecchio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70574vecchiaia is vecchiaia" ; rdfs:label " vecchiaia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70575veccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70575veccia is veccia" ; rdfs:label " veccia_as_Plant" . inds:USem70576vedovanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70576vedovanza is vedovanza" ; rdfs:label " vedovanza_as_State" . inds:USem70577velenosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65708velenoso ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70577velenosita1 is velenosita'" ; rdfs:label " velenosita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem70578vellutino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65834velluto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70578vellutino is vellutino" ; rdfs:label " vellutino_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70579venere simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70579venere is venere" ; rdfs:label " venere_as_Representation" . inds:USem7057acquistare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59514possedere ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7057acquistare is acquistare" ; rdfs:label " acquistare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem70580ventina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70580ventina is ventina" ; rdfs:label " ventina_as_Amount" . inds:USem70581ventino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70581ventino is ventino" ; rdfs:label " ventino_as_Money" . inds:USem70582ventiquattrore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70582ventiquattrore is ventiquattrore" ; rdfs:label " ventiquattrore_as_Time" . inds:USem70583ventiquattrore simple:hasIsa inds:USem68364valigia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70583ventiquattrore is ventiquattrore" ; rdfs:label " ventiquattrore_as_Container" . inds:USem70584ventresca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70584ventresca is ventresca" ; rdfs:label " ventresca_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70585ventriloquio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70585ventriloquio is ventriloquio" ; rdfs:label " ventriloquio_as_Domain" . inds:USem70586verbosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65709verboso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70586verbosita1 is verbosita'" ; rdfs:label " verbosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70587scalmo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70587scalmo is scalmo" ; rdfs:label " scalmo_as_Part" . inds:USem70588vercellese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65710vercelli ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70588vercellese is vercellese" ; rdfs:label " vercellese_as_People" . inds:USem70589vercellese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70589vercellese is vercellese" ; rdfs:label " vercellese_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem7058acquisto simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7058acquisto is acquisto" ; rdfs:label " acquisto_as_Transaction" . inds:USem70590verdicchio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70590verdicchio is verdicchio" ; rdfs:label " verdicchio_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem70591gatta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70591gatta is gatta" ; rdfs:label " gatta_as_Human" . inds:USem70592verecondia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78312verecondo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70592verecondia is verecondia" ; rdfs:label " verecondia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70593veridicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65712veridico ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70593veridicita1 is veridicita'" ; rdfs:label " veridicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70594settentrionale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65714settentrione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70594settentrionale is settentrionale" ; rdfs:label " settentrionale_as_People" . inds:USem70595gattamorta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70595gattamorta is gattamorta" ; rdfs:label " gattamorta_as_Human" . inds:USem70596vermicello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70596vermicello is vermicello" ; rdfs:label " vermicello_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70597gaucho simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70597gaucho is gaucho" ; rdfs:label " gaucho_as_Profession" . inds:USem70598salterio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70598salterio is salterio" ; rdfs:label " salterio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70599salterio simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70599salterio is salterio" ; rdfs:label " salterio_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem70600salterio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70600salterio is salterio" ; rdfs:label " salterio_as_Information" . inds:USem70601salamandra simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70601salamandra is salamandra" ; rdfs:label " salamandra_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70602sego simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70602sego is sego" ; rdfs:label " sego_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem70603scudiscio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70603scudiscio is scudiscio" ; rdfs:label " scudiscio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70604sdraio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62545bracciolo, inds:USem68505schienale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70604sdraio is sdraio" ; rdfs:label " sdraio_as_Furniture" . inds:USem70605generalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76206generale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70605generalita1 is generalita'" ; rdfs:label " generalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70606vermut simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70606vermut is vermut" ; rdfs:label " vermut_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem70607veronese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD65737verona ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65716verona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70607veronese is veronese" ; rdfs:label " veronese_as_People" . inds:USem70608generalita1 simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70608generalita1 is generalita'" ; rdfs:label " generalita'_as_Group" . inds:USem70609veronese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70609veronese is veronese" ; rdfs:label " veronese_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem70610veronica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70610veronica is veronica" ; rdfs:label " veronica_as_Human" . inds:USem70611egoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70611egoista is egoista" ; rdfs:label " egoista_as_Human" . inds:USem70612versatilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6909versatile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70612versatilita1 is versatilita'" ; rdfs:label " versatilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70613versificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70613versificazione is versificazione" ; rdfs:label " versificazione_as_Domain" . inds:USem70614versificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5602scritto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70614versificazione is versificazione" ; rdfs:label " versificazione_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem70615verticalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70615verticalita1 is verticalita'" ; rdfs:label " verticalita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem70616generalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70616generalita1 is generalita'" ; rdfs:label " generalita'_as_Property" . inds:USem70617sellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70617sellaio is sellaio" ; rdfs:label " sellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem70618vescovado simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5557vescovo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70618vescovado is vescovado" ; rdfs:label " vescovado_as_Convention" . inds:USem70619vescovado simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5557vescovo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70619vescovado is vescovado" ; rdfs:label " vescovado_as_Time" . inds:USem7061narrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7061narrare is narrare" ; rdfs:label " narrare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem70620vestaglietta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70620vestaglietta is vestaglietta" ; rdfs:label " vestaglietta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem70621vestale simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70621vestale is vestale" ; rdfs:label " vestale_as_Social_status" . inds:USem70623vestale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70623vestale is vestale" ; rdfs:label " vestale_as_Human" . inds:USem70624veterinaria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70624veterinaria is veterinaria" ; rdfs:label " veterinaria_as_Domain" . inds:USem70625vetrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3871ghiaccio ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70625vetrato is vetrato" ; rdfs:label " vetrato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem70626vetroresina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem4040fibra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70626vetroresina is vetroresina" ; rdfs:label " vetroresina_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70627vezzeggiativo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67797forma ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70627vezzeggiativo is vezzeggiativo" ; rdfs:label " vezzeggiativo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem70628vicariato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem68512vicario ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70628vicariato is vicariato" ; rdfs:label " vicariato_as_Convention" . inds:USem70629vicariato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem68512vicario ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70629vicariato is vicariato" ; rdfs:label " vicariato_as_Time" . inds:USem7062fondazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7062fondazione is fondazione" ; rdfs:label " fondazione_as_Creation" . inds:USem70630vicariato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem68512vicario ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70630vicariato is vicariato" ; rdfs:label " vicariato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem70631generico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4959attore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem62609recitare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70631generico is generico" ; rdfs:label " generico_as_Profession" . inds:USem70632viceparroco simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70632viceparroco is viceparroco" ; rdfs:label " viceparroco_as_Social_status" . inds:USem70633viceprefetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59435governo ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70633viceprefetto is viceprefetto" ; rdfs:label " viceprefetto_as_Social_status" . inds:USem70634vicepreside simple:hasIsa inds:USem4984professore ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem61801scuola ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem64016sostituire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70634vicepreside is vicepreside" ; rdfs:label " vicepreside_as_Profession" . inds:USem70635vicepretore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7115magistrato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70635vicepretore is vicepretore" ; rdfs:label " vicepretore_as_Profession" . inds:USem70636vicere1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70636vicere1 is vicere'" ; rdfs:label " vicere'_as_Social_status" . inds:USem70637generosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6946generoso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70637generosita1 is generosita'" ; rdfs:label " generosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70638genia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70638genia is genia" ; rdfs:label " genia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70639vicesegretario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70639vicesegretario is vicesegretario" ; rdfs:label " vicesegretario_as_Profession" . inds:USem7063fondazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem903ente ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7063fondazione is fondazione" ; rdfs:label " fondazione_as_Institution" . inds:USem70641videodisco simple:hasContains inds:USem3877suono ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70641videodisco is videodisco" ; rdfs:label " videodisco_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem70642genovese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7491genova ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem1118genova ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70642genovese is genovese" ; rdfs:label " genovese_as_People" . inds:USem70643genuinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD63972genuino ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70643genuinita1 is genuinita'" ; rdfs:label " genuinita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem70644genuinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76191genuino ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70644genuinita1 is genuinita'" ; rdfs:label " genuinita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70645videonastro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70645videonastro is videonastro" ; rdfs:label " videonastro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70646viennese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65719vienna ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70646viennese is viennese" ; rdfs:label " viennese_as_People" . inds:USem70647vigogna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70647vigogna is vigogna" ; rdfs:label " vigogna_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70648vinavil simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65721colla ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6899incollare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70648vinavil is vinavil" ; rdfs:label " vinavil_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70649gerbera simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD65722gerbera ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70649gerbera is gerbera" ; rdfs:label " gerbera_as_Plant" . inds:USem7064istituzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem3912esistere ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7064istituzione is istituzione" ; rdfs:label " istituzione_as_Creation" . inds:USem70650virago simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70650virago is virago" ; rdfs:label " virago_as_Human" . inds:USem70651virgulto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70651virgulto is virgulto" ; rdfs:label " virgulto_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem70652geremiade simple:hasIsa inds:USem74847discorso ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70652geremiade is geremiade" ; rdfs:label " geremiade_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70654geriatra simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70654geriatra is geriatra" ; rdfs:label " geriatra_as_Profession" . inds:USem70655geriatria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5554anziano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70655geriatria is geriatria" ; rdfs:label " geriatria_as_Domain" . inds:USem70656gerla simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70656gerla is gerla" ; rdfs:label " gerla_as_Container" . inds:USem70657germano simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70657germano is germano" ; rdfs:label " germano_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem70658gerontocomio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5554anziano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70658gerontocomio is gerontocomio" ; rdfs:label " gerontocomio_as_Building" . inds:USem70659virilita1 simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63948uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3879vita ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70659virilita1 is virilita'" ; rdfs:label " virilita'_as_Time" . inds:USem70660gherminella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70660gherminella is gherminella" ; rdfs:label " gherminella_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70661virilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70661virilita1 is virilita'" ; rdfs:label " virilita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70662ghetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70662ghetta is ghetta" ; rdfs:label " ghetta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem70664ghetta simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD65978neonato ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70664ghetta is ghetta" ; rdfs:label " ghetta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem70665ghiacciaia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3871ghiaccio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62851conservare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70665ghiacciaia is ghiacciaia" ; rdfs:label " ghiacciaia_as_Building" . inds:USem70666ghiacciaia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6679raffreddare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70666ghiacciaia is ghiacciaia" ; rdfs:label " ghiacciaia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70667ghiotta simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70667ghiotta is ghiotta" ; rdfs:label " ghiotta_as_Container" . inds:USem70668virologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1971virus ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70668virologia is virologia" ; rdfs:label " virologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem70669virtuoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70669virtuoso is virtuoso" ; rdfs:label " virtuoso_as_Human" . inds:USem70670vischiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70670vischiosita1 is vischiosita'" ; rdfs:label " vischiosita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem70671visciola simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2564ciliegia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1472ciliegio ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70671visciola is visciola" ; rdfs:label " visciola_as_Fruit" . inds:USem70672visconte simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70672visconte is visconte" ; rdfs:label " visconte_as_Social_status" . inds:USem70673viscontessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70673viscontessa is viscontessa" ; rdfs:label " viscontessa_as_Social_status" . inds:USem70674ghirba simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5435tela, inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70674ghirba is ghirba" ; rdfs:label " ghirba_as_Container" . inds:USem70675vistosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70675vistosita1 is vistosita'" ; rdfs:label " vistosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70676giacitura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70676giacitura is giacitura" ; rdfs:label " giacitura_as_State" . inds:USem70677giaculatoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem60077preghiera ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70677giaculatoria is giaculatoria" ; rdfs:label " giaculatoria_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70678vitalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76820vitale ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70678vitalita1 is vitalita'" ; rdfs:label " vitalita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70679giambo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67962piede ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70679giambo is giambo" ; rdfs:label " giambo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem70680vituperio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60634offesa ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70680vituperio is vituperio" ; rdfs:label " vituperio_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70681giambo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70681giambo is giambo" ; rdfs:label " giambo_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem70682vivacita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70682vivacita1 is vivacita'" ; rdfs:label " vivacita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem70683giardiniera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60442sostegno ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70683giardiniera is giardiniera" ; rdfs:label " giardiniera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70684vivacita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70684vivacita1 is vivacita'" ; rdfs:label " vivacita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70685giardiniera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3672verdura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70685giardiniera is giardiniera" ; rdfs:label " giardiniera_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70686giavanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65726giava ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70686giavanese is giavanese" ; rdfs:label " giavanese_as_People" . inds:USem70687volgare simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USemD584comunita1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70687volgare is volgare" ; rdfs:label " volgare_as_Language" . inds:USem70688gigione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70688gigione is gigione" ; rdfs:label " gigione_as_Human" . inds:USem70689volgarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65728volgare ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70689volgarita1 is volgarita'" ; rdfs:label " volgarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem7068avvertire simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7068avvertire is avvertire" ; rdfs:label " avvertire_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem70690sartia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70690sartia is sartia" ; rdfs:label " sartia_as_Part" . inds:USem70691gineceo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2219casa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70691gineceo is gineceo" ; rdfs:label " gineceo_as_Part" . inds:USem70692volizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70692volizione is volizione" ; rdfs:label " volizione_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem70693volpino simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70693volpino is volpino" ; rdfs:label " volpino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70694volto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1753testa ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70694volto is volto" ; rdfs:label " volto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem70695pulsantiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70695pulsantiera is pulsantiera" ; rdfs:label " pulsantiera_as_Part" . inds:USem70696vomere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem63143aratro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70696vomere is vomere" ; rdfs:label " vomere_as_Part" . inds:USem70697voracita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65729vorace ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70697voracita1 is voracita'" ; rdfs:label " voracita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70698votante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60948votare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70698votante is votante" ; rdfs:label " votante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem7069avvisare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7069avvisare is avvisare" ; rdfs:label " avvisare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem70700vulgata simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70700vulgata is vulgata" ; rdfs:label " vulgata_as_Information" . inds:USem70701vulnerabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76826vulnerabile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70701vulnerabilita1 is vulnerabilita'" ; rdfs:label " vulnerabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70702vuotaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62329vuoto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70702vuotaggine is vuotaggine" ; rdfs:label " vuotaggine_as_Quality" . inds:USem70703alice simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70703alice is alice" ; rdfs:label " alice_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem70704welter simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70704welter is welter" ; rdfs:label " welter_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem70705alligatore simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1737zampa, inds:USemD573coda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70705alligatore is alligatore" ; rdfs:label " alligatore_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem70706alice simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70706alice is alice" ; rdfs:label " alice_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem70707almanacco simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70707almanacco is almanacco" ; rdfs:label " almanacco_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem70708almanacco simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6379testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70708almanacco is almanacco" ; rdfs:label " almanacco_as_Information" . inds:USem70709alpaca simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70709alpaca is alpaca" ; rdfs:label " alpaca_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem7070citare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7070citare is citare" ; rdfs:label " citare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem70710alpaca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70710alpaca is alpaca" ; rdfs:label " alpaca_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70711alpe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4194monte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70711alpe is alpe" ; rdfs:label " alpe_as_Part" . inds:USem70712alpeggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70712alpeggio is alpeggio" ; rdfs:label " alpeggio_as_Area" . inds:USem70713altarino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70713altarino is altarino" ; rdfs:label " altarino_as_Building" . inds:USem70715alterco simple:hasIsa inds:USem60796litigio ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70715alterco is alterco" ; rdfs:label " alterco_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70716altoforno simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3203ghisa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70716altoforno is altoforno" ; rdfs:label " altoforno_as_Building" . inds:USem70717altorilievo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61620scultura ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70717altorilievo is altorilievo" ; rdfs:label " altorilievo_as_Artwork" . inds:USem70718amalfitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65732amalfi ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70718amalfitano is amalfitano" ; rdfs:label " amalfitano_as_People" . inds:USem70719amaranto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70719amaranto is amaranto" ; rdfs:label " amaranto_as_Color" . inds:USem70720amaranto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70720amaranto is amaranto" ; rdfs:label " amaranto_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem70721amarena simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem77565amareno ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70721amarena is amarena" ; rdfs:label " amarena_as_Fruit" . inds:USem70722amazzone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD6010cavalcare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70722amazzone is amazzone" ; rdfs:label " amazzone_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem70723ambo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem76804due ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70723ambo is ambo" ; rdfs:label " ambo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70724ambrosia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70724ambrosia is ambrosia" ; rdfs:label " ambrosia_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem70725amburghese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7382amburgo ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2088amburgo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70725amburghese is amburghese" ; rdfs:label " amburghese_as_People" . inds:USem70726americanata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70726americanata is americanata" ; rdfs:label " americanata_as_Event" . inds:USem70727ametista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3002pietra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70727ametista is ametista" ; rdfs:label " ametista_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem70728ametista simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem70727ametista ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70728ametista is ametista" ; rdfs:label " ametista_as_Clothing" . inds:USem70729ammennicolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70729ammennicolo is ammennicolo" ; rdfs:label " ammennicolo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem7072descrivere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60967rappresentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7072descrivere is descrivere" ; rdfs:label " descrivere_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem70730ammiraglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70730ammiraglia is ammiraglia" ; rdfs:label " ammiraglia_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70731ginnasiale simple:hasIsa inds:USem62270studente ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70731ginnasiale is ginnasiale" ; rdfs:label " ginnasiale_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem70732ginocchiata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1748ginocchio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70732ginocchiata is ginocchiata" ; rdfs:label " ginocchiata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem70733ginocchiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70733ginocchiera is ginocchiera" ; rdfs:label " ginocchiera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70734gioventu1 simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63948uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3879vita ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70734gioventu1 is gioventu'" ; rdfs:label " gioventu'_as_Time" . inds:USem70735gioventu1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6416giovane ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70735gioventu1 is gioventu'" ; rdfs:label " gioventu'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70736gippone simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70736gippone is gippone" ; rdfs:label " gippone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70737girella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62415disco, inds:USemD3739fune ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD693carrucola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70737girella is girella" ; rdfs:label " girella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70738girella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70738girella is girella" ; rdfs:label " girella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem7073dettagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7072descrivere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7073dettagliare is dettagliare" ; rdfs:label " dettagliare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem70740giuggiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD65734giuggiolo ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70740giuggiola is giuggiola" ; rdfs:label " giuggiola_as_Fruit" . inds:USem70741giunca simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70741giunca is giunca" ; rdfs:label " giunca_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70742xenofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70742xenofobia is xenofobia" ; rdfs:label " xenofobia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70743xilofono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70743xilofono is xilofono" ; rdfs:label " xilofono_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70744yak simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70744yak is yak" ; rdfs:label " yak_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70745yen simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2144giappone ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70745yen is yen" ; rdfs:label " yen_as_Money" . inds:USem70746yeti simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70746yeti is yeti" ; rdfs:label " yeti_as_Representation" . inds:USem70747yogurt simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70747yogurt is yogurt" ; rdfs:label " yogurt_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70748zabaglione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3711crema ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3712uovo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70748zabaglione is zabaglione" ; rdfs:label " zabaglione_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70749zagaglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70749zagaglia is zagaglia" ; rdfs:label " zagaglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem7074diffondere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7074diffondere is diffondere" ; rdfs:label " diffondere_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem70750zagara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70750zagara is zagara" ; rdfs:label " zagara_as_Flower" . inds:USem70751zairese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2128congo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70751zairese is zairese" ; rdfs:label " zairese_as_People" . inds:USem70752zampogna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem70753zampognaro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70752zampogna is zampogna" ; rdfs:label " zampogna_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70753zampognaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem70752zampogna ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70753zampognaro is zampognaro" ; rdfs:label " zampognaro_as_Profession" . inds:USem70754zangola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70754zangola is zangola" ; rdfs:label " zangola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70755salatino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70755salatino is salatino" ; rdfs:label " salatino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70756zarina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70756zarina is zarina" ; rdfs:label " zarina_as_Human" . inds:USem70757zebratura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70757zebratura is zebratura" ; rdfs:label " zebratura_as_Shape" . inds:USem70758giunchiglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70758giunchiglia is giunchiglia" ; rdfs:label " giunchiglia_as_Plant" . inds:USem70759giureconsulto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70759giureconsulto is giureconsulto" ; rdfs:label " giureconsulto_as_Profession" . inds:USem7075divulgare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7075divulgare is divulgare" ; rdfs:label " divulgare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem70760giuri1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70760giuri1 is giuri'" ; rdfs:label " giuri'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70761glassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem68462sciroppo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2646decorare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70761glassa is glassa" ; rdfs:label " glassa_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70762globalita1 simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70762globalita1 is globalita'" ; rdfs:label " globalita'_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70763salato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6151sapore ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70763salato is salato" ; rdfs:label " salato_as_Perception" . inds:USem70764gleba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3874fungo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70764gleba is gleba" ; rdfs:label " gleba_as_Part" . inds:USem70765ammiragliato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63592emiro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70765ammiragliato is ammiragliato" ; rdfs:label " ammiragliato_as_Convention" . inds:USem70766amorazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70766amorazzo is amorazzo" ; rdfs:label " amorazzo_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem70767amoretto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70767amoretto is amoretto" ; rdfs:label " amoretto_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem70768amplesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70768amplesso is amplesso" ; rdfs:label " amplesso_as_Act" . inds:USem70769zebu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70769zebu1 is zebu'" ; rdfs:label " zebu'_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70770zecchino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70770zecchino is zecchino" ; rdfs:label " zecchino_as_Money" . inds:USem70771zefiro simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70771zefiro is zefiro" ; rdfs:label " zefiro_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem70773amuleto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63663portafortuna ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70773amuleto is amuleto" ; rdfs:label " amuleto_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem70774zeta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70774zeta is zeta" ; rdfs:label " zeta_as_Sign" . inds:USem70775salato simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70775salato is salato" ; rdfs:label " salato_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem70776golpe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70776golpe is golpe" ; rdfs:label " golpe_as_Event" . inds:USem70777zibellino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70777zibellino is zibellino" ; rdfs:label " zibellino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70778gora simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem60498scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61447canale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6413irrigare ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70778gora is gora" ; rdfs:label " gora_as_Opening" . inds:USem70779zibetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem990civetta ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70779zibetto is zibetto" ; rdfs:label " zibetto_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem7077esporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7077esporre is esporre" ; rdfs:label " esporre_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70780zigano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem61187mondo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70780zigano is zigano" ; rdfs:label " zigano_as_People" . inds:USem70781goriziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63371gorizia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4675gorizia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70781goriziano is goriziano" ; rdfs:label " goriziano_as_People" . inds:USem70782zimarra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4825cappotto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5433stoffa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70782zimarra is zimarra" ; rdfs:label " zimarra_as_Clothing" . inds:USem70783gozzoviglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70783gozzoviglia is gozzoviglia" ; rdfs:label " gozzoviglia_as_Act" . inds:USem70784zimbello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70784zimbello is zimbello" ; rdfs:label " zimbello_as_Human" . inds:USem70785zinnia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70785zinnia is zinnia" ; rdfs:label " zinnia_as_Plant" . inds:USem70786zip simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70786zip is zip" ; rdfs:label " zip_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70787zipolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD63708tappare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70787zipolo is zipolo" ; rdfs:label " zipolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70788governatorato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64406governatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70788governatorato is governatorato" ; rdfs:label " governatorato_as_Convention" . inds:USem70789governatorato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70789governatorato is governatorato" ; rdfs:label " governatorato_as_Time" . inds:USem70790governatorato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64406governatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70790governatorato is governatorato" ; rdfs:label " governatorato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem70791gracidio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem920rana ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70791gracidio is gracidio" ; rdfs:label " gracidio_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem70792gradassata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70792gradassata is gradassata" ; rdfs:label " gradassata_as_Act" . inds:USem70793graffietto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7103incidere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70793graffietto is graffietto" ; rdfs:label " graffietto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70794gragnola simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3871ghiaccio, inds:USem3888neve ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70794gragnola is gragnola" ; rdfs:label " gragnola_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem70795gragnola simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70795gragnola is gragnola" ; rdfs:label " gragnola_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70796gramaglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70796gramaglia is gramaglia" ; rdfs:label " gramaglia_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70797anacardio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70797anacardio is anacardio" ; rdfs:label " anacardio_as_Plant" . inds:USem70798zittio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70798zittio is zittio" ; rdfs:label " zittio_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70799zombi simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63441cadavere ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70799zombi is zombi" ; rdfs:label " zombi_as_Representation" . inds:USem7079indicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7080mostrare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7079indicare is indicare" ; rdfs:label " indicare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem70800zoogeografia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61177terra, inds:USem66950uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70800zoogeografia is zoogeografia" ; rdfs:label " zoogeografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem70801zootecnia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70801zootecnia is zootecnia" ; rdfs:label " zootecnia_as_Domain" . inds:USem70802zuavo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70802zuavo is zuavo" ; rdfs:label " zuavo_as_Profession" . inds:USem70803zucchina simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD65740zucchina ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70803zucchina is zucchina" ; rdfs:label " zucchina_as_Plant" . inds:USem70804zuccotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5190congelare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70804zuccotto is zuccotto" ; rdfs:label " zuccotto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70805zuppiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70805zuppiera is zuppiera" ; rdfs:label " zuppiera_as_Container" . inds:USem70806zuppiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70806zuppiera is zuppiera" ; rdfs:label " zuppiera_as_Amount" . inds:USem70807zufolio simple:hasCausedby inds:USem2911zufolo ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6154suono ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70807zufolio is zufolio" ; rdfs:label " zufolio_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem70808analcolico simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70808analcolico is analcolico" ; rdfs:label " analcolico_as_Drink" . inds:USem70809toilette simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76996truccare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70809toilette is toilette" ; rdfs:label " toilette_as_Furniture" . inds:USem7080mostrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3927spiegare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7080mostrare is mostrare" ; rdfs:label " mostrare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem70810toilette simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70810toilette is toilette" ; rdfs:label " toilette_as_Part" . inds:USem70811toilette simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70811toilette is toilette" ; rdfs:label " toilette_as_Act" . inds:USem70812anarchico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem66975anarchia ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70812anarchico is anarchico" ; rdfs:label " anarchico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem70813anatema simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70813anatema is anatema" ; rdfs:label " anatema_as_Act" . inds:USem70814ancia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2889fiato ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70814ancia is ancia" ; rdfs:label " ancia_as_Part" . inds:USem70815verminaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70815verminaio is verminaio" ; rdfs:label " verminaio_as_Location" . inds:USem70816venezuelano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem70817venezuela ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1436venezuela ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70816venezuelano is venezuelano" ; rdfs:label " venezuelano_as_People" . inds:USem70817venezuela simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70816venezuelano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70817venezuela is venezuela" ; rdfs:label " venezuela_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem70818andante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70818andante is andante" ; rdfs:label " andante_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem70819andito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70819andito is andito" ; rdfs:label " andito_as_Part" . inds:USem70820androide simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70820androide is androide" ; rdfs:label " androide_as_Representation" . inds:USem70821aneddotica simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70821aneddotica is aneddotica" ; rdfs:label " aneddotica_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem70822granoturco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1535cereale ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem72178granoturco ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70822granoturco is granoturco" ; rdfs:label " granoturco_as_Plant" . inds:USem70823anemone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD65741anemone ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70823anemone is anemone" ; rdfs:label " anemone_as_Flower" . inds:USem70824grassello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70824grassello is grassello" ; rdfs:label " grassello_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem70825vespro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2758ora ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem1847pomeriggio ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70825vespro is vespro" ; rdfs:label " vespro_as_Time" . inds:USem70826anfetamina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60710eccitare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70826anfetamina is anfetamina" ; rdfs:label " anfetamina_as_Substance" . inds:USem70827anfibio simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70827anfibio is anfibio" ; rdfs:label " anfibio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70828rodio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70828rodio is rodio" ; rdfs:label " rodio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem70829grisaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70829grisaglia is grisaglia" ; rdfs:label " grisaglia_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem7082precisare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6242determinare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7082precisare is precisare" ; rdfs:label " precisare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem70830stoviglieria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem71884stoviglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70830stoviglieria is stoviglieria" ; rdfs:label " stoviglieria_as_Group" . inds:USem70831secchia simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70831secchia is secchia" ; rdfs:label " secchia_as_Container" . inds:USem70833secchia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70833secchia is secchia" ; rdfs:label " secchia_as_Amount" . inds:USem70834sagrestia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70834sagrestia is sagrestia" ; rdfs:label " sagrestia_as_Building" . inds:USem70835grida simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70835grida is grida" ; rdfs:label " grida_as_Information" . inds:USem70836sebo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70836sebo is sebo" ; rdfs:label " sebo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem70837groenlandese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65746groenlandia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70837groenlandese is groenlandese" ; rdfs:label " groenlandese_as_People" . inds:USem70838stradario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70838stradario is stradario" ; rdfs:label " stradario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem70839stratego simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70839stratego is stratego" ; rdfs:label " stratego_as_Role" . inds:USem70840stravizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65749eccesso ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70840stravizio is stravizio" ; rdfs:label " stravizio_as_Act" . inds:USem70841streptomicina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3019antibiotico ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1959microrganismo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61205guarire, inds:USemD5466prevenire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70841streptomicina is streptomicina" ; rdfs:label " streptomicina_as_Substance" . inds:USem70842strido simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70842strido is strido" ; rdfs:label " strido_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem70843striglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70843striglia is striglia" ; rdfs:label " striglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70844strofe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem71862strofa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70844strofe is strofe" ; rdfs:label " strofe_as_Part" . inds:USem70845anfiteatro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70845anfiteatro is anfiteatro" ; rdfs:label " anfiteatro_as_Building" . inds:USem70848anfratto simple:hasIsa inds:USem66543rientranza ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70848anfratto is anfratto" ; rdfs:label " anfratto_as_Location" . inds:USem70849angora simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1928capra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3167lana ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70849angora is angora" ; rdfs:label " angora_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem7084presentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7084presentare is presentare" ; rdfs:label " presentare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem70850angora simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70850angora is angora" ; rdfs:label " angora_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70851animella simple:hasIsa inds:USem66319interiora ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70851animella is animella" ; rdfs:label " animella_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem70852stuzzichino simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70852stuzzichino is stuzzichino" ; rdfs:label " stuzzichino_as_Food" . inds:USem70853subaffitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6309cessione ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70853subaffitto is subaffitto" ; rdfs:label " subaffitto_as_Transaction" . inds:USem70854animosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78316animoso ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70854animosita1 is animosita'" ; rdfs:label " animosita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70855anofele simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare, inds:USemD554pungere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70855anofele is anofele" ; rdfs:label " anofele_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem70856anonimia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70856anonimia is anonimia" ; rdfs:label " anonimia_as_State" . inds:USem70857grossetano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63374grosseto ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4676grosseto ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70857grossetano is grossetano" ; rdfs:label " grossetano_as_People" . inds:USem70858subcosciente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70858subcosciente is subcosciente" ; rdfs:label " subcosciente_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem70859subcultura simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD63931cultura ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70859subcultura is subcultura" ; rdfs:label " subcultura_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem7085segnalare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7085segnalare is segnalare" ; rdfs:label " segnalare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem70860suburbio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2217edificio, inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59803agglomerato ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70860suburbio is suburbio" ; rdfs:label " suburbio_as_Group" . inds:USem70861succhiello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3691forare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70861succhiello is succhiello" ; rdfs:label " succhiello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70862cembalo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70862cembalo is cembalo" ; rdfs:label " cembalo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70863succhiotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD65542succhiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70863succhiotto is succhiotto" ; rdfs:label " succhiotto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70864sudanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65753sudan ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70864sudanese is sudanese" ; rdfs:label " sudanese_as_People" . inds:USem70865sudario simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70865sudario is sudario" ; rdfs:label " sudario_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70866grossetano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70866grossetano is grossetano" ; rdfs:label " grossetano_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem70867antibagno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70867antibagno is antibagno" ; rdfs:label " antibagno_as_Part" . inds:USem70868anteguerra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70868anteguerra is anteguerra" ; rdfs:label " anteguerra_as_Time" . inds:USem70869groviera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70869groviera is groviera" ; rdfs:label " groviera_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem7086proclamare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7086proclamare is proclamare" ; rdfs:label " proclamare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70870lattiera simple:hasContains inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70870lattiera is lattiera" ; rdfs:label " lattiera_as_Container" . inds:USem70871gruccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem66061appoggiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70871gruccia is gruccia" ; rdfs:label " gruccia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70872antibatterico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem1972batterio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70872antibatterico is antibatterico" ; rdfs:label " antibatterico_as_Substance" . inds:USem70873anticaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70873anticaglia is anticaglia" ; rdfs:label " anticaglia_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem70875gruccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3007plastica, inds:USem3204metallo, inds:USem68058legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59753appendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70875gruccia is gruccia" ; rdfs:label " gruccia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70876sagrestano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70876sagrestano is sagrestano" ; rdfs:label " sagrestano_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem70877anticrittogamico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD63671inibire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70877anticrittogamico is anticrittogamico" ; rdfs:label " anticrittogamico_as_Substance" . inds:USem70878grulleria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70878grulleria is grulleria" ; rdfs:label " grulleria_as_Act" . inds:USem70879antidolorifico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5320calmare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70879antidolorifico is antidolorifico" ; rdfs:label " antidolorifico_as_Substance" . inds:USem7087propagare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7087propagare is propagare" ; rdfs:label " propagare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem70880antiemorragico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem3816emorragia ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70880antiemorragico is antiemorragico" ; rdfs:label " antiemorragico_as_Substance" . inds:USem70881antiepilettico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem3840epilessia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70881antiepilettico is antiepilettico" ; rdfs:label " antiepilettico_as_Substance" . inds:USem70882correggiato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70882correggiato is correggiato" ; rdfs:label " correggiato_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70883gruppetto simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70883gruppetto is gruppetto" ; rdfs:label " gruppetto_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70884lattonzolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67921animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70884lattonzolo is lattonzolo" ; rdfs:label " lattonzolo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70885antifona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD63555bibbia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70885antifona is antifona" ; rdfs:label " antifona_as_Part" . inds:USem70886raffio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD461afferrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70886raffio is raffio" ; rdfs:label " raffio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70887antigelo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem68885congelamento ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70887antigelo is antigelo" ; rdfs:label " antigelo_as_Substance" . inds:USem70888antilope simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70888antilope is antilope" ; rdfs:label " antilope_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem70889sudiceria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem66504sporco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70889sudiceria is sudiceria" ; rdfs:label " sudiceria_as_Group" . inds:USem7088pubblicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7088pubblicare is pubblicare" ; rdfs:label " pubblicare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70890sudiceria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61838sudicio ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70890sudiceria is sudiceria" ; rdfs:label " sudiceria_as_Quality" . inds:USem70891sudiceria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70891sudiceria is sudiceria" ; rdfs:label " sudiceria_as_Act" . inds:USem70892suffumigio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3108vapore ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70892suffumigio is suffumigio" ; rdfs:label " suffumigio_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem70893sughera simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70893sughera is sughera" ; rdfs:label " sughera_as_Plant" . inds:USem70894sughereta simple:hasContains inds:USem1466sughero ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70894sughereta is sughereta" ; rdfs:label " sughereta_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem70895sugherificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2998sughero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70895sugherificio is sugherificio" ; rdfs:label " sugherificio_as_Building" . inds:USem70896suinicoltura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem65183suino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD597allevare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70896suinicoltura is suinicoltura" ; rdfs:label " suinicoltura_as_Location" . inds:USem70897suk simple:hasIsa inds:USem2208mercato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70897suk is suk" ; rdfs:label " suk_as_Location" . inds:USem70898sultanato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3594sultano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70898sultanato is sultanato" ; rdfs:label " sultanato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem70899sultanato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3594sultano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70899sultanato is sultanato" ; rdfs:label " sultanato_as_Convention" . inds:USem7089rivelare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7089rivelare is rivelare" ; rdfs:label " rivelare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70900suocera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70900suocera is suocera" ; rdfs:label " suocera_as_Kinship" . inds:USem70901superalimentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70901superalimentazione is superalimentazione" ; rdfs:label " superalimentazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70902supercolosso simple:hasContains inds:USem3877suono, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67857film ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70902supercolosso is supercolosso" ; rdfs:label " supercolosso_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem70903supercolosso simple:hasIsa inds:USem59643organismo ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70903supercolosso is supercolosso" ; rdfs:label " supercolosso_as_Institution" . inds:USem70904superficialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD7013superficiale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70904superficialita1 is superficialita'" ; rdfs:label " superficialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem70905superpetroliera simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem64390portellone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70905superpetroliera is superpetroliera" ; rdfs:label " superpetroliera_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70906surplus simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem60997eccedere ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70906surplus is surplus" ; rdfs:label " surplus_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70907susino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem60721susina, inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70907susino is susino" ; rdfs:label " susino_as_Plant" . inds:USem70908svarione simple:hasIsa inds:USem069567errore ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70908svarione is svarione" ; rdfs:label " svarione_as_Act" . inds:USem7090specificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7090specificare is specificare" ; rdfs:label " specificare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70911svizzero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63490svizzera ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4898svizzera ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70911svizzero is svizzero" ; rdfs:label " svizzero_as_People" . inds:USem70912svizzero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7294militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70912svizzero is svizzero" ; rdfs:label " svizzero_as_Profession" . inds:USem70913antimalarico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem3828malaria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70913antimalarico is antimalarico" ; rdfs:label " antimalarico_as_Substance" . inds:USem70914antimicotico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USemTH14130micosi ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70914antimicotico is antimicotico" ; rdfs:label " antimicotico_as_Substance" . inds:USem70915antipapa simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2809chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70915antipapa is antipapa" ; rdfs:label " antipapa_as_Social_status" . inds:USem70916antiparassitario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem73497parassita ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70916antiparassitario is antiparassitario" ; rdfs:label " antiparassitario_as_Substance" . inds:USem70917antipiretico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem3886febbre ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6751abbassare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70917antipiretico is antipiretico" ; rdfs:label " antipiretico_as_Substance" . inds:USem70918antireumatico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem3851reumatismo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70918antireumatico is antireumatico" ; rdfs:label " antireumatico_as_Substance" . inds:USem70919antistaminico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem069538allergia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70919antistaminico is antistaminico" ; rdfs:label " antistaminico_as_Substance" . inds:USem7091svelare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7091svelare is svelare" ; rdfs:label " svelare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70920antivigilia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70920antivigilia is antivigilia" ; rdfs:label " antivigilia_as_Time" . inds:USem70922antologia simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70922antologia is antologia" ; rdfs:label " antologia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem70923antracite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem1740combustibile ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70923antracite is antracite" ; rdfs:label " antracite_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70924antracite simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70924antracite is antracite" ; rdfs:label " antracite_as_Color" . inds:USem70925antropofagia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70925antropofagia is antropofagia" ; rdfs:label " antropofagia_as_Act" . inds:USem70926antropomorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70926antropomorfismo is antropomorfismo" ; rdfs:label " antropomorfismo_as_State" . inds:USem70927caduto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem79150cadere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70927caduto is caduto" ; rdfs:label " caduto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem70928annegato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD65760annegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70928annegato is annegato" ; rdfs:label " annegato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem70929annuo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1775anno ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70929annuo is annuo" ; rdfs:label " annuo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem7092trasmettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem71861comunicare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7092trasmettere is trasmettere" ; rdfs:label " trasmettere_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem70930autunnale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2752autunno ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70930autunnale is autunnale" ; rdfs:label " autunnale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem70932ematico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3126sangue ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70932ematico is ematico" ; rdfs:label " ematico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem70933arterioso simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem62718arteria ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70933arterioso is arterioso" ; rdfs:label " arterioso_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem70934arboreo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem67451albero ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70934arboreo is arboreo" ; rdfs:label " arboreo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem70935bovino simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem63231bue ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70935bovino is bovino" ; rdfs:label " bovino_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem70939tabarro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2952mantello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70939tabarro is tabarro" ; rdfs:label " tabarro_as_Clothing" . inds:USem7093raccontare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7093raccontare is raccontare" ; rdfs:label " raccontare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem70940tabu1 simple:hasTelic inds:USem61313vietare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70940tabu1 is tabu'" ; rdfs:label " tabu'_as_Telic" . inds:USem70941tabu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65761interdizione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70941tabu1 is tabu'" ; rdfs:label " tabu'_as_Convention" . inds:USem70943taccola simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70943taccola is taccola" ; rdfs:label " taccola_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem70944tafano simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70944tafano is tafano" ; rdfs:label " tafano_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem70945taffetta1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70945taffetta1 is taffetta'" ; rdfs:label " taffetta'_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem70946collegiale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD7262collegio ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70946collegiale is collegiale" ; rdfs:label " collegiale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem70947tagliapietre simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62408incidere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70947tagliapietre is tagliapietre" ; rdfs:label " tagliapietre_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70948tagliente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70948tagliente is tagliente" ; rdfs:label " tagliente_as_Part" . inds:USem70949taglierino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70949taglierino is taglierino" ; rdfs:label " taglierino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem7094illustrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem839disegno ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7094illustrare is illustrare" ; rdfs:label " illustrare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem70950taglietto simple:hasIsa inds:USem68580veliero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70950taglietto is taglietto" ; rdfs:label " taglietto_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70951taglietto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70951taglietto is taglietto" ; rdfs:label " taglietto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem70953tagliolino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70953tagliolino is tagliolino" ; rdfs:label " tagliolino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70954talassoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70954talassoterapia is talassoterapia" ; rdfs:label " talassoterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USem70955talidomide simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5359sedare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70955talidomide is talidomide" ; rdfs:label " talidomide_as_Substance" . inds:USem70956dolcetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1750zucchero, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70956dolcetto is dolcetto" ; rdfs:label " dolcetto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem70957dolcetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem66013vitigno ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70957dolcetto is dolcetto" ; rdfs:label " dolcetto_as_Plant" . inds:USem70958dolcetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70958dolcetto is dolcetto" ; rdfs:label " dolcetto_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem7095sport simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7095sport is sport" ; rdfs:label " sport_as_Domain" . inds:USem70960impaginato simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70960impaginato is impaginato" ; rdfs:label " impaginato_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem70961impaccio simple:hasTelic inds:USem66155ostacolare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70961impaccio is impaccio" ; rdfs:label " impaccio_as_Telic" . inds:USem70962impaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70962impaccio is impaccio" ; rdfs:label " impaccio_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem70963apostolico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem5555apostolo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70963apostolico is apostolico" ; rdfs:label " apostolico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem70965angelico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem68276angelo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70965angelico is angelico" ; rdfs:label " angelico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem7096allenare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6191abituare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7096allenare is allenare" ; rdfs:label " allenare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70971utente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70971utente is utente" ; rdfs:label " utente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem70972utilitaria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70972utilitaria is utilitaria" ; rdfs:label " utilitaria_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70973utopista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70973utopista is utopista" ; rdfs:label " utopista_as_Human" . inds:USem70974vaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70974vaglia is vaglia" ; rdfs:label " vaglia_as_Amount" . inds:USem70975valenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6243valore ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70975valenza is valenza" ; rdfs:label " valenza_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem70976vantaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70976vantaggio is vantaggio" ; rdfs:label " vantaggio_as_Time" . inds:USem70977variante simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD65764versione ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70977variante is variante" ; rdfs:label " variante_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem70978veglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67092serata ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2783sera ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70978veglia is veglia" ; rdfs:label " veglia_as_Time" . inds:USem70979veglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60969festa ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70979veglione is veglione" ; rdfs:label " veglione_as_Event" . inds:USem7097addestrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7097addestrare is addestrare" ; rdfs:label " addestrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem70980velleitarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70980velleitarismo is velleitarismo" ; rdfs:label " velleitarismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem70981velocipede simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem66463sellino, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71813ciclo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70981velocipede is velocipede" ; rdfs:label " velocipede_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem70982ventennale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70982ventennale is ventennale" ; rdfs:label " ventennale_as_Time" . inds:USem70983verbale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70983verbale is verbale" ; rdfs:label " verbale_as_Information" . inds:USem70984antonomasia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70984antonomasia is antonomasia" ; rdfs:label " antonomasia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem70985verdetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70985verdetto is verdetto" ; rdfs:label " verdetto_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70986aostano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65766aosta ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70986aostano is aostano" ; rdfs:label " aostano_as_People" . inds:USem70992vertenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem60797controversia ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70992vertenza is vertenza" ; rdfs:label " vertenza_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem70993vertice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5248amministrazione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70993vertice is vertice" ; rdfs:label " vertice_as_Part" . inds:USem70994vertice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70994vertice is vertice" ; rdfs:label " vertice_as_Part" . inds:USem70995apocalisse simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70995apocalisse is apocalisse" ; rdfs:label " apocalisse_as_Event" . inds:USem70996apocalisse simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70996apocalisse is apocalisse" ; rdfs:label " apocalisse_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem70997vespaio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4601vespa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70997vespaio is vespaio" ; rdfs:label " vespaio_as_Location" . inds:USem70998apogeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70998apogeo is apogeo" ; rdfs:label " apogeo_as_Part" . inds:USem70999vestibolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem70999vestibolo is vestibolo" ; rdfs:label " vestibolo_as_Part" . inds:USem7099confezionare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7099confezionare is confezionare" ; rdfs:label " confezionare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem71000apogeo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71000apogeo is apogeo" ; rdfs:label " apogeo_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem71001vetrata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71001vetrata is vetrata" ; rdfs:label " vetrata_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71002vettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71002vettore is vettore" ; rdfs:label " vettore_as_Convention" . inds:USem71004video simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3523televisore, inds:USem64806computer ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71004video is video" ; rdfs:label " video_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71005video simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD63642trasmissione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71005video is video" ; rdfs:label " video_as_Part" . inds:USem71006videotel simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59644sistema ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75054trasmettere, inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71006videotel is videotel" ; rdfs:label " videotel_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71007videoterminale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem64806computer ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71007videoterminale is videoterminale" ; rdfs:label " videoterminale_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71008vigilanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71008vigilanza is vigilanza" ; rdfs:label " vigilanza_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem7100demolire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5312distruggere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7100demolire is demolire" ; rdfs:label " demolire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem71010vigore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65769vigoroso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71010vigore is vigore" ; rdfs:label " vigore_as_Quality" . inds:USem71011vilipendio simple:hasIsa inds:USem78916offesa ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71011vilipendio is vilipendio" ; rdfs:label " vilipendio_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71012apollo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71012apollo is apollo" ; rdfs:label " apollo_as_Representation" . inds:USem71013apollo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71013apollo is apollo" ; rdfs:label " apollo_as_Human" . inds:USem71014apologetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem70223teologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71014apologetica is apologetica" ; rdfs:label " apologetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem71015apologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71015apologo is apologo" ; rdfs:label " apologo_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem71016apostasia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71016apostasia is apostasia" ; rdfs:label " apostasia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71017apostolato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71017apostolato is apostolato" ; rdfs:label " apostolato_as_State" . inds:USem71018apostrofe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71018apostrofe is apostrofe" ; rdfs:label " apostrofe_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem71019vincolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71019vincolo is vincolo" ; rdfs:label " vincolo_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem7101edificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7101edificare is edificare" ; rdfs:label " edificare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem71020violenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71020violenza is violenza" ; rdfs:label " violenza_as_Act" . inds:USem71021violenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71021violenza is violenza" ; rdfs:label " violenza_as_Property" . inds:USem71022visto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71022visto is visto" ; rdfs:label " visto_as_Sign" . inds:USem71023vitalizio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6944contratto ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71023vitalizio is vitalizio" ; rdfs:label " vitalizio_as_Convention" . inds:USem71024vittimismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65772vittimista ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71024vittimismo is vittimismo" ; rdfs:label " vittimismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71025volta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71025volta is volta" ; rdfs:label " volta_as_Part" . inds:USem71026volta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3381momento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71026volta is volta" ; rdfs:label " volta_as_Time" . inds:USem71027voltaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71027voltaggio is voltaggio" ; rdfs:label " voltaggio_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem71028vortice simple:hasConcerns inds:USem66548acqua, inds:USemD5154aria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71028vortice is vortice" ; rdfs:label " vortice_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71029vortice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71029vortice is vortice" ; rdfs:label " vortice_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem7102erigere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7102erigere is erigere" ; rdfs:label " erigere_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem71030razione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71030razione is razione" ; rdfs:label " razione_as_Amount" . inds:USem71031appassionato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem68845appassionare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71031appassionato is appassionato" ; rdfs:label " appassionato_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem71032razzo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71032razzo is razzo" ; rdfs:label " razzo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71033reazionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemTH20050reazionarismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71033reazionario is reazionario" ; rdfs:label " reazionario_as_Ideo" . inds:USem71034recessione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71034recessione is recessione" ; rdfs:label " recessione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71035appuntato simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71035appuntato is appuntato" ; rdfs:label " appuntato_as_Role" . inds:USem71036aquilotto simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1739artiglio, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65489rapace ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71036aquilotto is aquilotto" ; rdfs:label " aquilotto_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem71037recidiva simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71037recidiva is recidiva" ; rdfs:label " recidiva_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71038arabesco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6588disegnare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71038arabesco is arabesco" ; rdfs:label " arabesco_as_Artwork" . inds:USem71039reclamo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60792protesta ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71039reclamo is reclamo" ; rdfs:label " reclamo_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem7103incidere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7103incidere is incidere" ; rdfs:label " incidere_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem71040aragonese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65774aragona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71040aragonese is aragonese" ; rdfs:label " aragonese_as_People" . inds:USem71041araldo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3330ufficiale ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71041araldo is araldo" ; rdfs:label " araldo_as_Role" . inds:USem71042aranciera simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71042aranciera is aranciera" ; rdfs:label " aranciera_as_Building" . inds:USem71043arbitrio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1948attributo ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71043arbitrio is arbitrio" ; rdfs:label " arbitrio_as_Property" . inds:USem71044arbitrio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71044arbitrio is arbitrio" ; rdfs:label " arbitrio_as_Act" . inds:USem71045arboreto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64864raccolta ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71045arboreto is arboreto" ; rdfs:label " arboreto_as_Group" . inds:USem71046guantiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem67801vassoio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71046guantiera is guantiera" ; rdfs:label " guantiera_as_Container" . inds:USem71047arboricoltura simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6301agricoltura ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71047arboricoltura is arboricoltura" ; rdfs:label " arboricoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USem71048arboscello simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71048arboscello is arboscello" ; rdfs:label " arboscello_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem71049arcangelo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71049arcangelo is arcangelo" ; rdfs:label " arcangelo_as_Entity" . inds:USem7104intarsiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6194intarsio ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7104intarsiare is intarsiare" ; rdfs:label " intarsiare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem71050archibugio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71050archibugio is archibugio" ; rdfs:label " archibugio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71051recrudescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71051recrudescenza is recrudescenza" ; rdfs:label " recrudescenza_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem71052guardarobiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71052guardarobiere is guardarobiere" ; rdfs:label " guardarobiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem71053archivolto simple:hasIsa inds:USem59888elemento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71053archivolto is archivolto" ; rdfs:label " archivolto_as_Part" . inds:USem71054arciduca simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71054arciduca is arciduca" ; rdfs:label " arciduca_as_Social_status" . inds:USem71055referenza simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71060informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71055referenza is referenza" ; rdfs:label " referenza_as_Information" . inds:USem71056arciduchessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71056arciduchessa is arciduchessa" ; rdfs:label " arciduchessa_as_Social_status" . inds:USem71057arciere simple:hasIsa inds:USem64226tiratore ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem61058tirare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem62467arco ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71057arciere is arciere" ; rdfs:label " arciere_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem71058arciere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71058arciere is arciere" ; rdfs:label " arciere_as_Role" . inds:USem71059arcolaio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1391filare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71059arcolaio is arcolaio" ; rdfs:label " arcolaio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem7105modellare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7105modellare is modellare" ; rdfs:label " modellare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem71060informazione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71060informazione is informazione" ; rdfs:label " informazione_as_Information" . inds:USem71061ardesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71061ardesia is ardesia" ; rdfs:label " ardesia_as_Color" . inds:USem71062ardesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71062ardesia is ardesia" ; rdfs:label " ardesia_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem71063argentiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6381fabbricante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71063argentiere is argentiere" ; rdfs:label " argentiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem71064arianesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71064arianesimo is arianesimo" ; rdfs:label " arianesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem71065armadillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71065armadillo is armadillo" ; rdfs:label " armadillo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem71066informazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem69settore ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71066informazione is informazione" ; rdfs:label " informazione_as_Domain" . inds:USem71067regime simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71067regime is regime" ; rdfs:label " regime_as_Institution" . inds:USem71068regime simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71068regime is regime" ; rdfs:label " regime_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem7106plasmare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7106plasmare is plasmare" ; rdfs:label " plasmare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem71070aeronautico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem75441aeronautica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71070aeronautico is aeronautico" ; rdfs:label " aeronautico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71072agonistico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem70346agonismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71072agonistico is agonistico" ; rdfs:label " agonistico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71074miliardario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71074miliardario is miliardario" ; rdfs:label " miliardario_as_Human" . inds:USem71076mignatta simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71076mignatta is mignatta" ; rdfs:label " mignatta_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem71078dispendio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71078dispendio is dispendio" ; rdfs:label " dispendio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71079mignatta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71079mignatta is mignatta" ; rdfs:label " mignatta_as_Human" . inds:USem7107scolpire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3256scalpello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61620scultura ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7107scolpire is scolpire" ; rdfs:label " scolpire_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem71080disperazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65777disperato ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71080disperazione is disperazione" ; rdfs:label " disperazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem71081anagrafico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem68828anagrafe ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71081anagrafico is anagrafico" ; rdfs:label " anagrafico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71082millantatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71082millantatore is millantatore" ; rdfs:label " millantatore_as_Human" . inds:USem71083siderurgico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem71252siderurgia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71083siderurgico is siderurgico" ; rdfs:label " siderurgico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71084disperazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71084disperazione is disperazione" ; rdfs:label " disperazione_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem71085mille simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71085mille is mille" ; rdfs:label " mille_as_Number" . inds:USem71086atlantico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD65781atlante ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71086atlantico is atlantico" ; rdfs:label " atlantico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71087dispetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71087dispetto is dispetto" ; rdfs:label " dispetto_as_Act" . inds:USem71088gelosia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65781geloso ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71088gelosia is gelosia" ; rdfs:label " gelosia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71089dizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71089dizione is dizione" ; rdfs:label " dizione_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem7108congegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7108congegnare is congegnare" ; rdfs:label " congegnare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem71090millefoglie simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71090millefoglie is millefoglie" ; rdfs:label " millefoglie_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem71091polmonare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem68581polmone ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71091polmonare is polmonare" ; rdfs:label " polmonare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71092epatico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem67937fegato ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71092epatico is epatico" ; rdfs:label " epatico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71093enzimatico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3045enzima ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71093enzimatico is enzimatico" ; rdfs:label " enzimatico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71094mimica simple:hasIsa inds:USem62955arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71094mimica is mimica" ; rdfs:label " mimica_as_Domain" . inds:USem71095sistemico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2578sistema ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71095sistemico is sistemico" ; rdfs:label " sistemico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71096mimica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71096mimica is mimica" ; rdfs:label " mimica_as_Act" . inds:USem71097sistemistico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2578sistema ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71097sistemistico is sistemistico" ; rdfs:label " sistemistico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71098cittadino simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2235citta1 ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71098cittadino is cittadino" ; rdfs:label " cittadino_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71099mineralogista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71099mineralogista is mineralogista" ; rdfs:label " mineralogista_as_Profession" . inds:USem7109taglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6909divisione ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7109taglio is taglio" ; rdfs:label " taglio_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem71100miniabito simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71100miniabito is miniabito" ; rdfs:label " miniabito_as_Clothing" . inds:USem71102amniotico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem77508amnio ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71102amniotico is amniotico" ; rdfs:label " amniotico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71103antartico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD65784antartide ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71103antartico is antartico" ; rdfs:label " antartico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71104antropologico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem6antropologia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71104antropologico is antropologico" ; rdfs:label " antropologico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71105alberghiero simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem62364albergo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71105alberghiero is alberghiero" ; rdfs:label " alberghiero_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71106ceramico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem62975ceramica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71106ceramico is ceramico" ; rdfs:label " ceramico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem7110portare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7110portare is portare" ; rdfs:label " portare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71110elemosina simple:hasIsa inds:USem60648dono ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71110elemosina is elemosina" ; rdfs:label " elemosina_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71111mimesi simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6802imitazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71111mimesi is mimesi" ; rdfs:label " mimesi_as_Representation" . inds:USem71112elettroshock simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71112elettroshock is elettroshock" ; rdfs:label " elettroshock_as_Domain" . inds:USem71113equivoco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71113equivoco is equivoco" ; rdfs:label " equivoco_as_Act" . inds:USem71114minerva simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62800fiammifero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5001accendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71114minerva is minerva" ; rdfs:label " minerva_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71115minerva simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71115minerva is minerva" ; rdfs:label " minerva_as_Representation" . inds:USem71116millanteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71116millanteria is millanteria" ; rdfs:label " millanteria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71117mimetizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63973mimetizzato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71117mimetizzazione is mimetizzazione" ; rdfs:label " mimetizzazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem71118ergastolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem61657pena ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71118ergastolo is ergastolo" ; rdfs:label " ergastolo_as_Convention" . inds:USem71119esodo simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71119esodo is esodo" ; rdfs:label " esodo_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem7111apparire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7111apparire is apparire" ; rdfs:label " apparire_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem71120minima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasMeasuredby inds:USem2336termometro ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71120minima is minima" ; rdfs:label " minima_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71122faccenda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71122faccenda is faccenda" ; rdfs:label " faccenda_as_Event" . inds:USem71123minuetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71123minuetto is minuetto" ; rdfs:label " minuetto_as_Move" . inds:USem71124minuscolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2704carattere ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71124minuscolo is minuscolo" ; rdfs:label " minuscolo_as_Sign" . inds:USem71125minutaglia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71125minutaglia is minutaglia" ; rdfs:label " minutaglia_as_Group" . inds:USem71126facezia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71126facezia is facezia" ; rdfs:label " facezia_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71127faida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6347lotta ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71127faida is faida" ; rdfs:label " faida_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem71128fasto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65787fastoso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71128fasto is fasto" ; rdfs:label " fasto_as_Quality" . inds:USem71129siluro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71129siluro is siluro" ; rdfs:label " siluro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem7112crepare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7116morire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7112crepare is crepare" ; rdfs:label " crepare_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem71130siluro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71130siluro is siluro" ; rdfs:label " siluro_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71131seghetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5115segare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71131seghetto is seghetto" ; rdfs:label " seghetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71132fervore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71132fervore is fervore" ; rdfs:label " fervore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem71133festino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71133festino is festino" ; rdfs:label " festino_as_Event" . inds:USem71134fiatone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71134fiatone is fiatone" ; rdfs:label " fiatone_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71135figurazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71135figurazione is figurazione" ; rdfs:label " figurazione_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem71136finalissima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71136finalissima is finalissima" ; rdfs:label " finalissima_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem71137fisima simple:hasIsa inds:USem69465ossessione ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71137fisima is fisima" ; rdfs:label " fisima_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem71138fitta simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6138dolore ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71138fitta is fitta" ; rdfs:label " fitta_as_Perception" . inds:USem71139folclore simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63948uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71139folclore is folclore" ; rdfs:label " folclore_as_Domain" . inds:USem7113decedere simple:hasIsa inds:USem7116morire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6655deceduto ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7113decedere is decedere" ; rdfs:label " decedere_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem71140fonia simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD7102voce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71140fonia is fonia" ; rdfs:label " fonia_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem71141foschia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3108vapore ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71141foschia is foschia" ; rdfs:label " foschia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71143fosforescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71143fosforescenza is fosforescenza" ; rdfs:label " fosforescenza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem71144mimetizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63973mimetizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71144mimetizzazione is mimetizzazione" ; rdfs:label " mimetizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem71145fotoconduttore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71145fotoconduttore is fotoconduttore" ; rdfs:label " fotoconduttore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71146listello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71146listello is listello" ; rdfs:label " listello_as_Part" . inds:USem71147fotomontaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71147fotomontaggio is fotomontaggio" ; rdfs:label " fotomontaggio_as_Artwork" . inds:USem71148fracasso simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71148fracasso is fracasso" ; rdfs:label " fracasso_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem71149fragranza simple:hasIsa inds:USem6146odore ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71149fragranza is fragranza" ; rdfs:label " fragranza_as_Perception" . inds:USem7114emergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7114emergere is emergere" ; rdfs:label " emergere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71150frana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3006terra, inds:USem65723masso ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71150frana is frana" ; rdfs:label " frana_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71151scontrino simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69058ricevuta ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71151scontrino is scontrino" ; rdfs:label " scontrino_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem71152frana simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3006terra, inds:USem65723masso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71152frana is frana" ; rdfs:label " frana_as_Group" . inds:USem71153frastuono simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71153frastuono is frastuono" ; rdfs:label " frastuono_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem71154frenesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71154frenesia is frenesia" ; rdfs:label " frenesia_as_Disease" . inds:USem71155scontrino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71155scontrino is scontrino" ; rdfs:label " scontrino_as_Information" . inds:USem71156frenesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71156frenesia is frenesia" ; rdfs:label " frenesia_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem71157frescura simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71157frescura is frescura" ; rdfs:label " frescura_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71158frottola simple:hasIsa inds:USem67861bugia ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71158frottola is frottola" ; rdfs:label " frottola_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71159fucilata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem5537fucile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71159fucilata is fucilata" ; rdfs:label " fucilata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem7115mancare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7116morire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7115mancare is mancare" ; rdfs:label " mancare_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem71160fucilata simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71160fucilata is fucilata" ; rdfs:label " fucilata_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem71161dormita simple:hasIsa inds:USem4544sonno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71161dormita is dormita" ; rdfs:label " dormita_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71162fiammata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem60904fuoco ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71162fiammata is fiammata" ; rdfs:label " fiammata_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71163fischiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem60219fischio ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71163fischiata is fischiata" ; rdfs:label " fischiata_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71164forbiciata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2312forbice ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71164forbiciata is forbiciata" ; rdfs:label " forbiciata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71165frecciata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem5579freccia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71165frecciata is frecciata" ; rdfs:label " frecciata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71166fulgore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4192luce ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71166fulgore is fulgore" ; rdfs:label " fulgore_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71167abiura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71167abiura is abiura" ; rdfs:label " abiura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71168furberia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71168furberia is furberia" ; rdfs:label " furberia_as_Act" . inds:USem71169furberia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6062furbo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71169furberia is furberia" ; rdfs:label " furberia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem7116morire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7116morire is morire" ; rdfs:label " morire_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem71171furia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71171furia is furia" ; rdfs:label " furia_as_Human" . inds:USem71172furia simple:hasIsa inds:USem79104fretta ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71172furia is furia" ; rdfs:label " furia_as_State" . inds:USem71173galoppata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71173galoppata is galoppata" ; rdfs:label " galoppata_as_Move" . inds:USem71174magnitudine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71174magnitudine is magnitudine" ; rdfs:label " magnitudine_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem71175tapparella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2240finestra ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71175tapparella is tapparella" ; rdfs:label " tapparella_as_Part" . inds:USem71176gargarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71176gargarismo is gargarismo" ; rdfs:label " gargarismo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71178gelata simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3871ghiaccio ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71178gelata is gelata" ; rdfs:label " gelata_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71179gemito simple:hasIsa inds:USem67450lamento ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71179gemito is gemito" ; rdfs:label " gemito_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem7117perire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7116morire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7117perire is perire" ; rdfs:label " perire_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem71180genesi simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71180genesi is genesi" ; rdfs:label " genesi_as_Agentive" . inds:USem71181dermatologico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem78153dermatologia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71181dermatologico is dermatologico" ; rdfs:label " dermatologico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71182filologico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem61290filologia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71182filologico is filologico" ; rdfs:label " filologico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71183intestinale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1829intestino ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71183intestinale is intestinale" ; rdfs:label " intestinale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71184tagliola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3382trappola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7124catturare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71184tagliola is tagliola" ; rdfs:label " tagliola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71185oceanografico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem59985oceanografia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71185oceanografico is oceanografico" ; rdfs:label " oceanografico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71186maiuscola simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2703lettera ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71186maiuscola is maiuscola" ; rdfs:label " maiuscola_as_Sign" . inds:USem71187metodologico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD65792metodologia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71187metodologico is metodologico" ; rdfs:label " metodologico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71188genuflessione simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71188genuflessione is genuflessione" ; rdfs:label " genuflessione_as_Move" . inds:USem71189pasquale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem62575pasqua ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71189pasquale is pasquale" ; rdfs:label " pasquale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem7118sorgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7118sorgere is sorgere" ; rdfs:label " sorgere_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem71190geografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71190geografo is geografo" ; rdfs:label " geografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem71191geroglifico simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2704carattere ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71191geroglifico is geroglifico" ; rdfs:label " geroglifico_as_Sign" . inds:USem71192malanno simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71192malanno is malanno" ; rdfs:label " malanno_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71193gesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71193gesta is gesta" ; rdfs:label " gesta_as_Act" . inds:USem71194gestante simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71194gestante is gestante" ; rdfs:label " gestante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71195ghigno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71195ghigno is ghigno" ; rdfs:label " ghigno_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71196ghirigoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71196ghirigoro is ghirigoro" ; rdfs:label " ghirigoro_as_Sign" . inds:USem71197giocata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71197giocata is giocata" ; rdfs:label " giocata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71198giocata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71198giocata is giocata" ; rdfs:label " giocata_as_Amount" . inds:USem71199giravolta simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71199giravolta is giravolta" ; rdfs:label " giravolta_as_Move" . inds:USem7119spirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7116morire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7119spirare is spirare" ; rdfs:label " spirare_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem71200giretto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71200giretto is giretto" ; rdfs:label " giretto_as_Move" . inds:USem71201girotondo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6605divertire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71201girotondo is girotondo" ; rdfs:label " girotondo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71202gita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71202gita is gita" ; rdfs:label " gita_as_Event" . inds:USem71203gitante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD802viaggiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71203gitante is gitante" ; rdfs:label " gitante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71204giubileo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1775anno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71204giubileo is giubileo" ; rdfs:label " giubileo_as_Time" . inds:USem71205giubilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71205giubilo is giubilo" ; rdfs:label " giubilo_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem71206glicemia simple:hasAffects inds:USem3126sangue ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem3193glucosio ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71206glicemia is glicemia" ; rdfs:label " glicemia_as_Amount" . inds:USem71207glossa simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71207glossa is glossa" ; rdfs:label " glossa_as_Information" . inds:USem71208goccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71208goccio is goccio" ; rdfs:label " goccio_as_Amount" . inds:USem71209goffaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6893goffo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71209goffaggine is goffaggine" ; rdfs:label " goffaggine_as_Quality" . inds:USem7120svanire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7120svanire is svanire" ; rdfs:label " svanire_as_Change" . inds:USem71210goffaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71210goffaggine is goffaggine" ; rdfs:label " goffaggine_as_Act" . inds:USem71211goliardia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71211goliardia is goliardia" ; rdfs:label " goliardia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71212gomitata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem68404gomito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71212gomitata is gomitata" ; rdfs:label " gomitata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71213gorgheggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71213gorgheggio is gorgheggio" ; rdfs:label " gorgheggio_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71214gorgo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem66548acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71214gorgo is gorgo" ; rdfs:label " gorgo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71215gorgoglio simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71215gorgoglio is gorgoglio" ; rdfs:label " gorgoglio_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem71216graffiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71216graffiata is graffiata" ; rdfs:label " graffiata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71217grandinata simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71217grandinata is grandinata" ; rdfs:label " grandinata_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71218grassetto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2704carattere ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71218grassetto is grassetto" ; rdfs:label " grassetto_as_Sign" . inds:USem71219grattacapo simple:hasTelic inds:USem6551preoccupare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71219grattacapo is grattacapo" ; rdfs:label " grattacapo_as_Telic" . inds:USem7121tramontare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7121tramontare is tramontare" ; rdfs:label " tramontare_as_Event" . inds:USem71220malanno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71220malanno is malanno" ; rdfs:label " malanno_as_Event" . inds:USem71221grattata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71221grattata is grattata" ; rdfs:label " grattata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71222malanno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71222malanno is malanno" ; rdfs:label " malanno_as_Human" . inds:USem71223grattata simple:hasCausedby inds:USem5254sfregamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71223grattata is grattata" ; rdfs:label " grattata_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem71224grave simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1957corpo ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71224grave is grave" ; rdfs:label " grave_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem71226grilletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61028sparare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71226grilletto is grilletto" ; rdfs:label " grilletto_as_Part" . inds:USem71227grinta simple:hasIsa inds:USem68146faccia ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71227grinta is grinta" ; rdfs:label " grinta_as_Property" . inds:USem71228grinta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71228grinta is grinta" ; rdfs:label " grinta_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71229gronda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59847tetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71229gronda is gronda" ; rdfs:label " gronda_as_Part" . inds:USem71230grottesco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71230grottesco is grottesco" ; rdfs:label " grottesco_as_State" . inds:USem71231guaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71231guaio is guaio" ; rdfs:label " guaio_as_Event" . inds:USem71232malcontento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71232malcontento is malcontento" ; rdfs:label " malcontento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem71233guaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71233guaio is guaio" ; rdfs:label " guaio_as_State" . inds:USem71234guaito simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71234guaito is guaito" ; rdfs:label " guaito_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71235guardaroba simple:hasIsa inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71235guardaroba is guardaroba" ; rdfs:label " guardaroba_as_Part" . inds:USem71236guardaroba simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71236guardaroba is guardaroba" ; rdfs:label " guardaroba_as_Group" . inds:USem71237guardata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71237guardata is guardata" ; rdfs:label " guardata_as_Perception" . inds:USem71238malcontento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71238malcontento is malcontento" ; rdfs:label " malcontento_as_Human" . inds:USem71239maldicenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71239maldicenza is maldicenza" ; rdfs:label " maldicenza_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem7123carpire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7123carpire is carpire" ; rdfs:label " carpire_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71240guerriglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6394guerra ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71240guerriglia is guerriglia" ; rdfs:label " guerriglia_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem71241iattura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71241iattura is iattura" ; rdfs:label " iattura_as_Event" . inds:USem71242maldicenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65796maldicente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71242maldicenza is maldicenza" ; rdfs:label " maldicenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71243ibernazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3883sintomo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71243ibernazione is ibernazione" ; rdfs:label " ibernazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71244ideogramma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71244ideogramma is ideogramma" ; rdfs:label " ideogramma_as_Sign" . inds:USem71245idrofobia simple:hasCausedby inds:USem3848rabbia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71245idrofobia is idrofobia" ; rdfs:label " idrofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USem71246idromassaggio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71246idromassaggio is idromassaggio" ; rdfs:label " idromassaggio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71247idromassaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem75558massaggio ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71247idromassaggio is idromassaggio" ; rdfs:label " idromassaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71248ignominia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71248ignominia is ignominia" ; rdfs:label " ignominia_as_State" . inds:USem7124catturare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7124catturare is catturare" ; rdfs:label " catturare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71250illazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71250illazione is illazione" ; rdfs:label " illazione_as_Judgement" . inds:USem71251imboscata simple:hasIsa inds:USem60254aggressione ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71251imboscata is imboscata" ; rdfs:label " imboscata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71252siderurgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71252siderurgia is siderurgia" ; rdfs:label " siderurgia_as_Domain" . inds:USem71253maledire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71253maledire is maledire" ; rdfs:label " maledire_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71254tifone simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71254tifone is tifone" ; rdfs:label " tifone_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71255maledizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71255maledizione is maledizione" ; rdfs:label " maledizione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71256sisma simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61177terra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71256sisma is sisma" ; rdfs:label " sisma_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71257maledizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71257maledizione is maledizione" ; rdfs:label " maledizione_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem71259malfatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71259malfatto is malfatto" ; rdfs:label " malfatto_as_Act" . inds:USem7125cedere simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7125cedere is cedere" ; rdfs:label " cedere_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71260malfatto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4512gnocco ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71260malfatto is malfatto" ; rdfs:label " malfatto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem71261malfunzionamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71261malfunzionamento is malfunzionamento" ; rdfs:label " malfunzionamento_as_State" . inds:USem71262malgoverno simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71262malgoverno is malgoverno" ; rdfs:label " malgoverno_as_State" . inds:USem71263immaginativa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71263immaginativa is immaginativa" ; rdfs:label " immaginativa_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71264immortale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71264immortale is immortale" ; rdfs:label " immortale_as_Human" . inds:USem71265imperizia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71265imperizia is imperizia" ; rdfs:label " imperizia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71266impostura simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem63954impostore ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71266impostura is impostura" ; rdfs:label " impostura_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71267impostura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71267impostura is impostura" ; rdfs:label " impostura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71268imprecazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71268imprecazione is imprecazione" ; rdfs:label " imprecazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71269imprecisione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemTH44051impreciso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71269imprecisione is imprecisione" ; rdfs:label " imprecisione_as_Quality" . inds:USem7126confiscare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7126confiscare is confiscare" ; rdfs:label " confiscare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71271malocchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71271malocchio is malocchio" ; rdfs:label " malocchio_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem71272malora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71272malora is malora" ; rdfs:label " malora_as_Event" . inds:USem71273maltempo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71273maltempo is maltempo" ; rdfs:label " maltempo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71275manciata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71275manciata is manciata" ; rdfs:label " manciata_as_Amount" . inds:USem71276mandata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71276mandata is mandata" ; rdfs:label " mandata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem71277slavina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3888neve ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71277slavina is slavina" ; rdfs:label " slavina_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71278tornado simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem3885vento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71278tornado is tornado" ; rdfs:label " tornado_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71279tornado simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71279tornado is tornado" ; rdfs:label " tornado_as_Human" . inds:USem7127espropriare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7136privare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7127espropriare is espropriare" ; rdfs:label " espropriare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71280tornado simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71280tornado is tornado" ; rdfs:label " tornado_as_Event" . inds:USem71281azionario simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD65800azione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71281azionario is azionario" ; rdfs:label " azionario_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71282uxoricidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71282uxoricidio is uxoricidio" ; rdfs:label " uxoricidio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71283mandata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71283mandata is mandata" ; rdfs:label " mandata_as_Amount" . inds:USem71284mandata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71284mandata is mandata" ; rdfs:label " mandata_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71285elettrochimico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem68822elettrochimica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71285elettrochimico is elettrochimico" ; rdfs:label " elettrochimico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71286elettrofisiologico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemTH07790elettrofisiologia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71286elettrofisiologico is elettrofisiologico" ; rdfs:label " elettrofisiologico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71288manifestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71288manifestazione is manifestazione" ; rdfs:label " manifestazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem7128estorcere simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7128estorcere is estorcere" ; rdfs:label " estorcere_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71290elettromagnetico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemTH07803elettromagnetismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71290elettromagnetico is elettromagnetico" ; rdfs:label " elettromagnetico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71291imprevidenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65803imprevidente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71291imprevidenza is imprevidenza" ; rdfs:label " imprevidenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71292manifestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71292manifestazione is manifestazione" ; rdfs:label " manifestazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71293manifestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71293manifestazione is manifestazione" ; rdfs:label " manifestazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71294imprevisto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71294imprevisto is imprevisto" ; rdfs:label " imprevisto_as_Event" . inds:USem71295improperio simple:hasIsa inds:USem78215insulto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71295improperio is improperio" ; rdfs:label " improperio_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71296manifestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71296manifestazione is manifestazione" ; rdfs:label " manifestazione_as_Event" . inds:USem71297improvvisata simple:hasIsa inds:USem60035visita ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71297improvvisata is improvvisata" ; rdfs:label " improvvisata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71298maratona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71298maratona is maratona" ; rdfs:label " maratona_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71299incandescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65805incandescente ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71299incandescenza is incandescenza" ; rdfs:label " incandescenza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem7129impadronire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7129impadronire is impadronire" ; rdfs:label " impadronire_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71300maratona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71300maratona is maratona" ; rdfs:label " maratona_as_Act" . inds:USem71301zigomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7098cranio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71301zigomo is zigomo" ; rdfs:label " zigomo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem71302maremoto simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71302maremoto is maremoto" ; rdfs:label " maremoto_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71303viso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1753testa ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71303viso is viso" ; rdfs:label " viso_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem71304martellamento simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2821martello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71304martellamento is martellamento" ; rdfs:label " martellamento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71305impreparazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71305impreparazione is impreparazione" ; rdfs:label " impreparazione_as_State" . inds:USem71306twist simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71306twist is twist" ; rdfs:label " twist_as_Move" . inds:USem71307martellata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2821martello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71307martellata is martellata" ; rdfs:label " martellata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71308oceanico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem64773oceano ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71308oceanico is oceanico" ; rdfs:label " oceanico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem7130impossessare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7130impossessare is impossessare" ; rdfs:label " impossessare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71310incarnato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71310incarnato is incarnato" ; rdfs:label " incarnato_as_Color" . inds:USem71311martirio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71311martirio is martirio" ; rdfs:label " martirio_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem71312svastica simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71312svastica is svastica" ; rdfs:label " svastica_as_Representation" . inds:USem71313incesto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71313incesto is incesto" ; rdfs:label " incesto_as_Act" . inds:USem71314inchino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71314inchino is inchino" ; rdfs:label " inchino_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71315inciso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65807frase ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71315inciso is inciso" ; rdfs:label " inciso_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem71316incoerenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71316incoerenza is incoerenza" ; rdfs:label " incoerenza_as_Act" . inds:USem71317massacro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71317massacro is massacro" ; rdfs:label " massacro_as_Event" . inds:USem71318senzatetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71318senzatetto is senzatetto" ; rdfs:label " senzatetto_as_Human" . inds:USem71319siriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65810siria ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71319siriano is siriano" ; rdfs:label " siriano_as_People" . inds:USem7131liberare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7131liberare is liberare" ; rdfs:label " liberare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71320masticare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71320masticare is masticare" ; rdfs:label " masticare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71321incoerenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76312incoerente ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71321incoerenza is incoerenza" ; rdfs:label " incoerenza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem71322italico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71322italico is italico" ; rdfs:label " italico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71323siriano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71323siriano is siriano" ; rdfs:label " siriano_as_Language" . inds:USem71324masticazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71324masticazione is masticazione" ; rdfs:label " masticazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71325incoerenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65811incoerente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71325incoerenza is incoerenza" ; rdfs:label " incoerenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem71326siracusano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65812siracusa ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71326siracusano is siracusano" ; rdfs:label " siracusano_as_People" . inds:USem71327mazzata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem68883mazza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71327mazzata is mazzata" ; rdfs:label " mazzata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71328siracusano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71328siracusano is siracusano" ; rdfs:label " siracusano_as_Language" . inds:USem7132perdere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7132perdere is perdere" ; rdfs:label " perdere_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71330invernale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD3423inverno ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71330invernale is invernale" ; rdfs:label " invernale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71332incognita simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71332incognita is incognita" ; rdfs:label " incognita_as_Representation" . inds:USem71333primaverile simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD3376primavera ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71333primaverile is primaverile" ; rdfs:label " primaverile_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71335estivo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD3365estate ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71335estivo is estivo" ; rdfs:label " estivo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71337incognito simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71337incognito is incognito" ; rdfs:label " incognito_as_State" . inds:USem71338incombenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71338incombenza is incombenza" ; rdfs:label " incombenza_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71339incomodo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem6545infastidire ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71339incomodo is incomodo" ; rdfs:label " incomodo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem7133predare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7133predare is predare" ; rdfs:label " predare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71341meteorologico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem6869meteorologia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71341meteorologico is meteorologico" ; rdfs:label " meteorologico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71342incomprensione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71342incomprensione is incomprensione" ; rdfs:label " incomprensione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71343incomprensione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71343incomprensione is incomprensione" ; rdfs:label " incomprensione_as_Act" . inds:USem71344demografico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem71601demografia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71344demografico is demografico" ; rdfs:label " demografico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71345inconsistenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6750inconsistente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71345inconsistenza is inconsistenza" ; rdfs:label " inconsistenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem71346incoscienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD7006incosciente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71346incoscienza is incoscienza" ; rdfs:label " incoscienza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71347doganale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem64649dogana ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71347doganale is doganale" ; rdfs:label " doganale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71348incoscienza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71348incoscienza is incoscienza" ; rdfs:label " incoscienza_as_Act" . inds:USem7134prelevare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7134prelevare is prelevare" ; rdfs:label " prelevare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71350incostanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65815incostante ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71350incostanza is incostanza" ; rdfs:label " incostanza_as_Quality" . inds:USem71351simpamina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60710eccitare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71351simpamina is simpamina" ; rdfs:label " simpamina_as_Substance" . inds:USem71354mazzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71354mazzata is mazzata" ; rdfs:label " mazzata_as_Event" . inds:USem71356incubazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71356incubazione is incubazione" ; rdfs:label " incubazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71357incubazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasPrecedes inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71357incubazione is incubazione" ; rdfs:label " incubazione_as_Time" . inds:USem71358abbaglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71358abbaglio is abbaglio" ; rdfs:label " abbaglio_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem7135prendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7135prendere is prendere" ; rdfs:label " prendere_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71360indecenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71360indecenza is indecenza" ; rdfs:label " indecenza_as_Event" . inds:USem71361indecenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65816indecente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71361indecenza is indecenza" ; rdfs:label " indecenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem71362indigenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71362indigenza is indigenza" ; rdfs:label " indigenza_as_State" . inds:USem71363indisposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71363indisposizione is indisposizione" ; rdfs:label " indisposizione_as_Perception" . inds:USem71364indole simple:hasIsa inds:USem69067carattere ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71364indole is indole" ; rdfs:label " indole_as_Property" . inds:USem71366inedia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71366inedia is inedia" ; rdfs:label " inedia_as_State" . inds:USem71367inefficacia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemTH44076inefficace ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71367inefficacia is inefficacia" ; rdfs:label " inefficacia_as_Quality" . inds:USem71368abbronzatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71368abbronzatura is abbronzatura" ; rdfs:label " abbronzatura_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71369inesistenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Exist, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71369inesistenza is inesistenza" ; rdfs:label " inesistenza_as_Exist" . inds:USem7136privare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7141sottrarre ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7136privare is privare" ; rdfs:label " privare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71371abominio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71371abominio is abominio" ; rdfs:label " abominio_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem71372inesperienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71372inesperienza is inesperienza" ; rdfs:label " inesperienza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71376infamia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71376infamia is infamia" ; rdfs:label " infamia_as_State" . inds:USem71377addio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71377addio is addio" ; rdfs:label " addio_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71378acrobazia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71378acrobazia is acrobazia" ; rdfs:label " acrobazia_as_Act" . inds:USem71379infamia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71379infamia is infamia" ; rdfs:label " infamia_as_Act" . inds:USem7137rapinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7139rubare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7137rapinare is rapinare" ; rdfs:label " rapinare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71380infanticidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71380infanticidio is infanticidio" ; rdfs:label " infanticidio_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem71381infermeria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2218scuola, inds:USem2252caserma, inds:USem61226azienda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71381infermeria is infermeria" ; rdfs:label " infermeria_as_Part" . inds:USem71382adito simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71382adito is adito" ; rdfs:label " adito_as_Location" . inds:USem71383affronto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71383affronto is affronto" ; rdfs:label " affronto_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem71384infinito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64042modo ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71384infinito is infinito" ; rdfs:label " infinito_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem71385aggiotaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71385aggiotaggio is aggiotaggio" ; rdfs:label " aggiotaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71386infinito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71386infinito is infinito" ; rdfs:label " infinito_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem71387inflessione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71387inflessione is inflessione" ; rdfs:label " inflessione_as_Quality" . inds:USem71388agguato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71388agguato is agguato" ; rdfs:label " agguato_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71389tono simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71389tono is tono" ; rdfs:label " tono_as_Quality" . inds:USem7138razziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7138razziare is razziare" ; rdfs:label " razziare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71392allentamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem78134allentato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71392allentamento is allentamento" ; rdfs:label " allentamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem71393infornata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71393infornata is infornata" ; rdfs:label " infornata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71394infornata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71394infornata is infornata" ; rdfs:label " infornata_as_Amount" . inds:USem71397infrastruttura simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59645struttura ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71397infrastruttura is infrastruttura" ; rdfs:label " infrastruttura_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem71398ammonizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem68236punizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71398ammonizione is ammonizione" ; rdfs:label " ammonizione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71399infrastruttura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem68290impianto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71399infrastruttura is infrastruttura" ; rdfs:label " infrastruttura_as_Group" . inds:USem7139rubare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7139rubare is rubare" ; rdfs:label " rubare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71400ingegno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65822ingegnoso ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71400ingegno is ingegno" ; rdfs:label " ingegno_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71401ingordigia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65823ingordo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71401ingordigia is ingordigia" ; rdfs:label " ingordigia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71402anacronismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem069567errore ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71402anacronismo is anacronismo" ; rdfs:label " anacronismo_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem71403aneddoto simple:hasIsa inds:USem62337racconto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71403aneddoto is aneddoto" ; rdfs:label " aneddoto_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem71404antefatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71404antefatto is antefatto" ; rdfs:label " antefatto_as_Event" . inds:USem71405memorandum simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71405memorandum is memorandum" ; rdfs:label " memorandum_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem71406mendicante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71406mendicante is mendicante" ; rdfs:label " mendicante_as_Human" . inds:USem71407meno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71407meno is meno" ; rdfs:label " meno_as_Sign" . inds:USem71408meno simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63808minoranza ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71408meno is meno" ; rdfs:label " meno_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem71409meno simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71409meno is meno" ; rdfs:label " meno_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem7140sequestrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7140sequestrare is sequestrare" ; rdfs:label " sequestrare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71410mietere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71410mietere is mietere" ; rdfs:label " mietere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71413insolazione simple:hasCausedby inds:USem64526sole ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem68251cefalea ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68070malessere ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71413insolazione is insolazione" ; rdfs:label " insolazione_as_Disease" . inds:USem71414inspirazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71414inspirazione is inspirazione" ; rdfs:label " inspirazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71415insubordinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71415insubordinazione is insubordinazione" ; rdfs:label " insubordinazione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71416intelletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71416intelletto is intelletto" ; rdfs:label " intelletto_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71417insubordinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71417insubordinazione is insubordinazione" ; rdfs:label " insubordinazione_as_Act" . inds:USem7141sottrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7141sottrarre is sottrarre" ; rdfs:label " sottrarre_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71420interezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65828intero ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71420interezza is interezza" ; rdfs:label " interezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem71422apoteosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71422apoteosi is apoteosi" ; rdfs:label " apoteosi_as_Event" . inds:USem71423interpunzione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59644sistema ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71423interpunzione is interpunzione" ; rdfs:label " interpunzione_as_Representation" . inds:USem71425appetito simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71425appetito is appetito" ; rdfs:label " appetito_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem71426appetito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71426appetito is appetito" ; rdfs:label " appetito_as_Perception" . inds:USem71427interurbana simple:hasIsa inds:USem74850telefonata ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71427interurbana is interurbana" ; rdfs:label " interurbana_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71428intrallazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemTH22454scambio ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71428intrallazzo is intrallazzo" ; rdfs:label " intrallazzo_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71429intrigo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71429intrigo is intrigo" ; rdfs:label " intrigo_as_State" . inds:USem7142strappare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7142strappare is strappare" ; rdfs:label " strappare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem71430introversione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71430introversione is introversione" ; rdfs:label " introversione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71431intuito simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71431intuito is intuito" ; rdfs:label " intuito_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71433affarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71433affarismo is affarismo" ; rdfs:label " affarismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71434invaso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71434invaso is invaso" ; rdfs:label " invaso_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71435inventiva simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71435inventiva is inventiva" ; rdfs:label " inventiva_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71436inverso simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71436inverso is inverso" ; rdfs:label " inverso_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem71437ionoforesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71437ionoforesi is ionoforesi" ; rdfs:label " ionoforesi_as_Domain" . inds:USem71438ipostasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71438ipostasi is ipostasi" ; rdfs:label " ipostasi_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem7143togliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7143togliere is togliere" ; rdfs:label " togliere_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem71440ironia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71440ironia is ironia" ; rdfs:label " ironia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71441irrilevanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD7061irrilevante ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71441irrilevanza is irrilevanza" ; rdfs:label " irrilevanza_as_Quality" . inds:USem71442irrisione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71442irrisione is irrisione" ; rdfs:label " irrisione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71443isidoro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71443isidoro is isidoro" ; rdfs:label " isidoro_as_Human" . inds:USem71444ispirazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60270impulso ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71444ispirazione is ispirazione" ; rdfs:label " ispirazione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem71445itinerario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6388passaggio ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71445itinerario is itinerario" ; rdfs:label " itinerario_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem71446kilogrammo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem67354pesare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71446kilogrammo is kilogrammo" ; rdfs:label " kilogrammo_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem71447lacrimazione simple:hasAffects inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65834secrezione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71447lacrimazione is lacrimazione" ; rdfs:label " lacrimazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71448ladrocinio simple:hasIsa inds:USem61511furto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71448ladrocinio is ladrocinio" ; rdfs:label " ladrocinio_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71449lagrima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71449lagrima is lagrima" ; rdfs:label " lagrima_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem7144usurpare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7144usurpare is usurpare" ; rdfs:label " usurpare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71450meglio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71450meglio is meglio" ; rdfs:label " meglio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem71451lamentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71451lamentazione is lamentazione" ; rdfs:label " lamentazione_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem71452lamentela simple:hasIsa inds:USem67450lamento ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71452lamentela is lamentela" ; rdfs:label " lamentela_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71453languore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65836sensazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71453languore is languore" ; rdfs:label " languore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem71454lascivia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71454lascivia is lascivia" ; rdfs:label " lascivia_as_Act" . inds:USem71455lascivia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65837lascivo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71455lascivia is lascivia" ; rdfs:label " lascivia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71456latitante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71456latitante is latitante" ; rdfs:label " latitante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71457latrato simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71457latrato is latrato" ; rdfs:label " latrato_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71458latticinio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71458latticinio is latticinio" ; rdfs:label " latticinio_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem71459leggiadria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65838leggiadro ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71459leggiadria is leggiadria" ; rdfs:label " leggiadria_as_Quality" . inds:USem7145affittare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7145affittare is affittare" ; rdfs:label " affittare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71460stola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71460stola is stola" ; rdfs:label " stola_as_Clothing" . inds:USem71462lettiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71462lettiera is lettiera" ; rdfs:label " lettiera_as_Material" . inds:USem71463menzogna simple:hasIsa inds:USem67861bugia ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71463menzogna is menzogna" ; rdfs:label " menzogna_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71464leucorrea simple:hasAffects inds:USem66315genitale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71464leucorrea is leucorrea" ; rdfs:label " leucorrea_as_Disease" . inds:USem71465levigatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD63993levigato ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71465levigatezza is levigatezza" ; rdfs:label " levigatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem71466levitazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71466levitazione is levitazione" ; rdfs:label " levitazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71467lezzo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6146odore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6146odore ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71467lezzo is lezzo" ; rdfs:label " lezzo_as_Perception" . inds:USem71468libidine simple:hasIsa inds:USem60270impulso ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71468libidine is libidine" ; rdfs:label " libidine_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem71469spinello simple:hasIsa inds:USem4360sigaretta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5021fumare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71469spinello is spinello" ; rdfs:label " spinello_as_Artifact" . inds:USem7146comprare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6046prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59514possedere ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7146comprare is comprare" ; rdfs:label " comprare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71470messinscena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71470messinscena is messinscena" ; rdfs:label " messinscena_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71471spaghettata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71471spaghettata is spaghettata" ; rdfs:label " spaghettata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71472libidine simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71472libidine is libidine" ; rdfs:label " libidine_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem71473litania simple:hasIsa inds:USem60077preghiera ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71473litania is litania" ; rdfs:label " litania_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71474sinusoide simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem898diagramma ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71474sinusoide is sinusoide" ; rdfs:label " sinusoide_as_Representation" . inds:USem71475messinscena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71475messinscena is messinscena" ; rdfs:label " messinscena_as_Act" . inds:USem71476siesta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4544sonno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71476siesta is siesta" ; rdfs:label " siesta_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71477litorale simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59527costa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71477litorale is litorale" ; rdfs:label " litorale_as_Area" . inds:USem71478liturgia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem60970cerimonia, inds:USem69579rito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71478liturgia is liturgia" ; rdfs:label " liturgia_as_Group" . inds:USem71479singolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71479singolare is singolare" ; rdfs:label " singolare_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem7147concedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7147concedere is concedere" ; rdfs:label " concedere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem71480sinonimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64044parola ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71480sinonimo is sinonimo" ; rdfs:label " sinonimo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem71481livido simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD64000trauma ; simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68420alterazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71481livido is livido" ; rdfs:label " livido_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71482mestiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71482mestiere is mestiere" ; rdfs:label " mestiere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71484locomozione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71484locomozione is locomozione" ; rdfs:label " locomozione_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem71485lombaggine simple:hasAffects inds:USem66324lombo ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71485lombaggine is lombaggine" ; rdfs:label " lombaggine_as_Disease" . inds:USem71486lucentezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61988lucente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71486lucentezza is lucentezza" ; rdfs:label " lucentezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem71487ludibrio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60828derisione ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71487ludibrio is ludibrio" ; rdfs:label " ludibrio_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71488lungimiranza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65840lungimirante ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71488lungimiranza is lungimiranza" ; rdfs:label " lungimiranza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71489lusinga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71489lusinga is lusinga" ; rdfs:label " lusinga_as_Act" . inds:USem7148consegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7148consegnare is consegnare" ; rdfs:label " consegnare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71490lusso simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71490lusso is lusso" ; rdfs:label " lusso_as_Quality" . inds:USem71491lusso simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71491lusso is lusso" ; rdfs:label " lusso_as_State" . inds:USem71492magagna simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71492magagna is magagna" ; rdfs:label " magagna_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem71493difetto simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59513mancare ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71493difetto is difetto" ; rdfs:label " difetto_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem71494stupefacente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5341drogare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71494stupefacente is stupefacente" ; rdfs:label " stupefacente_as_Substance" . inds:USem71495contea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71495contea is contea" ; rdfs:label " contea_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem71496contesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71496contesa is contesa" ; rdfs:label " contesa_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem71497contesto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem61794significato ; simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71497contesto is contesto" ; rdfs:label " contesto_as_Information" . inds:USem71498chiusura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6832chiuso ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71498chiusura is chiusura" ; rdfs:label " chiusura_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71499contesto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem64033personaggio, inds:USem66648ideologia, inds:USemD63850circostanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71499contesto is contesto" ; rdfs:label " contesto_as_Group" . inds:USem7149dare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7149dare is dare" ; rdfs:label " dare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71500contitolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71500contitolare is contitolare" ; rdfs:label " contitolare_as_Human" . inds:USem71501contorno simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71501contorno is contorno" ; rdfs:label " contorno_as_Part" . inds:USem71502contorno simple:hasIsa inds:USem3668portata ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71502contorno is contorno" ; rdfs:label " contorno_as_Food" . inds:USem71503contraddittorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60755discussione ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71503contraddittorio is contraddittorio" ; rdfs:label " contraddittorio_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71504contraddizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71504contraddizione is contraddizione" ; rdfs:label " contraddizione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71505contraffattore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD65844contraffare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71505contraffattore is contraffattore" ; rdfs:label " contraffattore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem71506controluce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71506controluce is controluce" ; rdfs:label " controluce_as_Domain" . inds:USem71508contropiede simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71508contropiede is contropiede" ; rdfs:label " contropiede_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71509controporta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71509controporta is controporta" ; rdfs:label " controporta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem7150distribuire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7150distribuire is distribuire" ; rdfs:label " distribuire_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71510controquerela simple:hasIsa inds:USem74853querela ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71510controquerela is controquerela" ; rdfs:label " controquerela_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem71511contrordine simple:hasIsa inds:USem60075ordine ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71511contrordine is contrordine" ; rdfs:label " contrordine_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71512controreazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71512controreazione is controreazione" ; rdfs:label " controreazione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem71513controvalore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4426quantita1 ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71513controvalore is controvalore" ; rdfs:label " controvalore_as_Convention" . inds:USem71514discrezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6645discreto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71514discrezione is discrezione" ; rdfs:label " discrezione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71516converso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71516converso is converso" ; rdfs:label " converso_as_Social_status" . inds:USem71517convitato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71517convitato is convitato" ; rdfs:label " convitato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71518convulsione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71518convulsione is convulsione" ; rdfs:label " convulsione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71519cooperativa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem69013socio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71519cooperativa is cooperativa" ; rdfs:label " cooperativa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem7151donare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7151donare is donare" ; rdfs:label " donare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71520copula simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71520copula is copula" ; rdfs:label " copula_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem71521corazza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71521corazza is corazza" ; rdfs:label " corazza_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71522corazza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71522corazza is corazza" ; rdfs:label " corazza_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem71523corazziere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71523corazziere is corazziere" ; rdfs:label " corazziere_as_Profession" . inds:USem71524cordino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71524cordino is cordino" ; rdfs:label " cordino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71525cordone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2646decorare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71525cordone is cordone" ; rdfs:label " cordone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71527cornata simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD6442corno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71527cornata is cornata" ; rdfs:label " cornata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71528cornice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71528cornice is cornice" ; rdfs:label " cornice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71529cornice simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59585circondare, inds:USemD65846delimitare ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71529cornice is cornice" ; rdfs:label " cornice_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem7152elargire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7151donare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7152elargire is elargire" ; rdfs:label " elargire_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71530cornuto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem61636tradire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71530cornuto is cornuto" ; rdfs:label " cornuto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem71531corporativismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71531corporativismo is corporativismo" ; rdfs:label " corporativismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem71532corporazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71532corporazione is corporazione" ; rdfs:label " corporazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem71533corpuscolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1957corpo ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71533corpuscolo is corpuscolo" ; rdfs:label " corpuscolo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem71534correntista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71534correntista is correntista" ; rdfs:label " correntista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71535coscio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4282taglio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71535coscio is coscio" ; rdfs:label " coscio_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem71536cosmonauta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71536cosmonauta is cosmonauta" ; rdfs:label " cosmonauta_as_Profession" . inds:USem71537cosmopolitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71537cosmopolitismo is cosmopolitismo" ; rdfs:label " cosmopolitismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem71538cosmopolitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem75970cosmopolita ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71538cosmopolitismo is cosmopolitismo" ; rdfs:label " cosmopolitismo_as_Quality" . inds:USem71539costituzionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71539costituzionalista is costituzionalista" ; rdfs:label " costituzionalista_as_Profession" . inds:USem7153ereditare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62852ricevere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7153ereditare is ereditare" ; rdfs:label " ereditare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71540costone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2226montagna ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71540costone is costone" ; rdfs:label " costone_as_Part" . inds:USem71541disincanto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71541disincanto is disincanto" ; rdfs:label " disincanto_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem71542cottimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71542cottimo is cottimo" ; rdfs:label " cottimo_as_Convention" . inds:USem71543covone simple:hasIsa inds:USem59781fascio ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71543covone is covone" ; rdfs:label " covone_as_Amount" . inds:USem71544credito simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71544credito is credito" ; rdfs:label " credito_as_Quality" . inds:USem71545credito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71545credito is credito" ; rdfs:label " credito_as_Amount" . inds:USem71546credito simple:hasIsa inds:USemTH22454scambio ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71546credito is credito" ; rdfs:label " credito_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71547cricca simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71547cricca is cricca" ; rdfs:label " cricca_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem71548criminale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71548criminale is criminale" ; rdfs:label " criminale_as_Human" . inds:USem71549imminenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65851imminente ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71549imminenza is imminenza" ; rdfs:label " imminenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem7154lasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7154lasciare is lasciare" ; rdfs:label " lasciare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71550imbrunire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71550imbrunire is imbrunire" ; rdfs:label " imbrunire_as_Event" . inds:USem71551crimine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71551crimine is crimine" ; rdfs:label " crimine_as_Act" . inds:USem71552crinale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7369catena ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71552crinale is crinale" ; rdfs:label " crinale_as_Part" . inds:USem71553crioterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71553crioterapia is crioterapia" ; rdfs:label " crioterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USem71554cripta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2214chiesa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71554cripta is cripta" ; rdfs:label " cripta_as_Part" . inds:USem71555criterio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71555criterio is criterio" ; rdfs:label " criterio_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem71556cromatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71556cromatismo is cromatismo" ; rdfs:label " cromatismo_as_Quality" . inds:USem71558cucco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71558cucco is cucco" ; rdfs:label " cucco_as_Human" . inds:USem71559cucito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71559cucito is cucito" ; rdfs:label " cucito_as_Domain" . inds:USem7155negoziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59118contrattare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7155negoziare is negoziare" ; rdfs:label " negoziare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71560cucito simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71560cucito is cucito" ; rdfs:label " cucito_as_Artifact" . inds:USem71561culto simple:hasIsa inds:USem71288manifestazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71561culto is culto" ; rdfs:label " culto_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem71562culto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71562culto is culto" ; rdfs:label " culto_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem71563culturismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71563culturismo is culturismo" ; rdfs:label " culturismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem71564cunicolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59130scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71564cunicolo is cunicolo" ; rdfs:label " cunicolo_as_Opening" . inds:USem71565cupola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71565cupola is cupola" ; rdfs:label " cupola_as_Part" . inds:USem71566cura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71566cura is cura" ; rdfs:label " cura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71567cura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71567cura is cura" ; rdfs:label " cura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71568curioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71568curioso is curioso" ; rdfs:label " curioso_as_Human" . inds:USem71569cursore simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71569cursore is cursore" ; rdfs:label " cursore_as_Sign" . inds:USem7156noleggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7156noleggiare is noleggiare" ; rdfs:label " noleggiare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71570mangiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59755corrodere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71570mangiare is mangiare" ; rdfs:label " mangiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem71571curva simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71571curva is curva" ; rdfs:label " curva_as_Shape" . inds:USem71572curva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71572curva is curva" ; rdfs:label " curva_as_Part" . inds:USem71573cuscinetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71573cuscinetto is cuscinetto" ; rdfs:label " cuscinetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71574cuscinetto simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem66924mediare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71574cuscinetto is cuscinetto" ; rdfs:label " cuscinetto_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71575cuspide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71575cuspide is cuspide" ; rdfs:label " cuspide_as_Part" . inds:USem71576bere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60312consumare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71576bere is bere" ; rdfs:label " bere_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem71577cuticola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1962membrana ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71577cuticola is cuticola" ; rdfs:label " cuticola_as_Part" . inds:USem71578czar simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71578czar is czar" ; rdfs:label " czar_as_Social_status" . inds:USem71579dama simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71579dama is dama" ; rdfs:label " dama_as_Human" . inds:USem7157offrire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7157offrire is offrire" ; rdfs:label " offrire_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71580dama simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71580dama is dama" ; rdfs:label " dama_as_Social_status" . inds:USem71581dama simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71581dama is dama" ; rdfs:label " dama_as_Domain" . inds:USem71582dannato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem79153dannare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71582dannato is dannato" ; rdfs:label " dannato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem71584dattilografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71584dattilografia is dattilografia" ; rdfs:label " dattilografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem71585davanzale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2240finestra ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71585davanzale is davanzale" ; rdfs:label " davanzale_as_Part" . inds:USem71586bere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5310assorbire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71586bere is bere" ; rdfs:label " bere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem71587debito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71587debito is debito" ; rdfs:label " debito_as_Amount" . inds:USem71588debito simple:hasIsa inds:USem64787dovere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71588debito is debito" ; rdfs:label " debito_as_State" . inds:USem71589decennale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71589decennale is decennale" ; rdfs:label " decennale_as_Time" . inds:USem7158porgere simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7158porgere is porgere" ; rdfs:label " porgere_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71590declinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem59644sistema ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71590declinazione is declinazione" ; rdfs:label " declinazione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem71591decorrenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem4048data ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71591decorrenza is decorrenza" ; rdfs:label " decorrenza_as_Time" . inds:USem71592decreto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68306atto ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71592decreto is decreto" ; rdfs:label " decreto_as_Information" . inds:USem71593decreto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71593decreto is decreto" ; rdfs:label " decreto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem71594degenza simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71594degenza is degenza" ; rdfs:label " degenza_as_Time" . inds:USem71595delatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60816denunciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71595delatore is delatore" ; rdfs:label " delatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71596delega simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5602scritto ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71596delega is delega" ; rdfs:label " delega_as_Information" . inds:USem71597delinquenza simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71597delinquenza is delinquenza" ; rdfs:label " delinquenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71598delirio simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USemD63948uomo ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71598delirio is delirio" ; rdfs:label " delirio_as_Disease" . inds:USem71599delta simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2990acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5089fiume ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71599delta is delta" ; rdfs:label " delta_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem7159recapitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7159recapitare is recapitare" ; rdfs:label " recapitare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71600delta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2703lettera ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71600delta is delta" ; rdfs:label " delta_as_Sign" . inds:USem71601demografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71601demografia is demografia" ; rdfs:label " demografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem71602denominatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71602denominatore is denominatore" ; rdfs:label " denominatore_as_Convention" . inds:USem71603dentatura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5099dente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1790bocca ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71603dentatura is dentatura" ; rdfs:label " dentatura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem71604deposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6464dichiarazione ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71604deposizione is deposizione" ; rdfs:label " deposizione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem71605depravazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71605depravazione is depravazione" ; rdfs:label " depravazione_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem71606derivato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71606derivato is derivato" ; rdfs:label " derivato_as_Substance" . inds:USem71607derrata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71607derrata is derrata" ; rdfs:label " derrata_as_Food" . inds:USem71609destrezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD76864destro ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71609destrezza is destrezza" ; rdfs:label " destrezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem7160regalare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7151donare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7160regalare is regalare" ; rdfs:label " regalare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71611destinatario simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem62852ricevere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71611destinatario is destinatario" ; rdfs:label " destinatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71612detonatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD65862innescare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71612detonatore is detonatore" ; rdfs:label " detonatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71613diagnostica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71613diagnostica is diagnostica" ; rdfs:label " diagnostica_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71614dialettica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71614dialettica is dialettica" ; rdfs:label " dialettica_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem71616didascalia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71616didascalia is didascalia" ; rdfs:label " didascalia_as_Information" . inds:USem71617didietro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71617didietro is didietro" ; rdfs:label " didietro_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem71618didietro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71618didietro is didietro" ; rdfs:label " didietro_as_Part" . inds:USem71619dieta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71619dieta is dieta" ; rdfs:label " dieta_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem7161rendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7161rendere is rendere" ; rdfs:label " rendere_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71620diga simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71620diga is diga" ; rdfs:label " diga_as_Building" . inds:USem71621dilazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71621dilazione is dilazione" ; rdfs:label " dilazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71622dilettante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71622dilettante is dilettante" ; rdfs:label " dilettante_as_Human" . inds:USem71623dimestichezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71623dimestichezza is dimestichezza" ; rdfs:label " dimestichezza_as_State" . inds:USem71624diniego simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71624diniego is diniego" ; rdfs:label " diniego_as_Act" . inds:USem71625dipartimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4121stato ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71625dipartimento is dipartimento" ; rdfs:label " dipartimento_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem71626dipendente simple:hasAgentive inds:USem75037dipendere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71626dipendente is dipendente" ; rdfs:label " dipendente_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem71627direttiva simple:hasIsa inds:USem60075ordine ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71627direttiva is direttiva" ; rdfs:label " direttiva_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71628disavanzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71628disavanzo is disavanzo" ; rdfs:label " disavanzo_as_Amount" . inds:USem71629discarica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71629discarica is discarica" ; rdfs:label " discarica_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem7162restituire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7162restituire is restituire" ; rdfs:label " restituire_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71630discendenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71630discendenza is discendenza" ; rdfs:label " discendenza_as_State" . inds:USem71631discendenza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4090discendente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71631discendenza is discendenza" ; rdfs:label " discendenza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem71632discografia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71632discografia is discografia" ; rdfs:label " discografia_as_Information" . inds:USem71633discografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem69settore ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71633discografia is discografia" ; rdfs:label " discografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem71634disperso simple:hasAgentive inds:USem78683scomparire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71634disperso is disperso" ; rdfs:label " disperso_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem71635divinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71635divinita1 is divinita'" ; rdfs:label " divinita'_as_Entity" . inds:USem71636doccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71636doccia is doccia" ; rdfs:label " doccia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71637doccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65868lavaggio ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71637doccia is doccia" ; rdfs:label " doccia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71638scudiero simple:hasIsa inds:USem64687servitore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71638scudiero is scudiero" ; rdfs:label " scudiero_as_Profession" . inds:USem71639doglia simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6138dolore ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71639doglia is doglia" ; rdfs:label " doglia_as_Perception" . inds:USem7163rifornire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7163rifornire is rifornire" ; rdfs:label " rifornire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71640dolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60673intenzione ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71640dolo is dolo" ; rdfs:label " dolo_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem71641domicilio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71641domicilio is domicilio" ; rdfs:label " domicilio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem71642donnaiuolo simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5736corteggiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71642donnaiuolo is donnaiuolo" ; rdfs:label " donnaiuolo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71643ducato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71643ducato is ducato" ; rdfs:label " ducato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem71644ducato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71644ducato is ducato" ; rdfs:label " ducato_as_Money" . inds:USem71645ducato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3618duca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71645ducato is ducato" ; rdfs:label " ducato_as_Convention" . inds:USem71646eccezione simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71646eccezione is eccezione" ; rdfs:label " eccezione_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem71647eccezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71647eccezione is eccezione" ; rdfs:label " eccezione_as_Act" . inds:USem71648ecclesiastico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71648ecclesiastico is ecclesiastico" ; rdfs:label " ecclesiastico_as_Social_status" . inds:USem71649edilizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71649edilizia is edilizia" ; rdfs:label " edilizia_as_Domain" . inds:USem7164rilasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7164rilasciare is rilasciare" ; rdfs:label " rilasciare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem71650edizione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71650edizione is edizione" ; rdfs:label " edizione_as_Group" . inds:USem71651edizione simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71651edizione is edizione" ; rdfs:label " edizione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem71652edizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71652edizione is edizione" ; rdfs:label " edizione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71653edizione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71653edizione is edizione" ; rdfs:label " edizione_as_Group" . inds:USem71654efebo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71654efebo is efebo" ; rdfs:label " efebo_as_Human" . inds:USem71658effetto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71658effetto is effetto" ; rdfs:label " effetto_as_Group" . inds:USem71659effetto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71659effetto is effetto" ; rdfs:label " effetto_as_Agentive" . inds:USem7165rimborsare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7162restituire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7165rimborsare is rimborsare" ; rdfs:label " rimborsare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71662effusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71662effusione is effusione" ; rdfs:label " effusione_as_Act" . inds:USem71663egida simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71663egida is egida" ; rdfs:label " egida_as_State" . inds:USem71664egloga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71664egloga is egloga" ; rdfs:label " egloga_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem71665eldorado simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71665eldorado is eldorado" ; rdfs:label " eldorado_as_Location" . inds:USem71668eliso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71668eliso is eliso" ; rdfs:label " eliso_as_Location" . inds:USem71669emisfero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2478solido ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71669emisfero is emisfero" ; rdfs:label " emisfero_as_Shape" . inds:USem7166ripagare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7165rimborsare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7166ripagare is ripagare" ; rdfs:label " ripagare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71670emisfero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6166superficie ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71670emisfero is emisfero" ; rdfs:label " emisfero_as_Location" . inds:USem71671emissario simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60039andare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71671emissario is emissario" ; rdfs:label " emissario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71672emittente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75054trasmettere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71672emittente is emittente" ; rdfs:label " emittente_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71674entroterra simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem71477litorale ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71674entroterra is entroterra" ; rdfs:label " entroterra_as_Area" . inds:USem71675epigono simple:hasIsa inds:USem3961seguace ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD7317seguire ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71675epigono is epigono" ; rdfs:label " epigono_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem71676organizzatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59143organizzare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71676organizzatore is organizzatore" ; rdfs:label " organizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71677episodio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71677episodio is episodio" ; rdfs:label " episodio_as_Event" . inds:USem71679misuratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71679misuratore is misuratore" ; rdfs:label " misuratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem7167risarcire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7165rimborsare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7167risarcire is risarcire" ; rdfs:label " risarcire_as_Transaction" . inds:USem71680tanfo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6146odore ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71680tanfo is tanfo" ; rdfs:label " tanfo_as_Perception" . inds:USem71681equazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem68159operazione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71681equazione is equazione" ; rdfs:label " equazione_as_Convention" . inds:USem71682equipaggiamento simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71682equipaggiamento is equipaggiamento" ; rdfs:label " equipaggiamento_as_Group" . inds:USem71683equipaggio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71683equipaggio is equipaggio" ; rdfs:label " equipaggio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem71684erario simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem69140entrata ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71684erario is erario" ; rdfs:label " erario_as_Group" . inds:USem71685erede simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7153ereditare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71685erede is erede" ; rdfs:label " erede_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71686erogatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem65301erogare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71686erogatore is erogatore" ; rdfs:label " erogatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71687esazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71687esazione is esazione" ; rdfs:label " esazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71688escursione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71688escursione is escursione" ; rdfs:label " escursione_as_Event" . inds:USem71689escursionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71689escursionismo is escursionismo" ; rdfs:label " escursionismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem71690esecutivo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3574ministro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71690esecutivo is esecutivo" ; rdfs:label " esecutivo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem71691esenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71691esenzione is esenzione" ; rdfs:label " esenzione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71692esercente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71692esercente is esercente" ; rdfs:label " esercente_as_Profession" . inds:USem71693esibizionista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65946esibizionismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71693esibizionista is esibizionista" ; rdfs:label " esibizionista_as_Human" . inds:USem71694esito simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71694esito is esito" ; rdfs:label " esito_as_Agentive" . inds:USem71695intestatario simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59514possedere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71695intestatario is intestatario" ; rdfs:label " intestatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71697esperienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3950avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71697esperienza is esperienza" ; rdfs:label " esperienza_as_Event" . inds:USem71698esperto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71698esperto is esperto" ; rdfs:label " esperto_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem71699esperimento simple:hasTelic inds:USem63056verificare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71699esperimento is esperimento" ; rdfs:label " esperimento_as_Telic" . inds:USem7169rivestire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem75975coprire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7169rivestire is rivestire" ; rdfs:label " rivestire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71700esposto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60974documento ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71700esposto is esposto" ; rdfs:label " esposto_as_Information" . inds:USem71701esposto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5387redigere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71701esposto is esposto" ; rdfs:label " esposto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem71702essenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71702essenza is essenza" ; rdfs:label " essenza_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem71703essenza simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem26materia ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71703essenza is essenza" ; rdfs:label " essenza_as_Information" . inds:USem71707eversione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60557rivolta ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71707eversione is eversione" ; rdfs:label " eversione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71708evidenziatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem72121evidenziare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71708evidenziatore is evidenziatore" ; rdfs:label " evidenziatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71709fabbisogno simple:hasIsa inds:USem60439bisogno ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71709fabbisogno is fabbisogno" ; rdfs:label " fabbisogno_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem7170ricoprire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7170ricoprire is ricoprire" ; rdfs:label " ricoprire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem71711invitata simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD65473invitare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71711invitata is invitata" ; rdfs:label " invitata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem71712operato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD4613operare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71712operato is operato" ; rdfs:label " operato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem71713facsimile simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71713facsimile is facsimile" ; rdfs:label " facsimile_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem71714mutilare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD65878mutilato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71714mutilare is mutilare" ; rdfs:label " mutilare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem71715falda simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD63711strato ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71715falda is falda" ; rdfs:label " falda_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem71716falda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71716falda is falda" ; rdfs:label " falda_as_Part" . inds:USem71717falda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61174pendio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71717falda is falda" ; rdfs:label " falda_as_Part" . inds:USem71718mutilato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem71714mutilare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71718mutilato is mutilato" ; rdfs:label " mutilato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem71719perseguitato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59887perseguitare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71719perseguitato is perseguitato" ; rdfs:label " perseguitato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem71720falso simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD6989falso ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71720falso is falso" ; rdfs:label " falso_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem71721falso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem4835copiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71721falso is falso" ; rdfs:label " falso_as_Artwork" . inds:USem71722oppresso simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5976opprimere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71722oppresso is oppresso" ; rdfs:label " oppresso_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem71723fama simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71723fama is fama" ; rdfs:label " fama_as_State" . inds:USem71724fanciulla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71724fanciulla is fanciulla" ; rdfs:label " fanciulla_as_Human" . inds:USem71725fanciullo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6416giovane ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71725fanciullo is fanciullo" ; rdfs:label " fanciullo_as_Human" . inds:USem71726fascia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71726fascia is fascia" ; rdfs:label " fascia_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem71727fascia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70971utente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71727fascia is fascia" ; rdfs:label " fascia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem71728fasciatura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem71726fascia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71728fasciatura is fasciatura" ; rdfs:label " fasciatura_as_Group" . inds:USem71730fatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71730fatica is fatica" ; rdfs:label " fatica_as_State" . inds:USem71731fattoria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2217edificio, inds:USemD1126terreno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71731fattoria is fattoria" ; rdfs:label " fattoria_as_Building" . inds:USem71732fatturato simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71732fatturato is fatturato" ; rdfs:label " fatturato_as_Amount" . inds:USem71733fautore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59737sostenere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63531sostenitore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71733fautore is fautore" ; rdfs:label " fautore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71734favore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71734favore is favore" ; rdfs:label " favore_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71735favore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71735favore is favore" ; rdfs:label " favore_as_State" . inds:USem71736favoreggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71736favoreggiamento is favoreggiamento" ; rdfs:label " favoreggiamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71737federazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71737federazione is federazione" ; rdfs:label " federazione_as_Institution" . inds:USem71738federazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem903ente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71738federazione is federazione" ; rdfs:label " federazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem71739fenditura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71739fenditura is fenditura" ; rdfs:label " fenditura_as_Opening" . inds:USem71740feritoia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71740feritoia is feritoia" ; rdfs:label " feritoia_as_Opening" . inds:USem71741fessura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71741fessura is fessura" ; rdfs:label " fessura_as_Opening" . inds:USem71743festone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2646decorare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71743festone is festone" ; rdfs:label " festone_as_Furniture" . inds:USem71744fetore simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6146odore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6146odore ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71744fetore is fetore" ; rdfs:label " fetore_as_Perception" . inds:USem71745feudo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71745feudo is feudo" ; rdfs:label " feudo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem71746fiamma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71746fiamma is fiamma" ; rdfs:label " fiamma_as_Event" . inds:USem71747fiamma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71747fiamma is fiamma" ; rdfs:label " fiamma_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem71748annegare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD65885annegato ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71748annegare is annegare" ; rdfs:label " annegare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem71749diamante simple:hasIsa inds:USem3002pietra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71749diamante is diamante" ; rdfs:label " diamante_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem71750fiammiferaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71750fiammiferaio is fiammiferaio" ; rdfs:label " fiammiferaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem71752fido simple:hasIsa inds:USem069555contratto ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71752fido is fido" ; rdfs:label " fido_as_Convention" . inds:USem71754filamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71754filamento is filamento" ; rdfs:label " filamento_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem71756filiale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71756filiale is filiale" ; rdfs:label " filiale_as_Building" . inds:USem71760filiazione simple:hasAgentive inds:USem7003provenire ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71760filiazione is filiazione" ; rdfs:label " filiazione_as_Agentive" . inds:USem71761filmato simple:hasContains inds:USem3877suono, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63839pellicola ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71761filmato is filmato" ; rdfs:label " filmato_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem71762filone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65891giacimento ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71762filone is filone" ; rdfs:label " filone_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem71763filtro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6276filtrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71763filtro is filtro" ; rdfs:label " filtro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71764filtro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4360sigaretta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71764filtro is filtro" ; rdfs:label " filtro_as_Part" . inds:USem71765filtro simple:hasIsa inds:USem71555criterio ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71765filtro is filtro" ; rdfs:label " filtro_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem71772finimento simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71772finimento is finimento" ; rdfs:label " finimento_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71773firma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem64238sottoscrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71773firma is firma" ; rdfs:label " firma_as_Representation" . inds:USem71775firmamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71775firmamento is firmamento" ; rdfs:label " firmamento_as_Area" . inds:USem71776firmamento simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71776firmamento is firmamento" ; rdfs:label " firmamento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem71777firmatario simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD65896firmare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71777firmatario is firmatario" ; rdfs:label " firmatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71778fiscalista simple:hasIsa inds:USem71698esperto ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71778fiscalista is fiscalista" ; rdfs:label " fiscalista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem71779flusso simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71779flusso is flusso" ; rdfs:label " flusso_as_Move" . inds:USem71782fobia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD78214paura ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71782fobia is fobia" ; rdfs:label " fobia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71783foce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5089fiume ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71783foce is foce" ; rdfs:label " foce_as_Part" . inds:USem71784focolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71784focolaio is focolaio" ; rdfs:label " focolaio_as_Location" . inds:USem71785focolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4135zona ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71785focolaio is focolaio" ; rdfs:label " focolaio_as_Location" . inds:USem71786follia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71786follia is follia" ; rdfs:label " follia_as_Act" . inds:USem71787follia simple:hasAffects inds:USemD6067mente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71787follia is follia" ; rdfs:label " follia_as_Disease" . inds:USem71788fondovalle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5985valle ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71788fondovalle is fondovalle" ; rdfs:label " fondovalle_as_Part" . inds:USem71789fonte simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2990acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71789fonte is fonte" ; rdfs:label " fonte_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem71790fonte simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71790fonte is fonte" ; rdfs:label " fonte_as_Agentive" . inds:USem71791forestiero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71791forestiero is forestiero" ; rdfs:label " forestiero_as_Human" . inds:USem71792formula simple:hasIsa inds:USem60873espressione ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71792formula is formula" ; rdfs:label " formula_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71793formula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71793formula is formula" ; rdfs:label " formula_as_Convention" . inds:USem71794formula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71794formula is formula" ; rdfs:label " formula_as_Convention" . inds:USem71795foro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71795foro is foro" ; rdfs:label " foro_as_Opening" . inds:USem71796foro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71796foro is foro" ; rdfs:label " foro_as_Location" . inds:USem71797foruncolo simple:hasAffects inds:USemD2912cute ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71797foruncolo is foruncolo" ; rdfs:label " foruncolo_as_Disease" . inds:USem71798forziere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2372cassa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6433custodire, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71798forziere is forziere" ; rdfs:label " forziere_as_Container" . inds:USem71799fossa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71799fossa is fossa" ; rdfs:label " fossa_as_Opening" . inds:USem71800fossetta simple:hasConcerns inds:USem66317guancia, inds:USem73951mento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemTH6967infossatura ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71800fossetta is fossetta" ; rdfs:label " fossetta_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem71801fonte simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60974documento ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71801fonte is fonte" ; rdfs:label " fonte_as_Information" . inds:USem71802frangia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2937indumento, inds:USem59312biancheria ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71802frangia is frangia" ; rdfs:label " frangia_as_Part" . inds:USem71803frangia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem5009politico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7237partito ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71803frangia is frangia" ; rdfs:label " frangia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem71804frasario simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem63149locuzione, inds:USemD65807frase ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71804frasario is frasario" ; rdfs:label " frasario_as_Group" . inds:USem71805fraseggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71805fraseggio is fraseggio" ; rdfs:label " fraseggio_as_State" . inds:USem71806fraseologia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem63149locuzione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71806fraseologia is fraseologia" ; rdfs:label " fraseologia_as_Group" . inds:USem71807giostra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60058divertimento ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71807giostra is giostra" ; rdfs:label " giostra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71808fraternita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71808fraternita1 is fraternita'" ; rdfs:label " fraternita'_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem71809fremito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71809fremito is fremito" ; rdfs:label " fremito_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem71811frontiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71811frontiera is frontiera" ; rdfs:label " frontiera_as_Location" . inds:USem71812fuliggine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71812fuliggine is fuliggine" ; rdfs:label " fuliggine_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem71813ciclo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem66463sellino, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71813ciclo is ciclo" ; rdfs:label " ciclo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem71815cromosomico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem66305cromosoma ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71815cromosomico is cromosomico" ; rdfs:label " cromosomico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71816televisivo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem4592televisione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71816televisivo is televisivo" ; rdfs:label " televisivo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71817vaginale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD5667vagina ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71817vaginale is vaginale" ; rdfs:label " vaginale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71818mestruale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem4578mestruazione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71818mestruale is mestruale" ; rdfs:label " mestruale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71819metabolico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD5465metabolismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71819metabolico is metabolico" ; rdfs:label " metabolico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71820minerario simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD65898miniera ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71820minerario is minerario" ; rdfs:label " minerario_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71821uditivo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2735udito ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71821uditivo is uditivo" ; rdfs:label " uditivo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71822uterino simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1782utero ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71822uterino is uterino" ; rdfs:label " uterino_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71833astrofisico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem59931astrofisica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71833astrofisico is astrofisico" ; rdfs:label " astrofisico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71834borsistico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem62464borsa ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71834borsistico is borsistico" ; rdfs:label " borsistico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71836conserviero simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3405conserva ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71836conserviero is conserviero" ; rdfs:label " conserviero_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71837mammario simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1823mammella ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71837mammario is mammario" ; rdfs:label " mammario_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71838natalizio simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem62574natale ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71838natalizio is natalizio" ; rdfs:label " natalizio_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71842ormonale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3052ormone ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71842ormonale is ormonale" ; rdfs:label " ormonale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71843renale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1784rene ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71843renale is renale" ; rdfs:label " renale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71844sismico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem71256sisma ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71844sismico is sismico" ; rdfs:label " sismico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71845propagandistico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD65904propaganda ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71845propagandistico is propagandistico" ; rdfs:label " propagandistico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71846teatrale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD64051teatro ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71846teatrale is teatrale" ; rdfs:label " teatrale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71850paesano simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2232paese ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71850paesano is paesano" ; rdfs:label " paesano_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71855parlamentare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3600parlamento ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71855parlamentare is parlamentare" ; rdfs:label " parlamentare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71856comprensibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62023comprensibile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71856comprensibilita1 is comprensibilita'" ; rdfs:label " comprensibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem71857chiacchiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59564friggere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71857chiacchiera is chiacchiera" ; rdfs:label " chiacchiera_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem71858addensante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64886addensare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71858addensante is addensante" ; rdfs:label " addensante_as_Substance" . inds:USem71859aderente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem5098aderire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71859aderente is aderente" ; rdfs:label " aderente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71860colpo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71860colpo is colpo" ; rdfs:label " colpo_as_Disease" . inds:USem71861comunicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71861comunicare is comunicare" ; rdfs:label " comunicare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem71862strofa simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71862strofa is strofa" ; rdfs:label " strofa_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem71863tozzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem3388pane ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71863tozzo is tozzo" ; rdfs:label " tozzo_as_Amount" . inds:USem71864vasectomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem72493intervento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71864vasectomia is vasectomia" ; rdfs:label " vasectomia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71865spalare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1906pala ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71865spalare is spalare" ; rdfs:label " spalare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71866traversina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem68060strumento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71866traversina is traversina" ; rdfs:label " traversina_as_Part" . inds:USem71867spalatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem71865spalare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71867spalatore is spalatore" ; rdfs:label " spalatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71868traversina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD65911binario ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71868traversina is traversina" ; rdfs:label " traversina_as_Part" . inds:USem71869tragicommedia simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71869tragicommedia is tragicommedia" ; rdfs:label " tragicommedia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem71870tragicommedia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71870tragicommedia is tragicommedia" ; rdfs:label " tragicommedia_as_Domain" . inds:USem71871stirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71871stirare is stirare" ; rdfs:label " stirare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71872tragicommedia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71872tragicommedia is tragicommedia" ; rdfs:label " tragicommedia_as_Event" . inds:USem71873stirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71873stirare is stirare" ; rdfs:label " stirare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71874adoratore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60242adorare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71874adoratore is adoratore" ; rdfs:label " adoratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71875stirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71875stirare is stirare" ; rdfs:label " stirare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71877turbine simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71877turbine is turbine" ; rdfs:label " turbine_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71878turbine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71878turbine is turbine" ; rdfs:label " turbine_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem71879stirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71879stirare is stirare" ; rdfs:label " stirare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem71880unghiata simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD3875unghia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71880unghiata is unghiata" ; rdfs:label " unghiata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71881stratagemma simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71881stratagemma is stratagemma" ; rdfs:label " stratagemma_as_Telic" . inds:USem71882arrangiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem63288arrangiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71882arrangiatore is arrangiatore" ; rdfs:label " arrangiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem71883truciolo simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3007plastica, inds:USem68057legno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5163striscia ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USem79197piallare ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71883truciolo is truciolo" ; rdfs:label " truciolo_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem71884stoviglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71884stoviglia is stoviglia" ; rdfs:label " stoviglia_as_Container" . inds:USem71885stiratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem71873stirare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71885stiratore is stiratore" ; rdfs:label " stiratore_as_Profession" . inds:USem71886tedio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71886tedio is tedio" ; rdfs:label " tedio_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem71887istigatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem71892istigare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71887istigatore is istigatore" ; rdfs:label " istigatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71891avventore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem64293frequentare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71891avventore is avventore" ; rdfs:label " avventore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem71892istigare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71892istigare is istigare" ; rdfs:label " istigare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem71894commendatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71894commendatore is commendatore" ; rdfs:label " commendatore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem71895terno simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2672tre ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71895terno is terno" ; rdfs:label " terno_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem71896conduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1957corpo ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71896conduttore is conduttore" ; rdfs:label " conduttore_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem71897conduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem74920condurre ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71897conduttore is conduttore" ; rdfs:label " conduttore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem71898noleggiatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7156noleggiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71898noleggiatore is noleggiatore" ; rdfs:label " noleggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem71899stiratura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71899stiratura is stiratura" ; rdfs:label " stiratura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem71900trentina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71900trentina is trentina" ; rdfs:label " trentina_as_Amount" . inds:USem71901lavorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71901lavorare is lavorare" ; rdfs:label " lavorare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem71902vasocostrizione simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5666vena ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71902vasocostrizione is vasocostrizione" ; rdfs:label " vasocostrizione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71903denigrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60879diffamazione ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71903denigrazione is denigrazione" ; rdfs:label " denigrazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem71904legnaia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem68064legna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71904legnaia is legnaia" ; rdfs:label " legnaia_as_Building" . inds:USem71905lem simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1461esplorare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71905lem is lem" ; rdfs:label " lem_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem71906letargia simple:hasCauses inds:USem62529sonnolenza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71906letargia is letargia" ; rdfs:label " letargia_as_Disease" . inds:USem71907letargia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71907letargia is letargia" ; rdfs:label " letargia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem71908letargia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71908letargia is letargia" ; rdfs:label " letargia_as_State" . inds:USem71909lettino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1184letto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60032visitare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71909lettino is lettino" ; rdfs:label " lettino_as_Furniture" . inds:USem71910lettino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1184letto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1907dormire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71910lettino is lettino" ; rdfs:label " lettino_as_Furniture" . inds:USem71911libanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD5105libano ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71911libanese is libanese" ; rdfs:label " libanese_as_People" . inds:USem71912lepre simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71912lepre is lepre" ; rdfs:label " lepre_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem71913lisciva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71913lisciva is lisciva" ; rdfs:label " lisciva_as_Substance" . inds:USem71914lucchese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63431lucca ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2170lucca ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71914lucchese is lucchese" ; rdfs:label " lucchese_as_People" . inds:USem71915lucerna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71915lucerna is lucerna" ; rdfs:label " lucerna_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71916lucerna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5612copricapo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71916lucerna is lucerna" ; rdfs:label " lucerna_as_Clothing" . inds:USem71917lucerna simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71917lucerna is lucerna" ; rdfs:label " lucerna_as_Opening" . inds:USem71918leonessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1937leone ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71918leonessa is leonessa" ; rdfs:label " leonessa_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem71919lepre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71919lepre is lepre" ; rdfs:label " lepre_as_Human" . inds:USem71920lavandaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71920lavandaio is lavandaio" ; rdfs:label " lavandaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem71921locusta simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6575saltare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71921locusta is locusta" ; rdfs:label " locusta_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem71922livornese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63426livorno ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2167livorno ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71922livornese is livornese" ; rdfs:label " livornese_as_People" . inds:USem71923litografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5497stampatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD934stampare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71923litografo is litografo" ; rdfs:label " litografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem71924ligure simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4141liguria ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71924ligure is ligure" ; rdfs:label " ligure_as_People" . inds:USem71925lilla1 simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1570arbusto ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD65920lilla1 ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71925lilla1 is lilla'" ; rdfs:label " lilla'_as_Plant" . inds:USem71926libico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63419libia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2163libia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71926libico is libico" ; rdfs:label " libico_as_People" . inds:USem71927scomparto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2877contenitore, inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71927scomparto is scomparto" ; rdfs:label " scomparto_as_Part" . inds:USem71928lupa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71928lupa is lupa" ; rdfs:label " lupa_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem71929lupara simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71929lupara is lupara" ; rdfs:label " lupara_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71930lunotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71930lunotto is lunotto" ; rdfs:label " lunotto_as_Part" . inds:USem71931lungolago simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71931lungolago is lungolago" ; rdfs:label " lungolago_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem71932lumacone simple:hasIsa inds:USem67921animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71932lumacone is lumacone" ; rdfs:label " lumacone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem71933lumacone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71933lumacone is lumacone" ; rdfs:label " lumacone_as_Human" . inds:USem71934lucignolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65181stoppino ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7109candela ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5001accendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71934lucignolo is lucignolo" ; rdfs:label " lucignolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71935lucignolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71935lucignolo is lucignolo" ; rdfs:label " lucignolo_as_Human" . inds:USem71936lsd simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71936lsd is lsd" ; rdfs:label " lsd_as_Substance" . inds:USem71937lionese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63422lione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2165lione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71937lionese is lionese" ; rdfs:label " lionese_as_People" . inds:USem71938linaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71938linaiolo is linaiolo" ; rdfs:label " linaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USem71939setola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1904pelo ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71939setola is setola" ; rdfs:label " setola_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem71940telaio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5434tessere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71940telaio is telaio" ; rdfs:label " telaio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71941setola simple:hasAffects inds:USem1764pelle ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63847lesione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71941setola is setola" ; rdfs:label " setola_as_Disease" . inds:USem71942liccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem71940telaio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71942liccio is liccio" ; rdfs:label " liccio_as_Part" . inds:USem71943sigaraia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62383tabacco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71943sigaraia is sigaraia" ; rdfs:label " sigaraia_as_Profession" . inds:USem71944lussemburghese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63433lussemburgo ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2171lussemburgo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71944lussemburghese is lussemburghese" ; rdfs:label " lussemburghese_as_People" . inds:USem71945sibilla simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71945sibilla is sibilla" ; rdfs:label " sibilla_as_Representation" . inds:USem71946lue simple:hasAffects inds:USem66315genitale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71946lue is lue" ; rdfs:label " lue_as_Disease" . inds:USem71947sibilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71947sibilla is sibilla" ; rdfs:label " sibilla_as_Human" . inds:USem71948lorica simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71521corazza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71948lorica is lorica" ; rdfs:label " lorica_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71950squilla simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71950squilla is squilla" ; rdfs:label " squilla_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71951somalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65924somalia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71951somalo is somalo" ; rdfs:label " somalo_as_People" . inds:USem71953edile simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem71649edilizia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71953edile is edile" ; rdfs:label " edile_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71954somalo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71954somalo is somalo" ; rdfs:label " somalo_as_Language" . inds:USem71955spezzino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71955spezzino is spezzino" ; rdfs:label " spezzino_as_People" . inds:USem71956spaccapietre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71956spaccapietre is spaccapietre" ; rdfs:label " spaccapietre_as_Profession" . inds:USem71957spremiagrumi simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62866spremere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71957spremiagrumi is spremiagrumi" ; rdfs:label " spremiagrumi_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71958spremilimoni simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62866spremere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71958spremilimoni is spremilimoni" ; rdfs:label " spremilimoni_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71959sammarinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71959sammarinese is sammarinese" ; rdfs:label " sammarinese_as_People" . inds:USem71960corona simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4899svezia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3258valuta ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem65707corona ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71960corona is corona" ; rdfs:label " corona_as_Convention" . inds:USem71961dollaro simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2089america, inds:USem2116canada ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3258valuta ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3263dollaro ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71961dollaro is dollaro" ; rdfs:label " dollaro_as_Convention" . inds:USem71962mangiata simple:hasIsa inds:USem68308atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71962mangiata is mangiata" ; rdfs:label " mangiata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem71963dramma simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2173grecia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3258valuta ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem899dramma ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71963dramma is dramma" ; rdfs:label " dramma_as_Convention" . inds:USem71964fiorino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4897olanda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3258valuta ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem68413fiorino ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71964fiorino is fiorino" ; rdfs:label " fiorino_as_Convention" . inds:USem71965fiorino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71965fiorino is fiorino" ; rdfs:label " fiorino_as_Money" . inds:USem71966franco simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2239francia, inds:USem4898svizzera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3258valuta ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3234franco ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71966franco is franco" ; rdfs:label " franco_as_Convention" . inds:USem71967sperma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71967sperma is sperma" ; rdfs:label " sperma_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem71969stracotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71969stracotto is stracotto" ; rdfs:label " stracotto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem71970lira simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2159italia, inds:USem2203turchia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3258valuta ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3246lira ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71970lira is lira" ; rdfs:label " lira_as_Convention" . inds:USem71971lenone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71971lenone is lenone" ; rdfs:label " lenone_as_Human" . inds:USem71972supermercato simple:hasIsa inds:USem69587emporio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71972supermercato is supermercato" ; rdfs:label " supermercato_as_Building" . inds:USem71973marco simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3622germania, inds:USem4895finlandia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3258valuta ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3240marco ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71973marco is marco" ; rdfs:label " marco_as_Convention" . inds:USem71974rublo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2195russia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3258valuta ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3241rublo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71974rublo is rublo" ; rdfs:label " rublo_as_Convention" . inds:USem71975scellino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2096austria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3258valuta ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3247scellino ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71975scellino is scellino" ; rdfs:label " scellino_as_Convention" . inds:USem71977sterlina simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2152inghilterra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3258valuta ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3242sterlina ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71977sterlina is sterlina" ; rdfs:label " sterlina_as_Convention" . inds:USem71978yen simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2144giappone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3258valuta ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem70745yen ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71978yen is yen" ; rdfs:label " yen_as_Convention" . inds:USem71979stampino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71979stampino is stampino" ; rdfs:label " stampino_as_Container" . inds:USem71980lesbica simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH15961omosessualita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71980lesbica is lesbica" ; rdfs:label " lesbica_as_Human" . inds:USem71981letamaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71981letamaio is letamaio" ; rdfs:label " letamaio_as_Location" . inds:USem71982lesina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3691forare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71982lesina is lesina" ; rdfs:label " lesina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71983vassoio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71983vassoio is vassoio" ; rdfs:label " vassoio_as_Amount" . inds:USem71985spinterogeno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5907motore ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71985spinterogeno is spinterogeno" ; rdfs:label " spinterogeno_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71986tallero simple:hasConcerns inds:USem79226slovenia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3258valuta ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem65324tallero ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71986tallero is tallero" ; rdfs:label " tallero_as_Convention" . inds:USem71987lattoniere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71987lattoniere is lattoniere" ; rdfs:label " lattoniere_as_Profession" . inds:USem71988idrodinamico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem77726idrodinamica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71988idrodinamico is idrodinamico" ; rdfs:label " idrodinamico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71989lava simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5096vulcano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71989lava is lava" ; rdfs:label " lava_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem71990sputacchiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71990sputacchiera is sputacchiera" ; rdfs:label " sputacchiera_as_Container" . inds:USem71991immunologico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem24immunologia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71991immunologico is immunologico" ; rdfs:label " immunologico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71992merceologico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemTH13888merceologia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71992merceologico is merceologico" ; rdfs:label " merceologico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71994cromatico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem69091colore ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71994cromatico is cromatico" ; rdfs:label " cromatico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71995trottola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71995trottola is trottola" ; rdfs:label " trottola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem71996trottola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71996trottola is trottola" ; rdfs:label " trottola_as_Human" . inds:USem71997geodinamico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem67148geodinamica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71997geodinamico is geodinamico" ; rdfs:label " geodinamico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71998geofisico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem59974geofisica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71998geofisico is geofisico" ; rdfs:label " geofisico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem71999geotermico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem59976geotermia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem71999geotermico is geotermico" ; rdfs:label " geotermico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem72001terremotato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72001terremotato is terremotato" ; rdfs:label " terremotato_as_Human" . inds:USem72006tridente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72006tridente is tridente" ; rdfs:label " tridente_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72010militare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem64394soldato ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72010militare is militare" ; rdfs:label " militare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem72013usciere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3653impiegato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72013usciere is usciere" ; rdfs:label " usciere_as_Profession" . inds:USem72014luteranesimo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemTH12744luteranoN ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72014luteranesimo is luteranesimo" ; rdfs:label " luteranesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem72015teleferica simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72015teleferica is teleferica" ; rdfs:label " teleferica_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem72016ludo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72016ludo is ludo" ; rdfs:label " ludo_as_Event" . inds:USem72019lubrificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72019lubrificazione is lubrificazione" ; rdfs:label " lubrificazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72021lordura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78319lordo ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72021lordura is lordura" ; rdfs:label " lordura_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem72022lordura simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72022lordura is lordura" ; rdfs:label " lordura_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72023lingotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72023lingotto is lingotto" ; rdfs:label " lingotto_as_Material" . inds:USem72024lineetta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72024lineetta is lineetta" ; rdfs:label " lineetta_as_Sign" . inds:USem72026lignite simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem3115nero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72026lignite is lignite" ; rdfs:label " lignite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem72027leccese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65941lecce ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72027leccese is leccese" ; rdfs:label " leccese_as_People" . inds:USem72028lazzeretto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72028lazzeretto is lazzeretto" ; rdfs:label " lazzeretto_as_Building" . inds:USem72029logorrea simple:hasAffects inds:USemD66373linguaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68420alterazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72029logorrea is logorrea" ; rdfs:label " logorrea_as_Disease" . inds:USem72030loculo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72030loculo is loculo" ; rdfs:label " loculo_as_Building" . inds:USem72032spolverino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72032spolverino is spolverino" ; rdfs:label " spolverino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem72033spolverino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire, inds:USemD5148spazzolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72033spolverino is spolverino" ; rdfs:label " spolverino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72034lazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72034lazzo is lazzo" ; rdfs:label " lazzo_as_Act" . inds:USem72035lazo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7124catturare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72035lazo is lazo" ; rdfs:label " lazo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72037storiografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72037storiografo is storiografo" ; rdfs:label " storiografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem72038stufare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72038stufare is stufare" ; rdfs:label " stufare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72039detonazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72039detonazione is detonazione" ; rdfs:label " detonazione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72040detrattore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD65971detrarre ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72040detrattore is detrattore" ; rdfs:label " detrattore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72041imballare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72041imballare is imballare" ; rdfs:label " imballare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem72042imballare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72042imballare is imballare" ; rdfs:label " imballare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72043locomotrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72043locomotrice is locomotrice" ; rdfs:label " locomotrice_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem72044sottogonna simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2959sottoveste ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72044sottogonna is sottogonna" ; rdfs:label " sottogonna_as_Clothing" . inds:USem72046spingarda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72046spingarda is spingarda" ; rdfs:label " spingarda_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72047sciantosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72047sciantosa is sciantosa" ; rdfs:label " sciantosa_as_Human" . inds:USem72048santerellina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72048santerellina is santerellina" ; rdfs:label " santerellina_as_Human" . inds:USem72049mango simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD65977mango ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72049mango is mango" ; rdfs:label " mango_as_Plant" . inds:USem72050mangiatoia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72050mangiatoia is mangiatoia" ; rdfs:label " mangiatoia_as_Container" . inds:USem72051disturbo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72051disturbo is disturbo" ; rdfs:label " disturbo_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem72052passeggino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem61026spingere ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72052passeggino is passeggino" ; rdfs:label " passeggino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem72053mantide simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6575saltare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72053mantide is mantide" ; rdfs:label " mantide_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem72055funambolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72055funambolismo is funambolismo" ; rdfs:label " funambolismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem72056funzionamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72056funzionamento is funzionamento" ; rdfs:label " funzionamento_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72057fuorigioco simple:hasIsa inds:USem61491posizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72057fuorigioco is fuorigioco" ; rdfs:label " fuorigioco_as_State" . inds:USem72059gabbia simple:hasIsa inds:USem59645struttura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72059gabbia is gabbia" ; rdfs:label " gabbia_as_Container" . inds:USem72060supervisore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72060supervisore is supervisore" ; rdfs:label " supervisore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72061gallone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72061gallone is gallone" ; rdfs:label " gallone_as_Part" . inds:USem72062gallone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72062gallone is gallone" ; rdfs:label " gallone_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem72063galoppino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72063galoppino is galoppino" ; rdfs:label " galoppino_as_Human" . inds:USem72065supervisione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72065supervisione is supervisione" ; rdfs:label " supervisione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72066gamma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72066gamma is gamma" ; rdfs:label " gamma_as_Sign" . inds:USem72067gamma simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72067gamma is gamma" ; rdfs:label " gamma_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72068offensore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60028offendere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72068offensore is offensore" ; rdfs:label " offensore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72069gergo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD439parlare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USemD584comunita1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72069gergo is gergo" ; rdfs:label " gergo_as_Language" . inds:USem72070gettito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72070gettito is gettito" ; rdfs:label " gettito_as_Amount" . inds:USem72072ghiaione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3000pietra ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72072ghiaione is ghiaione" ; rdfs:label " ghiaione_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem72073gigantografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72073gigantografia is gigantografia" ; rdfs:label " gigantografia_as_Artwork" . inds:USem72074ginnastica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72074ginnastica is ginnastica" ; rdfs:label " ginnastica_as_Domain" . inds:USem72075giornalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72075giornalismo is giornalismo" ; rdfs:label " giornalismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem72076giornalismo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3351giornalista ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62300giornale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72076giornalismo is giornalismo" ; rdfs:label " giornalismo_as_Group" . inds:USem72077giovanotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem6416giovane ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72077giovanotto is giovanotto" ; rdfs:label " giovanotto_as_Human" . inds:USem72078giovenca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem65543bovino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4272vacca ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72078giovenca is giovenca" ; rdfs:label " giovenca_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem72079girone simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD65997turno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72079girone is girone" ; rdfs:label " girone_as_Group" . inds:USem72080girovago simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72080girovago is girovago" ; rdfs:label " girovago_as_Human" . inds:USem72081giuda simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem61636tradire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5673traditore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72081giuda is giuda" ; rdfs:label " giuda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72083giunta simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3617membro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72083giunta is giunta" ; rdfs:label " giunta_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72084giunta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72084giunta is giunta" ; rdfs:label " giunta_as_Part" . inds:USem72085giuntura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72085giuntura is giuntura" ; rdfs:label " giuntura_as_Part" . inds:USem72087biascicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem71320masticare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72087biascicare is biascicare" ; rdfs:label " biascicare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72088biascicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72088biascicare is biascicare" ; rdfs:label " biascicare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72089giurato simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5529giudicare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72089giurato is giurato" ; rdfs:label " giurato_as_Profession" . inds:USem72090generatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64825generare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72090generatore is generatore" ; rdfs:label " generatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72091generazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72091generazione is generazione" ; rdfs:label " generazione_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem72092generazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61420formazione ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72092generazione is generazione" ; rdfs:label " generazione_as_Cause" . inds:USem72093generazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72093generazione is generazione" ; rdfs:label " generazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72094generazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72094generazione is generazione" ; rdfs:label " generazione_as_Time" . inds:USem72095pesca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1498pesco ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72095pesca is pesca" ; rdfs:label " pesca_as_Fruit" . inds:USem72096pesca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72096pesca is pesca" ; rdfs:label " pesca_as_Color" . inds:USem72097giurista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72097giurista is giurista" ; rdfs:label " giurista_as_Profession" . inds:USem72098gladiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72098gladiatore is gladiatore" ; rdfs:label " gladiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem72099tirannicida simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62271omicida ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72099tirannicida is tirannicida" ; rdfs:label " tirannicida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72100tressette simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72100tressette is tressette" ; rdfs:label " tressette_as_Domain" . inds:USem72101tubetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72101tubetto is tubetto" ; rdfs:label " tubetto_as_Container" . inds:USem72102erogazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72102erogazione is erogazione" ; rdfs:label " erogazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72103eseguire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72103eseguire is eseguire" ; rdfs:label " eseguire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72104tenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem73497parassita ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72104tenia is tenia" ; rdfs:label " tenia_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem72105esecuzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72105esecuzione is esecuzione" ; rdfs:label " esecuzione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72106esecuzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72106esecuzione is esecuzione" ; rdfs:label " esecuzione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72107esecuzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72107esecuzione is esecuzione" ; rdfs:label " esecuzione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72108soggolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2963abito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72108soggolo is soggolo" ; rdfs:label " soggolo_as_Part" . inds:USem72109evasione simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60473fuga ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72109evasione is evasione" ; rdfs:label " evasione_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem72110stenditoio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72110stenditoio is stenditoio" ; rdfs:label " stenditoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72111lavacro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72111lavacro is lavacro" ; rdfs:label " lavacro_as_Container" . inds:USem72112laurea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378qualificazione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72112laurea is laurea" ; rdfs:label " laurea_as_Convention" . inds:USem72113evasione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72113evasione is evasione" ; rdfs:label " evasione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem72114vignetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72114vignetta is vignetta" ; rdfs:label " vignetta_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem72115laurea simple:hasIsa inds:USem069593esame ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72115laurea is laurea" ; rdfs:label " laurea_as_Event" . inds:USem72116evaso simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem63916evadere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72116evaso is evaso" ; rdfs:label " evaso_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72117viluppo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72117viluppo is viluppo" ; rdfs:label " viluppo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72118lavorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72118lavorio is lavorio" ; rdfs:label " lavorio_as_Act" . inds:USem72119testardaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78309testardo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72119testardaggine is testardaggine" ; rdfs:label " testardaggine_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72120livore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72120livore is livore" ; rdfs:label " livore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem72121evidenziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72121evidenziare is evidenziare" ; rdfs:label " evidenziare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72122gobba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1956schiena ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72122gobba is gobba" ; rdfs:label " gobba_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem72123gobba simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6166superficie ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72123gobba is gobba" ; rdfs:label " gobba_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72124goccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72124goccia is goccia" ; rdfs:label " goccia_as_Amount" . inds:USem72125goliardo simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD4654studiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62270studente ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72125goliardo is goliardo" ; rdfs:label " goliardo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72126gonfiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72126gonfiatura is gonfiatura" ; rdfs:label " gonfiatura_as_Act" . inds:USem72127lena simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72127lena is lena" ; rdfs:label " lena_as_Quality" . inds:USem72128gonfiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72128gonfiatura is gonfiatura" ; rdfs:label " gonfiatura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72129levatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72129levatura is levatura" ; rdfs:label " levatura_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem72130lisca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72130lisca is lisca" ; rdfs:label " lisca_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem72131gonfiore simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72131gonfiore is gonfiore" ; rdfs:label " gonfiore_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72132linguina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72132linguina is linguina" ; rdfs:label " linguina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem72133linificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5290lino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72133linificio is linificio" ; rdfs:label " linificio_as_Building" . inds:USem72134listino simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72134listino is listino" ; rdfs:label " listino_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem72135linguetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72135linguetta is linguetta" ; rdfs:label " linguetta_as_Part" . inds:USem72136linguella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6200guanto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72136linguella is linguella" ; rdfs:label " linguella_as_Part" . inds:USem72137graduato simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72137graduato is graduato" ; rdfs:label " graduato_as_Profession" . inds:USem72138grafia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72138grafia is grafia" ; rdfs:label " grafia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72139grafia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72139grafia is grafia" ; rdfs:label " grafia_as_Sign" . inds:USem72140grafica simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72140grafica is grafica" ; rdfs:label " grafica_as_Domain" . inds:USem72141granata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6395ordigno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72141granata is granata" ; rdfs:label " granata_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72142granatiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72142granatiere is granatiere" ; rdfs:label " granatiere_as_Role" . inds:USem72143granulo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72143granulo is granulo" ; rdfs:label " granulo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72144grappolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72144grappolo is grappolo" ; rdfs:label " grappolo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem72145mormora simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72145mormora is mormora" ; rdfs:label " mormora_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem72146grappolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72146grappolo is grappolo" ; rdfs:label " grappolo_as_Group" . inds:USem72147mortadella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72147mortadella is mortadella" ; rdfs:label " mortadella_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem72148lattuga simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72148lattuga is lattuga" ; rdfs:label " lattuga_as_Plant" . inds:USem72149gratifica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72149gratifica is gratifica" ; rdfs:label " gratifica_as_Amount" . inds:USem72150lattuga simple:hasIsa inds:USem3672verdura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72150lattuga is lattuga" ; rdfs:label " lattuga_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem72151greca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6588disegnare, inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67761motivo ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72151greca is greca" ; rdfs:label " greca_as_Artwork" . inds:USem72152gregario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD2845gruppo, inds:USemD5271associazione ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72152gregario is gregario" ; rdfs:label " gregario_as_Human" . inds:USem72153greggio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem3115nero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2817petrolio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3226idrocarburo ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72153greggio is greggio" ; rdfs:label " greggio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem72154grinza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5289tessuto, inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72154grinza is grinza" ; rdfs:label " grinza_as_Part" . inds:USem72155moccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72155moccio is moccio" ; rdfs:label " moccio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem72156moca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65700caffettiera ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72156moca is moca" ; rdfs:label " moca_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72157mitilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72157mitilo is mitilo" ; rdfs:label " mitilo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem72158mandola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72158mandola is mandola" ; rdfs:label " mandola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72159grinza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1764pelle ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72159grinza is grinza" ; rdfs:label " grinza_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem72160malese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77882malesia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72160malese is malese" ; rdfs:label " malese_as_People" . inds:USem72161mantiglia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2957scialle ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72161mantiglia is mantiglia" ; rdfs:label " mantiglia_as_Clothing" . inds:USem72162piega simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72162piega is piega" ; rdfs:label " piega_as_Part" . inds:USem72163marasca simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2564ciliegia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1472ciliegio ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72163marasca is marasca" ; rdfs:label " marasca_as_Fruit" . inds:USem72164marasco simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1472ciliegio ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2564ciliegia ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72164marasco is marasco" ; rdfs:label " marasco_as_Plant" . inds:USem72165piega simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72165piega is piega" ; rdfs:label " piega_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72166guaina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72166guaina is guaina" ; rdfs:label " guaina_as_Container" . inds:USem72167guardacaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72167guardacaccia is guardacaccia" ; rdfs:label " guardacaccia_as_Profession" . inds:USem72168guardia simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere, inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72168guardia is guardia" ; rdfs:label " guardia_as_Profession" . inds:USem72169guardia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72169guardia is guardia" ; rdfs:label " guardia_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72170guardiamarina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemTH34356marina ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72170guardiamarina is guardiamarina" ; rdfs:label " guardiamarina_as_Role" . inds:USem72171guardina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72171guardina is guardina" ; rdfs:label " guardina_as_Part" . inds:USem72172guascone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem5175guascogna ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72172guascone is guascone" ; rdfs:label " guascone_as_People" . inds:USem72173guerrigliero simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59874combattere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72173guerrigliero is guerrigliero" ; rdfs:label " guerrigliero_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72174gugliata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3966filo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72174gugliata is gugliata" ; rdfs:label " gugliata_as_Part" . inds:USem72175guidone simple:hasIsa inds:USem69039bandierina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72175guidone is guidone" ; rdfs:label " guidone_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem72176hobbista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72176hobbista is hobbista" ; rdfs:label " hobbista_as_Human" . inds:USem72177valeriana simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72177valeriana is valeriana" ; rdfs:label " valeriana_as_Plant" . inds:USem72178granoturco simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem70822granoturco ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72178granoturco is granoturco" ; rdfs:label " granoturco_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem72179ibrido simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72179ibrido is ibrido" ; rdfs:label " ibrido_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem72180icona simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72180icona is icona" ; rdfs:label " icona_as_Artwork" . inds:USem72181ideale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63153modello ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72181ideale is ideale" ; rdfs:label " ideale_as_Representation" . inds:USem72182ideale simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1352valore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72182ideale is ideale" ; rdfs:label " ideale_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem72184idra simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69161essere ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72184idra is idra" ; rdfs:label " idra_as_Representation" . inds:USem72185idraulico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72185idraulico is idraulico" ; rdfs:label " idraulico_as_Profession" . inds:USem72186idroscalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6987atterrare, inds:USem6991decollare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72186idroscalo is idroscalo" ; rdfs:label " idroscalo_as_Location" . inds:USem72187illusionista simple:hasIsa inds:USem79788artista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem76977esibire ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72187illusionista is illusionista" ; rdfs:label " illusionista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem72188imballaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72188imballaggio is imballaggio" ; rdfs:label " imballaggio_as_Container" . inds:USem72189imballaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72189imballaggio is imballaggio" ; rdfs:label " imballaggio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72190imballatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem72042imballare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72190imballatore is imballatore" ; rdfs:label " imballatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem72191imbeccata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72191imbeccata is imbeccata" ; rdfs:label " imbeccata_as_Amount" . inds:USem72193indiano simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD1418india ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72193indiano is indiano" ; rdfs:label " indiano_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem72194imbiancatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72194imbiancatura is imbiancatura" ; rdfs:label " imbiancatura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72195imbocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72195imbocco is imbocco" ; rdfs:label " imbocco_as_Part" . inds:USem72196imbrogliata simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem66500imbroglio ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72196imbrogliata is imbrogliata" ; rdfs:label " imbrogliata_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72197immagazzinamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72197immagazzinamento is immagazzinamento" ; rdfs:label " immagazzinamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72198immaginario simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72198immaginario is immaginario" ; rdfs:label " immaginario_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem72199immergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72199immergere is immergere" ; rdfs:label " immergere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72200immersione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72200immersione is immersione" ; rdfs:label " immersione_as_Move" . inds:USem72201immergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72201immergere is immergere" ; rdfs:label " immergere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72202immersione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72202immersione is immersione" ; rdfs:label " immersione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72203immigrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72203immigrato is immigrato" ; rdfs:label " immigrato_as_Human" . inds:USem72204immissario simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2990acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5089fiume ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72204immissario is immissario" ; rdfs:label " immissario_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem72205immissione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72205immissione is immissione" ; rdfs:label " immissione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72206immissione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72206immissione is immissione" ; rdfs:label " immissione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72208impatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72208impatto is impatto" ; rdfs:label " impatto_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72210impennare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72210impennare is impennare" ; rdfs:label " impennare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem72211friggitrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59564friggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72211friggitrice is friggitrice" ; rdfs:label " friggitrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72212pesciera simple:hasConcerns inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2390pentola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1335bollire ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72212pesciera is pesciera" ; rdfs:label " pesciera_as_Container" . inds:USem72213litigante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem4809litigare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72213litigante is litigante" ; rdfs:label " litigante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72214mammola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1596viola ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72214mammola is mammola" ; rdfs:label " mammola_as_Flower" . inds:USem72215mandrillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1134scimmia ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72215mandrillo is mandrillo" ; rdfs:label " mandrillo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem72216mandrillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72216mandrillo is mandrillo" ; rdfs:label " mandrillo_as_Human" . inds:USem72217cassata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5190congelare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4511gelato ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72217cassata is cassata" ; rdfs:label " cassata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem72218missilistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72218missilistica is missilistica" ; rdfs:label " missilistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem72219mischia simple:hasIsa inds:USem68117rissa ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72219mischia is mischia" ; rdfs:label " mischia_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem72220millimetro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2688metro ; simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72220millimetro is millimetro" ; rdfs:label " millimetro_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem72221migliaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72221migliaio is migliaio" ; rdfs:label " migliaio_as_Amount" . inds:USem72222rione simple:hasIsa inds:USem4135zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72222rione is rione" ; rdfs:label " rione_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem72223lavoratore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD3591lavorare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72223lavoratore is lavoratore" ; rdfs:label " lavoratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72224rione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72224rione is rione" ; rdfs:label " rione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72225lavoratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72225lavoratore is lavoratore" ; rdfs:label " lavoratore_as_Human" . inds:USem72226lavorante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72226lavorante is lavorante" ; rdfs:label " lavorante_as_Profession" . inds:USem72227spuntino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72227spuntino is spuntino" ; rdfs:label " spuntino_as_Food" . inds:USem72228spuntino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72228spuntino is spuntino" ; rdfs:label " spuntino_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72229impennare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72229impennare is impennare" ; rdfs:label " impennare_as_Move" . inds:USem72230lavoretto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72230lavoretto is lavoretto" ; rdfs:label " lavoretto_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72232impennata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72232impennata is impennata" ; rdfs:label " impennata_as_Move" . inds:USem72233filatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem3966filo ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72233filatura is filatura" ; rdfs:label " filatura_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem72234lottatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59883lottare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72234lottatore is lottatore" ; rdfs:label " lottatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72235esigenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72235esigenza is esigenza" ; rdfs:label " esigenza_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem72236impennare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72236impennare is impennare" ; rdfs:label " impennare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem72237imprenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USem5486gestore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72237imprenditore is imprenditore" ; rdfs:label " imprenditore_as_Profession" . inds:USem72238impennata simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72238impennata is impennata" ; rdfs:label " impennata_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem72239importo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72239importo is importo" ; rdfs:label " importo_as_Amount" . inds:USem72240impostazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72240impostazione is impostazione" ; rdfs:label " impostazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72241impostazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem59645struttura ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72241impostazione is impostazione" ; rdfs:label " impostazione_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem72243impugnatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2380arnese ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72243impugnatura is impugnatura" ; rdfs:label " impugnatura_as_Part" . inds:USem72244impugnatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72244impugnatura is impugnatura" ; rdfs:label " impugnatura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72245maschietto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72245maschietto is maschietto" ; rdfs:label " maschietto_as_Human" . inds:USem72246tonfo simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72246tonfo is tonfo" ; rdfs:label " tonfo_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem72247tonfo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72247tonfo is tonfo" ; rdfs:label " tonfo_as_Act" . inds:USem72248impugnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72248impugnare is impugnare" ; rdfs:label " impugnare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72249impugnazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72249impugnazione is impugnazione" ; rdfs:label " impugnazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72250imputato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem65682imputare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72250imputato is imputato" ; rdfs:label " imputato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem72251istitutore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4985insegnante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3923insegnare, inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72251istitutore is istitutore" ; rdfs:label " istitutore_as_Profession" . inds:USem72253imputazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72253imputazione is imputazione" ; rdfs:label " imputazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72254lampeggiatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72254lampeggiatore is lampeggiatore" ; rdfs:label " lampeggiatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72255inappetenza simple:hasAffects inds:USem71426appetito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3883sintomo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72255inappetenza is inappetenza" ; rdfs:label " inappetenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72256incasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72256incasso is incasso" ; rdfs:label " incasso_as_Amount" . inds:USem72257incendio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72257incendio is incendio" ; rdfs:label " incendio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72258incentivo simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3303motivo ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72258incentivo is incentivo" ; rdfs:label " incentivo_as_Agentive" . inds:USem72259incentivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60232riduzione ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72259incentivo is incentivo" ; rdfs:label " incentivo_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem72260moire simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72260moire is moire" ; rdfs:label " moire_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem72261leggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72261leggere is leggere" ; rdfs:label " leggere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72262turbina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72262turbina is turbina" ; rdfs:label " turbina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72263turbina simple:hasIsa inds:USem65760organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem72262turbina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72263turbina is turbina" ; rdfs:label " turbina_as_Part" . inds:USem72264monolito simple:hasIsa inds:USem3000pietra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72264monolito is monolito" ; rdfs:label " monolito_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem72265mietitrebbiatrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72265mietitrebbiatrice is mietitrebbiatrice" ; rdfs:label " mietitrebbiatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72266inceppamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63694inceppato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72266inceppamento is inceppamento" ; rdfs:label " inceppamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72267inchiesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72267inchiesta is inchiesta" ; rdfs:label " inchiesta_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72268monferrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72268monferrina is monferrina" ; rdfs:label " monferrina_as_Move" . inds:USem72269scopone simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72269scopone is scopone" ; rdfs:label " scopone_as_Domain" . inds:USem72270monocolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72270monocolo is monocolo" ; rdfs:label " monocolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72271ricerca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72271ricerca is ricerca" ; rdfs:label " ricerca_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem72272strafalcione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72272strafalcione is strafalcione" ; rdfs:label " strafalcione_as_Act" . inds:USem72273spezzato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72273spezzato is spezzato" ; rdfs:label " spezzato_as_Clothing" . inds:USem72274incidere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72274incidere is incidere" ; rdfs:label " incidere_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem72275stambugio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72275stambugio is stambugio" ; rdfs:label " stambugio_as_Part" . inds:USem72276moplen simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72276moplen is moplen" ; rdfs:label " moplen_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem72277mondezzaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72277mondezzaio is mondezzaio" ; rdfs:label " mondezzaio_as_Container" . inds:USem72278spino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72278spino is spino" ; rdfs:label " spino_as_Part" . inds:USem72279monegasco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72279monegasco is monegasco" ; rdfs:label " monegasco_as_People" . inds:USem72281spiritello simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72281spiritello is spiritello" ; rdfs:label " spiritello_as_Representation" . inds:USem72282incidenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72282incidenza is incidenza" ; rdfs:label " incidenza_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem72283incisore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7103incidere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72283incisore is incisore" ; rdfs:label " incisore_as_Profession" . inds:USem72284miscelatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5222miscelare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72284miscelatore is miscelatore" ; rdfs:label " miscelatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72285miscelatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5222miscelare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72285miscelatore is miscelatore" ; rdfs:label " miscelatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72286mensa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4206gamba, inds:USem6916piano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69486tavola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72286mensa is mensa" ; rdfs:label " mensa_as_Furniture" . inds:USem72287mensa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72287mensa is mensa" ; rdfs:label " mensa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72288nebulizzatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD66019nebulizzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72288nebulizzatore is nebulizzatore" ; rdfs:label " nebulizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72289spogliarellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72289spogliarellista is spogliarellista" ; rdfs:label " spogliarellista_as_Human" . inds:USem72290numeratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6222numerare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72290numeratore is numeratore" ; rdfs:label " numeratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72291inclusione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72291inclusione is inclusione" ; rdfs:label " inclusione_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem72292includere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72292includere is includere" ; rdfs:label " includere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem72293includere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2887aggiungere ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72293includere is includere" ; rdfs:label " includere_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem72294incrinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66021incrinato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72294incrinare is incrinare" ; rdfs:label " incrinare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72295incrinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66021incrinato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72295incrinare is incrinare" ; rdfs:label " incrinare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72296mensa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72296mensa is mensa" ; rdfs:label " mensa_as_Building" . inds:USem72297incrinatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66021incrinato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72297incrinatura is incrinatura" ; rdfs:label " incrinatura_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72298operare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72298operare is operare" ; rdfs:label " operare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72299operatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72299operatore is operatore" ; rdfs:label " operatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem72300meccano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72300meccano is meccano" ; rdfs:label " meccano_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72302mediatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem66924mediare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72302mediatore is mediatore" ; rdfs:label " mediatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72303ripetitore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72303ripetitore is ripetitore" ; rdfs:label " ripetitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72304stiratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem71873stirare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72304stiratrice is stiratrice" ; rdfs:label " stiratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USem72305incrostazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD64029incrostato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72305incrostazione is incrostazione" ; rdfs:label " incrostazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72306incrostazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61459deposito ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72306incrostazione is incrostazione" ; rdfs:label " incrostazione_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem72307panificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72307panificare is panificare" ; rdfs:label " panificare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72308indemoniato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72308indemoniato is indemoniato" ; rdfs:label " indemoniato_as_Human" . inds:USem72309indennizzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72309indennizzo is indennizzo" ; rdfs:label " indennizzo_as_Amount" . inds:USem72310indicatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72310indicatore is indicatore" ; rdfs:label " indicatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72311indigeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72311indigeno is indigeno" ; rdfs:label " indigeno_as_Human" . inds:USem72312indirizzario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61317elenco ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72312indirizzario is indirizzario" ; rdfs:label " indirizzario_as_Information" . inds:USem72313indirizzario simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72313indirizzario is indirizzario" ; rdfs:label " indirizzario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem72314individualista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem2606individualismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72314individualista is individualista" ; rdfs:label " individualista_as_Human" . inds:USem72316panificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem72307panificare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72316panificatore is panificatore" ; rdfs:label " panificatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem72317piantatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem64518coltivatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72317piantatore is piantatore" ; rdfs:label " piantatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem72318portatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72318portatore is portatore" ; rdfs:label " portatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem72319portatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem4827portare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72319portatore is portatore" ; rdfs:label " portatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72320cocktail simple:hasIsa inds:USem60969festa ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72320cocktail is cocktail" ; rdfs:label " cocktail_as_Event" . inds:USem72322raccoglitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72322raccoglitore is raccoglitore" ; rdfs:label " raccoglitore_as_Container" . inds:USem72323raccoglitore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem61216raccogliere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72323raccoglitore is raccoglitore" ; rdfs:label " raccoglitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72324raccoglitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59298raccogliere, inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72324raccoglitore is raccoglitore" ; rdfs:label " raccoglitore_as_Profession" . inds:USem72325morbo simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68420alterazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72325morbo is morbo" ; rdfs:label " morbo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72326sotterfugio simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72326sotterfugio is sotterfugio" ; rdfs:label " sotterfugio_as_Telic" . inds:USem72327morbo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67293male ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72327morbo is morbo" ; rdfs:label " morbo_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem72328soldatino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72328soldatino is soldatino" ; rdfs:label " soldatino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72329molotov simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6395ordigno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72329molotov is molotov" ; rdfs:label " molotov_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72330indizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72330indizione is indizione" ; rdfs:label " indizione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72331sopravveste simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2961veste ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72331sopravveste is sopravveste" ; rdfs:label " sopravveste_as_Clothing" . inds:USem72332monatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72332monatto is monatto" ; rdfs:label " monatto_as_Human" . inds:USem72333indomani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem67085oggi ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72333indomani is indomani" ; rdfs:label " indomani_as_Time" . inds:USem72334indonesiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63389indonesia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4688indonesia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72334indonesiano is indonesiano" ; rdfs:label " indonesiano_as_People" . inds:USem72335soprattassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem67855tassa ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72335soprattassa is soprattassa" ; rdfs:label " soprattassa_as_Convention" . inds:USem72336infante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72336infante is infante" ; rdfs:label " infante_as_Human" . inds:USem72337infarinatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72337infarinatura is infarinatura" ; rdfs:label " infarinatura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72338mongolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1406mongolia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72338mongolo is mongolo" ; rdfs:label " mongolo_as_People" . inds:USem72339stipendio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72339stipendio is stipendio" ; rdfs:label " stipendio_as_Amount" . inds:USem72340sottopancia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72340sottopancia is sottopancia" ; rdfs:label " sottopancia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72341infestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72341infestare is infestare" ; rdfs:label " infestare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72342infestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72342infestazione is infestazione" ; rdfs:label " infestazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72343infilata simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72343infilata is infilata" ; rdfs:label " infilata_as_Group" . inds:USem72344infiltrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72344infiltrazione is infiltrazione" ; rdfs:label " infiltrazione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72345infiltrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72345infiltrazione is infiltrazione" ; rdfs:label " infiltrazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72346infilzata simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72346infilzata is infilzata" ; rdfs:label " infilzata_as_Group" . inds:USem72347sottosegretariato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63776sottosegretario ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72347sottosegretariato is sottosegretariato" ; rdfs:label " sottosegretariato_as_Building" . inds:USem72348mediazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72348mediazione is mediazione" ; rdfs:label " mediazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72349infinitesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72349infinitesimo is infinitesimo" ; rdfs:label " infinitesimo_as_Part" . inds:USem72350infisso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66029telaio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72350infisso is infisso" ; rdfs:label " infisso_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72351sottosegretariato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63776sottosegretario ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72351sottosegretariato is sottosegretariato" ; rdfs:label " sottosegretariato_as_Convention" . inds:USem72352sottosegretariato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72352sottosegretariato is sottosegretariato" ; rdfs:label " sottosegretariato_as_Institution" . inds:USem72353struttura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72353struttura is struttura" ; rdfs:label " struttura_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72354stallatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5399deiezione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5398concimare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72354stallatico is stallatico" ; rdfs:label " stallatico_as_Substance" . inds:USem72355struttura simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72355struttura is struttura" ; rdfs:label " struttura_as_Building" . inds:USem72357prosatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4953scrittore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72357prosatore is prosatore" ; rdfs:label " prosatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem72358medicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72358medicazione is medicazione" ; rdfs:label " medicazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72359infrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72359infrazione is infrazione" ; rdfs:label " infrazione_as_Event" . inds:USem72360ingenuo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD66030ingenuita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72360ingenuo is ingenuo" ; rdfs:label " ingenuo_as_Human" . inds:USem72361ingerenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72361ingerenza is ingerenza" ; rdfs:label " ingerenza_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72362inginocchiatoio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem66239inginocchiare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72362inginocchiatoio is inginocchiatoio" ; rdfs:label " inginocchiatoio_as_Furniture" . inds:USem72363ingranaggio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63698congegno ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72363ingranaggio is ingranaggio" ; rdfs:label " ingranaggio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72364memoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72364memoria is memoria" ; rdfs:label " memoria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72365ingrossamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72365ingrossamento is ingrossamento" ; rdfs:label " ingrossamento_as_Part" . inds:USem72367memoria simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63554autobiografia ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72367memoria is memoria" ; rdfs:label " memoria_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem72368ingrossamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72368ingrossamento is ingrossamento" ; rdfs:label " ingrossamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72369memoria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72369memoria is memoria" ; rdfs:label " memoria_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem72370motocarro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72370motocarro is motocarro" ; rdfs:label " motocarro_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem72371motrice simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72371motrice is motrice" ; rdfs:label " motrice_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem72372motrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3937trasformare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72372motrice is motrice" ; rdfs:label " motrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72373spoglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72373spoglia is spoglia" ; rdfs:label " spoglia_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem72374spineto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72374spineto is spineto" ; rdfs:label " spineto_as_Location" . inds:USem72375inibizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72375inibizione is inibizione" ; rdfs:label " inibizione_as_Disease" . inds:USem72376sovrana simple:hasIsa inds:USem3596regina ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72376sovrana is sovrana" ; rdfs:label " sovrana_as_Social_status" . inds:USem72377iniezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72377iniezione is iniezione" ; rdfs:label " iniezione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72379iniziale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1707parola ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72379iniziale is iniziale" ; rdfs:label " iniziale_as_Sign" . inds:USem72380innesco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD65862innescare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72380innesco is innesco" ; rdfs:label " innesco_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72381innocentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72381innocentista is innocentista" ; rdfs:label " innocentista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72382manrovescio simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72382manrovescio is manrovescio" ; rdfs:label " manrovescio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72383innovazione simple:hasTelic inds:USemD6532nuovo ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72383innovazione is innovazione" ; rdfs:label " innovazione_as_Telic" . inds:USem72384marchesa simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72384marchesa is marchesa" ; rdfs:label " marchesa_as_Social_status" . inds:USem72385marchesato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72385marchesato is marchesato" ; rdfs:label " marchesato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem72386marchetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem67855tassa ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72386marchetta is marchetta" ; rdfs:label " marchetta_as_Convention" . inds:USem72388inondazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72388inondazione is inondazione" ; rdfs:label " inondazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72389marchesato simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD66033marchese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72389marchesato is marchesato" ; rdfs:label " marchesato_as_Convention" . inds:USem72390marengo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2190piemonte ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72390marengo is marengo" ; rdfs:label " marengo_as_Money" . inds:USem72392inosservanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72392inosservanza is inosservanza" ; rdfs:label " inosservanza_as_Act" . inds:USem72393inquadramento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72393inquadramento is inquadramento" ; rdfs:label " inquadramento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72395margheritina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD66034margheritina ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72395margheritina is margheritina" ; rdfs:label " margheritina_as_Flower" . inds:USem72397spilorcio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72397spilorcio is spilorcio" ; rdfs:label " spilorcio_as_Human" . inds:USem72398sorbo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem72399sorba ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72398sorbo is sorbo" ; rdfs:label " sorbo_as_Plant" . inds:USem72399sorba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem72398sorbo ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72399sorba is sorba" ; rdfs:label " sorba_as_Fruit" . inds:USem72400inquadratura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72400inquadratura is inquadratura" ; rdfs:label " inquadratura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72401mascherina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72401mascherina is mascherina" ; rdfs:label " mascherina_as_Clothing" . inds:USem72402radioascoltatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59472ascoltare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72402radioascoltatore is radioascoltatore" ; rdfs:label " radioascoltatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72403sopravento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72403sopravento is sopravento" ; rdfs:label " sopravento_as_Part" . inds:USem72404mascherina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72404mascherina is mascherina" ; rdfs:label " mascherina_as_Human" . inds:USem72406sofisticheria simple:hasIsa inds:USem6326ragionamento ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72406sofisticheria is sofisticheria" ; rdfs:label " sofisticheria_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem72407mascherina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72407mascherina is mascherina" ; rdfs:label " mascherina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72408insania simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72408insania is insania" ; rdfs:label " insania_as_Act" . inds:USem72409smanceria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72409smanceria is smanceria" ; rdfs:label " smanceria_as_Act" . inds:USem72411sprone simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3303motivo ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72411sprone is sprone" ; rdfs:label " sprone_as_Agentive" . inds:USem72412insediare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72412insediare is insediare" ; rdfs:label " insediare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72413maomettano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72413maomettano is maomettano" ; rdfs:label " maomettano_as_Ideo" . inds:USem72414insediare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72414insediare is insediare" ; rdfs:label " insediare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem72415manganellata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem65831manganello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72415manganellata is manganellata" ; rdfs:label " manganellata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72416mandragola simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72416mandragola is mandragola" ; rdfs:label " mandragola_as_Plant" . inds:USem72417mandriano simple:hasIsa inds:USem68724guardiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72417mandriano is mandriano" ; rdfs:label " mandriano_as_Profession" . inds:USem72418maltese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77889malta ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72418maltese is maltese" ; rdfs:label " maltese_as_People" . inds:USem72419sagrato simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72419sagrato is sagrato" ; rdfs:label " sagrato_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem72420mallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72420mallo is mallo" ; rdfs:label " mallo_as_Part" . inds:USem72421malia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72421malia is malia" ; rdfs:label " malia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72423soprascarpa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72423soprascarpa is soprascarpa" ; rdfs:label " soprascarpa_as_Clothing" . inds:USem72424malia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72424malia is malia" ; rdfs:label " malia_as_Property" . inds:USem72425malgarbo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72425malgarbo is malgarbo" ; rdfs:label " malgarbo_as_Act" . inds:USem72426malevolenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72426malevolenza is malevolenza" ; rdfs:label " malevolenza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem72427steccato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7386recinto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD7387recingere ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72427steccato is steccato" ; rdfs:label " steccato_as_Artifact" . inds:USem72428magia simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72428magia is magia" ; rdfs:label " magia_as_Domain" . inds:USem72429stellina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72429stellina is stellina" ; rdfs:label " stellina_as_Human" . inds:USem72430stellina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72430stellina is stellina" ; rdfs:label " stellina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem72431magia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72431magia is magia" ; rdfs:label " magia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72432magia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72432magia is magia" ; rdfs:label " magia_as_Property" . inds:USem72433straniero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72433straniero is straniero" ; rdfs:label " straniero_as_Human" . inds:USem72434magra simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5089fiume, inds:USem64814torrente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72434magra is magra" ; rdfs:label " magra_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem72435magra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72435magra is magra" ; rdfs:label " magra_as_State" . inds:USem72436malafede simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72436malafede is malafede" ; rdfs:label " malafede_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72437malaugurio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72437malaugurio is malaugurio" ; rdfs:label " malaugurio_as_Event" . inds:USem72438malavoglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72438malavoglia is malavoglia" ; rdfs:label " malavoglia_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem72439morena simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72439morena is morena" ; rdfs:label " morena_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem72440morchia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72440morchia is morchia" ; rdfs:label " morchia_as_Substance" . inds:USem72441motobarca simple:hasIsa inds:USem4307barca ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72441motobarca is motobarca" ; rdfs:label " motobarca_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem72442motivazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5641spiegazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72442motivazione is motivazione" ; rdfs:label " motivazione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem72443insediare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72443insediare is insediare" ; rdfs:label " insediare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72444insediamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72444insediamento is insediamento" ; rdfs:label " insediamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72445insorgenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72445insorgenza is insorgenza" ; rdfs:label " insorgenza_as_Change" . inds:USem72446insufficienza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72446insufficienza is insufficienza" ; rdfs:label " insufficienza_as_State" . inds:USem72447intelaiatura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2357sedia, inds:USem840veicolo, inds:USemD1184letto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72447intelaiatura is intelaiatura" ; rdfs:label " intelaiatura_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72448intelaiatura simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72448intelaiatura is intelaiatura" ; rdfs:label " intelaiatura_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72449intemperie simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72449intemperie is intemperie" ; rdfs:label " intemperie_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72450intendenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72450intendenza is intendenza" ; rdfs:label " intendenza_as_Institution" . inds:USem72451intercalare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72451intercalare is intercalare" ; rdfs:label " intercalare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72452intercapedine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72452intercapedine is intercapedine" ; rdfs:label " intercapedine_as_Opening" . inds:USem72453intercettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72453intercettare is intercettare" ; rdfs:label " intercettare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72454intercettazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem59472ascoltare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72454intercettazione is intercettazione" ; rdfs:label " intercettazione_as_Perception" . inds:USem72455intercettazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72455intercettazione is intercettazione" ; rdfs:label " intercettazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72456tonnetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72456tonnetto is tonnetto" ; rdfs:label " tonnetto_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem72457granchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72457granchio is granchio" ; rdfs:label " granchio_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem72458crostaceo simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72458crostaceo is crostaceo" ; rdfs:label " crostaceo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem72459ceca simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72459ceca is ceca" ; rdfs:label " ceca_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem72460mollusco simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72460mollusco is mollusco" ; rdfs:label " mollusco_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem72461palmizio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem65927dattero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72461palmizio is palmizio" ; rdfs:label " palmizio_as_Plant" . inds:USem72462palmizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1510olivo, inds:USem1511palma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72462palmizio is palmizio" ; rdfs:label " palmizio_as_Part" . inds:USem72463palto1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4825cappotto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72463palto1 is palto'" ; rdfs:label " palto'_as_Clothing" . inds:USem72464pampa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72464pampa is pampa" ; rdfs:label " pampa_as_Area" . inds:USem72465panacea simple:hasTelic inds:USem67392risolvere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72465panacea is panacea" ; rdfs:label " panacea_as_Telic" . inds:USem72466panamense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD66038panama ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72466panamense is panamense" ; rdfs:label " panamense_as_People" . inds:USem72467pancotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4244minestra ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72467pancotto is pancotto" ; rdfs:label " pancotto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem72468pandoro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72468pandoro is pandoro" ; rdfs:label " pandoro_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem72469panatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72469panatica is panatica" ; rdfs:label " panatica_as_Food" . inds:USem72470mormone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem78037mormonismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72470mormone is mormone" ; rdfs:label " mormone_as_Ideo" . inds:USem72471panegirico simple:hasIsa inds:USem78915elogio ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72471panegirico is panegirico" ; rdfs:label " panegirico_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72472paniera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2374cesta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72472paniera is paniera" ; rdfs:label " paniera_as_Container" . inds:USem72473interdetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem6943convenzione ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72473interdetto is interdetto" ; rdfs:label " interdetto_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem72474panificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72474panificio is panificio" ; rdfs:label " panificio_as_Building" . inds:USem72475panneggio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD66006piega ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72475panneggio is panneggio" ; rdfs:label " panneggio_as_Group" . inds:USem72476pannicolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72476pannicolo is pannicolo" ; rdfs:label " pannicolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem72477panneggio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72477panneggio is panneggio" ; rdfs:label " panneggio_as_Representation" . inds:USem72478interfono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72478interfono is interfono" ; rdfs:label " interfono_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72479interlocutore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem67407parlare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72479interlocutore is interlocutore" ; rdfs:label " interlocutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72480intermediario simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem66924mediare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72480intermediario is intermediario" ; rdfs:label " intermediario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72481intermediazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72481intermediazione is intermediazione" ; rdfs:label " intermediazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72482alce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72482alce is alce" ; rdfs:label " alce_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem72483interposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72483interposizione is interposizione" ; rdfs:label " interposizione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72484capriolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72484capriolo is capriolo" ; rdfs:label " capriolo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem72485interpretazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72485interpretazione is interpretazione" ; rdfs:label " interpretazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72487ranocchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72487ranocchio is ranocchio" ; rdfs:label " ranocchio_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem72489interprete simple:hasIsa inds:USem63576traduttore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem63572tradurre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72489interprete is interprete" ; rdfs:label " interprete_as_Profession" . inds:USem72490interprete simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem72488interpretare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72490interprete is interprete" ; rdfs:label " interprete_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72491interramento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72491interramento is interramento" ; rdfs:label " interramento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72492interregno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem67809regno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72492interregno is interregno" ; rdfs:label " interregno_as_Time" . inds:USem72493intervento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72493intervento is intervento" ; rdfs:label " intervento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72494intervento simple:hasIsa inds:USem74847discorso ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72494intervento is intervento" ; rdfs:label " intervento_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72495intervenire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72495intervenire is intervenire" ; rdfs:label " intervenire_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72496intervento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72496intervento is intervento" ; rdfs:label " intervento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72498intestazione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7033lettera ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72498intestazione is intestazione" ; rdfs:label " intestazione_as_Information" . inds:USem72499intestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72499intestazione is intestazione" ; rdfs:label " intestazione_as_Transaction" . inds:USem72500intimazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72500intimazione is intimazione" ; rdfs:label " intimazione_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72501intimidazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Commissive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72501intimidazione is intimidazione" ; rdfs:label " intimidazione_as_Commissive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72502intramuscolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72502intramuscolare is intramuscolare" ; rdfs:label " intramuscolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72503invertebrato simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4767fauna ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72503invertebrato is invertebrato" ; rdfs:label " invertebrato_as_Animal" . inds:USem72504investimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72504investimento is investimento" ; rdfs:label " investimento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72506pantano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72506pantano is pantano" ; rdfs:label " pantano_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem72507pantano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72507pantano is pantano" ; rdfs:label " pantano_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem72508sonaglio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72508sonaglio is sonaglio" ; rdfs:label " sonaglio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72509pantheon simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72509pantheon is pantheon" ; rdfs:label " pantheon_as_Building" . inds:USem72510sonaglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3315serpente ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72510sonaglio is sonaglio" ; rdfs:label " sonaglio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem72511smeraldo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3152smeraldo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72511smeraldo is smeraldo" ; rdfs:label " smeraldo_as_Clothing" . inds:USem72512panzana simple:hasIsa inds:USem67861bugia ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72512panzana is panzana" ; rdfs:label " panzana_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72513talismano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63663portafortuna ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72513talismano is talismano" ; rdfs:label " talismano_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem72514pappata simple:hasIsa inds:USem71962mangiata ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72514pappata is pappata" ; rdfs:label " pappata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72515paprika simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD63739peperoncino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60679condimento ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem59892macinare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72515paprika is paprika" ; rdfs:label " paprika_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem72516traversia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72516traversia is traversia" ; rdfs:label " traversia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72517paraguaiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD66043paraguay ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72517paraguaiano is paraguaiano" ; rdfs:label " paraguaiano_as_People" . inds:USem72518traversia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72518traversia is traversia" ; rdfs:label " traversia_as_Event" . inds:USem72519paralipomeni simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72519paralipomeni is paralipomeni" ; rdfs:label " paralipomeni_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem72520parasole simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3310ombrello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72520parasole is parasole" ; rdfs:label " parasole_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72521parato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2992rivestimento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2613rivestire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72521parato is parato" ; rdfs:label " parato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem72522parlata simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72522parlata is parlata" ; rdfs:label " parlata_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72523tirchieria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72523tirchieria is tirchieria" ; rdfs:label " tirchieria_as_Act" . inds:USem72524parolona simple:hasIsa inds:USem0D65567parola ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72524parolona is parolona" ; rdfs:label " parolona_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72526parrucchino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72526parrucchino is parrucchino" ; rdfs:label " parrucchino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem72527tirchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72527tirchio is tirchio" ; rdfs:label " tirchio_as_Human" . inds:USem72528tirchieria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem72525tirchio ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72528tirchieria is tirchieria" ; rdfs:label " tirchieria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72529investimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72529investimento is investimento" ; rdfs:label " investimento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72530invetriata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72530invetriata is invetriata" ; rdfs:label " invetriata_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72532sveltezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem72000svelto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72532sveltezza is sveltezza" ; rdfs:label " sveltezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72533parlottare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72533parlottare is parlottare" ; rdfs:label " parlottare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72535invito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72535invito is invito" ; rdfs:label " invito_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72536invito simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72536invito is invito" ; rdfs:label " invito_as_Information" . inds:USem72537tachicardia simple:hasAffects inds:USem1769cuore ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem74135battito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069694aritmia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72537tachicardia is tachicardia" ; rdfs:label " tachicardia_as_Disease" . inds:USem72539torcicollo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1762collo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72539torcicollo is torcicollo" ; rdfs:label " torcicollo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72540involto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72540involto is involto" ; rdfs:label " involto_as_Group" . inds:USem72541parlottio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72541parlottio is parlottio" ; rdfs:label " parlottio_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72542ipnotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72542ipnotismo is ipnotismo" ; rdfs:label " ipnotismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem72543ipocrita simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67296ipocrisia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72543ipocrita is ipocrita" ; rdfs:label " ipocrita_as_Human" . inds:USem72544parruccone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72544parruccone is parruccone" ; rdfs:label " parruccone_as_Human" . inds:USem72545irlandese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63393irlanda ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2155irlanda ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72545irlandese is irlandese" ; rdfs:label " irlandese_as_People" . inds:USem72546rigatino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72546rigatino is rigatino" ; rdfs:label " rigatino_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem72547rigatino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72547rigatino is rigatino" ; rdfs:label " rigatino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem72548irlandese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72548irlandese is irlandese" ; rdfs:label " irlandese_as_Language" . inds:USem72549irradiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72549irradiare is irradiare" ; rdfs:label " irradiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72550roseto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72550roseto is roseto" ; rdfs:label " roseto_as_Plant" . inds:USem72551aridita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62207arido ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72551aridita1 is aridita'" ; rdfs:label " aridita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72552irradiazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72552irradiazione is irradiazione" ; rdfs:label " irradiazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72553arrembaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72553arrembaggio is arrembaggio" ; rdfs:label " arrembaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72554artificiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65906artificioso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72554artificiosita1 is artificiosita'" ; rdfs:label " artificiosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem72555aridita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62195arido ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72555aridita1 is aridita'" ; rdfs:label " aridita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem72556ricevitoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72556ricevitoria is ricevitoria" ; rdfs:label " ricevitoria_as_Building" . inds:USem72557asciugatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72557asciugatura is asciugatura" ; rdfs:label " asciugatura_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72558scanno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72558scanno is scanno" ; rdfs:label " scanno_as_Furniture" . inds:USem72559irrigidimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63876irrigidito ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72559irrigidimento is irrigidimento" ; rdfs:label " irrigidimento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72560assurdo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72560assurdo is assurdo" ; rdfs:label " assurdo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72562autocombustione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72562autocombustione is autocombustione" ; rdfs:label " autocombustione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72564bagarinaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4991vendita ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72564bagarinaggio is bagarinaggio" ; rdfs:label " bagarinaggio_as_Transaction" . inds:USem72565ostia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72565ostia is ostia" ; rdfs:label " ostia_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem72566bagnatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6916bagnato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72566bagnatura is bagnatura" ; rdfs:label " bagnatura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72567isba simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72567isba is isba" ; rdfs:label " isba_as_Building" . inds:USem72568ostia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3707sfoglia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72568ostia is ostia" ; rdfs:label " ostia_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem72569islandese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63409islanda ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2156islanda ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72569islandese is islandese" ; rdfs:label " islandese_as_People" . inds:USem72570isocianato simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3114acido, inds:USem3700base ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72570isocianato is isocianato" ; rdfs:label " isocianato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem72571particola simple:hasIsa inds:USem72565ostia ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72571particola is particola" ; rdfs:label " particola_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem72572scalzacane simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72572scalzacane is scalzacane" ; rdfs:label " scalzacane_as_Human" . inds:USem72573particolarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1948attributo ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem79029particolare ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72573particolarita1 is particolarita'" ; rdfs:label " particolarita'_as_Property" . inds:USem72574particolarita1 simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59888elemento ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72574particolarita1 is particolarita'" ; rdfs:label " particolarita'_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72575isolamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72575isolamento is isolamento" ; rdfs:label " isolamento_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem72576pappagorgia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5401tessuto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72576pappagorgia is pappagorgia" ; rdfs:label " pappagorgia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem72577isolamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72577isolamento is isolamento" ; rdfs:label " isolamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72579battibaleno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3381momento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72579battibaleno is battibaleno" ; rdfs:label " battibaleno_as_Time" . inds:USem72582boccata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72582boccata is boccata" ; rdfs:label " boccata_as_Amount" . inds:USem72583stereoscopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72583stereoscopio is stereoscopio" ; rdfs:label " stereoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72584beccheggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72584beccheggio is beccheggio" ; rdfs:label " beccheggio_as_Move" . inds:USem72586retropalco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2285teatro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72586retropalco is retropalco" ; rdfs:label " retropalco_as_Part" . inds:USem72587bicchierata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72587bicchierata is bicchierata" ; rdfs:label " bicchierata_as_Act" . inds:USem72588isolamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72588isolamento is isolamento" ; rdfs:label " isolamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72589bonarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem74660bonario ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72589bonarieta1 is bonarieta'" ; rdfs:label " bonarieta'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72590borseggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72590borseggio is borseggio" ; rdfs:label " borseggio_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem72591isolano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63401isola ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem6842isola ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72591isolano is isolano" ; rdfs:label " isolano_as_People" . inds:USem72592ispettorato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72592ispettorato is ispettorato" ; rdfs:label " ispettorato_as_Institution" . inds:USem72593ispettorato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63706ispettore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72593ispettorato is ispettorato" ; rdfs:label " ispettorato_as_Building" . inds:USem72594zeppa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5590cuneo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72594zeppa is zeppa" ; rdfs:label " zeppa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72595israeliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63402israele ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2157israele ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72595israeliano is israeliano" ; rdfs:label " israeliano_as_People" . inds:USem72596istanza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5387redigere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72596istanza is istanza" ; rdfs:label " istanza_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem72597istanza simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72597istanza is istanza" ; rdfs:label " istanza_as_Information" . inds:USem72598partigianeria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78310partigiano ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72598partigianeria is partigianeria" ; rdfs:label " partigianeria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72599istigazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72599istigazione is istigazione" ; rdfs:label " istigazione_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem72600zeppa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4774scarpa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72600zeppa is zeppa" ; rdfs:label " zeppa_as_Part" . inds:USem72601iugoslavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63405iugoslavia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2160iugoslavia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72601iugoslavo is iugoslavo" ; rdfs:label " iugoslavo_as_People" . inds:USem72603zeppa simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72603zeppa is zeppa" ; rdfs:label " zeppa_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem72604jogging simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72604jogging is jogging" ; rdfs:label " jogging_as_Domain" . inds:USem72605kart simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72605kart is kart" ; rdfs:label " kart_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem72606killer simple:hasAgentive inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62271omicida ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72606killer is killer" ; rdfs:label " killer_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72607lacca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2679fissare, inds:USemD2753colorare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72607lacca is lacca" ; rdfs:label " lacca_as_Substance" . inds:USem72608pascia1 simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD66053pascia1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72608pascia1 is pascia'" ; rdfs:label " pascia'_as_Convention" . inds:USem72609lacche1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem64687servitore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1663servire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72609lacche1 is lacche'" ; rdfs:label " lacche'_as_Profession" . inds:USem72610lacche1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72610lacche1 is lacche'" ; rdfs:label " lacche'_as_Human" . inds:USem72611laccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72611laccio is laccio" ; rdfs:label " laccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72612laccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3184filo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2937indumento, inds:USem4774scarpa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72612laccio is laccio" ; rdfs:label " laccio_as_Part" . inds:USem72613sentenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72613sentenza is sentenza" ; rdfs:label " sentenza_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72614lacciolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72614lacciolo is lacciolo" ; rdfs:label " lacciolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72615pascia1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72615pascia1 is pascia'" ; rdfs:label " pascia'_as_Human" . inds:USem72616lacerto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72616lacerto is lacerto" ; rdfs:label " lacerto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem72617lacuna simple:hasIsa inds:USem61479mancanza ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72617lacuna is lacuna" ; rdfs:label " lacuna_as_State" . inds:USem72618passamaneria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD66054passamano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72618passamaneria is passamaneria" ; rdfs:label " passamaneria_as_Group" . inds:USem72619ladreria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72619ladreria is ladreria" ; rdfs:label " ladreria_as_Act" . inds:USem72620ladrone simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7139rubare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63912ladro ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72620ladrone is ladrone" ; rdfs:label " ladrone_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72622laicato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72622laicato is laicato" ; rdfs:label " laicato_as_State" . inds:USem72623lamella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72623lamella is lamella" ; rdfs:label " lamella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72624lamina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem831lastra ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72624lamina is lamina" ; rdfs:label " lamina_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem72625laminatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72625laminatura is laminatura" ; rdfs:label " laminatura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72626passamaneria simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD66054passamano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72626passamaneria is passamaneria" ; rdfs:label " passamaneria_as_Building" . inds:USem72627lampara simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67946lampada ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72627lampara is lampara" ; rdfs:label " lampara_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72628passamano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72628passamano is passamano" ; rdfs:label " passamano_as_Act" . inds:USem72629lanciagranate simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72629lanciagranate is lanciagranate" ; rdfs:label " lanciagranate_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72630pavoncella simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD573coda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72630pavoncella is pavoncella" ; rdfs:label " pavoncella_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem72631lando1 simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7091carrozza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72631lando1 is lando'" ; rdfs:label " lando'_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem72632lanetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72632lanetta is lanetta" ; rdfs:label " lanetta_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem72633lanugine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2912cute ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72633lanugine is lanugine" ; rdfs:label " lanugine_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem72635lapide simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7103incidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3000pietra, inds:USem4016marmo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72635lapide is lapide" ; rdfs:label " lapide_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem72636lapin simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6878pellicceria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72636lapin is lapin" ; rdfs:label " lapin_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem72637lappone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem64495lapponia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72637lappone is lappone" ; rdfs:label " lappone_as_People" . inds:USem72638larva simple:hasIsa inds:USem918essere ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72638larva is larva" ; rdfs:label " larva_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem72639larva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72639larva is larva" ; rdfs:label " larva_as_Human" . inds:USem72640lasciapassare simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60974documento ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72640lasciapassare is lasciapassare" ; rdfs:label " lasciapassare_as_Information" . inds:USem72641lasciapassare simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5387redigere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72641lasciapassare is lasciapassare" ; rdfs:label " lasciapassare_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem72642contenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72642contenere is contenere" ; rdfs:label " contenere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72643contenimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72643contenimento is contenimento" ; rdfs:label " contenimento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72644passatoia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64634tappeto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72644passatoia is passatoia" ; rdfs:label " passatoia_as_Furniture" . inds:USem72645passatoia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60395collegare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72645passatoia is passatoia" ; rdfs:label " passatoia_as_Building" . inds:USem72646passeggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72646passeggio is passeggio" ; rdfs:label " passeggio_as_Move" . inds:USem72649passeggio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72649passeggio is passeggio" ; rdfs:label " passeggio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72650brinata simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72650brinata is brinata" ; rdfs:label " brinata_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72651brutalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62109brutale ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72651brutalita1 is brutalita'" ; rdfs:label " brutalita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72652burlesco simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72652burlesco is burlesco" ; rdfs:label " burlesco_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72653passino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6276filtrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72653passino is passino" ; rdfs:label " passino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72654pastella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59564friggere ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72654pastella is pastella" ; rdfs:label " pastella_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem72655pastetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72655pastetta is pastetta" ; rdfs:label " pastetta_as_Event" . inds:USem72656buttata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72656buttata is buttata" ; rdfs:label " buttata_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72659sillogismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6326ragionamento ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72659sillogismo is sillogismo" ; rdfs:label " sillogismo_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem72660cagnara simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72660cagnara is cagnara" ; rdfs:label " cagnara_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem72661calcolatrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59347calcolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72661calcolatrice is calcolatrice" ; rdfs:label " calcolatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72662tempaccio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72662tempaccio is tempaccio" ; rdfs:label " tempaccio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72663camarilla simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72663camarilla is camarilla" ; rdfs:label " camarilla_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72665pasticcione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72665pasticcione is pasticcione" ; rdfs:label " pasticcione_as_Human" . inds:USem72666pastoia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3739fune ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72666pastoia is pastoia" ; rdfs:label " pastoia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72669pastoia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem66513intralciare ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72669pastoia is pastoia" ; rdfs:label " pastoia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72670taumaturgo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72670taumaturgo is taumaturgo" ; rdfs:label " taumaturgo_as_Human" . inds:USem72671zizzania simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72671zizzania is zizzania" ; rdfs:label " zizzania_as_Plant" . inds:USem72672zizzania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72672zizzania is zizzania" ; rdfs:label " zizzania_as_State" . inds:USem72673capoufficio simple:hasIsa inds:USem5480direttore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72673capoufficio is capoufficio" ; rdfs:label " capoufficio_as_Profession" . inds:USem72674rotella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72674rotella is rotella" ; rdfs:label " rotella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72675cappelleria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5300laboratorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72675cappelleria is cappelleria" ; rdfs:label " cappelleria_as_Building" . inds:USem72676rotella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72676rotella is rotella" ; rdfs:label " rotella_as_Part" . inds:USem72677carabattola simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72677carabattola is carabattola" ; rdfs:label " carabattola_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72678rotella simple:hasIsa inds:USem72363ingranaggio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD63698congegno ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72678rotella is rotella" ; rdfs:label " rotella_as_Part" . inds:USem72679carbonizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72679carbonizzazione is carbonizzazione" ; rdfs:label " carbonizzazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72680cardiopalmo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60157spavento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72680cardiopalmo is cardiopalmo" ; rdfs:label " cardiopalmo_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem72681carnaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem71799fossa ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72681carnaio is carnaio" ; rdfs:label " carnaio_as_Opening" . inds:USem72682carnaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72682carnaio is carnaio" ; rdfs:label " carnaio_as_Location" . inds:USem72683sineresi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72683sineresi is sineresi" ; rdfs:label " sineresi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem72684carovana simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64235viaggiatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72684carovana is carovana" ; rdfs:label " carovana_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72685carovana simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72685carovana is carovana" ; rdfs:label " carovana_as_Group" . inds:USem72686sporcaccione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72686sporcaccione is sporcaccione" ; rdfs:label " sporcaccione_as_Human" . inds:USem72687insaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72687insaccare is insaccare" ; rdfs:label " insaccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72688trattino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72688trattino is trattino" ; rdfs:label " trattino_as_Sign" . inds:USem72689contorcere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66062contorto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72689contorcere is contorcere" ; rdfs:label " contorcere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72690contorcere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72690contorcere is contorcere" ; rdfs:label " contorcere_as_Move" . inds:USem72691stanghetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD66064serratura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72691stanghetta is stanghetta" ; rdfs:label " stanghetta_as_Part" . inds:USem72694contorsione simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72694contorsione is contorsione" ; rdfs:label " contorsione_as_Move" . inds:USem72696contrabbando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72696contrabbando is contrabbando" ; rdfs:label " contrabbando_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72697carpenteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72697carpenteria is carpenteria" ; rdfs:label " carpenteria_as_Domain" . inds:USem72698carrellata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72698carrellata is carrellata" ; rdfs:label " carrellata_as_Act" . inds:USem72699casalingo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72699casalingo is casalingo" ; rdfs:label " casalingo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72700cassero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem68580veliero ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72700cassero is cassero" ; rdfs:label " cassero_as_Part" . inds:USem72701stanghetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4933occhiale ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72701stanghetta is stanghetta" ; rdfs:label " stanghetta_as_Part" . inds:USem72702casta simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6162classe ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72702casta is casta" ; rdfs:label " casta_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72703contrattazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72703contrattazione is contrattazione" ; rdfs:label " contrattazione_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem72704contorcimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72704contorcimento is contorcimento" ; rdfs:label " contorcimento_as_Move" . inds:USem72706solleone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72706solleone is solleone" ; rdfs:label " solleone_as_Time" . inds:USem72707triturare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72707triturare is triturare" ; rdfs:label " triturare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem72708solleone simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72708solleone is solleone" ; rdfs:label " solleone_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72711contrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD64013contratto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72711contrazione is contrazione" ; rdfs:label " contrazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72712causalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72712causalita1 is causalita'" ; rdfs:label " causalita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem72713cavata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72713cavata is cavata" ; rdfs:label " cavata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72714contrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60191diminuzione ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72714contrazione is contrazione" ; rdfs:label " contrazione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem72715cavicchio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem68058legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59753appendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72715cavicchio is cavicchio" ; rdfs:label " cavicchio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72716sentenza simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72716sentenza is sentenza" ; rdfs:label " sentenza_as_Information" . inds:USem72717celebrita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72717celebrita1 is celebrita'" ; rdfs:label " celebrita'_as_State" . inds:USem72719centuria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72719centuria is centuria" ; rdfs:label " centuria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72720celebrita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72720celebrita1 is celebrita'" ; rdfs:label " celebrita'_as_Human" . inds:USem72721celerita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72721celerita1 is celerita'" ; rdfs:label " celerita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem72722acconciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72722acconciare is acconciare" ; rdfs:label " acconciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72724pastrano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4825cappotto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72724pastrano is pastrano" ; rdfs:label " pastrano_as_Clothing" . inds:USem72726pastura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72726pastura is pastura" ; rdfs:label " pastura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72728pastura simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72728pastura is pastura" ; rdfs:label " pastura_as_Area" . inds:USem72729chiacchierone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD7343chiacchierare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72729chiacchierone is chiacchierone" ; rdfs:label " chiacchierone_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem72730chiassata simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72730chiassata is chiassata" ; rdfs:label " chiassata_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem72731pastura simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5460bestiame ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72731pastura is pastura" ; rdfs:label " pastura_as_Food" . inds:USem72732chinina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72732chinina is chinina" ; rdfs:label " chinina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem72733sentenza simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem4834scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72733sentenza is sentenza" ; rdfs:label " sentenza_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem72734chinotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD66066chinotto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72734chinotto is chinotto" ; rdfs:label " chinotto_as_Plant" . inds:USem72735chinotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD66066chinotto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72735chinotto is chinotto" ; rdfs:label " chinotto_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem72736tabellone simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69233cartellone ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72736tabellone is tabellone" ; rdfs:label " tabellone_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem72737convivenza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72737convivenza is convivenza" ; rdfs:label " convivenza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72738convivenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72738convivenza is convivenza" ; rdfs:label " convivenza_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem72739tabellone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72739tabellone is tabellone" ; rdfs:label " tabellone_as_Information" . inds:USem72740coordinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72740coordinazione is coordinazione" ; rdfs:label " coordinazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72741narcotizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72741narcotizzare is narcotizzare" ; rdfs:label " narcotizzare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem72742copiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5603copia ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72742copiatura is copiatura" ; rdfs:label " copiatura_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem72743secchione simple:hasContains inds:USem3881calcestruzzo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72743secchione is secchione" ; rdfs:label " secchione_as_Container" . inds:USem72745chiusino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2379coperchio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72745chiusino is chiusino" ; rdfs:label " chiusino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72746ciac simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem68058legno ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64931individuare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72746ciac is ciac" ; rdfs:label " ciac_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72747curvare simple:hasIsa inds:USem68416piegare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66068curvato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72747curvare is curvare" ; rdfs:label " curvare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72748curvatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66068curvato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72748curvatura is curvatura" ; rdfs:label " curvatura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72750secchione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60848alunno ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72750secchione is secchione" ; rdfs:label " secchione_as_Human" . inds:USem72751curvare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74673piegare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66068curvato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72751curvare is curvare" ; rdfs:label " curvare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72752ciarlataneria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72752ciarlataneria is ciarlataneria" ; rdfs:label " ciarlataneria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72753spilungone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72753spilungone is spilungone" ; rdfs:label " spilungone_as_Human" . inds:USem72754patibolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72754patibolo is patibolo" ; rdfs:label " patibolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72755curvare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72755curvare is curvare" ; rdfs:label " curvare_as_Move" . inds:USem72756ciclocross simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72756ciclocross is ciclocross" ; rdfs:label " ciclocross_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72758danneggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6328danneggiato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72758danneggiamento is danneggiamento" ; rdfs:label " danneggiamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72759stenodattilografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72759stenodattilografia is stenodattilografia" ; rdfs:label " stenodattilografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem72760patibolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem69490palco ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72760patibolo is patibolo" ; rdfs:label " patibolo_as_Artifact" . inds:USem72761pechinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD66069pechino ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72761pechinese is pechinese" ; rdfs:label " pechinese_as_People" . inds:USem72762pechinese simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72762pechinese is pechinese" ; rdfs:label " pechinese_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem72763datare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72763datare is datare" ; rdfs:label " datare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72764datazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72764datazione is datazione" ; rdfs:label " datazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72765decadimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72765decadimento is decadimento" ; rdfs:label " decadimento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72766decadimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63583decaduto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72766decadimento is decadimento" ; rdfs:label " decadimento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72767decadenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66071decaduto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72767decadenza is decadenza" ; rdfs:label " decadenza_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72768decadere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72768decadere is decadere" ; rdfs:label " decadere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72769decadenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72769decadenza is decadenza" ; rdfs:label " decadenza_as_Time" . inds:USem72770decentrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72770decentrare is decentrare" ; rdfs:label " decentrare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem72771decentramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66072decentrato ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72771decentramento is decentramento" ; rdfs:label " decentramento_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem72772declinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61470essere ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72772declinare is declinare" ; rdfs:label " declinare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem72773declinare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3983diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72773declinare is declinare" ; rdfs:label " declinare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem72774civilta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem75913civile ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72774civilta1 is civilta'" ; rdfs:label " civilta'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72775declinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72775declinare is declinare" ; rdfs:label " declinare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem72776civilta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72776civilta1 is civilta'" ; rdfs:label " civilta'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem72777declinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72777declinare is declinare" ; rdfs:label " declinare_as_Change" . inds:USem72778declino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72778declino is declino" ; rdfs:label " declino_as_Change" . inds:USem72779declino simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem74754diminuzione ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72779declino is declino" ; rdfs:label " declino_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem72780cocaina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5341drogare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72780cocaina is cocaina" ; rdfs:label " cocaina_as_Substance" . inds:USem72782decodificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem66379interpretare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72782decodificazione is decodificazione" ; rdfs:label " decodificazione_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem72783decollo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72783decollo is decollo" ; rdfs:label " decollo_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem72784coedizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem71652edizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72784coedizione is coedizione" ; rdfs:label " coedizione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72785decollare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79056iniziare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72785decollare is decollare" ; rdfs:label " decollare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem72786decollo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60068inizio ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72786decollo is decollo" ; rdfs:label " decollo_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem72787coerede simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7153ereditare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71685erede ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72787coerede is coerede" ; rdfs:label " coerede_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72789negozio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3577impresa ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72789negozio is negozio" ; rdfs:label " negozio_as_Institution" . inds:USem72791colmata simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66074colmato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72791colmata is colmata" ; rdfs:label " colmata_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72792colpevole simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65981colpevolezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72792colpevole is colpevole" ; rdfs:label " colpevole_as_Human" . inds:USem72793ammanettare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2441manetta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72793ammanettare is ammanettare" ; rdfs:label " ammanettare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72794deformare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemTH43870deformato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72794deformare is deformare" ; rdfs:label " deformare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72795deformare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemTH43870deformato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72795deformare is deformare" ; rdfs:label " deformare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72796combattivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65776combattivo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72796combattivita1 is combattivita'" ; rdfs:label " combattivita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72797deformazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemTH43870deformato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72797deformazione is deformazione" ; rdfs:label " deformazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72798comicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65513comico ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72798comicita1 is comicita'" ; rdfs:label " comicita'_as_Property" . inds:USem72799degenerazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7258degenerato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72799degenerazione is degenerazione" ; rdfs:label " degenerazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72800degradare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72800degradare is degradare" ; rdfs:label " degradare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72801comiziante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD439parlare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72801comiziante is comiziante" ; rdfs:label " comiziante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72802commerciabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66080commerciabile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72802commerciabilita1 is commerciabilita'" ; rdfs:label " commerciabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem72803degradare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem72808degradazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72803degradare is degradare" ; rdfs:label " degradare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem72804degradazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66078degradato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72804degradazione is degradazione" ; rdfs:label " degradazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72805committenza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64135committente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72805committenza is committenza" ; rdfs:label " committenza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72806degradazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72806degradazione is degradazione" ; rdfs:label " degradazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72807complessione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72807complessione is complessione" ; rdfs:label " complessione_as_State" . inds:USem72808degradazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72808degradazione is degradazione" ; rdfs:label " degradazione_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem72809pecora simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1133pecora ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72809pecora is pecora" ; rdfs:label " pecora_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem72810degrado simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66078degradato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72810degrado is degrado" ; rdfs:label " degrado_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72812belato simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1133pecora, inds:USem1928capra ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72812belato is belato" ; rdfs:label " belato_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72813denominazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72813denominazione is denominazione" ; rdfs:label " denominazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72814depurazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66082depurato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72814depurazione is depurazione" ; rdfs:label " depurazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72815deriva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72815deriva is deriva" ; rdfs:label " deriva_as_Part" . inds:USem72816capra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1928capra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72816capra is capra" ; rdfs:label " capra_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem72817capra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72817capra is capra" ; rdfs:label " capra_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem72818capra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72818capra is capra" ; rdfs:label " capra_as_Human" . inds:USem72819comunella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72819comunella is comunella" ; rdfs:label " comunella_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72820destinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72820destinazione is destinazione" ; rdfs:label " destinazione_as_Location" . inds:USem72821comunella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2929chiave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1068aprire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72821comunella is comunella" ; rdfs:label " comunella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72822comunicabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66083comunicabile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72822comunicabilita1 is comunicabilita'" ; rdfs:label " comunicabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem72823caprone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72823caprone is caprone" ; rdfs:label " caprone_as_Human" . inds:USem72824destinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72824destinazione is destinazione" ; rdfs:label " destinazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72825comunicando simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem74919comunicare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72825comunicando is comunicando" ; rdfs:label " comunicando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72826destinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72826destinazione is destinazione" ; rdfs:label " destinazione_as_Location" . inds:USem72827detenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72827detenere is detenere" ; rdfs:label " detenere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72828purgare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72828purgare is purgare" ; rdfs:label " purgare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72829detenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Stative_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72829detenzione is detenzione" ; rdfs:label " detenzione_as_Stative_Possession" . inds:USem72830conciliabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66085conciliabile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72830conciliabilita1 is conciliabilita'" ; rdfs:label " conciliabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem72832purgare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1941correggere ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem60203migliorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72832purgare is purgare" ; rdfs:label " purgare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72833detenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72833detenzione is detenzione" ; rdfs:label " detenzione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72834confetteria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4501confetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72834confetteria is confetteria" ; rdfs:label " confetteria_as_Building" . inds:USem72835ovino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1928capra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1133pecora ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72835ovino is ovino" ; rdfs:label " ovino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem72836purgare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72836purgare is purgare" ; rdfs:label " purgare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem72837deteriorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66087deteriorato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72837deteriorare is deteriorare" ; rdfs:label " deteriorare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72838purgare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72838purgare is purgare" ; rdfs:label " purgare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72840mungere simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1133pecora, inds:USem1928capra, inds:USem63236mucca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72840mungere is mungere" ; rdfs:label " mungere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72841deteriorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66087deteriorato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72841deteriorare is deteriorare" ; rdfs:label " deteriorare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72842conformita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72842conformita1 is conformita'" ; rdfs:label " conformita'_as_State" . inds:USem72843pedaliera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina, inds:USem870bicicletta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72843pedaliera is pedaliera" ; rdfs:label " pedaliera_as_Part" . inds:USem72844deterioramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66087deteriorato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72844deterioramento is deterioramento" ; rdfs:label " deterioramento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72845patriziato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem5558aristocratico, inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6162classe ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72845patriziato is patriziato" ; rdfs:label " patriziato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72846patrizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia, inds:USem6874nobilta1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72846patrizio is patrizio" ; rdfs:label " patrizio_as_Social_status" . inds:USem72847patron simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59143organizzare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71676organizzatore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72847patron is patron" ; rdfs:label " patron_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem72848pavese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63465pavia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2185pavia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72848pavese is pavese" ; rdfs:label " pavese_as_People" . inds:USem72850mungitura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1133pecora, inds:USem1928capra, inds:USem63236mucca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72850mungitura is mungitura" ; rdfs:label " mungitura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72851mohair simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72851mohair is mohair" ; rdfs:label " mohair_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem72852pavese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72852pavese is pavese" ; rdfs:label " pavese_as_Location" . inds:USem72853consolato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3587console ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72853consolato is consolato" ; rdfs:label " consolato_as_Convention" . inds:USem72855pediatria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3593bambino, inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7083reparto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60931ospedale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72855pediatria is pediatria" ; rdfs:label " pediatria_as_Building" . inds:USem72856consolato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3587console ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72856consolato is consolato" ; rdfs:label " consolato_as_Building" . inds:USem72857mohair simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1928capra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3167lana ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72857mohair is mohair" ; rdfs:label " mohair_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem72858tosare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1133pecora, inds:USem1915cane, inds:USem1928capra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72858tosare is tosare" ; rdfs:label " tosare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72859dimagrimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72859dimagrimento is dimagrimento" ; rdfs:label " dimagrimento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72860tosatura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1133pecora, inds:USem1915cane, inds:USem1928capra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72860tosatura is tosatura" ; rdfs:label " tosatura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72864contessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72864contessa is contessa" ; rdfs:label " contessa_as_Social_status" . inds:USem72865contiguita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72865contiguita1 is contiguita'" ; rdfs:label " contiguita'_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem72867continenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66088continente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72867continenza is continenza" ; rdfs:label " continenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72868contraccambio simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72868contraccambio is contraccambio" ; rdfs:label " contraccambio_as_Transaction" . inds:USem72869contraccezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72869contraccezione is contraccezione" ; rdfs:label " contraccezione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72870pediatria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72870pediatria is pediatria" ; rdfs:label " pediatria_as_Domain" . inds:USem72871contrario simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72871contrario is contrario" ; rdfs:label " contrario_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72872malaga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72872malaga is malaga" ; rdfs:label " malaga_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem72873contravveleno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem3110veleno ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72873contravveleno is contravveleno" ; rdfs:label " contravveleno_as_Substance" . inds:USem72874controaccusa simple:hasIsa inds:USem60252accusa ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72874controaccusa is controaccusa" ; rdfs:label " controaccusa_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72875controcorrente simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72875controcorrente is controcorrente" ; rdfs:label " controcorrente_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72876controinformazione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71060informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72876controinformazione is controinformazione" ; rdfs:label " controinformazione_as_Information" . inds:USem72877malaga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1534vite ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72877malaga is malaga" ; rdfs:label " malaga_as_Fruit" . inds:USem72878malaga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5190congelare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4511gelato ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72878malaga is malaga" ; rdfs:label " malaga_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem72879convertibile simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72879convertibile is convertibile" ; rdfs:label " convertibile_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem72880malalingua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72880malalingua is malalingua" ; rdfs:label " malalingua_as_Human" . inds:USem72881diradamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6125diradato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72881diradamento is diradamento" ; rdfs:label " diradamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72882diramare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72882diramare is diramare" ; rdfs:label " diramare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem72884diramazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72884diramazione is diramazione" ; rdfs:label " diramazione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem72885dirottamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72885dirottamento is dirottamento" ; rdfs:label " dirottamento_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem72886discesa simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72886discesa is discesa" ; rdfs:label " discesa_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem72887discesa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72887discesa is discesa" ; rdfs:label " discesa_as_Area" . inds:USem72888coordinamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72888coordinamento is coordinamento" ; rdfs:label " coordinamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72889discriminazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72889discriminazione is discriminazione" ; rdfs:label " discriminazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72890chiarificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3927spiegare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72890chiarificare is chiarificare" ; rdfs:label " chiarificare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem72891coordinamento simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72891coordinamento is coordinamento" ; rdfs:label " coordinamento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72892discriminazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72892discriminazione is discriminazione" ; rdfs:label " discriminazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72893copisteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6788riprodurre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72893copisteria is copisteria" ; rdfs:label " copisteria_as_Building" . inds:USem72894dislocamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72894dislocamento is dislocamento" ; rdfs:label " dislocamento_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem72895coprifuoco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72895coprifuoco is coprifuoco" ; rdfs:label " coprifuoco_as_Event" . inds:USem72896corazzata simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59751attaccare, inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72896corazzata is corazzata" ; rdfs:label " corazzata_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem72897corderia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem65638corda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72897corderia is corderia" ; rdfs:label " corderia_as_Building" . inds:USem72898dissapore simple:hasIsa inds:USem73123disaccordo ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72898dissapore is dissapore" ; rdfs:label " dissapore_as_State" . inds:USem72899cordonata simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem66420scalino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72899cordonata is cordonata" ; rdfs:label " cordonata_as_Part" . inds:USem72900corniola simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3420silicio ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72900corniola is corniola" ; rdfs:label " corniola_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem72901corpulenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66090corpulento ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72901corpulenza is corpulenza" ; rdfs:label " corpulenza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem72902correttivo simple:hasTelic inds:USemD1941correggere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72902correttivo is correttivo" ; rdfs:label " correttivo_as_Telic" . inds:USem72903costato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72903costato is costato" ; rdfs:label " costato_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem72904costato simple:hasIsa inds:USem67844parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72904costato is costato" ; rdfs:label " costato_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem72905coscienziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66092coscienzioso ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72905coscienziosita1 is coscienziosita'" ; rdfs:label " coscienziosita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72906cotoniere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72906cotoniere is cotoniere" ; rdfs:label " cotoniere_as_Profession" . inds:USem72907cote simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem67150molare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72907cote is cote" ; rdfs:label " cote_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72908cova simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USemD5177oviparo ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72908cova is cova" ; rdfs:label " cova_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72909covata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72909covata is covata" ; rdfs:label " covata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72910spazzolare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3372spazzola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72910spazzolare is spazzolare" ; rdfs:label " spazzolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72911crac simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72911crac is crac" ; rdfs:label " crac_as_Event" . inds:USem72912crapula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72912crapula is crapula" ; rdfs:label " crapula_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72913credibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62011credibile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72913credibilita1 is credibilita'" ; rdfs:label " credibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem72914confinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72914confinare is confinare" ; rdfs:label " confinare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem72915credibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62011credibile ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72915credibilita1 is credibilita'" ; rdfs:label " credibilita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72916credulita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66094credulo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72916credulita1 is credulita'" ; rdfs:label " credulita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72917cremasco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem74932crema ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72917cremasco is cremasco" ; rdfs:label " cremasco_as_People" . inds:USem72918militarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem5078militarismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72918militarista is militarista" ; rdfs:label " militarista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem72919marcio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72919marcio is marcio" ; rdfs:label " marcio_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem72920creso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72920creso is creso" ; rdfs:label " creso_as_Human" . inds:USem72921cretineria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6961cretino ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72921cretineria is cretineria" ; rdfs:label " cretineria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72922marcio simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72922marcio is marcio" ; rdfs:label " marcio_as_Perception" . inds:USem72923marcio simple:hasIsa inds:USem61550corruzione ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72923marcio is marcio" ; rdfs:label " marcio_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem72924modisteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72924modisteria is modisteria" ; rdfs:label " modisteria_as_Domain" . inds:USem72925modisteria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5300laboratorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72925modisteria is modisteria" ; rdfs:label " modisteria_as_Building" . inds:USem72926criminalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66099criminale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72926criminalita1 is criminalita'" ; rdfs:label " criminalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem72927milione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72927milione is milione" ; rdfs:label " milione_as_Amount" . inds:USem72928divario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72928divario is divario" ; rdfs:label " divario_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem72929documentazione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem60974documento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72929documentazione is documentazione" ; rdfs:label " documentazione_as_Group" . inds:USem72931documentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72931documentazione is documentazione" ; rdfs:label " documentazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72932criminalita1 simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72932criminalita1 is criminalita'" ; rdfs:label " criminalita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem72933criminalita1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem71548criminale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72933criminalita1 is criminalita'" ; rdfs:label " criminalita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72934criminalizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60545giudizio ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72934criminalizzazione is criminalizzazione" ; rdfs:label " criminalizzazione_as_Judgement" . inds:USem72935messia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72935messia is messia" ; rdfs:label " messia_as_Human" . inds:USem72936cristianita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62277cristiano ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72936cristianita1 is cristianita'" ; rdfs:label " cristianita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72937macchinetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65700caffettiera ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72937macchinetta is macchinetta" ; rdfs:label " macchinetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72938cristianita1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72938cristianita1 is cristianita'" ; rdfs:label " cristianita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem72939crocetta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72939crocetta is crocetta" ; rdfs:label " crocetta_as_Sign" . inds:USem72940crogiolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1677fondere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72940crogiolo is crogiolo" ; rdfs:label " crogiolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72941crollo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72941crollo is crollo" ; rdfs:label " crollo_as_Event" . inds:USem72942macchinetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72942macchinetta is macchinetta" ; rdfs:label " macchinetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72943maceratese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77358macerata ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72943maceratese is maceratese" ; rdfs:label " maceratese_as_People" . inds:USem72944cronometraggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72944cronometraggio is cronometraggio" ; rdfs:label " cronometraggio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72945maceratese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72945maceratese is maceratese" ; rdfs:label " maceratese_as_Location" . inds:USem72946maceria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72946maceria is maceria" ; rdfs:label " maceria_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem72947madama simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72947madama is madama" ; rdfs:label " madama_as_Convention" . inds:USem72948madonnina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere, inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72948madonnina is madonnina" ; rdfs:label " madonnina_as_Artwork" . inds:USem72949maesta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72949maesta1 is maesta'" ; rdfs:label " maesta'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem72950maesta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72950maesta1 is maesta'" ; rdfs:label " maesta'_as_Quality" . inds:USem72951crudelta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6738crudele ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72951crudelta1 is crudelta'" ; rdfs:label " crudelta'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72952maesta1 simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3595re, inds:USem64169imperatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72952maesta1 is maesta'" ; rdfs:label " maesta'_as_Convention" . inds:USem72953madrigale simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72953madrigale is madrigale" ; rdfs:label " madrigale_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem72954crudelta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6738crudele ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72954crudelta1 is crudelta'" ; rdfs:label " crudelta'_as_Quality" . inds:USem72955maestria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72955maestria is maestria" ; rdfs:label " maestria_as_Quality" . inds:USem72956maggese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72956maggese is maggese" ; rdfs:label " maggese_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72957crudelta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72957crudelta1 is crudelta'" ; rdfs:label " crudelta'_as_Act" . inds:USem72958cruschello simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72958cruschello is cruschello" ; rdfs:label " cruschello_as_Food" . inds:USem72959maggese simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem66682arare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72959maggese is maggese" ; rdfs:label " maggese_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem72960cucirino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1391filare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4040fibra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59133ricamare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72960cucirino is cucirino" ; rdfs:label " cucirino_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem72961maggiorente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72961maggiorente is maggiorente" ; rdfs:label " maggiorente_as_Human" . inds:USem72963magona simple:hasIsa inds:USem5267officina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71901lavorare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72963magona is magona" ; rdfs:label " magona_as_Building" . inds:USem72965cucu1 simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72965cucu1 is cucu'" ; rdfs:label " cucu'_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem72966culminazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72966culminazione is culminazione" ; rdfs:label " culminazione_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem72967maiuscolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2704carattere ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72967maiuscolo is maiuscolo" ; rdfs:label " maiuscolo_as_Sign" . inds:USem72968cuniculo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59130scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7118galleria ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72968cuniculo is cuniculo" ; rdfs:label " cuniculo_as_Opening" . inds:USem72969maldicente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72969maldicente is maldicente" ; rdfs:label " maldicente_as_Human" . inds:USem72970curiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6647curioso ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72970curiosita1 is curiosita'" ; rdfs:label " curiosita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem72971malvasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem66013vitigno ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72971malvasia is malvasia" ; rdfs:label " malvasia_as_Plant" . inds:USem72972curiosita1 simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72972curiosita1 is curiosita'" ; rdfs:label " curiosita'_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72973malvasia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72973malvasia is malvasia" ; rdfs:label " malvasia_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem72974danda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5163striscia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72974danda is danda" ; rdfs:label " danda_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72975dannosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66102dannoso ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72975dannosita1 is dannosita'" ; rdfs:label " dannosita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem72976datario simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD76704timbro ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72976datario is datario" ; rdfs:label " datario_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72977datario simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069618calendario ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72977datario is datario" ; rdfs:label " datario_as_Instrument" . inds:USem72978dattilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72978dattilo is dattilo" ; rdfs:label " dattilo_as_Domain" . inds:USem72979debbio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72979debbio is debbio" ; rdfs:label " debbio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72980decalcomania simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72980decalcomania is decalcomania" ; rdfs:label " decalcomania_as_Artwork" . inds:USem72981decathlon simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72981decathlon is decathlon" ; rdfs:label " decathlon_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72982decemviro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3617membro ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72982decemviro is decemviro" ; rdfs:label " decemviro_as_Human" . inds:USem72983decina simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72983decina is decina" ; rdfs:label " decina_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem72984donazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72984donazione is donazione" ; rdfs:label " donazione_as_Transaction" . inds:USem72985doratura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem0D63613dorato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72985doratura is doratura" ; rdfs:label " doratura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72986doratura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72986doratura is doratura" ; rdfs:label " doratura_as_Material" . inds:USem72987dosaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72987dosaggio is dosaggio" ; rdfs:label " dosaggio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72988duplicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72988duplicazione is duplicazione" ; rdfs:label " duplicazione_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem72989eccedenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72989eccedenza is eccedenza" ; rdfs:label " eccedenza_as_Amount" . inds:USem72990eliminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72990eliminare is eliminare" ; rdfs:label " eliminare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem72991eliminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72991eliminare is eliminare" ; rdfs:label " eliminare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72992eliminazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72992eliminazione is eliminazione" ; rdfs:label " eliminazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72993sgrossare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60203migliorare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72993sgrossare is sgrossare" ; rdfs:label " sgrossare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem72994guaire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72994guaire is guaire" ; rdfs:label " guaire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72995ululato simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1129lupo, inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72995ululato is ululato" ; rdfs:label " ululato_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem72996sciabolare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem65928sciabola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72996sciabolare is sciabolare" ; rdfs:label " sciabolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72997legnare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem66448bastone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72997legnare is legnare" ; rdfs:label " legnare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem72998pellettiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72998pellettiere is pellettiere" ; rdfs:label " pellettiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem72999pellicciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem72999pellicciaio is pellicciaio" ; rdfs:label " pellicciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem73000penale simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73000penale is penale" ; rdfs:label " penale_as_Convention" . inds:USem73001pendola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem2740tempo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73001pendola is pendola" ; rdfs:label " pendola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73002pennone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67499asta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6855issare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73002pennone is pennone" ; rdfs:label " pennone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73003pennone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3233riconoscere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62707stendardo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73003pennone is pennone" ; rdfs:label " pennone_as_Representation" . inds:USem73004pennuto simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD542volatile ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73004pennuto is pennuto" ; rdfs:label " pennuto_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem73005sorvegliato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73005sorvegliato is sorvegliato" ; rdfs:label " sorvegliato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73006sospettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62445evento ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73006sospettare is sospettare" ; rdfs:label " sospettare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem73007sospettato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem73006sospettare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73007sospettato is sospettato" ; rdfs:label " sospettato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73008sfregiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73008sfregiare is sfregiare" ; rdfs:label " sfregiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73009sfregiato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem73008sfregiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73009sfregiato is sfregiato" ; rdfs:label " sfregiato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73010ricercare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73010ricercare is ricercare" ; rdfs:label " ricercare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73011respinto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem67381respingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73011respinto is respinto" ; rdfs:label " respinto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73012sospetto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem73006sospettare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73012sospetto is sospetto" ; rdfs:label " sospetto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73013assunto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60717assumere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73013assunto is assunto" ; rdfs:label " assunto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73014congedare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73014congedare is congedare" ; rdfs:label " congedare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73015scomparire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7116morire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73015scomparire is scomparire" ; rdfs:label " scomparire_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem73016scomparso simple:hasAgentive inds:USem73015scomparire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73016scomparso is scomparso" ; rdfs:label " scomparso_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73017consegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73017consegnare is consegnare" ; rdfs:label " consegnare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73018consegnato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem73017consegnare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73018consegnato is consegnato" ; rdfs:label " consegnato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73019festeggiato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD7080festeggiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73019festeggiato is festeggiato" ; rdfs:label " festeggiato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73020impiccato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem65648impiccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73020impiccato is impiccato" ; rdfs:label " impiccato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73021emarginato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem65287emarginare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73021emarginato is emarginato" ; rdfs:label " emarginato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73022spratto simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73022spratto is spratto" ; rdfs:label " spratto_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem73023spratto simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73023spratto is spratto" ; rdfs:label " spratto_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem73024iniziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5405apprendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73024iniziare is iniziare" ; rdfs:label " iniziare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem73025stilo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73025stilo is stilo" ; rdfs:label " stilo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73026stilo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7103incidere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73026stilo is stilo" ; rdfs:label " stilo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73027iniziato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem73024iniziare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73027iniziato is iniziato" ; rdfs:label " iniziato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73028tormenta simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73028tormenta is tormenta" ; rdfs:label " tormenta_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73029soprannome simple:hasIsa inds:USem67409nome ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73029soprannome is soprannome" ; rdfs:label " soprannome_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem73030spauracchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73030spauracchio is spauracchio" ; rdfs:label " spauracchio_as_Human" . inds:USem73033ferro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71871stirare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73033ferro is ferro" ; rdfs:label " ferro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73034ferro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD66113sferruzzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73034ferro is ferro" ; rdfs:label " ferro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73035decontaminazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73035decontaminazione is decontaminazione" ; rdfs:label " decontaminazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73036decuplo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73036decuplo is decuplo" ; rdfs:label " decuplo_as_Amount" . inds:USem73037tubolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60810pneumatico ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3124gomma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73037tubolare is tubolare" ; rdfs:label " tubolare_as_Part" . inds:USem73038dedicante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD66474dedicare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73038dedicante is dedicante" ; rdfs:label " dedicante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem73039defecazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73039defecazione is defecazione" ; rdfs:label " defecazione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73040defenestrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73040defenestrazione is defenestrazione" ; rdfs:label " defenestrazione_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem73042deindicizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73042deindicizzazione is deindicizzazione" ; rdfs:label " deindicizzazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73046dequalificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73046dequalificazione is dequalificazione" ; rdfs:label " dequalificazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73047deragliamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73047deragliamento is deragliamento" ; rdfs:label " deragliamento_as_Move" . inds:USem73048derapata simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73048derapata is derapata" ; rdfs:label " derapata_as_Move" . inds:USem73049detronizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66121detronizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73049detronizzazione is detronizzazione" ; rdfs:label " detronizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73050dettatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73050dettatura is dettatura" ; rdfs:label " dettatura_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73051dializzato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD66123dializzare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73051dializzato is dializzato" ; rdfs:label " dializzato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73052diapason simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD66124accordare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73052diapason is diapason" ; rdfs:label " diapason_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73053diaspro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3170cristallo ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73053diaspro is diaspro" ; rdfs:label " diaspro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem73054dicitura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73054dicitura is dicitura" ; rdfs:label " dicitura_as_Information" . inds:USem73055difensiva simple:hasIsa inds:USem6913piano ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73055difensiva is difensiva" ; rdfs:label " difensiva_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem73056dignita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66126dignitoso ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73056dignita1 is dignita'" ; rdfs:label " dignita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73057dinaro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73057dinaro is dinaro" ; rdfs:label " dinaro_as_Money" . inds:USem73058diorama simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73058diorama is diorama" ; rdfs:label " diorama_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73059diplomatica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73059diplomatica is diplomatica" ; rdfs:label " diplomatica_as_Domain" . inds:USem73060diretta simple:hasContains inds:USem3877suono, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63642trasmissione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73060diretta is diretta" ; rdfs:label " diretta_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem73061direttissima simple:hasIsa inds:USem2242percorso ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73061direttissima is direttissima" ; rdfs:label " direttissima_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem73062direttivo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6365dirigente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73062direttivo is direttivo" ; rdfs:label " direttivo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem73064disarmo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73064disarmo is disarmo" ; rdfs:label " disarmo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73065discolpa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73065discolpa is discolpa" ; rdfs:label " discolpa_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73066discontinuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6574discontinuo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73066discontinuita1 is discontinuita'" ; rdfs:label " discontinuita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem73067immolazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73067immolazione is immolazione" ; rdfs:label " immolazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73068autogestione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73068autogestione is autogestione" ; rdfs:label " autogestione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73069autodistruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73069autodistruzione is autodistruzione" ; rdfs:label " autodistruzione_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73070autodeterminazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73070autodeterminazione is autodeterminazione" ; rdfs:label " autodeterminazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73071autocritica simple:hasIsa inds:USem60736critica ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73071autocritica is autocritica" ; rdfs:label " autocritica_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem73072autentica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73072autentica is autentica" ; rdfs:label " autentica_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73074auspicio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73074auspicio is auspicio" ; rdfs:label " auspicio_as_State" . inds:USem73075auge simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73075auge is auge" ; rdfs:label " auge_as_Part" . inds:USem73076auge simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73076auge is auge" ; rdfs:label " auge_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem73077alluvione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63028allagamento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73077alluvione is alluvione" ; rdfs:label " alluvione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73078alluvione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73078alluvione is alluvione" ; rdfs:label " alluvione_as_Amount" . inds:USem73079rubino simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3002pietra ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73079rubino is rubino" ; rdfs:label " rubino_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem73080abbordaggio simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76048muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem73736accostamento ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73080abbordaggio is abbordaggio" ; rdfs:label " abbordaggio_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem73081rubino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem73079rubino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73081rubino is rubino" ; rdfs:label " rubino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem73082rubino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73082rubino is rubino" ; rdfs:label " rubino_as_Color" . inds:USem73083rubino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73083rubino is rubino" ; rdfs:label " rubino_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem73084abbrutimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73084abbrutimento is abbrutimento" ; rdfs:label " abbrutimento_as_Change" . inds:USem73085scandio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73085scandio is scandio" ; rdfs:label " scandio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem73086stilita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73086stilita is stilita" ; rdfs:label " stilita_as_Human" . inds:USem73087semeiotica simple:hasIsa inds:USem69settore ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73087semeiotica is semeiotica" ; rdfs:label " semeiotica_as_Domain" . inds:USem73088stipo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73088stipo is stipo" ; rdfs:label " stipo_as_Furniture" . inds:USem73089ascesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73089ascesa is ascesa" ; rdfs:label " ascesa_as_Event" . inds:USem73092andata simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73092andata is andata" ; rdfs:label " andata_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem73093settantina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73093settantina is settantina" ; rdfs:label " settantina_as_Amount" . inds:USem73094sessantina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73094sessantina is sessantina" ; rdfs:label " sessantina_as_Amount" . inds:USem73095siccita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73095siccita1 is siccita'" ; rdfs:label " siccita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73096soave simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73096soave is soave" ; rdfs:label " soave_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem73097scalco simple:hasIsa inds:USem64687servitore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1663servire, inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73097scalco is scalco" ; rdfs:label " scalco_as_Profession" . inds:USem73098pietraia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73098pietraia is pietraia" ; rdfs:label " pietraia_as_Location" . inds:USem73099piattola simple:hasIsa inds:USem4642pidocchio ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73099piattola is piattola" ; rdfs:label " piattola_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem73100piattola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73100piattola is piattola" ; rdfs:label " piattola_as_Human" . inds:USem73101risparmiatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem59516risparmiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73101risparmiatore is risparmiatore" ; rdfs:label " risparmiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem73102risparmiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem59516risparmiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73102risparmiatore is risparmiatore" ; rdfs:label " risparmiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem73103scavatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59130scavare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73103scavatore is scavatore" ; rdfs:label " scavatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem73104scavatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59130scavare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73104scavatore is scavatore" ; rdfs:label " scavatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73105scopritore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem4830scoprire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73105scopritore is scopritore" ; rdfs:label " scopritore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem73106scotennatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD66142scotennare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73106scotennatore is scotennatore" ; rdfs:label " scotennatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem73107scrutinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73107scrutinare is scrutinare" ; rdfs:label " scrutinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73108scrutare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73108scrutare is scrutare" ; rdfs:label " scrutare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73109sintetizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73109sintetizzare is sintetizzare" ; rdfs:label " sintetizzare_as_Creation" . inds:USem73110sintetizzatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68060strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73110sintetizzatore is sintetizzatore" ; rdfs:label " sintetizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73111tiratore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem61041tirare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73111tiratore is tiratore" ; rdfs:label " tiratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem73112tosatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem72858tosare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73112tosatore is tosatore" ; rdfs:label " tosatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem73113consociare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79065unire ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73113consociare is consociare" ; rdfs:label " consociare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem73115abbandonare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73115abbandonare is abbandonare" ; rdfs:label " abbandonare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73118disavventura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73118disavventura is disavventura" ; rdfs:label " disavventura_as_Event" . inds:USem73119angustiare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5878angustia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69168angosciare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73119angustiare is angustiare" ; rdfs:label " angustiare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73120disaggregazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60683separazione ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73120disaggregazione is disaggregazione" ; rdfs:label " disaggregazione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem73121abbindolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5750ingannare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73121abbindolare is abbindolare" ; rdfs:label " abbindolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73123disaccordo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73123disaccordo is disaccordo" ; rdfs:label " disaccordo_as_State" . inds:USem73124dilemma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73124dilemma is dilemma" ; rdfs:label " dilemma_as_State" . inds:USem73125dileggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60828derisione ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73125dileggio is dileggio" ; rdfs:label " dileggio_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73126digressione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73126digressione is digressione" ; rdfs:label " digressione_as_Change" . inds:USem73128estirpare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73128estirpare is estirpare" ; rdfs:label " estirpare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73129etichettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73129etichettare is etichettare" ; rdfs:label " etichettare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73133diffida simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69016avviso ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73133diffida is diffida" ; rdfs:label " diffida_as_Information" . inds:USem73135diceria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73135diceria is diceria" ; rdfs:label " diceria_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73136digiuno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1829intestino ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73136digiuno is digiuno" ; rdfs:label " digiuno_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem73137digiuno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73137digiuno is digiuno" ; rdfs:label " digiuno_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73138diatriba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73138diatriba is diatriba" ; rdfs:label " diatriba_as_Act" . inds:USem73139diatriba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73139diatriba is diatriba" ; rdfs:label " diatriba_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73140diaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73140diaria is diaria" ; rdfs:label " diaria_as_Amount" . inds:USem73141devozione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73141devozione is devozione" ; rdfs:label " devozione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73142etichettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5605giudicare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73142etichettare is etichettare" ; rdfs:label " etichettare_as_Judgement" . inds:USem73143devozione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60546venerazione ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73143devozione is devozione" ; rdfs:label " devozione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem73144detto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73144detto is detto" ; rdfs:label " detto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem73145detto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73145detto is detto" ; rdfs:label " detto_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73147destalinizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66146destalinizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73147destalinizzazione is destalinizzazione" ; rdfs:label " destalinizzazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem73148destabilizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73148destabilizzazione is destabilizzazione" ; rdfs:label " destabilizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73149pensionante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73149pensionante is pensionante" ; rdfs:label " pensionante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem73150peonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD66147peonia ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73150peonia is peonia" ; rdfs:label " peonia_as_Plant" . inds:USem73151pepita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73151pepita is pepita" ; rdfs:label " pepita_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem73152pergamo simple:hasIsa inds:USem069759pulpito ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2214chiesa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73152pergamo is pergamo" ; rdfs:label " pergamo_as_Part" . inds:USem73153pergamo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64634tappeto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73153pergamo is pergamo" ; rdfs:label " pergamo_as_Furniture" . inds:USem73154perlina simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73154perlina is perlina" ; rdfs:label " perlina_as_Artifact" . inds:USem73155devastazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem77711distruzione ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73155devastazione is devastazione" ; rdfs:label " devastazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73156desensibilizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73156desensibilizzazione is desensibilizzazione" ; rdfs:label " desensibilizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73157desensibilizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73157desensibilizzazione is desensibilizzazione" ; rdfs:label " desensibilizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73158derby simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73158derby is derby" ; rdfs:label " derby_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73159derby simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73159derby is derby" ; rdfs:label " derby_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73160derattizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73160derattizzazione is derattizzazione" ; rdfs:label " derattizzazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73162periodicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73162periodicita1 is periodicita'" ; rdfs:label " periodicita'_as_Property" . inds:USem73163periodare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73163periodare is periodare" ; rdfs:label " periodare_as_State" . inds:USem73165pernacchia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73165pernacchia is pernacchia" ; rdfs:label " pernacchia_as_Act" . inds:USem73166deputazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73166deputazione is deputazione" ; rdfs:label " deputazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem73167depolarizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73167depolarizzazione is depolarizzazione" ; rdfs:label " depolarizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73168deplorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60775disapprovazione ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73168deplorazione is deplorazione" ; rdfs:label " deplorazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73169deplorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73169deplorazione is deplorazione" ; rdfs:label " deplorazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73170denitrificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73170denitrificazione is denitrificazione" ; rdfs:label " denitrificazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73171denaturazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66152denaturato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73171denaturazione is denaturazione" ; rdfs:label " denaturazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73172demolizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem77711distruzione ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73172demolizione is demolizione" ; rdfs:label " demolizione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73174demodulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem64875processo ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73174demodulazione is demodulazione" ; rdfs:label " demodulazione_as_Creation" . inds:USem73175demerito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73175demerito is demerito" ; rdfs:label " demerito_as_Act" . inds:USem73176demarcazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73176demarcazione is demarcazione" ; rdfs:label " demarcazione_as_Location" . inds:USem73179delusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62175deluso ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73179delusione is delusione" ; rdfs:label " delusione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73181deliquio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73181deliquio is deliquio" ; rdfs:label " deliquio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73182perditempo simple:hasTelic inds:USem66155ostacolare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73182perditempo is perditempo" ; rdfs:label " perditempo_as_Telic" . inds:USem73183perditempo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73183perditempo is perditempo" ; rdfs:label " perditempo_as_Human" . inds:USem73184perpendicolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73184perpendicolare is perpendicolare" ; rdfs:label " perpendicolare_as_Shape" . inds:USem73185perpendicolare simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73185perpendicolare is perpendicolare" ; rdfs:label " perpendicolare_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem73186perplessita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66155perplesso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73186perplessita1 is perplessita'" ; rdfs:label " perplessita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem73187persiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem78771persia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD66156persia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73187persiano is persiano" ; rdfs:label " persiano_as_People" . inds:USem73188persiano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1165gatto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73188persiano is persiano" ; rdfs:label " persiano_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem73189persiano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73189persiano is persiano" ; rdfs:label " persiano_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem73190peruviano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem78772Peru1 ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD66158Peru1 ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73190peruviano is peruviano" ; rdfs:label " peruviano_as_People" . inds:USem73191pertinacia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66159pertinace ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73191pertinacia is pertinacia" ; rdfs:label " pertinacia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73192pervicacia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66161pervicace ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73192pervicacia is pervicacia" ; rdfs:label " pervicacia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73193contante simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73193contante is contante" ; rdfs:label " contante_as_Money" . inds:USem73194contaminazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66160contaminato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73194contaminazione is contaminazione" ; rdfs:label " contaminazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73195consulenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73195consulenza is consulenza" ; rdfs:label " consulenza_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73196consulenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73196consulenza is consulenza" ; rdfs:label " consulenza_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73197consorzio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73197consorzio is consorzio" ; rdfs:label " consorzio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem73198coniugazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem59644sistema ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73198coniugazione is coniugazione" ; rdfs:label " coniugazione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem73199conguaglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73199conguaglio is conguaglio" ; rdfs:label " conguaglio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73200congresso simple:hasIsa inds:USem3950avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73200congresso is congresso" ; rdfs:label " congresso_as_Event" . inds:USem73201peschiera simple:hasConcerns inds:USem923pesce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2400vasca ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73201peschiera is peschiera" ; rdfs:label " peschiera_as_Container" . inds:USem73202peschiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65660rete ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73202peschiera is peschiera" ; rdfs:label " peschiera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73203pessimista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73203pessimista is pessimista" ; rdfs:label " pessimista_as_Human" . inds:USem73204pestata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1749piede ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73204pestata is pestata" ; rdfs:label " pestata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73205delibera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73205delibera is delibera" ; rdfs:label " delibera_as_Judgement" . inds:USem73206deliberazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73206deliberazione is deliberazione" ; rdfs:label " deliberazione_as_Judgement" . inds:USem73208paguro simple:hasIsa inds:USem72458crostaceo ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73208paguro is paguro" ; rdfs:label " paguro_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem73209paiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73209paiolo is paiolo" ; rdfs:label " paiolo_as_Container" . inds:USem73210disdegno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73210disdegno is disdegno" ; rdfs:label " disdegno_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem73211palafitta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73211palafitta is palafitta" ; rdfs:label " palafitta_as_Building" . inds:USem73212palandrana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73212palandrana is palandrana" ; rdfs:label " palandrana_as_Clothing" . inds:USem73213zappatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73213zappatura is zappatura" ; rdfs:label " zappatura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73214voltata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73214voltata is voltata" ; rdfs:label " voltata_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem73215conglomerato simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73215conglomerato is conglomerato" ; rdfs:label " conglomerato_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem73216congiura simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73216congiura is congiura" ; rdfs:label " congiura_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem73217congiura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73217congiura is congiura" ; rdfs:label " congiura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73218congiuntura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73218congiuntura is congiuntura" ; rdfs:label " congiuntura_as_Part" . inds:USem73219congiuntura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73219congiuntura is congiuntura" ; rdfs:label " congiuntura_as_Event" . inds:USem73220congiunto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73220congiunto is congiunto" ; rdfs:label " congiunto_as_Human" . inds:USem73221congettura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73221congettura is congettura" ; rdfs:label " congettura_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem73223congestione simple:hasAffects inds:USem60217digestione ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem60983freddo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73223congestione is congestione" ; rdfs:label " congestione_as_Disease" . inds:USem73224congedo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73224congedo is congedo" ; rdfs:label " congedo_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73226congedo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73226congedo is congedo" ; rdfs:label " congedo_as_State" . inds:USem73228conformazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73228conformazione is conformazione" ; rdfs:label " conformazione_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem73229confisca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73229confisca is confisca" ; rdfs:label " confisca_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem73230confidenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73230confidenza is confidenza" ; rdfs:label " confidenza_as_State" . inds:USem73232confidenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73232confidenza is confidenza" ; rdfs:label " confidenza_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73233confezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73233confezione is confezione" ; rdfs:label " confezione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73234confezione simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73234confezione is confezione" ; rdfs:label " confezione_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem73235confezione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73235confezione is confezione" ; rdfs:label " confezione_as_Clothing" . inds:USem73237confessione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73237confessione is confessione" ; rdfs:label " confessione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73238confessione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73238confessione is confessione" ; rdfs:label " confessione_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73239girovagare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5607camminare ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73239girovagare is girovagare" ; rdfs:label " girovagare_as_Move" . inds:USem73241conferimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73241conferimento is conferimento" ; rdfs:label " conferimento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73243avvolgibile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2240finestra ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73243avvolgibile is avvolgibile" ; rdfs:label " avvolgibile_as_Part" . inds:USem73244belga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem75017belgio ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1429belgio ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73244belga is belga" ; rdfs:label " belga_as_People" . inds:USem73245becchino simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1476seppellire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73245becchino is becchino" ; rdfs:label " becchino_as_Profession" . inds:USem73246guastare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6663alterare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73246guastare is guastare" ; rdfs:label " guastare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73247bigamia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73247bigamia is bigamia" ; rdfs:label " bigamia_as_State" . inds:USem73248bighellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73248bighellone is bighellone" ; rdfs:label " bighellone_as_Human" . inds:USem73249bisnipote simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73249bisnipote is bisnipote" ; rdfs:label " bisnipote_as_Kinship" . inds:USem73250batacchio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66448bastone ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD66179bussare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73250batacchio is batacchio" ; rdfs:label " batacchio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73251focalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73251focalizzare is focalizzare" ; rdfs:label " focalizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73252intendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73252intendere is intendere" ; rdfs:label " intendere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem73253odiare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60002odio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73253odiare is odiare" ; rdfs:label " odiare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem73254babilonese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD66180babilonia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73254babilonese is babilonese" ; rdfs:label " babilonese_as_People" . inds:USem73255concessionario simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73255concessionario is concessionario" ; rdfs:label " concessionario_as_Profession" . inds:USem73256avanzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73256avanzare is avanzare" ; rdfs:label " avanzare_as_State" . inds:USem73257bassista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2912basso ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73257bassista is bassista" ; rdfs:label " bassista_as_Profession" . inds:USem73258basco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73258basco is basco" ; rdfs:label " basco_as_People" . inds:USem73259basco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73259basco is basco" ; rdfs:label " basco_as_Clothing" . inds:USem73261apporto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73261apporto is apporto" ; rdfs:label " apporto_as_Cause" . inds:USem73262conferenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73262conferenza is conferenza" ; rdfs:label " conferenza_as_Event" . inds:USem73263venoso simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD5666vena ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73263venoso is venoso" ; rdfs:label " venoso_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73264cutaneo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD2912cute ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73264cutaneo is cutaneo" ; rdfs:label " cutaneo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73265forestale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem4758foresta ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73265forestale is forestale" ; rdfs:label " forestale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73268belletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3099polvere ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73268belletto is belletto" ; rdfs:label " belletto_as_Substance" . inds:USem73269belladonna simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1699bacca ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73269belladonna is belladonna" ; rdfs:label " belladonna_as_Plant" . inds:USem73270latrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73270latrare is latrare" ; rdfs:label " latrare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73272traduttore simple:hasContains inds:USem64900traduzione, inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73272traduttore is traduttore" ; rdfs:label " traduttore_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem73273bellunese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77783belluno ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73273bellunese is bellunese" ; rdfs:label " bellunese_as_People" . inds:USem73274delucidazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60088chiarimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73274delucidazione is delucidazione" ; rdfs:label " delucidazione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem73275demarcazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73275demarcazione is demarcazione" ; rdfs:label " demarcazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73276contatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73276contatto is contatto" ; rdfs:label " contatto_as_State" . inds:USem73278baldoria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73278baldoria is baldoria" ; rdfs:label " baldoria_as_Event" . inds:USem73279baleno simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73279baleno is baleno" ; rdfs:label " baleno_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73280balenio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73280balenio is balenio" ; rdfs:label " balenio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73281balletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5528spettacolo ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73281balletto is balletto" ; rdfs:label " balletto_as_Event" . inds:USem73282balletto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3346ballerino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73282balletto is balletto" ; rdfs:label " balletto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem73284ballottaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73284ballottaggio is ballottaggio" ; rdfs:label " ballottaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73285ballottaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73285ballottaggio is ballottaggio" ; rdfs:label " ballottaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73286balzello simple:hasIsa inds:USem67855tassa ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73286balzello is balzello" ; rdfs:label " balzello_as_Convention" . inds:USem73287banalizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60191diminuzione ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73287banalizzazione is banalizzazione" ; rdfs:label " banalizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem73288baracchino simple:hasIsa inds:USem60928rifugio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2226montagna ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60890rifugiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73288baracchino is baracchino" ; rdfs:label " baracchino_as_Building" . inds:USem73289baracchino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73289baracchino is baracchino" ; rdfs:label " baracchino_as_Building" . inds:USem73290baracchino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73290baracchino is baracchino" ; rdfs:label " baracchino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73291baraonda simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73291baraonda is baraonda" ; rdfs:label " baraonda_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem73292baraonda simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73292baraonda is baraonda" ; rdfs:label " baraonda_as_Group" . inds:USem73293barlume simple:hasIsa inds:USem4192luce ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73293barlume is barlume" ; rdfs:label " barlume_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73294barlume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73294barlume is barlume" ; rdfs:label " barlume_as_Amount" . inds:USem73295barrito simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1161elefante ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73295barrito is barrito" ; rdfs:label " barrito_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73296barzelletta simple:hasIsa inds:USem62337racconto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73296barzelletta is barzelletta" ; rdfs:label " barzelletta_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem73297barzelletta simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73297barzelletta is barzelletta" ; rdfs:label " barzelletta_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem73298bega simple:hasIsa inds:USem60796litigio ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73298bega is bega" ; rdfs:label " bega_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73299bega simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73299bega is bega" ; rdfs:label " bega_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem73300beneplacito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73300beneplacito is beneplacito" ; rdfs:label " beneplacito_as_Act" . inds:USem73301benestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73301benestare is benestare" ; rdfs:label " benestare_as_Act" . inds:USem73302benservito simple:hasContains inds:USem6465informazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73302benservito is benservito" ; rdfs:label " benservito_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem73303benvolere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65538benevolo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73303benvolere is benvolere" ; rdfs:label " benvolere_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73304bevuta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73304bevuta is bevuta" ; rdfs:label " bevuta_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73305biopsia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1958cellula, inds:USemD5401tessuto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem79615asportazione ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73305biopsia is biopsia" ; rdfs:label " biopsia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73306bioritmo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73306bioritmo is bioritmo" ; rdfs:label " bioritmo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73308birbonata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73308birbonata is birbonata" ; rdfs:label " birbonata_as_Act" . inds:USem73309bis simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73309bis is bis" ; rdfs:label " bis_as_Event" . inds:USem73310bisboccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73310bisboccia is bisboccia" ; rdfs:label " bisboccia_as_Event" . inds:USem73312bisticcio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60796litigio ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73312bisticcio is bisticcio" ; rdfs:label " bisticcio_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73313bisticcio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73313bisticcio is bisticcio" ; rdfs:label " bisticcio_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem73314bizza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73314bizza is bizza" ; rdfs:label " bizza_as_Act" . inds:USem73315blandizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73315blandizia is blandizia" ; rdfs:label " blandizia_as_Act" . inds:USem73316blitz simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73316blitz is blitz" ; rdfs:label " blitz_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73317bluff simple:hasTelic inds:USem61111simulare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73317bluff is bluff" ; rdfs:label " bluff_as_Telic" . inds:USem73318boccaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73318boccaccia is boccaccia" ; rdfs:label " boccaccia_as_Act" . inds:USem73319boccaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73319boccaccia is boccaccia" ; rdfs:label " boccaccia_as_Human" . inds:USem73320boccaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73320boccaccia is boccaccia" ; rdfs:label " boccaccia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73321bocciata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73321bocciata is bocciata" ; rdfs:label " bocciata_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem73322bolina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3739fune ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73322bolina is bolina" ; rdfs:label " bolina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73323bolina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73323bolina is bolina" ; rdfs:label " bolina_as_Move" . inds:USem73324bollita simple:hasIsa inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6261bollito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73324bollita is bollita" ; rdfs:label " bollita_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73325bombardamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73325bombardamento is bombardamento" ; rdfs:label " bombardamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73326bongiorno simple:hasIsa inds:USem71792formula ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73326bongiorno is bongiorno" ; rdfs:label " bongiorno_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73327botta simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73327botta is botta" ; rdfs:label " botta_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem73328botta simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano, inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73328botta is botta" ; rdfs:label " botta_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73329botta simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73329botta is botta" ; rdfs:label " botta_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem73330botta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73330botta is botta" ; rdfs:label " botta_as_Event" . inds:USem73332pfennig simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3622germania ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73332pfennig is pfennig" ; rdfs:label " pfennig_as_Money" . inds:USem73333pesticida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73333pesticida is pesticida" ; rdfs:label " pesticida_as_Substance" . inds:USem73334pestilenza simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3837peste ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73334pestilenza is pestilenza" ; rdfs:label " pestilenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73335petrolchimico simple:hasIsa inds:USem69settore ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73335petrolchimico is petrolchimico" ; rdfs:label " petrolchimico_as_Domain" . inds:USem73336dilettare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5899diletto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73336dilettare is dilettare" ; rdfs:label " dilettare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73338psicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73338psicosi is psicosi" ; rdfs:label " psicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem73340bracciata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73340bracciata is bracciata" ; rdfs:label " bracciata_as_Amount" . inds:USem73341bracciata simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73341bracciata is bracciata" ; rdfs:label " bracciata_as_Move" . inds:USem73342bracconaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73342bracconaggio is bracconaggio" ; rdfs:label " bracconaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73343bramito simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1131orso, inds:USem1154cervo ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73343bramito is bramito" ; rdfs:label " bramito_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73344bravata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73344bravata is bravata" ; rdfs:label " bravata_as_Act" . inds:USem73345piattino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2391piatto ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73345piattino is piattino" ; rdfs:label " piattino_as_Container" . inds:USem73346break simple:hasIsa inds:USem60076interruzione ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73346break is break" ; rdfs:label " break_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem73347brillio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73347brillio is brillio" ; rdfs:label " brillio_as_State" . inds:USem73348broglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73348broglio is broglio" ; rdfs:label " broglio_as_Act" . inds:USem73349broncio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73349broncio is broncio" ; rdfs:label " broncio_as_Act" . inds:USem73350brulichio simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73350brulichio is brulichio" ; rdfs:label " brulichio_as_Move" . inds:USem73352imbeccata simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73352imbeccata is imbeccata" ; rdfs:label " imbeccata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73353piccineria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73353piccineria is piccineria" ; rdfs:label " piccineria_as_Act" . inds:USem73354braccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73354braccio is braccio" ; rdfs:label " braccio_as_Part" . inds:USem73355buffetto simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73355buffetto is buffetto" ; rdfs:label " buffetto_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73356buffonata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73356buffonata is buffonata" ; rdfs:label " buffonata_as_Act" . inds:USem73357buffoneria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73357buffoneria is buffoneria" ; rdfs:label " buffoneria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73358buffoneria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73358buffoneria is buffoneria" ; rdfs:label " buffoneria_as_Act" . inds:USem73360buongusto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73360buongusto is buongusto" ; rdfs:label " buongusto_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73361buonuscita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73361buonuscita is buonuscita" ; rdfs:label " buonuscita_as_Amount" . inds:USem73362piccineria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD73363piccino ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73362piccineria is piccineria" ; rdfs:label " piccineria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73364burocratizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73364burocratizzazione is burocratizzazione" ; rdfs:label " burocratizzazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73365bustarella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73365bustarella is bustarella" ; rdfs:label " bustarella_as_Amount" . inds:USem73367rinoplastica simple:hasIsa inds:USem72493intervento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73367rinoplastica is rinoplastica" ; rdfs:label " rinoplastica_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73368cacciata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73368cacciata is cacciata" ; rdfs:label " cacciata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73369cacofonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem6154suono ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73369cacofonia is cacofonia" ; rdfs:label " cacofonia_as_Perception" . inds:USem73370caio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73370caio is caio" ; rdfs:label " caio_as_Human" . inds:USem73371calata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73371calata is calata" ; rdfs:label " calata_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem73372calata simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73372calata is calata" ; rdfs:label " calata_as_Quality" . inds:USem73374calvario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73374calvario is calvario" ; rdfs:label " calvario_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem73375campionato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73375campionato is campionato" ; rdfs:label " campionato_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73377cannonata simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD66202cannone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73377cannonata is cannonata" ; rdfs:label " cannonata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73378cannoneggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73378cannoneggiamento is cannoneggiamento" ; rdfs:label " cannoneggiamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73379calpestio simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73379calpestio is calpestio" ; rdfs:label " calpestio_as_Move" . inds:USem73380cantonata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73380cantonata is cantonata" ; rdfs:label " cantonata_as_Part" . inds:USem73381vimine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1732ramo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem65992salice ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73381vimine is vimine" ; rdfs:label " vimine_as_Part" . inds:USem73382tragitto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2242percorso ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73382tragitto is tragitto" ; rdfs:label " tragitto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem73383greppo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73383greppo is greppo" ; rdfs:label " greppo_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem73384guisa simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73384guisa is guisa" ; rdfs:label " guisa_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem73385idi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73385idi is idi" ; rdfs:label " idi_as_Time" . inds:USem73386imboschimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73386imboschimento is imboschimento" ; rdfs:label " imboschimento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73388dritto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73388dritto is dritto" ; rdfs:label " dritto_as_Part" . inds:USem73389eclissi simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD6304astro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73389eclissi is eclissi" ; rdfs:label " eclissi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73390duumvirato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD66207duumviro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73390duumvirato is duumvirato" ; rdfs:label " duumvirato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem73391duumvirato simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD66207duumviro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73391duumvirato is duumvirato" ; rdfs:label " duumvirato_as_Convention" . inds:USem73392duttilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62185duttile ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73392duttilita1 is duttilita'" ; rdfs:label " duttilita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem73393duttilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6731duttile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73393duttilita1 is duttilita'" ; rdfs:label " duttilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem73394boccetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73394boccetta is boccetta" ; rdfs:label " boccetta_as_Amount" . inds:USem73395petroliera simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73395petroliera is petroliera" ; rdfs:label " petroliera_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem73396pettorina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73396pettorina is pettorina" ; rdfs:label " pettorina_as_Part" . inds:USem73397pezzuola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73397pezzuola is pezzuola" ; rdfs:label " pezzuola_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem73398piagnucolio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73398piagnucolio is piagnucolio" ; rdfs:label " piagnucolio_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73399pialla simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59895levigare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73399pialla is pialla" ; rdfs:label " pialla_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73400piattello simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73400piattello is piattello" ; rdfs:label " piattello_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem73401capatina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73401capatina is capatina" ; rdfs:label " capatina_as_Act" . inds:USem73402capitolazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73402capitolazione is capitolazione" ; rdfs:label " capitolazione_as_Convention" . inds:USem73403capitolazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73403capitolazione is capitolazione" ; rdfs:label " capitolazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73404capitombolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73404capitombolo is capitombolo" ; rdfs:label " capitombolo_as_Move" . inds:USem73404piazzaforte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73404piazzaforte is piazzaforte" ; rdfs:label " piazzaforte_as_Location" . inds:USem73405capitombolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73405capitombolo is capitombolo" ; rdfs:label " capitombolo_as_Event" . inds:USem73406capovolgimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73406capovolgimento is capovolgimento" ; rdfs:label " capovolgimento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73408pieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73408pieta1 is pieta'" ; rdfs:label " pieta'_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73409capriccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73409capriccio is capriccio" ; rdfs:label " capriccio_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem73410capriccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73410capriccio is capriccio" ; rdfs:label " capriccio_as_Act" . inds:USem73411capriccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73411capriccio is capriccio" ; rdfs:label " capriccio_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem73412pietrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62802accendino ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73412pietrina is pietrina" ; rdfs:label " pietrina_as_Part" . inds:USem73413capriola simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73413capriola is capriola" ; rdfs:label " capriola_as_Move" . inds:USem73414carenaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73414carenaggio is carenaggio" ; rdfs:label " carenaggio_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem73415nano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73415nano is nano" ; rdfs:label " nano_as_Representation" . inds:USem73416necropoli simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1476seppellire ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73416necropoli is necropoli" ; rdfs:label " necropoli_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem73417negoziante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73417negoziante is negoziante" ; rdfs:label " negoziante_as_Profession" . inds:USem73418neofita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2576movimento, inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73418neofita is neofita" ; rdfs:label " neofita_as_Ideo" . inds:USem73419carenaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60298rivestimento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73419carenaggio is carenaggio" ; rdfs:label " carenaggio_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73420nevrastenia simple:hasAffects inds:USem62721nervo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73420nevrastenia is nevrastenia" ; rdfs:label " nevrastenia_as_Disease" . inds:USem73421nevrastenico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem73420nevrastenia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73421nevrastenico is nevrastenico" ; rdfs:label " nevrastenico_as_Human" . inds:USem73422carestia simple:hasIsa inds:USem61479mancanza ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73422carestia is carestia" ; rdfs:label " carestia_as_State" . inds:USem73423nevrastenico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73423nevrastenico is nevrastenico" ; rdfs:label " nevrastenico_as_Human" . inds:USem73424carneficina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73424carneficina is carneficina" ; rdfs:label " carneficina_as_Event" . inds:USem73426carnevalata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73426carnevalata is carnevalata" ; rdfs:label " carnevalata_as_Act" . inds:USem73427schizofrenico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73427schizofrenico is schizofrenico" ; rdfs:label " schizofrenico_as_Human" . inds:USem73428commemorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73428commemorazione is commemorazione" ; rdfs:label " commemorazione_as_Event" . inds:USem73428pacchetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem68185cartoncino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73428pacchetto is pacchetto" ; rdfs:label " pacchetto_as_Container" . inds:USem73429commemorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73429commemorazione is commemorazione" ; rdfs:label " commemorazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73430comizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73430comizio is comizio" ; rdfs:label " comizio_as_Event" . inds:USem73431comizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6392discorso ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73431comizio is comizio" ; rdfs:label " comizio_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73432combutta simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73432combutta is combutta" ; rdfs:label " combutta_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem73433combinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73433combinata is combinata" ; rdfs:label " combinata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73433modo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73433modo is modo" ; rdfs:label " modo_as_Act" . inds:USem73435colma simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73435colma is colma" ; rdfs:label " colma_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem73436colluttazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73436colluttazione is colluttazione" ; rdfs:label " colluttazione_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem73437collusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73437collusione is collusione" ; rdfs:label " collusione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73438collettivizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73438collettivizzazione is collettivizzazione" ; rdfs:label " collettivizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73439colletta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73439colletta is colletta" ; rdfs:label " colletta_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73440codazzo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73440codazzo is codazzo" ; rdfs:label " codazzo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem73441coesistenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73441coesistenza is coesistenza" ; rdfs:label " coesistenza_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem73442cobelligeranza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73442cobelligeranza is cobelligeranza" ; rdfs:label " cobelligeranza_as_State" . inds:USem73443piccino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73443piccino is piccino" ; rdfs:label " piccino_as_Human" . inds:USem73444pivello simple:hasIsa inds:USem62683ragazzo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73444pivello is pivello" ; rdfs:label " pivello_as_Human" . inds:USem73445bastonata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem66448bastone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73445bastonata is bastonata" ; rdfs:label " bastonata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73446carosello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73446carosello is carosello" ; rdfs:label " carosello_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73447carosello simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73447carosello is carosello" ; rdfs:label " carosello_as_Move" . inds:USem73448catarsi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73448catarsi is catarsi" ; rdfs:label " catarsi_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73449catechesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3926insegnamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73449catechesi is catechesi" ; rdfs:label " catechesi_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem73452cavalcata simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73452cavalcata is cavalcata" ; rdfs:label " cavalcata_as_Move" . inds:USem73453cazzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73453cazzata is cazzata" ; rdfs:label " cazzata_as_Act" . inds:USem73455celia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73455celia is celia" ; rdfs:label " celia_as_Act" . inds:USem73456centralizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66220centralizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73456centralizzazione is centralizzazione" ; rdfs:label " centralizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73457cerimoniale simple:hasIsa inds:USem6943convenzione ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73457cerimoniale is cerimoniale" ; rdfs:label " cerimoniale_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem73458chiacchiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73458chiacchiera is chiacchiera" ; rdfs:label " chiacchiera_as_Quality" . inds:USem73459chiacchiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6371conversazione ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73459chiacchiera is chiacchiera" ; rdfs:label " chiacchiera_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73460chiacchiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem069595pettegolezzo ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73460chiacchiera is chiacchiera" ; rdfs:label " chiacchiera_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73461chiacchiericcio simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2735udito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73461chiacchiericcio is chiacchiericcio" ; rdfs:label " chiacchiericcio_as_Perception" . inds:USem73462chiacchierio simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2735udito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73462chiacchierio is chiacchierio" ; rdfs:label " chiacchierio_as_Perception" . inds:USem73463chilometraggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2452misura ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73463chilometraggio is chilometraggio" ; rdfs:label " chilometraggio_as_Amount" . inds:USem73464ciancia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73464ciancia is ciancia" ; rdfs:label " ciancia_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73466ciarla simple:hasIsa inds:USem73459chiacchiera ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73466ciarla is ciarla" ; rdfs:label " ciarla_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73467ciarla simple:hasIsa inds:USem069595pettegolezzo ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73467ciarla is ciarla" ; rdfs:label " ciarla_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73468ciarla simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73468ciarla is ciarla" ; rdfs:label " ciarla_as_Quality" . inds:USem73469cicaleccio simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2735udito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73469cicaleccio is cicaleccio" ; rdfs:label " cicaleccio_as_Perception" . inds:USem73470cicatrizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7197cicatrizzato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73470cicatrizzazione is cicatrizzazione" ; rdfs:label " cicatrizzazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73471sorseggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73471sorseggiare is sorseggiare" ; rdfs:label " sorseggiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73472sorsata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73472sorsata is sorsata" ; rdfs:label " sorsata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73473sorsata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73473sorsata is sorsata" ; rdfs:label " sorsata_as_Amount" . inds:USem73474libretto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73474libretto is libretto" ; rdfs:label " libretto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem73475librazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem59935luna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73475librazione is librazione" ; rdfs:label " librazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73476loggetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73476loggetta is loggetta" ; rdfs:label " loggetta_as_Building" . inds:USem73477placca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73477placca is placca" ; rdfs:label " placca_as_Artifact" . inds:USem73478placca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73478placca is placca" ; rdfs:label " placca_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem73479loggiato simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73479loggiato is loggiato" ; rdfs:label " loggiato_as_Building" . inds:USem73480lettura simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73480lettura is lettura" ; rdfs:label " lettura_as_Information" . inds:USem73481lettura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73481lettura is lettura" ; rdfs:label " lettura_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem73482leggere simple:hasIsa inds:USem72488interpretare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73482leggere is leggere" ; rdfs:label " leggere_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem73484sorgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73484sorgere is sorgere" ; rdfs:label " sorgere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem73485sorgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73485sorgere is sorgere" ; rdfs:label " sorgere_as_Event" . inds:USem73486sorgere simple:hasIsa inds:USem73503sgorgare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73486sorgere is sorgere" ; rdfs:label " sorgere_as_State" . inds:USem73487lotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73487lotto is lotto" ; rdfs:label " lotto_as_Domain" . inds:USem73488lotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem66458merce ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73488lotto is lotto" ; rdfs:label " lotto_as_Amount" . inds:USem73489lotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73489lotto is lotto" ; rdfs:label " lotto_as_Area" . inds:USem73490vagone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73490vagone is vagone" ; rdfs:label " vagone_as_Amount" . inds:USem73491lotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73491lotto is lotto" ; rdfs:label " lotto_as_Part" . inds:USem73492nottambulo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73492nottambulo is nottambulo" ; rdfs:label " nottambulo_as_Human" . inds:USem73493nostalgico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73493nostalgico is nostalgico" ; rdfs:label " nostalgico_as_Human" . inds:USem73494navigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73494navigatore is navigatore" ; rdfs:label " navigatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem73495navigazione simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73495navigazione is navigazione" ; rdfs:label " navigazione_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem73495volgo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68583popolo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73495volgo is volgo" ; rdfs:label " volgo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem73496parafulmine simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73496parafulmine is parafulmine" ; rdfs:label " parafulmine_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73497parassita simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73497parassita is parassita" ; rdfs:label " parassita_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem73498parassita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73498parassita is parassita" ; rdfs:label " parassita_as_Human" . inds:USem73499pontile simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem73500ormeggiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73499pontile is pontile" ; rdfs:label " pontile_as_Building" . inds:USem73500ormeggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73500ormeggiare is ormeggiare" ; rdfs:label " ormeggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73502scaturire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem7013uscire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73502scaturire is scaturire" ; rdfs:label " scaturire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem73503sgorgare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem7013uscire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73503sgorgare is sgorgare" ; rdfs:label " sgorgare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem73504sprizzare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem7013uscire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73504sprizzare is sprizzare" ; rdfs:label " sprizzare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem73505sgorgare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73505sgorgare is sgorgare" ; rdfs:label " sgorgare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73507venire simple:hasIsa inds:USem4824arrivare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73507venire is venire" ; rdfs:label " venire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem73508venire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60039andare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73508venire is venire" ; rdfs:label " venire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem73509placcare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66228placcato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73509placcare is placcare" ; rdfs:label " placcare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73510placcare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74678fermare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73510placcare is placcare" ; rdfs:label " placcare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73511metamorfosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73511metamorfosi is metamorfosi" ; rdfs:label " metamorfosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73512metronomo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73512metronomo is metronomo" ; rdfs:label " metronomo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73513moretta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1910anatra ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73513moretta is moretta" ; rdfs:label " moretta_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem73514midolla simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73514midolla is midolla" ; rdfs:label " midolla_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem73515midolla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73515midolla is midolla" ; rdfs:label " midolla_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem73517cicchetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73517cicchetto is cicchetto" ; rdfs:label " cicchetto_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73518moretta simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2564ciliegia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1472ciliegio ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73518moretta is moretta" ; rdfs:label " moretta_as_Fruit" . inds:USem73519cicero simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73519cicero is cicero" ; rdfs:label " cicero_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem73520marziano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73520marziano is marziano" ; rdfs:label " marziano_as_Representation" . inds:USem73521marziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73521marziano is marziano" ; rdfs:label " marziano_as_Human" . inds:USem73522ciclizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73522ciclizzazione is ciclizzazione" ; rdfs:label " ciclizzazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73523marachella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73523marachella is marachella" ; rdfs:label " marachella_as_Act" . inds:USem73525cipiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73525cipiglio is cipiglio" ; rdfs:label " cipiglio_as_Act" . inds:USem73526monelleria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73526monelleria is monelleria" ; rdfs:label " monelleria_as_Act" . inds:USem73527cipiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73527cipiglio is cipiglio" ; rdfs:label " cipiglio_as_Property" . inds:USem73528monelleria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73528monelleria is monelleria" ; rdfs:label " monelleria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73529circoncisione simple:hasIsa inds:USem63346asportare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73529circoncisione is circoncisione" ; rdfs:label " circoncisione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73530monopattino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73530monopattino is monopattino" ; rdfs:label " monopattino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73531modulo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73531modulo is modulo" ; rdfs:label " modulo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem73532circonlocuzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73532circonlocuzione is circonlocuzione" ; rdfs:label " circonlocuzione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem73533circonlocuzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem74847discorso ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73533circonlocuzione is circonlocuzione" ; rdfs:label " circonlocuzione_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73534circospezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66233circospetto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73534circospezione is circospezione" ; rdfs:label " circospezione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73535modulo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73535modulo is modulo" ; rdfs:label " modulo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem73536circumnavigazione simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73536circumnavigazione is circumnavigazione" ; rdfs:label " circumnavigazione_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem73537mitragliera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73537mitragliera is mitragliera" ; rdfs:label " mitragliera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73538civilizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem75915civile ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73538civilizzazione is civilizzazione" ; rdfs:label " civilizzazione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73539mitragliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73539mitragliere is mitragliere" ; rdfs:label " mitragliere_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem73540civilizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73540civilizzazione is civilizzazione" ; rdfs:label " civilizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73541mitraglietta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73541mitraglietta is mitraglietta" ; rdfs:label " mitraglietta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73542clic simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73542clic is clic" ; rdfs:label " clic_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem73543climatizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73543climatizzazione is climatizzazione" ; rdfs:label " climatizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73544clonazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7198clone ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73544clonazione is clonazione" ; rdfs:label " clonazione_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem73545coabitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73545coabitazione is coabitazione" ; rdfs:label " coabitazione_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem73546coazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61305obbligare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73546coazione is coazione" ; rdfs:label " coazione_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem73547coazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73547coazione is coazione" ; rdfs:label " coazione_as_Disease" . inds:USem73548commiato simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73548commiato is commiato" ; rdfs:label " commiato_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem73549commiato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73549commiato is commiato" ; rdfs:label " commiato_as_Act" . inds:USem73550commiato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3381momento ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73550commiato is commiato" ; rdfs:label " commiato_as_Time" . inds:USem73551masochismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73551masochismo is masochismo" ; rdfs:label " masochismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem73552commiserazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73552commiserazione is commiserazione" ; rdfs:label " commiserazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73553masochismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66239masochista ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73553masochismo is masochismo" ; rdfs:label " masochismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73554masochista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem73551masochismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73554masochista is masochista" ; rdfs:label " masochista_as_Human" . inds:USem73555company simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3577impresa ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73555company is company" ; rdfs:label " company_as_Institution" . inds:USem73556masochista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73556masochista is masochista" ; rdfs:label " masochista_as_Human" . inds:USem73557comparsata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73557comparsata is comparsata" ; rdfs:label " comparsata_as_Act" . inds:USem73558compattamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73558compattamento is compattamento" ; rdfs:label " compattamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73559metamorfosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5418diverso ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73559metamorfosi is metamorfosi" ; rdfs:label " metamorfosi_as_Change" . inds:USem73560compiacimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73560compiacimento is compiacimento" ; rdfs:label " compiacimento_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem73561maneggione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73561maneggione is maneggione" ; rdfs:label " maneggione_as_Human" . inds:USem73562manifatturiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73562manifatturiere is manifatturiere" ; rdfs:label " manifatturiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem73563complotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73563complotto is complotto" ; rdfs:label " complotto_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73564mandolino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73564mandolino is mandolino" ; rdfs:label " mandolino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73565computerizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63957computerizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73565computerizzazione is computerizzazione" ; rdfs:label " computerizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73566mambo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73566mambo is mambo" ; rdfs:label " mambo_as_Move" . inds:USem73567malanimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73567malanimo is malanimo" ; rdfs:label " malanimo_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73568concertazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem59109ideare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem6911piano ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73568concertazione is concertazione" ; rdfs:label " concertazione_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem73569malasorte simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73569malasorte is malasorte" ; rdfs:label " malasorte_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem73570manipolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1524erba, inds:USemD5400paglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73570manipolo is manipolo" ; rdfs:label " manipolo_as_Group" . inds:USem73571concertazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73571concertazione is concertazione" ; rdfs:label " concertazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73572manipolo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73572manipolo is manipolo" ; rdfs:label " manipolo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem73573concerto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73573concerto is concerto" ; rdfs:label " concerto_as_Event" . inds:USem73574concerto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73574concerto is concerto" ; rdfs:label " concerto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem73576concimazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65800azione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73576concimazione is concimazione" ; rdfs:label " concimazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73577concitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73577concitazione is concitazione" ; rdfs:label " concitazione_as_State" . inds:USem73578concitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66243concitato ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73578concitazione is concitazione" ; rdfs:label " concitazione_as_Quality" . inds:USem73579concomitanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemTH43829concomitante ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73579concomitanza is concomitanza" ; rdfs:label " concomitanza_as_Quality" . inds:USem73580concussione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73580concussione is concussione" ; rdfs:label " concussione_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem73580montebianco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73580montebianco is montebianco" ; rdfs:label " montebianco_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem73581mercante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73581mercante is mercante" ; rdfs:label " mercante_as_Profession" . inds:USem73583condoglianza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73583condoglianza is condoglianza" ; rdfs:label " condoglianza_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73584meridionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73584meridionalista is meridionalista" ; rdfs:label " meridionalista_as_Profession" . inds:USem73585confino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73585confino is confino" ; rdfs:label " confino_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem73586mercantile simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73586mercantile is mercantile" ; rdfs:label " mercantile_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem73587confino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73587confino is confino" ; rdfs:label " confino_as_Location" . inds:USem73588confiteor simple:hasIsa inds:USem60077preghiera ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73588confiteor is confiteor" ; rdfs:label " confiteor_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73589conflagrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73589conflagrazione is conflagrazione" ; rdfs:label " conflagrazione_as_Event" . inds:USem73591confort simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem69351agio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73591confort is confort" ; rdfs:label " confort_as_Group" . inds:USem73592pazzo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem3835pazzia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73592pazzo is pazzo" ; rdfs:label " pazzo_as_Human" . inds:USem73593conforto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73593conforto is conforto" ; rdfs:label " conforto_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73594confutazione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73594confutazione is confutazione" ; rdfs:label " confutazione_as_Information" . inds:USem73595confutazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem74847discorso ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73595confutazione is confutazione" ; rdfs:label " confutazione_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73596congelazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73596congelazione is congelazione" ; rdfs:label " congelazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73597connubio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD5592unione ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73597connubio is connubio" ; rdfs:label " connubio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem73598conquista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73598conquista is conquista" ; rdfs:label " conquista_as_Human" . inds:USem73599conquista simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73599conquista is conquista" ; rdfs:label " conquista_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem73600conseguimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73600conseguimento is conseguimento" ; rdfs:label " conseguimento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73603contagio simple:hasIsa inds:USem72325morbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73603contagio is contagio" ; rdfs:label " contagio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73604contagio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73604contagio is contagio" ; rdfs:label " contagio_as_State" . inds:USem73605noleggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73605noleggio is noleggio" ; rdfs:label " noleggio_as_Transaction" . inds:USem73606istologico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem25istologia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73606istologico is istologico" ; rdfs:label " istologico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73607manifatturiero simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem64703manifattura ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73607manifatturiero is manifatturiero" ; rdfs:label " manifatturiero_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73608monarchico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD5260monarchia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73608monarchico is monarchico" ; rdfs:label " monarchico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73610contraffazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73610contraffazione is contraffazione" ; rdfs:label " contraffazione_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem73611contraffazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73611contraffazione is contraffazione" ; rdfs:label " contraffazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem73612abbagliamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73612abbagliamento is abbagliamento" ; rdfs:label " abbagliamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73613abbeverata simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD66248abbeverare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73613abbeverata is abbeverata" ; rdfs:label " abbeverata_as_Location" . inds:USem73614abbinata simple:hasIsa inds:USem73732accoppiata ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73614abbinata is abbinata" ; rdfs:label " abbinata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73615abboccato simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60713gusto ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73615abboccato is abboccato" ; rdfs:label " abboccato_as_Perception" . inds:USem73616abbonamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem72239importo ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73616abbonamento is abbonamento" ; rdfs:label " abbonamento_as_Amount" . inds:USem73617abbonamento simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73617abbonamento is abbonamento" ; rdfs:label " abbonamento_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem73618abbozzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73618abbozzata is abbozzata" ; rdfs:label " abbozzata_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem73619abilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73619abilita1 is abilita'" ; rdfs:label " abilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem73620abilitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73620abilitazione is abilitazione" ; rdfs:label " abilitazione_as_Change" . inds:USem73621abolizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73621abolizione is abolizione" ; rdfs:label " abolizione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem73622abolizionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD66250abolizionismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73622abolizionista is abolizionista" ; rdfs:label " abolizionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem73623acca simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73623acca is acca" ; rdfs:label " acca_as_Sign" . inds:USem73624noleggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73624noleggio is noleggio" ; rdfs:label " noleggio_as_Building" . inds:USem73625marciume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73625marciume is marciume" ; rdfs:label " marciume_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem73626marciume simple:hasIsa inds:USem61550corruzione ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73626marciume is marciume" ; rdfs:label " marciume_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem73627contenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73627contenzione is contenzione" ; rdfs:label " contenzione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73628contraccolpo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73628contraccolpo is contraccolpo" ; rdfs:label " contraccolpo_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73629contrafforte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73629contrafforte is contrafforte" ; rdfs:label " contrafforte_as_Part" . inds:USem73630contrappasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem71555criterio ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73630contrappasso is contrappasso" ; rdfs:label " contrappasso_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem73631contrattacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73631contrattacco is contrattacco" ; rdfs:label " contrattacco_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73632contrattempo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3950avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73632contrattempo is contrattempo" ; rdfs:label " contrattempo_as_Event" . inds:USem73633controcanto simple:hasIsa inds:USem63198melodia ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73633controcanto is controcanto" ; rdfs:label " controcanto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem73634controffensiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73634controffensiva is controffensiva" ; rdfs:label " controffensiva_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73635controfirma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem64238sottoscrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73635controfirma is controfirma" ; rdfs:label " controfirma_as_Representation" . inds:USem73636controindicazione simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73636controindicazione is controindicazione" ; rdfs:label " controindicazione_as_Agentive" . inds:USem73637contromossa simple:hasIsa inds:USem68375mossa ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73637contromossa is contromossa" ; rdfs:label " contromossa_as_Move" . inds:USem73638contropartita simple:hasTelic inds:USemD65585ricompensare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73638contropartita is contropartita" ; rdfs:label " contropartita_as_Telic" . inds:USem73639controproposta simple:hasIsa inds:USem74771proposta ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73639controproposta is controproposta" ; rdfs:label " controproposta_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73640controprova simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73640controprova is controprova" ; rdfs:label " controprova_as_Representation" . inds:USem73641controrivoluzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60557rivolta ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73641controrivoluzione is controrivoluzione" ; rdfs:label " controrivoluzione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73642contumelia simple:hasIsa inds:USem78916offesa ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73642contumelia is contumelia" ; rdfs:label " contumelia_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73643contumacia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73643contumacia is contumacia" ; rdfs:label " contumacia_as_State" . inds:USem73644convocazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73644convocazione is convocazione" ; rdfs:label " convocazione_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73645cooptazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73645cooptazione is cooptazione" ; rdfs:label " cooptazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73646coproduzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem6797produzione ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73646coproduzione is coproduzione" ; rdfs:label " coproduzione_as_Creation" . inds:USem73647corner simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73647corner is corner" ; rdfs:label " corner_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73648corollario simple:hasIsa inds:USem911idea ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73648corollario is corollario" ; rdfs:label " corollario_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem73649coronamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73649coronamento is coronamento" ; rdfs:label " coronamento_as_Part" . inds:USem73650coronamento simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6588disegnare, inds:USem7107scolpire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73650coronamento is coronamento" ; rdfs:label " coronamento_as_Artwork" . inds:USem73651correlazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73651correlazione is correlazione" ; rdfs:label " correlazione_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem73652corresponsione simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73652corresponsione is corresponsione" ; rdfs:label " corresponsione_as_Transaction" . inds:USem73654corteggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73654corteggiamento is corteggiamento" ; rdfs:label " corteggiamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73656cospirazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73656cospirazione is cospirazione" ; rdfs:label " cospirazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73657costernazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73657costernazione is costernazione" ; rdfs:label " costernazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73658costrizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61305obbligare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73658costrizione is costrizione" ; rdfs:label " costrizione_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem73659neurologico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem66neurologia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73659neurologico is neurologico" ; rdfs:label " neurologico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73660mitologico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem62335mitologia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73660mitologico is mitologico" ; rdfs:label " mitologico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73662nasale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1812naso ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73662nasale is nasale" ; rdfs:label " nasale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73663navale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73663navale is navale" ; rdfs:label " navale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73664burocratico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem66729burocrazia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73664burocratico is burocratico" ; rdfs:label " burocratico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73666pozzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5527cavita1 ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73666pozzo is pozzo" ; rdfs:label " pozzo_as_Opening" . inds:USem73667pozzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73667pozzo is pozzo" ; rdfs:label " pozzo_as_Amount" . inds:USem73669viscerale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem66949viscere ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73669viscerale is viscerale" ; rdfs:label " viscerale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73670edilizio simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem71649edilizia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73670edilizio is edilizio" ; rdfs:label " edilizio_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73671marino simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD3255mare ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73671marino is marino" ; rdfs:label " marino_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73674digestivo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem60217digestione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73674digestivo is digestivo" ; rdfs:label " digestivo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73676turistico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD66258turismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73676turistico is turistico" ; rdfs:label " turistico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73678cortocircuito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73678cortocircuito is cortocircuito" ; rdfs:label " cortocircuito_as_Event" . inds:USem73679coscrizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60345arruolamento ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73679coscrizione is coscrizione" ; rdfs:label " coscrizione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem73680cosmogonia simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73680cosmogonia is cosmogonia" ; rdfs:label " cosmogonia_as_Agentive" . inds:USem73681costumanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63932tradizione ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73681costumanza is costumanza" ; rdfs:label " costumanza_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem73682cotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73682cotta is cotta" ; rdfs:label " cotta_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73683cotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73683cotta is cotta" ; rdfs:label " cotta_as_State" . inds:USem73684cotta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73684cotta is cotta" ; rdfs:label " cotta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem73685cremazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73685cremazione is cremazione" ; rdfs:label " cremazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73686cresima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73686cresima is cresima" ; rdfs:label " cresima_as_Event" . inds:USem73687crocchia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65651acconciatura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62640capigliatura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73687crocchia is crocchia" ; rdfs:label " crocchia_as_Part" . inds:USem73688crociera simple:hasIsa inds:USem73495navigazione ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73688crociera is crociera" ; rdfs:label " crociera_as_Move" . inds:USem73689cronaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73689cronaca is cronaca" ; rdfs:label " cronaca_as_Domain" . inds:USem73690cronaca simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73690cronaca is cronaca" ; rdfs:label " cronaca_as_Information" . inds:USem73691cronaca simple:hasIsa inds:USem62337racconto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73691cronaca is cronaca" ; rdfs:label " cronaca_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem73692cronistoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73692cronistoria is cronistoria" ; rdfs:label " cronistoria_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem73693cronistoria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73693cronistoria is cronistoria" ; rdfs:label " cronistoria_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem73694cross simple:hasIsa inds:USem61070tiro ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73694cross is cross" ; rdfs:label " cross_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem73695cruccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73695cruccio is cruccio" ; rdfs:label " cruccio_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73696cubatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem60260calcolo ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73696cubatura is cubatura" ; rdfs:label " cubatura_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem73697cubito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1776ossatura, inds:USemD3872corpo, inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73697cubito is cubito" ; rdfs:label " cubito_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem73698daffare simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73698daffare is daffare" ; rdfs:label " daffare_as_Telic" . inds:USem73699debutto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73699debutto is debutto" ; rdfs:label " debutto_as_Event" . inds:USem73701decapitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD64014decapitato ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73701decapitazione is decapitazione" ; rdfs:label " decapitazione_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem73702decelerazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73702decelerazione is decelerazione" ; rdfs:label " decelerazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73703decentralizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66265decentralizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73703decentralizzazione is decentralizzazione" ; rdfs:label " decentralizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73704decifrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem66379interpretare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73704decifrazione is decifrazione" ; rdfs:label " decifrazione_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem73705decimazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73705decimazione is decimazione" ; rdfs:label " decimazione_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem73706decolonizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66268decolonizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73706decolonizzazione is decolonizzazione" ; rdfs:label " decolonizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73707decolorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66091decolorato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73707decolorazione is decolorazione" ; rdfs:label " decolorazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73708decurtazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60191diminuzione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73708decurtazione is decurtazione" ; rdfs:label " decurtazione_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem73709dedizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66270dedito ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73709dedizione is dedizione" ; rdfs:label " dedizione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73710defezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73710defezione is defezione" ; rdfs:label " defezione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73711deflagrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73711deflagrazione is deflagrazione" ; rdfs:label " deflagrazione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73712deflagrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73712deflagrare is deflagrare" ; rdfs:label " deflagrare_as_Event" . inds:USem73714deglutizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5616ingerire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73714deglutizione is deglutizione" ; rdfs:label " deglutizione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73715degnazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73715degnazione is degnazione" ; rdfs:label " degnazione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73716degustazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73716degustazione is degustazione" ; rdfs:label " degustazione_as_Perception" . inds:USem73717deificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60772lode ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73717deificazione is deificazione" ; rdfs:label " deificazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73718delazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73718delazione is delazione" ; rdfs:label " delazione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem73719accanimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73719accanimento is accanimento" ; rdfs:label " accanimento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73720accelerato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2863locomotiva, inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73720accelerato is accelerato" ; rdfs:label " accelerato_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem73721accessibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem75455accessibile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73721accessibilita1 is accessibilita'" ; rdfs:label " accessibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem73722accesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73722accesso is accesso" ; rdfs:label " accesso_as_Part" . inds:USem73723accesso simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73723accesso is accesso" ; rdfs:label " accesso_as_Move" . inds:USem73724acclimatazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73724acclimatazione is acclimatazione" ; rdfs:label " acclimatazione_as_Event" . inds:USem73725accomodamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73725accomodamento is accomodamento" ; rdfs:label " accomodamento_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem73726accomodare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59869accordare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73726accomodare is accomodare" ; rdfs:label " accomodare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem73727accomodamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73727accomodamento is accomodamento" ; rdfs:label " accomodamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73729accoppiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73729accoppiamento is accoppiamento" ; rdfs:label " accoppiamento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73730alchermes simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61708invecchiare, inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73730alchermes is alchermes" ; rdfs:label " alchermes_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem73731alchimista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73731alchimista is alchimista" ; rdfs:label " alchimista_as_Human" . inds:USem73732accoppiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73732accoppiata is accoppiata" ; rdfs:label " accoppiata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73733accoppiata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73733accoppiata is accoppiata" ; rdfs:label " accoppiata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem73734accordatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73734accordatura is accordatura" ; rdfs:label " accordatura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73736accostamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73736accostamento is accostamento" ; rdfs:label " accostamento_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem73737accostamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73737accostamento is accostamento" ; rdfs:label " accostamento_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem73738accostata simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73738accostata is accostata" ; rdfs:label " accostata_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem73739acme simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73739acme is acme" ; rdfs:label " acme_as_Part" . inds:USem73740acme simple:hasIsa inds:USem62500stadio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73740acme is acme" ; rdfs:label " acme_as_Time" . inds:USem73741acquedotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7150distribuire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73741acquedotto is acquedotto" ; rdfs:label " acquedotto_as_Building" . inds:USem73742aliquota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62454somma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73742aliquota is aliquota" ; rdfs:label " aliquota_as_Part" . inds:USem73743aliquota simple:hasIsa inds:USem67855tassa ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59794reddito ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73743aliquota is aliquota" ; rdfs:label " aliquota_as_Convention" . inds:USem73744alcolizzato simple:hasIsa inds:USem5072bevitore ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD66283bere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73744alcolizzato is alcolizzato" ; rdfs:label " alcolizzato_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem73745alpino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73745alpino is alpino" ; rdfs:label " alpino_as_Profession" . inds:USem73746appello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73746appello is appello" ; rdfs:label " appello_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem73747appello simple:hasIsa inds:USem7064istituzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73747appello is appello" ; rdfs:label " appello_as_Convention" . inds:USem73748antichita1 simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73748antichita1 is antichita'" ; rdfs:label " antichita'_as_Group" . inds:USem73749armaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73749armaiolo is armaiolo" ; rdfs:label " armaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USem73750piroga simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73750piroga is piroga" ; rdfs:label " piroga_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem73751alimentare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73751alimentare is alimentare" ; rdfs:label " alimentare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73752genico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD66284gene ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73752genico is genico" ; rdfs:label " genico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73754matrimoniale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD5504matrimonio ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73754matrimoniale is matrimoniale" ; rdfs:label " matrimoniale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73755fantascientifico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem67123fantascienza ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73755fantascientifico is fantascientifico" ; rdfs:label " fantascientifico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem73756apatia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem60669volonta1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73756apatia is apatia" ; rdfs:label " apatia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73757annata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73757annata is annata" ; rdfs:label " annata_as_Time" . inds:USem73758annata simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62445evento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73758annata is annata" ; rdfs:label " annata_as_Group" . inds:USem73759annata simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem65329periodico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73759annata is annata" ; rdfs:label " annata_as_Group" . inds:USem73760adattamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73760adattamento is adattamento" ; rdfs:label " adattamento_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem73761paiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73761paiolo is paiolo" ; rdfs:label " paiolo_as_Amount" . inds:USem73762adattamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73762adattamento is adattamento" ; rdfs:label " adattamento_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem73763adattamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73763adattamento is adattamento" ; rdfs:label " adattamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73765alcolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73765alcolismo is alcolismo" ; rdfs:label " alcolismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73766alimentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73766alimentazione is alimentazione" ; rdfs:label " alimentazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73767alimentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73767alimentazione is alimentazione" ; rdfs:label " alimentazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73768addebito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73768addebito is addebito" ; rdfs:label " addebito_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73769addetto simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem60072incaricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73769addetto is addetto" ; rdfs:label " addetto_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem73770addizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem68159operazione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73770addizione is addizione" ; rdfs:label " addizione_as_Convention" . inds:USem73771adempimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73771adempimento is adempimento" ; rdfs:label " adempimento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73772adulterazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73772adulterazione is adulterazione" ; rdfs:label " adulterazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73773alberata simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73773alberata is alberata" ; rdfs:label " alberata_as_Group" . inds:USem73774agro simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2449sapore ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73774agro is agro" ; rdfs:label " agro_as_Perception" . inds:USem73775agiatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73775agiatezza is agiatezza" ; rdfs:label " agiatezza_as_State" . inds:USem73776aggravio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73776aggravio is aggravio" ; rdfs:label " aggravio_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73777agevolazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem63093facilitare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73777agevolazione is agevolazione" ; rdfs:label " agevolazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73778adulterio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73778adulterio is adulterio" ; rdfs:label " adulterio_as_Act" . inds:USem73779adunanza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73779adunanza is adunanza" ; rdfs:label " adunanza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem73780affarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73780affarista is affarista" ; rdfs:label " affarista_as_Human" . inds:USem73781sterpo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1570arbusto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73781sterpo is sterpo" ; rdfs:label " sterpo_as_Plant" . inds:USem73782schiappa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73782schiappa is schiappa" ; rdfs:label " schiappa_as_Human" . inds:USem73783schioppettata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem66247schioppo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73783schioppettata is schioppettata" ; rdfs:label " schioppettata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73784schizzetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5118iniettare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73784schizzetto is schizzetto" ; rdfs:label " schizzetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73785schizzetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73785schizzetto is schizzetto" ; rdfs:label " schizzetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73786schizzetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73786schizzetto is schizzetto" ; rdfs:label " schizzetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73787novena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73787novena is novena" ; rdfs:label " novena_as_Event" . inds:USem73788mugo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73788mugo is mugo" ; rdfs:label " mugo_as_Plant" . inds:USem73789multinazionale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3577impresa ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73789multinazionale is multinazionale" ; rdfs:label " multinazionale_as_Institution" . inds:USem73790municipalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73790municipalita1 is municipalita'" ; rdfs:label " municipalita'_as_Institution" . inds:USem73791murena simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73791murena is murena" ; rdfs:label " murena_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem73792muricciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73792muricciolo is muricciolo" ; rdfs:label " muricciolo_as_Building" . inds:USem73793musata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1796muso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73793musata is musata" ; rdfs:label " musata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73794musicalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66293musicale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73794musicalita1 is musicalita'" ; rdfs:label " musicalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem73795musicologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73795musicologo is musicologo" ; rdfs:label " musicologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem73796mussola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73796mussola is mussola" ; rdfs:label " mussola_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem73797nacchera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73797nacchera is nacchera" ; rdfs:label " nacchera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73798naiade simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73798naiade is naiade" ; rdfs:label " naiade_as_Representation" . inds:USem73799naiade simple:hasIsa inds:USem918essere ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73799naiade is naiade" ; rdfs:label " naiade_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem73800naiade simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasTypicalLocation inds:USem66548acqua ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73800naiade is naiade" ; rdfs:label " naiade_as_Plant" . inds:USem73801nanna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73801nanna is nanna" ; rdfs:label " nanna_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73802nanosecondo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73802nanosecondo is nanosecondo" ; rdfs:label " nanosecondo_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem73803napalm simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3085esplosivo ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73803napalm is napalm" ; rdfs:label " napalm_as_Substance" . inds:USem73804nascondino simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73804nascondino is nascondino" ; rdfs:label " nascondino_as_Domain" . inds:USem73805nasello simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73805nasello is nasello" ; rdfs:label " nasello_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem73806nassa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem72059gabbia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73806nassa is nassa" ; rdfs:label " nassa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73807nativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3950avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73807nativita1 is nativita'" ; rdfs:label " nativita'_as_Event" . inds:USem73808nativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73808nativita1 is nativita'" ; rdfs:label " nativita'_as_Time" . inds:USem73809naturalizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73809naturalizzazione is naturalizzazione" ; rdfs:label " naturalizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73810nebbiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem66013vitigno ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73810nebbiolo is nebbiolo" ; rdfs:label " nebbiolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem73811nebulizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73811nebulizzazione is nebulizzazione" ; rdfs:label " nebulizzazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73812necroforo simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73812necroforo is necroforo" ; rdfs:label " necroforo_as_Profession" . inds:USem73814negriere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem60507trafficare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73814negriere is negriere" ; rdfs:label " negriere_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem73815negriere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73815negriere is negriere" ; rdfs:label " negriere_as_Human" . inds:USem73816nemesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73816nemesi is nemesi" ; rdfs:label " nemesi_as_Event" . inds:USem73817nemesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73817nemesi is nemesi" ; rdfs:label " nemesi_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73818nenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73818nenia is nenia" ; rdfs:label " nenia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem73819nequizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66297nequitoso ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73819nequizia is nequizia" ; rdfs:label " nequizia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73820nerbata simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD66298nerbo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73820nerbata is nerbata" ; rdfs:label " nerbata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73821nerbo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73821nerbo is nerbo" ; rdfs:label " nerbo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem73822nerbo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73822nerbo is nerbo" ; rdfs:label " nerbo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73823nerbo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73823nerbo is nerbo" ; rdfs:label " nerbo_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem73824neretto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73824neretto is neretto" ; rdfs:label " neretto_as_Sign" . inds:USem73825neretto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73825neretto is neretto" ; rdfs:label " neretto_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem73827nespolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1712nespola ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73827nespolo is nespolo" ; rdfs:label " nespolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem73828nettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73828nettare is nettare" ; rdfs:label " nettare_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem73829nettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73829nettare is nettare" ; rdfs:label " nettare_as_Drink" . inds:USem73830nibbio simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65489rapace ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73830nibbio is nibbio" ; rdfs:label " nibbio_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem73831nutria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1178roditore ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73831nutria is nutria" ; rdfs:label " nutria_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem73832nigeriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemTH36177nigeria ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73832nigeriano is nigeriano" ; rdfs:label " nigeriano_as_People" . inds:USem73833nichelino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7168scambiare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73833nichelino is nichelino" ; rdfs:label " nichelino_as_Money" . inds:USem73834nigeriano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73834nigeriano is nigeriano" ; rdfs:label " nigeriano_as_Language" . inds:USem73835nevaio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2226montagna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59485massa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3888neve ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73835nevaio is nevaio" ; rdfs:label " nevaio_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem73837ninnananna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73837ninnananna is ninnananna" ; rdfs:label " ninnananna_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem73838nirvana simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73838nirvana is nirvana" ; rdfs:label " nirvana_as_State" . inds:USem73839nobildonna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia, inds:USem6874nobilta1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73839nobildonna is nobildonna" ; rdfs:label " nobildonna_as_Social_status" . inds:USem73840nobilitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3880miglioramento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73840nobilitazione is nobilitazione" ; rdfs:label " nobilitazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73841nobiluomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia, inds:USem6874nobilta1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73841nobiluomo is nobiluomo" ; rdfs:label " nobiluomo_as_Social_status" . inds:USem73842nocella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD4047polso ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73842nocella is nocella" ; rdfs:label " nocella_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem73843nocino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1431noce, inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73843nocino is nocino" ; rdfs:label " nocino_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem73844nodello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1737zampa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1777osso ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73844nodello is nodello" ; rdfs:label " nodello_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem73845nona simple:hasIsa inds:USem2759ora ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73845nona is nona" ; rdfs:label " nona_as_Time" . inds:USem73846normalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73846normalita1 is normalita'" ; rdfs:label " normalita'_as_State" . inds:USem73847normazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73847normazione is normazione" ; rdfs:label " normazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73848norvegese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD63454norvegia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73848norvegese is norvegese" ; rdfs:label " norvegese_as_People" . inds:USem73849notariato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73849notariato is notariato" ; rdfs:label " notariato_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73850notariato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem63719notaio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73850notariato is notariato" ; rdfs:label " notariato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem73851notorieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66302notorio ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73851notorieta1 is notorieta'" ; rdfs:label " notorieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USem73852notorieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73852notorieta1 is notorieta'" ; rdfs:label " notorieta'_as_State" . inds:USem73853nottola simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1187pipistrello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73853nottola is nottola" ; rdfs:label " nottola_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem73854nottolino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61189cilindro ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD66064serratura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1068aprire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73854nottolino is nottolino" ; rdfs:label " nottolino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73855novelliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4953scrittore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73855novelliere is novelliere" ; rdfs:label " novelliere_as_Profession" . inds:USem73856novelliere simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73856novelliere is novelliere" ; rdfs:label " novelliere_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem73857novellino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73857novellino is novellino" ; rdfs:label " novellino_as_Human" . inds:USem73858novellistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem62955arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73858novellistica is novellistica" ; rdfs:label " novellistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem73859novellistica simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem66871novella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73859novellistica is novellistica" ; rdfs:label " novellistica_as_Group" . inds:USem73860novilunio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73860novilunio is novilunio" ; rdfs:label " novilunio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73861novita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5418diverso ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73861novita1 is novita'" ; rdfs:label " novita'_as_Change" . inds:USem73862novita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6532nuovo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73862novita1 is novita'" ; rdfs:label " novita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem73863dito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73863dito is dito" ; rdfs:label " dito_as_Amount" . inds:USem73864mole simple:hasIsa inds:USem2452misura ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73864mole is mole" ; rdfs:label " mole_as_Amount" . inds:USem73866nudita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73866nudita1 is nudita'" ; rdfs:label " nudita'_as_State" . inds:USem73868nullita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73868nullita1 is nullita'" ; rdfs:label " nullita'_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem73869nullita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66304nullo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73869nullita1 is nullita'" ; rdfs:label " nullita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem73870numeratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73870numeratore is numeratore" ; rdfs:label " numeratore_as_Convention" . inds:USem73871nuvolaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem59554nuvola ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73871nuvolaglia is nuvolaglia" ; rdfs:label " nuvolaglia_as_Area" . inds:USem73872nuvolo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73872nuvolo is nuvolo" ; rdfs:label " nuvolo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73873nylon simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73873nylon is nylon" ; rdfs:label " nylon_as_Substance" . inds:USem73874nuvolosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73874nuvolosita1 is nuvolosita'" ; rdfs:label " nuvolosita'_as_State" . inds:USem73875obesita1 simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5465metabolismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73875obesita1 is obesita'" ; rdfs:label " obesita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73876obesita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6504obeso ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73876obesita1 is obesita'" ; rdfs:label " obesita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem73877obice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73877obice is obice" ; rdfs:label " obice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73878deambulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73878deambulazione is deambulazione" ; rdfs:label " deambulazione_as_Move" . inds:USem73879tunnel simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60395collegare, inds:USem61191passare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73879tunnel is tunnel" ; rdfs:label " tunnel_as_Artifact" . inds:USem73880apnea simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73880apnea is apnea" ; rdfs:label " apnea_as_State" . inds:USem73881approdo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73881approdo is approdo" ; rdfs:label " approdo_as_Area" . inds:USem73882galleria simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60395collegare, inds:USem61191passare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73882galleria is galleria" ; rdfs:label " galleria_as_Artifact" . inds:USem73883appesantimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73883appesantimento is appesantimento" ; rdfs:label " appesantimento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem73884apparato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73884apparato is apparato" ; rdfs:label " apparato_as_Group" . inds:USem73885apparato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6365dirigente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73885apparato is apparato" ; rdfs:label " apparato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem73886apparato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73886apparato is apparato" ; rdfs:label " apparato_as_Group" . inds:USem73887appartenente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73887appartenente is appartenente" ; rdfs:label " appartenente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem73889approdo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73889approdo is approdo" ; rdfs:label " approdo_as_Event" . inds:USem73890approdo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73890approdo is approdo" ; rdfs:label " approdo_as_Move" . inds:USem73891casualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65704casuale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73891casualita1 is casualita'" ; rdfs:label " casualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem73892castita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66308casto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73892castita1 is castita'" ; rdfs:label " castita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73893amorino simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73893amorino is amorino" ; rdfs:label " amorino_as_Entity" . inds:USem73894capillarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73894capillarita1 is capillarita'" ; rdfs:label " capillarita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73895andatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73895andatura is andatura" ; rdfs:label " andatura_as_Property" . inds:USem73896capillarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66060capillare ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73896capillarita1 is capillarita'" ; rdfs:label " capillarita'_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem73897capillarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76916capillare ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73897capillarita1 is capillarita'" ; rdfs:label " capillarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem73899aspirina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73899aspirina is aspirina" ; rdfs:label " aspirina_as_Substance" . inds:USem73900aspide simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD5130strisciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3315serpente ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73900aspide is aspide" ; rdfs:label " aspide_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem73901aspide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73901aspide is aspide" ; rdfs:label " aspide_as_Human" . inds:USem73902asfodelo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73902asfodelo is asfodelo" ; rdfs:label " asfodelo_as_Plant" . inds:USem73903armellino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73903armellino is armellino" ; rdfs:label " armellino_as_Money" . inds:USem73904assenzio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61708invecchiare, inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73904assenzio is assenzio" ; rdfs:label " assenzio_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem73905ardito simple:hasIsa inds:USem64394soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73905ardito is ardito" ; rdfs:label " ardito_as_Profession" . inds:USem73906armistizio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60397accordo ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73906armistizio is armistizio" ; rdfs:label " armistizio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73907baia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73907baia is baia" ; rdfs:label " baia_as_Area" . inds:USem73908baiocco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73908baiocco is baiocco" ; rdfs:label " baiocco_as_Money" . inds:USem73909baldracca simple:hasIsa inds:USem4655prostituta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemTH124prostituire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73909baldracca is baldracca" ; rdfs:label " baldracca_as_Profession" . inds:USem73910barbera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73910barbera is barbera" ; rdfs:label " barbera_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem73913schiocco simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73913schiocco is schiocco" ; rdfs:label " schiocco_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem73914saltello simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73914saltello is saltello" ; rdfs:label " saltello_as_Move" . inds:USem73915salterello simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73915salterello is salterello" ; rdfs:label " salterello_as_Move" . inds:USem73916salterello simple:hasIsa inds:USem3184filo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2884clavicembalo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem68058legno ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73916salterello is salterello" ; rdfs:label " salterello_as_Part" . inds:USem73917rutto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73917rutto is rutto" ; rdfs:label " rutto_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73918santino simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73918santino is santino" ; rdfs:label " santino_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem73919scarabeo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73919scarabeo is scarabeo" ; rdfs:label " scarabeo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem73920scarabeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63663portafortuna ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73920scarabeo is scarabeo" ; rdfs:label " scarabeo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem73921scarabeo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73921scarabeo is scarabeo" ; rdfs:label " scarabeo_as_Domain" . inds:USem73922sterpaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73922sterpaglia is sterpaglia" ; rdfs:label " sterpaglia_as_Area" . inds:USem73923sterpaglia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem67620groviglio ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73923sterpaglia is sterpaglia" ; rdfs:label " sterpaglia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem73924stereoscopia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67462cinema ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73924stereoscopia is stereoscopia" ; rdfs:label " stereoscopia_as_Domain" . inds:USem73925stereoscopia simple:hasInstrument inds:USem60548vista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73925stereoscopia is stereoscopia" ; rdfs:label " stereoscopia_as_Perception" . inds:USem73926ostilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66319ostile ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73926ostilita1 is ostilita'" ; rdfs:label " ostilita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73927ostilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73927ostilita1 is ostilita'" ; rdfs:label " ostilita'_as_Act" . inds:USem73928melissa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73928melissa is melissa" ; rdfs:label " melissa_as_Plant" . inds:USem73929melagrana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD66320melograno ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73929melagrana is melagrana" ; rdfs:label " melagrana_as_Fruit" . inds:USem73930melica simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73930melica is melica" ; rdfs:label " melica_as_Plant" . inds:USem73931megahertz simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73931megahertz is megahertz" ; rdfs:label " megahertz_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem73932medusa simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73932medusa is medusa" ; rdfs:label " medusa_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem73933mediocrita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6752mediocre ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73933mediocrita1 is mediocrita'" ; rdfs:label " mediocrita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73934mediano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2022calciatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73934mediano is mediano" ; rdfs:label " mediano_as_Profession" . inds:USem73935meandro simple:hasIsa inds:USem64765solco ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73935meandro is meandro" ; rdfs:label " meandro_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem73936meandro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2242percorso ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73936meandro is meandro" ; rdfs:label " meandro_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem73937meandro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73937meandro is meandro" ; rdfs:label " meandro_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem73938mazurca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73938mazurca is mazurca" ; rdfs:label " mazurca_as_Move" . inds:USem73939maxinchiesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73939maxinchiesta is maxinchiesta" ; rdfs:label " maxinchiesta_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73940maxicappotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5433stoffa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73940maxicappotto is maxicappotto" ; rdfs:label " maxicappotto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem73941maximoto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2867motocicletta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6977spostare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73941maximoto is maximoto" ; rdfs:label " maximoto_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem73942mausoleo simple:hasIsa inds:USem64734sepolcro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1476seppellire ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73942mausoleo is mausoleo" ; rdfs:label " mausoleo_as_Building" . inds:USem73943matterello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73943matterello is matterello" ; rdfs:label " matterello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73944mattatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1138macellare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73944mattatoio is mattatoio" ; rdfs:label " mattatoio_as_Building" . inds:USem73946matrona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73946matrona is matrona" ; rdfs:label " matrona_as_Social_status" . inds:USem73947matrona simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73947matrona is matrona" ; rdfs:label " matrona_as_Human" . inds:USem73948matricidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73948matricidio is matricidio" ; rdfs:label " matricidio_as_Act" . inds:USem73949mena simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73949mena is mena" ; rdfs:label " mena_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem73951mento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD4019faccia ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73951mento is mento" ; rdfs:label " mento_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem73952mercantilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73952mercantilismo is mercantilismo" ; rdfs:label " mercantilismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem73953merce1 simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73953merce1 is merce'" ; rdfs:label " merce'_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem73955mercificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73955mercificazione is mercificazione" ; rdfs:label " mercificazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem73956meridionale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem69181sud ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73956meridionale is meridionale" ; rdfs:label " meridionale_as_People" . inds:USem73957mercimonio simple:hasIsa inds:USem74762commercio ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73957mercimonio is mercimonio" ; rdfs:label " mercimonio_as_Transaction" . inds:USem73958meridionalistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73958meridionalistica is meridionalistica" ; rdfs:label " meridionalistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem73959meridiana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem2740tempo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73959meridiana is meridiana" ; rdfs:label " meridiana_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73960meringata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73960meringata is meringata" ; rdfs:label " meringata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem73961meritocrazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem72182ideale ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73961meritocrazia is meritocrazia" ; rdfs:label " meritocrazia_as_Domain" . inds:USem73962merlano simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73962merlano is merlano" ; rdfs:label " merlano_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem73963mescita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73963mescita is mescita" ; rdfs:label " mescita_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem73964mestruo simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73964mestruo is mestruo" ; rdfs:label " mestruo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem73965mestruo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem67077femmina ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73965mestruo is mestruo" ; rdfs:label " mestruo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem73966messicano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77617messico ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73966messicano is messicano" ; rdfs:label " messicano_as_People" . inds:USem73967messere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73967messere is messere" ; rdfs:label " messere_as_Convention" . inds:USem73968metanodotto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem59852tubo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59813conduttura ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73968metanodotto is metanodotto" ; rdfs:label " metanodotto_as_Group" . inds:USem73969metallurgico simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73969metallurgico is metallurgico" ; rdfs:label " metallurgico_as_Profession" . inds:USem73970meteoropatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73970meteoropatia is meteoropatia" ; rdfs:label " meteoropatia_as_Disease" . inds:USem73971mortaretto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66255petardo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73971mortaretto is mortaretto" ; rdfs:label " mortaretto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73972muflone simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD6442corno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1179ruminante ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73972muflone is muflone" ; rdfs:label " muflone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem73973mescolata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73973mescolata is mescolata" ; rdfs:label " mescolata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73974mescolatrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5110mescolare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73974mescolatrice is mescolatrice" ; rdfs:label " mescolatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73975mesozoico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73975mesozoico is mesozoico" ; rdfs:label " mesozoico_as_Time" . inds:USem73976messaggeria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73976messaggeria is messaggeria" ; rdfs:label " messaggeria_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem73977meticolosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66324meticoloso ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73977meticolosita1 is meticolosita'" ; rdfs:label " meticolosita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem73978mestizia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66325mesto ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73978mestizia is mestizia" ; rdfs:label " mestizia_as_Quality" . inds:USem73979mestizia simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66325mesto ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73979mestizia is mestizia" ; rdfs:label " mestizia_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem73980microconflittualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73980microconflittualita1 is microconflittualita'" ; rdfs:label " microconflittualita'_as_State" . inds:USem73981carnivoro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73981carnivoro is carnivoro" ; rdfs:label " carnivoro_as_Human" . inds:USem73982oste simple:hasIsa inds:USem5486gestore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD636gestire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73982oste is oste" ; rdfs:label " oste_as_Profession" . inds:USem73983ostaggio simple:hasAgentive inds:USem7140sequestrare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73983ostaggio is ostaggio" ; rdfs:label " ostaggio_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem73984ostruzionista simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem66155ostacolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73984ostruzionista is ostruzionista" ; rdfs:label " ostruzionista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem73985otaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73985otaria is otaria" ; rdfs:label " otaria_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem73986motociclo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USem66463sellino, inds:USemD5056ruota, inds:USemD812pedale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2864ciclomotore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD802viaggiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73986motociclo is motociclo" ; rdfs:label " motociclo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem73987motocarrozzetta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USem66463sellino, inds:USemD5056ruota, inds:USemD812pedale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2864ciclomotore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD802viaggiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73987motocarrozzetta is motocarrozzetta" ; rdfs:label " motocarrozzetta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem73988motoraduno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73988motoraduno is motoraduno" ; rdfs:label " motoraduno_as_Event" . inds:USem73989navigabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66328navigabile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73989navigabilita1 is navigabilita'" ; rdfs:label " navigabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem73990accampare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73990accampare is accampare" ; rdfs:label " accampare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem73990neuro simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7083reparto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60931ospedale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73990neuro is neuro" ; rdfs:label " neuro_as_Building" . inds:USem73991obbiettivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66329obiettivo ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73991obbiettivita1 is obbiettivita'" ; rdfs:label " obbiettivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem73992oblo1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4358fiancata ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73992oblo1 is oblo'" ; rdfs:label " oblo'_as_Opening" . inds:USem73994oboe simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73994oboe is oboe" ; rdfs:label " oboe_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73995ocarina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73995ocarina is ocarina" ; rdfs:label " ocarina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem73996ocra simple:hasIsa inds:USem3002pietra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73996ocra is ocra" ; rdfs:label " ocra_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem73997oculistica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemTH36202oftalmologia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61337medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73997oculistica is oculistica" ; rdfs:label " oculistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem73998offertorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem71478liturgia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73998offertorio is offertorio" ; rdfs:label " offertorio_as_Part" . inds:USem73999officiante simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD66331officiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem73999officiante is officiante" ; rdfs:label " officiante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74000officio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74000officio is officio" ; rdfs:label " officio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem74001oggidi1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74001oggidi1 is oggidi'" ; rdfs:label " oggidi'_as_Time" . inds:USem74002olandese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem68495olanda ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem68495olanda ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74002olandese is olandese" ; rdfs:label " olandese_as_People" . inds:USem74003olezzo simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74003olezzo is olezzo" ; rdfs:label " olezzo_as_Perception" . inds:USem74004oliera simple:hasContains inds:USem3279olio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3007plastica, inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74004oliera is oliera" ; rdfs:label " oliera_as_Container" . inds:USem74005olla simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74005olla is olla" ; rdfs:label " olla_as_Container" . inds:USem74006olmeto simple:hasContains inds:USem1463olmo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59606piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59078piantare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74006olmeto is olmeto" ; rdfs:label " olmeto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem74007oltremare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74007oltremare is oltremare" ; rdfs:label " oltremare_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem74008oltremare simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74008oltremare is oltremare" ; rdfs:label " oltremare_as_Color" . inds:USem74009ombrellata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3310ombrello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74009ombrellata is ombrellata" ; rdfs:label " ombrellata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74010omega simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74010omega is omega" ; rdfs:label " omega_as_Sign" . inds:USem74011omeletta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3712uovo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74011omeletta is omeletta" ; rdfs:label " omeletta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem74012omero simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1743braccio, inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74012omero is omero" ; rdfs:label " omero_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem74013ometto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74013ometto is ometto" ; rdfs:label " ometto_as_Human" . inds:USem74014ometto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74014ometto is ometto" ; rdfs:label " ometto_as_Human" . inds:USem74015ometto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74015ometto is ometto" ; rdfs:label " ometto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74016ondina simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74016ondina is ondina" ; rdfs:label " ondina_as_Representation" . inds:USem74017ondina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD558nuotare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74017ondina is ondina" ; rdfs:label " ondina_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74018onoranza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74018onoranza is onoranza" ; rdfs:label " onoranza_as_Event" . inds:USem74019ontano simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74019ontano is ontano" ; rdfs:label " ontano_as_Plant" . inds:USem74020opalina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74020opalina is opalina" ; rdfs:label " opalina_as_Artwork" . inds:USem74021opalina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74021opalina is opalina" ; rdfs:label " opalina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem74022operabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD78234operabile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74022operabilita1 is operabilita'" ; rdfs:label " operabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem74023orangutano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1134scimmia ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74023orangutano is orangutano" ; rdfs:label " orangutano_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74024orcio simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1741terracotta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74024orcio is orcio" ; rdfs:label " orcio_as_Container" . inds:USem74025origano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74025origano is origano" ; rdfs:label " origano_as_Plant" . inds:USem74026ornitorinco simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74026ornitorinco is ornitorinco" ; rdfs:label " ornitorinco_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem74027orzata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5324diluire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74027orzata is orzata" ; rdfs:label " orzata_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem74029muggito simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem63231bue ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74029muggito is muggito" ; rdfs:label " muggito_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74030paggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem64687servitore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1663servire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74030paggio is paggio" ; rdfs:label " paggio_as_Profession" . inds:USem74031ottimista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74031ottimista is ottimista" ; rdfs:label " ottimista_as_Human" . inds:USem74032paciere simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem66924mediare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74032paciere is paciere" ; rdfs:label " paciere_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74033ossario simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74033ossario is ossario" ; rdfs:label " ossario_as_Building" . inds:USem74034padule simple:hasIsa inds:USem4134zona ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74034padule is padule" ; rdfs:label " padule_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem74035pagaia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6783remare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74035pagaia is pagaia" ; rdfs:label " pagaia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74036pagliaccetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74036pagliaccetto is pagliaccetto" ; rdfs:label " pagliaccetto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem74037pagliaio simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74037pagliaio is pagliaio" ; rdfs:label " pagliaio_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem74038motoveicolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USem66463sellino, inds:USemD5056ruota, inds:USemD812pedale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2864ciclomotore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD802viaggiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74038motoveicolo is motoveicolo" ; rdfs:label " motoveicolo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem74039motteggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74039motteggio is motteggio" ; rdfs:label " motteggio_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74040mottetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74040mottetto is mottetto" ; rdfs:label " mottetto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem74041muezzin simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74041muezzin is muezzin" ; rdfs:label " muezzin_as_Human" . inds:USem74042montepremi simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74042montepremi is montepremi" ; rdfs:label " montepremi_as_Amount" . inds:USem74043mufti1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74043mufti1 is mufti'" ; rdfs:label " mufti'_as_Role" . inds:USem74045ottusita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66339ottuso ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74045ottusita1 is ottusita'" ; rdfs:label " ottusita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem74046pacifismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74046pacifismo is pacifismo" ; rdfs:label " pacifismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem74047paglione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74047paglione is paglione" ; rdfs:label " paglione_as_Furniture" . inds:USem74048pagliericcio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74048pagliericcio is pagliericcio" ; rdfs:label " pagliericcio_as_Furniture" . inds:USem74049pagliacciata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74049pagliacciata is pagliacciata" ; rdfs:label " pagliacciata_as_Act" . inds:USem74050palazzotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem79797palazzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74050palazzotto is palazzotto" ; rdfs:label " palazzotto_as_Building" . inds:USem74051pallonetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem61070tiro ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74051pallonetto is pallonetto" ; rdfs:label " pallonetto_as_Move" . inds:USem74052pallonata simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD66341pallone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74052pallonata is pallonata" ; rdfs:label " pallonata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74053spezia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74053spezia is spezia" ; rdfs:label " spezia_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem74054spalatura simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1906pala ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74054spalatura is spalatura" ; rdfs:label " spalatura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74055scannatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1138macellare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74055scannatoio is scannatoio" ; rdfs:label " scannatoio_as_Building" . inds:USem74056scansia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre, inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74056scansia is scansia" ; rdfs:label " scansia_as_Furniture" . inds:USem74057sceicco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD584comunita1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74057sceicco is sceicco" ; rdfs:label " sceicco_as_Social_status" . inds:USem74058sceicco simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74058sceicco is sceicco" ; rdfs:label " sceicco_as_Convention" . inds:USem74059scherma simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74059scherma is scherma" ; rdfs:label " scherma_as_Domain" . inds:USem74060salgemma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3114acido, inds:USem3700base ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74060salgemma is salgemma" ; rdfs:label " salgemma_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem74061sestina simple:hasIsa inds:USem71862strofa ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74061sestina is sestina" ; rdfs:label " sestina_as_Part" . inds:USem74062sestina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74062sestina is sestina" ; rdfs:label " sestina_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem74063sestetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74063sestetto is sestetto" ; rdfs:label " sestetto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem74064sestetto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74064sestetto is sestetto" ; rdfs:label " sestetto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem74065semolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74065semolino is semolino" ; rdfs:label " semolino_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem74066baleniera simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59115cacciare, inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74066baleniera is baleniera" ; rdfs:label " baleniera_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem74067balenottera simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74067balenottera is balenottera" ; rdfs:label " balenottera_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem74068bambu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74068bambu1 is bambu'" ; rdfs:label " bambu'_as_Plant" . inds:USem74069balneazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74069balneazione is balneazione" ; rdfs:label " balneazione_as_Act" . inds:USem74070balzana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74070balzana is balzana" ; rdfs:label " balzana_as_Part" . inds:USem74071balzana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66348pelo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74071balzana is balzana" ; rdfs:label " balzana_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem74072baggianata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74072baggianata is baggianata" ; rdfs:label " baggianata_as_Act" . inds:USem74073bagliore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74073bagliore is bagliore" ; rdfs:label " bagliore_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74074baldacchino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem72448intelaiatura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD1184letto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74074baldacchino is baldacchino" ; rdfs:label " baldacchino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74075avvocatessa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem76770difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74075avvocatessa is avvocatessa" ; rdfs:label " avvocatessa_as_Profession" . inds:USem74076bandolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3184filo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74076bandolo is bandolo" ; rdfs:label " bandolo_as_Part" . inds:USem74078bagascia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4655prostituta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemTH124prostituire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74078bagascia is bagascia" ; rdfs:label " bagascia_as_Profession" . inds:USem74079avellinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD66345avellino ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74079avellinese is avellinese" ; rdfs:label " avellinese_as_People" . inds:USem74080avemaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem60077preghiera ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74080avemaria is avemaria" ; rdfs:label " avemaria_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74081aviazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74081aviazione is aviazione" ; rdfs:label " aviazione_as_Domain" . inds:USem74082avidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD76812avido ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74082avidita1 is avidita'" ; rdfs:label " avidita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem74083barese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74083barese is barese" ; rdfs:label " barese_as_Language" . inds:USem74084babbuccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4780pantofola ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5574panno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74084babbuccia is babbuccia" ; rdfs:label " babbuccia_as_Clothing" . inds:USem74085bardotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74085bardotto is bardotto" ; rdfs:label " bardotto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74086barbetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66348pelo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74086barbetta is barbetta" ; rdfs:label " barbetta_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem74087bardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem63732poeta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem5062comporre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74087bardo is bardo" ; rdfs:label " bardo_as_Profession" . inds:USem74088barcaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74088barcaccia is barcaccia" ; rdfs:label " barcaccia_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem74089baronessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74089baronessa is baronessa" ; rdfs:label " baronessa_as_Social_status" . inds:USem74090baronetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74090baronetto is baronetto" ; rdfs:label " baronetto_as_Social_status" . inds:USem74091barriera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74091barriera is barriera" ; rdfs:label " barriera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74092battelliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3604conducente ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74092battelliere is battelliere" ; rdfs:label " battelliere_as_Profession" . inds:USem74093barnabita simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa, inds:USem66193congregazione ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74093barnabita is barnabita" ; rdfs:label " barnabita_as_Social_status" . inds:USem74094bancarotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemTH20045reato ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74094bancarotta is bancarotta" ; rdfs:label " bancarotta_as_Event" . inds:USem74095liberare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74095liberare is liberare" ; rdfs:label " liberare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem74096baroccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74096baroccio is baroccio" ; rdfs:label " baroccio_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem74097barracuda simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74097barracuda is barracuda" ; rdfs:label " barracuda_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem74098batrace simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74098batrace is batrace" ; rdfs:label " batrace_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74099bastione simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem67378fortezza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare, inds:USemD5965sorvegliare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74099bastione is bastione" ; rdfs:label " bastione_as_Building" . inds:USem74100bassura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74100bassura is bassura" ; rdfs:label " bassura_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem74101baraccopoli simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem63033baracca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74101baraccopoli is baraccopoli" ; rdfs:label " baraccopoli_as_Group" . inds:USem74102baccanale simple:hasIsa inds:USem60969festa ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74102baccanale is baccanale" ; rdfs:label " baccanale_as_Event" . inds:USem74103bastoncino simple:hasIsa inds:USem67499asta ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74103bastoncino is bastoncino" ; rdfs:label " bastoncino_as_Artifact" . inds:USem74104bastoncino simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74104bastoncino is bastoncino" ; rdfs:label " bastoncino_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem74105bastoncino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74105bastoncino is bastoncino" ; rdfs:label " bastoncino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem74106basamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74106basamento is basamento" ; rdfs:label " basamento_as_Part" . inds:USem74107amnesia simple:hasAffects inds:USem72364memoria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74107amnesia is amnesia" ; rdfs:label " amnesia_as_Disease" . inds:USem74108elettrocardiogramma simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1769cuore ; simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USemTH07780elettrocardiografo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem906grafico ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74108elettrocardiogramma is elettrocardiogramma" ; rdfs:label " elettrocardiogramma_as_Information" . inds:USem74109elettroencefalogramma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem898diagramma ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74109elettroencefalogramma is elettroencefalogramma" ; rdfs:label " elettroencefalogramma_as_Information" . inds:USem74110elettrocoagulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74110elettrocoagulazione is elettrocoagulazione" ; rdfs:label " elettrocoagulazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74111badile simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74111badile is badile" ; rdfs:label " badile_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74112bacchio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66448bastone ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74112bacchio is bacchio" ; rdfs:label " bacchio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74113aristotelico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD66349aristotele ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74113aristotelico is aristotelico" ; rdfs:label " aristotelico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem74115freudiano simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD66351freud ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74115freudiano is freudiano" ; rdfs:label " freudiano_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem74118sillabo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74118sillabo is sillabo" ; rdfs:label " sillabo_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem74119silfide simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74119silfide is silfide" ; rdfs:label " silfide_as_Representation" . inds:USem74120silfide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74120silfide is silfide" ; rdfs:label " silfide_as_Human" . inds:USem74121silfide simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4397coleottero ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74121silfide is silfide" ; rdfs:label " silfide_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem74122signora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74122signora is signora" ; rdfs:label " signora_as_Human" . inds:USem74124signora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74124signora is signora" ; rdfs:label " signora_as_Kinship" . inds:USem74125signora simple:hasIsa inds:USem63857padrone ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74125signora is signora" ; rdfs:label " signora_as_Human" . inds:USem74127smargiassata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74127smargiassata is smargiassata" ; rdfs:label " smargiassata_as_Act" . inds:USem74128sgorbio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74128sgorbio is sgorbio" ; rdfs:label " sgorbio_as_Sign" . inds:USem74130sviluppare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74130sviluppare is sviluppare" ; rdfs:label " sviluppare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem74131abate simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem67400abbazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74131abate is abate" ; rdfs:label " abate_as_Social_status" . inds:USem74132otorinolaringoiatria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7083reparto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60931ospedale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74132otorinolaringoiatria is otorinolaringoiatria" ; rdfs:label " otorinolaringoiatria_as_Building" . inds:USem74133battistero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem4802battezzare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74133battistero is battistero" ; rdfs:label " battistero_as_Building" . inds:USem74134battistero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2214chiesa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74134battistero is battistero" ; rdfs:label " battistero_as_Part" . inds:USem74135battito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74135battito is battito" ; rdfs:label " battito_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74136battimano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74136battimano is battimano" ; rdfs:label " battimano_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74137battitura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74137battitura is battitura" ; rdfs:label " battitura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74138battuta simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74138battuta is battuta" ; rdfs:label " battuta_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem74139battuta simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano, inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74139battuta is battuta" ; rdfs:label " battuta_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74140battuta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74140battuta is battuta" ; rdfs:label " battuta_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem74141battuta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem069659copione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74141battuta is battuta" ; rdfs:label " battuta_as_Part" . inds:USem74144laburista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemTH11744laburismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74144laburista is laburista" ; rdfs:label " laburista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem74146femminista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2651femminismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74146femminista is femminista" ; rdfs:label " femminista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem74147maschilista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem75073maschilismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74147maschilista is maschilista" ; rdfs:label " maschilista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem74151nazionalista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2625nazionalismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74151nazionalista is nazionalista" ; rdfs:label " nazionalista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem74153marxista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem78017marx ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74153marxista is marxista" ; rdfs:label " marxista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem74157pagano simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2668paganesimo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74157pagano is pagano" ; rdfs:label " pagano_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem74158abitino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74158abitino is abitino" ; rdfs:label " abitino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem74159aleatico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74159aleatico is aleatico" ; rdfs:label " aleatico_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem74160aleatico simple:hasIsa inds:USem66013vitigno ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74160aleatico is aleatico" ; rdfs:label " aleatico_as_Plant" . inds:USem74161alsaziano simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74161alsaziano is alsaziano" ; rdfs:label " alsaziano_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74162alsaziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD66360alsazia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74162alsaziano is alsaziano" ; rdfs:label " alsaziano_as_People" . inds:USem74163alsaziano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74163alsaziano is alsaziano" ; rdfs:label " alsaziano_as_Language" . inds:USem74164afgano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74164afgano is afgano" ; rdfs:label " afgano_as_Language" . inds:USem74165afgano simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74165afgano is afgano" ; rdfs:label " afgano_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74167afroamericano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74167afroamericano is afroamericano" ; rdfs:label " afroamericano_as_People" . inds:USem74169aglietto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem74173aglietto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74169aglietto is aglietto" ; rdfs:label " aglietto_as_Plant" . inds:USem74170bavarese simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74170bavarese is bavarese" ; rdfs:label " bavarese_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem74171bazzica simple:hasIsa inds:USem60476gioco ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74171bazzica is bazzica" ; rdfs:label " bazzica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74172beat simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74172beat is beat" ; rdfs:label " beat_as_Ideo" . inds:USem74173aglietto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1786bulbo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem74169aglietto ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74173aglietto is aglietto" ; rdfs:label " aglietto_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem74174bebe1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74174bebe1 is bebe'" ; rdfs:label " bebe'_as_Human" . inds:USem74175beccaccino simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem59115cacciare ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74175beccaccino is beccaccino" ; rdfs:label " beccaccino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem74176beccafico simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem62768cantare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem59115cacciare ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74176beccafico is beccafico" ; rdfs:label " beccafico_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem74177boccino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65341boccia ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74177boccino is boccino" ; rdfs:label " boccino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74179boero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD959cioccolato ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74179boero is boero" ; rdfs:label " boero_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem74180boicottaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74180boicottaggio is boicottaggio" ; rdfs:label " boicottaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74181boleto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3874fungo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74181boleto is boleto" ; rdfs:label " boleto_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem74182bollettino simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74182bollettino is bollettino" ; rdfs:label " bollettino_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem74183bollino simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68186cartoncino ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74183bollino is bollino" ; rdfs:label " bollino_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem74184bonaccione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74184bonaccione is bonaccione" ; rdfs:label " bonaccione_as_Human" . inds:USem74186agnellino simple:hasIsa inds:USem72835ovino ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74186agnellino is agnellino" ; rdfs:label " agnellino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74187agnellino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74187agnellino is agnellino" ; rdfs:label " agnellino_as_Human" . inds:USem74188agnellino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74188agnellino is agnellino" ; rdfs:label " agnellino_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem74189alogena simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67946lampada ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74189alogena is alogena" ; rdfs:label " alogena_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74192tributario simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem67867tributo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74192tributario is tributario" ; rdfs:label " tributario_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem74194ansia simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74194ansia is ansia" ; rdfs:label " ansia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74195ansiolitico simple:hasIsa inds:USem069734psicofarmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem74194ansia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5320calmare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74195ansiolitico is ansiolitico" ; rdfs:label " ansiolitico_as_Substance" . inds:USem74196antinebbia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74196antinebbia is antinebbia" ; rdfs:label " antinebbia_as_Part" . inds:USem74197antidepressivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem069734psicofarmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem69149depressione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74197antidepressivo is antidepressivo" ; rdfs:label " antidepressivo_as_Substance" . inds:USem74198ammogliato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74198ammogliato is ammogliato" ; rdfs:label " ammogliato_as_Human" . inds:USem74199bistecchiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem65605grigliare ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74199bistecchiera is bistecchiera" ; rdfs:label " bistecchiera_as_Container" . inds:USem74200analizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74200analizzare is analizzare" ; rdfs:label " analizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74201barbiturico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5320calmare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74201barbiturico is barbiturico" ; rdfs:label " barbiturico_as_Substance" . inds:USem74202azzurrino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74202azzurrino is azzurrino" ; rdfs:label " azzurrino_as_Color" . inds:USem74203bambolona simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74203bambolona is bambolona" ; rdfs:label " bambolona_as_Human" . inds:USem74204bambolina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74204bambolina is bambolina" ; rdfs:label " bambolina_as_Human" . inds:USem74205psicanalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74205psicanalizzare is psicanalizzare" ; rdfs:label " psicanalizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74206buccellato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3671pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74206buccellato is buccellato" ; rdfs:label " buccellato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem74207bostoniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7416boston ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2105boston ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74207bostoniano is bostoniano" ; rdfs:label " bostoniano_as_People" . inds:USem74208automobilina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74208automobilina is automobilina" ; rdfs:label " automobilina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74209assiriologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74209assiriologo is assiriologo" ; rdfs:label " assiriologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem74210assiriologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74210assiriologia is assiriologia" ; rdfs:label " assiriologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74211brillantante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74211brillantante is brillantante" ; rdfs:label " brillantante_as_Substance" . inds:USem74213scollo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74213scollo is scollo" ; rdfs:label " scollo_as_Part" . inds:USem74214scriba simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4835copiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74214scriba is scriba" ; rdfs:label " scriba_as_Profession" . inds:USem74215camicino simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD65978neonato ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74215camicino is camicino" ; rdfs:label " camicino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem74217portoghese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1374portogallo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74217portoghese is portoghese" ; rdfs:label " portoghese_as_People" . inds:USem74218cameretta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74218cameretta is cameretta" ; rdfs:label " cameretta_as_Part" . inds:USem74219cameretta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59326mobilia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74219cameretta is cameretta" ; rdfs:label " cameretta_as_Furniture" . inds:USem74220bestiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74220bestiola is bestiola" ; rdfs:label " bestiola_as_Human" . inds:USem74221pazzia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74221pazzia is pazzia" ; rdfs:label " pazzia_as_Act" . inds:USem74222sadico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem69798sadismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74222sadico is sadico" ; rdfs:label " sadico_as_Human" . inds:USem74223ninfomane simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH15453ninfomania ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74223ninfomane is ninfomane" ; rdfs:label " ninfomane_as_Human" . inds:USem74224isteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem66913isterico ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74224isteria is isteria" ; rdfs:label " isteria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem74225isterico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem74224isteria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74225isterico is isterico" ; rdfs:label " isterico_as_Human" . inds:USem74226isterico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem74224isteria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74226isterico is isterico" ; rdfs:label " isterico_as_Human" . inds:USem74227psichiatria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7083reparto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60931ospedale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74227psichiatria is psichiatria" ; rdfs:label " psichiatria_as_Building" . inds:USem74228asincronismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74228asincronismo is asincronismo" ; rdfs:label " asincronismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74229ecolalia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD66373linguaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74229ecolalia is ecolalia" ; rdfs:label " ecolalia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74230metonimia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64040figura ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74230metonimia is metonimia" ; rdfs:label " metonimia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem74231metonimia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD66373linguaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74231metonimia is metonimia" ; rdfs:label " metonimia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74232neolalia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD66373linguaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74232neolalia is neolalia" ; rdfs:label " neolalia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74233paralogia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD66373linguaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74233paralogia is paralogia" ; rdfs:label " paralogia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74234stereotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74234stereotipia is stereotipia" ; rdfs:label " stereotipia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74235negativismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74235negativismo is negativismo" ; rdfs:label " negativismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74236psicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74236psicosi is psicosi" ; rdfs:label " psicosi_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem74237bromuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3704sale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74237bromuro is bromuro" ; rdfs:label " bromuro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem74238bromuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem5196sedativo ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74238bromuro is bromuro" ; rdfs:label " bromuro_as_Substance" . inds:USem74240segala simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD66374segala ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74240segala is segala" ; rdfs:label " segala_as_Plant" . inds:USem74241analista simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59286analizzare, inds:USem60503studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74241analista is analista" ; rdfs:label " analista_as_Profession" . inds:USem74242selvaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74242selvaggio is selvaggio" ; rdfs:label " selvaggio_as_Human" . inds:USem74243sensualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD7023sensuale ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74243sensualita1 is sensualita'" ; rdfs:label " sensualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem74244senilita1 simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63948uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3879vita ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74244senilita1 is senilita'" ; rdfs:label " senilita'_as_Time" . inds:USem74245schiavitu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74245schiavitu1 is schiavitu'" ; rdfs:label " schiavitu'_as_State" . inds:USem74246alienare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem75660alienazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74246alienare is alienare" ; rdfs:label " alienare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74247logoterapia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD66373linguaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61337medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74247logoterapia is logoterapia" ; rdfs:label " logoterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74248psichiatria simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD6067mente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74248psichiatria is psichiatria" ; rdfs:label " psichiatria_as_Domain" . inds:USem74249mutismo simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD66373linguaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74249mutismo is mutismo" ; rdfs:label " mutismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74250schizofasia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD66373linguaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74250schizofasia is schizofasia" ; rdfs:label " schizofasia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74251abulico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67239abulia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74251abulico is abulico" ; rdfs:label " abulico_as_Human" . inds:USem74252agorafobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem71782fobia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74252agorafobia is agorafobia" ; rdfs:label " agorafobia_as_Disease" . inds:USem74253acrofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74253acrofobia is acrofobia" ; rdfs:label " acrofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USem74254aracnofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74254aracnofobia is aracnofobia" ; rdfs:label " aracnofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USem74255ematofobia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3126sangue ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71782fobia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74255ematofobia is ematofobia" ; rdfs:label " ematofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USem74256necrofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74256necrofobia is necrofobia" ; rdfs:label " necrofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USem74257stasofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74257stasofobia is stasofobia" ; rdfs:label " stasofobia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74258psiconevrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74258psiconevrosi is psiconevrosi" ; rdfs:label " psiconevrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem74259ebefrenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74259ebefrenia is ebefrenia" ; rdfs:label " ebefrenia_as_Disease" . inds:USem74260ebefrenico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem74259ebefrenia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74260ebefrenico is ebefrenico" ; rdfs:label " ebefrenico_as_Human" . inds:USem74261corsia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6388passaggio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6389passare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74261corsia is corsia" ; rdfs:label " corsia_as_Location" . inds:USem74261psicopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74261psicopatia is psicopatia" ; rdfs:label " psicopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USem74262picacismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74262picacismo is picacismo" ; rdfs:label " picacismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem74263catatonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74263catatonia is catatonia" ; rdfs:label " catatonia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74265borgataro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74265borgataro is borgataro" ; rdfs:label " borgataro_as_Human" . inds:USem74266cariologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem78080citologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74266cariologia is cariologia" ; rdfs:label " cariologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74267autogru1 simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USem939gru ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem848autocarro ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74267autogru1 is autogru'" ; rdfs:label " autogru'_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem74268follia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem74270folle ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74268follia is follia" ; rdfs:label " follia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem74271pazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74271pazzo is pazzo" ; rdfs:label " pazzo_as_Human" . inds:USem74272folle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74272folle is folle" ; rdfs:label " folle_as_Human" . inds:USem74273atesino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74273atesino is atesino" ; rdfs:label " atesino_as_People" . inds:USem74274cacciamine simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74274cacciamine is cacciamine" ; rdfs:label " cacciamine_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem74275cantinetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74275cantinetta is cantinetta" ; rdfs:label " cantinetta_as_Furniture" . inds:USem74276radicale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD63647radice ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74276radicale is radicale" ; rdfs:label " radicale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem74278capocommesso simple:hasIsa inds:USem62836commesso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74278capocommesso is capocommesso" ; rdfs:label " capocommesso_as_Profession" . inds:USem74279autoabbronzante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74279autoabbronzante is autoabbronzante" ; rdfs:label " autoabbronzante_as_Substance" . inds:USem74280cartolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74280cartolaio is cartolaio" ; rdfs:label " cartolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem74293belligeranza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74293belligeranza is belligeranza" ; rdfs:label " belligeranza_as_State" . inds:USem74294bellimbusto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74294bellimbusto is bellimbusto" ; rdfs:label " bellimbusto_as_Human" . inds:USem74296caprese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77793capri ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74296caprese is caprese" ; rdfs:label " caprese_as_People" . inds:USem74297caprese simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74297caprese is caprese" ; rdfs:label " caprese_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem74298oscenita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74298oscenita1 is oscenita'" ; rdfs:label " oscenita'_as_Act" . inds:USem74299oscenita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66397osceno ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74299oscenita1 is oscenita'" ; rdfs:label " oscenita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem74300ottomila simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74300ottomila is ottomila" ; rdfs:label " ottomila_as_Number" . inds:USem74301padroncino simple:hasIsa inds:USem61101proprietario ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74301padroncino is padroncino" ; rdfs:label " padroncino_as_Human" . inds:USem74302padroncino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74302padroncino is padroncino" ; rdfs:label " padroncino_as_Profession" . inds:USem74303paesaggistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74303paesaggistica is paesaggistica" ; rdfs:label " paesaggistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74304plastilina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7105modellare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74304plastilina is plastilina" ; rdfs:label " plastilina_as_Substance" . inds:USem74305plettro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74305plettro is plettro" ; rdfs:label " plettro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74306paladino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74306paladino is paladino" ; rdfs:label " paladino_as_Social_status" . inds:USem74307paladino simple:hasAgentive inds:USem59737sostenere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63531sostenitore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74307paladino is paladino" ; rdfs:label " paladino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74308palizzata simple:hasIsa inds:USem72353struttura ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74308palizzata is palizzata" ; rdfs:label " palizzata_as_Artifact" . inds:USem74309onesto simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67325onesta1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74309onesto is onesto" ; rdfs:label " onesto_as_Human" . inds:USem74310onesto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74310onesto is onesto" ; rdfs:label " onesto_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem74311perla simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco, inds:USem2461grigio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem65738madreperla ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74311perla is perla" ; rdfs:label " perla_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem74312perla simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74312perla is perla" ; rdfs:label " perla_as_Color" . inds:USem74313perla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74313perla is perla" ; rdfs:label " perla_as_Human" . inds:USem74314parrocchia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74314parrocchia is parrocchia" ; rdfs:label " parrocchia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem74315potare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2312forbice ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74315potare is potare" ; rdfs:label " potare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem74316potatura simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74316potatura is potatura" ; rdfs:label " potatura_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem74317passaporto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5387redigere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74317passaporto is passaporto" ; rdfs:label " passaporto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem74318passaporto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60974documento ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74318passaporto is passaporto" ; rdfs:label " passaporto_as_Information" . inds:USem74319bendaggio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4892benda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74319bendaggio is bendaggio" ; rdfs:label " bendaggio_as_Group" . inds:USem74320bendaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem61597avvolgere ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5613medicare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74320bendaggio is bendaggio" ; rdfs:label " bendaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74321benedettino simple:hasIsa inds:USem62262religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74321benedettino is benedettino" ; rdfs:label " benedettino_as_Social_status" . inds:USem74323benedettino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2315infusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3900alcol, inds:USem69117erba ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem1417digestivo ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74323benedettino is benedettino" ; rdfs:label " benedettino_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem74324beneficiario simple:hasAgentive inds:USem63396beneficare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74324beneficiario is beneficiario" ; rdfs:label " beneficiario_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem74325beneficio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74325beneficio is beneficio" ; rdfs:label " beneficio_as_Act" . inds:USem74326benemerenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74326benemerenza is benemerenza" ; rdfs:label " benemerenza_as_Quality" . inds:USem74327benemerito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74327benemerito is benemerito" ; rdfs:label " benemerito_as_Human" . inds:USem74328beneventano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77786benevento ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74328beneventano is beneventano" ; rdfs:label " beneventano_as_People" . inds:USem74329bengala simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71032razzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74329bengala is bengala" ; rdfs:label " bengala_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74330bengala simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66255petardo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74330bengala is bengala" ; rdfs:label " bengala_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74331bernese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD7400berna ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74331bernese is bernese" ; rdfs:label " bernese_as_People" . inds:USem74332bernese simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD63490svizzera ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74332bernese is bernese" ; rdfs:label " bernese_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem74333bengodi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74333bengodi is bengodi" ; rdfs:label " bengodi_as_Location" . inds:USem74334bersagliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74334bersagliere is bersagliere" ; rdfs:label " bersagliere_as_Profession" . inds:USem74335bertuccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1134scimmia ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74335bertuccia is bertuccia" ; rdfs:label " bertuccia_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74339rullaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74339rullaggio is rullaggio" ; rdfs:label " rullaggio_as_Move" . inds:USem74340rullante simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2902tamburo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74340rullante is rullante" ; rdfs:label " rullante_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74341rumorio simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74341rumorio is rumorio" ; rdfs:label " rumorio_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem74342ruzzola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62415disco, inds:USemD3739fune ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74342ruzzola is ruzzola" ; rdfs:label " ruzzola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74343saccenteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66404saccente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74343saccenteria is saccenteria" ; rdfs:label " saccenteria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem74344sacerdozio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74344sacerdozio is sacerdozio" ; rdfs:label " sacerdozio_as_Institution" . inds:USem74345sacerdozio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62578sacerdote ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74345sacerdozio is sacerdozio" ; rdfs:label " sacerdozio_as_Convention" . inds:USem74346sacrario simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2214chiesa, inds:USem2286tempio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74346sacrario is sacrario" ; rdfs:label " sacrario_as_Part" . inds:USem74347saggezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6841saggio ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74347saggezza is saggezza" ; rdfs:label " saggezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem74348poveraccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74348poveraccio is poveraccio" ; rdfs:label " poveraccio_as_Human" . inds:USem74349pila simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74349pila is pila" ; rdfs:label " pila_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74350pila simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74350pila is pila" ; rdfs:label " pila_as_Building" . inds:USem74351pila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74351pila is pila" ; rdfs:label " pila_as_Amount" . inds:USem74352novizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74352novizio is novizio" ; rdfs:label " novizio_as_Social_status" . inds:USem74353novizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74353novizio is novizio" ; rdfs:label " novizio_as_Human" . inds:USem74354abbuffata simple:hasIsa inds:USem71962mangiata ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74354abbuffata is abbuffata" ; rdfs:label " abbuffata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74355abc simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74355abc is abc" ; rdfs:label " abc_as_Convention" . inds:USem74356abbici1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74356abbici1 is abbici'" ; rdfs:label " abbici'_as_Convention" . inds:USem74357abc simple:hasIsa inds:USem66942nozione ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74357abc is abc" ; rdfs:label " abc_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem74358abortista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74358abortista is abortista" ; rdfs:label " abortista_as_Human" . inds:USem74359nocchiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3604conducente ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5265condurre ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74359nocchiere is nocchiere" ; rdfs:label " nocchiere_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74360abusivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74360abusivismo is abusivismo" ; rdfs:label " abusivismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74361nefandezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74361nefandezza is nefandezza" ; rdfs:label " nefandezza_as_Act" . inds:USem74362ade simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74362ade is ade" ; rdfs:label " ade_as_Location" . inds:USem74363accelerata simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74363accelerata is accelerata" ; rdfs:label " accelerata_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem74364accelerata simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74364accelerata is accelerata" ; rdfs:label " accelerata_as_Change" . inds:USem74365accettabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62026accettabile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74365accettabilita1 is accettabilita'" ; rdfs:label " accettabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem74366accoltellamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem71962mangiata ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74366accoltellamento is accoltellamento" ; rdfs:label " accoltellamento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74368addormentamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74368addormentamento is addormentamento" ; rdfs:label " addormentamento_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem74369adottabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem78129adottabile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74369adottabilita1 is adottabilita'" ; rdfs:label " adottabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem74370adultera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74370adultera is adultera" ; rdfs:label " adultera_as_Human" . inds:USem74371aerobica simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74371aerobica is aerobica" ; rdfs:label " aerobica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74372aerolinea simple:hasIsa inds:USem74373compagnia ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74372aerolinea is aerolinea" ; rdfs:label " aerolinea_as_Institution" . inds:USem74373compagnia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3577impresa ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74373compagnia is compagnia" ; rdfs:label " compagnia_as_Institution" . inds:USem74374aeronomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74374aeronomia is aeronomia" ; rdfs:label " aeronomia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74375aerotrasporto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74375aerotrasporto is aerotrasporto" ; rdfs:label " aerotrasporto_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem74376affaraccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74376affaraccio is affaraccio" ; rdfs:label " affaraccio_as_State" . inds:USem74377affogato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD66408affogare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74377affogato is affogato" ; rdfs:label " affogato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem74378affogato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5190congelare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4511gelato ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74378affogato is affogato" ; rdfs:label " affogato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem74379affrancatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem63031affrancare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74379affrancatore is affrancatore" ; rdfs:label " affrancatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74380afroasiatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74380afroasiatico is afroasiatico" ; rdfs:label " afroasiatico_as_Human" . inds:USem74381afrodite simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74381afrodite is afrodite" ; rdfs:label " afrodite_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem74382alcoolico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74382alcoolico is alcoolico" ; rdfs:label " alcoolico_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem74384alcoolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74384alcoolismo is alcoolismo" ; rdfs:label " alcoolismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74385altola1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59662fermare ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74385altola1 is altola'" ; rdfs:label " altola'_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74386alvo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1829intestino ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74386alvo is alvo" ; rdfs:label " alvo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem74387alzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem74911alzare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74387alzatore is alzatore" ; rdfs:label " alzatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74388ambasciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem3570diplomatico ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5251diplomazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74388ambasciatrice is ambasciatrice" ; rdfs:label " ambasciatrice_as_Social_status" . inds:USem74389ambasciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74389ambasciatrice is ambasciatrice" ; rdfs:label " ambasciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74390ascolano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74390ascolano is ascolano" ; rdfs:label " ascolano_as_People" . inds:USem74391ammollo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74391ammollo is ammollo" ; rdfs:label " ammollo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74392ascolano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74392ascolano is ascolano" ; rdfs:label " ascolano_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem74393asociale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74393asociale is asociale" ; rdfs:label " asociale_as_Human" . inds:USem74394arrogante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74394arrogante is arrogante" ; rdfs:label " arrogante_as_Human" . inds:USem74395assolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74395assolo is assolo" ; rdfs:label " assolo_as_Part" . inds:USem74396amnistiato simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD66411amnistiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74396amnistiato is amnistiato" ; rdfs:label " amnistiato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem74397asocialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6764asociale ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74397asocialita1 is asocialita'" ; rdfs:label " asocialita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem74398artico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74398artico is artico" ; rdfs:label " artico_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem74399ancella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74399ancella is ancella" ; rdfs:label " ancella_as_Social_status" . inds:USem74401andrologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74401andrologo is andrologo" ; rdfs:label " andrologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem74402arrocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74402arrocco is arrocco" ; rdfs:label " arrocco_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74403cervellino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74403cervellino is cervellino" ; rdfs:label " cervellino_as_Human" . inds:USem74404angheria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74404angheria is angheria" ; rdfs:label " angheria_as_Act" . inds:USem74405cerealicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USem64518coltivatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74405cerealicoltore is cerealicoltore" ; rdfs:label " cerealicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USem74406centroavanti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2018atleta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4689allenare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74406centroavanti is centroavanti" ; rdfs:label " centroavanti_as_Profession" . inds:USem74407centralizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74407centralizzatore is centralizzatore" ; rdfs:label " centralizzatore_as_Human" . inds:USem74408cementiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74408cementiere is cementiere" ; rdfs:label " cementiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem74410celtico simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74410celtico is celtico" ; rdfs:label " celtico_as_Language" . inds:USem74411cartapecora simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74411cartapecora is cartapecora" ; rdfs:label " cartapecora_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem74412angioletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74412angioletto is angioletto" ; rdfs:label " angioletto_as_Human" . inds:USem74413angioletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74413angioletto is angioletto" ; rdfs:label " angioletto_as_Human" . inds:USem74414anglofono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD584comunita1 ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74414anglofono is anglofono" ; rdfs:label " anglofono_as_Human" . inds:USem74415capoturno simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59495squadra ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74415capoturno is capoturno" ; rdfs:label " capoturno_as_Role" . inds:USem74416anglosassone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2089america, inds:USem2152inghilterra ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74416anglosassone is anglosassone" ; rdfs:label " anglosassone_as_People" . inds:USem74417cappottino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74417cappottino is cappottino" ; rdfs:label " cappottino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem74418capotreno simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2284stazione ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74418capotreno is capotreno" ; rdfs:label " capotreno_as_Role" . inds:USem74419caporalmaggiore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74419caporalmaggiore is caporalmaggiore" ; rdfs:label " caporalmaggiore_as_Role" . inds:USem74420antartico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74420antartico is antartico" ; rdfs:label " antartico_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem74421capovolta simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74421capovolta is capovolta" ; rdfs:label " capovolta_as_Move" . inds:USem74422antiabortista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74422antiabortista is antiabortista" ; rdfs:label " antiabortista_as_Human" . inds:USem74423cataratta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74423cataratta is cataratta" ; rdfs:label " cataratta_as_Disease" . inds:USem74424cavernicolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74424cavernicolo is cavernicolo" ; rdfs:label " cavernicolo_as_Human" . inds:USem74425antiaerea simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4174costruzione, inds:USem59428esercito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74425antiaerea is antiaerea" ; rdfs:label " antiaerea_as_Group" . inds:USem74426anticattolico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74426anticattolico is anticattolico" ; rdfs:label " anticattolico_as_Human" . inds:USem74427anticlericale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74427anticlericale is anticlericale" ; rdfs:label " anticlericale_as_Human" . inds:USem74428antidemocratico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74428antidemocratico is antidemocratico" ; rdfs:label " antidemocratico_as_Human" . inds:USem74429antifascista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74429antifascista is antifascista" ; rdfs:label " antifascista_as_Human" . inds:USem74430antiinfiammatorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74430antiinfiammatorio is antiinfiammatorio" ; rdfs:label " antiinfiammatorio_as_Substance" . inds:USem74431antimperialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74431antimperialista is antimperialista" ; rdfs:label " antimperialista_as_Human" . inds:USem74432antincendio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem60904fuoco ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74432antincendio is antincendio" ; rdfs:label " antincendio_as_Substance" . inds:USem74433antipodo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74433antipodo is antipodo" ; rdfs:label " antipodo_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem74434antropofago simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem70925antropofagia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74434antropofago is antropofago" ; rdfs:label " antropofago_as_Human" . inds:USem74435antropomorfo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74435antropomorfo is antropomorfo" ; rdfs:label " antropomorfo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74436apicultura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74436apicultura is apicultura" ; rdfs:label " apicultura_as_Domain" . inds:USem74437apocrifo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74437apocrifo is apocrifo" ; rdfs:label " apocrifo_as_Information" . inds:USem74438apografo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5603copia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74438apografo is apografo" ; rdfs:label " apografo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem74439apolide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74439apolide is apolide" ; rdfs:label " apolide_as_Human" . inds:USem74440apologeta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74440apologeta is apologeta" ; rdfs:label " apologeta_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74441apologeta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem76770difendere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74441apologeta is apologeta" ; rdfs:label " apologeta_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74442appestato simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem3837peste ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74442appestato is appestato" ; rdfs:label " appestato_as_Human" . inds:USem74443appoggiatesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5304sedile, inds:USemD7075poltrona ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74443appoggiatesta is appoggiatesta" ; rdfs:label " appoggiatesta_as_Part" . inds:USem74444arabismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem68666prestito ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74444arabismo is arabismo" ; rdfs:label " arabismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem74445arabismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74445arabismo is arabismo" ; rdfs:label " arabismo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem74446aramaico simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74446aramaico is aramaico" ; rdfs:label " aramaico_as_Language" . inds:USem74447archivistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74447archivistica is archivistica" ; rdfs:label " archivistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74448arciconfraternita simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem63895confraternita ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD584comunita1 ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74448arciconfraternita is arciconfraternita" ; rdfs:label " arciconfraternita_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem74449ardire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74449ardire is ardire" ; rdfs:label " ardire_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem74451arietta simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74451arietta is arietta" ; rdfs:label " arietta_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74452arietta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74452arietta is arietta" ; rdfs:label " arietta_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem74453arricchito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74453arricchito is arricchito" ; rdfs:label " arricchito_as_Human" . inds:USem74454arrivato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74454arrivato is arrivato" ; rdfs:label " arrivato_as_Human" . inds:USem74455ascetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74455ascetica is ascetica" ; rdfs:label " ascetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74456avantielenco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61315elenco ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74456avantielenco is avantielenco" ; rdfs:label " avantielenco_as_Part" . inds:USem74457autotutela simple:hasIsa inds:USem1356diritto ; a simple:Social_Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74457autotutela is autotutela" ; rdfs:label " autotutela_as_Social_Property" . inds:USem74458autopattuglia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069582pattuglia ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74458autopattuglia is autopattuglia" ; rdfs:label " autopattuglia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem74459avvinazzato simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD7263ubriacare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63953ubriaco ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74459avvinazzato is avvinazzato" ; rdfs:label " avvinazzato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74460bicameralismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74460bicameralismo is bicameralismo" ; rdfs:label " bicameralismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem74461bicentenario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74461bicentenario is bicentenario" ; rdfs:label " bicentenario_as_Time" . inds:USem74462bilingue simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD66420bilinguismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74462bilingue is bilingue" ; rdfs:label " bilingue_as_Human" . inds:USem74463biposto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74463biposto is biposto" ; rdfs:label " biposto_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem74464bisavolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74464bisavolo is bisavolo" ; rdfs:label " bisavolo_as_Kinship" . inds:USem74465biscottino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5082pasticcino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1750zucchero, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74465biscottino is biscottino" ; rdfs:label " biscottino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem74466biscottino simple:hasIsa inds:USem68329cabina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD66029telaio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74466biscottino is biscottino" ; rdfs:label " biscottino_as_Part" . inds:USem74467boccuccia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1797labbro, inds:USemD5099dente, inds:USemD969lingua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1796muso, inds:USemD4019faccia ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74467boccuccia is boccuccia" ; rdfs:label " boccuccia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem74468boicottatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemTH170boicottare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74468boicottatore is boicottatore" ; rdfs:label " boicottatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74469autofficina simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74469autofficina is autofficina" ; rdfs:label " autofficina_as_Building" . inds:USem74470bombarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66421pescatore ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74470bombarolo is bombarolo" ; rdfs:label " bombarolo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74471bombarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6120terrorista ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem79210attentare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74471bombarolo is bombarolo" ; rdfs:label " bombarolo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74472bordo1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74472bordo1 is bordo'" ; rdfs:label " bordo'_as_Color" . inds:USem74473borragine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74473borragine is borragine" ; rdfs:label " borragine_as_Plant" . inds:USem74474borsone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7064borsa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3007plastica, inds:USem5435tela, inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74474borsone is borsone" ; rdfs:label " borsone_as_Container" . inds:USem74475braccetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem70115cavo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74475braccetto is braccetto" ; rdfs:label " braccetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74476brahamano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1116indiano ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74476brahamano is brahamano" ; rdfs:label " brahamano_as_Social_status" . inds:USem74477brecciolino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem68205granello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74477brecciolino is brecciolino" ; rdfs:label " brecciolino_as_Group" . inds:USem74478britannico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74478britannico is britannico" ; rdfs:label " britannico_as_People" . inds:USem74479broccoletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD66423broccoletto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74479broccoletto is broccoletto" ; rdfs:label " broccoletto_as_Plant" . inds:USem74480burletta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74480burletta is burletta" ; rdfs:label " burletta_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74481buttafuoco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD66202cannone ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61028sparare ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74481buttafuoco is buttafuoco" ; rdfs:label " buttafuoco_as_Part" . inds:USem74482cagnaccio simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74482cagnaccio is cagnaccio" ; rdfs:label " cagnaccio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74483calzetteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74483calzetteria is calzetteria" ; rdfs:label " calzetteria_as_Building" . inds:USem74484camionabile simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74484camionabile is camionabile" ; rdfs:label " camionabile_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem74486capocentro simple:hasIsa inds:USem5480direttore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74486capocentro is capocentro" ; rdfs:label " capocentro_as_Profession" . inds:USem74487capocordata simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59574cordata ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74487capocordata is capocordata" ; rdfs:label " capocordata_as_Role" . inds:USem74488ospite simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5645ospitare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74488ospite is ospite" ; rdfs:label " ospite_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem74490capofficina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem1883ditta ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74490capofficina is capofficina" ; rdfs:label " capofficina_as_Role" . inds:USem74491capogabinetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD66425gabinetto ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74491capogabinetto is capogabinetto" ; rdfs:label " capogabinetto_as_Role" . inds:USem74492capopattuglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem069582pattuglia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74492capopattuglia is capopattuglia" ; rdfs:label " capopattuglia_as_Role" . inds:USem74493capopopolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59449popolo ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74493capopopolo is capopopolo" ; rdfs:label " capopopolo_as_Role" . inds:USem74494capopopolo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67333demagogia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74494capopopolo is capopopolo" ; rdfs:label " capopopolo_as_Human" . inds:USem74495caporalmaggiore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74495caporalmaggiore is caporalmaggiore" ; rdfs:label " caporalmaggiore_as_Role" . inds:USem74496chihuahua simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74496chihuahua is chihuahua" ; rdfs:label " chihuahua_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74497cicatrizzante simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63457cicatrizzare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74497cicatrizzante is cicatrizzante" ; rdfs:label " cicatrizzante_as_Substance" . inds:USem74498ciclostilato simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD66426ciclostilare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74498ciclostilato is ciclostilato" ; rdfs:label " ciclostilato_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem74499cicloturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74499cicloturista is cicloturista" ; rdfs:label " cicloturista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74500cinocefalo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71635divinita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74500cinocefalo is cinocefalo" ; rdfs:label " cinocefalo_as_Representation" . inds:USem74501cinocefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74501cinocefalo is cinocefalo" ; rdfs:label " cinocefalo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74502ciste simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74502ciste is ciste" ; rdfs:label " ciste_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem74503citrullo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem2570scemenza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74503citrullo is citrullo" ; rdfs:label " citrullo_as_Human" . inds:USem74504clarino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74504clarino is clarino" ; rdfs:label " clarino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74505coeditore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4988editore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7088pubblicare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74505coeditore is coeditore" ; rdfs:label " coeditore_as_Profession" . inds:USem74506cofirmatario simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD65896firmare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71777firmatario ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74506cofirmatario is cofirmatario" ; rdfs:label " cofirmatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74507collarino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74507collarino is collarino" ; rdfs:label " collarino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem74508colluttorio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1790bocca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59889disinfettare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74508colluttorio is colluttorio" ; rdfs:label " colluttorio_as_Substance" . inds:USem74509colofone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74509colofone is colofone" ; rdfs:label " colofone_as_Sign" . inds:USem74514concertino simple:hasIsa inds:USem73573concerto ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74514concertino is concertino" ; rdfs:label " concertino_as_Event" . inds:USem74515confettiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74515confettiera is confettiera" ; rdfs:label " confettiera_as_Container" . inds:USem74517confezionatrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD66172confezionare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74517confezionatrice is confezionatrice" ; rdfs:label " confezionatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74518organista simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2894organo ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74518organista is organista" ; rdfs:label " organista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74519confuciano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem70560confucianesimo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74519confuciano is confuciano" ; rdfs:label " confuciano_as_Ideo" . inds:USem74520congenero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74520congenero is congenero" ; rdfs:label " congenero_as_Kinship" . inds:USem74521consumista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67172consumismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74521consumista is consumista" ; rdfs:label " consumista_as_Human" . inds:USem74522consuocero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74522consuocero is consuocero" ; rdfs:label " consuocero_as_Kinship" . inds:USem74523contaminuti simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem1802minuto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74523contaminuti is contaminuti" ; rdfs:label " contaminuti_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74524contraccusa simple:hasIsa inds:USem60252accusa ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74524contraccusa is contraccusa" ; rdfs:label " contraccusa_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74526controappello simple:hasIsa inds:USem73746appello ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74526controappello is controappello" ; rdfs:label " controappello_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74527controsterzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74527controsterzo is controsterzo" ; rdfs:label " controsterzo_as_Move" . inds:USem74528copilota simple:hasIsa inds:USem3617membro ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem71683equipaggio ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74528copilota is copilota" ; rdfs:label " copilota_as_Role" . inds:USem74529cordolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74529cordolo is cordolo" ; rdfs:label " cordolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74530corredino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74530corredino is corredino" ; rdfs:label " corredino_as_Group" . inds:USem74531corsetteria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD63544intimo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74531corsetteria is corsetteria" ; rdfs:label " corsetteria_as_Group" . inds:USem74532corsetteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74532corsetteria is corsetteria" ; rdfs:label " corsetteria_as_Building" . inds:USem74533cosciotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4282taglio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74533cosciotto is cosciotto" ; rdfs:label " cosciotto_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem74534couperose simple:hasAffects inds:USemD2912cute ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74534couperose is couperose" ; rdfs:label " couperose_as_Disease" . inds:USem74535cravattaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74535cravattaio is cravattaio" ; rdfs:label " cravattaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem74536cravattino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74536cravattino is cravattino" ; rdfs:label " cravattino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem74537cremlinologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem71698esperto ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74537cremlinologo is cremlinologo" ; rdfs:label " cremlinologo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74538crick simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74538crick is crick" ; rdfs:label " crick_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74539cristallografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem71698esperto ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74539cristallografo is cristallografo" ; rdfs:label " cristallografo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74540cronachistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74540cronachistica is cronachistica" ; rdfs:label " cronachistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74541crostone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74541crostone is crostone" ; rdfs:label " crostone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem74542crucco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem3622germania ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74542crucco is crucco" ; rdfs:label " crucco_as_People" . inds:USem74543cucchiaione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemTH631scremare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74543cucchiaione is cucchiaione" ; rdfs:label " cucchiaione_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74544cucinotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74544cucinotto is cucinotto" ; rdfs:label " cucinotto_as_Part" . inds:USem74545cucuzzolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2226montagna ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74545cucuzzolo is cucuzzolo" ; rdfs:label " cucuzzolo_as_Part" . inds:USem74546cupolone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2214chiesa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74546cupolone is cupolone" ; rdfs:label " cupolone_as_Part" . inds:USem74547cyclette simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59903allenamento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74547cyclette is cyclette" ; rdfs:label " cyclette_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74548dandysmo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74548dandysmo is dandysmo" ; rdfs:label " dandysmo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem74549decasillabo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63853verso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD63949poesia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74549decasillabo is decasillabo" ; rdfs:label " decasillabo_as_Part" . inds:USem74550declamatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemTH280declamare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74550declamatore is declamatore" ; rdfs:label " declamatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74551decolorante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74551decolorante is decolorante" ; rdfs:label " decolorante_as_Substance" . inds:USem74552dettame simple:hasIsa inds:USem6943convenzione ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74552dettame is dettame" ; rdfs:label " dettame_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem74553dialettofono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD584comunita1 ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74553dialettofono is dialettofono" ; rdfs:label " dialettofono_as_Human" . inds:USem74554diavolessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74554diavolessa is diavolessa" ; rdfs:label " diavolessa_as_Entity" . inds:USem74555diavolessa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74555diavolessa is diavolessa" ; rdfs:label " diavolessa_as_Human" . inds:USem74556diesel simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74556diesel is diesel" ; rdfs:label " diesel_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74557diesel simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74557diesel is diesel" ; rdfs:label " diesel_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem74558dietologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem71619dieta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61337medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74558dietologia is dietologia" ; rdfs:label " dietologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74559disabile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74559disabile is disabile" ; rdfs:label " disabile_as_Human" . inds:USem74560dissimulatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem66839dissimulare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74560dissimulatore is dissimulatore" ; rdfs:label " dissimulatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74561dissuasore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemTH305dissuadere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74561dissuasore is dissuasore" ; rdfs:label " dissuasore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74562documentalista simple:hasIsa inds:USem71698esperto ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74562documentalista is documentalista" ; rdfs:label " documentalista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74563donchisciotte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74563donchisciotte is donchisciotte" ; rdfs:label " donchisciotte_as_Human" . inds:USem74564dongiovannismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74564dongiovannismo is dongiovannismo" ; rdfs:label " dongiovannismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem74565dopocena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2783sera ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74565dopocena is dopocena" ; rdfs:label " dopocena_as_Time" . inds:USem74566dopopartita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74566dopopartita is dopopartita" ; rdfs:label " dopopartita_as_Time" . inds:USem74567dopopranzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74567dopopranzo is dopopranzo" ; rdfs:label " dopopranzo_as_Time" . inds:USem74568doposci1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4783scarpone ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74568doposci1 is doposci'" ; rdfs:label " doposci'_as_Clothing" . inds:USem74569doppiogiochista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74569doppiogiochista is doppiogiochista" ; rdfs:label " doppiogiochista_as_Human" . inds:USem74570doppiopetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4855giacca ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5433stoffa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74570doppiopetto is doppiopetto" ; rdfs:label " doppiopetto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem74571dottrinarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74571dottrinarismo is dottrinarismo" ; rdfs:label " dottrinarismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem74572dribblatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD66438dribblare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74572dribblatore is dribblatore" ; rdfs:label " dribblatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74573ebete simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74573ebete is ebete" ; rdfs:label " ebete_as_Human" . inds:USem74574edicolante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74574edicolante is edicolante" ; rdfs:label " edicolante_as_Profession" . inds:USem74575edificatore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7101edificare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74575edificatore is edificatore" ; rdfs:label " edificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem74576egotista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74576egotista is egotista" ; rdfs:label " egotista_as_Human" . inds:USem74577eiezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74577eiezione is eiezione" ; rdfs:label " eiezione_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem74578eiezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74578eiezione is eiezione" ; rdfs:label " eiezione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem74579elefantino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1161elefante ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74579elefantino is elefantino" ; rdfs:label " elefantino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74580elettroacustica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3877suono, inds:USemD66443energia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74580elettroacustica is elettroacustica" ; rdfs:label " elettroacustica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74581elettrocardiografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74581elettrocardiografia is elettrocardiografia" ; rdfs:label " elettrocardiografia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74582elettrocardiografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem69589cardiologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74582elettrocardiografia is elettrocardiografia" ; rdfs:label " elettrocardiografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74583elettroencefalografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74583elettroencefalografia is elettroencefalografia" ; rdfs:label " elettroencefalografia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74584elettropompa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74584elettropompa is elettropompa" ; rdfs:label " elettropompa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74585elzevirista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3351giornalista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74585elzevirista is elzevirista" ; rdfs:label " elzevirista_as_Profession" . inds:USem74586numismatica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74586numismatica is numismatica" ; rdfs:label " numismatica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74587emofiliaco simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem3815emofilia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74587emofiliaco is emofiliaco" ; rdfs:label " emofiliaco_as_Human" . inds:USem74588emolliente simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD64005mucosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6664ammorbidire, inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74588emolliente is emolliente" ; rdfs:label " emolliente_as_Substance" . inds:USem74589emostatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem3816emorragia ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74589emostatico is emostatico" ; rdfs:label " emostatico_as_Substance" . inds:USem74590energetico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60732stimolare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74590energetico is energetico" ; rdfs:label " energetico_as_Substance" . inds:USem74591epistemologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem71698esperto ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74591epistemologo is epistemologo" ; rdfs:label " epistemologo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74592erbetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74592erbetta is erbetta" ; rdfs:label " erbetta_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem74593erbicida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74593erbicida is erbicida" ; rdfs:label " erbicida_as_Substance" . inds:USem74594erbivendolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74594erbivendolo is erbivendolo" ; rdfs:label " erbivendolo_as_Profession" . inds:USem74595ermafrodita simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74595ermafrodita is ermafrodita" ; rdfs:label " ermafrodita_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem74596ermafrodito simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74596ermafrodito is ermafrodito" ; rdfs:label " ermafrodito_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem74597esegetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem70223teologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74597esegetica is esegetica" ; rdfs:label " esegetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74598esotista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74598esotista is esotista" ; rdfs:label " esotista_as_Human" . inds:USem74599esperantista simple:hasIsa inds:USem71698esperto ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74599esperantista is esperantista" ; rdfs:label " esperantista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74600scaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74600scaglia is scaglia" ; rdfs:label " scaglia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem74601esserino simple:hasIsa inds:USem918essere ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74601esserino is esserino" ; rdfs:label " esserino_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem74602estense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD66444este ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74602estense is estense" ; rdfs:label " estense_as_People" . inds:USem74603estense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74603estense is estense" ; rdfs:label " estense_as_Human" . inds:USem74604esterofilo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem69684esterofilia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74604esterofilo is esterofilo" ; rdfs:label " esterofilo_as_Human" . inds:USem74605scaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3materiale, inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74605scaglia is scaglia" ; rdfs:label " scaglia_as_Part" . inds:USem74606eteradelfo simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemTH08695eteradelfia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74606eteradelfo is eteradelfo" ; rdfs:label " eteradelfo_as_Human" . inds:USem74607etruscologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem71698esperto ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74607etruscologo is etruscologo" ; rdfs:label " etruscologo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74608euroasiatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74608euroasiatico is euroasiatico" ; rdfs:label " euroasiatico_as_Human" . inds:USem74609fabbricatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74609fabbricatore is fabbricatore" ; rdfs:label " fabbricatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74610facilone simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem69749faciloneria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74610facilone is facilone" ; rdfs:label " facilone_as_Human" . inds:USem74611fagiolata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4244minestra ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74611fagiolata is fagiolata" ; rdfs:label " fagiolata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem74612fagiolata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74612fagiolata is fagiolata" ; rdfs:label " fagiolata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74613falangismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74613falangismo is falangismo" ; rdfs:label " falangismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem74614falangismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74614falangismo is falangismo" ; rdfs:label " falangismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem74615falangista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem74614falangismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74615falangista is falangista" ; rdfs:label " falangista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem74616fallaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem74617fallo ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74616fallaccio is fallaccio" ; rdfs:label " fallaccio_as_Act" . inds:USem74617fallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74617fallo is fallo" ; rdfs:label " fallo_as_Act" . inds:USem74618fallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74618fallo is fallo" ; rdfs:label " fallo_as_Act" . inds:USem74619fallito simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD7307fallire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74619fallito is fallito" ; rdfs:label " fallito_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem74620fallito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74620fallito is fallito" ; rdfs:label " fallito_as_Human" . inds:USem74621pruno simple:hasIsa inds:USem1570arbusto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74621pruno is pruno" ; rdfs:label " pruno_as_Plant" . inds:USem74622pruno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74622pruno is pruno" ; rdfs:label " pruno_as_Part" . inds:USem74623psicoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74623psicoterapia is psicoterapia" ; rdfs:label " psicoterapia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74624puberta1 simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD63948uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3879vita ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74624puberta1 is puberta'" ; rdfs:label " puberta'_as_Time" . inds:USem74626saltimbanco simple:hasIsa inds:USem64227acrobata ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem76977esibire ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74626saltimbanco is saltimbanco" ; rdfs:label " saltimbanco_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem74627quadretto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2851quadro ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74627quadretto is quadretto" ; rdfs:label " quadretto_as_Artwork" . inds:USem74628quadretto simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74628quadretto is quadretto" ; rdfs:label " quadretto_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem74629questore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63966funzionario ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74629questore is questore" ; rdfs:label " questore_as_Profession" . inds:USem74630rastrelliera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem72447intelaiatura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2078stalla, inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74630rastrelliera is rastrelliera" ; rdfs:label " rastrelliera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74631accartocciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74673piegare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74631accartocciare is accartocciare" ; rdfs:label " accartocciare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74633accecare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem66901cieco ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74633accecare is accecare" ; rdfs:label " accecare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74634accendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74634accendere is accendere" ; rdfs:label " accendere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74635accendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74635accendere is accendere" ; rdfs:label " accendere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74636bagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74636bagnare is bagnare" ; rdfs:label " bagnare_as_Act" . inds:USem74637bloccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74674fermare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74637bloccare is bloccare" ; rdfs:label " bloccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74638bloccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem74641blocco ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74638bloccare is bloccare" ; rdfs:label " bloccare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem74639bloccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59662fermare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem75901bloccato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74639bloccare is bloccare" ; rdfs:label " bloccare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74640blocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74640blocco is blocco" ; rdfs:label " blocco_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74641blocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74641blocco is blocco" ; rdfs:label " blocco_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74642bloccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74642bloccare is bloccare" ; rdfs:label " bloccare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem74643addensare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74643addensare is addensare" ; rdfs:label " addensare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74644addensare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74644addensare is addensare" ; rdfs:label " addensare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74645addobbo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74645addobbo is addobbo" ; rdfs:label " addobbo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem74645amalgamare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74645amalgamare is amalgamare" ; rdfs:label " amalgamare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem74646addormentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74646addormentare is addormentare" ; rdfs:label " addormentare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74647colorire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74647colorire is colorire" ; rdfs:label " colorire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74648colorire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74648colorire is colorire" ; rdfs:label " colorire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74649compattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74649compattare is compattare" ; rdfs:label " compattare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74650compattare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74650compattare is compattare" ; rdfs:label " compattare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74651contrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3982diminuire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74651contrarre is contrarre" ; rdfs:label " contrarre_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem74652sintetizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74652sintetizzare is sintetizzare" ; rdfs:label " sintetizzare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem74653corrompere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6673inquinare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6423corrotto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74653corrompere is corrompere" ; rdfs:label " corrompere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74654riassumere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74654riassumere is riassumere" ; rdfs:label " riassumere_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem74655cristallizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD78145cristallizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74655cristallizzare is cristallizzare" ; rdfs:label " cristallizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74656cristallizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD78145cristallizzato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74656cristallizzazione is cristallizzazione" ; rdfs:label " cristallizzazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74657cristallizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63959cristallizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74657cristallizzazione is cristallizzazione" ; rdfs:label " cristallizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74658curvare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74658curvare is curvare" ; rdfs:label " curvare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem74659curvare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74659curvare is curvare" ; rdfs:label " curvare_as_Move" . inds:USem74662agitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74662agitare is agitare" ; rdfs:label " agitare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74664decadere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74664decadere is decadere" ; rdfs:label " decadere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74665degradare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem72808degradazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74665degradare is degradare" ; rdfs:label " degradare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74666degradare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66078degradato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74666degradare is degradare" ; rdfs:label " degradare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74667agitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74667agitare is agitare" ; rdfs:label " agitare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem74668agitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74668agitare is agitare" ; rdfs:label " agitare_as_Change" . inds:USem74669diradare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD78187diradato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74669diradare is diradare" ; rdfs:label " diradare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74670diradare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD78187diradato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74670diradare is diradare" ; rdfs:label " diradare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74671miniera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74671miniera is miniera" ; rdfs:label " miniera_as_Amount" . inds:USem74673piegare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74673piegare is piegare" ; rdfs:label " piegare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74674fermare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74674fermare is fermare" ; rdfs:label " fermare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74675fermare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74675fermare is fermare" ; rdfs:label " fermare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74676fermare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64064arrestare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6793fermo ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74676fermare is fermare" ; rdfs:label " fermare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74677ammassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74677ammassare is ammassare" ; rdfs:label " ammassare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74678fermare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6793fermo ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74678fermare is fermare" ; rdfs:label " fermare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74679fermare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74679fermare is fermare" ; rdfs:label " fermare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem74680allineare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74680allineare is allineare" ; rdfs:label " allineare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74681fondere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74681fondere is fondere" ; rdfs:label " fondere_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem74682allineare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74682allineare is allineare" ; rdfs:label " allineare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem74683ammorbidire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74683ammorbidire is ammorbidire" ; rdfs:label " ammorbidire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74684ammorbidire simple:hasIsa inds:USem75363addolcire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74684ammorbidire is ammorbidire" ; rdfs:label " ammorbidire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74685ampliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6824ingrandire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD2623ampio ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74685ampliare is ampliare" ; rdfs:label " ampliare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74686ampliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74686ampliare is ampliare" ; rdfs:label " ampliare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74688arrossare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74688arrossare is arrossare" ; rdfs:label " arrossare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74689arrossare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61898rosso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74689arrossare is arrossare" ; rdfs:label " arrossare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74690lesionare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74690lesionare is lesionare" ; rdfs:label " lesionare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74691lesionare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74691lesionare is lesionare" ; rdfs:label " lesionare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74692rotolo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2483cilindro, inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74692rotolo is rotolo" ; rdfs:label " rotolo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem74693ravvivare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74693ravvivare is ravvivare" ; rdfs:label " ravvivare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem74694arrotondare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6436ingrassare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74694arrotondare is arrotondare" ; rdfs:label " arrotondare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74695arrotondare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74695arrotondare is arrotondare" ; rdfs:label " arrotondare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem74696montare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74696montare is montare" ; rdfs:label " montare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74697montare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74697montare is montare" ; rdfs:label " montare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74698raddrizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74698raddrizzare is raddrizzare" ; rdfs:label " raddrizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74699ricoprire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74699ricoprire is ricoprire" ; rdfs:label " ricoprire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74700ricoprire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74700ricoprire is ricoprire" ; rdfs:label " ricoprire_as_State" . inds:USem74701rinforzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74701rinforzare is rinforzare" ; rdfs:label " rinforzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74702rinforzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74702rinforzare is rinforzare" ; rdfs:label " rinforzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74703riprendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60205migliorare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74703riprendere is riprendere" ; rdfs:label " riprendere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74704peggiorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74704peggiorare is peggiorare" ; rdfs:label " peggiorare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem74705peggiorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74705peggiorare is peggiorare" ; rdfs:label " peggiorare_as_Change" . inds:USem74706peggiorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74706peggiorare is peggiorare" ; rdfs:label " peggiorare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74707sbloccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74707sbloccare is sbloccare" ; rdfs:label " sbloccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74708sbloccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74708sbloccare is sbloccare" ; rdfs:label " sbloccare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74710schiacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74710schiacciare is schiacciare" ; rdfs:label " schiacciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74711schiacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74711schiacciare is schiacciare" ; rdfs:label " schiacciare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74712sciupare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61287rovinare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6405sciupato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74712sciupare is sciupare" ; rdfs:label " sciupare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74713sciupare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD78241sciupato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74713sciupare is sciupare" ; rdfs:label " sciupare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74714scuotere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74714scuotere is scuotere" ; rdfs:label " scuotere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74715scuotere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74715scuotere is scuotere" ; rdfs:label " scuotere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74716caccia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74716caccia is caccia" ; rdfs:label " caccia_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem74717scuotere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74717scuotere is scuotere" ; rdfs:label " scuotere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74718solidificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74718solidificare is solidificare" ; rdfs:label " solidificare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74719solidificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74719solidificare is solidificare" ; rdfs:label " solidificare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74720spegnere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74720spegnere is spegnere" ; rdfs:label " spegnere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74725destriero simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6394nitrire, inds:USem6404galoppare, inds:USem6409trottare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62642criniera, inds:USemD529zoccolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74725destriero is destriero" ; rdfs:label " destriero_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74726diavolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74726diavolo is diavolo" ; rdfs:label " diavolo_as_Entity" . inds:USem74727ciak simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74727ciak is ciak" ; rdfs:label " ciak_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74729partire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74729partire is partire" ; rdfs:label " partire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74731gettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74731gettare is gettare" ; rdfs:label " gettare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem74732sopraggiungere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3951accadere ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74732sopraggiungere is sopraggiungere" ; rdfs:label " sopraggiungere_as_Event" . inds:USem74733tirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74733tirare is tirare" ; rdfs:label " tirare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74734tornare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74734tornare is tornare" ; rdfs:label " tornare_as_Event" . inds:USem74735trapiantare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74735trapiantare is trapiantare" ; rdfs:label " trapiantare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem74736trasferimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74736trasferimento is trasferimento" ; rdfs:label " trasferimento_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem74737evacuare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74737evacuare is evacuare" ; rdfs:label " evacuare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74738abbattere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74738abbattere is abbattere" ; rdfs:label " abbattere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74739stancare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62356stanco ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74739stancare is stancare" ; rdfs:label " stancare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74740stancare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62356stanco ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74740stancare is stancare" ; rdfs:label " stancare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74741svegliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD65514sveglio ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74741svegliare is svegliare" ; rdfs:label " svegliare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74742confinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74742confinare is confinare" ; rdfs:label " confinare_as_State" . inds:USem74743appiccicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74743appiccicare is appiccicare" ; rdfs:label " appiccicare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem74744appiccicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74744appiccicare is appiccicare" ; rdfs:label " appiccicare_as_State" . inds:USem74747accrescimento simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem74755aumento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74747accrescimento is accrescimento" ; rdfs:label " accrescimento_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem74748attutire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3982diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6123attutito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74748attutire is attutire" ; rdfs:label " attutire_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem74749esasperare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74749esasperare is esasperare" ; rdfs:label " esasperare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem74750raffreddare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74750raffreddare is raffreddare" ; rdfs:label " raffreddare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74751ristagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76103stagnare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74751ristagnare is ristagnare" ; rdfs:label " ristagnare_as_State" . inds:USem74752approdare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74752approdare is approdare" ; rdfs:label " approdare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem74753incrementare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74753incrementare is incrementare" ; rdfs:label " incrementare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem74754diminuzione simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74754diminuzione is diminuzione" ; rdfs:label " diminuzione_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem74755aumento simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74755aumento is aumento" ; rdfs:label " aumento_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem74756fregare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7139rubare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74756fregare is fregare" ; rdfs:label " fregare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem74757riconquistare simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74757riconquistare is riconquistare" ; rdfs:label " riconquistare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem74758abbonamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6944contratto ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem73617abbonamento ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74758abbonamento is abbonamento" ; rdfs:label " abbonamento_as_Convention" . inds:USem74759scambiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74759scambiare is scambiare" ; rdfs:label " scambiare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem74760verifica simple:hasIsa inds:USem74772acquisizione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74760verifica is verifica" ; rdfs:label " verifica_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem74761permesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74761permesso is permesso" ; rdfs:label " permesso_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem74762commercio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74762commercio is commercio" ; rdfs:label " commercio_as_Transaction" . inds:USem74763noleggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74763noleggiare is noleggiare" ; rdfs:label " noleggiare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem74764affitto simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74764affitto is affitto" ; rdfs:label " affitto_as_Transaction" . inds:USem74765subaffittare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74765subaffittare is subaffittare" ; rdfs:label " subaffittare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem74766contraccambiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74766contraccambiare is contraccambiare" ; rdfs:label " contraccambiare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem74767indagare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59129ricercare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74767indagare is indagare" ; rdfs:label " indagare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem74768indagine simple:hasIsa inds:USem59864ricerca ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74768indagine is indagine" ; rdfs:label " indagine_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem74769acquisire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59263conoscere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74769acquisire is acquisire" ; rdfs:label " acquisire_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem74770proporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74770proporre is proporre" ; rdfs:label " proporre_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74771proposta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74771proposta is proposta" ; rdfs:label " proposta_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74772acquisizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63975conoscenza ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74772acquisizione is acquisizione" ; rdfs:label " acquisizione_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem74773apprendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4831acquisire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74773apprendere is apprendere" ; rdfs:label " apprendere_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem74774esplorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74774esplorazione is esplorazione" ; rdfs:label " esplorazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74775consultazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem74772acquisizione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74775consultazione is consultazione" ; rdfs:label " consultazione_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem74776inaugurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74776inaugurare is inaugurare" ; rdfs:label " inaugurare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74777arcivescovado simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD960rettore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74777arcivescovado is arcivescovado" ; rdfs:label " arcivescovado_as_Convention" . inds:USem74778logorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74778logorare is logorare" ; rdfs:label " logorare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74779commentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74779commentare is commentare" ; rdfs:label " commentare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74780discendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74780discendere is discendere" ; rdfs:label " discendere_as_State" . inds:USem74781potere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74781potere is potere" ; rdfs:label " potere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem74783redimere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74783redimere is redimere" ; rdfs:label " redimere_as_Change" . inds:USem74784benzene simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5467raffinazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD2817petrolio, inds:USemD3313catrame ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3035carburante, inds:USem3096solvente ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74784benzene is benzene" ; rdfs:label " benzene_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem74785ambientare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74785ambientare is ambientare" ; rdfs:label " ambientare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74786arista simple:hasIsa inds:USem4282taglio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74786arista is arista" ; rdfs:label " arista_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem74787acanto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74787acanto is acanto" ; rdfs:label " acanto_as_Plant" . inds:USem74788ceralacca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3650miscela ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74788ceralacca is ceralacca" ; rdfs:label " ceralacca_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem74789cerbottana simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59115cacciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74789cerbottana is cerbottana" ; rdfs:label " cerbottana_as_Instrument" . inds:USem74790chilocaloria simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74790chilocaloria is chilocaloria" ; rdfs:label " chilocaloria_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem74791coccige simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4409bacino, inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74791coccige is coccige" ; rdfs:label " coccige_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem74792colibatterio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1959microrganismo ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74792colibatterio is colibatterio" ; rdfs:label " colibatterio_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem74793coppo simple:hasContains inds:USem1394vino, inds:USem3283olio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1741terracotta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62851conservare ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74793coppo is coppo" ; rdfs:label " coppo_as_Container" . inds:USem74794accogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74794accogliere is accogliere" ; rdfs:label " accogliere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74795coppo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1394vino, inds:USem3283olio ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74795coppo is coppo" ; rdfs:label " coppo_as_Amount" . inds:USem74796ecosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USem64427zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62391atmosfera ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74796ecosfera is ecosfera" ; rdfs:label " ecosfera_as_Part" . inds:USem74797euro simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2138europa ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74797euro is euro" ; rdfs:label " euro_as_Money" . inds:USem74798discopatia simple:hasAffects inds:USem1956schiena ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74798discopatia is discopatia" ; rdfs:label " discopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USem74800farmacobotanica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1419vegetale, inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59964botanica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74800farmacobotanica is farmacobotanica" ; rdfs:label " farmacobotanica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74801mugolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem67921animale ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74801mugolare is mugolare" ; rdfs:label " mugolare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74802farmacogenetica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59971farmacologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74802farmacogenetica is farmacogenetica" ; rdfs:label " farmacogenetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74803flebologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5666vena ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61337medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74803flebologia is flebologia" ; rdfs:label " flebologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74804marpione simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem69899scaltrezza, inds:USemD6063furbizia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74804marpione is marpione" ; rdfs:label " marpione_as_Human" . inds:USem74805postribolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74805postribolo is postribolo" ; rdfs:label " postribolo_as_Building" . inds:USem74806rucola simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74806rucola is rucola" ; rdfs:label " rucola_as_Plant" . inds:USem74807illustrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3927spiegare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74807illustrare is illustrare" ; rdfs:label " illustrare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem74808semasiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74808semasiologia is semasiologia" ; rdfs:label " semasiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74809vermicida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2869avvelenare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74809vermicida is vermicida" ; rdfs:label " vermicida_as_Substance" . inds:USem74810zircone simple:hasIsa inds:USem73675minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74810zircone is zircone" ; rdfs:label " zircone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem74811battere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74811battere is battere" ; rdfs:label " battere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74812zirconio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USemD2989argento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74812zirconio is zirconio" ; rdfs:label " zirconio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem74813vulva simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67077femmina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74813vulva is vulva" ; rdfs:label " vulva_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem74814viagra simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem64011impotenza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74814viagra is viagra" ; rdfs:label " viagra_as_Substance" . inds:USem74815varichina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6951detergere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74815varichina is varichina" ; rdfs:label " varichina_as_Substance" . inds:USem74816urologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74816urologia is urologia" ; rdfs:label " urologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74817ussero simple:hasIsa inds:USem3328soldato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74817ussero is ussero" ; rdfs:label " ussero_as_Profession" . inds:USem74818approdare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74818approdare is approdare" ; rdfs:label " approdare_as_Event" . inds:USem74819introdurre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74819introdurre is introdurre" ; rdfs:label " introdurre_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem74820introduzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5592unione ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74820introduzione is introduzione" ; rdfs:label " introduzione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem74821talassologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64773oceano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74821talassologia is talassologia" ; rdfs:label " talassologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74822steroide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74822steroide is steroide" ; rdfs:label " steroide_as_Substance" . inds:USem74823chiamare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74823chiamare is chiamare" ; rdfs:label " chiamare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74824chiamare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74824chiamare is chiamare" ; rdfs:label " chiamare_as_State" . inds:USem74825pubblicazione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74825pubblicazione is pubblicazione" ; rdfs:label " pubblicazione_as_Information" . inds:USem74826pubblicazione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74826pubblicazione is pubblicazione" ; rdfs:label " pubblicazione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem74827bombardare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74827bombardare is bombardare" ; rdfs:label " bombardare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74828banalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74828banalizzare is banalizzare" ; rdfs:label " banalizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74829designare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74829designare is designare" ; rdfs:label " designare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74831detronizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66121detronizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74831detronizzare is detronizzare" ; rdfs:label " detronizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74832derapare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74832derapare is derapare" ; rdfs:label " derapare_as_Move" . inds:USem74833deragliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74833deragliare is deragliare" ; rdfs:label " deragliare_as_Move" . inds:USem74834dequalificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74834dequalificare is dequalificare" ; rdfs:label " dequalificare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74838deindicizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74838deindicizzare is deindicizzare" ; rdfs:label " deindicizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74839defenestrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74839defenestrare is defenestrare" ; rdfs:label " defenestrare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem74840defecare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74840defecare is defecare" ; rdfs:label " defecare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74841incriminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74841incriminare is incriminare" ; rdfs:label " incriminare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74842criminalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60559considerare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74842criminalizzare is criminalizzare" ; rdfs:label " criminalizzare_as_Judgement" . inds:USem74843articolazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74843articolazione is articolazione" ; rdfs:label " articolazione_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74844borseggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74844borseggiare is borseggiare" ; rdfs:label " borseggiare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem74845beccheggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74845beccheggiare is beccheggiare" ; rdfs:label " beccheggiare_as_Move" . inds:USem74847discorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74847discorso is discorso" ; rdfs:label " discorso_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74848detonare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74848detonare is detonare" ; rdfs:label " detonare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74849telefonare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3519telefono ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74849telefonare is telefonare" ; rdfs:label " telefonare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74850telefonata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3519telefono ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60714comunicazione ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74850telefonata is telefonata" ; rdfs:label " telefonata_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74851stipulare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74851stipulare is stipulare" ; rdfs:label " stipulare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74852invidiare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem70120invidia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74852invidiare is invidiare" ; rdfs:label " invidiare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem74853querela simple:hasIsa inds:USem60817denuncia ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74853querela is querela" ; rdfs:label " querela_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem74854dilapidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74854dilapidare is dilapidare" ; rdfs:label " dilapidare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74855speleopaleontologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2225caverna, inds:USem68751fossile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem74859paleontologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74855speleopaleontologia is speleopaleontologia" ; rdfs:label " speleopaleontologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74856mischiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74856mischiare is mischiare" ; rdfs:label " mischiare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem74857speleopaletnologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2225caverna, inds:USemD63931cultura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem48speleologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74857speleopaletnologia is speleopaletnologia" ; rdfs:label " speleopaletnologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74858rincollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6899incollare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74858rincollare is rincollare" ; rdfs:label " rincollare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem74859paleontologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem68751fossile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74859paleontologia is paleontologia" ; rdfs:label " paleontologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74860speleobiologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2225caverna, inds:USem3879vita ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59962biologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74860speleobiologia is speleobiologia" ; rdfs:label " speleobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74861speleobotanica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1419vegetale, inds:USem2225caverna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem74860speleobiologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74861speleobotanica is speleobotanica" ; rdfs:label " speleobotanica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74863salmonella simple:hasCauses inds:USem3854salmonellosi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1959microrganismo ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74863salmonella is salmonella" ; rdfs:label " salmonella_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem74864salmonella simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1972batterio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74864salmonella is salmonella" ; rdfs:label " salmonella_as_Disease" . inds:USem74865sahel simple:hasIsa inds:USem59534pianura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59527costa ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74865sahel is sahel" ; rdfs:label " sahel_as_Area" . inds:USem74866radioastronomia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD6304astro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6303astronomia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74866radioastronomia is radioastronomia" ; rdfs:label " radioastronomia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74867pommarola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4484sugo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1530pomodoro ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74867pommarola is pommarola" ; rdfs:label " pommarola_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem74868piadina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74868piadina is piadina" ; rdfs:label " piadina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem74869paleobiologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3879vita, inds:USem68751fossile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59962biologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74869paleobiologia is paleobiologia" ; rdfs:label " paleobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74870paleobiogeografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem74869paleobiologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74870paleobiogeografia is paleobiogeografia" ; rdfs:label " paleobiogeografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74872deporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem64028testimoniare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74872deporre is deporre" ; rdfs:label " deporre_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem74873paleoclimatologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61177terra, inds:USem62390clima ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59975geologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74873paleoclimatologia is paleoclimatologia" ; rdfs:label " paleoclimatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74874ontologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem19filosofia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74874ontologia is ontologia" ; rdfs:label " ontologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74875comandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74875comandare is comandare" ; rdfs:label " comandare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74876comando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74876comando is comando" ; rdfs:label " comando_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74877nutella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62433crema ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1525nocciola, inds:USem3662cacao ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74877nutella is nutella" ; rdfs:label " nutella_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem74878nastroteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD66498nastro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63394collezione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74878nastroteca is nastroteca" ; rdfs:label " nastroteca_as_Group" . inds:USem74880domanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74880domanda is domanda" ; rdfs:label " domanda_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74881malachite simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1367verde ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3002pietra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74881malachite is malachite" ; rdfs:label " malachite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem74882malachite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3077colorante ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2753colorare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74882malachite is malachite" ; rdfs:label " malachite_as_Substance" . inds:USem74884laringoiatria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1811laringe ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74884laringoiatria is laringoiatria" ; rdfs:label " laringoiatria_as_Domain" . inds:USem74885iridologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62728iride ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74885iridologia is iridologia" ; rdfs:label " iridologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74886ancorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59662fermare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74886ancorare is ancorare" ; rdfs:label " ancorare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74887ancorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74887ancorare is ancorare" ; rdfs:label " ancorare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem74888dividere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74888dividere is dividere" ; rdfs:label " dividere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem74889dividere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74889dividere is dividere" ; rdfs:label " dividere_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem74890accumulare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74890accumulare is accumulare" ; rdfs:label " accumulare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74891accumulare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74891accumulare is accumulare" ; rdfs:label " accumulare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74892accludere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6901inserire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74892accludere is accludere" ; rdfs:label " accludere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem74893deplorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60774disapprovare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74893deplorare is deplorare" ; rdfs:label " deplorare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74894motteggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60827deridere ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74894motteggiare is motteggiare" ; rdfs:label " motteggiare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74895consacrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74895consacrare is consacrare" ; rdfs:label " consacrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74896inserire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74896inserire is inserire" ; rdfs:label " inserire_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem74897quadrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74897quadrare is quadrare" ; rdfs:label " quadrare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem74898debilitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74898debilitare is debilitare" ; rdfs:label " debilitare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74899debilitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74899debilitare is debilitare" ; rdfs:label " debilitare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74900coadiuvare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59870aiutare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74900coadiuvare is coadiuvare" ; rdfs:label " coadiuvare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74901immunoematologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3126sangue ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem74907ematologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74901immunoematologia is immunoematologia" ; rdfs:label " immunoematologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74902immunologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74902immunologo is immunologo" ; rdfs:label " immunologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem74903grafema simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74903grafema is grafema" ; rdfs:label " grafema_as_Sign" . inds:USem74904glottodidattica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3926insegnamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59973linguistica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74904glottodidattica is glottodidattica" ; rdfs:label " glottodidattica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74905geobotanica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemTH39049biogeografia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74905geobotanica is geobotanica" ; rdfs:label " geobotanica_as_Domain" . inds:USem74906gerontologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74906gerontologia is gerontologia" ; rdfs:label " gerontologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74907ematologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74907ematologia is ematologia" ; rdfs:label " ematologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem74908neurologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7083reparto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60931ospedale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1189ricoverare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74908neurologia is neurologia" ; rdfs:label " neurologia_as_Building" . inds:USem74909accumulare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74909accumulare is accumulare" ; rdfs:label " accumulare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem74910disciogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6899disciolto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74910disciogliere is disciogliere" ; rdfs:label " disciogliere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74911alzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74911alzare is alzare" ; rdfs:label " alzare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem74912impiego simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74912impiego is impiego" ; rdfs:label " impiego_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74913combinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79123armonizzare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74913combinare is combinare" ; rdfs:label " combinare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74914degustare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1763gusto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59500assaporare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74914degustare is degustare" ; rdfs:label " degustare_as_Perception" . inds:USem74915clementina simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2460arancione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem74916clementina ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74915clementina is clementina" ; rdfs:label " clementina_as_Fruit" . inds:USem74916clementina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem74915clementina ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74916clementina is clementina" ; rdfs:label " clementina_as_Plant" . inds:USem74917sbloccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74917sbloccare is sbloccare" ; rdfs:label " sbloccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74919comunicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74919comunicare is comunicare" ; rdfs:label " comunicare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74920condurre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74920condurre is condurre" ; rdfs:label " condurre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74921dimettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem62873licenziare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74921dimettere is dimettere" ; rdfs:label " dimettere_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem74922derivare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74922derivare is derivare" ; rdfs:label " derivare_as_Cause" . inds:USem74923frassino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74923frassino is frassino" ; rdfs:label " frassino_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem74924portoghese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74924portoghese is portoghese" ; rdfs:label " portoghese_as_Language" . inds:USem74925invecchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6461vecchio ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74925invecchiare is invecchiare" ; rdfs:label " invecchiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74926invecchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6461vecchio ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74926invecchiare is invecchiare" ; rdfs:label " invecchiare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74927romagnolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63480romagna ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2194romagna ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74927romagnolo is romagnolo" ; rdfs:label " romagnolo_as_People" . inds:USem74928avviare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74928avviare is avviare" ; rdfs:label " avviare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem74929disgregare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74929disgregare is disgregare" ; rdfs:label " disgregare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem74930disgregare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74930disgregare is disgregare" ; rdfs:label " disgregare_as_Change" . inds:USem74931ronzino simple:hasIsa inds:USem919cavallo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74931ronzino is ronzino" ; rdfs:label " ronzino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem74932crema simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2168lombardia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74932crema is crema" ; rdfs:label " crema_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem74933crema simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74933crema is crema" ; rdfs:label " crema_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem74934attendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem79041aspettare ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74934attendere is attendere" ; rdfs:label " attendere_as_Event" . inds:USem74935inchiodare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem886chiodo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74935inchiodare is inchiodare" ; rdfs:label " inchiodare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74936raffigurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74936raffigurare is raffigurare" ; rdfs:label " raffigurare_as_Creation" . inds:USem74937raffigurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74937raffigurare is raffigurare" ; rdfs:label " raffigurare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem74938infrangere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3935rompere ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74938infrangere is infrangere" ; rdfs:label " infrangere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74939lampeggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74939lampeggiare is lampeggiare" ; rdfs:label " lampeggiare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74940intonare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74940intonare is intonare" ; rdfs:label " intonare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74941intonazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74941intonazione is intonazione" ; rdfs:label " intonazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74942unire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74942unire is unire" ; rdfs:label " unire_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem74943riunire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74943riunire is riunire" ; rdfs:label " riunire_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem74944ammassare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74944ammassare is ammassare" ; rdfs:label " ammassare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem74945predicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74945predicare is predicare" ; rdfs:label " predicare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem74946imbeccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74946imbeccare is imbeccare" ; rdfs:label " imbeccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74947abbordare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74947abbordare is abbordare" ; rdfs:label " abbordare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74948imbeccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74948imbeccare is imbeccare" ; rdfs:label " imbeccare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem74949abolire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74949abolire is abolire" ; rdfs:label " abolire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74950abolire simple:hasIsa inds:USem72990eliminare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74950abolire is abolire" ; rdfs:label " abolire_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem74951addizionare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59347calcolare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74951addizionare is addizionare" ; rdfs:label " addizionare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem74952alone simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74952alone is alone" ; rdfs:label " alone_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem74954aberrazione simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74954aberrazione is aberrazione" ; rdfs:label " aberrazione_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem74955alone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74955alone is alone" ; rdfs:label " alone_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem74956aborto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74956aborto is aborto" ; rdfs:label " aborto_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74957abortire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74957abortire is abortire" ; rdfs:label " abortire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74958alpacca simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74958alpacca is alpacca" ; rdfs:label " alpacca_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem74960ambasceria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74960ambasceria is ambasceria" ; rdfs:label " ambasceria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem74961amoroso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74961amoroso is amoroso" ; rdfs:label " amoroso_as_Human" . inds:USem74962abrogare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74962abrogare is abrogare" ; rdfs:label " abrogare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74963abrogazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74963abrogazione is abrogazione" ; rdfs:label " abrogazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74964ambientalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem74967ambientalismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74964ambientalista is ambientalista" ; rdfs:label " ambientalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem74965abusare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74965abusare is abusare" ; rdfs:label " abusare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74966abusare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63947violentare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74966abusare is abusare" ; rdfs:label " abusare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74967ambientalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74967ambientalismo is ambientalismo" ; rdfs:label " ambientalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem74968abuso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74968abuso is abuso" ; rdfs:label " abuso_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74969acaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74969acaro is acaro" ; rdfs:label " acaro_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem74970ammanco simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74970ammanco is ammanco" ; rdfs:label " ammanco_as_Amount" . inds:USem74971andirivieni simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74971andirivieni is andirivieni" ; rdfs:label " andirivieni_as_Move" . inds:USem74972aprire simple:hasIsa inds:USem74983iniziare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74972aprire is aprire" ; rdfs:label " aprire_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem74973chiudere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59604interrompere ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74973chiudere is chiudere" ; rdfs:label " chiudere_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem74974chiudere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3933cessare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74974chiudere is chiudere" ; rdfs:label " chiudere_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem74975cominciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74983iniziare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74975cominciare is cominciare" ; rdfs:label " cominciare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem74976albedo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74976albedo is albedo" ; rdfs:label " albedo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem74977antagonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74977antagonismo is antagonismo" ; rdfs:label " antagonismo_as_State" . inds:USem74978finire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74978finire is finire" ; rdfs:label " finire_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem74979abbronzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74979abbronzare is abbronzare" ; rdfs:label " abbronzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74980abbronzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74980abbronzare is abbronzare" ; rdfs:label " abbronzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74981alimentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74981alimentare is alimentare" ; rdfs:label " alimentare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74982incominciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74983iniziare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74982incominciare is incominciare" ; rdfs:label " incominciare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem74983iniziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74983iniziare is iniziare" ; rdfs:label " iniziare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem74984terminare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74978finire ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74984terminare is terminare" ; rdfs:label " terminare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem74985catturare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74985catturare is catturare" ; rdfs:label " catturare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem74986duplicato simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74986duplicato is duplicato" ; rdfs:label " duplicato_as_Artifact" . inds:USem74987registro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74987registro is registro" ; rdfs:label " registro_as_Information" . inds:USem74988retribuire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74988retribuire is retribuire" ; rdfs:label " retribuire_as_Transaction" . inds:USem74989retribuzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74989retribuzione is retribuzione" ; rdfs:label " retribuzione_as_Transaction" . inds:USem74991eccesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74991eccesso is eccesso" ; rdfs:label " eccesso_as_Act" . inds:USem74992rifiuto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74992rifiuto is rifiuto" ; rdfs:label " rifiuto_as_Group" . inds:USem74993caschetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65651acconciatura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62640capigliatura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74993caschetto is caschetto" ; rdfs:label " caschetto_as_Part" . inds:USem74994elevare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60203migliorare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74994elevare is elevare" ; rdfs:label " elevare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem74995addentellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74995addentellare is addentellare" ; rdfs:label " addentellare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74997risultare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74997risultare is risultare" ; rdfs:label " risultare_as_State" . inds:USem74998addentellato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74998addentellato is addentellato" ; rdfs:label " addentellato_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem74999elevare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem74999elevare is elevare" ; rdfs:label " elevare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75001saziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75001saziare is saziare" ; rdfs:label " saziare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75002affidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75002affidare is affidare" ; rdfs:label " affidare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem75003energia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75003energia is energia" ; rdfs:label " energia_as_Quality" . inds:USem75005affollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75005affollare is affollare" ; rdfs:label " affollare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75006sbandare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75006sbandare is sbandare" ; rdfs:label " sbandare_as_Move" . inds:USem75007affollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5533riunire ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75007affollare is affollare" ; rdfs:label " affollare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75008esibizionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7206mania ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75008esibizionismo is esibizionismo" ; rdfs:label " esibizionismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem75009esibizionista simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem75008esibizionismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75009esibizionista is esibizionista" ; rdfs:label " esibizionista_as_Human" . inds:USem75010sbaragliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75010sbaragliare is sbaragliare" ; rdfs:label " sbaragliare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75011sconquassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75011sconquassare is sconquassare" ; rdfs:label " sconquassare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75012fiandra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75012fiandra is fiandra" ; rdfs:label " fiandra_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem75013forza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75013forza is forza" ; rdfs:label " forza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem75014antifascismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75014antifascismo is antifascismo" ; rdfs:label " antifascismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem75015forza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75015forza is forza" ; rdfs:label " forza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem75016seguire simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75016seguire is seguire" ; rdfs:label " seguire_as_Move" . inds:USem75017belgio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem73244belga ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75017belgio is belgio" ; rdfs:label " belgio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem75018croazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75018croazia is croazia" ; rdfs:label " croazia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem75019croazia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2038croato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75019croazia is croazia" ; rdfs:label " croazia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem75020serie simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem60943fascicolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75020serie is serie" ; rdfs:label " serie_as_Group" . inds:USem75021servizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75021servizio is servizio" ; rdfs:label " servizio_as_State" . inds:USem75022servire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75022servire is servire" ; rdfs:label " servire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75024gorgheggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75024gorgheggio is gorgheggio" ; rdfs:label " gorgheggio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75025soglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem69194punto ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75025soglia is soglia" ; rdfs:label " soglia_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem75026spogliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75026spogliare is spogliare" ; rdfs:label " spogliare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75027gorgheggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75027gorgheggiare is gorgheggiare" ; rdfs:label " gorgheggiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75028squartare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75028squartare is squartare" ; rdfs:label " squartare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75029stabilizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75029stabilizzare is stabilizzare" ; rdfs:label " stabilizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75031strato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6162classe ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75031strato is strato" ; rdfs:label " strato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem75032grattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66473stridere ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75032grattare is grattare" ; rdfs:label " grattare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75033grattare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem59764grattugia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5639grattugiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75033grattare is grattare" ; rdfs:label " grattare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75035delirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75035delirare is delirare" ; rdfs:label " delirare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75036mammografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75036mammografia is mammografia" ; rdfs:label " mammografia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75037dipendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75037dipendere is dipendere" ; rdfs:label " dipendere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem75038dipendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75038dipendere is dipendere" ; rdfs:label " dipendere_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem75039marsala simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75039marsala is marsala" ; rdfs:label " marsala_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem75040bocciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75040bocciare is bocciare" ; rdfs:label " bocciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75041brinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75041brinare is brinare" ; rdfs:label " brinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75042dribblare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75042dribblare is dribblare" ; rdfs:label " dribblare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75043impicciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75043impicciare is impicciare" ; rdfs:label " impicciare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem75044incavare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75044incavare is incavare" ; rdfs:label " incavare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75046succhiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75046succhiare is succhiare" ; rdfs:label " succhiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75048incavatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75048incavatura is incavatura" ; rdfs:label " incavatura_as_Opening" . inds:USem75049svagare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem66891svago ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6605divertire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75049svagare is svagare" ; rdfs:label " svagare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75050intorpidire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75050intorpidire is intorpidire" ; rdfs:label " intorpidire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75051intorpidimento simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75051intorpidimento is intorpidimento" ; rdfs:label " intorpidimento_as_Perception" . inds:USem75052congestionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75052congestionare is congestionare" ; rdfs:label " congestionare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75053trainare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61544affascinare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75053trainare is trainare" ; rdfs:label " trainare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75054trasmettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75054trasmettere is trasmettere" ; rdfs:label " trasmettere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75055trattenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75055trattenere is trattenere" ; rdfs:label " trattenere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75056trattenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61308impedire ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75056trattenere is trattenere" ; rdfs:label " trattenere_as_Cause" . inds:USem75057trattenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75057trattenere is trattenere" ; rdfs:label " trattenere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75058trattenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75058trattenere is trattenere" ; rdfs:label " trattenere_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem75059trauma simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75059trauma is trauma" ; rdfs:label " trauma_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75060innescare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75060innescare is innescare" ; rdfs:label " innescare_as_Cause" . inds:USem75061innescare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75061innescare is innescare" ; rdfs:label " innescare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75062turno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75062turno is turno" ; rdfs:label " turno_as_Time" . inds:USem75064insicuro simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD66492insicurezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75064insicuro is insicuro" ; rdfs:label " insicuro_as_Human" . inds:USem75065urlare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75065urlare is urlare" ; rdfs:label " urlare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75066interdizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75066interdizione is interdizione" ; rdfs:label " interdizione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75067lamentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75067lamentare is lamentare" ; rdfs:label " lamentare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem75068lastricato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2992rivestimento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem2992rivestimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem68605pavimentare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75068lastricato is lastricato" ; rdfs:label " lastricato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem75069pavimentazione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2992rivestimento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem2992rivestimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem68605pavimentare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75069pavimentazione is pavimentazione" ; rdfs:label " pavimentazione_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem75070legge simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75070legge is legge" ; rdfs:label " legge_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem75071legge simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75071legge is legge" ; rdfs:label " legge_as_Domain" . inds:USem75072detrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75072detrarre is detrarre" ; rdfs:label " detrarre_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem75073maschilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem74148maschilista ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75073maschilismo is maschilismo" ; rdfs:label " maschilismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem75074metodo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75074metodo is metodo" ; rdfs:label " metodo_as_Act" . inds:USem75075metodo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75075metodo is metodo" ; rdfs:label " metodo_as_Information" . inds:USem75076metodo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60504studio ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75076metodo is metodo" ; rdfs:label " metodo_as_Domain" . inds:USem75077metodo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75077metodo is metodo" ; rdfs:label " metodo_as_Quality" . inds:USem75078alternare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75078alternare is alternare" ; rdfs:label " alternare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75079minare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75079minare is minare" ; rdfs:label " minare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem75080buttare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75080buttare is buttare" ; rdfs:label " buttare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem75081buttare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75081buttare is buttare" ; rdfs:label " buttare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem75082nastro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75082nastro is nastro" ; rdfs:label " nastro_as_Clothing" . inds:USem75083nastro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75083nastro is nastro" ; rdfs:label " nastro_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem75084nobilitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75084nobilitare is nobilitare" ; rdfs:label " nobilitare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75085ornamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75085ornamento is ornamento" ; rdfs:label " ornamento_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem75087collimare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75087collimare is collimare" ; rdfs:label " collimare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem75088vasca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62395bagno ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75088vasca is vasca" ; rdfs:label " vasca_as_Furniture" . inds:USem75089commutare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74759scambiare ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75089commutare is commutare" ; rdfs:label " commutare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem75090pallone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75090pallone is pallone" ; rdfs:label " pallone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75091peccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75091peccare is peccare" ; rdfs:label " peccare_as_State" . inds:USem75092piaga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75092piaga is piaga" ; rdfs:label " piaga_as_Event" . inds:USem75094piaga simple:hasIsa inds:USem5904dolore ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75094piaga is piaga" ; rdfs:label " piaga_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75095pignolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75095pignolo is pignolo" ; rdfs:label " pignolo_as_Human" . inds:USem75096pignolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem66013vitigno ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75096pignolo is pignolo" ; rdfs:label " pignolo_as_Plant" . inds:USem75097pignolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75097pignolo is pignolo" ; rdfs:label " pignolo_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem75098coniugare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76654conciliare ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75098coniugare is coniugare" ; rdfs:label " coniugare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem75099dedicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75099dedicare is dedicare" ; rdfs:label " dedicare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75100pressione simple:hasIsa inds:USem75937toccare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75100pressione is pressione" ; rdfs:label " pressione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75101balalaika simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75101balalaika is balalaika" ; rdfs:label " balalaika_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75102premere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75102premere is premere" ; rdfs:label " premere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem75103mattoide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75103mattoide is mattoide" ; rdfs:label " mattoide_as_Human" . inds:USem75104melanoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem61590tumore ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75104melanoma is melanoma" ; rdfs:label " melanoma_as_Disease" . inds:USem75106propagandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75106propagandare is propagandare" ; rdfs:label " propagandare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75107protuberanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75107protuberanza is protuberanza" ; rdfs:label " protuberanza_as_Part" . inds:USem75108prova simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75108prova is prova" ; rdfs:label " prova_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75110qualificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75110qualificare is qualificare" ; rdfs:label " qualificare_as_Change" . inds:USem75112qualificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75112qualificare is qualificare" ; rdfs:label " qualificare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75113qualificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60474gara ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75113qualificazione is qualificazione" ; rdfs:label " qualificazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75114macchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USem68358macchiare ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75114macchia is macchia" ; rdfs:label " macchia_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem75115macchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem68420alterazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75115macchia is macchia" ; rdfs:label " macchia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem75116macchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75116macchia is macchia" ; rdfs:label " macchia_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem75117rincalzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75117rincalzare is rincalzare" ; rdfs:label " rincalzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75118rincalzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75118rincalzare is rincalzare" ; rdfs:label " rincalzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75119rincalzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75119rincalzo is rincalzo" ; rdfs:label " rincalzo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem75120abbarbicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75120abbarbicare is abbarbicare" ; rdfs:label " abbarbicare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75121iperteso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75121iperteso is iperteso" ; rdfs:label " iperteso_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem75122riquadro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD6166superficie ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75122riquadro is riquadro" ; rdfs:label " riquadro_as_Part" . inds:USem75123ipertiroidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75123ipertiroidismo is ipertiroidismo" ; rdfs:label " ipertiroidismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem75124ipertrofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75124ipertrofia is ipertrofia" ; rdfs:label " ipertrofia_as_Disease" . inds:USem75125ipertricosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem69503disfunzione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75125ipertricosi is ipertricosi" ; rdfs:label " ipertricosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem75126ipotiroidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75126ipotiroidismo is ipotiroidismo" ; rdfs:label " ipotiroidismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem75127abbarbicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75615aggrappare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75127abbarbicare is abbarbicare" ; rdfs:label " abbarbicare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75127riqualificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75127riqualificare is riqualificare" ; rdfs:label " riqualificare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75128lambretta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2864ciclomotore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75128lambretta is lambretta" ; rdfs:label " lambretta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem75129isterectomia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem72493intervento ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75129isterectomia is isterectomia" ; rdfs:label " isterectomia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75130abboccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD461afferrare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75130abboccare is abboccare" ; rdfs:label " abboccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75131israelita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem1582ebraismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75131israelita is israelita" ; rdfs:label " israelita_as_Ideo" . inds:USem75132abboccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75132abboccare is abboccare" ; rdfs:label " abboccare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem75133abbrancare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD461afferrare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75133abbrancare is abbrancare" ; rdfs:label " abbrancare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75135riqualificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75135riqualificare is riqualificare" ; rdfs:label " riqualificare_as_Change" . inds:USem75136risalire simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75136risalire is risalire" ; rdfs:label " risalire_as_Move" . inds:USem75138risalire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3951accadere ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75138risalire is risalire" ; rdfs:label " risalire_as_Event" . inds:USem75139abbuiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75139abbuiare is abbuiare" ; rdfs:label " abbuiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75140abbuiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75140abbuiare is abbuiare" ; rdfs:label " abbuiare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75141abominare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7038detestare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75141abominare is abominare" ; rdfs:label " abominare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75142accalappiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7124catturare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75142accalappiare is accalappiare" ; rdfs:label " accalappiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75143accaparrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75143accaparrare is accaparrare" ; rdfs:label " accaparrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75144accaparrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75144accaparrare is accaparrare" ; rdfs:label " accaparrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75145accaparramento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75145accaparramento is accaparramento" ; rdfs:label " accaparramento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75146accapponare simple:hasIsa inds:USem64909castrare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75146accapponare is accapponare" ; rdfs:label " accapponare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75147risalire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75147risalire is risalire" ; rdfs:label " risalire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75148accapponare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75148accapponare is accapponare" ; rdfs:label " accapponare_as_Event" . inds:USem75149accasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4021indebolire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75149accasciare is accasciare" ; rdfs:label " accasciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75152accasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75152accasciare is accasciare" ; rdfs:label " accasciare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75153risalire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75153risalire is risalire" ; rdfs:label " risalire_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem75154risalire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75154risalire is risalire" ; rdfs:label " risalire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem75155risalita simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75155risalita is risalita" ; rdfs:label " risalita_as_Move" . inds:USem75156risalita simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75156risalita is risalita" ; rdfs:label " risalita_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem75157risaltare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75157risaltare is risaltare" ; rdfs:label " risaltare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem75158risaltare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75496spiccare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75158risaltare is risaltare" ; rdfs:label " risaltare_as_State" . inds:USem75159risaltare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75159risaltare is risaltare" ; rdfs:label " risaltare_as_State" . inds:USem75160risanare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61205guarire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75160risanare is risanare" ; rdfs:label " risanare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75161accennare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75161accennare is accennare" ; rdfs:label " accennare_as_Act" . inds:USem75162accennare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75162accennare is accennare" ; rdfs:label " accennare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75163accennare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75163accennare is accennare" ; rdfs:label " accennare_as_Event" . inds:USem75164accennare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75164accennare is accennare" ; rdfs:label " accennare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem75165accennare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75165accennare is accennare" ; rdfs:label " accennare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem75166guarire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75166guarire is guarire" ; rdfs:label " guarire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem75167accenno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75167accenno is accenno" ; rdfs:label " accenno_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem75168risanare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66508guarire ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75168risanare is risanare" ; rdfs:label " risanare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75169accenno simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75169accenno is accenno" ; rdfs:label " accenno_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem75170accentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75170accentazione is accentazione" ; rdfs:label " accentazione_as_Act" . inds:USem75171risanare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75171risanare is risanare" ; rdfs:label " risanare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75172accerchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75172accerchiare is accerchiare" ; rdfs:label " accerchiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75173risanare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60203migliorare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75173risanare is risanare" ; rdfs:label " risanare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75174accerchiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75174accerchiamento is accerchiamento" ; rdfs:label " accerchiamento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75175acchiappare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7124catturare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75175acchiappare is acchiappare" ; rdfs:label " acchiappare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75176acchiappare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75176acchiappare is acchiappare" ; rdfs:label " acchiappare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75177acchiappare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75177acchiappare is acchiappare" ; rdfs:label " acchiappare_as_Move" . inds:USem75178risanamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75178risanamento is risanamento" ; rdfs:label " risanamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75179acciaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5129schiacciare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75179acciaccare is acciaccare" ; rdfs:label " acciaccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75180risanamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75180risanamento is risanamento" ; rdfs:label " risanamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75181acciuffare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6046prendere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75181acciuffare is acciuffare" ; rdfs:label " acciuffare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75182acciuffare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59883lottare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75182acciuffare is acciuffare" ; rdfs:label " acciuffare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem75182risanamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3880miglioramento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75182risanamento is risanamento" ; rdfs:label " risanamento_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75183lampioncino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75183lampioncino is lampioncino" ; rdfs:label " lampioncino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75184lambda simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75184lambda is lambda" ; rdfs:label " lambda_as_Sign" . inds:USem75185laccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75185laccare is laccare" ; rdfs:label " laccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75186accodare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75186accodare is accodare" ; rdfs:label " accodare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75188accollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75188accollare is accollare" ; rdfs:label " accollare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75190accomandatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4603societa1 ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75190accomandatario is accomandatario" ; rdfs:label " accomandatario_as_Human" . inds:USem75192accomiatare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75192accomiatare is accomiatare" ; rdfs:label " accomiatare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75194riscaldare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75194riscaldare is riscaldare" ; rdfs:label " riscaldare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75195acconsentire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75195acconsentire is acconsentire" ; rdfs:label " acconsentire_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75196accontentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75196accontentare is accontentare" ; rdfs:label " accontentare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75197accontentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75197accontentare is accontentare" ; rdfs:label " accontentare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75198riscattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75198riscattare is riscattare" ; rdfs:label " riscattare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem75199accoppare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75199accoppare is accoppare" ; rdfs:label " accoppare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem75199riscattare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74095liberare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75199riscattare is riscattare" ; rdfs:label " riscattare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75202accorare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USemTH2062accoramento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75202accorare is accorare" ; rdfs:label " accorare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75203accorpare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75203accorpare is accorpare" ; rdfs:label " accorpare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75204accozzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75204accozzare is accozzare" ; rdfs:label " accozzare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75205accreditare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75205accreditare is accreditare" ; rdfs:label " accreditare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem75206laureando simple:hasIsa inds:USem62270studente ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75206laureando is laureando" ; rdfs:label " laureando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem75207lavabiancheria simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75207lavabiancheria is lavabiancheria" ; rdfs:label " lavabiancheria_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75208accreditare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75208accreditare is accreditare" ; rdfs:label " accreditare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75209maramaldo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75209maramaldo is maramaldo" ; rdfs:label " maramaldo_as_Human" . inds:USem75210maccheroncino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75210maccheroncino is maccheroncino" ; rdfs:label " maccheroncino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem75211lucifero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75211lucifero is lucifero" ; rdfs:label " lucifero_as_Human" . inds:USem75212maleducato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75212maleducato is maleducato" ; rdfs:label " maleducato_as_Human" . inds:USem75213mantellina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75213mantellina is mantellina" ; rdfs:label " mantellina_as_Clothing" . inds:USem75214martora simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75214martora is martora" ; rdfs:label " martora_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem75215martora simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75215martora is martora" ; rdfs:label " martora_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem75216marzolino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75216marzolino is marzolino" ; rdfs:label " marzolino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem75217martini simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64610cocktail ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75217martini is martini" ; rdfs:label " martini_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem75218millepiedi simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75218millepiedi is millepiedi" ; rdfs:label " millepiedi_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem75219mazurka simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75219mazurka is mazurka" ; rdfs:label " mazurka_as_Move" . inds:USem75220millilitro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75220millilitro is millilitro" ; rdfs:label " millilitro_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem75221risma simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75221risma is risma" ; rdfs:label " risma_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem75222risma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75222risma is risma" ; rdfs:label " risma_as_Amount" . inds:USem75223robot simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75223robot is robot" ; rdfs:label " robot_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75224acuire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62080acuto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75224acuire is acuire" ; rdfs:label " acuire_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem75225robot simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75225robot is robot" ; rdfs:label " robot_as_Human" . inds:USem75226roccolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75226roccolo is roccolo" ; rdfs:label " roccolo_as_Location" . inds:USem75228robone simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5433stoffa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75228robone is robone" ; rdfs:label " robone_as_Clothing" . inds:USem75229roulotte simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75229roulotte is roulotte" ; rdfs:label " roulotte_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem75230rum simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75230rum is rum" ; rdfs:label " rum_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem75231rumeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD66512romania ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75231rumeno is rumeno" ; rdfs:label " rumeno_as_People" . inds:USem75232saccarina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3175dolcificare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75232saccarina is saccarina" ; rdfs:label " saccarina_as_Substance" . inds:USem75233sagittario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75233sagittario is sagittario" ; rdfs:label " sagittario_as_Representation" . inds:USem75234salamelecco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75234salamelecco is salamelecco" ; rdfs:label " salamelecco_as_Act" . inds:USem75235gotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75235gotto is gotto" ; rdfs:label " gotto_as_Amount" . inds:USem75236lapsus simple:hasIsa inds:USem069574errore ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75236lapsus is lapsus" ; rdfs:label " lapsus_as_Act" . inds:USem75237levatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem3630paramedico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5282assistere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75237levatrice is levatrice" ; rdfs:label " levatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USem75238grifone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75238grifone is grifone" ; rdfs:label " grifone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem75239leucocita simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1960citoplasma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1958cellula ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3126sangue ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75239leucocita is leucocita" ; rdfs:label " leucocita_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem75240limetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75240limetta is limetta" ; rdfs:label " limetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75241setto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem67921animale, inds:USemD63948uomo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75241setto is setto" ; rdfs:label " setto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem75242setto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75242setto is setto" ; rdfs:label " setto_as_Part" . inds:USem75243setto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75243setto is setto" ; rdfs:label " setto_as_Part" . inds:USem75244sette simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75244sette is sette" ; rdfs:label " sette_as_Number" . inds:USem75245settanta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75245settanta is settanta" ; rdfs:label " settanta_as_Number" . inds:USem75246legumiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75246legumiera is legumiera" ; rdfs:label " legumiera_as_Container" . inds:USem75247leoncino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4705felino ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1937leone ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75247leoncino is leoncino" ; rdfs:label " leoncino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem75248logopedista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3630paramedico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem79787riabilitare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75248logopedista is logopedista" ; rdfs:label " logopedista_as_Profession" . inds:USem75249sessuologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75249sessuologo is sessuologo" ; rdfs:label " sessuologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem75250lungarno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2243strada ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75250lungarno is lungarno" ; rdfs:label " lungarno_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem75253maltagliato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75253maltagliato is maltagliato" ; rdfs:label " maltagliato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem75255multimilionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75255multimilionario is multimilionario" ; rdfs:label " multimilionario_as_Human" . inds:USem75256mutandina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2953mutanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75256mutandina is mutandina" ; rdfs:label " mutandina_as_Clothing" . inds:USem75257motoretta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USem66463sellino, inds:USemD5056ruota, inds:USemD812pedale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2864ciclomotore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD802viaggiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75257motoretta is motoretta" ; rdfs:label " motoretta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem75258sfacchinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75258sfacchinare is sfacchinare" ; rdfs:label " sfacchinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75259sfaccendare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75259sfaccendare is sfaccendare" ; rdfs:label " sfaccendare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75260salamino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75260salamino is salamino" ; rdfs:label " salamino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem75261mammut simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75261mammut is mammut" ; rdfs:label " mammut_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem75262sfaccendato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75262sfaccendato is sfaccendato" ; rdfs:label " sfaccendato_as_Human" . inds:USem75263sfarfallare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75263sfarfallare is sfarfallare" ; rdfs:label " sfarfallare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75264pancera simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63544intimo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7105modellare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75264pancera is pancera" ; rdfs:label " pancera_as_Clothing" . inds:USem75265sfarfallare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75265sfarfallare is sfarfallare" ; rdfs:label " sfarfallare_as_Act" . inds:USem75266sfarfallare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75266sfarfallare is sfarfallare" ; rdfs:label " sfarfallare_as_Move" . inds:USem75267sfarfallio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75267sfarfallio is sfarfallio" ; rdfs:label " sfarfallio_as_Move" . inds:USem75268sfarinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75268sfarinare is sfarinare" ; rdfs:label " sfarinare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75269seviziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63947violentare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75269seviziare is seviziare" ; rdfs:label " seviziare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75270torturare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60694affliggere ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75270torturare is torturare" ; rdfs:label " torturare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75271istintivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75271istintivo is istintivo" ; rdfs:label " istintivo_as_Human" . inds:USem75272sevizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75272sevizia is sevizia" ; rdfs:label " sevizia_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75273laminatoio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75273laminatoio is laminatoio" ; rdfs:label " laminatoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75275lanciamissili simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75275lanciamissili is lanciamissili" ; rdfs:label " lanciamissili_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75276lanciamissili simple:hasIsa inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75276lanciamissili is lanciamissili" ; rdfs:label " lanciamissili_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem75277serafino simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75277serafino is serafino" ; rdfs:label " serafino_as_Entity" . inds:USem75278serafino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75278serafino is serafino" ; rdfs:label " serafino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem75279sepoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75279sepoltura is sepoltura" ; rdfs:label " sepoltura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75280laziale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4647lazio ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75280laziale is laziale" ; rdfs:label " laziale_as_People" . inds:USem75281sfacciato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75281sfacciato is sfacciato" ; rdfs:label " sfacciato_as_Human" . inds:USem75282lillipuziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75282lillipuziano is lillipuziano" ; rdfs:label " lillipuziano_as_Human" . inds:USem75283setticemia simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5328germe ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3869infezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75283setticemia is setticemia" ; rdfs:label " setticemia_as_Disease" . inds:USem75284serranda simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1068aprire, inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75284serranda is serranda" ; rdfs:label " serranda_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75285sfumare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75285sfumare is sfumare" ; rdfs:label " sfumare_as_Change" . inds:USem75286sfumare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem69091colore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75286sfumare is sfumare" ; rdfs:label " sfumare_as_Change" . inds:USem75287sfumare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75287sfumare is sfumare" ; rdfs:label " sfumare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75288sfamare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75288sfamare is sfamare" ; rdfs:label " sfamare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75289sentimentale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75289sentimentale is sentimentale" ; rdfs:label " sentimentale_as_Human" . inds:USem75290sfaldare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6889disgregare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75290sfaldare is sfaldare" ; rdfs:label " sfaldare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75291sfaldare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74930disgregare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75291sfaldare is sfaldare" ; rdfs:label " sfaldare_as_Change" . inds:USem75292sfaldamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60351disgregazione ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75292sfaldamento is sfaldamento" ; rdfs:label " sfaldamento_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75293sfaldamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60351disgregazione ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75293sfaldamento is sfaldamento" ; rdfs:label " sfaldamento_as_Change" . inds:USem75294sfaldatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem60351disgregazione ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75294sfaldatura is sfaldatura" ; rdfs:label " sfaldatura_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75295sfasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3936rompere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75295sfasciare is sfasciare" ; rdfs:label " sfasciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75296sfasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75296sfasciare is sfasciare" ; rdfs:label " sfasciare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75297rotaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75297rotaia is rotaia" ; rdfs:label " rotaia_as_Artifact" . inds:USem75298binario simple:hasIsa inds:USem75297rotaia ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75298binario is binario" ; rdfs:label " binario_as_Artifact" . inds:USem75299sicumera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75299sicumera is sicumera" ; rdfs:label " sicumera_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem75300panse1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75300panse1 is panse'" ; rdfs:label " panse'_as_Plant" . inds:USem75301palettata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75301palettata is palettata" ; rdfs:label " palettata_as_Amount" . inds:USem75302palettata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem59765paletta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75302palettata is palettata" ; rdfs:label " palettata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75303sgualdrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem4655prostituta ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemTH124prostituire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75303sgualdrina is sgualdrina" ; rdfs:label " sgualdrina_as_Profession" . inds:USem75304sgrondare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75304sgrondare is sgrondare" ; rdfs:label " sgrondare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75305papillon simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4887cravatta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75305papillon is papillon" ; rdfs:label " papillon_as_Clothing" . inds:USem75306sgrondare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75306sgrondare is sgrondare" ; rdfs:label " sgrondare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75307plaid simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60806coperta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75307plaid is plaid" ; rdfs:label " plaid_as_Furniture" . inds:USem75308sgorbiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6976sporcare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75308sgorbiare is sgorbiare" ; rdfs:label " sgorbiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75309porcinello simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco, inds:USem2459marrone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3874fungo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75309porcinello is porcinello" ; rdfs:label " porcinello_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem75310portasapone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75310portasapone is portasapone" ; rdfs:label " portasapone_as_Container" . inds:USem75311silos simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75311silos is silos" ; rdfs:label " silos_as_Building" . inds:USem75312ponce simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5110mescolare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75312ponce is ponce" ; rdfs:label " ponce_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem75313silos simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61247parcheggiare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75313silos is silos" ; rdfs:label " silos_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem75314sgridare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75963rimproverare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75314sgridare is sgridare" ; rdfs:label " sgridare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75315sgridata simple:hasIsa inds:USem60391rimprovero ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75315sgridata is sgridata" ; rdfs:label " sgridata_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75316sgravare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75316sgravare is sgravare" ; rdfs:label " sgravare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75317sgravio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75317sgravio is sgravio" ; rdfs:label " sgravio_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75318sgrassare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75318sgrassare is sgrassare" ; rdfs:label " sgrassare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75319sgrassare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75319sgrassare is sgrassare" ; rdfs:label " sgrassare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75320sgranchire simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75320sgranchire is sgranchire" ; rdfs:label " sgranchire_as_Move" . inds:USem75321sgranchire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75321sgranchire is sgranchire" ; rdfs:label " sgranchire_as_Cause" . inds:USem75322locomotore simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2863locomotiva ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75322locomotore is locomotore" ; rdfs:label " locomotore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem75323sgozzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75323sgozzare is sgozzare" ; rdfs:label " sgozzare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem75324mangiarino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75324mangiarino is mangiarino" ; rdfs:label " mangiarino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem75325meticcio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75325meticcio is meticcio" ; rdfs:label " meticcio_as_Human" . inds:USem75326oncologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75326oncologia is oncologia" ; rdfs:label " oncologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem75327sgroppare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75327sgroppare is sgroppare" ; rdfs:label " sgroppare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75328panetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75328panetto is panetto" ; rdfs:label " panetto_as_Amount" . inds:USem75329panierino simple:hasIsa inds:USem65353cestino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75329panierino is panierino" ; rdfs:label " panierino_as_Container" . inds:USem75330sgroppare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74740stancare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75330sgroppare is sgroppare" ; rdfs:label " sgroppare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75331pigmalione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75331pigmalione is pigmalione" ; rdfs:label " pigmalione_as_Human" . inds:USem75332acuminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75332acuminare is acuminare" ; rdfs:label " acuminare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75333piffero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75333piffero is piffero" ; rdfs:label " piffero_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75334acuminare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75334acuminare is acuminare" ; rdfs:label " acuminare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75334picnic simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75334picnic is picnic" ; rdfs:label " picnic_as_Event" . inds:USem75336acutizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62080acuto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75336acutizzare is acutizzare" ; rdfs:label " acutizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem75337adattabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemTH43583adattabile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75337adattabilita1 is adattabilita'" ; rdfs:label " adattabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem75338piva simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75338piva is piva" ; rdfs:label " piva_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75339sgroppata simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75339sgroppata is sgroppata" ; rdfs:label " sgroppata_as_Move" . inds:USem75340polacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD63475polonia ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2192polonia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75340polacco is polacco" ; rdfs:label " polacco_as_People" . inds:USem75341polacco simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75341polacco is polacco" ; rdfs:label " polacco_as_Language" . inds:USem75342sguainare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75342sguainare is sguainare" ; rdfs:label " sguainare_as_Move" . inds:USem75343addensamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75343addensamento is addensamento" ; rdfs:label " addensamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75345piluccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75345piluccare is piluccare" ; rdfs:label " piluccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75349sgolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75349sgolare is sgolare" ; rdfs:label " sgolare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75350poggiatesta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD63744appoggiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75350poggiatesta is poggiatesta" ; rdfs:label " poggiatesta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75351sgomitolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61577svolgere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75351sgomitolare is sgomitolare" ; rdfs:label " sgomitolare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75352piota simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3006terra ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75352piota is piota" ; rdfs:label " piota_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem75353addentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75353addentare is addentare" ; rdfs:label " addentare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75354addiaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7386recinto ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75354addiaccio is addiaccio" ; rdfs:label " addiaccio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem75355additare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75355additare is additare" ; rdfs:label " additare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75356sgomitolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75356sgomitolare is sgomitolare" ; rdfs:label " sgomitolare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75357addolcire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6642dolce ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75357addolcire is addolcire" ; rdfs:label " addolcire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75359addolcire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75359addolcire is addolcire" ; rdfs:label " addolcire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75360linciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75360linciare is linciare" ; rdfs:label " linciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75362sgommare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75362sgommare is sgommare" ; rdfs:label " sgommare_as_Move" . inds:USem75363addolcire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75363addolcire is addolcire" ; rdfs:label " addolcire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75364linciaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75364linciaggio is linciaggio" ; rdfs:label " linciaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75365sgattaiolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75365sgattaiolare is sgattaiolare" ; rdfs:label " sgattaiolare_as_Move" . inds:USem75366linguaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75366linguaccia is linguaccia" ; rdfs:label " linguaccia_as_Act" . inds:USem75367linguaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75367linguaccia is linguaccia" ; rdfs:label " linguaccia_as_Human" . inds:USem75368sfrigolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD824cuocere ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75368sfrigolare is sfrigolare" ; rdfs:label " sfrigolare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75369addomesticamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75369addomesticamento is addomesticamento" ; rdfs:label " addomesticamento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75370ocelot simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75370ocelot is ocelot" ; rdfs:label " ocelot_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem75371abitativo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2245abitazione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75371abitativo is abitativo" ; rdfs:label " abitativo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem75372addurre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75372addurre is addurre" ; rdfs:label " addurre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75373sgommata simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75373sgommata is sgommata" ; rdfs:label " sgommata_as_Move" . inds:USem75374oliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59894lubrificare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75374oliare is oliare" ; rdfs:label " oliare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75375ombrellino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3310ombrello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75375ombrellino is ombrellino" ; rdfs:label " ombrellino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75376sgommare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75376sgommare is sgommare" ; rdfs:label " sgommare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75377adduzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75377adduzione is adduzione" ; rdfs:label " adduzione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75378sicofante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75378sicofante is sicofante" ; rdfs:label " sicofante_as_Human" . inds:USem75382adempire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75382adempire is adempire" ; rdfs:label " adempire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75383adescamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75383adescamento is adescamento" ; rdfs:label " adescamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75384pope simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75384pope is pope" ; rdfs:label " pope_as_Social_status" . inds:USem75385portauovo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75385portauovo is portauovo" ; rdfs:label " portauovo_as_Container" . inds:USem75387pomello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75387pomello is pomello" ; rdfs:label " pomello_as_Part" . inds:USem75388sfrigolio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75388sfrigolio is sfrigolio" ; rdfs:label " sfrigolio_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem75389pomolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75389pomolo is pomolo" ; rdfs:label " pomolo_as_Part" . inds:USem75390singulto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60236singhiozzo ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75390singulto is singulto" ; rdfs:label " singulto_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75391politologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75391politologo is politologo" ; rdfs:label " politologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem75392pollone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1732ramo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75392pollone is pollone" ; rdfs:label " pollone_as_Part" . inds:USem75393polca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75393polca is polca" ; rdfs:label " polca_as_Move" . inds:USem75394signorone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75394signorone is signorone" ; rdfs:label " signorone_as_Human" . inds:USem75395quarzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3420silicio ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75395quarzo is quarzo" ; rdfs:label " quarzo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem75396sloggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75396sloggiare is sloggiare" ; rdfs:label " sloggiare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem75397siringare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75397siringare is siringare" ; rdfs:label " siringare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75398sinapsi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75398sinapsi is sinapsi" ; rdfs:label " sinapsi_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem75399smaltare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75399smaltare is smaltare" ; rdfs:label " smaltare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75400smaltare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5349tingere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75400smaltare is smaltare" ; rdfs:label " smaltare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75402smaltire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3896digerire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75402smaltire is smaltire" ; rdfs:label " smaltire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75403smaltire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75403smaltire is smaltire" ; rdfs:label " smaltire_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem75404accademico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD7028accademia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75404accademico is accademico" ; rdfs:label " accademico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem75405smaltire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75405smaltire is smaltire" ; rdfs:label " smaltire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75406adire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60636accettare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75406adire is adire" ; rdfs:label " adire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75407partitella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75407partitella is partitella" ; rdfs:label " partitella_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem75409adocchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD469guardare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75409adocchiare is adocchiare" ; rdfs:label " adocchiare_as_Perception" . inds:USem75409parolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75409parolaio is parolaio" ; rdfs:label " parolaio_as_Human" . inds:USem75410accademico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD7215universita1 ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75410accademico is accademico" ; rdfs:label " accademico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem75411parca simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71635divinita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75411parca is parca" ; rdfs:label " parca_as_Representation" . inds:USem75412adornare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75412adornare is adornare" ; rdfs:label " adornare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75413parallelepipedo simple:hasIsa inds:USem62865prisma ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75413parallelepipedo is parallelepipedo" ; rdfs:label " parallelepipedo_as_Shape" . inds:USem75414smaltire simple:hasIsa inds:USem74984terminare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75414smaltire is smaltire" ; rdfs:label " smaltire_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem75415pappare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75415pappare is pappare" ; rdfs:label " pappare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75418pargolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75418pargolo is pargolo" ; rdfs:label " pargolo_as_Human" . inds:USem75419perquisire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75419perquisire is perquisire" ; rdfs:label " perquisire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75420slegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75420slegare is slegare" ; rdfs:label " slegare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75422perquisizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75422perquisizione is perquisizione" ; rdfs:label " perquisizione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75423adottante simple:hasAgentive inds:USem60953adottare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75423adottante is adottante" ; rdfs:label " adottante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem75424adulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75424adulazione is adulazione" ; rdfs:label " adulazione_as_Act" . inds:USem75425slegare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75425slegare is slegare" ; rdfs:label " slegare_as_Change" . inds:USem75426penzolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6529oscillare ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75426penzolare is penzolare" ; rdfs:label " penzolare_as_Move" . inds:USem75427adulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75427adulazione is adulazione" ; rdfs:label " adulazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75428perlustrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59557controllare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75428perlustrare is perlustrare" ; rdfs:label " perlustrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75431perlustrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75431perlustrazione is perlustrazione" ; rdfs:label " perlustrazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75432smidollare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4021indebolire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75432smidollare is smidollare" ; rdfs:label " smidollare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75433invaghire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60491innamorare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75433invaghire is invaghire" ; rdfs:label " invaghire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75434aerazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75434aerazione is aerazione" ; rdfs:label " aerazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75435aeroclub simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5271associazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75435aeroclub is aeroclub" ; rdfs:label " aeroclub_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem75437aeroclub simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75437aeroclub is aeroclub" ; rdfs:label " aeroclub_as_Building" . inds:USem75439smidollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75439smidollare is smidollare" ; rdfs:label " smidollare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75440inzuccherare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75440inzuccherare is inzuccherare" ; rdfs:label " inzuccherare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75441aeronautica simple:hasIsa inds:USem61255disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75441aeronautica is aeronautica" ; rdfs:label " aeronautica_as_Domain" . inds:USem75442aeronautica simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5210aereo, inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75442aeronautica is aeronautica" ; rdfs:label " aeronautica_as_Group" . inds:USem75443inveire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75443inveire is inveire" ; rdfs:label " inveire_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75444aeronautica simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3327militare, inds:USem69260aviatore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75444aeronautica is aeronautica" ; rdfs:label " aeronautica_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem75444spazzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75444spazzata is spazzata" ; rdfs:label " spazzata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75448spazzolata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3372spazzola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75448spazzolata is spazzolata" ; rdfs:label " spazzolata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75449inventariare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75449inventariare is inventariare" ; rdfs:label " inventariare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75450lapidazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75450lapidazione is lapidazione" ; rdfs:label " lapidazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75451spelacchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75451spelacchiare is spelacchiare" ; rdfs:label " spelacchiare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75452speronare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75452speronare is speronare" ; rdfs:label " speronare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75453latrocinio simple:hasIsa inds:USem61511furto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75453latrocinio is latrocinio" ; rdfs:label " latrocinio_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem75454spelare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75454spelare is spelare" ; rdfs:label " spelare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75457affaccendare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75457affaccendare is affaccendare" ; rdfs:label " affaccendare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75458laicizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75458laicizzare is laicizzare" ; rdfs:label " laicizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75460spelare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75460spelare is spelare" ; rdfs:label " spelare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75461laicizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75461laicizzare is laicizzare" ; rdfs:label " laicizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75462affamare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75462affamare is affamare" ; rdfs:label " affamare_as_Cause" . inds:USem75463spettegolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75463spettegolare is spettegolare" ; rdfs:label " spettegolare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75464affardellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75464affardellare is affardellare" ; rdfs:label " affardellare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75465affaticamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62348affaticato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75465affaticamento is affaticamento" ; rdfs:label " affaticamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75468laicizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75468laicizzazione is laicizzazione" ; rdfs:label " laicizzazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75469affiatare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75469affiatare is affiatare" ; rdfs:label " affiatare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75471mannequin simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7084presentare, inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75471mannequin is mannequin" ; rdfs:label " mannequin_as_Profession" . inds:USem75472microchimica simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59966chimica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75472microchimica is microchimica" ; rdfs:label " microchimica_as_Domain" . inds:USem75473speronata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75473speronata is speronata" ; rdfs:label " speronata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75474mefisto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64901berretto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75474mefisto is mefisto" ; rdfs:label " mefisto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem75475missino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem69836fascismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75475missino is missino" ; rdfs:label " missino_as_Ideo" . inds:USem75479muffire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75479muffire is muffire" ; rdfs:label " muffire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75481affiatamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75481affiatamento is affiatamento" ; rdfs:label " affiatamento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75482spermicida simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem1968spermatozoo ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75482spermicida is spermicida" ; rdfs:label " spermicida_as_Substance" . inds:USem75483procione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75483procione is procione" ; rdfs:label " procione_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem75484procreare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75484procreare is procreare" ; rdfs:label " procreare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem75485spiaccicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5129schiacciare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75485spiaccicare is spiaccicare" ; rdfs:label " spiaccicare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75486procreazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75486procreazione is procreazione" ; rdfs:label " procreazione_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem75487affidamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75487affidamento is affidamento" ; rdfs:label " affidamento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75488affidamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75488affidamento is affidamento" ; rdfs:label " affidamento_as_Convention" . inds:USem75489quattrocchi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75489quattrocchi is quattrocchi" ; rdfs:label " quattrocchi_as_Human" . inds:USem75490maniglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75490maniglia is maniglia" ; rdfs:label " maniglia_as_Part" . inds:USem75491spiccicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75491spiccicare is spiccicare" ; rdfs:label " spiccicare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75492spiccicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75492spiccicare is spiccicare" ; rdfs:label " spiccicare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75493spicciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75493spicciare is spicciare" ; rdfs:label " spicciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75494spicciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75494spicciare is spicciare" ; rdfs:label " spicciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75495spicciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75495spicciare is spicciare" ; rdfs:label " spicciare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75496spiccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75496spiccare is spiccare" ; rdfs:label " spiccare_as_State" . inds:USem75497spiccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75497spiccare is spiccare" ; rdfs:label " spiccare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75498spiccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75498spiccare is spiccare" ; rdfs:label " spiccare_as_Move" . inds:USem75499spiccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75499spiccare is spiccare" ; rdfs:label " spiccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75500mangiucchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75500mangiucchiare is mangiucchiare" ; rdfs:label " mangiucchiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75501spicco simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75501spicco is spicco" ; rdfs:label " spicco_as_State" . inds:USem75502masturbare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75502masturbare is masturbare" ; rdfs:label " masturbare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75503affievolire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75503affievolire is affievolire" ; rdfs:label " affievolire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75504maritozzo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5082pasticcino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1750zucchero, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75504maritozzo is maritozzo" ; rdfs:label " maritozzo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem75505spiffero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75505spiffero is spiffero" ; rdfs:label " spiffero_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem75506affievolire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75506affievolire is affievolire" ; rdfs:label " affievolire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75507spiga simple:hasIsa inds:USem59817infiorescenza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1535cereale ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75507spiga is spiga" ; rdfs:label " spiga_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem75508affievolire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3982diminuire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75508affievolire is affievolire" ; rdfs:label " affievolire_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem75509affievolire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3983diminuire ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75509affievolire is affievolire" ; rdfs:label " affievolire_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem75510maroso simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75510maroso is maroso" ; rdfs:label " maroso_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem75511spighetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59817infiorescenza ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75511spighetta is spighetta" ; rdfs:label " spighetta_as_Part" . inds:USem75512marrano simple:hasIsa inds:USem5673traditore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75512marrano is marrano" ; rdfs:label " marrano_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem75513spiattellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75513spiattellare is spiattellare" ; rdfs:label " spiattellare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem75514marsina simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75514marsina is marsina" ; rdfs:label " marsina_as_Clothing" . inds:USem75515massima simple:hasIsa inds:USem66711aforisma ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75515massima is massima" ; rdfs:label " massima_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem75516spiattellare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61152mostrare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75516spiattellare is spiattellare" ; rdfs:label " spiattellare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75517affilare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem75824affilato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75517affilare is affilare" ; rdfs:label " affilare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75518miserere simple:hasIsa inds:USem66786salmo ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75518miserere is miserere" ; rdfs:label " miserere_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem75520affiliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75520affiliare is affiliare" ; rdfs:label " affiliare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75521spezzone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem67416pellicola ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75521spezzone is spezzone" ; rdfs:label " spezzone_as_Part" . inds:USem75522spezzone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75522spezzone is spezzone" ; rdfs:label " spezzone_as_Part" . inds:USem75523spifferare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75523spifferare is spifferare" ; rdfs:label " spifferare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem75524spiazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75524spiazzare is spiazzare" ; rdfs:label " spiazzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75525spiazzamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75525spiazzamento is spiazzamento" ; rdfs:label " spiazzamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75526spianata simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75526spianata is spianata" ; rdfs:label " spianata_as_Area" . inds:USem75527spiacere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75527spiacere is spiacere" ; rdfs:label " spiacere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75529affiliato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem79126affiliare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75529affiliato is affiliato" ; rdfs:label " affiliato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem75530spiacere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75530spiacere is spiacere" ; rdfs:label " spiacere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75531affiliazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem79080associazione ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75531affiliazione is affiliazione" ; rdfs:label " affiliazione_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75532spezzettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75532spezzettare is spezzettare" ; rdfs:label " spezzettare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75533affioramento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75533affioramento is affioramento" ; rdfs:label " affioramento_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75534spezzettatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem6909divisione ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75534spezzettatura is spezzettatura" ; rdfs:label " spezzettatura_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75535affissione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75535affissione is affissione" ; rdfs:label " affissione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75537afflusso simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75537afflusso is afflusso" ; rdfs:label " afflusso_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem75538affossamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75538affossamento is affossamento" ; rdfs:label " affossamento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75539affratellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75539affratellare is affratellare" ; rdfs:label " affratellare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75540affrettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75540affrettare is affrettare" ; rdfs:label " affrettare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75541affrettare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75541affrettare is affrettare" ; rdfs:label " affrettare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem75542affrettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75542affrettare is affrettare" ; rdfs:label " affrettare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75543spezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75543spezzare is spezzare" ; rdfs:label " spezzare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75544spezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3935rompere ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75544spezzare is spezzare" ; rdfs:label " spezzare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75545spezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75545spezzare is spezzare" ; rdfs:label " spezzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75546spezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59604interrompere ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75546spezzare is spezzare" ; rdfs:label " spezzare_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem75547pignatta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2390pentola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75547pignatta is pignatta" ; rdfs:label " pignatta_as_Container" . inds:USem75548pinot simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75548pinot is pinot" ; rdfs:label " pinot_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem75549pinot simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75549pinot is pinot" ; rdfs:label " pinot_as_Plant" . inds:USem75550pignatta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75550pignatta is pignatta" ; rdfs:label " pignatta_as_Amount" . inds:USem75551spezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem68155fratturare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75551spezzare is spezzare" ; rdfs:label " spezzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75552spezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60689addolorare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75552spezzare is spezzare" ; rdfs:label " spezzare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75553spezzettamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6909divisione ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75553spezzettamento is spezzettamento" ; rdfs:label " spezzettamento_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75554affrontare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75554affrontare is affrontare" ; rdfs:label " affrontare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75555martingala simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75555martingala is martingala" ; rdfs:label " martingala_as_Clothing" . inds:USem75556spesare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75556spesare is spesare" ; rdfs:label " spesare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem75557marmocchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75557marmocchio is marmocchio" ; rdfs:label " marmocchio_as_Human" . inds:USem75558massaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75558massaggio is massaggio" ; rdfs:label " massaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75559sperdere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75559sperdere is sperdere" ; rdfs:label " sperdere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75560marmaglia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75560marmaglia is marmaglia" ; rdfs:label " marmaglia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem75561affumicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemTH43602affumicato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75561affumicare is affumicare" ; rdfs:label " affumicare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75562affumicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75562affumicare is affumicare" ; rdfs:label " affumicare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75563affumicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75563affumicare is affumicare" ; rdfs:label " affumicare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75564masnada simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75564masnada is masnada" ; rdfs:label " masnada_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem75565specimen simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60943fascicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75565specimen is specimen" ; rdfs:label " specimen_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem75566maschiaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75566maschiaccio is maschiaccio" ; rdfs:label " maschiaccio_as_Human" . inds:USem75567marsigliese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD66556marsiglia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75567marsigliese is marsigliese" ; rdfs:label " marsigliese_as_People" . inds:USem75568spassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6605divertire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75568spassare is spassare" ; rdfs:label " spassare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75569marsigliese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75569marsigliese is marsigliese" ; rdfs:label " marsigliese_as_Language" . inds:USem75570affusolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75570affusolare is affusolare" ; rdfs:label " affusolare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75571affusolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75571affusolare is affusolare" ; rdfs:label " affusolare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75572spennellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75572spennellare is spennellare" ; rdfs:label " spennellare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75573agenzia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3577impresa ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75573agenzia is agenzia" ; rdfs:label " agenzia_as_Institution" . inds:USem75574agenzia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75574agenzia is agenzia" ; rdfs:label " agenzia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem75575monachina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75575monachina is monachina" ; rdfs:label " monachina_as_Human" . inds:USem75576agghindare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75412adornare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75576agghindare is agghindare" ; rdfs:label " agghindare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75578ochetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75578ochetta is ochetta" ; rdfs:label " ochetta_as_Human" . inds:USem75579ochetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75579ochetta is ochetta" ; rdfs:label " ochetta_as_Container" . inds:USem75580oltraggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem64207offendere ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75580oltraggiare is oltraggiare" ; rdfs:label " oltraggiare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75581spennellata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75581spennellata is spennellata" ; rdfs:label " spennellata_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75583specializzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75583specializzare is specializzare" ; rdfs:label " specializzare_as_Change" . inds:USem75584oltraggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem78916offesa ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75584oltraggio is oltraggio" ; rdfs:label " oltraggio_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75586specializzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4831acquisire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75586specializzare is specializzare" ; rdfs:label " specializzare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem75587aggiogare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75587aggiogare is aggiogare" ; rdfs:label " aggiogare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75588orlare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75588orlare is orlare" ; rdfs:label " orlare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75589spennacchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75598spennare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75589spennacchiare is spennacchiare" ; rdfs:label " spennacchiare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75590aggiornare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75590aggiornare is aggiornare" ; rdfs:label " aggiornare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75591spennacchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75591spennacchiare is spennacchiare" ; rdfs:label " spennacchiare_as_Change" . inds:USem75592aggiornare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75592aggiornare is aggiornare" ; rdfs:label " aggiornare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem75593aggiornare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62691informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75593aggiornare is aggiornare" ; rdfs:label " aggiornare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem75594aggiornare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75594aggiornare is aggiornare" ; rdfs:label " aggiornare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75595aggiornamento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75595aggiornamento is aggiornamento" ; rdfs:label " aggiornamento_as_Information" . inds:USem75596aggiornamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75596aggiornamento is aggiornamento" ; rdfs:label " aggiornamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75597aggiornamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75597aggiornamento is aggiornamento" ; rdfs:label " aggiornamento_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75598spennare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75598spennare is spennare" ; rdfs:label " spennare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75599spennare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75599spennare is spennare" ; rdfs:label " spennare_as_Change" . inds:USem75600aggiunta simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75600aggiunta is aggiunta" ; rdfs:label " aggiunta_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem75601spennare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7136privare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75601spennare is spennare" ; rdfs:label " spennare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem75603aggiuntare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75603aggiuntare is aggiuntare" ; rdfs:label " aggiuntare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75604spietatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6993spietato ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75604spietatezza is spietatezza" ; rdfs:label " spietatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem75605spietatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75605spietatezza is spietatezza" ; rdfs:label " spietatezza_as_Act" . inds:USem75606prezioso simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3002pietra, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75606prezioso is prezioso" ; rdfs:label " prezioso_as_Artifact" . inds:USem75607prezioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75607prezioso is prezioso" ; rdfs:label " prezioso_as_Human" . inds:USem75608prozio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75608prozio is prozio" ; rdfs:label " prozio_as_Kinship" . inds:USem75609aggiustamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75609aggiustamento is aggiustamento" ; rdfs:label " aggiustamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75610provola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5174coagulazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3069caglio, inds:USem3249latte ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75610provola is provola" ; rdfs:label " provola_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem75611agglomerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75611agglomerare is agglomerare" ; rdfs:label " agglomerare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75612rabdomante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75612rabdomante is rabdomante" ; rdfs:label " rabdomante_as_Human" . inds:USem75613aggrappare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75613aggrappare is aggrappare" ; rdfs:label " aggrappare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem75614ragliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1923asino ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75614ragliare is ragliare" ; rdfs:label " ragliare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75615aggrappare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75615aggrappare is aggrappare" ; rdfs:label " aggrappare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75616raglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1923asino ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75616raglio is raglio" ; rdfs:label " raglio_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75617spettrografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66561procedimento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75617spettrografia is spettrografia" ; rdfs:label " spettrografia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75618aggressivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6838aggressivo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75618aggressivita1 is aggressivita'" ; rdfs:label " aggressivita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem75619spettro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75619spettro is spettro" ; rdfs:label " spettro_as_Representation" . inds:USem75620spettro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75620spettro is spettro" ; rdfs:label " spettro_as_Human" . inds:USem75621spettro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75621spettro is spettro" ; rdfs:label " spettro_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem75622aggrottare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75622aggrottare is aggrottare" ; rdfs:label " aggrottare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75623spettinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75623spettinare is spettinare" ; rdfs:label " spettinare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75624aggrovigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75624aggrovigliare is aggrovigliare" ; rdfs:label " aggrovigliare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75625microprocessore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75625microprocessore is microprocessore" ; rdfs:label " microprocessore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75626aggrovigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75626aggrovigliare is aggrovigliare" ; rdfs:label " aggrovigliare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75627sputare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75627sputare is sputare" ; rdfs:label " sputare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75628sputare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65874emettere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75628sputare is sputare" ; rdfs:label " sputare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75629microcalcolatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5200elaboratore ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75629microcalcolatore is microcalcolatore" ; rdfs:label " microcalcolatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75630aggruppare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75630aggruppare is aggruppare" ; rdfs:label " aggruppare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75631sputare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60004disprezzare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75631sputare is sputare" ; rdfs:label " sputare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75632aggruppare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75632aggruppare is aggruppare" ; rdfs:label " aggruppare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75633agguantare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63223appigliare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75633agguantare is agguantare" ; rdfs:label " agguantare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75634agguantare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD461afferrare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75634agguantare is agguantare" ; rdfs:label " agguantare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75635agognare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7040aspirare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75635agognare is agognare" ; rdfs:label " agognare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem75636agognare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7040aspirare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75636agognare is agognare" ; rdfs:label " agognare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem75638aizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75638aizzare is aizzare" ; rdfs:label " aizzare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem75639specializzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75639specializzazione is specializzazione" ; rdfs:label " specializzazione_as_Change" . inds:USem75640specializzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem74772acquisizione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75640specializzazione is specializzazione" ; rdfs:label " specializzazione_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem75641specie simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75641specie is specie" ; rdfs:label " specie_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem75642aizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75642aizzare is aizzare" ; rdfs:label " aizzare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem75643specifica simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61315elenco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75643specifica is specifica" ; rdfs:label " specifica_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem75644alcoolizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66565alcoolizzato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75644alcoolizzare is alcoolizzare" ; rdfs:label " alcoolizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75645aldila1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75645aldila1 is aldila'" ; rdfs:label " aldila'_as_Location" . inds:USem75646specificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75646specificazione is specificazione" ; rdfs:label " specificazione_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75647specificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75647specificare is specificare" ; rdfs:label " specificare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75648algoritmo simple:hasIsa inds:USem68159operazione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75648algoritmo is algoritmo" ; rdfs:label " algoritmo_as_Convention" . inds:USem75649specificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75649specificazione is specificazione" ; rdfs:label " specificazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75650spersonalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75650spersonalizzare is spersonalizzare" ; rdfs:label " spersonalizzare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75651spergiurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75651spergiurare is spergiurare" ; rdfs:label " spergiurare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75652spersonalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75652spersonalizzare is spersonalizzare" ; rdfs:label " spersonalizzare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75653spersonalizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75653spersonalizzazione is spersonalizzazione" ; rdfs:label " spersonalizzazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75654alienare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75654alienare is alienare" ; rdfs:label " alienare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75655spersonalizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75655spersonalizzazione is spersonalizzazione" ; rdfs:label " spersonalizzazione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75656spigliatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66568spigliato ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75656spigliatezza is spigliatezza" ; rdfs:label " spigliatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem75657alienare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75657alienare is alienare" ; rdfs:label " alienare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem75658mantecare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75658mantecare is mantecare" ; rdfs:label " mantecare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75659spigolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75659spigolare is spigolare" ; rdfs:label " spigolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75660alienazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75660alienazione is alienazione" ; rdfs:label " alienazione_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75661manomettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75661manomettere is manomettere" ; rdfs:label " manomettere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75662alimentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75662alimentare is alimentare" ; rdfs:label " alimentare_as_Food" . inds:USem75663alimentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75663alimentare is alimentare" ; rdfs:label " alimentare_as_Building" . inds:USem75664spigolatura simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem75507spiga ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75664spigolatura is spigolatura" ; rdfs:label " spigolatura_as_Group" . inds:USem75665allacciamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75665allacciamento is allacciamento" ; rdfs:label " allacciamento_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75666allacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79088collegare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75666allacciare is allacciare" ; rdfs:label " allacciare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75667allacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75667allacciare is allacciare" ; rdfs:label " allacciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75669marra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem836manico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75669marra is marra" ; rdfs:label " marra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75670allacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75670allacciare is allacciare" ; rdfs:label " allacciare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem75671melomane simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75671melomane is melomane" ; rdfs:label " melomane_as_Human" . inds:USem75672spigolatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75672spigolatura is spigolatura" ; rdfs:label " spigolatura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75673spizzicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75673spizzicare is spizzicare" ; rdfs:label " spizzicare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75674spigolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75674spigolo is spigolo" ; rdfs:label " spigolo_as_Shape" . inds:USem75675nascituro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75675nascituro is nascituro" ; rdfs:label " nascituro_as_Human" . inds:USem75676allarmismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75676allarmismo is allarmismo" ; rdfs:label " allarmismo_as_State" . inds:USem75677allarmismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75677allarmismo is allarmismo" ; rdfs:label " allarmismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem75678allattamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD3006nutrire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75678allattamento is allattamento" ; rdfs:label " allattamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75679spigolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75679spigolo is spigolo" ; rdfs:label " spigolo_as_Part" . inds:USem75680spocchia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75680spocchia is spocchia" ; rdfs:label " spocchia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem75681spossare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4021indebolire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75681spossare is spossare" ; rdfs:label " spossare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75682spossare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4022indebolire ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75682spossare is spossare" ; rdfs:label " spossare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75683spossatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75683spossatezza is spossatezza" ; rdfs:label " spossatezza_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75684alleanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75684alleanza is alleanza" ; rdfs:label " alleanza_as_Convention" . inds:USem75685paninoteca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75685paninoteca is paninoteca" ; rdfs:label " paninoteca_as_Building" . inds:USem75686spossessare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75686spossessare is spossessare" ; rdfs:label " spossessare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75687pellicciotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75687pellicciotto is pellicciotto" ; rdfs:label " pellicciotto_as_Clothing" . inds:USem75688pedinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75688pedinare is pedinare" ; rdfs:label " pedinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75689alleanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75689alleanza is alleanza" ; rdfs:label " alleanza_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem75690passito simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75690passito is passito" ; rdfs:label " passito_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem75691sprint simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75691sprint is sprint" ; rdfs:label " sprint_as_Act" . inds:USem75692sprint simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75692sprint is sprint" ; rdfs:label " sprint_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem75694sprimacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75694sprimacciare is sprimacciare" ; rdfs:label " sprimacciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75695alleggerire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75695alleggerire is alleggerire" ; rdfs:label " alleggerire_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75696polentone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75696polentone is polentone" ; rdfs:label " polentone_as_Human" . inds:USem75697pomice simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75697pomice is pomice" ; rdfs:label " pomice_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem75698alleggerire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75698alleggerire is alleggerire" ; rdfs:label " alleggerire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75699alleggerire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75699alleggerire is alleggerire" ; rdfs:label " alleggerire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75700portantino simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75700portantino is portantino" ; rdfs:label " portantino_as_Profession" . inds:USem75701polleria simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75701polleria is polleria" ; rdfs:label " polleria_as_Building" . inds:USem75703sprigionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75703sprigionare is sprigionare" ; rdfs:label " sprigionare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75704alleggerimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75704alleggerimento is alleggerimento" ; rdfs:label " alleggerimento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75705alleluia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75705alleluia is alleluia" ; rdfs:label " alleluia_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75706allertare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75706allertare is allertare" ; rdfs:label " allertare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75707sprangare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75707sprangare is sprangare" ; rdfs:label " sprangare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75708spopolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75708spopolare is spopolare" ; rdfs:label " spopolare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75709spopolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75709spopolare is spopolare" ; rdfs:label " spopolare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75710allettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75710allettare is allettare" ; rdfs:label " allettare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem75711spopolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75711spopolare is spopolare" ; rdfs:label " spopolare_as_Event" . inds:USem75712spopolamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75712spopolamento is spopolamento" ; rdfs:label " spopolamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75713allettamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75713allettamento is allettamento" ; rdfs:label " allettamento_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem75714allibire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75714allibire is allibire" ; rdfs:label " allibire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75715allibire simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75715allibire is allibire" ; rdfs:label " allibire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75716allibratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD66570allibrare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75716allibratore is allibratore" ; rdfs:label " allibratore_as_Profession" . inds:USem75717spregiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60004disprezzare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75717spregiare is spregiare" ; rdfs:label " spregiare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75718allocazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75718allocazione is allocazione" ; rdfs:label " allocazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75719spregio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75719spregio is spregio" ; rdfs:label " spregio_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75720spregio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75720spregio is spregio" ; rdfs:label " spregio_as_Act" . inds:USem75721allucinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USemD63948uomo ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75721allucinazione is allucinazione" ; rdfs:label " allucinazione_as_Disease" . inds:USem75722allungo simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75722allungo is allungo" ; rdfs:label " allungo_as_Move" . inds:USem75723spulciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75723spulciare is spulciare" ; rdfs:label " spulciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75725spulciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75725spulciare is spulciare" ; rdfs:label " spulciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75728spulciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5495leggere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75728spulciare is spulciare" ; rdfs:label " spulciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75729spumare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75729spumare is spumare" ; rdfs:label " spumare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75730spumeggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75730spumeggiare is spumeggiare" ; rdfs:label " spumeggiare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75731alternare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75731alternare is alternare" ; rdfs:label " alternare_as_Change" . inds:USem75732spugnatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75732spugnatura is spugnatura" ; rdfs:label " spugnatura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75733alternanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75733alternanza is alternanza" ; rdfs:label " alternanza_as_Change" . inds:USem75734spolverare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75734spolverare is spolverare" ; rdfs:label " spolverare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75735portaordini simple:hasIsa inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7092trasmettere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75735portaordini is portaordini" ; rdfs:label " portaordini_as_Profession" . inds:USem75736portatovagliolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75736portatovagliolo is portatovagliolo" ; rdfs:label " portatovagliolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75737spolverata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75737spolverata is spolverata" ; rdfs:label " spolverata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75738posacenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75738posacenere is posacenere" ; rdfs:label " posacenere_as_Container" . inds:USem75739priore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75739priore is priore" ; rdfs:label " priore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem75740talamo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1184letto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD1907dormire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75740talamo is talamo" ; rdfs:label " talamo_as_Furniture" . inds:USem75741talamo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1836peduncolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75741talamo is talamo" ; rdfs:label " talamo_as_Part" . inds:USem75742tampone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069614batuffolo ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75742tampone is tampone" ; rdfs:label " tampone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem75743assorbente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75743assorbente is assorbente" ; rdfs:label " assorbente_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75744rinviare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75744rinviare is rinviare" ; rdfs:label " rinviare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75745rinviare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75745rinviare is rinviare" ; rdfs:label " rinviare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem75746altitudine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75746altitudine is altitudine" ; rdfs:label " altitudine_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem75747ambientamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75747ambientamento is ambientamento" ; rdfs:label " ambientamento_as_Event" . inds:USem75748ambito simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75748ambito is ambito" ; rdfs:label " ambito_as_Location" . inds:USem75749americanizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75749americanizzare is americanizzare" ; rdfs:label " americanizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75750americanizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75750americanizzare is americanizzare" ; rdfs:label " americanizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75751ammaccatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75751ammaccatura is ammaccatura" ; rdfs:label " ammaccatura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75752tampone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75752tampone is tampone" ; rdfs:label " tampone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75753tampone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75753tampone is tampone" ; rdfs:label " tampone_as_Substance" . inds:USem75754sloggiare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75754sloggiare is sloggiare" ; rdfs:label " sloggiare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem75755spossessare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75755spossessare is spossessare" ; rdfs:label " spossessare_as_Change" . inds:USem75756symposium simple:hasIsa inds:USem67656simposio ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75756symposium is symposium" ; rdfs:label " symposium_as_Event" . inds:USem75757tacitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75757tacitare is tacitare" ; rdfs:label " tacitare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem75758ammaestrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3923insegnare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75758ammaestrare is ammaestrare" ; rdfs:label " ammaestrare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem75759ammainare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75759ammainare is ammainare" ; rdfs:label " ammainare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem75761tachigrafo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USemTH27703velocita1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75761tachigrafo is tachigrafo" ; rdfs:label " tachigrafo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75762tachistoscopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75762tachistoscopio is tachistoscopio" ; rdfs:label " tachistoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75763tantrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75763tantrismo is tantrismo" ; rdfs:label " tantrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem75764tantra simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75764tantra is tantra" ; rdfs:label " tantra_as_Information" . inds:USem75765tappezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2613rivestire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75765tappezzare is tappezzare" ; rdfs:label " tappezzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75767tallonare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75767tallonare is tallonare" ; rdfs:label " tallonare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75768tallonata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem6061tallone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75768tallonata is tallonata" ; rdfs:label " tallonata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75769tamponare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75769tamponare is tamponare" ; rdfs:label " tamponare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75770tamponare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75770tamponare is tamponare" ; rdfs:label " tamponare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75771targare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75771targare is targare" ; rdfs:label " targare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75772tamponare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75772tamponare is tamponare" ; rdfs:label " tamponare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75773tamponamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75773tamponamento is tamponamento" ; rdfs:label " tamponamento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75774tamponamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75774tamponamento is tamponamento" ; rdfs:label " tamponamento_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75775passaverdure simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2811utensile ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75775passaverdure is passaverdure" ; rdfs:label " passaverdure_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75776raccattapalle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75776raccattapalle is raccattapalle" ; rdfs:label " raccattapalle_as_Human" . inds:USem75777riedificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75777riedificare is riedificare" ; rdfs:label " riedificare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem75779riedificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD585costruire ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75779riedificazione is riedificazione" ; rdfs:label " riedificazione_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem75780tamburellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75780tamburellare is tamburellare" ; rdfs:label " tamburellare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75781ricuocere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75781ricuocere is ricuocere" ; rdfs:label " ricuocere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75782mensile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75782mensile is mensile" ; rdfs:label " mensile_as_Amount" . inds:USem75783mensile simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62300giornale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75783mensile is mensile" ; rdfs:label " mensile_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem75784tambureggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem6154suono ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75784tambureggiare is tambureggiare" ; rdfs:label " tambureggiare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75785mensile simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75785mensile is mensile" ; rdfs:label " mensile_as_Information" . inds:USem75786mattonificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3882mattone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75786mattonificio is mattonificio" ; rdfs:label " mattonificio_as_Building" . inds:USem75787pedalo1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem4317pattino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75787pedalo1 is pedalo'" ; rdfs:label " pedalo'_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem75788tambureggiare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75788tambureggiare is tambureggiare" ; rdfs:label " tambureggiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75789tambureggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem6154suono ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75789tambureggiamento is tambureggiamento" ; rdfs:label " tambureggiamento_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75790talassofobia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD3255mare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71782fobia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75790talassofobia is talassofobia" ; rdfs:label " talassofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USem75791tartufare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75791tartufare is tartufare" ; rdfs:label " tartufare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75792taccagneria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65991taccagno ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75792taccagneria is taccagneria" ; rdfs:label " taccagneria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem75793tassellare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61413restaurare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75793tassellare is tassellare" ; rdfs:label " tassellare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75794tassellare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75794tassellare is tassellare" ; rdfs:label " tassellare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75795motocisterna simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75795motocisterna is motocisterna" ; rdfs:label " motocisterna_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem75796tassellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75796tassellare is tassellare" ; rdfs:label " tassellare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75797nuraghe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75797nuraghe is nuraghe" ; rdfs:label " nuraghe_as_Building" . inds:USem75798trampoliere simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD542volatile ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75798trampoliere is trampoliere" ; rdfs:label " trampoliere_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem75799tarpare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75799tarpare is tarpare" ; rdfs:label " tarpare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75800taciturnita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66575taciturno ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75800taciturnita1 is taciturnita'" ; rdfs:label " taciturnita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem75801taglia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75801taglia is taglia" ; rdfs:label " taglia_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem75802taglia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75802taglia is taglia" ; rdfs:label " taglia_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem75803taglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75803taglia is taglia" ; rdfs:label " taglia_as_Amount" . inds:USem75804tagliando simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75804tagliando is tagliando" ; rdfs:label " tagliando_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem75805tabulare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59347calcolare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75805tabulare is tabulare" ; rdfs:label " tabulare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem75806tabulato simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64061prospetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75806tabulato is tabulato" ; rdfs:label " tabulato_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem75807tabulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60260calcolo ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75807tabulazione is tabulazione" ; rdfs:label " tabulazione_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem75808marcantonio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75808marcantonio is marcantonio" ; rdfs:label " marcantonio_as_Human" . inds:USem75810sperdere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75810sperdere is sperdere" ; rdfs:label " sperdere_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75811sentenziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75811sentenziare is sentenziare" ; rdfs:label " sentenziare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75812sentenziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5605giudicare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75812sentenziare is sentenziare" ; rdfs:label " sentenziare_as_Judgement" . inds:USem75813sentimentalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75813sentimentalismo is sentimentalismo" ; rdfs:label " sentimentalismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem75815acido simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3114acido ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75815acido is acido" ; rdfs:label " acido_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem75816lui simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75816lui is lui" ; rdfs:label " lui_as_Human" . inds:USem75817marinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75817marinare is marinare" ; rdfs:label " marinare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75821marinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75821marinare is marinare" ; rdfs:label " marinare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75822sentimentalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75822sentimentalismo is sentimentalismo" ; rdfs:label " sentimentalismo_as_Act" . inds:USem75825monokini simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2948costume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5433stoffa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75825monokini is monokini" ; rdfs:label " monokini_as_Clothing" . inds:USem75826morto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem7116morire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75826morto is morto" ; rdfs:label " morto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem75828pennichella simple:hasIsa inds:USem62535sonnellino ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75828pennichella is pennichella" ; rdfs:label " pennichella_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem75829piovra simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75829piovra is piovra" ; rdfs:label " piovra_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem75830piovra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75830piovra is piovra" ; rdfs:label " piovra_as_Human" . inds:USem75832piovra simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75832piovra is piovra" ; rdfs:label " piovra_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem75833ammannire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75833ammannire is ammannire" ; rdfs:label " ammannire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75834ammansire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75834ammansire is ammansire" ; rdfs:label " ammansire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75835ammantare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75835ammantare is ammantare" ; rdfs:label " ammantare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75836sentimentalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75836sentimentalita1 is sentimentalita'" ; rdfs:label " sentimentalita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem75837sentore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65836sensazione ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75837sentore is sentore" ; rdfs:label " sentore_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem75838ammantare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75843ricoprire ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75838ammantare is ammantare" ; rdfs:label " ammantare_as_State" . inds:USem75840ammarare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6987atterrare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75840ammarare is ammarare" ; rdfs:label " ammarare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem75842ammattire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75842ammattire is ammattire" ; rdfs:label " ammattire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75843ricoprire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75843ricoprire is ricoprire" ; rdfs:label " ricoprire_as_State" . inds:USem75845ammattire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75845ammattire is ammattire" ; rdfs:label " ammattire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75848ammiccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75848ammiccare is ammiccare" ; rdfs:label " ammiccare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem75849pitturare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5349tingere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75849pitturare is pitturare" ; rdfs:label " pitturare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75850ammiccamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75850ammiccamento is ammiccamento" ; rdfs:label " ammiccamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75852ammobiliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75852ammobiliare is ammobiliare" ; rdfs:label " ammobiliare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75855ammodernare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75855ammodernare is ammodernare" ; rdfs:label " ammodernare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75858pungitopo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75858pungitopo is pungitopo" ; rdfs:label " pungitopo_as_Plant" . inds:USem75859pupattola simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75859pupattola is pupattola" ; rdfs:label " pupattola_as_Human" . inds:USem75861rantolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75861rantolare is rantolare" ; rdfs:label " rantolare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75862sfaticato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75862sfaticato is sfaticato" ; rdfs:label " sfaticato_as_Human" . inds:USem75863smonacare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7136privare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75863smonacare is smonacare" ; rdfs:label " smonacare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75864sfibrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4021indebolire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75864sfibrare is sfibrare" ; rdfs:label " sfibrare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75865sfibrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60390separare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75865sfibrare is sfibrare" ; rdfs:label " sfibrare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75866sfibrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75866sfibrare is sfibrare" ; rdfs:label " sfibrare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75871manomissione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75871manomissione is manomissione" ; rdfs:label " manomissione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75872macinatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6295macinato ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75872macinatura is macinatura" ; rdfs:label " macinatura_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75874animato simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem68415anima ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75874animato is animato" ; rdfs:label " animato_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem75875ammogliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75875ammogliare is ammogliare" ; rdfs:label " ammogliare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem75876ammogliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75876ammogliare is ammogliare" ; rdfs:label " ammogliare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem75877ammollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75877ammollare is ammollare" ; rdfs:label " ammollare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75878marcire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75878marcire is marcire" ; rdfs:label " marcire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75879sfebbrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75879sfebbrare is sfebbrare" ; rdfs:label " sfebbrare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75880ammollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75880ammollare is ammollare" ; rdfs:label " ammollare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75881marinata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4529salsa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75881marinata is marinata" ; rdfs:label " marinata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem75882calcio simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1749piede ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75882calcio is calcio" ; rdfs:label " calcio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75884ammonimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem75963rimproverare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75884ammonimento is ammonimento" ; rdfs:label " ammonimento_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75886sfiammare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75886sfiammare is sfiammare" ; rdfs:label " sfiammare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75887ammontare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75887ammontare is ammontare" ; rdfs:label " ammontare_as_State" . inds:USem75888sfiammare simple:hasIsa inds:USem65254divampare ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75888sfiammare is sfiammare" ; rdfs:label " sfiammare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75889ammontare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75889ammontare is ammontare" ; rdfs:label " ammontare_as_Amount" . inds:USem75893sferrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75893sferrare is sferrare" ; rdfs:label " sferrare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75895ammonticchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75895ammonticchiare is ammonticchiare" ; rdfs:label " ammonticchiare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75896blindare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75896blindare is blindare" ; rdfs:label " blindare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75897sferrare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75897sferrare is sferrare" ; rdfs:label " sferrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75898ammonticchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75898ammonticchiare is ammonticchiare" ; rdfs:label " ammonticchiare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75900accumulare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75900accumulare is accumulare" ; rdfs:label " accumulare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem75902ammorbare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6671infettare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75902ammorbare is ammorbare" ; rdfs:label " ammorbare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75903ammortamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75903ammortamento is ammortamento" ; rdfs:label " ammortamento_as_Event" . inds:USem75904sferzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75904sferzare is sferzare" ; rdfs:label " sferzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75905ammortizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75905ammortizzare is ammortizzare" ; rdfs:label " ammortizzare_as_Event" . inds:USem75909sferzata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem66212sferza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75909sferzata is sferzata" ; rdfs:label " sferzata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75910sferzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75910sferzata is sferzata" ; rdfs:label " sferzata_as_Act" . inds:USem75912accomodare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75912accomodare is accomodare" ; rdfs:label " accomodare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75916togliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75916togliere is togliere" ; rdfs:label " togliere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75917annodare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75917annodare is annodare" ; rdfs:label " annodare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75918asciugare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75918asciugare is asciugare" ; rdfs:label " asciugare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75919togliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75919togliere is togliere" ; rdfs:label " togliere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75920attribuire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7333assegnare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75920attribuire is attribuire" ; rdfs:label " attribuire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75921avvelenare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60153amarezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75921avvelenare is avvelenare" ; rdfs:label " avvelenare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75925tatuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75925tatuare is tatuare" ; rdfs:label " tatuare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USem75926cambiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76540vestire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75926cambiare is cambiare" ; rdfs:label " cambiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75927tatuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75927tatuare is tatuare" ; rdfs:label " tatuare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem75929infilare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem66695abbigliamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75929infilare is infilare" ; rdfs:label " infilare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75930inghirlandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75930inghirlandare is inghirlandare" ; rdfs:label " inghirlandare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75931spalmare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75931spalmare is spalmare" ; rdfs:label " spalmare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75933soffiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75933soffiare is soffiare" ; rdfs:label " soffiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75935legare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75935legare is legare" ; rdfs:label " legare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75937toccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75937toccare is toccare" ; rdfs:label " toccare_as_Perception" . inds:USem75939sparare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75939sparare is sparare" ; rdfs:label " sparare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75941sbottonare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75941sbottonare is sbottonare" ; rdfs:label " sbottonare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75942ritogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75942ritogliere is ritogliere" ; rdfs:label " ritogliere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75943riaccomodare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75943riaccomodare is riaccomodare" ; rdfs:label " riaccomodare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75945ravviare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75945ravviare is ravviare" ; rdfs:label " ravviare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75946rasare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75946rasare is rasare" ; rdfs:label " rasare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75947consumare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7003consumato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75947consumare is consumare" ; rdfs:label " consumare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75948consumare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7003consumato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75948consumare is consumare" ; rdfs:label " consumare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75949pulire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75949pulire is pulire" ; rdfs:label " pulire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75950consumare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75950consumare is consumare" ; rdfs:label " consumare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem75952sforbiciare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2312forbice ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75952sforbiciare is sforbiciare" ; rdfs:label " sforbiciare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem75953contaminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66160contaminato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75953contaminare is contaminare" ; rdfs:label " contaminare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75954contaminare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66160contaminato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75954contaminare is contaminare" ; rdfs:label " contaminare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75955contaminare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61547corrompere ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75955contaminare is contaminare" ; rdfs:label " contaminare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem75960aggiustare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75960aggiustare is aggiustare" ; rdfs:label " aggiustare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75961contenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75961contenere is contenere" ; rdfs:label " contenere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem75963rimproverare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75963rimproverare is rimproverare" ; rdfs:label " rimproverare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75964riordinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75964riordinare is riordinare" ; rdfs:label " riordinare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75966pagliaio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5400paglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75966pagliaio is pagliaio" ; rdfs:label " pagliaio_as_Building" . inds:USem75967letamaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75967letamaio is letamaio" ; rdfs:label " letamaio_as_Location" . inds:USem75968riparare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75968riparare is riparare" ; rdfs:label " riparare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75969riposare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75969riposare is riposare" ; rdfs:label " riposare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75971coprire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem75962coperto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75971coprire is coprire" ; rdfs:label " coprire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75972coprire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75972coprire is coprire" ; rdfs:label " coprire_as_State" . inds:USem75973ripromettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4798promettere ; a simple:Commissive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75973ripromettere is ripromettere" ; rdfs:label " ripromettere_as_Commissive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem75974ripromettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem75976impegnare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75974ripromettere is ripromettere" ; rdfs:label " ripromettere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem75975coprire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75975coprire is coprire" ; rdfs:label " coprire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75976criminale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem71551crimine ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75976criminale is criminale" ; rdfs:label " criminale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem75976impegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7040aspirare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75976impegnare is impegnare" ; rdfs:label " impegnare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem75978rischiarare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75978rischiarare is rischiarare" ; rdfs:label " rischiarare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75979ritingere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75979ritingere is ritingere" ; rdfs:label " ritingere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75980rosicchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75980rosicchiare is rosicchiare" ; rdfs:label " rosicchiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75981rosicchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4950consumare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75981rosicchiare is rosicchiare" ; rdfs:label " rosicchiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75982frizionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75982frizionare is frizionare" ; rdfs:label " frizionare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75983sbendare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61577svolgere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75983sbendare is sbendare" ; rdfs:label " sbendare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75984impomatare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75984impomatare is impomatare" ; rdfs:label " impomatare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75985inanellare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem5307anello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75985inanellare is inanellare" ; rdfs:label " inanellare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75986incipriare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem62431cipria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75986incipriare is incipriare" ; rdfs:label " incipriare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75987bisturi simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem1985chirurgo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem62408incidere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75987bisturi is bisturi" ; rdfs:label " bisturi_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75988lauda simple:hasIsa inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75988lauda is lauda" ; rdfs:label " lauda_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem75989riaggiustare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75989riaggiustare is riaggiustare" ; rdfs:label " riaggiustare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem75990logico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75990logico is logico" ; rdfs:label " logico_as_Profession" . inds:USem75991riallacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75667allacciare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75991riallacciare is riallacciare" ; rdfs:label " riallacciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75992lustrata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75992lustrata is lustrata" ; rdfs:label " lustrata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem75993mattarello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75993mattarello is mattarello" ; rdfs:label " mattarello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem75996riannodare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75917annodare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75996riannodare is riannodare" ; rdfs:label " riannodare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem75997muraglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75997muraglione is muraglione" ; rdfs:label " muraglione_as_Building" . inds:USem75998narcisista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75998narcisista is narcisista" ; rdfs:label " narcisista_as_Human" . inds:USem75999scrollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem75999scrollare is scrollare" ; rdfs:label " scrollare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76000nappina simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6390distintivo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76000nappina is nappina" ; rdfs:label " nappina_as_Representation" . inds:USem76001scrostare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63346asportare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76001scrostare is scrostare" ; rdfs:label " scrostare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76002novero simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem916cosa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76002novero is novero" ; rdfs:label " novero_as_Group" . inds:USem76003ricoprire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76003ricoprire is ricoprire" ; rdfs:label " ricoprire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76004novizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76004novizia is novizia" ; rdfs:label " novizia_as_Social_status" . inds:USem76005servire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76005servire is servire" ; rdfs:label " servire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76006neurobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59962biologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76006neurobiologia is neurobiologia" ; rdfs:label " neurobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem76007ninnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76007ninnare is ninnare" ; rdfs:label " ninnare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76008sfibbiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76008sfibbiare is sfibbiare" ; rdfs:label " sfibbiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76009nove simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76009nove is nove" ; rdfs:label " nove_as_Number" . inds:USem76010nevralgia simple:hasAffects inds:USem62721nervo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6138dolore ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76010nevralgia is nevralgia" ; rdfs:label " nevralgia_as_Disease" . inds:USem76012orbo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76012orbo is orbo" ; rdfs:label " orbo_as_Human" . inds:USem76013penalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76013penalizzare is penalizzare" ; rdfs:label " penalizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76015sfregare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76015sfregare is sfregare" ; rdfs:label " sfregare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76016penalizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76016penalizzazione is penalizzazione" ; rdfs:label " penalizzazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76017polinesiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD66650polinesia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76017polinesiano is polinesiano" ; rdfs:label " polinesiano_as_People" . inds:USem76018massaggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76018massaggiare is massaggiare" ; rdfs:label " massaggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76021sfregiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76021sfregiare is sfregiare" ; rdfs:label " sfregiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76022smacchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76022smacchiare is smacchiare" ; rdfs:label " smacchiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76023slegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76023slegare is slegare" ; rdfs:label " slegare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76025spidocchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76025spidocchiare is spidocchiare" ; rdfs:label " spidocchiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76028millantare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76028millantare is millantare" ; rdfs:label " millantare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76029mutua simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76029mutua is mutua" ; rdfs:label " mutua_as_Institution" . inds:USem76031sfiorire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76031sfiorire is sfiorire" ; rdfs:label " sfiorire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76032mutua simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76032mutua is mutua" ; rdfs:label " mutua_as_Building" . inds:USem76033sfiorire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76033sfiorire is sfiorire" ; rdfs:label " sfiorire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76035strofinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76035strofinare is strofinare" ; rdfs:label " strofinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76036struccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76036struccare is struccare" ; rdfs:label " struccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76038struccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76038struccare is struccare" ; rdfs:label " struccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76039staio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem67354pesare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76039staio is staio" ; rdfs:label " staio_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem76040stampatrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD934stampare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76040stampatrice is stampatrice" ; rdfs:label " stampatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem76041squillare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem6154suono ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76041squillare is squillare" ; rdfs:label " squillare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76042stampigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76042stampigliare is stampigliare" ; rdfs:label " stampigliare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76043stampigliatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76043stampigliatura is stampigliatura" ; rdfs:label " stampigliatura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76045direttivo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem61348direzione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76045direttivo is direttivo" ; rdfs:label " direttivo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem76048muovere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76048muovere is muovere" ; rdfs:label " muovere_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76049pallettone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66128pallino ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76049pallettone is pallettone" ; rdfs:label " pallettone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem76050praghese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD66660praga ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76050praghese is praghese" ; rdfs:label " praghese_as_People" . inds:USem76051staccionata simple:hasIsa inds:USem72353struttura ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76051staccionata is staccionata" ; rdfs:label " staccionata_as_Artifact" . inds:USem76052staccionata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76052staccionata is staccionata" ; rdfs:label " staccionata_as_Instrument" . inds:USem76053staffilare simple:hasInstrument inds:USemTH25085staffile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76053staffilare is staffilare" ; rdfs:label " staffilare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76054staffilata simple:hasInstrument inds:USemTH25085staffile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76054staffilata is staffilata" ; rdfs:label " staffilata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76055stagionale simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD3591lavorare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76055stagionale is stagionale" ; rdfs:label " stagionale_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem76056stagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76056stagnare is stagnare" ; rdfs:label " stagnare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76057stagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76057stagnare is stagnare" ; rdfs:label " stagnare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76058tergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76058tergere is tergere" ; rdfs:label " tergere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76059turare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75975coprire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76059turare is turare" ; rdfs:label " turare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76060ammucchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76060ammucchiare is ammucchiare" ; rdfs:label " ammucchiare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem76061ammucchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5533riunire ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76061ammucchiare is ammucchiare" ; rdfs:label " ammucchiare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem76062ammucchiata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76062ammucchiata is ammucchiata" ; rdfs:label " ammucchiata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem76064disperare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76064disperare is disperare" ; rdfs:label " disperare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem76067disperare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76067disperare is disperare" ; rdfs:label " disperare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem76068disperare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76068disperare is disperare" ; rdfs:label " disperare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76069ammutinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76069ammutinare is ammutinare" ; rdfs:label " ammutinare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76070movimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76070movimento is movimento" ; rdfs:label " movimento_as_Move" . inds:USem76072ammutinato simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem76069ammutinare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76072ammutinato is ammutinato" ; rdfs:label " ammutinato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem76075ammutolire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76075ammutolire is ammutolire" ; rdfs:label " ammutolire_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem76076ammutolire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76076ammutolire is ammutolire" ; rdfs:label " ammutolire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76077amnistia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76077amnistia is amnistia" ; rdfs:label " amnistia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76079amoreggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76079amoreggiamento is amoreggiamento" ; rdfs:label " amoreggiamento_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76081anagrammare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3937trasformare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76081anagrammare is anagrammare" ; rdfs:label " anagrammare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76082anatomizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4654studiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76082anatomizzare is anatomizzare" ; rdfs:label " anatomizzare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem76083anatomizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59990esaminare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76083anatomizzare is anatomizzare" ; rdfs:label " anatomizzare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem76085ancheggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76085ancheggiare is ancheggiare" ; rdfs:label " ancheggiare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76086andamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76086andamento is andamento" ; rdfs:label " andamento_as_Event" . inds:USem76088andare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76088andare is andare" ; rdfs:label " andare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76089andazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6398abitudine ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76089andazzo is andazzo" ; rdfs:label " andazzo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem76090anglofilia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66675atteggiamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemTH01397anglofilo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76090anglofilia is anglofilia" ; rdfs:label " anglofilia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem76091animazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem75868animato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76091animazione is animazione" ; rdfs:label " animazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76092animazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76092animazione is animazione" ; rdfs:label " animazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem76093animazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76093animazione is animazione" ; rdfs:label " animazione_as_State" . inds:USem76094animazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem69settore ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76094animazione is animazione" ; rdfs:label " animazione_as_Domain" . inds:USem76096muovere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76096muovere is muovere" ; rdfs:label " muovere_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem76097antichita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61834antico ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76097antichita1 is antichita'" ; rdfs:label " antichita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem76098annacquare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76098annacquare is annacquare" ; rdfs:label " annacquare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76102stagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5449minore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76102stagnare is stagnare" ; rdfs:label " stagnare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem76103stagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76103stagnare is stagnare" ; rdfs:label " stagnare_as_State" . inds:USem76104stagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76104stagnare is stagnare" ; rdfs:label " stagnare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76105stagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76105stagliare is stagliare" ; rdfs:label " stagliare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem76106stampante simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD934stampare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76106stampante is stampante" ; rdfs:label " stampante_as_Instrument" . inds:USem76107stampato simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76107stampato is stampato" ; rdfs:label " stampato_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem76108annacquata simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76108annacquata is annacquata" ; rdfs:label " annacquata_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem76109annaffiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76109annaffiata is annaffiata" ; rdfs:label " annaffiata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76110annaspare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76110annaspare is annaspare" ; rdfs:label " annaspare_as_Move" . inds:USem76111annaspare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76111annaspare is annaspare" ; rdfs:label " annaspare_as_Act" . inds:USem76113stallo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62545bracciolo, inds:USem68505schienale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76113stallo is stallo" ; rdfs:label " stallo_as_Furniture" . inds:USem76114annebbiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76114annebbiare is annebbiare" ; rdfs:label " annebbiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76115annebbiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76115annebbiare is annebbiare" ; rdfs:label " annebbiare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76116nonagenario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem76009nove ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76116nonagenario is nonagenario" ; rdfs:label " nonagenario_as_Human" . inds:USem76117neolaureato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76117neolaureato is neolaureato" ; rdfs:label " neolaureato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem76118nazista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2654nazismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76118nazista is nazista" ; rdfs:label " nazista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem76119nazionalsocialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2626nazionalsocialismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76119nazionalsocialista is nazionalsocialista" ; rdfs:label " nazionalsocialista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem76120annebbiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76120annebbiare is annebbiare" ; rdfs:label " annebbiare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76121ortomercato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2208mercato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76121ortomercato is ortomercato" ; rdfs:label " ortomercato_as_Location" . inds:USem76122annegamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem7116morire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD65885annegato ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76122annegamento is annegamento" ; rdfs:label " annegamento_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem76123annessione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76123annessione is annessione" ; rdfs:label " annessione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76124ottuagenario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem63663ottanta ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76124ottuagenario is ottuagenario" ; rdfs:label " ottuagenario_as_Human" . inds:USem76125stecchire simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76125stecchire is stecchire" ; rdfs:label " stecchire_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem76129annientamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem77711distruzione ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76129annientamento is annientamento" ; rdfs:label " annientamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76130distruggere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3932provocare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76130distruggere is distruggere" ; rdfs:label " distruggere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76133annientare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5312distruggere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76133annientare is annientare" ; rdfs:label " annientare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76134annientare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76134annientare is annientare" ; rdfs:label " annientare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76135ammollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76135ammollare is ammollare" ; rdfs:label " ammollare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76138annodare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76138annodare is annodare" ; rdfs:label " annodare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76139annodare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76139annodare is annodare" ; rdfs:label " annodare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76140annotare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76140annotare is annotare" ; rdfs:label " annotare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76142annotazione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3233riconoscere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76142annotazione is annotazione" ; rdfs:label " annotazione_as_Representation" . inds:USem76143fascista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem69836fascismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76143fascista is fascista" ; rdfs:label " fascista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem76144annotazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76144annotazione is annotazione" ; rdfs:label " annotazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76145annottare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76145annottare is annottare" ; rdfs:label " annottare_as_Event" . inds:USem76147annunciazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76147annunciazione is annunciazione" ; rdfs:label " annunciazione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem76148annusata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1812naso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76148annusata is annusata" ; rdfs:label " annusata_as_Perception" . inds:USem76152pasticcere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76152pasticcere is pasticcere" ; rdfs:label " pasticcere_as_Profession" . inds:USem76153pronipote simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76153pronipote is pronipote" ; rdfs:label " pronipote_as_Kinship" . inds:USem76154annuvolamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76154annuvolamento is annuvolamento" ; rdfs:label " annuvolamento_as_Event" . inds:USem76155anomalia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76155anomalia is anomalia" ; rdfs:label " anomalia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem76156anteprima simple:hasIsa inds:USem60098presentazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76156anteprima is anteprima" ; rdfs:label " anteprima_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem76157annuncio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76157annuncio is annuncio" ; rdfs:label " annuncio_as_Information" . inds:USem76158annuncio simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD935manifesto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76158annuncio is annuncio" ; rdfs:label " annuncio_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem76159annuncio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76159annuncio is annuncio" ; rdfs:label " annuncio_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem76160anticipazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76160anticipazione is anticipazione" ; rdfs:label " anticipazione_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem76161anticipazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66593anticipato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76161anticipazione is anticipazione" ; rdfs:label " anticipazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76163anticipazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61452versamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76163anticipazione is anticipazione" ; rdfs:label " anticipazione_as_Transaction" . inds:USem76165anticipo simple:hasIsa inds:USem61452versamento ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76165anticipo is anticipo" ; rdfs:label " anticipo_as_Transaction" . inds:USem76166anticipo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76166anticipo is anticipo" ; rdfs:label " anticipo_as_Time" . inds:USem76168anticipo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76168anticipo is anticipo" ; rdfs:label " anticipo_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76169antinomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem76171contraddizione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76169antinomia is antinomia" ; rdfs:label " antinomia_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem76171contraddizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76171contraddizione is contraddizione" ; rdfs:label " contraddizione_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem76177antiterrorismo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76177antiterrorismo is antiterrorismo" ; rdfs:label " antiterrorismo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem76179appannaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76179appannaggio is appannaggio" ; rdfs:label " appannaggio_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem76181appannare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76181appannare is appannare" ; rdfs:label " appannare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76182appannare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76182appannare is appannare" ; rdfs:label " appannare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76184appannare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66712appannato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76184appannare is appannare" ; rdfs:label " appannare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76185appannare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66712appannato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76185appannare is appannare" ; rdfs:label " appannare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76187appannamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66712appannato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76187appannamento is appannamento" ; rdfs:label " appannamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76189appassire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76189appassire is appassire" ; rdfs:label " appassire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76190appesantire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76190appesantire is appesantire" ; rdfs:label " appesantire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76192appesantire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76192appesantire is appesantire" ; rdfs:label " appesantire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76193appesantire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76193appesantire is appesantire" ; rdfs:label " appesantire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76194appesantire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7020pesante ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76194appesantire is appesantire" ; rdfs:label " appesantire_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem76195appesantire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7020pesante ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76195appesantire is appesantire" ; rdfs:label " appesantire_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem76197appestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76197appestare is appestare" ; rdfs:label " appestare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76200applaudire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76200applaudire is applaudire" ; rdfs:label " applaudire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76202appiattire simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76202appiattire is appiattire" ; rdfs:label " appiattire_as_Move" . inds:USem76203appiattire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76203appiattire is appiattire" ; rdfs:label " appiattire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76204appiattire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6625piatto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76204appiattire is appiattire" ; rdfs:label " appiattire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76205appiattimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76205appiattimento is appiattimento" ; rdfs:label " appiattimento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76207mitragliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76207mitragliare is mitragliare" ; rdfs:label " mitragliare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76208appiccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76208appiccare is appiccare" ; rdfs:label " appiccare_as_Cause" . inds:USem76209appioppare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76209appioppare is appioppare" ; rdfs:label " appioppare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem76210appioppare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76210appioppare is appioppare" ; rdfs:label " appioppare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76211mitragliatore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75939sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76211mitragliatore is mitragliatore" ; rdfs:label " mitragliatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem76213pavesare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76213pavesare is pavesare" ; rdfs:label " pavesare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76214applauso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76214applauso is applauso" ; rdfs:label " applauso_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76216applicabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66722applicabile ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76216applicabilita1 is applicabilita'" ; rdfs:label " applicabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem76217pennellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76217pennellare is pennellare" ; rdfs:label " pennellare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76218pennellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76218pennellare is pennellare" ; rdfs:label " pennellare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76219pennellata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76219pennellata is pennellata" ; rdfs:label " pennellata_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76221prua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave, inds:USemD7355velivolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76221prua is prua" ; rdfs:label " prua_as_Part" . inds:USem76223quarantotto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76223quarantotto is quarantotto" ; rdfs:label " quarantotto_as_Number" . inds:USem76225pusillanime simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76225pusillanime is pusillanime" ; rdfs:label " pusillanime_as_Human" . inds:USem76226quadrimotore simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76226quadrimotore is quadrimotore" ; rdfs:label " quadrimotore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem76227quindici simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76227quindici is quindici" ; rdfs:label " quindici_as_Number" . inds:USem76228quattordici simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76228quattordici is quattordici" ; rdfs:label " quattordici_as_Number" . inds:USem76229rampino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59753appendere, inds:USemD461afferrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76229rampino is rampino" ; rdfs:label " rampino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem76230applicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76230applicazione is applicazione" ; rdfs:label " applicazione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem76231applicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76231applicazione is applicazione" ; rdfs:label " applicazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76233applicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76233applicazione is applicazione" ; rdfs:label " applicazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76234appoggio simple:hasTelic inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76234appoggio is appoggio" ; rdfs:label " appoggio_as_Telic" . inds:USem76235appoggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76235appoggio is appoggio" ; rdfs:label " appoggio_as_Human" . inds:USem76236apporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76236apporre is apporre" ; rdfs:label " apporre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76237apposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6044sostantivo ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76237apposizione is apposizione" ; rdfs:label " apposizione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem76238apposizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76238apposizione is apposizione" ; rdfs:label " apposizione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76239residence simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60908soggiornare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76239residence is residence" ; rdfs:label " residence_as_Building" . inds:USem76241appostare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63979spiare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76241appostare is appostare" ; rdfs:label " appostare_as_Perception" . inds:USem76242appostare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60886nascondere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76242appostare is appostare" ; rdfs:label " appostare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76244massese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem76250massa ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem76246massa ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76244massese is massese" ; rdfs:label " massese_as_People" . inds:USem76245appostamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60886nascondere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76245appostamento is appostamento" ; rdfs:label " appostamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76246massa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD5009toscana ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76246massa is massa" ; rdfs:label " massa_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem76247appostamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60886nascondere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76247appostamento is appostamento" ; rdfs:label " appostamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76248apprezzamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76248apprezzamento is apprezzamento" ; rdfs:label " apprezzamento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76249guastare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61546corrompere ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76249guastare is guastare" ; rdfs:label " guastare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76250massa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem76244massese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76250massa is massa" ; rdfs:label " massa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem76254commento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76254commento is commento" ; rdfs:label " commento_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem76256impennare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76256impennare is impennare" ; rdfs:label " impennare_as_Move" . inds:USem76258approccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem911idea ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76258approccio is approccio" ; rdfs:label " approccio_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem76259approccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem74771proposta ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76259approccio is approccio" ; rdfs:label " approccio_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem76260approccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76260approccio is approccio" ; rdfs:label " approccio_as_State" . inds:USem76262approfondire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76262approfondire is approfondire" ; rdfs:label " approfondire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76264approfondire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76264approfondire is approfondire" ; rdfs:label " approfondire_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem76265approfondimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem59864ricerca ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76265approfondimento is approfondimento" ; rdfs:label " approfondimento_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem76267appropriazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76267appropriazione is appropriazione" ; rdfs:label " appropriazione_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem76269approssimare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3956muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76269approssimare is approssimare" ; rdfs:label " approssimare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem76270avvicinare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3956muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76270avvicinare is avvicinare" ; rdfs:label " avvicinare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem76271approvvigionamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76271approvvigionamento is approvvigionamento" ; rdfs:label " approvvigionamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76272appuntamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem60432incontro ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76272appuntamento is appuntamento" ; rdfs:label " appuntamento_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem76273arabescare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2646decorare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76273arabescare is arabescare" ; rdfs:label " arabescare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76274arbitraggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76274arbitraggio is arbitraggio" ; rdfs:label " arbitraggio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76275arbitrarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66733arbitrario ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76275arbitrarieta1 is arbitrarieta'" ; rdfs:label " arbitrarieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USem76277inchinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76277inchinare is inchinare" ; rdfs:label " inchinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76278archiviazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76278archiviazione is archiviazione" ; rdfs:label " archiviazione_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76280arcuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76280arcuare is arcuare" ; rdfs:label " arcuare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76281arcuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76281arcuare is arcuare" ; rdfs:label " arcuare_as_Move" . inds:USem76284ardere simple:hasIsa inds:USem78679bruciare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76284ardere is ardere" ; rdfs:label " ardere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76285ardere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76285ardere is ardere" ; rdfs:label " ardere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76286ardire simple:hasIsa inds:USem7040aspirare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76286ardire is ardire" ; rdfs:label " ardire_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem76293armamentario simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2878strumento, inds:USem68406materiale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76293armamentario is armamentario" ; rdfs:label " armamentario_as_Group" . inds:USem76294armeggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76294armeggiare is armeggiare" ; rdfs:label " armeggiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76295armeggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76295armeggiare is armeggiare" ; rdfs:label " armeggiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76296muovere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76296muovere is muovere" ; rdfs:label " muovere_as_Move" . inds:USem76297armonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2579teoria ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76297armonia is armonia" ; rdfs:label " armonia_as_Domain" . inds:USem76298armonia simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2735udito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76298armonia is armonia" ; rdfs:label " armonia_as_Perception" . inds:USem76299armonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76299armonia is armonia" ; rdfs:label " armonia_as_Quality" . inds:USem76300armonia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76300armonia is armonia" ; rdfs:label " armonia_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem76302strapazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76302strapazzare is strapazzare" ; rdfs:label " strapazzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76305trattare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59286analizzare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76305trattare is trattare" ; rdfs:label " trattare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem76306muovere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76306muovere is muovere" ; rdfs:label " muovere_as_Move" . inds:USem76309trattare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60751discutere ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76309trattare is trattare" ; rdfs:label " trattare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem76310trattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76310trattare is trattare" ; rdfs:label " trattare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76311trattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76311trattare is trattare" ; rdfs:label " trattare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76313trattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76313trattare is trattare" ; rdfs:label " trattare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76315trattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76315trattare is trattare" ; rdfs:label " trattare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem76316individuale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD5558individuo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76316individuale is individuale" ; rdfs:label " individuale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem76317conciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem75932condizionato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76317conciare is conciare" ; rdfs:label " conciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76319conciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76319conciare is conciare" ; rdfs:label " conciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76320orientare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6238individuare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76320orientare is orientare" ; rdfs:label " orientare_as_Perception" . inds:USem76321orientare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60592conoscere ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76321orientare is orientare" ; rdfs:label " orientare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem76325orientare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76325orientare is orientare" ; rdfs:label " orientare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem76326riaccostare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76326riaccostare is riaccostare" ; rdfs:label " riaccostare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76328riaccostare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76328riaccostare is riaccostare" ; rdfs:label " riaccostare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76329riaccostare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76329riaccostare is riaccostare" ; rdfs:label " riaccostare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76330accostare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76330accostare is accostare" ; rdfs:label " accostare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76331avvicinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76331avvicinare is avvicinare" ; rdfs:label " avvicinare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76334respirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76334respirare is respirare" ; rdfs:label " respirare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76336piazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60918mettere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76336piazzare is piazzare" ; rdfs:label " piazzare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76337piazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76337piazzare is piazzare" ; rdfs:label " piazzare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem76338piazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76340arrivare ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76338piazzare is piazzare" ; rdfs:label " piazzare_as_Event" . inds:USem76340arrivare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76340arrivare is arrivare" ; rdfs:label " arrivare_as_Event" . inds:USem76344guardare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76344guardare is guardare" ; rdfs:label " guardare_as_Perception" . inds:USem76345istintivo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem60271istinto ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76345istintivo is istintivo" ; rdfs:label " istintivo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem76346guardare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76346guardare is guardare" ; rdfs:label " guardare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76348scaraventare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76348scaraventare is scaraventare" ; rdfs:label " scaraventare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76349scaraventare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76349scaraventare is scaraventare" ; rdfs:label " scaraventare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76350scaraventare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76350scaraventare is scaraventare" ; rdfs:label " scaraventare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76353gettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76353gettare is gettare" ; rdfs:label " gettare_as_Move" . inds:USem76356limitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76356limitare is limitare" ; rdfs:label " limitare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76358limitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76358limitare is limitare" ; rdfs:label " limitare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76360limitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76360limitare is limitare" ; rdfs:label " limitare_as_State" . inds:USem76361serpeggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76361serpeggiare is serpeggiare" ; rdfs:label " serpeggiare_as_State" . inds:USem76362limitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76362limitare is limitare" ; rdfs:label " limitare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76363svolazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76363svolazzare is svolazzare" ; rdfs:label " svolazzare_as_Move" . inds:USem76367scostare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76367scostare is scostare" ; rdfs:label " scostare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76369scostare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76369scostare is scostare" ; rdfs:label " scostare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76370scostare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76370scostare is scostare" ; rdfs:label " scostare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem76373risollevare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76373risollevare is risollevare" ; rdfs:label " risollevare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76374vacillare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76374vacillare is vacillare" ; rdfs:label " vacillare_as_Move" . inds:USem76375risollevare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76375risollevare is risollevare" ; rdfs:label " risollevare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem76377risollevare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76377risollevare is risollevare" ; rdfs:label " risollevare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76378alzare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6134alto ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76378alzare is alzare" ; rdfs:label " alzare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem76379rizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76379rizzare is rizzare" ; rdfs:label " rizzare_as_Move" . inds:USem76380rizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76380rizzare is rizzare" ; rdfs:label " rizzare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem76382rizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76382rizzare is rizzare" ; rdfs:label " rizzare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76386lavavetri simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76386lavavetri is lavavetri" ; rdfs:label " lavavetri_as_Instrument" . inds:USem76387lavavetri simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76387lavavetri is lavavetri" ; rdfs:label " lavavetri_as_Profession" . inds:USem76388stelo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76388stelo is stelo" ; rdfs:label " stelo_as_Part" . inds:USem76389stelo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76389stelo is stelo" ; rdfs:label " stelo_as_Part" . inds:USem76391arrivederci simple:hasIsa inds:USem71792formula ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76391arrivederci is arrivederci" ; rdfs:label " arrivederci_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem76393artificio simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76393artificio is artificio" ; rdfs:label " artificio_as_Telic" . inds:USem76394artificio simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76394artificio is artificio" ; rdfs:label " artificio_as_Quality" . inds:USem76395artigianato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76395artigianato is artigianato" ; rdfs:label " artigianato_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76396artigianato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD7053prodotto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76396artigianato is artigianato" ; rdfs:label " artigianato_as_Group" . inds:USem76397artigianato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76397artigianato is artigianato" ; rdfs:label " artigianato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem76398aruspice simple:hasIsa inds:USem62578sacerdote ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4602societa1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76398aruspice is aruspice" ; rdfs:label " aruspice_as_Social_status" . inds:USem76399ascendenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76399ascendenza is ascendenza" ; rdfs:label " ascendenza_as_State" . inds:USem76400ascendenza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64344antenato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76400ascendenza is ascendenza" ; rdfs:label " ascendenza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem76401ascendenza simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76401ascendenza is ascendenza" ; rdfs:label " ascendenza_as_Representation" . inds:USem76402stipite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem72355struttura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76402stipite is stipite" ; rdfs:label " stipite_as_Part" . inds:USem76403ascesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem61256disciplina ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76403ascesi is ascesi" ; rdfs:label " ascesi_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem76404occhione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2875rimorchio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76404occhione is occhione" ; rdfs:label " occhione_as_Part" . inds:USem76405stipetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2340armadio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76405stipetto is stipetto" ; rdfs:label " stipetto_as_Furniture" . inds:USem76406ascesso simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem3869infezione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76406ascesso is ascesso" ; rdfs:label " ascesso_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem76407asciutto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76407asciutto is asciutto" ; rdfs:label " asciutto_as_Area" . inds:USem76408asciutto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76408asciutto is asciutto" ; rdfs:label " asciutto_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem76409asse simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76409asse is asse" ; rdfs:label " asse_as_Artifact" . inds:USem76410asse simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76410asse is asse" ; rdfs:label " asse_as_Shape" . inds:USem76411asse simple:hasIsa inds:USem65760organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76411asse is asse" ; rdfs:label " asse_as_Part" . inds:USem76412stiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave, inds:USemD7355velivolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76412stiva is stiva" ; rdfs:label " stiva_as_Part" . inds:USem76413assenteismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76413assenteismo is assenteismo" ; rdfs:label " assenteismo_as_State" . inds:USem76414assessorato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5578assessore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76414assessorato is assessorato" ; rdfs:label " assessorato_as_Convention" . inds:USem76415assessorato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3653impiegato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76415assessorato is assessorato" ; rdfs:label " assessorato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem76416assessorato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5578assessore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76416assessorato is assessorato" ; rdfs:label " assessorato_as_Building" . inds:USem76417stolido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76417stolido is stolido" ; rdfs:label " stolido_as_Human" . inds:USem76418assessorato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76418assessorato is assessorato" ; rdfs:label " assessorato_as_Time" . inds:USem76419stolto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76419stolto is stolto" ; rdfs:label " stolto_as_Human" . inds:USem76421straccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5435tela ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76421straccio is straccio" ; rdfs:label " straccio_as_Furniture" . inds:USem76422assito simple:hasIsa inds:USem59836parete ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76422assito is assito" ; rdfs:label " assito_as_Part" . inds:USem76423parete simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2226montagna ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76423parete is parete" ; rdfs:label " parete_as_Part" . inds:USem76425asso simple:hasContains inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62905carta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76425asso is asso" ; rdfs:label " asso_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem76426asso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76426asso is asso" ; rdfs:label " asso_as_Human" . inds:USem76427assoluto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76427assoluto is assoluto" ; rdfs:label " assoluto_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem76428asticciola simple:hasIsa inds:USem67499asta ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76428asticciola is asticciola" ; rdfs:label " asticciola_as_Artifact" . inds:USem76429astigmatismo simple:hasAffects inds:USem60548vista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem78748difetto ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76429astigmatismo is astigmatismo" ; rdfs:label " astigmatismo_as_Disease" . inds:USem76431astore simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1739artiglio, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65489rapace ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76431astore is astore" ; rdfs:label " astore_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem76432astratto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76432astratto is astratto" ; rdfs:label " astratto_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem76433astrofisico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76433astrofisico is astrofisico" ; rdfs:label " astrofisico_as_Profession" . inds:USem76434astronautica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76434astronautica is astronautica" ; rdfs:label " astronautica_as_Domain" . inds:USem76436ateniese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2095atene ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76436ateniese is ateniese" ; rdfs:label " ateniese_as_People" . inds:USem76437atletismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76437atletismo is atletismo" ; rdfs:label " atletismo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76438occhione simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76438occhione is occhione" ; rdfs:label " occhione_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem76439osteoporosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76439osteoporosi is osteoporosi" ; rdfs:label " osteoporosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem76440atonia simple:hasAffects inds:USem1768organo, inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76440atonia is atonia" ; rdfs:label " atonia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem76441atonia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76441atonia is atonia" ; rdfs:label " atonia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem76442prepotente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76442prepotente is prepotente" ; rdfs:label " prepotente_as_Human" . inds:USem76443disporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Stative_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76443disporre is disporre" ; rdfs:label " disporre_as_Stative_Possession" . inds:USem76444disporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76444disporre is disporre" ; rdfs:label " disporre_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76445disporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76445disporre is disporre" ; rdfs:label " disporre_as_Move" . inds:USem76446murare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76446murare is murare" ; rdfs:label " murare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76448immergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76448immergere is immergere" ; rdfs:label " immergere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76449introdurre simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6994entrare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76449introdurre is introdurre" ; rdfs:label " introdurre_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem76451rinserrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76451rinserrare is rinserrare" ; rdfs:label " rinserrare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76452rinserrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61240imprigionare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76452rinserrare is rinserrare" ; rdfs:label " rinserrare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76457risommergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76457risommergere is risommergere" ; rdfs:label " risommergere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76458sommergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76458sommergere is sommergere" ; rdfs:label " sommergere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76459sommergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76459sommergere is sommergere" ; rdfs:label " sommergere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem76460sommergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76460sommergere is sommergere" ; rdfs:label " sommergere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76461musicale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem61614musica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76461musicale is musicale" ; rdfs:label " musicale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem76462sommergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76462sommergere is sommergere" ; rdfs:label " sommergere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76463risommergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76463risommergere is risommergere" ; rdfs:label " risommergere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem76464risommergere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76464risommergere is risommergere" ; rdfs:label " risommergere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76466rinchiudere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76466rinchiudere is rinchiudere" ; rdfs:label " rinchiudere_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76467rinchiudere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76467rinchiudere is rinchiudere" ; rdfs:label " rinchiudere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76468segregare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76468segregare is segregare" ; rdfs:label " segregare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76470segregare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76470segregare is segregare" ; rdfs:label " segregare_as_State" . inds:USem76474rituffare simple:hasIsa inds:USem72201immergere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76474rituffare is rituffare" ; rdfs:label " rituffare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76476slanciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76476slanciare is slanciare" ; rdfs:label " slanciare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76477slanciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76477slanciare is slanciare" ; rdfs:label " slanciare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem76478slanciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76478slanciare is slanciare" ; rdfs:label " slanciare_as_Move" . inds:USem76479vedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6368cercare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76479vedere is vedere" ; rdfs:label " vedere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem76481vedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76481vedere is vedere" ; rdfs:label " vedere_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem76484vedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76484vedere is vedere" ; rdfs:label " vedere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76485tuffare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76485tuffare is tuffare" ; rdfs:label " tuffare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76486afflusso simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76486afflusso is afflusso" ; rdfs:label " afflusso_as_Move" . inds:USem76487bagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6916bagnato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76487bagnare is bagnare" ; rdfs:label " bagnare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76488chiudere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76488chiudere is chiudere" ; rdfs:label " chiudere_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76489chiudere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76489chiudere is chiudere" ; rdfs:label " chiudere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76490collocare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76490collocare is collocare" ; rdfs:label " collocare_as_Move" . inds:USem76491porre simple:hasIsa inds:USem60918mettere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76491porre is porre" ; rdfs:label " porre_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76493porre simple:hasIsa inds:USem59274pensare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76493porre is porre" ; rdfs:label " porre_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem76494porre simple:hasIsa inds:USem65271domandare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76494porre is porre" ; rdfs:label " porre_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem76497girare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76497girare is girare" ; rdfs:label " girare_as_State" . inds:USem76497ortodosso simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD66806ortodossia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76497ortodosso is ortodosso" ; rdfs:label " ortodosso_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem76499integrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76499integrare is integrare" ; rdfs:label " integrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76501integrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76501integrare is integrare" ; rdfs:label " integrare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76503inserire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76503inserire is inserire" ; rdfs:label " inserire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76504integrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76504integrare is integrare" ; rdfs:label " integrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76506riparare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76506riparare is riparare" ; rdfs:label " riparare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76508rigirare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6572girare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76508rigirare is rigirare" ; rdfs:label " rigirare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem76509rigirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76509rigirare is rigirare" ; rdfs:label " rigirare_as_Move" . inds:USem76510rigirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76510rigirare is rigirare" ; rdfs:label " rigirare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem76511rigirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76511rigirare is rigirare" ; rdfs:label " rigirare_as_Move" . inds:USem76513rintanare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76513rintanare is rintanare" ; rdfs:label " rintanare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem76514rimpiattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76514rimpiattare is rimpiattare" ; rdfs:label " rimpiattare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76515buttare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76515buttare is buttare" ; rdfs:label " buttare_as_Move" . inds:USem76517gettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76517gettare is gettare" ; rdfs:label " gettare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76520equipaggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76520equipaggiare is equipaggiare" ; rdfs:label " equipaggiare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem76523imbarcare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76523imbarcare is imbarcare" ; rdfs:label " imbarcare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76525imbarcare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76525imbarcare is imbarcare" ; rdfs:label " imbarcare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76526serbare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76526serbare is serbare" ; rdfs:label " serbare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76527serbare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76527serbare is serbare" ; rdfs:label " serbare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76528serbare simple:hasIsa inds:USem66638mantenere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76528serbare is serbare" ; rdfs:label " serbare_as_State" . inds:USem76529vendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76529vendere is vendere" ; rdfs:label " vendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76531stendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76531stendere is stendere" ; rdfs:label " stendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76532stendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76532stendere is stendere" ; rdfs:label " stendere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76533stendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76533stendere is stendere" ; rdfs:label " stendere_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76534stendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76534stendere is stendere" ; rdfs:label " stendere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76535trascinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76535trascinare is trascinare" ; rdfs:label " trascinare_as_Event" . inds:USem76536trascinare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76536trascinare is trascinare" ; rdfs:label " trascinare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem76537mascherare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76540vestire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76537mascherare is mascherare" ; rdfs:label " mascherare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76538mascherare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76538mascherare is mascherare" ; rdfs:label " mascherare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76539mascherare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem60888nascondere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76539mascherare is mascherare" ; rdfs:label " mascherare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76540vestire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76540vestire is vestire" ; rdfs:label " vestire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76541vestire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76541vestire is vestire" ; rdfs:label " vestire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76542camuffare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76540vestire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76542camuffare is camuffare" ; rdfs:label " camuffare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76543camuffare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76543camuffare is camuffare" ; rdfs:label " camuffare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76544rendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76544rendere is rendere" ; rdfs:label " rendere_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76545penetrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76545penetrare is penetrare" ; rdfs:label " penetrare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76546penetrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76546penetrare is penetrare" ; rdfs:label " penetrare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76547penetrare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76547penetrare is penetrare" ; rdfs:label " penetrare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem76548penetrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76548penetrare is penetrare" ; rdfs:label " penetrare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76549chiamare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59977convocare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76549chiamare is chiamare" ; rdfs:label " chiamare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76550conservare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76550conservare is conservare" ; rdfs:label " conservare_as_State" . inds:USem76551raschiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76551raschiare is raschiare" ; rdfs:label " raschiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76555erosione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76555erosione is erosione" ; rdfs:label " erosione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76558popolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5013stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76558popolare is popolare" ; rdfs:label " popolare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem76559abitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76558popolare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76559abitare is abitare" ; rdfs:label " abitare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem76562popolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76562popolare is popolare" ; rdfs:label " popolare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76563popolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76563popolare is popolare" ; rdfs:label " popolare_as_Change" . inds:USem76567rifare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76567rifare is rifare" ; rdfs:label " rifare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76569rendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76569rendere is rendere" ; rdfs:label " rendere_as_Cause" . inds:USem76570rendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76570rendere is rendere" ; rdfs:label " rendere_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76571proclamare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60782dichiarare ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76571proclamare is proclamare" ; rdfs:label " proclamare_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem76575proporzionale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD76558proporzione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76575proporzionale is proporzionale" ; rdfs:label " proporzionale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem76577qualificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60018vincere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76577qualificare is qualificare" ; rdfs:label " qualificare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76578riconoscere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5605giudicare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76578riconoscere is riconoscere" ; rdfs:label " riconoscere_as_Judgement" . inds:USem76579riconoscere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76579riconoscere is riconoscere" ; rdfs:label " riconoscere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76585erigere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76585erigere is erigere" ; rdfs:label " erigere_as_Event" . inds:USem76586spacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76586spacciare is spacciare" ; rdfs:label " spacciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76587consegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76587consegnare is consegnare" ; rdfs:label " consegnare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76588donare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76588donare is donare" ; rdfs:label " donare_as_State" . inds:USem76591negare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76591negare is negare" ; rdfs:label " negare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76592vendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76592vendere is vendere" ; rdfs:label " vendere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76593sforzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76593sforzare is sforzare" ; rdfs:label " sforzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76594sforzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61305obbligare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76594sforzare is sforzare" ; rdfs:label " sforzare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem76595sforzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61305obbligare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76595sforzare is sforzare" ; rdfs:label " sforzare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem76596inabilitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76596inabilitare is inabilitare" ; rdfs:label " inabilitare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76598immatricolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76598immatricolare is immatricolare" ; rdfs:label " immatricolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76601imporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76601imporre is imporre" ; rdfs:label " imporre_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem76602predisporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76602predisporre is predisporre" ; rdfs:label " predisporre_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76606riunire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76606riunire is riunire" ; rdfs:label " riunire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76607sottrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76607sottrarre is sottrarre" ; rdfs:label " sottrarre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76609reprimere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76609reprimere is reprimere" ; rdfs:label " reprimere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem76610stringere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76610stringere is stringere" ; rdfs:label " stringere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76611stringere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76611stringere is stringere" ; rdfs:label " stringere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76612stringere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76612stringere is stringere" ; rdfs:label " stringere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76613stringere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76613stringere is stringere" ; rdfs:label " stringere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76615stringere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76615stringere is stringere" ; rdfs:label " stringere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76617stringere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76617stringere is stringere" ; rdfs:label " stringere_as_State" . inds:USem76618stringere simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3956muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76618stringere is stringere" ; rdfs:label " stringere_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem76619stringere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76619stringere is stringere" ; rdfs:label " stringere_as_State" . inds:USem76621allargare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76621allargare is allargare" ; rdfs:label " allargare_as_State" . inds:USem76625sottoporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem61305obbligare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76625sottoporre is sottoporre" ; rdfs:label " sottoporre_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem76626sottoporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76626sottoporre is sottoporre" ; rdfs:label " sottoporre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76627sottoporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76627sottoporre is sottoporre" ; rdfs:label " sottoporre_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76628restringere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59109ideare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem76624ristretto ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76628restringere is restringere" ; rdfs:label " restringere_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem76629ricorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76629ricorrere is ricorrere" ; rdfs:label " ricorrere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76630assicurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76630assicurare is assicurare" ; rdfs:label " assicurare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76631assicurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Commissive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76631assicurare is assicurare" ; rdfs:label " assicurare_as_Commissive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem76632assicurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76632assicurare is assicurare" ; rdfs:label " assicurare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76633assicurare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63056verificare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76633assicurare is assicurare" ; rdfs:label " assicurare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem76635aggiungere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76635aggiungere is aggiungere" ; rdfs:label " aggiungere_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem76636aggiungere simple:hasIsa inds:USem79065unire ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76636aggiungere is aggiungere" ; rdfs:label " aggiungere_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem76637tesserare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76637tesserare is tesserare" ; rdfs:label " tesserare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76639strusciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76639strusciare is strusciare" ; rdfs:label " strusciare_as_Move" . inds:USem76640strusciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76640strusciare is strusciare" ; rdfs:label " strusciare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76641strusciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76641strusciare is strusciare" ; rdfs:label " strusciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76642assuefare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76642assuefare is assuefare" ; rdfs:label " assuefare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76643assuefare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76643assuefare is assuefare" ; rdfs:label " assuefare_as_Change" . inds:USem76644rivestire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76644rivestire is rivestire" ; rdfs:label " rivestire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76646disabituare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76646disabituare is disabituare" ; rdfs:label " disabituare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76652confrontare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60751discutere ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76652confrontare is confrontare" ; rdfs:label " confrontare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem76653conciliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76653conciliare is conciliare" ; rdfs:label " conciliare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76654conciliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76654conciliare is conciliare" ; rdfs:label " conciliare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem76661identificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76661identificare is identificare" ; rdfs:label " identificare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem76663riconciliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76689rappacificare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76663riconciliare is riconciliare" ; rdfs:label " riconciliare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76668rappacificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76668rappacificare is rappacificare" ; rdfs:label " rappacificare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76670pacificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76670pacificare is pacificare" ; rdfs:label " pacificare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76672pacificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD64047tranquillizzare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76672pacificare is pacificare" ; rdfs:label " pacificare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76673sfregare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76673sfregare is sfregare" ; rdfs:label " sfregare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76674sfregare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76674sfregare is sfregare" ; rdfs:label " sfregare_as_Move" . inds:USem76676sostenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76676sostenere is sostenere" ; rdfs:label " sostenere_as_State" . inds:USem76677separare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76677separare is separare" ; rdfs:label " separare_as_Cause" . inds:USem76680pungere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76680pungere is pungere" ; rdfs:label " pungere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76681riscaldare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76681riscaldare is riscaldare" ; rdfs:label " riscaldare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76682conciliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76682conciliare is conciliare" ; rdfs:label " conciliare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76683fidanzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76683fidanzare is fidanzare" ; rdfs:label " fidanzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76686riconciliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76689rappacificare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76686riconciliare is riconciliare" ; rdfs:label " riconciliare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76689rappacificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76689rappacificare is rappacificare" ; rdfs:label " rappacificare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76690pacificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76690pacificare is pacificare" ; rdfs:label " pacificare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76692scottare simple:hasIsa inds:USem64382bruciare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76692scottare is scottare" ; rdfs:label " scottare_as_State" . inds:USem76693scottare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76693scottare is scottare" ; rdfs:label " scottare_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem76695scottare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76695scottare is scottare" ; rdfs:label " scottare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76696scottare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76696scottare is scottare" ; rdfs:label " scottare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76697scottare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6975cucinare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76697scottare is scottare" ; rdfs:label " scottare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76698spaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76698spaccare is spaccare" ; rdfs:label " spaccare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76703scaldare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76703scaldare is scaldare" ; rdfs:label " scaldare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76705scaldare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76705scaldare is scaldare" ; rdfs:label " scaldare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76706scaldare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76706scaldare is scaldare" ; rdfs:label " scaldare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76707sventolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76707sventolare is sventolare" ; rdfs:label " sventolare_as_Move" . inds:USem76709sventolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76709sventolare is sventolare" ; rdfs:label " sventolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76713tagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76713tagliare is tagliare" ; rdfs:label " tagliare_as_State" . inds:USem76714tagliare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3983diminuire ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76714tagliare is tagliare" ; rdfs:label " tagliare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem76715tagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79131mescolare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76715tagliare is tagliare" ; rdfs:label " tagliare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem76716sbugiardare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76716sbugiardare is sbugiardare" ; rdfs:label " sbugiardare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76719uccidere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76719uccidere is uccidere" ; rdfs:label " uccidere_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem76720tagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62282accorciare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76720tagliare is tagliare" ; rdfs:label " tagliare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76721arricchire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76721arricchire is arricchire" ; rdfs:label " arricchire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76722ammazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76722ammazzare is ammazzare" ; rdfs:label " ammazzare_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem76723ammazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76723ammazzare is ammazzare" ; rdfs:label " ammazzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76726vaccinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5466prevenire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76726vaccinare is vaccinare" ; rdfs:label " vaccinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76727cautelare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76727cautelare is cautelare" ; rdfs:label " cautelare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76728tutelare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76728tutelare is tutelare" ; rdfs:label " tutelare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76729esentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76729esentare is esentare" ; rdfs:label " esentare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76735tamburellare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76735tamburellare is tamburellare" ; rdfs:label " tamburellare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76736spingere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76736spingere is spingere" ; rdfs:label " spingere_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76738tecnico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76738tecnico is tecnico" ; rdfs:label " tecnico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem76739riscattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76739riscattare is riscattare" ; rdfs:label " riscattare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76740parare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76740parare is parare" ; rdfs:label " parare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76741parare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76741parare is parare" ; rdfs:label " parare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76742parare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76742parare is parare" ; rdfs:label " parare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76744smuovere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76744smuovere is smuovere" ; rdfs:label " smuovere_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem76745smuovere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76745smuovere is smuovere" ; rdfs:label " smuovere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76747smuovere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76747smuovere is smuovere" ; rdfs:label " smuovere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76748smuovere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76748smuovere is smuovere" ; rdfs:label " smuovere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76750scuotere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3642battere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76750scuotere is scuotere" ; rdfs:label " scuotere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76751svincolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74095liberare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76751svincolare is svincolare" ; rdfs:label " svincolare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76752svincolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76752svincolare is svincolare" ; rdfs:label " svincolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76754gioco simple:hasTelic inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76754gioco is gioco" ; rdfs:label " gioco_as_Telic" . inds:USem76759mancare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76759mancare is mancare" ; rdfs:label " mancare_as_State" . inds:USem76760mancare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76760mancare is mancare" ; rdfs:label " mancare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76761mancare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76761mancare is mancare" ; rdfs:label " mancare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem76762trarre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76762trarre is trarre" ; rdfs:label " trarre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76763trarre simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76763trarre is trarre" ; rdfs:label " trarre_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76764accendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76764accendere is accendere" ; rdfs:label " accendere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76765trarre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76765trarre is trarre" ; rdfs:label " trarre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76766staccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60390separare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76766staccare is staccare" ; rdfs:label " staccare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem76767staccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76767staccare is staccare" ; rdfs:label " staccare_as_Cause" . inds:USem76768staccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76768staccare is staccare" ; rdfs:label " staccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76769staccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76769staccare is staccare" ; rdfs:label " staccare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76770difendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76770difendere is difendere" ; rdfs:label " difendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76772emancipare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76772emancipare is emancipare" ; rdfs:label " emancipare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76773correggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76773correggere is correggere" ; rdfs:label " correggere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76774licenziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76774licenziare is licenziare" ; rdfs:label " licenziare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76775ritrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76775ritrarre is ritrarre" ; rdfs:label " ritrarre_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76776ritrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76776ritrarre is ritrarre" ; rdfs:label " ritrarre_as_Move" . inds:USem76777sganciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76777sganciare is sganciare" ; rdfs:label " sganciare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76779sciogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76779sciogliere is sciogliere" ; rdfs:label " sciogliere_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76780sciogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76780sciogliere is sciogliere" ; rdfs:label " sciogliere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76781sciogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76781sciogliere is sciogliere" ; rdfs:label " sciogliere_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76783insignire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76783insignire is insignire" ; rdfs:label " insignire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76784investire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76784investire is investire" ; rdfs:label " investire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76785spogliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76785spogliare is spogliare" ; rdfs:label " spogliare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem76786spogliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76786spogliare is spogliare" ; rdfs:label " spogliare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76787fornire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76787fornire is fornire" ; rdfs:label " fornire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76790munire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76790munire is munire" ; rdfs:label " munire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76791provvedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76791provvedere is provvedere" ; rdfs:label " provvedere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76795gravare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76795gravare is gravare" ; rdfs:label " gravare_as_State" . inds:USem76796gravare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7020pesante ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76796gravare is gravare" ; rdfs:label " gravare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem76797gravare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76797gravare is gravare" ; rdfs:label " gravare_as_State" . inds:USem76800gravare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76800gravare is gravare" ; rdfs:label " gravare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76802nutrire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76802nutrire is nutrire" ; rdfs:label " nutrire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76804due simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76804due is due" ; rdfs:label " due_as_Number" . inds:USem76806sedici simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76806sedici is sedici" ; rdfs:label " sedici_as_Number" . inds:USem76807diciannove simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76807diciannove is diciannove" ; rdfs:label " diciannove_as_Number" . inds:USem76809cinque simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76809cinque is cinque" ; rdfs:label " cinque_as_Number" . inds:USem76810dodici simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76810dodici is dodici" ; rdfs:label " dodici_as_Number" . inds:USem76812cinquanta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76812cinquanta is cinquanta" ; rdfs:label " cinquanta_as_Number" . inds:USem76813cento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76813cento is cento" ; rdfs:label " cento_as_Number" . inds:USem76814quattrocento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76814quattrocento is quattrocento" ; rdfs:label " quattrocento_as_Number" . inds:USem76815ottocento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76815ottocento is ottocento" ; rdfs:label " ottocento_as_Number" . inds:USem76816ricaricare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76816ricaricare is ricaricare" ; rdfs:label " ricaricare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76817duecento simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76817duecento is duecento" ; rdfs:label " duecento_as_Number" . inds:USem76818duemila simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76818duemila is duemila" ; rdfs:label " duemila_as_Number" . inds:USem76819diciassette simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76819diciassette is diciassette" ; rdfs:label " diciassette_as_Number" . inds:USem76821ricaricare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76821ricaricare is ricaricare" ; rdfs:label " ricaricare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76822ricaricare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76822ricaricare is ricaricare" ; rdfs:label " ricaricare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76825produrre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76825produrre is produrre" ; rdfs:label " produrre_as_Cause" . inds:USem76829ventuno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76829ventuno is ventuno" ; rdfs:label " ventuno_as_Number" . inds:USem76830ventidue simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76830ventidue is ventidue" ; rdfs:label " ventidue_as_Number" . inds:USem76831trentacinque simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76831trentacinque is trentacinque" ; rdfs:label " trentacinque_as_Number" . inds:USem76832ventitre1 simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76832ventitre1 is ventitre'" ; rdfs:label " ventitre'_as_Number" . inds:USem76833trentasei simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76833trentasei is trentasei" ; rdfs:label " trentasei_as_Number" . inds:USem76834ventiquattro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76834ventiquattro is ventiquattro" ; rdfs:label " ventiquattro_as_Number" . inds:USem76835trentasette simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76835trentasette is trentasette" ; rdfs:label " trentasette_as_Number" . inds:USem76836venticinque simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76836venticinque is venticinque" ; rdfs:label " venticinque_as_Number" . inds:USem76837trentotto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76837trentotto is trentotto" ; rdfs:label " trentotto_as_Number" . inds:USem76838ventisei simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76838ventisei is ventisei" ; rdfs:label " ventisei_as_Number" . inds:USem76839trentanove simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76839trentanove is trentanove" ; rdfs:label " trentanove_as_Number" . inds:USem76840quarantuno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76840quarantuno is quarantuno" ; rdfs:label " quarantuno_as_Number" . inds:USem76841ventisette simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76841ventisette is ventisette" ; rdfs:label " ventisette_as_Number" . inds:USem76842quarantadue simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76842quarantadue is quarantadue" ; rdfs:label " quarantadue_as_Number" . inds:USem76843ventotto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76843ventotto is ventotto" ; rdfs:label " ventotto_as_Number" . inds:USem76845ventinove simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76845ventinove is ventinove" ; rdfs:label " ventinove_as_Number" . inds:USem76846quarantaquattro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76846quarantaquattro is quarantaquattro" ; rdfs:label " quarantaquattro_as_Number" . inds:USem76847trentuno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76847trentuno is trentuno" ; rdfs:label " trentuno_as_Number" . inds:USem76848quarantasei simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76848quarantasei is quarantasei" ; rdfs:label " quarantasei_as_Number" . inds:USem76848trentadue simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76848trentadue is trentadue" ; rdfs:label " trentadue_as_Number" . inds:USem76849quarantanove simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76849quarantanove is quarantanove" ; rdfs:label " quarantanove_as_Number" . inds:USem76850trentatre1 simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76850trentatre1 is trentatre'" ; rdfs:label " trentatre'_as_Number" . inds:USem76851trentaquattro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76851trentaquattro is trentaquattro" ; rdfs:label " trentaquattro_as_Number" . inds:USem76858aragosta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76858aragosta is aragosta" ; rdfs:label " aragosta_as_Color" . inds:USem76861acciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76861acciaio is acciaio" ; rdfs:label " acciaio_as_Color" . inds:USem76862sentire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1790bocca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76862sentire is sentire" ; rdfs:label " sentire_as_Perception" . inds:USem76863argento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76863argento is argento" ; rdfs:label " argento_as_Color" . inds:USem76864bigio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76864bigio is bigio" ; rdfs:label " bigio_as_Color" . inds:USem76865bronzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76865bronzo is bronzo" ; rdfs:label " bronzo_as_Color" . inds:USem76866caffellatte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76866caffellatte is caffellatte" ; rdfs:label " caffellatte_as_Color" . inds:USem76867canarino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76867canarino is canarino" ; rdfs:label " canarino_as_Color" . inds:USem76868ebano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76868ebano is ebano" ; rdfs:label " ebano_as_Color" . inds:USem76869caramella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76869caramella is caramella" ; rdfs:label " caramella_as_Color" . inds:USem76871carota simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76871carota is carota" ; rdfs:label " carota_as_Color" . inds:USem76872ecru simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76872ecru is ecru" ; rdfs:label " ecru_as_Color" . inds:USem76873granata simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76873granata is granata" ; rdfs:label " granata_as_Color" . inds:USem76874lavagna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76874lavagna is lavagna" ; rdfs:label " lavagna_as_Color" . inds:USem76875cenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76875cenere is cenere" ; rdfs:label " cenere_as_Color" . inds:USem76876mogano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76876mogano is mogano" ; rdfs:label " mogano_as_Color" . inds:USem76877rame simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76877rame is rame" ; rdfs:label " rame_as_Color" . inds:USem76878vinaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76878vinaccia is vinaccia" ; rdfs:label " vinaccia_as_Color" . inds:USem76880tortora simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76880tortora is tortora" ; rdfs:label " tortora_as_Color" . inds:USem76881fragola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76881fragola is fragola" ; rdfs:label " fragola_as_Color" . inds:USem76882ciliegia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76882ciliegia is ciliegia" ; rdfs:label " ciliegia_as_Color" . inds:USem76883geranio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76883geranio is geranio" ; rdfs:label " geranio_as_Color" . inds:USem76884limone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76884limone is limone" ; rdfs:label " limone_as_Color" . inds:USem76885muschio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76885muschio is muschio" ; rdfs:label " muschio_as_Color" . inds:USem76886miele simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76886miele is miele" ; rdfs:label " miele_as_Color" . inds:USem76888pavone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76888pavone is pavone" ; rdfs:label " pavone_as_Color" . inds:USem76889noce simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76889noce is noce" ; rdfs:label " noce_as_Color" . inds:USem76890paglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76890paglia is paglia" ; rdfs:label " paglia_as_Color" . inds:USem76891pistacchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76891pistacchio is pistacchio" ; rdfs:label " pistacchio_as_Color" . inds:USem76892pisello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76892pisello is pisello" ; rdfs:label " pisello_as_Color" . inds:USem76893rossastro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76893rossastro is rossastro" ; rdfs:label " rossastro_as_Color" . inds:USem76894topo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76894topo is topo" ; rdfs:label " topo_as_Color" . inds:USem76895prugna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76895prugna is prugna" ; rdfs:label " prugna_as_Color" . inds:USem76896bruno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76896bruno is bruno" ; rdfs:label " bruno_as_Color" . inds:USem76897caffe1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76897caffe1 is caffe'" ; rdfs:label " caffe'_as_Color" . inds:USem76899saturare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76899saturare is saturare" ; rdfs:label " saturare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76901circondare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76901circondare is circondare" ; rdfs:label " circondare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76902circondare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76902circondare is circondare" ; rdfs:label " circondare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76904insudiciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76904insudiciare is insudiciare" ; rdfs:label " insudiciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76905insudiciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76905insudiciare is insudiciare" ; rdfs:label " insudiciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76906ferro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76906ferro is ferro" ; rdfs:label " ferro_as_Color" . inds:USem76907oliva simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76907oliva is oliva" ; rdfs:label " oliva_as_Color" . inds:USem76908impiastrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6976sporcare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62290unto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76908impiastrare is impiastrare" ; rdfs:label " impiastrare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76909impiastrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76909impiastrare is impiastrare" ; rdfs:label " impiastrare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76911ruggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76911ruggine is ruggine" ; rdfs:label " ruggine_as_Color" . inds:USem76912salmone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76912salmone is salmone" ; rdfs:label " salmone_as_Color" . inds:USem76915brillante simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD76644brillante ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76915brillante is brillante" ; rdfs:label " brillante_as_Clothing" . inds:USem76917corallo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3079corallo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76917corallo is corallo" ; rdfs:label " corallo_as_Clothing" . inds:USem76918lapislazzuli simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2464azzurro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3198lapislazzuli ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76918lapislazzuli is lapislazzuli" ; rdfs:label " lapislazzuli_as_Clothing" . inds:USem76919insaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76919insaccare is insaccare" ; rdfs:label " insaccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76920invischiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76920invischiare is invischiare" ; rdfs:label " invischiare_as_Cause" . inds:USem76921topazio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3153topazio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76921topazio is topazio" ; rdfs:label " topazio_as_Clothing" . inds:USem76922civico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD5268comune ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76922civico is civico" ; rdfs:label " civico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem76922zaffiro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2464azzurro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem4053zaffiro ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76922zaffiro is zaffiro" ; rdfs:label " zaffiro_as_Clothing" . inds:USem76923inviluppare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61597avvolgere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76923inviluppare is inviluppare" ; rdfs:label " inviluppare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76924tabacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76924tabacco is tabacco" ; rdfs:label " tabacco_as_Color" . inds:USem76925diamante simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem71749diamante ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76925diamante is diamante" ; rdfs:label " diamante_as_Clothing" . inds:USem76926sabbia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76926sabbia is sabbia" ; rdfs:label " sabbia_as_Color" . inds:USem76927petrolio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76927petrolio is petrolio" ; rdfs:label " petrolio_as_Color" . inds:USem76928affittare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76928affittare is affittare" ; rdfs:label " affittare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem76929involgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76929involgere is involgere" ; rdfs:label " involgere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76930ravvolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76930ravvolgere is ravvolgere" ; rdfs:label " ravvolgere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76931avviluppare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75975coprire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76931avviluppare is avviluppare" ; rdfs:label " avviluppare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76934compromettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76934compromettere is compromettere" ; rdfs:label " compromettere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76935propendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76935propendere is propendere" ; rdfs:label " propendere_as_State" . inds:USem76936direzionale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem61343direzione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76936direzionale is direzionale" ; rdfs:label " direzionale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem76937compromettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76937compromettere is compromettere" ; rdfs:label " compromettere_as_Event" . inds:USem76938ghettizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76938ghettizzare is ghettizzare" ; rdfs:label " ghettizzare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem76939reintegrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76939reintegrare is reintegrare" ; rdfs:label " reintegrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76940reintegrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76940reintegrare is reintegrare" ; rdfs:label " reintegrare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem76941svenare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76941svenare is svenare" ; rdfs:label " svenare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem76942svenare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7136privare ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76942svenare is svenare" ; rdfs:label " svenare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem76945sacrificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7157offrire ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76945sacrificare is sacrificare" ; rdfs:label " sacrificare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem76946sacrificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76946sacrificare is sacrificare" ; rdfs:label " sacrificare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76948spolpare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76948spolpare is spolpare" ; rdfs:label " spolpare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76949spolpare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7136privare ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76949spolpare is spolpare" ; rdfs:label " spolpare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem76950dirigere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76950dirigere is dirigere" ; rdfs:label " dirigere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76952definire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76952definire is definire" ; rdfs:label " definire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76954definire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5605giudicare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76954definire is definire" ; rdfs:label " definire_as_Judgement" . inds:USem76956istruire simple:hasIsa inds:USem74769acquisire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76956istruire is istruire" ; rdfs:label " istruire_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem76957erudire simple:hasIsa inds:USem74769acquisire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76957erudire is erudire" ; rdfs:label " erudire_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem76958documentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3923insegnare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76958documentare is documentare" ; rdfs:label " documentare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem76960depilare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62282accorciare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76960depilare is depilare" ; rdfs:label " depilare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76961depilare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62282accorciare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76961depilare is depilare" ; rdfs:label " depilare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76963bilanciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76963bilanciare is bilanciare" ; rdfs:label " bilanciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76966bilanciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76966bilanciare is bilanciare" ; rdfs:label " bilanciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76969avariare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76969avariare is avariare" ; rdfs:label " avariare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76970cullare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3964muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76970cullare is cullare" ; rdfs:label " cullare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem76971cullare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5750ingannare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76971cullare is cullare" ; rdfs:label " cullare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76972cullare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76972cullare is cullare" ; rdfs:label " cullare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76974detestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76974detestare is detestare" ; rdfs:label " detestare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76975esaltare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76975esaltare is esaltare" ; rdfs:label " esaltare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem76976fustigare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76976fustigare is fustigare" ; rdfs:label " fustigare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76977esibire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76977esibire is esibire" ; rdfs:label " esibire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem76979compiangere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76979compiangere is compiangere" ; rdfs:label " compiangere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem76982imbellettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76982imbellettare is imbellettare" ; rdfs:label " imbellettare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76983imbellettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76983imbellettare is imbellettare" ; rdfs:label " imbellettare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76984incipriare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76984incipriare is incipriare" ; rdfs:label " incipriare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76986leccare simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD969lingua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76986leccare is leccare" ; rdfs:label " leccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76987leccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76987leccare is leccare" ; rdfs:label " leccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem76990ingioiellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76990ingioiellare is ingioiellare" ; rdfs:label " ingioiellare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76991ingioiellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76991ingioiellare is ingioiellare" ; rdfs:label " ingioiellare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76992antrace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76992antrace is antrace" ; rdfs:label " antrace_as_Disease" . inds:USem76993arruffone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76993arruffone is arruffone" ; rdfs:label " arruffone_as_Human" . inds:USem76994attinia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76994attinia is attinia" ; rdfs:label " attinia_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem76995ausiliaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76995ausiliaria is ausiliaria" ; rdfs:label " ausiliaria_as_Human" . inds:USem76996truccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59748abbellire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76996truccare is truccare" ; rdfs:label " truccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem76997autoarticolato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76997autoarticolato is autoarticolato" ; rdfs:label " autoarticolato_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem76998attacchino simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem63089affiggere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76998attacchino is attacchino" ; rdfs:label " attacchino_as_Profession" . inds:USem76999autocisterna simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem76999autocisterna is autocisterna" ; rdfs:label " autocisterna_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77000autocorriera simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2856autobus ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77000autocorriera is autocorriera" ; rdfs:label " autocorriera_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77001autocrate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77001autocrate is autocrate" ; rdfs:label " autocrate_as_Human" . inds:USem77002incappucciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77002incappucciare is incappucciare" ; rdfs:label " incappucciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77004autocrazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77004autocrazia is autocrazia" ; rdfs:label " autocrazia_as_Institution" . inds:USem77005incappucciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77005incappucciare is incappucciare" ; rdfs:label " incappucciare_as_Event" . inds:USem77008autodifesa simple:hasIsa inds:USem60468difesa ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77008autodifesa is autodifesa" ; rdfs:label " autodifesa_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77009autodromo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77009autodromo is autodromo" ; rdfs:label " autodromo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem77010autografo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69018manoscritto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77010autografo is autografo" ; rdfs:label " autografo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem77011imbacuccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77011imbacuccare is imbacuccare" ; rdfs:label " imbacuccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77013attizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77013attizzare is attizzare" ; rdfs:label " attizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77014mobilitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77014mobilitare is mobilitare" ; rdfs:label " mobilitare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77015autografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem71773firma ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77015autografo is autografo" ; rdfs:label " autografo_as_Representation" . inds:USem77016attizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74634accendere ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77016attizzare is attizzare" ; rdfs:label " attizzare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem77017autolavaggio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2217edificio, inds:USem59818macchinario ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6414impianto ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77017autolavaggio is autolavaggio" ; rdfs:label " autolavaggio_as_Building" . inds:USem77018autolettiga simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6340ferito, inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77018autolettiga is autolettiga" ; rdfs:label " autolettiga_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77019attizzatoio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem77013attizzare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77019attizzatoio is attizzatoio" ; rdfs:label " attizzatoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77020automatizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63956automatizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77020automatizzazione is automatizzazione" ; rdfs:label " automatizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77021attraccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77021attraccare is attraccare" ; rdfs:label " attraccare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem77022mobilitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77022mobilitare is mobilitare" ; rdfs:label " mobilitare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem77023automazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63956automatizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77023automazione is automazione" ; rdfs:label " automazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77024automobilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77024automobilismo is automobilismo" ; rdfs:label " automobilismo_as_Domain" . inds:USem77025attraccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74752approdare ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77025attraccare is attraccare" ; rdfs:label " attraccare_as_Move" . inds:USem77027automotrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77027automotrice is automotrice" ; rdfs:label " automotrice_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77028autoparco simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77028autoparco is autoparco" ; rdfs:label " autoparco_as_Group" . inds:USem77029autopompa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3511pompa, inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77029autopompa is autopompa" ; rdfs:label " autopompa_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77030autopsia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77030autopsia is autopsia" ; rdfs:label " autopsia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77031autoradio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59472ascoltare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77031autoradio is autoradio" ; rdfs:label " autoradio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77032lisciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77032lisciare is lisciare" ; rdfs:label " lisciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77033autorete simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77033autorete is autorete" ; rdfs:label " autorete_as_Act" . inds:USem77035autoriparazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77035autoriparazione is autoriparazione" ; rdfs:label " autoriparazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77036attracco simple:hasIsa inds:USem74752approdare ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77036attracco is attracco" ; rdfs:label " attracco_as_Move" . inds:USem77037autoscuola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77037autoscuola is autoscuola" ; rdfs:label " autoscuola_as_Building" . inds:USem77038autosnodato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2875rimorchio, inds:USem72372motrice ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77038autosnodato is autosnodato" ; rdfs:label " autosnodato_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77041sale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem60679condimento, inds:USem65874conservante ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77041sale is sale" ; rdfs:label " sale_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem77042bacon simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77042bacon is bacon" ; rdfs:label " bacon_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77043battola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2380arnese ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77043battola is battola" ; rdfs:label " battola_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77044maschera simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7277personaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77044maschera is maschera" ; rdfs:label " maschera_as_Representation" . inds:USem77045battola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2268mulino ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77045battola is battola" ; rdfs:label " battola_as_Part" . inds:USem77046pulcinella simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem77044maschera ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77046pulcinella is pulcinella" ; rdfs:label " pulcinella_as_Representation" . inds:USem77047pulcinella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77047pulcinella is pulcinella" ; rdfs:label " pulcinella_as_Human" . inds:USem77048colombina simple:hasIsa inds:USem69655escremento ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77048colombina is colombina" ; rdfs:label " colombina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem77051capitolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77051capitolo is capitolo" ; rdfs:label " capitolo_as_Time" . inds:USem77066gasometro simple:hasContains inds:USem3010gas ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62778serbatoio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77066gasometro is gasometro" ; rdfs:label " gasometro_as_Container" . inds:USem77068varmetro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77068varmetro is varmetro" ; rdfs:label " varmetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77070costellazione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem916cosa, inds:USem996persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77070costellazione is costellazione" ; rdfs:label " costellazione_as_Group" . inds:USem77071pizzicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77071pizzicare is pizzicare" ; rdfs:label " pizzicare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77072pizzico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77072pizzico is pizzico" ; rdfs:label " pizzico_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77073stuzzicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77073stuzzicare is stuzzicare" ; rdfs:label " stuzzicare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77080cardiofrequenzimetro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77080cardiofrequenzimetro is cardiofrequenzimetro" ; rdfs:label " cardiofrequenzimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77082etilometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77082etilometro is etilometro" ; rdfs:label " etilometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77086econometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77086econometro is econometro" ; rdfs:label " econometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77093potenziometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem79264corrente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77093potenziometro is potenziometro" ; rdfs:label " potenziometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77096colombina simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem77044maschera ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77096colombina is colombina" ; rdfs:label " colombina_as_Representation" . inds:USem77097colombina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5016focaccia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77097colombina is colombina" ; rdfs:label " colombina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77098colombina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71032razzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77098colombina is colombina" ; rdfs:label " colombina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77101stenterello simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem77044maschera ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77101stenterello is stenterello" ; rdfs:label " stenterello_as_Representation" . inds:USem77102stenterello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77102stenterello is stenterello" ; rdfs:label " stenterello_as_Human" . inds:USem77103pantalone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem77044maschera ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77103pantalone is pantalone" ; rdfs:label " pantalone_as_Representation" . inds:USem77104pantalone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77104pantalone is pantalone" ; rdfs:label " pantalone_as_Human" . inds:USem77105balanzone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem77044maschera ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77105balanzone is balanzone" ; rdfs:label " balanzone_as_Representation" . inds:USem77106colombina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1534vite ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77106colombina is colombina" ; rdfs:label " colombina_as_Fruit" . inds:USem77107brighella simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem77044maschera ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77107brighella is brighella" ; rdfs:label " brighella_as_Representation" . inds:USem77108brighella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77108brighella is brighella" ; rdfs:label " brighella_as_Human" . inds:USem77109rugantino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem77044maschera ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77109rugantino is rugantino" ; rdfs:label " rugantino_as_Representation" . inds:USem77110rugantino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77110rugantino is rugantino" ; rdfs:label " rugantino_as_Human" . inds:USem77111clown simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77111clown is clown" ; rdfs:label " clown_as_Human" . inds:USem77120avannotto simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77120avannotto is avannotto" ; rdfs:label " avannotto_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem77121aureola simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77121aureola is aureola" ; rdfs:label " aureola_as_Representation" . inds:USem77122tassazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77122tassazione is tassazione" ; rdfs:label " tassazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77124cinquantuno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77124cinquantuno is cinquantuno" ; rdfs:label " cinquantuno_as_Number" . inds:USem77126cinquantadue simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77126cinquantadue is cinquantadue" ; rdfs:label " cinquantadue_as_Number" . inds:USem77127meccanico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem5296meccanica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77127meccanico is meccanico" ; rdfs:label " meccanico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem77128meccanico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD76682meccanismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77128meccanico is meccanico" ; rdfs:label " meccanico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem77129cinquantatre1 simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77129cinquantatre1 is cinquantatre'" ; rdfs:label " cinquantatre'_as_Number" . inds:USem77130cinquantaquattro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77130cinquantaquattro is cinquantaquattro" ; rdfs:label " cinquantaquattro_as_Number" . inds:USem77131cinquantacinque simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77131cinquantacinque is cinquantacinque" ; rdfs:label " cinquantacinque_as_Number" . inds:USem77133cinquantasei simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77133cinquantasei is cinquantasei" ; rdfs:label " cinquantasei_as_Number" . inds:USem77134cinquantasette simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77134cinquantasette is cinquantasette" ; rdfs:label " cinquantasette_as_Number" . inds:USem77140odometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem069540distanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77140odometro is odometro" ; rdfs:label " odometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77141alesametro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77141alesametro is alesametro" ; rdfs:label " alesametro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77143pitometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USemTH35281corrente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77143pitometro is pitometro" ; rdfs:label " pitometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77144pulsometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77144pulsometro is pulsometro" ; rdfs:label " pulsometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77145radaraltimetro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USemD5532altezza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77145radaraltimetro is radaraltimetro" ; rdfs:label " radaraltimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77146rotametro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77146rotametro is rotametro" ; rdfs:label " rotametro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77149nativo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD63464patria ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77149nativo is nativo" ; rdfs:label " nativo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem77150tacheometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem069540distanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77150tacheometro is tacheometro" ; rdfs:label " tacheometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77151cicloergometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77151cicloergometro is cicloergometro" ; rdfs:label " cicloergometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77152detonometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77152detonometro is detonometro" ; rdfs:label " detonometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77153teleclinometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77153teleclinometro is teleclinometro" ; rdfs:label " teleclinometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77154dinametro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem60195ingrandimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77154dinametro is dinametro" ; rdfs:label " dinametro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77155energometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem78658pressione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77155energometro is energometro" ; rdfs:label " energometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77156eriometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77156eriometro is eriometro" ; rdfs:label " eriometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77157flessometro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62890metro ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem2454lunghezza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77157flessometro is flessometro" ; rdfs:label " flessometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77158settantasette simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77158settantasette is settantasette" ; rdfs:label " settantasette_as_Number" . inds:USem77159settantotto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77159settantotto is settantotto" ; rdfs:label " settantotto_as_Number" . inds:USem77160limnometro simple:hasConcerns inds:USem66548acqua ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77160limnometro is limnometro" ; rdfs:label " limnometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77160settantanove simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77160settantanove is settantanove" ; rdfs:label " settantanove_as_Number" . inds:USem77161ottantuno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77161ottantuno is ottantuno" ; rdfs:label " ottantuno_as_Number" . inds:USem77162ottantadue simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77162ottantadue is ottantadue" ; rdfs:label " ottantadue_as_Number" . inds:USem77163naturale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD76686natura ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77163naturale is naturale" ; rdfs:label " naturale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem77174beta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2703lettera ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77174beta is beta" ; rdfs:label " beta_as_Sign" . inds:USem77175betoniera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77175betoniera is betoniera" ; rdfs:label " betoniera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77176bica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1535cereale ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem71543covone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77176bica is bica" ; rdfs:label " bica_as_Group" . inds:USem77182cinquantotto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77182cinquantotto is cinquantotto" ; rdfs:label " cinquantotto_as_Number" . inds:USem77183cinquantanove simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77183cinquantanove is cinquantanove" ; rdfs:label " cinquantanove_as_Number" . inds:USem77184sessantuno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77184sessantuno is sessantuno" ; rdfs:label " sessantuno_as_Number" . inds:USem77185sessantadue simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77185sessantadue is sessantadue" ; rdfs:label " sessantadue_as_Number" . inds:USem77186cervino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4194monte ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77186cervino is cervino" ; rdfs:label " cervino_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77189quarantatre1 simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77189quarantatre1 is quarantatre'" ; rdfs:label " quarantatre'_as_Number" . inds:USem77190bicorno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77190bicorno is bicorno" ; rdfs:label " bicorno_as_Clothing" . inds:USem77191sessantatre1 simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77191sessantatre1 is sessantatre'" ; rdfs:label " sessantatre'_as_Number" . inds:USem77192sessantaquattro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77192sessantaquattro is sessantaquattro" ; rdfs:label " sessantaquattro_as_Number" . inds:USem77193bestione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77193bestione is bestione" ; rdfs:label " bestione_as_Human" . inds:USem77194bagnoschiuma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6951detergere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77194bagnoschiuma is bagnoschiuma" ; rdfs:label " bagnoschiuma_as_Substance" . inds:USem77195bargiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77195bargiglio is bargiglio" ; rdfs:label " bargiglio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem77196ottantatre1 simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77196ottantatre1 is ottantatre'" ; rdfs:label " ottantatre'_as_Number" . inds:USem77197ottantaquattro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77197ottantaquattro is ottantaquattro" ; rdfs:label " ottantaquattro_as_Number" . inds:USem77198ottantacinque simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77198ottantacinque is ottantacinque" ; rdfs:label " ottantacinque_as_Number" . inds:USem77199ottantasei simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77199ottantasei is ottantasei" ; rdfs:label " ottantasei_as_Number" . inds:USem77200ottantasette simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77200ottantasette is ottantasette" ; rdfs:label " ottantasette_as_Number" . inds:USem77201bavaglino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77201bavaglino is bavaglino" ; rdfs:label " bavaglino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem77202biogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2579teoria ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77202biogenesi is biogenesi" ; rdfs:label " biogenesi_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem77203bioterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77203bioterapia is bioterapia" ; rdfs:label " bioterapia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77204balistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77204balistica is balistica" ; rdfs:label " balistica_as_Domain" . inds:USem77206bilia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem77208pallina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77206bilia is bilia" ; rdfs:label " bilia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77207biplano simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77207biplano is biplano" ; rdfs:label " biplano_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77208pallina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62490palla ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77208pallina is pallina" ; rdfs:label " pallina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77209birbone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77209birbone is birbone" ; rdfs:label " birbone_as_Human" . inds:USem77210barbanera simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069618calendario ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77210barbanera is barbanera" ; rdfs:label " barbanera_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem77211birbone simple:hasIsa inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77211birbone is birbone" ; rdfs:label " birbone_as_Human" . inds:USem77212bireattore simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem3462reattore, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77212bireattore is bireattore" ; rdfs:label " bireattore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77213barbanera simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77213barbanera is barbanera" ; rdfs:label " barbanera_as_Information" . inds:USem77215birmano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4685birmania ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77215birmano is birmano" ; rdfs:label " birmano_as_People" . inds:USem77216batosta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77216batosta is batosta" ; rdfs:label " batosta_as_Event" . inds:USem77217baccano simple:hasIsa inds:USem67988confusione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77217baccano is baccano" ; rdfs:label " baccano_as_State" . inds:USem77218biscottificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4349biscotto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2261industria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77218biscottificio is biscottificio" ; rdfs:label " biscottificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77219bailamme simple:hasIsa inds:USem67988confusione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77219bailamme is bailamme" ; rdfs:label " bailamme_as_State" . inds:USem77220brodino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4491brodo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77220brodino is brodino" ; rdfs:label " brodino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77221bus simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77221bus is bus" ; rdfs:label " bus_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77222bubbola simple:hasIsa inds:USem67891fandonia ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77222bubbola is bubbola" ; rdfs:label " bubbola_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem77223sandalificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4776sandalo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77223sandalificio is sandalificio" ; rdfs:label " sandalificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77224acetificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemTH00689aceto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2261industria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77224acetificio is acetificio" ; rdfs:label " acetificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77225scalificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67514scala ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77225scalificio is scalificio" ; rdfs:label " scalificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77226bambolificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62821bambola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2261industria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77226bambolificio is bambolificio" ; rdfs:label " bambolificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77227scarpificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4774scarpa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77227scarpificio is scarpificio" ; rdfs:label " scarpificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77228berrettificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64901berretto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77228berrettificio is berrettificio" ; rdfs:label " berrettificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77229scatolificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2966scatola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77229scatolificio is scatolificio" ; rdfs:label " scatolificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77230borsettificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem65041borsetta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77230borsettificio is borsettificio" ; rdfs:label " borsettificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77231bottonificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61634bottone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77231bottonificio is bottonificio" ; rdfs:label " bottonificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77232sellificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem68461sella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77232sellificio is sellificio" ; rdfs:label " sellificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77233birrificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1395birra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77233birrificio is birrificio" ; rdfs:label " birrificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77234cartificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3042carta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77234cartificio is cartificio" ; rdfs:label " cartificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77235burrificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61804burro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2261industria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77235burrificio is burrificio" ; rdfs:label " burrificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77236bisso simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77236bisso is bisso" ; rdfs:label " bisso_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem77237silurificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem71129siluro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77237silurificio is silurificio" ; rdfs:label " silurificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77238solettificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4787soletta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77238solettificio is solettificio" ; rdfs:label " solettificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77239spazzolificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3372spazzola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77239spazzolificio is spazzolificio" ; rdfs:label " spazzolificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77240cartonificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemTH03219cartone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77240cartonificio is cartonificio" ; rdfs:label " cartonificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77241suolificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77241suolificio is suolificio" ; rdfs:label " suolificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77242tabacchificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62383tabacco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77242tabacchificio is tabacchificio" ; rdfs:label " tabacchificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77243conservificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3405conserva ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2261industria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77243conservificio is conservificio" ; rdfs:label " conservificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77244timbrificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD76704timbro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5300laboratorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77244timbrificio is timbrificio" ; rdfs:label " timbrificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77245copertificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem60806coperta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77245copertificio is copertificio" ; rdfs:label " copertificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77246cravattificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4887cravatta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77246cravattificio is cravattificio" ; rdfs:label " cravattificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77247tomaificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5571tomaia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77247tomaificio is tomaificio" ; rdfs:label " tomaificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77248etichettificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem59950etichetta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77248etichettificio is etichettificio" ; rdfs:label " etichettificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77249tubettificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem72101tubetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77249tubettificio is tubettificio" ; rdfs:label " tubettificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77250gommificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3125gomma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77250gommificio is gommificio" ; rdfs:label " gommificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77251velificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem68153vela ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77251velificio is velificio" ; rdfs:label " velificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77252grissinificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5017grissino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77252grissinificio is grissinificio" ; rdfs:label " grissinificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77253sacchettificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemTH21860sacchetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77253sacchettificio is sacchettificio" ; rdfs:label " sacchettificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77254guantificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD6200guanto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77254guantificio is guantificio" ; rdfs:label " guantificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77255iutificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD65494canapa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77255iutificio is iutificio" ; rdfs:label " iutificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77256mangimificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem59336mangime ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77256mangimificio is mangimificio" ; rdfs:label " mangimificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77257proiettificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62491proiettile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77257proiettificio is proiettificio" ; rdfs:label " proiettificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77258pennellificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2325pennello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77258pennellificio is pennellificio" ; rdfs:label " pennellificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77259ombrellificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3310ombrello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5266stabilimento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77259ombrellificio is ombrellificio" ; rdfs:label " ombrellificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77260polverificio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67960polvere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77260polverificio is polverificio" ; rdfs:label " polverificio_as_Building" . inds:USem77261bivalenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77261bivalenza is bivalenza" ; rdfs:label " bivalenza_as_Property" . inds:USem77262sessantacinque simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77262sessantacinque is sessantacinque" ; rdfs:label " sessantacinque_as_Number" . inds:USem77263sessantasei simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77263sessantasei is sessantasei" ; rdfs:label " sessantasei_as_Number" . inds:USem77264sessantasette simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77264sessantasette is sessantasette" ; rdfs:label " sessantasette_as_Number" . inds:USem77265bresaola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77265bresaola is bresaola" ; rdfs:label " bresaola_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77266blasonato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia, inds:USem6874nobilta1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77266blasonato is blasonato" ; rdfs:label " blasonato_as_Social_status" . inds:USem77267brontolone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77267brontolone is brontolone" ; rdfs:label " brontolone_as_Human" . inds:USem77269bucaneve simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem77271bucaneve ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77269bucaneve is bucaneve" ; rdfs:label " bucaneve_as_Plant" . inds:USem77270blenorragia simple:hasAffects inds:USem66315genitale ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1972batterio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77270blenorragia is blenorragia" ; rdfs:label " blenorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USem77271bucaneve simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem77269bucaneve ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77271bucaneve is bucaneve" ; rdfs:label " bucaneve_as_Flower" . inds:USem77272bloccaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6793fermo ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77272bloccaggio is bloccaggio" ; rdfs:label " bloccaggio_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77273burino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77273burino is burino" ; rdfs:label " burino_as_Human" . inds:USem77274bucatino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77274bucatino is bucatino" ; rdfs:label " bucatino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77275boaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77275boaro is boaro" ; rdfs:label " boaro_as_Profession" . inds:USem77276bobina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77276bobina is bobina" ; rdfs:label " bobina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77277boccaglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2878strumento, inds:USem59852tubo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77277boccaglio is boccaglio" ; rdfs:label " boccaglio_as_Part" . inds:USem77278bocchetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77278bocchetta is bocchetta" ; rdfs:label " bocchetta_as_Opening" . inds:USem77279bocchetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem68299piastra ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77279bocchetta is bocchetta" ; rdfs:label " bocchetta_as_Artifact" . inds:USem77280bocchettone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59852tubo, inds:USem62778serbatoio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77280bocchettone is bocchettone" ; rdfs:label " bocchettone_as_Part" . inds:USem77281bolla simple:hasAffects inds:USemD2912cute ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77281bolla is bolla" ; rdfs:label " bolla_as_Disease" . inds:USem77283raggiungere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77283raggiungere is raggiungere" ; rdfs:label " raggiungere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem77292bocciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77292bocciatura is bocciatura" ; rdfs:label " bocciatura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77293bolla simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77293bolla is bolla" ; rdfs:label " bolla_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem77294bolla simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6406lettera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77294bolla is bolla" ; rdfs:label " bolla_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem77297bolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77297bolo is bolo" ; rdfs:label " bolo_as_Substance" . inds:USem77298bollo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68256cedola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77298bollo is bollo" ; rdfs:label " bollo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem77300bollo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem69037attestare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77300bollo is bollo" ; rdfs:label " bollo_as_Representation" . inds:USem77301timbrare simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD76704timbro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77301timbrare is timbrare" ; rdfs:label " timbrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77302boccone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77302boccone is boccone" ; rdfs:label " boccone_as_Amount" . inds:USem77303sessantanove simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77303sessantanove is sessantanove" ; rdfs:label " sessantanove_as_Number" . inds:USem77304settantuno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77304settantuno is settantuno" ; rdfs:label " settantuno_as_Number" . inds:USem77305settantadue simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77305settantadue is settantadue" ; rdfs:label " settantadue_as_Number" . inds:USem77306settantatre1 simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77306settantatre1 is settantatre'" ; rdfs:label " settantatre'_as_Number" . inds:USem77307settantaquattro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77307settantaquattro is settantaquattro" ; rdfs:label " settantaquattro_as_Number" . inds:USem77308settantacinque simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77308settantacinque is settantacinque" ; rdfs:label " settantacinque_as_Number" . inds:USem77309settantasei simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77309settantasei is settantasei" ; rdfs:label " settantasei_as_Number" . inds:USem77311bersagliera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77311bersagliera is bersagliera" ; rdfs:label " bersagliera_as_Human" . inds:USem77312baciamano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77312baciamano is baciamano" ; rdfs:label " baciamano_as_Act" . inds:USem77313timbro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem69037attestare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77313timbro is timbro" ; rdfs:label " timbro_as_Representation" . inds:USem77314bandita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77314bandita is bandita" ; rdfs:label " bandita_as_Location" . inds:USem77315barbata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77315barbata is barbata" ; rdfs:label " barbata_as_Part" . inds:USem77316timbro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77316timbro is timbro" ; rdfs:label " timbro_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem77318berso1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem64715pergolato ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77318berso1 is berso'" ; rdfs:label " berso'_as_Building" . inds:USem77320bombarda simple:hasIsa inds:USem68580veliero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77320bombarda is bombarda" ; rdfs:label " bombarda_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77321bretone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4693bretagna ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77321bretone is bretone" ; rdfs:label " bretone_as_People" . inds:USem77322bretone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77322bretone is bretone" ; rdfs:label " bretone_as_Language" . inds:USem77323bullo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77323bullo is bullo" ; rdfs:label " bullo_as_Human" . inds:USem77324cacciabombardiere simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5210aereo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem74827bombardare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77324cacciabombardiere is cacciabombardiere" ; rdfs:label " cacciabombardiere_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77325abissinia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1066abissino ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77325abissinia is abissinia" ; rdfs:label " abissinia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77326afghanistan simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70326afgano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77326afghanistan is afghanistan" ; rdfs:label " afghanistan_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77329creare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77329creare is creare" ; rdfs:label " creare_as_Cause" . inds:USem77330alsazia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77330alsazia is alsazia" ; rdfs:label " alsazia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77331ottantotto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77331ottantotto is ottantotto" ; rdfs:label " ottantotto_as_Number" . inds:USem77332ottantanove simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77332ottantanove is ottantanove" ; rdfs:label " ottantanove_as_Number" . inds:USem77333novantuno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77333novantuno is novantuno" ; rdfs:label " novantuno_as_Number" . inds:USem77334novantadue simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77334novantadue is novantadue" ; rdfs:label " novantadue_as_Number" . inds:USem77335novantatre1 simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77335novantatre1 is novantatre'" ; rdfs:label " novantatre'_as_Number" . inds:USem77336novantaquattro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77336novantaquattro is novantaquattro" ; rdfs:label " novantaquattro_as_Number" . inds:USem77337novantacinque simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77337novantacinque is novantacinque" ; rdfs:label " novantacinque_as_Number" . inds:USem77338novantasei simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77338novantasei is novantasei" ; rdfs:label " novantasei_as_Number" . inds:USem77339novantasette simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77339novantasette is novantasette" ; rdfs:label " novantasette_as_Number" . inds:USem77340novantanove simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77340novantanove is novantanove" ; rdfs:label " novantanove_as_Number" . inds:USem77341amalfi simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70718amalfitano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77341amalfi is amalfi" ; rdfs:label " amalfi_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77342novantotto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77342novantotto is novantotto" ; rdfs:label " novantotto_as_Number" . inds:USem77344lavafari simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62787tergicristallo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77344lavafari is lavafari" ; rdfs:label " lavafari_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77345ciociaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4647lazio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77345ciociaria is ciociaria" ; rdfs:label " ciociaria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77346ciociaria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77346ciociaria is ciociaria" ; rdfs:label " ciociaria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77348cirillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77348cirillo is cirillo" ; rdfs:label " cirillo_as_Human" . inds:USem77349aosta simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70986aostano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77349aosta is aosta" ; rdfs:label " aosta_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77350iridio simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77350iridio is iridio" ; rdfs:label " iridio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem77351avellino simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem74079avellinese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77351avellino is avellino" ; rdfs:label " avellino_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77353fax simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem75054trasmettere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77353fax is fax" ; rdfs:label " fax_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77354fax simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5387redigere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77354fax is fax" ; rdfs:label " fax_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem77356fax simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77356fax is fax" ; rdfs:label " fax_as_Information" . inds:USem77358macerata simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD76748marche ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77358macerata is macerata" ; rdfs:label " macerata_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77359tv simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3523televisore ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77359tv is tv" ; rdfs:label " tv_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77360circolare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2484circolo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77360circolare is circolare" ; rdfs:label " circolare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem77364videosorveglianza simple:hasInstrument inds:USem71004video ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60369sorveglianza ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77364videosorveglianza is videosorveglianza" ; rdfs:label " videosorveglianza_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77368parlamentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60751discutere ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77368parlamentare is parlamentare" ; rdfs:label " parlamentare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem77369bike simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USem66463sellino, inds:USemD5056ruota, inds:USemD812pedale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2867motocicletta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD802viaggiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77369bike is bike" ; rdfs:label " bike_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77370autocertificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77370autocertificazione is autocertificazione" ; rdfs:label " autocertificazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77372gate simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77372gate is gate" ; rdfs:label " gate_as_Opening" . inds:USem77373rave simple:hasIsa inds:USem60969festa ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77373rave is rave" ; rdfs:label " rave_as_Event" . inds:USem77375demo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60841dimostrazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77375demo is demo" ; rdfs:label " demo_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem77376trip simple:hasIsa inds:USem75721allucinazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77376trip is trip" ; rdfs:label " trip_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem77378bucchero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5299argilla ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77378bucchero is bucchero" ; rdfs:label " bucchero_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem77379bucchero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem77378bucchero ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77379bucchero is bucchero" ; rdfs:label " bucchero_as_Artwork" . inds:USem77380bustina simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5435tela, inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77380bustina is bustina" ; rdfs:label " bustina_as_Container" . inds:USem77381bustina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77381bustina is bustina" ; rdfs:label " bustina_as_Clothing" . inds:USem77382wasp simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77382wasp is wasp" ; rdfs:label " wasp_as_Human" . inds:USem77383bustina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77383bustina is bustina" ; rdfs:label " bustina_as_Container" . inds:USem77384nevrotico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3833nevrosi ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77384nevrotico is nevrotico" ; rdfs:label " nevrotico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem77386lisp simple:hasIsa inds:USem77431linguaggio ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77386lisp is lisp" ; rdfs:label " lisp_as_Representation" . inds:USem77387bustina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77387bustina is bustina" ; rdfs:label " bustina_as_Amount" . inds:USem77388aids simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77388aids is aids" ; rdfs:label " aids_as_Disease" . inds:USem77389brigantino simple:hasIsa inds:USem68580veliero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77389brigantino is brigantino" ; rdfs:label " brigantino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77390news simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68901notizia ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77390news is news" ; rdfs:label " news_as_Information" . inds:USem77391loft simple:hasIsa inds:USem4150appartamento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77391loft is loft" ; rdfs:label " loft_as_Building" . inds:USem77392briglia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem919cavallo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77392briglia is briglia" ; rdfs:label " briglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77394buonumore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77394buonumore is buonumore" ; rdfs:label " buonumore_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem77395carognata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77395carognata is carognata" ; rdfs:label " carognata_as_Act" . inds:USem77397carotide simple:hasIsa inds:USem62718arteria ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77397carotide is carotide" ; rdfs:label " carotide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem77398carretta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77398carretta is carretta" ; rdfs:label " carretta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77399encomio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60772lode ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77399encomio is encomio" ; rdfs:label " encomio_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem77400font simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77400font is font" ; rdfs:label " font_as_Sign" . inds:USem77401sort simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5422fusione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3203ghisa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3649lega ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77401sort is inox" ; rdfs:label " inox_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem77402ceffo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77402ceffo is ceffo" ; rdfs:label " ceffo_as_Human" . inds:USem77405zulu1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77405zulu1 is zulu'" ; rdfs:label " zulu'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77406zulu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77406zulu1 is zulu'" ; rdfs:label " zulu'_as_Human" . inds:USem77407cervelletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1821cervello ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77407cervelletto is cervelletto" ; rdfs:label " cervelletto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem77408pigmeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77408pigmeo is pigmeo" ; rdfs:label " pigmeo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77409cavolata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77409cavolata is cavolata" ; rdfs:label " cavolata_as_Act" . inds:USem77410pigmeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77410pigmeo is pigmeo" ; rdfs:label " pigmeo_as_Human" . inds:USem77411centinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77411centinaio is centinaio" ; rdfs:label " centinaio_as_Amount" . inds:USem77412bombardiere simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77412bombardiere is bombardiere" ; rdfs:label " bombardiere_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77413bombo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77413bombo is bombo" ; rdfs:label " bombo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem77415bonapartista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemD76739bonaparte ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77415bonapartista is bonapartista" ; rdfs:label " bonapartista_as_Ideo" . inds:USem77416borchia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2679fissare, inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77416borchia is borchia" ; rdfs:label " borchia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77417bordo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77417bordo is bordo" ; rdfs:label " bordo_as_Part" . inds:USem77418borea simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3885vento ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77418borea is borea" ; rdfs:label " borea_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem77419borsello simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7064borsa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77419borsello is borsello" ; rdfs:label " borsello_as_Container" . inds:USem77420botola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59837pavimento, inds:USem59845soffitto ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77420botola is botola" ; rdfs:label " botola_as_Opening" . inds:USem77421botolo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77421botolo is botolo" ; rdfs:label " botolo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem77422botolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77422botolo is botolo" ; rdfs:label " botolo_as_Human" . inds:USem77423misurare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76362limitare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77423misurare is misurare" ; rdfs:label " misurare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem77425macerata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72943maceratese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77425macerata is macerata" ; rdfs:label " macerata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77428manga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63586fumetto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77428manga is manga" ; rdfs:label " manga_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem77429manga simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2952mantello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77429manga is manga" ; rdfs:label " manga_as_Clothing" . inds:USem77430codice simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77430codice is codice" ; rdfs:label " codice_as_Representation" . inds:USem77431linguaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem77430codice ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77431linguaggio is linguaggio" ; rdfs:label " linguaggio_as_Representation" . inds:USem77432cafoneria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77432cafoneria is cafoneria" ; rdfs:label " cafoneria_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem77433calcificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77433calcificare is calcificare" ; rdfs:label " calcificare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77434casamatta simple:hasIsa inds:USem64661fortificazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77434casamatta is casamatta" ; rdfs:label " casamatta_as_Building" . inds:USem77435calcificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77435calcificazione is calcificazione" ; rdfs:label " calcificazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77435schiacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77435schiacciare is schiacciare" ; rdfs:label " schiacciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77436cestista simple:hasIsa inds:USem64047giocatore ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77436cestista is cestista" ; rdfs:label " cestista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem77437cavalcatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77437cavalcatura is cavalcatura" ; rdfs:label " cavalcatura_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem77438ceduo simple:hasContains inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4729bosco ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77438ceduo is ceduo" ; rdfs:label " ceduo_as_Area" . inds:USem77439colza simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77439colza is colza" ; rdfs:label " colza_as_Plant" . inds:USem77440calcificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77440calcificare is calcificare" ; rdfs:label " calcificare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77441comasco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem4670como ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77441comasco is comasco" ; rdfs:label " comasco_as_People" . inds:USem77442comasco simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77442comasco is comasco" ; rdfs:label " comasco_as_Language" . inds:USem77443comare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77443comare is comare" ; rdfs:label " comare_as_Human" . inds:USem77444composta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77444composta is composta" ; rdfs:label " composta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77445compare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77445compare is compare" ; rdfs:label " compare_as_Human" . inds:USem77446colle simple:hasIsa inds:USem4172rilievo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77446colle is colle" ; rdfs:label " colle_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem77447nettare simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem62862frutto, inds:USemD63738succo, inds:USemD65623polpa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77447nettare is nettare" ; rdfs:label " nettare_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem77448calendimaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60969festa ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77448calendimaggio is calendimaggio" ; rdfs:label " calendimaggio_as_Event" . inds:USem77449colle simple:hasIsa inds:USem64854valico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6389passare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77449colle is colle" ; rdfs:label " colle_as_Location" . inds:USem77451coloniale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD7251colonia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77451coloniale is coloniale" ; rdfs:label " coloniale_as_People" . inds:USem77452callo simple:hasAffects inds:USemD2912cute ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77452callo is callo" ; rdfs:label " callo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem77453coloniale simple:hasIsa inds:USem74053spezia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77453coloniale is coloniale" ; rdfs:label " coloniale_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem77454comproprietario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77454comproprietario is comproprietario" ; rdfs:label " comproprietario_as_Human" . inds:USem77455colposcopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77455colposcopia is colposcopia" ; rdfs:label " colposcopia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77456tiloma simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD2912cute ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77456tiloma is tiloma" ; rdfs:label " tiloma_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem77457calotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77457calotta is calotta" ; rdfs:label " calotta_as_Part" . inds:USem77458calotta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77458calotta is calotta" ; rdfs:label " calotta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem77459calotta simple:hasIsa inds:USem71025volta ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77459calotta is calotta" ; rdfs:label " calotta_as_Part" . inds:USem77460calzaturiero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77460calzaturiero is calzaturiero" ; rdfs:label " calzaturiero_as_Profession" . inds:USem77461calzoncino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4819pantalone ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77461calzoncino is calzoncino" ; rdfs:label " calzoncino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem77464cambiale simple:hasIsa inds:USem6943convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77464cambiale is cambiale" ; rdfs:label " cambiale_as_Convention" . inds:USem77465cambio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77465cambio is cambio" ; rdfs:label " cambio_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem77466cambio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77466cambio is cambio" ; rdfs:label " cambio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77468elibus simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5910elicottero ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77468elibus is elibus" ; rdfs:label " elibus_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77469cambiare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem77466cambio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77469cambiare is cambiare" ; rdfs:label " cambiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77470airbus simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5210aereo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77470airbus is airbus" ; rdfs:label " airbus_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77471lambada simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77471lambada is lambada" ; rdfs:label " lambada_as_Move" . inds:USem77472euginia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemTH10872ginecologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77472euginia is euginia" ; rdfs:label " euginia_as_Domain" . inds:USem77473ombrina simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem923pesce ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77473ombrina is ombrina" ; rdfs:label " ombrina_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem77474ombrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77474ombrina is ombrina" ; rdfs:label " ombrina_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem77475cambiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77475cambiare is cambiare" ; rdfs:label " cambiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77476lagnone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77476lagnone is lagnone" ; rdfs:label " lagnone_as_Human" . inds:USem77477palmare simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77477palmare is palmare" ; rdfs:label " palmare_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77478astemio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77478astemio is astemio" ; rdfs:label " astemio_as_Human" . inds:USem77479cambio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7125operazione ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77479cambio is cambio" ; rdfs:label " cambio_as_Transaction" . inds:USem77481commediografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4953scrittore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3894creare, inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77481commediografo is commediografo" ; rdfs:label " commediografo_as_Profession" . inds:USem77482coma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77482coma is coma" ; rdfs:label " coma_as_State" . inds:USem77485coltre simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60806coperta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77485coltre is coltre" ; rdfs:label " coltre_as_Furniture" . inds:USem77487cuoieria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3326cuoio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77487cuoieria is cuoieria" ; rdfs:label " cuoieria_as_Building" . inds:USem77488burka simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77488burka is burka" ; rdfs:label " burka_as_Clothing" . inds:USem77489uvala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5553depressione ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77489uvala is uvala" ; rdfs:label " uvala_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem77490asana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77490asana is asana" ; rdfs:label " asana_as_Act" . inds:USem77491libra simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2574peso ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2917bilancia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem67354pesare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77491libra is libra" ; rdfs:label " libra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77492lycra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59863derivare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3183filato ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77492lycra is lycra" ; rdfs:label " lycra_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem77493nagra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2328registratore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1449registrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77493nagra is nagra" ; rdfs:label " nagra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77494dermatosi simple:hasAffects inds:USem1764pelle ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77494dermatosi is dermatosi" ; rdfs:label " dermatosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem77495cumino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem77497cumino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77495cumino is cumino" ; rdfs:label " cumino_as_Flavouring" . inds:USem77496rosta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem65959frasca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77496rosta is rosta" ; rdfs:label " rosta_as_Group" . inds:USem77497cumino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77497cumino is cumino" ; rdfs:label " cumino_as_Plant" . inds:USem77498trend simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77498trend is trend" ; rdfs:label " trend_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem77499scoprire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77499scoprire is scoprire" ; rdfs:label " scoprire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77500derma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD671pelle ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77500derma is derma" ; rdfs:label " derma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem77501radiocontaminazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem73194contaminazione ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66160contaminato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77501radiocontaminazione is radiocontaminazione" ; rdfs:label " radiocontaminazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77502mouse simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77502mouse is mouse" ; rdfs:label " mouse_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77503slash simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem72024lineetta ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77503slash is slash" ; rdfs:label " slash_as_Sign" . inds:USem77504sushi simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem2144giappone ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77504sushi is sushi" ; rdfs:label " sushi_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77505bruschino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3372spazzola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire, inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77505bruschino is bruschino" ; rdfs:label " bruschino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77506dolio simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77506dolio is dolio" ; rdfs:label " dolio_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem77507osmio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77507osmio is osmio" ; rdfs:label " osmio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem77508amnio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem64827embrione ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77508amnio is amnio" ; rdfs:label " amnio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem77509bracconiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5564cacciatore ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem59115cacciare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77509bracconiere is bracconiere" ; rdfs:label " bracconiere_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem77510cromo simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2461grigio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77510cromo is cromo" ; rdfs:label " cromo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem77511brachetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4819pantalone ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77511brachetta is brachetta" ; rdfs:label " brachetta_as_Part" . inds:USem77512cromo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77512cromo is cromo" ; rdfs:label " cromo_as_Color" . inds:USem77513brachetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2953mutanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77513brachetta is brachetta" ; rdfs:label " brachetta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem77514trino simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2186perugia ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77514trino is trino" ; rdfs:label " trino_as_Money" . inds:USem77515ranno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77515ranno is ranno" ; rdfs:label " ranno_as_Substance" . inds:USem77516sitar simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD900corda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77516sitar is sitar" ; rdfs:label " sitar_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77517raver simple:hasConcerns inds:USem77373rave ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77517raver is raver" ; rdfs:label " raver_as_Human" . inds:USem77518alias simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77518alias is alias" ; rdfs:label " alias_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem77519shift simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59902tastiera ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77519shift is shift" ; rdfs:label " shift_as_Part" . inds:USem77520input simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77520input is input" ; rdfs:label " input_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem77521remix simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77521remix is remix" ; rdfs:label " remix_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77522lobby simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem77625lobbista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77522lobby is lobby" ; rdfs:label " lobby_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77523lobby simple:hasIsa inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62524banca ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77523lobby is lobby" ; rdfs:label " lobby_as_Part" . inds:USem77524dandy simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77524dandy is dandy" ; rdfs:label " dandy_as_Human" . inds:USem77525dandy simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem68153vela ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77525dandy is dandy" ; rdfs:label " dandy_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77526vela simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem68153vela ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77526vela is vela" ; rdfs:label " vela_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77527hertz simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77527hertz is hertz" ; rdfs:label " hertz_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem77528pierre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77528pierre is pierre" ; rdfs:label " pierre_as_Profession" . inds:USem77529airbag simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77529airbag is airbag" ; rdfs:label " airbag_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77538doping simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77538doping is doping" ; rdfs:label " doping_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77539diving simple:hasIsa inds:USem72200immersione ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77539diving is diving" ; rdfs:label " diving_as_Move" . inds:USem77540switch simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77540switch is switch" ; rdfs:label " switch_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77541barnum simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77541barnum is barnum" ; rdfs:label " barnum_as_Event" . inds:USem77542seitan simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem2144giappone ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77542seitan is seitan" ; rdfs:label " seitan_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77543pidgin simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77543pidgin is pidgin" ; rdfs:label " pidgin_as_Language" . inds:USem77544scoccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77544scoccare is scoccare" ; rdfs:label " scoccare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77545rintoccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76825produrre ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem6154suono ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77545rintoccare is rintoccare" ; rdfs:label " rintoccare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77546scoccare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem5579freccia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61057lanciare ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77546scoccare is scoccare" ; rdfs:label " scoccare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem77558scoccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76825produrre ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77558scoccare is scoccare" ; rdfs:label " scoccare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77559scoccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77559scoccare is scoccare" ; rdfs:label " scoccare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem77560scoccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77560scoccare is scoccare" ; rdfs:label " scoccare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77561scoccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77561scoccare is scoccare" ; rdfs:label " scoccare_as_Event" . inds:USem77562betacam simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5204telecamera ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77562betacam is betacam" ; rdfs:label " betacam_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77563walkman simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59472ascoltare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77563walkman is walkman" ; rdfs:label " walkman_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77564scoccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59299baciare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77564scoccare is scoccare" ; rdfs:label " scoccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77565amareno simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem70721amarena ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77565amareno is amareno" ; rdfs:label " amareno_as_Plant" . inds:USem77566scocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem70013scintilla ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77566scocco is scocco" ; rdfs:label " scocco_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77567tiretto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62554orologio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77567tiretto is tiretto" ; rdfs:label " tiretto_as_Part" . inds:USem77568blinker simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7085segnalare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77568blinker is blinker" ; rdfs:label " blinker_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77569gourmet simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77569gourmet is gourmet" ; rdfs:label " gourmet_as_Human" . inds:USem77570calumet simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4539pipa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5021fumare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77570calumet is calumet" ; rdfs:label " calumet_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77571paptest simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77571paptest is paptest" ; rdfs:label " paptest_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77572stylist simple:hasIsa inds:USem4957stilista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem3894creare, inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77572stylist is stylist" ; rdfs:label " stylist_as_Profession" . inds:USem77573goretex simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77573goretex is goretex" ; rdfs:label " goretex_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem77574playboy simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77574playboy is playboy" ; rdfs:label " playboy_as_Human" . inds:USem77575domotica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77575domotica is domotica" ; rdfs:label " domotica_as_Domain" . inds:USem77576scocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77576scocco is scocco" ; rdfs:label " scocco_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77577zoofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem71782fobia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77577zoofobia is zoofobia" ; rdfs:label " zoofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USem77578biofarmaceutica simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem78110farmaceutica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77578biofarmaceutica is biofarmaceutica" ; rdfs:label " biofarmaceutica_as_Domain" . inds:USem77579sbaffo simple:hasIsa inds:USem75114macchia ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USemD6970macchiare ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77579sbaffo is sbaffo" ; rdfs:label " sbaffo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem77580quadrantectomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem72493intervento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77580quadrantectomia is quadrantectomia" ; rdfs:label " quadrantectomia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77581lavasciugatrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3998asciugare, inds:USemD5323lavare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77581lavasciugatrice is lavasciugatrice" ; rdfs:label " lavasciugatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77582multiprocessore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77582multiprocessore is multiprocessore" ; rdfs:label " multiprocessore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77583psicochirurgia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1821cervello, inds:USem72493intervento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem74248psichiatria ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77583psicochirurgia is psicochirurgia" ; rdfs:label " psicochirurgia_as_Domain" . inds:USem77584angiochirurgia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem72493intervento, inds:USemD5666vena ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemTH29697chirurgia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77584angiochirurgia is angiochirurgia" ; rdfs:label " angiochirurgia_as_Domain" . inds:USem77585marano simple:hasIsa inds:USem5673traditore ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77585marano is marano" ; rdfs:label " marano_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem77586marrano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77586marrano is marrano" ; rdfs:label " marrano_as_Human" . inds:USem77587laserchirurgia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemTH29697chirurgia ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3442laser ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77587laserchirurgia is laserchirurgia" ; rdfs:label " laserchirurgia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77588noceto simple:hasContains inds:USem1433noce ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77588noceto is noceto" ; rdfs:label " noceto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem77590pineto simple:hasContains inds:USem1444pino ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59078piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77590pineto is pineto" ; rdfs:label " pineto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem77592infettivologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77592infettivologia is infettivologia" ; rdfs:label " infettivologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem77593master simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77593master is master" ; rdfs:label " master_as_Event" . inds:USem77594panzer simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem857carro ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77594panzer is panzer" ; rdfs:label " panzer_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77596panzer simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77596panzer is panzer" ; rdfs:label " panzer_as_Human" . inds:USem77597editor simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem7088pubblicare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77597editor is editor" ; rdfs:label " editor_as_Profession" . inds:USem77598olofonia simple:hasCausedby inds:USem069773malformazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77598olofonia is olofonia" ; rdfs:label " olofonia_as_Disease" . inds:USem77599liposoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1960citoplasma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77599liposoma is liposoma" ; rdfs:label " liposoma_as_Part" . inds:USem77601sardigna simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3681carne ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2053macello ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77601sardigna is sardigna" ; rdfs:label " sardigna_as_Part" . inds:USem77602manfrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77602manfrina is manfrina" ; rdfs:label " manfrina_as_Act" . inds:USem77603gamete simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1960citoplasma, inds:USem1962membrana, inds:USem1970nucleo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77603gamete is gamete" ; rdfs:label " gamete_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem77604sgarbo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77604sgarbo is sgarbo" ; rdfs:label " sgarbo_as_Act" . inds:USem77605sgarberia simple:hasIsa inds:USem77604sgarbo ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77605sgarberia is sgarberia" ; rdfs:label " sgarberia_as_Act" . inds:USem77606villanata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77606villanata is villanata" ; rdfs:label " villanata_as_Act" . inds:USem77607bronzina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71573cuscinetto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77607bronzina is bronzina" ; rdfs:label " bronzina_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77608rostiera simple:hasContains inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77608rostiera is rostiera" ; rdfs:label " rostiera_as_Container" . inds:USem77609sashimi simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem2144giappone ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77609sashimi is sashimi" ; rdfs:label " sashimi_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77610capoeira simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77610capoeira is capoeira" ; rdfs:label " capoeira_as_Move" . inds:USem77611geoflora simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1428pianta, inds:USemD2089albero, inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77611geoflora is geoflora" ; rdfs:label " geoflora_as_Group" . inds:USem77612eurocity simple:hasIsa inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77612eurocity is eurocity" ; rdfs:label " eurocity_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77613blindata simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77613blindata is blindata" ; rdfs:label " blindata_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77614enchilada simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem77617messico ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77614enchilada is enchilada" ; rdfs:label " enchilada_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77617messico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77617messico is messico" ; rdfs:label " messico_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77618messico simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem73966messicano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77618messico is messico" ; rdfs:label " messico_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77619steadycam simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5204telecamera ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77619steadycam is steadycam" ; rdfs:label " steadycam_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77620triathlon simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77620triathlon is triathlon" ; rdfs:label " triathlon_as_Domain" . inds:USem77621gonidio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1960citoplasma, inds:USem1962membrana, inds:USem1970nucleo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77621gonidio is gonidio" ; rdfs:label " gonidio_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem77622cafonata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77622cafonata is cafonata" ; rdfs:label " cafonata_as_Act" . inds:USem77623sgarbataggine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77623sgarbataggine is sgarbataggine" ; rdfs:label " sgarbataggine_as_Act" . inds:USem77624scottata simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77624scottata is scottata" ; rdfs:label " scottata_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77625lobbista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem77522lobby ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77625lobbista is lobbista" ; rdfs:label " lobbista_as_Human" . inds:USem77626sambista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3346ballerino ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem6779ballare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77626sambista is sambista" ; rdfs:label " sambista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem77627randista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasUses inds:USemD76784randa ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77627randista is randista" ; rdfs:label " randista_as_Human" . inds:USem77628randa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77628randa is randa" ; rdfs:label " randa_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77629stagista simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD6291imparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77629stagista is stagista" ; rdfs:label " stagista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem77630mammone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77630mammone is mammone" ; rdfs:label " mammone_as_Human" . inds:USem77631piduista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5534massoneria ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77631piduista is piduista" ; rdfs:label " piduista_as_Human" . inds:USem77632ballotta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59562lessare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2085castagna ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77632ballotta is ballotta" ; rdfs:label " ballotta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77633sniffare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1812naso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77633sniffare is sniffare" ; rdfs:label " sniffare_as_Perception" . inds:USem77634sniffare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6236aspirare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77634sniffare is sniffare" ; rdfs:label " sniffare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77635sniffata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77635sniffata is sniffata" ; rdfs:label " sniffata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77636sniffo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77636sniffo is sniffo" ; rdfs:label " sniffo_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77637lietezza simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62164lieto ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77637lietezza is lietezza" ; rdfs:label " lietezza_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem77643ulivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7237partito ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77643ulivista is ulivista" ; rdfs:label " ulivista_as_Human" . inds:USem77644segnasub simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67542boa ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77644segnasub is segnasub" ; rdfs:label " segnasub_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77645scafoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem6062tarso ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77645scafoide is scafoide" ; rdfs:label " scafoide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem77646soggettivo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem61333soggetto ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77646soggettivo is soggettivo" ; rdfs:label " soggettivo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem77648naziskin simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2654nazismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77648naziskin is naziskin" ; rdfs:label " naziskin_as_Ideo" . inds:USem77649skinhead simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2654nazismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77649skinhead is skinhead" ; rdfs:label " skinhead_as_Ideo" . inds:USem77651aspirabriciole simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77651aspirabriciole is aspirabriciole" ; rdfs:label " aspirabriciole_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77652cardiotelefono simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77652cardiotelefono is cardiotelefono" ; rdfs:label " cardiotelefono_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77653berciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61122gridare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77653berciare is berciare" ; rdfs:label " berciare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem77654blaterare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77654blaterare is blaterare" ; rdfs:label " blaterare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem77655giuscibernetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77655giuscibernetica is giuscibernetica" ; rdfs:label " giuscibernetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem77656sbraitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61122gridare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77656sbraitare is sbraitare" ; rdfs:label " sbraitare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem77657vociare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77657vociare is vociare" ; rdfs:label " vociare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem77658psicoimmunologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem24immunologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77658psicoimmunologia is psicoimmunologia" ; rdfs:label " psicoimmunologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem77659poltrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77659poltrone is poltrone" ; rdfs:label " poltrone_as_Human" . inds:USem77660archeoastronomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77660archeoastronomia is archeoastronomia" ; rdfs:label " archeoastronomia_as_Domain" . inds:USem77661pigro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77661pigro is pigro" ; rdfs:label " pigro_as_Human" . inds:USem77662cordless simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3519telefono ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77662cordless is cordless" ; rdfs:label " cordless_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77663accidioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77663accidioso is accidioso" ; rdfs:label " accidioso_as_Human" . inds:USem77664suppli1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59564friggere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1546riso ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77664suppli1 is suppli'" ; rdfs:label " suppli'_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77665riscio1 simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77665riscio1 is riscio'" ; rdfs:label " riscio'_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77666demotape simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66498nastro ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77666demotape is demotape" ; rdfs:label " demotape_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77667freeware simple:hasIsa inds:USem61481programma ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77667freeware is freeware" ; rdfs:label " freeware_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem77668tanaglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD461afferrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77668tanaglia is tanaglia" ; rdfs:label " tanaglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77669firmware simple:hasIsa inds:USem61481programma ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77669firmware is firmware" ; rdfs:label " firmware_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem77670megabyte simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77670megabyte is megabyte" ; rdfs:label " megabyte_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem77671nivologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77671nivologia is nivologia" ; rdfs:label " nivologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem77672jeanseria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem66695abbigliamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77672jeanseria is jeanseria" ; rdfs:label " jeanseria_as_Building" . inds:USem77673gigabyte simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77673gigabyte is gigabyte" ; rdfs:label " gigabyte_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem77674byte simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem68158bit ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77674byte is byte" ; rdfs:label " byte_as_Group" . inds:USem77675byte simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77675byte is byte" ; rdfs:label " byte_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem77676batofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77676batofobia is batofobia" ; rdfs:label " batofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USem77677cabaret simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77677cabaret is cabaret" ; rdfs:label " cabaret_as_Event" . inds:USem77678jersey simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77678jersey is jersey" ; rdfs:label " jersey_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem77679mastodonte simple:hasIsa inds:USem68751fossile ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77679mastodonte is mastodonte" ; rdfs:label " mastodonte_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem77680podologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem33ortopedia, inds:USem70624veterinaria ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77680podologia is podologia" ; rdfs:label " podologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem77681mastodonte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77681mastodonte is mastodonte" ; rdfs:label " mastodonte_as_Human" . inds:USem77682mattutino simple:hasCausedby inds:USem2923campana ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77682mattutino is mattutino" ; rdfs:label " mattutino_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem77683brodaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4244minestra ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77683brodaglia is brodaglia" ; rdfs:label " brodaglia_as_Food" . inds:USem77684moscatello simple:hasIsa inds:USem66013vitigno ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77684moscatello is moscatello" ; rdfs:label " moscatello_as_Plant" . inds:USem77685roadster simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77685roadster is roadster" ; rdfs:label " roadster_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77686toracoscopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77686toracoscopia is toracoscopia" ; rdfs:label " toracoscopia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77687toracico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4029crostaceo ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77687toracico is toracico" ; rdfs:label " toracico_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem77688emoticon simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77688emoticon is emoticon" ; rdfs:label " emoticon_as_Representation" . inds:USem77689notebook simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64805calcolatore ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77689notebook is notebook" ; rdfs:label " notebook_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77690playgirl simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77690playgirl is playgirl" ; rdfs:label " playgirl_as_Human" . inds:USem77691poetessa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem5062comporre ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77691poetessa is poetessa" ; rdfs:label " poetessa_as_Profession" . inds:USem77692pogrom simple:hasIsa inds:USem60557rivolta ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77692pogrom is pogrom" ; rdfs:label " pogrom_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77694nevrastenico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem73420nevrastenia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77694nevrastenico is nevrastenico" ; rdfs:label " nevrastenico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem77695protestante simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2669protestantesimo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77695protestante is protestante" ; rdfs:label " protestante_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem77698bulimico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD76794bulimia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77698bulimico is bulimico" ; rdfs:label " bulimico_as_Human" . inds:USem77699satanico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD523concetto ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77699satanico is satanico" ; rdfs:label " satanico_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem77700laconico simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD439parlare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USemD584comunita1 ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77700laconico is laconico" ; rdfs:label " laconico_as_Language" . inds:USem77701laconico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem64371terme ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77701laconico is laconico" ; rdfs:label " laconico_as_Part" . inds:USem77702cerusico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77702cerusico is cerusico" ; rdfs:label " cerusico_as_Human" . inds:USem77703biofabbrica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77703biofabbrica is biofabbrica" ; rdfs:label " biofabbrica_as_Building" . inds:USem77704biogas simple:hasIsa inds:USem3010gas ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77704biogas is biogas" ; rdfs:label " biogas_as_Substance" . inds:USem77705bioparco simple:hasContains inds:USem873animale, inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77705bioparco is bioparco" ; rdfs:label " bioparco_as_Area" . inds:USem77706omografo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77706omografo is omografo" ; rdfs:label " omografo_as_Sign" . inds:USem77707dittongo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77707dittongo is dittongo" ; rdfs:label " dittongo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem77709ecocidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77709ecocidio is ecocidio" ; rdfs:label " ecocidio_as_Event" . inds:USem77710ecostrage simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77710ecostrage is ecostrage" ; rdfs:label " ecostrage_as_Event" . inds:USem77711distruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66685distrutto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77711distruzione is distruzione" ; rdfs:label " distruzione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77712ebraico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem60852ebreo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77712ebraico is ebraico" ; rdfs:label " ebraico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem77713rovina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6402rovinato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77713rovina is rovina" ; rdfs:label " rovina_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77714strage simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77714strage is strage" ; rdfs:label " strage_as_Event" . inds:USem77715eccidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77715eccidio is eccidio" ; rdfs:label " eccidio_as_Event" . inds:USem77716sterminare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77716sterminare is sterminare" ; rdfs:label " sterminare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem77717sterminio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77717sterminio is sterminio" ; rdfs:label " sterminio_as_Event" . inds:USem77718genocidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77718genocidio is genocidio" ; rdfs:label " genocidio_as_Event" . inds:USem77719colatoio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3408formaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2978vaso ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77719colatoio is colatoio" ; rdfs:label " colatoio_as_Container" . inds:USem77720convivio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60398banchetto ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77720convivio is convivio" ; rdfs:label " convivio_as_Event" . inds:USem77721cubaita simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4504croccante ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1673sesamo, inds:USem3873miele ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem2198sicilia ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77721cubaita is cubaita" ; rdfs:label " cubaita_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77722contascatti simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77722contascatti is contascatti" ; rdfs:label " contascatti_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77723cromoscopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77723cromoscopio is cromoscopio" ; rdfs:label " cromoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77724quadriciclo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77724quadriciclo is quadriciclo" ; rdfs:label " quadriciclo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77725encefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1821cervello ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77725encefalo is encefalo" ; rdfs:label " encefalo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem77726idrodinamica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67178idraulica ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77726idrodinamica is idrodinamica" ; rdfs:label " idrodinamica_as_Domain" . inds:USem77727ebraico simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77727ebraico is ebraico" ; rdfs:label " ebraico_as_Language" . inds:USem77727rambismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77727rambismo is rambismo" ; rdfs:label " rambismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem77728nonnismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77728nonnismo is nonnismo" ; rdfs:label " nonnismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem77729fibroma simple:hasIsa inds:USem61590tumore ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77729fibroma is fibroma" ; rdfs:label " fibroma_as_Disease" . inds:USem77730fioraia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4992venditore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77730fioraia is fioraia" ; rdfs:label " fioraia_as_Profession" . inds:USem77731buonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77731buonismo is buonismo" ; rdfs:label " buonismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem77733fermanello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5307anello ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77733fermanello is fermanello" ; rdfs:label " fermanello_as_Clothing" . inds:USem77734fermacravatta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77734fermacravatta is fermacravatta" ; rdfs:label " fermacravatta_as_Clothing" . inds:USem77735buonismo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61312letteratura, inds:USem67462cinema ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77735buonismo is buonismo" ; rdfs:label " buonismo_as_Quality" . inds:USem77736yuppismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77736yuppismo is yuppismo" ; rdfs:label " yuppismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem77737fiocchetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77737fiocchetto is fiocchetto" ; rdfs:label " fiocchetto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77738sfascismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77738sfascismo is sfascismo" ; rdfs:label " sfascismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem77739fiocco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3670pasta ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77739fiocco is fiocco" ; rdfs:label " fiocco_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77740dopobagno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5314cosmetico ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77740dopobagno is dopobagno" ; rdfs:label " dopobagno_as_Substance" . inds:USem77741falsopiano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77741falsopiano is falsopiano" ; rdfs:label " falsopiano_as_Area" . inds:USem77742febbrifugo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem3886febbre ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6751abbassare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77742febbrifugo is febbrifugo" ; rdfs:label " febbrifugo_as_Substance" . inds:USem77743ectoplasma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1960citoplasma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77743ectoplasma is ectoplasma" ; rdfs:label " ectoplasma_as_Part" . inds:USem77744metallaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77744metallaro is metallaro" ; rdfs:label " metallaro_as_Human" . inds:USem77746termidoro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77746termidoro is termidoro" ; rdfs:label " termidoro_as_Time" . inds:USem77747bompresso simple:hasIsa inds:USem67446albero ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4323nave ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77747bompresso is bompresso" ; rdfs:label " bompresso_as_Part" . inds:USem77748rabbinato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2669protestantesimo ; simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3613rabbino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77748rabbinato is rabbinato" ; rdfs:label " rabbinato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77749rabbinato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2669protestantesimo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77749rabbinato is rabbinato" ; rdfs:label " rabbinato_as_Convention" . inds:USem77751curie simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77751curie is curie" ; rdfs:label " curie_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem77755quadro simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77755quadro is quadro" ; rdfs:label " quadro_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem77760macrocito simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1960citoplasma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1963globulo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3126sangue ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77760macrocito is macrocito" ; rdfs:label " macrocito_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem77761alberetto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5723troncone, inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem62862frutto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77761alberetto is alberetto" ; rdfs:label " alberetto_as_Plant" . inds:USem77762pornodiva simple:hasIsa inds:USem77764attrice ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77762pornodiva is pornodiva" ; rdfs:label " pornodiva_as_Human" . inds:USem77763pornodivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem61349attore ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77763pornodivo is pornodivo" ; rdfs:label " pornodivo_as_Human" . inds:USem77764attrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem62609recitare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77764attrice is attrice" ; rdfs:label " attrice_as_Profession" . inds:USem77765rettile simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem3311rettile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77765rettile is rettile" ; rdfs:label " rettile_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem77766microchip simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68279chip ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77766microchip is microchip" ; rdfs:label " microchip_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77767videoclip simple:hasContains inds:USem3877suono, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71761filmato ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77767videoclip is videoclip" ; rdfs:label " videoclip_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem77768salvaslip simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem75743assorbente ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77768salvaslip is salvaslip" ; rdfs:label " salvaslip_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77769pornoshop simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77769pornoshop is pornoshop" ; rdfs:label " pornoshop_as_Building" . inds:USem77770pornostar simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77770pornostar is pornostar" ; rdfs:label " pornostar_as_Human" . inds:USem77771attrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77771attrice is attrice" ; rdfs:label " attrice_as_Human" . inds:USem77772organizer simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem70335agenda ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77772organizer is organizer" ; rdfs:label " organizer_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem77773autocross simple:hasConcerns inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77773autocross is autocross" ; rdfs:label " autocross_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77774antivirus simple:hasIsa inds:USem61481programma ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77774antivirus is antivirus" ; rdfs:label " antivirus_as_Representation" . inds:USem77775euronight simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2863locomotiva, inds:USem5907motore, inds:USem66397cuccetta, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77775euronight is euronight" ; rdfs:label " euronight_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77776test simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem63056verificare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77776test is test" ; rdfs:label " test_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem77777narcotest simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem63056verificare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77777narcotest is narcotest" ; rdfs:label " narcotest_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77778narcotest simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77778narcotest is narcotest" ; rdfs:label " narcotest_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77779bari simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2193puglia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77779bari is bari" ; rdfs:label " bari_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77780bari simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD66346barese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77780bari is bari" ; rdfs:label " bari_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77781tradizionale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD63932tradizione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77781tradizionale is tradizionale" ; rdfs:label " tradizionale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem77783belluno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemTH27741veneto ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77783belluno is belluno" ; rdfs:label " belluno_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77784prova simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem63056verificare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77784prova is prova" ; rdfs:label " prova_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem77785belluno simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem73273bellunese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77785belluno is belluno" ; rdfs:label " belluno_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77786benevento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1304campania ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77786benevento is benevento" ; rdfs:label " benevento_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77787benevento simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem74328beneventano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77787benevento is benevento" ; rdfs:label " benevento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77788bergamo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2168lombardia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77788bergamo is bergamo" ; rdfs:label " bergamo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77789bergamo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem68979bergamasco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77789bergamo is bergamo" ; rdfs:label " bergamo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77791cambogia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77791cambogia is cambogia" ; rdfs:label " cambogia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77792cambogia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2033cambogiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77792cambogia is cambogia" ; rdfs:label " cambogia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77793capri simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1304campania ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77793capri is capri" ; rdfs:label " capri_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77794capri simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem74296caprese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77794capri is capri" ; rdfs:label " capri_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77795verifica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem63056verificare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77795verifica is verifica" ; rdfs:label " verifica_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem77796carrara simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD5009toscana ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77796carrara is carrara" ; rdfs:label " carrara_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77797carrara simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem69888carrarese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77797carrara is carrara" ; rdfs:label " carrara_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77798cassino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4647lazio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77798cassino is cassino" ; rdfs:label " cassino_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77799cassino simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77799cassino is cassino" ; rdfs:label " cassino_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77800trapani simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2198sicilia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77800trapani is trapani" ; rdfs:label " trapani_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77801test simple:hasTelic inds:USem59287valutare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77801test is test" ; rdfs:label " test_as_Telic" . inds:USem77802trapani simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77802trapani is trapani" ; rdfs:label " trapani_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77803trento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem70396trentino ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77803trento is trento" ; rdfs:label " trento_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77804universale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem61186universo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77804universale is universale" ; rdfs:label " universale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem77806trento simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77806trento is trento" ; rdfs:label " trento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77807treviso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemTH27741veneto ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77807treviso is treviso" ; rdfs:label " treviso_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77808test simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77808test is test" ; rdfs:label " test_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77809treviso simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77809treviso is treviso" ; rdfs:label " treviso_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77811tripoli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2163libia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77811tripoli is tripoli" ; rdfs:label " tripoli_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77812tripoli simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77812tripoli is tripoli" ; rdfs:label " tripoli_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77813monica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77813monica is monica" ; rdfs:label " monica_as_Human" . inds:USem77814etilotest simple:hasInstrument inds:USem77082etilometro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77814etilotest is etilotest" ; rdfs:label " etilotest_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77815alcoltest simple:hasInstrument inds:USem77082etilometro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77815alcoltest is alcoltest" ; rdfs:label " alcoltest_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77816reumatest simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77816reumatest is reumatest" ; rdfs:label " reumatest_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77817alcolizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77817alcolizzare is alcolizzare" ; rdfs:label " alcolizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77818alcolizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77818alcolizzazione is alcolizzazione" ; rdfs:label " alcolizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77820show simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5528spettacolo ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77820show is show" ; rdfs:label " show_as_Event" . inds:USem77821pornoshow simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5528spettacolo ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77821pornoshow is pornoshow" ; rdfs:label " pornoshow_as_Event" . inds:USem77825intercity simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2863locomotiva, inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77825intercity is intercity" ; rdfs:label " intercity_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77826mediateca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem71005video ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD63588consultare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77826mediateca is mediateca" ; rdfs:label " mediateca_as_Building" . inds:USem77827ludoteca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem76754gioco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77827ludoteca is ludoteca" ; rdfs:label " ludoteca_as_Building" . inds:USem77828ludoteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem76754gioco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77828ludoteca is ludoteca" ; rdfs:label " ludoteca_as_Group" . inds:USem77829energetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77829energetica is energetica" ; rdfs:label " energetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem77830apoteca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77830apoteca is apoteca" ; rdfs:label " apoteca_as_Part" . inds:USem77831documentoteca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6030archiviare, inds:USemD63588consultare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77831documentoteca is documentoteca" ; rdfs:label " documentoteca_as_Building" . inds:USem77832documentoteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64864raccolta ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77832documentoteca is documentoteca" ; rdfs:label " documentoteca_as_Group" . inds:USem77833emeroteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem65329periodico, inds:USemD6977giornale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62981biblioteca ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77833emeroteca is emeroteca" ; rdfs:label " emeroteca_as_Part" . inds:USem77834emeroteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem65329periodico, inds:USemD6977giornale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63394collezione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77834emeroteca is emeroteca" ; rdfs:label " emeroteca_as_Group" . inds:USem77835fonoteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD65699disco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64864raccolta ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77835fonoteca is fonoteca" ; rdfs:label " fonoteca_as_Group" . inds:USem77836gipsoteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2361moneta, inds:USemD76808gesso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63394collezione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77836gipsoteca is gipsoteca" ; rdfs:label " gipsoteca_as_Group" . inds:USem77837iconoteca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem72180icona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77837iconoteca is iconoteca" ; rdfs:label " iconoteca_as_Building" . inds:USem77838tunisia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77838tunisia is tunisia" ; rdfs:label " tunisia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77839iconoteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem72180icona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63394collezione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77839iconoteca is iconoteca" ; rdfs:label " iconoteca_as_Group" . inds:USem77840tunisia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70440tunisino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77840tunisia is tunisia" ; rdfs:label " tunisia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77841glittoteca simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3002pietra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77841glittoteca is glittoteca" ; rdfs:label " glittoteca_as_Building" . inds:USem77842snowboard simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77842snowboard is snowboard" ; rdfs:label " snowboard_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77843glittoteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3002pietra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63394collezione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77843glittoteca is glittoteca" ; rdfs:label " glittoteca_as_Group" . inds:USem77844snowboard simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77844snowboard is snowboard" ; rdfs:label " snowboard_as_Domain" . inds:USem77845cassetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1449registrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77845cassetta is cassetta" ; rdfs:label " cassetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77851udine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4140friuli ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77851udine is udine" ; rdfs:label " udine_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77852udine simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1021udinese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77852udine is udine" ; rdfs:label " udine_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77853litoteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63394collezione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77853litoteca is litoteca" ; rdfs:label " litoteca_as_Group" . inds:USem77854protomoteca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4218busto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63394collezione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77854protomoteca is protomoteca" ; rdfs:label " protomoteca_as_Group" . inds:USem77855audioguida simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77855audioguida is audioguida" ; rdfs:label " audioguida_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77856osteologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59929anatomia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77856osteologia is osteologia" ; rdfs:label " osteologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem77857mafiologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem66226mafia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60504studio ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77857mafiologia is mafiologia" ; rdfs:label " mafiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem77858termologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5669fisica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77858termologia is termologia" ; rdfs:label " termologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem77859lobectomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem72493intervento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77859lobectomia is lobectomia" ; rdfs:label " lobectomia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77860tributaria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4964poliziotto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59448polizia ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77860tributaria is tributaria" ; rdfs:label " tributaria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77861yogurteria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem70747yogurt ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77861yogurteria is yogurteria" ; rdfs:label " yogurteria_as_Building" . inds:USem77862yogurtiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem78188coagulare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77862yogurtiera is yogurtiera" ; rdfs:label " yogurtiera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77863biosistema simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1428pianta, inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77863biosistema is biosistema" ; rdfs:label " biosistema_as_Group" . inds:USem77865straziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60689addolorare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77865straziare is straziare" ; rdfs:label " straziare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem77868straziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61289danneggiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77868straziare is straziare" ; rdfs:label " straziare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77870yiddish simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77870yiddish is yiddish" ; rdfs:label " yiddish_as_Language" . inds:USem77871yachtsman simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77871yachtsman is yachtsman" ; rdfs:label " yachtsman_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem77872yankee simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77872yankee is yankee" ; rdfs:label " yankee_as_People" . inds:USem77874umano simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD63948uomo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77874umano is umano" ; rdfs:label " umano_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem77877umbria simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77877umbria is umbria" ; rdfs:label " umbria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77878umbria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77878umbria is umbria" ; rdfs:label " umbria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77879ungheria simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77879ungheria is ungheria" ; rdfs:label " ungheria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77880ungheria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70471ungherese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77880ungheria is ungheria" ; rdfs:label " ungheria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77881endoplasma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1960citoplasma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77881endoplasma is endoplasma" ; rdfs:label " endoplasma_as_Part" . inds:USem77882malesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77882malesia is malesia" ; rdfs:label " malesia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77884malesia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72160malese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77884malesia is malesia" ; rdfs:label " malesia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77885francesina simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5571tomaia, inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4774scarpa ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77885francesina is francesina" ; rdfs:label " francesina_as_Clothing" . inds:USem77886francesina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5307anello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77886francesina is francesina" ; rdfs:label " francesina_as_Clothing" . inds:USem77887francesina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3388pane ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77887francesina is francesina" ; rdfs:label " francesina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77888parlantina simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77888parlantina is parlantina" ; rdfs:label " parlantina_as_Quality" . inds:USem77889malta simple:hasIsa inds:USem6842isola ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77889malta is malta" ; rdfs:label " malta_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77890fotocamera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77890fotocamera is fotocamera" ; rdfs:label " fotocamera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77891capocciata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem61397capo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77891capocciata is capocciata" ; rdfs:label " capocciata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77892malta simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72418maltese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77892malta is malta" ; rdfs:label " malta_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77893testata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1753testa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77893testata is testata" ; rdfs:label " testata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77895castagnata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77895castagnata is castagnata" ; rdfs:label " castagnata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem77897newyork simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4120usa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77897newyork is newyork" ; rdfs:label " newyork_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem77898newyork simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1101newyorkese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77898newyork is newyork" ; rdfs:label " newyork_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77899microonde simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77899microonde is microonde" ; rdfs:label " microonde_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77900bricconata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77900bricconata is bricconata" ; rdfs:label " bricconata_as_Act" . inds:USem77902abusivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77902abusivista is abusivista" ; rdfs:label " abusivista_as_Human" . inds:USem77903crittogama simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77903crittogama is crittogama" ; rdfs:label " crittogama_as_Plant" . inds:USem77904pizzetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62414pizza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77904pizzetta is pizzetta" ; rdfs:label " pizzetta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77905citochimica simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59960biochimica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77905citochimica is citochimica" ; rdfs:label " citochimica_as_Domain" . inds:USem77906astrochimica simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD6303astronomia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77906astrochimica is astrochimica" ; rdfs:label " astrochimica_as_Domain" . inds:USem77907capoccione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77907capoccione is capoccione" ; rdfs:label " capoccione_as_Human" . inds:USem77908birichinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77908birichinata is birichinata" ; rdfs:label " birichinata_as_Act" . inds:USem77911scintigrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77911scintigrafia is scintigrafia" ; rdfs:label " scintigrafia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77913salvare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77913salvare is salvare" ; rdfs:label " salvare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem77914quarto simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD76824terzo ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77914quarto is quarto" ; rdfs:label " quarto_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USem77915granulocito simple:hasIsa inds:USem1963globulo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3126sangue ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77915granulocito is granulocito" ; rdfs:label " granulocito_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem77916dopoguerra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77916dopoguerra is dopoguerra" ; rdfs:label " dopoguerra_as_Time" . inds:USem77917escrezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77917escrezione is escrezione" ; rdfs:label " escrezione_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem77918baccellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77918baccellone is baccellone" ; rdfs:label " baccellone_as_Human" . inds:USem77919fontaniere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77919fontaniere is fontaniere" ; rdfs:label " fontaniere_as_Profession" . inds:USem77920vicerettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7215universita1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77920vicerettore is vicerettore" ; rdfs:label " vicerettore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem77921prorettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7215universita1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77921prorettore is prorettore" ; rdfs:label " prorettore_as_Social_status" . inds:USem77923emodialisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5226depurare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77923emodialisi is emodialisi" ; rdfs:label " emodialisi_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77925quattro simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD76828cinque ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD76827tre ; a simple:NumeralProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77925quattro is quattro" ; rdfs:label " quattro_as_NumeralProperty" . inds:USem77926esobiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77926esobiologo is esobiologo" ; rdfs:label " esobiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem77927eziologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77927eziologia is eziologia" ; rdfs:label " eziologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem77928scemenzaio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77928scemenzaio is scemenzaio" ; rdfs:label " scemenzaio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77929chiavaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem77930chiavistello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77929chiavaccio is chiavaccio" ; rdfs:label " chiavaccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77930chiavistello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77930chiavistello is chiavistello" ; rdfs:label " chiavistello_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77931panineria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77931panineria is panineria" ; rdfs:label " panineria_as_Building" . inds:USem77932parapendio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3509paracadute ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77932parapendio is parapendio" ; rdfs:label " parapendio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77933amperaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77933amperaggio is amperaggio" ; rdfs:label " amperaggio_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem77934discount simple:hasIsa inds:USem71972supermercato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77934discount is discount" ; rdfs:label " discount_as_Building" . inds:USem77935pisciatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem64736vespasiano ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77935pisciatoio is pisciatoio" ; rdfs:label " pisciatoio_as_Building" . inds:USem77936eurocent simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2361moneta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77936eurocent is eurocent" ; rdfs:label " eurocent_as_Money" . inds:USem77937sdrucciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77937sdrucciolo is sdrucciolo" ; rdfs:label " sdrucciolo_as_Area" . inds:USem77938anglicismo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63149locuzione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77938anglicismo is anglicismo" ; rdfs:label " anglicismo_as_Representation" . inds:USem77939eurostar simple:hasIsa inds:USem62662treno ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77939eurostar is eurostar" ; rdfs:label " eurostar_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77940alcotest simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77940alcotest is alcotest" ; rdfs:label " alcotest_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77941criosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USem64427zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61175terra ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77941criosfera is criosfera" ; rdfs:label " criosfera_as_Part" . inds:USem77942partitone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6042competizione ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77942partitone is partitone" ; rdfs:label " partitone_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem77943quattro simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD76830cinque ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD76829tre ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77943quattro is quattro" ; rdfs:label " quattro_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USem77944ecodiesel simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77944ecodiesel is ecodiesel" ; rdfs:label " ecodiesel_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem77945calvinismo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3563calvinista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77945calvinismo is calvinismo" ; rdfs:label " calvinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem77946taliban simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD4654studiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62270studente ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77946taliban is taliban" ; rdfs:label " taliban_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem77947bioetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77947bioetica is bioetica" ; rdfs:label " bioetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem77948archeozoico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77948archeozoico is archeozoico" ; rdfs:label " archeozoico_as_Time" . inds:USem77949allergologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77949allergologo is allergologo" ; rdfs:label " allergologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem77950zoosemiotica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77950zoosemiotica is zoosemiotica" ; rdfs:label " zoosemiotica_as_Domain" . inds:USem77951trotskismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77951trotskismo is trotskismo" ; rdfs:label " trotskismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem77952celenterato simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77952celenterato is celenterato" ; rdfs:label " celenterato_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem77953camiceria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2944camicia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77953camiceria is camiceria" ; rdfs:label " camiceria_as_Building" . inds:USem77954cambista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem77475cambiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77954cambista is cambista" ; rdfs:label " cambista_as_Profession" . inds:USem77955camping simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63423campeggiare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77955camping is camping" ; rdfs:label " camping_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem77956travestimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77956travestimento is travestimento" ; rdfs:label " travestimento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77958endotossina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1972batterio ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77958endotossina is endotossina" ; rdfs:label " endotossina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem77959assiomatica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem59924matematica ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77959assiomatica is assiomatica" ; rdfs:label " assiomatica_as_Domain" . inds:USem77961camuffamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem77956travestimento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77961camuffamento is camuffamento" ; rdfs:label " camuffamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem77962canicola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3365estate ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77962canicola is canicola" ; rdfs:label " canicola_as_Time" . inds:USem77963canicola simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77963canicola is canicola" ; rdfs:label " canicola_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem77964canonico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3579religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem2215chiesa ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77964canonico is canonico" ; rdfs:label " canonico_as_Social_status" . inds:USem77965cantaro simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68715coppa ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77965cantaro is cantaro" ; rdfs:label " cantaro_as_Container" . inds:USem77966sapore simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77966sapore is sapore" ; rdfs:label " sapore_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem77969cantica simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77969cantica is cantica" ; rdfs:label " cantica_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem77970calice simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2983bicchiere ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3171cristallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77970calice is calice" ; rdfs:label " calice_as_Container" . inds:USem77971calice simple:hasContains inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68715coppa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77971calice is calice" ; rdfs:label " calice_as_Container" . inds:USem77972canyon simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5985valle ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77972canyon is canyon" ; rdfs:label " canyon_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USem77974canzonatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem60828derisione ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77974canzonatura is canzonatura" ; rdfs:label " canzonatura_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem77975caparra simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77975caparra is caparra" ; rdfs:label " caparra_as_Amount" . inds:USem77977capitana simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77977capitana is capitana" ; rdfs:label " capitana_as_Human" . inds:USem77978capitello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77978capitello is capitello" ; rdfs:label " capitello_as_Part" . inds:USem77979capitello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5163striscia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6393rinforzare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77979capitello is capitello" ; rdfs:label " capitello_as_Artifact" . inds:USem77980differenziale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77980differenziale is differenziale" ; rdfs:label " differenziale_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77981capitello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3482alambicco ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77981capitello is capitello" ; rdfs:label " capitello_as_Part" . inds:USem77983svenimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77983svenimento is svenimento" ; rdfs:label " svenimento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem77984differenziale simple:hasIsa inds:USem68667prodotto ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77984differenziale is differenziale" ; rdfs:label " differenziale_as_Convention" . inds:USem77986fisiognomica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77986fisiognomica is fisiognomica" ; rdfs:label " fisiognomica_as_Domain" . inds:USem77987capogiro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77987capogiro is capogiro" ; rdfs:label " capogiro_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem77988famigliola simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77988famigliola is famigliola" ; rdfs:label " famigliola_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem77989capoguardia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77989capoguardia is capoguardia" ; rdfs:label " capoguardia_as_Role" . inds:USem77990capomensa simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem72287mensa ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77990capomensa is capomensa" ; rdfs:label " capomensa_as_Role" . inds:USem77991fitoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77991fitoterapia is fitoterapia" ; rdfs:label " fitoterapia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem77992caponata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64501pietanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77992caponata is caponata" ; rdfs:label " caponata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem77993capomafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem66226mafia ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77993capomafia is capomafia" ; rdfs:label " capomafia_as_Role" . inds:USem77994fisioterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77994fisioterapia is fisioterapia" ; rdfs:label " fisioterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USem77995capone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77995capone is capone" ; rdfs:label " capone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem77996capoarea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3615capo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77996capoarea is capoarea" ; rdfs:label " capoarea_as_Role" . inds:USem77998capote simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo, inds:USemD7091carrozza ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77998capote is capote" ; rdfs:label " capote_as_Part" . inds:USem77999daltonismo simple:hasAffects inds:USem60548vista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem77999daltonismo is daltonismo" ; rdfs:label " daltonismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78001tonneau simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5265condurre ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78001tonneau is tonneau" ; rdfs:label " tonneau_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem78002tonneau simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78002tonneau is tonneau" ; rdfs:label " tonneau_as_Part" . inds:USem78003duchessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78003duchessa is duchessa" ; rdfs:label " duchessa_as_Social_status" . inds:USem78005capsula simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78005capsula is capsula" ; rdfs:label " capsula_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem78006capsula simple:hasContains inds:USem5194medicina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68212involucro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78006capsula is capsula" ; rdfs:label " capsula_as_Container" . inds:USem78007ferramenta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78007ferramenta is ferramenta" ; rdfs:label " ferramenta_as_Building" . inds:USem78008ferramenta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78008ferramenta is ferramenta" ; rdfs:label " ferramenta_as_Group" . inds:USem78009cartamoneta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78009cartamoneta is cartamoneta" ; rdfs:label " cartamoneta_as_Money" . inds:USem78010capsula simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78010capsula is capsula" ; rdfs:label " capsula_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78011cartoccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78011cartoccio is cartoccio" ; rdfs:label " cartoccio_as_Container" . inds:USem78012capsula simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61216raccogliere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78012capsula is capsula" ; rdfs:label " capsula_as_Container" . inds:USem78013cartoccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78013cartoccio is cartoccio" ; rdfs:label " cartoccio_as_Amount" . inds:USem78014caratura simple:hasIsa inds:USem78554misurazione ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78014caratura is caratura" ; rdfs:label " caratura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78015quota simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78015quota is quota" ; rdfs:label " quota_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem78016carboidrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2722idrogeno, inds:USemD2724ossigeno, inds:USemD3043carbonio ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78016carboidrato is carboidrato" ; rdfs:label " carboidrato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem78017marx simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78017marx is marx" ; rdfs:label " marx_as_Human" . inds:USem78018martinica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78018martinica is martinica" ; rdfs:label " martinica_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem78019martinica simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78019martinica is martinica" ; rdfs:label " martinica_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78020saccaride simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2722idrogeno, inds:USemD2724ossigeno, inds:USemD3043carbonio ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78020saccaride is saccaride" ; rdfs:label " saccaride_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem78021carbonaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem69782carboneria ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78021carbonaro is carbonaro" ; rdfs:label " carbonaro_as_Human" . inds:USem78023carcade1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78023carcade1 is carcade'" ; rdfs:label " carcade'_as_Plant" . inds:USem78024carcade1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2315infusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78024carcade1 is carcade'" ; rdfs:label " carcade'_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem78025carburatorista simple:hasIsa inds:USem79775riparatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78025carburatorista is carburatorista" ; rdfs:label " carburatorista_as_Profession" . inds:USem78026carbonite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3213nitroglicerina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61014esplodere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78026carbonite is carbonite" ; rdfs:label " carbonite_as_Substance" . inds:USem78030contingente simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem892contingenza ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78030contingente is contingente" ; rdfs:label " contingente_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78033carme simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78033carme is carme" ; rdfs:label " carme_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem78036perdonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66675atteggiamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78036perdonismo is perdonismo" ; rdfs:label " perdonismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem78037mormonismo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72470mormone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78037mormonismo is mormonismo" ; rdfs:label " mormonismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem78039welfarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66231cinico ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78039welfarismo is welfarismo" ; rdfs:label " welfarismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem78040nepitella simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78040nepitella is nepitella" ; rdfs:label " nepitella_as_Plant" . inds:USem78041elitarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78041elitarismo is elitarismo" ; rdfs:label " elitarismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem78042brigatismo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4602societa1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78042brigatismo is brigatismo" ; rdfs:label " brigatismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78043ruchetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem78046ruchetta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78043ruchetta is ruchetta" ; rdfs:label " ruchetta_as_Plant" . inds:USem78044pentitismo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem63697pentito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78044pentitismo is pentitismo" ; rdfs:label " pentitismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem78045polacchino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5571tomaia, inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4784stivaletto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78045polacchino is polacchino" ; rdfs:label " polacchino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem78046ruchetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem78043ruchetta ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78046ruchetta is ruchetta" ; rdfs:label " ruchetta_as_Vegetable" . inds:USem78047polacchina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5571tomaia, inds:USemD5572suola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4784stivaletto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78047polacchina is polacchina" ; rdfs:label " polacchina_as_Clothing" . inds:USem78048carrozzino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7091carrozza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78048carrozzino is carrozzino" ; rdfs:label " carrozzino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem78053occhialino simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78053occhialino is occhialino" ; rdfs:label " occhialino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem78054occhiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78054occhiata is occhiata" ; rdfs:label " occhiata_as_Act" . inds:USem78056oligofrenico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemTH15890oligofrenia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78056oligofrenico is oligofrenico" ; rdfs:label " oligofrenico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78057occhiolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78057occhiolino is occhiolino" ; rdfs:label " occhiolino_as_Act" . inds:USem78061panchinaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78061panchinaro is panchinaro" ; rdfs:label " panchinaro_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem78062bianconero simple:hasConcerns inds:USem62470calcio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78062bianconero is bianconero" ; rdfs:label " bianconero_as_Human" . inds:USem78063dopoteatro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2783sera ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78063dopoteatro is dopoteatro" ; rdfs:label " dopoteatro_as_Time" . inds:USem78064pidiessino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7237partito ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78064pidiessino is pidiessino" ; rdfs:label " pidiessino_as_Human" . inds:USem78065chimico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78065chimico is chimico" ; rdfs:label " chimico_as_Profession" . inds:USem78066chimismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78066chimismo is chimismo" ; rdfs:label " chimismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78067chiromante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5625prevedere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78067chiromante is chiromante" ; rdfs:label " chiromante_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem78068ciabattata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem63109ciabatta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78068ciabattata is ciabattata" ; rdfs:label " ciabattata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78069cinetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78069cinetica is cinetica" ; rdfs:label " cinetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem78070cinghia simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3326cuoio, inds:USem5433stoffa ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78070cinghia is cinghia" ; rdfs:label " cinghia_as_Artifact" . inds:USem78071bagattella simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78071bagattella is bagattella" ; rdfs:label " bagattella_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem78072gazzarra simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78072gazzarra is gazzarra" ; rdfs:label " gazzarra_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem78073porcata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78073porcata is porcata" ; rdfs:label " porcata_as_Act" . inds:USem78074faggeta simple:hasContains inds:USem1458faggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4729bosco ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78074faggeta is faggeta" ; rdfs:label " faggeta_as_Area" . inds:USem78075stealth simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5210aereo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78075stealth is stealth" ; rdfs:label " stealth_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem78076cinquantenario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78076cinquantenario is cinquantenario" ; rdfs:label " cinquantenario_as_Event" . inds:USem78077cirrosi simple:hasAffects inds:USem1819fegato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78077cirrosi is cirrosi" ; rdfs:label " cirrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem78078cippo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3000pietra ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7079indicare ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78078cippo is cippo" ; rdfs:label " cippo_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem78079cippo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3000pietra ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD66212commemorare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78079cippo is cippo" ; rdfs:label " cippo_as_Building" . inds:USem78080citologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59962biologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78080citologia is citologia" ; rdfs:label " citologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78081clandestino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78081clandestino is clandestino" ; rdfs:label " clandestino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem78082ricchezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62447ricco ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78082ricchezza is ricchezza" ; rdfs:label " ricchezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem78083umiliare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60570umiliazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78083umiliare is umiliare" ; rdfs:label " umiliare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem78084commozione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5905emozione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78084commozione is commozione" ; rdfs:label " commozione_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem78085commozione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60284alterazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78085commozione is commozione" ; rdfs:label " commozione_as_Disease" . inds:USem78095vaccinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5466prevenire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78095vaccinazione is vaccinazione" ; rdfs:label " vaccinazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78096chemioterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem61591carcinoma ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78096chemioterapia is chemioterapia" ; rdfs:label " chemioterapia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78100analisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78100analisi is analisi" ; rdfs:label " analisi_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78101perla simple:hasContains inds:USem5194medicina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78101perla is perla" ; rdfs:label " perla_as_Container" . inds:USem78102ordinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79492dare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78102ordinare is ordinare" ; rdfs:label " ordinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78105due simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD76827tre ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD76908uno ; a simple:NumeralProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78105due is due" ; rdfs:label " due_as_NumeralProperty" . inds:USem78106ringraziamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78106ringraziamento is ringraziamento" ; rdfs:label " ringraziamento_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78108aureomicina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3019antibiotico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78108aureomicina is aureomicina" ; rdfs:label " aureomicina_as_Substance" . inds:USem78109neomicina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3019antibiotico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78109neomicina is neomicina" ; rdfs:label " neomicina_as_Substance" . inds:USem78110farmaceutica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem17farmacia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78110farmaceutica is farmaceutica" ; rdfs:label " farmaceutica_as_Domain" . inds:USem78111tetraciclina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3019antibiotico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78111tetraciclina is tetraciclina" ; rdfs:label " tetraciclina_as_Substance" . inds:USem78112pienezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78112pienezza is pienezza" ; rdfs:label " pienezza_as_State" . inds:USem78113cloromicetina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3019antibiotico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78113cloromicetina is cloromicetina" ; rdfs:label " cloromicetina_as_Substance" . inds:USem78114cefalosporina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3019antibiotico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78114cefalosporina is cefalosporina" ; rdfs:label " cefalosporina_as_Substance" . inds:USem78115rifampicina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3019antibiotico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78115rifampicina is rifampicina" ; rdfs:label " rifampicina_as_Substance" . inds:USem78116anticancro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem61594cancro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78116anticancro is anticancro" ; rdfs:label " anticancro_as_Substance" . inds:USem78118esanofele simple:hasIsa inds:USem70913antimalarico ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78118esanofele is esanofele" ; rdfs:label " esanofele_as_Substance" . inds:USem78119valium simple:hasIsa inds:USem62522tranquillante ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5320calmare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78119valium is valium" ; rdfs:label " valium_as_Substance" . inds:USem78120prozac simple:hasIsa inds:USem74197antidepressivo ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem69149depressione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78120prozac is prozac" ; rdfs:label " prozac_as_Substance" . inds:USem78121fungicida simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USemTH14130micosi ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78121fungicida is fungicida" ; rdfs:label " fungicida_as_Substance" . inds:USem78123antitarmico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem4649tarma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78123antitarmico is antitarmico" ; rdfs:label " antitarmico_as_Substance" . inds:USem78127soluzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3650miscela ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78127soluzione is soluzione" ; rdfs:label " soluzione_as_Substance" . inds:USem78139ricostituente simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6768rafforzare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78139ricostituente is ricostituente" ; rdfs:label " ricostituente_as_Substance" . inds:USem78140balsamo simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD2083capello ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem74588emolliente ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78140balsamo is balsamo" ; rdfs:label " balsamo_as_Substance" . inds:USem78141ingurgitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6303inghiottire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78141ingurgitare is ingurgitare" ; rdfs:label " ingurgitare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78142assumere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5616ingerire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78142assumere is assumere" ; rdfs:label " assumere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78143clinica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1981medico, inds:USem3631infermiere, inds:USem67458paziente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD1189ricoverare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78143clinica is clinica" ; rdfs:label " clinica_as_Institution" . inds:USem78144reparto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3327militare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78144reparto is reparto" ; rdfs:label " reparto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78145ovulo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78145ovulo is ovulo" ; rdfs:label " ovulo_as_Substance" . inds:USem78146trattamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78146trattamento is trattamento" ; rdfs:label " trattamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78147rimedio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78147rimedio is rimedio" ; rdfs:label " rimedio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78148speculum simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6777dilatare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78148speculum is speculum" ; rdfs:label " speculum_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78149oftalmoscopio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem1990oculista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5014osservare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78149oftalmoscopio is oftalmoscopio" ; rdfs:label " oftalmoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78151enteroclisma simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3120clistere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78151enteroclisma is enteroclisma" ; rdfs:label " enteroclisma_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78152levatartaro simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67627tartaro ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem2002dentista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6857rimuovere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78152levatartaro is levatartaro" ; rdfs:label " levatartaro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78153dermatologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1764pelle ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78153dermatologia is dermatologia" ; rdfs:label " dermatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78155psicanalisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78155psicanalisi is psicanalisi" ; rdfs:label " psicanalisi_as_Domain" . inds:USem78156psicoanalista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78156psicoanalista is psicoanalista" ; rdfs:label " psicoanalista_as_Profession" . inds:USem78160cliente simple:hasAgentive inds:USem7146comprare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78160cliente is cliente" ; rdfs:label " cliente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem78161cloaca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem60498scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61447canale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64679scaricare, inds:USem64863raccogliere ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78161cloaca is cloaca" ; rdfs:label " cloaca_as_Opening" . inds:USem78162fattucchiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78162fattucchiera is fattucchiera" ; rdfs:label " fattucchiera_as_Human" . inds:USem78163gazzosa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78163gazzosa is gazzosa" ; rdfs:label " gazzosa_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem78164cloaca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78164cloaca is cloaca" ; rdfs:label " cloaca_as_Location" . inds:USem78165elettromeccanico simple:hasIsa inds:USem5000tecnico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78165elettromeccanico is elettromeccanico" ; rdfs:label " elettromeccanico_as_Profession" . inds:USem78166cloaca simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1829intestino ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78166cloaca is cloaca" ; rdfs:label " cloaca_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem78171autolesionista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD65940autolesionismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78171autolesionista is autolesionista" ; rdfs:label " autolesionista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78172masochista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem73551masochismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78172masochista is masochista" ; rdfs:label " masochista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78173gaglioffo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78173gaglioffo is gaglioffo" ; rdfs:label " gaglioffo_as_Human" . inds:USem78174idrocoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78174idrocoltura is idrocoltura" ; rdfs:label " idrocoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USem78175idrometallurgia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78175idrometallurgia is idrometallurgia" ; rdfs:label " idrometallurgia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78176clochard simple:hasIsa inds:USem64013vagabondo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78176clochard is clochard" ; rdfs:label " clochard_as_Human" . inds:USem78177idrovolante simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78177idrovolante is idrovolante" ; rdfs:label " idrovolante_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem78178cloche simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67494leva ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78178cloche is cloche" ; rdfs:label " cloche_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78179cloche simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78179cloche is cloche" ; rdfs:label " cloche_as_Clothing" . inds:USem78180idrobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59962biologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78180idrobiologia is idrobiologia" ; rdfs:label " idrobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78181clorofilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem3062pigmento ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78181clorofilla is clorofilla" ; rdfs:label " clorofilla_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem78182cloruro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78182cloruro is cloruro" ; rdfs:label " cloruro_as_Substance" . inds:USem78183club simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62421circolo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78183club is club" ; rdfs:label " club_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78184gelatiera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78184gelatiera is gelatiera" ; rdfs:label " gelatiera_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78185coagulo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USem78191coagulazione ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78185coagulo is coagulo" ; rdfs:label " coagulo_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78186idrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78186idrologia is idrologia" ; rdfs:label " idrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78187gattinara simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78187gattinara is gattinara" ; rdfs:label " gattinara_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem78188coagulare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78188coagulare is coagulare" ; rdfs:label " coagulare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78189rostro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78189rostro is rostro" ; rdfs:label " rostro_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem78190rompiscatole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78190rompiscatole is rompiscatole" ; rdfs:label " rompiscatole_as_Human" . inds:USem78191coagulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78191coagulazione is coagulazione" ; rdfs:label " coagulazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78192geomorfologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59975geologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78192geomorfologia is geomorfologia" ; rdfs:label " geomorfologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78193coacervo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78193coacervo is coacervo" ; rdfs:label " coacervo_as_Group" . inds:USem78194coadiuvante simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78194coadiuvante is coadiuvante" ; rdfs:label " coadiuvante_as_Substance" . inds:USem78195coatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78195coatto is coatto" ; rdfs:label " coatto_as_Human" . inds:USem78196coautore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78196coautore is coautore" ; rdfs:label " coautore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem78197coclea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1820orecchio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78197coclea is coclea" ; rdfs:label " coclea_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem78198coclea simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78198coclea is coclea" ; rdfs:label " coclea_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78199codice simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem4834scrivere, inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78199codice is codice" ; rdfs:label " codice_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem78200codice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6397regola ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78200codice is codice" ; rdfs:label " codice_as_Convention" . inds:USem78201diagonale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2479poligono ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78201diagonale is diagonale" ; rdfs:label " diagonale_as_Part" . inds:USem78202codicillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78202codicillo is codicillo" ; rdfs:label " codicillo_as_Part" . inds:USem78203diametro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1413linea ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78203diametro is diametro" ; rdfs:label " diametro_as_Part" . inds:USem78206digitalizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78206digitalizzazione is digitalizzazione" ; rdfs:label " digitalizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78207codifica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78207codifica is codifica" ; rdfs:label " codifica_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78208codificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78208codificazione is codificazione" ; rdfs:label " codificazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78209coefficiente simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78209coefficiente is coefficiente" ; rdfs:label " coefficiente_as_Agentive" . inds:USem78210gnoseologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem19filosofia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78210gnoseologia is gnoseologia" ; rdfs:label " gnoseologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78211coefficiente simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78211coefficiente is coefficiente" ; rdfs:label " coefficiente_as_Representation" . inds:USem78213geocronologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59975geologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78213geocronologia is geocronologia" ; rdfs:label " geocronologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78214coimputato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem65682imputare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78214coimputato is coimputato" ; rdfs:label " coimputato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem78215insulto simple:hasIsa inds:USem78916offesa ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78215insulto is insulto" ; rdfs:label " insulto_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78217coercizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78217coercizione is coercizione" ; rdfs:label " coercizione_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem78218gnostica simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78218gnostica is gnostica" ; rdfs:label " gnostica_as_Domain" . inds:USem78219coesione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78219coesione is coesione" ; rdfs:label " coesione_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem78220coesione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78220coesione is coesione" ; rdfs:label " coesione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem78221germicida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USemD5328germe ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem4829uccidere ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78221germicida is germicida" ; rdfs:label " germicida_as_Substance" . inds:USem78222glottologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78222glottologo is glottologo" ; rdfs:label " glottologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem78223giornaletto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6977giornale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78223giornaletto is giornaletto" ; rdfs:label " giornaletto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem78224giornaletto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78224giornaletto is giornaletto" ; rdfs:label " giornaletto_as_Information" . inds:USem78225gelificante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78225gelificante is gelificante" ; rdfs:label " gelificante_as_Substance" . inds:USem78226gelone simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63847lesione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78226gelone is gelone" ; rdfs:label " gelone_as_Disease" . inds:USem78227mastello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78227mastello is mastello" ; rdfs:label " mastello_as_Container" . inds:USem78228sforare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78228sforare is sforare" ; rdfs:label " sforare_as_Change" . inds:USem78229sforamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78229sforamento is sforamento" ; rdfs:label " sforamento_as_Change" . inds:USem78230macrotesto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD6379testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78230macrotesto is macrotesto" ; rdfs:label " macrotesto_as_Group" . inds:USem78231sghignazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78231sghignazzo is sghignazzo" ; rdfs:label " sghignazzo_as_Act" . inds:USem78232sghignazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78232sghignazzare is sghignazzare" ; rdfs:label " sghignazzare_as_Act" . inds:USem78233sghignazzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78233sghignazzata is sghignazzata" ; rdfs:label " sghignazzata_as_Act" . inds:USem78234windsurf simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69485tavola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6563galleggiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78234windsurf is windsurf" ; rdfs:label " windsurf_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78235windsurf simple:hasInstrument inds:USem78234windsurf ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78235windsurf is windsurf" ; rdfs:label " windsurf_as_Domain" . inds:USem78236windsurfer simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78236windsurfer is windsurfer" ; rdfs:label " windsurfer_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem78237windsurfista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78237windsurfista is windsurfista" ; rdfs:label " windsurfista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem78238adenovirus simple:hasIsa inds:USem1971virus ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78238adenovirus is adenovirus" ; rdfs:label " adenovirus_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem78239ipermarket simple:hasIsa inds:USem69587emporio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78239ipermarket is ipermarket" ; rdfs:label " ipermarket_as_Building" . inds:USem78240spasticita1 simple:hasAffects inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78240spasticita1 is spasticita'" ; rdfs:label " spasticita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78241antichita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78241antichita1 is antichita'" ; rdfs:label " antichita'_as_Time" . inds:USem78242coclearia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78242coclearia is coclearia" ; rdfs:label " coclearia_as_Plant" . inds:USem78243concittadino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78243concittadino is concittadino" ; rdfs:label " concittadino_as_Human" . inds:USem78244consolle simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78244consolle is consolle" ; rdfs:label " consolle_as_Furniture" . inds:USem78245consolle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2894organo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78245consolle is consolle" ; rdfs:label " consolle_as_Part" . inds:USem78246correlatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78246correlatore is correlatore" ; rdfs:label " correlatore_as_Human" . inds:USem78247concordato simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78247concordato is concordato" ; rdfs:label " concordato_as_Convention" . inds:USem78248ics simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78248ics is ics" ; rdfs:label " ics_as_Sign" . inds:USem78249ictus simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5401tessuto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63847lesione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78249ictus is ictus" ; rdfs:label " ictus_as_Disease" . inds:USem78250confinante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78250confinante is confinante" ; rdfs:label " confinante_as_Human" . inds:USem78251congiuntiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7099palpebra ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78251congiuntiva is congiuntiva" ; rdfs:label " congiuntiva_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem78252guercio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78252guercio is guercio" ; rdfs:label " guercio_as_Human" . inds:USem78253connettivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78253connettivo is connettivo" ; rdfs:label " connettivo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem78254connettivo simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5194congiungere ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78254connettivo is connettivo" ; rdfs:label " connettivo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem78256connettivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1840stame ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78256connettivo is connettivo" ; rdfs:label " connettivo_as_Part" . inds:USem78257brogliaccio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65619registro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78257brogliaccio is brogliaccio" ; rdfs:label " brogliaccio_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem78258curriculum simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5387redigere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78258curriculum is curriculum" ; rdfs:label " curriculum_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem78259curriculum simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78259curriculum is curriculum" ; rdfs:label " curriculum_as_Information" . inds:USem78260consociato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4603societa1 ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78260consociato is consociato" ; rdfs:label " consociato_as_Human" . inds:USem78261condono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78261condono is condono" ; rdfs:label " condono_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78262condividere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78262condividere is condividere" ; rdfs:label " condividere_as_State" . inds:USem78263festeggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78263festeggiamento is festeggiamento" ; rdfs:label " festeggiamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78264glutammato simple:hasIsa inds:USem3704sale ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78264glutammato is glutammato" ; rdfs:label " glutammato_as_Substance" . inds:USem78266idrografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78266idrografia is idrografia" ; rdfs:label " idrografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78268onerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78268onerare is onerare" ; rdfs:label " onerare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78269onere simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78269onere is onere" ; rdfs:label " onere_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem78270mancina simple:hasIsa inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1743braccio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78270mancina is mancina" ; rdfs:label " mancina_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem78271onorario simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78271onorario is onorario" ; rdfs:label " onorario_as_Amount" . inds:USem78272orchestrina simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem59502orchestrale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78272orchestrina is orchestrina" ; rdfs:label " orchestrina_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78273orchestrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78273orchestrare is orchestrare" ; rdfs:label " orchestrare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem78275orchestrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78275orchestrare is orchestrare" ; rdfs:label " orchestrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78276orchestrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78276orchestrazione is orchestrazione" ; rdfs:label " orchestrazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78277piastrella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5521cottura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68745mattonella ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2613rivestire ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78277piastrella is piastrella" ; rdfs:label " piastrella_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem78278xenoecologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59969ecologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78278xenoecologia is xenoecologia" ; rdfs:label " xenoecologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78279biocenologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59969ecologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78279biocenologia is biocenologia" ; rdfs:label " biocenologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78280cancerologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78280cancerologia is cancerologia" ; rdfs:label " cancerologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78281posturologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78281posturologia is posturologia" ; rdfs:label " posturologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78282zoopatologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem70624veterinaria ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78282zoopatologia is zoopatologia" ; rdfs:label " zoopatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78283gemmoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem77991fitoterapia ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78283gemmoterapia is gemmoterapia" ; rdfs:label " gemmoterapia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78284caffeomanzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78284caffeomanzia is caffeomanzia" ; rdfs:label " caffeomanzia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78285angiostatina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78285angiostatina is angiostatina" ; rdfs:label " angiostatina_as_Substance" . inds:USem78286antroposfera simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD470opera, inds:USemD5558individuo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78286antroposfera is antroposfera" ; rdfs:label " antroposfera_as_Group" . inds:USem78287impaginatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78287impaginatura is impaginatura" ; rdfs:label " impaginatura_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem78288impaginazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78288impaginazione is impaginazione" ; rdfs:label " impaginazione_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem78289scalettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78289scalettare is scalettare" ; rdfs:label " scalettare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78290goloso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78290goloso is goloso" ; rdfs:label " goloso_as_Human" . inds:USem78292centrale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2296centro ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78292centrale is centrale" ; rdfs:label " centrale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78292ecopacifismo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD76979ecopacifista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78292ecopacifismo is ecopacifismo" ; rdfs:label " ecopacifismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem78293mietitura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78293mietitura is mietitura" ; rdfs:label " mietitura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78295saccopelista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78295saccopelista is saccopelista" ; rdfs:label " saccopelista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem78296movimentismo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD76980movimentista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78296movimentismo is movimentismo" ; rdfs:label " movimentismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem78298offensivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem66893tattica ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78298offensivismo is offensivismo" ; rdfs:label " offensivismo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78299misurino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78299misurino is misurino" ; rdfs:label " misurino_as_Container" . inds:USem78300offensivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78300offensivista is offensivista" ; rdfs:label " offensivista_as_Human" . inds:USem78301misurino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78301misurino is misurino" ; rdfs:label " misurino_as_Amount" . inds:USem78303cinico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem5061cinismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78303cinico is cinico" ; rdfs:label " cinico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78305demaquillage simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78305demaquillage is demaquillage" ; rdfs:label " demaquillage_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78306quadrilocale simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78306quadrilocale is quadrilocale" ; rdfs:label " quadrilocale_as_Building" . inds:USem78307bilocale simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4149vano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78307bilocale is bilocale" ; rdfs:label " bilocale_as_Building" . inds:USem78308rottamare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6907smontare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78308rottamare is rottamare" ; rdfs:label " rottamare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem78309rottamazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78309rottamazione is rottamazione" ; rdfs:label " rottamazione_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem78310esternazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78310esternazione is esternazione" ; rdfs:label " esternazione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem78311calibrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78311calibrazione is calibrazione" ; rdfs:label " calibrazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78312catabasi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78312catabasi is catabasi" ; rdfs:label " catabasi_as_Event" . inds:USem78313fricchettone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78313fricchettone is fricchettone" ; rdfs:label " fricchettone_as_Human" . inds:USem78314centrifugazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78314centrifugazione is centrifugazione" ; rdfs:label " centrifugazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78315capocantiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78315capocantiere is capocantiere" ; rdfs:label " capocantiere_as_Role" . inds:USem78316cicloamatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem6782pedalare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78316cicloamatore is cicloamatore" ; rdfs:label " cicloamatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem78317chiacchierata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6371conversazione ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78317chiacchierata is chiacchierata" ; rdfs:label " chiacchierata_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78318condirettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78318condirettore is condirettore" ; rdfs:label " condirettore_as_Role" . inds:USem78319gerontocrate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78319gerontocrate is gerontocrate" ; rdfs:label " gerontocrate_as_Human" . inds:USem78320commissario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78320commissario is commissario" ; rdfs:label " commissario_as_Profession" . inds:USem78321dopoelezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78321dopoelezione is dopoelezione" ; rdfs:label " dopoelezione_as_Time" . inds:USem78322meningococco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1972batterio ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78322meningococco is meningococco" ; rdfs:label " meningococco_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem78323totomilionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78323totomilionario is totomilionario" ; rdfs:label " totomilionario_as_Human" . inds:USem78324totoricevitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78324totoricevitore is totoricevitore" ; rdfs:label " totoricevitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem78325elencazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78325elencazione is elencazione" ; rdfs:label " elencazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78326biotecnologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78326biotecnologo is biotecnologo" ; rdfs:label " biotecnologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem78327attaccatutto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6899incollare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78327attaccatutto is attaccatutto" ; rdfs:label " attaccatutto_as_Substance" . inds:USem78328apprettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD76990inamidare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78328apprettare is apprettare" ; rdfs:label " apprettare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78329anelito simple:hasIsa inds:USem60433desiderio ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78329anelito is anelito" ; rdfs:label " anelito_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem78330gessato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78330gessato is gessato" ; rdfs:label " gessato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem78331gessato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78331gessato is gessato" ; rdfs:label " gessato_as_Clothing" . inds:USem78332gobelin simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78332gobelin is gobelin" ; rdfs:label " gobelin_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem78333gingillino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78333gingillino is gingillino" ; rdfs:label " gingillino_as_Human" . inds:USem78334auscultare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1820orecchio, inds:USem2338stetoscopio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78334auscultare is auscultare" ; rdfs:label " auscultare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78337hardware simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78337hardware is hardware" ; rdfs:label " hardware_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78338palaghiaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6781pattinare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78338palaghiaccio is palaghiaccio" ; rdfs:label " palaghiaccio_as_Building" . inds:USem78339salvaschermo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem64806computer ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78339salvaschermo is salvaschermo" ; rdfs:label " salvaschermo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78340citazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78340citazionismo is citazionismo" ; rdfs:label " citazionismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78341governissimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63818governo ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78341governissimo is governissimo" ; rdfs:label " governissimo_as_Institution" . inds:USem78342complottismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78342complottismo is complottismo" ; rdfs:label " complottismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78343copripiumino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63195fodera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61597avvolgere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78343copripiumino is copripiumino" ; rdfs:label " copripiumino_as_Furniture" . inds:USem78344narcodollaro simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2089america, inds:USem2116canada ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78344narcodollaro is narcodollaro" ; rdfs:label " narcodollaro_as_Money" . inds:USem78345redditometro simple:hasConcerns inds:USem59784ricchezza ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78345redditometro is redditometro" ; rdfs:label " redditometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78346processo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78346processo is processo" ; rdfs:label " processo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78347maxiprocesso simple:hasIsa inds:USem78346processo ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78347maxiprocesso is maxiprocesso" ; rdfs:label " maxiprocesso_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78348neopatentato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78348neopatentato is neopatentato" ; rdfs:label " neopatentato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem78349eurodeputato simple:hasIsa inds:USem64040deputato ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem3600parlamento ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78349eurodeputato is eurodeputato" ; rdfs:label " eurodeputato_as_Social_status" . inds:USem78350campanellina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD76996campanellina ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78350campanellina is campanellina" ; rdfs:label " campanellina_as_Plant" . inds:USem78351compartimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2052locale, inds:USem2874vagone ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78351compartimento is compartimento" ; rdfs:label " compartimento_as_Part" . inds:USem78352sbobinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78352sbobinare is sbobinare" ; rdfs:label " sbobinare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78353sbobinatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78353sbobinatura is sbobinatura" ; rdfs:label " sbobinatura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78354comparto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78354comparto is comparto" ; rdfs:label " comparto_as_Part" . inds:USem78355sbobinamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78355sbobinamento is sbobinamento" ; rdfs:label " sbobinamento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78357megaconcerto simple:hasIsa inds:USem73573concerto ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78357megaconcerto is megaconcerto" ; rdfs:label " megaconcerto_as_Event" . inds:USem78358contraltare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2214chiesa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78358contraltare is contraltare" ; rdfs:label " contraltare_as_Part" . inds:USem78359doppiaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78359doppiaggio is doppiaggio" ; rdfs:label " doppiaggio_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78361contraltare simple:hasTelic inds:USemTH490controbilanciare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78361contraltare is contraltare" ; rdfs:label " contraltare_as_Telic" . inds:USem78362edema simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5401tessuto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69503disfunzione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78362edema is edema" ; rdfs:label " edema_as_Disease" . inds:USem78363contraente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78363contraente is contraente" ; rdfs:label " contraente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem78364gozzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78364gozzo is gozzo" ; rdfs:label " gozzo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem78365contrattura simple:hasAffects inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78365contrattura is contrattura" ; rdfs:label " contrattura_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78366gozzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4307barca ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78366gozzo is gozzo" ; rdfs:label " gozzo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem78367gozzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78367gozzo is gozzo" ; rdfs:label " gozzo_as_Disease" . inds:USem78368megacardia simple:hasAffects inds:USem1769cuore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem78370anomalia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78368megacardia is megacardia" ; rdfs:label " megacardia_as_Disease" . inds:USem78369burbero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78369burbero is burbero" ; rdfs:label " burbero_as_Human" . inds:USem78370anomalia simple:hasIsa inds:USem68420alterazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78370anomalia is anomalia" ; rdfs:label " anomalia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78371basista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78371basista is basista" ; rdfs:label " basista_as_Human" . inds:USem78372bastonatura simple:hasInstrument inds:USem66448bastone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78372bastonatura is bastonatura" ; rdfs:label " bastonatura_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78373megacariocito simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1960citoplasma, inds:USem1962membrana, inds:USem1970nucleo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1958cellula ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78373megacariocito is megacariocito" ; rdfs:label " megacariocito_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem78374megacero simple:hasIsa inds:USem68751fossile ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78374megacero is megacero" ; rdfs:label " megacero_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USem78375megachirottero simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78375megachirottero is megachirottero" ; rdfs:label " megachirottero_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem78376megaciclo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78376megaciclo is megaciclo" ; rdfs:label " megaciclo_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem78377deperire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78377deperire is deperire" ; rdfs:label " deperire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78378megaderma simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1176pipistrello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78378megaderma is megaderma" ; rdfs:label " megaderma_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem78379megaelettronvolt simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78379megaelettronvolt is megaelettronvolt" ; rdfs:label " megaelettronvolt_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem78380megaesofago simple:hasAffects inds:USem62723esofago ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem78370anomalia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78380megaesofago is megaesofago" ; rdfs:label " megaesofago_as_Disease" . inds:USem78381megafonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2364megafono ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78381megafonista is megafonista" ; rdfs:label " megafonista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem78382megalocito simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1960citoplasma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1963globulo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3126sangue ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78382megalocito is megalocito" ; rdfs:label " megalocito_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem78383deperimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78383deperimento is deperimento" ; rdfs:label " deperimento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78384megametro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78384megametro is megametro" ; rdfs:label " megametro_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem78385megaohom simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78385megaohom is megaohom" ; rdfs:label " megaohom_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem78387megaparsec simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78387megaparsec is megaparsec" ; rdfs:label " megaparsec_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem78388megapode simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78388megapode is megapode" ; rdfs:label " megapode_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem78389megastore simple:hasIsa inds:USem69587emporio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78389megastore is megastore" ; rdfs:label " megastore_as_Building" . inds:USem78390megatep simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78390megatep is megatep" ; rdfs:label " megatep_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem78391megaton simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78391megaton is megaton" ; rdfs:label " megaton_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem78392megattera simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem63244cetaceo ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78392megattera is megattera" ; rdfs:label " megattera_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem78393inumare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78393inumare is inumare" ; rdfs:label " inumare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78394megavolt simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78394megavolt is megavolt" ; rdfs:label " megavolt_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem78395megawatt simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78395megawatt is megawatt" ; rdfs:label " megawatt_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem78396inumazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78396inumazione is inumazione" ; rdfs:label " inumazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78397convenevole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78397convenevole is convenevole" ; rdfs:label " convenevole_as_Act" . inds:USem78398coordinata simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78398coordinata is coordinata" ; rdfs:label " coordinata_as_Representation" . inds:USem78399invasato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78399invasato is invasato" ; rdfs:label " invasato_as_Human" . inds:USem78400coordinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65807frase ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78400coordinata is coordinata" ; rdfs:label " coordinata_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem78401invocazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78401invocazione is invocazione" ; rdfs:label " invocazione_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78402ingordo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78402ingordo is ingordo" ; rdfs:label " ingordo_as_Human" . inds:USem78403corpus simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78403corpus is corpus" ; rdfs:label " corpus_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem78404infermo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78404infermo is infermo" ; rdfs:label " infermo_as_Human" . inds:USem78405corpus simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63394collezione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78405corpus is corpus" ; rdfs:label " corpus_as_Group" . inds:USem78406ingestione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78406ingestione is ingestione" ; rdfs:label " ingestione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78407corrucciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78407corrucciare is corrucciare" ; rdfs:label " corrucciare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem78408inforcare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78408inforcare is inforcare" ; rdfs:label " inforcare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78409inforcare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78409inforcare is inforcare" ; rdfs:label " inforcare_as_Move" . inds:USem78410metastasi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78410metastasi is metastasi" ; rdfs:label " metastasi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78411mistificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78411mistificazione is mistificazione" ; rdfs:label " mistificazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem78412corticosteroide simple:hasIsa inds:USem74822steroide ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78412corticosteroide is corticosteroide" ; rdfs:label " corticosteroide_as_Substance" . inds:USem78413cotiledone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78413cotiledone is cotiledone" ; rdfs:label " cotiledone_as_Part" . inds:USem78414wahabismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78414wahabismo is wahabismo" ; rdfs:label " wahabismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USem78415evangelizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78415evangelizzazione is evangelizzazione" ; rdfs:label " evangelizzazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem78416walzer simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6056ballo ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78416walzer is walzer" ; rdfs:label " walzer_as_Move" . inds:USem78417walser simple:hasIsa inds:USem2245abitazione ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem68058legno, inds:USem71062ardesia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78417walser is walser" ; rdfs:label " walser_as_Building" . inds:USem78418wapiti simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78418wapiti is wapiti" ; rdfs:label " wapiti_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem78419wattora simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78419wattora is wattora" ; rdfs:label " wattora_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem78420wattsecondo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78420wattsecondo is wattsecondo" ; rdfs:label " wattsecondo_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USem78421wertherismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78421wertherismo is wertherismo" ; rdfs:label " wertherismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem78422wellness simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78422wellness is wellness" ; rdfs:label " wellness_as_State" . inds:USem78423galattopoiesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78423galattopoiesi is galattopoiesi" ; rdfs:label " galattopoiesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78424ricchezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78424ricchezza is ricchezza" ; rdfs:label " ricchezza_as_State" . inds:USem78425gambizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78425gambizzare is gambizzare" ; rdfs:label " gambizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78426western simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78426western is western" ; rdfs:label " western_as_Domain" . inds:USem78427gambizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78427gambizzazione is gambizzazione" ; rdfs:label " gambizzazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78428western simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78428western is western" ; rdfs:label " western_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem78429guarigione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78429guarigione is guarigione" ; rdfs:label " guarigione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78430giallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78430giallo is giallo" ; rdfs:label " giallo_as_Domain" . inds:USem78431thriller simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78431thriller is thriller" ; rdfs:label " thriller_as_Domain" . inds:USem78432avventura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78432avventura is avventura" ; rdfs:label " avventura_as_Event" . inds:USem78433idolatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78433idolatra is idolatra" ; rdfs:label " idolatra_as_Human" . inds:USem78434dramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78434dramma is dramma" ; rdfs:label " dramma_as_Event" . inds:USem78435ignavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78435ignavo is ignavo" ; rdfs:label " ignavo_as_Human" . inds:USem78436imbarcadero simple:hasIsa inds:USem67489banchina ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78436imbarcadero is imbarcadero" ; rdfs:label " imbarcadero_as_Location" . inds:USem78437commedia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78437commedia is commedia" ; rdfs:label " commedia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78438commedia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78438commedia is commedia" ; rdfs:label " commedia_as_Act" . inds:USem78439farsa simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78439farsa is farsa" ; rdfs:label " farsa_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem78440insaccato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5541insaccare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4267salume ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem01934maiale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78440insaccato is insaccato" ; rdfs:label " insaccato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem78441farsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78441farsa is farsa" ; rdfs:label " farsa_as_Act" . inds:USem78442farsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78442farsa is farsa" ; rdfs:label " farsa_as_Event" . inds:USem78443comico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63962genere ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78443comico is comico" ; rdfs:label " comico_as_Domain" . inds:USem78444ormeggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78444ormeggio is ormeggio" ; rdfs:label " ormeggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78444pastorale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66448bastone ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78444pastorale is pastorale" ; rdfs:label " pastorale_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78445pasturare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78445pasturare is pasturare" ; rdfs:label " pasturare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78446pascolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78446pascolare is pascolare" ; rdfs:label " pascolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78448orografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78448orografia is orografia" ; rdfs:label " orografia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78449patatrac simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78449patatrac is patatrac" ; rdfs:label " patatrac_as_Event" . inds:USem78450ortofonista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3630paramedico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78450ortofonista is ortofonista" ; rdfs:label " ortofonista_as_Profession" . inds:USem78451pecorone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78451pecorone is pecorone" ; rdfs:label " pecorone_as_Human" . inds:USem78452pediluvio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1749piede ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78452pediluvio is pediluvio" ; rdfs:label " pediluvio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78453peeling simple:hasIsa inds:USem72493intervento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78453peeling is peeling" ; rdfs:label " peeling_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78454pelago simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78454pelago is pelago" ; rdfs:label " pelago_as_Event" . inds:USem78455pelago simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78455pelago is pelago" ; rdfs:label " pelago_as_Amount" . inds:USem78456peluche simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5429peluche ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78456peluche is peluche" ; rdfs:label " peluche_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78457vichingo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem78460vichingo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78457vichingo is vichingo" ; rdfs:label " vichingo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78458mistificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USem67146mistificare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78458mistificatore is mistificatore" ; rdfs:label " mistificatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem78459vichingo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78459vichingo is vichingo" ; rdfs:label " vichingo_as_Human" . inds:USem78460vichingo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem78457vichingo ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD65698scandinavia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78460vichingo is vichingo" ; rdfs:label " vichingo_as_People" . inds:USem78461pigmeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem77408pigmeo ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78461pigmeo is pigmeo" ; rdfs:label " pigmeo_as_People" . inds:USem78462trombosi simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5666vena ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem79514occlusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69503disfunzione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78462trombosi is trombosi" ; rdfs:label " trombosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem78463turbocompressore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78463turbocompressore is turbocompressore" ; rdfs:label " turbocompressore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78467tequila simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1662aroma, inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78467tequila is tequila" ; rdfs:label " tequila_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem78468whiskino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1405liquore ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1662aroma, inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78468whiskino is whiskino" ; rdfs:label " whiskino_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem78469willemite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78469willemite is willemite" ; rdfs:label " willemite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem78470winchester simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5537fucile ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78470winchester is winchester" ; rdfs:label " winchester_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78471castrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78471castrazione is castrazione" ; rdfs:label " castrazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78472won simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2132corea ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78472won is won" ; rdfs:label " won_as_Money" . inds:USem78473workstation simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64806computer ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78473workstation is workstation" ; rdfs:label " workstation_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78474angioneurosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78474angioneurosi is angioneurosi" ; rdfs:label " angioneurosi_as_Disease" . inds:USem78475angiopatia simple:hasAffects inds:USem79513vaso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78475angiopatia is angiopatia" ; rdfs:label " angiopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USem78476caseificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78476caseificazione is caseificazione" ; rdfs:label " caseificazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78477vitaminizzare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3047farmaco, inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2887aggiungere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78477vitaminizzare is vitaminizzare" ; rdfs:label " vitaminizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78478vitaminizzazione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3047farmaco, inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78478vitaminizzazione is vitaminizzazione" ; rdfs:label " vitaminizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78479compatire simple:hasFeeling inds:USem78481compatimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66238commiserare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78479compatire is compatire" ; rdfs:label " compatire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem78480pantacollant simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2941calzamaglia ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1116maglia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78480pantacollant is pantacollant" ; rdfs:label " pantacollant_as_Clothing" . inds:USem78481compatimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem73552commiserazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78481compatimento is compatimento" ; rdfs:label " compatimento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem78482dopodiscoteca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3481giorno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78482dopodiscoteca is dopodiscoteca" ; rdfs:label " dopodiscoteca_as_Time" . inds:USem78483termocinetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem77858termologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78483termocinetica is termocinetica" ; rdfs:label " termocinetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem78484termocoagulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem72493intervento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78484termocoagulazione is termocoagulazione" ; rdfs:label " termocoagulazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78485angioplastica simple:hasIsa inds:USem72493intervento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78485angioplastica is angioplastica" ; rdfs:label " angioplastica_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78486termografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78486termografia is termografia" ; rdfs:label " termografia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78487inventariazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78487inventariazione is inventariazione" ; rdfs:label " inventariazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78488massoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78488massoterapia is massoterapia" ; rdfs:label " massoterapia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78490malnutrizione simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78490malnutrizione is malnutrizione" ; rdfs:label " malnutrizione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78491malignita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65970maligno ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78491malignita1 is malignita'" ; rdfs:label " malignita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem78492termosifone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68763radiatore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1328riscaldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78492termosifone is termosifone" ; rdfs:label " termosifone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78493malignita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78493malignita1 is malignita'" ; rdfs:label " malignita'_as_Act" . inds:USem78494termoregolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3938modificare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78494termoregolare is termoregolare" ; rdfs:label " termoregolare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78495termoregolazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78495termoregolazione is termoregolazione" ; rdfs:label " termoregolazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78496ospitalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD76891ospitale ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78496ospitalita1 is ospitalita'" ; rdfs:label " ospitalita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem78497termocoperta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5420drappo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76703scaldare, inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78497termocoperta is termocoperta" ; rdfs:label " termocoperta_as_Furniture" . inds:USem78498termoelettronica simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59970elettronica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78498termoelettronica is termoelettronica" ; rdfs:label " termoelettronica_as_Domain" . inds:USem78499ossesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78499ossesso is ossesso" ; rdfs:label " ossesso_as_Human" . inds:USem78500terrazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78500terrazzare is terrazzare" ; rdfs:label " terrazzare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem78501terrorizzare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem5858terrore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6557spaventare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78501terrorizzare is terrorizzare" ; rdfs:label " terrorizzare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem78502pinzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78502pinzare is pinzare" ; rdfs:label " pinzare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem78503pinzatrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78503pinzatrice is pinzatrice" ; rdfs:label " pinzatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78504terziario simple:hasIsa inds:USem69settore ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61353economia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78504terziario is terziario" ; rdfs:label " terziario_as_Domain" . inds:USem78505terziario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78505terziario is terziario" ; rdfs:label " terziario_as_Time" . inds:USem78506terziario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78506terziario is terziario" ; rdfs:label " terziario_as_Social_status" . inds:USem78507tettogenesi simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61177terra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78507tettogenesi is tettogenesi" ; rdfs:label " tettogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78508tisi simple:hasAffects inds:USem1780polmone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78508tisi is tisi" ; rdfs:label " tisi_as_Disease" . inds:USem78509pettinino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5592fermaglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem72722acconciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78509pettinino is pettinino" ; rdfs:label " pettinino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78510titillare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78510titillare is titillare" ; rdfs:label " titillare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78511porporina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2753colorare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78511porporina is porporina" ; rdfs:label " porporina_as_Substance" . inds:USem78512poemetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78512poemetto is poemetto" ; rdfs:label " poemetto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem78513portabiancheria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78513portabiancheria is portabiancheria" ; rdfs:label " portabiancheria_as_Container" . inds:USem78514quaternario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78514quaternario is quaternario" ; rdfs:label " quaternario_as_Time" . inds:USem78515quaternario simple:hasIsa inds:USem69settore ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61353economia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78515quaternario is quaternario" ; rdfs:label " quaternario_as_Domain" . inds:USem78516pruneto simple:hasContains inds:USem74621pruno ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59606piantare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59078piantare ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78516pruneto is pruneto" ; rdfs:label " pruneto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USem78517regicidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78517regicidio is regicidio" ; rdfs:label " regicidio_as_Act" . inds:USem78518reginetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78518reginetta is reginetta" ; rdfs:label " reginetta_as_Human" . inds:USem78519termoelettrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5274atomo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78519termoelettrone is termoelettrone" ; rdfs:label " termoelettrone_as_Part" . inds:USem78520termofissare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78520termofissare is termofissare" ; rdfs:label " termofissare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78521termofissaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78521termofissaggio is termofissaggio" ; rdfs:label " termofissaggio_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78522termoforo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3654specialista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78522termoforo is termoforo" ; rdfs:label " termoforo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78523termoione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5274atomo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD1957corpo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78523termoione is termoione" ; rdfs:label " termoione_as_Part" . inds:USem78524termoionica simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemTH07798elettrologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78524termoionica is termoionica" ; rdfs:label " termoionica_as_Domain" . inds:USem78525abortivo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem74956aborto ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78525abortivo is abortivo" ; rdfs:label " abortivo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78530adiposo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemTH30402adipe ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78530adiposo is adiposo" ; rdfs:label " adiposo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78532termosaldare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78532termosaldare is termosaldare" ; rdfs:label " termosaldare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78534termosaldatrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem78532termosaldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78534termosaldatrice is termosaldatrice" ; rdfs:label " termosaldatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78535tisico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem78508tisi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78535tisico is tisico" ; rdfs:label " tisico_as_Human" . inds:USem78536cenozoico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78536cenozoico is cenozoico" ; rdfs:label " cenozoico_as_Time" . inds:USem78537calciofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78537calciofilo is calciofilo" ; rdfs:label " calciofilo_as_Human" . inds:USem78538impazzire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78538impazzire is impazzire" ; rdfs:label " impazzire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78539ambulatoriale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD63448ambulatorio ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78539ambulatoriale is ambulatoriale" ; rdfs:label " ambulatoriale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78540cinefilia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem78563cinefilo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66675atteggiamento ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78540cinefilia is cinefilia" ; rdfs:label " cinefilia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem78541cinematismo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem67494leva ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78541cinematismo is cinematismo" ; rdfs:label " cinematismo_as_Group" . inds:USem78543cinematografare simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD5073cinepresa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD702riprendere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78543cinematografare is cinematografare" ; rdfs:label " cinematografare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78544allattamento simple:hasConcerns inds:USem75678allattamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem60662nascita ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78544allattamento is allattamento" ; rdfs:label " allattamento_as_Time" . inds:USem78545teledidattica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3926insegnamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65557metodo ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78545teledidattica is teledidattica" ; rdfs:label " teledidattica_as_Domain" . inds:USem78546radioecologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59969ecologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78546radioecologia is radioecologia" ; rdfs:label " radioecologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78547svezzamento simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3593bambino, inds:USem73766alimentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78547svezzamento is svezzamento" ; rdfs:label " svezzamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78548criopatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78548criopatologia is criopatologia" ; rdfs:label " criopatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78549traduttologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD7214traduzione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78549traduttologia is traduttologia" ; rdfs:label " traduttologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78550macroeconomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78550macroeconomia is macroeconomia" ; rdfs:label " macroeconomia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78551bioingegneria simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78551bioingegneria is bioingegneria" ; rdfs:label " bioingegneria_as_Domain" . inds:USem78553computisteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78553computisteria is computisteria" ; rdfs:label " computisteria_as_Domain" . inds:USem78554misurazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78554misurazione is misurazione" ; rdfs:label " misurazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78555oscillometria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78555oscillometria is oscillometria" ; rdfs:label " oscillometria_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78556termoculla simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD65978neonato ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3502incubatrice ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1328riscaldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78556termoculla is termoculla" ; rdfs:label " termoculla_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78558termocauterio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem1985chirurgo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem78679bruciare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78558termocauterio is termocauterio" ; rdfs:label " termocauterio_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78559termobatterio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1972batterio ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78559termobatterio is termobatterio" ; rdfs:label " termobatterio_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USem78560termoanestesia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78560termoanestesia is termoanestesia" ; rdfs:label " termoanestesia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78561svezzamento simple:hasConcerns inds:USem78547svezzamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem78544allattamento ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78561svezzamento is svezzamento" ; rdfs:label " svezzamento_as_Time" . inds:USem78562americanofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78562americanofilo is americanofilo" ; rdfs:label " americanofilo_as_Human" . inds:USem78563cinefilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78563cinefilo is cinefilo" ; rdfs:label " cinefilo_as_Human" . inds:USem78564cromoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78564cromoterapia is cromoterapia" ; rdfs:label " cromoterapia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78565biberon simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78565biberon is biberon" ; rdfs:label " biberon_as_Amount" . inds:USem78566glucoside simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78566glucoside is glucoside" ; rdfs:label " glucoside_as_Substance" . inds:USem78567giustiziato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem65553giustiziare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78567giustiziato is giustiziato" ; rdfs:label " giustiziato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USem78568gonfalone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62707stendardo ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78568gonfalone is gonfalone" ; rdfs:label " gonfalone_as_Representation" . inds:USem78570magnificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78570magnificazione is magnificazione" ; rdfs:label " magnificazione_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78573margotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78573margotta is margotta" ; rdfs:label " margotta_as_Domain" . inds:USem78574maleficio simple:hasIsa inds:USem67997sortilegio ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78574maleficio is maleficio" ; rdfs:label " maleficio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78575malefatta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78575malefatta is malefatta" ; rdfs:label " malefatta_as_Act" . inds:USem78577cromogeno simple:hasIsa inds:USem3689composto ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78577cromogeno is cromogeno" ; rdfs:label " cromogeno_as_Substance" . inds:USem78579cromonema simple:hasIsa inds:USem71754filamento ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78579cromonema is cromonema" ; rdfs:label " cromonema_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem78580pigolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78580pigolare is pigolare" ; rdfs:label " pigolare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78581cromoprotide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78581cromoprotide is cromoprotide" ; rdfs:label " cromoprotide_as_Substance" . inds:USem78582cromoproteina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78582cromoproteina is cromoproteina" ; rdfs:label " cromoproteina_as_Substance" . inds:USem78584cromorno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78584cromorno is cromorno" ; rdfs:label " cromorno_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78585cromoscopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem69219esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78585cromoscopia is cromoscopia" ; rdfs:label " cromoscopia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78586cromosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USem64427zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62391atmosfera ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78586cromosfera is cromosfera" ; rdfs:label " cromosfera_as_Part" . inds:USem78587pigolio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78587pigolio is pigolio" ; rdfs:label " pigolio_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78588crampo simple:hasAffects inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78588crampo is crampo" ; rdfs:label " crampo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78589spasmo simple:hasAffects inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem72711contrazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78589spasmo is spasmo" ; rdfs:label " spasmo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78590pioppeto simple:hasContains inds:USem1442pioppo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4729bosco ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78590pioppeto is pioppeto" ; rdfs:label " pioppeto_as_Area" . inds:USem78591placenta simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78591placenta is placenta" ; rdfs:label " placenta_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem78592dilapidazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78592dilapidazione is dilapidazione" ; rdfs:label " dilapidazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78593dilavare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD76553erodere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78593dilavare is dilavare" ; rdfs:label " dilavare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78594confabulare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4810conversare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78594confabulare is confabulare" ; rdfs:label " confabulare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78595rognone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78595rognone is rognone" ; rdfs:label " rognone_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem78596disgelare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59506sciogliere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78596disgelare is disgelare" ; rdfs:label " disgelare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78597secchiata simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2393secchio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60276colpo ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78597secchiata is secchiata" ; rdfs:label " secchiata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78598disgelo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78598disgelo is disgelo" ; rdfs:label " disgelo_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78599secchiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78599secchiata is secchiata" ; rdfs:label " secchiata_as_Amount" . inds:USem78600sessantennio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78600sessantennio is sessantennio" ; rdfs:label " sessantennio_as_Time" . inds:USem78601disinfestare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78601disinfestare is disinfestare" ; rdfs:label " disinfestare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78602squinternato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78602squinternato is squinternato" ; rdfs:label " squinternato_as_Human" . inds:USem78603squilibrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78603squilibrato is squilibrato" ; rdfs:label " squilibrato_as_Human" . inds:USem78604cardiaco simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1769cuore ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78604cardiaco is cardiaco" ; rdfs:label " cardiaco_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78605cardiocircolatorio simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1769cuore ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78605cardiocircolatorio is cardiocircolatorio" ; rdfs:label " cardiocircolatorio_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78606cartilagineo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD5443cartilagine ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78606cartilagineo is cartilagineo" ; rdfs:label " cartilagineo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78607disinfestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78607disinfestazione is disinfestazione" ; rdfs:label " disinfestazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78608grinfia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1739artiglio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78608grinfia is grinfia" ; rdfs:label " grinfia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem78609disintossicante simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78609disintossicante is disintossicante" ; rdfs:label " disintossicante_as_Substance" . inds:USem78610degenerativo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem72799degenerazione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78610degenerativo is degenerativo" ; rdfs:label " degenerativo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78611emorragico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3816emorragia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78611emorragico is emorragico" ; rdfs:label " emorragico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78612menu1 simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem78613menu1 ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78612menu1 is menu'" ; rdfs:label " menu'_as_Information" . inds:USem78613menu1 simple:hasContains inds:USem6465informazione, inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78613menu1 is menu'" ; rdfs:label " menu'_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem78614encefalico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem77725encefalo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78614encefalico is encefalico" ; rdfs:label " encefalico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78615disintossicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63602disintossicato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78615disintossicazione is disintossicazione" ; rdfs:label " disintossicazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78616miccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78616miccia is miccia" ; rdfs:label " miccia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78617migrazione simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78617migrazione is migrazione" ; rdfs:label " migrazione_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem78618disossare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2933coltello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78618disossare is disossare" ; rdfs:label " disossare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem78620dispaccio simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78620dispaccio is dispaccio" ; rdfs:label " dispaccio_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem78623dispensario simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78623dispensario is dispensario" ; rdfs:label " dispensario_as_Institution" . inds:USem78624poliuretano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78624poliuretano is poliuretano" ; rdfs:label " poliuretano_as_Substance" . inds:USem78625epidemico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem069622epidemia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78625epidemico is epidemico" ; rdfs:label " epidemico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78626diuresi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78626diuresi is diuresi" ; rdfs:label " diuresi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78627politecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78627politecnico is politecnico" ; rdfs:label " politecnico_as_Institution" . inds:USem78628divampare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78628divampare is divampare" ; rdfs:label " divampare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem78629avvampare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78629avvampare is avvampare" ; rdfs:label " avvampare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem78630politecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78630politecnico is politecnico" ; rdfs:label " politecnico_as_Building" . inds:USem78631avvampare simple:hasIsa inds:USem78632arrossire ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78631avvampare is avvampare" ; rdfs:label " avvampare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78632arrossire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78632arrossire is arrossire" ; rdfs:label " arrossire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78633politecnico simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78633politecnico is politecnico" ; rdfs:label " politecnico_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78634diverbio simple:hasIsa inds:USem78941discussione ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78634diverbio is diverbio" ; rdfs:label " diverbio_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78635geriatrico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem70655geriatria ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78635geriatrico is geriatrico" ; rdfs:label " geriatrico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78636dividendo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78636dividendo is dividendo" ; rdfs:label " dividendo_as_Representation" . inds:USem78638dividere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59347calcolare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78638dividere is dividere" ; rdfs:label " dividere_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem78638poligamia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78638poligamia is poligamia" ; rdfs:label " poligamia_as_State" . inds:USem78639prolificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78639prolificare is prolificare" ; rdfs:label " prolificare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78640prolificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78640prolificazione is prolificazione" ; rdfs:label " prolificazione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78642addizionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78642addizionare is addizionare" ; rdfs:label " addizionare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem78644saletta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78644saletta is saletta" ; rdfs:label " saletta_as_Part" . inds:USem78645agrobiotecnologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78645agrobiotecnologia is agrobiotecnologia" ; rdfs:label " agrobiotecnologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78646agrochimica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78646agrochimica is agrochimica" ; rdfs:label " agrochimica_as_Domain" . inds:USem78647agrocotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78647agrocotto is agrocotto" ; rdfs:label " agrocotto_as_Substance" . inds:USem78648agrometeorologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78648agrometeorologia is agrometeorologia" ; rdfs:label " agrometeorologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78649agrometeorologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78649agrometeorologo is agrometeorologo" ; rdfs:label " agrometeorologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem78650agrotecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78650agrotecnico is agrotecnico" ; rdfs:label " agrotecnico_as_Profession" . inds:USem78651agroindustria simple:hasIsa inds:USem69settore ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78651agroindustria is agroindustria" ; rdfs:label " agroindustria_as_Domain" . inds:USem78652agroindustria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2261industria ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78652agroindustria is agroindustria" ; rdfs:label " agroindustria_as_Building" . inds:USem78653agrostide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1524erba ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem65974foraggio ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78653agrostide is agrostide" ; rdfs:label " agrostide_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USem78655ringiovanire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem71667ringiovanito ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78655ringiovanire is ringiovanire" ; rdfs:label " ringiovanire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78656iperglicemico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemTH35758iperglicemia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78656iperglicemico is iperglicemico" ; rdfs:label " iperglicemico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78658pressione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMeasuredby inds:USem77155energometro ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78658pressione is pressione" ; rdfs:label " pressione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78659proteico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3060proteina ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78659proteico is proteico" ; rdfs:label " proteico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78660massima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasMeasuredby inds:USem2336termometro ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78660massima is massima" ; rdfs:label " massima_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78662armonico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem76298armonia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78662armonico is armonico" ; rdfs:label " armonico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78665guarire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78665guarire is guarire" ; rdfs:label " guarire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78666irritare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6919irritato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78666irritare is irritare" ; rdfs:label " irritare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78669ovulare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem67077femmina ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78669ovulare is ovulare" ; rdfs:label " ovulare_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78674saldare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78674saldare is saldare" ; rdfs:label " saldare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78675fascia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5613medicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78675fascia is fascia" ; rdfs:label " fascia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78677sfasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61577svolgere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78677sfasciare is sfasciare" ; rdfs:label " sfasciare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78678ustionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78678ustionare is ustionare" ; rdfs:label " ustionare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78679bruciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78679bruciare is bruciare" ; rdfs:label " bruciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78680sciovinista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2636sciovinismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78680sciovinista is sciovinista" ; rdfs:label " sciovinista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78681patire simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78681patire is patire" ; rdfs:label " patire_as_Perception" . inds:USem78682patire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78682patire is patire" ; rdfs:label " patire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem78683scomparire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78683scomparire is scomparire" ; rdfs:label " scomparire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem78684tossire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78684tossire is tossire" ; rdfs:label " tossire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78688ospedalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1189ricoverare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78688ospedalizzare is ospedalizzare" ; rdfs:label " ospedalizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78689costipazione simple:hasAffects inds:USem1829intestino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69503disfunzione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78689costipazione is costipazione" ; rdfs:label " costipazione_as_Disease" . inds:USem78690ospedaliero simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem60932ospedale ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78690ospedaliero is ospedaliero" ; rdfs:label " ospedaliero_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78692emancipazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78692emancipazione is emancipazione" ; rdfs:label " emancipazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem78693emarginazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78693emarginazione is emarginazione" ; rdfs:label " emarginazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78695ematoma simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD64000trauma ; simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78695ematoma is ematoma" ; rdfs:label " ematoma_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78696embolia simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5666vena ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem79514occlusione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69503disfunzione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78696embolia is embolia" ; rdfs:label " embolia_as_Disease" . inds:USem78697emendare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78697emendare is emendare" ; rdfs:label " emendare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem78698emendamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78698emendamento is emendamento" ; rdfs:label " emendamento_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem78699emendazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78699emendazione is emendazione" ; rdfs:label " emendazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem78700emicrania simple:hasAffects inds:USem1753testa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6138dolore ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78700emicrania is emicrania" ; rdfs:label " emicrania_as_Disease" . inds:USem78701emettitore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78701emettitore is emettitore" ; rdfs:label " emettitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78702sindrome simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3883sintomo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78702sindrome is sindrome" ; rdfs:label " sindrome_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78703ortodonzia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1790bocca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78703ortodonzia is ortodonzia" ; rdfs:label " ortodonzia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78704emulsione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78704emulsione is emulsione" ; rdfs:label " emulsione_as_Substance" . inds:USem78705endocrinologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78705endocrinologia is endocrinologia" ; rdfs:label " endocrinologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem78707orticultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem7015coltivazione ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78707orticultura is orticultura" ; rdfs:label " orticultura_as_Domain" . inds:USem78709essiccamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7371essiccato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78709essiccamento is essiccamento" ; rdfs:label " essiccamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78710posteggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78710posteggiare is posteggiare" ; rdfs:label " posteggiare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem78711espatriare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78711espatriare is espatriare" ; rdfs:label " espatriare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem78712espatrio simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78712espatrio is espatrio" ; rdfs:label " espatrio_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem78716enumerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78716enumerare is enumerare" ; rdfs:label " enumerare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78717enumerazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78717enumerazione is enumerazione" ; rdfs:label " enumerazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78718enunciato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65807frase ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78718enunciato is enunciato" ; rdfs:label " enunciato_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem78719epurazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78719epurazione is epurazione" ; rdfs:label " epurazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78720gattino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1165gatto ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78720gattino is gattino" ; rdfs:label " gattino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem78721epurazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78721epurazione is epurazione" ; rdfs:label " epurazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78722idrolisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78722idrolisi is idrolisi" ; rdfs:label " idrolisi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78723erompere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78723erompere is erompere" ; rdfs:label " erompere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78724eruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78724eruzione is eruzione" ; rdfs:label " eruzione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78725investitura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78725investitura is investitura" ; rdfs:label " investitura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78726gutturale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1774gola ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78726gutturale is gutturale" ; rdfs:label " gutturale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78727esalazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78727esalazione is esalazione" ; rdfs:label " esalazione_as_State" . inds:USem78728esautorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78728esautorare is esautorare" ; rdfs:label " esautorare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78729invertito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78729invertito is invertito" ; rdfs:label " invertito_as_Human" . inds:USem78730esautorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78730esautorazione is esautorazione" ; rdfs:label " esautorazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78732logico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem5297logica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78732logico is logico" ; rdfs:label " logico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78734lecce simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72027leccese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78734lecce is lecce" ; rdfs:label " lecce_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78736galles simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70506gallese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78736galles is galles" ; rdfs:label " galles_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78737giava simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70686giavanese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78737giava is giava" ; rdfs:label " giava_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78738filippine simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70049filippino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78738filippine is filippine" ; rdfs:label " filippine_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78739gallia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem995gallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78739gallia is gallia" ; rdfs:label " gallia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78740groenlandia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD65747groenlandese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78740groenlandia is groenlandia" ; rdfs:label " groenlandia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78741india simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1116indiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78741india is india" ; rdfs:label " india_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78742indocina simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1093indocinese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78742indocina is indocina" ; rdfs:label " indocina_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78743libano simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem71911libanese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78743libano is libano" ; rdfs:label " libano_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78744panama simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72466panamense ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78744panama is panama" ; rdfs:label " panama_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78745certificato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6172documento ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78745certificato is certificato" ; rdfs:label " certificato_as_Convention" . inds:USem78746estirpazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78746estirpazione is estirpazione" ; rdfs:label " estirpazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78748difetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78748difetto is difetto" ; rdfs:label " difetto_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78749estrapolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59347calcolare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78749estrapolare is estrapolare" ; rdfs:label " estrapolare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem78753egotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66440egotista ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78753egotismo is egotismo" ; rdfs:label " egotismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem78754esumare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78754esumare is esumare" ; rdfs:label " esumare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78755falsificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78755falsificazione is falsificazione" ; rdfs:label " falsificazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78756esumazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78756esumazione is esumazione" ; rdfs:label " esumazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78757fertilizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63520fertilizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78757fertilizzazione is fertilizzazione" ; rdfs:label " fertilizzazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78758fleboclisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78758fleboclisi is fleboclisi" ; rdfs:label " fleboclisi_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78759flebo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78759flebo is flebo" ; rdfs:label " flebo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78760fogliolina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2402foglia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78760fogliolina is fogliolina" ; rdfs:label " fogliolina_as_Part" . inds:USem78761fola simple:hasIsa inds:USem67861bugia ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78761fola is fola" ; rdfs:label " fola_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78762ikebana simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78762ikebana is ikebana" ; rdfs:label " ikebana_as_Domain" . inds:USem78763foratura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63727forato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78763foratura is foratura" ; rdfs:label " foratura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78764forcone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem76060ammucchiare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78764forcone is forcone" ; rdfs:label " forcone_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78765forgia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3500fornello ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7105modellare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78765forgia is forgia" ; rdfs:label " forgia_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78766grattino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78766grattino is grattino" ; rdfs:label " grattino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78767paraguay simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72517paraguaiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78767paraguay is paraguay" ; rdfs:label " paraguay_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78768ibi simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78768ibi is ibi" ; rdfs:label " ibi_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem78769pechino simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72761pechinese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78769pechino is pechino" ; rdfs:label " pechino_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78770imbarcamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78770imbarcamento is imbarcamento" ; rdfs:label " imbarcamento_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78771persia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem73187persiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78771persia is persia" ; rdfs:label " persia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78772Peru1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem73190peruviano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78772Peru1 is peru'" ; rdfs:label " peru'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78774portogallo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem74217portoghese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78774portogallo is portogallo" ; rdfs:label " portogallo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78775ravenna simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70228ravennate ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78775ravenna is ravenna" ; rdfs:label " ravenna_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78776riodejaneiro simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1080carioca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78776riodejaneiro is riodejaneiro" ; rdfs:label " riodejaneiro_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78777sassonia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70033sassone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78777sassonia is sassonia" ; rdfs:label " sassonia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78778savona simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70060savonese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78778savona is savona" ; rdfs:label " savona_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78779scandinavia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70566scandinavo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78779scandinavia is scandinavia" ; rdfs:label " scandinavia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78780adroterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78780adroterapia is adroterapia" ; rdfs:label " adroterapia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78781senegal simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70381senegalese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78781senegal is senegal" ; rdfs:label " senegal_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78782serbia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1111serbo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78782serbia is serbia" ; rdfs:label " serbia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78783siam simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4351siamese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78783siam is siam" ; rdfs:label " siam_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78784siberia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78784siberia is siberia" ; rdfs:label " siberia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78785siena simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70377senese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78785siena is siena" ; rdfs:label " siena_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78786siracusa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem71326siracusano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78786siracusa is siracusa" ; rdfs:label " siracusa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78787terni simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70236ternano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78787terni is terni" ; rdfs:label " terni_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78788olocausto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78788olocausto is olocausto" ; rdfs:label " olocausto_as_Event" . inds:USem78789urbino simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70483urbinate ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78789urbino is urbino" ; rdfs:label " urbino_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78790palpare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78790palpare is palpare" ; rdfs:label " palpare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78791tibet simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70268tibetano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78791tibet is tibet" ; rdfs:label " tibet_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78792palpazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem78336diagnosticare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78792palpazione is palpazione" ; rdfs:label " palpazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78793thailandia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70254thailandese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78793thailandia is thailandia" ; rdfs:label " thailandia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78794taranto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70138tarantino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78794taranto is taranto" ; rdfs:label " taranto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78795siria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem71319siriano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78795siria is siria" ; rdfs:label " siria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78796ovaio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67077femmina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78796ovaio is ovaio" ; rdfs:label " ovaio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem78797somalia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem71951somalo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78797somalia is somalia" ; rdfs:label " somalia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78798mongolia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72338mongolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78798mongolia is mongolia" ; rdfs:label " mongolia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78799sudan simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70864sudanese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78799sudan is sudan" ; rdfs:label " sudan_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78800ticino simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70405ticinese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78800ticino is ticino" ; rdfs:label " ticino_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78801ticino simple:hasIsa inds:USem5089fiume ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78801ticino is ticino" ; rdfs:label " ticino_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem78803provenzale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD78224provenza ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78803provenzale is provenzale" ; rdfs:label " provenzale_as_People" . inds:USem78804ucraina simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70453ucraino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78804ucraina is ucraina" ; rdfs:label " ucraina_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78805valsesia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70503valsesiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78805valsesia is valsesia" ; rdfs:label " valsesia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78806sultanina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78806sultanina is sultanina" ; rdfs:label " sultanina_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem78807sultanina simple:hasIsa inds:USem66013vitigno ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78807sultanina is sultanina" ; rdfs:label " sultanina_as_Plant" . inds:USem78808valtellina simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70504valtellinese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78808valtellina is valtellina" ; rdfs:label " valtellina_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78809varese simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70519varesotto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78809varese is varese" ; rdfs:label " varese_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78810superalcolico simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1406alcolico ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3900alcol ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78810superalcolico is superalcolico" ; rdfs:label " superalcolico_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USem78811vercelli simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70588vercellese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78811vercelli is vercelli" ; rdfs:label " vercelli_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78812tek simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78812tek is tek" ; rdfs:label " tek_as_Plant" . inds:USem78813vienna simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70646viennese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78813vienna is vienna" ; rdfs:label " vienna_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78814canna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5536arma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78814canna is canna" ; rdfs:label " canna_as_Part" . inds:USem78815teflon simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78815teflon is teflon" ; rdfs:label " teflon_as_Substance" . inds:USem78816temperamatite simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem63265appuntire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78816temperamatite is temperamatite" ; rdfs:label " temperamatite_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78817terital simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78817terital is terital" ; rdfs:label " terital_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem78819tata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78819tata is tata" ; rdfs:label " tata_as_Human" . inds:USem78820tata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78820tata is tata" ; rdfs:label " tata_as_Human" . inds:USem78821svitato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78821svitato is svitato" ; rdfs:label " svitato_as_Human" . inds:USem78822tuttofare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78822tuttofare is tuttofare" ; rdfs:label " tuttofare_as_Human" . inds:USem78823trombetta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5306giocattolo ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78823trombetta is trombetta" ; rdfs:label " trombetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78824sbramino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78824sbramino is sbramino" ; rdfs:label " sbramino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78825titubare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD76883esitare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78825titubare is titubare" ; rdfs:label " titubare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem78826condiscendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78826condiscendere is condiscendere" ; rdfs:label " condiscendere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78827mormorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78827mormorare is mormorare" ; rdfs:label " mormorare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78828prosciogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78828prosciogliere is prosciogliere" ; rdfs:label " prosciogliere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78829mormorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78829mormorare is mormorare" ; rdfs:label " mormorare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78830minimizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78830minimizzare is minimizzare" ; rdfs:label " minimizzare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem78831disarmare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78831disarmare is disarmare" ; rdfs:label " disarmare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78833disarmare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78833disarmare is disarmare" ; rdfs:label " disarmare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem78834brasare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6950cuocere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78834brasare is brasare" ; rdfs:label " brasare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78835brillantare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78835brillantare is brillantare" ; rdfs:label " brillantare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78836complicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78836complicare is complicare" ; rdfs:label " complicare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem78837disincantare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem71541disincanto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78837disincantare is disincantare" ; rdfs:label " disincantare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem78838disorientare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78838disorientare is disorientare" ; rdfs:label " disorientare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem78839buggerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7301imbrogliare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78839buggerare is buggerare" ; rdfs:label " buggerare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78840buriana simple:hasIsa inds:USem67988confusione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78840buriana is buriana" ; rdfs:label " buriana_as_State" . inds:USem78841buzzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem66319interiora ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78841buzzo is buzzo" ; rdfs:label " buzzo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem78842campanellino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2924campana ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78842campanellino is campanellino" ; rdfs:label " campanellino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78843forsennato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78843forsennato is forsennato" ; rdfs:label " forsennato_as_Human" . inds:USem78844fortuna simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78844fortuna is fortuna" ; rdfs:label " fortuna_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem78845fortuna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro, inds:USem878bene ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78845fortuna is fortuna" ; rdfs:label " fortuna_as_Amount" . inds:USem78846fortuna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78846fortuna is fortuna" ; rdfs:label " fortuna_as_State" . inds:USem78847fotosintesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78847fotosintesi is fotosintesi" ; rdfs:label " fotosintesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem78848foularino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78848foularino is foularino" ; rdfs:label " foularino_as_Clothing" . inds:USem78850fresatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78850fresatura is fresatura" ; rdfs:label " fresatura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78851frigobar simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6679raffreddare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78851frigobar is frigobar" ; rdfs:label " frigobar_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78852furgonato simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78852furgonato is furgonato" ; rdfs:label " furgonato_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem78853fruttificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78853fruttificare is fruttificare" ; rdfs:label " fruttificare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78854fruttificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78854fruttificazione is fruttificazione" ; rdfs:label " fruttificazione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78855frigo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5189frigorifero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6679raffreddare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78855frigo is frigo" ; rdfs:label " frigo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem78857radiodiagnostica simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem39radiologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78857radiodiagnostica is radiodiagnostica" ; rdfs:label " radiodiagnostica_as_Domain" . inds:USem78858rossiccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78858rossiccio is rossiccio" ; rdfs:label " rossiccio_as_Color" . inds:USem78859aragona simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem71040aragonese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78859aragona is aragona" ; rdfs:label " aragona_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78860romania simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem75231rumeno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78860romania is romania" ; rdfs:label " romania_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78861settentrione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78861settentrione is settentrione" ; rdfs:label " settentrione_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USem78862marche simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78862marche is marche" ; rdfs:label " marche_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78863ninfomane simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemTH15453ninfomania ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78863ninfomane is ninfomane" ; rdfs:label " ninfomane_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78864tebe simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70158tebano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78864tebe is tebe" ; rdfs:label " tebe_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78865marsiglia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem75567marsigliese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78865marsiglia is marsiglia" ; rdfs:label " marsiglia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78867polinesia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem76017polinesiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78867polinesia is polinesia" ; rdfs:label " polinesia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78868turkmenistan simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70446turcomanno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78868turkmenistan is turkmenistan" ; rdfs:label " turkmenistan_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78869praga simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem76050praghese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78869praga is praga" ; rdfs:label " praga_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78870valdaosta simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78870valdaosta is valdaosta" ; rdfs:label " valdaosta_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78871valsugana simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70505valsuganotto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78871valsugana is valsugana" ; rdfs:label " valsugana_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78873spiritualista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2645spiritualismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78873spiritualista is spiritualista" ; rdfs:label " spiritualista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78874idealista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2601idealismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78874idealista is idealista" ; rdfs:label " idealista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78876posticipare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78876posticipare is posticipare" ; rdfs:label " posticipare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem78877antinevralgico simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem76010nevralgia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78877antinevralgico is antinevralgico" ; rdfs:label " antinevralgico_as_Substance" . inds:USem78879ibernare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78879ibernare is ibernare" ; rdfs:label " ibernare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78880renano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78880renano is renano" ; rdfs:label " renano_as_Time" . inds:USem78881riempire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78881riempire is riempire" ; rdfs:label " riempire_as_Cause" . inds:USem78882sculacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78882sculacciare is sculacciare" ; rdfs:label " sculacciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78883sculacciata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78883sculacciata is sculacciata" ; rdfs:label " sculacciata_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78884segretaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3653impiegato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78884segretaria is segretaria" ; rdfs:label " segretaria_as_Profession" . inds:USem78886riempire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78886riempire is riempire" ; rdfs:label " riempire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78887vanesio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78887vanesio is vanesio" ; rdfs:label " vanesio_as_Human" . inds:USem78888riempire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78888riempire is riempire" ; rdfs:label " riempire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78889veggente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5625prevedere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78889veggente is veggente" ; rdfs:label " veggente_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem78891impiccione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78891impiccione is impiccione" ; rdfs:label " impiccione_as_Human" . inds:USem78892imbranato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78892imbranato is imbranato" ; rdfs:label " imbranato_as_Human" . inds:USem78893inalare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6380respirare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78893inalare is inalare" ; rdfs:label " inalare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78894inalazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78894inalazione is inalazione" ; rdfs:label " inalazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78895pantofolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78895pantofolaio is pantofolaio" ; rdfs:label " pantofolaio_as_Human" . inds:USem78897speziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63968speziato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78897speziare is speziare" ; rdfs:label " speziare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78899beccaccino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78899beccaccino is beccaccino" ; rdfs:label " beccaccino_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem78900beccafico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78900beccafico is beccafico" ; rdfs:label " beccafico_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem78901bellunese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78901bellunese is bellunese" ; rdfs:label " bellunese_as_Language" . inds:USem78902provare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6368cercare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD76742riuscire ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78902provare is provare" ; rdfs:label " provare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem78903provare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78903provare is provare" ; rdfs:label " provare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78904provare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2937indumento, inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78904provare is provare" ; rdfs:label " provare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78905provare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78905provare is provare" ; rdfs:label " provare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78906provare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78906provare is provare" ; rdfs:label " provare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem78907tranquillita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78907tranquillita1 is tranquillita'" ; rdfs:label " tranquillita'_as_State" . inds:USem78909tranquillita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6640tranquillo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78909tranquillita1 is tranquillita'" ; rdfs:label " tranquillita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem78910trasmettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem62445evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78910trasmettere is trasmettere" ; rdfs:label " trasmettere_as_Event" . inds:USem78911ravenna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78911ravenna is ravenna" ; rdfs:label " ravenna_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem78915elogio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60772lode ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78915elogio is elogio" ; rdfs:label " elogio_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78916offesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78916offesa is offesa" ; rdfs:label " offesa_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78917benzodiazepina simple:hasIsa inds:USem74195ansiolitico ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem74194ansia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78917benzodiazepina is benzodiazepina" ; rdfs:label " benzodiazepina_as_Substance" . inds:USem78919celeste simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2298cielo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78919celeste is celeste" ; rdfs:label " celeste_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78920celeste simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem67683cielo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78920celeste is celeste" ; rdfs:label " celeste_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78924seguire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3951accadere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78924seguire is seguire" ; rdfs:label " seguire_as_State" . inds:USem78927sentenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem0D65567parola ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78927sentenza is sentenza" ; rdfs:label " sentenza_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78928chiacchierare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75463spettegolare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78928chiacchierare is chiacchierare" ; rdfs:label " chiacchierare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78929ciarlare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75463spettegolare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78929ciarlare is ciarlare" ; rdfs:label " ciarlare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78930chiamare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78930chiamare is chiamare" ; rdfs:label " chiamare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78931colloquio simple:hasIsa inds:USem069593esame ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem63056verificare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78931colloquio is colloquio" ; rdfs:label " colloquio_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem78933conferenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6392discorso ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78933conferenza is conferenza" ; rdfs:label " conferenza_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78935lagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65835lamentare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78935lagnare is lagnare" ; rdfs:label " lagnare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78940discutere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4809litigare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78940discutere is discutere" ; rdfs:label " discutere_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78941discussione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60796litigio ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78941discussione is discussione" ; rdfs:label " discussione_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78942ironia simple:hasIsa inds:USem60872espressione ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78942ironia is ironia" ; rdfs:label " ironia_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78946disputa simple:hasIsa inds:USem78941discussione ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78946disputa is disputa" ; rdfs:label " disputa_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78949ansioso simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem74194ansia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78949ansioso is ansioso" ; rdfs:label " ansioso_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78953religioso simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78953religioso is religioso" ; rdfs:label " religioso_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78956ordinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78956ordinare is ordinare" ; rdfs:label " ordinare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78957sonoro simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78957sonoro is sonoro" ; rdfs:label " sonoro_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78959intimidire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Commissive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78959intimidire is intimidire" ; rdfs:label " intimidire_as_Commissive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78960zittire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78960zittire is zittire" ; rdfs:label " zittire_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem78961mistico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem67268mistica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78961mistico is mistico" ; rdfs:label " mistico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78970popolare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem59449popolo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78970popolare is popolare" ; rdfs:label " popolare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem78972bloccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78972bloccare is bloccare" ; rdfs:label " bloccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem78973bloccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78973bloccare is bloccare" ; rdfs:label " bloccare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem78977avvolgere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78977avvolgere is avvolgere" ; rdfs:label " avvolgere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78980ospite simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD5645ospitare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78980ospite is ospite" ; rdfs:label " ospite_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem78983comune simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3567consigliere, inds:USem3583sindaco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78983comune is comune" ; rdfs:label " comune_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78984fregiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78984fregiare is fregiare" ; rdfs:label " fregiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem78985municipio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3567consigliere, inds:USem3583sindaco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78985municipio is municipio" ; rdfs:label " municipio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem78992intoppare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem78992intoppare is intoppare" ; rdfs:label " intoppare_as_Move" . inds:USem79002afasico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3838afasia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79002afasico is afasico" ; rdfs:label " afasico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem79012raddrizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79012raddrizzare is raddrizzare" ; rdfs:label " raddrizzare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79016rassodare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79016rassodare is rassodare" ; rdfs:label " rassodare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79018frecciata simple:hasIsa inds:USem60872espressione ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79018frecciata is frecciata" ; rdfs:label " frecciata_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79021sgualdrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79021sgualdrina is sgualdrina" ; rdfs:label " sgualdrina_as_Human" . inds:USem79022baldracca simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79022baldracca is baldracca" ; rdfs:label " baldracca_as_Human" . inds:USem79023bagascia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79023bagascia is bagascia" ; rdfs:label " bagascia_as_Human" . inds:USem79024speronare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79024speronare is speronare" ; rdfs:label " speronare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79026percuotere simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano, inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59583picchiare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79026percuotere is percuotere" ; rdfs:label " percuotere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79031acquisizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USemD5598acquisizione ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79031acquisizione is acquisizione" ; rdfs:label " acquisizione_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem79033superficiale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem67607superficie ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79033superficiale is superficiale" ; rdfs:label " superficiale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem79035sensuale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2734senso ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79035sensuale is sensuale" ; rdfs:label " sensuale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem79038saldare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79038saldare is saldare" ; rdfs:label " saldare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79039sfebbrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79039sfebbrare is sfebbrare" ; rdfs:label " sfebbrare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79041aspettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79041aspettare is aspettare" ; rdfs:label " aspettare_as_Event" . inds:USem79042danese simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6391abbaiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79042danese is danese" ; rdfs:label " danese_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem79043listare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63888listato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79043listare is listare" ; rdfs:label " listare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79045disporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3925cominciare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79045disporre is disporre" ; rdfs:label " disporre_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem79047cessazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60076interruzione ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79047cessazione is cessazione" ; rdfs:label " cessazione_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem79048chiudere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59664interrompere ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79048chiudere is chiudere" ; rdfs:label " chiudere_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem79049aprire simple:hasIsa inds:USem74983iniziare ; a simple:Cause_Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79049aprire is aprire" ; rdfs:label " aprire_as_Cause_Aspectual" . inds:USem79050concludere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3959finire ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79050concludere is concludere" ; rdfs:label " concludere_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem79052consunzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79052consunzione is consunzione" ; rdfs:label " consunzione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem79053classificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76340arrivare ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79053classificare is classificare" ; rdfs:label " classificare_as_Event" . inds:USem79054astensionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79054astensionismo is astensionismo" ; rdfs:label " astensionismo_as_State" . inds:USem79055finire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79055finire is finire" ; rdfs:label " finire_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem79056iniziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79056iniziare is iniziare" ; rdfs:label " iniziare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem79057incominciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79056iniziare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79057incominciare is incominciare" ; rdfs:label " incominciare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem79058partigiano simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem64058partigiano ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79058partigiano is partigiano" ; rdfs:label " partigiano_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem79059desolare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem69489desolazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60689addolorare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79059desolare is desolare" ; rdfs:label " desolare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79060desolare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem69489desolazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60690addolorare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79060desolare is desolare" ; rdfs:label " desolare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79061accodare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79061accodare is accodare" ; rdfs:label " accodare_as_Move" . inds:USem79063accostare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79063accostare is accostare" ; rdfs:label " accostare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem79065unire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79065unire is unire" ; rdfs:label " unire_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79066unire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7133armonizzare ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79066unire is unire" ; rdfs:label " unire_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem79067unire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79067unire is unire" ; rdfs:label " unire_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79068urgenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79068urgenza is urgenza" ; rdfs:label " urgenza_as_State" . inds:USem79069reputazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79069reputazione is reputazione" ; rdfs:label " reputazione_as_State" . inds:USem79070aggregare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74942unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79070aggregare is aggregare" ; rdfs:label " aggregare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79071aggregare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79071aggregare is aggregare" ; rdfs:label " aggregare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79072amalgamare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79072amalgamare is amalgamare" ; rdfs:label " amalgamare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79073associare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79073associare is associare" ; rdfs:label " associare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79074associare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79074associare is associare" ; rdfs:label " associare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79075associare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79075associare is associare" ; rdfs:label " associare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79076grana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79076grana is grana" ; rdfs:label " grana_as_State" . inds:USem79077seccatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6414situazione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79077seccatura is seccatura" ; rdfs:label " seccatura_as_State" . inds:USem79078confederare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74942unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79078confederare is confederare" ; rdfs:label " confederare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79079confederare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79065unire ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79079confederare is confederare" ; rdfs:label " confederare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79080associazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5592unione ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79080associazione is associazione" ; rdfs:label " associazione_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79082intralciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63706ostacolare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79082intralciare is intralciare" ; rdfs:label " intralciare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem79083collegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79083collegare is collegare" ; rdfs:label " collegare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem79084imperniare simple:hasIsa inds:USem65749incentrare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79084imperniare is imperniare" ; rdfs:label " imperniare_as_State" . inds:USem79086fondare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79086fondare is fondare" ; rdfs:label " fondare_as_State" . inds:USem79087collegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79087collegare is collegare" ; rdfs:label " collegare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem79088collegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79088collegare is collegare" ; rdfs:label " collegare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79090combinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74942unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79090combinare is combinare" ; rdfs:label " combinare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79092sfarzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79092sfarzo is sfarzo" ; rdfs:label " sfarzo_as_State" . inds:USem79093combinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79093combinare is combinare" ; rdfs:label " combinare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem79094mollezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62188molle ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79094mollezza is mollezza" ; rdfs:label " mollezza_as_Quality" . inds:USem79095connettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79095connettere is connettere" ; rdfs:label " connettere_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79096connettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79096connettere is connettere" ; rdfs:label " connettere_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem79097associare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79097associare is associare" ; rdfs:label " associare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem79098connessione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79098connessione is connessione" ; rdfs:label " connessione_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem79104fretta simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79104fretta is fretta" ; rdfs:label " fretta_as_State" . inds:USem79105differenziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79105differenziare is differenziare" ; rdfs:label " differenziare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79106apparire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79106apparire is apparire" ; rdfs:label " apparire_as_State" . inds:USem79107sembrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79107sembrare is sembrare" ; rdfs:label " sembrare_as_State" . inds:USem79108dividere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79108dividere is dividere" ; rdfs:label " dividere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem79109dividere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79109dividere is dividere" ; rdfs:label " dividere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79110dividere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79110dividere is dividere" ; rdfs:label " dividere_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem79111fondere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79111fondere is fondere" ; rdfs:label " fondere_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79113radunare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79113radunare is radunare" ; rdfs:label " radunare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79114sbandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79114sbandare is sbandare" ; rdfs:label " sbandare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79115spaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79115spaccare is spaccare" ; rdfs:label " spaccare_as_Change" . inds:USem79116combinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7133armonizzare ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79116combinare is combinare" ; rdfs:label " combinare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem79117abbinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79123armonizzare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79117abbinare is abbinare" ; rdfs:label " abbinare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79118abbinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7133armonizzare ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79118abbinare is abbinare" ; rdfs:label " abbinare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem79119intonare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79123armonizzare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79119intonare is intonare" ; rdfs:label " intonare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79120intonare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7133armonizzare ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79120intonare is intonare" ; rdfs:label " intonare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem79121accordare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79119intonare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79121accordare is accordare" ; rdfs:label " accordare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79122accordare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7133armonizzare ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79122accordare is accordare" ; rdfs:label " accordare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem79123armonizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79123armonizzare is armonizzare" ; rdfs:label " armonizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79124fondere simple:hasIsa inds:USem79123armonizzare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79124fondere is fondere" ; rdfs:label " fondere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79125inserire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2887aggiungere ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79125inserire is inserire" ; rdfs:label " inserire_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79126affiliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79074associare ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79126affiliare is affiliare" ; rdfs:label " affiliare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79127appiccicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79127appiccicare is appiccicare" ; rdfs:label " appiccicare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79128congiungere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79128congiungere is congiungere" ; rdfs:label " congiungere_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79130incorporare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79072amalgamare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79130incorporare is incorporare" ; rdfs:label " incorporare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79131mescolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79131mescolare is mescolare" ; rdfs:label " mescolare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79132mescolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79132mescolare is mescolare" ; rdfs:label " mescolare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79133mescolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79123armonizzare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79133mescolare is mescolare" ; rdfs:label " mescolare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79134miscelare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79132mescolare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79134miscelare is miscelare" ; rdfs:label " miscelare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79135recidere simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3253lama ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79135recidere is recidere" ; rdfs:label " recidere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79136sconnettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79136sconnettere is sconnettere" ; rdfs:label " sconnettere_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79137legame simple:hasIsa inds:USem71019vincolo ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79137legame is legame" ; rdfs:label " legame_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem79138relazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79138relazione is relazione" ; rdfs:label " relazione_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem79139correlare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79139correlare is correlare" ; rdfs:label " correlare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem79140accostare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79121accordare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79140accostare is accostare" ; rdfs:label " accostare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79141amplificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3980aumentare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6121amplificato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79141amplificare is amplificare" ; rdfs:label " amplificare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem79142pungere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60166turbare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79142pungere is pungere" ; rdfs:label " pungere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79143congregare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5533riunire ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79143congregare is congregare" ; rdfs:label " congregare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79144soddisfare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75196accontentare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79144soddisfare is soddisfare" ; rdfs:label " soddisfare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79145irridere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60827deridere ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79145irridere is irridere" ; rdfs:label " irridere_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79146apostrofare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79146apostrofare is apostrofare" ; rdfs:label " apostrofare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79148conservare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79148conservare is conservare" ; rdfs:label " conservare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79149controllare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79149controllare is controllare" ; rdfs:label " controllare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem79150cadere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79150cadere is cadere" ; rdfs:label " cadere_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem79151chiosare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79151chiosare is chiosare" ; rdfs:label " chiosare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem79152cromatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63580cromato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79152cromatura is cromatura" ; rdfs:label " cromatura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79153dannare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79153dannare is dannare" ; rdfs:label " dannare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem79154dannare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79154dannare is dannare" ; rdfs:label " dannare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79156disinteresse simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79156disinteresse is disinteresse" ; rdfs:label " disinteresse_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79157invadere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79157invadere is invadere" ; rdfs:label " invadere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem79158gonfiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79158gonfiare is gonfiare" ; rdfs:label " gonfiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79159governare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1101dirigere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79159governare is governare" ; rdfs:label " governare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79160giocare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79160giocare is giocare" ; rdfs:label " giocare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79161graffio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79161graffio is graffio" ; rdfs:label " graffio_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79162guida simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79162guida is guida" ; rdfs:label " guida_as_Information" . inds:USem79163approfondire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79163approfondire is approfondire" ; rdfs:label " approfondire_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem79164arrostire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63930arrostito ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79164arrostire is arrostire" ; rdfs:label " arrostire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79165diversificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79165diversificare is diversificare" ; rdfs:label " diversificare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79166scollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79166scollare is scollare" ; rdfs:label " scollare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79167impaurire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79167impaurire is impaurire" ; rdfs:label " impaurire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79168infiammare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79168infiammare is infiammare" ; rdfs:label " infiammare_as_Change" . inds:USem79169rallegrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79169rallegrare is rallegrare" ; rdfs:label " rallegrare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79170rivitalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63987rivitalizzato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79170rivitalizzare is rivitalizzare" ; rdfs:label " rivitalizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79171stupefare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79171stupefare is stupefare" ; rdfs:label " stupefare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79172scandalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79172scandalizzare is scandalizzare" ; rdfs:label " scandalizzare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79173stordire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79173stordire is stordire" ; rdfs:label " stordire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79174ruminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79174ruminare is ruminare" ; rdfs:label " ruminare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79175scadere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79175scadere is scadere" ; rdfs:label " scadere_as_Change" . inds:USem79176restare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79176restare is restare" ; rdfs:label " restare_as_State" . inds:USem79177rimanere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79177rimanere is rimanere" ; rdfs:label " rimanere_as_State" . inds:USem79178raddoppiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79178raddoppiare is raddoppiare" ; rdfs:label " raddoppiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79179smagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79179smagliare is smagliare" ; rdfs:label " smagliare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79180smagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79180smagliare is smagliare" ; rdfs:label " smagliare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79181scoppiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61011esplodere ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79181scoppiare is scoppiare" ; rdfs:label " scoppiare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79182singhiozzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79182singhiozzare is singhiozzare" ; rdfs:label " singhiozzare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79183esplosione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79183esplosione is esplosione" ; rdfs:label " esplosione_as_Event" . inds:USem79185gocciolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79185gocciolare is gocciolare" ; rdfs:label " gocciolare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79188prediligere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79188prediligere is prediligere" ; rdfs:label " prediligere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem79190familiarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76964familiare ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79190familiarita1 is familiarita'" ; rdfs:label " familiarita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem79191politico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD7238politica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79191politico is politico" ; rdfs:label " politico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USem79196picconare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2829piccone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79196picconare is picconare" ; rdfs:label " picconare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79197piallare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem73399pialla ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79197piallare is piallare" ; rdfs:label " piallare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79199partenza simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79199partenza is partenza" ; rdfs:label " partenza_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem79200occupare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79200occupare is occupare" ; rdfs:label " occupare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79201trattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem61205guarire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79201trattare is trattare" ; rdfs:label " trattare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79202concepire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79202concepire is concepire" ; rdfs:label " concepire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem79203iniziatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USem73024iniziare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79203iniziatore is iniziatore" ; rdfs:label " iniziatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem79204scrittura simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79204scrittura is scrittura" ; rdfs:label " scrittura_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem79205scrittura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79205scrittura is scrittura" ; rdfs:label " scrittura_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem79206capacita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79206capacita1 is capacita'" ; rdfs:label " capacita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem79207possedimento simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59514possedere ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79207possedimento is possedimento" ; rdfs:label " possedimento_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem79208alitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61050soffiare ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79208alitare is alitare" ; rdfs:label " alitare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79209vedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79209vedere is vedere" ; rdfs:label " vedere_as_Event" . inds:USem79210attentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79210attentare is attentare" ; rdfs:label " attentare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79211attentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79211attentare is attentare" ; rdfs:label " attentare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79212rincollare simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD65721colla ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79212rincollare is rincollare" ; rdfs:label " rincollare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79213maturare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79213maturare is maturare" ; rdfs:label " maturare_as_Change" . inds:USem79214battere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79214battere is battere" ; rdfs:label " battere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79216sei simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD79181sette ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD76828cinque ; a simple:NumeralProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79216sei is sei" ; rdfs:label " sei_as_NumeralProperty" . inds:USem79217nove simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD79186dieci ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD79182otto ; a simple:NumeralProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79217nove is nove" ; rdfs:label " nove_as_NumeralProperty" . inds:USem79218catturare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79218catturare is catturare" ; rdfs:label " catturare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79219conferire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7333assegnare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79219conferire is conferire" ; rdfs:label " conferire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79220strapazzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD62351affaticare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79220strapazzare is strapazzare" ; rdfs:label " strapazzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79221succedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79221succedere is succedere" ; rdfs:label " succedere_as_Event" . inds:USem79222susseguire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79222susseguire is susseguire" ; rdfs:label " susseguire_as_Event" . inds:USem79224sgroppare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79224sgroppare is sgroppare" ; rdfs:label " sgroppare_as_Move" . inds:USem79225emettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79225emettere is emettere" ; rdfs:label " emettere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79226slovenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79226slovenia is slovenia" ; rdfs:label " slovenia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem79227impeto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79227impeto is impeto" ; rdfs:label " impeto_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem79228inerzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79228inerzia is inerzia" ; rdfs:label " inerzia_as_State" . inds:USem79229colluttare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79229colluttare is colluttare" ; rdfs:label " colluttare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem79230stima simple:hasIsa inds:USem60372valutazione ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79230stima is stima" ; rdfs:label " stima_as_Judgement" . inds:USem79231servitu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79231servitu1 is servitu'" ; rdfs:label " servitu'_as_State" . inds:USem79232torneo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5528spettacolo ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79232torneo is torneo" ; rdfs:label " torneo_as_Event" . inds:USem79234prestito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USem60651prestito ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79234prestito is prestito" ; rdfs:label " prestito_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem79239preferire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79239preferire is preferire" ; rdfs:label " preferire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem79240estremita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79240estremita1 is estremita'" ; rdfs:label " estremita'_as_Part" . inds:USem79242trascurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79242trascurare is trascurare" ; rdfs:label " trascurare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79243squarciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem68310lacerare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79243squarciare is squarciare" ; rdfs:label " squarciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79245soffriggere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59564friggere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79245soffriggere is soffriggere" ; rdfs:label " soffriggere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79247stralciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79247stralciare is stralciare" ; rdfs:label " stralciare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79248capo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3966filo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3183filato ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79248capo is capo" ; rdfs:label " capo_as_Part" . inds:USem79249ufficio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79249ufficio is ufficio" ; rdfs:label " ufficio_as_Institution" . inds:USem79250eugenia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79250eugenia is eugenia" ; rdfs:label " eugenia_as_Plant" . inds:USem79252veronica simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79252veronica is veronica" ; rdfs:label " veronica_as_Plant" . inds:USem79253bordeaux simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79253bordeaux is bordeaux" ; rdfs:label " bordeaux_as_Color" . inds:USem79254biella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63698congegno ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79254biella is biella" ; rdfs:label " biella_as_Instrument" . inds:USem79255mauro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79255mauro is mauro" ; rdfs:label " mauro_as_Human" . inds:USem79256ingerire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79256ingerire is ingerire" ; rdfs:label " ingerire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79257sferzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem65409flagellare ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79257sferzare is sferzare" ; rdfs:label " sferzare_as_Event" . inds:USem79258maturazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6336maturo ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79258maturazione is maturazione" ; rdfs:label " maturazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79259incantare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79259incantare is incantare" ; rdfs:label " incantare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem79260incantare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63694inceppato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79260incantare is incantare" ; rdfs:label " incantare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79261telefonino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79261telefonino is telefonino" ; rdfs:label " telefonino_as_Instrument" . inds:USem79262radiotrasmittente simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79262radiotrasmittente is radiotrasmittente" ; rdfs:label " radiotrasmittente_as_Instrument" . inds:USem79264corrente simple:hasConcerns inds:USemTH34230elettricita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79264corrente is corrente" ; rdfs:label " corrente_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem79265genitore simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79265genitore is genitore" ; rdfs:label " genitore_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem79266attaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79267colpire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79266attaccare is attaccare" ; rdfs:label " attaccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79267colpire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79267colpire is colpire" ; rdfs:label " colpire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79268attaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79268attaccare is attaccare" ; rdfs:label " attaccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79269afferrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79269afferrare is afferrare" ; rdfs:label " afferrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79270potenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem61818potente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79270potenza is potenza" ; rdfs:label " potenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem79272potenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79272potenza is potenza" ; rdfs:label " potenza_as_Human" . inds:USem79273potenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79273potenza is potenza" ; rdfs:label " potenza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem79274cavallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4819pantalone ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79274cavallo is cavallo" ; rdfs:label " cavallo_as_Part" . inds:USem79275trovare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79275trovare is trovare" ; rdfs:label " trovare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem79276conseguire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79276conseguire is conseguire" ; rdfs:label " conseguire_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem79277sorprendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79277sorprendere is sorprendere" ; rdfs:label " sorprendere_as_Event" . inds:USem79278orma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79278orma is orma" ; rdfs:label " orma_as_Representation" . inds:USem79279localita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79279localita1 is localita'" ; rdfs:label " localita'_as_Location" . inds:USem79280anno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79280anno is anno" ; rdfs:label " anno_as_Time" . inds:USem79281diario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79281diario is diario" ; rdfs:label " diario_as_Information" . inds:USem79282giorno simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4192luce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79282giorno is giorno" ; rdfs:label " giorno_as_Time" . inds:USem79283notte simple:hasConcerns inds:USem69379buio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79283notte is notte" ; rdfs:label " notte_as_Time" . inds:USem79284oscurita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79284oscurita1 is oscurita'" ; rdfs:label " oscurita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem79285gioielleria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4197gioiello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79285gioielleria is gioielleria" ; rdfs:label " gioielleria_as_Group" . inds:USem79286rastrellare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2834rastrello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61216raccogliere ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79286rastrellare is rastrellare" ; rdfs:label " rastrellare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79287rastrellare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2834rastrello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6953ripulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79287rastrellare is rastrellare" ; rdfs:label " rastrellare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79288rastrellare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59557controllare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79288rastrellare is rastrellare" ; rdfs:label " rastrellare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79289curia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79289curia is curia" ; rdfs:label " curia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem79290violino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2909violino ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79290violino is violino" ; rdfs:label " violino_as_Profession" . inds:USem79291lessico simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79291lessico is lessico" ; rdfs:label " lessico_as_Information" . inds:USem79292schedario simple:hasContains inds:USem70118scheda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79292schedario is schedario" ; rdfs:label " schedario_as_Container" . inds:USem79293classificatore simple:hasContains inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79293classificatore is classificatore" ; rdfs:label " classificatore_as_Container" . inds:USem79294frazione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79294frazione is frazione" ; rdfs:label " frazione_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem79295frazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79295frazione is frazione" ; rdfs:label " frazione_as_Convention" . inds:USem79296frazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2242percorso ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79296frazione is frazione" ; rdfs:label " frazione_as_Part" . inds:USem79297gomito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5726manica ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79297gomito is gomito" ; rdfs:label " gomito_as_Part" . inds:USem79298ala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem66793schieramento ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79298ala is ala" ; rdfs:label " ala_as_Part" . inds:USem79299ala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4877cappello ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79299ala is ala" ; rdfs:label " ala_as_Part" . inds:USem79300ala simple:hasIsa inds:USem6308attaccante ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem64105attaccare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79300ala is ala" ; rdfs:label " ala_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem79301ala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD65433campo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79301ala is ala" ; rdfs:label " ala_as_Part" . inds:USem79302fianco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79302fianco is fianco" ; rdfs:label " fianco_as_Part" . inds:USem79303coda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79303coda is coda" ; rdfs:label " coda_as_Part" . inds:USem79304penna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5579freccia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79304penna is penna" ; rdfs:label " penna_as_Part" . inds:USem79305penna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2821martello ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79305penna is penna" ; rdfs:label " penna_as_Part" . inds:USem79306ricamo simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79306ricamo is ricamo" ; rdfs:label " ricamo_as_Domain" . inds:USem79307gioielleria simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79307gioielleria is gioielleria" ; rdfs:label " gioielleria_as_Domain" . inds:USem79308introduzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79308introduzione is introduzione" ; rdfs:label " introduzione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79309introdurre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79309introdurre is introdurre" ; rdfs:label " introdurre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79310introduzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61616musica, inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79310introduzione is introduzione" ; rdfs:label " introduzione_as_Part" . inds:USem79311conclusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79311conclusione is conclusione" ; rdfs:label " conclusione_as_Part" . inds:USem79312iniziazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5405apprendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79312iniziazione is iniziazione" ; rdfs:label " iniziazione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem79313comparto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60502studio, inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79313comparto is comparto" ; rdfs:label " comparto_as_Part" . inds:USem79314compagnia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem64394soldato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79314compagnia is compagnia" ; rdfs:label " compagnia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem79315babbuccia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4774scarpa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3167lana ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USemD65978neonato ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79315babbuccia is babbuccia" ; rdfs:label " babbuccia_as_Clothing" . inds:USem79316bagno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6955lavare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79316bagno is bagno" ; rdfs:label " bagno_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79317vaso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1741terracotta ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79317vaso is vaso" ; rdfs:label " vaso_as_Container" . inds:USem79318gabinetto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem79319vaso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62395bagno, inds:USem64663gabinetto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79318gabinetto is gabinetto" ; rdfs:label " gabinetto_as_Furniture" . inds:USem79319vaso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem79318gabinetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem67626maiolica ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79319vaso is vaso" ; rdfs:label " vaso_as_Part" . inds:USem79320illustrazione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USem60108illustrazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3927spiegare, inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79320illustrazione is illustrazione" ; rdfs:label " illustrazione_as_Artwork" . inds:USem79321cucina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79321cucina is cucina" ; rdfs:label " cucina_as_Food" . inds:USem79322tavola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79322tavola is tavola" ; rdfs:label " tavola_as_Food" . inds:USem79323scambiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79323scambiare is scambiare" ; rdfs:label " scambiare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79324scambiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79324scambiare is scambiare" ; rdfs:label " scambiare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem79325forbice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79325forbice is forbice" ; rdfs:label " forbice_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem79326discrepanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79326discrepanza is discrepanza" ; rdfs:label " discrepanza_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USem79327dividere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79327dividere is dividere" ; rdfs:label " dividere_as_State" . inds:USem79328allontanare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem60127allontanamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79328allontanare is allontanare" ; rdfs:label " allontanare_as_Cause" . inds:USem79329spartire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79329spartire is spartire" ; rdfs:label " spartire_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79330dividere simple:hasIsa inds:USem7150distribuire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79330dividere is dividere" ; rdfs:label " dividere_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem79331zoccolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59836parete ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79331zoccolo is zoccolo" ; rdfs:label " zoccolo_as_Part" . inds:USem79332ventre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79332ventre is ventre" ; rdfs:label " ventre_as_Part" . inds:USem79333ventre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79333ventre is ventre" ; rdfs:label " ventre_as_Part" . inds:USem79334grembo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79334grembo is grembo" ; rdfs:label " grembo_as_Part" . inds:USem79335cucciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79335cucciolo is cucciolo" ; rdfs:label " cucciolo_as_Human" . inds:USem79336acquistare simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79336acquistare is acquistare" ; rdfs:label " acquistare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem79337acquistare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79337acquistare is acquistare" ; rdfs:label " acquistare_as_Change" . inds:USem79338fronteggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79338fronteggiare is fronteggiare" ; rdfs:label " fronteggiare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem79339rovesciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79339rovesciare is rovesciare" ; rdfs:label " rovesciare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem79340pagare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79340pagare is pagare" ; rdfs:label " pagare_as_Transaction" . inds:USem79341spazzaneve simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2331sci ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79341spazzaneve is spazzaneve" ; rdfs:label " spazzaneve_as_Move" . inds:USem79342spada simple:hasIsa inds:USem64394soldato ; simple:hasUses inds:USem62680spada ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79342spada is spada" ; rdfs:label " spada_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem79343allevamento simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3593bambino, inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem61631crescere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79343allevamento is allevamento" ; rdfs:label " allevamento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79344barattolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79344barattolo is barattolo" ; rdfs:label " barattolo_as_Amount" . inds:USem79345assortimento simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79345assortimento is assortimento" ; rdfs:label " assortimento_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem79346rosa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79346rosa is rosa" ; rdfs:label " rosa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem79347casa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5067alloggio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79347casa is casa" ; rdfs:label " casa_as_Building" . inds:USem79348coda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65651acconciatura ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79348coda is coda" ; rdfs:label " coda_as_Part" . inds:USem79349industria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3577impresa ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79349industria is industria" ; rdfs:label " industria_as_Institution" . inds:USem79350palla simple:hasIsa inds:USem62893sfera ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79350palla is palla" ; rdfs:label " palla_as_Shape" . inds:USem79351metro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79351metro is metro" ; rdfs:label " metro_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem79352considerare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79352considerare is considerare" ; rdfs:label " considerare_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem79353prevedere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79353prevedere is prevedere" ; rdfs:label " prevedere_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem79354contemplare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79354contemplare is contemplare" ; rdfs:label " contemplare_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem79355libreria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63394collezione ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79355libreria is libreria" ; rdfs:label " libreria_as_Group" . inds:USem79356attaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60740criticare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79356attaccare is attaccare" ; rdfs:label " attaccare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79357segno simple:hasTelic inds:USem7079indicare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79357segno is segno" ; rdfs:label " segno_as_Telic" . inds:USem79358indice simple:hasTelic inds:USem7079indicare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79358indice is indice" ; rdfs:label " indice_as_Telic" . inds:USem79359indizio simple:hasTelic inds:USem7079indicare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79359indizio is indizio" ; rdfs:label " indizio_as_Telic" . inds:USem79360segnale simple:hasTelic inds:USem7079indicare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79360segnale is segnale" ; rdfs:label " segnale_as_Telic" . inds:USem79361sintomo simple:hasTelic inds:USem7079indicare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79361sintomo is sintomo" ; rdfs:label " sintomo_as_Telic" . inds:USem79362annunciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61375presentare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79362annunciare is annunciare" ; rdfs:label " annunciare_as_State" . inds:USem79363preannunciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79363preannunciare is preannunciare" ; rdfs:label " preannunciare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem79364preannunciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61375presentare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79364preannunciare is preannunciare" ; rdfs:label " preannunciare_as_State" . inds:USem79365palesare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79365palesare is palesare" ; rdfs:label " palesare_as_State" . inds:USem79366stabilimento simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2287terme, inds:USem74069balneazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79366stabilimento is stabilimento" ; rdfs:label " stabilimento_as_Building" . inds:USem79367bagno simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2287terme, inds:USem74069balneazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem79366stabilimento ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79367bagno is bagno" ; rdfs:label " bagno_as_Building" . inds:USem79368legge simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79368legge is legge" ; rdfs:label " legge_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem79369legge simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem67418articolo ; simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79369legge is legge" ; rdfs:label " legge_as_Information" . inds:USem79370tavola simple:hasContains inds:USem79320illustrazione ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79370tavola is tavola" ; rdfs:label " tavola_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem79371tavola simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem79320illustrazione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79371tavola is tavola" ; rdfs:label " tavola_as_Information" . inds:USem79372aspirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7040pronunciare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79372aspirare is aspirare" ; rdfs:label " aspirare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79373augurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79373augurare is augurare" ; rdfs:label " augurare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem79374comprendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79374comprendere is comprendere" ; rdfs:label " comprendere_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem79375edificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79375edificazione is edificazione" ; rdfs:label " edificazione_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem79376costruire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79376costruire is costruire" ; rdfs:label " costruire_as_Creation" . inds:USem79377convenzione simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79377convenzione is convenzione" ; rdfs:label " convenzione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem79378accordo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79378accordo is accordo" ; rdfs:label " accordo_as_Convention" . inds:USem79379vivere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79379vivere is vivere" ; rdfs:label " vivere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79380conoscere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79380conoscere is conoscere" ; rdfs:label " conoscere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79381congelamento simple:hasCauses inds:USem6138dolore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63847lesione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79381congelamento is congelamento" ; rdfs:label " congelamento_as_Disease" . inds:USem79382concepire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79382concepire is concepire" ; rdfs:label " concepire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79383comunicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79383comunicare is comunicare" ; rdfs:label " comunicare_as_State" . inds:USem79385comunicare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem68366luogo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79385comunicare is comunicare" ; rdfs:label " comunicare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem79386coincidenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79386coincidenza is coincidenza" ; rdfs:label " coincidenza_as_Event" . inds:USem79387accostamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79387accostamento is accostamento" ; rdfs:label " accostamento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79388armonizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79388armonizzazione is armonizzazione" ; rdfs:label " armonizzazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79389fissare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79389fissare is fissare" ; rdfs:label " fissare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79390stabilire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79390stabilire is stabilire" ; rdfs:label " stabilire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79391calciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79391calciare is calciare" ; rdfs:label " calciare_as_Move" . inds:USem79392capra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2927cavalletto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79392capra is capra" ; rdfs:label " capra_as_Instrument" . inds:USem79393causa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79393causa is causa" ; rdfs:label " causa_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79394cellula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD63821partito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79394cellula is cellula" ; rdfs:label " cellula_as_Part" . inds:USem79395raggiungere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79395raggiungere is raggiungere" ; rdfs:label " raggiungere_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem79396guadagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79396guadagnare is guadagnare" ; rdfs:label " guadagnare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem79397guadagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79397guadagnare is guadagnare" ; rdfs:label " guadagnare_as_Change" . inds:USem79398guadagnare simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79398guadagnare is guadagnare" ; rdfs:label " guadagnare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem79399guadagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62852ricevere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79399guadagnare is guadagnare" ; rdfs:label " guadagnare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem79400annunciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79400annunciare is annunciare" ; rdfs:label " annunciare_as_Event" . inds:USem79401preannunciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79400annunciare ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79401preannunciare is preannunciare" ; rdfs:label " preannunciare_as_Event" . inds:USem79402intaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79402intaccare is intaccare" ; rdfs:label " intaccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79403intaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79267colpire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79403intaccare is intaccare" ; rdfs:label " intaccare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79404avviso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79404avviso is avviso" ; rdfs:label " avviso_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79405avvisare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79405avvisare is avvisare" ; rdfs:label " avvisare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79406compagnia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem61874artista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79406compagnia is compagnia" ; rdfs:label " compagnia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem79407suddividere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6928dividere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79407suddividere is suddividere" ; rdfs:label " suddividere_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem79408introduzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5405apprendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79408introduzione is introduzione" ; rdfs:label " introduzione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem79409trovare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4830scoprire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79409trovare is trovare" ; rdfs:label " trovare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem79410tavola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79410tavola is tavola" ; rdfs:label " tavola_as_Artwork" . inds:USem79411passaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79411passaggio is passaggio" ; rdfs:label " passaggio_as_Part" . inds:USem79412regalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79412regalita1 is regalita'" ; rdfs:label " regalita'_as_State" . inds:USem79413necessita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79413necessita1 is necessita'" ; rdfs:label " necessita'_as_State" . inds:USem79414miseria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79414miseria is miseria" ; rdfs:label " miseria_as_State" . inds:USem79415affettuosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79415affettuosita1 is affettuosita'" ; rdfs:label " affettuosita'_as_Act" . inds:USem79416vanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem76799vano ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79416vanita1 is vanita'" ; rdfs:label " vanita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem79417rigidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem5783caratteristica ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79417rigidita1 is rigidita'" ; rdfs:label " rigidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USem79418qualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79418qualita1 is qualita'" ; rdfs:label " qualita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem79419dissipare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79419dissipare is dissipare" ; rdfs:label " dissipare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79420dissipare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79420dissipare is dissipare" ; rdfs:label " dissipare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79421dissipazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemTH43903dissipato ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79421dissipazione is dissipazione" ; rdfs:label " dissipazione_as_Psych_property" . inds:USem79422distinzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79422distinzione is distinzione" ; rdfs:label " distinzione_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem79423composizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79423composizione is composizione" ; rdfs:label " composizione_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USem79424disattenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79424disattenzione is disattenzione" ; rdfs:label " disattenzione_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem79425svista simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79425svista is svista" ; rdfs:label " svista_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem79426sbaglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79426sbaglio is sbaglio" ; rdfs:label " sbaglio_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem79427rugby simple:hasIsa inds:USem7095sport ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79427rugby is rugby" ; rdfs:label " rugby_as_Domain" . inds:USem79428protezione simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79428protezione is protezione" ; rdfs:label " protezione_as_Telic" . inds:USem79429rispettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79429rispettare is rispettare" ; rdfs:label " rispettare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79430osservanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79430osservanza is osservanza" ; rdfs:label " osservanza_as_Act" . inds:USem79431prendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79431prendere is prendere" ; rdfs:label " prendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79432allargare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79432allargare is allargare" ; rdfs:label " allargare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem79434moto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USem66463sellino, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2864ciclomotore ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD802viaggiare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79434moto is moto" ; rdfs:label " moto_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem79436interrogare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79436interrogare is interrogare" ; rdfs:label " interrogare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem79437perdere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79437perdere is perdere" ; rdfs:label " perdere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79440spiraglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem60656possibilita1 ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79440spiraglio is spiraglio" ; rdfs:label " spiraglio_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem79442strangolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79442strangolare is strangolare" ; rdfs:label " strangolare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem79443ricostruire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79443ricostruire is ricostruire" ; rdfs:label " ricostruire_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem79445ricostruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79445ricostruzione is ricostruzione" ; rdfs:label " ricostruzione_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem79446ricostruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USem79445ricostruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79446ricostruzione is ricostruzione" ; rdfs:label " ricostruzione_as_Building" . inds:USem79449rientrare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79449rientrare is rientrare" ; rdfs:label " rientrare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem79450portare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79450portare is portare" ; rdfs:label " portare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem79452punto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3381momento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79452punto is punto" ; rdfs:label " punto_as_Time" . inds:USem79454fare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79454fare is fare" ; rdfs:label " fare_as_Change" . inds:USem79456urlo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79456urlo is urlo" ; rdfs:label " urlo_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79458subacqueo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem72199immergere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79458subacqueo is subacqueo" ; rdfs:label " subacqueo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem79459sub simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem72199immergere ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79459sub is sub" ; rdfs:label " sub_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem79460affondare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79460affondare is affondare" ; rdfs:label " affondare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem79461riuscire simple:hasIsa inds:USem62926sapere ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79461riuscire is riuscire" ; rdfs:label " riuscire_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem79463ciclista simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79463ciclista is ciclista" ; rdfs:label " ciclista_as_Clothing" . inds:USem79464fissante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79464fissante is fissante" ; rdfs:label " fissante_as_Substance" . inds:USem79465enigma simple:hasIsa inds:USem62856fatto ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79465enigma is enigma" ; rdfs:label " enigma_as_Event" . inds:USem79466sciupare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79437perdere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79466sciupare is sciupare" ; rdfs:label " sciupare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79467congestionare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79082intralciare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79467congestionare is congestionare" ; rdfs:label " congestionare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem79468impedire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63706ostacolare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79468impedire is impedire" ; rdfs:label " impedire_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem79469occorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79469occorrere is occorrere" ; rdfs:label " occorrere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem79472piastrina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem70140targhetta ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem1915cane, inds:USem64394soldato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem64654identificare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79472piastrina is piastrina" ; rdfs:label " piastrina_as_Artifact" . inds:USem79473piastrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem1958cellula ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3126sangue ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79473piastrina is piastrina" ; rdfs:label " piastrina_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USem79474immaginare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7096ipotizzare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79474immaginare is immaginare" ; rdfs:label " immaginare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USem79475progettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4833pianificare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61490progetto ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79475progettare is progettare" ; rdfs:label " progettare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem79476puntare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79476puntare is puntare" ; rdfs:label " puntare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79477puntatore simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem7079indicare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79477puntatore is puntatore" ; rdfs:label " puntatore_as_Sign" . inds:USem79478puntare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79478puntare is puntare" ; rdfs:label " puntare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79479rinfrescare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79479rinfrescare is rinfrescare" ; rdfs:label " rinfrescare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79480rimandare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79480rimandare is rimandare" ; rdfs:label " rimandare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem79481ripetere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79481ripetere is ripetere" ; rdfs:label " ripetere_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem79482sibilo simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD1957corpo ; simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79482sibilo is sibilo" ; rdfs:label " sibilo_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem79483stridio simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79483stridio is stridio" ; rdfs:label " stridio_as_Stimulus" . inds:USem79484patologia simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68420alterazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79484patologia is patologia" ; rdfs:label " patologia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem79485fare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79485fare is fare" ; rdfs:label " fare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USem79486fare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59732nominare ; a simple:Declarative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79486fare is fare" ; rdfs:label " fare_as_Declarative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79487fare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79487fare is fare" ; rdfs:label " fare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem79488fare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79488fare is fare" ; rdfs:label " fare_as_State" . inds:USem79489sistemare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79489sistemare is sistemare" ; rdfs:label " sistemare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem79490mettere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79490mettere is mettere" ; rdfs:label " mettere_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USem79491mettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem74819introdurre ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79491mettere is mettere" ; rdfs:label " mettere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USem79492dare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79492dare is dare" ; rdfs:label " dare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79493dare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79493dare is dare" ; rdfs:label " dare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem79494affacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79493dare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79494affacciare is affacciare" ; rdfs:label " affacciare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem79495estrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79495estrarre is estrarre" ; rdfs:label " estrarre_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem79496eventualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79496eventualita1 is eventualita'" ; rdfs:label " eventualita'_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem79497tradurre simple:hasIsa inds:USem60823palesare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79497tradurre is tradurre" ; rdfs:label " tradurre_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem79499portare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79499portare is portare" ; rdfs:label " portare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem79500portare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79500portare is portare" ; rdfs:label " portare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USem79501portare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79501portare is portare" ; rdfs:label " portare_as_Cause" . inds:USem79502cagionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79502cagionare is cagionare" ; rdfs:label " cagionare_as_Cause" . inds:USem79503procurare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79492dare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79503procurare is procurare" ; rdfs:label " procurare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79504procurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79504procurare is procurare" ; rdfs:label " procurare_as_Cause" . inds:USem79505andare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79505andare is andare" ; rdfs:label " andare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem79506condurre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79506condurre is condurre" ; rdfs:label " condurre_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem79508sbarrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79508sbarrare is sbarrare" ; rdfs:label " sbarrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79509vaporizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79509vaporizzare is vaporizzare" ; rdfs:label " vaporizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79510spruzzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79510spruzzare is spruzzare" ; rdfs:label " spruzzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79512epatologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1819fegato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79512epatologia is epatologia" ; rdfs:label " epatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USem79513vaso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79513vaso is vaso" ; rdfs:label " vaso_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem79514occlusione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79514occlusione is occlusione" ; rdfs:label " occlusione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79516progesterone simple:hasIsa inds:USem3052ormone ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79516progesterone is progesterone" ; rdfs:label " progesterone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem79517trigliceride simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3126sangue ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79517trigliceride is trigliceride" ; rdfs:label " trigliceride_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USem79519crauto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6644fermentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3672verdura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79519crauto is crauto" ; rdfs:label " crauto_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem79520dintorno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79520dintorno is dintorno" ; rdfs:label " dintorno_as_Location" . inds:USem79521elementare simple:hasIsa inds:USem2218scuola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79521elementare is elementare" ; rdfs:label " elementare_as_Building" . inds:USem79522espadrilles simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79522espadrilles is espadrilles" ; rdfs:label " espadrilles_as_Clothing" . inds:USem79523fauce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem67921animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79523fauce is fauce" ; rdfs:label " fauce_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem79524fauce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79524fauce is fauce" ; rdfs:label " fauce_as_Part" . inds:USem79525gemello simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79525gemello is gemello" ; rdfs:label " gemello_as_Representation" . inds:USem79526granaglia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79526granaglia is granaglia" ; rdfs:label " granaglia_as_Food" . inds:USem79527leguminosa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem62862frutto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79527leguminosa is leguminosa" ; rdfs:label " leguminosa_as_Plant" . inds:USem79528orecchione simple:hasAffects inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1971virus ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem72131gonfiore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79528orecchione is orecchione" ; rdfs:label " orecchione_as_Disease" . inds:USem79529pesce simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2713simbolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61602zodiaco ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79529pesce is pesce" ; rdfs:label " pesce_as_Representation" . inds:USem79530reni simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79530reni is reni" ; rdfs:label " reni_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem79531elementare simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79531elementare is elementare" ; rdfs:label " elementare_as_Institution" . inds:USem79532elementare simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4985insegnante, inds:USem60848alunno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79532elementare is elementare" ; rdfs:label " elementare_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem79533mammifero simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1123mammifero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79533mammifero is mammifero" ; rdfs:label " mammifero_as_Group" . inds:USem79534anfibio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70827anfibio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79534anfibio is anfibio" ; rdfs:label " anfibio_as_Group" . inds:USem79535rettile simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3311rettile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79535rettile is rettile" ; rdfs:label " rettile_as_Group" . inds:USem79536uccello simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79536uccello is uccello" ; rdfs:label " uccello_as_Group" . inds:USem79537insetto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2446insetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79537insetto is insetto" ; rdfs:label " insetto_as_Group" . inds:USem79538mollusco simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD570mollusco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79538mollusco is mollusco" ; rdfs:label " mollusco_as_Group" . inds:USem79539crostaceo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4029crostaceo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79539crostaceo is crostaceo" ; rdfs:label " crostaceo_as_Group" . inds:USem79540aracnide simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemTH37300aracnide ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79540aracnide is aracnide" ; rdfs:label " aracnide_as_Group" . inds:USem79541pesce simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem923pesce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79541pesce is pesce" ; rdfs:label " pesce_as_Group" . inds:USem79542cavaliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79542cavaliere is cavaliere" ; rdfs:label " cavaliere_as_Human" . inds:USem79543progetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem60123ideazione ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79543progetto is progetto" ; rdfs:label " progetto_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USem79544programma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem59472ascoltare, inds:USemD469guardare ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79544programma is programma" ; rdfs:label " programma_as_Event" . inds:USem79545trasmettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79545trasmettere is trasmettere" ; rdfs:label " trasmettere_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem79546trasmissione simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79546trasmissione is trasmissione" ; rdfs:label " trasmissione_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem79547trasmissione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79547trasmissione is trasmissione" ; rdfs:label " trasmissione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USem79548trasmissione simple:hasIsa inds:USem62445evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79548trasmissione is trasmissione" ; rdfs:label " trasmissione_as_Event" . inds:USem79549abbaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6386verso ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1915cane ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79549abbaio is abbaio" ; rdfs:label " abbaio_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79550fiorentino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79550fiorentino is fiorentino" ; rdfs:label " fiorentino_as_Language" . inds:USem79551trottare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5607camminare ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79551trottare is trottare" ; rdfs:label " trottare_as_Move" . inds:USem79553livello simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD5532altezza ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79553livello is livello" ; rdfs:label " livello_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem79555vedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5605giudicare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79555vedere is vedere" ; rdfs:label " vedere_as_Judgement" . inds:USem79556occupazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79556occupazione is occupazione" ; rdfs:label " occupazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79557pianista simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2895pianoforte ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79557pianista is pianista" ; rdfs:label " pianista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem79563casino1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79563casino1 is casino'" ; rdfs:label " casino'_as_Building" . inds:USem79564alzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5448maggiore ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79564alzare is alzare" ; rdfs:label " alzare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem79565irradiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79565irradiare is irradiare" ; rdfs:label " irradiare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79566sviluppare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79566sviluppare is sviluppare" ; rdfs:label " sviluppare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79567produrre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79567produrre is produrre" ; rdfs:label " produrre_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79571parere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79571parere is parere" ; rdfs:label " parere_as_State" . inds:USem79574interessare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem79573interesse ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79574interessare is interessare" ; rdfs:label " interessare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79575perfezionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79575perfezionare is perfezionare" ; rdfs:label " perfezionare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem79576processare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem79577assolvere, inds:USemD6020condannare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79576processare is processare" ; rdfs:label " processare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79577assolvere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79577assolvere is assolvere" ; rdfs:label " assolvere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79578incutere simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79578incutere is incutere" ; rdfs:label " incutere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79579instillare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79579instillare is instillare" ; rdfs:label " instillare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79580razza simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem918essere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79580razza is razza" ; rdfs:label " razza_as_Group" . inds:USem79581razza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79581razza is razza" ; rdfs:label " razza_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem79582bagaglio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79582bagaglio is bagaglio" ; rdfs:label " bagaglio_as_Group" . inds:USem79583balestrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79583balestrare is balestrare" ; rdfs:label " balestrare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79584ballonzolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66317saltellare ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79584ballonzolare is ballonzolare" ; rdfs:label " ballonzolare_as_Move" . inds:USem79585beneficiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79585beneficiare is beneficiare" ; rdfs:label " beneficiare_as_State" . inds:USem79586bercione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79586bercione is bercione" ; rdfs:label " bercione_as_Human" . inds:USem79587biascicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7040pronunciare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79587biascicare is biascicare" ; rdfs:label " biascicare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79588calamo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79588calamo is calamo" ; rdfs:label " calamo_as_Part" . inds:USem79589campionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79589campionare is campionare" ; rdfs:label " campionare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79590campionatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79590campionatura is campionatura" ; rdfs:label " campionatura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79591candire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1335bollire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem66029candito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79591candire is candire" ; rdfs:label " candire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79592canterellare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79592canterellare is canterellare" ; rdfs:label " canterellare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79593canticchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79593canticchiare is canticchiare" ; rdfs:label " canticchiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79594cantilenare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79594cantilenare is cantilenare" ; rdfs:label " cantilenare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79595carboniere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2013commerciante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem60458commerciare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79595carboniere is carboniere" ; rdfs:label " carboniere_as_Profession" . inds:USem79596carotare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79596carotare is carotare" ; rdfs:label " carotare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79597carrozzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76787fornire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79597carrozzare is carrozzare" ; rdfs:label " carrozzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79598cascata simple:hasIsa inds:USem3965movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79598cascata is cascata" ; rdfs:label " cascata_as_Move" . inds:USem79599cazzottare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79599cazzottare is cazzottare" ; rdfs:label " cazzottare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79600cernere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6158scegliere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79600cernere is cernere" ; rdfs:label " cernere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79601cernita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79601cernita is cernita" ; rdfs:label " cernita_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79602selezionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79602selezionare is selezionare" ; rdfs:label " selezionare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79603selezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79603selezione is selezione" ; rdfs:label " selezione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79604cianciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79604cianciare is cianciare" ; rdfs:label " cianciare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79605sentire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79605sentire is sentire" ; rdfs:label " sentire_as_Perception" . inds:USem79606sentire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79606sentire is sentire" ; rdfs:label " sentire_as_Perception" . inds:USem79607sentire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1820orecchio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79607sentire is sentire" ; rdfs:label " sentire_as_Perception" . inds:USem79608sentire simple:hasIsa inds:USem4804chiedere ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79608sentire is sentire" ; rdfs:label " sentire_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79609sentire simple:hasIsa inds:USem4831acquisire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79609sentire is sentire" ; rdfs:label " sentire_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem79610sapere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4831acquisire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79610sapere is sapere" ; rdfs:label " sapere_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USem79611sentire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1812naso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79611sentire is sentire" ; rdfs:label " sentire_as_Perception" . inds:USem79612ricostruire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem75987bisturi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66451intervenire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem61427ripristinare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79612ricostruire is ricostruire" ; rdfs:label " ricostruire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79613ricostruzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem72493intervento ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79613ricostruzione is ricostruzione" ; rdfs:label " ricostruzione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79614trapiantare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem75987bisturi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66451intervenire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79614trapiantare is trapiantare" ; rdfs:label " trapiantare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79615asportazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem72493intervento ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6857rimuovere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79615asportazione is asportazione" ; rdfs:label " asportazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79616trapianto simple:hasIsa inds:USem72493intervento ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79616trapianto is trapianto" ; rdfs:label " trapianto_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79617debolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3929condizione ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6547debole ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79617debolezza is debolezza" ; rdfs:label " debolezza_as_State" . inds:USem79618estrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem72493intervento ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79618estrazione is estrazione" ; rdfs:label " estrazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79619estrarre simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2836tenaglia, inds:USem75987bisturi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem66451intervenire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6857rimuovere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79619estrarre is estrarre" ; rdfs:label " estrarre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79620radioterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62882terapia ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem61590tumore ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79620radioterapia is radioterapia" ; rdfs:label " radioterapia_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79621sofferenza simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5337sensazione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79621sofferenza is sofferenza" ; rdfs:label " sofferenza_as_Perception" . inds:USem79622salute simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79622salute is salute" ; rdfs:label " salute_as_State" . inds:USem79624respirazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem64875processo ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79624respirazione is respirazione" ; rdfs:label " respirazione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79625vomito simple:hasAffects inds:USem1781stomaco ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1790bocca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79625vomito is vomito" ; rdfs:label " vomito_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79626antinfiammatorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USemD5655infiammazione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79626antinfiammatorio is antinfiammatorio" ; rdfs:label " antinfiammatorio_as_Substance" . inds:USem79627reazione simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79627reazione is reazione" ; rdfs:label " reazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem79629ecografista simple:hasConcerns inds:USem069624ecografia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem74767indagare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79629ecografista is ecografista" ; rdfs:label " ecografista_as_Profession" . inds:USem79630ospedale simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1981medico, inds:USem3631infermiere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79630ospedale is ospedale" ; rdfs:label " ospedale_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem79631cardiochirurgia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7083reparto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60931ospedale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4613operare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79631cardiochirurgia is cardiochirurgia" ; rdfs:label " cardiochirurgia_as_Building" . inds:USem79632amicizia simple:hasIsa inds:USem64867rapporto ; simple:hasRelates inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79632amicizia is amicizia" ; rdfs:label " amicizia_as_Relational_State" . inds:USem79633attivare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79633attivare is attivare" ; rdfs:label " attivare_as_Cause" . inds:USem79634attivazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79634attivazione is attivazione" ; rdfs:label " attivazione_as_Cause" . inds:USem79635guardasigilli simple:hasIsa inds:USem3574ministro ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59435governo ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79635guardasigilli is guardasigilli" ; rdfs:label " guardasigilli_as_Social_status" . inds:USem79636guardasigilli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63963cancelliere ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59722autenticare, inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79636guardasigilli is guardasigilli" ; rdfs:label " guardasigilli_as_Profession" . inds:USem79637narratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4953scrittore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79637narratore is narratore" ; rdfs:label " narratore_as_Profession" . inds:USem79638poligrafo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4953scrittore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79638poligrafo is poligrafo" ; rdfs:label " poligrafo_as_Profession" . inds:USem79639profumiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6381fabbricante ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79639profumiere is profumiere" ; rdfs:label " profumiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem79640ramaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79640ramaio is ramaio" ; rdfs:label " ramaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem79641soprintendente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63966funzionario ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79641soprintendente is soprintendente" ; rdfs:label " soprintendente_as_Profession" . inds:USem79642tessile simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79642tessile is tessile" ; rdfs:label " tessile_as_Profession" . inds:USem79643scribacchino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4953scrittore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79643scribacchino is scribacchino" ; rdfs:label " scribacchino_as_Profession" . inds:USem79644scribacchino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3653impiegato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79644scribacchino is scribacchino" ; rdfs:label " scribacchino_as_Profession" . inds:USem79645podesta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7115magistrato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79645podesta1 is podesta'" ; rdfs:label " podesta'_as_Profession" . inds:USem79646maestro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79646maestro is maestro" ; rdfs:label " maestro_as_Profession" . inds:USem79647hostess simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79647hostess is hostess" ; rdfs:label " hostess_as_Profession" . inds:USem79648ranger simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79648ranger is ranger" ; rdfs:label " ranger_as_Profession" . inds:USem79649montatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79649montatore is montatore" ; rdfs:label " montatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem79650intrattenitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4959attore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5632intrattenere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79650intrattenitore is intrattenitore" ; rdfs:label " intrattenitore_as_Profession" . inds:USem79651psicomotricista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3630paramedico ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem79787riabilitare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79651psicomotricista is psicomotricista" ; rdfs:label " psicomotricista_as_Profession" . inds:USem79652ingrassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem61604ingrassare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79652ingrassatore is ingrassatore" ; rdfs:label " ingrassatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem79653tamburaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD4677vendere, inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79653tamburaio is tamburaio" ; rdfs:label " tamburaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem79654carradore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3332artigiano ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD387fabbricare, inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79654carradore is carradore" ; rdfs:label " carradore_as_Profession" . inds:USem79655picconiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem79196picconare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79655picconiere is picconiere" ; rdfs:label " picconiere_as_Profession" . inds:USem79656anatomopatologo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4654studiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79656anatomopatologo is anatomopatologo" ; rdfs:label " anatomopatologo_as_Profession" . inds:USem79657canapaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem64518coltivatore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD5135coltivare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79657canapaio is canapaio" ; rdfs:label " canapaio_as_Profession" . inds:USem79658pranoterapeuta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79658pranoterapeuta is pranoterapeuta" ; rdfs:label " pranoterapeuta_as_Profession" . inds:USem79660battiloro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79660battiloro is battiloro" ; rdfs:label " battiloro_as_Profession" . inds:USem79661tirolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2096austria ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79661tirolo is tirolo" ; rdfs:label " tirolo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USem79662sincerita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1352valore ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79662sincerita1 is sincerita'" ; rdfs:label " sincerita'_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USem79663strumentazione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79663strumentazione is strumentazione" ; rdfs:label " strumentazione_as_Group" . inds:USem79664arnese simple:hasIsa inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79664arnese is arnese" ; rdfs:label " arnese_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem79665sposo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79665sposo is sposo" ; rdfs:label " sposo_as_Kinship" . inds:USem79666sposa simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79666sposa is sposa" ; rdfs:label " sposa_as_Kinship" . inds:USem79667metodo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3963azione, inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79667metodo is metodo" ; rdfs:label " metodo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem79668strategia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem3963azione, inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79668strategia is strategia" ; rdfs:label " strategia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem79669permesso simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79669permesso is permesso" ; rdfs:label " permesso_as_Convention" . inds:USem79670permesso simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79670permesso is permesso" ; rdfs:label " permesso_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem79671abituare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79671abituare is abituare" ; rdfs:label " abituare_as_Change" . inds:USem79679intesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79679intesa is intesa" ; rdfs:label " intesa_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79680patto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79680patto is patto" ; rdfs:label " patto_as_Convention" . inds:USem79681rimandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79681rimandare is rimandare" ; rdfs:label " rimandare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem79682differire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79682differire is differire" ; rdfs:label " differire_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem79683procrastinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79683procrastinare is procrastinare" ; rdfs:label " procrastinare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem79684traccia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79684traccia is traccia" ; rdfs:label " traccia_as_Representation" . inds:USem79685traccia simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79685traccia is traccia" ; rdfs:label " traccia_as_Constitutive" . inds:USem79686taglio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1764pelle, inds:USem3681carne ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069649ferita ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79686taglio is taglio" ; rdfs:label " taglio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem79690sorpresa simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79690sorpresa is sorpresa" ; rdfs:label " sorpresa_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem79691ufficio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79691ufficio is ufficio" ; rdfs:label " ufficio_as_Part" . inds:USem79692nostalgico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79692nostalgico is nostalgico" ; rdfs:label " nostalgico_as_Ideo" . inds:USem79693maquillage simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79693maquillage is maquillage" ; rdfs:label " maquillage_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79694patentino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79694patentino is patentino" ; rdfs:label " patentino_as_Information" . inds:USem79695massa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79695massa is massa" ; rdfs:label " massa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USem79696giuntura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79696giuntura is giuntura" ; rdfs:label " giuntura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USem79697accordo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79697accordo is accordo" ; rdfs:label " accordo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem79698divieto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79698divieto is divieto" ; rdfs:label " divieto_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem79699intendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4840desiderare ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79699intendere is intendere" ; rdfs:label " intendere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem79701assemblea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79701assemblea is assemblea" ; rdfs:label " assemblea_as_Event" . inds:USem79702riunione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79702riunione is riunione" ; rdfs:label " riunione_as_Event" . inds:USem79703lasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79703lasciare is lasciare" ; rdfs:label " lasciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79704piantare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79704piantare is piantare" ; rdfs:label " piantare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79705lasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79705lasciare is lasciare" ; rdfs:label " lasciare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem79706abbandonare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79706abbandonare is abbandonare" ; rdfs:label " abbandonare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem79707dimenticare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79707dimenticare is dimenticare" ; rdfs:label " dimenticare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem79708scordare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79708scordare is scordare" ; rdfs:label " scordare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem79710abbagliare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem74131abate ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79710abbagliare is abbagliare" ; rdfs:label " abbagliare_as_Agentive" . inds:USem79711confermare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79711confermare is confermare" ; rdfs:label " confermare_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem79712ribadire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79712ribadire is ribadire" ; rdfs:label " ribadire_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem79713conferma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79713conferma is conferma" ; rdfs:label " conferma_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem79715offerta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79715offerta is offerta" ; rdfs:label " offerta_as_Transaction" . inds:USem79716promessa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Commissive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79716promessa is promessa" ; rdfs:label " promessa_as_Commissive_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79717smarrire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79717smarrire is smarrire" ; rdfs:label " smarrire_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem79718evitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61066rinunciare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79718evitare is evitare" ; rdfs:label " evitare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79719provocare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79719provocare is provocare" ; rdfs:label " provocare_as_Cause" . inds:USem79720evitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79720evitare is evitare" ; rdfs:label " evitare_as_Cause" . inds:USem79721impedire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79721impedire is impedire" ; rdfs:label " impedire_as_Cause" . inds:USem79722subire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6004soffrire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79722subire is subire" ; rdfs:label " subire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USem79723subire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79723subire is subire" ; rdfs:label " subire_as_Change" . inds:USem79724subire simple:hasIsa inds:USem78906provare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79724subire is subire" ; rdfs:label " subire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79726arrivare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60748meta ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79726arrivare is arrivare" ; rdfs:label " arrivare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem79727giungere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60748meta ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79727giungere is giungere" ; rdfs:label " giungere_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem79728approdare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60748meta ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79728approdare is approdare" ; rdfs:label " approdare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem79729pervenire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60748meta ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79729pervenire is pervenire" ; rdfs:label " pervenire_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem79730pervenire simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79730pervenire is pervenire" ; rdfs:label " pervenire_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem79731influire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79731influire is influire" ; rdfs:label " influire_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USem79732pesare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79732pesare is pesare" ; rdfs:label " pesare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USem79734consentire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79734consentire is consentire" ; rdfs:label " consentire_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USem79735vibrare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79735vibrare is vibrare" ; rdfs:label " vibrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79736perdita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79736perdita is perdita" ; rdfs:label " perdita_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USem79737saccheggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5312distruggere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79737saccheggiare is saccheggiare" ; rdfs:label " saccheggiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79739smentire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Reporting_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79739smentire is smentire" ; rdfs:label " smentire_as_Reporting_Event" . inds:USem79740saccheggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem77711distruzione ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79740saccheggio is saccheggio" ; rdfs:label " saccheggio_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79741sacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem77711distruzione ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79741sacco is sacco" ; rdfs:label " sacco_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USem79742spiegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79742spiegare is spiegare" ; rdfs:label " spiegare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USem79743occupare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79743occupare is occupare" ; rdfs:label " occupare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79744occupare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5013stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79744occupare is occupare" ; rdfs:label " occupare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USem79745ritorno simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76070movimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60047spostamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79745ritorno is ritorno" ; rdfs:label " ritorno_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USem79746rilanciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79746rilanciare is rilanciare" ; rdfs:label " rilanciare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USem79748guadagno simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79748guadagno is guadagno" ; rdfs:label " guadagno_as_Amount" . inds:USem79749provento simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79749provento is provento" ; rdfs:label " provento_as_Amount" . inds:USem79750profitto simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79750profitto is profitto" ; rdfs:label " profitto_as_Amount" . inds:USem79751attitudine simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79751attitudine is attitudine" ; rdfs:label " attitudine_as_Quality" . inds:USem79752riluttanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79752riluttanza is riluttanza" ; rdfs:label " riluttanza_as_Quality" . inds:USem79753ritrosia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79753ritrosia is ritrosia" ; rdfs:label " ritrosia_as_Quality" . inds:USem79754offrire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79754offrire is offrire" ; rdfs:label " offrire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79755proporre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79755proporre is proporre" ; rdfs:label " proporre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USem79756scattare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79056iniziare ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79756scattare is scattare" ; rdfs:label " scattare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USem79757impegno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79757impegno is impegno" ; rdfs:label " impegno_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79758impegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79758impegnare is impegnare" ; rdfs:label " impegnare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79759natura simple:hasIsa inds:USem69067carattere ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79759natura is natura" ; rdfs:label " natura_as_Property" . inds:USem79760natura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79760natura is natura" ; rdfs:label " natura_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem79762servire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79762servire is servire" ; rdfs:label " servire_as_Event" . inds:USem79763occorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79763occorrere is occorrere" ; rdfs:label " occorrere_as_Event" . inds:USem79764servire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79764servire is servire" ; rdfs:label " servire_as_Event" . inds:USem79765statuto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79765statuto is statuto" ; rdfs:label " statuto_as_State" . inds:USem79766statuto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79766statuto is statuto" ; rdfs:label " statuto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem79767aerodinamica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5296meccanica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79767aerodinamica is aerodinamica" ; rdfs:label " aerodinamica_as_Domain" . inds:USem79768disidratazione simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79768disidratazione is disidratazione" ; rdfs:label " disidratazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USem79769eliminare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79769eliminare is eliminare" ; rdfs:label " eliminare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USem79770allevare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79770allevare is allevare" ; rdfs:label " allevare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79771ragazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem63900coppia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79771ragazzo is ragazzo" ; rdfs:label " ragazzo_as_Kinship" . inds:USem79772partoriente simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USemD1375partorire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79772partoriente is partoriente" ; rdfs:label " partoriente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem79773mondare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79773mondare is mondare" ; rdfs:label " mondare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79774narratore simple:hasAgentiveprog inds:USem7061narrare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79774narratore is narratore" ; rdfs:label " narratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem79775riparatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5134riparare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79775riparatore is riparatore" ; rdfs:label " riparatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem79776stare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79776stare is stare" ; rdfs:label " stare_as_State" . inds:USem79777sottostare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79776stare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79777sottostare is sottostare" ; rdfs:label " sottostare_as_State" . inds:USem79778accompagnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59865accompagnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79778accompagnatore is accompagnatore" ; rdfs:label " accompagnatore_as_Profession" . inds:USem79779contrabbassista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2885contrabbasso ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79779contrabbassista is contrabbassista" ; rdfs:label " contrabbassista_as_Profession" . inds:USem79780fagotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem69757fagotto ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79780fagotto is fagotto" ; rdfs:label " fagotto_as_Profession" . inds:USem79781organista simple:hasIsa inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2894organo ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79781organista is organista" ; rdfs:label " organista_as_Profession" . inds:USem79782civilista simple:hasIsa inds:USem3364avvocato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem76770difendere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79782civilista is civilista" ; rdfs:label " civilista_as_Profession" . inds:USem79783toreare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59883lottare ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79783toreare is toreare" ; rdfs:label " toreare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USem79784pilota simple:hasIsa inds:USem3604conducente ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79784pilota is pilota" ; rdfs:label " pilota_as_Profession" . inds:USem79785montare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem919cavallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79785montare is montare" ; rdfs:label " montare_as_Move" . inds:USem79786pedicure simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem5181curare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79786pedicure is pedicure" ; rdfs:label " pedicure_as_Profession" . inds:USem79787riabilitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem61205guarire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79787riabilitare is riabilitare" ; rdfs:label " riabilitare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79788artista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem76977esibire, inds:USemD5632intrattenere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79788artista is artista" ; rdfs:label " artista_as_Profession" . inds:USem79789giocatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem79160giocare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79789giocatore is giocatore" ; rdfs:label " giocatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem79790inquisitore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD7304inquisire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79790inquisitore is inquisitore" ; rdfs:label " inquisitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem79791osservatore simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5014osservare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79791osservatore is osservatore" ; rdfs:label " osservatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USem79792pasticceria simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem3683pasticciere ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79792pasticceria is pasticceria" ; rdfs:label " pasticceria_as_Group" . inds:USem79793oppiomane simple:hasIsa inds:USem63676tossicodipendente ; simple:hasIsthehabitof inds:USemD5341drogare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79793oppiomane is oppiomane" ; rdfs:label " oppiomane_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USem79794invenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79794invenzione is invenzione" ; rdfs:label " invenzione_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USem79795spegnere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79795spegnere is spegnere" ; rdfs:label " spegnere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USem79796capanna simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79796capanna is capanna" ; rdfs:label " capanna_as_Building" . inds:USem79797palazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60912dimora ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79797palazzo is palazzo" ; rdfs:label " palazzo_as_Building" . inds:USem79798chirurgia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7083reparto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem60931ospedale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4613operare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79798chirurgia is chirurgia" ; rdfs:label " chirurgia_as_Building" . inds:USem79799valigeria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem68364valigia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79799valigeria is valigeria" ; rdfs:label " valigeria_as_Building" . inds:USem79800pelletteria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6877pelletteria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79800pelletteria is pelletteria" ; rdfs:label " pelletteria_as_Building" . inds:USem79801pellicceria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67404pelliccia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5300laboratorio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79801pellicceria is pellicceria" ; rdfs:label " pellicceria_as_Building" . inds:USem79802modisteria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79802modisteria is modisteria" ; rdfs:label " modisteria_as_Building" . inds:USem79803cappelleria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem4877cappello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2055negozio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4677vendere ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79803cappelleria is cappelleria" ; rdfs:label " cappelleria_as_Building" . inds:USem79804rappresentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79804rappresentare is rappresentare" ; rdfs:label " rappresentare_as_Event" . inds:USem79805camiceria simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2944camicia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5265fabbrica ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3895produrre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79805camiceria is camiceria" ; rdfs:label " camiceria_as_Building" . inds:USem79807abate simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem67400abbazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem79807abate is abate" ; rdfs:label " abate_as_Social_status" . inds:USem7araldica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem7araldica is araldica" ; rdfs:label " araldica_as_Domain" . inds:USem804dio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem804dio is dio" ; rdfs:label " dio_as_Entity" . inds:USem829manufatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem829manufatto is manufatto" ; rdfs:label " manufatto_as_Artifact" . inds:USem830copertura simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem830copertura is copertura" ; rdfs:label " copertura_as_Telic" . inds:USem831lastra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem831lastra is lastra" ; rdfs:label " lastra_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem832macchina simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem832macchina is macchina" ; rdfs:label " macchina_as_Artifact" . inds:USem833cornetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3519telefono ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem833cornetta is cornetta" ; rdfs:label " cornetta_as_Part" . inds:USem834anta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2240finestra, inds:USem2339mobile ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem834anta is anta" ; rdfs:label " anta_as_Part" . inds:USem835asola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem835asola is asola" ; rdfs:label " asola_as_Part" . inds:USem836manico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2380arnese, inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem836manico is manico" ; rdfs:label " manico_as_Part" . inds:USem837dipinto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6591dipingere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem837dipinto is dipinto" ; rdfs:label " dipinto_as_Artwork" . inds:USem839disegno simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem839disegno is disegno" ; rdfs:label " disegno_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem840veicolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem840veicolo is veicolo" ; rdfs:label " veicolo_as_Artifact" . inds:USem843automobile simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem843automobile is automobile" ; rdfs:label " automobile_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem848autocarro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem848autocarro is autocarro" ; rdfs:label " autocarro_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem852ambulanza simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6340ferito, inds:USem67455malato ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem852ambulanza is ambulanza" ; rdfs:label " ambulanza_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem853automezzo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem853automezzo is automezzo" ; rdfs:label " automezzo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem854autotreno simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem854autotreno is autotreno" ; rdfs:label " autotreno_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem857carro simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem857carro is carro" ; rdfs:label " carro_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem859canguro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem859canguro is canguro" ; rdfs:label " canguro_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem860aeromobile simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem860aeromobile is aeromobile" ; rdfs:label " aeromobile_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem861astronave simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem861astronave is astronave" ; rdfs:label " astronave_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem862tram simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem862tram is tram" ; rdfs:label " tram_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem863slitta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62518pattino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem863slitta is slitta" ; rdfs:label " slitta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem864navetta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5907motore, inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem864navetta is navetta" ; rdfs:label " navetta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem865spazzaneve simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3888neve ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3253lama, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6959spazzare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem865spazzaneve is spazzaneve" ; rdfs:label " spazzaneve_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem866organismo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem866organismo is organismo" ; rdfs:label " organismo_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem867acustica simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3877suono ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem867acustica is acustica" ; rdfs:label " acustica_as_Domain" . inds:USem868acustica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem868acustica is acustica" ; rdfs:label " acustica_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem869astrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD523concetto ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem869astrazione is astrazione" ; rdfs:label " astrazione_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem870bicicletta simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71813ciclo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem870bicicletta is bicicletta" ; rdfs:label " bicicletta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USem871agnello simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD534vello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem72835ovino ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem1133pecora ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem871agnello is agnello" ; rdfs:label " agnello_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem872attrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_power, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem872attrazione is attrazione" ; rdfs:label " attrazione_as_Physical_power" . inds:USem873animale simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem4767fauna ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem873animale is animale" ; rdfs:label " animale_as_Animal" . inds:USem876bandiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem5420drappo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem876bandiera is bandiera" ; rdfs:label " bandiera_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem877zanzara simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare, inds:USemD554pungere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem877zanzara is zanzara" ; rdfs:label " zanzara_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem878bene simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem878bene is bene" ; rdfs:label " bene_as_Group" . inds:USem879bene simple:hasIsa inds:USemD547vantaggio ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem879bene is bene" ; rdfs:label " bene_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem881bene simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem881bene is bene" ; rdfs:label " bene_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USem883pettirosso simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem62768cantare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem883pettirosso is pettirosso" ; rdfs:label " pettirosso_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem884caricatura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7079disegno ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem884caricatura is caricatura" ; rdfs:label " caricatura_as_Artwork" . inds:USem885chiodo simple:hasIsa inds:USem914idea ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem885chiodo is chiodo" ; rdfs:label " chiodo_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem886chiodo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5045capocchia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem886chiodo is chiodo" ; rdfs:label " chiodo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem888cinematica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem888cinematica is cinematica" ; rdfs:label " cinematica_as_Domain" . inds:USem889condominio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4150appartamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem889condominio is condominio" ; rdfs:label " condominio_as_Building" . inds:USem890aquila simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1739artiglio, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65489rapace ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem890aquila is aquila" ; rdfs:label " aquila_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem891condominio simple:hasIsa inds:USemTH04685comproprieta1 ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem891condominio is condominio" ; rdfs:label " condominio_as_Convention" . inds:USem892contingenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem78029contingente ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem892contingenza is contingenza" ; rdfs:label " contingenza_as_Property" . inds:USem894copyright simple:hasIsa inds:USem1356diritto ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem894copyright is copyright" ; rdfs:label " copyright_as_Convention" . inds:USem895credo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem895credo is credo" ; rdfs:label " credo_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USem897crocifissione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem897crocifissione is crocifissione" ; rdfs:label " crocifissione_as_Artwork" . inds:USem898diagramma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare, inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem839disegno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem898diagramma is diagramma" ; rdfs:label " diagramma_as_Representation" . inds:USem899dramma simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD618coniare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3042carta, inds:USem3204metallo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7146comprare ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem899dramma is dramma" ; rdfs:label " dramma_as_Money" . inds:USem8aritmetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem8aritmetica is aritmetica" ; rdfs:label " aritmetica_as_Domain" . inds:USem900aragosta simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem900aragosta is aragosta" ; rdfs:label " aragosta_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem901dramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem901dramma is dramma" ; rdfs:label " dramma_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USem903ente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem903ente is ente" ; rdfs:label " ente_as_Institution" . inds:USem904ente simple:hasIsa inds:USem918essere ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem904ente is ente" ; rdfs:label " ente_as_Entity" . inds:USem905fluorescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem905fluorescenza is fluorescenza" ; rdfs:label " fluorescenza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USem906grafico simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare, inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem839disegno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem906grafico is grafico" ; rdfs:label " grafico_as_Representation" . inds:USem907grafico simple:hasIsa inds:USem72223lavoratore ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem907grafico is grafico" ; rdfs:label " grafico_as_Profession" . inds:USem908pernice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem908pernice is pernice" ; rdfs:label " pernice_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem909idea simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem909idea is idea" ; rdfs:label " idea_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem910gru simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem910gru is gru" ; rdfs:label " gru_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem912idea simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2580dottrina, inds:USem895credo ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem912idea is idea" ; rdfs:label " idea_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USem913passero simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem913passero is passero" ; rdfs:label " passero_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem914idea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6367proposito ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem914idea is idea" ; rdfs:label " idea_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USem916cosa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem916cosa is cosa" ; rdfs:label " cosa_as_Entity" . inds:USem918essere simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem918essere is essere" ; rdfs:label " essere_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USem919cavallo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6394nitrire, inds:USem6404galoppare, inds:USem6409trottare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62642criniera, inds:USemD529zoccolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem919cavallo is cavallo" ; rdfs:label " cavallo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem920rana simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem920rana is rana" ; rdfs:label " rana_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem921uccello simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD542volatile ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem921uccello is uccello" ; rdfs:label " uccello_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem922pernice simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem59115cacciare ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem922pernice is pernice" ; rdfs:label " pernice_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem923pesce simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD558nuotare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem923pesce is pesce" ; rdfs:label " pesce_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem924aragosta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4029crostaceo ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem924aragosta is aragosta" ; rdfs:label " aragosta_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem925ostrica simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD569conchiglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem925ostrica is ostrica" ; rdfs:label " ostrica_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem926coccodrillo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1737zampa, inds:USemD573coda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3311rettile ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem926coccodrillo is coccodrillo" ; rdfs:label " coccodrillo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem927celenterati simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem927celenterati is celenterati" ; rdfs:label " celenterati_as_Water_animal" . inds:USem928airone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem928airone is airone" ; rdfs:label " airone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem929cicogna simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6998migrare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem929cicogna is cicogna" ; rdfs:label " cicogna_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem930fenicottero simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6998migrare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem930fenicottero is fenicottero" ; rdfs:label " fenicottero_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem931faraona simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem931faraona is faraona" ; rdfs:label " faraona_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem932faraona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem932faraona is faraona" ; rdfs:label " faraona_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem933pesce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem933pesce is pesce" ; rdfs:label " pesce_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem934agnello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem934agnello is agnello" ; rdfs:label " agnello_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem935cavallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem935cavallo is cavallo" ; rdfs:label " cavallo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem936ostrica simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem936ostrica is ostrica" ; rdfs:label " ostrica_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem937coccodrillo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem926coccodrillo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem937coccodrillo is coccodrillo" ; rdfs:label " coccodrillo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem938gabbiano simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem938gabbiano is gabbiano" ; rdfs:label " gabbiano_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem939gru simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4064braccio, inds:USemD693carrucola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem939gru is gru" ; rdfs:label " gru_as_Instrument" . inds:USem940gru simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4064braccio, inds:USemD5073cinepresa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD702riprendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem940gru is gru" ; rdfs:label " gru_as_Instrument" . inds:USem941rondine simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem62768cantare, inds:USem6998migrare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1370nero ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem941rondine is rondine" ; rdfs:label " rondine_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem942tacchino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD573coda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem942tacchino is tacchino" ; rdfs:label " tacchino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem943tacchino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem943tacchino is tacchino" ; rdfs:label " tacchino_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem944colombo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem944colombo is colombo" ; rdfs:label " colombo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem945piccione simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem945piccione is piccione" ; rdfs:label " piccione_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem946tortora simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem946tortora is tortora" ; rdfs:label " tortora_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem947struzzo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem947struzzo is struzzo" ; rdfs:label " struzzo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem948struzzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem948struzzo is struzzo" ; rdfs:label " struzzo_as_Human" . inds:USem949struzzo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem947struzzo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem949struzzo is struzzo" ; rdfs:label " struzzo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USem950struzzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem950struzzo is struzzo" ; rdfs:label " struzzo_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem951pavone simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD573coda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem951pavone is pavone" ; rdfs:label " pavone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem952pavone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem952pavone is pavone" ; rdfs:label " pavone_as_Human" . inds:USem953gufo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem953gufo is gufo" ; rdfs:label " gufo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem954gufo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem954gufo is gufo" ; rdfs:label " gufo_as_Human" . inds:USem955merlo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem62768cantare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1370nero ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem955merlo is merlo" ; rdfs:label " merlo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem956merlo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD777muro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem956merlo is merlo" ; rdfs:label " merlo_as_Part" . inds:USem957oca simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem957oca is oca" ; rdfs:label " oca_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem958oca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem958oca is oca" ; rdfs:label " oca_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem959oca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem959oca is oca" ; rdfs:label " oca_as_Human" . inds:USem960picchio simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem61264arrampicare, inds:USem62768cantare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem960picchio is picchio" ; rdfs:label " picchio_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem961quaglia simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6998migrare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem961quaglia is quaglia" ; rdfs:label " quaglia_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem962scricciolo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem962scricciolo is scricciolo" ; rdfs:label " scricciolo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem963scricciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem963scricciolo is scricciolo" ; rdfs:label " scricciolo_as_Human" . inds:USem964pappagallo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem61264arrampicare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem964pappagallo is pappagallo" ; rdfs:label " pappagallo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem965pappagallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem965pappagallo is pappagallo" ; rdfs:label " pappagallo_as_Human" . inds:USem966pappagallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem966pappagallo is pappagallo" ; rdfs:label " pappagallo_as_Human" . inds:USem967pappagallo simple:hasContains inds:USem3129urina ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem64961degente ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1294orinare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem967pappagallo is pappagallo" ; rdfs:label " pappagallo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem968tucano simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem968tucano is tucano" ; rdfs:label " tucano_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem969usignolo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem62768cantare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem78858rossiccio ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem969usignolo is usignolo" ; rdfs:label " usignolo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem970verdone simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2491verdastro ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem970verdone is verdone" ; rdfs:label " verdone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem971verdone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem971verdone is verdone" ; rdfs:label " verdone_as_Color" . inds:USem972corvo simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1370nero ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem972corvo is corvo" ; rdfs:label " corvo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem973corvo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem973corvo is corvo" ; rdfs:label " corvo_as_Human" . inds:USem974corvo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5303uncino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59874combattere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem974corvo is corvo" ; rdfs:label " corvo_as_Instrument" . inds:USem975cornacchia simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1370nero ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem975cornacchia is cornacchia" ; rdfs:label " cornacchia_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem976cornacchia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem976cornacchia is cornacchia" ; rdfs:label " cornacchia_as_Human" . inds:USem978avvoltoio simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1739artiglio, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65489rapace ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem978avvoltoio is avvoltoio" ; rdfs:label " avvoltoio_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem979avvoltoio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem979avvoltoio is avvoltoio" ; rdfs:label " avvoltoio_as_Human" . inds:USem980falco simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1739artiglio, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65489rapace ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem980falco is falco" ; rdfs:label " falco_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem981falco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem981falco is falco" ; rdfs:label " falco_as_Human" . inds:USem982cormorano simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem6998migrare ; simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2491verdastro ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem982cormorano is cormorano" ; rdfs:label " cormorano_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem983fringuello simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem62768cantare, inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem59115cacciare ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem983fringuello is fringuello" ; rdfs:label " fringuello_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem984fagiano simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem984fagiano is fagiano" ; rdfs:label " fagiano_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem985fagiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem985fagiano is fagiano" ; rdfs:label " fagiano_as_Substance_food" . inds:USem986gazza simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem986gazza is gazza" ; rdfs:label " gazza_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem987gazza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem987gazza is gazza" ; rdfs:label " gazza_as_Human" . inds:USem988allodola simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USem62768cantare, inds:USemD541volare, inds:USemD920trillare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem988allodola is allodola" ; rdfs:label " allodola_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem989cigno simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD860piumaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem989cigno is cigno" ; rdfs:label " cigno_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem990civetta simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65489rapace ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem990civetta is civetta" ; rdfs:label " civetta_as_Air_animal" . inds:USem991civetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem991civetta is civetta" ; rdfs:label " civetta_as_Human" . inds:USem992civetta simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD935manifesto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem992civetta is civetta" ; rdfs:label " civetta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USem993civetta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61373messaggio ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem993civetta is civetta" ; rdfs:label " civetta_as_Information" . inds:USem994gallo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD573coda, inds:USemD860piumaggio, inds:USemD945cresta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem994gallo is gallo" ; rdfs:label " gallo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USem995gallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD948gallia ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem995gallo is gallo" ; rdfs:label " gallo_as_People" . inds:USem996persona simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem996persona is persona" ; rdfs:label " persona_as_Institution" . inds:USem997persona simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem997persona is persona" ; rdfs:label " persona_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USem998africano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7373africa ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem998africano is africano" ; rdfs:label " africano_as_People" . inds:USem999africano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5082pasticcino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD5284pasta, inds:USemD959cioccolato ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem999africano is africano" ; rdfs:label " africano_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USem9biometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59962biologia ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USem9biometria is biometria" ; rdfs:label " biometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemD1016pescare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem7124catturare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1016pescare is pescare" ; rdfs:label " pescare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD1017misurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1017misurare is misurare" ; rdfs:label " misurare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD1038nascondere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1038nascondere is nascondere" ; rdfs:label " nascondere_as_State" . inds:USemD1041spessore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2453dimensione ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6744spesso ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1041spessore is spessore" ; rdfs:label " spessore_as_Physical_property" . inds:USemD1052cenare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4950consumare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1052cenare is cenare" ; rdfs:label " cenare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD1062sostenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1062sostenere is sostenere" ; rdfs:label " sostenere_as_State" . inds:USemD1065torturare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1065torturare is torturare" ; rdfs:label " torturare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD1068aprire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1068aprire is aprire" ; rdfs:label " aprire_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD1073assemblea simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1073assemblea is assemblea" ; rdfs:label " assemblea_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD1081tagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1081tagliare is tagliare" ; rdfs:label " tagliare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD1093contare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1093contare is contare" ; rdfs:label " contare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USemD1097indossare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1097indossare is indossare" ; rdfs:label " indossare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD1101dirigere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1101dirigere is dirigere" ; rdfs:label " dirigere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD1114eremita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem63664isolare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1114eremita is eremita" ; rdfs:label " eremita_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemD1116maglia simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1116maglia is maglia" ; rdfs:label " maglia_as_Clothing" . inds:USemD1126terreno simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1126terreno is terreno" ; rdfs:label " terreno_as_Area" . inds:USemD1127vegetazione simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1428pianta, inds:USemD2089albero, inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1127vegetazione is vegetazione" ; rdfs:label " vegetazione_as_Group" . inds:USemD1138macellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1138macellare is macellare" ; rdfs:label " macellare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD1152impermeabile simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1152impermeabile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1152impermeabile is impermeabile" ; rdfs:label " impermeabile_as_Clothing" . inds:USemD1184letto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD1907dormire ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1184letto is letto" ; rdfs:label " letto_as_Furniture" . inds:USemD1189ricoverare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1189ricoverare is ricoverare" ; rdfs:label " ricoverare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD1235continente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1235continente is continente" ; rdfs:label " continente_as_Location" . inds:USemD1254rifiuto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1254rifiuto is rifiuto" ; rdfs:label " rifiuto_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD1268bottiglia simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3007plastica, inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1268bottiglia is bottiglia" ; rdfs:label " bottiglia_as_Container" . inds:USemD1269scaffale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2339mobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1269scaffale is scaffale" ; rdfs:label " scaffale_as_Furniture" . inds:USemD1270scompartimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1270scompartimento is scompartimento" ; rdfs:label " scompartimento_as_Part" . inds:USemD1294orinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1294orinare is orinare" ; rdfs:label " orinare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD1304campania simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1304campania is campania" ; rdfs:label " campania_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1310riodejaneiro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2106brasile ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1310riodejaneiro is riodejaneiro" ; rdfs:label " riodejaneiro_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1325cirenaica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2163libia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1325cirenaica is cirenaica" ; rdfs:label " cirenaica_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1328riscaldare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1328riscaldare is riscaldare" ; rdfs:label " riscaldare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD1335bollire simple:hasIsa inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6261bollito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1335bollire is bollire" ; rdfs:label " bollire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD1343cuba simple:hasIsa inds:USem6842isola ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1343cuba is cuba" ; rdfs:label " cuba_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1349indocina simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1349indocina is indocina" ; rdfs:label " indocina_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1355brace simple:hasIsa inds:USem60904fuoco ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1355brace is brace" ; rdfs:label " brace_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemD1359africa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1235continente ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1359africa is africa" ; rdfs:label " africa_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1364dado simple:hasIsa inds:USem5589cubetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1364dado is dado" ; rdfs:label " dado_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD1367molise simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1367molise is molise" ; rdfs:label " molise_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1374portogallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1374portogallo is portogallo" ; rdfs:label " portogallo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1375partorire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem60662nascita ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1375partorire is partorire" ; rdfs:label " partorire_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USemD1376nuoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2196sardegna ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1376nuoro is nuoro" ; rdfs:label " nuoro_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1384incitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1384incitare is incitare" ; rdfs:label " incitare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USemD1391filare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem3966filo ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1391filare is filare" ; rdfs:label " filare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USemD1403serbia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1403serbia is serbia" ; rdfs:label " serbia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1405regolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1405regolare is regolare" ; rdfs:label " regolare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD1406mongolia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1406mongolia is mongolia" ; rdfs:label " mongolia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1418india simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1235continente ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1418india is india" ; rdfs:label " india_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1427vedere simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1427vedere is vedere" ; rdfs:label " vedere_as_Perception" . inds:USemD1429belgio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1429belgio is belgio" ; rdfs:label " belgio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1436venezuela simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1436venezuela is venezuela" ; rdfs:label " venezuela_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD1438spalmare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1438spalmare is spalmare" ; rdfs:label " spalmare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD1449registrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1449registrare is registrare" ; rdfs:label " registrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD1452rilevare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1452rilevare is rilevare" ; rdfs:label " rilevare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD1455navigare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem4323nave ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1455navigare is navigare" ; rdfs:label " navigare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USemD1461esplorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1461esplorare is esplorare" ; rdfs:label " esplorare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD1476seppellire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1476seppellire is seppellire" ; rdfs:label " seppellire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD1479temperatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMeasuredby inds:USem2336termometro ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1479temperatura is temperatura" ; rdfs:label " temperatura_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD1489arredare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1489arredare is arredare" ; rdfs:label " arredare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD1498sedere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1498sedere is sedere" ; rdfs:label " sedere_as_Move" . inds:USemD1518classificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1518classificare is classificare" ; rdfs:label " classificare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD1550ufficio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1550ufficio is ufficio" ; rdfs:label " ufficio_as_Building" . inds:USemD1567bagno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1567bagno is bagno" ; rdfs:label " bagno_as_Act" . inds:USemD1573piano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1573piano is piano" ; rdfs:label " piano_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD1584metallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3251condurre ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1584metallo is metallo" ; rdfs:label " metallo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD1595quantita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2452misura ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1595quantita1 is quantita'" ; rdfs:label " quantita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemD1663servire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1663servire is servire" ; rdfs:label " servire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD1667rancio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3395pasto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1667rancio is rancio" ; rdfs:label " rancio_as_Food" . inds:USemD1677fondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6247fuso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1677fondere is fondere" ; rdfs:label " fondere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD1684insalata simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59147preparare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3672verdura ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1684insalata is insalata" ; rdfs:label " insalata_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemD1732cibo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1732cibo is cibo" ; rdfs:label " cibo_as_Food" . inds:USemD1741terracotta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5521cottura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59743mistura ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USemD5299argilla ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1741terracotta is terracotta" ; rdfs:label " terracotta_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemD1750zucchero simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1590barbabietola, inds:USem1714canna ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3175dolcificare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1750zucchero is zucchero" ; rdfs:label " zucchero_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD1774distillare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1774distillare is distillare" ; rdfs:label " distillare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD1897riparare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1897riparare is riparare" ; rdfs:label " riparare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD1907dormire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1907dormire is dormire" ; rdfs:label " dormire_as_State" . inds:USemD1941correggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem60203migliorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1941correggere is correggere" ; rdfs:label " correggere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD1948attributo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1948attributo is attributo" ; rdfs:label " attributo_as_Property" . inds:USemD1957corpo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3016materia ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1957corpo is corpo" ; rdfs:label " corpo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemD1parte simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD1parte is parte" ; rdfs:label " parte_as_Constitutive" . inds:USemD2083capello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61397capo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2083capello is capello" ; rdfs:label " capello_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD2085castagna simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2459marrone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1471castagno ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2085castagna is castagna" ; rdfs:label " castagna_as_Fruit" . inds:USemD2089albero simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5723troncone, inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem62862frutto, inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2089albero is albero" ; rdfs:label " albero_as_Plant" . inds:USemD2110pelliccia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1904pelo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2110pelliccia is pelliccia" ; rdfs:label " pelliccia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD2226bere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5616ingerire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2226bere is bere" ; rdfs:label " bere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD2244limone simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1450limone ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2244limone is limone" ; rdfs:label " limone_as_Plant" . inds:USemD2249fermentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7121fermentato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2249fermentazione is fermentazione" ; rdfs:label " fermentazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD2250uva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1534vite ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2250uva is uva" ; rdfs:label " uva_as_Fruit" . inds:USemD2315infusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2315infusione is infusione" ; rdfs:label " infusione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD2369frutto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2369frutto is frutto" ; rdfs:label " frutto_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemD2370arancio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1423arancia, inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2370arancio is arancio" ; rdfs:label " arancio_as_Plant" . inds:USemD2389fiore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2389fiore is fiore" ; rdfs:label " fiore_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemD2402foglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2402foglia is foglia" ; rdfs:label " foglia_as_Part" . inds:USemD2411tronco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta, inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2411tronco is tronco" ; rdfs:label " tronco_as_Part" . inds:USemD2443pigna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD2595conifera ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2443pigna is pigna" ; rdfs:label " pigna_as_Fruit" . inds:USemD2526ghianda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1464quercia ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2526ghianda is ghianda" ; rdfs:label " ghianda_as_Fruit" . inds:USemD2544oliva simple:hasIsa inds:USem62862frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1510olivo ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2544oliva is oliva" ; rdfs:label " oliva_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD2564ciliegia simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1472ciliegio ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2564ciliegia is ciliegia" ; rdfs:label " ciliegia_as_Fruit" . inds:USemD2595conifera simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2443pigna ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2595conifera is conifera" ; rdfs:label " conifera_as_Plant" . inds:USemD2613rivestire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2613rivestire is rivestire" ; rdfs:label " rivestire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD2646decorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6269decorato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2646decorare is decorare" ; rdfs:label " decorare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD2651ricoprire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2651ricoprire is ricoprire" ; rdfs:label " ricoprire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD2659sostanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2659sostanza is sostanza" ; rdfs:label " sostanza_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemD2679fissare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2679fissare is fissare" ; rdfs:label " fissare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD2713cellulosa simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1419vegetale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2713cellulosa is cellulosa" ; rdfs:label " cellulosa_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD2722idrogeno simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2989acqua, inds:USemD5154aria ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2722idrogeno is idrogeno" ; rdfs:label " idrogeno_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD2724ossigeno simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2989acqua, inds:USemD5154aria ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2724ossigeno is ossigeno" ; rdfs:label " ossigeno_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD2728dinamico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem5384dinamica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2728dinamico is dinamico" ; rdfs:label " dinamico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD2732purgare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2732purgare is purgare" ; rdfs:label " purgare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD2753colorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6234colorato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2753colorare is colorare" ; rdfs:label " colorare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD2768mandorla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1513mandorlo ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2768mandorla is mandorla" ; rdfs:label " mandorla_as_Fruit" . inds:USemD2790fertilizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63520fertilizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2790fertilizzare is fertilizzare" ; rdfs:label " fertilizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD2803mora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1459gelso ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2803mora is mora" ; rdfs:label " mora_as_Fruit" . inds:USemD2817petrolio simple:hasIsa inds:USem59673miscuglio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3226idrocarburo ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2817petrolio is petrolio" ; rdfs:label " petrolio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD2827nocciolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1525nocciola ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2827nocciolo is nocciolo" ; rdfs:label " nocciolo_as_Plant" . inds:USemD2832ossidazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7144ossidato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2832ossidazione is ossidazione" ; rdfs:label " ossidazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD2839puntuale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2573puntualita1 ; a simple:TemporalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2839puntuale is puntuale" ; rdfs:label " puntuale_as_TemporalProperty" . inds:USemD2845gruppo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2845gruppo is gruppo" ; rdfs:label " gruppo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USemD2869avvelenare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2869avvelenare is avvelenare" ; rdfs:label " avvelenare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD2887aggiungere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2887aggiungere is aggiungere" ; rdfs:label " aggiungere_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USemD2896anestetizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2896anestetizzare is anestetizzare" ; rdfs:label " anestetizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD2912cute simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2912cute is cute" ; rdfs:label " cute_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD2956baccello simple:hasIsa inds:USem62862frutto ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem79527leguminosa ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2956baccello is baccello" ; rdfs:label " baccello_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD2961cancellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7194cancellato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2961cancellare is cancellare" ; rdfs:label " cancellare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD2968scolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2968scolare is scolare" ; rdfs:label " scolare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD2987piaga simple:hasIsa inds:USem68337lacerazione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2987piaga is piaga" ; rdfs:label " piaga_as_Disease" . inds:USemD2989argento simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD2989argento is argento" ; rdfs:label " argento_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD3006nutrire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3006nutrire is nutrire" ; rdfs:label " nutrire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD3043carbonio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem59744roccia, inds:USemD5143carbone ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3043carbonio is carbonio" ; rdfs:label " carbonio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD3056rappresentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59181simboleggiare ; a simple:Identificational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3056rappresentare is rappresentare" ; rdfs:label " rappresentare_as_Identificational_State" . inds:USemD3087cotone simple:hasIsa inds:USem4040fibra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3087cotone is cotone" ; rdfs:label " cotone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD3089fibra simple:hasIsa inds:USem59645struttura ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1419vegetale, inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3089fibra is fibra" ; rdfs:label " fibra_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USemD3118pulire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3118pulire is pulire" ; rdfs:label " pulire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD3151litro simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; simple:hasMeasures inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3151litro is litro" ; rdfs:label " litro_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USemD3164rappresentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3164rappresentazione is rappresentazione" ; rdfs:label " rappresentazione_as_Creation" . inds:USemD3175dolcificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3175dolcificare is dolcificare" ; rdfs:label " dolcificare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD3233riconoscere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6238individuare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3233riconoscere is riconoscere" ; rdfs:label " riconoscere_as_Perception" . inds:USemD3251condurre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3251condurre is condurre" ; rdfs:label " condurre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD3255mare simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2990acqua, inds:USem77041sale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4176spazio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3255mare is mare" ; rdfs:label " mare_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemD3259cloro simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2491verdastro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3375elemento ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59889disinfettare, inds:USemD3261decolorare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3259cloro is cloro" ; rdfs:label " cloro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD3261decolorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66091decolorato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3261decolorare is decolorare" ; rdfs:label " decolorare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD3264premiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3264premiare is premiare" ; rdfs:label " premiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD3280mese simple:hasIsa inds:USem2754intervallo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3280mese is mese" ; rdfs:label " mese_as_Time" . inds:USemD3301illuminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6280illuminato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3301illuminare is illuminare" ; rdfs:label " illuminare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD3302periodo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4049spazio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3302periodo is periodo" ; rdfs:label " periodo_as_Time" . inds:USemD3308sentire simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5905emozione, inds:USemD550sentimento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3308sentire is sentire" ; rdfs:label " sentire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD3313catrame simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5425distillazione ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD5143carbone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD2613rivestire, inds:USemTH576impermeabilizzare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3313catrame is catrame" ; rdfs:label " catrame_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemD3336addestramento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3336addestramento is addestramento" ; rdfs:label " addestramento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD3362stagione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3362stagione is stagione" ; rdfs:label " stagione_as_Time" . inds:USemD3365estate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3362stagione ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD3376primavera ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3365estate is estate" ; rdfs:label " estate_as_Time" . inds:USemD3376primavera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3362stagione ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD3423inverno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3376primavera is primavera" ; rdfs:label " primavera_as_Time" . inds:USemD3381momento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3381momento is momento" ; rdfs:label " momento_as_Time" . inds:USemD3423inverno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3362stagione ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem2752autunno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3423inverno is inverno" ; rdfs:label " inverno_as_Time" . inds:USemD3429parto simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67077femmina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3429parto is parto" ; rdfs:label " parto_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USemD3449storia simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3449storia is storia" ; rdfs:label " storia_as_Domain" . inds:USemD3481giorno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2779settimana ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3481giorno is giorno" ; rdfs:label " giorno_as_Time" . inds:USemD3527condire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemTH43831condito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3527condire is condire" ; rdfs:label " condire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD3531aromatizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66310aromatizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3531aromatizzare is aromatizzare" ; rdfs:label " aromatizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD3532profumare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3532profumare is profumare" ; rdfs:label " profumare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD3566fondare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem7062fondazione ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3566fondare is fondare" ; rdfs:label " fondare_as_Creation" . inds:USemD3577impresa simple:hasIsa inds:USem59643organismo ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3577impresa is impresa" ; rdfs:label " impresa_as_Institution" . inds:USemD3591lavorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3591lavorare is lavorare" ; rdfs:label " lavorare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD3610avvitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3610avvitare is avvitare" ; rdfs:label " avvitare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD3642battere simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano, inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3642battere is battere" ; rdfs:label " battere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD3691forare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63727forato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3691forare is forare" ; rdfs:label " forare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD3694giocare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem6605divertire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3694giocare is giocare" ; rdfs:label " giocare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD3697albicocco simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1700albicocca ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3697albicocco is albicocco" ; rdfs:label " albicocco_as_Plant" . inds:USemD3723carrubo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1705carruba ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3723carrubo is carrubo" ; rdfs:label " carrubo_as_Plant" . inds:USemD3730cotogno simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem1706cotogna ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3730cotogno is cotogno" ; rdfs:label " cotogno_as_Plant" . inds:USemD3739fune simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65638corda ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3739fune is fune" ; rdfs:label " fune_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD3740sbarra simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60395collegare, inds:USem61308impedire, inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3740sbarra is sbarra" ; rdfs:label " sbarra_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD3749manipolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3749manipolare is manipolare" ; rdfs:label " manipolare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD3872corpo simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3872corpo is corpo" ; rdfs:label " corpo_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemD3875unghia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD4040dito ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3875unghia is unghia" ; rdfs:label " unghia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD387fabbricare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD387fabbricare is fabbricare" ; rdfs:label " fabbricare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USemD3954avambraccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1743braccio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3954avambraccio is avambraccio" ; rdfs:label " avambraccio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD3984scheletro simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3984scheletro is scheletro" ; rdfs:label " scheletro_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD3999cervice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1782utero, inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD3999cervice is cervice" ; rdfs:label " cervice_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD4019faccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1753testa ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD4019faccia is faccia" ; rdfs:label " faccia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD4040dito simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD3875unghia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1749piede, inds:USem1799mano ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD4040dito is dito" ; rdfs:label " dito_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD4047polso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1799mano ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD4047polso is polso" ; rdfs:label " polso_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD4048dorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD4048dorso is dorso" ; rdfs:label " dorso_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD439parlare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD439parlare is parlare" ; rdfs:label " parlare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD453vestito simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD453vestito is vestito" ; rdfs:label " vestito_as_Clothing" . inds:USemD454cucire simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3235ago, inds:USem3966filo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD454cucire is cucire" ; rdfs:label " cucire_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD4567gallina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD573coda ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem994gallo ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3712uovo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD4567gallina is gallina" ; rdfs:label " gallina_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemD4569alimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD4569alimento is alimento" ; rdfs:label " alimento_as_Food" . inds:USemD4591suonare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD4591suonare is suonare" ; rdfs:label " suonare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USemD4600curare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem61205guarire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD4600curare is curare" ; rdfs:label " curare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD4613operare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem75987bisturi ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD4613operare is operare" ; rdfs:label " operare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD461afferrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD461afferrare is afferrare" ; rdfs:label " afferrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD4654studiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6291imparare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD4654studiare is studiare" ; rdfs:label " studiare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USemD465oggetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD465oggetto is oggetto" ; rdfs:label " oggetto_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemD4677vendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD4677vendere is vendere" ; rdfs:label " vendere_as_Transaction" . inds:USemD4689allenare simple:hasIsa inds:USem62886preparare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD4689allenare is allenare" ; rdfs:label " allenare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD4690gareggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5618competere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD4690gareggiare is gareggiare" ; rdfs:label " gareggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD469guardare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69463percepire ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD469guardare is guardare" ; rdfs:label " guardare_as_Perception" . inds:USemD470opera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD470opera is opera" ; rdfs:label " opera_as_Artifact" . inds:USemD481guidare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD481guidare is guidare" ; rdfs:label " guidare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5001accendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5001accendere is accendere" ; rdfs:label " accendere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5003curdistan simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5003curdistan is curdistan" ; rdfs:label " curdistan_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD5004pressione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMeasuredby inds:USem2916barometro ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5004pressione is pressione" ; rdfs:label " pressione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD5009toscana simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5009toscana is toscana" ; rdfs:label " toscana_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD5010collimare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5010collimare is collimare" ; rdfs:label " collimare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5011sahara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5011sahara is sahara" ; rdfs:label " sahara_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD5014osservare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD469guardare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5014osservare is osservare" ; rdfs:label " osservare_as_Perception" . inds:USemD5019macedonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5019macedonia is macedonia" ; rdfs:label " macedonia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD5021fumare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5021fumare is fumare" ; rdfs:label " fumare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5027abissinia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5027abissinia is abissinia" ; rdfs:label " abissinia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD5033antenna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2446insetto, inds:USem4029crostaceo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5033antenna is antenna" ; rdfs:label " antenna_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5035satira simple:hasIsa inds:USem60218componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5035satira is satira" ; rdfs:label " satira_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD5044pregare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5044pregare is pregare" ; rdfs:label " pregare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD5045capocchia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5045capocchia is capocchia" ; rdfs:label " capocchia_as_Part" . inds:USemD5053fatto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5053fatto is fatto" ; rdfs:label " fatto_as_Act" . inds:USemD5056ruota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2864ciclomotore, inds:USem2876autoveicolo, inds:USem832macchina, inds:USem870bicicletta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5056ruota is ruota" ; rdfs:label " ruota_as_Part" . inds:USemD5057abitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5013stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5057abitare is abitare" ; rdfs:label " abitare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USemD5064crocifissione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5064crocifissione is crocifissione" ; rdfs:label " crocifissione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5065tragedia simple:hasIsa inds:USem901dramma ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5065tragedia is tragedia" ; rdfs:label " tragedia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD5070trovata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6367proposito ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5070trovata is trovata" ; rdfs:label " trovata_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USemD5073cinepresa simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD702riprendere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5073cinepresa is cinepresa" ; rdfs:label " cinepresa_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD5080giustizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5080giustizia is giustizia" ; rdfs:label " giustizia_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USemD5081cucinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5081cucinare is cucinare" ; rdfs:label " cucinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5082pasticcino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere, inds:USemD5164impastare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5284pasta ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD1750zucchero, inds:USemD5166farina ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5082pasticcino is pasticcino" ; rdfs:label " pasticcino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemD5090ornare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6221ornato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5090ornare is ornare" ; rdfs:label " ornare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5097cruna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3236ago ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5097cruna is cruna" ; rdfs:label " cruna_as_Part" . inds:USemD5098sgrossare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5098sgrossare is sgrossare" ; rdfs:label " sgrossare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USemD5099dente simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem65422radice ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1790bocca ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5099dente is dente" ; rdfs:label " dente_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5103stappare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5103stappare is stappare" ; rdfs:label " stappare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5104chiarificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5104chiarificare is chiarificare" ; rdfs:label " chiarificare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5105libano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2231paese ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5105libano is libano" ; rdfs:label " libano_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD5106allattare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67077femmina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem74981alimentare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem61631crescere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5106allattare is allattare" ; rdfs:label " allattare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5108arrostire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63930arrostito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5108arrostire is arrostire" ; rdfs:label " arrostire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5110mescolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5110mescolare is mescolare" ; rdfs:label " mescolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5111spianare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5111spianare is spianare" ; rdfs:label " spianare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5115segare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3259sega ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1081tagliare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5115segare is segare" ; rdfs:label " segare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD5116tostare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63550tostato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5116tostare is tostare" ; rdfs:label " tostare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5118iniettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5118iniettare is iniettare" ; rdfs:label " iniettare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5122lanciare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5122lanciare is lanciare" ; rdfs:label " lanciare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USemD5123farcire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5123farcire is farcire" ; rdfs:label " farcire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5124travasare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6840spostare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5124travasare is travasare" ; rdfs:label " travasare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USemD5129schiacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5129schiacciare is schiacciare" ; rdfs:label " schiacciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5130strisciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5130strisciare is strisciare" ; rdfs:label " strisciare_as_Move" . inds:USemD5132difendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5201proteggere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5132difendere is difendere" ; rdfs:label " difendere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5133murare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4173costruzione ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5133murare is murare" ; rdfs:label " murare_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USemD5134riparare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5134riparare is riparare" ; rdfs:label " riparare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5135coltivare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5135coltivare is coltivare" ; rdfs:label " coltivare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5137assicurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5137assicurare is assicurare" ; rdfs:label " assicurare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5139fotografare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5139fotografare is fotografare" ; rdfs:label " fotografare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5142contabilizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5142contabilizzare is contabilizzare" ; rdfs:label " contabilizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5143carbone simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem3115nero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem1740combustibile ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5143carbone is carbone" ; rdfs:label " carbone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD5148spazzolare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3372spazzola ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3118pulire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5148spazzolare is spazzolare" ; rdfs:label " spazzolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5149turare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63731turato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5149turare is turare" ; rdfs:label " turare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5154aria simple:hasIsa inds:USem59888elemento ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3164azoto, inds:USemD2724ossigeno ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5154aria is aria" ; rdfs:label " aria_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD5161sventolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5161sventolare is sventolare" ; rdfs:label " sventolare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5163striscia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5163striscia is striscia" ; rdfs:label " striscia_as_Part" . inds:USemD5164impastare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6883amalgamare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5164impastare is impastare" ; rdfs:label " impastare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD5165ravvivare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5165ravvivare is ravvivare" ; rdfs:label " ravvivare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5166farina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5166farina is farina" ; rdfs:label " farina_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemD5171accelerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5171accelerare is accelerare" ; rdfs:label " accelerare_as_Change" . inds:USemD5173blocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5173blocco is blocco" ; rdfs:label " blocco_as_Amount" . inds:USemD5174coagulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem5031processo ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5174coagulazione is coagulazione" ; rdfs:label " coagulazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5176surgelare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5190congelare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5176surgelare is surgelare" ; rdfs:label " surgelare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5177oviparo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5177oviparo is oviparo" ; rdfs:label " oviparo_as_Animal" . inds:USemD5182adattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5182adattare is adattare" ; rdfs:label " adattare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5184alimentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5184alimentare is alimentare" ; rdfs:label " alimentare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5185ammortizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5185ammortizzare is ammortizzare" ; rdfs:label " ammortizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5188commutare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5188commutare is commutare" ; rdfs:label " commutare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5189frigorifero simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3496elettrodomestico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6679raffreddare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5189frigorifero is frigorifero" ; rdfs:label " frigorifero_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD5190congelare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6679raffreddare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5190congelare is congelare" ; rdfs:label " congelare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5193suddividere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5193suddividere is suddividere" ; rdfs:label " suddividere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD5194congiungere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5194congiungere is congiungere" ; rdfs:label " congiungere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD5195fotocopiatrice simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6788riprodurre ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5195fotocopiatrice is fotocopiatrice" ; rdfs:label " fotocopiatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD5199visualizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5199visualizzare is visualizzare" ; rdfs:label " visualizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5200elaboratore simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5200elaboratore is elaboratore" ; rdfs:label " elaboratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD5201proteggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5201proteggere is proteggere" ; rdfs:label " proteggere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5203rallentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5203rallentare is rallentare" ; rdfs:label " rallentare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD5204telecamera simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5204telecamera is telecamera" ; rdfs:label " telecamera_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD5210aereo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala, inds:USem5907motore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7355velivolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5210aereo is aereo" ; rdfs:label " aereo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemD5215sincronizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5215sincronizzare is sincronizzare" ; rdfs:label " sincronizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5216sintonizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5216sintonizzare is sintonizzare" ; rdfs:label " sintonizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5218stabilizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5218stabilizzare is stabilizzare" ; rdfs:label " stabilizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5219telecomandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5219telecomandare is telecomandare" ; rdfs:label " telecomandare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5222miscelare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79131mescolare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5222miscelare is miscelare" ; rdfs:label " miscelare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD5223condensare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63754condensato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5223condensare is condensare" ; rdfs:label " condensare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5224condizionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem75932condizionato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5224condizionare is condizionare" ; rdfs:label " condizionare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5226depurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5226depurare is depurare" ; rdfs:label " depurare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5229essiccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7371essiccato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5229essiccare is essiccare" ; rdfs:label " essiccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5230covare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USemD5177oviparo ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5230covare is covare" ; rdfs:label " covare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5231intercettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59472ascoltare ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5231intercettare is intercettare" ; rdfs:label " intercettare_as_Perception" . inds:USemD5233frenare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5233frenare is frenare" ; rdfs:label " frenare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5234localizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5234localizzare is localizzare" ; rdfs:label " localizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5235comunicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5235comunicare is comunicare" ; rdfs:label " comunicare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD5236ricevere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5236ricevere is ricevere" ; rdfs:label " ricevere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5238umidificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66095umidificato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5238umidificare is umidificare" ; rdfs:label " umidificare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5239vaporizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5239vaporizzare is vaporizzare" ; rdfs:label " vaporizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5241ventilare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5241ventilare is ventilare" ; rdfs:label " ventilare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5244puritanesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5244puritanesimo is puritanesimo" ; rdfs:label " puritanesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD5246iconoclastia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3541iconoclasta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5246iconoclastia is iconoclastia" ; rdfs:label " iconoclastia_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD5248amministrazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6365dirigente, inds:USem71626dipendente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5248amministrazione is amministrazione" ; rdfs:label " amministrazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD5249tribunale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5249tribunale is tribunale" ; rdfs:label " tribunale_as_Institution" . inds:USemD5251diplomazia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3570diplomatico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5251diplomazia is diplomazia" ; rdfs:label " diplomazia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD5255accademia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2005studioso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5255accademia is accademia" ; rdfs:label " accademia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD5260monarchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem64115governare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5260monarchia is monarchia" ; rdfs:label " monarchia_as_Institution" . inds:USemD5262dinastia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62742sovrano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5262dinastia is dinastia" ; rdfs:label " dinastia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD5263provincia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem64115governare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5263provincia is provincia" ; rdfs:label " provincia_as_Institution" . inds:USemD5265condurre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5265condurre is condurre" ; rdfs:label " condurre_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5268comune simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5268comune is comune" ; rdfs:label " comune_as_Institution" . inds:USemD5271associazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5271associazione is associazione" ; rdfs:label " associazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD5272collettivita1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5272collettivita1 is collettivita'" ; rdfs:label " collettivita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD5274atomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5274atomo is atomo" ; rdfs:label " atomo_as_Part" . inds:USemD5275musulmano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem2615islam ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5275musulmano is musulmano" ; rdfs:label " musulmano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemD5277scuoiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5277scuoiare is scuoiare" ; rdfs:label " scuoiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5278squartare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5278squartare is squartare" ; rdfs:label " squartare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5282assistere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5282assistere is assistere" ; rdfs:label " assistere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5284pasta simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3686dolce ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3671pasta, inds:USemD1750zucchero ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5284pasta is pasta" ; rdfs:label " pasta_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemD5289calcio simple:hasIsa inds:USem59888elemento ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5289calcio is calcio" ; rdfs:label " calcio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD5299argilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD387fabbricare ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5299argilla is argilla" ; rdfs:label " argilla_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemD529zoccolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3875unghia ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD529zoccolo is zoccolo" ; rdfs:label " zoccolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5300coagulante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD7054coagulare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5300coagulante is coagulante" ; rdfs:label " coagulante_as_Substance" . inds:USemD5301tuorlo simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem1368rosso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3712uovo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5081cucinare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5301tuorlo is tuorlo" ; rdfs:label " tuorlo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD5302albume simple:hasHasascolour inds:USem2458bianco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3712uovo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5081cucinare ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5302albume is albume" ; rdfs:label " albume_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD5303germinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5303germinazione is germinazione" ; rdfs:label " germinazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD5310assorbire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5310assorbire is assorbire" ; rdfs:label " assorbire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5311astringere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5311astringere is astringere" ; rdfs:label " astringere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5312distruggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66685distrutto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5312distruggere is distruggere" ; rdfs:label " distruggere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5314cosmetico simple:hasIsa inds:USem5199preparato ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59748abbellire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5314cosmetico is cosmetico" ; rdfs:label " cosmetico_as_Substance" . inds:USemD5317calce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5317calce is calce" ; rdfs:label " calce_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD5318sabbia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3017minerale ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5318sabbia is sabbia" ; rdfs:label " sabbia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD5319pietrisco simple:hasIsa inds:USem59744roccia ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5319pietrisco is pietrisco" ; rdfs:label " pietrisco_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemD5320calmare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5320calmare is calmare" ; rdfs:label " calmare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5323lavare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5323lavare is lavare" ; rdfs:label " lavare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5324diluire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD64016diluito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5324diluire is diluire" ; rdfs:label " diluire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5328germe simple:hasIsa inds:USem1959microrganismo ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5328germe is germe" ; rdfs:label " germe_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemD5331sonnifero simple:hasIsa inds:USem3047farmaco ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1907dormire ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5331sonnifero is sonnifero" ; rdfs:label " sonnifero_as_Substance" . inds:USemD5333stato simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5333stato is stato" ; rdfs:label " stato_as_State" . inds:USemD5335stimolo simple:hasCauses inds:USemD5337sensazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5335stimolo is stimolo" ; rdfs:label " stimolo_as_Stimulus" . inds:USemD5336vibrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5336vibrazione is vibrazione" ; rdfs:label " vibrazione_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5337sensazione simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5337sensazione is sensazione" ; rdfs:label " sensazione_as_Perception" . inds:USemD5341drogare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5341drogare is drogare" ; rdfs:label " drogare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5345propulsione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3963azione ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5345propulsione is propulsione" ; rdfs:label " propulsione_as_Act" . inds:USemD5349tingere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6235tinto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5349tingere is tingere" ; rdfs:label " tingere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD534vello simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1904pelo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1133pecora, inds:USem1928capra, inds:USem4223montone ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD534vello is vello" ; rdfs:label " vello_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5353lavorazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5353lavorazione is lavorazione" ; rdfs:label " lavorazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5358contrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD64013contratto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5358contrarre is contrarre" ; rdfs:label " contrarre_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5359sedare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5359sedare is sedare" ; rdfs:label " sedare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5360narcotizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5360narcotizzare is narcotizzare" ; rdfs:label " narcotizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5364fenomeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5364fenomeno is fenomeno" ; rdfs:label " fenomeno_as_Event" . inds:USemD5365evento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5365evento is evento" ; rdfs:label " evento_as_Event" . inds:USemD5369fare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5369fare is fare" ; rdfs:label " fare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5371agire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5371agire is agire" ; rdfs:label " agire_as_Act" . inds:USemD5383fumo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5383fumo is fumo" ; rdfs:label " fumo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemD5386denominare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5386denominare is denominare" ; rdfs:label " denominare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5387redigere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5602scritto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5387redigere is redigere" ; rdfs:label " redigere_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD538ala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2446insetto, inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD538ala is ala" ; rdfs:label " ala_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5394componente simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5394componente is componente" ; rdfs:label " componente_as_Constitutive" . inds:USemD5397rossastro simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem1368rosso ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5397rossastro is rossastro" ; rdfs:label " rossastro_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USemD5398concimare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5398concimare is concimare" ; rdfs:label " concimare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5399deiezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1829intestino ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5399deiezione is deiezione" ; rdfs:label " deiezione_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD539becco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD539becco is becco" ; rdfs:label " becco_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5400paglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem5721seme, inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5400paglia is paglia" ; rdfs:label " paglia_as_Plant" . inds:USemD5401tessuto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1958cellula ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5401tessuto is tessuto" ; rdfs:label " tessuto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5402grandine simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3884tempo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3871ghiaccio ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5402grandine is grandine" ; rdfs:label " grandine_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD5405apprendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6291imparare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5405apprendere is apprendere" ; rdfs:label " apprendere_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USemD5408attivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5408attivita1 is attivita'" ; rdfs:label " attivita'_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5412causare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5412causare is causare" ; rdfs:label " causare_as_Cause" . inds:USemD5415cambiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5415cambiare is cambiare" ; rdfs:label " cambiare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD5417succedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5417succedere is succedere" ; rdfs:label " succedere_as_Event" . inds:USemD541volare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD541volare is volare" ; rdfs:label " volare_as_Move" . inds:USemD5422fusione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6247fuso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5422fusione is fusione" ; rdfs:label " fusione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5425distillazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5425distillazione is distillazione" ; rdfs:label " distillazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5427avvenimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem62445evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5427avvenimento is avvenimento" ; rdfs:label " avvenimento_as_Event" . inds:USemD5429bruciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7002bruciato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5429bruciare is bruciare" ; rdfs:label " bruciare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD542volatile simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USemD538ala, inds:USemD539becco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD542volatile is volatile" ; rdfs:label " volatile_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemD5433etilene simple:hasIsa inds:USem3226idrocarburo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD3043carbonio ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5433etilene is etilene" ; rdfs:label " etilene_as_Substance" . inds:USemD5434tessere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem5433stoffa ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5434tessere is tessere" ; rdfs:label " tessere_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USemD5439affezione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5439affezione is affezione" ; rdfs:label " affezione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD5442ape simple:hasConstitutiveactivity inds:USemD541volare, inds:USemD554pungere ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5033antenna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2446insetto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD597allevare ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3039cera, inds:USem3873miele ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5442ape is ape" ; rdfs:label " ape_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemD5443cartilagine simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1958cellula ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5401tessuto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5443cartilagine is cartilagine" ; rdfs:label " cartilagine_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5444particella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3016materia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5444particella is particella" ; rdfs:label " particella_as_Part" . inds:USemD5445ossidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7144ossidato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5445ossidare is ossidare" ; rdfs:label " ossidare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5460bestiame simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5460bestiame is bestiame" ; rdfs:label " bestiame_as_Group" . inds:USemD5461salare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63543salato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5461salare is salare" ; rdfs:label " salare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5465metabolismo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5465metabolismo is metabolismo" ; rdfs:label " metabolismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD5466prevenire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5466prevenire is prevenire" ; rdfs:label " prevenire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5467raffinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62147raffinato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5467raffinazione is raffinazione" ; rdfs:label " raffinazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD546insieme simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD546insieme is insieme" ; rdfs:label " insieme_as_Constitutive" . inds:USemD5474risciacquare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5474risciacquare is risciacquare" ; rdfs:label " risciacquare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD547vantaggio simple:hasTelic inds:USem59120favorire ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD547vantaggio is vantaggio" ; rdfs:label " vantaggio_as_Telic" . inds:USemD5480otturare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63537otturato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5480otturare is otturare" ; rdfs:label " otturare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5487famiglia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6875parente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5487famiglia is famiglia" ; rdfs:label " famiglia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD5495leggere simple:hasIsa inds:USem74769acquisire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5495leggere is leggere" ; rdfs:label " leggere_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USemD5496testo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1707parola ; simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5496testo is testo" ; rdfs:label " testo_as_Information" . inds:USemD5498coprire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5498coprire is coprire" ; rdfs:label " coprire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5504matrimonio simple:hasIsa inds:USem64867rapporto ; simple:hasRelates inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5504matrimonio is matrimonio" ; rdfs:label " matrimonio_as_Relational_State" . inds:USemD5506veleggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1455navigare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5506veleggiare is veleggiare" ; rdfs:label " veleggiare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USemD550sentimento simple:hasAgentiveExperience inds:USem59295provare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD550sentimento is sentimento" ; rdfs:label " sentimento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD5515alloggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5515alloggiare is alloggiare" ; rdfs:label " alloggiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5517celebrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60770lodare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5517celebrare is celebrare" ; rdfs:label " celebrare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD5520evangelizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5520evangelizzare is evangelizzare" ; rdfs:label " evangelizzare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD5521cottura simple:hasIsa inds:USem64875processo ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6181cotto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5521cottura is cottura" ; rdfs:label " cottura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5527cavita1 simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem60498scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5527cavita1 is cavita'" ; rdfs:label " cavita'_as_Opening" . inds:USemD5528spettacolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5528spettacolo is spettacolo" ; rdfs:label " spettacolo_as_Event" . inds:USemD5529giudicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5529giudicare is giudicare" ; rdfs:label " giudicare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5532altezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2453dimensione ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6134alto ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5532altezza is altezza" ; rdfs:label " altezza_as_Physical_property" . inds:USemD5533riunire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5533riunire is riunire" ; rdfs:label " riunire_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USemD5534massoneria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem63971massone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5271associazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5534massoneria is massoneria" ; rdfs:label " massoneria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD5535radiazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5535radiazione is radiazione" ; rdfs:label " radiazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD5536visione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5670percezione ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5536visione is visione" ; rdfs:label " visione_as_Perception" . inds:USemD5539familiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5539familiare is familiare" ; rdfs:label " familiare_as_Kinship" . inds:USemD5540zodiaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem4135zona ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5540zodiaco is zodiaco" ; rdfs:label " zodiaco_as_Location" . inds:USemD5541insaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5541insaccare is insaccare" ; rdfs:label " insaccare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5543salvataggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5543salvataggio is salvataggio" ; rdfs:label " salvataggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5544caricare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5544caricare is caricare" ; rdfs:label " caricare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USemD5545sterno simple:hasIsa inds:USem1777osso ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5545sterno is sterno" ; rdfs:label " sterno_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5547savoia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5547savoia is savoia" ; rdfs:label " savoia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD5549siam simple:hasIsa inds:USem2231paese ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5549siam is siam" ; rdfs:label " siam_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD554pungere simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD6284pungiglione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD554pungere is pungere" ; rdfs:label " pungere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5550rimorchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5550rimorchiare is rimorchiare" ; rdfs:label " rimorchiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5553depressione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5553depressione is depressione" ; rdfs:label " depressione_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemD5554bacino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4134zona ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5554bacino is bacino" ; rdfs:label " bacino_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemD5556durata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3302periodo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2740tempo ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5556durata is durata" ; rdfs:label " durata_as_Time" . inds:USemD5557norma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5557norma is norma" ; rdfs:label " norma_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemD5558individuo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5558individuo is individuo" ; rdfs:label " individuo_as_Human" . inds:USemD5570calzare simple:hasConcerns inds:USem2937indumento, inds:USem4772calzatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5570calzare is calzare" ; rdfs:label " calzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5571tomaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4774scarpa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5571tomaia is tomaia" ; rdfs:label " tomaia_as_Part" . inds:USemD5572suola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4774scarpa ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5572suola is suola" ; rdfs:label " suola_as_Part" . inds:USemD5574panno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5574panno is panno" ; rdfs:label " panno_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemD5576dire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5576dire is dire" ; rdfs:label " dire_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD5580atto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5580atto is atto" ; rdfs:label " atto_as_Act" . inds:USemD5584relazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5584relazione is relazione" ; rdfs:label " relazione_as_Relational_State" . inds:USemD5586stare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61470essere ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5586stare is stare" ; rdfs:label " stare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USemD558nuotare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD558nuotare is nuotare" ; rdfs:label " nuotare_as_Move" . inds:USemD5592unione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5592unione is unione" ; rdfs:label " unione_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USemD5598acquisizione simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5598acquisizione is acquisizione" ; rdfs:label " acquisizione_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USemD5602scritto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5602scritto is scritto" ; rdfs:label " scritto_as_Information" . inds:USemD5603copia simple:hasIsa inds:USem6804trascrizione ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5603copia is copia" ; rdfs:label " copia_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USemD5607camminare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5607camminare is camminare" ; rdfs:label " camminare_as_Move" . inds:USemD5611ordinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5611ordinare is ordinare" ; rdfs:label " ordinare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD5612copricapo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5612copricapo is copricapo" ; rdfs:label " copricapo_as_Clothing" . inds:USemD5613medicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5613medicare is medicare" ; rdfs:label " medicare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5616ingerire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5616ingerire is ingerire" ; rdfs:label " ingerire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5618competere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5618competere is competere" ; rdfs:label " competere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5622realizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5622realizzare is realizzare" ; rdfs:label " realizzare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD5627compilare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5602scritto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5627compilare is compilare" ; rdfs:label " compilare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD5632intrattenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5632intrattenere is intrattenere" ; rdfs:label " intrattenere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5634tinteggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5634tinteggiare is tinteggiare" ; rdfs:label " tinteggiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5635installare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5635installare is installare" ; rdfs:label " installare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5638correre simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5638correre is correre" ; rdfs:label " correre_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USemD5639grattugiare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem59764grattugia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63526grattugiato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5639grattugiare is grattugiare" ; rdfs:label " grattugiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5641spiegazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60088chiarimento ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem61714capire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5641spiegazione is spiegazione" ; rdfs:label " spiegazione_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USemD5644erotico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem69638eros ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5644erotico is erotico" ; rdfs:label " erotico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD5645ospitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5645ospitare is ospitare" ; rdfs:label " ospitare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5654principio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5557norma ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5654principio is principio" ; rdfs:label " principio_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USemD5655infiammazione simple:hasAffects inds:USem866organismo ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem68307irritazione, inds:USem68836arrossamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5655infiammazione is infiammazione" ; rdfs:label " infiammazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD5656appendice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1829intestino ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5656appendice is appendice" ; rdfs:label " appendice_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5658bronco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1817trachea, inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5658bronco is bronco" ; rdfs:label " bronco_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5660articolazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5660articolazione is articolazione" ; rdfs:label " articolazione_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5661meninge simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1821cervello ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5661meninge is meninge" ; rdfs:label " meninge_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5664tendine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3262muscolatura, inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5664tendine is tendine" ; rdfs:label " tendine_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5665tonsilla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1790bocca ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5665tonsilla is tonsilla" ; rdfs:label " tonsilla_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5666vena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5666vena is vena" ; rdfs:label " vena_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5667vagina simple:hasConcerns inds:USem67077femmina ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5667vagina is vagina" ; rdfs:label " vagina_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5669fisica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5669fisica is fisica" ; rdfs:label " fisica_as_Domain" . inds:USemD5670percezione simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2734senso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65564facolta1 ; a simple:Perception, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5670percezione is percezione" ; rdfs:label " percezione_as_Perception" . inds:USemD5674sorreggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1062sostenere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5674sorreggere is sorreggere" ; rdfs:label " sorreggere_as_State" . inds:USemD5677albergare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5677albergare is albergare" ; rdfs:label " albergare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5681appaltare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5681appaltare is appaltare" ; rdfs:label " appaltare_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USemD5686catalogare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5686catalogare is catalogare" ; rdfs:label " catalogare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD569conchiglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD570mollusco ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD569conchiglia is conchiglia" ; rdfs:label " conchiglia_as_Part" . inds:USemD5701traghettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6866trasportare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5701traghettare is traghettare" ; rdfs:label " traghettare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USemD5703zappare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2838zappa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5703zappare is zappare" ; rdfs:label " zappare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5705applicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5705applicare is applicare" ; rdfs:label " applicare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD5707fresare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem3251fresa ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5707fresare is fresare" ; rdfs:label " fresare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5709tornire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7260tornito ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5709tornire is tornire" ; rdfs:label " tornire_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USemD570mollusco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD570mollusco is mollusco" ; rdfs:label " mollusco_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemD5710trinciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6891dividere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5710trinciare is trinciare" ; rdfs:label " trinciare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD5717soccorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5717soccorrere is soccorrere" ; rdfs:label " soccorrere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5718stuprare simple:hasIsa inds:USem63947violentare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5718stuprare is stuprare" ; rdfs:label " stuprare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5719vincere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61005superare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5719vincere is vincere" ; rdfs:label " vincere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5721ateismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60121concezione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5721ateismo is ateismo" ; rdfs:label " ateismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD5722attivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5722attivismo is attivismo" ; rdfs:label " attivismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD5724accusare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5724accusare is accusare" ; rdfs:label " accusare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5726cercare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem61466trovare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5726cercare is cercare" ; rdfs:label " cercare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5727civilizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5727civilizzare is civilizzare" ; rdfs:label " civilizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5728colonizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5728colonizzare is colonizzare" ; rdfs:label " colonizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5729conquistare simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5729conquistare is conquistare" ; rdfs:label " conquistare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USemD5736corteggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5736corteggiare is corteggiare" ; rdfs:label " corteggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5737costituire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7131costituzione ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5737costituire is costituire" ; rdfs:label " costituire_as_Creation" . inds:USemD573coda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale, inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD573coda is coda" ; rdfs:label " coda_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD5741devastare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5312distruggere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5741devastare is devastare" ; rdfs:label " devastare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5750ingannare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5750ingannare is ingannare" ; rdfs:label " ingannare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5770trascinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61544affascinare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5770trascinare is trascinare" ; rdfs:label " trascinare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD5776sfruttare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5776sfruttare is sfruttare" ; rdfs:label " sfruttare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD579pilotare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD481guidare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD579pilotare is pilotare" ; rdfs:label " pilotare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5828regale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3595re ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5828regale is regale" ; rdfs:label " regale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD584comunita1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD584comunita1 is comunita'" ; rdfs:label " comunita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD585costruire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Physical_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD585costruire is costruire" ; rdfs:label " costruire_as_Physical_Creation" . inds:USemD5895asma simple:hasAffects inds:USemD5658bronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5895asma is asma" ; rdfs:label " asma_as_Disease" . inds:USemD5896cleptomania simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7206mania ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5896cleptomania is cleptomania" ; rdfs:label " cleptomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemD5899diabete simple:hasIsa inds:USem79484patologia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5899diabete is diabete" ; rdfs:label " diabete_as_Disease" . inds:USemD589istituire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD589istituire is istituire" ; rdfs:label " istituire_as_Creation" . inds:USemD5900disadattamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5900disadattamento is disadattamento" ; rdfs:label " disadattamento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD5906ipotensione simple:hasAffects inds:USem78658pressione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem74754diminuzione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5906ipotensione is ipotensione" ; rdfs:label " ipotensione_as_Disease" . inds:USemD5907piromania simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7206mania ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5907piromania is piromania" ; rdfs:label " piromania_as_Disease" . inds:USemD5909schizofrenia simple:hasAffects inds:USemD6067mente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5909schizofrenia is schizofrenia" ; rdfs:label " schizofrenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemD5910sonnambulismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5910sonnambulismo is sonnambulismo" ; rdfs:label " sonnambulismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD5914tifo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5914tifo is tifo" ; rdfs:label " tifo_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5931collezionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5931collezionare is collezionare" ; rdfs:label " collezionare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5949incendiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5949incendiare is incendiare" ; rdfs:label " incendiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5958ritardare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5958ritardare is ritardare" ; rdfs:label " ritardare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5965sorvegliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59557controllare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5965sorvegliare is sorvegliare" ; rdfs:label " sorvegliare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5975indolenzire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5975indolenzire is indolenzire" ; rdfs:label " indolenzire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5976opprimere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5976opprimere is opprimere" ; rdfs:label " opprimere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD597allevare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD597allevare is allevare" ; rdfs:label " allevare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD5980bagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6916bagnato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5980bagnare is bagnare" ; rdfs:label " bagnare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD5982assentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5982assentare is assentare" ; rdfs:label " assentare_as_State" . inds:USemD5985valle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5553depressione ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5985valle is valle" ; rdfs:label " valle_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemD598mangiare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1790bocca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4950consumare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD598mangiare is mangiare" ; rdfs:label " mangiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD5994sopportare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6004soffrire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5994sopportare is sopportare" ; rdfs:label " sopportare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USemD5997collettivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2579teoria ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5997collettivismo is collettivismo" ; rdfs:label " collettivismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD5998comunismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD5998comunismo is comunismo" ; rdfs:label " comunismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD599carne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD599carne is carne" ; rdfs:label " carne_as_Food" . inds:USemD6000eresia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6000eresia is eresia" ; rdfs:label " eresia_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD6002socialdemocrazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6002socialdemocrazia is socialdemocrazia" ; rdfs:label " socialdemocrazia_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD6003tradizionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6003tradizionalismo is tradizionalismo" ; rdfs:label " tradizionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD6004soffrire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6004soffrire is soffrire" ; rdfs:label " soffrire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USemD6005operazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6005operazione is operazione" ; rdfs:label " operazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD6007accudire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5282assistere ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59870aiutare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6007accudire is accudire" ; rdfs:label " accudire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD6010cavalcare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem919cavallo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6010cavalcare is cavalcare" ; rdfs:label " cavalcare_as_Move" . inds:USemD6015aggredire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem59582colpire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6015aggredire is aggredire" ; rdfs:label " aggredire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD6019corrispondere simple:hasAgentive inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6019corrispondere is corrispondere" ; rdfs:label " corrispondere_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USemD6020condannare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6020condannare is condannare" ; rdfs:label " condannare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD6024scioperare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6024scioperare is scioperare" ; rdfs:label " scioperare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD6030archiviare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6030archiviare is archiviare" ; rdfs:label " archiviare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USemD6032codificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6032codificare is codificare" ; rdfs:label " codificare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD6038stenografare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6038stenografare is stenografare" ; rdfs:label " stenografare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD6042competizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60474gara ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6042competizione is competizione" ; rdfs:label " competizione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD6045camino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6975cucinare, inds:USemD1328riscaldare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6045camino is camino" ; rdfs:label " camino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD6046prendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6046prendere is prendere" ; rdfs:label " prendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD6051torrefare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63549torrefatto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6051torrefare is torrefare" ; rdfs:label " torrefare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6056ballo simple:hasIsa inds:USem76070movimento ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6056ballo is ballo" ; rdfs:label " ballo_as_Move" . inds:USemD6060schizzo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem839disegno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6060schizzo is schizzo" ; rdfs:label " schizzo_as_Representation" . inds:USemD6063furbizia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6062furbo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6063furbizia is furbizia" ; rdfs:label " furbizia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD6067mente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6067mente is mente" ; rdfs:label " mente_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemD61403irritare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6919irritato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD61403irritare is irritare" ; rdfs:label " irritare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6143trascrizione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6143trascrizione is trascrizione" ; rdfs:label " trascrizione_as_Information" . inds:USemD6144parodia simple:hasIsa inds:USem6802imitazione ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6144parodia is parodia" ; rdfs:label " parodia_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USemD6148riproduzione simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5603copia ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6148riproduzione is riproduzione" ; rdfs:label " riproduzione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD6149recensione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60083commento ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6149recensione is recensione" ; rdfs:label " recensione_as_Information" . inds:USemD6158scegliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6158scegliere is scegliere" ; rdfs:label " scegliere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD6162classe simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6162classe is classe" ; rdfs:label " classe_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD6164perturbare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63538perturbato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6164perturbare is perturbare" ; rdfs:label " perturbare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6166superficie simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6166superficie is superficie" ; rdfs:label " superficie_as_Area" . inds:USemD6172documento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem6947documento ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6172documento is documento" ; rdfs:label " documento_as_Convention" . inds:USemD617cingolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3399dispositivo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD617cingolo is cingolo" ; rdfs:label " cingolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD618coniare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3642battere ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD618coniare is coniare" ; rdfs:label " coniare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD6191abituare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6191abituare is abituare" ; rdfs:label " abituare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD6193incisione simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7103incidere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6193incisione is incisione" ; rdfs:label " incisione_as_Artwork" . inds:USemD6194intarsio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6194intarsio is intarsio" ; rdfs:label " intarsio_as_Artwork" . inds:USemD6199mettere simple:hasConcerns inds:USem66695abbigliamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6199mettere is mettere" ; rdfs:label " mettere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD6200guanto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5570calzare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6200guanto is guanto" ; rdfs:label " guanto_as_Clothing" . inds:USemD6213stampa simple:hasIsa inds:USem6788riprodurre ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6214stampa ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6213stampa is stampa" ; rdfs:label " stampa_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USemD6214stampa simple:hasContains inds:USem60976immagine, inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6214stampa is stampa" ; rdfs:label " stampa_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD62151attrarre simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem875attrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61544affascinare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD62151attrarre is attrarre" ; rdfs:label " attrarre_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD6222numerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6222numerare is numerare" ; rdfs:label " numerare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD6227elucubrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6227elucubrazione is elucubrazione" ; rdfs:label " elucubrazione_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USemD6230vibrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6230vibrare is vibrare" ; rdfs:label " vibrare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD6233ricamo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6233ricamo is ricamo" ; rdfs:label " ricamo_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD6234colorato simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6234colorato is colorato" ; rdfs:label " colorato_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USemD62351affaticare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62348affaticato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD62351affaticare is affaticare" ; rdfs:label " affaticare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6236aspirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6380respirare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6236aspirare is aspirare" ; rdfs:label " aspirare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD6239percepire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6239percepire is percepire" ; rdfs:label " percepire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USemD6243valore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6243valore is valore" ; rdfs:label " valore_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemD6249liquefare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7141liquefatto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6249liquefare is liquefare" ; rdfs:label " liquefare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD624scena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2285teatro ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD624scena is scena" ; rdfs:label " scena_as_Part" . inds:USemD6251sciogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6249liquefare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6250sciolto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6251sciogliere is sciogliere" ; rdfs:label " sciogliere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6254chiudere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6254chiudere is chiudere" ; rdfs:label " chiudere_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD6256aprire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6256aprire is aprire" ; rdfs:label " aprire_as_Change" . inds:USemD6258chiudere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6258chiudere is chiudere" ; rdfs:label " chiudere_as_Change" . inds:USemD625teatro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD625teatro is teatro" ; rdfs:label " teatro_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD6260bollire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD824cuocere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6261bollito ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6260bollire is bollire" ; rdfs:label " bollire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6263friggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD824cuocere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6264fritto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6263friggere is friggere" ; rdfs:label " friggere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6266imprimere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6266imprimere is imprimere" ; rdfs:label " imprimere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD6267raggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD5056ruota ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6267raggio is raggio" ; rdfs:label " raggio_as_Part" . inds:USemD6272corrodere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6272corrodere is corrodere" ; rdfs:label " corrodere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6276filtrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5226depurare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63523filtrato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6276filtrare is filtrare" ; rdfs:label " filtrare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6279illuminare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6280illuminato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6279illuminare is illuminare" ; rdfs:label " illuminare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6281incendiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6281incendiare is incendiare" ; rdfs:label " incendiare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6284pungiglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1828arto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2446insetto, inds:USem63262calabrone ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6284pungiglione is pungiglione" ; rdfs:label " pungiglione_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD6285pagina simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4046libro, inds:USem60942quaderno, inds:USemD6977giornale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6285pagina is pagina" ; rdfs:label " pagina_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD6286accendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6286accendere is accendere" ; rdfs:label " accendere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6291imparare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74769acquisire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6291imparare is imparare" ; rdfs:label " imparare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USemD6293macina simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1885attrezzo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59892macinare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6293macina is macina" ; rdfs:label " macina_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD6301agricoltura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3006terra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6301agricoltura is agricoltura" ; rdfs:label " agricoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemD6303astronomia simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD6304astro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem43scienza ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6303astronomia is astronomia" ; rdfs:label " astronomia_as_Domain" . inds:USemD6304astro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1957corpo ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6304astro is astro" ; rdfs:label " astro_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemD6307geografia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem61177terra ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6307geografia is geografia" ; rdfs:label " geografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemD6309cessione simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6309cessione is cessione" ; rdfs:label " cessione_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USemD6326diaframma simple:hasIsa inds:USem1805muscolo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6326diaframma is diaframma" ; rdfs:label " diaframma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD63365punk simple:hasIsa inds:USem61614musica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63365punk is punk" ; rdfs:label " punk_as_Domain" . inds:USemD63366soprano simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD7241soprano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63366soprano is soprano" ; rdfs:label " soprano_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemD63367divorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63367divorare is divorare" ; rdfs:label " divorare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD63368germania simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD6613tedesco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63368germania is germania" ; rdfs:label " germania_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63369giamaica simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63369giamaica is giamaica" ; rdfs:label " giamaica_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63370giappone simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2042giapponese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63370giappone is giappone" ; rdfs:label " giappone_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63371gorizia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70781goriziano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63371gorizia is gorizia" ; rdfs:label " gorizia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63372granada simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63372granada is granada" ; rdfs:label " granada_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63373grecia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63373grecia is grecia" ; rdfs:label " grecia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63374grosseto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70857grossetano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63374grosseto is grosseto" ; rdfs:label " grosseto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63376guascogna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3622germania ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63376guascogna is guascogna" ; rdfs:label " guascogna_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD63377guatemala simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63377guatemala is guatemala" ; rdfs:label " guatemala_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63378gubbio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63378gubbio is gubbio" ; rdfs:label " gubbio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63379guinea simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63379guinea is guinea" ; rdfs:label " guinea_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63380guyana simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63380guyana is guyana" ; rdfs:label " guyana_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63381haiti simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63381haiti is haiti" ; rdfs:label " haiti_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63382hannover simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63382hannover is hannover" ; rdfs:label " hannover_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63383hawaii simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63383hawaii is hawaii" ; rdfs:label " hawaii_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63384helsinki simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63384helsinki is helsinki" ; rdfs:label " helsinki_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63385honduras simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63385honduras is honduras" ; rdfs:label " honduras_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63386honolulu simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63386honolulu is honolulu" ; rdfs:label " honolulu_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63387imperia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63387imperia is imperia" ; rdfs:label " imperia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63389indonesia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72334indonesiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63389indonesia is indonesia" ; rdfs:label " indonesia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63390inghilterra simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1000inglese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63390inghilterra is inghilterra" ; rdfs:label " inghilterra_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63391iran simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63391iran is iran" ; rdfs:label " iran_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63392iraq simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63392iraq is iraq" ; rdfs:label " iraq_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63393irlanda simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72545irlandese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63393irlanda is irlanda" ; rdfs:label " irlanda_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63394collezione simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63394collezione is collezione" ; rdfs:label " collezione_as_Constitutive" . inds:USemD63395ischia simple:hasIsa inds:USem6842isola ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63395ischia is ischia" ; rdfs:label " ischia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD63396ischia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63396ischia is ischia" ; rdfs:label " ischia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63397ischia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63397ischia is ischia" ; rdfs:label " ischia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63398dogana simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63398dogana is dogana" ; rdfs:label " dogana_as_Institution" . inds:USemD63399isernia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63399isernia is isernia" ; rdfs:label " isernia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63400dogana simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4961banchiere, inds:USem6224ragioniere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63400dogana is dogana" ; rdfs:label " dogana_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63401isola simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63401isola is isola" ; rdfs:label " isola_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63402israele simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72595israeliano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63402israele is israele" ; rdfs:label " israele_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63403istanbul simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63403istanbul is istanbul" ; rdfs:label " istanbul_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63404italia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1001italiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63404italia is italia" ; rdfs:label " italia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63405iugoslavia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72601iugoslavo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63405iugoslavia is iugoslavia" ; rdfs:label " iugoslavia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63406ivrea simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63406ivrea is ivrea" ; rdfs:label " ivrea_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63407fortificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63407fortificare is fortificare" ; rdfs:label " fortificare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD63408ginnasio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4985insegnante, inds:USem60848alunno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63408ginnasio is ginnasio" ; rdfs:label " ginnasio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63409islanda simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72569islandese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63409islanda is islanda" ; rdfs:label " islanda_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63410jugoslavia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63410jugoslavia is jugoslavia" ; rdfs:label " jugoslavia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63411kenya simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63411kenya is kenya" ; rdfs:label " kenya_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63412lampedusa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63412lampedusa is lampedusa" ; rdfs:label " lampedusa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63413laos simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63413laos is laos" ; rdfs:label " laos_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63414lazio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63414lazio is lazio" ; rdfs:label " lazio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63415leningrado simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63415leningrado is leningrado" ; rdfs:label " leningrado_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63416lazzaretto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD1189ricoverare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63416lazzaretto is lazzaretto" ; rdfs:label " lazzaretto_as_Institution" . inds:USemD63417lettonia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63417lettonia is lettonia" ; rdfs:label " lettonia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63418liberia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63418liberia is liberia" ; rdfs:label " liberia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63419libia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem71926libico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63419libia is libia" ; rdfs:label " libia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63420liechtenstein simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63420liechtenstein is liechtenstein" ; rdfs:label " liechtenstein_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63421liguria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63421liguria is liguria" ; rdfs:label " liguria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63422lione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem71937lionese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63422lione is lione" ; rdfs:label " lione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63423lipsia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63423lipsia is lipsia" ; rdfs:label " lipsia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63424manicomio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD1189ricoverare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63424manicomio is manicomio" ; rdfs:label " manicomio_as_Institution" . inds:USemD63425lituania simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1003lituano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63425lituania is lituania" ; rdfs:label " lituania_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63426livorno simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem71922livornese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63426livorno is livorno" ; rdfs:label " livorno_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63427lombardia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63427lombardia is lombardia" ; rdfs:label " lombardia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63428londra simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD6620londinese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63428londra is londra" ; rdfs:label " londra_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63429loreto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63429loreto is loreto" ; rdfs:label " loreto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63430losanna simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63430losanna is losanna" ; rdfs:label " losanna_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63431lucca simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem71914lucchese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63431lucca is lucca" ; rdfs:label " lucca_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63432lugano simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63432lugano is lugano" ; rdfs:label " lugano_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63433lussemburgo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem71944lussemburghese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63433lussemburgo is lussemburgo" ; rdfs:label " lussemburgo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63434marocco simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1096marocchino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63434marocco is marocco" ; rdfs:label " marocco_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63435marsala simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63435marsala is marsala" ; rdfs:label " marsala_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63436messina simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1097messinese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63436messina is messina" ; rdfs:label " messina_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63437milano simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1004milanese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63437milano is milano" ; rdfs:label " milano_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63438modena simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1098modenese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63438modena is modena" ; rdfs:label " modena_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63439manifattura simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3334operaio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63439manifattura is manifattura" ; rdfs:label " manifattura_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD6343dissolvere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6343dissolvere is dissolvere" ; rdfs:label " dissolvere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63440municipio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63440municipio is municipio" ; rdfs:label " municipio_as_Institution" . inds:USemD63441cadavere simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63441cadavere is cadavere" ; rdfs:label " cadavere_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemD63442molise simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1099molisano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63442molise is molise" ; rdfs:label " molise_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63443montecatini simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63443montecatini is montecatini" ; rdfs:label " montecatini_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63444montreal simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63444montreal is montreal" ; rdfs:label " montreal_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63446orfanotrofio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem63667orfano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63446orfanotrofio is orfanotrofio" ; rdfs:label " orfanotrofio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63447collegio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3923insegnare, inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63447collegio is collegio" ; rdfs:label " collegio_as_Building" . inds:USemD63448ambulatorio simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem60032visitare, inds:USemD4600curare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63448ambulatorio is ambulatorio" ; rdfs:label " ambulatorio_as_Building" . inds:USemD63449mozambico simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63449mozambico is mozambico" ; rdfs:label " mozambico_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63450mosca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2195russia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63450mosca is mosca" ; rdfs:label " mosca_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD63451collegio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4985insegnante, inds:USem60848alunno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63451collegio is collegio" ; rdfs:label " collegio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63452polveriera simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3085esplosivo, inds:USemD7108munizione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61456depositare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63452polveriera is polveriera" ; rdfs:label " polveriera_as_Building" . inds:USemD63453napoli simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1005napoletano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63453napoli is napoli" ; rdfs:label " napoli_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63454norvegia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem73848norvegese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63454norvegia is norvegia" ; rdfs:label " norvegia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63455nuoro simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1102nuorese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63455nuoro is nuoro" ; rdfs:label " nuoro_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63456orvieto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63456orvieto is orvieto" ; rdfs:label " orvieto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63457padova simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63457padova is padova" ; rdfs:label " padova_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63458paese simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63458paese is paese" ; rdfs:label " paese_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63459paesino simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63459paesino is paesino" ; rdfs:label " paesino_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63460palermo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1103palermitano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63460palermo is palermo" ; rdfs:label " palermo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63461palestina simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1104palestinese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63461palestina is palestina" ; rdfs:label " palestina_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63462parigi simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1105parigino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63462parigi is parigi" ; rdfs:label " parigi_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63463parma simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1106parmigiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63463parma is parma" ; rdfs:label " parma_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63464patria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63464patria is patria" ; rdfs:label " patria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63465pavia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem72848pavese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63465pavia is pavia" ; rdfs:label " pavia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63466perugia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1107perugino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63466perugia is perugia" ; rdfs:label " perugia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63467pescara simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1108pescarese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63467pescara is pescara" ; rdfs:label " pescara_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63468piacenza simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1109piacentino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63468piacenza is piacenza" ; rdfs:label " piacenza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63469lisbona simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63469lisbona is lisbona" ; rdfs:label " lisbona_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63470colonia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63470colonia is colonia" ; rdfs:label " colonia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63471colonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5645ospitare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63471colonia is colonia" ; rdfs:label " colonia_as_Building" . inds:USemD63472colonia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63472colonia is colonia" ; rdfs:label " colonia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63473piemonte simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1006piemontese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63473piemonte is piemonte" ; rdfs:label " piemonte_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63474pisa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1007pisano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63474pisa is pisa" ; rdfs:label " pisa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63475polonia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem75340polacco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63475polonia is polonia" ; rdfs:label " polonia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63476puglia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1008pugliese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63476puglia is puglia" ; rdfs:label " puglia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63477quebec simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63477quebec is quebec" ; rdfs:label " quebec_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63478rieti simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63478rieti is rieti" ; rdfs:label " rieti_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63479roma simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70515romano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63479roma is roma" ; rdfs:label " roma_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD6347lotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6347lotta is lotta" ; rdfs:label " lotta_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USemD63480romagna simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem74927romagnolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63480romagna is romagna" ; rdfs:label " romagna_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63481russia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1010russo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63481russia is russia" ; rdfs:label " russia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63482sardegna simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1011sardo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63482sardegna is sardegna" ; rdfs:label " sardegna_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63483scozia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1110scozzese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63483scozia is scozia" ; rdfs:label " scozia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63484sicilia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1012siciliano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63484sicilia is sicilia" ; rdfs:label " sicilia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63485sobborgo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63485sobborgo is sobborgo" ; rdfs:label " sobborgo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63486spagna simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1014spagnolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63486spagna is spagna" ; rdfs:label " spagna_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63487stato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63487stato is stato" ; rdfs:label " stato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63488strasburgo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63488strasburgo is strasburgo" ; rdfs:label " strasburgo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63489svezia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63489svezia is svezia" ; rdfs:label " svezia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63490svizzera simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70911svizzero ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63490svizzera is svizzera" ; rdfs:label " svizzera_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63491tangeri simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63491tangeri is tangeri" ; rdfs:label " tangeri_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63492teramo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63492teramo is teramo" ; rdfs:label " teramo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63493torino simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1016torinese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63493torino is torino" ; rdfs:label " torino_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63494toscana simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1017toscano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63494toscana is toscana" ; rdfs:label " toscana_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63495trieste simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1018triestino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63495trieste is trieste" ; rdfs:label " trieste_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63496troia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1114troiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63496troia is troia" ; rdfs:label " troia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63497turchia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1020turco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63497turchia is turchia" ; rdfs:label " turchia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63498usa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6228statunitense ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63498usa is usa" ; rdfs:label " usa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63499varsavia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63499varsavia is varsavia" ; rdfs:label " varsavia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63500vaticano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63500vaticano is vaticano" ; rdfs:label " vaticano_as_Institution" . inds:USemD63501venezia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63501venezia is venezia" ; rdfs:label " venezia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63502viareggio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63502viareggio is viareggio" ; rdfs:label " viareggio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63503vietnam simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1022vietnamita ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63503vietnam is vietnam" ; rdfs:label " vietnam_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63504villaggio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63504villaggio is villaggio" ; rdfs:label " villaggio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63505spaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3936rompere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63506spaccato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63505spaccare is spaccare" ; rdfs:label " spaccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63507spaccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3935rompere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63506spaccato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63507spaccare is spaccare" ; rdfs:label " spaccare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63508philadelphia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63508philadelphia is philadelphia" ; rdfs:label " philadelphia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63510insenatura simple:hasConcerns inds:USem6511mare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4064braccio ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63510insenatura is insenatura" ; rdfs:label " insenatura_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemD63511fosso simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63511fosso is fosso" ; rdfs:label " fosso_as_Opening" . inds:USemD63512altopiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6166superficie ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63512altopiano is altopiano" ; rdfs:label " altopiano_as_Area" . inds:USemD63514pozza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63511fosso ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63514pozza is pozza" ; rdfs:label " pozza_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemD63515savana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1127vegetazione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem64794savana ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63515savana is savana" ; rdfs:label " savana_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemD63517scoglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3017minerale ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63517scoglio is scoglio" ; rdfs:label " scoglio_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemD63519topaia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1183topo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem60498scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63519topaia is topaia" ; rdfs:label " topaia_as_Opening" . inds:USemD63522filtrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63522filtrare is filtrare" ; rdfs:label " filtrare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD63524fortificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63524fortificare is fortificare" ; rdfs:label " fortificare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63530mosca simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63530mosca is mosca" ; rdfs:label " mosca_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63531inserzione simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63531inserzione is inserzione" ; rdfs:label " inserzione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD63532intesa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63532intesa is intesa" ; rdfs:label " intesa_as_Convention" . inds:USemD63535complesso simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63535complesso is complesso" ; rdfs:label " complesso_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63536otturare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63537otturato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63536otturare is otturare" ; rdfs:label " otturare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63539perturbare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60049turbamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63539perturbare is perturbare" ; rdfs:label " perturbare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD63540pervertire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63540pervertire is pervertire" ; rdfs:label " pervertire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63541provincia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63541provincia is provincia" ; rdfs:label " provincia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63542rapporto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63542rapporto is rapporto" ; rdfs:label " rapporto_as_Information" . inds:USemD63544intimo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63544intimo is intimo" ; rdfs:label " intimo_as_Clothing" . inds:USemD63545solidificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63545solidificare is solidificare" ; rdfs:label " solidificare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6354inseguimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6354inseguimento is inseguimento" ; rdfs:label " inseguimento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD63552usurare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63553usurato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63552usurare is usurare" ; rdfs:label " usurare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63554autobiografia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63554autobiografia is autobiografia" ; rdfs:label " autobiografia_as_Information" . inds:USemD63555bibbia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63555bibbia is bibbia" ; rdfs:label " bibbia_as_Information" . inds:USemD63556biografia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63556biografia is biografia" ; rdfs:label " biografia_as_Information" . inds:USemD63557breviario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63557breviario is breviario" ; rdfs:label " breviario_as_Information" . inds:USemD63559blocco simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63559blocco is blocco" ; rdfs:label " blocco_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD63560confidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63560confidare is confidare" ; rdfs:label " confidare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD63561canzoniere simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63561canzoniere is canzoniere" ; rdfs:label " canzoniere_as_Information" . inds:USemD63562rotolo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD6899incollare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2999papiro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63562rotolo is rotolo" ; rdfs:label " rotolo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD63563consorziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79065unire ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63563consorziare is consorziare" ; rdfs:label " consorziare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USemD63564rotolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63564rotolo is rotolo" ; rdfs:label " rotolo_as_Information" . inds:USemD63565commentario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem7071commentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63565commentario is commentario" ; rdfs:label " commentario_as_Information" . inds:USemD63567consuntivo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62338relazione ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63567consuntivo is consuntivo" ; rdfs:label " consuntivo_as_Information" . inds:USemD63568corano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63568corano is corano" ; rdfs:label " corano_as_Information" . inds:USemD63569macedonia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1095macedone ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63569macedonia is macedonia" ; rdfs:label " macedonia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD6356estrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6356estrarre is estrarre" ; rdfs:label " estrarre_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD63570decadentismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63570decadentismo is decadentismo" ; rdfs:label " decadentismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD63571crestomazia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63571crestomazia is crestomazia" ; rdfs:label " crestomazia_as_Information" . inds:USemD63572diocesi simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63572diocesi is diocesi" ; rdfs:label " diocesi_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63573depliant simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63573depliant is depliant" ; rdfs:label " depliant_as_Information" . inds:USemD63575enciclopedia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63575enciclopedia is enciclopedia" ; rdfs:label " enciclopedia_as_Information" . inds:USemD63576erbario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD5686catalogare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63576erbario is erbario" ; rdfs:label " erbario_as_Information" . inds:USemD63577fotocopia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63577fotocopia is fotocopia" ; rdfs:label " fotocopia_as_Information" . inds:USemD63578fotoromanzo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63578fotoromanzo is fotoromanzo" ; rdfs:label " fotoromanzo_as_Information" . inds:USemD63579novanta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1093contare ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63579novanta is novanta" ; rdfs:label " novanta_as_Number" . inds:USemD63581pieve simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62327fedele ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD584comunita1 ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63581pieve is pieve" ; rdfs:label " pieve_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63584deliziare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem66800delizia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63584deliziare is deliziare" ; rdfs:label " deliziare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD63586fumetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63586fumetto is fumetto" ; rdfs:label " fumetto_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD63587glossario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63587glossario is glossario" ; rdfs:label " glossario_as_Information" . inds:USemD63588consultare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Acquire_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63588consultare is consultare" ; rdfs:label " consultare_as_Acquire_Knowledge" . inds:USemD63589pagella simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63589pagella is pagella" ; rdfs:label " pagella_as_Information" . inds:USemD63590memoriale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63590memoriale is memoriale" ; rdfs:label " memoriale_as_Information" . inds:USemD63591missiva simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63591missiva is missiva" ; rdfs:label " missiva_as_Information" . inds:USemD63592monografia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63592monografia is monografia" ; rdfs:label " monografia_as_Information" . inds:USemD63593multa simple:hasIsa inds:USem61657pena ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem65117multa ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63593multa is multa" ; rdfs:label " multa_as_Convention" . inds:USemD63595dileguare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63594dileguato ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63595dileguare is dileguare" ; rdfs:label " dileguare_as_Change" . inds:USemD63596sartoria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4107sarto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63596sartoria is sartoria" ; rdfs:label " sartoria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63597dipanare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63597dipanare is dipanare" ; rdfs:label " dipanare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63600disciogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6899disciolto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63600disciogliere is disciogliere" ; rdfs:label " disciogliere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63601suino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63601suino is suino" ; rdfs:label " suino_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemD63605nullaosta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63605nullaosta is nullaosta" ; rdfs:label " nullaosta_as_Information" . inds:USemD63607opuscolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63607opuscolo is opuscolo" ; rdfs:label " opuscolo_as_Information" . inds:USemD63609patente simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63609patente is patente" ; rdfs:label " patente_as_Information" . inds:USemD63610trainare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63610trainare is trainare" ; rdfs:label " trainare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USemD63611patentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6172documento ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63611patentino is patentino" ; rdfs:label " patentino_as_Convention" . inds:USemD63612pedigree simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63612pedigree is pedigree" ; rdfs:label " pedigree_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD63619estenuare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4022indebolire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63618estenuato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63619estenuare is estenuare" ; rdfs:label " estenuare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63620periodico simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63620periodico is periodico" ; rdfs:label " periodico_as_Information" . inds:USemD63622piantina simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63622piantina is piantina" ; rdfs:label " piantina_as_Information" . inds:USemD63625planisfero simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63625planisfero is planisfero" ; rdfs:label " planisfero_as_Information" . inds:USemD63627mappamondo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem6588disegnare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63627mappamondo is mappamondo" ; rdfs:label " mappamondo_as_Information" . inds:USemD63628cestino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63628cestino is cestino" ; rdfs:label " cestino_as_Amount" . inds:USemD63629carriola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63629carriola is carriola" ; rdfs:label " carriola_as_Amount" . inds:USemD63630damigiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63630damigiana is damigiana" ; rdfs:label " damigiana_as_Amount" . inds:USemD63632fendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63632fendere is fendere" ; rdfs:label " fendere_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD63633preventivo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60319conto ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63633preventivo is preventivo" ; rdfs:label " preventivo_as_Information" . inds:USemD63634fustino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63634fustino is fustino" ; rdfs:label " fustino_as_Container" . inds:USemD63635prontuario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63635prontuario is prontuario" ; rdfs:label " prontuario_as_Information" . inds:USemD63636lattina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63636lattina is lattina" ; rdfs:label " lattina_as_Amount" . inds:USemD63637referto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63637referto is referto" ; rdfs:label " referto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD63638pentolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63638pentolino is pentolino" ; rdfs:label " pentolino_as_Amount" . inds:USemD63639scatoletta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63639scatoletta is scatoletta" ; rdfs:label " scatoletta_as_Amount" . inds:USemD6363esigere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6363esigere is esigere" ; rdfs:label " esigere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USemD63640rubrica simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1518classificare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61317elenco ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63640rubrica is rubrica" ; rdfs:label " rubrica_as_Information" . inds:USemD63641scodella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63641scodella is scodella" ; rdfs:label " scodella_as_Amount" . inds:USemD63642trasmissione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem59472ascoltare, inds:USemD469guardare ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63642trasmissione is trasmissione" ; rdfs:label " trasmissione_as_Event" . inds:USemD63645salvacondotto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63645salvacondotto is salvacondotto" ; rdfs:label " salvacondotto_as_Information" . inds:USemD63646sillabario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63646sillabario is sillabario" ; rdfs:label " sillabario_as_Information" . inds:USemD63647radice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63647radice is radice" ; rdfs:label " radice_as_Part" . inds:USemD63648targa simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3233riconoscere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63648targa is targa" ; rdfs:label " targa_as_Information" . inds:USemD63649vademecum simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63649vademecum is vademecum" ; rdfs:label " vademecum_as_Information" . inds:USemD63650vangelo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63650vangelo is vangelo" ; rdfs:label " vangelo_as_Information" . inds:USemD63651vocabolario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63651vocabolario is vocabolario" ; rdfs:label " vocabolario_as_Information" . inds:USemD63652tracolla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem65448tracolla, inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63652tracolla is tracolla" ; rdfs:label " tracolla_as_Part" . inds:USemD63653contravvenzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61657pena ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63653contravvenzione is contravvenzione" ; rdfs:label " contravvenzione_as_Convention" . inds:USemD63654punire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63654punire is punire" ; rdfs:label " punire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD63655dattiloscritto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63655dattiloscritto is dattiloscritto" ; rdfs:label " dattiloscritto_as_Information" . inds:USemD63657freddare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD2772freddo ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63657freddare is freddare" ; rdfs:label " freddare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63658freddare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3983diminuire ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63658freddare is freddare" ; rdfs:label " freddare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USemD63659anguria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63659anguria is anguria" ; rdfs:label " anguria_as_Fruit" . inds:USemD63660appunto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63660appunto is appunto" ; rdfs:label " appunto_as_Information" . inds:USemD63661breve simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7033lettera ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63661breve is breve" ; rdfs:label " breve_as_Information" . inds:USemD63662covo simple:hasConcerns inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1897riparare ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63662covo is covo" ; rdfs:label " covo_as_Opening" . inds:USemD63663portafortuna simple:hasIsa inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63663portafortuna is portafortuna" ; rdfs:label " portafortuna_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemD63668tecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66561procedimento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63668tecnica is tecnica" ; rdfs:label " tecnica_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD63669impacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63669impacciare is impacciare" ; rdfs:label " impacciare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD63671inibire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63671inibire is inibire" ; rdfs:label " inibire_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD63674inibire simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63674inibire is inibire" ; rdfs:label " inibire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD63675lago simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem2990acqua ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59485massa ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63675lago is lago" ; rdfs:label " lago_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemD63676smacchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63676smacchiare is smacchiare" ; rdfs:label " smacchiare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63678corona simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem1399cerchio, inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63678corona is corona" ; rdfs:label " corona_as_Constitutive" . inds:USemD63679giornalino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63679giornalino is giornalino" ; rdfs:label " giornalino_as_Information" . inds:USemD6367proposito simple:hasIsa inds:USem60673intenzione ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6367proposito is proposito" ; rdfs:label " proposito_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USemD63680lunario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63680lunario is lunario" ; rdfs:label " lunario_as_Information" . inds:USemD63681spartito simple:hasIsa inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63681spartito is spartito" ; rdfs:label " spartito_as_Information" . inds:USemD63682corona simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem75085ornamento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem7110portare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63682corona is corona" ; rdfs:label " corona_as_Clothing" . inds:USemD63683ornamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6221ornato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63683ornamento is ornamento" ; rdfs:label " ornamento_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63684incallire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63684incallire is incallire" ; rdfs:label " incallire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63686elaborato simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5602scritto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63686elaborato is elaborato" ; rdfs:label " elaborato_as_Information" . inds:USemD6368cercare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60681tentare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD76742riuscire ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6368cercare is cercare" ; rdfs:label " cercare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USemD63690espediente simple:hasTelic inds:USem59859ottenere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63690espediente is espediente" ; rdfs:label " espediente_as_Telic" . inds:USemD63692supportare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63692supportare is supportare" ; rdfs:label " supportare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USemD63693inceppare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63694inceppato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63693inceppare is inceppare" ; rdfs:label " inceppare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63697inclinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63697inclinare is inclinare" ; rdfs:label " inclinare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USemD63698congegno simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59888elemento ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63698congegno is congegno" ; rdfs:label " congegno_as_Constitutive" . inds:USemD63699incolonnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63699incolonnare is incolonnare" ; rdfs:label " incolonnare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USemD636gestire simple:hasIsa inds:USem5181curare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD636gestire is gestire" ; rdfs:label " gestire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD63700digitalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63700digitalizzare is digitalizzare" ; rdfs:label " digitalizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63701decapitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD64014decapitato ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63701decapitare is decapitare" ; rdfs:label " decapitare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USemD63702lino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5289tessuto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63702lino is lino" ; rdfs:label " lino_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemD63703incuriosire simple:hasFeeling inds:USem72970curiosita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63703incuriosire is incuriosire" ; rdfs:label " incuriosire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD63705inebriare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63704inebriato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63705inebriare is inebriare" ; rdfs:label " inebriare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63706ostacolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79468impedire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63706ostacolare is ostacolare" ; rdfs:label " ostacolare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USemD63707riflettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63707riflettere is riflettere" ; rdfs:label " riflettere_as_State" . inds:USemD63708tappare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63708tappare is tappare" ; rdfs:label " tappare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63709trapanare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63709trapanare is trapanare" ; rdfs:label " trapanare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63710vagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63710vagliare is vagliare" ; rdfs:label " vagliare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD63711strato simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63711strato is strato" ; rdfs:label " strato_as_Constitutive" . inds:USemD63714secernere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65874emettere ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63714secernere is secernere" ; rdfs:label " secernere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD63718camelia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem65907camelia ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63718camelia is camelia" ; rdfs:label " camelia_as_Plant" . inds:USemD6371conversazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem60724dialogo ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6371conversazione is conversazione" ; rdfs:label " conversazione_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD63720gardenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem65909gardenia ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63720gardenia is gardenia" ; rdfs:label " gardenia_as_Plant" . inds:USemD63721gelsomino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem65910gelsomino ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63721gelsomino is gelsomino" ; rdfs:label " gelsomino_as_Plant" . inds:USemD63722mimosa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem65911mimosa ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63722mimosa is mimosa" ; rdfs:label " mimosa_as_Plant" . inds:USemD63723violetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem65914violetta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63723violetta is violetta" ; rdfs:label " violetta_as_Plant" . inds:USemD63724caco simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem65923caco ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63724caco is caco" ; rdfs:label " caco_as_Plant" . inds:USemD63725kiwi simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem65931kiwi ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63725kiwi is kiwi" ; rdfs:label " kiwi_as_Plant" . inds:USemD63728forare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63727forato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63728forare is forare" ; rdfs:label " forare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63729porro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1786bulbo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem65956porro ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63729porro is porro" ; rdfs:label " porro_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD63730turare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63731turato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63730turare is turare" ; rdfs:label " turare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63735mais simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem65955mais ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63735mais is mais" ; rdfs:label " mais_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD63736grasso simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1958cellula ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5401tessuto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63736grasso is grasso" ; rdfs:label " grasso_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD63737rapa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63647radice ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem65957rapa ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63737rapa is rapa" ; rdfs:label " rapa_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD63738succo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem62866spremere ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem62862frutto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63738succo is succo" ; rdfs:label " succo_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemD63739peperoncino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3672verdura ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD63740peperoncino ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63739peperoncino is peperoncino" ; rdfs:label " peperoncino_as_Plant" . inds:USemD63740peperoncino simple:hasIsa inds:USem62862frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USemD63739peperoncino ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63740peperoncino is peperoncino" ; rdfs:label " peperoncino_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD63744appoggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63744appoggiare is appoggiare" ; rdfs:label " appoggiare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USemD63745caramello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63745caramello is caramello" ; rdfs:label " caramello_as_Color" . inds:USemD6374prefiggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6374prefiggere is prefiggere" ; rdfs:label " prefiggere_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USemD63750cipollina simple:hasIsa inds:USem1786bulbo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1652cipolla ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63750cipollina is cipollina" ; rdfs:label " cipollina_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD63753condensare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63754condensato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63753condensare is condensare" ; rdfs:label " condensare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63764amido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale, inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63764amido is amido" ; rdfs:label " amido_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD63778cassazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63778cassazione is cassazione" ; rdfs:label " cassazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD6377cortigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6377cortigiano is cortigiano" ; rdfs:label " cortigiano_as_Human" . inds:USemD63784carta simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem62905carta ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63784carta is carta" ; rdfs:label " carta_as_Convention" . inds:USemD6378immagine simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem3894creare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6378immagine is immagine" ; rdfs:label " immagine_as_Artwork" . inds:USemD6378qualificazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6378qualificazione is qualificazione" ; rdfs:label " qualificazione_as_Change" . inds:USemD63791inebriare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60715eccitazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63791inebriare is inebriare" ; rdfs:label " inebriare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD63792cavallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem62909cavallo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63792cavallo is cavallo" ; rdfs:label " cavallo_as_Convention" . inds:USemD63793inferocire simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5893collera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63793inferocire is inferocire" ; rdfs:label " inferocire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD63794cavallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem62908cavallo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63794cavallo is cavallo" ; rdfs:label " cavallo_as_Convention" . inds:USemD63796episcopato simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5557vescovo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67008carica ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63796episcopato is episcopato" ; rdfs:label " episcopato_as_Convention" . inds:USemD63797pedina simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem65327pedina ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63797pedina is pedina" ; rdfs:label " pedina_as_Convention" . inds:USemD63799pedone simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem61160pedone ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63799pedone is pedone" ; rdfs:label " pedone_as_Convention" . inds:USemD6379testo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6379testo is testo" ; rdfs:label " testo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD63801ingiallire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63801ingiallire is ingiallire" ; rdfs:label " ingiallire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63802re simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem62906re ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63802re is re" ; rdfs:label " re_as_Convention" . inds:USemD63803re simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem62907re ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63803re is re" ; rdfs:label " re_as_Convention" . inds:USemD63804romanzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem2368composizione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63804romanzo is romanzo" ; rdfs:label " romanzo_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD63807ingrossare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63807ingrossare is ingrossare" ; rdfs:label " ingrossare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63808minoranza simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63808minoranza is minoranza" ; rdfs:label " minoranza_as_Constitutive" . inds:USemD63811inorridire simple:hasFeeling inds:USem069776raccapriccio, inds:USem5836orrore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63811inorridire is inorridire" ; rdfs:label " inorridire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD63817natica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63817natica is natica" ; rdfs:label " natica_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD63818governo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63818governo is governo" ; rdfs:label " governo_as_Institution" . inds:USemD6381esagerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6381esagerare is esagerare" ; rdfs:label " esagerare_as_Act" . inds:USemD63820instaurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63820instaurare is instaurare" ; rdfs:label " instaurare_as_Aspectual" . inds:USemD63821partito simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63821partito is partito" ; rdfs:label " partito_as_Institution" . inds:USemD63838cintura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63838cintura is cintura" ; rdfs:label " cintura_as_Clothing" . inds:USemD63839pellicola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7036opera ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63839pellicola is pellicola" ; rdfs:label " pellicola_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD63847lesione simple:hasCausedby inds:USem3868malattia, inds:USemD64000trauma ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1768organo, inds:USemD5401tessuto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68420alterazione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63847lesione is lesione" ; rdfs:label " lesione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD63850circostanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5427avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63850circostanza is circostanza" ; rdfs:label " circostanza_as_Event" . inds:USemD63852pesare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63852pesare is pesare" ; rdfs:label " pesare_as_State" . inds:USemD63853verso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD63949poesia ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63853verso is verso" ; rdfs:label " verso_as_Part" . inds:USemD63855nota simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63855nota is nota" ; rdfs:label " nota_as_Sign" . inds:USemD63863tondo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63863tondo is tondo" ; rdfs:label " tondo_as_Shape" . inds:USemD63864ostacolo simple:hasTelic inds:USem66155ostacolare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63864ostacolo is ostacolo" ; rdfs:label " ostacolo_as_Telic" . inds:USemD63867avena simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1536avena ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63867avena is avena" ; rdfs:label " avena_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD63868barbabietola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63647radice ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1590barbabietola ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63868barbabietola is barbabietola" ; rdfs:label " barbabietola_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD63872cavolfiore simple:hasIsa inds:USem59817infiorescenza ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem65942cavolfiore ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63872cavolfiore is cavolfiore" ; rdfs:label " cavolfiore_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD63873cavolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1577cavolo ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63873cavolo is cavolo" ; rdfs:label " cavolo_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD63874rimedio simple:hasTelic inds:USem67392risolvere ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63874rimedio is rimedio" ; rdfs:label " rimedio_as_Telic" . inds:USemD63875irrigidire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63876irrigidito ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63875irrigidire is irrigidire" ; rdfs:label " irrigidire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6387palude simple:hasIsa inds:USem4134zona ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6387palude is palude" ; rdfs:label " palude_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemD63883lesionare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63883lesionare is lesionare" ; rdfs:label " lesionare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6388passaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6389passare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6388passaggio is passaggio" ; rdfs:label " passaggio_as_Location" . inds:USemD6389passare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6389passare is passare" ; rdfs:label " passare_as_Move" . inds:USemD63902scocciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63902scocciare is scocciare" ; rdfs:label " scocciare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD63903parcella simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63903parcella is parcella" ; rdfs:label " parcella_as_Information" . inds:USemD63904pastorale simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7033lettera ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63904pastorale is pastorale" ; rdfs:label " pastorale_as_Information" . inds:USemD63906adunare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74943riunire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63906adunare is adunare" ; rdfs:label " adunare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USemD63907bergamotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem66721bergamotto ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63907bergamotto is bergamotto" ; rdfs:label " bergamotto_as_Fruit" . inds:USemD63908bergamotto simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USemD63907bergamotto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63908bergamotto is bergamotto" ; rdfs:label " bergamotto_as_Substance" . inds:USemD6390distintivo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6390distintivo is distintivo" ; rdfs:label " distintivo_as_Representation" . inds:USemD63916controspionaggio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63916controspionaggio is controspionaggio" ; rdfs:label " controspionaggio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD63919infiammare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63919infiammare is infiammare" ; rdfs:label " infiammare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD63921schierare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63921schierare is schierare" ; rdfs:label " schierare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD63924epitaffio simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem831lastra ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63924epitaffio is epitaffio" ; rdfs:label " epitaffio_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD63926lagna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63926lagna is lagna" ; rdfs:label " lagna_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD6392discorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6392discorso is discorso" ; rdfs:label " discorso_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD63931cultura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63931cultura is cultura" ; rdfs:label " cultura_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemD63932tradizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6398abitudine ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63932tradizione is tradizione" ; rdfs:label " tradizione_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemD63934svagare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem66891svago ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63934svagare is svagare" ; rdfs:label " svagare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD6393rinforzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7135rinforzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6393rinforzare is rinforzare" ; rdfs:label " rinforzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD63940isteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63940isteria is isteria" ; rdfs:label " isteria_as_Disease" . inds:USemD63944utile simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem2362denaro ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63944utile is utile" ; rdfs:label " utile_as_Amount" . inds:USemD63948uomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem918essere ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63948uomo is uomo" ; rdfs:label " uomo_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemD63949poesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem60212componimento ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63949poesia is poesia" ; rdfs:label " poesia_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD6394guerra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6347lotta ; a simple:Cooperative_Activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6394guerra is guerra" ; rdfs:label " guerra_as_Cooperative_Activity" . inds:USemD63950privatizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63950privatizzare is privatizzare" ; rdfs:label " privatizzare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD63953risorgere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63953risorgere is risorgere" ; rdfs:label " risorgere_as_Event" . inds:USemD63955segretario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63955segretario is segretario" ; rdfs:label " segretario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemD6395ordigno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59582colpire, inds:USemD5132difendere ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6395ordigno is ordigno" ; rdfs:label " ordigno_as_Artifact" . inds:USemD63962genere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2450forma ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63962genere is genere" ; rdfs:label " genere_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemD63963cancelliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63966funzionario ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USem59722autenticare, inds:USemD3591lavorare, inds:USemD5387redigere ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63963cancelliere is cancelliere" ; rdfs:label " cancelliere_as_Profession" . inds:USemD63965carambola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem67043carambola ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63965carambola is carambola" ; rdfs:label " carambola_as_Fruit" . inds:USemD63966funzionario simple:hasIsa inds:USem3653impiegato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63966funzionario is funzionario" ; rdfs:label " funzionario_as_Profession" . inds:USemD6396comportamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6396comportamento is comportamento" ; rdfs:label " comportamento_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD63975conoscenza simple:hasResultingfrom inds:USem59263conoscere ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63975conoscenza is conoscenza" ; rdfs:label " conoscenza_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemD6397regola simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6397regola is regola" ; rdfs:label " regola_as_Convention" . inds:USemD6398abitudine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6398abitudine is abitudine" ; rdfs:label " abitudine_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemD63990repubblica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63990repubblica is repubblica" ; rdfs:label " repubblica_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD63994soprintendenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63994soprintendenza is soprintendenza" ; rdfs:label " soprintendenza_as_Building" . inds:USemD63996analfabeta simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem67169analfabetismo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63996analfabeta is analfabeta" ; rdfs:label " analfabeta_as_Human" . inds:USemD63997bandito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD63997bandito is bandito" ; rdfs:label " bandito_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemD6399crollare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6399crollare is crollare" ; rdfs:label " crollare_as_Event" . inds:USemD64000trauma simple:hasCausedby inds:USemTH23817shock ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63847lesione ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64000trauma is trauma" ; rdfs:label " trauma_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD64001carenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem61479mancanza ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64001carenza is carenza" ; rdfs:label " carenza_as_State" . inds:USemD64005mucosa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1962membrana ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64005mucosa is mucosa" ; rdfs:label " mucosa_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD64009adunare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5533riunire ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64009adunare is adunare" ; rdfs:label " adunare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USemD6400implicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6400implicare is implicare" ; rdfs:label " implicare_as_Cause" . inds:USemD64018peccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64018peccare is peccare" ; rdfs:label " peccare_as_Act" . inds:USemD64019ubbidire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64019ubbidire is ubbidire" ; rdfs:label " ubbidire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD64023ravvivare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64023ravvivare is ravvivare" ; rdfs:label " ravvivare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD64025compleanno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1775anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64025compleanno is compleanno" ; rdfs:label " compleanno_as_Time" . inds:USemD64028dettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4863dire ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64028dettare is dettare" ; rdfs:label " dettare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD64030incrostare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD64029incrostato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64030incrostare is incrostare" ; rdfs:label " incrostare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD64031accentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64031accentare is accentare" ; rdfs:label " accentare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD64033insistere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64033insistere is insistere" ; rdfs:label " insistere_as_Act" . inds:USemD64034costipare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64034costipare is costipare" ; rdfs:label " costipare_as_Cause" . inds:USemD64035attestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6172documento ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64035attestazione is attestazione" ; rdfs:label " attestazione_as_Convention" . inds:USemD64036autorizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64036autorizzazione is autorizzazione" ; rdfs:label " autorizzazione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD64037fonogramma simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64037fonogramma is fonogramma" ; rdfs:label " fonogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemD64038ledere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6923leso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64038ledere is ledere" ; rdfs:label " ledere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD64039fondo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64039fondo is fondo" ; rdfs:label " fondo_as_Amount" . inds:USemD64040figura simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64040figura is figura" ; rdfs:label " figura_as_Representation" . inds:USemD64041articolo simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64041articolo is articolo" ; rdfs:label " articolo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD64042modo simple:hasIsa inds:USem5780categoria ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64042modo is modo" ; rdfs:label " modo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemD64047tranquillizzare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem78907tranquillita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64047tranquillizzare is tranquillizzare" ; rdfs:label " tranquillizzare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD64048cartello simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD935manifesto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64048cartello is cartello" ; rdfs:label " cartello_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD64049serie simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64049serie is serie" ; rdfs:label " serie_as_Constitutive" . inds:USemD64051teatro simple:hasIsa inds:USem59941arte ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64051teatro is teatro" ; rdfs:label " teatro_as_Domain" . inds:USemD64054conseguenza simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64054conseguenza is conseguenza" ; rdfs:label " conseguenza_as_Agentive" . inds:USemD64055marrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem67636marrone ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64055marrone is marrone" ; rdfs:label " marrone_as_Plant" . inds:USemD64056torre simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64056torre is torre" ; rdfs:label " torre_as_Convention" . inds:USemD64057volume simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64057volume is volume" ; rdfs:label " volume_as_Information" . inds:USemD64058mito simple:hasIsa inds:USem62337racconto ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64058mito is mito" ; rdfs:label " mito_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD64061prospetto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64061prospetto is prospetto" ; rdfs:label " prospetto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD64063istituto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64063istituto is istituto" ; rdfs:label " istituto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD64064arrestare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59662fermare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD64064arrestare is arrestare" ; rdfs:label " arrestare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6406lettera simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem62852ricevere, inds:USem6861spedire ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6406lettera is lettera" ; rdfs:label " lettera_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD6412rovesciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7013uscire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6412rovesciare is rovesciare" ; rdfs:label " rovesciare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USemD6413irrigare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6413irrigare is irrigare" ; rdfs:label " irrigare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD6414situazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6414situazione is situazione" ; rdfs:label " situazione_as_State" . inds:USemD6415architettura simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6415architettura is architettura" ; rdfs:label " architettura_as_Domain" . inds:USemD6416sdraiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6416sdraiare is sdraiare" ; rdfs:label " sdraiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD6418rilassare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6418rilassare is rilassare" ; rdfs:label " rilassare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD6421spiegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem76699spiegato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6421spiegare is spiegare" ; rdfs:label " spiegare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6424corrompere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6424corrompere is corrompere" ; rdfs:label " corrompere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6425corrompere simple:hasFeeling inds:USem61550corruzione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6425corrompere is corrompere" ; rdfs:label " corrompere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD6426guastare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6427guasto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6426guastare is guastare" ; rdfs:label " guastare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6428riforma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6428riforma is riforma" ; rdfs:label " riforma_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD6429reclusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6429reclusione is reclusione" ; rdfs:label " reclusione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD6431carcerazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6431carcerazione is carcerazione" ; rdfs:label " carcerazione_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD6436ingrassare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem78654ingrassato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6436ingrassare is ingrassare" ; rdfs:label " ingrassare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6440dimagrire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6440dimagrire is dimagrire" ; rdfs:label " dimagrire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6442corno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1753testa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem1777osso ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6442corno is corno" ; rdfs:label " corno_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD6443bottone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2937indumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6443bottone is bottone" ; rdfs:label " bottone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD6449realizzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem62454somma ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6449realizzo is realizzo" ; rdfs:label " realizzo_as_Amount" . inds:USemD6450convertire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6450convertire is convertire" ; rdfs:label " convertire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6452convertire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6452convertire is convertire" ; rdfs:label " convertire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6454compiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem79050concludere ; a simple:Aspectual, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6454compiere is compiere" ; rdfs:label " compiere_as_Aspectual" . inds:USemD6455avverare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6455avverare is avverare" ; rdfs:label " avverare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD6460invecchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6460invecchiare is invecchiare" ; rdfs:label " invecchiare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6465diplomatico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem62513diplomazia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6465diplomatico is diplomatico" ; rdfs:label " diplomatico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD6474distinguere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6474distinguere is distinguere" ; rdfs:label " distinguere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD6488affidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6488affidare is affidare" ; rdfs:label " affidare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65428completare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65428completare is completare" ; rdfs:label " completare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD65429adempiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65429adempiere is adempiere" ; rdfs:label " adempiere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65431estinguere simple:hasIsa inds:USem74720spegnere ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65431estinguere is estinguere" ; rdfs:label " estinguere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD65432esca simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65432esca ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65432esca is esca" ; rdfs:label " esca_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD65433campo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65433campo is campo" ; rdfs:label " campo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemD65436confondere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65436confondere is confondere" ; rdfs:label " confondere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD65438radio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65438radio is radio" ; rdfs:label " radio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD65439fattura simple:hasContains inds:USem6465informazione ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65439fattura is fattura" ; rdfs:label " fattura_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65440affare simple:hasIsa inds:USem916cosa ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65440affare is affare" ; rdfs:label " affare_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemD65441refrigerare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6679raffreddare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65441refrigerare is refrigerare" ; rdfs:label " refrigerare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD65442atto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65442atto is atto" ; rdfs:label " atto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65447lacerare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD76596lacerato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65447lacerare is lacerare" ; rdfs:label " lacerare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD65452oscurare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61990oscuro ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65452oscurare is oscurare" ; rdfs:label " oscurare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD65454libello simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65454libello is libello" ; rdfs:label " libello_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65456massaggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65456massaggiare is massaggiare" ; rdfs:label " massaggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD65458volantino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65458volantino is volantino" ; rdfs:label " volantino_as_Information" . inds:USemD65459pigmentare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65459pigmentare is pigmentare" ; rdfs:label " pigmentare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD65461freno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63698congegno ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65461freno is freno" ; rdfs:label " freno_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD65463sigillare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65463sigillare is sigillare" ; rdfs:label " sigillare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD65464pensionato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5515alloggiare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65464pensionato is pensionato" ; rdfs:label " pensionato_as_Institution" . inds:USemD65466raddoppiare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3981aumentare ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65466raddoppiare is raddoppiare" ; rdfs:label " raddoppiare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USemD65467raggelare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65467raggelare is raggelare" ; rdfs:label " raggelare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD65468risultato simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65468risultato is risultato" ; rdfs:label " risultato_as_Agentive" . inds:USemD65472incisione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65472incisione is incisione" ; rdfs:label " incisione_as_Domain" . inds:USemD65473invitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65473invitare is invitare" ; rdfs:label " invitare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65474coppa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65474coppa is coppa" ; rdfs:label " coppa_as_Amount" . inds:USemD65476saggio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65476saggio is saggio" ; rdfs:label " saggio_as_Information" . inds:USemD65477inserto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65477inserto is inserto" ; rdfs:label " inserto_as_Information" . inds:USemD65481anagrafe simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61317elenco ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65481anagrafe is anagrafe" ; rdfs:label " anagrafe_as_Information" . inds:USemD65483fascicolo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65483fascicolo is fascicolo" ; rdfs:label " fascicolo_as_Information" . inds:USemD65484bolletta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65484bolletta is bolletta" ; rdfs:label " bolletta_as_Information" . inds:USemD65487rilegare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65487rilegare is rilegare" ; rdfs:label " rilegare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD65488aspirare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem68607aspirapolvere, inds:USem68923aspiratore, inds:USem68925aspiratore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65488aspirare is aspirare" ; rdfs:label " aspirare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65493affisso simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65493affisso is affisso" ; rdfs:label " affisso_as_Information" . inds:USemD65494canapa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4040fibra ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65494canapa is canapa" ; rdfs:label " canapa_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD65495selvaggina simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem67921animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65495selvaggina is selvaggina" ; rdfs:label " selvaggina_as_Group" . inds:USemD65496prova simple:hasTelic inds:USem63056verificare ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65496prova is prova" ; rdfs:label " prova_as_Telic" . inds:USemD65498riassorbire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65498riassorbire is riassorbire" ; rdfs:label " riassorbire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD65499ridimensionare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65499ridimensionare is ridimensionare" ; rdfs:label " ridimensionare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD65500avviso simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD935manifesto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65500avviso is avviso" ; rdfs:label " avviso_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65502attestato simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65502attestato is attestato" ; rdfs:label " attestato_as_Information" . inds:USemD65503bando simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65503bando is bando" ; rdfs:label " bando_as_Information" . inds:USemD65504ricetta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6465informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65504ricetta is ricetta" ; rdfs:label " ricetta_as_Information" . inds:USemD65505ricettario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65505ricettario is ricettario" ; rdfs:label " ricettario_as_Information" . inds:USemD65506ricevuta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65506ricevuta is ricevuta" ; rdfs:label " ricevuta_as_Information" . inds:USemD65507capitalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65507capitalista is capitalista" ; rdfs:label " capitalista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemD65508caseggiato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65508caseggiato is caseggiato" ; rdfs:label " caseggiato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD65516concordanza simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65516concordanza is concordanza" ; rdfs:label " concordanza_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65520dispensa simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65520dispensa is dispensa" ; rdfs:label " dispensa_as_Information" . inds:USemD65521risorsa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemTH34371mezzo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65521risorsa is risorsa" ; rdfs:label " risorsa_as_Group" . inds:USemD65523est simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65523est is est" ; rdfs:label " est_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD65524disonorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65524disonorare is disonorare" ; rdfs:label " disonorare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD65526soglia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61088porta ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65526soglia is soglia" ; rdfs:label " soglia_as_Part" . inds:USemD65528paniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65528paniere is paniere" ; rdfs:label " paniere_as_Amount" . inds:USemD65534cavo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65638corda ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65534cavo is cavo" ; rdfs:label " cavo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD65535asilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65535asilo is asilo" ; rdfs:label " asilo_as_Building" . inds:USemD65536asilo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4985insegnante, inds:USem60848alunno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65536asilo is asilo" ; rdfs:label " asilo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD65539protuberanza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65539protuberanza is protuberanza" ; rdfs:label " protuberanza_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD65542succhiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65542succhiare is succhiare" ; rdfs:label " succhiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65545comperare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2362denaro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6046prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59514possedere ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65545comperare is comperare" ; rdfs:label " comperare_as_Transaction" . inds:USemD65546offendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65546offendere is offendere" ; rdfs:label " offendere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD65550turbare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem60049turbamento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65550turbare is turbare" ; rdfs:label " turbare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD65553competere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65553competere is competere" ; rdfs:label " competere_as_State" . inds:USemD65555moderare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65555moderare is moderare" ; rdfs:label " moderare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USemD65557metodo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65557metodo is metodo" ; rdfs:label " metodo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD65558dissertare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65558dissertare is dissertare" ; rdfs:label " dissertare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD65559successione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65559successione is successione" ; rdfs:label " successione_as_Event" . inds:USemD65560tavola simple:hasContains inds:USem79320illustrazione, inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65560tavola is tavola" ; rdfs:label " tavola_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65564facolta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65564facolta1 is facolta'" ; rdfs:label " facolta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemD65565impicciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63706ostacolare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65565impicciare is impicciare" ; rdfs:label " impicciare_as_State" . inds:USemD65567rimbrottare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75963rimproverare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65567rimbrottare is rimbrottare" ; rdfs:label " rimbrottare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD65569risucchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65569risucchiare is risucchiare" ; rdfs:label " risucchiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65570ritoccare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65570ritoccare is ritoccare" ; rdfs:label " ritoccare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD65571epistola simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65571epistola is epistola" ; rdfs:label " epistola_as_Information" . inds:USemD65572epistolario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65572epistolario is epistolario" ; rdfs:label " epistolario_as_Information" . inds:USemD65575siberia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2195russia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65575siberia is siberia" ; rdfs:label " siberia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65576eschimese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65576eschimese is eschimese" ; rdfs:label " eschimese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65578estone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65578estone is estone" ; rdfs:label " estone_as_Language" . inds:USemD65579etiopia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65579etiopia is etiopia" ; rdfs:label " etiopia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65581radunare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74943riunire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65581radunare is radunare" ; rdfs:label " radunare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USemD65583raggirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65583raggirare is raggirare" ; rdfs:label " raggirare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD65585fante simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65585fante is fante" ; rdfs:label " fante_as_Convention" . inds:USemD65585ricompensare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65585ricompensare is ricompensare" ; rdfs:label " ricompensare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD65587sbadigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65587sbadigliare is sbadigliare" ; rdfs:label " sbadigliare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65588sbandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65588sbandare is sbandare" ; rdfs:label " sbandare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USemD65591scampanellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem6154suono ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65591scampanellare is scampanellare" ; rdfs:label " scampanellare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65592ferrarese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65592ferrarese is ferrarese" ; rdfs:label " ferrarese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65594metropoli simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6233cittadino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65594metropoli is metropoli" ; rdfs:label " metropoli_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD65596mezzosoprano simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7102voce ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65596mezzosoprano is mezzosoprano" ; rdfs:label " mezzosoprano_as_Stimulus" . inds:USemD65597mezzosoprano simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USemD65596mezzosoprano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem62762cantare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65597mezzosoprano is mezzosoprano" ; rdfs:label " mezzosoprano_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemD65598sbrinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65598sbrinare is sbrinare" ; rdfs:label " sbrinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD65600fiandra simple:hasIsa inds:USem4142regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1429belgio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65600fiandra is fiandra" ; rdfs:label " fiandra_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65601fiammingo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65601fiammingo is fiammingo" ; rdfs:label " fiammingo_as_Language" . inds:USemD65602schernire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60827deridere ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65602schernire is schernire" ; rdfs:label " schernire_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD65604scialare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65604scialare is scialare" ; rdfs:label " scialare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65606sassonia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3622germania ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65606sassonia is sassonia" ; rdfs:label " sassonia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65607scolarizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65607scolarizzare is scolarizzare" ; rdfs:label " scolarizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD65608filippine simple:hasIsa inds:USem69246arcipelago ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD7390asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65608filippine is filippine" ; rdfs:label " filippine_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65609filisteo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65609filisteo is filisteo" ; rdfs:label " filisteo_as_Human" . inds:USemD65610scongiurare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4804chiedere ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65610scongiurare is scongiurare" ; rdfs:label " scongiurare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD65611sconquassare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65611sconquassare is sconquassare" ; rdfs:label " sconquassare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD65612savona simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4141liguria ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65612savona is savona" ; rdfs:label " savona_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65613legge simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem67418articolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65613legge is legge" ; rdfs:label " legge_as_Convention" . inds:USemD65614scontrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65614scontrare is scontrare" ; rdfs:label " scontrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65615finlandese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65615finlandese is finlandese" ; rdfs:label " finlandese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65619registro simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65619registro is registro" ; rdfs:label " registro_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65620tabella simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65620tabella is tabella" ; rdfs:label " tabella_as_Information" . inds:USemD65621foggiano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65621foggiano is foggiano" ; rdfs:label " foggiano_as_Language" . inds:USemD65623polpa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65623polpa is polpa" ; rdfs:label " polpa_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemD65624tapiro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65624tapiro is tapiro" ; rdfs:label " tapiro_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemD65625taranto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2193puglia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65625taranto is taranto" ; rdfs:label " taranto_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65626tarantino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4146regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65626tarantino is tarantino" ; rdfs:label " tarantino_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65627targhetta simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65627targhetta is targhetta" ; rdfs:label " targhetta_as_Information" . inds:USemD65628tebe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2137egitto ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65628tebe is tebe" ; rdfs:label " tebe_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65629tecnico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD63668tecnica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65629tecnico is tecnico" ; rdfs:label " tecnico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD65630abbecedario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65630abbecedario is abbecedario" ; rdfs:label " abbecedario_as_Information" . inds:USemD65634ecuador simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65634ecuador is ecuador" ; rdfs:label " ecuador_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65635terni simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem77877umbria ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65635terni is terni" ; rdfs:label " terni_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65637tesina simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65637tesina is tesina" ; rdfs:label " tesina_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65638biberon simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem70249tettarella ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2965recipiente ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3007plastica, inds:USem3144vetro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65638biberon is biberon" ; rdfs:label " biberon_as_Container" . inds:USemD65639thailandia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2231paese ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65639thailandia is thailandia" ; rdfs:label " thailandia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65640frassino simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65640frassino is frassino" ; rdfs:label " frassino_as_Plant" . inds:USemD65642tibet simple:hasIsa inds:USem2231paese ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65642tibet is tibet" ; rdfs:label " tibet_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65643tibetano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65643tibetano is tibetano" ; rdfs:label " tibetano_as_Language" . inds:USemD65645tirolese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65645tirolese is tirolese" ; rdfs:label " tirolese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65648scivolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60058divertimento ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem3593bambino ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65648scivolo is scivolo" ; rdfs:label " scivolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD65651acconciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65651acconciatura is acconciatura" ; rdfs:label " acconciatura_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD65658affiche simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65658affiche is affiche" ; rdfs:label " affiche_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65659afghanistan simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65659afghanistan is afghanistan" ; rdfs:label " afghanistan_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65660rete simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59115cacciare, inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65660rete is rete" ; rdfs:label " rete_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD65663siena simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD5009toscana ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65663siena is siena" ; rdfs:label " siena_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65664senegal simple:hasIsa inds:USem2231paese ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65664senegal is senegal" ; rdfs:label " senegal_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65665trentino simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65665trentino is trentino" ; rdfs:label " trentino_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD65668tivoli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem1173roma ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65668tivoli is tivoli" ; rdfs:label " tivoli_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65669ticino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63990repubblica ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4898svizzera ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65669ticino is ticino" ; rdfs:label " ticino_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65670agrigentino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65670agrigentino is agrigentino" ; rdfs:label " agrigentino_as_Language" . inds:USemD65673turkmenistan simple:hasIsa inds:USem2233paese ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65673turkmenistan is turkmenistan" ; rdfs:label " turkmenistan_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65675ucraina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2231paese ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65675ucraina is ucraina" ; rdfs:label " ucraina_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65676ucraino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65676ucraino is ucraino" ; rdfs:label " ucraino_as_Language" . inds:USemD65679ungherese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65679ungherese is ungherese" ; rdfs:label " ungherese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65683urbino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD76748marche ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65683urbino is urbino" ; rdfs:label " urbino_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65684urlare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD439parlare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65684urlare is urlare" ; rdfs:label " urlare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD65686valsesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2190piemonte ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65686valsesia is valsesia" ; rdfs:label " valsesia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65687valsesiano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65687valsesiano is valsesiano" ; rdfs:label " valsesiano_as_Language" . inds:USemD65688valtellina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2168lombardia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65688valtellina is valtellina" ; rdfs:label " valtellina_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65689valsugana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem70396trentino ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65689valsugana is valsugana" ; rdfs:label " valsugana_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65690galles simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65690galles is galles" ; rdfs:label " galles_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65691gallese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65691gallese is gallese" ; rdfs:label " gallese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65693varese simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2168lombardia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65693varese is varese" ; rdfs:label " varese_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65694galletto simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD573coda, inds:USemD860piumaggio, inds:USemD945cresta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem994gallo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65694galletto is galletto" ; rdfs:label " galletto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemD65695gamberetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65695gamberetto is gamberetto" ; rdfs:label " gamberetto_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemD65696gamberone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65696gamberone is gamberone" ; rdfs:label " gamberone_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemD65697cremare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65697cremare is cremare" ; rdfs:label " cremare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD65698scandinavia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65698scandinavia is scandinavia" ; rdfs:label " scandinavia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65699disco simple:hasContains inds:USem3877suono ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65699disco is disco" ; rdfs:label " disco_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD656territorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1126terreno ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD656territorio is territorio" ; rdfs:label " territorio_as_Location" . inds:USemD65700disco simple:hasIsa inds:USem61614musica ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USem59472ascoltare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65700disco is disco" ; rdfs:label " disco_as_Information" . inds:USemD65710vercelli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2190piemonte ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65710vercelli is vercelli" ; rdfs:label " vercelli_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65711verdicchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem66013vitigno ; simple:hasProduces inds:USemD2250uva ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65711verdicchio is verdicchio" ; rdfs:label " verdicchio_as_Plant" . inds:USemD65714settentrione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65714settentrione is settentrione" ; rdfs:label " settentrione_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65716verona simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65716verona is verona" ; rdfs:label " verona_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65717videodisco simple:hasContains inds:USem3877suono, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69136creazione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65717videodisco is videodisco" ; rdfs:label " videodisco_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD65718genovese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65718genovese is genovese" ; rdfs:label " genovese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65719vienna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2096austria ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65719vienna is vienna" ; rdfs:label " vienna_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65720viennese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65720viennese is viennese" ; rdfs:label " viennese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65721colla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6899incollare ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65721colla is colla" ; rdfs:label " colla_as_Substance" . inds:USemD65722gerbera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem70649gerbera ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65722gerbera is gerbera" ; rdfs:label " gerbera_as_Flower" . inds:USemD65723vitale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3879vita ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65723vitale is vitale" ; rdfs:label " vitale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD65724vituperare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60028offendere ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65724vituperare is vituperare" ; rdfs:label " vituperare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD65726giava simple:hasIsa inds:USem6842isola ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem4688indonesia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65726giava is giava" ; rdfs:label " giava_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65727giavanese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65727giavanese is giavanese" ; rdfs:label " giavanese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65730vulgata simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65730vulgata is vulgata" ; rdfs:label " vulgata_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65732amalfi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1304campania ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65732amalfi is amalfi" ; rdfs:label " amalfi_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65734giuggiolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1570arbusto ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem70740giuggiola ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65734giuggiolo is giuggiolo" ; rdfs:label " giuggiolo_as_Plant" . inds:USemD65735zampognaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem70752zampogna ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65735zampognaro is zampognaro" ; rdfs:label " zampognaro_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemD65736zarina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59433gerarchia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65736zarina is zarina" ; rdfs:label " zarina_as_Social_status" . inds:USemD65737verona simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70607veronese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65737verona is verona" ; rdfs:label " verona_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD65738zibellino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2110pelliccia ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6878pellicceria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65738zibellino is zibellino" ; rdfs:label " zibellino_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemD65739gracidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem920rana ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65739gracidare is gracidare" ; rdfs:label " gracidare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65740zucchina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem70803zucchina ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65740zucchina is zucchina" ; rdfs:label " zucchina_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD65741anemone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem70823anemone ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65741anemone is anemone" ; rdfs:label " anemone_as_Plant" . inds:USemD65743talmud simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65743talmud is talmud" ; rdfs:label " talmud_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65744talmud simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65744talmud is talmud" ; rdfs:label " talmud_as_Information" . inds:USemD65745grida simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65745grida is grida" ; rdfs:label " grida_as_Information" . inds:USemD65746groenlandia simple:hasIsa inds:USem6842isola ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65746groenlandia is groenlandia" ; rdfs:label " groenlandia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65747groenlandese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65747groenlandese is groenlandese" ; rdfs:label " groenlandese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65748stradario simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65748stradario is stradario" ; rdfs:label " stradario_as_Information" . inds:USemD65749eccesso simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65749eccesso is eccesso" ; rdfs:label " eccesso_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemD65752grossetano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65752grossetano is grossetano" ; rdfs:label " grossetano_as_Language" . inds:USemD65753sudan simple:hasIsa inds:USem2231paese ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65753sudan is sudan" ; rdfs:label " sudan_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65756antilope simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6876pelletteria ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65756antilope is antilope" ; rdfs:label " antilope_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemD65759antologia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65759antologia is antologia" ; rdfs:label " antologia_as_Information" . inds:USemD65760annegare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7116morire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD65885annegato ; a simple:Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65760annegare is annegare" ; rdfs:label " annegare_as_Natural_Transition" . inds:USemD65761interdizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65761interdizione is interdizione" ; rdfs:label " interdizione_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USemD65762impaginato simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65762impaginato is impaginato" ; rdfs:label " impaginato_as_Information" . inds:USemD65763diabolico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem74726diavolo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65763diabolico is diabolico" ; rdfs:label " diabolico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD65764versione simple:hasConstitutive inds:USem59622modo ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65764versione is versione" ; rdfs:label " versione_as_Constitutive" . inds:USemD65765verbale simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65765verbale is verbale" ; rdfs:label " verbale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65766aosta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD76723valdaosta ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65766aosta is aosta" ; rdfs:label " aosta_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65767apocalisse simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65767apocalisse is apocalisse" ; rdfs:label " apocalisse_as_Information" . inds:USemD65770vilipendere simple:hasIsa inds:USem60028offendere ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65770vilipendere is vilipendere" ; rdfs:label " vilipendere_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD65771vincolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65771vincolare is vincolare" ; rdfs:label " vincolare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USemD65773recedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65773recedere is recedere" ; rdfs:label " recedere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65774aragona simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2198sicilia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65774aragona is aragona" ; rdfs:label " aragona_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65781atlante simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65781atlante is atlante" ; rdfs:label " atlante_as_Convention" . inds:USemD65784antartide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1235continente ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65784antartide is antartide" ; rdfs:label " antartide_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65788fiamma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65788fiamma is fiamma" ; rdfs:label " fiamma_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemD65792metodologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem60504studio ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65792metodologia is metodologia" ; rdfs:label " metodologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemD65793genuflettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65793genuflettere is genuflettere" ; rdfs:label " genuflettere_as_Move" . inds:USemD65794gorgheggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65794gorgheggiare is gorgheggiare" ; rdfs:label " gorgheggiare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65795grattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65795grattare is grattare" ; rdfs:label " grattare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65800azione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem62454somma ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65800azione is azione" ; rdfs:label " azione_as_Part" . inds:USemD65810siria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2231paese ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65810siria is siria" ; rdfs:label " siria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65812siracusa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2198sicilia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65812siracusa is siracusa" ; rdfs:label " siracusa_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65820infornare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65820infornare is infornare" ; rdfs:label " infornare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65824memorandum simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5602scritto ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65824memorandum is memorandum" ; rdfs:label " memorandum_as_Information" . inds:USemD65825scritto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65825scritto is scritto" ; rdfs:label " scritto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65827inspirare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65827inspirare is inspirare" ; rdfs:label " inspirare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65834secrezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65834secrezione is secrezione" ; rdfs:label " secrezione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD65835lamentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65835lamentare is lamentare" ; rdfs:label " lamentare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD65836sensazione simple:hasAgentiveExperience inds:USem59295provare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65836sensazione is sensazione" ; rdfs:label " sensazione_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USemD65841contea simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65841contea is contea" ; rdfs:label " contea_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD65843contraddire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65843contraddire is contraddire" ; rdfs:label " contraddire_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD65844contraffare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65844contraffare is contraffare" ; rdfs:label " contraffare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD65846delimitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65846delimitare is delimitare" ; rdfs:label " delimitare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD65848disincantare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem71541disincanto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65848disincantare is disincantare" ; rdfs:label " disincantare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD65853delega simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65853delega is delega" ; rdfs:label " delega_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD65854delirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65854delirare is delirare" ; rdfs:label " delirare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD65856emulare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65856emulare is emulare" ; rdfs:label " emulare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD65858depravare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem71605depravazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61546corrompere ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65858depravare is depravare" ; rdfs:label " depravare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD65860colmare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem71608colmo ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65860colmare is colmare" ; rdfs:label " colmare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD65862innescare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65862innescare is innescare" ; rdfs:label " innescare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65864dilazionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65864dilazionare is dilazionare" ; rdfs:label " dilazionare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65865dipendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65865dipendere is dipendere" ; rdfs:label " dipendere_as_Cause" . inds:USemD65868lavaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD3118pulire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65868lavaggio is lavaggio" ; rdfs:label " lavaggio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD65869ducato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65869ducato is ducato" ; rdfs:label " ducato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD65874emettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem79567produrre ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65874emettere is emettere" ; rdfs:label " emettere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65875destinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65875destinare is destinare" ; rdfs:label " destinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD65876esecutivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem59731eleggere ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65876esecutivo is esecutivo" ; rdfs:label " esecutivo_as_Institution" . inds:USemD65879favoreggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65879favoreggiare is favoreggiare" ; rdfs:label " favoreggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD65880federazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD63487stato ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65880federazione is federazione" ; rdfs:label " federazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD65881feudo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65881feudo is feudo" ; rdfs:label " feudo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD65882tritare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65882tritare is tritare" ; rdfs:label " tritare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD65883riempire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65883riempire is riempire" ; rdfs:label " riempire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD65889elevare simple:hasIsa inds:USem65299ergere ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65889elevare is elevare" ; rdfs:label " elevare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USemD65891giacimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65891giacimento is giacimento" ; rdfs:label " giacimento_as_Location" . inds:USemD65896firmare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61246scrivere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65896firmare is firmare" ; rdfs:label " firmare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD65898miniera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65898miniera is miniera" ; rdfs:label " miniera_as_Location" . inds:USemD65904propaganda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65904propaganda is propaganda" ; rdfs:label " propaganda_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD65911binario simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65911binario is binario" ; rdfs:label " binario_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemD65914commenda simple:hasIsa inds:USem60972titolo ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65914commenda is commenda" ; rdfs:label " commenda_as_Convention" . inds:USemD65916lepre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65916lepre is lepre" ; rdfs:label " lepre_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemD65917lucchese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65917lucchese is lucchese" ; rdfs:label " lucchese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65918livornese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65918livornese is livornese" ; rdfs:label " livornese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65919ligure simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65919ligure is ligure" ; rdfs:label " ligure_as_Language" . inds:USemD65920lilla1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem71925lilla1 ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65920lilla1 is lilla'" ; rdfs:label " lilla'_as_Flower" . inds:USemD65921libico simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65921libico is libico" ; rdfs:label " libico_as_Language" . inds:USemD65922lionese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65922lionese is lionese" ; rdfs:label " lionese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65923lussemburghese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65923lussemburghese is lussemburghese" ; rdfs:label " lussemburghese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65924somalia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2231paese ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1359africa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65924somalia is somalia" ; rdfs:label " somalia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65934civile simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem6233cittadino ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65934civile is civile" ; rdfs:label " civile_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD65939arrivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65939arrivismo is arrivismo" ; rdfs:label " arrivismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD65940autolesionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65940autolesionismo is autolesionismo" ; rdfs:label " autolesionismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemD65941lecce simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2193puglia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65941lecce is lecce" ; rdfs:label " lecce_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD65942leccese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65942leccese is leccese" ; rdfs:label " leccese_as_Language" . inds:USemD65944calvizie simple:hasAffects inds:USemD2083capello ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65944calvizie is calvizie" ; rdfs:label " calvizie_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD65945cannibalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65945cannibalismo is cannibalismo" ; rdfs:label " cannibalismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD65946esibizionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65956esibizionista ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65946esibizionismo is esibizionismo" ; rdfs:label " esibizionismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD65961incivilta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65961incivilta1 is incivilta'" ; rdfs:label " incivilta'_as_Act" . inds:USemD65964innocenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6851innocente ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65964innocenza is innocenza" ; rdfs:label " innocenza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD65966irresponsabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65965irresponsabile ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65966irresponsabilita1 is irresponsabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irresponsabilita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD65971detrarre simple:hasIsa inds:USem60794calunniare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65971detrarre is detrarre" ; rdfs:label " detrarre_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD65972malvagita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65973malvagio ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65972malvagita1 is malvagita'" ; rdfs:label " malvagita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD65976misantropia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66497misantropo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65976misantropia is misantropia" ; rdfs:label " misantropia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD65977mango simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem72049mango ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65977mango is mango" ; rdfs:label " mango_as_Fruit" . inds:USemD65978neonato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65978neonato is neonato" ; rdfs:label " neonato_as_Human" . inds:USemD65980pederastia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65980pederastia is pederastia" ; rdfs:label " pederastia_as_State" . inds:USemD65981colpevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62132colpevole ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65981colpevolezza is colpevolezza" ; rdfs:label " colpevolezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD65985scelleratezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65984scellerato ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65985scelleratezza is scelleratezza" ; rdfs:label " scelleratezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD65986settarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem79192settario ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65986settarismo is settarismo" ; rdfs:label " settarismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD65988sfrontatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62699sfrontato ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65988sfrontatezza is sfrontatezza" ; rdfs:label " sfrontatezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD65990sprovvedutezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD65989sprovveduto ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65990sprovvedutezza is sprovvedutezza" ; rdfs:label " sprovvedutezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD65997turno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD66491torneo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD65997turno is turno" ; rdfs:label " turno_as_Part" . inds:USemD659abitante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD659abitante is abitante" ; rdfs:label " abitante_as_People" . inds:USemD66001laurea simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66001laurea is laurea" ; rdfs:label " laurea_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD66002verza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem66012verza ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66002verza is verza" ; rdfs:label " verza_as_Plant" . inds:USemD66003listino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66003listino is listino" ; rdfs:label " listino_as_Information" . inds:USemD66005mormora simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66005mormora is mormora" ; rdfs:label " mormora_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemD66006piega simple:hasIsa inds:USem2714segno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem5289tessuto, inds:USemD453vestito ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66006piega is piega" ; rdfs:label " piega_as_Part" . inds:USemD66008malese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66008malese is malese" ; rdfs:label " malese_as_Language" . inds:USemD66013mammola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem72214mammola ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66013mammola is mammola" ; rdfs:label " mammola_as_Plant" . inds:USemD66014fotocomporre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66014fotocomporre is fotocomporre" ; rdfs:label " fotocomporre_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USemD66017minare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66017minare is minare" ; rdfs:label " minare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66019nebulizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66019nebulizzare is nebulizzare" ; rdfs:label " nebulizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66022operare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66022operare is operare" ; rdfs:label " operare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USemD66027infarinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66027infarinare is infarinare" ; rdfs:label " infarinare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66029telaio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2357sedia, inds:USem840veicolo, inds:USemD1184letto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66029telaio is telaio" ; rdfs:label " telaio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD6602roseo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2456rosa ; a simple:PhysicalProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6602roseo is roseo" ; rdfs:label " roseo_as_PhysicalProperty" . inds:USemD66030ingenuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD6849ingenuo ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66030ingenuita1 is ingenuita'" ; rdfs:label " ingenuita'_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD66031memoria simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem64904autobiografia ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66031memoria is memoria" ; rdfs:label " memoria_as_Information" . inds:USemD66033marchese simple:hasIsa inds:USem6872nobile ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem6873aristocrazia ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66033marchese is marchese" ; rdfs:label " marchese_as_Social_status" . inds:USemD66034margheritina simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem72395margheritina ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66034margheritina is margheritina" ; rdfs:label " margheritina_as_Plant" . inds:USemD66037maltese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66037maltese is maltese" ; rdfs:label " maltese_as_Language" . inds:USemD66038panama simple:hasIsa inds:USem2231paese ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66038panama is panama" ; rdfs:label " panama_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD66043paraguay simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66043paraguay is paraguay" ; rdfs:label " paraguay_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD66044invito simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66044invito is invito" ; rdfs:label " invito_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD66047islandese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66047islandese is islandese" ; rdfs:label " islandese_as_Language" . inds:USemD66053pascia1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem64063impero ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66053pascia1 is pascia'" ; rdfs:label " pascia'_as_Social_status" . inds:USemD66054passamano simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5705applicare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5090ornare ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66054passamano is passamano" ; rdfs:label " passamano_as_Clothing" . inds:USemD66055lappone simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66055lappone is lappone" ; rdfs:label " lappone_as_Language" . inds:USemD66059buttare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66059buttare is buttare" ; rdfs:label " buttare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66060capillare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem62645capillare ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66060capillare is capillare" ; rdfs:label " capillare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD66064serratura simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66064serratura is serratura" ; rdfs:label " serratura_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD66066chinotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4734agrume ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem72734chinotto ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66066chinotto is chinotto" ; rdfs:label " chinotto_as_Fruit" . inds:USemD66069pechino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2125cina ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66069pechino is pechino" ; rdfs:label " pechino_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD66070pechinese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66070pechinese is pechinese" ; rdfs:label " pechinese_as_Language" . inds:USemD66079degradare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66078degradato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66079degradare is degradare" ; rdfs:label " degradare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66081deliberare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66081deliberare is deliberare" ; rdfs:label " deliberare_as_Judgement" . inds:USemD66105sgrossare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60205migliorare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66105sgrossare is sgrossare" ; rdfs:label " sgrossare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66107tassare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66107tassare is tassare" ; rdfs:label " tassare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66109frustare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem2315frusta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66109frustare is frustare" ; rdfs:label " frustare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66110cresimare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66110cresimare is cresimare" ; rdfs:label " cresimare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66113sferruzzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66113sferruzzare is sferruzzare" ; rdfs:label " sferruzzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66123dializzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66123dializzare is dializzare" ; rdfs:label " dializzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66124accordare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66124accordare is accordare" ; rdfs:label " accordare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66129direttivo simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem60335direzione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66129direttivo is direttivo" ; rdfs:label " direttivo_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD66134autogestire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66134autogestire is autogestire" ; rdfs:label " autogestire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66136autodistruggere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3932provocare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66136autodistruggere is autodistruggere" ; rdfs:label " autodistruggere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66137abbordare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76048muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60039andare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66137abbordare is abbordare" ; rdfs:label " abbordare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USemD66142scotennare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66142scotennare is scotennare" ; rdfs:label " scotennare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66145dileggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60827deridere ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66145dileggiare is dileggiare" ; rdfs:label " dileggiare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD66147peonia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem73150peonia ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66147peonia is peonia" ; rdfs:label " peonia_as_Flower" . inds:USemD66148destabilizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66148destabilizzare is destabilizzare" ; rdfs:label " destabilizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66153denaturare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66152denaturato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66153denaturare is denaturare" ; rdfs:label " denaturare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66154demarcare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66154demarcare is demarcare" ; rdfs:label " demarcare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66156persia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2153iran ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66156persia is persia" ; rdfs:label " persia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD66157persiano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66157persiano is persiano" ; rdfs:label " persiano_as_Language" . inds:USemD66158Peru1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2089america ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66158Peru1 is peru'" ; rdfs:label " peru'_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD66162coniugare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66162coniugare is coniugare" ; rdfs:label " coniugare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66163conguagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66163conguagliare is conguagliare" ; rdfs:label " conguagliare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66164pestare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1749piede ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66164pestare is pestare" ; rdfs:label " pestare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66168voltare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76048muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66168voltare is voltare" ; rdfs:label " voltare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USemD66169congetturare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66169congetturare is congetturare" ; rdfs:label " congetturare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USemD66172confezionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem73234confezione ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66172confezionare is confezionare" ; rdfs:label " confezionare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66175conferire simple:hasIsa inds:USem67407parlare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66175conferire is conferire" ; rdfs:label " conferire_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD66178guastare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6640alterare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66178guastare is guastare" ; rdfs:label " guastare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66179bussare simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1799mano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66179bussare is bussare" ; rdfs:label " bussare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66180babilonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66180babilonia is babilonia" ; rdfs:label " babilonia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD66181bassista simple:hasIsa inds:USem68460musicista ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD4591suonare ; simple:hasUses inds:USem2912basso ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66181bassista is bassista" ; rdfs:label " bassista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemD66183basco simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66183basco is basco" ; rdfs:label " basco_as_Language" . inds:USemD66184belladonna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66184belladonna is belladonna" ; rdfs:label " belladonna_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD66186delucidare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3927spiegare ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66186delucidare is delucidare" ; rdfs:label " delucidare_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USemD66188barrire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1161elefante ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66188barrire is barrire" ; rdfs:label " barrire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66189benservito simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66189benservito is benservito" ; rdfs:label " benservito_as_Information" . inds:USemD66193bocciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3956muovere ; a simple:Cause_Motion, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66193bocciare is bocciare" ; rdfs:label " bocciare_as_Cause_Motion" . inds:USemD66195dilettare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5899diletto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66195dilettare is dilettare" ; rdfs:label " dilettare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66196bramire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem1131orso, inds:USem1154cervo ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66196bramire is bramire" ; rdfs:label " bramire_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66197revolver simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6237pistola ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66197revolver is revolver" ; rdfs:label " revolver_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD66198brillare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66198brillare is brillare" ; rdfs:label " brillare_as_State" . inds:USemD66202cannone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61027sparare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66202cannone is cannone" ; rdfs:label " cannone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD66205imboschire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66205imboschire is imboschire" ; rdfs:label " imboschire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66206imboschire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66206imboschire is imboschire" ; rdfs:label " imboschire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66207duumviro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7115magistrato ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59436magistratura ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66207duumviro is duumviro" ; rdfs:label " duumviro_as_Social_status" . inds:USemD66208carenare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60050spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Cause_Change_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66208carenare is carenare" ; rdfs:label " carenare_as_Cause_Change_Location" . inds:USemD66210carenatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo, inds:USemD7355velivolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66210carenatura is carenatura" ; rdfs:label " carenatura_as_Part" . inds:USemD66211pacchetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66211pacchetto is pacchetto" ; rdfs:label " pacchetto_as_Amount" . inds:USemD66212commemorare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66212commemorare is commemorare" ; rdfs:label " commemorare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66215collettivizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66215collettivizzare is collettivizzare" ; rdfs:label " collettivizzare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD66218celiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66218celiare is celiare" ; rdfs:label " celiare_as_Act" . inds:USemD66221sorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66221sorso is sorso" ; rdfs:label " sorso_as_Amount" . inds:USemD66222libretto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66222libretto is libretto" ; rdfs:label " libretto_as_Information" . inds:USemD66224placca simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71060informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66224placca is placca" ; rdfs:label " placca_as_Information" . inds:USemD66225colpa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66225colpa is colpa" ; rdfs:label " colpa_as_Act" . inds:USemD66227nostalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66227nostalgia is nostalgia" ; rdfs:label " nostalgia_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66230modulo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem71060informazione ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66230modulo is modulo" ; rdfs:label " modulo_as_Information" . inds:USemD66235circumnavigare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1455navigare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66235circumnavigare is circumnavigare" ; rdfs:label " circumnavigare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USemD66236climatizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66236climatizzare is climatizzare" ; rdfs:label " climatizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66237coabitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5057abitare ; a simple:Stative_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66237coabitare is coabitare" ; rdfs:label " coabitare_as_Stative_Location" . inds:USemD66238commiserare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem73552commiserazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66238commiserare is commiserare" ; rdfs:label " commiserare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66240complottare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66240complottare is complottare" ; rdfs:label " complottare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USemD66241concertare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66241concertare is concertare" ; rdfs:label " concertare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66242concertare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66242concertare is concertare" ; rdfs:label " concertare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66246conflagrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66246conflagrare is conflagrare" ; rdfs:label " conflagrare_as_Event" . inds:USemD66248abbeverare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66248abbeverare is abbeverare" ; rdfs:label " abbeverare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USemD66250abolizionismo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem73622abolizionista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66250abolizionismo is abolizionismo" ; rdfs:label " abolizionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD66252costernare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem73657costernazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60693affliggere ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66252costernare is costernare" ; rdfs:label " costernare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66257montano simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2226montagna ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66257montano is montano" ; rdfs:label " montano_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD66258turismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5408attivita1 ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66258turismo is turismo" ; rdfs:label " turismo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66260coscrivere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6885arruolare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66260coscrivere is coscrivere" ; rdfs:label " coscrivere_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD66261cubare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59347calcolare ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66261cubare is cubare" ; rdfs:label " cubare_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USemD66262decongestionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66262decongestionare is decongestionare" ; rdfs:label " decongestionare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66264decentralizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66265decentralizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66264decentralizzare is decentralizzare" ; rdfs:label " decentralizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66266decimare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66266decimare is decimare" ; rdfs:label " decimare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USemD66267decolonizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66267decolonizzare is decolonizzare" ; rdfs:label " decolonizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66269decurtare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3982diminuire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem73708decurtazione ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66269decurtare is decurtare" ; rdfs:label " decurtare_as_Cause_Change_of_Value" . inds:USemD66271defezionare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66271defezionare is defezionare" ; rdfs:label " defezionare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66272deflagrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66272deflagrare is deflagrare" ; rdfs:label " deflagrare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66275degnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7043stimare ; a simple:Judgement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66275degnare is degnare" ; rdfs:label " degnare_as_Judgement" . inds:USemD66276deificare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60770lodare ; a simple:Expressive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66276deificare is deificare" ; rdfs:label " deificare_as_Expressive_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD66283bere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66283bere is bere" ; rdfs:label " bere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66284gene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66284gene is gene" ; rdfs:label " gene_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USemD66290addebitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66290addebitare is addebitare" ; rdfs:label " addebitare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66292adulterare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66292adulterare is adulterare" ; rdfs:label " adulterare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66294nasello simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66294nasello is nasello" ; rdfs:label " nasello_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemD66296nebbiolo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USemD2250uva ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66296nebbiolo is nebbiolo" ; rdfs:label " nebbiolo_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemD66298nerbo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1384incitare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66298nerbo is nerbo" ; rdfs:label " nerbo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD66299nobilitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60203migliorare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66299nobilitare is nobilitare" ; rdfs:label " nobilitare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66301norvegese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66301norvegese is norvegese" ; rdfs:label " norvegese_as_Language" . inds:USemD66303novelliere simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4046libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66303novelliere is novelliere" ; rdfs:label " novelliere_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD66305deambulare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66305deambulare is deambulare" ; rdfs:label " deambulare_as_Move" . inds:USemD66309assenzio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66309assenzio is assenzio" ; rdfs:label " assenzio_as_Plant" . inds:USemD66317saltellare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66317saltellare is saltellare" ; rdfs:label " saltellare_as_Move" . inds:USemD66320melograno simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD2402foglia, inds:USemD2411tronco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2089albero ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem73929melagrana ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66320melograno is melograno" ; rdfs:label " melograno_as_Plant" . inds:USemD66321mercificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66321mercificare is mercificare" ; rdfs:label " mercificare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD66322mescere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61445versare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66322mescere is mescere" ; rdfs:label " mescere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66323muflone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD5353lavorazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66323muflone is muflone" ; rdfs:label " muflone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemD66330ocra simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66330ocra is ocra" ; rdfs:label " ocra_as_Color" . inds:USemD66331officiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66331officiare is officiare" ; rdfs:label " officiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66332officio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66332officio is officio" ; rdfs:label " officio_as_Building" . inds:USemD66333olandese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1043italiano ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66333olandese is olandese" ; rdfs:label " olandese_as_Language" . inds:USemD66334ontano simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66334ontano is ontano" ; rdfs:label " ontano_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD66336orcio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66336orcio is orcio" ; rdfs:label " orcio_as_Amount" . inds:USemD66337origano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3531aromatizzare ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66337origano is origano" ; rdfs:label " origano_as_Flavouring" . inds:USemD66340pace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66340pace is pace" ; rdfs:label " pace_as_State" . inds:USemD66341pallone simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62490palla ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3694giocare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66341pallone is pallone" ; rdfs:label " pallone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD66342recludere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61240imprigionare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66342recludere is recludere" ; rdfs:label " recludere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66343bambu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem68406materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66343bambu1 is bambu'" ; rdfs:label " bambu'_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD66344avellinese simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66344avellinese is avellinese" ; rdfs:label " avellinese_as_Language" . inds:USemD66345avellino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemD1304campania ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66345avellino is avellino" ; rdfs:label " avellino_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD66346barese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD955popolazione ; simple:hasLivesin inds:USem77779bari ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66346barese is barese" ; rdfs:label " barese_as_People" . inds:USemD66348pelo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1904pelo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66348pelo is pelo" ; rdfs:label " pelo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD66349aristotele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66349aristotele is aristotele" ; rdfs:label " aristotele_as_Human" . inds:USemD66351freud simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66351freud is freud" ; rdfs:label " freud_as_Human" . inds:USemD66360alsazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4146regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2239francia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66360alsazia is alsazia" ; rdfs:label " alsazia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD66366bollino simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6172documento ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66366bollino is bollino" ; rdfs:label " bollino_as_Information" . inds:USemD66372disturbare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66372disturbare is disturbare" ; rdfs:label " disturbare_as_Cause" . inds:USemD66373linguaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66373linguaggio is linguaggio" ; rdfs:label " linguaggio_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD66374segala simple:hasIsa inds:USem5721seme ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1580orzo, inds:USem74240segala ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66374segala is segala" ; rdfs:label " segala_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD66375presidiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66375presidiare is presidiare" ; rdfs:label " presidiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66376catatonico simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem74263catatonia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66376catatonico is catatonico" ; rdfs:label " catatonico_as_Human" . inds:USemD66393riposare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66393riposare is riposare" ; rdfs:label " riposare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66398parrocchia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem069545parrocchiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66398parrocchia is parrocchia" ; rdfs:label " parrocchia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD66399passaporto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6172documento ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66399passaporto is passaporto" ; rdfs:label " passaporto_as_Convention" . inds:USemD66400patente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6172documento ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66400patente is patente" ; rdfs:label " patente_as_Convention" . inds:USemD66401beneventano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4354dialetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66401beneventano is beneventano" ; rdfs:label " beneventano_as_Language" . inds:USemD66403rullare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66403rullare is rullare" ; rdfs:label " rullare_as_Move" . inds:USemD66405abbuffare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66405abbuffare is abbuffare" ; rdfs:label " abbuffare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66408affogare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4829uccidere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6202morto ; a simple:Cause_Natural_Transition, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66408affogare is affogare" ; rdfs:label " affogare_as_Cause_Natural_Transition" . inds:USemD66411amnistiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66411amnistiare is amnistiare" ; rdfs:label " amnistiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66416apografo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66416apografo is apografo" ; rdfs:label " apografo_as_Information" . inds:USemD66418arricchire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66418arricchire is arricchire" ; rdfs:label " arricchire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66420bilinguismo simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD66373linguaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66420bilinguismo is bilinguismo" ; rdfs:label " bilinguismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD66421pescatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66421pescatore is pescatore" ; rdfs:label " pescatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemD66423broccoletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem74479broccoletto ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66423broccoletto is broccoletto" ; rdfs:label " broccoletto_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemD66424scherzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66424scherzo is scherzo" ; rdfs:label " scherzo_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD66425gabinetto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4972collaboratore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59468ufficio ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66425gabinetto is gabinetto" ; rdfs:label " gabinetto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD66426ciclostilare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6788riprodurre ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66426ciclostilare is ciclostilare" ; rdfs:label " ciclostilare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USemD66428ciclostilato simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66428ciclostilato is ciclostilato" ; rdfs:label " ciclostilato_as_Information" . inds:USemD66438dribblare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66438dribblare is dribblare" ; rdfs:label " dribblare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66443energia simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD1017misurare ; a simple:Unit_of_measurement, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66443energia is energia" ; rdfs:label " energia_as_Unit_of_measurement" . inds:USemD66444este simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USemTH27741veneto ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66444este is este" ; rdfs:label " este_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD66450nastro simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66450nastro is nastro" ; rdfs:label " nastro_as_Artifact" . inds:USemD66452disorientare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66452disorientare is disorientare" ; rdfs:label " disorientare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD66454scintillare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66198brillare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66454scintillare is scintillare" ; rdfs:label " scintillare_as_State" . inds:USemD66455scompigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66455scompigliare is scompigliare" ; rdfs:label " scompigliare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66463condensazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63754condensato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66463condensazione is condensazione" ; rdfs:label " condensazione_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66466ibernare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66466ibernare is ibernare" ; rdfs:label " ibernare_as_State" . inds:USemD66468levitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66468levitare is levitare" ; rdfs:label " levitare_as_Event" . inds:USemD66470crepitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem3876rumore ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66470crepitare is crepitare" ; rdfs:label " crepitare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66471gorgogliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66471gorgogliare is gorgogliare" ; rdfs:label " gorgogliare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66472mormorare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75463spettegolare ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66472mormorare is mormorare" ; rdfs:label " mormorare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD66473stridere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76825produrre ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem79483stridio ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66473stridere is stridere" ; rdfs:label " stridere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66474dedicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66474dedicare is dedicare" ; rdfs:label " dedicare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66476interloquire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66476interloquire is interloquire" ; rdfs:label " interloquire_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD66477saziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem74292sazio ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66477saziare is saziare" ; rdfs:label " saziare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66478sbandare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66479allontanare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66478sbandare is sbandare" ; rdfs:label " sbandare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66479allontanare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66479allontanare is allontanare" ; rdfs:label " allontanare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USemD66480scherzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66480scherzare is scherzare" ; rdfs:label " scherzare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD66483scompigliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66483scompigliare is scompigliare" ; rdfs:label " scompigliare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66485incavare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66485incavare is incavare" ; rdfs:label " incavare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66486incavare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66486incavare is incavare" ; rdfs:label " incavare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66487indolenzire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66487indolenzire is indolenzire" ; rdfs:label " indolenzire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66489intorpidire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66489intorpidire is intorpidire" ; rdfs:label " intorpidire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66490tranquillizzare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem78907tranquillita1 ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66490tranquillizzare is tranquillizzare" ; rdfs:label " tranquillizzare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66491torneo simple:hasIsa inds:USem60474gara ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66491torneo is torneo" ; rdfs:label " torneo_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66492insicurezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66492insicurezza is insicurezza" ; rdfs:label " insicurezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD66498nastro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66498nastro is nastro" ; rdfs:label " nastro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD66499nobilitare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66499nobilitare is nobilitare" ; rdfs:label " nobilitare_as_Change" . inds:USemD66500pescatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD1016pescare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66500pescatore is pescatore" ; rdfs:label " pescatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemD66503elencare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66503elencare is elencare" ; rdfs:label " elencare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66505costernare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem73657costernazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60694affliggere ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66505costernare is costernare" ; rdfs:label " costernare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66506radunare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5533riunire ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66506radunare is radunare" ; rdfs:label " radunare_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USemD66508guarire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66508guarire is guarire" ; rdfs:label " guarire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66510accorare simple:hasFeeling inds:USemTH2062accoramento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66510accorare is accorare" ; rdfs:label " accorare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66511acuire simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62080acuto ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66511acuire is acuire" ; rdfs:label " acuire_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USemD66512romania simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66512romania is romania" ; rdfs:label " romania_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD66513rumeno simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66513rumeno is rumeno" ; rdfs:label " rumeno_as_Language" . inds:USemD66515sfaldare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6926disgregare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66515sfaldare is sfaldare" ; rdfs:label " sfaldare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD66516sfasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3935rompere ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66516sfasciare is sfasciare" ; rdfs:label " sfasciare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66517sfasciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66517sfasciare is sfasciare" ; rdfs:label " sfasciare_as_Change" . inds:USemD66520sbagliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66520sbagliare is sbagliare" ; rdfs:label " sbagliare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66521sgroppare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66521sgroppare is sgroppare" ; rdfs:label " sgroppare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66522acutizzare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62080acuto ; a simple:Change_of_Value, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66522acutizzare is acutizzare" ; rdfs:label " acutizzare_as_Change_of_Value" . inds:USemD66526sgommare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66526sgommare is sgommare" ; rdfs:label " sgommare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66530universitario simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD7215universita1 ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66530universitario is universitario" ; rdfs:label " universitario_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD66532smidollare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4022indebolire ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66532smidollare is smidollare" ; rdfs:label " smidollare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66536spelacchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66536spelacchiare is spelacchiare" ; rdfs:label " spelacchiare_as_Change" . inds:USemD66540affiatare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66540affiatare is affiatare" ; rdfs:label " affiatare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66546spiaccicare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7132schiacciare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66546spiaccicare is spiaccicare" ; rdfs:label " spiaccicare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66548spezzettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem75544spezzare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66548spezzettare is spezzettare" ; rdfs:label " spezzettare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD66549affossare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66549affossare is affossare" ; rdfs:label " affossare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66551spezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem68157fratturare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66551spezzare is spezzare" ; rdfs:label " spezzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66552spezzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66552spezzare is spezzare" ; rdfs:label " spezzare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66554specimen simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD65483fascicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66554specimen is specimen" ; rdfs:label " specimen_as_Information" . inds:USemD66556marsiglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2239francia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66556marsiglia is marsiglia" ; rdfs:label " marsiglia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD66557agenzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66557agenzia is agenzia" ; rdfs:label " agenzia_as_Building" . inds:USemD66560aggiornamento simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4047libro ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66560aggiornamento is aggiornamento" ; rdfs:label " aggiornamento_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD66561procedimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66561procedimento is procedimento" ; rdfs:label " procedimento_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66562spettinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66562spettinare is spettinare" ; rdfs:label " spettinare_as_Change" . inds:USemD66563specifica simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61317elenco ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD63588consultare ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD5627compilare ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66563specifica is specifica" ; rdfs:label " specifica_as_Information" . inds:USemD66566spersonalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66566spersonalizzare is spersonalizzare" ; rdfs:label " spersonalizzare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66567spersonalizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66567spersonalizzare is spersonalizzare" ; rdfs:label " spersonalizzare_as_Change" . inds:USemD66569alleggerire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66569alleggerire is alleggerire" ; rdfs:label " alleggerire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66570allibrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66570allibrare is allibrare" ; rdfs:label " allibrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD66571allocare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66571allocare is allocare" ; rdfs:label " allocare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD66573tantra simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67718volume ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6475informare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66573tantra is tantra" ; rdfs:label " tantra_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD66574tambureggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4591suonare ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66574tambureggiare is tambureggiare" ; rdfs:label " tambureggiare_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USemD66576tagliando simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68257cedola ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66576tagliando is tagliando" ; rdfs:label " tagliando_as_Information" . inds:USemD66577tabulato simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67793prospetto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66577tabulato is tabulato" ; rdfs:label " tabulato_as_Information" . inds:USemD66578tabella simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6379testo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66578tabella is tabella" ; rdfs:label " tabella_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD66580basico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3700base ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66580basico is basico" ; rdfs:label " basico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD66585ammansire simple:hasIsa inds:USem6519reagire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66585ammansire is ammansire" ; rdfs:label " ammansire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66588ammodernare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66588ammodernare is ammodernare" ; rdfs:label " ammodernare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6658sganciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6658sganciare is sganciare" ; rdfs:label " sganciare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD66590smonacare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66590smonacare is smonacare" ; rdfs:label " smonacare_as_Change" . inds:USemD66591sfibrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4022indebolire ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66591sfibrare is sfibrare" ; rdfs:label " sfibrare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66596sfiammare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66596sfiammare is sfiammare" ; rdfs:label " sfiammare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66607civico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem6233cittadino ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66607civico is civico" ; rdfs:label " civico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD66624contaminare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6425corrompere ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66624contaminare is contaminare" ; rdfs:label " contaminare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66642penale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem61657pena ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66642penale is penale" ; rdfs:label " penale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD66650polinesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem6842isola ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2094asia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66650polinesia is polinesia" ; rdfs:label " polinesia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD66652satanico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem63872satana ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66652satanico is satanico" ; rdfs:label " satanico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD66656direzionale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem60335direzione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66656direzionale is direzionale" ; rdfs:label " direzionale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD66660praga simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66660praga is praga" ; rdfs:label " praga_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD66675atteggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1948attributo ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66675atteggiamento is atteggiamento" ; rdfs:label " atteggiamento_as_Property" . inds:USemD66681stampato simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66681stampato is stampato" ; rdfs:label " stampato_as_Information" . inds:USemD66691familiare simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD5487famiglia ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66691familiare is familiare" ; rdfs:label " familiare_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD66694ammollare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66694ammollare is ammollare" ; rdfs:label " ammollare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66718appiattire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66718appiattire is appiattire" ; rdfs:label " appiattire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66743impeto simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66743impeto is impeto" ; rdfs:label " impeto_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66745ardere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5429bruciare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66745ardere is ardere" ; rdfs:label " ardere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66757personale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem996persona ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66757personale is personale" ; rdfs:label " personale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD66774funzionale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD76663funzione ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66774funzionale is funzionale" ; rdfs:label " funzionale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD66791risollevare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66791risollevare is risollevare" ; rdfs:label " risollevare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD66795asso simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem76425asso ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66795asso is asso" ; rdfs:label " asso_as_Convention" . inds:USemD66804bagnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6916bagnato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66804bagnare is bagnare" ; rdfs:label " bagnare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD66806ortodossia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2584religione ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66806ortodossia is ortodossia" ; rdfs:label " ortodossia_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD66814imbarcare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD66814imbarcare is imbarcare" ; rdfs:label " imbarcare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6692statico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemTH25137statica ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6692statico is statico" ; rdfs:label " statico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD669conciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD669conciare is conciare" ; rdfs:label " conciare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD671pelle simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD669conciare ; simple:hasDerivedfrom inds:USem873animale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem7099confezionare ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD671pelle is pelle" ; rdfs:label " pelle_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemD6729obbligo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Cause_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6729obbligo is obbligo" ; rdfs:label " obbligo_as_Cause_Act" . inds:USemD6839iniziale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem60068inizio ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6839iniziale is iniziale" ; rdfs:label " iniziale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD6869raffinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62147raffinato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6869raffinare is raffinare" ; rdfs:label " raffinare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6870raffinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60203migliorare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5978raffinato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6870raffinare is raffinare" ; rdfs:label " raffinare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6883amalgamare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6883amalgamare is amalgamare" ; rdfs:label " amalgamare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD6884deprimere simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem69149depressione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6884deprimere is deprimere" ; rdfs:label " deprimere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD6885deprimere simple:hasFeeling inds:USem69149depressione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6885deprimere is deprimere" ; rdfs:label " deprimere_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD6899incollare simple:hasInstrument inds:USemD65721colla ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6899incollare is incollare" ; rdfs:label " incollare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD6900annoiare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem6145noia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6900annoiare is annoiare" ; rdfs:label " annoiare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD6906atterrire simple:hasIsa inds:USem6613spaventare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6906atterrire is atterrire" ; rdfs:label " atterrire_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD6908unire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6908unire is unire" ; rdfs:label " unire_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USemD6933infuriare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5893collera ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6933infuriare is infuriare" ; rdfs:label " infuriare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD6937stupefare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6558stupire ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6937stupefare is stupefare" ; rdfs:label " stupefare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD693carrucola simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62415disco, inds:USemD3739fune ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem832macchina ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6860sollevare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD693carrucola is carrucola" ; rdfs:label " carrucola_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD6948polo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6948polo is polo" ; rdfs:label " polo_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USemD6960erudire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3923insegnare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6960erudire is erudire" ; rdfs:label " erudire_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USemD6970macchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6974sporcare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6971macchiato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6970macchiare is macchiare" ; rdfs:label " macchiare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD6977giornale simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6977giornale is giornale" ; rdfs:label " giornale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD6978quotidiano simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62300giornale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6978quotidiano is quotidiano" ; rdfs:label " quotidiano_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD6979rivista simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62300giornale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6979rivista is rivista" ; rdfs:label " rivista_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD6980borghesia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem62305borghese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6162classe ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6980borghesia is borghesia" ; rdfs:label " borghesia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD6983velare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1038nascondere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD6983velare is velare" ; rdfs:label " velare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7001gazzetta simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6977giornale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7001gazzetta is gazzetta" ; rdfs:label " gazzetta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD7007affaticare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62348affaticato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7007affaticare is affaticare" ; rdfs:label " affaticare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7008esaurire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60312consumare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7008esaurire is esaurire" ; rdfs:label " esaurire_as_Change" . inds:USemD7028accademia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem3926insegnamento ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7028accademia is accademia" ; rdfs:label " accademia_as_Institution" . inds:USemD7029accademia simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4166aula ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7029accademia is accademia" ; rdfs:label " accademia_as_Building" . inds:USemD702riprendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD702riprendere is riprendere" ; rdfs:label " riprendere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7030amministrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD961amministrare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7030amministrazione is amministrazione" ; rdfs:label " amministrazione_as_Building" . inds:USemD7033lettera simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7033lettera is lettera" ; rdfs:label " lettera_as_Information" . inds:USemD7034pagina simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7034pagina is pagina" ; rdfs:label " pagina_as_Information" . inds:USemD7035trascrizione simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6789trascrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7035trascrizione is trascrizione" ; rdfs:label " trascrizione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD7036opera simple:hasIsa inds:USem69136creazione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7036opera is opera" ; rdfs:label " opera_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD7037tifare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7037tifare is tifare" ; rdfs:label " tifare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7038articolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5333stato ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7038articolare is articolare" ; rdfs:label " articolare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USemD7039disgrazia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7039disgrazia is disgrazia" ; rdfs:label " disgrazia_as_Event" . inds:USemD7040pronunciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7040pronunciare is pronunciare" ; rdfs:label " pronunciare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD7041volante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2876autoveicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7041volante is volante" ; rdfs:label " volante_as_Part" . inds:USemD7042articolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7042articolare is articolare" ; rdfs:label " articolare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USemD7043stimare simple:hasFeeling inds:USemD76862stima ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7043stimare is stimare" ; rdfs:label " stimare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD7044incisione simple:hasIsa inds:USem7109taglio ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7044incisione is incisione" ; rdfs:label " incisione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7045temperatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Physical_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7045temperatura is temperatura" ; rdfs:label " temperatura_as_Physical_property" . inds:USemD7050dovere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5654principio ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7050dovere is dovere" ; rdfs:label " dovere_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USemD7051classe simple:hasIsa inds:USem4166aula ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2218scuola ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7051classe is classe" ; rdfs:label " classe_as_Part" . inds:USemD7052circolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7052circolo is circolo" ; rdfs:label " circolo_as_Building" . inds:USemD7053prodotto simple:hasAgentive inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Agentive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7053prodotto is prodotto" ; rdfs:label " prodotto_as_Agentive" . inds:USemD7054coagulare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7054coagulare is coagulare" ; rdfs:label " coagulare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7056tormentare simple:hasHasaseffect inds:USem62438tormento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7056tormentare is tormentare" ; rdfs:label " tormentare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD7063salvare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7063salvare is salvare" ; rdfs:label " salvare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD7064borsa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4886accessorio ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3007plastica, inds:USem5435tela, inds:USemD671pelle ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7064borsa is borsa" ; rdfs:label " borsa_as_Container" . inds:USemD7065borsa simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59118contrattare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7065borsa is borsa" ; rdfs:label " borsa_as_Building" . inds:USemD7067sacca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7064borsa ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem5435tela ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7067sacca is sacca" ; rdfs:label " sacca_as_Container" . inds:USemD7069proiettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5122lanciare ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7069proiettare is proiettare" ; rdfs:label " proiettare_as_Move" . inds:USemD7071regnare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7071regnare is regnare" ; rdfs:label " regnare_as_State" . inds:USemD7072schiuma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7072schiuma is schiuma" ; rdfs:label " schiuma_as_Substance" . inds:USemD7073giornale simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem3351giornalista, inds:USem4918redattore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7073giornale is giornale" ; rdfs:label " giornale_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7074banca simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem6214bancario ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7074banca is banca" ; rdfs:label " banca_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7075poltrona simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62545bracciolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem5304sedile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1489arredare, inds:USemD1498sedere ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7075poltrona is poltrona" ; rdfs:label " poltrona_as_Furniture" . inds:USemD7076copertina simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7076copertina is copertina" ; rdfs:label " copertina_as_Information" . inds:USemD7077cuscino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7077cuscino is cuscino" ; rdfs:label " cuscino_as_Furniture" . inds:USemD7078giubbotto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem7099confezionare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4858giubba ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD1097indossare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5498coprire ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7078giubbotto is giubbotto" ; rdfs:label " giubbotto_as_Clothing" . inds:USemD7079disegno simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6588disegnare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7079disegno is disegno" ; rdfs:label " disegno_as_Artwork" . inds:USemD7080festeggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7080festeggiare is festeggiare" ; rdfs:label " festeggiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD7082redazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1550ufficio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7082redazione is redazione" ; rdfs:label " redazione_as_Building" . inds:USemD7083reparto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2223ditta, inds:USem60931ospedale ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7083reparto is reparto" ; rdfs:label " reparto_as_Part" . inds:USemD7084redazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4918redattore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7084redazione is redazione" ; rdfs:label " redazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7087banda simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1975musicista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7087banda is banda" ; rdfs:label " banda_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7088capitone simple:hasIsa inds:USem933pesce ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7088capitone is capitone" ; rdfs:label " capitone_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemD7089frate simple:hasIsa inds:USem62262religioso ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem62796ordine ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7089frate is frate" ; rdfs:label " frate_as_Social_status" . inds:USemD7090cappone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7090cappone is cappone" ; rdfs:label " cappone_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemD7091carrozza simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD5056ruota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD481guidare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7091carrozza is carrozza" ; rdfs:label " carrozza_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemD7092catinella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7092catinella is catinella" ; rdfs:label " catinella_as_Amount" . inds:USemD7093sventura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3950avvenimento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7093sventura is sventura" ; rdfs:label " sventura_as_Event" . inds:USemD7095collina simple:hasIsa inds:USem4172rilievo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7095collina is collina" ; rdfs:label " collina_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemD7096ipotizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59291supporre ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7096ipotizzare is ipotizzare" ; rdfs:label " ipotizzare_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USemD7097legare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6908unire ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7097legare is legare" ; rdfs:label " legare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD7098cranio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3984scheletro ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7098cranio is cranio" ; rdfs:label " cranio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD7099palpebra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1806occhio ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7099palpebra is palpebra" ; rdfs:label " palpebra_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD7101sofistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem62754indirizzo ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7101sofistica is sofistica" ; rdfs:label " sofistica_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD7102voce simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7102voce is voce" ; rdfs:label " voce_as_Stimulus" . inds:USemD7103specchio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7103specchio is specchio" ; rdfs:label " specchio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD7104cisterna simple:hasContains inds:USem1388liquido ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem62778serbatoio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD883contenere ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7104cisterna is cisterna" ; rdfs:label " cisterna_as_Container" . inds:USemD7105cisterna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7105cisterna is cisterna" ; rdfs:label " cisterna_as_Amount" . inds:USemD7106sportello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem840veicolo, inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7106sportello is sportello" ; rdfs:label " sportello_as_Part" . inds:USemD7107sportello simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7107sportello is sportello" ; rdfs:label " sportello_as_Opening" . inds:USemD7108munizione simple:hasConcerns inds:USem5536arma ; simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem62491proiettile ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7108munizione is munizione" ; rdfs:label " munizione_as_Group" . inds:USemD7109candela simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3039cera ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3301illuminare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7109candela is candela" ; rdfs:label " candela_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD7112consultorio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem2052locale ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7112consultorio is consultorio" ; rdfs:label " consultorio_as_Building" . inds:USemD7113commissariato simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7113commissariato is commissariato" ; rdfs:label " commissariato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7114manifesto simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7114manifesto is manifesto" ; rdfs:label " manifesto_as_Information" . inds:USemD7115magistrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD63966funzionario ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USem59436magistratura ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7115magistrato is magistrato" ; rdfs:label " magistrato_as_Profession" . inds:USemD7116galleria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem61149esporre ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7116galleria is galleria" ; rdfs:label " galleria_as_Building" . inds:USemD7117tunnel simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7118galleria ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7117tunnel is tunnel" ; rdfs:label " tunnel_as_Opening" . inds:USemD7118galleria simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem59130scavare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7118galleria is galleria" ; rdfs:label " galleria_as_Opening" . inds:USemD7119traforo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7118galleria ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7119traforo is traforo" ; rdfs:label " traforo_as_Opening" . inds:USemD7123congelare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6654raffreddare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7123congelare is congelare" ; rdfs:label " congelare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7124rallentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7124rallentare is rallentare" ; rdfs:label " rallentare_as_Change" . inds:USemD7125operazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7125operazione is operazione" ; rdfs:label " operazione_as_Act" . inds:USemD7126setacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7126setacciare is setacciare" ; rdfs:label " setacciare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7129calmare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7129calmare is calmare" ; rdfs:label " calmare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7130civilizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7130civilizzare is civilizzare" ; rdfs:label " civilizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7131costituzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5369fare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7131costituzione is costituzione" ; rdfs:label " costituzione_as_Creation" . inds:USemD7132schiacciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7132schiacciare is schiacciare" ; rdfs:label " schiacciare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7133armonizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7133armonizzare is armonizzare" ; rdfs:label " armonizzare_as_Relational_State" . inds:USemD7134depurare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60205migliorare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7134depurare is depurare" ; rdfs:label " depurare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7136anticoncezionale simple:hasTelic inds:USemD5466prevenire ; simple:hasUsedagainst inds:USem60115concepimento ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7136anticoncezionale is anticoncezionale" ; rdfs:label " anticoncezionale_as_Telic" . inds:USemD7143padella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USemD1732cibo ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7143padella is padella" ; rdfs:label " padella_as_Amount" . inds:USemD7147grugno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1155cinghiale, inds:USem1933maiale ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7147grugno is grugno" ; rdfs:label " grugno_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD7152attirare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61544affascinare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7152attirare is attirare" ; rdfs:label " attirare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD7157pollo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USemD539becco, inds:USemD573coda, inds:USemD860piumaggio, inds:USemD945cresta ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem921uccello ; simple:hasKinship inds:USem994gallo ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7157pollo is pollo" ; rdfs:label " pollo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemD7164beccaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD599carne ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7164beccaccia is beccaccia" ; rdfs:label " beccaccia_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemD7165coniglietta simple:hasIsa inds:USem1123mammifero ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7165coniglietta is coniglietta" ; rdfs:label " coniglietta_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemD7168incrocio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7168incrocio is incrocio" ; rdfs:label " incrocio_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD7169arrangiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6796creazione ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7169arrangiamento is arrangiamento" ; rdfs:label " arrangiamento_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD7172balbuzie simple:hasAffects inds:USemD66373linguaggio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7172balbuzie is balbuzie" ; rdfs:label " balbuzie_as_Disease" . inds:USemD7174epifania simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3481giorno ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem1745anno ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7174epifania is epifania" ; rdfs:label " epifania_as_Time" . inds:USemD7175arroventare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59183riscaldare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7175arroventare is arroventare" ; rdfs:label " arroventare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7178arrugginire simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7177arrugginito ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7178arrugginire is arrugginire" ; rdfs:label " arrugginire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7192cariare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60279danneggiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7193cariato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7192cariare is cariare" ; rdfs:label " cariare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7196cicatrizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7197cicatrizzato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7196cicatrizzare is cicatrizzare" ; rdfs:label " cicatrizzare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7198clone simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1958cellula ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7198clone is clone" ; rdfs:label " clone_as_Group" . inds:USemD7201libertino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USemTH12257libertinismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7201libertino is libertino" ; rdfs:label " libertino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemD7203servitu1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7203servitu1 is servitu'" ; rdfs:label " servitu'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7206mania simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7206mania is mania" ; rdfs:label " mania_as_Disease" . inds:USemD7212matto simple:hasHasasproperty inds:USem3835pazzia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7212matto is matto" ; rdfs:label " matto_as_Human" . inds:USemD7214traduzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7214traduzione is traduzione" ; rdfs:label " traduzione_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USemD7215universita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7215universita1 is universita'" ; rdfs:label " universita'_as_Institution" . inds:USemD7217menomazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3960cambiamento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7216menomato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7217menomazione is menomazione" ; rdfs:label " menomazione_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7218cinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6396comportamento ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USemD66231cinico ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7218cinismo is cinismo" ; rdfs:label " cinismo_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD7230falsificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7230falsificare is falsificare" ; rdfs:label " falsificare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD7231ricettare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7135prendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem4817avere ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7231ricettare is ricettare" ; rdfs:label " ricettare_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USemD7232ammaliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61544affascinare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7232ammaliare is ammaliare" ; rdfs:label " ammaliare_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD7235fascino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7235fascino is fascino" ; rdfs:label " fascino_as_Property" . inds:USemD7236coro simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7236coro is coro" ; rdfs:label " coro_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7237partito simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4934segretario, inds:USem5009politico ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5271associazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7237partito is partito" ; rdfs:label " partito_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7238politica simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7238politica is politica" ; rdfs:label " politica_as_Domain" . inds:USemD7239obiettare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5576dire ; a simple:Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7239obiettare is obiettare" ; rdfs:label " obiettare_as_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD7241soprano simple:hasCausedby inds:USemD5336vibrazione ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem3592donna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7102voce ; a simple:Stimulus, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7241soprano is soprano" ; rdfs:label " soprano_as_Stimulus" . inds:USemD7242strategia simple:hasIsa inds:USem59109ideare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem61490progetto ; a simple:Mental_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7242strategia is strategia" ; rdfs:label " strategia_as_Mental_Creation" . inds:USemD7243improvvisare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7243improvvisare is improvvisare" ; rdfs:label " improvvisare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7244tuffare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76306muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7244tuffare is tuffare" ; rdfs:label " tuffare_as_Move" . inds:USemD7248scassinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7248scassinare is scassinare" ; rdfs:label " scassinare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7249legione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7249legione is legione" ; rdfs:label " legione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7251colonia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7251colonia is colonia" ; rdfs:label " colonia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD7252lusingare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7252lusingare is lusingare" ; rdfs:label " lusingare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USemD7253succedere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7253succedere is succedere" ; rdfs:label " succedere_as_Event" . inds:USemD7254dittatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem64115governare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7254dittatura is dittatura" ; rdfs:label " dittatura_as_Institution" . inds:USemD7259finanziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7259finanziare is finanziare" ; rdfs:label " finanziare_as_Transaction" . inds:USemD7261immigrare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7261immigrare is immigrare" ; rdfs:label " immigrare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USemD7262collegio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7262collegio is collegio" ; rdfs:label " collegio_as_Institution" . inds:USemD7263ubriacare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7314ubriaco ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7263ubriacare is ubriacare" ; rdfs:label " ubriacare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7265crociata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7265crociata is crociata" ; rdfs:label " crociata_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD7266ecologismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2577tendenza ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7266ecologismo is ecologismo" ; rdfs:label " ecologismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD7267imboscare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7267imboscare is imboscare" ; rdfs:label " imboscare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD7268inserzione simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7268inserzione is inserzione" ; rdfs:label " inserzione_as_Information" . inds:USemD7270monoteismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7270monoteismo is monoteismo" ; rdfs:label " monoteismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD7275patriottismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1352valore ; a simple:Moral_standard, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7275patriottismo is patriottismo" ; rdfs:label " patriottismo_as_Moral_standard" . inds:USemD7276democrazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7276democrazia is democrazia" ; rdfs:label " democrazia_as_Institution" . inds:USemD7277personaggio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3164rappresentazione ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7277personaggio is personaggio" ; rdfs:label " personaggio_as_Representation" . inds:USemD7278verseggiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3894creare ; a simple:Symbolic_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7278verseggiare is verseggiare" ; rdfs:label " verseggiare_as_Symbolic_Creation" . inds:USemD7279seminario simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem61414educare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7279seminario is seminario" ; rdfs:label " seminario_as_Institution" . inds:USemD7280giocatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3694giocare, inds:USemD4690gareggiare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7280giocatore is giocatore" ; rdfs:label " giocatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemD7283dattilografare simple:hasIsa inds:USem79214battere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7283dattilografare is dattilografare" ; rdfs:label " dattilografare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7291precorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7291precorrere is precorrere" ; rdfs:label " precorrere_as_Event" . inds:USemD7294militare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7294militare is militare" ; rdfs:label " militare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7296sfollare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7297sfollato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7296sfollare is sfollare" ; rdfs:label " sfollare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7299sciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USem6784sciare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7299sciatore is sciatore" ; rdfs:label " sciatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemD7301imbrogliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7301imbrogliare is imbrogliare" ; rdfs:label " imbrogliare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD7302imbrogliare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7302imbrogliare is imbrogliare" ; rdfs:label " imbrogliare_as_Change" . inds:USemD7304inquisire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5726cercare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7304inquisire is inquisire" ; rdfs:label " inquisire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD7305agnosticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2576movimento ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7305agnosticismo is agnosticismo" ; rdfs:label " agnosticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD7306autostop simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7306autostop is autostop" ; rdfs:label " autostop_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD7307fallire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7307fallire is fallire" ; rdfs:label " fallire_as_Event" . inds:USemD7309travestire simple:hasIsa inds:USem76540vestire ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7309travestire is travestire" ; rdfs:label " travestire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7310delinquere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7310delinquere is delinquere" ; rdfs:label " delinquere_as_Act" . inds:USemD7313ubriacare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD7314ubriaco ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7313ubriacare is ubriacare" ; rdfs:label " ubriacare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7317seguire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7317seguire is seguire" ; rdfs:label " seguire_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD7318dispensare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7318dispensare is dispensare" ; rdfs:label " dispensare_as_Transaction" . inds:USemD7319dissipare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61535spendere ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7319dissipare is dissipare" ; rdfs:label " dissipare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7321soverchiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7321soverchiare is soverchiare" ; rdfs:label " soverchiare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7322privilegiare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7322privilegiare is privilegiare" ; rdfs:label " privilegiare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD7323rappresentare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7323rappresentare is rappresentare" ; rdfs:label " rappresentare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7325ricattare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7325ricattare is ricattare" ; rdfs:label " ricattare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD7326soggiacere simple:hasIsa inds:USem79776stare ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7326soggiacere is soggiacere" ; rdfs:label " soggiacere_as_State" . inds:USemD7329stipendiare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7149dare ; a simple:Transaction, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7329stipendiare is stipendiare" ; rdfs:label " stipendiare_as_Transaction" . inds:USemD7330accattare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4804chiedere ; a simple:Directive_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7330accattare is accattare" ; rdfs:label " accattare_as_Directive_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD7332tecnocrazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2578sistema ; simple:hasResultof inds:USemD3566fondare ; simple:hasTelic inds:USem64115governare ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7332tecnocrazia is tecnocrazia" ; rdfs:label " tecnocrazia_as_Institution" . inds:USemD7333assegnare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7333assegnare is assegnare" ; rdfs:label " assegnare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7335zavorra simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7335zavorra is zavorra" ; rdfs:label " zavorra_as_Constitutive" . inds:USemD7336paralisi simple:hasAffects inds:USem1828arto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7336paralisi is paralisi" ; rdfs:label " paralisi_as_Disease" . inds:USemD7338animare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem75869animato ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7338animare is animare" ; rdfs:label " animare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7340precedere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76096muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7340precedere is precedere" ; rdfs:label " precedere_as_Move" . inds:USemD7341pendolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem76296muovere ; a simple:Move, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7341pendolare is pendolare" ; rdfs:label " pendolare_as_Move" . inds:USemD7343chiacchierare simple:hasIsa inds:USem67407parlare ; a simple:Cooperative_Speech_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7343chiacchierare is chiacchierare" ; rdfs:label " chiacchierare_as_Cooperative_Speech_Act" . inds:USemD7344perversione simple:hasIsa inds:USem67631malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7344perversione is perversione" ; rdfs:label " perversione_as_Disease" . inds:USemD7345pervertire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7345pervertire is pervertire" ; rdfs:label " pervertire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7349ribellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7349ribellare is ribellare" ; rdfs:label " ribellare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD7350sterilizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD63548sterilizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7350sterilizzare is sterilizzare" ; rdfs:label " sterilizzare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7351entrata simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7351entrata is entrata" ; rdfs:label " entrata_as_Opening" . inds:USemD7353incavare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7353incavare is incavare" ; rdfs:label " incavare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7354portabagagli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7356vano ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem843automobile ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem59515riporre ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7354portabagagli is portabagagli" ; rdfs:label " portabagagli_as_Part" . inds:USemD7355velivolo simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem3232ala ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem860aeromobile ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD579pilotare ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem6866trasportare ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7355velivolo is velivolo" ; rdfs:label " velivolo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemD7356vano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7356vano is vano" ; rdfs:label " vano_as_Location" . inds:USemD7357fieno simple:hasIsa inds:USem1524erba ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7357fieno is fieno" ; rdfs:label " fieno_as_Plant" . inds:USemD7358tombino simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6258chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7358tombino is tombino" ; rdfs:label " tombino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD7359uscio simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD1068aprire, inds:USemD6254chiudere ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7359uscio is uscio" ; rdfs:label " uscio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD7361circo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem61874artista ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7361circo is circo" ; rdfs:label " circo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7362sfregare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7362sfregare is sfregare" ; rdfs:label " sfregare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7363ronzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem2446insetto ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7363ronzare is ronzare" ; rdfs:label " ronzare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7364biglietto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68186cartoncino ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7364biglietto is biglietto" ; rdfs:label " biglietto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD7365centro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2580dottrina ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7365centro is centro" ; rdfs:label " centro_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemD7366biosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USem64427zona ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem61175terra ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7366biosfera is biosfera" ; rdfs:label " biosfera_as_Part" . inds:USemD7367passo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD6389passare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7367passo is passo" ; rdfs:label " passo_as_Location" . inds:USemD7368accentrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7368accentrare is accentrare" ; rdfs:label " accentrare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USemD7369catena simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4194monte ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7369catena is catena" ; rdfs:label " catena_as_Group" . inds:USemD7370stretto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3255mare ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7370stretto is stretto" ; rdfs:label " stretto_as_Location" . inds:USemD7372solidificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7372solidificare is solidificare" ; rdfs:label " solidificare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD7373africa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem998africano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7373africa is africa" ; rdfs:label " africa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7374agrigento simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70410agrigentino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7374agrigento is agrigento" ; rdfs:label " agrigento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7375alabama simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7375alabama is alabama" ; rdfs:label " alabama_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7376alaska simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7376alaska is alaska" ; rdfs:label " alaska_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7377albania simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2024albanese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7377albania is albania" ; rdfs:label " albania_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7379alessandria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7379alessandria is alessandria" ; rdfs:label " alessandria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7380algeri simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7380algeri is algeri" ; rdfs:label " algeri_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7381algeria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1068algerino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7381algeria is algeria" ; rdfs:label " algeria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7382amburgo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70725amburghese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7382amburgo is amburgo" ; rdfs:label " amburgo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7383america simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7383america is america" ; rdfs:label " america_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7384ankara simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7384ankara is ankara" ; rdfs:label " ankara_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7385arabia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7385arabia is arabia" ; rdfs:label " arabia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7386recinto simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD585costruire ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7386recinto is recinto" ; rdfs:label " recinto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemD7387recingere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7387recingere is recingere" ; rdfs:label " recingere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD7388argentina simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1069argentino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7388argentina is argentina" ; rdfs:label " argentina_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7389armenia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2027armeno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7389armenia is armenia" ; rdfs:label " armenia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7390asia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7390asia is asia" ; rdfs:label " asia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7391atene simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7391atene is atene" ; rdfs:label " atene_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7392australia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1070australiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7392australia is australia" ; rdfs:label " australia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7393austria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1071austriaco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7393austria is austria" ; rdfs:label " austria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7394barcellona simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7394barcellona is barcellona" ; rdfs:label " barcellona_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7395basilicata simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7395basilicata is basilicata" ; rdfs:label " basilicata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7396beirut simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7396beirut is beirut" ; rdfs:label " beirut_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7397belfast simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7397belfast is belfast" ; rdfs:label " belfast_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7398amsterdam simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7398amsterdam is amsterdam" ; rdfs:label " amsterdam_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7399berlino simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1072berlinese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7399berlino is berlino" ; rdfs:label " berlino_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7400berna simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7400berna is berna" ; rdfs:label " berna_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7401betlemme simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7401betlemme is betlemme" ; rdfs:label " betlemme_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7402biella simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7402biella is biella" ; rdfs:label " biella_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7403bilbao simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7403bilbao is bilbao" ; rdfs:label " bilbao_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7404birmania simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7404birmania is birmania" ; rdfs:label " birmania_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7405birmingham simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7405birmingham is birmingham" ; rdfs:label " birmingham_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7406boemia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7406boemia is boemia" ; rdfs:label " boemia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7407bolivia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1074boliviano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7407bolivia is bolivia" ; rdfs:label " bolivia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7408bologna simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2029bolognese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7408bologna is bologna" ; rdfs:label " bologna_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7409bolsena simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7409bolsena is bolsena" ; rdfs:label " bolsena_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7410bolzano simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7410bolzano is bolzano" ; rdfs:label " bolzano_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7411bombay simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7411bombay is bombay" ; rdfs:label " bombay_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7412bonn simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7412bonn is bonn" ; rdfs:label " bonn_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7413bordeaux simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7413bordeaux is bordeaux" ; rdfs:label " bordeaux_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7414borgogna simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7414borgogna is borgogna" ; rdfs:label " borgogna_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7415bormio simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7415bormio is bormio" ; rdfs:label " bormio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7416boston simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem74207bostoniano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7416boston is boston" ; rdfs:label " boston_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7417brasile simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2030brasiliano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7417brasile is brasile" ; rdfs:label " brasile_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7418brema simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7418brema is brema" ; rdfs:label " brema_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7419brescia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1075bresciano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7419brescia is brescia" ; rdfs:label " brescia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7420bretagna simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7420bretagna is bretagna" ; rdfs:label " bretagna_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7421bruxelles simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7421bruxelles is bruxelles" ; rdfs:label " bruxelles_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7422bucarest simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7422bucarest is bucarest" ; rdfs:label " bucarest_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7423bulgaria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2031bulgaro ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7423bulgaria is bulgaria" ; rdfs:label " bulgaria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7424cadice simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7424cadice is cadice" ; rdfs:label " cadice_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7425cagliari simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7425cagliari is cagliari" ; rdfs:label " cagliari_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7426cairo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7426cairo is cairo" ; rdfs:label " cairo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7427calabria simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2032calabrese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7427calabria is calabria" ; rdfs:label " calabria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7428california simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7428california is california" ; rdfs:label " california_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7429caltanissetta simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7429caltanissetta is caltanissetta" ; rdfs:label " caltanissetta_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7430camerun simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7430camerun is camerun" ; rdfs:label " camerun_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7431campania simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7431campania is campania" ; rdfs:label " campania_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7432campobasso simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7432campobasso is campobasso" ; rdfs:label " campobasso_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7433canada simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1079canadese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7433canada is canada" ; rdfs:label " canada_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7434canarie simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7434canarie is canarie" ; rdfs:label " canarie_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7435capitale simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7435capitale is capitale" ; rdfs:label " capitale_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7436capodimonte simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7436capodimonte is capodimonte" ; rdfs:label " capodimonte_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7437capoluogo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7437capoluogo is capoluogo" ; rdfs:label " capoluogo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7438caracas simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7438caracas is caracas" ; rdfs:label " caracas_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7439cartagine simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7439cartagine is cartagine" ; rdfs:label " cartagine_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7440casablanca simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7440casablanca is casablanca" ; rdfs:label " casablanca_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7441caserta simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7441caserta is caserta" ; rdfs:label " caserta_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7442castelgandolfo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7442castelgandolfo is castelgandolfo" ; rdfs:label " castelgandolfo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7443castiglia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2034castigliano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7443castiglia is castiglia" ; rdfs:label " castiglia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7444catania simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7444catania is catania" ; rdfs:label " catania_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7446catanzaro simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7446catanzaro is catanzaro" ; rdfs:label " catanzaro_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7447cecoslovacchia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1115cecoslovacco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7447cecoslovacchia is cecoslovacchia" ; rdfs:label " cecoslovacchia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7448certaldo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7448certaldo is certaldo" ; rdfs:label " certaldo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7449ceylon simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7449ceylon is ceylon" ; rdfs:label " ceylon_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7450charleston simple:hasIsa inds:USem2234citta1 ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem3622germania ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7450charleston is charleston" ; rdfs:label " charleston_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD7451chicago simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7451chicago is chicago" ; rdfs:label " chicago_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7452chieti simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7452chieti is chieti" ; rdfs:label " chieti_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7455colonna simple:hasIsa inds:USem59888elemento ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7455colonna is colonna" ; rdfs:label " colonna_as_Part" . inds:USemD7456ciad simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7456ciad is ciad" ; rdfs:label " ciad_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7457cile simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1082cileno ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7457cile is cile" ; rdfs:label " cile_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7458cina simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2035cinese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7458cina is cina" ; rdfs:label " cina_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7459cipro simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1084cipriota ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7459cipro is cipro" ; rdfs:label " cipro_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7460colombia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1086colombiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7460colombia is colombia" ; rdfs:label " colombia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7461columbia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7461columbia is columbia" ; rdfs:label " columbia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7462como simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7462como is como" ; rdfs:label " como_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7463congo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1087congolese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7463congo is congo" ; rdfs:label " congo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7464copenaghen simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7464copenaghen is copenaghen" ; rdfs:label " copenaghen_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7465cordoba simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7465cordoba is cordoba" ; rdfs:label " cordoba_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7466corea simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2036coreano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7466corea is corea" ; rdfs:label " corea_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7467corinto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7467corinto is corinto" ; rdfs:label " corinto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7468corsica simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7468corsica is corsica" ; rdfs:label " corsica_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7469cortina simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7469cortina is cortina" ; rdfs:label " cortina_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7470cortona simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7470cortona is cortona" ; rdfs:label " cortona_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7471courmayeur simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7471courmayeur is courmayeur" ; rdfs:label " courmayeur_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7472cremona simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7472cremona is cremona" ; rdfs:label " cremona_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7473creta simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1090cretese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7473creta is creta" ; rdfs:label " creta_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7474cuneo simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7474cuneo is cuneo" ; rdfs:label " cuneo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7475dakar simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7475dakar is dakar" ; rdfs:label " dakar_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7476dalmazia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7476dalmazia is dalmazia" ; rdfs:label " dalmazia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7477danimarca simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2040danese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7477danimarca is danimarca" ; rdfs:label " danimarca_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7478delhi simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7478delhi is delhi" ; rdfs:label " delhi_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7479dublino simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7479dublino is dublino" ; rdfs:label " dublino_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7480egitto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7480egitto is egitto" ; rdfs:label " egitto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7481europa simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7481europa is europa" ; rdfs:label " europa_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7482ferrara simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem69928ferrarese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7482ferrara is ferrara" ; rdfs:label " ferrara_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7483fiesole simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7483fiesole is fiesole" ; rdfs:label " fiesole_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7484finlandia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70078finlandese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7484finlandia is finlandia" ; rdfs:label " finlandia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7485firenze simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7485firenze is firenze" ; rdfs:label " firenze_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7486foggia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70089foggiano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7486foggia is foggia" ; rdfs:label " foggia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7487francia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem2041francese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7487francia is francia" ; rdfs:label " francia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7488francoforte simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7488francoforte is francoforte" ; rdfs:label " francoforte_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7489friuli simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7489friuli is friuli" ; rdfs:label " friuli_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7490frosinone simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7490frosinone is frosinone" ; rdfs:label " frosinone_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD7491genova simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem70642genovese ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD7491genova is genova" ; rdfs:label " genova_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD74953aberrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD74953aberrare is aberrare" ; rdfs:label " aberrare_as_Event" . inds:USemD76172contraddire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76172contraddire is contraddire" ; rdfs:label " contraddire_as_Relational_State" . inds:USemD76553erodere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76553erodere is erodere" ; rdfs:label " erodere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD76558proporzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5584relazione ; a simple:Relational_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76558proporzione is proporzione" ; rdfs:label " proporzione_as_Relational_State" . inds:USemD76562teorico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2579teoria ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76562teorico is teorico" ; rdfs:label " teorico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD76565reale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3595re ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76565reale is reale" ; rdfs:label " reale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD76568reprimere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76568reprimere is reprimere" ; rdfs:label " reprimere_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD76569ricorrere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76569ricorrere is ricorrere" ; rdfs:label " ricorrere_as_Event" . inds:USemD76578pacificare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD66490tranquillizzare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76578pacificare is pacificare" ; rdfs:label " pacificare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD76594scaldare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76594scaldare is scaldare" ; rdfs:label " scaldare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD76598specialistico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3656specialista ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76598specialistico is specialistico" ; rdfs:label " specialistico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD76608staccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76608staccare is staccare" ; rdfs:label " staccare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD76609staccare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76609staccare is staccare" ; rdfs:label " staccare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD76610sciogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76610sciogliere is sciogliere" ; rdfs:label " sciogliere_as_Change" . inds:USemD76611disciplinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76611disciplinare is disciplinare" ; rdfs:label " disciplinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD76612disciplinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76612disciplinare is disciplinare" ; rdfs:label " disciplinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD76613dovere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76613dovere is dovere" ; rdfs:label " dovere_as_State" . inds:USemD76619ricaricare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76619ricaricare is ricaricare" ; rdfs:label " ricaricare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD76638cenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76638cenere is cenere" ; rdfs:label " cenere_as_Substance" . inds:USemD76639nocciola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76639nocciola is nocciola" ; rdfs:label " nocciola_as_Color" . inds:USemD76642insudiciare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76642insudiciare is insudiciare" ; rdfs:label " insudiciare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD76644brillante simple:hasIsa inds:USem3002pietra ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76644brillante is brillante" ; rdfs:label " brillante_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD76645municipale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USemD5268comune ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76645municipale is municipale" ; rdfs:label " municipale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD76650equilibrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76650equilibrare is equilibrare" ; rdfs:label " equilibrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD76663funzione simple:hasTelic inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Telic, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76663funzione is funzione" ; rdfs:label " funzione_as_Telic" . inds:USemD76664autografo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69021manoscritto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76664autografo is autografo" ; rdfs:label " autografo_as_Information" . inds:USemD76666autoscuola simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4985insegnante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76666autoscuola is autoscuola" ; rdfs:label " autoscuola_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD76675inerzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem62885proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76675inerzia is inerzia" ; rdfs:label " inerzia_as_Property" . inds:USemD76678colombana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1534vite ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76678colombana is colombana" ; rdfs:label " colombana_as_Fruit" . inds:USemD76682meccanismo simple:hasConstitutive inds:USemD63698congegno ; a simple:Constitutive, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76682meccanismo is meccanismo" ; rdfs:label " meccanismo_as_Constitutive" . inds:USemD76684misurare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76684misurare is misurare" ; rdfs:label " misurare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD76686natura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76686natura is natura" ; rdfs:label " natura_as_Entity" . inds:USemD76692ostinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76692ostinare is ostinare" ; rdfs:label " ostinare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD76697birmano simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USemD3056rappresentare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USemD5235comunicare ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76697birmano is birmano" ; rdfs:label " birmano_as_Language" . inds:USemD76704timbro simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem77301timbrare ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76704timbro is timbro" ; rdfs:label " timbro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemD76710raccogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5533riunire ; a simple:Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76710raccogliere is raccogliere" ; rdfs:label " raccogliere_as_Relational_Change" . inds:USemD76711raccogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem62869concentrare ; a simple:Cognitive_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76711raccogliere is raccogliere" ; rdfs:label " raccogliere_as_Cognitive_Event" . inds:USemD76713bolla simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem60974documento ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76713bolla is bolla" ; rdfs:label " bolla_as_Information" . inds:USemD76714bolla simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7033lettera ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76714bolla is bolla" ; rdfs:label " bolla_as_Information" . inds:USemD76716bollo simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem68257cedola ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76716bollo is bollo" ; rdfs:label " bollo_as_Information" . inds:USemD76718scoprire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76718scoprire is scoprire" ; rdfs:label " scoprire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD76719scoprire simple:hasIsa inds:USem60820manifestare ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76719scoprire is scoprire" ; rdfs:label " scoprire_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USemD76721scoprire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76721scoprire is scoprire" ; rdfs:label " scoprire_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD76723valdaosta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76723valdaosta is valdaosta" ; rdfs:label " valdaosta_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD76724cuba simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem1091cubano ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76724cuba is cuba" ; rdfs:label " cuba_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD76725curdistan simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76725curdistan is curdistan" ; rdfs:label " curdistan_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD76726ecuador simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76726ecuador is ecuador" ; rdfs:label " ecuador_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD76727etiopia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76727etiopia is etiopia" ; rdfs:label " etiopia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD76734psicotico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem73338psicosi ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76734psicotico is psicotico" ; rdfs:label " psicotico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD76739bonaparte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76739bonaparte is bonaparte" ; rdfs:label " bonaparte_as_Human" . inds:USemD76741mancare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76741mancare is mancare" ; rdfs:label " mancare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD76742riuscire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76742riuscire is riuscire" ; rdfs:label " riuscire_as_Event" . inds:USemD76747raccogliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem61595avvolgere ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76747raccogliere is raccogliere" ; rdfs:label " raccogliere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD76748marche simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76748marche is marche" ; rdfs:label " marche_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD76751manga simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD65487rilegare, inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem65082fumetto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76751manga is manga" ; rdfs:label " manga_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD76758cambiale simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem61246scrivere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6947documento ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76758cambiale is cambiale" ; rdfs:label " cambiale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD76770storcere simple:hasIsa inds:USem68416piegare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76770storcere is storcere" ; rdfs:label " storcere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD76771storcere simple:hasIsa inds:USem74673piegare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76771storcere is storcere" ; rdfs:label " storcere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD76774straziare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60690addolorare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76774straziare is straziare" ; rdfs:label " straziare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD76775straziare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1065torturare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76775straziare is straziare" ; rdfs:label " straziare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD76776tendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem77555teso ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76776tendere is tendere" ; rdfs:label " tendere_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD76778tendere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76778tendere is tendere" ; rdfs:label " tendere_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD76779universita1 simple:hasHasasmember inds:USem4985insegnante, inds:USem62270studente ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76779universita1 is universita'" ; rdfs:label " universita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD76780universita1 simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem4166aula ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem3923insegnare ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76780universita1 is universita'" ; rdfs:label " universita'_as_Building" . inds:USemD76784randa simple:hasIsa inds:USem68153vela ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem4305imbarcazione ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76784randa is randa" ; rdfs:label " randa_as_Part" . inds:USemD76786proteggere simple:hasIsa inds:USem76728tutelare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76786proteggere is proteggere" ; rdfs:label " proteggere_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD76792moscatello simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD2249fermentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1394vino ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD2226bere ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76792moscatello is moscatello" ; rdfs:label " moscatello_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemD76794bulimia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem73766alimentazione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069551disturbo ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76794bulimia is bulimia" ; rdfs:label " bulimia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemD76801veneto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76801veneto is veneto" ; rdfs:label " veneto_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD76808gesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD470opera ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3202gesso ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76808gesso is gesso" ; rdfs:label " gesso_as_Artwork" . inds:USemD76824terzo simple:hasPrecedes inds:USem77914quarto ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD78242secondo ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76824terzo is terzo" ; rdfs:label " terzo_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USemD76827tre simple:hasPrecedes inds:USem77925quattro ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem78105due ; a simple:NumeralProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76827tre is tre" ; rdfs:label " tre_as_NumeralProperty" . inds:USemD76828cinque simple:hasPrecedes inds:USem79216sei ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem77925quattro ; a simple:NumeralProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76828cinque is cinque" ; rdfs:label " cinque_as_NumeralProperty" . inds:USemD76829tre simple:hasPrecedes inds:USem77943quattro ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD76833due ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76829tre is tre" ; rdfs:label " tre_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USemD76830cinque simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD76914sei ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem77943quattro ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76830cinque is cinque" ; rdfs:label " cinque_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USemD76831calvino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76831calvino is calvino" ; rdfs:label " calvino_as_Human" . inds:USemD76833due simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD76829tre ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD76910uno ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76833due is due" ; rdfs:label " due_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USemD76834trotskij simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76834trotskij is trotskij" ; rdfs:label " trotskij_as_Human" . inds:USemD76835riservare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76835riservare is riservare" ; rdfs:label " riservare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD76842calice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem1388liquido ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76842calice is calice" ; rdfs:label " calice_as_Amount" . inds:USemD76846capsula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; simple:hasQuantifies inds:USem5194medicina ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76846capsula is capsula" ; rdfs:label " capsula_as_Amount" . inds:USemD76854tollerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76854tollerare is tollerare" ; rdfs:label " tollerare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USemD76856tollerare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76856tollerare is tollerare" ; rdfs:label " tollerare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USemD76859timidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; simple:hasPropertyof inds:USem62097timido ; a simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76859timidezza is timidezza" ; rdfs:label " timidezza_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemD76860pentimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76860pentimento is pentimento" ; rdfs:label " pentimento_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD76861sconcerto simple:hasIsa inds:USem6521reazione ; a simple:Cause_Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76861sconcerto is sconcerto" ; rdfs:label " sconcerto_as_Cause_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD76862stima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76862stima is stima" ; rdfs:label " stima_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD76881complicare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76881complicare is complicare" ; rdfs:label " complicare_as_Change" . inds:USemD76883esitare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76883esitare is esitare" ; rdfs:label " esitare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USemD76908uno simple:hasPrecedes inds:USem78105due ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD76911zero ; a simple:NumeralProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76908uno is uno" ; rdfs:label " uno_as_NumeralProperty" . inds:USemD76910uno simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD76833due ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD76912zero ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76910uno is uno" ; rdfs:label " uno_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USemD76911zero simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD76908uno ; a simple:NumeralProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76911zero is zero" ; rdfs:label " zero_as_NumeralProperty" . inds:USemD76912zero simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD76910uno ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76912zero is zero" ; rdfs:label " zero_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USemD76914sei simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD79180sette ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD76830cinque ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76914sei is sei" ; rdfs:label " sei_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USemD76929ricostituire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76929ricostituire is ricostituire" ; rdfs:label " ricostituire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD76930sauna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1567bagno ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USem77994fisioterapia ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76930sauna is sauna" ; rdfs:label " sauna_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD76935enfatizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USem61000esagerare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76935enfatizzare is enfatizzare" ; rdfs:label " enfatizzare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD76938sdrammatizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Psychological_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76938sdrammatizzare is sdrammatizzare" ; rdfs:label " sdrammatizzare_as_Psychological_Event" . inds:USemD76961sadico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem69797sadismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76961sadico is sadico" ; rdfs:label " sadico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD76965club simple:hasIsa inds:USem2217edificio ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76965club is club" ; rdfs:label " club_as_Building" . inds:USemD76967coagulare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76967coagulare is coagulare" ; rdfs:label " coagulare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD76968codice simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76968codice is codice" ; rdfs:label " codice_as_Information" . inds:USemD76973brillare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76973brillare is brillare" ; rdfs:label " brillare_as_State" . inds:USemD76977burla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5580atto ; a simple:Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76977burla is burla" ; rdfs:label " burla_as_Act" . inds:USemD76978burocratizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76978burocratizzare is burocratizzare" ; rdfs:label " burocratizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD76979ecopacifista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem78292ecopacifismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76979ecopacifista is ecopacifista" ; rdfs:label " ecopacifista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemD76980movimentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsafollowerof inds:USem78296movimentismo ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76980movimentista is movimentista" ; rdfs:label " movimentista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemD76983stoico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem5186stoicismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76983stoico is stoico" ; rdfs:label " stoico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD76990inamidare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76990inamidare is inamidare" ; rdfs:label " inamidare_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD76991anelare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Modal_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76991anelare is anelare" ; rdfs:label " anelare_as_Modal_Event" . inds:USemD76996campanellina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem78350campanellina ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76996campanellina is campanellina" ; rdfs:label " campanellina_as_Flower" . inds:USemD76998consacrare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD76998consacrare is consacrare" ; rdfs:label " consacrare_as_Event" . inds:USemD777muro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD777muro is muro" ; rdfs:label " muro_as_Building" . inds:USemD78143corrucciare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78143corrucciare is corrucciare" ; rdfs:label " corrucciare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD78144corruccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD3308sentire ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78144corruccio is corruccio" ; rdfs:label " corruccio_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD78151destalinizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD66146destalinizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78151destalinizzare is destalinizzare" ; rdfs:label " destalinizzare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD78154stalinizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD78152stalinizzato ; a simple:Cause_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78154stalinizzare is stalinizzare" ; rdfs:label " stalinizzare_as_Cause_Change" . inds:USemD78157terrorizzare simple:hasFeeling inds:USem5858terrore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78157terrorizzare is terrorizzare" ; rdfs:label " terrorizzare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD78167disgelare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD6251sciogliere ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78167disgelare is disgelare" ; rdfs:label " disgelare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD78169dispaccio simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78169dispaccio is dispaccio" ; rdfs:label " dispaccio_as_Information" . inds:USemD78172fasciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem61597avvolgere ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5613medicare ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78172fasciatura is fasciatura" ; rdfs:label " fasciatura_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD78178ringiovanire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5415cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem71667ringiovanito ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78178ringiovanire is ringiovanire" ; rdfs:label " ringiovanire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD78193dissetare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD78192dissetato ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78193dissetare is dissetare" ; rdfs:label " dissetare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD78194assetare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5412causare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem62255assetato ; a simple:Cause, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78194assetare is assetare" ; rdfs:label " assetare_as_Cause" . inds:USemD78211stitichezza simple:hasAffects inds:USem1829intestino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69503disfunzione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78211stitichezza is stitichezza" ; rdfs:label " stitichezza_as_Disease" . inds:USemD78214paura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD550sentimento ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78214paura is paura" ; rdfs:label " paura_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD78217copia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78217copia is copia" ; rdfs:label " copia_as_Amount" . inds:USemD78220assolvere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78220assolvere is assolvere" ; rdfs:label " assolvere_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD78224provenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD656territorio ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2239francia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78224provenza is provenza" ; rdfs:label " provenza_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD78225tek simple:hasIsa inds:USem3688legno ; simple:hasUsedas inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78225tek is tek" ; rdfs:label " tek_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemD78231disorientare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; a simple:Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78231disorientare is disorientare" ; rdfs:label " disorientare_as_Change" . inds:USemD78232disorientare simple:hasIsa inds:USem59295provare ; a simple:Experience_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78232disorientare is disorientare" ; rdfs:label " disorientare_as_Experience_Event" . inds:USemD78236materialista simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem2622materialismo ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78236materialista is materialista" ; rdfs:label " materialista_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD78242secondo simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD76824terzo ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD78243primo ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78242secondo is secondo" ; rdfs:label " secondo_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USemD78243primo simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD78242secondo ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78243primo is primo" ; rdfs:label " primo_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USemD78255persistere simple:hasIsa inds:USem5011essere ; a simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78255persistere is persistere" ; rdfs:label " persistere_as_State" . inds:USemD78279congiunturale simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem73219congiuntura ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78279congiunturale is congiunturale" ; rdfs:label " congiunturale_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD78285rassodare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78285rassodare is rassodare" ; rdfs:label " rassodare_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD78320acustico simple:hasRelatedto inds:USem3877suono ; a simple:ObjectRelated, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD78320acustico is acustico" ; rdfs:label " acustico_as_ObjectRelated" . inds:USemD79091combinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem7016unire ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79091combinare is combinare" ; rdfs:label " combinare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD79093disaggregare simple:hasIsa inds:USem60390separare ; a simple:Cause_Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79093disaggregare is disaggregare" ; rdfs:label " disaggregare_as_Cause_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD79097congregare simple:hasIsa inds:USem74943riunire ; a simple:Cause_Relational_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79097congregare is congregare" ; rdfs:label " congregare_as_Cause_Relational_Change" . inds:USemD79101apostrofare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79101apostrofare is apostrofare" ; rdfs:label " apostrofare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD79103dedica simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79103dedica is dedica" ; rdfs:label " dedica_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD79106imbrunire simple:hasIsa inds:USem63077oscurare ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79106imbrunire is imbrunire" ; rdfs:label " imbrunire_as_Cause_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD79108troncare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79108troncare is troncare" ; rdfs:label " troncare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD79166vomitare simple:hasAffects inds:USem1781stomaco ; simple:hasInstrument inds:USem1790bocca ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79166vomitare is vomitare" ; rdfs:label " vomitare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD79168ghignare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79168ghignare is ghignare" ; rdfs:label " ghignare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD79180sette simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD79183otto ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD76914sei ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79180sette is sette" ; rdfs:label " sette_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USemD79181sette simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD79182otto ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem79216sei ; a simple:NumeralProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79181sette is sette" ; rdfs:label " sette_as_NumeralProperty" . inds:USemD79182otto simple:hasPrecedes inds:USem79217nove ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD79181sette ; a simple:NumeralProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79182otto is otto" ; rdfs:label " otto_as_NumeralProperty" . inds:USemD79183otto simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD79185nove ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD79180sette ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79183otto is otto" ; rdfs:label " otto_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USemD79185nove simple:hasPrecedes inds:USemD79187dieci ; simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD79183otto ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79185nove is nove" ; rdfs:label " nove_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USemD79186dieci simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USem79217nove ; a simple:NumeralProperty, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79186dieci is dieci" ; rdfs:label " dieci_as_NumeralProperty" . inds:USemD79187dieci simple:hasSuccessorof inds:USemD79185nove ; a simple:OrdinalNumeral, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79187dieci is dieci" ; rdfs:label " dieci_as_OrdinalNumeral" . inds:USemD79190veneto simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemTH27742veneto ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79190veneto is veneto" ; rdfs:label " veneto_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD79192slovenia simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD659abitante ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD955popolazione ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79192slovenia is slovenia" ; rdfs:label " slovenia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD79193imbrunire simple:hasIsa inds:USem68447oscurare ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79193imbrunire is imbrunire" ; rdfs:label " imbrunire_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD79194disaggregare simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; a simple:Constitutive_Change, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79194disaggregare is disaggregare" ; rdfs:label " disaggregare_as_Constitutive_Change" . inds:USemD79195traduzione simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79195traduzione is traduzione" ; rdfs:label " traduzione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD79197soffriggere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD824cuocere ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79197soffriggere is soffriggere" ; rdfs:label " soffriggere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD79198derattizzare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5371agire ; a simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79198derattizzare is derattizzare" ; rdfs:label " derattizzare_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemD79201introdurre simple:hasIsa inds:USem3928fare ; simple:hasPurpose inds:USemD5405apprendere ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USem59284sapere ; a simple:Give_Knowledge, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79201introdurre is introdurre" ; rdfs:label " introdurre_as_Give_Knowledge" . inds:USemD79202vertebrato simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79202vertebrato is vertebrato" ; rdfs:label " vertebrato_as_Animal" . inds:USemD79203poster simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem6475informare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD5495leggere ; simple:hasResultof inds:USem4834scrivere ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79203poster is poster" ; rdfs:label " poster_as_Information" . inds:USemD79205smarrimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6219privo ; a simple:Change_of_Possession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79205smarrimento is smarrimento" ; rdfs:label " smarrimento_as_Change_of_Possession" . inds:USemD79206statuto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD79206statuto is statuto" ; rdfs:label " statuto_as_Convention" . inds:USemD802viaggiare simple:hasAgentive inds:USem76096muovere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem6977spostare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD5586stare ; a simple:Change_of_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD802viaggiare is viaggiare" ; rdfs:label " viaggiare_as_Change_of_Location" . inds:USemD812pedale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem832macchina, inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD812pedale is pedale" ; rdfs:label " pedale_as_Part" . inds:USemD824cuocere simple:hasIsa inds:USem3939cambiare ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6181cotto ; a simple:Change_of_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD824cuocere is cuocere" ; rdfs:label " cuocere_as_Change_of_State" . inds:USemD860piumaggio simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1846piuma, inds:USem1848penna ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD860piumaggio is piumaggio" ; rdfs:label " piumaggio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD883contenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6965racchiudere ; a simple:Constitutive_State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD883contenere is contenere" ; rdfs:label " contenere_as_Constitutive_State" . inds:USemD900corda simple:hasIsa inds:USem3184filo ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD900corda is corda" ; rdfs:label " corda_as_Part" . inds:USemD912tastiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD912tastiera is tastiera" ; rdfs:label " tastiera_as_Part" . inds:USemD920trillare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5365evento ; simple:hasProduces inds:USem6154suono ; a simple:Non_Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD920trillare is trillare" ; rdfs:label " trillare_as_Non_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD934stampare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6788riprodurre ; simple:hasResultingstate inds:USemD6213stampa ; a simple:Copy_Creation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD934stampare is stampare" ; rdfs:label " stampare_as_Copy_Creation" . inds:USemD935manifesto simple:hasContains inds:USemD5496testo, inds:USemD6378immagine ; simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD934stampare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem61303foglio ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem71861comunicare ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD935manifesto is manifesto" ; rdfs:label " manifesto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemD945cresta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem921uccello ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD945cresta is cresta" ; rdfs:label " cresta_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD946pretore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD7115magistrato ; simple:hasIstheactivityof inds:USemD3591lavorare ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD946pretore is pretore" ; rdfs:label " pretore_as_Profession" . inds:USemD948gallia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD948gallia is gallia" ; rdfs:label " gallia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD955popolazione simple:hasHasasmember inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD955popolazione is popolazione" ; rdfs:label " popolazione_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemD957nativo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD957nativo is nativo" ; rdfs:label " nativo_as_Human" . inds:USemD959cioccolato simple:hasCreatedby inds:USem6950cuocere ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1732cibo ; simple:hasMadeof inds:USem3662cacao, inds:USemD1750zucchero ; simple:hasObjectoftheactivity inds:USemD598mangiare ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD959cioccolato is cioccolato" ; rdfs:label " cioccolato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemD960rettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIsamemberof inds:USemD7215universita1 ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD960rettore is rettore" ; rdfs:label " rettore_as_Social_status" . inds:USemD961amministrare simple:hasIsa inds:USem5181curare ; a simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD961amministrare is amministrare" ; rdfs:label " amministrare_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemD967albania simple:hasIsa inds:USem4121stato ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2138europa ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD967albania is albania" ; rdfs:label " albania_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD969lingua simple:hasIndirecttelic inds:USem59498gustare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1768organo ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USemD3872corpo ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD969lingua is lingua" ; rdfs:label " lingua_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemD995calabria simple:hasIsa inds:USem4145regione ; simple:hasIsin inds:USem2159italia ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD995calabria is calabria" ; rdfs:label " calabria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemD996camerino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2283stanza ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem2285teatro ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemD996camerino is camerino" ; rdfs:label " camerino_as_Building" . inds:USemTH00001babbalea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00001babbalea is babbalea" ; rdfs:label " babbalea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00003babbalocca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00003babbalocca is babbalocca" ; rdfs:label " babbalocca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00004babbalocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00004babbalocco is babbalocco" ; rdfs:label " babbalocco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00005babbana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00005babbana is babbana" ; rdfs:label " babbana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00006babbano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00006babbano is babbano" ; rdfs:label " babbano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00008babbucciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00008babbucciaia is babbucciaia" ; rdfs:label " babbucciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00010babbucciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00010babbucciaio is babbucciaio" ; rdfs:label " babbucciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00011babirussa simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00011babirussa is babirussa" ; rdfs:label " babirussa_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH00012babismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00012babismo is babismo" ; rdfs:label " babismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH00015bacaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00015bacaia is bacaia" ; rdfs:label " bacaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00017bacaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00017bacaio is bacaio" ; rdfs:label " bacaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00018baccala1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00018baccala1 is baccala'" ; rdfs:label " baccala'_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH00020baccalaraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00020baccalaraia is baccalaraia" ; rdfs:label " baccalaraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00022baccalaraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00022baccalaraio is baccalaraio" ; rdfs:label " baccalaraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00023baccarat simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00023baccarat is baccarat" ; rdfs:label " baccarat_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH0002babbaleo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH0002babbaleo is babbaleo" ; rdfs:label " babbaleo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00036bacicci simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00036bacicci is bacicci" ; rdfs:label " bacicci_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH00037baciccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00037baciccia is baciccia" ; rdfs:label " baciccia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00038bacillosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00038bacillosi is bacillosi" ; rdfs:label " bacillosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00041bacologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00041bacologa is bacologa" ; rdfs:label " bacologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00043bacologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00043bacologo is bacologo" ; rdfs:label " bacologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00044bacucca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00044bacucca is bacucca" ; rdfs:label " bacucca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00045bacucco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00045bacucco is bacucco" ; rdfs:label " bacucco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00050badilaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00050badilaia is badilaia" ; rdfs:label " badilaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00052badilaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00052badilaio is badilaio" ; rdfs:label " badilaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00054badiotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00054badiotta is badiotta" ; rdfs:label " badiotta_as_People" . inds:USemTH00056badiotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00056badiotto is badiotto" ; rdfs:label " badiotto_as_People" . inds:USemTH00057badiotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00057badiotto is badiotto" ; rdfs:label " badiotto_as_Language" . inds:USemTH00058badogliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00058badogliana is badogliana" ; rdfs:label " badogliana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00059badogliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00059badogliano is badogliano" ; rdfs:label " badogliano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00061baggea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00061baggea is baggea" ; rdfs:label " baggea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00062baggeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00062baggeo is baggeo" ; rdfs:label " baggeo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00063baggiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00063baggiana is baggiana" ; rdfs:label " baggiana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00064baggiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00064baggiano is baggiano" ; rdfs:label " baggiano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00067baguttiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00067baguttiana is baguttiana" ; rdfs:label " baguttiana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00068baguttiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00068baguttiano is baguttiano" ; rdfs:label " baguttiano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00071balenotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00071balenotto is balenotto" ; rdfs:label " balenotto_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH00074balivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00074balivo is balivo" ; rdfs:label " balivo_as_Role" . inds:USemTH00077ballista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00077ballista is ballista" ; rdfs:label " ballista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00079balorda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00079balorda is balorda" ; rdfs:label " balorda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00080bamberottola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00080bamberottola is bamberottola" ; rdfs:label " bamberottola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00081bamberottolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00081bamberottolo is bamberottolo" ; rdfs:label " bamberottolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00083bambinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00083bambinaio is bambinaio" ; rdfs:label " bambinaio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00085bamboccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00085bamboccia is bamboccia" ; rdfs:label " bamboccia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00087bambocciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00087bambocciaia is bambocciaia" ; rdfs:label " bambocciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00089bambocciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00089bambocciaio is bambocciaio" ; rdfs:label " bambocciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00090bamboccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00090bamboccio is bamboccio" ; rdfs:label " bamboccio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00092bambolotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00092bambolotta is bambolotta" ; rdfs:label " bambolotta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00093banalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00093banalita1 is banalita'" ; rdfs:label " banalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00098bananiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00098bananiera is bananiera" ; rdfs:label " bananiera_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH00100bananiero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00100bananiero is bananiero" ; rdfs:label " bananiero_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00101bancabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00101bancabilita1 is bancabilita'" ; rdfs:label " bancabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00103bancarellara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00103bancarellara is bancarellara" ; rdfs:label " bancarellara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00105bancarellaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00105bancarellaro is bancarellaro" ; rdfs:label " bancarellaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00109bancarellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00109bancarellista is bancarellista" ; rdfs:label " bancarellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00111bancaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00111bancaria is bancaria" ; rdfs:label " bancaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00117banchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00117banchista is banchista" ; rdfs:label " banchista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00121banconista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00121banconista is banconista" ; rdfs:label " banconista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00123bandaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00123bandaia is bandaia" ; rdfs:label " bandaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00125bandaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00125bandaio is bandaio" ; rdfs:label " bandaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00126banderaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00126banderaia is banderaia" ; rdfs:label " banderaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00127banderaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00127banderaio is banderaio" ; rdfs:label " banderaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00129bandieraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00129bandieraia is bandieraia" ; rdfs:label " bandieraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00131bandieraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00131bandieraio is bandieraio" ; rdfs:label " bandieraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00136bandista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00136bandista is bandista" ; rdfs:label " bandista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00139baraccata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00139baraccata is baraccata" ; rdfs:label " baraccata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00140baraccato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00140baraccato is baraccato" ; rdfs:label " baraccato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00142baracconista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00142baracconista is baracconista" ; rdfs:label " baracconista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00146barattiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00146barattiere is barattiere" ; rdfs:label " barattiere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00148barbagianni simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00148barbagianni is barbagianni" ; rdfs:label " barbagianni_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH00150barbaresca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00150barbaresca is barbaresca" ; rdfs:label " barbaresca_as_People" . inds:USemTH00151barbaresco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00151barbaresco is barbaresco" ; rdfs:label " barbaresco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH00153barbaresco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00153barbaresco is barbaresco" ; rdfs:label " barbaresco_as_People" . inds:USemTH00154barbaresco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00154barbaresco is barbaresco" ; rdfs:label " barbaresco_as_Drink" . inds:USemTH00156barbaricina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00156barbaricina is barbaricina" ; rdfs:label " barbaricina_as_People" . inds:USemTH00158barbaricino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00158barbaricino is barbaricino" ; rdfs:label " barbaricino_as_People" . inds:USemTH00159barbarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00159barbarita1 is barbarita'" ; rdfs:label " barbarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00166barbitonsore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00166barbitonsore is barbitonsore" ; rdfs:label " barbitonsore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00167barbiturismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00167barbiturismo is barbiturismo" ; rdfs:label " barbiturismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00170barcarola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00170barcarola is barcarola" ; rdfs:label " barcarola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00172barcarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00172barcarolo is barcarolo" ; rdfs:label " barcarolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00180barestesiometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00180barestesiometro is barestesiometro" ; rdfs:label " barestesiometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00182bargello simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00182bargello is bargello" ; rdfs:label " bargello_as_Building" . inds:USemTH00183bargello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00183bargello is bargello" ; rdfs:label " bargello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00186barilaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00186barilaia is barilaia" ; rdfs:label " barilaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00188barilaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00188barilaio is barilaio" ; rdfs:label " barilaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00189barocchismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00189barocchismo is barocchismo" ; rdfs:label " barocchismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH00191barocciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00191barocciaia is barocciaia" ; rdfs:label " barocciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00192barocciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00192barocciaio is barocciaio" ; rdfs:label " barocciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00193barografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00193barografo is barografo" ; rdfs:label " barografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00194barotermografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00194barotermografo is barotermografo" ; rdfs:label " barotermografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00196barracello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00196barracello is barracello" ; rdfs:label " barracello_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00201barrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00201barrista is barrista" ; rdfs:label " barrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00203barrocciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00203barrocciaia is barrocciaia" ; rdfs:label " barrocciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00205barrocciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00205barrocciaio is barrocciaio" ; rdfs:label " barrocciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00206basalte simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00206basalte is basalte" ; rdfs:label " basalte_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00207basedowiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00207basedowiana is basedowiana" ; rdfs:label " basedowiana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00208basedowiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00208basedowiano is basedowiano" ; rdfs:label " basedowiano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00209basedowismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00209basedowismo is basedowismo" ; rdfs:label " basedowismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00211basettone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00211basettone is basettone" ; rdfs:label " basettone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00212basicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00212basicita1 is basicita'" ; rdfs:label " basicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00215basiliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00215basiliano is basiliano" ; rdfs:label " basiliano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH00217basofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00217basofobia is basofobia" ; rdfs:label " basofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00219basolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00219basolaia is basolaia" ; rdfs:label " basolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00221basolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00221basolaio is basolaio" ; rdfs:label " basolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00227bastaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00227bastaia is bastaia" ; rdfs:label " bastaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00229bastaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00229bastaio is bastaio" ; rdfs:label " bastaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00238batava simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00238batava is batava" ; rdfs:label " batava_as_People" . inds:USemTH00240batavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00240batavo is batavo" ; rdfs:label " batavo_as_People" . inds:USemTH00241batimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00241batimetro is batimetro" ; rdfs:label " batimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00242batometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00242batometro is batometro" ; rdfs:label " batometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00248battezzanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00248battezzanda is battezzanda" ; rdfs:label " battezzanda_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH00249battezzando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00249battezzando is battezzando" ; rdfs:label " battezzando_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH00250battezzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00250battezzata is battezzata" ; rdfs:label " battezzata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH00251battezzato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00251battezzato is battezzato" ; rdfs:label " battezzato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH00253battezziere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00253battezziere is battezziere" ; rdfs:label " battezziere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00256battilano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00256battilano is battilano" ; rdfs:label " battilano_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00258battilastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00258battilastra is battilastra" ; rdfs:label " battilastra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00260battimazza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00260battimazza is battimazza" ; rdfs:label " battimazza_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00262battipalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00262battipalo is battipalo" ; rdfs:label " battipalo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00264battipalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00264battipalo is battipalo" ; rdfs:label " battipalo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00265battologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00265battologia is battologia" ; rdfs:label " battologia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH00267bava simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00267bava is bava" ; rdfs:label " bava_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH00269bavara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00269bavara is bavara" ; rdfs:label " bavara_as_People" . inds:USemTH00271bavaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00271bavaro is bavaro" ; rdfs:label " bavaro_as_People" . inds:USemTH00273bazzoffia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00273bazzoffia is bazzoffia" ; rdfs:label " bazzoffia_as_Information" . inds:USemTH00274beata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00274beata is beata" ; rdfs:label " beata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00275beato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00275beato is beato" ; rdfs:label " beato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00276beca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00276beca is beca" ; rdfs:label " beca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00279beccaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00279beccaia is beccaia" ; rdfs:label " beccaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00281beccaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00281beccaio is beccaio" ; rdfs:label " beccaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00282becera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00282becera is becera" ; rdfs:label " becera_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00283becero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00283becero is becero" ; rdfs:label " becero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00284beco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00284beco is beco" ; rdfs:label " beco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00295begarda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00295begarda is begarda" ; rdfs:label " begarda_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00297begardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00297begardo is begardo" ; rdfs:label " begardo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00299beghina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00299beghina is beghina" ; rdfs:label " beghina_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH00302beghino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00302beghino is beghino" ; rdfs:label " beghino_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH00303behaviorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00303behaviorismo is behaviorismo" ; rdfs:label " behaviorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH00307belletterista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00307belletterista is belletterista" ; rdfs:label " belletterista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00309bellettrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00309bellettrista is bellettrista" ; rdfs:label " bellettrista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00311bellicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00311bellicista is bellicista" ; rdfs:label " bellicista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00314bellumore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00314bellumore is bellumore" ; rdfs:label " bellumore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH00316belorussa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00316belorussa is belorussa" ; rdfs:label " belorussa_as_People" . inds:USemTH00318belorusso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00318belorusso is belorusso" ; rdfs:label " belorusso_as_People" . inds:USemTH00319belorusso simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00319belorusso is belorusso" ; rdfs:label " belorusso_as_Language" . inds:USemTH00320belta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00320belta1 is belta'" ; rdfs:label " belta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00323beneficata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00323beneficata is beneficata" ; rdfs:label " beneficata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH00325beneficato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00325beneficato is beneficato" ; rdfs:label " beneficato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH00332beneficiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00332beneficiata is beneficiata" ; rdfs:label " beneficiata_as_Patient_of_Event", " beneficiata_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH00333beneficiato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00333beneficiato is beneficiato" ; rdfs:label " beneficiato_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH00334beneficiato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00334beneficiato is beneficiato" ; rdfs:label " beneficiato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH00336beniamina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00336beniamina is beniamina" ; rdfs:label " beniamina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00337beniamino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00337beniamino is beniamino" ; rdfs:label " beniamino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00338benignita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00338benignita1 is benignita'" ; rdfs:label " benignita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00339benintenzionata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00339benintenzionata is benintenzionata" ; rdfs:label " benintenzionata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00341benintenzionato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00341benintenzionato is benintenzionato" ; rdfs:label " benintenzionato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00343benvenuto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00343benvenuto is benvenuto" ; rdfs:label " benvenuto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00344benzaldeide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00344benzaldeide is benzaldeide" ; rdfs:label " benzaldeide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00345benzile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00345benzile is benzile" ; rdfs:label " benzile_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00347benzinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00347benzinaia is benzinaia" ; rdfs:label " benzinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00348benzoato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00348benzoato is benzoato" ; rdfs:label " benzoato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00349benzoe simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00349benzoe is benzoe" ; rdfs:label " benzoe_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00350benzoile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00350benzoile is benzoile" ; rdfs:label " benzoile_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00353benzolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00353benzolo is benzolo" ; rdfs:label " benzolo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00354benzopirene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00354benzopirene is benzopirene" ; rdfs:label " benzopirene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00358beota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00358beota is beota" ; rdfs:label " beota_as_People" . inds:USemTH00360berbera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00360berbera is berbera" ; rdfs:label " berbera_as_People" . inds:USemTH00362berberesca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00362berberesca is berberesca" ; rdfs:label " berberesca_as_People" . inds:USemTH00363berberesco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00363berberesco is berberesco" ; rdfs:label " berberesco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH00365berberesco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00365berberesco is berberesco" ; rdfs:label " berberesco_as_People" . inds:USemTH00366berbero simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00366berbero is berbero" ; rdfs:label " berbero_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH00368berbero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00368berbero is berbero" ; rdfs:label " berbero_as_People" . inds:USemTH00369berbero simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00369berbero is berbero" ; rdfs:label " berbero_as_Language" . inds:USemTH00371bergamasca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00371bergamasca is bergamasca" ; rdfs:label " bergamasca_as_People" . inds:USemTH00373bergamina simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00373bergamina is bergamina" ; rdfs:label " bergamina_as_Building" . inds:USemTH00374bergamina simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00374bergamina is bergamina" ; rdfs:label " bergamina_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH00376bergamina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00376bergamina is bergamina" ; rdfs:label " bergamina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00378bergamino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00378bergamino is bergamino" ; rdfs:label " bergamino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00380berrettaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00380berrettaia is berrettaia" ; rdfs:label " berrettaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00382berrettaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00382berrettaio is berrettaio" ; rdfs:label " berrettaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00384berrettinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00384berrettinaia is berrettinaia" ; rdfs:label " berrettinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00386berrettinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00386berrettinaio is berrettinaio" ; rdfs:label " berrettinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00387bertone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00387bertone is bertone" ; rdfs:label " bertone_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH00393betlemita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00393betlemita is betlemita" ; rdfs:label " betlemita_as_People" . inds:USemTH00397betonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00397betonista is betonista" ; rdfs:label " betonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00402a simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00402a is a" ; rdfs:label " a_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH00403abasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00403abasia is abasia" ; rdfs:label " abasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00405abatino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00405abatino is abatino" ; rdfs:label " abatino_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH00407abbacchiara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00407abbacchiara is abbacchiara" ; rdfs:label " abbacchiara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00408abbacchiaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00408abbacchiaro is abbacchiaro" ; rdfs:label " abbacchiaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00419abbandonata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00419abbandonata is abbandonata" ; rdfs:label " abbandonata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH00420abbandonato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00420abbandonato is abbandonato" ; rdfs:label " abbandonato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH00427abbate simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00427abbate is abbate" ; rdfs:label " abbate_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH00431abbiatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00431abbiatica is abbiatica" ; rdfs:label " abbiatica_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH00432abbiatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00432abbiatico is abbiatico" ; rdfs:label " abbiatico_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH00441abbondanziere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00441abbondanziere is abbondanziere" ; rdfs:label " abbondanziere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00462abbuono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00462abbuono is abbuono" ; rdfs:label " abbuono_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH00467aberrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00467aberrometro is aberrometro" ; rdfs:label " aberrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00468abiatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00468abiatica is abiatica" ; rdfs:label " abiatica_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH00469abiatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00469abiatico is abiatico" ; rdfs:label " abiatico_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH00471abigea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00471abigea is abigea" ; rdfs:label " abigea_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00472abigeataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00472abigeataria is abigeataria" ; rdfs:label " abigeataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00473abigeatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00473abigeatario is abigeatario" ; rdfs:label " abigeatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00474abigeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00474abigeo is abigeo" ; rdfs:label " abigeo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00475abilitata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00475abilitata is abilitata" ; rdfs:label " abilitata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH00476abilitato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00476abilitato is abilitato" ; rdfs:label " abilitato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH00477abitabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00477abitabilita1 is abitabilita'" ; rdfs:label " abitabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00480abitualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00480abitualita1 is abitualita'" ; rdfs:label " abitualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00481abitudinaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00481abitudinaria is abitudinaria" ; rdfs:label " abitudinaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00482abitudinario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00482abitudinario is abitudinario" ; rdfs:label " abitudinario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00484ablegata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00484ablegata is ablegata" ; rdfs:label " ablegata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00485ablegato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00485ablegato is ablegato" ; rdfs:label " ablegato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00497abrasivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00497abrasivita1 is abrasivita'" ; rdfs:label " abrasivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00499abrogazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00499abrogazionista is abrogazionista" ; rdfs:label " abrogazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00500abrogazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00500abrogazionista is abrogazionista" ; rdfs:label " abrogazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00501abrostine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Fruit, simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00501abrostine is abrostine" ; rdfs:label " abrostine_as_Fruit", " abrostine_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH00502absintismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00502absintismo is absintismo" ; rdfs:label " absintismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00508acantobdellide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00508acantobdellide is acantobdellide" ; rdfs:label " acantobdellide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH00509acantofide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00509acantofide is acantofide" ; rdfs:label " acantofide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH00510acariasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00510acariasi is acariasi" ; rdfs:label " acariasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00511acariosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00511acariosi is acariosi" ; rdfs:label " acariosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00512acattolica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00512acattolica is acattolica" ; rdfs:label " acattolica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00513acattolico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00513acattolico is acattolico" ; rdfs:label " acattolico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00514accademismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00514accademismo is accademismo" ; rdfs:label " accademismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00516accademista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00516accademista is accademista" ; rdfs:label " accademista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00517accademista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00517accademista is accademista" ; rdfs:label " accademista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00518accadica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00518accadica is Accadica" ; rdfs:label " Accadica_as_People" . inds:USemTH00519accadico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00519accadico is accadico" ; rdfs:label " accadico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH00520accadico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00520accadico is accadico" ; rdfs:label " accadico_as_People" . inds:USemTH00523accalappiacani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00523accalappiacani is accalappiacani" ; rdfs:label " accalappiacani_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00536accapo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00536accapo is accapo" ; rdfs:label " accapo_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH00549accatastabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00549accatastabilita1 is accatastabilita'" ; rdfs:label " accatastabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00550accattabrighe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00550accattabrighe is accattabrighe" ; rdfs:label " accattabrighe_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00551accattafieno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00551accattafieno is accattafieno" ; rdfs:label " accattafieno_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00552accattamori simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00552accattamori is accattamori" ; rdfs:label " accattamori_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00553accattapane simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00553accattapane is accattapane" ; rdfs:label " accattapane_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00555accattatozzi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00555accattatozzi is accattatozzi" ; rdfs:label " accattatozzi_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00557accattina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00557accattina is accattina" ; rdfs:label " accattina_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00558accattino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00558accattino is accattino" ; rdfs:label " accattino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00568accelerografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00568accelerografo is accelerografo" ; rdfs:label " accelerografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00575accertabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00575accertabilita1 is accertabilita'" ; rdfs:label " accertabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00578accessorieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00578accessorieta1 is accessorieta'" ; rdfs:label " accessorieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00579accessorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00579accessorista is accessorista" ; rdfs:label " accessorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00580accessorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00580accessorista is accessorista" ; rdfs:label " accessorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00581accettante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00581accettante is accettante" ; rdfs:label " accettante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00584acchiappacani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00584acchiappacani is acchiappacani" ; rdfs:label " acchiappacani_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00585acchiappanuvoli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00585acchiappanuvoli is acchiappanuvoli" ; rdfs:label " acchiappanuvoli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00598accidentalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00598accidentalita1 is accidentalita'" ; rdfs:label " accidentalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00603accipitride simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00603accipitride is accipitride" ; rdfs:label " accipitride_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH00608acclivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00608acclivita1 is acclivita'" ; rdfs:label " acclivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00614accollata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00614accollata is accollata" ; rdfs:label " accollata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00615accollataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00615accollataria is accollataria" ; rdfs:label " accollataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00616accollatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00616accollatario is accollatario" ; rdfs:label " accollatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00617accollato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00617accollato is accollato" ; rdfs:label " accollato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00623accomandataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00623accomandataria is accomandataria" ; rdfs:label " accomandataria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00624accomodantismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00624accomodantismo is accomodantismo" ; rdfs:label " accomodantismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00634accondiscendenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00634accondiscendenza is accondiscendenza" ; rdfs:label " accondiscendenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00637accoppiato simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00637accoppiato is accoppiato" ; rdfs:label " accoppiato_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH00649accorsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00649accorsa is accorsa" ; rdfs:label " accorsa_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00650accorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00650accorso is accorso" ; rdfs:label " accorso_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00670accreditata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00670accreditata is accreditata" ; rdfs:label " accreditata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH00671accreditataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00671accreditataria is accreditataria" ; rdfs:label " accreditataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00672accreditatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00672accreditatario is accreditatario" ; rdfs:label " accreditatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00673accreditato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00673accreditato is accreditato" ; rdfs:label " accreditato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH00677accusabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00677accusabilita1 is accusabilita'" ; rdfs:label " accusabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00678acelomate simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00678acelomate is acelomate" ; rdfs:label " acelomate_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH00679acerbezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00679acerbezza is Acerbezza" ; rdfs:label " Acerbezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00680acetammide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00680acetammide is acetammide" ; rdfs:label " acetammide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00685acetilcolina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00685acetilcolina is acetilcolina" ; rdfs:label " acetilcolina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00686acetile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00686acetile is acetile" ; rdfs:label " acetile_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00687acetiluro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00687acetiluro is acetiluro" ; rdfs:label " acetiluro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00688acetimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00688acetimetro is acetimetro" ; rdfs:label " acetimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00689aceto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00689aceto is aceto" ; rdfs:label " aceto_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00691acetume simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00691acetume is acetume" ; rdfs:label " acetume_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00692achea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00692achea is achea" ; rdfs:label " achea_as_People" . inds:USemTH00693acheo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00693acheo is acheo" ; rdfs:label " acheo_as_Language" . inds:USemTH00694acheo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00694acheo is acheo" ; rdfs:label " acheo_as_People" . inds:USemTH00695acheronte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00695acheronte is acheronte" ; rdfs:label " acheronte_as_Location" . inds:USemTH00696achiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00696achiva is achiva" ; rdfs:label " achiva_as_People" . inds:USemTH00697achivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00697achivo is achivo" ; rdfs:label " achivo_as_Language" . inds:USemTH00698achivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00698achivo is achivo" ; rdfs:label " achivo_as_People" . inds:USemTH00699acidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00699acidezza is acidezza" ; rdfs:label " acidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00700acidimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00700acidimetro is acidimetro" ; rdfs:label " acidimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00701acidosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00701acidosi is acidosi" ; rdfs:label " acidosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00704acinesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00704acinesia is acinesia" ; rdfs:label " acinesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00705acipenseriforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00705acipenseriforme is acipenseriforme" ; rdfs:label " acipenseriforme_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH00706aclassismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00706aclassismo is aclassismo" ; rdfs:label " aclassismo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00708aclista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00708aclista is aclista" ; rdfs:label " aclista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00709aclista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00709aclista is aclista" ; rdfs:label " aclista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00710acomunista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00710acomunista is acomunista" ; rdfs:label " acomunista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00711acomunista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00711acomunista is acomunista" ; rdfs:label " acomunista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00712acondroplasica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00712acondroplasica is acondroplasica" ; rdfs:label " acondroplasica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00713acondroplasico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00713acondroplasico is acondroplasico" ; rdfs:label " acondroplasico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00715aconito simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00715aconito is aconito" ; rdfs:label " aconito_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH00718acquafortista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00718acquafortista is acquafortista" ; rdfs:label " acquafortista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00720acquaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00720acquaiola is acquaiola" ; rdfs:label " acquaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00721acquaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00721acquaiolo is acquaiolo" ; rdfs:label " acquaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00722acquanauta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00722acquanauta is acquanauta" ; rdfs:label " acquanauta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00723acquanauta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00723acquanauta is acquanauta" ; rdfs:label " acquanauta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00724acquariofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00724acquariofila is acquariofila" ; rdfs:label " acquariofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00725acquariofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00725acquariofilo is acquariofilo" ; rdfs:label " acquariofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00726acquaticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00726acquaticita1 is acquaticita'" ; rdfs:label " acquaticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00728acquavitaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00728acquavitaia is acquavitaia" ; rdfs:label " acquavitaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00729acquavitaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00729acquavitaio is acquavitaio" ; rdfs:label " acquavitaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00730acquerellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00730acquerellista is acquerellista" ; rdfs:label " acquerellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00734acrilato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00734acrilato is acrilato" ; rdfs:label " acrilato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00735acrilonitrile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00735acrilonitrile is acrilonitrile" ; rdfs:label " acrilonitrile_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00736acrocianosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00736acrocianosi is acrocianosi" ; rdfs:label " acrocianosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00738acroleina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00738acroleina is acroleina" ; rdfs:label " acroleina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00740acromatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00740acromatismo is acromatismo" ; rdfs:label " acromatismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00741acronimologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00741acronimologa is acronimologa" ; rdfs:label " acronimologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00742acronimologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00742acronimologo is acronimologo" ; rdfs:label " acronimologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00743acufene simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00743acufene is acufene" ; rdfs:label " acufene_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00744acuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00744acuita1 is acuita'" ; rdfs:label " acuita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00747adamante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00747adamante is adamante" ; rdfs:label " adamante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00748adamita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00748adamita is adamita" ; rdfs:label " adamita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00749adamita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00749adamita is adamita" ; rdfs:label " adamita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00751addebitata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00751addebitata is addebitata" ; rdfs:label " addebitata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00752addebitato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00752addebitato is addebitato" ; rdfs:label " addebitato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00755addisoniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00755addisoniana is addisoniana" ; rdfs:label " addisoniana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00756addisoniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00756addisoniano is addisoniano" ; rdfs:label " addisoniano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00760addizionale simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00760addizionale is addizionale" ; rdfs:label " addizionale_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH00761addizionale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00761addizionale is addizionale" ; rdfs:label " addizionale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00768addomine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00768addomine is addomine" ; rdfs:label " addomine_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH00777adelfia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00777adelfia is adelfia" ; rdfs:label " adelfia_as_Part" . inds:USemTH00778adenite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00778adenite is adenite" ; rdfs:label " adenite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00779adenoidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00779adenoidismo is adenoidismo" ; rdfs:label " adenoidismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00785adesivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00785adesivita1 is adesivita'" ; rdfs:label " adesivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00786adiposita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00786adiposita1 is adiposita'" ; rdfs:label " adiposita'_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00790adone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00790adone is adone" ; rdfs:label " adone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00792adorabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00792adorabilita1 is adorabilita'" ; rdfs:label " adorabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00799adottanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00799adottanda is adottanda" ; rdfs:label " adottanda_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH00801adottando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00801adottando is adottando" ; rdfs:label " adottando_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH00803adottata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00803adottata is adottata" ; rdfs:label " adottata_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH00805adottato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00805adottato is adottato" ; rdfs:label " adottato_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH00810adozionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00810adozionismo is adozionismo" ; rdfs:label " adozionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH00813adozionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00813adozionista is adozionista" ; rdfs:label " adozionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00814adozionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00814adozionista is adozionista" ; rdfs:label " adozionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00817adremista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00817adremista is adremista" ; rdfs:label " adremista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00818adrone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00818adrone is adrone" ; rdfs:label " adrone_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00823aereiforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00823aereiforme is aereiforme" ; rdfs:label " aereiforme_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00824aeriforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00824aeriforme is aeriforme" ; rdfs:label " aeriforme_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00825aerobio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00825aerobio is aerobio" ; rdfs:label " aerobio_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH00828aerodinamicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00828aerodinamicita1 is aerodinamicita'" ; rdfs:label " aerodinamicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH00829aerodinamico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00829aerodinamico is aerodinamico" ; rdfs:label " aerodinamico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00831aerofonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00831aerofonista is aerofonista" ; rdfs:label " aerofonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00833aerografista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00833aerografista is aerografista" ; rdfs:label " aerografista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00834aerografista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00834aerografista is aerografista" ; rdfs:label " aerografista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00835aerografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00835aerografo is aerografo" ; rdfs:label " aerografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00837aerologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00837aerologista is aerologista" ; rdfs:label " aerologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00838aerologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00838aerologista is aerologista" ; rdfs:label " aerologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00839aerologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00839aerologo is aerologo" ; rdfs:label " aerologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00840aerometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00840aerometro is aerometro" ; rdfs:label " aerometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00841aeromodellismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00841aeromodellismo is aeromodellismo" ; rdfs:label " aeromodellismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH00843aeromodellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00843aeromodellista is aeromodellista" ; rdfs:label " aeromodellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00845aeronauta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00845aeronauta is aeronauta" ; rdfs:label " aeronauta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00848aeroscivolante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00848aeroscivolante is aeroscivolante" ; rdfs:label " aeroscivolante_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00849aerostiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00849aerostiere is aerostiere" ; rdfs:label " aerostiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00852affamata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00852affamata is affamata" ; rdfs:label " affamata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00853affamato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00853affamato is affamato" ; rdfs:label " affamato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00877affidabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00877affidabilita1 is affidabilita'" ; rdfs:label " affidabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00878affidataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00878affidataria is affidataria" ; rdfs:label " affidataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00879affidatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00879affidatario is affidatario" ; rdfs:label " affidatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00886affilianda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00886affilianda is affilianda" ; rdfs:label " affilianda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00887affiliando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00887affiliando is affiliando" ; rdfs:label " affiliando_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00888affiliata simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00888affiliata is affiliata" ; rdfs:label " affiliata_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH00892affine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00892affine is affine" ; rdfs:label " affine_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH00898afflitta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00898afflitta is afflitta" ; rdfs:label " afflitta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00899afflitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00899afflitto is afflitto" ; rdfs:label " afflitto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00912affrancata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00912affrancata is affrancata" ; rdfs:label " affrancata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00913affrancato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00913affrancato is affrancato" ; rdfs:label " affrancato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00919affreschista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00919affreschista is affreschista" ; rdfs:label " affreschista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00920affricana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00920affricana is affricana" ; rdfs:label " affricana_as_People" . inds:USemTH00921affricano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00921affricano is affricano" ; rdfs:label " affricano_as_People" . inds:USemTH00926afghana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00926afghana is afghana" ; rdfs:label " afghana_as_People" . inds:USemTH00927afghano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00927afghano is afghano" ; rdfs:label " afghano_as_People" . inds:USemTH00928afona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00928afona is afona" ; rdfs:label " afona_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00929afono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00929afono is afono" ; rdfs:label " afono_as_Human" . inds:USemTH00930afosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00930afosita1 is afosita'" ; rdfs:label " afosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00933africanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00933africanismo is africanismo" ; rdfs:label " africanismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH00935africanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00935africanista is africanista" ; rdfs:label " africanista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00936africanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00936africanista is africanista" ; rdfs:label " africanista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00937africanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00937africanista is africanista" ; rdfs:label " africanista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH00938africanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00938africanista is africanista" ; rdfs:label " africanista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00941afrocubana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00941afrocubana is afrocubana" ; rdfs:label " afrocubana_as_People" . inds:USemTH00942afrocubano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00942afrocubano is afrocubano" ; rdfs:label " afrocubano_as_People" . inds:USemTH00943afrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00943afrometro is afrometro" ; rdfs:label " afrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH00944afrosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00944afrosita1 is afrosita'" ; rdfs:label " afrosita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH00947ageusia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00947ageusia is ageusia" ; rdfs:label " ageusia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH00951agevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00951agevolezza is agevolezza" ; rdfs:label " agevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00955aggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00955aggio is aggio" ; rdfs:label " aggio_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH00964aggiudicataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00964aggiudicataria is aggiudicataria" ; rdfs:label " aggiudicataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00965aggiudicatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00965aggiudicatario is aggiudicatario" ; rdfs:label " aggiudicatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH00970aggiunto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00970aggiunto is aggiunto" ; rdfs:label " aggiunto_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00971aggiustatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00971aggiustatezza is aggiustatezza" ; rdfs:label " aggiustatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00976agglomerante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00976agglomerante is agglomerante" ; rdfs:label " agglomerante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00977agglutinogeno simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00977agglutinogeno is agglutinogeno" ; rdfs:label " agglutinogeno_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH00981aggradevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00981aggradevolezza is aggradevolezza" ; rdfs:label " aggradevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00996agibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00996agibilita1 is Agibilita'" ; rdfs:label " Agibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH00997agiografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00997agiografa is Agiografa" ; rdfs:label " Agiografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00998agiografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00998agiografo is agiografo" ; rdfs:label " agiografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH00999agiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH00999agiologa is agiologa" ; rdfs:label " agiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01000agiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01000agiologo is agiologo" ; rdfs:label " agiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01001agitata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01001agitata is agitata" ; rdfs:label " agitata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01002agitato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01002agitato is agitato" ; rdfs:label " agitato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01004agnellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01004agnellaia is agnellaia" ; rdfs:label " agnellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01005agnellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01005agnellaio is agnellaio" ; rdfs:label " agnellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01006agnellone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01006agnellone is agnellone" ; rdfs:label " agnellone_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH01007agnosia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, simple:Psych_property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01007agnosia is agnosia" ; rdfs:label " agnosia_as_Disease", " agnosia_as_Psych_property" . inds:USemTH01008agone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01008agone is agone" ; rdfs:label " agone_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH01011agorafoba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01011agorafoba is agorafoba" ; rdfs:label " agorafoba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01012agorafobo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01012agorafobo is agorafobo" ; rdfs:label " agorafobo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01014agostiniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01014agostiniana is agostiniana" ; rdfs:label " agostiniana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01015agostiniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01015agostiniano is agostiniano" ; rdfs:label " agostiniano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01016agrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01016agrafia is agrafia" ; rdfs:label " agrafia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01017agraria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01017agraria is agraria" ; rdfs:label " agraria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01018agrario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01018agrario is agrario" ; rdfs:label " agrario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01019agrezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01019agrezza is agrezza" ; rdfs:label " agrezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01020agrimensore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01020agrimensore is agrimensore" ; rdfs:label " agrimensore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01021agriturismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01021agriturismo is agriturismo" ; rdfs:label " agriturismo_as_Area" . inds:USemTH01025agriturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01025agriturista is agriturista" ; rdfs:label " agriturista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01026agriturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01026agriturista is agriturista" ; rdfs:label " agriturista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01028agrore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01028agrore is agrore" ; rdfs:label " agrore_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01031aguardiente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01031aguardiente is aguardiente" ; rdfs:label " aguardiente_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01035ailurofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01035ailurofobia is ailurofobia" ; rdfs:label " ailurofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01039aiutato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01039aiutato is aiutato" ; rdfs:label " aiutato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01043alabardiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01043alabardiere is alabardiere" ; rdfs:label " alabardiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01044alabastraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01044alabastraia is alabastraia" ; rdfs:label " alabastraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01045alabastraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01045alabastraio is alabastraio" ; rdfs:label " alabastraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01047alamanna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01047alamanna is alamanna" ; rdfs:label " alamanna_as_People" . inds:USemTH01048alamanno simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01048alamanno is alamanno" ; rdfs:label " alamanno_as_Language" . inds:USemTH01049alamanno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01049alamanno is alamanno" ; rdfs:label " alamanno_as_People" . inds:USemTH01052albina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01052albina is albina" ; rdfs:label " albina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01053albinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01053albinismo is albinismo" ; rdfs:label " albinismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01054albinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01054albinismo is albinismo" ; rdfs:label " albinismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01055albinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01055albinismo is albinismo" ; rdfs:label " albinismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01056albino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01056albino is albino" ; rdfs:label " albino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01057albore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01057albore is albore" ; rdfs:label " albore_as_Time" . inds:USemTH01058albuminoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01058albuminoide is albuminoide" ; rdfs:label " albuminoide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01059albuminuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01059albuminuria is albuminuria" ; rdfs:label " albuminuria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01060alcalescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01060alcalescenza is alcalescenza" ; rdfs:label " alcalescenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01061alcalimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01061alcalimetro is alcalimetro" ; rdfs:label " alcalimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01062alcalinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01062alcalinita1 is alcalinita'" ; rdfs:label " alcalinita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01063alcaloide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01063alcaloide is alcaloide" ; rdfs:label " alcaloide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01064alcalosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01064alcalosi is alcalosi" ; rdfs:label " alcalosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01065alcole simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01065alcole is alcole" ; rdfs:label " alcole_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01066alcolicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01066alcolicita1 is alcolicita'" ; rdfs:label " alcolicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH01067alcolimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01067alcolimetro is alcolimetro" ; rdfs:label " alcolimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01068alcolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01068alcolista is alcolista" ; rdfs:label " alcolista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH01069alcolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01069alcolista is alcolista" ; rdfs:label " alcolista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH01071alcolometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01071alcolometro is alcolometro" ; rdfs:label " alcolometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01072alcoole simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01072alcoole is alcoole" ; rdfs:label " alcoole_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01074aleatorieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01074aleatorieta1 is aleatorieta'" ; rdfs:label " aleatorieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01081alfabeta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01081alfabeta is alfabeta" ; rdfs:label " alfabeta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01082alfabeta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01082alfabeta is alfabeta" ; rdfs:label " alfabeta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01083alfabetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01083alfabetismo is alfabetismo" ; rdfs:label " alfabetismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH01087alfiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01087alfiere is alfiere" ; rdfs:label " alfiere_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH01088alfiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01088alfiere is alfiere" ; rdfs:label " alfiere_as_Human", " alfiere_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH01089alfieriana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01089alfieriana is alfieriana" ; rdfs:label " alfieriana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01090alfieriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01090alfieriano is alfieriano" ; rdfs:label " alfieriano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01091algebrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01091algebrista is algebrista" ; rdfs:label " algebrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01092algebrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01092algebrista is algebrista" ; rdfs:label " algebrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01094algesimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01094algesimetro is algesimetro" ; rdfs:label " algesimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01096alginato simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01096alginato is alginato" ; rdfs:label " alginato_as_Artifactual_material", " alginato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01097algologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01097algologa is algologa" ; rdfs:label " algologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01098algologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01098algologo is algologo" ; rdfs:label " algologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01099algometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01099algometro is algometro" ; rdfs:label " algometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01100algonchina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01100algonchina is algonchina" ; rdfs:label " algonchina_as_People" . inds:USemTH01101algonchino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01101algonchino is algonchino" ; rdfs:label " algonchino_as_Language" . inds:USemTH01102algonchino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01102algonchino is algonchino" ; rdfs:label " algonchino_as_People" . inds:USemTH01103aliantista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01103aliantista is aliantista" ; rdfs:label " aliantista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01104aliantista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01104aliantista is aliantista" ; rdfs:label " aliantista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01105alicante simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01105alicante is alicante" ; rdfs:label " alicante_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH01106alidore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01106alidore is alidore" ; rdfs:label " alidore_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01107alienata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01107alienata is alienata" ; rdfs:label " alienata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01108alienato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01108alienato is alienato" ; rdfs:label " alienato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01111alienista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01111alienista is alienista" ; rdfs:label " alienista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01112alienista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01112alienista is alienista" ; rdfs:label " alienista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01114alimentarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01114alimentarista is alimentarista" ; rdfs:label " alimentarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01115alipede simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01115alipede is alipede" ; rdfs:label " alipede_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH01116alite simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01116alite is alite" ; rdfs:label " alite_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH01121allegorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01121allegorista is allegorista" ; rdfs:label " allegorista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH01122allegorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01122allegorista is allegorista" ; rdfs:label " allegorista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH01125allergica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01125allergica is allergica" ; rdfs:label " allergica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01126allergico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01126allergico is allergico" ; rdfs:label " allergico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01127allergopatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01127allergopatica is allergopatica" ; rdfs:label " allergopatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01128allergopatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01128allergopatico is allergopatico" ; rdfs:label " allergopatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01136alligatoride simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01136alligatoride is alligatoride" ; rdfs:label " alligatoride_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH01138allobroga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01138allobroga is allobroga" ; rdfs:label " allobroga_as_People" . inds:USemTH01139allobrogo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01139allobrogo is allobrogo" ; rdfs:label " allobrogo_as_People" . inds:USemTH01140allocca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01140allocca is allocca" ; rdfs:label " allocca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01141allocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01141allocco is allocco" ; rdfs:label " allocco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01144allogena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01144allogena is allogena" ; rdfs:label " allogena_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01145allogeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01145allogeno is allogeno" ; rdfs:label " allogeno_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01146alloglotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01146alloglotta is alloglotta" ; rdfs:label " alloglotta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01147alloglotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01147alloglotto is alloglotto" ; rdfs:label " alloglotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01149allopatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01149allopatica is allopatica" ; rdfs:label " allopatica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01151allopatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01151allopatico is allopatico" ; rdfs:label " allopatico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01153allucinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01153allucinata is allucinata" ; rdfs:label " allucinata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH01154allucinato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01154allucinato is allucinato" ; rdfs:label " allucinato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH01155allucinosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01155allucinosi is allucinosi" ; rdfs:label " allucinosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01156allume simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01156allume is allume" ; rdfs:label " allume_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01157allumina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01157allumina is allumina" ; rdfs:label " allumina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01158alluminato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01158alluminato is alluminato" ; rdfs:label " alluminato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01159alluminosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01159alluminosi is alluminosi" ; rdfs:label " alluminosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01161alluvionata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01161alluvionata is alluvionata" ; rdfs:label " alluvionata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH01162alluvionato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01162alluvionato is alluvionato" ; rdfs:label " alluvionato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH01165almanacchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01165almanacchista is almanacchista" ; rdfs:label " almanacchista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01166almanacchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01166almanacchista is almanacchista" ; rdfs:label " almanacchista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01167alogenuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01167alogenuro is alogenuro" ; rdfs:label " alogenuro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01168alpigiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01168alpigiana is alpigiana" ; rdfs:label " alpigiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH01169alpigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01169alpigiano is alpigiano" ; rdfs:label " alpigiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH01175alterabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01175alterabilita1 is alterabilita'" ; rdfs:label " alterabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01179alternativa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01179alternativa is Alternativa" ; rdfs:label " Alternativa_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH01183altoatesina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01183altoatesina is Altoatesina" ; rdfs:label " Altoatesina_as_People" . inds:USemTH01184altoatesino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01184altoatesino is Altoatesino" ; rdfs:label " Altoatesino_as_People" . inds:USemTH01185altometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01185altometro is Altometro" ; rdfs:label " Altometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01188alturiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01188alturiera is Alturiera" ; rdfs:label " Alturiera_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01189alturiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01189alturiere is alturiere" ; rdfs:label " alturiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01190alturiero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01190alturiero is alturiero" ; rdfs:label " alturiero_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01192alveolite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01192alveolite is alveolite" ; rdfs:label " alveolite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01195alzata simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01195alzata is alzata" ; rdfs:label " alzata_as_Container" . inds:USemTH01197alzavalvola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01197alzavalvola is alzavalvola" ; rdfs:label " alzavalvola_as_Part" . inds:USemTH01199amanuense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01199amanuense is amanuense" ; rdfs:label " amanuense_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01208amato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01208amato is amato" ; rdfs:label " amato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH01329anagrammista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01329anagrammista is anagrammista" ; rdfs:label " anagrammista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH01330anagrammista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01330anagrammista is anagrammista" ; rdfs:label " anagrammista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01339anarchismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01339anarchismo is anarchismo" ; rdfs:label " anarchismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01341anariana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01341anariana is anariana" ; rdfs:label " anariana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01342anariano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01342anariano is anariano" ; rdfs:label " anariano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01343anatide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01343anatide is anatide" ; rdfs:label " anatide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH01344anatolica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01344anatolica is anatolica" ; rdfs:label " anatolica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01345anatolico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01345anatolico is anatolico" ; rdfs:label " anatolico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01346anatomica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01346anatomica is anatomica" ; rdfs:label " anatomica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01347anatomico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01347anatomico is anatomico" ; rdfs:label " anatomico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01348anatomista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01348anatomista is anatomista" ; rdfs:label " anatomista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01350anchilosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01350anchilosi is anchilosi" ; rdfs:label " anchilosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01351anconetana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01351anconetana is anconetana" ; rdfs:label " anconetana_as_People" . inds:USemTH01352anconetano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01352anconetano is anconetano" ; rdfs:label " anconetano_as_People" . inds:USemTH01353ancoraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01353ancoraia is ancoraia" ; rdfs:label " ancoraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01354ancoraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01354ancoraio is ancoraio" ; rdfs:label " ancoraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01355andalusa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01355andalusa is andalusa" ; rdfs:label " andalusa_as_People" . inds:USemTH01356andaluso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01356andaluso is andaluso" ; rdfs:label " andaluso_as_People" . inds:USemTH01357andicap simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01357andicap is andicap" ; rdfs:label " andicap_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01358androfobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01358androfobia is androfobia" ; rdfs:label " androfobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01359androgena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01359androgena is androgena" ; rdfs:label " androgena_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01360androgeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01360androgeno is androgeno" ; rdfs:label " androgeno_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01361androgina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01361androgina is androgina" ; rdfs:label " androgina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01362androgino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01362androgino is androgino" ; rdfs:label " androgino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01365andromania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01365andromania is andromania" ; rdfs:label " andromania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01366aneddotista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01366aneddotista is aneddotista" ; rdfs:label " aneddotista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH01367aneddotista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01367aneddotista is aneddotista" ; rdfs:label " aneddotista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH01368anelasticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01368anelasticita1 is anelasticita'" ; rdfs:label " anelasticita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH01370anemica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01370anemica is anemica" ; rdfs:label " anemica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01371anemico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01371anemico is anemico" ; rdfs:label " anemico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01372anemografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01372anemografo is anemografo" ; rdfs:label " anemografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01373aneurisma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01373aneurisma is aneurisma" ; rdfs:label " aneurisma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01375anfiartrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01375anfiartrosi is anfiartrosi" ; rdfs:label " anfiartrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01376anfitrione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01376anfitrione is anfitrione" ; rdfs:label " anfitrione_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01377anfrattuosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01377anfrattuosita1 is anfrattuosita'" ; rdfs:label " anfrattuosita'_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH01380angelina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01380angelina is angelina" ; rdfs:label " angelina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01381angelino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01381angelino is angelino" ; rdfs:label " angelino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01382angina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01382angina is angina" ; rdfs:label " angina_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01383anginosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01383anginosa is anginosa" ; rdfs:label " anginosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01384anginoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01384anginoso is anginoso" ; rdfs:label " anginoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01385angiocolite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01385angiocolite is angiocolite" ; rdfs:label " angiocolite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01388angiolina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01388angiolina is angiolina" ; rdfs:label " angiolina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01389angiolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01389angiolino is angiolino" ; rdfs:label " angiolino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01390angiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01390angiologa is angiologa" ; rdfs:label " angiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01391angiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01391angiologo is angiologo" ; rdfs:label " angiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01392anglismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01392anglismo is anglismo" ; rdfs:label " anglismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH01394anglista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01394anglista is anglista" ; rdfs:label " anglista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01395anglista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01395anglista is anglista" ; rdfs:label " anglista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01396anglofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01396anglofila is anglofila" ; rdfs:label " anglofila_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH01397anglofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01397anglofilo is anglofilo" ; rdfs:label " anglofilo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH01398anglofoba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01398anglofoba is anglofoba" ; rdfs:label " anglofoba_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH01400anglofobo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01400anglofobo is anglofobo" ; rdfs:label " anglofobo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH01403angolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01403angolare is angolare" ; rdfs:label " angolare_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH01406angolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01406angolista is angolista" ; rdfs:label " angolista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH01407angolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01407angolista is angolista" ; rdfs:label " angolista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH01408angolosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01408angolosita1 is angolosita'" ; rdfs:label " angolosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01409anguide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01409anguide is anguide" ; rdfs:label " anguide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH01410anidrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01410anidrosi is anidrosi" ; rdfs:label " anidrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01411anile simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01411anile is anile" ; rdfs:label " anile_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH01414animiforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01414animiforme is animiforme" ; rdfs:label " animiforme_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH01415animismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01415animismo is animismo" ; rdfs:label " animismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01419animista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01419animista is animista" ; rdfs:label " animista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01420animista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01420animista is animista" ; rdfs:label " animista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01421animista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01421animista is animista" ; rdfs:label " animista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01422animista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01422animista is animista" ; rdfs:label " animista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01423anisotropia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01423anisotropia is anisotropia" ; rdfs:label " anisotropia_as_Property" . inds:USemTH01429annalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01429annalista is annalista" ; rdfs:label " annalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01431annamita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01431annamita is annamita" ; rdfs:label " annamita_as_People" . inds:USemTH01432annamita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01432annamita is annamita" ; rdfs:label " annamita_as_People" . inds:USemTH01437annessionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01437annessionismo is annessionismo" ; rdfs:label " annessionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01439annessionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01439annessionista is annessionista" ; rdfs:label " annessionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01440annessionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01440annessionista is annessionista" ; rdfs:label " annessionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01447annosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01447annosita1 is annosita'" ; rdfs:label " annosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01450annualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01450annualita1 is annualita'" ; rdfs:label " annualita'_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH01452annullabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01452annullabilita1 is annullabilita'" ; rdfs:label " annullabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01455ano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01455ano is ano" ; rdfs:label " ano_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH01456anodonta simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01456anodonta is anodonta" ; rdfs:label " anodonta_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH01457anodonta simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01457anodonta is anodonta" ; rdfs:label " anodonta_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH01458anomalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01458anomalista is anomalista" ; rdfs:label " anomalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01459anomalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01459anomalista is anomalista" ; rdfs:label " anomalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01460anomia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01460anomia is anomia" ; rdfs:label " anomia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH01462anoressizzante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01462anoressizzante is anoressizzante" ; rdfs:label " anoressizzante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01463anormalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01463anormalita1 is anormalita'" ; rdfs:label " anormalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01464anosmia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01464anosmia is anosmia" ; rdfs:label " anosmia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01465anossia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01465anossia is anossia" ; rdfs:label " anossia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01466ansieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01466ansieta1 is ansieta'" ; rdfs:label " ansieta'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH01467ansiosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01467ansiosa is ansiosa" ; rdfs:label " ansiosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01468ansioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01468ansioso is ansioso" ; rdfs:label " ansioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01469antecedenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01469antecedenza is antecedenza" ; rdfs:label " antecedenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01470antecessore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01470antecessore is antecessore" ; rdfs:label " antecessore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01472antennista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01472antennista is antennista" ; rdfs:label " antennista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01474anteriorita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01474anteriorita1 is anteriorita'" ; rdfs:label " anteriorita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01475antesignana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01475antesignana is antesignana" ; rdfs:label " antesignana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01477antesignano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01477antesignano is antesignano" ; rdfs:label " antesignano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01478antesignano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01478antesignano is antesignano" ; rdfs:label " antesignano_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01481antialcolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01481antialcolista is antialcolista" ; rdfs:label " antialcolista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01482antialcolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01482antialcolista is antialcolista" ; rdfs:label " antialcolista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01486antiastenico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01486antiastenico is antiastenico" ; rdfs:label " antiastenico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01488antibolscevica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01488antibolscevica is antibolscevica" ; rdfs:label " antibolscevica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01489antibolscevico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01489antibolscevico is antibolscevico" ; rdfs:label " antibolscevico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01494anticoagulante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01494anticoagulante is anticoagulante" ; rdfs:label " anticoagulante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01495anticomunismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01495anticomunismo is anticomunismo" ; rdfs:label " anticomunismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01497anticomunista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01497anticomunista is anticomunista" ; rdfs:label " anticomunista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01498anticomunista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01498anticomunista is anticomunista" ; rdfs:label " anticomunista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01502antidetonante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01502antidetonante is antidetonante" ; rdfs:label " antidetonante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01503antidiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01503antidiva is antidiva" ; rdfs:label " antidiva_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01504antidivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01504antidivo is antidivo" ; rdfs:label " antidivo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01505antidivorzismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01505antidivorzismo is antidivorzismo" ; rdfs:label " antidivorzismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01507antidivorzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01507antidivorzista is antidivorzista" ; rdfs:label " antidivorzista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01508antidivorzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01508antidivorzista is antidivorzista" ; rdfs:label " antidivorzista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01509antidogmatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01509antidogmatismo is antidogmatismo" ; rdfs:label " antidogmatismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01515antifemminismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01515antifemminismo is antifemminismo" ; rdfs:label " antifemminismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01517antifemminista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01517antifemminista is antifemminista" ; rdfs:label " antifemminista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01518antifemminista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01518antifemminista is antifemminista" ; rdfs:label " antifemminista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01519antifiscalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01519antifiscalismo is antifiscalismo" ; rdfs:label " antifiscalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01521antifiscalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01521antifiscalista is antifiscalista" ; rdfs:label " antifiscalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01522antifiscalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01522antifiscalista is antifiscalista" ; rdfs:label " antifiscalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01523antiflogosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01523antiflogosi is antiflogosi" ; rdfs:label " antiflogosi_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH01524antigas simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01524antigas is antigas" ; rdfs:label " antigas_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01525antigiuridicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01525antigiuridicita1 is antigiuridicita'" ; rdfs:label " antigiuridicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01526antigrafo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01526antigrafo is antigrafo" ; rdfs:label " antigrafo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01527antiimperialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01527antiimperialista is antiimperialista" ; rdfs:label " antiimperialista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01528antiimperialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01528antiimperialista is antiimperialista" ; rdfs:label " antiimperialista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01531antimetafisica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01531antimetafisica is antimetafisica" ; rdfs:label " antimetafisica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01532antimetafisico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01532antimetafisico is antimetafisico" ; rdfs:label " antimetafisico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01533antimilitarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01533antimilitarismo is antimilitarismo" ; rdfs:label " antimilitarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01535antimilitarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01535antimilitarista is antimilitarista" ; rdfs:label " antimilitarista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01536antimilitarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01536antimilitarista is antimilitarista" ; rdfs:label " antimilitarista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01537antimonarchica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01537antimonarchica is antimonarchica" ; rdfs:label " antimonarchica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01538antimonarchico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01538antimonarchico is antimonarchico" ; rdfs:label " antimonarchico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01540antiochena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01540antiochena is antiochena" ; rdfs:label " antiochena_as_People" . inds:USemTH01541antiocheno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01541antiocheno is antiocheno" ; rdfs:label " antiocheno_as_People" . inds:USemTH01542antiossidante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01542antiossidante is antiossidante" ; rdfs:label " antiossidante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01543antipatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01543antipatica is antipatica" ; rdfs:label " antipatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01544antipatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01544antipatico is antipatico" ; rdfs:label " antipatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01547antipetrarchismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01547antipetrarchismo is antipetrarchismo" ; rdfs:label " antipetrarchismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01549antipodista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01549antipodista is antipodista" ; rdfs:label " antipodista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01550antipodista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01550antipodista is antipodista" ; rdfs:label " antipodista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01551antiruggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01551antiruggine is antiruggine" ; rdfs:label " antiruggine_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01552antischiavismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01552antischiavismo is antischiavismo" ; rdfs:label " antischiavismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01554antischiavista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01554antischiavista is antischiavista" ; rdfs:label " antischiavista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01555antischiavista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01555antischiavista is antischiavista" ; rdfs:label " antischiavista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01556antistoricismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01556antistoricismo is antistoricismo" ; rdfs:label " antistoricismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01559antologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01559antologista is antologista" ; rdfs:label " antologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01560antologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01560antologista is antologista" ; rdfs:label " antologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01565antoniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01565antoniano is antoniano" ; rdfs:label " antoniano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH01567antracene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01567antracene is antracene" ; rdfs:label " antracene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01568antracosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01568antracosi is antracosi" ; rdfs:label " antracosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01569antropocentrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01569antropocentrismo is antropocentrismo" ; rdfs:label " antropocentrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01573antropologismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01573antropologismo is antropologismo" ; rdfs:label " antropologismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01575antropometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01575antropometro is antropometro" ; rdfs:label " antropometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01578anuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01578anuria is anuria" ; rdfs:label " anuria_as_Property" . inds:USemTH01579anzianita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Quality, simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01579anzianita1 is anzianita'" ; rdfs:label " anzianita'_as_Quality", " anzianita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH01580apartiticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01580apartiticita1 is apartiticita'" ; rdfs:label " apartiticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01581apatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01581apatica is apatica" ; rdfs:label " apatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01582apatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01582apatico is apatico" ; rdfs:label " apatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01583apatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01583apatista is apatista" ; rdfs:label " apatista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01584apatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01584apatista is apatista" ; rdfs:label " apatista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01586aperiodicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01586aperiodicita1 is aperiodicita'" ; rdfs:label " aperiodicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01589aperturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01589aperturista is aperturista" ; rdfs:label " aperturista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01590aperturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01590aperturista is aperturista" ; rdfs:label " aperturista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01591apiaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01591apiaia is apiaia" ; rdfs:label " apiaia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01592apiaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01592apiaio is apiaio" ; rdfs:label " apiaio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01595aplasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01595aplasia is aplasia" ; rdfs:label " aplasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01597aplologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01597aplologia is aplologia" ; rdfs:label " aplologia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH01598apneista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01598apneista is apneista" ; rdfs:label " apneista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01599apneista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01599apneista is apneista" ; rdfs:label " apneista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01600apocromatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01600apocromatismo is apocromatismo" ; rdfs:label " apocromatismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01602apodosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01602apodosi is apodosi" ; rdfs:label " apodosi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH01604apolitica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01604apolitica is apolitica" ; rdfs:label " apolitica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01605apolitico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01605apolitico is apolitico" ; rdfs:label " apolitico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01608apologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01608apologista is apologista" ; rdfs:label " apologista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01609apologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01609apologista is apologista" ; rdfs:label " apologista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01610apoplessia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01610apoplessia is apoplessia" ; rdfs:label " apoplessia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01611apoplettica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01611apoplettica is apoplettica" ; rdfs:label " apoplettica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01612apoplettico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01612apoplettico is apoplettico" ; rdfs:label " apoplettico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01613apostata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01613apostata is apostata" ; rdfs:label " apostata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01614apostata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01614apostata is apostata" ; rdfs:label " apostata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01615apostolicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01615apostolicita1 is apostolicita'" ; rdfs:label " apostolicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH01629appariscenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01629appariscenza is appariscenza" ; rdfs:label " appariscenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01641appellabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01641appellabilita1 is appellabilita'" ; rdfs:label " appellabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01642appellata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01642appellata is appellata" ; rdfs:label " appellata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH01644appellato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01644appellato is appellato" ; rdfs:label " appellato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH01649appendicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01649appendicista is appendicista" ; rdfs:label " appendicista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01656appetibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01656appetibilita1 is appetibilita'" ; rdfs:label " appetibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01664appiccicaticcia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01664appiccicaticcia is appiccicaticcia" ; rdfs:label " appiccicaticcia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01666appiccicaticcio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01666appiccicaticcio is appiccicaticcio" ; rdfs:label " appiccicaticcio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01670applausometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01670applausometro is applausometro" ; rdfs:label " applausometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01672applicata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01672applicata is applicata" ; rdfs:label " applicata_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01674applicato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01674applicato is applicato" ; rdfs:label " applicato_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01676apponibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01676apponibilita1 is apponibilita'" ; rdfs:label " apponibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01707aprassia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01707aprassia is aprassia" ; rdfs:label " aprassia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01708apriorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01708apriorismo is apriorismo" ; rdfs:label " apriorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01710apriorita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01710apriorita1 is apriorita'" ; rdfs:label " apriorita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01712apripista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01712apripista is apripista" ; rdfs:label " apripista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01713apripista simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01713apripista is apripista" ; rdfs:label " apripista_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH01715apuana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01715apuana is apuana" ; rdfs:label " apuana_as_People" . inds:USemTH01717apuano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01717apuano is apuano" ; rdfs:label " apuano_as_People" . inds:USemTH01718apula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01718apula is apula" ; rdfs:label " apula_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01719apulo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01719apulo is apulo" ; rdfs:label " apulo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01720aquaplaning simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01720aquaplaning is aquaplaning" ; rdfs:label " aquaplaning_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH01722aquilana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01722aquilana is aquilana" ; rdfs:label " aquilana_as_People" . inds:USemTH01724aquilano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01724aquilano is aquilano" ; rdfs:label " aquilano_as_People" . inds:USemTH01727aquilifero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01727aquilifero is aquilifero" ; rdfs:label " aquilifero_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01732arabista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01732arabista is arabista" ; rdfs:label " arabista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01734aracnidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01734aracnidismo is aracnidismo" ; rdfs:label " aracnidismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01736aracnoide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01736aracnoide is aracnoide" ; rdfs:label " aracnoide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH01737aracnoidite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01737aracnoidite is aracnoidite" ; rdfs:label " aracnoidite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01743araldista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01743araldista is araldista" ; rdfs:label " araldista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01745aramea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01745aramea is aramea" ; rdfs:label " aramea_as_People" . inds:USemTH01747arameo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01747arameo is arameo" ; rdfs:label " arameo_as_People" . inds:USemTH01753araucana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01753araucana is araucana" ; rdfs:label " araucana_as_People" . inds:USemTH01755araucano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01755araucano is araucano" ; rdfs:label " araucano_as_Language" . inds:USemTH01756araucano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01756araucano is araucano" ; rdfs:label " araucano_as_People" . inds:USemTH01758arbitraggista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01758arbitraggista is arbitraggista" ; rdfs:label " arbitraggista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01760arbitrato simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01760arbitrato is arbitrato" ; rdfs:label " arbitrato_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH01767arcaicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01767arcaicita1 is arcaicita'" ; rdfs:label " arcaicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01768arcaico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01768arcaico is arcaico" ; rdfs:label " arcaico_as_Time" . inds:USemTH01770arcaista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01770arcaista is arcaista" ; rdfs:label " arcaista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH01774arcavola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01774arcavola is arcavola" ; rdfs:label " arcavola_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH01776arcavolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01776arcavolo is arcavolo" ; rdfs:label " arcavolo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH01780archeografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01780archeografa is archeografa" ; rdfs:label " archeografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01782archeografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01782archeografo is archeografo" ; rdfs:label " archeografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01786archiatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01786archiatra is archiatra" ; rdfs:label " archiatra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01788archibugiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01788archibugiere is archibugiere" ; rdfs:label " archibugiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01793archimandrita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01793archimandrita is archimandrita" ; rdfs:label " archimandrita_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH01795archipresbitera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01795archipresbitera is archipresbitera" ; rdfs:label " archipresbitera_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH01798archipresbitero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01798archipresbitero is archipresbitero" ; rdfs:label " archipresbitero_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH01800arcidiavola simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01800arcidiavola is arcidiavola" ; rdfs:label " arcidiavola_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH01802arcidiavolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01802arcidiavolo is arcidiavolo" ; rdfs:label " arcidiavolo_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH01804arcologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01804arcologia is arcologia" ; rdfs:label " arcologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH01807arditezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01807arditezza is arditezza" ; rdfs:label " arditezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01808arditismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01808arditismo is arditismo" ; rdfs:label " arditismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01813arduita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01813arduita1 is arduita'" ; rdfs:label " arduita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01814arenosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01814arenosita1 is arenosita'" ; rdfs:label " arenosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01815areografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01815areografo is areografo" ; rdfs:label " areografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01816areometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01816areometro is areometro" ; rdfs:label " areometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01818aretina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01818aretina is aretina" ; rdfs:label " aretina_as_People" . inds:USemTH01820aretino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01820aretino is aretino" ; rdfs:label " aretino_as_Language" . inds:USemTH01821aretino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01821aretino is aretino" ; rdfs:label " aretino_as_People" . inds:USemTH01823arganista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01823arganista is arganista" ; rdfs:label " arganista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01826argentario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01826argentario is argentario" ; rdfs:label " argentario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01833argirosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01833argirosi is argirosi" ; rdfs:label " argirosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01835argiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01835argiva is argiva" ; rdfs:label " argiva_as_People" . inds:USemTH01837argivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01837argivo is argivo" ; rdfs:label " argivo_as_People" . inds:USemTH01842argon simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01842argon is argon" ; rdfs:label " argon_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01843argonauta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01843argonauta is argonauta" ; rdfs:label " argonauta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01845argonauta simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01845argonauta is argonauta" ; rdfs:label " argonauta_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH01847argutezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01847argutezza is argutezza" ; rdfs:label " argutezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01848ariana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01848ariana is ariana" ; rdfs:label " ariana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01849ariana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01849ariana is ariana" ; rdfs:label " ariana_as_People" . inds:USemTH01850ariano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01850ariano is ariano" ; rdfs:label " ariano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01851ariano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01851ariano is ariano" ; rdfs:label " ariano_as_People" . inds:USemTH01853aridezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01853aridezza is aridezza" ; rdfs:label " aridezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01854aridi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01854aridi is aridi" ; rdfs:label " aridi_as_Material" . inds:USemTH01855ario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01855ario is ario" ; rdfs:label " ario_as_People" . inds:USemTH01860aristotelica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01860aristotelica is aristotelica" ; rdfs:label " aristotelica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01862aristotelico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01862aristotelico is aristotelico" ; rdfs:label " aristotelico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH01863aristotelismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01863aristotelismo is aristotelismo" ; rdfs:label " aristotelismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH01865aritmica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01865aritmica is aritmica" ; rdfs:label " aritmica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01866aritmico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01866aritmico is aritmico" ; rdfs:label " aritmico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01868armato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01868armato is armato" ; rdfs:label " armato_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01871armentaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01871armentaria is armentaria" ; rdfs:label " armentaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01873armentario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01873armentario is armentario" ; rdfs:label " armentario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01875armiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01875armiere is armiere" ; rdfs:label " armiere_as_Role" . inds:USemTH01877armigero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01877armigero is armigero" ; rdfs:label " armigero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01878armonicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01878armonicista is armonicista" ; rdfs:label " armonicista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH01880armonicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01880armonicista is armonicista" ; rdfs:label " armonicista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01883armonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01883armonista is armonista" ; rdfs:label " armonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01887aromaticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01887aromaticita1 is aromaticita'" ; rdfs:label " aromaticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01888aromatizzante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01888aromatizzante is aromatizzante" ; rdfs:label " aromatizzante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH01896arpista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01896arpista is arpista" ; rdfs:label " arpista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH01898arpista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01898arpista is arpista" ; rdfs:label " arpista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01918arrestata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01918arrestata is arrestata" ; rdfs:label " arrestata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH01919arrestato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01919arrestato is arrestato" ; rdfs:label " arrestato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH01920arretrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01920arretrato is arretrato" ; rdfs:label " arretrato_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH01941arrotina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01941arrotina is arrotina" ; rdfs:label " arrotina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01943arrotino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01943arrotino is arrotino" ; rdfs:label " arrotino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01954arsenalotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01954arsenalotta is arsenalotta" ; rdfs:label " arsenalotta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01956arsenalotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01956arsenalotto is arsenalotto" ; rdfs:label " arsenalotto_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01957arteriola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01957arteriola is arteriola" ; rdfs:label " arteriola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH01958arteriopatia simple:hasAffects inds:USem62718arteria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01958arteriopatia is arteriopatia" ; rdfs:label " arteriopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01959arteriosclerotica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01959arteriosclerotica is arteriosclerotica" ; rdfs:label " arteriosclerotica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01960arterite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01960arterite is arterite" ; rdfs:label " arterite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01964articolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01964articolista is articolista" ; rdfs:label " articolista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01965artifizio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01965artifizio is artifizio" ; rdfs:label " artifizio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01967artigianella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01967artigianella is artigianella" ; rdfs:label " artigianella_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH01968artigianello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01968artigianello is artigianello" ; rdfs:label " artigianello_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH01970artritica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01970artritica is artritica" ; rdfs:label " artritica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01971artritico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01971artritico is artritico" ; rdfs:label " artritico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01972artropatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01972artropatia is artropatia" ; rdfs:label " artropatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01973artropode simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01973artropode is artropode" ; rdfs:label " artropode_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH01974asbestosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01974asbestosi is asbestosi" ; rdfs:label " asbestosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01975ascaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01975ascaro is ascaro" ; rdfs:label " ascaro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH01978ascensorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01978ascensorista is ascensorista" ; rdfs:label " ascensorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH01980ascidiosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01980ascidiosi is ascidiosi" ; rdfs:label " ascidiosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH01981ascite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01981ascite is ascite" ; rdfs:label " ascite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH01982asciugante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01982asciugante is asciugante" ; rdfs:label " asciugante_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH01987asciuttezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01987asciuttezza is asciuttezza" ; rdfs:label " asciuttezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH01989ascolana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01989ascolana is ascolana" ; rdfs:label " ascolana_as_People" . inds:USemTH01992ascomicete simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01992ascomicete is ascomicete" ; rdfs:label " ascomicete_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH01993ascritta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01993ascritta is ascritta" ; rdfs:label " ascritta_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH01995ascritto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01995ascritto is ascritto" ; rdfs:label " ascritto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH01997aseita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH01997aseita1 is aseita'" ; rdfs:label " aseita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02001asfaltista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02001asfaltista is asfaltista" ; rdfs:label " asfaltista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02004ashkenazita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02004ashkenazita is ashkenazita" ; rdfs:label " ashkenazita_as_People" . inds:USemTH02007asiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02007asiana is asiana" ; rdfs:label " asiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02009asiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02009asiano is asiano" ; rdfs:label " asiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02010asimmetricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02010asimmetricita1 is asimmetricita'" ; rdfs:label " asimmetricita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02011asinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02011asinaia is asinaia" ; rdfs:label " asinaia_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH02013asinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02013asinaio is asinaio" ; rdfs:label " asinaio_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH02018asinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02018asinita1 is asinita'" ; rdfs:label " asinita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02021askenazita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02021askenazita is askenazita" ; rdfs:label " askenazita_as_People" . inds:USemTH02032aspergillosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02032aspergillosi is aspergillosi" ; rdfs:label " aspergillosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH02033asperita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02033asperita1 is asperita'" ; rdfs:label " asperita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02047assediata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02047assediata is assediata" ; rdfs:label " assediata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH02049assediato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02049assediato is assediato" ; rdfs:label " assediato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH02056assegnista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02056assegnista is assegnista" ; rdfs:label " assegnista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02061assemblearismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02061assemblearismo is assemblearismo" ; rdfs:label " assemblearismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02063assennatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02063assennatezza is assennatezza" ; rdfs:label " assennatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02070assestatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02070assestatezza is assestatezza" ; rdfs:label " assestatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02071assetata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02071assetata is assetata" ; rdfs:label " assetata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH02073assetato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02073assetato is assetato" ; rdfs:label " assetato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH02077assieme simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02077assieme is assieme" ; rdfs:label " assieme_as_Group" . inds:USemTH02079assiometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02079assiometro is assiometro" ; rdfs:label " assiometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02081assira simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02081assira is assira" ; rdfs:label " assira_as_People" . inds:USemTH02085assiro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02085assiro is assiro" ; rdfs:label " assiro_as_People" . inds:USemTH02086assise simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02086assise is assise" ; rdfs:label " assise_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH02087assistente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02087assistente is assistente" ; rdfs:label " assistente_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH02090assistenzialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02090assistenzialismo is assistenzialismo" ; rdfs:label " assistenzialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02092assistita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02092assistita is assistita" ; rdfs:label " assistita_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH02094assistito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02094assistito is assistito" ; rdfs:label " assistito_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH02119assorbimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02119assorbimetro is assorbimetro" ; rdfs:label " assorbimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02138astenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02138astenia is astenia" ; rdfs:label " astenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH02141astenopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02141astenopia is astenopia" ; rdfs:label " astenopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH02155astigmometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02155astigmometro is astigmometro" ; rdfs:label " astigmometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02160astrattismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02160astrattismo is astrattismo" ; rdfs:label " astrattismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02171astrofotometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02171astrofotometro is astrofotometro" ; rdfs:label " astrofotometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02172astrografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02172astrografo is astrografo" ; rdfs:label " astrografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02177astrusita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02177astrusita1 is astrusita'" ; rdfs:label " astrusita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02182astutezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02182astutezza is astutezza" ; rdfs:label " astutezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02199atelettasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02199atelettasia is atelettasia" ; rdfs:label " atelettasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH02200atemporalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02200atemporalita1 is atemporalita'" ; rdfs:label " atemporalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02201aterosclerosi simple:hasAffects inds:USem62718arteria ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5439affezione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02201aterosclerosi is aterosclerosi" ; rdfs:label " aterosclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH02206atetosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02206atetosi is atetosi" ; rdfs:label " atetosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH02207atipicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02207atipicita1 is atipicita'" ; rdfs:label " atipicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02209atlantismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02209atlantismo is atlantismo" ; rdfs:label " atlantismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02210atomicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02210atomicita1 is atomicita'" ; rdfs:label " atomicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH02211atomismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02211atomismo is atomismo" ; rdfs:label " atomismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02217atonalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02217atonalita1 is atonalita'" ; rdfs:label " atonalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02218atonicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02218atonicita1 is atonicita'" ; rdfs:label " atonicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02219atresia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02219atresia is atresia" ; rdfs:label " atresia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH02220atropina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02220atropina is atropina" ; rdfs:label " atropina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH02221attaccamani simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02221attaccamani is attaccamani" ; rdfs:label " attaccamani_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH02224attaccaticcio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02224attaccaticcio is attaccaticcio" ; rdfs:label " attaccaticcio_as_Food" . inds:USemTH02231attendiblita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02231attendiblita1 is attendiblita'" ; rdfs:label " attendiblita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02252atticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02252atticismo is atticismo" ; rdfs:label " atticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02259attiguita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02259attiguita1 is attiguita'" ; rdfs:label " attiguita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02260attillatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02260attillatezza is attillatezza" ; rdfs:label " attillatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02263attinicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02263attinicita1 is attinicita'" ; rdfs:label " attinicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH02264attinometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02264attinometro is attinometro" ; rdfs:label " attinometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02285attuabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02285attuabilita1 is attuabilita'" ; rdfs:label " attuabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02286attualismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02286attualismo is attualismo" ; rdfs:label " attualismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02293attualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02293attualita1 is attualita'" ; rdfs:label " attualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02306audiolesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02306audiolesa is audiolesa" ; rdfs:label " audiolesa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02307audioleso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02307audioleso is audioleso" ; rdfs:label " audioleso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02309audiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02309audiologa is audiologa" ; rdfs:label " audiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02311audiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02311audiologo is audiologo" ; rdfs:label " audiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02312audiometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02312audiometro is audiometro" ; rdfs:label " audiometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02315audioprotesista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02315audioprotesista is audioprotesista" ; rdfs:label " audioprotesista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02326aumentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02326aumentista is aumentista" ; rdfs:label " aumentista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02329aurato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02329aurato is aurato" ; rdfs:label " aurato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH02340austerita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02340austerita1 is austerita'" ; rdfs:label " austerita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02341autenticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02341autenticita1 is autenticita'" ; rdfs:label " autenticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02344autobiografismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02344autobiografismo is autobiografismo" ; rdfs:label " autobiografismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02348autocisternista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02348autocisternista is autocisternista" ; rdfs:label " autocisternista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02351autoconcessionaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02351autoconcessionaria is autoconcessionaria" ; rdfs:label " autoconcessionaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02353autoconcessionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02353autoconcessionario is autoconcessionario" ; rdfs:label " autoconcessionario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02354autoctona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02354autoctona is autoctona" ; rdfs:label " autoctona_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02355autoctono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02355autoctono is autoctono" ; rdfs:label " autoctono_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02358autoferrotranviere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02358autoferrotranviere is autoferrotranviere" ; rdfs:label " autoferrotranviere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02360autoimmunita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02360autoimmunita1 is autoimmunita'" ; rdfs:label " autoimmunita'_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH02362autolatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02362autolatra is autolatra" ; rdfs:label " autolatra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02363automaticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02363automaticita1 is automaticita'" ; rdfs:label " automaticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02364automobiliastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02364automobiliastra is automobiliastra" ; rdfs:label " automobiliastra_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH02366automobiliastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02366automobiliastro is automobiliastro" ; rdfs:label " automobiliastro_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH02372autonoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02372autonoma is autonoma" ; rdfs:label " autonoma_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02374autonomismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02374autonomismo is autonomismo" ; rdfs:label " autonomismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02376autonomista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02376autonomista is autonomista" ; rdfs:label " autonomista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02378autonomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02378autonomo is autonomo" ; rdfs:label " autonomo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02387autotrenista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02387autotrenista is autotrenista" ; rdfs:label " autotrenista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02389autotrofia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02389autotrofia is autotrofia" ; rdfs:label " autotrofia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH02392ava simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02392ava is ava" ; rdfs:label " ava_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH02393avallata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02393avallata is avallata" ; rdfs:label " avallata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH02395avallato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02395avallato is avallato" ; rdfs:label " avallato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH02397avana simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02397avana is avana" ; rdfs:label " avana_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH02398avana simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02398avana is avana" ; rdfs:label " avana_as_Color" . inds:USemTH02399avanguardismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02399avanguardismo is avanguardismo" ; rdfs:label " avanguardismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02403avanguardista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02403avanguardista is avanguardista" ; rdfs:label " avanguardista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02408avente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02408avente is avente" ; rdfs:label " avente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH02411aventiniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02411aventiniana is aventiniana" ; rdfs:label " aventiniana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02413aventiniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02413aventiniano is aventiniano" ; rdfs:label " aventiniano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02414aventinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02414aventinismo is aventinismo" ; rdfs:label " aventinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02418aventinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02418aventinista is aventinista" ; rdfs:label " aventinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02420averroismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02420averroismo is averroismo" ; rdfs:label " averroismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02424averroista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02424averroista is averroista" ; rdfs:label " averroista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02435aviere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02435aviere is aviere" ; rdfs:label " aviere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02436avitaminosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02436avitaminosi is avitaminosi" ; rdfs:label " avitaminosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH02438avo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02438avo is avo" ; rdfs:label " avo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH02439avogadore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02439avogadore is avogadore" ; rdfs:label " avogadore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02442avola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02442avola is avola" ; rdfs:label " avola_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH02444avolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02444avolo is avolo" ; rdfs:label " avolo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH02445avulsione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02445avulsione is avulsione" ; rdfs:label " avulsione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH02451avvedutezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02451avvedutezza is avvedutezza" ; rdfs:label " avvedutezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02456avvenire simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02456avvenire is avvenire" ; rdfs:label " avvenire_as_Time" . inds:USemTH02461avvenirista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02461avvenirista is avvenirista" ; rdfs:label " avvenirista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02466avventista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02466avventista is avventista" ; rdfs:label " avventista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02468avventizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02468avventizia is avventizia" ; rdfs:label " avventizia_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH02470avventizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02470avventizio is avventizio" ; rdfs:label " avventizio_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH02476avventurista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02476avventurista is avventurista" ; rdfs:label " avventurista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02499ayatollah simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02499ayatollah is ayatollah" ; rdfs:label " ayatollah_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH02502azionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02502azionista is azionista" ; rdfs:label " azionista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02503azocolorante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02503azocolorante is azocolorante" ; rdfs:label " azocolorante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH02507azteca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02507azteca is azteca" ; rdfs:label " azteca_as_People" . inds:USemTH02509azteco simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02509azteco is azteco" ; rdfs:label " azteco_as_Language" . inds:USemTH02510azteco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02510azteco is azteco" ; rdfs:label " azteco_as_People" . inds:USemTH02511azulene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02511azulene is azulene" ; rdfs:label " azulene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH02513azzeccagarbugli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02513azzeccagarbugli is azzeccagarbugli" ; rdfs:label " azzeccagarbugli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02521azzurrita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02521azzurrita1 is azzurrita'" ; rdfs:label " azzurrita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02522c simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02522c is c" ; rdfs:label " c_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH02526cabalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02526cabalista is cabalista" ; rdfs:label " cabalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02527cabalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02527cabalista is cabalista" ; rdfs:label " cabalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02531cabinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02531cabinista is cabinista" ; rdfs:label " cabinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02532cabinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02532cabinista is cabinista" ; rdfs:label " cabinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02539cablografista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02539cablografista is cablografista" ; rdfs:label " cablografista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02541cablografista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02541cablografista is cablografista" ; rdfs:label " cablografista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02542cablogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02542cablogramma is cablogramma" ; rdfs:label " cablogramma_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH02543cabochon simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02543cabochon is cabochon" ; rdfs:label " cabochon_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH02545cabotiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02545cabotiere is cabotiere" ; rdfs:label " cabotiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02547cacadubbi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02547cacadubbi is cacadubbi" ; rdfs:label " cacadubbi_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02548cacafuoco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02548cacafuoco is cacafuoco" ; rdfs:label " cacafuoco_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02550cacamillesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02550cacamillesimo is cacamillesimo" ; rdfs:label " cacamillesimo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02552cacasenno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02552cacasenno is cacasenno" ; rdfs:label " cacasenno_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02554cacasodo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02554cacasodo is cacasodo" ; rdfs:label " cacasodo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02556cacasotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02556cacasotto is cacasotto" ; rdfs:label " cacasotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02558cacchione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02558cacchione is cacchione" ; rdfs:label " cacchione_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH02561cacciapietre simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02561cacciapietre is cacciapietre" ; rdfs:label " cacciapietre_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02562cacciasommergibili simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02562cacciasommergibili is cacciasommergibili" ; rdfs:label " cacciasommergibili_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH02563cachessia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02563cachessia is cachessia" ; rdfs:label " cachessia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH02566cachettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02566cachettista is cachettista" ; rdfs:label " cachettista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02567cachettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02567cachettista is cachettista" ; rdfs:label " cachettista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02569caciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02569caciaia is caciaia" ; rdfs:label " caciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02571caciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02571caciaio is caciaio" ; rdfs:label " caciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02573caciere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02573caciere is caciere" ; rdfs:label " caciere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02575caciottara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02575caciottara is caciottara" ; rdfs:label " caciottara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02576caciottaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02576caciottaro is caciottaro" ; rdfs:label " caciottaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02578cacografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02578cacografia is cacografia" ; rdfs:label " cacografia_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH02579cacologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02579cacologia is cacologia" ; rdfs:label " cacologia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH02581caffeismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02581caffeismo is caffeismo" ; rdfs:label " caffeismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH02583caffettiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02583caffettiere is caffettiere" ; rdfs:label " caffettiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02587cafra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02587cafra is cafra" ; rdfs:label " cafra_as_People" . inds:USemTH02589cafro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02589cafro is cafro" ; rdfs:label " cafro_as_People" . inds:USemTH02594cagionevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02594cagionevolezza is cagionevolezza" ; rdfs:label " cagionevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02596cagliaritana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02596cagliaritana is cagliaritana" ; rdfs:label " cagliaritana_as_People" . inds:USemTH02597cagliaritano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02597cagliaritano is cagliaritano" ; rdfs:label " cagliaritano_as_People" . inds:USemTH02603cagnetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02603cagnetto is cagnetto" ; rdfs:label " cagnetto_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH02604cairota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02604cairota is cairota" ; rdfs:label " cairota_as_People" . inds:USemTH02607cairota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02607cairota is cairota" ; rdfs:label " cairota_as_People" . inds:USemTH02611calafata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02611calafata is calafata" ; rdfs:label " calafata_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02617calafato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02617calafato is calafato" ; rdfs:label " calafato_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02619calamina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02619calamina is calamina" ; rdfs:label " calamina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH02625calandrone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02625calandrone is calandrone" ; rdfs:label " calandrone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02627calappide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02627calappide is calappide" ; rdfs:label " calappide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH02629calcarone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02629calcarone is calcarone" ; rdfs:label " calcarone_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH02630calcatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02630calcatoio is calcatoio" ; rdfs:label " calcatoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02633calcese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02633calcese is calcese" ; rdfs:label " calcese_as_Part" . inds:USemTH02638calcimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02638calcimetro is calcimetro" ; rdfs:label " calcimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02642calcografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02642calcografa is calcografa" ; rdfs:label " calcografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02643calcografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02643calcografia is calcografia" ; rdfs:label " calcografia_as_Building" . inds:USemTH02645calcografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02645calcografo is calcografo" ; rdfs:label " calcografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02649calcolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02649calcolista is calcolista" ; rdfs:label " calcolista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02651calcomania simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02651calcomania is calcomania" ; rdfs:label " calcomania_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH02654caldaista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02654caldaista is caldaista" ; rdfs:label " caldaista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02657caldaista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02657caldaista is caldaista" ; rdfs:label " caldaista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02658caldallessa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02658caldallessa is caldallessa" ; rdfs:label " caldallessa_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH02661caldarrostaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02661caldarrostaia is caldarrostaia" ; rdfs:label " caldarrostaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02663caldarrostaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02663caldarrostaio is caldarrostaio" ; rdfs:label " caldarrostaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02665caldea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02665caldea is caldea" ; rdfs:label " caldea_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02666caldea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02666caldea is caldea" ; rdfs:label " caldea_as_People" . inds:USemTH02668caldeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02668caldeo is caldeo" ; rdfs:label " caldeo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02669caldeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02669caldeo is caldeo" ; rdfs:label " caldeo_as_People" . inds:USemTH02672calendarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02672calendarista is calendarista" ; rdfs:label " calendarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02675calendarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02675calendarista is calendarista" ; rdfs:label " calendarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02681calicanto simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02681calicanto is calicanto" ; rdfs:label " calicanto_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH02682calicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02682calicosi is calicosi" ; rdfs:label " calicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH02685caligarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02685caligarismo is caligarismo" ; rdfs:label " caligarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02689calligrafismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02689calligrafismo is calligrafismo" ; rdfs:label " calligrafismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH02690callotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02690callotipia is callotipia" ; rdfs:label " callotipia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH02692calmiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02692calmiere is calmiere" ; rdfs:label " calmiere_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH02695calmucca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02695calmucca is calmucca" ; rdfs:label " calmucca_as_People" . inds:USemTH02697calmucco simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02697calmucco is calmucco" ; rdfs:label " calmucco_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH02698calmucco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02698calmucco is calmucco" ; rdfs:label " calmucco_as_People" . inds:USemTH02699calorimetria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02699calorimetria is calorimetria" ; rdfs:label " calorimetria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH02700calorosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02700calorosita1 is calorosita'" ; rdfs:label " calorosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02715calviniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02715calviniana is calviniana" ; rdfs:label " calviniana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02717calviniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02717calviniano is calviniano" ; rdfs:label " calviniano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02720calzaturiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02720calzaturiera is calzaturiera" ; rdfs:label " calzaturiera_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02722calzettaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02722calzettaia is calzettaia" ; rdfs:label " calzettaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02724calzettaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02724calzettaio is calzettaio" ; rdfs:label " calzettaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02728camaldolese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02728camaldolese is camaldolese" ; rdfs:label " camaldolese_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH02732camalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02732camalo is camalo" ; rdfs:label " camalo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02733cambiamonete simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02733cambiamonete is cambiamonete" ; rdfs:label " cambiamonete_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02738cambriglione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02738cambriglione is cambriglione" ; rdfs:label " cambriglione_as_Part" . inds:USemTH02739cambusa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02739cambusa is cambusa" ; rdfs:label " cambusa_as_Food" . inds:USemTH02741cambusiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02741cambusiere is cambusiere" ; rdfs:label " cambusiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02743camelide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02743camelide is camelide" ; rdfs:label " camelide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH02744cameraria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02744cameraria is cameraria" ; rdfs:label " cameraria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02746camerario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02746camerario is camerario" ; rdfs:label " camerario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02748camiciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02748camiciaia is camiciaia" ; rdfs:label " camiciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02750camiciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02750camiciaio is camiciaio" ; rdfs:label " camiciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02751camillina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02751camillina is camillina" ; rdfs:label " camillina_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH02752camillino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02752camillino is camillino" ; rdfs:label " camillino_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH02755camita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02755camita is camita" ; rdfs:label " camita_as_People" . inds:USemTH02756camita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02756camita is camita" ; rdfs:label " camita_as_People" . inds:USemTH02758camma simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02758camma is camma" ; rdfs:label " camma_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02760camomilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02760camomilla is camomilla" ; rdfs:label " camomilla_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH02765campaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02765campaia is campaia" ; rdfs:label " campaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02767campaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02767campaio is campaio" ; rdfs:label " campaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02770campanara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02770campanara is campanara" ; rdfs:label " campanara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02772campanilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02772campanilista is campanilista" ; rdfs:label " campanilista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02775campanilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02775campanilista is campanilista" ; rdfs:label " campanilista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH02777campara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02777campara is campara" ; rdfs:label " campara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02779camparo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02779camparo is camparo" ; rdfs:label " camparo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02787campeggista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02787campeggista is campeggista" ; rdfs:label " campeggista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02788campeggista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02788campeggista is campeggista" ; rdfs:label " campeggista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02790campiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02790campiere is campiere" ; rdfs:label " campiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02791campionarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02791campionarista is campionarista" ; rdfs:label " campionarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02794campionarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02794campionarista is campionarista" ; rdfs:label " campionarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02796campionissima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02796campionissima is campionissima" ; rdfs:label " campionissima_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02799campionissimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02799campionissimo is campionissimo" ; rdfs:label " campionissimo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02800campionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02800campionista is campionista" ; rdfs:label " campionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02803campionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02803campionista is campionista" ; rdfs:label " campionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02805campobassana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02805campobassana is campobassana" ; rdfs:label " campobassana_as_People" . inds:USemTH02807campobassano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02807campobassano is campobassano" ; rdfs:label " campobassano_as_People" . inds:USemTH02809camposantiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02809camposantiere is camposantiere" ; rdfs:label " camposantiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02811camuna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02811camuna is camuna" ; rdfs:label " camuna_as_People" . inds:USemTH02813camuno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02813camuno is camuno" ; rdfs:label " camuno_as_People" . inds:USemTH02817canaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02817canaio is canaio" ; rdfs:label " canaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02818canaletta simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02818canaletta is canaletta" ; rdfs:label " canaletta_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH02819canalicolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02819canalicolo is canalicolo" ; rdfs:label " canalicolo_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH02820canalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02820canalista is canalista" ; rdfs:label " canalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02823canalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02823canalista is canalista" ; rdfs:label " canalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02825cananea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02825cananea is cananea" ; rdfs:label " cananea_as_People" . inds:USemTH02827cananeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02827cananeo is cananeo" ; rdfs:label " cananeo_as_People" . inds:USemTH02833canapone simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02833canapone is canapone" ; rdfs:label " canapone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH02835canastone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02835canastone is canastone" ; rdfs:label " canastone_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH02840cancerologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02840cancerologa is cancerologa" ; rdfs:label " cancerologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02842cancerologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02842cancerologo is cancerologo" ; rdfs:label " cancerologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02844cancerosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02844cancerosa is cancerosa" ; rdfs:label " cancerosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02846canceroso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02846canceroso is canceroso" ; rdfs:label " canceroso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02848cancherosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02848cancherosa is cancherosa" ; rdfs:label " cancherosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02850cancheroso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02850cancheroso is cancheroso" ; rdfs:label " cancheroso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02852candeggiante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02852candeggiante is candeggiante" ; rdfs:label " candeggiante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH02857candeletta simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02857candeletta is candeletta" ; rdfs:label " candeletta_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH02859candida simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02859candida is candida" ; rdfs:label " candida_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH02862candiotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02862candiotta is candiotta" ; rdfs:label " candiotta_as_People" . inds:USemTH02864candiotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02864candiotto is candiotto" ; rdfs:label " candiotto_as_People" . inds:USemTH02867canestraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02867canestraia is canestraia" ; rdfs:label " canestraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02869canestraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02869canestraio is canestraio" ; rdfs:label " canestraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02870cannabismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02870cannabismo is cannabismo" ; rdfs:label " cannabismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH02872cannello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02872cannello is cannello" ; rdfs:label " cannello_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02873cannista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02873cannista is cannista" ; rdfs:label " cannista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH02876cannista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02876cannista is cannista" ; rdfs:label " cannista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH02877cannula simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02877cannula is cannula" ; rdfs:label " cannula_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02878canocchiale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02878canocchiale is canocchiale" ; rdfs:label " canocchiale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02879canoismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02879canoismo is canoismo" ; rdfs:label " canoismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH02881canoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02881canoista is canoista" ; rdfs:label " canoista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH02884canoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02884canoista is canoista" ; rdfs:label " canoista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH02885canonicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02885canonicita1 is canonicita'" ; rdfs:label " canonicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02886canonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02886canonista is canonista" ; rdfs:label " canonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02889canonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02889canonista is canonista" ; rdfs:label " canonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02890canorita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02890canorita1 is canorita'" ; rdfs:label " canorita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02892cantabrigiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02892cantabrigiana is cantabrigiana" ; rdfs:label " cantabrigiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH02894cantabrigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02894cantabrigiano is cantabrigiano" ; rdfs:label " cantabrigiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH02896cantambanca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02896cantambanca is cantambanca" ; rdfs:label " cantambanca_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02898cantambanco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02898cantambanco is cantambanco" ; rdfs:label " cantambanco_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02905canterale simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02905canterale is canterale" ; rdfs:label " canterale_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH02911cantimbanca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02911cantimbanca is cantimbanca" ; rdfs:label " cantimbanca_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02913cantimbanco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02913cantimbanco is cantimbanco" ; rdfs:label " cantimbanco_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02914cantinella simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02914cantinella is cantinella" ; rdfs:label " cantinella_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH02915cantonale simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02915cantonale is cantonale" ; rdfs:label " cantonale_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH02917cantoniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02917cantoniere is cantoniere" ; rdfs:label " cantoniere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02918canzonettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02918canzonettista is canzonettista" ; rdfs:label " canzonettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02921canzonettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02921canzonettista is canzonettista" ; rdfs:label " canzonettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02923capacimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02923capacimetro is capacimetro" ; rdfs:label " capacimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH02925capacitivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02925capacitivita1 is capacitivita'" ; rdfs:label " capacitivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02929capannista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02929capannista is capannista" ; rdfs:label " capannista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH02932capannista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02932capannista is capannista" ; rdfs:label " capannista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH02941capintesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02941capintesta is capintesta" ; rdfs:label " capintesta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02945capitolarda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02945capitolarda is capitolarda" ; rdfs:label " capitolarda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02947capitolardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02947capitolardo is capitolardo" ; rdfs:label " capitolardo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02949capitolato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02949capitolato is capitolato" ; rdfs:label " capitolato_as_Information" . inds:USemTH02951capocronista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02951capocronista is capocronista" ; rdfs:label " capocronista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02954capocronista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02954capocronista is capocronista" ; rdfs:label " capocronista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02956capogabbiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02956capogabbiere is capogabbiere" ; rdfs:label " capogabbiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02958capolepre simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02958capolepre is capolepre" ; rdfs:label " capolepre_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH02960capomacchinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02960capomacchinista is capomacchinista" ; rdfs:label " capomacchinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02962capomacchinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02962capomacchinista is capomacchinista" ; rdfs:label " capomacchinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02969capotorace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02969capotorace is capotorace" ; rdfs:label " capotorace_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH02971capotribu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02971capotribu1 is capotribu'" ; rdfs:label " capotribu'_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH02975capovaccaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02975capovaccaio is capovaccaio" ; rdfs:label " capovaccaio_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH02976cappellaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02976cappellaccio is cappellaccio" ; rdfs:label " cappellaccio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH02978cappellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02978cappellaia is cappellaia" ; rdfs:label " cappellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH02979cappellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02979cappellone is cappellone" ; rdfs:label " cappellone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH02980cappellotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02980cappellotto is cappellotto" ; rdfs:label " cappellotto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH02981capperone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02981capperone is capperone" ; rdfs:label " capperone_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH02984capponessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02984capponessa is capponessa" ; rdfs:label " capponessa_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH02988capricciosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02988capricciosita1 is capricciosita'" ; rdfs:label " capricciosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH02990caprimulgiforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02990caprimulgiforme is caprimulgiforme" ; rdfs:label " caprimulgiforme_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH02991capside simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02991capside is capside" ; rdfs:label " capside_as_Part" . inds:USemTH02992capsulismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02992capsulismo is capsulismo" ; rdfs:label " capsulismo_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH02998captiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH02998captiva is captiva" ; rdfs:label " captiva_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03000captivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03000captivo is captivo" ; rdfs:label " captivo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03001capziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03001capziosita1 is capziosita'" ; rdfs:label " capziosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH03003carabide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03003carabide is carabide" ; rdfs:label " carabide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH03005caracinide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03005caracinide is caracinide" ; rdfs:label " caracinide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH03006caraiba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03006caraiba is caraiba" ; rdfs:label " caraiba_as_People" . inds:USemTH03008caraibo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03008caraibo is caraibo" ; rdfs:label " caraibo_as_People" . inds:USemTH03011caramellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03011caramellaia is caramellaia" ; rdfs:label " caramellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03013caramellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03013caramellaio is caramellaio" ; rdfs:label " caramellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03014caramellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03014caramellista is caramellista" ; rdfs:label " caramellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03017caramellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03017caramellista is caramellista" ; rdfs:label " caramellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03018caramusale simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03018caramusale is caramusale" ; rdfs:label " caramusale_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH03019caratista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03019caratista is caratista" ; rdfs:label " caratista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03022caratista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03022caratista is caratista" ; rdfs:label " caratista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03024caratterologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03024caratterologia is caratterologia" ; rdfs:label " caratterologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH03027caravanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03027caravanista is caravanista" ; rdfs:label " caravanista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03028caravanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03028caravanista is caravanista" ; rdfs:label " caravanista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03030carbammato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03030carbammato is carbammato" ; rdfs:label " carbammato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH03032carbonaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03032carbonaia is carbonaia" ; rdfs:label " carbonaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03035carbonara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03035carbonara is carbonara" ; rdfs:label " carbonara_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03038carbonchiosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03038carbonchiosa is carbonchiosa" ; rdfs:label " carbonchiosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03040carbonchioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03040carbonchioso is carbonchioso" ; rdfs:label " carbonchioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03041carbonile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03041carbonile is carbonile" ; rdfs:label " carbonile_as_Part" . inds:USemTH03042carbossile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03042carbossile is carbossile" ; rdfs:label " carbossile_as_Group" . inds:USemTH03045carcaride simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03045carcaride is carcaride" ; rdfs:label " carcaride_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH03047carcarodonte simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03047carcarodonte is carcarodonte" ; rdfs:label " carcarodonte_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH03051carcinologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03051carcinologia is carcinologia" ; rdfs:label " carcinologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH03052carcinosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03052carcinosi is carcinosi" ; rdfs:label " carcinosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03054carciofaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03054carciofaia is carciofaia" ; rdfs:label " carciofaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03056carciofaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03056carciofaio is carciofaio" ; rdfs:label " carciofaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03058cardaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03058cardaia is cardaia" ; rdfs:label " cardaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03060cardaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03060cardaio is cardaio" ; rdfs:label " cardaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03062cardaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03062cardaiola is cardaiola" ; rdfs:label " cardaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03063cardaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03063cardaiolo is cardaiolo" ; rdfs:label " cardaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03071cardiaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03071cardiaca is cardiaca" ; rdfs:label " cardiaca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03072cardiaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03072cardiaco is cardiaco" ; rdfs:label " cardiaco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03076cardiochirurga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03076cardiochirurga is cardiochirurga" ; rdfs:label " cardiochirurga_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03077calcografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03077calcografia is calcografia" ; rdfs:label " calcografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH03079cardiopatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03079cardiopatica is cardiopatica" ; rdfs:label " cardiopatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03081cardiopatico simple:hasAffectedby inds:USem62629cardiopatia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03081cardiopatico is cardiopatico" ; rdfs:label " cardiopatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03083cardioreumatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03083cardioreumatica is cardioreumatica" ; rdfs:label " cardioreumatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03085cardioreumatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03085cardioreumatico is cardioreumatico" ; rdfs:label " cardioreumatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03086cardiosclerosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03086cardiosclerosi is cardiosclerosi" ; rdfs:label " cardiosclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03087cardiostenosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03087cardiostenosi is cardiostenosi" ; rdfs:label " cardiostenosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03088cardite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03088cardite is cardite" ; rdfs:label " cardite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03089cardone simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03089cardone is cardone" ; rdfs:label " cardone_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH03091carducciana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03091carducciana is carducciana" ; rdfs:label " carducciana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03093carducciano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03093carducciano is carducciano" ; rdfs:label " carducciano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03094carfologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03094carfologia is carfologia" ; rdfs:label " carfologia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03096cariba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03096cariba is cariba" ; rdfs:label " cariba_as_People" . inds:USemTH03098caribo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03098caribo is caribo" ; rdfs:label " caribo_as_People" . inds:USemTH03099caricaballe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03099caricaballe is caricaballe" ; rdfs:label " caricaballe_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03101caricabarca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03101caricabarca is caricabarca" ; rdfs:label " caricabarca_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03103caricabatteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03103caricabatteria is caricabatteria" ; rdfs:label " caricabatteria_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03104caricabbasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03104caricabbasso is caricabbasso" ; rdfs:label " caricabbasso_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03106caricafieno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03106caricafieno is caricafieno" ; rdfs:label " caricafieno_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03107caricaletame simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03107caricaletame is caricaletame" ; rdfs:label " caricaletame_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03111carichina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03111carichina is carichina" ; rdfs:label " carichina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03113carichino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03113carichino is carichino" ; rdfs:label " carichino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03117carlista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03117carlista is carlista" ; rdfs:label " carlista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03120carlista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03120carlista is carlista" ; rdfs:label " carlista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03121carmelita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03121carmelita is carmelita" ; rdfs:label " carmelita_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH03126carmelitana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03126carmelitana is carmelitana" ; rdfs:label " carmelitana_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH03128carmelitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03128carmelitano is carmelitano" ; rdfs:label " carmelitano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH03129carnalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03129carnalita1 is carnalita'" ; rdfs:label " carnalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH03130carname simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03130carname is carname" ; rdfs:label " carname_as_Group" . inds:USemTH03131carnevalone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03131carnevalone is carnevalone" ; rdfs:label " carnevalone_as_Time" . inds:USemTH03133carnosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03133carnosita1 is carnosita'" ; rdfs:label " carnosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH03134carnume simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03134carnume is carnume" ; rdfs:label " carnume_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH03135caro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03135caro is caro" ; rdfs:label " caro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03138carotaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03138carotaia is carotaia" ; rdfs:label " carotaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03140carotaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03140carotaio is carotaio" ; rdfs:label " carotaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03141carotiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03141carotiere is carotiere" ; rdfs:label " carotiere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03142carpione simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03142carpione is carpione" ; rdfs:label " carpione_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH03144carpologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03144carpologia is carpologia" ; rdfs:label " carpologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH03146carraia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03146carraia is carraia" ; rdfs:label " carraia_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH03147carraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03147carraia is carraia" ; rdfs:label " carraia_as_Part" . inds:USemTH03153carrellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03153carrellista is carrellista" ; rdfs:label " carrellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03156carrellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03156carrellista is carrellista" ; rdfs:label " carrellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03158carrettaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03158carrettaia is carrettaia" ; rdfs:label " carrettaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03160carrettaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03160carrettaio is carrettaio" ; rdfs:label " carrettaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03161carrettinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03161carrettinista is carrettinista" ; rdfs:label " carrettinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03164carrettinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03164carrettinista is carrettinista" ; rdfs:label " carrettinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03166carrettonaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03166carrettonaia is carrettonaia" ; rdfs:label " carrettonaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03168carrettonaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03168carrettonaio is carrettonaio" ; rdfs:label " carrettonaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03169carrettone simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03169carrettone is carrettone" ; rdfs:label " carrettone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH03170carropontista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03170carropontista is carropontista" ; rdfs:label " carropontista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03173carropontista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03173carropontista is carropontista" ; rdfs:label " carropontista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03175carrozzaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03175carrozzaia is carrozzaia" ; rdfs:label " carrozzaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03177carrozzaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03177carrozzaio is carrozzaio" ; rdfs:label " carrozzaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03178carsismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03178carsismo is carsismo" ; rdfs:label " carsismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH03181cartaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03181cartaia is cartaia" ; rdfs:label " cartaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03182cartaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03182cartaio is cartaio" ; rdfs:label " cartaio_as_Role" . inds:USemTH03183cartaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03183cartaio is cartaio" ; rdfs:label " cartaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03184cartalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03184cartalismo is cartalismo" ; rdfs:label " cartalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH03186cartalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03186cartalista is cartalista" ; rdfs:label " cartalista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03187cartalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03187cartalista is cartalista" ; rdfs:label " cartalista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03191cartellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03191cartellista is cartellista" ; rdfs:label " cartellista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03192cartellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03192cartellista is cartellista" ; rdfs:label " cartellista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03194cartesiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03194cartesiana is cartesiana" ; rdfs:label " cartesiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03195cartesianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03195cartesianismo is cartesianismo" ; rdfs:label " cartesianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH03197cartesiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03197cartesiano is cartesiano" ; rdfs:label " cartesiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03199cartismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03199cartismo is cartismo" ; rdfs:label " cartismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH03201cartista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03201cartista is cartista" ; rdfs:label " cartista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03204cartista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03204cartista is cartista" ; rdfs:label " cartista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03205cartoffia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03205cartoffia is cartoffia" ; rdfs:label " cartoffia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH03207cartofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03207cartofila is cartofila" ; rdfs:label " cartofila_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH03209cartofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03209cartofilo is cartofilo" ; rdfs:label " cartofilo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH03211cartolara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03211cartolara is cartolara" ; rdfs:label " cartolara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03212cartolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03212cartolare is cartolare" ; rdfs:label " cartolare_as_Container" . inds:USemTH03214cartolaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03214cartolaro is cartolaro" ; rdfs:label " cartolaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03216cartonara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03216cartonara is cartonara" ; rdfs:label " cartonara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03218cartonaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03218cartonaro is cartonaro" ; rdfs:label " cartonaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03219cartone simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03219cartone is cartone" ; rdfs:label " cartone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH03220cartonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03220cartonista is cartonista" ; rdfs:label " cartonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03223cartonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03223cartonista is cartonista" ; rdfs:label " cartonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03226cartotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03226cartotecnica is cartotecnica" ; rdfs:label " cartotecnica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03228cartotecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03228cartotecnico is cartotecnico" ; rdfs:label " cartotecnico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03229caruncola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03229caruncola is caruncola" ; rdfs:label " caruncola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH03232caruso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03232caruso is caruso" ; rdfs:label " caruso_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03235casara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03235casara is casara" ; rdfs:label " casara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03237casaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03237casaro is casaro" ; rdfs:label " casaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03239cascamorta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03239cascamorta is cascamorta" ; rdfs:label " cascamorta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03241cascamorto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03241cascamorto is cascamorto" ; rdfs:label " cascamorto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03248cascinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03248cascinaia is cascinaia" ; rdfs:label " cascinaia_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH03249cascinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03249cascinaia is cascinaia" ; rdfs:label " cascinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03251cascinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03251cascinaio is cascinaio" ; rdfs:label " cascinaio_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH03252cascinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03252cascinaio is cascinaio" ; rdfs:label " cascinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03255casellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03255casellista is casellista" ; rdfs:label " casellista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03256casellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03256casellista is casellista" ; rdfs:label " casellista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03258casigliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03258casigliana is casigliana" ; rdfs:label " casigliana_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH03259casigliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03259casigliano is casigliano" ; rdfs:label " casigliano_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH03263casinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03263casinista is casinista" ; rdfs:label " casinista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03264casinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03264casinista is casinista" ; rdfs:label " casinista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03265casista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03265casista is casista" ; rdfs:label " casista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03268casista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03268casista is casista" ; rdfs:label " casista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03269casone simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03269casone is casone" ; rdfs:label " casone_as_Building" . inds:USemTH03271casottaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03271casottaia is casottaia" ; rdfs:label " casottaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03273casottaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03273casottaio is casottaio" ; rdfs:label " casottaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03275cassaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03275cassaia is cassaia" ; rdfs:label " cassaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03277cassaintegrata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03277cassaintegrata is cassaintegrata" ; rdfs:label " cassaintegrata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03279cassaintegrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03279cassaintegrato is cassaintegrato" ; rdfs:label " cassaintegrato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03281cassaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03281cassaio is cassaio" ; rdfs:label " cassaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03284cassazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03284cassazionista is cassazionista" ; rdfs:label " cassazionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03287cassazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03287cassazionista is cassazionista" ; rdfs:label " cassazionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03290cassettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03290cassettista is cassettista" ; rdfs:label " cassettista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03291cassettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03291cassettista is cassettista" ; rdfs:label " cassettista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03293cassidica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03293cassidica is cassidica" ; rdfs:label " cassidica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03295cassidico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03295cassidico is cassidico" ; rdfs:label " cassidico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03296cassidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03296cassidismo is cassidismo" ; rdfs:label " cassidismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH03299cassintegrata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03299cassintegrata is cassintegrata" ; rdfs:label " cassintegrata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03301cassintegrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03301cassintegrato is cassintegrato" ; rdfs:label " cassintegrato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03303castagnacciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03303castagnacciaia is castagnacciaia" ; rdfs:label " castagnacciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03305castagnacciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03305castagnacciaio is castagnacciaio" ; rdfs:label " castagnacciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03307castagnaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03307castagnaia is castagnaia" ; rdfs:label " castagnaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03309castagnaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03309castagnaio is castagnaio" ; rdfs:label " castagnaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03312castalda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03312castalda is castalda" ; rdfs:label " castalda_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03314castaldo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03314castaldo is castaldo" ; rdfs:label " castaldo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03317castaneo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03317castaneo is castaneo" ; rdfs:label " castaneo_as_Color" . inds:USemTH03319castano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03319castano is castano" ; rdfs:label " castano_as_Color" . inds:USemTH03321castelliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03321castelliere is castelliere" ; rdfs:label " castelliere_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH03322castellologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03322castellologia is castellologia" ; rdfs:label " castellologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH03323castigamatti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03323castigamatti is castigamatti" ; rdfs:label " castigamatti_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03331castoreo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03331castoreo is castoreo" ; rdfs:label " castoreo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH03334castracani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03334castracani is castracani" ; rdfs:label " castracani_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03335castraporci simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03335castraporci is castraporci" ; rdfs:label " castraporci_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03342castrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03342castrismo is castrismo" ; rdfs:label " castrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH03344castrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03344castrista is castrista" ; rdfs:label " castrista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03347castrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03347castrista is castrista" ; rdfs:label " castrista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03348casualismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03348casualismo is casualismo" ; rdfs:label " casualismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH03350casuista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03350casuista is casuista" ; rdfs:label " casuista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03352casuista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03352casuista is casuista" ; rdfs:label " casuista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03354catalessia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03354catalessia is catalessia" ; rdfs:label " catalessia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03357cataloghista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03357cataloghista is cataloghista" ; rdfs:label " cataloghista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03360cataloghista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03360cataloghista is cataloghista" ; rdfs:label " cataloghista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03363catapano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03363catapano is catapano" ; rdfs:label " catapano_as_Role" . inds:USemTH03364cataplasma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03364cataplasma is cataplasma" ; rdfs:label " cataplasma_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH03366cataplettica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03366cataplettica is cataplettica" ; rdfs:label " cataplettica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03368cataplettico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03368cataplettico is cataplettico" ; rdfs:label " cataplettico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03372catara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03372catara is catara" ; rdfs:label " catara_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03374catarifrangente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03374catarifrangente is catarifrangente" ; rdfs:label " catarifrangente_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03375catarifrangenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03375catarifrangenza is catarifrangenza" ; rdfs:label " catarifrangenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH03376catarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03376catarismo is catarismo" ; rdfs:label " catarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH03379catarrosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03379catarrosa is catarrosa" ; rdfs:label " catarrosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03381catarroso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03381catarroso is catarroso" ; rdfs:label " catarroso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03383catatermometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03383catatermometro is catatermometro" ; rdfs:label " catatermometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03388catecheta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03388catecheta is catecheta" ; rdfs:label " catecheta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03391catecheta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03391catecheta is catecheta" ; rdfs:label " catecheta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03392catechista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03392catechista is catechista" ; rdfs:label " catechista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03395catechista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03395catechista is catechista" ; rdfs:label " catechista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03401catecumena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03401catecumena is catecumena" ; rdfs:label " catecumena_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03402catecumeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03402catecumeno is catecumeno" ; rdfs:label " catecumeno_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03404categoricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03404categoricita1 is categoricita'" ; rdfs:label " categoricita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH03406catetometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03406catetometro is catetometro" ; rdfs:label " catetometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03408catinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03408catinaia is catinaia" ; rdfs:label " catinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03410catinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03410catinaio is catinaio" ; rdfs:label " catinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03411catione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03411catione is catione" ; rdfs:label " catione_as_Part" . inds:USemTH03412catone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03412catone is catone" ; rdfs:label " catone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03417catramista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03417catramista is catramista" ; rdfs:label " catramista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03420catramista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03420catramista is catramista" ; rdfs:label " catramista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03422cattedratica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03422cattedratica is cattedratica" ; rdfs:label " cattedratica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03427cattivello simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03427cattivello is cattivello" ; rdfs:label " cattivello_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH03430cattofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03430cattofila is cattofila" ; rdfs:label " cattofila_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH03432cattofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03432cattofilo is cattofilo" ; rdfs:label " cattofilo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH03433cattolicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03433cattolicita1 is cattolicita'" ; rdfs:label " cattolicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH03435caucasica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03435caucasica is caucasica" ; rdfs:label " caucasica_as_People" . inds:USemTH03437caucasico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03437caucasico is caucasico" ; rdfs:label " caucasico_as_People" . inds:USemTH03439caudataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03439caudataria is caudataria" ; rdfs:label " caudataria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03441caudatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03441caudatario is caudatario" ; rdfs:label " caudatario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03443caule simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03443caule is caule" ; rdfs:label " caule_as_Part" . inds:USemTH03444causticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03444causticita1 is causticita'" ; rdfs:label " causticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH03446caustico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03446caustico is caustico" ; rdfs:label " caustico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH03448cauterio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03448cauterio is cauterio" ; rdfs:label " cauterio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03452cavafango simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03452cavafango is cavafango" ; rdfs:label " cavafango_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03454cavaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03454cavaiola is cavaiola" ; rdfs:label " cavaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03456cavaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03456cavaiolo is cavaiolo" ; rdfs:label " cavaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03462cavallaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03462cavallaia is cavallaia" ; rdfs:label " cavallaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03464cavallaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03464cavallaio is cavallaio" ; rdfs:label " cavallaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03466cavallara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03466cavallara is cavallara" ; rdfs:label " cavallara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03468cavallaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03468cavallaro is cavallaro" ; rdfs:label " cavallaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03470cavalleggera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03470cavalleggera is cavalleggera" ; rdfs:label " cavalleggera_as_Role" . inds:USemTH03473cavallino simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03473cavallino is cavallino" ; rdfs:label " cavallino_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH03477cavallotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03477cavallotto is cavallotto" ; rdfs:label " cavallotto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03479cavallotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03479cavallotto is cavallotto" ; rdfs:label " cavallotto_as_Money" . inds:USemTH03480cavapietre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03480cavapietre is cavapietre" ; rdfs:label " cavapietre_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03482cavastivali simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03482cavastivali is cavastivali" ; rdfs:label " cavastivali_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03483cavastracci simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03483cavastracci is cavastracci" ; rdfs:label " cavastracci_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03486cavatuberi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03486cavatuberi is cavatuberi" ; rdfs:label " cavatuberi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03489cavaturaccioli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03489cavaturaccioli is cavaturaccioli" ; rdfs:label " cavaturaccioli_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03491cavernicola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03491cavernicola is cavernicola" ; rdfs:label " cavernicola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03494cavernosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03494cavernosita1 is cavernosita'" ; rdfs:label " cavernosita'_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03495cavezzale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03495cavezzale is cavezzale" ; rdfs:label " cavezzale_as_Location" . inds:USemTH03496cavigliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03496cavigliere is cavigliere" ; rdfs:label " cavigliere_as_Part" . inds:USemTH03502cavillosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03502cavillosita1 is cavillosita'" ; rdfs:label " cavillosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH03505cayak simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03505cayak is cayak" ; rdfs:label " cayak_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH03506cazzame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03506cazzame is cazzame" ; rdfs:label " cazzame_as_Part" . inds:USemTH03508cecidiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03508cecidiologia is cecidiologia" ; rdfs:label " cecidiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH03510cecina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03510cecina is cecina" ; rdfs:label " cecina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03511cecino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03511cecino is cecino" ; rdfs:label " cecino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03513cecita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03513cecita1 is cecita'" ; rdfs:label " cecita'_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03515cedente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03515cedente is cedente" ; rdfs:label " cedente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH03517cedevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03517cedevolezza is cedevolezza" ; rdfs:label " cedevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH03518cedibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03518cedibilita1 is cedibilita'" ; rdfs:label " cedibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH03523cedolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03523cedolare is cedolare" ; rdfs:label " cedolare_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH03526cefalalgica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03526cefalalgica is cefalalgica" ; rdfs:label " cefalalgica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03528cefalalgico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03528cefalalgico is cefalalgico" ; rdfs:label " cefalalgico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03530cefalologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03530cefalologia is cefalologia" ; rdfs:label " cefalologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH03532cefalometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03532cefalometro is cefalometro" ; rdfs:label " cefalometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03534cefalopode simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03534cefalopode is cefalopode" ; rdfs:label " cefalopode_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH03536cefalotorace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03536cefalotorace is cefalotorace" ; rdfs:label " cefalotorace_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH03543celerimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03543celerimetro is celerimetro" ; rdfs:label " celerimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03544celiaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03544celiaca is celiaca" ; rdfs:label " celiaca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03547celiaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem67455malato ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03547celiaco is celiaco" ; rdfs:label " celiaco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03554celleraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03554celleraia is celleraia" ; rdfs:label " celleraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03556celleraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03556celleraio is celleraio" ; rdfs:label " celleraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03557celliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03557celliere is celliere" ; rdfs:label " celliere_as_Part" . inds:USemTH03558cellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03558cellista is cellista" ; rdfs:label " cellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03561cellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03561cellista is cellista" ; rdfs:label " cellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03563cellophane simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03563cellophane is cellophane" ; rdfs:label " cellophane_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH03565celoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03565celoma is celoma" ; rdfs:label " celoma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH03566celtismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03566celtismo is celtismo" ; rdfs:label " celtismo_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH03568celtista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03568celtista is celtista" ; rdfs:label " celtista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03571celtista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03571celtista is celtista" ; rdfs:label " celtista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03573cembalaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03573cembalaia is cembalaia" ; rdfs:label " cembalaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03575cembalaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03575cembalaio is cembalaio" ; rdfs:label " cembalaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03576cembalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03576cembalista is cembalista" ; rdfs:label " cembalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03579cembalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03579cembalista is cembalista" ; rdfs:label " cembalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03581cementante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03581cementante is cementante" ; rdfs:label " cementante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH03583cementiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03583cementiera is cementiera" ; rdfs:label " cementiera_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03587cementiero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03587cementiero is cementiero" ; rdfs:label " cementiero_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03588cementista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03588cementista is cementista" ; rdfs:label " cementista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03591cementista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03591cementista is cementista" ; rdfs:label " cementista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03593cenciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03593cenciaia is cenciaia" ; rdfs:label " cenciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03595cenciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03595cenciaio is cenciaio" ; rdfs:label " cenciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03597cenciaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03597cenciaiola is cenciaiola" ; rdfs:label " cenciaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03598cenciaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03598cenciaiolo is cenciaiolo" ; rdfs:label " cenciaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03601cenciosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03601cenciosa is cenciosa" ; rdfs:label " cenciosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03602cencioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03602cencioso is cencioso" ; rdfs:label " cencioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03604cenerone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03604cenerone is cenerone" ; rdfs:label " cenerone_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH03605cenerume simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03605cenerume is cenerume" ; rdfs:label " cenerume_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH03607cenobiarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03607cenobiarca is cenobiarca" ; rdfs:label " cenobiarca_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH03610cenobita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03610cenobita is cenobita" ; rdfs:label " cenobita_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH03612cenobitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03612cenobitismo is cenobitismo" ; rdfs:label " cenobitismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH03616censita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03616censita is censita" ; rdfs:label " censita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03617censito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03617censito is censito" ; rdfs:label " censito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03620censuaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03620censuaria is censuaria" ; rdfs:label " censuaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03621censuario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03621censuario is censuario" ; rdfs:label " censuario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03628centaurea simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03628centaurea is centaurea" ; rdfs:label " centaurea_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH03629centerbe simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03629centerbe is centerbe" ; rdfs:label " centerbe_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH03631centina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03631centina is centina" ; rdfs:label " centina_as_Part" . inds:USemTH03633centista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03633centista is centista" ; rdfs:label " centista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03636centista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03636centista is centista" ; rdfs:label " centista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03637centofoglie simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03637centofoglie is centofoglie" ; rdfs:label " centofoglie_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH03640centogambe simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03640centogambe is centogambe" ; rdfs:label " centogambe_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH03644centopelle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03644centopelle is centopelle" ; rdfs:label " centopelle_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH03645centopelli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03645centopelli is centopelli" ; rdfs:label " centopelli_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH03647centralista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03647centralista is centralista" ; rdfs:label " centralista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03648centralista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03648centralista is centralista" ; rdfs:label " centralista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03649centralista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03649centralista is centralista" ; rdfs:label " centralista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03650centralista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03650centralista is centralista" ; rdfs:label " centralista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03652centralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03652centralita1 is centralita'" ; rdfs:label " centralita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH03663centrattacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03663centrattacco is centrattacco" ; rdfs:label " centrattacco_as_Role" . inds:USemTH03667centriolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03667centriolo is centriolo" ; rdfs:label " centriolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH03674centrodestro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03674centrodestro is centrodestro" ; rdfs:label " centrodestro_as_Role" . inds:USemTH03679centromediana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03679centromediana is centromediana" ; rdfs:label " centromediana_as_Role" . inds:USemTH03680centromediano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03680centromediano is centromediano" ; rdfs:label " centromediano_as_Role" . inds:USemTH03686centrosinistro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03686centrosinistro is centrosinistro" ; rdfs:label " centrosinistro_as_Role" . inds:USemTH03691centrosostegno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03691centrosostegno is centrosostegno" ; rdfs:label " centrosostegno_as_Role" . inds:USemTH03692centrosostegno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03692centrosostegno is centrosostegno" ; rdfs:label " centrosostegno_as_Role" . inds:USemTH03696centroterzina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03696centroterzina is centroterzina" ; rdfs:label " centroterzina_as_Role" . inds:USemTH03698centroterzino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03698centroterzino is centroterzino" ; rdfs:label " centroterzino_as_Role" . inds:USemTH03701cenurosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03701cenurosi is cenurosi" ; rdfs:label " cenurosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03703ceraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03703ceraia is ceraia" ; rdfs:label " ceraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03705ceraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03705ceraio is ceraio" ; rdfs:label " ceraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03707ceraiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03707ceraiola is ceraiola" ; rdfs:label " ceraiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03708ceraiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03708ceraiolo is ceraiolo" ; rdfs:label " ceraiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03711ceramografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03711ceramografa is ceramografa" ; rdfs:label " ceramografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03713ceramografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03713ceramografo is ceramografo" ; rdfs:label " ceramografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03715ceramologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03715ceramologa is ceramologa" ; rdfs:label " ceramologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03716ceramologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03716ceramologia is ceramologia" ; rdfs:label " ceramologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH03718ceramologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03718ceramologo is ceramologo" ; rdfs:label " ceramologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03720ceraste simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03720ceraste is ceraste" ; rdfs:label " ceraste_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH03723cerazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03723cerazia is cerazia" ; rdfs:label " cerazia_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH03724cercafase simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03724cercafase is cercafase" ; rdfs:label " cercafase_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03725cercafughe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03725cercafughe is cercafughe" ; rdfs:label " cercafughe_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03726cercamine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03726cercamine is cercamine" ; rdfs:label " cercamine_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03727cercapoli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03727cercapoli is cercapoli" ; rdfs:label " cercapoli_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03729cerchiaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03729cerchiaia is cerchiaia" ; rdfs:label " cerchiaia_as_Instrument", " cerchiaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03731cerchiaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03731cerchiaio is cerchiaio" ; rdfs:label " cerchiaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03741cercopide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03741cercopide is cercopide" ; rdfs:label " cercopide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH03743cercopiteco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03743cercopiteco is cercopiteco" ; rdfs:label " cercopiteco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH03754cerebralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03754cerebralita1 is cerebralita'" ; rdfs:label " cerebralita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH03756cerebrolesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03756cerebrolesa is cerebrolesa" ; rdfs:label " cerebrolesa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03757cerebroleso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03757cerebroleso is cerebroleso" ; rdfs:label " cerebroleso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03759cerebropatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03759cerebropatia is cerebropatia" ; rdfs:label " cerebropatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03761cerebropatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03761cerebropatica is cerebropatica" ; rdfs:label " cerebropatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03763cerebropatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03763cerebropatico is cerebropatico" ; rdfs:label " cerebropatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03765ceresina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03765ceresina is ceresina" ; rdfs:label " ceresina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH03768cerimoniosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03768cerimoniosita1 is cerimoniosita'" ; rdfs:label " cerimoniosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH03770cerinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03770cerinaia is cerinaia" ; rdfs:label " cerinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03772cerinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03772cerinaio is cerinaio" ; rdfs:label " cerinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03773cerniere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03773cerniere is cerniere" ; rdfs:label " cerniere_as_Container" . inds:USemTH03779ceroferaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03779ceroferaria is ceroferaria" ; rdfs:label " ceroferaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03780ceroferario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03780ceroferario is ceroferario" ; rdfs:label " ceroferario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03782ceroplasta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03782ceroplasta is ceroplasta" ; rdfs:label " ceroplasta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03784ceroplasta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03784ceroplasta is ceroplasta" ; rdfs:label " ceroplasta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03787cerretana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03787cerretana is cerretana" ; rdfs:label " cerretana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03789cerretano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03789cerretano is cerretano" ; rdfs:label " cerretano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03795cervellina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03795cervellina is cervellina" ; rdfs:label " cervellina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03799cervide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03799cervide is cervide" ; rdfs:label " cervide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH03800cervone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03800cervone is cervone" ; rdfs:label " cervone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH03803cesariana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03803cesariana is cesariana" ; rdfs:label " cesariana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03804cesariano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03804cesariano is cesariano" ; rdfs:label " cesariano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03806cesarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03806cesarista is cesarista" ; rdfs:label " cesarista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03809cesarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03809cesarista is cesarista" ; rdfs:label " cesarista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03810cesaropapismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03810cesaropapismo is cesaropapismo" ; rdfs:label " cesaropapismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH03812cesaropapista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03812cesaropapista is cesaropapista" ; rdfs:label " cesaropapista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03815cesaropapista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03815cesaropapista is cesaropapista" ; rdfs:label " cesaropapista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03829cesoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03829cesoista is cesoista" ; rdfs:label " cesoista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03832cesoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03832cesoista is cesoista" ; rdfs:label " cesoista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03833cespugliame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03833cespugliame is cespugliame" ; rdfs:label " cespugliame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH03836cessionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03836cessionario is cessionario" ; rdfs:label " cessionario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH03838cestaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03838cestaia is cestaia" ; rdfs:label " cestaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03840cestaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03840cestaio is cestaio" ; rdfs:label " cestaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03842cestide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03842cestide is cestide" ; rdfs:label " cestide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH03843cestismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03843cestismo is cestismo" ; rdfs:label " cestismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH03846cestode simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03846cestode is cestode" ; rdfs:label " cestode_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH03847cetologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03847cetologia is cetologia" ; rdfs:label " cetologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH03848chanteuse simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03848chanteuse is chanteuse" ; rdfs:label " chanteuse_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03850charme simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03850charme is charme" ; rdfs:label " charme_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH03852chassidica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03852chassidica is chassidica" ; rdfs:label " chassidica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03854chassidico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03854chassidico is chassidico" ; rdfs:label " chassidico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH03856cheilite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03856cheilite is cheilite" ; rdfs:label " cheilite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03857cheiloschisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03857cheiloschisi is cheiloschisi" ; rdfs:label " cheiloschisi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03859chelone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03859chelone is chelone" ; rdfs:label " chelone_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH03861chemiluminescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03861chemiluminescenza is chemiluminescenza" ; rdfs:label " chemiluminescenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH03862chemioelettricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03862chemioelettricita1 is chemioelettricita'" ; rdfs:label " chemioelettricita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH03863chemiogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03863chemiogenesi is chemiogenesi" ; rdfs:label " chemiogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH03865chemiotattismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03865chemiotattismo is chemiotattismo" ; rdfs:label " chemiotattismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH03867chemiotropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03867chemiotropismo is chemiotropismo" ; rdfs:label " chemiotropismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH03870cheppia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03870cheppia is cheppia" ; rdfs:label " cheppia_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH03871cheque simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03871cheque is cheque" ; rdfs:label " cheque_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH03872cheratite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03872cheratite is cheratite" ; rdfs:label " cheratite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03876chiacchierina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03876chiacchierina is chiacchierina" ; rdfs:label " chiacchierina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03878chiacchierino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03878chiacchierino is chiacchierino" ; rdfs:label " chiacchierino_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH03879chiacchierino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03879chiacchierino is chiacchierino" ; rdfs:label " chiacchierino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03885chiamavetture simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03885chiamavetture is chiamavetture" ; rdfs:label " chiamavetture_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03887chiantigiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03887chiantigiana is chiantigiana" ; rdfs:label " chiantigiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH03888chiantigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03888chiantigiano is chiantigiano" ; rdfs:label " chiantigiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH03891chiappacani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03891chiappacani is chiappacani" ; rdfs:label " chiappacani_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03893chiappamerli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03893chiappamerli is chiappamerli" ; rdfs:label " chiappamerli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03894chiappamosche simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03894chiappamosche is chiappamosche" ; rdfs:label " chiappamosche_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03896chiappanuvole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03896chiappanuvole is chiappanuvole" ; rdfs:label " chiappanuvole_as_Human" . inds:USemTH03898chiarificante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03898chiarificante is chiarificante" ; rdfs:label " chiarificante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH03899chiarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03899chiarita1 is chiarita'" ; rdfs:label " chiarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH03900chiasma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03900chiasma is chiasma" ; rdfs:label " chiasma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH03902chiavaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03902chiavaia is chiavaia" ; rdfs:label " chiavaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03904chiavaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03904chiavaio is chiavaio" ; rdfs:label " chiavaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03906chiavaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03906chiavaiola is chiavaiola" ; rdfs:label " chiavaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03907chiavaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03907chiavaiolo is chiavaiolo" ; rdfs:label " chiavaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03910chiavara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03910chiavara is chiavara" ; rdfs:label " chiavara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03911chiavaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03911chiavaro is chiavaro" ; rdfs:label " chiavaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03920chietina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03920chietina is chietina" ; rdfs:label " chietina_as_People" . inds:USemTH03921chietino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03921chietino is chietino" ; rdfs:label " chietino_as_People" . inds:USemTH03925chiliarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03925chiliarca is chiliarca" ; rdfs:label " chiliarca_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH03928chilosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03928chilosi is chilosi" ; rdfs:label " chilosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH03929chimista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03929chimista is chimista" ; rdfs:label " chimista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03932chimista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03932chimista is chimista" ; rdfs:label " chimista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03933chimosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03933chimosi is chimosi" ; rdfs:label " chimosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH03936chinetosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03936chinetosi is chinetosi" ; rdfs:label " chinetosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH03938chiocciolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03938chiocciolaia is chiocciolaia" ; rdfs:label " chiocciolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03940chiocciolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03940chiocciolaio is chiocciolaio" ; rdfs:label " chiocciolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03947chiodaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03947chiodaia is chiodaia" ; rdfs:label " chiodaia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03948chiodaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03948chiodaia is chiodaia" ; rdfs:label " chiodaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03951chiodaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03951chiodaio is chiodaio" ; rdfs:label " chiodaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03953chiodaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03953chiodaiola is chiodaiola" ; rdfs:label " chiodaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03954chiodaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03954chiodaiolo is chiodaiolo" ; rdfs:label " chiodaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03956chiodame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03956chiodame is chiodame" ; rdfs:label " chiodame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH03959chioggiotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03959chioggiotta is chioggiotta" ; rdfs:label " chioggiotta_as_People" . inds:USemTH03960chioggiotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03960chioggiotto is chioggiotto" ; rdfs:label " chioggiotto_as_Language" . inds:USemTH03961chioggiotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03961chioggiotto is chioggiotto" ; rdfs:label " chioggiotto_as_People" . inds:USemTH03967chirografaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03967chirografaria is chirografaria" ; rdfs:label " chirografaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH03968chirografario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03968chirografario is chirografario" ; rdfs:label " chirografario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH03970chirografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03970chirografo is chirografo" ; rdfs:label " chirografo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH03972chirologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03972chirologa is chirologa" ; rdfs:label " chirologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03973chirologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03973chirologia is chirologia" ; rdfs:label " chirologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH03975chirologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03975chirologo is chirologo" ; rdfs:label " chirologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03976chiroscopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03976chiroscopia is chiroscopia" ; rdfs:label " chiroscopia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH03977chiroterapeuta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03977chiroterapeuta is chiroterapeuta" ; rdfs:label " chiroterapeuta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03980chiroterapeuta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03980chiroterapeuta is chiroterapeuta" ; rdfs:label " chiroterapeuta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03982linotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03982linotipia is linotipia" ; rdfs:label " linotipia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH03983chitarrone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03983chitarrone is Chitarrone" ; rdfs:label " Chitarrone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH03986ciabattaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03986ciabattaia is ciabattaia" ; rdfs:label " ciabattaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03988ciabattaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03988ciabattaio is ciabattaio" ; rdfs:label " ciabattaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03990ciabattina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03990ciabattina is ciabattina" ; rdfs:label " ciabattina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03991ciacchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03991ciacchista is ciacchista" ; rdfs:label " ciacchista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03994ciacchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03994ciacchista is ciacchista" ; rdfs:label " ciacchista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03995cialdone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03995cialdone is cialdone" ; rdfs:label " cialdone_as_Food" . inds:USemTH03997ciambellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03997ciambellaia is ciambellaia" ; rdfs:label " ciambellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH03999ciambellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH03999ciambellaio is ciambellaio" ; rdfs:label " ciambellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04003ciampichina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04003ciampichina is ciampichina" ; rdfs:label " ciampichina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04004ciampichino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04004ciampichino is ciampichino" ; rdfs:label " ciampichino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04007cianato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04007cianato is cianato" ; rdfs:label " cianato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH04018cianografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04018cianografa is cianografa" ; rdfs:label " cianografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04020cianografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04020cianografo is cianografo" ; rdfs:label " cianografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04021linotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04021linotipia is linotipia" ; rdfs:label " linotipia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH04032ciccaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04032ciccaiola is ciccaiola" ; rdfs:label " ciccaiola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04033ciccaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04033ciccaiolo is ciccaiolo" ; rdfs:label " ciccaiolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04036ciccarola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04036ciccarola is ciccarola" ; rdfs:label " ciccarola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04037ciccarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04037ciccarolo is ciccarolo" ; rdfs:label " ciccarolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04040ciclammato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04040ciclammato is ciclammato" ; rdfs:label " ciclammato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH04041ciclicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04041ciclicita1 is ciclicita'" ; rdfs:label " ciclicita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH04043ciclide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04043ciclide is ciclide" ; rdfs:label " ciclide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH04044ciclocrossista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04044ciclocrossista is ciclocrossista" ; rdfs:label " ciclocrossista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04047ciclocrossista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04047ciclocrossista is ciclocrossista" ; rdfs:label " ciclocrossista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04048ciclofurgone simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04048ciclofurgone is ciclofurgone" ; rdfs:label " ciclofurgone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH04049cicloide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04049cicloide is cicloide" ; rdfs:label " cicloide_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH04051ciclomotorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04051ciclomotorista is ciclomotorista" ; rdfs:label " ciclomotorista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04053ciclomotorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04053ciclomotorista is ciclomotorista" ; rdfs:label " ciclomotorista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04054ciclopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04054ciclopia is ciclopia" ; rdfs:label " ciclopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH04055ciclopismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04055ciclopismo is ciclopismo" ; rdfs:label " ciclopismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH04058ciclotimica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04058ciclotimica is ciclotimica" ; rdfs:label " ciclotimica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04060ciclotimico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04060ciclotimico is ciclotimico" ; rdfs:label " ciclotimico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04068cicognino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04068cicognino is cicognino" ; rdfs:label " cicognino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH04070cieco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04070cieco is cieco" ; rdfs:label " cieco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04071ciellenista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04071ciellenista is ciellenista" ; rdfs:label " ciellenista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04074ciellenista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04074ciellenista is ciellenista" ; rdfs:label " ciellenista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04076ciellina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04076ciellina is ciellina" ; rdfs:label " ciellina_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04077ciellino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04077ciellino is ciellino" ; rdfs:label " ciellino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04080cifrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04080cifrista is cifrista" ; rdfs:label " cifrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04083cifrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04083cifrista is cifrista" ; rdfs:label " cifrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04085cigana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04085cigana is cigana" ; rdfs:label " cigana_as_People" . inds:USemTH04086cigano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04086cigano is cigano" ; rdfs:label " cigano_as_People" . inds:USemTH04088cigiellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04088cigiellista is cigiellista" ; rdfs:label " cigiellista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04091cigiellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04091cigiellista is cigiellista" ; rdfs:label " cigiellista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04092ciglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04092ciglione is ciglione" ; rdfs:label " ciglione_as_Area" . inds:USemTH04094cilindraia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04094cilindraia is cilindraia" ; rdfs:label " cilindraia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04095cilindrasse simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04095cilindrasse is cilindrasse" ; rdfs:label " cilindrasse_as_Part" . inds:USemTH04099cimale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04099cimale is cimale" ; rdfs:label " cimale_as_Part" . inds:USemTH04107cimbalaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04107cimbalaia is cimbalaia" ; rdfs:label " cimbalaia_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH04109cimbalaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04109cimbalaio is cimbalaio" ; rdfs:label " cimbalaio_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH04111cimometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04111cimometro is cimometro" ; rdfs:label " cimometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04113cinconismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04113cinconismo is cinconismo" ; rdfs:label " cinconismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH04124cinegeta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04124cinegeta is cinegeta" ; rdfs:label " cinegeta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04128cinemobile simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04128cinemobile is cinemobile" ; rdfs:label " cinemobile_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH04131cinetosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04131cinetosi is cinetosi" ; rdfs:label " cinetosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH04135cinofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04135cinofila is cinofila" ; rdfs:label " cinofila_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH04136cinofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04136cinofobia is cinofobia" ; rdfs:label " cinofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH04138cinologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04138cinologa is cinologa" ; rdfs:label " cinologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04141cinologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04141cinologo is cinologo" ; rdfs:label " cinologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04143cinopiteco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04143cinopiteco is cinopiteco" ; rdfs:label " cinopiteco_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH04146cinquantesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04146cinquantesimo is cinquantesimo" ; rdfs:label " cinquantesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH04148cinquecentesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04148cinquecentesimo is cinquecentesimo" ; rdfs:label " cinquecentesimo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04149cinquecentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04149cinquecentista is cinquecentista" ; rdfs:label " cinquecentista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04153cioccolataia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04153cioccolataia is cioccolataia" ; rdfs:label " cioccolataia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04156cioccolataio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04156cioccolataio is cioccolataio" ; rdfs:label " cioccolataio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04158ciociara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04158ciociara is ciociara" ; rdfs:label " ciociara_as_People" . inds:USemTH04162ciompo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04162ciompo is ciompo" ; rdfs:label " ciompo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04164cionca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04164cionca is cionca" ; rdfs:label " cionca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04166cionco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04166cionco is cionco" ; rdfs:label " cionco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04169cipollone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04169cipollone is cipollone" ; rdfs:label " cipollone_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH04170circassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04170circassa is circassa" ; rdfs:label " circassa_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH04171circassa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04171circassa is circassa" ; rdfs:label " circassa_as_People" . inds:USemTH04173circasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04173circasso is circasso" ; rdfs:label " circasso_as_Language" . inds:USemTH04174circasso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04174circasso is circasso" ; rdfs:label " circasso_as_People" . inds:USemTH04177circostante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04177circostante is circostante" ; rdfs:label " circostante_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH04179circuiteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04179circuiteria is circuiteria" ; rdfs:label " circuiteria_as_Group" . inds:USemTH04187cirenaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04187cirenaismo is cirenaismo" ; rdfs:label " cirenaismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH04190cirrotica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04190cirrotica is cirrotica" ; rdfs:label " cirrotica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04192cirrotico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04192cirrotico is cirrotico" ; rdfs:label " cirrotico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04196cisiario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04196cisiario is cisiario" ; rdfs:label " cisiario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04198cislina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04198cislina is cislina" ; rdfs:label " cislina_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04200cislino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04200cislino is cislino" ; rdfs:label " cislino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04204cisternista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04204cisternista is cisternista" ; rdfs:label " cisternista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04205cisternista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04205cisternista is cisternista" ; rdfs:label " cisternista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04207cisticercosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04207cisticercosi is cisticercosi" ; rdfs:label " cisticercosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH04208cistifellea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04208cistifellea is cistifellea" ; rdfs:label " cistifellea_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH04210corografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04210corografia is corografia" ; rdfs:label " corografia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH04212cistoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04212cistoide is cistoide" ; rdfs:label " cistoide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH04213cistoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04213cistoma is cistoma" ; rdfs:label " cistoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH04215cistoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04215cistoscopio is cistoscopio" ; rdfs:label " cistoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04217citareda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04217citareda is citareda" ; rdfs:label " citareda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04220citaredo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04220citaredo is citaredo" ; rdfs:label " citaredo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04223citarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04223citarista is citarista" ; rdfs:label " citarista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH04224citarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04224citarista is citarista" ; rdfs:label " citarista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH04225citocromo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04225citocromo is citocromo" ; rdfs:label " citocromo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH04237cittadiname simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04237cittadiname is cittadiname" ; rdfs:label " cittadiname_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH04243ciucaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04243ciucaia is ciucaia" ; rdfs:label " ciucaia_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04245ciucaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04245ciucaio is ciucaio" ; rdfs:label " ciucaio_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04246ciuco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04246ciuco is ciuco" ; rdfs:label " ciuco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH04249civaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04249civaiola is civaiola" ; rdfs:label " civaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04251civaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04251civaiolo is civaiolo" ; rdfs:label " civaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04253civettaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04253civettaia is civettaia" ; rdfs:label " civettaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04255civettaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04255civettaio is civettaio" ; rdfs:label " civettaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04258civismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04258civismo is civismo" ; rdfs:label " civismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04260clacchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04260clacchista is clacchista" ; rdfs:label " clacchista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04262clacchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04262clacchista is clacchista" ; rdfs:label " clacchista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04267clarinettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04267clarinettista is clarinettista" ; rdfs:label " clarinettista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH04270clarinettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04270clarinettista is clarinettista" ; rdfs:label " clarinettista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH04273clarinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04273clarinista is clarinista" ; rdfs:label " clarinista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH04276clarinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04276clarinista is clarinista" ; rdfs:label " clarinista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH04279classicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04279classicista is classicista" ; rdfs:label " classicista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04282classicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04282classicista is classicista" ; rdfs:label " classicista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04283classicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04283classicita1 is classicita'" ; rdfs:label " classicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04285classismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04285classismo is classismo" ; rdfs:label " classismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH04287classista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04287classista is classista" ; rdfs:label " classista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04290classista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04290classista is classista" ; rdfs:label " classista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04294clavicembalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04294clavicembalista is clavicembalista" ; rdfs:label " clavicembalista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH04295clavicembalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04295clavicembalista is clavicembalista" ; rdfs:label " clavicembalista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH04296clavicembalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04296clavicembalista is clavicembalista" ; rdfs:label " clavicembalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04297clavicembalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04297clavicembalista is clavicembalista" ; rdfs:label " clavicembalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04298claxon simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04298claxon is claxon" ; rdfs:label " claxon_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04302clientola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04302clientola is clientola" ; rdfs:label " clientola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04304clientolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04304clientolo is clientolo" ; rdfs:label " clientolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04305climaterio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04305climaterio is climaterio" ; rdfs:label " climaterio_as_Time" . inds:USemTH04307climatologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04307climatologa is climatologa" ; rdfs:label " climatologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04309climatologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04309climatologo is climatologo" ; rdfs:label " climatologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04311clinometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04311clinometro is clinometro" ; rdfs:label " clinometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04312clisimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04312clisimetro is clisimetro" ; rdfs:label " clisimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04315clivaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04315clivaggio is clivaggio" ; rdfs:label " clivaggio_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04316cloasma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04316cloasma is cloasma" ; rdfs:label " cloasma_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH04317clono simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04317clono is clono" ; rdfs:label " clono_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH04318cloralismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04318cloralismo is cloralismo" ; rdfs:label " cloralismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH04320clorato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04320clorato is clorato" ; rdfs:label " clorato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH04323clorito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04323clorito is clorito" ; rdfs:label " clorito_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH04324cloroplasto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04324cloroplasto is cloroplasto" ; rdfs:label " cloroplasto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH04325clorosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04325clorosi is clorosi" ; rdfs:label " clorosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH04330coaccusata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04330coaccusata is coaccusata" ; rdfs:label " coaccusata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH04333coaccusato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04333coaccusato is coaccusato" ; rdfs:label " coaccusato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH04336coana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04336coana is coana" ; rdfs:label " coana_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH04340coattivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04340coattivita1 is coattivita'" ; rdfs:label " coattivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04342cocainomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04342cocainomania is cocainomania" ; rdfs:label " cocainomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH04344cocciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04344cocciaia is cocciaia" ; rdfs:label " cocciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04346cocciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04346cocciaio is cocciaio" ; rdfs:label " cocciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04348coccide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04348coccide is coccide" ; rdfs:label " coccide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH04350coccinellide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04350coccinellide is coccinellide" ; rdfs:label " coccinellide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH04352cocciuta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04352cocciuta is cocciuta" ; rdfs:label " cocciuta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04354cocciuto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04354cocciuto is cocciuto" ; rdfs:label " cocciuto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04362codicologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04362codicologa is codicologa" ; rdfs:label " codicologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04365codicologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04365codicologo is codicologo" ; rdfs:label " codicologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04369codone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04369codone is codone" ; rdfs:label " codone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH04374coefficenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04374coefficenza is coefficenza" ; rdfs:label " coefficenza_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH04375coenzima simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04375coenzima is coenzima" ; rdfs:label " coenzima_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH04376coercibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04376coercibilita1 is coercibilita'" ; rdfs:label " coercibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04378coesore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04378coesore is coesore" ; rdfs:label " coesore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04382cofosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04382cofosi is cofosi" ; rdfs:label " cofosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH04385cofta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04385cofta is cofta" ; rdfs:label " cofta_as_People" . inds:USemTH04387cofto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04387cofto is cofto" ; rdfs:label " cofto_as_People" . inds:USemTH04388cofto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04388cofto is cofto" ; rdfs:label " cofto_as_Language" . inds:USemTH04404coiaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04404coiaia is coiaia" ; rdfs:label " coiaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04406coiaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04406coiaio is coiaio" ; rdfs:label " coiaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04408coibente simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04408coibente is coibente" ; rdfs:label " coibente_as_Material" . inds:USemTH04410coiffeuse simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04410coiffeuse is coiffeuse" ; rdfs:label " coiffeuse_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH04415coinsieme simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04415coinsieme is coinsieme" ; rdfs:label " coinsieme_as_Group" . inds:USemTH04417cointeressata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04417cointeressata is cointeressata" ; rdfs:label " cointeressata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH04419cointeressato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04419cointeressato is cointeressato" ; rdfs:label " cointeressato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH04423coke simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04423coke is coke" ; rdfs:label " coke_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH04424omografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04424omografia is omografia" ; rdfs:label " omografia_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH04425colapasta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04425colapasta is colapasta" ; rdfs:label " colapasta_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04426colascione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04426colascione is colascione" ; rdfs:label " colascione_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04427colato simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04427colato is colato" ; rdfs:label " colato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH04435colcosiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04435colcosiana is colcosiana" ; rdfs:label " colcosiana_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04438colcosiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04438colcosiano is colcosiano" ; rdfs:label " colcosiano_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04441colerosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04441colerosa is colerosa" ; rdfs:label " colerosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04443coleroso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04443coleroso is coleroso" ; rdfs:label " coleroso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04445colf simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04445colf is colf" ; rdfs:label " colf_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04446colibacillosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04446colibacillosi is colibacillosi" ; rdfs:label " colibacillosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH04447colina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04447colina is colina" ; rdfs:label " colina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH04449colitica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04449colitica is colitica" ; rdfs:label " colitica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04451colitico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04451colitico is colitico" ; rdfs:label " colitico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04460collegata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04460collegata is collegata" ; rdfs:label " collegata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH04462collegataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04462collegataria is collegataria" ; rdfs:label " collegataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04465collegatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04465collegatario is collegatario" ; rdfs:label " collegatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04467collegato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04467collegato is collegato" ; rdfs:label " collegato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH04468collegialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04468collegialita1 is collegialita'" ; rdfs:label " collegialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04469collettame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04469collettame is collettame" ; rdfs:label " collettame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH04471colligiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04471colligiana is colligiana" ; rdfs:label " colligiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH04473colligiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04473colligiano is colligiano" ; rdfs:label " colligiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH04484collodio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04484collodio is collodio" ; rdfs:label " collodio_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH04487collosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04487collosita1 is collosita'" ; rdfs:label " collosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04489collusore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04489collusore is collusore" ; rdfs:label " collusore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04503colombofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04503colombofila is colombofila" ; rdfs:label " colombofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04507colombofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04507colombofilo is colombofilo" ; rdfs:label " colombofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04510colonnista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04510colonnista is colonnista" ; rdfs:label " colonnista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04513colonnista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04513colonnista is colonnista" ; rdfs:label " colonnista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04515colorimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04515colorimetro is colorimetro" ; rdfs:label " colorimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04516colorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04516colorismo is colorismo" ; rdfs:label " colorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH04518colorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04518colorista is colorista" ; rdfs:label " colorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04521colorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04521colorista is colorista" ; rdfs:label " colorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04527colpevolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04527colpevolista is colpevolista" ; rdfs:label " colpevolista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04528colpevolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04528colpevolista is colpevolista" ; rdfs:label " colpevolista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04537coltellame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04537coltellame is coltellame" ; rdfs:label " coltellame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH04538coltellone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04538coltellone is coltellone" ; rdfs:label " coltellone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04539coltivabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04539coltivabilita1 is coltivabilita'" ; rdfs:label " coltivabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04541colto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04541colto is colto" ; rdfs:label " colto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04547combattentismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04547combattentismo is combattentismo" ; rdfs:label " combattentismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH04553combinabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04553combinabilita1 is combinabilita'" ; rdfs:label " combinabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04565cominformista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04565cominformista is cominformista" ; rdfs:label " cominformista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04566cominformista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04566cominformista is cominformista" ; rdfs:label " cominformista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04573commendatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04573commendatario is commendatario" ; rdfs:label " commendatario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04574commensalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04574commensalismo is commensalismo" ; rdfs:label " commensalismo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH04576commensurabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04576commensurabilita1 is commensurabilita'" ; rdfs:label " commensurabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04579commercialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04579commercialita1 is commercialita'" ; rdfs:label " commercialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04581commestibile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04581commestibile is commestibile" ; rdfs:label " commestibile_as_Food" . inds:USemTH04582commestibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04582commestibilita1 is commestibilita'" ; rdfs:label " commestibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04594commissionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04594commissionario is commissionario" ; rdfs:label " commissionario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04598commutabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04598commutabilita1 is commutabilita'" ; rdfs:label " commutabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04599commutativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04599commutativita1 is commutativita'" ; rdfs:label " commutativita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04601commutatorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04601commutatorista is commutatorista" ; rdfs:label " commutatorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04603commutatorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04603commutatorista is commutatorista" ; rdfs:label " commutatorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04605comodataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04605comodataria is comodataria" ; rdfs:label " comodataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04607comodatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04607comodatario is comodatario" ; rdfs:label " comodatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04608comodita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04608comodita1 is comodita'" ; rdfs:label " comodita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04616comparatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04616comparatista is comparatista" ; rdfs:label " comparatista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04619comparatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04619comparatista is comparatista" ; rdfs:label " comparatista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04621compatibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04621compatibilita1 is compatibilita'" ; rdfs:label " compatibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04623compatrona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04623compatrona is compatrona" ; rdfs:label " compatrona_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04625compatrono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04625compatrono is compatrono" ; rdfs:label " compatrono_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04632compendiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04632compendiosita1 is compendiosita'" ; rdfs:label " compendiosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04633compenetrabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04633compenetrabilita1 is compenetrabilita'" ; rdfs:label " compenetrabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04634compensabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04634compensabilita1 is compensabilita'" ; rdfs:label " compensabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04640competitivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04640competitivita1 is competitivita'" ; rdfs:label " competitivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04651complanarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04651complanarita1 is complanarita'" ; rdfs:label " complanarita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04652complementarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04652complementarita1 is complementarita'" ; rdfs:label " complementarita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04655complessata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04655complessata is complessata" ; rdfs:label " complessata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04657complessato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04657complessato is complessato" ; rdfs:label " complessato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04658complessita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04658complessita1 is complessita'" ; rdfs:label " complessita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04665comportamentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04665comportamentista is comportamentista" ; rdfs:label " comportamentista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04668comportamentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04668comportamentista is comportamentista" ; rdfs:label " comportamentista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04670comprensivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04670comprensivita1 is comprensivita'" ; rdfs:label " comprensivita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04671compressibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04671compressibilita1 is compressibilita'" ; rdfs:label " compressibilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04672compressorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04672compressorista is compressorista" ; rdfs:label " compressorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04675compressorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04675compressorista is compressorista" ; rdfs:label " compressorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04678comprimibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04678comprimibilita1 is comprimibilita'" ; rdfs:label " comprimibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04680compromissaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04680compromissaria is compromissaria" ; rdfs:label " compromissaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04682compromissario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04682compromissario is compromissario" ; rdfs:label " compromissario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04692comptometrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04692comptometrista is comptometrista" ; rdfs:label " comptometrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04695comptometrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04695comptometrista is comptometrista" ; rdfs:label " comptometrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04702computista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04702computista is computista" ; rdfs:label " computista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04703computista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04703computista is computista" ; rdfs:label " computista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04706comunarda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04706comunarda is comunarda" ; rdfs:label " comunarda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04708comunardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04708comunardo is comunardo" ; rdfs:label " comunardo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04710concavita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04710concavita1 is concavita'" ; rdfs:label " concavita'_as_Part" . inds:USemTH04715concentricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04715concentricita1 is concentricita'" ; rdfs:label " concentricita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04716concepibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04716concepibilita1 is concepibilita'" ; rdfs:label " concepibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04717concepita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04717concepita is concepita" ; rdfs:label " concepita_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH04719concepito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04719concepito is concepito" ; rdfs:label " concepito_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH04725concertismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04725concertismo is concertismo" ; rdfs:label " concertismo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH04727concessore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04727concessore is concessore" ; rdfs:label " concessore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04729concettismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04729concettismo is concettismo" ; rdfs:label " concettismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH04731concettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04731concettista is concettista" ; rdfs:label " concettista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04734concettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04734concettista is concettista" ; rdfs:label " concettista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04735concettosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04735concettosita1 is concettosita'" ; rdfs:label " concettosita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04736concettualismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04736concettualismo is concettualismo" ; rdfs:label " concettualismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH04738concettualista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04738concettualista is concettualista" ; rdfs:label " concettualista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04740concettualista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04740concettualista is concettualista" ; rdfs:label " concettualista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04743conciabrocche simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04743conciabrocche is conciabrocche" ; rdfs:label " conciabrocche_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04752conciaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04752conciaiola is conciaiola" ; rdfs:label " conciaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04754conciaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04754conciaiolo is conciaiolo" ; rdfs:label " conciaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04755conciante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04755conciante is conciante" ; rdfs:label " conciante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH04757conciapelli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04757conciapelli is conciapelli" ; rdfs:label " conciapelli_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04760conciaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04760conciaria is conciaria" ; rdfs:label " conciaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04762conciario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04762conciario is conciario" ; rdfs:label " conciario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04768conciliarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04768conciliarismo is conciliarismo" ; rdfs:label " conciliarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH04780concimiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04780concimiere is concimiere" ; rdfs:label " concimiere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04781concinnita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04781concinnita1 is concinnita'" ; rdfs:label " concinnita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04794concorrenzialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04794concorrenzialita1 is concorrenzialita'" ; rdfs:label " concorrenzialita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04797concretismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04797concretismo is concretismo" ; rdfs:label " concretismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH04800concretista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04800concretista is concretista" ; rdfs:label " concretista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04801concretista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04801concretista is concretista" ; rdfs:label " concretista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04805concubina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3592donna ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04805concubina is concubina" ; rdfs:label " concubina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04806concubinaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04806concubinaria is concubinaria" ; rdfs:label " concubinaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04809concubinario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04809concubinario is concubinario" ; rdfs:label " concubinario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04810concubino simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04810concubino is concubino" ; rdfs:label " concubino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04818concussionaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04818concussionaria is concussionaria" ; rdfs:label " concussionaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04820concussionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04820concussionario is concussionario" ; rdfs:label " concussionario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04832condensabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04832condensabilita1 is condensabilita'" ; rdfs:label " condensabilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04833condilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04833condilo is condilo" ; rdfs:label " condilo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH04834condiloma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04834condiloma is condiloma" ; rdfs:label " condiloma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH04839condiscepola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04839condiscepola is condiscepola" ; rdfs:label " condiscepola_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04841condiscepolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04841condiscepolo is condiscepolo" ; rdfs:label " condiscepolo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04843condom simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04843condom is condom" ; rdfs:label " condom_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04848condotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04848condotto is condotto" ; rdfs:label " condotto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH04849condrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Disease, simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04849condrite is condrite" ; rdfs:label " condrite_as_Disease", " condrite_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH04851conducibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04851conducibilita1 is conducibilita'" ; rdfs:label " conducibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04853conduttibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04853conduttibilita1 is conduttibilita'" ; rdfs:label " conduttibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04854conduttivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04854conduttivita1 is conduttivita'" ; rdfs:label " conduttivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04856confessionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04856confessionalismo is confessionalismo" ; rdfs:label " confessionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH04865confezionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04865confezionista is confezionista" ; rdfs:label " confezionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04867confezionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04867confezionista is confezionista" ; rdfs:label " confezionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04870configurazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04870configurazionismo is configurazionismo" ; rdfs:label " configurazionismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH04874confinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04874confinata is confinata" ; rdfs:label " confinata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH04876confinato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04876confinato is confinato" ; rdfs:label " confinato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH04882confluente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04882confluente is confluente" ; rdfs:label " confluente_as_Location" . inds:USemTH04895confusionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04895confusionista is confusionista" ; rdfs:label " confusionista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH04904congedanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04904congedanda is congedanda" ; rdfs:label " congedanda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04906congedando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04906congedando is congedando" ; rdfs:label " congedando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04911congenialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04911congenialita1 is congenialita'" ; rdfs:label " congenialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04921conglomerata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04921conglomerata is conglomerata" ; rdfs:label " conglomerata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH04923congregata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04923congregata is congregata" ; rdfs:label " congregata_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH04925congregato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04925congregato is congregato" ; rdfs:label " congregato_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH04928congregazionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04928congregazionalista is congregazionalista" ; rdfs:label " congregazionalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04930congregazionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04930congregazionalista is congregazionalista" ; rdfs:label " congregazionalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04933congregazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04933congregazionista is congregazionista" ; rdfs:label " congregazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04934congregazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04934congregazionista is congregazionista" ; rdfs:label " congregazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH04936congruita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04936congruita1 is congruita'" ; rdfs:label " congruita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH04944conicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04944conicita1 is conicita'" ; rdfs:label " conicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04950coniina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04950coniina is coniina" ; rdfs:label " coniina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH04953coniugata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04953coniugata is coniugata" ; rdfs:label " coniugata_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH04956coniugato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04956coniugato is coniugato" ; rdfs:label " coniugato_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH04958conlegataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04958conlegataria is conlegataria" ; rdfs:label " conlegataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04960conlegatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04960conlegatario is conlegatario" ; rdfs:label " conlegatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04961connaturalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04961connaturalita1 is connaturalita'" ; rdfs:label " connaturalita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04962conoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04962conoide is conoide" ; rdfs:label " conoide_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH04964conoscibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04964conoscibilita1 is conoscibilita'" ; rdfs:label " conoscibilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH04976consanguineita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04976consanguineita1 is consanguineita'" ; rdfs:label " consanguineita'_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH04977consecutivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04977consecutivista is consecutivista" ; rdfs:label " consecutivista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04980consecutivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04980consecutivista is consecutivista" ; rdfs:label " consecutivista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH04983consegnataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04983consegnataria is consegnataria" ; rdfs:label " consegnataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04986consegnatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04986consegnatario is consegnatario" ; rdfs:label " consegnatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04988conseguenziaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04988conseguenziaria is conseguenziaria" ; rdfs:label " conseguenziaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04990conseguenziario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04990conseguenziario is conseguenziario" ; rdfs:label " conseguenziario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04994consequenzialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04994consequenzialita1 is consequenzialita'" ; rdfs:label " consequenzialita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH04996consequenziaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04996consequenziaria is consequenziaria" ; rdfs:label " consequenziaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH04998consequenziario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH04998consequenziario is consequenziario" ; rdfs:label " consequenziario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05000conservabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05000conservabilita1 is conservabilita'" ; rdfs:label " conservabilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH05002conserviera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05002conserviera is conserviera" ; rdfs:label " conserviera_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05004conserviero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05004conserviero is conserviero" ; rdfs:label " conserviero_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05006conservo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05006conservo is conservo" ; rdfs:label " conservo_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH05008considerabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05008considerabilita1 is considerabilita'" ; rdfs:label " considerabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05010consobrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05010consobrina is consobrina" ; rdfs:label " consobrina_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH05013consobrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05013consobrino is consobrino" ; rdfs:label " consobrino_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH05022consolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05022consolista is consolista" ; rdfs:label " consolista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05025consolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05025consolista is consolista" ; rdfs:label " consolista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05027consonantismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05027consonantismo is consonantismo" ; rdfs:label " consonantismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH05028consovranita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05028consovranita1 is consovranita'" ; rdfs:label " consovranita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05030consuetudinaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05030consuetudinaria is consuetudinaria" ; rdfs:label " consuetudinaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05032consuetudinario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05032consuetudinario is consuetudinario" ; rdfs:label " consuetudinario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05045consumatorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05045consumatorismo is consumatorismo" ; rdfs:label " consumatorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH05046consumerismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05046consumerismo is consumerismo" ; rdfs:label " consumerismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH05052consumo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05052consumo is consumo" ; rdfs:label " consumo_as_Group", " consumo_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemTH05059contaballe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05059contaballe is contaballe" ; rdfs:label " contaballe_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05060contabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05060contabilita1 is contabilita'" ; rdfs:label " contabilita'_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05063contacopie simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05063contacopie is contacopie" ; rdfs:label " contacopie_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05065contadiname simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05065contadiname is contadiname" ; rdfs:label " contadiname_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH05067contafili simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05067contafili is contafili" ; rdfs:label " contafili_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05069contafotogrammi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05069contafotogrammi is contafotogrammi" ; rdfs:label " contafotogrammi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05071contafrottole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05071contafrottole is contafrottole" ; rdfs:label " contafrottole_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05073contagiosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05073contagiosa is contagiosa" ; rdfs:label " contagiosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05074contagiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05074contagiosita1 is contagiosita'" ; rdfs:label " contagiosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05076contagioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05076contagioso is contagioso" ; rdfs:label " contagioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05077contagiri simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05077contagiri is contagiri" ; rdfs:label " contagiri_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05079contametri simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05079contametri is contametri" ; rdfs:label " contametri_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05083contapassi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05083contapassi is contapassi" ; rdfs:label " contapassi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05085contarighe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05085contarighe is contarighe" ; rdfs:label " contarighe_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05087contasecondi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05087contasecondi is contasecondi" ; rdfs:label " contasecondi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05089contastorie simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05089contastorie is contastorie" ; rdfs:label " contastorie_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05090contatorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05090contatorista is contatorista" ; rdfs:label " contatorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05093contatorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05093contatorista is contatorista" ; rdfs:label " contatorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05095contattologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05095contattologa is contattologa" ; rdfs:label " contattologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05096contattologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05096contattologia is contattologia" ; rdfs:label " contattologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05097contattologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05097contattologo is contattologo" ; rdfs:label " contattologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05107contemporaneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05107contemporaneita1 is contemporaneita'" ; rdfs:label " contemporaneita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH05116contenutismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05116contenutismo is contenutismo" ; rdfs:label " contenutismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH05121contenutista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05121contenutista is contenutista" ; rdfs:label " contenutista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05122contenziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05122contenziosita1 is contenziosita'" ; rdfs:label " contenziosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05123contenzioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05123contenzioso is contenzioso" ; rdfs:label " contenzioso_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH05127contestataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05127contestataria is contestataria" ; rdfs:label " contestataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05129contestatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05129contestatario is contestatario" ; rdfs:label " contestatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05132contestualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05132contestualita1 is contestualita'" ; rdfs:label " contestualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05133continentalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05133continentalita1 is continentalita'" ; rdfs:label " continentalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05134contingentismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05134contingentismo is contingentismo" ; rdfs:label " contingentismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH05140continuismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05140continuismo is continuismo" ; rdfs:label " continuismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH05144continuista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05144continuista is continuista" ; rdfs:label " continuista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05145continuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05145continuita1 is continuita'" ; rdfs:label " continuita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05146contista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05146contista is contista" ; rdfs:label " contista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05149contista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05149contista is contista" ; rdfs:label " contista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05153contorsionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05153contorsionista is contorsionista" ; rdfs:label " contorsionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05156contorsionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05156contorsionista is contorsionista" ; rdfs:label " contorsionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05157contradaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05157contradaiola is contradaiola" ; rdfs:label " contradaiola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05160contradaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05160contradaiolo is contradaiolo" ; rdfs:label " contradaiolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05164contraddittorieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05164contraddittorieta1 is contraddittorieta'" ; rdfs:label " contraddittorieta'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH05168contralbero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05168contralbero is contralbero" ; rdfs:label " contralbero_as_Part" . inds:USemTH05170contrappuntista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05170contrappuntista is contrappuntista" ; rdfs:label " contrappuntista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05173contrappuntista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05173contrappuntista is contrappuntista" ; rdfs:label " contrappuntista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05174contrappunzone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05174contrappunzone is contrappunzone" ; rdfs:label " contrappunzone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05175contrargine simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05175contrargine is contrargine" ; rdfs:label " contrargine_as_Area" . inds:USemTH05181contrattilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05181contrattilita1 is contrattilita'" ; rdfs:label " contrattilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05182contrattista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05182contrattista is contrattista" ; rdfs:label " contrattista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05204controfasciame simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05204controfasciame is controfasciame" ; rdfs:label " controfasciame_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH05205controfilare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05205controfilare is controfilare" ; rdfs:label " controfilare_as_Group" . inds:USemTH05206controfinestra simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05206controfinestra is controfinestra" ; rdfs:label " controfinestra_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05207controlume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05207controlume is controlume" ; rdfs:label " controlume_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH05208contromemoriale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05208contromemoriale is contromemoriale" ; rdfs:label " contromemoriale_as_Information" . inds:USemTH05210contropedale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05210contropedale is contropedale" ; rdfs:label " contropedale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05211contropendenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05211contropendenza is contropendenza" ; rdfs:label " contropendenza_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH05212contropotenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05212contropotenza is contropotenza" ; rdfs:label " contropotenza_as_Part" . inds:USemTH05215contropunta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05215contropunta is contropunta" ; rdfs:label " contropunta_as_Part" . inds:USemTH05220controriformista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05220controriformista is controriformista" ; rdfs:label " controriformista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05221controriformista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05221controriformista is controriformista" ; rdfs:label " controriformista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05227controstallia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05227controstallia is controstallia" ; rdfs:label " controstallia_as_Time" . inds:USemTH05228controtimone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05228controtimone is controtimone" ; rdfs:label " controtimone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH05230controversista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05230controversista is controversista" ; rdfs:label " controversista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05231controversista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05231controversista is controversista" ; rdfs:label " controversista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05234controvertibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05234controvertibilita1 is controvertibilita'" ; rdfs:label " controvertibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05242contusa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05242contusa is contusa" ; rdfs:label " contusa_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH05244contuso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05244contuso is contuso" ; rdfs:label " contuso_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH05250convegnista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05250convegnista is convegnista" ; rdfs:label " convegnista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05253convegnista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05253convegnista is convegnista" ; rdfs:label " convegnista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05254convenevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05254convenevolezza is convenevolezza" ; rdfs:label " convenevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05256convenzionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05256convenzionalista is convenzionalista" ; rdfs:label " convenzionalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05257convenzionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05257convenzionalista is convenzionalista" ; rdfs:label " convenzionalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05258convenzionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05258convenzionalista is convenzionalista" ; rdfs:label " convenzionalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05259convenzionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05259convenzionalista is convenzionalista" ; rdfs:label " convenzionalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05260convenzionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05260convenzionalita1 is convenzionalita'" ; rdfs:label " convenzionalita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH05263convertibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05263convertibilita1 is convertibilita'" ; rdfs:label " convertibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05264convessita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05264convessita1 is convessita'" ; rdfs:label " convessita'_as_Part" . inds:USemTH05272conviva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05272conviva is conviva" ; rdfs:label " conviva_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05274convivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05274convivo is convivo" ; rdfs:label " convivo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05283convulsionaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05283convulsionaria is convulsionaria" ; rdfs:label " convulsionaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05285convulsionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05285convulsionario is convulsionario" ; rdfs:label " convulsionario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05287coobbligata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05287coobbligata is coobbligata" ; rdfs:label " coobbligata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH05289coobbligato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05289coobbligato is coobbligato" ; rdfs:label " coobbligato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH05293copale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05293copale is copale" ; rdfs:label " copale_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH05294copale simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05294copale is copale" ; rdfs:label " copale_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH05295copernicanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05295copernicanismo is copernicanismo" ; rdfs:label " copernicanismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH05297copiacommissione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05297copiacommissione is copiacommissione" ; rdfs:label " copiacommissione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH05298copiafatture simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05298copiafatture is copiafatture" ; rdfs:label " copiafatture_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH05299copialettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05299copialettere is copialettere" ; rdfs:label " copialettere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05306copiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05306copiosita1 is copiosita'" ; rdfs:label " copiosita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH05308copolimero simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05308copolimero is copolimero" ; rdfs:label " copolimero_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH05310coppetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05310coppetta is coppetta" ; rdfs:label " coppetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05312coppiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05312coppiere is coppiere" ; rdfs:label " coppiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05313copricalcagno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05313copricalcagno is copricalcagno" ; rdfs:label " copricalcagno_as_Part" . inds:USemTH05314copricanna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05314copricanna is copricanna" ; rdfs:label " copricanna_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05315copricatena simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05315copricatena is copricatena" ; rdfs:label " copricatena_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05316copricostume simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05316copricostume is copricostume" ; rdfs:label " copricostume_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH05317coprifasce simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05317coprifasce is coprifasce" ; rdfs:label " coprifasce_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH05318coprifiamma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05318coprifiamma is coprifiamma" ; rdfs:label " coprifiamma_as_Part" . inds:USemTH05319coprimacchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05319coprimacchia is coprimacchia" ; rdfs:label " coprimacchia_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH05320coprimiserie simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05320coprimiserie is coprimiserie" ; rdfs:label " coprimiserie_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH05321copripiatti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05321copripiatti is copripiatti" ; rdfs:label " copripiatti_as_Part" . inds:USemTH05322copripiedi simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05322copripiedi is copripiedi" ; rdfs:label " copripiedi_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH05323copripudende simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05323copripudende is copripudende" ; rdfs:label " copripudende_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH05329coprivivande simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05329coprivivande is coprivivande" ; rdfs:label " coprivivande_as_Part" . inds:USemTH05331coprofaga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05331coprofaga is coprofaga" ; rdfs:label " coprofaga_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05334coprofago simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05334coprofago is coprofago" ; rdfs:label " coprofago_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05336coprolalica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05336coprolalica is coprolalica" ; rdfs:label " coprolalica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05338coprolalico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05338coprolalico is coprolalico" ; rdfs:label " coprolalico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05342coralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05342coralita1 is coralita'" ; rdfs:label " coralita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH05344corallaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05344corallaia is corallaia" ; rdfs:label " corallaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05346corallaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05346corallaio is corallaio" ; rdfs:label " corallaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05347coralliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05347coralliere is coralliere" ; rdfs:label " coralliere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05349corame simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05349corame is corame" ; rdfs:label " corame_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH05355corbame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05355corbame is corbame" ; rdfs:label " corbame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH05362corcontento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05362corcontento is corcontento" ; rdfs:label " corcontento_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05365cordaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05365cordaia is cordaia" ; rdfs:label " cordaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05367cordaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05367cordaio is cordaio" ; rdfs:label " cordaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05369cordara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05369cordara is cordara" ; rdfs:label " cordara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05371cordaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05371cordaro is cordaro" ; rdfs:label " cordaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05374cordellone simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05374cordellone is cordellone" ; rdfs:label " cordellone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH05380cordigliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05380cordigliere is cordigliere" ; rdfs:label " cordigliere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05385cordovana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05385cordovana is cordovana" ; rdfs:label " cordovana_as_People" . inds:USemTH05388cordovano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Artifactual_material, simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05388cordovano is cordovano" ; rdfs:label " cordovano_as_Artifactual_material", " cordovano_as_People" . inds:USemTH05389core simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05389core is core" ; rdfs:label " core_as_Part" . inds:USemTH05395coreuta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05395coreuta is coreuta" ; rdfs:label " coreuta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05396coreuta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05396coreuta is coreuta" ; rdfs:label " coreuta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05399corifea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05399corifea is corifea" ; rdfs:label " corifea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05401corifeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05401corifeo is corifeo" ; rdfs:label " corifeo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05402corion simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05402corion is corion" ; rdfs:label " corion_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH05403corizza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05403corizza is corizza" ; rdfs:label " corizza_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH05405cornamusara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05405cornamusara is cornamusara" ; rdfs:label " cornamusara_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05406cornamusaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05406cornamusaro is cornamusaro" ; rdfs:label " cornamusaro_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05409cornettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05409cornettista is cornettista" ; rdfs:label " cornettista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05412cornettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05412cornettista is cornettista" ; rdfs:label " cornettista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05413corniciame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05413corniciame is corniciame" ; rdfs:label " corniciame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH05416corniolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05416corniolo is corniolo" ; rdfs:label " corniolo_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH05417cornista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05417cornista is cornista" ; rdfs:label " cornista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05420cornista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05420cornista is cornista" ; rdfs:label " cornista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05424corografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05424corografa is corografa" ; rdfs:label " corografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05425corografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05425corografia is corografia" ; rdfs:label " corografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05427corografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05427corografo is corografo" ; rdfs:label " corografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05428coroidite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05428coroidite is coroidite" ; rdfs:label " coroidite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH05430coronaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05430coronaia is coronaia" ; rdfs:label " coronaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05432coronaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05432coronaio is coronaio" ; rdfs:label " coronaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05435coronografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05435coronografo is coronografo" ; rdfs:label " coronografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05436corporale simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05436corporale is corporale" ; rdfs:label " corporale_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH05437corporalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05437corporalita1 is corporalita'" ; rdfs:label " corporalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05439corporata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05439corporata is corporata" ; rdfs:label " corporata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05440corporatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05440corporatismo is corporatismo" ; rdfs:label " corporatismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05443corporato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05443corporato is corporato" ; rdfs:label " corporato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05444corporeita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05444corporeita1 is corporeita'" ; rdfs:label " corporeita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05446correa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05446correa is correa" ; rdfs:label " correa_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05447correita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05447correita1 is correita'" ; rdfs:label " correita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05450correligionaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05450correligionaria is correligionaria" ; rdfs:label " correligionaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05453correligionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05453correligionario is correligionario" ; rdfs:label " correligionario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05455correo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05455correo is correo" ; rdfs:label " correo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05457correzionale simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05457correzionale is correzionale" ; rdfs:label " correzionale_as_Building" . inds:USemTH05459corrigenda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05459corrigenda is corrigenda" ; rdfs:label " corrigenda_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH05460corrigendo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05460corrigendo is corrigendo" ; rdfs:label " corrigendo_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH05463corrivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05463corrivita1 is corrivita'" ; rdfs:label " corrivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05466corroborante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05466corroborante is corroborante" ; rdfs:label " corroborante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH05467corrodibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05467corrodibilita1 is corrodibilita'" ; rdfs:label " corrodibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05469corrosivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05469corrosivita1 is corrosivita'" ; rdfs:label " corrosivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05470corruttibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05470corruttibilita1 is corruttibilita'" ; rdfs:label " corruttibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05471corsare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05471corsare is corsare" ; rdfs:label " corsare_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05472corsiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05472corsiera is corsiera" ; rdfs:label " corsiera_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH05473corsiero simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05473corsiero is corsiero" ; rdfs:label " corsiero_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH05475corsista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05475corsista is corsista" ; rdfs:label " corsista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05478corsista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05478corsista is corsista" ; rdfs:label " corsista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05479corsivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05479corsivista is corsivista" ; rdfs:label " corsivista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05482corsivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05482corsivista is corsivista" ; rdfs:label " corsivista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05483corticoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05483corticoide is corticoide" ; rdfs:label " corticoide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH05484corticosurrene simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05484corticosurrene is corticosurrene" ; rdfs:label " corticosurrene_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH05486coscienzialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05486coscienzialismo is coscienzialismo" ; rdfs:label " coscienzialismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05489cosegretaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05489cosegretaria is cosegretaria" ; rdfs:label " cosegretaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05491cosegretario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05491cosegretario is cosegretario" ; rdfs:label " cosegretario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05493cosfimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05493cosfimetro is cosfimetro" ; rdfs:label " cosfimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05498cosmetista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05498cosmetista is cosmetista" ; rdfs:label " cosmetista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05501cosmetista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05501cosmetista is cosmetista" ; rdfs:label " cosmetista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05503cosmetologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05503cosmetologa is cosmetologa" ; rdfs:label " cosmetologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05505cosmetologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05505cosmetologo is cosmetologo" ; rdfs:label " cosmetologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05506cosmicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05506cosmicita1 is cosmicita'" ; rdfs:label " cosmicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05508cosmografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05508cosmografa is cosmografa" ; rdfs:label " cosmografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05509cosmografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05509cosmografia is cosmografia" ; rdfs:label " cosmografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05511cosmografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05511cosmografo is cosmografo" ; rdfs:label " cosmografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05513cosmologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05513cosmologa is cosmologa" ; rdfs:label " cosmologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05515cosmologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05515cosmologo is cosmologo" ; rdfs:label " cosmologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05516cospicuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05516cospicuita1 is cospicuita'" ; rdfs:label " cospicuita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05518costaricana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05518costaricana is costaricana" ; rdfs:label " costaricana_as_People" . inds:USemTH05520costaricano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05520costaricano is costaricano" ; rdfs:label " costaricano_as_People" . inds:USemTH05523costipante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05523costipante is costipante" ; rdfs:label " costipante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH05528costitutaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05528costitutaria is costitutaria" ; rdfs:label " costitutaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05530costitutario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05530costitutario is costitutario" ; rdfs:label " costitutario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05533costituzionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05533costituzionalita1 is costituzionalita'" ; rdfs:label " costituzionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05536costruttivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05536costruttivismo is costruttivismo" ; rdfs:label " costruttivismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH05546cottimista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05546cottimista is cottimista" ; rdfs:label " cottimista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05547cottimista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05547cottimista is cottimista" ; rdfs:label " cottimista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05549coulombometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05549coulombometro is coulombometro" ; rdfs:label " coulombometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05551covacenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05551covacenere is covacenere" ; rdfs:label " covacenere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05554covile simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05554covile is covile" ; rdfs:label " covile_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH05556coxite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05556coxite is coxite" ; rdfs:label " coxite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH05557crack simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05557crack is crack" ; rdfs:label " crack_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH05560cracoviana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05560cracoviana is cracoviana" ; rdfs:label " cracoviana_as_People" . inds:USemTH05562cracoviano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05562cracoviano is cracoviano" ; rdfs:label " cracoviano_as_People" . inds:USemTH05565craniolesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05565craniolesa is craniolesa" ; rdfs:label " craniolesa_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH05567cranioleso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05567cranioleso is cranioleso" ; rdfs:label " cranioleso_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH05569craniologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05569craniologa is craniologa" ; rdfs:label " craniologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05570craniologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05570craniologia is craniologia" ; rdfs:label " craniologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05572craniologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05572craniologo is craniologo" ; rdfs:label " craniologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05574craniometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05574craniometro is craniometro" ; rdfs:label " craniometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05581crawlista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05581crawlista is crawlista" ; rdfs:label " crawlista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05583crawlista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05583crawlista is crawlista" ; rdfs:label " crawlista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05589creativa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05589creativa is creativa" ; rdfs:label " creativa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05592creativo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05592creativo is creativo" ; rdfs:label " creativo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05593creazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05593creazionista is creazionista" ; rdfs:label " creazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05596creazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05596creazionista is creazionista" ; rdfs:label " creazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05597credenziaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05597credenziaria is credenziaria" ; rdfs:label " credenziaria_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH05599credenziario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05599credenziario is credenziario" ; rdfs:label " credenziario_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH05600cremlinologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05600cremlinologia is cremlinologia" ; rdfs:label " cremlinologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05601cremnofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05601cremnofobia is cremnofobia" ; rdfs:label " cremnofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH05602cremore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05602cremore is cremore" ; rdfs:label " cremore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH05603crena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05603crena is crena" ; rdfs:label " crena_as_Part" . inds:USemTH05605crenologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05605crenologia is crenologia" ; rdfs:label " crenologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05608creosoto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05608creosoto is creosoto" ; rdfs:label " creosoto_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH05612crepuscolarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05612crepuscolarismo is crepuscolarismo" ; rdfs:label " crepuscolarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH05615cresimanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05615cresimanda is cresimanda" ; rdfs:label " cresimanda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05617cresimando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05617cresimando is cresimando" ; rdfs:label " cresimando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05619crespone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05619crespone is crespone" ; rdfs:label " crespone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH05623cretinetti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05623cretinetti is cretinetti" ; rdfs:label " cretinetti_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05625cricco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05625cricco is cricco" ; rdfs:label " cricco_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05626criminalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05626criminalista is criminalista" ; rdfs:label " criminalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05629criminalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05629criminalista is criminalista" ; rdfs:label " criminalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05631criobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05631criobiologia is criobiologia" ; rdfs:label " criobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05632criologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05632criologia is criologia" ; rdfs:label " criologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05634criptocomunista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05634criptocomunista is criptocomunista" ; rdfs:label " criptocomunista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05637criptocomunista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05637criptocomunista is criptocomunista" ; rdfs:label " criptocomunista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05639criptografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05639criptografa is criptografa" ; rdfs:label " criptografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05640criptografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05640criptografia is criptografia" ; rdfs:label " criptografia_as_Information" . inds:USemTH05642criptografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05642criptografo is criptografo" ; rdfs:label " criptografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05644crisaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05644crisaiola is crisaiola" ; rdfs:label " crisaiola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05646crisaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05646crisaiolo is crisaiolo" ; rdfs:label " crisaiolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05647crisografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05647crisografia is crisografia" ; rdfs:label " crisografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05649crisostoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05649crisostoma is crisostoma" ; rdfs:label " crisostoma_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05651crisostomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05651crisostomo is crisostomo" ; rdfs:label " crisostomo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05653cristallaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05653cristallaia is cristallaia" ; rdfs:label " cristallaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05655cristallaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05655cristallaio is cristallaio" ; rdfs:label " cristallaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05656cristallame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05656cristallame is cristallame" ; rdfs:label " cristallame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH05658cristallara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05658cristallara is cristallara" ; rdfs:label " cristallara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05660cristallaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05660cristallaro is cristallaro" ; rdfs:label " cristallaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05668cristalloide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05668cristalloide is cristalloide" ; rdfs:label " cristalloide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH05669cristologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05669cristologia is cristologia" ; rdfs:label " cristologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05670criteriologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05670criteriologia is criteriologia" ; rdfs:label " criteriologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05671criticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05671criticismo is criticismo" ; rdfs:label " criticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH05673criticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05673criticita1 is criticita'" ; rdfs:label " criticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05674criticume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05674criticume is criticume" ; rdfs:label " criticume_as_Group" . inds:USemTH05676crittografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05676crittografa is crittografa" ; rdfs:label " crittografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05678crittografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05678crittografo is crittografo" ; rdfs:label " crittografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05685crivellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05685crivellone is crivellone" ; rdfs:label " crivellone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH05688crocerista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05688crocerista is crocerista" ; rdfs:label " crocerista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05691crocerista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05691crocerista is crocerista" ; rdfs:label " crocerista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05692crociame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05692crociame is crociame" ; rdfs:label " crociame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH05698crocidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05698crocidismo is crocidismo" ; rdfs:label " crocidismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH05700crociere simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05700crociere is crociere" ; rdfs:label " crociere_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH05701crocierista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05701crocierista is crocierista" ; rdfs:label " crocierista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05703crocierista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05703crocierista is crocierista" ; rdfs:label " crocierista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05706crocigera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05706crocigera is crocigera" ; rdfs:label " crocigera_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH05708crocigero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05708crocigero is crocigero" ; rdfs:label " crocigero_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH05709crocione simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05709crocione is crocione" ; rdfs:label " crocione_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH05712crodaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05712crodaiola is crodaiola" ; rdfs:label " crodaiola_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05713crodaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05713crodaiolo is crodaiolo" ; rdfs:label " crodaiolo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05716cromaticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05716cromaticita1 is cromaticita'" ; rdfs:label " cromaticita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH05718cromatografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05718cromatografo is cromatografo" ; rdfs:label " cromatografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05723cromismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05723cromismo is cromismo" ; rdfs:label " cromismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH05725cromista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05725cromista is cromista" ; rdfs:label " cromista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05728cromista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05728cromista is cromista" ; rdfs:label " cromista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05730cromotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05730cromotipia is cromotipia" ; rdfs:label " cromotipia_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH05733cronachista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05733cronachista is cronachista" ; rdfs:label " cronachista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05736cronachista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05736cronachista is cronachista" ; rdfs:label " cronachista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05737cronicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05737cronicita1 is cronicita'" ; rdfs:label " cronicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05738cronobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05738cronobiologia is cronobiologia" ; rdfs:label " cronobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05740cronografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05740cronografia is cronografia" ; rdfs:label " cronografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05741cronologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05741cronologa is cronologa" ; rdfs:label " cronologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05743cronologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05743cronologista is cronologista" ; rdfs:label " cronologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05746cronologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05746cronologista is cronologista" ; rdfs:label " cronologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05747cronologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05747cronologo is cronologo" ; rdfs:label " cronologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05749cronometrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05749cronometrista is cronometrista" ; rdfs:label " cronometrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05752cronometrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05752cronometrista is cronometrista" ; rdfs:label " cronometrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05753cronopatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05753cronopatologia is cronopatologia" ; rdfs:label " cronopatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05754cronostratigrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05754cronostratigrafia is cronostratigrafia" ; rdfs:label " cronostratigrafia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05755cronotachigrafo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05755cronotachigrafo is cronotachigrafo" ; rdfs:label " cronotachigrafo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05757cronotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05757cronotecnica is cronotecnica" ; rdfs:label " cronotecnica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05759cronotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05759cronotecnica is cronotecnica" ; rdfs:label " cronotecnica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05761cronotecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05761cronotecnico is cronotecnico" ; rdfs:label " cronotecnico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05763croquette simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05763croquette is croquette" ; rdfs:label " croquette_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH05764crossista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05764crossista is crossista" ; rdfs:label " crossista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05767crossista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05767crossista is crossista" ; rdfs:label " crossista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05773cruciverbista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05773cruciverbista is cruciverbista" ; rdfs:label " cruciverbista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05774cruciverbista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05774cruciverbista is cruciverbista" ; rdfs:label " cruciverbista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05775cruciverbista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05775cruciverbista is cruciverbista" ; rdfs:label " cruciverbista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05776cruciverbista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05776cruciverbista is cruciverbista" ; rdfs:label " cruciverbista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05777crudita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; a simple:Physical_property, simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05777crudita1 is crudita'" ; rdfs:label " crudita'_as_Physical_property", " crudita'_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemTH05778cruore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05778cruore is cruore" ; rdfs:label " cruore_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH05780cruscaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05780cruscaiola is cruscaiola" ; rdfs:label " cruscaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05781cruscaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05781cruscaiolo is cruscaiolo" ; rdfs:label " cruscaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05783cruscone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05783cruscone is cruscone" ; rdfs:label " cruscone_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemTH05784csi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05784csi is csi" ; rdfs:label " csi_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH05785cubettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05785cubettista is cubettista" ; rdfs:label " cubettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05794cubicolario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05794cubicolario is cubicolario" ; rdfs:label " cubicolario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05799cubiculario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05799cubiculario is cubiculario" ; rdfs:label " cubiculario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05802cubitiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05802cubitiere is cubitiere" ; rdfs:label " cubitiere_as_Part" . inds:USemTH05804cuboide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05804cuboide is cuboide" ; rdfs:label " cuboide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH05806cuccettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05806cuccettista is cuccettista" ; rdfs:label " cuccettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05809cuccettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05809cuccettista is cuccettista" ; rdfs:label " cuccettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05810cucchiaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05810cucchiaia is cucchiaia" ; rdfs:label " cucchiaia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05816culterana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05816culterana is culterana" ; rdfs:label " culterana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05819culterano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05819culterano is culterano" ; rdfs:label " culterano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05820cultismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05820cultismo is cultismo" ; rdfs:label " cultismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH05825cultrario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05825cultrario is cultrario" ; rdfs:label " cultrario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05831culturame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05831culturame is culturame" ; rdfs:label " culturame_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH05836cuneiforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05836cuneiforme is cuneiforme" ; rdfs:label " cuneiforme_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH05837cunetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05837cunetta is cunetta" ; rdfs:label " cunetta_as_Location" . inds:USemTH05849cuoiaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05849cuoiaia is cuoiaia" ; rdfs:label " cuoiaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05851cuoiaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05851cuoiaio is cuoiaio" ; rdfs:label " cuoiaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05852cuoiame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05852cuoiame is cuoiame" ; rdfs:label " cuoiame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH05854cuorcontento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05854cuorcontento is cuorcontento" ; rdfs:label " cuorcontento_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05856cuprene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05856cuprene is cuprene" ; rdfs:label " cuprene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH05858cuprismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05858cuprismo is cuprismo" ; rdfs:label " cuprismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH05859curabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05859curabilita1 is curabilita'" ; rdfs:label " curabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05861curandaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05861curandaia is curandaia" ; rdfs:label " curandaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05863curandaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05863curandaio is curandaio" ; rdfs:label " curandaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05865curasnetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05865curasnetta is curasnetta" ; rdfs:label " curasnetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05867curatela simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05867curatela is curatela" ; rdfs:label " curatela_as_Location" . inds:USemTH05869curatina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05869curatina is curatina" ; rdfs:label " curatina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05871curatino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05871curatino is curatino" ; rdfs:label " curatino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05873curatolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05873curatolo is curatolo" ; rdfs:label " curatolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05884curvimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05884curvimetro is curvimetro" ; rdfs:label " curvimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05886curvita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05886curvita1 is curvita'" ; rdfs:label " curvita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05888cuscinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05888cuscinaia is cuscinaia" ; rdfs:label " cuscinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05890cuscinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05890cuscinaio is cuscinaio" ; rdfs:label " cuscinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05891cuscita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05891cuscita is cuscita" ; rdfs:label " cuscita_as_People" . inds:USemTH05894cuscita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05894cuscita is cuscita" ; rdfs:label " cuscita_as_People" . inds:USemTH05896cussina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05896cussina is cussina" ; rdfs:label " cussina_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05898cussino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05898cussino is cussino" ; rdfs:label " cussino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH05902czeca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05902czeca is czeca" ; rdfs:label " czeca_as_People" . inds:USemTH05904czeco simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05904czeco is czeco" ; rdfs:label " czeco_as_Language" . inds:USemTH05905czeco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05905czeco is czeco" ; rdfs:label " czeco_as_People" . inds:USemTH05906dacnomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05906dacnomania is dacnomania" ; rdfs:label " dacnomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH05908dadaista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05908dadaista is dadaista" ; rdfs:label " dadaista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05910dadaista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05910dadaista is dadaista" ; rdfs:label " dadaista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05912dadofora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05912dadofora is dadofora" ; rdfs:label " dadofora_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05914dadoforo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05914dadoforo is dadoforo" ; rdfs:label " dadoforo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05915dagherrotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05915dagherrotipia is dagherrotipia" ; rdfs:label " dagherrotipia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05916dalmata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05916dalmata is dalmata" ; rdfs:label " dalmata_as_People" . inds:USemTH05919dalmata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05919dalmata is dalmata" ; rdfs:label " dalmata_as_People" . inds:USemTH05921daltonica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05921daltonica is daltonica" ; rdfs:label " daltonica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05923daltonico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05923daltonico is daltonico" ; rdfs:label " daltonico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05930damiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05930damiere is damiere" ; rdfs:label " damiere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH05932damista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05932damista is damista" ; rdfs:label " damista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05934damista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05934damista is damista" ; rdfs:label " damista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH05935danaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05935danaro is danaro" ; rdfs:label " danaro_as_Money" . inds:USemTH05937dancala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05937dancala is dancala" ; rdfs:label " dancala_as_People" . inds:USemTH05939dancalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05939dancalo is dancalo" ; rdfs:label " dancalo_as_People" . inds:USemTH05945danneggiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05945danneggiata is danneggiata" ; rdfs:label " danneggiata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH05947danneggiato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05947danneggiato is danneggiato" ; rdfs:label " danneggiato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH05953dannunziana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05953dannunziana is dannunziana" ; rdfs:label " dannunziana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05955dannunziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05955dannunziano is dannunziano" ; rdfs:label " dannunziano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05957dantista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05957dantista is dantista" ; rdfs:label " dantista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05959dantista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05959dantista is dantista" ; rdfs:label " dantista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05963dapifera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05963dapifera is dapifera" ; rdfs:label " dapifera_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05965dapifero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05965dapifero is dapifero" ; rdfs:label " dapifero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05967darviniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05967darviniana is darviniana" ; rdfs:label " darviniana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05969darviniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05969darviniano is darviniano" ; rdfs:label " darviniano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05970darvinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05970darvinismo is darvinismo" ; rdfs:label " darvinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH05972darvinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05972darvinista is darvinista" ; rdfs:label " darvinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05975darvinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05975darvinista is darvinista" ; rdfs:label " darvinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH05977datismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05977datismo is datismo" ; rdfs:label " datismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH05978dattilologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05978dattilologia is dattilologia" ; rdfs:label " dattilologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH05985daziere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05985daziere is daziere" ; rdfs:label " daziere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH05992debilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05992debilita1 is debilita'" ; rdfs:label " debilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH05994debosciata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05994debosciata is debosciata" ; rdfs:label " debosciata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05996debosciato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05996debosciato is debosciato" ; rdfs:label " debosciato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH05997decadentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH05997decadentista is decadentista" ; rdfs:label " decadentista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06000decadentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06000decadentista is decadentista" ; rdfs:label " decadentista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06008decathloneta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06008decathloneta is decathloneta" ; rdfs:label " decathloneta_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06011decathloneta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06011decathloneta is decathloneta" ; rdfs:label " decathloneta_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06012decatleta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06012decatleta is decatleta" ; rdfs:label " decatleta_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06015decatleta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06015decatleta is decatleta" ; rdfs:label " decatleta_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06016decatloneta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06016decatloneta is decatloneta" ; rdfs:label " decatloneta_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06019decatloneta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06019decatloneta is decatloneta" ; rdfs:label " decatloneta_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06024decidua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06024decidua is decidua" ; rdfs:label " decidua_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH06031decisore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06031decisore is decisore" ; rdfs:label " decisore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06039declinometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06039declinometro is declinometro" ; rdfs:label " declinometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06040declivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06040declivita1 is declivita'" ; rdfs:label " declivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06043cinghiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06043cinghiatura is cinghiatura" ; rdfs:label " cinghiatura_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH06046decomponibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06046decomponibilita1 is decomponibilita'" ; rdfs:label " decomponibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06048decompressimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06048decompressimetro is decompressimetro" ; rdfs:label " decompressimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06050decorativismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06050decorativismo is decorativismo" ; rdfs:label " decorativismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06053decretalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06053decretalista is decretalista" ; rdfs:label " decretalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06056decretalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06056decretalista is decretalista" ; rdfs:label " decretalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06057decretone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06057decretone is decretone" ; rdfs:label " decretone_as_Information" . inds:USemTH06060decumana simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06060decumana is decumana" ; rdfs:label " decumana_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH06063decumano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06063decumano is decumano" ; rdfs:label " decumano_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH06064decumano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06064decumano is decumano" ; rdfs:label " decumano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06067decurione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06067decurione is decurione" ; rdfs:label " decurione_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH06070dedicataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06070dedicataria is dedicataria" ; rdfs:label " dedicataria_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06072dedicatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06072dedicatario is dedicatario" ; rdfs:label " dedicatario_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06074deditizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06074deditizia is deditizia" ; rdfs:label " deditizia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06076deditizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06076deditizio is deditizio" ; rdfs:label " deditizio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06083defervescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06083defervescenza is defervescenza" ; rdfs:label " defervescenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH06084defettologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06084defettologia is defettologia" ; rdfs:label " defettologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06085defezionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06085defezionista is defezionista" ; rdfs:label " defezionista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06088defezionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06088defezionista is defezionista" ; rdfs:label " defezionista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06089deficit simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06089deficit is deficit" ; rdfs:label " deficit_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH06091definitivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06091definitivista is definitivista" ; rdfs:label " definitivista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06094definitivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06094definitivista is definitivista" ; rdfs:label " definitivista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06095definitivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06095definitivita1 is definitivita'" ; rdfs:label " definitivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06102deflazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06102deflazionista is deflazionista" ; rdfs:label " deflazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06105deflazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06105deflazionista is deflazionista" ; rdfs:label " deflazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06117defogliante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06117defogliante is defogliante" ; rdfs:label " defogliante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06120deformabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06120deformabilita1 is deformabilita'" ; rdfs:label " deformabilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH06122deformismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06122deformismo is deformismo" ; rdfs:label " deformismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH06123deformita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Constitutive, simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06123deformita1 is deformita'" ; rdfs:label " deformita'_as_Constitutive", " deformita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06128degaullista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06128degaullista is degaullista" ; rdfs:label " degaullista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06131degaullista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06131degaullista is degaullista" ; rdfs:label " degaullista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06132degnita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06132degnita1 is degnita'" ; rdfs:label " degnita'_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH06133degollista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06133degollista is degollista" ; rdfs:label " degollista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06136degollista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06136degollista is degollista" ; rdfs:label " degollista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06141dehoniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06141dehoniana is dehoniana" ; rdfs:label " dehoniana_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH06143dehoniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06143dehoniano is dehoniano" ; rdfs:label " dehoniano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH06146deicida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06146deicida is deicida" ; rdfs:label " deicida_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06147deicida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06147deicida is deicida" ; rdfs:label " deicida_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06150deismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06150deismo is deismo" ; rdfs:label " deismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH06152deita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06152deita1 is deita'" ; rdfs:label " deita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH06153deita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06153deita1 is deita'" ; rdfs:label " deita'_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH06156delegataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06156delegataria is delegataria" ; rdfs:label " delegataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06158delegatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06158delegatario is delegatario" ; rdfs:label " delegatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06160delfinide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06160delfinide is delfinide" ; rdfs:label " delfinide_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH06163delfinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06163delfinista is delfinista" ; rdfs:label " delfinista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06164delfinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06164delfinista is delfinista" ; rdfs:label " delfinista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06168deliberataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06168deliberataria is deliberataria" ; rdfs:label " deliberataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06170deliberatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06170deliberatario is deliberatario" ; rdfs:label " deliberatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06182deliquescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06182deliquescenza is deliquescenza" ; rdfs:label " deliquescenza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH06184delittuosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06184delittuosita1 is delittuosita'" ; rdfs:label " delittuosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06185deltaplanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06185deltaplanista is deltaplanista" ; rdfs:label " deltaplanista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06188deltaplanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06188deltaplanista is deltaplanista" ; rdfs:label " deltaplanista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06190deltoide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06190deltoide is deltoide" ; rdfs:label " deltoide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH06191demanialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06191demanialita1 is demanialita'" ; rdfs:label " demanialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06196democraticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06196democraticita1 is democraticita'" ; rdfs:label " democraticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06202democritea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06202democritea is democritea" ; rdfs:label " democritea_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06204democriteo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06204democriteo is democriteo" ; rdfs:label " democriteo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06205democritismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06205democritismo is democritismo" ; rdfs:label " democritismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH06208demodossologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06208demodossologa is demodossologa" ; rdfs:label " demodossologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06209demodossologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06209demodossologia is demodossologia" ; rdfs:label " demodossologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06211demodossologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06211demodossologo is demodossologo" ; rdfs:label " demodossologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06213demofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06213demofobia is demofobia" ; rdfs:label " demofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06216demologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06216demologia is demologia" ; rdfs:label " demologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06220demoniaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06220demoniaca is demoniaca" ; rdfs:label " demoniaca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06222demoniaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06222demoniaco is demoniaco" ; rdfs:label " demoniaco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06223demonofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06223demonofobia is demonofobia" ; rdfs:label " demonofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06224demonomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06224demonomania is demonomania" ; rdfs:label " demonomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06226demoproletaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06226demoproletaria is demoproletaria" ; rdfs:label " demoproletaria_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06228demoproletario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06228demoproletario is demoproletario" ; rdfs:label " demoproletario_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06229demopsicologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06229demopsicologia is demopsicologia" ; rdfs:label " demopsicologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06235demotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06235demotismo is demotismo" ; rdfs:label " demotismo_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH06237denatalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06237denatalita1 is denatalita'" ; rdfs:label " denatalita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH06239denaturante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06239denaturante is denaturante" ; rdfs:label " denaturante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06240dendroclimatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06240dendroclimatologia is dendroclimatologia" ; rdfs:label " dendroclimatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06241dendrocronologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06241dendrocronologia is dendrocronologia" ; rdfs:label " dendrocronologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06242dendrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06242dendrologia is dendrologia" ; rdfs:label " dendrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06246densimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06246densimetro is densimetro" ; rdfs:label " densimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06247densita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06247densita1 is densita'" ; rdfs:label " densita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06266deperibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06266deperibilita1 is deperibilita'" ; rdfs:label " deperibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06277depolarizzante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06277depolarizzante is depolarizzante" ; rdfs:label " depolarizzante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06286depositante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06286depositante is depositante" ; rdfs:label " depositante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06292deposta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06292deposta is deposta" ; rdfs:label " deposta_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06294deposto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06294deposto is deposto" ; rdfs:label " deposto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06306depressa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06306depressa is depressa" ; rdfs:label " depressa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06308depresso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06308depresso is depresso" ; rdfs:label " depresso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06310depressore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06310depressore is depressore" ; rdfs:label " depressore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH06313derattizzante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06313derattizzante is derattizzante" ; rdfs:label " derattizzante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06316derivometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06316derivometro is derivometro" ; rdfs:label " derivometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06319dermografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06319dermografia is dermografia" ; rdfs:label " dermografia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH06320dermografismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06320dermografismo is dermografismo" ; rdfs:label " dermografismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH06324derrick simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06324derrick is derrick" ; rdfs:label " derrick_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06327derubata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06327derubata is derubata" ; rdfs:label " derubata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06329derubato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06329derubato is derubato" ; rdfs:label " derubato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06333descrittivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06333descrittivismo is descrittivismo" ; rdfs:label " descrittivismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06341designata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06341designata is designata" ; rdfs:label " designata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06343designato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06343designato is designato" ; rdfs:label " designato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06346desmologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06346desmologia is desmologia" ; rdfs:label " desmologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06349desolata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06349desolata is desolata" ; rdfs:label " desolata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06351desolato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06351desolato is desolato" ; rdfs:label " desolato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06358despotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06358despotismo is despotismo" ; rdfs:label " despotismo_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH06360dessiografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06360dessiografia is dessiografia" ; rdfs:label " dessiografia_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH06368destrimana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06368destrimana is destrimana" ; rdfs:label " destrimana_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06370destrimano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06370destrimano is destrimano" ; rdfs:label " destrimano_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06371destrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06371destrina is destrina" ; rdfs:label " destrina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06373destrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06373destrismo is destrismo" ; rdfs:label " destrismo_as_Movement_of_thought", " destrismo_as_State" . inds:USemTH06376destrorsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06376destrorsa is destrorsa" ; rdfs:label " destrorsa_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06378destrorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06378destrorso is destrorso" ; rdfs:label " destrorso_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06381detergenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06381detergenza is detergenza" ; rdfs:label " detergenza_as_Cause_Change_of_State", " detergenza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH06382deteriorabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06382deteriorabilita1 is deteriorabilita'" ; rdfs:label " deteriorabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06383determinabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06383determinabilita1 is determinabilita'" ; rdfs:label " determinabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06386determinato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06386determinato is determinato" ; rdfs:label " determinato_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH06390determinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06390determinista is determinista" ; rdfs:label " determinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06392determinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06392determinista is determinista" ; rdfs:label " determinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06394detonante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06394detonante is detonante" ; rdfs:label " detonante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06395detossicante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06395detossicante is detossicante" ; rdfs:label " detossicante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06399detrito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06399detrito is detrito" ; rdfs:label " detrito_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH06400dettagliante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06400dettagliante is dettagliante" ; rdfs:label " dettagliante_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06415deuteragonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06415deuteragonista is deuteragonista" ; rdfs:label " deuteragonista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06416deuteragonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06416deuteragonista is deuteragonista" ; rdfs:label " deuteragonista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06423deverbale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06423deverbale is deverbale" ; rdfs:label " deverbale_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH06426deviante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06426deviante is deviante" ; rdfs:label " deviante_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06427deviatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06427deviatoio is deviatoio" ; rdfs:label " deviatoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06431deviazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06431deviazionismo is deviazionismo" ; rdfs:label " deviazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH06435deviazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06435deviazionista is deviazionista" ; rdfs:label " deviazionista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06436deviazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06436deviazionista is deviazionista" ; rdfs:label " deviazionista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06437devitalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06437devitalita1 is devitalita'" ; rdfs:label " devitalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06441devozionale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06441devozionale is devozionale" ; rdfs:label " devozionale_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH06443diabase simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06443diabase is diabase" ; rdfs:label " diabase_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH06444diabolicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06444diabolicita1 is diabolicita'" ; rdfs:label " diabolicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06446diacciatina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06446diacciatina is diacciatina" ; rdfs:label " diacciatina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06448diacciatino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06448diacciatino is diacciatino" ; rdfs:label " diacciatino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06450diade simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06450diade is diade" ; rdfs:label " diade_as_Group" . inds:USemTH06451diafanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06451diafanita1 is diafanita'" ; rdfs:label " diafanita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06453diafonia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06453diafonia is diafonia" ; rdfs:label " diafonia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH06455diagnostico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06455diagnostico is diagnostico" ; rdfs:label " diagnostico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06459diale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06459diale is diale" ; rdfs:label " diale_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06463dialettico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06463dialettico is dialettico" ; rdfs:label " dialettico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06465dialettismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06465dialettismo is dialettismo" ; rdfs:label " dialettismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH06466dialettalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06466dialettalismo is dialettalismo" ; rdfs:label " dialettalismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH06470dialettologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06470dialettologia is dialettologia" ; rdfs:label " dialettologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06474dialoghista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06474dialoghista is dialoghista" ; rdfs:label " dialoghista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06477dialoghista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06477dialoghista is dialoghista" ; rdfs:label " dialoghista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06478dialogismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06478dialogismo is dialogismo" ; rdfs:label " dialogismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH06480dialogista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06480dialogista is dialogista" ; rdfs:label " dialogista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06483dialogista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06483dialogista is dialogista" ; rdfs:label " dialogista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06485diamagnetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06485diamagnetismo is diamagnetismo" ; rdfs:label " diamagnetismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06486diapedesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06486diapedesi is diapedesi" ; rdfs:label " diapedesi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06491diarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06491diarista is diarista" ; rdfs:label " diarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06495diarrea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06495diarrea is diarrea" ; rdfs:label " diarrea_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06496diartrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06496diartrosi is diartrosi" ; rdfs:label " diartrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06498diastasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06498diastasi is diastasi" ; rdfs:label " diastasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06500diastrofismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06500diastrofismo is diastrofismo" ; rdfs:label " diastrofismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH06502diatermanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06502diatermanita1 is diatermanita'" ; rdfs:label " diatermanita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06504diatesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06504diatesi is diatesi" ; rdfs:label " diatesi_as_Property" . inds:USemTH06505diatonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06505diatonismo is diatonismo" ; rdfs:label " diatonismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06511diavolaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06511diavolaccio is diavolaccio" ; rdfs:label " diavolaccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06512diavolina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06512diavolina is diavolina" ; rdfs:label " diavolina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06515diavolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06515diavolino is diavolino" ; rdfs:label " diavolino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06516diavolino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06516diavolino is diavolino" ; rdfs:label " diavolino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06522dicacita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06522dicacita1 is dicacita'" ; rdfs:label " dicacita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06523dicefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06523dicefalo is dicefalo" ; rdfs:label " dicefalo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06531diciannovismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06531diciannovismo is diciannovismo" ; rdfs:label " diciannovismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH06533diciannovista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06533diciannovista is diciannovista" ; rdfs:label " diciannovista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06534diciannovista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06534diciannovista is diciannovista" ; rdfs:label " diciannovista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06546dicroismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06546dicroismo is dicroismo" ; rdfs:label " dicroismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH06548dicromatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06548dicromatismo is dicromatismo" ; rdfs:label " dicromatismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06550dicromismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06550dicromismo is dicromismo" ; rdfs:label " dicromismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH06552dicrotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06552dicrotismo is dicrotismo" ; rdfs:label " dicrotismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06554didatta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06554didatta is didatta" ; rdfs:label " didatta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06558didattismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06558didattismo is didattismo" ; rdfs:label " didattismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH06563dielettrico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06563dielettrico is dielettrico" ; rdfs:label " dielettrico_as_Property" . inds:USemTH06564dietetista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06564dietetista is dietetista" ; rdfs:label " dietetista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06567dietetista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06567dietetista is dietetista" ; rdfs:label " dietetista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06568dietista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06568dietista is dietista" ; rdfs:label " dietista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06574dietrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06574dietrismo is dietrismo" ; rdfs:label " dietrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH06578dietrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06578dietrista is dietrista" ; rdfs:label " dietrista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06579dietrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06579dietrista is dietrista" ; rdfs:label " dietrista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06581dietrologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06581dietrologa is dietrologa" ; rdfs:label " dietrologa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06582dietrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06582dietrologia is dietrologia" ; rdfs:label " dietrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06584dietrologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06584dietrologo is dietrologo" ; rdfs:label " dietrologo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06585difendibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06585difendibilita1 is difendibilita'" ; rdfs:label " difendibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06586difettosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06586difettosita1 is difettosita'" ; rdfs:label " difettosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06589differenziabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06589differenziabilita1 is differenziabilita'" ; rdfs:label " differenziabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06596difficolta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06596difficolta1 is difficolta'" ; rdfs:label " difficolta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06598diffluente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06598diffluente is diffluente" ; rdfs:label " diffluente_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH06599diffluenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06599diffluenza is diffluenza" ; rdfs:label " diffluenza_as_Location" . inds:USemTH06604difformita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06604difformita1 is difformita'" ; rdfs:label " difformita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06606diffrattometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06606diffrattometro is diffrattometro" ; rdfs:label " diffrattometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06608diffusibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06608diffusibilita1 is diffusibilita'" ; rdfs:label " diffusibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06613digitale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06613digitale is digitale" ; rdfs:label " digitale_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06614digitale simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06614digitale is digitale" ; rdfs:label " digitale_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH06616digitalina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06616digitalina is digitalina" ; rdfs:label " digitalina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06643dilatabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06643dilatabilita1 is dilatabilita'" ; rdfs:label " dilatabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06646dilatometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06646dilatometro is dilatometro" ; rdfs:label " dilatometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06654diligenzaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06654diligenzaia is diligenzaia" ; rdfs:label " diligenzaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06656diligenzaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06656diligenzaio is diligenzaio" ; rdfs:label " diligenzaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06657dilogia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06657dilogia is dilogia" ; rdfs:label " dilogia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH06658dilogia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06658dilogia is dilogia" ; rdfs:label " dilogia_as_Group" . inds:USemTH06670dimero simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06670dimero is dimero" ; rdfs:label " dimero_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06676dimostrabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06676dimostrabilita1 is dimostrabilita'" ; rdfs:label " dimostrabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06681dinamicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06681dinamicita1 is dinamicita'" ; rdfs:label " dinamicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06682dinamista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06682dinamista is dinamista" ; rdfs:label " dinamista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06685dinamista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06685dinamista is dinamista" ; rdfs:label " dinamista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06686dinamometamorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06686dinamometamorfismo is dinamometamorfismo" ; rdfs:label " dinamometamorfismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH06688dinamometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06688dinamometro is dinamometro" ; rdfs:label " dinamometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06690diodonte simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06690diodonte is diodonte" ; rdfs:label " diodonte_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH06693diodontide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06693diodontide is diodontide" ; rdfs:label " diodontide_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH06696dipendenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06696dipendenza is dipendenza" ; rdfs:label " dipendenza_as_Building" . inds:USemTH06697diplegia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06697diplegia is diplegia" ; rdfs:label " diplegia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06700diplomatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06700diplomatista is diplomatista" ; rdfs:label " diplomatista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06703diplomatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06703diplomatista is diplomatista" ; rdfs:label " diplomatista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06705diplometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06705diplometro is diplometro" ; rdfs:label " diplometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06706diplopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06706diplopia is diplopia" ; rdfs:label " diplopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06708diplopode simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06708diplopode is diplopode" ; rdfs:label " diplopode_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH06713diportista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06713diportista is diportista" ; rdfs:label " diportista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06714diportista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06714diportista is diportista" ; rdfs:label " diportista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06715dipsomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06715dipsomania is dipsomania" ; rdfs:label " dipsomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06725direttorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06725direttorio is direttorio" ; rdfs:label " direttorio_as_Information" . inds:USemTH06727direzionale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06727direzionale is direzionale" ; rdfs:label " direzionale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06729dirigibilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06729dirigibilista is dirigibilista" ; rdfs:label " dirigibilista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06732dirigibilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06732dirigibilista is dirigibilista" ; rdfs:label " dirigibilista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06733dirigismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06733dirigismo is dirigismo" ; rdfs:label " dirigismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH06735dirigista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06735dirigista is dirigista" ; rdfs:label " dirigista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06738dirigista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06738dirigista is dirigista" ; rdfs:label " dirigista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06740dirimpettaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06740dirimpettaia is dirimpettaia" ; rdfs:label " dirimpettaia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06742dirimpettaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06742dirimpettaio is dirimpettaio" ; rdfs:label " dirimpettaio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06760disabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06760disabilita1 is disabilita'" ; rdfs:label " disabilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH06762disaccaride simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06762disaccaride is disaccaride" ; rdfs:label " disaccaride_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06772disamorata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06772disamorata is disamorata" ; rdfs:label " disamorata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06775disamorato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06775disamorato is disamorato" ; rdfs:label " disamorato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06778disappetenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06778disappetenza is disappetenza" ; rdfs:label " disappetenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH06784disartrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06784disartrosi is disartrosi" ; rdfs:label " disartrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06786disastrata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06786disastrata is disastrata" ; rdfs:label " disastrata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06788disastrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06788disastrato is disastrato" ; rdfs:label " disastrato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06792discacciata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06792discacciata is discacciata" ; rdfs:label " discacciata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06794discacciato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06794discacciato is discacciato" ; rdfs:label " discacciato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06796discantista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06796discantista is discantista" ; rdfs:label " discantista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06798discantista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06798discantista is discantista" ; rdfs:label " discantista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06799discenderia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06799discenderia is discenderia" ; rdfs:label " discenderia_as_Part" . inds:USemTH06806discesismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06806discesismo is discesismo" ; rdfs:label " discesismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06811dischetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06811dischetto is dischetto" ; rdfs:label " dischetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06812discinesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06812discinesia is discinesia" ; rdfs:label " discinesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06814discinetica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06814discinetica is discinetica" ; rdfs:label " discinetica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06816discinetico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06816discinetico is discinetico" ; rdfs:label " discinetico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06818disciplinare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06818disciplinare is disciplinare" ; rdfs:label " disciplinare_as_Information" . inds:USemTH06820disciplinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06820disciplinata is disciplinata" ; rdfs:label " disciplinata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06823disciplinato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06823disciplinato is disciplinato" ; rdfs:label " disciplinato_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH06830discobola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06830discobola is discobola" ; rdfs:label " discobola_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06832discobolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06832discobolo is discobolo" ; rdfs:label " discobolo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH06834discofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06834discofila is discofila" ; rdfs:label " discofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06836discofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06836discofilo is discofilo" ; rdfs:label " discofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06839discoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06839discoide is discoide" ; rdfs:label " discoide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06841discola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06841discola is discola" ; rdfs:label " discola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06843discolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06843discolo is discolo" ; rdfs:label " discolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06845discomusic simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06845discomusic is discomusic" ; rdfs:label " discomusic_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH06848discontenta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06848discontenta is discontenta" ; rdfs:label " discontenta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06850discontento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06850discontento is discontento" ; rdfs:label " discontento_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06851discontunuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06851discontunuita1 is discontunuita'" ; rdfs:label " discontunuita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06852disconvenienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06852disconvenienza is disconvenienza" ; rdfs:label " disconvenienza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06858discorsivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06858discorsivita1 is discorsivita'" ; rdfs:label " discorsivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06860discotecaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06860discotecaria is discotecaria" ; rdfs:label " discotecaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06863discotecario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06863discotecario is discotecario" ; rdfs:label " discotecario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH06864discrasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06864discrasia is discrasia" ; rdfs:label " discrasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06866discredente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06866discredente is discredente" ; rdfs:label " discredente_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06868discredente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06868discredente is discredente" ; rdfs:label " discredente_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06870discretezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06870discretezza is discretezza" ; rdfs:label " discretezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06871discrezionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06871discrezionalita1 is discrezionalita'" ; rdfs:label " discrezionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06873discromatosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06873discromatosi is discromatosi" ; rdfs:label " discromatosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06874discromia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06874discromia is discromia" ; rdfs:label " discromia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06875discutibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06875discutibilita1 is discutibilita'" ; rdfs:label " discutibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06883diseredata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06883diseredata is diseredata" ; rdfs:label " diseredata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06885diseredato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06885diseredato is diseredato" ; rdfs:label " diseredato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06891disfagia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06891disfagia is disfagia" ; rdfs:label " disfagia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06892disfattista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06892disfattista is disfattista" ; rdfs:label " disfattista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06895disfattista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06895disfattista is disfattista" ; rdfs:label " disfattista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH06898disfidata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06898disfidata is disfidata" ; rdfs:label " disfidata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06900disfidato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06900disfidato is disfidato" ; rdfs:label " disfidato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH06907disgrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06907disgrafia is disgrafia" ; rdfs:label " disgrafia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06913disiata simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06913disiata is disiata" ; rdfs:label " disiata_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH06915disiato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06915disiato is disiato" ; rdfs:label " disiato_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH06917disidratante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06917disidratante is disidratante" ; rdfs:label " disidratante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06921disillusa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06921disillusa is disillusa" ; rdfs:label " disillusa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06923disilluso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06923disilluso is disilluso" ; rdfs:label " disilluso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06925disincrostante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06925disincrostante is disincrostante" ; rdfs:label " disincrostante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06928disinfestante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06928disinfestante is disinfestante" ; rdfs:label " disinfestante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06945dismetabolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06945dismetabolismo is dismetabolismo" ; rdfs:label " dismetabolismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06951disonesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06951disonesta is disonesta" ; rdfs:label " disonesta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06954disonesto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06954disonesto is disonesto" ; rdfs:label " disonesto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06955disopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06955disopia is disopia" ; rdfs:label " disopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06958disordinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06958disordinata is disordinata" ; rdfs:label " disordinata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06960disordinato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06960disordinato is disordinato" ; rdfs:label " disordinato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06965disorganicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06965disorganicita1 is disorganicita'" ; rdfs:label " disorganicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06966disortografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06966disortografia is disortografia" ; rdfs:label " disortografia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06967disossidante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06967disossidante is disossidante" ; rdfs:label " disossidante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06969disostosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06969disostosi is disostosi" ; rdfs:label " disostosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH06973dispensiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06973dispensiere is dispensiere" ; rdfs:label " dispensiere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06975dispeptica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06975dispeptica is dispeptica" ; rdfs:label " dispeptica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06977dispeptico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06977dispeptico is dispeptico" ; rdfs:label " dispeptico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06979disperata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06979disperata is disperata" ; rdfs:label " disperata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06981disperato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06981disperato is disperato" ; rdfs:label " disperato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06983disperdente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06983disperdente is disperdente" ; rdfs:label " disperdente_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH06993dispersore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06993dispersore is dispersore" ; rdfs:label " dispersore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH06994dispiacevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06994dispiacevolezza is dispiacevolezza" ; rdfs:label " dispiacevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH06996display simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06996display is display" ; rdfs:label " display_as_Part" . inds:USemTH06998dispnoica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06998dispnoica is dispnoica" ; rdfs:label " dispnoica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH06999dispnoico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH06999dispnoico is dispnoico" ; rdfs:label " dispnoico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07013disputabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07013disputabilita1 is disputabilita'" ; rdfs:label " disputabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07022disrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07022disrafia is disrafia" ; rdfs:label " disrafia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH07023disrafismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07023disrafismo is disrafismo" ; rdfs:label " disrafismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07046dissennata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07046dissennata is dissennata" ; rdfs:label " dissennata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07049dissennato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07049dissennato is dissennato" ; rdfs:label " dissennato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07051dissensato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07051dissensato is dissensato" ; rdfs:label " dissensato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07055dissenterica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07055dissenterica is dissenterica" ; rdfs:label " dissenterica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07057dissenterico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07057dissenterico is dissenterico" ; rdfs:label " dissenterico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07068dissestata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07068dissestata is dissestata" ; rdfs:label " dissestata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH07070dissestato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07070dissestato is dissestato" ; rdfs:label " dissestato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH07072dissetante simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07072dissetante is dissetante" ; rdfs:label " dissetante_as_Drink" . inds:USemTH07080dissipata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07080dissipata is dissipata" ; rdfs:label " dissipata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH07083dissipato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07083dissipato is dissipato" ; rdfs:label " dissipato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH07086dissociabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07086dissociabilita1 is dissociabilita'" ; rdfs:label " dissociabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07090dissolubilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07090dissolubilita1 is dissolubilita'" ; rdfs:label " dissolubilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07096dissolvente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07096dissolvente is dissolvente" ; rdfs:label " dissolvente_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH07105distanziale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07105distanziale is distanziale" ; rdfs:label " distanziale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07111distanziometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07111distanziometro is distanziometro" ; rdfs:label " distanziometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07117distiroidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07117distiroidismo is distiroidismo" ; rdfs:label " distiroidismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07121distonica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07121distonica is distonica" ; rdfs:label " distonica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07123distonico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07123distonico is distonico" ; rdfs:label " distonico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07125distorsore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07125distorsore is distorsore" ; rdfs:label " distorsore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07127distratta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07127distratta is distratta" ; rdfs:label " distratta_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH07129distratto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07129distratto is distratto" ; rdfs:label " distratto_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH07135distributivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07135distributivita1 is distributivita'" ; rdfs:label " distributivita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH07146disunitezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07146disunitezza is disunitezza" ; rdfs:label " disunitezza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH07147disutilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07147disutilita1 is disutilita'" ; rdfs:label " disutilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07155ditone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07155ditone is ditone" ; rdfs:label " ditone_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH07157dittologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07157dittologia is dittologia" ; rdfs:label " dittologia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH07158diurnaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07158diurnaria is diurnaria" ; rdfs:label " diurnaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07160diurnario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07160diurnario is diurnario" ; rdfs:label " diurnario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07161diurnista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07161diurnista is diurnista" ; rdfs:label " diurnista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07164diurnista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07164diurnista is diurnista" ; rdfs:label " diurnista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07165diuturnita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07165diuturnita1 is diuturnita'" ; rdfs:label " diuturnita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH07170divergente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07170divergente is divergente" ; rdfs:label " divergente_as_Part" . inds:USemTH07172diversa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07172diversa is diversa" ; rdfs:label " diversa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07176diverso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07176diverso is diverso" ; rdfs:label " diverso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07177diverticolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07177diverticolo is diverticolo" ; rdfs:label " diverticolo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH07178diverticolosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07178diverticolosi is diverticolosi" ; rdfs:label " diverticolosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07188divisa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07188divisa is divisa" ; rdfs:label " divisa_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH07190divisibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07190divisibilita1 is divisibilita'" ; rdfs:label " divisibilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH07192divisionaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07192divisionaria is divisionaria" ; rdfs:label " divisionaria_as_Role" . inds:USemTH07194divisionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07194divisionario is divisionario" ; rdfs:label " divisionario_as_Role" . inds:USemTH07195divisionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07195divisionismo is divisionismo" ; rdfs:label " divisionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH07196divisionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07196divisionista is divisionista" ; rdfs:label " divisionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07199divisionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07199divisionista is divisionista" ; rdfs:label " divisionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07201divisore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07201divisore is divisore" ; rdfs:label " divisore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07202divisore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07202divisore is divisore" ; rdfs:label " divisore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07203divisore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07203divisore is divisore" ; rdfs:label " divisore_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH07205divoracita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07205divoracita1 is divoracita'" ; rdfs:label " divoracita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07208divorzismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07208divorzismo is divorzismo" ; rdfs:label " divorzismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH07209divorzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07209divorzista is divorzista" ; rdfs:label " divorzista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07210divorzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07210divorzista is divorzista" ; rdfs:label " divorzista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07211divorzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07211divorzista is divorzista" ; rdfs:label " divorzista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07212divorzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07212divorzista is divorzista" ; rdfs:label " divorzista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07220divulsore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07220divulsore is divulsore" ; rdfs:label " divulsore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07221dizionarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07221dizionarista is dizionarista" ; rdfs:label " dizionarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07224dizionarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07224dizionarista is dizionarista" ; rdfs:label " dizionarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07226dobermann simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07226dobermann is dobermann" ; rdfs:label " dobermann_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH07227doblone simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07227doblone is doblone" ; rdfs:label " doblone_as_Money" . inds:USemTH07229docciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07229docciaia is docciaia" ; rdfs:label " docciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07231docciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07231docciaio is docciaio" ; rdfs:label " docciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07234doceta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07234doceta is doceta" ; rdfs:label " doceta_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07236doceta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07236doceta is doceta" ; rdfs:label " doceta_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07237docetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07237docetismo is docetismo" ; rdfs:label " docetismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH07239docetista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07239docetista is docetista" ; rdfs:label " docetista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07242docetista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07242docetista is docetista" ; rdfs:label " docetista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07244docimologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07244docimologa is docimologa" ; rdfs:label " docimologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07245docimologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07245docimologia is docimologia" ; rdfs:label " docimologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07247docimologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07247docimologo is docimologo" ; rdfs:label " docimologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07252documentarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07252documentarista is documentarista" ; rdfs:label " documentarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07255documentarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07255documentarista is documentarista" ; rdfs:label " documentarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07260documentografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07260documentografia is documentografia" ; rdfs:label " documentografia_as_Group" . inds:USemTH07262dodicesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07262dodicesimo is dodicesimo" ; rdfs:label " dodicesimo_as_Number" . inds:USemTH07265dodicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07265dodicista is dodicista" ; rdfs:label " dodicista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07266dodicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07266dodicista is dodicista" ; rdfs:label " dodicista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07268doge simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07268doge is doge" ; rdfs:label " doge_as_Role" . inds:USemTH07270dogmatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07270dogmatica is dogmatica" ; rdfs:label " dogmatica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07271dogmatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07271dogmatica is dogmatica" ; rdfs:label " dogmatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07272dogmatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07272dogmatico is dogmatico" ; rdfs:label " dogmatico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07273dogmatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07273dogmatista is dogmatista" ; rdfs:label " dogmatista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH07276dogmatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07276dogmatista is dogmatista" ; rdfs:label " dogmatista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH07277dolcestilnovista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07277dolcestilnovista is dolcestilnovista" ; rdfs:label " dolcestilnovista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07280dolcestilnovista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07280dolcestilnovista is dolcestilnovista" ; rdfs:label " dolcestilnovista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07281dolcevita simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07281dolcevita is dolcevita" ; rdfs:label " dolcevita_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH07283dolciere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07283dolciere is dolciere" ; rdfs:label " dolciere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07285dolicocefala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07285dolicocefala is dolicocefala" ; rdfs:label " dolicocefala_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07287dolicocefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07287dolicocefalo is dolicocefalo" ; rdfs:label " dolicocefalo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07290dolorata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07290dolorata is dolorata" ; rdfs:label " dolorata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH07292dolorato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07292dolorato is dolorato" ; rdfs:label " dolorato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH07293dolorosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07293dolorosita1 is dolorosita'" ; rdfs:label " dolorosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07294dolosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07294dolosita1 is dolosita'" ; rdfs:label " dolosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07296domandata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07296domandata is domandata" ; rdfs:label " domandata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH07298domandato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07298domandato is domandato" ; rdfs:label " domandato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH07306domenicana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07306domenicana is domenicana" ; rdfs:label " domenicana_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH07308domenicano simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07308domenicano is domenicano" ; rdfs:label " domenicano_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH07309domenicano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07309domenicano is domenicano" ; rdfs:label " domenicano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH07311domenichina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07311domenichina is domenichina" ; rdfs:label " domenichina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07313domenichino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07313domenichino is domenichino" ; rdfs:label " domenichino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07318dominata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07318dominata is dominata" ; rdfs:label " dominata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH07320dominato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07320dominato is dominato" ; rdfs:label " dominato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH07323donatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07323donatismo is donatismo" ; rdfs:label " donatismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH07325donatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07325donatista is donatista" ; rdfs:label " donatista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07328donatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07328donatista is donatista" ; rdfs:label " donatista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07334dongiovanni simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07334dongiovanni is dongiovanni" ; rdfs:label " dongiovanni_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07338donnina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07338donnina is donnina" ; rdfs:label " donnina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07340donnino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07340donnino is donnino" ; rdfs:label " donnino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07342donzella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07342donzella is donzella" ; rdfs:label " donzella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07343donzella simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07343donzella is donzella" ; rdfs:label " donzella_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH07344donzello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07344donzello is donzello" ; rdfs:label " donzello_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH07347dopolavorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07347dopolavorista is dopolavorista" ; rdfs:label " dopolavorista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07348dopolavorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07348dopolavorista is dopolavorista" ; rdfs:label " dopolavorista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07349doposci simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07349doposci is doposci" ; rdfs:label " doposci_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH07350doposcuola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07350doposcuola is doposcuola" ; rdfs:label " doposcuola_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH07351doppia simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07351doppia is doppia" ; rdfs:label " doppia_as_Money" . inds:USemTH07355doppiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07355doppiere is doppiere" ; rdfs:label " doppiere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07356doppino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07356doppino is doppino" ; rdfs:label " doppino_as_Part" . inds:USemTH07357doppino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07357doppino is doppino" ; rdfs:label " doppino_as_Group" . inds:USemTH07361doppista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07361doppista is doppista" ; rdfs:label " doppista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH07364doppista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07364doppista is doppista" ; rdfs:label " doppista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH07370doricismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07370doricismo is doricismo" ; rdfs:label " doricismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH07371dorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07371dorismo is dorismo" ; rdfs:label " dorismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH07373dormeuse simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07373dormeuse is dormeuse" ; rdfs:label " dormeuse_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH07374dormienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07374dormienza is dormienza" ; rdfs:label " dormienza_as_Time" . inds:USemTH07376dorotea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07376dorotea is dorotea" ; rdfs:label " dorotea_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07378doroteo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07378doroteo is doroteo" ; rdfs:label " doroteo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07380dorsalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07380dorsalista is dorsalista" ; rdfs:label " dorsalista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH07383dorsalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07383dorsalista is dorsalista" ; rdfs:label " dorsalista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH07385dorsista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07385dorsista is dorsista" ; rdfs:label " dorsista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH07387dorsista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07387dorsista is dorsista" ; rdfs:label " dorsista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH07395dosimetria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07395dosimetria is dosimetria" ; rdfs:label " dosimetria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07397dosimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07397dosimetro is dosimetro" ; rdfs:label " dosimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07398dossier simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07398dossier is dossier" ; rdfs:label " dossier_as_Information" . inds:USemTH07400dossografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07400dossografa is dossografa" ; rdfs:label " dossografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07402dossografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07402dossografo is dossografo" ; rdfs:label " dossografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07403dossologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07403dossologia is dossologia" ; rdfs:label " dossologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07409dotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07409dotto is dotto" ; rdfs:label " dotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07411dottorame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07411dottorame is dottorame" ; rdfs:label " dottorame_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH07413dottrinaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07413dottrinaria is dottrinaria" ; rdfs:label " dottrinaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07415dottrinario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07415dottrinario is dottrinario" ; rdfs:label " dottrinario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07419doviziosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07419doviziosa is doviziosa" ; rdfs:label " doviziosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07421dovizioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07421dovizioso is dovizioso" ; rdfs:label " dovizioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07422dozzinalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07422dozzinalita1 is dozzinalita'" ; rdfs:label " dozzinalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07423dracma simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07423dracma is dracma" ; rdfs:label " dracma_as_Money" . inds:USemTH07424dragamine simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07424dragamine is dragamine" ; rdfs:label " dragamine_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH07429draghista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07429draghista is draghista" ; rdfs:label " draghista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07432draghista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07432draghista is draghista" ; rdfs:label " draghista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07434dragomanna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07434dragomanna is dragomanna" ; rdfs:label " dragomanna_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07436dragomanno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07436dragomanno is dragomanno" ; rdfs:label " dragomanno_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07437drammaticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07437drammaticita1 is drammaticita'" ; rdfs:label " drammaticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07439drappellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07439drappellone is drappellone" ; rdfs:label " drappellone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH07441drappiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07441drappiere is drappiere" ; rdfs:label " drappiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07446drink simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07446drink is drink" ; rdfs:label " drink_as_Drink" . inds:USemTH07447drittezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07447drittezza is drittezza" ; rdfs:label " drittezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07458droghista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07458droghista is droghista" ; rdfs:label " droghista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07461droghista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07461droghista is droghista" ; rdfs:label " droghista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07463dromografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07463dromografo is dromografo" ; rdfs:label " dromografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07465drosometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07465drosometro is drosometro" ; rdfs:label " drosometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07467druda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07467druda is druda" ; rdfs:label " druda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07468drudo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07468drudo is drudo" ; rdfs:label " drudo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07471dualismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, simple:State, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07471dualismo is dualismo" ; rdfs:label " dualismo_as_Movement_of_thought", " dualismo_as_State" . inds:USemTH07472dualista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07472dualista is dualista" ; rdfs:label " dualista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07475dualista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07475dualista is dualista" ; rdfs:label " dualista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07480duce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07480duce is duce" ; rdfs:label " duce_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH07483duecentesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07483duecentesimo is duecentesimo" ; rdfs:label " duecentesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH07484duecentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07484duecentista is duecentista" ; rdfs:label " duecentista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07485duecentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07485duecentista is duecentista" ; rdfs:label " duecentista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07486duecentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07486duecentista is duecentista" ; rdfs:label " duecentista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH07487duecentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07487duecentista is duecentista" ; rdfs:label " duecentista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH07488duecentometrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07488duecentometrista is duecentometrista" ; rdfs:label " duecentometrista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH07491duecentometrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07491duecentometrista is duecentometrista" ; rdfs:label " duecentometrista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH07498duellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07498duellista is duellista" ; rdfs:label " duellista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07499duellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07499duellista is duellista" ; rdfs:label " duellista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07500duepezzi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07500duepezzi is duepezzi" ; rdfs:label " duepezzi_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH07502duodecima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07502duodecima is duodecima" ; rdfs:label " duodecima_as_Part" . inds:USemTH07503duodecimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07503duodecimo is duodecimo" ; rdfs:label " duodecimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH07509duplicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07509duplicita1 is duplicita'" ; rdfs:label " duplicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07511dura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07511dura is dura" ; rdfs:label " dura_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07512durabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07512durabilita1 is durabilita'" ; rdfs:label " durabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07514duro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07514duro is duro" ; rdfs:label " duro_as_Part" . inds:USemTH07515duro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07515duro is duro" ; rdfs:label " duro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07517durometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07517durometro is durometro" ; rdfs:label " durometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07519e simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07519e is e" ; rdfs:label " e_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH07522ebefrenica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07522ebefrenica is ebefrenica" ; rdfs:label " ebefrenica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07528eblaita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07528eblaita is eblaita" ; rdfs:label " eblaita_as_People" . inds:USemTH07533ebraicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07533ebraicista is ebraicista" ; rdfs:label " ebraicista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07537ebraista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07537ebraista is ebraista" ; rdfs:label " ebraista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07541ebulliometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07541ebulliometro is ebulliometro" ; rdfs:label " ebulliometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07542ebullioscopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07542ebullioscopia is ebullioscopia" ; rdfs:label " ebullioscopia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07544ecatontarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07544ecatontarca is ecatontarca" ; rdfs:label " ecatontarca_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH07546eccedente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07546eccedente is eccedente" ; rdfs:label " eccedente_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH07547ecceita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07547ecceita1 is ecceita'" ; rdfs:label " ecceita'_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH07548eccentrico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07548eccentrico is eccentrico" ; rdfs:label " eccentrico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07549eccentrico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07549eccentrico is eccentrico" ; rdfs:label " eccentrico_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07550eccessivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07550eccessivita1 is eccessivita'" ; rdfs:label " eccessivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07551ecchimosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07551ecchimosi is ecchimosi" ; rdfs:label " ecchimosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07552eccipiente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07552eccipiente is eccipiente" ; rdfs:label " eccipiente_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH07559ecclesiasticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07559ecclesiasticita1 is ecclesiasticita'" ; rdfs:label " ecclesiasticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07561ecclesiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07561ecclesiologa is ecclesiologa" ; rdfs:label " ecclesiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07562ecclesiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07562ecclesiologia is ecclesiologia" ; rdfs:label " ecclesiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07564ecclesiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07564ecclesiologo is ecclesiologo" ; rdfs:label " ecclesiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07565ecclettica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07565ecclettica is ecclettica" ; rdfs:label " ecclettica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07566ecclettica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07566ecclettica is ecclettica" ; rdfs:label " ecclettica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07567ecclettico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07567ecclettico is ecclettico" ; rdfs:label " ecclettico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07568ecclettico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07568ecclettico is ecclettico" ; rdfs:label " ecclettico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07570ecclimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07570ecclimetro is ecclimetro" ; rdfs:label " ecclimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07572echinococcosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07572echinococcosi is echinococcosi" ; rdfs:label " echinococcosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07573eclampsia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07573eclampsia is eclampsia" ; rdfs:label " eclampsia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07574ecletticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07574ecletticismo is ecletticismo" ; rdfs:label " ecletticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH07576ecletticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07576ecletticita1 is ecletticita'" ; rdfs:label " ecletticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07578eclimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07578eclimetro is eclimetro" ; rdfs:label " eclimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07580ecofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07580ecofobia is ecofobia" ; rdfs:label " ecofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07582ecogoniometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07582ecogoniometro is ecogoniometro" ; rdfs:label " ecogoniometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07583ecografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07583ecografo is ecografo" ; rdfs:label " ecografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07584ecografo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem79629ecografista ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem069624ecografia ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07584ecografo is ecografo" ; rdfs:label " ecografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07586ecometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07586ecometro is ecometro" ; rdfs:label " ecometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07588economa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07588economa is economa" ; rdfs:label " economa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07590econometrica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07590econometrica is econometrica" ; rdfs:label " econometrica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07592econometrico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07592econometrico is econometrico" ; rdfs:label " econometrico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07596econometrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07596econometrista is econometrista" ; rdfs:label " econometrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07598economicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07598economicismo is economicismo" ; rdfs:label " economicismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH07600economismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07600economismo is economismo" ; rdfs:label " economismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH07607economo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07607economo is economo" ; rdfs:label " economo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07608ecpirosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07608ecpirosi is ecpirosi" ; rdfs:label " ecpirosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH07609ectasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07609ectasia is ectasia" ; rdfs:label " ectasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07610ectipografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07610ectipografia is ectipografia" ; rdfs:label " ectipografia_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH07611ectoderma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07611ectoderma is ectoderma" ; rdfs:label " ectoderma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH07612ectopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07612ectopia is ectopia" ; rdfs:label " ectopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07614ectropion simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07614ectropion is ectropion" ; rdfs:label " ectropion_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07615ecumenicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07615ecumenicita1 is ecumenicita'" ; rdfs:label " ecumenicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07616eczema simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07616eczema is eczema" ; rdfs:label " eczema_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07618edafismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07618edafismo is edafismo" ; rdfs:label " edafismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07619edafologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07619edafologia is edafologia" ; rdfs:label " edafologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07621edematosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07621edematosa is edematosa" ; rdfs:label " edematosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07623edematoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07623edematoso is edematoso" ; rdfs:label " edematoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07627edicolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07627edicolista is edicolista" ; rdfs:label " edicolista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07634edilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07634edilita1 is edilita'" ; rdfs:label " edilita'_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH07637editoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07637editoria is editoria" ; rdfs:label " editoria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07641editorialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07641editorialista is editorialista" ; rdfs:label " editorialista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07643edochiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07643edochiana is edochiana" ; rdfs:label " edochiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH07645edochiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07645edochiano is edochiano" ; rdfs:label " edochiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH07649edonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07649edonista is edonista" ; rdfs:label " edonista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07650educabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07650educabilita1 is educabilita'" ; rdfs:label " educabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07652educanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07652educanda is educanda" ; rdfs:label " educanda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH07660edulcorante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07660edulcorante is edulcorante" ; rdfs:label " edulcorante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH07662efedrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07662efedrina is efedrina" ; rdfs:label " efedrina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH07664efesina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07664efesina is efesina" ; rdfs:label " efesina_as_People" . inds:USemTH07666efesino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07666efesino is efesino" ; rdfs:label " efesino_as_People" . inds:USemTH07667effemeride simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07667effemeride is effemeride" ; rdfs:label " effemeride_as_Information" . inds:USemTH07678effettivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07678effettivita1 is effettivita'" ; rdfs:label " effettivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07679effettivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07679effettivo is effettivo" ; rdfs:label " effettivo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07681effettuabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07681effettuabilita1 is effettuabilita'" ; rdfs:label " effettuabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07682effettualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07682effettualita1 is effettualita'" ; rdfs:label " effettualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07684efficenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07684efficenza is efficenza" ; rdfs:label " efficenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07686efficientismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07686efficientismo is efficientismo" ; rdfs:label " efficientismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07690efficientista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07690efficientista is efficientista" ; rdfs:label " efficientista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07692effluente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07692effluente is effluente" ; rdfs:label " effluente_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH07695effusiometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07695effusiometro is effusiometro" ; rdfs:label " effusiometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07696effusore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07696effusore is effusore" ; rdfs:label " effusore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07697efidrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07697efidrosi is efidrosi" ; rdfs:label " efidrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07699egalitaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07699egalitaria is egalitaria" ; rdfs:label " egalitaria_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07700egalitario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07700egalitario is egalitario" ; rdfs:label " egalitario_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07710egheliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07710egheliana is egheliana" ; rdfs:label " egheliana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07713egheliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07713egheliano is egheliano" ; rdfs:label " egheliano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07714egittologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07714egittologia is egittologia" ; rdfs:label " egittologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07716egizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07716egizia is egizia" ; rdfs:label " egizia_as_People" . inds:USemTH07718egizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07718egizio is egizio" ; rdfs:label " egizio_as_People" . inds:USemTH07720egocentrica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07720egocentrica is egocentrica" ; rdfs:label " egocentrica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07729egumeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07729egumeno is egumeno" ; rdfs:label " egumeno_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH07732elaboratezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07732elaboratezza is elaboratezza" ; rdfs:label " elaboratezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07734elaiometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07734elaiometro is elaiometro" ; rdfs:label " elaiometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07738elamita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07738elamita is elamita" ; rdfs:label " elamita_as_People" . inds:USemTH07740elea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07740elea is elea" ; rdfs:label " elea_as_People" . inds:USemTH07742eleatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07742eleatica is eleatica" ; rdfs:label " eleatica_as_People" . inds:USemTH07743eleatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07743eleatica is eleatica" ; rdfs:label " eleatica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07745eleatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07745eleatico is eleatico" ; rdfs:label " eleatico_as_People" . inds:USemTH07746eleatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07746eleatico is eleatico" ; rdfs:label " eleatico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07748eleatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07748eleatismo is eleatismo" ; rdfs:label " eleatismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH07749elefantiasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07749elefantiasi is elefantiasi" ; rdfs:label " elefantiasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07756eleggibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07756eleggibilita1 is eleggibilita'" ; rdfs:label " eleggibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07758elegismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07758elegismo is elegismo" ; rdfs:label " elegismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07759elementarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07759elementarita1 is elementarita'" ; rdfs:label " elementarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07760eleo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07760eleo is eleo" ; rdfs:label " eleo_as_People" . inds:USemTH07761elettivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07761elettivita1 is elettivita'" ; rdfs:label " elettivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07768elettricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07768elettricita1 is elettricita'" ; rdfs:label " elettricita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH07770elettrico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07770elettrico is elettrico" ; rdfs:label " elettrico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07776elettrobisturi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07776elettrobisturi is elettrobisturi" ; rdfs:label " elettrobisturi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07777elettrocapillarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07777elettrocapillarita1 is elettrocapillarita'" ; rdfs:label " elettrocapillarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07780elettrocardiografo simple:hasCreatedby inds:USemD387fabbricare ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3479apparecchio ; simple:hasUsedby inds:USem1981medico ; simple:hasUsedfor inds:USem74108elettrocardiogramma ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07780elettrocardiografo is elettrocardiografo" ; rdfs:label " elettrocardiografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07782elettrochimico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07782elettrochimico is elettrochimico" ; rdfs:label " elettrochimico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07784elettrodinamismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07784elettrodinamismo is elettrodinamismo" ; rdfs:label " elettrodinamismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07786elettrodinamometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07786elettrodinamometro is elettrodinamometro" ; rdfs:label " elettrodinamometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07789elettroencefalografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07789elettroencefalografo is elettroencefalografo" ; rdfs:label " elettroencefalografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07790elettrofisiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07790elettrofisiologia is elettrofisiologia" ; rdfs:label " elettrofisiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07791elettroforesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07791elettroforesi is elettroforesi" ; rdfs:label " elettroforesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH07793elettrolita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07793elettrolita is elettrolita" ; rdfs:label " elettrolita_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH07797elettrologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07797elettrologa is elettrologa" ; rdfs:label " elettrologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07798elettrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07798elettrologia is elettrologia" ; rdfs:label " elettrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07800elettrologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07800elettrologo is elettrologo" ; rdfs:label " elettrologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07801elettromagnete simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07801elettromagnete is elettromagnete" ; rdfs:label " elettromagnete_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07802elettromagnetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07802elettromagnetismo is elettromagnetismo" ; rdfs:label " elettromagnetismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07803elettromagnetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07803elettromagnetismo is elettromagnetismo" ; rdfs:label " elettromagnetismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH07804elettromeccanica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07804elettromeccanica is elettromeccanica" ; rdfs:label " elettromeccanica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07805elettromeccanica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07805elettromeccanica is elettromeccanica" ; rdfs:label " elettromeccanica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07807elettrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07807elettrometro is elettrometro" ; rdfs:label " elettrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07811elettronegativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07811elettronegativita1 is elettronegativita'" ; rdfs:label " elettronegativita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH07812elettroosmosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07812elettroosmosi is elettroosmosi" ; rdfs:label " elettroosmosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH07813elettropositivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07813elettropositivita1 is elettropositivita'" ; rdfs:label " elettropositivita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH07815elettrosincrotrone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07815elettrosincrotrone is elettrosincrotrone" ; rdfs:label " elettrosincrotrone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07816elettrosmosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07816elettrosmosi is elettrosmosi" ; rdfs:label " elettrosmosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH07819eleusina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07819eleusina is eleusina" ; rdfs:label " eleusina_as_People" . inds:USemTH07821eleusino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07821eleusino is eleusino" ; rdfs:label " eleusino_as_People" . inds:USemTH07828elicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07828elicista is elicista" ; rdfs:label " elicista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07829elicoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07829elicoide is elicoide" ; rdfs:label " elicoide_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH07830elicone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07830elicone is elicone" ; rdfs:label " elicone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07834elicotterista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07834elicotterista is elicotterista" ; rdfs:label " elicotterista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07836eliocentrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07836eliocentrismo is eliocentrismo" ; rdfs:label " eliocentrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH07837eliofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07837eliofobia is eliofobia" ; rdfs:label " eliofobia_as_Property" . inds:USemTH07838eliografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07838eliografia is eliografia" ; rdfs:label " eliografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07842eliografista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07842eliografista is eliografista" ; rdfs:label " eliografista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07844eliometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07844eliometro is eliometro" ; rdfs:label " eliometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07846elioteismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07846elioteismo is elioteismo" ; rdfs:label " elioteismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH07849eliotropia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07849eliotropia is eliotropia" ; rdfs:label " eliotropia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH07851eliotropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07851eliotropismo is eliotropismo" ; rdfs:label " eliotropismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH07856elitista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07856elitista is elitista" ; rdfs:label " elitista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07858elitropia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07858elitropia is elitropia" ; rdfs:label " elitropia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH07859elle simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07859elle is elle" ; rdfs:label " elle_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH07861elleboro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07861elleboro is elleboro" ; rdfs:label " elleboro_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH07862ellenismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07862ellenismo is ellenismo" ; rdfs:label " ellenismo_as_Time" . inds:USemTH07863ellenismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07863ellenismo is ellenismo" ; rdfs:label " ellenismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH07867ellenista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07867ellenista is ellenista" ; rdfs:label " ellenista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07869ellissografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07869ellissografo is ellissografo" ; rdfs:label " ellissografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07870ellissoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07870ellissoide is ellissoide" ; rdfs:label " ellissoide_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH07871elmintiasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07871elmintiasi is elmintiasi" ; rdfs:label " elmintiasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07873elmintologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07873elmintologa is elmintologa" ; rdfs:label " elmintologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07874elmintologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07874elmintologia is elmintologia" ; rdfs:label " elmintologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07876elmintologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07876elmintologo is elmintologo" ; rdfs:label " elmintologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07877elmintosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07877elmintosi is elmintosi" ; rdfs:label " elmintosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07879eloderma simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07879eloderma is eloderma" ; rdfs:label " eloderma_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH07887elogista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07887elogista is elogista" ; rdfs:label " elogista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07890eluente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07890eluente is eluente" ; rdfs:label " eluente_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH07891elusivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07891elusivita1 is elusivita'" ; rdfs:label " elusivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07893elvetica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07893elvetica is elvetica" ; rdfs:label " elvetica_as_People" . inds:USemTH07895elvetico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07895elvetico is elvetico" ; rdfs:label " elvetico_as_People" . inds:USemTH07901emalopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07901emalopia is emalopia" ; rdfs:label " emalopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07903emanatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07903emanatismo is emanatismo" ; rdfs:label " emanatismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH07907emanatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07907emanatista is emanatista" ; rdfs:label " emanatista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH07912emangioma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07912emangioma is emangioma" ; rdfs:label " emangioma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07917ematologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07917ematologa is ematologa" ; rdfs:label " ematologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07919ematologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07919ematologo is ematologo" ; rdfs:label " ematologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07920ematopoiesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07920ematopoiesi is ematopoiesi" ; rdfs:label " ematopoiesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH07921ematosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07921ematosi is ematosi" ; rdfs:label " ematosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH07923ematossilina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07923ematossilina is ematossilina" ; rdfs:label " ematossilina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH07928emblematista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07928emblematista is emblematista" ; rdfs:label " emblematista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07929embolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07929embolismo is embolismo" ; rdfs:label " embolismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07931embolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07931embolo is embolo" ; rdfs:label " embolo_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USemTH07933embrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07933embrice is embrice" ; rdfs:label " embrice_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH07934embriogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07934embriogenesi is embriogenesi" ; rdfs:label " embriogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH07936embriologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07936embriologa is embriologa" ; rdfs:label " embriologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07937embriologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07937embriologia is embriologia" ; rdfs:label " embriologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH07939embriologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07939embriologo is embriologo" ; rdfs:label " embriologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH07945emeralopa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07945emeralopa is emeralopa" ; rdfs:label " emeralopa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07946emeralopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07946emeralopia is emeralopia" ; rdfs:label " emeralopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07948emeralopo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07948emeralopo is emeralopo" ; rdfs:label " emeralopo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07949emerografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07949emerografia is emerografia" ; rdfs:label " emerografia_as_Information" . inds:USemTH07950emetico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07950emetico is emetico" ; rdfs:label " emetico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH07952emetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07952emetismo is emetismo" ; rdfs:label " emetismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07953emianopsia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07953emianopsia is emianopsia" ; rdfs:label " emianopsia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07954emiatrofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07954emiatrofia is emiatrofia" ; rdfs:label " emiatrofia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07956emicefala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07956emicefala is emicefala" ; rdfs:label " emicefala_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07958emicefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07958emicefalo is emicefalo" ; rdfs:label " emicefalo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07964emigrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07964emigrato is emigrato" ; rdfs:label " emigrato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH07965emiliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07965emiliana is emiliana" ; rdfs:label " emiliana_as_People" . inds:USemTH07967emiliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07967emiliano is emiliano" ; rdfs:label " emiliano_as_People" . inds:USemTH07968emiliano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07968emiliano is emiliano" ; rdfs:label " emiliano_as_Language" . inds:USemTH07969eminenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07969eminenza is eminenza" ; rdfs:label " eminenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH07970emiopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07970emiopia is emiopia" ; rdfs:label " emiopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07974emiparassita simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07974emiparassita is emiparassita" ; rdfs:label " emiparassita_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH07976emiparetica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07976emiparetica is emiparetica" ; rdfs:label " emiparetica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07978emiparetico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07978emiparetico is emiparetico" ; rdfs:label " emiparetico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07979emiplegia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07979emiplegia is emiplegia" ; rdfs:label " emiplegia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07981emiplegica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07981emiplegica is emiplegica" ; rdfs:label " emiplegica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07983emiplegico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07983emiplegico is emiplegico" ; rdfs:label " emiplegico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07984emme simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07984emme is emme" ; rdfs:label " emme_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH07985emmenagogo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07985emmenagogo is emmenagogo" ; rdfs:label " emmenagogo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH07986emmental simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07986emmental is emmental" ; rdfs:label " emmental_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH07989emodializzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07989emodializzata is emodializzata" ; rdfs:label " emodializzata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07991emodializzato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07991emodializzato is emodializzato" ; rdfs:label " emodializzato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH07993emodinamometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07993emodinamometro is emodinamometro" ; rdfs:label " emodinamometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07994emofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07994emofobia is emofobia" ; rdfs:label " emofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07996emoglobinometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07996emoglobinometro is emoglobinometro" ; rdfs:label " emoglobinometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH07997emoglobinuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07997emoglobinuria is emoglobinuria" ; rdfs:label " emoglobinuria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH07998emolisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH07998emolisi is emolisi" ; rdfs:label " emolisi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08001emometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08001emometro is emometro" ; rdfs:label " emometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08002emopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08002emopatia is emopatia" ; rdfs:label " emopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08003emopatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08003emopatologia is emopatologia" ; rdfs:label " emopatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08004emopoiesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08004emopoiesi is emopoiesi" ; rdfs:label " emopoiesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08005emorroide simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08005emorroide is emorroide" ; rdfs:label " emorroide_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08008emotiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08008emotiva is emotiva" ; rdfs:label " emotiva_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08011emotivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08011emotivo is emotivo" ; rdfs:label " emotivo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08012emotorace simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08012emotorace is emotorace" ; rdfs:label " emotorace_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08013emottisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08013emottisi is emottisi" ; rdfs:label " emottisi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08016empiema simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08016empiema is empiema" ; rdfs:label " empiema_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08018empiematosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08018empiematosa is empiematosa" ; rdfs:label " empiematosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08020empiematoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08020empiematoso is empiematoso" ; rdfs:label " empiematoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08021empieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08021empieta1 is empieta'" ; rdfs:label " empieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08022empiezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08022empiezza is empiezza" ; rdfs:label " empiezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08024empirica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08024empirica is empirica" ; rdfs:label " empirica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08026empirico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08026empirico is empirico" ; rdfs:label " empirico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08028empiriocriticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08028empiriocriticismo is empiriocriticismo" ; rdfs:label " empiriocriticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08034emula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08034emula is emula" ; rdfs:label " emula_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08036emulo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08036emulo is emulo" ; rdfs:label " emulo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08038emulsiometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08038emulsiometro is emulsiometro" ; rdfs:label " emulsiometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08045enantiomorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08045enantiomorfismo is enantiomorfismo" ; rdfs:label " enantiomorfismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH08047enartrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08047enartrosi is enartrosi" ; rdfs:label " enartrosi_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH08049encefalitica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08049encefalitica is encefalitica" ; rdfs:label " encefalitica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08051encefalitico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08051encefalitico is encefalitico" ; rdfs:label " encefalitico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08053encefalopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08053encefalopatia is encefalopatia" ; rdfs:label " encefalopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08054enchimosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08054enchimosi is enchimosi" ; rdfs:label " enchimosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08055enciclopedismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08055enciclopedismo is enciclopedismo" ; rdfs:label " enciclopedismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08056enciclopedismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08056enciclopedismo is enciclopedismo" ; rdfs:label " enciclopedismo_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH08059enciclopedista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08059enciclopedista is enciclopedista" ; rdfs:label " enciclopedista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08060enciclopedista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08060enciclopedista is enciclopedista" ; rdfs:label " enciclopedista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08065endemicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08065endemicita1 is endemicita'" ; rdfs:label " endemicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08067endemismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08067endemismo is endemismo" ; rdfs:label " endemismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08068endocardite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08068endocardite is endocardite" ; rdfs:label " endocardite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08070endocrinologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08070endocrinologa is endocrinologa" ; rdfs:label " endocrinologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08071endogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08071endogenesi is endogenesi" ; rdfs:label " endogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08073endometamorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08073endometamorfismo is endometamorfismo" ; rdfs:label " endometamorfismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08075endometrio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08075endometrio is endometrio" ; rdfs:label " endometrio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH08076endometriosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08076endometriosi is endometriosi" ; rdfs:label " endometriosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08077endometrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08077endometrite is endometrite" ; rdfs:label " endometrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08079endomorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08079endomorfismo is endomorfismo" ; rdfs:label " endomorfismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08083endoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08083endoscopio is endoscopio" ; rdfs:label " endoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08085endosmometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08085endosmometro is endosmometro" ; rdfs:label " endosmometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08086endosmosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08086endosmosi is endosmosi" ; rdfs:label " endosmosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08090endurista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08090endurista is endurista" ; rdfs:label " endurista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH08092energetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08092energetismo is energetismo" ; rdfs:label " energetismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08093energismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08093energismo is energismo" ; rdfs:label " energismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08095energumena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08095energumena is energumena" ; rdfs:label " energumena_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08097energumeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08097energumeno is energumeno" ; rdfs:label " energumeno_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08100enfiore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08100enfiore is enfiore" ; rdfs:label " enfiore_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08102enfisematosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08102enfisematosa is enfisematosa" ; rdfs:label " enfisematosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08104enfisematoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08104enfisematoso is enfisematoso" ; rdfs:label " enfisematoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08108enfiteuta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08108enfiteuta is enfiteuta" ; rdfs:label " enfiteuta_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH08112enigmista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08112enigmista is enigmista" ; rdfs:label " enigmista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08113enne simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08113enne is enne" ; rdfs:label " enne_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH08115enofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08115enofila is enofila" ; rdfs:label " enofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08117enofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08117enofilo is enofilo" ; rdfs:label " enofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08119enometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08119enometro is enometro" ; rdfs:label " enometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08120enormita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08120enormita1 is enormita'" ; rdfs:label " enormita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08121enostosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08121enostosi is enostosi" ; rdfs:label " enostosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08123enotecaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08123enotecaria is enotecaria" ; rdfs:label " enotecaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08125enotecario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08125enotecario is enotecario" ; rdfs:label " enotecario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08127enteralgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08127enteralgia is enteralgia" ; rdfs:label " enteralgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08128enterite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08128enterite is enterite" ; rdfs:label " enterite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08129enterocolite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08129enterocolite is enterocolite" ; rdfs:label " enterocolite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08130enterologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08130enterologia is enterologia" ; rdfs:label " enterologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08132enterosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08132enterosi is enterosi" ; rdfs:label " enterosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08133enterostenosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08133enterostenosi is enterostenosi" ; rdfs:label " enterostenosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08134entipologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08134entipologia is entipologia" ; rdfs:label " entipologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08135entiposi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08135entiposi is entiposi" ; rdfs:label " entiposi_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH08137entomologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08137entomologa is entomologa" ; rdfs:label " entomologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08139entomologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08139entomologo is entomologo" ; rdfs:label " entomologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08141entraineuse simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08141entraineuse is entraineuse" ; rdfs:label " entraineuse_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08144entrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08144entrismo is entrismo" ; rdfs:label " entrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08146entropion simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08146entropion is entropion" ; rdfs:label " entropion_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08148enula simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08148enula is enula" ; rdfs:label " enula_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH08153enuresi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08153enuresi is enuresi" ; rdfs:label " enuresi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08154enzimologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08154enzimologia is enzimologia" ; rdfs:label " enzimologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08156eolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08156eolismo is eolismo" ; rdfs:label " eolismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH08158eonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08158eonismo is eonismo" ; rdfs:label " eonismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08159eosinofilia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08159eosinofilia is eosinofilia" ; rdfs:label " eosinofilia_as_Property" . inds:USemTH08160epanadiplosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08160epanadiplosi is epanadiplosi" ; rdfs:label " epanadiplosi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH08162epatica simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08162epatica is epatica" ; rdfs:label " epatica_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH08163epatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08163epatica is epatica" ; rdfs:label " epatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08164epatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08164epatico is epatico" ; rdfs:label " epatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08165epatico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08165epatico is epatico" ; rdfs:label " epatico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08168epatosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08168epatosi is epatosi" ; rdfs:label " epatosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08169epeirogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08169epeirogenesi is epeirogenesi" ; rdfs:label " epeirogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08171epico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08171epico is epico" ; rdfs:label " epico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08172epicurea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08172epicurea is epicurea" ; rdfs:label " epicurea_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08173epicurea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08173epicurea is epicurea" ; rdfs:label " epicurea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08174epicureismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08174epicureismo is epicureismo" ; rdfs:label " epicureismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08176epicureo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08176epicureo is epicureo" ; rdfs:label " epicureo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08177epicureo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08177epicureo is epicureo" ; rdfs:label " epicureo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08178epidemicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08178epidemicita1 is epidemicita'" ; rdfs:label " epidemicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08179epidemiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08179epidemiologia is epidemiologia" ; rdfs:label " epidemiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08180epigenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08180epigenesi is epigenesi" ; rdfs:label " epigenesi_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08184epigrafaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08184epigrafaia is epigrafaia" ; rdfs:label " epigrafaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08186epigrafaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08186epigrafaio is epigrafaio" ; rdfs:label " epigrafaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08187epigrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08187epigrafia is epigrafia" ; rdfs:label " epigrafia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08191epigrafista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08191epigrafista is epigrafista" ; rdfs:label " epigrafista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08193epigrafo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08193epigrafo is epigrafo" ; rdfs:label " epigrafo_as_Role" . inds:USemTH08197epigrammatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08197epigrammatista is epigrammatista" ; rdfs:label " epigrammatista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08201epigrammista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08201epigrammista is epigrammista" ; rdfs:label " epigrammista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08205epirogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08205epirogenesi is epirogenesi" ; rdfs:label " epirogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08209epirota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08209epirota is epirota" ; rdfs:label " epirota_as_People" . inds:USemTH08212episodicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08212episodicita1 is episodicita'" ; rdfs:label " episodicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08215epistemologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08215epistemologia is epistemologia" ; rdfs:label " epistemologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08219epistolografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08219epistolografa is epistolografa" ; rdfs:label " epistolografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08220epistolografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08220epistolografia is epistolografia" ; rdfs:label " epistolografia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH08222epistolografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08222epistolografo is epistolografo" ; rdfs:label " epistolografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08226epitaffista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08226epitaffista is epitaffista" ; rdfs:label " epitaffista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08228epitelio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08228epitelio is epitelio" ; rdfs:label " epitelio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH08229epitelioma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08229epitelioma is epitelioma" ; rdfs:label " epitelioma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08235epurata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08235epurata is epurata" ; rdfs:label " epurata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH08237epurato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08237epurato is epurato" ; rdfs:label " epurato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH08242equabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08242equabilita1 is equabilita'" ; rdfs:label " equabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08246equanimita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08246equanimita1 is equanimita'" ; rdfs:label " equanimita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08247equatoriale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08247equatoriale is equatoriale" ; rdfs:label " equatoriale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08249equide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08249equide is equide" ; rdfs:label " equide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH08250equidifferenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08250equidifferenza is equidifferenza" ; rdfs:label " equidifferenza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH08259equilibrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08259equilibrismo is equilibrismo" ; rdfs:label " equilibrismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08262equilibrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08262equilibrista is equilibrista" ; rdfs:label " equilibrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08263equilibrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08263equilibrista is equilibrista" ; rdfs:label " equilibrista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08265equinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08265equinismo is equinismo" ; rdfs:label " equinismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08267equita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08267equita1 is equita'" ; rdfs:label " equita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08269equivalente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08269equivalente is equivalente" ; rdfs:label " equivalente_as_Part" . inds:USemTH08270equivocita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08270equivocita1 is equivocita'" ; rdfs:label " equivocita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08274equocanonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08274equocanonista is equocanonista" ; rdfs:label " equocanonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08276erbaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08276erbaiola is erbaiola" ; rdfs:label " erbaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08278erbaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08278erbaiolo is erbaiolo" ; rdfs:label " erbaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08280erbarola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08280erbarola is erbarola" ; rdfs:label " erbarola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08282erbarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08282erbarolo is erbarolo" ; rdfs:label " erbarolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08288erbivora simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08288erbivora is erbivora" ; rdfs:label " erbivora_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH08289erbivora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08289erbivora is erbivora" ; rdfs:label " erbivora_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08290erbivoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08290erbivoro is erbivoro" ; rdfs:label " erbivoro_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH08291erbivoro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08291erbivoro is erbivoro" ; rdfs:label " erbivoro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08297ercole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08297ercole is ercole" ; rdfs:label " ercole_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08301ercolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08301ercolino is ercolino" ; rdfs:label " ercolino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08302eredita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08302eredita1 is eredita'" ; rdfs:label " eredita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08304ereditanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08304ereditanda is ereditanda" ; rdfs:label " ereditanda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity", " ereditanda_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH08306ereditando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08306ereditando is ereditando" ; rdfs:label " ereditando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity", " ereditando_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH08307ereditarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08307ereditarieta1 is ereditarieta'" ; rdfs:label " ereditarieta'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH08311eremitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08311eremitano is eremitano" ; rdfs:label " eremitano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH08313eresiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08313eresiologa is eresiologa" ; rdfs:label " eresiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08314eresiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08314eresiologia is eresiologia" ; rdfs:label " eresiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08316eresiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08316eresiologo is eresiologo" ; rdfs:label " eresiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08320eretismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08320eretismo is eretismo" ; rdfs:label " eretismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08326ergometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08326ergometro is ergometro" ; rdfs:label " ergometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08328ergonoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08328ergonoma is ergonoma" ; rdfs:label " ergonoma_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08330ergonomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08330ergonomo is ergonomo" ; rdfs:label " ergonomo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08333ergotina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08333ergotina is ergotina" ; rdfs:label " ergotina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08335ergotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08335ergotismo is ergotismo" ; rdfs:label " ergotismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08337eridologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08337eridologa is eridologa" ; rdfs:label " eridologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08338eridologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08338eridologia is eridologia" ; rdfs:label " eridologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08340eridologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08340eridologo is eridologo" ; rdfs:label " eridologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08342erinnofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08342erinnofila is erinnofila" ; rdfs:label " erinnofila_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH08344erinnofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08344erinnofilo is erinnofilo" ; rdfs:label " erinnofilo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH08345erinosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08345erinosi is erinosi" ; rdfs:label " erinosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08346erisipela simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08346erisipela is erisipela" ; rdfs:label " erisipela_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08348erisipelatosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08348erisipelatosa is erisipelatosa" ; rdfs:label " erisipelatosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08350erisipelatoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08350erisipelatoso is erisipelatoso" ; rdfs:label " erisipelatoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08351eritema simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08351eritema is eritema" ; rdfs:label " eritema_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08355eritrene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08355eritrene is eritrene" ; rdfs:label " eritrene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08358eritrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08358eritrina is eritrina" ; rdfs:label " eritrina_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH08359eritroblasto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08359eritroblasto is eritroblasto" ; rdfs:label " eritroblasto_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH08360eritroblastosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08360eritroblastosi is eritroblastosi" ; rdfs:label " eritroblastosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08361eritrocitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08361eritrocitosi is eritrocitosi" ; rdfs:label " eritrocitosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08362eritrofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08362eritrofobia is eritrofobia" ; rdfs:label " eritrofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08363eritrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08363eritrosi is eritrosi" ; rdfs:label " eritrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08365eritrosina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08365eritrosina is eritrosina" ; rdfs:label " eritrosina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08367ermafrodismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08367ermafrodismo is ermafrodismo" ; rdfs:label " ermafrodismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08382ermeneuta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08382ermeneuta is ermeneuta" ; rdfs:label " ermeneuta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08384ermetica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08384ermetica is ermetica" ; rdfs:label " ermetica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08385ermeticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08385ermeticita1 is ermeticita'" ; rdfs:label " ermeticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08387ermetico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08387ermetico is ermetico" ; rdfs:label " ermetico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08389ermetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08389ermetismo is ermetismo" ; rdfs:label " ermetismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08391erniosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08391erniosa is erniosa" ; rdfs:label " erniosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08393ernioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08393ernioso is ernioso" ; rdfs:label " ernioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08397ernista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08397ernista is ernista" ; rdfs:label " ernista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08398erogabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08398erogabilita1 is erogabilita'" ; rdfs:label " erogabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08400eroicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08400eroicita1 is eroicita'" ; rdfs:label " eroicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08401eroinomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08401eroinomania is eroinomania" ; rdfs:label " eroinomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08402erotomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08402erotomania is erotomania" ; rdfs:label " erotomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08404erpetica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08404erpetica is erpetica" ; rdfs:label " erpetica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08406erpetico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08406erpetico is erpetico" ; rdfs:label " erpetico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08408erpetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08408erpetismo is erpetismo" ; rdfs:label " erpetismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH08410erpetologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08410erpetologa is erpetologa" ; rdfs:label " erpetologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08411erpetologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08411erpetologia is erpetologia" ; rdfs:label " erpetologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08413erpetologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08413erpetologo is erpetologo" ; rdfs:label " erpetologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08415erpice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08415erpice is erpice" ; rdfs:label " erpice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08416erroneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08416erroneita1 is erroneita'" ; rdfs:label " erroneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08422esagerata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08422esagerata is esagerata" ; rdfs:label " esagerata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08423esagerato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08423esagerato is esagerato" ; rdfs:label " esagerato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08432esaltata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08432esaltata is esaltata" ; rdfs:label " esaltata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08434esaltato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08434esaltato is esaltato" ; rdfs:label " esaltato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08440esametilene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08440esametilene is esametilene" ; rdfs:label " esametilene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08441esametro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08441esametro is esametro" ; rdfs:label " esametro_as_Part" . inds:USemTH08443esaminanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08443esaminanda is esaminanda" ; rdfs:label " esaminanda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity", " esaminanda_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH08445esaminando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08445esaminando is esaminando" ; rdfs:label " esaminando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity", " esaminando_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH08449esantema simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08449esantema is esantema" ; rdfs:label " esantema_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08451esarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08451esarca is esarca" ; rdfs:label " esarca_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH08457esattoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08457esattoria is esattoria" ; rdfs:label " esattoria_as_Building" . inds:USemTH08463esauribilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08463esauribilita1 is esauribilita'" ; rdfs:label " esauribilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08464esaustivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08464esaustivita1 is esaustivita'" ; rdfs:label " esaustivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08466esborso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08466esborso is esborso" ; rdfs:label " esborso_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH08468escaiuola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08468escaiuola is escaiuola" ; rdfs:label " escaiuola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08470escaiuolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08470escaiuolo is escaiuolo" ; rdfs:label " escaiuolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08472escatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08472escatologia is escatologia" ; rdfs:label " escatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08477escavatorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08477escavatorista is escavatorista" ; rdfs:label " escavatorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08480esclaustrata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08480esclaustrata is esclaustrata" ; rdfs:label " esclaustrata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH08482esclaustrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08482esclaustrato is esclaustrato" ; rdfs:label " esclaustrato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH08484esclusivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08484esclusivismo is esclusivismo" ; rdfs:label " esclusivismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08486esclusivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08486esclusivista is esclusivista" ; rdfs:label " esclusivista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08487esclusivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08487esclusivista is esclusivista" ; rdfs:label " esclusivista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH08488esclusivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08488esclusivita1 is esclusivita'" ; rdfs:label " esclusivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08489escrescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08489escrescenza is escrescenza" ; rdfs:label " escrescenza_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08493esecrabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08493esecrabilita1 is esecrabilita'" ; rdfs:label " esecrabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08494esecutivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08494esecutivita1 is esecutivita'" ; rdfs:label " esecutivita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH08495esecutorieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08495esecutorieta1 is esecutorieta'" ; rdfs:label " esecutorieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08499esegeta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08499esegeta is esegeta" ; rdfs:label " esegeta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08500eseguibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08500eseguibilita1 is eseguibilita'" ; rdfs:label " eseguibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08502esemplarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08502esemplarita1 is esemplarita'" ; rdfs:label " esemplarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08504esente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08504esente is esente" ; rdfs:label " esente_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH08509esigibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08509esigibilita1 is esigibilita'" ; rdfs:label " esigibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08510esiguita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08510esiguita1 is esiguita'" ; rdfs:label " esiguita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08517esistenzialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08517esistenzialista is esistenzialista" ; rdfs:label " esistenzialista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08518esitabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08518esitabilita1 is esitabilita'" ; rdfs:label " esitabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08519esobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08519esobiologia is esobiologia" ; rdfs:label " esobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08525esometamorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08525esometamorfismo is esometamorfismo" ; rdfs:label " esometamorfismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08527esomorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08527esomorfismo is esomorfismo" ; rdfs:label " esomorfismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08529esonerata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08529esonerata is esonerata" ; rdfs:label " esonerata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH08531esonerato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08531esonerato is esonerato" ; rdfs:label " esonerato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH08537esorcista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08537esorcista is esorcista" ; rdfs:label " esorcista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH08547esosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08547esosita1 is esosita'" ; rdfs:label " esosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08548esostosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08548esostosi is esostosi" ; rdfs:label " esostosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08550esoterismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08550esoterismo is esoterismo" ; rdfs:label " esoterismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08552esoticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08552esoticita1 is esoticita'" ; rdfs:label " esoticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08557esotossina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08557esotossina is esotossina" ; rdfs:label " esotossina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08558esotropia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08558esotropia is esotropia" ; rdfs:label " esotropia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08559espansibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08559espansibilita1 is espansibilita'" ; rdfs:label " espansibilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH08564espettorante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08564espettorante is espettorante" ; rdfs:label " espettorante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08572esplodente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08572esplodente is esplodente" ; rdfs:label " esplodente_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08578esplosivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08578esplosivista is esplosivista" ; rdfs:label " esplosivista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08579esplosivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08579esplosivita1 is esplosivita'" ; rdfs:label " esplosivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08585esposimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08585esposimetro is esposimetro" ; rdfs:label " esposimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08586espressivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08586espressivita1 is espressivita'" ; rdfs:label " espressivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08588espromissaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08588espromissaria is espromissaria" ; rdfs:label " espromissaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH08590espromissario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08590espromissario is espromissario" ; rdfs:label " espromissario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH08596espulsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08596espulsa is espulsa" ; rdfs:label " espulsa_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH08598espulso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08598espulso is espulso" ; rdfs:label " espulso_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH08599espulsore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08599espulsore is espulsore" ; rdfs:label " espulsore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08604esse simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08604esse is esse" ; rdfs:label " esse_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH08608essedario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08608essedario is essedario" ; rdfs:label " essedario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08610essenzialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08610essenzialismo is essenzialismo" ; rdfs:label " essenzialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08611essenzialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08611essenzialita1 is essenzialita'" ; rdfs:label " essenzialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08613essiccante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08613essiccante is essiccante" ; rdfs:label " essiccante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08616essiccosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08616essiccosi is essiccosi" ; rdfs:label " essiccosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08618essoterismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08618essoterismo is essoterismo" ; rdfs:label " essoterismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08619essudato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08619essudato is essudato" ; rdfs:label " essudato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08624estemporaneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08624estemporaneita1 is estemporaneita'" ; rdfs:label " estemporaneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08626estensimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08626estensimetro is estensimetro" ; rdfs:label " estensimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08627estensore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08627estensore is estensore" ; rdfs:label " estensore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH08629estere simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08629estere is estere" ; rdfs:label " estere_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08630esteriorita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08630esteriorita1 is esteriorita'" ; rdfs:label " esteriorita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08641estesiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08641estesiologia is estesiologia" ; rdfs:label " estesiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08643estesiometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08643estesiometro is estesiometro" ; rdfs:label " estesiometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08646esteta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08646esteta is esteta" ; rdfs:label " esteta_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08647esteta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08647esteta is esteta" ; rdfs:label " esteta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08648estetologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08648estetologia is estetologia" ; rdfs:label " estetologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08653estimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08653estimo is estimo" ; rdfs:label " estimo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08655estinta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08655estinta is estinta" ; rdfs:label " estinta_as_Human", " estinta_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH08657estinto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08657estinto is estinto" ; rdfs:label " estinto_as_Human", " estinto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH08665estraneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08665estraneita1 is estraneita'" ; rdfs:label " estraneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08671estremo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08671estremo is estremo" ; rdfs:label " estremo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH08674estrone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08674estrone is estrone" ; rdfs:label " estrone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH08676estrovertita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08676estrovertita is estrovertita" ; rdfs:label " estrovertita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08678estrovertito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08678estrovertito is estrovertito" ; rdfs:label " estrovertito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08681estrusore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08681estrusore is estrusore" ; rdfs:label " estrusore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08682estumescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08682estumescenza is estumescenza" ; rdfs:label " estumescenza_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08686eta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08686eta is eta" ; rdfs:label " eta_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH08692etacista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08692etacista is etacista" ; rdfs:label " etacista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08694etelismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08694etelismo is etelismo" ; rdfs:label " etelismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08695eteradelfia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08695eteradelfia is eteradelfia" ; rdfs:label " eteradelfia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08697eteriarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08697eteriarca is eteriarca" ; rdfs:label " eteriarca_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH08699eterismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08699eterismo is eterismo" ; rdfs:label " eterismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08701eteroforica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08701eteroforica is eteroforica" ; rdfs:label " eteroforica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08703eteroforico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08703eteroforico is eteroforico" ; rdfs:label " eteroforico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08704eterogeneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08704eterogeneita1 is eterogeneita'" ; rdfs:label " eterogeneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08705eterogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08705eterogenesi is eterogenesi" ; rdfs:label " eterogenesi_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08706eteromania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08706eteromania is eteromania" ; rdfs:label " eteromania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08708eteromorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08708eteromorfismo is eteromorfismo" ; rdfs:label " eteromorfismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08709eteropolio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08709eteropolio is eteropolio" ; rdfs:label " eteropolio_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08710eteropsonio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08710eteropsonio is eteropsonio" ; rdfs:label " eteropsonio_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08711eterotopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08711eterotopia is eterotopia" ; rdfs:label " eterotopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08712eterotrofia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08712eterotrofia is eterotrofia" ; rdfs:label " eterotrofia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08713eterozigosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08713eterozigosi is eterozigosi" ; rdfs:label " eterozigosi_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08714eterozigote simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08714eterozigote is eterozigote" ; rdfs:label " eterozigote_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH08715eticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08715eticita1 is eticita'" ; rdfs:label " eticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08717etico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08717etico is etico" ; rdfs:label " etico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08719etile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08719etile is etile" ; rdfs:label " etile_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08721etilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08721etilismo is etilismo" ; rdfs:label " etilismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08725etilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08725etilista is etilista" ; rdfs:label " etilista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH08729etimologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08729etimologista is etimologista" ; rdfs:label " etimologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08730etiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08730etiologia is etiologia" ; rdfs:label " etiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08731etiopatogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08731etiopatogenesi is etiopatogenesi" ; rdfs:label " etiopatogenesi_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08733etiotropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08733etiotropismo is etiotropismo" ; rdfs:label " etiotropismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08735etnea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08735etnea is etnea" ; rdfs:label " etnea_as_People" . inds:USemTH08737etneo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08737etneo is etneo" ; rdfs:label " etneo_as_People" . inds:USemTH08741etnologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08741etnologa is etnologa" ; rdfs:label " etnologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08743etnologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08743etnologo is etnologo" ; rdfs:label " etnologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08744etnomusicologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08744etnomusicologia is etnomusicologia" ; rdfs:label " etnomusicologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08746etologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08746etologa is etologa" ; rdfs:label " etologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08747etologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08747etologia is etologia" ; rdfs:label " etologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08749etologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08749etologo is etologo" ; rdfs:label " etologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08751etrusca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08751etrusca is etrusca" ; rdfs:label " etrusca_as_People" . inds:USemTH08754etrusco simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08754etrusco is etrusco" ; rdfs:label " etrusco_as_Language" . inds:USemTH08757etruscologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08757etruscologia is etruscologia" ; rdfs:label " etruscologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08762eucaliptolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08762eucaliptolo is eucaliptolo" ; rdfs:label " eucaliptolo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08763eucologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08763eucologia is eucologia" ; rdfs:label " eucologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08765eudemonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08765eudemonismo is eudemonismo" ; rdfs:label " eudemonismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08766eudemonologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08766eudemonologia is eudemonologia" ; rdfs:label " eudemonologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08768eudiometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08768eudiometro is eudiometro" ; rdfs:label " eudiometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08770eufuismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08770eufuismo is eufuismo" ; rdfs:label " eufuismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08774eufuista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08774eufuista is eufuista" ; rdfs:label " eufuista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08778eugenista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08778eugenista is eugenista" ; rdfs:label " eugenista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08780eugubina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08780eugubina is eugubina" ; rdfs:label " eugubina_as_People" . inds:USemTH08784eulogia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08784eulogia is eulogia" ; rdfs:label " eulogia_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH08786eunuchismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08786eunuchismo is eunuchismo" ; rdfs:label " eunuchismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08788eunucoidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08788eunucoidismo is eunucoidismo" ; rdfs:label " eunucoidismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08790eurasiatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08790eurasiatica is eurasiatica" ; rdfs:label " eurasiatica_as_People" . inds:USemTH08792eurasiatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08792eurasiatico is eurasiatico" ; rdfs:label " eurasiatico_as_People" . inds:USemTH08793eurialinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08793eurialinita1 is eurialinita'" ; rdfs:label " eurialinita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH08801eurocentrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08801eurocentrismo is eurocentrismo" ; rdfs:label " eurocentrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08803eurocomunismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08803eurocomunismo is eurocomunismo" ; rdfs:label " eurocomunismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08804euromercato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08804euromercato is euromercato" ; rdfs:label " euromercato_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08805euromissile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08805euromissile is euromissile" ; rdfs:label " euromissile_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08806europeismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08806europeismo is europeismo" ; rdfs:label " europeismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08807europeismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08807europeismo is europeismo" ; rdfs:label " europeismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH08809eustatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08809eustatismo is eustatismo" ; rdfs:label " eustatismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08812eutichiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08812eutichiana is eutichiana" ; rdfs:label " eutichiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08814eutichiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08814eutichiano is eutichiano" ; rdfs:label " eutichiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08816evacuante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08816evacuante is evacuante" ; rdfs:label " evacuante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH08818evanescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08818evanescenza is evanescenza" ; rdfs:label " evanescenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08820evangelica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08820evangelica is evangelica" ; rdfs:label " evangelica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08822evangelico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08822evangelico is evangelico" ; rdfs:label " evangelico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08829evaporimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08829evaporimetro is evaporimetro" ; rdfs:label " evaporimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08833evemerismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08833evemerismo is evemerismo" ; rdfs:label " evemerismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08838evirato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08838evirato is evirato" ; rdfs:label " evirato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH08840evitabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08840evitabilita1 is evitabilita'" ; rdfs:label " evitabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08844evitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08844evitto is evitto" ; rdfs:label " evitto_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH08853evoluzionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08853evoluzionista is evoluzionista" ; rdfs:label " evoluzionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08855executive simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08855executive is executive" ; rdfs:label " executive_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08858eziopatogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08858eziopatogenesi is eziopatogenesi" ; rdfs:label " eziopatogenesi_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08860eziotropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08860eziotropismo is eziotropismo" ; rdfs:label " eziotropismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08866fabbriciere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08866fabbriciere is fabbriciere" ; rdfs:label " fabbriciere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08868fabiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08868fabiana is fabiana" ; rdfs:label " fabiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08870fabianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08870fabianismo is fabianismo" ; rdfs:label " fabianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08872fabiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08872fabiano is fabiano" ; rdfs:label " fabiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08874faccendina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08874faccendina is faccendina" ; rdfs:label " faccendina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08876faccendino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08876faccendino is faccendino" ; rdfs:label " faccendino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08877faccetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08877faccetta is faccetta" ; rdfs:label " faccetta_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH08880fachirismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08880fachirismo is fachirismo" ; rdfs:label " fachirismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH08883facilitata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08883facilitata is facilitata" ; rdfs:label " facilitata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH08885facilitato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08885facilitato is facilitato" ; rdfs:label " facilitato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH08887facinorosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08887facinorosa is facinorosa" ; rdfs:label " facinorosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08889facinoroso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08889facinoroso is facinoroso" ; rdfs:label " facinoroso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08897fagiolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08897fagiolaia is fagiolaia" ; rdfs:label " fagiolaia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08899fagiolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08899fagiolaio is fagiolaio" ; rdfs:label " fagiolaio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08900fagiolone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08900fagiolone is fagiolone" ; rdfs:label " fagiolone_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH08902fagismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08902fagismo is fagismo" ; rdfs:label " fagismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08903fagocitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08903fagocitosi is fagocitosi" ; rdfs:label " fagocitosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08905fagopirismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08905fagopirismo is fagopirismo" ; rdfs:label " fagopirismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH08909fagottista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08909fagottista is fagottista" ; rdfs:label " fagottista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH08912falange simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08912falange is falange" ; rdfs:label " falange_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH08916falangite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08916falangite is falangite" ; rdfs:label " falangite_as_Role" . inds:USemTH08922falciglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08922falciglione is falciglione" ; rdfs:label " falciglione_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH08923falcione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08923falcione is falcione" ; rdfs:label " falcione_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH08927fallimentarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08927fallimentarista is fallimentarista" ; rdfs:label " fallimentarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08933fallocefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08933fallocefalo is fallocefalo" ; rdfs:label " fallocefalo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08934fallosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08934fallosita1 is fallosita'" ; rdfs:label " fallosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08948falsita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08948falsita1 is falsita'" ; rdfs:label " falsita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH08949familismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08949familismo is familismo" ; rdfs:label " familismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH08953familista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08953familista is familista" ; rdfs:label " familista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08955famismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08955famismo is famismo" ; rdfs:label " famismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH08959famista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08959famista is famista" ; rdfs:label " famista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH08960fanalino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08960fanalino is fanalino" ; rdfs:label " fanalino_as_Part" . inds:USemTH08964fanalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08964fanalista is fanalista" ; rdfs:label " fanalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08967fanghina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08967fanghina is fanghina" ; rdfs:label " fanghina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08969fanghino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08969fanghino is fanghino" ; rdfs:label " fanghino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08970fangosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08970fangosita1 is fangosita'" ; rdfs:label " fangosita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH08975fantaccino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08975fantaccino is fantaccino" ; rdfs:label " fantaccino_as_Role" . inds:USemTH08978fantasista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08978fantasista is fantasista" ; rdfs:label " fantasista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08979fantasista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08979fantasista is fantasista" ; rdfs:label " fantasista_as_Role" . inds:USemTH08980fantasma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08980fantasma is fantasma" ; rdfs:label " fantasma_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH08984fantastico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08984fantastico is fantastico" ; rdfs:label " fantastico_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH08986fantocciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08986fantocciaia is fantocciaia" ; rdfs:label " fantocciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08988fantocciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08988fantocciaio is fantocciaio" ; rdfs:label " fantocciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH08990fantolina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08990fantolina is fantolina" ; rdfs:label " fantolina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08992fantolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08992fantolino is fantolino" ; rdfs:label " fantolino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH08995faretto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH08995faretto is faretto" ; rdfs:label " faretto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09000farfallista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09000farfallista is farfallista" ; rdfs:label " farfallista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09002fariseismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09002fariseismo is fariseismo" ; rdfs:label " fariseismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09004farmacodipendenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09004farmacodipendenza is farmacodipendenza" ; rdfs:label " farmacodipendenza_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09005farmacoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09005farmacoterapia is farmacoterapia" ; rdfs:label " farmacoterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09009farraginosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09009farraginosita1 is farraginosita'" ; rdfs:label " farraginosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09010fascetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09010fascetta is fascetta" ; rdfs:label " fascetta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH09012fasciame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09012fasciame is fasciame" ; rdfs:label " fasciame_as_Part" . inds:USemTH09014fascinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09014fascinaia is fascinaia" ; rdfs:label " fascinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09016fascinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09016fascinaio is fascinaio" ; rdfs:label " fascinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09017fasciname simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09017fasciname is fasciname" ; rdfs:label " fasciname_as_Group" . inds:USemTH09025fasmide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09025fasmide is fasmide" ; rdfs:label " fasmide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH09027fasometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09027fasometro is fasometro" ; rdfs:label " fasometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09029fasservizi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09029fasservizi is fasservizi" ; rdfs:label " fasservizi_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09030fastosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09030fastosita1 is fastosita'" ; rdfs:label " fastosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09034fatalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09034fatalista is fatalista" ; rdfs:label " fatalista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09035faticabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09035faticabilita1 is faticabilita'" ; rdfs:label " faticabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09040fattibile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09040fattibile is fattibile" ; rdfs:label " fattibile_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH09044fattualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09044fattualita1 is fattualita'" ; rdfs:label " fattualita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09050fatturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09050fatturista is fatturista" ; rdfs:label " fatturista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09051fatuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09051fatuita1 is fatuita'" ; rdfs:label " fatuita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09053faustismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09053faustismo is faustismo" ; rdfs:label " faustismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09057fauvismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09057fauvismo is fauvismo" ; rdfs:label " fauvismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09059favismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09059favismo is favismo" ; rdfs:label " favismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09060favo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09060favo is favo" ; rdfs:label " favo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09069favolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09069favolista is favolista" ; rdfs:label " favolista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09070favolosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09070favolosita1 is favolosita'" ; rdfs:label " favolosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09071fazenda simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09071fazenda is fazenda" ; rdfs:label " fazenda_as_Area" . inds:USemTH09073faziosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09073faziosa is faziosa" ; rdfs:label " faziosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09075fazioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09075fazioso is fazioso" ; rdfs:label " fazioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09076fecondabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09076fecondabilita1 is fecondabilita'" ; rdfs:label " fecondabilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09081fedecommesso simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09081fedecommesso is fedecommesso" ; rdfs:label " fedecommesso_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH09083fedecommissario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09083fedecommissario is fedecommissario" ; rdfs:label " fedecommissario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH09085fedina simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09085fedina is fedina" ; rdfs:label " fedina_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH09089fegatosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09089fegatosa is fegatosa" ; rdfs:label " fegatosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09091fegatoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09091fegatoso is fegatoso" ; rdfs:label " fegatoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09095feldmaresciallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09095feldmaresciallo is feldmaresciallo" ; rdfs:label " feldmaresciallo_as_Role" . inds:USemTH09097felibrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09097felibrismo is felibrismo" ; rdfs:label " felibrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09099felide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09099felide is felide" ; rdfs:label " felide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH09100feltrabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09100feltrabilita1 is feltrabilita'" ; rdfs:label " feltrabilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09102feltraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09102feltraia is feltraia" ; rdfs:label " feltraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09104feltraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09104feltraio is feltraio" ; rdfs:label " feltraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09106feltro simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09106feltro is feltro" ; rdfs:label " feltro_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH09107felze simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09107felze is felze" ; rdfs:label " felze_as_Part" . inds:USemTH09108femminella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09108femminella is femminella" ; rdfs:label " femminella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09110femminiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09110femminiere is femminiere" ; rdfs:label " femminiere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09111femminilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09111femminilismo is femminilismo" ; rdfs:label " femminilismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09112femorale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09112femorale is femorale" ; rdfs:label " femorale_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH09114fenantrene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09114fenantrene is fenantrene" ; rdfs:label " fenantrene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH09116fenato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09116fenato is fenato" ; rdfs:label " fenato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH09122fenianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09122fenianismo is fenianismo" ; rdfs:label " fenianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09124feniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09124feniano is feniano" ; rdfs:label " feniano_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH09126fenicia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09126fenicia is fenicia" ; rdfs:label " fenicia_as_People" . inds:USemTH09127fenicio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09127fenicio is fenicio" ; rdfs:label " fenicio_as_Language" . inds:USemTH09128fenicio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09128fenicio is fenicio" ; rdfs:label " fenicio_as_People" . inds:USemTH09129fenile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09129fenile is fenile" ; rdfs:label " fenile_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH09131fenologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09131fenologa is fenologa" ; rdfs:label " fenologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09132fenologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09132fenologia is fenologia" ; rdfs:label " fenologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09134fenologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09134fenologo is fenologo" ; rdfs:label " fenologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09136fenomenalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09136fenomenalismo is fenomenalismo" ; rdfs:label " fenomenalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09137fenomenalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09137fenomenalita1 is fenomenalita'" ; rdfs:label " fenomenalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09139fenomenismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09139fenomenismo is fenomenismo" ; rdfs:label " fenomenismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09140fenomenologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09140fenomenologia is fenomenologia" ; rdfs:label " fenomenologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09141feracita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09141feracita1 is feracita'" ; rdfs:label " feracita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09142feria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09142feria is feria" ; rdfs:label " feria_as_Time" . inds:USemTH09143ferinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09143ferinita1 is ferinita'" ; rdfs:label " ferinita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09148fermacapelli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09148fermacapelli is fermacapelli" ; rdfs:label " fermacapelli_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH09149fermapalle simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09149fermapalle is fermapalle" ; rdfs:label " fermapalle_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09150fermapiedi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09150fermapiedi is fermapiedi" ; rdfs:label " fermapiedi_as_Part" . inds:USemTH09152fermato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09152fermato is fermato" ; rdfs:label " fermato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH09158fermentescibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09158fermentescibilita1 is fermentescibilita'" ; rdfs:label " fermentescibilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09159fermezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09159fermezza is fermezza" ; rdfs:label " fermezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09162fermo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09162fermo is fermo" ; rdfs:label " fermo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09168ferracavallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09168ferracavallo is ferracavallo" ; rdfs:label " ferracavallo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09170ferraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09170ferraia is ferraia" ; rdfs:label " ferraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09172ferraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09172ferraio is ferraio" ; rdfs:label " ferraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09181ferrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09181ferrista is ferrista" ; rdfs:label " ferrista_as_Role" . inds:USemTH09183ferrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09183ferrite is ferrite" ; rdfs:label " ferrite_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH09185ferrocianuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09185ferrocianuro is ferrocianuro" ; rdfs:label " ferrocianuro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH09186ferroelettricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09186ferroelettricita1 is ferroelettricita'" ; rdfs:label " ferroelettricita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09188ferromagnetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09188ferromagnetismo is ferromagnetismo" ; rdfs:label " ferromagnetismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09194ferromodellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09194ferromodellista is ferromodellista" ; rdfs:label " ferromodellista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09196ferrotranviere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09196ferrotranviere is ferrotranviere" ; rdfs:label " ferrotranviere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09197ferruginosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09197ferruginosita1 is ferruginosita'" ; rdfs:label " ferruginosita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09200ferula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09200ferula is ferula" ; rdfs:label " ferula_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH09201ferula simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09201ferula is ferula" ; rdfs:label " ferula_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09202ferula simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09202ferula is ferula" ; rdfs:label " ferula_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH09204fervenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09204fervenza is fervenza" ; rdfs:label " fervenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09205fervidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09205fervidezza is fervidezza" ; rdfs:label " fervidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09207fessa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09207fessa is fessa" ; rdfs:label " fessa_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH09216festivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09216festivita1 is festivita'" ; rdfs:label " festivita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH09221feticista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09221feticista is feticista" ; rdfs:label " feticista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09222feticista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09222feticista is feticista" ; rdfs:label " feticista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09223fetidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09223fetidezza is fetidezza" ; rdfs:label " fetidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09225fetidume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09225fetidume is fetidume" ; rdfs:label " fetidume_as_Group" . inds:USemTH09228fetologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09228fetologa is fetologa" ; rdfs:label " fetologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09229fetologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09229fetologia is fetologia" ; rdfs:label " fetologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09231fetologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09231fetologo is fetologo" ; rdfs:label " fetologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09232fettone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09232fettone is fettone" ; rdfs:label " fettone_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH09233feudataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09233feudataria is feudataria" ; rdfs:label " feudataria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09234feudataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09234feudataria is feudataria" ; rdfs:label " feudataria_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH09235feudatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09235feudatario is feudatario" ; rdfs:label " feudatario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09236feudatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09236feudatario is feudatario" ; rdfs:label " feudatario_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH09240fiaccacollo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09240fiaccacollo is fiaccacollo" ; rdfs:label " fiaccacollo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09245fiaccheraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09245fiaccheraio is fiaccheraio" ; rdfs:label " fiaccheraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09246fiacchezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09246fiacchezza is fiacchezza" ; rdfs:label " fiacchezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09253fiascaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09253fiascaia is fiascaia" ; rdfs:label " fiascaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09255fiascaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09255fiascaio is fiascaio" ; rdfs:label " fiascaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09257fiaschettone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09257fiaschettone is fiaschettone" ; rdfs:label " fiaschettone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH09259fibrilla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09259fibrilla is fibrilla" ; rdfs:label " fibrilla_as_Part" . inds:USemTH09261fibroadenoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09261fibroadenoma is fibroadenoma" ; rdfs:label " fibroadenoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09263fibrosarcoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09263fibrosarcoma is fibrosarcoma" ; rdfs:label " fibrosarcoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09264fibrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09264fibrosi is fibrosi" ; rdfs:label " fibrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09265fibrosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09265fibrosita1 is fibrosita'" ; rdfs:label " fibrosita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09266ficaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09266ficaia is ficaia" ; rdfs:label " ficaia_as_Area" . inds:USemTH09267ficaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09267ficaia is ficaia" ; rdfs:label " ficaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09269ficaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09269ficaio is ficaio" ; rdfs:label " ficaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09270fiche simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09270fiche is fiche" ; rdfs:label " fiche_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH09277fideismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09277fideismo is fideismo" ; rdfs:label " fideismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09281fideista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09281fideista is fideista" ; rdfs:label " fideista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09282fideiussione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09282fideiussione is fideiussione" ; rdfs:label " fideiussione_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH09284fideiussore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09284fideiussore is fideiussore" ; rdfs:label " fideiussore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH09286fiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09286fiera is fiera" ; rdfs:label " fiera_as_Location" . inds:USemTH09287fievolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09287fievolezza is fievolezza" ; rdfs:label " fievolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09289figliola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09289figliola is figliola" ; rdfs:label " figliola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09290figliola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09290figliola is figliola" ; rdfs:label " figliola_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH09295figliolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09295figliolo is figliolo" ; rdfs:label " figliolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09296figliolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09296figliolo is figliolo" ; rdfs:label " figliolo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH09297figliuola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09297figliuola is figliuola" ; rdfs:label " figliuola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09298figliuola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09298figliuola is figliuola" ; rdfs:label " figliuola_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH09299figliuolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09299figliuolo is figliuolo" ; rdfs:label " figliuolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09300figliuolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09300figliuolo is figliuolo" ; rdfs:label " figliuolo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH09302figulinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09302figulinaia is figulinaia" ; rdfs:label " figulinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09304figulinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09304figulinaio is figulinaio" ; rdfs:label " figulinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09306figurativismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09306figurativismo is figurativismo" ; rdfs:label " figurativismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09308figurinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09308figurinaia is figurinaia" ; rdfs:label " figurinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09310figurinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09310figurinaio is figurinaio" ; rdfs:label " figurinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09314figurinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09314figurinista is figurinista" ; rdfs:label " figurinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09318figurista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09318figurista is figurista" ; rdfs:label " figurista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09319filante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09319filante is filante" ; rdfs:label " filante_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH09320filantropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09320filantropismo is filantropismo" ; rdfs:label " filantropismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09322filare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09322filare is filare" ; rdfs:label " filare_as_Group" . inds:USemTH09323filaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09323filaria is filaria" ; rdfs:label " filaria_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH09324filaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09324filaria is filaria" ; rdfs:label " filaria_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH09328filarino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09328filarino is filarino" ; rdfs:label " filarino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09329filariosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09329filariosi is filariosi" ; rdfs:label " filariosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09331filarmonico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09331filarmonico is filarmonico" ; rdfs:label " filarmonico_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09332filatelica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09332filatelica is filatelica" ; rdfs:label " filatelica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09333filatelica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09333filatelica is filatelica" ; rdfs:label " filatelica_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09334filatelico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09334filatelico is filatelico" ; rdfs:label " filatelico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09335filatelico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09335filatelico is filatelico" ; rdfs:label " filatelico_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09339filatelista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09339filatelista is filatelista" ; rdfs:label " filatelista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09340file simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09340file is file" ; rdfs:label " file_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH09342filellena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09342filellena is filellena" ; rdfs:label " filellena_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09344filellenismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09344filellenismo is filellenismo" ; rdfs:label " filellenismo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH09346filelleno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09346filelleno is filelleno" ; rdfs:label " filelleno_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09353filiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09353filiera is filiera" ; rdfs:label " filiera_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH09354filiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09354filiera is filiera" ; rdfs:label " filiera_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09355fillomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09355fillomania is fillomania" ; rdfs:label " fillomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09356filloptosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09356filloptosi is filloptosi" ; rdfs:label " filloptosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09358filmina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09358filmina is filmina" ; rdfs:label " filmina_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH09359filmografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09359filmografia is filmografia" ; rdfs:label " filmografia_as_Information" . inds:USemTH09360filmologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09360filmologia is filmologia" ; rdfs:label " filmologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09362filoamericana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09362filoamericana is filoamericana" ; rdfs:label " filoamericana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09364filoamericano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09364filoamericano is filoamericano" ; rdfs:label " filoamericano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09368filocomunista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09368filocomunista is filocomunista" ; rdfs:label " filocomunista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09369filodiffusore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09369filodiffusore is filodiffusore" ; rdfs:label " filodiffusore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09371filodrammatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09371filodrammatica is filodrammatica" ; rdfs:label " filodrammatica_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09373filodrammatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09373filodrammatico is filodrammatico" ; rdfs:label " filodrammatico_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09377filofascista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09377filofascista is filofascista" ; rdfs:label " filofascista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09378filogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09378filogenesi is filogenesi" ; rdfs:label " filogenesi_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09380filologismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09380filologismo is filologismo" ; rdfs:label " filologismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09384filosofastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09384filosofastra is filosofastra" ; rdfs:label " filosofastra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09386filosofastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09386filosofastro is filosofastro" ; rdfs:label " filosofastro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09390filosofismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09390filosofismo is filosofismo" ; rdfs:label " filosofismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09392filosovietica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09392filosovietica is filosovietica" ; rdfs:label " filosovietica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09394filosovietico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09394filosovietico is filosovietico" ; rdfs:label " filosovietico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09395filtrabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09395filtrabilita1 is filtrabilita'" ; rdfs:label " filtrabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09401filtropressa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09401filtropressa is filtropressa" ; rdfs:label " filtropressa_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09402fimbria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09402fimbria is fimbria" ; rdfs:label " fimbria_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH09403fimosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09403fimosi is fimosi" ; rdfs:label " fimosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09405finalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09405finalismo is finalismo" ; rdfs:label " finalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09410finestrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09410finestrino is finestrino" ; rdfs:label " finestrino_as_Part" . inds:USemTH09412finitezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09412finitezza is finitezza" ; rdfs:label " finitezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09425finnica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09425finnica is finnica" ; rdfs:label " finnica_as_People" . inds:USemTH09427finnico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09427finnico is finnico" ; rdfs:label " finnico_as_People" . inds:USemTH09429finto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09429finto is finto" ; rdfs:label " finto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09431fiochezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09431fiochezza is fiochezza" ; rdfs:label " fiochezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09436fiocine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09436fiocine is fiocine" ; rdfs:label " fiocine_as_Part" . inds:USemTH09440fiocinino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09440fiocinino is fiocinino" ; rdfs:label " fiocinino_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09441fiorame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09441fiorame is fiorame" ; rdfs:label " fiorame_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH09443fiorentina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09443fiorentina is fiorentina" ; rdfs:label " fiorentina_as_People" . inds:USemTH09444fiorentinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09444fiorentinismo is fiorentinismo" ; rdfs:label " fiorentinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09445fiorentinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09445fiorentinismo is fiorentinismo" ; rdfs:label " fiorentinismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH09449fiorentinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09449fiorentinista is fiorentinista" ; rdfs:label " fiorentinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09450fiorentinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09450fiorentinita1 is fiorentinita'" ; rdfs:label " fiorentinita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09453fiorenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09453fiorenza is fiorenza" ; rdfs:label " fiorenza_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH09458fiorettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09458fiorettista is fiorettista" ; rdfs:label " fiorettista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09469fiorile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09469fiorile is fiorile" ; rdfs:label " fiorile_as_Time" . inds:USemTH09470fiorone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09470fiorone is fiorone" ; rdfs:label " fiorone_as_Fruit" . inds:USemTH09471fiorume simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09471fiorume is fiorume" ; rdfs:label " fiorume_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH09475firmaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09475firmaiolo is firmaiolo" ; rdfs:label " firmaiolo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH09479fisarmonicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09479fisarmonicista is fisarmonicista" ; rdfs:label " fisarmonicista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09480fiscalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09480fiscalita1 is fiscalita'" ; rdfs:label " fiscalita'_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH09488fisiatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09488fisiatra is fisiatra" ; rdfs:label " fisiatra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09490fisicalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09490fisicalismo is fisicalismo" ; rdfs:label " fisicalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09492fisicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09492fisicismo is fisicismo" ; rdfs:label " fisicismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09496fisicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09496fisicista is fisicista" ; rdfs:label " fisicista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09497fisicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09497fisicita1 is fisicita'" ; rdfs:label " fisicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09499fisicomatematica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09499fisicomatematica is fisicomatematica" ; rdfs:label " fisicomatematica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09501fisicomatematico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09501fisicomatematico is fisicomatematico" ; rdfs:label " fisicomatematico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09506fisiocinesiterapista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09506fisiocinesiterapista is fisiocinesiterapista" ; rdfs:label " fisiocinesiterapista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09508fisiocratica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09508fisiocratica is fisiocratica" ; rdfs:label " fisiocratica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09510fisiocratico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09510fisiocratico is fisiocratico" ; rdfs:label " fisiocratico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09512fisiognoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09512fisiognoma is fisiognoma" ; rdfs:label " fisiognoma_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09514fisiognomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09514fisiognomo is fisiognomo" ; rdfs:label " fisiognomo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09515fisiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09515fisiologia is fisiologia" ; rdfs:label " fisiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09517fisionoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09517fisionoma is fisionoma" ; rdfs:label " fisionoma_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09525fisionomista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09525fisionomista is fisionomista" ; rdfs:label " fisionomista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09527fisionomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09527fisionomo is fisionomo" ; rdfs:label " fisionomo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09531fissilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09531fissilita1 is fissilita'" ; rdfs:label " fissilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09534fissismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09534fissismo is fissismo" ; rdfs:label " fissismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09535fisso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09535fisso is fisso" ; rdfs:label " fisso_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH09536fistola simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09536fistola is fistola" ; rdfs:label " fistola_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09541fitobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09541fitobiologia is fitobiologia" ; rdfs:label " fitobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09542fitocenosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09542fitocenosi is fitocenosi" ; rdfs:label " fitocenosi_as_Area" . inds:USemTH09543fitogeografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09543fitogeografia is fitogeografia" ; rdfs:label " fitogeografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09544fitogeologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09544fitogeologia is fitogeologia" ; rdfs:label " fitogeologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09545fitologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09545fitologia is fitologia" ; rdfs:label " fitologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09546fitopaleontologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09546fitopaleontologia is fitopaleontologia" ; rdfs:label " fitopaleontologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09548fitopatologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09548fitopatologa is fitopatologa" ; rdfs:label " fitopatologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09549fitopatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09549fitopatologia is fitopatologia" ; rdfs:label " fitopatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09551fitopatologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09551fitopatologo is fitopatologo" ; rdfs:label " fitopatologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09555fitoterapista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09555fitoterapista is fitoterapista" ; rdfs:label " fitoterapista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09557fittaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09557fittaiola is fittaiola" ; rdfs:label " fittaiola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09559fittaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09559fittaiolo is fittaiolo" ; rdfs:label " fittaiolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09561fittavola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09561fittavola is fittavola" ; rdfs:label " fittavola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09563fittavolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09563fittavolo is fittavolo" ; rdfs:label " fittavolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09564fittezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09564fittezza is fittezza" ; rdfs:label " fittezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09565fitto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09565fitto is fitto" ; rdfs:label " fitto_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH09567fittuaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09567fittuaria is fittuaria" ; rdfs:label " fittuaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity", " fittuaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09569fittuario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09569fittuario is fittuario" ; rdfs:label " fittuario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity", " fittuario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09570fiumana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09570fiumana is fiumana" ; rdfs:label " fiumana_as_People" . inds:USemTH09571fiumano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09571fiumano is fiumano" ; rdfs:label " fiumano_as_People" . inds:USemTH09573fiumarola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09573fiumarola is fiumarola" ; rdfs:label " fiumarola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09575fiumarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09575fiumarolo is fiumarolo" ; rdfs:label " fiumarolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09579flabellifero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09579flabellifero is flabellifero" ; rdfs:label " flabellifero_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09580flaccidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09580flaccidezza is flaccidezza" ; rdfs:label " flaccidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09581flaccidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09581flaccidita1 is flaccidita'" ; rdfs:label " flaccidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09588flangia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09588flangia is flangia" ; rdfs:label " flangia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09590flash simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09590flash is flash" ; rdfs:label " flash_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH09591flash simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09591flash is flash" ; rdfs:label " flash_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09592flash simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09592flash is flash" ; rdfs:label " flash_as_Information" . inds:USemTH09593flatulenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09593flatulenza is flatulenza" ; rdfs:label " flatulenza_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09594flavismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09594flavismo is flavismo" ; rdfs:label " flavismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09597flessibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09597flessibilita1 is flessibilita'" ; rdfs:label " flessibilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09599flessimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09599flessimetro is flessimetro" ; rdfs:label " flessimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09600flessografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09600flessografia is flessografia" ; rdfs:label " flessografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09602flessore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09602flessore is flessore" ; rdfs:label " flessore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH09603flessuosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09603flessuosita1 is flessuosita'" ; rdfs:label " flessuosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09604flessura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09604flessura is flessura" ; rdfs:label " flessura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH09608flicornista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09608flicornista is flicornista" ; rdfs:label " flicornista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09609flogosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09609flogosi is flogosi" ; rdfs:label " flogosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09610floreale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09610floreale is floreale" ; rdfs:label " floreale_as_Time" . inds:USemTH09619floridita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09619floridita1 is floridita'" ; rdfs:label " floridita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09621florovivaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09621florovivaismo is florovivaismo" ; rdfs:label " florovivaismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09625florovivaista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09625florovivaista is florovivaista" ; rdfs:label " florovivaista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09626flottante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09626flottante is flottante" ; rdfs:label " flottante_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH09628fluidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09628fluidezza is fluidezza" ; rdfs:label " fluidezza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09630fluidificante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09630fluidificante is fluidificante" ; rdfs:label " fluidificante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH09634fluidista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09634fluidista is fluidista" ; rdfs:label " fluidista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09635fluidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09635fluidita1 is fluidita'" ; rdfs:label " fluidita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09636fluografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09636fluografia is fluografia" ; rdfs:label " fluografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09638fluosilicato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09638fluosilicato is fluosilicato" ; rdfs:label " fluosilicato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH09640flussimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09640flussimetro is flussimetro" ; rdfs:label " flussimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09642flussometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09642flussometro is flussometro" ; rdfs:label " flussometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09645fluviometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09645fluviometro is fluviometro" ; rdfs:label " fluviometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09647fobica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09647fobica is fobica" ; rdfs:label " fobica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09649fobico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09649fobico is fobico" ; rdfs:label " fobico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09650focalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09650focalita1 is focalita'" ; rdfs:label " focalita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH09656fochino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09656fochino is fochino" ; rdfs:label " fochino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09660fochista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09660fochista is fochista" ; rdfs:label " fochista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09662focolarina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09662focolarina is focolarina" ; rdfs:label " focolarina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09664focolarino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09664focolarino is focolarino" ; rdfs:label " focolarino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09666focomelica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09666focomelica is focomelica" ; rdfs:label " focomelica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09668focomelico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09668focomelico is focomelico" ; rdfs:label " focomelico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09670focometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09670focometro is focometro" ; rdfs:label " focometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09671focosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09671focosita1 is focosita'" ; rdfs:label " focosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09672foderame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09672foderame is foderame" ; rdfs:label " foderame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH09673fodero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09673fodero is fodero" ; rdfs:label " fodero_as_Container" . inds:USemTH09675foglietto simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09675foglietto is foglietto" ; rdfs:label " foglietto_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH09680folclorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09680folclorista is folclorista" ; rdfs:label " folclorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09687follante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09687follante is follante" ; rdfs:label " follante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH09698follicolite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09698follicolite is follicolite" ; rdfs:label " follicolite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09699follicolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09699follicolo is follicolo" ; rdfs:label " follicolo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH09701follone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09701follone is follone" ; rdfs:label " follone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09703folloniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09703folloniere is folloniere" ; rdfs:label " folloniere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09704foltezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09704foltezza is foltezza" ; rdfs:label " foltezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09708fondame simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09708fondame is fondame" ; rdfs:label " fondame_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH09709fondamentale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09709fondamentale is fondamentale" ; rdfs:label " fondamentale_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH09710fondello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09710fondello is fondello" ; rdfs:label " fondello_as_Part" . inds:USemTH09711fondente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09711fondente is fondente" ; rdfs:label " fondente_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH09712fonderia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09712fonderia is fonderia" ; rdfs:label " fonderia_as_Building" . inds:USemTH09716fondista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09716fondista is fondista" ; rdfs:label " fondista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09719fonendoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09719fonendoscopio is fonendoscopio" ; rdfs:label " fonendoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09720fonetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09720fonetismo is fonetismo" ; rdfs:label " fonetismo_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH09725fonetista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09725fonetista is fonetista" ; rdfs:label " fonetista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09729foniatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09729foniatra is foniatra" ; rdfs:label " foniatra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09731fonofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09731fonofobia is fonofobia" ; rdfs:label " fonofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09732fonografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09732fonografia is fonografia" ; rdfs:label " fonografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09735fonoincisore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09735fonoincisore is fonoincisore" ; rdfs:label " fonoincisore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09737fonologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09737fonologa is fonologa" ; rdfs:label " fonologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09741fonologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09741fonologista is fonologista" ; rdfs:label " fonologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09743fonologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09743fonologo is fonologo" ; rdfs:label " fonologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09745fonometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09745fonometro is fonometro" ; rdfs:label " fonometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09752fonosimbolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09752fonosimbolismo is fonosimbolismo" ; rdfs:label " fonosimbolismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH09753fontanella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09753fontanella is fontanella" ; rdfs:label " fontanella_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH09757foraggiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09757foraggiere is foraggiere" ; rdfs:label " foraggiere_as_Role" . inds:USemTH09758forame simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09758forame is forame" ; rdfs:label " forame_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH09765forbiciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09765forbiciaia is forbiciaia" ; rdfs:label " forbiciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09767forbiciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09767forbiciaio is forbiciaio" ; rdfs:label " forbiciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09768forbitezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09768forbitezza is forbitezza" ; rdfs:label " forbitezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09770forcaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09770forcaiola is forcaiola" ; rdfs:label " forcaiola_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09772forcaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09772forcaiolo is forcaiolo" ; rdfs:label " forcaiolo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09779forestierismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09779forestierismo is forestierismo" ; rdfs:label " forestierismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH09785foriera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09785foriera is foriera" ; rdfs:label " foriera_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09787foriero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09787foriero is foriero" ; rdfs:label " foriero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09789formaggiaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09789formaggiaia is formaggiaia" ; rdfs:label " formaggiaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09791formaggiaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09791formaggiaio is formaggiaio" ; rdfs:label " formaggiaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09794formalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09794formalista is formalista" ; rdfs:label " formalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09795formalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09795formalista is formalista" ; rdfs:label " formalista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09797formato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09797formato is formato" ; rdfs:label " formato_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09806formiato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09806formiato is formiato" ; rdfs:label " formiato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH09808formicaleone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09808formicaleone is formicaleone" ; rdfs:label " formicaleone_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH09810formicone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09810formicone is formicone" ; rdfs:label " formicone_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09811formosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09811formosita1 is formosita'" ; rdfs:label " formosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09813formulario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09813formulario is formulario" ; rdfs:label " formulario_as_Group" . inds:USemTH09814formulario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09814formulario is formulario" ; rdfs:label " formulario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH09816fornaciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09816fornaciaia is fornaciaia" ; rdfs:label " fornaciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09818fornaciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09818fornaciaio is fornaciaio" ; rdfs:label " fornaciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09823fornice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09823fornice is fornice" ; rdfs:label " fornice_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH09827forsennatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09827forsennatezza is forsennatezza" ; rdfs:label " forsennatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09830fortunata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09830fortunata is fortunata" ; rdfs:label " fortunata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09832fortunato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09832fortunato is fortunato" ; rdfs:label " fortunato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09834fortunella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09834fortunella is fortunella" ; rdfs:label " fortunella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09836fortunello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09836fortunello is fortunello" ; rdfs:label " fortunello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09837foruncolosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09837foruncolosi is foruncolosi" ; rdfs:label " foruncolosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09842forzanovista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09842forzanovista is forzanovista" ; rdfs:label " forzanovista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09852fosburista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09852fosburista is fosburista" ; rdfs:label " fosburista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH09853fosfatasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09853fosfatasi is fosfatasi" ; rdfs:label " fosfatasi_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH09854fosfene simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09854fosfene is fosfene" ; rdfs:label " fosfene_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH09856fosfito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09856fosfito is fosfito" ; rdfs:label " fosfito_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH09858fosforismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09858fosforismo is fosforismo" ; rdfs:label " fosforismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09860fosfuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09860fosfuro is fosfuro" ; rdfs:label " fosfuro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH09862fotiniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09862fotiniana is fotiniana" ; rdfs:label " fotiniana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09864fotiniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09864fotiniano is fotiniano" ; rdfs:label " fotiniano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09870fotocalcografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09870fotocalcografa is fotocalcografa" ; rdfs:label " fotocalcografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09871fotocalcografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09871fotocalcografia is fotocalcografia" ; rdfs:label " fotocalcografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09873fotocalcografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09873fotocalcografo is fotocalcografo" ; rdfs:label " fotocalcografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09874fotocatodo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09874fotocatodo is fotocatodo" ; rdfs:label " fotocatodo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09877fotoconduttivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09877fotoconduttivita1 is fotoconduttivita'" ; rdfs:label " fotoconduttivita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09883fotocronista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09883fotocronista is fotocronista" ; rdfs:label " fotocronista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09884fotoelettricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09884fotoelettricita1 is fotoelettricita'" ; rdfs:label " fotoelettricita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH09885fotoeliografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09885fotoeliografia is fotoeliografia" ; rdfs:label " fotoeliografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09886fotogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09886fotogenesi is fotogenesi" ; rdfs:label " fotogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH09887fotogenicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09887fotogenicita1 is fotogenicita'" ; rdfs:label " fotogenicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09888fotogeologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09888fotogeologia is fotogeologia" ; rdfs:label " fotogeologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09889fotogiornale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09889fotogiornale is fotogiornale" ; rdfs:label " fotogiornale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH09893fotogiornalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09893fotogiornalista is fotogiornalista" ; rdfs:label " fotogiornalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09894fotogrammetria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09894fotogrammetria is fotogrammetria" ; rdfs:label " fotogrammetria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09898fotogrammetrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09898fotogrammetrista is fotogrammetrista" ; rdfs:label " fotogrammetrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09900fotoincisore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09900fotoincisore is fotoincisore" ; rdfs:label " fotoincisore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09901fotolisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09901fotolisi is fotolisi" ; rdfs:label " fotolisi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH09903fotolitografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09903fotolitografa is fotolitografa" ; rdfs:label " fotolitografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09905fotolitografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09905fotolitografo is fotolitografo" ; rdfs:label " fotolitografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09906fotoluminescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09906fotoluminescenza is fotoluminescenza" ; rdfs:label " fotoluminescenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH09907fotometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09907fotometria is fotometria" ; rdfs:label " fotometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09909fotometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09909fotometro is fotometro" ; rdfs:label " fotometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09914fotoserigrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09914fotoserigrafia is fotoserigrafia" ; rdfs:label " fotoserigrafia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09916fotosub simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09916fotosub is fotosub" ; rdfs:label " fotosub_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09917fototattismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09917fototattismo is fototattismo" ; rdfs:label " fototattismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH09920fototecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09920fototecnica is fototecnica" ; rdfs:label " fototecnica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09922fototecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09922fototecnico is fototecnico" ; rdfs:label " fototecnico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09924fototerapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09924fototerapia is fototerapia" ; rdfs:label " fototerapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09928fototipista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09928fototipista is fototipista" ; rdfs:label " fototipista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09930fototropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09930fototropismo is fototropismo" ; rdfs:label " fototropismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH09931fototubo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09931fototubo is fototubo" ; rdfs:label " fototubo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09933fotozincografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09933fotozincografia is fotozincografia" ; rdfs:label " fotozincografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH09934fovea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09934fovea is fovea" ; rdfs:label " fovea_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH09936foziana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09936foziana is foziana" ; rdfs:label " foziana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09938foziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09938foziano is foziano" ; rdfs:label " foziano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09946fragilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09946fragilita1 is fragilita'" ; rdfs:label " fragilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH09948fragolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09948fragolaia is fragolaia" ; rdfs:label " fragolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09950fragolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09950fragolaio is fragolaio" ; rdfs:label " fragolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09952framboesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09952framboesia is framboesia" ; rdfs:label " framboesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH09953frame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09953frame is frame" ; rdfs:label " frame_as_Information" . inds:USemTH09954frammentismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09954frammentismo is frammentismo" ; rdfs:label " frammentismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09959francescana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09959francescana is francescana" ; rdfs:label " francescana_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH09961francescano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09961francescano is francescano" ; rdfs:label " francescano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH09962francescone simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09962francescone is francescone" ; rdfs:label " francescone_as_Money" . inds:USemTH09964francesismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09964francesismo is francesismo" ; rdfs:label " francesismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH09968francesista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09968francesista is francesista" ; rdfs:label " francesista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH09969franchigia simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09969franchigia is franchigia" ; rdfs:label " franchigia_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH09971franchismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09971franchismo is franchismo" ; rdfs:label " franchismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH09975franchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09975franchista is franchista" ; rdfs:label " franchista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH09977francofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09977francofila is francofila" ; rdfs:label " francofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09979francofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09979francofilo is francofilo" ; rdfs:label " francofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09981francofoba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09981francofoba is francofoba" ; rdfs:label " francofoba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09983francofobo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09983francofobo is francofobo" ; rdfs:label " francofobo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH09985francofona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09985francofona is francofona" ; rdfs:label " francofona_as_People" . inds:USemTH09987francofono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09987francofono is francofono" ; rdfs:label " francofono_as_People" . inds:USemTH09990frangibiade simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09990frangibiade is frangibiade" ; rdfs:label " frangibiade_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH09991frangibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09991frangibilita1 is frangibilita'" ; rdfs:label " frangibilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH09996frangipani simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH09996frangipani is frangipani" ; rdfs:label " frangipani_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH10001frangizolle simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10001frangizolle is frangizolle" ; rdfs:label " frangizolle_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH10004frantoiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10004frantoiana is frantoiana" ; rdfs:label " frantoiana_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10006frantoiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10006frantoiano is frantoiano" ; rdfs:label " frantoiano_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10010frantoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10010frantoista is frantoista" ; rdfs:label " frantoista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10011frantume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10011frantume is frantume" ; rdfs:label " frantume_as_Part" . inds:USemTH10013frascame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10013frascame is frascame" ; rdfs:label " frascame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH10028frataio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10028frataio is frataio" ; rdfs:label " frataio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10033frattografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10033frattografia is frattografia" ; rdfs:label " frattografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH10035frazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10035frazionista is frazionista" ; rdfs:label " frazionista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10037frazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10037frazionista is frazionista" ; rdfs:label " frazionista_as_Role" . inds:USemTH10039freak simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10039freak is freak" ; rdfs:label " freak_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10040freatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10040freatologia is freatologia" ; rdfs:label " freatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH10044freddurista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10044freddurista is freddurista" ; rdfs:label " freddurista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10047fregnacciara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10047fregnacciara is fregnacciara" ; rdfs:label " fregnacciara_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10049fregnacciaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10049fregnacciaro is fregnacciaro" ; rdfs:label " fregnacciaro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10051fregolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10051fregolismo is fregolismo" ; rdfs:label " fregolismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10053freisa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10053freisa is freisa" ; rdfs:label " freisa_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH10067freniatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10067freniatra is freniatra" ; rdfs:label " freniatra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10068frenulo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10068frenulo is frenulo" ; rdfs:label " frenulo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH10072frequenzimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10072frequenzimetro is frequenzimetro" ; rdfs:label " frequenzimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH10080freschista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10080freschista is freschista" ; rdfs:label " freschista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10082freudiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10082freudiana is freudiana" ; rdfs:label " freudiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10084freudiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10084freudiano is freudiano" ; rdfs:label " freudiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10086freudismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10086freudismo is freudismo" ; rdfs:label " freudismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10088fricchettara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10088fricchettara is fricchettara" ; rdfs:label " fricchettara_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10090fricchettaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10090fricchettaro is fricchettaro" ; rdfs:label " fricchettaro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10092frigia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10092frigia is frigia" ; rdfs:label " frigia_as_People" . inds:USemTH10093frigidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10093frigidezza is frigidezza" ; rdfs:label " frigidezza_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH10094frigidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10094frigidita1 is frigidita'" ; rdfs:label " frigidita'_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH10096frigio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10096frigio is frigio" ; rdfs:label " frigio_as_People" . inds:USemTH10100frigorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10100frigorista is frigorista" ; rdfs:label " frigorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10103friulana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10103friulana is friulana" ; rdfs:label " friulana_as_People" . inds:USemTH10117fromboliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10117fromboliere is fromboliere" ; rdfs:label " fromboliere_as_Role" . inds:USemTH10118fromboliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10118fromboliere is fromboliere" ; rdfs:label " fromboliere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10120frondista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10120frondista is frondista" ; rdfs:label " frondista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10122frondista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10122frondista is frondista" ; rdfs:label " frondista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10123frondosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10123frondosita1 is frondosita'" ; rdfs:label " frondosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10124frontale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10124frontale is frontale" ; rdfs:label " frontale_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH10126frontaliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10126frontaliere is frontaliere" ; rdfs:label " frontaliere_as_People" . inds:USemTH10127frontismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10127frontismo is frontismo" ; rdfs:label " frontismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10131frontista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10131frontista is frontista" ; rdfs:label " frontista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10132frontista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10132frontista is frontista" ; rdfs:label " frontista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10134frosone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10134frosone is frosone" ; rdfs:label " frosone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH10136frugacchina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10136frugacchina is frugacchina" ; rdfs:label " frugacchina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10138frugacchino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10138frugacchino is frugacchino" ; rdfs:label " frugacchino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10144frugola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10144frugola is frugola" ; rdfs:label " frugola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10146frugolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10146frugolo is frugolo" ; rdfs:label " frugolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10147fruibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10147fruibilita1 is fruibilita'" ; rdfs:label " fruibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10148frullone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10148frullone is frullone" ; rdfs:label " frullone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH10151frustaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10151frustaia is frustaia" ; rdfs:label " frustaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10153frustaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10153frustaio is frustaio" ; rdfs:label " frustaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10163fruttaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10163fruttaiola is fruttaiola" ; rdfs:label " fruttaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10165fruttaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10165fruttaiolo is fruttaiolo" ; rdfs:label " fruttaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10166fruttescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10166fruttescenza is fruttescenza" ; rdfs:label " fruttescenza_as_Group" . inds:USemTH10176fruttuosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10176fruttuosita1 is fruttuosita'" ; rdfs:label " fruttuosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10178ftalato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10178ftalato is ftalato" ; rdfs:label " ftalato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH10190fuco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10190fuco is fuco" ; rdfs:label " fuco_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH10191fuco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10191fuco is fuco" ; rdfs:label " fuco_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH10193fucsina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10193fucsina is fucsina" ; rdfs:label " fucsina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH10195fuegina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10195fuegina is fuegina" ; rdfs:label " fuegina_as_People" . inds:USemTH10197fuegino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10197fuegino is fuegino" ; rdfs:label " fuegino_as_People" . inds:USemTH10198fugacita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10198fugacita1 is fugacita'" ; rdfs:label " fugacita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10203fuggevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10203fuggevolezza is fuggevolezza" ; rdfs:label " fuggevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10205fuggifatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10205fuggifatica is fuggifatica" ; rdfs:label " fuggifatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10207fuggita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10207fuggita is fuggita" ; rdfs:label " fuggita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10209fuggito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10209fuggito is fuggito" ; rdfs:label " fuggito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10214fulgidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10214fulgidezza is fulgidezza" ; rdfs:label " fulgidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10215fulgidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10215fulgidita1 is fulgidita'" ; rdfs:label " fulgidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10216fulminante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10216fulminante is fulminante" ; rdfs:label " fulminante_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH10218fulminato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10218fulminato is fulminato" ; rdfs:label " fulminato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH10224fulmineita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10224fulmineita1 is fulmineita'" ; rdfs:label " fulmineita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10229fumettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10229fumettista is fumettista" ; rdfs:label " fumettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10231fumismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10231fumismo is fumismo" ; rdfs:label " fumismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10235fumista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10235fumista is fumista" ; rdfs:label " fumista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10236fumosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10236fumosita1 is fumosita'" ; rdfs:label " fumosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10238funaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10238funaia is funaia" ; rdfs:label " funaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10240funaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10240funaio is funaio" ; rdfs:label " funaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10242funaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10242funaiola is funaiola" ; rdfs:label " funaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10244funaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10244funaiolo is funaiolo" ; rdfs:label " funaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10262fungosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10262fungosita1 is fungosita'" ; rdfs:label " fungosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10263funicolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10263funicolo is funicolo" ; rdfs:label " funicolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH10264funzionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10264funzionalita1 is funzionalita'" ; rdfs:label " funzionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10268fuochino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10268fuochino is fuochino" ; rdfs:label " fuochino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10270fuoribordismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10270fuoribordismo is fuoribordismo" ; rdfs:label " fuoribordismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH10272fuoribusta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10272fuoribusta is fuoribusta" ; rdfs:label " fuoribusta_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH10275fuoricorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10275fuoricorso is fuoricorso" ; rdfs:label " fuoricorso_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10276fuoripagina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10276fuoripagina is fuoripagina" ; rdfs:label " fuoripagina_as_Information" . inds:USemTH10277fuoripista simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10277fuoripista is fuoripista" ; rdfs:label " fuoripista_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH10278fuoriprogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10278fuoriprogramma is fuoriprogramma" ; rdfs:label " fuoriprogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH10279fuorisacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10279fuorisacco is fuorisacco" ; rdfs:label " fuorisacco_as_Information" . inds:USemTH10280fuoriserie simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10280fuoriserie is fuoriserie" ; rdfs:label " fuoriserie_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH10284fuoristradista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10284fuoristradista is fuoristradista" ; rdfs:label " fuoristradista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10286fuoriuscita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10286fuoriuscita is fuoriuscita" ; rdfs:label " fuoriuscita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10288fuoriuscitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10288fuoriuscitismo is fuoriuscitismo" ; rdfs:label " fuoriuscitismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10291fuoriuscito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10291fuoriuscito is fuoriuscito" ; rdfs:label " fuoriuscito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10295furbaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10295furbaccia is furbaccia" ; rdfs:label " furbaccia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10297furbaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10297furbaccio is furbaccio" ; rdfs:label " furbaccio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10299furbastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10299furbastra is furbastra" ; rdfs:label " furbastra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10301furbastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10301furbastro is furbastro" ; rdfs:label " furbastro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10305furgonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10305furgonista is furgonista" ; rdfs:label " furgonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10307furiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10307furiere is furiere" ; rdfs:label " furiere_as_Role" . inds:USemTH10309furiosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10309furiosa is furiosa" ; rdfs:label " furiosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10311furioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10311furioso is furioso" ; rdfs:label " furioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10313fusaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10313fusaia is fusaia" ; rdfs:label " fusaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10315fusaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10315fusaio is fusaio" ; rdfs:label " fusaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10317fusibile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10317fusibile is fusibile" ; rdfs:label " fusibile_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH10318fusibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10318fusibilita1 is fusibilita'" ; rdfs:label " fusibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10320fusionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10320fusionismo is fusionismo" ; rdfs:label " fusionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10324fusionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10324fusionista is fusionista" ; rdfs:label " fusionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10325fusoliera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10325fusoliera is fusoliera" ; rdfs:label " fusoliera_as_Part" . inds:USemTH10326fustaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10326fustaia is fustaia" ; rdfs:label " fustaia_as_Area" . inds:USemTH10327fustaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10327fustaia is fustaia" ; rdfs:label " fustaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10329fustaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10329fustaio is fustaio" ; rdfs:label " fustaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10330fustame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10330fustame is fustame" ; rdfs:label " fustame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH10338futurologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10338futurologa is futurologa" ; rdfs:label " futurologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10339futurologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10339futurologia is futurologia" ; rdfs:label " futurologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH10341futurologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10341futurologo is futurologo" ; rdfs:label " futurologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10342gabbacristiani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10342gabbacristiani is gabbacristiani" ; rdfs:label " gabbacristiani_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10344gabbaminchioni simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10344gabbaminchioni is gabbaminchioni" ; rdfs:label " gabbaminchioni_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10346gabbamondo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10346gabbamondo is gabbamondo" ; rdfs:label " gabbamondo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10348gabbasanti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10348gabbasanti is gabbasanti" ; rdfs:label " gabbasanti_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10354gabbiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10354gabbiere is gabbiere" ; rdfs:label " gabbiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10357gabelliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10357gabelliere is gabelliere" ; rdfs:label " gabelliere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10361gabellino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10361gabellino is gabellino" ; rdfs:label " gabellino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10363gadget simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10363gadget is gadget" ; rdfs:label " gadget_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH10366gagliardezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10366gagliardezza is gagliardezza" ; rdfs:label " gagliardezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10374galattofaga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10374galattofaga is galattofaga" ; rdfs:label " galattofaga_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10376galattofago simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10376galattofago is galattofago" ; rdfs:label " galattofago_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10377galattometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10377galattometro is galattometro" ; rdfs:label " galattometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH10379galea simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10379galea is galea" ; rdfs:label " galea_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH10380galenismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10380galenismo is galenismo" ; rdfs:label " galenismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10385galenista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10385galenista is galenista" ; rdfs:label " galenista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10386galeropia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10386galeropia is galeropia" ; rdfs:label " galeropia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH10390galileiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10390galileiana is galileiana" ; rdfs:label " galileiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10392galileiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10392galileiano is galileiano" ; rdfs:label " galileiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10393gallato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10393gallato is gallato" ; rdfs:label " gallato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH10398gallicana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10398gallicana is gallicana" ; rdfs:label " gallicana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10399gallicanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10399gallicanismo is gallicanismo" ; rdfs:label " gallicanismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10402gallicano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10402gallicano is gallicano" ; rdfs:label " gallicano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10404gallicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10404gallicismo is gallicismo" ; rdfs:label " gallicismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH10405galliforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10405galliforme is galliforme" ; rdfs:label " galliforme_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH10410gallofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10410gallofila is gallofila" ; rdfs:label " gallofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10412gallofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10412gallofilo is gallofilo" ; rdfs:label " gallofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10414gallofoba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10414gallofoba is gallofoba" ; rdfs:label " gallofoba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10415gallofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10415gallofobia is gallofobia" ; rdfs:label " gallofobia_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH10417gallofobo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10417gallofobo is gallofobo" ; rdfs:label " gallofobo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10418gallomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10418gallomania is gallomania" ; rdfs:label " gallomania_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH10419gallonaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10419gallonaia is gallonaia" ; rdfs:label " gallonaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10421gallonaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10421gallonaio is gallonaio" ; rdfs:label " gallonaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10426gallonato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10426gallonato is gallonato" ; rdfs:label " gallonato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10436galuppo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10436galuppo is galuppo" ; rdfs:label " galuppo_as_Role" . inds:USemTH10440galvanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10440galvanista is galvanista" ; rdfs:label " galvanista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10443galvanomagnetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10443galvanomagnetismo is galvanomagnetismo" ; rdfs:label " galvanomagnetismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH10445galvanometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10445galvanometro is galvanometro" ; rdfs:label " galvanometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH10450galvanostegista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10450galvanostegista is galvanostegista" ; rdfs:label " galvanostegista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10455galvanotipista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10455galvanotipista is galvanotipista" ; rdfs:label " galvanotipista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10456galvanotropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10456galvanotropismo is galvanotropismo" ; rdfs:label " galvanotropismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH10459gambacorta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10459gambacorta is gambacorta" ; rdfs:label " gambacorta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10461gambalesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10461gambalesta is gambalesta" ; rdfs:label " gambalesta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10462gambaletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10462gambaletto is gambaletto" ; rdfs:label " gambaletto_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH10464gambalunga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10464gambalunga is gambalunga" ; rdfs:label " gambalunga_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10468gambista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10468gambista is gambista" ; rdfs:label " gambista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH10469gametogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10469gametogenesi is gametogenesi" ; rdfs:label " gametogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH10472gammaglobulina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10472gammaglobulina is gammaglobulina" ; rdfs:label " gammaglobulina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH10473gang simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10473gang is gang" ; rdfs:label " gang_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH10479ganghista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10479ganghista is ganghista" ; rdfs:label " ganghista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10481ganglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10481ganglio is ganglio" ; rdfs:label " ganglio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH10482gangrena simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10482gangrena is gangrena" ; rdfs:label " gangrena_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH10486ganza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10486ganza is ganza" ; rdfs:label " ganza_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10490ganzerino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10490ganzerino is ganzerino" ; rdfs:label " ganzerino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10492ganzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10492ganzo is ganzo" ; rdfs:label " ganzo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10496gappista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10496gappista is gappista" ; rdfs:label " gappista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10500garagista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10500garagista is garagista" ; rdfs:label " garagista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10502garantita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10502garantita is garantita" ; rdfs:label " garantita_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10504garantito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10504garantito is garantito" ; rdfs:label " garantito_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10511garibaldiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10511garibaldiana is garibaldiana" ; rdfs:label " garibaldiana_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10513garibaldiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10513garibaldiano is garibaldiano" ; rdfs:label " garibaldiano_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10515garibaldina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10515garibaldina is garibaldina" ; rdfs:label " garibaldina_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10517garibaldino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10517garibaldino is garibaldino" ; rdfs:label " garibaldino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10519garretto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10519garretto is garretto" ; rdfs:label " garretto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH10530gasata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10530gasata is gasata" ; rdfs:label " gasata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10532gasato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10532gasato is gasato" ; rdfs:label " gasato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10534gascromatografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10534gascromatografo is gascromatografo" ; rdfs:label " gascromatografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH10538gasista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10538gasista is gasista" ; rdfs:label " gasista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10540gasolina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10540gasolina is gasolina" ; rdfs:label " gasolina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH10542gassa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10542gassa is gassa" ; rdfs:label " gassa_as_Part" . inds:USemTH10549gassista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10549gassista is gassista" ; rdfs:label " gassista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10551gastalda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10551gastalda is gastalda" ; rdfs:label " gastalda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10553gastaldo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10553gastaldo is gastaldo" ; rdfs:label " gastaldo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10554gastaldo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10554gastaldo is gastaldo" ; rdfs:label " gastaldo_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH10555gasteropode simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10555gasteropode is gasteropode" ; rdfs:label " gasteropode_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH10558gastrocele simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10558gastrocele is gastrocele" ; rdfs:label " gastrocele_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH10559gastroenterologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10559gastroenterologa is gastroenterologa" ; rdfs:label " gastroenterologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10561gastroenterologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1781stomaco, inds:USem1819fegato, inds:USem1829intestino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10561gastroenterologia is gastroenterologia" ; rdfs:label " gastroenterologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH10562gastroenterologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10562gastroenterologo is gastroenterologo" ; rdfs:label " gastroenterologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10564gastrologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1781stomaco ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10564gastrologia is gastrologia" ; rdfs:label " gastrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH10565gastropatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10565gastropatica is gastropatica" ; rdfs:label " gastropatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10567gastropatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10567gastropatico is gastropatico" ; rdfs:label " gastropatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10569gastropode simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10569gastropode is gastropode" ; rdfs:label " gastropode_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH10571gastrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10571gastrosi is gastrosi" ; rdfs:label " gastrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH10573gattaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10573gattaia is gattaia" ; rdfs:label " gattaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10575gattaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10575gattaio is gattaio" ; rdfs:label " gattaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10578gattice simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10578gattice is gattice" ; rdfs:label " gattice_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH10580gattofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10580gattofila is gattofila" ; rdfs:label " gattofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10582gattofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10582gattofilo is gattofilo" ; rdfs:label " gattofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10584gauchismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10584gauchismo is gauchismo" ; rdfs:label " gauchismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10588gauchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10588gauchista is gauchista" ; rdfs:label " gauchista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10590gauchiste simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10590gauchiste is gauchiste" ; rdfs:label " gauchiste_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10594gaullista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10594gaullista is gaullista" ; rdfs:label " gaullista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10600gavettone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10600gavettone is gavettone" ; rdfs:label " gavettone_as_Container" . inds:USemTH10602gavocciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10602gavocciolo is gavocciolo" ; rdfs:label " gavocciolo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH10603gavone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10603gavone is gavone" ; rdfs:label " gavone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH10604gay simple:hasIsa inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10604gay is gay" ; rdfs:label " gay_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10607gazebo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10607gazebo is gazebo" ; rdfs:label " gazebo_as_Building" . inds:USemTH10608gazometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10608gazometro is gazometro" ; rdfs:label " gazometro_as_Container" . inds:USemTH10610gazpacho simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10610gazpacho is gazpacho" ; rdfs:label " gazpacho_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH10613gel simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10613gel is gel" ; rdfs:label " gel_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH10617gelidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10617gelidezza is gelidezza" ; rdfs:label " gelidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10629gemellarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10629gemellarita1 is gemellarita'" ; rdfs:label " gemellarita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH10630gemellologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10630gemellologia is gemellologia" ; rdfs:label " gemellologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH10632gemmaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10632gemmaria is gemmaria" ; rdfs:label " gemmaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10634gemmario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10634gemmario is gemmario" ; rdfs:label " gemmario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10636gemmologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10636gemmologia is gemmologia" ; rdfs:label " gemmologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH10637gemmula simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10637gemmula is gemmula" ; rdfs:label " gemmula_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH10638generabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10638generabilita1 is generabilita'" ; rdfs:label " generabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10644generalissimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10644generalissimo is generalissimo" ; rdfs:label " generalissimo_as_Role" . inds:USemTH10645genericismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10645genericismo is genericismo" ; rdfs:label " genericismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10647genericita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10647genericita1 is genericita'" ; rdfs:label " genericita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10648generosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10648generosa is generosa" ; rdfs:label " generosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10650generoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10650generoso is generoso" ; rdfs:label " generoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10654genetista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10654genetista is genetista" ; rdfs:label " genetista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10656gengivite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10656gengivite is gengivite" ; rdfs:label " gengivite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH10657geniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10657geniere is geniere" ; rdfs:label " geniere_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH10661genietto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10661genietto is genietto" ; rdfs:label " genietto_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH10662genietto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10662genietto is genietto" ; rdfs:label " genietto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10663genio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10663genio is genio" ; rdfs:label " genio_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH10664genio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10664genio is genio" ; rdfs:label " genio_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH10665genoana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10665genoana is genoana" ; rdfs:label " genoana_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10667genoano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10667genoano is genoano" ; rdfs:label " genoano_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10670gentiliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10670gentiliana is gentiliana" ; rdfs:label " gentiliana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10672gentiliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10672gentiliano is gentiliano" ; rdfs:label " gentiliano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10674gentleman simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10674gentleman is gentleman" ; rdfs:label " gentleman_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10675gentleman simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10675gentleman is gentleman" ; rdfs:label " gentleman_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10676geo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10676geo is geo" ; rdfs:label " geo_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH10678geobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10678geobiologia is geobiologia" ; rdfs:label " geobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH10679geocentrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10679geocentrismo is geocentrismo" ; rdfs:label " geocentrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10683geodeta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10683geodeta is geodeta" ; rdfs:label " geodeta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10685geoglaciologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10685geoglaciologia is geoglaciologia" ; rdfs:label " geoglaciologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH10686geoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10686geoide is geoide" ; rdfs:label " geoide_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH10687geomagnetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10687geomagnetismo is geomagnetismo" ; rdfs:label " geomagnetismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH10690georgiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10690georgiana is georgiana" ; rdfs:label " georgiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH10692georgiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10692georgiano is georgiano" ; rdfs:label " georgiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH10693georgiano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10693georgiano is georgiano" ; rdfs:label " georgiano_as_Language" . inds:USemTH10694georgofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10694georgofila is georgofila" ; rdfs:label " georgofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10696georgofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10696georgofilo is georgofilo" ; rdfs:label " georgofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10698geotattismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10698geotattismo is geotattismo" ; rdfs:label " geotattismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH10700geotritone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10700geotritone is geotritone" ; rdfs:label " geotritone_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH10702geotropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10702geotropismo is geotropismo" ; rdfs:label " geotropismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH10704geotrupe simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10704geotrupe is geotrupe" ; rdfs:label " geotrupe_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH10707gerbola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10707gerbola is gerbola" ; rdfs:label " gerbola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10710gerbone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10710gerbone is gerbone" ; rdfs:label " gerbone_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH10712gerente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10712gerente is gerente" ; rdfs:label " gerente_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10716gergalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10716gergalismo is gergalismo" ; rdfs:label " gergalismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH10717germanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10717germanismo is germanismo" ; rdfs:label " germanismo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH10718germanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10718germanismo is germanismo" ; rdfs:label " germanismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH10721germanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10721germanista is germanista" ; rdfs:label " germanista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10723germanofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10723germanofila is germanofila" ; rdfs:label " germanofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10725germanofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10725germanofilo is germanofilo" ; rdfs:label " germanofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10727germanofoba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10727germanofoba is germanofoba" ; rdfs:label " germanofoba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10729germanofobo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10729germanofobo is germanofobo" ; rdfs:label " germanofobo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10732germinale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10732germinale is germinale" ; rdfs:label " germinale_as_Time" . inds:USemTH10733gerofante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10733gerofante is gerofante" ; rdfs:label " gerofante_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH10735gerolamina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10735gerolamina is gerolamina" ; rdfs:label " gerolamina_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH10737gerolamino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10737gerolamino is gerolamino" ; rdfs:label " gerolamino_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH10739geronte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10739geronte is geronte" ; rdfs:label " geronte_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH10741gerosolimitana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10741gerosolimitana is gerosolimitana" ; rdfs:label " gerosolimitana_as_People" . inds:USemTH10743gerosolimitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10743gerosolimitano is gerosolimitano" ; rdfs:label " gerosolimitano_as_People" . inds:USemTH10744gerosolimitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10744gerosolimitano is gerosolimitano" ; rdfs:label " gerosolimitano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH10746gerovitalizzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10746gerovitalizzata is gerovitalizzata" ; rdfs:label " gerovitalizzata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10748gerovitalizzato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10748gerovitalizzato is gerovitalizzato" ; rdfs:label " gerovitalizzato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10750gessaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10750gessaia is gessaia" ; rdfs:label " gessaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10752gessaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10752gessaio is gessaio" ; rdfs:label " gessaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10754gessaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10754gessaiola is gessaiola" ; rdfs:label " gessaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10756gessaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10756gessaiolo is gessaiolo" ; rdfs:label " gessaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10759gestaltismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10759gestaltismo is gestaltismo" ; rdfs:label " gestaltismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10766gestosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10766gestosi is gestosi" ; rdfs:label " gestosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH10767gestualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10767gestualita1 is gestualita'" ; rdfs:label " gestualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10768gesuitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10768gesuitismo is gesuitismo" ; rdfs:label " gesuitismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10776ghiandone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10776ghiandone is ghiandone" ; rdfs:label " ghiandone_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH10779ghibellinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10779ghibellinismo is ghibellinismo" ; rdfs:label " ghibellinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10781ghibellino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10781ghibellino is ghibellino" ; rdfs:label " ghibellino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10783ghibli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10783ghibli is ghibli" ; rdfs:label " ghibli_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH10784ghiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10784ghiera is ghiera" ; rdfs:label " ghiera_as_Part" . inds:USemTH10785ghirlandaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10785ghirlandaia is ghirlandaia" ; rdfs:label " ghirlandaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10787ghirlandaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10787ghirlandaio is ghirlandaio" ; rdfs:label " ghirlandaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10789giacobina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10789giacobina is giacobina" ; rdfs:label " giacobina_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10791giacobinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10791giacobinismo is giacobinismo" ; rdfs:label " giacobinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10793giacobino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10793giacobino is giacobino" ; rdfs:label " giacobino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10797giaina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10797giaina is giaina" ; rdfs:label " giaina_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10799giainismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10799giainismo is giainismo" ; rdfs:label " giainismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10801gialappa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10801gialappa is gialappa" ; rdfs:label " gialappa_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH10805giallista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10805giallista is giallista" ; rdfs:label " giallista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10808giallore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10808giallore is giallore" ; rdfs:label " giallore_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10809giallorossa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10809giallorossa is giallorossa" ; rdfs:label " giallorossa_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10811giallorosso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10811giallorosso is giallorosso" ; rdfs:label " giallorosso_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10813giamaicana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10813giamaicana is giamaicana" ; rdfs:label " giamaicana_as_People" . inds:USemTH10815giamaicano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10815giamaicano is giamaicano" ; rdfs:label " giamaicano_as_People" . inds:USemTH10817gianduia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10817gianduia is gianduia" ; rdfs:label " gianduia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10821giannizzero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10821giannizzero is giannizzero" ; rdfs:label " giannizzero_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10822giannizzero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10822giannizzero is giannizzero" ; rdfs:label " giannizzero_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10828giavellottista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10828giavellottista is giavellottista" ; rdfs:label " giavellottista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH10830giavone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10830giavone is giavone" ; rdfs:label " giavone_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH10831gibbone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10831gibbone is gibbone" ; rdfs:label " gibbone_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH10834gigantismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10834gigantismo is gigantismo" ; rdfs:label " gigantismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH10842gigantista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10842gigantista is gigantista" ; rdfs:label " gigantista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH10846giglione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10846giglione is giglione" ; rdfs:label " giglione_as_Part" . inds:USemTH10847gigolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10847gigolo is gigolo" ; rdfs:label " gigolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10850gimcanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10850gimcanista is gimcanista" ; rdfs:label " gimcanista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH10854gimkanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10854gimkanista is gimkanista" ; rdfs:label " gimkanista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH10857gin simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10857gin is gin" ; rdfs:label " gin_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH10861ginandromorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10861ginandromorfismo is ginandromorfismo" ; rdfs:label " ginandromorfismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH10864ginandromorfo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10864ginandromorfo is ginandromorfo" ; rdfs:label " ginandromorfo_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH10866gincanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10866gincanista is gincanista" ; rdfs:label " gincanista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH10872ginecologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10872ginecologia is ginecologia" ; rdfs:label " ginecologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH10873ginecomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10873ginecomania is ginecomania" ; rdfs:label " ginecomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH10874ginestrone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10874ginestrone is ginestrone" ; rdfs:label " ginestrone_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH10876ginevrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10876ginevrina is ginevrina" ; rdfs:label " ginevrina_as_People" . inds:USemTH10878ginevrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10878ginevrino is ginevrino" ; rdfs:label " ginevrino_as_People" . inds:USemTH10880ginglimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10880ginglimo is ginglimo" ; rdfs:label " ginglimo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH10882ginseng simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10882ginseng is ginseng" ; rdfs:label " ginseng_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH10884gioacchinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10884gioacchinismo is gioacchinismo" ; rdfs:label " gioacchinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10886gioachimismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10886gioachimismo is gioachimismo" ; rdfs:label " gioachimismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10890gioachimita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10890gioachimita is gioachimita" ; rdfs:label " gioachimita_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH10891gioachimita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10891gioachimita is gioachimita" ; rdfs:label " gioachimita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10892giobertiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10892giobertiana is giobertiana" ; rdfs:label " giobertiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10894giobertiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10894giobertiano is giobertiano" ; rdfs:label " giobertiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10898giocattolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10898giocattolaia is giocattolaia" ; rdfs:label " giocattolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10900giocattolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10900giocattolaio is giocattolaio" ; rdfs:label " giocattolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10910giolittismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10910giolittismo is giolittismo" ; rdfs:label " giolittismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10912giordana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10912giordana is giordana" ; rdfs:label " giordana_as_People" . inds:USemTH10914giordano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10914giordano is giordano" ; rdfs:label " giordano_as_People" . inds:USemTH10918giornaliera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10918giornaliera is giornaliera" ; rdfs:label " giornaliera_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10920giornaliero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10920giornaliero is giornaliero" ; rdfs:label " giornaliero_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10922giostraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10922giostraia is giostraia" ; rdfs:label " giostraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10924giostraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10924giostraio is giostraio" ; rdfs:label " giostraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10930giovanetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10930giovanetta is giovanetta" ; rdfs:label " giovanetta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10932giovanetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10932giovanetto is giovanetto" ; rdfs:label " giovanetto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10936giovannismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10936giovannismo is giovannismo" ; rdfs:label " giovannismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH10940giovannita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10940giovannita is giovannita" ; rdfs:label " giovannita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH10947giovialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10947giovialita1 is giovialita'" ; rdfs:label " giovialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10948gioviana simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10948gioviana is gioviana" ; rdfs:label " gioviana_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH10950gioviano simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10950gioviano is gioviano" ; rdfs:label " gioviano_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH10952giovinastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10952giovinastra is giovinastra" ; rdfs:label " giovinastra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10954giovinastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10954giovinastro is giovinastro" ; rdfs:label " giovinastro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10956giovincella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10956giovincella is giovincella" ; rdfs:label " giovincella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10958giovincello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10958giovincello is giovincello" ; rdfs:label " giovincello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10960giovinetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10960giovinetta is giovinetta" ; rdfs:label " giovinetta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10962giovinetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10962giovinetto is giovinetto" ; rdfs:label " giovinetto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10966giovinotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10966giovinotto is giovinotto" ; rdfs:label " giovinotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10970giraffista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10970giraffista is giraffista" ; rdfs:label " giraffista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10972giramaschio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10972giramaschio is giramaschio" ; rdfs:label " giramaschio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH10974giranastri simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10974giranastri is giranastri" ; rdfs:label " giranastri_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH10977girandolina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10977girandolina is girandolina" ; rdfs:label " girandolina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10979girandolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10979girandolino is girandolino" ; rdfs:label " girandolino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH10981girante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10981girante is girante" ; rdfs:label " girante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10982girante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10982girante is girante" ; rdfs:label " girante_as_Part" . inds:USemTH10983girataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10983girataria is girataria" ; rdfs:label " girataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10985giratario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10985giratario is giratario" ; rdfs:label " giratario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH10990giratubi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10990giratubi is giratubi" ; rdfs:label " giratubi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH10991girautensili simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10991girautensili is girautensili" ; rdfs:label " girautensili_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH10992giravite simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10992giravite is giravite" ; rdfs:label " giravite_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH10993girellismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10993girellismo is girellismo" ; rdfs:label " girellismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH10995girl simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10995girl is girl" ; rdfs:label " girl_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH10997giro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH10997giro is giro" ; rdfs:label " giro_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11002giromanica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11002giromanica is giromanica" ; rdfs:label " giromanica_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11003girondina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11003girondina is girondina" ; rdfs:label " girondina_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11005girondino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11005girondino is girondino" ; rdfs:label " girondino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11012giubbone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11012giubbone is giubbone" ; rdfs:label " giubbone_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH11013giucca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11013giucca is giucca" ; rdfs:label " giucca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11015giucco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11015giucco is giucco" ; rdfs:label " giucco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11017giudaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11017giudaismo is giudaismo" ; rdfs:label " giudaismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11019giudea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11019giudea is giudea" ; rdfs:label " giudea_as_People" . inds:USemTH11021giudeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11021giudeo is giudeo" ; rdfs:label " giudeo_as_People" . inds:USemTH11035giudoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11035giudoista is giudoista" ; rdfs:label " giudoista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH11037giuggiolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11037giuggiolaia is giuggiolaia" ; rdfs:label " giuggiolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11039giuggiolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11039giuggiolaio is giuggiolaio" ; rdfs:label " giuggiolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11041giuliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11041giuliana is giuliana" ; rdfs:label " giuliana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11042giuliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11042giuliana is giuliana" ; rdfs:label " giuliana_as_People" . inds:USemTH11051giuntista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11051giuntista is giuntista" ; rdfs:label " giuntista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11056giuridicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11056giuridicita1 is giuridicita'" ; rdfs:label " giuridicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11057giurisdizionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11057giurisdizionalismo is giurisdizionalismo" ; rdfs:label " giurisdizionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11061giurisdizionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11061giurisdizionalista is giurisdizionalista" ; rdfs:label " giurisdizionalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11063giurisperita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11063giurisperita is giurisperita" ; rdfs:label " giurisperita_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11065giurisperito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11065giurisperito is giurisperito" ; rdfs:label " giurisperito_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11067giuseppinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11067giuseppinismo is giuseppinismo" ; rdfs:label " giuseppinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11071giusta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11071giusta is giusta" ; rdfs:label " giusta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11073giustacuore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11073giustacuore is giustacuore" ; rdfs:label " giustacuore_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH11074giustezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11074giustezza is giustezza" ; rdfs:label " giustezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11075giustificativo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11075giustificativo is giustificativo" ; rdfs:label " giustificativo_as_Information" . inds:USemTH11080giustificazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11080giustificazionismo is giustificazionismo" ; rdfs:label " giustificazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11085giustificazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11085giustificazionista is giustificazionista" ; rdfs:label " giustificazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11088giusto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11088giusto is giusto" ; rdfs:label " giusto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11090glacialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11090glacialismo is glacialismo" ; rdfs:label " glacialismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH11092glacialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11092glacialita1 is glacialita'" ; rdfs:label " glacialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11093glaciologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11093glaciologia is glaciologia" ; rdfs:label " glaciologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH11095glande simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11095glande is glande" ; rdfs:label " glande_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH11099gleucometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11099gleucometro is gleucometro" ; rdfs:label " gleucometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11101gliceride simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11101gliceride is gliceride" ; rdfs:label " gliceride_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11102glicerofosfato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11102glicerofosfato is glicerofosfato" ; rdfs:label " glicerofosfato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11104glicimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11104glicimetro is glicimetro" ; rdfs:label " glicimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11106glicogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11106glicogenesi is glicogenesi" ; rdfs:label " glicogenesi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11108glicol simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11108glicol is glicol" ; rdfs:label " glicol_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11110glicolisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11110glicolisi is glicolisi" ; rdfs:label " glicolisi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH11111glicosuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11111glicosuria is glicosuria" ; rdfs:label " glicosuria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11112glioma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11112glioma is glioma" ; rdfs:label " glioma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11113gliptica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11113gliptica is gliptica" ; rdfs:label " gliptica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11115gliptico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11115gliptico is gliptico" ; rdfs:label " gliptico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11117gliptografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11117gliptografa is gliptografa" ; rdfs:label " gliptografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11119gliptografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11119gliptografia is gliptografia" ; rdfs:label " gliptografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH11120gliptografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11120gliptografo is gliptografo" ; rdfs:label " gliptografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11122glittica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11122glittica is glittica" ; rdfs:label " glittica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11124glittico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11124glittico is glittico" ; rdfs:label " glittico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11126glittografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11126glittografa is glittografa" ; rdfs:label " glittografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11128glittografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11128glittografia is glittografia" ; rdfs:label " glittografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH11129glittografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11129glittografo is glittografo" ; rdfs:label " glittografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11131globalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11131globalismo is globalismo" ; rdfs:label " globalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11133globoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11133globoide is globoide" ; rdfs:label " globoide_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH11135globulina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11135globulina is globulina" ; rdfs:label " globulina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH11136glomere simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11136glomere is glomere" ; rdfs:label " glomere_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH11137glomere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11137glomere is glomere" ; rdfs:label " glomere_as_Group" . inds:USemTH11138glomerulo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11138glomerulo is glomerulo" ; rdfs:label " glomerulo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH11139glomerulonefrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11139glomerulonefrite is glomerulonefrite" ; rdfs:label " glomerulonefrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11140glomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11140glomo is glomo" ; rdfs:label " glomo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH11149glossite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11149glossite is glossite" ; rdfs:label " glossite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11150glossografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11150glossografa is glossografa" ; rdfs:label " glossografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11152glossografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11152glossografia is glossografia" ; rdfs:label " glossografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH11153glossografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11153glossografo is glossografo" ; rdfs:label " glossografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11155glossomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11155glossomania is glossomania" ; rdfs:label " glossomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11158glottologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11158glottologia is glottologia" ; rdfs:label " glottologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH11159glucometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11159glucometro is glucometro" ; rdfs:label " glucometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11164gnomico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11164gnomico is gnomico" ; rdfs:label " gnomico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11166gnomologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11166gnomologia is gnomologia" ; rdfs:label " gnomologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH11167gnomone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11167gnomone is gnomone" ; rdfs:label " gnomone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11168gnorri simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11168gnorri is gnorri" ; rdfs:label " gnorri_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11173gobbista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11173gobbista is gobbista" ; rdfs:label " gobbista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11188golf simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11188golf is golf" ; rdfs:label " golf_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH11191golfista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11191golfista is golfista" ; rdfs:label " golfista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH11195gollismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11195gollismo is gollismo" ; rdfs:label " gollismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11199gollista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11199gollista is gollista" ; rdfs:label " gollista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11203golosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11203golosita1 is golosita'" ; rdfs:label " golosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11204gomena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11204gomena is gomena" ; rdfs:label " gomena_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11205gommaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11205gommaia is gommaia" ; rdfs:label " gommaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11207gommaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11207gommaio is gommaio" ; rdfs:label " gommaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11212gommista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11212gommista is gommista" ; rdfs:label " gommista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11215gonade simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11215gonade is gonade" ; rdfs:label " gonade_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH11217gonadotropina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11217gonadotropina is gonadotropina" ; rdfs:label " gonadotropina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH11218gonalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11218gonalgia is gonalgia" ; rdfs:label " gonalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11220gonfaloniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11220gonfaloniere is gonfaloniere" ; rdfs:label " gonfaloniere_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH11223gonfiagote simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11223gonfiagote is gonfiagote" ; rdfs:label " gonfiagote_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11226gonfianuvoli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11226gonfianuvoli is gonfianuvoli" ; rdfs:label " gonfianuvoli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11232gonfiavesciche simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11232gonfiavesciche is gonfiavesciche" ; rdfs:label " gonfiavesciche_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11235gong simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11235gong is gong" ; rdfs:label " gong_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11237gongorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11237gongorismo is gongorismo" ; rdfs:label " gongorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11241gongorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11241gongorista is gongorista" ; rdfs:label " gongorista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11243goniografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11243goniografo is goniografo" ; rdfs:label " goniografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11245goniometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11245goniometro is goniometro" ; rdfs:label " goniometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11249gonocito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11249gonocito is gonocito" ; rdfs:label " gonocito_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH11250gonorroica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11250gonorroica is gonorroica" ; rdfs:label " gonorroica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11252gonorroico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11252gonorroico is gonorroico" ; rdfs:label " gonorroico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11254gonza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11254gonza is gonza" ; rdfs:label " gonza_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11256gonzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11256gonzo is gonzo" ; rdfs:label " gonzo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11264gorilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11264gorilla is gorilla" ; rdfs:label " gorilla_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH11265gorilla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11265gorilla is gorilla" ; rdfs:label " gorilla_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11266goscismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11266goscismo is goscismo" ; rdfs:label " goscismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11270goscista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11270goscista is goscista" ; rdfs:label " goscista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11272gota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11272gota is gota" ; rdfs:label " gota_as_People" . inds:USemTH11273gota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11273gota is gota" ; rdfs:label " gota_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH11274goto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11274goto is goto" ; rdfs:label " goto_as_People" . inds:USemTH11276gottosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11276gottosa is gottosa" ; rdfs:label " gottosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11278gottoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11278gottoso is gottoso" ; rdfs:label " gottoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11280governabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11280governabilita1 is governabilita'" ; rdfs:label " governabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11295gradale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11295gradale is gradale" ; rdfs:label " gradale_as_Container" . inds:USemTH11296gradassa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11296gradassa is gradassa" ; rdfs:label " gradassa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11298gradasso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11298gradasso is gradasso" ; rdfs:label " gradasso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11302graderista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11302graderista is graderista" ; rdfs:label " graderista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11304gradevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11304gradevolezza is gradevolezza" ; rdfs:label " gradevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11306gradiente simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11306gradiente is gradiente" ; rdfs:label " gradiente_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH11310gradone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11310gradone is gradone" ; rdfs:label " gradone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11311graduabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11311graduabilita1 is graduabilita'" ; rdfs:label " graduabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11314gradualista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11314gradualista is gradualista" ; rdfs:label " gradualista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11316gradualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11316gradualita1 is gradualita'" ; rdfs:label " gradualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11327grafismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11327grafismo is grafismo" ; rdfs:label " grafismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11329grafologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11329grafologa is grafologa" ; rdfs:label " grafologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11331grafologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11331grafologia is grafologia" ; rdfs:label " grafologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH11333grafologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11333grafologo is grafologo" ; rdfs:label " grafologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11335grafomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11335grafomania is grafomania" ; rdfs:label " grafomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11336grafometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11336grafometro is grafometro" ; rdfs:label " grafometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11338grammaticalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11338grammaticalita1 is grammaticalita'" ; rdfs:label " grammaticalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11339grammatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11339grammatico is grammatico" ; rdfs:label " grammatico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11343grammatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11343grammatista is grammatista" ; rdfs:label " grammatista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11345grammatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11345grammatologia is grammatologia" ; rdfs:label " grammatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH11355gramolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11355gramolista is gramolista" ; rdfs:label " gramolista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11357granato simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11357granato is granato" ; rdfs:label " granato_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH11358granato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11358granato is granato" ; rdfs:label " granato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH11360grancancelliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11360grancancelliere is grancancelliere" ; rdfs:label " grancancelliere_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH11362grandangolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11362grandangolare is grandangolare" ; rdfs:label " grandangolare_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11363grandiloquenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11363grandiloquenza is grandiloquenza" ; rdfs:label " grandiloquenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11364grandiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11364grandiosita1 is grandiosita'" ; rdfs:label " grandiosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11367grandufficiale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11367grandufficiale is grandufficiale" ; rdfs:label " grandufficiale_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH11370granfia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11370granfia is granfia" ; rdfs:label " granfia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH11373granista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11373granista is granista" ; rdfs:label " granista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11388granuloma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11388granuloma is granuloma" ; rdfs:label " granuloma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11398grattanuvole simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11398grattanuvole is grattanuvole" ; rdfs:label " grattanuvole_as_Building" . inds:USemTH11404grattugiaformaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11404grattugiaformaggio is grattugiaformaggio" ; rdfs:label " grattugiaformaggio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11406gratuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11406gratuita1 is gratuita'" ; rdfs:label " gratuita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11408gravame simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11408gravame is gravame" ; rdfs:label " gravame_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH11410gravezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11410gravezza is gravezza" ; rdfs:label " gravezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11411gravidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11411gravidismo is gravidismo" ; rdfs:label " gravidismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH11413gravimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11413gravimetro is gravimetro" ; rdfs:label " gravimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11418gravosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11418gravosita1 is gravosita'" ; rdfs:label " gravosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11419graziata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11419graziata is graziata" ; rdfs:label " graziata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11421graziato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11421graziato is graziato" ; rdfs:label " graziato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11423graziosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11423graziosa is graziosa" ; rdfs:label " graziosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11425graziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11425graziosita1 is graziosita'" ; rdfs:label " graziosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11426grazioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11426grazioso is grazioso" ; rdfs:label " grazioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11428grecale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11428grecale is grecale" ; rdfs:label " grecale_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH11429grecastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11429grecastra is grecastra" ; rdfs:label " grecastra_as_People" . inds:USemTH11431grecastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11431grecastro is grecastro" ; rdfs:label " grecastro_as_People" . inds:USemTH11434grecismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11434grecismo is grecismo" ; rdfs:label " grecismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH11437grecista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11437grecista is grecista" ; rdfs:label " grecista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11439grecita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11439grecita1 is grecita'" ; rdfs:label " grecita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11440greco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11440greco is greco" ; rdfs:label " greco_as_People" . inds:USemTH11441greco simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11441greco is greco" ; rdfs:label " greco_as_Language" . inds:USemTH11442grecofona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11442grecofona is grecofona" ; rdfs:label " grecofona_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11444grecofono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11444grecofono is grecofono" ; rdfs:label " grecofono_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11448grecolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11448grecolo is grecolo" ; rdfs:label " grecolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11450grecoortodossa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11450grecoortodossa is grecoortodossa" ; rdfs:label " grecoortodossa_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11452grecoortodosso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11452grecoortodosso is grecoortodosso" ; rdfs:label " grecoortodosso_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11455grecoromanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11455grecoromanista is grecoromanista" ; rdfs:label " grecoromanista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH11460greculo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11460greculo is greculo" ; rdfs:label " greculo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11462green simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11462green is green" ; rdfs:label " green_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH11466gregarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11466gregarismo is gregarismo" ; rdfs:label " gregarismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH11467grembiale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11467grembiale is grembiale" ; rdfs:label " grembiale_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH11469gretta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11469gretta is gretta" ; rdfs:label " gretta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11471gretto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11471gretto is gretto" ; rdfs:label " gretto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11473grezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11473grezzo is grezzo" ; rdfs:label " grezzo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11475griccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11475griccia is griccia" ; rdfs:label " griccia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11477griccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11477griccio is griccio" ; rdfs:label " griccio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11483grifosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11483grifosi is grifosi" ; rdfs:label " grifosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11484grigione simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11484grigione is grigione" ; rdfs:label " grigione_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH11486grill simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11486grill is grill" ; rdfs:label " grill_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11489grippia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11489grippia is grippia" ; rdfs:label " grippia_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11490grisumetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11490grisumetro is grisumetro" ; rdfs:label " grisumetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11495grondone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11495grondone is grondone" ; rdfs:label " grondone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11496groppone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11496groppone is groppone" ; rdfs:label " groppone_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH11497grossolanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11497grossolanita1 is grossolanita'" ; rdfs:label " grossolanita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11500gruista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11500gruista is gruista" ; rdfs:label " gruista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11502grulla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11502grulla is grulla" ; rdfs:label " grulla_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11504grullo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11504grullo is grullo" ; rdfs:label " grullo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11506gruppettara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11506gruppettara is gruppettara" ; rdfs:label " gruppettara_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11509gruppettaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11509gruppettaro is gruppettaro" ; rdfs:label " gruppettaro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11514gruppista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11514gruppista is gruppista" ; rdfs:label " gruppista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11524guancialaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11524guancialaia is guancialaia" ; rdfs:label " guancialaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11526guancialaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11526guancialaio is guancialaio" ; rdfs:label " guancialaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11528guanina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11528guanina is guanina" ; rdfs:label " guanina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11529guantaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11529guantaia is guantaia" ; rdfs:label " guantaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11531guantaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11531guantaio is guantaio" ; rdfs:label " guantaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11535guappo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11535guappo is guappo" ; rdfs:label " guappo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11537guardabarriere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11537guardabarriere is guardabarriere" ; rdfs:label " guardabarriere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11539guardaboschi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11539guardaboschi is guardaboschi" ; rdfs:label " guardaboschi_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11541guardabuoi simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11541guardabuoi is guardabuoi" ; rdfs:label " guardabuoi_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH11543guardacatena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11543guardacatena is guardacatena" ; rdfs:label " guardacatena_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11544guardacenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11544guardacenere is guardacenere" ; rdfs:label " guardacenere_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11545guardaciurma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11545guardaciurma is guardaciurma" ; rdfs:label " guardaciurma_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11547guardacorpo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11547guardacorpo is guardacorpo" ; rdfs:label " guardacorpo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11548guardadighe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11548guardadighe is guardadighe" ; rdfs:label " guardadighe_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11550guardafili simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11550guardafili is guardafili" ; rdfs:label " guardafili_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11552guardainfante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11552guardainfante is guardainfante" ; rdfs:label " guardainfante_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH11553guardamacchine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11553guardamacchine is guardamacchine" ; rdfs:label " guardamacchine_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11555guardamano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11555guardamano is guardamano" ; rdfs:label " guardamano_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11556guardaparco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11556guardaparco is guardaparco" ; rdfs:label " guardaparco_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11558guardapesca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11558guardapesca is guardapesca" ; rdfs:label " guardapesca_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11560guardapiedi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11560guardapiedi is guardapiedi" ; rdfs:label " guardapiedi_as_Container" . inds:USemTH11561guardapinna simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11561guardapinna is guardapinna" ; rdfs:label " guardapinna_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH11563guardaporta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11563guardaporta is guardaporta" ; rdfs:label " guardaporta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11567guardaporto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11567guardaporto is guardaporto" ; rdfs:label " guardaporto_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11568guardaporto simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11568guardaporto is guardaporto" ; rdfs:label " guardaporto_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH11569guardareni simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11569guardareni is guardareni" ; rdfs:label " guardareni_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11570guardasala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11570guardasala is guardasala" ; rdfs:label " guardasala_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11572guardascambi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11572guardascambi is guardascambi" ; rdfs:label " guardascambi_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11574guardaspalle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11574guardaspalle is guardaspalle" ; rdfs:label " guardaspalle_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11575guardastiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11575guardastiva is guardastiva" ; rdfs:label " guardastiva_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11577guardatesta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11577guardatesta is guardatesta" ; rdfs:label " guardatesta_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11580guardatrama simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11580guardatrama is guardatrama" ; rdfs:label " guardatrama_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11584guardavia simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11584guardavia is guardavia" ; rdfs:label " guardavia_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH11585guardavivande simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11585guardavivande is guardavivande" ; rdfs:label " guardavivande_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH11586guardiafili simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11586guardiafili is guardiafili" ; rdfs:label " guardiafili_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11588guardialinee simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11588guardialinee is guardialinee" ; rdfs:label " guardialinee_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11590guardiamacchine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11590guardiamacchine is guardiamacchine" ; rdfs:label " guardiamacchine_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11594guardinfante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11594guardinfante is guardinfante" ; rdfs:label " guardinfante_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH11595guardrail simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11595guardrail is guardrail" ; rdfs:label " guardrail_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH11596guarentigia simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11596guarentigia is guarentigia" ; rdfs:label " guarentigia_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH11604guastamestieri simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11604guastamestieri is guastamestieri" ; rdfs:label " guastamestieri_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11609guatamalteca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11609guatamalteca is guatamalteca" ; rdfs:label " guatamalteca_as_People" . inds:USemTH11611guatamalteco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11611guatamalteco is guatamalteco" ; rdfs:label " guatamalteco_as_People" . inds:USemTH11613guattera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11613guattera is guattera" ; rdfs:label " guattera_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11615guattero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11615guattero is guattero" ; rdfs:label " guattero_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11617guazzabuglione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11617guazzabuglione is guazzabuglione" ; rdfs:label " guazzabuglione_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11621guelfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11621guelfismo is guelfismo" ; rdfs:label " guelfismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11623guelfo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11623guelfo is guelfo" ; rdfs:label " guelfo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11624guelfo simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11624guelfo is guelfo" ; rdfs:label " guelfo_as_Money" . inds:USemTH11630guerraiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11630guerraiola is guerraiola" ; rdfs:label " guerraiola_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11632guerraiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11632guerraiolo is guerraiolo" ; rdfs:label " guerraiolo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11642guidacaratteri simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11642guidacaratteri is guidacaratteri" ; rdfs:label " guidacaratteri_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11643guidafili simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11643guidafili is guidafili" ; rdfs:label " guidafili_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11644guidafilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11644guidafilo is guidafilo" ; rdfs:label " guidafilo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11645guidaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11645guidaiola is guidaiola" ; rdfs:label " guidaiola_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH11648guidaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11648guidaiolo is guidaiolo" ; rdfs:label " guidaiolo_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH11651guidasiluri simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11651guidasiluri is guidasiluri" ; rdfs:label " guidasiluri_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11654guineana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11654guineana is guineana" ; rdfs:label " guineana_as_People" . inds:USemTH11656guineano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11656guineano is guineano" ; rdfs:label " guineano_as_People" . inds:USemTH11658guitta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11658guitta is guitta" ; rdfs:label " guitta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11660guitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11660guitto is guitto" ; rdfs:label " guitto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11662gulag simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11662gulag is gulag" ; rdfs:label " gulag_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH11663gulasch simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11663gulasch is gulasch" ; rdfs:label " gulasch_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH11668gustosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11668gustosita1 is gustosita'" ; rdfs:label " gustosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11669gutturalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11669gutturalismo is gutturalismo" ; rdfs:label " gutturalismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11672gymkhanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11672gymkhanista is gymkhanista" ; rdfs:label " gymkhanista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH11675haitiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11675haitiana is haitiana" ; rdfs:label " haitiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH11676haitiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11676haitiano is haitiano" ; rdfs:label " haitiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH11676jainaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11676jainaN is jaina" ; rdfs:label " jaina_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11677handicap simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11677handicap is handicap" ; rdfs:label " handicap_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11677jainismoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11677jainismoN is jainismo" ; rdfs:label " jainismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11679hanseniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11679hanseniana is hanseniana" ; rdfs:label " hanseniana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11679jazzistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11679jazzistaN is jazzista" ; rdfs:label " jazzista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH11680hanseniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11680hanseniano is hanseniano" ; rdfs:label " hanseniano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11681hasidica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11681hasidica is hasidica" ; rdfs:label " hasidica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11682hasidico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11682hasidico is hasidico" ; rdfs:label " hasidico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11682joulometroN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11682joulometroN is joulometro" ; rdfs:label " joulometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11683hawaiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11683hawaiana is hawaiana" ; rdfs:label " hawaiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH11684hawaiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11684hawaiano is hawaiano" ; rdfs:label " hawaiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH11684judoistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11684judoistaN is judoista" ; rdfs:label " judoista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH11685hegeliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11685hegeliana is hegeliana" ; rdfs:label " hegeliana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11685jugoslavaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11685jugoslavaN is jugoslava" ; rdfs:label " jugoslava_as_People" . inds:USemTH11686hegelianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11686hegelianismo is hegelianismo" ; rdfs:label " hegelianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11686jugoslavoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11686jugoslavoN is jugoslavo" ; rdfs:label " jugoslavo_as_People" . inds:USemTH11688hegeliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11688hegeliano is hegeliano" ; rdfs:label " hegeliano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11688jumbistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11688jumbistaN is jumbista" ; rdfs:label " jumbista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11689hegelismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11689hegelismo is hegelismo" ; rdfs:label " hegelismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11689juniorN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11689juniorN is Junior" ; rdfs:label " Junior_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11690juventinaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11690juventinaN is juventina" ; rdfs:label " juventina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11691hitleriana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11691hitleriana is hitleriana" ; rdfs:label " hitleriana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11691juventinoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11691juventinoN is juventino" ; rdfs:label " juventino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11692hitleriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11692hitleriano is hitleriano" ; rdfs:label " hitleriano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11692kafkismoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11692kafkismoN is kafkismo" ; rdfs:label " kafkismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11693hitlerismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11693hitlerismo is hitlerismo" ; rdfs:label " hitlerismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11694kamikazeN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11694kamikazeN is kamikaze" ; rdfs:label " kamikaze_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH11695hittita simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11695hittita is hittita" ; rdfs:label " hittita_as_Language" . inds:USemTH11696kantianaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11696kantianaN is kantiana" ; rdfs:label " kantiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11697hittita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11697hittita is hittita" ; rdfs:label " hittita_as_People" . inds:USemTH11697kantianoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11697kantianoN is kantiano" ; rdfs:label " kantiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11700kantismoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11700kantismoN is kantismo" ; rdfs:label " kantismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11702hockeista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11702hockeista is hockeista" ; rdfs:label " hockeista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH11702karatekaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11702karatekaN is karateka" ; rdfs:label " karateka_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH11704huligana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11704huligana is huligana" ; rdfs:label " huligana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11704kartismoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11704kartismoN is kartismo" ; rdfs:label " kartismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH11705huligano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11705huligano is huligano" ; rdfs:label " huligano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11706kartistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11706kartistaN is kartista" ; rdfs:label " kartista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH11707hussita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11707hussita is hussita" ; rdfs:label " hussita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11708hussitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11708hussitismo is hussitismo" ; rdfs:label " hussitismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11711ialite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11711ialite is ialite" ; rdfs:label " ialite_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11711kayakistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11711kayakistaN is kayakista" ; rdfs:label " kayakista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH11713iamatologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11713iamatologa is iamatologa" ; rdfs:label " iamatologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11714kenianaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11714kenianaN is keniana" ; rdfs:label " keniana_as_People" . inds:USemTH11715iamatologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11715iamatologo is iamatologo" ; rdfs:label " iamatologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11716kenianoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11716kenianoN is keniano" ; rdfs:label " keniano_as_People" . inds:USemTH11717iberismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11717iberismo is iberismo" ; rdfs:label " iberismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH11718ibice simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11718ibice is ibice" ; rdfs:label " ibice_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH11718keniotaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11718keniotaN is keniota" ; rdfs:label " keniota_as_People" . inds:USemTH11722icasticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11722icasticita1 is icasticita'" ; rdfs:label " icasticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11722keynesianaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11722keynesianaN is keynesiana" ; rdfs:label " keynesiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11723icnografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11723icnografia is icnografia" ; rdfs:label " icnografia_as_Information" . inds:USemTH11724iconicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11724iconicita1 is iconicita'" ; rdfs:label " iconicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11725keynesianoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11725keynesianoN is keynesiano" ; rdfs:label " keynesiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11726iconolatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11726iconolatra is iconolatra" ; rdfs:label " iconolatra_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH11727kitN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11727kitN is kit" ; rdfs:label " kit_as_Group" . inds:USemTH11728kitN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11728kitN is kit" ; rdfs:label " kit_as_Group" . inds:USemTH11729kleksografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11729kleksografia is kleksografia" ; rdfs:label " kleksografia_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH11730iconologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11730iconologista is iconologista" ; rdfs:label " iconologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11730klystronN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11730klystronN is klystron" ; rdfs:label " klystron_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11731idealita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11731idealita1 is idealita'" ; rdfs:label " idealita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11731kolchozianaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11731kolchozianaN is kolchoziana" ; rdfs:label " kolchoziana_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11733kolchozianoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11733kolchozianoN is kolchoziano" ; rdfs:label " kolchoziano_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11734identicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11734identicita1 is identicita'" ; rdfs:label " identicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11736krapfenN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11736krapfenN is krapfen" ; rdfs:label " krapfen_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH11737labdacismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11737labdacismo is labdacismo" ; rdfs:label " labdacismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11738ideologismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11738ideologismo is ideologismo" ; rdfs:label " ideologismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11739labilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11739labilita1 is labilita'" ; rdfs:label " labilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH11741laboratorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11741laboratorista is laboratorista" ; rdfs:label " laboratorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11742ideologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11742ideologista is ideologista" ; rdfs:label " ideologista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11742laborismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11742laborismo is laborismo" ; rdfs:label " laborismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11744laburismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11744laburismo is laburismo" ; rdfs:label " laburismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11746idiomatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11746idiomatismo is idiomatismo" ; rdfs:label " idiomatismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH11746lacaniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11746lacaniana is lacaniana" ; rdfs:label " lacaniana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11747idiotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11747idiotismo is idiotismo" ; rdfs:label " idiotismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH11748idoneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11748idoneita1 is idoneita'" ; rdfs:label " idoneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11748lacaniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11748lacaniano is lacaniano" ; rdfs:label " lacaniano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11752idrartro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11752idrartro is idrartro" ; rdfs:label " idrartro_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11754idratante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11754idratante is idratante" ; rdfs:label " idratante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11755lacerabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11755lacerabilita1 is lacerabilita'" ; rdfs:label " lacerabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11756idrobiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11756idrobiologa is idrobiologa" ; rdfs:label " idrobiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11757lacertide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11757lacertide is lacertide" ; rdfs:label " lacertide_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH11758idrobiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11758idrobiologo is idrobiologo" ; rdfs:label " idrobiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11759idrocefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11759idrocefalo is idrocefalo" ; rdfs:label " idrocefalo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11759laconicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11759laconicismo is laconicismo" ; rdfs:label " laconicismo_as_Language" . inds:USemTH11760idrocele simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11760idrocele is idrocele" ; rdfs:label " idrocele_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11761laconismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11761laconismo is laconismo" ; rdfs:label " laconismo_as_Language" . inds:USemTH11762idrofide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11762idrofide is idrofide" ; rdfs:label " idrofide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH11763lacunare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11763lacunare is lacunare" ; rdfs:label " lacunare_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11764lacunosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11764lacunosita1 is lacunosita'" ; rdfs:label " lacunosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11765ladina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11765ladina is ladina" ; rdfs:label " ladina_as_People" . inds:USemTH11767idrofonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11767idrofonista is idrofonista" ; rdfs:label " idrofonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11767ladino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11767ladino is ladino" ; rdfs:label " ladino_as_Language" . inds:USemTH11768idrofono simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11768idrofono is idrofono" ; rdfs:label " idrofono_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11768ladino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11768ladino is ladino" ; rdfs:label " ladino_as_People" . inds:USemTH11769idroftalmo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11769idroftalmo is idroftalmo" ; rdfs:label " idroftalmo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11769ladroncella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11769ladroncella is ladroncella" ; rdfs:label " ladroncella_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH11771idrografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11771idrografa is idrografa" ; rdfs:label " idrografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11771ladroncello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11771ladroncello is ladroncello" ; rdfs:label " ladroncello_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH11773idrografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11773idrografo is idrografo" ; rdfs:label " idrografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11773ladruncola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11773ladruncola is ladruncola" ; rdfs:label " ladruncola_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH11775idrologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11775idrologa is idrologa" ; rdfs:label " idrologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11775lady simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11775lady is lady" ; rdfs:label " lady_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH11776lady simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11776lady is lady" ; rdfs:label " lady_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11777idrologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11777idrologo is idrologo" ; rdfs:label " idrologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11777lagopode simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11777lagopode is lagopode" ; rdfs:label " lagopode_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH11778lagride simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11778lagride is lagride" ; rdfs:label " lagride_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH11779idrometra simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11779idrometra is idrometra" ; rdfs:label " idrometra_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH11780laicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11780laicista is laicista" ; rdfs:label " laicista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11782idrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11782idrometro is idrometro" ; rdfs:label " idrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11783idrope simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11783idrope is idrope" ; rdfs:label " idrope_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11783laicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11783laicita1 is laicita'" ; rdfs:label " laicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11784idropica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11784idropica is idropica" ; rdfs:label " idropica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11784laidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11784laidezza is laidezza" ; rdfs:label " laidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11785idropico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11785idropico is idropico" ; rdfs:label " idropico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11785lalofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11785lalofobia is lalofobia" ; rdfs:label " lalofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11786lamarckismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11786lamarckismo is lamarckismo" ; rdfs:label " lamarckismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11787idrorepellente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11787idrorepellente is idrorepellente" ; rdfs:label " idrorepellente_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11789lambdacismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11789lambdacismo is lambdacismo" ; rdfs:label " lambdacismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11791idrosolfito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11791idrosolfito is idrosolfito" ; rdfs:label " idrosolfito_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11792idrotropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11792idrotropismo is idrotropismo" ; rdfs:label " idrotropismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH11794idruro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11794idruro is idruro" ; rdfs:label " idruro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11795ieraticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11795ieraticita1 is ieraticita'" ; rdfs:label " ieraticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11797ierofante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11797ierofante is ierofante" ; rdfs:label " ierofante_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH11799lambrettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11799lambrettista is lambrettista" ; rdfs:label " lambrettista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH11802lame2 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11802lame2 is lame'" ; rdfs:label " lame'_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11803igienista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11803igienista is igienista" ; rdfs:label " igienista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11804igienista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11804igienista is igienista" ; rdfs:label " igienista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11807lamierino simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11807lamierino is lamierino" ; rdfs:label " lamierino_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH11808ignuda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11808ignuda is ignuda" ; rdfs:label " ignuda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11809lamierista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11809lamierista is lamierista" ; rdfs:label " lamierista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11810ignudo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11810ignudo is ignudo" ; rdfs:label " ignudo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11811igrofila simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11811igrofila is igrofila" ; rdfs:label " igrofila_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH11813igrofila simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11813igrofila is igrofila" ; rdfs:label " igrofila_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH11814igrofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11814igrofilo is igrofilo" ; rdfs:label " igrofilo_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH11816igrofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11816igrofilo is igrofilo" ; rdfs:label " igrofilo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH11816lampadofora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11816lampadofora is lampadofora" ; rdfs:label " lampadofora_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH11818igrofita simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11818igrofita is igrofita" ; rdfs:label " igrofita_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH11818lampadoforo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11818lampadoforo is lampadoforo" ; rdfs:label " lampadoforo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH11819lampadoforo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11819lampadoforo is lampadoforo" ; rdfs:label " lampadoforo_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH11820igrofito simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11820igrofito is igrofito" ; rdfs:label " igrofito_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH11821igrografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11821igrografo is igrografo" ; rdfs:label " igrografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11821lampanaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11821lampanaia is lampanaia" ; rdfs:label " lampanaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11822igroma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11822igroma is igroma" ; rdfs:label " igroma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11823lampanaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11823lampanaio is lampanaio" ; rdfs:label " lampanaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11824iguanodonte simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11824iguanodonte is iguanodonte" ; rdfs:label " iguanodonte_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH11826illeceita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11826illeceita1 is illeceita'" ; rdfs:label " illeceita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11827lampionaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11827lampionaia is lampionaia" ; rdfs:label " lampionaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11829illegittima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11829illegittima is illegittima" ; rdfs:label " illegittima_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11829lampionaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11829lampionaio is lampionaio" ; rdfs:label " lampionaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11830illegittimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11830illegittimo is illegittimo" ; rdfs:label " illegittimo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11832lampista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11832lampista is lampista" ; rdfs:label " lampista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11833illiceita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11833illiceita1 is illiceita'" ; rdfs:label " illiceita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11835lanaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11835lanaiola is lanaiola" ; rdfs:label " lanaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11837illuminata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11837illuminata is illuminata" ; rdfs:label " illuminata_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11837lanaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11837lanaiolo is lanaiolo" ; rdfs:label " lanaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11839illuminato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11839illuminato is illuminato" ; rdfs:label " illuminato_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11839lanametro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11839lanametro is lanametro" ; rdfs:label " lanametro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11840illuminismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11840illuminismo is illuminismo" ; rdfs:label " illuminismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11841lanciabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11841lanciabilita1 is lanciabilita'" ; rdfs:label " lanciabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11842illuminometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11842illuminometro is illuminometro" ; rdfs:label " illuminometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11842lanciabombe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11842lanciabombe is lanciabombe" ; rdfs:label " lanciabombe_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11843lanciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11843lanciaia is lanciaia" ; rdfs:label " lanciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11845illusorieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11845illusorieta1 is illusorieta'" ; rdfs:label " illusorieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11845lanciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11845lanciaio is lanciaio" ; rdfs:label " lanciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11848lanciamine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11848lanciamine is lanciamine" ; rdfs:label " lanciamine_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11849lanciarpione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11849lanciarpione is lanciarpione" ; rdfs:label " lanciarpione_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11850ilota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11850ilota is ilota" ; rdfs:label " ilota_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH11850lanciasagola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11850lanciasagola is lanciasagola" ; rdfs:label " lanciasagola_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11851lanciasiluri simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11851lanciasiluri is lanciasiluri" ; rdfs:label " lanciasiluri_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11852lanciatorpedini simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11852lanciatorpedini is lanciatorpedini" ; rdfs:label " lanciatorpedini_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11855ilozoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11855ilozoista is ilozoista" ; rdfs:label " ilozoista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11855lancione simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11855lancione is lancione" ; rdfs:label " lancione_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH11856imagismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11856imagismo is imagismo" ; rdfs:label " imagismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11856landra simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11856landra is landra" ; rdfs:label " landra_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11857languidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11857languidezza is languidezza" ; rdfs:label " languidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11858laniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11858laniere is laniere" ; rdfs:label " laniere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11860lanolina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11860lanolina is lanolina" ; rdfs:label " lanolina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11861imagista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11861imagista is imagista" ; rdfs:label " imagista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11861lanosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11861lanosita1 is lanosita'" ; rdfs:label " lanosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11862lanternaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11862lanternaia is lanternaia" ; rdfs:label " lanternaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11864lanternaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11864lanternaio is lanternaio" ; rdfs:label " lanternaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11866lanternone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11866lanternone is lanternone" ; rdfs:label " lanternone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11874lapidea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11874lapidea is lapidea" ; rdfs:label " lapidea_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11880lapideo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11880lapideo is lapideo" ; rdfs:label " lapideo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11882imbattibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11882imbattibilita1 is imbattibilita'" ; rdfs:label " imbattibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11883imbecillita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11883imbecillita1 is imbecillita'" ; rdfs:label " imbecillita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11889laqueario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11889laqueario is laqueario" ; rdfs:label " laqueario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11893lardaiuola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11893lardaiuola is lardaiuola" ; rdfs:label " lardaiuola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11895lardaiuolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11895lardaiuolo is lardaiuolo" ; rdfs:label " lardaiuolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11909lariforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11909lariforme is lariforme" ; rdfs:label " lariforme_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH11910laringectomizzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11910laringectomizzata is laringectomizzata" ; rdfs:label " laringectomizzata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11912laringectomizzato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11912laringectomizzato is laringectomizzato" ; rdfs:label " laringectomizzato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11914laringismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11914laringismo is laringismo" ; rdfs:label " laringismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11918laringoiatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11918laringoiatra is laringoiatra" ; rdfs:label " laringoiatra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11921laringologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11921laringologa is laringologa" ; rdfs:label " laringologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11923imbrattacarte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11923imbrattacarte is imbrattacarte" ; rdfs:label " imbrattacarte_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11923laringologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11923laringologia is laringologia" ; rdfs:label " laringologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH11924laringologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11924laringologo is laringologo" ; rdfs:label " laringologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11925imbrattafogli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11925imbrattafogli is imbrattafogli" ; rdfs:label " imbrattafogli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11927laringostenosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11927laringostenosi is laringostenosi" ; rdfs:label " laringostenosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11928imbrattamuri simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11928imbrattamuri is imbrattamuri" ; rdfs:label " imbrattamuri_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11929laringotracheite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11929laringotracheite is laringotracheite" ; rdfs:label " laringotracheite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11930imbrattatele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11930imbrattatele is imbrattatele" ; rdfs:label " imbrattatele_as_Human" . inds:USemTH11931lasagnaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11931lasagnaia is lasagnaia" ; rdfs:label " lasagnaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11933lasagnaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11933lasagnaio is lasagnaio" ; rdfs:label " lasagnaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11935imbriaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11935imbriaca is imbriaca" ; rdfs:label " imbriaca_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH11935lascivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11935lascivita1 is lascivita'" ; rdfs:label " lascivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11936lassezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11936lassezza is lassezza" ; rdfs:label " lassezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11937lassismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11937lassismo is lassismo" ; rdfs:label " lassismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11939imbriaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11939imbriaco is imbriaco" ; rdfs:label " imbriaco_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH11939lassista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11939lassista is lassista" ; rdfs:label " lassista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11942lassita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11942lassita1 is lassita'" ; rdfs:label " lassita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11943lastraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11943lastraia is lastraia" ; rdfs:label " lastraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11945lastraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11945lastraio is lastraio" ; rdfs:label " lastraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11954lastrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11954lastrone is lastrone" ; rdfs:label " lastrone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH11955immaginifero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11955immaginifero is immaginifero" ; rdfs:label " immaginifero_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH11955lateralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11955lateralita1 is lateralita'" ; rdfs:label " lateralita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11956immaginismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11956immaginismo is immaginismo" ; rdfs:label " immaginismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11956laterizio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11956laterizio is laterizio" ; rdfs:label " laterizio_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11957latice simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11957latice is latice" ; rdfs:label " latice_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11958latinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11958latinismo is latinismo" ; rdfs:label " latinismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH11960latinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11960latinita1 is latinita'" ; rdfs:label " latinita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH11961immanentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11961immanentista is immanentista" ; rdfs:label " immanentista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11961latirismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11961latirismo is latirismo" ; rdfs:label " latirismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH11962immanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11962immanita1 is immanita'" ; rdfs:label " immanita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11963latitudinaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11963latitudinaria is latitudinaria" ; rdfs:label " latitudinaria_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11964immaterialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11964immaterialismo is immaterialismo" ; rdfs:label " immaterialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH11965latitudinario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11965latitudinario is latitudinario" ; rdfs:label " latitudinario_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11969immaterialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11969immaterialista is immaterialista" ; rdfs:label " immaterialista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11970immaterialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11970immaterialita1 is immaterialita'" ; rdfs:label " immaterialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11970latrinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11970latrinaia is latrinaia" ; rdfs:label " latrinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11971immaturita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11971immaturita1 is immaturita'" ; rdfs:label " immaturita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11972immensurabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11972immensurabilita1 is immensurabilita'" ; rdfs:label " immensurabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11972latrinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11972latrinaio is latrinaio" ; rdfs:label " latrinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11973lattato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11973lattato is lattato" ; rdfs:label " lattato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH11974lattemiele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11974lattemiele is lattemiele" ; rdfs:label " lattemiele_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH11975lattescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11975lattescenza is lattescenza" ; rdfs:label " lattescenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11976immisurabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11976immisurabilita1 is immisurabilita'" ; rdfs:label " immisurabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11976lattivendola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11976lattivendola is lattivendola" ; rdfs:label " lattivendola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11978lattivendolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11978lattivendolo is lattivendolo" ; rdfs:label " lattivendolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11980immobiliarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11980immobiliarista is immobiliarista" ; rdfs:label " immobiliarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11980lattobacillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11980lattobacillo is lattobacillo" ; rdfs:label " lattobacillo_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH11981lattodensimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11981lattodensimetro is lattodensimetro" ; rdfs:label " lattodensimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH11984immobilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11984immobilista is immobilista" ; rdfs:label " immobilista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11985immoderatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11985immoderatezza is immoderatezza" ; rdfs:label " immoderatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11986lattugone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11986lattugone is lattugone" ; rdfs:label " lattugone_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH11987lattugone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11987lattugone is lattugone" ; rdfs:label " lattugone_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH11989laudista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11989laudista is laudista" ; rdfs:label " laudista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11990immondezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11990immondezza is immondezza" ; rdfs:label " immondezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11992laureanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11992laureanda is laureanda" ; rdfs:label " laureanda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH11994immoralista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11994immoralista is immoralista" ; rdfs:label " immoralista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH11996immunita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11996immunita1 is immunita'" ; rdfs:label " immunita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11996lautezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11996lautezza is lautezza" ; rdfs:label " lautezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH11997lavaauto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11997lavaauto is lavaauto" ; rdfs:label " lavaauto_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH11999lavabicchieri simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH11999lavabicchieri is lavabicchieri" ; rdfs:label " lavabicchieri_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12000lavabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12000lavabilita1 is lavabilita'" ; rdfs:label " lavabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12001lavabottiglie simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12001lavabottiglie is lavabottiglie" ; rdfs:label " lavabottiglie_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12002lavadita simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12002lavadita is lavadita" ; rdfs:label " lavadita_as_Container" . inds:USemTH12003lavafrutta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12003lavafrutta is lavafrutta" ; rdfs:label " lavafrutta_as_Container" . inds:USemTH12008lavaggina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12008lavaggina is lavaggina" ; rdfs:label " lavaggina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12010lavaggino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12010lavaggino is lavaggino" ; rdfs:label " lavaggino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12013lavaggista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12013lavaggista is lavaggista" ; rdfs:label " lavaggista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12016lavamacchine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12016lavamacchine is lavamacchine" ; rdfs:label " lavamacchine_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12018lavapiedi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12018lavapiedi is lavapiedi" ; rdfs:label " lavapiedi_as_Container" . inds:USemTH12019lavascale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12019lavascale is lavascale" ; rdfs:label " lavascale_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12021lavascodelle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12021lavascodelle is lavascodelle" ; rdfs:label " lavascodelle_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12022lavasecco simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12022lavasecco is lavasecco" ; rdfs:label " lavasecco_as_Building" . inds:USemTH12023impalpabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12023impalpabilita1 is impalpabilita'" ; rdfs:label " impalpabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12023lavatesta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12023lavatesta is lavatesta" ; rdfs:label " lavatesta_as_Container" . inds:USemTH12024lavativa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12024lavativa is lavativa" ; rdfs:label " lavativa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12027lavativo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12027lavativo is lavativo" ; rdfs:label " lavativo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12028lavativo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12028lavativo is lavativo" ; rdfs:label " lavativo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12031imparita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12031imparita1 is imparita'" ; rdfs:label " imparita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12034lavorabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12034lavorabilita1 is lavorabilita'" ; rdfs:label " lavorabilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH12036lazzara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12036lazzara is lazzara" ; rdfs:label " lazzara_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12038impeccabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12038impeccabilita1 is impeccabilita'" ; rdfs:label " impeccabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12038leacril simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12038leacril is leacril" ; rdfs:label " leacril_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH12039leaderismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12039leaderismo is leaderismo" ; rdfs:label " leaderismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12041lealismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12041lealismo is lealismo" ; rdfs:label " lealismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12043lealista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12043lealista is lealista" ; rdfs:label " lealista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12046leasing simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12046leasing is leasing" ; rdfs:label " leasing_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH12049imperativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12049imperativita1 is imperativita'" ; rdfs:label " imperativita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12049leccaculo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12049leccaculo is leccaculo" ; rdfs:label " leccaculo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12050imperdonabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12050imperdonabilita1 is imperdonabilita'" ; rdfs:label " imperdonabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12051imperfettibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12051imperfettibilita1 is imperfettibilita'" ; rdfs:label " imperfettibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12052imperforabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12052imperforabilita1 is imperforabilita'" ; rdfs:label " imperforabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12053leccapiatti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12053leccapiatti is leccapiatti" ; rdfs:label " leccapiatti_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12055leccascodelle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12055leccascodelle is leccascodelle" ; rdfs:label " leccascodelle_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12057impermutabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12057impermutabilita1 is impermutabilita'" ; rdfs:label " impermutabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12058leccasporte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12058leccasporte is leccasporte" ; rdfs:label " leccasporte_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12059imperscrutabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12059imperscrutabilita1 is imperscrutabilita'" ; rdfs:label " imperscrutabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12060impersonale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12060impersonale is impersonale" ; rdfs:label " impersonale_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH12061impersonalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12061impersonalismo is impersonalismo" ; rdfs:label " impersonalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12064leccazampe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12064leccazampe is leccazampe" ; rdfs:label " leccazampe_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12066lecchina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12066lecchina is lecchina" ; rdfs:label " lecchina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12068lecchino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12068lecchino is lecchino" ; rdfs:label " lecchino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12070leccume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12070leccume is leccume" ; rdfs:label " leccume_as_Group" . inds:USemTH12071legalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12071legalismo is legalismo" ; rdfs:label " legalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12074legalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12074legalista is legalista" ; rdfs:label " legalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12077impiantista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12077impiantista is impiantista" ; rdfs:label " impiantista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12077legante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12077legante is legante" ; rdfs:label " legante_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12078legatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12078legatario is legatario" ; rdfs:label " legatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12080impiastracarte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12080impiastracarte is impiastracarte" ; rdfs:label " impiastracarte_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12083impiastrafogli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12083impiastrafogli is impiastrafogli" ; rdfs:label " impiastrafogli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12087leggendarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12087leggendarieta1 is leggendarieta'" ; rdfs:label " leggendarieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12089leggista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12089leggista is leggista" ; rdfs:label " leggista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH12098leghista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12098leghista is leghista" ; rdfs:label " leghista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12100impiegatume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12100impiegatume is impiegatume" ; rdfs:label " impiegatume_as_Group" . inds:USemTH12101impignorabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12101impignorabilita1 is impignorabilita'" ; rdfs:label " impignorabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12107implantologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12107implantologa is implantologa" ; rdfs:label " implantologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12107legisperita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12107legisperita is legisperita" ; rdfs:label " legisperita_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH12108legisperito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12108legisperito is legisperito" ; rdfs:label " legisperito_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH12109implantologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12109implantologo is implantologo" ; rdfs:label " implantologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12111legista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12111legista is legista" ; rdfs:label " legista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH12114legittima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12114legittima is legittima" ; rdfs:label " legittima_as_Part" . inds:USemTH12115legittimaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12115legittimaria is legittimaria" ; rdfs:label " legittimaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12117legittimario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12117legittimario is legittimario" ; rdfs:label " legittimario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12118imponibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12118imponibilita1 is imponibilita'" ; rdfs:label " imponibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12119impopolarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12119impopolarita1 is impopolarita'" ; rdfs:label " impopolarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12119legittimismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12119legittimismo is legittimismo" ; rdfs:label " legittimismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12120importanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12120importanza is importanza" ; rdfs:label " importanza_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH12121importuna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12121importuna is importuna" ; rdfs:label " importuna_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12122legittimista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12122legittimista is legittimista" ; rdfs:label " legittimista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12123importunita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12123importunita1 is importunita'" ; rdfs:label " importunita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12124importuno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12124importuno is importuno" ; rdfs:label " importuno_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12125legnaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12125legnaiola is legnaiola" ; rdfs:label " legnaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12127impossibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12127impossibilita1 is impossibilita'" ; rdfs:label " impossibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12128legnosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12128legnosita1 is legnosita'" ; rdfs:label " legnosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12129impraticabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12129impraticabilita1 is impraticabilita'" ; rdfs:label " impraticabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12129leibniziana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12129leibniziana is leibniziana" ; rdfs:label " leibniziana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12131leibniziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12131leibniziano is leibniziano" ; rdfs:label " leibniziano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12133leishmania simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12133leishmania is leishmania" ; rdfs:label " leishmania_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH12135imprendibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12135imprendibilita1 is imprendibilita'" ; rdfs:label " imprendibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12135leishmaniosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12135leishmaniosi is leishmaniosi" ; rdfs:label " leishmaniosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12136lemniscata simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12136lemniscata is lemniscata" ; rdfs:label " lemniscata_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH12137imprenditorialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12137imprenditorialita1 is imprenditorialita'" ; rdfs:label " imprenditorialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12137lemnisco simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12137lemnisco is lemnisco" ; rdfs:label " lemnisco_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH12138imprescienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12138imprescienza is imprescienza" ; rdfs:label " imprescienza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12138lendine simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12138lendine is lendine" ; rdfs:label " lendine_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USemTH12139imprescrittibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12139imprescrittibilita1 is imprescrittibilita'" ; rdfs:label " imprescrittibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12140impressionabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12140impressionabilita1 is impressionabilita'" ; rdfs:label " impressionabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12140leonardesca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12140leonardesca is leonardesca" ; rdfs:label " leonardesca_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12142impressore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12142impressore is impressore" ; rdfs:label " impressore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12142leonardesco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12142leonardesco is leonardesco" ; rdfs:label " leonardesco_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12144improcedibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12144improcedibilita1 is improcedibilita'" ; rdfs:label " improcedibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12144lepidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12144lepidita1 is lepidita'" ; rdfs:label " lepidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12145improcrastinabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12145improcrastinabilita1 is improcrastinabilita'" ; rdfs:label " improcrastinabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12145leporide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12145leporide is leporide" ; rdfs:label " leporide_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH12146improduttivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12146improduttivita1 is improduttivita'" ; rdfs:label " improduttivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12148leptosomica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12148leptosomica is leptosomica" ; rdfs:label " leptosomica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12150leptosomico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12150leptosomico is leptosomico" ; rdfs:label " leptosomico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12151improponibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12151improponibilita1 is improponibilita'" ; rdfs:label " improponibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12152improrogabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12152improrogabilita1 is improrogabilita'" ; rdfs:label " improrogabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12152leptospirosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12152leptospirosi is leptospirosi" ; rdfs:label " leptospirosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12153improvvidenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12153improvvidenza is improvvidenza" ; rdfs:label " improvvidenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12153leptotricosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12153leptotricosi is leptotricosi" ; rdfs:label " leptotricosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12154lercia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12154lercia is lercia" ; rdfs:label " lercia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12155lercio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12155lercio is lercio" ; rdfs:label " lercio_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12156impugnabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12156impugnabilita1 is impugnabilita'" ; rdfs:label " impugnabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12160lesinina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12160lesinina is lesinina" ; rdfs:label " lesinina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12161lesinino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12161lesinino is lesinino" ; rdfs:label " lesinino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12163lesivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12163lesivita1 is lesivita'" ; rdfs:label " lesivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12164impulsiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12164impulsiva is impulsiva" ; rdfs:label " impulsiva_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12165lessicologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12165lessicologa is lessicologa" ; rdfs:label " lessicologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12166impulsivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12166impulsivo is impulsivo" ; rdfs:label " impulsivo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12167impunibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12167impunibilita1 is impunibilita'" ; rdfs:label " impunibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12167lessicologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12167lessicologia is lessicologia" ; rdfs:label " lessicologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12168lessicologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12168lessicologo is lessicologo" ; rdfs:label " lessicologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12169impunita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12169impunita is impunita" ; rdfs:label " impunita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12170letalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12170letalita1 is letalita'" ; rdfs:label " letalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12171impunito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12171impunito is impunito" ; rdfs:label " impunito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12171letargo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12171letargo is letargo" ; rdfs:label " letargo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH12172letteralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12172letteralita1 is letteralita'" ; rdfs:label " letteralita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12173letterarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12173letterarieta1 is letterarieta'" ; rdfs:label " letterarieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12174letterata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12174letterata is letterata" ; rdfs:label " letterata_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12176impurezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12176impurezza is impurezza" ; rdfs:label " impurezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12176letteratume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12176letteratume is letteratume" ; rdfs:label " letteratume_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH12177impurita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12177impurita1 is impurita'" ; rdfs:label " impurita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12179impuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12179impuro is impuro" ; rdfs:label " impuro_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH12179letterista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12179letterista is letterista" ; rdfs:label " letterista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12180imputabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12180imputabilita1 is imputabilita'" ; rdfs:label " imputabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12182inabilitanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12182inabilitanda is inabilitanda" ; rdfs:label " inabilitanda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12182lettighiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12182lettighiere is lettighiere" ; rdfs:label " lettighiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12184inabilitando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12184inabilitando is inabilitando" ; rdfs:label " inabilitando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12185letturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12185letturista is letturista" ; rdfs:label " letturista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12187inabilitata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12187inabilitata is inabilitata" ; rdfs:label " inabilitata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12188inabilitato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12188inabilitato is inabilitato" ; rdfs:label " inabilitato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12188leucemica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12188leucemica is leucemica" ; rdfs:label " leucemica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12190leucemico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12190leucemico is leucemico" ; rdfs:label " leucemico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12191inabitabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12191inabitabilita1 is inabitabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inabitabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12192inaccettabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12192inaccettabilita1 is inaccettabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inaccettabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12193leucocitolisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12193leucocitolisi is leucocitolisi" ; rdfs:label " leucocitolisi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH12194inafferrabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12194inafferrabilita1 is inafferrabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inafferrabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12195inaffidabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12195inaffidabilita1 is inaffidabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inaffidabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12195levacapsule simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12195levacapsule is levacapsule" ; rdfs:label " levacapsule_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12196inagibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12196inagibilita1 is inagibilita'" ; rdfs:label " inagibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12196levachiodi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12196levachiodi is levachiodi" ; rdfs:label " levachiodi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12197levafoglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12197levafoglio is levafoglio" ; rdfs:label " levafoglio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12198levanoccioli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12198levanoccioli is levanoccioli" ; rdfs:label " levanoccioli_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12199levantina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12199levantina is levantina" ; rdfs:label " levantina_as_People" . inds:USemTH12200inalienabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12200inalienabilita1 is inalienabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inalienabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12201inalterabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12201inalterabilita1 is inalterabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inalterabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12201levantino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12201levantino is levantino" ; rdfs:label " levantino_as_People" . inds:USemTH12202inamabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12202inamabilita1 is inamabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inamabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12203levapunti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12203levapunti is levapunti" ; rdfs:label " levapunti_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12204inamovibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12204inamovibilita1 is inamovibilita'" ; rdfs:label " inamovibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12206inanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12206inanita1 is inanita'" ; rdfs:label " inanita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12208inappellabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12208inappellabilita1 is inappellabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inappellabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12209inapplicabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12209inapplicabilita1 is inapplicabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inapplicabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12210inapprensibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12210inapprensibilita1 is inapprensibilita'" ; rdfs:label " inapprensibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12212levita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12212levita1 is levita'" ; rdfs:label " levita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12213levriere simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12213levriere is levriere" ; rdfs:label " levriere_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH12215libellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12215libellista is libellista" ; rdfs:label " libellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12218inarrendevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12218inarrendevolezza is inarrendevolezza" ; rdfs:label " inarrendevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12219inattaccabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12219inattaccabilita1 is inattaccabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inattaccabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12220inattuabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12220inattuabilita1 is inattuabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inattuabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12220liberalsocialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12220liberalsocialismo is liberalsocialismo" ; rdfs:label " liberalsocialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12221inattualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12221inattualita1 is inattualita'" ; rdfs:label " inattualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12223liberata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12223liberata is liberata" ; rdfs:label " liberata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12225liberato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12225liberato is liberato" ; rdfs:label " liberato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12230liberiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12230liberiana is liberiana" ; rdfs:label " liberiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH12232liberiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12232liberiano is liberiano" ; rdfs:label " liberiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH12235liberista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12235liberista is liberista" ; rdfs:label " liberista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12238libero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12238libero is libero" ; rdfs:label " libero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12239incapienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12239incapienza is incapienza" ; rdfs:label " incapienza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12240liberoscambismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12240liberoscambismo is liberoscambismo" ; rdfs:label " liberoscambismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12242incappucciata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12242incappucciata is incappucciata" ; rdfs:label " incappucciata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12243liberoscambista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12243liberoscambista is liberoscambista" ; rdfs:label " liberoscambista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12244incappucciato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12244incappucciato is incappucciato" ; rdfs:label " incappucciato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12247liberta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12247liberta is liberta" ; rdfs:label " liberta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12249libertaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12249libertaria is libertaria" ; rdfs:label " libertaria_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12250libertario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12250libertario is libertario" ; rdfs:label " libertario_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12251incaricato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12251incaricato is incaricato" ; rdfs:label " incaricato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12251libertarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12251libertarismo is libertarismo" ; rdfs:label " libertarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12254liberticida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12254liberticida is liberticida" ; rdfs:label " liberticida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12257libertinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12257libertinismo is libertinismo" ; rdfs:label " libertinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12259libertismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12259libertismo is libertismo" ; rdfs:label " libertismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12266librettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12266librettista is librettista" ; rdfs:label " librettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12271licealista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12271licealista is licealista" ; rdfs:label " licealista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12274liceita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12274liceita1 is liceita'" ; rdfs:label " liceita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12275licenziatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12275licenziatario is licenziatario" ; rdfs:label " licenziatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12278licenziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12278licenziosita1 is licenziosita'" ; rdfs:label " licenziosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12279lichenografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12279lichenografia is lichenografia" ; rdfs:label " lichenografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12280lichenologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12280lichenologia is lichenologia" ; rdfs:label " lichenologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12282lidio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12282lidio is lidio" ; rdfs:label " lidio_as_Language" . inds:USemTH12283lidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12283lidio is lidio" ; rdfs:label " lidio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12284incensurabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12284incensurabilita1 is incensurabilita'" ; rdfs:label " incensurabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12284lievita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12284lievita1 is lievita'" ; rdfs:label " lievita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12288liguorino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12288liguorino is liguorino" ; rdfs:label " liguorino_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH12291lillipuzziana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12291lillipuzziana is lillipuzziana" ; rdfs:label " lillipuzziana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12293lillipuzziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12293lillipuzziano is lillipuzziano" ; rdfs:label " lillipuzziano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12294limacografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12294limacografia is limacografia" ; rdfs:label " limacografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12295limacologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12295limacologia is limacologia" ; rdfs:label " limacologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12301limbo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12301limbo is limbo" ; rdfs:label " limbo_as_Location" . inds:USemTH12302limitabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12302limitabilita1 is limitabilita'" ; rdfs:label " limitabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12306limnimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12306limnimetro is limnimetro" ; rdfs:label " limnimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12308limnologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12308limnologa is limnologa" ; rdfs:label " limnologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12310inclinometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12310inclinometro is inclinometro" ; rdfs:label " inclinometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12310limnologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12310limnologia is limnologia" ; rdfs:label " limnologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12311limnologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12311limnologo is limnologo" ; rdfs:label " limnologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12313incoercibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12313incoercibilita1 is incoercibilita'" ; rdfs:label " incoercibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12313limografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12313limografo is limografo" ; rdfs:label " limografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12315limonaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12315limonaia is limonaia" ; rdfs:label " limonaia_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH12316limonaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12316limonaia is limonaia" ; rdfs:label " limonaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12317incola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12317incola is incola" ; rdfs:label " incola_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12318limonaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12318limonaio is limonaio" ; rdfs:label " limonaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12324incollocata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12324incollocata is incollocata" ; rdfs:label " incollocata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12325limosina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12325limosina is limosina" ; rdfs:label " limosina_as_People" . inds:USemTH12326incollocato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12326incollocato is incollocato" ; rdfs:label " incollocato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12327limosino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12327limosino is limosino" ; rdfs:label " limosino_as_Language" . inds:USemTH12328limosino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12328limosino is limosino" ; rdfs:label " limosino_as_People" . inds:USemTH12330limosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12330limosita1 is limosita'" ; rdfs:label " limosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12331incolpabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12331incolpabilita1 is incolpabilita'" ; rdfs:label " incolpabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12331limpidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12331limpidita1 is limpidita'" ; rdfs:label " limpidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12333incolpevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12333incolpevolezza is incolpevolezza" ; rdfs:label " incolpevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12334incoltezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12334incoltezza is incoltezza" ; rdfs:label " incoltezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12337lindezzaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12337lindezzaN is lindezza" ; rdfs:label " lindezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12341incommensurabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12341incommensurabilita1 is incommensurabilita'" ; rdfs:label " incommensurabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12342incommerciabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12342incommerciabilita1 is incommerciabilita'" ; rdfs:label " incommerciabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12343incommutabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12343incommutabilita1 is incommutabilita'" ; rdfs:label " incommutabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12344incomodita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12344incomodita1 is incomodita'" ; rdfs:label " incomodita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12344linfadeniteN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12344linfadeniteN is linfadenite" ; rdfs:label " linfadenite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12345incomparabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12345incomparabilita1 is incomparabilita'" ; rdfs:label " incomparabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12346incompenetrabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12346incompenetrabilita1 is incompenetrabilita'" ; rdfs:label " incompenetrabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12346linfangiomaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12346linfangiomaN is linfangioma" ; rdfs:label " linfangioma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12347incompostezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12347incompostezza is incompostezza" ; rdfs:label " incompostezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12348incomprensibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12348incomprensibilita1 is incomprensibilita'" ; rdfs:label " incomprensibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12348linfaticismoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12348linfaticismoN is linfaticismo" ; rdfs:label " linfaticismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12350incomprimibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12350incomprimibilita1 is incomprimibilita'" ; rdfs:label " incomprimibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12350linfaticoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12350linfaticoN is linfatico" ; rdfs:label " linfatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12351linfatismoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12351linfatismoN is linfatismo" ; rdfs:label " linfatismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12352inconcepibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12352inconcepibilita1 is inconcepibilita'" ; rdfs:label " inconcepibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12353inconciliabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12353inconciliabilita1 is inconciliabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inconciliabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12353linfoadeniteN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12353linfoadeniteN is linfoadenite" ; rdfs:label " linfoadenite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12354linfocitosiN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12354linfocitosiN is linfocitosi" ; rdfs:label " linfocitosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12355incongruita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12355incongruita1 is incongruita'" ; rdfs:label " incongruita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12355linfogranulomaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12355linfogranulomaN is linfogranuloma" ; rdfs:label " linfogranuloma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12356inconoscibile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12356inconoscibile is inconoscibile" ; rdfs:label " inconoscibile_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH12356linfologiaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12356linfologiaN is linfologia" ; rdfs:label " linfologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12357inconoscibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12357inconoscibilita1 is inconoscibilita'" ; rdfs:label " inconoscibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12357linfomatosiN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12357linfomatosiN is linfomatosi" ; rdfs:label " linfomatosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12358inconseguenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12358inconseguenza is inconseguenza" ; rdfs:label " inconseguenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12358linfonodoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12358linfonodoN is linfonodo" ; rdfs:label " linfonodo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH12359inconsideratezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12359inconsideratezza is inconsideratezza" ; rdfs:label " inconsideratezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12359linguaiaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12359linguaiaN is linguaia" ; rdfs:label " linguaia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12360incontaminatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12360incontaminatezza is incontaminatezza" ; rdfs:label " incontaminatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12360linguaioN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12360linguaioN is linguaio" ; rdfs:label " linguaio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12361linguaiolaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12361linguaiolaN is linguaiola" ; rdfs:label " linguaiola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12362incontinenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12362incontinenza is incontinenza" ; rdfs:label " incontinenza_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12362linguaioloN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12362linguaioloN is linguaiolo" ; rdfs:label " linguaiolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12363lingulaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12363lingulaN is lingula" ; rdfs:label " lingula_as_Part" . inds:USemTH12364incontrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12364incontrista is incontrista" ; rdfs:label " incontrista_as_Role" . inds:USemTH12365incontrovertibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12365incontrovertibilita1 is incontrovertibilita'" ; rdfs:label " incontrovertibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12366inconvenienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12366inconvenienza is inconvenienza" ; rdfs:label " inconvenienza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12366linoleistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12366linoleistaN is linoleista" ; rdfs:label " linoleista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12369linoleografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12369linoleografia is linoleografia" ; rdfs:label " linoleografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12372linotipistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12372linotipistaN is linotipista" ; rdfs:label " linotipista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12375linsemeN simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12375linsemeN is linseme" ; rdfs:label " linseme_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH12378lipasiN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12378lipasiN is lipasi" ; rdfs:label " lipasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH12379incorreggibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12379incorreggibilita1 is incorreggibilita'" ; rdfs:label " incorreggibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12380incorrettezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12380incorrettezza is incorrettezza" ; rdfs:label " incorrettezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12380lipemiaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12380lipemiaN is lipemia" ; rdfs:label " lipemia_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH12381incorruttibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12381incorruttibilita1 is incorruttibilita'" ; rdfs:label " incorruttibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12382lipomaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12382lipomaN is lipoma" ; rdfs:label " lipoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12383lipomatosaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12383lipomatosaN is lipomatosa" ; rdfs:label " lipomatosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12385lipomatosiN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12385lipomatosiN is lipomatosi" ; rdfs:label " lipomatosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12386incostituzionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12386incostituzionalita1 is incostituzionalita'" ; rdfs:label " incostituzionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12386lipomatosoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12386lipomatosoN is lipomatoso" ; rdfs:label " lipomatoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12387incredibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12387incredibilita1 is incredibilita'" ; rdfs:label " incredibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12389liquidabilita1N simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12389liquidabilita1N is liquidabilita'" ; rdfs:label " liquidabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12392liquoristaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12392liquoristaN is liquorista" ; rdfs:label " liquorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12395liricita1N simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12395liricita1N is liricita'" ; rdfs:label " liricita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12396liricoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12396liricoN is lirico" ; rdfs:label " lirico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12399liristaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12399liristaN is lirista" ; rdfs:label " lirista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH12408incunabolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12408incunabolista is incunabolista" ; rdfs:label " incunabolista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12409incurabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12409incurabilita1 is incurabilita'" ; rdfs:label " incurabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12409lisciviaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12409lisciviaN is liscivia" ; rdfs:label " liscivia_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH12410incuriosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12410incuriosita1 is incuriosita'" ; rdfs:label " incuriosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12413indaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12413indaco is indaco" ; rdfs:label " indaco_as_Color" . inds:USemTH12417indeclinabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12417indeclinabilita1 is indeclinabilita'" ; rdfs:label " indeclinabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12418indefettibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12418indefettibilita1 is indefettibilita'" ; rdfs:label " indefettibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12418liseuseN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12418liseuseN is liseuse" ; rdfs:label " liseuse_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH12419indeficienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12419indeficienza is indeficienza" ; rdfs:label " indeficienza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12419lisiN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12419lisiN is lisi" ; rdfs:label " lisi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH12420indefinibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12420indefinibilita1 is indefinibilita'" ; rdfs:label " indefinibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12420lisifobiaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12420lisifobiaN is lisifobia" ; rdfs:label " lisifobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12422litantraceN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12422litantraceN is litantrace" ; rdfs:label " litantrace_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH12423litiasiN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12423litiasiN is litiasi" ; rdfs:label " litiasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12428litighinaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12428litighinaN is litighina" ; rdfs:label " litighina_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12430inderogabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12430inderogabilita1 is inderogabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inderogabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12430litighinoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12430litighinoN is litighino" ; rdfs:label " litighino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12431indeterminabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12431indeterminabilita1 is indeterminabilita'" ; rdfs:label " indeterminabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12432litisconsorzioN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12432litisconsorzioN is litisconsorzio" ; rdfs:label " litisconsorzio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH12434indeuropea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12434indeuropea is indeuropea" ; rdfs:label " indeuropea_as_People" . inds:USemTH12434litofotografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12434litofotografia is litofotografia" ; rdfs:label " litofotografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12435litogenesiN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12435litogenesiN is litogenesi" ; rdfs:label " litogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH12436indeuropeo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12436indeuropeo is indeuropeo" ; rdfs:label " indeuropeo_as_Language" . inds:USemTH12436litoglifiaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12436litoglifiaN is litoglifia" ; rdfs:label " litoglifia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12437indeuropeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12437indeuropeo is indeuropeo" ; rdfs:label " indeuropeo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH12438indeuropeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12438indeuropeo is indeuropeo" ; rdfs:label " indeuropeo_as_People" . inds:USemTH12438litolatraN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12438litolatraN is litolatra" ; rdfs:label " litolatra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12440indianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12440indianismo is indianismo" ; rdfs:label " indianismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH12441litologaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12441litologaN is litologa" ; rdfs:label " litologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12443litologoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12443litologoN is litologo" ; rdfs:label " litologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12444indianista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12444indianista is indianista" ; rdfs:label " indianista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12445litonefrosiN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12445litonefrosiN is litonefrosi" ; rdfs:label " litonefrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12446indifferentismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12446indifferentismo is indifferentismo" ; rdfs:label " indifferentismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12446litostratigrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12446litostratigrafia is litostratigrafia" ; rdfs:label " litostratigrafia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12449litotomistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12449litotomistaN is litotomista" ; rdfs:label " litotomista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12450indigeribilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12450indigeribilita1 is indigeribilita'" ; rdfs:label " indigeribilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12451indimostrabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12451indimostrabilita1 is indimostrabilita'" ; rdfs:label " indimostrabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12457indiscernibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12457indiscernibilita1 is indiscernibilita'" ; rdfs:label " indiscernibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12457liturgaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12457liturgaN is liturga" ; rdfs:label " liturga_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12458indisciplinabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12458indisciplinabilita1 is indisciplinabilita'" ; rdfs:label " indisciplinabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12459indisciplinatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12459indisciplinatezza is indisciplinatezza" ; rdfs:label " indisciplinatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12460indiscretezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12460indiscretezza is indiscretezza" ; rdfs:label " indiscretezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12460liturgistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12460liturgistaN is liturgista" ; rdfs:label " liturgista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12462indispensabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12462indispensabilita1 is indispensabilita'" ; rdfs:label " indispensabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12463liturgoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12463liturgoN is liturgo" ; rdfs:label " liturgo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12464indistinguibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12464indistinguibilita1 is indistinguibilita'" ; rdfs:label " indistinguibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12465liutaiaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12465liutaiaN is liutaia" ; rdfs:label " liutaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12468liutistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12468liutistaN is liutista" ; rdfs:label " liutista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12471livellaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12471livellaN is livella" ; rdfs:label " livella_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12472indoeuropeista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12472indoeuropeista is indoeuropeista" ; rdfs:label " indoeuropeista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12476livreataN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12476livreataN is livreata" ; rdfs:label " livreata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12478livreatoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12478livreatoN is livreato" ; rdfs:label " livreato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12482lobotomizzataN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12482lobotomizzataN is lobotomizzata" ; rdfs:label " lobotomizzata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12483indotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12483indotto is indotto" ; rdfs:label " indotto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH12484lobotomizzatoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12484lobotomizzatoN is lobotomizzato" ; rdfs:label " lobotomizzato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12486lobuloN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12486lobuloN is lobulo" ; rdfs:label " lobulo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH12489indubitabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12489indubitabilita1 is indubitabilita'" ; rdfs:label " indubitabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12489locatarioN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12489locatarioN is locatario" ; rdfs:label " locatario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12491lochianaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12491lochianaN is lochiana" ; rdfs:label " lochiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12493induista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12493induista is induista" ; rdfs:label " induista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12493lochianoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12493lochianoN is lochiano" ; rdfs:label " lochiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12494induttometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12494induttometro is induttometro" ; rdfs:label " induttometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12495lochismoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12495lochismoN is lochismo" ; rdfs:label " lochismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12497ineccepibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12497ineccepibilita1 is ineccepibilita'" ; rdfs:label " ineccepibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12497lockianaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12497lockianaN is lockiana" ; rdfs:label " lockiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12499ineffabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12499ineffabilita1 is ineffabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ineffabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12499lockianoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12499lockianoN is lockiano" ; rdfs:label " lockiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12500ineffettuabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12500ineffettuabilita1 is ineffettuabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ineffettuabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12501lockismoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12501lockismoN is lockismo" ; rdfs:label " lockismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12504inerenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12504inerenza is inerenza" ; rdfs:label " inerenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12504locomotoristaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12504locomotoristaN is locomotorista" ; rdfs:label " locomotorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12505inesauribilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12505inesauribilita1 is inesauribilita'" ; rdfs:label " inesauribilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12506inescusabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12506inescusabilita1 is inescusabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inescusabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12507inesigibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12507inesigibilita1 is inesigibilita'" ; rdfs:label " inesigibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12507locustoneN simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12507locustoneN is locustone" ; rdfs:label " locustone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH12508inespugnabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12508inespugnabilita1 is inespugnabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inespugnabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12512lodabilita1N simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12512lodabilita1N is lodabilita'" ; rdfs:label " lodabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12513inetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12513inetta is inetta" ; rdfs:label " inetta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12514inettezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12514inettezza is inettezza" ; rdfs:label " inettezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12516inetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12516inetto is inetto" ; rdfs:label " inetto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12517inevidenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12517inevidenza is inevidenza" ; rdfs:label " inevidenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12517lodigianaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12517lodigianaN is lodigiana" ; rdfs:label " lodigiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH12519inevitabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12519inevitabilita1 is inevitabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inevitabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12521infallibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12521infallibilita1 is infallibilita'" ; rdfs:label " infallibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12524lofoteN simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12524lofoteN is lofote" ; rdfs:label " lofote_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH12525logaiolaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12525logaiolaN is logaiola" ; rdfs:label " logaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12526infamita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12526infamita1 is infamita'" ; rdfs:label " infamita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12527logaioloN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12527logaioloN is logaiolo" ; rdfs:label " logaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12528infantilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12528infantilita1 is infantilita'" ; rdfs:label " infantilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12529logaritmoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12529logaritmoN is logaritmo" ; rdfs:label " logaritmo_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH12530infartuata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12530infartuata is infartuata" ; rdfs:label " infartuata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH12531infartuato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12531infartuato is infartuato" ; rdfs:label " infartuato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH12531loggionistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12531loggionistaN is loggionista" ; rdfs:label " loggionista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12533infaticabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12533infaticabilita1 is infaticabilita'" ; rdfs:label " infaticabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12534infecondita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12534infecondita1 is infecondita'" ; rdfs:label " infecondita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH12535infedelta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12535infedelta1 is infedelta'" ; rdfs:label " infedelta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12535loggistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12535loggistaN is loggista" ; rdfs:label " loggista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12538logicastraN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12538logicastraN is logicastra" ; rdfs:label " logicastra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12539logicastroN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12539logicastroN is logicastro" ; rdfs:label " logicastro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12540logicismoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12540logicismoN is logicismo" ; rdfs:label " logicismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12543infermita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12543infermita1 is infermita'" ; rdfs:label " infermita'_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12543logicistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12543logicistaN is logicista" ; rdfs:label " logicista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12544infernalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12544infernalita1 is infernalita'" ; rdfs:label " infernalita'_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH12545infertilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12545infertilita1 is infertilita'" ; rdfs:label " infertilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH12546logicita1N simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12546logicita1N is logicita'" ; rdfs:label " logicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12549logistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12549logistaN is logista" ; rdfs:label " logista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12551infestione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12551infestione is infestione" ; rdfs:label " infestione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH12552logoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12552logoN is logo" ; rdfs:label " logo_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH12554logogrammaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12554logogrammaN is logogramma" ; rdfs:label " logogramma_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH12555logopaticaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12555logopaticaN is logopatica" ; rdfs:label " logopatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12557logopaticoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12557logopaticoN is logopatico" ; rdfs:label " logopatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12561infiammabile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12561infiammabile is infiammabile" ; rdfs:label " infiammabile_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH12565logotachigrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12565logotachigrafia is logotachigrafia" ; rdfs:label " logotachigrafia_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH12567logoterapeutaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12567logoterapeutaN is logoterapeuta" ; rdfs:label " logoterapeuta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12569logoterapistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12569logoterapistaN is logoterapista" ; rdfs:label " logoterapista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12570infima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12570infima is infima" ; rdfs:label " infima_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12571infimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12571infimo is infimo" ; rdfs:label " infimo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12571lombalgiaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12571lombalgiaN is lombalgia" ; rdfs:label " lombalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12572lombardaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12572lombardaN is lombarda" ; rdfs:label " lombarda_as_People" . inds:USemTH12573infingarda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12573infingarda is infingarda" ; rdfs:label " infingarda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12574lombardismoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12574lombardismoN is lombardismo" ; rdfs:label " lombardismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH12576infingardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12576infingardo is infingardo" ; rdfs:label " infingardo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12583inflazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12583inflazionista is inflazionista" ; rdfs:label " inflazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12585longanimita1N simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12585longanimita1N is longanimita'" ; rdfs:label " longanimita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12586inflorescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12586inflorescenza is inflorescenza" ; rdfs:label " inflorescenza_as_Group" . inds:USemTH12586longarinaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12586longarinaN is longarina" ; rdfs:label " longarina_as_Part" . inds:USemTH12587longheroneN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12587longheroneN is longherone" ; rdfs:label " longherone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH12588longilineaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12588longilineaN is longilinea" ; rdfs:label " longilinea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12590longilineoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12590longilineoN is longilineo" ; rdfs:label " longilineo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12592longobardaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12592longobardaN is longobarda" ; rdfs:label " longobarda_as_People" . inds:USemTH12594longobardoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12594longobardoN is longobardo" ; rdfs:label " longobardo_as_Language" . inds:USemTH12595longobardoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12595longobardoN is longobardo" ; rdfs:label " longobardo_as_People" . inds:USemTH12600loquacita1N simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12600loquacita1N is loquacita'" ; rdfs:label " loquacita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH12603lorarioN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12603lorarioN is lorario" ; rdfs:label " lorario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12606infortunista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12606infortunista is infortunista" ; rdfs:label " infortunista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12609lordezzaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12609lordezzaN is lordezza" ; rdfs:label " lordezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12610lordosiN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12610lordosiN is lordosi" ; rdfs:label " lordosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12611lordumeN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12611lordumeN is lordume" ; rdfs:label " lordume_as_Group" . inds:USemTH12613loschezzaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12613loschezzaN is loschezza" ; rdfs:label " loschezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12614lotofagaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12614lotofagaN is lotofaga" ; rdfs:label " lotofaga_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12616lotofagoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12616lotofagoN is lotofago" ; rdfs:label " lotofago_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12620infrequenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12620infrequenza is infrequenza" ; rdfs:label " infrequenza_as_Time" . inds:USemTH12621lottistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12621lottistaN is lottista" ; rdfs:label " lottista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12623infruttuosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12623infruttuosita1 is infruttuosita'" ; rdfs:label " infruttuosita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH12624infungibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12624infungibilita1 is infungibilita'" ; rdfs:label " infungibilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH12624lubricanteN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12624lubricanteN is lubricante" ; rdfs:label " lubricante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH12625lubricita1N simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12625lubricita1N is lubricita'" ; rdfs:label " lubricita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12627lucanaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12627lucanaN is lucana" ; rdfs:label " lucana_as_People" . inds:USemTH12633lucciconeN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12633lucciconeN is luccicone" ; rdfs:label " luccicone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH12634luccicoreN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12634luccicoreN is luccicore" ; rdfs:label " luccicore_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH12636lucerniereN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12636lucerniereN is lucerniere" ; rdfs:label " lucerniere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12637lucernoneN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12637lucernoneN is lucernone" ; rdfs:label " lucernone_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH12638lucertoloneN simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12638lucertoloneN is lucertolone" ; rdfs:label " lucertolone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH12639lucidalabbraN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12639lucidalabbraN is lucidalabbra" ; rdfs:label " lucidalabbra_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12645lucidezzaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12645lucidezzaN is lucidezza" ; rdfs:label " lucidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12647ingenerabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12647ingenerabilita1 is ingenerabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ingenerabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12647lucidistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12647lucidistaN is lucidista" ; rdfs:label " lucidista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12650ingenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12650ingenza is ingenza" ; rdfs:label " ingenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12650lucidita1N simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12650lucidita1N is lucidita'" ; rdfs:label " lucidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12651lucrabilita1N simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12651lucrabilita1N is lucrabilita'" ; rdfs:label " lucrabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12652luddismoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12652luddismoN is luddismo" ; rdfs:label " luddismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12655luddistaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12655luddistaN is luddista" ; rdfs:label " luddista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12658ludimagistraN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12658ludimagistraN is ludimagistra" ; rdfs:label " ludimagistra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12660ludimagistroN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12660ludimagistroN is ludimagistro" ; rdfs:label " ludimagistro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12662ludotecariaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12662ludotecariaN is ludotecaria" ; rdfs:label " ludotecaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12663ingiusta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12663ingiusta is ingiusta" ; rdfs:label " ingiusta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12664ludotecarioN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12664ludotecarioN is ludotecario" ; rdfs:label " ludotecario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12665ingiusto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12665ingiusto is ingiusto" ; rdfs:label " ingiusto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12666lueticaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12666lueticaN is luetica" ; rdfs:label " luetica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12668inglesismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12668inglesismo is inglesismo" ; rdfs:label " inglesismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH12668lueticoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12668lueticoN is luetico" ; rdfs:label " luetico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12671lumaiaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12671lumaiaN is lumaia" ; rdfs:label " lumaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12673lumaioN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12673lumaioN is lumaio" ; rdfs:label " lumaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12674ingovernabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12674ingovernabilita1 is ingovernabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ingovernabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12677lumenometroN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12677lumenometroN is lumenometro" ; rdfs:label " lumenometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12679luminescenzaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12679luminescenzaN is luminescenza" ; rdfs:label " luminescenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH12680luminismoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12680luminismoN is luminismo" ; rdfs:label " luminismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12683luministaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12683luministaN is luminista" ; rdfs:label " luminista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12688lunaristaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12688lunaristaN is lunarista" ; rdfs:label " lunarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12692lunautaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12692lunautaN is lunauta" ; rdfs:label " lunauta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12696lunettaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12696lunettaN is lunetta" ; rdfs:label " lunetta_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH12697lunettaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12697lunettaN is lunetta" ; rdfs:label " lunetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12699inidoneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12699inidoneita1 is inidoneita'" ; rdfs:label " inidoneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12699lunettaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12699lunettaN is lunetta" ; rdfs:label " lunetta_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH12701inimica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12701inimica is inimica" ; rdfs:label " inimica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12702inimico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12702inimico is inimico" ; rdfs:label " inimico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12702lungosennaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12702lungosennaN is lungosenna" ; rdfs:label " lungosenna_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH12703inimmaginabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12703inimmaginabilita1 is inimmaginabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inimmaginabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12703lungotevereN simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12703lungotevereN is lungotevere" ; rdfs:label " lungotevere_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH12704ininfluenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12704ininfluenza is ininfluenza" ; rdfs:label " ininfluenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12704luogonativita1N simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12704luogonativita1N is luogonativita'" ; rdfs:label " luogonativita'_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH12705inintelligibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12705inintelligibilita1 is inintelligibilita'" ; rdfs:label " inintelligibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12705luogotenenzaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12705luogotenenzaN is luogotenenza" ; rdfs:label " luogotenenza_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH12706lupettaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12706lupettaN is lupetta" ; rdfs:label " lupetta_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12708lupettoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12708lupettoN is lupetto" ; rdfs:label " lupetto_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12709inizianda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12709inizianda is inizianda" ; rdfs:label " inizianda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12709lupettoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12709lupettoN is lupetto" ; rdfs:label " lupetto_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH12710lupicanteN simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12710lupicanteN is lupicante" ; rdfs:label " lupicante_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH12711iniziando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12711iniziando is iniziando" ; rdfs:label " iniziando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12711lupinaiaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12711lupinaiaN is lupinaia" ; rdfs:label " lupinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12713lupinaioN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12713lupinaioN is lupinaio" ; rdfs:label " lupinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12715lupinosiN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12715lupinosiN is lupinosi" ; rdfs:label " lupinosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12716lurcaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12716lurcaN is lurca" ; rdfs:label " lurca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12718lurcoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12718lurcoN is lurco" ; rdfs:label " lurco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12720innatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12720innatismo is innatismo" ; rdfs:label " innatismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12720luridezzaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12720luridezzaN is luridezza" ; rdfs:label " luridezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12721luridumeN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12721luridumeN is luridume" ; rdfs:label " luridume_as_Group" . inds:USemTH12723innavigabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12723innavigabilita1 is innavigabilita'" ; rdfs:label " innavigabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12723luscaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12723luscaN is lusca" ; rdfs:label " lusca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12724luscoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12724luscoN is lusco" ; rdfs:label " lusco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12729inneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12729inneita1 is inneita'" ; rdfs:label " inneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12730lusismoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12730lusismoN is lusismo" ; rdfs:label " lusismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH12732lusitanaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12732lusitanaN is lusitana" ; rdfs:label " lusitana_as_People" . inds:USemTH12734lusitanoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12734lusitanoN is lusitano" ; rdfs:label " lusitano_as_People" . inds:USemTH12735lusitanoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12735lusitanoN is lusitano" ; rdfs:label " lusitano_as_Language" . inds:USemTH12736innocentismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12736innocentismo is innocentismo" ; rdfs:label " innocentismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12738innocuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12738innocuita1 is innocuita'" ; rdfs:label " innocuita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12739lustrastivaliN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12739lustrastivaliN is lustrastivali" ; rdfs:label " lustrastivali_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12742innografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12742innografo is innografo" ; rdfs:label " innografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12742luteranaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12742luteranaN is luterana" ; rdfs:label " luterana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12744innologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12744innologa is innologa" ; rdfs:label " innologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12744luteranoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12744luteranoN is luterano" ; rdfs:label " luterano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12746innologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12746innologo is innologo" ; rdfs:label " innologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12746lutoterapiaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12746lutoterapiaN is lutoterapia" ; rdfs:label " lutoterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12747luxmetroN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12747luxmetroN is luxmetro" ; rdfs:label " luxmetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12748innominato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12748innominato is innominato" ; rdfs:label " innominato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12749innumerabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12749innumerabilita1 is innumerabilita'" ; rdfs:label " innumerabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12749macadam simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12749macadam is macadam" ; rdfs:label " macadam_as_Part" . inds:USemTH12750maccartismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12750maccartismo is maccartismo" ; rdfs:label " maccartismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12751inoccupata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12751inoccupata is inoccupata" ; rdfs:label " inoccupata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12753inoccupato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12753inoccupato is inoccupato" ; rdfs:label " inoccupato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12753maccartista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12753maccartista is maccartista" ; rdfs:label " maccartista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12755inofficiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12755inofficiosita1 is inofficiosita'" ; rdfs:label " inofficiosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12756maccheronaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12756maccheronaia is maccheronaia" ; rdfs:label " maccheronaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12757inomogeneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12757inomogeneita1 is inomogeneita'" ; rdfs:label " inomogeneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12758inoperosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12758inoperosita1 is inoperosita'" ; rdfs:label " inoperosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12758maccheronaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12758maccheronaio is maccheronaio" ; rdfs:label " maccheronaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12759inoppugnabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12759inoppugnabilita1 is inoppugnabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inoppugnabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12760inorganicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12760inorganicita1 is inorganicita'" ; rdfs:label " inorganicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12760macchiaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12760macchiaiola is macchiaiola" ; rdfs:label " macchiaiola_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12762macchiaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12762macchiaiolo is macchiaiolo" ; rdfs:label " macchiaiolo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12764macchiaiuola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12764macchiaiuola is macchiaiuola" ; rdfs:label " macchiaiuola_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12766macchiaiuolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12766macchiaiuolo is macchiaiuolo" ; rdfs:label " macchiaiuolo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12767inosina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12767inosina is inosina" ; rdfs:label " inosina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH12768inospitalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12768inospitalita1 is inospitalita'" ; rdfs:label " inospitalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12770inquilinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12770inquilinismo is inquilinismo" ; rdfs:label " inquilinismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH12772macchiettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12772macchiettista is macchiettista" ; rdfs:label " macchiettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12780insalataia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12780insalataia is insalataia" ; rdfs:label " insalataia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12780macchinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12780macchinismo is macchinismo" ; rdfs:label " macchinismo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH12782insalataio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12782insalataio is insalataio" ; rdfs:label " insalataio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12782macchinosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12782macchinosita1 is macchinosita'" ; rdfs:label " macchinosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12783macellabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12783macellabilita1 is macellabilita'" ; rdfs:label " macellabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12784insalubrita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12784insalubrita1 is insalubrita'" ; rdfs:label " insalubrita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12785insanabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12785insanabilita1 is insanabilita'" ; rdfs:label " insanabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12785macellara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12785macellara is macellara" ; rdfs:label " macellara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12787macellaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12787macellaro is macellaro" ; rdfs:label " macellaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12788insaziabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12788insaziabilita1 is insaziabilita'" ; rdfs:label " insaziabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12789insazieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12789insazieta1 is insazieta'" ; rdfs:label " insazieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12793macerabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12793macerabilita1 is macerabilita'" ; rdfs:label " macerabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12796inscindibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12796inscindibilita1 is inscindibilita'" ; rdfs:label " inscindibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12798inscrutabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12798inscrutabilita1 is inscrutabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inscrutabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12801insensata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12801insensata is insensata" ; rdfs:label " insensata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12801machiavellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12801machiavellista is machiavellista" ; rdfs:label " machiavellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12803insensato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12803insensato is insensato" ; rdfs:label " insensato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12804machismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12804machismo is machismo" ; rdfs:label " machismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12806insensualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12806insensualita1 is insensualita'" ; rdfs:label " insensualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12806machmetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12806machmetro is machmetro" ; rdfs:label " machmetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12807insequestrabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12807insequestrabilita1 is insequestrabilita'" ; rdfs:label " insequestrabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12808macho simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12808macho is macho" ; rdfs:label " macho_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12810insettologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12810insettologa is insettologa" ; rdfs:label " insettologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12811macinabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12811macinabilita1 is macinabilita'" ; rdfs:label " macinabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12812insettologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12812insettologo is insettologo" ; rdfs:label " insettologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12814macinapepe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12814macinapepe is macinapepe" ; rdfs:label " macinapepe_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12818insindacabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12818insindacabilita1 is insindacabilita'" ; rdfs:label " insindacabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12819insinuabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12819insinuabilita1 is insinuabilita'" ; rdfs:label " insinuabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12820maciste simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12820maciste is maciste" ; rdfs:label " maciste_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12823macrocefala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12823macrocefala is macrocefala" ; rdfs:label " macrocefala_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12824insipidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12824insipidita1 is insipidita'" ; rdfs:label " insipidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12825macrocefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12825macrocefalo is macrocefalo" ; rdfs:label " macrocefalo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12826insoavita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12826insoavita1 is insoavita'" ; rdfs:label " insoavita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12827macrodontismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12827macrodontismo is macrodontismo" ; rdfs:label " macrodontismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12828insocialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12828insocialita1 is insocialita'" ; rdfs:label " insocialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12829macrofotografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12829macrofotografia is macrofotografia" ; rdfs:label " macrofotografia_as_Artwork", " macrofotografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12830macroftalma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12830macroftalma is macroftalma" ; rdfs:label " macroftalma_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12831insolvibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12831insolvibilita1 is insolvibilita'" ; rdfs:label " insolvibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12832insommergibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12832insommergibilita1 is insommergibilita'" ; rdfs:label " insommergibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12832macroftalmo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12832macroftalmo is macroftalmo" ; rdfs:label " macroftalmo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12834insopprimibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12834insopprimibilita1 is insopprimibilita'" ; rdfs:label " insopprimibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12834macrogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12834macrogenesi is macrogenesi" ; rdfs:label " macrogenesi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12836macroglossa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12836macroglossa is macroglossa" ; rdfs:label " macroglossa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12837macroglosso simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12837macroglosso is macroglosso" ; rdfs:label " macroglosso_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH12838macroglosso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12838macroglosso is macroglosso" ; rdfs:label " macroglosso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12839macrometeorologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12839macrometeorologia is macrometeorologia" ; rdfs:label " macrometeorologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12840insostituibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12840insostituibilita1 is insostituibilita'" ; rdfs:label " insostituibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12840macroprosopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12840macroprosopia is macroprosopia" ; rdfs:label " macroprosopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12841macrorrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12841macrorrina is macrorrina" ; rdfs:label " macrorrina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12842inspirabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12842inspirabilita1 is inspirabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inspirabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12843macrorrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12843macrorrino is macrorrino" ; rdfs:label " macrorrino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12845macrosociologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12845macrosociologia is macrosociologia" ; rdfs:label " macrosociologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12847macula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12847macula is macula" ; rdfs:label " macula_as_Part" . inds:USemTH12848insubordinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12848insubordinata is insubordinata" ; rdfs:label " insubordinata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12849madarosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12849madarosi is madarosi" ; rdfs:label " madarosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12850insubordinato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12850insubordinato is insubordinato" ; rdfs:label " insubordinato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12850maddalenina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12850maddalenina is maddalenina" ; rdfs:label " maddalenina_as_People" . inds:USemTH12852maddalenino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12852maddalenino is maddalenino" ; rdfs:label " maddalenino_as_People" . inds:USemTH12853insulinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12853insulinismo is insulinismo" ; rdfs:label " insulinismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12854madera simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12854madera is madera" ; rdfs:label " madera_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH12855insulsita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12855insulsita1 is insulsita'" ; rdfs:label " insulsita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12855madiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12855madiere is madiere" ; rdfs:label " madiere_as_Part" . inds:USemTH12856madismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12856madismo is madismo" ; rdfs:label " madismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12858madonnara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12858madonnara is madonnara" ; rdfs:label " madonnara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12860insuperabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12860insuperabilita1 is insuperabilita'" ; rdfs:label " insuperabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12860madonnaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12860madonnaro is madonnaro" ; rdfs:label " madonnaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12862intabescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12862intabescenza is intabescenza" ; rdfs:label " intabescenza_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12862madornalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12862madornalita1 is madornalita'" ; rdfs:label " madornalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12863madrevite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12863madrevite is madrevite" ; rdfs:label " madrevite_as_Part" . inds:USemTH12865madrigalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12865madrigalista is madrigalista" ; rdfs:label " madrigalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12868intangibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12868intangibilita1 is intangibilita'" ; rdfs:label " intangibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12868madrilena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12868madrilena is madrilena" ; rdfs:label " madrilena_as_People" . inds:USemTH12870madrileno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12870madrileno is madrileno" ; rdfs:label " madrileno_as_People" . inds:USemTH12872maestosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12872maestosita1 is maestosita'" ; rdfs:label " maestosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12873maestranza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12873maestranza is maestranza" ; rdfs:label " maestranza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH12875mafiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12875mafiologa is mafiologa" ; rdfs:label " mafiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12876integrabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12876integrabilita1 is integrabilita'" ; rdfs:label " integrabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12877integrafo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12877integrafo is integrafo" ; rdfs:label " integrafo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12877mafiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12877mafiologo is mafiologo" ; rdfs:label " mafiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12878integrale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12878integrale is integrale" ; rdfs:label " integrale_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH12879integralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12879integralita1 is integralita'" ; rdfs:label " integralita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12882maggiaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12882maggiaiola is maggiaiola" ; rdfs:label " maggiaiola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12883integrazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12883integrazionismo is integrazionismo" ; rdfs:label " integrazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12884maggiaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12884maggiaiolo is maggiaiolo" ; rdfs:label " maggiaiolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12886maggiorante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12886maggiorante is maggiorante" ; rdfs:label " maggiorante_as_Part" . inds:USemTH12887maggiorita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12887maggiorita1 is maggiorita'" ; rdfs:label " maggiorita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH12888magiara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12888magiara is magiara" ; rdfs:label " magiara_as_People" . inds:USemTH12890integrazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12890integrazionista is integrazionista" ; rdfs:label " integrazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12890magiaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12890magiaro is magiaro" ; rdfs:label " magiaro_as_People" . inds:USemTH12891integrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12891integrismo is integrismo" ; rdfs:label " integrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12892magismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12892magismo is magismo" ; rdfs:label " magismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12893magismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12893magismo is magismo" ; rdfs:label " magismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH12894integrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12894integrista is integrista" ; rdfs:label " integrista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12895magliara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12895magliara is magliara" ; rdfs:label " magliara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12896integrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12896integrometro is integrometro" ; rdfs:label " integrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12897magliaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12897magliaro is magliaro" ; rdfs:label " magliaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12900intellettualista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12900intellettualista is intellettualista" ; rdfs:label " intellettualista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12900maglierista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12900maglierista is maglierista" ; rdfs:label " maglierista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12902intempestivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12902intempestivita1 is intempestivita'" ; rdfs:label " intempestivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12903maglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12903maglio is maglio" ; rdfs:label " maglio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12904magma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12904magma is magma" ; rdfs:label " magma_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH12905intensimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12905intensimetro is intensimetro" ; rdfs:label " intensimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12905magnaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12905magnaccia is magnaccia" ; rdfs:label " magnaccia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12906intensita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12906intensita1 is intensita'" ; rdfs:label " intensita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12907intensitometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12907intensitometro is intensitometro" ; rdfs:label " intensitometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12907magnate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12907magnate is magnate" ; rdfs:label " magnate_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH12909intenzionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12909intenzionalita1 is intenzionalita'" ; rdfs:label " intenzionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12909magnesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12909magnesia is magnesia" ; rdfs:label " magnesia_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH12910intercambiabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12910intercambiabilita1 is intercambiabilita'" ; rdfs:label " intercambiabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12910magnete simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12910magnete is magnete" ; rdfs:label " magnete_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH12912magnetista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12912magnetista is magnetista" ; rdfs:label " magnetista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12915magnetizzabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12915magnetizzabilita1 is magnetizzabilita'" ; rdfs:label " magnetizzabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12918interclassismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12918interclassismo is interclassismo" ; rdfs:label " interclassismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12923interclassista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12923interclassista is interclassista" ; rdfs:label " interclassista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12924interconfessionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12924interconfessionalismo is interconfessionalismo" ; rdfs:label " interconfessionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12924magnetometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12924magnetometro is magnetometro" ; rdfs:label " magnetometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12926interconfessionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12926interconfessionalita1 is interconfessionalita'" ; rdfs:label " interconfessionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12927interdisciplinarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12927interdisciplinarita1 is interdisciplinarita'" ; rdfs:label " interdisciplinarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12928interessata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12928interessata is interessata" ; rdfs:label " interessata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12928magnetron simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12928magnetron is magnetron" ; rdfs:label " magnetron_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12929interessato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12929interessato is interessato" ; rdfs:label " interessato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12931interfacolta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12931interfacolta1 is interfacolta'" ; rdfs:label " interfacolta'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH12932interferometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12932interferometro is interferometro" ; rdfs:label " interferometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12933interina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12933interina is interina" ; rdfs:label " interina_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12934magniloquenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12934magniloquenza is magniloquenza" ; rdfs:label " magniloquenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12935interino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12935interino is interino" ; rdfs:label " interino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12938interista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12938interista is interista" ; rdfs:label " interista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12938magrebina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12938magrebina is magrebina" ; rdfs:label " magrebina_as_People" . inds:USemTH12939interlinea simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12939interlinea is interlinea" ; rdfs:label " interlinea_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH12940interlinea simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12940interlinea is interlinea" ; rdfs:label " interlinea_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH12940magrebino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12940magrebino is magrebino" ; rdfs:label " magrebino_as_People" . inds:USemTH12942maharatta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12942maharatta is maharatta" ; rdfs:label " maharatta_as_People" . inds:USemTH12944maharatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12944maharatto is maharatto" ; rdfs:label " maharatto_as_People" . inds:USemTH12945maharatto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12945maharatto is maharatto" ; rdfs:label " maharatto_as_Language" . inds:USemTH12946mahdismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12946mahdismo is mahdismo" ; rdfs:label " mahdismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12949mahdista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12949mahdista is mahdista" ; rdfs:label " mahdista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH12951internista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12951internista is internista" ; rdfs:label " internista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12953maidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12953maidismo is maidismo" ; rdfs:label " maidismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH12955internunzio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12955internunzio is internunzio" ; rdfs:label " internunzio_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH12955maiolicaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12955maiolicaia is maiolicaia" ; rdfs:label " maiolicaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12956intero simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12956intero is intero" ; rdfs:label " intero_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH12957interpellata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12957interpellata is interpellata" ; rdfs:label " interpellata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12957maiolicaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12957maiolicaio is maiolicaio" ; rdfs:label " maiolicaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12959interpellato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12959interpellato is interpellato" ; rdfs:label " interpellato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12964maison simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12964maison is maison" ; rdfs:label " maison_as_Building" . inds:USemTH12965majorette simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12965majorette is majorette" ; rdfs:label " majorette_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH12968mala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12968mala is mala" ; rdfs:label " mala_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH12970malacologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12970malacologa is malacologa" ; rdfs:label " malacologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12972malacologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12972malacologia is malacologia" ; rdfs:label " malacologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12973malacologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12973malacologo is malacologo" ; rdfs:label " malacologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12975interrogata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12975interrogata is interrogata" ; rdfs:label " interrogata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12976malagevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12976malagevolezza is malagevolezza" ; rdfs:label " malagevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12977interrogato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12977interrogato is interrogato" ; rdfs:label " interrogato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH12979malarica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12979malarica is malarica" ; rdfs:label " malarica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12980interscambiabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12980interscambiabilita1 is interscambiabilita'" ; rdfs:label " interscambiabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH12981malarico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12981malarico is malarico" ; rdfs:label " malarico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12983malariologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12983malariologa is malariologa" ; rdfs:label " malariologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12985intervenzionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12985intervenzionismo is intervenzionismo" ; rdfs:label " intervenzionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH12985malariologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12985malariologia is malariologia" ; rdfs:label " malariologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH12986malariologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12986malariologo is malariologo" ; rdfs:label " malariologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH12991malavitosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12991malavitosa is malavitosa" ; rdfs:label " malavitosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12992intestata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12992intestata is intestata" ; rdfs:label " intestata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH12993malavitoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12993malavitoso is malavitoso" ; rdfs:label " malavitoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH12994intestato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12994intestato is intestato" ; rdfs:label " intestato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH12995malaysiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12995malaysiana is malaysiana" ; rdfs:label " malaysiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH12997malaysiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12997malaysiano is malaysiano" ; rdfs:label " malaysiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH12999malcapitata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH12999malcapitata is malcapitata" ; rdfs:label " malcapitata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13001malcapitato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13001malcapitato is malcapitato" ; rdfs:label " malcapitato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13003maleato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13003maleato is maleato" ; rdfs:label " maleato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13004maledetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13004maledetta is maledetta" ; rdfs:label " maledetta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13006maledetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13006maledetto is maledetto" ; rdfs:label " maledetto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13009intonachista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13009intonachista is intonachista" ; rdfs:label " intonachista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13014malevola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13014malevola is malevola" ; rdfs:label " malevola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13016malevolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13016malevolo is malevolo" ; rdfs:label " malevolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13020malfidata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13020malfidata is malfidata" ; rdfs:label " malfidata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13022malfidato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13022malfidato is malfidato" ; rdfs:label " malfidato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13024intossicata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13024intossicata is intossicata" ; rdfs:label " intossicata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH13024malgara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13024malgara is malgara" ; rdfs:label " malgara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13025intossicato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13025intossicato is intossicato" ; rdfs:label " intossicato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH13026malgaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13026malgaro is malgaro" ; rdfs:label " malgaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13027intraducibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13027intraducibilita1 is intraducibilita'" ; rdfs:label " intraducibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13028malgascia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13028malgascia is malgascia" ; rdfs:label " malgascia_as_People" . inds:USemTH13030malgascio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13030malgascio is malgascio" ; rdfs:label " malgascio_as_People" . inds:USemTH13031malgascio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13031malgascio is malgascio" ; rdfs:label " malgascio_as_Language" . inds:USemTH13032maliarda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13032maliarda is maliarda" ; rdfs:label " maliarda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13034maliardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13034maliardo is maliardo" ; rdfs:label " maliardo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13037intrasferibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13037intrasferibilita1 is intrasferibilita'" ; rdfs:label " intrasferibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13042malintenzionata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13042malintenzionata is malintenzionata" ; rdfs:label " malintenzionata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13044intrepidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13044intrepidita1 is intrepidita'" ; rdfs:label " intrepidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13044malintenzionato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13044malintenzionato is malintenzionato" ; rdfs:label " malintenzionato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13046intrinsecita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13046intrinsecita1 is intrinsecita'" ; rdfs:label " intrinsecita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13046maliosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13046maliosa is maliosa" ; rdfs:label " maliosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13048introducibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13048introducibilita1 is introducibilita'" ; rdfs:label " introducibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13048malioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13048malioso is malioso" ; rdfs:label " malioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13050malismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13050malismo is malismo" ; rdfs:label " malismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH13053malleabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13053malleabilita1 is malleabilita'" ; rdfs:label " malleabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13054malleolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13054malleolo is malleolo" ; rdfs:label " malleolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH13056introvabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13056introvabilita1 is introvabilita'" ; rdfs:label " introvabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13056mallevadore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13056mallevadore is mallevadore" ; rdfs:label " mallevadore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH13058mallevadrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13058mallevadrice is mallevadrice" ; rdfs:label " mallevadrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH13059intuibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13059intuibilita1 is intuibilita'" ; rdfs:label " intuibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13060intuitivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13060intuitivismo is intuitivismo" ; rdfs:label " intuitivismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13061intuitivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13061intuitivita1 is intuitivita'" ; rdfs:label " intuitivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13062intuizionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13062intuizionismo is intuizionismo" ; rdfs:label " intuizionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13064malta simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13064malta is malta" ; rdfs:label " malta_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13065maltasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13065maltasi is maltasi" ; rdfs:label " maltasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH13066intuizionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13066intuizionista is intuizionista" ; rdfs:label " intuizionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13067intumescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13067intumescenza is intumescenza" ; rdfs:label " intumescenza_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13069malte simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13069malte is malte" ; rdfs:label " malte_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH13070malthusianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13070malthusianismo is malthusianismo" ; rdfs:label " malthusianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13071inurbanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13071inurbanita1 is inurbanita'" ; rdfs:label " inurbanita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13071malthusianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13071malthusianismo is malthusianismo" ; rdfs:label " malthusianismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13075invalicabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13075invalicabilita1 is invalicabilita'" ; rdfs:label " invalicabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13076invalidabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13076invalidabilita1 is invalidabilita'" ; rdfs:label " invalidabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13076maltusiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13076maltusiana is maltusiana" ; rdfs:label " maltusiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13078invalidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13078invalidita1 is invalidita'" ; rdfs:label " invalidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13078maltusianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13078maltusianismo is maltusianismo" ; rdfs:label " maltusianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13079maltusianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13079maltusianismo is maltusianismo" ; rdfs:label " maltusianismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13080maltusiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13080maltusiano is maltusiano" ; rdfs:label " maltusiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13081invarianza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13081invarianza is invarianza" ; rdfs:label " invarianza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH13084invendibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13084invendibilita1 is invendibilita'" ; rdfs:label " invendibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13085invenusta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13085invenusta1 is invenusta'" ; rdfs:label " invenusta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13086malvivenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13086malvivenza is malvivenza" ; rdfs:label " malvivenza_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH13087mamalucca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13087mamalucca is mamalucca" ; rdfs:label " mamalucca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13089mamalucco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13089mamalucco is mamalucco" ; rdfs:label " mamalucco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13090mamalucco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13090mamalucco is mamalucco" ; rdfs:label " mamalucco_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH13092investibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13092investibilita1 is investibilita'" ; rdfs:label " investibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13093investita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13093investita is investita" ; rdfs:label " investita_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH13093mamertino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13093mamertino is mamertino" ; rdfs:label " mamertino_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH13094investito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13094investito is investito" ; rdfs:label " investito_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH13095invidiosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13095invidiosa is invidiosa" ; rdfs:label " invidiosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13096invidioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13096invidioso is invidioso" ; rdfs:label " invidioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13097mammaloga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13097mammaloga is mammaloga" ; rdfs:label " mammaloga_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13099mammalogia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13099mammalogia is mammalogia" ; rdfs:label " mammalogia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13100invincibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13100invincibilita1 is invincibilita'" ; rdfs:label " invincibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13101mammalogo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13101mammalogo is mammalogo" ; rdfs:label " mammalogo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13103mammalucca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13103mammalucca is mammalucca" ; rdfs:label " mammalucca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13105mammalucco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13105mammalucco is mammalucco" ; rdfs:label " mammalucco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13106mammalucco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13106mammalucco is mammalucco" ; rdfs:label " mammalucco_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH13107mammelucca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13107mammelucca is mammelucca" ; rdfs:label " mammelucca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13109mammelucco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13109mammelucco is mammelucco" ; rdfs:label " mammelucco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13110mammelucco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13110mammelucco is mammelucco" ; rdfs:label " mammelucco_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH13115managerialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13115managerialita1 is managerialita'" ; rdfs:label " managerialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13121manchevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13121manchevolezza is manchevolezza" ; rdfs:label " manchevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13122iodismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13122iodismo is iodismo" ; rdfs:label " iodismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13122mancinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13122mancinismo is mancinismo" ; rdfs:label " mancinismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH13123manciuriana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13123manciuriana is manciuriana" ; rdfs:label " manciuriana_as_People" . inds:USemTH13125ionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13125ionismo is ionismo" ; rdfs:label " ionismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH13125manciuriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13125manciuriano is manciuriano" ; rdfs:label " manciuriano_as_People" . inds:USemTH13126iotacismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13126iotacismo is iotacismo" ; rdfs:label " iotacismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH13128iperattivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13128iperattivita1 is iperattivita'" ; rdfs:label " iperattivita'_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13129iperazotemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13129iperazotemia is iperazotemia" ; rdfs:label " iperazotemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13130iperbolicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13130iperbolicita1 is iperbolicita'" ; rdfs:label " iperbolicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13130mandatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13130mandatario is mandatario" ; rdfs:label " mandatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH13131iperboloide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13131iperboloide is iperboloide" ; rdfs:label " iperboloide_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH13132ipercinesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13132ipercinesi is ipercinesi" ; rdfs:label " ipercinesi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13133ipercinesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13133ipercinesia is ipercinesia" ; rdfs:label " ipercinesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13134ipercorrettismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13134ipercorrettismo is ipercorrettismo" ; rdfs:label " ipercorrettismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH13135ipercriticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13135ipercriticismo is ipercriticismo" ; rdfs:label " ipercriticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13136ipereccitabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13136ipereccitabilita1 is ipereccitabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ipereccitabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13137iperemesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13137iperemesi is iperemesi" ; rdfs:label " iperemesi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13137mandolinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13137mandolinista is mandolinista" ; rdfs:label " mandolinista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH13138iperemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13138iperemia is iperemia" ; rdfs:label " iperemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13139iperestesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13139iperestesia is iperestesia" ; rdfs:label " iperestesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13140iperidrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13140iperidrosi is iperidrosi" ; rdfs:label " iperidrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13141iperleucocitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13141iperleucocitosi is iperleucocitosi" ; rdfs:label " iperleucocitosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13142ipermetropia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13142ipermetropia is ipermetropia" ; rdfs:label " ipermetropia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13143iperparassitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13143iperparassitismo is iperparassitismo" ; rdfs:label " iperparassitismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH13145iperpiressia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13145iperpiressia is iperpiressia" ; rdfs:label " iperpiressia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13146iperplasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13146iperplasia is iperplasia" ; rdfs:label " iperplasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13146mandrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13146mandrino is mandrino" ; rdfs:label " mandrino_as_Part" . inds:USemTH13147maneggevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13147maneggevolezza is maneggevolezza" ; rdfs:label " maneggevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13150iperrealista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13150iperrealista is iperrealista" ; rdfs:label " iperrealista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13152manganato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13152manganato is manganato" ; rdfs:label " manganato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13154ipersurrenalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13154ipersurrenalismo is ipersurrenalismo" ; rdfs:label " ipersurrenalismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13157ipertensione simple:hasAffects inds:USem78658pressione ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem74755aumento ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13157ipertensione is ipertensione" ; rdfs:label " ipertensione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13158manganismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13158manganismo is manganismo" ; rdfs:label " manganismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13161ipertiroidea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13161ipertiroidea is ipertiroidea" ; rdfs:label " ipertiroidea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13161mangiabambini simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13161mangiabambini is mangiabambini" ; rdfs:label " mangiabambini_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH13162ipertiroideo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13162ipertiroideo is ipertiroideo" ; rdfs:label " ipertiroideo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13162mangiabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13162mangiabilita1 is mangiabilita'" ; rdfs:label " mangiabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13163mangiabotte simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13163mangiabotte is mangiabotte" ; rdfs:label " mangiabotte_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH13164ipertrofica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13164ipertrofica is ipertrofica" ; rdfs:label " ipertrofica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13164mangiacaparre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13164mangiacaparre is mangiacaparre" ; rdfs:label " mangiacaparre_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13165ipertrofico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13165ipertrofico is ipertrofico" ; rdfs:label " ipertrofico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13166mangiacarte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13166mangiacarte is mangiacarte" ; rdfs:label " mangiacarte_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13167colatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13167colatura is colatura" ; rdfs:label " colatura_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH13167iperurbanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13167iperurbanismo is iperurbanismo" ; rdfs:label " iperurbanismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH13168mangiacristiani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13168mangiacristiani is mangiacristiani" ; rdfs:label " mangiacristiani_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13169ipervitaminosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13169ipervitaminosi is ipervitaminosi" ; rdfs:label " ipervitaminosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13170mangiadischi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13170mangiadischi is mangiadischi" ; rdfs:label " mangiadischi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH13171ipnologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13171ipnologa is ipnologa" ; rdfs:label " ipnologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13172mangiafagioli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13172mangiafagioli is mangiafagioli" ; rdfs:label " mangiafagioli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13173ipnologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13173ipnologo is ipnologo" ; rdfs:label " ipnologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13174mangiaformiche simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13174mangiaformiche is mangiaformiche" ; rdfs:label " mangiaformiche_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH13175mangiamaccheroni simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13175mangiamaccheroni is mangiamaccheroni" ; rdfs:label " mangiamaccheroni_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13177ipnoterapista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13177ipnoterapista is ipnoterapista" ; rdfs:label " ipnoterapista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13177mangiamarroni simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13177mangiamarroni is mangiamarroni" ; rdfs:label " mangiamarroni_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13178ipnotico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13178ipnotico is ipnotico" ; rdfs:label " ipnotico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13180mangiamoccoli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13180mangiamoccoli is mangiamoccoli" ; rdfs:label " mangiamoccoli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13182mangiapagnotte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13182mangiapagnotte is mangiapagnotte" ; rdfs:label " mangiapagnotte_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13184mangiapane simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13184mangiapane is mangiapane" ; rdfs:label " mangiapane_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13186ipodermosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13186ipodermosi is ipodermosi" ; rdfs:label " ipodermosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13186mangiapatate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13186mangiapatate is mangiapatate" ; rdfs:label " mangiapatate_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13187ipodotata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13187ipodotata is ipodotata" ; rdfs:label " ipodotata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13188ipodotato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13188ipodotato is ipodotato" ; rdfs:label " ipodotato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13188mangiapattona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13188mangiapattona is mangiapattona" ; rdfs:label " mangiapattona_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13190ipofosfito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13190ipofosfito is ipofosfito" ; rdfs:label " ipofosfito_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13190mangiapelli simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13190mangiapelli is mangiapelli" ; rdfs:label " mangiapelli_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH13191mangiapere simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13191mangiapere is mangiapere" ; rdfs:label " mangiapere_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH13192mangiapolenta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13192mangiapolenta is mangiapolenta" ; rdfs:label " mangiapolenta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13194ipoleucocitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13194ipoleucocitosi is ipoleucocitosi" ; rdfs:label " ipoleucocitosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13194mangiapopolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13194mangiapopolo is mangiapopolo" ; rdfs:label " mangiapopolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13195ipometropia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13195ipometropia is ipometropia" ; rdfs:label " ipometropia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13196ipoplasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13196ipoplasia is ipoplasia" ; rdfs:label " ipoplasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13196mangiapreti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13196mangiapreti is mangiapreti" ; rdfs:label " mangiapreti_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13197iposolfito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13197iposolfito is iposolfito" ; rdfs:label " iposolfito_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13198ipospadia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13198ipospadia is ipospadia" ; rdfs:label " ipospadia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13198mangiarospi simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13198mangiarospi is mangiarospi" ; rdfs:label " mangiarospi_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH13199ipossia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13199ipossia is ipossia" ; rdfs:label " ipossia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13199mangiasapone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13199mangiasapone is mangiasapone" ; rdfs:label " mangiasapone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13200iposurrenalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13200iposurrenalismo is iposurrenalismo" ; rdfs:label " iposurrenalismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13201mangiasego simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13201mangiasego is mangiasego" ; rdfs:label " mangiasego_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13203mangiasoldi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13203mangiasoldi is mangiasoldi" ; rdfs:label " mangiasoldi_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13206ipotiposi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13206ipotiposi is ipotiposi" ; rdfs:label " ipotiposi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH13207ipotiroidea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13207ipotiroidea is ipotiroidea" ; rdfs:label " ipotiroidea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13207mangiatutto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13207mangiatutto is mangiatutto" ; rdfs:label " mangiatutto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13208ipotiroideo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13208ipotiroideo is ipotiroideo" ; rdfs:label " ipotiroideo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13208mangiaufo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13208mangiaufo is mangiaufo" ; rdfs:label " mangiaufo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13209ipotonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13209ipotonia is ipotonia" ; rdfs:label " ipotonia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13210ipotrofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13210ipotrofia is ipotrofia" ; rdfs:label " ipotrofia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13210mangiavento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13210mangiavento is mangiavento" ; rdfs:label " mangiavento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH13211ipovitaminosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13211ipovitaminosi is ipovitaminosi" ; rdfs:label " ipovitaminosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13212ippofaga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13212ippofaga is ippofaga" ; rdfs:label " ippofaga_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13212mangimista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13212mangimista is mangimista" ; rdfs:label " mangimista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13213ippofago simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13213ippofago is ippofago" ; rdfs:label " ippofago_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13214ippofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13214ippofila is ippofila" ; rdfs:label " ippofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13215ippofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13215ippofilo is ippofilo" ; rdfs:label " ippofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13216ippologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13216ippologa is ippologa" ; rdfs:label " ippologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13217ippologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13217ippologo is ippologo" ; rdfs:label " ippologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13219ipsometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13219ipsometro is ipsometro" ; rdfs:label " ipsometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH13220manicheismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13220manicheismo is manicheismo" ; rdfs:label " manicheismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13221irachena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13221irachena is irachena" ; rdfs:label " irachena_as_People" . inds:USemTH13222manichetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13222manichetta is manichetta" ; rdfs:label " manichetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH13223manicomizzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13223manicomizzata is manicomizzata" ; rdfs:label " manicomizzata_as_Human", " manicomizzata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH13224iracheno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13224iracheno is iracheno" ; rdfs:label " iracheno_as_People" . inds:USemTH13225manicomizzato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13225manicomizzato is manicomizzato" ; rdfs:label " manicomizzato_as_Human", " manicomizzato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH13226irakena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13226irakena is irakena" ; rdfs:label " irakena_as_People" . inds:USemTH13227manicotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13227manicotto is manicotto" ; rdfs:label " manicotto_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH13229irakeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13229irakeno is irakeno" ; rdfs:label " irakeno_as_People" . inds:USemTH13229manicurista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13229manicurista is manicurista" ; rdfs:label " manicurista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13231iraniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13231iraniana is iraniana" ; rdfs:label " iraniana_as_People" . inds:USemTH13234iraniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13234iraniano is iraniano" ; rdfs:label " iraniano_as_People" . inds:USemTH13236iranica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13236iranica is iranica" ; rdfs:label " iranica_as_People" . inds:USemTH13239iranico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13239iranico is iranico" ; rdfs:label " iranico_as_People" . inds:USemTH13240manifestino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13240manifestino is manifestino" ; rdfs:label " manifestino_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH13241manigliame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13241manigliame is manigliame" ; rdfs:label " manigliame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH13242maniglione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13242maniglione is maniglione" ; rdfs:label " maniglione_as_Part" . inds:USemTH13243iranista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13243iranista is iranista" ; rdfs:label " iranista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13243manigolda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13243manigolda is manigolda" ; rdfs:label " manigolda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13245irenismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13245irenismo is irenismo" ; rdfs:label " irenismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13245manigoldo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13245manigoldo is manigoldo" ; rdfs:label " manigoldo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13248manismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13248manismo is manismo" ; rdfs:label " manismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13250irenista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13250irenista is irenista" ; rdfs:label " irenista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13250manometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13250manometro is manometro" ; rdfs:label " manometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH13252iridato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13252iridato is iridato" ; rdfs:label " iridato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13252manomissore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13252manomissore is manomissore" ; rdfs:label " manomissore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13253iridociclite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13253iridociclite is iridociclite" ; rdfs:label " iridociclite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13255ironista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13255ironista is ironista" ; rdfs:label " ironista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13259manovriera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13259manovriera is manovriera" ; rdfs:label " manovriera_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13260irraggiungibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13260irraggiungibilita1 is irraggiungibilita'" ; rdfs:label " irraggiungibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13261irrappresentabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13261irrappresentabilita1 is irrappresentabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irrappresentabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13261manovriero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13261manovriero is manovriero" ; rdfs:label " manovriero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13263irrazionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13263irrazionalista is irrazionalista" ; rdfs:label " irrazionalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13264irrealizzabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13264irrealizzabilita1 is irrealizzabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irrealizzabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13266irrecusabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13266irrecusabilita1 is irrecusabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irrecusabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13267irredimibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13267irredimibilita1 is irredimibilita'" ; rdfs:label " irredimibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13267mantenuta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13267mantenuta is mantenuta" ; rdfs:label " mantenuta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13268irrefragabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13268irrefragabilita1 is irrefragabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irrefragabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13269irrefrenabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13269irrefrenabilita1 is irrefrenabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irrefrenabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13269mantenuto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13269mantenuto is mantenuto" ; rdfs:label " mantenuto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13270irrefutabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13270irrefutabilita1 is irrefutabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irrefutabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13271irreligiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13271irreligiosita1 is irreligiosita'" ; rdfs:label " irreligiosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13271mantice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13271mantice is mantice" ; rdfs:label " mantice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH13272irremissibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13272irremissibilita1 is irremissibilita'" ; rdfs:label " irremissibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13272manticiaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13272manticiaria is manticiaria" ; rdfs:label " manticiaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13273irremovibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13273irremovibilita1 is irremovibilita'" ; rdfs:label " irremovibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13274manticiario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13274manticiario is manticiario" ; rdfs:label " manticiario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13275irreparabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13275irreparabilita1 is irreparabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irreparabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13276irreperibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13276irreperibilita1 is irreperibilita'" ; rdfs:label " irreperibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13276manto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13276manto is manto" ; rdfs:label " manto_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH13277mantovana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13277mantovana is mantovana" ; rdfs:label " mantovana_as_People" . inds:USemTH13278mantovana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13278mantovana is mantovana" ; rdfs:label " mantovana_as_Part" . inds:USemTH13279irresolubilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13279irresolubilita1 is irresolubilita'" ; rdfs:label " irresolubilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13279mantovana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13279mantovana is mantovana" ; rdfs:label " mantovana_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH13280irrespirabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13280irrespirabilita1 is irrespirabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irrespirabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13280mantovano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13280mantovano is mantovano" ; rdfs:label " mantovano_as_People" . inds:USemTH13282mantuana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13282mantuana is mantuana" ; rdfs:label " mantuana_as_People" . inds:USemTH13283irreversibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13283irreversibilita1 is irreversibilita'" ; rdfs:label " irreversibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13284irrevocabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13284irrevocabilita1 is irrevocabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irrevocabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13284mantuano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13284mantuano is mantuano" ; rdfs:label " mantuano_as_People" . inds:USemTH13285irricevibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13285irricevibilita1 is irricevibilita'" ; rdfs:label " irricevibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13286irriconoscibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13286irriconoscibilita1 is irriconoscibilita'" ; rdfs:label " irriconoscibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13287irriducibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13287irriducibilita1 is irriducibilita'" ; rdfs:label " irriducibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13287manualista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13287manualista is manualista" ; rdfs:label " manualista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13288irriformabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13288irriformabilita1 is irriformabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irriformabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13289irrigabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13289irrigabilita1 is irrigabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irrigabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13290manualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13290manualita1 is manualita'" ; rdfs:label " manualita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH13291manulateralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13291manulateralita1 is manulateralita'" ; rdfs:label " manulateralita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH13292manutengola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13292manutengola is manutengola" ; rdfs:label " manutengola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13293irrimediabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13293irrimediabilita1 is irrimediabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irrimediabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13294irrinunciabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13294irrinunciabilita1 is irrinunciabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irrinunciabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13294manutengolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13294manutengolo is manutengolo" ; rdfs:label " manutengolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13295irripetibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13295irripetibilita1 is irripetibilita'" ; rdfs:label " irripetibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13296irriproducibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13296irriproducibilita1 is irriproducibilita'" ; rdfs:label " irriproducibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13298manzolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13298manzolaia is manzolaia" ; rdfs:label " manzolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13300manzolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13300manzolaio is manzolaio" ; rdfs:label " manzolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13302irritrattabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13302irritrattabilita1 is irritrattabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irritrattabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13302manzoniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13302manzoniana is manzoniana" ; rdfs:label " manzoniana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13303irritualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13303irritualita1 is irritualita'" ; rdfs:label " irritualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13304irrivelabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13304irrivelabilita1 is irrivelabilita'" ; rdfs:label " irrivelabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13304manzoniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13304manzoniano is manzoniano" ; rdfs:label " manzoniano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13306manzonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13306manzonismo is manzonismo" ; rdfs:label " manzonismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13308irrotazionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13308irrotazionalita1 is irrotazionalita'" ; rdfs:label " irrotazionalita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH13310iscariota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13310iscariota is iscariota" ; rdfs:label " iscariota_as_People" . inds:USemTH13311ischemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13311ischemia is ischemia" ; rdfs:label " ischemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13311manzonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13311manzonista is manzonista" ; rdfs:label " manzonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13312maoismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13312maoismo is maoismo" ; rdfs:label " maoismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13313ischemica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13313ischemica is ischemica" ; rdfs:label " ischemica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13314ischemico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13314ischemico is ischemico" ; rdfs:label " ischemico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13315maoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13315maoista is maoista" ; rdfs:label " maoista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13318maomettismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13318maomettismo is maomettismo" ; rdfs:label " maomettismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13320islamica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13320islamica is islamica" ; rdfs:label " islamica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13322islamico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13322islamico is islamico" ; rdfs:label " islamico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13323islamismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13323islamismo is islamismo" ; rdfs:label " islamismo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH13324marabuta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13324marabuta is marabuta" ; rdfs:label " marabuta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13326marabuto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13326marabuto is marabuto" ; rdfs:label " marabuto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13328islamita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13328islamita is islamita" ; rdfs:label " islamita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13328maratta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13328maratta is maratta" ; rdfs:label " maratta_as_People" . inds:USemTH13330ismaeliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13330ismaeliana is ismaeliana" ; rdfs:label " ismaeliana_as_People" . inds:USemTH13330maratto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13330maratto is maratto" ; rdfs:label " maratto_as_People" . inds:USemTH13331maratto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13331maratto is maratto" ; rdfs:label " maratto_as_Language" . inds:USemTH13332ismaeliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13332ismaeliano is ismaeliano" ; rdfs:label " ismaeliano_as_People" . inds:USemTH13333marcapezzi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13333marcapezzi is marcapezzi" ; rdfs:label " marcapezzi_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13335marcatempo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13335marcatempo is marcatempo" ; rdfs:label " marcatempo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13336ismaelita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13336ismaelita is ismaelita" ; rdfs:label " ismaelita_as_People" . inds:USemTH13337ismailismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13337ismailismo is ismailismo" ; rdfs:label " ismailismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13337marchesina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13337marchesina is marchesina" ; rdfs:label " marchesina_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH13339marchesino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13339marchesino is marchesino" ; rdfs:label " marchesino_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH13342ismailita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13342ismailita is ismailita" ; rdfs:label " ismailita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13342marchettara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13342marchettara is marchettara" ; rdfs:label " marchettara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13344isobara simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13344isobara is isobara" ; rdfs:label " isobara_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH13344marchettaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13344marchettaro is marchettaro" ; rdfs:label " marchettaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13346isocronismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13346isocronismo is isocronismo" ; rdfs:label " isocronismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH13347isolata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13347isolata is isolata" ; rdfs:label " isolata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13348isolato simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13348isolato is isolato" ; rdfs:label " isolato_as_Building" . inds:USemTH13349isolato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13349isolato is isolato" ; rdfs:label " isolato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13350isomeria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13350isomeria is isomeria" ; rdfs:label " isomeria_as_Property" . inds:USemTH13350marchigiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13350marchigiana is marchigiana" ; rdfs:label " marchigiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH13351isotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13351isotipia is isotipia" ; rdfs:label " isotipia_as_Property" . inds:USemTH13352isotopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13352isotopia is isotopia" ; rdfs:label " isotopia_as_Property" . inds:USemTH13352marchigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13352marchigiano is marchigiano" ; rdfs:label " marchigiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH13353marchigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13353marchigiano is marchigiano" ; rdfs:label " marchigiano_as_Language" . inds:USemTH13354ispana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13354ispana is ispana" ; rdfs:label " ispana_as_People" . inds:USemTH13355ispanicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13355ispanicita1 is ispanicita'" ; rdfs:label " ispanicita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH13355marcia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13355marcia is marcia" ; rdfs:label " marcia_as_Part" . inds:USemTH13357ispanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13357ispanismo is ispanismo" ; rdfs:label " ispanismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH13357marcia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13357marcia is marcia" ; rdfs:label " marcia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13361ispanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13361ispanista is ispanista" ; rdfs:label " ispanista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13362ispanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13362ispanita1 is ispanita'" ; rdfs:label " ispanita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH13362marcolfa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13362marcolfa is marcolfa" ; rdfs:label " marcolfa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13364ispano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13364ispano is ispano" ; rdfs:label " ispano_as_People" . inds:USemTH13364marcolfo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13364marcolfo is marcolfo" ; rdfs:label " marcolfo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13366ispanofona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13366ispanofona is ispanofona" ; rdfs:label " ispanofona_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13368ispanofono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13368ispanofono is ispanofono" ; rdfs:label " ispanofono_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13368marconista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13368marconista is marconista" ; rdfs:label " marconista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13370ispirabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13370ispirabilita1 is ispirabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ispirabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13373maremmana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13373maremmana is maremmana" ; rdfs:label " maremmana_as_People" . inds:USemTH13375maremmano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13375maremmano is maremmano" ; rdfs:label " maremmano_as_People" . inds:USemTH13377istantaneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13377istantaneita1 is istantaneita'" ; rdfs:label " istantaneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13377mareografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13377mareografo is mareografo" ; rdfs:label " mareografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH13379isteroptosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13379isteroptosi is isteroptosi" ; rdfs:label " isteroptosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13380margara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13380margara is margara" ; rdfs:label " margara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13383margaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13383margaro is margaro" ; rdfs:label " margaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13385margherita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2389fiore ; a simple:Flower, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13385margherita is margherita" ; rdfs:label " margherita_as_Flower" . inds:USemTH13387margherita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13387margherita is margherita" ; rdfs:label " margherita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13390istologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13390istologa is istologa" ; rdfs:label " istologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13391margravia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13391margravia is margravia" ; rdfs:label " margravia_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH13392istologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13392istologo is istologo" ; rdfs:label " istologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13393margravio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13393margravio is margravio" ; rdfs:label " margravio_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH13394istriana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13394istriana is istriana" ; rdfs:label " istriana_as_People" . inds:USemTH13396istriano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13396istriano is istriano" ; rdfs:label " istriano_as_Language" . inds:USemTH13397istriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13397istriano is istriano" ; rdfs:label " istriano_as_People" . inds:USemTH13400marina simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13400marina is marina" ; rdfs:label " marina_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH13402marinara simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13402marinara is marinara" ; rdfs:label " marinara_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH13404itacista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13404itacista is itacista" ; rdfs:label " itacista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13405marinaretto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13405marinaretto is marinaretto" ; rdfs:label " marinaretto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13407marinaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13407marinaro is marinaro" ; rdfs:label " marinaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13408italianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13408italianismo is italianismo" ; rdfs:label " italianismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH13410marine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13410marine is marine" ; rdfs:label " marine_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13412italianista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13412italianista is italianista" ; rdfs:label " italianista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13412marinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13412marinismo is marinismo" ; rdfs:label " marinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13413italianita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13413italianita1 is italianita'" ; rdfs:label " italianita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH13415italica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13415italica is italica" ; rdfs:label " italica_as_People" . inds:USemTH13415marinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13415marinista is marinista" ; rdfs:label " marinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13417italico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13417italico is italico" ; rdfs:label " italico_as_People" . inds:USemTH13418marino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13418marino is marino" ; rdfs:label " marino_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH13419mariola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13419mariola is mariola" ; rdfs:label " mariola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13421italiota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13421italiota is italiota" ; rdfs:label " italiota_as_People" . inds:USemTH13421mariolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13421mariolo is mariolo" ; rdfs:label " mariolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13423italofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13423italofila is italofila" ; rdfs:label " italofila_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13423mariologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13423mariologa is mariologa" ; rdfs:label " mariologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13425italofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13425italofilo is italofilo" ; rdfs:label " italofilo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13425mariologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13425mariologia is mariologia" ; rdfs:label " mariologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13426mariologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13426mariologo is mariologo" ; rdfs:label " mariologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13427italofoba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13427italofoba is italofoba" ; rdfs:label " italofoba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13429italofobo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13429italofobo is italofobo" ; rdfs:label " italofobo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13429marionettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13429marionettista is marionettista" ; rdfs:label " marionettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13431italofona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13431italofona is italofona" ; rdfs:label " italofona_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13433italofono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13433italofono is italofono" ; rdfs:label " italofono_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13434itterica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13434itterica is itterica" ; rdfs:label " itterica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13435itterico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13435itterico is itterico" ; rdfs:label " itterico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13436ittiofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13436ittiofila is ittiofila" ; rdfs:label " ittiofila_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH13438ittiofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13438ittiofilo is ittiofilo" ; rdfs:label " ittiofilo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH13439marittimita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13439marittimita1 is marittimita'" ; rdfs:label " marittimita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13440mariuola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13440mariuola is mariuola" ; rdfs:label " mariuola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13441ittiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13441ittiologa is ittiologa" ; rdfs:label " ittiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13442mariuolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13442mariuolo is mariuolo" ; rdfs:label " mariuolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13443ittiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13443ittiologo is ittiologo" ; rdfs:label " ittiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13444ittiosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13444ittiosi is ittiosi" ; rdfs:label " ittiosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13445ittismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13445ittismo is ittismo" ; rdfs:label " ittismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13445marketing simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13445marketing is marketing" ; rdfs:label " marketing_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13446marmettaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13446marmettaia is marmettaia" ; rdfs:label " marmettaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13448ittita simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13448ittita is ittita" ; rdfs:label " ittita_as_Language" . inds:USemTH13448marmettaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13448marmettaio is marmettaio" ; rdfs:label " marmettaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13450ittita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13450ittita is ittita" ; rdfs:label " ittita_as_People" . inds:USemTH13451iuventina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13451iuventina is iuventina" ; rdfs:label " iuventina_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH13451marmettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13451marmettista is marmettista" ; rdfs:label " marmettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13452iuventino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13452iuventino is iuventino" ; rdfs:label " iuventino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH13455marmista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13455marmista is marmista" ; rdfs:label " marmista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13458marmittone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13458marmittone is marmittone" ; rdfs:label " marmittone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13462marmoraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13462marmoraia is marmoraia" ; rdfs:label " marmoraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13464marmoraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13464marmoraio is marmoraio" ; rdfs:label " marmoraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13466marmoraria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13466marmoraria is marmoraria" ; rdfs:label " marmoraria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13468marmorario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13468marmorario is marmorario" ; rdfs:label " marmorario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13473maronita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13473maronita is maronita" ; rdfs:label " maronita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13476marsupiale simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13476marsupiale is marsupiale" ; rdfs:label " marsupiale_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH13482martelletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13482martelletto is martelletto" ; rdfs:label " martelletto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH13489martellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13489martellista is martellista" ; rdfs:label " martellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13492martensite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13492martensite is martensite" ; rdfs:label " martensite_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13493martinello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13493martinello is martinello" ; rdfs:label " martinello_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH13504marzialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13504marzialita1 is marzialita'" ; rdfs:label " marzialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13507mascellare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13507mascellare is mascellare" ; rdfs:label " mascellare_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH13510mascheraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13510mascheraia is mascheraia" ; rdfs:label " mascheraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13512mascheraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13512mascheraio is mascheraio" ; rdfs:label " mascheraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13515mascherino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13515mascherino is mascherino" ; rdfs:label " mascherino_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH13517mascherone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13517mascherone is mascherone" ; rdfs:label " mascherone_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH13524maschietta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13524maschietta is maschietta" ; rdfs:label " maschietta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13527maschiezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13527maschiezza is maschiezza" ; rdfs:label " maschiezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13530maschilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13530maschilita1 is maschilita'" ; rdfs:label " maschilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13531maschismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13531maschismo is maschismo" ; rdfs:label " maschismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13534maschista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13534maschista is maschista" ; rdfs:label " maschista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13537mascolinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13537mascolinita1 is mascolinita'" ; rdfs:label " mascolinita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13542massaggiagengive simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13542massaggiagengive is massaggiagengive" ; rdfs:label " massaggiagengive_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH13547massaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13547massaio is massaio" ; rdfs:label " massaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13549massara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13549massara is massara" ; rdfs:label " massara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13551massaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13551massaro is massaro" ; rdfs:label " massaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13557massiccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13557massiccio is massiccio" ; rdfs:label " massiccio_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH13558massimale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13558massimale is massimale" ; rdfs:label " massimale_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH13559massimale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13559massimale is massimale" ; rdfs:label " massimale_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH13561massimalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13561massimalismo is massimalismo" ; rdfs:label " massimalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13564massimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13564massimo is massimo" ; rdfs:label " massimo_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH13566mastatrofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13566mastatrofia is mastatrofia" ; rdfs:label " mastatrofia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13568mastelcosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13568mastelcosi is mastelcosi" ; rdfs:label " mastelcosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13569mastermind simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13569mastermind is mastermind" ; rdfs:label " mastermind_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13575mastite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13575mastite is mastite" ; rdfs:label " mastite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13576mastoflogosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13576mastoflogosi is mastoflogosi" ; rdfs:label " mastoflogosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13577mastoide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13577mastoide is mastoide" ; rdfs:label " mastoide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH13580mastopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13580mastopatia is mastopatia" ; rdfs:label " mastopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13581mastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13581mastro is mastro" ; rdfs:label " mastro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13588matematismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13588matematismo is matematismo" ; rdfs:label " matematismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13590materassaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13590materassaia is materassaia" ; rdfs:label " materassaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13592materassaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13592materassaio is materassaio" ; rdfs:label " materassaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13594materassino simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13594materassino is materassino" ; rdfs:label " materassino_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH13595materialaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13595materialaccia is materialaccia" ; rdfs:label " materialaccia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13597materialaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13597materialaccio is materialaccio" ; rdfs:label " materialaccio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13603materismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13603materismo is materismo" ; rdfs:label " materismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13605materozza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13605materozza is materozza" ; rdfs:label " materozza_as_Container" . inds:USemTH13606matraccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13606matraccio is matraccio" ; rdfs:label " matraccio_as_Container" . inds:USemTH13608matricida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13608matricida is matricida" ; rdfs:label " matricida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH13611matricolina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13611matricolina is matricolina" ; rdfs:label " matricolina_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH13613matricolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13613matricolino is matricolino" ; rdfs:label " matricolino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH13615matrilocalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13615matrilocalita1 is matrilocalita'" ; rdfs:label " matrilocalita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH13617matrimonialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13617matrimonialista is matrimonialista" ; rdfs:label " matrimonialista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13620matronismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13620matronismo is matronismo" ; rdfs:label " matronismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13626matterugia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13626matterugia is matterugia" ; rdfs:label " matterugia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13628matterugio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13628matterugio is matterugio" ; rdfs:label " matterugio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13631mattinale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13631mattinale is mattinale" ; rdfs:label " mattinale_as_Information" . inds:USemTH13632mattiniera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13632mattiniera is mattiniera" ; rdfs:label " mattiniera_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13634mattiniero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13634mattiniero is mattiniero" ; rdfs:label " mattiniero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13636mattonaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13636mattonaia is mattonaia" ; rdfs:label " mattonaia_as_Location" . inds:USemTH13637mattonaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13637mattonaia is mattonaia" ; rdfs:label " mattonaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13639mattonaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13639mattonaio is mattonaio" ; rdfs:label " mattonaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13642mattugia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13642mattugia is mattugia" ; rdfs:label " mattugia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13644mattugio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13644mattugio is mattugio" ; rdfs:label " mattugio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13646matura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13646matura is matura" ; rdfs:label " matura_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13648maturanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13648maturanda is maturanda" ; rdfs:label " maturanda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH13650maturando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13650maturando is maturando" ; rdfs:label " maturando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH13654maturo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13654maturo is maturo" ; rdfs:label " maturo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13656matusa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13656matusa is matusa" ; rdfs:label " matusa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13658matusalemme simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13658matusalemme is matusalemme" ; rdfs:label " matusalemme_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13663maya simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13663maya is maya" ; rdfs:label " maya_as_People" . inds:USemTH13665mazdaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13665mazdaismo is mazdaismo" ; rdfs:label " mazdaismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13667mazzettiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13667mazzettiere is mazzettiere" ; rdfs:label " mazzettiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13669mazzettone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13669mazzettone is mazzettone" ; rdfs:label " mazzettone_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH13670mazziniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13670mazziniana is mazziniana" ; rdfs:label " mazziniana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13672mazzinianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13672mazzinianismo is mazzinianismo" ; rdfs:label " mazzinianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13674mazziniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13674mazziniano is mazziniano" ; rdfs:label " mazziniano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13676mazzuolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13676mazzuolo is mazzuolo" ; rdfs:label " mazzuolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH13677meato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13677meato is meato" ; rdfs:label " meato_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH13683meccanicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13683meccanicismo is meccanicismo" ; rdfs:label " meccanicismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13686meccanicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13686meccanicista is meccanicista" ; rdfs:label " meccanicista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13689meccanicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13689meccanicita1 is meccanicita'" ; rdfs:label " meccanicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13691meccanografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13691meccanografia is meccanografia" ; rdfs:label " meccanografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13694mecenatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13694mecenatismo is mecenatismo" ; rdfs:label " mecenatismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13697mechitarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13697mechitarista is mechitarista" ; rdfs:label " mechitarista_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH13700mecometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13700mecometro is mecometro" ; rdfs:label " mecometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH13702meconismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13702meconismo is meconismo" ; rdfs:label " meconismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13704meda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13704meda is meda" ; rdfs:label " meda_as_People" . inds:USemTH13705meda simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13705meda is meda" ; rdfs:label " meda_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH13706medagliaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13706medagliaia is medagliaia" ; rdfs:label " medagliaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13708medagliaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13708medagliaio is medagliaio" ; rdfs:label " medagliaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13712medaglista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13712medaglista is medaglista" ; rdfs:label " medaglista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13716medianicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13716medianicita1 is medianicita'" ; rdfs:label " medianicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13717medianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13717medianismo is medianismo" ; rdfs:label " medianismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13719medianita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13719medianita1 is medianita'" ; rdfs:label " medianita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13720mediastino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13720mediastino is mediastino" ; rdfs:label " mediastino_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH13722medicastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13722medicastra is medicastra" ; rdfs:label " medicastra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13724medicastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13724medicastro is medicastro" ; rdfs:label " medicastro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13733medieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13733medieta1 is medieta'" ; rdfs:label " medieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13734medievalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13734medievalismo is medievalismo" ; rdfs:label " medievalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13737medievalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13737medievalista is medievalista" ; rdfs:label " medievalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13741medievista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13741medievista is medievista" ; rdfs:label " medievista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13744medio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13744medio is medio" ; rdfs:label " medio_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH13745mediolatinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13745mediolatinita1 is mediolatinita'" ; rdfs:label " mediolatinita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH13749medioleggero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13749medioleggero is medioleggero" ; rdfs:label " medioleggero_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH13753mediomassimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13753mediomassimo is mediomassimo" ; rdfs:label " mediomassimo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH13758medium simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13758medium is medium" ; rdfs:label " medium_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13760medo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13760medo is medo" ; rdfs:label " medo_as_People" . inds:USemTH13762megacolon simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13762megacolon is megacolon" ; rdfs:label " megacolon_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13763megacuore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13763megacuore is megacuore" ; rdfs:label " megacuore_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13764megaloblasto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13764megaloblasto is megaloblasto" ; rdfs:label " megaloblasto_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH13765megalocefala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13765megalocefala is megalocefala" ; rdfs:label " megalocefala_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13767megalocefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13767megalocefalo is megalocefalo" ; rdfs:label " megalocefalo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13769megalografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13769megalografia is megalografia" ; rdfs:label " megalografia_as_Group" . inds:USemTH13770megalopoli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13770megalopoli is megalopoli" ; rdfs:label " megalopoli_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH13771megarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13771megarismo is megarismo" ; rdfs:label " megarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13773megliorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13773megliorismo is megliorismo" ; rdfs:label " megliorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13775meiosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13775meiosi is meiosi" ; rdfs:label " meiosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH13776meiotterismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13776meiotterismo is meiotterismo" ; rdfs:label " meiotterismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH13778melampirismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13778melampirismo is melampirismo" ; rdfs:label " melampirismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13780melanesiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13780melanesiana is melanesiana" ; rdfs:label " melanesiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH13783melanesiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13783melanesiano is melanesiano" ; rdfs:label " melanesiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH13785melanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13785melanismo is melanismo" ; rdfs:label " melanismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH13787melanosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13787melanosi is melanosi" ; rdfs:label " melanosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13788melassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13788melassa is melassa" ; rdfs:label " melassa_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13790melchita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13790melchita is melchita" ; rdfs:label " melchita_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH13793melena simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13793melena is melena" ; rdfs:label " melena_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13794melicone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13794melicone is melicone" ; rdfs:label " melicone_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH13795melismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13795melismo is melismo" ; rdfs:label " melismo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH13797melissografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13797melissografia is melissografia" ; rdfs:label " melissografia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH13799mellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13799mellone is mellone" ; rdfs:label " mellone_as_Fruit" . inds:USemTH13800melma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13800melma is melma" ; rdfs:label " melma_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH13804melodista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13804melodista is melodista" ; rdfs:label " melodista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13807melodrammaturga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13807melodrammaturga is melodrammaturga" ; rdfs:label " melodrammaturga_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13809melodrammaturgo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13809melodrammaturgo is melodrammaturgo" ; rdfs:label " melodrammaturgo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13811melofoba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13811melofoba is melofoba" ; rdfs:label " melofoba_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH13813melofobo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13813melofobo is melofobo" ; rdfs:label " melofobo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH13818memorabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13818memorabilita1 is memorabilita'" ; rdfs:label " memorabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13820memorialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13820memorialista is memorialista" ; rdfs:label " memorialista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13824menagramo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13824menagramo is menagramo" ; rdfs:label " menagramo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13827menarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13827menarca is menarca" ; rdfs:label " menarca_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH13828menchera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13828menchera is menchera" ; rdfs:label " menchera_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13830menchero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13830menchero is menchero" ; rdfs:label " menchero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13832mendelismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13832mendelismo is mendelismo" ; rdfs:label " mendelismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13834mendica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13834mendica is mendica" ; rdfs:label " mendica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13837mendico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13837mendico is mendico" ; rdfs:label " mendico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13842menefreghista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13842menefreghista is menefreghista" ; rdfs:label " menefreghista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13845meneghina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13845meneghina is meneghina" ; rdfs:label " meneghina_as_People" . inds:USemTH13847meneghino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13847meneghino is meneghino" ; rdfs:label " meneghino_as_Language" . inds:USemTH13848meneghino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13848meneghino is meneghino" ; rdfs:label " meneghino_as_People" . inds:USemTH13850menestrella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13850menestrella is menestrella" ; rdfs:label " menestrella_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13851menestrello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13851menestrello is menestrello" ; rdfs:label " menestrello_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13853meningismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13853meningismo is meningismo" ; rdfs:label " meningismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13855meningoencefalite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13855meningoencefalite is meningoencefalite" ; rdfs:label " meningoencefalite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13856meningomielite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13856meningomielite is meningomielite" ; rdfs:label " meningomielite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13857menorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13857menorragia is menorragia" ; rdfs:label " menorragia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH13858menscevica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13858menscevica is menscevica" ; rdfs:label " menscevica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13860menscevico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13860menscevico is menscevico" ; rdfs:label " menscevico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13862menscevismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13862menscevismo is menscevismo" ; rdfs:label " menscevismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13864mensilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13864mensilita1 is mensilita'" ; rdfs:label " mensilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH13868mentalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13868mentalismo is mentalismo" ; rdfs:label " mentalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13870mentalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13870mentalita1 is mentalita'" ; rdfs:label " mentalita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH13871mentecatta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13871mentecatta is mentecatta" ; rdfs:label " mentecatta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13873mentecatto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13873mentecatto is mentecatto" ; rdfs:label " mentecatto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13880mercantilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13880mercantilista is mercantilista" ; rdfs:label " mercantilista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13886merceologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13886merceologa is merceologa" ; rdfs:label " merceologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13888merceologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13888merceologia is merceologia" ; rdfs:label " merceologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13889merceologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13889merceologo is merceologo" ; rdfs:label " merceologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13891merciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13891merciaia is merciaia" ; rdfs:label " merciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13892merciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13892merciaio is merciaio" ; rdfs:label " merciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13893merciaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13893merciaiola is merciaiola" ; rdfs:label " merciaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13895merciaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13895merciaiolo is merciaiolo" ; rdfs:label " merciaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13897mercurialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13897mercurialismo is mercurialismo" ; rdfs:label " mercurialismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13899merdaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13899merdaiola is merdaiola" ; rdfs:label " merdaiola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13900merdaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13900merdaiolo is merdaiolo" ; rdfs:label " merdaiolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13901mericismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13901mericismo is mericismo" ; rdfs:label " mericismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13903meridiano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13903meridiano is meridiano" ; rdfs:label " meridiano_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USemTH13907merlone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13907merlone is merlone" ; rdfs:label " merlone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH13908meropia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13908meropia is meropia" ; rdfs:label " meropia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13909meschina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13909meschina is meschina" ; rdfs:label " meschina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13911meschinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13911meschinita1 is meschinita'" ; rdfs:label " meschinita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13912meschino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13912meschino is meschino" ; rdfs:label " meschino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13921mesentere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13921mesentere is mesentere" ; rdfs:label " mesentere_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH13922mesmerismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13922mesmerismo is mesmerismo" ; rdfs:label " mesmerismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13924mesocolon simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13924mesocolon is mesocolon" ; rdfs:label " mesocolon_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH13925mesoderma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13925mesoderma is mesoderma" ; rdfs:label " mesoderma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH13926mesogastrio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13926mesogastrio is mesogastrio" ; rdfs:label " mesogastrio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH13927mesologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13927mesologia is mesologia" ; rdfs:label " mesologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13929mesotorace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13929mesotorace is mesotorace" ; rdfs:label " mesotorace_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH13934messale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13934messale is messale" ; rdfs:label " messale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH13935messianicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13935messianicita1 is messianicita'" ; rdfs:label " messianicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13936messianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13936messianismo is messianismo" ; rdfs:label " messianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13943mestolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13943mestolaia is mestolaia" ; rdfs:label " mestolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13945mestolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13945mestolaio is mestolaio" ; rdfs:label " mestolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13947mestolone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13947mestolone is mestolone" ; rdfs:label " mestolone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH13948meta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13948meta1 is meta'" ; rdfs:label " meta'_as_Part" . inds:USemTH13949metabisolfito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13949metabisolfito is metabisolfito" ; rdfs:label " metabisolfito_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13950metabole simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13950metabole is metabole" ; rdfs:label " metabole_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH13951metabolita simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13951metabolita is metabolita" ; rdfs:label " metabolita_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH13952metacentro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13952metacentro is metacentro" ; rdfs:label " metacentro_as_Part" . inds:USemTH13953metacrilato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13953metacrilato is metacrilato" ; rdfs:label " metacrilato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13954metacromatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13954metacromatismo is metacromatismo" ; rdfs:label " metacromatismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH13956metacronismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13956metacronismo is metacronismo" ; rdfs:label " metacronismo_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH13958metadone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13958metadone is metadone" ; rdfs:label " metadone_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13960metafisico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13960metafisico is metafisico" ; rdfs:label " metafisico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH13962metaforismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13962metaforismo is metaforismo" ; rdfs:label " metaforismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13964metagenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13964metagenesi is metagenesi" ; rdfs:label " metagenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH13965metallina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13965metallina is metallina" ; rdfs:label " metallina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13966metallismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13966metallismo is metallismo" ; rdfs:label " metallismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13969metallofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13969metallofobia is metallofobia" ; rdfs:label " metallofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH13970metallografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13970metallografa is metallografa" ; rdfs:label " metallografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13972metallografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13972metallografia is metallografia" ; rdfs:label " metallografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH13973metallografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13973metallografo is metallografo" ; rdfs:label " metallografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13975metalloide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13975metalloide is metalloide" ; rdfs:label " metalloide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH13978metallurgista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13978metallurgista is metallurgista" ; rdfs:label " metallurgista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13984metalmezzadra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13984metalmezzadra is metalmezzadra" ; rdfs:label " metalmezzadra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13986metalmezzadro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13986metalmezzadro is metalmezzadro" ; rdfs:label " metalmezzadro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH13987metamerismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13987metamerismo is metamerismo" ; rdfs:label " metamerismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH13989metamorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13989metamorfismo is metamorfismo" ; rdfs:label " metamorfismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH13991metaniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13991metaniere is metaniere" ; rdfs:label " metaniere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13995metapsichista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13995metapsichista is metapsichista" ; rdfs:label " metapsichista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH13998metastoricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13998metastoricita1 is metastoricita'" ; rdfs:label " metastoricita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH13999metatarso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH13999metatarso is metatarso" ; rdfs:label " metatarso_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH14001metatorace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14001metatorace is metatorace" ; rdfs:label " metatorace_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH14004meteo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14004meteo is meteo" ; rdfs:label " meteo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH14006meteora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14006meteora is meteora" ; rdfs:label " meteora_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH14007meteorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14007meteorismo is meteorismo" ; rdfs:label " meteorismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14008meteorobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14008meteorobiologia is meteorobiologia" ; rdfs:label " meteorobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14009meteorografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14009meteorografia is meteorografia" ; rdfs:label " meteorografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14010meteorografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14010meteorografo is meteorografo" ; rdfs:label " meteorografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14012meteoroide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14012meteoroide is meteoroide" ; rdfs:label " meteoroide_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH14014meteorologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14014meteorologista is meteorologista" ; rdfs:label " meteorologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14017meteoropatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14017meteoropatica is meteoropatica" ; rdfs:label " meteoropatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14019meteoropatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14019meteoropatico is meteoropatico" ; rdfs:label " meteoropatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14021meteoropatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14021meteoropatologia is meteoropatologia" ; rdfs:label " meteoropatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14024metodica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14024metodica is metodica" ; rdfs:label " metodica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14026metodicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14026metodicita1 is metodicita'" ; rdfs:label " metodicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14027metodico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14027metodico is metodico" ; rdfs:label " metodico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14029metodismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14029metodismo is metodismo" ; rdfs:label " metodismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14033metodista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14033metodista is metodista" ; rdfs:label " metodista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14036metodista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14036metodista is metodista" ; rdfs:label " metodista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH14037metodologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14037metodologa is metodologa" ; rdfs:label " metodologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14039metodologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14039metodologo is metodologo" ; rdfs:label " metodologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14044metricista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14044metricista is metricista" ; rdfs:label " metricista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14047metricologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14047metricologa is metricologa" ; rdfs:label " metricologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14049metricologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14049metricologia is metricologia" ; rdfs:label " metricologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14050metricologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14050metricologo is metricologo" ; rdfs:label " metricologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14052metrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14052metrite is metrite" ; rdfs:label " metrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14054metrologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14054metrologa is metrologa" ; rdfs:label " metrologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14056metrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14056metrologia is metrologia" ; rdfs:label " metrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14057metrologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14057metrologo is metrologo" ; rdfs:label " metrologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14059metromania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14059metromania is metromania" ; rdfs:label " metromania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14060metroptosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14060metroptosi is metroptosi" ; rdfs:label " metroptosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14061metrorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14061metrorragia is metrorragia" ; rdfs:label " metrorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14063metrostenosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14063metrostenosi is metrostenosi" ; rdfs:label " metrostenosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14064mettibocca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14064mettibocca is mettibocca" ; rdfs:label " mettibocca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14066mettidonna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14066mettidonna is mettidonna" ; rdfs:label " mettidonna_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14068mettifoglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14068mettifoglio is mettifoglio" ; rdfs:label " mettifoglio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14070mettimale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14070mettimale is mettimale" ; rdfs:label " mettimale_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14072mettipiombo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14072mettipiombo is mettipiombo" ; rdfs:label " mettipiombo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14074mettiscandali simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14074mettiscandali is mettiscandali" ; rdfs:label " mettiscandali_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14080mezzadra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14080mezzadra is mezzadra" ; rdfs:label " mezzadra_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH14082mezzadro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14082mezzadro is mezzadro" ; rdfs:label " mezzadro_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH14084mezzaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14084mezzaiola is mezzaiola" ; rdfs:label " mezzaiola_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH14086mezzaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14086mezzaiolo is mezzaiolo" ; rdfs:label " mezzaiolo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH14088mezzala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14088mezzala is mezzala" ; rdfs:label " mezzala_as_Role" . inds:USemTH14091mezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14091mezzo is mezzo" ; rdfs:label " mezzo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH14092mezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14092mezzo is mezzo" ; rdfs:label " mezzo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH14096mezzofondista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14096mezzofondista is mezzofondista" ; rdfs:label " mezzofondista_as_Role" . inds:USemTH14097mezzosangue simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14097mezzosangue is mezzosangue" ; rdfs:label " mezzosangue_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH14098mezzotondo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14098mezzotondo is mezzotondo" ; rdfs:label " mezzotondo_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH14099mezzovento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14099mezzovento is mezzovento" ; rdfs:label " mezzovento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH14105miasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14105miasi is miasi" ; rdfs:label " miasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14106miastenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14106miastenia is miastenia" ; rdfs:label " miastenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14107miastenica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14107miastenica is miastenica" ; rdfs:label " miastenica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14109miastenico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14109miastenico is miastenico" ; rdfs:label " miastenico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14111miatrofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14111miatrofia is miatrofia" ; rdfs:label " miatrofia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14112mica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14112mica is mica" ; rdfs:label " mica_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH14113micca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14113micca is micca" ; rdfs:label " micca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14115micco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14115micco is micco" ; rdfs:label " micco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14116micco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14116micco is micco" ; rdfs:label " micco_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH14117micelio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14117micelio is micelio" ; rdfs:label " micelio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH14118micenea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14118micenea is micenea" ; rdfs:label " micenea_as_People" . inds:USemTH14120miceneo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14120miceneo is miceneo" ; rdfs:label " miceneo_as_People" . inds:USemTH14121miceneo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14121miceneo is miceneo" ; rdfs:label " miceneo_as_Language" . inds:USemTH14122micete simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14122micete is micete" ; rdfs:label " micete_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH14123micetologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14123micetologia is micetologia" ; rdfs:label " micetologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14124micobatterio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14124micobatterio is micobatterio" ; rdfs:label " micobatterio_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH14125micologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14125micologa is micologa" ; rdfs:label " micologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14127micologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14127micologia is micologia" ; rdfs:label " micologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14128micologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14128micologo is micologo" ; rdfs:label " micologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14130micosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14130micosi is micosi" ; rdfs:label " micosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14131microamperometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14131microamperometro is microamperometro" ; rdfs:label " microamperometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14133microbibliografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14133microbibliografia is microbibliografia" ; rdfs:label " microbibliografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14134microcefala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14134microcefala is microcefala" ; rdfs:label " microcefala_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14136microcefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14136microcefalo is microcefalo" ; rdfs:label " microcefalo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14138microdattila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14138microdattila is microdattila" ; rdfs:label " microdattila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14140microdattilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14140microdattilo is microdattilo" ; rdfs:label " microdattilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14145microfonicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14145microfonicita1 is microfonicita'" ; rdfs:label " microfonicita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH14147microfonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14147microfonista is microfonista" ; rdfs:label " microfonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14150microfotografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14150microfotografia is microfotografia" ; rdfs:label " microfotografia_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH14151micrognatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14151micrognatismo is micrognatismo" ; rdfs:label " micrognatismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14153micrografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14153micrografia is micrografia" ; rdfs:label " micrografia_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH14155microinfusore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14155microinfusore is microinfusore" ; rdfs:label " microinfusore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14160micromania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14160micromania is micromania" ; rdfs:label " micromania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14161micrometeorologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14161micrometeorologia is micrometeorologia" ; rdfs:label " micrometeorologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14167micromotorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14167micromotorista is micromotorista" ; rdfs:label " micromotorista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH14171micronesiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14171micronesiana is micronesiana" ; rdfs:label " micronesiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH14173micronesiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14173micronesiano is micronesiano" ; rdfs:label " micronesiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH14175microorganismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14175microorganismo is microorganismo" ; rdfs:label " microorganismo_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USemTH14183microscopista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14183microscopista is microscopista" ; rdfs:label " microscopista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14186microsismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14186microsismo is microsismo" ; rdfs:label " microsismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH14188microsismografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14188microsismografo is microsismografo" ; rdfs:label " microsismografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14190microsociologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14190microsociologia is microsociologia" ; rdfs:label " microsociologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14192microtelefono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14192microtelefono is microtelefono" ; rdfs:label " microtelefono_as_Part" . inds:USemTH14193microtomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14193microtomo is microtomo" ; rdfs:label " microtomo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14194midi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14194midi is midi" ; rdfs:label " midi_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH14195midriasi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14195midriasi is midriasi" ; rdfs:label " midriasi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH14196midriatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14196midriatica is midriatica" ; rdfs:label " midriatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14198midriatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14198midriatico is midriatico" ; rdfs:label " midriatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14200mielatrofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14200mielatrofia is mielatrofia" ; rdfs:label " mielatrofia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14201mielite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14201mielite is mielite" ; rdfs:label " mielite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14203mieloma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14203mieloma is mieloma" ; rdfs:label " mieloma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14204mielopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14204mielopatia is mielopatia" ; rdfs:label " mielopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14205mielosclerosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14205mielosclerosi is mielosclerosi" ; rdfs:label " mielosclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14206mielosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14206mielosi is mielosi" ; rdfs:label " mielosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14209mietitrebbia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14209mietitrebbia is mietitrebbia" ; rdfs:label " mietitrebbia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14216miglialsole simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14216miglialsole is miglialsole" ; rdfs:label " miglialsole_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH14223migliorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14223migliorismo is migliorismo" ; rdfs:label " migliorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14225mignattone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14225mignattone is mignattone" ; rdfs:label " mignattone_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH14228milanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14228milanista is milanista" ; rdfs:label " milanista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH14233miliardesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14233miliardesimo is miliardesimo" ; rdfs:label " miliardesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH14235milionesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14235milionesimo is milionesimo" ; rdfs:label " milionesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH14236milite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14236milite is milite" ; rdfs:label " milite_as_Role" . inds:USemTH14238miliziana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14238miliziana is miliziana" ; rdfs:label " miliziana_as_Role" . inds:USemTH14240miliziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14240miliziano is miliziano" ; rdfs:label " miliziano_as_Role" . inds:USemTH14243millefiori simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14243millefiori is millefiori" ; rdfs:label " millefiori_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH14247millenario simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14247millenario is millenario" ; rdfs:label " millenario_as_Time" . inds:USemTH14248millenarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14248millenarismo is millenarismo" ; rdfs:label " millenarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14251millenarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14251millenarista is millenarista" ; rdfs:label " millenarista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14254millerighe simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14254millerighe is millerighe" ; rdfs:label " millerighe_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH14256milliamperometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14256milliamperometro is milliamperometro" ; rdfs:label " milliamperometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14259milord simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14259milord is milord" ; rdfs:label " milord_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH14261mimeografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14261mimeografia is mimeografia" ; rdfs:label " mimeografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14262mimografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14262mimografa is mimografa" ; rdfs:label " mimografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14264mimografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14264mimografo is mimografo" ; rdfs:label " mimografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14266mimologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14266mimologa is mimologa" ; rdfs:label " mimologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14268mimologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14268mimologo is mimologo" ; rdfs:label " mimologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14277mineralista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14277mineralista is mineralista" ; rdfs:label " mineralista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14281minerogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14281minerogenesi is minerogenesi" ; rdfs:label " minerogenesi_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14282minestraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14282minestraia is minestraia" ; rdfs:label " minestraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14284minestraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14284minestraio is minestraio" ; rdfs:label " minestraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14286mini simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14286mini is mini" ; rdfs:label " mini_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH14293miniaturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14293miniaturista is miniaturista" ; rdfs:label " miniaturista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14297minibus simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14297minibus is minibus" ; rdfs:label " minibus_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH14302minigolf simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14302minigolf is minigolf" ; rdfs:label " minigolf_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14303minimale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14303minimale is minimale" ; rdfs:label " minimale_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH14305minimalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14305minimalista is minimalista" ; rdfs:label " minimalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14308minimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14308minimetro is minimetro" ; rdfs:label " minimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14312ministeriale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14312ministeriale is ministeriale" ; rdfs:label " ministeriale_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH14316minore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14316minore is minore" ; rdfs:label " minore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14317minore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14317minore is minore" ; rdfs:label " minore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH14318minorita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14318minorita1 is minorita'" ; rdfs:label " minorita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH14321minusvalenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14321minusvalenza is minusvalenza" ; rdfs:label " minusvalenza_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH14323minutario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14323minutario is minutario" ; rdfs:label " minutario_as_Information" . inds:USemTH14326minuteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14326minuteria is minuteria" ; rdfs:label " minuteria_as_Group" . inds:USemTH14328minuziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14328minuziosita1 is minuziosita'" ; rdfs:label " minuziosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14332minuzzolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14332minuzzolo is minuzzolo" ; rdfs:label " minuzzolo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH14334miocardosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14334miocardosi is miocardosi" ; rdfs:label " miocardosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14335miocardite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14335miocardite is miocardite" ; rdfs:label " miocardite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14336miodistrofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14336miodistrofia is miodistrofia" ; rdfs:label " miodistrofia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14337miodistrofica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14337miodistrofica is miodistrofica" ; rdfs:label " miodistrofica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14339miodistrofico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14339miodistrofico is miodistrofico" ; rdfs:label " miodistrofico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14341mioflogosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14341mioflogosi is mioflogosi" ; rdfs:label " mioflogosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14343miografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14343miografo is miografo" ; rdfs:label " miografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14345miologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14345miologia is miologia" ; rdfs:label " miologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14346mioma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14346mioma is mioma" ; rdfs:label " mioma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14347miomalacia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14347miomalacia is miomalacia" ; rdfs:label " miomalacia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14348miopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14348miopatia is miopatia" ; rdfs:label " miopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14349miorilassante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14349miorilassante is miorilassante" ; rdfs:label " miorilassante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH14350miosclerosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14350miosclerosi is miosclerosi" ; rdfs:label " miosclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14351miosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14351miosi is miosi" ; rdfs:label " miosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH14352miosite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14352miosite is miosite" ; rdfs:label " miosite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14353miotonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14353miotonia is miotonia" ; rdfs:label " miotonia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14354mirabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14354mirabilita1 is mirabilita'" ; rdfs:label " mirabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14355miracolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14355miracolaia is miracolaia" ; rdfs:label " miracolaia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14357miracolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14357miracolaio is miracolaio" ; rdfs:label " miracolaio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14359miracolata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14359miracolata is miracolata" ; rdfs:label " miracolata_as_Human", " miracolata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH14361miracolato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14361miracolato is miracolato" ; rdfs:label " miracolato_as_Human", " miracolato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH14363miracolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14363miracolismo is miracolismo" ; rdfs:label " miracolismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14366miracolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14366miracolista is miracolista" ; rdfs:label " miracolista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14369mirasole simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14369mirasole is mirasole" ; rdfs:label " mirasole_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH14377miristato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14377miristato is miristato" ; rdfs:label " miristato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH14378mirmecologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14378mirmecologa is mirmecologa" ; rdfs:label " mirmecologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14380mirmecologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14380mirmecologia is mirmecologia" ; rdfs:label " mirmecologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14381mirmecologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14381mirmecologo is mirmecologo" ; rdfs:label " mirmecologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14383mirra simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14383mirra is mirra" ; rdfs:label " mirra_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH14389miscredenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14389miscredenza is miscredenza" ; rdfs:label " miscredenza_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14390mise simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14390mise is mise" ; rdfs:label " mise_as_Property" . inds:USemTH14392misera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14392misera is misera" ; rdfs:label " misera_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14395misero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14395misero is misero" ; rdfs:label " misero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14397misofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14397misofobia is misofobia" ; rdfs:label " misofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14400misoginismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14400misoginismo is misoginismo" ; rdfs:label " misoginismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14406misoneista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14406misoneista is misoneista" ; rdfs:label " misoneista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14411missiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14411missiologia is missiologia" ; rdfs:label " missiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14412missionologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14412missionologia is missionologia" ; rdfs:label " missionologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14413misteriosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14413misteriosa is misteriosa" ; rdfs:label " misteriosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14415misteriosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14415misteriosita1 is misteriosita'" ; rdfs:label " misteriosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14416misterioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14416misterioso is misterioso" ; rdfs:label " misterioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14418misteriosofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14418misteriosofia is misteriosofia" ; rdfs:label " misteriosofia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14419misticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14419misticita1 is misticita'" ; rdfs:label " misticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14423misuracavi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14423misuracavi is misuracavi" ; rdfs:label " misuracavi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14426misurapioggia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14426misurapioggia is misurapioggia" ; rdfs:label " misurapioggia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14442mitografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14442mitografa is mitografa" ; rdfs:label " mitografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14444mitografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14444mitografia is mitografia" ; rdfs:label " mitografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14445mitografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14445mitografo is mitografo" ; rdfs:label " mitografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14447mitologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14447mitologa is mitologa" ; rdfs:label " mitologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14450mitologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14450mitologista is mitologista" ; rdfs:label " mitologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14453mitologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14453mitologo is mitologo" ; rdfs:label " mitologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14455mitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14455mitosi is mitosi" ; rdfs:label " mitosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH14459mitraismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14459mitraismo is mitraismo" ; rdfs:label " mitraismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14461mitridatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14461mitridatismo is mitridatismo" ; rdfs:label " mitridatismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH14463mixedema simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14463mixedema is mixedema" ; rdfs:label " mixedema_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14464mixoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14464mixoma is mixoma" ; rdfs:label " mixoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14465mixomatosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14465mixomatosi is mixomatosi" ; rdfs:label " mixomatosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14466mnemonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14466mnemonismo is mnemonismo" ; rdfs:label " mnemonismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14469moabita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14469moabita is moabita" ; rdfs:label " moabita_as_People" . inds:USemTH14474mobilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14474mobilismo is mobilismo" ; rdfs:label " mobilismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14477mocciosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14477mocciosa is mocciosa" ; rdfs:label " mocciosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14479moccioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14479moccioso is moccioso" ; rdfs:label " moccioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14481modalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14481modalismo is modalismo" ; rdfs:label " modalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14490modellismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14490modellismo is modellismo" ; rdfs:label " modellismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14493modellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14493modellista is modellista" ; rdfs:label " modellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14500modernita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14500modernita1 is modernita'" ; rdfs:label " modernita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14501modicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14501modicita1 is modicita'" ; rdfs:label " modicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14502modificabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14502modificabilita1 is modificabilita'" ; rdfs:label " modificabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14505modista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14505modista is modista" ; rdfs:label " modista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14509modularita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14509modularita1 is modularita'" ; rdfs:label " modularita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14511mogigrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14511mogigrafia is mogigrafia" ; rdfs:label " mogigrafia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14512mohicana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14512mohicana is mohicana" ; rdfs:label " mohicana_as_People" . inds:USemTH14514mohicano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14514mohicano is mohicano" ; rdfs:label " mohicano_as_People" . inds:USemTH14516moicana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14516moicana is moicana" ; rdfs:label " moicana_as_People" . inds:USemTH14518moicano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14518moicano is moicano" ; rdfs:label " moicano_as_People" . inds:USemTH14520mola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14520mola is mola" ; rdfs:label " mola_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14521molalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14521molalita1 is molalita'" ; rdfs:label " molalita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH14522molarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14522molarita1 is molarita'" ; rdfs:label " molarita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH14540moletta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14540moletta is moletta" ; rdfs:label " moletta_as_Part" . inds:USemTH14541molibdato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14541molibdato is molibdato" ; rdfs:label " molibdato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH14542molinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14542molinaia is molinaia" ; rdfs:label " molinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14544molinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14544molinaio is molinaio" ; rdfs:label " molinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14546molinara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14546molinara is molinara" ; rdfs:label " molinara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14548molinaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14548molinaro is molinaro" ; rdfs:label " molinaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14550molinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14550molinismo is molinismo" ; rdfs:label " molinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14553molinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14553molinista is molinista" ; rdfs:label " molinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14566mollente simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14566mollente is mollente" ; rdfs:label " mollente_as_Area" . inds:USemTH14568mollicume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14568mollicume is mollicume" ; rdfs:label " mollicume_as_Group" . inds:USemTH14570mollone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14570mollone is mollone" ; rdfs:label " mollone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14571molluscoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14571molluscoide is molluscoide" ; rdfs:label " molluscoide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH14572molteplicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14572molteplicita1 is molteplicita'" ; rdfs:label " molteplicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14573moltiloquenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14573moltiloquenza is moltiloquenza" ; rdfs:label " moltiloquenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14574moltiplicabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14574moltiplicabilita1 is moltiplicabilita'" ; rdfs:label " moltiplicabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14576monacanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14576monacanda is monacanda" ; rdfs:label " monacanda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH14578monacando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14578monacando is monacando" ; rdfs:label " monacando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH14580monachismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14580monachismo is monachismo" ; rdfs:label " monachismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH14582monadelfia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14582monadelfia is monadelfia" ; rdfs:label " monadelfia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH14583monadismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14583monadismo is monadismo" ; rdfs:label " monadismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14586monadista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14586monadista is monadista" ; rdfs:label " monadista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14589monadologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14589monadologia is monadologia" ; rdfs:label " monadologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14590monarchica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14590monarchica is monarchica" ; rdfs:label " monarchica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14592monarchico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14592monarchico is monarchico" ; rdfs:label " monarchico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14594monarchismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14594monarchismo is monarchismo" ; rdfs:label " monarchismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14597monarcomaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14597monarcomaca is monarcomaca" ; rdfs:label " monarcomaca_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14599monarcomaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14599monarcomaco is monarcomaco" ; rdfs:label " monarcomaco_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14602monchezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14602monchezza is monchezza" ; rdfs:label " monchezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14603mondanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14603mondanita1 is mondanita'" ; rdfs:label " mondanita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14604mondariso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14604mondariso is mondariso" ; rdfs:label " mondariso_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14611mondezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14611mondezza is mondezza" ; rdfs:label " mondezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14612mondialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14612mondialismo is mondialismo" ; rdfs:label " mondialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14616monetarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14616monetarista is monetarista" ; rdfs:label " monetarista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14619monetiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14619monetiere is monetiere" ; rdfs:label " monetiere_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH14620mongolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14620mongolismo is mongolismo" ; rdfs:label " mongolismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14622mongoloidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14622mongoloidismo is mongoloidismo" ; rdfs:label " mongoloidismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14624mongomeri simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14624mongomeri is mongomeri" ; rdfs:label " mongomeri_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH14625moniliasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14625moniliasi is moniliasi" ; rdfs:label " moniliasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14626monismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14626monismo is monismo" ; rdfs:label " monismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14629monista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14629monista is monista" ; rdfs:label " monista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14632monocanna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14632monocanna is monocanna" ; rdfs:label " monocanna_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14633monocolore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14633monocolore is monocolore" ; rdfs:label " monocolore_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH14635monocromaticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14635monocromaticita1 is monocromaticita'" ; rdfs:label " monocromaticita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH14636monocromatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14636monocromatismo is monocromatismo" ; rdfs:label " monocromatismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14641monofiletismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14641monofiletismo is monofiletismo" ; rdfs:label " monofiletismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14643monofisismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14643monofisismo is monofisismo" ; rdfs:label " monofisismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14646monofisita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14646monofisita is monofisita" ; rdfs:label " monofisita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14649monofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14649monofobia is monofobia" ; rdfs:label " monofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14650monogama simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14650monogama is monogama" ; rdfs:label " monogama_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14652monogamo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14652monogamo is monogamo" ; rdfs:label " monogamo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14655monogenismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14655monogenismo is monogenismo" ; rdfs:label " monogenismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14657monoicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14657monoicismo is monoicismo" ; rdfs:label " monoicismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH14661monolitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14661monolitismo is monolitismo" ; rdfs:label " monolitismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14663monomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14663monomania is monomania" ; rdfs:label " monomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14664monomaniaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14664monomaniaca is monomaniaca" ; rdfs:label " monomaniaca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14666monomaniaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14666monomaniaco is monomaniaco" ; rdfs:label " monomaniaco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14673monopartitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14673monopartitismo is monopartitismo" ; rdfs:label " monopartitismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14675monopetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14675monopetto is monopetto" ; rdfs:label " monopetto_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH14676monopezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14676monopezzo is monopezzo" ; rdfs:label " monopezzo_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH14677monopoli simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14677monopoli is monopoli" ; rdfs:label " monopoli_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14680monopolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14680monopolista is monopolista" ; rdfs:label " monopolista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14685monopolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14685monopolo is monopolo" ; rdfs:label " monopolo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH14686monopropellente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14686monopropellente is monopropellente" ; rdfs:label " monopropellente_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH14688monosaccaride simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14688monosaccaride is monosaccaride" ; rdfs:label " monosaccaride_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH14689monosci1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14689monosci1 is monosci'" ; rdfs:label " monosci'_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14693monotastierista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14693monotastierista is monotastierista" ; rdfs:label " monotastierista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14696monotelismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14696monotelismo is monotelismo" ; rdfs:label " monotelismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14699monotelita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14699monotelita is monotelita" ; rdfs:label " monotelita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14706monotipista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14706monotipista is monotipista" ; rdfs:label " monotipista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14709monovoltinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14709monovoltinismo is monovoltinismo" ; rdfs:label " monovoltinismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH14711montacarichi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14711montacarichi is montacarichi" ; rdfs:label " montacarichi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14713montagnola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14713montagnola is montagnola" ; rdfs:label " montagnola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14715montagnolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14715montagnolo is montagnolo" ; rdfs:label " montagnolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14717montanina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14717montanina is montanina" ; rdfs:label " montanina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14719montanino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14719montanino is montanino" ; rdfs:label " montanino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14721montanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14721montanismo is montanismo" ; rdfs:label " montanismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14724montanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14724montanista is montanista" ; rdfs:label " montanista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14727montenegrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14727montenegrina is montenegrina" ; rdfs:label " montenegrina_as_People" . inds:USemTH14729montenegrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14729montenegrino is montenegrino" ; rdfs:label " montenegrino_as_People" . inds:USemTH14732monumentalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14732monumentalita1 is monumentalita'" ; rdfs:label " monumentalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14733monumentomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14733monumentomania is monumentomania" ; rdfs:label " monumentomania_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14734moquette simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14734moquette is moquette" ; rdfs:label " moquette_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH14735moralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14735moralita1 is moralita'" ; rdfs:label " moralita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14740morava simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14740morava is morava" ; rdfs:label " morava_as_People" . inds:USemTH14742moravo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14742moravo is moravo" ; rdfs:label " moravo_as_People" . inds:USemTH14744morbilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14744morbilita1 is morbilita'" ; rdfs:label " morbilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH14745morbillosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14745morbillosa is morbillosa" ; rdfs:label " morbillosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14747morbilloso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14747morbilloso is morbilloso" ; rdfs:label " morbilloso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14749morchione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14749morchione is morchione" ; rdfs:label " morchione_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH14755morella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14755morella is morella" ; rdfs:label " morella_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH14756morella simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14756morella is morella" ; rdfs:label " morella_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH14757morello simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14757morello is morello" ; rdfs:label " morello_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH14759moretto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14759moretto is moretto" ; rdfs:label " moretto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14760morfinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14760morfinismo is morfinismo" ; rdfs:label " morfinismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14762morfinomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14762morfinomania is morfinomania" ; rdfs:label " morfinomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14763morfonologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14763morfonologia is morfonologia" ; rdfs:label " morfonologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14766moritura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14766moritura is moritura" ; rdfs:label " moritura_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH14768morituro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14768morituro is morituro" ; rdfs:label " morituro_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH14770morlacca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14770morlacca is morlacca" ; rdfs:label " morlacca_as_People" . inds:USemTH14772morlacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14772morlacco is morlacco" ; rdfs:label " morlacco_as_People" . inds:USemTH14780morosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14780morosa is morosa" ; rdfs:label " morosa_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH14782morosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14782morosita1 is morosita'" ; rdfs:label " morosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14783moroso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14783moroso is moroso" ; rdfs:label " moroso_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH14785morsaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14785morsaia is morsaia" ; rdfs:label " morsaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14786morsaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14786morsaia is morsaia" ; rdfs:label " morsaia_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH14787morsaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14787morsaio is morsaio" ; rdfs:label " morsaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14789morsettiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14789morsettiera is morsettiera" ; rdfs:label " morsettiera_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14790morsetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14790morsetto is morsetto" ; rdfs:label " morsetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14794morta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14794morta is morta" ; rdfs:label " morta_as_Part" . inds:USemTH14795mortaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14795mortaio is mortaio" ; rdfs:label " mortaio_as_Container" . inds:USemTH14796mortalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14796mortalita1 is mortalita'" ; rdfs:label " mortalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14804morticina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14804morticina is morticina" ; rdfs:label " morticina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14806morticino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14806morticino is morticino" ; rdfs:label " morticino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14813mosaicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14813mosaicista is mosaicista" ; rdfs:label " mosaicista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14817mosaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14817mosaismo is mosaismo" ; rdfs:label " mosaismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14820moscardina simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14820moscardina is moscardina" ; rdfs:label " moscardina_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH14821moscardino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14821moscardino is moscardino" ; rdfs:label " moscardino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH14824moscardino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14824moscardino is moscardino" ; rdfs:label " moscardino_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH14826moscezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14826moscezza is moscezza" ; rdfs:label " moscezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14828moschettone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14828moschettone is moschettone" ; rdfs:label " moschettone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14831moschicida simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14831moschicida is moschicida" ; rdfs:label " moschicida_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH14833mosciame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14833mosciame is mosciame" ; rdfs:label " mosciame_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH14835moscovita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14835moscovita is moscovita" ; rdfs:label " moscovita_as_People" . inds:USemTH14838mostarda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14838mostarda is mostarda" ; rdfs:label " mostarda_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH14839mostimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14839mostimetro is mostimetro" ; rdfs:label " mostimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14847motoaliante simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14847motoaliante is motoaliante" ; rdfs:label " motoaliante_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH14848motoalpinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14848motoalpinismo is motoalpinismo" ; rdfs:label " motoalpinismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14854motocarrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14854motocarrista is motocarrista" ; rdfs:label " motocarrista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH14860motocompressore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14860motocompressore is motocompressore" ; rdfs:label " motocompressore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14863motocrossista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14863motocrossista is motocrossista" ; rdfs:label " motocrossista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH14867motofurgone simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14867motofurgone is motofurgone" ; rdfs:label " motofurgone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH14869motonauta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14869motonauta is motonauta" ; rdfs:label " motonauta_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH14872motopompa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14872motopompa is motopompa" ; rdfs:label " motopompa_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14873motopropulsore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14873motopropulsore is motopropulsore" ; rdfs:label " motopropulsore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14874motoradio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14874motoradio is motoradio" ; rdfs:label " motoradio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH14875motorboat simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14875motorboat is motorboat" ; rdfs:label " motorboat_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH14878motorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14878motorismo is motorismo" ; rdfs:label " motorismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14880motorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14880motorista is motorista" ; rdfs:label " motorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14883motoscafista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14883motoscafista is motoscafista" ; rdfs:label " motoscafista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH14886motoscuterismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14886motoscuterismo is motoscuterismo" ; rdfs:label " motoscuterismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14889motoscuterista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14889motoscuterista is motoscuterista" ; rdfs:label " motoscuterista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH14892motosidecar simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14892motosidecar is motosidecar" ; rdfs:label " motosidecar_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH14893motricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14893motricita1 is motricita'" ; rdfs:label " motricita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH14900mottettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14900mottettista is mottettista" ; rdfs:label " mottettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14903motulesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14903motulesa is motulesa" ; rdfs:label " motulesa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14905motuleso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14905motuleso is motuleso" ; rdfs:label " motuleso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14907moviere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14907moviere is moviere" ; rdfs:label " moviere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14911mozabita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14911mozabita is mozabita" ; rdfs:label " mozabita_as_People" . inds:USemTH14915mozabitico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14915mozabitico is mozabitico" ; rdfs:label " mozabitico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH14918mozzaspighe simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14918mozzaspighe is mozzaspighe" ; rdfs:label " mozzaspighe_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH14923mozzone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14923mozzone is mozzone" ; rdfs:label " mozzone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH14924mozzorecchi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14924mozzorecchi is mozzorecchi" ; rdfs:label " mozzorecchi_as_Human" . inds:USemTH14926mucina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14926mucina is mucina" ; rdfs:label " mucina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH14927mucosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14927mucosita1 is mucosita'" ; rdfs:label " mucosita'_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH14928mucoviscidosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14928mucoviscidosi is mucoviscidosi" ; rdfs:label " mucoviscidosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14929muffola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14929muffola is muffola" ; rdfs:label " muffola_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH14931muffolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14931muffolista is muffolista" ; rdfs:label " muffolista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14934muffosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14934muffosita1 is muffosita'" ; rdfs:label " muffosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14936mugiliforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14936mugiliforme is mugiliforme" ; rdfs:label " mugiliforme_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH14938mulattiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14938mulattiere is mulattiere" ; rdfs:label " mulattiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14940mulinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14940mulinaia is mulinaia" ; rdfs:label " mulinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14942mulinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14942mulinaio is mulinaio" ; rdfs:label " mulinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14944mulinara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14944mulinara is mulinara" ; rdfs:label " mulinara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14946mulinaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14946mulinaro is mulinaro" ; rdfs:label " mulinaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14948multilateralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14948multilateralita1 is multilateralita'" ; rdfs:label " multilateralita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14949multiloquenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14949multiloquenza is multiloquenza" ; rdfs:label " multiloquenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14950multimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14950multimetro is multimetro" ; rdfs:label " multimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH14957multipolarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14957multipolarita1 is multipolarita'" ; rdfs:label " multipolarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14969municipalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14969municipalismo is municipalismo" ; rdfs:label " municipalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH14972munizioniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14972munizioniere is munizioniere" ; rdfs:label " munizioniere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14974murale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14974murale is murale" ; rdfs:label " murale_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH14976muralista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14976muralista is muralista" ; rdfs:label " muralista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14981muscarinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14981muscarinismo is muscarinismo" ; rdfs:label " muscarinismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH14983musco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14983musco is musco" ; rdfs:label " musco_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH14985museografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14985museografia is museografia" ; rdfs:label " museografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14986museologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14986museologia is museologia" ; rdfs:label " museologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH14987musicabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14987musicabilita1 is musicabilita'" ; rdfs:label " musicabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH14990musicografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14990musicografa is musicografa" ; rdfs:label " musicografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14992musicografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14992musicografo is musicografo" ; rdfs:label " musicografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH14997mussulmana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14997mussulmana is mussulmana" ; rdfs:label " mussulmana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH14999mussulmano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH14999mussulmano is mussulmano" ; rdfs:label " mussulmano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15000mustelide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15000mustelide is mustelide" ; rdfs:label " mustelide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH15001mutabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15001mutabilita1 is mutabilita'" ; rdfs:label " mutabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15002mutacismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15002mutacismo is mutacismo" ; rdfs:label " mutacismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15004mutante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agentive, simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15004mutante is mutante" ; rdfs:label " mutante_as_Agentive", " mutante_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH15011mutazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15011mutazionismo is mutazionismo" ; rdfs:label " mutazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15014mutazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15014mutazionista is mutazionista" ; rdfs:label " mutazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15017mutezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15017mutezza is mutezza" ; rdfs:label " mutezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15025mutolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15025mutolezza is mutolezza" ; rdfs:label " mutolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15026mutualismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15026mutualismo is mutualismo" ; rdfs:label " mutualismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH15028mutualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15028mutualita1 is mutualita'" ; rdfs:label " mutualita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH15029mutuante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15029mutuante is mutuante" ; rdfs:label " mutuante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15031mutuataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15031mutuataria is mutuataria" ; rdfs:label " mutuataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15032mutuatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15032mutuatario is mutuatario" ; rdfs:label " mutuatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15034mzabita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15034mzabita is mzabita" ; rdfs:label " mzabita_as_People" . inds:USemTH15038mzabitico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15038mzabitico is mzabitico" ; rdfs:label " mzabitico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH15041naccaiuola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15041naccaiuola is naccaiuola" ; rdfs:label " naccaiuola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15043naccaiuolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15043naccaiuolo is naccaiuolo" ; rdfs:label " naccaiuolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15044nachera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15044nachera is nachera" ; rdfs:label " nachera_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15046nachero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15046nachero is nachero" ; rdfs:label " nachero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15048naftene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15048naftene is naftene" ; rdfs:label " naftene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15049naftile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15049naftile is naftile" ; rdfs:label " naftile_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15050nanocefala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15050nanocefala is nanocefala" ; rdfs:label " nanocefala_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15052nanocefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15052nanocefalo is nanocefalo" ; rdfs:label " nanocefalo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15054nanometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15054nanometro is nanometro" ; rdfs:label " nanometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15056napoleone simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15056napoleone is napoleone" ; rdfs:label " napoleone_as_Money" . inds:USemTH15057napoletanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15057napoletanismo is napoletanismo" ; rdfs:label " napoletanismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH15059napoletanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15059napoletanita1 is napoletanita'" ; rdfs:label " napoletanita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15061narcosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15061narcosi is narcosi" ; rdfs:label " narcosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH15063narcotico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15063narcotico is narcotico" ; rdfs:label " narcotico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15064narratologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15064narratologia is narratologia" ; rdfs:label " narratologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15065nasalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15065nasalita1 is nasalita'" ; rdfs:label " nasalita'_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH15066nascitura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15066nascitura is nascitura" ; rdfs:label " nascitura_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15073nastraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15073nastraia is nastraia" ; rdfs:label " nastraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15075nastraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15075nastraio is nastraio" ; rdfs:label " nastraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15080nativismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15080nativismo is nativismo" ; rdfs:label " nativismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15082nato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15082nato is nato" ; rdfs:label " nato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15083nato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15083nato is nato" ; rdfs:label " nato_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH15085natrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15085natrometro is natrometro" ; rdfs:label " natrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15087naturalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15087naturalita1 is naturalita'" ; rdfs:label " naturalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15089naturamortista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15089naturamortista is naturamortista" ; rdfs:label " naturamortista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15092nauta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15092nauta is nauta" ; rdfs:label " nauta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15095navalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15095navalismo is navalismo" ; rdfs:label " navalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15097navalmeccanica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15097navalmeccanica is navalmeccanica" ; rdfs:label " navalmeccanica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15099navalmeccanico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15099navalmeccanico is navalmeccanico" ; rdfs:label " navalmeccanico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15101navarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15101navarca is navarca" ; rdfs:label " navarca_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15103navarrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15103navarrina is navarrina" ; rdfs:label " navarrina_as_People" . inds:USemTH15105navarrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15105navarrino is navarrino" ; rdfs:label " navarrino_as_People" . inds:USemTH15107navette simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15107navette is navette" ; rdfs:label " navette_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15108navicellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15108navicellaia is navicellaia" ; rdfs:label " navicellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15110navicellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15110navicellaio is navicellaio" ; rdfs:label " navicellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15112navimodellismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15112navimodellismo is navimodellismo" ; rdfs:label " navimodellismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15114navone simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15114navone is navone" ; rdfs:label " navone_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH15115nazionalcomunismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15115nazionalcomunismo is nazionalcomunismo" ; rdfs:label " nazionalcomunismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15118nazionalcomunista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15118nazionalcomunista is nazionalcomunista" ; rdfs:label " nazionalcomunista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15121nazionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15121nazionalita1 is nazionalita'" ; rdfs:label " nazionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15122nazirea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15122nazirea is nazirea" ; rdfs:label " nazirea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15124nazireo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15124nazireo is nazireo" ; rdfs:label " nazireo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15126nebbiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15126nebbiosita1 is nebbiosita'" ; rdfs:label " nebbiosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15127nebulosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15127nebulosita1 is nebulosita'" ; rdfs:label " nebulosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15128necessitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15128necessitismo is necessitismo" ; rdfs:label " necessitismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15130necrofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15130necrofila is necrofila" ; rdfs:label " necrofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15132necrofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15132necrofilo is necrofilo" ; rdfs:label " necrofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15135necrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15135necrologia is necrologia" ; rdfs:label " necrologia_as_Information" . inds:USemTH15137necrologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15137necrologista is necrologista" ; rdfs:label " necrologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15144nefelometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15144nefelometro is nefelometro" ; rdfs:label " nefelometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15146nefoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15146nefoscopio is nefoscopio" ; rdfs:label " nefoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15149nefritica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15149nefritica is nefritica" ; rdfs:label " nefritica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15151nefritico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15151nefritico is nefritico" ; rdfs:label " nefritico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15154nefrologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15154nefrologa is nefrologa" ; rdfs:label " nefrologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15157nefroptosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15157nefroptosi is nefroptosi" ; rdfs:label " nefroptosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15160nefrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15160nefrosi is nefrosi" ; rdfs:label " nefrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15161negabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15161negabilita1 is negabilita'" ; rdfs:label " negabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15167neghittosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15167neghittosa is neghittosa" ; rdfs:label " neghittosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15169neghittosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15169neghittosita1 is neghittosita'" ; rdfs:label " neghittosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15170neghittoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15170neghittoso is neghittoso" ; rdfs:label " neghittoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15172negoziabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15172negoziabilita1 is negoziabilita'" ; rdfs:label " negoziabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15174negozialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15174negozialita1 is negozialita'" ; rdfs:label " negozialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15175negriera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15175negriera is negriera" ; rdfs:label " negriera_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15176negrilla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15176negrilla is negrilla" ; rdfs:label " negrilla_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15178negrillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15178negrillo is negrillo" ; rdfs:label " negrillo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15180negrita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15180negrita1 is negrita'" ; rdfs:label " negrita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH15181neoaccademica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15181neoaccademica is neoaccademica" ; rdfs:label " neoaccademica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15183neoaccademico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15183neoaccademico is neoaccademico" ; rdfs:label " neoaccademico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15188neocapitalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15188neocapitalista is neocapitalista" ; rdfs:label " neocapitalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15189neoclassica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15189neoclassica is neoclassica" ; rdfs:label " neoclassica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15192neoclassicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15192neoclassicista is neoclassicista" ; rdfs:label " neoclassicista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15195neoclassico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15195neoclassico is neoclassico" ; rdfs:label " neoclassico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15197neocolonialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15197neocolonialismo is neocolonialismo" ; rdfs:label " neocolonialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15200neocolonialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15200neocolonialista is neocolonialista" ; rdfs:label " neocolonialista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15203neocriticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15203neocriticismo is neocriticismo" ; rdfs:label " neocriticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15205neodadaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15205neodadaismo is neodadaismo" ; rdfs:label " neodadaismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15207neofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15207neofobia is neofobia" ; rdfs:label " neofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15208neogrammatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15208neogrammatica is neogrammatica" ; rdfs:label " neogrammatica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15210neogrammatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15210neogrammatico is neogrammatico" ; rdfs:label " neogrammatico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15213neogreco simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15213neogreco is neogreco" ; rdfs:label " neogreco_as_Language" . inds:USemTH15216neoguelfa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15216neoguelfa is neoguelfa" ; rdfs:label " neoguelfa_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15218neoguelfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15218neoguelfismo is neoguelfismo" ; rdfs:label " neoguelfismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15220neoguelfo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15220neoguelfo is neoguelfo" ; rdfs:label " neoguelfo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15222neohegeliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15222neohegeliana is neohegeliana" ; rdfs:label " neohegeliana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15224neohegeliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15224neohegeliano is neohegeliano" ; rdfs:label " neohegeliano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15226neohegelismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15226neohegelismo is neohegelismo" ; rdfs:label " neohegelismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15228neoidealismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15228neoidealismo is neoidealismo" ; rdfs:label " neoidealismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15231neoidealista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15231neoidealista is neoidealista" ; rdfs:label " neoidealista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15234neoimpressionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15234neoimpressionismo is neoimpressionismo" ; rdfs:label " neoimpressionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15236neokantiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15236neokantiana is neokantiana" ; rdfs:label " neokantiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15238neokantiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15238neokantiano is neokantiano" ; rdfs:label " neokantiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15240neolaureata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15240neolaureata is neolaureata" ; rdfs:label " neolaureata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15242neologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15242neologia is neologia" ; rdfs:label " neologia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH15244neologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15244neologista is neologista" ; rdfs:label " neologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15247neomalthusiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15247neomalthusiana is neomalthusiana" ; rdfs:label " neomalthusiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15249neomalthusiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15249neomalthusiano is neomalthusiano" ; rdfs:label " neomalthusiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15251neomaltusiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15251neomaltusiana is neomaltusiana" ; rdfs:label " neomaltusiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15253neomaltusiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15253neomaltusiano is neomaltusiano" ; rdfs:label " neomaltusiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15255neomercantilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15255neomercantilismo is neomercantilismo" ; rdfs:label " neomercantilismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15257neonatologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15257neonatologa is neonatologa" ; rdfs:label " neonatologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15259neonatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15259neonatologia is neonatologia" ; rdfs:label " neonatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15260neonatologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15260neonatologo is neonatologo" ; rdfs:label " neonatologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15263neonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15263neonista is neonista" ; rdfs:label " neonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15266neopitagorica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15266neopitagorica is neopitagorica" ; rdfs:label " neopitagorica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15268neopitagorico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15268neopitagorico is neopitagorico" ; rdfs:label " neopitagorico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15270neopitagorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15270neopitagorismo is neopitagorismo" ; rdfs:label " neopitagorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15272neoplasticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15272neoplasticismo is neoplasticismo" ; rdfs:label " neoplasticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15274neoplatonica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15274neoplatonica is neoplatonica" ; rdfs:label " neoplatonica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15276neoplatonico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15276neoplatonico is neoplatonico" ; rdfs:label " neoplatonico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15278neoplatonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15278neoplatonismo is neoplatonismo" ; rdfs:label " neoplatonismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15281neopositivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15281neopositivista is neopositivista" ; rdfs:label " neopositivista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15284neoprene simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15284neoprene is neoprene" ; rdfs:label " neoprene_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH15285neopurismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15285neopurismo is neopurismo" ; rdfs:label " neopurismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15288neopurista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15288neopurista is neopurista" ; rdfs:label " neopurista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15291neoscolastica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15291neoscolastica is neoscolastica" ; rdfs:label " neoscolastica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15292neoscolastica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15292neoscolastica is neoscolastica" ; rdfs:label " neoscolastica_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15293neoscolastico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15293neoscolastico is neoscolastico" ; rdfs:label " neoscolastico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15295neoterica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15295neoterica is neoterica" ; rdfs:label " neoterica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15297neoterico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15297neoterico is neoterico" ; rdfs:label " neoterico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15299neoterismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15299neoterismo is neoterismo" ; rdfs:label " neoterismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15301neotomismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15301neotomismo is neotomismo" ; rdfs:label " neotomismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15304neotomista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15304neotomista is neotomista" ; rdfs:label " neotomista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15307neoverismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15307neoverismo is neoverismo" ; rdfs:label " neoverismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15310nepotista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15310nepotista is nepotista" ; rdfs:label " nepotista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15313nerazzurra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15313nerazzurra is nerazzurra" ; rdfs:label " nerazzurra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15315nerazzurro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15315nerazzurro is nerazzurro" ; rdfs:label " nerazzurro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15323nerezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15323nerezza is nerezza" ; rdfs:label " nerezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15324nerita simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15324nerita is nerita" ; rdfs:label " nerita_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH15325nerofumo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15325nerofumo is nerofumo" ; rdfs:label " nerofumo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15326nerone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15326nerone is nerone" ; rdfs:label " nerone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15328nerume simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15328nerume is nerume" ; rdfs:label " nerume_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15331nestoriana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15331nestoriana is nestoriana" ; rdfs:label " nestoriana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15333nestoriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15333nestoriano is nestoriano" ; rdfs:label " nestoriano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15336nettacessi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15336nettacessi is nettacessi" ; rdfs:label " nettacessi_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15337nettadenti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15337nettadenti is nettadenti" ; rdfs:label " nettadenti_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15339nettapenne simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15339nettapenne is nettapenne" ; rdfs:label " nettapenne_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15340nettapiedi simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15340nettapiedi is nettapiedi" ; rdfs:label " nettapiedi_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH15341nettapipe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15341nettapipe is nettapipe" ; rdfs:label " nettapipe_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15347netto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15347netto is netto" ; rdfs:label " netto_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH15348nettunismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15348nettunismo is nettunismo" ; rdfs:label " nettunismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15351nettunista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15351nettunista is nettunista" ; rdfs:label " nettunista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15354netturbina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15354netturbina is netturbina" ; rdfs:label " netturbina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15356neuralgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15356neuralgia is neuralgia" ; rdfs:label " neuralgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15357neurastenica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15357neurastenica is neurastenica" ; rdfs:label " neurastenica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15359neurastenico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15359neurastenico is neurastenico" ; rdfs:label " neurastenico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15361neurinoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15361neurinoma is neurinoma" ; rdfs:label " neurinoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15362neurobiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15362neurobiologa is neurobiologa" ; rdfs:label " neurobiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15364neurobiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15364neurobiologo is neurobiologo" ; rdfs:label " neurobiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15366neurochirurga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15366neurochirurga is neurochirurga" ; rdfs:label " neurochirurga_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15368neurofisiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15368neurofisiologa is neurofisiologa" ; rdfs:label " neurofisiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15370neurofisiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15370neurofisiologia is neurofisiologia" ; rdfs:label " neurofisiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15375neuropatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15375neuropatica is neuropatica" ; rdfs:label " neuropatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15377neuropatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15377neuropatico is neuropatico" ; rdfs:label " neuropatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15379neuropatologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15379neuropatologa is neuropatologa" ; rdfs:label " neuropatologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15382neuropatologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15382neuropatologo is neuropatologo" ; rdfs:label " neuropatologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15385neurosedativo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15385neurosedativo is neurosedativo" ; rdfs:label " neurosedativo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15387neurosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15387neurosi is neurosi" ; rdfs:label " neurosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15388neurotica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15388neurotica is neurotica" ; rdfs:label " neurotica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15390neurotico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15390neurotico is neurotico" ; rdfs:label " neurotico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15393neurotossico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15393neurotossico is neurotossico" ; rdfs:label " neurotossico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15395neutralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15395neutralita1 is neutralita'" ; rdfs:label " neutralita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15396neutro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15396neutro is neutro" ; rdfs:label " neutro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15397neutropenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15397neutropenia is neutropenia" ; rdfs:label " neutropenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15398nevo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15398nevo is nevo" ; rdfs:label " nevo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15399nevometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15399nevometro is nevometro" ; rdfs:label " nevometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15401nevosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15401nevosita1 is nevosita'" ; rdfs:label " nevosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15402nevrasse simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15402nevrasse is nevrasse" ; rdfs:label " nevrasse_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH15404nevrastenica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15404nevrastenica is nevrastenica" ; rdfs:label " nevrastenica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15406nevrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15406nevrite is nevrite" ; rdfs:label " nevrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15407nibelunga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15407nibelunga is nibelunga" ; rdfs:label " nibelunga_as_People" . inds:USemTH15409nibelungo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15409nibelungo is nibelungo" ; rdfs:label " nibelungo_as_People" . inds:USemTH15412nicciana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15412nicciana is nicciana" ; rdfs:label " nicciana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15414niccianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15414niccianismo is niccianismo" ; rdfs:label " niccianismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15416nicciano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15416nicciano is nicciano" ; rdfs:label " nicciano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15423nicolaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15423nicolaismo is nicolaismo" ; rdfs:label " nicolaismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15426nicolaita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15426nicolaita is nicolaita" ; rdfs:label " nicolaita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15429nicotinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15429nicotinismo is nicotinismo" ; rdfs:label " nicotinismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15431nictalopa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15431nictalopa is nictalopa" ; rdfs:label " nictalopa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15434nictalopo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15434nictalopo is nictalopo" ; rdfs:label " nictalopo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15436nictofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15436nictofobia is nictofobia" ; rdfs:label " nictofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15437nictografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15437nictografo is nictografo" ; rdfs:label " nictografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15444nietzschiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15444nietzschiana is nietzschiana" ; rdfs:label " nietzschiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15446nietzschiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15446nietzschiano is nietzschiano" ; rdfs:label " nietzschiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15448night simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15448night is night" ; rdfs:label " night_as_Building" . inds:USemTH15449nihilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15449nihilismo is nihilismo" ; rdfs:label " nihilismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15451nina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15451nina is nina" ; rdfs:label " nina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15452ninfale simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15452ninfale is ninfale" ; rdfs:label " ninfale_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH15453ninfomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15453ninfomania is ninfomania" ; rdfs:label " ninfomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15455nino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15455nino is nino" ; rdfs:label " nino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15456nipiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15456nipiologa is nipiologa" ; rdfs:label " nipiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15458nipiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15458nipiologia is nipiologia" ; rdfs:label " nipiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15459nipiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15459nipiologo is nipiologo" ; rdfs:label " nipiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15463nipplo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15463nipplo is nipplo" ; rdfs:label " nipplo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH15464nipponismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15464nipponismo is nipponismo" ; rdfs:label " nipponismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH15466nissena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15466nissena is nissena" ; rdfs:label " nissena_as_People" . inds:USemTH15477nitro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15477nitro is nitro" ; rdfs:label " nitro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15478nitrocellulosa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15478nitrocellulosa is nitrocellulosa" ; rdfs:label " nitrocellulosa_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15479nitroderivato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15479nitroderivato is nitroderivato" ; rdfs:label " nitroderivato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15480nitrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15480nitrometro is nitrometro" ; rdfs:label " nitrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15483nitruro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15483nitruro is nitruro" ; rdfs:label " nitruro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15484nittalopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15484nittalopia is nittalopia" ; rdfs:label " nittalopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15485nivometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15485nivometro is nivometro" ; rdfs:label " nivometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15487nizzarda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15487nizzarda is nizzarda" ; rdfs:label " nizzarda_as_People" . inds:USemTH15489nizzardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15489nizzardo is nizzardo" ; rdfs:label " nizzardo_as_People" . inds:USemTH15491nobilume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15491nobilume is nobilume" ; rdfs:label " nobilume_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH15493nocciolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15493nocciolaia is nocciolaia" ; rdfs:label " nocciolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15495nocciolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15495nocciolaio is nocciolaio" ; rdfs:label " nocciolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15497noccoliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15497noccoliere is noccoliere" ; rdfs:label " noccoliere_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15498nocevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15498nocevolezza is nocevolezza" ; rdfs:label " nocevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15507noiosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15507noiosa is noiosa" ; rdfs:label " noiosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15509noiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15509noiosita1 is noiosita'" ; rdfs:label " noiosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15510noioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15510noioso is noioso" ; rdfs:label " noioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15522nominalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15522nominalista is nominalista" ; rdfs:label " nominalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15525nominativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15525nominativita1 is nominativita'" ; rdfs:label " nominativita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15530nomofilace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15530nomofilace is nomofilace" ; rdfs:label " nomofilace_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15532nomografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15532nomografia is nomografia" ; rdfs:label " nomografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15533nomogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15533nomogramma is nomogramma" ; rdfs:label " nomogramma_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH15535nonagesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15535nonagesimo is nonagesimo" ; rdfs:label " nonagesimo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH15538nonconformista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15538nonconformista is nonconformista" ; rdfs:label " nonconformista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15543nonupla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15543nonupla is nonupla" ; rdfs:label " nonupla_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH15544nonuplo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15544nonuplo is nonuplo" ; rdfs:label " nonuplo_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH15545norcina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15545norcina is norcina" ; rdfs:label " norcina_as_People" . inds:USemTH15546norcina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15546norcina is norcina" ; rdfs:label " norcina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15551nordafricana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15551nordafricana is nordafricana" ; rdfs:label " nordafricana_as_People" . inds:USemTH15553nordafricano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15553nordafricano is nordafricano" ; rdfs:label " nordafricano_as_People" . inds:USemTH15555nordamericana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15555nordamericana is nordamericana" ; rdfs:label " nordamericana_as_People" . inds:USemTH15557nordamericano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15557nordamericano is nordamericano" ; rdfs:label " nordamericano_as_People" . inds:USemTH15559nordeuropea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15559nordeuropea is nordeuropea" ; rdfs:label " nordeuropea_as_People" . inds:USemTH15561nordeuropeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15561nordeuropeo is nordeuropeo" ; rdfs:label " nordeuropeo_as_People" . inds:USemTH15563nordica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15563nordica is nordica" ; rdfs:label " nordica_as_People" . inds:USemTH15565nordico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15565nordico is nordico" ; rdfs:label " nordico_as_People" . inds:USemTH15567normale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15567normale is normale" ; rdfs:label " normale_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH15569normalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15569normalista is normalista" ; rdfs:label " normalista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15572normanna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15572normanna is normanna" ; rdfs:label " normanna_as_People" . inds:USemTH15574normanno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15574normanno is normanno" ; rdfs:label " normanno_as_People" . inds:USemTH15575normanno simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15575normanno is normanno" ; rdfs:label " normanno_as_Language" . inds:USemTH15576normanno simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15576normanno is normanno" ; rdfs:label " normanno_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH15577normativismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15577normativismo is normativismo" ; rdfs:label " normativismo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH15578normativismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15578normativismo is normativismo" ; rdfs:label " normativismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15579normativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15579normativita1 is normativita'" ; rdfs:label " normativita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15580normografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15580normografo is normografo" ; rdfs:label " normografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15582normolinea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15582normolinea is normolinea" ; rdfs:label " normolinea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15584normolineo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15584normolineo is normolineo" ; rdfs:label " normolineo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15586normotesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15586normotesa is normotesa" ; rdfs:label " normotesa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15588normoteso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15588normoteso is normoteso" ; rdfs:label " normoteso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15590nosofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15590nosofobia is nosofobia" ; rdfs:label " nosofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15591nosogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15591nosogenesi is nosogenesi" ; rdfs:label " nosogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH15593nosologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15593nosologia is nosologia" ; rdfs:label " nosologia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15594nosoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15594nosoterapia is nosoterapia" ; rdfs:label " nosoterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15595nostalgica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15595nostalgica is nostalgica" ; rdfs:label " nostalgica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15597notabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15597notabilita1 is notabilita'" ; rdfs:label " notabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15598notacantide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15598notacantide is notacantide" ; rdfs:label " notacantide_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH15599notalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15599notalgia is notalgia" ; rdfs:label " notalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15601notara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15601notara is notara" ; rdfs:label " notara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15603notaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15603notaro is notaro" ; rdfs:label " notaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15610notificanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15610notificanda is notificanda" ; rdfs:label " notificanda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15612notificando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15612notificando is notificando" ; rdfs:label " notificando_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15619notista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15619notista is notista" ; rdfs:label " notista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15622notorictide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15622notorictide is notorictide" ; rdfs:label " notorictide_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH15623nottambula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15623nottambula is nottambula" ; rdfs:label " nottambula_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15627nottuide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15627nottuide is nottuide" ; rdfs:label " nottuide_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH15628novantesima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15628novantesima is novantesima" ; rdfs:label " novantesima_as_Part" . inds:USemTH15629novantesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15629novantesimo is novantesimo" ; rdfs:label " novantesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH15635novecentesima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15635novecentesima is novecentesima" ; rdfs:label " novecentesima_as_Part" . inds:USemTH15636novecentesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15636novecentesimo is novecentesimo" ; rdfs:label " novecentesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH15640novecentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15640novecentista is novecentista" ; rdfs:label " novecentista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15643novellame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15643novellame is novellame" ; rdfs:label " novellame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH15649novellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15649novellista is novellista" ; rdfs:label " novellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15652novizza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15652novizza is novizza" ; rdfs:label " novizza_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15654novizzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15654novizzo is novizzo" ; rdfs:label " novizzo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15657nozionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15657nozionista is nozionista" ; rdfs:label " nozionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15660nubenda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15660nubenda is nubenda" ; rdfs:label " nubenda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15662nubendo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15662nubendo is nubendo" ; rdfs:label " nubendo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15664nucleoprotide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15664nucleoprotide is nucleoprotide" ; rdfs:label " nucleoprotide_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH15665nucleoside simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15665nucleoside is nucleoside" ; rdfs:label " nucleoside_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15666nucleotide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15666nucleotide is nucleotide" ; rdfs:label " nucleotide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15667nudezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15667nudezza is nudezza" ; rdfs:label " nudezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15669nudista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15669nudista is nudista" ; rdfs:label " nudista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15672nullatenenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15672nullatenenza is nullatenenza" ; rdfs:label " nullatenenza_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH15673nulliparita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15673nulliparita1 is nulliparita'" ; rdfs:label " nulliparita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15674nullismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15674nullismo is nullismo" ; rdfs:label " nullismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15676nullista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15676nullista is nullista" ; rdfs:label " nullista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15679nume simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15679nume is nume" ; rdfs:label " nume_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH15680numerabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15680numerabilita1 is numerabilita'" ; rdfs:label " numerabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15681numerale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15681numerale is numerale" ; rdfs:label " numerale_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH15682numerologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15682numerologa is numerologa" ; rdfs:label " numerologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15684numerologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15684numerologia is numerologia" ; rdfs:label " numerologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15685numerologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15685numerologo is numerologo" ; rdfs:label " numerologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15687numerosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15687numerosita1 is numerosita'" ; rdfs:label " numerosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15688numida simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15688numida is numida" ; rdfs:label " numida_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH15690numida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15690numida is numida" ; rdfs:label " numida_as_People" . inds:USemTH15693numinosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15693numinosita1 is numinosita'" ; rdfs:label " numinosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15694numismatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15694numismatico is numismatico" ; rdfs:label " numismatico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15703nutrizionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15703nutrizionista is nutrizionista" ; rdfs:label " nutrizionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15706nuzialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15706nuzialita1 is nuzialita'" ; rdfs:label " nuzialita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH15711obbligata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15711obbligata is obbligata" ; rdfs:label " obbligata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15713obbligato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15713obbligato is obbligato" ; rdfs:label " obbligato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15715obbligatorieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15715obbligatorieta1 is obbligatorieta'" ; rdfs:label " obbligatorieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15716obbligazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15716obbligazionista is obbligazionista" ; rdfs:label " obbligazionista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15717obbligazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15717obbligazionista is obbligazionista" ; rdfs:label " obbligazionista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15720obbrobriosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15720obbrobriosita1 is obbrobriosita'" ; rdfs:label " obbrobriosita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH15723oblativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15723oblativita1 is oblativita'" ; rdfs:label " oblativita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15728obliquita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15728obliquita1 is obliquita'" ; rdfs:label " obliquita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15732oboista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15732oboista is oboista" ; rdfs:label " oboista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH15733oboista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15733oboista is oboista" ; rdfs:label " oboista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH15736ocarinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15736ocarinista is ocarinista" ; rdfs:label " ocarinista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH15737ocarinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15737ocarinista is ocarinista" ; rdfs:label " ocarinista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH15740occamismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15740occamismo is occamismo" ; rdfs:label " occamismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15742occamista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15742occamista is occamista" ; rdfs:label " occamista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15743occamista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15743occamista is occamista" ; rdfs:label " occamista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15747occasionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15747occasionalismo is occasionalismo" ; rdfs:label " occasionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15748occhialaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15748occhialaia is occhialaia" ; rdfs:label " occhialaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15751occhialaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15751occhialaio is occhialaio" ; rdfs:label " occhialaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15752occhialone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15752occhialone is occhialone" ; rdfs:label " occhialone_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH15757occidentalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15757occidentalismo is occidentalismo" ; rdfs:label " occidentalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15758occidentalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15758occidentalista is occidentalista" ; rdfs:label " occidentalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15759occidentalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15759occidentalista is occidentalista" ; rdfs:label " occidentalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15762occipite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15762occipite is occipite" ; rdfs:label " occipite_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH15767occitano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15767occitano is occitano" ; rdfs:label " occitano_as_Language" . inds:USemTH15768occlusore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15768occlusore is occlusore" ; rdfs:label " occlusore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15773occultezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15773occultezza is occultezza" ; rdfs:label " occultezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15776occultista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15776occultista is occultista" ; rdfs:label " occultista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15777occultista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15777occultista is occultista" ; rdfs:label " occultista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15785oceaniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15785oceaniana is oceaniana" ; rdfs:label " oceaniana_as_People" . inds:USemTH15788oceaniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15788oceaniano is oceaniano" ; rdfs:label " oceaniano_as_People" . inds:USemTH15789ocipode simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15789ocipode is ocipode" ; rdfs:label " ocipode_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH15790ocipodide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15790ocipodide is ocipodide" ; rdfs:label " ocipodide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH15791oclologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15791oclologia is oclologia" ; rdfs:label " oclologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15792oculare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15792oculare is oculare" ; rdfs:label " oculare_as_Part" . inds:USemTH15793ocularista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15793ocularista is ocularista" ; rdfs:label " ocularista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15794ocularista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15794ocularista is ocularista" ; rdfs:label " ocularista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15798odassismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15798odassismo is odassismo" ; rdfs:label " odassismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH15803odinofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15803odinofobia is odinofobia" ; rdfs:label " odinofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15804odinometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15804odinometro is odinometro" ; rdfs:label " odinometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15806odografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15806odografo is odografo" ; rdfs:label " odografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15808odologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15808odologia is odologia" ; rdfs:label " odologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15811odontologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15811odontologia is odontologia" ; rdfs:label " odontologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15812odontoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15812odontoma is odontoma" ; rdfs:label " odontoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15813odontometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15813odontometro is odontometro" ; rdfs:label " odontometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15815odontostomatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15815odontostomatologia is odontostomatologia" ; rdfs:label " odontostomatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15818odorimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15818odorimetro is odorimetro" ; rdfs:label " odorimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15820odorizzante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15820odorizzante is odorizzante" ; rdfs:label " odorizzante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15821ofelimita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15821ofelimita1 is ofelimita'" ; rdfs:label " ofelimita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH15831officiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15831officiosita1 is officiosita'" ; rdfs:label " officiosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15838ofiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15838ofiologia is ofiologia" ; rdfs:label " ofiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15839oftalmia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15839oftalmia is oftalmia" ; rdfs:label " oftalmia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15840oftalmoblenorrea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15840oftalmoblenorrea is oftalmoblenorrea" ; rdfs:label " oftalmoblenorrea_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15841oftalmoiatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15841oftalmoiatra is oftalmoiatra" ; rdfs:label " oftalmoiatra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15842oftalmoiatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15842oftalmoiatra is oftalmoiatra" ; rdfs:label " oftalmoiatra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15845oftalmometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15845oftalmometro is oftalmometro" ; rdfs:label " oftalmometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15847oftalmoplegia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15847oftalmoplegia is oftalmoplegia" ; rdfs:label " oftalmoplegia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15850oggettivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15850oggettivismo is oggettivismo" ; rdfs:label " oggettivismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH15852oggettivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15852oggettivista is oggettivista" ; rdfs:label " oggettivista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15853oggettivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15853oggettivista is oggettivista" ; rdfs:label " oggettivista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15856oggettivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15856oggettivita1 is oggettivita'" ; rdfs:label " oggettivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15857ogiva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15857ogiva is ogiva" ; rdfs:label " ogiva_as_Part" . inds:USemTH15859ohmetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15859ohmetro is ohmetro" ; rdfs:label " ohmetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15861olandesismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15861olandesismo is olandesismo" ; rdfs:label " olandesismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH15864olefina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15864olefina is olefina" ; rdfs:label " olefina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15870oleoacidimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15870oleoacidimetro is oleoacidimetro" ; rdfs:label " oleoacidimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15874oleometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15874oleometro is oleometro" ; rdfs:label " oleometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15876oleoresina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15876oleoresina is oleoresina" ; rdfs:label " oleoresina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15877olfattometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15877olfattometro is olfattometro" ; rdfs:label " olfattometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15882olifante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15882olifante is olifante" ; rdfs:label " olifante_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15885oligocene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15885oligocene is oligocene" ; rdfs:label " oligocene_as_Time" . inds:USemTH15886oligoemica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15886oligoemica is oligoemica" ; rdfs:label " oligoemica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15888oligoemico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15888oligoemico is oligoemico" ; rdfs:label " oligoemico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15890oligofrenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15890oligofrenia is oligofrenia" ; rdfs:label " oligofrenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15891oligopolio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15891oligopolio is oligopolio" ; rdfs:label " oligopolio_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH15892oligopolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15892oligopolista is oligopolista" ; rdfs:label " oligopolista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15893oligopolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15893oligopolista is oligopolista" ; rdfs:label " oligopolista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15896oligosaccaride simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15896oligosaccaride is oligosaccaride" ; rdfs:label " oligosaccaride_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH15898olimpionica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15898olimpionica is olimpionica" ; rdfs:label " olimpionica_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15900olimpionico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15900olimpionico is olimpionico" ; rdfs:label " olimpionico_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH15902olivetana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15902olivetana is olivetana" ; rdfs:label " olivetana_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH15903olivetano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15903olivetano is olivetano" ; rdfs:label " olivetano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH15909olocene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15909olocene is olocene" ; rdfs:label " olocene_as_Time" . inds:USemTH15910ologenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15910ologenesi is ologenesi" ; rdfs:label " ologenesi_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH15912ologramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15912ologramma is ologramma" ; rdfs:label " ologramma_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH15920omaso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15920omaso is omaso" ; rdfs:label " omaso_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH15923ombrellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15923ombrellaia is ombrellaia" ; rdfs:label " ombrellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15926ombrellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15926ombrellaio is ombrellaio" ; rdfs:label " ombrellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH15927ombrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15927ombrometro is ombrometro" ; rdfs:label " ombrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15930omelista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15930omelista is omelista" ; rdfs:label " omelista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15931omelista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15931omelista is omelista" ; rdfs:label " omelista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15936omeomorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15936omeomorfismo is omeomorfismo" ; rdfs:label " omeomorfismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH15940omeopatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15940omeopatista is omeopatista" ; rdfs:label " omeopatista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15941omeopatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15941omeopatista is omeopatista" ; rdfs:label " omeopatista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH15946omerale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15946omerale is omerale" ; rdfs:label " omerale_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH15948omileta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15948omileta is omileta" ; rdfs:label " omileta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15949omileta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15949omileta is omileta" ; rdfs:label " omileta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15952omniscienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15952omniscienza is omniscienza" ; rdfs:label " omniscienza_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH15953omogeneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15953omogeneita1 is omogeneita'" ; rdfs:label " omogeneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15960omologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15960omologia is omologia" ; rdfs:label " omologia_as_Property" . inds:USemTH15963omosex simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15963omosex is omosex" ; rdfs:label " omosex_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15966omozigosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15966omozigosi is omozigosi" ; rdfs:label " omozigosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH15967omozigote simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15967omozigote is omozigote" ; rdfs:label " omozigote_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15970onanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15970onanista is onanista" ; rdfs:label " onanista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15971onanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15971onanista is onanista" ; rdfs:label " onanista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH15979ondametro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15979ondametro is ondametro" ; rdfs:label " ondametro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15982ondografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15982ondografo is ondografo" ; rdfs:label " ondografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH15984ondosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15984ondosita1 is ondosita'" ; rdfs:label " ondosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15987onduregna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15987onduregna is onduregna" ; rdfs:label " onduregna_as_People" . inds:USemTH15989onduregno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15989onduregno is onduregno" ; rdfs:label " onduregno_as_People" . inds:USemTH15995onerosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15995onerosita1 is onerosita'" ; rdfs:label " onerosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH15998onichia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15998onichia is onichia" ; rdfs:label " onichia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH15999onicofaga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH15999onicofaga is onicofaga" ; rdfs:label " onicofaga_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16001onicofago simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16001onicofago is onicofago" ; rdfs:label " onicofago_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16003onicogrifosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16003onicogrifosi is onicogrifosi" ; rdfs:label " onicogrifosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16004onicomicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16004onicomicosi is onicomicosi" ; rdfs:label " onicomicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16005onicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16005onicosi is onicosi" ; rdfs:label " onicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16006oniomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16006oniomania is oniomania" ; rdfs:label " oniomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16007oniomaniaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16007oniomaniaca is oniomaniaca" ; rdfs:label " oniomaniaca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16010oniomaniaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16010oniomaniaco is oniomaniaco" ; rdfs:label " oniomaniaco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16013onirologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16013onirologia is onirologia" ; rdfs:label " onirologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH16014onniveggenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16014onniveggenza is onniveggenza" ; rdfs:label " onniveggenza_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH16015onomasiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16015onomasiologa is onomasiologa" ; rdfs:label " onomasiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16017onomasiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16017onomasiologia is onomasiologia" ; rdfs:label " onomasiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH16018onomasiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16018onomasiologo is onomasiologo" ; rdfs:label " onomasiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16021onomaturga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16021onomaturga is onomaturga" ; rdfs:label " onomaturga_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16024onomaturgo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16024onomaturgo is onomaturgo" ; rdfs:label " onomaturgo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16025onorabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16025onorabilita1 is onorabilita'" ; rdfs:label " onorabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16026onoratezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16026onoratezza is onoratezza" ; rdfs:label " onoratezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16027onorevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16027onorevolezza is onorevolezza" ; rdfs:label " onorevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16029ontologismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16029ontologismo is ontologismo" ; rdfs:label " ontologismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH16031ontologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16031ontologista is ontologista" ; rdfs:label " ontologista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH16032ontologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16032ontologista is ontologista" ; rdfs:label " ontologista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH16036oologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16036oologia is oologia" ; rdfs:label " oologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH16038opacita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16038opacita1 is opacita'" ; rdfs:label " opacita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16040operaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16040operaismo is operaismo" ; rdfs:label " operaismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH16044operativismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16044operativismo is operativismo" ; rdfs:label " operativismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH16047operazionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16047operazionalismo is operazionalismo" ; rdfs:label " operazionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH16049operazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16049operazionismo is operazionismo" ; rdfs:label " operazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH16051opercolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16051opercolo is opercolo" ; rdfs:label " opercolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH16052operettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16052operettista is operettista" ; rdfs:label " operettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16053operettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16053operettista is operettista" ; rdfs:label " operettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16056operista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16056operista is operista" ; rdfs:label " operista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16057operista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16057operista is operista" ; rdfs:label " operista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16060operone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16060operone is operone" ; rdfs:label " operone_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USemTH16061operosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16061operosita1 is operosita'" ; rdfs:label " operosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16062opinabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16062opinabilita1 is opinabilita'" ; rdfs:label " opinabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16068opinionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16068opinionista is opinionista" ; rdfs:label " opinionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16069opinionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16069opinionista is opinionista" ; rdfs:label " opinionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16072oplite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16072oplite is oplite" ; rdfs:label " oplite_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16075oppiofaga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16075oppiofaga is oppiofaga" ; rdfs:label " oppiofaga_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16078oppiofago simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16078oppiofago is oppiofago" ; rdfs:label " oppiofago_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16079oppiomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16079oppiomania is oppiomania" ; rdfs:label " oppiomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16080opponente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16080opponente is opponente" ; rdfs:label " opponente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH16081opportunita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16081opportunita1 is opportunita'" ; rdfs:label " opportunita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16087oppugnabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16087oppugnabilita1 is oppugnabilita'" ; rdfs:label " oppugnabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16092opsonina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16092opsonina is opsonina" ; rdfs:label " opsonina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH16094optometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16094optometro is optometro" ; rdfs:label " optometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH16099oralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16099oralita1 is oralita'" ; rdfs:label " oralita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16100orba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16100orba is orba" ; rdfs:label " orba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16101orbace simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16101orbace is orbace" ; rdfs:label " orbace_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH16102orbace simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16102orbace is orbace" ; rdfs:label " orbace_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH16103orbe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16103orbe is orbe" ; rdfs:label " orbe_as_Location" . inds:USemTH16106orchite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16106orchite is orchite" ; rdfs:label " orchite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16107orciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16107orciaia is orciaia" ; rdfs:label " orciaia_as_Building" . inds:USemTH16108orciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16108orciaia is orciaia" ; rdfs:label " orciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16110orciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16110orciaio is orciaio" ; rdfs:label " orciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16112orciaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16112orciaiola is orciaiola" ; rdfs:label " orciaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16114orciaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16114orciaiolo is orciaiolo" ; rdfs:label " orciaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16116orciolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16116orciolaia is orciolaia" ; rdfs:label " orciolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16118orciolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16118orciolaio is orciolaio" ; rdfs:label " orciolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16121ordinabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16121ordinabilita1 is ordinabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ordinabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16122ordinante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16122ordinante is ordinante" ; rdfs:label " ordinante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH16126ordinarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16126ordinarieta1 is ordinarieta'" ; rdfs:label " ordinarieta'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH16127ordinataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16127ordinataria is ordinataria" ; rdfs:label " ordinataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH16129ordinatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16129ordinatario is ordinatario" ; rdfs:label " ordinatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH16131ordinativo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16131ordinativo is ordinativo" ; rdfs:label " ordinativo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH16136orditoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16136orditoio is orditoio" ; rdfs:label " orditoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH16138orecchiabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16138orecchiabilita1 is orecchiabilita'" ; rdfs:label " orecchiabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16139orecchiale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16139orecchiale is orecchiale" ; rdfs:label " orecchiale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH16140orfica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16140orfica is orfica" ; rdfs:label " orfica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16143orfico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16143orfico is orfico" ; rdfs:label " orfico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16145orfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16145orfismo is orfismo" ; rdfs:label " orfismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH16146organaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16146organaia is organaia" ; rdfs:label " organaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16149organaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16149organaio is organaio" ; rdfs:label " organaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16151organara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16151organara is organara" ; rdfs:label " organara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16153organaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16153organaro is organaro" ; rdfs:label " organaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16155organicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16155organicismo is organicismo" ; rdfs:label " organicismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH16157organicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16157organicita1 is organicita'" ; rdfs:label " organicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16158organizzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16158organizzata is organizzata" ; rdfs:label " organizzata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16160organizzato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16160organizzato is organizzato" ; rdfs:label " organizzato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16162organogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16162organogenesi is organogenesi" ; rdfs:label " organogenesi_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH16163organografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16163organografia is organografia" ; rdfs:label " organografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH16164organologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16164organologa is organologa" ; rdfs:label " organologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16166organologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16166organologia is organologia" ; rdfs:label " organologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH16167organologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16167organologo is organologo" ; rdfs:label " organologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16169organopatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16169organopatismo is organopatismo" ; rdfs:label " organopatismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH16173orgiasta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16173orgiasta is orgiasta" ; rdfs:label " orgiasta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16174orgiasta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16174orgiasta is orgiasta" ; rdfs:label " orgiasta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16177orice simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16177orice is orice" ; rdfs:label " orice_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH16178orientalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16178orientalismo is orientalismo" ; rdfs:label " orientalismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH16181origenista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16181origenista is origenista" ; rdfs:label " origenista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH16182origenista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16182origenista is origenista" ; rdfs:label " origenista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH16185originale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16185originale is originale" ; rdfs:label " originale_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH16186origliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16186origliere is origliere" ; rdfs:label " origliere_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH16187orinale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16187orinale is orinale" ; rdfs:label " orinale_as_Container" . inds:USemTH16188oriolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16188oriolaia is oriolaia" ; rdfs:label " oriolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16190oriolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16190oriolaio is oriolaio" ; rdfs:label " oriolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16192orittologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16192orittologia is orittologia" ; rdfs:label " orittologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH16193oriunda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16193oriunda is oriunda" ; rdfs:label " oriunda_as_People" . inds:USemTH16196oriundo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16196oriundo is oriundo" ; rdfs:label " oriundo_as_People" . inds:USemTH16199orleanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16199orleanista is orleanista" ; rdfs:label " orleanista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH16200orleanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16200orleanista is orleanista" ; rdfs:label " orleanista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH16205ornatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16205ornatista is ornatista" ; rdfs:label " ornatista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16206ornatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16206ornatista is ornatista" ; rdfs:label " ornatista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16216ornitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16216ornitosi is ornitosi" ; rdfs:label " ornitosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16217orobica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16217orobica is orobica" ; rdfs:label " orobica_as_People" . inds:USemTH16220orobico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16220orobico is orobico" ; rdfs:label " orobico_as_People" . inds:USemTH16222oroidrografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16222oroidrografia is oroidrografia" ; rdfs:label " oroidrografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH16223oroscopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16223oroscopia is oroscopia" ; rdfs:label " oroscopia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH16226orribilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16226orribilita1 is orribilita'" ; rdfs:label " orribilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16228orsetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16228orsetta is orsetta" ; rdfs:label " orsetta_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH16229orsetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16229orsetto is orsetto" ; rdfs:label " orsetto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH16230orsetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16230orsetto is orsetto" ; rdfs:label " orsetto_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH16231orticaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16231orticaria is orticaria" ; rdfs:label " orticaria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16246ortoepia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16246ortoepia is ortoepia" ; rdfs:label " ortoepia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH16257ortogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16257ortogenesi is ortogenesi" ; rdfs:label " ortogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH16260ortogonalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16260ortogonalita1 is ortogonalita'" ; rdfs:label " ortogonalita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH16263ortopnea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16263ortopnea is ortopnea" ; rdfs:label " ortopnea_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16266ortottista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16266ortottista is ortottista" ; rdfs:label " ortottista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16267ortottista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16267ortottista is ortottista" ; rdfs:label " ortottista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16272orvietana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16272orvietana is orvietana" ; rdfs:label " orvietana_as_People" . inds:USemTH16275orvietano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16275orvietano is orvietano" ; rdfs:label " orvietano_as_People" . inds:USemTH16276orzaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16276orzaiolo is orzaiolo" ; rdfs:label " orzaiolo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16277osca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16277osca is osca" ; rdfs:label " osca_as_People" . inds:USemTH16282oscillografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16282oscillografo is oscillografo" ; rdfs:label " oscillografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH16283oscillometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16283oscillometro is oscillometro" ; rdfs:label " oscillometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH16285oscilloscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16285oscilloscopio is oscilloscopio" ; rdfs:label " oscilloscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH16287osco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16287osco is osco" ; rdfs:label " osco_as_People" . inds:USemTH16289oscurantista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16289oscurantista is oscurantista" ; rdfs:label " oscurantista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH16290oscurantista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16290oscurantista is oscurantista" ; rdfs:label " oscurantista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH16295osmidrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16295osmidrosi is osmidrosi" ; rdfs:label " osmidrosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH16296osmometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16296osmometro is osmometro" ; rdfs:label " osmometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH16299osmotattismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16299osmotattismo is osmotattismo" ; rdfs:label " osmotattismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH16300ospedaliera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16300ospedaliera is ospedaliera" ; rdfs:label " ospedaliera_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16303ospedaliero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16303ospedaliero is ospedaliero" ; rdfs:label " ospedaliero_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16304ospedalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16304ospedalita1 is ospedalita'" ; rdfs:label " ospedalita'_as_Group" . inds:USemTH16308ossalato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16308ossalato is ossalato" ; rdfs:label " ossalato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH16312ossibenzene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16312ossibenzene is ossibenzene" ; rdfs:label " ossibenzene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH16313ossicino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16313ossicino is ossicino" ; rdfs:label " ossicino_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH16314ossidabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16314ossidabilita1 is ossidabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ossidabilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH16315ossidrile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16315ossidrile is ossidrile" ; rdfs:label " ossidrile_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH16316ossidulo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16316ossidulo is ossidulo" ; rdfs:label " ossidulo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH16322ossimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16322ossimetro is ossimetro" ; rdfs:label " ossimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH16324ossiopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16324ossiopia is ossiopia" ; rdfs:label " ossiopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16325ossisale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16325ossisale is ossisale" ; rdfs:label " ossisale_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH16326ostacolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16326ostacolista is ostacolista" ; rdfs:label " ostacolista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH16329ostacolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16329ostacolista is ostacolista" ; rdfs:label " ostacolista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH16337osteite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16337osteite is osteite" ; rdfs:label " osteite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16338ostensore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16338ostensore is ostensore" ; rdfs:label " ostensore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH16345osteoartrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16345osteoartrite is osteoartrite" ; rdfs:label " osteoartrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16346osteoclaste simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16346osteoclaste is osteoclaste" ; rdfs:label " osteoclaste_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH16347osteogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16347osteogenesi is osteogenesi" ; rdfs:label " osteogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH16348osteoglosside simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16348osteoglosside is osteoglosside" ; rdfs:label " osteoglosside_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH16349osteoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16349osteoma is osteoma" ; rdfs:label " osteoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16350osteomalacia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16350osteomalacia is osteomalacia" ; rdfs:label " osteomalacia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16351osteomielite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16351osteomielite is osteomielite" ; rdfs:label " osteomielite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16352osteosclerosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16352osteosclerosi is osteosclerosi" ; rdfs:label " osteosclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16354ostessa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16354ostessa is ostessa" ; rdfs:label " ostessa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16356ostinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16356ostinata is ostinata" ; rdfs:label " ostinata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16359ostinato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16359ostinato is ostinato" ; rdfs:label " ostinato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16361ostio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16361ostio is ostio" ; rdfs:label " ostio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH16362ostracione simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16362ostracione is ostracione" ; rdfs:label " ostracione_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH16368ostrogota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16368ostrogota is ostrogota" ; rdfs:label " ostrogota_as_People" . inds:USemTH16370ostrogoto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16370ostrogoto is ostrogoto" ; rdfs:label " ostrogoto_as_Language" . inds:USemTH16371ostrogoto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16371ostrogoto is ostrogoto" ; rdfs:label " ostrogoto_as_People" . inds:USemTH16376otoiatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16376otoiatra is otoiatra" ; rdfs:label " otoiatra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16377otoiatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16377otoiatra is otoiatra" ; rdfs:label " otoiatra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16380otorino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16380otorino is otorino" ; rdfs:label " otorino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16382otorrea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16382otorrea is otorrea" ; rdfs:label " otorrea_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH16383otosclerosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16383otosclerosi is otosclerosi" ; rdfs:label " otosclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16385otricolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16385otricolo is otricolo" ; rdfs:label " otricolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH16386ottaedro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16386ottaedro is ottaedro" ; rdfs:label " ottaedro_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH16387ottagesima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16387ottagesima is ottagesima" ; rdfs:label " ottagesima_as_Part" . inds:USemTH16388ottagesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16388ottagesimo is ottagesimo" ; rdfs:label " ottagesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH16391ottante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16391ottante is ottante" ; rdfs:label " ottante_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH16392ottantesima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16392ottantesima is ottantesima" ; rdfs:label " ottantesima_as_Part" . inds:USemTH16393ottantesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16393ottantesimo is ottantesimo" ; rdfs:label " ottantesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH16394ottava simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16394ottava is ottava" ; rdfs:label " ottava_as_Part" . inds:USemTH16395ottava simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16395ottava is ottava" ; rdfs:label " ottava_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH16396ottavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16396ottavo is ottavo" ; rdfs:label " ottavo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH16399ottentotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16399ottentotta is ottentotta" ; rdfs:label " ottentotta_as_People" . inds:USemTH16402ottentotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16402ottentotto is ottentotto" ; rdfs:label " ottentotto_as_Language" . inds:USemTH16403ottentotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16403ottentotto is ottentotto" ; rdfs:label " ottentotto_as_People" . inds:USemTH16406ottile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16406ottile is ottile" ; rdfs:label " ottile_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH16407ottimate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16407ottimate is ottimate" ; rdfs:label " ottimate_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH16409ottimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16409ottimetro is ottimetro" ; rdfs:label " ottimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH16411otto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16411otto is otto" ; rdfs:label " otto_as_Number" . inds:USemTH16412ottocentesima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16412ottocentesima is ottocentesima" ; rdfs:label " ottocentesima_as_Part" . inds:USemTH16413ottocentesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16413ottocentesimo is ottocentesimo" ; rdfs:label " ottocentesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH16414ottocentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16414ottocentista is ottocentista" ; rdfs:label " ottocentista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16415ottocentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16415ottocentista is ottocentista" ; rdfs:label " ottocentista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16416ottocentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16416ottocentista is ottocentista" ; rdfs:label " ottocentista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH16417ottocentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16417ottocentista is ottocentista" ; rdfs:label " ottocentista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH16418ottomano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16418ottomano is ottomano" ; rdfs:label " ottomano_as_People" . inds:USemTH16420ottonaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16420ottonaia is ottonaia" ; rdfs:label " ottonaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16422ottonaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16422ottonaio is ottonaio" ; rdfs:label " ottonaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16424ottoname simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16424ottoname is ottoname" ; rdfs:label " ottoname_as_Group" . inds:USemTH16426ottotipo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16426ottotipo is ottotipo" ; rdfs:label " ottotipo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH16430ovaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16430ovaiola is ovaiola" ; rdfs:label " ovaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16431ovaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16431ovaiolo is ovaiolo" ; rdfs:label " ovaiolo_as_Container" . inds:USemTH16432ovaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16432ovaiolo is ovaiolo" ; rdfs:label " ovaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH16434ovariocele simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16434ovariocele is ovariocele" ; rdfs:label " ovariocele_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH16438ovoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16438ovoide is ovoide" ; rdfs:label " ovoide_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH16439ovolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16439ovolo is ovolo" ; rdfs:label " ovolo_as_Food" . inds:USemTH16440ovolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16440ovolo is ovolo" ; rdfs:label " ovolo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH16442ovvieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16442ovvieta1 is ovvieta'" ; rdfs:label " ovvieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH16443oziosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16443oziosa is oziosa" ; rdfs:label " oziosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16446ozioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16446ozioso is ozioso" ; rdfs:label " ozioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH16450ozonometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH16450ozonometro is ozonometro" ; rdfs:label " ozonometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19674quaccherismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19674quaccherismo is quaccherismo" ; rdfs:label " quaccherismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH19676quacquera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19676quacquera is quacquera" ; rdfs:label " quacquera_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH19679quacquero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19679quacquero is quacquero" ; rdfs:label " quacquero_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH19681quadragenaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19681quadragenaria is quadragenaria" ; rdfs:label " quadragenaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19683quadragenario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19683quadragenario is quadragenario" ; rdfs:label " quadragenario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19685quadragesima simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19685quadragesima is quadragesima" ; rdfs:label " quadragesima_as_Number" . inds:USemTH19686quadragesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19686quadragesimo is quadragesimo" ; rdfs:label " quadragesimo_as_Number" . inds:USemTH19688quadratone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19688quadratone is quadratone" ; rdfs:label " quadratone_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH19693quadraturismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19693quadraturismo is quadraturismo" ; rdfs:label " quadraturismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH19695quadraturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19695quadraturista is quadraturista" ; rdfs:label " quadraturista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19696quadraturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19696quadraturista is quadraturista" ; rdfs:label " quadraturista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19701quadrica simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19701quadrica is quadrica" ; rdfs:label " quadrica_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH19702quadricipite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19702quadricipite is quadricipite" ; rdfs:label " quadricipite_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH19704quadridimensionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19704quadridimensionalita1 is quadridimensionalita'" ; rdfs:label " quadridimensionalita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH19705quadrigaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19705quadrigaria is quadrigaria" ; rdfs:label " quadrigaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19707quadrigario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19707quadrigario is quadrigario" ; rdfs:label " quadrigario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19709quadrilione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19709quadrilione is quadrilione" ; rdfs:label " quadrilione_as_Number" . inds:USemTH19710quadrilionesima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19710quadrilionesima is quadrilionesima" ; rdfs:label " quadrilionesima_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19711quadrilionesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19711quadrilionesimo is quadrilionesimo" ; rdfs:label " quadrilionesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19712quadrimensionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19712quadrimensionalita1 is quadrimensionalita'" ; rdfs:label " quadrimensionalita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH19713quadriplegia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19713quadriplegia is quadriplegia" ; rdfs:label " quadriplegia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH19714quadriplegica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19714quadriplegica is quadriplegica" ; rdfs:label " quadriplegica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19717quadriplegico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19717quadriplegico is quadriplegico" ; rdfs:label " quadriplegico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19719quadrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19719quadrista is quadrista" ; rdfs:label " quadrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19720quadrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19720quadrista is quadrista" ; rdfs:label " quadrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19724quadruplicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19724quadruplicita1 is quadruplicita'" ; rdfs:label " quadruplicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH19725quadrupolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19725quadrupolo is quadrupolo" ; rdfs:label " quadrupolo_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH19731quantitativo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19731quantitativo is quantitativo" ; rdfs:label " quantitativo_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH19732quantometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19732quantometro is quantometro" ; rdfs:label " quantometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19734quarantesima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19734quarantesima is quarantesima" ; rdfs:label " quarantesima_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19735quarantesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19735quarantesimo is quarantesimo" ; rdfs:label " quarantesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19736quarantottesima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19736quarantottesima is quarantottesima" ; rdfs:label " quarantottesima_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19737quarantottesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19737quarantottesimo is quarantottesimo" ; rdfs:label " quarantottesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19738quaresimale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19738quaresimale is quaresimale" ; rdfs:label " quaresimale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH19739quaresimalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19739quaresimalista is quaresimalista" ; rdfs:label " quaresimalista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19740quaresimalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19740quaresimalista is quaresimalista" ; rdfs:label " quaresimalista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19743quartana simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19743quartana is quartana" ; rdfs:label " quartana_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH19744quartavola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19744quartavola is quartavola" ; rdfs:label " quartavola_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH19747quartavolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19747quartavolo is quartavolo" ; rdfs:label " quartavolo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH19748quartettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19748quartettista is quartettista" ; rdfs:label " quartettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19749quartettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19749quartettista is quartettista" ; rdfs:label " quartettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19750quartettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19750quartettista is quartettista" ; rdfs:label " quartettista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19751quartettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19751quartettista is quartettista" ; rdfs:label " quartettista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19752quartica simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19752quartica is quartica" ; rdfs:label " quartica_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH19753quartiermastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19753quartiermastra is quartiermastra" ; rdfs:label " quartiermastra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19755quartiermastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19755quartiermastro is quartiermastro" ; rdfs:label " quartiermastro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19757quartigliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19757quartigliere is quartigliere" ; rdfs:label " quartigliere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19759quartodecima simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19759quartodecima is quartodecima" ; rdfs:label " quartodecima_as_Number" . inds:USemTH19760quartodecimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19760quartodecimo is quartodecimo" ; rdfs:label " quartodecimo_as_Number" . inds:USemTH19761quartogenita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19761quartogenita is quartogenita" ; rdfs:label " quartogenita_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH19763quartogenito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19763quartogenito is quartogenito" ; rdfs:label " quartogenito_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH19765quartultima simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19765quartultima is quartultima" ; rdfs:label " quartultima_as_Number" . inds:USemTH19766quartultimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19766quartultimo is quartultimo" ; rdfs:label " quartultimo_as_Number" . inds:USemTH19767quassia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19767quassia is quassia" ; rdfs:label " quassia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH19771quattordicesima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19771quattordicesima is quattordicesima" ; rdfs:label " quattordicesima_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH19772quattordicesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19772quattordicesimo is quattordicesimo" ; rdfs:label " quattordicesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19773quattrinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19773quattrinaia is quattrinaia" ; rdfs:label " quattrinaia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19776quattrinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19776quattrinaio is quattrinaio" ; rdfs:label " quattrinaio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19777quattrocentesima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19777quattrocentesima is quattrocentesima" ; rdfs:label " quattrocentesima_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19778quattrocentesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19778quattrocentesimo is quattrocentesimo" ; rdfs:label " quattrocentesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19780quattrocentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19780quattrocentista is quattrocentista" ; rdfs:label " quattrocentista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19781quattrocentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19781quattrocentista is quattrocentista" ; rdfs:label " quattrocentista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH19782quattrocentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19782quattrocentista is quattrocentista" ; rdfs:label " quattrocentista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH19783querelata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19783querelata is querelata" ; rdfs:label " querelata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH19785querelato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19785querelato is querelato" ; rdfs:label " querelato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH19800quietista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19800quietista is quietista" ; rdfs:label " quietista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH19801quietista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19801quietista is quietista" ; rdfs:label " quietista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH19804quindecima simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19804quindecima is quindecima" ; rdfs:label " quindecima_as_Number" . inds:USemTH19805quindecimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19805quindecimo is quindecimo" ; rdfs:label " quindecimo_as_Number" . inds:USemTH19806quindicesima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19806quindicesima is quindicesima" ; rdfs:label " quindicesima_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19807quindicesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19807quindicesimo is quindicesimo" ; rdfs:label " quindicesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19808quindicinale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19808quindicinale is quindicinale" ; rdfs:label " quindicinale_as_Information" . inds:USemTH19813quinquagesima simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19813quinquagesima is quinquagesima" ; rdfs:label " quinquagesima_as_Number" . inds:USemTH19814quinquagesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19814quinquagesimo is quinquagesimo" ; rdfs:label " quinquagesimo_as_Number" . inds:USemTH19815quinquennalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19815quinquennalita1 is quinquennalita'" ; rdfs:label " quinquennalita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH19816quintarola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19816quintarola is quintarola" ; rdfs:label " quintarola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19818quintarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19818quintarolo is quintarolo" ; rdfs:label " quintarolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19820quintavola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19820quintavola is quintavola" ; rdfs:label " quintavola_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH19822quintavolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19822quintavolo is quintavolo" ; rdfs:label " quintavolo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH19824quintodecima simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19824quintodecima is quintodecima" ; rdfs:label " quintodecima_as_Number" . inds:USemTH19825quintodecimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19825quintodecimo is quintodecimo" ; rdfs:label " quintodecimo_as_Number" . inds:USemTH19826quintogenita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19826quintogenita is quintogenita" ; rdfs:label " quintogenita_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH19828quintogenito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19828quintogenito is quintogenito" ; rdfs:label " quintogenito_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH19830quintultima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19830quintultima is quintultima" ; rdfs:label " quintultima_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19831quintultimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19831quintultimo is quintultimo" ; rdfs:label " quintultimo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19833quorum simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19833quorum is quorum" ; rdfs:label " quorum_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH19835quotista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19835quotista is quotista" ; rdfs:label " quotista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19836quotista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19836quotista is quotista" ; rdfs:label " quotista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19839r simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19839r is r" ; rdfs:label " r_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH19840rabbinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19840rabbinismo is rabbinismo" ; rdfs:label " rabbinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH19843rabbinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19843rabbinista is rabbinista" ; rdfs:label " rabbinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19847rabicano simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19847rabicano is rabicano" ; rdfs:label " rabicano_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH19849raccattacenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19849raccattacenere is raccattacenere" ; rdfs:label " raccattacenere_as_Container" . inds:USemTH19850raccattacicche simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19850raccattacicche is raccattacicche" ; rdfs:label " raccattacicche_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19852raccattafieno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19852raccattafieno is raccattafieno" ; rdfs:label " raccattafieno_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19853racchettone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19853racchettone is racchettone" ; rdfs:label " racchettone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19854raccoglibriciole simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19854raccoglibriciole is raccoglibriciole" ; rdfs:label " raccoglibriciole_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19856raccomandata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19856raccomandata is raccomandata" ; rdfs:label " raccomandata_as_Information" . inds:USemTH19859raccomandataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19859raccomandataria is raccomandataria" ; rdfs:label " raccomandataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH19860raccomandataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19860raccomandataria is raccomandataria" ; rdfs:label " raccomandataria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19861raccomandatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19861raccomandatario is raccomandatario" ; rdfs:label " raccomandatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH19862raccomandatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19862raccomandatario is raccomandatario" ; rdfs:label " raccomandatario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19863raccontafavole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19863raccontafavole is raccontafavole" ; rdfs:label " raccontafavole_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19865rachialgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19865rachialgia is rachialgia" ; rdfs:label " rachialgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH19866rachischisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19866rachischisi is rachischisi" ; rdfs:label " rachischisi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH19867rachitica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19867rachitica is rachitica" ; rdfs:label " rachitica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19869rachitico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19869rachitico is rachitico" ; rdfs:label " rachitico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19871rack simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19871rack is rack" ; rdfs:label " rack_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH19872radarfaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19872radarfaro is radarfaro" ; rdfs:label " radarfaro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19875radarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19875radarista is radarista" ; rdfs:label " radarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19879radartachimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19879radartachimetro is radartachimetro" ; rdfs:label " radartachimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19884radialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19884radialista is radialista" ; rdfs:label " radialista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19888radiatorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19888radiatorista is radiatorista" ; rdfs:label " radiatorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19891radicale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19891radicale is radicale" ; rdfs:label " radicale_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH19892radioabbonata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19892radioabbonata is radioabbonata" ; rdfs:label " radioabbonata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH19894radioabbonato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19894radioabbonato is radioabbonato" ; rdfs:label " radioabbonato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH19896radioaltimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19896radioaltimetro is radioaltimetro" ; rdfs:label " radioaltimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19899radioastronoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19899radioastronoma is radioastronoma" ; rdfs:label " radioastronoma_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19901radioastronomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19901radioastronomo is radioastronomo" ; rdfs:label " radioastronomo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19903radiobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19903radiobiologia is radiobiologia" ; rdfs:label " radiobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH19905radiocronista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19905radiocronista is radiocronista" ; rdfs:label " radiocronista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19909radioelettricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19909radioelettricita1 is radioelettricita'" ; rdfs:label " radioelettricita'_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH19911radioestesista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19911radioestesista is radioestesista" ; rdfs:label " radioestesista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH19914radiofonografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19914radiofonografo is radiofonografo" ; rdfs:label " radiofonografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19917radiofurgone simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19917radiofurgone is radiofurgone" ; rdfs:label " radiofurgone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH19918radiogoniometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19918radiogoniometro is radiogoniometro" ; rdfs:label " radiogoniometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19920radiogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19920radiogramma is radiogramma" ; rdfs:label " radiogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH19921radiointerferometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19921radiointerferometro is radiointerferometro" ; rdfs:label " radiointerferometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19923radioisotopo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19923radioisotopo is radioisotopo" ; rdfs:label " radioisotopo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH19925radiometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19925radiometro is radiometro" ; rdfs:label " radiometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19927radiomicrofono simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19927radiomicrofono is radiomicrofono" ; rdfs:label " radiomicrofono_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19928radiomicrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19928radiomicrometro is radiomicrometro" ; rdfs:label " radiomicrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19931radiosegnale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19931radiosegnale is radiosegnale" ; rdfs:label " radiosegnale_as_Information" . inds:USemTH19933radiosentiero simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19933radiosentiero is radiosentiero" ; rdfs:label " radiosentiero_as_Area" . inds:USemTH19934radiosonda simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19934radiosonda is radiosonda" ; rdfs:label " radiosonda_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19936radiospia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19936radiospia is radiospia" ; rdfs:label " radiospia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19937radiotassi1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19937radiotassi1 is radiotassi'" ; rdfs:label " radiotassi'_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH19938radiotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19938radiotecnica is radiotecnica" ; rdfs:label " radiotecnica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19939radiotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19939radiotecnica is radiotecnica" ; rdfs:label " radiotecnica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH19940radiotecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19940radiotecnico is radiotecnico" ; rdfs:label " radiotecnico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19944radiotelegrafista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19944radiotelegrafista is radiotelegrafista" ; rdfs:label " radiotelegrafista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19947radiotelegrafo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19947radiotelegrafo is radiotelegrafo" ; rdfs:label " radiotelegrafo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19949radiotelemetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19949radiotelemetro is radiotelemetro" ; rdfs:label " radiotelemetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH19951radioterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19951radioterapia is radioterapia" ; rdfs:label " radioterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH19953radioterapista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19953radioterapista is radioterapista" ; rdfs:label " radioterapista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH19956radium simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19956radium is radium" ; rdfs:label " radium_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH19958radon simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19958radon is radon" ; rdfs:label " radon_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH19959radore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19959radore is radore" ; rdfs:label " radore_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH19960radunata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19960radunata is radunata" ; rdfs:label " radunata_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH19962radunista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19962radunista is radunista" ; rdfs:label " radunista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH19965rafe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19965rafe is rafe" ; rdfs:label " rafe_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH19966raffia simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19966raffia is raffia" ; rdfs:label " raffia_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH19967raffinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19967raffinata is raffinata" ; rdfs:label " raffinata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19969raffinato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19969raffinato is raffinato" ; rdfs:label " raffinato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19971ragade simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19971ragade is ragade" ; rdfs:label " ragade_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH19972raggiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19972raggiera is raggiera" ; rdfs:label " raggiera_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19973ragguardevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19973ragguardevolezza is ragguardevolezza" ; rdfs:label " ragguardevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH19974ragusana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19974ragusana is ragusana" ; rdfs:label " ragusana_as_People" . inds:USemTH19976ragusano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19976ragusano is ragusano" ; rdfs:label " ragusano_as_People" . inds:USemTH19978ragusea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19978ragusea is ragusea" ; rdfs:label " ragusea_as_People" . inds:USemTH19980raguseo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19980raguseo is raguseo" ; rdfs:label " raguseo_as_People" . inds:USemTH19983raidista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19983raidista is raidista" ; rdfs:label " raidista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH19986ralla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19986ralla is ralla" ; rdfs:label " ralla_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19987ramenga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19987ramenga is ramenga" ; rdfs:label " ramenga_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19988ramengo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19988ramengo is ramengo" ; rdfs:label " ramengo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19989rammollita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19989rammollita is rammollita" ; rdfs:label " rammollita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19991rammollito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19991rammollito is rammollito" ; rdfs:label " rammollito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH19994rampante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19994rampante is rampante" ; rdfs:label " rampante_as_Part" . inds:USemTH19995rampinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19995rampinismo is rampinismo" ; rdfs:label " rampinismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH19998rampista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH19998rampista is rampista" ; rdfs:label " rampista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20001ramponiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20001ramponiere is ramponiere" ; rdfs:label " ramponiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20003rancidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20003rancidezza is rancidezza" ; rdfs:label " rancidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20006ranciere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20006ranciere is ranciere" ; rdfs:label " ranciere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20008ranfia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20008ranfia is ranfia" ; rdfs:label " ranfia_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH20010ranista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20010ranista is ranista" ; rdfs:label " ranista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH20014raperino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20014raperino is raperino" ; rdfs:label " raperino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH20020raperonzolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20020raperonzolo is raperonzolo" ; rdfs:label " raperonzolo_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH20022rappresentabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20022rappresentabilita1 is rappresentabilita'" ; rdfs:label " rappresentabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20024rapsodista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20024rapsodista is rapsodista" ; rdfs:label " rapsodista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20027raschietto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20027raschietto is raschietto" ; rdfs:label " raschietto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20028rassettapiatti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20028rassettapiatti is rassettapiatti" ; rdfs:label " rassettapiatti_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20031ratealista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20031ratealista is ratealista" ; rdfs:label " ratealista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20034rateo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20034rateo is rateo" ; rdfs:label " rateo_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH20035rauwolfia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20035rauwolfia is rauwolfia" ; rdfs:label " rauwolfia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH20040razzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20040razzista is razzista" ; rdfs:label " razzista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20042razzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20042razzista is razzista" ; rdfs:label " razzista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20043reagente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20043reagente is reagente" ; rdfs:label " reagente_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH20046reattanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20046reattanza is reattanza" ; rdfs:label " reattanza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH20047reattivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20047reattivo is reattivo" ; rdfs:label " reattivo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH20052recessivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20052recessivita1 is recessivita'" ; rdfs:label " recessivita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH20055reclamista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20055reclamista is reclamista" ; rdfs:label " reclamista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20061recordista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20061recordista is recordista" ; rdfs:label " recordista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20064redenta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20064redenta is redenta" ; rdfs:label " redenta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20066redento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20066redento is redento" ; rdfs:label " redento_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20068redimibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20068redimibilita1 is redimibilita'" ; rdfs:label " redimibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20069rediviva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20069rediviva is rediviva" ; rdfs:label " rediviva_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20071redivivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20071redivivo is redivivo" ; rdfs:label " redivivo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20073referendaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20073referendaria is referendaria" ; rdfs:label " referendaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20075referendario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20075referendario is referendario" ; rdfs:label " referendario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20079refrattometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20079refrattometro is refrattometro" ; rdfs:label " refrattometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20081refrigerante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20081refrigerante is refrigerante" ; rdfs:label " refrigerante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH20082regale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20082regale is regale" ; rdfs:label " regale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20083reggetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20083reggetta is reggetta" ; rdfs:label " reggetta_as_Part" . inds:USemTH20084reggiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20084reggiana is reggiana" ; rdfs:label " reggiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH20086reggiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20086reggiano is reggiano" ; rdfs:label " reggiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH20087reggiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20087reggiano is reggiano" ; rdfs:label " reggiano_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemTH20090reggiborsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20090reggiborsa is reggiborsa" ; rdfs:label " reggiborsa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20091reggicalze simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20091reggicalze is reggicalze" ; rdfs:label " reggicalze_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH20093reggicoda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20093reggicoda is reggicoda" ; rdfs:label " reggicoda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20094reggilume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20094reggilume is reggilume" ; rdfs:label " reggilume_as_Part" . inds:USemTH20095reggina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20095reggina is reggina" ; rdfs:label " reggina_as_People" . inds:USemTH20097reggino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20097reggino is reggino" ; rdfs:label " reggino_as_People" . inds:USemTH20099reggipancia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20099reggipancia is reggipancia" ; rdfs:label " reggipancia_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH20100reggipenne simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20100reggipenne is reggipenne" ; rdfs:label " reggipenne_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20101reggiposata simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20101reggiposata is reggiposata" ; rdfs:label " reggiposata_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20102reggispinta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20102reggispinta is reggispinta" ; rdfs:label " reggispinta_as_Part" . inds:USemTH20103reggitesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20103reggitesta is reggitesta" ; rdfs:label " reggitesta_as_Part" . inds:USemTH20105regicida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20105regicida is regicida" ; rdfs:label " regicida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20109regionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20109regionalista is regionalista" ; rdfs:label " regionalista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20112regnicola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20112regnicola is regnicola" ; rdfs:label " regnicola_as_People" . inds:USemTH20114regnicolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20114regnicolo is regnicolo" ; rdfs:label " regnicolo_as_People" . inds:USemTH20117regolarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20117regolarista is regolarista" ; rdfs:label " regolarista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20123relapsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20123relapsa is relapsa" ; rdfs:label " relapsa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20125relapso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20125relapso is relapso" ; rdfs:label " relapso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20127relassa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20127relassa is relassa" ; rdfs:label " relassa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20129relasso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20129relasso is relasso" ; rdfs:label " relasso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20132relativista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20132relativista is relativista" ; rdfs:label " relativista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20136relazionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20136relazionalita1 is relazionalita'" ; rdfs:label " relazionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20137relazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20137relazionismo is relazionismo" ; rdfs:label " relazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH20139religionaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20139religionaria is religionaria" ; rdfs:label " religionaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20141religionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20141religionario is religionario" ; rdfs:label " religionario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20145remenga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20145remenga is remenga" ; rdfs:label " remenga_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20146remengo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20146remengo is remengo" ; rdfs:label " remengo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2014abbozzamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2014abbozzamento is abbozzamento" ; rdfs:label " abbozzamento_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH20151renaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20151renaiola is renaiola" ; rdfs:label " renaiola_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH20156reoelettroencefalografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20156reoelettroencefalografo is reoelettroencefalografo" ; rdfs:label " reoelettroencefalografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20159reoencefalografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20159reoencefalografo is reoencefalografo" ; rdfs:label " reoencefalografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20161reoforo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20161reoforo is reoforo" ; rdfs:label " reoforo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH20162reografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20162reografo is reografo" ; rdfs:label " reografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20164reometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20164reometro is reometro" ; rdfs:label " reometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20166reotropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20166reotropismo is reotropismo" ; rdfs:label " reotropismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH20168repellenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20168repellenza is repellenza" ; rdfs:label " repellenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20169replicabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20169replicabilita1 is replicabilita'" ; rdfs:label " replicabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20171reptante simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20171reptante is reptante" ; rdfs:label " reptante_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH20172repubblichina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20172repubblichina is repubblichina" ; rdfs:label " repubblichina_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20174repubblichino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20174repubblichino is repubblichino" ; rdfs:label " repubblichino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20180repulsore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20180repulsore is repulsore" ; rdfs:label " repulsore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20181rescindibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20181rescindibilita1 is rescindibilita'" ; rdfs:label " rescindibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20182resilienza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20182resilienza is resilienza" ; rdfs:label " resilienza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH20183resinato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20183resinato is resinato" ; rdfs:label " resinato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH20185resinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20185resinista is resinista" ; rdfs:label " resinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20188resistente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20188resistente is resistente" ; rdfs:label " resistente_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20190resistivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20190resistivita1 is resistivita'" ; rdfs:label " resistivita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH20191reso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20191reso is reso" ; rdfs:label " reso_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH20193resocontista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20193resocontista is resocontista" ; rdfs:label " resocontista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20196respirabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20196respirabilita1 is respirabilita'" ; rdfs:label " respirabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20197responsabile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20197responsabile is responsabile" ; rdfs:label " responsabile_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20201retico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20201retico is retico" ; rdfs:label " retico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH20204reticolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20204reticolo is reticolo" ; rdfs:label " reticolo_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH20205retinite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20205retinite is retinite" ; rdfs:label " retinite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH20206retino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20206retino is retino" ; rdfs:label " retino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20207retorica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20207retorica is retorica" ; rdfs:label " retorica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH20209retorica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20209retorica is retorica" ; rdfs:label " retorica_as_Property" . inds:USemTH20210retoricastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20210retoricastra is retoricastra" ; rdfs:label " retoricastra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20212retoricastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20212retoricastro is retoricastro" ; rdfs:label " retoricastro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20217retriva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20217retriva is retriva" ; rdfs:label " retriva_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20220retrivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20220retrivo is retrivo" ; rdfs:label " retrivo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20225retrograda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20225retrograda is retrograda" ; rdfs:label " retrograda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20227retrogrado simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20227retrogrado is retrogrado" ; rdfs:label " retrogrado_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20229retto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20229retto is retto" ; rdfs:label " retto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH20230retto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20230retto is retto" ; rdfs:label " retto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH20236reumatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20236reumatica is reumatica" ; rdfs:label " reumatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20238reumatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20238reumatico is reumatico" ; rdfs:label " reumatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20240reumatologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20240reumatologa is reumatologa" ; rdfs:label " reumatologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20242reumatologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20242reumatologo is reumatologo" ; rdfs:label " reumatologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20244revanscismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20244revanscismo is revanscismo" ; rdfs:label " revanscismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH20247revanscista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20247revanscista is revanscista" ; rdfs:label " revanscista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20250reversale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20250reversale is reversale" ; rdfs:label " reversale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH20252revisionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20252revisionista is revisionista" ; rdfs:label " revisionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20256revivalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20256revivalista is revivalista" ; rdfs:label " revivalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20259reviviscenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20259reviviscenza is reviviscenza" ; rdfs:label " reviviscenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20260revocabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20260revocabilita1 is revocabilita'" ; rdfs:label " revocabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20261rexismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20261rexismo is rexismo" ; rdfs:label " rexismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH20264rexista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20264rexista is rexista" ; rdfs:label " rexista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20267rhodesiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20267rhodesiana is rhodesiana" ; rdfs:label " rhodesiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH20269rhodesiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20269rhodesiano is rhodesiano" ; rdfs:label " rhodesiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH20271rhum simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20271rhum is rhum" ; rdfs:label " rhum_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH20277rialzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20277rialzista is rialzista" ; rdfs:label " rialzista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH20278ribadibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20278ribadibilita1 is ribadibilita'" ; rdfs:label " ribadibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20283ribassista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20283ribassista is ribassista" ; rdfs:label " ribassista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH20285ribechista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20285ribechista is ribechista" ; rdfs:label " ribechista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH20290ribobolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20290ribobolista is ribobolista" ; rdfs:label " ribobolista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20296ricambista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20296ricambista is ricambista" ; rdfs:label " ricambista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20299ricardiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20299ricardiana is ricardiana" ; rdfs:label " ricardiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20301ricardiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20301ricardiano is ricardiano" ; rdfs:label " ricardiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20306ricciolina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20306ricciolina is ricciolina" ; rdfs:label " ricciolina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20308ricciolina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20308ricciolina is ricciolina" ; rdfs:label " ricciolina_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemTH20309ricciolina simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20309ricciolina is ricciolina" ; rdfs:label " ricciolina_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemTH20311ricciolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20311ricciolino is ricciolino" ; rdfs:label " ricciolino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20314ricevibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20314ricevibilita1 is ricevibilita'" ; rdfs:label " ricevibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20318richiamato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20318richiamato is richiamato" ; rdfs:label " richiamato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20321rickettsiosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20321rickettsiosi is rickettsiosi" ; rdfs:label " rickettsiosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH20322ricombinante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20322ricombinante is ricombinante" ; rdfs:label " ricombinante_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH20324ricottaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20324ricottaia is ricottaia" ; rdfs:label " ricottaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20326ricottaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20326ricottaio is ricottaio" ; rdfs:label " ricottaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20330ricuperabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20330ricuperabilita1 is ricuperabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ricuperabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20332ricusabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20332ricusabilita1 is ricusabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ricusabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20333ridicolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20333ridicolezza is ridicolezza" ; rdfs:label " ridicolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20334riducente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20334riducente is riducente" ; rdfs:label " riducente_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH20335riducibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20335riducibilita1 is riducibilita'" ; rdfs:label " riducibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20336rieccitabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20336rieccitabilita1 is rieccitabilita'" ; rdfs:label " rieccitabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20337rieleggibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20337rieleggibilita1 is rieleggibilita'" ; rdfs:label " rieleggibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20339rientrante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20339rientrante is rientrante" ; rdfs:label " rientrante_as_Part" . inds:USemTH20340rifinitezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20340rifinitezza is rifinitezza" ; rdfs:label " rifinitezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20344rifrattometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20344rifrattometro is rifrattometro" ; rdfs:label " rifrattometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20349rigatone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20349rigatone is rigatone" ; rdfs:label " rigatone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH20353rigorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20353rigorista is rigorista" ; rdfs:label " rigorista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20355rigorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20355rigorista is rigorista" ; rdfs:label " rigorista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20357rigorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20357rigorista is rigorista" ; rdfs:label " rigorista_as_Role" . inds:USemTH20358rigurgito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20358rigurgito is rigurgito" ; rdfs:label " rigurgito_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH20360rilevataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20360rilevataria is rilevataria" ; rdfs:label " rilevataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20362rilevatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20362rilevatario is rilevatario" ; rdfs:label " rilevatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20365rilucentezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20365rilucentezza is rilucentezza" ; rdfs:label " rilucentezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20366riluttivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20366riluttivita1 is riluttivita'" ; rdfs:label " riluttivita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH20367rimandata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20367rimandata is rimandata" ; rdfs:label " rimandata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20369rimandato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20369rimandato is rimandato" ; rdfs:label " rimandato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20371rimbambita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20371rimbambita is rimbambita" ; rdfs:label " rimbambita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20373rimbambito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20373rimbambito is rimbambito" ; rdfs:label " rimbambito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20375rimbecillita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20375rimbecillita is rimbecillita" ; rdfs:label " rimbecillita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20377rimbecillito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20377rimbecillito is rimbecillito" ; rdfs:label " rimbecillito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20381rimunerativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20381rimunerativita1 is rimunerativita'" ; rdfs:label " rimunerativita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20382rimutabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20382rimutabilita1 is rimutabilita'" ; rdfs:label " rimutabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20386rinchiuso simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20386rinchiuso is rinchiuso" ; rdfs:label " rinchiuso_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH20389rinegoziabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20389rinegoziabilita1 is rinegoziabilita'" ; rdfs:label " rinegoziabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20391rinfrescante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20391rinfrescante is rinfrescante" ; rdfs:label " rinfrescante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH20393rinfresco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20393rinfresco is rinfresco" ; rdfs:label " rinfresco_as_Food" . inds:USemTH20394ring simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20394ring is ring" ; rdfs:label " ring_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH20395rinite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20395rinite is rinite" ; rdfs:label " rinite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH20396rinnovabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20396rinnovabilita1 is rinnovabilita'" ; rdfs:label " rinnovabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20398rinofaringite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20398rinofaringite is rinofaringite" ; rdfs:label " rinofaringite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH20399rinologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20399rinologia is rinologia" ; rdfs:label " rinologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH20400rinorrea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20400rinorrea is rinorrea" ; rdfs:label " rinorrea_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH20403rintracciabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20403rintracciabilita1 is rintracciabilita'" ; rdfs:label " rintracciabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20404rinunziataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20404rinunziataria is rinunziataria" ; rdfs:label " rinunziataria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20406rinunziatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20406rinunziatario is rinunziatario" ; rdfs:label " rinunziatario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20410riparabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20410riparabilita1 is riparabilita'" ; rdfs:label " riparabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20413ripetibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20413ripetibilita1 is ripetibilita'" ; rdfs:label " ripetibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20417ripienista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20417ripienista is ripienista" ; rdfs:label " ripienista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH20419riportata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20419riportata is riportata" ; rdfs:label " riportata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20421riportato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20421riportato is riportato" ; rdfs:label " riportato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20424riprensibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20424riprensibilita1 is riprensibilita'" ; rdfs:label " riprensibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20425riproducibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20425riproducibilita1 is riproducibilita'" ; rdfs:label " riproducibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20426riprografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20426riprografia is riprografia" ; rdfs:label " riprografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH20434risaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20434risaiola is risaiola" ; rdfs:label " risaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20436risaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20436risaiolo is risaiolo" ; rdfs:label " risaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20439risanabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20439risanabilita1 is risanabilita'" ; rdfs:label " risanabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20440riscaldo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20440riscaldo is riscaldo" ; rdfs:label " riscaldo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH20441rischiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20441rischiosita1 is rischiosita'" ; rdfs:label " rischiosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20443riscotibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20443riscotibilita1 is riscotibilita'" ; rdfs:label " riscotibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20444riserbatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20444riserbatezza is riserbatezza" ; rdfs:label " riserbatezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20445riservataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20445riservataria is riservataria" ; rdfs:label " riservataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20447riservatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20447riservatario is riservatario" ; rdfs:label " riservatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20450riservista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20450riservista is riservista" ; rdfs:label " riservista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20453risibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20453risibilita1 is risibilita'" ; rdfs:label " risibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20455risiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20455risiera is risiera" ; rdfs:label " risiera_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20455risiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20455risiere is risiere" ; rdfs:label " risiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20456risolvibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20456risolvibilita1 is risolvibilita'" ; rdfs:label " risolvibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20458risorgimentalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20458risorgimentalista is risorgimentalista" ; rdfs:label " risorgimentalista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH2045accestimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2045accestimento is accestimento" ; rdfs:label " accestimento_as_Time" . inds:USemTH20462risorgimentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20462risorgimentista is risorgimentista" ; rdfs:label " risorgimentista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH20466risorto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20466risorto is risorto" ; rdfs:label " risorto_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH20468ristorno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20468ristorno is ristorno" ; rdfs:label " ristorno_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH20470ritardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20470ritardo is ritardo" ; rdfs:label " ritardo_as_Time" . inds:USemTH20471ritmicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20471ritmicita1 is ritmicita'" ; rdfs:label " ritmicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20472ritmologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20472ritmologia is ritmologia" ; rdfs:label " ritmologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH20473ritmomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20473ritmomania is ritmomania" ; rdfs:label " ritmomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH20474ritrasmissione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20474ritrasmissione is ritrasmissione" ; rdfs:label " ritrasmissione_as_Information", " ritrasmissione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemTH20475ritrattabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20475ritrattabilita1 is ritrattabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ritrattabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20477ritrattista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20477ritrattista is ritrattista" ; rdfs:label " ritrattista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20481ritualismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20481ritualismo is ritualismo" ; rdfs:label " ritualismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH20484ritualista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20484ritualista is ritualista" ; rdfs:label " ritualista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20487ritualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20487ritualita1 is ritualita'" ; rdfs:label " ritualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20488riunito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20488riunito is riunito" ; rdfs:label " riunito_as_Group" . inds:USemTH20489riuscibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20489riuscibilita1 is riuscibilita'" ; rdfs:label " riuscibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20490rivedibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20490rivedibilita1 is rivedibilita'" ; rdfs:label " rivedibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20491rivelabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20491rivelabilita1 is rivelabilita'" ; rdfs:label " rivelabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20492rivendibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20492rivendibilita1 is rivendibilita'" ; rdfs:label " rivendibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20493rivendicazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20493rivendicazionismo is rivendicazionismo" ; rdfs:label " rivendicazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH20495rivendugliola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20495rivendugliola is rivendugliola" ; rdfs:label " rivendugliola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20497rivendugliolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20497rivendugliolo is rivendugliolo" ; rdfs:label " rivendugliolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20500rivestimentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20500rivestimentista is rivestimentista" ; rdfs:label " rivestimentista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20503rivetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20503rivetto is rivetto" ; rdfs:label " rivetto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH20504rivoluzionarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20504rivoluzionarismo is rivoluzionarismo" ; rdfs:label " rivoluzionarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH20506rizoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20506rizoide is rizoide" ; rdfs:label " rizoide_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH20507rizoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20507rizoma is rizoma" ; rdfs:label " rizoma_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH20509rocchettara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20509rocchettara is rocchettara" ; rdfs:label " rocchettara_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20511rocchettaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20511rocchettaro is rocchettaro" ; rdfs:label " rocchettaro_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20512rock simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20512rock is rock" ; rdfs:label " rock_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH20514rockettara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20514rockettara is rockettara" ; rdfs:label " rockettara_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20516rockettaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20516rockettaro is rockettaro" ; rdfs:label " rockettaro_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20517rodiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20517rodiana is rodiana" ; rdfs:label " rodiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH20519rodiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20519rodiano is rodiano" ; rdfs:label " rodiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH20521rodigina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20521rodigina is rodigina" ; rdfs:label " rodigina_as_People" . inds:USemTH20523rodigino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20523rodigino is rodigino" ; rdfs:label " rodigino_as_People" . inds:USemTH20526rodiota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20526rodiota is rodiota" ; rdfs:label " rodiota_as_People" . inds:USemTH20529rodomonte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20529rodomonte is rodomonte" ; rdfs:label " rodomonte_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20531rogataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20531rogataria is rogataria" ; rdfs:label " rogataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20533rogatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20533rogatario is rogatario" ; rdfs:label " rogatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20535rogito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20535rogito is rogito" ; rdfs:label " rogito_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH20537rollometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20537rollometro is rollometro" ; rdfs:label " rollometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20541romanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20541romanismo is romanismo" ; rdfs:label " romanismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH20542romanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20542romanismo is romanismo" ; rdfs:label " romanismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH20544romanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20544romanista is romanista" ; rdfs:label " romanista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20546romanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20546romanista is romanista" ; rdfs:label " romanista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20549romboide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20549romboide is romboide" ; rdfs:label " romboide_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH20550romena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20550romena is romena" ; rdfs:label " romena_as_People" . inds:USemTH20552romeno simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20552romeno is romeno" ; rdfs:label " romeno_as_Language" . inds:USemTH20553romeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20553romeno is romeno" ; rdfs:label " romeno_as_People" . inds:USemTH20557romitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20557romitano is romitano" ; rdfs:label " romitano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH20559rompiballe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20559rompiballe is rompiballe" ; rdfs:label " rompiballe_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20562rompicollo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20562rompicollo is rompicollo" ; rdfs:label " rompicollo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20565rompipalle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20565rompipalle is rompipalle" ; rdfs:label " rompipalle_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20567rompitasche simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20567rompitasche is rompitasche" ; rdfs:label " rompitasche_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20569roncone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20569roncone is roncone" ; rdfs:label " roncone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20571rondinino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20571rondinino is rondinino" ; rdfs:label " rondinino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH20573rondinotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20573rondinotto is rondinotto" ; rdfs:label " rondinotto_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH20574rondismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20574rondismo is rondismo" ; rdfs:label " rondismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH20577rondista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20577rondista is rondista" ; rdfs:label " rondista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20582ronzinante simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20582ronzinante is ronzinante" ; rdfs:label " ronzinante_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH20584rosanera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20584rosanera is rosanera" ; rdfs:label " rosanera_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20586rosanero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20586rosanero is rosanero" ; rdfs:label " rosanero_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20587rosario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20587rosario is rosario" ; rdfs:label " rosario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20589roseola simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20589roseola is roseola" ; rdfs:label " roseola_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH20590rosminiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20590rosminiana is rosminiana" ; rdfs:label " rosminiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20591rosminiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20591rosminiana is rosminiana" ; rdfs:label " rosminiana_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH20593rosminianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20593rosminianismo is rosminianismo" ; rdfs:label " rosminianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH20595rosminiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20595rosminiano is rosminiano" ; rdfs:label " rosminiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20596rosminiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20596rosminiano is rosminiano" ; rdfs:label " rosminiano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH20598rossina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20598rossina is rossina" ; rdfs:label " rossina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20600rossiniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20600rossiniana is rossiniana" ; rdfs:label " rossiniana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20602rossiniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20602rossiniano is rossiniano" ; rdfs:label " rossiniano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20604rossino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20604rossino is rossino" ; rdfs:label " rossino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20607rossoblu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20607rossoblu1 is rossoblu'" ; rdfs:label " rossoblu'_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20609rossonera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20609rossonera is rossonera" ; rdfs:label " rossonera_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20611rossonero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20611rossonero is rossonero" ; rdfs:label " rossonero_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH20612rotacismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20612rotacismo is rotacismo" ; rdfs:label " rotacismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH20614rotariana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20614rotariana is rotariana" ; rdfs:label " rotariana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20616rotariano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20616rotariano is rotariano" ; rdfs:label " rotariano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20619rotativista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20619rotativista is rotativista" ; rdfs:label " rotativista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20623rotellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20623rotellista is rotellista" ; rdfs:label " rotellista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH20627rotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20627rotismo is rotismo" ; rdfs:label " rotismo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH20628rotocalcografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20628rotocalcografa is rotocalcografa" ; rdfs:label " rotocalcografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20631rotocalcografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20631rotocalcografo is rotocalcografo" ; rdfs:label " rotocalcografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20633rotocompressore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20633rotocompressore is rotocompressore" ; rdfs:label " rotocompressore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20635rottamaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20635rottamaia is rottamaia" ; rdfs:label " rottamaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20637rottamaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20637rottamaio is rottamaio" ; rdfs:label " rottamaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20640rottamista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20640rottamista is rottamista" ; rdfs:label " rottamista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20644roulottista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20644roulottista is roulottista" ; rdfs:label " roulottista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20647rousseauiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20647rousseauiana is rousseauiana" ; rdfs:label " rousseauiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20649rousseauiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20649rousseauiano is rousseauiano" ; rdfs:label " rousseauiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20651routinaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20651routinaria is routinaria" ; rdfs:label " routinaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20653routinario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20653routinario is routinario" ; rdfs:label " routinario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20655routiniera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20655routiniera is routiniera" ; rdfs:label " routiniera_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20657routiniero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20657routiniero is routiniero" ; rdfs:label " routiniero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20659rovere simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20659rovere is rovere" ; rdfs:label " rovere_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH20661rovinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20661rovinista is rovinista" ; rdfs:label " rovinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20664rovinografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20664rovinografa is rovinografa" ; rdfs:label " rovinografa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20667rovinografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20667rovinografo is rovinografo" ; rdfs:label " rovinografo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20669rovinologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20669rovinologa is rovinologa" ; rdfs:label " rovinologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20671rovinologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20671rovinologia is rovinologia" ; rdfs:label " rovinologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH20672rovinologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20672rovinologo is rovinologo" ; rdfs:label " rovinologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20674rubapaghe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20674rubapaghe is rubapaghe" ; rdfs:label " rubapaghe_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20677rubricista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20677rubricista is rubricista" ; rdfs:label " rubricista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20681rugbista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20681rugbista is rugbista" ; rdfs:label " rugbista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH20685rullometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20685rullometro is rullometro" ; rdfs:label " rullometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH20688rulottista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20688rulottista is rulottista" ; rdfs:label " rulottista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20691rumine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20691rumine is rumine" ; rdfs:label " rumine_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH20695rumorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20695rumorista is rumorista" ; rdfs:label " rumorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20699ruotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20699ruotismo is ruotismo" ; rdfs:label " ruotismo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH20700ruppia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20700ruppia is ruppia" ; rdfs:label " ruppia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH20702ruspista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20702ruspista is ruspista" ; rdfs:label " ruspista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH20706russoiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20706russoiana is russoiana" ; rdfs:label " russoiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20708russoiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20708russoiano is russoiano" ; rdfs:label " russoiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20710russoviana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20710russoviana is russoviana" ; rdfs:label " russoviana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20712russoviano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20712russoviano is russoviano" ; rdfs:label " russoviano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20714rusticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20714rusticita1 is rusticita'" ; rdfs:label " rusticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH20715rutena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20715rutena is rutena" ; rdfs:label " rutena_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20716rutena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20716rutena is rutena" ; rdfs:label " rutena_as_People" . inds:USemTH20718ruteno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20718ruteno is ruteno" ; rdfs:label " ruteno_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH20719ruteno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20719ruteno is ruteno" ; rdfs:label " ruteno_as_People" . inds:USemTH20721rutinaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20721rutinaria is rutinaria" ; rdfs:label " rutinaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20723rutinario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20723rutinario is rutinario" ; rdfs:label " rutinario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20725rutiniera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20725rutiniera is rutiniera" ; rdfs:label " rutiniera_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20727rutiniero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20727rutiniero is rutiniero" ; rdfs:label " rutiniero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH20729ruvidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH20729ruvidita1 is ruvidita'" ; rdfs:label " ruvidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH2092affilatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2092affilatura is affilatura" ; rdfs:label " affilatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH2099adunamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2099adunamento is adunamento" ; rdfs:label " adunamento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH2105argentatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2105argentatura is argentatura" ; rdfs:label " argentatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH2106affatturamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2106affatturamento is affatturamento" ; rdfs:label " affatturamento_as_Property" . inds:USemTH2110affiochimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2110affiochimento is affiochimento" ; rdfs:label " affiochimento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH2122ingurgitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2122ingurgitatore is ingurgitatore" ; rdfs:label " ingurgitatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH2144albeggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2144albeggiamento is albeggiamento" ; rdfs:label " albeggiamento_as_Time" . inds:USemTH2154allessatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2154allessatura is allessatura" ; rdfs:label " allessatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH2155allunamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2155allunamento is allunamento" ; rdfs:label " allunamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH2163ammaliamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2163ammaliamento is ammaliamento" ; rdfs:label " ammaliamento_as_Property" . inds:USemTH2165diteggiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2165diteggiatura is diteggiatura" ; rdfs:label " diteggiatura_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH21830sabauda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21830sabauda is sabauda" ; rdfs:label " sabauda_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH21832sabaudo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21832sabaudo is sabaudo" ; rdfs:label " sabaudo_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH21834sabbionaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21834sabbionaia is sabbionaia" ; rdfs:label " sabbionaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21837sabbionaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21837sabbionaio is sabbionaio" ; rdfs:label " sabbionaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21838sabbione simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21838sabbione is sabbione" ; rdfs:label " sabbione_as_Area", " sabbione_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH21839sabea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21839sabea is sabea" ; rdfs:label " sabea_as_People" . inds:USemTH21841sabeismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21841sabeismo is sabeismo" ; rdfs:label " sabeismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH21843sabelliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21843sabelliana is sabelliana" ; rdfs:label " sabelliana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH21845sabelliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21845sabelliano is sabelliano" ; rdfs:label " sabelliano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH21847sabeo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21847sabeo is sabeo" ; rdfs:label " sabeo_as_Language" . inds:USemTH21848sabeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21848sabeo is sabeo" ; rdfs:label " sabeo_as_People" . inds:USemTH21850sabina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21850sabina is sabina" ; rdfs:label " sabina_as_People" . inds:USemTH21851sabina simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21851sabina is sabina" ; rdfs:label " sabina_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH21852sabino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21852sabino is sabino" ; rdfs:label " sabino_as_People" . inds:USemTH21854saccarimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21854saccarimetro is saccarimetro" ; rdfs:label " saccarimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH21856saccaroide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21856saccaroide is saccaroide" ; rdfs:label " saccaroide_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH21857saccarometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21857saccarometro is saccarometro" ; rdfs:label " saccarometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH21860sacchetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21860sacchetto is sacchetto" ; rdfs:label " sacchetto_as_Container" . inds:USemTH21861saccone simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21861saccone is saccone" ; rdfs:label " saccone_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH21862sacculo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21862sacculo is sacculo" ; rdfs:label " sacculo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH21863sacculo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21863sacculo is sacculo" ; rdfs:label " sacculo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH21867sacrestana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21867sacrestana is sacrestana" ; rdfs:label " sacrestana_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21869sacrestano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21869sacrestano is sacrestano" ; rdfs:label " sacrestano_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21871sacrificata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21871sacrificata is sacrificata" ; rdfs:label " sacrificata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH21874sacrificato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21874sacrificato is sacrificato" ; rdfs:label " sacrificato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH21879sacristana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21879sacristana is sacristana" ; rdfs:label " sacristana_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH2187butteratura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2187butteratura is butteratura" ; rdfs:label " butteratura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH21882sacristano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21882sacristano is sacristano" ; rdfs:label " sacristano_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21883sadomaso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21883sadomaso is sadomaso" ; rdfs:label " sadomaso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH21885sadomasochista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21885sadomasochista is sadomasochista" ; rdfs:label " sadomasochista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH21886sadomasochista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21886sadomasochista is sadomasochista" ; rdfs:label " sadomasochista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2188anellamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2188anellamento is anellamento" ; rdfs:label " anellamento_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH21895saettone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21895saettone is saettone" ; rdfs:label " saettone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH21898sagacita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21898sagacita1 is sagacita'" ; rdfs:label " sagacita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH21902sagola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21902sagola is sagola" ; rdfs:label " sagola_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH21903sagola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21903sagola is sagola" ; rdfs:label " sagola_as_Part" . inds:USemTH21909sahariana simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21909sahariana is sahariana" ; rdfs:label " sahariana_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH21912sahariano simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21912sahariano is sahariano" ; rdfs:label " sahariano_as_Time" . inds:USemTH21914salacita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21914salacita1 is salacita'" ; rdfs:label " salacita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH21915salariato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21915salariato is salariato" ; rdfs:label " salariato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH21926salbanda simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21926salbanda is salbanda" ; rdfs:label " salbanda_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH21927saldacontista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21927saldacontista is saldacontista" ; rdfs:label " saldacontista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21928saldacontista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21928saldacontista is saldacontista" ; rdfs:label " saldacontista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21932saldatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21932saldatoio is saldatoio" ; rdfs:label " saldatoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH21935salentina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21935salentina is salentina" ; rdfs:label " salentina_as_People" . inds:USemTH21937salentino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21937salentino is salentino" ; rdfs:label " salentino_as_Language" . inds:USemTH21938salentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21938salentino is salentino" ; rdfs:label " salentino_as_People" . inds:USemTH21940salernitana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21940salernitana is salernitana" ; rdfs:label " salernitana_as_People" . inds:USemTH21942salernitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21942salernitano is salernitano" ; rdfs:label " salernitano_as_People" . inds:USemTH21943salernitano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21943salernitano is salernitano" ; rdfs:label " salernitano_as_Area" . inds:USemTH21944salesiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21944salesiana is salesiana" ; rdfs:label " salesiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH21946salesiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21946salesiano is salesiano" ; rdfs:label " salesiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH21948salicilato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21948salicilato is salicilato" ; rdfs:label " salicilato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH21949saliente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21949saliente is saliente" ; rdfs:label " saliente_as_D_3_Location", " saliente_as_Part" . inds:USemTH21950salinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21950salinaia is salinaia" ; rdfs:label " salinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21952salinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21952salinaio is salinaio" ; rdfs:label " salinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21955salinara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21955salinara is salinara" ; rdfs:label " salinara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21956salinaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21956salinaro is salinaro" ; rdfs:label " salinaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21962salinometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21962salinometro is salinometro" ; rdfs:label " salinometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH21964saliscendi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21964saliscendi is saliscendi" ; rdfs:label " saliscendi_as_Part" . inds:USemTH21965saliscendi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21965saliscendi is saliscendi" ; rdfs:label " saliscendi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH21970salmista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21970salmista is salmista" ; rdfs:label " salmista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21974salmografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21974salmografa is salmografa" ; rdfs:label " salmografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21976salmografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21976salmografo is salmografo" ; rdfs:label " salmografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21978salmonide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21978salmonide is salmonide" ; rdfs:label " salmonide_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH21979salnitraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21979salnitraia is salnitraia" ; rdfs:label " salnitraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21981salnitraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21981salnitraio is salnitraio" ; rdfs:label " salnitraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21983salodiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21983salodiana is salodiana" ; rdfs:label " salodiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH21985salodiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21985salodiano is salodiano" ; rdfs:label " salodiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH21987saloon simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21987saloon is saloon" ; rdfs:label " saloon_as_Building" . inds:USemTH21988salopette simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21988salopette is salopette" ; rdfs:label " salopette_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH21989salpingite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21989salpingite is salpingite" ; rdfs:label " salpingite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH21990salsamentaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21990salsamentaria is salsamentaria" ; rdfs:label " salsamentaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21992salsamentario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21992salsamentario is salsamentario" ; rdfs:label " salsamentario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21995salsapariglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21995salsapariglia is salsapariglia" ; rdfs:label " salsapariglia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH21996salsicciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21996salsicciaia is salsicciaia" ; rdfs:label " salsicciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH21999salsicciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH21999salsicciaio is salsicciaio" ; rdfs:label " salsicciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22000saltafossi simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22000saltafossi is saltafossi" ; rdfs:label " saltafossi_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH22007saltarupe simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22007saltarupe is saltarupe" ; rdfs:label " saltarupe_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH22017saltimbocca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22017saltimbocca is saltimbocca" ; rdfs:label " saltimbocca_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH22018saltometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22018saltometro is saltometro" ; rdfs:label " saltometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH2201antepredicamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2201antepredicamento is antepredicamento" ; rdfs:label " antepredicamento_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH22020saltuarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22020saltuarieta1 is saltuarieta'" ; rdfs:label " saltuarieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22028salutista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22028salutista is salutista" ; rdfs:label " salutista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22030salutista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22030salutista is salutista" ; rdfs:label " salutista_as_Role" . inds:USemTH22032salvafiaschi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22032salvafiaschi is salvafiaschi" ; rdfs:label " salvafiaschi_as_Part" . inds:USemTH22033salvagocce simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22033salvagocce is salvagocce" ; rdfs:label " salvagocce_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22034salvagonna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22034salvagonna is salvagonna" ; rdfs:label " salvagonna_as_Part" . inds:USemTH22036salvamuro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22036salvamuro is salvamuro" ; rdfs:label " salvamuro_as_Part" . inds:USemTH22037salvapunte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22037salvapunte is salvapunte" ; rdfs:label " salvapunte_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22038salvavita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22038salvavita is salvavita" ; rdfs:label " salvavita_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH22039sambabilina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22039sambabilina is sambabilina" ; rdfs:label " sambabilina_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22041sambabilino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22041sambabilino is sambabilino" ; rdfs:label " sambabilino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22043samoieda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22043samoieda is samoieda" ; rdfs:label " samoieda_as_People" . inds:USemTH22046samoiedo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22046samoiedo is samoiedo" ; rdfs:label " samoiedo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH22047samoiedo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22047samoiedo is samoiedo" ; rdfs:label " samoiedo_as_People" . inds:USemTH22048samoiedo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22048samoiedo is samoiedo" ; rdfs:label " samoiedo_as_Language" . inds:USemTH22049sampdoriana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22049sampdoriana is sampdoriana" ; rdfs:label " sampdoriana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22051sampdoriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22051sampdoriano is sampdoriano" ; rdfs:label " sampdoriano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22053sana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22053sana is sana" ; rdfs:label " sana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22055sanabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22055sanabilita1 is sanabilita'" ; rdfs:label " sanabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22060sanbabilina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22060sanbabilina is sanbabilina" ; rdfs:label " sanbabilina_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22062sanbabilino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22062sanbabilino is sanbabilino" ; rdfs:label " sanbabilino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22064sanculotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22064sanculotta is sanculotta" ; rdfs:label " sanculotta_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22066sanculotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22066sanculotto is sanculotto" ; rdfs:label " sanculotto_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22068sandinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22068sandinista is sandinista" ; rdfs:label " sandinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22069sandinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22069sandinista is sandinista" ; rdfs:label " sandinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22072sandolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22072sandolista is sandolista" ; rdfs:label " sandolista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22073sandolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22073sandolista is sandolista" ; rdfs:label " sandolista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22076sanfedismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22076sanfedismo is sanfedismo" ; rdfs:label " sanfedismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH22078sanfedista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22078sanfedista is sanfedista" ; rdfs:label " sanfedista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22079sanfedista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22079sanfedista is sanfedista" ; rdfs:label " sanfedista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22081sangiovese simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22081sangiovese is sangiovese" ; rdfs:label " sangiovese_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH22082sangiovese simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22082sangiovese is sangiovese" ; rdfs:label " sangiovese_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH22083sangria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22083sangria is sangria" ; rdfs:label " sangria_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH22084sanguemisto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22084sanguemisto is sanguemisto" ; rdfs:label " sanguemisto_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH22093sanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22093sanita1 is sanita'" ; rdfs:label " sanita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22094sanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22094sanita1 is sanita'" ; rdfs:label " sanita'_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH22095sanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22095sanita1 is sanita'" ; rdfs:label " sanita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH22096sanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22096sanita1 is sanita'" ; rdfs:label " sanita'_as_Building" . inds:USemTH22097sanitaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22097sanitaria is sanitaria" ; rdfs:label " sanitaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22098sanitario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22098sanitario is sanitario" ; rdfs:label " sanitario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22099sanitarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22099sanitarista is sanitarista" ; rdfs:label " sanitarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22100sanitarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22100sanitarista is sanitarista" ; rdfs:label " sanitarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22103sannita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22103sannita is sannita" ; rdfs:label " sannita_as_People" . inds:USemTH22104sannita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22104sannita is sannita" ; rdfs:label " sannita_as_People" . inds:USemTH22107sano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22107sano is sano" ; rdfs:label " sano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22109sanscritista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22109sanscritista is sanscritista" ; rdfs:label " sanscritista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22110sanscritista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22110sanscritista is sanscritista" ; rdfs:label " sanscritista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22113sansepolcrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22113sansepolcrista is sansepolcrista" ; rdfs:label " sansepolcrista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22114sansepolcrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22114sansepolcrista is sansepolcrista" ; rdfs:label " sansepolcrista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22117sansimoniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22117sansimoniana is sansimoniana" ; rdfs:label " sansimoniana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22120sansimoniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22120sansimoniano is sansimoniano" ; rdfs:label " sansimoniano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22121sansimonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22121sansimonismo is sansimonismo" ; rdfs:label " sansimonismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH22123sansimonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22123sansimonista is sansimonista" ; rdfs:label " sansimonista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22124sansimonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22124sansimonista is sansimonista" ; rdfs:label " sansimonista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22127sansone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22127sansone is sansone" ; rdfs:label " sansone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22129santarella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22129santarella is santarella" ; rdfs:label " santarella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22132santarello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22132santarello is santarello" ; rdfs:label " santarello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22133santerella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22133santerella is santerella" ; rdfs:label " santerella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22135santerello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22135santerello is santerello" ; rdfs:label " santerello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22142santocchia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22142santocchia is santocchia" ; rdfs:label " santocchia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22144santocchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22144santocchio is santocchio" ; rdfs:label " santocchio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22146santola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22146santola is santola" ; rdfs:label " santola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22149santolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22149santolo is santolo" ; rdfs:label " santolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22154sapidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22154sapidita1 is sapidita'" ; rdfs:label " sapidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22155saponaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22155saponaia is saponaia" ; rdfs:label " saponaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22158saponaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22158saponaio is saponaio" ; rdfs:label " saponaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22159saponara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22159saponara is saponara" ; rdfs:label " saponara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22161saponaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22161saponaro is saponaro" ; rdfs:label " saponaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22163saponiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22163saponiere is saponiere" ; rdfs:label " saponiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22169saporosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22169saporosita1 is saporosita'" ; rdfs:label " saporosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22170sapota simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22170sapota is sapota" ; rdfs:label " sapota_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH22171saprofita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22171saprofita is saprofita" ; rdfs:label " saprofita_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH22174saputa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22174saputa is saputa" ; rdfs:label " saputa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22176saputella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22176saputella is saputella" ; rdfs:label " saputella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22179saputello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22179saputello is saputello" ; rdfs:label " saputello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22180saputo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22180saputo is saputo" ; rdfs:label " saputo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22182saracena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22182saracena is saracena" ; rdfs:label " saracena_as_People" . inds:USemTH22185saraceno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22185saraceno is saraceno" ; rdfs:label " saraceno_as_People" . inds:USemTH22188saracino simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22188saracino is saracino" ; rdfs:label " saracino_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH22195sarcoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22195sarcoma is sarcoma" ; rdfs:label " sarcoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22196sarcomatosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22196sarcomatosi is sarcomatosi" ; rdfs:label " sarcomatosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22199sardismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22199sardismo is sardismo" ; rdfs:label " sardismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH22200sardismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22200sardismo is sardismo" ; rdfs:label " sardismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH22201sardista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22201sardista is sardista" ; rdfs:label " sardista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22202sardista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22202sardista is sardista" ; rdfs:label " sardista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22207sarissoforo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22207sarissoforo is sarissoforo" ; rdfs:label " sarissoforo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22210sartu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22210sartu1 is sartu'" ; rdfs:label " sartu'_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH22211sartiame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22211sartiame is sartiame" ; rdfs:label " sartiame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH22212sassaresa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22212sassaresa is sassaresa" ; rdfs:label " sassaresa_as_People" . inds:USemTH22215sassarese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22215sassarese is sassarese" ; rdfs:label " sassarese_as_People" . inds:USemTH22217sassismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22217sassismo is sassismo" ; rdfs:label " sassismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH22218sassista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22218sassista is sassista" ; rdfs:label " sassista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22219sassista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22219sassista is sassista" ; rdfs:label " sassista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22222satin simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22222satin is satin" ; rdfs:label " satin_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH22223satirica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22223satirica is satirica" ; rdfs:label " satirica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22225satirico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22225satirico is satirico" ; rdfs:label " satirico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22227satirista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22227satirista is satirista" ; rdfs:label " satirista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22228satirista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22228satirista is satirista" ; rdfs:label " satirista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22232saturabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22232saturabilita1 is saturabilita'" ; rdfs:label " saturabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22236saturniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22236saturniana is saturniana" ; rdfs:label " saturniana_as_People" . inds:USemTH22238saturniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22238saturniano is saturniano" ; rdfs:label " saturniano_as_People" . inds:USemTH22240saturnismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22240saturnismo is saturnismo" ; rdfs:label " saturnismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22242saute2 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22242saute2 is saute'" ; rdfs:label " saute'_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH22243savarin simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22243savarin is savarin" ; rdfs:label " savarin_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH22248sax simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22248sax is sax" ; rdfs:label " sax_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22249saxofonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22249saxofonista is saxofonista" ; rdfs:label " saxofonista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH22250saxofonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22250saxofonista is saxofonista" ; rdfs:label " saxofonista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH22255saziabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22255saziabilita1 is saziabilita'" ; rdfs:label " saziabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22275sbandata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22275sbandata is sbandata" ; rdfs:label " sbandata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22277sbandato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22277sbandato is sbandato" ; rdfs:label " sbandato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22286sbarazzina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22286sbarazzina is sbarazzina" ; rdfs:label " sbarazzina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22287sbarazzina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22287sbarazzina is sbarazzina" ; rdfs:label " sbarazzina_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH22289sbarazzino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22289sbarazzino is sbarazzino" ; rdfs:label " sbarazzino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2228argumento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2228argumento is argumento" ; rdfs:label " argumento_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH22295sbarbina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22295sbarbina is sbarbina" ; rdfs:label " sbarbina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22297sbarbino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22297sbarbino is sbarbino" ; rdfs:label " sbarbino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2229argumento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2229argumento is argumento" ; rdfs:label " argumento_as_Information" . inds:USemTH22301sbarrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22301sbarrista is sbarrista" ; rdfs:label " sbarrista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH22302sbarrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22302sbarrista is sbarrista" ; rdfs:label " sbarrista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH22310sbattighiaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22310sbattighiaccio is sbattighiaccio" ; rdfs:label " sbattighiaccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22311sbattiova simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22311sbattiova is sbattiova" ; rdfs:label " sbattiova_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22312sbattiuova simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22312sbattiuova is sbattiuova" ; rdfs:label " sbattiuova_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH2232armento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2232armento is armento" ; rdfs:label " armento_as_Group" . inds:USemTH22344sborso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22344sborso is sborso" ; rdfs:label " sborso_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH22350sbozzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22350sbozzo is sbozzo" ; rdfs:label " sbozzo_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH22351sbozzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22351sbozzo is sbozzo" ; rdfs:label " sbozzo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH22355sbrigativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22355sbrigativita1 is sbrigativita'" ; rdfs:label " sbrigativita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22361sbucciapatate simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22361sbucciapatate is sbucciapatate" ; rdfs:label " sbucciapatate_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22374scabbia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22374scabbia is scabbia" ; rdfs:label " scabbia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22375scabbiosa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22375scabbiosa is scabbiosa" ; rdfs:label " scabbiosa_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH22376scabbiosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22376scabbiosa is scabbiosa" ; rdfs:label " scabbiosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22378scabbioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22378scabbioso is scabbioso" ; rdfs:label " scabbioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22379scabina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22379scabina is scabina" ; rdfs:label " scabina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22380scabino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22380scabino is scabino" ; rdfs:label " scabino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22382scabrosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22382scabrosita1 is scabrosita'" ; rdfs:label " scabrosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22384scacchismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22384scacchismo is scacchismo" ; rdfs:label " scacchismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH22386scacchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22386scacchista is scacchista" ; rdfs:label " scacchista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH22387scacchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22387scacchista is scacchista" ; rdfs:label " scacchista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH2238arrendamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2238arrendamento is arrendamento" ; rdfs:label " arrendamento_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH22390scacciacani simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22390scacciacani is scacciacani" ; rdfs:label " scacciacani_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22391scacciadiavoli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22391scacciadiavoli is scacciadiavoli" ; rdfs:label " scacciadiavoli_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22392scacciafumo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22392scacciafumo is scacciafumo" ; rdfs:label " scacciafumo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22394scacciamosche simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22394scacciamosche is scacciamosche" ; rdfs:label " scacciamosche_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22399scaccina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22399scaccina is scaccina" ; rdfs:label " scaccina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22401scaccino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22401scaccino is scaccino" ; rdfs:label " scaccino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22403scadenzario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22403scadenzario is scadenzario" ; rdfs:label " scadenzario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH22404scafista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22404scafista is scafista" ; rdfs:label " scafista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22405scafista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22405scafista is scafista" ; rdfs:label " scafista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22406scafista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22406scafista is scafista" ; rdfs:label " scafista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH22407scafista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22407scafista is scafista" ; rdfs:label " scafista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH22408scafocefala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22408scafocefala is scafocefala" ; rdfs:label " scafocefala_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22410scafocefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22410scafocefalo is scafocefalo" ; rdfs:label " scafocefalo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22419scaldaacqua simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22419scaldaacqua is scaldaacqua" ; rdfs:label " scaldaacqua_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22420scaldacqua simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22420scaldacqua is scaldacqua" ; rdfs:label " scaldacqua_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22421scaldaletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22421scaldaletto is scaldaletto" ; rdfs:label " scaldaletto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22422scaldamani simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22422scaldamani is scaldamani" ; rdfs:label " scaldamani_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22423scaldamani simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22423scaldamani is scaldamani" ; rdfs:label " scaldamani_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH22424scaldapanche simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22424scaldapanche is scaldapanche" ; rdfs:label " scaldapanche_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22426scaldaseggiole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22426scaldaseggiole is scaldaseggiole" ; rdfs:label " scaldaseggiole_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22432scaldavivande simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22432scaldavivande is scaldavivande" ; rdfs:label " scaldavivande_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22433scaletta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22433scaletta is scaletta" ; rdfs:label " scaletta_as_Information" . inds:USemTH22434scalone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22434scalone is scalone" ; rdfs:label " scalone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH22441scalzacani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22441scalzacani is scalzacani" ; rdfs:label " scalzacani_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22444scalzapelli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22444scalzapelli is scalzapelli" ; rdfs:label " scalzapelli_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH2244arrochimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2244arrochimento is arrochimento" ; rdfs:label " arrochimento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22456scammonea simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22456scammonea is scammonea" ; rdfs:label " scammonea_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH22464scampata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22464scampata is scampata" ; rdfs:label " scampata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22467scampato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22467scampato is scampato" ; rdfs:label " scampato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22472scandalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22472scandalista is scandalista" ; rdfs:label " scandalista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22473scandalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22473scandalista is scandalista" ; rdfs:label " scandalista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22484scansafatiche simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22484scansafatiche is scansafatiche" ; rdfs:label " scansafatiche_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22488scapata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22488scapata is scapata" ; rdfs:label " scapata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22491scapato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22491scapato is scapato" ; rdfs:label " scapato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22495scapigliata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22495scapigliata is scapigliata" ; rdfs:label " scapigliata_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22498scapigliato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22498scapigliato is scapigliato" ; rdfs:label " scapigliato_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22499scapolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22499scapolare is scapolare" ; rdfs:label " scapolare_as_Part" . inds:USemTH22500scarabeide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22500scarabeide is scarabeide" ; rdfs:label " scarabeide_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH22505scarafone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22505scarafone is scarafone" ; rdfs:label " scarafone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH22508scarlatto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22508scarlatto is scarlatto" ; rdfs:label " scarlatto_as_Color" . inds:USemTH22510scarpaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22510scarpaia is scarpaia" ; rdfs:label " scarpaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22512scarpaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22512scarpaio is scarpaio" ; rdfs:label " scarpaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22514scarpara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22514scarpara is scarpara" ; rdfs:label " scarpara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22517scarparo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22517scarparo is scarparo" ; rdfs:label " scarparo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22519scarpino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22519scarpino is scarpino" ; rdfs:label " scarpino_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH22526scartometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22526scartometro is scartometro" ; rdfs:label " scartometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22528scassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22528scassa is scassa" ; rdfs:label " scassa_as_Location" . inds:USemTH22534scatolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22534scatolaia is scatolaia" ; rdfs:label " scatolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22536scatolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22536scatolaio is scatolaio" ; rdfs:label " scatolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22538scattina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22538scattina is scattina" ; rdfs:label " scattina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22541scattino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22541scattino is scattino" ; rdfs:label " scattino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22542scattista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22542scattista is scattista" ; rdfs:label " scattista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH22543scattista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22543scattista is scattista" ; rdfs:label " scattista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH22544scattista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22544scattista is scattista" ; rdfs:label " scattista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22546scautismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22546scautismo is scautismo" ; rdfs:label " scautismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH22563scenarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22563scenarista is scenarista" ; rdfs:label " scenarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22564scenarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22564scenarista is scenarista" ; rdfs:label " scenarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22567scendiletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22567scendiletto is scendiletto" ; rdfs:label " scendiletto_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH22568scendiletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22568scendiletto is scendiletto" ; rdfs:label " scendiletto_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH22571scenotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22571scenotecnica is scenotecnica" ; rdfs:label " scenotecnica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22572scenotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22572scenotecnica is scenotecnica" ; rdfs:label " scenotecnica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH22574scenotecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22574scenotecnico is scenotecnico" ; rdfs:label " scenotecnico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22575scervellata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22575scervellata is scervellata" ; rdfs:label " scervellata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22578scervellato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22578scervellato is scervellato" ; rdfs:label " scervellato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22580schedarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22580schedarista is schedarista" ; rdfs:label " schedarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22581schedarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22581schedarista is schedarista" ; rdfs:label " schedarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22584schedata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22584schedata is schedata" ; rdfs:label " schedata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22586schedato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22586schedato is schedato" ; rdfs:label " schedato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22593schedula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22593schedula is schedula" ; rdfs:label " schedula_as_Information" . inds:USemTH22595schematicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22595schematicita1 is schematicita'" ; rdfs:label " schematicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22596schematismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22596schematismo is schematismo" ; rdfs:label " schematismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22597scherana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22597scherana is scherana" ; rdfs:label " scherana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22599scherano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22599scherano is scherano" ; rdfs:label " scherano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22614schiacciabiade simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22614schiacciabiade is schiacciabiade" ; rdfs:label " schiacciabiade_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22615schiacciaforaggi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22615schiacciaforaggi is schiacciaforaggi" ; rdfs:label " schiacciaforaggi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22617schiacciapatate simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22617schiacciapatate is schiacciapatate" ; rdfs:label " schiacciapatate_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22618schiacciasassi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22618schiacciasassi is schiacciasassi" ; rdfs:label " schiacciasassi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22632schiccheracarte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22632schiccheracarte is schiccheracarte" ; rdfs:label " schiccheracarte_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22634schiccherafogli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22634schiccherafogli is schiccherafogli" ; rdfs:label " schiccherafogli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22642schifiltosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22642schifiltosa is schifiltosa" ; rdfs:label " schifiltosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22644schifiltosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22644schifiltosita1 is schifiltosita'" ; rdfs:label " schifiltosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22645schifiltoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22645schifiltoso is schifiltoso" ; rdfs:label " schifiltoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22647schifosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22647schifosita1 is schifosita'" ; rdfs:label " schifosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22648schiniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22648schiniere is schiniere" ; rdfs:label " schiniere_as_Part" . inds:USemTH22649schipetara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22649schipetara is schipetara" ; rdfs:label " schipetara_as_People" . inds:USemTH22652schipetaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22652schipetaro is schipetaro" ; rdfs:label " schipetaro_as_People" . inds:USemTH22653schisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22653schisi is schisi" ; rdfs:label " schisi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH22655schiumosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22655schiumosita1 is schiumosita'" ; rdfs:label " schiumosita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH2265assideramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2265assideramento is assideramento" ; rdfs:label " assideramento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22660schizzinosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22660schizzinosa is schizzinosa" ; rdfs:label " schizzinosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22662schizzinoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22662schizzinoso is schizzinoso" ; rdfs:label " schizzinoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22664sciabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22664sciabilita1 is sciabilita'" ; rdfs:label " sciabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH2266allentatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2266allentatura is allentatura" ; rdfs:label " allentatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22670sciacquabocca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22670sciacquabocca is sciacquabocca" ; rdfs:label " sciacquabocca_as_Container" . inds:USemTH22671sciacquabudella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22671sciacquabudella is sciacquabudella" ; rdfs:label " sciacquabudella_as_Drink" . inds:USemTH22672sciacquadita simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22672sciacquadita is sciacquadita" ; rdfs:label " sciacquadita_as_Container" . inds:USemTH22673sciacquone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22673sciacquone is sciacquone" ; rdfs:label " sciacquone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH2267assiepamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2267assiepamento is assiepamento" ; rdfs:label " assiepamento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH22685scialbo simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22685scialbo is scialbo" ; rdfs:label " scialbo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH22686scialbore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22686scialbore is scialbore" ; rdfs:label " scialbore_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22687sciamanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22687sciamanismo is sciamanismo" ; rdfs:label " sciamanismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH22689sciampista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22689sciampista is sciampista" ; rdfs:label " sciampista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22690sciampista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22690sciampista is sciampista" ; rdfs:label " sciampista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22693sciancata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22693sciancata is sciancata" ; rdfs:label " sciancata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22695sciancato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22695sciancato is sciancato" ; rdfs:label " sciancato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22703scientificita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22703scientificita1 is scientificita'" ; rdfs:label " scientificita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22706scientismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22706scientismo is scientismo" ; rdfs:label " scientismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH22707scientismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22707scientismo is scientismo" ; rdfs:label " scientismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH22708scientista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22708scientista is scientista" ; rdfs:label " scientista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22709scientista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22709scientista is scientista" ; rdfs:label " scientista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22712sciita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22712sciita is sciita" ; rdfs:label " sciita_as_People" . inds:USemTH22713sciita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22713sciita is sciita" ; rdfs:label " sciita_as_People" . inds:USemTH22716scilinguata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22716scilinguata is scilinguata" ; rdfs:label " scilinguata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22718scilinguato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22718scilinguato is scilinguato" ; rdfs:label " scilinguato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22722scimmiotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22722scimmiotto is scimmiotto" ; rdfs:label " scimmiotto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH22724scimpanze1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22724scimpanze1 is scimpanze'" ; rdfs:label " scimpanze'_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH22725scimunita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22725scimunita is scimunita" ; rdfs:label " scimunita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22726scimunito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22726scimunito is scimunito" ; rdfs:label " scimunito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22730scintillografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22730scintillografo is scintillografo" ; rdfs:label " scintillografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22732scintillometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22732scintillometro is scintillometro" ; rdfs:label " scintillometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22735scintoismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22735scintoismo is scintoismo" ; rdfs:label " scintoismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH22737scintoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22737scintoista is scintoista" ; rdfs:label " scintoista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22744sciola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22744sciola is sciola" ; rdfs:label " sciola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22746sciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22746sciolo is sciolo" ; rdfs:label " sciolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2274assordamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2274assordamento is assordamento" ; rdfs:label " assordamento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22755sciropposita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22755sciropposita1 is sciropposita'" ; rdfs:label " sciropposita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH22756scirro simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22756scirro is scirro" ; rdfs:label " scirro_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22757scismatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22757scismatica is scismatica" ; rdfs:label " scismatica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH2275assordimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2275assordimento is assordimento" ; rdfs:label " assordimento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22760scismatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22760scismatico is scismatico" ; rdfs:label " scismatico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22764scissionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22764scissionista is scissionista" ; rdfs:label " scissionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22767scissura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22767scissura is scissura" ; rdfs:label " scissura_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH22768scistosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22768scistosita1 is scistosita'" ; rdfs:label " scistosita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH22769sciupacarte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22769sciupacarte is sciupacarte" ; rdfs:label " sciupacarte_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22771sciupateste simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22771sciupateste is sciupateste" ; rdfs:label " sciupateste_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22778scivolosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22778scivolosita1 is scivolosita'" ; rdfs:label " scivolosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22779sclerite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22779sclerite is sclerite" ; rdfs:label " sclerite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22780sclerodermia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22780sclerodermia is sclerodermia" ; rdfs:label " sclerodermia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22781scleroma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22781scleroma is scleroma" ; rdfs:label " scleroma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22782sclerometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22782sclerometro is sclerometro" ; rdfs:label " sclerometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22784sclerotica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22784sclerotica is sclerotica" ; rdfs:label " sclerotica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22787sclerotico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22787sclerotico is sclerotico" ; rdfs:label " sclerotico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2278attendamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2278attendamento is attendamento" ; rdfs:label " attendamento_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH22792scodellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22792scodellaia is scodellaia" ; rdfs:label " scodellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22795scodellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22795scodellaio is scodellaio" ; rdfs:label " scodellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22800scolabrodo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22800scolabrodo is scolabrodo" ; rdfs:label " scolabrodo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22801scolafritto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22801scolafritto is scolafritto" ; rdfs:label " scolafritto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH22807scolarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22807scolarita1 is scolarita'" ; rdfs:label " scolarita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH22808scolastica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22808scolastica is scolastica" ; rdfs:label " scolastica_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH22809scolastica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22809scolastica is scolastica" ; rdfs:label " scolastica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22810scolasticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22810scolasticismo is scolasticismo" ; rdfs:label " scolasticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH22813scolastico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22813scolastico is scolastico" ; rdfs:label " scolastico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH22814scolastico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22814scolastico is scolastico" ; rdfs:label " scolastico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22816scoliasta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22816scoliasta is scoliasta" ; rdfs:label " scoliasta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22817scolice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22817scolice is scolice" ; rdfs:label " scolice_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH22818scoliotica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22818scoliotica is scoliotica" ; rdfs:label " scoliotica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22821scoliotico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22821scoliotico is scoliotico" ; rdfs:label " scoliotico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22826scolopio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22826scolopio is scolopio" ; rdfs:label " scolopio_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH22833scombinata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22833scombinata is scombinata" ; rdfs:label " scombinata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22836scombinato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22836scombinato is scombinato" ; rdfs:label " scombinato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22847scompensata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22847scompensata is scompensata" ; rdfs:label " scompensata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22850scompensato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22850scompensato is scompensato" ; rdfs:label " scompensato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22856scomponibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22856scomponibilita1 is scomponibilita'" ; rdfs:label " scomponibilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH22861scomunicata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22861scomunicata is scomunicata" ; rdfs:label " scomunicata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH22864scomunicato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22864scomunicato is scomunicato" ; rdfs:label " scomunicato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH22899sconsiderata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22899sconsiderata is sconsiderata" ; rdfs:label " sconsiderata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2289attrezzamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2289attrezzamento is attrezzamento" ; rdfs:label " attrezzamento_as_Group" . inds:USemTH22901sconsiderato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22901sconsiderato is sconsiderato" ; rdfs:label " sconsiderato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22912scontabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22912scontabilita1 is scontabilita'" ; rdfs:label " scontabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH22913scontataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22913scontataria is scontataria" ; rdfs:label " scontataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH22915scontatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22915scontatario is scontatario" ; rdfs:label " scontatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH22918scontista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22918scontista is scontista" ; rdfs:label " scontista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH2291attruppamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2291attruppamento is attruppamento" ; rdfs:label " attruppamento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH22927scoop simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22927scoop is scoop" ; rdfs:label " scoop_as_Information" . inds:USemTH22930scooterista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22930scooterista is scooterista" ; rdfs:label " scooterista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH22933scopaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22933scopaia is scopaia" ; rdfs:label " scopaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22936scopaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22936scopaio is scopaio" ; rdfs:label " scopaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH22941scoperto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22941scoperto is scoperto" ; rdfs:label " scoperto_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH22948scopista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22948scopista is scopista" ; rdfs:label " scopista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH22951scopofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22951scopofila is scopofila" ; rdfs:label " scopofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22954scopofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22954scopofilo is scopofilo" ; rdfs:label " scopofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22955scopolamina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22955scopolamina is scopolamina" ; rdfs:label " scopolamina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH22961scorbellata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22961scorbellata is scorbellata" ; rdfs:label " scorbellata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH22963scorbellato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22963scorbellato is scorbellato" ; rdfs:label " scorbellato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH22965scorbutica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22965scorbutica is scorbutica" ; rdfs:label " scorbutica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22966scorbutico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22966scorbutico is scorbutico" ; rdfs:label " scorbutico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22969scorbuto simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22969scorbuto is scorbuto" ; rdfs:label " scorbuto_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH22976scorrevole simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22976scorrevole is scorrevole" ; rdfs:label " scorrevole_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH22986scorzone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22986scorzone is scorzone" ; rdfs:label " scorzone_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH22988scossa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22988scossa is scossa" ; rdfs:label " scossa_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH22990scossale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22990scossale is scossale" ; rdfs:label " scossale_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH22991scostumata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22991scostumata is scostumata" ; rdfs:label " scostumata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22993scostumato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22993scostumato is scostumato" ; rdfs:label " scostumato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH22995scota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH22995scota is scota" ; rdfs:label " scota_as_People" . inds:USemTH23001scotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23001scotismo is scotismo" ; rdfs:label " scotismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH23003scotista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23003scotista is scotista" ; rdfs:label " scotista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23011scoto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23011scoto is scoto" ; rdfs:label " scoto_as_People" . inds:USemTH23013scotoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23013scotoma is scotoma" ; rdfs:label " scotoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH23015scout simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23015scout is scout" ; rdfs:label " scout_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23017scoutismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23017scoutismo is scoutismo" ; rdfs:label " scoutismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH23020scoutista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23020scoutista is scoutista" ; rdfs:label " scoutista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23024scovolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23024scovolo is scovolo" ; rdfs:label " scovolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH2302frumentone simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2302frumentone is frumentone" ; rdfs:label " frumentone_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemTH23030scramblerista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23030scramblerista is scramblerista" ; rdfs:label " scramblerista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH23033screanzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23033screanzata is screanzata" ; rdfs:label " screanzata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23036screanzato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23036screanzato is screanzato" ; rdfs:label " screanzato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23048scritturalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23048scritturalismo is scritturalismo" ; rdfs:label " scritturalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH23052scritturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23052scritturista is scritturista" ; rdfs:label " scritturista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23059scrofolosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23059scrofolosa is scrofolosa" ; rdfs:label " scrofolosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23061scrofolosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23061scrofolosi is scrofolosi" ; rdfs:label " scrofolosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH23062scrofoloso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23062scrofoloso is scrofoloso" ; rdfs:label " scrofoloso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23066scroto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23066scroto is scroto" ; rdfs:label " scroto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH23076scudocrociata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23076scudocrociata is scudocrociata" ; rdfs:label " scudocrociata_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23079scudocrociato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23079scudocrociato is scudocrociato" ; rdfs:label " scudocrociato_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23084scuolabus simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23084scuolabus is scuolabus" ; rdfs:label " scuolabus_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH23091scusabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23091scusabilita1 is scusabilita'" ; rdfs:label " scusabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23097scuterista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23097scuterista is scuterista" ; rdfs:label " scuterista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH23106sdegnosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23106sdegnosita1 is sdegnosita'" ; rdfs:label " sdegnosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23107sdentata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23107sdentata is sdentata" ; rdfs:label " sdentata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23110sdentato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23110sdentato is sdentato" ; rdfs:label " sdentato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23111sdentato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23111sdentato is sdentato" ; rdfs:label " sdentato_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH23118seborrea simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23118seborrea is seborrea" ; rdfs:label " seborrea_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH23120secante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23120secante is secante" ; rdfs:label " secante_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH23124secchezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23124secchezza is secchezza" ; rdfs:label " secchezza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH23125secchiellone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23125secchiellone is secchiellone" ; rdfs:label " secchiellone_as_Container" . inds:USemTH23126secchita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23126secchita1 is secchita'" ; rdfs:label " secchita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH23127secco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23127secco is secco" ; rdfs:label " secco_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23128seccore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23128seccore is seccore" ; rdfs:label " seccore_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH23130secentesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23130secentesimo is secentesimo" ; rdfs:label " secentesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH23131secentismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23131secentismo is secentismo" ; rdfs:label " secentismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH23134secentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23134secentista is secentista" ; rdfs:label " secentista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23137secolarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23137secolarita1 is secolarita'" ; rdfs:label " secolarita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH23143secondario simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23143secondario is secondario" ; rdfs:label " secondario_as_Time" . inds:USemTH23144secondario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23144secondario is secondario" ; rdfs:label " secondario_as_Part" . inds:USemTH23145secondario simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23145secondario is secondario" ; rdfs:label " secondario_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH23151secondonata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23151secondonata is secondonata" ; rdfs:label " secondonata_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH23153secondonato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23153secondonato is secondonato" ; rdfs:label " secondonato_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH23165sedicesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23165sedicesimo is sedicesimo" ; rdfs:label " sedicesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH23169sediziosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23169sediziosa is sediziosa" ; rdfs:label " sediziosa_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23171sedizioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23171sedizioso is sedizioso" ; rdfs:label " sedizioso_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23176sefardita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23176sefardita is sefardita" ; rdfs:label " sefardita_as_People" . inds:USemTH23179segale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23179segale is segale" ; rdfs:label " segale_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH2317balenamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2317balenamento is balenamento" ; rdfs:label " balenamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH23180segantina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23180segantina is segantina" ; rdfs:label " segantina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23182segantino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23182segantino is segantino" ; rdfs:label " segantino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23189seggiolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23189seggiolaia is seggiolaia" ; rdfs:label " seggiolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23192seggiolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23192seggiolaio is seggiolaio" ; rdfs:label " seggiolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23193seggiolino simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23193seggiolino is seggiolino" ; rdfs:label " seggiolino_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH23194segnacarte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23194segnacarte is segnacarte" ; rdfs:label " segnacarte_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23195segnafile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23195segnafile is segnafile" ; rdfs:label " segnafile_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23197segnalinee simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23197segnalinee is segnalinee" ; rdfs:label " segnalinee_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23199segnatasse simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23199segnatasse is segnatasse" ; rdfs:label " segnatasse_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH23205segnicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23205segnicita1 is segnicita'" ; rdfs:label " segnicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH23207segregazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23207segregazionismo is segregazionismo" ; rdfs:label " segregazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH23210segregazionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23210segregazionista is segregazionista" ; rdfs:label " segregazionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23216seicentesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23216seicentesimo is seicentesimo" ; rdfs:label " seicentesimo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23218seicentismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23218seicentismo is seicentismo" ; rdfs:label " seicentismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH2321baraccamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2321baraccamento is baraccamento" ; rdfs:label " baraccamento_as_Group" . inds:USemTH23221seigiornista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23221seigiornista is seigiornista" ; rdfs:label " seigiornista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23222selciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23222selciaia is selciaia" ; rdfs:label " selciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23225selciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23225selciaio is selciaio" ; rdfs:label " selciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23226selciaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23226selciaiola is selciaiola" ; rdfs:label " selciaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23229selciaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23229selciaiolo is selciaiolo" ; rdfs:label " selciaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23230selciarola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23230selciarola is selciarola" ; rdfs:label " selciarola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23232selciarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23232selciarolo is selciarolo" ; rdfs:label " selciarolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23238selenio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23238selenio is selenio" ; rdfs:label " selenio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH23240selenita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23240selenita is selenita" ; rdfs:label " selenita_as_People" . inds:USemTH23243selenografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23243selenografa is selenografa" ; rdfs:label " selenografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23246selenografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23246selenografo is selenografo" ; rdfs:label " selenografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23247selenologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23247selenologa is selenologa" ; rdfs:label " selenologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23250selenologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23250selenologo is selenologo" ; rdfs:label " selenologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23251selenosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23251selenosi is selenosi" ; rdfs:label " selenosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH23252selettivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23252selettivita1 is selettivita'" ; rdfs:label " selettivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23263sellara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23263sellara is sellara" ; rdfs:label " sellara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23266sellaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23266sellaro is sellaro" ; rdfs:label " sellaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23267seltz simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23267seltz is seltz" ; rdfs:label " seltz_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH2326bardamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2326bardamento is bardamento" ; rdfs:label " bardamento_as_Group" . inds:USemTH23270selvatico simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23270selvatico is selvatico" ; rdfs:label " selvatico_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH23271selvatico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23271selvatico is selvatico" ; rdfs:label " selvatico_as_Area" . inds:USemTH23276selz simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23276selz is selz" ; rdfs:label " selz_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH23278semaforista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23278semaforista is semaforista" ; rdfs:label " semaforista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23281semaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23281semaia is semaia" ; rdfs:label " semaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23284semaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23284semaio is semaio" ; rdfs:label " semaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23286semantista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23286semantista is semantista" ; rdfs:label " semantista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23289semasiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23289semasiologa is semasiologa" ; rdfs:label " semasiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23292semasiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23292semasiologo is semasiologo" ; rdfs:label " semasiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23293sembiante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23293sembiante is sembiante" ; rdfs:label " sembiante_as_Property" . inds:USemTH23294semeiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23294semeiologa is semeiologa" ; rdfs:label " semeiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23296semeiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23296semeiologia is semeiologia" ; rdfs:label " semeiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH23297semeiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23297semeiologo is semeiologo" ; rdfs:label " semeiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23299semellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23299semellaia is semellaia" ; rdfs:label " semellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23302semellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23302semellaio is semellaio" ; rdfs:label " semellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23303sementiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23303sementiere is sementiere" ; rdfs:label " sementiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23305semiala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23305semiala is semiala" ; rdfs:label " semiala_as_Part" . inds:USemTH23307semianalfabeta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23307semianalfabeta is semianalfabeta" ; rdfs:label " semianalfabeta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23310semianalfabetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23310semianalfabetismo is semianalfabetismo" ; rdfs:label " semianalfabetismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH23312semicapra simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23312semicapra is semicapra" ; rdfs:label " semicapra_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH23315semicapro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23315semicapro is semicapro" ; rdfs:label " semicapro_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH23321semidoppio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23321semidoppio is semidoppio" ; rdfs:label " semidoppio_as_Building" . inds:USemTH23324semiinferma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23324semiinferma is semiinferma" ; rdfs:label " semiinferma_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23327semiinfermo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23327semiinfermo is semiinfermo" ; rdfs:label " semiinfermo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23329semilavorato simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23329semilavorato is semilavorato" ; rdfs:label " semilavorato_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH23330semilibera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23330semilibera is semilibera" ; rdfs:label " semilibera_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH23331semilibero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23331semilibero is semilibero" ; rdfs:label " semilibero_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH23332semilibera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23332semilibera is semilibera" ; rdfs:label " semilibera_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23333semilibero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23333semilibero is semilibero" ; rdfs:label " semilibero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23340seminferma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23340seminferma is seminferma" ; rdfs:label " seminferma_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH23343seminfermo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23343seminfermo is seminfermo" ; rdfs:label " seminfermo_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH23345semiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23345semiologa is semiologa" ; rdfs:label " semiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23348semiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23348semiologo is semiologo" ; rdfs:label " semiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH2334biforcamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2334biforcamento is biforcamento" ; rdfs:label " biforcamento_as_Location" . inds:USemTH23354semiprofessionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23354semiprofessionista is semiprofessionista" ; rdfs:label " semiprofessionista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23357semiselvaggia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23357semiselvaggia is semiselvaggia" ; rdfs:label " semiselvaggia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23360semiselvaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23360semiselvaggio is semiselvaggio" ; rdfs:label " semiselvaggio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23362semita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23362semita is semita" ; rdfs:label " semita_as_People" . inds:USemTH23368semitico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23368semitico is semitico" ; rdfs:label " semitico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH23371semitista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23371semitista is semitista" ; rdfs:label " semitista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23374semovente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23374semovente is semovente" ; rdfs:label " semovente_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23376semplicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23376semplicista is semplicista" ; rdfs:label " semplicista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23380semplicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23380semplicita1 is semplicita'" ; rdfs:label " semplicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23381sempronia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23381sempronia is sempronia" ; rdfs:label " sempronia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23382sempronio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23382sempronio is sempronio" ; rdfs:label " sempronio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23383senale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23383senale is senale" ; rdfs:label " senale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23384senapa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23384senapa is senapa" ; rdfs:label " senapa_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH23385senape simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23385senape is senape" ; rdfs:label " senape_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH23386senapa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23386senapa is senapa" ; rdfs:label " senapa_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH23387senape simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23387senape is senape" ; rdfs:label " senape_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH23391senapismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23391senapismo is senapismo" ; rdfs:label " senapismo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH23393senesismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23393senesismo is senesismo" ; rdfs:label " senesismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH23395senilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23395senilismo is senilismo" ; rdfs:label " senilismo_as_Time" . inds:USemTH23397senior simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23397senior is senior" ; rdfs:label " senior_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23399senofoba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23399senofoba is senofoba" ; rdfs:label " senofoba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23402senofobo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23402senofobo is senofobo" ; rdfs:label " senofobo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23403sensazionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23403sensazionalismo is sensazionalismo" ; rdfs:label " sensazionalismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23405senseria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23405senseria is senseria" ; rdfs:label " senseria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH23406sensibile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23406sensibile is sensibile" ; rdfs:label " sensibile_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH23409sensile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23409sensile is sensile" ; rdfs:label " sensile_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23411sensista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23411sensista is sensista" ; rdfs:label " sensista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23416sensitivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23416sensitivita1 is sensitivita'" ; rdfs:label " sensitivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23417sensitometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23417sensitometro is sensitometro" ; rdfs:label " sensitometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23419sensualismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23419sensualismo is sensualismo" ; rdfs:label " sensualismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH2341bloccamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2341bloccamento is bloccamento" ; rdfs:label " bloccamento_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23422sensualista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23422sensualista is sensualista" ; rdfs:label " sensualista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23425sentenziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23425sentenziosita1 is sentenziosita'" ; rdfs:label " sentenziosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23426sentierismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23426sentierismo is sentierismo" ; rdfs:label " sentierismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH23429sentimentalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23429sentimentalista is sentimentalista" ; rdfs:label " sentimentalista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23432senussa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23432senussa is senussa" ; rdfs:label " senussa_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH23434senussismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23434senussismo is senussismo" ; rdfs:label " senussismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH23437senussita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23437senussita is senussita" ; rdfs:label " senussita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23440senusso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23440senusso is senusso" ; rdfs:label " senusso_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH23442senzadio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23442senzadio is senzadio" ; rdfs:label " senzadio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23444senzapatria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23444senzapatria is senzapatria" ; rdfs:label " senzapatria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23450sepolta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23450sepolta is sepolta" ; rdfs:label " sepolta_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH23453sepolto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23453sepolto is sepolto" ; rdfs:label " sepolto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH23458sepsi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23458sepsi is sepsi" ; rdfs:label " sepsi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH23459sequenziale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23459sequenziale is sequenziale" ; rdfs:label " sequenziale_as_Information" . inds:USemTH23460sequenzialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23460sequenzialita1 is sequenzialita'" ; rdfs:label " sequenzialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23462sequestrataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23462sequestrataria is sequestrataria" ; rdfs:label " sequestrataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23465sequestratario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23465sequestratario is sequestratario" ; rdfs:label " sequestratario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23473serendipita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23473serendipita1 is serendipita'" ; rdfs:label " serendipita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH23474serialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23474serialismo is serialismo" ; rdfs:label " serialismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH23476serialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23476serialita1 is serialita'" ; rdfs:label " serialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23485serimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23485serimetro is serimetro" ; rdfs:label " serimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23487seriografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23487seriografo is seriografo" ; rdfs:label " seriografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23489seriorita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23489seriorita1 is seriorita'" ; rdfs:label " seriorita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH23490serpara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23490serpara is serpara" ; rdfs:label " serpara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23493serparo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23493serparo is serparo" ; rdfs:label " serparo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23494serpentaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23494serpentaria is serpentaria" ; rdfs:label " serpentaria_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH23495serpentario simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23495serpentario is serpentario" ; rdfs:label " serpentario_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH23496serpentino simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23496serpentino is serpentino" ; rdfs:label " serpentino_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH23497serpentone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23497serpentone is serpentone" ; rdfs:label " serpentone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23500serrame simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23500serrame is serrame" ; rdfs:label " serrame_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23502serraschiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23502serraschiere is serraschiere" ; rdfs:label " serraschiere_as_Role" . inds:USemTH23505servente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23505servente is servente" ; rdfs:label " servente_as_Role" . inds:USemTH23509servita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23509servita is servita" ; rdfs:label " servita_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH23511servito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23511servito is servito" ; rdfs:label " servito_as_Group" . inds:USemTH23512sesamoide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23512sesamoide is sesamoide" ; rdfs:label " sesamoide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH23514sesquiossido simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23514sesquiossido is sesquiossido" ; rdfs:label " sesquiossido_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH23515sessagenaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23515sessagenaria is sessagenaria" ; rdfs:label " sessagenaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23516sessagenario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23516sessagenario is sessagenario" ; rdfs:label " sessagenario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23518sessagesima simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23518sessagesima is sessagesima" ; rdfs:label " sessagesima_as_Time" . inds:USemTH23519sessagesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23519sessagesimo is sessagesimo" ; rdfs:label " sessagesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH23522sessantaquattresimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23522sessantaquattresimo is sessantaquattresimo" ; rdfs:label " sessantaquattresimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH23524sessantenario simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23524sessantenario is sessantenario" ; rdfs:label " sessantenario_as_Time" . inds:USemTH23527sessantesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23527sessantesimo is sessantesimo" ; rdfs:label " sessantesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH23528sessantottina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23528sessantottina is sessantottina" ; rdfs:label " sessantottina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23530sessantottino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23530sessantottino is sessantottino" ; rdfs:label " sessantottino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23532sessantottismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23532sessantottismo is sessantottismo" ; rdfs:label " sessantottismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH23535sessantottista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23535sessantottista is sessantottista" ; rdfs:label " sessantottista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23543sessista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23543sessista is sessista" ; rdfs:label " sessista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23546sessualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23546sessualita1 is sessualita'" ; rdfs:label " sessualita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH23548sessuofoba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23548sessuofoba is sessuofoba" ; rdfs:label " sessuofoba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23551sessuofobo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23551sessuofobo is sessuofobo" ; rdfs:label " sessuofobo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23554sestile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23554sestile is sestile" ; rdfs:label " sestile_as_Time" . inds:USemTH23556sestodecimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23556sestodecimo is sestodecimo" ; rdfs:label " sestodecimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH23558sestogradista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23558sestogradista is sestogradista" ; rdfs:label " sestogradista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23562sestuplo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23562sestuplo is sestuplo" ; rdfs:label " sestuplo_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH23564set simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23564set is set" ; rdfs:label " set_as_Location" . inds:USemTH23565set simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23565set is set" ; rdfs:label " set_as_Group" . inds:USemTH23571setaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23571setaiola is setaiola" ; rdfs:label " setaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23572setaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23572setaiolo is setaiolo" ; rdfs:label " setaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23574settantenario simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23574settantenario is settantenario" ; rdfs:label " settantenario_as_Time" . inds:USemTH23576settantesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23576settantesimo is settantesimo" ; rdfs:label " settantesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH2357calamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2357calamento is calamento" ; rdfs:label " calamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH23584settecentesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23584settecentesimo is settecentesimo" ; rdfs:label " settecentesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH23585settecentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23585settecentista is settecentista" ; rdfs:label " settecentista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23586settecentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23586settecentista is settecentista" ; rdfs:label " settecentista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23593settentrionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23593settentrionalismo is settentrionalismo" ; rdfs:label " settentrionalismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH23594settentrionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23594settentrionalismo is settentrionalismo" ; rdfs:label " settentrionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH23595settentrione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Abstract_Location, simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23595settentrione is settentrione" ; rdfs:label " settentrione_as_Abstract_Location", " settentrione_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH23596settimanale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23596settimanale is settimanale" ; rdfs:label " settimanale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH23597settimanile simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23597settimanile is settimanile" ; rdfs:label " settimanile_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH23598settimina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23598settimina is settimina" ; rdfs:label " settimina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23600settimino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23600settimino is settimino" ; rdfs:label " settimino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23602settorialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23602settorialismo is settorialismo" ; rdfs:label " settorialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH23604settorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23604settorista is settorista" ; rdfs:label " settorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23605settorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23605settorista is settorista" ; rdfs:label " settorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23608severita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23608severita1 is severita'" ; rdfs:label " severita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH2360calmieramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2360calmieramento is calmieramento" ; rdfs:label " calmieramento_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH23613sevo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23613sevo is sevo" ; rdfs:label " sevo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH23629sfasciacarrozze simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23629sfasciacarrozze is sfasciacarrozze" ; rdfs:label " sfasciacarrozze_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23635sfegatata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23635sfegatata is sfegatata" ; rdfs:label " sfegatata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23638sfegatato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23638sfegatato is sfegatato" ; rdfs:label " sfegatato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23639sfenoide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23639sfenoide is sfenoide" ; rdfs:label " sfenoide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH2363calzamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2363calzamento is calzamento" ; rdfs:label " calzamento_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH23640sfenoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23640sfenoide is sfenoide" ; rdfs:label " sfenoide_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH23641sfericita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23641sfericita1 is sfericita'" ; rdfs:label " sfericita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH23642sferoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23642sferoide is sferoide" ; rdfs:label " sferoide_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH23643sferometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23643sferometro is sferometro" ; rdfs:label " sferometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH2364campamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2364campamento is campamento" ; rdfs:label " campamento_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH23652sfiato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23652sfiato is sfiato" ; rdfs:label " sfiato_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23654sfidata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23654sfidata is sfidata" ; rdfs:label " sfidata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH23657sfidato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23657sfidato is sfidato" ; rdfs:label " sfidato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH23662sfigmografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23662sfigmografo is sfigmografo" ; rdfs:label " sfigmografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23664sfigmomanometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23664sfigmomanometro is sfigmomanometro" ; rdfs:label " sfigmomanometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23666sfigmometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23666sfigmometro is sfigmometro" ; rdfs:label " sfigmometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23669sfintere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23669sfintere is sfintere" ; rdfs:label " sfintere_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH23682sfollagente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23682sfollagente is sfollagente" ; rdfs:label " sfollagente_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23692sfondo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23692sfondo is sfondo" ; rdfs:label " sfondo_as_Location" . inds:USemTH23715sfrido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23715sfrido is sfrido" ; rdfs:label " sfrido_as_Part" . inds:USemTH23722sfruttata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23722sfruttata is sfruttata" ; rdfs:label " sfruttata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH23725sfruttato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23725sfruttato is sfruttato" ; rdfs:label " sfruttato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH23727sganciabombe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23727sganciabombe is sganciabombe" ; rdfs:label " sganciabombe_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23730sgarbata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23730sgarbata is sgarbata" ; rdfs:label " sgarbata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23732sgarbato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23732sgarbato is sgarbato" ; rdfs:label " sgarbato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23734sgarrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23734sgarrista is sgarrista" ; rdfs:label " sgarrista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23735sgarrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23735sgarrista is sgarrista" ; rdfs:label " sgarrista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23746sgherro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23746sgherro is sgherro" ; rdfs:label " sgherro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23758sgombraneve simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23758sgombraneve is sgombraneve" ; rdfs:label " sgombraneve_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23759sgombraroba simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23759sgombraroba is sgombraroba" ; rdfs:label " sgombraroba_as_Building" . inds:USemTH23765sgorbia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23765sgorbia is sgorbia" ; rdfs:label " sgorbia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23797sguaiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23797sguaiata is sguaiata" ; rdfs:label " sguaiata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23799sguaiato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23799sguaiato is sguaiato" ; rdfs:label " sguaiato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23802sguattero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23802sguattero is sguattero" ; rdfs:label " sguattero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23806shampoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23806shampoista is shampoista" ; rdfs:label " shampoista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23807shampoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23807shampoista is shampoista" ; rdfs:label " shampoista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23811shefardita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23811shefardita is shefardita" ; rdfs:label " shefardita_as_People" . inds:USemTH23812shefardita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23812shefardita is shefardita" ; rdfs:label " shefardita_as_People" . inds:USemTH23815shintoismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23815shintoismo is shintoismo" ; rdfs:label " shintoismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH23817shock simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23817shock is shock" ; rdfs:label " shock_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH23818showgirl simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23818showgirl is showgirl" ; rdfs:label " showgirl_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23820showman simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23820showman is showman" ; rdfs:label " showman_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23822shuttle simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23822shuttle is shuttle" ; rdfs:label " shuttle_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH23823sibarita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23823sibarita is sibarita" ; rdfs:label " sibarita_as_People" . inds:USemTH23824sibarita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23824sibarita is sibarita" ; rdfs:label " sibarita_as_People" . inds:USemTH23827siberiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23827siberiana is siberiana" ; rdfs:label " siberiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH23829siberiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23829siberiano is siberiano" ; rdfs:label " siberiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH23835siccativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23835siccativita1 is siccativita'" ; rdfs:label " siccativita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH23836sicilianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23836sicilianismo is sicilianismo" ; rdfs:label " sicilianismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH23839sicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23839sicosi is sicosi" ; rdfs:label " sicosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH2383ciglionamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2383ciglionamento is ciglionamento" ; rdfs:label " ciglionamento_as_Area" . inds:USemTH23844siderurgica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23844siderurgica is siderurgica" ; rdfs:label " siderurgica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23846siderurgico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23846siderurgico is siderurgico" ; rdfs:label " siderurgico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23848sierosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23848sierosa is sierosa" ; rdfs:label " sierosa_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH23849sierosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23849sierosita1 is sierosita'" ; rdfs:label " sierosita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH23851sifilide simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23851sifilide is sifilide" ; rdfs:label " sifilide_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH23852sifilitica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23852sifilitica is sifilitica" ; rdfs:label " sifilitica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23854sifilitico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23854sifilitico is sifilitico" ; rdfs:label " sifilitico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23855sifone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23855sifone is sifone" ; rdfs:label " sifone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23856sifone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23856sifone is sifone" ; rdfs:label " sifone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23857sifone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23857sifone is sifone" ; rdfs:label " sifone_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH23858sigillaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23858sigillaria is sigillaria" ; rdfs:label " sigillaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23859sigillaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23859sigillaria is sigillaria" ; rdfs:label " sigillaria_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH2385agglutinazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2385agglutinazione is agglutinazione" ; rdfs:label " agglutinazione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH23860sigillario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23860sigillario is sigillario" ; rdfs:label " sigillario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23863sigma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23863sigma is sigma" ; rdfs:label " sigma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH23864sigmatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23864sigmatismo is sigmatismo" ; rdfs:label " sigmatismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH23866signifera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23866signifera is signifera" ; rdfs:label " signifera_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23868signifero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23868signifero is signifero" ; rdfs:label " signifero_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23871significativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23871significativita1 is significativita'" ; rdfs:label " significativita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23876signorilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23876signorilita1 is signorilita'" ; rdfs:label " signorilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23881silenziario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23881silenziario is silenziario" ; rdfs:label " silenziario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23884silenziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23884silenziosita1 is silenziosita'" ; rdfs:label " silenziosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23885silicato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23885silicato is silicato" ; rdfs:label " silicato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH23886silo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23886silo is silo" ; rdfs:label " silo_as_Container" . inds:USemTH23887silografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23887silografa is silografa" ; rdfs:label " silografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23889silografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23889silografo is silografo" ; rdfs:label " silografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23891silologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23891silologa is silologa" ; rdfs:label " silologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23893silologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23893silologo is silologo" ; rdfs:label " silologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23895silometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23895silometro is silometro" ; rdfs:label " silometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23901siluride simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23901siluride is siluride" ; rdfs:label " siluride_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH23902silurista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23902silurista is silurista" ; rdfs:label " silurista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23903silurista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23903silurista is silurista" ; rdfs:label " silurista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23907simbolicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23907simbolicita1 is simbolicita'" ; rdfs:label " simbolicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH23908similarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23908similarita1 is similarita'" ; rdfs:label " similarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23909similpelle simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23909similpelle is similpelle" ; rdfs:label " similpelle_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH23910simpatica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23910simpatica is simpatica" ; rdfs:label " simpatica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23912simpaticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23912simpaticita1 is simpaticita'" ; rdfs:label " simpaticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23913simpatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23913simpatico is simpatico" ; rdfs:label " simpatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23917simultaneismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23917simultaneismo is simultaneismo" ; rdfs:label " simultaneismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH23918simultaneista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23918simultaneista is simultaneista" ; rdfs:label " simultaneista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23919simultaneista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23919simultaneista is simultaneista" ; rdfs:label " simultaneista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23920simultaneista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23920simultaneista is simultaneista" ; rdfs:label " simultaneista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23921simultaneista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23921simultaneista is simultaneista" ; rdfs:label " simultaneista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23924sinartrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23924sinartrosi is sinartrosi" ; rdfs:label " sinartrosi_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH23929sinchisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23929sinchisi is sinchisi" ; rdfs:label " sinchisi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH23930sincipite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23930sincipite is sincipite" ; rdfs:label " sincipite_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH23932sincretista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23932sincretista is sincretista" ; rdfs:label " sincretista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23933sincretista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23933sincretista is sincretista" ; rdfs:label " sincretista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23938sincrotrone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23938sincrotrone is sincrotrone" ; rdfs:label " sincrotrone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH23939sindacabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23939sindacabilita1 is sindacabilita'" ; rdfs:label " sindacabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH2393cofermento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2393cofermento is cofermento" ; rdfs:label " cofermento_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH23941sindacato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23941sindacato is sindacato" ; rdfs:label " sindacato_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH23946sindonologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23946sindonologa is sindonologa" ; rdfs:label " sindonologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23948sindonologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23948sindonologo is sindonologo" ; rdfs:label " sindonologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23950sinechia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23950sinechia is sinechia" ; rdfs:label " sinechia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH23954sinedrita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23954sinedrita is sinedrita" ; rdfs:label " sinedrita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23955sinedrita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23955sinedrita is sinedrita" ; rdfs:label " sinedrita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH23958sinestesia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23958sinestesia is sinestesia" ; rdfs:label " sinestesia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH23959sinfonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23959sinfonismo is sinfonismo" ; rdfs:label " sinfonismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH23961sinfonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23961sinfonista is sinfonista" ; rdfs:label " sinfonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23962sinfonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23962sinfonista is sinfonista" ; rdfs:label " sinfonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH23965singaporiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23965singaporiana is singaporiana" ; rdfs:label " singaporiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH23968singaporiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23968singaporiano is singaporiano" ; rdfs:label " singaporiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH23970singolarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23970singolarista is singolarista" ; rdfs:label " singolarista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23971singolarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23971singolarista is singolarista" ; rdfs:label " singolarista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23974singolarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23974singolarita1 is singolarita'" ; rdfs:label " singolarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23975singolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23975singolista is singolista" ; rdfs:label " singolista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23976singolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23976singolista is singolista" ; rdfs:label " singolista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH23979sinistrata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23979sinistrata is sinistrata" ; rdfs:label " sinistrata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH23981sinistrato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23981sinistrato is sinistrato" ; rdfs:label " sinistrato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH23983sinistrorsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23983sinistrorsa is sinistrorsa" ; rdfs:label " sinistrorsa_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23985sinistrorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23985sinistrorso is sinistrorso" ; rdfs:label " sinistrorso_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH23987sinistrosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23987sinistrosita1 is sinistrosita'" ; rdfs:label " sinistrosita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH23988sinizesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23988sinizesi is sinizesi" ; rdfs:label " sinizesi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH23990sinovite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23990sinovite is sinovite" ; rdfs:label " sinovite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH23992sinteticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23992sinteticita1 is sinteticita'" ; rdfs:label " sinteticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH23993sintetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23993sintetismo is sintetismo" ; rdfs:label " sintetismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH23999sinuosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH23999sinuosita1 is sinuosita'" ; rdfs:label " sinuosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24000siparista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24000siparista is siparista" ; rdfs:label " siparista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24001siparista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24001siparista is siparista" ; rdfs:label " siparista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24004sira simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24004sira is sira" ; rdfs:label " sira_as_People" . inds:USemTH24005sire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24005sire is sire" ; rdfs:label " sire_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH24008siriaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24008siriaco is siriaco" ; rdfs:label " siriaco_as_Language" . inds:USemTH24010siro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24010siro is siro" ; rdfs:label " siro_as_People" . inds:USemTH24012sismicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24012sismicita1 is sismicita'" ; rdfs:label " sismicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH24013sistematica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24013sistematica is sistematica" ; rdfs:label " sistematica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH24014sistematica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24014sistematica is sistematica" ; rdfs:label " sistematica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24015sistematicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24015sistematicita1 is sistematicita'" ; rdfs:label " sistematicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24016sistematico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24016sistematico is sistematico" ; rdfs:label " sistematico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24019sitarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24019sitarista is sitarista" ; rdfs:label " sitarista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH24020sitarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24020sitarista is sitarista" ; rdfs:label " sitarista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH24023sitiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24023sitiologa is sitiologa" ; rdfs:label " sitiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24025sitiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24025sitiologo is sitiologo" ; rdfs:label " sitiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24027sitologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24027sitologa is sitologa" ; rdfs:label " sitologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24030sitologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24030sitologo is sitologo" ; rdfs:label " sitologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24032skinneriana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24032skinneriana is skinneriana" ; rdfs:label " skinneriana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24034skinneriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24034skinneriano is skinneriano" ; rdfs:label " skinneriano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24038slavismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24038slavismo is slavismo" ; rdfs:label " slavismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH24040slavista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24040slavista is slavista" ; rdfs:label " slavista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24041slavista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24041slavista is slavista" ; rdfs:label " slavista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24044slavofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24044slavofila is slavofila" ; rdfs:label " slavofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24046slavofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24046slavofilo is slavofilo" ; rdfs:label " slavofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24048slavofoba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24048slavofoba is slavofoba" ; rdfs:label " slavofoba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24050slavofobo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24050slavofobo is slavofobo" ; rdfs:label " slavofobo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24052slavofona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24052slavofona is slavofona" ; rdfs:label " slavofona_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24054slavofono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24054slavofono is slavofono" ; rdfs:label " slavofono_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24057sloca simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24057sloca is sloca" ; rdfs:label " sloca_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH24061slotmachine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24061slotmachine is slotmachine" ; rdfs:label " slotmachine_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24062slovacca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24062slovacca is slovacca" ; rdfs:label " slovacca_as_People" . inds:USemTH24064slovacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24064slovacco is slovacco" ; rdfs:label " slovacco_as_Language" . inds:USemTH24065slovacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24065slovacco is slovacco" ; rdfs:label " slovacco_as_People" . inds:USemTH24067slovena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24067slovena is slovena" ; rdfs:label " slovena_as_People" . inds:USemTH24069sloveno simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24069sloveno is sloveno" ; rdfs:label " sloveno_as_Language" . inds:USemTH24070sloveno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24070sloveno is sloveno" ; rdfs:label " sloveno_as_People" . inds:USemTH24079smaltista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24079smaltista is smaltista" ; rdfs:label " smaltista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24092smargiassa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24092smargiassa is smargiassa" ; rdfs:label " smargiassa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24094smargiasso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24094smargiasso is smargiasso" ; rdfs:label " smargiasso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2409condiscendimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2409condiscendimento is condiscendimento" ; rdfs:label " condiscendimento_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24101smegma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24101smegma is smegma" ; rdfs:label " smegma_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH24109smerciabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24109smerciabilita1 is smerciabilita'" ; rdfs:label " smerciabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH2410confederamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2410confederamento is confederamento" ; rdfs:label " confederamento_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH24117smidollata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24117smidollata is smidollata" ; rdfs:label " smidollata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24119smidollato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24119smidollato is smidollato" ; rdfs:label " smidollato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24127sminchionata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24127sminchionata is sminchionata" ; rdfs:label " sminchionata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24129sminchionato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24129sminchionato is sminchionato" ; rdfs:label " sminchionato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24136smithiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24136smithiana is smithiana" ; rdfs:label " smithiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24138smithiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24138smithiano is smithiano" ; rdfs:label " smithiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24159snaturata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24159snaturata is snaturata" ; rdfs:label " snaturata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24161snaturato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24161snaturato is snaturato" ; rdfs:label " snaturato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24165soavita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24165soavita1 is soavita'" ; rdfs:label " soavita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24171soccidaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24171soccidaria is soccidaria" ; rdfs:label " soccidaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24173soccidario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24173soccidario is soccidario" ; rdfs:label " soccidario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24180socialproletaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24180socialproletaria is socialproletaria" ; rdfs:label " socialproletaria_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24183socialproletario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24183socialproletario is socialproletario" ; rdfs:label " socialproletario_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24184sociniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24184sociniana is sociniana" ; rdfs:label " sociniana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24186socinianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24186socinianismo is socinianismo" ; rdfs:label " socinianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH24188sociniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24188sociniano is sociniano" ; rdfs:label " sociniano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24190sociobiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24190sociobiologa is sociobiologa" ; rdfs:label " sociobiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24192sociobiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24192sociobiologo is sociobiologo" ; rdfs:label " sociobiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24194sociolinguista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24194sociolinguista is sociolinguista" ; rdfs:label " sociolinguista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24195sociolinguista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24195sociolinguista is sociolinguista" ; rdfs:label " sociolinguista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24198sociologismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24198sociologismo is sociologismo" ; rdfs:label " sociologismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH24200socratica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24200socratica is socratica" ; rdfs:label " socratica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24202socratico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24202socratico is socratico" ; rdfs:label " socratico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24204socratismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24204socratismo is socratismo" ; rdfs:label " socratismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH24211sodomita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24211sodomita is sodomita" ; rdfs:label " sodomita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24212sodomita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24212sodomita is sodomita" ; rdfs:label " sodomita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24215sofa1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24215sofa1 is sofa'" ; rdfs:label " sofa'_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH24220soffione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24220soffione is soffione" ; rdfs:label " soffione_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24221soffione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24221soffione is soffione" ; rdfs:label " soffione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH2422congregamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2422congregamento is congregamento" ; rdfs:label " congregamento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH24232sofistico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24232sofistico is sofistico" ; rdfs:label " sofistico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24234sofo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24234sofo is sofo" ; rdfs:label " sofo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24235softwarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24235softwarista is softwarista" ; rdfs:label " softwarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24236softwarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24236softwarista is softwarista" ; rdfs:label " softwarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24241soggettivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24241soggettivista is soggettivista" ; rdfs:label " soggettivista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24242soggettivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24242soggettivista is soggettivista" ; rdfs:label " soggettivista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24245soggettivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24245soggettivita1 is soggettivita'" ; rdfs:label " soggettivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24260sol simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24260sol is sol" ; rdfs:label " sol_as_Money" . inds:USemTH24261sola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24261sola is sola" ; rdfs:label " sola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24264solariana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24264solariana is solariana" ; rdfs:label " solariana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24266solariano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24266solariano is solariano" ; rdfs:label " solariano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24268solarigrafo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24268solarigrafo is solarigrafo" ; rdfs:label " solarigrafo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24270solarimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24270solarimetro is solarimetro" ; rdfs:label " solarimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24272solarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24272solarita1 is solarita'" ; rdfs:label " solarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24273solidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24273solidita1 is solidita'" ; rdfs:label " solidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24274solipede simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24274solipede is solipede" ; rdfs:label " solipede_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH24275solipsismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24275solipsismo is solipsismo" ; rdfs:label " solipsismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH24277solipsista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24277solipsista is solipsista" ; rdfs:label " solipsista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24278solipsista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24278solipsista is solipsista" ; rdfs:label " solipsista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24287solo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24287solo is solo" ; rdfs:label " solo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24290solubilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24290solubilita1 is solubilita'" ; rdfs:label " solubilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH24295somasca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24295somasca is somasca" ; rdfs:label " somasca_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH24297somasco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24297somasco is somasco" ; rdfs:label " somasco_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH24299sommacco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24299sommacco is sommacco" ; rdfs:label " sommacco_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH24300sommarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24300sommarieta1 is sommarieta'" ; rdfs:label " sommarieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24301sommativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24301sommativita1 is sommativita'" ; rdfs:label " sommativita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH24305sommergibilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24305sommergibilista is sommergibilista" ; rdfs:label " sommergibilista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24306sommergibilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24306sommergibilista is sommergibilista" ; rdfs:label " sommergibilista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24315sommista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24315sommista is sommista" ; rdfs:label " sommista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24316sommista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24316sommista is sommista" ; rdfs:label " sommista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24319sommita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24319sommita1 is sommita'" ; rdfs:label " sommita'_as_Part" . inds:USemTH24320sommo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24320sommo is sommo" ; rdfs:label " sommo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH24331sonar simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24331sonar is sonar" ; rdfs:label " sonar_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24333sonatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24333sonatismo is sonatismo" ; rdfs:label " sonatismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH24343sonettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24343sonettista is sonettista" ; rdfs:label " sonettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24344sonettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24344sonettista is sonettista" ; rdfs:label " sonettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24347sonnambola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24347sonnambola is sonnambola" ; rdfs:label " sonnambola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24349sonnambolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24349sonnambolo is sonnambolo" ; rdfs:label " sonnambolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24351sonometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24351sonometro is sonometro" ; rdfs:label " sonometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24353sonorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24353sonorista is sonorista" ; rdfs:label " sonorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24354sonorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24354sonorista is sonorista" ; rdfs:label " sonorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24373soppressore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24373soppressore is soppressore" ; rdfs:label " soppressore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24374soppressore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24374soppressore is soppressore" ; rdfs:label " soppressore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24376sopraddazio simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24376sopraddazio is sopraddazio" ; rdfs:label " sopraddazio_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH24381sopralzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24381sopralzo is sopralzo" ; rdfs:label " sopralzo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH24385soprapprezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24385soprapprezzo is soprapprezzo" ; rdfs:label " soprapprezzo_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH24386sopraprezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24386sopraprezzo is sopraprezzo" ; rdfs:label " sopraprezzo_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH24387sopraprofitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24387sopraprofitto is sopraprofitto" ; rdfs:label " sopraprofitto_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH24388soprarrivata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24388soprarrivata is soprarrivata" ; rdfs:label " soprarrivata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH24390soprarrivato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24390soprarrivato is soprarrivato" ; rdfs:label " soprarrivato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH24398sordastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24398sordastra is sordastra" ; rdfs:label " sordastra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24400sordastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24400sordastro is sordastro" ; rdfs:label " sordastro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24408soriana simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24408soriana is soriana" ; rdfs:label " soriana_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH24410soriano simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24410soriano is soriano" ; rdfs:label " soriano_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH24413sororicida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24413sororicida is sororicida" ; rdfs:label " sororicida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH24414sororicida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24414sororicida is sororicida" ; rdfs:label " sororicida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH24417sorpassata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24417sorpassata is sorpassata" ; rdfs:label " sorpassata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24419sorpassato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24419sorpassato is sorpassato" ; rdfs:label " sorpassato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24421sorrentina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24421sorrentina is sorrentina" ; rdfs:label " sorrentina_as_People" . inds:USemTH24423sorrentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24423sorrentino is sorrentino" ; rdfs:label " sorrentino_as_People" . inds:USemTH24425sortilega simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24425sortilega is sortilega" ; rdfs:label " sortilega_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH24427sortilego simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24427sortilego is sortilego" ; rdfs:label " sortilego_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH2443conurbamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2443conurbamento is conurbamento" ; rdfs:label " conurbamento_as_Group" . inds:USemTH24441sospensore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24441sospensore is sospensore" ; rdfs:label " sospensore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24442sospettabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24442sospettabilita1 is sospettabilita'" ; rdfs:label " sospettabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24445sostanzialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24445sostanzialismo is sostanzialismo" ; rdfs:label " sostanzialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH24447sostanzialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24447sostanzialita1 is sostanzialita'" ; rdfs:label " sostanzialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24449sostenibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24449sostenibilita1 is sostenibilita'" ; rdfs:label " sostenibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24456sostenuta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24456sostenuta is sostenuta" ; rdfs:label " sostenuta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24458sostenuto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24458sostenuto is sostenuto" ; rdfs:label " sostenuto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24464sottaniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24464sottaniere is sottaniere" ; rdfs:label " sottaniere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24477sottocipria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24477sottocipria is sottocipria" ; rdfs:label " sottocipria_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH24478sottocodice simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24478sottocodice is sottocodice" ; rdfs:label " sottocodice_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH24480sottocuoca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24480sottocuoca is sottocuoca" ; rdfs:label " sottocuoca_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24483sottocuoco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24483sottocuoco is sottocuoco" ; rdfs:label " sottocuoco_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24484sottofinale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24484sottofinale is sottofinale" ; rdfs:label " sottofinale_as_Part" . inds:USemTH24485sottogenere simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24485sottogenere is sottogenere" ; rdfs:label " sottogenere_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH24486sottogola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24486sottogola is sottogola" ; rdfs:label " sottogola_as_Part" . inds:USemTH24487sottonocchiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24487sottonocchiere is sottonocchiere" ; rdfs:label " sottonocchiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24489sottooccupata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24489sottooccupata is sottooccupata" ; rdfs:label " sottooccupata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24490sottooccupato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24490sottooccupato is sottooccupato" ; rdfs:label " sottooccupato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24492sottopiede simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24492sottopiede is sottopiede" ; rdfs:label " sottopiede_as_Part" . inds:USemTH24498sottoproletaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24498sottoproletaria is sottoproletaria" ; rdfs:label " sottoproletaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24500sottoproletario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24500sottoproletario is sottoproletario" ; rdfs:label " sottoproletario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24506sottosistema simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24506sottosistema is sottosistema" ; rdfs:label " sottosistema_as_Part" . inds:USemTH24507sottospazio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24507sottospazio is sottospazio" ; rdfs:label " sottospazio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH24508sottossido simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24508sottossido is sottossido" ; rdfs:label " sottossido_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH24512souffle2 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24512souffle2 is souffle'" ; rdfs:label " souffle'_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH24516sovietica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24516sovietica is sovietica" ; rdfs:label " sovietica_as_People" . inds:USemTH24519sovietico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24519sovietico is sovietico" ; rdfs:label " sovietico_as_People" . inds:USemTH24520sovietologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24520sovietologa is sovietologa" ; rdfs:label " sovietologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24523sovietologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24523sovietologo is sovietologo" ; rdfs:label " sovietologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH2452crociamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2452crociamento is crociamento" ; rdfs:label " crociamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH24533sovrastampa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24533sovrastampa is sovrastampa" ; rdfs:label " sovrastampa_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH24535sovrattassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24535sovrattassa is sovrattassa" ; rdfs:label " sovrattassa_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH24538sovrimposta simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24538sovrimposta is sovrimposta" ; rdfs:label " sovrimposta_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH24539sovrintendente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24539sovrintendente is sovrintendente" ; rdfs:label " sovrintendente_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24540sovrintendente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24540sovrintendente is sovrintendente" ; rdfs:label " sovrintendente_as_Role" . inds:USemTH24541sovrumanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24541sovrumanita1 is sovrumanita'" ; rdfs:label " sovrumanita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24562spaccato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24562spaccato is spaccato" ; rdfs:label " spaccato_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH24564spadaccina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24564spadaccina is spadaccina" ; rdfs:label " spadaccina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24566spadaccino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24566spadaccino is spadaccino" ; rdfs:label " spadaccino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24568spadaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24568spadaia is spadaia" ; rdfs:label " spadaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24571spadaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24571spadaio is spadaio" ; rdfs:label " spadaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24577spadista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24577spadista is spadista" ; rdfs:label " spadista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH24581spagnolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24581spagnolismo is spagnolismo" ; rdfs:label " spagnolismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH24593spalliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24593spalliere is spalliere" ; rdfs:label " spalliere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24595spallone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24595spallone is spallone" ; rdfs:label " spallone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH24603sparagnina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24603sparagnina is sparagnina" ; rdfs:label " sparagnina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24605sparagnino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24605sparagnino is sparagnino" ; rdfs:label " sparagnino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2460declinamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2460declinamento is declinamento" ; rdfs:label " declinamento_as_Time" . inds:USemTH24623spartachismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24623spartachismo is spartachismo" ; rdfs:label " spartachismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH24626spartachista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24626spartachista is spartachista" ; rdfs:label " spartachista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24629spartana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24629spartana is spartana" ; rdfs:label " spartana_as_People" . inds:USemTH24631spartano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24631spartano is spartano" ; rdfs:label " spartano_as_People" . inds:USemTH24641spato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24641spato is spato" ; rdfs:label " spato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH24650spazialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24650spazialismo is spazialismo" ; rdfs:label " spazialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH24653spazialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24653spazialista is spazialista" ; rdfs:label " spazialista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24656spazialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24656spazialita1 is spazialita'" ; rdfs:label " spazialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24658spazionave simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24658spazionave is spazionave" ; rdfs:label " spazionave_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH24664spazzaturaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24664spazzaturaia is spazzaturaia" ; rdfs:label " spazzaturaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24667spazzaturaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24667spazzaturaio is spazzaturaio" ; rdfs:label " spazzaturaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24668spazzolino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24668spazzolino is spazzolino" ; rdfs:label " spazzolino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24669spazzolone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24669spazzolone is spazzolone" ; rdfs:label " spazzolone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24670specchiaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24670specchiaia is specchiaia" ; rdfs:label " specchiaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24672specchiaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24672specchiaio is specchiaio" ; rdfs:label " specchiaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24673specialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24673specialita1 is specialita'" ; rdfs:label " specialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24676specializzanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24676specializzanda is specializzanda" ; rdfs:label " specializzanda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH24678specializzando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24678specializzando is specializzando" ; rdfs:label " specializzando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH24681specificita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24681specificita1 is specificita'" ; rdfs:label " specificita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH24683specifico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24683specifico is specifico" ; rdfs:label " specifico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH24684specillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24684specillo is specillo" ; rdfs:label " specillo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24685speciosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24685speciosita1 is speciosita'" ; rdfs:label " speciosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24686speck simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24686speck is speck" ; rdfs:label " speck_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH24690spedalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24690spedalita1 is spedalita'" ; rdfs:label " spedalita'_as_Group" . inds:USemTH24694spedizioniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24694spedizioniere is spedizioniere" ; rdfs:label " spedizioniere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24696spegnifiamma simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24696spegnifiamma is spegnifiamma" ; rdfs:label " spegnifiamma_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24702spendibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24702spendibilita1 is spendibilita'" ; rdfs:label " spendibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24707spensierata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24707spensierata is spensierata" ; rdfs:label " spensierata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24710spensierato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24710spensierato is spensierato" ; rdfs:label " spensierato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24722spericolata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24722spericolata is spericolata" ; rdfs:label " spericolata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24725spericolato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24725spericolato is spericolato" ; rdfs:label " spericolato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24730sperone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24730sperone is sperone" ; rdfs:label " sperone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH24731sperone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24731sperone is sperone" ; rdfs:label " sperone_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH24732sperone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24732sperone is sperone" ; rdfs:label " sperone_as_Location" . inds:USemTH24737spessimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24737spessimetro is spessimetro" ; rdfs:label " spessimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24741spettabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24741spettabilita1 is spettabilita'" ; rdfs:label " spettabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24742spettacolarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24742spettacolarita1 is spettacolarita'" ; rdfs:label " spettacolarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24743spettrobolometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24743spettrobolometro is spettrobolometro" ; rdfs:label " spettrobolometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24745spettrocolorimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24745spettrocolorimetro is spettrocolorimetro" ; rdfs:label " spettrocolorimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24749spettroeliografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24749spettroeliografo is spettroeliografo" ; rdfs:label " spettroeliografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24751spettrofotometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24751spettrofotometria is spettrofotometria" ; rdfs:label " spettrofotometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH24752spettrofotometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24752spettrofotometro is spettrofotometro" ; rdfs:label " spettrofotometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24754spettrografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24754spettrografo is spettrografo" ; rdfs:label " spettrografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24756spettrometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24756spettrometria is spettrometria" ; rdfs:label " spettrometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH24757spettrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24757spettrometro is spettrometro" ; rdfs:label " spettrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24759speziale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24759speziale is speziale" ; rdfs:label " speziale_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24787spidometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24787spidometro is spidometro" ; rdfs:label " spidometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24801spigolistra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24801spigolistra is spigolistra" ; rdfs:label " spigolistra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24803spigolistro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24803spigolistro is spigolistro" ; rdfs:label " spigolistro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24805spigonardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24805spigonardo is spigonardo" ; rdfs:label " spigonardo_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH24806spillaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24806spillaia is spillaia" ; rdfs:label " spillaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24809spillaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24809spillaio is spillaio" ; rdfs:label " spillaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24818spinettaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24818spinettaia is spinettaia" ; rdfs:label " spinettaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24820spinettaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24820spinettaio is spinettaio" ; rdfs:label " spinettaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24823spinosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24823spinosita1 is spinosita'" ; rdfs:label " spinosita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH24824spinotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24824spinotto is spinotto" ; rdfs:label " spinotto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24825spinozismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24825spinozismo is spinozismo" ; rdfs:label " spinozismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH24828spinozista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24828spinozista is spinozista" ; rdfs:label " spinozista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH24831spinterometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24831spinterometro is spinterometro" ; rdfs:label " spinterometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24843spiritata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24843spiritata is spiritata" ; rdfs:label " spiritata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24846spiritato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24846spiritato is spiritato" ; rdfs:label " spiritato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24848spiritista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24848spiritista is spiritista" ; rdfs:label " spiritista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24851spiritosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24851spiritosa is spiritosa" ; rdfs:label " spiritosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24854spiritoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24854spiritoso is spiritoso" ; rdfs:label " spiritoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24856spirochetosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24856spirochetosi is spirochetosi" ; rdfs:label " spirochetosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH24857spirometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24857spirometro is spirometro" ; rdfs:label " spirometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24859splendida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24859splendida is splendida" ; rdfs:label " splendida_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24862splendido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24862splendido is splendido" ; rdfs:label " splendido_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24863splene simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24863splene is splene" ; rdfs:label " splene_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH24865splenetica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24865splenetica is splenetica" ; rdfs:label " splenetica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24868splenetico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24868splenetico is splenetico" ; rdfs:label " splenetico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24869splenica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24869splenica is splenica" ; rdfs:label " splenica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24872splenico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24872splenico is splenico" ; rdfs:label " splenico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24873splenomegalia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24873splenomegalia is splenomegalia" ; rdfs:label " splenomegalia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH24878spoletta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24878spoletta is spoletta" ; rdfs:label " spoletta_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24885spondilite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24885spondilite is spondilite" ; rdfs:label " spondilite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH24886spondilosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24886spondilosi is spondilosi" ; rdfs:label " spondilosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH24890spontaneista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24890spontaneista is spontaneista" ; rdfs:label " spontaneista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24894sporadicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24894sporadicita1 is sporadicita'" ; rdfs:label " sporadicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24900sporgente simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24900sporgente is sporgente" ; rdfs:label " sporgente_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH24902sporologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24902sporologa is sporologa" ; rdfs:label " sporologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24905sporologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24905sporologo is sporologo" ; rdfs:label " sporologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24907sportellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24907sportellista is sportellista" ; rdfs:label " sportellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24911sposata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24911sposata is sposata" ; rdfs:label " sposata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24914sposato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24914sposato is sposato" ; rdfs:label " sposato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24915sposina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24915sposina is sposina" ; rdfs:label " sposina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24918sposino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24918sposino is sposino" ; rdfs:label " sposino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24926spot simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24926spot is spot" ; rdfs:label " spot_as_Information" . inds:USemTH24927spot simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24927spot is spot" ; rdfs:label " spot_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH24928sprangaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24928sprangaia is sprangaia" ; rdfs:label " sprangaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24931sprangaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24931sprangaio is sprangaio" ; rdfs:label " sprangaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH24932spray simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24932spray is spray" ; rdfs:label " spray_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24942spregiudicata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24942spregiudicata is spregiudicata" ; rdfs:label " spregiudicata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24945spregiudicato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24945spregiudicato is spregiudicato" ; rdfs:label " spregiudicato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24960sproporzionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24960sproporzionalita1 is sproporzionalita'" ; rdfs:label " sproporzionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24963sprue simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24963sprue is sprue" ; rdfs:label " sprue_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH24964spruzzabiancheria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24964spruzzabiancheria is spruzzabiancheria" ; rdfs:label " spruzzabiancheria_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24968spudorata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24968spudorata is spudorata" ; rdfs:label " spudorata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24971spudorato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24971spudorato is spudorato" ; rdfs:label " spudorato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24972spugnone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24972spugnone is spugnone" ; rdfs:label " spugnone_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH24973spugnosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24973spugnosita1 is spugnosita'" ; rdfs:label " spugnosita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH24978spumone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24978spumone is spumone" ; rdfs:label " spumone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH24979spumosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24979spumosita1 is spumosita'" ; rdfs:label " spumosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH24988spuntone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24988spuntone is spuntone" ; rdfs:label " spuntone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH24989spuntone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24989spuntone is spuntone" ; rdfs:label " spuntone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH24992sputapepe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24992sputapepe is sputapepe" ; rdfs:label " sputapepe_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24994sputasenno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24994sputasenno is sputasenno" ; rdfs:label " sputasenno_as_Human" . inds:USemTH24996sputasentenze simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH24996sputasentenze is sputasentenze" ; rdfs:label " sputasentenze_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25000sputaveleno simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25000sputaveleno is sputaveleno" ; rdfs:label " sputaveleno_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH25001sputaveleno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25001sputaveleno is sputaveleno" ; rdfs:label " sputaveleno_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25004sputo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25004sputo is sputo" ; rdfs:label " sputo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH25008squadrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25008squadrismo is squadrismo" ; rdfs:label " squadrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH2500digradamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2500digradamento is digradamento" ; rdfs:label " digradamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH25011squadrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25011squadrista is squadrista" ; rdfs:label " squadrista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH25013squadro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25013squadro is squadro" ; rdfs:label " squadro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25014squadro simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25014squadro is squadro" ; rdfs:label " squadro_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH25015squadrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25015squadrone is squadrone" ; rdfs:label " squadrone_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH25017squaliforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25017squaliforme is squaliforme" ; rdfs:label " squaliforme_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH25032sradicata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25032sradicata is sradicata" ; rdfs:label " sradicata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25035sradicato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25035sradicato is sradicato" ; rdfs:label " sradicato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25036stabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25036stabilita1 is stabilita'" ; rdfs:label " stabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25042stabilizzante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25042stabilizzante is stabilizzante" ; rdfs:label " stabilizzante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH25043stabilizzata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25043stabilizzata is stabilizzata" ; rdfs:label " stabilizzata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25045stabilizzato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25045stabilizzato is stabilizzato" ; rdfs:label " stabilizzato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25047stacanovismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25047stacanovismo is stacanovismo" ; rdfs:label " stacanovismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH25050stacanovista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25050stacanovista is stacanovista" ; rdfs:label " stacanovista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH25058stacciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25058stacciaia is stacciaia" ; rdfs:label " stacciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25060stacciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25060stacciaio is stacciaio" ; rdfs:label " stacciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25066stachanovismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25066stachanovismo is stachanovismo" ; rdfs:label " stachanovismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH25068stadera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25068stadera is stadera" ; rdfs:label " stadera_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25069staderaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25069staderaia is staderaia" ; rdfs:label " staderaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25072staderaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25072staderaio is staderaio" ; rdfs:label " staderaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25073staffale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25073staffale is staffale" ; rdfs:label " staffale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25075staffettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25075staffettista is staffettista" ; rdfs:label " staffettista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH25078staffiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25078staffiere is staffiere" ; rdfs:label " staffiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25085staffile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25085staffile is staffile" ; rdfs:label " staffile_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25086stafiloma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25086stafiloma is stafiloma" ; rdfs:label " stafiloma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH25087stagionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25087stagionalita1 is stagionalita'" ; rdfs:label " stagionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25093stagirita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25093stagirita is stagirita" ; rdfs:label " stagirita_as_People" . inds:USemTH25096stagnara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25096stagnara is stagnara" ; rdfs:label " stagnara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25099stagnaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25099stagnaro is stagnaro" ; rdfs:label " stagnaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25101stagnina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25101stagnina is stagnina" ; rdfs:label " stagnina_as_Container" . inds:USemTH25102stagnina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25102stagnina is stagnina" ; rdfs:label " stagnina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25104stagnino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25104stagnino is stagnino" ; rdfs:label " stagnino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25105stalagmometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25105stalagmometro is stalagmometro" ; rdfs:label " stalagmometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25107stallia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25107stallia is stallia" ; rdfs:label " stallia_as_Time" . inds:USemTH25112stampista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25112stampista is stampista" ; rdfs:label " stampista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25115stampo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25115stampo is stampo" ; rdfs:label " stampo_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH25116stampo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25116stampo is stampo" ; rdfs:label " stampo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH25117stampo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25117stampo is stampo" ; rdfs:label " stampo_as_Container" . inds:USemTH25118stampo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25118stampo is stampo" ; rdfs:label " stampo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25122standista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25122standista is standista" ; rdfs:label " standista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25132statalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25132statalista is statalista" ; rdfs:label " statalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH25137statica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25137statica is statica" ; rdfs:label " statica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH25139statica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25139statica is statica" ; rdfs:label " statica_as_Group" . inds:USemTH25142staticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25142staticita1 is staticita'" ; rdfs:label " staticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25143statistico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25143statistico is statistico" ; rdfs:label " statistico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25150statolatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25150statolatra is statolatra" ; rdfs:label " statolatra_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH25155statualismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25155statualismo is statualismo" ; rdfs:label " statualismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH25157statuario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25157statuario is statuario" ; rdfs:label " statuario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25164statutario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25164statutario is statutario" ; rdfs:label " statutario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25165staziografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25165staziografo is staziografo" ; rdfs:label " staziografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25170stazionarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25170stazionarieta1 is stazionarieta'" ; rdfs:label " stazionarieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25180steatosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25180steatosi is steatosi" ; rdfs:label " steatosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH25181steccone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25181steccone is steccone" ; rdfs:label " steccone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25182stellato simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25182stellato is stellato" ; rdfs:label " stellato_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25184stendardiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25184stendardiere is stendardiere" ; rdfs:label " stendardiere_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH25191stenodattilografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25191stenodattilografa is stenodattilografa" ; rdfs:label " stenodattilografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25194stenodattilografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25194stenodattilografo is stenodattilografo" ; rdfs:label " stenodattilografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25197stenotipista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25197stenotipista is stenotipista" ; rdfs:label " stenotipista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25203stereotipista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25203stereotipista is stereotipista" ; rdfs:label " stereotipista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25206stereovisore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25206stereovisore is stereovisore" ; rdfs:label " stereovisore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25208sterilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25208sterilita1 is sterilita'" ; rdfs:label " sterilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH25214sterolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25214sterolo is sterolo" ; rdfs:label " sterolo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH25215sterpame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25215sterpame is sterpame" ; rdfs:label " sterpame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH25222stiava simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25222stiava is stiava" ; rdfs:label " stiava_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25223stiavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25223stiavo is stiavo" ; rdfs:label " stiavo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25224stibismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25224stibismo is stibismo" ; rdfs:label " stibismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH25226stick simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25226stick is stick" ; rdfs:label " stick_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH25227sticometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25227sticometro is sticometro" ; rdfs:label " sticometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25229stigmatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25229stigmatismo is stigmatismo" ; rdfs:label " stigmatismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH2522dirupamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2522dirupamento is dirupamento" ; rdfs:label " dirupamento_as_Location" . inds:USemTH25231stilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25231stilismo is stilismo" ; rdfs:label " stilismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH25232stilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25232stilismo is stilismo" ; rdfs:label " stilismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH25235stilliberista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25235stilliberista is stilliberista" ; rdfs:label " stilliberista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH25238stilnovismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25238stilnovismo is stilnovismo" ; rdfs:label " stilnovismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH25240stimabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25240stimabilita1 is stimabilita'" ; rdfs:label " stimabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25246stipsi simple:hasAffects inds:USem1829intestino ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem69503disfunzione ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25246stipsi is stipsi" ; rdfs:label " stipsi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH25247stiracalzoni simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25247stiracalzoni is stiracalzoni" ; rdfs:label " stiracalzoni_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25249stiramaniche simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25249stiramaniche is stiramaniche" ; rdfs:label " stiramaniche_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25250stirene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25250stirene is stirene" ; rdfs:label " stirene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH25252stitica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25252stitica is stitica" ; rdfs:label " stitica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25254stiticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25254stiticita1 is stiticita'" ; rdfs:label " stiticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25255stitico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25255stitico is stitico" ; rdfs:label " stitico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25258stivalaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25258stivalaia is stivalaia" ; rdfs:label " stivalaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25261stivalaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25261stivalaio is stivalaio" ; rdfs:label " stivalaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25271stock simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25271stock is stock" ; rdfs:label " stock_as_Group" . inds:USemTH25273stoiaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25273stoiaia is stoiaia" ; rdfs:label " stoiaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25276stoiaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25276stoiaio is stoiaio" ; rdfs:label " stoiaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25279stolidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25279stolidita1 is stolidita'" ; rdfs:label " stolidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25282stomatite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25282stomatite is stomatite" ; rdfs:label " stomatite_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH25283stomatologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25283stomatologa is stomatologa" ; rdfs:label " stomatologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25286stomatologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25286stomatologo is stomatologo" ; rdfs:label " stomatologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25287stomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25287stomia is stomia" ; rdfs:label " stomia_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH25288storace simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25288storace is storace" ; rdfs:label " storace_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH25289storace simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25289storace is storace" ; rdfs:label " storace_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH25293stordita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25293stordita is stordita" ; rdfs:label " stordita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25295stordito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25295stordito is stordito" ; rdfs:label " stordito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25297storicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25297storicita1 is storicita'" ; rdfs:label " storicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25304storno simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25304storno is storno" ; rdfs:label " storno_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH25308storpiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25308storpiata is storpiata" ; rdfs:label " storpiata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25310storpiato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25310storpiato is storpiato" ; rdfs:label " storpiato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25312stortignaccola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25312stortignaccola is stortignaccola" ; rdfs:label " stortignaccola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25314stortignaccolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25314stortignaccolo is stortignaccolo" ; rdfs:label " stortignaccolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25316stovigliaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25316stovigliaia is stovigliaia" ; rdfs:label " stovigliaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25319stovigliaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25319stovigliaio is stovigliaio" ; rdfs:label " stovigliaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25328strabometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25328strabometro is strabometro" ; rdfs:label " strabometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25332stracciaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25332stracciaiola is stracciaiola" ; rdfs:label " stracciaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25335stracciaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25335stracciaiolo is stracciaiolo" ; rdfs:label " stracciaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25337stracciarola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25337stracciarola is stracciarola" ; rdfs:label " stracciarola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25340stracciarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25340stracciarolo is stracciarolo" ; rdfs:label " stracciarolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25341straccivendola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25341straccivendola is straccivendola" ; rdfs:label " straccivendola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25343straccivendolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25343straccivendolo is straccivendolo" ; rdfs:label " straccivendolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25345stradaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25345stradaiola is stradaiola" ; rdfs:label " stradaiola_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH25347stradaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25347stradaiolo is stradaiolo" ; rdfs:label " stradaiolo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH25350stradicota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25350stradicota is stradicota" ; rdfs:label " stradicota_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25352stradicoto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25352stradicoto is stradicoto" ; rdfs:label " stradicoto_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25354stradina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25354stradina is stradina" ; rdfs:label " stradina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25357stradino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25357stradino is stradino" ; rdfs:label " stradino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25359stradiotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25359stradiotto is stradiotto" ; rdfs:label " stradiotto_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25362stradista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25362stradista is stradista" ; rdfs:label " stradista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH25372straordinarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25372straordinarieta1 is straordinarieta'" ; rdfs:label " straordinarieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25373strapaesana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25373strapaesana is strapaesana" ; rdfs:label " strapaesana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH25376strapaesano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25376strapaesano is strapaesano" ; rdfs:label " strapaesano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH25388strappista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25388strappista is strappista" ; rdfs:label " strappista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH25393straticota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25393straticota is straticota" ; rdfs:label " straticota_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25396straticoto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25396straticoto is straticoto" ; rdfs:label " straticoto_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25397stratigrafo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25397stratigrafo is stratigrafo" ; rdfs:label " stratigrafo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25405strenuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25405strenuita1 is strenuita'" ; rdfs:label " strenuita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25407streptococco simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25407streptococco is streptococco" ; rdfs:label " streptococco_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH25413stringaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25413stringaia is stringaia" ; rdfs:label " stringaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25416stringaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25416stringaio is stringaio" ; rdfs:label " stringaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25429strizzone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25429strizzone is strizzone" ; rdfs:label " strizzone_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH2542dislogamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2542dislogamento is dislogamento" ; rdfs:label " dislogamento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH25430strofantina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25430strofantina is strofantina" ; rdfs:label " strofantina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH25432strolaga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25432strolaga is strolaga" ; rdfs:label " strolaga_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25434strolago simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25434strolago is strolago" ; rdfs:label " strolago_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25436strologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25436strologa is strologa" ; rdfs:label " strologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25438strologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25438strologo is strologo" ; rdfs:label " strologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25449stromboliotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25449stromboliotta is stromboliotta" ; rdfs:label " stromboliotta_as_People" . inds:USemTH25459stronzio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25459stronzio is stronzio" ; rdfs:label " stronzio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH25461stroppia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25461stroppia is stroppia" ; rdfs:label " stroppia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25464stroppio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25464stroppio is stroppio" ; rdfs:label " stroppio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25465strozzaprete simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25465strozzaprete is strozzaprete" ; rdfs:label " strozzaprete_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH25470strozziere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25470strozziere is strozziere" ; rdfs:label " strozziere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25475struggigrano simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25475struggigrano is struggigrano" ; rdfs:label " struggigrano_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH2547dissanguamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2547dissanguamento is dissanguamento" ; rdfs:label " dissanguamento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH25480strulla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25480strulla is strulla" ; rdfs:label " strulla_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25483strullo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25483strullo is strullo" ; rdfs:label " strullo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25484struma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25484struma is struma" ; rdfs:label " struma_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH25485strumentalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25485strumentalismo is strumentalismo" ; rdfs:label " strumentalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH25487strumentalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25487strumentalita1 is strumentalita'" ; rdfs:label " strumentalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH2548accatarramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2548accatarramento is accatarramento" ; rdfs:label " accatarramento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH25506sturabottiglie simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25506sturabottiglie is sturabottiglie" ; rdfs:label " sturabottiglie_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25518subaccollataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25518subaccollataria is subaccollataria" ; rdfs:label " subaccollataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH25521subaccollatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25521subaccollatario is subaccollatario" ; rdfs:label " subaccollatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH25524subaffittuaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25524subaffittuaria is subaffittuaria" ; rdfs:label " subaffittuaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH25527subaffittuario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25527subaffittuario is subaffittuario" ; rdfs:label " subaffittuario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH25528subaffluente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25528subaffluente is subaffluente" ; rdfs:label " subaffluente_as_Part" . inds:USemTH25530subbuteo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25530subbuteo is subbuteo" ; rdfs:label " subbuteo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH25532subeconoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25532subeconoma is subeconoma" ; rdfs:label " subeconoma_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25535subeconomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25535subeconomo is subeconomo" ; rdfs:label " subeconomo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25540subiettivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25540subiettivismo is subiettivismo" ; rdfs:label " subiettivismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH25542subiettivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25542subiettivita1 is subiettivita'" ; rdfs:label " subiettivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25543subinquilina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25543subinquilina is subinquilina" ; rdfs:label " subinquilina_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH25546subinquilino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25546subinquilino is subinquilino" ; rdfs:label " subinquilino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH25551subitaneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25551subitaneita1 is subitaneita'" ; rdfs:label " subitaneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25552sublimato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25552sublimato is sublimato" ; rdfs:label " sublimato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH25553sublimita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25553sublimita1 is sublimita'" ; rdfs:label " sublimita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25554sublocataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25554sublocataria is sublocataria" ; rdfs:label " sublocataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH25557sublocatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25557sublocatario is sublocatario" ; rdfs:label " sublocatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH25568subsidenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25568subsidenza is subsidenza" ; rdfs:label " subsidenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH25569subtotale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25569subtotale is subtotale" ; rdfs:label " subtotale_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH25571succedaneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25571succedaneita1 is succedaneita'" ; rdfs:label " succedaneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25572succedaneo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25572succedaneo is succedaneo" ; rdfs:label " succedaneo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH25577successibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25577successibilita1 is successibilita'" ; rdfs:label " successibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25578succhiaruote simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25578succhiaruote is succhiaruote" ; rdfs:label " succhiaruote_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH25584succhiellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25584succhiellaia is succhiellaia" ; rdfs:label " succhiellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25586succhiellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25586succhiellaio is succhiellaio" ; rdfs:label " succhiellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25589succiacapre simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25589succiacapre is succiacapre" ; rdfs:label " succiacapre_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH2558distorcimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2558distorcimento is distorcimento" ; rdfs:label " distorcimento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH25590succiafiore simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25590succiafiore is succiafiore" ; rdfs:label " succiafiore_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH25591succiamele simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25591succiamele is succiamele" ; rdfs:label " succiamele_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH25592succianespole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25592succianespole is succianespole" ; rdfs:label " succianespole_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25594succiasangue simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25594succiasangue is succiasangue" ; rdfs:label " succiasangue_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25596succinato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25596succinato is succinato" ; rdfs:label " succinato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH25597succosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25597succosita1 is succosita'" ; rdfs:label " succosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25598succuba simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25598succuba is succuba" ; rdfs:label " succuba_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH25599succubo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25599succubo is succubo" ; rdfs:label " succubo_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH25601sudafricana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25601sudafricana is sudafricana" ; rdfs:label " sudafricana_as_People" . inds:USemTH25603sudafricano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25603sudafricano is sudafricano" ; rdfs:label " sudafricano_as_People" . inds:USemTH25605sudamericana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25605sudamericana is sudamericana" ; rdfs:label " sudamericana_as_People" . inds:USemTH25607sudamericano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25607sudamericano is sudamericano" ; rdfs:label " sudamericano_as_People" . inds:USemTH25609suddivisibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25609suddivisibilita1 is suddivisibilita'" ; rdfs:label " suddivisibilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH25611sufeta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25611sufeta is sufeta" ; rdfs:label " sufeta_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25614suffissale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25614suffissale is suffissale" ; rdfs:label " suffissale_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH25615suffraganeita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25615suffraganeita1 is suffraganeita'" ; rdfs:label " suffraganeita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH25616suffragante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25616suffragante is suffragante" ; rdfs:label " suffragante_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25623suffragista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25623suffragista is suffragista" ; rdfs:label " suffragista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH25627sufismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25627sufismo is sufismo" ; rdfs:label " sufismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH25630sufita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25630sufita is sufita" ; rdfs:label " sufita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH25639suggestivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25639suggestivita1 is suggestivita'" ; rdfs:label " suggestivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25640sugheraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25640sugheraia is sugheraia" ; rdfs:label " sugheraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25643sugheraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25643sugheraio is sugheraio" ; rdfs:label " sugheraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25644sugherosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25644sugherosita1 is sugherosita'" ; rdfs:label " sugherosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25649sugherone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25649sugherone is sugherone" ; rdfs:label " sugherone_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH25650sugosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25650sugosita1 is sugosita'" ; rdfs:label " sugosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25654suinetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25654suinetto is suinetto" ; rdfs:label " suinetto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH25660summista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25660summista is summista" ; rdfs:label " summista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25663sunnismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25663sunnismo is sunnismo" ; rdfs:label " sunnismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH25666sunnita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25666sunnita is sunnita" ; rdfs:label " sunnita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH25672superabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25672superabilita1 is superabilita'" ; rdfs:label " superabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25676supercarburante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25676supercarburante is supercarburante" ; rdfs:label " supercarburante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH25677supercarcere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25677supercarcere is supercarcere" ; rdfs:label " supercarcere_as_Building" . inds:USemTH25678supercarcere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25678supercarcere is supercarcere" ; rdfs:label " supercarcere_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH25679superconduttivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25679superconduttivita1 is superconduttivita'" ; rdfs:label " superconduttivita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH25680superdecorata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25680superdecorata is superdecorata" ; rdfs:label " superdecorata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25682superdecorato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25682superdecorato is superdecorato" ; rdfs:label " superdecorato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25686superfice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25686superfice is superfice" ; rdfs:label " superfice_as_Part" . inds:USemTH25687superfice simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25687superfice is superfice" ; rdfs:label " superfice_as_Area" . inds:USemTH25689superficiaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25689superficiaria is superficiaria" ; rdfs:label " superficiaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH25691superficiario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25691superficiario is superficiario" ; rdfs:label " superficiario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH25694superfosfato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25694superfosfato is superfosfato" ; rdfs:label " superfosfato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH25695supermarket simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25695supermarket is supermarket" ; rdfs:label " supermarket_as_Building" . inds:USemTH25697supero simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25697supero is supero" ; rdfs:label " supero_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH25698superomismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25698superomismo is superomismo" ; rdfs:label " superomismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH25700superordine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25700superordine is superordine" ; rdfs:label " superordine_as_Group" . inds:USemTH25702superottista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25702superottista is superottista" ; rdfs:label " superottista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25705superperita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25705superperita is superperita" ; rdfs:label " superperita_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25707superperito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25707superperito is superperito" ; rdfs:label " superperito_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH2570drappeggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2570drappeggiamento is drappeggiamento" ; rdfs:label " drappeggiamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH25711superstiziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25711superstiziosita1 is superstiziosita'" ; rdfs:label " superstiziosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25715suppletivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25715suppletivismo is suppletivismo" ; rdfs:label " suppletivismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH2571ebollimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2571ebollimento is ebollimento" ; rdfs:label " ebollimento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH25722suppositorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25722suppositorio is suppositorio" ; rdfs:label " suppositorio_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH25725suprematismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25725suprematismo is suprematismo" ; rdfs:label " suprematismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH25727suprematista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25727suprematista is suprematista" ; rdfs:label " suprematista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH25730surfactante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25730surfactante is surfactante" ; rdfs:label " surfactante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH25732surfista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25732surfista is surfista" ; rdfs:label " surfista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH25735surrene simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25735surrene is surrene" ; rdfs:label " surrene_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH25739surrogabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25739surrogabilita1 is surrogabilita'" ; rdfs:label " surrogabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25743suscettanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25743suscettanza is suscettanza" ; rdfs:label " suscettanza_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH25744suscettibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25744suscettibilita1 is suscettibilita'" ; rdfs:label " suscettibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25745suscettivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25745suscettivita1 is suscettivita'" ; rdfs:label " suscettivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH2575emolumento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2575emolumento is emolumento" ; rdfs:label " emolumento_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH25764sussurrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25764sussurrina is sussurrina" ; rdfs:label " sussurrina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25766sussurrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25766sussurrino is sussurrino" ; rdfs:label " sussurrino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25774svampita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25774svampita is svampita" ; rdfs:label " svampita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25776svampito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25776svampito is svampito" ; rdfs:label " svampito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25779svanita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25779svanita is svanita" ; rdfs:label " svanita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25781svanito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25781svanito is svanito" ; rdfs:label " svanito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25783svantaggiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25783svantaggiata is svantaggiata" ; rdfs:label " svantaggiata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH25785svantaggiato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25785svantaggiato is svantaggiato" ; rdfs:label " svantaggiato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH25806sventata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25806sventata is sventata" ; rdfs:label " sventata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25809sventato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25809sventato is sventato" ; rdfs:label " sventato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25821sverniciante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25821sverniciante is sverniciante" ; rdfs:label " sverniciante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH25825sviata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25825sviata is sviata" ; rdfs:label " sviata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25828sviato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25828sviato is sviato" ; rdfs:label " sviato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2582eruttamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2582eruttamento is eruttamento" ; rdfs:label " eruttamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH25843svincolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25843svincolo is svincolo" ; rdfs:label " svincolo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH25853svogliata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25853svogliata is svogliata" ; rdfs:label " svogliata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25856svogliato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25856svogliato is svogliato" ; rdfs:label " svogliato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25870swing simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25870swing is swing" ; rdfs:label " swing_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH25881tabacchina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25881tabacchina is tabacchina" ; rdfs:label " tabacchina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25883tabacchino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25883tabacchino is tabacchino" ; rdfs:label " tabacchino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25885tabacosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25885tabacosi is tabacosi" ; rdfs:label " tabacosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH25886tabagismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25886tabagismo is tabagismo" ; rdfs:label " tabagismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH25889tabagista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25889tabagista is tabagista" ; rdfs:label " tabagista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25892tabasco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25892tabasco is tabasco" ; rdfs:label " tabasco_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH25893tabe simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25893tabe is tabe" ; rdfs:label " tabe_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH25894tabetica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25894tabetica is tabetica" ; rdfs:label " tabetica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25896tabetico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25896tabetico is tabetico" ; rdfs:label " tabetico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25898tabloide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25898tabloide is tabloide" ; rdfs:label " tabloide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH25902tac simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25902tac is tac" ; rdfs:label " tac_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25905taccata simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25905taccata is taccata" ; rdfs:label " taccata_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH25906talloncino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25906talloncino is talloncino" ; rdfs:label " talloncino_as_Part" . inds:USemTH25907tarata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25907tarata is tarata" ; rdfs:label " tarata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25909tarato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25909tarato is tarato" ; rdfs:label " tarato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH25912tavoliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25912tavoliere is tavoliere" ; rdfs:label " tavoliere_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH25913telefonica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25913telefonica is telefonica" ; rdfs:label " telefonica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25915telefonico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25915telefonico is telefonico" ; rdfs:label " telefonico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25918temporalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25918temporalismo is temporalismo" ; rdfs:label " temporalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH25920temporalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25920temporalita1 is temporalita'" ; rdfs:label " temporalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25929tendaggista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25929tendaggista is tendaggista" ; rdfs:label " tendaggista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH25932tendale simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25932tendale is tendale" ; rdfs:label " tendale_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH25933tendame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25933tendame is tendame" ; rdfs:label " tendame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH25934tendenziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25934tendenziosita1 is tendenziosita'" ; rdfs:label " tendenziosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25935tenderometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25935tenderometro is tenderometro" ; rdfs:label " tenderometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25937tendiscarpe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25937tendiscarpe is tendiscarpe" ; rdfs:label " tendiscarpe_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25942tenebrione simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25942tenebrione is tenebrione" ; rdfs:label " tenebrione_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH25943tenebrionide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25943tenebrionide is tenebrionide" ; rdfs:label " tenebrionide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH25944tenebrosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25944tenebrosita1 is tenebrosita'" ; rdfs:label " tenebrosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25949teniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25949teniere is teniere" ; rdfs:label " teniere_as_Part" . inds:USemTH25956tensioattivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25956tensioattivita1 is tensioattivita'" ; rdfs:label " tensioattivita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH25957tensiografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25957tensiografo is tensiografo" ; rdfs:label " tensiografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25959tensiometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25959tensiometro is tensiometro" ; rdfs:label " tensiometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25961tensore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25961tensore is tensore" ; rdfs:label " tensore_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH25962tensorialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25962tensorialita1 is tensorialita'" ; rdfs:label " tensorialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25976teocentrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25976teocentrismo is teocentrismo" ; rdfs:label " teocentrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH25978teodolite simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25978teodolite is teodolite" ; rdfs:label " teodolite_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH25979teofillina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25979teofillina is teofillina" ; rdfs:label " teofillina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH25980teoricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25980teoricita1 is teoricita'" ; rdfs:label " teoricita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH25985teosofa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25985teosofa is teosofa" ; rdfs:label " teosofa_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH25987teosofo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25987teosofo is teosofo" ; rdfs:label " teosofo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH25989teratoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25989teratoma is teratoma" ; rdfs:label " teratoma_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USemTH25990terebrante simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25990terebrante is terebrante" ; rdfs:label " terebrante_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH25991tergestina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25991tergestina is tergestina" ; rdfs:label " tergestina_as_People" . inds:USemTH25994tergestino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25994tergestino is tergestino" ; rdfs:label " tergestino_as_People" . inds:USemTH25995tergestino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH25995tergestino is tergestino" ; rdfs:label " tergestino_as_Language" . inds:USemTH26000teriomorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26000teriomorfismo is teriomorfismo" ; rdfs:label " teriomorfismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH26002termalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26002termalismo is termalismo" ; rdfs:label " termalismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH26005termalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26005termalista is termalista" ; rdfs:label " termalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26011termidoriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26011termidoriano is termidoriano" ; rdfs:label " termidoriano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH26012terminabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26012terminabilita1 is terminabilita'" ; rdfs:label " terminabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26014terminalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26014terminalista is terminalista" ; rdfs:label " terminalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26019terminismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26019terminismo is terminismo" ; rdfs:label " terminismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH26022terminista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26022terminista is terminista" ; rdfs:label " terminista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH26026termobarometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26026termobarometro is termobarometro" ; rdfs:label " termobarometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26028termobilancia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26028termobilancia is termobilancia" ; rdfs:label " termobilancia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26032termocoppia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26032termocoppia is termocoppia" ; rdfs:label " termocoppia_as_Group" . inds:USemTH26033termodinamica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26033termodinamica is termodinamica" ; rdfs:label " termodinamica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH26037termoestesiometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26037termoestesiometro is termoestesiometro" ; rdfs:label " termoestesiometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26041termografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26041termografo is termografo" ; rdfs:label " termografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26043termoigrografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26043termoigrografo is termoigrografo" ; rdfs:label " termoigrografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26045termoisolante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26045termoisolante is termoisolante" ; rdfs:label " termoisolante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26046termomagnetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26046termomagnetismo is termomagnetismo" ; rdfs:label " termomagnetismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH26048termomanometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26048termomanometro is termomanometro" ; rdfs:label " termomanometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26050termometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26050termometria is termometria" ; rdfs:label " termometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH26054termotropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26054termotropismo is termotropismo" ; rdfs:label " termotropismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH26057termovisore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26057termovisore is termovisore" ; rdfs:label " termovisore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26058terotecnologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26058terotecnologa is terotecnologa" ; rdfs:label " terotecnologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26060terotecnologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26060terotecnologo is terotecnologo" ; rdfs:label " terotecnologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26062terpene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26062terpene is terpene" ; rdfs:label " terpene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26063terramaricola simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26063terramaricola is terramaricola" ; rdfs:label " terramaricola_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH26065terramaricolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26065terramaricolo is terramaricolo" ; rdfs:label " terramaricolo_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH26067terrazzana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26067terrazzana is terrazzana" ; rdfs:label " terrazzana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26069terrazzano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26069terrazzano is terrazzano" ; rdfs:label " terrazzano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2606eziolamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2606eziolamento is eziolamento" ; rdfs:label " eziolamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH26071terrazziere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26071terrazziere is terrazziere" ; rdfs:label " terrazziere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26075terrenita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26075terrenita1 is terrenita'" ; rdfs:label " terrenita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26076terrestrita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26076terrestrita1 is terrestrita'" ; rdfs:label " terrestrita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26077terribilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26077terribilismo is terribilismo" ; rdfs:label " terribilismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26079territorialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26079territorialismo is territorialismo" ; rdfs:label " territorialismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH26081territorialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26081territorialita1 is territorialita'" ; rdfs:label " territorialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26082tersita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26082tersita1 is tersita'" ; rdfs:label " tersita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26083terza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26083terza is terza" ; rdfs:label " terza_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH26084terzava simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26084terzava is terzava" ; rdfs:label " terzava_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH26086terzavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26086terzavo is terzavo" ; rdfs:label " terzavo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH26088terzavola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26088terzavola is terzavola" ; rdfs:label " terzavola_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH26090terzavolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26090terzavolo is terzavolo" ; rdfs:label " terzavolo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH26092terziere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26092terziere is terziere" ; rdfs:label " terziere_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26094terzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26094terzista is terzista" ; rdfs:label " terzista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26097terzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26097terzo is terzo" ; rdfs:label " terzo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26099terzodecimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26099terzodecimo is terzodecimo" ; rdfs:label " terzodecimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26100terzogenita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26100terzogenita is terzogenita" ; rdfs:label " terzogenita_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH26102terzogenito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26102terzogenito is terzogenito" ; rdfs:label " terzogenito_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH26105terzomondista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26105terzomondista is terzomondista" ; rdfs:label " terzomondista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26108terzonata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26108terzonata is terzonata" ; rdfs:label " terzonata_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH26110terzonato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26110terzonato is terzonato" ; rdfs:label " terzonato_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH26112terzultima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26112terzultima is terzultima" ; rdfs:label " terzultima_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26114terzultimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26114terzultimo is terzultimo" ; rdfs:label " terzultimo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2611farneticamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2611farneticamento is farneticamento" ; rdfs:label " farneticamento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26120tesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26120tesi is tesi" ; rdfs:label " tesi_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH26126tessala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26126tessala is tessala" ; rdfs:label " tessala_as_People" . inds:USemTH26129tessalico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26129tessalico is tessalico" ; rdfs:label " tessalico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH2612favoleggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2612favoleggiamento is favoleggiamento" ; rdfs:label " favoleggiamento_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH26131tessalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26131tessalo is tessalo" ; rdfs:label " tessalo_as_People" . inds:USemTH26133tessana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26133tessana is tessana" ; rdfs:label " tessana_as_People" . inds:USemTH26135tessano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26135tessano is tessano" ; rdfs:label " tessano_as_People" . inds:USemTH26139testabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26139testabilita1 is testabilita'" ; rdfs:label " testabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26140testarda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26140testarda is testarda" ; rdfs:label " testarda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26142testardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26142testardo is testardo" ; rdfs:label " testardo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26148teste simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26148teste is teste" ; rdfs:label " teste_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26150testicolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26150testicolo is testicolo" ; rdfs:label " testicolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH26152testimonio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26152testimonio is testimonio" ; rdfs:label " testimonio_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26155testista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26155testista is testista" ; rdfs:label " testista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26158tetania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26158tetania is tetania" ; rdfs:label " tetania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26159tetraborato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26159tetraborato is tetraborato" ; rdfs:label " tetraborato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26160tetrabromuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26160tetrabromuro is tetrabromuro" ; rdfs:label " tetrabromuro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26161tetracloruro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26161tetracloruro is tetracloruro" ; rdfs:label " tetracloruro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26162tetrade simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26162tetrade is tetrade" ; rdfs:label " tetrade_as_Group" . inds:USemTH26163tetraedro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26163tetraedro is tetraedro" ; rdfs:label " tetraedro_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH26164tetrafluoruro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26164tetrafluoruro is tetrafluoruro" ; rdfs:label " tetrafluoruro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26165tetraioduro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26165tetraioduro is tetraioduro" ; rdfs:label " tetraioduro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26167tetrametro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26167tetrametro is tetrametro" ; rdfs:label " tetrametro_as_Group" . inds:USemTH26168tetrarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26168tetrarca is tetrarca" ; rdfs:label " tetrarca_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH2616fibrocementoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2616fibrocementoN is fibrocemento" ; rdfs:label " fibrocemento_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26170tetrossido simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26170tetrossido is tetrossido" ; rdfs:label " tetrossido_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26171tettuccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26171tettuccio is tettuccio" ; rdfs:label " tettuccio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26172teucra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26172teucra is teucra" ; rdfs:label " teucra_as_People" . inds:USemTH26174teucro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26174teucro is teucro" ; rdfs:label " teucro_as_People" . inds:USemTH26176teurga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26176teurga is teurga" ; rdfs:label " teurga_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH26178teurgo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26178teurgo is teurgo" ; rdfs:label " teurgo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH26180texana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26180texana is texana" ; rdfs:label " texana_as_People" . inds:USemTH26182texano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26182texano is texano" ; rdfs:label " texano_as_People" . inds:USemTH26185thyratron simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26185thyratron is thyratron" ; rdfs:label " thyratron_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26186tic simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26186tic is tic" ; rdfs:label " tic_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26189tiflografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26189tiflografo is tiflografo" ; rdfs:label " tiflografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26192tifosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26192tifosi is tifosi" ; rdfs:label " tifosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26196tigrato simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26196tigrato is tigrato" ; rdfs:label " tigrato_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH26200tigrotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26200tigrotto is tigrotto" ; rdfs:label " tigrotto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH26203timida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26203timida is timida" ; rdfs:label " timida_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26205timido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26205timido is timido" ; rdfs:label " timido_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26207timolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26207timolo is timolo" ; rdfs:label " timolo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26213timpanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26213timpanismo is timpanismo" ; rdfs:label " timpanismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26215timpanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26215timpanista is timpanista" ; rdfs:label " timpanista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH2621fomento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2621fomento is fomento" ; rdfs:label " fomento_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26223tiorbista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26223tiorbista is tiorbista" ; rdfs:label " tiorbista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH26226tiosolfato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26226tiosolfato is tiosolfato" ; rdfs:label " tiosolfato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26227tipi simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26227tipi is tipi" ; rdfs:label " tipi_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH26228tipicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26228tipicita1 is tipicita'" ; rdfs:label " tipicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH26231tipografico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26231tipografico is tipografico" ; rdfs:label " tipografico_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH26233tipometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26233tipometro is tipometro" ; rdfs:label " tipometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26235tirabaci simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26235tirabaci is tirabaci" ; rdfs:label " tirabaci_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26236tirabozze simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26236tirabozze is tirabozze" ; rdfs:label " tirabozze_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26237tirabrace simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26237tirabrace is tirabrace" ; rdfs:label " tirabrace_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26238tiracatena simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26238tiracatena is tiracatena" ; rdfs:label " tiracatena_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26239tirafilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26239tirafilo is tirafilo" ; rdfs:label " tirafilo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26241tiraforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26241tiraforme is tiraforme" ; rdfs:label " tiraforme_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26242tiralatte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26242tiralatte is tiralatte" ; rdfs:label " tiralatte_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26243tiralinee simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26243tiralinee is tiralinee" ; rdfs:label " tiralinee_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26244tiraloro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26244tiraloro is tiraloro" ; rdfs:label " tiraloro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26248tiramolle simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26248tiramolle is tiramolle" ; rdfs:label " tiramolle_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26250tiraolio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26250tiraolio is tiraolio" ; rdfs:label " tiraolio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26251tiraprove simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26251tiraprove is tiraprove" ; rdfs:label " tiraprove_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26252tirapugni simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26252tirapugni is tirapugni" ; rdfs:label " tirapugni_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26253tirastivali simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26253tirastivali is tirastivali" ; rdfs:label " tirastivali_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26254tirasuole simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26254tirasuole is tirasuole" ; rdfs:label " tirasuole_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26257tiratutti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26257tiratutti is tiratutti" ; rdfs:label " tiratutti_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26259tiravolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26259tiravolista is tiravolista" ; rdfs:label " tiravolista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26262tireosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26262tireosi is tireosi" ; rdfs:label " tireosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26263tireotossicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26263tireotossicosi is tireotossicosi" ; rdfs:label " tireotossicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26265tiroidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26265tiroidismo is tiroidismo" ; rdfs:label " tiroidismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26267tiroidite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26267tiroidite is tiroidite" ; rdfs:label " tiroidite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26268tirrena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26268tirrena is tirrena" ; rdfs:label " tirrena_as_People" . inds:USemTH26270tirreno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26270tirreno is tirreno" ; rdfs:label " tirreno_as_People" . inds:USemTH26273tisiatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26273tisiatra is tisiatra" ; rdfs:label " tisiatra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26276tisiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26276tisiologa is tisiologa" ; rdfs:label " tisiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26278tisiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26278tisiologo is tisiologo" ; rdfs:label " tisiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26280titanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26280titanismo is titanismo" ; rdfs:label " titanismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH26284titina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26284titina is titina" ; rdfs:label " titina_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH26286titino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26286titino is titino" ; rdfs:label " titino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH26287titoismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26287titoismo is titoismo" ; rdfs:label " titoismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH26290titoista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26290titoista is titoista" ; rdfs:label " titoista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH26294titolata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26294titolata is titolata" ; rdfs:label " titolata_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH26296titolato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26296titolato is titolato" ; rdfs:label " titolato_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH26299titolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26299titolista is titolista" ; rdfs:label " titolista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26302titolone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26302titolone is titolone" ; rdfs:label " titolone_as_Information" . inds:USemTH26310toccatutto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26310toccatutto is toccatutto" ; rdfs:label " toccatutto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26312todina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26312todina is todina" ; rdfs:label " todina_as_People" . inds:USemTH26314todino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26314todino is todino" ; rdfs:label " todino_as_People" . inds:USemTH26316tofo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26316tofo is tofo" ; rdfs:label " tofo_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USemTH26322tollerabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26322tollerabilita1 is tollerabilita'" ; rdfs:label " tollerabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26330tomismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26330tomismo is tomismo" ; rdfs:label " tomismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH26333tomista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26333tomista is tomista" ; rdfs:label " tomista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH26336tomografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26336tomografo is tomografo" ; rdfs:label " tomografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26338tonalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26338tonalismo is tonalismo" ; rdfs:label " tonalismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26340tonalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26340tonalita1 is tonalita'" ; rdfs:label " tonalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26344tondino simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26344tondino is tondino" ; rdfs:label " tondino_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH26346tonificante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26346tonificante is tonificante" ; rdfs:label " tonificante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26348tonnarotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26348tonnarotto is tonnarotto" ; rdfs:label " tonnarotto_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH2634fumento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2634fumento is fumento" ; rdfs:label " fumento_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26351tonometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26351tonometria is tonometria" ; rdfs:label " tonometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH26352tonometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26352tonometro is tonometro" ; rdfs:label " tonometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26355tonsuranda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26355tonsuranda is tonsuranda" ; rdfs:label " tonsuranda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26357tonsurando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26357tonsurando is tonsurando" ; rdfs:label " tonsurando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26359tonsurata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26359tonsurata is tonsurata" ; rdfs:label " tonsurata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26361tonsurato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26361tonsurato is tonsurato" ; rdfs:label " tonsurato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26362tonta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26362tonta is tonta" ; rdfs:label " tonta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26364tonto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26364tonto is tonto" ; rdfs:label " tonto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26369topino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26369topino is topino" ; rdfs:label " topino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH26370torbida simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26370torbida is torbida" ; rdfs:label " torbida_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26371torbidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26371torbidita1 is torbidita'" ; rdfs:label " torbidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26372torchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26372torchio is torchio" ; rdfs:label " torchio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26374torciere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26374torciere is torciere" ; rdfs:label " torciere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26375torciglione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26375torciglione is torciglione" ; rdfs:label " torciglione_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26377torcimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26377torcimetro is torcimetro" ; rdfs:label " torcimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26379torcoliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26379torcoliere is torcoliere" ; rdfs:label " torcoliere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26381torio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26381torio is torio" ; rdfs:label " torio_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26392torpedo simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26392torpedo is torpedo" ; rdfs:label " torpedo_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH26393torpidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26393torpidita1 is torpidita'" ; rdfs:label " torpidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26398torriere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26398torriere is torriere" ; rdfs:label " torriere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26400torsiometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26400torsiometro is torsiometro" ; rdfs:label " torsiometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26403tortaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26403tortaia is tortaia" ; rdfs:label " tortaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26405tortaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26405tortaio is tortaio" ; rdfs:label " tortaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26406tortellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26406tortellone is tortellone" ; rdfs:label " tortellone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH26407tortiglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26407tortiglione is tortiglione" ; rdfs:label " tortiglione_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH26410tosacani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26410tosacani is tosacani" ; rdfs:label " tosacani_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26412tosaerba simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26412tosaerba is tosaerba" ; rdfs:label " tosaerba_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26414tosasiepi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26414tosasiepi is tosasiepi" ; rdfs:label " tosasiepi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26418tosca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26418tosca is tosca" ; rdfs:label " tosca_as_People" . inds:USemTH26420toscanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26420toscanismo is toscanismo" ; rdfs:label " toscanismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH26421toscanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26421toscanismo is toscanismo" ; rdfs:label " toscanismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH26422toscanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26422toscanita1 is toscanita'" ; rdfs:label " toscanita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26423tosco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26423tosco is tosco" ; rdfs:label " tosco_as_People" . inds:USemTH26425tossicofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26425tossicofila is tossicofila" ; rdfs:label " tossicofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26427tossicofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26427tossicofilo is tossicofilo" ; rdfs:label " tossicofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26429tossicologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26429tossicologa is tossicologa" ; rdfs:label " tossicologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26431tossicologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26431tossicologo is tossicologo" ; rdfs:label " tossicologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26433tossicolosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26433tossicolosa is tossicolosa" ; rdfs:label " tossicolosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26435tossicoloso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26435tossicoloso is tossicoloso" ; rdfs:label " tossicoloso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26437tossicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26437tossicosi is tossicosi" ; rdfs:label " tossicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH2643gelamento simple:hasConcerns inds:USemD1479temperatura ; simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2643gelamento is gelamento" ; rdfs:label " gelamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH26451totalrifrattometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26451totalrifrattometro is totalrifrattometro" ; rdfs:label " totalrifrattometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26453totip simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26453totip is totip" ; rdfs:label " totip_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH26454toxoplasmosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26454toxoplasmosi is toxoplasmosi" ; rdfs:label " toxoplasmosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26457tracagnotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26457tracagnotta is tracagnotta" ; rdfs:label " tracagnotta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26459tracagnotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26459tracagnotto is tracagnotto" ; rdfs:label " tracagnotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26465traccagna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26465traccagna is traccagna" ; rdfs:label " traccagna_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26467traccagno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26467traccagno is traccagno" ; rdfs:label " traccagno_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26469traccagnotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26469traccagnotta is traccagnotta" ; rdfs:label " traccagnotta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26471traccagnotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26471traccagnotto is traccagnotto" ; rdfs:label " traccagnotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26483tracia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26483tracia is tracia" ; rdfs:label " tracia_as_People" . inds:USemTH26485tracio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26485tracio is tracio" ; rdfs:label " tracio_as_People" . inds:USemTH26488tracoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26488tracoma is tracoma" ; rdfs:label " tracoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26489tracomatosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26489tracomatosa is tracomatosa" ; rdfs:label " tracomatosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26491tracomatoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26491tracomatoso is tracomatoso" ; rdfs:label " tracomatoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26493traduciana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26493traduciana is traduciana" ; rdfs:label " traduciana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH26495traduciano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26495traduciano is traduciano" ; rdfs:label " traduciano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH26497tradunionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26497tradunionismo is tradunionismo" ; rdfs:label " tradunionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH26499traente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26499traente is traente" ; rdfs:label " traente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH2649giumento simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2649giumento is giumento" ; rdfs:label " giumento_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH26507traffichina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26507traffichina is traffichina" ; rdfs:label " traffichina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26509traffichino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26509traffichino is traffichino" ; rdfs:label " traffichino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26525trageda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26525trageda is trageda" ; rdfs:label " trageda_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26530tragediografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26530tragediografa is tragediografa" ; rdfs:label " tragediografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26532tragediografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26532tragediografo is tragediografo" ; rdfs:label " tragediografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26534tragedo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26534tragedo is tragedo" ; rdfs:label " tragedo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26538tragica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26538tragica is tragica" ; rdfs:label " tragica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26540tragicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26540tragicita1 is tragicita'" ; rdfs:label " tragicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26541tragico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26541tragico is tragico" ; rdfs:label " tragico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26542tragico simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26542tragico is tragico" ; rdfs:label " tragico_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26543tragicomica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26543tragicomica is tragicomica" ; rdfs:label " tragicomica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26545tragicomico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26545tragicomico is tragicomico" ; rdfs:label " tragicomico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26550tramagnino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26550tramagnino is tramagnino" ; rdfs:label " tramagnino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26562tramoggia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26562tramoggia is tramoggia" ; rdfs:label " tramoggia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26563tramoggiaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26563tramoggiaia is tramoggiaia" ; rdfs:label " tramoggiaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26565tramoggiaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26565tramoggiaio is tramoggiaio" ; rdfs:label " tramoggiaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26572tramvai simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26572tramvai is tramvai" ; rdfs:label " tramvai_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH26580trancista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26580trancista is trancista" ; rdfs:label " trancista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26588transaminasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26588transaminasi is transaminasi" ; rdfs:label " transaminasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH26596transitabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26596transitabilita1 is transitabilita'" ; rdfs:label " transitabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26597transitaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26597transitaria is transitaria" ; rdfs:label " transitaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26599transitario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26599transitario is transitario" ; rdfs:label " transitario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26601transitivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26601transitivita1 is transitivita'" ; rdfs:label " transitivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26602transitorieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26602transitorieta1 is transitorieta'" ; rdfs:label " transitorieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26603transitorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26603transitorio is transitorio" ; rdfs:label " transitorio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH26604transpadana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26604transpadana is transpadana" ; rdfs:label " transpadana_as_People" . inds:USemTH26606transpadano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26606transpadano is transpadano" ; rdfs:label " transpadano_as_People" . inds:USemTH26608tranvai simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26608tranvai is tranvai" ; rdfs:label " tranvai_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH26616trapanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26616trapanista is trapanista" ; rdfs:label " trapanista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH2661guarnimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2661guarnimento is guarnimento" ; rdfs:label " guarnimento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26628trapezista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26628trapezista is trapezista" ; rdfs:label " trapezista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26632trapiantista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26632trapiantista is trapiantista" ; rdfs:label " trapiantista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26636trappista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26636trappista is trappista" ; rdfs:label " trappista_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH2663ibernamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2663ibernamento is ibernamento" ; rdfs:label " ibernamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH26645trascendentalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26645trascendentalita1 is trascendentalita'" ; rdfs:label " trascendentalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26646trascendentismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26646trascendentismo is trascendentismo" ; rdfs:label " trascendentismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH26655trascurabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26655trascurabilita1 is trascurabilita'" ; rdfs:label " trascurabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26656trascurata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26656trascurata is trascurata" ; rdfs:label " trascurata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26658trascurato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26658trascurato is trascurato" ; rdfs:label " trascurato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26662trasferibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26662trasferibilita1 is trasferibilita'" ; rdfs:label " trasferibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26664trasfertista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26664trasfertista is trasfertista" ; rdfs:label " trasfertista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH2666illuminamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2666illuminamento is illuminamento" ; rdfs:label " illuminamento_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH26670trasformabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26670trasformabilita1 is trasformabilita'" ; rdfs:label " trasformabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26672trasformazionalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26672trasformazionalista is trasformazionalista" ; rdfs:label " trasformazionalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH26686trasmissibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26686trasmissibilita1 is trasmissibilita'" ; rdfs:label " trasmissibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26688trasmutabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26688trasmutabilita1 is trasmutabilita'" ; rdfs:label " trasmutabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26694traspadana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26694traspadana is traspadana" ; rdfs:label " traspadana_as_People" . inds:USemTH26696traspadano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26696traspadano is traspadano" ; rdfs:label " traspadano_as_People" . inds:USemTH26698trasparente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26698trasparente is trasparente" ; rdfs:label " trasparente_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH2669imbasamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2669imbasamento is imbasamento" ; rdfs:label " imbasamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26701trasportata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26701trasportata is trasportata" ; rdfs:label " trasportata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26703trasportato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26703trasportato is trasportato" ; rdfs:label " trasportato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26711trassato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26711trassato is trassato" ; rdfs:label " trassato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26713trasteverina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26713trasteverina is trasteverina" ; rdfs:label " trasteverina_as_People" . inds:USemTH26715trasteverino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26715trasteverino is trasteverino" ; rdfs:label " trasteverino_as_People" . inds:USemTH26724trasverso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26724trasverso is trasverso" ; rdfs:label " trasverso_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26729trattabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26729trattabilita1 is trattabilita'" ; rdfs:label " trattabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26730trattario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26730trattario is trattario" ; rdfs:label " trattario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26733trattatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26733trattatista is trattatista" ; rdfs:label " trattatista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26746trattorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26746trattorista is trattorista" ; rdfs:label " trattorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26770travata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26770travata is travata" ; rdfs:label " travata_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26772traverso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26772traverso is traverso" ; rdfs:label " traverso_as_Location" . inds:USemTH26777travetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26777travetto is travetto" ; rdfs:label " travetto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26783trealberi simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26783trealberi is trealberi" ; rdfs:label " trealberi_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH26784trecciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26784trecciaia is trecciaia" ; rdfs:label " trecciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26786trecciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26786trecciaio is trecciaio" ; rdfs:label " trecciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26788trecciaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26788trecciaiola is trecciaiola" ; rdfs:label " trecciaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26790trecciaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26790trecciaiolo is trecciaiolo" ; rdfs:label " trecciaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26793trecentesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26793trecentesimo is trecentesimo" ; rdfs:label " trecentesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26795trecentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26795trecentista is trecentista" ; rdfs:label " trecentista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26799tredicesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26799tredicesimo is tredicesimo" ; rdfs:label " tredicesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26801tredicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26801tredicista is tredicista" ; rdfs:label " tredicista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26809trematode simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26809trematode is trematode" ; rdfs:label " trematode_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH26810tremendismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26810tremendismo is tremendismo" ; rdfs:label " tremendismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26812trementina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26812trementina is trementina" ; rdfs:label " trementina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26813tremolante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26813tremolante is tremolante" ; rdfs:label " tremolante_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26815trentaduesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26815trentaduesimo is trentaduesimo" ; rdfs:label " trentaduesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26816trentennale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26816trentennale is trentennale" ; rdfs:label " trentennale_as_Time" . inds:USemTH26818trentesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26818trentesimo is trentesimo" ; rdfs:label " trentesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26819treponema simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26819treponema is treponema" ; rdfs:label " treponema_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH26820treruote simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26820treruote is treruote" ; rdfs:label " treruote_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH26822tresette simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26822tresette is tresette" ; rdfs:label " tresette_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH26823treviere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26823treviere is treviere" ; rdfs:label " treviere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26825trevigiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26825trevigiana is trevigiana" ; rdfs:label " trevigiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH26830trial simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26830trial is trial" ; rdfs:label " trial_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH26831trialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26831trialismo is trialismo" ; rdfs:label " trialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH26834trialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26834trialista is trialista" ; rdfs:label " trialista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26837triangolarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26837triangolarita1 is triangolarita'" ; rdfs:label " triangolarita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH26840tribalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26840tribalismo is tribalismo" ; rdfs:label " tribalismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH26842triboelettricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26842triboelettricita1 is triboelettricita'" ; rdfs:label " triboelettricita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH26844tribolata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26844tribolata is tribolata" ; rdfs:label " tribolata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH26846tribolato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26846tribolato is tribolato" ; rdfs:label " tribolato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH26853tributarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26853tributarista is tributarista" ; rdfs:label " tributarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26856trichinosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26856trichinosi is trichinosi" ; rdfs:label " trichinosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26857tricloruro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26857tricloruro is tricloruro" ; rdfs:label " tricloruro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26858tricofizia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26858tricofizia is tricofizia" ; rdfs:label " tricofizia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26860tricologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26860tricologa is tricologa" ; rdfs:label " tricologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26862tricologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26862tricologo is tricologo" ; rdfs:label " tricologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26864tricoptilosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26864tricoptilosi is tricoptilosi" ; rdfs:label " tricoptilosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26865tricosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26865tricosi is tricosi" ; rdfs:label " tricosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26866tridimensionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26866tridimensionalita1 is tridimensionalita'" ; rdfs:label " tridimensionalita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH26867triennalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26867triennalita1 is triennalita'" ; rdfs:label " triennalita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH26868trierarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26868trierarca is trierarca" ; rdfs:label " trierarca_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH2686immaginamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2686immaginamento is immaginamento" ; rdfs:label " immaginamento_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH26872triestinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26872triestinita1 is triestinita'" ; rdfs:label " triestinita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH26873trigonometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26873trigonometria is trigonometria" ; rdfs:label " trigonometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH26874trilinguismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26874trilinguismo is trilinguismo" ; rdfs:label " trilinguismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH26877trilionesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26877trilionesimo is trilionesimo" ; rdfs:label " trilionesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26879trimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26879trimetro is trimetro" ; rdfs:label " trimetro_as_Part" . inds:USemTH26889trincerone simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26889trincerone is trincerone" ; rdfs:label " trincerone_as_Building" . inds:USemTH26890trinciante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26890trinciante is trinciante" ; rdfs:label " trinciante_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26893trinciatuberi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26893trinciatuberi is trinciatuberi" ; rdfs:label " trinciatuberi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26898trinitario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26898trinitario is trinitario" ; rdfs:label " trinitario_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH26899trinitario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26899trinitario is trinitario" ; rdfs:label " trinitario_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH26901trionfalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26901trionfalista is trionfalista" ; rdfs:label " trionfalista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26906triossido simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26906triossido is triossido" ; rdfs:label " triossido_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH26907tripanosomiasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26907tripanosomiasi is tripanosomiasi" ; rdfs:label " tripanosomiasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26908tripartitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26908tripartitismo is tripartitismo" ; rdfs:label " tripartitismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH26912triplicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26912triplicita1 is triplicita'" ; rdfs:label " triplicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26916triplista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26916triplista is triplista" ; rdfs:label " triplista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26917triplometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26917triplometro is triplometro" ; rdfs:label " triplometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26919tripolarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26919tripolarismo is tripolarismo" ; rdfs:label " tripolarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH26923tripolitana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26923tripolitana is tripolitana" ; rdfs:label " tripolitana_as_People" . inds:USemTH26925tripolitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26925tripolitano is tripolitano" ; rdfs:label " tripolitano_as_People" . inds:USemTH26927trippaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26927trippaia is trippaia" ; rdfs:label " trippaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26929trippaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26929trippaio is trippaio" ; rdfs:label " trippaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26936trisava simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26936trisava is trisava" ; rdfs:label " trisava_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH26938trisavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26938trisavo is trisavo" ; rdfs:label " trisavo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH26942trissottina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26942trissottina is trissottina" ; rdfs:label " trissottina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26944trissottino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26944trissottino is trissottino" ; rdfs:label " trissottino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH26946tritaghiaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26946tritaghiaccio is tritaghiaccio" ; rdfs:label " tritaghiaccio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26949tritagonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26949tritagonista is tritagonista" ; rdfs:label " tritagonista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH26952tritaimballaggi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26952tritaimballaggi is tritaimballaggi" ; rdfs:label " tritaimballaggi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26955tritaossa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26955tritaossa is tritaossa" ; rdfs:label " tritaossa_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26957tritaprezzemolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26957tritaprezzemolo is tritaprezzemolo" ; rdfs:label " tritaprezzemolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26959tritarifiuti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26959tritarifiuti is tritarifiuti" ; rdfs:label " tritarifiuti_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26965tritatutto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26965tritatutto is tritatutto" ; rdfs:label " tritatutto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26967triteismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26967triteismo is triteismo" ; rdfs:label " triteismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH2696impiantamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2696impiantamento is impiantamento" ; rdfs:label " impiantamento_as_Group" . inds:USemTH26970triteista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26970triteista is triteista" ; rdfs:label " triteista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH26975trivella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26975trivella is trivella" ; rdfs:label " trivella_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH26980trivialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26980trivialita1 is trivialita'" ; rdfs:label " trivialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH26983trofoblasto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26983trofoblasto is trofoblasto" ; rdfs:label " trofoblasto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH26984trofoneurosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26984trofoneurosi is trofoneurosi" ; rdfs:label " trofoneurosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH26985trogloditismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26985trogloditismo is trogloditismo" ; rdfs:label " trogloditismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH26987trogolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26987trogolo is trogolo" ; rdfs:label " trogolo_as_Container" . inds:USemTH26989trombaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26989trombaia is trombaia" ; rdfs:label " trombaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26991trombaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26991trombaio is trombaio" ; rdfs:label " trombaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH26996trombonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH26996trombonista is trombonista" ; rdfs:label " trombonista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH27003tronchetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27003tronchetto is tronchetto" ; rdfs:label " tronchetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27004tropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27004tropismo is tropismo" ; rdfs:label " tropismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH27010trottapiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27010trottapiano is trottapiano" ; rdfs:label " trottapiano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27016trotzkista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27016trotzkista is trotzkista" ; rdfs:label " trotzkista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27019trovadore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27019trovadore is trovadore" ; rdfs:label " trovadore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27026troviero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27026troviero is troviero" ; rdfs:label " troviero_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27036truffaldina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27036truffaldina is truffaldina" ; rdfs:label " truffaldina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27038truffaldino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27038truffaldino is truffaldino" ; rdfs:label " truffaldino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27040truffata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27040truffata is truffata" ; rdfs:label " truffata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH27042truffato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27042truffato is truffato" ; rdfs:label " truffato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH27044tubercolina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27044tubercolina is tubercolina" ; rdfs:label " tubercolina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH27045tubercolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27045tubercolo is tubercolo" ; rdfs:label " tubercolo_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USemTH27046tubercoloma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27046tubercoloma is tubercoloma" ; rdfs:label " tubercoloma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27047tubercolosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27047tubercolosa is tubercolosa" ; rdfs:label " tubercolosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27049tubercolosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27049tubercolosi is tubercolosi" ; rdfs:label " tubercolosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27050tubercoloso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27050tubercoloso is tubercoloso" ; rdfs:label " tubercoloso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27052tubercolotica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27052tubercolotica is tubercolotica" ; rdfs:label " tubercolotica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27054tubercolotico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27054tubercolotico is tubercolotico" ; rdfs:label " tubercolotico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27058tubista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27058tubista is tubista" ; rdfs:label " tubista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27061tubulare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27061tubulare is tubulare" ; rdfs:label " tubulare_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27062tubulo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27062tubulo is tubulo" ; rdfs:label " tubulo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27063tudera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27063tudera is tudera" ; rdfs:label " tudera_as_People" . inds:USemTH27065tudero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27065tudero is tudero" ; rdfs:label " tudero_as_People" . inds:USemTH27067tudertina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27067tudertina is tudertina" ; rdfs:label " tudertina_as_People" . inds:USemTH27069tudertino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27069tudertino is tudertino" ; rdfs:label " tudertino_as_People" . inds:USemTH27072tuffismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27072tuffismo is tuffismo" ; rdfs:label " tuffismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH27075tuffista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27075tuffista is tuffista" ; rdfs:label " tuffista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH27080tuia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27080tuia is tuia" ; rdfs:label " tuia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH27081tularemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27081tularemia is tularemia" ; rdfs:label " tularemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27083tulliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27083tulliano is tulliano" ; rdfs:label " tulliano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27085tummistufi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27085tummistufi is tummistufi" ; rdfs:label " tummistufi_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27087tungusa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27087tungusa is tungusa" ; rdfs:label " tungusa_as_People" . inds:USemTH27089tunguso simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27089tunguso is tunguso" ; rdfs:label " tunguso_as_Language" . inds:USemTH27090tunguso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27090tunguso is tunguso" ; rdfs:label " tunguso_as_People" . inds:USemTH27092turabottiglie simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27092turabottiglie is turabottiglie" ; rdfs:label " turabottiglie_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27093turabuchi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27093turabuchi is turabuchi" ; rdfs:label " turabuchi_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27095turacciolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27095turacciolaia is turacciolaia" ; rdfs:label " turacciolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27097turacciolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27097turacciolaio is turacciolaio" ; rdfs:label " turacciolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27099turafalle simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27099turafalle is turafalle" ; rdfs:label " turafalle_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27106turbidimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27106turbidimetro is turbidimetro" ; rdfs:label " turbidimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27110turbinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27110turbinista is turbinista" ; rdfs:label " turbinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27113turbogetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27113turbogetto is turbogetto" ; rdfs:label " turbogetto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27114turbolenta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27114turbolenta is turbolenta" ; rdfs:label " turbolenta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27116turbolento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27116turbolento is turbolento" ; rdfs:label " turbolento_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27119turbopropulsore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27119turbopropulsore is turbopropulsore" ; rdfs:label " turbopropulsore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27121turbulenta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27121turbulenta is turbulenta" ; rdfs:label " turbulenta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27123turbulento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27123turbulento is turbulento" ; rdfs:label " turbulento_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27125turchesca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27125turchesca is turchesca" ; rdfs:label " turchesca_as_People" . inds:USemTH27127turchesco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27127turchesco is turchesco" ; rdfs:label " turchesco_as_People" . inds:USemTH27130turchinetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27130turchinetto is turchinetto" ; rdfs:label " turchinetto_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH27133turchismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27133turchismo is turchismo" ; rdfs:label " turchismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH27136turcimanno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27136turcimanno is turcimanno" ; rdfs:label " turcimanno_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27138turcologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27138turcologa is turcologa" ; rdfs:label " turcologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27140turcologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27140turcologo is turcologo" ; rdfs:label " turcologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27143turiferaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27143turiferaria is turiferaria" ; rdfs:label " turiferaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27145turiferario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27145turiferario is turiferario" ; rdfs:label " turiferario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27147turingiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27147turingiana is turingiana" ; rdfs:label " turingiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH27149turingiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27149turingiano is turingiano" ; rdfs:label " turingiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH27155turmarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27155turmarca is turmarca" ; rdfs:label " turmarca_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH27158turnista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27158turnista is turnista" ; rdfs:label " turnista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27161turpita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27161turpita1 is turpita'" ; rdfs:label " turpita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27162turritana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27162turritana is turritana" ; rdfs:label " turritana_as_People" . inds:USemTH27164turritano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27164turritano is turritano" ; rdfs:label " turritano_as_People" . inds:USemTH27166tuttologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27166tuttologa is tuttologa" ; rdfs:label " tuttologa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27168tuttologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27168tuttologo is tuttologo" ; rdfs:label " tuttologo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27170tuziorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27170tuziorismo is tuziorismo" ; rdfs:label " tuziorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH27173tuziorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27173tuziorista is tuziorista" ; rdfs:label " tuziorista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27179ubbriaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27179ubbriaca is ubbriaca" ; rdfs:label " ubbriaca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27181ubbriaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27181ubbriaco is ubbriaco" ; rdfs:label " ubbriaco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27183ubertosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27183ubertosita1 is ubertosita'" ; rdfs:label " ubertosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27185ubiquista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27185ubiquista is ubiquista" ; rdfs:label " ubiquista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27188ubiquitaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27188ubiquitaria is ubiquitaria" ; rdfs:label " ubiquitaria_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27190ubiquitario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27190ubiquitario is ubiquitario" ; rdfs:label " ubiquitario_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27197uccellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27197uccellaia is uccellaia" ; rdfs:label " uccellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27199uccellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27199uccellaio is uccellaio" ; rdfs:label " uccellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27201uccellame simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27201uccellame is uccellame" ; rdfs:label " uccellame_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH27207uccellinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27207uccellinaia is uccellinaia" ; rdfs:label " uccellinaia_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27209uccellinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27209uccellinaio is uccellinaio" ; rdfs:label " uccellinaio_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27217uccisa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27217uccisa is uccisa" ; rdfs:label " uccisa_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH27219ucciso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27219ucciso is ucciso" ; rdfs:label " ucciso_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH27221udometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27221udometro is udometro" ; rdfs:label " udometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27225ufficialetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27225ufficialetto is ufficialetto" ; rdfs:label " ufficialetto_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27227ufficialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27227ufficialita1 is ufficialita'" ; rdfs:label " ufficialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH2722incalorimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2722incalorimento is incalorimento" ; rdfs:label " incalorimento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27232ufficiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27232ufficiosita1 is ufficiosita'" ; rdfs:label " ufficiosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27233ufologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27233ufologa is ufologa" ; rdfs:label " ufologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27235ufologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27235ufologo is ufologo" ; rdfs:label " ufologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27238ufonauta simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27238ufonauta is ufonauta" ; rdfs:label " ufonauta_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH27241ugello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27241ugello is ugello" ; rdfs:label " ugello_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27242uggiosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27242uggiosa is uggiosa" ; rdfs:label " uggiosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27244uggiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27244uggiosita1 is uggiosita'" ; rdfs:label " uggiosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27245uggioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27245uggioso is uggioso" ; rdfs:label " uggioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27249ugrica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27249ugrica is ugrica" ; rdfs:label " ugrica_as_People" . inds:USemTH27251ugrico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27251ugrico is ugrico" ; rdfs:label " ugrico_as_People" . inds:USemTH27258ugualitaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27258ugualitaria is ugualitaria" ; rdfs:label " ugualitaria_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27260ugualitario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27260ugualitario is ugualitario" ; rdfs:label " ugualitario_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27263ulcerosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27263ulcerosa is ulcerosa" ; rdfs:label " ulcerosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27265ulceroso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27265ulceroso is ulceroso" ; rdfs:label " ulceroso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27267uligana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27267uligana is uligana" ; rdfs:label " uligana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27269uligano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27269uligano is uligano" ; rdfs:label " uligano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27271ultimissima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27271ultimissima is ultimissima" ; rdfs:label " ultimissima_as_Information" . inds:USemTH27277ultra1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27277ultra1 is ultra'" ; rdfs:label " ultra'_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27278ultra1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27278ultra1 is ultra'" ; rdfs:label " ultra'_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27279ultracentenaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27279ultracentenaria is ultracentenaria" ; rdfs:label " ultracentenaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27281ultracentenario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27281ultracentenario is ultracentenario" ; rdfs:label " ultracentenario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27283ultracentrifuga simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27283ultracentrifuga is ultracentrifuga" ; rdfs:label " ultracentrifuga_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27287ultramicrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27287ultramicrometro is ultramicrometro" ; rdfs:label " ultramicrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27289ultramontanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27289ultramontanismo is ultramontanismo" ; rdfs:label " ultramontanismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH27295ululone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27295ululone is ululone" ; rdfs:label " ululone_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH27298umbone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27298umbone is umbone" ; rdfs:label " umbone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27299umbra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27299umbra is umbra" ; rdfs:label " umbra_as_People" . inds:USemTH27301umbro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27301umbro is umbro" ; rdfs:label " umbro_as_People" . inds:USemTH27302umbro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27302umbro is umbro" ; rdfs:label " umbro_as_Language" . inds:USemTH2730incarbonimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2730incarbonimento is incarbonimento" ; rdfs:label " incarbonimento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH27312undicesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27312undicesimo is undicesimo" ; rdfs:label " undicesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27313ungara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27313ungara is ungara" ; rdfs:label " ungara_as_People" . inds:USemTH27315ungaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27315ungaro is ungaro" ; rdfs:label " ungaro_as_People" . inds:USemTH27316ungaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27316ungaro is ungaro" ; rdfs:label " ungaro_as_Money" . inds:USemTH27317unghera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27317unghera is unghera" ; rdfs:label " unghera_as_People" . inds:USemTH27319unghero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27319unghero is unghero" ; rdfs:label " unghero_as_People" . inds:USemTH2731incarceramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2731incarceramento is incarceramento" ; rdfs:label " incarceramento_as_Time" . inds:USemTH27320unghero simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27320unghero is unghero" ; rdfs:label " unghero_as_Money" . inds:USemTH27321unghione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27321unghione is unghione" ; rdfs:label " unghione_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH27328unibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27328unibilita1 is unibilita'" ; rdfs:label " unibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27331unicameralismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27331unicameralismo is unicameralismo" ; rdfs:label " unicameralismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH27333unicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27333unicita1 is unicita'" ; rdfs:label " unicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27337unificabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27337unificabilita1 is unificabilita'" ; rdfs:label " unificabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH2733incartamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2733incartamento is incartamento" ; rdfs:label " incartamento_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH27340uniformita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27340uniformita1 is uniformita'" ; rdfs:label " uniformita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27343unigenito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27343unigenito is unigenito" ; rdfs:label " unigenito_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH27345unimandataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27345unimandataria is unimandataria" ; rdfs:label " unimandataria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27347unimandatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27347unimandatario is unimandatario" ; rdfs:label " unimandatario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH2734incastellamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2734incastellamento is incastellamento" ; rdfs:label " incastellamento_as_Building" . inds:USemTH27351unionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27351unionista is unionista" ; rdfs:label " unionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27355unita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27355unita1 is unita'" ; rdfs:label " unita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27356unitaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27356unitaria is unitaria" ; rdfs:label " unitaria_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27358unitariana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27358unitariana is unitariana" ; rdfs:label " unitariana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27360unitarianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27360unitarianismo is unitarianismo" ; rdfs:label " unitarianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH27362unitariano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27362unitariano is unitariano" ; rdfs:label " unitariano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27364unitario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27364unitario is unitario" ; rdfs:label " unitario_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27366unitarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27366unitarismo is unitarismo" ; rdfs:label " unitarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH27374universalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27374universalista is universalista" ; rdfs:label " universalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27377universalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27377universalita1 is universalita'" ; rdfs:label " universalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27378universalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27378universalita1 is universalita'" ; rdfs:label " universalita'_as_Group" . inds:USemTH27379univoltinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27379univoltinismo is univoltinismo" ; rdfs:label " univoltinismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH2737incerconimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2737incerconimento is incerconimento" ; rdfs:label " incerconimento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27381uno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27381uno is uno" ; rdfs:label " uno_as_Number" . inds:USemTH27382untorella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27382untorella is untorella" ; rdfs:label " untorella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27384untorello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27384untorello is untorello" ; rdfs:label " untorello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27386untosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27386untosita1 is untosita'" ; rdfs:label " untosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27389uralica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27389uralica is uralica" ; rdfs:label " uralica_as_People" . inds:USemTH2738incheccamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2738incheccamento is incheccamento" ; rdfs:label " incheccamento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27391uralico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27391uralico is uralico" ; rdfs:label " uralico_as_People" . inds:USemTH27392uralico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27392uralico is uralico" ; rdfs:label " uralico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH27395uranografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27395uranografa is uranografa" ; rdfs:label " uranografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27397uranografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27397uranografo is uranografo" ; rdfs:label " uranografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27399urato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27399urato is urato" ; rdfs:label " urato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH27400urbanistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27400urbanistica is urbanistica" ; rdfs:label " urbanistica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH27401uremia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27401uremia is uremia" ; rdfs:label " uremia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27402uremica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27402uremica is uremica" ; rdfs:label " uremica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27404uremico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27404uremico is uremico" ; rdfs:label " uremico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27406uretere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27406uretere is uretere" ; rdfs:label " uretere_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH27408uretra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27408uretra is uretra" ; rdfs:label " uretra_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH27410uretrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27410uretrite is uretrite" ; rdfs:label " uretrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27411uricemica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27411uricemica is uricemica" ; rdfs:label " uricemica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27413uricemico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27413uricemico is uricemico" ; rdfs:label " uricemico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2741incistamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2741incistamento is incistamento" ; rdfs:label " incistamento_as_Organic_entity", " incistamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH27423urtante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27423urtante is urtante" ; rdfs:label " urtante_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27428urticaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27428urticaria is urticaria" ; rdfs:label " urticaria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27429usbeca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27429usbeca is usbeca" ; rdfs:label " usbeca_as_People" . inds:USemTH27431usbeco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27431usbeco is usbeco" ; rdfs:label " usbeco_as_People" . inds:USemTH27433usometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27433usometro is usometro" ; rdfs:label " usometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27436ussita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27436ussita is ussita" ; rdfs:label " ussita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27439ussitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27439ussitismo is ussitismo" ; rdfs:label " ussitismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH27442ussoricida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27442ussoricida is ussoricida" ; rdfs:label " ussoricida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27445ustionata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27445ustionata is ustionata" ; rdfs:label " ustionata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH27447ustionato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27447ustionato is ustionato" ; rdfs:label " ustionato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH27449usualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27449usualita1 is usualita'" ; rdfs:label " usualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27450usuaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27450usuaria is usuaria" ; rdfs:label " usuaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27452usuario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27452usuario is usuario" ; rdfs:label " usuario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27454usufruttuario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27454usufruttuario is usufruttuario" ; rdfs:label " usufruttuario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27455usufruttuaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27455usufruttuaria is usufruttuaria" ; rdfs:label " usufruttuaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27456usurabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27456usurabilita1 is usurabilita'" ; rdfs:label " usurabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27461utensilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27461utensilista is utensilista" ; rdfs:label " utensilista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27465utilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27465utilista is utilista" ; rdfs:label " utilista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27468utilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27468utilita1 is utilita'" ; rdfs:label " utilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27469utilitario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27469utilitario is utilitario" ; rdfs:label " utilitario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27472utilitarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27472utilitarista is utilitarista" ; rdfs:label " utilitarista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27475utraquismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27475utraquismo is utraquismo" ; rdfs:label " utraquismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH27478utraquista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27478utraquista is utraquista" ; rdfs:label " utraquista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27481utricolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27481utricolo is utricolo" ; rdfs:label " utricolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH27482uvea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27482uvea is uvea" ; rdfs:label " uvea_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH27484uveite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27484uveite is uveite" ; rdfs:label " uveite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27485uvula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27485uvula is uvula" ; rdfs:label " uvula_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH27487uxorilocalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27487uxorilocalita1 is uxorilocalita'" ; rdfs:label " uxorilocalita'_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH27488uzbeca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27488uzbeca is uzbeca" ; rdfs:label " uzbeca_as_People" . inds:USemTH27490uzbeco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27490uzbeco is uzbeco" ; rdfs:label " uzbeco_as_People" . inds:USemTH27493vaccaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27493vaccaia is vaccaia" ; rdfs:label " vaccaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27495vaccaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27495vaccaio is vaccaio" ; rdfs:label " vaccaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27499vaccinaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27499vaccinaro is vaccinaro" ; rdfs:label " vaccinaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27507vacuista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27507vacuista is vacuista" ; rdfs:label " vacuista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27510vacuolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27510vacuolo is vacuolo" ; rdfs:label " vacuolo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27511vacuometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27511vacuometro is vacuometro" ; rdfs:label " vacuometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27513vaga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27513vaga is vaga" ; rdfs:label " vaga_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27519vaginalite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27519vaginalite is vaginalite" ; rdfs:label " vaginalite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27520vaginismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27520vaginismo is vaginismo" ; rdfs:label " vaginismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27527vago simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27527vago is vago" ; rdfs:label " vago_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27530vagonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27530vagonista is vagonista" ; rdfs:label " vagonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27533vaiolosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27533vaiolosa is vaiolosa" ; rdfs:label " vaiolosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27535vaioloso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27535vaioloso is vaioloso" ; rdfs:label " vaioloso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27537valdismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27537valdismo is valdismo" ; rdfs:label " valdismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH27539valdostana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27539valdostana is valdostana" ; rdfs:label " valdostana_as_People" . inds:USemTH27541valdostano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27541valdostano is valdostano" ; rdfs:label " valdostano_as_Language" . inds:USemTH27542valdostano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27542valdostano is valdostano" ; rdfs:label " valdostano_as_People" . inds:USemTH27544valentina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27544valentina is valentina" ; rdfs:label " valentina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27546valentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27546valentino is valentino" ; rdfs:label " valentino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27548valgismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27548valgismo is valgismo" ; rdfs:label " valgismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27550valicabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27550valicabilita1 is valicabilita'" ; rdfs:label " valicabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27555validita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27555validita1 is validita'" ; rdfs:label " validita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27556valigiaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27556valigiaia is valigiaia" ; rdfs:label " valigiaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27558valigiaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27558valigiaio is valigiaio" ; rdfs:label " valigiaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27562vallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27562vallo is vallo" ; rdfs:label " vallo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH27565vallombrosano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27565vallombrosano is vallombrosano" ; rdfs:label " vallombrosano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH27571valorosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27571valorosita1 is valorosita'" ; rdfs:label " valorosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27572valvassina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27572valvassina is valvassina" ; rdfs:label " valvassina_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH27573valvassino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27573valvassino is valvassino" ; rdfs:label " valvassino_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH27575valvassore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27575valvassore is valvassore" ; rdfs:label " valvassore_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH27578vandeana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27578vandeana is vandeana" ; rdfs:label " vandeana_as_People" . inds:USemTH27580vandeano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27580vandeano is vandeano" ; rdfs:label " vandeano_as_People" . inds:USemTH27592vanitosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27592vanitosa is vanitosa" ; rdfs:label " vanitosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27594vanitoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27594vanitoso is vanitoso" ; rdfs:label " vanitoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27597vaporabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27597vaporabilita1 is vaporabilita'" ; rdfs:label " vaporabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27598vaporaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27598vaporaia is vaporaia" ; rdfs:label " vaporaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27600vaporaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27600vaporaio is vaporaio" ; rdfs:label " vaporaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27602vaporimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27602vaporimetro is vaporimetro" ; rdfs:label " vaporimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27604vaporosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27604vaporosita1 is vaporosita'" ; rdfs:label " vaporosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27606varesina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27606varesina is varesina" ; rdfs:label " varesina_as_People" . inds:USemTH27608varesino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27608varesino is varesino" ; rdfs:label " varesino_as_People" . inds:USemTH27611variabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27611variabilita1 is variabilita'" ; rdfs:label " variabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27615varicocele simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27615varicocele is varicocele" ; rdfs:label " varicocele_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27616varieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27616varieta1 is varieta'" ; rdfs:label " varieta'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH27617variometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27617variometro is variometro" ; rdfs:label " variometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27619vasara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27619vasara is vasara" ; rdfs:label " vasara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27621vasaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27621vasaro is vasaro" ; rdfs:label " vasaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27625vastasa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27625vastasa is vastasa" ; rdfs:label " vastasa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27627vastaso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27627vastaso is vastaso" ; rdfs:label " vastaso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27629vasto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27629vasto is vasto" ; rdfs:label " vasto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH27631vaticanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27631vaticanista is vaticanista" ; rdfs:label " vaticanista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27633vaticanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27633vaticanista is vaticanista" ; rdfs:label " vaticanista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27638vecchiarda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27638vecchiarda is vecchiarda" ; rdfs:label " vecchiarda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27640vecchiardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27640vecchiardo is vecchiardo" ; rdfs:label " vecchiardo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27642vecchiarella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27642vecchiarella is vecchiarella" ; rdfs:label " vecchiarella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27644vecchiarello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27644vecchiarello is vecchiarello" ; rdfs:label " vecchiarello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27646vecchierella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27646vecchierella is vecchierella" ; rdfs:label " vecchierella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27648vecchierello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27648vecchierello is vecchierello" ; rdfs:label " vecchierello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27652vecchiotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27652vecchiotta is vecchiotta" ; rdfs:label " vecchiotta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27654vecchiotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27654vecchiotto is vecchiotto" ; rdfs:label " vecchiotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27656vedismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27656vedismo is vedismo" ; rdfs:label " vedismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH27659vedutismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27659vedutismo is vedutismo" ; rdfs:label " vedutismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH27661vedutista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27661vedutista is vedutista" ; rdfs:label " vedutista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27664vegetabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27664vegetabilita1 is vegetabilita'" ; rdfs:label " vegetabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27671veglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27671veglio is veglio" ; rdfs:label " veglio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27673velacciere simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27673velacciere is velacciere" ; rdfs:label " velacciere_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH27674velaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27674velaia is velaia" ; rdfs:label " velaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27676velaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27676velaio is velaio" ; rdfs:label " velaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27685velismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27685velismo is velismo" ; rdfs:label " velismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH27691velocipedastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27691velocipedastra is velocipedastra" ; rdfs:label " velocipedastra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27693velocipedastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27693velocipedastro is velocipedastro" ; rdfs:label " velocipedastro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27696velocipedista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27696velocipedista is velocipedista" ; rdfs:label " velocipedista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH27700velocista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27700velocista is velocista" ; rdfs:label " velocista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH27704venalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27704venalita1 is venalita'" ; rdfs:label " venalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27714vendibubbole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27714vendibubbole is vendibubbole" ; rdfs:label " vendibubbole_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27716vendicativa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27716vendicativa is vendicativa" ; rdfs:label " vendicativa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27718vendicativo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27718vendicativo is vendicativo" ; rdfs:label " vendicativo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27722vendifrottole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27722vendifrottole is vendifrottole" ; rdfs:label " vendifrottole_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27724vendifumo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27724vendifumo is vendifumo" ; rdfs:label " vendifumo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27726vendiparole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27726vendiparole is vendiparole" ; rdfs:label " vendiparole_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27728vendistorie simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27728vendistorie is vendistorie" ; rdfs:label " vendistorie_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27730venerabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27730venerabilita1 is venerabilita'" ; rdfs:label " venerabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27735veneriana simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27735veneriana is veneriana" ; rdfs:label " veneriana_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH27737veneriano simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27737veneriano is veneriano" ; rdfs:label " veneriano_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH27739veneta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27739veneta is veneta" ; rdfs:label " veneta_as_People" . inds:USemTH27741veneto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27741veneto is veneto" ; rdfs:label " veneto_as_Language" . inds:USemTH27742veneto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27742veneto is veneto" ; rdfs:label " veneto_as_People" . inds:USemTH27744veneziano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27744veneziano is veneziano" ; rdfs:label " veneziano_as_Language" . inds:USemTH27745veneziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27745veneziano is veneziano" ; rdfs:label " veneziano_as_People" . inds:USemTH27747venialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27747venialita1 is venialita'" ; rdfs:label " venialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27748venosina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27748venosina is venosina" ; rdfs:label " venosina_as_People" . inds:USemTH27750venosino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27750venosino is venosino" ; rdfs:label " venosino_as_People" . inds:USemTH27752ventagliaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27752ventagliaia is ventagliaia" ; rdfs:label " ventagliaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27754ventagliaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27754ventagliaio is ventagliaio" ; rdfs:label " ventagliaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27757ventesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27757ventesimo is ventesimo" ; rdfs:label " ventesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27758venti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27758venti is venti" ; rdfs:label " venti_as_Number" . inds:USemTH27760venticinquesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27760venticinquesimo is venticinquesimo" ; rdfs:label " venticinquesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27762ventiduesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27762ventiduesimo is ventiduesimo" ; rdfs:label " ventiduesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27764ventilatorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27764ventilatorista is ventilatorista" ; rdfs:label " ventilatorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27768ventinovesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27768ventinovesimo is ventinovesimo" ; rdfs:label " ventinovesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27770ventiquattresimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27770ventiquattresimo is ventiquattresimo" ; rdfs:label " ventiquattresimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27772ventiseesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27772ventiseesimo is ventiseesimo" ; rdfs:label " ventiseesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27774ventiseiesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27774ventiseiesimo is ventiseiesimo" ; rdfs:label " ventiseiesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27776ventisettesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27776ventisettesimo is ventisettesimo" ; rdfs:label " ventisettesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27778ventitreesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27778ventitreesimo is ventitreesimo" ; rdfs:label " ventitreesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27779ventosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27779ventosita1 is ventosita'" ; rdfs:label " ventosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27781ventottesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27781ventottesimo is ventottesimo" ; rdfs:label " ventottesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27783ventralista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27783ventralista is ventralista" ; rdfs:label " ventralista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH27789ventunesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27789ventunesimo is ventunesimo" ; rdfs:label " ventunesimo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27790venturimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27790venturimetro is venturimetro" ; rdfs:label " venturimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27792venusiana simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27792venusiana is venusiana" ; rdfs:label " venusiana_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH27794venusiano simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27794venusiano is venusiano" ; rdfs:label " venusiano_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH27796venusta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27796venusta1 is venusta'" ; rdfs:label " venusta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27797venuto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27797venuto is venuto" ; rdfs:label " venuto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27799veracita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27799veracita1 is veracita'" ; rdfs:label " veracita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27800veratro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27800veratro is veratro" ; rdfs:label " veratro_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH27801verbalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27801verbalismo is verbalismo" ; rdfs:label " verbalismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27802verbalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27802verbalismo is verbalismo" ; rdfs:label " verbalismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH27803verdiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27803verdiana is verdiana" ; rdfs:label " verdiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27805verdiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27805verdiano is verdiano" ; rdfs:label " verdiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27807verduraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27807verduraia is verduraia" ; rdfs:label " verduraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27809verduraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27809verduraio is verduraio" ; rdfs:label " verduraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27811vergaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27811vergaia is vergaia" ; rdfs:label " vergaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27813vergaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27813vergaio is vergaio" ; rdfs:label " vergaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27815vergara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27815vergara is vergara" ; rdfs:label " vergara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27817vergaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27817vergaro is vergaro" ; rdfs:label " vergaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27819verificabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27819verificabilita1 is verificabilita'" ; rdfs:label " verificabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27823verista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27823verista is verista" ; rdfs:label " verista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27831veronalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27831veronalismo is veronalismo" ; rdfs:label " veronalismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27834verricellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27834verricellista is verricellista" ; rdfs:label " verricellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27837verricello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27837verricello is verricello" ; rdfs:label " verricello_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27838versaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27838versaiola is versaiola" ; rdfs:label " versaiola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27840versaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27840versaiolo is versaiolo" ; rdfs:label " versaiolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27848versiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27848versiera is versiera" ; rdfs:label " versiera_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH27855versiliberista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27855versiliberista is versiliberista" ; rdfs:label " versiliberista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH27858versiscioltaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27858versiscioltaia is versiscioltaia" ; rdfs:label " versiscioltaia_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH27860versiscioltaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27860versiscioltaio is versiscioltaio" ; rdfs:label " versiscioltaio_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH27862versore simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27862versore is versore" ; rdfs:label " versore_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH27863verticalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27863verticalismo is verticalismo" ; rdfs:label " verticalismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27868verticista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27868verticista is verticista" ; rdfs:label " verticista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27872vescia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27872vescia is vescia" ; rdfs:label " vescia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH27873vescica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27873vescica is vescica" ; rdfs:label " vescica_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH27874vescica simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27874vescica is vescica" ; rdfs:label " vescica_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27875vescicante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27875vescicante is vescicante" ; rdfs:label " vescicante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH27877vescicola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27877vescicola is vescicola" ; rdfs:label " vescicola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH27878vespiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27878vespiere is vespiere" ; rdfs:label " vespiere_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH27880vespista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27880vespista is vespista" ; rdfs:label " vespista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27887vessillifera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27887vessillifera is vessillifera" ; rdfs:label " vessillifera_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27889vessillifero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27889vessillifero is vessillifero" ; rdfs:label " vessillifero_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27891vessillologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27891vessillologa is vessillologa" ; rdfs:label " vessillologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27893vessillologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27893vessillologo is vessillologo" ; rdfs:label " vessillologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27896vestiarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27896vestiarista is vestiarista" ; rdfs:label " vestiarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27899vestigia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27899vestigia is vestigia" ; rdfs:label " vestigia_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH27900vestigio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27900vestigio is vestigio" ; rdfs:label " vestigio_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH27903vetrame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27903vetrame is vetrame" ; rdfs:label " vetrame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH27904vetrificante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27904vetrificante is vetrificante" ; rdfs:label " vetrificante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH27906vetrinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27906vetrinista is vetrinista" ; rdfs:label " vetrinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27909vetrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27909vetrino is vetrino" ; rdfs:label " vetrino_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27910vetriolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27910vetriolo is vetriolo" ; rdfs:label " vetriolo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH27913vetturale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27913vetturale is vetturale" ; rdfs:label " vetturale_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27917vetusta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27917vetusta1 is vetusta'" ; rdfs:label " vetusta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27919vezzosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27919vezzosa is vezzosa" ; rdfs:label " vezzosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27922vezzoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27922vezzoso is vezzoso" ; rdfs:label " vezzoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27924viabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27924viabilita1 is viabilita'" ; rdfs:label " viabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27926vibrafonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27926vibrafonista is vibrafonista" ; rdfs:label " vibrafonista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH27934vibrione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27934vibrione is vibrione" ; rdfs:label " vibrione_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH27935vibrografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27935vibrografo is vibrografo" ; rdfs:label " vibrografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27939vibrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27939vibrometro is vibrometro" ; rdfs:label " vibrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27943vicebrigadiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27943vicebrigadiere is vicebrigadiere" ; rdfs:label " vicebrigadiere_as_Role" . inds:USemTH27948vicedecano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27948vicedecano is vicedecano" ; rdfs:label " vicedecano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH27950vicentina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27950vicentina is vicentina" ; rdfs:label " vicentina_as_People" . inds:USemTH27952vicentino simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27952vicentino is vicentino" ; rdfs:label " vicentino_as_Language" . inds:USemTH27953vicentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27953vicentino is vicentino" ; rdfs:label " vicentino_as_People" . inds:USemTH27957vichiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27957vichiana is vichiana" ; rdfs:label " vichiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27959vichiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27959vichiano is vichiano" ; rdfs:label " vichiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH27961vicinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27961vicinita1 is vicinita'" ; rdfs:label " vicinita'_as_Location" . inds:USemTH27966videolesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27966videolesa is videolesa" ; rdfs:label " videolesa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH27968videoleso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27968videoleso is videoleso" ; rdfs:label " videoleso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2796infreddamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2796infreddamento is infreddamento" ; rdfs:label " infreddamento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH27974videosegnale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27974videosegnale is videosegnale" ; rdfs:label " videosegnale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27975videotape simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27975videotape is videotape" ; rdfs:label " videotape_as_Information" . inds:USemTH27976vidigrafo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27976vidigrafo is vidigrafo" ; rdfs:label " vidigrafo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH27978vietabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27978vietabilita1 is vietabilita'" ; rdfs:label " vietabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH27984vigesimonono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27984vigesimonono is vigesimonono" ; rdfs:label " vigesimonono_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27987vigesimosesto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27987vigesimosesto is vigesimosesto" ; rdfs:label " vigesimosesto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH27989vigilata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27989vigilata is vigilata" ; rdfs:label " vigilata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27991vigilato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27991vigilato is vigilato" ; rdfs:label " vigilato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH27997vignaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27997vignaia is vignaia" ; rdfs:label " vignaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH27999vignaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH27999vignaio is vignaio" ; rdfs:label " vignaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28008villanella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28008villanella is villanella" ; rdfs:label " villanella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28010villanello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28010villanello is villanello" ; rdfs:label " villanello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28016villanoviano simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28016villanoviano is villanoviano" ; rdfs:label " villanoviano_as_Time" . inds:USemTH28017villica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28017villica is villica" ; rdfs:label " villica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28019villico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28019villico is villico" ; rdfs:label " villico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28021villo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28021villo is villo" ; rdfs:label " villo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH28023vinciana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28023vinciana is vinciana" ; rdfs:label " vinciana_as_People" . inds:USemTH28025vinciano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28025vinciano is vinciano" ; rdfs:label " vinciano_as_People" . inds:USemTH28027vincolativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28027vincolativita1 is vincolativita'" ; rdfs:label " vincolativita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH28032vinila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28032vinila is vinila" ; rdfs:label " vinila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28033vinilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28033vinilo is vinilo" ; rdfs:label " vinilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28035vinta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28035vinta is vinta" ; rdfs:label " vinta_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH28037vinto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28037vinto is vinto" ; rdfs:label " vinto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH28049violetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28049violetto is violetto" ; rdfs:label " violetto_as_Color" . inds:USemTH28050violinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28050violinaia is violinaia" ; rdfs:label " violinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28052violinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28052violinaio is violinaio" ; rdfs:label " violinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28055violista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28055violista is violista" ; rdfs:label " violista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH28060viperide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28060viperide is viperide" ; rdfs:label " viperide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH28064viperino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28064viperino is viperino" ; rdfs:label " viperino_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH28067virilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28067virilismo is virilismo" ; rdfs:label " virilismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH28069virilocalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28069virilocalita1 is virilocalita'" ; rdfs:label " virilocalita'_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH28071virosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28071virosi is virosi" ; rdfs:label " virosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH28074visagismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28074visagismo is visagismo" ; rdfs:label " visagismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH28079viscidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28079viscidita1 is viscidita'" ; rdfs:label " viscidita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH28082viscosimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28082viscosimetro is viscosimetro" ; rdfs:label " viscosimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28086visigota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28086visigota is visigota" ; rdfs:label " visigota_as_People" . inds:USemTH28088visigoto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28088visigoto is visigoto" ; rdfs:label " visigoto_as_People" . inds:USemTH28092visnuita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28092visnuita is visnuita" ; rdfs:label " visnuita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28096vitaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28096vitaiola is vitaiola" ; rdfs:label " vitaiola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28098vitaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28098vitaiolo is vitaiolo" ; rdfs:label " vitaiolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28100vitellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28100vitellaia is vitellaia" ; rdfs:label " vitellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28102vitellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28102vitellaio is vitellaio" ; rdfs:label " vitellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28110vitiligine simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28110vitiligine is vitiligine" ; rdfs:label " vitiligine_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH28115vitosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28115vitosa is vitosa" ; rdfs:label " vitosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28117vitoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28117vitoso is vitoso" ; rdfs:label " vitoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28120vittimista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28120vittimista is vittimista" ; rdfs:label " vittimista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28137vivinatalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28137vivinatalita1 is vivinatalita'" ; rdfs:label " vivinatalita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH28138viziosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28138viziosa is viziosa" ; rdfs:label " viziosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28140viziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28140viziosita1 is viziosita'" ; rdfs:label " viziosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH28141vizioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28141vizioso is vizioso" ; rdfs:label " vizioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28144vocabolarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28144vocabolarista is vocabolarista" ; rdfs:label " vocabolarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28149vocalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28149vocalita1 is vocalita'" ; rdfs:label " vocalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH28150vociana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28150vociana is vociana" ; rdfs:label " vociana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28152vociano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28152vociano is vociano" ; rdfs:label " vociano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28162vogliosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28162vogliosa is vogliosa" ; rdfs:label " vogliosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28164vogliosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28164vogliosita1 is vogliosita'" ; rdfs:label " vogliosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH28165voglioso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28165voglioso is voglioso" ; rdfs:label " voglioso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28167volano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28167volano is volano" ; rdfs:label " volano_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28171volgarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28171volgarismo is volgarismo" ; rdfs:label " volgarismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH28185volontarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28185volontarieta1 is volontarieta'" ; rdfs:label " volontarieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH28187volovelista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28187volovelista is volovelista" ; rdfs:label " volovelista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH28190volpacchiotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28190volpacchiotta is volpacchiotta" ; rdfs:label " volpacchiotta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28191volpacchiotta simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28191volpacchiotta is volpacchiotta" ; rdfs:label " volpacchiotta_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH28192volpacchiotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28192volpacchiotto is volpacchiotto" ; rdfs:label " volpacchiotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28193volpacchiotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28193volpacchiotto is volpacchiotto" ; rdfs:label " volpacchiotto_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH28195volpicina simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28195volpicina is volpicina" ; rdfs:label " volpicina_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH28197volpicino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28197volpicino is volpicino" ; rdfs:label " volpicino_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH28198volsca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28198volsca is volsca" ; rdfs:label " volsca_as_People" . inds:USemTH28200volsco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28200volsco is volsco" ; rdfs:label " volsco_as_People" . inds:USemTH28204voltafieno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28204voltafieno is voltafieno" ; rdfs:label " voltafieno_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28206voltaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28206voltaismo is voltaismo" ; rdfs:label " voltaismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH28209voltametro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28209voltametro is voltametro" ; rdfs:label " voltametro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28211voltamperometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28211voltamperometro is voltamperometro" ; rdfs:label " voltamperometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28214voltamperorametro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28214voltamperorametro is voltamperorametro" ; rdfs:label " voltamperorametro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28216voltapietre simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28216voltapietre is voltapietre" ; rdfs:label " voltapietre_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH28217voltariso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28217voltariso is voltariso" ; rdfs:label " voltariso_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28223volteriana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28223volteriana is volteriana" ; rdfs:label " volteriana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28225volteriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28225volteriano is volteriano" ; rdfs:label " volteriano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28227volterriana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28227volterriana is volterriana" ; rdfs:label " volterriana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28229volterriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28229volterriano is volterriano" ; rdfs:label " volterriano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28231voltimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28231voltimetro is voltimetro" ; rdfs:label " voltimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28233voltinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28233voltinismo is voltinismo" ; rdfs:label " voltinismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH28235voltmetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28235voltmetro is voltmetro" ; rdfs:label " voltmetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28237volubilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28237volubilita1 is volubilita'" ; rdfs:label " volubilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH28238volumenometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28238volumenometro is volumenometro" ; rdfs:label " volumenometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28245vongolara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28245vongolara is vongolara" ; rdfs:label " vongolara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28247vongolaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28247vongolaro is vongolaro" ; rdfs:label " vongolaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28249vorticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28249vorticismo is vorticismo" ; rdfs:label " vorticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH28251voyeurismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28251voyeurismo is voyeurismo" ; rdfs:label " voyeurismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH28256vuduista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28256vuduista is vuduista" ; rdfs:label " vuduista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28259vulcanizzante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28259vulcanizzante is vulcanizzante" ; rdfs:label " vulcanizzante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH28265vulcanologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28265vulcanologa is vulcanologa" ; rdfs:label " vulcanologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28267vulcanologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28267vulcanologo is vulcanologo" ; rdfs:label " vulcanologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28269vulvite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28269vulvite is vulvite" ; rdfs:label " vulvite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH28270vulvovaginite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28270vulvovaginite is vulvovaginite" ; rdfs:label " vulvovaginite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH28271vuotamele simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28271vuotamele is vuotamele" ; rdfs:label " vuotamele_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28273vuotapozzi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28273vuotapozzi is vuotapozzi" ; rdfs:label " vuotapozzi_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28279vuotazucchine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28279vuotazucchine is vuotazucchine" ; rdfs:label " vuotazucchine_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28280vuotometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28280vuotometro is vuotometro" ; rdfs:label " vuotometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28282wagneriana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28282wagneriana is wagneriana" ; rdfs:label " wagneriana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28284wagneriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28284wagneriano is wagneriano" ; rdfs:label " wagneriano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28287waterpolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28287waterpolista is waterpolista" ; rdfs:label " waterpolista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH28290wattmetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28290wattmetro is wattmetro" ; rdfs:label " wattmetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28292wattorametro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28292wattorametro is wattorametro" ; rdfs:label " wattorametro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28294watussa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28294watussa is watussa" ; rdfs:label " watussa_as_People" . inds:USemTH28296watusso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28296watusso is watusso" ; rdfs:label " watusso_as_People" . inds:USemTH28298weekend simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28298weekend is weekend" ; rdfs:label " weekend_as_Time" . inds:USemTH2829innevamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2829innevamento is innevamento" ; rdfs:label " innevamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH28301wesleyana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28301wesleyana is wesleyana" ; rdfs:label " wesleyana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28303wesleyano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28303wesleyano is wesleyano" ; rdfs:label " wesleyano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28306wolframato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28306wolframato is wolframato" ; rdfs:label " wolframato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH28307wurstel simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28307wurstel is wurstel" ; rdfs:label " wurstel_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH28308xantato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28308xantato is xantato" ; rdfs:label " xantato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH28309xantoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28309xantoma is xantoma" ; rdfs:label " xantoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH28311xerofila simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28311xerofila is xerofila" ; rdfs:label " xerofila_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH28314xerofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28314xerofilo is xerofilo" ; rdfs:label " xerofilo_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH28316xerofita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28316xerofita is xerofita" ; rdfs:label " xerofita_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH28318xerofito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28318xerofito is xerofito" ; rdfs:label " xerofito_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH28321xerosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28321xerosi is xerosi" ; rdfs:label " xerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH28323xilofonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28323xilofonista is xilofonista" ; rdfs:label " xilofonista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH28329yemenita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28329yemenita is yemenita" ; rdfs:label " yemenita_as_People" . inds:USemTH28334zabattiero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28334zabattiero is zabattiero" ; rdfs:label " zabattiero_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28337zaffo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28337zaffo is zaffo" ; rdfs:label " zaffo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28339zaidita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28339zaidita is zaidita" ; rdfs:label " zaidita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28342zairiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28342zairiana is zairiana" ; rdfs:label " zairiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH28344zairiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28344zairiano is zairiano" ; rdfs:label " zairiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH28347zairota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28347zairota is zairota" ; rdfs:label " zairota_as_People" . inds:USemTH28350zambiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28350zambiana is zambiana" ; rdfs:label " zambiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH28352zambiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28352zambiano is zambiano" ; rdfs:label " zambiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH28354zanaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28354zanaia is zanaia" ; rdfs:label " zanaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28356zanaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28356zanaio is zanaio" ; rdfs:label " zanaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28358zanara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28358zanara is zanara" ; rdfs:label " zanara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28360zanaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28360zanaro is zanaro" ; rdfs:label " zanaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28369zarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28369zarista is zarista" ; rdfs:label " zarista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28372zatteriere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28372zatteriere is zatteriere" ; rdfs:label " zatteriere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28374zatterone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28374zatterone is zatterone" ; rdfs:label " zatterone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28382zazzerato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28382zazzerato is zazzerato" ; rdfs:label " zazzerato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28386zazzerino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28386zazzerino is zazzerino" ; rdfs:label " zazzerino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28388zazzerone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28388zazzerone is zazzerone" ; rdfs:label " zazzerone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28390zeismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28390zeismo is zeismo" ; rdfs:label " zeismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH28397zelota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28397zelota is zelota" ; rdfs:label " zelota_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28400zelotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28400zelotismo is zelotismo" ; rdfs:label " zelotismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH28402zenismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28402zenismo is zenismo" ; rdfs:label " zenismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH28405zenista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28405zenista is zenista" ; rdfs:label " zenista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28411zerbinotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28411zerbinotto is zerbinotto" ; rdfs:label " zerbinotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28413zerovoltmetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28413zerovoltmetro is zerovoltmetro" ; rdfs:label " zerovoltmetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28415zervanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28415zervanismo is zervanismo" ; rdfs:label " zervanismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH28417zetacismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28417zetacismo is zetacismo" ; rdfs:label " zetacismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH28418zetacismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28418zetacismo is zetacismo" ; rdfs:label " zetacismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH28421zetetico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28421zetetico is zetetico" ; rdfs:label " zetetico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28423zibaldone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28423zibaldone is zibaldone" ; rdfs:label " zibaldone_as_Information" . inds:USemTH28424zigosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28424zigosi is zigosi" ; rdfs:label " zigosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH28432zincografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28432zincografa is zincografa" ; rdfs:label " zincografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28434zincografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28434zincografo is zincografo" ; rdfs:label " zincografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28437zincotipista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28437zincotipista is zincotipista" ; rdfs:label " zincotipista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28440zingana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28440zingana is zingana" ; rdfs:label " zingana_as_People" . inds:USemTH28442zingano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28442zingano is zingano" ; rdfs:label " zingano_as_People" . inds:USemTH28446zitello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28446zitello is zitello" ; rdfs:label " zitello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28449zoccolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28449zoccolaia is zoccolaia" ; rdfs:label " zoccolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28452zoccolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28452zoccolaio is zoccolaio" ; rdfs:label " zoccolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28454zoccolante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28454zoccolante is zoccolante" ; rdfs:label " zoccolante_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH28456zoccolara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28456zoccolara is zoccolara" ; rdfs:label " zoccolara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28459zoccolaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28459zoccolaro is zoccolaro" ; rdfs:label " zoccolaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28461zolfaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28461zolfaia is zolfaia" ; rdfs:label " zolfaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28463zolfaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28463zolfaio is zolfaio" ; rdfs:label " zolfaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28465zollosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28465zollosita1 is zollosita'" ; rdfs:label " zollosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH28466zombie simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28466zombie is zombie" ; rdfs:label " zombie_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH28467zonula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28467zonula is zonula" ; rdfs:label " zonula_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH28469zoofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28469zoofila is zoofila" ; rdfs:label " zoofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28471zoofilia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28471zoofilia is zoofilia" ; rdfs:label " zoofilia_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH28472zoofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28472zoofilo is zoofilo" ; rdfs:label " zoofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28474zoofoba simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28474zoofoba is zoofoba" ; rdfs:label " zoofoba_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH28476zoofobo simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28476zoofobo is zoofobo" ; rdfs:label " zoofobo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH28479zooiatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28479zooiatra is zooiatra" ; rdfs:label " zooiatra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH2847integumento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2847integumento is integumento" ; rdfs:label " integumento_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH28483zooiatro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28483zooiatro is zooiatro" ; rdfs:label " zooiatro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28486zoolatra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28486zoolatra is zoolatra" ; rdfs:label " zoolatra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28490zoologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28490zoologista is zoologista" ; rdfs:label " zoologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28493zoom simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28493zoom is zoom" ; rdfs:label " zoom_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH28494zoomorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28494zoomorfismo is zoomorfismo" ; rdfs:label " zoomorfismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH28496zoomorfosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28496zoomorfosi is zoomorfosi" ; rdfs:label " zoomorfosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH28497zoonosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28497zoonosi is zoonosi" ; rdfs:label " zoonosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH28498zoosafari simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28498zoosafari is zoosafari" ; rdfs:label " zoosafari_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH28499zootecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28499zootecnica is zootecnica" ; rdfs:label " zootecnica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28501zootecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28501zootecnico is zootecnico" ; rdfs:label " zootecnico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28504zootomista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28504zootomista is zootomista" ; rdfs:label " zootomista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28507zoppetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28507zoppetta is zoppetta" ; rdfs:label " zoppetta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28509zoppetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28509zoppetto is zoppetto" ; rdfs:label " zoppetto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28511zoppia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28511zoppia is zoppia" ; rdfs:label " zoppia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH28513zoroastriana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28513zoroastriana is zoroastriana" ; rdfs:label " zoroastriana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28515zoroastriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28515zoroastriano is zoroastriano" ; rdfs:label " zoroastriano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28517zotica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28517zotica is zotica" ; rdfs:label " zotica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28519zotico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28519zotico is zotico" ; rdfs:label " zotico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28521zuccheriere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28521zuccheriere is zuccheriere" ; rdfs:label " zuccheriere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28528zwingliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28528zwingliana is zwingliana" ; rdfs:label " zwingliana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH2852interpolamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2852interpolamento is interpolamento" ; rdfs:label " interpolamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH28530zwingliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28530zwingliano is zwingliano" ; rdfs:label " zwingliano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH28533zwinglista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28533zwinglista is zwinglista" ; rdfs:label " zwinglista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH2855interrimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2855interrimento is interrimento" ; rdfs:label " interrimento_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH28695barberesca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28695barberesca is barberesca" ; rdfs:label " barberesca_as_People" . inds:USemTH28697barberesco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28697barberesco is barberesco" ; rdfs:label " barberesco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH28698barberesco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28698barberesco is barberesco" ; rdfs:label " barberesco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28699barberesco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28699barberesco is barberesco" ; rdfs:label " barberesco_as_People" . inds:USemTH28749basiliana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28749basiliana is basiliana" ; rdfs:label " basiliana_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH2882invacchimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2882invacchimento is invacchimento" ; rdfs:label " invacchimento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH28937biacca simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28937biacca is biacca" ; rdfs:label " biacca_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH28939biancicore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28939biancicore is biancicore" ; rdfs:label " biancicore_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH28941biancore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28941biancore is biancore" ; rdfs:label " biancore_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH28943biancorussa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28943biancorussa is biancorussa" ; rdfs:label " biancorussa_as_People" . inds:USemTH28944biancorusso simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28944biancorusso is biancorusso" ; rdfs:label " biancorusso_as_Language" . inds:USemTH28945biancorusso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28945biancorusso is biancorusso" ; rdfs:label " biancorusso_as_People" . inds:USemTH28948biascicapaternostri simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28948biascicapaternostri is biascicapaternostri" ; rdfs:label " biascicapaternostri_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28949biascicarosari simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28949biascicarosari is biascicarosari" ; rdfs:label " biascicarosari_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28951biascina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28951biascina is biascina" ; rdfs:label " biascina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28952biascino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28952biascino is biascino" ; rdfs:label " biascino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28953bibitara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28953bibitara is bibitara" ; rdfs:label " bibitara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28954bibitaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28954bibitaro is bibitaro" ; rdfs:label " bibitaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28955bibliomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28955bibliomania is bibliomania" ; rdfs:label " bibliomania_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH28959biblioteconomista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28959biblioteconomista is biblioteconomista" ; rdfs:label " biblioteconomista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28963biblista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28963biblista is biblista" ; rdfs:label " biblista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28967bicchieraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28967bicchieraia is bicchieraia" ; rdfs:label " bicchieraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28969bicchieraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28969bicchieraio is bicchieraio" ; rdfs:label " bicchieraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28970bicloruro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28970bicloruro is bicloruro" ; rdfs:label " bicloruro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH28971bicromato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28971bicromato is bicromato" ; rdfs:label " bicromato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH28974bidimensionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28974bidimensionalita1 is bidimensionalita'" ; rdfs:label " bidimensionalita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH28978bidonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28978bidonista is bidonista" ; rdfs:label " bidonista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28983bifolca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28983bifolca is bifolca" ; rdfs:label " bifolca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28984bifolca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28984bifolca is bifolca" ; rdfs:label " bifolca_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28985bifolco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28985bifolco is bifolco" ; rdfs:label " bifolco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH28986bifolco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28986bifolco is bifolco" ; rdfs:label " bifolco_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28989bigattiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28989bigattiere is bigattiere" ; rdfs:label " bigattiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28991bigliardaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28991bigliardaia is bigliardaia" ; rdfs:label " bigliardaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28993bigliardaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28993bigliardaio is bigliardaio" ; rdfs:label " bigliardaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28995bigliettaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28995bigliettaia is bigliettaia" ; rdfs:label " bigliettaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28997bigliettaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28997bigliettaio is bigliettaio" ; rdfs:label " bigliettaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH28999bigliettinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH28999bigliettinaia is bigliettinaia" ; rdfs:label " bigliettinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29001bigliettinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29001bigliettinaio is bigliettinaio" ; rdfs:label " bigliettinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29003bilanciaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29003bilanciaia is bilanciaia" ; rdfs:label " bilanciaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29005bilanciaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29005bilanciaio is bilanciaio" ; rdfs:label " bilanciaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29010bilancista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29010bilancista is bilancista" ; rdfs:label " bilancista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29011bilateralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29011bilateralita1 is bilateralita'" ; rdfs:label " bilateralita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH29012bilharziosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29012bilharziosi is bilharziosi" ; rdfs:label " bilharziosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29014biliardaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29014biliardaia is biliardaia" ; rdfs:label " biliardaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29016biliardaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29016biliardaio is biliardaio" ; rdfs:label " biliardaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29017bilinguita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29017bilinguita1 is bilinguita'" ; rdfs:label " bilinguita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH29022bimba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29022bimba is bimba" ; rdfs:label " bimba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29023bimbo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29023bimbo is bimbo" ; rdfs:label " bimbo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29024bimetallismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29024bimetallismo is bimetallismo" ; rdfs:label " bimetallismo_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH29026bimetallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29026bimetallo is bimetallo" ; rdfs:label " bimetallo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH29029binuba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29029binuba is binuba" ; rdfs:label " binuba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29030binubo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29030binubo is binubo" ; rdfs:label " binubo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29032biocenosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29032biocenosi is biocenosi" ; rdfs:label " biocenosi_as_Group" . inds:USemTH29033bioelettricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29033bioelettricita1 is bioelettricita'" ; rdfs:label " bioelettricita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH29036biolca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29036biolca is biolca" ; rdfs:label " biolca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29038biolco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29038biolco is biolco" ; rdfs:label " biolco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29040biotina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29040biotina is biotina" ; rdfs:label " biotina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH29046bisarcavola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29046bisarcavola is bisarcavola" ; rdfs:label " bisarcavola_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH29048bisarcavolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29048bisarcavolo is bisarcavolo" ; rdfs:label " bisarcavolo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH29050bisava simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29050bisava is bisava" ; rdfs:label " bisava_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH29052bisavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29052bisavo is bisavo" ; rdfs:label " bisavo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH29059biscaglina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29059biscaglina is biscaglina" ; rdfs:label " biscaglina_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH29060biscaglina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29060biscaglina is biscaglina" ; rdfs:label " biscaglina_as_People" . inds:USemTH29061biscaglino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29061biscaglino is biscaglino" ; rdfs:label " biscaglino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH29062biscaglino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29062biscaglino is biscaglino" ; rdfs:label " biscaglino_as_People" . inds:USemTH29063biscaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29063biscaiola is biscaiola" ; rdfs:label " biscaiola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29065biscaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29065biscaiolo is biscaiolo" ; rdfs:label " biscaiolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29067biscottiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29067biscottiera is biscottiera" ; rdfs:label " biscottiera_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29068biscottiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29068biscottiere is biscottiere" ; rdfs:label " biscottiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29070biscugina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29070biscugina is biscugina" ; rdfs:label " biscugina_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH29072biscugino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29072biscugino is biscugino" ; rdfs:label " biscugino_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH29074bisognataria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29074bisognataria is bisognataria" ; rdfs:label " bisognataria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH29076bisognatario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29076bisognatario is bisognatario" ; rdfs:label " bisognatario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH29079bisognosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29079bisognosa is bisognosa" ; rdfs:label " bisognosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29081bisognoso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29081bisognoso is bisognoso" ; rdfs:label " bisognoso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29082bisolfato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29082bisolfato is bisolfato" ; rdfs:label " bisolfato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH29083bisolfito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29083bisolfito is bisolfito" ; rdfs:label " bisolfito_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH29084bitematismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29084bitematismo is bitematismo" ; rdfs:label " bitematismo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH29086bitonalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29086bitonalita1 is bitonalita'" ; rdfs:label " bitonalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH29095bizantinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29095bizantinismo is bizantinismo" ; rdfs:label " bizantinismo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH29096bizantinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29096bizantinismo is bizantinismo" ; rdfs:label " bizantinismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH29100bizantinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29100bizantinista is bizantinista" ; rdfs:label " bizantinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29102bizzoco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29102bizzoco is bizzoco" ; rdfs:label " bizzoco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29116blasonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29116blasonista is blasonista" ; rdfs:label " blasonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29120blastoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29120blastoide is blastoide" ; rdfs:label " blastoide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH29121blefarite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29121blefarite is blefarite" ; rdfs:label " blefarite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29122blenorea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29122blenorea is blenorea" ; rdfs:label " blenorea_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29123blenorroica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29123blenorroica is blenorroica" ; rdfs:label " blenorroica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29124blenorroico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29124blenorroico is blenorroico" ; rdfs:label " blenorroico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29125blenorragica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29125blenorragica is blenorragica" ; rdfs:label " blenorragica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29126blenorragico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29126blenorragico is blenorragico" ; rdfs:label " blenorragico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29127blesa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29127blesa is blesa" ; rdfs:label " blesa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29128blesita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29128blesita1 is blesita'" ; rdfs:label " blesita'_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29129bleso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29129bleso is bleso" ; rdfs:label " bleso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29135blocchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29135blocchista is blocchista" ; rdfs:label " blocchista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29136bluette simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29136bluette is bluette" ; rdfs:label " bluette_as_Color" . inds:USemTH29144boattiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29144boattiere is boattiere" ; rdfs:label " boattiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29146bobbista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29146bobbista is bobbista" ; rdfs:label " bobbista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH29155boccalaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29155boccalaia is boccalaia" ; rdfs:label " boccalaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29157boccalaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29157boccalaio is boccalaio" ; rdfs:label " boccalaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29158boccame simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29158boccame is boccame" ; rdfs:label " boccame_as_Material" . inds:USemTH29163bocciofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29163bocciofila is bocciofila" ; rdfs:label " bocciofila_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH29165bocciofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29165bocciofilo is bocciofilo" ; rdfs:label " bocciofilo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH29172boiara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29172boiara is boiara" ; rdfs:label " boiara_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH29174boiaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29174boiaro is boiaro" ; rdfs:label " boiaro_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH29177boide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29177boide is boide" ; rdfs:label " boide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH29181bollandista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29181bollandista is bollandista" ; rdfs:label " bollandista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29193bombice simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29193bombice is bombice" ; rdfs:label " bombice_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH29197bombista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29197bombista is bombista" ; rdfs:label " bombista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29198bona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29198bona is bona" ; rdfs:label " bona_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29199bonapartismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29199bonapartismo is bonapartismo" ; rdfs:label " bonapartismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH29201bongustaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29201bongustaia is bongustaia" ; rdfs:label " bongustaia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29202bongustaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29202bongustaio is bongustaio" ; rdfs:label " bongustaio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29205bono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29205bono is bono" ; rdfs:label " bono_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29206bonta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29206bonta1 is bonta'" ; rdfs:label " bonta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH29207boom simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29207boom is boom" ; rdfs:label " boom_as_Time" . inds:USemTH29209borbonica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29209borbonica is borbonica" ; rdfs:label " borbonica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH29211borbonico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29211borbonico is borbonico" ; rdfs:label " borbonico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH29214borchiaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29214borchiaia is borchiaia" ; rdfs:label " borchiaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29216borchiaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29216borchiaio is borchiaio" ; rdfs:label " borchiaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29222bordelliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29222bordelliere is bordelliere" ; rdfs:label " bordelliere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29224borghesume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29224borghesume is borghesume" ; rdfs:label " borghesume_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH29226borghigiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29226borghigiana is borghigiana" ; rdfs:label " borghigiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH29228borghigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29228borghigiano is borghigiano" ; rdfs:label " borghigiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH29231borsaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29231borsaia is borsaia" ; rdfs:label " borsaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29233borsaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29233borsaio is borsaio" ; rdfs:label " borsaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29234borsaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29234borsaiola is borsaiola" ; rdfs:label " borsaiola_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH29236borsaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29236borsaiolo is borsaiolo" ; rdfs:label " borsaiolo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH29239borsanerista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29239borsanerista is borsanerista" ; rdfs:label " borsanerista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH29242borsaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29242borsaro is borsaro" ; rdfs:label " borsaro_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH29246borsettaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29246borsettaia is borsettaia" ; rdfs:label " borsettaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29248borsettaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29248borsettaio is borsettaio" ; rdfs:label " borsettaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29249borsite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29249borsite is borsite" ; rdfs:label " borsite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29254bosino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29254bosino is bosino" ; rdfs:label " bosino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29259botriomicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29259botriomicosi is botriomicosi" ; rdfs:label " botriomicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH2925lampeggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2925lampeggiamento is lampeggiamento" ; rdfs:label " lampeggiamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH29263bottalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29263bottalista is bottalista" ; rdfs:label " bottalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29268bottigliaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29268bottigliaia is bottigliaia" ; rdfs:label " bottigliaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29270bottigliaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29270bottigliaio is bottigliaio" ; rdfs:label " bottigliaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29272bottinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29272bottinaia is bottinaia" ; rdfs:label " bottinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29274bottinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29274bottinaio is bottinaio" ; rdfs:label " bottinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29276bottonaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29276bottonaia is bottonaia" ; rdfs:label " bottonaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29278bottonaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29278bottonaio is bottonaio" ; rdfs:label " bottonaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29280bottoniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29280bottoniere is bottoniere" ; rdfs:label " bottoniere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29281botulismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29281botulismo is botulismo" ; rdfs:label " botulismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29284bouquiniste simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29284bouquiniste is bouquiniste" ; rdfs:label " bouquiniste_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29285bovarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29285bovarismo is bovarismo" ; rdfs:label " bovarismo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH29286bovide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29286bovide is bovide" ; rdfs:label " bovide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH29287bozzettismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29287bozzettismo is bozzettismo" ; rdfs:label " bozzettismo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH29292bozzettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29292bozzettista is bozzettista" ; rdfs:label " bozzettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29293brabantina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29293brabantina is brabantina" ; rdfs:label " brabantina_as_People" . inds:USemTH29294brabantino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29294brabantino is brabantino" ; rdfs:label " brabantino_as_People" . inds:USemTH29300bracciere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29300bracciere is bracciere" ; rdfs:label " bracciere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29302brachicefala simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29302brachicefala is brachicefala" ; rdfs:label " brachicefala_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29303brachicefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29303brachicefalo is brachicefalo" ; rdfs:label " brachicefalo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29304brachioradiale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29304brachioradiale is brachioradiale" ; rdfs:label " brachioradiale_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH29306brachitipo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29306brachitipo is brachitipo" ; rdfs:label " brachitipo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29307braciaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29307braciaiola is braciaiola" ; rdfs:label " braciaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29308braciaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29308braciaiolo is braciaiolo" ; rdfs:label " braciaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29309bracina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29309bracina is bracina" ; rdfs:label " bracina_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29310bracino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29310bracino is bracino" ; rdfs:label " bracino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29311bradicardia simple:hasAffects inds:USem1769cuore ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem74135battito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069694aritmia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29311bradicardia is bradicardia" ; rdfs:label " bradicardia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29312bradifasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29312bradifasia is bradifasia" ; rdfs:label " bradifasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29313bradipsichismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29313bradipsichismo is bradipsichismo" ; rdfs:label " bradipsichismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29316bradisismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29316bradisismo is bradisismo" ; rdfs:label " bradisismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH29317brahmanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29317brahmanismo is brahmanismo" ; rdfs:label " brahmanismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH29319bramanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29319bramanismo is bramanismo" ; rdfs:label " bramanismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH29321braminismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29321braminismo is braminismo" ; rdfs:label " braminismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH29323branchiopode simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29323branchiopode is branchiopode" ; rdfs:label " branchiopode_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH29326brancichina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29326brancichina is brancichina" ; rdfs:label " brancichina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29327brancichino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29327brancichino is brancichino" ; rdfs:label " brancichino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29332braschino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29332braschino is braschino" ; rdfs:label " braschino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29335bravaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29335bravaccio is bravaccio" ; rdfs:label " bravaccio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29337bravazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29337bravazzo is bravazzo" ; rdfs:label " bravazzo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29339brecciaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29339brecciaiolo is brecciaiolo" ; rdfs:label " brecciaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29342breviloquenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29342breviloquenza is breviloquenza" ; rdfs:label " breviloquenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH29343brevita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29343brevita1 is brevita'" ; rdfs:label " brevita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH29347briaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29347briaca is briaca" ; rdfs:label " briaca_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH29348briaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29348briaco is briaco" ; rdfs:label " briaco_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH29349brianzola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29349brianzola is brianzola" ; rdfs:label " brianzola_as_People" . inds:USemTH29350brianzolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29350brianzolo is brianzolo" ; rdfs:label " brianzolo_as_People" . inds:USemTH29352bridgista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29352bridgista is bridgista" ; rdfs:label " bridgista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH29356briosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29356briosita1 is briosita'" ; rdfs:label " briosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH29357bromato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29357bromato is bromato" ; rdfs:label " bromato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH29358bromatologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29358bromatologa is bromatologa" ; rdfs:label " bromatologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29359bromatologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29359bromatologo is bromatologo" ; rdfs:label " bromatologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29360bromidrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29360bromidrosi is bromidrosi" ; rdfs:label " bromidrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29361bromismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29361bromismo is bromismo" ; rdfs:label " bromismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29363bromografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29363bromografo is bromografo" ; rdfs:label " bromografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH29364bronchitica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29364bronchitica is bronchitica" ; rdfs:label " bronchitica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29365bronchitico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29365bronchitico is bronchitico" ; rdfs:label " bronchitico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29366broncostenosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29366broncostenosi is broncostenosi" ; rdfs:label " broncostenosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29367brontofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29367brontofobia is brontofobia" ; rdfs:label " brontofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29369brontoscopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29369brontoscopia is brontoscopia" ; rdfs:label " brontoscopia_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH29374bronzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29374bronzista is bronzista" ; rdfs:label " bronzista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29375brucellosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29375brucellosi is brucellosi" ; rdfs:label " brucellosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH29378bruciatorista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29378bruciatorista is bruciatorista" ; rdfs:label " bruciatorista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29380brumista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29380brumista is brumista" ; rdfs:label " brumista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29386bucacuori simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29386bucacuori is bucacuori" ; rdfs:label " bucacuori_as_Human" . inds:USemTH2938lineamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2938lineamento is lineamento" ; rdfs:label " lineamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH29390bufalaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29390bufalaia is bufalaia" ; rdfs:label " bufalaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29391bufalaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29391bufalaio is bufalaio" ; rdfs:label " bufalaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29394buffonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29394buffonista is buffonista" ; rdfs:label " buffonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH2939linimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2939linimento is linimento" ; rdfs:label " linimento_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH29401bulinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29401bulinista is bulinista" ; rdfs:label " bulinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29402bullettaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29402bullettaia is bullettaia" ; rdfs:label " bullettaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29403bullettaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29403bullettaio is bullettaio" ; rdfs:label " bullettaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29404bullionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29404bullionismo is bullionismo" ; rdfs:label " bullionismo_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH29407bulo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29407bulo is bulo" ; rdfs:label " bulo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29408burattaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29408burattaia is burattaia" ; rdfs:label " burattaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29409burattaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29409burattaio is burattaio" ; rdfs:label " burattaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29413burchiellesco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29413burchiellesco is burchiellesco" ; rdfs:label " burchiellesco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29414burgunda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29414burgunda is burgunda" ; rdfs:label " burgunda_as_People" . inds:USemTH29415burgundo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29415burgundo is burgundo" ; rdfs:label " burgundo_as_People" . inds:USemTH29419burraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29419burraia is burraia" ; rdfs:label " burraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH2941lomento simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2941lomento is lomento" ; rdfs:label " lomento_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH29420burraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29420burraio is burraio" ; rdfs:label " burraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29421burrimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29421burrimetro is burrimetro" ; rdfs:label " burrimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH29426bustaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29426bustaia is bustaia" ; rdfs:label " bustaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29427bustaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29427bustaio is bustaio" ; rdfs:label " bustaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29428bustocca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29428bustocca is bustocca" ; rdfs:label " bustocca_as_People" . inds:USemTH29429bustocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29429bustocco is bustocco" ; rdfs:label " bustocco_as_People" . inds:USemTH29430butirrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29430butirrometro is butirrometro" ; rdfs:label " butirrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH29431buzzaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29431buzzaia is buzzaia" ; rdfs:label " buzzaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29432buzzaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29432buzzaio is buzzaio" ; rdfs:label " buzzaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29433buzzurra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29433buzzurra is buzzurra" ; rdfs:label " buzzurra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29434buzzurra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29434buzzurra is buzzurra" ; rdfs:label " buzzurra_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH29435buzzurro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29435buzzurro is buzzurro" ; rdfs:label " buzzurro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29436buzzurro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29436buzzurro is buzzurro" ; rdfs:label " buzzurro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH2958mandamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2958mandamento is mandamento" ; rdfs:label " mandamento_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH29593adriatico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29593adriatico is adriatico" ; rdfs:label " adriatico_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH29598altitonante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29598altitonante is altitonante" ; rdfs:label " altitonante_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH29600altrieri simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29600altrieri is altrieri" ; rdfs:label " altrieri_as_Time" . inds:USemTH29602anadiomene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29602anadiomene is anadiomene" ; rdfs:label " anadiomene_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH29606annali simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29606annali is annali" ; rdfs:label " annali_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH29608annamitico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29608annamitico is annamitico" ; rdfs:label " annamitico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29636avesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29636avesta is avesta" ; rdfs:label " avesta_as_Information" . inds:USemTH29638avestico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29638avestico is avestico" ; rdfs:label " avestico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29668buonora simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29668buonora is buonora" ; rdfs:label " buonora_as_Time" . inds:USemTH29673cananaico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29673cananaico is cananaico" ; rdfs:label " cananaico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29677caropane simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29677caropane is caropane" ; rdfs:label " caropane_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH29679carovita simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29679carovita is carovita" ; rdfs:label " carovita_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH29681caroviveri simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29681caroviveri is caroviveri" ; rdfs:label " caroviveri_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH29695chiroscopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29695chiroscopia is chiroscopia" ; rdfs:label " chiroscopia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29697chirurgia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem72493intervento ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem15disciplina ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem27medicina ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29697chirurgia is chirurgia" ; rdfs:label " chirurgia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29698cinesiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29698cinesiologia is cinesiologia" ; rdfs:label " cinesiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29699cinologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29699cinologia is cinologia" ; rdfs:label " cinologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29701circolante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29701circolante is circolante" ; rdfs:label " circolante_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH29702codicologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29702codicologia is codicologia" ; rdfs:label " codicologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29703cognitivismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29703cognitivismo is cognitivismo" ; rdfs:label " cognitivismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH29704colonialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29704colonialismo is colonialismo" ; rdfs:label " colonialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH29706conchiliologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29706conchiliologia is conchiliologia" ; rdfs:label " conchiliologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29707concologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29707concologia is concologia" ; rdfs:label " concologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29708condrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29708condrologia is condrologia" ; rdfs:label " condrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29709congregazionalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29709congregazionalismo is congregazionalismo" ; rdfs:label " congregazionalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH29720cornico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29720cornico is cornico" ; rdfs:label " cornico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29743cuscitico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29743cuscitico is cuscitico" ; rdfs:label " cuscitico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29746dalmatico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29746dalmatico is dalmatico" ; rdfs:label " dalmatico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29749dare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29749dare is dare" ; rdfs:label " dare_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH2974microelemento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2974microelemento is microelemento" ; rdfs:label " microelemento_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH29764devanagari simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29764devanagari is devanagari" ; rdfs:label " devanagari_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH29775domeneddio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29775domeneddio is domeneddio" ; rdfs:label " domeneddio_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH29777domineddio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29777domineddio is domineddio" ; rdfs:label " domineddio_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH29779dominedio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29779dominedio is dominedio" ; rdfs:label " dominedio_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH2977miniappartamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH2977miniappartamento is miniappartamento" ; rdfs:label " miniappartamento_as_Building" . inds:USemTH29783dorico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29783dorico is dorico" ; rdfs:label " dorico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29799enalotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29799enalotto is enalotto" ; rdfs:label " enalotto_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29804eolico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29804eolico is eolico" ; rdfs:label " eolico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29820etiopico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29820etiopico is etiopico" ; rdfs:label " etiopico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29829eugenetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29829eugenetica is eugenetica" ; rdfs:label " eugenetica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29836feci simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29836feci is feci" ; rdfs:label " feci_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH29863gallego simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29863gallego is gallego" ; rdfs:label " gallego_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29865gallico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29865gallico is gallico" ; rdfs:label " gallico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29868geenna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29868geenna is geenna" ; rdfs:label " geenna_as_Location" . inds:USemTH29875geova simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29875geova is geova" ; rdfs:label " geova_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH29884gotico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29884gotico is gotico" ; rdfs:label " gotico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29891hindi simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29891hindi is hindi" ; rdfs:label " hindi_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29911ionico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29911ionico is ionico" ; rdfs:label " ionico_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29912iperuranio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29912iperuranio is iperuranio" ; rdfs:label " iperuranio_as_Location" . inds:USemTH29923jiddisch simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29923jiddisch is jiddisch" ; rdfs:label " jiddisch_as_Language" . inds:USemTH29930levitico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29930levitico is levitico" ; rdfs:label " levitico_as_Information" . inds:USemTH29939littorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29939littorio is littorio" ; rdfs:label " littorio_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH29941logistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29941logistica is logistica" ; rdfs:label " logistica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29948mane simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29948mane is mane" ; rdfs:label " mane_as_Time" . inds:USemTH29957meteoroscopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29957meteoroscopia is meteoroscopia" ; rdfs:label " meteoroscopia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29964microscopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29964microscopia is microscopia" ; rdfs:label " microscopia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29979nessuno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29979nessuno is nessuno" ; rdfs:label " nessuno_as_Human" . inds:USemTH29994odontoiatria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29994odontoiatria is odontoiatria" ; rdfs:label " odontoiatria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH29999oltrecortina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH29999oltrecortina is oltrecortina" ; rdfs:label " oltrecortina_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH30014paleogeografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30014paleogeografia is paleogeografia" ; rdfs:label " paleogeografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30017palinografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30017palinografia is palinografia" ; rdfs:label " palinografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30024passio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30024passio is passio" ; rdfs:label " passio_as_Information" . inds:USemTH30028petrografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30028petrografia is petrografia" ; rdfs:label " petrografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30035poleografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30035poleografia is poleografia" ; rdfs:label " poleografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30042previsto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30042previsto is previsto" ; rdfs:label " previsto_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH30047prosopografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30047prosopografia is prosopografia" ; rdfs:label " prosopografia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH30049psammografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30049psammografia is psammografia" ; rdfs:label " psammografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30056psicofisica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30056psicofisica is psicofisica" ; rdfs:label " psicofisica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30060pulito simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30060pulito is pulito" ; rdfs:label " pulito_as_Location" . inds:USemTH30063quando simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30063quando is quando" ; rdfs:label " quando_as_Time" . inds:USemTH30065quasimodo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30065quasimodo is quasimodo" ; rdfs:label " quasimodo_as_Time" . inds:USemTH30073rontgenografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30073rontgenografia is rontgenografia" ; rdfs:label " rontgenografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30074rovinografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30074rovinografia is rovinografia" ; rdfs:label " rovinografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30081scaricalasino simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30081scaricalasino is scaricalasino" ; rdfs:label " scaricalasino_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30083scassaquindici simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30083scassaquindici is scassaquindici" ; rdfs:label " scassaquindici_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30095sopranormale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30095sopranormale is sopranormale" ; rdfs:label " sopranormale_as_Group" . inds:USemTH30097soprasensibile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30097soprasensibile is soprasensibile" ; rdfs:label " soprasensibile_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH30101sovrannaturale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30101sovrannaturale is sovrannaturale" ; rdfs:label " sovrannaturale_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH30103sovrasensibile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30103sovrasensibile is sovrasensibile" ; rdfs:label " sovrasensibile_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH30110stigmate simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30110stigmate is stigmate" ; rdfs:label " stigmate_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH30114sudicio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30114sudicio is sudicio" ; rdfs:label " sudicio_as_Group" . inds:USemTH30116sudovest simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30116sudovest is sudovest" ; rdfs:label " sudovest_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USemTH30118tenero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30118tenero is tenero" ; rdfs:label " tenero_as_Part" . inds:USemTH30124toccaferro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30124toccaferro is toccaferro" ; rdfs:label " toccaferro_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30131tu simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30131tu is tu" ; rdfs:label " tu_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH30133umido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30133umido is umido" ; rdfs:label " umido_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH30145voi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30145voi is voi" ; rdfs:label " voi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH30146west simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30146west is west" ; rdfs:label " west_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH30150abaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30150abaco is abaco" ; rdfs:label " abaco_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH30163abbassalingua simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30163abbassalingua is abbassalingua" ; rdfs:label " abbassalingua_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH30168abbattifieno simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30168abbattifieno is abbattifieno" ; rdfs:label " abbattifieno_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH3016omentoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3016omentoN is omento" ; rdfs:label " omento_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH30185abbronzante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30185abbronzante is abbronzante" ; rdfs:label " abbronzante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH30228accadica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30228accadica is accadica" ; rdfs:label " accadica_as_People" . inds:USemTH30254accelerante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30254accelerante is accelerante" ; rdfs:label " accelerante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH30256accelerometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30256accelerometro is accelerometro" ; rdfs:label " accelerometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH3025orpimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3025orpimento is orpimento" ; rdfs:label " orpimento_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH30263accettante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30263accettante is accettante" ; rdfs:label " accettante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH30267acchiappafarfalle simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30267acchiappafarfalle is acchiappafarfalle" ; rdfs:label " acchiappafarfalle_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH30299accorsa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30299accorsa is accorsa" ; rdfs:label " accorsa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH30300accorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30300accorso is accorso" ; rdfs:label " accorso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH30330acinace simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30330acinace is acinace" ; rdfs:label " acinace_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH30332acirologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30332acirologia is acirologia" ; rdfs:label " acirologia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH30345acquamanile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30345acquamanile is acquamanile" ; rdfs:label " acquamanile_as_Container" . inds:USemTH30350acquariologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30350acquariologia is acquariologia" ; rdfs:label " acquariologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30362actinomicete simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30362actinomicete is actinomicete" ; rdfs:label " actinomicete_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH3037palmentoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3037palmentoN is palmento" ; rdfs:label " palmento_as_Container" . inds:USemTH30397adenocarcinoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30397adenocarcinoma is adenocarcinoma" ; rdfs:label " adenocarcinoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH30398adenopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30398adenopatia is adenopatia" ; rdfs:label " adenopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH30402adipe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30402adipe is adipe" ; rdfs:label " adipe_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH30408adottanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30408adottanda is adottanda" ; rdfs:label " adottanda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH30409adottando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30409adottando is adottando" ; rdfs:label " adottando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH3040paludamentoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3040paludamentoN is paludamento" ; rdfs:label " paludamento_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH3041panneggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3041panneggiamento is panneggiamento" ; rdfs:label " panneggiamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH30428aerofotografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30428aerofotografia is aerofotografia" ; rdfs:label " aerofotografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30429aerografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30429aerografia is aerografia" ; rdfs:label " aerografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH3042paramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3042paramento is paramento" ; rdfs:label " paramento_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH30435aerologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30435aerologa is aerologa" ; rdfs:label " aerologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH30436aerologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30436aerologia is aerologia" ; rdfs:label " aerologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30446aeropostale simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30446aeropostale is aeropostale" ; rdfs:label " aeropostale_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH30448aerorimessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30448aerorimessa is aerorimessa" ; rdfs:label " aerorimessa_as_Building" . inds:USemTH30451aerosilurante simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30451aerosilurante is aerosilurante" ; rdfs:label " aerosilurante_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH30452aerosolterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30452aerosolterapia is aerosolterapia" ; rdfs:label " aerosolterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30455aeroterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30455aeroterapia is aeroterapia" ; rdfs:label " aeroterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30475affilacoltelli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30475affilacoltelli is affilacoltelli" ; rdfs:label " affilacoltelli_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH30476affilalame simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30476affilalame is affilalame" ; rdfs:label " affilalame_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH30477affilarasoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30477affilarasoio is affilarasoio" ; rdfs:label " affilarasoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH30491affondamine simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30491affondamine is affondamine" ; rdfs:label " affondamine_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH30507afonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30507afonia is afonia" ; rdfs:label " afonia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH30517afta simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30517afta is afta" ; rdfs:label " afta_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH30525aggetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30525aggetto is aggetto" ; rdfs:label " aggetto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH30549agiografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30549agiografa is agiografa" ; rdfs:label " agiografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH30550agiografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30550agiografia is agiografia" ; rdfs:label " agiografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30553agiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30553agiologia is agiologia" ; rdfs:label " agiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30574agrobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30574agrobiologia is agrobiologia" ; rdfs:label " agrobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30575agrodolce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30575agrodolce is agrodolce" ; rdfs:label " agrodolce_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH30576agrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30576agrologia is agrologia" ; rdfs:label " agrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30584aione simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30584aione is aione" ; rdfs:label " aione_as_Area" . inds:USemTH30600albumina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30600albumina is albumina" ; rdfs:label " albumina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH30603alcali simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30603alcali is alcali" ; rdfs:label " alcali_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH30613alcologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30613alcologia is alcologia" ; rdfs:label " alcologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30616aldeide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30616aldeide is aldeide" ; rdfs:label " aldeide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH30624alessia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30624alessia is alessia" ; rdfs:label " alessia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH30625aletta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30625aletta is aletta" ; rdfs:label " aletta_as_Part" . inds:USemTH30628alettone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30628alettone is alettone" ; rdfs:label " alettone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH30629alfa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30629alfa is alfa" ; rdfs:label " alfa_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH30632alfabetiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30632alfabetiere is alfabetiere" ; rdfs:label " alfabetiere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH30646algologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30646algologia is algologia" ; rdfs:label " algologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH3065periodizzamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3065periodizzamento is periodizzamento" ; rdfs:label " periodizzamento_as_Time" . inds:USemTH30664alizarina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30664alizarina is alizarina" ; rdfs:label " alizarina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH30666allargatubi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30666allargatubi is allargatubi" ; rdfs:label " allargatubi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH30668allarmista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30668allarmista is allarmista" ; rdfs:label " allarmista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH30673allele simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30673allele is allele" ; rdfs:label " allele_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USemTH30674allergene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30674allergene is allergene" ; rdfs:label " allergene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH30685allobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30685allobiologia is allobiologia" ; rdfs:label " allobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH30717aloe simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30717aloe is aloe" ; rdfs:label " aloe_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH30727altare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30727altare is altare" ; rdfs:label " altare_as_Part" . inds:USemTH30731altimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30731altimetro is altimetro" ; rdfs:label " altimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH30732altoatesina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30732altoatesina is altoatesina" ; rdfs:label " altoatesina_as_People" . inds:USemTH30733altoatesino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30733altoatesino is altoatesino" ; rdfs:label " altoatesino_as_People" . inds:USemTH30734altocumulo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30734altocumulo is altocumulo" ; rdfs:label " altocumulo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH30735altometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30735altometro is altometro" ; rdfs:label " altometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH30743alveo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30743alveo is alveo" ; rdfs:label " alveo_as_Area" . inds:USemTH30744alveolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30744alveolo is alveolo" ; rdfs:label " alveolo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH30747alzacristallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30747alzacristallo is alzacristallo" ; rdfs:label " alzacristallo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH30766ambone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30766ambone is ambone" ; rdfs:label " ambone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH30767ambra simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30767ambra is ambra" ; rdfs:label " ambra_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH30777amfetamina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30777amfetamina is amfetamina" ; rdfs:label " amfetamina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH3077piazzamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3077piazzamento is piazzamento" ; rdfs:label " piazzamento_as_Location" . inds:USemTH30782amilasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30782amilasi is amilasi" ; rdfs:label " amilasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH30794ammasso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30794ammasso is ammasso" ; rdfs:label " ammasso_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH30805ammide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30805ammide is ammide" ; rdfs:label " ammide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH30806ammina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30806ammina is ammina" ; rdfs:label " ammina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH30857boutique simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30857boutique is boutique" ; rdfs:label " boutique_as_Building" . inds:USemTH30871cinecitta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30871cinecitta1 is cinecitta'" ; rdfs:label " cinecitta'_as_Location" . inds:USemTH30875commessura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30875commessura is commessura" ; rdfs:label " commessura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH30878conservatoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30878conservatoria is conservatoria" ; rdfs:label " conservatoria_as_Building" . inds:USemTH30880controviale simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30880controviale is controviale" ; rdfs:label " controviale_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH30929fotozincografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30929fotozincografia is fotozincografia" ; rdfs:label " fotozincografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH3093preconoscimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3093preconoscimento is preconoscimento" ; rdfs:label " preconoscimento_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH30946hall simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30946hall is hall" ; rdfs:label " hall_as_Part" . inds:USemTH30947hangar simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30947hangar is hangar" ; rdfs:label " hangar_as_Building" . inds:USemTH30951igloo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30951igloo is igloo" ; rdfs:label " igloo_as_Building" . inds:USemTH3096predicimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3096predicimento is predicimento" ; rdfs:label " predicimento_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH30986me2tro simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH30986me2tro is me'tro" ; rdfs:label " me'tro_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH31011monetarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31011monetarismo is monetarismo" ; rdfs:label " monetarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH3106presagimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3106presagimento is presagimento" ; rdfs:label " presagimento_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH31104seconda simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31104seconda is seconda" ; rdfs:label " seconda_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH3111prevedimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3111prevedimento is prevedimento" ; rdfs:label " prevedimento_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH31145verziere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31145verziere is verziere" ; rdfs:label " verziere_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH31150p simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31150p is p" ; rdfs:label " p_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH31151pacchiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31151pacchiana is pacchiana" ; rdfs:label " pacchiana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31153pacchiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31153pacchiano is pacchiano" ; rdfs:label " pacchiano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31155pacchierotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31155pacchierotta is pacchierotta" ; rdfs:label " pacchierotta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31157pacchierotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31157pacchierotto is pacchierotto" ; rdfs:label " pacchierotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31160pachidermia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31160pachidermia is pachidermia" ; rdfs:label " pachidermia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31161pachistana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31161pachistana is pachistana" ; rdfs:label " pachistana_as_People" . inds:USemTH31163pachistano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31163pachistano is pachistano" ; rdfs:label " pachistano_as_People" . inds:USemTH31165package simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31165package is package" ; rdfs:label " package_as_Group" . inds:USemTH31166padanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31166padanita1 is padanita'" ; rdfs:label " padanita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH31167padellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31167padellaia is padellaia" ; rdfs:label " padellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31169padellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31169padellaio is padellaio" ; rdfs:label " padellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31171padellara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31171padellara is padellara" ; rdfs:label " padellara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31173padellaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31173padellaro is padellaro" ; rdfs:label " padellaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31175padovana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31175padovana is padovana" ; rdfs:label " padovana_as_People" . inds:USemTH31177padovano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31177padovano is padovano" ; rdfs:label " padovano_as_People" . inds:USemTH31178padovano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31178padovano is padovano" ; rdfs:label " padovano_as_Language" . inds:USemTH31180padronissima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31180padronissima is padronissima" ; rdfs:label " padronissima_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31182padronissimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31182padronissimo is padronissimo" ; rdfs:label " padronissimo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31185paesaggista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31185paesaggista is paesaggista" ; rdfs:label " paesaggista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31188paesanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31188paesanismo is paesanismo" ; rdfs:label " paesanismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH31191paesista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31191paesista is paesista" ; rdfs:label " paesista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31196pagliaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31196pagliaiola is pagliaiola" ; rdfs:label " pagliaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31198pagliaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31198pagliaiolo is pagliaiolo" ; rdfs:label " pagliaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31201pagnottista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31201pagnottista is pagnottista" ; rdfs:label " pagnottista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31204paidocentrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31204paidocentrismo is paidocentrismo" ; rdfs:label " paidocentrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31206paidologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31206paidologia is paidologia" ; rdfs:label " paidologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31209palafitticola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31209palafitticola is palafitticola" ; rdfs:label " palafitticola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31211palafitticolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31211palafitticolo is palafitticolo" ; rdfs:label " palafitticolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31213palafreniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31213palafreniere is palafreniere" ; rdfs:label " palafreniere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31216palatoschisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31216palatoschisi is palatoschisi" ; rdfs:label " palatoschisi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31219palazzinara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31219palazzinara is palazzinara" ; rdfs:label " palazzinara_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31221palazzinaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31221palazzinaro is palazzinaro" ; rdfs:label " palazzinaro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31223palchettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31223palchettista is palchettista" ; rdfs:label " palchettista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH31227palchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31227palchista is palchista" ; rdfs:label " palchista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH31232paleantropo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31232paleantropo is paleantropo" ; rdfs:label " paleantropo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31238paleoantropo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31238paleoantropo is paleoantropo" ; rdfs:label " paleoantropo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31240paleoantropologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31240paleoantropologia is paleoantropologia" ; rdfs:label " paleoantropologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31241paleobotanica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31241paleobotanica is paleobotanica" ; rdfs:label " paleobotanica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31242paleobotanica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31242paleobotanica is paleobotanica" ; rdfs:label " paleobotanica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31244paleobotanico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31244paleobotanico is paleobotanico" ; rdfs:label " paleobotanico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31246paleocene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31246paleocene is paleocene" ; rdfs:label " paleocene_as_Time" . inds:USemTH31247paleoecologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31247paleoecologia is paleoecologia" ; rdfs:label " paleoecologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31248paleoetnologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31248paleoetnologia is paleoetnologia" ; rdfs:label " paleoetnologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31249paleogene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31249paleogene is paleogene" ; rdfs:label " paleogene_as_Time" . inds:USemTH31251paleografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31251paleografa is paleografa" ; rdfs:label " paleografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31253paleografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31253paleografo is paleografo" ; rdfs:label " paleografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31256paleolitico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31256paleolitico is paleolitico" ; rdfs:label " paleolitico_as_Time" . inds:USemTH31258paleomagnetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31258paleomagnetismo is paleomagnetismo" ; rdfs:label " paleomagnetismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31259paleomagnetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31259paleomagnetismo is paleomagnetismo" ; rdfs:label " paleomagnetismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH31260paleontologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31260paleontologa is paleontologa" ; rdfs:label " paleontologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31262paleontologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31262paleontologo is paleontologo" ; rdfs:label " paleontologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31264paleozoologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31264paleozoologia is paleozoologia" ; rdfs:label " paleozoologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31272paletnologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31272paletnologa is paletnologa" ; rdfs:label " paletnologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31274paletnologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31274paletnologia is paletnologia" ; rdfs:label " paletnologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31275paletnologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31275paletnologo is paletnologo" ; rdfs:label " paletnologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31278paletuviere simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31278paletuviere is paletuviere" ; rdfs:label " paletuviere_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH31280palilogia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31280palilogia is palilogia" ; rdfs:label " palilogia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH31283palinologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31283palinologia is palinologia" ; rdfs:label " palinologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31288pallanuotista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31288pallanuotista is pallanuotista" ; rdfs:label " pallanuotista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH31296pallavolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31296pallavolista is pallavolista" ; rdfs:label " pallavolista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH31308pallesco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31308pallesco is pallesco" ; rdfs:label " pallesco_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31311pallidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31311pallidezza is pallidezza" ; rdfs:label " pallidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH31312pallonaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31312pallonaia is pallonaia" ; rdfs:label " pallonaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31314pallonaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31314pallonaio is pallonaio" ; rdfs:label " pallonaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31316pallottoliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31316pallottoliere is pallottoliere" ; rdfs:label " pallottoliere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31318palmipede simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31318palmipede is palmipede" ; rdfs:label " palmipede_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH31319palmitato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31319palmitato is palmitato" ; rdfs:label " palmitato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH31322palpabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31322palpabilita1 is palpabilita'" ; rdfs:label " palpabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH31330paludismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31330paludismo is paludismo" ; rdfs:label " paludismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31334palvesario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31334palvesario is palvesario" ; rdfs:label " palvesario_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH31335pampsichismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31335pampsichismo is pampsichismo" ; rdfs:label " pampsichismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31337panafricanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31337panafricanismo is panafricanismo" ; rdfs:label " panafricanismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31340panafricanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31340panafricanista is panafricanista" ; rdfs:label " panafricanista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31343panamegna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31343panamegna is panamegna" ; rdfs:label " panamegna_as_People" . inds:USemTH31345panamegno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31345panamegno is panamegno" ; rdfs:label " panamegno_as_People" . inds:USemTH31347panamericanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31347panamericanismo is panamericanismo" ; rdfs:label " panamericanismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31349panarabismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31349panarabismo is panarabismo" ; rdfs:label " panarabismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31351panasiatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31351panasiatismo is panasiatismo" ; rdfs:label " panasiatismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31353pancacciere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31353pancacciere is pancacciere" ; rdfs:label " pancacciere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31357pancaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31357pancaio is pancaio" ; rdfs:label " pancaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31359pancake simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31359pancake is pancake" ; rdfs:label " pancake_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH31360pancarre1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31360pancarre1 is pancarre'" ; rdfs:label " pancarre'_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH31361panciafichismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31361panciafichismo is panciafichismo" ; rdfs:label " panciafichismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31364panciafichista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31364panciafichista is panciafichista" ; rdfs:label " panciafichista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31367pancone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31367pancone is pancone" ; rdfs:label " pancone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31368pancraziaste simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31368pancraziaste is pancraziaste" ; rdfs:label " pancraziaste_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH31370pandolce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31370pandolce is pandolce" ; rdfs:label " pandolce_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH31374panegirista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31374panegirista is panegirista" ; rdfs:label " panegirista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31377panel simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31377panel is panel" ; rdfs:label " panel_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH31378panellenismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31378panellenismo is panellenismo" ; rdfs:label " panellenismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH3137pulmento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3137pulmento is pulmento" ; rdfs:label " pulmento_as_Food" . inds:USemTH31380panello simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31380panello is panello" ; rdfs:label " panello_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH31381panenteismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31381panenteismo is panenteismo" ; rdfs:label " panenteismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31383panettaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31383panettaia is panettaia" ; rdfs:label " panettaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31385panettaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31385panettaio is panettaio" ; rdfs:label " panettaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31388panflettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31388panflettista is panflettista" ; rdfs:label " panflettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31391panforte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31391panforte is panforte" ; rdfs:label " panforte_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH31393pangermanista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31393pangermanista is pangermanista" ; rdfs:label " pangermanista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31399panieraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31399panieraia is panieraia" ; rdfs:label " panieraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31401panieraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31401panieraio is panieraio" ; rdfs:label " panieraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31405panislamismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31405panislamismo is panislamismo" ; rdfs:label " panislamismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31409panlogismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31409panlogismo is panlogismo" ; rdfs:label " panlogismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31411pannaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31411pannaiola is pannaiola" ; rdfs:label " pannaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31413pannaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31413pannaiolo is pannaiolo" ; rdfs:label " pannaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31415pannarone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31415pannarone is pannarone" ; rdfs:label " pannarone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH31417pannerone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31417pannerone is pannerone" ; rdfs:label " pannerone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH31418pannolenci simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31418pannolenci is pannolenci" ; rdfs:label " pannolenci_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH31421pannolinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31421pannolinaio is pannolinaio" ; rdfs:label " pannolinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31423panoramicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31423panoramicita1 is panoramicita'" ; rdfs:label " panoramicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH31424panpsichismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31424panpsichismo is panpsichismo" ; rdfs:label " panpsichismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31426pansessualismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31426pansessualismo is pansessualismo" ; rdfs:label " pansessualismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31428panslavismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31428panslavismo is panslavismo" ; rdfs:label " panslavismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31430panspeziale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31430panspeziale is panspeziale" ; rdfs:label " panspeziale_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH31432panteista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31432panteista is panteista" ; rdfs:label " panteista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31435panteon simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31435panteon is panteon" ; rdfs:label " panteon_as_Building" . inds:USemTH31436pantesca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31436pantesca is pantesca" ; rdfs:label " pantesca_as_People" . inds:USemTH31444pantofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31444pantofobia is pantofobia" ; rdfs:label " pantofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31448pantografista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31448pantografista is pantografista" ; rdfs:label " pantografista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31451pantomimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31451pantomimo is pantomimo" ; rdfs:label " pantomimo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31454pantoptosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31454pantoptosi is pantoptosi" ; rdfs:label " pantoptosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31455panze2 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31455panze2 is panze'" ; rdfs:label " panze'_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH31456paolinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31456paolinismo is paolinismo" ; rdfs:label " paolinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31458papa1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31458papa1 is papa'" ; rdfs:label " papa'_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH31459papalina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31459papalina is papalina" ; rdfs:label " papalina_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH31460papalina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31460papalina is papalina" ; rdfs:label " papalina_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31462papalino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31462papalino is papalino" ; rdfs:label " papalino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31463papalino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31463papalino is papalino" ; rdfs:label " papalino_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH31469papilloma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31469papilloma is papilloma" ; rdfs:label " papilloma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31471papirologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31471papirologa is papirologa" ; rdfs:label " papirologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31473papirologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31473papirologia is papirologia" ; rdfs:label " papirologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31475papirologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31475papirologista is papirologista" ; rdfs:label " papirologista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31478papirologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31478papirologo is papirologo" ; rdfs:label " papirologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31481papista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31481papista is papista" ; rdfs:label " papista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31484pappaceci simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31484pappaceci is pappaceci" ; rdfs:label " pappaceci_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31495papuana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31495papuana is papuana" ; rdfs:label " papuana_as_People" . inds:USemTH31497papuano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31497papuano is papuano" ; rdfs:label " papuano_as_People" . inds:USemTH31498papuano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31498papuano is papuano" ; rdfs:label " papuano_as_Language" . inds:USemTH31499papula simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31499papula is papula" ; rdfs:label " papula_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31500parabiosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31500parabiosi is parabiosi" ; rdfs:label " parabiosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH31501parabolana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31501parabolana is parabolana" ; rdfs:label " parabolana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31503parabolano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31503parabolano is parabolano" ; rdfs:label " parabolano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31505paraboloide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31505paraboloide is paraboloide" ; rdfs:label " paraboloide_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH31506parabordo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31506parabordo is parabordo" ; rdfs:label " parabordo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31507paracenere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31507paracenere is paracenere" ; rdfs:label " paracenere_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31509paracoda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31509paracoda is paracoda" ; rdfs:label " paracoda_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31510paracolpi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31510paracolpi is paracolpi" ; rdfs:label " paracolpi_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31512paracomunista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31512paracomunista is paracomunista" ; rdfs:label " paracomunista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31515paracqua simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31515paracqua is paracqua" ; rdfs:label " paracqua_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31516paracula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31516paracula is paracula" ; rdfs:label " paracula_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31518paraculo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31518paraculo is paraculo" ; rdfs:label " paraculo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31520paracuore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31520paracuore is paracuore" ; rdfs:label " paracuore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH31521paradenti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31521paradenti is paradenti" ; rdfs:label " paradenti_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31522paradentosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31522paradentosi is paradentosi" ; rdfs:label " paradentosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31523paradossalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31523paradossalita1 is paradossalita'" ; rdfs:label " paradossalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH31526parafiamma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31526parafiamma is parafiamma" ; rdfs:label " parafiamma_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31527parafimosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31527parafimosi is parafimosi" ; rdfs:label " parafimosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31528parafondi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31528parafondi is parafondi" ; rdfs:label " parafondi_as_Container" . inds:USemTH31530parafumo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31530parafumo is parafumo" ; rdfs:label " parafumo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31532paragrammatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31532paragrammatismo is paragrammatismo" ; rdfs:label " paragrammatismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31534paraguai simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31534paraguai is paraguai" ; rdfs:label " paraguai_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH31535paraguayana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31535paraguayana is paraguayana" ; rdfs:label " paraguayana_as_People" . inds:USemTH31537paraguayano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31537paraguayano is paraguayano" ; rdfs:label " paraguayano_as_People" . inds:USemTH31543paraluce simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31543paraluce is paraluce" ; rdfs:label " paraluce_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31544paramagnetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31544paramagnetismo is paramagnetismo" ; rdfs:label " paramagnetismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH31547paramezzale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31547paramezzale is paramezzale" ; rdfs:label " paramezzale_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31548paramine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31548paramine is paramine" ; rdfs:label " paramine_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31549paramorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31549paramorfismo is paramorfismo" ; rdfs:label " paramorfismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH31551paramosche simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31551paramosche is paramosche" ; rdfs:label " paramosche_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31552paranco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31552paranco is paranco" ; rdfs:label " paranco_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31553paraninfa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31553paraninfa is paraninfa" ; rdfs:label " paraninfa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31555paraninfo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31555paraninfo is paraninfo" ; rdfs:label " paraninfo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31557paranocche simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31557paranocche is paranocche" ; rdfs:label " paranocche_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31558paranormalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31558paranormalita1 is paranormalita'" ; rdfs:label " paranormalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH31559paranza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31559paranza is paranza" ; rdfs:label " paranza_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31560paraocchi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31560paraocchi is paraocchi" ; rdfs:label " paraocchi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31561paraonde simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31561paraonde is paraonde" ; rdfs:label " paraonde_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31562paraorecchie simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31562paraorecchie is paraorecchie" ; rdfs:label " paraorecchie_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31563parapalle simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31563parapalle is parapalle" ; rdfs:label " parapalle_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH31564parapioggia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31564parapioggia is parapioggia" ; rdfs:label " parapioggia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31565paraplegia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31565paraplegia is paraplegia" ; rdfs:label " paraplegia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31566parapsicologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31566parapsicologa is parapsicologa" ; rdfs:label " parapsicologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31568parapsicologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31568parapsicologo is parapsicologo" ; rdfs:label " parapsicologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31570parasartie simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31570parasartie is parasartie" ; rdfs:label " parasartie_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31571paraschegge simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31571paraschegge is paraschegge" ; rdfs:label " paraschegge_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31572parascolastica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31572parascolastica is parascolastica" ; rdfs:label " parascolastica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31574parascolastico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31574parascolastico is parascolastico" ; rdfs:label " parascolastico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31576paraselene simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31576paraselene is paraselene" ; rdfs:label " paraselene_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH31577parasiluri simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31577parasiluri is parasiluri" ; rdfs:label " parasiluri_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31578paraspalle simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31578paraspalle is paraspalle" ; rdfs:label " paraspalle_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31579paraspigolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31579paraspigolo is paraspigolo" ; rdfs:label " paraspigolo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31582parastinchi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31582parastinchi is parastinchi" ; rdfs:label " parastinchi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31583parastrappi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31583parastrappi is parastrappi" ; rdfs:label " parastrappi_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31584paratia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31584paratia is paratia" ; rdfs:label " paratia_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31585paratiroide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31585paratiroide is paratiroide" ; rdfs:label " paratiroide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH31587paratoia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31587paratoia is paratoia" ; rdfs:label " paratoia_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31596parchettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31596parchettista is parchettista" ; rdfs:label " parchettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31599parchimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31599parchimetro is parchimetro" ; rdfs:label " parchimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31601parcometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31601parcometro is parcometro" ; rdfs:label " parcometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31609paremiografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31609paremiografa is paremiografa" ; rdfs:label " paremiografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31612paremiografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31612paremiografo is paremiografo" ; rdfs:label " paremiografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31614paremiologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31614paremiologa is paremiologa" ; rdfs:label " paremiologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31616paremiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31616paremiologia is paremiologia" ; rdfs:label " paremiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31617paremiologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31617paremiologo is paremiologo" ; rdfs:label " paremiologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31619parenchima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31619parenchima is parenchima" ; rdfs:label " parenchima_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH31622paretica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31622paretica is paretica" ; rdfs:label " paretica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31624paretico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31624paretico is paretico" ; rdfs:label " paretico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31626paretimologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31626paretimologia is paretimologia" ; rdfs:label " paretimologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31633paride simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31633paride is paride" ; rdfs:label " paride_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH31634parietale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31634parietale is parietale" ; rdfs:label " parietale_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH31637pariniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31637pariniana is pariniana" ; rdfs:label " pariniana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31639pariniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31639pariniano is pariniano" ; rdfs:label " pariniano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31641pariolina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31641pariolina is pariolina" ; rdfs:label " pariolina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31643pariolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31643pariolino is pariolino" ; rdfs:label " pariolino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31646pariteticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31646pariteticita1 is pariteticita'" ; rdfs:label " pariteticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH31647parkinsonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31647parkinsonismo is parkinsonismo" ; rdfs:label " parkinsonismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31650parlamentarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31650parlamentarista is parlamentarista" ; rdfs:label " parlamentarista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31657parlato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31657parlato is parlato" ; rdfs:label " parlato_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH31661parmigiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31661parmigiana is parmigiana" ; rdfs:label " parmigiana_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH31662parnassiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31662parnassiana is parnassiana" ; rdfs:label " parnassiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31664parnassiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31664parnassiano is parnassiano" ; rdfs:label " parnassiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31667parodista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31667parodista is parodista" ; rdfs:label " parodista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31672parole simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31672parole is parole" ; rdfs:label " parole_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH31673parole simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31673parole is parole" ; rdfs:label " parole_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH31674parolone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31674parolone is parolone" ; rdfs:label " parolone_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH31675paronichia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31675paronichia is paronichia" ; rdfs:label " paronichia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31676parotite simple:hasAffects inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasCausedby inds:USem1971virus ; simple:hasCauses inds:USem72131gonfiore ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3593bambino ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31676parotite is parotite" ; rdfs:label " parotite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31677parrocchialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31677parrocchialita1 is parrocchialita'" ; rdfs:label " parrocchialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH31678parruccaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31678parruccaia is parruccaia" ; rdfs:label " parruccaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31680parruccaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31680parruccaio is parruccaio" ; rdfs:label " parruccaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31683parsismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31683parsismo is parsismo" ; rdfs:label " parsismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31695partenogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31695partenogenesi is partenogenesi" ; rdfs:label " partenogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH31696partenopea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31696partenopea is partenopea" ; rdfs:label " partenopea_as_People" . inds:USemTH31697partenopea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31697partenopea is partenopea" ; rdfs:label " partenopea_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH31698partenopeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31698partenopeo is partenopeo" ; rdfs:label " partenopeo_as_People" . inds:USemTH31699partenopeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31699partenopeo is partenopeo" ; rdfs:label " partenopeo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH31701particolarista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31701particolarista is particolarista" ; rdfs:label " particolarista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31705partitario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31705partitario is partitario" ; rdfs:label " partitario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH31706partitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31706partitismo is partitismo" ; rdfs:label " partitismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31711parziarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31711parziarieta1 is parziarieta'" ; rdfs:label " parziarieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH31712pascolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31712pascolismo is pascolismo" ; rdfs:label " pascolismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31715passacarte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31715passacarte is passacarte" ; rdfs:label " passacarte_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31717passacavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31717passacavo is passacavo" ; rdfs:label " passacavo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31718passapalle simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31718passapalle is passapalle" ; rdfs:label " passapalle_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31719passapatate simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31719passapatate is passapatate" ; rdfs:label " passapatate_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31723passatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31723passatista is passatista" ; rdfs:label " passatista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31731passatutto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31731passatutto is passatutto" ; rdfs:label " passatutto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31732passaverdura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31732passaverdura is passaverdura" ; rdfs:label " passaverdura_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31733passavivande simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31733passavivande is passavivande" ; rdfs:label " passavivande_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH31734passavolante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31734passavolante is passavolante" ; rdfs:label " passavolante_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31739passeggiera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31739passeggiera is passeggiera" ; rdfs:label " passeggiera_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH31741passeggiero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31741passeggiero is passeggiero" ; rdfs:label " passeggiero_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH31746passionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31746passionalita1 is passionalita'" ; rdfs:label " passionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH31748passista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31748passista is passista" ; rdfs:label " passista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH31753passivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31753passivita1 is passivita'" ; rdfs:label " passivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH31754passivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31754passivo is passivo" ; rdfs:label " passivo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH31755pastaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31755pastaia is pastaia" ; rdfs:label " pastaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31757pastaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31757pastaio is pastaio" ; rdfs:label " pastaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31759pastasciuttaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31759pastasciuttaia is pastasciuttaia" ; rdfs:label " pastasciuttaia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31761pastasciuttaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31761pastasciuttaio is pastasciuttaio" ; rdfs:label " pastasciuttaio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31764pastellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31764pastellista is pastellista" ; rdfs:label " pastellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31767pasteurellosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31767pasteurellosi is pasteurellosi" ; rdfs:label " pasteurellosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31776pastonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31776pastonista is pastonista" ; rdfs:label " pastonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31785patarina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31785patarina is patarina" ; rdfs:label " patarina_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31787patarinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31787patarinismo is patarinismo" ; rdfs:label " patarinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31789patarino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31789patarino is patarino" ; rdfs:label " patarino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31791patataia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31791patataia is patataia" ; rdfs:label " patataia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31793patataio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31793patataio is patataio" ; rdfs:label " patataio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31800patatucca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31800patatucca is patatucca" ; rdfs:label " patatucca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31802patatucco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31802patatucco is patatucco" ; rdfs:label " patatucco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31804patavina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31804patavina is patavina" ; rdfs:label " patavina_as_People" . inds:USemTH31806patavinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31806patavinita1 is patavinita'" ; rdfs:label " patavinita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH31809patella simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31809patella is patella" ; rdfs:label " patella_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH31810paterina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31810paterina is paterina" ; rdfs:label " paterina_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31812paterino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31812paterino is paterino" ; rdfs:label " paterino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31815paternalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31815paternalista is paternalista" ; rdfs:label " paternalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31817paternalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31817paternalista is paternalista" ; rdfs:label " paternalista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31818patetica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31818patetica is patetica" ; rdfs:label " patetica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31821patetico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31821patetico is patetico" ; rdfs:label " patetico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31831patita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31831patita is patita" ; rdfs:label " patita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31833patito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31833patito is patito" ; rdfs:label " patito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31835patofoba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31835patofoba is patofoba" ; rdfs:label " patofoba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31838patofobo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31838patofobo is patofobo" ; rdfs:label " patofobo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31842patologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31842patologo is patologo" ; rdfs:label " patologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31844patosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31844patosi is patosi" ; rdfs:label " patosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31846patricida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31846patricida is patricida" ; rdfs:label " patricida_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31849patrilocalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31849patrilocalita1 is patrilocalita'" ; rdfs:label " patrilocalita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH31850patriotarda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31850patriotarda is patriotarda" ; rdfs:label " patriotarda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31852patriotardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31852patriotardo is patriotardo" ; rdfs:label " patriotardo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31855patriotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31855patriotta is patriotta" ; rdfs:label " patriotta_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31858patriottarda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31858patriottarda is patriottarda" ; rdfs:label " patriottarda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31860patriottardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31860patriottardo is patriottardo" ; rdfs:label " patriottardo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31866patrologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31866patrologa is patrologa" ; rdfs:label " patrologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31868patrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31868patrologia is patrologia" ; rdfs:label " patrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31869patrologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31869patrologo is patrologo" ; rdfs:label " patrologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31871patrona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31871patrona is patrona" ; rdfs:label " patrona_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH31873patronessa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31873patronessa is patronessa" ; rdfs:label " patronessa_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH31875patrono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31875patrono is patrono" ; rdfs:label " patrono_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH31876patrono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31876patrono is patrono" ; rdfs:label " patrono_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH31886pattonaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31886pattonaia is pattonaia" ; rdfs:label " pattonaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31888pattonaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31888pattonaio is pattonaio" ; rdfs:label " pattonaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31895pattume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31895pattume is pattume" ; rdfs:label " pattume_as_Group" . inds:USemTH31899pausario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31899pausario is pausario" ; rdfs:label " pausario_as_Role" . inds:USemTH31901pavida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31901pavida is pavida" ; rdfs:label " pavida_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31904pavido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31904pavido is pavido" ; rdfs:label " pavido_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31911pavimentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31911pavimentista is pavimentista" ; rdfs:label " pavimentista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31914pazzarella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31914pazzarella is pazzarella" ; rdfs:label " pazzarella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31916pazzarello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31916pazzarello is pazzarello" ; rdfs:label " pazzarello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31918pazzerella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31918pazzerella is pazzerella" ; rdfs:label " pazzerella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31920pazzerello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31920pazzerello is pazzerello" ; rdfs:label " pazzerello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31922peccabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31922peccabilita1 is peccabilita'" ; rdfs:label " peccabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH31923peccaminosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31923peccaminosita1 is peccaminosita'" ; rdfs:label " peccaminosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH31928pece simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31928pece is pece" ; rdfs:label " pece_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH31930peciario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31930peciario is peciario" ; rdfs:label " peciario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31932pecoraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31932pecoraia is pecoraia" ; rdfs:label " pecoraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31934pecoraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31934pecoraio is pecoraio" ; rdfs:label " pecoraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31936pecorame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31936pecorame is pecorame" ; rdfs:label " pecorame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH31937pecorara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31937pecorara is pecorara" ; rdfs:label " pecorara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31939pecoraro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31939pecoraro is pecoraro" ; rdfs:label " pecoraro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31941pecorile simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31941pecorile is pecorile" ; rdfs:label " pecorile_as_Building" . inds:USemTH31942pecorume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31942pecorume is pecorume" ; rdfs:label " pecorume_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH31950pedalone simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31950pedalone is pedalone" ; rdfs:label " pedalone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH31951pedete simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31951pedete is pedete" ; rdfs:label " pedete_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH31952pediatro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31952pediatro is pediatro" ; rdfs:label " pediatro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31954pedice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31954pedice is pedice" ; rdfs:label " pedice_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH31955pedicello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31955pedicello is pedicello" ; rdfs:label " pedicello_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31956pediculosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31956pediculosi is pediculosi" ; rdfs:label " pediculosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31957pedignone simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31957pedignone is pedignone" ; rdfs:label " pedignone_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH31959pedissequa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31959pedissequa is pedissequa" ; rdfs:label " pedissequa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31961pedissequo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31961pedissequo is pedissequo" ; rdfs:label " pedissequo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31963pedocentrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31963pedocentrismo is pedocentrismo" ; rdfs:label " pedocentrismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31965pedofila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31965pedofila is pedofila" ; rdfs:label " pedofila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31967pedofilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31967pedofilo is pedofilo" ; rdfs:label " pedofilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31970pedologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31970pedologa is pedologa" ; rdfs:label " pedologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31972pedologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31972pedologia is pedologia" ; rdfs:label " pedologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH31973pedologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31973pedologo is pedologo" ; rdfs:label " pedologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH31975pedule simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31975pedule is pedule" ; rdfs:label " pedule_as_Part" . inds:USemTH31976pegasiforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31976pegasiforme is pegasiforme" ; rdfs:label " pegasiforme_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH31981pegno simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31981pegno is pegno" ; rdfs:label " pegno_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH31983pegno simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31983pegno is pegno" ; rdfs:label " pegno_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH31984pelagiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31984pelagiana is pelagiana" ; rdfs:label " pelagiana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31986pelagianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31986pelagianismo is pelagianismo" ; rdfs:label " pelagianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH31988pelagiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31988pelagiano is pelagiano" ; rdfs:label " pelagiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH31990pelagide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31990pelagide is pelagide" ; rdfs:label " pelagide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH31991pelagrilli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31991pelagrilli is pelagrilli" ; rdfs:label " pelagrilli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH31993pelame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31993pelame is pelame" ; rdfs:label " pelame_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH31994pelapatate simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31994pelapatate is pelapatate" ; rdfs:label " pelapatate_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH31995pelapolli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH31995pelapolli is pelapolli" ; rdfs:label " pelapolli_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32004pelegro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32004pelegro is pelegro" ; rdfs:label " pelegro_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH32006peligna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32006peligna is peligna" ; rdfs:label " peligna_as_People" . inds:USemTH32008peligno simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32008peligno is peligno" ; rdfs:label " peligno_as_Language" . inds:USemTH32009peligno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32009peligno is peligno" ; rdfs:label " peligno_as_People" . inds:USemTH32011peliosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32011peliosi is peliosi" ; rdfs:label " peliosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH32012pellagra simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32012pellagra is pellagra" ; rdfs:label " pellagra_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32013pellagrosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32013pellagrosa is pellagrosa" ; rdfs:label " pellagrosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32015pellagroso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32015pellagroso is pellagroso" ; rdfs:label " pellagroso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32017pellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32017pellaia is pellaia" ; rdfs:label " pellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32019pellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32019pellaio is pellaio" ; rdfs:label " pellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32021pellara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32021pellara is pellara" ; rdfs:label " pellara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32023pellaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32023pellaro is pellaro" ; rdfs:label " pellaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32025pellicciame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32025pellicciame is pellicciame" ; rdfs:label " pellicciame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH32026pelliccione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32026pelliccione is pelliccione" ; rdfs:label " pelliccione_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH32028peloponnesiaca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32028peloponnesiaca is peloponnesiaca" ; rdfs:label " peloponnesiaca_as_People" . inds:USemTH32030peloponnesiaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32030peloponnesiaco is peloponnesiaco" ; rdfs:label " peloponnesiaco_as_People" . inds:USemTH32032peloritana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32032peloritana is peloritana" ; rdfs:label " peloritana_as_People" . inds:USemTH32034peloritano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32034peloritano is peloritano" ; rdfs:label " peloritano_as_People" . inds:USemTH32039pelotaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32039pelotaro is pelotaro" ; rdfs:label " pelotaro_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH32041peltraia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32041peltraia is peltraia" ; rdfs:label " peltraia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32043peltraio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32043peltraio is peltraio" ; rdfs:label " peltraio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32046pemfigo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32046pemfigo is pemfigo" ; rdfs:label " pemfigo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32047penalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32047penalita1 is penalita'" ; rdfs:label " penalita'_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH32049pendigone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32049pendigone is pendigone" ; rdfs:label " pendigone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32051pendolarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32051pendolarita1 is pendolarita'" ; rdfs:label " pendolarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32053pendolinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32053pendolinista is pendolinista" ; rdfs:label " pendolinista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32056pendone simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32056pendone is pendone" ; rdfs:label " pendone_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH32057pene simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32057pene is pene" ; rdfs:label " pene_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH32059penetrale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32059penetrale is penetrale" ; rdfs:label " penetrale_as_Location" . inds:USemTH32064penicillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32064penicillo is penicillo" ; rdfs:label " penicillo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH32065penitenziere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32065penitenziere is penitenziere" ; rdfs:label " penitenziere_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH32067pennaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32067pennaia is pennaia" ; rdfs:label " pennaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32069pennaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32069pennaio is pennaio" ; rdfs:label " pennaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32076pennellessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32076pennellessa is pennellessa" ; rdfs:label " pennellessa_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32079pennivendola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32079pennivendola is pennivendola" ; rdfs:label " pennivendola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32081pennivendolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32081pennivendolo is pennivendolo" ; rdfs:label " pennivendolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32083pennoniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32083pennoniere is pennoniere" ; rdfs:label " pennoniere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32085penosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32085penosita1 is penosita'" ; rdfs:label " penosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32086pensabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32086pensabilita1 is pensabilita'" ; rdfs:label " pensabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32088pensile simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32088pensile is pensile" ; rdfs:label " pensile_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH32090pentarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32090pentarca is pentarca" ; rdfs:label " pentarca_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH32094pentatleta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32094pentatleta is pentatleta" ; rdfs:label " pentatleta_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH32098pentecostalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32098pentecostalismo is pentecostalismo" ; rdfs:label " pentecostalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH3209deprivazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3209deprivazione is deprivazione" ; rdfs:label " deprivazione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32100pentolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32100pentolaia is pentolaia" ; rdfs:label " pentolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32102pentolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32102pentolaio is pentolaio" ; rdfs:label " pentolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32108peptide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32108peptide is peptide" ; rdfs:label " peptide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32109peptone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32109peptone is peptone" ; rdfs:label " peptone_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH3210ravvolgimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3210ravvolgimento is ravvolgimento" ; rdfs:label " ravvolgimento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH32110peracottaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32110peracottaia is peracottaia" ; rdfs:label " peracottaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32112peracottaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32112peracottaio is peracottaio" ; rdfs:label " peracottaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32114peramele simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32114peramele is peramele" ; rdfs:label " peramele_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH32115perborato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32115perborato is perborato" ; rdfs:label " perborato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32116percentile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32116percentile is percentile" ; rdfs:label " percentile_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH32117percettibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32117percettibilita1 is percettibilita'" ; rdfs:label " percettibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32120percezionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32120percezionismo is percezionismo" ; rdfs:label " percezionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32122perclorato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32122perclorato is perclorato" ; rdfs:label " perclorato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32123percloruro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32123percloruro is percloruro" ; rdfs:label " percloruro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32133percussionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32133percussionista is percussionista" ; rdfs:label " percussionista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH32138percussore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32138percussore is percussore" ; rdfs:label " percussore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32139perdigiorno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32139perdigiorno is perdigiorno" ; rdfs:label " perdigiorno_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32150perdurabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32150perdurabilita1 is perdurabilita'" ; rdfs:label " perdurabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32153peregrinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32153peregrinita1 is peregrinita'" ; rdfs:label " peregrinita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32154perennita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32154perennita1 is perennita'" ; rdfs:label " perennita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH32155perentorieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32155perentorieta1 is perentorieta'" ; rdfs:label " perentorieta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32157perfettibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32157perfettibilita1 is perfettibilita'" ; rdfs:label " perfettibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32158perfezionabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32158perfezionabilita1 is perfezionabilita'" ; rdfs:label " perfezionabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32159perfezionanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32159perfezionanda is perfezionanda" ; rdfs:label " perfezionanda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH32161perfezionando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32161perfezionando is perfezionando" ; rdfs:label " perfezionando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH32174perfosfato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32174perfosfato is perfosfato" ; rdfs:label " perfosfato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32175pergamena simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32175pergamena is pergamena" ; rdfs:label " pergamena_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH32176pericardio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32176pericardio is pericardio" ; rdfs:label " pericardio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH32178pericardite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32178pericardite is pericardite" ; rdfs:label " pericardite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32181perieco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32181perieco is perieco" ; rdfs:label " perieco_as_People" . inds:USemTH32183perinatalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32183perinatalita1 is perinatalita'" ; rdfs:label " perinatalita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH32184perinatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32184perinatologia is perinatologia" ; rdfs:label " perinatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH32186periodicista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32186periodicista is periodicista" ; rdfs:label " periodicista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32189periodontite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32189periodontite is periodontite" ; rdfs:label " periodontite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32190periostite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32190periostite is periostite" ; rdfs:label " periostite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32191peripatetica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32191peripatetica is peripatetica" ; rdfs:label " peripatetica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH32193peripatetico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32193peripatetico is peripatetico" ; rdfs:label " peripatetico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH32195peripatetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32195peripatetismo is peripatetismo" ; rdfs:label " peripatetismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32197perissologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32197perissologia is perissologia" ; rdfs:label " perissologia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH32199peritoneo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32199peritoneo is peritoneo" ; rdfs:label " peritoneo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH32205perlaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32205perlaia is perlaia" ; rdfs:label " perlaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32207perlaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32207perlaio is perlaio" ; rdfs:label " perlaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32210perlite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32210perlite is perlite" ; rdfs:label " perlite_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32216permanganato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32216permanganato is permanganato" ; rdfs:label " permanganato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32218permeanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32218permeanza is permeanza" ; rdfs:label " permeanza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH32222permettivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32222permettivita1 is permettivita'" ; rdfs:label " permettivita'_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH32224permissionaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32224permissionaria is permissionaria" ; rdfs:label " permissionaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH32226permissionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32226permissionario is permissionario" ; rdfs:label " permissionario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH32228permutabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32228permutabilita1 is permutabilita'" ; rdfs:label " permutabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32230permutante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32230permutante is permutante" ; rdfs:label " permutante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH32237perniciosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32237perniciosita1 is perniciosita'" ; rdfs:label " perniciosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32238pernio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32238pernio is pernio" ; rdfs:label " pernio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH32239pernione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32239pernione is pernione" ; rdfs:label " pernione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32241perobrachia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32241perobrachia is perobrachia" ; rdfs:label " perobrachia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32242perobrachia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32242perobrachia is perobrachia" ; rdfs:label " perobrachia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32243perobrachio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32243perobrachio is perobrachio" ; rdfs:label " perobrachio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32245perodattila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32245perodattila is perodattila" ; rdfs:label " perodattila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32247perodattilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32247perodattilo is perodattilo" ; rdfs:label " perodattilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32251perondino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32251perondino is perondino" ; rdfs:label " perondino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32253peronismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32253peronismo is peronismo" ; rdfs:label " peronismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32256peronista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32256peronista is peronista" ; rdfs:label " peronista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH3226reticolamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3226reticolamento is reticolamento" ; rdfs:label " reticolamento_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH32276persianista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32276persianista is persianista" ; rdfs:label " persianista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32279persolfato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32279persolfato is persolfato" ; rdfs:label " persolfato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32281personalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32281personalista is personalista" ; rdfs:label " personalista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32286perspicuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32286perspicuita1 is perspicuita'" ; rdfs:label " perspicuita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32305pesabambini simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32305pesabambini is pesabambini" ; rdfs:label " pesabambini_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32306pesalatte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32306pesalatte is pesalatte" ; rdfs:label " pesalatte_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32307pesalettere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32307pesalettere is pesalettere" ; rdfs:label " pesalettere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32308pesapersone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32308pesapersone is pesapersone" ; rdfs:label " pesapersone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32320pesciaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32320pesciaiola is pesciaiola" ; rdfs:label " pesciaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32322pesciaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32322pesciaiolo is pesciaiolo" ; rdfs:label " pesciaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32324pesciaiuola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32324pesciaiuola is pesciaiuola" ; rdfs:label " pesciaiuola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32326pesciaiuolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32326pesciaiuolo is pesciaiuolo" ; rdfs:label " pesciaiuolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32333pescosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32333pescosita1 is pescosita'" ; rdfs:label " pescosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32335pesista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32335pesista is pesista" ; rdfs:label " pesista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH32340pessario simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32340pessario is pessario" ; rdfs:label " pessario_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32341pestapepe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32341pestapepe is pestapepe" ; rdfs:label " pestapepe_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32348pestello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32348pestello is pestello" ; rdfs:label " pestello_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32349pestone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32349pestone is pestone" ; rdfs:label " pestone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32350petrarchismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32350petrarchismo is petrarchismo" ; rdfs:label " petrarchismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32353petrarchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32353petrarchista is petrarchista" ; rdfs:label " petrarchista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32357petrografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32357petrografa is petrografa" ; rdfs:label " petrografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32360petrografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32360petrografo is petrografo" ; rdfs:label " petrografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32362petroniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32362petroniana is petroniana" ; rdfs:label " petroniana_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH32363petroniana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32363petroniana is petroniana" ; rdfs:label " petroniana_as_People" . inds:USemTH32365petroniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32365petroniano is petroniano" ; rdfs:label " petroniano_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH32366petroniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32366petroniano is petroniano" ; rdfs:label " petroniano_as_People" . inds:USemTH32369pettegolume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32369pettegolume is pettegolume" ; rdfs:label " pettegolume_as_Group" . inds:USemTH32370pettinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32370pettinaia is pettinaia" ; rdfs:label " pettinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32372pettinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32372pettinaio is pettinaio" ; rdfs:label " pettinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32376peyote simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32376peyote is peyote" ; rdfs:label " peyote_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH32377pezzame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32377pezzame is pezzame" ; rdfs:label " pezzame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH32379pezzato simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32379pezzato is pezzato" ; rdfs:label " pezzato_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH32382pezzolaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32382pezzolaia is pezzolaia" ; rdfs:label " pezzolaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32384pezzolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32384pezzolaio is pezzolaio" ; rdfs:label " pezzolaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32386pezzone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32386pezzone is pezzone" ; rdfs:label " pezzone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32398pialletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32398pialletto is pialletto" ; rdfs:label " pialletto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32399piallone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32399piallone is piallone" ; rdfs:label " piallone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32400pianale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32400pianale is pianale" ; rdfs:label " pianale_as_Part" . inds:USemTH32402pianellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32402pianellaia is pianellaia" ; rdfs:label " pianellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32404pianellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32404pianellaio is pianellaio" ; rdfs:label " pianellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32407pianetaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32407pianetaio is pianetaio" ; rdfs:label " pianetaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32412pianificabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32412pianificabilita1 is pianificabilita'" ; rdfs:label " pianificabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32414pianigiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32414pianigiana is pianigiana" ; rdfs:label " pianigiana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32416pianigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32416pianigiano is pianigiano" ; rdfs:label " pianigiano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32418pianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32418pianismo is pianismo" ; rdfs:label " pianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32419pianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32419pianismo is pianismo" ; rdfs:label " pianismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH32420pianobar simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32420pianobar is pianobar" ; rdfs:label " pianobar_as_Building" . inds:USemTH32421piantacarote simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32421piantacarote is piantacarote" ; rdfs:label " piantacarote_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32423piantagrane simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32423piantagrane is piantagrane" ; rdfs:label " piantagrane_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32425piantana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32425piantana is piantana" ; rdfs:label " piantana_as_Part" . inds:USemTH32428piantime simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32428piantime is piantime" ; rdfs:label " piantime_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH32430piastrellaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32430piastrellaia is piastrellaia" ; rdfs:label " piastrellaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32432piastrellaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32432piastrellaio is piastrellaio" ; rdfs:label " piastrellaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32436piastrellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32436piastrellista is piastrellista" ; rdfs:label " piastrellista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32439piastrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32439piastrone is piastrone" ; rdfs:label " piastrone_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH32440piattaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32440piattaia is piattaia" ; rdfs:label " piattaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32442piattaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32442piattaio is piattaio" ; rdfs:label " piattaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32445piattina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32445piattina is piattina" ; rdfs:label " piattina_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32446piattone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32446piattone is piattone" ; rdfs:label " piattone_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH32447piazzaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32447piazzaiola is piazzaiola" ; rdfs:label " piazzaiola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32449piazzaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32449piazzaiolo is piazzaiolo" ; rdfs:label " piazzaiolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32454piazzarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32454piazzarolo is piazzarolo" ; rdfs:label " piazzarolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32456piazzina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32456piazzina is piazzina" ; rdfs:label " piazzina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32458piazzino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32458piazzino is piazzino" ; rdfs:label " piazzino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32460piazzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32460piazzista is piazzista" ; rdfs:label " piazzista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32466picaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32466picaro is picaro" ; rdfs:label " picaro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32468piccarda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32468piccarda is piccarda" ; rdfs:label " piccarda_as_People" . inds:USemTH32470piccardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32470piccardo is piccardo" ; rdfs:label " piccardo_as_Language" . inds:USemTH32471piccardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32471piccardo is piccardo" ; rdfs:label " piccardo_as_People" . inds:USemTH32480picchiante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32480picchiante is picchiante" ; rdfs:label " picchiante_as_Part" . inds:USemTH32481picchiapadelle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32481picchiapadelle is picchiapadelle" ; rdfs:label " picchiapadelle_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32483picchiapetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32483picchiapetto is picchiapetto" ; rdfs:label " picchiapetto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32485picchiatella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32485picchiatella is picchiatella" ; rdfs:label " picchiatella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32487picchiatello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32487picchiatello is picchiatello" ; rdfs:label " picchiatello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32492picchiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32492picchiere is picchiere" ; rdfs:label " picchiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32497picchierello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32497picchierello is picchierello" ; rdfs:label " picchierello_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32502picchiettino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32502picchiettino is picchiettino" ; rdfs:label " picchiettino_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32508piccirilla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32508piccirilla is piccirilla" ; rdfs:label " piccirilla_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32510piccirillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32510piccirillo is piccirillo" ; rdfs:label " piccirillo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32514piccolotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32514piccolotta is piccolotta" ; rdfs:label " piccolotta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32516piccolotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32516piccolotto is piccolotto" ; rdfs:label " piccolotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32519picnometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32519picnometro is picnometro" ; rdfs:label " picnometro_as_Container" . inds:USemTH32521picnosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32521picnosi is picnosi" ; rdfs:label " picnosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH32522piedino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32522piedino is piedino" ; rdfs:label " piedino_as_Part" . inds:USemTH32523piegabaffi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32523piegabaffi is piegabaffi" ; rdfs:label " piegabaffi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32524piegaciglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32524piegaciglia is piegaciglia" ; rdfs:label " piegaciglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32525piegaferro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32525piegaferro is piegaferro" ; rdfs:label " piegaferro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32541piego simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32541piego is piego" ; rdfs:label " piego_as_Group" . inds:USemTH32543pielonefrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32543pielonefrite is pielonefrite" ; rdfs:label " pielonefrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32544piemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32544piemia is piemia" ; rdfs:label " piemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32546piemontesismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32546piemontesismo is piemontesismo" ; rdfs:label " piemontesismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH32547pietismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32547pietismo is pietismo" ; rdfs:label " pietismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32549pietista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32549pietista is pietista" ; rdfs:label " pietista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH32551pietista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32551pietista is pietista" ; rdfs:label " pietista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32552pietrame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32552pietrame is pietrame" ; rdfs:label " pietrame_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH32554pietrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32554pietrista is pietrista" ; rdfs:label " pietrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32558pieveloce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32558pieveloce is pieveloce" ; rdfs:label " pieveloce_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32560piezoelettricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32560piezoelettricita1 is piezoelettricita'" ; rdfs:label " piezoelettricita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH32561piezometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32561piezometro is piezometro" ; rdfs:label " piezometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32564pifferaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32564pifferaia is pifferaia" ; rdfs:label " pifferaia_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH32566pifferaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32566pifferaio is pifferaio" ; rdfs:label " pifferaio_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH32568pifferara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32568pifferara is pifferara" ; rdfs:label " pifferara_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH32570pifferaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32570pifferaro is pifferaro" ; rdfs:label " pifferaro_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH32580pigliamosche simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32580pigliamosche is pigliamosche" ; rdfs:label " pigliamosche_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH32581pigliasciami simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32581pigliasciami is pigliasciami" ; rdfs:label " pigliasciami_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32582pigliatutto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32582pigliatutto is pigliatutto" ; rdfs:label " pigliatutto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32584pignattaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32584pignattaia is pignattaia" ; rdfs:label " pignattaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32586pignattaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32586pignattaio is pignattaio" ; rdfs:label " pignattaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32588pignone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32588pignone is pignone" ; rdfs:label " pignone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH32589pignorabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32589pignorabilita1 is pignorabilita'" ; rdfs:label " pignorabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32594piliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32594piliere is piliere" ; rdfs:label " piliere_as_Part" . inds:USemTH32595pilone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32595pilone is pilone" ; rdfs:label " pilone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH32600pimelosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32600pimelosi is pimelosi" ; rdfs:label " pimelosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32601pinnipede simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32601pinnipede is pinnipede" ; rdfs:label " pinnipede_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH32602pinocitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32602pinocitosi is pinocitosi" ; rdfs:label " pinocitosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH32605pinzochera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32605pinzochera is pinzochera" ; rdfs:label " pinzochera_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32606pinzochera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32606pinzochera is pinzochera" ; rdfs:label " pinzochera_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH32607pinzochero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32607pinzochero is pinzochero" ; rdfs:label " pinzochero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32608pinzochero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32608pinzochero is pinzochero" ; rdfs:label " pinzochero_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH32610piombino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32610piombino is piombino" ; rdfs:label " piombino_as_Part" . inds:USemTH32611pionefrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32611pionefrosi is pionefrosi" ; rdfs:label " pionefrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32619piorrea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32619piorrea is piorrea" ; rdfs:label " piorrea_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32620piovosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32620piovosita1 is piovosita'" ; rdfs:label " piovosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32621pipaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32621pipaia is pipaia" ; rdfs:label " pipaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32623pipaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32623pipaio is pipaio" ; rdfs:label " pipaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32629pipetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32629pipetta is pipetta" ; rdfs:label " pipetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32630pirandellismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32630pirandellismo is pirandellismo" ; rdfs:label " pirandellismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32632pireliografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32632pireliografo is pireliografo" ; rdfs:label " pireliografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32634pireliometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32634pireliometro is pireliometro" ; rdfs:label " pireliometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32636pirene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32636pirene is pirene" ; rdfs:label " pirene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32637pirla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32637pirla is pirla" ; rdfs:label " pirla_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH32638piroconducibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32638piroconducibilita1 is piroconducibilita'" ; rdfs:label " piroconducibilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH32639piroelettricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32639piroelettricita1 is piroelettricita'" ; rdfs:label " piroelettricita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH32640piroeliografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32640piroeliografo is piroeliografo" ; rdfs:label " piroeliografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32642piroeliometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32642piroeliometro is piroeliometro" ; rdfs:label " piroeliometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32644pirofoba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32644pirofoba is pirofoba" ; rdfs:label " pirofoba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32646pirofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32646pirofobia is pirofobia" ; rdfs:label " pirofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32647pirofobo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32647pirofobo is pirofobo" ; rdfs:label " pirofobo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32649pirogeno simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32649pirogeno is pirogeno" ; rdfs:label " pirogeno_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32652pirografista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32652pirografista is pirografista" ; rdfs:label " pirografista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32655pirografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32655pirografo is pirografo" ; rdfs:label " pirografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32658piromagnetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32658piromagnetismo is piromagnetismo" ; rdfs:label " piromagnetismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH32661pirometrista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32661pirometrista is pirometrista" ; rdfs:label " pirometrista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32664pirometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32664pirometro is pirometro" ; rdfs:label " pirometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32666pirone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32666pirone is pirone" ; rdfs:label " pirone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH32667piroplasmosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32667piroplasmosi is piroplasmosi" ; rdfs:label " piroplasmosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32668pirosolfito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32668pirosolfito is pirosolfito" ; rdfs:label " pirosolfito_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32669pirotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32669pirotecnica is pirotecnica" ; rdfs:label " pirotecnica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32671pirotecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32671pirotecnico is pirotecnico" ; rdfs:label " pirotecnico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32672pirotecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32672pirotecnico is pirotecnico" ; rdfs:label " pirotecnico_as_Building" . inds:USemTH32673pirronismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32673pirronismo is pirronismo" ; rdfs:label " pirronismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32676pirronista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32676pirronista is pirronista" ; rdfs:label " pirronista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH32682piscialetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32682piscialetto is piscialetto" ; rdfs:label " piscialetto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32683piscialetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32683piscialetto is piscialetto" ; rdfs:label " piscialetto_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH32685piscialletto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32685piscialletto is piscialletto" ; rdfs:label " piscialletto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32686piscialletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32686piscialletto is piscialletto" ; rdfs:label " piscialletto_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH32692pisiforme simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32692pisiforme is pisiforme" ; rdfs:label " pisiforme_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH32694pispolone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32694pispolone is pispolone" ; rdfs:label " pispolone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH32695pissode simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32695pissode is pissode" ; rdfs:label " pissode_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH32699pistaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32699pistaiolo is pistaiolo" ; rdfs:label " pistaiolo_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH32700pistolese simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32700pistolese is pistolese" ; rdfs:label " pistolese_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32704pistrinaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32704pistrinaia is pistrinaia" ; rdfs:label " pistrinaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32706pistrinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32706pistrinaio is pistrinaio" ; rdfs:label " pistrinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32708pitagoreismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32708pitagoreismo is pitagoreismo" ; rdfs:label " pitagoreismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32710pitagorica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32710pitagorica is pitagorica" ; rdfs:label " pitagorica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH32712pitagoricismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32712pitagoricismo is pitagoricismo" ; rdfs:label " pitagoricismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32714pitagorico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32714pitagorico is pitagorico" ; rdfs:label " pitagorico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH32718pitale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32718pitale is pitale" ; rdfs:label " pitale_as_Container" . inds:USemTH32719pitiriasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32719pitiriasi is pitiriasi" ; rdfs:label " pitiriasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32720pitocca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32720pitocca is pitocca" ; rdfs:label " pitocca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32722pitocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32722pitocco is pitocco" ; rdfs:label " pitocco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32724pitonessa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32724pitonessa is pitonessa" ; rdfs:label " pitonessa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32725pitonide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32725pitonide is pitonide" ; rdfs:label " pitonide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH32727pittoricismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32727pittoricismo is pittoricismo" ; rdfs:label " pittoricismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32729pittoricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32729pittoricita1 is pittoricita'" ; rdfs:label " pittoricita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32730piumaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32730piumaia is piumaia" ; rdfs:label " piumaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32732piumaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32732piumaio is piumaio" ; rdfs:label " piumaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32734piumosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32734piumosita1 is piumosita'" ; rdfs:label " piumosita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH32737piviale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32737piviale is piviale" ; rdfs:label " piviale_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH32738pizzaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32738pizzaiola is pizzaiola" ; rdfs:label " pizzaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32740pizzaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32740pizzaiolo is pizzaiolo" ; rdfs:label " pizzaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32744pizzicaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32744pizzicaiola is pizzicaiola" ; rdfs:label " pizzicaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32746pizzicaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32746pizzicaiolo is pizzicaiolo" ; rdfs:label " pizzicaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32749pizzicarola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32749pizzicarola is pizzicarola" ; rdfs:label " pizzicarola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32751pizzicarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32751pizzicarolo is pizzicarolo" ; rdfs:label " pizzicarolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32753placabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32753placabilita1 is placabilita'" ; rdfs:label " placabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32759placchetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32759placchetta is placchetta" ; rdfs:label " placchetta_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH32760placidezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32760placidezza is placidezza" ; rdfs:label " placidezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32762plafond simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32762plafond is plafond" ; rdfs:label " plafond_as_Part" . inds:USemTH32763plagiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32763plagiata is plagiata" ; rdfs:label " plagiata_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH32765plagiato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32765plagiato is plagiato" ; rdfs:label " plagiato_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH32767plagiotropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32767plagiotropismo is plagiotropismo" ; rdfs:label " plagiotropismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH32771plancton simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32771plancton is plancton" ; rdfs:label " plancton_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH32772planetoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32772planetoide is planetoide" ; rdfs:label " planetoide_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH32773planetologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32773planetologia is planetologia" ; rdfs:label " planetologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH32775planimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32775planimetro is planimetro" ; rdfs:label " planimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32777planipenne simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32777planipenne is planipenne" ; rdfs:label " planipenne_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH32779plantigrada simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32779plantigrada is plantigrada" ; rdfs:label " plantigrada_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32781plantigrado simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32781plantigrado is plantigrado" ; rdfs:label " plantigrado_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH32782plantigrado simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32782plantigrado is plantigrado" ; rdfs:label " plantigrado_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32784plasmabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32784plasmabilita1 is plasmabilita'" ; rdfs:label " plasmabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32793plasticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32793plasticismo is plasticismo" ; rdfs:label " plasticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32795plastificante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32795plastificante is plastificante" ; rdfs:label " plastificante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32796platealita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32796platealita1 is platealita'" ; rdfs:label " platealita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32800platonica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32800platonica is platonica" ; rdfs:label " platonica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH32802platonico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32802platonico is platonico" ; rdfs:label " platonico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH32804platonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32804platonismo is platonismo" ; rdfs:label " platonismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32807plebeismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32807plebeismo is plebeismo" ; rdfs:label " plebeismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH32808pleiotropia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32808pleiotropia is pleiotropia" ; rdfs:label " pleiotropia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH32809pleocroismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32809pleocroismo is pleocroismo" ; rdfs:label " pleocroismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH32811plessimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32811plessimetro is plessimetro" ; rdfs:label " plessimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32813pleura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32813pleura is pleura" ; rdfs:label " pleura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH32815pleuritica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32815pleuritica is pleuritica" ; rdfs:label " pleuritica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32820polifonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32820polifonista is polifonista" ; rdfs:label " polifonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32823poligenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32823poligenesi is poligenesi" ; rdfs:label " poligenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH32824poligenismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32824poligenismo is poligenismo" ; rdfs:label " poligenismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH32826poliglotta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32826poliglotta is poliglotta" ; rdfs:label " poliglotta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32828poliglottismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32828poliglottismo is poliglottismo" ; rdfs:label " poliglottismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH32830poliglotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32830poliglotto is poliglotto" ; rdfs:label " poliglotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32832poligonale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32832poligonale is poligonale" ; rdfs:label " poligonale_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH32835poligrafico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32835poligrafico is poligrafico" ; rdfs:label " poligrafico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32839polimerismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32839polimerismo is polimerismo" ; rdfs:label " polimerismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH32841polimero simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32841polimero is polimero" ; rdfs:label " polimero_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH32842polimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32842polimetro is polimetro" ; rdfs:label " polimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH32844polimorfia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32844polimorfia is polimorfia" ; rdfs:label " polimorfia_as_Property" . inds:USemTH32845polinevrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32845polinevrite is polinevrite" ; rdfs:label " polinevrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32846polinomio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32846polinomio is polinomio" ; rdfs:label " polinomio_as_Group" . inds:USemTH32847poliomielitica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32847poliomielitica is poliomielitica" ; rdfs:label " poliomielitica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32849poliomielitico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32849poliomielitico is poliomielitico" ; rdfs:label " poliomielitico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32851poliopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32851poliopia is poliopia" ; rdfs:label " poliopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32852polipeptide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32852polipeptide is polipeptide" ; rdfs:label " polipeptide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32853polipnea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32853polipnea is polipnea" ; rdfs:label " polipnea_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32854polipolio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32854polipolio is polipolio" ; rdfs:label " polipolio_as_Group" . inds:USemTH32855poliposi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32855poliposi is poliposi" ; rdfs:label " poliposi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32856polipteriforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32856polipteriforme is polipteriforme" ; rdfs:label " polipteriforme_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH32857polisaccaride simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32857polisaccaride is polisaccaride" ; rdfs:label " polisaccaride_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32860polisolfuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32860polisolfuro is polisolfuro" ; rdfs:label " polisolfuro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32862polista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32862polista is polista" ; rdfs:label " polista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH32864polista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32864polista is polista" ; rdfs:label " polista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH32865polistirene simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32865polistirene is polistirene" ; rdfs:label " polistirene_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH32867politeista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32867politeista is politeista" ; rdfs:label " politeista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH32870politene simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32870politene is politene" ; rdfs:label " politene_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH32874politicastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32874politicastro is politicastro" ; rdfs:label " politicastro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32878politichino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32878politichino is politichino" ; rdfs:label " politichino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH3287rifondimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3287rifondimento is rifondimento" ; rdfs:label " rifondimento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32882politicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32882politicita1 is politicita'" ; rdfs:label " politicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32885politonalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32885politonalita1 is politonalita'" ; rdfs:label " politonalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32886polivinile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32886polivinile is polivinile" ; rdfs:label " polivinile_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32887poliziana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32887poliziana is poliziana" ; rdfs:label " poliziana_as_People" . inds:USemTH32889poliziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32889poliziano is poliziano" ; rdfs:label " poliziano_as_People" . inds:USemTH32891pollaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32891pollaiola is pollaiola" ; rdfs:label " pollaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32893pollaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32893pollaiolo is pollaiolo" ; rdfs:label " pollaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32898pollario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32898pollario is pollario" ; rdfs:label " pollario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32899pollarola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32899pollarola is pollarola" ; rdfs:label " pollarola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32901pollarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32901pollarolo is pollarolo" ; rdfs:label " pollarolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32903pollastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32903pollastra is pollastra" ; rdfs:label " pollastra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32904pollastra simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32904pollastra is pollastra" ; rdfs:label " pollastra_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH32905pollastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32905pollastro is pollastro" ; rdfs:label " pollastro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32906pollastro simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32906pollastro is pollastro" ; rdfs:label " pollastro_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH32911polledra simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32911polledra is polledra" ; rdfs:label " polledra_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH32913polledro simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32913polledro is polledro" ; rdfs:label " polledro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH32925pollinosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32925pollinosi is pollinosi" ; rdfs:label " pollinosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH32927polonio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32927polonio is polonio" ; rdfs:label " polonio_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32928polverino simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32928polverino is polverino" ; rdfs:label " polverino_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH32931polverume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32931polverume is polverume" ; rdfs:label " polverume_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH32933pomerana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32933pomerana is pomerana" ; rdfs:label " pomerana_as_People" . inds:USemTH32935pomerano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32935pomerano is pomerano" ; rdfs:label " pomerano_as_People" . inds:USemTH32948pomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32948pomo is pomo" ; rdfs:label " pomo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH32949pomologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32949pomologa is pomologa" ; rdfs:label " pomologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32951pomologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32951pomologia is pomologia" ; rdfs:label " pomologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH32952pomologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32952pomologo is pomologo" ; rdfs:label " pomologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32957pompeano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32957pompeano is pompeano" ; rdfs:label " pompeano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32961pompeiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32961pompeiano is pompeiano" ; rdfs:label " pompeiano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH32963pompista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32963pompista is pompista" ; rdfs:label " pompista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32966pomposita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32966pomposita1 is pomposita'" ; rdfs:label " pomposita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32967ponderabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32967ponderabilita1 is ponderabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ponderabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32972ponderosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32972ponderosita1 is ponderosita'" ; rdfs:label " ponderosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH32976ponentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32976ponentino is ponentino" ; rdfs:label " ponentino_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH32978ponghista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32978ponghista is ponghista" ; rdfs:label " ponghista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH3297rimboccamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3297rimboccamento is rimboccamento" ; rdfs:label " rimboccamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH32982pongista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32982pongista is pongista" ; rdfs:label " pongista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH32988pontaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32988pontaio is pontaio" ; rdfs:label " pontaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32990pontaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32990pontaiola is pontaiola" ; rdfs:label " pontaiola_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH32992pontaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH32992pontaiolo is pontaiolo" ; rdfs:label " pontaiolo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33002ponticello simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33002ponticello is ponticello" ; rdfs:label " ponticello_as_Building" . inds:USemTH33003ponticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33003ponticita1 is ponticita'" ; rdfs:label " ponticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33004pontiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33004pontiere is pontiere" ; rdfs:label " pontiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33008pontista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33008pontista is pontista" ; rdfs:label " pontista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33013pontonaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33013pontonaio is pontonaio" ; rdfs:label " pontonaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33015pontone simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33015pontone is pontone" ; rdfs:label " pontone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH33016pontoniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33016pontoniere is pontoniere" ; rdfs:label " pontoniere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33024poplite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33024poplite is poplite" ; rdfs:label " poplite_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH3302rimeritamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3302rimeritamento is rimeritamento" ; rdfs:label " rimeritamento_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33030popolazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33030popolazionismo is popolazionismo" ; rdfs:label " popolazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33036poppiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33036poppiere is poppiere" ; rdfs:label " poppiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33038populazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33038populazionismo is populazionismo" ; rdfs:label " populazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33040populismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33040populismo is populismo" ; rdfs:label " populismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33043populista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33043populista is populista" ; rdfs:label " populista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33046porca simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33046porca is porca" ; rdfs:label " porca_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH33052porchettaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33052porchettaia is porchettaia" ; rdfs:label " porchettaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33054porchettaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33054porchettaio is porchettaio" ; rdfs:label " porchettaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33056porchettara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33056porchettara is porchettara" ; rdfs:label " porchettara_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33058porchettaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33058porchettaro is porchettaro" ; rdfs:label " porchettaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33060porfiria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33060porfiria is porfiria" ; rdfs:label " porfiria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH33066pornografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33066pornografa is pornografa" ; rdfs:label " pornografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33068pornografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33068pornografo is pornografo" ; rdfs:label " pornografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33070porporato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33070porporato is porporato" ; rdfs:label " porporato_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH33072portaacqua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33072portaacqua is portaacqua" ; rdfs:label " portaacqua_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33074portabastoni simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33074portabastoni is portabastoni" ; rdfs:label " portabastoni_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33075portabiglietti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33075portabiglietti is portabiglietti" ; rdfs:label " portabiglietti_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33076portabiti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33076portabiti is portabiti" ; rdfs:label " portabiti_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33077portabollo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33077portabollo is portabollo" ; rdfs:label " portabollo_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33078portabombe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33078portabombe is portabombe" ; rdfs:label " portabombe_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33079portaborracce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33079portaborracce is portaborracce" ; rdfs:label " portaborracce_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33080portaburro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33080portaburro is portaburro" ; rdfs:label " portaburro_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33081portacappelli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33081portacappelli is portacappelli" ; rdfs:label " portacappelli_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33082portacatino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33082portacatino is portacatino" ; rdfs:label " portacatino_as_Part" . inds:USemTH33083portaceste simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33083portaceste is portaceste" ; rdfs:label " portaceste_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33085portacicche simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33085portacicche is portacicche" ; rdfs:label " portacicche_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33086portacipria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33086portacipria is portacipria" ; rdfs:label " portacipria_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33087portacolori simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33087portacolori is portacolori" ; rdfs:label " portacolori_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33088portacontenitori simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33088portacontenitori is portacontenitori" ; rdfs:label " portacontenitori_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH33089portacovoni simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33089portacovoni is portacovoni" ; rdfs:label " portacovoni_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33090portacqua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33090portacqua is portacqua" ; rdfs:label " portacqua_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33092portadischi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33092portadischi is portadischi" ; rdfs:label " portadischi_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33093portadolci simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33093portadolci is portadolci" ; rdfs:label " portadolci_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33094portaelicotteri simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33094portaelicotteri is portaelicotteri" ; rdfs:label " portaelicotteri_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH33095portaferiti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33095portaferiti is portaferiti" ; rdfs:label " portaferiti_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33097portafiaccole simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33097portafiaccole is portafiaccole" ; rdfs:label " portafiaccole_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33098portafiammiferi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33098portafiammiferi is portafiammiferi" ; rdfs:label " portafiammiferi_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33099portafiaschi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33099portafiaschi is portafiaschi" ; rdfs:label " portafiaschi_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33100portafilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33100portafilo is portafilo" ; rdfs:label " portafilo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH33101portafiori simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33101portafiori is portafiori" ; rdfs:label " portafiori_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33102portafrutta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33102portafrutta is portafrutta" ; rdfs:label " portafrutta_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33103portafusibili simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33103portafusibili is portafusibili" ; rdfs:label " portafusibili_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33104portagioielli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33104portagioielli is portagioielli" ; rdfs:label " portagioielli_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33105portagomitoli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33105portagomitoli is portagomitoli" ; rdfs:label " portagomitoli_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33106portaimmondizie simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33106portaimmondizie is portaimmondizie" ; rdfs:label " portaimmondizie_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33107portaincenso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33107portaincenso is portaincenso" ; rdfs:label " portaincenso_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33108portalampada simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33108portalampada is portalampada" ; rdfs:label " portalampada_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH33109portalandre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33109portalandre is portalandre" ; rdfs:label " portalandre_as_Part" . inds:USemTH33110portalapis simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33110portalapis is portalapis" ; rdfs:label " portalapis_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33111portale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33111portale is portale" ; rdfs:label " portale_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH33112portaliquori simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33112portaliquori is portaliquori" ; rdfs:label " portaliquori_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33113portamatita simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33113portamatita is portamatita" ; rdfs:label " portamatita_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33114portamina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33114portamina is portamina" ; rdfs:label " portamina_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33115portamorso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33115portamorso is portamorso" ; rdfs:label " portamorso_as_Part" . inds:USemTH33116portampolle simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33116portampolle is portampolle" ; rdfs:label " portampolle_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33117portamunizioni simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33117portamunizioni is portamunizioni" ; rdfs:label " portamunizioni_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33118portamusica simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33118portamusica is portamusica" ; rdfs:label " portamusica_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH33119portante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33119portante is portante" ; rdfs:label " portante_as_Property" . inds:USemTH33121portantina simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33121portantina is portantina" ; rdfs:label " portantina_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH33122portanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33122portanza is portanza" ; rdfs:label " portanza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH33123portaolio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33123portaolio is portaolio" ; rdfs:label " portaolio_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33124portaombrelli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33124portaombrelli is portaombrelli" ; rdfs:label " portaombrelli_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33125portapennoni simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33125portapennoni is portapennoni" ; rdfs:label " portapennoni_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33126portapiatti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33126portapiatti is portapiatti" ; rdfs:label " portapiatti_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33127portapipe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33127portapipe is portapipe" ; rdfs:label " portapipe_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33128portaposate simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33128portaposate is portaposate" ; rdfs:label " portaposate_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33129portapranzi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33129portapranzi is portapranzi" ; rdfs:label " portapranzi_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33130portarazzi simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33130portarazzi is portarazzi" ; rdfs:label " portarazzi_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH33131portarinfuse simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33131portarinfuse is portarinfuse" ; rdfs:label " portarinfuse_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH33132portaritratti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33132portaritratti is portaritratti" ; rdfs:label " portaritratti_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33133portariviste simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33133portariviste is portariviste" ; rdfs:label " portariviste_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33134portarossetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33134portarossetto is portarossetto" ; rdfs:label " portarossetto_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33135portasigari simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33135portasigari is portasigari" ; rdfs:label " portasigari_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33136portaspada simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33136portaspada is portaspada" ; rdfs:label " portaspada_as_Part" . inds:USemTH33137portaspazzolino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33137portaspazzolino is portaspazzolino" ; rdfs:label " portaspazzolino_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33138portaspilli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33138portaspilli is portaspilli" ; rdfs:label " portaspilli_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33139portastanghe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33139portastanghe is portastanghe" ; rdfs:label " portastanghe_as_Part" . inds:USemTH33140portastecchini simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33140portastecchini is portastecchini" ; rdfs:label " portastecchini_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33141portastuzzicadenti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33141portastuzzicadenti is portastuzzicadenti" ; rdfs:label " portastuzzicadenti_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33142portatessere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33142portatessere is portatessere" ; rdfs:label " portatessere_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33144portauova simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33144portauova is portauova" ; rdfs:label " portauova_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33145portavalori simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33145portavalori is portavalori" ; rdfs:label " portavalori_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33147portavasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33147portavasi is portavasi" ; rdfs:label " portavasi_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33148portavivande simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33148portavivande is portavivande" ; rdfs:label " portavivande_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33149portellino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33149portellino is portellino" ; rdfs:label " portellino_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH33150portello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33150portello is portello" ; rdfs:label " portello_as_Part" . inds:USemTH33151portincenso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33151portincenso is portincenso" ; rdfs:label " portincenso_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33152portinfante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33152portinfante is portinfante" ; rdfs:label " portinfante_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33153porto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33153porto is porto" ; rdfs:label " porto_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH33154portombrelli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33154portombrelli is portombrelli" ; rdfs:label " portombrelli_as_Container" . inds:USemTH33156portorealista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33156portorealista is portorealista" ; rdfs:label " portorealista_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH33159portoricana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33159portoricana is portoricana" ; rdfs:label " portoricana_as_People" . inds:USemTH33161portoricano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33161portoricano is portoricano" ; rdfs:label " portoricano_as_People" . inds:USemTH33163posacavi simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33163posacavi is posacavi" ; rdfs:label " posacavi_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH33165posamine simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33165posamine is posamine" ; rdfs:label " posamine_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH33166posapiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33166posapiano is posapiano" ; rdfs:label " posapiano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33168posareti simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33168posareti is posareti" ; rdfs:label " posareti_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH33174positivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33174positivita1 is positivita'" ; rdfs:label " positivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33180posseduta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33180posseduta is posseduta" ; rdfs:label " posseduta_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH33182posseduto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33182posseduto is posseduto" ; rdfs:label " posseduto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH33185possibile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33185possibile is possibile" ; rdfs:label " possibile_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH33189postdiluviale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33189postdiluviale is postdiluviale" ; rdfs:label " postdiluviale_as_Time" . inds:USemTH33194postelegrafica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33194postelegrafica is postelegrafica" ; rdfs:label " postelegrafica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33196postelegrafico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33196postelegrafico is postelegrafico" ; rdfs:label " postelegrafico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33198postelegrafonica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33198postelegrafonica is postelegrafonica" ; rdfs:label " postelegrafonica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33200postelegrafonico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33200postelegrafonico is postelegrafonico" ; rdfs:label " postelegrafonico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33204postglaciale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33204postglaciale is postglaciale" ; rdfs:label " postglaciale_as_Time" . inds:USemTH33205postiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33205postiere is postiere" ; rdfs:label " postiere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33207postiglione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33207postiglione is postiglione" ; rdfs:label " postiglione_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33214postime simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33214postime is postime" ; rdfs:label " postime_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH33215postimpressionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33215postimpressionismo is postimpressionismo" ; rdfs:label " postimpressionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33224potabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33224potabilita1 is potabilita'" ; rdfs:label " potabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33225potamologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33225potamologia is potamologia" ; rdfs:label " potamologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH33226potassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33226potassa is potassa" ; rdfs:label " potassa_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH33231potenziale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33231potenziale is potenziale" ; rdfs:label " potenziale_as_Property" . inds:USemTH33234poverella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33234poverella is poverella" ; rdfs:label " poverella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33236poverello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33236poverello is poverello" ; rdfs:label " poverello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33238poveretta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33238poveretta is poveretta" ; rdfs:label " poveretta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33240poveretto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33240poveretto is poveretto" ; rdfs:label " poveretto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33242poverina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33242poverina is poverina" ; rdfs:label " poverina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33244poverino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33244poverino is poverino" ; rdfs:label " poverino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33247pozzetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33247pozzetto is pozzetto" ; rdfs:label " pozzetto_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH33248prammatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33248prammatismo is prammatismo" ; rdfs:label " prammatismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33250praticabile simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33250praticabile is praticabile" ; rdfs:label " praticabile_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH33251praticante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33251praticante is praticante" ; rdfs:label " praticante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33252praticante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33252praticante is praticante" ; rdfs:label " praticante_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33253pratichezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33253pratichezza is pratichezza" ; rdfs:label " pratichezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33255pratile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33255pratile is pratile" ; rdfs:label " pratile_as_Time" . inds:USemTH33259pravo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33259pravo is pravo" ; rdfs:label " pravo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33262preadamita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33262preadamita is preadamita" ; rdfs:label " preadamita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33270prebendaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33270prebendaria is prebendaria" ; rdfs:label " prebendaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33272prebendario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33272prebendario is prebendario" ; rdfs:label " prebendario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33274prebendata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33274prebendata is prebendata" ; rdfs:label " prebendata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33276prebendato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33276prebendato is prebendato" ; rdfs:label " prebendato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33281precettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33281precettista is precettista" ; rdfs:label " precettista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33285precipitante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33285precipitante is precipitante" ; rdfs:label " precipitante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH33286precipitato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33286precipitato is precipitato" ; rdfs:label " precipitato_as_Information" . inds:USemTH33287precipitato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33287precipitato is precipitato" ; rdfs:label " precipitato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH33289preclarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33289preclarita1 is preclarita'" ; rdfs:label " preclarita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33295preconoscenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33295preconoscenza is preconoscenza" ; rdfs:label " preconoscenza_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH33302predefunta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33302predefunta is predefunta" ; rdfs:label " predefunta_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH33304predefunto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33304predefunto is predefunto" ; rdfs:label " predefunto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH33306predestinaziana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33306predestinaziana is predestinaziana" ; rdfs:label " predestinaziana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33308predestinaziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33308predestinaziano is predestinaziano" ; rdfs:label " predestinaziano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33310predestinazionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33310predestinazionismo is predestinazionismo" ; rdfs:label " predestinazionismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33312predicabile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33312predicabile is predicabile" ; rdfs:label " predicabile_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH33325preferibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33325preferibilita1 is preferibilita'" ; rdfs:label " preferibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33326preferita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33326preferita is preferita" ; rdfs:label " preferita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33328preferito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33328preferito is preferito" ; rdfs:label " preferito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33339pregevolezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33339pregevolezza is pregevolezza" ; rdfs:label " pregevolezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33340pregiabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33340pregiabilita1 is pregiabilita'" ; rdfs:label " pregiabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33356preindeuropea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33356preindeuropea is preindeuropea" ; rdfs:label " preindeuropea_as_People" . inds:USemTH33358preindeuropeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33358preindeuropeo is preindeuropeo" ; rdfs:label " preindeuropeo_as_People" . inds:USemTH33360preindoeuropea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33360preindoeuropea is preindoeuropea" ; rdfs:label " preindoeuropea_as_People" . inds:USemTH33362preindoeuropeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33362preindoeuropeo is preindoeuropeo" ; rdfs:label " preindoeuropeo_as_People" . inds:USemTH33369prematurita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33369prematurita1 is prematurita'" ; rdfs:label " prematurita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33370prematuro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33370prematuro is prematuro" ; rdfs:label " prematuro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33372premianda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33372premianda is premianda" ; rdfs:label " premianda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33374premiando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33374premiando is premiando" ; rdfs:label " premiando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33376premiata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33376premiata is premiata" ; rdfs:label " premiata_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33378premiato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33378premiato is premiato" ; rdfs:label " premiato_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33384premistoppa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33384premistoppa is premistoppa" ; rdfs:label " premistoppa_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH33385premolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33385premolare is premolare" ; rdfs:label " premolare_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH33392prendibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33392prendibilita1 is prendibilita'" ; rdfs:label " prendibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33395prenome simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33395prenome is prenome" ; rdfs:label " prenome_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH33405prepuberta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33405prepuberta1 is prepuberta'" ; rdfs:label " prepuberta'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH33406prepuzio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33406prepuzio is prepuzio" ; rdfs:label " prepuzio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH33408preraffaellismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33408preraffaellismo is preraffaellismo" ; rdfs:label " preraffaellismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33411preraffaellita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33411preraffaellita is preraffaellita" ; rdfs:label " preraffaellita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33417preromantica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33417preromantica is preromantica" ; rdfs:label " preromantica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33419preromanticismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33419preromanticismo is preromanticismo" ; rdfs:label " preromanticismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33421preromantico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33421preromantico is preromantico" ; rdfs:label " preromantico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33424presame simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33424presame is presame" ; rdfs:label " presame_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH33425presbiopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33425presbiopia is presbiopia" ; rdfs:label " presbiopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH33426presbiteriana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33426presbiteriana is presbiteriana" ; rdfs:label " presbiteriana_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33428presbiteriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33428presbiteriano is presbiteriano" ; rdfs:label " presbiteriano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33430presbitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33430presbitismo is presbitismo" ; rdfs:label " presbitismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH33433prescelta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33433prescelta is prescelta" ; rdfs:label " prescelta_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH33435prescelto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33435prescelto is prescelto" ; rdfs:label " prescelto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH33437prescrittibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33437prescrittibilita1 is prescrittibilita'" ; rdfs:label " prescrittibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33438presegnale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33438presegnale is presegnale" ; rdfs:label " presegnale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH33440presentabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33440presentabilita1 is presentabilita'" ; rdfs:label " presentabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33441presentata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33441presentata is presentata" ; rdfs:label " presentata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33443presentato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33443presentato is presentato" ; rdfs:label " presentato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33448presenzialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33448presenzialista is presenzialista" ; rdfs:label " presenzialista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33451presenzialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33451presenzialita1 is presenzialita'" ; rdfs:label " presenzialita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH33452presepe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33452presepe is presepe" ; rdfs:label " presepe_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH33458presidenzialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33458presidenzialismo is presidenzialismo" ; rdfs:label " presidenzialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33460presocratica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33460presocratica is presocratica" ; rdfs:label " presocratica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33462presocratico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33462presocratico is presocratico" ; rdfs:label " presocratico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33464pressacarte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33464pressacarte is pressacarte" ; rdfs:label " pressacarte_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH33465pressafieno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33465pressafieno is pressafieno" ; rdfs:label " pressafieno_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH33467pressaforaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33467pressaforaggio is pressaforaggio" ; rdfs:label " pressaforaggio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH33469pressapaglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33469pressapaglia is pressapaglia" ; rdfs:label " pressapaglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH33474pressappochista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33474pressappochista is pressappochista" ; rdfs:label " pressappochista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33477pressaschede simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33477pressaschede is pressaschede" ; rdfs:label " pressaschede_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH33492prestavoce simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33492prestavoce is prestavoce" ; rdfs:label " prestavoce_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33494prestezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33494prestezza is prestezza" ; rdfs:label " prestezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33503prestinaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33503prestinaio is prestinaio" ; rdfs:label " prestinaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33505presumibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33505presumibilita1 is presumibilita'" ; rdfs:label " presumibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33506pretenziosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33506pretenziosita1 is pretenziosita'" ; rdfs:label " pretenziosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33507preterintenzionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33507preterintenzionalita1 is preterintenzionalita'" ; rdfs:label " preterintenzionalita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33508pretestuosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33508pretestuosita1 is pretestuosita'" ; rdfs:label " pretestuosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33512pretoriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33512pretoriano is pretoriano" ; rdfs:label " pretoriano_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33519preventivista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33519preventivista is preventivista" ; rdfs:label " preventivista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH3351rinutrimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3351rinutrimento is rinutrimento" ; rdfs:label " rinutrimento_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH33526preziosismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33526preziosismo is preziosismo" ; rdfs:label " preziosismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33527preziosismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33527preziosismo is preziosismo" ; rdfs:label " preziosismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH33529priapismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33529priapismo is priapismo" ; rdfs:label " priapismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH33531primalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33531primalita1 is primalita'" ; rdfs:label " primalita'_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH33534primatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33534primatista is primatista" ; rdfs:label " primatista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33537primitivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33537primitivita1 is primitivita'" ; rdfs:label " primitivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33538primo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33538primo is primo" ; rdfs:label " primo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33539primo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33539primo is primo" ; rdfs:label " primo_as_Food" . inds:USemTH33550priscillianista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33550priscillianista is priscillianista" ; rdfs:label " priscillianista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33553prismoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33553prismoide is prismoide" ; rdfs:label " prismoide_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH33556pritano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33556pritano is pritano" ; rdfs:label " pritano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH33560privatezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33560privatezza is privatezza" ; rdfs:label " privatezza_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH33562privatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33562privatista is privatista" ; rdfs:label " privatista_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33573proavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33573proavo is proavo" ; rdfs:label " proavo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH33575probabiliorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33575probabiliorismo is probabiliorismo" ; rdfs:label " probabiliorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33577probabilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33577probabilismo is probabilismo" ; rdfs:label " probabilismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33580probabilista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33580probabilista is probabilista" ; rdfs:label " probabilista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33583probanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33583probanda is probanda" ; rdfs:label " probanda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33585probando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33585probando is probando" ; rdfs:label " probando_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33587problematicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33587problematicismo is problematicismo" ; rdfs:label " problematicismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33589problematicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33589problematicita1 is problematicita'" ; rdfs:label " problematicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33594procaccina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33594procaccina is procaccina" ; rdfs:label " procaccina_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33596procaccino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33596procaccino is procaccino" ; rdfs:label " procaccino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33598procacita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33598procacita1 is procacita'" ; rdfs:label " procacita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH3359ripartimento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3359ripartimento is ripartimento" ; rdfs:label " ripartimento_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH33600procedurista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33600procedurista is procedurista" ; rdfs:label " procedurista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33604processualista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33604processualista is processualista" ; rdfs:label " processualista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33624proctologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33624proctologa is proctologa" ; rdfs:label " proctologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33626proctologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33626proctologo is proctologo" ; rdfs:label " proctologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33631prodecano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33631prodecano is prodecano" ; rdfs:label " prodecano_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH33633prodese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33633prodese is prodese" ; rdfs:label " prodese_as_Part" . inds:USemTH33637prodigiosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33637prodigiosita1 is prodigiosita'" ; rdfs:label " prodigiosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33642producibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33642producibilita1 is producibilita'" ; rdfs:label " producibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33645prof simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33645prof is prof" ; rdfs:label " prof_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33647profana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33647profana is profana" ; rdfs:label " profana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33654profano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33654profano is profano" ; rdfs:label " profano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33656proferibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33656proferibilita1 is proferibilita'" ; rdfs:label " proferibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33662professa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33662professa is professa" ; rdfs:label " professa_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH33664professo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33664professo is professo" ; rdfs:label " professo_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH33666profetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33666profetismo is profetismo" ; rdfs:label " profetismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH33672proficuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33672proficuita1 is proficuita'" ; rdfs:label " proficuita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33675profiterole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33675profiterole is profiterole" ; rdfs:label " profiterole_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH33677profondimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33677profondimetro is profondimetro" ; rdfs:label " profondimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH33688profumista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33688profumista is profumista" ; rdfs:label " profumista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33691progettualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33691progettualita1 is progettualita'" ; rdfs:label " progettualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33692prognata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33692prognata is prognata" ; rdfs:label " prognata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33694prognatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33694prognatismo is prognatismo" ; rdfs:label " prognatismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH33696prognato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33696prognato is prognato" ; rdfs:label " prognato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33699programmista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33699programmista is programmista" ; rdfs:label " programmista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33709proibizionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33709proibizionista is proibizionista" ; rdfs:label " proibizionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33718proiezionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33718proiezionista is proiezionista" ; rdfs:label " proiezionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33723prolegato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33723prolegato is prolegato" ; rdfs:label " prolegato_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH33725prolificita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33725prolificita1 is prolificita'" ; rdfs:label " prolificita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH33726prolungabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33726prolungabilita1 is prolungabilita'" ; rdfs:label " prolungabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33732promemoria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33732promemoria is promemoria" ; rdfs:label " promemoria_as_Information" . inds:USemTH33733promesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33733promesso is promesso" ; rdfs:label " promesso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33739promissaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33739promissaria is promissaria" ; rdfs:label " promissaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33741promissario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33741promissario is promissario" ; rdfs:label " promissario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33745promovenda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33745promovenda is promovenda" ; rdfs:label " promovenda_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33747promovendo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33747promovendo is promovendo" ; rdfs:label " promovendo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33766pronuba simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33766pronuba is pronuba" ; rdfs:label " pronuba_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH33767pronuba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33767pronuba is pronuba" ; rdfs:label " pronuba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33769pronubo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33769pronubo is pronubo" ; rdfs:label " pronubo_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH33770pronubo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33770pronubo is pronubo" ; rdfs:label " pronubo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33772pronunziabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33772pronunziabilita1 is pronunziabilita'" ; rdfs:label " pronunziabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33777propagabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33777propagabilita1 is propagabilita'" ; rdfs:label " propagabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33780propagandista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33780propagandista is propagandista" ; rdfs:label " propagandista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33795propinqua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33795propinqua is propinqua" ; rdfs:label " propinqua_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH33798propinquo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33798propinquo is propinquo" ; rdfs:label " propinquo_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH33804propoli simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33804propoli is propoli" ; rdfs:label " propoli_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH33805proponibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33805proponibilita1 is proponibilita'" ; rdfs:label " proponibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33810proporzionabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33810proporzionabilita1 is proporzionabilita'" ; rdfs:label " proporzionabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33831prora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33831prora is prora" ; rdfs:label " prora_as_Part" . inds:USemTH33832prorogabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33832prorogabilita1 is prorogabilita'" ; rdfs:label " prorogabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33834prosaicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33834prosaicismo is prosaicismo" ; rdfs:label " prosaicismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33836prosaicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33836prosaicita1 is prosaicita'" ; rdfs:label " prosaicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33837prosapia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33837prosapia is prosapia" ; rdfs:label " prosapia_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH33838prosasticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33838prosasticita1 is prosasticita'" ; rdfs:label " prosasticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33849prosegretaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33849prosegretaria is prosegretaria" ; rdfs:label " prosegretaria_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33851prosegretario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33851prosegretario is prosegretario" ; rdfs:label " prosegretario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33853proselita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33853proselita is proselita" ; rdfs:label " proselita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33855proselite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33855proselite is proselite" ; rdfs:label " proselite_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33860proselitista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33860proselitista is proselitista" ; rdfs:label " proselitista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33863proselito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33863proselito is proselito" ; rdfs:label " proselito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33873prosodista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33873prosodista is prosodista" ; rdfs:label " prosodista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33883prosseneta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33883prosseneta is prosseneta" ; rdfs:label " prosseneta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33892prosuocera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33892prosuocera is prosuocera" ; rdfs:label " prosuocera_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH33894prosuocero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33894prosuocero is prosuocero" ; rdfs:label " prosuocero_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH33901proteinuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33901proteinuria is proteinuria" ; rdfs:label " proteinuria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH33902proteismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33902proteismo is proteismo" ; rdfs:label " proteismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH33904protesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33904protesi is protesi" ; rdfs:label " protesi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH33906protesista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33906protesista is protesista" ; rdfs:label " protesista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33914protistologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33914protistologia is protistologia" ; rdfs:label " protistologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH33916protocollista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33916protocollista is protocollista" ; rdfs:label " protocollista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33919protomartire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33919protomartire is protomartire" ; rdfs:label " protomartire_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33921protoplasma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33921protoplasma is protoplasma" ; rdfs:label " protoplasma_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH33922protoromantica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33922protoromantica is protoromantica" ; rdfs:label " protoromantica_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33924protoromantico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33924protoromantico is protoromantico" ; rdfs:label " protoromantico_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33926protosincrotrone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33926protosincrotrone is protosincrotrone" ; rdfs:label " protosincrotrone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH33927protossido simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33927protossido is protossido" ; rdfs:label " protossido_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH33928protrusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33928protrusione is protrusione" ; rdfs:label " protrusione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH33936proustista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33936proustista is proustista" ; rdfs:label " proustista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33937provabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33937provabilita1 is provabilita'" ; rdfs:label " provabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33945provenzalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33945provenzalismo is provenzalismo" ; rdfs:label " provenzalismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH33947provenzalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33947provenzalista is provenzalista" ; rdfs:label " provenzalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH33951proverbista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33951proverbista is proverbista" ; rdfs:label " proverbista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33956provicario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33956provicario is provicario" ; rdfs:label " provicario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH33958provincialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33958provincialita1 is provincialita'" ; rdfs:label " provincialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33959provocabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33959provocabilita1 is provocabilita'" ; rdfs:label " provocabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH3395risplendimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3395risplendimento is risplendimento" ; rdfs:label " risplendimento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH33962provvidenzialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33962provvidenzialismo is provvidenzialismo" ; rdfs:label " provvidenzialismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH33965provvidenzialista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33965provvidenzialista is provvidenzialista" ; rdfs:label " provvidenzialista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH33968provvidenzialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33968provvidenzialita1 is provvidenzialita'" ; rdfs:label " provvidenzialita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH33969provvista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33969provvista is provvista" ; rdfs:label " provvista_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH33973prussiana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33973prussiana is prussiana" ; rdfs:label " prussiana_as_People" . inds:USemTH33975prussiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33975prussiano is prussiano" ; rdfs:label " prussiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH33976prussiano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33976prussiano is prussiano" ; rdfs:label " prussiano_as_Language" . inds:USemTH33979pselafobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33979pselafobia is pselafobia" ; rdfs:label " pselafobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH33980psellismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33980psellismo is psellismo" ; rdfs:label " psellismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH33982pseudoartrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33982pseudoartrosi is pseudoartrosi" ; rdfs:label " pseudoartrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH33984pseudoermafrodita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33984pseudoermafrodita is pseudoermafrodita" ; rdfs:label " pseudoermafrodita_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH33988pseudoermafrodito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33988pseudoermafrodito is pseudoermafrodito" ; rdfs:label " pseudoermafrodito_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH33989pseudofilosofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33989pseudofilosofia is pseudofilosofia" ; rdfs:label " pseudofilosofia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH33990pseudoletterata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33990pseudoletterata is pseudoletterata" ; rdfs:label " pseudoletterata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33992pseudoletterato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33992pseudoletterato is pseudoletterato" ; rdfs:label " pseudoletterato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH33994pseudomorfosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33994pseudomorfosi is pseudomorfosi" ; rdfs:label " pseudomorfosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH33995pseudopodio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33995pseudopodio is pseudopodio" ; rdfs:label " pseudopodio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH33998psicagogo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH33998psicagogo is psicagogo" ; rdfs:label " psicagogo_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH34000psicastenica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34000psicastenica is psicastenica" ; rdfs:label " psicastenica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34002psicastenico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34002psicastenico is psicastenico" ; rdfs:label " psicastenico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34004psichismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34004psichismo is psichismo" ; rdfs:label " psichismo_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH34005psichismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34005psichismo is psichismo" ; rdfs:label " psichismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH34006psicobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34006psicobiologia is psicobiologia" ; rdfs:label " psicobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH34007psicocinesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34007psicocinesi is psicocinesi" ; rdfs:label " psicocinesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH34008psicofarmacologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34008psicofarmacologia is psicofarmacologia" ; rdfs:label " psicofarmacologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH34009psicofisiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34009psicofisiologia is psicofisiologia" ; rdfs:label " psicofisiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH34011psicografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34011psicografo is psicografo" ; rdfs:label " psicografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34016psicolettico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34016psicolettico is psicolettico" ; rdfs:label " psicolettico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34017psicologismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34017psicologismo is psicologismo" ; rdfs:label " psicologismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH34020psicologista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34020psicologista is psicologista" ; rdfs:label " psicologista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH34023psicomotricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34023psicomotricita1 is psicomotricita'" ; rdfs:label " psicomotricita'_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH34025psiconevrotica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34025psiconevrotica is psiconevrotica" ; rdfs:label " psiconevrotica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34027psiconevrotico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34027psiconevrotico is psiconevrotico" ; rdfs:label " psiconevrotico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34029psicopatologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34029psicopatologa is psicopatologa" ; rdfs:label " psicopatologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH34031psicopatologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34031psicopatologo is psicopatologo" ; rdfs:label " psicopatologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH34034psicopedagogista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34034psicopedagogista is psicopedagogista" ; rdfs:label " psicopedagogista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH34039psicopompo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34039psicopompo is psicopompo" ; rdfs:label " psicopompo_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH34041psicosica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34041psicosica is psicosica" ; rdfs:label " psicosica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34043psicosico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34043psicosico is psicosico" ; rdfs:label " psicosico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34045psicosociologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34045psicosociologia is psicosociologia" ; rdfs:label " psicosociologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH34046psicotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34046psicotecnica is psicotecnica" ; rdfs:label " psicotecnica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH34048psicotecnico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34048psicotecnico is psicotecnico" ; rdfs:label " psicotecnico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH34050psicoterapista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34050psicoterapista is psicoterapista" ; rdfs:label " psicoterapista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH34053psicotica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34053psicotica is psicotica" ; rdfs:label " psicotica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34055psicotico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34055psicotico is psicotico" ; rdfs:label " psicotico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34057psicrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34057psicrometro is psicrometro" ; rdfs:label " psicrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34059psilosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34059psilosi is psilosi" ; rdfs:label " psilosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34062psittacosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34062psittacosi is psittacosi" ; rdfs:label " psittacosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34063pterigio simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34063pterigio is pterigio" ; rdfs:label " pterigio_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34065ptialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34065ptialismo is ptialismo" ; rdfs:label " ptialismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34067ptilosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34067ptilosi is ptilosi" ; rdfs:label " ptilosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34068ptosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34068ptosi is ptosi" ; rdfs:label " ptosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34075pubblicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34075pubblicismo is pubblicismo" ; rdfs:label " pubblicismo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH34081pubblicitaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34081pubblicitaria is pubblicitaria" ; rdfs:label " pubblicitaria_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH34083pubblicitario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34083pubblicitario is pubblicitario" ; rdfs:label " pubblicitario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH34085pube simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34085pube is pube" ; rdfs:label " pube_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH34091publicano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34091publicano is publicano" ; rdfs:label " publicano_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH34096puerilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34096puerilismo is puerilismo" ; rdfs:label " puerilismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34115pulcinellotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34115pulcinellotto is pulcinellotto" ; rdfs:label " pulcinellotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34117puleggia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34117puleggia is puleggia" ; rdfs:label " puleggia_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34123pulisciorecchi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34123pulisciorecchi is pulisciorecchi" ; rdfs:label " pulisciorecchi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34124puliscipenne simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34124puliscipenne is puliscipenne" ; rdfs:label " puliscipenne_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34125puliscipiedi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34125puliscipiedi is puliscipiedi" ; rdfs:label " puliscipiedi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34126pulitezza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34126pulitezza is pulitezza" ; rdfs:label " pulitezza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH34128pull simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34128pull is pull" ; rdfs:label " pull_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH34130pulpite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34130pulpite is pulpite" ; rdfs:label " pulpite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34131pulsatilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34131pulsatilita1 is pulsatilita'" ; rdfs:label " pulsatilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH34133pulsimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34133pulsimetro is pulsimetro" ; rdfs:label " pulsimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34136pulvinare simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34136pulvinare is pulvinare" ; rdfs:label " pulvinare_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH34137pulviscolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34137pulviscolo is pulviscolo" ; rdfs:label " pulviscolo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34142punibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34142punibilita1 is punibilita'" ; rdfs:label " punibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH34147puntale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34147puntale is puntale" ; rdfs:label " puntale_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34149puntaspilli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34149puntaspilli is puntaspilli" ; rdfs:label " puntaspilli_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34156puntello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34156puntello is puntello" ; rdfs:label " puntello_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34162puntillista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34162puntillista is puntillista" ; rdfs:label " puntillista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH34165puntinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34165puntinismo is puntinismo" ; rdfs:label " puntinismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH34168puntone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34168puntone is puntone" ; rdfs:label " puntone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34176punzone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34176punzone is punzone" ; rdfs:label " punzone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34178punzonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34178punzonista is punzonista" ; rdfs:label " punzonista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH34181pupa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34181pupa is pupa" ; rdfs:label " pupa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34182pupa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34182pupa is pupa" ; rdfs:label " pupa_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH34183pupara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34183pupara is pupara" ; rdfs:label " pupara_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34185puparo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34185puparo is puparo" ; rdfs:label " puparo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34192pupazzettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34192pupazzettista is pupazzettista" ; rdfs:label " pupazzettista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH34195pupazzetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34195pupazzetto is pupazzetto" ; rdfs:label " pupazzetto_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH34197pupo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34197pupo is pupo" ; rdfs:label " pupo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34198pupo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34198pupo is pupo" ; rdfs:label " pupo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34201pura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34201pura is pura" ; rdfs:label " pura_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34203purgante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34203purgante is purgante" ; rdfs:label " purgante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34211purita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34211purita1 is purita'" ; rdfs:label " purita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH34212puro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34212puro is puro" ; rdfs:label " puro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34214purulenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34214purulenza is purulenza" ; rdfs:label " purulenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH34216puteale simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34216puteale is puteale" ; rdfs:label " puteale_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH34217putridita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34217putridita1 is putridita'" ; rdfs:label " putridita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH34218puttaniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34218puttaniere is puttaniere" ; rdfs:label " puttaniere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34219biscottiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34219biscottiera is biscottiera" ; rdfs:label " biscottiera_as_Container" . inds:USemTH34220bizzoca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34220bizzoca is bizzoca" ; rdfs:label " bizzoca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34221boccadoro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34221boccadoro is boccadoro" ; rdfs:label " boccadoro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34223brevita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34223brevita1 is brevita'" ; rdfs:label " brevita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH34224ectasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34224ectasia is ectasia" ; rdfs:label " ectasia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH34225effettivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34225effettivo is effettivo" ; rdfs:label " effettivo_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH34226efflorescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34226efflorescenza is efflorescenza" ; rdfs:label " efflorescenza_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH34230elettricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34230elettricita1 is elettricita'" ; rdfs:label " elettricita'_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34231eliofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34231eliofobia is eliofobia" ; rdfs:label " eliofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34233eminenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34233eminenza is eminenza" ; rdfs:label " eminenza_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH34235eosinofilia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34235eosinofilia is eosinofilia" ; rdfs:label " eosinofilia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34236equilibrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34236equilibrismo is equilibrismo" ; rdfs:label " equilibrismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH34239eritrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34239eritrina is eritrina" ; rdfs:label " eritrina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34240ermetismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34240ermetismo is ermetismo" ; rdfs:label " ermetismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH34241esattoria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34241esattoria is esattoria" ; rdfs:label " esattoria_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH34242esemplare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34242esemplare is esemplare" ; rdfs:label " esemplare_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34243esemplare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34243esemplare is esemplare" ; rdfs:label " esemplare_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH34244essudato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34244essudato is essudato" ; rdfs:label " essudato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34246estensore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34246estensore is estensore" ; rdfs:label " estensore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34249estremo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34249estremo is estremo" ; rdfs:label " estremo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34250estremo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34250estremo is estremo" ; rdfs:label " estremo_as_Role" . inds:USemTH34252eterogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34252eterogenesi is eterogenesi" ; rdfs:label " eterogenesi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34253etrusco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34253etrusco is etrusco" ; rdfs:label " etrusco_as_People" . inds:USemTH34254faccetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34254faccetta is faccetta" ; rdfs:label " faccetta_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34255facilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34255facilita1 is facilita'" ; rdfs:label " facilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH34256falange simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34256falange is falange" ; rdfs:label " falange_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH34257falange simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34257falange is falange" ; rdfs:label " falange_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH34258falsita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34258falsita1 is falsita'" ; rdfs:label " falsita'_as_Information" . inds:USemTH34259fascetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34259fascetta is fascetta" ; rdfs:label " fascetta_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH34260fascetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34260fascetta is fascetta" ; rdfs:label " fascetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34261favo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34261favo is favo" ; rdfs:label " favo_as_Location" . inds:USemTH34262feltro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34262feltro is feltro" ; rdfs:label " feltro_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH34263feltro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34263feltro is feltro" ; rdfs:label " feltro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34264femminella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34264femminella is femminella" ; rdfs:label " femminella_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34265femminella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34265femminella is femminella" ; rdfs:label " femminella_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH34266femminella simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34266femminella is femminella" ; rdfs:label " femminella_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH34267feria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34267feria is feria" ; rdfs:label " feria_as_Time" . inds:USemTH34269filantropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34269filantropismo is filantropismo" ; rdfs:label " filantropismo_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH34270finalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34270finalita1 is finalita'" ; rdfs:label " finalita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH34271fiorentinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34271fiorentinita1 is fiorentinita'" ; rdfs:label " fiorentinita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH34272fiorone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34272fiorone is fiorone" ; rdfs:label " fiorone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34274fistola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34274fistola is fistola" ; rdfs:label " fistola_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34275fitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34275fitto is fitto" ; rdfs:label " fitto_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH34277fodero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34277fodero is fodero" ; rdfs:label " fodero_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34278foglietto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34278foglietto is foglietto" ; rdfs:label " foglietto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH34279foglietto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34279foglietto is foglietto" ; rdfs:label " foglietto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH34280follicolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34280follicolo is follicolo" ; rdfs:label " follicolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH34281follicolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34281follicolo is follicolo" ; rdfs:label " follicolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34282fondamentale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34282fondamentale is fondamentale" ; rdfs:label " fondamentale_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH34283fondente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34283fondente is fondente" ; rdfs:label " fondente_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34284fontanella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34284fontanella is fontanella" ; rdfs:label " fontanella_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34287fornice simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34287fornice is fornice" ; rdfs:label " fornice_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH34288fosfene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34288fosfene is fosfene" ; rdfs:label " fosfene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34290frontale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34290frontale is frontale" ; rdfs:label " frontale_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34291funicolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34291funicolo is funicolo" ; rdfs:label " funicolo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH34293gabbione simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34293gabbione is gabbione" ; rdfs:label " gabbione_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH34294galea simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34294galea is galea" ; rdfs:label " galea_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH34295genio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34295genio is genio" ; rdfs:label " genio_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH34296georgiano simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34296georgiano is georgiano" ; rdfs:label " georgiano_as_Time" . inds:USemTH34297gianduia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34297gianduia is gianduia" ; rdfs:label " gianduia_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH34298giavone simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34298giavone is giavone" ; rdfs:label " giavone_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH34299giro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34299giro is giro" ; rdfs:label " giro_as_Time" . inds:USemTH34301glomerulo simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34301glomerulo is glomerulo" ; rdfs:label " glomerulo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH34302golf simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34302golf is golf" ; rdfs:label " golf_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH34303golosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34303golosita1 is golosita'" ; rdfs:label " golosita'_as_Food" . inds:USemTH34306grecita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34306grecita1 is grecita'" ; rdfs:label " grecita'_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH34307greco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34307greco is greco" ; rdfs:label " greco_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH34308greco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34308greco is greco" ; rdfs:label " greco_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH34309grill simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34309grill is grill" ; rdfs:label " grill_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH34314identita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34314identita1 is identita'" ; rdfs:label " identita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH34315idiotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34315idiotismo is idiotismo" ; rdfs:label " idiotismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34316igrofila simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34316igrofila is igrofila" ; rdfs:label " igrofila_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH34318imbecillita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34318imbecillita1 is imbecillita'" ; rdfs:label " imbecillita'_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34319immondezza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34319immondezza is immondezza" ; rdfs:label " immondezza_as_Group" . inds:USemTH34325indaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34325indaco is indaco" ; rdfs:label " indaco_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34326indotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34326indotto is indotto" ; rdfs:label " indotto_as_Group" . inds:USemTH34333intellettualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34333intellettualita1 is intellettualita'" ; rdfs:label " intellettualita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH34334intero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34334intero is intero" ; rdfs:label " intero_as_Group" . inds:USemTH34337iperattivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34337iperattivita1 is iperattivita'" ; rdfs:label " iperattivita'_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34338ipersensibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34338ipersensibilita1 is ipersensibilita'" ; rdfs:label " ipersensibilita'_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34340madrevite simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34340madrevite is madrevite" ; rdfs:label " madrevite_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34341magazzinaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34341magazzinaggio is magazzinaggio" ; rdfs:label " magazzinaggio_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH34342magistero simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34342magistero is magistero" ; rdfs:label " magistero_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH34343magistero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34343magistero is magistero" ; rdfs:label " magistero_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH34345maglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34345maglio is maglio" ; rdfs:label " maglio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH34346magnete simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34346magnete is magnete" ; rdfs:label " magnete_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34349mandrino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34349mandrino is mandrino" ; rdfs:label " mandrino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34350manicotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34350manicotto is manicotto" ; rdfs:label " manicotto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34351mantice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34351mantice is mantice" ; rdfs:label " mantice_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34353manto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34353manto is manto" ; rdfs:label " manto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34354marcatempo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34354marcatempo is marcatempo" ; rdfs:label " marcatempo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34356marina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34356marina is marina" ; rdfs:label " marina_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH34357martelletto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34357martelletto is martelletto" ; rdfs:label " martelletto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34358mascolinita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34358mascolinita1 is mascolinita'" ; rdfs:label " mascolinita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH34359massimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34359massimo is massimo" ; rdfs:label " massimo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH34361massimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34361massimo is massimo" ; rdfs:label " massimo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34362maturita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34362maturita1 is maturita'" ; rdfs:label " maturita'_as_Information" . inds:USemTH34363maturita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34363maturita1 is maturita'" ; rdfs:label " maturita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH34364meato simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34364meato is meato" ; rdfs:label " meato_as_Area" . inds:USemTH34365medagliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34365medagliere is medagliere" ; rdfs:label " medagliere_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH34366medio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34366medio is medio" ; rdfs:label " medio_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH34367medio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34367medio is medio" ; rdfs:label " medio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH34368mensilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34368mensilita1 is mensilita'" ; rdfs:label " mensilita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH34370meteora simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34370meteora is meteora" ; rdfs:label " meteora_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH34373micete simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34373micete is micete" ; rdfs:label " micete_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH34374miglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34374miglio is miglio" ; rdfs:label " miglio_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH34376millefiori simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34376millefiori is millefiori" ; rdfs:label " millefiori_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH34377minimosca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34377minimosca is minimosca" ; rdfs:label " minimosca_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH34378mobilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34378mobilita1 is mobilita'" ; rdfs:label " mobilita'_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH34379mola simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34379mola is mola" ; rdfs:label " mola_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34380mola simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34380mola is mola" ; rdfs:label " mola_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH34381molteplicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34381molteplicita1 is molteplicita'" ; rdfs:label " molteplicita'_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH34382mondanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34382mondanita1 is mondanita'" ; rdfs:label " mondanita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH34384monosci1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34384monosci1 is monosci'" ; rdfs:label " monosci'_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH34385montuosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34385montuosita1 is montuosita'" ; rdfs:label " montuosita'_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH34387mortaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34387mortaio is mortaio" ; rdfs:label " mortaio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34388mortalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34388mortalita1 is mortalita'" ; rdfs:label " mortalita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH34389moschettone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34389moschettone is moschettone" ; rdfs:label " moschettone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH34390muffola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34390muffola is muffola" ; rdfs:label " muffola_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34391radicale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34391radicale is radicale" ; rdfs:label " radicale_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34392radicale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34392radicale is radicale" ; rdfs:label " radicale_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH34393radicale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34393radicale is radicale" ; rdfs:label " radicale_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH34394radiogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34394radiogramma is radiogramma" ; rdfs:label " radiogramma_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH34395raggiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34395raggiera is raggiera" ; rdfs:label " raggiera_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH34396ralla simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34396ralla is ralla" ; rdfs:label " ralla_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34397rappezzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34397rappezzo is rappezzo" ; rdfs:label " rappezzo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34399refrigerante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34399refrigerante is refrigerante" ; rdfs:label " refrigerante_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34400reso simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34400reso is reso" ; rdfs:label " reso_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH34401reticolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34401reticolo is reticolo" ; rdfs:label " reticolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH34402reticolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34402reticolo is reticolo" ; rdfs:label " reticolo_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH34403reticolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34403reticolo is reticolo" ; rdfs:label " reticolo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH34404retroflessione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34404retroflessione is retroflessione" ; rdfs:label " retroflessione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34406ricarico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34406ricarico is ricarico" ; rdfs:label " ricarico_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH34407rimborso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34407rimborso is rimborso" ; rdfs:label " rimborso_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH34408risconto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34408risconto is risconto" ; rdfs:label " risconto_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH34409ricarico simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34409ricarico is ricarico" ; rdfs:label " ricarico_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH3440salsamentoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3440salsamentoN is salsamento" ; rdfs:label " salsamento_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH34410rosario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34410rosario is rosario" ; rdfs:label " rosario_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH34411romboide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34411romboide is romboide" ; rdfs:label " romboide_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH34412risiera simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34412risiera is risiera" ; rdfs:label " risiera_as_Building" . inds:USemTH34413riacquisto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34413riacquisto is riacquisto" ; rdfs:label " riacquisto_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH34414rinforzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34414rinforzo is rinforzo" ; rdfs:label " rinforzo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH34415ring simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34415ring is ring" ; rdfs:label " ring_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34416rovere simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34416rovere is rovere" ; rdfs:label " rovere_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH34417rinforzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34417rinforzo is rinforzo" ; rdfs:label " rinforzo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34418risalto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34418risalto is risalto" ; rdfs:label " risalto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34419reviviscenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34419reviviscenza is reviviscenza" ; rdfs:label " reviviscenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH34424tavoliere simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34424tavoliere is tavoliere" ; rdfs:label " tavoliere_as_Area" . inds:USemTH34429terza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34429terza is terza" ; rdfs:label " terza_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH34430terza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34430terza is terza" ; rdfs:label " terza_as_Time" . inds:USemTH34431terzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34431terzo is terzo" ; rdfs:label " terzo_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH34432tesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34432tesi is tesi" ; rdfs:label " tesi_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34433tesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34433tesi is tesi" ; rdfs:label " tesi_as_Information" . inds:USemTH34434tirabozze simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34434tirabozze is tirabozze" ; rdfs:label " tirabozze_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH34435tiraprove simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34435tiraprove is tiraprove" ; rdfs:label " tiraprove_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH34437torciglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34437torciglione is torciglione" ; rdfs:label " torciglione_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34438tortiglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34438tortiglione is tortiglione" ; rdfs:label " tortiglione_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH34439tortiglione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34439tortiglione is tortiglione" ; rdfs:label " tortiglione_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH3443sanguinamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3443sanguinamento is sanguinamento" ; rdfs:label " sanguinamento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34441trasparente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34441trasparente is trasparente" ; rdfs:label " trasparente_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34442traverso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34442traverso is traverso" ; rdfs:label " traverso_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34444trial simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34444trial is trial" ; rdfs:label " trial_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH34446ufficialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34446ufficialita1 is ufficialita'" ; rdfs:label " ufficialita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH34447umidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34447umidita1 is umidita'" ; rdfs:label " umidita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH34448umidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34448umidita1 is umidita'" ; rdfs:label " umidita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH34451unita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34451unita1 is unita'" ; rdfs:label " unita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH34453unita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34453unita1 is unita'" ; rdfs:label " unita'_as_Number" . inds:USemTH34454universale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34454universale is universale" ; rdfs:label " universale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34455urtante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34455urtante is urtante" ; rdfs:label " urtante_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34457utricolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34457utricolo is utricolo" ; rdfs:label " utricolo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH34458vago simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34458vago is vago" ; rdfs:label " vago_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH34459validita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34459validita1 is validita'" ; rdfs:label " validita'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH34460vallo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34460vallo is vallo" ; rdfs:label " vallo_as_Location" . inds:USemTH34463varieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34463varieta1 is varieta'" ; rdfs:label " varieta'_as_Location" . inds:USemTH34464varieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34464varieta1 is varieta'" ; rdfs:label " varieta'_as_Part" . inds:USemTH34465varieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34465varieta1 is varieta'" ; rdfs:label " varieta'_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH34466velocita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34466velocita1 is velocita'" ; rdfs:label " velocita'_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH34467ventosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34467ventosita1 is ventosita'" ; rdfs:label " ventosita'_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34468vescia simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34468vescia is vescia" ; rdfs:label " vescia_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH34469vescicola simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34469vescicola is vescicola" ; rdfs:label " vescicola_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH3446sarmentoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3446sarmentoN is sarmento" ; rdfs:label " sarmento_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH34470vestigia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34470vestigia is vestigia" ; rdfs:label " vestigia_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH34471viabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34471viabilita1 is viabilita'" ; rdfs:label " viabilita'_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH34472viabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34472viabilita1 is viabilita'" ; rdfs:label " viabilita'_as_Group" . inds:USemTH34473videotape simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34473videotape is videotape" ; rdfs:label " videotape_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH34475violetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34475violetto is violetto" ; rdfs:label " violetto_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34476zaffo simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34476zaffo is zaffo" ; rdfs:label " zaffo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH34477zatterone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34477zatterone is zatterone" ; rdfs:label " zatterone_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH34478abraam simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34478abraam is abraam" ; rdfs:label " abraam_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34479abraham simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34479abraham is abraham" ; rdfs:label " abraham_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34480abramo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34480abramo is abramo" ; rdfs:label " abramo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34481achille simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34481achille is achille" ; rdfs:label " achille_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34482ada simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34482ada is ada" ; rdfs:label " ada_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34483adda simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34483adda is adda" ; rdfs:label " adda_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34484adriana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34484adriana is adriana" ; rdfs:label " adriana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34485adriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34485adriano is adriano" ; rdfs:label " adriano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34486adua simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34486adua is adua" ; rdfs:label " adua_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34487agostino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34487agostino is agostino" ; rdfs:label " agostino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34488alain simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34488alain is alain" ; rdfs:label " alain_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34489albert simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34489albert is albert" ; rdfs:label " albert_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34490alberto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34490alberto is alberto" ; rdfs:label " alberto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34491alda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34491alda is alda" ; rdfs:label " alda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34492aldo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34492aldo is aldo" ; rdfs:label " aldo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34493alessandra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34493alessandra is alessandra" ; rdfs:label " alessandra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34494alessandro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34494alessandro is alessandro" ; rdfs:label " alessandro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34495alessia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34495alessia is alessia" ; rdfs:label " alessia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34496alfonso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34496alfonso is alfonso" ; rdfs:label " alfonso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34497alfredo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34497alfredo is alfredo" ; rdfs:label " alfredo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34498alvaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34498alvaro is alvaro" ; rdfs:label " alvaro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34499andrea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34499andrea is andrea" ; rdfs:label " andrea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34500andreotti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34500andreotti is andreotti" ; rdfs:label " andreotti_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34501andrew simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34501andrew is andrew" ; rdfs:label " andrew_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34502andy simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34502andy is andy" ; rdfs:label " andy_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34503angela simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34503angela is angela" ; rdfs:label " angela_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34504angiolieri simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34504angiolieri is angiolieri" ; rdfs:label " angiolieri_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34505anna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34505anna is anna" ; rdfs:label " anna_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34506annalisa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34506annalisa is annalisa" ; rdfs:label " annalisa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34507anne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34507anne is anne" ; rdfs:label " anne_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34508annibale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34508annibale is annibale" ; rdfs:label " annibale_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34509anthony simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34509anthony is anthony" ; rdfs:label " anthony_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34510antonella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34510antonella is antonella" ; rdfs:label " antonella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34511antonello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34511antonello is antonello" ; rdfs:label " antonello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34512antonia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34512antonia is antonia" ; rdfs:label " antonia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34513antonietta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34513antonietta is antonietta" ; rdfs:label " antonietta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34514antonio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34514antonio is antonio" ; rdfs:label " antonio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34515apollinaire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34515apollinaire is apollinaire" ; rdfs:label " apollinaire_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34516aquileia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34516aquileia is aquileia" ; rdfs:label " aquileia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34517aramis simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34517aramis is aramis" ; rdfs:label " aramis_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34518ariosto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34518ariosto is ariosto" ; rdfs:label " ariosto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34519armando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34519armando is armando" ; rdfs:label " armando_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34520arnaldo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34520arnaldo is arnaldo" ; rdfs:label " arnaldo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34521arturo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34521arturo is arturo" ; rdfs:label " arturo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34523assiria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34523assiria is assiria" ; rdfs:label " assiria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34524athos simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34524athos is athos" ; rdfs:label " athos_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34525attilio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34525attilio is attilio" ; rdfs:label " attilio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34526aurelia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34526aurelia is aurelia" ; rdfs:label " aurelia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34527aurelio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34527aurelio is aurelio" ; rdfs:label " aurelio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34528azeglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34528azeglio is azeglio" ; rdfs:label " azeglio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34529baldassarre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34529baldassarre is baldassarre" ; rdfs:label " baldassarre_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34530baldovino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34530baldovino is baldovino" ; rdfs:label " baldovino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34531balzac simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34531balzac is balzac" ; rdfs:label " balzac_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34532barnaba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34532barnaba is barnaba" ; rdfs:label " barnaba_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34533bartolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34533bartolo is bartolo" ; rdfs:label " bartolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34534bartolomeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34534bartolomeo is bartolomeo" ; rdfs:label " bartolomeo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34535bellagio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34535bellagio is bellagio" ; rdfs:label " bellagio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34536benito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34536benito is benito" ; rdfs:label " benito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34537benrubi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34537benrubi is benrubi" ; rdfs:label " benrubi_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34538berkeley simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34538berkeley is berkeley" ; rdfs:label " berkeley_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34539bernard simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34539bernard is bernard" ; rdfs:label " bernard_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34540bernini simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34540bernini is bernini" ; rdfs:label " bernini_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34541bill simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34541bill is bill" ; rdfs:label " bill_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34542bobbio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34542bobbio is bobbio" ; rdfs:label " bobbio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34543boccaccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34543boccaccio is boccaccio" ; rdfs:label " boccaccio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34544botticelli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34544botticelli is botticelli" ; rdfs:label " botticelli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34545brera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34545brera is brera" ; rdfs:label " brera_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34546brianza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34546brianza is brianza" ; rdfs:label " brianza_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34547brunella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34547brunella is brunella" ; rdfs:label " brunella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34548brunelleschi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34548brunelleschi is brunelleschi" ; rdfs:label " brunelleschi_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34549buonarroti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34549buonarroti is buonarroti" ; rdfs:label " buonarroti_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34550calcutta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34550calcutta is calcutta" ; rdfs:label " calcutta_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34551callisto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34551callisto is callisto" ; rdfs:label " callisto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34552camilla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34552camilla is camilla" ; rdfs:label " camilla_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34553camillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34553camillo is camillo" ; rdfs:label " camillo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34554canaan simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34554canaan is canaan" ; rdfs:label " canaan_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34555capranica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34555capranica is capranica" ; rdfs:label " capranica_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34556capua simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34556capua is capua" ; rdfs:label " capua_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34557caracciolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34557caracciolo is caracciolo" ; rdfs:label " caracciolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34558carl simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34558carl is carl" ; rdfs:label " carl_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34559carmelo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34559carmelo is carmelo" ; rdfs:label " carmelo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34560carmen simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34560carmen is carmen" ; rdfs:label " carmen_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34561carucci simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34561carucci is carucci" ; rdfs:label " carucci_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34562casini simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34562casini is casini" ; rdfs:label " casini_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34563castiglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34563castiglione is castiglione" ; rdfs:label " castiglione_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34564catalda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34564catalda is catalda" ; rdfs:label " catalda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34565cataldo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34565cataldo is cataldo" ; rdfs:label " cataldo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34566catello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34566catello is catello" ; rdfs:label " catello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34567cavour simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34567cavour is cavour" ; rdfs:label " cavour_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34568cecco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34568cecco is cecco" ; rdfs:label " cecco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34569cellini simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34569cellini is cellini" ; rdfs:label " cellini_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34570chagall simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34570chagall is chagall" ; rdfs:label " chagall_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34571charles simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34571charles is charles" ; rdfs:label " charles_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34572cinzia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34572cinzia is cinzia" ; rdfs:label " cinzia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34573claude simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34573claude is claude" ; rdfs:label " claude_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34574cleveland simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34574cleveland is cleveland" ; rdfs:label " cleveland_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34575connie simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34575connie is connie" ; rdfs:label " connie_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34576conrad simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34576conrad is conrad" ; rdfs:label " conrad_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34577corelli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34577corelli is corelli" ; rdfs:label " corelli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34578cornelia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34578cornelia is cornelia" ; rdfs:label " cornelia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34579cornelio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34579cornelio is cornelio" ; rdfs:label " cornelio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34580corinne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34580corinne is corinne" ; rdfs:label " corinne_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34581costanzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34581costanzo is costanzo" ; rdfs:label " costanzo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34582cristian simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34582cristian is cristian" ; rdfs:label " cristian_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34583danilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34583danilo is danilo" ; rdfs:label " danilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34584danzica simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34584danzica is danzica" ; rdfs:label " danzica_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34585daria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34585daria is daria" ; rdfs:label " daria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34586dario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34586dario is dario" ; rdfs:label " dario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34587david simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34587david is david" ; rdfs:label " david_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34588davide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34588davide is davide" ; rdfs:label " davide_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34589deledda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34589deledda is deledda" ; rdfs:label " deledda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34590denis simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34590denis is denis" ; rdfs:label " denis_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34591desdemona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34591desdemona is desdemona" ; rdfs:label " desdemona_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34592dodecanneso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34592dodecanneso is dodecanneso" ; rdfs:label " dodecanneso_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34593domenico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34593domenico is domenico" ; rdfs:label " domenico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34594dreyfus simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34594dreyfus is dreyfus" ; rdfs:label " dreyfus_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34595duccio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34595duccio is duccio" ; rdfs:label " duccio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34596edvige simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34596edvige is edvige" ; rdfs:label " edvige_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34597edwige simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34597edwige is edwige" ; rdfs:label " edwige_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34598efraim simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34598efraim is efraim" ; rdfs:label " efraim_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34599efrem simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34599efrem is efrem" ; rdfs:label " efrem_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34600egidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34600egidio is egidio" ; rdfs:label " egidio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34601elena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34601elena is elena" ; rdfs:label " elena_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34602eleonora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34602eleonora is eleonora" ; rdfs:label " eleonora_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34603elisa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34603elisa is elisa" ; rdfs:label " elisa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34604elisabetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34604elisabetta is elisabetta" ; rdfs:label " elisabetta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34605eliseo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34605eliseo is eliseo" ; rdfs:label " eliseo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34606elvia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34606elvia is elvia" ; rdfs:label " elvia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34607elvira simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34607elvira is elvira" ; rdfs:label " elvira_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34608emanuela simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34608emanuela is emanuela" ; rdfs:label " emanuela_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34609emanuele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34609emanuele is emanuele" ; rdfs:label " emanuele_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34610emilia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34610emilia is emilia" ; rdfs:label " emilia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34611emilio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34611emilio is emilio" ; rdfs:label " emilio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34612enrico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34612enrico is enrico" ; rdfs:label " enrico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34613enzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34613enzo is enzo" ; rdfs:label " enzo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34614eracle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34614eracle is eracle" ; rdfs:label " eracle_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34615erasmo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34615erasmo is erasmo" ; rdfs:label " erasmo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34616ermelinda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34616ermelinda is ermelinda" ; rdfs:label " ermelinda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34617ernesto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34617ernesto is ernesto" ; rdfs:label " ernesto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34618ester simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34618ester is ester" ; rdfs:label " ester_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34619eufemia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34619eufemia is eufemia" ; rdfs:label " eufemia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34620eugenia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34620eugenia is eugenia" ; rdfs:label " eugenia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34621eugenio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34621eugenio is eugenio" ; rdfs:label " eugenio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34622eur simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34622eur is eur" ; rdfs:label " eur_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34623eusebio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34623eusebio is eusebio" ; rdfs:label " eusebio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34624ezechiele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34624ezechiele is ezechiele" ; rdfs:label " ezechiele_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34625ezra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34625ezra is ezra" ; rdfs:label " ezra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34626fabio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34626fabio is fabio" ; rdfs:label " fabio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34627fabrizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34627fabrizio is fabrizio" ; rdfs:label " fabrizio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34628farnesina simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34628farnesina is farnesina" ; rdfs:label " farnesina_as_Building" . inds:USemTH34629federica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34629federica is federica" ; rdfs:label " federica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34630federico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34630federico is federico" ; rdfs:label " federico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34631ferdinanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34631ferdinanda is ferdinanda" ; rdfs:label " ferdinanda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34632ferdinando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34632ferdinando is ferdinando" ; rdfs:label " ferdinando_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34633fernanda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34633fernanda is fernanda" ; rdfs:label " fernanda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34634fernando simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34634fernando is fernando" ; rdfs:label " fernando_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34635filippo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34635filippo is filippo" ; rdfs:label " filippo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34636fini simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34636fini is fini" ; rdfs:label " fini_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34637fiorenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34637fiorenza is fiorenza" ; rdfs:label " fiorenza_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34638fiorenzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34638fiorenzo is fiorenzo" ; rdfs:label " fiorenzo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34639flavia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34639flavia is flavia" ; rdfs:label " flavia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34640flavio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34640flavio is flavio" ; rdfs:label " flavio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34641fogazzaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34641fogazzaro is fogazzaro" ; rdfs:label " fogazzaro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34642foscolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34642foscolo is foscolo" ; rdfs:label " foscolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34643franca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34643franca is franca" ; rdfs:label " franca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34644francesca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34644francesca is francesca" ; rdfs:label " francesca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34645friedrich simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34645friedrich is friedrich" ; rdfs:label " friedrich_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34646fulvia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34646fulvia is fulvia" ; rdfs:label " fulvia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34647fulvio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34647fulvio is fulvio" ; rdfs:label " fulvio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34648furio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34648furio is furio" ; rdfs:label " furio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34649gaeta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34649gaeta is gaeta" ; rdfs:label " gaeta_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34650gaetano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34650gaetano is gaetano" ; rdfs:label " gaetano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34651garda simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34651garda is garda" ; rdfs:label " garda_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34652gaspare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34652gaspare is gaspare" ; rdfs:label " gaspare_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34653gennaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34653gennaro is gennaro" ; rdfs:label " gennaro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34654george simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34654george is george" ; rdfs:label " george_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34655gerardina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34655gerardina is gerardina" ; rdfs:label " gerardina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34656gerusalemme simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34656gerusalemme is gerusalemme" ; rdfs:label " gerusalemme_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34657giacobbe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34657giacobbe is giacobbe" ; rdfs:label " giacobbe_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34658giacomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34658giacomo is giacomo" ; rdfs:label " giacomo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34659giambattista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34659giambattista is giambattista" ; rdfs:label " giambattista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34660giampiero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34660giampiero is giampiero" ; rdfs:label " giampiero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34661giampietro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34661giampietro is giampietro" ; rdfs:label " giampietro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34662giancarlo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34662giancarlo is giancarlo" ; rdfs:label " giancarlo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34663gianfranco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34663gianfranco is gianfranco" ; rdfs:label " gianfranco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34664gianluca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34664gianluca is gianluca" ; rdfs:label " gianluca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34665gianna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34665gianna is gianna" ; rdfs:label " gianna_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34666gianni simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34666gianni is gianni" ; rdfs:label " gianni_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34667gianvito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34667gianvito is gianvito" ; rdfs:label " gianvito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34668gilberto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34668gilberto is gilberto" ; rdfs:label " gilberto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34669ginzberg simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34669ginzberg is ginzberg" ; rdfs:label " ginzberg_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34670gioacchino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34670gioacchino is gioacchino" ; rdfs:label " gioacchino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34671giorgia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34671giorgia is giorgia" ; rdfs:label " giorgia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34672giorgio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34672giorgio is giorgio" ; rdfs:label " giorgio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34673giotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34673giotto is giotto" ; rdfs:label " giotto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34674giovambattista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34674giovambattista is giovambattista" ; rdfs:label " giovambattista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34675giovanmaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34675giovanmaria is giovanmaria" ; rdfs:label " giovanmaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34676giovanna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34676giovanna is giovanna" ; rdfs:label " giovanna_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34677giovanni simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34677giovanni is giovanni" ; rdfs:label " giovanni_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34678girolamo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34678girolamo is girolamo" ; rdfs:label " girolamo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34679giulia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34679giulia is giulia" ; rdfs:label " giulia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34680giulio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34680giulio is giulio" ; rdfs:label " giulio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34681giuseppe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34681giuseppe is giuseppe" ; rdfs:label " giuseppe_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34682giuseppina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34682giuseppina is giuseppina" ; rdfs:label " giuseppina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34683giustina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34683giustina is giustina" ; rdfs:label " giustina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34684giustino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34684giustino is giustino" ; rdfs:label " giustino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34685gorbaciov simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34685gorbaciov is gorbaciov" ; rdfs:label " gorbaciov_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34686graham simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34686graham is graham" ; rdfs:label " graham_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34687gramsci simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34687gramsci is gramsci" ; rdfs:label " gramsci_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34688gregorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34688gregorio is gregorio" ; rdfs:label " gregorio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34689guido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34689guido is guido" ; rdfs:label " guido_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34690gustavo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34690gustavo is gustavo" ; rdfs:label " gustavo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34691guttuso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34691guttuso is guttuso" ; rdfs:label " guttuso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34692heinrich simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34692heinrich is heinrich" ; rdfs:label " heinrich_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34693henry simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34693henry is henry" ; rdfs:label " henry_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34694herald simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34694herald is herald" ; rdfs:label " herald_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34695hitler simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34695hitler is hitler" ; rdfs:label " hitler_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34696iacopo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34696iacopo is iacopo" ; rdfs:label " iacopo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34697denise simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34697denise is denise" ; rdfs:label " denise_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34698ilaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34698ilaria is ilaria" ; rdfs:label " ilaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34699giona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34699giona is giona" ; rdfs:label " giona_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34700isa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34700isa is isa" ; rdfs:label " isa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34701israel simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34701israel is israel" ; rdfs:label " israel_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34702jacob simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34702jacob is jacob" ; rdfs:label " jacob_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34703jacques simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34703jacques is jacques" ; rdfs:label " jacques_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34704jean simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34704jean is jean" ; rdfs:label " jean_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34705joe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34705joe is joe" ; rdfs:label " joe_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34706john simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34706john is john" ; rdfs:label " john_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34707johann simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34707johann is johann" ; rdfs:label " johann_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34708johanna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34708johanna is johanna" ; rdfs:label " johanna_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34709jonathan simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34709jonathan is jonathan" ; rdfs:label " jonathan_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34710joseph simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34710joseph is joseph" ; rdfs:label " joseph_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34711julius simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34711julius is julius" ; rdfs:label " julius_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34712kant simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34712kant is kant" ; rdfs:label " kant_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34713labriola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34713labriola is labriola" ; rdfs:label " labriola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34716laura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34716laura is laura" ; rdfs:label " laura_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34717lavinia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34717lavinia is lavinia" ; rdfs:label " lavinia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34718lavinio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34718lavinio is lavinio" ; rdfs:label " lavinio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34719leo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34719leo is leo" ; rdfs:label " leo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34720leonardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34720leonardo is leonardo" ; rdfs:label " leonardo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34721leopold simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34721leopold is leopold" ; rdfs:label " leopold_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34722leopolda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34722leopolda is leopolda" ; rdfs:label " leopolda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34723leslie simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34723leslie is leslie" ; rdfs:label " leslie_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34724lewis simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34724lewis is lewis" ; rdfs:label " lewis_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34725licia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34725licia is licia" ; rdfs:label " licia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34726lina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34726lina is lina" ; rdfs:label " lina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34727linda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34727linda is linda" ; rdfs:label " linda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34728lionello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34728lionello is lionello" ; rdfs:label " lionello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34729livia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34729livia is livia" ; rdfs:label " livia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34731loredano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34731loredano is loredano" ; rdfs:label " loredano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34732lorenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34732lorenza is lorenza" ; rdfs:label " lorenza_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34733louis simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34733louis is louis" ; rdfs:label " louis_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34734louvre simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34734louvre is louvre" ; rdfs:label " louvre_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34735lowenthal simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34735lowenthal is lowenthal" ; rdfs:label " lowenthal_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34736luca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34736luca is luca" ; rdfs:label " luca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34737lucia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34737lucia is lucia" ; rdfs:label " lucia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34738luciana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34738luciana is luciana" ; rdfs:label " luciana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34739lucina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34739lucina is lucina" ; rdfs:label " lucina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34740lucio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34740lucio is lucio" ; rdfs:label " lucio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34741ludovica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34741ludovica is ludovica" ; rdfs:label " ludovica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34742madrid simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34742madrid is madrid" ; rdfs:label " madrid_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34743maiorca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34743maiorca is maiorca" ; rdfs:label " maiorca_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34744malcolm simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34744malcolm is malcolm" ; rdfs:label " malcolm_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34745cellini simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34745cellini is cellini" ; rdfs:label " cellini_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34746mantegna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34746mantegna is mantegna" ; rdfs:label " mantegna_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34747mantova simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34747mantova is mantova" ; rdfs:label " mantova_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34748manzoni simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34748manzoni is manzoni" ; rdfs:label " manzoni_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34749marc simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34749marc is marc" ; rdfs:label " marc_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34750marcel simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34750marcel is marcel" ; rdfs:label " marcel_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34751marcello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34751marcello is marcello" ; rdfs:label " marcello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34752marconi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34752marconi is marconi" ; rdfs:label " marconi_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34753maria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34753maria is maria" ; rdfs:label " maria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34754mariarosaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34754mariarosaria is mariarosaria" ; rdfs:label " mariarosaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34755marinetti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34755marinetti is marinetti" ; rdfs:label " marinetti_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34756mario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34756mario is mario" ; rdfs:label " mario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34757massimiliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34757massimiliano is massimiliano" ; rdfs:label " massimiliano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34758matteotti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34758matteotti is matteotti" ; rdfs:label " matteotti_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34759maurizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34759maurizio is maurizio" ; rdfs:label " maurizio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34760mazzini simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34760mazzini is mazzini" ; rdfs:label " mazzini_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34761mazzoni simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34761mazzoni is mazzoni" ; rdfs:label " mazzoni_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34763melchiorre simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34763melchiorre is melchiorre" ; rdfs:label " melchiorre_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34764mesopotamia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34764mesopotamia is mesopotamia" ; rdfs:label " mesopotamia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34765michael simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34765michael is michael" ; rdfs:label " michael_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34766michail simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34766michail is michail" ; rdfs:label " michail_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34767michela simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34767michela is michela" ; rdfs:label " michela_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34768michelangelo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34768michelangelo is michelangelo" ; rdfs:label " michelangelo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34769michelangiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34769michelangiolo is michelangiolo" ; rdfs:label " michelangiolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34770michele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34770michele is michele" ; rdfs:label " michele_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34771mirko simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34771mirko is mirko" ; rdfs:label " mirko_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34772moreno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34772moreno is moreno" ; rdfs:label " moreno_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34773modigliani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34773modigliani is modigliani" ; rdfs:label " modigliani_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34775renoir simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34775renoir is renoir" ; rdfs:label " renoir_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34776cezanne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34776cezanne is cezanne" ; rdfs:label " cezanne_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34777sisley simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34777sisley is sisley" ; rdfs:label " sisley_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34778gauguin simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34778gauguin is gauguin" ; rdfs:label " gauguin_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34779manet simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34779manet is manet" ; rdfs:label " manet_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34780monet simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34780monet is monet" ; rdfs:label " monet_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34781monferrato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34781monferrato is monferrato" ; rdfs:label " monferrato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34782montale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34782montale is montale" ; rdfs:label " montale_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34783montecitorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34783montecitorio is montecitorio" ; rdfs:label " montecitorio_as_Building" . inds:USemTH34784moldavia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34784moldavia is moldavia" ; rdfs:label " moldavia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34785moravia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34785moravia is moravia" ; rdfs:label " moravia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34786moravia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34786moravia is moravia" ; rdfs:label " moravia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34788moscova simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34788moscova is moscova" ; rdfs:label " moscova_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34789mussolini simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34789mussolini is mussolini" ; rdfs:label " mussolini_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34790nabuk simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34790nabuk is nabuk" ; rdfs:label " nabuk_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH34791nadia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34791nadia is nadia" ; rdfs:label " nadia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34792natalina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34792natalina is natalina" ; rdfs:label " natalina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34793nathan simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34793nathan is nathan" ; rdfs:label " nathan_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34794nazzaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34794nazzaro is nazzaro" ; rdfs:label " nazzaro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34795nefertari simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34795nefertari is nefertari" ; rdfs:label " nefertari_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34796niccolo1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34796niccolo1 is niccolo'" ; rdfs:label " niccolo'_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34797nicola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34797nicola is nicola" ; rdfs:label " nicola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34798nicolas simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34798nicolas is nicolas" ; rdfs:label " nicolas_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34799nicole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34799nicole is nicole" ; rdfs:label " nicole_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34800nievo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34800nievo is nievo" ; rdfs:label " nievo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34801nikolaj simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34801nikolaj is nikolaj" ; rdfs:label " nikolaj_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34802nilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34802nilo is nilo" ; rdfs:label " nilo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34803norberto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34803norberto is norberto" ; rdfs:label " norberto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34804norcia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34804norcia is norcia" ; rdfs:label " norcia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34805norimberga simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34805norimberga is norimberga" ; rdfs:label " norimberga_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34806norton simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34806norton is norton" ; rdfs:label " norton_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34807norwich simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34807norwich is norwich" ; rdfs:label " norwich_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34808nottingham simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34808nottingham is nottingham" ; rdfs:label " nottingham_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34809odette simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34809odette is odette" ; rdfs:label " odette_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34810ofelia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34810ofelia is ofelia" ; rdfs:label " ofelia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34811ohio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34811ohio is ohio" ; rdfs:label " ohio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34812olivia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34812olivia is olivia" ; rdfs:label " olivia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34813olmina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34813olmina is olmina" ; rdfs:label " olmina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34814orsola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34814orsola is orsola" ; rdfs:label " orsola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34815ottavia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34815ottavia is ottavia" ; rdfs:label " ottavia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34816ottavio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34816ottavio is ottavio" ; rdfs:label " ottavio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34817padula simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34817padula is padula" ; rdfs:label " padula_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34818pakistan simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34818pakistan is pakistan" ; rdfs:label " pakistan_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34819palestrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34819palestrina is palestrina" ; rdfs:label " palestrina_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34820panella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34820panella is panella" ; rdfs:label " panella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34821paola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34821paola is paola" ; rdfs:label " paola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34822paolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34822paolo is paolo" ; rdfs:label " paolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34823paris simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34823paris is paris" ; rdfs:label " paris_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34824pasolini simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34824pasolini is pasolini" ; rdfs:label " pasolini_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34825pasqualina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34825pasqualina is pasqualina" ; rdfs:label " pasqualina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34826patrizia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34826patrizia is patrizia" ; rdfs:label " patrizia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34827paul simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34827paul is paul" ; rdfs:label " paul_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34828paulo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34828paulo is paulo" ; rdfs:label " paulo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34829pellico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34829pellico is pellico" ; rdfs:label " pellico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34830perez simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34830perez is perez" ; rdfs:label " perez_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34831peter simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34831peter is peter" ; rdfs:label " peter_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34832petrarca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34832petrarca is petrarca" ; rdfs:label " petrarca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34833picasso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34833picasso is picasso" ; rdfs:label " picasso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34834pierluigi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34834pierluigi is pierluigi" ; rdfs:label " pierluigi_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34835piero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34835piero is piero" ; rdfs:label " piero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34836pierpaola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34836pierpaola is pierpaola" ; rdfs:label " pierpaola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34837pierpaolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34837pierpaolo is pierpaolo" ; rdfs:label " pierpaolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34838pietro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34838pietro is pietro" ; rdfs:label " pietro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34839pietroburgo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34839pietroburgo is pietroburgo" ; rdfs:label " pietroburgo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34840pirandello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34840pirandello is pirandello" ; rdfs:label " pirandello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34842pistoia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34842pistoia is pistoia" ; rdfs:label " pistoia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34843pitagora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34843pitagora is pitagora" ; rdfs:label " pitagora_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34844platone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34844platone is platone" ; rdfs:label " platone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34845po simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34845po is po" ; rdfs:label " po_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34846poitiers simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34846poitiers is poitiers" ; rdfs:label " poitiers_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34847pompea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34847pompea is pompea" ; rdfs:label " pompea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34848pompeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34848pompeo is pompeo" ; rdfs:label " pompeo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34849poppea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34849poppea is poppea" ; rdfs:label " poppea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34850portos simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34850portos is portos" ; rdfs:label " portos_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34851pucci simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34851pucci is pucci" ; rdfs:label " pucci_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34852quasimodo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34852quasimodo is quasimodo" ; rdfs:label " quasimodo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34853raffaele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34853raffaele is raffaele" ; rdfs:label " raffaele_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34854raffaella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34854raffaella is raffaella" ; rdfs:label " raffaella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34855raffaello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34855raffaello is raffaello" ; rdfs:label " raffaello_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34856ralph simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34856ralph is ralph" ; rdfs:label " ralph_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34857ranieri simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34857ranieri is ranieri" ; rdfs:label " ranieri_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34858reggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34858reggio is reggio" ; rdfs:label " reggio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34859renania simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34859renania is renania" ; rdfs:label " renania_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34860renato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34860renato is renato" ; rdfs:label " renato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34861renzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34861renzo is renzo" ; rdfs:label " renzo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34862riccardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34862riccardo is riccardo" ; rdfs:label " riccardo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34863rimini simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34863rimini is rimini" ; rdfs:label " rimini_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34864rino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34864rino is rino" ; rdfs:label " rino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34865rita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34865rita is rita" ; rdfs:label " rita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34867robert simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34867robert is robert" ; rdfs:label " robert_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34868roberta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34868roberta is roberta" ; rdfs:label " roberta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34869roberto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34869roberto is roberto" ; rdfs:label " roberto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34870rodrigo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34870rodrigo is rodrigo" ; rdfs:label " rodrigo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34871romanov simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34871romanov is romanov" ; rdfs:label " romanov_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34872romina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34872romina is romina" ; rdfs:label " romina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34873romolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34873romolo is romolo" ; rdfs:label " romolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34874roosvelt simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34874roosvelt is roosvelt" ; rdfs:label " roosvelt_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34875rosaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34875rosaria is rosaria" ; rdfs:label " rosaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34876rosario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34876rosario is rosario" ; rdfs:label " rosario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34877rossana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34877rossana is rossana" ; rdfs:label " rossana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34878rossano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34878rossano is rossano" ; rdfs:label " rossano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34879rossella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34879rossella is rossella" ; rdfs:label " rossella_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34880rotterdam simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34880rotterdam is rotterdam" ; rdfs:label " rotterdam_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34881ruggero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34881ruggero is ruggero" ; rdfs:label " ruggero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34882ruggiero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34882ruggiero is ruggiero" ; rdfs:label " ruggiero_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34883jutland simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34883jutland is jutland" ; rdfs:label " jutland_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34884sabina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34884sabina is sabina" ; rdfs:label " sabina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34885sabrina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34885sabrina is sabrina" ; rdfs:label " sabrina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34886salerno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34886salerno is salerno" ; rdfs:label " salerno_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34887salgari simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34887salgari is salgari" ; rdfs:label " salgari_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34888salvatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34888salvatore is salvatore" ; rdfs:label " salvatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34889salvatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34889salvatrice is salvatrice" ; rdfs:label " salvatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34890samaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34890samaria is samaria" ; rdfs:label " samaria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34891sandra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34891sandra is sandra" ; rdfs:label " sandra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34892sandro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34892sandro is sandro" ; rdfs:label " sandro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34893santa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34893santa is santa" ; rdfs:label " santa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34894sante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34894sante is sante" ; rdfs:label " sante_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34895saul simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34895saul is saul" ; rdfs:label " saul_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34896saverio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34896saverio is saverio" ; rdfs:label " saverio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34897scandicci simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34897scandicci is scandicci" ; rdfs:label " scandicci_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34898sciacca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34898sciacca is sciacca" ; rdfs:label " sciacca_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34899sebastiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34899sebastiano is sebastiano" ; rdfs:label " sebastiano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34900senigallia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34900senigallia is senigallia" ; rdfs:label " senigallia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34901serena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34901serena is serena" ; rdfs:label " serena_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34902sergio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34902sergio is sergio" ; rdfs:label " sergio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34903settimia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34903settimia is settimia" ; rdfs:label " settimia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34904settimio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34904settimio is settimio" ; rdfs:label " settimio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34905severino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34905severino is severino" ; rdfs:label " severino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34906shakespeare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34906shakespeare is shakespeare" ; rdfs:label " shakespeare_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34907sidney simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34907sidney is sidney" ; rdfs:label " sidney_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34908sigismondo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34908sigismondo is sigismondo" ; rdfs:label " sigismondo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34909silvana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34909silvana is silvana" ; rdfs:label " silvana_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34910silvestra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34910silvestra is silvestra" ; rdfs:label " silvestra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34911silvestro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34911silvestro is silvestro" ; rdfs:label " silvestro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34912silvia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34912silvia is silvia" ; rdfs:label " silvia_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34913silvio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34913silvio is silvio" ; rdfs:label " silvio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34914simon simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34914simon is simon" ; rdfs:label " simon_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34915simona simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34915simona is simona" ; rdfs:label " simona_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34916simone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34916simone is simone" ; rdfs:label " simone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34917sion simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34917sion is sion" ; rdfs:label " sion_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34918sisto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34918sisto is sisto" ; rdfs:label " sisto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34919smith simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34919smith is smith" ; rdfs:label " smith_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34920socrate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34920socrate is socrate" ; rdfs:label " socrate_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34921spadolini simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34921spadolini is spadolini" ; rdfs:label " spadolini_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34922spoleto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34922spoleto is spoleto" ; rdfs:label " spoleto_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34923stalin simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34923stalin is stalin" ; rdfs:label " stalin_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34924starace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34924starace is starace" ; rdfs:label " starace_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34925strauss simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34925strauss is strauss" ; rdfs:label " strauss_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34926sturzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34926sturzo is sturzo" ; rdfs:label " sturzo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34927sveva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34927sveva is sveva" ; rdfs:label " sveva_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34928svevia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34928svevia is svevia" ; rdfs:label " svevia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34929temistocle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34929temistocle is temistocle" ; rdfs:label " temistocle_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34930teodosio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34930teodosio is teodosio" ; rdfs:label " teodosio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34931terenzio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34931terenzio is terenzio" ; rdfs:label " terenzio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34932teresa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34932teresa is teresa" ; rdfs:label " teresa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34933terrasanta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34933terrasanta is terrasanta" ; rdfs:label " terrasanta_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34934tevere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34934tevere is tevere" ; rdfs:label " tevere_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34935thomas simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34935thomas is thomas" ; rdfs:label " thomas_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34936tito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34936tito is tito" ; rdfs:label " tito_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34937tolomeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34937tolomeo is tolomeo" ; rdfs:label " tolomeo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34938tolstoj simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34938tolstoj is tolstoj" ; rdfs:label " tolstoj_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34939tommaseo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34939tommaseo is tommaseo" ; rdfs:label " tommaseo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34940tommaso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34940tommaso is tommaso" ; rdfs:label " tommaso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34941torquato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34941torquato is torquato" ; rdfs:label " torquato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34942villafranca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34942villafranca is villafranca" ; rdfs:label " villafranca_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34943torricelli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34943torricelli is torricelli" ; rdfs:label " torricelli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34944tortona simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34944tortona is tortona" ; rdfs:label " tortona_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34945treccani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34945treccani is treccani" ; rdfs:label " treccani_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34946trilussa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34946trilussa is trilussa" ; rdfs:label " trilussa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34947uberto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34947uberto is uberto" ; rdfs:label " uberto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34948ugo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34948ugo is ugo" ; rdfs:label " ugo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34949umberta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34949umberta is umberta" ; rdfs:label " umberta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34950umberto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34950umberto is umberto" ; rdfs:label " umberto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34951ungaretti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34951ungaretti is ungaretti" ; rdfs:label " ungaretti_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34953valencia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34953valencia is valencia" ; rdfs:label " valencia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34954valentina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34954valentina is valentina" ; rdfs:label " valentina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34955valentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34955valentino is valentino" ; rdfs:label " valentino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34956valeria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34956valeria is valeria" ; rdfs:label " valeria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34957valerio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34957valerio is valerio" ; rdfs:label " valerio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34958vanvitelli simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34958vanvitelli is vanvitelli" ; rdfs:label " vanvitelli_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34959velazquez simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34959velazquez is velazquez" ; rdfs:label " velazquez_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34960velletri simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34960velletri is velletri" ; rdfs:label " velletri_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34961vicenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34961vicenza is vicenza" ; rdfs:label " vicenza_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34962victor simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34962victor is victor" ; rdfs:label " victor_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34963vincenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34963vincenza is vincenza" ; rdfs:label " vincenza_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34964vincenzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34964vincenzo is vincenzo" ; rdfs:label " vincenzo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34965vittorino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34965vittorino is vittorino" ; rdfs:label " vittorino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34966vittorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34966vittorio is vittorio" ; rdfs:label " vittorio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34967viviani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34967viviani is viviani" ; rdfs:label " viviani_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34968vivienne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34968vivienne is vivienne" ; rdfs:label " vivienne_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34969vladimir simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34969vladimir is vladimir" ; rdfs:label " vladimir_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34970wagner simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34970wagner is wagner" ; rdfs:label " wagner_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34971walpole simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34971walpole is walpole" ; rdfs:label " walpole_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34972walter simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34972walter is walter" ; rdfs:label " walter_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34973baviera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34973baviera is baviera" ; rdfs:label " baviera_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34974warhol simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34974warhol is warhol" ; rdfs:label " warhol_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34975washington simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34975washington is washington" ; rdfs:label " washington_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34976wilhelm simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34976wilhelm is wilhelm" ; rdfs:label " wilhelm_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34977york simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34977york is york" ; rdfs:label " york_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH34978zante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34978zante is zante" ; rdfs:label " zante_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34979zola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34979zola is zola" ; rdfs:label " zola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH34980microtrauma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34980microtrauma is microtrauma" ; rdfs:label " microtrauma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH34981abbate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34981abbate is abbate" ; rdfs:label " abbate_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH34983acidume simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34983acidume is acidume" ; rdfs:label " acidume_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34984adone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34984adone is adone" ; rdfs:label " adone_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH34985agnellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34985agnellone is agnellone" ; rdfs:label " agnellone_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemTH34986agone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34986agone is agone" ; rdfs:label " agone_as_Location" . inds:USemTH34988agriturismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34988agriturismo is agriturismo" ; rdfs:label " agriturismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH34989allocco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34989allocco is allocco" ; rdfs:label " allocco_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH34990anace simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34990anace is anace" ; rdfs:label " anace_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH34991angolare simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34991angolare is angolare" ; rdfs:label " angolare_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH34992assise simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34992assise is assise" ; rdfs:label " assise_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH34993attinometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34993attinometro is attinometro" ; rdfs:label " attinometro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH34994attualita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34994attualita1 is attualita'" ; rdfs:label " attualita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH34996azionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34996azionista is azionista" ; rdfs:label " azionista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH34997abbiatense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34997abbiatense is abbiatense" ; rdfs:label " abbiatense_as_People" . inds:USemTH34998abramide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34998abramide is abramide" ; rdfs:label " abramide_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH34999acese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH34999acese is acese" ; rdfs:label " acese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35000acetosella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35000acetosella is acetosella" ; rdfs:label " acetosella_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35001acontia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35001acontia is acontia" ; rdfs:label " acontia_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USemTH35002acquerugiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35002acquerugiola is acquerugiola" ; rdfs:label " acquerugiola_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35003acquese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35003acquese is acquese" ; rdfs:label " acquese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35004acquigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35004acquigiano is acquigiano" ; rdfs:label " acquigiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35005acrolito simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35005acrolito is acrolito" ; rdfs:label " acrolito_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH35006adriese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35006adriese is adriese" ; rdfs:label " adriese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35007afragolese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35007afragolese is afragolese" ; rdfs:label " afragolese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35008aguglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35008aguglia is aguglia" ; rdfs:label " aguglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35009aguglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35009aguglia is aguglia" ; rdfs:label " aguglia_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH3500scannellamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3500scannellamento is scannellamento" ; rdfs:label " scannellamento_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH35010alassino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35010alassino is alassino" ; rdfs:label " alassino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35011albatro simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35011albatro is albatro" ; rdfs:label " albatro_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH35012albatro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35012albatro is albatro" ; rdfs:label " albatro_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35013albenganese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35013albenganese is albenganese" ; rdfs:label " albenganese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35014albese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35014albese is albese" ; rdfs:label " albese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35015alcamese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35015alcamese is alcamese" ; rdfs:label " alcamese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35016algherese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35016algherese is algherese" ; rdfs:label " algherese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35017aliotide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35017aliotide is aliotide" ; rdfs:label " aliotide_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35018aliseo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35018aliseo is aliseo" ; rdfs:label " aliseo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35019alladiese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35019alladiese is alladiese" ; rdfs:label " alladiese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35020alno simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35020alno is alno" ; rdfs:label " alno_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35021alta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35021alta is alta" ; rdfs:label " alta_as_Area" . inds:USemTH35022altamurano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35022altamurano is altamurano" ; rdfs:label " altamurano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35023alveus simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35023alveus is alveus" ; rdfs:label " alveus_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH35024amadriade simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35024amadriade is amadriade" ; rdfs:label " amadriade_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35025amantiglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35025amantiglio is amantiglio" ; rdfs:label " amantiglio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35026ambulacro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35026ambulacro is ambulacro" ; rdfs:label " ambulacro_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH35027ambulatio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35027ambulatio is ambulatio" ; rdfs:label " ambulatio_as_Building" . inds:USemTH35028amebocita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35028amebocita is amebocita" ; rdfs:label " amebocita_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH35029amenorrea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35029amenorrea is amenorrea" ; rdfs:label " amenorrea_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35030ammencita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35030ammencita is ammencita" ; rdfs:label " ammencita_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH35031ampezzano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35031ampezzano is ampezzano" ; rdfs:label " ampezzano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35032analessi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35032analessi is analessi" ; rdfs:label " analessi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH35033anconetano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35033anconetano is anconetano" ; rdfs:label " anconetano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35034anconitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35034anconitano is anconitano" ; rdfs:label " anconitano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35035andorra simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35035andorra is andorra" ; rdfs:label " andorra_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35036andriese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35036andriese is andriese" ; rdfs:label " andriese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35037anemoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35037anemoscopio is anemoscopio" ; rdfs:label " anemoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35038aneroide simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35038aneroide is aneroide" ; rdfs:label " aneroide_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35039anfiblastula simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35039anfiblastula is anfiblastula" ; rdfs:label " anfiblastula_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH35041anfiprostilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35041anfiprostilo is anfiprostilo" ; rdfs:label " anfiprostilo_as_Building" . inds:USemTH35042angola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35042angola is angola" ; rdfs:label " angola_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35043aniline simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35043aniline is aniline" ; rdfs:label " aniline_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35045antefissa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35045antefissa is antefissa" ; rdfs:label " antefissa_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35046antennula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35046antennula is antennula" ; rdfs:label " antennula_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35047anticiclone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35047anticiclone is anticiclone" ; rdfs:label " anticiclone_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35048anziate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35048anziate is anziate" ; rdfs:label " anziate_as_People" . inds:USemTH35049apodyterium simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35049apodyterium is apodyterium" ; rdfs:label " apodyterium_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35050apopilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35050apopilo is apopilo" ; rdfs:label " apopilo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35051appendicularia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35051appendicularia is appendicularia" ; rdfs:label " appendicularia_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH35052apriliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35052apriliano is apriliano" ; rdfs:label " apriliano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35053aquinate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35053aquinate is aquinate" ; rdfs:label " aquinate_as_People" . inds:USemTH35054araucaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35054araucaria is araucaria" ; rdfs:label " araucaria_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35055archicembalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35055archicembalo is archicembalo" ; rdfs:label " archicembalo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35056arciliuto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35056arciliuto is arciliuto" ; rdfs:label " arciliuto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35057arcosolium simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35057arcosolium is arcosolium" ; rdfs:label " arcosolium_as_Building" . inds:USemTH35058aronese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35058aronese is aronese" ; rdfs:label " aronese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35059arpinate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35059arpinate is arpinate" ; rdfs:label " arpinate_as_People" . inds:USemTH35060arquatese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35060arquatese is arquatese" ; rdfs:label " arquatese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35061arridatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35061arridatoio is arridatoio" ; rdfs:label " arridatoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35062ascidiozoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35062ascidiozoide is ascidiozoide" ; rdfs:label " ascidiozoide_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH35064asiaghese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35064asiaghese is asiaghese" ; rdfs:label " asiaghese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35065assisano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35065assisano is assisano" ; rdfs:label " assisano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35066assisiate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35066assisiate is assisiate" ; rdfs:label " assisiate_as_People" . inds:USemTH35067astaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35067astaco is astaco" ; rdfs:label " astaco_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35068astenosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35068astenosfera is astenosfera" ; rdfs:label " astenosfera_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35069aster simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35069aster is aster" ; rdfs:label " aster_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35070astigmia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35070astigmia is astigmia" ; rdfs:label " astigmia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35071astroblastoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35071astroblastoma is astroblastoma" ; rdfs:label " astroblastoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35072astrocitoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35072astrocitoma is astrocitoma" ; rdfs:label " astrocitoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35073astrofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35073astrofobia is astrofobia" ; rdfs:label " astrofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35074atoco simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35074atoco is atoco" ; rdfs:label " atoco_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH35075audiofonologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35075audiofonologia is audiofonologia" ; rdfs:label " audiofonologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35076augustanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35076augustanese is augustanese" ; rdfs:label " augustanese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35077augustano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35077augustano is augustano" ; rdfs:label " augustano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35080autografismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35080autografismo is autografismo" ; rdfs:label " autografismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35081autoporto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35081autoporto is autoporto" ; rdfs:label " autoporto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH35082averla simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35082averla is averla" ; rdfs:label " averla_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH35083aversano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35083aversano is aversano" ; rdfs:label " aversano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35085azerbagian simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35085azerbagian is azerbagian" ; rdfs:label " azerbagian_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35086bagnaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35086bagnaiolo is bagnaiolo" ; rdfs:label " bagnaiolo_as_People" . inds:USemTH35087bagnilucchese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35087bagnilucchese is bagnilucchese" ; rdfs:label " bagnilucchese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35088bahama simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35088bahama is bahama" ; rdfs:label " bahama_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35089bahrain simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35089bahrain is bahrain" ; rdfs:label " bahrain_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35090balanite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35090balanite is balanite" ; rdfs:label " balanite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35091balano simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35091balano is balano" ; rdfs:label " balano_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35092balbismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35092balbismo is balbismo" ; rdfs:label " balbismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35095bangladesh simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35095bangladesh is bangladesh" ; rdfs:label " bangladesh_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35096barbados simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35096barbados is barbados" ; rdfs:label " barbados_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35097barbaricino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35097barbaricino is barbaricino" ; rdfs:label " barbaricino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35098barbula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35098barbula is barbula" ; rdfs:label " barbula_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35099barghigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35099barghigiano is barghigiano" ; rdfs:label " barghigiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35100barlettano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35100barlettano is barlettano" ; rdfs:label " barlettano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35101basolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35101basolo is basolo" ; rdfs:label " basolo_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH35102bassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35102bassa is bassa" ; rdfs:label " bassa_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH35104bassanello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35104bassanello is bassanello" ; rdfs:label " bassanello_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35105bassanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35105bassanese is bassanese" ; rdfs:label " bassanese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35106batata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35106batata is batata" ; rdfs:label " batata_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35107batata simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35107batata is batata" ; rdfs:label " batata_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35109beeper simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35109beeper is beeper" ; rdfs:label " beeper_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35110belize simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35110belize is belize" ; rdfs:label " belize_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35111benin simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35111benin is benin" ; rdfs:label " benin_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35112bertinorese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35112bertinorese is bertinorese" ; rdfs:label " bertinorese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35113bessale simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35113bessale is bessale" ; rdfs:label " bessale_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH35114betta simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35114betta is betta" ; rdfs:label " betta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH35115betta simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35115betta is betta" ; rdfs:label " betta_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35116betula simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35116betula is betula" ; rdfs:label " betula_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35117bhutan simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35117bhutan is bhutan" ; rdfs:label " bhutan_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35118biellese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35118biellese is biellese" ; rdfs:label " biellese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35119bielorussia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35119bielorussia is bielorussia" ; rdfs:label " bielorussia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35120biocentrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35120biocentrismo is biocentrismo" ; rdfs:label " biocentrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH35121biodiversita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35121biodiversita1 is biodiversita'" ; rdfs:label " biodiversita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH35122bioindicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35122bioindicatore is bioindicatore" ; rdfs:label " bioindicatore_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH35123bioma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35123bioma is bioma" ; rdfs:label " bioma_as_Group" . inds:USemTH35124biotropia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35124biotropia is biotropia" ; rdfs:label " biotropia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35125bipedale simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35125bipedale is bipedale" ; rdfs:label " bipedale_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH35126birdwatching simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35126birdwatching is birdwatching" ; rdfs:label " birdwatching_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35127biscegliese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35127biscegliese is biscegliese" ; rdfs:label " biscegliese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35128bitontino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35128bitontino is bitontino" ; rdfs:label " bitontino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35129biturgense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35129biturgense is biturgense" ; rdfs:label " biturgense_as_People" . inds:USemTH35130blatta simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35130blatta is blatta" ; rdfs:label " blatta_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35132blefaroptosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35132blefaroptosi is blefaroptosi" ; rdfs:label " blefaroptosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35134bollatese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35134bollatese is bollatese" ; rdfs:label " bollatese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35135bolzanino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35135bolzanino is bolzanino" ; rdfs:label " bolzanino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35136bordigherese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35136bordigherese is bordigherese" ; rdfs:label " bordigherese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35137bordigotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35137bordigotto is bordigotto" ; rdfs:label " bordigotto_as_People" . inds:USemTH35138borgosesiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35138borgosesiano is borgosesiano" ; rdfs:label " borgosesiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35139botswana simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35139botswana is botswana" ; rdfs:label " botswana_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35140bradiaritmia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35140bradiaritmia is bradiaritmia" ; rdfs:label " bradiaritmia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35141bradiartria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35141bradiartria is bradiartria" ; rdfs:label " bradiartria_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35142bradiestesia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35142bradiestesia is bradiestesia" ; rdfs:label " bradiestesia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35143bradifagia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35143bradifagia is bradifagia" ; rdfs:label " bradifagia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35144bradifrenia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35144bradifrenia is bradifrenia" ; rdfs:label " bradifrenia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35145bradilalia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35145bradilalia is bradilalia" ; rdfs:label " bradilalia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35146bradiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35146bradiologia is bradiologia" ; rdfs:label " bradiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35147bradipepsia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35147bradipepsia is bradipepsia" ; rdfs:label " bradipepsia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35148bradipnea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35148bradipnea is bradipnea" ; rdfs:label " bradipnea_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35149bradipo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35149bradipo is bradipo" ; rdfs:label " bradipo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35150braidese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35150braidese is braidese" ; rdfs:label " braidese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35151brennerese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35151brennerese is brennerese" ; rdfs:label " brennerese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35152bressanonese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35152bressanonese is bressanonese" ; rdfs:label " bressanonese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35153brissinense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35153brissinense is brissinense" ; rdfs:label " brissinense_as_People" . inds:USemTH35154broncodilatatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35154broncodilatatore is broncodilatatore" ; rdfs:label " broncodilatatore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35155broncopleurite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35155broncopleurite is broncopleurite" ; rdfs:label " broncopleurite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35156broncorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35156broncorragia is broncorragia" ; rdfs:label " broncorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35157broncoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35157broncoscopio is broncoscopio" ; rdfs:label " broncoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35158broncospasmo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35158broncospasmo is broncospasmo" ; rdfs:label " broncospasmo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH3515scempiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3515scempiamento is scempiamento" ; rdfs:label " scempiamento_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH35160brunei simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35160brunei is brunei" ; rdfs:label " brunei_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35162buftalmia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35162buftalmia is buftalmia" ; rdfs:label " buftalmia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35163bulbopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35163bulbopatia is bulbopatia" ; rdfs:label " bulbopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35164burundi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35164burundi is burundi" ; rdfs:label " burundi_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35165bustese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35165bustese is bustese" ; rdfs:label " bustese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35166bustum simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35166bustum is bustum" ; rdfs:label " bustum_as_Location" . inds:USemTH35167cacochimia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35167cacochimia is cacochimia" ; rdfs:label " cacochimia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35169cacostomia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35169cacostomia is cacostomia" ; rdfs:label " cacostomia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35170cadorino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35170cadorino is cadorino" ; rdfs:label " cadorino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35171cagliaritano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35171cagliaritano is cagliaritano" ; rdfs:label " cagliaritano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35172calabrosa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35172calabrosa is calabrosa" ; rdfs:label " calabrosa_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35173calano simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35173calano is calano" ; rdfs:label " calano_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35174calcistia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35174calcistia is calcistia" ; rdfs:label " calcistia_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35177calidarium simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35177calidarium is calidarium" ; rdfs:label " calidarium_as_Building" . inds:USemTH35178camerto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35178camerto is camerto" ; rdfs:label " camerto_as_People" . inds:USemTH35179campobassano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35179campobassano is campobassano" ; rdfs:label " campobassano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35180canavesano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35180canavesano is canavesano" ; rdfs:label " canavesano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35181canazeiese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35181canazeiese is canazeiese" ; rdfs:label " canazeiese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35182canicattinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35182canicattinese is canicattinese" ; rdfs:label " canicattinese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35183cannellino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35183cannellino is cannellino" ; rdfs:label " cannellino_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH35184cannellino simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35184cannellino is cannellino" ; rdfs:label " cannellino_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH35185canocchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35185canocchia is canocchia" ; rdfs:label " canocchia_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35186canosino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35186canosino is canosino" ; rdfs:label " canosino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35187canturino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35187canturino is canturino" ; rdfs:label " canturino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35188capannorese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35188capannorese is capannorese" ; rdfs:label " capannorese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35189capezzagna simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35189capezzagna is capezzagna" ; rdfs:label " capezzagna_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH35190cappuccina simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35190cappuccina is cappuccina" ; rdfs:label " cappuccina_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35191cappuccina simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35191cappuccina is cappuccina" ; rdfs:label " cappuccina_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH35192carapace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35192carapace is carapace" ; rdfs:label " carapace_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35193card simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35193card is card" ; rdfs:label " card_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH35194cardio simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35194cardio is cardio" ; rdfs:label " cardio_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35195caretta simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35195caretta is caretta" ; rdfs:label " caretta_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35196caribu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35196caribu1 is caribu'" ; rdfs:label " caribu'_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35197carpigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35197carpigiano is carpigiano" ; rdfs:label " carpigiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35198carpigna simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35198carpigna is carpigna" ; rdfs:label " carpigna_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35199carpogonio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35199carpogonio is carpogonio" ; rdfs:label " carpogonio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35200carposporofito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35200carposporofito is carposporofito" ; rdfs:label " carposporofito_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH35201carrese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35201carrese is carrese" ; rdfs:label " carrese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35202cartongesso simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35202cartongesso is cartongesso" ; rdfs:label " cartongesso_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH35203caruncula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35203caruncula is caruncula" ; rdfs:label " caruncula_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35204caruncula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35204caruncula is caruncula" ; rdfs:label " caruncula_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35205casalasco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35205casalasco is casalasco" ; rdfs:label " casalasco_as_People" . inds:USemTH35206casalese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35206casalese is casalese" ; rdfs:label " casalese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35207casciano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35207casciano is casciano" ; rdfs:label " casciano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35208casentinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35208casentinese is casentinese" ; rdfs:label " casentinese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35209casertano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35209casertano is casertano" ; rdfs:label " casertano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35210casoriano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35210casoriano is casoriano" ; rdfs:label " casoriano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35211cassinate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35211cassinate is cassinate" ; rdfs:label " cassinate_as_People" . inds:USemTH35212castellammarese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35212castellammarese is castellammarese" ; rdfs:label " castellammarese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35214casuario simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35214casuario is casuario" ; rdfs:label " casuario_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH35217cattolicese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35217cattolicese is cattolicese" ; rdfs:label " cattolicese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35218cattolichino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35218cattolichino is cattolichino" ; rdfs:label " cattolichino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35219cavea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35219cavea is cavea" ; rdfs:label " cavea_as_Group" . inds:USemTH35220cavese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35220cavese is cavese" ; rdfs:label " cavese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35221cebano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35221cebano is cebano" ; rdfs:label " cebano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35222cefaludese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35222cefaludese is cefaludese" ; rdfs:label " cefaludese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35223cefalutano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35223cefalutano is cefalutano" ; rdfs:label " cefalutano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35224celenteron simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35224celenteron is celenteron" ; rdfs:label " celenteron_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35227cenobio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35227cenobio is cenobio" ; rdfs:label " cenobio_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH35228cenosarco simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35228cenosarco is cenosarco" ; rdfs:label " cenosarco_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH35229cerato simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35229cerato is cerato" ; rdfs:label " cerato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH35230cerato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35230cerato is cerato" ; rdfs:label " cerato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35231ceratoforo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35231ceratoforo is ceratoforo" ; rdfs:label " ceratoforo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35232cerfoglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35232cerfoglio is cerfoglio" ; rdfs:label " cerfoglio_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35233cerignolano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35233cerignolano is cerignolano" ; rdfs:label " cerignolano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35234cesenaticense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35234cesenaticense is cesenaticense" ; rdfs:label " cesenaticense_as_People" . inds:USemTH35235cesenaticese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35235cesenaticese is cesenaticese" ; rdfs:label " cesenaticese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35236cetorino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35236cetorino is cetorino" ; rdfs:label " cetorino_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35237cevano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35237cevano is cevano" ; rdfs:label " cevano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35238chador simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35238chador is chador" ; rdfs:label " chador_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH35239chalumeau simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35239chalumeau is chalumeau" ; rdfs:label " chalumeau_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35240chelante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35240chelante is chelante" ; rdfs:label " chelante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35241chiancianese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35241chiancianese is chiancianese" ; rdfs:label " chiancianese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35242chiantigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35242chiantigiano is chiantigiano" ; rdfs:label " chiantigiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35244chierese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35244chierese is chierese" ; rdfs:label " chierese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35245chietino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35245chietino is chietino" ; rdfs:label " chietino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35246chioggiotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35246chioggiotto is chioggiotto" ; rdfs:label " chioggiotto_as_People" . inds:USemTH35247chiozzotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35247chiozzotto is chiozzotto" ; rdfs:label " chiozzotto_as_People" . inds:USemTH35248chitone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35248chitone is chitone" ; rdfs:label " chitone_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH35249ciano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35249ciano is ciano" ; rdfs:label " ciano_as_Color" . inds:USemTH35250ciano simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35250ciano is ciano" ; rdfs:label " ciano_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35251ciano simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35251ciano is ciano" ; rdfs:label " ciano_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35252ciaramella simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35252ciaramella is ciaramella" ; rdfs:label " ciaramella_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35253cincilla1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35253cincilla1 is cincilla'" ; rdfs:label " cincilla'_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH35254cincilla1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35254cincilla1 is cincilla'" ; rdfs:label " cincilla'_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35255cinisellese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35255cinisellese is cinisellese" ; rdfs:label " cinisellese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35257civitavecchiese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35257civitavecchiese is civitavecchiese" ; rdfs:label " civitavecchiese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35258cnidoblasti simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35258cnidoblasti is cnidoblasti" ; rdfs:label " cnidoblasti_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH35259coanocita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35259coanocita is coanocita" ; rdfs:label " coanocita_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH35260cocciopesto simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35260cocciopesto is cocciopesto" ; rdfs:label " cocciopesto_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH35261cognino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35261cognino is cognino" ; rdfs:label " cognino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35262collegnese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35262collegnese is collegnese" ; rdfs:label " collegnese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35263colligiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35263colligiano is colligiano" ; rdfs:label " colligiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35264colognese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35264colognese is colognese" ; rdfs:label " colognese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35265comacino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35265comacino is comacino" ; rdfs:label " comacino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35267comense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35267comense is comense" ; rdfs:label " comense_as_People" . inds:USemTH35268comore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35268comore is comore" ; rdfs:label " comore_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35269concettacolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35269concettacolo is concettacolo" ; rdfs:label " concettacolo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35270conchiolina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35270conchiolina is conchiolina" ; rdfs:label " conchiolina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35271condizionante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35271condizionante is condizionante" ; rdfs:label " condizionante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35272coneglianese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35272coneglianese is coneglianese" ; rdfs:label " coneglianese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35273cormaiorese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35273cormaiorese is cormaiorese" ; rdfs:label " cormaiorese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35276corrente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35276corrente is corrente" ; rdfs:label " corrente_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH35278corrente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35278corrente is corrente" ; rdfs:label " corrente_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH35279corrente simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35279corrente is corrente" ; rdfs:label " corrente_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH3527scintillamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3527scintillamento is scintillamento" ; rdfs:label " scintillamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35281corrente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35281corrente is corrente" ; rdfs:label " corrente_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35282corsichese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35282corsichese is corsichese" ; rdfs:label " corsichese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35283cortinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35283cortinese is cortinese" ; rdfs:label " cortinese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35284cortonese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35284cortonese is cortonese" ; rdfs:label " cortonese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35285cosentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35285cosentino is cosentino" ; rdfs:label " cosentino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35287crepidine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35287crepidine is crepidine" ; rdfs:label " crepidine_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35288crepidoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35288crepidoma is crepidoma" ; rdfs:label " crepidoma_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35289criptoportico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35289criptoportico is criptoportico" ; rdfs:label " criptoportico_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35290cromatoforo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35290cromatoforo is cromatoforo" ; rdfs:label " cromatoforo_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH35291cromatotoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35291cromatotoro is cromatotoro" ; rdfs:label " cromatotoro_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH35292crotonese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35292crotonese is crotonese" ; rdfs:label " crotonese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35293crotoniate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35293crotoniate is crotoniate" ; rdfs:label " crotoniate_as_People" . inds:USemTH35294crypta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35294crypta is crypta" ; rdfs:label " crypta_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35295ctenoidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35295ctenoidio is ctenoidio" ; rdfs:label " ctenoidio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35296cudu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35296cudu1 is cudu'" ; rdfs:label " cudu'_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35297cuneense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35297cuneense is cuneense" ; rdfs:label " cuneense_as_People" . inds:USemTH35298cuneese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35298cuneese is cuneese" ; rdfs:label " cuneese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35299cupremia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35299cupremia is cupremia" ; rdfs:label " cupremia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35300cuprense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35300cuprense is cuprense" ; rdfs:label " cuprense_as_People" . inds:USemTH35301dafnia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35301dafnia is dafnia" ; rdfs:label " dafnia_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35302dalignese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35302dalignese is dalignese" ; rdfs:label " dalignese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35303dentalio simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35303dentalio is dentalio" ; rdfs:label " dentalio_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35304denticolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35304denticolo is denticolo" ; rdfs:label " denticolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35305dentoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35305dentoma is dentoma" ; rdfs:label " dentoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35310dermalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35310dermalgia is dermalgia" ; rdfs:label " dermalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35311dermocinoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35311dermocinoma is dermocinoma" ; rdfs:label " dermocinoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35312dermopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35312dermopatia is dermopatia" ; rdfs:label " dermopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35313destrictarium simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35313destrictarium is destrictarium" ; rdfs:label " destrictarium_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35314dietotossicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35314dietotossicita1 is dietotossicita'" ; rdfs:label " dietotossicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH35315difocerca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35315difocerca is difocerca" ; rdfs:label " difocerca_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35317disecia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35317disecia is disecia" ; rdfs:label " disecia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35318disergia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35318disergia is disergia" ; rdfs:label " disergia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35319disfemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35319disfemia is disfemia" ; rdfs:label " disfemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35320disfermentosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35320disfermentosi is disfermentosi" ; rdfs:label " disfermentosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35321disforia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35321disforia is disforia" ; rdfs:label " disforia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35322disidrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35322disidrosi is disidrosi" ; rdfs:label " disidrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35323distripark simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35323distripark is distripark" ; rdfs:label " distripark_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH35324ditisco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35324ditisco is ditisco" ; rdfs:label " ditisco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35325divisorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35325divisorio is divisorio" ; rdfs:label " divisorio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35326dolcetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35326dolcetta is dolcetta" ; rdfs:label " dolcetta_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35327dolzaina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35327dolzaina is dolzaina" ; rdfs:label " dolzaina_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35328domese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35328domese is domese" ; rdfs:label " domese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35329dugongo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35329dugongo is dugongo" ; rdfs:label " dugongo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35330duodeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35330duodeno is duodeno" ; rdfs:label " duodeno_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35331ebolitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35331ebolitano is ebolitano" ; rdfs:label " ebolitano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35332echidna simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35332echidna is echidna" ; rdfs:label " echidna_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35333ecospazio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35333ecospazio is ecospazio" ; rdfs:label " ecospazio_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH35334ecotecnologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35334ecotecnologia is ecotecnologia" ; rdfs:label " ecotecnologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35335efemera simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35335efemera is efemera" ; rdfs:label " efemera_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35336elaiothe1sium simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35336elaiothe1sium is elaiothe'sium" ; rdfs:label " elaiothe'sium_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35337elastopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35337elastopatia is elastopatia" ; rdfs:label " elastopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35338elastosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35338elastosi is elastosi" ; rdfs:label " elastosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35339elbano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35339elbano is elbano" ; rdfs:label " elbano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35341eliodermita simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35341eliodermita is eliodermita" ; rdfs:label " eliodermita_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35342eliofanografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35342eliofanografo is eliofanografo" ; rdfs:label " eliofanografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35344elodermia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35344elodermia is elodermia" ; rdfs:label " elodermia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35345emaciamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35345emaciamento is emaciamento" ; rdfs:label " emaciamento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35346embolofasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35346embolofasia is embolofasia" ; rdfs:label " embolofasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35347embololalia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35347embololalia is embololalia" ; rdfs:label " embololalia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35348embriocardia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35348embriocardia is embriocardia" ; rdfs:label " embriocardia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35349embriogenia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35349embriogenia is embriogenia" ; rdfs:label " embriogenia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35350embrioma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35350embrioma is embrioma" ; rdfs:label " embrioma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35351embriopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35351embriopatia is embriopatia" ; rdfs:label " embriopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35354emicraniosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35354emicraniosi is emicraniosi" ; rdfs:label " emicraniosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35355emidrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35355emidrosi is emidrosi" ; rdfs:label " emidrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35356emiglossite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35356emiglossite is emiglossite" ; rdfs:label " emiglossite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35358emimimia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35358emimimia is emimimia" ; rdfs:label " emimimia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35359emina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35359emina is emina" ; rdfs:label " emina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35360emiparessi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35360emiparessi is emiparessi" ; rdfs:label " emiparessi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35362emisporosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35362emisporosi is emisporosi" ; rdfs:label " emisporosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35363emitermia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35363emitermia is emitermia" ; rdfs:label " emitermia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35364emitetania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35364emitetania is emitetania" ; rdfs:label " emitetania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35367emodistrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35367emodistrazione is emodistrazione" ; rdfs:label " emodistrazione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35368emodromometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35368emodromometro is emodromometro" ; rdfs:label " emodromometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35372emoglobinopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35372emoglobinopatia is emoglobinopatia" ; rdfs:label " emoglobinopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35373emoglobinosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35373emoglobinosi is emoglobinosi" ; rdfs:label " emoglobinosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35374emolinfangioma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35374emolinfangioma is emolinfangioma" ; rdfs:label " emolinfangioma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35376emorragina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35376emorragina is emorragina" ; rdfs:label " emorragina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35377emorreologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35377emorreologia is emorreologia" ; rdfs:label " emorreologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35379emostasi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35379emostasi is emostasi" ; rdfs:label " emostasi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35380emotossina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35380emotossina is emotossina" ; rdfs:label " emotossina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35381empedoclino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35381empedoclino is empedoclino" ; rdfs:label " empedoclino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35382empolese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35382empolese is empolese" ; rdfs:label " empolese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35384endocervicite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35384endocervicite is endocervicite" ; rdfs:label " endocervicite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35385endoflebite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35385endoflebite is endoflebite" ; rdfs:label " endoflebite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35387endognazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35387endognazia is endognazia" ; rdfs:label " endognazia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35388endopodile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35388endopodile is endopodile" ; rdfs:label " endopodile_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35390endosalpingiosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35390endosalpingiosi is endosalpingiosi" ; rdfs:label " endosalpingiosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35391endostetoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35391endostetoscopio is endostetoscopio" ; rdfs:label " endostetoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35392endostilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35392endostilo is endostilo" ; rdfs:label " endostilo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35393endotelite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35393endotelite is endotelite" ; rdfs:label " endotelite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35394ennese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35394ennese is ennese" ; rdfs:label " ennese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35395enolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35395enolismo is enolismo" ; rdfs:label " enolismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35396enomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35396enomania is enomania" ; rdfs:label " enomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35397enomele simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35397enomele is enomele" ; rdfs:label " enomele_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH35399enuntorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35399enuntorio is enuntorio" ; rdfs:label " enuntorio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35400epatopancreas simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35400epatopancreas is epatopancreas" ; rdfs:label " epatopancreas_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35401epibionte simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35401epibionte is epibionte" ; rdfs:label " epibionte_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH35402epicuticola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35402epicuticola is epicuticola" ; rdfs:label " epicuticola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35403epipodile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35403epipodile is epipodile" ; rdfs:label " epipodile_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35404epitochia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35404epitochia is epitochia" ; rdfs:label " epitochia_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH35405epitoco simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35405epitoco is epitoco" ; rdfs:label " epitoco_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH35406eporediese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35406eporediese is eporediese" ; rdfs:label " eporediese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35407ercolanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35407ercolanese is ercolanese" ; rdfs:label " ercolanese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35408eretino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35408eretino is eretino" ; rdfs:label " eretino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35409eritrea simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35409eritrea is eritrea" ; rdfs:label " eritrea_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35410erma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35410erma is erma" ; rdfs:label " erma_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH35411esedra simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35411esedra is esedra" ; rdfs:label " esedra_as_Building" . inds:USemTH35412esocrinopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35412esocrinopatia is esocrinopatia" ; rdfs:label " esocrinopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35415esofagorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35415esofagorragia is esofagorragia" ; rdfs:label " esofagorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35417esombrella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35417esombrella is esombrella" ; rdfs:label " esombrella_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35418esopodile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35418esopodile is esopodile" ; rdfs:label " esopodile_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35420estonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35420estonia is estonia" ; rdfs:label " estonia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35421estromania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35421estromania is estromania" ; rdfs:label " estromania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35422etambutolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35422etambutolo is etambutolo" ; rdfs:label " etambutolo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35423eterocerca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35423eterocerca is eterocerca" ; rdfs:label " eterocerca_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35424eterometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35424eterometria is eterometria" ; rdfs:label " eterometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35426eterozigotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35426eterozigotismo is eterozigotismo" ; rdfs:label " eterozigotismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35427etmoidite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35427etmoidite is etmoidite" ; rdfs:label " etmoidite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35428euforbia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35428euforbia is euforbia" ; rdfs:label " euforbia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35429eugubino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35429eugubino is eugubino" ; rdfs:label " eugubino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35431exemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35431exemia is exemia" ; rdfs:label " exemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35433facocero simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35433facocero is facocero" ; rdfs:label " facocero_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35436facomalacia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35436facomalacia is facomalacia" ; rdfs:label " facomalacia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35437facosclerosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35437facosclerosi is facosclerosi" ; rdfs:label " facosclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35438faentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35438faentino is faentino" ; rdfs:label " faentino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35439fagomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35439fagomania is fagomania" ; rdfs:label " fagomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35442falangiosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35442falangiosi is falangiosi" ; rdfs:label " falangiosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35443falconrese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35443falconrese is falconrese" ; rdfs:label " falconrese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35444falisco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35444falisco is falisco" ; rdfs:label " falisco_as_People" . inds:USemTH35445fanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35445fanese is fanese" ; rdfs:label " fanese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35446farese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35446farese is farese" ; rdfs:label " farese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35448farmacodinamica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35448farmacodinamica is farmacodinamica" ; rdfs:label " farmacodinamica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35449farmacofilia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35449farmacofilia is farmacofilia" ; rdfs:label " farmacofilia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35450farmacomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35450farmacomania is farmacomania" ; rdfs:label " farmacomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35451farmacopea simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35451farmacopea is farmacopea" ; rdfs:label " farmacopea_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35452farmacopsichiatria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35452farmacopsichiatria is farmacopsichiatria" ; rdfs:label " farmacopsichiatria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35453farmacopsicologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35453farmacopsicologia is farmacopsicologia" ; rdfs:label " farmacopsicologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35455farmocinetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35455farmocinetica is farmocinetica" ; rdfs:label " farmocinetica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35456farnetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35456farnetto is farnetto" ; rdfs:label " farnetto_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35457feeder simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35457feeder is feeder" ; rdfs:label " feeder_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH35458feeder simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35458feeder is feeder" ; rdfs:label " feeder_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH35459fenilalanina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35459fenilalanina is fenilalanina" ; rdfs:label " fenilalanina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35461fenorenogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35461fenorenogramma is fenorenogramma" ; rdfs:label " fenorenogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH35462fentolamina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35462fentolamina is fentolamina" ; rdfs:label " fentolamina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35463fermano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35463fermano is fermano" ; rdfs:label " fermano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35464ferrerese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35464ferrerese is ferrerese" ; rdfs:label " ferrerese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35465ferritina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35465ferritina is ferritina" ; rdfs:label " ferritina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35467fibrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35467fibrina is fibrina" ; rdfs:label " fibrina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35468fibrinogeno simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35468fibrinogeno is fibrinogeno" ; rdfs:label " fibrinogeno_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35470fibula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35470fibula is fibula" ; rdfs:label " fibula_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35471fibula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35471fibula is fibula" ; rdfs:label " fibula_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35472fidentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35472fidentino is fidentino" ; rdfs:label " fidentino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35473fieracolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35473fieracolo is fieracolo" ; rdfs:label " fieracolo_as_People" . inds:USemTH35474fiesolano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35474fiesolano is fiesolano" ; rdfs:label " fiesolano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35475fiffaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35475fiffaro is fiffaro" ; rdfs:label " fiffaro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35476figi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35476figi is figi" ; rdfs:label " figi_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35477filattismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35477filattismo is filattismo" ; rdfs:label " filattismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH35478fillio simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35478fillio is fillio" ; rdfs:label " fillio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35480fisicopiressia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35480fisicopiressia is fisicopiressia" ; rdfs:label " fisicopiressia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35482fisinosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35482fisinosi is fisinosi" ; rdfs:label " fisinosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35483fisiogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35483fisiogenesi is fisiogenesi" ; rdfs:label " fisiogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35484fistula simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35484fistula is fistula" ; rdfs:label " fistula_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35485fitoecologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35485fitoecologia is fitoecologia" ; rdfs:label " fitoecologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35486fitofotodermatite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35486fitofotodermatite is fitofotodermatite" ; rdfs:label " fitofotodermatite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35487fitosociologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35487fitosociologia is fitosociologia" ; rdfs:label " fitosociologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35488fiuggino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35488fiuggino is fiuggino" ; rdfs:label " fiuggino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35489flageolet simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35489flageolet is flageolet" ; rdfs:label " flageolet_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35490flatuosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35490flatuosita1 is flatuosita'" ; rdfs:label " flatuosita'_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35491flautino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35491flautino is flautino" ; rdfs:label " flautino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35492flebalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35492flebalgia is flebalgia" ; rdfs:label " flebalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35493flebarterite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35493flebarterite is flebarterite" ; rdfs:label " flebarterite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35494flebectasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35494flebectasia is flebectasia" ; rdfs:label " flebectasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35496flebodinia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35496flebodinia is flebodinia" ; rdfs:label " flebodinia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35497flebogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35497flebogramma is flebogramma" ; rdfs:label " flebogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH35499flebomanometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35499flebomanometro is flebomanometro" ; rdfs:label " flebomanometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35502flebosclerosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35502flebosclerosi is flebosclerosi" ; rdfs:label " flebosclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35504flebotrombosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35504flebotrombosi is flebotrombosi" ; rdfs:label " flebotrombosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35506fluoride simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35506fluoride is fluoride" ; rdfs:label " fluoride_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35507fluorocromo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35507fluorocromo is fluorocromo" ; rdfs:label " fluorocromo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35508foghesino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35508foghesino is foghesino" ; rdfs:label " foghesino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35509folade simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35509folade is folade" ; rdfs:label " folade_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35510folgaretano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35510folgaretano is folgaretano" ; rdfs:label " folgaretano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35511folignate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35511folignate is folignate" ; rdfs:label " folignate_as_People" . inds:USemTH35512fondano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35512fondano is fondano" ; rdfs:label " fondano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35514foraminifero simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35514foraminifero is foraminifero" ; rdfs:label " foraminifero_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH35515foraterra simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35515foraterra is foraterra" ; rdfs:label " foraterra_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35517forfecchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35517forfecchia is forfecchia" ; rdfs:label " forfecchia_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35518forlivese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35518forlivese is forlivese" ; rdfs:label " forlivese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35519forsempronese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35519forsempronese is forsempronese" ; rdfs:label " forsempronese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35520fortedemarmino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35520fortedemarmino is fortedemarmino" ; rdfs:label " fortedemarmino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35521fortemarino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35521fortemarino is fortemarino" ; rdfs:label " fortemarino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35522fosforoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35522fosforoscopio is fosforoscopio" ; rdfs:label " fosforoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35523fossombronese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35523fossombronese is fossombronese" ; rdfs:label " fossombronese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35524fotismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35524fotismo is fotismo" ; rdfs:label " fotismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35525fotobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35525fotobiologia is fotobiologia" ; rdfs:label " fotobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35526fotobiotropismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35526fotobiotropismo is fotobiotropismo" ; rdfs:label " fotobiotropismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35528fotodermatosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35528fotodermatosi is fotodermatosi" ; rdfs:label " fotodermatosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35529fotomotografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35529fotomotografo is fotomotografo" ; rdfs:label " fotomotografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35530fotopsia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35530fotopsia is fotopsia" ; rdfs:label " fotopsia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35531fotosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35531fotosfera is fotosfera" ; rdfs:label " fotosfera_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35532fototraumatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35532fototraumatismo is fototraumatismo" ; rdfs:label " fototraumatismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35533frascatano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35533frascatano is frascatano" ; rdfs:label " frascatano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35534frattense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35534frattense is frattense" ; rdfs:label " frattense_as_People" . inds:USemTH35535frenicotripsia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35535frenicotripsia is frenicotripsia" ; rdfs:label " frenicotripsia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35536frenocardia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35536frenocardia is frenocardia" ; rdfs:label " frenocardia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35538fribrinoglobulina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35538fribrinoglobulina is fribrinoglobulina" ; rdfs:label " fribrinoglobulina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35539frigidarium simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35539frigidarium is frigidarium" ; rdfs:label " frigidarium_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35540friulano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35540friulano is friulano" ; rdfs:label " friulano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35541frontogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35541frontogenesi is frontogenesi" ; rdfs:label " frontogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35542frontolisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35542frontolisi is frontolisi" ; rdfs:label " frontolisi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35543frusinate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35543frusinate is frusinate" ; rdfs:label " frusinate_as_People" . inds:USemTH35544fruttosuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35544fruttosuria is fruttosuria" ; rdfs:label " fruttosuria_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35545funicolite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35545funicolite is funicolite" ; rdfs:label " funicolite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35546furfur simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35546furfur is furfur" ; rdfs:label " furfur_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35547gabarit simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35547gabarit is gabarit" ; rdfs:label " gabarit_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH35548gabon simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35548gabon is gabon" ; rdfs:label " gabon_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35549gaetano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35549gaetano is gaetano" ; rdfs:label " gaetano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35550galagone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35550galagone is galagone" ; rdfs:label " galagone_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35551galatea simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35551galatea is galatea" ; rdfs:label " galatea_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35552galattogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35552galattogenesi is galattogenesi" ; rdfs:label " galattogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35553galattorrea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35553galattorrea is galattorrea" ; rdfs:label " galattorrea_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35554galattosemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35554galattosemia is galattosemia" ; rdfs:label " galattosemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35555galattosuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35555galattosuria is galattosuria" ; rdfs:label " galattosuria_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35556galeopiteco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35556galeopiteco is galeopiteco" ; rdfs:label " galeopiteco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35557gallaratese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35557gallaratese is gallaratese" ; rdfs:label " gallaratese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35558gallurese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35558gallurese is gallurese" ; rdfs:label " gallurese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35559galottocele simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35559galottocele is galottocele" ; rdfs:label " galottocele_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35560galottoforite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35560galottoforite is galottoforite" ; rdfs:label " galottoforite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35561gambia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35561gambia is gambia" ; rdfs:label " gambia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35562gametangio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35562gametangio is gametangio" ; rdfs:label " gametangio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35563gametofito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35563gametofito is gametofito" ; rdfs:label " gametofito_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH35564gammacismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35564gammacismo is gammacismo" ; rdfs:label " gammacismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35566gammapatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35566gammapatia is gammapatia" ; rdfs:label " gammapatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35567gamofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35567gamofobia is gamofobia" ; rdfs:label " gamofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35568gamone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35568gamone is gamone" ; rdfs:label " gamone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35569ganglonite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35569ganglonite is ganglonite" ; rdfs:label " ganglonite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35570gardonese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35570gardonese is gardonese" ; rdfs:label " gardonese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35571gastrectasia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35571gastrectasia is gastrectasia" ; rdfs:label " gastrectasia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35573gastria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35573gastria is gastria" ; rdfs:label " gastria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35574gastrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35574gastrina is gastrina" ; rdfs:label " gastrina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35575gastrinemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35575gastrinemia is gastrinemia" ; rdfs:label " gastrinemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35578gastrocolite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35578gastrocolite is gastrocolite" ; rdfs:label " gastrocolite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH3557scoordinamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3557scoordinamento is scoordinamento" ; rdfs:label " scoordinamento_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH35582gastropatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35582gastropatia is gastropatia" ; rdfs:label " gastropatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35586gastroplegia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35586gastroplegia is gastroplegia" ; rdfs:label " gastroplegia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35587gastrorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35587gastrorragia is gastrorragia" ; rdfs:label " gastrorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35590gastrozoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35590gastrozoide is gastrozoide" ; rdfs:label " gastrozoide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH35591gattuccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35591gattuccio is gattuccio" ; rdfs:label " gattuccio_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35592gaviale simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35592gaviale is gaviale" ; rdfs:label " gaviale_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35593gefirocerca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35593gefirocerca is gefirocerca" ; rdfs:label " gefirocerca_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35594gelese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35594gelese is gelese" ; rdfs:label " gelese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35596gemonese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35596gemonese is gemonese" ; rdfs:label " gemonese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35597gengivorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35597gengivorragia is gengivorragia" ; rdfs:label " gengivorragia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35599genodermatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35599genodermatologia is genodermatologia" ; rdfs:label " genodermatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35600genodermatosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35600genodermatosi is genodermatosi" ; rdfs:label " genodermatosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35601genodisplasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35601genodisplasia is genodisplasia" ; rdfs:label " genodisplasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35602genodistrofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35602genodistrofia is genodistrofia" ; rdfs:label " genodistrofia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35603georgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35603georgia is georgia" ; rdfs:label " georgia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35605ghana simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35605ghana is ghana" ; rdfs:label " ghana_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35606gibuti simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35606gibuti is gibuti" ; rdfs:label " gibuti_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35608ginandroide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35608ginandroide is ginandroide" ; rdfs:label " ginandroide_as_Human" . inds:USemTH35609ginecofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35609ginecofobia is ginecofobia" ; rdfs:label " ginecofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35610ginecomastia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35610ginecomastia is ginecomastia" ; rdfs:label " ginecomastia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35611ginefobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35611ginefobia is ginefobia" ; rdfs:label " ginefobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35612giordania simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35612giordania is giordania" ; rdfs:label " giordania_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35613giuglianese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35613giuglianese is giuglianese" ; rdfs:label " giuglianese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35614giuliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35614giuliano is giuliano" ; rdfs:label " giuliano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35615glaucomio simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35615glaucomio is glaucomio" ; rdfs:label " glaucomio_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35616glicinuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35616glicinuria is glicinuria" ; rdfs:label " glicinuria_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35618glicoproteina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35618glicoproteina is glicoproteina" ; rdfs:label " glicoproteina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35619glicuronuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35619glicuronuria is glicuronuria" ; rdfs:label " glicuronuria_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35620globicefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35620globicefalo is globicefalo" ; rdfs:label " globicefalo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35621globiferi simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35621globiferi is globiferi" ; rdfs:label " globiferi_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35622glossocele simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35622glossocele is glossocele" ; rdfs:label " glossocele_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35623glossoptosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35623glossoptosi is glossoptosi" ; rdfs:label " glossoptosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35625gonimoblasto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35625gonimoblasto is gonimoblasto" ; rdfs:label " gonimoblasto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35627gonococcia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35627gonococcia is gonococcia" ; rdfs:label " gonococcia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35628gonococco simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35628gonococco is gonococco" ; rdfs:label " gonococco_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH35629gonozoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35629gonozoide is gonozoide" ; rdfs:label " gonozoide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH35630grancevola simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35630grancevola is grancevola" ; rdfs:label " grancevola_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35631granulia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35631granulia is granulia" ; rdfs:label " granulia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35632granulopenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35632granulopenia is granulopenia" ; rdfs:label " granulopenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35633gravidina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35633gravidina is gravidina" ; rdfs:label " gravidina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35634grenada simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35634grenada is grenada" ; rdfs:label " grenada_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35635gressonaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35635gressonaro is gressonaro" ; rdfs:label " gressonaro_as_People" . inds:USemTH35636griposi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35636griposi is griposi" ; rdfs:label " griposi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35637gubbino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35637gubbino is gubbino" ; rdfs:label " gubbino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35638guidoniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35638guidoniano is guidoniano" ; rdfs:label " guidoniano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35639habitat simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35639habitat is habitat" ; rdfs:label " habitat_as_Location" . inds:USemTH35640hanseniasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35640hanseniasi is hanseniasi" ; rdfs:label " hanseniasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35641horreum simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35641horreum is horreum" ; rdfs:label " horreum_as_Building" . inds:USemTH35642hub simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35642hub is hub" ; rdfs:label " hub_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35643hub simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35643hub is hub" ; rdfs:label " hub_as_Location" . inds:USemTH35644humus simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35644humus is humus" ; rdfs:label " humus_as_Group" . inds:USemTH35645humus simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35645humus is humus" ; rdfs:label " humus_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35646hydria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35646hydria is hydria" ; rdfs:label " hydria_as_Container" . inds:USemTH35647hypocaustum simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35647hypocaustum is hypocaustum" ; rdfs:label " hypocaustum_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH35648ialoplasma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35648ialoplasma is ialoplasma" ; rdfs:label " ialoplasma_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35650iatrochimica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35650iatrochimica is iatrochimica" ; rdfs:label " iatrochimica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35651iatrofisica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35651iatrofisica is iatrofisica" ; rdfs:label " iatrofisica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35652iatromeccanica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35652iatromeccanica is iatromeccanica" ; rdfs:label " iatromeccanica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35653ibernoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35653ibernoma is ibernoma" ; rdfs:label " ibernoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35656ibridoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35656ibridoma is ibridoma" ; rdfs:label " ibridoma_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH35657ican simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35657ican is ican" ; rdfs:label " ican_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35658icore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35658icore is icore" ; rdfs:label " icore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35660idatidologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35660idatidologia is idatidologia" ; rdfs:label " idatidologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35661idatidosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35661idatidosi is idatidosi" ; rdfs:label " idatidosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35662idrargiria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35662idrargiria is idrargiria" ; rdfs:label " idrargiria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35663idrargirismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35663idrargirismo is idrargirismo" ; rdfs:label " idrargirismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35664idrargirosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35664idrargirosi is idrargirosi" ; rdfs:label " idrargirosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35665idrargirostomatite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35665idrargirostomatite is idrargirostomatite" ; rdfs:label " idrargirostomatite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35669idromania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35669idromania is idromania" ; rdfs:label " idromania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35670idrometeora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35670idrometeora is idrometeora" ; rdfs:label " idrometeora_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35671idropenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35671idropenia is idropenia" ; rdfs:label " idropenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35674idrorrea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35674idrorrea is idrorrea" ; rdfs:label " idrorrea_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35675idrosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35675idrosfera is idrosfera" ; rdfs:label " idrosfera_as_Group" . inds:USemTH35676idrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35676idrosi is idrosi" ; rdfs:label " idrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35679idrotropia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35679idrotropia is idrotropia" ; rdfs:label " idrotropia_as_Property" . inds:USemTH35680idruntino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35680idruntino is idruntino" ; rdfs:label " idruntino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35681idruria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35681idruria is idruria" ; rdfs:label " idruria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35682iesino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35682iesino is iesino" ; rdfs:label " iesino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35683iglesiente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35683iglesiente is iglesiente" ; rdfs:label " iglesiente_as_People" . inds:USemTH35685ilcinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35685ilcinese is ilcinese" ; rdfs:label " ilcinese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35686ileopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35686ileopatia is ileopatia" ; rdfs:label " ileopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35687immunoblasto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35687immunoblasto is immunoblasto" ; rdfs:label " immunoblasto_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH35688immunogenetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35688immunogenetica is immunogenetica" ; rdfs:label " immunogenetica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35689immunogenicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35689immunogenicita1 is immunogenicita'" ; rdfs:label " immunogenicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH35690immunogeno simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35690immunogeno is immunogeno" ; rdfs:label " immunogeno_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35691immunoplasma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35691immunoplasma is immunoplasma" ; rdfs:label " immunoplasma_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35692imolese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35692imolese is imolese" ; rdfs:label " imolese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35693imperiese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35693imperiese is imperiese" ; rdfs:label " imperiese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35694impetiginizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35694impetiginizzazione is impetiginizzazione" ; rdfs:label " impetiginizzazione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35695impluvium simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35695impluvium is impluvium" ; rdfs:label " impluvium_as_Container" . inds:USemTH35696indacanemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35696indacanemia is indacanemia" ; rdfs:label " indacanemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35697indacanuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35697indacanuria is indacanuria" ; rdfs:label " indacanuria_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35699infettivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35699infettivita1 is infettivita'" ; rdfs:label " infettivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH35705ingauno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35705ingauno is ingauno" ; rdfs:label " ingauno_as_People" . inds:USemTH35706innateita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35706innateita1 is innateita'" ; rdfs:label " innateita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH35707inoculum simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35707inoculum is inoculum" ; rdfs:label " inoculum_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35708inopessia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35708inopessia is inopessia" ; rdfs:label " inopessia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH3570scoscendimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3570scoscendimento is scoscendimento" ; rdfs:label " scoscendimento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35710insettivoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35710insettivoro is insettivoro" ; rdfs:label " insettivoro_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH35711insudazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35711insudazione is insudazione" ; rdfs:label " insudazione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35712insulinoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35712insulinoma is insulinoma" ; rdfs:label " insulinoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35713insulinoresistenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35713insulinoresistenza is insulinoresistenza" ; rdfs:label " insulinoresistenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35715intermedinemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35715intermedinemia is intermedinemia" ; rdfs:label " intermedinemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35716interocettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35716interocettore is interocettore" ; rdfs:label " interocettore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35717interporto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35717interporto is interporto" ; rdfs:label " interporto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH35718intertrigo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35718intertrigo is intertrigo" ; rdfs:label " intertrigo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35719invertasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35719invertasi is invertasi" ; rdfs:label " invertasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35720invertina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35720invertina is invertina" ; rdfs:label " invertina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35721io simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35721io is io" ; rdfs:label " io_as_Human" . inds:USemTH35723iodiemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35723iodiemia is iodiemia" ; rdfs:label " iodiemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35724iodiotirosina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35724iodiotirosina is iodiotirosina" ; rdfs:label " iodiotirosina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35725iodotirina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35725iodotirina is iodotirina" ; rdfs:label " iodotirina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35726ioduria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35726ioduria is ioduria" ; rdfs:label " ioduria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35727iofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35727iofobia is iofobia" ; rdfs:label " iofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35728iolandino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35728iolandino is iolandino" ; rdfs:label " iolandino_as_People" . inds:USemTH3572scottamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3572scottamento is scottamento" ; rdfs:label " scottamento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35731iperbaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35731iperbaria is iperbaria" ; rdfs:label " iperbaria_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35732iperbarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35732iperbarismo is iperbarismo" ; rdfs:label " iperbarismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35733ipercalcemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35733ipercalcemia is ipercalcemia" ; rdfs:label " ipercalcemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35734ipercalcia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35734ipercalcia is ipercalcia" ; rdfs:label " ipercalcia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35735ipercalcistia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35735ipercalcistia is ipercalcistia" ; rdfs:label " ipercalcistia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35736ipercalciuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35736ipercalciuria is ipercalciuria" ; rdfs:label " ipercalciuria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35737ipercementosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35737ipercementosi is ipercementosi" ; rdfs:label " ipercementosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35738ipercitrinemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35738ipercitrinemia is ipercitrinemia" ; rdfs:label " ipercitrinemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35739ipercloremia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35739ipercloremia is ipercloremia" ; rdfs:label " ipercloremia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35740iperclorurazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35740iperclorurazione is iperclorurazione" ; rdfs:label " iperclorurazione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35741ipercloruria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35741ipercloruria is ipercloruria" ; rdfs:label " ipercloruria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35742ipercoagulabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35742ipercoagulabilita1 is ipercoagulabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ipercoagulabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH35743ipercolemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35743ipercolemia is ipercolemia" ; rdfs:label " ipercolemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35744ipercolesterolemia simple:hasAffects inds:USem65884colesterolo ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem74755aumento ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35744ipercolesterolemia is ipercolesterolemia" ; rdfs:label " ipercolesterolemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35745ipercolia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35745ipercolia is ipercolia" ; rdfs:label " ipercolia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35746ipercomplementemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35746ipercomplementemia is ipercomplementemia" ; rdfs:label " ipercomplementemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35747ipercondroplasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35747ipercondroplasia is ipercondroplasia" ; rdfs:label " ipercondroplasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35748ipercupremia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35748ipercupremia is ipercupremia" ; rdfs:label " ipercupremia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35749iperdinamia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35749iperdinamia is iperdinamia" ; rdfs:label " iperdinamia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35752iperestrogenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35752iperestrogenia is iperestrogenia" ; rdfs:label " iperestrogenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35753iperfagia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35753iperfagia is iperfagia" ; rdfs:label " iperfagia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35754iperfrasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35754iperfrasia is iperfrasia" ; rdfs:label " iperfrasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35755ipergastrinia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35755ipergastrinia is ipergastrinia" ; rdfs:label " ipergastrinia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35756ipergenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35756ipergenesi is ipergenesi" ; rdfs:label " ipergenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35757iperginismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35757iperginismo is iperginismo" ; rdfs:label " iperginismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35758iperglicemia simple:hasAffects inds:USem71206glicemia ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem74755aumento ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35758iperglicemia is iperglicemia" ; rdfs:label " iperglicemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35759iperidremia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35759iperidremia is iperidremia" ; rdfs:label " iperidremia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35760iperinsulinemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35760iperinsulinemia is iperinsulinemia" ; rdfs:label " iperinsulinemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35761iperinsulinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35761iperinsulinismo is iperinsulinismo" ; rdfs:label " iperinsulinismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35762ipermagnesemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35762ipermagnesemia is ipermagnesemia" ; rdfs:label " ipermagnesemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35763ipermagnesiuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35763ipermagnesiuria is ipermagnesiuria" ; rdfs:label " ipermagnesiuria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35764ipermastia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35764ipermastia is ipermastia" ; rdfs:label " ipermastia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35765ipermenorrea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35765ipermenorrea is ipermenorrea" ; rdfs:label " ipermenorrea_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35766iperuricemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35766iperuricemia is iperuricemia" ; rdfs:label " iperuricemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35767ipervolemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35767ipervolemia is ipervolemia" ; rdfs:label " ipervolemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35768ipinosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35768ipinosi is ipinosi" ; rdfs:label " ipinosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35769ipnalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35769ipnalgia is ipnalgia" ; rdfs:label " ipnalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35770ipnodrasia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35770ipnodrasia is ipnodrasia" ; rdfs:label " ipnodrasia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35771ipnopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35771ipnopatia is ipnopatia" ; rdfs:label " ipnopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35772ipnosia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35772ipnosia is ipnosia" ; rdfs:label " ipnosia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35773ipnuria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35773ipnuria is ipnuria" ; rdfs:label " ipnuria_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35774ipoadrenalinemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35774ipoadrenalinemia is ipoadrenalinemia" ; rdfs:label " ipoadrenalinemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35775ipoafrodisia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35775ipoafrodisia is ipoafrodisia" ; rdfs:label " ipoafrodisia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35776ipoalgesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35776ipoalgesia is ipoalgesia" ; rdfs:label " ipoalgesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35777ipoalonemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35777ipoalonemia is ipoalonemia" ; rdfs:label " ipoalonemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35778ipoandria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35778ipoandria is ipoandria" ; rdfs:label " ipoandria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35779ipoandrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35779ipoandrismo is ipoandrismo" ; rdfs:label " ipoandrismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35780ipoandrogenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35780ipoandrogenia is ipoandrogenia" ; rdfs:label " ipoandrogenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35782ipoazoturia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35782ipoazoturia is ipoazoturia" ; rdfs:label " ipoazoturia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35783ipobarestesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35783ipobarestesia is ipobarestesia" ; rdfs:label " ipobarestesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35785ipocalcemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35785ipocalcemia is ipocalcemia" ; rdfs:label " ipocalcemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35786ipocalciuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35786ipocalciuria is ipocalciuria" ; rdfs:label " ipocalciuria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35787ipocloremia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35787ipocloremia is ipocloremia" ; rdfs:label " ipocloremia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35788ipocloridria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35788ipocloridria is ipocloridria" ; rdfs:label " ipocloridria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35789ipocloruria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35789ipocloruria is ipocloruria" ; rdfs:label " ipocloruria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35790ipocoagulabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35790ipocoagulabilita1 is ipocoagulabilita'" ; rdfs:label " ipocoagulabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH35791ipocolemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35791ipocolemia is ipocolemia" ; rdfs:label " ipocolemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35792ipocolesterolemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35792ipocolesterolemia is ipocolesterolemia" ; rdfs:label " ipocolesterolemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35793ipocolica simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35793ipocolica is ipocolica" ; rdfs:label " ipocolica_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35794ipocondroplasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35794ipocondroplasia is ipocondroplasia" ; rdfs:label " ipocondroplasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35795ipocortinemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35795ipocortinemia is ipocortinemia" ; rdfs:label " ipocortinemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35796ipocrinia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35796ipocrinia is ipocrinia" ; rdfs:label " ipocrinia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35797ipocromia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35797ipocromia is ipocromia" ; rdfs:label " ipocromia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35798ipocupremia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35798ipocupremia is ipocupremia" ; rdfs:label " ipocupremia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35799ipoderma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35799ipoderma is ipoderma" ; rdfs:label " ipoderma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35800ipodermite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35800ipodermite is ipodermite" ; rdfs:label " ipodermite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35803ipoepatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35803ipoepatia is ipoepatia" ; rdfs:label " ipoepatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35804ipoestesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35804ipoestesia is ipoestesia" ; rdfs:label " ipoestesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35805ipofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35805ipofobia is ipofobia" ; rdfs:label " ipofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35806ipofrasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35806ipofrasia is ipofrasia" ; rdfs:label " ipofrasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35807ipogalattia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35807ipogalattia is ipogalattia" ; rdfs:label " ipogalattia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35808ipogenesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35808ipogenesia is ipogenesia" ; rdfs:label " ipogenesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35809ipogenitalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35809ipogenitalismo is ipogenitalismo" ; rdfs:label " ipogenitalismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35810ipogeusia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35810ipogeusia is ipogeusia" ; rdfs:label " ipogeusia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35811ipoginismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35811ipoginismo is ipoginismo" ; rdfs:label " ipoginismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35812ipoglobulia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35812ipoglobulia is ipoglobulia" ; rdfs:label " ipoglobulia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35813ipoglobulinemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35813ipoglobulinemia is ipoglobulinemia" ; rdfs:label " ipoglobulinemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35814ipoglossite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35814ipoglossite is ipoglossite" ; rdfs:label " ipoglossite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35815ipogonadismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35815ipogonadismo is ipogonadismo" ; rdfs:label " ipogonadismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35816ipogranulocitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35816ipogranulocitosi is ipogranulocitosi" ; rdfs:label " ipogranulocitosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35817ipoidrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35817ipoidrosi is ipoidrosi" ; rdfs:label " ipoidrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35818ipolaringite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35818ipolaringite is ipolaringite" ; rdfs:label " ipolaringite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35819ipoluteinia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35819ipoluteinia is ipoluteinia" ; rdfs:label " ipoluteinia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35820ipomagnesemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35820ipomagnesemia is ipomagnesemia" ; rdfs:label " ipomagnesemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35821ipomagnesiemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35821ipomagnesiemia is ipomagnesiemia" ; rdfs:label " ipomagnesiemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35822ipomagnesiuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35822ipomagnesiuria is ipomagnesiuria" ; rdfs:label " ipomagnesiuria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35823ipomenorrea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35823ipomenorrea is ipomenorrea" ; rdfs:label " ipomenorrea_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35824iponatremia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35824iponatremia is iponatremia" ; rdfs:label " iponatremia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35825ipopion simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35825ipopion is ipopion" ; rdfs:label " ipopion_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35826ipostenia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35826ipostenia is ipostenia" ; rdfs:label " ipostenia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35827ipotermia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35827ipotermia is ipotermia" ; rdfs:label " ipotermia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35828ipotireosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35828ipotireosi is ipotireosi" ; rdfs:label " ipotireosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35829ipotiroidia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35829ipotiroidia is ipotiroidia" ; rdfs:label " ipotiroidia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35830ipotrepsia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35830ipotrepsia is ipotrepsia" ; rdfs:label " ipotrepsia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35831ipovolemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35831ipovolemia is ipovolemia" ; rdfs:label " ipovolemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35832ippoantropia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35832ippoantropia is ippoantropia" ; rdfs:label " ippoantropia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35833ippocratismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35833ippocratismo is ippocratismo" ; rdfs:label " ippocratismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH35834ippocratismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35834ippocratismo is ippocratismo" ; rdfs:label " ippocratismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35836iridescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35836iridescenza is iridescenza" ; rdfs:label " iridescenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35838irpino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35838irpino is irpino" ; rdfs:label " irpino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35840isallobara simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35840isallobara is isallobara" ; rdfs:label " isallobara_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USemTH35841ischitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35841ischitano is ischitano" ; rdfs:label " ischitano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35842iscuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35842iscuria is iscuria" ; rdfs:label " iscuria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35843iseano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35843iseano is iseano" ; rdfs:label " iseano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35844isernino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35844isernino is isernino" ; rdfs:label " isernino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35845isocoaulabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35845isocoaulabilita1 is isocoaulabilita'" ; rdfs:label " isocoaulabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH35850isoipsa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35850isoipsa is isoipsa" ; rdfs:label " isoipsa_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USemTH35851istamina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35851istamina is istamina" ; rdfs:label " istamina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35852istaminasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35852istaminasi is istaminasi" ; rdfs:label " istaminasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35853istaminuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35853istaminuria is istaminuria" ; rdfs:label " istaminuria_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35854isterolabo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35854isterolabo is isterolabo" ; rdfs:label " isterolabo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35857istoradiogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35857istoradiogramma is istoradiogramma" ; rdfs:label " istoradiogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH35859ittiofago simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35859ittiofago is ittiofago" ; rdfs:label " ittiofago_as_Human" . inds:USemTH3585sdifferenziamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3585sdifferenziamento is sdifferenziamento" ; rdfs:label " sdifferenziamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35860jaluronidasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35860jaluronidasi is jaluronidasi" ; rdfs:label " jaluronidasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35861jit simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35861jit is jit" ; rdfs:label " jit_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH35862kakkecoccis simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35862kakkecoccis is kakkecoccis" ; rdfs:label " kakkecoccis_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH35863kaliemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35863kaliemia is kaliemia" ; rdfs:label " kaliemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35864kalipenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35864kalipenia is kalipenia" ; rdfs:label " kalipenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35865kalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35865kalismo is kalismo" ; rdfs:label " kalismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35866kantharos simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35866kantharos is kantharos" ; rdfs:label " kantharos_as_Container" . inds:USemTH35867kazakistan simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35867kazakistan is kazakistan" ; rdfs:label " kazakistan_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35868kinbati simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35868kinbati is kinbati" ; rdfs:label " kinbati_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35869kirghizistan simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35869kirghizistan is kirghizistan" ; rdfs:label " kirghizistan_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35870kongo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35870kongo is kongo" ; rdfs:label " kongo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35871kuwait simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35871kuwait is kuwait" ; rdfs:label " kuwait_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35872labirintite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35872labirintite is labirintite" ; rdfs:label " labirintite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35873labium simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35873labium is labium" ; rdfs:label " labium_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35874labronico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35874labronico is labronico" ; rdfs:label " labronico_as_People" . inds:USemTH35875labrum simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35875labrum is labrum" ; rdfs:label " labrum_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH35876labrum simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35876labrum is labrum" ; rdfs:label " labrum_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35877laconicum simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35877laconicum is laconicum" ; rdfs:label " laconicum_as_Building" . inds:USemTH35878lamantino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35878lamantino is lamantino" ; rdfs:label " lamantino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35879lametino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35879lametino is lametino" ; rdfs:label " lametino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35880lampedusano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35880lampedusano is lampedusano" ; rdfs:label " lampedusano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35881lampreda simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35881lampreda is lampreda" ; rdfs:label " lampreda_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH35882langarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35882langarolo is langarolo" ; rdfs:label " langarolo_as_People" . inds:USemTH35887laparostato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35887laparostato is laparostato" ; rdfs:label " laparostato_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35889laringopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35889laringopatia is laringopatia" ; rdfs:label " laringopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35890laringoplegia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35890laringoplegia is laringoplegia" ; rdfs:label " laringoplegia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35892laringoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35892laringoscopio is laringoscopio" ; rdfs:label " laringoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35894latimeria simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35894latimeria is latimeria" ; rdfs:label " latimeria_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35895latinense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35895latinense is latinense" ; rdfs:label " latinense_as_People" . inds:USemTH35896lattogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35896lattogenesi is lattogenesi" ; rdfs:label " lattogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35897lattoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35897lattoscopio is lattoscopio" ; rdfs:label " lattoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35898lattosemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35898lattosemia is lattosemia" ; rdfs:label " lattosemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35899lattosuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35899lattosuria is lattosuria" ; rdfs:label " lattosuria_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35900lauretano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35900lauretano is lauretano" ; rdfs:label " lauretano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35901lavoriero simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35901lavoriero is lavoriero" ; rdfs:label " lavoriero_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35902lebbralgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35902lebbralgia is lebbralgia" ; rdfs:label " lebbralgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35903lecchese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35903lecchese is lecchese" ; rdfs:label " lecchese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35904legnanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35904legnanese is legnanese" ; rdfs:label " legnanese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35905lekythos simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35905lekythos is lekythos" ; rdfs:label " lekythos_as_Container" . inds:USemTH35906lentigginosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35906lentigginosi is lentigginosi" ; rdfs:label " lentigginosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35907lentisco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35907lentisco is lentisco" ; rdfs:label " lentisco_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35908leontiasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35908leontiasi is leontiasi" ; rdfs:label " leontiasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35909lepade simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35909lepade is lepade" ; rdfs:label " lepade_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35910leprologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35910leprologia is leprologia" ; rdfs:label " leprologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35911leprosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35911leprosi is leprosi" ; rdfs:label " leprosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35912lericese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35912lericese is lericese" ; rdfs:label " lericese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35913lericino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35913lericino is lericino" ; rdfs:label " lericino_as_People" . inds:USemTH35914lesena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35914lesena is lesena" ; rdfs:label " lesena_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35915lesotho simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35915lesotho is lesotho" ; rdfs:label " lesotho_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35916leucoblasto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35916leucoblasto is leucoblasto" ; rdfs:label " leucoblasto_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH35917leucocito simple:hasHasaspart inds:USem1960citoplasma ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem1958cellula ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem3126sangue ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35917leucocito is leucocito" ; rdfs:label " leucocito_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH35918leucocitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35918leucocitosi is leucocitosi" ; rdfs:label " leucocitosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35919leucogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35919leucogenesi is leucogenesi" ; rdfs:label " leucogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35921leucopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35921leucopatia is leucopatia" ; rdfs:label " leucopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35922leucorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35922leucorragia is leucorragia" ; rdfs:label " leucorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35923leucotossina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35923leucotossina is leucotossina" ; rdfs:label " leucotossina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35924licantropia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35924licantropia is licantropia" ; rdfs:label " licantropia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35925lichen simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35925lichen is lichen" ; rdfs:label " lichen_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35926lienasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35926lienasi is lienasi" ; rdfs:label " lienasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35927lienteria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35927lienteria is lienteria" ; rdfs:label " lienteria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35928ligamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35928ligamento is ligamento" ; rdfs:label " ligamento_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35929ligustro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35929ligustro is ligustro" ; rdfs:label " ligustro_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH35930limaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35930limaccia is limaccia" ; rdfs:label " limaccia_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH35931limulo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35931limulo is limulo" ; rdfs:label " limulo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35932linfadenopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35932linfadenopatia is linfadenopatia" ; rdfs:label " linfadenopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35933linfagogo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35933linfagogo is linfagogo" ; rdfs:label " linfagogo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH35934linfangite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35934linfangite is linfangite" ; rdfs:label " linfangite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35935linfodermia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35935linfodermia is linfodermia" ; rdfs:label " linfodermia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35937linfogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35937linfogenesi is linfogenesi" ; rdfs:label " linfogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35939lingangioma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35939lingangioma is lingangioma" ; rdfs:label " lingangioma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35940linguatula simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35940linguatula is linguatula" ; rdfs:label " linguatula_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH35943liparese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35943liparese is liparese" ; rdfs:label " liparese_as_People" . inds:USemTH35944liparota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35944liparota is liparota" ; rdfs:label " liparota_as_People" . inds:USemTH35945lipiduria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35945lipiduria is lipiduria" ; rdfs:label " lipiduria_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35947liquor simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35947liquor is liquor" ; rdfs:label " liquor_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35948lirone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35948lirone is lirone" ; rdfs:label " lirone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35949lissofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35949lissofobia is lissofobia" ; rdfs:label " lissofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35951litologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35951litologia is litologia" ; rdfs:label " litologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35953litotomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35953litotomo is litotomo" ; rdfs:label " litotomo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35955livedo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35955livedo is livedo" ; rdfs:label " livedo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35956lividura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35956lividura is lividura" ; rdfs:label " lividura_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35957lobite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35957lobite is lobite" ; rdfs:label " lobite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35958lobomicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35958lobomicosi is lobomicosi" ; rdfs:label " lobomicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35959lobulite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35959lobulite is lobulite" ; rdfs:label " lobulite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35960lodigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35960lodigiano is lodigiano" ; rdfs:label " lodigiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35961logofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35961logofobia is logofobia" ; rdfs:label " logofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35962logolatria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35962logolatria is logolatria" ; rdfs:label " logolatria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH35963logonevrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35963logonevrosi is logonevrosi" ; rdfs:label " logonevrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35964lombardo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35964lombardo is lombardo" ; rdfs:label " lombardo_as_People" . inds:USemTH35965longherina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35965longherina is longherina" ; rdfs:label " longherina_as_Part" . inds:USemTH35966loretano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35966loretano is loretano" ; rdfs:label " loretano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35967lucano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35967lucano is lucano" ; rdfs:label " lucano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35968lunense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35968lunense is lunense" ; rdfs:label " lunense_as_People" . inds:USemTH35969lunganese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35969lunganese is lunganese" ; rdfs:label " lunganese_as_People" . inds:USemTH3596segnalamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3596segnalamento is segnalamento" ; rdfs:label " segnalamento_as_Group" . inds:USemTH35970lupus simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35970lupus is lupus" ; rdfs:label " lupus_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35971luteina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35971luteina is luteina" ; rdfs:label " luteina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35972luteinemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35972luteinemia is luteinemia" ; rdfs:label " luteinemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35974macrocefalia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35974macrocefalia is macrocefalia" ; rdfs:label " macrocefalia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35975macropia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35975macropia is macropia" ; rdfs:label " macropia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35976macropodia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35976macropodia is macropodia" ; rdfs:label " macropodia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35978macropsia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35978macropsia is macropsia" ; rdfs:label " macropsia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH35979macroschelia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35979macroschelia is macroschelia" ; rdfs:label " macroschelia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35980macrozia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35980macrozia is macrozia" ; rdfs:label " macrozia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35981maculopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35981maculopatia is maculopatia" ; rdfs:label " maculopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH35982madagascar simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35982madagascar is madagascar" ; rdfs:label " madagascar_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35983madrepora simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35983madrepora is madrepora" ; rdfs:label " madrepora_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH35984madreporite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35984madreporite is madreporite" ; rdfs:label " madreporite_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH35985magenta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35985magenta is magenta" ; rdfs:label " magenta_as_Color" . inds:USemTH35986magnesemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35986magnesemia is magnesemia" ; rdfs:label " magnesemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35987magnesiemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35987magnesiemia is magnesiemia" ; rdfs:label " magnesiemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35989malawi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35989malawi is malawi" ; rdfs:label " malawi_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35990malaysia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35990malaysia is malaysia" ; rdfs:label " malaysia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35991maldive simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35991maldive is maldive" ; rdfs:label " maldive_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35992mali simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35992mali is mali" ; rdfs:label " mali_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH35994manfredoniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35994manfredoniano is manfredoniano" ; rdfs:label " manfredoniano_as_People" . inds:USemTH35995manganemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35995manganemia is manganemia" ; rdfs:label " manganemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35996manganuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35996manganuria is manganuria" ; rdfs:label " manganuria_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH35997manicordo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35997manicordo is manicordo" ; rdfs:label " manicordo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH35999manta simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH35999manta is manta" ; rdfs:label " manta_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH36000marabu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36000marabu1 is marabu'" ; rdfs:label " marabu'_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH36001marabu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36001marabu1 is marabu'" ; rdfs:label " marabu'_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH36002marin simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36002marin is marin" ; rdfs:label " marin_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36003marosticense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36003marosticense is marosticense" ; rdfs:label " marosticense_as_People" . inds:USemTH36004marsalese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36004marsalese is marsalese" ; rdfs:label " marsalese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36005marshall simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36005marshall is marshall" ; rdfs:label " marshall_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36006martinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36006martinese is martinese" ; rdfs:label " martinese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36008massetere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36008massetere is massetere" ; rdfs:label " massetere_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36009massillipede simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36009massillipede is massillipede" ; rdfs:label " massillipede_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36012mastologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36012mastologia is mastologia" ; rdfs:label " mastologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36014mate simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36014mate is mate" ; rdfs:label " mate_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH36015mate simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36015mate is mate" ; rdfs:label " mate_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH36016materano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36016materano is materano" ; rdfs:label " materano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36017matuziano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36017matuziano is matuziano" ; rdfs:label " matuziano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36018maurizio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36018maurizio is maurizio" ; rdfs:label " maurizio_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36019mazarese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36019mazarese is mazarese" ; rdfs:label " mazarese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36020meccatronica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36020meccatronica is meccatronica" ; rdfs:label " meccatronica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36021medianecrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36021medianecrosi is medianecrosi" ; rdfs:label " medianecrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36022medullite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36022medullite is medullite" ; rdfs:label " medullite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36023medullosclerosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36023medullosclerosi is medullosclerosi" ; rdfs:label " medullosclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36024mefitismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36024mefitismo is mefitismo" ; rdfs:label " mefitismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36025melanemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36025melanemia is melanemia" ; rdfs:label " melanemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36026melanocita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36026melanocita is melanocita" ; rdfs:label " melanocita_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36027melanodermia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36027melanodermia is melanodermia" ; rdfs:label " melanodermia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36028melanoepidermia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36028melanoepidermia is melanoepidermia" ; rdfs:label " melanoepidermia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36029melanogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36029melanogenesi is melanogenesi" ; rdfs:label " melanogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH3602sepimentoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3602sepimentoN is sepimento" ; rdfs:label " sepimento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36030menfitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36030menfitano is menfitano" ; rdfs:label " menfitano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36031menorrea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36031menorrea is menorrea" ; rdfs:label " menorrea_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36032meratese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36032meratese is meratese" ; rdfs:label " meratese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36033mercuriale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36033mercuriale is mercuriale" ; rdfs:label " mercuriale_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH36034meristoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36034meristoma is meristoma" ; rdfs:label " meristoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36035mero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36035mero is mero" ; rdfs:label " mero_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36036meroacrania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36036meroacrania is meroacrania" ; rdfs:label " meroacrania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36037meronecrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36037meronecrosi is meronecrosi" ; rdfs:label " meronecrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36038mesenchima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36038mesenchima is mesenchima" ; rdfs:label " mesenchima_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36039mesoglea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36039mesoglea is mesoglea" ; rdfs:label " mesoglea_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36040mestrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36040mestrino is mestrino" ; rdfs:label " mestrino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36041metacarpo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36041metacarpo is metacarpo" ; rdfs:label " metacarpo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36042metameria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36042metameria is metameria" ; rdfs:label " metameria_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36044metamero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36044metamero is metamero" ; rdfs:label " metamero_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36045metamero simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36045metamero is metamero" ; rdfs:label " metamero_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36046metastomio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36046metastomio is metastomio" ; rdfs:label " metastomio_as_Group" . inds:USemTH36047metroscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36047metroscopio is metroscopio" ; rdfs:label " metroscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36048miatonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36048miatonia is miatonia" ; rdfs:label " miatonia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36049micobatteriosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36049micobatteriosi is micobatteriosi" ; rdfs:label " micobatteriosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36052microbismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36052microbismo is microbismo" ; rdfs:label " microbismo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH36053microbismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36053microbismo is microbismo" ; rdfs:label " microbismo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH36054microcitemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36054microcitemia is microcitemia" ; rdfs:label " microcitemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36055microcito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36055microcito is microcito" ; rdfs:label " microcito_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36056microcitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36056microcitosi is microcitosi" ; rdfs:label " microcitosi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36057microcolon simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36057microcolon is microcolon" ; rdfs:label " microcolon_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36059microfita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36059microfita is microfita" ; rdfs:label " microfita_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36060microftalmia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36060microftalmia is microftalmia" ; rdfs:label " microftalmia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36061microglossia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36061microglossia is microglossia" ; rdfs:label " microglossia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36062microlitiasi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36062microlitiasi is microlitiasi" ; rdfs:label " microlitiasi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36063micromastia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36063micromastia is micromastia" ; rdfs:label " micromastia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36064micrometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36064micrometro is micrometro" ; rdfs:label " micrometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36065micronesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36065micronesia is micronesia" ; rdfs:label " micronesia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36066microsoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36066microsoma is microsoma" ; rdfs:label " microsoma_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36067microzoo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36067microzoo is microzoo" ; rdfs:label " microzoo_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH36069mielemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36069mielemia is mielemia" ; rdfs:label " mielemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36070mielocita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36070mielocita is mielocita" ; rdfs:label " mielocita_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36072mielofibrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36072mielofibrosi is mielofibrosi" ; rdfs:label " mielofibrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36074milaita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36074milaita is milaita" ; rdfs:label " milaita_as_People" . inds:USemTH36075milazzese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36075milazzese is milazzese" ; rdfs:label " milazzese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36077millimola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36077millimola is millimola" ; rdfs:label " millimola_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH36078miocardiopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36078miocardiopatia is miocardiopatia" ; rdfs:label " miocardiopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36079miocele simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36079miocele is miocele" ; rdfs:label " miocele_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36080miochimia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36080miochimia is miochimia" ; rdfs:label " miochimia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36081mioclonia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36081mioclonia is mioclonia" ; rdfs:label " mioclonia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36083mioglobina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36083mioglobina is mioglobina" ; rdfs:label " mioglobina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36085mionema simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36085mionema is mionema" ; rdfs:label " mionema_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36086miranda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36086miranda is miranda" ; rdfs:label " miranda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH36087mitralite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36087mitralite is mitralite" ; rdfs:label " mitralite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36088modicano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36088modicano is modicano" ; rdfs:label " modicano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36089mogilalia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36089mogilalia is mogilalia" ; rdfs:label " mogilalia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH3608serramento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3608serramento is serramento" ; rdfs:label " serramento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36090moldavia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36090moldavia is moldavia" ; rdfs:label " moldavia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36091molfettese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36091molfettese is molfettese" ; rdfs:label " molfettese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36092molluschicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36092molluschicoltore is molluschicoltore" ; rdfs:label " molluschicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH36093molluschicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36093molluschicoltura is molluschicoltura" ; rdfs:label " molluschicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36094moncalierese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36094moncalierese is moncalierese" ; rdfs:label " moncalierese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36095moncellese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36095moncellese is moncellese" ; rdfs:label " moncellese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36096moncenisino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36096moncenisino is moncenisino" ; rdfs:label " moncenisino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36097monferrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36097monferrino is monferrino" ; rdfs:label " monferrino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36098mononfalico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36098mononfalico is mononfalico" ; rdfs:label " mononfalico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH36099monopolitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36099monopolitano is monopolitano" ; rdfs:label " monopolitano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36100monrealese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36100monrealese is monrealese" ; rdfs:label " monrealese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36101monregalese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36101monregalese is monregalese" ; rdfs:label " monregalese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36102monsummanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36102monsummanese is monsummanese" ; rdfs:label " monsummanese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36103montecatinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36103montecatinese is montecatinese" ; rdfs:label " montecatinese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36104montefiasconese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36104montefiasconese is montefiasconese" ; rdfs:label " montefiasconese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36105montepulcianese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36105montepulcianese is montepulcianese" ; rdfs:label " montepulcianese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36106monterotondese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36106monterotondese is monterotondese" ; rdfs:label " monterotondese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36107montevarchino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36107montevarchino is montevarchino" ; rdfs:label " montevarchino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36108morbidello simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36108morbidello is morbidello" ; rdfs:label " morbidello_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH36110motorieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36110motorieta1 is motorieta'" ; rdfs:label " motorieta'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH36111motorsailer simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36111motorsailer is motorsailer" ; rdfs:label " motorsailer_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH36115mucato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36115mucato is mucato" ; rdfs:label " mucato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36116mucilaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36116mucilaggine is mucilaggine" ; rdfs:label " mucilaggine_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36117mucillaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36117mucillaggine is mucillaggine" ; rdfs:label " mucillaggine_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36118mucinasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36118mucinasi is mucinasi" ; rdfs:label " mucinasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36119mucinosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36119mucinosi is mucinosi" ; rdfs:label " mucinosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36120mucocele simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36120mucocele is mucocele" ; rdfs:label " mucocele_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36121muggesano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36121muggesano is muggesano" ; rdfs:label " muggesano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36122mustiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36122mustiolo is mustiolo" ; rdfs:label " mustiolo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36123myannar simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36123myannar is myannar" ; rdfs:label " myannar_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36124namibia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36124namibia is namibia" ; rdfs:label " namibia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36125nandu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36125nandu1 is nandu'" ; rdfs:label " nandu'_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH36126naretino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36126naretino is naretino" ; rdfs:label " naretino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36127narnese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36127narnese is narnese" ; rdfs:label " narnese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36128natatio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36128natatio is natatio" ; rdfs:label " natatio_as_Container" . inds:USemTH36129natremia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36129natremia is natremia" ; rdfs:label " natremia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36130natrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36130natrice is natrice" ; rdfs:label " natrice_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36131natriuresi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36131natriuresi is natriuresi" ; rdfs:label " natriuresi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36132natropenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36132natropenia is natropenia" ; rdfs:label " natropenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36133naupatia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36133naupatia is naupatia" ; rdfs:label " naupatia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36134nauplius simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36134nauplius is nauplius" ; rdfs:label " nauplius_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH36135nauru simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36135nauru is nauru" ; rdfs:label " nauru_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36136nautilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36136nautilo is nautilo" ; rdfs:label " nautilo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH36138nefralgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36138nefralgia is nefralgia" ; rdfs:label " nefralgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36140nefridio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36140nefridio is nefridio" ; rdfs:label " nefridio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36141nefrocele simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36141nefrocele is nefrocele" ; rdfs:label " nefrocele_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36142nefropatia simple:hasAffects inds:USem1784rene ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem79484patologia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36142nefropatia is nefropatia" ; rdfs:label " nefropatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36143nefrorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36143nefrorragia is nefrorragia" ; rdfs:label " nefrorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36144nefrosclerosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36144nefrosclerosi is nefrosclerosi" ; rdfs:label " nefrosclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36145nematocisti simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36145nematocisti is nematocisti" ; rdfs:label " nematocisti_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36146neocitemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36146neocitemia is neocitemia" ; rdfs:label " neocitemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36147neogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36147neogenesi is neogenesi" ; rdfs:label " neogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36148nepal simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36148nepal is nepal" ; rdfs:label " nepal_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36149nepense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36149nepense is nepense" ; rdfs:label " nepense_as_People" . inds:USemTH36150nepesino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36150nepesino is nepesino" ; rdfs:label " nepesino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36152nereide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Representation, simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36152nereide is nereide" ; rdfs:label " nereide_as_Representation", " nereide_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH36153neretino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36153neretino is neretino" ; rdfs:label " neretino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36154nettuno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36154nettuno is nettuno" ; rdfs:label " nettuno_as_Location" . inds:USemTH36155nettuno simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36155nettuno is nettuno" ; rdfs:label " nettuno_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH36156neuroma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36156neuroma is neuroma" ; rdfs:label " neuroma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36157neuropatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36157neuropatia is neuropatia" ; rdfs:label " neuropatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36158neuropatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36158neuropatologia is neuropatologia" ; rdfs:label " neuropatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36159neuropodio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36159neuropodio is neuropodio" ; rdfs:label " neuropodio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36160neuropsicochimica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36160neuropsicochimica is neuropsicochimica" ; rdfs:label " neuropsicochimica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36161neuropsicofarmacologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36161neuropsicofarmacologia is neuropsicofarmacologia" ; rdfs:label " neuropsicofarmacologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36162neurotossina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36162neurotossina is neurotossina" ; rdfs:label " neurotossina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36163neurotossina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36163neurotossina is neurotossina" ; rdfs:label " neurotossina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36164nevrassite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36164nevrassite is nevrassite" ; rdfs:label " nevrassite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36166nevrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36166nevrologia is nevrologia" ; rdfs:label " nevrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36167nevropatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36167nevropatia is nevropatia" ; rdfs:label " nevropatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36168nicaragua simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36168nicaragua is nicaragua" ; rdfs:label " nicaragua_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36169nicese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36169nicese is nicese" ; rdfs:label " nicese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36170nichelemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36170nichelemia is nichelemia" ; rdfs:label " nichelemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36171nichelinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36171nichelinese is nichelinese" ; rdfs:label " nichelinese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36172nictalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36172nictalgia is nictalgia" ; rdfs:label " nictalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36174nictografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36174nictografia is nictografia" ; rdfs:label " nictografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36175nicturia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36175nicturia is nicturia" ; rdfs:label " nicturia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36176niger simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36176niger is niger" ; rdfs:label " niger_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36177nigeria simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36177nigeria is nigeria" ; rdfs:label " nigeria_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36178ninfeo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36178ninfeo is ninfeo" ; rdfs:label " ninfeo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH36179ninfeo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36179ninfeo is ninfeo" ; rdfs:label " ninfeo_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH36180nisseno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36180nisseno is nisseno" ; rdfs:label " nisseno_as_People" . inds:USemTH36182nizzese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36182nizzese is nizzese" ; rdfs:label " nizzese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36183nocerino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36183nocerino is nocerino" ; rdfs:label " nocerino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36184nocuita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36184nocuita1 is nocuita'" ; rdfs:label " nocuita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH36185noradrenalina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36185noradrenalina is noradrenalina" ; rdfs:label " noradrenalina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36186norcino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36186norcino is norcino" ; rdfs:label " norcino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36187nosomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36187nosomania is nosomania" ; rdfs:label " nosomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36188notocorda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36188notocorda is notocorda" ; rdfs:label " notocorda_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36189notopodio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36189notopodio is notopodio" ; rdfs:label " notopodio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36190novarese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36190novarese is novarese" ; rdfs:label " novarese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36191novese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36191novese is novese" ; rdfs:label " novese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36192nursino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36192nursino is nursino" ; rdfs:label " nursino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36193ocrodermia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36193ocrodermia is ocrodermia" ; rdfs:label " ocrodermia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36194odinofagia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36194odinofagia is odinofagia" ; rdfs:label " odinofagia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36195odologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36195odologia is odologia" ; rdfs:label " odologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36196odontorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36196odontorragia is odontorragia" ; rdfs:label " odontorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36197odontotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36197odontotecnica is odontotecnica" ; rdfs:label " odontotecnica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36198ofiasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36198ofiasi is ofiasi" ; rdfs:label " ofiasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36199oficefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36199oficefalo is oficefalo" ; rdfs:label " oficefalo_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH36200oftalmalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36200oftalmalgia is oftalmalgia" ; rdfs:label " oftalmalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36201oftalmodinia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36201oftalmodinia is oftalmodinia" ; rdfs:label " oftalmodinia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36202oftalmologia simple:hasConcerns inds:USem1806occhio ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem67branca ; simple:hasIsapartof inds:USem73997oculistica ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36202oftalmologia is oftalmologia" ; rdfs:label " oftalmologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36203oftalmomicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36203oftalmomicosi is oftalmomicosi" ; rdfs:label " oftalmomicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36204oftalmopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36204oftalmopatia is oftalmopatia" ; rdfs:label " oftalmopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36205oftalmostato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36205oftalmostato is oftalmostato" ; rdfs:label " oftalmostato_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36207oinochoe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36207oinochoe is oinochoe" ; rdfs:label " oinochoe_as_Container" . inds:USemTH36208okapi simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36208okapi is okapi" ; rdfs:label " okapi_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36209olbiense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36209olbiense is olbiense" ; rdfs:label " olbiense_as_People" . inds:USemTH36210olbiese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36210olbiese is olbiese" ; rdfs:label " olbiese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36211oligodinamica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36211oligodinamica is oligodinamica" ; rdfs:label " oligodinamica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36212oligofagia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36212oligofagia is oligofagia" ; rdfs:label " oligofagia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36216oliguria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36216oliguria is oliguria" ; rdfs:label " oliguria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36217oman simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36217oman is oman" ; rdfs:label " oman_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36219omofania simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36219omofania is omofania" ; rdfs:label " omofania_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36220omogenesia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36220omogenesia is omogenesia" ; rdfs:label " omogenesia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36223onicofagia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36223onicofagia is onicofagia" ; rdfs:label " onicofagia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36224onicomicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36224onicomicosi is onicomicosi" ; rdfs:label " onicomicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36225onicopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36225onicopatia is onicopatia" ; rdfs:label " onicopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36226onicoptosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36226onicoptosi is onicoptosi" ; rdfs:label " onicoptosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36227onicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36227onicosi is onicosi" ; rdfs:label " onicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36231opitergino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36231opitergino is opitergino" ; rdfs:label " opitergino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36232opossum simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36232opossum is opossum" ; rdfs:label " opossum_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH36233opossum simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36233opossum is opossum" ; rdfs:label " opossum_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36234orbettino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36234orbettino is orbettino" ; rdfs:label " orbettino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36235orceano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36235orceano is orceano" ; rdfs:label " orceano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36236orchialgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36236orchialgia is orchialgia" ; rdfs:label " orchialgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36239organopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36239organopatia is organopatia" ; rdfs:label " organopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36241oristanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36241oristanese is oristanese" ; rdfs:label " oristanese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36242oritteropo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36242oritteropo is oritteropo" ; rdfs:label " oritteropo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36243ormonemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36243ormonemia is ormonemia" ; rdfs:label " ormonemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36244ormoniuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36244ormoniuria is ormoniuria" ; rdfs:label " ormoniuria_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36245ormonogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36245ormonogenesi is ormonogenesi" ; rdfs:label " ormonogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36246ormonogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36246ormonogramma is ormonogramma" ; rdfs:label " ormonogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH36247ormonuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36247ormonuria is ormonuria" ; rdfs:label " ormonuria_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36249ortano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36249ortano is ortano" ; rdfs:label " ortano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36250ortiseiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36250ortiseiano is ortiseiano" ; rdfs:label " ortiseiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36254ortopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36254ortopia is ortopia" ; rdfs:label " ortopia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36255ortopsicopedia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36255ortopsicopedia is ortopsicopedia" ; rdfs:label " ortopsicopedia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36256ortoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36256ortoscopio is ortoscopio" ; rdfs:label " ortoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36257orvietano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36257orvietano is orvietano" ; rdfs:label " orvietano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36260osculo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36260osculo is osculo" ; rdfs:label " osculo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36261osfradio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36261osfradio is osfradio" ; rdfs:label " osfradio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36262osimano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36262osimano is osimano" ; rdfs:label " osimano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36263osmonocivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36263osmonocivita1 is osmonocivita'" ; rdfs:label " osmonocivita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36265osoppano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36265osoppano is osoppano" ; rdfs:label " osoppano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36266osovano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36266osovano is osovano" ; rdfs:label " osovano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36267ossicarbonemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36267ossicarbonemia is ossicarbonemia" ; rdfs:label " ossicarbonemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36268ossicarbonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36268ossicarbonismo is ossicarbonismo" ; rdfs:label " ossicarbonismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36270ossidasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36270ossidasi is ossidasi" ; rdfs:label " ossidasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36271ossidone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36271ossidone is ossidone" ; rdfs:label " ossidone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36272ossiemoglobina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36272ossiemoglobina is ossiemoglobina" ; rdfs:label " ossiemoglobina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36274osteartrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36274osteartrite is osteartrite" ; rdfs:label " osteartrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36275osteide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36275osteide is osteide" ; rdfs:label " osteide_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36276osteoartropatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36276osteoartropatia is osteoartropatia" ; rdfs:label " osteoartropatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36277osteocondrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36277osteocondrite is osteocondrite" ; rdfs:label " osteocondrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36278osteodistrofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36278osteodistrofia is osteodistrofia" ; rdfs:label " osteodistrofia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36279osteoidosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36279osteoidosi is osteoidosi" ; rdfs:label " osteoidosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36280osteonevralgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36280osteonevralgia is osteonevralgia" ; rdfs:label " osteonevralgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36281osteopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36281osteopatia is osteopatia" ; rdfs:label " osteopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36282osteoplasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36282osteoplasia is osteoplasia" ; rdfs:label " osteoplasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36284otologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36284otologia is otologia" ; rdfs:label " otologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36285otomastoidite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36285otomastoidite is otomastoidite" ; rdfs:label " otomastoidite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36286otomicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36286otomicosi is otomicosi" ; rdfs:label " otomicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36287otorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36287otorragia is otorragia" ; rdfs:label " otorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36288otoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36288otoscopio is otoscopio" ; rdfs:label " otoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36289otrantino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36289otrantino is otrantino" ; rdfs:label " otrantino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36290ottantemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36290ottantemia is ottantemia" ; rdfs:label " ottantemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36291ovalocitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36291ovalocitosi is ovalocitosi" ; rdfs:label " ovalocitosi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36295ovarite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36295ovarite is ovarite" ; rdfs:label " ovarite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36297ovoglobulina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36297ovoglobulina is ovoglobulina" ; rdfs:label " ovoglobulina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36298oxer simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36298oxer is oxer" ; rdfs:label " oxer_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36299ozelot simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36299ozelot is ozelot" ; rdfs:label " ozelot_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36300ozonosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36300ozonosfera is ozonosfera" ; rdfs:label " ozonosfera_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36301pachicapsulite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36301pachicapsulite is pachicapsulite" ; rdfs:label " pachicapsulite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36302pachisalpingite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36302pachisalpingite is pachisalpingite" ; rdfs:label " pachisalpingite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36303padano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36303padano is padano" ; rdfs:label " padano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36304pakistan simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36304pakistan is pakistan" ; rdfs:label " pakistan_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36305palau simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36305palau is palau" ; rdfs:label " palau_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36306paligrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36306paligrafia is paligrafia" ; rdfs:label " paligrafia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH36307palincinesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36307palincinesi is palincinesi" ; rdfs:label " palincinesi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36308palincinesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36308palincinesia is palincinesia" ; rdfs:label " palincinesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36309palinfrasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36309palinfrasia is palinfrasia" ; rdfs:label " palinfrasia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH36311palmospasmo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36311palmospasmo is palmospasmo" ; rdfs:label " palmospasmo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36313panangeite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36313panangeite is panangeite" ; rdfs:label " panangeite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36314pancondrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36314pancondrite is pancondrite" ; rdfs:label " pancondrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36316pancreatite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36316pancreatite is pancreatite" ; rdfs:label " pancreatite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36318pandemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36318pandemia is pandemia" ; rdfs:label " pandemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36319pangolino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36319pangolino is pangolino" ; rdfs:label " pangolino_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36321papillite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36321papillite is papillite" ; rdfs:label " papillite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36322paracinesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36322paracinesia is paracinesia" ; rdfs:label " paracinesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36323paracusia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36323paracusia is paracusia" ; rdfs:label " paracusia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36324parafasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36324parafasia is parafasia" ; rdfs:label " parafasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36325parafonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36325parafonia is parafonia" ; rdfs:label " parafonia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36326parafrenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36326parafrenia is parafrenia" ; rdfs:label " parafrenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36328parageusia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36328parageusia is parageusia" ; rdfs:label " parageusia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36329paragrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36329paragrafia is paragrafia" ; rdfs:label " paragrafia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36330paralessia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36330paralessia is paralessia" ; rdfs:label " paralessia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36331parametabolita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36331parametabolita is parametabolita" ; rdfs:label " parametabolita_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36332paramielocito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36332paramielocito is paramielocito" ; rdfs:label " paramielocito_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36333paramielocitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36333paramielocitosi is paramielocitosi" ; rdfs:label " paramielocitosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36334paramimia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36334paramimia is paramimia" ; rdfs:label " paramimia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36335paramnesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36335paramnesia is paramnesia" ; rdfs:label " paramnesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36336paramusia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36336paramusia is paramusia" ; rdfs:label " paramusia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36337paranomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36337paranomia is paranomia" ; rdfs:label " paranomia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36339parapodio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36339parapodio is parapodio" ; rdfs:label " parapodio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36340parasemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36340parasemia is parasemia" ; rdfs:label " parasemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36341parasonnia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36341parasonnia is parasonnia" ; rdfs:label " parasonnia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36342parassitemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36342parassitemia is parassitemia" ; rdfs:label " parassitemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36343parassitofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36343parassitofobia is parassitofobia" ; rdfs:label " parassitofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36344parassitologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36344parassitologia is parassitologia" ; rdfs:label " parassitologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36345parassitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36345parassitosi is parassitosi" ; rdfs:label " parassitosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36346parasta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36346parasta is parasta" ; rdfs:label " parasta_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36347paratireosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36347paratireosi is paratireosi" ; rdfs:label " paratireosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36348paratirina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36348paratirina is paratirina" ; rdfs:label " paratirina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36349paratiroidite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36349paratiroidite is paratiroidite" ; rdfs:label " paratiroidite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36350paratonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36350paratonia is paratonia" ; rdfs:label " paratonia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36351paratormone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36351paratormone is paratormone" ; rdfs:label " paratormone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36352parelio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36352parelio is parelio" ; rdfs:label " parelio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36353parenchimula simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36353parenchimula is parenchimula" ; rdfs:label " parenchimula_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH36354parepatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36354parepatia is parepatia" ; rdfs:label " parepatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36355parestesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36355parestesia is parestesia" ; rdfs:label " parestesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36357parmense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36357parmense is parmense" ; rdfs:label " parmense_as_People" . inds:USemTH36358paroftalmia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36358paroftalmia is paroftalmia" ; rdfs:label " paroftalmia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36359paropsia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36359paropsia is paropsia" ; rdfs:label " paropsia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36360paroressia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36360paroressia is paroressia" ; rdfs:label " paroressia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36361parosmia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36361parosmia is parosmia" ; rdfs:label " parosmia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36363parotidomegalia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36363parotidomegalia is parotidomegalia" ; rdfs:label " parotidomegalia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36364parrocchetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36364parrocchetto is parrocchetto" ; rdfs:label " parrocchetto_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH36365partogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36365partogramma is partogramma" ; rdfs:label " partogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH36366parulide simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36366parulide is parulide" ; rdfs:label " parulide_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36367pass simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36367pass is pass" ; rdfs:label " pass_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH36368patavino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36368patavino is patavino" ; rdfs:label " patavino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36369paternese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36369paternese is paternese" ; rdfs:label " paternese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36370patofarmacodinamica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36370patofarmacodinamica is patofarmacodinamica" ; rdfs:label " patofarmacodinamica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36371patofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36371patofobia is patofobia" ; rdfs:label " patofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36372patognomonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36372patognomonia is patognomonia" ; rdfs:label " patognomonia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36373pavonazzetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36373pavonazzetto is pavonazzetto" ; rdfs:label " pavonazzetto_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH36374pecari simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36374pecari is pecari" ; rdfs:label " pecari_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36375pedicellaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36375pedicellaria is pedicellaria" ; rdfs:label " pedicellaria_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36376pediometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36376pediometria is pediometria" ; rdfs:label " pediometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36377pediometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36377pediometro is pediometro" ; rdfs:label " pediometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36378pedospasmo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36378pedospasmo is pedospasmo" ; rdfs:label " pedospasmo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36379pedum simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36379pedum is pedum" ; rdfs:label " pedum_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36380peignoir simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36380peignoir is peignoir" ; rdfs:label " peignoir_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH36381peladofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36381peladofobia is peladofobia" ; rdfs:label " peladofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36382peladoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36382peladoide is peladoide" ; rdfs:label " peladoide_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36383pelagese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36383pelagese is pelagese" ; rdfs:label " pelagese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36384pelioma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36384pelioma is pelioma" ; rdfs:label " pelioma_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36385peloide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36385peloide is peloide" ; rdfs:label " peloide_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36386pelvicellulite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36386pelvicellulite is pelvicellulite" ; rdfs:label " pelvicellulite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36389penicillinasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36389penicillinasi is penicillinasi" ; rdfs:label " penicillinasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36390penicillinemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36390penicillinemia is penicillinemia" ; rdfs:label " penicillinemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36391penite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36391penite is penite" ; rdfs:label " penite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36392pennato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36392pennato is pennato" ; rdfs:label " pennato_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36393pennese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36393pennese is pennese" ; rdfs:label " pennese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36395peperino simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36395peperino is peperino" ; rdfs:label " peperino_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH36396pepsina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36396pepsina is pepsina" ; rdfs:label " pepsina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36397percoco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36397percoco is percoco" ; rdfs:label " percoco_as_Fruit" . inds:USemTH36398percoco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36398percoco is percoco" ; rdfs:label " percoco_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH36399periarterite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36399periarterite is periarterite" ; rdfs:label " periarterite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36400periartrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36400periartrite is periartrite" ; rdfs:label " periartrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36401periflebite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36401periflebite is periflebite" ; rdfs:label " periflebite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36402perineocele simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36402perineocele is perineocele" ; rdfs:label " perineocele_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36406periprocto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36406periprocto is periprocto" ; rdfs:label " periprocto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36407periptero simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36407periptero is periptero" ; rdfs:label " periptero_as_Building" . inds:USemTH36408perisarco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36408perisarco is perisarco" ; rdfs:label " perisarco_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36409peristasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36409peristasi is peristasi" ; rdfs:label " peristasi_as_Building" . inds:USemTH36410peristilio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36410peristilio is peristilio" ; rdfs:label " peristilio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH36411peristilio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36411peristilio is peristilio" ; rdfs:label " peristilio_as_Building" . inds:USemTH36412peristoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36412peristoma is peristoma" ; rdfs:label " peristoma_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36413peristomio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36413peristomio is peristomio" ; rdfs:label " peristomio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36414persicetano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36414persicetano is persicetano" ; rdfs:label " persicetano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36415pesarese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36415pesarese is pesarese" ; rdfs:label " pesarese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36416peschierano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36416peschierano is peschierano" ; rdfs:label " peschierano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36417peschierotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36417peschierotto is peschierotto" ; rdfs:label " peschierotto_as_People" . inds:USemTH36418pesciatino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36418pesciatino is pesciatino" ; rdfs:label " pesciatino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36419petecchie simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36419petecchie is petecchie" ; rdfs:label " petecchie_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36420phyllosoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36420phyllosoma is phyllosoma" ; rdfs:label " phyllosoma_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH36421pianese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36421pianese is pianese" ; rdfs:label " pianese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36422pianide simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36422pianide is pianide" ; rdfs:label " pianide_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36423pianoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36423pianoma is pianoma" ; rdfs:label " pianoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36424piantatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36424piantatoio is piantatoio" ; rdfs:label " piantatoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36425piastrinopenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36425piastrinopenia is piastrinopenia" ; rdfs:label " piastrinopenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36426piastrinopoiesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36426piastrinopoiesi is piastrinopoiesi" ; rdfs:label " piastrinopoiesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36427picnodisostosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36427picnodisostosi is picnodisostosi" ; rdfs:label " picnodisostosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36428piedra simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36428piedra is piedra" ; rdfs:label " piedra_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36429pielectasia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36429pielectasia is pielectasia" ; rdfs:label " pielectasia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36430pievano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36430pievano is pievano" ; rdfs:label " pievano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36431pievarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36431pievarolo is pievarolo" ; rdfs:label " pievarolo_as_People" . inds:USemTH36432pievese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36432pievese is pievese" ; rdfs:label " pievese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36434pigidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36434pigidio is pigidio" ; rdfs:label " pigidio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36435pileflebite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36435pileflebite is pileflebite" ; rdfs:label " pileflebite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36436piletrombosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36436piletrombosi is piletrombosi" ; rdfs:label " piletrombosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36438pinacocita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36438pinacocita is pinacocita" ; rdfs:label " pinacocita_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36439pinacoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36439pinacoide is pinacoide" ; rdfs:label " pinacoide_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36440pinealoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36440pinealoma is pinealoma" ; rdfs:label " pinealoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36441pinnula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36441pinnula is pinnula" ; rdfs:label " pinnula_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36442pinnula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36442pinnula is pinnula" ; rdfs:label " pinnula_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36444piogenia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36444piogenia is piogenia" ; rdfs:label " piogenia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36445piolabirintite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36445piolabirintite is piolabirintite" ; rdfs:label " piolabirintite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36447piombenia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36447piombenia is piombenia" ; rdfs:label " piombenia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36448piombinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36448piombinese is piombinese" ; rdfs:label " piombinese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36449piomburia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36449piomburia is piomburia" ; rdfs:label " piomburia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36450pioviggine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36450pioviggine is pioviggine" ; rdfs:label " pioviggine_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36451piranha simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36451piranha is piranha" ; rdfs:label " piranha_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH36452piressia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36452piressia is piressia" ; rdfs:label " piressia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36453piretologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36453piretologia is piretologia" ; rdfs:label " piretologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36455piridossina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36455piridossina is piridossina" ; rdfs:label " piridossina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36457piridossinuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36457piridossinuria is piridossinuria" ; rdfs:label " piridossinuria_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36458pirosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36458pirosi is pirosi" ; rdfs:label " pirosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36459pirottonolammina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36459pirottonolammina is pirottonolammina" ; rdfs:label " pirottonolammina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36460pistoiese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36460pistoiese is pistoiese" ; rdfs:label " pistoiese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36461pitressina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36461pitressina is pitressina" ; rdfs:label " pitressina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36463plagiocefalia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36463plagiocefalia is plagiocefalia" ; rdfs:label " plagiocefalia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36464planula simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36464planula is planula" ; rdfs:label " planula_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH36466plasmocita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36466plasmocita is plasmocita" ; rdfs:label " plasmocita_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36467plasmocitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36467plasmocitosi is plasmocitosi" ; rdfs:label " plasmocitosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36468pleomorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36468pleomorfismo is pleomorfismo" ; rdfs:label " pleomorfismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH36469pleopodi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36469pleopodi is pleopodi" ; rdfs:label " pleopodi_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36470pleuroscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36470pleuroscopio is pleuroscopio" ; rdfs:label " pleuroscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36471pleurotifo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36471pleurotifo is pleurotifo" ; rdfs:label " pleurotifo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36473pluteus simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36473pluteus is pluteus" ; rdfs:label " pluteus_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH36474pluviale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36474pluviale is pluviale" ; rdfs:label " pluviale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36475pneometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36475pneometro is pneometro" ; rdfs:label " pneometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36476pneumatocisti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36476pneumatocisti is pneumatocisti" ; rdfs:label " pneumatocisti_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36477pneumatosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36477pneumatosi is pneumatosi" ; rdfs:label " pneumatosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36478pneumatotoro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36478pneumatotoro is pneumatotoro" ; rdfs:label " pneumatotoro_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36479pneumaturia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36479pneumaturia is pneumaturia" ; rdfs:label " pneumaturia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36481pneumetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36481pneumetro is pneumetro" ; rdfs:label " pneumetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36483pneumococco simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36483pneumococco is pneumococco" ; rdfs:label " pneumococco_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36484pneumococcosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36484pneumococcosi is pneumococcosi" ; rdfs:label " pneumococcosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36485pneumocolangia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36485pneumocolangia is pneumocolangia" ; rdfs:label " pneumocolangia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36486pneumocolecistia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36486pneumocolecistia is pneumocolecistia" ; rdfs:label " pneumocolecistia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36487pneumocolia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36487pneumocolia is pneumocolia" ; rdfs:label " pneumocolia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36489pneumonocele simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36489pneumonocele is pneumonocele" ; rdfs:label " pneumonocele_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36490pneumorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36490pneumorragia is pneumorragia" ; rdfs:label " pneumorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36493pneumotacografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36493pneumotacografo is pneumotacografo" ; rdfs:label " pneumotacografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36496pneuston simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36496pneuston is pneuston" ; rdfs:label " pneuston_as_Group" . inds:USemTH36498policapsulite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36498policapsulite is policapsulite" ; rdfs:label " policapsulite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36500polidipsia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36500polidipsia is polidipsia" ; rdfs:label " polidipsia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36501polidisplasia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36501polidisplasia is polidisplasia" ; rdfs:label " polidisplasia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36502poliestesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36502poliestesia is poliestesia" ; rdfs:label " poliestesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36503polifrasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36503polifrasia is polifrasia" ; rdfs:label " polifrasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36504polifratturato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36504polifratturato is polifratturato" ; rdfs:label " polifratturato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH36505poligalattia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36505poligalattia is poligalattia" ; rdfs:label " poligalattia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36506poligalia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36506poligalia is poligalia" ; rdfs:label " poligalia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36507poliglobulia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36507poliglobulia is poliglobulia" ; rdfs:label " poliglobulia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36508polimastia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36508polimastia is polimastia" ; rdfs:label " polimastia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36509polimenorrea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36509polimenorrea is polimenorrea" ; rdfs:label " polimenorrea_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36510polineuropatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36510polineuropatia is polineuropatia" ; rdfs:label " polineuropatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36511poliorchidia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36511poliorchidia is poliorchidia" ; rdfs:label " poliorchidia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36512polioressia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36512polioressia is polioressia" ; rdfs:label " polioressia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36515polisierosite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36515polisierosite is polisierosite" ; rdfs:label " polisierosite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36516polisifilizzato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36516polisifilizzato is polisifilizzato" ; rdfs:label " polisifilizzato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH36517polispermia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36517polispermia is polispermia" ; rdfs:label " polispermia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36518politritomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36518politritomo is politritomo" ; rdfs:label " politritomo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36519pollinosis simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36519pollinosis is pollinosis" ; rdfs:label " pollinosis_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36520pontiniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36520pontiniano is pontiniano" ; rdfs:label " pontiniano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36521ponzese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36521ponzese is ponzese" ; rdfs:label " ponzese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36522pordenonese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36522pordenonese is pordenonese" ; rdfs:label " pordenonese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36523porfinogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36523porfinogenesi is porfinogenesi" ; rdfs:label " porfinogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36524porfirinuria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36524porfirinuria is porfirinuria" ; rdfs:label " porfirinuria_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36525porticese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36525porticese is porticese" ; rdfs:label " porticese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36526portoazzurrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36526portoazzurrino is portoazzurrino" ; rdfs:label " portoazzurrino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36528poseidone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36528poseidone is poseidone" ; rdfs:label " poseidone_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH36530postite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36530postite is postite" ; rdfs:label " postite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36531potentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36531potentino is potentino" ; rdfs:label " potentino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36532potomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36532potomania is potomania" ; rdfs:label " potomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36533praecinctiones simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36533praecinctiones is praecinctiones" ; rdfs:label " praecinctiones_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36534praefurnium simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36534praefurnium is praefurnium" ; rdfs:label " praefurnium_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36535pragmatoagnosia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36535pragmatoagnosia is pragmatoagnosia" ; rdfs:label " pragmatoagnosia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36537precirrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36537precirrosi is precirrosi" ; rdfs:label " precirrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36539precordialgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36539precordialgia is precordialgia" ; rdfs:label " precordialgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36540pregnenolone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36540pregnenolone is pregnenolone" ; rdfs:label " pregnenolone_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36541premicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36541premicosi is premicosi" ; rdfs:label " premicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36542preopercolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36542preopercolare is preopercolare" ; rdfs:label " preopercolare_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36543presbidermia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36543presbidermia is presbidermia" ; rdfs:label " presbidermia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36544presbioacusia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36544presbioacusia is presbioacusia" ; rdfs:label " presbioacusia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36545presbiofrenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36545presbiofrenia is presbiofrenia" ; rdfs:label " presbiofrenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36546primer simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36546primer is primer" ; rdfs:label " primer_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36547primierotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36547primierotto is primierotto" ; rdfs:label " primierotto_as_People" . inds:USemTH36548proctite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36548proctite is proctite" ; rdfs:label " proctite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36549procuticola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36549procuticola is procuticola" ; rdfs:label " procuticola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36550prodiere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36550prodiere is prodiere" ; rdfs:label " prodiere_as_Human" . inds:USemTH36551prolattina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36551prolattina is prolattina" ; rdfs:label " prolattina_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36552prolattinemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36552prolattinemia is prolattinemia" ; rdfs:label " prolattinemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36553propode simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36553propode is propode" ; rdfs:label " propode_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36554propodite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36554propodite is propodite" ; rdfs:label " propodite_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36555propodo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36555propodo is propodo" ; rdfs:label " propodo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36556prosecretina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36556prosecretina is prosecretina" ; rdfs:label " prosecretina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36557prosopalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36557prosopalgia is prosopalgia" ; rdfs:label " prosopalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36558prosopilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36558prosopilo is prosopilo" ; rdfs:label " prosopilo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36559prosoplegia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36559prosoplegia is prosoplegia" ; rdfs:label " prosoplegia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36560prosopometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36560prosopometro is prosopometro" ; rdfs:label " prosopometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36561prossenica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36561prossenica is prossenica" ; rdfs:label " prossenica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36562prostaciclina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36562prostaciclina is prostaciclina" ; rdfs:label " prostaciclina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36563prostaglandine simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36563prostaglandine is prostaglandine" ; rdfs:label " prostaglandine_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36565prostatismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36565prostatismo is prostatismo" ; rdfs:label " prostatismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36566prostatite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36566prostatite is prostatite" ; rdfs:label " prostatite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36568prostilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36568prostilo is prostilo" ; rdfs:label " prostilo_as_Building" . inds:USemTH36569prostomio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36569prostomio is prostomio" ; rdfs:label " prostomio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36570protaminasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36570protaminasi is protaminasi" ; rdfs:label " protaminasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36571protanomalia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36571protanomalia is protanomalia" ; rdfs:label " protanomalia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36572proteasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36572proteasi is proteasi" ; rdfs:label " proteasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36573proteinasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36573proteinasi is proteinasi" ; rdfs:label " proteinasi_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36575proteo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36575proteo is proteo" ; rdfs:label " proteo_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH36578protidemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36578protidemia is protidemia" ; rdfs:label " protidemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36579protoconca simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36579protoconca is protoconca" ; rdfs:label " protoconca_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH36580protopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36580protopatia is protopatia" ; rdfs:label " protopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36581protopodite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36581protopodite is protopodite" ; rdfs:label " protopodite_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36582protottero simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36582protottero is protottero" ; rdfs:label " protottero_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH36583pseudoperiptero simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36583pseudoperiptero is pseudoperiptero" ; rdfs:label " pseudoperiptero_as_Building" . inds:USemTH36584pseudoradice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36584pseudoradice is pseudoradice" ; rdfs:label " pseudoradice_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36585pseudosmia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36585pseudosmia is pseudosmia" ; rdfs:label " pseudosmia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36586psicalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36586psicalgia is psicalgia" ; rdfs:label " psicalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36587psiconosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36587psiconosi is psiconosi" ; rdfs:label " psiconosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36588psicopatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36588psicopatologia is psicopatologia" ; rdfs:label " psicopatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36589psicoplegia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36589psicoplegia is psicoplegia" ; rdfs:label " psicoplegia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36590psicostimolante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36590psicostimolante is psicostimolante" ; rdfs:label " psicostimolante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36592psidracium simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36592psidracium is psidracium" ; rdfs:label " psidracium_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36593psittacismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36593psittacismo is psittacismo" ; rdfs:label " psittacismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36594psorospermosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36594psorospermosi is psorospermosi" ; rdfs:label " psorospermosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36596pterotrachea simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36596pterotrachea is pterotrachea" ; rdfs:label " pterotrachea_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH36597pubalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36597pubalgia is pubalgia" ; rdfs:label " pubalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36598purine simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36598purine is purine" ; rdfs:label " purine_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36599puteolano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36599puteolano is puteolano" ; rdfs:label " puteolano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36600qatar simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36600qatar is qatar" ; rdfs:label " qatar_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36601quark simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36601quark is quark" ; rdfs:label " quark_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36602quartese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36602quartese is quartese" ; rdfs:label " quartese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36603rabdomiolisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36603rabdomiolisi is rabdomiolisi" ; rdfs:label " rabdomiolisi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36604rachialgite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36604rachialgite is rachialgite" ; rdfs:label " rachialgite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36606radicolalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36606radicolalgia is radicolalgia" ; rdfs:label " radicolalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36607radicolite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36607radicolite is radicolite" ; rdfs:label " radicolite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36610radiodermite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36610radiodermite is radiodermite" ; rdfs:label " radiodermite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36611radioepidermide simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36611radioepidermide is radioepidermide" ; rdfs:label " radioepidermide_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36612radioepitelioma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36612radioepitelioma is radioepitelioma" ; rdfs:label " radioepitelioma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36613radiofarmaceutica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36613radiofarmaceutica is radiofarmaceutica" ; rdfs:label " radiofarmaceutica_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36614radiolario simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36614radiolario is radiolario" ; rdfs:label " radiolario_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36615radiolesione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36615radiolesione is radiolesione" ; rdfs:label " radiolesione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36616radiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36616radiolo is radiolo" ; rdfs:label " radiolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36617radiomanometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36617radiomanometria is radiomanometria" ; rdfs:label " radiomanometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36618radiomucite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36618radiomucite is radiomucite" ; rdfs:label " radiomucite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36619radionecrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36619radionecrosi is radionecrosi" ; rdfs:label " radionecrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH3661slogamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3661slogamento is slogamento" ; rdfs:label " slogamento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36620radiopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36620radiopatia is radiopatia" ; rdfs:label " radiopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36623radiosarcoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36623radiosarcoma is radiosarcoma" ; rdfs:label " radiosarcoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36626radula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36626radula is radula" ; rdfs:label " radula_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36627rafania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36627rafania is rafania" ; rdfs:label " rafania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36628rapallese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36628rapallese is rapallese" ; rdfs:label " rapallese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36629rasorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36629rasorismo is rasorismo" ; rdfs:label " rasorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH36630ravegnano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36630ravegnano is ravegnano" ; rdfs:label " ravegnano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36631ravvenate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36631ravvenate is ravvenate" ; rdfs:label " ravvenate_as_People" . inds:USemTH36632reatino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36632reatino is reatino" ; rdfs:label " reatino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36633recanatese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36633recanatese is recanatese" ; rdfs:label " recanatese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36634regatante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36634regatante is regatante" ; rdfs:label " regatante_as_Human" . inds:USemTH36636reocardiogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36636reocardiogramma is reocardiogramma" ; rdfs:label " reocardiogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH36638reogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36638reogramma is reogramma" ; rdfs:label " reogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH36639reologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36639reologia is reologia" ; rdfs:label " reologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36641reovirus simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36641reovirus is reovirus" ; rdfs:label " reovirus_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36642repressore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36642repressore is repressore" ; rdfs:label " repressore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36643resinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36643resinese is resinese" ; rdfs:label " resinese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36644retrognazia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36644retrognazia is retrognazia" ; rdfs:label " retrognazia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36645retrolistesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36645retrolistesi is retrolistesi" ; rdfs:label " retrolistesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36646rettite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36646rettite is rettite" ; rdfs:label " rettite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36648rettocele simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36648rettocele is rettocele" ; rdfs:label " rettocele_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36649rettocolite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36649rettocolite is rettocolite" ; rdfs:label " rettocolite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36652rettorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36652rettorragia is rettorragia" ; rdfs:label " rettorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36654rettosigmoidite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36654rettosigmoidite is rettosigmoidite" ; rdfs:label " rettosigmoidite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36657rhodense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36657rhodense is rhodense" ; rdfs:label " rhodense_as_People" . inds:USemTH36659rietino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36659rietino is rietino" ; rdfs:label " rietino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36660riflessometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36660riflessometria is riflessometria" ; rdfs:label " riflessometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36661riflessopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36661riflessopatia is riflessopatia" ; rdfs:label " riflessopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36663riflettivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36663riflettivita1 is riflettivita'" ; rdfs:label " riflettivita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH36664riminese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36664riminese is riminese" ; rdfs:label " riminese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36665rinelciosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36665rinelciosi is rinelciosi" ; rdfs:label " rinelciosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36666rinofima simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36666rinofima is rinofima" ; rdfs:label " rinofima_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36667rinofonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36667rinofonia is rinofonia" ; rdfs:label " rinofonia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36668rinolalia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36668rinolalia is rinolalia" ; rdfs:label " rinolalia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36669rinolita simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36669rinolita is rinolita" ; rdfs:label " rinolita_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36671rinomicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36671rinomicosi is rinomicosi" ; rdfs:label " rinomicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36672rinorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36672rinorragia is rinorragia" ; rdfs:label " rinorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36673rinosalpingite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36673rinosalpingite is rinosalpingite" ; rdfs:label " rinosalpingite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36675rinovirus simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36675rinovirus is rinovirus" ; rdfs:label " rinovirus_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36676rivolese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36676rivolese is rivolese" ; rdfs:label " rivolese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36678roccarasino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36678roccarasino is roccarasino" ; rdfs:label " roccarasino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36679roccolano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36679roccolano is roccolano" ; rdfs:label " roccolano_as_People" . inds:USemTH3667smemoramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3667smemoramento is smemoramento" ; rdfs:label " smemoramento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36680rombododecaedro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36680rombododecaedro is rombododecaedro" ; rdfs:label " rombododecaedro_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH36681romboedro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36681romboedro is romboedro" ; rdfs:label " romboedro_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH36682ropalio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36682ropalio is ropalio" ; rdfs:label " ropalio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36683rotavirus simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36683rotavirus is rotavirus" ; rdfs:label " rotavirus_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36684rovighese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36684rovighese is rovighese" ; rdfs:label " rovighese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36685rovigotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36685rovigotto is rovigotto" ; rdfs:label " rovigotto_as_People" . inds:USemTH36686ruanda simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36686ruanda is ruanda" ; rdfs:label " ruanda_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36687rupofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36687rupofobia is rupofobia" ; rdfs:label " rupofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36688rutina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36688rutina is rutina" ; rdfs:label " rutina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36689sabaudiese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36689sabaudiese is sabaudiese" ; rdfs:label " sabaudiese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36693saccarolato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36693saccarolato is saccarolato" ; rdfs:label " saccarolato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36694saccaromicete simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36694saccaromicete is saccaromicete" ; rdfs:label " saccaromicete_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36695saccaromicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36695saccaromicosi is saccaromicosi" ; rdfs:label " saccaromicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36696saccaruro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36696saccaruro is saccaruro" ; rdfs:label " saccaruro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36697saccatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36697saccatura is saccatura" ; rdfs:label " saccatura_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36698saccense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36698saccense is saccense" ; rdfs:label " saccense_as_People" . inds:USemTH36699saccorosuria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36699saccorosuria is saccorosuria" ; rdfs:label " saccorosuria_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36700sacro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36700sacro is sacro" ; rdfs:label " sacro_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36701sacro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36701sacro is sacro" ; rdfs:label " sacro_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36703salacita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36703salacita1 is salacita'" ; rdfs:label " salacita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH36704salentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36704salentino is salentino" ; rdfs:label " salentino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36705salernitano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36705salernitano is salernitano" ; rdfs:label " salernitano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36706salicilemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36706salicilemia is salicilemia" ; rdfs:label " salicilemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36707salmoe1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36707salmoe1 is salmoe'" ; rdfs:label " salmoe'_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36708salodiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36708salodiano is salodiano" ; rdfs:label " salodiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36714salsese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36714salsese is salsese" ; rdfs:label " salsese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36715sambenedettese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36715sambenedettese is sambenedettese" ; rdfs:label " sambenedettese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36716samoa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36716samoa is samoa" ; rdfs:label " samoa_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36717sancandidese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36717sancandidese is sancandidese" ; rdfs:label " sancandidese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36718sangiorgese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36718sangiorgese is sangiorgese" ; rdfs:label " sangiorgese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36719sannita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36719sannita is sannita" ; rdfs:label " sannita_as_People" . inds:USemTH36720sannitico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36720sannitico is sannitico" ; rdfs:label " sannitico_as_People" . inds:USemTH36721sanremasco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36721sanremasco is sanremasco" ; rdfs:label " sanremasco_as_People" . inds:USemTH36722sanremese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36722sanremese is sanremese" ; rdfs:label " sanremese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36723sanseverese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36723sanseverese is sanseverese" ; rdfs:label " sanseverese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36724santeufemiese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36724santeufemiese is santeufemiese" ; rdfs:label " santeufemiese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36725sanvitese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36725sanvitese is sanvitese" ; rdfs:label " sanvitese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36726saponato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36726saponato is saponato" ; rdfs:label " saponato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36727saponolato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36727saponolato is saponolato" ; rdfs:label " saponolato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36729saronnese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36729saronnese is saronnese" ; rdfs:label " saronnese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36730sars simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36730sars is sars" ; rdfs:label " sars_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36731sassarese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36731sassarese is sassarese" ; rdfs:label " sassarese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36732sassese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36732sassese is sassese" ; rdfs:label " sassese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36733sassolese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36733sassolese is sassolese" ; rdfs:label " sassolese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36735saturnia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36735saturnia is saturnia" ; rdfs:label " saturnia_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH36736savinese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36736savinese is savinese" ; rdfs:label " savinese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36738scabellum simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36738scabellum is scabellum" ; rdfs:label " scabellum_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36739scaena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36739scaena is scaena" ; rdfs:label " scaena_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36742scalenoedro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36742scalenoedro is scalenoedro" ; rdfs:label " scalenoedro_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH36743scandiccese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36743scandiccese is scandiccese" ; rdfs:label " scandiccese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36745schiagramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36745schiagramma is schiagramma" ; rdfs:label " schiagramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH36748schizopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36748schizopatia is schizopatia" ; rdfs:label " schizopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36749scialogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36749scialogramma is scialogramma" ; rdfs:label " scialogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH36750sciatalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36750sciatalgia is sciatalgia" ; rdfs:label " sciatalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36751scifistoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36751scifistoma is scifistoma" ; rdfs:label " scifistoma_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH36752scinco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36752scinco is scinco" ; rdfs:label " scinco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36754scledense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36754scledense is scledense" ; rdfs:label " scledense_as_People" . inds:USemTH36755scoliaste simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36755scoliaste is scoliaste" ; rdfs:label " scoliaste_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH36757scorzonera simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36757scorzonera is scorzonera" ; rdfs:label " scorzonera_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH36758scorzonera simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36758scorzonera is scorzonera" ; rdfs:label " scorzonera_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH36759secretina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36759secretina is secretina" ; rdfs:label " secretina_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36762segusino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36762segusino is segusino" ; rdfs:label " segusino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36763seicelle simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36763seicelle is seicelle" ; rdfs:label " seicelle_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36764semitrailer simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36764semitrailer is semitrailer" ; rdfs:label " semitrailer_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH36765sena simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36765sena is sena" ; rdfs:label " sena_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH36767senologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36767senologia is senologia" ; rdfs:label " senologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36768serina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36768serina is serina" ; rdfs:label " serina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36769serotonina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36769serotonina is serotonina" ; rdfs:label " serotonina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36770serotoninemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36770serotoninemia is serotoninemia" ; rdfs:label " serotoninemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36771sesamoidite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36771sesamoidite is sesamoidite" ; rdfs:label " sesamoidite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36772sestese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36772sestese is sestese" ; rdfs:label " sestese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36773setticologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36773setticologia is setticologia" ; rdfs:label " setticologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36774settimese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36774settimese is settimese" ; rdfs:label " settimese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36775settite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36775settite is settite" ; rdfs:label " settite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36780sfenodonte simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36780sfenodonte is sfenodonte" ; rdfs:label " sfenodonte_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36781sfigmografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36781sfigmografia is sfigmografia" ; rdfs:label " sfigmografia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36782sfigmogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36782sfigmogramma is sfigmogramma" ; rdfs:label " sfigmogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH36783sfigmologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36783sfigmologia is sfigmologia" ; rdfs:label " sfigmologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36784sfogliato simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36784sfogliato is sfogliato" ; rdfs:label " sfogliato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH36785shamal simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36785shamal is shamal" ; rdfs:label " shamal_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36786shampista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36786shampista is shampista" ; rdfs:label " shampista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH36787sherpa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36787sherpa is sherpa" ; rdfs:label " sherpa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH36789sicnosfigmia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36789sicnosfigmia is sicnosfigmia" ; rdfs:label " sicnosfigmia_as_Information" . inds:USemTH36790sicomoro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36790sicomoro is sicomoro" ; rdfs:label " sicomoro_as_Fruit" . inds:USemTH36791sicomoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36791sicomoro is sicomoro" ; rdfs:label " sicomoro_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH36792sicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36792sicosi is sicosi" ; rdfs:label " sicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36793sideremia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36793sideremia is sideremia" ; rdfs:label " sideremia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36796sifilofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36796sifilofobia is sifilofobia" ; rdfs:label " sifilofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36797sifilomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36797sifilomania is sifilomania" ; rdfs:label " sifilomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36800sigmoidofibroscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36800sigmoidofibroscopio is sigmoidofibroscopio" ; rdfs:label " sigmoidofibroscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36802sigmoidoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36802sigmoidoscopio is sigmoidoscopio" ; rdfs:label " sigmoidoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36804simpatalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36804simpatalgia is simpatalgia" ; rdfs:label " simpatalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36806simpatina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36806simpatina is simpatina" ; rdfs:label " simpatina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36807sinalgesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36807sinalgesia is sinalgesia" ; rdfs:label " sinalgesia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36808sinalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36808sinalgia is sinalgia" ; rdfs:label " sinalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36809singapore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36809singapore is singapore" ; rdfs:label " singapore_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36810sipontino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36810sipontino is sipontino" ; rdfs:label " sipontino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36812situla simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36812situla is situla" ; rdfs:label " situla_as_Container" . inds:USemTH36813sizigia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36813sizigia is sizigia" ; rdfs:label " sizigia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH36814sizigie simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36814sizigie is sizigie" ; rdfs:label " sizigie_as_Location" . inds:USemTH36815skipper simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36815skipper is skipper" ; rdfs:label " skipper_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH36816skyphos simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36816skyphos is skyphos" ; rdfs:label " skyphos_as_Container" . inds:USemTH36817slovacchia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36817slovacchia is slovacchia" ; rdfs:label " slovacchia_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36818soavese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36818soavese is soavese" ; rdfs:label " soavese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36819sociosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36819sociosfera is sociosfera" ; rdfs:label " sociosfera_as_Group" . inds:USemTH36820soleo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36820soleo is soleo" ; rdfs:label " soleo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36821solfamidico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36821solfamidico is solfamidico" ; rdfs:label " solfamidico_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36822solferino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2451colore ; a simple:Color, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36822solferino is solferino" ; rdfs:label " solferino_as_Color" . inds:USemTH36823solfidrato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36823solfidrato is solfidrato" ; rdfs:label " solfidrato_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36824solfidrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36824solfidrismo is solfidrismo" ; rdfs:label " solfidrismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36825solfimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36825solfimetro is solfimetro" ; rdfs:label " solfimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36826solfoantimoniuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36826solfoantimoniuro is solfoantimoniuro" ; rdfs:label " solfoantimoniuro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36827solfoarseniuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36827solfoarseniuro is solfoarseniuro" ; rdfs:label " solfoarseniuro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36828solfobatterio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36828solfobatterio is solfobatterio" ; rdfs:label " solfobatterio_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36829solfocarbonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36829solfocarbonismo is solfocarbonismo" ; rdfs:label " solfocarbonismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36830somatoagnosia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36830somatoagnosia is somatoagnosia" ; rdfs:label " somatoagnosia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36831somatocito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36831somatocito is somatocito" ; rdfs:label " somatocito_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36833somatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36833somatologia is somatologia" ; rdfs:label " somatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36834sondriese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36834sondriese is sondriese" ; rdfs:label " sondriese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36835sonocardiogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36835sonocardiogramma is sonocardiogramma" ; rdfs:label " sonocardiogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH36836sonogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36836sonogramma is sonogramma" ; rdfs:label " sonogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH36837soprapprofitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36837soprapprofitto is soprapprofitto" ; rdfs:label " soprapprofitto_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH36838sorrentino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36838sorrentino is sorrentino" ; rdfs:label " sorrentino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36839sottomontese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36839sottomontese is sottomontese" ; rdfs:label " sottomontese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36840sovraimposta simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36840sovraimposta is sovraimposta" ; rdfs:label " sovraimposta_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH36841sovrapprofitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36841sovrapprofitto is sovrapprofitto" ; rdfs:label " sovrapprofitto_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH36842sovraprofitto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36842sovraprofitto is sovraprofitto" ; rdfs:label " sovraprofitto_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH36843spandiletame simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36843spandiletame is spandiletame" ; rdfs:label " spandiletame_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36846spermatolisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36846spermatolisi is spermatolisi" ; rdfs:label " spermatolisi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36847spermatorrea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36847spermatorrea is spermatorrea" ; rdfs:label " spermatorrea_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36848spermatorreofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36848spermatorreofobia is spermatorreofobia" ; rdfs:label " spermatorreofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36849spermaturia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36849spermaturia is spermaturia" ; rdfs:label " spermaturia_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36850spermiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36850spermiologia is spermiologia" ; rdfs:label " spermiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36853spicola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36853spicola is spicola" ; rdfs:label " spicola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36854spicola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36854spicola is spicola" ; rdfs:label " spicola_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36855spinarello simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36855spinarello is spinarello" ; rdfs:label " spinarello_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH36856spiraster simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36856spiraster is spiraster" ; rdfs:label " spiraster_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36858spiroscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36858spiroscopio is spiroscopio" ; rdfs:label " spiroscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36859splenalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36859splenalgia is splenalgia" ; rdfs:label " splenalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36861splenosclerosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36861splenosclerosi is splenosclerosi" ; rdfs:label " splenosclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36864spoletino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36864spoletino is spoletino" ; rdfs:label " spoletino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36866spondiloartrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36866spondiloartrite is spondiloartrite" ; rdfs:label " spondiloartrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36867spondiloartrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36867spondiloartrosi is spondiloartrosi" ; rdfs:label " spondiloartrosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36868spondilopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36868spondilopatia is spondilopatia" ; rdfs:label " spondilopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36870spongia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36870spongia is spongia" ; rdfs:label " spongia_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH36871spongina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36871spongina is spongina" ; rdfs:label " spongina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36872spongocele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36872spongocele is spongocele" ; rdfs:label " spongocele_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36873sporofito simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36873sporofito is sporofito" ; rdfs:label " sporofito_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH36874sporula simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36874sporula is sporula" ; rdfs:label " sporula_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36876stabiese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36876stabiese is stabiese" ; rdfs:label " stabiese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36877stacking simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36877stacking is stacking" ; rdfs:label " stacking_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH36878stamigna simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36878stamigna is stamigna" ; rdfs:label " stamigna_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36879stamina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36879stamina is stamina" ; rdfs:label " stamina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36880stamno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36880stamno is stamno" ; rdfs:label " stamno_as_Container" . inds:USemTH36881statocisti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36881statocisti is statocisti" ; rdfs:label " statocisti_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36882stelviotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36882stelviotto is stelviotto" ; rdfs:label " stelviotto_as_People" . inds:USemTH36883stereoagnosia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36883stereoagnosia is stereoagnosia" ; rdfs:label " stereoagnosia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36884stereobate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36884stereobate is stereobate" ; rdfs:label " stereobate_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36885stereocinematografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36885stereocinematografia is stereocinematografia" ; rdfs:label " stereocinematografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36887stereofonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36887stereofonia is stereofonia" ; rdfs:label " stereofonia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36888stereofotografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36888stereofotografia is stereofotografia" ; rdfs:label " stereofotografia_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH36889stereofotogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36889stereofotogramma is stereofotogramma" ; rdfs:label " stereofotogramma_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH36890stereofotogrammetria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36890stereofotogrammetria is stereofotogrammetria" ; rdfs:label " stereofotogrammetria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36891stereografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36891stereografia is stereografia" ; rdfs:label " stereografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36892stereoisomeria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36892stereoisomeria is stereoisomeria" ; rdfs:label " stereoisomeria_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36893sternocleidomastoideo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36893sternocleidomastoideo is sternocleidomastoideo" ; rdfs:label " sternocleidomastoideo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36894sterparola simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36894sterparola is sterparola" ; rdfs:label " sterparola_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH36895stilobate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36895stilobate is stilobate" ; rdfs:label " stilobate_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36896stomatorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36896stomatorragia is stomatorragia" ; rdfs:label " stomatorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36897stratense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36897stratense is stratense" ; rdfs:label " stratense_as_People" . inds:USemTH36898stratese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36898stratese is stratese" ; rdfs:label " stratese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36899stresiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36899stresiano is stresiano" ; rdfs:label " stresiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36900strigile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36900strigile is strigile" ; rdfs:label " strigile_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36901stromboliotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36901stromboliotto is stromboliotto" ; rdfs:label " stromboliotto_as_People" . inds:USemTH36902strongilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36902strongilo is strongilo" ; rdfs:label " strongilo_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH36903stuka simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36903stuka is stuka" ; rdfs:label " stuka_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH36904stuntman simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36904stuntman is stuntman" ; rdfs:label " stuntman_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH36905subleucemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36905subleucemia is subleucemia" ; rdfs:label " subleucemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36907subombrella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36907subombrella is subombrella" ; rdfs:label " subombrella_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36908sudatorium simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36908sudatorium is sudatorium" ; rdfs:label " sudatorium_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36909sugherosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36909sugherosi is sugherosi" ; rdfs:label " sugherosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36910sulfoemoglobina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36910sulfoemoglobina is sulfoemoglobina" ; rdfs:label " sulfoemoglobina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH36911sulky simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36911sulky is sulky" ; rdfs:label " sulky_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH36912surimi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36912surimi is surimi" ; rdfs:label " surimi_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH36913suriname simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36913suriname is suriname" ; rdfs:label " suriname_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36916surmolotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36916surmolotto is surmolotto" ; rdfs:label " surmolotto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36917surmulotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36917surmulotto is surmulotto" ; rdfs:label " surmulotto_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36919suspensurae simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36919suspensurae is suspensurae" ; rdfs:label " suspensurae_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36920sutrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36920sutrino is sutrino" ; rdfs:label " sutrino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36921swaziland simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36921swaziland is swaziland" ; rdfs:label " swaziland_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36922sycon simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36922sycon is sycon" ; rdfs:label " sycon_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36923taberna simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36923taberna is taberna" ; rdfs:label " taberna_as_Building" . inds:USemTH36924tachifemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36924tachifemia is tachifemia" ; rdfs:label " tachifemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36925tachipnea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36925tachipnea is tachipnea" ; rdfs:label " tachipnea_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH36926tagikistan simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36926tagikistan is tagikistan" ; rdfs:label " tagikistan_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36927taiwan simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36927taiwan is taiwan" ; rdfs:label " taiwan_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36929taleggino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36929taleggino is taleggino" ; rdfs:label " taleggino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36930tanatofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36930tanatofobia is tanatofobia" ; rdfs:label " tanatofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36931tanatoprassia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36931tanatoprassia is tanatoprassia" ; rdfs:label " tanatoprassia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH36932tanzania simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36932tanzania is tanzania" ; rdfs:label " tanzania_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36934tarantolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36934tarantolismo is tarantolismo" ; rdfs:label " tarantolismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36935tarvisiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36935tarvisiano is tarvisiano" ; rdfs:label " tarvisiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36936teatino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36936teatino is teatino" ; rdfs:label " teatino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36937tecnosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36937tecnosfera is tecnosfera" ; rdfs:label " tecnosfera_as_Group" . inds:USemTH36947telite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36947telite is telite" ; rdfs:label " telite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36948telorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36948telorragia is telorragia" ; rdfs:label " telorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36950telson simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36950telson is telson" ; rdfs:label " telson_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH36951tempiese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36951tempiese is tempiese" ; rdfs:label " tempiese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36952tentredine simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36952tentredine is tentredine" ; rdfs:label " tentredine_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH36953tepee simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36953tepee is tepee" ; rdfs:label " tepee_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH36954tepidarium simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36954tepidarium is tepidarium" ; rdfs:label " tepidarium_as_Part" . inds:USemTH36955teramano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36955teramano is teramano" ; rdfs:label " teramano_as_People" . inds:USemTH36956teresino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36956teresino is teresino" ; rdfs:label " teresino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36957termofobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36957termofobia is termofobia" ; rdfs:label " termofobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36958termone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36958termone is termone" ; rdfs:label " termone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36959termosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36959termosfera is termosfera" ; rdfs:label " termosfera_as_Location" . inds:USemTH36960termostabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36960termostabilita1 is termostabilita'" ; rdfs:label " termostabilita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH36963tetrasporangio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36963tetrasporangio is tetrasporangio" ; rdfs:label " tetrasporangio_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH36965tholos simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36965tholos is tholos" ; rdfs:label " tholos_as_Building" . inds:USemTH36966tiberino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36966tiberino is tiberino" ; rdfs:label " tiberino_as_People" . inds:USemTH36969tifernate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36969tifernate is tifernate" ; rdfs:label " tifernate_as_People" . inds:USemTH36970tiflite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36970tiflite is tiflite" ; rdfs:label " tiflite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36972timpanite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36972timpanite is timpanite" ; rdfs:label " timpanite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36974timpanosclerosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36974timpanosclerosi is timpanosclerosi" ; rdfs:label " timpanosclerosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36975tiorba simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36975tiorba is tiorba" ; rdfs:label " tiorba_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH36976tiroxina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36976tiroxina is tiroxina" ; rdfs:label " tiroxina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36977tiroxinemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36977tiroxinemia is tiroxinemia" ; rdfs:label " tiroxinemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH36979tivolese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36979tivolese is tivolese" ; rdfs:label " tivolese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36980togo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36980togo is togo" ; rdfs:label " togo_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36981tolentinate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36981tolentinate is tolentinate" ; rdfs:label " tolentinate_as_People" . inds:USemTH36982tonga simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36982tonga is tonga" ; rdfs:label " tonga_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH36984topinambur simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36984topinambur is topinambur" ; rdfs:label " topinambur_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH36985topinambur simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36985topinambur is topinambur" ; rdfs:label " topinambur_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH36986topoagnosia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36986topoagnosia is topoagnosia" ; rdfs:label " topoagnosia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36987topoalgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36987topoalgia is topoalgia" ; rdfs:label " topoalgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36988toporagno simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36988toporagno is toporagno" ; rdfs:label " toporagno_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH36991torrese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36991torrese is torrese" ; rdfs:label " torrese_as_People" . inds:USemTH36994tossidermia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36994tossidermia is tossidermia" ; rdfs:label " tossidermia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36995tossiemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36995tossiemia is tossiemia" ; rdfs:label " tossiemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36996tossifobia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36996tossifobia is tossifobia" ; rdfs:label " tossifobia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH36997toxoplasma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36997toxoplasma is toxoplasma" ; rdfs:label " toxoplasma_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH36998trachino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36998trachino is trachino" ; rdfs:label " trachino_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH36999trailer simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH36999trailer is trailer" ; rdfs:label " trailer_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH37000tranese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37000tranese is tranese" ; rdfs:label " tranese_as_People" . inds:USemTH37003trapiantatoio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37003trapiantatoio is trapiantatoio" ; rdfs:label " trapiantatoio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37004traulismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37004traulismo is traulismo" ; rdfs:label " traulismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37005tremitese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37005tremitese is tremitese" ; rdfs:label " tremitese_as_People" . inds:USemTH37008trevigiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37008trevigiano is trevigiano" ; rdfs:label " trevigiano_as_People" . inds:USemTH37010triclinium simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37010triclinium is triclinium" ; rdfs:label " triclinium_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37011tricuspidite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37011tricuspidite is tricuspidite" ; rdfs:label " tricuspidite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37012tridacna simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37012tridacna is tridacna" ; rdfs:label " tridacna_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH37014trigliceridemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37014trigliceridemia is trigliceridemia" ; rdfs:label " trigliceridemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37015trigonite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37015trigonite is trigonite" ; rdfs:label " trigonite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37016trigonosomia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37016trigonosomia is trigonosomia" ; rdfs:label " trigonosomia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37017tripanosoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37017tripanosoma is tripanosoma" ; rdfs:label " tripanosoma_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH37019triplopia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37019triplopia is triplopia" ; rdfs:label " triplopia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37020tripsina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37020tripsina is tripsina" ; rdfs:label " tripsina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37021trocofora simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37021trocofora is trocofora" ; rdfs:label " trocofora_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH37023trombidiosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37023trombidiosi is trombidiosi" ; rdfs:label " trombidiosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37025trombocitemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37025trombocitemia is trombocitemia" ; rdfs:label " trombocitemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37026trombocito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37026trombocito is trombocito" ; rdfs:label " trombocito_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37027tromboembolia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37027tromboembolia is tromboembolia" ; rdfs:label " tromboembolia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37028trombogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37028trombogenesi is trombogenesi" ; rdfs:label " trombogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37030trombolisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37030trombolisi is trombolisi" ; rdfs:label " trombolisi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37031trombopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37031trombopatia is trombopatia" ; rdfs:label " trombopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37032tromboplastina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37032tromboplastina is tromboplastina" ; rdfs:label " tromboplastina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37033trombopoietina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37033trombopoietina is trombopoietina" ; rdfs:label " trombopoietina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37034trombozima simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37034trombozima is trombozima" ; rdfs:label " trombozima_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37035troposfera simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37035troposfera is troposfera" ; rdfs:label " troposfera_as_Location" . inds:USemTH37036trozza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37036trozza is trozza" ; rdfs:label " trozza_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37038tunicina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37038tunicina is tunicina" ; rdfs:label " tunicina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37041tuvalu simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37041tuvalu is tuvalu" ; rdfs:label " tuvalu_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH37043ulna simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37043ulna is ulna" ; rdfs:label " ulna_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH37045ureterite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37045ureterite is ureterite" ; rdfs:label " ureterite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37051uretrorragia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37051uretrorragia is uretrorragia" ; rdfs:label " uretrorragia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37056uretrotomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37056uretrotomo is uretrotomo" ; rdfs:label " uretrotomo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37057uricemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37057uricemia is uricemia" ; rdfs:label " uricemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37058uricolisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37058uricolisi is uricolisi" ; rdfs:label " uricolisi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37059uricopoiesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37059uricopoiesi is uricopoiesi" ; rdfs:label " uricopoiesi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37060uropodi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37060uropodi is uropodi" ; rdfs:label " uropodi_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH37063ustrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37063ustrina is ustrina" ; rdfs:label " ustrina_as_Location" . inds:USemTH37064ustrinum simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37064ustrinum is ustrinum" ; rdfs:label " ustrinum_as_Location" . inds:USemTH37065uteralgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37065uteralgia is uteralgia" ; rdfs:label " uteralgia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37067uzbekistan simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37067uzbekistan is uzbekistan" ; rdfs:label " uzbekistan_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH37068vaccinogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37068vaccinogenesi is vaccinogenesi" ; rdfs:label " vaccinogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37070vagotonina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37070vagotonina is vagotonina" ; rdfs:label " vagotonina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37071vagotoninemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37071vagotoninemia is vagotoninemia" ; rdfs:label " vagotoninemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37072valdobbiadenese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37072valdobbiadenese is valdobbiadenese" ; rdfs:label " valdobbiadenese_as_People" . inds:USemTH37073valduplavense simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37073valduplavense is valduplavense" ; rdfs:label " valduplavense_as_People" . inds:USemTH37074valerianella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37074valerianella is valerianella" ; rdfs:label " valerianella_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37076vanadocita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37076vanadocita is vanadocita" ; rdfs:label " vanadocita_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH37077vanuattu simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37077vanuattu is vanuattu" ; rdfs:label " vanuattu_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH37078varecchina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37078varecchina is varecchina" ; rdfs:label " varecchina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37079varechina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37079varechina is varechina" ; rdfs:label " varechina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37081vasopressina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37081vasopressina is vasopressina" ; rdfs:label " vasopressina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37082vasopressinemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37082vasopressinemia is vasopressinemia" ; rdfs:label " vasopressinemia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37083vegetalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37083vegetalismo is vegetalismo" ; rdfs:label " vegetalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37084veliger simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37084veliger is veliger" ; rdfs:label " veliger_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH37085velocimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37085velocimetro is velocimetro" ; rdfs:label " velocimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37086velum simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37086velum is velum" ; rdfs:label " velum_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH37087venereologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37087venereologia is venereologia" ; rdfs:label " venereologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37088ventricolite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37088ventricolite is ventricolite" ; rdfs:label " ventricolite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37089ventricologramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37089ventricologramma is ventricologramma" ; rdfs:label " ventricologramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37091verbanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37091verbanese is verbanese" ; rdfs:label " verbanese_as_People" . inds:USemTH37094versiliese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37094versiliese is versiliese" ; rdfs:label " versiliese_as_People" . inds:USemTH37096viacard simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37096viacard is viacard" ; rdfs:label " viacard_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH37097viareggino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37097viareggino is viareggino" ; rdfs:label " viareggino_as_People" . inds:USemTH37098vibonese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37098vibonese is vibonese" ; rdfs:label " vibonese_as_People" . inds:USemTH37099vicano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37099vicano is vicano" ; rdfs:label " vicano_as_People" . inds:USemTH37100vigevanese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37100vigevanese is vigevanese" ; rdfs:label " vigevanese_as_People" . inds:USemTH37101villese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37101villese is villese" ; rdfs:label " villese_as_People" . inds:USemTH37102violone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37102violone is violone" ; rdfs:label " violone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37103viridario simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37103viridario is viridario" ; rdfs:label " viridario_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH37104viterbese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37104viterbese is viterbese" ; rdfs:label " viterbese_as_People" . inds:USemTH37105vittoriese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37105vittoriese is vittoriese" ; rdfs:label " vittoriese_as_People" . inds:USemTH37106vittoriese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37106vittoriese is vittoriese" ; rdfs:label " vittoriese_as_People" . inds:USemTH37107vogherese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37107vogherese is vogherese" ; rdfs:label " vogherese_as_People" . inds:USemTH37108voloncino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37108voloncino is voloncino" ; rdfs:label " voloncino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37109volterrano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37109volterrano is volterrano" ; rdfs:label " volterrano_as_People" . inds:USemTH37110vombato simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37110vombato is vombato" ; rdfs:label " vombato_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH37111vomitoria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37111vomitoria is vomitoria" ; rdfs:label " vomitoria_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37112vorticella simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37112vorticella is vorticella" ; rdfs:label " vorticella_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH37113voyeur simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37113voyeur is voyeur" ; rdfs:label " voyeur_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37117xerorinia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37117xerorinia is xerorinia" ; rdfs:label " xerorinia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37118xifoforo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37118xifoforo is xifoforo" ; rdfs:label " xifoforo_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH37119xystos simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37119xystos is xystos" ; rdfs:label " xystos_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH37120yawl simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37120yawl is yawl" ; rdfs:label " yawl_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH37121zappetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37121zappetta is zappetta" ; rdfs:label " zappetta_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37122zoccolino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37122zoccolino is zoccolino" ; rdfs:label " zoccolino_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37123zoea simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37123zoea is zoea" ; rdfs:label " zoea_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH37124zooecologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37124zooecologia is zooecologia" ; rdfs:label " zooecologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37125Zooforo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37125Zooforo is Zooforo" ; rdfs:label " Zooforo_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH37126baggiana simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37126baggiana is baggiana" ; rdfs:label " baggiana_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37127bava simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37127bava is bava" ; rdfs:label " bava_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37128beata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37128beata is beata" ; rdfs:label " beata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37129beato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37129beato is beato" ; rdfs:label " beato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37131camomilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37131camomilla is camomilla" ; rdfs:label " camomilla_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH37135cartone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37135cartone is cartone" ; rdfs:label " cartone_as_Container" . inds:USemTH37137cartotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37137cartotecnica is cartotecnica" ; rdfs:label " cartotecnica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37138cavallino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37138cavallino is cavallino" ; rdfs:label " cavallino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37139cavallino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37139cavallino is cavallino" ; rdfs:label " cavallino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37141cenerone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37141cenerone is cenerone" ; rdfs:label " cenerone_as_Container" . inds:USemTH37142cenerone simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37142cenerone is cenerone" ; rdfs:label " cenerone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH37144chicane simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37144chicane is chicane" ; rdfs:label " chicane_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37145colta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37145colta is colta" ; rdfs:label " colta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37146commissionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37146commissionario is commissionario" ; rdfs:label " commissionario_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH37147condotto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37147condotto is condotto" ; rdfs:label " condotto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH37150corroborante simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37150corroborante is corroborante" ; rdfs:label " corroborante_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH37151cucchiaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37151cucchiaia is cucchiaia" ; rdfs:label " cucchiaia_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37152juventina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37152juventina is juventina" ; rdfs:label " juventina_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH37153juventino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37153juventino is juventino" ; rdfs:label " juventino_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH37154kit simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37154kit is kit" ; rdfs:label " kit_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37155abalieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37155abalieta1 is abalieta'" ; rdfs:label " abalieta'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH37156abecedariano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37156abecedariano is abecedariano" ; rdfs:label " abecedariano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH37157abracadabra simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37157abracadabra is abracadabra" ; rdfs:label " abracadabra_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH37158abramo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37158abramo is abramo" ; rdfs:label " abramo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37159abscissione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37159abscissione is abscissione" ; rdfs:label " abscissione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37160acantosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37160acantosi is acantosi" ; rdfs:label " acantosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37161accatiemmellista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37161accatiemmellista is accatiemmellista" ; rdfs:label " accatiemmellista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37162access simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37162access is access" ; rdfs:label " access_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37163acchiappavoti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37163acchiappavoti is acchiappavoti" ; rdfs:label " acchiappavoti_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37165acd simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37165acd is acd" ; rdfs:label " acd_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37166acdsee simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37166acdsee is acdsee" ; rdfs:label " acdsee_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37167acefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37167acefalo is acefalo" ; rdfs:label " acefalo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH37168acefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37168acefalo is acefalo" ; rdfs:label " acefalo_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH37169acervulo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37169acervulo is acervulo" ; rdfs:label " acervulo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH3716sovrascorrimentoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3716sovrascorrimentoN is sovrascorrimento" ; rdfs:label " sovrascorrimento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37170acetabolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37170acetabolo is acetabolo" ; rdfs:label " acetabolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH37171achenio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37171achenio is achenio" ; rdfs:label " achenio_as_Fruit" . inds:USemTH37172acheropita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37172acheropita is acheropita" ; rdfs:label " acheropita_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37173acquabar simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37173acquabar is acquabar" ; rdfs:label " acquabar_as_Building" . inds:USemTH37174acrobat simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37174acrobat is acrobat" ; rdfs:label " acrobat_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37175acromatopsia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37175acromatopsia is acromatopsia" ; rdfs:label " acromatopsia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37176acromia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37176acromia is acromia" ; rdfs:label " acromia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37177acrostico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37177acrostico is acrostico" ; rdfs:label " acrostico_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37178actinomicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37178actinomicosi is actinomicosi" ; rdfs:label " actinomicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37179activex simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37179activex is activex" ; rdfs:label " activex_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37180ada simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37180ada is ada" ; rdfs:label " ada_as_Language" . inds:USemTH37181ada simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37181ada is ada" ; rdfs:label " ada_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37183ades simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37183ades is ades" ; rdfs:label " ades_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37184adiafioriti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37184adiafioriti is adiafioriti" ; rdfs:label " adiafioriti_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH37185administrator simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37185administrator is administrator" ; rdfs:label " administrator_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37186adonai simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37186adonai is adonai" ; rdfs:label " adonai_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH37187adozianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37187adozianismo is adozianismo" ; rdfs:label " adozianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37189aeziani simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37189aeziani is aeziani" ; rdfs:label " aeziani_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH37190affittopoli simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37190affittopoli is affittopoli" ; rdfs:label " affittopoli_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37191afide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37191afide is afide" ; rdfs:label " afide_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH37192aftardoceti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37192aftardoceti is aftardoceti" ; rdfs:label " aftardoceti_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH37194agapete simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37194agapete is agapete" ; rdfs:label " agapete_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37195agar simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37195agar is agar" ; rdfs:label " agar_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37196aghifoglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37196aghifoglia is aghifoglia" ; rdfs:label " aghifoglia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37197agnocasto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37197agnocasto is agnocasto" ; rdfs:label " agnocasto_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37199agranulocitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37199agranulocitosi is agranulocitosi" ; rdfs:label " agranulocitosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37200agrimonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37200agrimonia is agrimonia" ; rdfs:label " agrimonia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37201aguglieria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37201aguglieria is aguglieria" ; rdfs:label " aguglieria_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37202ahimsa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37202ahimsa is ahimsa" ; rdfs:label " ahimsa_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH37203ailuromanzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37203ailuromanzia is ailuromanzia" ; rdfs:label " ailuromanzia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37204ajanta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37204ajanta is ajanta" ; rdfs:label " ajanta_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH37205ajna simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37205ajna is ajna" ; rdfs:label " ajna_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH37206alanina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37206alanina is alanina" ; rdfs:label " alanina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37207alato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37207alato is alato" ; rdfs:label " alato_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37208albigese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37208albigese is albigese" ; rdfs:label " albigese_as_People" . inds:USemTH37209albigese simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37209albigese is albigese" ; rdfs:label " albigese_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH37211alessandrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37211alessandrino is alessandrino" ; rdfs:label " alessandrino_as_People" . inds:USemTH37212alessandrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37212alessandrite is alessandrite" ; rdfs:label " alessandrite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37213alghicida simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37213alghicida is alghicida" ; rdfs:label " alghicida_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37214algol simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37214algol is algol" ; rdfs:label " algol_as_Language" . inds:USemTH37215allah simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37215allah is allah" ; rdfs:label " allah_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH37216allantoina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37216allantoina is allantoina" ; rdfs:label " allantoina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37217allegante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37217allegante is allegante" ; rdfs:label " allegante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH37218allegoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37218allegoria is allegoria" ; rdfs:label " allegoria_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37219allegorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37219allegorismo is allegorismo" ; rdfs:label " allegorismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37220allelopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37220allelopatia is allelopatia" ; rdfs:label " allelopatia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37222allupismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37222allupismo is allupismo" ; rdfs:label " allupismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37223almagesto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37223almagesto is almagesto" ; rdfs:label " almagesto_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37224almandino simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37224almandino is almandino" ; rdfs:label " almandino_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37225altea simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37225altea is altea" ; rdfs:label " altea_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37226altrovismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37226altrovismo is altrovismo" ; rdfs:label " altrovismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37227alumbrados simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37227alumbrados is alumbrados" ; rdfs:label " alumbrados_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH37228alzavola simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37228alzavola is alzavola" ; rdfs:label " alzavola_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37229amamelide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37229amamelide is amamelide" ; rdfs:label " amamelide_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH3722spallamentoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3722spallamentoN is spallamento" ; rdfs:label " spallamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37230amazzonite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37230amazzonite is amazzonite" ; rdfs:label " amazzonite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37231ambient simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37231ambient is ambient" ; rdfs:label " ambient_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37232amidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37232amidismo is amidismo" ; rdfs:label " amidismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37233ammendante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37233ammendante is ammendante" ; rdfs:label " ammendante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37234amok simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37234amok is amok" ; rdfs:label " amok_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37235anabolismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37235anabolismo is anabolismo" ; rdfs:label " anabolismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37236anacoluto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37236anacoluto is anacoluto" ; rdfs:label " anacoluto_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37237anacrusi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37237anacrusi is anacrusi" ; rdfs:label " anacrusi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37238anafrodisiaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37238anafrodisiaco is anafrodisiaco" ; rdfs:label " anafrodisiaco_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37239anahana simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37239anahana is anahana" ; rdfs:label " anahana_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH37240analemma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37240analemma is analemma" ; rdfs:label " analemma_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37241analettico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37241analettico is analettico" ; rdfs:label " analettico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37242anapana simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37242anapana is anapana" ; rdfs:label " anapana_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH37243anastrofe simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37243anastrofe is anastrofe" ; rdfs:label " anastrofe_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37244anchilostomiasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37244anchilostomiasi is anchilostomiasi" ; rdfs:label " anchilostomiasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37245andrea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37245andrea is andrea" ; rdfs:label " andrea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37246androceo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37246androceo is androceo" ; rdfs:label " androceo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37247androceo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37247androceo is androceo" ; rdfs:label " androceo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37248aneto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37248aneto is aneto" ; rdfs:label " aneto_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37250angelica simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37250angelica is angelica" ; rdfs:label " angelica_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37252angiosarcoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37252angiosarcoma is angiosarcoma" ; rdfs:label " angiosarcoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37254angiosperme simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37254angiosperme is angiosperme" ; rdfs:label " angiosperme_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37255anglicanesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37255anglicanesimo is anglicanesimo" ; rdfs:label " anglicanesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37256anguillula simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37256anguillula is anguillula" ; rdfs:label " anguillula_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH37257anidrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37257anidrite is anidrite" ; rdfs:label " anidrite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37258anisosillabismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37258anisosillabismo is anisosillabismo" ; rdfs:label " anisosillabismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37259anmo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37259anmo is anmo" ; rdfs:label " anmo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH37260anossiemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37260anossiemia is anossiemia" ; rdfs:label " anossiemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37261antera simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37261antera is antera" ; rdfs:label " antera_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37262anteridio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37262anteridio is anteridio" ; rdfs:label " anteridio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37263antesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37263antesi is antesi" ; rdfs:label " antesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37264antiacido simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37264antiacido is antiacido" ; rdfs:label " antiacido_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37265antiafrodisiaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37265antiafrodisiaco is antiafrodisiaco" ; rdfs:label " antiafrodisiaco_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37266antiaggregante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37266antiaggregante is antiaggregante" ; rdfs:label " antiaggregante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37267anticlimax simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37267anticlimax is anticlimax" ; rdfs:label " anticlimax_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37269antideflagrante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37269antideflagrante is antideflagrante" ; rdfs:label " antideflagrante_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37270antidiaforetico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37270antidiaforetico is antidiaforetico" ; rdfs:label " antidiaforetico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37271antidiarroico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37271antidiarroico is antidiarroico" ; rdfs:label " antidiarroico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37272antielmintico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37272antielmintico is antielmintico" ; rdfs:label " antielmintico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37273antiemetico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37273antiemetico is antiemetico" ; rdfs:label " antiemetico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37274antifermentativo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37274antifermentativo is antifermentativo" ; rdfs:label " antifermentativo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37275antiflogistico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37275antiflogistico is antiflogistico" ; rdfs:label " antiflogistico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37276antifrasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37276antifrasi is antifrasi" ; rdfs:label " antifrasi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37277antiginnastica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37277antiginnastica is antiginnastica" ; rdfs:label " antiginnastica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37278antigorite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37278antigorite is antigorite" ; rdfs:label " antigorite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37279antimicrobico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37279antimicrobico is antimicrobico" ; rdfs:label " antimicrobico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37280antimonio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37280antimonio is antimonio" ; rdfs:label " antimonio_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37281antimonite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37281antimonite is antimonite" ; rdfs:label " antimonite_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37282antischiuma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37282antischiuma is antischiuma" ; rdfs:label " antischiuma_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37283antiscorbutico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37283antiscorbutico is antiscorbutico" ; rdfs:label " antiscorbutico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37284antisiero simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37284antisiero is antisiero" ; rdfs:label " antisiero_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37285antispasmodico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37285antispasmodico is antispasmodico" ; rdfs:label " antispasmodico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37286antistrofe simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37286antistrofe is antistrofe" ; rdfs:label " antistrofe_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37287antiurico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37287antiurico is antiurico" ; rdfs:label " antiurico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37288antocianina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37288antocianina is antocianina" ; rdfs:label " antocianina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37289antofillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37289antofillo is antofillo" ; rdfs:label " antofillo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37290antropomanzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37290antropomanzia is antropomanzia" ; rdfs:label " antropomanzia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37291antropometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37291antropometria is antropometria" ; rdfs:label " antropometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37292antropozoico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37292antropozoico is antropozoico" ; rdfs:label " antropozoico_as_Time" . inds:USemTH37293apache simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37293apache is apache" ; rdfs:label " apache_as_People" . inds:USemTH37294apetale simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37294apetale is apetale" ; rdfs:label " apetale_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37295apocatastasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37295apocatastasi is apocatastasi" ; rdfs:label " apocatastasi_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37296apollinarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37296apollinarismo is apollinarismo" ; rdfs:label " apollinarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37297apotecio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37297apotecio is apotecio" ; rdfs:label " apotecio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37298ara simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37298ara is ara" ; rdfs:label " ara_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH37300aracnide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37300aracnide is aracnide" ; rdfs:label " aracnide_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH37301aracnomanzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37301aracnomanzia is aracnomanzia" ; rdfs:label " aracnomanzia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37302archeobatterio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37302archeobatterio is archeobatterio" ; rdfs:label " archeobatterio_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH37303archimede simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37303archimede is archimede" ; rdfs:label " archimede_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37304archipendolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37304archipendolo is archipendolo" ; rdfs:label " archipendolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37305areopago simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37305areopago is areopago" ; rdfs:label " areopago_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH37306argirismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37306argirismo is argirismo" ; rdfs:label " argirismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37307arillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37307arillo is arillo" ; rdfs:label " arillo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37308aristolochia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37308aristolochia is aristolochia" ; rdfs:label " aristolochia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37309aristotele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37309aristotele is aristotele" ; rdfs:label " aristotele_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37310armadietto simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37310armadietto is armadietto" ; rdfs:label " armadietto_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH37311arminianesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37311arminianesimo is arminianesimo" ; rdfs:label " arminianesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37312arnica simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37312arnica is arnica" ; rdfs:label " arnica_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37315aruspicina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37315aruspicina is aruspicina" ; rdfs:label " aruspicina_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37316ascii simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37316ascii is ascii" ; rdfs:label " ascii_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH37317asco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37317asco is asco" ; rdfs:label " asco_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37318ascocarpo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37318ascocarpo is ascocarpo" ; rdfs:label " ascocarpo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37319ascospora simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37319ascospora is ascospora" ; rdfs:label " ascospora_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH37320asindeto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37320asindeto is asindeto" ; rdfs:label " asindeto_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37321assembler simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37321assembler is assembler" ; rdfs:label " assembler_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37322assiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37322assiolo is assiolo" ; rdfs:label " assiolo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37323assorbenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37323assorbenza is assorbenza" ; rdfs:label " assorbenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH37325astragalomanzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37325astragalomanzia is astragalomanzia" ; rdfs:label " astragalomanzia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37326atanor simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37326atanor is atanor" ; rdfs:label " atanor_as_Container" . inds:USemTH37327atlantide simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37327atlantide is atlantide" ; rdfs:label " atlantide_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH37328attinomicete simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37328attinomicete is attinomicete" ; rdfs:label " attinomicete_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH37330audiogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37330audiogramma is audiogramma" ; rdfs:label " audiogramma_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37333augure simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37333augure is augure" ; rdfs:label " augure_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH37334auricolomedicina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37334auricolomedicina is auricolomedicina" ; rdfs:label " auricolomedicina_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37335ausonio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37335ausonio is ausonio" ; rdfs:label " ausonio_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37336austorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37336austorio is austorio" ; rdfs:label " austorio_as_Container" . inds:USemTH37337austorio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37337austorio is austorio" ; rdfs:label " austorio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37338austro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37338austro is austro" ; rdfs:label " austro_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37339autoaccensione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37339autoaccensione is autoaccensione" ; rdfs:label " autoaccensione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37346autoresponder simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37346autoresponder is autoresponder" ; rdfs:label " autoresponder_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37347auxina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37347auxina is auxina" ; rdfs:label " auxina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37348avatara simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37348avatara is avatara" ; rdfs:label " avatara_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37349averno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37349averno is averno" ; rdfs:label " averno_as_Location" . inds:USemTH37350avventurina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37350avventurina is avventurina" ; rdfs:label " avventurina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37351ayurveda simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37351ayurveda is ayurveda" ; rdfs:label " ayurveda_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37352azzimo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37352azzimo is azzimo" ; rdfs:label " azzimo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH37353azzurrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37353azzurrite is azzurrite" ; rdfs:label " azzurrite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37354B simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37354B is B" ; rdfs:label " B_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH37355backslash simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37355backslash is backslash" ; rdfs:label " backslash_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH37356backstage simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37356backstage is backstage" ; rdfs:label " backstage_as_Location" . inds:USemTH37357bagassa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37357bagassa is bagassa" ; rdfs:label " bagassa_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37358bahaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37358bahaismo is bahaismo" ; rdfs:label " bahaismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37359balestruccio simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37359balestruccio is balestruccio" ; rdfs:label " balestruccio_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37360balsamico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37360balsamico is balsamico" ; rdfs:label " balsamico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37361balsa simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37361balsa is balsa" ; rdfs:label " balsa_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH37362balsa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37362balsa is balsa" ; rdfs:label " balsa_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37363bancomat simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37363bancomat is bancomat" ; rdfs:label " bancomat_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37364bancomat simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37364bancomat is bancomat" ; rdfs:label " bancomat_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37365bancomat simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37365bancomat is bancomat" ; rdfs:label " bancomat_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH37367banner simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37367banner is banner" ; rdfs:label " banner_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37368barbara simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37368barbara is barbara" ; rdfs:label " barbara_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37369barbatella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37369barbatella is barbatella" ; rdfs:label " barbatella_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37370bardana simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37370bardana is bardana" ; rdfs:label " bardana_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37371basettino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37371basettino is basettino" ; rdfs:label " basettino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37372basic simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37372basic is basic" ; rdfs:label " basic_as_Language" . inds:USemTH37373basidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37373basidio is basidio" ; rdfs:label " basidio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37374basidiomicete simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37374basidiomicete is basidiomicete" ; rdfs:label " basidiomicete_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH37375basidiospora simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37375basidiospora is basidiospora" ; rdfs:label " basidiospora_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH37376batch simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37376batch is batch" ; rdfs:label " batch_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37377batteriosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37377batteriosi is batteriosi" ; rdfs:label " batteriosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37378battista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37378battista is battista" ; rdfs:label " battista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH37379battista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37379battista is battista" ; rdfs:label " battista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37381baudizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37381baudizzazione is baudizzazione" ; rdfs:label " baudizzazione_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH37382beccamoschino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37382beccamoschino is beccamoschino" ; rdfs:label " beccamoschino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37383beccapesci simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37383beccapesci is beccapesci" ; rdfs:label " beccapesci_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37384beccofrusone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37384beccofrusone is beccofrusone" ; rdfs:label " beccofrusone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37385bechico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37385bechico is bechico" ; rdfs:label " bechico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37387benaltrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37387benaltrismo is benaltrismo" ; rdfs:label " benaltrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37388berenice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37388berenice is berenice" ; rdfs:label " berenice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37389berillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37389berillo is berillo" ; rdfs:label " berillo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37390berluschino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37390berluschino is berluschino" ; rdfs:label " berluschino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37391berlusconide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37391berlusconide is berlusconide" ; rdfs:label " berlusconide_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37392berlusconismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37392berlusconismo is berlusconismo" ; rdfs:label " berlusconismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37393bertinottiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37393bertinottiano is bertinottiano" ; rdfs:label " bertinottiano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37394bibitone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37394bibitone is bibitone" ; rdfs:label " bibitone_as_Drink" . inds:USemTH37395bicameralista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37395bicameralista is bicameralista" ; rdfs:label " bicameralista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37396bigiarella simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37396bigiarella is bigiarella" ; rdfs:label " bigiarella_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37397biker simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37397biker is biker" ; rdfs:label " biker_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37398biodanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37398biodanza is biodanza" ; rdfs:label " biodanza_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37399biodiesel simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37399biodiesel is biodiesel" ; rdfs:label " biodiesel_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37400bioenergetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37400bioenergetica is bioenergetica" ; rdfs:label " bioenergetica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37401bioenergia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37401bioenergia is bioenergia" ; rdfs:label " bioenergia_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH37402biofeedback simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37402biofeedback is biofeedback" ; rdfs:label " biofeedback_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37403biomassa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37403biomassa is biomassa" ; rdfs:label " biomassa_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37404biomeccanica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37404biomeccanica is biomeccanica" ; rdfs:label " biomeccanica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37405biondella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37405biondella is biondella" ; rdfs:label " biondella_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37406bionica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37406bionica is bionica" ; rdfs:label " bionica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37407bionica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37407bionica is bionica" ; rdfs:label " bionica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH37408bionico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37408bionico is bionico" ; rdfs:label " bionico_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH37409bios simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37409bios is bios" ; rdfs:label " bios_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37410biosatellite simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37410biosatellite is biosatellite" ; rdfs:label " biosatellite_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH37411biosensore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37411biosensore is biosensore" ; rdfs:label " biosensore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37413biotecnologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37413biotecnologia is biotecnologia" ; rdfs:label " biotecnologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37414biotipo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37414biotipo is biotipo" ; rdfs:label " biotipo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37415biotite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37415biotite is biotite" ; rdfs:label " biotite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37418bisarchista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37418bisarchista is bisarchista" ; rdfs:label " bisarchista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH37419bisello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37419bisello is bisello" ; rdfs:label " bisello_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37420bitmap simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37420bitmap is bitmap" ; rdfs:label " bitmap_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH37421bitnet simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37421bitnet is bitnet" ; rdfs:label " bitnet_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37422blending simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37422blending is blending" ; rdfs:label " blending_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37424blogger simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37424blogger is blogger" ; rdfs:label " blogger_as_Location" . inds:USemTH37425board simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37425board is board" ; rdfs:label " board_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH37426boc simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37426boc is boc" ; rdfs:label " boc_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH37427bodhisattva simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37427bodhisattva is bodhisattva" ; rdfs:label " bodhisattva_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37428bonazza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37428bonazza is bonazza" ; rdfs:label " bonazza_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37430bone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37430bone is bone" ; rdfs:label " bone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37431book simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37431book is book" ; rdfs:label " book_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH37432bookmark simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37432bookmark is bookmark" ; rdfs:label " bookmark_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH37433bor simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37433bor is bor" ; rdfs:label " bor_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH37434borlanda simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37434borlanda is borlanda" ; rdfs:label " borlanda_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37435borra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37435borra is borra" ; rdfs:label " borra_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37436borra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37436borra is borra" ; rdfs:label " borra_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37437borra simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37437borra is borra" ; rdfs:label " borra_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37438borra simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37438borra is borra" ; rdfs:label " borra_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37439bostik simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37439bostik is bostik" ; rdfs:label " bostik_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37440bostrichide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37440bostrichide is bostrichide" ; rdfs:label " bostrichide_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37441bostrico simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37441bostrico is bostrico" ; rdfs:label " bostrico_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37442bottom simple:hasIsa inds:USem2670numero ; a simple:Number, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37442bottom is bottom" ; rdfs:label " bottom_as_Number" . inds:USemTH37443brachiblasto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37443brachiblasto is brachiblasto" ; rdfs:label " brachiblasto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37444brahmanesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37444brahmanesimo is brahmanesimo" ; rdfs:label " brahmanesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37445brainstorming simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37445brainstorming is brainstorming" ; rdfs:label " brainstorming_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37446brattea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37446brattea is brattea" ; rdfs:label " brattea_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37447brattea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37447brattea is brattea" ; rdfs:label " brattea_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH37448brindillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37448brindillo is brindillo" ; rdfs:label " brindillo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37450brusone simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37450brusone is brusone" ; rdfs:label " brusone_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37451buddha simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37451buddha is buddha" ; rdfs:label " buddha_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37452buddha simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37452buddha is buddha" ; rdfs:label " buddha_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH37453buffer simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37453buffer is buffer" ; rdfs:label " buffer_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37454buffering simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37454buffering is buffering" ; rdfs:label " buffering_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37455bufferizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37455bufferizzazione is bufferizzazione" ; rdfs:label " bufferizzazione_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37456bugiardino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37456bugiardino is bugiardino" ; rdfs:label " bugiardino_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37457bulbillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37457bulbillo is bulbillo" ; rdfs:label " bulbillo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37459bundle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37459bundle is bundle" ; rdfs:label " bundle_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37460buonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37460buonista is buonista" ; rdfs:label " buonista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37461butano simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37461butano is butano" ; rdfs:label " butano_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37462buzzer simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37462buzzer is buzzer" ; rdfs:label " buzzer_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37463caduceo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37463caduceo is caduceo" ; rdfs:label " caduceo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37464caduceo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37464caduceo is caduceo" ; rdfs:label " caduceo_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37466calandra simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37466calandra is calandra" ; rdfs:label " calandra_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37467calandra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37467calandra is calandra" ; rdfs:label " calandra_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37468calandra simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37468calandra is calandra" ; rdfs:label " calandra_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37469calandro simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37469calandro is calandro" ; rdfs:label " calandro_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37470calcite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37470calcite is calcite" ; rdfs:label " calcite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37471calendula simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37471calendula is calendula" ; rdfs:label " calendula_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37472callosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37472callosita1 is callosita'" ; rdfs:label " callosita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37473callosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37473callosita1 is callosita'" ; rdfs:label " callosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH37475camgirl simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37475camgirl is camgirl" ; rdfs:label " camgirl_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37476camillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37476camillo is camillo" ; rdfs:label " camillo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37477canapiglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37477canapiglia is canapiglia" ; rdfs:label " canapiglia_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37478candelora simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37478candelora is candelora" ; rdfs:label " candelora_as_Time" . inds:USemTH37479candidiasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37479candidiasi is candidiasi" ; rdfs:label " candidiasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37480cannaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37480cannaiola is cannaiola" ; rdfs:label " cannaiola_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37481cannete2 simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37481cannete2 is cannete'" ; rdfs:label " cannete'_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH37482cannotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37482cannotto is cannotto" ; rdfs:label " cannotto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37483canossa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37483canossa is canossa" ; rdfs:label " canossa_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH37484canterbury simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37484canterbury is canterbury" ; rdfs:label " canterbury_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH37485canyoning simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37485canyoning is canyoning" ; rdfs:label " canyoning_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37486capocorda simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37486capocorda is capocorda" ; rdfs:label " capocorda_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37487cappellaccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37487cappellaccia is cappellaccia" ; rdfs:label " cappellaccia_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37488cardamomo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37488cardamomo is cardamomo" ; rdfs:label " cardamomo_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37489cardiotonico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37489cardiotonico is cardiotonico" ; rdfs:label " cardiotonico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37493carminativo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37493carminativo is carminativo" ; rdfs:label " carminativo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37494carrier simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37494carrier is carrier" ; rdfs:label " carrier_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH37495cartesio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37495cartesio is cartesio" ; rdfs:label " cartesio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37496cashmere simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37496cashmere is cashmere" ; rdfs:label " cashmere_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH37497catecumenato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37497catecumenato is catecumenato" ; rdfs:label " catecumenato_as_Time" . inds:USemTH37498catenaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37498catenaria is catenaria" ; rdfs:label " catenaria_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH37500catottromanzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37500catottromanzia is catottromanzia" ; rdfs:label " catottromanzia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37502cedrina simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37502cedrina is cedrina" ; rdfs:label " cedrina_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37503cenotafio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37503cenotafio is cenotafio" ; rdfs:label " cenotafio_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH37504cerchiobottista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37504cerchiobottista is cerchiobottista" ; rdfs:label " cerchiobottista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37505cespuglista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37505cespuglista is cespuglista" ; rdfs:label " cespuglista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37506chakra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37506chakra is chakra" ; rdfs:label " chakra_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37508chatline simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37508chatline is chatline" ; rdfs:label " chatline_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37509checkbox simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37509checkbox is checkbox" ; rdfs:label " checkbox_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37510chelidonia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37510chelidonia is chelidonia" ; rdfs:label " chelidonia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37511cheratosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37511cheratosi is cheratosi" ; rdfs:label " cheratosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37512chiamante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37512chiamante is chiamante" ; rdfs:label " chiamante_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37513chiliasmo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37513chiliasmo is chiliasmo" ; rdfs:label " chiliasmo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37514chinesiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37514chinesiologia is chinesiologia" ; rdfs:label " chinesiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37515chipset simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37515chipset is chipset" ; rdfs:label " chipset_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37516cianite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37516cianite is cianite" ; rdfs:label " cianite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37517cinciarella simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37517cinciarella is cinciarella" ; rdfs:label " cinciarella_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37518cincinnato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37518cincinnato is cincinnato" ; rdfs:label " cincinnato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37519cinetecario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37519cinetecario is cinetecario" ; rdfs:label " cinetecario_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH37520cirillico simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37520cirillico is cirillico" ; rdfs:label " cirillico_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH37521cleptocrazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37521cleptocrazia is cleptocrazia" ; rdfs:label " cleptocrazia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37522clintoniano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37522clintoniano is clintoniano" ; rdfs:label " clintoniano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37523clintonite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37523clintonite is clintonite" ; rdfs:label " clintonite_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37524clipart simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37524clipart is clipart" ; rdfs:label " clipart_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37525clipboard simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37525clipboard is clipboard" ; rdfs:label " clipboard_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37527cloracne simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37527cloracne is cloracne" ; rdfs:label " cloracne_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37528cluster simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37528cluster is cluster" ; rdfs:label " cluster_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37529coalescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37529coalescenza is coalescenza" ; rdfs:label " coalescenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37531coalescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37531coalescenza is coalescenza" ; rdfs:label " coalescenza_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37533cobol simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37533cobol is cobol" ; rdfs:label " cobol_as_Language" . inds:USemTH37534codibugnolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37534codibugnolo is codibugnolo" ; rdfs:label " codibugnolo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37535codirosso simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37535codirosso is codirosso" ; rdfs:label " codirosso_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37536coleretico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37536coleretico is coleretico" ; rdfs:label " coleretico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37537collagene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37537collagene is collagene" ; rdfs:label " collagene_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37538collorosso simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37538collorosso is collorosso" ; rdfs:label " collorosso_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37539compact simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37539compact is compact" ; rdfs:label " compact_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH37540compact simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37540compact is compact" ; rdfs:label " compact_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37541compatibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37541compatibilita1 is compatibilita'" ; rdfs:label " compatibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH37542compatibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37542compatibilita1 is compatibilita'" ; rdfs:label " compatibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH37543compatta simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37543compatta is compatta" ; rdfs:label " compatta_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH37545compufonino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37545compufonino is compufonino" ; rdfs:label " compufonino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37546conduttivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37546conduttivita1 is conduttivita'" ; rdfs:label " conduttivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH37548consolida simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37548consolida is consolida" ; rdfs:label " consolida_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37549content simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37549content is content" ; rdfs:label " content_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37550cookie simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37550cookie is cookie" ; rdfs:label " cookie_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37551copiglia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37551copiglia is copiglia" ; rdfs:label " copiglia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37552copyleft simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37552copyleft is copyleft" ; rdfs:label " copyleft_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH37553cordierite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37553cordierite is cordierite" ; rdfs:label " cordierite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37554corindone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37554corindone is corindone" ; rdfs:label " corindone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37555costituentista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37555costituentista is costituentista" ; rdfs:label " costituentista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37556coturnice simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37556coturnice is coturnice" ; rdfs:label " coturnice_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37557counselling simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37557counselling is counselling" ; rdfs:label " counselling_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH37559cracker simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37559cracker is cracker" ; rdfs:label " cracker_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH37560cracker simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37560cracker is cracker" ; rdfs:label " cracker_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37561cracker simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37561cracker is cracker" ; rdfs:label " cracker_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37562cravattaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37562cravattaro is cravattaro" ; rdfs:label " cravattaro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37563craxino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37563craxino is craxino" ; rdfs:label " craxino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37564crespino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37564crespino is crespino" ; rdfs:label " crespino_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37566criocauterio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37566criocauterio is criocauterio" ; rdfs:label " criocauterio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37567crioelettronica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37567crioelettronica is crioelettronica" ; rdfs:label " crioelettronica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37568crioelettrotecnica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37568crioelettrotecnica is crioelettrotecnica" ; rdfs:label " crioelettrotecnica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37569crioidrato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37569crioidrato is crioidrato" ; rdfs:label " crioidrato_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37570criolite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37570criolite is criolite" ; rdfs:label " criolite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37571criopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37571criopatia is criopatia" ; rdfs:label " criopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37572criostato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37572criostato is criostato" ; rdfs:label " criostato_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37573cripto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37573cripto is cripto" ; rdfs:label " cripto_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37574criptoestesia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37574criptoestesia is criptoestesia" ; rdfs:label " criptoestesia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37575criptonimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37575criptonimo is criptonimo" ; rdfs:label " criptonimo_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37576criptorchide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37576criptorchide is criptorchide" ; rdfs:label " criptorchide_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37577criptorchidia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37577criptorchidia is criptorchidia" ; rdfs:label " criptorchidia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37578criptorchidismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37578criptorchidismo is criptorchidismo" ; rdfs:label " criptorchidismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37579crisoberillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37579crisoberillo is crisoberillo" ; rdfs:label " crisoberillo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37580crisocolla simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37580crisocolla is crisocolla" ; rdfs:label " crisocolla_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37581crisoprasio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37581crisoprasio is crisoprasio" ; rdfs:label " crisoprasio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37582crisotilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37582crisotilo is crisotilo" ; rdfs:label " crisotilo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37584crittazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37584crittazione is crittazione" ; rdfs:label " crittazione_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37585croccolone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37585croccolone is croccolone" ; rdfs:label " croccolone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37588cronoscopio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37588cronoscopio is cronoscopio" ; rdfs:label " cronoscopio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37590croquet simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37590croquet is croquet" ; rdfs:label " croquet_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37591crossarco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37591crossarco is crossarco" ; rdfs:label " crossarco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH37592crossdromo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37592crossdromo is crossdromo" ; rdfs:label " crossdromo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH37593crossodromo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37593crossodromo is crossodromo" ; rdfs:label " crossodromo_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH37595crotalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37595crotalo is crotalo" ; rdfs:label " crotalo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH37596croton simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37596croton is croton" ; rdfs:label " croton_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37597crotone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37597crotone is crotone" ; rdfs:label " crotone_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37598crotone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37598crotone is crotone" ; rdfs:label " crotone_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH37599culbianco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37599culbianco is culbianco" ; rdfs:label " culbianco_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37600cybernauta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37600cybernauta is cybernauta" ; rdfs:label " cybernauta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37602database simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37602database is database" ; rdfs:label " database_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37603datagramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37603datagramma is datagramma" ; rdfs:label " datagramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37607decoder simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37607decoder is decoder" ; rdfs:label " decoder_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37608decretale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37608decretale is decretale" ; rdfs:label " decretale_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37609default simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37609default is default" ; rdfs:label " default_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH37610defelicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37610defelicismo is defelicismo" ; rdfs:label " defelicismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37611deissi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37611deissi is deissi" ; rdfs:label " deissi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37613dengue simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37613dengue is dengue" ; rdfs:label " dengue_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37614densita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37614densita1 is densita'" ; rdfs:label " densita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH37616depurativo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37616depurativo is depurativo" ; rdfs:label " depurativo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37617dermascheletro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37617dermascheletro is dermascheletro" ; rdfs:label " dermascheletro_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH37618dermatomicosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37618dermatomicosi is dermatomicosi" ; rdfs:label " dermatomicosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37619dermite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37619dermite is dermite" ; rdfs:label " dermite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37621desk simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37621desk is desk" ; rdfs:label " desk_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37622deuteromicete simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37622deuteromicete is deuteromicete" ; rdfs:label " deuteromicete_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH37623deuteronomio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37623deuteronomio is deuteronomio" ; rdfs:label " deuteronomio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37624dharma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37624dharma is dharma" ; rdfs:label " dharma_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37625diafora simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37625diafora is diafora" ; rdfs:label " diafora_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37626diaforetico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37626diaforetico is diaforetico" ; rdfs:label " diaforetico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37627dialefe simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37627dialefe is dialefe" ; rdfs:label " dialefe_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37628diallage simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37628diallage is diallage" ; rdfs:label " diallage_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37629dianetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37629dianetica is dianetica" ; rdfs:label " dianetica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37630diapausa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37630diapausa is diapausa" ; rdfs:label " diapausa_as_Time" . inds:USemTH37631dicotiledone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37631dicotiledone is dicotiledone" ; rdfs:label " dicotiledone_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37632digit simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37632digit is digit" ; rdfs:label " digit_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37634diopside simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37634diopside is diopside" ; rdfs:label " diopside_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37635dioscuri simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37635dioscuri is dioscuri" ; rdfs:label " dioscuri_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37636diottra simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37636diottra is diottra" ; rdfs:label " diottra_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37637dipietrese simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37637dipietrese is dipietrese" ; rdfs:label " dipietrese_as_Language" . inds:USemTH37638dipietrino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37638dipietrino is dipietrino" ; rdfs:label " dipietrino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH37639dipietrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37639dipietrismo is dipietrismo" ; rdfs:label " dipietrismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37640discobar simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37640discobar is discobar" ; rdfs:label " discobar_as_Building" . inds:USemTH37641discopub simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37641discopub is discopub" ; rdfs:label " discopub_as_Building" . inds:USemTH37643discromatopsia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37643discromatopsia is discromatopsia" ; rdfs:label " discromatopsia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37644disfemismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37644disfemismo is disfemismo" ; rdfs:label " disfemismo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37645disidrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37645disidrosi is disidrosi" ; rdfs:label " disidrosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37646dismenorrea simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37646dismenorrea is dismenorrea" ; rdfs:label " dismenorrea_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37647dispenser simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37647dispenser is dispenser" ; rdfs:label " dispenser_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37649dissenteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37649dissenteria is dissenteria" ; rdfs:label " dissenteria_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37650distene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37650distene is distene" ; rdfs:label " distene_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37651distico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37651distico is distico" ; rdfs:label " distico_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37653dittero simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37653dittero is dittero" ; rdfs:label " dittero_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH37654dodecasillabo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37654dodecasillabo is dodecasillabo" ; rdfs:label " dodecasillabo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37655doorpage simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37655doorpage is doorpage" ; rdfs:label " doorpage_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37656doppiopesista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37656doppiopesista is doppiopesista" ; rdfs:label " doppiopesista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37657doppioturnista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37657doppioturnista is doppioturnista" ; rdfs:label " doppioturnista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37661doxomania simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37661doxomania is doxomania" ; rdfs:label " doxomania_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37662drive simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37662drive is drive" ; rdfs:label " drive_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37663driver simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37663driver is driver" ; rdfs:label " driver_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH37664driver simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37664driver is driver" ; rdfs:label " driver_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH37665driver simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37665driver is driver" ; rdfs:label " driver_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37666driver simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37666driver is driver" ; rdfs:label " driver_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37668drosera simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37668drosera is drosera" ; rdfs:label " drosera_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37669drusa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37669drusa is drusa" ; rdfs:label " drusa_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37670druso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37670druso is druso" ; rdfs:label " druso_as_People" . inds:USemTH37671dulcamara simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37671dulcamara is dulcamara" ; rdfs:label " dulcamara_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37673durabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37673durabilita1 is durabilita'" ; rdfs:label " durabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH37674durame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37674durame is durame" ; rdfs:label " durame_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37675duvet simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37675duvet is duvet" ; rdfs:label " duvet_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH37676ebbio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37676ebbio is ebbio" ; rdfs:label " ebbio_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37677ecclesiaste simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37677ecclesiaste is ecclesiaste" ; rdfs:label " ecclesiaste_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37678ecclesiaste simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37678ecclesiaste is ecclesiaste" ; rdfs:label " ecclesiaste_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37679ecdotica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37679ecdotica is ecdotica" ; rdfs:label " ecdotica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37680ecidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37680ecidio is ecidio" ; rdfs:label " ecidio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37681ecocardiogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37681ecocardiogramma is ecocardiogramma" ; rdfs:label " ecocardiogramma_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37682ecogenetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37682ecogenetica is ecogenetica" ; rdfs:label " ecogenetica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37683ecomafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37683ecomafia is ecomafia" ; rdfs:label " ecomafia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37684ecotassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37684ecotassa is ecotassa" ; rdfs:label " ecotassa_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH37685ecoturismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37685ecoturismo is ecoturismo" ; rdfs:label " ecoturismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37686ectoparassita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37686ectoparassita is ectoparassita" ; rdfs:label " ectoparassita_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH37687ecumenismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37687ecumenismo is ecumenismo" ; rdfs:label " ecumenismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37688edredone simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37688edredone is edredone" ; rdfs:label " edredone_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37689efesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37689efesia is efesia" ; rdfs:label " efesia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37690elateride simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37690elateride is elateride" ; rdfs:label " elateride_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37691electron simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37691electron is electron" ; rdfs:label " electron_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH37692elektron simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37692elektron is elektron" ; rdfs:label " elektron_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH37693elena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37693elena is elena" ; rdfs:label " elena_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37694elettrovalvola simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37694elettrovalvola is elettrovalvola" ; rdfs:label " elettrovalvola_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37695eliotropio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37695eliotropio is eliotropio" ; rdfs:label " eliotropio_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37696elisa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37696elisa is elisa" ; rdfs:label " elisa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37697elisio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37697elisio is elisio" ; rdfs:label " elisio_as_Location" . inds:USemTH37698elitra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37698elitra is elitra" ; rdfs:label " elitra_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH37699ellissi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37699ellissi is ellissi" ; rdfs:label " ellissi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37700email simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37700email is email" ; rdfs:label " email_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37701emazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37701emazia is emazia" ; rdfs:label " emazia_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH37702embriofillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37702embriofillo is embriofillo" ; rdfs:label " embriofillo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37703emittero simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37703emittero is emittero" ; rdfs:label " emittero_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH37704emolinfa simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37704emolinfa is emolinfa" ; rdfs:label " emolinfa_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37705emulsionante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37705emulsionante is emulsionante" ; rdfs:label " emulsionante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37706enallage simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37706enallage is enallage" ; rdfs:label " enallage_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37707enantiopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37707enantiopatia is enantiopatia" ; rdfs:label " enantiopatia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37708endemia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37708endemia is endemia" ; rdfs:label " endemia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37709endiadi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37709endiadi is endiadi" ; rdfs:label " endiadi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37710endocarpo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37710endocarpo is endocarpo" ; rdfs:label " endocarpo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37711endofita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37711endofita is endofita" ; rdfs:label " endofita_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH37712endoparassita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37712endoparassita is endoparassita" ; rdfs:label " endoparassita_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH37713endosperma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37713endosperma is endosperma" ; rdfs:label " endosperma_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37714endotossima simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37714endotossima is endotossima" ; rdfs:label " endotossima_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37715enjambement simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37715enjambement is enjambement" ; rdfs:label " enjambement_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37716enneade simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37716enneade is enneade" ; rdfs:label " enneade_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37717enoteismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37717enoteismo is enoteismo" ; rdfs:label " enoteismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37718entomofago simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37718entomofago is entomofago" ; rdfs:label " entomofago_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH37719entomologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37719entomologia is entomologia" ; rdfs:label " entomologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37720eone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37720eone is eone" ; rdfs:label " eone_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH37721epanalessi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37721epanalessi is epanalessi" ; rdfs:label " epanalessi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37722epanodo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37722epanodo is epanodo" ; rdfs:label " epanodo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37723epanortosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37723epanortosi is epanortosi" ; rdfs:label " epanortosi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37724epicarpo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37724epicarpo is epicarpo" ; rdfs:label " epicarpo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37725epicondilite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37725epicondilite is epicondilite" ; rdfs:label " epicondilite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37726epicotile simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37726epicotile is epicotile" ; rdfs:label " epicotile_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37727epifita simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37727epifita is epifita" ; rdfs:label " epifita_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37728epifitia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37728epifitia is epifitia" ; rdfs:label " epifitia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37729epifonema simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37729epifonema is epifonema" ; rdfs:label " epifonema_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37730epifora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37730epifora is epifora" ; rdfs:label " epifora_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37731epifora simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37731epifora is epifora" ; rdfs:label " epifora_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37732epigeo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37732epigeo is epigeo" ; rdfs:label " epigeo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37733epilobio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37733epilobio is epilobio" ; rdfs:label " epilobio_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37734episinalefe simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37734episinalefe is episinalefe" ; rdfs:label " episinalefe_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37735epistrofe simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37735epistrofe is epistrofe" ; rdfs:label " epistrofe_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37736epizoo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37736epizoo is epizoo" ; rdfs:label " epizoo_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH37737epizoozia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37737epizoozia is epizoozia" ; rdfs:label " epizoozia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37738equiseto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37738equiseto is equiseto" ; rdfs:label " equiseto_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37739equivocazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37739equivocazione is equivocazione" ; rdfs:label " equivocazione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37740ereditarieta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37740ereditarieta1 is ereditarieta'" ; rdfs:label " ereditarieta'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH37741ergonomista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37741ergonomista is ergonomista" ; rdfs:label " ergonomista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH37742erisifacea simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37742erisifacea is erisifacea" ; rdfs:label " erisifacea_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH37743eritrodermia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37743eritrodermia is eritrodermia" ; rdfs:label " eritrodermia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37744ermeneutica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37744ermeneutica is ermeneutica" ; rdfs:label " ermeneutica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37745esapode simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37745esapode is esapode" ; rdfs:label " esapode_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH37746esarcato simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37746esarcato is esarcato" ; rdfs:label " esarcato_as_Building" . inds:USemTH37747esarcato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37747esarcato is esarcato" ; rdfs:label " esarcato_as_Time" . inds:USemTH37748esarcato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37748esarcato is esarcato" ; rdfs:label " esarcato_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH37749escara simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37749escara is escara" ; rdfs:label " escara_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37750esfoliazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37750esfoliazione is esfoliazione" ; rdfs:label " esfoliazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37751esicaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37751esicaismo is esicaismo" ; rdfs:label " esicaismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37752espandibilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37752espandibilita1 is espandibilita'" ; rdfs:label " espandibilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH37753esperia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37753esperia is esperia" ; rdfs:label " esperia_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37755esseno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37755esseno is esseno" ; rdfs:label " esseno_as_People" . inds:USemTH37756esther simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37756esther is esther" ; rdfs:label " esther_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37758esuvia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37758esuvia is esuvia" ; rdfs:label " esuvia_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37759eta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37759eta1 is eta'" ; rdfs:label " eta'_as_Time" . inds:USemTH37760eterofillia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37760eterofillia is eterofillia" ; rdfs:label " eterofillia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37762eterometaboli simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37762eterometaboli is eterometaboli" ; rdfs:label " eterometaboli_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH37763ethernet simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37763ethernet is ethernet" ; rdfs:label " ethernet_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37764eudora simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37764eudora is eudora" ; rdfs:label " eudora_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37765eupeptico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37765eupeptico is eupeptico" ; rdfs:label " eupeptico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37766euregio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37766euregio is euregio" ; rdfs:label " euregio_as_Area" . inds:USemTH37767eurocratese simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37767eurocratese is eurocratese" ; rdfs:label " eurocratese_as_Language" . inds:USemTH37768euroforzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37768euroforzista is euroforzista" ; rdfs:label " euroforzista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH37769europol simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37769europol is europol" ; rdfs:label " europol_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH37770eurorealista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37770eurorealista is eurorealista" ; rdfs:label " eurorealista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH37771euroscettico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37771euroscettico is euroscettico" ; rdfs:label " euroscettico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37772eurotassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37772eurotassa is eurotassa" ; rdfs:label " eurotassa_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH37773eurotax simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37773eurotax is eurotax" ; rdfs:label " eurotax_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH37774eutenica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37774eutenica is eutenica" ; rdfs:label " eutenica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37775evangelismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37775evangelismo is evangelismo" ; rdfs:label " evangelismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37776evangelo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37776evangelo is evangelo" ; rdfs:label " evangelo_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37777evangelo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37777evangelo is evangelo" ; rdfs:label " evangelo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH37778evelina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37778evelina is evelina" ; rdfs:label " evelina_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37779evonimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37779evonimo is evonimo" ; rdfs:label " evonimo_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37782extranet simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37782extranet is extranet" ; rdfs:label " extranet_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37784fagocita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37784fagocita is fagocita" ; rdfs:label " fagocita_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH37787fairway simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37787fairway is fairway" ; rdfs:label " fairway_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH37788fanerogame simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37788fanerogame is fanerogame" ; rdfs:label " fanerogame_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37789fanzine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37789fanzine is fanzine" ; rdfs:label " fanzine_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37790feciale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37790feciale is feciale" ; rdfs:label " feciale_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37791felloderma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37791felloderma is felloderma" ; rdfs:label " felloderma_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37792fellogeno simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37792fellogeno is fellogeno" ; rdfs:label " fellogeno_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37794feziale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37794feziale is feziale" ; rdfs:label " feziale_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37795ficomicete simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37795ficomicete is ficomicete" ; rdfs:label " ficomicete_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH37796ficus simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37796ficus is ficus" ; rdfs:label " ficus_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37797fillocladio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37797fillocladio is fillocladio" ; rdfs:label " fillocladio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37799firewall simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37799firewall is firewall" ; rdfs:label " firewall_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37800fischione simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37800fischione is fischione" ; rdfs:label " fischione_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37801fitofarmaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37801fitofarmaco is fitofarmaco" ; rdfs:label " fitofarmaco_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37802fitopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37802fitopatia is fitopatia" ; rdfs:label " fitopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37803fitormone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37803fitormone is fitormone" ; rdfs:label " fitormone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37804fitotossina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37804fitotossina is fitotossina" ; rdfs:label " fitotossina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37805fittone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37805fittone is fittone" ; rdfs:label " fittone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37806flag simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37806flag is flag" ; rdfs:label " flag_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37808flamine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37808flamine is flamine" ; rdfs:label " flamine_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH37809floema simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37809floema is floema" ; rdfs:label " floema_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37811flosculo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37811flosculo is flosculo" ; rdfs:label " flosculo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37812fluoro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37812fluoro is fluoro" ; rdfs:label " fluoro_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37814folder simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37814folder is folder" ; rdfs:label " folder_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37815fondamenta simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37815fondamenta is fondamenta" ; rdfs:label " fondamenta_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH37816fondamentalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37816fondamentalista is fondamentalista" ; rdfs:label " fondamentalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH37817formaldeide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37817formaldeide is formaldeide" ; rdfs:label " formaldeide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37819format simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37819format is format" ; rdfs:label " format_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37821forzaitalico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37821forzaitalico is forzaitalico" ; rdfs:label " forzaitalico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37822forzaitaliota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37822forzaitaliota is forzaitaliota" ; rdfs:label " forzaitaliota_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37823forzista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37823forzista is forzista" ; rdfs:label " forzista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37824forzitaliano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37824forzitaliano is forzitaliano" ; rdfs:label " forzitaliano_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37825forzitalico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37825forzitalico is forzitalico" ; rdfs:label " forzitalico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37826forzitaliota simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37826forzitaliota is forzitaliota" ; rdfs:label " forzitaliota_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37827fotoperiodo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37827fotoperiodo is fotoperiodo" ; rdfs:label " fotoperiodo_as_Time" . inds:USemTH37828frammassone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37828frammassone is frammassone" ; rdfs:label " frammassone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37829frassinella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37829frassinella is frassinella" ; rdfs:label " frassinella_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37830fraticello simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37830fraticello is fraticello" ; rdfs:label " fraticello_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37831fumigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37831fumigatore is fumigatore" ; rdfs:label " fumigatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37833fuseaux simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37833fuseaux is fuseaux" ; rdfs:label " fuseaux_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH37834fuzz simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37834fuzz is fuzz" ; rdfs:label " fuzz_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH37835g simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37835g is g" ; rdfs:label " g_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH37836gabbianello simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37836gabbianello is gabbianello" ; rdfs:label " gabbianello_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37837galla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37837galla is galla" ; rdfs:label " galla_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37838gambecchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37838gambecchio is gambecchio" ; rdfs:label " gambecchio_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37840garzetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37840garzetta is garzetta" ; rdfs:label " garzetta_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37841gateway simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37841gateway is gateway" ; rdfs:label " gateway_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37842gavina simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37842gavina is gavina" ; rdfs:label " gavina_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37843genoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37843genoma is genoma" ; rdfs:label " genoma_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USemTH37844genotipo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37844genotipo is genotipo" ; rdfs:label " genotipo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37845gheppio simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37845gheppio is gheppio" ; rdfs:label " gheppio_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37846ghiandaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37846ghiandaia is ghiandaia" ; rdfs:label " ghiandaia_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37847giacobita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37847giacobita is giacobita" ; rdfs:label " giacobita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH37848giaurro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37848giaurro is giaurro" ; rdfs:label " giaurro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37849gimnosofista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37849gimnosofista is gimnosofista" ; rdfs:label " gimnosofista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37850ginnosofista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37850ginnosofista is ginnosofista" ; rdfs:label " ginnosofista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37851gimnosperma simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37851gimnosperma is gimnosperma" ; rdfs:label " gimnosperma_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37852ginkgo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37852ginkgo is ginkgo" ; rdfs:label " ginkgo_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37853gipeto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37853gipeto is gipeto" ; rdfs:label " gipeto_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37854glicina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37854glicina is glicina" ; rdfs:label " glicina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37857gluma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37857gluma is gluma" ; rdfs:label " gluma_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37858golem simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37858golem is golem" ; rdfs:label " golem_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH37861graffitaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37861graffitaro is graffitaro" ; rdfs:label " graffitaro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37862graficista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37862graficista is graficista" ; rdfs:label " graficista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37863grandula simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37863grandula is grandula" ; rdfs:label " grandula_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37864granulomatosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37864granulomatosi is granulomatosi" ; rdfs:label " granulomatosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37865gravita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37865gravita1 is gravita'" ; rdfs:label " gravita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37866griffe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37866griffe is griffe" ; rdfs:label " griffe_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37867grossularia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37867grossularia is grossularia" ; rdfs:label " grossularia_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37868gruccione simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37868gruccione is gruccione" ; rdfs:label " gruccione_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37869grumolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37869grumolo is grumolo" ; rdfs:label " grumolo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37870guanaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37870guanaco is guanaco" ; rdfs:label " guanaco_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH37871guanaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37871guanaco is guanaco" ; rdfs:label " guanaco_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH37873guru simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37873guru is guru" ; rdfs:label " guru_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37874guru simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37874guru is guru" ; rdfs:label " guru_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH37875hacker simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37875hacker is hacker" ; rdfs:label " hacker_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37876harleysta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37876harleysta is harleysta" ; rdfs:label " harleysta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37877harlista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37877harlista is harlista" ; rdfs:label " harlista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37878header simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37878header is header" ; rdfs:label " header_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37881hitech simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37881hitech is hitech" ; rdfs:label " hitech_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH37883homeless simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37883homeless is homeless" ; rdfs:label " homeless_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37885host simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37885host is host" ; rdfs:label " host_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37890hyperterminal simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37890hyperterminal is hyperterminal" ; rdfs:label " hyperterminal_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37891hypertext simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37891hypertext is hypertext" ; rdfs:label " hypertext_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37894imam simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37894imam is imam" ; rdfs:label " imam_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH37895imam simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37895imam is imam" ; rdfs:label " imam_as_Role" . inds:USemTH37896imam simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37896imam is imam" ; rdfs:label " imam_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37897inca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37897inca is inca" ; rdfs:label " inca_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH37898inca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37898inca is inca" ; rdfs:label " inca_as_People" . inds:USemTH37902internauta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37902internauta is internauta" ; rdfs:label " internauta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37903internettista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37903internettista is internettista" ; rdfs:label " internettista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37904internetwork simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37904internetwork is internetwork" ; rdfs:label " internetwork_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37905ipallage simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37905ipallage is ipallage" ; rdfs:label " ipallage_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37906iperbato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37906iperbato is iperbato" ; rdfs:label " iperbato_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH37907iperico simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37907iperico is iperico" ; rdfs:label " iperico_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH37908ipertesto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37908ipertesto is ipertesto" ; rdfs:label " ipertesto_as_Information" . inds:USemTH37909ipotensivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37909ipotensivo is ipotensivo" ; rdfs:label " ipotensivo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37910j simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37910j is j" ; rdfs:label " j_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH37913kernel simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37913kernel is kernel" ; rdfs:label " kernel_as_Part" . inds:USemTH37914keyword simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37914keyword is keyword" ; rdfs:label " keyword_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37915khomeinista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37915khomeinista is khomeinista" ; rdfs:label " khomeinista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH37916kippur simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37916kippur is kippur" ; rdfs:label " kippur_as_Time" . inds:USemTH37918labaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37918labaro is labaro" ; rdfs:label " labaro_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH37919labbo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37919labbo is labbo" ; rdfs:label " labbo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37920labradorite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37920labradorite is labradorite" ; rdfs:label " labradorite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37921lag simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37921lag is lag" ; rdfs:label " lag_as_Time" . inds:USemTH37922lambswool simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37922lambswool is lambswool" ; rdfs:label " lambswool_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37923lamer simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37923lamer is lamer" ; rdfs:label " lamer_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37925lanario simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37925lanario is lanario" ; rdfs:label " lanario_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37927lassa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37927lassa is lassa" ; rdfs:label " lassa_as_Group" . inds:USemTH37928lassa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37928lassa is lassa" ; rdfs:label " lassa_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37929layout simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37929layout is layout" ; rdfs:label " layout_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH3792stamentoN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3792stamentoN is stamento" ; rdfs:label " stamento_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH37930layout simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37930layout is layout" ; rdfs:label " layout_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37931legaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37931legaiolo is legaiolo" ; rdfs:label " legaiolo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH37932lenitivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37932lenitivo is lenitivo" ; rdfs:label " lenitivo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH37933leoncavallino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37933leoncavallino is leoncavallino" ; rdfs:label " leoncavallino_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37934lepidolite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37934lepidolite is lepidolite" ; rdfs:label " lepidolite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37935leucodermia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37935leucodermia is leucodermia" ; rdfs:label " leucodermia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37938levita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37938levita is levita" ; rdfs:label " levita_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37939levita simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37939levita is levita" ; rdfs:label " levita_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH37940liberto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37940liberto is liberto" ; rdfs:label " liberto_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37943liocorno simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37943liocorno is liocorno" ; rdfs:label " liocorno_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH37944litote simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37944litote is litote" ; rdfs:label " litote_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH37945lodolaio simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37945lodolaio is lodolaio" ; rdfs:label " lodolaio_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH37946log simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37946log is log" ; rdfs:label " log_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH37949logos simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37949logos is logos" ; rdfs:label " logos_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH37951ludologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37951ludologo is ludologo" ; rdfs:label " ludologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH37953fauvisme simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37953fauvisme is fauvisme" ; rdfs:label " fauvisme_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37954ferormone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37954ferormone is ferormone" ; rdfs:label " ferormone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37956fillodia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37956fillodia is fillodia" ; rdfs:label " fillodia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37958fitofarmacia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37958fitofarmacia is fitofarmacia" ; rdfs:label " fitofarmacia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37959fitoiatria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37959fitoiatria is fitoiatria" ; rdfs:label " fitoiatria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37960fluorosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37960fluorosi is fluorosi" ; rdfs:label " fluorosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37961fondamentalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37961fondamentalismo is fondamentalismo" ; rdfs:label " fondamentalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37962fortran simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37962fortran is fortran" ; rdfs:label " fortran_as_Language" . inds:USemTH37963fotoallergia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37963fotoallergia is fotoallergia" ; rdfs:label " fotoallergia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37964fotodermatite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37964fotodermatite is fotodermatite" ; rdfs:label " fotodermatite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37965fumaggine simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37965fumaggine is fumaggine" ; rdfs:label " fumaggine_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37966fumaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37966fumaria is fumaria" ; rdfs:label " fumaria_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37967gallicanesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37967gallicanesimo is gallicanesimo" ; rdfs:label " gallicanesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37970geomanzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37970geomanzia is geomanzia" ; rdfs:label " geomanzia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37971giadeite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37971giadeite is giadeite" ; rdfs:label " giadeite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH37972giallume simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37972giallume is giallume" ; rdfs:label " giallume_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37974gihad simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37974gihad is gihad" ; rdfs:label " gihad_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH37975giuseppismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37975giuseppismo is giuseppismo" ; rdfs:label " giuseppismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37976gomarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37976gomarismo is gomarismo" ; rdfs:label " gomarismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37977hackeraggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37977hackeraggio is hackeraggio" ; rdfs:label " hackeraggio_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37978ieratico simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37978ieratico is ieratico" ; rdfs:label " ieratico_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH37979ierocrazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37979ierocrazia is ierocrazia" ; rdfs:label " ierocrazia_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH37981ilemorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37981ilemorfismo is ilemorfismo" ; rdfs:label " ilemorfismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37982immanentismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37982immanentismo is immanentismo" ; rdfs:label " immanentismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37983infortunistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37983infortunistica is infortunistica" ; rdfs:label " infortunistica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37984ipercheratosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37984ipercheratosi is ipercheratosi" ; rdfs:label " ipercheratosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37985ipoacusia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37985ipoacusia is ipoacusia" ; rdfs:label " ipoacusia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH37986java simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37986java is java" ; rdfs:label " java_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37987javascript simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37987javascript is javascript" ; rdfs:label " javascript_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37989jumping simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37989jumping is jumping" ; rdfs:label " jumping_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH37991lamaismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37991lamaismo is lamaismo" ; rdfs:label " lamaismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH37995linfosarcoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37995linfosarcoma is linfosarcoma" ; rdfs:label " linfosarcoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37996listeriosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37996listeriosi is listeriosi" ; rdfs:label " listeriosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH37997gandhi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37997gandhi is gandhi" ; rdfs:label " gandhi_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37998giuditta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37998giuditta is giuditta" ; rdfs:label " giuditta_as_Human" . inds:USemTH37999goethe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH37999goethe is goethe" ; rdfs:label " goethe_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38001farragine simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38001farragine is farragine" ; rdfs:label " farragine_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH38002griffe simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38002griffe is griffe" ; rdfs:label " griffe_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38003incapacita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38003incapacita1 is incapacita'" ; rdfs:label " incapacita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38005liberta1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38005liberta1 is liberta'" ; rdfs:label " liberta'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38006giallume simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38006giallume is giallume" ; rdfs:label " giallume_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38008igroscopicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38008igroscopicita1 is igroscopicita'" ; rdfs:label " igroscopicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH38009immanenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38009immanenza is immanenza" ; rdfs:label " immanenza_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38010inabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38010inabilita1 is inabilita'" ; rdfs:label " inabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38012interattivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38012interattivita1 is interattivita'" ; rdfs:label " interattivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38013interoperabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38013interoperabilita1 is interoperabilita'" ; rdfs:label " interoperabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38014inverecondia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38014inverecondia is inverecondia" ; rdfs:label " inverecondia_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38016luminosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38016luminosita1 is luminosita'" ; rdfs:label " luminosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38017luminosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38017luminosita1 is luminosita'" ; rdfs:label " luminosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38018macarena simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38018macarena is macarena" ; rdfs:label " macarena_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38019macro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38019macro is macro" ; rdfs:label " macro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38020macrospora simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38020macrospora is macrospora" ; rdfs:label " macrospora_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38021macrosporangio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38021macrosporangio is macrosporangio" ; rdfs:label " macrosporangio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38023magnanina simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38023magnanina is magnanina" ; rdfs:label " magnanina_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38024magnesite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38024magnesite is magnesite" ; rdfs:label " magnesite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38025magnetite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38025magnetite is magnetite" ; rdfs:label " magnetite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38027mailbox simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38027mailbox is mailbox" ; rdfs:label " mailbox_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38028malambiente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38028malambiente is malambiente" ; rdfs:label " malambiente_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH38029malamministrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38029malamministrazione is malamministrazione" ; rdfs:label " malamministrazione_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH38030malasanita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38030malasanita1 is malasanita'" ; rdfs:label " malasanita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH38031malerba simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38031malerba is malerba" ; rdfs:label " malerba_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH38032mana simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38032mana is mana" ; rdfs:label " mana_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH38033mandala simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38033mandala is mandala" ; rdfs:label " mandala_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38034mapo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38034mapo is mapo" ; rdfs:label " mapo_as_Fruit" . inds:USemTH38035mappazza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38035mappazza is mappazza" ; rdfs:label " mappazza_as_Food" . inds:USemTH38036marcasite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38036marcasite is marcasite" ; rdfs:label " marcasite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38037market simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38037market is market" ; rdfs:label " market_as_Location" . inds:USemTH38038marketplace simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38038marketplace is marketplace" ; rdfs:label " marketplace_as_Location" . inds:USemTH38039markup simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38039markup is markup" ; rdfs:label " markup_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38040marrubio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38040marrubio is marrubio" ; rdfs:label " marrubio_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38041marte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38041marte is marte" ; rdfs:label " marte_as_Location" . inds:USemTH38042marzaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38042marzaiola is marzaiola" ; rdfs:label " marzaiola_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38044mattocchio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38044mattocchio is mattocchio" ; rdfs:label " mattocchio_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38045mazdeismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38045mazdeismo is mazdeismo" ; rdfs:label " mazdeismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38046megalite simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38046megalite is megalite" ; rdfs:label " megalite_as_Building" . inds:USemTH38047megalito simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38047megalito is megalito" ; rdfs:label " megalito_as_Building" . inds:USemTH38048melamina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38048melamina is melamina" ; rdfs:label " melamina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38049melata simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38049melata is melata" ; rdfs:label " melata_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38050meliloto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38050meliloto is meliloto" ; rdfs:label " meliloto_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38051menhir simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38051menhir is menhir" ; rdfs:label " menhir_as_Building" . inds:USemTH38052mennonita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38052mennonita is mennonita" ; rdfs:label " mennonita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38053merchant simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38053merchant is merchant" ; rdfs:label " merchant_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38055metrotram simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38055metrotram is metrotram" ; rdfs:label " metrotram_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH38056mezzanotte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38056mezzanotte is mezzanotte" ; rdfs:label " mezzanotte_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38057mezzanotte simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38057mezzanotte is mezzanotte" ; rdfs:label " mezzanotte_as_Time" . inds:USemTH38058micoplasma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38058micoplasma is micoplasma" ; rdfs:label " micoplasma_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38059micotossina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38059micotossina is micotossina" ; rdfs:label " micotossina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38060microcomputer simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38060microcomputer is microcomputer" ; rdfs:label " microcomputer_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38061microgravita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38061microgravita1 is microgravita'" ; rdfs:label " microgravita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38062microlepidotteri simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38062microlepidotteri is microlepidotteri" ; rdfs:label " microlepidotteri_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH38063micromelia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38063micromelia is micromelia" ; rdfs:label " micromelia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38064micrometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38064micrometria is micrometria" ; rdfs:label " micrometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38066micronutriente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38066micronutriente is micronutriente" ; rdfs:label " micronutriente_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38067micropilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38067micropilo is micropilo" ; rdfs:label " micropilo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38069microsonda simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38069microsonda is microsonda" ; rdfs:label " microsonda_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38070microspora simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38070microspora is microspora" ; rdfs:label " microspora_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38071microstoria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38071microstoria is microstoria" ; rdfs:label " microstoria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38072mignattino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38072mignattino is mignattino" ; rdfs:label " mignattino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38073millelire simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38073millelire is millelire" ; rdfs:label " millelire_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH38074mineralogramma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38074mineralogramma is mineralogramma" ; rdfs:label " mineralogramma_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38075minicomputer simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38075minicomputer is minicomputer" ; rdfs:label " minicomputer_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38077miosina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38077miosina is miosina" ; rdfs:label " miosina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38078miriapode simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38078miriapode is miriapode" ; rdfs:label " miriapode_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH38079monachella simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38079monachella is monachella" ; rdfs:label " monachella_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38081monetica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38081monetica is monetica" ; rdfs:label " monetica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38083monoturnista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38083monoturnista is monoturnista" ; rdfs:label " monoturnista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38084mucrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38084mucrone is mucrone" ; rdfs:label " mucrone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38087multiplexer simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38087multiplexer is multiplexer" ; rdfs:label " multiplexer_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38090multiutente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38090multiutente is multiutente" ; rdfs:label " multiutente_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH38091musher simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38091musher is musher" ; rdfs:label " musher_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38092merchandising simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38092merchandising is merchandising" ; rdfs:label " merchandising_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38093metapsichica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38093metapsichica is metapsichica" ; rdfs:label " metapsichica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38094microflora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38094microflora is microflora" ; rdfs:label " microflora_as_Group" . inds:USemTH38095micropaleontologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38095micropaleontologia is micropaleontologia" ; rdfs:label " micropaleontologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38096micropsia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38096micropsia is micropsia" ; rdfs:label " micropsia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38097minzolinismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38097minzolinismo is minzolinismo" ; rdfs:label " minzolinismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38098morva simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38098morva is morva" ; rdfs:label " morva_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38100multimedia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38100multimedia is multimedia" ; rdfs:label " multimedia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38101memphis simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38101memphis is memphis" ; rdfs:label " memphis_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH38102mezzanotte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38102mezzanotte is mezzanotte" ; rdfs:label " mezzanotte_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USemTH38103mose1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38103mose1 is mose'" ; rdfs:label " mose'_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38104mozart simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38104mozart is mozart" ; rdfs:label " mozart_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38105maculatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38105maculatura is maculatura" ; rdfs:label " maculatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38106microporosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38106microporosita1 is microporosita'" ; rdfs:label " microporosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38107milanesita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38107milanesita1 is milanesita'" ; rdfs:label " milanesita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38108nadir simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38108nadir is nadir" ; rdfs:label " nadir_as_Location" . inds:USemTH38109narcotraffico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38109narcotraffico is narcotraffico" ; rdfs:label " narcotraffico_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38110naturopata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38110naturopata is naturopata" ; rdfs:label " naturopata_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38111nazareth simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38111nazareth is nazareth" ; rdfs:label " nazareth_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH38112nai3f simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38112nai3f is naif" ; rdfs:label " naif_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38114necromanzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38114necromanzia is necromanzia" ; rdfs:label " necromanzia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38115negromanzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38115negromanzia is negromanzia" ; rdfs:label " negromanzia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38116neoplasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38116neoplasia is neoplasia" ; rdfs:label " neoplasia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38117net simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38117net is net" ; rdfs:label " net_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38118netiquette simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38118netiquette is netiquette" ; rdfs:label " netiquette_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38119netmeeting simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38119netmeeting is netmeeting" ; rdfs:label " netmeeting_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38120networking simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38120networking is networking" ; rdfs:label " networking_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38121newsletter simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38121newsletter is newsletter" ; rdfs:label " newsletter_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38122nickname simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38122nickname is nickname" ; rdfs:label " nickname_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38123nocciolato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38123nocciolato is nocciolato" ; rdfs:label " nocciolato_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH38124noccioleto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38124noccioleto is noccioleto" ; rdfs:label " noccioleto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH38125nodosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38125nodosita1 is nodosita'" ; rdfs:label " nodosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38126notturlabio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38126notturlabio is notturlabio" ; rdfs:label " notturlabio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38127novenario simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38127novenario is novenario" ; rdfs:label " novenario_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38128occhiocotto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38128occhiocotto is occhiocotto" ; rdfs:label " occhiocotto_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38129ocello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38129ocello is ocello" ; rdfs:label " ocello_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38132olismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38132olismo is olismo" ; rdfs:label " olismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38133olivastro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38133olivastro is olivastro" ; rdfs:label " olivastro_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38134olivina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38134olivina is olivina" ; rdfs:label " olivina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38135ombrella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38135ombrella is ombrella" ; rdfs:label " ombrella_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38136ombrellifera simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38136ombrellifera is ombrellifera" ; rdfs:label " ombrellifera_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38139omoteleuto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38139omoteleuto is omoteleuto" ; rdfs:label " omoteleuto_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38140oncocercosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38140oncocercosi is oncocercosi" ; rdfs:label " oncocercosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38141oncotopo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38141oncotopo is oncotopo" ; rdfs:label " oncotopo_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH38142onfalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38142onfalo is onfalo" ; rdfs:label " onfalo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38143ononide simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38143ononide is ononide" ; rdfs:label " ononide_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38144oogonio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38144oogonio is oogonio" ; rdfs:label " oogonio_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38145oogonio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38145oogonio is oogonio" ; rdfs:label " oogonio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38146oomiceti simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38146oomiceti is oomiceti" ; rdfs:label " oomiceti_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38147oosfera simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38147oosfera is oosfera" ; rdfs:label " oosfera_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38148oospora simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38148oospora is oospora" ; rdfs:label " oospora_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38149ooteca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38149ooteca is ooteca" ; rdfs:label " ooteca_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38150opacizzante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38150opacizzante is opacizzante" ; rdfs:label " opacizzante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38151opistosoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38151opistosoma is opistosoma" ; rdfs:label " opistosoma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38152orgone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38152orgone is orgone" ; rdfs:label " orgone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38153orgoneterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38153orgoneterapia is orgoneterapia" ; rdfs:label " orgoneterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38154ortottero simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38154ortottero is ortottero" ; rdfs:label " ortottero_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH38155osho simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38155osho is osho" ; rdfs:label " osho_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38156osiride simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38156osiride is osiride" ; rdfs:label " osiride_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38157ostiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38157ostiolo is ostiolo" ; rdfs:label " ostiolo_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH38158otarda simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38158otarda is otarda" ; rdfs:label " otarda_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38159otricello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38159otricello is otricello" ; rdfs:label " otricello_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38161outlook simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38161outlook is outlook" ; rdfs:label " outlook_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38164ovisacco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38164ovisacco is ovisacco" ; rdfs:label " ovisacco_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38165ovoviparita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38165ovoviparita1 is ovoviparita'" ; rdfs:label " ovoviparita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH38166oxford simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38166oxford is oxford" ; rdfs:label " oxford_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH38167naturopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38167naturopatia is naturopatia" ; rdfs:label " naturopatia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38168nestorianesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38168nestorianesimo is nestorianesimo" ; rdfs:label " nestorianesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38169neurastenia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38169neurastenia is neurastenia" ; rdfs:label " neurastenia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38170omofagia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38170omofagia is omofagia" ; rdfs:label " omofagia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38173osteosarcoma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38173osteosarcoma is osteosarcoma" ; rdfs:label " osteosarcoma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38174nasa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38174nasa is nasa" ; rdfs:label " nasa_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH38175nicodemo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38175nicodemo is nicodemo" ; rdfs:label " nicodemo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38176nostradamus simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38176nostradamus is nostradamus" ; rdfs:label " nostradamus_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38177nocivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38177nocivita1 is nocivita'" ; rdfs:label " nocivita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38178omogeneita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38178omogeneita1 is omogeneita'" ; rdfs:label " omogeneita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38179opacita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38179opacita1 is opacita'" ; rdfs:label " opacita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38180operativita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38180operativita1 is operativita'" ; rdfs:label " operativita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38181oviparita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38181oviparita1 is oviparita'" ; rdfs:label " oviparita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH38182dalmata simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38182dalmata is dalmata" ; rdfs:label " dalmata_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH38183danaro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38183danaro is danaro" ; rdfs:label " danaro_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH38184deficit simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38184deficit is deficit" ; rdfs:label " deficit_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38185delitescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38185delitescenza is delitescenza" ; rdfs:label " delitescenza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH38189determinato simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38189determinato is determinato" ; rdfs:label " determinato_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38193dischetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38193dischetto is dischetto" ; rdfs:label " dischetto_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH38194dischetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38194dischetto is dischetto" ; rdfs:label " dischetto_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH38199dogmatica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38199dogmatica is dogmatica" ; rdfs:label " dogmatica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38200dogmatico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38200dogmatico is dogmatico" ; rdfs:label " dogmatico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38201dorotea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38201dorotea is dorotea" ; rdfs:label " dorotea_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38203durone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38203durone is durone" ; rdfs:label " durone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38204pacemaker simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38204pacemaker is pacemaker" ; rdfs:label " pacemaker_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38205pacemaker simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38205pacemaker is pacemaker" ; rdfs:label " pacemaker_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38206paginata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38206paginata is paginata" ; rdfs:label " paginata_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38207pagliarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38207pagliarolo is pagliarolo" ; rdfs:label " pagliarolo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38208palea simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38208palea is palea" ; rdfs:label " palea_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38209palpo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38209palpo is palpo" ; rdfs:label " palpo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38210pandora simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38210pandora is pandora" ; rdfs:label " pandora_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38211paniforte simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38211paniforte is paniforte" ; rdfs:label " paniforte_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH38212pantana simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38212pantana is pantana" ; rdfs:label " pantana_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38213pantografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38213pantografo is pantografo" ; rdfs:label " pantografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38214papaia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38214papaia is papaia" ; rdfs:label " papaia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38215papilionacea simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38215papilionacea is papilionacea" ; rdfs:label " papilionacea_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38217pappo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38217pappo is pappo" ; rdfs:label " pappo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38218pappo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38218pappo is pappo" ; rdfs:label " pappo_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH38219parafisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38219parafisi is parafisi" ; rdfs:label " parafisi_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38220paragoge simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38220paragoge is paragoge" ; rdfs:label " paragoge_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38221parassitoide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38221parassitoide is parassitoide" ; rdfs:label " parassitoide_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH38222parastinco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38222parastinco is parastinco" ; rdfs:label " parastinco_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38224paronimia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38224paronimia is paronimia" ; rdfs:label " paronimia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38225paronomasia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38225paronomasia is paronomasia" ; rdfs:label " paronomasia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38226parser simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38226parser is parser" ; rdfs:label " parser_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38227parsi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38227parsi is parsi" ; rdfs:label " parsi_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38231parusia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38231parusia is parusia" ; rdfs:label " parusia_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH38233passera simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38233passera is passera" ; rdfs:label " passera_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38234passiflora simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38234passiflora is passiflora" ; rdfs:label " passiflora_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38235pattista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38235pattista is pattista" ; rdfs:label " pattista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38236pelagia simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38236pelagia is pelagia" ; rdfs:label " pelagia_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH38237pellet simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38237pellet is pellet" ; rdfs:label " pellet_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH38238pennata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38238pennata is pennata" ; rdfs:label " pennata_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH38239pentacolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38239pentacolo is pentacolo" ; rdfs:label " pentacolo_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH38240pentateuco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38240pentateuco is pentateuco" ; rdfs:label " pentateuco_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38241pentium simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38241pentium is pentium" ; rdfs:label " pentium_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38242penumoconiosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38242penumoconiosi is penumoconiosi" ; rdfs:label " penumoconiosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38244pepolino simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; a simple:Flavouring, simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38244pepolino is pepolino" ; rdfs:label " pepolino_as_Flavouring", " pepolino_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38245peppola simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38245peppola is peppola" ; rdfs:label " peppola_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38246percoca simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2369frutto ; a simple:Fruit, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38246percoca is percoca" ; rdfs:label " percoca_as_Fruit" . inds:USemTH38249pericarpo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38249pericarpo is pericarpo" ; rdfs:label " pericarpo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38252peridoto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38252peridoto is peridoto" ; rdfs:label " peridoto_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38255peronosporacea simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38255peronosporacea is peronosporacea" ; rdfs:label " peronosporacea_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38257pettazzurro simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38257pettazzurro is pettazzurro" ; rdfs:label " pettazzurro_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38258picnidio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38258picnidio is picnidio" ; rdfs:label " picnidio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38261pimpinella simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38261pimpinella is pimpinella" ; rdfs:label " pimpinella_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38262piovanello simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38262piovanello is piovanello" ; rdfs:label " piovanello_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38263piramidologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38263piramidologia is piramidologia" ; rdfs:label " piramidologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38264pirite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38264pirite is pirite" ; rdfs:label " pirite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38265pistillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38265pistillo is pistillo" ; rdfs:label " pistillo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38266pittima simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38266pittima is pittima" ; rdfs:label " pittima_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38268pivieressa simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38268pivieressa is pivieressa" ; rdfs:label " pivieressa_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38269pizzettaro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38269pizzettaro is pizzettaro" ; rdfs:label " pizzettaro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38271planoconidio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38271planoconidio is planoconidio" ; rdfs:label " planoconidio_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38272plantula simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38272plantula is plantula" ; rdfs:label " plantula_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38273plasmidio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38273plasmidio is plasmidio" ; rdfs:label " plasmidio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38274plasmodio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38274plasmodio is plasmodio" ; rdfs:label " plasmodio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38275plasmodio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38275plasmodio is plasmodio" ; rdfs:label " plasmodio_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38276player simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38276player is player" ; rdfs:label " player_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38277playlist simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38277playlist is playlist" ; rdfs:label " playlist_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38278plebiscitarismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38278plebiscitarismo is plebiscitarismo" ; rdfs:label " plebiscitarismo_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH38279pleonasmo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38279pleonasmo is pleonasmo" ; rdfs:label " pleonasmo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38280pleroma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38280pleroma is pleroma" ; rdfs:label " pleroma_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38282poiana simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38282poiana is poiana" ; rdfs:label " poiana_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38283poliachenio simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38283poliachenio is poliachenio" ; rdfs:label " poliachenio_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38286poliembrionia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38286poliembrionia is poliembrionia" ; rdfs:label " poliembrionia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38288polimorfismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38288polimorfismo is polimorfismo" ; rdfs:label " polimorfismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH3828stromento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3828stromento is stromento" ; rdfs:label " stromento_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38290polineurite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38290polineurite is polineurite" ; rdfs:label " polineurite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38291polipropilenica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38291polipropilenica is polipropilenica" ; rdfs:label " polipropilenica_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38292poliptoto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38292poliptoto is poliptoto" ; rdfs:label " poliptoto_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38293polisindeto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38293polisindeto is polisindeto" ; rdfs:label " polisindeto_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38294politeismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38294politeismo is politeismo" ; rdfs:label " politeismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38295pollina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38295pollina is pollina" ; rdfs:label " pollina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38296pololiberista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38296pololiberista is pololiberista" ; rdfs:label " pololiberista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38297pomacee simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38297pomacee is pomacee" ; rdfs:label " pomacee_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38298popeline simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38298popeline is popeline" ; rdfs:label " popeline_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH38299porciglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38299porciglione is porciglione" ; rdfs:label " porciglione_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38300portainnesto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38300portainnesto is portainnesto" ; rdfs:label " portainnesto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38301portaocchiali simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38301portaocchiali is portaocchiali" ; rdfs:label " portaocchiali_as_Container" . inds:USemTH38302portinnesti simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38302portinnesti is portinnesti" ; rdfs:label " portinnesti_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38303portulaca simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38303portulaca is portulaca" ; rdfs:label " portulaca_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38304post simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38304post is post" ; rdfs:label " post_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH38307postmaster simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38307postmaster is postmaster" ; rdfs:label " postmaster_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38308potentilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38308potentilla is potentilla" ; rdfs:label " potentilla_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38309precipitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38309precipitatore is precipitatore" ; rdfs:label " precipitatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38310premiership simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38310premiership is premiership" ; rdfs:label " premiership_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH38312prodiano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38312prodiano is prodiano" ; rdfs:label " prodiano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38313prodino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38313prodino is prodino" ; rdfs:label " prodino_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38314producer simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38314producer is producer" ; rdfs:label " producer_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38315profetessa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38315profetessa is profetessa" ; rdfs:label " profetessa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38316profilato simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38316profilato is profilato" ; rdfs:label " profilato_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH38317prolessi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38317prolessi is prolessi" ; rdfs:label " prolessi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38319prompt simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38319prompt is prompt" ; rdfs:label " prompt_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38320pronao simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38320pronao is pronao" ; rdfs:label " pronao_as_Location" . inds:USemTH38322protogina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38322protogina is protogina" ; rdfs:label " protogina_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH38323protoplasto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38323protoplasto is protoplasto" ; rdfs:label " protoplasto_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38324protorace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38324protorace is protorace" ; rdfs:label " protorace_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38325protovangelo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38325protovangelo is protovangelo" ; rdfs:label " protovangelo_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38326protozoo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38326protozoo is protozoo" ; rdfs:label " protozoo_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH38327provider simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38327provider is provider" ; rdfs:label " provider_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38329pruina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38329pruina is pruina" ; rdfs:label " pruina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38330pseudozampe simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38330pseudozampe is pseudozampe" ; rdfs:label " pseudozampe_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38331psicoballa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38331psicoballa is psicoballa" ; rdfs:label " psicoballa_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38333psilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38333psilla is psilla" ; rdfs:label " psilla_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38334psillio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38334psillio is psillio" ; rdfs:label " psillio_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38335pucciniacea simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38335pucciniacea is pucciniacea" ; rdfs:label " pucciniacea_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38336pulmonaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38336pulmonaria is pulmonaria" ; rdfs:label " pulmonaria_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38337punteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38337punteria is punteria" ; rdfs:label " punteria_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38339pupario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38339pupario is pupario" ; rdfs:label " pupario_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38340panteismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38340panteismo is panteismo" ; rdfs:label " panteismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38341paraclito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38341paraclito is paraclito" ; rdfs:label " paraclito_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH38342pectina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38342pectina is pectina" ; rdfs:label " pectina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38343pelagianesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38343pelagianesimo is pelagianesimo" ; rdfs:label " pelagianesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38344penfigo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38344penfigo is penfigo" ; rdfs:label " penfigo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38345piombemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38345piombemia is piombemia" ; rdfs:label " piombemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38346pleroma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38346pleroma is pleroma" ; rdfs:label " pleroma_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38347pneuma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38347pneuma is pneuma" ; rdfs:label " pneuma_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38348pneumatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38348pneumatologia is pneumatologia" ; rdfs:label " pneumatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38350polifagia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38350polifagia is polifagia" ; rdfs:label " polifagia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38351popper simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38351popper is popper" ; rdfs:label " popper_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38352pornoturismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38352pornoturismo is pornoturismo" ; rdfs:label " pornoturismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38353postscript simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38353postscript is postscript" ; rdfs:label " postscript_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38354pragmadismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38354pragmadismo is pragmadismo" ; rdfs:label " pragmadismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38355prana simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38355prana is prana" ; rdfs:label " prana_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH38356pranayama simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38356pranayama is pranayama" ; rdfs:label " pranayama_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38357presbiacusia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38357presbiacusia is presbiacusia" ; rdfs:label " presbiacusia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38358presbiterianesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38358presbiterianesimo is presbiterianesimo" ; rdfs:label " presbiterianesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38360priscillianesimo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38360priscillianesimo is priscillianesimo" ; rdfs:label " priscillianesimo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38361procreatica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38361procreatica is procreatica" ; rdfs:label " procreatica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38363prosimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38363prosimetro is prosimetro" ; rdfs:label " prosimetro_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38364paolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38364paolo is paolo" ; rdfs:label " paolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38365petra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38365petra is petra" ; rdfs:label " petra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38366pietro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38366pietro is pietro" ; rdfs:label " pietro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38367plutarco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38367plutarco is plutarco" ; rdfs:label " plutarco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38368purim simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38368purim is purim" ; rdfs:label " purim_as_Time" . inds:USemTH38369pregnanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38369pregnanza is pregnanza" ; rdfs:label " pregnanza_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38370patogenicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38370patogenicita1 is patogenicita'" ; rdfs:label " patogenicita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH38371profittabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38371profittabilita1 is profittabilita'" ; rdfs:label " profittabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38372quadrisillabo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38372quadrisillabo is quadrisillabo" ; rdfs:label " quadrisillabo_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38374quinario simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38374quinario is quinario" ; rdfs:label " quinario_as_Money" . inds:USemTH38375quirinalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38375quirinalista is quirinalista" ; rdfs:label " quirinalista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38376rabbi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38376rabbi is rabbi" ; rdfs:label " rabbi_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH38377rabdomanzia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38377rabdomanzia is rabdomanzia" ; rdfs:label " rabdomanzia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38378racchio simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38378racchio is racchio" ; rdfs:label " racchio_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38379racemo simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38379racemo is racemo" ; rdfs:label " racemo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38380racemo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38380racemo is racemo" ; rdfs:label " racemo_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH38381racimolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38381racimolo is racimolo" ; rdfs:label " racimolo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38383radiale simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38383radiale is radiale" ; rdfs:label " radiale_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH38384radiale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38384radiale is radiale" ; rdfs:label " radiale_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH38385ram simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38385ram is ram" ; rdfs:label " ram_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38386rama simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38386rama is rama" ; rdfs:label " rama_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38387rampichino simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38387rampichino is rampichino" ; rdfs:label " rampichino_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38388rampichino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38388rampichino is rampichino" ; rdfs:label " rampichino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38389rapsodo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38389rapsodo is rapsodo" ; rdfs:label " rapsodo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38390raster simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38390raster is raster" ; rdfs:label " raster_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38391readme simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38391readme is readme" ; rdfs:label " readme_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38394reference simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38394reference is reference" ; rdfs:label " reference_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH38397rele2 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38397rele2 is rele'" ; rdfs:label " rele'_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38399remailer simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38399remailer is remailer" ; rdfs:label " remailer_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38400remote simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38400remote is remote" ; rdfs:label " remote_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38402report simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38402report is report" ; rdfs:label " report_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH38405retinopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38405retinopatia is retinopatia" ; rdfs:label " retinopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38407revulsivo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38407revulsivo is revulsivo" ; rdfs:label " revulsivo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38409ribaltina simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38409ribaltina is ribaltina" ; rdfs:label " ribaltina_as_Furniture", " ribaltina_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38410ribaltonista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38410ribaltonista is ribaltonista" ; rdfs:label " ribaltonista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38412ricavometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38412ricavometro is ricavometro" ; rdfs:label " ricavometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38413ricetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38413ricetto is ricetto" ; rdfs:label " ricetto_as_Group" . inds:USemTH38414riciclato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38414riciclato is riciclato" ; rdfs:label " riciclato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38417rifondarolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38417rifondarolo is rifondarolo" ; rdfs:label " rifondarolo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38418rincota simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38418rincota is rincota" ; rdfs:label " rincota_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38419ritidoma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38419ritidoma is ritidoma" ; rdfs:label " ritidoma_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38420riverberazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38420riverberazione is riverberazione" ; rdfs:label " riverberazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38421rodenticida simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38421rodenticida is rodenticida" ; rdfs:label " rodenticida_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38422rom simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38422rom is rom" ; rdfs:label " rom_as_People" . inds:USemTH38423rom simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38423rom is rom" ; rdfs:label " rom_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38424root simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38424root is root" ; rdfs:label " root_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH38426rosolida simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38426rosolida is rosolida" ; rdfs:label " rosolida_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38427rosura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38427rosura is rosura" ; rdfs:label " rosura_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH38428rough simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38428rough is rough" ; rdfs:label " rough_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38429rough simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38429rough is rough" ; rdfs:label " rough_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38430router simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38430router is router" ; rdfs:label " router_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38432rubefacente simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38432rubefacente is rubefacente" ; rdfs:label " rubefacente_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38433rubrichista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38433rubrichista is rubrichista" ; rdfs:label " rubrichista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38434runa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38434runa is runa" ; rdfs:label " runa_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH38435rutilo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38435rutilo is rutilo" ; rdfs:label " rutilo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38436qigong simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38436qigong is qigong" ; rdfs:label " qigong_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38437quietismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38437quietismo is quietismo" ; rdfs:label " quietismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38439racemo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38439racemo is racemo" ; rdfs:label " racemo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38440radiestesia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38440radiestesia is radiestesia" ; rdfs:label " radiestesia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38441radioestesia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38441radioestesia is radioestesia" ; rdfs:label " radioestesia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38442reiki simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38442reiki is reiki" ; rdfs:label " reiki_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38443riflessologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38443riflessologia is riflessologia" ; rdfs:label " riflessologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38444rodocrosite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38444rodocrosite is rodocrosite" ; rdfs:label " rodocrosite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38445rodonite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38445rodonite is rodonite" ; rdfs:label " rodonite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38447romanico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38447romanico is romanico" ; rdfs:label " romanico_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38448rampichino simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38448rampichino is rampichino" ; rdfs:label " rampichino_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH38449ramses simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38449ramses is ramses" ; rdfs:label " ramses_as_Human" . inds:USemTH3844supercementoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3844supercementoN is supercemento" ; rdfs:label " supercemento_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH38450ruth simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38450ruth is ruth" ; rdfs:label " ruth_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38451rugginosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38451rugginosita1 is rugginosita'" ; rdfs:label " rugginosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38453sadduceo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38453sadduceo is sadduceo" ; rdfs:label " sadduceo_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38454salciaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38454salciaiola is salciaiola" ; rdfs:label " salciaiola_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38455salesman simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38455salesman is salesman" ; rdfs:label " salesman_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38457salnitro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38457salnitro is salnitro" ; rdfs:label " salnitro_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38458saltimpalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38458saltimpalo is saltimpalo" ; rdfs:label " saltimpalo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38459samara simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38459samara is samara" ; rdfs:label " samara_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38460samsara simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38460samsara is samsara" ; rdfs:label " samsara_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH38462sanscrito simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38462sanscrito is sanscrito" ; rdfs:label " sanscrito_as_Language" . inds:USemTH38463santomat simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38463santomat is santomat" ; rdfs:label " santomat_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38464saponaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38464saponaria is saponaria" ; rdfs:label " saponaria_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38465sardonica simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38465sardonica is sardonica" ; rdfs:label " sardonica_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38466sardonica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38466sardonica is sardonica" ; rdfs:label " sardonica_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38467scandisk simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38467scandisk is scandisk" ; rdfs:label " scandisk_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38468scanner simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38468scanner is scanner" ; rdfs:label " scanner_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38469scapo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38469scapo is scapo" ; rdfs:label " scapo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH3846suppuramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3846suppuramento is suppuramento" ; rdfs:label " suppuramento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38470schiribilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38470schiribilla is schiribilla" ; rdfs:label " schiribilla_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38471scialagogo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38471scialagogo is scialagogo" ; rdfs:label " scialagogo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38472sciasciano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38472sciasciano is sciasciano" ; rdfs:label " sciasciano_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38473sclerozio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38473sclerozio is sclerozio" ; rdfs:label " sclerozio_as_Group" . inds:USemTH38474scolina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38474scolina is scolina" ; rdfs:label " scolina_as_Location" . inds:USemTH38475scoopismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38475scoopismo is scoopismo" ; rdfs:label " scoopismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38476scopazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38476scopazzo is scopazzo" ; rdfs:label " scopazzo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH38477scrambler simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38477scrambler is scrambler" ; rdfs:label " scrambler_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38479script simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38479script is script" ; rdfs:label " script_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38481selenite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38481selenite is selenite" ; rdfs:label " selenite_as_People" . inds:USemTH38482semiparassita simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38482semiparassita is semiparassita" ; rdfs:label " semiparassita_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH38483semipresidenzialismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38483semipresidenzialismo is semipresidenzialismo" ; rdfs:label " semipresidenzialismo_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH38484sepalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38484sepalo is sepalo" ; rdfs:label " sepalo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38486sequestrante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38486sequestrante is sequestrante" ; rdfs:label " sequestrante_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH38487serpillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38487serpillo is serpillo" ; rdfs:label " serpillo_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38488serpillo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1662aroma ; a simple:Flavouring, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38488serpillo is serpillo" ; rdfs:label " serpillo_as_Flavouring" . inds:USemTH38490server simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38490server is server" ; rdfs:label " server_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38491sessoturista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38491sessoturista is sessoturista" ; rdfs:label " sessoturista_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38493sfagno simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38493sfagno is sfagno" ; rdfs:label " sfagno_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38494shaboo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38494shaboo is shaboo" ; rdfs:label " shaboo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38495sherpas simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38495sherpas is sherpas" ; rdfs:label " sherpas_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38497sierologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38497sierologia is sierologia" ; rdfs:label " sierologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38498sikh simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38498sikh is sikh" ; rdfs:label " sikh_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38499sikhismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38499sikhismo is sikhismo" ; rdfs:label " sikhismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38501siliqua simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38501siliqua is siliqua" ; rdfs:label " siliqua_as_Money" . inds:USemTH38502sillessi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38502sillessi is sillessi" ; rdfs:label " sillessi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38503simbionte simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38503simbionte is simbionte" ; rdfs:label " simbionte_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH38505sinalefe simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38505sinalefe is sinalefe" ; rdfs:label " sinalefe_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38506sincizio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38506sincizio is sincizio" ; rdfs:label " sincizio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38508skafista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38508skafista is skafista" ; rdfs:label " skafista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38509slot simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38509slot is slot" ; rdfs:label " slot_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38510slot simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38510slot is slot" ; rdfs:label " slot_as_Time" . inds:USemTH38511smeriglio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38511smeriglio is smeriglio" ; rdfs:label " smeriglio_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38512sodalite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38512sodalite is sodalite" ; rdfs:label " sodalite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38513solanacea simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38513solanacea is solanacea" ; rdfs:label " solanacea_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38514solarium simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38514solarium is solarium" ; rdfs:label " solarium_as_Building" . inds:USemTH38515solarium simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38515solarium is solarium" ; rdfs:label " solarium_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH38516somite simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38516somite is somite" ; rdfs:label " somite_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38517sondaggista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38517sondaggista is sondaggista" ; rdfs:label " sondaggista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38520sorbitolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38520sorbitolo is sorbitolo" ; rdfs:label " sorbitolo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38521sordita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38521sordita1 is sordita'" ; rdfs:label " sordita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38522sordocieco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38522sordocieco is sordocieco" ; rdfs:label " sordocieco_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38523soro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38523soro is soro" ; rdfs:label " soro_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38524sottolivello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38524sottolivello is sottolivello" ; rdfs:label " sottolivello_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38526spasmolitico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38526spasmolitico is spasmolitico" ; rdfs:label " spasmolitico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38527spata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38527spata is spata" ; rdfs:label " spata_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38528spicilegio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38528spicilegio is spicilegio" ; rdfs:label " spicilegio_as_Group" . inds:USemTH38529spicula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38529spicula is spicula" ; rdfs:label " spicula_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38530spicula simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38530spicula is spicula" ; rdfs:label " spicula_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38531spigatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38531spigatura is spigatura" ; rdfs:label " spigatura_as_Time" . inds:USemTH38533spinning simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38533spinning is spinning" ; rdfs:label " spinning_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38534spioncello simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38534spioncello is spioncello" ; rdfs:label " spioncello_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38535spiracolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38535spiracolo is spiracolo" ; rdfs:label " spiracolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38536spiritromba simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38536spiritromba is spiritromba" ; rdfs:label " spiritromba_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38537spirometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38537spirometria is spirometria" ; rdfs:label " spirometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38538sporidio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38538sporidio is sporidio" ; rdfs:label " sporidio_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38539sporozoite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38539sporozoite is sporozoite" ; rdfs:label " sporozoite_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38540spottino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38540spottino is spottino" ; rdfs:label " spottino_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38541spreadsheet simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38541spreadsheet is spreadsheet" ; rdfs:label " spreadsheet_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH38542sprinkler simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38542sprinkler is sprinkler" ; rdfs:label " sprinkler_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38543stage simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38543stage is stage" ; rdfs:label " stage_as_Time" . inds:USemTH38544standby simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38544standby is standby" ; rdfs:label " standby_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38547starnutatorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38547starnutatorio is starnutatorio" ; rdfs:label " starnutatorio_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38549stereoisomero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38549stereoisomero is stereoisomero" ; rdfs:label " stereoisomero_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38551sterpazzola simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38551sterpazzola is sterpazzola" ; rdfs:label " sterpazzola_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38552stiaccino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38552stiaccino is stiaccino" ; rdfs:label " stiaccino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38553stigma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38553stigma is stigma" ; rdfs:label " stigma_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38554stigma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38554stigma is stigma" ; rdfs:label " stigma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38555stigma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38555stigma is stigma" ; rdfs:label " stigma_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38556stimma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38556stimma is stimma" ; rdfs:label " stimma_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38557stimma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38557stimma is stimma" ; rdfs:label " stimma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38558stimma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38558stimma is stimma" ; rdfs:label " stimma_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38559stipola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38559stipola is stipola" ; rdfs:label " stipola_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38560stolone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38560stolone is stolone" ; rdfs:label " stolone_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH38561stolone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38561stolone is stolone" ; rdfs:label " stolone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38562stomachico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38562stomachico is stomachico" ; rdfs:label " stomachico_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38563strafilococco simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38563strafilococco is strafilococco" ; rdfs:label " strafilococco_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38565stramonio simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38565stramonio is stramonio" ; rdfs:label " stramonio_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38566strangolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38566strangolo is strangolo" ; rdfs:label " strangolo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38567stringinaso simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38567stringinaso is stringinaso" ; rdfs:label " stringinaso_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38568stripper simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38568stripper is stripper" ; rdfs:label " stripper_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38570strobilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38570strobilo is strobilo" ; rdfs:label " strobilo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38571stroma simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38571stroma is stroma" ; rdfs:label " stroma_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38573subroutine simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38573subroutine is subroutine" ; rdfs:label " subroutine_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38574succhione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38574succhione is succhione" ; rdfs:label " succhione_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38575sudorifero simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38575sudorifero is sudorifero" ; rdfs:label " sudorifero_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38577suite simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38577suite is suite" ; rdfs:label " suite_as_Building" . inds:USemTH38578sula simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38578sula is sula" ; rdfs:label " sula_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38579sunna simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38579sunna is sunna" ; rdfs:label " sunna_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH38581superpolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38581superpolo is superpolo" ; rdfs:label " superpolo_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH38582superprocuratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38582superprocuratore is superprocuratore" ; rdfs:label " superprocuratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38584surfattante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38584surfattante is surfattante" ; rdfs:label " surfattante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38585surfactante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38585surfactante is surfactante" ; rdfs:label " surfactante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38586surfer simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38586surfer is surfer" ; rdfs:label " surfer_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH38589svasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38589svasso is svasso" ; rdfs:label " svasso_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38591satanismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38591satanismo is satanismo" ; rdfs:label " satanismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38592schistosomiasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38592schistosomiasi is schistosomiasi" ; rdfs:label " schistosomiasi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38593seccume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38593seccume is seccume" ; rdfs:label " seccume_as_Group" . inds:USemTH38598sofrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38598sofrologia is sofrologia" ; rdfs:label " sofrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38599sovracorrente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38599sovracorrente is sovracorrente" ; rdfs:label " sovracorrente_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38600sovrapressione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38600sovrapressione is sovrapressione" ; rdfs:label " sovrapressione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38601spolvero simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38601spolvero is spolvero" ; rdfs:label " spolvero_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38602step simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38602step is step" ; rdfs:label " step_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38603stepaerobics simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38603stepaerobics is stepaerobics" ; rdfs:label " stepaerobics_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38604stepfunk simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38604stepfunk is stepfunk" ; rdfs:label " stepfunk_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38605storacismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38605storacismo is storacismo" ; rdfs:label " storacismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38606surfing simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38606surfing is surfing" ; rdfs:label " surfing_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38607stimmate simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38607stimmate is stimmate" ; rdfs:label " stimmate_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38608stimmate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38608stimmate is stimmate" ; rdfs:label " stimmate_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38609salomone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38609salomone is salomone" ; rdfs:label " salomone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38610stonehenge simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38610stonehenge is stonehenge" ; rdfs:label " stonehenge_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH38611spatolata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38611spatolata is spatolata" ; rdfs:label " spatolata_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH38612spolvero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38612spolvero is spolvero" ; rdfs:label " spolvero_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH38614swap simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38614swap is swap" ; rdfs:label " swap_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH38616service simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38616service is service" ; rdfs:label " service_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH38619scabrosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38619scabrosita1 is scabrosita'" ; rdfs:label " scabrosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38620scalabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38620scalabilita1 is scalabilita'" ; rdfs:label " scalabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38623solubilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38623solubilita1 is solubilita'" ; rdfs:label " solubilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38625specificita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38625specificita1 is specificita'" ; rdfs:label " specificita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38627tallo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38627tallo is tallo" ; rdfs:label " tallo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38628tamarro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38628tamarro is tamarro" ; rdfs:label " tamarro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38629tanaceto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38629tanaceto is tanaceto" ; rdfs:label " tanaceto_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38630tanzanite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38630tanzanite is tanzanite" ; rdfs:label " tanzanite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38631tarabusino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38631tarabusino is tarabusino" ; rdfs:label " tarabusino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38632tarabuso simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38632tarabuso is tarabuso" ; rdfs:label " tarabuso_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38633tarassaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38633tarassaco is tarassaco" ; rdfs:label " tarassaco_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38634tarassaco simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38634tarassaco is tarassaco" ; rdfs:label " tarassaco_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38635tassobarbasso simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38635tassobarbasso is tassobarbasso" ; rdfs:label " tassobarbasso_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38636tau simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38636tau is tau" ; rdfs:label " tau_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH38637taylorismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38637taylorismo is taylorismo" ; rdfs:label " taylorismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38638tee simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38638tee is tee" ; rdfs:label " tee_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38639teismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38639teismo is teismo" ; rdfs:label " teismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38640telebanking simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38640telebanking is telebanking" ; rdfs:label " telebanking_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38641telechirurgia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38641telechirurgia is telechirurgia" ; rdfs:label " telechirurgia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38644teledemocrazia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38644teledemocrazia is teledemocrazia" ; rdfs:label " teledemocrazia_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38645telefax simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38645telefax is telefax" ; rdfs:label " telefax_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38646teleologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38646teleologia is teleologia" ; rdfs:label " teleologia_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38647telepedaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38647telepedaggio is telepedaggio" ; rdfs:label " telepedaggio_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38648teleshopping simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38648teleshopping is teleshopping" ; rdfs:label " teleshopping_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38649teletex simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38649teletex is teletex" ; rdfs:label " teletex_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38650televisionista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38650televisionista is televisionista" ; rdfs:label " televisionista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38651tempistica simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38651tempistica is tempistica" ; rdfs:label " tempistica_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38652templare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38652templare is templare" ; rdfs:label " templare_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38653tenifugo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38653tenifugo is tenifugo" ; rdfs:label " tenifugo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38654tenosinovite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38654tenosinovite is tenosinovite" ; rdfs:label " tenosinovite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38655teodicea simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38655teodicea is teodicea" ; rdfs:label " teodicea_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38656teofagia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38656teofagia is teofagia" ; rdfs:label " teofagia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38657teofania simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38657teofania is teofania" ; rdfs:label " teofania_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38658teosofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38658teosofia is teosofia" ; rdfs:label " teosofia_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38659tepalo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38659tepalo is tepalo" ; rdfs:label " tepalo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38660teratologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38660teratologia is teratologia" ; rdfs:label " teratologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38661terebra simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38661terebra is terebra" ; rdfs:label " terebra_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38662terebra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38662terebra is terebra" ; rdfs:label " terebra_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38667thatter simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38667thatter is thatter" ; rdfs:label " thatter_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38668tillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38668tillo is tillo" ; rdfs:label " tillo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38669timeout simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38669timeout is timeout" ; rdfs:label " timeout_as_Time" . inds:USemTH38670tisanottero simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38670tisanottero is tisanottero" ; rdfs:label " tisanottero_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38671tixotropia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38671tixotropia is tixotropia" ; rdfs:label " tixotropia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38672tocoferolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38672tocoferolo is tocoferolo" ; rdfs:label " tocoferolo_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38673toner simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38673toner is toner" ; rdfs:label " toner_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38675torah simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38675torah is torah" ; rdfs:label " torah_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38676tordella simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38676tordella is tordella" ; rdfs:label " tordella_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38677tormalina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38677tormalina is tormalina" ; rdfs:label " tormalina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38678tormentilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38678tormentilla is tormentilla" ; rdfs:label " tormentilla_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38680tottavilla simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38680tottavilla is tottavilla" ; rdfs:label " tottavilla_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38681touchpad simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38681touchpad is touchpad" ; rdfs:label " touchpad_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38682trace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38682trace is trace" ; rdfs:label " trace_as_People" . inds:USemTH38683trace simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38683trace is trace" ; rdfs:label " trace_as_Language" . inds:USemTH38684trace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38684trace is trace" ; rdfs:label " trace_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH38685tracheide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38685tracheide is tracheide" ; rdfs:label " tracheide_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38686trackball simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38686trackball is trackball" ; rdfs:label " trackball_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38687trademark simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38687trademark is trademark" ; rdfs:label " trademark_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38688traducianismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38688traducianismo is traducianismo" ; rdfs:label " traducianismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38689transunto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38689transunto is transunto" ; rdfs:label " transunto_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38692trashista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38692trashista is trashista" ; rdfs:label " trashista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38694triregno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38694triregno is triregno" ; rdfs:label " triregno_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH38695troncato simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38695troncato is troncato" ; rdfs:label " troncato_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38696troppopieno simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38696troppopieno is troppopieno" ; rdfs:label " troppopieno_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH38697tubercolizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38697tubercolizzazione is tubercolizzazione" ; rdfs:label " tubercolizzazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38699tuffetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38699tuffetto is tuffetto" ; rdfs:label " tuffetto_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38701turbocapitalismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38701turbocapitalismo is turbocapitalismo" ; rdfs:label " turbocapitalismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38702turione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38702turione is turione" ; rdfs:label " turione_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38703tus simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38703tus is tus" ; rdfs:label " tus_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH38704twill simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38704twill is twill" ; rdfs:label " twill_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH38705underscore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38705underscore is underscore" ; rdfs:label " underscore_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH38706upanisad simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38706upanisad is upanisad" ; rdfs:label " upanisad_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38707upanishad simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38707upanishad is upanishad" ; rdfs:label " upanishad_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38708uria simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38708uria is uria" ; rdfs:label " uria_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38709usabilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38709usabilita1 is usabilita'" ; rdfs:label " usabilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38710usenet simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38710usenet is usenet" ; rdfs:label " usenet_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38711userid simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38711userid is userid" ; rdfs:label " userid_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38712username simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38712username is username" ; rdfs:label " username_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38713vaccina simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38713vaccina is vaccina" ; rdfs:label " vaccina_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH38714vaccina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38714vaccina is vaccina" ; rdfs:label " vaccina_as_Food" . inds:USemTH38715vaccina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38715vaccina is vaccina" ; rdfs:label " vaccina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38716valchiria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38716valchiria is valchiria" ; rdfs:label " valchiria_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38717Valkiria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38717Valkiria is Valkiria" ; rdfs:label " Valkiria_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38718variegatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38718variegatura is variegatura" ; rdfs:label " variegatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH38720vasculopatia simple:hasAffects inds:USem79513vaso ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem79484patologia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38720vasculopatia is vasculopatia" ; rdfs:label " vasculopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38721veejay simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38721veejay is veejay" ; rdfs:label " veejay_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38722vegan simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38722vegan is vegan" ; rdfs:label " vegan_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38725verbasco simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38725verbasco is verbasco" ; rdfs:label " verbasco_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38726vermiculite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38726vermiculite is vermiculite" ; rdfs:label " vermiculite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38727vermifugo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38727vermifugo is vermifugo" ; rdfs:label " vermifugo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38728verticillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38728verticillo is verticillo" ; rdfs:label " verticillo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH38729verzellino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38729verzellino is verzellino" ; rdfs:label " verzellino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38730vescicatorio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38730vescicatorio is vescicatorio" ; rdfs:label " vescicatorio_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38731vesuviana simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38731vesuviana is vesuviana" ; rdfs:label " vesuviana_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38732viburno simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38732viburno is viburno" ; rdfs:label " viburno_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38733videocrate simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38733videocrate is videocrate" ; rdfs:label " videocrate_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38734videoscrittura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38734videoscrittura is videoscrittura" ; rdfs:label " videoscrittura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38735videotex simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38735videotex is videotex" ; rdfs:label " videotex_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38736videovelina simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38736videovelina is videovelina" ; rdfs:label " videovelina_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38738virione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38738virione is virione" ; rdfs:label " virione_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38739viroide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38739viroide is viroide" ; rdfs:label " viroide_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38740viscosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38740viscosita1 is viscosita'" ; rdfs:label " viscosita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38741viscosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38741viscosita1 is viscosita'" ; rdfs:label " viscosita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38744visurista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38744visurista is visurista" ; rdfs:label " visurista_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38745viteria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38745viteria is viteria" ; rdfs:label " viteria_as_Group" . inds:USemTH38747viviparo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38747viviparo is viviparo" ; rdfs:label " viviparo_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH38748viviparo simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38748viviparo is viviparo" ; rdfs:label " viviparo_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38749volatilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38749volatilita1 is volatilita'" ; rdfs:label " volatilita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38750volatilita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38750volatilita1 is volatilita'" ; rdfs:label " volatilita'_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH38751volgata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38751volgata is volgata" ; rdfs:label " volgata_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38753volpoca simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38753volpoca is volpoca" ; rdfs:label " volpoca_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38754voltolino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38754voltolino is voltolino" ; rdfs:label " voltolino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38755vulneraria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38755vulneraria is vulneraria" ; rdfs:label " vulneraria_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38756wahabita simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38756wahabita is wahabita" ; rdfs:label " wahabita_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38757walchiria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38757walchiria is walchiria" ; rdfs:label " walchiria_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38758walkiria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38758walkiria is walkiria" ; rdfs:label " walkiria_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38760webcam simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38760webcam is webcam" ; rdfs:label " webcam_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38761westminster simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38761westminster is westminster" ; rdfs:label " westminster_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH38762xoanon simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38762xoanon is xoanon" ; rdfs:label " xoanon_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH38763yang simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38763yang is yang" ; rdfs:label " yang_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH38764yin simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38764yin is yin" ; rdfs:label " yin_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH38765york simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Geopolitical_location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38765york is york" ; rdfs:label " york_as_Geopolitical_location" . inds:USemTH38766zaccaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38766zaccaria is zaccaria" ; rdfs:label " zaccaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38767zapatista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38767zapatista is zapatista" ; rdfs:label " zapatista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38769zeolite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38769zeolite is zeolite" ; rdfs:label " zeolite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38770zeugma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38770zeugma is zeugma" ; rdfs:label " zeugma_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38771zeus simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38771zeus is zeus" ; rdfs:label " zeus_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH38772zigolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38772zigolo is zigolo" ; rdfs:label " zigolo_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH38773zigospora simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38773zigospora is zigospora" ; rdfs:label " zigospora_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH38774zoisite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38774zoisite is zoisite" ; rdfs:label " zoisite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38775zoolatria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38775zoolatria is zoolatria" ; rdfs:label " zoolatria_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38777zouk simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38777zouk is zouk" ; rdfs:label " zouk_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38779oncia simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38779oncia is oncia" ; rdfs:label " oncia_as_Money" . inds:USemTH38780opercolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38780opercolo is opercolo" ; rdfs:label " opercolo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38781otricolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38781otricolo is otricolo" ; rdfs:label " otricolo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38782ottetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38782ottetto is ottetto" ; rdfs:label " ottetto_as_Group" . inds:USemTH38783otto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38783otto is otto" ; rdfs:label " otto_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH38784otto simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38784otto is otto" ; rdfs:label " otto_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH38785opinione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38785opinione is opinione" ; rdfs:label " opinione_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH38786organicismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38786organicismo is organicismo" ; rdfs:label " organicismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38788quaresimale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38788quaresimale is quaresimale" ; rdfs:label " quaresimale_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH38789quattordicesima simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38789quattordicesima is quattordicesima" ; rdfs:label " quattordicesima_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38792salvavita simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38792salvavita is salvavita" ; rdfs:label " salvavita_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38793sanitario simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38793sanitario is sanitario" ; rdfs:label " sanitario_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH38794saprofito simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38794saprofito is saprofito" ; rdfs:label " saprofito_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH38795sassarese simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38795sassarese is sassarese" ; rdfs:label " sassarese_as_Language" . inds:USemTH38797scleroma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Organic_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38797scleroma is scleroma" ; rdfs:label " scleroma_as_Organic_entity" . inds:USemTH38798scolastica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38798scolastica is scolastica" ; rdfs:label " scolastica_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38800segale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38800segale is segale" ; rdfs:label " segale_as_Food" . inds:USemTH38801selfservice simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38801selfservice is selfservice" ; rdfs:label " selfservice_as_Building" . inds:USemTH38802senseria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38802senseria is senseria" ; rdfs:label " senseria_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH38805sentimentalista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38805sentimentalista is sentimentalista" ; rdfs:label " sentimentalista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38806serpentino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38806serpentino is serpentino" ; rdfs:label " serpentino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38807serpentino simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38807serpentino is serpentino" ; rdfs:label " serpentino_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH38808serpentone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38808serpentone is serpentone" ; rdfs:label " serpentone_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH38810settimanale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38810settimanale is settimanale" ; rdfs:label " settimanale_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38811settimino simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38811settimino is settimino" ; rdfs:label " settimino_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH38812sifone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38812sifone is sifone" ; rdfs:label " sifone_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH38813sifone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38813sifone is sifone" ; rdfs:label " sifone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38814silo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38814silo is silo" ; rdfs:label " silo_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH38815silo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38815silo is silo" ; rdfs:label " silo_as_Building" . inds:USemTH38816sinestesia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38816sinestesia is sinestesia" ; rdfs:label " sinestesia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH38821sovrintendente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38821sovrintendente is sovrintendente" ; rdfs:label " sovrintendente_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH38822specialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38822specialita1 is specialita'" ; rdfs:label " specialita'_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH38823specialita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38823specialita1 is specialita'" ; rdfs:label " specialita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH38824specifico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38824specifico is specifico" ; rdfs:label " specifico_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38825spot simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38825spot is spot" ; rdfs:label " spot_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38826spurgo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38826spurgo is spurgo" ; rdfs:label " spurgo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38827spurgo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38827spurgo is spurgo" ; rdfs:label " spurgo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38828squillo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38828squillo is squillo" ; rdfs:label " squillo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38829stivaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38829stivaggio is stivaggio" ; rdfs:label " stivaggio_as_Group" . inds:USemTH38832supermarket simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38832supermarket is supermarket" ; rdfs:label " supermarket_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH38833supero simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38833supero is supero" ; rdfs:label " supero_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH38834liquidita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38834liquidita1 is liquidita'" ; rdfs:label " liquidita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH38835abaco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38835abaco is abaco" ; rdfs:label " abaco_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38836alfa simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38836alfa is alfa" ; rdfs:label " alfa_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38837aloe simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38837aloe is aloe" ; rdfs:label " aloe_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38839ampelografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38839ampelografia is ampelografia" ; rdfs:label " ampelografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38840ampeloterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38840ampeloterapia is ampeloterapia" ; rdfs:label " ampeloterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38842amperometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38842amperometro is amperometro" ; rdfs:label " amperometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38843ampolla simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38843ampolla is ampolla" ; rdfs:label " ampolla_as_Container" . inds:USemTH38844anabbagliante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38844anabbagliante is anabbagliante" ; rdfs:label " anabbagliante_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38845anabolizzante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38845anabolizzante is anabolizzante" ; rdfs:label " anabolizzante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38846anaerobio simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38846anaerobio is anaerobio" ; rdfs:label " anaerobio_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH38847anasarca simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38847anasarca is anasarca" ; rdfs:label " anasarca_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38849ancile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38849ancile is ancile" ; rdfs:label " ancile_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38850andrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38850andrologia is andrologia" ; rdfs:label " andrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38851androne simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38851androne is androne" ; rdfs:label " androne_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38852androsterone simple:hasIsa inds:USem3052ormone ; simple:hasProducedby inds:USem1788ghiandola ; simple:hasTypicalof inds:USem3591uomo ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38852androsterone is androsterone" ; rdfs:label " androsterone_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38853anellino simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38853anellino is anellino" ; rdfs:label " anellino_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH38854anemografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38854anemografia is anemografia" ; rdfs:label " anemografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38855anemometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38855anemometro is anemometro" ; rdfs:label " anemometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38856anestesiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38856anestesiologia is anestesiologia" ; rdfs:label " anestesiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38857anfibologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38857anfibologia is anfibologia" ; rdfs:label " anfibologia_as_Property" . inds:USemTH38858angelologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38858angelologia is angelologia" ; rdfs:label " angelologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38859angiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38859angiologia is angiologia" ; rdfs:label " angiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH3885termoelemento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3885termoelemento is termoelemento" ; rdfs:label " termoelemento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38860angioma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38860angioma is angioma" ; rdfs:label " angioma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38861anione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38861anione is anione" ; rdfs:label " anione_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38862annali simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38862annali is annali" ; rdfs:label " annali_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38863annesso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38863annesso is annesso" ; rdfs:label " annesso_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38864annuale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38864annuale is annuale" ; rdfs:label " annuale_as_Time" . inds:USemTH38865annuario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38865annuario is annuario" ; rdfs:label " annuario_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38866annuario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38866annuario is annuario" ; rdfs:label " annuario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH38867anodo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38867anodo is anodo" ; rdfs:label " anodo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38868ansa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38868ansa is ansa" ; rdfs:label " ansa_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38869antemurale simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38869antemurale is antemurale" ; rdfs:label " antemurale_as_Building" . inds:USemTH38870antennale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38870antennale is antennale" ; rdfs:label " antennale_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38871antiabbagliante simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38871antiabbagliante is antiabbagliante" ; rdfs:label " antiabbagliante_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38872antiacne simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38872antiacne is antiacne" ; rdfs:label " antiacne_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38873antialcoolista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38873antialcoolista is antialcoolista" ; rdfs:label " antialcoolista_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH38874anticarie simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38874anticarie is anticarie" ; rdfs:label " anticarie_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38875anticatarrale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38875anticatarrale is anticatarrale" ; rdfs:label " anticatarrale_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38877antico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38877antico is antico" ; rdfs:label " antico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38878anticristo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38878anticristo is anticristo" ; rdfs:label " anticristo_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH38879antielettrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38879antielettrone is antielettrone" ; rdfs:label " antielettrone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38880antiemorroidale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38880antiemorroidale is antiemorroidale" ; rdfs:label " antiemorroidale_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38881antifebbrile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38881antifebbrile is antifebbrile" ; rdfs:label " antifebbrile_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38882antifecondativo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38882antifecondativo is antifecondativo" ; rdfs:label " antifecondativo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38883antigene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38883antigene is antigene" ; rdfs:label " antigene_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38884antiinfluenzale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38884antiinfluenzale is antiinfluenzale" ; rdfs:label " antiinfluenzale_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38885antineutrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38885antineutrone is antineutrone" ; rdfs:label " antineutrone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38886antinfluenzale simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38886antinfluenzale is antinfluenzale" ; rdfs:label " antinfluenzale_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38888antiprotone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38888antiprotone is antiprotone" ; rdfs:label " antiprotone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38889antisilurante simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38889antisilurante is antisilurante" ; rdfs:label " antisilurante_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH3888terrazzamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3888terrazzamento is terrazzamento" ; rdfs:label " terrazzamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH38890antisommergibile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38890antisommergibile is antisommergibile" ; rdfs:label " antisommergibile_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38891antitossina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38891antitossina is antitossina" ; rdfs:label " antitossina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH38892antografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38892antografia is antografia" ; rdfs:label " antografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38893antro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38893antro is antro" ; rdfs:label " antro_as_Area" . inds:USemTH38894antro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38894antro is antro" ; rdfs:label " antro_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38895antropogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38895antropogenesi is antropogenesi" ; rdfs:label " antropogenesi_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38896antropogeografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38896antropogeografia is antropogeografia" ; rdfs:label " antropogeografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38897antroposofia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38897antroposofia is antroposofia" ; rdfs:label " antroposofia_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH38898apiterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38898apiterapia is apiterapia" ; rdfs:label " apiterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38899apofisi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38899apofisi is apofisi" ; rdfs:label " apofisi_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38900apofisi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38900apofisi is apofisi" ; rdfs:label " apofisi_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH38901aponeurosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38901aponeurosi is aponeurosi" ; rdfs:label " aponeurosi_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38902appendigonna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38902appendigonna is appendigonna" ; rdfs:label " appendigonna_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38903appigionasi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38903appigionasi is appigionasi" ; rdfs:label " appigionasi_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38904applique simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38904applique is applique" ; rdfs:label " applique_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38905appoggiacapo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38905appoggiacapo is appoggiacapo" ; rdfs:label " appoggiacapo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38906appoggiaferro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38906appoggiaferro is appoggiaferro" ; rdfs:label " appoggiaferro_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38907appoggiamano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38907appoggiamano is appoggiamano" ; rdfs:label " appoggiamano_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38908appretto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38908appretto is appretto" ; rdfs:label " appretto_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38909apribocca simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38909apribocca is apribocca" ; rdfs:label " apribocca_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38910apribottiglie simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38910apribottiglie is apribottiglie" ; rdfs:label " apribottiglie_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38911apricasse simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38911apricasse is apricasse" ; rdfs:label " apricasse_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38912apriscatole simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38912apriscatole is apriscatole" ; rdfs:label " apriscatole_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38913apside simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38913apside is apside" ; rdfs:label " apside_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38914arcale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38914arcale is arcale" ; rdfs:label " arcale_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38915archeografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38915archeografia is archeografia" ; rdfs:label " archeografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38916archimicete simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38916archimicete is archimicete" ; rdfs:label " archimicete_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH38917arcione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38917arcione is arcione" ; rdfs:label " arcione_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38918arciprete simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38918arciprete is arciprete" ; rdfs:label " arciprete_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH38919arcocosecante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38919arcocosecante is arcocosecante" ; rdfs:label " arcocosecante_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38920arconte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38920arconte is arconte" ; rdfs:label " arconte_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH38921ardiglione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38921ardiglione is ardiglione" ; rdfs:label " ardiglione_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38922areale simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38922areale is areale" ; rdfs:label " areale_as_Area" . inds:USemTH38923areola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38923areola is areola" ; rdfs:label " areola_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38924argano simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38924argano is argano" ; rdfs:label " argano_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38925argentaria simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38925argentaria is argentaria" ; rdfs:label " argentaria_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38926arido simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38926arido is arido" ; rdfs:label " arido_as_Material" . inds:USemTH38927ariete simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38927ariete is ariete" ; rdfs:label " ariete_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH38928ariete simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38928ariete is ariete" ; rdfs:label " ariete_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38929ariete simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38929ariete is ariete" ; rdfs:label " ariete_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH38930ariete simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38930ariete is ariete" ; rdfs:label " ariete_as_Group" . inds:USemTH38931ariete simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38931ariete is ariete" ; rdfs:label " ariete_as_Human" . inds:USemTH38932ariete simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38932ariete is ariete" ; rdfs:label " ariete_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH38933armoriale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38933armoriale is armoriale" ; rdfs:label " armoriale_as_Information" . inds:USemTH38934armoriale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38934armoriale is armoriale" ; rdfs:label " armoriale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH38935arpionismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38935arpionismo is arpionismo" ; rdfs:label " arpionismo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH38936arpone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38936arpone is arpone" ; rdfs:label " arpone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38937arricciaburro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38937arricciaburro is arricciaburro" ; rdfs:label " arricciaburro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38938arricciacapelli simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38938arricciacapelli is arricciacapelli" ; rdfs:label " arricciacapelli_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38939arrotondadorsi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38939arrotondadorsi is arrotondadorsi" ; rdfs:label " arrotondadorsi_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38940arteriologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38940arteriologia is arteriologia" ; rdfs:label " arteriologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38941artrologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38941artrologia is artrologia" ; rdfs:label " artrologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38942asciale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38942asciale is asciale" ; rdfs:label " asciale_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38943aspic simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38943aspic is aspic" ; rdfs:label " aspic_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH38944assale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38944assale is assale" ; rdfs:label " assale_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38945assestacovoni simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38945assestacovoni is assestacovoni" ; rdfs:label " assestacovoni_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38946assiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38946assiologia is assiologia" ; rdfs:label " assiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38949assistente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38949assistente is assistente" ; rdfs:label " assistente_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH38950asteroide simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38950asteroide is asteroide" ; rdfs:label " asteroide_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38951astrobiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38951astrobiologia is astrobiologia" ; rdfs:label " astrobiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38952astrografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38952astrografia is astrografia" ; rdfs:label " astrografia_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH38953astrolabio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38953astrolabio is astrolabio" ; rdfs:label " astrolabio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38954atassia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38954atassia is atassia" ; rdfs:label " atassia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38955ateroma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38955ateroma is ateroma" ; rdfs:label " ateroma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH38956attaccavesti simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38956attaccavesti is attaccavesti" ; rdfs:label " attaccavesti_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38957attico simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38957attico is attico" ; rdfs:label " attico_as_Building" . inds:USemTH38958attico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38958attico is attico" ; rdfs:label " attico_as_Part" . inds:USemTH38959attinografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38959attinografia is attinografia" ; rdfs:label " attinografia_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH38960attinologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38960attinologia is attinologia" ; rdfs:label " attinologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38961attinoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38961attinoterapia is attinoterapia" ; rdfs:label " attinoterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38962attivante simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38962attivante is attivante" ; rdfs:label " attivante_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38963audiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38963audiologia is audiologia" ; rdfs:label " audiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38964auricola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38964auricola is auricola" ; rdfs:label " auricola_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38965auricola simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38965auricola is auricola" ; rdfs:label " auricola_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH38966ausiliare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38966ausiliare is ausiliare" ; rdfs:label " ausiliare_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH38967autemoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38967autemoterapia is autemoterapia" ; rdfs:label " autemoterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38969autocaravan simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38969autocaravan is autocaravan" ; rdfs:label " autocaravan_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH38970autocentrante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38970autocentrante is autocentrante" ; rdfs:label " autocentrante_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38971autofurgone simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38971autofurgone is autofurgone" ; rdfs:label " autofurgone_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH38973autogoverno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38973autogoverno is autogoverno" ; rdfs:label " autogoverno_as_Property" . inds:USemTH38974autoimmondizie simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38974autoimmondizie is autoimmondizie" ; rdfs:label " autoimmondizie_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH38975automostra simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38975automostra is automostra" ; rdfs:label " automostra_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH38976autopullman simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38976autopullman is autopullman" ; rdfs:label " autopullman_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH38977autoribaltabile simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38977autoribaltabile is autoribaltabile" ; rdfs:label " autoribaltabile_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH38978autorimessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38978autorimessa is autorimessa" ; rdfs:label " autorimessa_as_Building" . inds:USemTH38979autorita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38979autorita1 is autorita'" ; rdfs:label " autorita'_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH38981autoroulotte simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38981autoroulotte is autoroulotte" ; rdfs:label " autoroulotte_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH38982autosalone simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38982autosalone is autosalone" ; rdfs:label " autosalone_as_Building" . inds:USemTH38983autoscatto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38983autoscatto is autoscatto" ; rdfs:label " autoscatto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38984autoscontro simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38984autoscontro is autoscontro" ; rdfs:label " autoscontro_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH38985auxologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38985auxologia is auxologia" ; rdfs:label " auxologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38986avesta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38986avesta is avesta" ; rdfs:label " avesta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH38987aviogetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38987aviogetto is aviogetto" ; rdfs:label " aviogetto_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH38988aviorimessa simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38988aviorimessa is aviorimessa" ; rdfs:label " aviorimessa_as_Building" . inds:USemTH38989axiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38989axiologia is axiologia" ; rdfs:label " axiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38990azimut simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38990azimut is azimut" ; rdfs:label " azimut_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USemTH38991azoturo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38991azoturo is azoturo" ; rdfs:label " azoturo_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH38992baba1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38992baba1 is baba'" ; rdfs:label " baba'_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH38993babbagigi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3673ortaggio ; a simple:Vegetable, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38993babbagigi is babbagigi" ; rdfs:label " babbagigi_as_Vegetable" . inds:USemTH38994baccelliere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38994baccelliere is baccelliere" ; rdfs:label " baccelliere_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH38995bacile simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38995bacile is bacile" ; rdfs:label " bacile_as_Container" . inds:USemTH38996bacinetto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38996bacinetto is bacinetto" ; rdfs:label " bacinetto_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH38997bacologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38997bacologia is bacologia" ; rdfs:label " bacologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH38998badalone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38998badalone is badalone" ; rdfs:label " badalone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH38999badge simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH38999badge is badge" ; rdfs:label " badge_as_Information" . inds:USemTH39000badge simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39000badge is badge" ; rdfs:label " badge_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH39001baglio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39001baglio is baglio" ; rdfs:label " baglio_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39002balestrone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39002balestrone is balestrone" ; rdfs:label " balestrone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39003balneoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39003balneoterapia is balneoterapia" ; rdfs:label " balneoterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39004bancale simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39004bancale is bancale" ; rdfs:label " bancale_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH39006barbacane simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39006barbacane is barbacane" ; rdfs:label " barbacane_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39007barbazzale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39007barbazzale is barbazzale" ; rdfs:label " barbazzale_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39008bariglione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39008bariglione is bariglione" ; rdfs:label " bariglione_as_Container" . inds:USemTH39009barramina simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39009barramina is barramina" ; rdfs:label " barramina_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39010basetta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39010basetta is basetta" ; rdfs:label " basetta_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39011bassofondo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39011bassofondo is bassofondo" ; rdfs:label " bassofondo_as_Area" . inds:USemTH39012bassoparlante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39012bassoparlante is bassoparlante" ; rdfs:label " bassoparlante_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39013bastardume simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39013bastardume is bastardume" ; rdfs:label " bastardume_as_Group" . inds:USemTH39014basto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39014basto is basto" ; rdfs:label " basto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39015bastoncello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39015bastoncello is bastoncello" ; rdfs:label " bastoncello_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH39016bastoncello simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39016bastoncello is bastoncello" ; rdfs:label " bastoncello_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39017batigrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39017batigrafia is batigrafia" ; rdfs:label " batigrafia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39018batteriofago simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39018batteriofago is batteriofago" ; rdfs:label " batteriofago_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH39019batteriologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39019batteriologia is batteriologia" ; rdfs:label " batteriologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39020batterioterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39020batterioterapia is batterioterapia" ; rdfs:label " batterioterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39021batticarne simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39021batticarne is batticarne" ; rdfs:label " batticarne_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39022battifolle simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39022battifolle is battifolle" ; rdfs:label " battifolle_as_Building" . inds:USemTH39023battilana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39023battilana is battilana" ; rdfs:label " battilana_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39024battilardo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39024battilardo is battilardo" ; rdfs:label " battilardo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39025battipalle simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39025battipalle is battipalle" ; rdfs:label " battipalle_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39026battipanni simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39026battipanni is battipanni" ; rdfs:label " battipanni_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39027battipista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39027battipista is battipista" ; rdfs:label " battipista_as_Role" . inds:USemTH39028battipista simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39028battipista is battipista" ; rdfs:label " battipista_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH39029battipolvere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39029battipolvere is battipolvere" ; rdfs:label " battipolvere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39030battiporta simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39030battiporta is battiporta" ; rdfs:label " battiporta_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39031battirame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39031battirame is battirame" ; rdfs:label " battirame_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39033becchime simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39033becchime is becchime" ; rdfs:label " becchime_as_Food" . inds:USemTH39034bendone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39034bendone is bendone" ; rdfs:label " bendone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39035benedizionale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39035benedizionale is benedizionale" ; rdfs:label " benedizionale_as_Information" . inds:USemTH39036benedizionale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39036benedizionale is benedizionale" ; rdfs:label " benedizionale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH39037benna simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39037benna is benna" ; rdfs:label " benna_as_Container" . inds:USemTH39038berrettone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39038berrettone is berrettone" ; rdfs:label " berrettone_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH39039bettolina simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39039bettolina is bettolina" ; rdfs:label " bettolina_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH39040bibliologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39040bibliologia is bibliologia" ; rdfs:label " bibliologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39042bichini simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39042bichini is bichini" ; rdfs:label " bichini_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH39043bicoppia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39043bicoppia is bicoppia" ; rdfs:label " bicoppia_as_Group" . inds:USemTH39044bifilare simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39044bifilare is bifilare" ; rdfs:label " bifilare_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39045bifronte simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39045bifronte is bifronte" ; rdfs:label " bifronte_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39046bilirubina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39046bilirubina is bilirubina" ; rdfs:label " bilirubina_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH39047billone simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39047billone is billone" ; rdfs:label " billone_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH39048bioclimatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39048bioclimatologia is bioclimatologia" ; rdfs:label " bioclimatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39049biogeografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39049biogeografia is biogeografia" ; rdfs:label " biogeografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39050biometeorologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39050biometeorologia is biometeorologia" ; rdfs:label " biometeorologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39051biosociologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39051biosociologia is biosociologia" ; rdfs:label " biosociologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39052biostratigrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39052biostratigrafia is biostratigrafia" ; rdfs:label " biostratigrafia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39053bisante simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Money, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39053bisante is bisante" ; rdfs:label " bisante_as_Money" . inds:USemTH39054bitta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39054bitta is bitta" ; rdfs:label " bitta_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39055bittone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39055bittone is bittone" ; rdfs:label " bittone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39056biviere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39056biviere is biviere" ; rdfs:label " biviere_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH39057blastema simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39057blastema is blastema" ; rdfs:label " blastema_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39058blastomero simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39058blastomero is blastomero" ; rdfs:label " blastomero_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH39059blastula simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39059blastula is blastula" ; rdfs:label " blastula_as_Time" . inds:USemTH39060boccascena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39060boccascena is boccascena" ; rdfs:label " boccascena_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39061bocchello simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39061bocchello is bocchello" ; rdfs:label " bocchello_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH39062boccola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39062boccola is boccola" ; rdfs:label " boccola_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39063bollettario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39063bollettario is bollettario" ; rdfs:label " bollettario_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH39064bollilatte simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39064bollilatte is bollilatte" ; rdfs:label " bollilatte_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39065bollisiringhe simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39065bollisiringhe is bollisiringhe" ; rdfs:label " bollisiringhe_as_Container" . inds:USemTH39066bollore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39066bollore is bollore" ; rdfs:label " bollore_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39067bolometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39067bolometro is bolometro" ; rdfs:label " bolometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39068bombolone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39068bombolone is bombolone" ; rdfs:label " bombolone_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH39069bombolone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39069bombolone is bombolone" ; rdfs:label " bombolone_as_Container" . inds:USemTH39071bordame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39071bordame is bordame" ; rdfs:label " bordame_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39072borlone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39072borlone is borlone" ; rdfs:label " borlone_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39073botriocefalo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39073botriocefalo is botriocefalo" ; rdfs:label " botriocefalo_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH39074botrioterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39074botrioterapia is botrioterapia" ; rdfs:label " botrioterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39075bottale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39075bottale is bottale" ; rdfs:label " bottale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39077bottiniere simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39077bottiniere is bottiniere" ; rdfs:label " bottiniere_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39079brachiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39079brachiere is brachiere" ; rdfs:label " brachiere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39080brachigrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39080brachigrafia is brachigrafia" ; rdfs:label " brachigrafia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39081brachilogia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39081brachilogia is brachilogia" ; rdfs:label " brachilogia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH39082braga simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39082braga is braga" ; rdfs:label " braga_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39083braghiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39083braghiere is braghiere" ; rdfs:label " braghiere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39084brecciale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39084brecciale is brecciale" ; rdfs:label " brecciale_as_Group" . inds:USemTH39085brecciame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39085brecciame is brecciame" ; rdfs:label " brecciame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH39086bricchetta simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39086bricchetta is bricchetta" ; rdfs:label " bricchetta_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH39087briccola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39087briccola is briccola" ; rdfs:label " briccola_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39088briografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39088briografia is briografia" ; rdfs:label " briografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39089briologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39089briologia is briologia" ; rdfs:label " briologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39090briscolone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39090briscolone is briscolone" ; rdfs:label " briscolone_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39091bristol simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39091bristol is bristol" ; rdfs:label " bristol_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH39093brocchiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39093brocchiere is brocchiere" ; rdfs:label " brocchiere_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39094broccia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39094broccia is broccia" ; rdfs:label " broccia_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39095brochure simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39095brochure is brochure" ; rdfs:label " brochure_as_Information" . inds:USemTH39096brochure simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39096brochure is brochure" ; rdfs:label " brochure_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH39097brogliazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39097brogliazzo is brogliazzo" ; rdfs:label " brogliazzo_as_Information" . inds:USemTH39098brogliazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39098brogliazzo is brogliazzo" ; rdfs:label " brogliazzo_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH39099bromatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39099bromatologia is bromatologia" ; rdfs:label " bromatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39100bronchiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39100bronchiolo is bronchiolo" ; rdfs:label " bronchiolo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH39101broncone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39101broncone is broncone" ; rdfs:label " broncone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39102bruciaprofumi simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39102bruciaprofumi is bruciaprofumi" ; rdfs:label " bruciaprofumi_as_Container" . inds:USemTH39103brucione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39103brucione is brucione" ; rdfs:label " brucione_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39104brulicame simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39104brulicame is brulicame" ; rdfs:label " brulicame_as_Group" . inds:USemTH39105brutta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39105brutta is brutta" ; rdfs:label " brutta_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH39106budellone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39106budellone is budellone" ; rdfs:label " budellone_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39108buffolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39108buffolo is buffolo" ; rdfs:label " buffolo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH39109bufolo simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39109bufolo is bufolo" ; rdfs:label " bufolo_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH39110bulino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39110bulino is bulino" ; rdfs:label " bulino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39111buono simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39111buono is buono" ; rdfs:label " buono_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39113butta simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39113butta is butta" ; rdfs:label " butta_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39115gotico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39115gotico is gotico" ; rdfs:label " gotico_as_Time" . inds:USemTH39116ialografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39116ialografia is ialografia" ; rdfs:label " ialografia_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH39117ialografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39117ialografia is ialografia" ; rdfs:label " ialografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39118iamatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39118iamatologia is iamatologia" ; rdfs:label " iamatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39120icosaedro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39120icosaedro is icosaedro" ; rdfs:label " icosaedro_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH39121ideografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39121ideografia is ideografia" ; rdfs:label " ideografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39122idropinoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39122idropinoterapia is idropinoterapia" ; rdfs:label " idropinoterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39123idroscivolante simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39123idroscivolante is idroscivolante" ; rdfs:label " idroscivolante_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH39124idrosilurante simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39124idrosilurante is idrosilurante" ; rdfs:label " idrosilurante_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH39125idrossile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39125idrossile is idrossile" ; rdfs:label " idrossile_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH39126ierologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39126ierologia is ierologia" ; rdfs:label " ierologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39127ifa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39127ifa is ifa" ; rdfs:label " ifa_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39128igiene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39128igiene is igiene" ; rdfs:label " igiene_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39129iglu1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39129iglu1 is iglu'" ; rdfs:label " iglu'_as_Building" . inds:USemTH39130ileo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39130ileo is ileo" ; rdfs:label " ileo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH39131ileo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39131ileo is ileo" ; rdfs:label " ileo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39132ilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39132ilo is ilo" ; rdfs:label " ilo_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH39133immobile simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39133immobile is immobile" ; rdfs:label " immobile_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH39134immobilizzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39134immobilizzo is immobilizzo" ; rdfs:label " immobilizzo_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH39135immunoglobulina simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39135immunoglobulina is immunoglobulina" ; rdfs:label " immunoglobulina_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH39136immunoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39136immunoterapia is immunoterapia" ; rdfs:label " immunoterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39137imperiale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39137imperiale is imperiale" ; rdfs:label " imperiale_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39138impetigine simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39138impetigine is impetigine" ; rdfs:label " impetigine_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39141incensiere simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39141incensiere is incensiere" ; rdfs:label " incensiere_as_Container" . inds:USemTH39142incisura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39142incisura is incisura" ; rdfs:label " incisura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH39143induttanza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39143induttanza is induttanza" ; rdfs:label " induttanza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH39144infradito simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39144infradito is infradito" ; rdfs:label " infradito_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH39145infruttescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39145infruttescenza is infruttescenza" ; rdfs:label " infruttescenza_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH39146infusore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39146infusore is infusore" ; rdfs:label " infusore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39148innografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39148innografia is innografia" ; rdfs:label " innografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39149innologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39149innologia is innologia" ; rdfs:label " innologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39150insettologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39150insettologia is insettologia" ; rdfs:label " insettologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39151insonorizzante simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39151insonorizzante is insonorizzante" ; rdfs:label " insonorizzante_as_Material" . inds:USemTH39152interasse simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39152interasse is interasse" ; rdfs:label " interasse_as_Property" . inds:USemTH39153interblocco simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39153interblocco is interblocco" ; rdfs:label " interblocco_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39154interblocco simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39154interblocco is interblocco" ; rdfs:label " interblocco_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39155intercomunicante simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39155intercomunicante is intercomunicante" ; rdfs:label " intercomunicante_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39156interfilare simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39156interfilare is interfilare" ; rdfs:label " interfilare_as_Area" . inds:USemTH39157interiore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39157interiore is interiore" ; rdfs:label " interiore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39158interponte simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39158interponte is interponte" ; rdfs:label " interponte_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39160interpsicologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39160interpsicologia is interpsicologia" ; rdfs:label " interpsicologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39161interre2 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39161interre2 is interre'" ; rdfs:label " interre'_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH39162intorno simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39162intorno is intorno" ; rdfs:label " intorno_as_Location" . inds:USemTH39163intraferro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39163intraferro is intraferro" ; rdfs:label " intraferro_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39164inversore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39164inversore is inversore" ; rdfs:label " inversore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39165iodoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39165iodoterapia is iodoterapia" ; rdfs:label " iodoterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39166ionico simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39166ionico is ionico" ; rdfs:label " ionico_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39167ionoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39167ionoterapia is ionoterapia" ; rdfs:label " ionoterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39168ipnologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39168ipnologia is ipnologia" ; rdfs:label " ipnologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39169ipnoterapia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39169ipnoterapia is ipnoterapia" ; rdfs:label " ipnoterapia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39170ipotesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39170ipotesi is ipotesi" ; rdfs:label " ipotesi_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH39172ippologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39172ippologia is ippologia" ; rdfs:label " ippologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39173ipsilon simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39173ipsilon is ipsilon" ; rdfs:label " ipsilon_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH39174irite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39174irite is irite" ; rdfs:label " irite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39175irite simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39175irite is irite" ; rdfs:label " irite_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH39176irregolare simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39176irregolare is irregolare" ; rdfs:label " irregolare_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39177ismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39177ismo is ismo" ; rdfs:label " ismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH39179isolante simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39179isolante is isolante" ; rdfs:label " isolante_as_Material" . inds:USemTH39180isomero simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39180isomero is isomero" ; rdfs:label " isomero_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH39181isterologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39181isterologia is isterologia" ; rdfs:label " isterologia_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH39182isterologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39182isterologia is isterologia" ; rdfs:label " isterologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39184istmo simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39184istmo is istmo" ; rdfs:label " istmo_as_Area" . inds:USemTH39185istopatologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39185istopatologia is istopatologia" ; rdfs:label " istopatologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39186istoriografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39186istoriografia is istoriografia" ; rdfs:label " istoriografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39187ittiocolla simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39187ittiocolla is ittiocolla" ; rdfs:label " ittiocolla_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH39188ittiologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39188ittiologia is ittiologia" ; rdfs:label " ittiologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39189itto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39189itto is itto" ; rdfs:label " itto_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39190levitico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39190levitico is levitico" ; rdfs:label " levitico_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH39191nuovo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39191nuovo is nuovo" ; rdfs:label " nuovo_as_Group" . inds:USemTH39192previsto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39192previsto is previsto" ; rdfs:label " previsto_as_Time" . inds:USemTH39195seconda simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39195seconda is seconda" ; rdfs:label " seconda_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH39197umido simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39197umido is umido" ; rdfs:label " umido_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH39198vario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39198vario is vario" ; rdfs:label " vario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39199neutro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39199neutro is neutro" ; rdfs:label " neutro_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH39200palingenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39200palingenesi is palingenesi" ; rdfs:label " palingenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39201panico simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39201panico is panico" ; rdfs:label " panico_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH39202paraboloide simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39202paraboloide is paraboloide" ; rdfs:label " paraboloide_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39203paranza simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39203paranza is paranza" ; rdfs:label " paranza_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH39205parlato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39205parlato is parlato" ; rdfs:label " parlato_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39207passivita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39207passivita1 is passivita'" ; rdfs:label " passivita'_as_Group" . inds:USemTH39208passivo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39208passivo is passivo" ; rdfs:label " passivo_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH39209patella simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39209patella is patella" ; rdfs:label " patella_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH39210pedicello simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39210pedicello is pedicello" ; rdfs:label " pedicello_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH39212pendolarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39212pendolarita1 is pendolarita'" ; rdfs:label " pendolarita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39213pergamena simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39213pergamena is pergamena" ; rdfs:label " pergamena_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH39214perinatalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39214perinatalita1 is perinatalita'" ; rdfs:label " perinatalita'_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39215personalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39215personalita1 is personalita'" ; rdfs:label " personalita'_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39217piantana simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39217piantana is piantana" ; rdfs:label " piantana_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39218piantata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39218piantata is piantata" ; rdfs:label " piantata_as_Group" . inds:USemTH39219piedino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39219piedino is piedino" ; rdfs:label " piedino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39220piegaferro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39220piegaferro is piegaferro" ; rdfs:label " piegaferro_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39222pigliamosche simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39222pigliamosche is pigliamosche" ; rdfs:label " pigliamosche_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH39223pilone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39223pilone is pilone" ; rdfs:label " pilone_as_Role" . inds:USemTH39224piombino simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39224piombino is piombino" ; rdfs:label " piombino_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH39225piombino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39225piombino is piombino" ; rdfs:label " piombino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39226piovosita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39226piovosita1 is piovosita'" ; rdfs:label " piovosita'_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH39227pirla simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39227pirla is pirla" ; rdfs:label " pirla_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39229pleuritico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39229pleuritico is pleuritico" ; rdfs:label " pleuritico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39230pleurodinia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39230pleurodinia is pleurodinia" ; rdfs:label " pleurodinia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39231pleuronettide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39231pleuronettide is pleuronettide" ; rdfs:label " pleuronettide_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH39232pleuronettiforme simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39232pleuronettiforme is pleuronettiforme" ; rdfs:label " pleuronettiforme_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH39233pleuropolmonite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39233pleuropolmonite is pleuropolmonite" ; rdfs:label " pleuropolmonite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39234plinto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39234plinto is plinto" ; rdfs:label " plinto_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39235plinto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39235plinto is plinto" ; rdfs:label " plinto_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39236pliocene simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39236pliocene is pliocene" ; rdfs:label " pliocene_as_Time" . inds:USemTH39237ploceide simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39237ploceide is ploceide" ; rdfs:label " ploceide_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH39238plumcake simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39238plumcake is plumcake" ; rdfs:label " plumcake_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH39239pluridecorato simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39239pluridecorato is pluridecorato" ; rdfs:label " pluridecorato_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39240pluridimensionalita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39240pluridimensionalita1 is pluridimensionalita'" ; rdfs:label " pluridimensionalita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH39241plurilateralita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39241plurilateralita1 is plurilateralita'" ; rdfs:label " plurilateralita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH39242plurimiliardaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39242plurimiliardaria is plurimiliardaria" ; rdfs:label " plurimiliardaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39243plurimiliardario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39243plurimiliardario is plurimiliardario" ; rdfs:label " plurimiliardario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39244plurimilionaria simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39244plurimilionaria is plurimilionaria" ; rdfs:label " plurimilionaria_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39245plurimilionario simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39245plurimilionario is plurimilionario" ; rdfs:label " plurimilionario_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39246pluriomicida simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39246pluriomicida is pluriomicida" ; rdfs:label " pluriomicida_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39247pluripotenza simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39247pluripotenza is pluripotenza" ; rdfs:label " pluripotenza_as_Property" . inds:USemTH39248plutone simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39248plutone is plutone" ; rdfs:label " plutone_as_Location" . inds:USemTH39249plutone simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39249plutone is plutone" ; rdfs:label " plutone_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH39250plutonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39250plutonismo is plutonismo" ; rdfs:label " plutonismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH39251plutonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39251plutonismo is plutonismo" ; rdfs:label " plutonismo_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39252pluviografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39252pluviografo is pluviografo" ; rdfs:label " pluviografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39253pluviometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39253pluviometro is pluviometro" ; rdfs:label " pluviometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39254pneumatometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39254pneumatometro is pneumatometro" ; rdfs:label " pneumatometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39255pneumocele simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39255pneumocele is pneumocele" ; rdfs:label " pneumocele_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39256pneumoconiosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39256pneumoconiosi is pneumoconiosi" ; rdfs:label " pneumoconiosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39257pneumografo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39257pneumografo is pneumografo" ; rdfs:label " pneumografo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39258pneumologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39258pneumologia is pneumologia" ; rdfs:label " pneumologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39259pneumometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39259pneumometro is pneumometro" ; rdfs:label " pneumometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39260pneumopatia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39260pneumopatia is pneumopatia" ; rdfs:label " pneumopatia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39262pneumotorace simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39262pneumotorace is pneumotorace" ; rdfs:label " pneumotorace_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39263pochette simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39263pochette is pochette" ; rdfs:label " pochette_as_Container" . inds:USemTH39264podagrica simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39264podagrica is podagrica" ; rdfs:label " podagrica_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39265podagrico simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39265podagrico is podagrico" ; rdfs:label " podagrico_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39266podagrosa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39266podagrosa is podagrosa" ; rdfs:label " podagrosa_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39267podagroso simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39267podagroso is podagroso" ; rdfs:label " podagroso_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39268podice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39268podice is podice" ; rdfs:label " podice_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH39269podismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39269podismo is podismo" ; rdfs:label " podismo_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39270podista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39270podista is podista" ; rdfs:label " podista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39271podocope simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39271podocope is podocope" ; rdfs:label " podocope_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH39272podometro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39272podometro is podometro" ; rdfs:label " podometro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39273poetastra simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39273poetastra is poetastra" ; rdfs:label " poetastra_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39274poetastro simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39274poetastro is poetastro" ; rdfs:label " poetastro_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39275poeticita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39275poeticita1 is poeticita'" ; rdfs:label " poeticita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH39276poggiaiola simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39276poggiaiola is poggiaiola" ; rdfs:label " poggiaiola_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39277poggiaiolo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39277poggiaiolo is poggiaiolo" ; rdfs:label " poggiaiolo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39278poggiamano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39278poggiamano is poggiamano" ; rdfs:label " poggiamano_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39279poichilocitosi simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39279poichilocitosi is poichilocitosi" ; rdfs:label " poichilocitosi_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39280pokerista simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39280pokerista is pokerista" ; rdfs:label " pokerista_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39281polaccone simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39281polaccone is polaccone" ; rdfs:label " polaccone_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39282polarimetro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39282polarimetro is polarimetro" ; rdfs:label " polarimetro_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39283polarita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39283polarita1 is polarita'" ; rdfs:label " polarita'_as_Property" . inds:USemTH39284polaroide simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39284polaroide is polaroide" ; rdfs:label " polaroide_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH39285poledra simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39285poledra is poledra" ; rdfs:label " poledra_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH39286poledro simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39286poledro is poledro" ; rdfs:label " poledro_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH39287polemicita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39287polemicita1 is polemicita'" ; rdfs:label " polemicita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH39288polemologa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39288polemologa is polemologa" ; rdfs:label " polemologa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39289polemologia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39289polemologia is polemologia" ; rdfs:label " polemologia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH39290polemologo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39290polemologo is polemologo" ; rdfs:label " polemologo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39291polentaia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39291polentaia is polentaia" ; rdfs:label " polentaia_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39292polentaio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39292polentaio is polentaio" ; rdfs:label " polentaio_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39293poleografa simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39293poleografa is poleografa" ; rdfs:label " poleografa_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39294poleografo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39294poleografo is poleografo" ; rdfs:label " poleografo_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39295polesana simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39295polesana is polesana" ; rdfs:label " polesana_as_People" . inds:USemTH39296polesano simple:hasIsa inds:USem4353lingua ; a simple:Language, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39296polesano is polesano" ; rdfs:label " polesano_as_Language" . inds:USemTH39297polesano simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:People, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39297polesano is polesano" ; rdfs:label " polesano_as_People" . inds:USemTH39298polesine simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39298polesine is polesine" ; rdfs:label " polesine_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH39299poliadelfia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39299poliadelfia is poliadelfia" ; rdfs:label " poliadelfia_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH39300poliartrite simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39300poliartrite is poliartrite" ; rdfs:label " poliartrite_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39301policentrismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39301policentrismo is policentrismo" ; rdfs:label " policentrismo_as_Property" . inds:USemTH39302polichete simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39302polichete is polichete" ; rdfs:label " polichete_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH39303policitemia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39303policitemia is policitemia" ; rdfs:label " policitemia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39304polidattila simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39304polidattila is polidattila" ; rdfs:label " polidattila_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39305polidattilismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39305polidattilismo is polidattilismo" ; rdfs:label " polidattilismo_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39306polidattilo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39306polidattilo is polidattilo" ; rdfs:label " polidattilo_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39307polidemonismo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39307polidemonismo is polidemonismo" ; rdfs:label " polidemonismo_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH39308poliedricita1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39308poliedricita1 is poliedricita'" ; rdfs:label " poliedricita'_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH39309poliedro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39309poliedro is poliedro" ; rdfs:label " poliedro_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH39310polifaga simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39310polifaga is polifaga" ; rdfs:label " polifaga_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH39311polifago simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39311polifago is polifago" ; rdfs:label " polifago_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH39312pomo simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39312pomo is pomo" ; rdfs:label " pomo_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39313ponticello simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39313ponticello is ponticello" ; rdfs:label " ponticello_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39314pontificale simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39314pontificale is pontificale" ; rdfs:label " pontificale_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH39315portabastoni simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39315portabastoni is portabastoni" ; rdfs:label " portabastoni_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39316portale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39316portale is portale" ; rdfs:label " portale_as_Location" . inds:USemTH39318portaolio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39318portaolio is portaolio" ; rdfs:label " portaolio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39319portavasi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39319portavasi is portavasi" ; rdfs:label " portavasi_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39320porto simple:hasIsa inds:USem1386bevanda ; a simple:Artifactual_drink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39320porto is porto" ; rdfs:label " porto_as_Artifactual_drink" . inds:USemTH39321porto simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39321porto is porto" ; rdfs:label " porto_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH39322pozzetto simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39322pozzetto is pozzetto" ; rdfs:label " pozzetto_as_Location" . inds:USemTH39323precessione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39323precessione is precessione" ; rdfs:label " precessione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39324presame simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39324presame is presame" ; rdfs:label " presame_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH39325primo simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39325primo is primo" ; rdfs:label " primo_as_Time" . inds:USemTH39328protesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39328protesi is protesi" ; rdfs:label " protesi_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH39329protesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39329protesi is protesi" ; rdfs:label " protesi_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39330psilosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39330psilosi is psilosi" ; rdfs:label " psilosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39331pterigio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39331pterigio is pterigio" ; rdfs:label " pterigio_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH39333puntale simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39333puntale is puntale" ; rdfs:label " puntale_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39335abbottonatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39335abbottonatura is abbottonatura" ; rdfs:label " abbottonatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39336abbottonatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39336abbottonatura is abbottonatura" ; rdfs:label " abbottonatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH39337acquacoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39337acquacoltrice is acquacoltrice" ; rdfs:label " acquacoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39338aggiotatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39338aggiotatrice is aggiotatrice" ; rdfs:label " aggiotatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39339agopuntrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39339agopuntrice is agopuntrice" ; rdfs:label " agopuntrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39340agrumicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39340agrumicoltrice is agrumicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " agrumicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39341allocutrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39341allocutrice is allocutrice" ; rdfs:label " allocutrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39342allocutrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39342allocutrice is allocutrice" ; rdfs:label " allocutrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39343apparitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39343apparitrice is apparitrice" ; rdfs:label " apparitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39344arrendatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39344arrendatrice is arrendatrice" ; rdfs:label " arrendatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39345aspargicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39345aspargicoltrice is aspargicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " aspargicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39346avicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39346avicoltrice is avicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " avicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39347avicunicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39347avicunicoltrice is avicunicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " avicunicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39348bachicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39348bachicoltrice is bachicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " bachicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39349balestratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39349balestratrice is balestratrice" ; rdfs:label " balestratrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39350bananicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39350bananicoltrice is bananicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " bananicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39351bastionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39351bastionatrice is bastionatrice" ; rdfs:label " bastionatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39352beffatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39352beffatrice is beffatrice" ; rdfs:label " beffatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39353bieticoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39353bieticoltrice is bieticoltrice" ; rdfs:label " bieticoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39354canapicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39354canapicoltrice is canapicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " canapicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39355cerealicultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39355cerealicultrice is cerealicultrice" ; rdfs:label " cerealicultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39356cineamatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39356cineamatrice is cineamatrice" ; rdfs:label " cineamatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39357collocutrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39357collocutrice is collocutrice" ; rdfs:label " collocutrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39358colombicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39358colombicoltrice is colombicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " colombicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39359comprotettrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39359comprotettrice is comprotettrice" ; rdfs:label " comprotettrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39360condebitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39360condebitrice is condebitrice" ; rdfs:label " condebitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39361coniglicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39361coniglicoltrice is coniglicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " coniglicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39362controrelatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39362controrelatrice is controrelatrice" ; rdfs:label " controrelatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39363contutrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39363contutrice is contutrice" ; rdfs:label " contutrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39364convittrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39364convittrice is convittrice" ; rdfs:label " convittrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39365cotonicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39365cotonicoltrice is cotonicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " cotonicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39366cunicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39366cunicoltrice is cunicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " cunicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39367dagherrotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39367dagherrotipia is dagherrotipia" ; rdfs:label " dagherrotipia_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH39368divinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39368divinatrice is divinatrice" ; rdfs:label " divinatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39369epitomatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39369epitomatrice is epitomatrice" ; rdfs:label " epitomatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39370fiaccatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39370fiaccatura is fiaccatura" ; rdfs:label " fiaccatura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH39371fioricoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39371fioricoltrice is fioricoltrice" ; rdfs:label " fioricoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39372fioricultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39372fioricultrice is fioricultrice" ; rdfs:label " fioricultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39373floricultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39373floricultrice is floricultrice" ; rdfs:label " floricultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39374fotoamatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39374fotoamatrice is fotoamatrice" ; rdfs:label " fotoamatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39375frutticoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39375frutticoltrice is frutticoltrice" ; rdfs:label " frutticoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39376frutticultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39376frutticultrice is frutticultrice" ; rdfs:label " frutticultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39377funghicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39377funghicoltrice is funghicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " funghicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39378funghicultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39378funghicultrice is funghicultrice" ; rdfs:label " funghicultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39379fungicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39379fungicoltrice is fungicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " fungicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39380gelsicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39380gelsicoltrice is gelsicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " gelsicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39381gelsicultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39381gelsicultrice is gelsicultrice" ; rdfs:label " gelsicultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39382gualcatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39382gualcatrice is gualcatrice" ; rdfs:label " gualcatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39383idrosciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39383idrosciatrice is idrosciatrice" ; rdfs:label " idrosciatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39384iettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39384iettatrice is iettatrice" ; rdfs:label " iettatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39385incastellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39385incastellatura is incastellatura" ; rdfs:label " incastellatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39386istitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39386istitrice is istitrice" ; rdfs:label " istitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39387lavaggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39387lavaggiatrice is lavaggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " lavaggiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39388levigazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39388levigazione is levigazione" ; rdfs:label " levigazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39389limonicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39389limonicoltrice is limonicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " limonicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39390lineamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39390lineamento is lineamento" ; rdfs:label " lineamento_as_Property" . inds:USemTH39391locutrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39391locutrice is locutrice" ; rdfs:label " locutrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39392lombricicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39392lombricicoltrice is lombricicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " lombricicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39393maiscoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39393maiscoltrice is maiscoltrice" ; rdfs:label " maiscoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39394maltatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39394maltatrice is maltatrice" ; rdfs:label " maltatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39395mandorlicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39395mandorlicoltrice is mandorlicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " mandorlicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39396manifattrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39396manifattrice is manifattrice" ; rdfs:label " manifattrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39397mappatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39397mappatrice is mappatrice" ; rdfs:label " mappatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39398maricoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39398maricoltrice is maricoltrice" ; rdfs:label " maricoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39399meatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39399meatrice is meatrice" ; rdfs:label " meatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39400mitilicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39400mitilicoltrice is mitilicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " mitilicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39401molitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39401molitrice is molitrice" ; rdfs:label " molitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39402nomenclatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39402nomenclatrice is nomenclatrice" ; rdfs:label " nomenclatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39403oblatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39403oblatrice is oblatrice" ; rdfs:label " oblatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39405oleicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39405oleicoltrice is oleicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " oleicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39406olivicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39406olivicoltrice is olivicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " olivicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39407orticoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39407orticoltrice is orticoltrice" ; rdfs:label " orticoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39408orticultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39408orticultrice is orticultrice" ; rdfs:label " orticultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39409ortifrutticultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39409ortifrutticultrice is ortifrutticultrice" ; rdfs:label " ortifrutticultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39410ortofrutticoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39410ortofrutticoltrice is ortofrutticoltrice" ; rdfs:label " ortofrutticoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39411ortofrutticultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39411ortofrutticultrice is ortofrutticultrice" ; rdfs:label " ortofrutticultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39412ostricoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39412ostricoltrice is ostricoltrice" ; rdfs:label " ostricoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39413palmento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39413palmento is palmento" ; rdfs:label " palmento_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39414passatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39414passatrice is passatrice" ; rdfs:label " passatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39415pataticoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39415pataticoltrice is pataticoltrice" ; rdfs:label " pataticoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39416peschicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39416peschicoltrice is peschicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " peschicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39417pescicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39417pescicoltrice is pescicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " pescicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39418pioppicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39418pioppicoltrice is pioppicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " pioppicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39419piscicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39419piscicoltrice is piscicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " piscicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39420pollicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39420pollicoltrice is pollicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " pollicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39421pollicultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39421pollicultrice is pollicultrice" ; rdfs:label " pollicultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39423pomicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39423pomicoltrice is pomicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " pomicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39424pomicultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39424pomicultrice is pomicultrice" ; rdfs:label " pomicultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39425posteggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39425posteggiatrice is posteggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " posteggiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39426prefinanziamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39426prefinanziamento is prefinanziamento" ; rdfs:label " prefinanziamento_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH39427prelatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2845gruppo ; a simple:Human_Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39427prelatura is prelatura" ; rdfs:label " prelatura_as_Human_Group" . inds:USemTH39428pressofonditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39428pressofonditrice is pressofonditrice" ; rdfs:label " pressofonditrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39429prestidigitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39429prestidigitatrice is prestidigitatrice" ; rdfs:label " prestidigitatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39430primogenitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39430primogenitrice is primogenitrice" ; rdfs:label " primogenitrice_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH39431prodittatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39431prodittatrice is prodittatrice" ; rdfs:label " prodittatrice_as_Role" . inds:USemTH39432prosettrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39432prosettrice is prosettrice" ; rdfs:label " prosettrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39433prospettrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39433prospettrice is prospettrice" ; rdfs:label " prospettrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39434protutrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39434protutrice is protutrice" ; rdfs:label " protutrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39435puericultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39435puericultrice is puericultrice" ; rdfs:label " puericultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39436pugilatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39436pugilatrice is pugilatrice" ; rdfs:label " pugilatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39437quidernatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39437quidernatrice is quidernatrice" ; rdfs:label " quidernatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39438radioamatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39438radioamatrice is radioamatrice" ; rdfs:label " radioamatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39439radioauditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39439radioauditrice is radioauditrice" ; rdfs:label " radioauditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39440radioriparatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39440radioriparatrice is radioriparatrice" ; rdfs:label " radioriparatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39441riguardatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39441riguardatrice is riguardatrice" ; rdfs:label " riguardatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39442riquadratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39442riquadratrice is riquadratrice" ; rdfs:label " riquadratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39443risicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39443risicoltrice is risicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " risicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39444risicultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39444risicultrice is risicultrice" ; rdfs:label " risicultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39445rissatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39445rissatrice is rissatrice" ; rdfs:label " rissatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39446rocciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39446rocciatrice is rocciatrice" ; rdfs:label " rocciatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39447romanzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39447romanzatrice is romanzatrice" ; rdfs:label " romanzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39448rosicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39448rosicoltrice is rosicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " rosicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39449rotocalcografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39449rotocalcografia is rotocalcografia" ; rdfs:label " rotocalcografia_as_Building" . inds:USemTH39450saettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39450saettatrice is saettatrice" ; rdfs:label " saettatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39451salinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39451salinatrice is salinatrice" ; rdfs:label " salinatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39452segatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39452segatrice is segatrice" ; rdfs:label " segatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39453selvicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39453selvicoltrice is selvicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " selvicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39454semiconvittrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39454semiconvittrice is semiconvittrice" ; rdfs:label " semiconvittrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39455sericoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39455sericoltrice is sericoltrice" ; rdfs:label " sericoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39456sericultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39456sericultrice is sericultrice" ; rdfs:label " sericultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39457settatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39457settatrice is settatrice" ; rdfs:label " settatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39458settembrizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39458settembrizzatrice is settembrizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " settembrizzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39459solutrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39459solutrice is solutrice" ; rdfs:label " solutrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39460sovventrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39460sovventrice is sovventrice" ; rdfs:label " sovventrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39461sterro simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39461sterro is sterro" ; rdfs:label " sterro_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH39462sterro simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39462sterro is sterro" ; rdfs:label " sterro_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH39463subericoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39463subericoltrice is subericoltrice" ; rdfs:label " subericoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39464sublocatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39464sublocatrice is sublocatrice" ; rdfs:label " sublocatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39465sughericoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39465sughericoltrice is sughericoltrice" ; rdfs:label " sughericoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39466suinicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39466suinicoltrice is suinicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " suinicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39467tabacchicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39467tabacchicoltrice is tabacchicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " tabacchicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39468tabacchicultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39468tabacchicultrice is tabacchicultrice" ; rdfs:label " tabacchicultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39469trappolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39469trappolatrice is trappolatrice" ; rdfs:label " trappolatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39470treggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39470treggiatrice is treggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " treggiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39471troticoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39471troticoltrice is troticoltrice" ; rdfs:label " troticoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39472trovatora simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39472trovatora is trovatora" ; rdfs:label " trovatora_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39473ultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39473ultrice is ultrice" ; rdfs:label " ultrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39474viticultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39474viticultrice is viticultrice" ; rdfs:label " viticultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39475vitivinicoltrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39475vitivinicoltrice is vitivinicoltrice" ; rdfs:label " vitivinicoltrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39476vittrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39476vittrice is vittrice" ; rdfs:label " vittrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39478assistente simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39478assistente is assistente" ; rdfs:label " assistente_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH39479convenuto simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Patient_of_Event, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39479convenuto is convenuto" ; rdfs:label " convenuto_as_Patient_of_Event" . inds:USemTH39481estensore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39481estensore is estensore" ; rdfs:label " estensore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH39482estrusione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39482estrusione is estrusione" ; rdfs:label " estrusione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39487ingurgitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39487ingurgitatrice is ingurgitatrice" ; rdfs:label " ingurgitatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39490scambio simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39490scambio is scambio" ; rdfs:label " scambio_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39493scattino simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39493scattino is scattino" ; rdfs:label " scattino_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39496cesellamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39496cesellamento is cesellamento" ; rdfs:label " cesellamento_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH39501fornimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39501fornimento is fornimento" ; rdfs:label " fornimento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39502gatteggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39502gatteggiamento is gatteggiamento" ; rdfs:label " gatteggiamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39503imboscamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39503imboscamento is imboscamento" ; rdfs:label " imboscamento_as_Time" . inds:USemTH39506incartamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39506incartamento is incartamento" ; rdfs:label " incartamento_as_Time" . inds:USemTH39509infossamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39509infossamento is infossamento" ; rdfs:label " infossamento_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH39514orizzontamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39514orizzontamento is orizzontamento" ; rdfs:label " orizzontamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39515paramento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39515paramento is paramento" ; rdfs:label " paramento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39519rendimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39519rendimento is rendimento" ; rdfs:label " rendimento_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH39521rialzamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39521rialzamento is rialzamento" ; rdfs:label " rialzamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39523ricucimento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39523ricucimento is ricucimento" ; rdfs:label " ricucimento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39524rientramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39524rientramento is rientramento" ; rdfs:label " rientramento_as_Area" . inds:USemTH39526rigurgitamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39526rigurgitamento is rigurgitamento" ; rdfs:label " rigurgitamento_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH39529ringrossamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39529ringrossamento is ringrossamento" ; rdfs:label " ringrossamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39533serpeggiamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39533serpeggiamento is serpeggiamento" ; rdfs:label " serpeggiamento_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH39534sfarfallamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39534sfarfallamento is sfarfallamento" ; rdfs:label " sfarfallamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39537smussamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39537smussamento is smussamento" ; rdfs:label " smussamento_as_Part" . inds:USemTH39538snervamento simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39538snervamento is snervamento" ; rdfs:label " snervamento_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39541spappolamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39541spappolamento is spappolamento" ; rdfs:label " spappolamento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39543sventramento simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39543sventramento is sventramento" ; rdfs:label " sventramento_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH39544traforamento simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39544traforamento is traforamento" ; rdfs:label " traforamento_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH39545diluizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39545diluizione is diluizione" ; rdfs:label " diluizione_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH39552sommazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39552sommazione is sommazione" ; rdfs:label " sommazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH39553surrogazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39553surrogazione is surrogazione" ; rdfs:label " surrogazione_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH39555abbadatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39555abbadatrice is abbadatrice" ; rdfs:label " abbadatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39556abbagliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39556abbagliatrice is abbagliatrice" ; rdfs:label " abbagliatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39557abbaiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39557abbaiatrice is abbaiatrice" ; rdfs:label " abbaiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39558abbassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39558abbassatrice is abbassatrice" ; rdfs:label " abbassatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39559abbindolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39559abbindolatrice is abbindolatrice" ; rdfs:label " abbindolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39560abbominatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39560abbominatrice is abbominatrice" ; rdfs:label " abbominatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39561abbordatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39561abbordatrice is abbordatrice" ; rdfs:label " abbordatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39562abborracciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39562abborracciatrice is abborracciatrice" ; rdfs:label " abborracciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39563abbozzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39563abbozzatrice is abbozzatrice" ; rdfs:label " abbozzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39564abbreviatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39564abbreviatrice is abbreviatrice" ; rdfs:label " abbreviatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39565abbreviatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39565abbreviatrice is abbreviatrice" ; rdfs:label " abbreviatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39566abburattatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39566abburattatrice is abburattatrice" ; rdfs:label " abburattatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39567abitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39567abitatrice is abitatrice" ; rdfs:label " abitatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39568abominatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39568abominatrice is abominatrice" ; rdfs:label " abominatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39569aborritrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39569aborritrice is aborritrice" ; rdfs:label " aborritrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39570accalappiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39570accalappiatrice is accalappiatrice" ; rdfs:label " accalappiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39571accaparratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39571accaparratrice is accaparratrice" ; rdfs:label " accaparratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39572accapezzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39572accapezzatrice is accapezzatrice" ; rdfs:label " accapezzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39573accarezzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39573accarezzatrice is accarezzatrice" ; rdfs:label " accarezzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39574accartocciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39574accartocciatrice is accartocciatrice" ; rdfs:label " accartocciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39575accattatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39575accattatrice is accattatrice" ; rdfs:label " accattatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39576accavigliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39576accavigliatrice is accavigliatrice" ; rdfs:label " accavigliatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39577accertatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39577accertatrice is accertatrice" ; rdfs:label " accertatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39578acciabattatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39578acciabattatrice is acciabattatrice" ; rdfs:label " acciabattatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39579acciarpatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39579acciarpatrice is acciarpatrice" ; rdfs:label " acciarpatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39580acciottolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39580acciottolatrice is acciottolatrice" ; rdfs:label " acciottolatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39581acclamatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39581acclamatrice is acclamatrice" ; rdfs:label " acclamatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39582acclimatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39582acclimatrice is acclimatrice" ; rdfs:label " acclimatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39583accoglitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39583accoglitrice is accoglitrice" ; rdfs:label " accoglitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39584accoltellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39584accoltellatrice is accoltellatrice" ; rdfs:label " accoltellatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39585accomodatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39585accomodatrice is accomodatrice" ; rdfs:label " accomodatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39586acconciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39586acconciatrice is acconciatrice" ; rdfs:label " acconciatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39587accorciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39587accorciatrice is accorciatrice" ; rdfs:label " accorciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39588accordatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39588accordatrice is accordatrice" ; rdfs:label " accordatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39589accostatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39589accostatrice is accostatrice" ; rdfs:label " accostatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39590accostatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39590accostatrice is accostatrice" ; rdfs:label " accostatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39591accotonatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39591accotonatrice is accotonatrice" ; rdfs:label " accotonatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39592accozzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39592accozzatrice is accozzatrice" ; rdfs:label " accozzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39593addestratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39593addestratrice is addestratrice" ; rdfs:label " addestratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39594additatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39594additatrice is additatrice" ; rdfs:label " additatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39595addobbatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39595addobbatrice is addobbatrice" ; rdfs:label " addobbatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39596addomesticatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39596addomesticatrice is addomesticatrice" ; rdfs:label " addomesticatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39597addormentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39597addormentatrice is addormentatrice" ; rdfs:label " addormentatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39598addottrinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39598addottrinatrice is addottrinatrice" ; rdfs:label " addottrinatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39599adescatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39599adescatrice is adescatrice" ; rdfs:label " adescatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39600adornatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39600adornatrice is adornatrice" ; rdfs:label " adornatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39601adottatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39601adottatrice is adottatrice" ; rdfs:label " adottatrice_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH39602adunatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39602adunatrice is adunatrice" ; rdfs:label " adunatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39603affamatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39603affamatrice is affamatrice" ; rdfs:label " affamatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39604affannatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39604affannatrice is affannatrice" ; rdfs:label " affannatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39605affascinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39605affascinatrice is affascinatrice" ; rdfs:label " affascinatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39606affatturatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39606affatturatrice is affatturatrice" ; rdfs:label " affatturatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39607affermatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39607affermatrice is affermatrice" ; rdfs:label " affermatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39608affettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39608affettatrice is affettatrice" ; rdfs:label " affettatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39609affilatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39609affilatrice is affilatrice" ; rdfs:label " affilatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39610affinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39610affinatrice is affinatrice" ; rdfs:label " affinatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39611affrontatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39611affrontatrice is affrontatrice" ; rdfs:label " affrontatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39612ageminatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39612ageminatrice is ageminatrice" ; rdfs:label " ageminatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39613agevolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39613agevolatrice is agevolatrice" ; rdfs:label " agevolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39614agganciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39614agganciatrice is agganciatrice" ; rdfs:label " agganciatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39615aggiogatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39615aggiogatrice is aggiogatrice" ; rdfs:label " aggiogatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39616aggiratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39616aggiratrice is aggiratrice" ; rdfs:label " aggiratrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39617aggiuntatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39617aggiuntatrice is aggiuntatrice" ; rdfs:label " aggiuntatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39618aggraffatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39618aggraffatrice is aggraffatrice" ; rdfs:label " aggraffatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39619aguzzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39619aguzzatrice is aguzzatrice" ; rdfs:label " aguzzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39620aiutatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39620aiutatrice is aiutatrice" ; rdfs:label " aiutatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39621alfabetizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39621alfabetizzatrice is alfabetizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " alfabetizzatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39622alienatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39622alienatrice is alienatrice" ; rdfs:label " alienatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39623allettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39623allettatrice is allettatrice" ; rdfs:label " allettatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39624alleviatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39624alleviatrice is alleviatrice" ; rdfs:label " alleviatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39625almanaccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39625almanaccatrice is almanaccatrice" ; rdfs:label " almanaccatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39626altercatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39626altercatrice is altercatrice" ; rdfs:label " altercatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39627ambientatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39627ambientatrice is ambientatrice" ; rdfs:label " ambientatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39628amidatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39628amidatrice is amidatrice" ; rdfs:label " amidatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39629ammaestratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39629ammaestratrice is ammaestratrice" ; rdfs:label " ammaestratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39630ammagliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39630ammagliatrice is ammagliatrice" ; rdfs:label " ammagliatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39631ammaliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39631ammaliatrice is ammaliatrice" ; rdfs:label " ammaliatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39632ammansatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39632ammansatrice is ammansatrice" ; rdfs:label " ammansatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39633ammassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39633ammassatrice is ammassatrice" ; rdfs:label " ammassatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39634ammassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39634ammassatrice is ammassatrice" ; rdfs:label " ammassatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39635ammattonatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39635ammattonatrice is ammattonatrice" ; rdfs:label " ammattonatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39636ammazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39636ammazzatrice is ammazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " ammazzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39637ammazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39637ammazzatrice is ammazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " ammazzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39638ammonitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39638ammonitrice is ammonitrice" ; rdfs:label " ammonitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39639ammorzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39639ammorzatrice is ammorzatrice" ; rdfs:label " ammorzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39640ammostatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39640ammostatrice is ammostatrice" ; rdfs:label " ammostatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39641amoreggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39641amoreggiatrice is amoreggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " amoreggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39642angariatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39642angariatrice is angariatrice" ; rdfs:label " angariatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39643annaffiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39643annaffiatrice is annaffiatrice" ; rdfs:label " annaffiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39644annoiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39644annoiatrice is annoiatrice" ; rdfs:label " annoiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39645annotatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39645annotatrice is annotatrice" ; rdfs:label " annotatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39646annullatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39646annullatrice is annullatrice" ; rdfs:label " annullatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39647anticipatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39647anticipatrice is anticipatrice" ; rdfs:label " anticipatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39648appagatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39648appagatrice is appagatrice" ; rdfs:label " appagatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39649apparatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39649apparatrice is apparatrice" ; rdfs:label " apparatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39650apparecchiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39650apparecchiatrice is apparecchiatrice" ; rdfs:label " apparecchiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39651apparitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39651apparitrice is apparitrice" ; rdfs:label " apparitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39652appestatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39652appestatrice is appestatrice" ; rdfs:label " appestatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39653apportatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39653apportatrice is apportatrice" ; rdfs:label " apportatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39654apprettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39654apprettatrice is apprettatrice" ; rdfs:label " apprettatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39655apprezzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39655apprezzatrice is apprezzatrice" ; rdfs:label " apprezzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39656approvatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39656approvatrice is approvatrice" ; rdfs:label " approvatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39657approvvigionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39657approvvigionatrice is approvvigionatrice" ; rdfs:label " approvvigionatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39658aratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39658aratrice is aratrice" ; rdfs:label " aratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39659arbitratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39659arbitratrice is arbitratrice" ; rdfs:label " arbitratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39660arditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39660arditrice is arditrice" ; rdfs:label " arditrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39661argentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39661argentatrice is argentatrice" ; rdfs:label " argentatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39662argomentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39662argomentatrice is argomentatrice" ; rdfs:label " argomentatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39663armonizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39663armonizzatrice is armonizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " armonizzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39664arpeggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39664arpeggiatrice is arpeggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " arpeggiatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39665arraffatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39665arraffatrice is arraffatrice" ; rdfs:label " arraffatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39666arrecatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39666arrecatrice is arrecatrice" ; rdfs:label " arrecatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39667arringatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39667arringatrice is arringatrice" ; rdfs:label " arringatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39668arrotatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39668arrotatrice is arrotatrice" ; rdfs:label " arrotatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39669asfaltatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39669asfaltatrice is asfaltatrice" ; rdfs:label " asfaltatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39670aspatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39670aspatrice is aspatrice" ; rdfs:label " aspatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39671assaltatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39671assaltatrice is assaltatrice" ; rdfs:label " assaltatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39672assediatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39672assediatrice is assediatrice" ; rdfs:label " assediatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39673assertrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39673assertrice is assertrice" ; rdfs:label " assertrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39674assoggettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39674assoggettatrice is assoggettatrice" ; rdfs:label " assoggettatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39675assolutrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39675assolutrice is assolutrice" ; rdfs:label " assolutrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39676assortitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39676assortitrice is assortitrice" ; rdfs:label " assortitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39677assuntrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39677assuntrice is assuntrice" ; rdfs:label " assuntrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39678assuntrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39678assuntrice is assuntrice" ; rdfs:label " assuntrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39679attestatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39679attestatrice is attestatrice" ; rdfs:label " attestatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39680attizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39680attizzatrice is attizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " attizzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39681attossicatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39681attossicatrice is attossicatrice" ; rdfs:label " attossicatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39682auguratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39682auguratrice is auguratrice" ; rdfs:label " auguratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39683auscultatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39683auscultatrice is auscultatrice" ; rdfs:label " auscultatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39684ausiliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39684ausiliatrice is ausiliatrice" ; rdfs:label " ausiliatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39685autonoleggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39685autonoleggiatrice is autonoleggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " autonoleggiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39686autoriduttrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39686autoriduttrice is autoriduttrice" ; rdfs:label " autoriduttrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39687autoriduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39687autoriduttore is autoriduttore" ; rdfs:label " autoriduttore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH39688avanzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39688avanzatrice is avanzatrice" ; rdfs:label " avanzatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39689avanzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39689avanzatrice is avanzatrice" ; rdfs:label " avanzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39690avvelenatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39690avvelenatrice is avvelenatrice" ; rdfs:label " avvelenatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39691avversatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39691avversatrice is avversatrice" ; rdfs:label " avversatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39692bacchiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39692bacchiatrice is bacchiatrice" ; rdfs:label " bacchiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39693baciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39693baciatrice is baciatrice" ; rdfs:label " baciatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39694badatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39694badatrice is badatrice" ; rdfs:label " badatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39695bagnatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39695bagnatrice is bagnatrice" ; rdfs:label " bagnatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39696banchettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39696banchettatrice is banchettatrice" ; rdfs:label " banchettatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39697barenatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39697barenatrice is barenatrice" ; rdfs:label " barenatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39698bastonatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39698bastonatrice is bastonatrice" ; rdfs:label " bastonatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39699battagliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39699battagliatrice is battagliatrice" ; rdfs:label " battagliatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39700battezzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39700battezzatrice is battezzatrice" ; rdfs:label " battezzatrice_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH39701beffeggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39701beffeggiatrice is beffeggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " beffeggiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39702beneficatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39702beneficatrice is beneficatrice" ; rdfs:label " beneficatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39703bitumatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39703bitumatrice is bitumatrice" ; rdfs:label " bitumatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39704blasfematrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39704blasfematrice is blasfematrice" ; rdfs:label " blasfematrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39705bluffatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39705bluffatrice is bluffatrice" ; rdfs:label " bluffatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39706bobinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39706bobinatrice is bobinatrice" ; rdfs:label " bobinatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39707bocciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39707bocciatrice is bocciatrice" ; rdfs:label " bocciatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39708bollatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39708bollatrice is bollatrice" ; rdfs:label " bollatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39709bombardatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39709bombardatrice is bombardatrice" ; rdfs:label " bombardatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39710bordatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39710bordatrice is bordatrice" ; rdfs:label " bordatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39711borseggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39711borseggiatrice is borseggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " borseggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39712braccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39712braccatrice is braccatrice" ; rdfs:label " braccatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39713braccheggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39713braccheggiatrice is braccheggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " braccheggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39714brasatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39714brasatrice is brasatrice" ; rdfs:label " brasatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39715brentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39715brentatrice is brentatrice" ; rdfs:label " brentatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39716brezzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39716brezzatrice is brezzatrice" ; rdfs:label " brezzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39717brillatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39717brillatrice is brillatrice" ; rdfs:label " brillatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39718bronzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39718bronzatrice is bronzatrice" ; rdfs:label " bronzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39719brunitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39719brunitrice is brunitrice" ; rdfs:label " brunitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39720buccinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39720buccinatrice is buccinatrice" ; rdfs:label " buccinatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39721buffatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39721buffatrice is buffatrice" ; rdfs:label " buffatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39722bulinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39722bulinatrice is bulinatrice" ; rdfs:label " bulinatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39723burattatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39723burattatrice is burattatrice" ; rdfs:label " burattatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39724burlatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39724burlatrice is burlatrice" ; rdfs:label " burlatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39725bussatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39725bussatrice is bussatrice" ; rdfs:label " bussatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39726cablatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39726cablatrice is cablatrice" ; rdfs:label " cablatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39727cagionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39727cagionatrice is cagionatrice" ; rdfs:label " cagionatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39728calafatatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39728calafatatrice is calafatatrice" ; rdfs:label " calafatatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39729calandratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39729calandratrice is calandratrice" ; rdfs:label " calandratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39730calpestatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39730calpestatrice is calpestatrice" ; rdfs:label " calpestatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39731calunniatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39731calunniatrice is calunniatrice" ; rdfs:label " calunniatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39732cambiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39732cambiatrice is cambiatrice" ; rdfs:label " cambiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39733campeggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39733campeggiatrice is campeggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " campeggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39734candeggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39734candeggiatrice is candeggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " candeggiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39735canticchiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39735canticchiatrice is canticchiatrice" ; rdfs:label " canticchiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39736capeggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39736capeggiatrice is capeggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " capeggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39737cardatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39737cardatrice is cardatrice" ; rdfs:label " cardatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39738cascatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39738cascatrice is cascatrice" ; rdfs:label " cascatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39739castigatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39739castigatrice is castigatrice" ; rdfs:label " castigatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39740castratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39740castratrice is castratrice" ; rdfs:label " castratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39741catechizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39741catechizzatrice is catechizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " catechizzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39742cavalcatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39742cavalcatrice is cavalcatrice" ; rdfs:label " cavalcatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39743cavillatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39743cavillatrice is cavillatrice" ; rdfs:label " cavillatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39744ceditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39744ceditrice is ceditrice" ; rdfs:label " ceditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39745celebratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39745celebratrice is celebratrice" ; rdfs:label " celebratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39746celiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39746celiatrice is celiatrice" ; rdfs:label " celiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39747censuratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39747censuratrice is censuratrice" ; rdfs:label " censuratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39748cerchiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39748cerchiatrice is cerchiatrice" ; rdfs:label " cerchiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39749certificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39749certificatrice is certificatrice" ; rdfs:label " certificatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39750cesellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39750cesellatrice is cesellatrice" ; rdfs:label " cesellatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39751cesoiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39751cesoiatrice is cesoiatrice" ; rdfs:label " cesoiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39752chiamatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39752chiamatrice is chiamatrice" ; rdfs:label " chiamatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39753chieditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39753chieditrice is chieditrice" ; rdfs:label " chieditrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39754chioccolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39754chioccolatrice is chioccolatrice" ; rdfs:label " chioccolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39755chiosatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39755chiosatrice is chiosatrice" ; rdfs:label " chiosatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39756cianciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39756cianciatrice is cianciatrice" ; rdfs:label " cianciatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39757cianfrinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39757cianfrinatrice is cianfrinatrice" ; rdfs:label " cianfrinatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39758ciarlatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39758ciarlatrice is ciarlatrice" ; rdfs:label " ciarlatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39759cimatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39759cimatrice is cimatrice" ; rdfs:label " cimatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39760circumnavigatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39760circumnavigatrice is circumnavigatrice" ; rdfs:label " circumnavigatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39761coabitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39761coabitatrice is coabitatrice" ; rdfs:label " coabitatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39762coglionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39762coglionatrice is coglionatrice" ; rdfs:label " coglionatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39763coglitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39763coglitrice is coglitrice" ; rdfs:label " coglitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39764colatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39764colatrice is colatrice" ; rdfs:label " colatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39765collazionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39765collazionatrice is collazionatrice" ; rdfs:label " collazionatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39766collocatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39766collocatrice is collocatrice" ; rdfs:label " collocatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39767colmatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39767colmatrice is colmatrice" ; rdfs:label " colmatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39768coloritrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39768coloritrice is coloritrice" ; rdfs:label " coloritrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39769colpitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39769colpitrice is colpitrice" ; rdfs:label " colpitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39770combattitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39770combattitrice is combattitrice" ; rdfs:label " combattitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39771cominciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39771cominciatrice is cominciatrice" ; rdfs:label " cominciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39772commettitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39772commettitrice is commettitrice" ; rdfs:label " commettitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39773commiseratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39773commiseratrice is commiseratrice" ; rdfs:label " commiseratrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39774compaginatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39774compaginatrice is compaginatrice" ; rdfs:label " compaginatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39775compendiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39775compendiatrice is compendiatrice" ; rdfs:label " compendiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39776componitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39776componitrice is componitrice" ; rdfs:label " componitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39777computatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39777computatrice is computatrice" ; rdfs:label " computatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39778conceditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39778conceditrice is conceditrice" ; rdfs:label " conceditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39779concertatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39779concertatrice is concertatrice" ; rdfs:label " concertatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39780conciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39780conciatrice is conciatrice" ; rdfs:label " conciatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39781concimatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39781concimatrice is concimatrice" ; rdfs:label " concimatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39782concionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39782concionatrice is concionatrice" ; rdfs:label " concionatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39783concitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39783concitatrice is concitatrice" ; rdfs:label " concitatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39784conculcatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39784conculcatrice is conculcatrice" ; rdfs:label " conculcatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39785condannatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39785condannatrice is condannatrice" ; rdfs:label " condannatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39786confiscatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39786confiscatrice is confiscatrice" ; rdfs:label " confiscatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39787confortatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39787confortatrice is confortatrice" ; rdfs:label " confortatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39788confutatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39788confutatrice is confutatrice" ; rdfs:label " confutatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39789congegnatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39789congegnatrice is congegnatrice" ; rdfs:label " congegnatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39790congiuratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39790congiuratrice is congiuratrice" ; rdfs:label " congiuratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39791coniatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39791coniatrice is coniatrice" ; rdfs:label " coniatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39792conquassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39792conquassatrice is conquassatrice" ; rdfs:label " conquassatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39793consacratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39793consacratrice is consacratrice" ; rdfs:label " consacratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39794consolidatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39794consolidatrice is consolidatrice" ; rdfs:label " consolidatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39795consultatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39795consultatrice is consultatrice" ; rdfs:label " consultatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39796consultrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39796consultrice is consultrice" ; rdfs:label " consultrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39797contemplatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39797contemplatrice is contemplatrice" ; rdfs:label " contemplatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39798contenditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39798contenditrice is contenditrice" ; rdfs:label " contenditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39799contraddittrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39799contraddittrice is contraddittrice" ; rdfs:label " contraddittrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39800contrattatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39800contrattatrice is contrattatrice" ; rdfs:label " contrattatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39801contravventrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39801contravventrice is contravventrice" ; rdfs:label " contravventrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39802contributrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39802contributrice is contributrice" ; rdfs:label " contributrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39803contristatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39803contristatrice is contristatrice" ; rdfs:label " contristatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39804conturbatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39804conturbatrice is conturbatrice" ; rdfs:label " conturbatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39805convocatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39805convocatrice is convocatrice" ; rdfs:label " convocatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39806copritrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39806copritrice is copritrice" ; rdfs:label " copritrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39807corbellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39807corbellatrice is corbellatrice" ; rdfs:label " corbellatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39808crivellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39808crivellatrice is crivellatrice" ; rdfs:label " crivellatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39809cromatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39809cromatrice is cromatrice" ; rdfs:label " cromatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39810cumulatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39810cumulatrice is cumulatrice" ; rdfs:label " cumulatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39811curvatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39811curvatrice is curvatrice" ; rdfs:label " curvatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39812damaschinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39812damaschinatrice is damaschinatrice" ; rdfs:label " damaschinatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39813danneggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39813danneggiatrice is danneggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " danneggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39814debellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39814debellatrice is debellatrice" ; rdfs:label " debellatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39815decapatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39815decapatrice is decapatrice" ; rdfs:label " decapatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39816deduttrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39816deduttrice is deduttrice" ; rdfs:label " deduttrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39817definitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39817definitrice is definitrice" ; rdfs:label " definitrice_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH39818definitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39818definitrice is definitrice" ; rdfs:label " definitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39819defloratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39819defloratrice is defloratrice" ; rdfs:label " defloratrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39820deliberatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39820deliberatrice is deliberatrice" ; rdfs:label " deliberatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39821delineatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39821delineatrice is delineatrice" ; rdfs:label " delineatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39822demoralizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39822demoralizzatrice is demoralizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " demoralizzatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39823dentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39823dentatrice is dentatrice" ; rdfs:label " dentatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39824denunciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39824denunciatrice is denunciatrice" ; rdfs:label " denunciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39825denunziatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39825denunziatrice is denunziatrice" ; rdfs:label " denunziatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39826deploratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39826deploratrice is deploratrice" ; rdfs:label " deploratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39827depositrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39827depositrice is depositrice" ; rdfs:label " depositrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39828depravatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39828depravatrice is depravatrice" ; rdfs:label " depravatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39829depredatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39829depredatrice is depredatrice" ; rdfs:label " depredatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39830desolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39830desolatrice is desolatrice" ; rdfs:label " desolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39831destreggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39831destreggiatrice is destreggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " destreggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39832dettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39832dettatrice is dettatrice" ; rdfs:label " dettatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39833deturpatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39833deturpatrice is deturpatrice" ; rdfs:label " deturpatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39834dichiaratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39834dichiaratrice is dichiaratrice" ; rdfs:label " dichiaratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39835dicitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39835dicitrice is dicitrice" ; rdfs:label " dicitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39836differitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39836differitrice is differitrice" ; rdfs:label " differitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39837diffonditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39837diffonditrice is diffonditrice" ; rdfs:label " diffonditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39838digiunatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39838digiunatrice is digiunatrice" ; rdfs:label " digiunatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39839digrossatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39839digrossatrice is digrossatrice" ; rdfs:label " digrossatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH3983vestimentoN simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3983vestimentoN is vestimento" ; rdfs:label " vestimento_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH39840digrumatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39840digrumatrice is digrumatrice" ; rdfs:label " digrumatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39841dilaniatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39841dilaniatrice is dilaniatrice" ; rdfs:label " dilaniatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39842dileggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39842dileggiatrice is dileggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " dileggiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39843diluviatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39843diluviatrice is diluviatrice" ; rdfs:label " diluviatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39844dimazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39844dimazzatrice is dimazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " dimazzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39845dimostratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39845dimostratrice is dimostratrice" ; rdfs:label " dimostratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39846diramatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39846diramatrice is diramatrice" ; rdfs:label " diramatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39847diroccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39847diroccatrice is diroccatrice" ; rdfs:label " diroccatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39848dirozzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39848dirozzatrice is dirozzatrice" ; rdfs:label " dirozzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39849disaminatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39849disaminatrice is disaminatrice" ; rdfs:label " disaminatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH3984vetrocemento simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH3984vetrocemento is vetrocemento" ; rdfs:label " vetrocemento_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH39850disarmatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39850disarmatrice is disarmatrice" ; rdfs:label " disarmatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39851discernitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39851discernitrice is discernitrice" ; rdfs:label " discernitrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39852discettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39852discettatrice is discettatrice" ; rdfs:label " discettatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39853disciplinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39853disciplinatrice is disciplinatrice" ; rdfs:label " disciplinatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39854discorritrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39854discorritrice is discorritrice" ; rdfs:label " discorritrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39855disfacitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39855disfacitrice is disfacitrice" ; rdfs:label " disfacitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39856disgombratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39856disgombratrice is disgombratrice" ; rdfs:label " disgombratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39857disgregatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39857disgregatrice is disgregatrice" ; rdfs:label " disgregatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39858disinfestatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39858disinfestatrice is disinfestatrice" ; rdfs:label " disinfestatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39859disintegratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39859disintegratore is disintegratore" ; rdfs:label " disintegratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39860disintegratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39860disintegratrice is disintegratrice" ; rdfs:label " disintegratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39861dislustratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39861dislustratrice is dislustratrice" ; rdfs:label " dislustratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39862disordinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39862disordinatrice is disordinatrice" ; rdfs:label " disordinatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39863disperditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39863disperditrice is disperditrice" ; rdfs:label " disperditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39864dispositrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39864dispositrice is dispositrice" ; rdfs:label " dispositrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39865dispregiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39865dispregiatrice is dispregiatrice" ; rdfs:label " dispregiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39866disprezzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39866disprezzatrice is disprezzatrice" ; rdfs:label " disprezzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39867disputatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39867disputatrice is disputatrice" ; rdfs:label " disputatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39868disquisitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39868disquisitrice is disquisitrice" ; rdfs:label " disquisitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39869dissacratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39869dissacratrice is dissacratrice" ; rdfs:label " dissacratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39870dissanguatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39870dissanguatrice is dissanguatrice" ; rdfs:label " dissanguatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39871disseminatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39871disseminatrice is disseminatrice" ; rdfs:label " disseminatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39872disseppellitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39872disseppellitrice is disseppellitrice" ; rdfs:label " disseppellitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39873dissertatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39873dissertatrice is dissertatrice" ; rdfs:label " dissertatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39874dissolutrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39874dissolutrice is dissolutrice" ; rdfs:label " dissolutrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39875dissolvitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39875dissolvitrice is dissolvitrice" ; rdfs:label " dissolvitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39876dissotterratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39876dissotterratrice is dissotterratrice" ; rdfs:label " dissotterratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39877distenditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39877distenditrice is distenditrice" ; rdfs:label " distenditrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39878distribuitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39878distribuitrice is distribuitrice" ; rdfs:label " distribuitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39879distruggitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39879distruggitrice is distruggitrice" ; rdfs:label " distruggitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39880disvelatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39880disvelatrice is disvelatrice" ; rdfs:label " disvelatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39881documentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39881documentatrice is documentatrice" ; rdfs:label " documentatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39882domandatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39882domandatrice is domandatrice" ; rdfs:label " domandatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39883doratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39883doratrice is doratrice" ; rdfs:label " doratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39884dosatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39884dosatrice is dosatrice" ; rdfs:label " dosatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39885dotatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39885dotatrice is dotatrice" ; rdfs:label " dotatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39886dragatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39886dragatrice is dragatrice" ; rdfs:label " dragatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39887drizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39887drizzatrice is drizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " drizzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39888drogatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39888drogatrice is drogatrice" ; rdfs:label " drogatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39889duellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39889duellatrice is duellatrice" ; rdfs:label " duellatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39890eccitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39890eccitatrice is eccitatrice" ; rdfs:label " eccitatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39891economizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39891economizzatrice is economizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " economizzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39892educatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39892educatrice is educatrice" ; rdfs:label " educatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39893effeminatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39893effeminatrice is effeminatrice" ; rdfs:label " effeminatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39894effemminatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39894effemminatrice is effemminatrice" ; rdfs:label " effemminatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39895elettrizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39895elettrizzatrice is elettrizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " elettrizzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39896elogiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39896elogiatrice is elogiatrice" ; rdfs:label " elogiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39897emancipatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39897emancipatrice is emancipatrice" ; rdfs:label " emancipatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39898emendatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39898emendatrice is emendatrice" ; rdfs:label " emendatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39899empitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39899empitrice is empitrice" ; rdfs:label " empitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39900encomiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39900encomiatrice is encomiatrice" ; rdfs:label " encomiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39901enunciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39901enunciatrice is enunciatrice" ; rdfs:label " enunciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39902epuratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39902epuratrice is epuratrice" ; rdfs:label " epuratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39903equilibratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39903equilibratrice is equilibratrice" ; rdfs:label " equilibratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39904erborizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39904erborizzatrice is erborizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " erborizzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39905esageratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39905esageratrice is esageratrice" ; rdfs:label " esageratrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39906esaltatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39906esaltatrice is esaltatrice" ; rdfs:label " esaltatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39907esasperatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39907esasperatrice is esasperatrice" ; rdfs:label " esasperatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39908esauditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39908esauditrice is esauditrice" ; rdfs:label " esauditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39909esibitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39909esibitrice is esibitrice" ; rdfs:label " esibitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39910esorcizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39910esorcizzatrice is esorcizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " esorcizzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39911esortatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39911esortatrice is esortatrice" ; rdfs:label " esortatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39912espiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39912espiatrice is espiatrice" ; rdfs:label " espiatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39913espugnatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39913espugnatrice is espugnatrice" ; rdfs:label " espugnatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39914espurgatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39914espurgatrice is espurgatrice" ; rdfs:label " espurgatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39915esterminatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39915esterminatrice is esterminatrice" ; rdfs:label " esterminatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39916estimatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39916estimatrice is estimatrice" ; rdfs:label " estimatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39917estirpatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39917estirpatrice is estirpatrice" ; rdfs:label " estirpatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39918evangelizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39918evangelizzatrice is evangelizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " evangelizzatrice_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH39919evocatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39919evocatrice is evocatrice" ; rdfs:label " evocatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39920facitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39920facitrice is facitrice" ; rdfs:label " facitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39921falsatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39921falsatrice is falsatrice" ; rdfs:label " falsatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39922falsatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39922falsatrice is falsatrice" ; rdfs:label " falsatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39923fascinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39923fascinatrice is fascinatrice" ; rdfs:label " fascinatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39924faticatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39924faticatrice is faticatrice" ; rdfs:label " faticatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39925favoleggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39925favoleggiatrice is favoleggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " favoleggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39926fecondatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39926fecondatrice is fecondatrice" ; rdfs:label " fecondatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39927feritrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39927feritrice is feritrice" ; rdfs:label " feritrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39928ferratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39928ferratrice is ferratrice" ; rdfs:label " ferratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39929festeggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39929festeggiatrice is festeggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " festeggiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39930filettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39930filettatrice is filettatrice" ; rdfs:label " filettatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39931filtratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39931filtratrice is filtratrice" ; rdfs:label " filtratrice_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH39932filtratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39932filtratrice is filtratrice" ; rdfs:label " filtratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39933fiocinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39933fiocinatrice is fiocinatrice" ; rdfs:label " fiocinatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39934fischiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39934fischiatrice is fischiatrice" ; rdfs:label " fischiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39935fistulatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39935fistulatrice is fistulatrice" ; rdfs:label " fistulatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39936flagellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39936flagellatrice is flagellatrice" ; rdfs:label " flagellatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39937folgoratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39937folgoratrice is folgoratrice" ; rdfs:label " folgoratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39938folleggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39938folleggiatrice is folleggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " folleggiatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39939foratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39939foratrice is foratrice" ; rdfs:label " foratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39940forgiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39940forgiatrice is forgiatrice" ; rdfs:label " forgiatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39941formatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39941formatrice is formatrice" ; rdfs:label " formatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39942formatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39942formatrice is formatrice" ; rdfs:label " formatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39943fornicatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39943fornicatrice is fornicatrice" ; rdfs:label " fornicatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39944forzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39944forzatrice is forzatrice" ; rdfs:label " forzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39945fracassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39945fracassatrice is fracassatrice" ; rdfs:label " fracassatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39946fraseggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39946fraseggiatrice is fraseggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " fraseggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39947frastornatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39947frastornatrice is frastornatrice" ; rdfs:label " frastornatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39948frenatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39948frenatrice is frenatrice" ; rdfs:label " frenatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39949frodatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39949frodatrice is frodatrice" ; rdfs:label " frodatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39950frombolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39950frombolatrice is frombolatrice" ; rdfs:label " frombolatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39951frugnolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39951frugnolatrice is frugnolatrice" ; rdfs:label " frugnolatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39952frustatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39952frustatrice is frustatrice" ; rdfs:label " frustatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39953fucilatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39953fucilatrice is fucilatrice" ; rdfs:label " fucilatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39954fucinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39954fucinatrice is fucinatrice" ; rdfs:label " fucinatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39955fugatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39955fugatrice is fugatrice" ; rdfs:label " fugatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39956fuggitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39956fuggitrice is fuggitrice" ; rdfs:label " fuggitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39957fulminatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39957fulminatrice is fulminatrice" ; rdfs:label " fulminatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39958fustigatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39958fustigatrice is fustigatrice" ; rdfs:label " fustigatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39959gabbatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39959gabbatrice is gabbatrice" ; rdfs:label " gabbatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39960galoppatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39960galoppatrice is galoppatrice" ; rdfs:label " galoppatrice_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH39961galoppatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39961galoppatrice is galoppatrice" ; rdfs:label " galoppatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39962gareggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39962gareggiatrice is gareggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " gareggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39963garzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39963garzatrice is garzatrice" ; rdfs:label " garzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39964gavazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39964gavazzatrice is gavazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " gavazzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39965gesticolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39965gesticolatrice is gesticolatrice" ; rdfs:label " gesticolatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39966gettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39966gettatrice is gettatrice" ; rdfs:label " gettatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39967giocolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39967giocolatrice is giocolatrice" ; rdfs:label " giocolatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH39968giostratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39968giostratrice is giostratrice" ; rdfs:label " giostratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39969giudicatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39969giudicatrice is giudicatrice" ; rdfs:label " giudicatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39970giustificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39970giustificatrice is giustificatrice" ; rdfs:label " giustificatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39971glorificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39971glorificatrice is glorificatrice" ; rdfs:label " glorificatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39972glossatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39972glossatrice is glossatrice" ; rdfs:label " glossatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39973goditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39973goditore is goditore" ; rdfs:label " goditore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39974goditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39974goditrice is goditrice" ; rdfs:label " goditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39975goditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39975goditrice is goditrice" ; rdfs:label " goditrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH39976gonfiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39976gonfiatrice is gonfiatrice" ; rdfs:label " gonfiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39977gorgheggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39977gorgheggiatrice is gorgheggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " gorgheggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39978gracchiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39978gracchiatrice is gracchiatrice" ; rdfs:label " gracchiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39979gracidatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39979gracidatrice is gracidatrice" ; rdfs:label " gracidatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39980graffiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39980graffiatrice is graffiatrice" ; rdfs:label " graffiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39981granitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39981granitrice is granitrice" ; rdfs:label " granitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39982grassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39982grassatrice is grassatrice" ; rdfs:label " grassatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39983grattatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39983grattatrice is grattatrice" ; rdfs:label " grattatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39984gridatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39984gridatrice is gridatrice" ; rdfs:label " gridatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39985guadagnatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39985guadagnatrice is guadagnatrice" ; rdfs:label " guadagnatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39986guardatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39986guardatrice is guardatrice" ; rdfs:label " guardatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39987guarnitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39987guarnitrice is guarnitrice" ; rdfs:label " guarnitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39988guerreggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39988guerreggiatrice is guerreggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " guerreggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39989gustatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39989gustatrice is gustatrice" ; rdfs:label " gustatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39990ibridatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39990ibridatrice is ibridatrice" ; rdfs:label " ibridatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39991imbalsamatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39991imbalsamatrice is imbalsamatrice" ; rdfs:label " imbalsamatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39992imbanditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39992imbanditrice is imbanditrice" ; rdfs:label " imbanditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39993imbarcatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39993imbarcatrice is imbarcatrice" ; rdfs:label " imbarcatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39994imbastitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39994imbastitrice is imbastitrice" ; rdfs:label " imbastitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39995imbiancatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39995imbiancatrice is imbiancatrice" ; rdfs:label " imbiancatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39996imboscatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39996imboscatrice is imboscatrice" ; rdfs:label " imboscatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH39997imbottatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39997imbottatrice is imbottatrice" ; rdfs:label " imbottatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39998imbozzimatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39998imbozzimatrice is imbozzimatrice" ; rdfs:label " imbozzimatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH39999imbracatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH39999imbracatrice is imbracatrice" ; rdfs:label " imbracatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40000imbrattatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40000imbrattatrice is imbrattatrice" ; rdfs:label " imbrattatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40001imbutitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40001imbutitrice is imbutitrice" ; rdfs:label " imbutitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40002immaginatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40002immaginatrice is immaginatrice" ; rdfs:label " immaginatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40003immolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40003immolatrice is immolatrice" ; rdfs:label " immolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40004impaccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40004impaccatrice is impaccatrice" ; rdfs:label " impaccatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40005impacchettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40005impacchettatrice is impacchettatrice" ; rdfs:label " impacchettatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40006impacciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40006impacciatrice is impacciatrice" ; rdfs:label " impacciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40007impagliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40007impagliatrice is impagliatrice" ; rdfs:label " impagliatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40008impaniatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40008impaniatrice is impaniatrice" ; rdfs:label " impaniatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40009impastatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40009impastatrice is impastatrice" ; rdfs:label " impastatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40010impeditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40010impeditrice is impeditrice" ; rdfs:label " impeditrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40011impetratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40011impetratrice is impetratrice" ; rdfs:label " impetratrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40012impiallacciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40012impiallacciatrice is impiallacciatrice" ; rdfs:label " impiallacciatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40013impiastratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40013impiastratrice is impiastratrice" ; rdfs:label " impiastratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40014impiccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40014impiccatrice is impiccatrice" ; rdfs:label " impiccatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40015impinguatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40015impinguatrice is impinguatrice" ; rdfs:label " impinguatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40016implicatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40016implicatrice is implicatrice" ; rdfs:label " implicatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40017imploratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40017imploratrice is imploratrice" ; rdfs:label " imploratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40018impollinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40018impollinatrice is impollinatrice" ; rdfs:label " impollinatrice_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH40020imprecatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40020imprecatrice is imprecatrice" ; rdfs:label " imprecatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40021impugnatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40021impugnatrice is impugnatrice" ; rdfs:label " impugnatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40022inargentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40022inargentatrice is inargentatrice" ; rdfs:label " inargentatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40023inauguratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40023inauguratrice is inauguratrice" ; rdfs:label " inauguratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40024incapsulatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40024incapsulatrice is incapsulatrice" ; rdfs:label " incapsulatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40025incassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40025incassatrice is incassatrice" ; rdfs:label " incassatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40026incastonatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40026incastonatrice is incastonatrice" ; rdfs:label " incastonatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40027incendiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40027incendiatrice is incendiatrice" ; rdfs:label " incendiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40028incensatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40028incensatrice is incensatrice" ; rdfs:label " incensatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40029incettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40029incettatrice is incettatrice" ; rdfs:label " incettatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40030inchiodatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40030inchiodatrice is inchiodatrice" ; rdfs:label " inchiodatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40031incitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40031incitatrice is incitatrice" ; rdfs:label " incitatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40032incollatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40032incollatrice is incollatrice" ; rdfs:label " incollatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40033incoraggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40033incoraggiatrice is incoraggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " incoraggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40034incorporatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40034incorporatrice is incorporatrice" ; rdfs:label " incorporatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40035incorsatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40035incorsatrice is incorsatrice" ; rdfs:label " incorsatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40036increspatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40036increspatrice is increspatrice" ; rdfs:label " increspatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40037inculcatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40037inculcatrice is inculcatrice" ; rdfs:label " inculcatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40038indoratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40038indoratrice is indoratrice" ; rdfs:label " indoratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40039indovinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40039indovinatrice is indovinatrice" ; rdfs:label " indovinatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40040infamatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40040infamatrice is infamatrice" ; rdfs:label " infamatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40041infestatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40041infestatrice is infestatrice" ; rdfs:label " infestatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40042infettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40042infettatrice is infettatrice" ; rdfs:label " infettatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40043infialettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40043infialettatrice is infialettatrice" ; rdfs:label " infialettatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40044infiammatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40044infiammatrice is infiammatrice" ; rdfs:label " infiammatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40045infoibatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40045infoibatrice is infoibatrice" ; rdfs:label " infoibatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40046infornatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40046infornatrice is infornatrice" ; rdfs:label " infornatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40047ingabbiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40047ingabbiatrice is ingabbiatrice" ; rdfs:label " ingabbiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40048ingaggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40048ingaggiatrice is ingaggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " ingaggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40049inghiottitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40049inghiottitrice is inghiottitrice" ; rdfs:label " inghiottitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40050ingrossatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40050ingrossatrice is ingrossatrice" ; rdfs:label " ingrossatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40051innalzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40051innalzatrice is innalzatrice" ; rdfs:label " innalzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40052inneggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40052inneggiatrice is inneggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " inneggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40053innestatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40053innestatrice is innestatrice" ; rdfs:label " innestatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40054inorpellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40054inorpellatrice is inorpellatrice" ; rdfs:label " inorpellatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40055insaccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40055insaccatrice is insaccatrice" ; rdfs:label " insaccatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40056inscatolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40056inscatolatrice is inscatolatrice" ; rdfs:label " inscatolatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40057insidiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40057insidiatrice is insidiatrice" ; rdfs:label " insidiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40058insinuatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40058insinuatrice is insinuatrice" ; rdfs:label " insinuatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40059insultatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40059insultatrice is insultatrice" ; rdfs:label " insultatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40060intarsiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40060intarsiatrice is intarsiatrice" ; rdfs:label " intarsiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40061interceditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40061interceditrice is interceditrice" ; rdfs:label " interceditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40062intermediatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40062intermediatrice is intermediatrice" ; rdfs:label " intermediatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40063interpolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40063interpolatrice is interpolatrice" ; rdfs:label " interpolatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40064interpositrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40064interpositrice is interpositrice" ; rdfs:label " interpositrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40065intimatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40065intimatrice is intimatrice" ; rdfs:label " intimatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40066intonacatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40066intonacatrice is intonacatrice" ; rdfs:label " intonacatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40067intonatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40067intonatrice is intonatrice" ; rdfs:label " intonatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40068intorbidatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40068intorbidatrice is intorbidatrice" ; rdfs:label " intorbidatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40069intrallazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40069intrallazzatrice is intrallazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " intrallazzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40070intraprenditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40070intraprenditrice is intraprenditrice" ; rdfs:label " intraprenditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40071intrecciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40071intrecciatrice is intrecciatrice" ; rdfs:label " intrecciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40072inverniciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40072inverniciatrice is inverniciatrice" ; rdfs:label " inverniciatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40073invitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40073invitatrice is invitatrice" ; rdfs:label " invitatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40074invocatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40074invocatrice is invocatrice" ; rdfs:label " invocatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40075ipnotizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40075ipnotizzatrice is ipnotizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " ipnotizzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40076irraggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40076irraggiatrice is irraggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " irraggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40077irrigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40077irrigatore is irrigatore" ; rdfs:label " irrigatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40078irrigatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40078irrigatrice is irrigatrice" ; rdfs:label " irrigatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40079irritatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40079irritatrice is irritatrice" ; rdfs:label " irritatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40080laccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40080laccatrice is laccatrice" ; rdfs:label " laccatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40081lambiccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40081lambiccatrice is lambiccatrice" ; rdfs:label " lambiccatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40082lamentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40082lamentatrice is lamentatrice" ; rdfs:label " lamentatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40083laminatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40083laminatrice is laminatrice" ; rdfs:label " laminatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40084lapidatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40084lapidatrice is lapidatrice" ; rdfs:label " lapidatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40085lapidellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40085lapidellatrice is lapidellatrice" ; rdfs:label " lapidellatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40086lappatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40086lappatrice is lappatrice" ; rdfs:label " lappatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40087largheggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40087largheggiatrice is largheggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " largheggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40088largitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40088largitrice is largitrice" ; rdfs:label " largitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40089lastricatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40089lastricatrice is lastricatrice" ; rdfs:label " lastricatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40090leccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40090leccatrice is leccatrice" ; rdfs:label " leccatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40091legatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40091legatrice is legatrice" ; rdfs:label " legatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40092leggitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40092leggitrice is leggitrice" ; rdfs:label " leggitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40093legiferatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40093legiferatrice is legiferatrice" ; rdfs:label " legiferatrice_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH40094limatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40094limatrice is limatrice" ; rdfs:label " limatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40095linciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40095linciatrice is linciatrice" ; rdfs:label " linciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40096lisciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40096lisciatrice is lisciatrice" ; rdfs:label " lisciatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40097litigatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40097litigatrice is litigatrice" ; rdfs:label " litigatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40098lodatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40098lodatrice is lodatrice" ; rdfs:label " lodatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40099logoratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40099logoratrice is logoratrice" ; rdfs:label " logoratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40100lordatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40100lordatrice is lordatrice" ; rdfs:label " lordatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40101lucidatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40101lucidatrice is lucidatrice" ; rdfs:label " lucidatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40102lusingatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40102lusingatrice is lusingatrice" ; rdfs:label " lusingatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40103macchinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40103macchinatrice is macchinatrice" ; rdfs:label " macchinatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40104macellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40104macellatrice is macellatrice" ; rdfs:label " macellatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40105maceratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40105maceratrice is maceratrice" ; rdfs:label " maceratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40106macinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40106macinatrice is macinatrice" ; rdfs:label " macinatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40107magnetizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40107magnetizzatrice is magnetizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " magnetizzatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40108magnificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40108magnificatrice is magnificatrice" ; rdfs:label " magnificatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40109malignatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40109malignatrice is malignatrice" ; rdfs:label " malignatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40110mallevatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40110mallevatrice is mallevatrice" ; rdfs:label " mallevatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40111maltrattatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40111maltrattatrice is maltrattatrice" ; rdfs:label " maltrattatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40112malversatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40112malversatrice is malversatrice" ; rdfs:label " malversatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40113mancatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40113mancatrice is mancatrice" ; rdfs:label " mancatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40114mandatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40114mandatrice is mandatrice" ; rdfs:label " mandatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40115maneggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40115maneggiatrice is maneggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " maneggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40116manganatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40116manganatrice is manganatrice" ; rdfs:label " manganatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40117manifestatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40117manifestatrice is manifestatrice" ; rdfs:label " manifestatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40118mantenitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40118mantenitrice is mantenitrice" ; rdfs:label " mantenitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40119marchiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40119marchiatrice is marchiatrice" ; rdfs:label " marchiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40120marciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40120marciatrice is marciatrice" ; rdfs:label " marciatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40121maritatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40121maritatrice is maritatrice" ; rdfs:label " maritatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40122martellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40122martellatrice is martellatrice" ; rdfs:label " martellatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40123martellinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40123martellinatrice is martellinatrice" ; rdfs:label " martellinatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40124martirizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40124martirizzatrice is martirizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " martirizzatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40125martoriatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40125martoriatrice is martoriatrice" ; rdfs:label " martoriatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40126maschiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40126maschiatrice is maschiatrice" ; rdfs:label " maschiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40127massacratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40127massacratrice is massacratrice" ; rdfs:label " massacratrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40128massicciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40128massicciatrice is massicciatrice" ; rdfs:label " massicciatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40129masticatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40129masticatrice is masticatrice" ; rdfs:label " masticatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40130matassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40130matassatrice is matassatrice" ; rdfs:label " matassatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40131mattatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40131mattatrice is mattatrice" ; rdfs:label " mattatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40132medicatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40132medicatrice is medicatrice" ; rdfs:label " medicatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40133meditatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40133meditatrice is meditatrice" ; rdfs:label " meditatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40134mescitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40134mescitrice is mescitrice" ; rdfs:label " mescitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40135mesticatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40135mesticatrice is mesticatrice" ; rdfs:label " mesticatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40136mettitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40136mettitrice is mettitrice" ; rdfs:label " mettitrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40137miagolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40137miagolatrice is miagolatrice" ; rdfs:label " miagolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40138mietitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40138mietitrice is mietitrice" ; rdfs:label " mietitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40139miglioratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40139miglioratrice is miglioratrice" ; rdfs:label " miglioratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40140minacciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40140minacciatrice is minacciatrice" ; rdfs:label " minacciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40141miniatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40141miniatrice is miniatrice" ; rdfs:label " miniatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40142miratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40142miratrice is miratrice" ; rdfs:label " miratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40143mitigatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40143mitigatrice is mitigatrice" ; rdfs:label " mitigatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40144modanatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40144modanatrice is modanatrice" ; rdfs:label " modanatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40145molatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40145molatrice is molatrice" ; rdfs:label " molatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40146molazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40146molazzatrice is molazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " molazzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40147molestatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40147molestatrice is molestatrice" ; rdfs:label " molestatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40148mondatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40148mondatrice is mondatrice" ; rdfs:label " mondatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40149moralizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40149moralizzatrice is moralizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " moralizzatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40150morditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40150morditrice is morditrice" ; rdfs:label " morditrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40151mormoratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40151mormoratrice is mormoratrice" ; rdfs:label " mormoratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40152mortasatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40152mortasatrice is mortasatrice" ; rdfs:label " mortasatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40153mortificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40153mortificatrice is mortificatrice" ; rdfs:label " mortificatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40154mostratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40154mostratrice is mostratrice" ; rdfs:label " mostratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40155motteggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40155motteggiatrice is motteggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " motteggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40156mozzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40156mozzatrice is mozzatrice" ; rdfs:label " mozzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40157mummificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40157mummificatrice is mummificatrice" ; rdfs:label " mummificatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40158mungitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40158mungitrice is mungitrice" ; rdfs:label " mungitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40159mutatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40159mutatrice is mutatrice" ; rdfs:label " mutatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40160mutilatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40160mutilatrice is mutilatrice" ; rdfs:label " mutilatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40161nasconditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40161nasconditrice is nasconditrice" ; rdfs:label " nasconditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40162negatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40162negatrice is negatrice" ; rdfs:label " negatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40163nerbatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40163nerbatrice is nerbatrice" ; rdfs:label " nerbatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40164nettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40164nettatrice is nettatrice" ; rdfs:label " nettatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40165nichelatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40165nichelatrice is nichelatrice" ; rdfs:label " nichelatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40166niellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40166niellatrice is niellatrice" ; rdfs:label " niellatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40167nocitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40167nocitrice is nocitrice" ; rdfs:label " nocitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40168nominatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40168nominatrice is nominatrice" ; rdfs:label " nominatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40169notatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40169notatrice is notatrice" ; rdfs:label " notatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40170notificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40170notificatrice is notificatrice" ; rdfs:label " notificatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40171novatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40171novatrice is novatrice" ; rdfs:label " novatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40172novellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40172novellatrice is novellatrice" ; rdfs:label " novellatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40173nutritrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40173nutritrice is nutritrice" ; rdfs:label " nutritrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40174obbiettrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40174obbiettrice is obbiettrice" ; rdfs:label " obbiettrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40175occultatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40175occultatrice is occultatrice" ; rdfs:label " occultatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40176occupatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40176occupatrice is occupatrice" ; rdfs:label " occupatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40177odiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40177odiatrice is odiatrice" ; rdfs:label " odiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40178offenditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40178offenditrice is offenditrice" ; rdfs:label " offenditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40179officiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40179officiatrice is officiatrice" ; rdfs:label " officiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40180offuscatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40180offuscatrice is offuscatrice" ; rdfs:label " offuscatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40181oltraggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40181oltraggiatrice is oltraggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " oltraggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40182opinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40182opinatrice is opinatrice" ; rdfs:label " opinatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40183oppugnatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40183oppugnatrice is oppugnatrice" ; rdfs:label " oppugnatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40184ornatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40184ornatrice is ornatrice" ; rdfs:label " ornatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40185osteggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40185osteggiatrice is osteggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " osteggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40186ostentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40186ostentatrice is ostentatrice" ; rdfs:label " ostentatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40187palesatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40187palesatrice is palesatrice" ; rdfs:label " palesatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40188palleggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40188palleggiatrice is palleggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " palleggiatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40189palleggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40189palleggiatrice is palleggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " palleggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40190palpatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40190palpatrice is palpatrice" ; rdfs:label " palpatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40191pappatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40191pappatrice is pappatrice" ; rdfs:label " pappatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40192paratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40192paratrice is paratrice" ; rdfs:label " paratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40193pareggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40193pareggiatrice is pareggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " pareggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40194parlamentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40194parlamentatrice is parlamentatrice" ; rdfs:label " parlamentatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40195partecipatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40195partecipatrice is partecipatrice" ; rdfs:label " partecipatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40196parteggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40196parteggiatrice is parteggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " parteggiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40197passatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40197passatrice is passatrice" ; rdfs:label " passatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40198passeggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40198passeggiatrice is passeggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " passeggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40199patinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40199patinatrice is patinatrice" ; rdfs:label " patinatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40200patrocinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40200patrocinatrice is patrocinatrice" ; rdfs:label " patrocinatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40201patteggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40201patteggiatrice is patteggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " patteggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40202pattinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40202pattinatrice is pattinatrice" ; rdfs:label " pattinatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40203pattugliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40203pattugliatrice is pattugliatrice" ; rdfs:label " pattugliatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40204pavimentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40204pavimentatrice is pavimentatrice" ; rdfs:label " pavimentatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40205pedalatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40205pedalatrice is pedalatrice" ; rdfs:label " pedalatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40206peggioratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40206peggioratrice is peggioratrice" ; rdfs:label " peggioratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40207pelatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40207pelatrice is pelatrice" ; rdfs:label " pelatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40208pennelleggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40208pennelleggiatrice is pennelleggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " pennelleggiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40209percotitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40209percotitrice is percotitrice" ; rdfs:label " percotitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40210percuotitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40210percuotitrice is percuotitrice" ; rdfs:label " percuotitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40211perditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40211perditrice is perditrice" ; rdfs:label " perditrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40212perdonatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40212perdonatrice is perdonatrice" ; rdfs:label " perdonatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40213perfezionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40213perfezionatrice is perfezionatrice" ; rdfs:label " perfezionatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40214periziatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40214periziatrice is periziatrice" ; rdfs:label " periziatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40215perlustratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40215perlustratrice is perlustratrice" ; rdfs:label " perlustratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40216permutatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40216permutatrice is permutatrice" ; rdfs:label " permutatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40217perpetratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40217perpetratrice is perpetratrice" ; rdfs:label " perpetratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40218perpetuatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40218perpetuatrice is perpetuatrice" ; rdfs:label " perpetuatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40219persuaditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40219persuaditrice is persuaditrice" ; rdfs:label " persuaditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40220perturbatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40220perturbatrice is perturbatrice" ; rdfs:label " perturbatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40221pervertitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40221pervertitrice is pervertitrice" ; rdfs:label " pervertitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40222pesatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40222pesatrice is pesatrice" ; rdfs:label " pesatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40223pestatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40223pestatrice is pestatrice" ; rdfs:label " pestatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40224piaggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40224piaggiatrice is piaggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " piaggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40225piangitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40225piangitrice is piangitrice" ; rdfs:label " piangitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40226picchettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40226picchettatrice is picchettatrice" ; rdfs:label " picchettatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40227piegatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40227piegatrice is piegatrice" ; rdfs:label " piegatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40228piegatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40228piegatrice is piegatrice" ; rdfs:label " piegatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40229pieghettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40229pieghettatrice is pieghettatrice" ; rdfs:label " pieghettatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40230pigiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40230pigiatrice is pigiatrice" ; rdfs:label " pigiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40231piluccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40231piluccatrice is piluccatrice" ; rdfs:label " piluccatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40232pipatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40232pipatrice is pipatrice" ; rdfs:label " pipatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40233placatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40233placatrice is placatrice" ; rdfs:label " placatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40234plasmatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40234plasmatrice is plasmatrice" ; rdfs:label " plasmatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40235plasticatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40235plasticatrice is plasticatrice" ; rdfs:label " plasticatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40236ponderatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40236ponderatrice is ponderatrice" ; rdfs:label " ponderatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40237pontatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40237pontatrice is pontatrice" ; rdfs:label " pontatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40238ponteggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40238ponteggiatrice is ponteggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " ponteggiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40239ponzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40239ponzatrice is ponzatrice" ; rdfs:label " ponzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40240poppatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40240poppatrice is poppatrice" ; rdfs:label " poppatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40241porgitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40241porgitrice is porgitrice" ; rdfs:label " porgitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40242posatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40242posatrice is posatrice" ; rdfs:label " posatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40243posseditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40243posseditrice is posseditrice" ; rdfs:label " posseditrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40244postillatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40244postillatrice is postillatrice" ; rdfs:label " postillatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40245potatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40245potatrice is potatrice" ; rdfs:label " potatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40246preannunziatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40246preannunziatrice is preannunziatrice" ; rdfs:label " preannunziatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40247preconizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40247preconizzatrice is preconizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " preconizzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40248precorritrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40248precorritrice is precorritrice" ; rdfs:label " precorritrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40249predicitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40249predicitrice is predicitrice" ; rdfs:label " predicitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40250prefatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40250prefatrice is prefatrice" ; rdfs:label " prefatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40251pregatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40251pregatrice is pregatrice" ; rdfs:label " pregatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40252pregiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40252pregiatrice is pregiatrice" ; rdfs:label " pregiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40253pregustatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40253pregustatrice is pregustatrice" ; rdfs:label " pregustatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40254premiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40254premiatrice is premiatrice" ; rdfs:label " premiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40255premonitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40255premonitrice is premonitrice" ; rdfs:label " premonitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40256prenunziatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40256prenunziatrice is prenunziatrice" ; rdfs:label " prenunziatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40257preservatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40257preservatrice is preservatrice" ; rdfs:label " preservatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40258pressatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40258pressatrice is pressatrice" ; rdfs:label " pressatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40259principiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40259principiatrice is principiatrice" ; rdfs:label " principiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40260privatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40260privatrice is privatrice" ; rdfs:label " privatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40261procacciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40261procacciatrice is procacciatrice" ; rdfs:label " procacciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40262proclamatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40262proclamatrice is proclamatrice" ; rdfs:label " proclamatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40263procrastinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40263procrastinatrice is procrastinatrice" ; rdfs:label " procrastinatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40264procreatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40264procreatrice is procreatrice" ; rdfs:label " procreatrice_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH40265profanatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40265profanatrice is profanatrice" ; rdfs:label " profanatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40266proferitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40266proferitrice is proferitrice" ; rdfs:label " proferitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40267profferitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40267profferitrice is profferitrice" ; rdfs:label " profferitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40268profonditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40268profonditrice is profonditrice" ; rdfs:label " profonditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40269proibitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40269proibitrice is proibitrice" ; rdfs:label " proibitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40270proiettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40270proiettatrice is proiettatrice" ; rdfs:label " proiettatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40271prolungatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40271prolungatrice is prolungatrice" ; rdfs:label " prolungatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40272promettitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40272promettitrice is promettitrice" ; rdfs:label " promettitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40273promovitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40273promovitrice is promovitrice" ; rdfs:label " promovitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40274promulgatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40274promulgatrice is promulgatrice" ; rdfs:label " promulgatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40275pronosticatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40275pronosticatrice is pronosticatrice" ; rdfs:label " pronosticatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40276pronunziatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40276pronunziatrice is pronunziatrice" ; rdfs:label " pronunziatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40277propalatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40277propalatrice is propalatrice" ; rdfs:label " propalatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40278propinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40278propinatrice is propinatrice" ; rdfs:label " propinatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40279propiziatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40279propiziatrice is propiziatrice" ; rdfs:label " propiziatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40280proponitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40280proponitrice is proponitrice" ; rdfs:label " proponitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40281proporzionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40281proporzionatrice is proporzionatrice" ; rdfs:label " proporzionatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40282propugnatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40282propugnatrice is propugnatrice" ; rdfs:label " propugnatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40283propulsatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40283propulsatrice is propulsatrice" ; rdfs:label " propulsatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40284proscioglitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40284proscioglitrice is proscioglitrice" ; rdfs:label " proscioglitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40285proscrittrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40285proscrittrice is proscrittrice" ; rdfs:label " proscrittrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40286proteggitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40286proteggitrice is proteggitrice" ; rdfs:label " proteggitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40287protestatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40287protestatrice is protestatrice" ; rdfs:label " protestatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40288provatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40288provatrice is provatrice" ; rdfs:label " provatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40289pubblicatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40289pubblicatrice is pubblicatrice" ; rdfs:label " pubblicatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40290pugnalatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40290pugnalatrice is pugnalatrice" ; rdfs:label " pugnalatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40291pugnatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40291pugnatrice is pugnatrice" ; rdfs:label " pugnatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40292pulimentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40292pulimentatrice is pulimentatrice" ; rdfs:label " pulimentatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40293pungitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40293pungitrice is pungitrice" ; rdfs:label " pungitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40294punitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40294punitrice is punitrice" ; rdfs:label " punitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40295punteggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40295punteggiatrice is punteggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " punteggiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40296punzonatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40296punzonatrice is punzonatrice" ; rdfs:label " punzonatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40297purgatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40297purgatrice is purgatrice" ; rdfs:label " purgatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40298quadratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40298quadratrice is quadratrice" ; rdfs:label " quadratrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40299qualificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40299qualificatrice is qualificatrice" ; rdfs:label " qualificatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40300questionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40300questionatrice is questionatrice" ; rdfs:label " questionatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40301rabberciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40301rabberciatrice is rabberciatrice" ; rdfs:label " rabberciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40302raccattatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40302raccattatrice is raccattatrice" ; rdfs:label " raccattatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40303raccomandatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40303raccomandatrice is raccomandatrice" ; rdfs:label " raccomandatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40304raccomodatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40304raccomodatrice is raccomodatrice" ; rdfs:label " raccomodatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40305racconciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40305racconciatrice is racconciatrice" ; rdfs:label " racconciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40306raccontatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40306raccontatrice is raccontatrice" ; rdfs:label " raccontatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40307raccordatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40307raccordatrice is raccordatrice" ; rdfs:label " raccordatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40308racimolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40308racimolatrice is racimolatrice" ; rdfs:label " racimolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40309raddensatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40309raddensatrice is raddensatrice" ; rdfs:label " raddensatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40310radunatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40310radunatrice is radunatrice" ; rdfs:label " radunatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40311raffazzonatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40311raffazzonatrice is raffazzonatrice" ; rdfs:label " raffazzonatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40312raffermatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40312raffermatrice is raffermatrice" ; rdfs:label " raffermatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40313raffrenatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40313raffrenatrice is raffrenatrice" ; rdfs:label " raffrenatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40314raffrontatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40314raffrontatrice is raffrontatrice" ; rdfs:label " raffrontatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40315raggiratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40315raggiratrice is raggiratrice" ; rdfs:label " raggiratrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40316ragguagliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40316ragguagliatrice is ragguagliatrice" ; rdfs:label " ragguagliatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40317ragionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40317ragionatrice is ragionatrice" ; rdfs:label " ragionatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40318ragliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40318ragliatrice is ragliatrice" ; rdfs:label " ragliatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40319rallegratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40319rallegratrice is rallegratrice" ; rdfs:label " rallegratrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40320rammendatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40320rammendatrice is rammendatrice" ; rdfs:label " rammendatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40321rammentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40321rammentatrice is rammentatrice" ; rdfs:label " rammentatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40322rampicatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40322rampicatrice is rampicatrice" ; rdfs:label " rampicatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40323rappezzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40323rappezzatrice is rappezzatrice" ; rdfs:label " rappezzatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40324rappresentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40324rappresentatrice is rappresentatrice" ; rdfs:label " rappresentatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40325rasatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40325rasatrice is rasatrice" ; rdfs:label " rasatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40326raschiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40326raschiatore is raschiatore" ; rdfs:label " raschiatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH40327raschiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40327raschiatrice is raschiatrice" ; rdfs:label " raschiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40328rassegnatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40328rassegnatrice is rassegnatrice" ; rdfs:label " rassegnatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40329rasserenatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40329rasserenatrice is rasserenatrice" ; rdfs:label " rasserenatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40330rassettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40330rassettatrice is rassettatrice" ; rdfs:label " rassettatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40331rassicuratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40331rassicuratrice is rassicuratrice" ; rdfs:label " rassicuratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40332rassodatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40332rassodatrice is rassodatrice" ; rdfs:label " rassodatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40333ratificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40333ratificatrice is ratificatrice" ; rdfs:label " ratificatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40334rattoppatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40334rattoppatrice is rattoppatrice" ; rdfs:label " rattoppatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40335ravvivatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40335ravvivatrice is ravvivatrice" ; rdfs:label " ravvivatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40336ravvolgitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40336ravvolgitrice is ravvolgitrice" ; rdfs:label " ravvolgitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40337raziocinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40337raziocinatrice is raziocinatrice" ; rdfs:label " raziocinatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40338razziatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40338razziatrice is razziatrice" ; rdfs:label " razziatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40339recitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40339recitatrice is recitatrice" ; rdfs:label " recitatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40340reclutatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40340reclutatrice is reclutatrice" ; rdfs:label " reclutatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40341recriminatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40341recriminatrice is recriminatrice" ; rdfs:label " recriminatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40342reggitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40342reggitrice is reggitrice" ; rdfs:label " reggitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40343regnatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40343regnatrice is regnatrice" ; rdfs:label " regnatrice_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH40344reintegratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40344reintegratrice is reintegratrice" ; rdfs:label " reintegratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40345relegatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40345relegatrice is relegatrice" ; rdfs:label " relegatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40346rematrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40346rematrice is rematrice" ; rdfs:label " rematrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40347remigatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40347remigatrice is remigatrice" ; rdfs:label " remigatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40348renditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40348renditrice is renditrice" ; rdfs:label " renditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40349restringitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40349restringitrice is restringitrice" ; rdfs:label " restringitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40350retributrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40350retributrice is retributrice" ; rdfs:label " retributrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40351revocatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40351revocatrice is revocatrice" ; rdfs:label " revocatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40352riappaltatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40352riappaltatrice is riappaltatrice" ; rdfs:label " riappaltatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40353riassicuratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40353riassicuratrice is riassicuratrice" ; rdfs:label " riassicuratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40354ribattitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40354ribattitrice is ribattitrice" ; rdfs:label " ribattitrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40355ricamatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40355ricamatrice is ricamatrice" ; rdfs:label " ricamatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40356ricettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40356ricettatrice is ricettatrice" ; rdfs:label " ricettatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40357richieditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40357richieditrice is richieditrice" ; rdfs:label " richieditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40358riciclatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40358riciclatrice is riciclatrice" ; rdfs:label " riciclatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40359ricompensatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40359ricompensatrice is ricompensatrice" ; rdfs:label " ricompensatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40360ricompratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40360ricompratrice is ricompratrice" ; rdfs:label " ricompratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40361riconciliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40361riconciliatrice is riconciliatrice" ; rdfs:label " riconciliatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40362riconduttrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40362riconduttrice is riconduttrice" ; rdfs:label " riconduttrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40363riconfortatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40363riconfortatrice is riconfortatrice" ; rdfs:label " riconfortatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40364riconoscitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40364riconoscitrice is riconoscitrice" ; rdfs:label " riconoscitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40365riconsolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40365riconsolatrice is riconsolatrice" ; rdfs:label " riconsolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40366ricopiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40366ricopiatrice is ricopiatrice" ; rdfs:label " ricopiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40367ricopritrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40367ricopritrice is ricopritrice" ; rdfs:label " ricopritrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40368ricordatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40368ricordatrice is ricordatrice" ; rdfs:label " ricordatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40369ricorrettrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40369ricorrettrice is ricorrettrice" ; rdfs:label " ricorrettrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40370ricostruttrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40370ricostruttrice is ricostruttrice" ; rdfs:label " ricostruttrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40371ricoveratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40371ricoveratrice is ricoveratrice" ; rdfs:label " ricoveratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40372ricreatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40372ricreatrice is ricreatrice" ; rdfs:label " ricreatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40373ricucitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40373ricucitrice is ricucitrice" ; rdfs:label " ricucitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40374ridicitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40374ridicitrice is ridicitrice" ; rdfs:label " ridicitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40375ridonatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40375ridonatrice is ridonatrice" ; rdfs:label " ridonatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40376riedificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40376riedificatrice is riedificatrice" ; rdfs:label " riedificatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40377rifacitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40377rifacitrice is rifacitrice" ; rdfs:label " rifacitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40378rifilatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40378rifilatrice is rifilatrice" ; rdfs:label " rifilatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40379rifinitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40379rifinitrice is rifinitrice" ; rdfs:label " rifinitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40380rifiutatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40380rifiutatrice is rifiutatrice" ; rdfs:label " rifiutatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40381rifonditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40381rifonditrice is rifonditrice" ; rdfs:label " rifonditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40382rifornitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40382rifornitrice is rifornitrice" ; rdfs:label " rifornitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40383rifriggitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40383rifriggitrice is rifriggitrice" ; rdfs:label " rifriggitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40384rifrustatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40384rifrustatrice is rifrustatrice" ; rdfs:label " rifrustatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40385rigiratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40385rigiratrice is rigiratrice" ; rdfs:label " rigiratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40386rimatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40386rimatrice is rimatrice" ; rdfs:label " rimatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40387rimbrottatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40387rimbrottatrice is rimbrottatrice" ; rdfs:label " rimbrottatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40388rimediatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40388rimediatrice is rimediatrice" ; rdfs:label " rimediatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40389rimestatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40389rimestatrice is rimestatrice" ; rdfs:label " rimestatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40390rimettitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40390rimettitrice is rimettitrice" ; rdfs:label " rimettitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40391rimodernatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40391rimodernatrice is rimodernatrice" ; rdfs:label " rimodernatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40392rimondatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40392rimondatrice is rimondatrice" ; rdfs:label " rimondatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40393rimpagliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40393rimpagliatrice is rimpagliatrice" ; rdfs:label " rimpagliatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40394rimpiastratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40394rimpiastratrice is rimpiastratrice" ; rdfs:label " rimpiastratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40395rimproveratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40395rimproveratrice is rimproveratrice" ; rdfs:label " rimproveratrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40396rimuneratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40396rimuneratrice is rimuneratrice" ; rdfs:label " rimuneratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40397rinettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40397rinettatrice is rinettatrice" ; rdfs:label " rinettatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40398rinnegatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40398rinnegatrice is rinnegatrice" ; rdfs:label " rinnegatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40399rinnovellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40399rinnovellatrice is rinnovellatrice" ; rdfs:label " rinnovellatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40400rintracciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40400rintracciatrice is rintracciatrice" ; rdfs:label " rintracciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40401rinunciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40401rinunciatrice is rinunciatrice" ; rdfs:label " rinunciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40402rinunziatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40402rinunziatrice is rinunziatrice" ; rdfs:label " rinunziatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40403rinvenitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40403rinvenitrice is rinvenitrice" ; rdfs:label " rinvenitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40404riordinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40404riordinatrice is riordinatrice" ; rdfs:label " riordinatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40405riorganizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40405riorganizzatrice is riorganizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " riorganizzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40406ripassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40406ripassatrice is ripassatrice" ; rdfs:label " ripassatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40407ripescatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40407ripescatrice is ripescatrice" ; rdfs:label " ripescatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40408riportatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40408riportatrice is riportatrice" ; rdfs:label " riportatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40409riprenditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40409riprenditrice is riprenditrice" ; rdfs:label " riprenditrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40410ripresentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40410ripresentatrice is ripresentatrice" ; rdfs:label " ripresentatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40411ripristinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40411ripristinatrice is ripristinatrice" ; rdfs:label " ripristinatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40412riproduttrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40412riproduttrice is riproduttrice" ; rdfs:label " riproduttrice_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH40413riprovatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40413riprovatrice is riprovatrice" ; rdfs:label " riprovatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40414ripudiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40414ripudiatrice is ripudiatrice" ; rdfs:label " ripudiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40415ripulitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40415ripulitrice is ripulitrice" ; rdfs:label " ripulitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40416risanatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40416risanatrice is risanatrice" ; rdfs:label " risanatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40417riscattatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40417riscattatrice is riscattatrice" ; rdfs:label " riscattatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40418rischiaratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40418rischiaratrice is rischiaratrice" ; rdfs:label " rischiaratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40419risciacquatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40419risciacquatrice is risciacquatrice" ; rdfs:label " risciacquatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40420riscontratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40420riscontratrice is riscontratrice" ; rdfs:label " riscontratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40421riscotitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40421riscotitrice is riscotitrice" ; rdfs:label " riscotitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40422riscuotitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40422riscuotitrice is riscuotitrice" ; rdfs:label " riscuotitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40423riservatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40423riservatrice is riservatrice" ; rdfs:label " riservatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40424rispigolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40424rispigolatrice is rispigolatrice" ; rdfs:label " rispigolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40425ristampatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40425ristampatrice is ristampatrice" ; rdfs:label " ristampatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40426risuscitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40426risuscitatrice is risuscitatrice" ; rdfs:label " risuscitatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40427ritagliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40427ritagliatrice is ritagliatrice" ; rdfs:label " ritagliatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40428ritenitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40428ritenitrice is ritenitrice" ; rdfs:label " ritenitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40429ritoccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40429ritoccatrice is ritoccatrice" ; rdfs:label " ritoccatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40430ritoglitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40430ritoglitrice is ritoglitrice" ; rdfs:label " ritoglitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40431ritrattatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40431ritrattatrice is ritrattatrice" ; rdfs:label " ritrattatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40432ritrovatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40432ritrovatrice is ritrovatrice" ; rdfs:label " ritrovatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40433riunitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40433riunitrice is riunitrice" ; rdfs:label " riunitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40434riveditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40434riveditrice is riveditrice" ; rdfs:label " riveditrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40435rivendicatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40435rivendicatrice is rivendicatrice" ; rdfs:label " rivendicatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40436riveritrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40436riveritrice is riveritrice" ; rdfs:label " riveritrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40437rivestitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40437rivestitrice is rivestitrice" ; rdfs:label " rivestitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40438rivoltatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40438rivoltatrice is rivoltatrice" ; rdfs:label " rivoltatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40439rompitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40439rompitrice is rompitrice" ; rdfs:label " rompitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40440ronzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40440ronzatrice is ronzatrice" ; rdfs:label " ronzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40441rotatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40441rotatrice is rotatrice" ; rdfs:label " rotatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40442rovinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40442rovinatrice is rovinatrice" ; rdfs:label " rovinatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40443rovistatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40443rovistatrice is rovistatrice" ; rdfs:label " rovistatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40444rubacchiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40444rubacchiatrice is rubacchiatrice" ; rdfs:label " rubacchiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40445rubatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40445rubatrice is rubatrice" ; rdfs:label " rubatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40446rubricatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40446rubricatrice is rubricatrice" ; rdfs:label " rubricatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40447rumoreggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40447rumoreggiatrice is rumoreggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " rumoreggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40448ruspatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40448ruspatrice is ruspatrice" ; rdfs:label " ruspatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40449ruttatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40449ruttatrice is ruttatrice" ; rdfs:label " ruttatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40450sacrificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40450sacrificatrice is sacrificatrice" ; rdfs:label " sacrificatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40451sagomatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40451sagomatrice is sagomatrice" ; rdfs:label " sagomatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40452salassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40452salassatrice is salassatrice" ; rdfs:label " salassatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40453salatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40453salatrice is salatrice" ; rdfs:label " salatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40454salmeggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40454salmeggiatrice is salmeggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " salmeggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40455saltatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40455saltatrice is saltatrice" ; rdfs:label " saltatrice_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH40456saltatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40456saltatrice is saltatrice" ; rdfs:label " saltatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40457saltatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40457saltatrice is saltatrice" ; rdfs:label " saltatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40458salutatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40458salutatrice is salutatrice" ; rdfs:label " salutatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40459sanatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40459sanatrice is sanatrice" ; rdfs:label " sanatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40460sanguificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40460sanguificatrice is sanguificatrice" ; rdfs:label " sanguificatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40461santificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40461santificatrice is santificatrice" ; rdfs:label " santificatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40462sanzionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40462sanzionatrice is sanzionatrice" ; rdfs:label " sanzionatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40463saponificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40463saponificatrice is saponificatrice" ; rdfs:label " saponificatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40464sbafatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40464sbafatrice is sbafatrice" ; rdfs:label " sbafatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40465sbalzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40465sbalzatrice is sbalzatrice" ; rdfs:label " sbalzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40466sbandieratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40466sbandieratrice is sbandieratrice" ; rdfs:label " sbandieratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40467sbarbatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40467sbarbatrice is sbarbatrice" ; rdfs:label " sbarbatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40468sbatacchiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40468sbatacchiatrice is sbatacchiatrice" ; rdfs:label " sbatacchiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40469sbavatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40469sbavatrice is sbavatrice" ; rdfs:label " sbavatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40470sbeffatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40470sbeffatrice is sbeffatrice" ; rdfs:label " sbeffatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40471sbeffeggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40471sbeffeggiatrice is sbeffeggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " sbeffeggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40472sbevazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40472sbevazzatrice is sbevazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " sbevazzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40473sbiancatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40473sbiancatrice is sbiancatrice" ; rdfs:label " sbiancatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40474sbozzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40474sbozzatrice is sbozzatrice" ; rdfs:label " sbozzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40475sbudellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40475sbudellatrice is sbudellatrice" ; rdfs:label " sbudellatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40476scacciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40476scacciatrice is scacciatrice" ; rdfs:label " scacciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40477scagliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40477scagliatrice is scagliatrice" ; rdfs:label " scagliatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40478scaldatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40478scaldatrice is scaldatrice" ; rdfs:label " scaldatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40479scalpellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40479scalpellatrice is scalpellatrice" ; rdfs:label " scalpellatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40480scalzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40480scalzatrice is scalzatrice" ; rdfs:label " scalzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40481scamosciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40481scamosciatrice is scamosciatrice" ; rdfs:label " scamosciatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40482scandagliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40482scandagliatrice is scandagliatrice" ; rdfs:label " scandagliatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40483scannatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40483scannatrice is scannatrice" ; rdfs:label " scannatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40484scarabocchiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40484scarabocchiatrice is scarabocchiatrice" ; rdfs:label " scarabocchiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40485scassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40485scassatrice is scassatrice" ; rdfs:label " scassatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40486sceglitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40486sceglitrice is sceglitrice" ; rdfs:label " sceglitrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40487schedatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40487schedatrice is schedatrice" ; rdfs:label " schedatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40488schermitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40488schermitrice is schermitrice" ; rdfs:label " schermitrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40489schernitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40489schernitrice is schernitrice" ; rdfs:label " schernitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40490schettinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40490schettinatrice is schettinatrice" ; rdfs:label " schettinatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40491schiacciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40491schiacciatrice is schiacciatrice" ; rdfs:label " schiacciatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40492schiaffeggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40492schiaffeggiatrice is schiaffeggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " schiaffeggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40493schiamazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40493schiamazzatrice is schiamazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " schiamazzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40494schiccheratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40494schiccheratrice is schiccheratrice" ; rdfs:label " schiccheratrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40495sciabolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40495sciabolatrice is sciabolatrice" ; rdfs:label " sciabolatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40496scialatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40496scialatrice is scialatrice" ; rdfs:label " scialatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40497scioglitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40497scioglitrice is scioglitrice" ; rdfs:label " scioglitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40498scippatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40498scippatrice is scippatrice" ; rdfs:label " scippatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40499sciupatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40499sciupatrice is sciupatrice" ; rdfs:label " sciupatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40500scoiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40500scoiatrice is scoiatrice" ; rdfs:label " scoiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40501scombiccheratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40501scombiccheratrice is scombiccheratrice" ; rdfs:label " scombiccheratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40502scommettitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40502scommettitrice is scommettitrice" ; rdfs:label " scommettitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40503scompigliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40503scompigliatrice is scompigliatrice" ; rdfs:label " scompigliatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40504scompositrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40504scompositrice is scompositrice" ; rdfs:label " scompositrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40505scomunicatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40505scomunicatrice is scomunicatrice" ; rdfs:label " scomunicatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40506sconcertatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40506sconcertatrice is sconcertatrice" ; rdfs:label " sconcertatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40507sconciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40507sconciatrice is sconciatrice" ; rdfs:label " sconciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40508sconfiggitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40508sconfiggitrice is sconfiggitrice" ; rdfs:label " sconfiggitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40509scongiuratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40509scongiuratrice is scongiuratrice" ; rdfs:label " scongiuratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40510sconquassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40510sconquassatrice is sconquassatrice" ; rdfs:label " sconquassatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40511sconsigliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40511sconsigliatrice is sconsigliatrice" ; rdfs:label " sconsigliatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40512sconsolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40512sconsolatrice is sconsolatrice" ; rdfs:label " sconsolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40513sconvolgitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40513sconvolgitrice is sconvolgitrice" ; rdfs:label " sconvolgitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40514scopatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40514scopatrice is scopatrice" ; rdfs:label " scopatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40515scopiazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40515scopiazzatrice is scopiazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " scopiazzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40516scortecciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40516scortecciatrice is scortecciatrice" ; rdfs:label " scortecciatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40517scorticatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40517scorticatrice is scorticatrice" ; rdfs:label " scorticatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40518scroccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40518scroccatrice is scroccatrice" ; rdfs:label " scroccatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40519selciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40519selciatrice is selciatrice" ; rdfs:label " selciatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40520selezionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40520selezionatrice is selezionatrice" ; rdfs:label " selezionatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40521semplificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40521semplificatrice is semplificatrice" ; rdfs:label " semplificatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40522seppellitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40522seppellitrice is seppellitrice" ; rdfs:label " seppellitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40523serbatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40523serbatrice is serbatrice" ; rdfs:label " serbatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40524sessatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40524sessatrice is sessatrice" ; rdfs:label " sessatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40525setacciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40525setacciatrice is setacciatrice" ; rdfs:label " setacciatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40526seviziatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40526seviziatrice is seviziatrice" ; rdfs:label " seviziatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40527sfangatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40527sfangatrice is sfangatrice" ; rdfs:label " sfangatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40528sferzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40528sferzatrice is sferzatrice" ; rdfs:label " sferzatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40529sfidatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40529sfidatrice is sfidatrice" ; rdfs:label " sfidatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40530sfondatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40530sfondatrice is sfondatrice" ; rdfs:label " sfondatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40531sfossatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40531sfossatrice is sfossatrice" ; rdfs:label " sfossatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40532sfottitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40532sfottitrice is sfottitrice" ; rdfs:label " sfottitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40533sfregiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40533sfregiatrice is sfregiatrice" ; rdfs:label " sfregiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40534sfrondatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40534sfrondatrice is sfrondatrice" ; rdfs:label " sfrondatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40535sgelatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40535sgelatrice is sgelatrice" ; rdfs:label " sgelatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40536sghermitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40536sghermitrice is sghermitrice" ; rdfs:label " sghermitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40537sghiacciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40537sghiacciatrice is sghiacciatrice" ; rdfs:label " sghiacciatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40538sgomberatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40538sgomberatrice is sgomberatrice" ; rdfs:label " sgomberatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40539sgombratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40539sgombratrice is sgombratrice" ; rdfs:label " sgombratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40540sgorbiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40540sgorbiatrice is sgorbiatrice" ; rdfs:label " sgorbiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40541sgozzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40541sgozzatrice is sgozzatrice" ; rdfs:label " sgozzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40542sgraffiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40542sgraffiatrice is sgraffiatrice" ; rdfs:label " sgraffiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40543sgranatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40543sgranatrice is sgranatrice" ; rdfs:label " sgranatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40544sgravatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40544sgravatrice is sgravatrice" ; rdfs:label " sgravatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40545sibilatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40545sibilatrice is sibilatrice" ; rdfs:label " sibilatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40546significatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40546significatrice is significatrice" ; rdfs:label " significatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40547siluratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40547siluratrice is siluratrice" ; rdfs:label " siluratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40548sinceratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40548sinceratrice is sinceratrice" ; rdfs:label " sinceratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40549sindacatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40549sindacatrice is sindacatrice" ; rdfs:label " sindacatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40550smaltatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40550smaltatrice is smaltatrice" ; rdfs:label " smaltatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40551smaltitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40551smaltitrice is smaltitrice" ; rdfs:label " smaltitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40552smantellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40552smantellatrice is smantellatrice" ; rdfs:label " smantellatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40553smascheratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40553smascheratrice is smascheratrice" ; rdfs:label " smascheratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40554smentitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40554smentitrice is smentitrice" ; rdfs:label " smentitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40555smerigliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40555smerigliatrice is smerigliatrice" ; rdfs:label " smerigliatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40556sminatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40556sminatrice is sminatrice" ; rdfs:label " sminatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40557sminuzzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40557sminuzzatrice is sminuzzatrice" ; rdfs:label " sminuzzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40558smoccolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40558smoccolatrice is smoccolatrice" ; rdfs:label " smoccolatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40559smontatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40559smontatrice is smontatrice" ; rdfs:label " smontatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40560smungitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40560smungitrice is smungitrice" ; rdfs:label " smungitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40561sobillatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40561sobillatrice is sobillatrice" ; rdfs:label " sobillatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40562sodatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40562sodatrice is sodatrice" ; rdfs:label " sodatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40563soffritrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40563soffritrice is soffritrice" ; rdfs:label " soffritrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40564sofisticatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40564sofisticatrice is sofisticatrice" ; rdfs:label " sofisticatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40565sogghignatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40565sogghignatrice is sogghignatrice" ; rdfs:label " sogghignatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40566soggiogatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40566soggiogatrice is soggiogatrice" ; rdfs:label " soggiogatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40567sollecitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40567sollecitatrice is sollecitatrice" ; rdfs:label " sollecitatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40568somministratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40568somministratrice is somministratrice" ; rdfs:label " somministratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40569sommovitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40569sommovitrice is sommovitrice" ; rdfs:label " sommovitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40570sonatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40570sonatrice is sonatrice" ; rdfs:label " sonatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40571sondatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40571sondatrice is sondatrice" ; rdfs:label " sondatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40572soperchiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40572soperchiatrice is soperchiatrice" ; rdfs:label " soperchiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40573sopitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40573sopitrice is sopitrice" ; rdfs:label " sopitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40574sopportatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40574sopportatrice is sopportatrice" ; rdfs:label " sopportatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40575sopraffattrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40575sopraffattrice is sopraffattrice" ; rdfs:label " sopraffattrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40576sorvolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40576sorvolatrice is sorvolatrice" ; rdfs:label " sorvolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40577sospenditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40577sospenditrice is sospenditrice" ; rdfs:label " sospenditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40578sostentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40578sostentatrice is sostentatrice" ; rdfs:label " sostentatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40579sostitutrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40579sostitutrice is sostitutrice" ; rdfs:label " sostitutrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40580sotterratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40580sotterratrice is sotterratrice" ; rdfs:label " sotterratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40581sovvenitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40581sovvenitrice is sovvenitrice" ; rdfs:label " sovvenitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40582sovvenzionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40582sovvenzionatrice is sovvenzionatrice" ; rdfs:label " sovvenzionatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40583spadellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40583spadellatrice is spadellatrice" ; rdfs:label " spadellatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40584spalancatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40584spalancatrice is spalancatrice" ; rdfs:label " spalancatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40585spalmatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40585spalmatrice is spalmatrice" ; rdfs:label " spalmatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40586sparatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40586sparatrice is sparatrice" ; rdfs:label " sparatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40587spargitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40587spargitrice is spargitrice" ; rdfs:label " spargitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40588sparlatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40588sparlatrice is sparlatrice" ; rdfs:label " sparlatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40589spartitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40589spartitrice is spartitrice" ; rdfs:label " spartitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40590spaventatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40590spaventatrice is spaventatrice" ; rdfs:label " spaventatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40591spazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40591spazzatrice is spazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " spazzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40592spegnitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40592spegnitrice is spegnitrice" ; rdfs:label " spegnitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40593spenditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40593spenditrice is spenditrice" ; rdfs:label " spenditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40594sperditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40594sperditrice is sperditrice" ; rdfs:label " sperditrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40595spergiuratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40595spergiuratrice is spergiuratrice" ; rdfs:label " spergiuratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40596sperperatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40596sperperatrice is sperperatrice" ; rdfs:label " sperperatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40597spezzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40597spezzatrice is spezzatrice" ; rdfs:label " spezzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40598spianatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40598spianatrice is spianatrice" ; rdfs:label " spianatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40599spiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40599spiatrice is spiatrice" ; rdfs:label " spiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40600spiegatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40600spiegatrice is spiegatrice" ; rdfs:label " spiegatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40601spigolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40601spigolatrice is spigolatrice" ; rdfs:label " spigolatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40602spillatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40602spillatrice is spillatrice" ; rdfs:label " spillatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40603spillatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40603spillatrice is spillatrice" ; rdfs:label " spillatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH40604spiombatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40604spiombatrice is spiombatrice" ; rdfs:label " spiombatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40605spolveratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40605spolveratrice is spolveratrice" ; rdfs:label " spolveratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40606sporcatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40606sporcatrice is sporcatrice" ; rdfs:label " sporcatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40607spossatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40607spossatrice is spossatrice" ; rdfs:label " spossatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40608sprecatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40608sprecatrice is sprecatrice" ; rdfs:label " sprecatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40609spregiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40609spregiatrice is spregiatrice" ; rdfs:label " spregiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40610spremitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40610spremitrice is spremitrice" ; rdfs:label " spremitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40611sprezzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40611sprezzatrice is sprezzatrice" ; rdfs:label " sprezzatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40612spronatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40612spronatrice is spronatrice" ; rdfs:label " spronatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40613spulciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40613spulciatrice is spulciatrice" ; rdfs:label " spulciatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40614spuntatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40614spuntatrice is spuntatrice" ; rdfs:label " spuntatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40615spurgatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40615spurgatrice is spurgatrice" ; rdfs:label " spurgatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40616squarciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40616squarciatrice is squarciatrice" ; rdfs:label " squarciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40617stabilitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40617stabilitrice is stabilitrice" ; rdfs:label " stabilitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40618staccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40618staccatrice is staccatrice" ; rdfs:label " staccatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40619stacciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40619stacciatrice is stacciatrice" ; rdfs:label " stacciatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40620staffilatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40620staffilatrice is staffilatrice" ; rdfs:label " staffilatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40621stagionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40621stagionatrice is stagionatrice" ; rdfs:label " stagionatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40622stanziatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40622stanziatrice is stanziatrice" ; rdfs:label " stanziatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40623statalizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40623statalizzatrice is statalizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " statalizzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40624statizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40624statizzatrice is statizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " statizzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40625stazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40625stazzatrice is stazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " stazzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40626stenditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40626stenditrice is stenditrice" ; rdfs:label " stenditrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40627sterminatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40627sterminatrice is sterminatrice" ; rdfs:label " sterminatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40628sterratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40628sterratrice is sterratrice" ; rdfs:label " sterratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40629stivatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40629stivatrice is stivatrice" ; rdfs:label " stivatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40630stoccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40630stoccatrice is stoccatrice" ; rdfs:label " stoccatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40631stornellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40631stornellatrice is stornellatrice" ; rdfs:label " stornellatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40632stozzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40632stozzatrice is stozzatrice" ; rdfs:label " stozzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40633strangolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40633strangolatrice is strangolatrice" ; rdfs:label " strangolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40634strapazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40634strapazzatrice is strapazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " strapazzatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40635strappatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento, inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Instrument, simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40635strappatrice is strappatrice" ; rdfs:label " strappatrice_as_Instrument", " strappatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40636straziatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40636straziatrice is straziatrice" ; rdfs:label " straziatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40637strimpellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40637strimpellatrice is strimpellatrice" ; rdfs:label " strimpellatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40638stringitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40638stringitrice is stringitrice" ; rdfs:label " stringitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40639stritolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40639stritolatrice is stritolatrice" ; rdfs:label " stritolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40640strombazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40640strombazzatrice is strombazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " strombazzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40641strombettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40641strombettatrice is strombettatrice" ; rdfs:label " strombettatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40642stroncatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40642stroncatrice is stroncatrice" ; rdfs:label " stroncatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40643strozzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40643strozzatrice is strozzatrice" ; rdfs:label " strozzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40644struggitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40644struggitrice is struggitrice" ; rdfs:label " struggitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40645strumentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40645strumentatrice is strumentatrice" ; rdfs:label " strumentatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40646stuccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40646stuccatrice is stuccatrice" ; rdfs:label " stuccatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40647studiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40647studiatrice is studiatrice" ; rdfs:label " studiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40648sturbatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40648sturbatrice is sturbatrice" ; rdfs:label " sturbatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40649stuzzicatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40649stuzzicatrice is stuzzicatrice" ; rdfs:label " stuzzicatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40650subissatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40650subissatrice is subissatrice" ; rdfs:label " subissatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40651subornatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40651subornatrice is subornatrice" ; rdfs:label " subornatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40652succeditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40652succeditrice is succeditrice" ; rdfs:label " succeditrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40653succhiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40653succhiatrice is succhiatrice" ; rdfs:label " succhiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40654suffragatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40654suffragatrice is suffragatrice" ; rdfs:label " suffragatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40655suggellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40655suggellatrice is suggellatrice" ; rdfs:label " suggellatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40656supplicatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40656supplicatrice is supplicatrice" ; rdfs:label " supplicatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40657suscitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40657suscitatrice is suscitatrice" ; rdfs:label " suscitatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40658sussidiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40658sussidiatrice is sussidiatrice" ; rdfs:label " sussidiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40659sussurratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40659sussurratrice is sussurratrice" ; rdfs:label " sussurratrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40660svaligiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40660svaligiatrice is svaligiatrice" ; rdfs:label " svaligiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40661svegliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40661svegliatrice is svegliatrice" ; rdfs:label " svegliatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40662svelatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40662svelatrice is svelatrice" ; rdfs:label " svelatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40663sverginatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40663sverginatrice is sverginatrice" ; rdfs:label " sverginatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40664sviatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40664sviatrice is sviatrice" ; rdfs:label " sviatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40665svillaneggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40665svillaneggiatrice is svillaneggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " svillaneggiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40666svisceratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40666svisceratrice is svisceratrice" ; rdfs:label " svisceratrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40667svolazzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40667svolazzatrice is svolazzatrice" ; rdfs:label " svolazzatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40668svolgitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40668svolgitrice is svolgitrice" ; rdfs:label " svolgitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40669svoltatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40669svoltatrice is svoltatrice" ; rdfs:label " svoltatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40670temporeggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40670temporeggiatrice is temporeggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " temporeggiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40671tenitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40671tenitrice is tenitrice" ; rdfs:label " tenitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40672tentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40672tentatrice is tentatrice" ; rdfs:label " tentatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40673tentennatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40673tentennatrice is tentennatrice" ; rdfs:label " tentennatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40674tenzonatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40674tenzonatrice is tenzonatrice" ; rdfs:label " tenzonatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40675teorizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40675teorizzatrice is teorizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " teorizzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40676tergiversatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40676tergiversatrice is tergiversatrice" ; rdfs:label " tergiversatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40677tesaurizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40677tesaurizzatrice is tesaurizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " tesaurizzatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40678tesoreggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40678tesoreggiatrice is tesoreggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " tesoreggiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40679testatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40679testatrice is testatrice" ; rdfs:label " testatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40680timoneggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40680timoneggiatrice is timoneggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " timoneggiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40681toccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40681toccatrice is toccatrice" ; rdfs:label " toccatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40682toglitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40682toglitrice is toglitrice" ; rdfs:label " toglitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40683tolleratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40683tolleratrice is tolleratrice" ; rdfs:label " tolleratrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40684tormentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40684tormentatrice is tormentatrice" ; rdfs:label " tormentatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40685torrefattrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40685torrefattrice is torrefattrice" ; rdfs:label " torrefattrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40686tossitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40686tossitrice is tossitrice" ; rdfs:label " tossitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40687tostatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40687tostatrice is tostatrice" ; rdfs:label " tostatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40688tracannatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40688tracannatrice is tracannatrice" ; rdfs:label " tracannatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40689traccheggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40689traccheggiatrice is traccheggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " traccheggiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40690trafficatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40690trafficatrice is trafficatrice" ; rdfs:label " trafficatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40691trafiggitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40691trafiggitrice is trafiggitrice" ; rdfs:label " trafiggitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40692trafilatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40692trafilatrice is trafilatrice" ; rdfs:label " trafilatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40693traforatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40693traforatrice is traforatrice" ; rdfs:label " traforatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40694tramandatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40694tramandatrice is tramandatrice" ; rdfs:label " tramandatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40695tramezzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40695tramezzatrice is tramezzatrice" ; rdfs:label " tramezzatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40696tramutatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40696tramutatrice is tramutatrice" ; rdfs:label " tramutatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40697tranciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40697tranciatrice is tranciatrice" ; rdfs:label " tranciatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40698trangugiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40698trangugiatrice is trangugiatrice" ; rdfs:label " trangugiatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40699trapanatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40699trapanatrice is trapanatrice" ; rdfs:label " trapanatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40700trapassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40700trapassatrice is trapassatrice" ; rdfs:label " trapassatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40701trascrittrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40701trascrittrice is trascrittrice" ; rdfs:label " trascrittrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40702trasgreditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40702trasgreditrice is trasgreditrice" ; rdfs:label " trasgreditrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40703trasmutatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40703trasmutatrice is trasmutatrice" ; rdfs:label " trasmutatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40704traspositrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40704traspositrice is traspositrice" ; rdfs:label " traspositrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40705trastullatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40705trastullatrice is trastullatrice" ; rdfs:label " trastullatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40706trasvolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40706trasvolatrice is trasvolatrice" ; rdfs:label " trasvolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40707trattatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40707trattatrice is trattatrice" ; rdfs:label " trattatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40708trattenitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40708trattenitrice is trattenitrice" ; rdfs:label " trattenitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40709travagliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40709travagliatrice is travagliatrice" ; rdfs:label " travagliatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40710travalicatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40710travalicatrice is travalicatrice" ; rdfs:label " travalicatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40711travasatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40711travasatrice is travasatrice" ; rdfs:label " travasatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40712travestitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40712travestitrice is travestitrice" ; rdfs:label " travestitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40713traviatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40713traviatrice is traviatrice" ; rdfs:label " traviatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40714tribolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40714tribolatrice is tribolatrice" ; rdfs:label " tribolatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40715trincatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40715trincatrice is trincatrice" ; rdfs:label " trincatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40716tritatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40716tritatrice is tritatrice" ; rdfs:label " tritatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40717troncatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40717troncatrice is troncatrice" ; rdfs:label " troncatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40718trottatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40718trottatrice is trottatrice" ; rdfs:label " trottatrice_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH40719trucidatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40719trucidatrice is trucidatrice" ; rdfs:label " trucidatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40720turbatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40720turbatrice is turbatrice" ; rdfs:label " turbatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40721turlupinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40721turlupinatrice is turlupinatrice" ; rdfs:label " turlupinatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40722ubriacatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40722ubriacatrice is ubriacatrice" ; rdfs:label " ubriacatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40723uccellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40723uccellatrice is uccellatrice" ; rdfs:label " uccellatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40724ucciditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40724ucciditrice is ucciditrice" ; rdfs:label " ucciditrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40725ufficiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40725ufficiatrice is ufficiatrice" ; rdfs:label " ufficiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40726uguagliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40726uguagliatrice is uguagliatrice" ; rdfs:label " uguagliatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40727umiliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40727umiliatrice is umiliatrice" ; rdfs:label " umiliatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40728ungitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40728ungitrice is ungitrice" ; rdfs:label " ungitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40729unitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40729unitrice is unitrice" ; rdfs:label " unitrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40730urlatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40730urlatrice is urlatrice" ; rdfs:label " urlatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40731urtatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40731urtatrice is urtatrice" ; rdfs:label " urtatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40732vaccinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40732vaccinatrice is vaccinatrice" ; rdfs:label " vaccinatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40733vagheggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40733vagheggiatrice is vagheggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " vagheggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40734vagliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40734vagliatrice is vagliatrice" ; rdfs:label " vagliatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40735valicatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40735valicatrice is valicatrice" ; rdfs:label " valicatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40736valorizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40736valorizzatrice is valorizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " valorizzatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40737vaneggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40737vaneggiatrice is vaneggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " vaneggiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40738vangatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40738vangatrice is vangatrice" ; rdfs:label " vangatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40739vaticinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40739vaticinatrice is vaticinatrice" ; rdfs:label " vaticinatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40740veleggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40740veleggiatrice is veleggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " veleggiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40741vendemmiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40741vendemmiatrice is vendemmiatrice" ; rdfs:label " vendemmiatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40742veneratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40742veneratrice is veneratrice" ; rdfs:label " veneratrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40743versificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40743versificatrice is versificatrice" ; rdfs:label " versificatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40744vessatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40744vessatrice is vessatrice" ; rdfs:label " vessatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40745vietatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40745vietatrice is vietatrice" ; rdfs:label " vietatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40746vigilatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40746vigilatrice is vigilatrice" ; rdfs:label " vigilatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40747vinificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40747vinificatore is vinificatore" ; rdfs:label " vinificatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH40748vinificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40748vinificatrice is vinificatrice" ; rdfs:label " vinificatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40749violatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40749violatrice is violatrice" ; rdfs:label " violatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40750vituperatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40750vituperatrice is vituperatrice" ; rdfs:label " vituperatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40751vivificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40751vivificatrice is vivificatrice" ; rdfs:label " vivificatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40752vociatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40752vociatrice is vociatrice" ; rdfs:label " vociatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40753vociferatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40753vociferatrice is vociferatrice" ; rdfs:label " vociferatrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40754volgarizzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40754volgarizzatrice is volgarizzatrice" ; rdfs:label " volgarizzatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40755volgitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40755volgitrice is volgitrice" ; rdfs:label " volgitrice_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40756volteggiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40756volteggiatrice is volteggiatrice" ; rdfs:label " volteggiatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH40757vomitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40757vomitatrice is vomitatrice" ; rdfs:label " vomitatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40758vuotatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40758vuotatrice is vuotatrice" ; rdfs:label " vuotatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40759zangolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40759zangolatrice is zangolatrice" ; rdfs:label " zangolatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40760zavorratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40760zavorratrice is zavorratrice" ; rdfs:label " zavorratrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40761zelatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40761zelatrice is zelatrice" ; rdfs:label " zelatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH40762zincatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40762zincatrice is zincatrice" ; rdfs:label " zincatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH40764bordatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40764bordatura is bordatura" ; rdfs:label " bordatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40765brillantatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40765brillantatura is brillantatura" ; rdfs:label " brillantatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH40766cesellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40766cesellatura is cesellatura" ; rdfs:label " cesellatura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH40767corazzatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40767corazzatura is corazzatura" ; rdfs:label " corazzatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH40769embricatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40769embricatura is embricatura" ; rdfs:label " embricatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH40770entratura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40770entratura is entratura" ; rdfs:label " entratura_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH40771entratura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40771entratura is entratura" ; rdfs:label " entratura_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40772faccettatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40772faccettatura is faccettatura" ; rdfs:label " faccettatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40773fermatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40773fermatura is fermatura" ; rdfs:label " fermatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40774figliatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40774figliatura is figliatura" ; rdfs:label " figliatura_as_Time" . inds:USemTH40776finitura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40776finitura is finitura" ; rdfs:label " finitura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40777foracchiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40777foracchiatura is foracchiatura" ; rdfs:label " foracchiatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH40778frangiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40778frangiatura is frangiatura" ; rdfs:label " frangiatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH40779frastagliatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40779frastagliatura is frastagliatura" ; rdfs:label " frastagliatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH40780frustatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40780frustatura is frustatura" ; rdfs:label " frustatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH40782gommatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40782gommatura is gommatura" ; rdfs:label " gommatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH40784imbracciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40784imbracciatura is imbracciatura" ; rdfs:label " imbracciatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40785imbrigliatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40785imbrigliatura is imbrigliatura" ; rdfs:label " imbrigliatura_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH40786immorsatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40786immorsatura is immorsatura" ; rdfs:label " immorsatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH40787impagliatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40787impagliatura is impagliatura" ; rdfs:label " impagliatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH40789impiallacciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40789impiallacciatura is impiallacciatura" ; rdfs:label " impiallacciatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH40790incamiciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40790incamiciatura is incamiciatura" ; rdfs:label " incamiciatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40791incassatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40791incassatura is incassatura" ; rdfs:label " incassatura_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH40793incastratura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40793incastratura is incastratura" ; rdfs:label " incastratura_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH40794inchiodatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40794inchiodatura is inchiodatura" ; rdfs:label " inchiodatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH40797incorniciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40797incorniciatura is incorniciatura" ; rdfs:label " incorniciatura_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH40799inforcatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40799inforcatura is inforcatura" ; rdfs:label " inforcatura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH40801innestatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40801innestatura is innestatura" ; rdfs:label " innestatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40802insellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40802insellatura is insellatura" ; rdfs:label " insellatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40803insellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40803insellatura is insellatura" ; rdfs:label " insellatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH40804intarlatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40804intarlatura is intarlatura" ; rdfs:label " intarlatura_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH40805intarsiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40805intarsiatura is intarsiatura" ; rdfs:label " intarsiatura_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH40806intonacatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40806intonacatura is intonacatura" ; rdfs:label " intonacatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH40807invergatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40807invergatura is invergatura" ; rdfs:label " invergatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40808laccatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40808laccatura is laccatura" ; rdfs:label " laccatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH40809lastricatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40809lastricatura is lastricatura" ; rdfs:label " lastricatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40810lavatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Concrete_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40810lavatura is lavatura" ; rdfs:label " lavatura_as_Concrete_Entity" . inds:USemTH40812marginatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40812marginatura is marginatura" ; rdfs:label " marginatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40813marginatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40813marginatura is marginatura" ; rdfs:label " marginatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH40814mondatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40814mondatura is mondatura" ; rdfs:label " mondatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40818piallatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40818piallatura is piallatura" ; rdfs:label " piallatura_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH40819piantatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40819piantatura is piantatura" ; rdfs:label " piantatura_as_Time" . inds:USemTH40820pieghettatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40820pieghettatura is pieghettatura" ; rdfs:label " pieghettatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40821placcatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40821placcatura is placcatura" ; rdfs:label " placcatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH40822platinatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40822platinatura is platinatura" ; rdfs:label " platinatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH40823plissettatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40823plissettatura is plissettatura" ; rdfs:label " plissettatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40825quadrettatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40825quadrettatura is quadrettatura" ; rdfs:label " quadrettatura_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH40826racimolatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40826racimolatura is racimolatura" ; rdfs:label " racimolatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH40827raffilatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40827raffilatura is raffilatura" ; rdfs:label " raffilatura_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH40828ramatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40828ramatura is ramatura" ; rdfs:label " ramatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH40829rammendatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40829rammendatura is rammendatura" ; rdfs:label " rammendatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40830rappezzatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40830rappezzatura is rappezzatura" ; rdfs:label " rappezzatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40831raspollatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40831raspollatura is raspollatura" ; rdfs:label " raspollatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH40832rattoppatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40832rattoppatura is rattoppatura" ; rdfs:label " rattoppatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40833ricalcatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40833ricalcatura is ricalcatura" ; rdfs:label " ricalcatura_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH40834rilavatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40834rilavatura is rilavatura" ; rdfs:label " rilavatura_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH40835rimodernatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40835rimodernatura is rimodernatura" ; rdfs:label " rimodernatura_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH40838risaldatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40838risaldatura is risaldatura" ; rdfs:label " risaldatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40839risciacquatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40839risciacquatura is risciacquatura" ; rdfs:label " risciacquatura_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH40841smaltatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40841smaltatura is smaltatura" ; rdfs:label " smaltatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH40842spigatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40842spigatura is spigatura" ; rdfs:label " spigatura_as_Time" . inds:USemTH40843stuccatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40843stuccatura is stuccatura" ; rdfs:label " stuccatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH40844svasatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40844svasatura is svasatura" ; rdfs:label " svasatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH40845timbratura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40845timbratura is timbratura" ; rdfs:label " timbratura_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH40846vagliatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40846vagliatura is vagliatura" ; rdfs:label " vagliatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH40847zincatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40847zincatura is zincatura" ; rdfs:label " zincatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH40848bollore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40848bollore is bollore" ; rdfs:label " bollore_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH40849impilaggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40849impilaggio is impilaggio" ; rdfs:label " impilaggio_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH40850volata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40850volata is volata" ; rdfs:label " volata_as_Group" . inds:USemTH40851annunzio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40851annunzio is annunzio" ; rdfs:label " annunzio_as_Information" . inds:USemTH40857ancoraggio simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40857ancoraggio is ancoraggio" ; rdfs:label " ancoraggio_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH40859arrivata simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40859arrivata is arrivata" ; rdfs:label " arrivata_as_Human" . inds:USemTH40860mappatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5496testo ; a simple:Information, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40860mappatura is mappatura" ; rdfs:label " mappatura_as_Information" . inds:USemTH40870zufolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH40870zufolatrice is zufolatrice" ; rdfs:label " zufolatrice_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4101ablazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4101ablazione is ablazione" ; rdfs:label " ablazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4109aerostazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4109aerostazione is aerostazione" ; rdfs:label " aerostazione_as_Location" . inds:USemTH4115allegazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4115allegazione is allegazione" ; rdfs:label " allegazione_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH4116allitterazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4116allitterazione is allitterazione" ; rdfs:label " allitterazione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH4121approssimazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4121approssimazione is approssimazione" ; rdfs:label " approssimazione_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH4126bipolarizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4126bipolarizzazione is bipolarizzazione" ; rdfs:label " bipolarizzazione_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH4127broncocostrizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4127broncocostrizione is broncocostrizione" ; rdfs:label " broncocostrizione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH4129capitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4129capitazione is capitazione" ; rdfs:label " capitazione_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH4134cavitazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4134cavitazione is cavitazione" ; rdfs:label " cavitazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4137claudicazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4137claudicazione is claudicazione" ; rdfs:label " claudicazione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH4140comminuzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4140comminuzione is comminuzione" ; rdfs:label " comminuzione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH4146complementazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4146complementazione is complementazione" ; rdfs:label " complementazione_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH4148concrezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Physical_entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4148concrezione is concrezione" ; rdfs:label " concrezione_as_Physical_entity" . inds:USemTH4152consustanziazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Movement_of_thought, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4152consustanziazione is consustanziazione" ; rdfs:label " consustanziazione_as_Movement_of_thought" . inds:USemTH4155controprestazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4155controprestazione is controprestazione" ; rdfs:label " controprestazione_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH4158concrezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4158concrezione is concrezione" ; rdfs:label " concrezione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH4166delaminazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4166delaminazione is delaminazione" ; rdfs:label " delaminazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4168demielinizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4168demielinizzazione is demielinizzazione" ; rdfs:label " demielinizzazione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH4170dentizione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4170dentizione is dentizione" ; rdfs:label " dentizione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4172deplezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4172deplezione is deplezione" ; rdfs:label " deplezione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4176detrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4176detrazione is detrazione" ; rdfs:label " detrazione_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH4177digitatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4177digitatura is digitatura" ; rdfs:label " digitatura_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH4180diffrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4180diffrazione is diffrazione" ; rdfs:label " diffrazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4184disequazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4184disequazione is disequazione" ; rdfs:label " disequazione_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH4185dotazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4185dotazione is dotazione" ; rdfs:label " dotazione_as_Group" . inds:USemTH4189elettrocuzione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4189elettrocuzione is elettrocuzione" ; rdfs:label " elettrocuzione_as_Phenomenon", " elettrocuzione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemTH4190enazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4190enazione is enazione" ; rdfs:label " enazione_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH4191epatizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4191epatizzazione is epatizzazione" ; rdfs:label " epatizzazione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH4201eurobbligazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4201eurobbligazione is eurobbligazione" ; rdfs:label " eurobbligazione_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH4206fessurazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4206fessurazione is fessurazione" ; rdfs:label " fessurazione_as_Area" . inds:USemTH4207fibrillazione simple:hasAffects inds:USem1769cuore ; simple:hasConcerns inds:USem74135battito ; simple:hasIsa inds:USem069694aritmia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4207fibrillazione is fibrillazione" ; rdfs:label " fibrillazione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH4214fotosensibilizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, simple:Purpose_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4214fotosensibilizzazione is fotosensibilizzazione" ; rdfs:label " fotosensibilizzazione_as_Disease", " fotosensibilizzazione_as_Purpose_Act" . inds:USemTH4215fulminazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, simple:Relational_Act, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4215fulminazione is fulminazione" ; rdfs:label " fulminazione_as_Phenomenon", " fulminazione_as_Relational_Act" . inds:USemTH4218gastrulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4218gastrulazione is gastrulazione" ; rdfs:label " gastrulazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4225imperforazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4225imperforazione is imperforazione" ; rdfs:label " imperforazione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH4227indentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4227indentazione is indentazione" ; rdfs:label " indentazione_as_Location" . inds:USemTH4230innervazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4230innervazione is innervazione" ; rdfs:label " innervazione_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH4234intussuscezione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4234intussuscezione is intussuscezione" ; rdfs:label " intussuscezione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4235invaginazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4235invaginazione is invaginazione" ; rdfs:label " invaginazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4236iperventilazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4236iperventilazione is iperventilazione" ; rdfs:label " iperventilazione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH4259microstazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4259microstazione is microstazione" ; rdfs:label " microstazione_as_Building" . inds:USemTH4272novazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4272novazione is novazione" ; rdfs:label " novazione_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH4284permutazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4284permutazione is permutazione" ; rdfs:label " permutazione_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH4289polarizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4289polarizzazione is polarizzazione" ; rdfs:label " polarizzazione_as_Property" . inds:USemTH4291polimerizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4291polimerizzazione is polimerizzazione" ; rdfs:label " polimerizzazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4294prefogliazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4294prefogliazione is prefogliazione" ; rdfs:label " prefogliazione_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH4295prelazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4295prelazione is prelazione" ; rdfs:label " prelazione_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH4298preterizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4298preterizione is preterizione" ; rdfs:label " preterizione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH4300psicosomatizzazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4300psicosomatizzazione is psicosomatizzazione" ; rdfs:label " psicosomatizzazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4301pullulazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4301pullulazione is pullulazione" ; rdfs:label " pullulazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4318riconduzione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4318riconduzione is riconduzione" ; rdfs:label " riconduzione_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH4322rifrazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4322rifrazione is rifrazione" ; rdfs:label " rifrazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4335scintillazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4335scintillazione is scintillazione" ; rdfs:label " scintillazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4342sommazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4342sommazione is sommazione" ; rdfs:label " sommazione_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH4343sostentazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4343sostentazione is sostentazione" ; rdfs:label " sostentazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4344sottostazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem4174costruzione ; a simple:Building, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4344sottostazione is sottostazione" ; rdfs:label " sottostazione_as_Building" . inds:USemTH4345speciazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4345speciazione is speciazione" ; rdfs:label " speciazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4349statuizione simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4349statuizione is statuizione" ; rdfs:label " statuizione_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH4354suppurazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4354suppurazione is suppurazione" ; rdfs:label " suppurazione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH4361tossinfezione simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4361tossinfezione is tossinfezione" ; rdfs:label " tossinfezione_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH4363transaminazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4363transaminazione is transaminazione" ; rdfs:label " transaminazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4364transustanziazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4364transustanziazione is transustanziazione" ; rdfs:label " transustanziazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4375vacazione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4375vacazione is vacazione" ; rdfs:label " vacazione_as_Time" . inds:USemTH4378immunoreazione simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4378immunoreazione is immunoreazione" ; rdfs:label " immunoreazione_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH4500abbadatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4500abbadatore is abbadatore" ; rdfs:label " abbadatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4501abbagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4501abbagliatore is abbagliatore" ; rdfs:label " abbagliatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4502abbaiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4502abbaiatore is abbaiatore" ; rdfs:label " abbaiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4503abbassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4503abbassatore is abbassatore" ; rdfs:label " abbassatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4504abbassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4504abbassatore is abbassatore" ; rdfs:label " abbassatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4505abbattitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4505abbattitore is abbattitore" ; rdfs:label " abbattitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4506abbattitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4506abbattitore is abbattitore" ; rdfs:label " abbattitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4507abbindolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4507abbindolatore is abbindolatore" ; rdfs:label " abbindolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4508abbominatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4508abbominatore is abbominatore" ; rdfs:label " abbominatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4509abbordatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4509abbordatore is abbordatore" ; rdfs:label " abbordatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4510abborracciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4510abborracciatore is abborracciatore" ; rdfs:label " abborracciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4511abbozzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4511abbozzatore is abbozzatore" ; rdfs:label " abbozzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4512abbreviatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4512abbreviatore is abbreviatore" ; rdfs:label " abbreviatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4513abbreviatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4513abbreviatore is abbreviatore" ; rdfs:label " abbreviatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4514abburattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4514abburattatore is abburattatore" ; rdfs:label " abburattatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4515abduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4515abduttore is abduttore" ; rdfs:label " abduttore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH4516abitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4516abitatore is abitatore" ; rdfs:label " abitatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4517ablatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4517ablatore is ablatore" ; rdfs:label " ablatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4518abominatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4518abominatore is abominatore" ; rdfs:label " abominatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4519aborritore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4519aborritore is aborritore" ; rdfs:label " aborritore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4520accalappiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4520accalappiatore is accalappiatore" ; rdfs:label " accalappiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4521accaparratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4521accaparratore is accaparratore" ; rdfs:label " accaparratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4522accapezzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4522accapezzatore is accapezzatore" ; rdfs:label " accapezzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4523accarezzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4523accarezzatore is accarezzatore" ; rdfs:label " accarezzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4524accartocciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4524accartocciatore is accartocciatore" ; rdfs:label " accartocciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4525accattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4525accattatore is accattatore" ; rdfs:label " accattatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4526accavigliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4526accavigliatore is accavigliatore" ; rdfs:label " accavigliatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4527accecatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4527accecatore is accecatore" ; rdfs:label " accecatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4528accecatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4528accecatore is accecatore" ; rdfs:label " accecatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4529accenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4529accenditore is accenditore" ; rdfs:label " accenditore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4530accenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4530accenditore is accenditore" ; rdfs:label " accenditore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4532accertatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4532accertatore is accertatore" ; rdfs:label " accertatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4533accettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4533accettatore is accettatore" ; rdfs:label " accettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4534accettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4534accettore is accettore" ; rdfs:label " accettore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH4535acciabattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4535acciabattatore is acciabattatore" ; rdfs:label " acciabattatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4536acciarpatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4536acciarpatore is acciarpatore" ; rdfs:label " acciarpatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4537acciottolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4537acciottolatore is acciottolatore" ; rdfs:label " acciottolatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4538acclamatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4538acclamatore is acclamatore" ; rdfs:label " acclamatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4539acclimatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4539acclimatore is acclimatore" ; rdfs:label " acclimatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4540accoglitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4540accoglitore is accoglitore" ; rdfs:label " accoglitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4541accoltellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4541accoltellatore is accoltellatore" ; rdfs:label " accoltellatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4542accomodatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4542accomodatore is accomodatore" ; rdfs:label " accomodatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4543acconciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4543acconciatore is acconciatore" ; rdfs:label " acconciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4544accoppiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4544accoppiatore is accoppiatore" ; rdfs:label " accoppiatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4545accoppiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4545accoppiatore is accoppiatore" ; rdfs:label " accoppiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4546accorciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4546accorciatore is accorciatore" ; rdfs:label " accorciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4547accordatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4547accordatore is accordatore" ; rdfs:label " accordatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4548accostatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4548accostatore is accostatore" ; rdfs:label " accostatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4549accostatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4549accostatore is accostatore" ; rdfs:label " accostatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4550accotonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4550accotonatore is accotonatore" ; rdfs:label " accotonatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4551accovonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4551accovonatore is accovonatore" ; rdfs:label " accovonatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4552accovonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4552accovonatore is accovonatore" ; rdfs:label " accovonatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4553accozzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4553accozzatore is accozzatore" ; rdfs:label " accozzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4554acetificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4554acetificatore is acetificatore" ; rdfs:label " acetificatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4555acetificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4555acetificatore is acetificatore" ; rdfs:label " acetificatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4556acquacoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4556acquacoltore is acquacoltore" ; rdfs:label " acquacoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4557acquisitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4557acquisitore is acquisitore" ; rdfs:label " acquisitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4558acucettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4558acucettore is acucettore" ; rdfs:label " acucettore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH4560addensatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4560addensatore is addensatore" ; rdfs:label " addensatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4561addestratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4561addestratore is addestratore" ; rdfs:label " addestratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4562additatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4562additatore is additatore" ; rdfs:label " additatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4563addobbatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4563addobbatore is addobbatore" ; rdfs:label " addobbatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4564addolcitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4564addolcitore is addolcitore" ; rdfs:label " addolcitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4565addolcitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4565addolcitore is addolcitore" ; rdfs:label " addolcitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4566addomesticatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4566addomesticatore is addomesticatore" ; rdfs:label " addomesticatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4567addormentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4567addormentatore is addormentatore" ; rdfs:label " addormentatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4568addottrinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4568addottrinatore is addottrinatore" ; rdfs:label " addottrinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4569adduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4569adduttore is adduttore" ; rdfs:label " adduttore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH4571adescatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4571adescatore is adescatore" ; rdfs:label " adescatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4572adornatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4572adornatore is adornatore" ; rdfs:label " adornatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4573adottatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4573adottatore is adottatore" ; rdfs:label " adottatore_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH4574adunatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4574adunatore is adunatore" ; rdfs:label " adunatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4575aeratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4575aeratore is aeratore" ; rdfs:label " aeratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4576aerogeneratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4576aerogeneratore is aerogeneratore" ; rdfs:label " aerogeneratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4577aeromotore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4577aeromotore is aeromotore" ; rdfs:label " aeromotore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4578aeroreattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4578aeroreattore is aeroreattore" ; rdfs:label " aeroreattore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4579aerorimorchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4579aerorimorchiatore is aerorimorchiatore" ; rdfs:label " aerorimorchiatore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH4580affamatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4580affamatore is affamatore" ; rdfs:label " affamatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4581affannatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4581affannatore is affannatore" ; rdfs:label " affannatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4582affascinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4582affascinatore is affascinatore" ; rdfs:label " affascinatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4583affatturatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4583affatturatore is affatturatore" ; rdfs:label " affatturatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4584affermatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4584affermatore is affermatore" ; rdfs:label " affermatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4585affettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4585affettatore is affettatore" ; rdfs:label " affettatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4586affilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4586affilatore is affilatore" ; rdfs:label " affilatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4587affinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4587affinatore is affinatore" ; rdfs:label " affinatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4588affossatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4588affossatore is affossatore" ; rdfs:label " affossatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4589affossatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4589affossatore is affossatore" ; rdfs:label " affossatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4590affrontatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4590affrontatore is affrontatore" ; rdfs:label " affrontatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4591ageminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4591ageminatore is ageminatore" ; rdfs:label " ageminatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4592agevolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4592agevolatore is agevolatore" ; rdfs:label " agevolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4593agganciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4593agganciatore is agganciatore" ; rdfs:label " agganciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4594aggiogatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4594aggiogatore is aggiogatore" ; rdfs:label " aggiogatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4595aggiotatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4595aggiotatore is aggiotatore" ; rdfs:label " aggiotatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4596aggiratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4596aggiratore is aggiratore" ; rdfs:label " aggiratore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4597aggiuntatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4597aggiuntatore is aggiuntatore" ; rdfs:label " aggiuntatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4598aggiustatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4598aggiustatore is aggiustatore" ; rdfs:label " aggiustatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4599aggomitolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4599aggomitolatore is aggomitolatore" ; rdfs:label " aggomitolatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4600aggraffatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4600aggraffatore is aggraffatore" ; rdfs:label " aggraffatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4601agopuntore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4601agopuntore is agopuntore" ; rdfs:label " agopuntore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4602agrumicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4602agrumicoltore is agrumicoltore" ; rdfs:label " agrumicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4603aguzzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4603aguzzatore is aguzzatore" ; rdfs:label " aguzzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4604aiutatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4604aiutatore is aiutatore" ; rdfs:label " aiutatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4605aleatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4605aleatore is aleatore" ; rdfs:label " aleatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4606alesatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4606alesatore is alesatore" ; rdfs:label " alesatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4607alesatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4607alesatore is alesatore" ; rdfs:label " alesatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4608alfabetizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4608alfabetizzatore is alfabetizzatore" ; rdfs:label " alfabetizzatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4609alienatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4609alienatore is alienatore" ; rdfs:label " alienatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4610allargatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4610allargatore is allargatore" ; rdfs:label " allargatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4611allargatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4611allargatore is allargatore" ; rdfs:label " allargatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4612allettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4612allettatore is allettatore" ; rdfs:label " allettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4613alleviatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4613alleviatore is alleviatore" ; rdfs:label " alleviatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4614allocutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4614allocutore is allocutore" ; rdfs:label " allocutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4615allocutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4615allocutore is allocutore" ; rdfs:label " allocutore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4616almanaccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4616almanaccatore is almanaccatore" ; rdfs:label " almanaccatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4617altercatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4617altercatore is altercatore" ; rdfs:label " altercatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4618altore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4618altore is altore" ; rdfs:label " altore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4619ambientatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4619ambientatore is ambientatore" ; rdfs:label " ambientatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4620amidatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4620amidatore is amidatore" ; rdfs:label " amidatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4621ammaestratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4621ammaestratore is ammaestratore" ; rdfs:label " ammaestratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4622ammagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4622ammagliatore is ammagliatore" ; rdfs:label " ammagliatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4623ammaliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4623ammaliatore is ammaliatore" ; rdfs:label " ammaliatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4624ammansatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4624ammansatore is ammansatore" ; rdfs:label " ammansatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4625ammassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4625ammassatore is ammassatore" ; rdfs:label " ammassatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4626ammassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4626ammassatore is ammassatore" ; rdfs:label " ammassatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4627ammattonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4627ammattonatore is ammattonatore" ; rdfs:label " ammattonatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4628ammazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4628ammazzatore is ammazzatore" ; rdfs:label " ammazzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4629ammazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4629ammazzatore is ammazzatore" ; rdfs:label " ammazzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4630ammonitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4630ammonitore is ammonitore" ; rdfs:label " ammonitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4631ammorzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4631ammorzatore is ammorzatore" ; rdfs:label " ammorzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4632ammostatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4632ammostatore is ammostatore" ; rdfs:label " ammostatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4633amoreggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4633amoreggiatore is amoreggiatore" ; rdfs:label " amoreggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4634analizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4634analizzatore is analizzatore" ; rdfs:label " analizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4635analizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4635analizzatore is analizzatore" ; rdfs:label " analizzatore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH4636analizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4636analizzatore is analizzatore" ; rdfs:label " analizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4637angariatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4637angariatore is angariatore" ; rdfs:label " angariatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4638annaffiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4638annaffiatore is annaffiatore" ; rdfs:label " annaffiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4639annoiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4639annoiatore is annoiatore" ; rdfs:label " annoiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4640annotatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4640annotatore is annotatore" ; rdfs:label " annotatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4641annullatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4641annullatore is annullatore" ; rdfs:label " annullatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4642anticipatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4642anticipatore is anticipatore" ; rdfs:label " anticipatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4643apertore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4643apertore is apertore" ; rdfs:label " apertore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4644appagatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4644appagatore is appagatore" ; rdfs:label " appagatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4645apparatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4645apparatore is apparatore" ; rdfs:label " apparatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4646apparecchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4646apparecchiatore is apparecchiatore" ; rdfs:label " apparecchiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4647apparitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4647apparitore is apparitore" ; rdfs:label " apparitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4648apparitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4648apparitore is apparitore" ; rdfs:label " apparitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4649appestatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4649appestatore is appestatore" ; rdfs:label " appestatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4650apportatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4650apportatore is apportatore" ; rdfs:label " apportatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4651apprettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4651apprettatore is apprettatore" ; rdfs:label " apprettatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4652apprezzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4652apprezzatore is apprezzatore" ; rdfs:label " apprezzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4653approvatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4653approvatore is approvatore" ; rdfs:label " approvatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4654approvvigionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4654approvvigionatore is approvvigionatore" ; rdfs:label " approvvigionatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4655aratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4655aratore is aratore" ; rdfs:label " aratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4656arbitratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4656arbitratore is arbitratore" ; rdfs:label " arbitratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4657arditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4657arditore is arditore" ; rdfs:label " arditore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4658argentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4658argentatore is argentatore" ; rdfs:label " argentatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4659argomentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4659argomentatore is argomentatore" ; rdfs:label " argomentatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4660armonizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4660armonizzatore is armonizzatore" ; rdfs:label " armonizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4661arpeggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4661arpeggiatore is arpeggiatore" ; rdfs:label " arpeggiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4662arraffatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4662arraffatore is arraffatore" ; rdfs:label " arraffatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4663arrecatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4663arrecatore is arrecatore" ; rdfs:label " arrecatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4664arrendatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4664arrendatore is arrendatore" ; rdfs:label " arrendatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4665arringatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4665arringatore is arringatore" ; rdfs:label " arringatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4666arrotatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4666arrotatore is arrotatore" ; rdfs:label " arrotatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4667articolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4667articolatore is articolatore" ; rdfs:label " articolatore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH4668asciugatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4668asciugatore is asciugatore" ; rdfs:label " asciugatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4669asfaltatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4669asfaltatore is asfaltatore" ; rdfs:label " asfaltatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4670aspargicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4670aspargicoltore is aspargicoltore" ; rdfs:label " aspargicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4671aspatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4671aspatore is aspatore" ; rdfs:label " aspatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4672assaggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4672assaggiatore is assaggiatore" ; rdfs:label " assaggiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4673assaltatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4673assaltatore is assaltatore" ; rdfs:label " assaltatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4674assediatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4674assediatore is assediatore" ; rdfs:label " assediatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4675assemblatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4675assemblatore is assemblatore" ; rdfs:label " assemblatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4676assertore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4676assertore is assertore" ; rdfs:label " assertore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4677assoggettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4677assoggettatore is assoggettatore" ; rdfs:label " assoggettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4678assolcatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4678assolcatore is assolcatore" ; rdfs:label " assolcatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4679assolutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4679assolutore is assolutore" ; rdfs:label " assolutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4680assortitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4680assortitore is assortitore" ; rdfs:label " assortitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4681assuntore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4681assuntore is assuntore" ; rdfs:label " assuntore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4682assuntore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4682assuntore is assuntore" ; rdfs:label " assuntore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4683atomizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4683atomizzatore is atomizzatore" ; rdfs:label " atomizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4684attestatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4684attestatore is attestatore" ; rdfs:label " attestatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4685attivatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD2659sostanza ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4685attivatore is attivatore" ; rdfs:label " attivatore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH4686attizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4686attizzatore is attizzatore" ; rdfs:label " attizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4687attossicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4687attossicatore is attossicatore" ; rdfs:label " attossicatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4688attuatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4688attuatore is attuatore" ; rdfs:label " attuatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4689attuatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4689attuatore is attuatore" ; rdfs:label " attuatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4690auditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4690auditore is auditore" ; rdfs:label " auditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4691auguratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4691auguratore is auguratore" ; rdfs:label " auguratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4692auscultatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4692auscultatore is auscultatore" ; rdfs:label " auscultatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4693ausiliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4693ausiliatore is ausiliatore" ; rdfs:label " ausiliatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4694autonoleggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4694autonoleggiatore is autonoleggiatore" ; rdfs:label " autonoleggiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4695autoreattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4695autoreattore is autoreattore" ; rdfs:label " autoreattore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH4696autorespiratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4696autorespiratore is autorespiratore" ; rdfs:label " autorespiratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4697autoriduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4697autoriduttore is autoriduttore" ; rdfs:label " autoriduttore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4698autospurgatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4698autospurgatore is autospurgatore" ; rdfs:label " autospurgatore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH4699autotrasformatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4699autotrasformatore is autotrasformatore" ; rdfs:label " autotrasformatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4700avanzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4700avanzatore is avanzatore" ; rdfs:label " avanzatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4701avanzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4701avanzatore is avanzatore" ; rdfs:label " avanzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4702avicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4702avicoltore is avicoltore" ; rdfs:label " avicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4703avicunicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4703avicunicoltore is avicunicoltore" ; rdfs:label " avicunicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4704avvelenatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4704avvelenatore is avvelenatore" ; rdfs:label " avvelenatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4705avversatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4705avversatore is avversatore" ; rdfs:label " avversatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4706avviatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4706avviatore is avviatore" ; rdfs:label " avviatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4707avvinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4707avvinatore is avvinatore" ; rdfs:label " avvinatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4708avvisatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4708avvisatore is avvisatore" ; rdfs:label " avvisatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4709avvisatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4709avvisatore is avvisatore" ; rdfs:label " avvisatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4710avvitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4710avvitatore is avvitatore" ; rdfs:label " avvitatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4711azionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4711azionatore is azionatore" ; rdfs:label " azionatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4712azotofissatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Living_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4712azotofissatore is azotofissatore" ; rdfs:label " azotofissatore_as_Living_Entity" . inds:USemTH4713bacchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4713bacchiatore is bacchiatore" ; rdfs:label " bacchiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4714bachicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4714bachicoltore is bachicoltore" ; rdfs:label " bachicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4715baciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4715baciatore is baciatore" ; rdfs:label " baciatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4716badatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4716badatore is badatore" ; rdfs:label " badatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4717bagnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4717bagnatore is bagnatore" ; rdfs:label " bagnatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4718balestratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4718balestratore is balestratore" ; rdfs:label " balestratore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4719bananicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4719bananicoltore is bananicoltore" ; rdfs:label " bananicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4720banchettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4720banchettatore is banchettatore" ; rdfs:label " banchettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4721banditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4721banditore is banditore" ; rdfs:label " banditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4722banditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4722banditore is banditore" ; rdfs:label " banditore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4723barenatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4723barenatore is barenatore" ; rdfs:label " barenatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4724basolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4724basolatore is basolatore" ; rdfs:label " basolatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4724basolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4724basolatrice is basolatrice" ; rdfs:label " basolatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4725bastionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4725bastionatore is bastionatore" ; rdfs:label " bastionatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4726bastonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4726bastonatore is bastonatore" ; rdfs:label " bastonatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4727battagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4727battagliatore is battagliatore" ; rdfs:label " battagliatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4728battezzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4728battezzatore is battezzatore" ; rdfs:label " battezzatore_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH4729beffatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4729beffatore is beffatore" ; rdfs:label " beffatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4730beffeggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4730beffeggiatore is beffeggiatore" ; rdfs:label " beffeggiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4731beneficatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4731beneficatore is beneficatore" ; rdfs:label " beneficatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4732bieticoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4732bieticoltore is bieticoltore" ; rdfs:label " bieticoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4733bimotore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4733bimotore is bimotore" ; rdfs:label " bimotore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH4734biocatalizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4734biocatalizzatore is biocatalizzatore" ; rdfs:label " biocatalizzatore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH4735bitumatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4735bitumatore is bitumatore" ; rdfs:label " bitumatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4736blasfematore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4736blasfematore is blasfematore" ; rdfs:label " blasfematore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4737bluffatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4737bluffatore is bluffatore" ; rdfs:label " bluffatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4738bobinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4738bobinatore is bobinatore" ; rdfs:label " bobinatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4739bocciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4739bocciatore is bocciatore" ; rdfs:label " bocciatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4740bollatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4740bollatore is bollatore" ; rdfs:label " bollatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4741bombardatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4741bombardatore is bombardatore" ; rdfs:label " bombardatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4742bordatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4742bordatore is bordatore" ; rdfs:label " bordatore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH4743bordatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4743bordatore is bordatore" ; rdfs:label " bordatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4744borratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4744borratore is borratore" ; rdfs:label " borratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4745borseggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4745borseggiatore is borseggiatore" ; rdfs:label " borseggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4746braccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4746braccatore is braccatore" ; rdfs:label " braccatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4747braccheggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4747braccheggiatore is braccheggiatore" ; rdfs:label " braccheggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4748brasatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4748brasatore is brasatore" ; rdfs:label " brasatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4749brentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4749brentatore is brentatore" ; rdfs:label " brentatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4750brezzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4750brezzatore is brezzatore" ; rdfs:label " brezzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4751brillatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4751brillatore is brillatore" ; rdfs:label " brillatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4752bronzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4752bronzatore is bronzatore" ; rdfs:label " bronzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4753brunitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4753brunitore is brunitore" ; rdfs:label " brunitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4754buccinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4754buccinatore is buccinatore" ; rdfs:label " buccinatore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH4755buccinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4755buccinatore is buccinatore" ; rdfs:label " buccinatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4756buffatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4756buffatore is buffatore" ; rdfs:label " buffatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4757bulinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4757bulinatore is bulinatore" ; rdfs:label " bulinatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4758burattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4758burattatore is burattatore" ; rdfs:label " burattatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4759burlatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4759burlatore is burlatore" ; rdfs:label " burlatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4760bussatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4760bussatore is bussatore" ; rdfs:label " bussatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4761cablatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4761cablatore is cablatore" ; rdfs:label " cablatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4762cagionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4762cagionatore is cagionatore" ; rdfs:label " cagionatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4763calafatatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4763calafatatore is calafatatore" ; rdfs:label " calafatatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4764calandratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4764calandratore is calandratore" ; rdfs:label " calandratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4765calibratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4765calibratore is calibratore" ; rdfs:label " calibratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4766calibratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4766calibratore is calibratore" ; rdfs:label " calibratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4767calpestatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4767calpestatore is calpestatore" ; rdfs:label " calpestatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4768calunniatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4768calunniatore is calunniatore" ; rdfs:label " calunniatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4769cambiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4769cambiatore is cambiatore" ; rdfs:label " cambiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4770campeggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4770campeggiatore is campeggiatore" ; rdfs:label " campeggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4771campionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4771campionatore is campionatore" ; rdfs:label " campionatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4772campionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4772campionatore is campionatore" ; rdfs:label " campionatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4773canapicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4773canapicoltore is canapicoltore" ; rdfs:label " canapicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4774cancellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4774cancellatore is cancellatore" ; rdfs:label " cancellatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4775candeggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4775candeggiatore is candeggiatore" ; rdfs:label " candeggiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4776canditore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4776canditore is canditore" ; rdfs:label " canditore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4778canticchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4778canticchiatore is canticchiatore" ; rdfs:label " canticchiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4779capacitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4779capacitore is capacitore" ; rdfs:label " capacitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4780capeggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4780capeggiatore is capeggiatore" ; rdfs:label " capeggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4781captatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4781captatore is captatore" ; rdfs:label " captatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4782cardatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4782cardatore is cardatore" ; rdfs:label " cardatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4783carratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4783carratore is carratore" ; rdfs:label " carratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4784cascatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4784cascatore is cascatore" ; rdfs:label " cascatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4785castigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4785castigatore is castigatore" ; rdfs:label " castigatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4786castratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4786castratore is castratore" ; rdfs:label " castratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4787catechizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4787catechizzatore is catechizzatore" ; rdfs:label " catechizzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4788catramatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4788catramatore is catramatore" ; rdfs:label " catramatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4789cavalcatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4789cavalcatore is cavalcatore" ; rdfs:label " cavalcatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4790cavillatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4790cavillatore is cavillatore" ; rdfs:label " cavillatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4791ceditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4791ceditore is ceditore" ; rdfs:label " ceditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4792celebratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4792celebratore is celebratore" ; rdfs:label " celebratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4793celiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4793celiatore is celiatore" ; rdfs:label " celiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4794censuratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4794censuratore is censuratore" ; rdfs:label " censuratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4795centratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4795centratore is centratore" ; rdfs:label " centratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4796cerchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4796cerchiatore is cerchiatore" ; rdfs:label " cerchiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4797cerealicultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4797cerealicultore is cerealicultore" ; rdfs:label " cerealicultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4798cernitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4798cernitore is cernitore" ; rdfs:label " cernitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4799cernitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4799cernitore is cernitore" ; rdfs:label " cernitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4800certificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4800certificatore is certificatore" ; rdfs:label " certificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4801cesellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4801cesellatore is cesellatore" ; rdfs:label " cesellatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4802cesoiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4802cesoiatore is cesoiatore" ; rdfs:label " cesoiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4803chemiorecettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4803chemiorecettore is chemiorecettore" ; rdfs:label " chemiorecettore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH4804chiamatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4804chiamatore is chiamatore" ; rdfs:label " chiamatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4805chiamatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4805chiamatore is chiamatore" ; rdfs:label " chiamatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4806chieditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4806chieditore is chieditore" ; rdfs:label " chieditore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4807chioccolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4807chioccolatore is chioccolatore" ; rdfs:label " chioccolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4808chiosatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4808chiosatore is chiosatore" ; rdfs:label " chiosatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4809cianciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4809cianciatore is cianciatore" ; rdfs:label " cianciatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4810cianfrinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4810cianfrinatore is cianfrinatore" ; rdfs:label " cianfrinatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4811ciarlatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4811ciarlatore is ciarlatore" ; rdfs:label " ciarlatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4812cimatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4812cimatore is cimatore" ; rdfs:label " cimatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4813cineamatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4813cineamatore is cineamatore" ; rdfs:label " cineamatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4814circumnavigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4814circumnavigatore is circumnavigatore" ; rdfs:label " circumnavigatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4815coabitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4815coabitatore is coabitatore" ; rdfs:label " coabitatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4816cocitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4816cocitore is cocitore" ; rdfs:label " cocitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4817cocitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4817cocitore is cocitore" ; rdfs:label " cocitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4818cogeneratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4818cogeneratore is cogeneratore" ; rdfs:label " cogeneratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4819coglionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4819coglionatore is coglionatore" ; rdfs:label " coglionatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4820coglitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4820coglitore is coglitore" ; rdfs:label " coglitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4822colatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4822colatore is colatore" ; rdfs:label " colatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4823collazionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4823collazionatore is collazionatore" ; rdfs:label " collazionatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4824collocatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4824collocatore is collocatore" ; rdfs:label " collocatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4825collocutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4825collocutore is collocutore" ; rdfs:label " collocutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4827colmatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4827colmatore is colmatore" ; rdfs:label " colmatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4828colmatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4828colmatore is colmatore" ; rdfs:label " colmatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4829colombicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4829colombicoltore is colombicoltore" ; rdfs:label " colombicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4830coloritore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4830coloritore is coloritore" ; rdfs:label " coloritore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4831colpitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4831colpitore is colpitore" ; rdfs:label " colpitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4832combattitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4832combattitore is combattitore" ; rdfs:label " combattitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4833combinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4833combinatore is combinatore" ; rdfs:label " combinatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4834combinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4834combinatore is combinatore" ; rdfs:label " combinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4835combustore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4835combustore is combustore" ; rdfs:label " combustore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH4836cominciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4836cominciatore is cominciatore" ; rdfs:label " cominciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4837commettitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4837commettitore is commettitore" ; rdfs:label " commettitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4838commettitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4838commettitore is commettitore" ; rdfs:label " commettitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4839commiseratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4839commiseratore is commiseratore" ; rdfs:label " commiseratore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4840compaginatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4840compaginatore is compaginatore" ; rdfs:label " compaginatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4841comparatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4841comparatore is comparatore" ; rdfs:label " comparatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4842compattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4842compattatore is compattatore" ; rdfs:label " compattatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4843compendiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4843compendiatore is compendiatore" ; rdfs:label " compendiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4844compensatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4844compensatore is compensatore" ; rdfs:label " compensatore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH4845compensatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4845compensatore is compensatore" ; rdfs:label " compensatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4846compensatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4846compensatore is compensatore" ; rdfs:label " compensatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4848compilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4848compilatore is compilatore" ; rdfs:label " compilatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4849componitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4849componitore is componitore" ; rdfs:label " componitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4850componitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4850componitore is componitore" ; rdfs:label " componitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4851comprotettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4851comprotettore is comprotettore" ; rdfs:label " comprotettore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4852computatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4852computatore is computatore" ; rdfs:label " computatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4853conceditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4853conceditore is conceditore" ; rdfs:label " conceditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4854concertatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4854concertatore is concertatore" ; rdfs:label " concertatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4855concertatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4855concertatore is concertatore" ; rdfs:label " concertatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4856conciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4856conciatore is conciatore" ; rdfs:label " conciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4857concimatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4857concimatore is concimatore" ; rdfs:label " concimatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4858concionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4858concionatore is concionatore" ; rdfs:label " concionatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4859concitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4859concitatore is concitatore" ; rdfs:label " concitatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4860conculcatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4860conculcatore is conculcatore" ; rdfs:label " conculcatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4861condannatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4861condannatore is condannatore" ; rdfs:label " condannatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4862condebitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4862condebitore is condebitore" ; rdfs:label " condebitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4863confezionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4863confezionatore is confezionatore" ; rdfs:label " confezionatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4864confiscatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4864confiscatore is confiscatore" ; rdfs:label " confiscatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4865confortatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4865confortatore is confortatore" ; rdfs:label " confortatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4866confutatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4866confutatore is confutatore" ; rdfs:label " confutatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4867congegnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4867congegnatore is congegnatore" ; rdfs:label " congegnatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4868congegnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4868congegnatore is congegnatore" ; rdfs:label " congegnatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4869congiuratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4869congiuratore is congiuratore" ; rdfs:label " congiuratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4870coniatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4870coniatore is coniatore" ; rdfs:label " coniatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4871coniglicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4871coniglicoltore is coniglicoltore" ; rdfs:label " coniglicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4872conquassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4872conquassatore is conquassatore" ; rdfs:label " conquassatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4873consacratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4873consacratore is consacratore" ; rdfs:label " consacratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4874consolidatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4874consolidatore is consolidatore" ; rdfs:label " consolidatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4875consultatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4875consultatore is consultatore" ; rdfs:label " consultatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4876consultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4876consultore is consultore" ; rdfs:label " consultore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4877consultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4877consultore is consultore" ; rdfs:label " consultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4878contattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4878contattore is contattore" ; rdfs:label " contattore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4879contemplatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4879contemplatore is contemplatore" ; rdfs:label " contemplatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4880contenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4880contenditore is contenditore" ; rdfs:label " contenditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4881contraddittore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4881contraddittore is contraddittore" ; rdfs:label " contraddittore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4882contrattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4882contrattatore is contrattatore" ; rdfs:label " contrattatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4883contravventore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4883contravventore is contravventore" ; rdfs:label " contravventore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4884contributore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4884contributore is contributore" ; rdfs:label " contributore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4885contristatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4885contristatore is contristatore" ; rdfs:label " contristatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4886controbattitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4886controbattitore is controbattitore" ; rdfs:label " controbattitore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH4887controrelatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4887controrelatore is controrelatore" ; rdfs:label " controrelatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4888conturbatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4888conturbatore is conturbatore" ; rdfs:label " conturbatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4889contutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4889contutore is contutore" ; rdfs:label " contutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4890convittore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4890convittore is convittore" ; rdfs:label " convittore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4891convocatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4891convocatore is convocatore" ; rdfs:label " convocatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4893copriradiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4893copriradiatore is copriradiatore" ; rdfs:label " copriradiatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4894copritore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4894copritore is copritore" ; rdfs:label " copritore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4895corbellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4895corbellatore is corbellatore" ; rdfs:label " corbellatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4896costipatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4896costipatore is costipatore" ; rdfs:label " costipatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4897cotonicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4897cotonicoltore is cotonicoltore" ; rdfs:label " cotonicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4898cristallizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4898cristallizzatore is cristallizzatore" ; rdfs:label " cristallizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4899cristallizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4899cristallizzatore is cristallizzatore" ; rdfs:label " cristallizzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4900crivellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4900crivellatore is crivellatore" ; rdfs:label " crivellatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4901cromatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4901cromatore is cromatore" ; rdfs:label " cromatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4902cumulatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4902cumulatore is cumulatore" ; rdfs:label " cumulatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4903cunicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4903cunicoltore is cunicoltore" ; rdfs:label " cunicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4904cuocitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4904cuocitore is cuocitore" ; rdfs:label " cuocitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4905cuocitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4905cuocitore is cuocitore" ; rdfs:label " cuocitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4906curvatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4906curvatore is curvatore" ; rdfs:label " curvatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4907damaschinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4907damaschinatore is damaschinatore" ; rdfs:label " damaschinatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4908danneggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4908danneggiatore is danneggiatore" ; rdfs:label " danneggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4909debellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4909debellatore is debellatore" ; rdfs:label " debellatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4910decantatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4910decantatore is decantatore" ; rdfs:label " decantatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4911decapatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4911decapatore is decapatore" ; rdfs:label " decapatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4912decespugliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4912decespugliatore is decespugliatore" ; rdfs:label " decespugliatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4913decloratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4913decloratore is decloratore" ; rdfs:label " decloratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4914deduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4914deduttore is deduttore" ; rdfs:label " deduttore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4915definitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4915definitore is definitore" ; rdfs:label " definitore_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH4916definitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4916definitore is definitore" ; rdfs:label " definitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4917deflatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4917deflatore is deflatore" ; rdfs:label " deflatore_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH4918deflegmatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4918deflegmatore is deflegmatore" ; rdfs:label " deflegmatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4919deflemmatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4919deflemmatore is deflemmatore" ; rdfs:label " deflemmatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4921deflettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4921deflettore is deflettore" ; rdfs:label " deflettore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH4922defloratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4922defloratore is defloratore" ; rdfs:label " defloratore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4923degassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4923degassatore is degassatore" ; rdfs:label " degassatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4924deliberatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4924deliberatore is deliberatore" ; rdfs:label " deliberatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4925delineatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4925delineatore is delineatore" ; rdfs:label " delineatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4926demodulatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4926demodulatore is demodulatore" ; rdfs:label " demodulatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4927demoltiplicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4927demoltiplicatore is demoltiplicatore" ; rdfs:label " demoltiplicatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4928demoralizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4928demoralizzatore is demoralizzatore" ; rdfs:label " demoralizzatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4929dentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4929dentatore is dentatore" ; rdfs:label " dentatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4930denunciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4930denunciatore is denunciatore" ; rdfs:label " denunciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4931denunziatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4931denunziatore is denunziatore" ; rdfs:label " denunziatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4932depilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4932depilatore is depilatore" ; rdfs:label " depilatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4933depilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4933depilatore is depilatore" ; rdfs:label " depilatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4934deploratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4934deploratore is deploratore" ; rdfs:label " deploratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4935depolarizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4935depolarizzatore is depolarizzatore" ; rdfs:label " depolarizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4936depolpatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4936depolpatore is depolpatore" ; rdfs:label " depolpatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4937depolverizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4937depolverizzatore is depolverizzatore" ; rdfs:label " depolverizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4938depositore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4938depositore is depositore" ; rdfs:label " depositore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4939depravatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4939depravatore is depravatore" ; rdfs:label " depravatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4940depredatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4940depredatore is depredatore" ; rdfs:label " depredatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4941desalatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4941desalatore is desalatore" ; rdfs:label " desalatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4942desensibilizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4942desensibilizzatore is desensibilizzatore" ; rdfs:label " desensibilizzatore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH4943desolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4943desolatore is desolatore" ; rdfs:label " desolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4944desolforatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4944desolforatore is desolforatore" ; rdfs:label " desolforatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4945destabilizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4945destabilizzatore is destabilizzatore" ; rdfs:label " destabilizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4946destreggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4946destreggiatore is destreggiatore" ; rdfs:label " destreggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4947desultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4947desultore is desultore" ; rdfs:label " desultore_as_Role" . inds:USemTH4948determinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4948determinatore is determinatore" ; rdfs:label " determinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4949dettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4949dettatore is dettatore" ; rdfs:label " dettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4950dettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4950dettatore is dettatore" ; rdfs:label " dettatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4951deturpatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4951deturpatore is deturpatore" ; rdfs:label " deturpatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4952deumidificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4952deumidificatore is deumidificatore" ; rdfs:label " deumidificatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4953deviatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4953deviatore is deviatore" ; rdfs:label " deviatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4954deviatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4954deviatore is deviatore" ; rdfs:label " deviatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4955devoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4955devoltore is devoltore" ; rdfs:label " devoltore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4956diagrammatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4956diagrammatore is diagrammatore" ; rdfs:label " diagrammatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4957dializzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4957dializzatore is dializzatore" ; rdfs:label " dializzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4958diaproiettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4958diaproiettore is diaproiettore" ; rdfs:label " diaproiettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4959diazotatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4959diazotatore is diazotatore" ; rdfs:label " diazotatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4960dichiaratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4960dichiaratore is dichiaratore" ; rdfs:label " dichiaratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4961dicitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4961dicitore is dicitore" ; rdfs:label " dicitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4962differitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4962differitore is differitore" ; rdfs:label " differitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4963diffonditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4963diffonditore is diffonditore" ; rdfs:label " diffonditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4964digerire simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4964digerire is digerire" ; rdfs:label " digerire_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4965digiunatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4965digiunatore is digiunatore" ; rdfs:label " digiunatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4966digrossatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4966digrossatore is digrossatore" ; rdfs:label " digrossatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4967digrumatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4967digrumatore is digrumatore" ; rdfs:label " digrumatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4968dilaniatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4968dilaniatore is dilaniatore" ; rdfs:label " dilaniatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4969dilatatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4969dilatatore is dilatatore" ; rdfs:label " dilatatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4970dilatatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4970dilatatore is dilatatore" ; rdfs:label " dilatatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4971dileggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4971dileggiatore is dileggiatore" ; rdfs:label " dileggiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4972diluviatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4972diluviatore is diluviatore" ; rdfs:label " diluviatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4973dimazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4973dimazzatore is dimazzatore" ; rdfs:label " dimazzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4974diminutore simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4974diminutore is diminutore" ; rdfs:label " diminutore_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH4975dimostratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4975dimostratore is dimostratore" ; rdfs:label " dimostratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4976dimostratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4976dimostratore is dimostratore" ; rdfs:label " dimostratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4977diramatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4977diramatore is diramatore" ; rdfs:label " diramatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4978diramatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4978diramatore is diramatore" ; rdfs:label " diramatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4979diroccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4979diroccatore is diroccatore" ; rdfs:label " diroccatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4980dirozzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4980dirozzatore is dirozzatore" ; rdfs:label " dirozzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4981diruttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4981diruttore is diruttore" ; rdfs:label " diruttore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4982disaeratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4982disaeratore is disaeratore" ; rdfs:label " disaeratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4983disaminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4983disaminatore is disaminatore" ; rdfs:label " disaminatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4984disarmatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4984disarmatore is disarmatore" ; rdfs:label " disarmatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4985discernitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4985discernitore is discernitore" ; rdfs:label " discernitore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4986discettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4986discettatore is discettatore" ; rdfs:label " discettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4987disciplinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4987disciplinatore is disciplinatore" ; rdfs:label " disciplinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4988discorritore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4988discorritore is discorritore" ; rdfs:label " discorritore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH4989disfacitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4989disfacitore is disfacitore" ; rdfs:label " disfacitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4990disgombratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4990disgombratore is disgombratore" ; rdfs:label " disgombratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4991disgregatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4991disgregatore is disgregatore" ; rdfs:label " disgregatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH4992disidratatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4992disidratatore is disidratatore" ; rdfs:label " disidratatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4993disinfestatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4993disinfestatore is disinfestatore" ; rdfs:label " disinfestatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4994disintegratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4994disintegratore is disintegratore" ; rdfs:label " disintegratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH4995dislustratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4995dislustratore is dislustratore" ; rdfs:label " dislustratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH4996disordinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4996disordinatore is disordinatore" ; rdfs:label " disordinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4997disperditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4997disperditore is disperditore" ; rdfs:label " disperditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4998dispositore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4998dispositore is dispositore" ; rdfs:label " dispositore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH4999dispregiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH4999dispregiatore is dispregiatore" ; rdfs:label " dispregiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5000disprezzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5000disprezzatore is disprezzatore" ; rdfs:label " disprezzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5001disputatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5001disputatore is disputatore" ; rdfs:label " disputatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5002disquisitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5002disquisitore is disquisitore" ; rdfs:label " disquisitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5003disruttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5003disruttore is disruttore" ; rdfs:label " disruttore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5005dissacratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5005dissacratore is dissacratore" ; rdfs:label " dissacratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5006dissalatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5006dissalatore is dissalatore" ; rdfs:label " dissalatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5007dissanguatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5007dissanguatore is dissanguatore" ; rdfs:label " dissanguatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5008disseminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5008disseminatore is disseminatore" ; rdfs:label " disseminatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5009disseppellitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5009disseppellitore is disseppellitore" ; rdfs:label " disseppellitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5010dissertatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5010dissertatore is dissertatore" ; rdfs:label " dissertatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5011dissettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5011dissettore is dissettore" ; rdfs:label " dissettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5012dissettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5012dissettore is dissettore" ; rdfs:label " dissettore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5013dissolutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5013dissolutore is dissolutore" ; rdfs:label " dissolutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5014dissolvitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5014dissolvitore is dissolvitore" ; rdfs:label " dissolvitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5015dissotterratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5015dissotterratore is dissotterratore" ; rdfs:label " dissotterratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5016distanziatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5016distanziatore is distanziatore" ; rdfs:label " distanziatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5017distenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5017distenditore is distenditore" ; rdfs:label " distenditore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5018distribuitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5018distribuitore is distribuitore" ; rdfs:label " distribuitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5019distribuitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5019distribuitore is distribuitore" ; rdfs:label " distribuitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5020distruggitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5020distruggitore is distruggitore" ; rdfs:label " distruggitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5021disvelatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5021disvelatore is disvelatore" ; rdfs:label " disvelatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5022divaricatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5022divaricatore is divaricatore" ; rdfs:label " divaricatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5023divinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5023divinatore is divinatore" ; rdfs:label " divinatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5024documentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5024documentatore is documentatore" ; rdfs:label " documentatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5025domandatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5025domandatore is domandatore" ; rdfs:label " domandatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5026doratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5026doratore is doratore" ; rdfs:label " doratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5027dosatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5027dosatore is dosatore" ; rdfs:label " dosatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5028dosatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5028dosatore is dosatore" ; rdfs:label " dosatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5029dotatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5029dotatore is dotatore" ; rdfs:label " dotatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5030dragatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5030dragatore is dragatore" ; rdfs:label " dragatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5031drizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5031drizzatore is drizzatore" ; rdfs:label " drizzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5032drogatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5032drogatore is drogatore" ; rdfs:label " drogatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5033duellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5033duellatore is duellatore" ; rdfs:label " duellatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5034duplicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5034duplicatore is duplicatore" ; rdfs:label " duplicatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5035ebollitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5035ebollitore is ebollitore" ; rdfs:label " ebollitore_as_Container" . inds:USemTH5036eccitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5036eccitatore is eccitatore" ; rdfs:label " eccitatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5037eccitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5037eccitatore is eccitatore" ; rdfs:label " eccitatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5038economizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5038economizzatore is economizzatore" ; rdfs:label " economizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5039economizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5039economizzatore is economizzatore" ; rdfs:label " economizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5040educatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5040educatore is educatore" ; rdfs:label " educatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5041effeminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5041effeminatore is effeminatore" ; rdfs:label " effeminatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5042effemminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5042effemminatore is effemminatore" ; rdfs:label " effemminatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5043effettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5043effettore is effettore" ; rdfs:label " effettore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH5044effettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5044effettore is effettore" ; rdfs:label " effettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5045eiettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5045eiettore is eiettore" ; rdfs:label " eiettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5046elettrizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5046elettrizzatore is elettrizzatore" ; rdfs:label " elettrizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5047elettrolizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5047elettrolizzatore is elettrolizzatore" ; rdfs:label " elettrolizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5048elettromotore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5048elettromotore is elettromotore" ; rdfs:label " elettromotore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5049elevatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5049elevatore is elevatore" ; rdfs:label " elevatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5050elevatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5050elevatore is elevatore" ; rdfs:label " elevatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5051elogiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5051elogiatore is elogiatore" ; rdfs:label " elogiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5052emancipatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5052emancipatore is emancipatore" ; rdfs:label " emancipatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5053emendatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5053emendatore is emendatore" ; rdfs:label " emendatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5054empitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5054empitore is empitore" ; rdfs:label " empitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5055emulsionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5055emulsionatore is emulsionatore" ; rdfs:label " emulsionatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5056emuntore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5056emuntore is emuntore" ; rdfs:label " emuntore_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH5057encomiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5057encomiatore is encomiatore" ; rdfs:label " encomiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5058endoreattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5058endoreattore is endoreattore" ; rdfs:label " endoreattore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5059enunciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5059enunciatore is enunciatore" ; rdfs:label " enunciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5060epatoprotettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5060epatoprotettore is epatoprotettore" ; rdfs:label " epatoprotettore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH5061epitomatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5061epitomatore is epitomatore" ; rdfs:label " epitomatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5062epuratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5062epuratore is epuratore" ; rdfs:label " epuratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5063equalizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5063equalizzatore is equalizzatore" ; rdfs:label " equalizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5064equilibratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5064equilibratore is equilibratore" ; rdfs:label " equilibratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5065equilibratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5065equilibratore is equilibratore" ; rdfs:label " equilibratore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH5066equilibratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5066equilibratore is equilibratore" ; rdfs:label " equilibratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5067erborizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5067erborizzatore is erborizzatore" ; rdfs:label " erborizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5068erettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5068erettore is erettore" ; rdfs:label " erettore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH5069esageratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5069esageratore is esageratore" ; rdfs:label " esageratore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5070esalatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5070esalatore is esalatore" ; rdfs:label " esalatore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH5071esaltatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5071esaltatore is esaltatore" ; rdfs:label " esaltatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5072esamotore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5072esamotore is esamotore" ; rdfs:label " esamotore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH5073esasperatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5073esasperatore is esasperatore" ; rdfs:label " esasperatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5074esauditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5074esauditore is esauditore" ; rdfs:label " esauditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5075escavatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5075escavatore is escavatore" ; rdfs:label " escavatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5076escavatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5076escavatore is escavatore" ; rdfs:label " escavatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5077escretore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5077escretore is escretore" ; rdfs:label " escretore_as_Container" . inds:USemTH5078esibitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5078esibitore is esibitore" ; rdfs:label " esibitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5079esorcizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5079esorcizzatore is esorcizzatore" ; rdfs:label " esorcizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5080esoreattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5080esoreattore is esoreattore" ; rdfs:label " esoreattore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5081esortatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5081esortatore is esortatore" ; rdfs:label " esortatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5082espiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5082espiatore is espiatore" ; rdfs:label " espiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5083esploditore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5083esploditore is esploditore" ; rdfs:label " esploditore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5084esponitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5084esponitore is esponitore" ; rdfs:label " esponitore_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH5085espugnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5085espugnatore is espugnatore" ; rdfs:label " espugnatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5086espurgatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5086espurgatore is espurgatore" ; rdfs:label " espurgatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5087essiccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5087essiccatore is essiccatore" ; rdfs:label " essiccatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5088essiccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5088essiccatore is essiccatore" ; rdfs:label " essiccatore_as_Location" . inds:USemTH5089essiccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5089essiccatore is essiccatore" ; rdfs:label " essiccatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5090esterminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5090esterminatore is esterminatore" ; rdfs:label " esterminatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5091esterocettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5091esterocettore is esterocettore" ; rdfs:label " esterocettore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH5092estimatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5092estimatore is estimatore" ; rdfs:label " estimatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5093estintore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5093estintore is estintore" ; rdfs:label " estintore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5094estirpatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5094estirpatore is estirpatore" ; rdfs:label " estirpatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5095estirpatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5095estirpatore is estirpatore" ; rdfs:label " estirpatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5096estrattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5096estrattore is estrattore" ; rdfs:label " estrattore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5097estrattore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5097estrattore is estrattore" ; rdfs:label " estrattore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5098evangelizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5098evangelizzatore is evangelizzatore" ; rdfs:label " evangelizzatore_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH5099evaporatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5099evaporatore is evaporatore" ; rdfs:label " evaporatore_as_Container" . inds:USemTH5100evocatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5100evocatore is evocatore" ; rdfs:label " evocatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5101facitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5101facitore is facitore" ; rdfs:label " facitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5102falsatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5102falsatore is falsatore" ; rdfs:label " falsatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5103falsatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5103falsatore is falsatore" ; rdfs:label " falsatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5104fascinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5104fascinatore is fascinatore" ; rdfs:label " fascinatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5105faticatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5105faticatore is faticatore" ; rdfs:label " faticatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5106favoleggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5106favoleggiatore is favoleggiatore" ; rdfs:label " favoleggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5107fecondatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5107fecondatore is fecondatore" ; rdfs:label " fecondatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5108feritore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5108feritore is feritore" ; rdfs:label " feritore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5109fermentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5109fermentatore is fermentatore" ; rdfs:label " fermentatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5110fermentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5110fermentatore is fermentatore" ; rdfs:label " fermentatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5111ferratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5111ferratore is ferratore" ; rdfs:label " ferratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5112ferruminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5112ferruminatore is ferruminatore" ; rdfs:label " ferruminatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5113festeggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5113festeggiatore is festeggiatore" ; rdfs:label " festeggiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5114filettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5114filettatore is filettatore" ; rdfs:label " filettatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5115filtratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Micro-Organism, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5115filtratore is filtratore" ; rdfs:label " filtratore_as_Micro-Organism" . inds:USemTH5116filtratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5116filtratore is filtratore" ; rdfs:label " filtratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5117finitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5117finitore is finitore" ; rdfs:label " finitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5118finitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5118finitore is finitore" ; rdfs:label " finitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5119fiocinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5119fiocinatore is fiocinatore" ; rdfs:label " fiocinatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5120fioricoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5120fioricoltore is fioricoltore" ; rdfs:label " fioricoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5121fioricultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5121fioricultore is fioricultore" ; rdfs:label " fioricultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5122fischiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5122fischiatore is fischiatore" ; rdfs:label " fischiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5123fissatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5123fissatore is fissatore" ; rdfs:label " fissatore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH5124fissatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5124fissatore is fissatore" ; rdfs:label " fissatore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH5125fissatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5125fissatore is fissatore" ; rdfs:label " fissatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5126fistulatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5126fistulatore is fistulatore" ; rdfs:label " fistulatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5127flagellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5127flagellatore is flagellatore" ; rdfs:label " flagellatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5128floricultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5128floricultore is floricultore" ; rdfs:label " floricultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5129folgoratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5129folgoratore is folgoratore" ; rdfs:label " folgoratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5130follatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5130follatore is follatore" ; rdfs:label " follatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5131follatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5131follatore is follatore" ; rdfs:label " follatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5132folleggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5132folleggiatore is folleggiatore" ; rdfs:label " folleggiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5133fonoregistratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5133fonoregistratore is fonoregistratore" ; rdfs:label " fonoregistratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5134fonoriproduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5134fonoriproduttore is fonoriproduttore" ; rdfs:label " fonoriproduttore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5135fonorivelatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5135fonorivelatore is fonorivelatore" ; rdfs:label " fonorivelatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5136foratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5136foratore is foratore" ; rdfs:label " foratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5137foratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5137foratore is foratore" ; rdfs:label " foratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5138forgiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5138forgiatore is forgiatore" ; rdfs:label " forgiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5139formatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5139formatore is formatore" ; rdfs:label " formatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5140formatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5140formatore is formatore" ; rdfs:label " formatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5141formellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5141formellatore is formellatore" ; rdfs:label " formellatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5142fornicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5142fornicatore is fornicatore" ; rdfs:label " fornicatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5144fortore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5144fortore is fortore" ; rdfs:label " fortore_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH5145forzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5145forzatore is forzatore" ; rdfs:label " forzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5146fotoamatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5146fotoamatore is fotoamatore" ; rdfs:label " fotoamatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5147fotocettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5147fotocettore is fotocettore" ; rdfs:label " fotocettore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH5148fotocopiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5148fotocopiatore is fotocopiatore" ; rdfs:label " fotocopiatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5149fotoriproduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5149fotoriproduttore is fotoriproduttore" ; rdfs:label " fotoriproduttore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5150fracassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5150fracassatore is fracassatore" ; rdfs:label " fracassatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5151frangitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5151frangitore is frangitore" ; rdfs:label " frangitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5152fraseggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5152fraseggiatore is fraseggiatore" ; rdfs:label " fraseggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5153frastornatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5153frastornatore is frastornatore" ; rdfs:label " frastornatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5154frenatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5154frenatore is frenatore" ; rdfs:label " frenatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5155frodatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5155frodatore is frodatore" ; rdfs:label " frodatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5156frombolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5156frombolatore is frombolatore" ; rdfs:label " frombolatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5157frugnolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5157frugnolatore is frugnolatore" ; rdfs:label " frugnolatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5158frustatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5158frustatore is frustatore" ; rdfs:label " frustatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5159frutticoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5159frutticoltore is frutticoltore" ; rdfs:label " frutticoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5160frutticultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5160frutticultore is frutticultore" ; rdfs:label " frutticultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5161fucilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5161fucilatore is fucilatore" ; rdfs:label " fucilatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5162fucinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5162fucinatore is fucinatore" ; rdfs:label " fucinatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5164fugatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5164fugatore is fugatore" ; rdfs:label " fugatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5165fuggitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5165fuggitore is fuggitore" ; rdfs:label " fuggitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5166fulminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5166fulminatore is fulminatore" ; rdfs:label " fulminatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5168funghicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5168funghicoltore is funghicoltore" ; rdfs:label " funghicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5169funghicultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5169funghicultore is funghicultore" ; rdfs:label " funghicultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5170fungicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5170fungicoltore is fungicoltore" ; rdfs:label " fungicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5171fustigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5171fustigatore is fustigatore" ; rdfs:label " fustigatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5172gabbatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5172gabbatore is gabbatore" ; rdfs:label " gabbatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5173galoppatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5173galoppatore is galoppatore" ; rdfs:label " galoppatore_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH5174galoppatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5174galoppatore is galoppatore" ; rdfs:label " galoppatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5175gareggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5175gareggiatore is gareggiatore" ; rdfs:label " gareggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5176garzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5176garzatore is garzatore" ; rdfs:label " garzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5177gavazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5177gavazzatore is gavazzatore" ; rdfs:label " gavazzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5178gelsicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5178gelsicoltore is gelsicoltore" ; rdfs:label " gelsicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5179gelsicultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5179gelsicultore is gelsicultore" ; rdfs:label " gelsicultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5180gesticolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5180gesticolatore is gesticolatore" ; rdfs:label " gesticolatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5181gettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5181gettatore is gettatore" ; rdfs:label " gettatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5182giocolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5182giocolatore is giocolatore" ; rdfs:label " giocolatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5183giostratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5183giostratore is giostratore" ; rdfs:label " giostratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5184giratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5184giratore is giratore" ; rdfs:label " giratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5185girostabilizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5185girostabilizzatore is girostabilizzatore" ; rdfs:label " girostabilizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5186giudicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5186giudicatore is giudicatore" ; rdfs:label " giudicatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5187giustificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5187giustificatore is giustificatore" ; rdfs:label " giustificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5188glorificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5188glorificatore is glorificatore" ; rdfs:label " glorificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5189glossatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5189glossatore is glossatore" ; rdfs:label " glossatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5190goditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5190goditore is goditore" ; rdfs:label " goditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5191gonfiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5191gonfiatore is gonfiatore" ; rdfs:label " gonfiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5192gorgheggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5192gorgheggiatore is gorgheggiatore" ; rdfs:label " gorgheggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5193gracchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5193gracchiatore is gracchiatore" ; rdfs:label " gracchiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5194gracidatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5194gracidatore is gracidatore" ; rdfs:label " gracidatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5195graffiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5195graffiatore is graffiatore" ; rdfs:label " graffiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5196granitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5196granitore is granitore" ; rdfs:label " granitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5197granulatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5197granulatore is granulatore" ; rdfs:label " granulatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5198granulatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5198granulatore is granulatore" ; rdfs:label " granulatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5199grassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5199grassatore is grassatore" ; rdfs:label " grassatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5200grattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5200grattatore is grattatore" ; rdfs:label " grattatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5201gridatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5201gridatore is gridatore" ; rdfs:label " gridatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5202guadagnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5202guadagnatore is guadagnatore" ; rdfs:label " guadagnatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5203gualcatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5203gualcatore is gualcatore" ; rdfs:label " gualcatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5204guardatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5204guardatore is guardatore" ; rdfs:label " guardatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5205guarnitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5205guarnitore is guarnitore" ; rdfs:label " guarnitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5206guerreggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5206guerreggiatore is guerreggiatore" ; rdfs:label " guerreggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5207gustatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5207gustatore is gustatore" ; rdfs:label " gustatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5208iaculatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5208iaculatore is iaculatore" ; rdfs:label " iaculatore_as_Role" . inds:USemTH5209ibridatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5209ibridatore is ibridatore" ; rdfs:label " ibridatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5210idroestrattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5210idroestrattore is idroestrattore" ; rdfs:label " idroestrattore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5211idroreattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5211idroreattore is idroreattore" ; rdfs:label " idroreattore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5212idroricognitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5212idroricognitore is idroricognitore" ; rdfs:label " idroricognitore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH5213idrosciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5213idrosciatore is idrosciatore" ; rdfs:label " idrosciatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5214iettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5214iettatore is iettatore" ; rdfs:label " iettatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5215imbalsamatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5215imbalsamatore is imbalsamatore" ; rdfs:label " imbalsamatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5216imbanditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5216imbanditore is imbanditore" ; rdfs:label " imbanditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5217imbarcatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5217imbarcatore is imbarcatore" ; rdfs:label " imbarcatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5218imbastitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5218imbastitore is imbastitore" ; rdfs:label " imbastitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5219imbiancatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5219imbiancatore is imbiancatore" ; rdfs:label " imbiancatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5220imboscatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5220imboscatore is imboscatore" ; rdfs:label " imboscatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5221imbottatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5221imbottatore is imbottatore" ; rdfs:label " imbottatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5222imbozzimatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5222imbozzimatore is imbozzimatore" ; rdfs:label " imbozzimatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5223imbracatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5223imbracatore is imbracatore" ; rdfs:label " imbracatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5224imbrattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5224imbrattatore is imbrattatore" ; rdfs:label " imbrattatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5225imbutitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5225imbutitore is imbutitore" ; rdfs:label " imbutitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5226immaginatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5226immaginatore is immaginatore" ; rdfs:label " immaginatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5227immolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5227immolatore is immolatore" ; rdfs:label " immolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5228impaccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5228impaccatore is impaccatore" ; rdfs:label " impaccatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5229impacchettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5229impacchettatore is impacchettatore" ; rdfs:label " impacchettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5230impacciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5230impacciatore is impacciatore" ; rdfs:label " impacciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5231impagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5231impagliatore is impagliatore" ; rdfs:label " impagliatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5232impaniatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5232impaniatore is impaniatore" ; rdfs:label " impaniatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5233impastatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5233impastatore is impastatore" ; rdfs:label " impastatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5234impeditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5234impeditore is impeditore" ; rdfs:label " impeditore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5235impetratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5235impetratore is impetratore" ; rdfs:label " impetratore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5236impiallacciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5236impiallacciatore is impiallacciatore" ; rdfs:label " impiallacciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5237impiastratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5237impiastratore is impiastratore" ; rdfs:label " impiastratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5238impiccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5238impiccatore is impiccatore" ; rdfs:label " impiccatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5239impinguatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5239impinguatore is impinguatore" ; rdfs:label " impinguatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5240implicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5240implicatore is implicatore" ; rdfs:label " implicatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5241imploratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5241imploratore is imploratore" ; rdfs:label " imploratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5242impollinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5242impollinatore is impollinatore" ; rdfs:label " impollinatore_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH5243imprecatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5243imprecatore is imprecatore" ; rdfs:label " imprecatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5244impugnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5244impugnatore is impugnatore" ; rdfs:label " impugnatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5245impulsatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5245impulsatore is impulsatore" ; rdfs:label " impulsatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5246inalatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5246inalatore is inalatore" ; rdfs:label " inalatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5247inargentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5247inargentatore is inargentatore" ; rdfs:label " inargentatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5248inauguratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5248inauguratore is inauguratore" ; rdfs:label " inauguratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5249incapsulatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5249incapsulatore is incapsulatore" ; rdfs:label " incapsulatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5250incartatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5250incartatore is incartatore" ; rdfs:label " incartatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5251incassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5251incassatore is incassatore" ; rdfs:label " incassatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5252incassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5252incassatore is incassatore" ; rdfs:label " incassatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5253incastonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5253incastonatore is incastonatore" ; rdfs:label " incastonatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5254incendiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5254incendiatore is incendiatore" ; rdfs:label " incendiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5255incensatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5255incensatore is incensatore" ; rdfs:label " incensatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5256incettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5256incettatore is incettatore" ; rdfs:label " incettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5257inchiodatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5257inchiodatore is inchiodatore" ; rdfs:label " inchiodatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5258inchiostratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5258inchiostratore is inchiostratore" ; rdfs:label " inchiostratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5259inchiostratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5259inchiostratore is inchiostratore" ; rdfs:label " inchiostratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5260incitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5260incitatore is incitatore" ; rdfs:label " incitatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5261incollatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5261incollatore is incollatore" ; rdfs:label " incollatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5262incoraggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5262incoraggiatore is incoraggiatore" ; rdfs:label " incoraggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5263incorporatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5263incorporatore is incorporatore" ; rdfs:label " incorporatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5264incorsatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5264incorsatore is incorsatore" ; rdfs:label " incorsatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5265increspatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5265increspatore is increspatore" ; rdfs:label " increspatore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH5266increspatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5266increspatore is increspatore" ; rdfs:label " increspatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5267inculcatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5267inculcatore is inculcatore" ; rdfs:label " inculcatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5268indoratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5268indoratore is indoratore" ; rdfs:label " indoratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5269indovinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5269indovinatore is indovinatore" ; rdfs:label " indovinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5270induttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5270induttore is induttore" ; rdfs:label " induttore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH5271induttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5271induttore is induttore" ; rdfs:label " induttore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH5272infaldatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5272infaldatore is infaldatore" ; rdfs:label " infaldatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5273infamatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5273infamatore is infamatore" ; rdfs:label " infamatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5274inferitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5274inferitore is inferitore" ; rdfs:label " inferitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5275infestatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5275infestatore is infestatore" ; rdfs:label " infestatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5276infettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5276infettatore is infettatore" ; rdfs:label " infettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5277infialettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5277infialettatore is infialettatore" ; rdfs:label " infialettatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5278infiammatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5278infiammatore is infiammatore" ; rdfs:label " infiammatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5279infoibatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5279infoibatore is infoibatore" ; rdfs:label " infoibatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5280infornatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5280infornatore is infornatore" ; rdfs:label " infornatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5281ingabbiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5281ingabbiatore is ingabbiatore" ; rdfs:label " ingabbiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5282ingaggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5282ingaggiatore is ingaggiatore" ; rdfs:label " ingaggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5283inghiottitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5283inghiottitore is inghiottitore" ; rdfs:label " inghiottitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5284ingrossatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5284ingrossatore is ingrossatore" ; rdfs:label " ingrossatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5285iniettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5285iniettore is iniettore" ; rdfs:label " iniettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5286innalzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5286innalzatore is innalzatore" ; rdfs:label " innalzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5287inneggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5287inneggiatore is inneggiatore" ; rdfs:label " inneggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5288innestatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5288innestatore is innestatore" ; rdfs:label " innestatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5289inorpellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5289inorpellatore is inorpellatore" ; rdfs:label " inorpellatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5290insaccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5290insaccatore is insaccatore" ; rdfs:label " insaccatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5291inscatolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5291inscatolatore is inscatolatore" ; rdfs:label " inscatolatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5292inseritore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5292inseritore is inseritore" ; rdfs:label " inseritore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5293insidiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5293insidiatore is insidiatore" ; rdfs:label " insidiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5294insinuatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5294insinuatore is insinuatore" ; rdfs:label " insinuatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5295inspiratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5295inspiratore is inspiratore" ; rdfs:label " inspiratore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH5296insufflatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5296insufflatore is insufflatore" ; rdfs:label " insufflatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5297insultatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5297insultatore is insultatore" ; rdfs:label " insultatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5298intarsiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5298intarsiatore is intarsiatore" ; rdfs:label " intarsiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5299intasatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5299intasatore is intasatore" ; rdfs:label " intasatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5300integratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5300integratore is integratore" ; rdfs:label " integratore_as_Group" . inds:USemTH5301integratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5301integratore is integratore" ; rdfs:label " integratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5302integratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5302integratore is integratore" ; rdfs:label " integratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5303interceditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5303interceditore is interceditore" ; rdfs:label " interceditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5304intercettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5304intercettore is intercettore" ; rdfs:label " intercettore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH5305intermediatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5305intermediatore is intermediatore" ; rdfs:label " intermediatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5306interpolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5306interpolatore is interpolatore" ; rdfs:label " interpolatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5307interpositore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5307interpositore is interpositore" ; rdfs:label " interpositore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5308interpretatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5308interpretatore is interpretatore" ; rdfs:label " interpretatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5309intestatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5309intestatore is intestatore" ; rdfs:label " intestatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5310intimatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5310intimatore is intimatore" ; rdfs:label " intimatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5311intonacatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5311intonacatore is intonacatore" ; rdfs:label " intonacatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5312intonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5312intonatore is intonatore" ; rdfs:label " intonatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5313intorbidatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5313intorbidatore is intorbidatore" ; rdfs:label " intorbidatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5314intrallazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5314intrallazzatore is intrallazzatore" ; rdfs:label " intrallazzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5315intraprenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5315intraprenditore is intraprenditore" ; rdfs:label " intraprenditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5316intrecciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5316intrecciatore is intrecciatore" ; rdfs:label " intrecciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5317introduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5317introduttore is introduttore" ; rdfs:label " introduttore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5318introduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5318introduttore is introduttore" ; rdfs:label " introduttore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5319inverniciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5319inverniciatore is inverniciatore" ; rdfs:label " inverniciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5320invertitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5320invertitore is invertitore" ; rdfs:label " invertitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5321invitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5321invitatore is invitatore" ; rdfs:label " invitatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5322invocatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5322invocatore is invocatore" ; rdfs:label " invocatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5323ipersostentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5323ipersostentatore is ipersostentatore" ; rdfs:label " ipersostentatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5324ipnotizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5324ipnotizzatore is ipnotizzatore" ; rdfs:label " ipnotizzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5325irraggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5325irraggiatore is irraggiatore" ; rdfs:label " irraggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5326irrigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5326irrigatore is irrigatore" ; rdfs:label " irrigatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5327irritatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5327irritatore is irritatore" ; rdfs:label " irritatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5328isolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5328isolatore is isolatore" ; rdfs:label " isolatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5329istitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5329istitore is istitore" ; rdfs:label " istitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5330laccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5330laccatore is laccatore" ; rdfs:label " laccatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5331lambiccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5331lambiccatore is lambiccatore" ; rdfs:label " lambiccatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5332lamentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5332lamentatore is lamentatore" ; rdfs:label " lamentatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5333laminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5333laminatore is laminatore" ; rdfs:label " laminatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5334lapidatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5334lapidatore is lapidatore" ; rdfs:label " lapidatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5335lapidellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5335lapidellatore is lapidellatore" ; rdfs:label " lapidellatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5336lappatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5336lappatore is lappatore" ; rdfs:label " lappatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5337laqueatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5337laqueatore is laqueatore" ; rdfs:label " laqueatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5338largheggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5338largheggiatore is largheggiatore" ; rdfs:label " largheggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5339largitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5339largitore is largitore" ; rdfs:label " largitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5340lastricatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5340lastricatore is lastricatore" ; rdfs:label " lastricatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5341latore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5341latore is latore" ; rdfs:label " latore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5342lattofermentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5342lattofermentatore is lattofermentatore" ; rdfs:label " lattofermentatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5343lavaggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5343lavaggiatore is lavaggiatore" ; rdfs:label " lavaggiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5344lavatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5344lavatore is lavatore" ; rdfs:label " lavatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5345lavatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5345lavatore is lavatore" ; rdfs:label " lavatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5346leccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5346leccatore is leccatore" ; rdfs:label " leccatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5347legatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5347legatore is legatore" ; rdfs:label " legatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5348leggitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5348leggitore is leggitore" ; rdfs:label " leggitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5349leggitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5349leggitore is leggitore" ; rdfs:label " leggitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5350legiferatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5350legiferatore is legiferatore" ; rdfs:label " legiferatore_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH5351levatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5351levatore is levatore" ; rdfs:label " levatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5352levigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5352levigatore is levigatore" ; rdfs:label " levigatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5353levigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5353levigatore is levigatore" ; rdfs:label " levigatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5354libratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5354libratore is libratore" ; rdfs:label " libratore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH5355libratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5355libratore is libratore" ; rdfs:label " libratore_as_Role" . inds:USemTH5356limatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5356limatore is limatore" ; rdfs:label " limatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5357limitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5357limitatore is limitatore" ; rdfs:label " limitatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5358limonicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5358limonicoltore is limonicoltore" ; rdfs:label " limonicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5359linciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5359linciatore is linciatore" ; rdfs:label " linciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5360liofilizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5360liofilizzatore is liofilizzatore" ; rdfs:label " liofilizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5361lisciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5361lisciatore is lisciatore" ; rdfs:label " lisciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5362lisciviatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5362lisciviatore is lisciviatore" ; rdfs:label " lisciviatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5363lisciviatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5363lisciviatore is lisciviatore" ; rdfs:label " lisciviatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5364litigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5364litigatore is litigatore" ; rdfs:label " litigatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5365litotritore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5365litotritore is litotritore" ; rdfs:label " litotritore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5366littore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5366littore is littore" ; rdfs:label " littore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5367littore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5367littore is littore" ; rdfs:label " littore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5368localizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5368localizzatore is localizzatore" ; rdfs:label " localizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5369locutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5369locutore is locutore" ; rdfs:label " locutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5370lodatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5370lodatore is lodatore" ; rdfs:label " lodatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5371logoratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5371logoratore is logoratore" ; rdfs:label " logoratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5372lombricicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5372lombricicoltore is lombricicoltore" ; rdfs:label " lombricicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5373lordatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5373lordatore is lordatore" ; rdfs:label " lordatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5374lubrificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5374lubrificatore is lubrificatore" ; rdfs:label " lubrificatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5376lucidatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5376lucidatore is lucidatore" ; rdfs:label " lucidatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5377lusingatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5377lusingatore is lusingatore" ; rdfs:label " lusingatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5378macchinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5378macchinatore is macchinatore" ; rdfs:label " macchinatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5379macellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5379macellatore is macellatore" ; rdfs:label " macellatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5380maceratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5380maceratore is maceratore" ; rdfs:label " maceratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5381macinadosatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5381macinadosatore is macinadosatore" ; rdfs:label " macinadosatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5382macinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5382macinatore is macinatore" ; rdfs:label " macinatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5383magnetizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5383magnetizzatore is magnetizzatore" ; rdfs:label " magnetizzatore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH5384magnetizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5384magnetizzatore is magnetizzatore" ; rdfs:label " magnetizzatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5385magnetolettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5385magnetolettore is magnetolettore" ; rdfs:label " magnetolettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5386magnificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5386magnificatore is magnificatore" ; rdfs:label " magnificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5387maiscoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5387maiscoltore is maiscoltore" ; rdfs:label " maiscoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5388malignatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5388malignatore is malignatore" ; rdfs:label " malignatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5389mallevatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5389mallevatore is mallevatore" ; rdfs:label " mallevatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5390maltatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5390maltatore is maltatore" ; rdfs:label " maltatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5391maltrattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5391maltrattatore is maltrattatore" ; rdfs:label " maltrattatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5392malversatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5392malversatore is malversatore" ; rdfs:label " malversatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5393mancatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5393mancatore is mancatore" ; rdfs:label " mancatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5394mandatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5394mandatore is mandatore" ; rdfs:label " mandatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5395mandorlicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5395mandorlicoltore is mandorlicoltore" ; rdfs:label " mandorlicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5396maneggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5396maneggiatore is maneggiatore" ; rdfs:label " maneggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5397manganatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5397manganatore is manganatore" ; rdfs:label " manganatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5398manifattore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5398manifattore is manifattore" ; rdfs:label " manifattore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5399manifestatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5399manifestatore is manifestatore" ; rdfs:label " manifestatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5400manipolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5400manipolatore is manipolatore" ; rdfs:label " manipolatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5401manipolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5401manipolatore is manipolatore" ; rdfs:label " manipolatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5402mantenitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5402mantenitore is mantenitore" ; rdfs:label " mantenitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5403manutentore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5403manutentore is manutentore" ; rdfs:label " manutentore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5404mappatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5404mappatore is mappatore" ; rdfs:label " mappatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5405marchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5405marchiatore is marchiatore" ; rdfs:label " marchiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5406marciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5406marciatore is marciatore" ; rdfs:label " marciatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5407marginatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5407marginatore is marginatore" ; rdfs:label " marginatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5408marginatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5408marginatore is marginatore" ; rdfs:label " marginatore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH5409maricoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5409maricoltore is maricoltore" ; rdfs:label " maricoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5410maritatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5410maritatore is maritatore" ; rdfs:label " maritatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5411martellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5411martellatore is martellatore" ; rdfs:label " martellatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5412martellinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5412martellinatore is martellinatore" ; rdfs:label " martellinatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5413martirizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5413martirizzatore is martirizzatore" ; rdfs:label " martirizzatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5414martoriatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5414martoriatore is martoriatore" ; rdfs:label " martoriatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5415maschiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5415maschiatore is maschiatore" ; rdfs:label " maschiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5416massacratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5416massacratore is massacratore" ; rdfs:label " massacratore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5417massicciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5417massicciatore is massicciatore" ; rdfs:label " massicciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5418masticatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5418masticatore is masticatore" ; rdfs:label " masticatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5419matassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5419matassatore is matassatore" ; rdfs:label " matassatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5420mattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5420mattatore is mattatore" ; rdfs:label " mattatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5421maxicalcolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5421maxicalcolatore is maxicalcolatore" ; rdfs:label " maxicalcolatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5422meatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5422meatore is meatore" ; rdfs:label " meatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5423meccanocettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5423meccanocettore is meccanocettore" ; rdfs:label " meccanocettore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH5424meccanorecettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5424meccanorecettore is meccanorecettore" ; rdfs:label " meccanorecettore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH5425medicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5425medicatore is medicatore" ; rdfs:label " medicatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5426meditatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5426meditatore is meditatore" ; rdfs:label " meditatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5427mentore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5427mentore is mentore" ; rdfs:label " mentore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5428mescitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5428mescitore is mescitore" ; rdfs:label " mescitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5429mescolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5429mescolatore is mescolatore" ; rdfs:label " mescolatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5430mescolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5430mescolatore is mescolatore" ; rdfs:label " mescolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5431mesticatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5431mesticatore is mesticatore" ; rdfs:label " mesticatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5432mettitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5432mettitore is mettitore" ; rdfs:label " mettitore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5433miagolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5433miagolatore is miagolatore" ; rdfs:label " miagolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5434microelaboratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5434microelaboratore is microelaboratore" ; rdfs:label " microelaboratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5435microinterruttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5435microinterruttore is microinterruttore" ; rdfs:label " microinterruttore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5436microlettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5436microlettore is microlettore" ; rdfs:label " microlettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5437micromacinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5437micromacinatore is micromacinatore" ; rdfs:label " micromacinatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5438micromotore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5438micromotore is micromotore" ; rdfs:label " micromotore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5439micromotore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5439micromotore is micromotore" ; rdfs:label " micromotore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH5440microproiettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5440microproiettore is microproiettore" ; rdfs:label " microproiettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5441microregistratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5441microregistratore is microregistratore" ; rdfs:label " microregistratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5442microriproduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5442microriproduttore is microriproduttore" ; rdfs:label " microriproduttore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5443mietitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5443mietitore is mietitore" ; rdfs:label " mietitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5444miglioratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5444miglioratore is miglioratore" ; rdfs:label " miglioratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5445minacciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5445minacciatore is minacciatore" ; rdfs:label " minacciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5447miniatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5447miniatore is miniatore" ; rdfs:label " miniatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5448minicalcolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5448minicalcolatore is minicalcolatore" ; rdfs:label " minicalcolatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5449minielaboratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5449minielaboratore is minielaboratore" ; rdfs:label " minielaboratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5450miratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5450miratore is miratore" ; rdfs:label " miratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5451mitigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5451mitigatore is mitigatore" ; rdfs:label " mitigatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5452mitilicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5452mitilicoltore is mitilicoltore" ; rdfs:label " mitilicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5453modanatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5453modanatore is modanatore" ; rdfs:label " modanatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5454modificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5454modificatore is modificatore" ; rdfs:label " modificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5455molatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5455molatore is molatore" ; rdfs:label " molatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5456molazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5456molazzatore is molazzatore" ; rdfs:label " molazzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5457molestatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5457molestatore is molestatore" ; rdfs:label " molestatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5458molitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5458molitore is molitore" ; rdfs:label " molitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5459molitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5459molitore is molitore" ; rdfs:label " molitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5460mondatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5460mondatore is mondatore" ; rdfs:label " mondatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5461monocromatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5461monocromatore is monocromatore" ; rdfs:label " monocromatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5462monomotore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5462monomotore is monomotore" ; rdfs:label " monomotore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH5463monoreattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5463monoreattore is monoreattore" ; rdfs:label " monoreattore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH5464moralizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5464moralizzatore is moralizzatore" ; rdfs:label " moralizzatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5465morditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5465morditore is morditore" ; rdfs:label " morditore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5466mormoratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5466mormoratore is mormoratore" ; rdfs:label " mormoratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5467mortasatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5467mortasatore is mortasatore" ; rdfs:label " mortasatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5468mortificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5468mortificatore is mortificatore" ; rdfs:label " mortificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5469mostratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5469mostratore is mostratore" ; rdfs:label " mostratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5470motoaratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5470motoaratore is motoaratore" ; rdfs:label " motoaratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5471motocoltivatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5471motocoltivatore is motocoltivatore" ; rdfs:label " motocoltivatore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH5472motoreattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5472motoreattore is motoreattore" ; rdfs:label " motoreattore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5473motteggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5473motteggiatore is motteggiatore" ; rdfs:label " motteggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5474mozzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5474mozzatore is mozzatore" ; rdfs:label " mozzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5475multivibratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5475multivibratore is multivibratore" ; rdfs:label " multivibratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5476mummificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5476mummificatore is mummificatore" ; rdfs:label " mummificatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5477mungitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5477mungitore is mungitore" ; rdfs:label " mungitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5478mutatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5478mutatore is mutatore" ; rdfs:label " mutatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5479mutatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5479mutatore is mutatore" ; rdfs:label " mutatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5480mutilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5480mutilatore is mutilatore" ; rdfs:label " mutilatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5481nasconditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5481nasconditore is nasconditore" ; rdfs:label " nasconditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5482negatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5482negatore is negatore" ; rdfs:label " negatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5483nerbatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5483nerbatore is nerbatore" ; rdfs:label " nerbatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5484nestore simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5484nestore is nestore" ; rdfs:label " nestore_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH5485nettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5485nettatore is nettatore" ; rdfs:label " nettatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5486neuromediatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5486neuromediatore is neuromediatore" ; rdfs:label " neuromediatore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH5487nichelatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5487nichelatore is nichelatore" ; rdfs:label " nichelatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5488niellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5488niellatore is niellatore" ; rdfs:label " niellatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5489nitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5489nitore is nitore" ; rdfs:label " nitore_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH5490nitratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5490nitratore is nitratore" ; rdfs:label " nitratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5491nitratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5491nitratore is nitratore" ; rdfs:label " nitratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5492nocicettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5492nocicettore is nocicettore" ; rdfs:label " nocicettore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH5493nocitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5493nocitore is nocitore" ; rdfs:label " nocitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5494nomenclatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5494nomenclatore is nomenclatore" ; rdfs:label " nomenclatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5495nominatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5495nominatore is nominatore" ; rdfs:label " nominatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5496notatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5496notatore is notatore" ; rdfs:label " notatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5497notificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5497notificatore is notificatore" ; rdfs:label " notificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5498novatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5498novatore is novatore" ; rdfs:label " novatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5499novellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5499novellatore is novellatore" ; rdfs:label " novellatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5500novellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5500novellatore is novellatore" ; rdfs:label " novellatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5501nutritore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5501nutritore is nutritore" ; rdfs:label " nutritore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5502nutritore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5502nutritore is nutritore" ; rdfs:label " nutritore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5503obbiettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5503obbiettore is obbiettore" ; rdfs:label " obbiettore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5504oblatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5504oblatore is oblatore" ; rdfs:label " oblatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5505occultatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5505occultatore is occultatore" ; rdfs:label " occultatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5506occupatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5506occupatore is occupatore" ; rdfs:label " occupatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5507odiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5507odiatore is odiatore" ; rdfs:label " odiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5508offenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5508offenditore is offenditore" ; rdfs:label " offenditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5509officiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5509officiatore is officiatore" ; rdfs:label " officiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5510offuscatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5510offuscatore is offuscatore" ; rdfs:label " offuscatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5511oleatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5511oleatore is oleatore" ; rdfs:label " oleatore_as_Container" . inds:USemTH5512oleatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5512oleatore is oleatore" ; rdfs:label " oleatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5513oleicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5513oleicoltore is oleicoltore" ; rdfs:label " oleicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5514oliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5514oliatore is oliatore" ; rdfs:label " oliatore_as_Container" . inds:USemTH5515oliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5515oliatore is oliatore" ; rdfs:label " oliatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5516olivicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5516olivicoltore is olivicoltore" ; rdfs:label " olivicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5517oltraggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5517oltraggiatore is oltraggiatore" ; rdfs:label " oltraggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5518omogeneizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5518omogeneizzatore is omogeneizzatore" ; rdfs:label " omogeneizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5519omogenizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5519omogenizzatore is omogenizzatore" ; rdfs:label " omogenizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5520ondulatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5520ondulatore is ondulatore" ; rdfs:label " ondulatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5521opinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5521opinatore is opinatore" ; rdfs:label " opinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5522oppugnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5522oppugnatore is oppugnatore" ; rdfs:label " oppugnatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5523ordinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5523ordinatore is ordinatore" ; rdfs:label " ordinatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5524ordinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5524ordinatore is ordinatore" ; rdfs:label " ordinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5525ordinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5525ordinatore is ordinatore" ; rdfs:label " ordinatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5526ornatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5526ornatore is ornatore" ; rdfs:label " ornatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5527orticoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5527orticoltore is orticoltore" ; rdfs:label " orticoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5528orticultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5528orticultore is orticultore" ; rdfs:label " orticultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5529ortifrutticultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5529ortifrutticultore is ortifrutticultore" ; rdfs:label " ortifrutticultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5530ortofrutticoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5530ortofrutticoltore is ortofrutticoltore" ; rdfs:label " ortofrutticoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5531ortofrutticultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5531ortofrutticultore is ortofrutticultore" ; rdfs:label " ortofrutticultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5532oscillatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5532oscillatore is oscillatore" ; rdfs:label " oscillatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5533oscuratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5533oscuratore is oscuratore" ; rdfs:label " oscuratore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH5534oscuratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5534oscuratore is oscuratore" ; rdfs:label " oscuratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5535ossigenatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5535ossigenatore is ossigenatore" ; rdfs:label " ossigenatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5536osteggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5536osteggiatore is osteggiatore" ; rdfs:label " osteggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5537ostentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5537ostentatore is ostentatore" ; rdfs:label " ostentatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5538ostricoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5538ostricoltore is ostricoltore" ; rdfs:label " ostricoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5539otturatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5539otturatore is otturatore" ; rdfs:label " otturatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5540otturatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5540otturatore is otturatore" ; rdfs:label " otturatore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH5541ovopositore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5541ovopositore is ovopositore" ; rdfs:label " ovopositore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH5542ozonizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5542ozonizzatore is ozonizzatore" ; rdfs:label " ozonizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5543pagatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5543pagatore is pagatore" ; rdfs:label " pagatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5544palesatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5544palesatore is palesatore" ; rdfs:label " palesatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5545palleggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5545palleggiatore is palleggiatore" ; rdfs:label " palleggiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5546palleggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5546palleggiatore is palleggiatore" ; rdfs:label " palleggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5547palpatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5547palpatore is palpatore" ; rdfs:label " palpatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5548pantocratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5548pantocratore is pantocratore" ; rdfs:label " pantocratore_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH5549pappatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5549pappatore is pappatore" ; rdfs:label " pappatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5550paratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5550paratore is paratore" ; rdfs:label " paratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5551pareggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5551pareggiatore is pareggiatore" ; rdfs:label " pareggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5552parlamentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5552parlamentatore is parlamentatore" ; rdfs:label " parlamentatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5553partecipatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5553partecipatore is partecipatore" ; rdfs:label " partecipatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5554parteggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5554parteggiatore is parteggiatore" ; rdfs:label " parteggiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5555partitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5555partitore is partitore" ; rdfs:label " partitore_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH5556partitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5556partitore is partitore" ; rdfs:label " partitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5557parzializzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5557parzializzatore is parzializzatore" ; rdfs:label " parzializzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5558passatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5558passatore is passatore" ; rdfs:label " passatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5559passatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5559passatore is passatore" ; rdfs:label " passatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5560passeggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5560passeggiatore is passeggiatore" ; rdfs:label " passeggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5561pasteurizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5561pasteurizzatore is pasteurizzatore" ; rdfs:label " pasteurizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5562pasteurizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5562pasteurizzatore is pasteurizzatore" ; rdfs:label " pasteurizzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5563pastificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5563pastificatore is pastificatore" ; rdfs:label " pastificatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5564pastorizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5564pastorizzatore is pastorizzatore" ; rdfs:label " pastorizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5565pastorizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5565pastorizzatore is pastorizzatore" ; rdfs:label " pastorizzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5566pataticoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5566pataticoltore is pataticoltore" ; rdfs:label " pataticoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5567patinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5567patinatore is patinatore" ; rdfs:label " patinatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5568patrocinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5568patrocinatore is patrocinatore" ; rdfs:label " patrocinatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5569patteggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5569patteggiatore is patteggiatore" ; rdfs:label " patteggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5570pattinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5570pattinatore is pattinatore" ; rdfs:label " pattinatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5571pattugliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5571pattugliatore is pattugliatore" ; rdfs:label " pattugliatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5572pavimentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5572pavimentatore is pavimentatore" ; rdfs:label " pavimentatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5573pedalatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5573pedalatore is pedalatore" ; rdfs:label " pedalatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5574peggioratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5574peggioratore is peggioratore" ; rdfs:label " peggioratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5575pelatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5575pelatore is pelatore" ; rdfs:label " pelatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5576penetratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5576penetratore is penetratore" ; rdfs:label " penetratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5577pennelleggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5577pennelleggiatore is pennelleggiatore" ; rdfs:label " pennelleggiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5578percotitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5578percotitore is percotitore" ; rdfs:label " percotitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5579percuotitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5579percuotitore is percuotitore" ; rdfs:label " percuotitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5580perditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5580perditore is perditore" ; rdfs:label " perditore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5581perdonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5581perdonatore is perdonatore" ; rdfs:label " perdonatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5582perfezionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5582perfezionatore is perfezionatore" ; rdfs:label " perfezionatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5583perforatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5583perforatore is perforatore" ; rdfs:label " perforatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5584perforatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5584perforatore is perforatore" ; rdfs:label " perforatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5585periziatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5585periziatore is periziatore" ; rdfs:label " periziatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5586perlustratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5586perlustratore is perlustratore" ; rdfs:label " perlustratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5587permeatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5587permeatore is permeatore" ; rdfs:label " permeatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5588permutatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5588permutatore is permutatore" ; rdfs:label " permutatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5589perpetratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5589perpetratore is perpetratore" ; rdfs:label " perpetratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5590perpetuatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5590perpetuatore is perpetuatore" ; rdfs:label " perpetuatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5591persuaditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5591persuaditore is persuaditore" ; rdfs:label " persuaditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5592perturbatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5592perturbatore is perturbatore" ; rdfs:label " perturbatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5593pervertitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5593pervertitore is pervertitore" ; rdfs:label " pervertitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5594pesatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5594pesatore is pesatore" ; rdfs:label " pesatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5595peschicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5595peschicoltore is peschicoltore" ; rdfs:label " peschicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5596pescicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5596pescicoltore is pescicoltore" ; rdfs:label " pescicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5597pestatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5597pestatore is pestatore" ; rdfs:label " pestatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5598piaggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5598piaggiatore is piaggiatore" ; rdfs:label " piaggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5599piangitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5599piangitore is piangitore" ; rdfs:label " piangitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5600picchettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5600picchettatore is picchettatore" ; rdfs:label " picchettatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5601piegatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5601piegatore is piegatore" ; rdfs:label " piegatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5602piegatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5602piegatore is piegatore" ; rdfs:label " piegatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5603pieghettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5603pieghettatore is pieghettatore" ; rdfs:label " pieghettatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5604piezooscillatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5604piezooscillatore is piezooscillatore" ; rdfs:label " piezooscillatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5605pigiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5605pigiatore is pigiatore" ; rdfs:label " pigiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5606piluccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5606piluccatore is piluccatore" ; rdfs:label " piluccatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5607pioppicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5607pioppicoltore is pioppicoltore" ; rdfs:label " pioppicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5608pipatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5608pipatore is pipatore" ; rdfs:label " pipatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5609piscicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5609piscicoltore is piscicoltore" ; rdfs:label " piscicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5610pistore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5610pistore is pistore" ; rdfs:label " pistore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5611placatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5611placatore is placatore" ; rdfs:label " placatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5612plasmatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5612plasmatore is plasmatore" ; rdfs:label " plasmatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5613plasticatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5613plasticatore is plasticatore" ; rdfs:label " plasticatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5614plurimotore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5614plurimotore is plurimotore" ; rdfs:label " plurimotore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH5615plurireattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5615plurireattore is plurireattore" ; rdfs:label " plurireattore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH5616pollicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5616pollicoltore is pollicoltore" ; rdfs:label " pollicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5617pollicultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5617pollicultore is pollicultore" ; rdfs:label " pollicultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5618polverizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5618polverizzatore is polverizzatore" ; rdfs:label " polverizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5619pomicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5619pomicoltore is pomicoltore" ; rdfs:label " pomicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5620pomicultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5620pomicultore is pomicultore" ; rdfs:label " pomicultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5621ponderatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5621ponderatore is ponderatore" ; rdfs:label " ponderatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5622pontatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5622pontatore is pontatore" ; rdfs:label " pontatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5623ponteggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5623ponteggiatore is ponteggiatore" ; rdfs:label " ponteggiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5624ponzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5624ponzatore is ponzatore" ; rdfs:label " ponzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5625popolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5625popolatore is popolatore" ; rdfs:label " popolatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5626poppatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5626poppatore is poppatore" ; rdfs:label " poppatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5627porgitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5627porgitore is porgitore" ; rdfs:label " porgitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5628posatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5628posatore is posatore" ; rdfs:label " posatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5629posseditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5629posseditore is posseditore" ; rdfs:label " posseditore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5630postbruciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5630postbruciatore is postbruciatore" ; rdfs:label " postbruciatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5631posteggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5631posteggiatore is posteggiatore" ; rdfs:label " posteggiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5632postillatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5632postillatore is postillatore" ; rdfs:label " postillatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5633postulatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5633postulatore is postulatore" ; rdfs:label " postulatore_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH5634potatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5634potatore is potatore" ; rdfs:label " potatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5635preannunziatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5635preannunziatore is preannunziatore" ; rdfs:label " preannunziatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5636precipitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5636precipitatore is precipitatore" ; rdfs:label " precipitatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5637preconizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5637preconizzatore is preconizzatore" ; rdfs:label " preconizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5638precorritore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5638precorritore is precorritore" ; rdfs:label " precorritore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5639predicitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5639predicitore is predicitore" ; rdfs:label " predicitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5640prefatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5640prefatore is prefatore" ; rdfs:label " prefatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5641pregatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5641pregatore is pregatore" ; rdfs:label " pregatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5642pregiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5642pregiatore is pregiatore" ; rdfs:label " pregiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5643pregustatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5643pregustatore is pregustatore" ; rdfs:label " pregustatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5644premiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5644premiatore is premiatore" ; rdfs:label " premiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5645premonitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5645premonitore is premonitore" ; rdfs:label " premonitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5646prenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5646prenditore is prenditore" ; rdfs:label " prenditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5647prenunziatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5647prenunziatore is prenunziatore" ; rdfs:label " prenunziatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5648preparatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5648preparatore is preparatore" ; rdfs:label " preparatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5649preriscaldatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5649preriscaldatore is preriscaldatore" ; rdfs:label " preriscaldatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5650preservatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5650preservatore is preservatore" ; rdfs:label " preservatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5651pressatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5651pressatore is pressatore" ; rdfs:label " pressatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5652pressofonditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5652pressofonditore is pressofonditore" ; rdfs:label " pressofonditore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5653pressurizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5653pressurizzatore is pressurizzatore" ; rdfs:label " pressurizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5654prestidigitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5654prestidigitatore is prestidigitatore" ; rdfs:label " prestidigitatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5655primogenitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5655primogenitore is primogenitore" ; rdfs:label " primogenitore_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH5656principiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5656principiatore is principiatore" ; rdfs:label " principiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5657privatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5657privatore is privatore" ; rdfs:label " privatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5658procacciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5658procacciatore is procacciatore" ; rdfs:label " procacciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5659proclamatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5659proclamatore is proclamatore" ; rdfs:label " proclamatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5660procrastinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5660procrastinatore is procrastinatore" ; rdfs:label " procrastinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5661procreatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Kinship, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5661procreatore is procreatore" ; rdfs:label " procreatore_as_Kinship" . inds:USemTH5662prodittatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5662prodittatore is prodittatore" ; rdfs:label " prodittatore_as_Role" . inds:USemTH5663profanatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5663profanatore is profanatore" ; rdfs:label " profanatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5664proferitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5664proferitore is proferitore" ; rdfs:label " proferitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5665profferitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5665profferitore is profferitore" ; rdfs:label " profferitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5666profonditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5666profonditore is profonditore" ; rdfs:label " profonditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5668proibitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5668proibitore is proibitore" ; rdfs:label " proibitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5669proiettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5669proiettatore is proiettatore" ; rdfs:label " proiettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5670prolungatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5670prolungatore is prolungatore" ; rdfs:label " prolungatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5671promettitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5671promettitore is promettitore" ; rdfs:label " promettitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5672promovitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5672promovitore is promovitore" ; rdfs:label " promovitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5673promulgatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5673promulgatore is promulgatore" ; rdfs:label " promulgatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5674pronatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5674pronatore is pronatore" ; rdfs:label " pronatore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH5675pronosticatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5675pronosticatore is pronosticatore" ; rdfs:label " pronosticatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5676pronunziatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5676pronunziatore is pronunziatore" ; rdfs:label " pronunziatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5677propalatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5677propalatore is propalatore" ; rdfs:label " propalatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5678propecettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5678propecettore is propecettore" ; rdfs:label " propecettore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH5679propinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5679propinatore is propinatore" ; rdfs:label " propinatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5680propiziatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5680propiziatore is propiziatore" ; rdfs:label " propiziatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5681proponitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5681proponitore is proponitore" ; rdfs:label " proponitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5682proporzionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5682proporzionatore is proporzionatore" ; rdfs:label " proporzionatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5683propriocettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5683propriocettore is propriocettore" ; rdfs:label " propriocettore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH5684propugnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5684propugnatore is propugnatore" ; rdfs:label " propugnatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5685propulsatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5685propulsatore is propulsatore" ; rdfs:label " propulsatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5686proquestore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5686proquestore is proquestore" ; rdfs:label " proquestore_as_Role" . inds:USemTH5687proscioglitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5687proscioglitore is proscioglitore" ; rdfs:label " proscioglitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5688proscrittore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5688proscrittore is proscrittore" ; rdfs:label " proscrittore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5689prosettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5689prosettore is prosettore" ; rdfs:label " prosettore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5690prospettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5690prospettore is prospettore" ; rdfs:label " prospettore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5691proteggitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5691proteggitore is proteggitore" ; rdfs:label " proteggitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5692protestatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5692protestatore is protestatore" ; rdfs:label " protestatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5693protutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5693protutore is protutore" ; rdfs:label " protutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5694provatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5694provatore is provatore" ; rdfs:label " provatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5695pubblicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5695pubblicatore is pubblicatore" ; rdfs:label " pubblicatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5696puericultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5696puericultore is puericultore" ; rdfs:label " puericultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5697pugilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5697pugilatore is pugilatore" ; rdfs:label " pugilatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5698pugnalatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5698pugnalatore is pugnalatore" ; rdfs:label " pugnalatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5699pugnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5699pugnatore is pugnatore" ; rdfs:label " pugnatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5700pulimentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5700pulimentatore is pulimentatore" ; rdfs:label " pulimentatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5701pulsatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5701pulsatore is pulsatore" ; rdfs:label " pulsatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5702pulsoreattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5702pulsoreattore is pulsoreattore" ; rdfs:label " pulsoreattore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5703pungitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5703pungitore is pungitore" ; rdfs:label " pungitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5704punitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5704punitore is punitore" ; rdfs:label " punitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5705punteggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5705punteggiatore is punteggiatore" ; rdfs:label " punteggiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5706puntizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5706puntizzatore is puntizzatore" ; rdfs:label " puntizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5707punzonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5707punzonatore is punzonatore" ; rdfs:label " punzonatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5708purgatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5708purgatore is purgatore" ; rdfs:label " purgatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5709purificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5709purificatore is purificatore" ; rdfs:label " purificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5710quadratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5710quadratore is quadratore" ; rdfs:label " quadratore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5711quadrireattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5711quadrireattore is quadrireattore" ; rdfs:label " quadrireattore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH5712quadruplatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5712quadruplatore is quadruplatore" ; rdfs:label " quadruplatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5713qualificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5713qualificatore is qualificatore" ; rdfs:label " qualificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5714questionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5714questionatore is questionatore" ; rdfs:label " questionatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5715quidernatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5715quidernatore is quidernatore" ; rdfs:label " quidernatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5716rabberciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5716rabberciatore is rabberciatore" ; rdfs:label " rabberciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5717raccattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5717raccattatore is raccattatore" ; rdfs:label " raccattatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5718raccomandatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5718raccomandatore is raccomandatore" ; rdfs:label " raccomandatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5719raccomodatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5719raccomodatore is raccomodatore" ; rdfs:label " raccomodatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5720racconciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5720racconciatore is racconciatore" ; rdfs:label " racconciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5721raccontatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5721raccontatore is raccontatore" ; rdfs:label " raccontatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5722raccordatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5722raccordatore is raccordatore" ; rdfs:label " raccordatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5723racimolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5723racimolatore is racimolatore" ; rdfs:label " racimolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5724raddensatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5724raddensatore is raddensatore" ; rdfs:label " raddensatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5725raddrizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5725raddrizzatore is raddrizzatore" ; rdfs:label " raddrizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5726radioamatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5726radioamatore is radioamatore" ; rdfs:label " radioamatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5727radioauditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5727radioauditore is radioauditore" ; rdfs:label " radioauditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5728radioindicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5728radioindicatore is radioindicatore" ; rdfs:label " radioindicatore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH5729radiolocalizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5729radiolocalizzatore is radiolocalizzatore" ; rdfs:label " radiolocalizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5730radioprotettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5730radioprotettore is radioprotettore" ; rdfs:label " radioprotettore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH5731radioregistratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5731radioregistratore is radioregistratore" ; rdfs:label " radioregistratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5732radioricevitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5732radioricevitore is radioricevitore" ; rdfs:label " radioricevitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5733radioriparatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5733radioriparatore is radioriparatore" ; rdfs:label " radioriparatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5734radiosegnalatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5734radiosegnalatore is radiosegnalatore" ; rdfs:label " radiosegnalatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5735radiotrasmettitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5735radiotrasmettitore is radiotrasmettitore" ; rdfs:label " radiotrasmettitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5736radunatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5736radunatore is radunatore" ; rdfs:label " radunatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5737raffazzonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5737raffazzonatore is raffazzonatore" ; rdfs:label " raffazzonatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5738raffermatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5738raffermatore is raffermatore" ; rdfs:label " raffermatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5739raffinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5739raffinatore is raffinatore" ; rdfs:label " raffinatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5740raffinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5740raffinatore is raffinatore" ; rdfs:label " raffinatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5741raffreddatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5741raffreddatore is raffreddatore" ; rdfs:label " raffreddatore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH5742raffrenatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5742raffrenatore is raffrenatore" ; rdfs:label " raffrenatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5743raffrontatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5743raffrontatore is raffrontatore" ; rdfs:label " raffrontatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5744raggiratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5744raggiratore is raggiratore" ; rdfs:label " raggiratore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5745ragguagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5745ragguagliatore is ragguagliatore" ; rdfs:label " ragguagliatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5746ragionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5746ragionatore is ragionatore" ; rdfs:label " ragionatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5747ragliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5747ragliatore is ragliatore" ; rdfs:label " ragliatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5748rallegratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5748rallegratore is rallegratore" ; rdfs:label " rallegratore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5749rammendatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5749rammendatore is rammendatore" ; rdfs:label " rammendatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5750rammentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5750rammentatore is rammentatore" ; rdfs:label " rammentatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5751rammentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5751rammentatore is rammentatore" ; rdfs:label " rammentatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5752rampicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5752rampicatore is rampicatore" ; rdfs:label " rampicatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5753ranghinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5753ranghinatore is ranghinatore" ; rdfs:label " ranghinatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5754rappezzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5754rappezzatore is rappezzatore" ; rdfs:label " rappezzatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5755rappresentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5755rappresentatore is rappresentatore" ; rdfs:label " rappresentatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5756rasatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5756rasatore is rasatore" ; rdfs:label " rasatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5757raschiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5757raschiatore is raschiatore" ; rdfs:label " raschiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5758rassegnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5758rassegnatore is rassegnatore" ; rdfs:label " rassegnatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5759rasserenatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5759rasserenatore is rasserenatore" ; rdfs:label " rasserenatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5760rassettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5760rassettatore is rassettatore" ; rdfs:label " rassettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5761rassicuratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5761rassicuratore is rassicuratore" ; rdfs:label " rassicuratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5762rassodatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5762rassodatore is rassodatore" ; rdfs:label " rassodatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5763ratificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5763ratificatore is ratificatore" ; rdfs:label " ratificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5764rattoppatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5764rattoppatore is rattoppatore" ; rdfs:label " rattoppatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5765ravagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5765ravagliatore is ravagliatore" ; rdfs:label " ravagliatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5766raviolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5766raviolatore is raviolatore" ; rdfs:label " raviolatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5767ravvivatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5767ravvivatore is ravvivatore" ; rdfs:label " ravvivatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5768ravvolgitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5768ravvolgitore is ravvolgitore" ; rdfs:label " ravvolgitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5769raziocinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5769raziocinatore is raziocinatore" ; rdfs:label " raziocinatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5770razzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5770razzatore is razzatore" ; rdfs:label " razzatore_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH5771razziatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5771razziatore is razziatore" ; rdfs:label " razziatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5772recitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5772recitatore is recitatore" ; rdfs:label " recitatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5773reclutatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5773reclutatore is reclutatore" ; rdfs:label " reclutatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5774recriminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5774recriminatore is recriminatore" ; rdfs:label " recriminatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5775reggitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5775reggitore is reggitore" ; rdfs:label " reggitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5776regnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Social_status, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5776regnatore is regnatore" ; rdfs:label " regnatore_as_Social_status" . inds:USemTH5777reintegratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5777reintegratore is reintegratore" ; rdfs:label " reintegratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5778relegatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5778relegatore is relegatore" ; rdfs:label " relegatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5779rematore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5779rematore is rematore" ; rdfs:label " rematore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5780remigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5780remigatore is remigatore" ; rdfs:label " remigatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5781renditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5781renditore is renditore" ; rdfs:label " renditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5782resistore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5782resistore is resistore" ; rdfs:label " resistore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH5783restitutore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5783restitutore is restitutore" ; rdfs:label " restitutore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5784restitutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5784restitutore is restitutore" ; rdfs:label " restitutore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5785restringitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5785restringitore is restringitore" ; rdfs:label " restringitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5786retributore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5786retributore is retributore" ; rdfs:label " retributore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5787rettificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5787rettificatore is rettificatore" ; rdfs:label " rettificatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5788rettificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5788rettificatore is rettificatore" ; rdfs:label " rettificatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5789revocatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5789revocatore is revocatore" ; rdfs:label " revocatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5790riappaltatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5790riappaltatore is riappaltatore" ; rdfs:label " riappaltatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5791riassicuratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5791riassicuratore is riassicuratore" ; rdfs:label " riassicuratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5792ribattitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5792ribattitore is ribattitore" ; rdfs:label " ribattitore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5793ricamatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5793ricamatore is ricamatore" ; rdfs:label " ricamatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5794ricettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5794ricettatore is ricettatore" ; rdfs:label " ricettatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5795richieditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5795richieditore is richieditore" ; rdfs:label " richieditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5796riciclatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5796riciclatore is riciclatore" ; rdfs:label " riciclatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5797ricognitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5797ricognitore is ricognitore" ; rdfs:label " ricognitore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH5798ricognitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5798ricognitore is ricognitore" ; rdfs:label " ricognitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5799ricompensatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5799ricompensatore is ricompensatore" ; rdfs:label " ricompensatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5800ricompratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5800ricompratore is ricompratore" ; rdfs:label " ricompratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5801riconciliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5801riconciliatore is riconciliatore" ; rdfs:label " riconciliatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5802riconduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5802riconduttore is riconduttore" ; rdfs:label " riconduttore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5803riconfortatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5803riconfortatore is riconfortatore" ; rdfs:label " riconfortatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5804riconoscitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5804riconoscitore is riconoscitore" ; rdfs:label " riconoscitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5805riconsolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5805riconsolatore is riconsolatore" ; rdfs:label " riconsolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5806ricopiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5806ricopiatore is ricopiatore" ; rdfs:label " ricopiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5807ricopritore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5807ricopritore is ricopritore" ; rdfs:label " ricopritore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5808ricordatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5808ricordatore is ricordatore" ; rdfs:label " ricordatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5809ricorrettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5809ricorrettore is ricorrettore" ; rdfs:label " ricorrettore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5810ricostruttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5810ricostruttore is ricostruttore" ; rdfs:label " ricostruttore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5811ricoveratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5811ricoveratore is ricoveratore" ; rdfs:label " ricoveratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5812ricreatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5812ricreatore is ricreatore" ; rdfs:label " ricreatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5813ricucitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5813ricucitore is ricucitore" ; rdfs:label " ricucitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5814ricuperatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5814ricuperatore is ricuperatore" ; rdfs:label " ricuperatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5815ricuperatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5815ricuperatore is ricuperatore" ; rdfs:label " ricuperatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5816ridicitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5816ridicitore is ridicitore" ; rdfs:label " ridicitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5817ridonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5817ridonatore is ridonatore" ; rdfs:label " ridonatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5818riedificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5818riedificatore is riedificatore" ; rdfs:label " riedificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5819riempitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5819riempitore is riempitore" ; rdfs:label " riempitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5820riempitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5820riempitore is riempitore" ; rdfs:label " riempitore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH5821riempitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5821riempitore is riempitore" ; rdfs:label " riempitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5822rifacitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5822rifacitore is rifacitore" ; rdfs:label " rifacitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5823rifasatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5823rifasatore is rifasatore" ; rdfs:label " rifasatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5824rifilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5824rifilatore is rifilatore" ; rdfs:label " rifilatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5825rifinitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5825rifinitore is rifinitore" ; rdfs:label " rifinitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5826rifiutatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5826rifiutatore is rifiutatore" ; rdfs:label " rifiutatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5827rifondatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Ideo, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5827rifondatore is rifondatore" ; rdfs:label " rifondatore_as_Ideo" . inds:USemTH5828rifonditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5828rifonditore is rifonditore" ; rdfs:label " rifonditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5829rifornitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5829rifornitore is rifornitore" ; rdfs:label " rifornitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5830rifrattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5830rifrattore is rifrattore" ; rdfs:label " rifrattore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5831rifriggitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5831rifriggitore is rifriggitore" ; rdfs:label " rifriggitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5832rifrustatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5832rifrustatore is rifrustatore" ; rdfs:label " rifrustatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5833rigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5833rigatore is rigatore" ; rdfs:label " rigatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5834rigatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5834rigatore is rigatore" ; rdfs:label " rigatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5835rigiratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5835rigiratore is rigiratore" ; rdfs:label " rigiratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5836riguardatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5836riguardatore is riguardatore" ; rdfs:label " riguardatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5837rimatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5837rimatore is rimatore" ; rdfs:label " rimatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5838rimbrottatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5838rimbrottatore is rimbrottatore" ; rdfs:label " rimbrottatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5839rimediatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5839rimediatore is rimediatore" ; rdfs:label " rimediatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5840rimestatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5840rimestatore is rimestatore" ; rdfs:label " rimestatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5841rimettitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5841rimettitore is rimettitore" ; rdfs:label " rimettitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5842rimettitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5842rimettitore is rimettitore" ; rdfs:label " rimettitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5843rimodernatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5843rimodernatore is rimodernatore" ; rdfs:label " rimodernatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5844rimondatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5844rimondatore is rimondatore" ; rdfs:label " rimondatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5845rimpagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5845rimpagliatore is rimpagliatore" ; rdfs:label " rimpagliatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5846rimpiastratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5846rimpiastratore is rimpiastratore" ; rdfs:label " rimpiastratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5847rimproveratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5847rimproveratore is rimproveratore" ; rdfs:label " rimproveratore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5848rimuneratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5848rimuneratore is rimuneratore" ; rdfs:label " rimuneratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5849rincalzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5849rincalzatore is rincalzatore" ; rdfs:label " rincalzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5850rincalzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5850rincalzatore is rincalzatore" ; rdfs:label " rincalzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5851rinettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5851rinettatore is rinettatore" ; rdfs:label " rinettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5852rinnegatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5852rinnegatore is rinnegatore" ; rdfs:label " rinnegatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5853rinnovellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5853rinnovellatore is rinnovellatore" ; rdfs:label " rinnovellatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5854rintracciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5854rintracciatore is rintracciatore" ; rdfs:label " rintracciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5855rinunciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5855rinunciatore is rinunciatore" ; rdfs:label " rinunciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5856rinunziatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5856rinunziatore is rinunziatore" ; rdfs:label " rinunziatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5857rinvenitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5857rinvenitore is rinvenitore" ; rdfs:label " rinvenitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5858riordinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5858riordinatore is riordinatore" ; rdfs:label " riordinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5859riorganizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5859riorganizzatore is riorganizzatore" ; rdfs:label " riorganizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5860ripartitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5860ripartitore is ripartitore" ; rdfs:label " ripartitore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH5861ripartitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5861ripartitore is ripartitore" ; rdfs:label " ripartitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5862ripassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5862ripassatore is ripassatore" ; rdfs:label " ripassatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5863ripescatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5863ripescatore is ripescatore" ; rdfs:label " ripescatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5864riportatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5864riportatore is riportatore" ; rdfs:label " riportatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5865riportatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5865riportatore is riportatore" ; rdfs:label " riportatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5866riprenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5866riprenditore is riprenditore" ; rdfs:label " riprenditore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5867ripresentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5867ripresentatore is ripresentatore" ; rdfs:label " ripresentatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5868ripristinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5868ripristinatore is ripristinatore" ; rdfs:label " ripristinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5869riproduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5869riproduttore is riproduttore" ; rdfs:label " riproduttore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5870riproduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5870riproduttore is riproduttore" ; rdfs:label " riproduttore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5871riproduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5871riproduttore is riproduttore" ; rdfs:label " riproduttore_as_Animal" . inds:USemTH5872riprovatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5872riprovatore is riprovatore" ; rdfs:label " riprovatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5873ripudiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5873ripudiatore is ripudiatore" ; rdfs:label " ripudiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5874ripulitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5874ripulitore is ripulitore" ; rdfs:label " ripulitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5875ripuntatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5875ripuntatore is ripuntatore" ; rdfs:label " ripuntatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5876riquadratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5876riquadratore is riquadratore" ; rdfs:label " riquadratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5877risanatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5877risanatore is risanatore" ; rdfs:label " risanatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5878riscaldatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5878riscaldatore is riscaldatore" ; rdfs:label " riscaldatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5879riscaldatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5879riscaldatore is riscaldatore" ; rdfs:label " riscaldatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5880riscattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5880riscattatore is riscattatore" ; rdfs:label " riscattatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5881rischiaratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5881rischiaratore is rischiaratore" ; rdfs:label " rischiaratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5882risciacquatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5882risciacquatore is risciacquatore" ; rdfs:label " risciacquatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5883riscontratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5883riscontratore is riscontratore" ; rdfs:label " riscontratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5884riscotitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5884riscotitore is riscotitore" ; rdfs:label " riscotitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5885riscuotitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5885riscuotitore is riscuotitore" ; rdfs:label " riscuotitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5886riservatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5886riservatore is riservatore" ; rdfs:label " riservatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5887risicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5887risicoltore is risicoltore" ; rdfs:label " risicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5888risicultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5888risicultore is risicultore" ; rdfs:label " risicultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5889risolutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5889risolutore is risolutore" ; rdfs:label " risolutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5890risonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5890risonatore is risonatore" ; rdfs:label " risonatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5891rispigolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5891rispigolatore is rispigolatore" ; rdfs:label " rispigolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5892risponditore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5892risponditore is risponditore" ; rdfs:label " risponditore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5893risponditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5893risponditore is risponditore" ; rdfs:label " risponditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5894rissatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5894rissatore is rissatore" ; rdfs:label " rissatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5895ristampatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5895ristampatore is ristampatore" ; rdfs:label " ristampatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5896risuscitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5896risuscitatore is risuscitatore" ; rdfs:label " risuscitatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5897ritagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5897ritagliatore is ritagliatore" ; rdfs:label " ritagliatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5898ritardatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5898ritardatore is ritardatore" ; rdfs:label " ritardatore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH5899ritardatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5899ritardatore is ritardatore" ; rdfs:label " ritardatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5900ritardatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5900ritardatore is ritardatore" ; rdfs:label " ritardatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5901ritenitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5901ritenitore is ritenitore" ; rdfs:label " ritenitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5902ritoccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5902ritoccatore is ritoccatore" ; rdfs:label " ritoccatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5903ritoglitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5903ritoglitore is ritoglitore" ; rdfs:label " ritoglitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5904ritrattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5904ritrattatore is ritrattatore" ; rdfs:label " ritrattatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5905ritrovatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5905ritrovatore is ritrovatore" ; rdfs:label " ritrovatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5906riunitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5906riunitore is riunitore" ; rdfs:label " riunitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5907riveditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5907riveditore is riveditore" ; rdfs:label " riveditore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5908rivelatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5908rivelatore is rivelatore" ; rdfs:label " rivelatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5909rivelatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5909rivelatore is rivelatore" ; rdfs:label " rivelatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5910rivendicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5910rivendicatore is rivendicatore" ; rdfs:label " rivendicatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5911riveritore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5911riveritore is riveritore" ; rdfs:label " riveritore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5912rivestitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5912rivestitore is rivestitore" ; rdfs:label " rivestitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5913rivoltatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5913rivoltatore is rivoltatore" ; rdfs:label " rivoltatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5914rocciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5914rocciatore is rocciatore" ; rdfs:label " rocciatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5915romanzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5915romanzatore is romanzatore" ; rdfs:label " romanzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5916rompitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5916rompitore is rompitore" ; rdfs:label " rompitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5917ronzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5917ronzatore is ronzatore" ; rdfs:label " ronzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5918rosicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5918rosicoltore is rosicoltore" ; rdfs:label " rosicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5919rotatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5919rotatore is rotatore" ; rdfs:label " rotatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5920rovesciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5920rovesciatore is rovesciatore" ; rdfs:label " rovesciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5921rovinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5921rovinatore is rovinatore" ; rdfs:label " rovinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5922rovistatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5922rovistatore is rovistatore" ; rdfs:label " rovistatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5923rubacchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5923rubacchiatore is rubacchiatore" ; rdfs:label " rubacchiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5924rubatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5924rubatore is rubatore" ; rdfs:label " rubatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5925rubricatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5925rubricatore is rubricatore" ; rdfs:label " rubricatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5926rumoreggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5926rumoreggiatore is rumoreggiatore" ; rdfs:label " rumoreggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5927ruspatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5927ruspatore is ruspatore" ; rdfs:label " ruspatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5928ruttatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5928ruttatore is ruttatore" ; rdfs:label " ruttatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5929ruttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5929ruttore is ruttore" ; rdfs:label " ruttore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5930sacrificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5930sacrificatore is sacrificatore" ; rdfs:label " sacrificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5931saettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5931saettatore is saettatore" ; rdfs:label " saettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5932sagomatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5932sagomatore is sagomatore" ; rdfs:label " sagomatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5933salassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5933salassatore is salassatore" ; rdfs:label " salassatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5934salatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5934salatore is salatore" ; rdfs:label " salatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5935salinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5935salinatore is salinatore" ; rdfs:label " salinatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5936salmeggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5936salmeggiatore is salmeggiatore" ; rdfs:label " salmeggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5937saltatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5937saltatore is saltatore" ; rdfs:label " saltatore_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH5938saltatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5938saltatore is saltatore" ; rdfs:label " saltatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5939saltatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5939saltatore is saltatore" ; rdfs:label " saltatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5940salutatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5940salutatore is salutatore" ; rdfs:label " salutatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5942sanatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5942sanatore is sanatore" ; rdfs:label " sanatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5943sanguificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5943sanguificatore is sanguificatore" ; rdfs:label " sanguificatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5944santificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5944santificatore is santificatore" ; rdfs:label " santificatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5945sanzionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5945sanzionatore is sanzionatore" ; rdfs:label " sanzionatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5946saponificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5946saponificatore is saponificatore" ; rdfs:label " saponificatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5947sarchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5947sarchiatore is sarchiatore" ; rdfs:label " sarchiatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5948sarchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5948sarchiatore is sarchiatore" ; rdfs:label " sarchiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5949saturatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5949saturatore is saturatore" ; rdfs:label " saturatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5950sbafatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5950sbafatore is sbafatore" ; rdfs:label " sbafatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5951sbalzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5951sbalzatore is sbalzatore" ; rdfs:label " sbalzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5952sbandieratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5952sbandieratore is sbandieratore" ; rdfs:label " sbandieratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5953sbarbatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5953sbarbatore is sbarbatore" ; rdfs:label " sbarbatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5954sbatacchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5954sbatacchiatore is sbatacchiatore" ; rdfs:label " sbatacchiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH5955sbavatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5955sbavatore is sbavatore" ; rdfs:label " sbavatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5956sbeffatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5956sbeffatore is sbeffatore" ; rdfs:label " sbeffatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5957sbeffeggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5957sbeffeggiatore is sbeffeggiatore" ; rdfs:label " sbeffeggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5958sbevazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5958sbevazzatore is sbevazzatore" ; rdfs:label " sbevazzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5959sbiancatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5959sbiancatore is sbiancatore" ; rdfs:label " sbiancatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5960sbozzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5960sbozzatore is sbozzatore" ; rdfs:label " sbozzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5961sbucciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5961sbucciatore is sbucciatore" ; rdfs:label " sbucciatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5962sbucciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5962sbucciatore is sbucciatore" ; rdfs:label " sbucciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5963sbudellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5963sbudellatore is sbudellatore" ; rdfs:label " sbudellatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5964scacciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5964scacciatore is scacciatore" ; rdfs:label " scacciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5965scagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5965scagliatore is scagliatore" ; rdfs:label " scagliatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5966scaldatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5966scaldatore is scaldatore" ; rdfs:label " scaldatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5967scalpellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5967scalpellatore is scalpellatore" ; rdfs:label " scalpellatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5968scalzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5968scalzatore is scalzatore" ; rdfs:label " scalzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5969scambiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5969scambiatore is scambiatore" ; rdfs:label " scambiatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH5970scambiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5970scambiatore is scambiatore" ; rdfs:label " scambiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5971scamosciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5971scamosciatore is scamosciatore" ; rdfs:label " scamosciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5972scandagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5972scandagliatore is scandagliatore" ; rdfs:label " scandagliatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5973scannatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5973scannatore is scannatore" ; rdfs:label " scannatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5974scarabocchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5974scarabocchiatore is scarabocchiatore" ; rdfs:label " scarabocchiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5975scassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5975scassatore is scassatore" ; rdfs:label " scassatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5976sceglitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5976sceglitore is sceglitore" ; rdfs:label " sceglitore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5977schedatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5977schedatore is schedatore" ; rdfs:label " schedatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5978schermitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5978schermitore is schermitore" ; rdfs:label " schermitore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5980schernitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5980schernitore is schernitore" ; rdfs:label " schernitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5981schettinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5981schettinatore is schettinatore" ; rdfs:label " schettinatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5982schiacciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5982schiacciatore is schiacciatore" ; rdfs:label " schiacciatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5983schiaffeggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5983schiaffeggiatore is schiaffeggiatore" ; rdfs:label " schiaffeggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5984schiamazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5984schiamazzatore is schiamazzatore" ; rdfs:label " schiamazzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5985schiccheratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5985schiccheratore is schiccheratore" ; rdfs:label " schiccheratore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5986sciabolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5986sciabolatore is sciabolatore" ; rdfs:label " sciabolatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH5987scialatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5987scialatore is scialatore" ; rdfs:label " scialatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5988scintillatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5988scintillatore is scintillatore" ; rdfs:label " scintillatore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH5989scioglitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5989scioglitore is scioglitore" ; rdfs:label " scioglitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5990scippatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5990scippatore is scippatore" ; rdfs:label " scippatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5991sciupatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5991sciupatore is sciupatore" ; rdfs:label " sciupatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5992scoiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5992scoiatore is scoiatore" ; rdfs:label " scoiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5994scombiccheratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5994scombiccheratore is scombiccheratore" ; rdfs:label " scombiccheratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5995scommettitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5995scommettitore is scommettitore" ; rdfs:label " scommettitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5996scompigliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5996scompigliatore is scompigliatore" ; rdfs:label " scompigliatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5997scompositore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5997scompositore is scompositore" ; rdfs:label " scompositore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH5998scomunicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5998scomunicatore is scomunicatore" ; rdfs:label " scomunicatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH5999sconcertatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH5999sconcertatore is sconcertatore" ; rdfs:label " sconcertatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6000sconciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6000sconciatore is sconciatore" ; rdfs:label " sconciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6001sconfiggitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6001sconfiggitore is sconfiggitore" ; rdfs:label " sconfiggitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6002scongiuratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6002scongiuratore is scongiuratore" ; rdfs:label " scongiuratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6003sconquassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6003sconquassatore is sconquassatore" ; rdfs:label " sconquassatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6004sconsigliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6004sconsigliatore is sconsigliatore" ; rdfs:label " sconsigliatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6005sconsolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6005sconsolatore is sconsolatore" ; rdfs:label " sconsolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6006sconvolgitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6006sconvolgitore is sconvolgitore" ; rdfs:label " sconvolgitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6007scopatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6007scopatore is scopatore" ; rdfs:label " scopatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6008scopiazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6008scopiazzatore is scopiazzatore" ; rdfs:label " scopiazzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6009scortecciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6009scortecciatore is scortecciatore" ; rdfs:label " scortecciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6010scorticatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6010scorticatore is scorticatore" ; rdfs:label " scorticatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6011scoticatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6011scoticatore is scoticatore" ; rdfs:label " scoticatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6012scotitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6012scotitore is scotitore" ; rdfs:label " scotitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6013scotitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6013scotitore is scotitore" ; rdfs:label " scotitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6014scozzonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6014scozzonatore is scozzonatore" ; rdfs:label " scozzonatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6014scozzonatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6014scozzonatrice is scozzonatrice" ; rdfs:label " scozzonatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6015scribacchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6015scribacchiatore is scribacchiatore" ; rdfs:label " scribacchiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6015scribacchiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6015scribacchiatrice is scribacchiatrice" ; rdfs:label " scribacchiatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6016scroccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6016scroccatore is scroccatore" ; rdfs:label " scroccatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6017scrutinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6017scrutinatore is scrutinatore" ; rdfs:label " scrutinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6017scrutinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6017scrutinatrice is scrutinatrice" ; rdfs:label " scrutinatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6018scuotitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6018scuotitore is scuotitore" ; rdfs:label " scuotitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6019scuotitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6019scuotitore is scuotitore" ; rdfs:label " scuotitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6020scusatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6020scusatore is scusatore" ; rdfs:label " scusatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6020scusatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6020scusatrice is scusatrice" ; rdfs:label " scusatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6021sdegnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6021sdegnatore is sdegnatore" ; rdfs:label " sdegnatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6021sdegnatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6021sdegnatrice is sdegnatrice" ; rdfs:label " sdegnatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6022secondatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6022secondatore is secondatore" ; rdfs:label " secondatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6022secondatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6022secondatrice is secondatrice" ; rdfs:label " secondatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6023secretore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6023secretore is secretore" ; rdfs:label " secretore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6023secretrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6023secretrice is secretrice" ; rdfs:label " secretrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6024sedatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6024sedatore is sedatore" ; rdfs:label " sedatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6024sedatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6024sedatrice is sedatrice" ; rdfs:label " sedatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6025sedimentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6025sedimentatore is sedimentatore" ; rdfs:label " sedimentatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6026segatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6026segatore is segatore" ; rdfs:label " segatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6027segnatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6027segnatore is segnatore" ; rdfs:label " segnatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6027segnatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6027segnatrice is segnatrice" ; rdfs:label " segnatrice_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6028selciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6028selciatore is selciatore" ; rdfs:label " selciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6029selezionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6029selezionatore is selezionatore" ; rdfs:label " selezionatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6030selvicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6030selvicoltore is selvicoltore" ; rdfs:label " selvicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6031semiconvittore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6031semiconvittore is semiconvittore" ; rdfs:label " semiconvittore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6032semplificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6032semplificatore is semplificatore" ; rdfs:label " semplificatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6033sensibilizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6033sensibilizzatore is sensibilizzatore" ; rdfs:label " sensibilizzatore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH6034seppellitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6034seppellitore is seppellitore" ; rdfs:label " seppellitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6035serbatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6035serbatore is serbatore" ; rdfs:label " serbatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6036sericoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6036sericoltore is sericoltore" ; rdfs:label " sericoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6037sericultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6037sericultore is sericultore" ; rdfs:label " sericultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6038sessatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6038sessatore is sessatore" ; rdfs:label " sessatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6039setacciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6039setacciatore is setacciatore" ; rdfs:label " setacciatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6040settatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6040settatore is settatore" ; rdfs:label " settatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6041settembrizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6041settembrizzatore is settembrizzatore" ; rdfs:label " settembrizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6042seviziatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6042seviziatore is seviziatore" ; rdfs:label " seviziatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6043sezionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6043sezionatore is sezionatore" ; rdfs:label " sezionatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6044sfacciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6044sfacciatore is sfacciatore" ; rdfs:label " sfacciatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6045sfangatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6045sfangatore is sfangatore" ; rdfs:label " sfangatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6046sferzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6046sferzatore is sferzatore" ; rdfs:label " sferzatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6047sfidatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6047sfidatore is sfidatore" ; rdfs:label " sfidatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6048sfioratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6048sfioratore is sfioratore" ; rdfs:label " sfioratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6049sfondatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6049sfondatore is sfondatore" ; rdfs:label " sfondatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6050sfossatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6050sfossatore is sfossatore" ; rdfs:label " sfossatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6051sfottitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6051sfottitore is sfottitore" ; rdfs:label " sfottitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6052sfregiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6052sfregiatore is sfregiatore" ; rdfs:label " sfregiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6053sfrondatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6053sfrondatore is sfrondatore" ; rdfs:label " sfrondatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6054sgelatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6054sgelatore is sgelatore" ; rdfs:label " sgelatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6055sghermitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6055sghermitore is sghermitore" ; rdfs:label " sghermitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6056sghiacciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6056sghiacciatore is sghiacciatore" ; rdfs:label " sghiacciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6057sghiaiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6057sghiaiatore is sghiaiatore" ; rdfs:label " sghiaiatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6058sgomberatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6058sgomberatore is sgomberatore" ; rdfs:label " sgomberatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6059sgombratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6059sgombratore is sgombratore" ; rdfs:label " sgombratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6060sgorbiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6060sgorbiatore is sgorbiatore" ; rdfs:label " sgorbiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6061sgozzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6061sgozzatore is sgozzatore" ; rdfs:label " sgozzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6062sgraffiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6062sgraffiatore is sgraffiatore" ; rdfs:label " sgraffiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6063sgranatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6063sgranatore is sgranatore" ; rdfs:label " sgranatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6064sgravatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6064sgravatore is sgravatore" ; rdfs:label " sgravatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6065sgrigliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6065sgrigliatore is sgrigliatore" ; rdfs:label " sgrigliatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6066sgrondatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6066sgrondatore is sgrondatore" ; rdfs:label " sgrondatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6067sibilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6067sibilatore is sibilatore" ; rdfs:label " sibilatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6068significatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6068significatore is significatore" ; rdfs:label " significatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6069silenziatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6069silenziatore is silenziatore" ; rdfs:label " silenziatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6070siluratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6070siluratore is siluratore" ; rdfs:label " siluratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6071sinceratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6071sinceratore is sinceratore" ; rdfs:label " sinceratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6072sindacatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6072sindacatore is sindacatore" ; rdfs:label " sindacatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6073smaltatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6073smaltatore is smaltatore" ; rdfs:label " smaltatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6074smaltitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6074smaltitore is smaltitore" ; rdfs:label " smaltitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6075smantellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6075smantellatore is smantellatore" ; rdfs:label " smantellatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6076smascheratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6076smascheratore is smascheratore" ; rdfs:label " smascheratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6077smelatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6077smelatore is smelatore" ; rdfs:label " smelatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6078smentitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6078smentitore is smentitore" ; rdfs:label " smentitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6079smerigliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6079smerigliatore is smerigliatore" ; rdfs:label " smerigliatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6080smielatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6080smielatore is smielatore" ; rdfs:label " smielatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6081sminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6081sminatore is sminatore" ; rdfs:label " sminatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6082sminuzzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6082sminuzzatore is sminuzzatore" ; rdfs:label " sminuzzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6083smistatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6083smistatore is smistatore" ; rdfs:label " smistatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6084smoccolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6084smoccolatore is smoccolatore" ; rdfs:label " smoccolatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6085smontatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6085smontatore is smontatore" ; rdfs:label " smontatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6086smorzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6086smorzatore is smorzatore" ; rdfs:label " smorzatore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6087smorzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6087smorzatore is smorzatore" ; rdfs:label " smorzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6088smungitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6088smungitore is smungitore" ; rdfs:label " smungitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6089sobillatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6089sobillatore is sobillatore" ; rdfs:label " sobillatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6090sodatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6090sodatore is sodatore" ; rdfs:label " sodatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6091soffiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6091soffiatore is soffiatore" ; rdfs:label " soffiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6092soffritore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6092soffritore is soffritore" ; rdfs:label " soffritore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6093sofisticatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6093sofisticatore is sofisticatore" ; rdfs:label " sofisticatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6094sogghignatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6094sogghignatore is sogghignatore" ; rdfs:label " sogghignatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6095soggiogatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6095soggiogatore is soggiogatore" ; rdfs:label " soggiogatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6096sollecitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6096sollecitatore is sollecitatore" ; rdfs:label " sollecitatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6097solutore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6097solutore is solutore" ; rdfs:label " solutore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6098solutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6098solutore is solutore" ; rdfs:label " solutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6099sommatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6099sommatore is sommatore" ; rdfs:label " sommatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6100somministratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6100somministratore is somministratore" ; rdfs:label " somministratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6101sommovitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6101sommovitore is sommovitore" ; rdfs:label " sommovitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6102sonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6102sonatore is sonatore" ; rdfs:label " sonatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH6103sondatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6103sondatore is sondatore" ; rdfs:label " sondatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6104soperchiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6104soperchiatore is soperchiatore" ; rdfs:label " soperchiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6105sopitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6105sopitore is sopitore" ; rdfs:label " sopitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6106sopportatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6106sopportatore is sopportatore" ; rdfs:label " sopportatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6107sopraconduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6107sopraconduttore is sopraconduttore" ; rdfs:label " sopraconduttore_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH6108sopraffattore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6108sopraffattore is sopraffattore" ; rdfs:label " sopraffattore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6109sorgitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6109sorgitore is sorgitore" ; rdfs:label " sorgitore_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH6110sorvolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6110sorvolatore is sorvolatore" ; rdfs:label " sorvolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6111sospenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6111sospenditore is sospenditore" ; rdfs:label " sospenditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6112sostentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6112sostentatore is sostentatore" ; rdfs:label " sostentatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6113sostitutore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6113sostitutore is sostitutore" ; rdfs:label " sostitutore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6114sotterratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6114sotterratore is sotterratore" ; rdfs:label " sotterratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6115sottoscrittore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6115sottoscrittore is sottoscrittore" ; rdfs:label " sottoscrittore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6116sottrattore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6116sottrattore is sottrattore" ; rdfs:label " sottrattore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6117sovvenitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6117sovvenitore is sovvenitore" ; rdfs:label " sovvenitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6118sovventore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6118sovventore is sovventore" ; rdfs:label " sovventore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6119sovvenzionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6119sovvenzionatore is sovvenzionatore" ; rdfs:label " sovvenzionatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6120spadellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6120spadellatore is spadellatore" ; rdfs:label " spadellatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH6121spalancatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6121spalancatore is spalancatore" ; rdfs:label " spalancatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6122spalmatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6122spalmatore is spalmatore" ; rdfs:label " spalmatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6123sparatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6123sparatore is sparatore" ; rdfs:label " sparatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6124spargitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6124spargitore is spargitore" ; rdfs:label " spargitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6125sparlatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6125sparlatore is sparlatore" ; rdfs:label " sparlatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6126spartitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6126spartitore is spartitore" ; rdfs:label " spartitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6127spaventatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6127spaventatore is spaventatore" ; rdfs:label " spaventatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6128spazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6128spazzatore is spazzatore" ; rdfs:label " spazzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6129speditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6129speditore is speditore" ; rdfs:label " speditore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6130spegnitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6130spegnitore is spegnitore" ; rdfs:label " spegnitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6131spenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6131spenditore is spenditore" ; rdfs:label " spenditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6132sperditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6132sperditore is sperditore" ; rdfs:label " sperditore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6133spergiuratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6133spergiuratore is spergiuratore" ; rdfs:label " spergiuratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6134sperperatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6134sperperatore is sperperatore" ; rdfs:label " sperperatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6135spettrocomparatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6135spettrocomparatore is spettrocomparatore" ; rdfs:label " spettrocomparatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6136spezzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6136spezzatore is spezzatore" ; rdfs:label " spezzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6137spianatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6137spianatore is spianatore" ; rdfs:label " spianatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6138spiantatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6138spiantatore is spiantatore" ; rdfs:label " spiantatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6139spiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6139spiatore is spiatore" ; rdfs:label " spiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6140spiegatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6140spiegatore is spiegatore" ; rdfs:label " spiegatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6141spigolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6141spigolatore is spigolatore" ; rdfs:label " spigolatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6142spillatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6142spillatore is spillatore" ; rdfs:label " spillatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6143spintore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6143spintore is spintore" ; rdfs:label " spintore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH6144spiombatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6144spiombatore is spiombatore" ; rdfs:label " spiombatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6145spogliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6145spogliatore is spogliatore" ; rdfs:label " spogliatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6146spolveratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6146spolveratore is spolveratore" ; rdfs:label " spolveratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6147spolverizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6147spolverizzatore is spolverizzatore" ; rdfs:label " spolverizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6148sporcatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6148sporcatore is sporcatore" ; rdfs:label " sporcatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6149spossatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6149spossatore is spossatore" ; rdfs:label " spossatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6150sprecatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6150sprecatore is sprecatore" ; rdfs:label " sprecatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6151spregiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6151spregiatore is spregiatore" ; rdfs:label " spregiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6152spremitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6152spremitore is spremitore" ; rdfs:label " spremitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6153sprezzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6153sprezzatore is sprezzatore" ; rdfs:label " sprezzatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6154spronatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6154spronatore is spronatore" ; rdfs:label " spronatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6155spruzzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6155spruzzatore is spruzzatore" ; rdfs:label " spruzzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6156spulciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6156spulciatore is spulciatore" ; rdfs:label " spulciatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6157spuntatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6157spuntatore is spuntatore" ; rdfs:label " spuntatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6158spurgatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6158spurgatore is spurgatore" ; rdfs:label " spurgatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6159squadratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6159squadratore is squadratore" ; rdfs:label " squadratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6160squarciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6160squarciatore is squarciatore" ; rdfs:label " squarciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6161stabilitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6161stabilitore is stabilitore" ; rdfs:label " stabilitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6162staccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6162staccatore is staccatore" ; rdfs:label " staccatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6163stacciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6163stacciatore is stacciatore" ; rdfs:label " stacciatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6164staffilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6164staffilatore is staffilatore" ; rdfs:label " staffilatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6165stagionatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6165stagionatore is stagionatore" ; rdfs:label " stagionatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6166stanziatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6166stanziatore is stanziatore" ; rdfs:label " stanziatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6167stasatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6167stasatore is stasatore" ; rdfs:label " stasatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6168statalizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6168statalizzatore is statalizzatore" ; rdfs:label " statalizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6169statizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6169statizzatore is statizzatore" ; rdfs:label " statizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6170statoreattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6170statoreattore is statoreattore" ; rdfs:label " statoreattore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH6171statore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6171statore is statore" ; rdfs:label " statore_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH6172statore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6172statore is statore" ; rdfs:label " statore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6173stazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6173stazzatore is stazzatore" ; rdfs:label " stazzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6174stenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6174stenditore is stenditore" ; rdfs:label " stenditore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6175stereocomparatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6175stereocomparatore is stereocomparatore" ; rdfs:label " stereocomparatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6176sterilizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6176sterilizzatore is sterilizzatore" ; rdfs:label " sterilizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6177sterilizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6177sterilizzatore is sterilizzatore" ; rdfs:label " sterilizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6178sterminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6178sterminatore is sterminatore" ; rdfs:label " sterminatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6179sterratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6179sterratore is sterratore" ; rdfs:label " sterratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6180stertore simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6180stertore is stertore" ; rdfs:label " stertore_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH6181stimatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6181stimatore is stimatore" ; rdfs:label " stimatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6182stimolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6182stimolatore is stimolatore" ; rdfs:label " stimolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6183stivatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6183stivatore is stivatore" ; rdfs:label " stivatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6184stoccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6184stoccatore is stoccatore" ; rdfs:label " stoccatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6185stornellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6185stornellatore is stornellatore" ; rdfs:label " stornellatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6186stozzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6186stozzatore is stozzatore" ; rdfs:label " stozzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6187strangolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6187strangolatore is strangolatore" ; rdfs:label " strangolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6188strapazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6188strapazzatore is strapazzatore" ; rdfs:label " strapazzatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6189strappatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6189strappatore is strappatore" ; rdfs:label " strappatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6190stratoreattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6190stratoreattore is stratoreattore" ; rdfs:label " stratoreattore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH6191straziatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6191straziatore is straziatore" ; rdfs:label " straziatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6192strimpellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6192strimpellatore is strimpellatore" ; rdfs:label " strimpellatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6193stringitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6193stringitore is stringitore" ; rdfs:label " stringitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6194stritolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6194stritolatore is stritolatore" ; rdfs:label " stritolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6195strombazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6195strombazzatore is strombazzatore" ; rdfs:label " strombazzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6196strombettatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6196strombettatore is strombettatore" ; rdfs:label " strombettatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6197stroncatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6197stroncatore is stroncatore" ; rdfs:label " stroncatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6198strozzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6198strozzatore is strozzatore" ; rdfs:label " strozzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6199struggitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6199struggitore is struggitore" ; rdfs:label " struggitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6200strumentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6200strumentatore is strumentatore" ; rdfs:label " strumentatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6201stuccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6201stuccatore is stuccatore" ; rdfs:label " stuccatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6202studiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6202studiatore is studiatore" ; rdfs:label " studiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6203sturbatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6203sturbatore is sturbatore" ; rdfs:label " sturbatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6204stuzzicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6204stuzzicatore is stuzzicatore" ; rdfs:label " stuzzicatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6205subericoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6205subericoltore is subericoltore" ; rdfs:label " subericoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6206subissatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6206subissatore is subissatore" ; rdfs:label " subissatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6207sublocatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6207sublocatore is sublocatore" ; rdfs:label " sublocatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6208subornatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6208subornatore is subornatore" ; rdfs:label " subornatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6209succeditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6209succeditore is succeditore" ; rdfs:label " succeditore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6210succhiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6210succhiatore is succhiatore" ; rdfs:label " succhiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6211suffragatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6211suffragatore is suffragatore" ; rdfs:label " suffragatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6212suggellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6212suggellatore is suggellatore" ; rdfs:label " suggellatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6213sughericoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6213sughericoltore is sughericoltore" ; rdfs:label " sughericoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6214suinicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6214suinicoltore is suinicoltore" ; rdfs:label " suinicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6215supinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6215supinatore is supinatore" ; rdfs:label " supinatore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH6216supplicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6216supplicatore is supplicatore" ; rdfs:label " supplicatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6217surgelatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6217surgelatore is surgelatore" ; rdfs:label " surgelatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6218surriscaldatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6218surriscaldatore is surriscaldatore" ; rdfs:label " surriscaldatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6219survoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6219survoltore is survoltore" ; rdfs:label " survoltore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6220suscitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6220suscitatore is suscitatore" ; rdfs:label " suscitatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6221sussidiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6221sussidiatore is sussidiatore" ; rdfs:label " sussidiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6222sussurratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6222sussurratore is sussurratore" ; rdfs:label " sussurratore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6223svaligiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6223svaligiatore is svaligiatore" ; rdfs:label " svaligiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6224svecciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6224svecciatore is svecciatore" ; rdfs:label " svecciatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6225svegliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6225svegliatore is svegliatore" ; rdfs:label " svegliatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6226svelatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6226svelatore is svelatore" ; rdfs:label " svelatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6227sverginatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6227sverginatore is sverginatore" ; rdfs:label " sverginatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6228sviatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6228sviatore is sviatore" ; rdfs:label " sviatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6229svillaneggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6229svillaneggiatore is svillaneggiatore" ; rdfs:label " svillaneggiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6230sviluppatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6230sviluppatore is sviluppatore" ; rdfs:label " sviluppatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6231sviluppatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6231sviluppatore is sviluppatore" ; rdfs:label " sviluppatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6232svisceratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6232svisceratore is svisceratore" ; rdfs:label " svisceratore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6233svolazzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6233svolazzatore is svolazzatore" ; rdfs:label " svolazzatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6234svolgitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6234svolgitore is svolgitore" ; rdfs:label " svolgitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6235svoltatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6235svoltatore is svoltatore" ; rdfs:label " svoltatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6236tabacchicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6236tabacchicoltore is tabacchicoltore" ; rdfs:label " tabacchicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6237tabacchicultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6237tabacchicultore is tabacchicultore" ; rdfs:label " tabacchicultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6238tabulatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6238tabulatore is tabulatore" ; rdfs:label " tabulatore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6239telelavoratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6239telelavoratore is telelavoratore" ; rdfs:label " telelavoratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6240teletrasmettitore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6240teletrasmettitore is teletrasmettitore" ; rdfs:label " teletrasmettitore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6241temporeggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6241temporeggiatore is temporeggiatore" ; rdfs:label " temporeggiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6242temporizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6242temporizzatore is temporizzatore" ; rdfs:label " temporizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6243tenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6243tenditore is tenditore" ; rdfs:label " tenditore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6244tenditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6244tenditore is tenditore" ; rdfs:label " tenditore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6245tenerizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6245tenerizzatore is tenerizzatore" ; rdfs:label " tenerizzatore_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH6246tenitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6246tenitore is tenitore" ; rdfs:label " tenitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6247tentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6247tentatore is tentatore" ; rdfs:label " tentatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6248tentennatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6248tentennatore is tentennatore" ; rdfs:label " tentennatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6249tenzonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6249tenzonatore is tenzonatore" ; rdfs:label " tenzonatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6250teorizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6250teorizzatore is teorizzatore" ; rdfs:label " teorizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6251tergiversatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6251tergiversatore is tergiversatore" ; rdfs:label " tergiversatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6252terminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2070punto ; a simple:Abstract_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6252terminatore is terminatore" ; rdfs:label " terminatore_as_Abstract_Location" . inds:USemTH6253terminatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6253terminatore is terminatore" ; rdfs:label " terminatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6254termistore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6254termistore is termistore" ; rdfs:label " termistore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6255termocettore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6255termocettore is termocettore" ; rdfs:label " termocettore_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH6256termoconvettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6256termoconvettore is termoconvettore" ; rdfs:label " termoconvettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6257termofissatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6257termofissatore is termofissatore" ; rdfs:label " termofissatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6258termoreattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6258termoreattore is termoreattore" ; rdfs:label " termoreattore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6259termoregolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6259termoregolatore is termoregolatore" ; rdfs:label " termoregolatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6260termoventilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6260termoventilatore is termoventilatore" ; rdfs:label " termoventilatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6261tesaurizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6261tesaurizzatore is tesaurizzatore" ; rdfs:label " tesaurizzatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6262tesoreggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6262tesoreggiatore is tesoreggiatore" ; rdfs:label " tesoreggiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6263testatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6263testatore is testatore" ; rdfs:label " testatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6264timoneggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6264timoneggiatore is timoneggiatore" ; rdfs:label " timoneggiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6265tiristore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6265tiristore is tiristore" ; rdfs:label " tiristore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6266toccatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6266toccatore is toccatore" ; rdfs:label " toccatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6267toglitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6267toglitore is toglitore" ; rdfs:label " toglitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6268tolleratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6268tolleratore is tolleratore" ; rdfs:label " tolleratore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6269tonatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6269tonatore is tonatore" ; rdfs:label " tonatore_as_Entity" . inds:USemTH6270tormentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6270tormentatore is tormentatore" ; rdfs:label " tormentatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6271torneatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6271torneatore is torneatore" ; rdfs:label " torneatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6272torrefattore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6272torrefattore is torrefattore" ; rdfs:label " torrefattore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6273tortore simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6273tortore is tortore" ; rdfs:label " tortore_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH6274tossitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6274tossitore is tossitore" ; rdfs:label " tossitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6275tostatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6275tostatore is tostatore" ; rdfs:label " tostatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6276totalizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6276totalizzatore is totalizzatore" ; rdfs:label " totalizzatore_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH6277totalizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6277totalizzatore is totalizzatore" ; rdfs:label " totalizzatore_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6278tracannatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6278tracannatore is tracannatore" ; rdfs:label " tracannatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6279traccheggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6279traccheggiatore is traccheggiatore" ; rdfs:label " traccheggiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6280tracciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6280tracciatore is tracciatore" ; rdfs:label " tracciatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6281tracciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6281tracciatore is tracciatore" ; rdfs:label " tracciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6282trafficatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6282trafficatore is trafficatore" ; rdfs:label " trafficatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6283trafiggitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6283trafiggitore is trafiggitore" ; rdfs:label " trafiggitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6284trafilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6284trafilatore is trafilatore" ; rdfs:label " trafilatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6285traforatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6285traforatore is traforatore" ; rdfs:label " traforatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6286tramandatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6286tramandatore is tramandatore" ; rdfs:label " tramandatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6287tramezzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6287tramezzatore is tramezzatore" ; rdfs:label " tramezzatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6288tramutatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6288tramutatore is tramutatore" ; rdfs:label " tramutatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6289tranciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6289tranciatore is tranciatore" ; rdfs:label " tranciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6290trangugiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6290trangugiatore is trangugiatore" ; rdfs:label " trangugiatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6291transcodificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6291transcodificatore is transcodificatore" ; rdfs:label " transcodificatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6292transelevatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6292transelevatore is transelevatore" ; rdfs:label " transelevatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6293transistore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6293transistore is transistore" ; rdfs:label " transistore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6294trapanatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6294trapanatore is trapanatore" ; rdfs:label " trapanatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6295trapassatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6295trapassatore is trapassatore" ; rdfs:label " trapassatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6296trappolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6296trappolatore is trappolatore" ; rdfs:label " trappolatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6297trascrittore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6297trascrittore is trascrittore" ; rdfs:label " trascrittore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6298trasfocatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6298trasfocatore is trasfocatore" ; rdfs:label " trasfocatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6299trasgreditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6299trasgreditore is trasgreditore" ; rdfs:label " trasgreditore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH6300traslatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6300traslatore is traslatore" ; rdfs:label " traslatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6301traslatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6301traslatore is traslatore" ; rdfs:label " traslatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6302trasmutatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6302trasmutatore is trasmutatore" ; rdfs:label " trasmutatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6303traspositore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6303traspositore is traspositore" ; rdfs:label " traspositore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6304trastullatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6304trastullatore is trastullatore" ; rdfs:label " trastullatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6305trasvolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6305trasvolatore is trasvolatore" ; rdfs:label " trasvolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6306trattatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6306trattatore is trattatore" ; rdfs:label " trattatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6307trattenitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6307trattenitore is trattenitore" ; rdfs:label " trattenitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6308travagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6308travagliatore is travagliatore" ; rdfs:label " travagliatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6309travalicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6309travalicatore is travalicatore" ; rdfs:label " travalicatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6310travasatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6310travasatore is travasatore" ; rdfs:label " travasatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6311travestitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6311travestitore is travestitore" ; rdfs:label " travestitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6312traviatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6312traviatore is traviatore" ; rdfs:label " traviatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6313treggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6313treggiatore is treggiatore" ; rdfs:label " treggiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6314tribolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6314tribolatore is tribolatore" ; rdfs:label " tribolatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6315trimotore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6315trimotore is trimotore" ; rdfs:label " trimotore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH6316trincatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6316trincatore is trincatore" ; rdfs:label " trincatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6317trinellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6317trinellatore is trinellatore" ; rdfs:label " trinellatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6318triplicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6318triplicatore is triplicatore" ; rdfs:label " triplicatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6319trireattore simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6319trireattore is trireattore" ; rdfs:label " trireattore_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH6320tritatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6320tritatore is tritatore" ; rdfs:label " tritatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6321trituratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6321trituratore is trituratore" ; rdfs:label " trituratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6322trivellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6322trivellatore is trivellatore" ; rdfs:label " trivellatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6323trivellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6323trivellatore is trivellatore" ; rdfs:label " trivellatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH6324troncatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6324troncatore is troncatore" ; rdfs:label " troncatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6325troticoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6325troticoltore is troticoltore" ; rdfs:label " troticoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6326trottatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Earth_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6326trottatore is trottatore" ; rdfs:label " trottatore_as_Earth_animal" . inds:USemTH6327trovatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6327trovatore is trovatore" ; rdfs:label " trovatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6328trucidatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6328trucidatore is trucidatore" ; rdfs:label " trucidatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6329truciolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6329truciolatore is truciolatore" ; rdfs:label " truciolatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6330turbatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6330turbatore is turbatore" ; rdfs:label " turbatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH6331turbomotore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6331turbomotore is turbomotore" ; rdfs:label " turbomotore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6332turboventilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6332turboventilatore is turboventilatore" ; rdfs:label " turboventilatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6333turlupinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6333turlupinatore is turlupinatore" ; rdfs:label " turlupinatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6334twistore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6334twistore is twistore" ; rdfs:label " twistore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6335ubriacatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6335ubriacatore is ubriacatore" ; rdfs:label " ubriacatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6336uccellatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6336uccellatore is uccellatore" ; rdfs:label " uccellatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6337ucciditore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6337ucciditore is ucciditore" ; rdfs:label " ucciditore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6338ufficiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6338ufficiatore is ufficiatore" ; rdfs:label " ufficiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6339uguagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6339uguagliatore is uguagliatore" ; rdfs:label " uguagliatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6340ultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6340ultore is ultore" ; rdfs:label " ultore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6341ultracondensatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6341ultracondensatore is ultracondensatore" ; rdfs:label " ultracondensatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6342ultrarallentatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6342ultrarallentatore is ultrarallentatore" ; rdfs:label " ultrarallentatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6343umiliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6343umiliatore is umiliatore" ; rdfs:label " umiliatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6344ungitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6344ungitore is ungitore" ; rdfs:label " ungitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6345unitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6345unitore is unitore" ; rdfs:label " unitore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6346urlatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6346urlatore is urlatore" ; rdfs:label " urlatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6347urtatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6347urtatore is urtatore" ; rdfs:label " urtatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6348vaccinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6348vaccinatore is vaccinatore" ; rdfs:label " vaccinatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6349vagheggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6349vagheggiatore is vagheggiatore" ; rdfs:label " vagheggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6350vagliatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6350vagliatore is vagliatore" ; rdfs:label " vagliatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6351valicatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6351valicatore is valicatore" ; rdfs:label " valicatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6352valorizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6352valorizzatore is valorizzatore" ; rdfs:label " valorizzatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6353vaneggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6353vaneggiatore is vaneggiatore" ; rdfs:label " vaneggiatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6354vangatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6354vangatore is vangatore" ; rdfs:label " vangatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6355variatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6355variatore is variatore" ; rdfs:label " variatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6357vaticinatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6357vaticinatore is vaticinatore" ; rdfs:label " vaticinatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6358veleggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; simple:hasIstheabilityof inds:USemD5506veleggiare ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6358veleggiatore is veleggiatore" ; rdfs:label " veleggiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH6359veleggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6359veleggiatore is veleggiatore" ; rdfs:label " veleggiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6360vendemmiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6360vendemmiatore is vendemmiatore" ; rdfs:label " vendemmiatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6361veneratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6361veneratore is veneratore" ; rdfs:label " veneratore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6363verniciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6363verniciatore is verniciatore" ; rdfs:label " verniciatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6364verniciatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6364verniciatore is verniciatore" ; rdfs:label " verniciatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6365versatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2877contenitore ; a simple:Container, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6365versatore is versatore" ; rdfs:label " versatore_as_Container" . inds:USemTH6366versificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6366versificatore is versificatore" ; rdfs:label " versificatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH6367vessatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6367vessatore is vessatore" ; rdfs:label " vessatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6368vibratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6368vibratore is vibratore" ; rdfs:label " vibratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6369vibromassaggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6369vibromassaggiatore is vibromassaggiatore" ; rdfs:label " vibromassaggiatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6370videoimpaginatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6370videoimpaginatore is videoimpaginatore" ; rdfs:label " videoimpaginatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6371videoproiettore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6371videoproiettore is videoproiettore" ; rdfs:label " videoproiettore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6372videoriproduttore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6372videoriproduttore is videoriproduttore" ; rdfs:label " videoriproduttore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6373vietatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6373vietatore is vietatore" ; rdfs:label " vietatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6374vigilatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6374vigilatore is vigilatore" ; rdfs:label " vigilatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6375vinificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6375vinificatore is vinificatore" ; rdfs:label " vinificatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6376violatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6376violatore is violatore" ; rdfs:label " violatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6377viratore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6377viratore is viratore" ; rdfs:label " viratore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6378viticultore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6378viticultore is viticultore" ; rdfs:label " viticultore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6379vitivinicoltore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6379vitivinicoltore is vitivinicoltore" ; rdfs:label " vitivinicoltore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6380vittore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6380vittore is vittore" ; rdfs:label " vittore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6381vituperatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6381vituperatore is vituperatore" ; rdfs:label " vituperatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6382vivificatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6382vivificatore is vivificatore" ; rdfs:label " vivificatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH6383vociatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6383vociatore is vociatore" ; rdfs:label " vociatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6384vociferatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6384vociferatore is vociferatore" ; rdfs:label " vociferatore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6385volgarizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6385volgarizzatore is volgarizzatore" ; rdfs:label " volgarizzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6386volgitore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Human, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6386volgitore is volgitore" ; rdfs:label " volgitore_as_Human" . inds:USemTH6387volteggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6387volteggiatore is volteggiatore" ; rdfs:label " volteggiatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH6388volteggiatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Role, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6388volteggiatore is volteggiatore" ; rdfs:label " volteggiatore_as_Role" . inds:USemTH6389vomitatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6389vomitatore is vomitatore" ; rdfs:label " vomitatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6390vulcanizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6390vulcanizzatore is vulcanizzatore" ; rdfs:label " vulcanizzatore_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6391vulcanizzatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6391vulcanizzatore is vulcanizzatore" ; rdfs:label " vulcanizzatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6392vuotatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6392vuotatore is vuotatore" ; rdfs:label " vuotatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6393zangolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6393zangolatore is zangolatore" ; rdfs:label " zangolatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6394zavorratore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6394zavorratore is zavorratore" ; rdfs:label " zavorratore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6395zelatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_temporary_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6395zelatore is zelatore" ; rdfs:label " zelatore_as_Agent_of_temporary_activity" . inds:USemTH6396zelatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6396zelatore is zelatore" ; rdfs:label " zelatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH6397zincatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6397zincatore is zincatore" ; rdfs:label " zincatore_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH6398zufolatore simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Agent_of_persistent_activity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6398zufolatore is zufolatore" ; rdfs:label " zufolatore_as_Agent_of_persistent_activity" . inds:USemTH6501abbacchiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6501abbacchiatura is abbacchiatura" ; rdfs:label " abbacchiatura_as_Time" . inds:USemTH6506abbozzatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6506abbozzatura is abbozzatura" ; rdfs:label " abbozzatura_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH6507abbreviatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6507abbreviatura is abbreviatura" ; rdfs:label " abbreviatura_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH6516accatarratura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6516accatarratura is accatarratura" ; rdfs:label " accatarratura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH6517accavalcatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6517accavalcatura is accavalcatura" ; rdfs:label " accavalcatura_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH6520accentatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6520accentatura is accentatura" ; rdfs:label " accentatura_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH6528accollatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6528accollatura is accollatura" ; rdfs:label " accollatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6534accostolatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6534accostolatura is accostolatura" ; rdfs:label " accostolatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6535appuntellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6535appuntellatura is appuntellatura" ; rdfs:label " appuntellatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH6536accrespatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6536accrespatura is accrespatura" ; rdfs:label " accrespatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6537acinellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem866organismo ; a simple:VegetalEntity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6537acinellatura is acinellatura" ; rdfs:label " acinellatura_as_VegetalEntity" . inds:USemTH6541addentatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6541addentatura is addentatura" ; rdfs:label " addentatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6553affondatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6553affondatura is affondatura" ; rdfs:label " affondatura_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH6556ageminatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6556ageminatura is ageminatura" ; rdfs:label " ageminatura_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH6558aggiustatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6558aggiustatura is aggiustatura" ; rdfs:label " aggiustatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6561agnellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6561agnellatura is agnellatura" ; rdfs:label " agnellatura_as_Time" . inds:USemTH6562aguzzatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6562aguzzatura is aguzzatura" ; rdfs:label " aguzzatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6563alberatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6563alberatura is alberatura" ; rdfs:label " alberatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH6564albicatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6564albicatura is albicatura" ; rdfs:label " albicatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH6569alettatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6569alettatura is alettatura" ; rdfs:label " alettatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH6572allumacatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6572allumacatura is allumacatura" ; rdfs:label " allumacatura_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH6583ammorsatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6583ammorsatura is ammorsatura" ; rdfs:label " ammorsatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6589burattatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6589burattatura is burattatura" ; rdfs:label " burattatura_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemTH6590apatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6590apatura is apatura" ; rdfs:label " apatura_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH6601archeggiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6601archeggiatura is archeggiatura" ; rdfs:label " archeggiatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH6602architravatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6602architravatura is architravatura" ; rdfs:label " architravatura_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH6605arginatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6605arginatura is arginatura" ; rdfs:label " arginatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH6606arrembatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6606arrembatura is arrembatura" ; rdfs:label " arrembatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH6609arrivatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6609arrivatura is arrivatura" ; rdfs:label " arrivatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6615assolcatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6615assolcatura is assolcatura" ; rdfs:label " assolcatura_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH6618attillatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6618attillatura is attillatura" ; rdfs:label " attillatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6621augnatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6621augnatura is augnatura" ; rdfs:label " augnatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6622avvallatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6622avvallatura is avvallatura" ; rdfs:label " avvallatura_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH6623avviatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6623avviatura is avviatura" ; rdfs:label " avviatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6628baccellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6628baccellatura is baccellatura" ; rdfs:label " baccellatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6634basolatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6634basolatura is basolatura" ; rdfs:label " basolatura_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH6637battentatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6637battentatura is battentatura" ; rdfs:label " battentatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6642bianconatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6642bianconatura is bianconatura" ; rdfs:label " bianconatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH6644biforcatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6644biforcatura is biforcatura" ; rdfs:label " biforcatura_as_Location" . inds:USemTH6647bioarchitettura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6647bioarchitettura is bioarchitettura" ; rdfs:label " bioarchitettura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH6648bisellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6648bisellatura is bisellatura" ; rdfs:label " bisellatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6665brillantatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6665brillantatura is brillantatura" ; rdfs:label " brillantatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6668bronzatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6668bronzatura is bronzatura" ; rdfs:label " bronzatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH6671bruciacchiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6671bruciacchiatura is bruciacchiatura" ; rdfs:label " bruciacchiatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6674bucatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6674bucatura is bucatura" ; rdfs:label " bucatura_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH6683cacatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6683cacatura is cacatura" ; rdfs:label " cacatura_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH6685concimatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6685concimatura is concimatura" ; rdfs:label " concimatura_as_Time" . inds:USemTH6688calciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6688calciatura is calciatura" ; rdfs:label " calciatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6693camminatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6693camminatura is camminatura" ; rdfs:label " camminatura_as_Property" . inds:USemTH6695campanatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6695campanatura is campanatura" ; rdfs:label " campanatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6696capellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6696capellatura is capellatura" ; rdfs:label " capellatura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH6699cappottatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6699cappottatura is cappottatura" ; rdfs:label " cappottatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6702cascatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6702cascatura is cascatura" ; rdfs:label " cascatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6705castellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6705castellatura is castellatura" ; rdfs:label " castellatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6709cavillatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6709cavillatura is cavillatura" ; rdfs:label " cavillatura_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH6719chinatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6719chinatura is chinatura" ; rdfs:label " chinatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6721chiodatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6721chiodatura is chiodatura" ; rdfs:label " chiodatura_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6725ciappolatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6725ciappolatura is ciappolatura" ; rdfs:label " ciappolatura_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH6737cominciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6737cominciatura is cominciatura" ; rdfs:label " cominciatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6745controserratura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6745controserratura is controserratura" ; rdfs:label " controserratura_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH6751cornatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6751cornatura is cornatura" ; rdfs:label " cornatura_as_Property" . inds:USemTH6754costolatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6754costolatura is costolatura" ; rdfs:label " costolatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH6757crenatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6757crenatura is crenatura" ; rdfs:label " crenatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6758crepatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6758crepatura is crepatura" ; rdfs:label " crepatura_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH6759crepolatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6759crepolatura is crepolatura" ; rdfs:label " crepolatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6760crespatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6760crespatura is crespatura" ; rdfs:label " crespatura_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH6765damaschinatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6765damaschinatura is damaschinatura" ; rdfs:label " damaschinatura_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH6769delicatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6769delicatura is delicatura" ; rdfs:label " delicatura_as_Food" . inds:USemTH6771dentellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6771dentellatura is dentellatura" ; rdfs:label " dentellatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6775digitatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6775digitatura is digitatura" ; rdfs:label " digitatura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH6778dilombatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6778dilombatura is dilombatura" ; rdfs:label " dilombatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH6783dirizzatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6783dirizzatura is dirizzatura" ; rdfs:label " dirizzatura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH6784discriminatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6784discriminatura is discriminatura" ; rdfs:label " discriminatura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH6786dislogatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6786dislogatura is dislogatura" ; rdfs:label " dislogatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH6791diteggiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6791diteggiatura is diteggiatura" ; rdfs:label " diteggiatura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH6796doppiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6796doppiatura is doppiatura" ; rdfs:label " doppiatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6798drizzatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6798drizzatura is drizzatura" ; rdfs:label " drizzatura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH6804entratura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6804entratura is entratura" ; rdfs:label " entratura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6806erbatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6806erbatura is erbatura" ; rdfs:label " erbatura_as_Time" . inds:USemTH6810falcatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6810falcatura is falcatura" ; rdfs:label " falcatura_as_Cause_Change_of_State", " falcatura_as_Property" . inds:USemTH6812falciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6812falciatura is falciatura" ; rdfs:label " falciatura_as_Time" . inds:USemTH6819festonatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6819festonatura is festonatura" ; rdfs:label " festonatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6821fibratura simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6821fibratura is fibratura" ; rdfs:label " fibratura_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH6823filettatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6823filettatura is filettatura" ; rdfs:label " filettatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6824finestratura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6824finestratura is finestratura" ; rdfs:label " finestratura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH6826fiocchettatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6826fiocchettatura is fiocchettatura" ; rdfs:label " fiocchettatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6827fiorettatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6827fiorettatura is fiorettatura" ; rdfs:label " fiorettatura_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH6829focatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6829focatura is focatura" ; rdfs:label " focatura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH6832fogonatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6832fogonatura is fogonatura" ; rdfs:label " fogonatura_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH6840francatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6840francatura is francatura" ; rdfs:label " francatura_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH6842frastagliatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6842frastagliatura is frastagliatura" ; rdfs:label " frastagliatura_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH6843fregiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6843fregiatura is fregiatura" ; rdfs:label " fregiatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6845frollatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cause_Change_of_State, simple:Time, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6845frollatura is frollatura" ; rdfs:label " frollatura_as_Cause_Change_of_State", " frollatura_as_Time" . inds:USemTH6854geminatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6854geminatura is geminatura" ; rdfs:label " geminatura_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH6858giogaturaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6858giogaturaN is giogatura" ; rdfs:label " giogatura_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH6872grondatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1595quantita1 ; a simple:Amount, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6872grondatura is grondatura" ; rdfs:label " grondatura_as_Amount" . inds:USemTH6873guardatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6873guardatura is guardatura" ; rdfs:label " guardatura_as_Property" . inds:USemTH6875iettaturaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6875iettaturaN is iettatura" ; rdfs:label " iettatura_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH6891imbreviatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Semiotic_artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6891imbreviatura is imbreviatura" ; rdfs:label " imbreviatura_as_Semiotic_artifact" . inds:USemTH6905imparchettatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6905imparchettatura is imparchettatura" ; rdfs:label " imparchettatura_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH6910impennatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6910impennatura is impennatura" ; rdfs:label " impennatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH6919inarcatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6919inarcatura is inarcatura" ; rdfs:label " inarcatura_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH6921incaciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6921incaciatura is incaciatura" ; rdfs:label " incaciatura_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH6922incalciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6922incalciatura is incalciatura" ; rdfs:label " incalciatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6925incanalatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6925incanalatura is incanalatura" ; rdfs:label " incanalatura_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH6927incannicciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6927incannicciatura is incannicciatura" ; rdfs:label " incannicciatura_as_Artifact" . inds:USemTH6931incapestratura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6931incapestratura is incapestratura" ; rdfs:label " incapestratura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH6932incappellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6932incappellatura is incappellatura" ; rdfs:label " incappellatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6940incavallatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6940incavallatura is incavallatura" ; rdfs:label " incavallatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6948incoccatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6948incoccatura is incoccatura" ; rdfs:label " incoccatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6954incrocicchiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem4177area ; a simple:Artifactual_area, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6954incrocicchiatura is incrocicchiatura" ; rdfs:label " incrocicchiatura_as_Artifactual_area" . inds:USemTH6955incrostatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Artifactual_material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6955incrostatura is incrostatura" ; rdfs:label " incrostatura_as_Artifactual_material" . inds:USemTH6956incrunatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6956incrunatura is incrunatura" ; rdfs:label " incrunatura_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH6963infinestratura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6963infinestratura is infinestratura" ; rdfs:label " infinestratura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6967infossatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6967infossatura is infossatura" ; rdfs:label " infossatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6969infreddatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6969infreddatura is infreddatura" ; rdfs:label " infreddatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH6974ingommatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6974ingommatura is ingommatura" ; rdfs:label " ingommatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6975ingorbiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6975ingorbiatura is ingorbiatura" ; rdfs:label " ingorbiatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH6987insellatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2066luogo ; a simple:D_3_Location, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH6987insellatura is insellatura" ; rdfs:label " insellatura_as_D_3_Location" . inds:USemTH7002intralicciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7002intralicciatura is intralicciatura" ; rdfs:label " intralicciatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH7022lasciatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Cognitive_Fact, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7022lasciatura is lasciatura" ; rdfs:label " lasciatura_as_Cognitive_Fact" . inds:USemTH7040lumacaturaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Natural_substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7040lumacaturaN is lumacatura" ; rdfs:label " lumacatura_as_Natural_substance" . inds:USemTH7041lumeggiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7041lumeggiatura is lumeggiatura" ; rdfs:label " lumeggiatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7042lussatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7042lussatura is lussatura" ; rdfs:label " lussatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH7046maculatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7046maculatura is maculatura" ; rdfs:label " maculatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH7051manicatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7051manicatura is manicatura" ; rdfs:label " manicatura_as_Property" . inds:USemTH7057marinatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7057marinatura is marinatura" ; rdfs:label " marinatura_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH7064maschiettatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7064maschiettatura is maschiettatura" ; rdfs:label " maschiettatura_as_Group" . inds:USemTH7071membratura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7071membratura is membratura" ; rdfs:label " membratura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH7073merlatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7073merlatura is merlatura" ; rdfs:label " merlatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7074merlettatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7074merlettatura is merlettatura" ; rdfs:label " merlettatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7082modanatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7082modanatura is modanatura" ; rdfs:label " modanatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7087piombatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7087piombatura is piombatura" ; rdfs:label " piombatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7090moscaturaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Body_Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7090moscaturaN is moscatura" ; rdfs:label " moscatura_as_Body_Part" . inds:USemTH7091moschettaturaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7091moschettaturaN is moschettatura" ; rdfs:label " moschettatura_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH7092mostreggiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7092mostreggiatura is mostreggiatura" ; rdfs:label " mostreggiatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7094mutatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2937indumento ; a simple:Clothing, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7094mutatura is mutatura" ; rdfs:label " mutatura_as_Clothing" . inds:USemTH7101nunziaturaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7101nunziaturaN is nunziatura" ; rdfs:label " nunziatura_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH7114ovattatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3materiale ; a simple:Material, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7114ovattatura is ovattatura" ; rdfs:label " ovattatura_as_Material" . inds:USemTH7119panicaturaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7119panicaturaN is panicatura" ; rdfs:label " panicatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH7122paraletteraturaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7122paraletteraturaN is paraletteratura" ; rdfs:label " paraletteratura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7148plafonaturaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7148plafonaturaN is plafonatura" ; rdfs:label " plafonatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7154portatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7154portatura is portatura" ; rdfs:label " portatura_as_Property" . inds:USemTH7158postura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2447proprieta1 ; a simple:Property, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7158postura is postura" ; rdfs:label " postura_as_Property" . inds:USemTH7159prelaturaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7159prelaturaN is prelatura" ; rdfs:label " prelatura_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH7165promagistraturaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem6942convenzione ; a simple:Convention, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7165promagistraturaN is promagistratura" ; rdfs:label " promagistratura_as_Convention" . inds:USemTH7167provatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Artifact_Food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7167provatura is provatura" ; rdfs:label " provatura_as_Artifact_Food" . inds:USemTH7174quadrellaturaN simple:hasIsa inds:USem1392figura ; a simple:Shape, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7174quadrellaturaN is quadrellatura" ; rdfs:label " quadrellatura_as_Shape" . inds:USemTH7190ragnatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7190ragnatura is ragnatura" ; rdfs:label " ragnatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7209razzatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7209razzatura is razzatura" ; rdfs:label " razzatura_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH7220damascatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7220damascatura is damascatura" ; rdfs:label " damascatura_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH7235rilevatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7235rilevatura is rilevatura" ; rdfs:label " rilevatura_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH7237rimboccatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7237rimboccatura is rimboccatura" ; rdfs:label " rimboccatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7249rinfrescatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7249rinfrescatura is rinfrescatura" ; rdfs:label " rinfrescatura_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7273ritoccatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7273ritoccatura is ritoccatura" ; rdfs:label " ritoccatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7299sfocatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7299sfocatura is sfocatura" ; rdfs:label " sfocatura_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH7301sfrangiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7301sfrangiatura is sfrangiatura" ; rdfs:label " sfrangiatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7302sgorbiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7302sgorbiatura is sgorbiatura" ; rdfs:label " sgorbiatura_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH7305sgualcitura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7305sgualcitura is sgualcitura" ; rdfs:label " sgualcitura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7312sottostrutturaN simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7312sottostrutturaN is sottostruttura" ; rdfs:label " sottostruttura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7328uncinatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7328uncinatura is uncinatura" ; rdfs:label " uncinatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7333zigrinatura simple:hasIsa inds:USemD1parte ; a simple:Part, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7333zigrinatura is zigrinatura" ; rdfs:label " zigrinatura_as_Part" . inds:USemTH7500acquacoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7500acquacoltura is acquacoltura" ; rdfs:label " acquacoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7501acquacultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7501acquacultura is acquacultura" ; rdfs:label " acquacultura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7502acquicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7502acquicoltura is acquicoltura" ; rdfs:label " acquicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7503agrumicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7503agrumicoltura is agrumicoltura" ; rdfs:label " agrumicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7504alpicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7504alpicoltura is alpicoltura" ; rdfs:label " alpicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7505aridocoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7505aridocoltura is aridocoltura" ; rdfs:label " aridocoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7506aspargicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7506aspargicoltura is aspargicoltura" ; rdfs:label " aspargicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7507avicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7507avicoltura is avicoltura" ; rdfs:label " avicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7508bachicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7508bachicoltura is bachicoltura" ; rdfs:label " bachicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7509bananicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7509bananicoltura is bananicoltura" ; rdfs:label " bananicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7510bieticoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7510bieticoltura is bieticoltura" ; rdfs:label " bieticoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7511bieticultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7511bieticultura is bieticultura" ; rdfs:label " bieticultura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7512bulbicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7512bulbicoltura is bulbicoltura" ; rdfs:label " bulbicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7513canapicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7513canapicoltura is canapicoltura" ; rdfs:label " canapicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7514canaricoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7514canaricoltura is canaricoltura" ; rdfs:label " canaricoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7515castanicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7515castanicoltura is castanicoltura" ; rdfs:label " castanicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7516colombicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7516colombicoltura is colombicoltura" ; rdfs:label " colombicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7517coniglicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7517coniglicoltura is coniglicoltura" ; rdfs:label " coniglicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7518controcultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Abstract_Entity, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7518controcultura is controcultura" ; rdfs:label " controcultura_as_Abstract_Entity" . inds:USemTH7520cotonicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7520cotonicoltura is cotonicoltura" ; rdfs:label " cotonicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7521cunicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7521cunicoltura is cunicoltura" ; rdfs:label " cunicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7522elicicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7522elicicoltura is elicicoltura" ; rdfs:label " elicicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7523fienicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7523fienicoltura is fienicoltura" ; rdfs:label " fienicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7524fioricoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7524fioricoltura is fioricoltura" ; rdfs:label " fioricoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7525fioricultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7525fioricultura is fioricultura" ; rdfs:label " fioricultura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7526floricoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7526floricoltura is floricoltura" ; rdfs:label " floricoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7527floricultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7527floricultura is floricultura" ; rdfs:label " floricultura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7528fragolicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7528fragolicoltura is fragolicoltura" ; rdfs:label " fragolicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7529frutticultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7529frutticultura is frutticultura" ; rdfs:label " frutticultura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7530funghicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7530funghicoltura is funghicoltura" ; rdfs:label " funghicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7532fungicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7532fungicoltura is fungicoltura" ; rdfs:label " fungicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7533gelsibachicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7533gelsibachicoltura is gelsibachicoltura" ; rdfs:label " gelsibachicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7534gelsicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7534gelsicoltura is gelsicoltura" ; rdfs:label " gelsicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7535gelsicultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7535gelsicultura is gelsicultura" ; rdfs:label " gelsicultura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7536granicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7536granicoltura is granicoltura" ; rdfs:label " granicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7537limonicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7537limonicoltura is limonicoltura" ; rdfs:label " limonicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7538lombricicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7538lombricicoltura is lombricicoltura" ; rdfs:label " lombricicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7539maiscoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7539maiscoltura is maiscoltura" ; rdfs:label " maiscoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7540maricoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7540maricoltura is maricoltura" ; rdfs:label " maricoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7541mitilicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7541mitilicoltura is mitilicoltura" ; rdfs:label " mitilicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7543mosaicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7543mosaicoltura is mosaicoltura" ; rdfs:label " mosaicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7544motocoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7544motocoltura is motocoltura" ; rdfs:label " motocoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7545oleicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7545oleicoltura is oleicoltura" ; rdfs:label " oleicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7546ortofrutticoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7546ortofrutticoltura is ortofrutticoltura" ; rdfs:label " ortofrutticoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7547ortofrutticultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7547ortofrutticultura is ortofrutticultura" ; rdfs:label " ortofrutticultura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7548ostricoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7548ostricoltura is ostricoltura" ; rdfs:label " ostricoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7549pataticoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7549pataticoltura is pataticoltura" ; rdfs:label " pataticoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7550peschicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7550peschicoltura is peschicoltura" ; rdfs:label " peschicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7551pescicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7551pescicoltura is pescicoltura" ; rdfs:label " pescicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7552pioppicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7552pioppicoltura is pioppicoltura" ; rdfs:label " pioppicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7553pluricoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7553pluricoltura is pluricoltura" ; rdfs:label " pluricoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7554policoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7554policoltura is policoltura" ; rdfs:label " policoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7555pollicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7555pollicoltura is pollicoltura" ; rdfs:label " pollicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7556pollicultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7556pollicultura is pollicultura" ; rdfs:label " pollicultura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7557pomicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7557pomicoltura is pomicoltura" ; rdfs:label " pomicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7558pomicultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7558pomicultura is pomicultura" ; rdfs:label " pomicultura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7559praticoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7559praticoltura is praticoltura" ; rdfs:label " praticoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7560risicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7560risicoltura is risicoltura" ; rdfs:label " risicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7561risicultura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7561risicultura is risicultura" ; rdfs:label " risicultura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7562silvicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7562silvicoltura is silvicoltura" ; rdfs:label " silvicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7563aviconicoltura simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7563aviconicoltura is aviconicoltura" ; rdfs:label " aviconicoltura_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7602angiografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7602angiografia is angiografia" ; rdfs:label " angiografia_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH7605arteriografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7605arteriografia is arteriografia" ; rdfs:label " arteriografia_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH7606autografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7606autografia is autografia" ; rdfs:label " autografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7607autografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem1339qualita1 ; a simple:Quality, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7607autografia is autografia" ; rdfs:label " autografia_as_Quality" . inds:USemTH7609broncografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7609broncografia is broncografia" ; rdfs:label " broncografia_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH7611calcolitografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7611calcolitografia is calcolitografia" ; rdfs:label " calcolitografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7612calcosilografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7612calcosilografia is calcosilografia" ; rdfs:label " calcosilografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7614cefalografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7614cefalografia is cefalografia" ; rdfs:label " cefalografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7615chemigrafia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7615chemigrafia is chemigrafia" ; rdfs:label " chemigrafia_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH7617cistografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7617cistografia is cistografia" ; rdfs:label " cistografia_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH7619colangiografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Representation, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7619colangiografia is colangiografia" ; rdfs:label " colangiografia_as_Representation" . inds:USemTH7622crivellografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7622crivellografia is crivellografia" ; rdfs:label " crivellografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7623crivellografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7623crivellografia is crivellografia" ; rdfs:label " crivellografia_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH7624cromofotografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD465oggetto ; a simple:Artwork, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7624cromofotografia is cromofotografia" ; rdfs:label " cromofotografia_as_Artwork" . inds:USemTH7625cronofotografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7625cronofotografia is cronofotografia" ; rdfs:label " cronofotografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7641logografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7641logografia is logografia" ; rdfs:label " logografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7642logografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem2700segno ; a simple:Sign, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7642logografia is logografia" ; rdfs:label " logografia_as_Sign" . inds:USemTH7650olografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7650olografia is olografia" ; rdfs:label " olografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7651optografia simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7651optografia is optografia" ; rdfs:label " optografia_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7662reprografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7662reprografia is reprografia" ; rdfs:label " reprografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7666xerografia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7666xerografia is xerografia" ; rdfs:label " xerografia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7808arborescenza simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7808arborescenza is arborescenza" ; rdfs:label " arborescenza_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7809audiometria simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7809audiometria is audiometria" ; rdfs:label " audiometria_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7810autogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7810autogenesi is autogenesi" ; rdfs:label " autogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7813baccara1 simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7813baccara1 is baccara'" ; rdfs:label " baccara'_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7814backgammon simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7814backgammon is backgammon" ; rdfs:label " backgammon_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7821calcotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7821calcotipia is calcotipia" ; rdfs:label " calcotipia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7822carcinogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7822carcinogenesi is carcinogenesi" ; rdfs:label " carcinogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7824cariogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7824cariogenesi is cariogenesi" ; rdfs:label " cariogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7826carreggio simple:hasIsa inds:USemD546insieme ; a simple:Group, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7826carreggio is carreggio" ; rdfs:label " carreggio_as_Group" . inds:USemTH7831chemiogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7831chemiogenesi is chemiogenesi" ; rdfs:label " chemiogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7833chirotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7833chirotipia is chirotipia" ; rdfs:label " chirotipia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7834cianotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7834cianotipia is cianotipia" ; rdfs:label " cianotipia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7836citogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7836citogenesi is citogenesi" ; rdfs:label " citogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7837clisma simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Substance, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7837clisma is clisma" ; rdfs:label " clisma_as_Substance" . inds:USemTH7853diagenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7853diagenesi is diagenesi" ; rdfs:label " diagenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7862elisione simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Metalanguage, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7862elisione is elisione" ; rdfs:label " elisione_as_Metalanguage" . inds:USemTH7869esogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7869esogenesi is esogenesi" ; rdfs:label " esogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7876frumentone simple:hasIsa inds:USem1428pianta ; a simple:Plant, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7876frumentone is frumentone" ; rdfs:label " frumentone_as_Plant" . inds:USemTH7877fuoriborsa simple:hasIsa inds:USem2808istituzione ; a simple:Institution, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7877fuoriborsa is fuoriborsa" ; rdfs:label " fuoriborsa_as_Institution" . inds:USemTH7883ialotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7883ialotipia is ialotipia" ; rdfs:label " ialotipia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7890istogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7890istogenesi is istogenesi" ; rdfs:label " istogenesi_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7900monotipia simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7900monotipia is monotipia" ; rdfs:label " monotipia_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7901necrobiosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7901necrobiosi is necrobiosi" ; rdfs:label " necrobiosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7903necrosi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7903necrosi is necrosi" ; rdfs:label " necrosi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7906noma simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7906noma is noma" ; rdfs:label " noma_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH7907odontogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7907odontogenesi is odontogenesi" ; rdfs:label " odontogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7908ontogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7908ontogenesi is ontogenesi" ; rdfs:label " ontogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7909oogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7909oogenesi is oogenesi" ; rdfs:label " oogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7911orogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7911orogenesi is orogenesi" ; rdfs:label " orogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7914ovogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7914ovogenesi is ovogenesi" ; rdfs:label " ovogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7915pallabase simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7915pallabase is pallabase" ; rdfs:label " pallabase_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7916pallacorda simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7916pallacorda is pallacorda" ; rdfs:label " pallacorda_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7917pallamuro simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7917pallamuro is pallamuro" ; rdfs:label " pallamuro_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7918pallanuoto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7918pallanuoto is pallanuoto" ; rdfs:label " pallanuoto_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7919pallasfratto simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7919pallasfratto is pallasfratto" ; rdfs:label " pallasfratto_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7920partenocarpia simple:hasIsa inds:USem3868malattia ; a simple:Disease, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7920partenocarpia is partenocarpia" ; rdfs:label " partenocarpia_as_Disease" . inds:USemTH7921patogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7921patogenesi is patogenesi" ; rdfs:label " patogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7922pedogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7922pedogenesi is pedogenesi" ; rdfs:label " pedogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7923petrogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7923petrogenesi is petrogenesi" ; rdfs:label " petrogenesi_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7936schizogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7936schizogenesi is schizogenesi" ; rdfs:label " schizogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7939singenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7939singenesi is singenesi" ; rdfs:label " singenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7940spermatogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7940spermatogenesi is spermatogenesi" ; rdfs:label " spermatogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7947termogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7947termogenesi is termogenesi" ; rdfs:label " termogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7948urogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7948urogenesi is urogenesi" ; rdfs:label " urogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7950virogenesi simple:hasIsa inds:USemD5364fenomeno ; a simple:Phenomenon, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7950virogenesi is virogenesi" ; rdfs:label " virogenesi_as_Phenomenon" . inds:USemTH7952windsurfing simple:hasIsa inds:USem796entita1 ; a simple:Domain, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7952windsurfing is windsurfing" ; rdfs:label " windsurfing_as_Domain" . inds:USemTH7954sbozzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7954sbozzo is sbozzo" ; rdfs:label " sbozzo_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH7955stramazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem1199apertura ; a simple:Opening, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7955stramazzo is stramazzo" ; rdfs:label " stramazzo_as_Opening" . inds:USemTH7956stramazzo simple:hasIsa inds:USem829manufatto ; a simple:Furniture, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH7956stramazzo is stramazzo" ; rdfs:label " stramazzo_as_Furniture" . inds:USemTH8000affettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8000affettatrice is affettatrice" ; rdfs:label " affettatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8001affilatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8001affilatrice is affilatrice" ; rdfs:label " affilatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8002affrancatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8002affrancatrice is affrancatrice" ; rdfs:label " affrancatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8003aggraffatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8003aggraffatrice is aggraffatrice" ; rdfs:label " aggraffatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8004alesatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8004alesatrice is alesatrice" ; rdfs:label " alesatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8005aratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8005aratrice is aratrice" ; rdfs:label " aratrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8006arrotatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8006arrotatrice is arrotatrice" ; rdfs:label " arrotatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8007asciugatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8007asciugatrice is asciugatrice" ; rdfs:label " asciugatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8008avvitatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8008avvitatrice is avvitatrice" ; rdfs:label " avvitatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8009barenatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8009barenatrice is barenatrice" ; rdfs:label " barenatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8010bitumatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8010bitumatrice is bitumatrice" ; rdfs:label " bitumatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8011bobinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8011bobinatrice is bobinatrice" ; rdfs:label " bobinatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8012bottatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD4569alimento ; a simple:Substance_food, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8012bottatrice is bottatrice" ; rdfs:label " bottatrice_as_Substance_food" . inds:USemTH8013bottatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Water_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8013bottatrice is bottatrice" ; rdfs:label " bottatrice_as_Water_animal" . inds:USemTH8014bottinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem873animale ; a simple:Air_animal, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8014bottinatrice is bottinatrice" ; rdfs:label " bottinatrice_as_Air_animal" . inds:USemTH8015bronzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8015bronzatrice is bronzatrice" ; rdfs:label " bronzatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8016cardatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8016cardatrice is cardatrice" ; rdfs:label " cardatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8017cavatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8017cavatrice is cavatrice" ; rdfs:label " cavatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8018cesoiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8018cesoiatrice is cesoiatrice" ; rdfs:label " cesoiatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8019cilindratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8019cilindratrice is cilindratrice" ; rdfs:label " cilindratrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8020cimatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8020cimatrice is cimatrice" ; rdfs:label " cimatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8021copiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8021copiatrice is copiatrice" ; rdfs:label " copiatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8022curvatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8022curvatrice is curvatrice" ; rdfs:label " curvatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8023dentatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8023dentatrice is dentatrice" ; rdfs:label " dentatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8024escavatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8024escavatrice is escavatrice" ; rdfs:label " escavatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8025falciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8025falciatrice is falciatrice" ; rdfs:label " falciatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8026fatturatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8026fatturatrice is fatturatrice" ; rdfs:label " fatturatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8027finitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8027finitrice is finitrice" ; rdfs:label " finitrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8028follatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8028follatrice is follatrice" ; rdfs:label " follatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8029fonditrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8029fonditrice is fonditrice" ; rdfs:label " fonditrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8030formatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8030formatrice is formatrice" ; rdfs:label " formatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8031fresatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8031fresatrice is fresatrice" ; rdfs:label " fresatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8032fucinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8032fucinatrice is fucinatrice" ; rdfs:label " fucinatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8033imbiancatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8033imbiancatrice is imbiancatrice" ; rdfs:label " imbiancatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8034imbottigliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8034imbottigliatrice is imbottigliatrice" ; rdfs:label " imbottigliatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8035imbozzimatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8035imbozzimatrice is imbozzimatrice" ; rdfs:label " imbozzimatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8036imbutitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8036imbutitrice is imbutitrice" ; rdfs:label " imbutitrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8037impacchettatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8037impacchettatrice is impacchettatrice" ; rdfs:label " impacchettatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8038impastatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8038impastatrice is impastatrice" ; rdfs:label " impastatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8039incassatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8039incassatrice is incassatrice" ; rdfs:label " incassatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8040inchiodatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8040inchiodatrice is inchiodatrice" ; rdfs:label " inchiodatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8041incollatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8041incollatrice is incollatrice" ; rdfs:label " incollatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8042insaccatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8042insaccatrice is insaccatrice" ; rdfs:label " insaccatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8043inscatolatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8043inscatolatrice is inscatolatrice" ; rdfs:label " inscatolatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8044intagliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8044intagliatrice is intagliatrice" ; rdfs:label " intagliatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8045intonacatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8045intonacatrice is intonacatrice" ; rdfs:label " intonacatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8046irroratrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8046irroratrice is irroratrice" ; rdfs:label " irroratrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8047legatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8047legatrice is legatrice" ; rdfs:label " legatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8048levigatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8048levigatrice is levigatrice" ; rdfs:label " levigatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8049limatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8049limatrice is limatrice" ; rdfs:label " limatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8050lisciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8050lisciatrice is lisciatrice" ; rdfs:label " lisciatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8051lisciviatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8051lisciviatrice is lisciviatrice" ; rdfs:label " lisciviatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8052livellatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8052livellatrice is livellatrice" ; rdfs:label " livellatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8053lucidatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8053lucidatrice is lucidatrice" ; rdfs:label " lucidatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8054maschiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8054maschiatrice is maschiatrice" ; rdfs:label " maschiatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8055microstampatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8055microstampatrice is microstampatrice" ; rdfs:label " microstampatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8056mietitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8056mietitrice is mietitrice" ; rdfs:label " mietitrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8057mitragliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8057mitragliatrice is mitragliatrice" ; rdfs:label " mitragliatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8058molatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8058molatrice is molatrice" ; rdfs:label " molatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8059mortasatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8059mortasatrice is mortasatrice" ; rdfs:label " mortasatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8061perforatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8061perforatrice is perforatrice" ; rdfs:label " perforatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8064pettinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8064pettinatrice is pettinatrice" ; rdfs:label " pettinatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8065pettinatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USemD735persona ; a simple:Profession, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8065pettinatrice is pettinatrice" ; rdfs:label " pettinatrice_as_Profession" . inds:USemTH8066piallatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8066piallatrice is piallatrice" ; rdfs:label " piallatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8067piegatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8067piegatrice is piegatrice" ; rdfs:label " piegatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8068pigiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8068pigiatrice is pigiatrice" ; rdfs:label " pigiatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8069pressatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8069pressatrice is pressatrice" ; rdfs:label " pressatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8070punzonatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8070punzonatrice is punzonatrice" ; rdfs:label " punzonatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8071rasatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8071rasatrice is rasatrice" ; rdfs:label " rasatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8072rettificatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8072rettificatrice is rettificatrice" ; rdfs:label " rettificatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8073riempitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8073riempitrice is riempitrice" ; rdfs:label " riempitrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8074rifilatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8074rifilatrice is rifilatrice" ; rdfs:label " rifilatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8075rigatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8075rigatrice is rigatrice" ; rdfs:label " rigatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8076rincalzatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8076rincalzatrice is rincalzatrice" ; rdfs:label " rincalzatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8077ripetitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8077ripetitrice is ripetitrice" ; rdfs:label " ripetitrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8078riunitrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8078riunitrice is riunitrice" ; rdfs:label " riunitrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8079sagomatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8079sagomatrice is sagomatrice" ; rdfs:label " sagomatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8080saldatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8080saldatrice is saldatrice" ; rdfs:label " saldatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8081sarchiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8081sarchiatrice is sarchiatrice" ; rdfs:label " sarchiatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8082sbiancatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8082sbiancatrice is sbiancatrice" ; rdfs:label " sbiancatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8083scavatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8083scavatrice is scavatrice" ; rdfs:label " scavatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8084scortecciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8084scortecciatrice is scortecciatrice" ; rdfs:label " scortecciatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8085segatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8085segatrice is segatrice" ; rdfs:label " segatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8086selezionatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8086selezionatrice is selezionatrice" ; rdfs:label " selezionatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8087seminatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8087seminatrice is seminatrice" ; rdfs:label " seminatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8088smerigliatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8088smerigliatrice is smerigliatrice" ; rdfs:label " smerigliatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8089spalatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8089spalatrice is spalatrice" ; rdfs:label " spalatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8090tosatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8090tosatrice is tosatrice" ; rdfs:label " tosatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8091trapanatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8091trapanatrice is trapanatrice" ; rdfs:label " trapanatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8092trinciatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8092trinciatrice is trinciatrice" ; rdfs:label " trinciatrice_as_Instrument" . inds:USemTH8093vendemmiatrice simple:hasIsa inds:USem840veicolo ; a simple:Vehicle, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8093vendemmiatrice is vendemmiatrice" ; rdfs:label " vendemmiatrice_as_Vehicle" . inds:USemTH8319accappiatura simple:hasIsa inds:USem2878strumento ; a simple:Instrument, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:comment " The lemma of USemTH8319accappiatura is accappiatura" ; rdfs:label " accappiatura_as_Instrument" .